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Audiobook: The Story of Genesis and Exodus: An Early English Song, about 1250 A.D. by

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Title: The Story of Genesis and Exodus An Early English Song, about 1250 A.D.

Author: Unknown

Editor: Richard Morris

Release Date: December 13, 2015 [EBook #50685]

Language: English

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Story of Genesis and Exodus,


ABOUT A.D. 1250.







[Second and Revised Edition, 1873.]







The Editor of the present valuable and interesting record of our old English speech will, no doubt, both astonish and alarm his readers by informing them that he has never seen the manuscript from which the work he professes to edit has been transcribed.

But, while the truth must be told, the reader need not entertain the slightest doubt or distrust as to the accuracy and faithfulness of the present edition; for, in the first place, the text was copied by Mr F. J. Furnivall, an experienced editor and a zealous lover of Old English lore; and, secondly, the proof sheets have been most carefully read with the manuscript by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, who has spared no pains to render the text an accurate copy of the original.[1] I have not been satisfied with merely the general accuracy of the text, but all doubtful or difficult passages have been most carefully referred to, and compared with the manuscript, so that the more questionable a word may appear, either as regards its form or meaning, the more may the reader rest assured of its correctness, so that he may be under no apprehension that he is perplexed by any typographical error, but feel confident that he is dealing with the reading of the original copy.

The editorial portion of the present work includes the punctuation, marginal analysis, conjectural readings, a somewhat large body of annotations on the text of the poem, and a Glossarial Index, which, it is hoped, will be found to be complete, as well as useful for reference.

The Corpus manuscript[2] is a small volume (about 8 in. × 4½ in.), bound in vellum, written on parchment in a hand of about 1300 A.D., with several final long ſ's, and consisting of eighty-one leaves. Genesis ends on fol. 49b; Exodus has the last two lines at the top of fol. 81a.

The writing is clear and regular; the letters are large, but the words are often very close together. Every initial letter has a little dab of red on it, and they are mostly capitals, except the b, the f, the ð, and sometimes other letters. Very rarely, however, B, F, and Ð are found as initial letters.

The illuminated letters are simply large vermilion letters without ornament, and are of an earlier form than the writing of the rest of the manuscript. Every line ends with a full stop (or metrical point), except, very rarely, when omitted by accident. Whenever this stop occurs in the middle of a line it has been marked thus (.) in the text.


Our author, of whom, unfortunately, we know nothing, introduces his subject to his readers by telling them that they ought to love a rhyming story which teaches the "layman" (though he be learned in no books) how to love and serve God, and to live peaceably and amicably with his fellow Christians. His poem, or "song," as he calls it, is, he says, turned out of Latin into English speech; and as birds are joyful to see the dawning, so ought Christians to rejoice to hear the "true tale" of man's fall and subsequent redemption related in the vulgar tongue ("land's speech"), and in easy language ("small words").

So eschewing a "high style" and all profane subjects, he declares that he will undertake to sing no other song, although his present task should prove unsuccessful.[3] Our poet next invokes the aid of the Deity for his song in the following terms:—

"Fader god of alle ðhinge, Almigtin louerd, hegeſt kinge, ðu giue me ſeli timinge To thaunen ðis werdes biginninge, ðe, leuerd god, to wurðinge, Queðer ſo hic rede or ſinge!"[4]

Then follows the Bible narrative of Genesis and Exodus, here and there varied by the introduction of a few of those sacred legends so common in the mediæval ages, but in the use of which, however, our author is far less bold than many subsequent writers, who, seeking to make their works attractive to the "lewed," did not scruple to mix up with the sacred history the most absurd and childish stories, which must have rendered such compilations more amusing than instructive. It seems to have been the object of the author of the present work to present to his readers, in as few words as possible, the most important facts contained in the Books of Genesis and Exodus without any elaboration or comment, and he has, therefore, omitted such facts as were not essentially necessary to the completeness of his narrative;[5] while, on the other hand, he has included certain portions of the Books of Numbers and Deuteronomy,[6] so as to present to his readers a complete history of the wanderings of the Israelites, and the life of Moses their leader.

In order to excite the reader's curiosity, we subjoin a few passages, with a literal translation:—


Lamech is at ðe sexte kne, ðe ſeuende man after adam, ðat of caymes kinde cam. ðiſ lamech waſ ðe firme man, ðe bigamie firſt bi-gan. Bigamie is unkinde ðing, On engleis tale, twie-wifing; for ai was rigt and kire bi-forn, On man, on wif, til he was boren. Lamech him two wifes nam, On adda, an noðer wif ſellam. Adda bar him ſune Iobal, He was hirde wittere and wal; Of merke, and kinde, and helde, & ble, ſundring and ſameni[n]g tagte he; Iobal iſ broðer ſong and glew, Wit of muſike, wel he knew; On two tableſ of tigel and braſ wrot he ðat wiſtom, wiſ he was, ðat it ne ſulde ben undon If fier or water come ðor-on. Sella wuneð oc lamech wið, ghe bar tubal, a ſellic ſmið; Of irin, of golde, ſiluer, and bras To ſundren and mengen wiſ he was; Wopen of wigte and tol of grið, Wel cuðe egte and ſafgte wið.

Lamech is at the sixth degree, The seventh man after Adam, That of Cain's kin came. This Lamech was the first man Who bigamy first began. Bigamy is unnatural thing, In English speech, twi-wiving; For aye was right and purity before, One man, one wife, till he was born. Lamech to him two wives took, One Adah, another wife Zillah. Adah bare him a son Jubal, He was a [shep-]herd wise and able; Of mark,[7] breed, age, and colour, Separating and assembling taught he; Jubal his brother poetry and music, Craft of music, well he knew; On two tables of tile and brass, Wrote he that wisdom, wise he was, That it should not be effaced If fire or water came thereon. Zillah dwelleth also Lamech with, She bare Tubal, a wonderful smith; Of iron, of gold, silver and brass To separate and mix, wise he was; Weapon of war and tool of peace, Well could he hurt and heal with. —(ll. 444-470.)


Lamech ledde long lif til ðan ðat he wurð biſne, and haued a man ðat ledde him ofte wudeſ ner, To scheten after ðe wilde der; Al-so he miſtagte, alſo he ſchet, And caim in ðe wude iſ let; His knape wende it were a der, An lamech droge iſ arwe ner, And letet flegen of ðe ſtreng, Caim unwar[n]de it under-feng, Gruſnede, and ſtrekede, and ſtarf wið-ðan. Lamech wið wreðe iſ knape nam, Vn-bente iſ boge, and bet, and slog, Til he fel dun on dedeſ ſwog. Twin-wifing and twin-manſlagt, Of his ſoule beð mikel hagt.

Lamech led long life till then That he became blind and had a man That led him oft to woods near, To shoot after the wild deer (animals); As he mistaught, so he shot, And Cain in the wood is let; His knave (servant) weened it were a deer, And Lamech drew his arrow near And let it fly off the string, Cain unwarned it received, Groaned, fell prostrate (stretched) and died with-that. Lamech with wrath his knave seized, Unbent his bow, and beat and slew, Till he fell down in death's swoon. Twi-wiving (bigamy) and twi-slaughter (double homicide) On his soul is great trouble (anxiety). —(ll. 471-486.)


Ghe brogte him bi-foren pharaon, And ðiſ king wurð him in herte mild, So ſwide faiger was ðiſ child; And he toc him on ſunes ſtede, And hiſ corune on his heued he dede, And let it ſtonden ayne ſtund; ðe child it warp dun to ðe grund. Hamoneſ likeneſ was ðor-on; ðiſ crune is broken, ðiſ iſ miſdon. Biſſop Eliopoleos ſag ðiſ timing, & up he roſ; "If ðiſ child," quad he, "mote ðen, He ſal egyptes bale ben." If ðor ne wore helpe twen lopen, ðiſ childe adde ðan ſone be dropen; ðe king wið-ſtod & an wiſ man, He ſeide, "ðe child doð alſ he can; We ſulen nu witen for it dede ðiſ witterlike, or in child-hede;" He bad ðis child brennen to colen And he toc is (hu migt he it ðolen), And in hiſe muth ſo depe he iſ dede Hiſe tunges ende iſ brent ðor-mide; ðor-fore ſeide ðe ebru witterlike, ðat he ſpac ſiðen miſerlike.

She (Thermutis) brought him (Moses) before Pharaoh, And this king became to him in heart mild, So very fair was this child; And he took him on son's stead (instead of a son), And his crown on his head he did (placed), And let it stand a stound (while); The child threw it down to the ground. Hamon's likeness was thereon; This crown is broken, this is misdone. The Bishop of Heliopolis Saw this circumstance, and up he rose; If this child, quoth he, might thrive (grow up), He shall Egypt's bale be. If there had not helpers 'tween leapt, This child had then soon been killed; The king with-stood and a wise man, He said, The child doth as he can (knows); We should now learn whether it did This wittingly, or in childishness; He offered this child two burning coals And he took them (how might he bear them?) And in his mouth so deep (far) he them did (placed) His tongue's end is burnt therewith; Therefore said the Hebrew truly, That he spake afterwards indistinctly. —(ll. 2634-2658.)


Bi ðat time ðat he was guð, Wið faigered and ſtrengthe kuð, folc ethiopienes on egipte cam, And brende, & ſlug, & wreche nam, Al to memphin ðat riche cite, And a-non to ðe reade ſe; ðo was egipte folc in dred, And aſkeden here godes red; And hem ſeiden wið anſweren, ðat on ebru cude hem wel weren.

Moyſes was louered of ðat here, ðor he wurð ðane egyptes were; Bi a lond weige he wente rigt, And brogte vn-warnede on hem figt; He hadden don egipte wrong, He bi-loc hem & ſmette a-mong, And ſlug ðor manige; oc ſumme flen, Into ſaba to borgen ben. Moyſes bi-ſette al ðat burg, Oc it was riche & ſtrong ut-ðhurg; Ethiopienes kinges dowter tarbis, Riche maiden of michel priſ, Gaf ðiſ riche burg moyſi; Luue-bonde hire ghe it dede for-ði. ðor iſe fon he leide in bonde, And he wurð al-migt-ful in ðat lond; He bi-lef ðor(.) tarbis him ſcroð, ðog was him ðat ſurgerun ful loð; Mai he no leue at hire taken but-if he it mai wið crafte maken: He waſ of an ſtrong migt [&] wiſ, He carf in two gummes of priſ Two likeneſſes, ſo grauen & meten, ðis doð ðenken, & ðoðer forgeten; He feſt is in two ringes of gold, Gaf hire ðe ton, he was hire hold; [And quan awei nimen he wolde Gaf hire ðe toðer, he was hire colde] Ghe it bered and ðiſ luue iſ for-geten, Moyſes ðus haued him leue bi-geten; Sone it migte wið leue ben, Into egypte e wente a-gen.

By that time that he was a youth (young man), For beauty and strength renowned, Ethiopian folk on Egypt came, And burnt, and slew, and vengeance took, All to Memphis that rich city, And anon to the Red Sea; Then was Egypt's folk in dread, And asked their gods' advice; And they said to them in answer, That one Hebrew could them well defend.

Moses became leader of that (Egyptian) army, There he became then Egypt's protector; By a land-way he went right, And brought unwarned on them fight; They had done Egypt wrong, He compassed them and smote among, And slew there many; but some fled Into Sheba to be saved. Moses beset all that borough (city), But it was rich and strong out-thorough (throughout); Tarbis, the Ethiopian king's daughter, Rich maiden of great renown, Gave this rich city to Moses; As love-bond's hire she did it, therefore. There his foes he laid in bond, And he became all-powerful in that land; He remained there, Tarbis him urged, Yet was to him that sojourn full loath; May he no leave of her take Unless he it may with craft make: He was of a strong might and wise, He carved in two gems (stones) precious, Two likenesses alike carved and depicted, This one causes to remember, and the other to forget; He fastened them in two rings of gold, Gave her the one, he was dear to her; [And when depart he would Gave her the other, and was distasteful to her] She it beareth and this love is forgotten, Moses thus hath for himself leave begotten; Soon it might with leave be, Into Egypt he went again. —(ll. 2665-2708.)


And aaron held up his hond to ðe water and ðe more lond; ðo cam ðor up ſwilc froſkes here ðe dede al folc egipte dere; Summe woren wilde, and ſumme tame, And ðo hem deden ðe moſte ſame; In huſe, in drinc, in metes, in bed, It cropen and maden hem for-dred; Summe ſtoruen and gouen ſtinc, And vn-hileden mete and drinc; Polheuedes, and froſkes, & podes ſpile Bond harde egipte folc un-ſile.[8]

And Aaron held up his hand To the water and the greater land; Then came there up such host of frogs That did all Egypt's folk harm; Some were wild, and some tame, And those caused them the most (greatest) shame; In house, in drink, in meats, in bed, They crept and made them in great dread; Some died and gave (out) stink, And (others) uncovered meat and drink; Tadpoles and frogs, and toad's venom Bound hard Egypt's sorrowful folk. —(ll. 2967-2978.)

The reader must not be disappointed if he fails to find many traces in this work of our pious author's poetic skill; he must consider that the interest attaching to so early an English version of Old Testament History, as well as the philological value of the poem, fully compensates him for the absence of great literary merit, which is hardly to be expected in a work of this kind. And, moreover, we must recollect that it is to the patriotism, as well as piety, of such men as our author, that we owe the preservation of our noble language. The number of religious treatises written in English during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries proves that the dialect of religion approached more closely to the speech of the people than did the language of history or romance. And it is a curious fact that the most valuable monuments of our language are mostly theological, composed for the lewed and unlearned, who knew no other language than the one spoken by their forefathers, and who clung most tenaciously to their mother tongue, notwithstanding the changes consequent upon the Norman invasion, and the oppression of Norman rule, which, inasmuch as it fostered and kept up a patriotic spirit, exercised a most important and beneficial influence upon Early English literary culture and civilization.


The mere examination of an Early English work with respect to its vocabulary and grammatical forms, will not enable us (as Price asserts) to settle satisfactorily the date at which it was written. The place of composition must also be taken into consideration, and a comparison, if possible, must be made with other works in the same dialect, the date of which is known with some degree of certainty. The date of the text before us must not, therefore, be confounded with that of the manuscript, which is, perhaps, a few years earlier than A.D. 1300. A careful comparison of the poem with the Bestiary, written in the same dialect, and most probably by the same author[9] (and printed by Mr Wright in the Reliquiæ Antiquæ, p. 208, and by myself in an Old English Miscellany), leads me to think that the present poem is not later than A.D. 1250.[10]

The vocabulary, which contains very few words of Romance origin,[11] is not that of Robert of Gloucester, or of Robert of Brunne, but such as is found in Laȝamon's Brut, or Orm's paraphrases, and other works illustrating the second period of our language, i.e. the twelfth and earlier part of the thirteenth centuries.

The employment of a dual for the pronouns of the first and second persons marks an early date (certainly not much later than the time of Henry III.) even in works composed in the Southern dialect, which, it is well known, retained to a comparatively late period those Anglo-Saxon inflections that had long previously been disused in more Northern dialects.

The Corpus manuscript is evidently the work of a scribe, to whom the language was more or less archaic, which accounts for such blunders as ðrosing for ðrosem, waspene for wastme, lage for vn-lage, insile for vn-sile, grauen for ðrauen, etc.

The original copy of Genesis most probably terminated with ll. 2521-4:

"And here ended completely The book which is called Genesis, Which Moses, through God's help, Wrote for precious souls' need."

The concluding lines, in which both the author and scribe are mentioned, seem to me to be the work of a subsequent transcriber:

"God shield his soul from hell-bale, Who made it thus in English tale (speech)! And he that these letters wrote, May God help him blissfully, And preserve his soul from sorrow and tears, Of hell-pain, cold and hot!"

The Ormulum is the earliest[12] printed Early English work which has come down to us that exhibits the uniform employment of the termination -en (-n) as the inflection of the plural number, present tense, indicative mood; or, in other words, it is the earliest printed example we have of a Midland dialect. I say a Midland dialect, because the work of Orm is, after all, only a specimen of one variety of the Midland speech, most probably of that spoken in the northern part of the eastern counties of England, including what is commonly called the district of East Anglia.

Next in antiquity to the Ormulum come the Bestiary, already mentioned, and the present poem, both of which uniformly employ the Midland affix -en, to the exclusion of all others, as the inflection of the present plural indicative.

There are other peculiarities which these works have in common; and a careful comparison of them with the Ormulum induces me to assign them to the East Midland area; but there are certain peculiarities, to be noticed hereafter, which induce me to believe that the work of Orm represents a dialect spoken in the northern part of this district, while the Story of Genesis and Exodus, together with the Bestiary, exhibits the speech of the more southern counties of the East Midland district.[13] Thus, if the former be in the dialect of Lincoln, the latter is in that of Suffolk.[14]

The chief points in which the present poem and the Bestiary agree with the Ormulum are the following:—

I. The absence of compound vowels.

In the Southern dialects we find the compound vowels ue, eo, ie, ea (yea). In the Ormulum eo occurs, but with the sound of e, and ea in Genesis and Exodus is written for e.

II. The change of an initial ð (th) into t after words ending in d, t, n, s, that is to say, after a dental or a sibilant.[15]

"ðanne iſ tis fruit wel ſwiðe good."—(Gen. and Ex., l. 334.)

"ðe firſt moned and te firſt dai, He ſag erðe drie & te water awai."—(Ibid., l. 615-6.)

"ðin berg and tin werger ic ham."—(Ibid., l. 926.)

"at te welle[n]."—(Ibid., l. 2756.)

This practice is much more frequent in the Bestiary, which is a proof, perhaps, that the present poem has suffered somewhat in the course of transcription.

"neddre is te name."—(O.E. Miscellany, p. 5.)

"it is te ned."—(Ibid., p. 6.)

"ðis lif bitokneð ðe sti ðat te neddre gangeð bi, and tis is ðe ðirl of ðe ston, ðat tu salt ðurg gon."—(Ibid., p. 7.)

"at tin herte."—(Ibid., p. 7.)

III. Simplicity of grammatical structure and construction of sentences.[16]

1. The neglect of gender and number in nouns.

2. The genitive singular of substantives end in -es in all genders.[17]

3. The absence of the gen. pl. of substantives in -ene.

4. The employment of an uninflected article.[18]

5. The use of ðat (that) as a demonstrative adjective, and not as the neuter of the article. The form ðas (those), common enough in the fourteenth century, does not occur in this poem or in the Ormulum.

6. No inflection of the adjective in the accusative singular. The phrase 'godun dai,' good day, in l. 1430, p. 41, contains a solitary instance of the accusative of the adjective, but it is, no doubt, a mere remnant of the older speech, just like our 'for the nonce' (= for then once), and is no proof that the writer or his readers employed it as a common inflection. The form godun is a corruption of godne, as it is more properly written in works in the Southern dialects as late as the middle of the fourteenth century.

7. Adjectives and adverbs with the termination -like.

The Southern form is, for adjectives, -lich (sing.), -liche (pl.); for adverbs -liche. Thus the adoption of this affix really (though at first it appears a matter of no importance) marks a stage in the language when the distinction between the sing. and pl. form of adjectives was not very strictly observed, and was, moreover, a step towards our modern -ly, which is adjectival as well as adverbial.

Even in this poem adjectives occur in -li, as reuli = piteous, which is the earliest example I have met with. Orm employs double forms in -like and -liȝȝ (= ly?). -ly has arisen not out of -lich or -liche (which would have become lidge or litch), but out of some such softened form as liȝ.

8. The tendency to drop the initial y, i (A.S. ge) of the passive participles of strong verbs.

The Ormulum has two or three examples of this prefixal element, and in our poem it occurs but seldom.

IV. A tendency to drop the t of the second person of verbs, as as, hast; beas, beëst; findes, findest.

Examples of this practice are very common in the Bestiary and Genesis and Exodus, but it occurs only four times in the Ormulum.[19] It was very common for the West-Midland to drop the -e of 2nd person in strong verbs. See Preface to O.E. Homilies, 1st Series.

V. The use of arn, aren, for ben of the Midland dialect, or beð of the Southern dialect.[20]

VI. The employment of the adverbs thethen, hethen, quethen (of Scandinavian origin),[21] instead of the Southern thenne (thennen), thence; henne (hennen), hence; whanne (whanene), whence.

VII. The use of oc, ok (also, and), a form which does not occur in any specimen of a Southern, West-Midland, or Northern dialect that has come under my notice. The use of on, o, for the Southern an or a, as onlike, olike, alike, on-rum, apart, on-sunder, asunder, is also worth noticing.

VIII. The coalition of the pronoun it with pronouns and verbs, as get (Bestiary) = she it (ȝhöt in Ormulum; cf. þüt = thu itt, thou it); tellet = tell it; wuldet = would it; ist = is it, is there; wast, was it, was there, etc. þit = þe + hit = who it, occurs in O.E. Homilies, 2nd Series.

The Ormulum, the Bestiary, and Genesis and Exodus have some few other points of agreement which will be found noticed in the Grammatical Details and Glossary. There are, however, grammatical forms in the latter works which do not present themselves in the former, and which, in my opinion, seem to indicate a more Southern origin. (See Preface to O.E. Homilies, 2nd Series.)

I. Plurals in n.

I do not recollect any examples of plurals in n in the Ormulum, except ehne, eyes; in this poem we have colen, coals; deden, deeds; fon, foes; siðen, sides; son, shoes; steden, places; sunen, sons; tren, trees; teten, teats; wunen, laws, abilities, etc. (see p. xxii.)

II. The pronoun is (es) = them.[22] In the fourteenth century we only find this form is (hise) in pure Southern writers.[23]

"Diep he iſ dalf under an ooc."[24]—(Gen. and Ex., l. 1873, p. 54.)

"For ſalamon findin iſ ſal."[25]—(Ibid., l. 1877, p. 54.)

"He toc iſ."[26]—(Ibid., l. 2654, p. 76.)

"Alle hise fet steppes After him he filleð, Drageð dust wið his stert (O.E. Miscell., p. 1.)

ðer he steppeð, Oðer dust oðer deu, ðat he ne cunne is finden."[27]

Our author, however, employs this curious pronoun in a way quite peculiar to himself, for he constantly joins it to a pronoun or a verb,[28] and the compound was at first rather perplexing. Hes = he + is, he, them; wes = we + is, we, them;[29] caldes, called them; dedis, did (placed) them; settes, set them; wroutis, wrought them, etc.

"Alle hes hadde wið migte bi-geten."[30]—(Gen. and Ex., l. 911, p. 26.)

"Vndelt heſ leide quor-so heſ tok."[31]—(Ibid., l. 943, p. 27.)

"Ðe culuer haueð costes gode, alle wes ogen to hauen in mode."[32]—(O.E. Miscell., p. 25.)

"Bala two childre bar bi him, Rachel caldes dan(.) neptalim; And zelfa two sunes him ber, Lia calde is(.) Gad(.) and asser."[33]—(Gen. and Ex., l. 1700, p. 49.)

"ðe tabernacle he dedis in."[34]—(Ibid., l. 3830, p. 109.)

"He settes in ðe firmament."[35]—(Ibid., l. 135, p. 5.)

In the Kentish Ayenbite of 1340 he never coalesces with hise (them), e.g.:—

"He (the devil) is lyeȝere and vader of leazinges, ase he þet made þe verste leazinge, and yet he hise makeþ and tekþ eche daye."—(Ayenbite of Inwyt, p. 47.)

(He is a liar and the father of leasings, as he that made the first leasing, and yet he them, i.e. lies, maketh and teacheth each day.)

In Old Kentish Sermons (Old Eng. Miscell p. 28) has = ha + es = he them.

III. The pronoun he, they (Southern hii, heo; Northumbrian thay). Orm uses þeȝȝ, as well as þeȝȝer (their), þeȝȝm (them).[36]

IV. hine, hin, in = him. This form occurs as late as 1340, and still exists under the form en, un, in the modern dialects of the South of England, but is not employed by Orm; nor do we find any traces of whan (whom), another very common example of the -n accusative inflection, either in the Ormulum or the present work.

V. The substitution of n for a vowel-ending in nouns. Dr Guest has noticed this peculiarity, but he confines this substitution to the nominative case of nouns of the n declension,[37] and to the definite form of the adjective, which has, no doubt, given rise to the O.E. himseluen, etc., bothen (both), as well as, perhaps, to ouren (ours), heren (theirs), etc.

In the present poem, however, the n seems added to the vowel-ending of all cases except the possessive, in order to rhyme with a verb in the infinitive, a passive participle, or an adverb terminating in -en, and is not always limited to nouns of the -n declension, but represents in A.S. an a or e: 'on boken,'[38] on book, l. 4; 'on soðe-sagen,' on sooth-saw, l. 14; meten, (acc.) meat, l. 2255, (nom.) 2079; sunen, (nom.) son, l. 1656; 'of luuen,' of love, 635; 'after ðe wunen' (after the custom), l. 688; steden, (nom.) place, 1114; 'for on-sagen,' for reproach, 2045; wliten, (nom.) face, 3614, (acc.) 2289; 'wið answeren,' in answer, 2673; bileuen, (acc.) remainder, 3154; uuerslagen, (acc.) lintel, 3155.

Dr Guest considers this curious nunnation to be a Northern peculiarity, but as we do not meet with it (as far as I know) in any Northumbrian work, his statement is rather doubtful. On the other hand, it is well known that the plurals bretheren (broðeren[39] in Shoreham), calveren[40] (calves), children,[41] doren (doors),[42] eyren (eggs),[43] honden (hands),[44] kine,[45] lambren (lambs),[46] soulen (souls)—very common forms in the Southern dialects in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries—are examples of the substitution of n for, or in addition to, the vowel-ending, and were unknown in the Northern dialect.

The Southern dialect could drop or retain, at pleasure, the n final in the past participles, the preterite plurals, and infinitive mood of verbs.

VI. A very small Norse element in the vocabulary.

The only words of undoubtedly Norse element that occur in the present poem, and were unknown to Southern English, are—fro (from), ille (bad), for-sweðen (to burn), flitten (to remove), laðe (barn), lowe (flame), mirk (dark), ransaken (to search), swaðe (flame), til (to), uglike (horrible), werre (worse).[47]

The Ormulum, being more Northern, contains a larger number of words that must be referred to one of the Scandinavian idioms:[48]—afell (strength), afledd (begotten), beȝȝsc (bitter), *blunnt (blunt, dull), bracc (noise), *braþ (angry), *braþþe (anger), *brodd (shoot), brodden (to sprout), broþþfall (fit), *bun (ready, bound), *clake (accusation), *croc (device), *derf (bold), *dill (sluggish), *eggenn (to urge, egg on), *egginng (urging), *ettle, *flittenn (to remove, flit), *flitting (change, removal), *forrgart (opposed, condemned), *forrgloppned (disturbed with fear, astonishment), *gate (way), gowesst (watchest), *haȝherr (dexterous), haȝherleȝȝc (skill), *haȝherrlike (fitly), hof (moderation), hofelæs (immoderately), *ille (bad), *immess (variously), *kinndlenn (to kindle), *lasst (crime, fault), leȝhe (hire, pay), *leȝȝtenn (O.E. layte, inquire, seek), o-loft (aloft), *loȝhe (fire), *mune (must, will), naþe (grace), nowwt (cattle, O.N. naut; the Southern form is neet, nete, A.S. neát), *ploh (plough), *radd (afraid), *ros (praise), *rosen (to boast), *rosinng (boast), rowwst (voice), *scaldess (poets, O.E. scald, a great talker, boaster, E. scold), *sit (pain), *sket (quickly), *skirpeþþ (rejecteth), *sloþ (track, path), smikerr (beautiful, Eng. smug), sowwþess (sheep), stoffnedd (generated, O.E. stoven, trunk, stem), *summ (as), *till (to), *tór (hard, difficult), *trigg (true), uppbrixle (object of reproach, O.E. brixle, reproach), usell (wretched), *wand (rod), *wandraþ, O.E. wandreth (trouble), *werre (worse).

As most, if not all, of the words in the foregoing list are not found in works written in the Southern dialect,—so far as we at present know them—we may reasonably suppose that they indicate fairly the Danish element in the English literature of the 12th and 13th centuries. In the Northumbrian, and the West, and East-Midland productions of a century later this element prevails to a much larger extent, and Herbert Coleridge's list of such words may be largely increased (Phil. Soc. Trans., 1859, p. 26-30).



1. Number.—The plural is generally formed by adding -es to the singular. Some few nouns make the plural in -en, as feren[49] (companions), fon (foes), goren (spears), loten (features), sunen (sons), teten (teats), tren (trees), weden (garments), wunen (laws). The plurals of brother and child are brethere and childere. Der (deer), erf, orf (cattle), got (goat), neat (oxen), sep (sheep), scrud (garbs), wrim (reptiles), of the neuter gender, are uninflected in the plural. Winter, ger (year), and nigt (night), are plural as in Anglo-Saxon.

2. Gender.—As a general rule the names of inanimate things are of the neuter gender. The names of towns, however, are considered as masculine.

3. Case.—The genitive singular and plural of masculine and feminine nouns end in -es. Occasionally proper nouns form the genitive in -is. The means or instrument occasionally stands in the genitive without the preposition: 'deades driuen,' influenced by death; 'swerdes slagen,' slain of the sword; 'teres wet,' wet with tears. Cf. 'floures bred,' bread made with flour; 'bredes mel,' meal consisting of bread; 'wines drinc,' drink consisting of wine.

Corresponding to the modern word kinsmen we have such forms as 'daiges-ligt' (daylight), 'hines-folk' (servants), 'wifeskin' (women). The genitive is used adverbially, as newes, anew; liues, alive.

We have a few traces of the genitive in -e in the following examples: 'helle nigt,' l. 89 (hell's night); 'helle bale,' l. 2525 (hell's bale); 'sterre name,' l. 134 (star's name); 'safte same,' l. 349 (shame of form); 'werlde nigt,' l. 1318 (world's night).[50]

The genitive of fader and moder is, as is very seldom the case in Early English writers, fadres and modres.

An n is often added to the final -e (representing an A.Sax. vowel-ending) in the nom., dat., and acc. of nouns. For examples, see p. xxi.


1. Adjectives have a definite and an indefinite form; the former is used when the adjective is preceded by the definite article, a demonstrative adjective, or possessive pronoun.

Indef. wis (wise), god (good). Def. wise, gode.

2. Number.—The plural is formed by the addition of e to the singular.

SINGULAR. PLURAL. fet (fat), fette. gret (great) grete. other, othere. tother, tothere.

But the -e (pl.) is seldom added to the past participle of irregular verbs. This forms the plurals thes (oblique cases these), this (thise). Tho is the plural of that.

Cases.—One makes the genitive ones; as, 'ones bles,' of one colour. The gen. pl. -re occurs in ald-re (= alre), of all; as, 'hure aldre bale,' the bale of us all; 'here aldre heuedes,' the heads of them all.

Degrees of comparison.—The comparative ends in -ere (-er), the superlative in -este (est).[51] Very few irregular forms occur in the present poem.

POSITIVE. COMPARATIVE. SUPERLATIVE. ille, werre. —— lite, lesse, leist. long, { leng. } —— { lengere. } mikel, { mo, } moste. { mor, } neg, —— neste. old, eldere, eldeste.

Numerals.—The Northumbrian forms in -nde have superseded the Southern ones in -the; as, seuende (seventh), egtende (eighth), tende (tenth).[52]


1. The first personal pronoun Ic is never found softened into Ich as in Laȝamon's Brut, the Ancren Riwle, and other Southern works. I is found only once or twice throughout the poem.

2. The first and second personal pronouns have a dual as well as a plural number; as, wit, we two; unc, us two; gunc, you two; gunker, of you two.

3. Hine (hin, in) (acc.) occasionally occurs, but more frequently him (dat.) does duty for it.

4. Ge, ghe,[53] she, represents the A.Sax. héo (O.E. heo, ho, and hi). The curious form sge (= sye), as well as sche, occurs for she, the earliest instance of which is scæ in the A.Sax. Chronicle.

5. The neuter pronoun is written it and not hit, and is frequently used as a plural. It coalesces with the pronoun ge, ghe[54] (she), and with the preterite of verbs terminating in -de or -te,[55] and with some few irregular verbs; as, sagt (saw there), p. 37, l. 1301. The curious form negt (in l. 3964, p. 112) = neg + it = nigh it.

6. The A.Sax. hi (they) is represented by he = hie.[56] He is common enough in the Romance of Havelok the Dane.[57]

The pronouns, as has already been shown, coalesce with the plural (acc.) is (them), and give us the compounds hes, he + them; wes, we + them;[58] mes = me + hes = one + them.[59]

Not satisfied with joining he (they) to the pronoun is, the author of this poem occasionally employs the more perplexing combination hem = he + hem, he, them.

bred kalueſ fleiſ, and flures bred, Roasted calves' flesh, and flour-bread, And buttere, hem ðo sondes bed, And butter, he them the messengers offered.—(l. 1014.) In ſichem feld ne fonde hem nogt, In Shechem field found he them not.—(l. 1933.) Ðo ſette ſundri hem to waken, Then set sundry he them to watch.—(l. 2551.) ðo ſeide ðuſ quanne hem cam dun, Then said thus when he to them came down.—(l. 4022.)

In l. 2673 hem seems to stand for he + hem, they + them.

And hem ſeiden wið anſweren,[60] And they to them said in answer.

The Southern me, one (Fr. on), is absent from this poem as well as from the Ormulum; its place is supplied by man and men[61] used with a verb in the singular number. ðe is frequently used as a relative pronoun as well as ðat, but uninflected; quo (who), quat (what), are interrogative; whether signifies which of two.



Nom. Ic, I ðu Gen. min ðin Dat. me ðe Acc. me ðe


Nom. wit we —— ge Gen. —— ure gunker gure Dat. —— us —— gu Acc. unc us gunc gu

Nom. He ge, ghe (sge, sche) It Gen. His Hire Is, His Dat. Him Hire It Acc. { Hin } Hire It { Him }

PLURAL. Masc. Neut. Interrogative.

Nom. He It | Quo Gen. Here Here | Quase } | Was } Dat. Hem It | —— Acc. Hem It | Quam

The third personal pronoun is occasionally used reflexively; as him = himself. Self is used adjectively in the sense of own, very, and the form selven (from the A.Sax. sylfa) is joined to the personal pronouns; as ðeselven, himselven, etc.

The independent possessives are min, ðin, his (hise), hire (hers), ure (ours), gure (yours), here (theirs).[62]


Infinitive Mood.—The infinitive terminates in -en, which is seldom dropped.

There are no infinitives in -y or -ie, as in Southern English writers, nor do we find them in the Ormulum, or in Robert of Brunne's "Handlyng Synne," and they were, most probably, wholly unknown to the East Midland district.

The t in the 2nd pers. sing. pres. is occasionally dropped, as beas (= best), art, betes, beatest, findes, findest, etc.; but not in the preterite of regular verbs.

There are no instances of the 3rd pers. sing. present in -es in this poem.

The final e of the first and third persons (sing.) of the preterite tense is often dropped before a vowel or an h,[63] and, in a few cases, through the carelessness of the scribe,[64] it is unwritten before a consonant, where we should expect to, and do, find it in the majority of instances.

Some few strong verbs have become weak, as grapte (grasped, felt), gette (poured), smette (smote).

Imperative Mood.—Verbs forming the past tense in de or te take no inflexion in the 2nd pers. sing. imperative.

Participles.—1. The active or imperfect participle ends in -ende or -ande, the former being the Midland and the latter the Northumbrian form. The Southern affix is -inde, from which we have the modern -ing (O.E. -inge).

Our author rhymes specande with lockende, and in the Bestiary we find that the participle in -ande rhymes with an infinitive in -en,[65] and this accounts for such forms as stinken = stinkende, brennen = brennende, in the present poem.

2. The passive or perfect participle of regular or weak verbs terminates in -ed; of irregular or strong verbs in -en. In bigote (begotten), funde (found), geue (given), the absence of the n is probably an error of the scribe.

3. The prefix i- or y- (A.S. ge-) is not of frequent occurrence either in this poem or in the Bestiary; in the former we have i-wreken (avenged), i-wrogt (wrought), ybiried (buried), y-oten (called); and in the latter we find i-digt (arranged).

There are two conjugations of verbs, regular (weak) and irregular (strong). The regular verbs form their past tense in -ede, -de, or -te; the past participle ends in -ed, -d, or -t. Irregular verbs form their past tense by a change of vowel, and the past participle terminates in -en.




PRESENT. Singular. Plural. 1. love, 1. loven, 2. lovest, 2. loven, 3. loveð. 3. loven.

PAST TENSE. Singular. Plural. 1. lovede, 1. loveden, 2. lovedest, 2. loveden, 3. lovede. 3. loveden.

SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. PAST. Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural. love, loven. lovede, loveden.

IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. 1st form. 2nd form. 2. love. loveð, love.[66]



INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT. PAST. Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural. 1. here, heren, 1. herde, herden, 2. herest, heren, 2. herdest, herden, 3. hereð. heren. 3. herde. herden.

SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. PAST. Singular. Plural. here. heren. (Like the Indicative.)

IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. 1st form. 2nd form. 2. her. hereð. here.[67]

PARTICIPLES. PRESENT. PAST. herande, } herende. } herd.


INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT. PAST. Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural. 1. seke, seken, 1. sogte, sogten, 2. sekest, seken, 2. sogtest, sogten, 3. sekeð. seken. 3. sogte. sogten.

SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. PAST. Singular. Plural. seke. seken. (Like the Indicative.)

IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. 1st form. 2nd form. 2. sek. sekeð. seke.

PARTICIPLES. PRESENT. PAST. sekande, } sekende. } sogt.


A. (no change of vowel in the plural preterite.)


INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT. PAST. Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural. 1. holde, holden, 1. held, helden, 2. holdest, holden, 2. helde,[68] helden, 3. holdeð. holden. 3. held, helden.

SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. PAST. Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural. holde. holden. helde. helden.

IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. 1st form. 2nd form. 2. hold. holdeð. holde.

PARTICIPLES. PRESENT. PAST. holdande, } holdand. } holden.

B. (change of vowel in the preterite plural.)

INFINITIVE MOOD—Helpen, help; singen, sing.

PRESENT TENSE. Singular. Plural. 1. helpe, singe, } 2. helpest, singest, } helpen, singen. 3. helpeð. singeð. }

PAST. Singular. Plural. 1. halp, sang, } 2. holpe,[69] sunge,[69]} holpen, sungen. 3. halp. sang. }

SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. PAST. Singular. Plural. helpe, singe. holpen, sungen.

IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. 1st form. 2nd form. 2. help, sing. helpeð, singeð. helpe, singe.

PARTICIPLES. PRESENT. PAST. helpande, singande, } helpende, singende, } holpen, sungen.



Present. Preterite. Passive Participle.

Class I. Loven (to love), lovede, loved. etc. etc. etc.

Class II. (a) Callen (call), calde, cald. Feden (feed), fedde, fed. Greden (cry), gredde, gred. Heren (hear), herde, herd. Leden (lead), ledde, led. Sriden (clothe), sridde, srid. Wenen (think), wende, wend. etc. etc. etc.

(b) Bimenen (lament), bimente, biment. Bitiden (betide), bitidde, bitid. Delen (divide), delte, delt. Demen (judge), dempte, dempt. Kepen (keep), kepte, kept. Wenden (go), wente, went.

Class III. Bigen (buy), bogte, bogt. Biseken (beseech), bisogte, bisogt. Biteche (assign), bitagte, bitagt. Cachen (drive), kagte, kagt. Lachen (seize), lagte, lagt. Sellen (sell), solde, sold. Tellen (tell), tolde, told. Worchen (work), wrogte, wrogt.



Class I. (a) Beren (bear), { bar, } boren. { bor, } Bidden (bid), bad, beden. Bi-speken (speak), bi-spac, bi-speken. Bigeten (beget), bigat, { bigeten. { bigoten. Breken (break), brac, broken. Cumen (come), cam, { cumen. { comen. Eten (eat), at, eten. Forgeten (forget), forgat, forgeten. Giuen (give), gaf, { geven. { given. Nimen (take, go), nam, { nomen. { numen. Seren (shear), —— soren. Stelen (steal), stal, stolen. Sweren (swear), swor, sworen. Beten (beat), bet, beten.

Class II. Bidden (ask, entreat), bed, boden. Biheten } (promise), { bihet, bihoten. Heten } { het, hoten. Drepen (slay), —— dropen. Fallen (fall), fel, fallen. Forhelen (hide), —— forholen. Hingen (hang), heng, hangen. Holden (hold), held, holden. Lepen (leap), lep, lopen. Leten (leave), let, leten. Slepen (sleep), slep, slepen. Wepen (weep), wep, wepen. Wassen (wash), weis, wassen. Waxen (wax), wex, waxen. Wreken (avenge), wrek, { wroken. { wreken.

Class III. Dragen (draw), { drog, dragen. { drug, drogen. Faren (go), for, faren. Forsaken (forsake), forsoc, forsaken. Graven (bury), —— graven. Slon (slay), { slog, } slagen. { slug, } Standen (stand), stod, standen. Taken (take), toc, taken. Waken (wake), woc, waken.


Class I. At-winden (depart), at-wond. —— Abreden (awake), abraid. —— Bergen (protect), barg, { borgen. { borwen. Binden (bind), bond, bunden. Bresten (burst), brast, { brusten. { brosten. Biginnen (begin), bigan, bigunnen. Delven (buy), dalf, dolven. Drinken (drink), dranc, drunken. Figten (fight), fagt, fogten. Finden (find), { fand, } funden. { fond, } Gelden (requite), { gald, golden. { geald, gulden. Helpen (help), halp, holpen. Melten (melt), malt, molten. Scriðen (invite), scroð. —— Singen (sing), sang, sungen. Sinken (sink), sanc, sunken. Springen (spring), sprong, sprungen. Sterfen (die), starf, storven. Stingen (sting), stong, stungen. Wergen (defend), warg. —— Werpen (throw), warp, worpen. Ðresten (thrust), ðrast. ——

Class II. At-witen (go, depart), atwot. —— Biten (bite), bot, biten. Driven (drive), drof, driven. Gliden (glide), glod, gliden. Risen (rise), ros, risen. Sinen (shine), son, sinen. Smiten (smite), smot, smiten. Writen (write), wrot, writen.

Class III. Beden (offer), { bed, } boden. { bead, } Crepen (creep), crep, cropen. Chesen (choose), ches, chosen. Dregen (suffer), dreg, drogen. Flegen (fly), { fleg, } flogen. { flew, } Fleten (float), flet, floten. Forlese (lose), { forles, } forloren. { forleas, } Scheten (shoot), schet. —— Segen (see), { seg, sogen. { sag, sowen. Seðen (boil), seð, soden. Stigen (ascend), steg, stigen. Ten (go), teg, togen. Ðen (thrive), ðeg, ðogen.


Cunen (can), 3 pers. sing. can, pl. cunen, pret. cuðe, p.p. cuð.

Daren (dare), pres. pl. duren, pret. durste.

Mogen (may), 3 pers. sing. mai, pl. mogen, mowen, pret. migte (2 pers. pret. migt).

Mot (may), pret. muste.

Ogen (owe, ought), 3 pers. sing. og, pl. ogen, pret. ogte.

Sal (shall), 2 pers. sing. salt, pl. sulen, pret. sulde, pret. pl. sulden.

Witen (know), 3 pers. sing. wot, pret. wiste.

Wilen (will), pret. wulde; nile = will not; nolde = would not.

The verb ben, 'to be,' is conjugated after the following manner:—

PRESENT. Singular. Plural. 1. am, } 2. art, beas, best, } ben, arn[70] (aren). 3. is, beð, }

PAST. Singular. Plural. 1. was, } 2. wore, } weren, worn (woren, wore). 3. was, }


The adverbs hence, thence, whence, do not occur, being superseded by the Norse forms heðen, ðeðen, queðen.

Adverbial Terminations.—Adverbs are formed from adjectives by the addition of e; as long (adj.), longe (adv.).

-um (dative) occurs in whilum and seldum.

-es (gen.) in lives, alive, newes, anew.

-en in abouten, aboven, binnen, biforen (foren), bisiden, uten, wiðouten.


Fro (Northumbrian fra) takes the place of the Southern fram (from), and til (unknown to Southern writers) occurs frequently for to.


The essence of the system of versification which the poet has adopted is, briefly, that every line shall have four accented syllables in it; the unaccented syllables being left in some measure, as it were, to take care of themselves.

The words which Coleridge prefixed to his poem of "Christabel" are by no means inapplicable here. He says, "I have only to add, that the metre of the 'Christabel' is not, properly speaking, irregular, though it may seem to be so from its being founded on a new (?) principle: namely, that of counting in each line the accents, not the syllables. Though the latter may vary from seven to twelve, yet in each line the accents will be found to be only four."

The normal form of the line of the present poem is that simple one of eight syllables, consisting of four (so-called) iambics, which is so common in English poetry. But it should be remembered that this line is at all times convertible with one of seven syllables, generally described as consisting of three trochees and a long syllable. This is easily exemplified by taking the first two lines of the Conclusion to the Second Part of Coleridge's "Christabel."

\/ —— \/ —— \/ —— \/ —— A lit | tle child | a lim | ber elf || —— \/ —— \/ —— \/ —— Singing | dancing | to it | self ||

This is adopting the common form of scansion given in English prosodies, which is far from being a very correct method; since to make trochaic and iambic metres convertible is to introduce all sorts of confusion.

The fact is, that the seven-syllable line, though trochaic to the ear, is really an iambic line, of which the first syllable is deficient, i.e., supplied by a pause; and the truer scansion is,

A lit | tle child | a lim | ber elf || — Sing | ing danc | ing to | itself ||

At any rate, to adopt this latter method (of beginning to mark off the feet from the end, instead of from the beginning of the line) will be found to be far more convenient in practice; since the accented syllables, instead of drifting about, will thus always be placed at the end of a foot. We should thus, for instance, introduce the same marking off of syllables in the line,

Ánd | ðe séx | te dá | is ligt || l. 167,

as we have in the line,

ðo cám | ðe fíf | te dá | is ligt || l. 158.

Examples of couplets containing a line of each kind are not uncommon; thus, ll. 29, 30:—

Fá | der gód | of ál | le ðhínge || Almíg | tin lóu | erd hég | est kínge ||

Also lines 289, 290.

And gét | ne kú | ðe hé | nogt blínne || Fór | to dón | an óð | er ſínne ||

See also ll. 309, 310; 439, 440, etc.

The introduction of these seven-syllable lines, far from being a defect, is a natural and agreeable variation, adopted by all our best poets.

The next chief variation to be noted is that two very rapid syllables are often (as in other English metres) substituted for an unaccented one, as in l. 88:—

Ór | ðe nígt | and áf | ter ðe dáy || ~~~~~~

Again, in l. 93:—

On an óð | er daí | ðis míd | del érd || ~~~~~

and in l. 474:—

To sché | ten áf | ter ðe wíl | de dér || ~~~~~~

See also ll. 321, 503, 505, 656, etc.; and compare the line from "Christabel:"

"That shá | dowy in | the moon | light shone ||" ~~~~

The syllables thus most frequently slurred over—the term elided is but weak and improper, explaining nothing—are the final syllables -en, -er, -et, etc., as in ll. 96 and 116:—

Ál | abú | ten ðis wálk | ne sént || ~~~~~~~

Was wá | ter and érðe | o ſún | der ſád || ~~~~~~~

Some lines—and these sound rather harshly—require a little forcing to make them conform to the strict type; as, e.g., l. 66, which, to make it agree with the rest, must be written,

Ín | to ðis ðhíſ | terneſſe hér | bi-néðen || ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

A poet's business is, in fact, to take care that the syllables which are to be rapidly pronounced are such as easily can be so; and that the syllables which are to be heavily accented are naturally those that ought to be. If he gives attention to this it does not much matter whether each foot has two or three syllables in it.

A man is master of his art when he can write—

Come in | to the gar | den, Maud || For the black | bat, night, | has flown || And the wood | bine spi | ces are waf | ted abroad || And the musk | of the rose | is blown ||

With respect to the final -en, it should be further noted—

(1) That it is sometimes fully pronounced, as in ll. 87 and 91—

fró | ðat tíme | we tél | len áy || ðo gán | hem dá | gen wél | iwíſſe ||

(2) That it is sometimes rapidly slurred over, as in l. 96, already cited; and

(3) That (especially after an r) it is often so pronounced as to be incorporated with the syllable preceding it, so that the whole word, supposing it a dissyllable in appearance, becomes monosyllabic in pronunciation; as in l. 514—

Matú | ſalé | was bóren | iſ ſúne ||

and, again, in l. 655—

Wóren | ſtalwúr | ði bóren | bi tále ||

Thus, we may find the same word written and pronounced as a dissyllable—

Wó | ren ðáne | don ſóne | a-nón || l. 3591;

and, in another place, written and pronounced as a monosyllable—

In geu | eléngðh | e wórn | it mád || l. 147.

Thus, the n must have been very slightly touched, as is shewn also by the riming of e and en. Examples, ll. 11, 12; 363, 364, etc.

As to the final -e, it may be observed that it is most frequently pronounced just when it is most essential, viz., when it marks a grammatical inflexion, or an adverbial form, as, e.g.:—

Til ihé | sus béð | on Ró | dè dón || l. 386;


Wél | he ſeí | den and ſwí | ðè wél || l. 1645.

In the second place, it is very liable to be slurred over before a vowel following, as in l. 148—

In Ré | ke-fíl | le on ſún | der ſhád || ~~~~~

and, thirdly, it is frequently added to words without cause, and is therefore mute, as in l. 60—

ðat éu | ere ſpróng | in wérld | wíd ||

It seems to be sometimes mute after -ed, when -ede forms part of a verb. See ll. 1396, 1433, etc.

Attention to the metre may detect errors in the text. Thus, in l. 75, the word dais is missing:—

forð glód | ðat fír | me [dá | is] lígt ||

See l. 113, which proves the point.

In l. 1846 the definite form of the adjective is required, and strong should be stronge—

ðe stróng | e gód | of ýs | raél ||

It has been noted that the first foot of a line sometimes consists of one syllable only, and that one accented. By a bolder license, this is sometimes the case not only with the first foot, but with other feet, e.g. with the third foot. Line 2572:—

Quan é | bru chíld | ſúld | be bóren ||

Again, with the last foot, as in l. 3580, unless we read duste:—

And ſtíred | it ál | to dúſt | ſir ||

Very many other curious variations occur, which the reader will probably observe for himself with some interest. Thus, in l. 60, just above cited, the question arises whether or not the r in werld was pronounced with so strong a burr as to render the word dissyllabic, as is often the case in Scotch poetry with words containing rl, rn, etc.


A.S. Anglo-Saxon. Da. Danish. Du. Dutch. Allit. Poems, Early English Alliterative Poems (Ed. Morris). O.E. Old English. Prov. E. Provincial English. Fr. French. Fris. Frisian. Ger. German. Goth. Gothic. M.H.Ger. Middle High German. O.H.Ger. Old High German. Laȝ. Laȝamon's Brut (Ed. Sir F. Madden). Met. Hom. Metrical Homilies (Ed. Small). O.N. Old Norse. Orm. Ormulum. P. of C. Hampole's Pricke of Conscience (Ed. Morris). Prompt. Parv. Promptorium Parvulorum (Ed. Way). S.Sax. Semi-Saxon. Sw. Swedish.

[1] My obligations to Mr Skeat (in whose accuracy and judgment I have the fullest confidence) are numerous; and I am indebted to him, among other obligations, for the description of the manuscript, and for some interesting remarks upon the metre of the poem. My thanks are also due to the Rev. J. R. Lumby, who most kindly and readily re-collated the text with the manuscript.

[2] It is thus described—wrongly, of course, as to age—in the printed catalogue of the Corpus manuscripts:—"ccccxliv. A parchment book in 8vo., written in the xv. century, containing the history of Genesis and Exodus in Old English verse."

[3] From lines 19-26 we might infer that our author intended to include in his song much more of the Bible narrative than we have in the present work.

[4] Father, God of all things, Almighty Lord, highest of kings, Give thou me a propitious season (enable thou me successfully), to show this world's beginning, Thee, Lord God, to honour, whetherso I read or sing.

[5] The following are the chief omissions:—1. Genesis, chapters ii. 10-14; ix. 20-27, x. 2-7, 10-32; xxiii. 3-20; xxx. 1-5, 14-16, 37-43; xxxi. 1-17; xxxvi.; xxxviii.; xlviii.; xlix. 1-27. 2. Exodus, chapters xii. 40-51; xiii. 1-16; xx. 20-26; xxi.; xxii.; xxiii.; xxv.; xxvi.; xxvii.; xxviii.; xxix.; xxx.; xxxi.; xxxiii. 12-23; xxxiv. 1-32; xxxv.; xxxvi.; xxxvii.; xxxviii.; xxxix.; xl.

[6] Numbers, chapters xi.; xii.; xiii.; xiv.; xvi.; xvii.; xix.; xx.; xxi.; xxii.; xxiii.; xxiv.; xxv.; xxvi.; xxvii.; xxxi. Deut. xxxiv.

[7] Natural marks?

[8] MS. in-sile.

[9] The Bestiary presents not only the same grammatical and verbal forms which distinguish the Genesis and Exodus from other Early English compositions, but also its orthographical peculiarities, e.g. ſ for sch; ð for th; g for y and ȝ (gh), etc. The editor assigns this poem to the early part of the thirteenth century.

[10] Warton assigned it to the reign of Henry II. or Richard I.; Sir F. Madden to the time of Henry III. (1216-1272).

[11] Those employed (about fifty altogether) are more or less technical—aucter, auter, astronomige, arsmetrike, bigamie, bissop, crisme, charité, canticle, circumcis, corune, crune, desert, graunte, gruchede, holocaust, hostel, iurnee, iusted (allied), lecherie, lepre, mount, mester, meister, neve (nephew), offiz, pais, plente, pore, present, prest, pris, prisun, promissioun, prophet, roche, sacrede, scité (city), spirit, spices, suriurn (sojourn), swinacie (quinsy), serue, seruice, ydeles, ydolatrie.

[12] Since writing the above I have printed for the Early English Text Society "Old English Homilies, 2nd Series," which are earlier than the Ormulum, and contain many East Midland peculiarities. "The Wooing of Our Lord" in Old English Homilies, 1st Series, contains some peculiarities of the West Midland dialect.

[13] See Preface to O.E. Hom., 2nd Series.

[14] It must be recollected that the Ormulum is much earlier than the Story of Genesis and Exodus.

[15] See Ormulum, Introduction, p. lxxviii., note 105; lxxxi., note 112.

[16] While agreeing with the editor of the Ormulum, that the simplicity of grammatical forms may fairly be considered as indicating a less artificial, and therefore advanced, stage of the language, I cannot adopt his theory, that "the strict rules of grammar" were therefore abandoned, and thereby was anticipated, to a certain extent, a later phraseology and structure; or that Orm, or any other O.E. writer, ever sacrificed "the more regular for a simpler, though more corrupt, structure and style." It must always be borne in mind that our earlier writers always speak of their language as English; but it was the English of the district in which they lived. In some districts, as in the Northumbrian, for instance, the language underwent certain changes at a very early period, which more Southern dialects did not adopt for more than a century afterwards: thus, in works of the 14th century, we find the Midland more archaic than the Northumbrian, and the Southern more archaic than either. Authors seeking to become popular would write in the dialect best understood by their readers, without considering whether it was simple or complex. Thus the Ayenbite of Inwyt (A.D. 1340), written for the men of Kent, contains far more of the older inflectional forms than the Ormulum of the twelfth century.

[17] Southern writers before 1340 formed the g.s. of fem. nouns in -e and not in -es.

[18] In the Southern dialect the article had separate forms for the nominative fem. (theo, tho), and neuter (thet, that); the fem. gen. sing. (thar, ther), and the masc. acc. (than, then).

[19] See Ormulum, Introduction, p. lxxviii., note 105.

[20] Sinden, are, occurs in the Ormulum and the Bestiary, but is not employed in the present poem.

[21] These forms occur in O.E. Hom., 2nd Series.

[22] In O.E. Hom., 2nd Series, we find hes = them. See Moral Ode, l. 186, O.E. Hom., 2nd Series: "wel diere he hes bohte."

[23] Robt. of Gloucester, Shoreham, Dan. Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt.

[24] Deep he them buried under an oak.

[25] For Solomon find them shall.

[26] He took them.

[27] All his footsteps after him he filleth, draweth dust with his tail where he steppeth, or dust or dew (moisture), that they are not able to find them.

[28] I have in one case taken the liberty of separating the pronoun from the verb (for the convenience of the reader), giving the MS. reading in the margin; but I am sorry now that I did not let them stand as in the original copy.

[29] Mes = me + es = one, them, occurs in O. E. Hom., 2nd Series.

[30] All he them had (he had them all) with might begotten (obtained).

[31] Undealt (undivided) he them laid, whereso he them brought.

The dove hath habits good, All we them ought to have in mind

(i.e. we ought to have them all in mind).

Bilhah two children bore by him, Rachel called them Dan, Naphtali; And Zilpah two sons to him bore, Leah called them Gad and Asher.

[34] The tabernacle he put them in.

[35] He set them in the firmament.

[36] ðei occurs once only in the present poem, þeȝȝr, þeȝȝm, not at all; it occurs twice in O.E. Hom., 2nd Series.

[37] Philolog. Soc. Proceedings, vol. i. pp. 73, 261. Almigtin, almighty, p. 2, l. 30, is the only adjective I find with this termination.

[38] The dative of the A.S. bóc was béc.

[39] gebroðeren (A.S. broðru) occurs in the Semi-Sax. Gospels.

[40] A.S. cealfru.

[41] cildru.

[42] dura.

[43] ægru.

[44] handa.

[45] cý.

[46] lambru.

[47] greiðe (prepare), kipte (seized), lit (stain), liðe (listen), mal (speech), witterlike (truly), are found in Southern English, and may be the remains of the Anglian element in the A.Saxon.

[48] Those marked * thus constantly occur in Northumbrian and Midland works (with Northern peculiarities) of the 14th century.

[49] fere occurs for feren, so senwe = sinews (A.S. sinu, sing., sina, pl.).

[50] As a rule fem. nouns, and nouns of the n declension, take the inflexion -es; as, 'sinnes same' (sin's shame), 'sowles frame' (soul's profit), 'helles male' (hell's mail), 'werldes drof' (world's assembly). The Bestiary contains the following genitives in -e:—'nese smel' (O.E. Miscell., p. 1), 'welle grund' (Ib., p. 3), 'kirke dure' (Ib., p. 6), 'soule drink' (Ib., p. 7), 'soule spuse' (Ib., p. 23), 'helle pine' (Ib., p. 24).

[51] The forms in -er, -est, are properly adverbial and not adjectival.

[52] tigðe = tithe, tenth, occurs in l. 895, and tigðes in l. 1628.

[53] Orm uses the more Northern ȝho (Northumbrian sco).

[54] get = she it: "al get bit otwinne," she biteth it all in two (Bestiary, O.E. Miscell., p. 9).

[55] See p. xix.

[56] ðei occurs but once only.

[57] O.E. Hom., 2nd Series.

[58] See pp. xix, xx.

[59] See Preface to O.E. Hom., 2nd Series.

[60] If godes = god's, seiden (pl.) may be an error for seide (sing.), and hem will then = he + hem, he them.

[61] Chaucer constantly uses men with a verb in the singular number, third person. See Notes and Queries for Feb. 8th, 1873, where I have shown that the West-Midland substituted men for the Southern me.

[62] The genitive and possessive are denoted by one form; as, ure, of us; gure, of you; here, of them.

[63] Because elided in these cases.

[64] The Bestiary is far more accurate in this respect.

[65] gangande rhymes with standen (O.E. Miscell., p. 21, ll. 654, 655).

[66] This form is used when the pronoun follows.

[67] Followed by the pronoun.

[68] The second person of irregular verbs (pret.) does not occur in the poem. In the Ormulum the inflection is -e, which is occasionally dropped.

[69] These forms do not occur in the poem.

[70] Sinden = are, occurs in the Bestiary and the Ormulum. Sinde and senden in O.E. Hom., 2nd Series.


Man ought to love those who instruct the lewd,

MAn og to luuen ðat rimes ren, ðe Wiſſeð wel ðe logede men, hu man may him wel loken

so that he who is not book-learned may love and serve God.

ðog he ne be lered on no boken, 4 Luuen god and ſeruen him ay, For he it hem wel gelden may, And to alle criſtenei men

God shall love all Christian men, and give them soul-rest

beren paiſ and luue bi-twen; 8 ðan ſal him almightin luuen, Her bi-neðen and ðund[71] abuuen, And giuen him bliſſe and ſoules reſte[n]

that shall last evermore.

ðat him ſal earuermor[72] leſten. 12

Out of Latin is this song turned into English speech.

Ut of latin ðis ſong is dragen on engleis ſpeche, on ſoðe ſagen;

Christian men ought to be as glad as birds are of dawn to hear the story

Cristene men ogen ben ſo fagen ſo fueles arn quan he it ſen dagen, 16 ðan man hem telled soðe tale Wid[73] londes ſpeche and wordes ſmale,

of man's bliss and sorrow,

Of bliſſes dune, of ſorwes dale; Quhu lucifer, ðat deuel dwale, 20 [Brogte mankinde in sinne and bale]

and how salvation came through Christ,

And held hem ſperd in helles male til god ſrid him in manliched, dede mankinde bote and red, 24

and destroyed the power of Satan.

And unſpered al ðe fendes ſped, And halp ðor he ſag mikel ned.

[71] read gund?

[72] So in MS.

[73] read wið


Biddi[74] hic ſingen non oðer led, ðog[75] hic folgen idel-hed. 28

[Fol. 1b.] Father, God of all things,

FAder god of alle ðhinge, Almigtin louerd, hegeſt kinge,

enable thou me to sing this world's creation,

ðu giue me ſeli timinge To thaunen ðis werdes biginninge, 32 ðe, leuerd god, to wurðinge, Queðer ſo hic rede or ſinge!

wrought with wit, wisdom, and good love.

Wit, and wisdam, and luue godd, And fer ear biðohte al in his modd, 36

In the Creator's wisdom was all devised ere it came into being.

In his wiſdom was al biðogt Ear ðanne it was on werlde brogt. In firme bigini[n]g, of nogt

Heaven and earth were wrought when God bad exist time and place.

Was heuene and erðe ſamen wrogt; 40 ðo bad god wurðen ſtund and ſtede, ðis middes werld ðor-inne[76] he dede,

First all was night.

Al was ðat firme ðroſing in nigt, Til he wit hiſe word made ligt; 44

Light came by God's word, that is, His Son.

Of hiſe word, ðu wiſſike mune, Hiſe word, ðat is, hiſe wiſe ſune, ðe was of hin fer ear bi-foren

He existed long before time.

Or ani werldes time boren; 48 And of hem two ðat leue luuen,

These two rule all things with wisdom.

ðe welden al her and abuuen, ðat heli luue, ða[t] wiſe wil, ðat weldet alle ðinge wit rigt and [ſ]kil; 52

In the Godhead there are three persons of one counsel and might.

Migt bat wit word wurðen ligt, (Hali froure welt oc ðat migt;

[Fol. 2.]

for ðhre perſones and on reed, On migt and on godfulhed.) 56

Light came at the divine command.

ðo ſo wurð ligt ſo god it bad, fro ðiſterneſſe o ſunde[r] ſad;

Then was the first morning time that ever sprang in the world.

ðat waſ ðe firme morgen tid, ðat euere ſprong in werld[e] wid. 60

[74] read bidde

[75] 'may' is inserted between 'ðog' and 'hic' in a later hand.

[76] MS. īme.


With that light were angels made,

wid ðat ligt worn angles wrogt, And in-to newe heuene brogt,

and brought into a new heaven.

ðat iſ ouer dis[77] walkenes turn, God hem quuad ðor ſeli ſuriurn; 64

Some for pride fell thence into nether darkness.

Summe for pride fellen ðeðen, In-to ðis ðhiſterneſſe her bi-neðen;

Pride turned angels into devils, who became the source of every sorrow, bale, and woe.

Pride made angel deuel dwale, ðat made ilc ſorge, and euerilc bale, 68 And euerilc wunder, and euerilc wo, ðat iſ, or ſal ben euere mo.

The devil was made on the Sunday and fell out on the Monday.

He was mad on ðe ſunedai, He fel out on ðe munendai; 72 (ðis ik wort in ebriſſe wen, He witen ðe ſoðe ðat iſ ſen.)

Forth glided the first light, and afterwards the first night.

forð glod ðat firme [dais] ligt, And after glod ðat firme nigt; 76

The dawning came again.

ðe daigening cam eſt[78] a-gon,

Thus in the welkin's course comes day and night "of twenty-four hours right."

His firme kinde dei was a-gon, On walkenes turn wid dai and nigt Of foure and twenti time rigt; 80

[Fol. 2b.]

ðes frenkis men o france moal, it nemnen "un iur natural;"

So ever came the day first,

And euere gede ðe dai biforn, ſiðen ðat newe werld was boren, 84

till Christ brought his saints from hell.

Til ihesus criſt fro helle nam, Hiſ quemed wid[79] eue and adam;

From that time we ever reckon first the night and then the day.

fro ðat time we tellen ay, Or ðe nigt and after ðe day, 88

For God led them from Hell's might into Paradise's bright light.

for god ledde hem fro helle nigt to paradises leue ligt; ðo gan hem dagen wel iwiſſe, Quan god hem ledde in-to bliſſe. 92

On the second day the earth was enclosed by the firmament,

On an oðer dai ðiſ middel-erd, waſ al luken and a-buten ſperd; ðo god bad ben ðe firmament, Al abuten ðis walkne ſent, 96

[77] read ðis

[78] read eft

[79] read wið


by frozen waters and wall of ice.

Of watres froren, of yſeſ wal, ðis middel werld it luket al;—

No fire has ever yet melted this ice.

May no fir get melten ðat yſ; He ðe it made iſ migtful and wis,— 100

This enclosure may be called Heaven-roof.

It mai ben hoten heuene-Rof; It hiled[80] al ðis werldes drof, And fier, and walkne, and water, and lond, Al iſ bi-luken in godes hond, 104

It shall last until Doomsday.

Til domeſ-dai ne ſal it troken. Al middel-erd ðer-inne is loken,

[Fol. 3.]

watres ben her ðer-under ſuuen, And watres ðor a-buuen; 108

Above this is another heaven full of bliss and life.

And ouer ðat ſo ful i-wis, An oðer heuene ful o blis, And ful o lif ðe leſted oo, wo may him ben ðe fel ðor-fro. 112

Thus passed this second day's night.

Forð glod ðis oðer daiſ nigt, ðo cam ðe ðridde dais ligt:

Then came the third day's light.

ðe ðridde dai, ſo god it bad,

Water and earth became separated.

was water and erðe o ſunder ſad; 116 God bi-quuad watres here ſtede,

The earth did bring forth grass, herb, and fruit tree.

And erðe brimen and beren dede; Ilk gres, ilc wurt, ilc birðheltre, Hiſ owen ſed beren bad he; 120

Thus was earth made mother of wealth.

Of euerilc ougt, of euerilc ſed, Waſ erðe mad moder of ſped. ðe ðridde dai was al ðis wrogt, And erðes fodme on werldes brogt; 124 An euerilc fodme his kinde quuemeðen.

Then was all fair here below.

ðo was it her fair bi-neðen,

God saw that it was so, and blessed it.

God ſag his ſafte fair and good, And bliſcede it wid[81] milde mood. 128

Then came the fourth day's light, and Might made the sun and moon and each bright star.

Forð glod ðis ðridde daiſ nigt, ðo cam ðe ferðe daiſ ligt. ðe ferðe dai made migt Sunne, and mone, and ilc ſterre brigt, 132

[80] read hileð

[81] read wið


[Fol. 3b.]

walknes wurðinge, and erdes frame, He knowned[82] one ilc ſterre name,

God set them in the firmament.

He ſettes in ðe firmament,

He let them be

Al abuten ðis walkne went; 136 ðe ſeuene he bad on fligte faren,

for signs and for seasons.

And toknes ben, and times garen.

Sun and moon are the greatest of all these tokens.

Sunne and mone ðe moſte ben Of alle ðe toknes ðat men her ſen; 140

The moon is greater than the earth.

ðe mone iſ more bi mannes tale, ðan al ðis erðe in werldes dale;

The sun's brightness is greater than the moon's light.

And egeſt ſwilc ðe ſunnes brigt, Iſ more ðanne ðe mones ligt. 144

The moon's light is the measure of a month.

ðe mones ligt is moneð met, ðor-after iſ ðe ſunne ſet;

In the equinox was it made.

In geuelengðhe worn it mad, In Reke-fille, on ſunder ſhad; 148

Two equinoxes and two solstices are in the year.

Two geuelengðhes timen her, And two ſolſtices in ðe ger.

In four parts the year is divided, each part being of three months.

On four doles delen he ðe ger, ilc dole of moneð ðhre; 152 Euere ſchinen ðo toknes brigt, And often giuen iſ on erðe ligt; wel wurðe his migt lefful ay, ðe wroutis on ðe ferðe day! 156 Forð glod ðis ferðe daiſ nigt, ðo cam ðe fifte dais ligt;

On the fifth day, God made of water each fowl and fish, [Fol. 4.]

ðe fifte day god made ywis of water, ilc fuel and eruerilc[83] fiſ, 160 And tagte fuel on walkene his fligt, Ilc fiſ on water his flotes migt,

and bad them multiply.

And bliſced hem, and bad hem ðen And tuderande on werld[e] ben. 164

This fifth day took its flight,

Ðiſ fifte dai held forð his fligt, And forð endede ðat fifte nigt;

and on the sixth day God made all cattle, reptiles, and wild deer (beasts).

And [cam] ðe ſexte dais ligt, So made god wid[84] witter migt, 168

[82] read knoweð

[83] So in MS.

[84] read wið


Al erue, and wrim, and wilde der, Qwel[85] man mai ſen on werlde her.

God knew that Adam would sin,

God ſag bi-fore quat after cam, ðat ſingen ſulde firme adam, 172 And him to fremen and do[86] frame,

so He made tame cattle to help him in his labour and to give him food and clothing.

He made on werlde al erue tame, ðe ſulde him her, in ſwinkes ſtrif, to fode, and ſrud, to helpen ðe lif; 176 And him to pine, and loar her,

God made the wild deer to trouble man with sorrow and dread and cause him to moan his sinfulness.

God made wirme and wilde der. He pine man wid[87] ſorwe and dred, And don hem[88] monen hiſ ſinfulhed, 180 ðat iſ him loar quan he ſeð, ðan he for ſinne in ſorwe beð.

Each kind of cattle, reptile, and beast was made of earth.

Ilk kinnes erf, and wrim, and der Was mad of erðe on werlde her, 184

[Fol. 4b.] All were good while Adam was pure.

And euerilc on in kinde good, ðor quiles adam fro ſinne ſtod;

But reptiles and wild beasts hurt man as soon as he became sinful.

Oc der and wrim it deren man fro ðan ðat he ſingen bi-gan; 188 In ðe moſte and in ðe leſte he forleſ Hiſ louerd-hed[89] quuanne he miſ-cheſ;

Lions and bears tear him in pieces.

Leunes and beres him wile to-dragen,

Flies have no awe of him.

And fleges ſen on him non agen; 192 Hadde he wel loked him wið ſkil, Ilc beſte ſulde don hiſ wil;

Cattle help him through God's mercy.

Erf helpeð him ðurg godes með, Hiſ lordehed[90] ðor-onne he ſeð. 196 And for hiſe ſinne oc he to munen, ðat moſte and leiſte him ben binumen.

On this sixth day God made Adam of earth,

Ðiſ ſexte dai god made Adam, And his licham of erðe he nam, 200

and blew into his body a "life's blast,"

And blew ðor-in a liues blaſt,

"a likeness of His Holy Ghost,

A likneſſe of his hali gaſt,

[85] qwilc?

[86] to?

[87] read wið

[88] him?

[89] louerd-hel in MS.

[90] read louerd-hed


a spirit full of wit and skill."

A ſpirit ful of wit and ſckil; ðor quiles it folgede heli wil, 204 God ſelf ðor quile liket iſ, An un-liſ quuanne it wile miſ.

In Damascus field Adam was made.

[I]N feld damaske adam was mad, And ðeðen fer on londe ſad; 208

God bore him into Paradise, an abode full of sweet bliss.

God bar him in-to paradiſ, An erd al ful of ſwete bliſ;

[Fol. 5.]

fol wel he wid[91] him ðor dede,

He intrusted to him all that pleasant place.

bi-tagte him al ðat mirie ſtede; 212 Oc an bodeword ðer he him forbed, if he wulde him ſilden fro ðe ded,

But forbad him to touch the fruit which taught "weal and woe."

ðat he ſulde him ðer loken fro A fruit, ðe kenned wel and wo, 216

Dead should he be if he broke this command.

And hiegt him ded he ſulde ben If he ðat bode-word ne gunne flen.

God brought all beasts of the earth, fowl, and fish unto Adam,

God brogt adam ðor bi-forn Ilc kinnes beſte of erðe boren, 220 and fugel, an fiſ, wilde and tame,

who gave to each a name.

ðor gaf adam ilc here iſ name; Ne was ðor non lik adam.

God caused a sleep to come upon Adam, and in that sleep he saw much that should hereafter be.

God dede dat[92] he on ſweuene cam, 224 And in ðat ſweuene he let him ſen Mikel ðat after ſulde ben.

Out of his side God took a rib, and out of it made a woman.

Ut of his ſide he toc a rib, And made a wimman him ful ſib, 228 And heled him ðat ſide wel ðat it ne wrocte him neuere a del.

Adam awoke and saw his wife.

Adam abraid, and ſag ðat wif, Name he gaf hire dat[93] iſ ful Rif; 232

Issa was her first name,

Iſſa waſ hire firſte name, ðor-of ðurte hire ðinken no ſame;

because she was made of man.

Mayden, for ſche was mad of man, Hire firſt name ðor bi-gan; 236

After she brought us to woe Adam called her Eva. [Fol. 5b.]

Siðen ghe brocte us to woa, Adam gaf hire name eua.

[91] read wið

[92] read ðat

[93] read ðat


Adden he folged godes red, Al man-kin adde ſeli ſped; 240

For sin they lost the bliss of Paradise.

for ſinne he ðat bliſſe for-loren, ðat derede al ðat of hem was boren; It is her-after in ðe ſong, Hu adam fel in pine ſtrong. 244

The sixth day passed and

Forð glod ðiſ ſexte dais lig[t], After glod ðe ſexte nig[t];

the seventh morning sprung. That day betokened long rest.

ðe ſeuendai morgen ſpro[n]g, ðat dai tokenede reſte long; 248 ðis dai waſ forð in reſte wrogt, Ilc kinde newes ear waſ brog[t];

God ordained this day a day of bliss and rest.

God ſette ðis dai folk bitwen, Dai of bliſſe and off reſte ben, 252 for ðat time ear fear bi-forn,

So it remained until Christ rose from the cold rock.

Til ihesus was on werlde boren, And til he was on ðe rode-wold, And biried in ðe roche cold. 256 And reſtede him after ðe ded, ðat ilke dai god aligen bed.

Then the Sunday from that time forth became hallowed for ever.

Siðen for-leſ ðat dai iſ priſ, for ihesus,[94] god and man ſo wis, 260 Roſ fro ded on ðe ſunenday,

[Fol. 6.]

ðat is forð ſiðen worðed ay;

So shall it remain until Doomsday.

And it ſal ben ðe laſte tid, Quan al man-kinde, on werlde wid, 264 Sal ben fro dede to liue brogt, And ſeli ſad fro ðe forwrogt, An ben don in bliſſe and in lif, fro ſwinc, and ſorwe, and deades ſtrif. 268

Wisdom made each thing of nought.

Wiſdom ðe made ilc ðing of nogt, quuat-ſo-euere on heuone or her iſ wrogt.

Lucifer waxed proud,

Ligber he ſridde a dere ſrud, An he wurðe in him-ſeluen prud, 272

and with that pride came envy.

An wid ðat pride him wex a nyð, ðat iwel weldeð al his ſið;

[94] MS. ihc.


ðo ne migte he non louerd ðhauen, ðat him ſulde ðhinge grauen:[95] 276

"My flight," he says, "I will up take,

"Min fligt," he ſeide, "ic wile up-taken,

and make my seat north of heaven, and therein will I sit and see all things.

Min ſete norð on heuene maken, And ðor ic wile ſitten and ſen Al ðe ðhinges ðe in wer[l]de ben, 280 Twen heuone hil and helle dik, And ben min louerd geuelic."

Then became he dragon that ere was knight;

ðo wurð he drake ðat ear was knigt, ðo wurð he mirc ðat ear was ligt, 284

all that held with him became dark, dim, and black,

And euerilc on ðat helden wid[96] him, ðo wurðen mirc, and ſwart, and dim,

and fell out of heaven's light.

And fellen ut of heuones ligt In-to ðis middil walknes nigt; 288

[Fol. 6b.] Yet would Satan not cease to commit sin.

And get ne kuðe he nogt blinne for to don an oðer ſinne.

He saw Adam and Eve in Paradise in great bliss and honour.

Eſten[97] he ſag in paradiſ Adam and eue in mike[l] priſ, 292 Newelike he was of erðe wrogt, And to ðat mirie bliſſe brogt;

How may it be, thought he, that Adam is king and Eve queen of all things in the world,

ðowgte ðis quead, "hu ma it ben, Adam ben king and eue quuen 296 Of alle ðe ðinge in werlde ben. Hu mai it hauen, hu mai it ſen, Of fiſ, of fugel, of wrim, of der, Of alle ðhinge ðe wunen her, 300 Euerilc ðhing haued he geue name,

while I am in sorrow, scathe, and shame.

Me to ſorge, ſcaðe, and ſame; for adam ſul ðus and his wif In bliſſe ðus leden leſteful lif; 304 for alle ðo, ðe of hem ſule cumen,

Evermore shall they remain in bliss,

ſulen ermor in bliſſe wunen, And we ðe ben fro heuene driuen,

while we must live in sorrow. Yet I think I know of a plan to bring them into sin.

ſulen ðuſſe one in ſorwe liuen; 308 Get ic wene I can a red, ðat hem ſal bringen iwel ſped;

[95] read þrauen?

[96] read wið

[97] read eften


For if they do what God forbiddeth they shall die.

for gef he don ðad[98] god for-bead, ðat ſal hem bringen to ðo dead, 312

This I will without delay bring about to-day.

And ſal get ðis ilke dai, ðor buten hunte if ic mai

[Fol. 7.] I think that Eve and I shall deprive Adam of his life."

Ic wene ðat ic and eue hiſe wif ſulen adam bilirten of hiſe lif. 316 Ic wene ðat ic and eue ſulen alle is bliſſe dreue."

Thus he thought, and up he went, and to the earth he came.

Ðus he ðhogte, and up he ſteg, And eſten[99] til dat[100] erð he teg, 320

He went into a "worm" and told Eve a tale.

Wente in to a wirme, and tolde eue a tale; And ſenkede hire hure aldre bale.

"Eve," he said, "what meaneth it that a tree is forbidden you,

"Eue," ſeide he, ðat neddre bold, "Quat oget nu ðat for-bode o-wold, 324 ðat a tre gu forboden is,

a tree that surpasses all others,

ðat ouer alle oðre bered pris? for iſ fruit ſired mannes mood,

which shall teach you evil and good,

To witen boðen iwel and good, 328 Sone ge it ðor-of hauen eten, Al ge it ſulen witent[101] and nogt forgeten,

and make you as wise as those who dwell above in heaven?"

And ben ſo wiſe alle euene So ðo ðe wunen a-buuen in heuone." 332

When Eve saw that it was fair to the sight and soft to the hand,

Ðanne ðogte eue on hire mod, ðanne iſ tiſ fruit wel ſwiðe good, fair on ſigðhe and ſofte on hond, Of ðiſ fruit wile ic hauen fond. 336

she ate thereof, and took some and brought it to Adam.

Sum ghe ðer at, and ſum ghe nam, And bar it to her fere adam; So manie times ghe him ſcroðt,

[Fol. 7b.]

Queðer so him was lef or loðt, 340 for to forðen iſ fendes wil,

He ate that fruit and did foolishly.

At he dat[100] fruit, and dede unskil; Sone it was under breſt numen;

Then death's two bonds came upon them.

Dedes two bondes on hem ben comen; 344

[98] read ðat

[99] read eften

[100] read ðat

[101] witen?


Vn-buxumhed he hauen hem don, Vn-buxumhed iſ hem cumen on;

Weakness and sorrow troubled their limbs.

Vn-welde woren and in win, Here owen limes hem wið-in. 348

They were ashamed of their nakedness,

fleſſes fremeðe and ſafte ſame boðen he felten on here lichame; ðo gunen he ſame ſriden,

and shrouded themselves in leaves.

And limes in leues hiden. 352 Nu wot adam ſum-del o wo, Her-after ſal he leren mo.

After this deed a voice came, saying, "Where art thou, Adam?" Quoth Adam, "I am naked, and hid myself."

After ðiſ dede a ſteuone cam, "ðu, nu, quor art, adam, adam?" 356 "Louerd, quat ſame iſ me bi-tid, for ic am naked and haue me hid?" "Quo ſeide ðe dat gu[102] wer[e] naked; ðu haues ðe ſorges ſigðhe waked, 360

Then said God, "Because thou hast broken my command,

for ðhu min bode-word haues broken, ðhu ſalt ben ut in ſorge luken,

thou shalt till thy meat with toil, and eat thy bread with sweat and tears,

In ſwinc ðu ſalt tilen ði mete[n], ðin bred wid ſwotes teres eten, 364

until thou come again to the earth.

Til gu[102] beas eft in to erðe cumen, Quer-of gu[102] beaſ to manne numen;

[Fol. 8] Woman shall be under man, and have sorrow in every birth.

And wif ſal under were wunen, In heuerilc birðhe ſorge numen; 368

The adder shall glide on his breast and eat earth.

And niðful neddre, loð an liðer, ſal gliden on hiſe breſt neðer And erðe freten wile he mai liuen,

Poison shall cleave to his tongue.

And atter on is tunge cliuen; 372

Envy, strife, hate, and shame shall be between the adder and the woman."

And nið, and ſtrif, and ate, and ſan, Sal ben bi-twen neddre and wimman; And get ſal wimman ouercumen, His heued under fote bi-numen." 376

Two pilches the angels wrought for Adam and Eve,

Two pilches weren ðurg engeles wrogt, And to adam and to eue brogt,

so that their shame might be hid.

ðor-wið he ben nu boðen ſrid, And here ſame ſumdel is hid. 380

[102] read ðu?


They were turned out of Paradise.

He ben don ut of paradiſ, ðat erd al ful of ſwete bliſ; He ben don ut of bliſſes erd,

Cherubim closed the gates.

Cherubin hauet ðe gateſ ſperd; 384

Never shall they be undone till Christ is crucified.

Ne ſulen it neuere ben un-don, Til ihesus beð on Rode don; Ne ſulen it neuermore ben opened, Til ihesus beð on rode dead. 388

Thus Adam and Eve became acquainted with sorrow and care.

Iff mikel is ſorge, and more care, Adam and eue it wite ful gare; Of paradiſ hem ðinkeð ſwem,

[Fol. 8b.] Evil and death troubled them. They thought that they must never look upon one another.

Of iwel and dead hem ſtondeð greim. 392 On ſundri ðhenken he to ben, And neiðere on oðer ſen, Til angel brogte adam bode,

Message came from God,

bodeword and tiding fro gode:— 396

"Adam, know Eve, thy wife, and live together.

"Adam, ðhu knowe eue ðin wif, And leded ſamen gunker lif;

Some that shall be born of you shall come to bliss, others shall be in sorrow after their death.

Summe ſulen of gu to kumen, Sulen ben in to reſte numen; 400 Summe ſulen folwen fendes red, And ben in ſorwe after ðe dead; And get ſal godeſ dere ſune

God's dear Son shall bring man again into Paradise."

In gure kin in werlde wunen, 404 And he ſal bringen man a-gen In paradiſ to wunen and ben."

These tidings partly softened Adam's sorry mood.

Swilc tiding ðhugte adam god, And ſumdel quemeð it his ſeri mood. 408 Ðiſ angel is to heuone numen,

Adam and Eve lived together.

And adam iſ to eue cumen, More for erneſte dan[103] for gamen; Adam and eue wunen ſamen, 412

Children had they, many more than Genesis tells of.

And hadden childre manige i-wiſ, Mo ðan of telleð de geneſis;

After fifteen years Cain was born,

for fiftene ger hadde adam, ðan caim of eue cam, 416

[103] read ðan


and afterwards Eve bore righteous Abel.

And oðer fiftene al-ſwilc ſel, Quane eue bar rigt-wiſe abel.[104]

[Fol. 9.] Abel was a hundred years old when he was slain by his brother.

Abel an hundred ger waſ hold, ðan he was of iſ broðer wold; 420 An hundred ger after iſ dead,

After this Adam from Eve in shrift abode one hundred years.

Adam fro eue in ſrifte abead. To hundred ger and .xxx.^{ti} mo was adam hold and eue ðo, 424

Seth was born when Adam was 230 years old.

ðan bor ghe ſeht in ðe ſtede Of caym ðat abel for-dede; Or or midleſt, or after ðo Bar eue of adam manige moo. 428

Cain fled from his home and became an outlaw.

Ðor quiles ðat adam ſorge dreg for abel, caym fro him fleg, wið wif and hagte, and wurð ut-lage, wið dead him ſtood hinke and age. 432

He chose an abode near Eden.

He ches a ſtede toward eden, And to him[105] ſameden oðer men,

He built a city, Enoch by name.

wallede a burg, e-no bi name;

Theft and robbery was no sin to him; many foes he made.

ðeft and reflac ðhugte him no ſame, 436 for ðat he made him manige fon, ðor he ðhogte he ſtonden agon.

Measure of corn, weight of goods, division of land, taught he first.

Met of corn, and wigte of fe, And merke of felde, first fond he. 440 Tellen ic wile ſo birðe bad, Adam, caym, enos, iraab, Malaleel, matusale; Lamech is at ðe sexte kne, 444

[Fol. 9b.] The seventh man after Adam, of Cain's kind, was Lamech.

ðe ſeuende man after adam, ðat of caymes kinde cam. ðiſ lamech waſ ðe firme man,

He first began bigamy.

ðe bigamie firſt bi-gan. 448 Bigamie is unkinde ðing, On engleis tale, twie-wifing;

[104] At the bottom of fol. 8b is the catchword—Abel a hundred.

[105] him is by a later hand.


for ai was rigt and kire bi-forn, On man, on wiſ, til he was boren. 452

Two wives he took—Adah and Zillah.

Lamech him two wifes nam, On adda, an noðer wif ſellam.

Adah bare Jabal.

Adda bar him ſune Iobal,

He was a cunning shepherd.

He was hirde wittere and wal; 456 Of merke, and kinde, and helde, & ble,

He taught separation and assembling.

ſundring and ſameni[n]g tagte he;

Jubal, his brother, wise in song and glee,

Iobal iſ broðer ſong and glew, Wit of muſike, wel he knew; 460

wrote on tile and brass.

On two tableſ of tigel and braſ wrot he ðat wiſtom, wiſ he was, ðat it ne ſulde ben undon If fier or water come ðor-on. 464

Zillah bare Tubal, a mighty smith.

Sella wuneð oc lamech wið, ghe bar tubal, a ſellic ſmið;

Iron, gold, silver, and brass he well knew how to separate and to mix.

Of irin, of golde, ſiluer, and bras To ſundren and mengen wiſ he was; 468

He was skilled in making weapons of war and household tools.

Wopen of wigte and tol of grið, wel cuðe [106]egte and ſafgte[106] wið.

[Fol. 10.]

Lamech ledde long lif til ðan

Lamech at last became blind. He had a man to lead him to the woods in search of wild deer.

ðat he wurð biſne, and haued a man 472 ðat ledde him ofte wudes ner, To ſcheten after ðe wilde der; Al-so he miſtagte, alſo he ſchet, And caim in ðe wude iſ let; 476

The knave mistook Cain for a deer.

His knape wende it were a der, An lamech droge iſ arwe ner,

Lamech let fly an arrow,

And letet flegen of ðe ſtreng, Caim unwarde it under-feng, 480

which struck Cain and killed him.

Gruſnede, and ſtrekede, and ſtarf wið-ðan. Lamech wið wreðe iſ knape nam,

Lamech beat and slew his servant.

Vn-bente iſ boge, and bet, and slog, Til he fel dun on dedeſ ſwog. 484

Thus was he guilty of twi-wiving and twin-slaughter.

Twin-wifing ant twin-manſlagt Of his ſoule beð mikel hagt.

[106] read fegte and sagte?


Of his death we know nothing.

Of hiſe endinge ne wot ic nogt, oc of iſ kinde woren brogt 488

His descendants were all destroyed by Noah's flood.

On werlde ſeue and ſeuenti ðhuſant men, Or or flum noe ſpredde hiſ fen; Queðer ſo it ðhogte hem iuel or good, Alle he drinkilden in ðat flood. 492

Of Seth came Enos, who was prayerful and God-fearing.

Of ſeth, ðe waſ adam-iſ ſune, cam enos; he gan ali wune Of bedes, and of godefrigtihed, for liues helpe and ſoules red. 496

[Fol. 10b.]

Ic wile rigt tellen, if ic can,

God took Enoch to Himself,

Adam, ſeth, enos, caynan, Malaleel, iareth, enoch, for alied[107] god ſelf him toch 500 fro mannes mene in to ðat ſtede ðat adam forles for iuel dede;

to dwell with Him in Paradise.

get liueð enoch wið-vten ſtrif, In paradiſ in ſwete lif; 504

Enoch shall come before Doomsday to turn the Jews to Christ.

Get he ſal cumen or domeſ-day, And wenden iewes, if he may, To ðe witteneſſe of ieſus criſt, And tholen dead vnder antecrist; 508 Siðen ſal antecriſt ben ſlagen, And man and angeles wurðen fagen. chirches ben wurſiped mor and mor, And fendes dregen ſorge and ſor. 512

Before Enoch went from the world Methuselah was born.

Or enoch wente [fro] werldes wune, Matuſale waſ boren iſ ſune,

Lamech came of Methuselah.

And lamech of matuſale,

Lamech begat Noah.

And of lamech rigt-wiſe noe. 516

Methodius, holy martyr, knew much of this world's beginning, middle, and ending.

Metodius, ali martyr, Adde in his herte ſighe[108] ſir; Alſo he god adde ofte bi-ſogte, Wiſlike was him in herte brogt 520 ðis midelerdes biginning, And middel-hed, and iſ ending;

[107] read halihed

[108] read sigðhe


[Fol. 11.] He wrote a book, well known to many.

He wrot a boc dat manige witen, Manige tiding ðor-on iſ writen; 524 ðor iſ writen quat agte awold, dat[109] ðiſ werld waſ water wold. Fif hundred ger of ðat ðuſent ðat mankin was on werlde ſent, 528

Cain's kind wrought against law.

Caymes ſunes wrogten vn-lage, Wið breðere wifes hore-plage; And on ðe ſexte hundred ger

Women waxed evil, unchaste, and unnatural.

Wimmen welten wereſ meſter, 532 And ſwilc woded wenten[110] on, Golhed hunkinde he gunnen don; And ðe fifte hundred ger,

Men began to addict themselves to wretched practices.

wapmen bi-gunnen quad meſter, 536 bi-twen hem-ſeluen hun-wreſte plage, A ðefis kinde, a-genes lage. Two hundred ger after ðo wunes,

Seth's sons made marriages contrary to Adam's commands.

Mis-wiuen hem gunnen ſeðes ſunes, 540 Agenes ðat adam for-bead, And leten godeſ frigti-hed;

They chose wives of Cain's seed, and mixed with the accursed kind.

He choſen hem wiwes of caym, And mengten wið waried kin; 544 Of hem woren ðe getenes boren,

Of them were giants born who wrought many evils.

Migti men, and figti, [and] for-loren; He wrogten manige [sinne] and bale, Of ðat migt [nu] is litel tale; 548

[Fol. 11b.]

for ðat he god ne luueden nogt, ðat migt iſ al to ſorge brogt;

For their great sin there came wrath and vengeance upon the world.

for ſwilc ſinful dedes ſake, ſo cam on werlde wreche and wrake 552 for to bliſſen ſwilc ſinnes ſame, ðat it ne wexe at more hun-frame.

A flood drowned man and beast.

Ðo wex a flod ðis werlde wid-hin, and [o]uer-flowged men & deres kin, 556

Noah and his family were saved in an ark.

wið-vten noe and hise ðre ſunen, Sem, Cam, Iaphet, if we rigt munen,

[109] read ðat

[110] wentem MS.


And here foure wifes woren hem wið; ðise .viij. hadden in ðe arche grið.[111] 560

The ark was a good vessel.

Ðat arche was a feteles good, ſet and limed a-gen ðe flood;

Three hundred ells was it long,

ðhre hundred elne waſ it long, Naild and ſperd, ðig and ſtrong, 564

fifty wide, and thirty high.

And .l.^{ti} elne wid, and .xxx.^{ti} heg; ðor buten noe (.) long ſwing he dreg,

A hundred winters was Noah in building it.

An hundred winter, euerilc del, welken or it was ended wel; 568 Of alle der ðe on werlde wunen, And foueles weren ðer-inne cumen

Clean animals entered the ark by seven and seven, unclean by two and two.

Bi ſeuene and ſeuene, or bi two & two, Al-migtin god him bad it ſo, 572 And mete quorbi ðei migten liuen, ðor quiles he woren on water driuen.

[Fol. 12.] Six hundred years old was Noah when he entered the ark.

Sexe hundred ger noe was hold Quan he dede him in ðe arche-wold; 576 Two ðhuſant ger, ſex hundred mo, And ſex and fifti forð to ðo, weren of werldes elde numen ðan noe waſ in to ðe arche cumen. 580

The water springs undid their strength. Rain poured down on every place.

Ilc watereſ ſpringe here ſtrengðe undede, And Reyn gette dun on euerilk ſtede fowerti daiſ and fowerti nigt, So wex water wið magti migt; 584 So wunderlike it wex & get

Fifteen ells it overflowed, over every hill and vale.

ðat fiftene elne it ouer-flet, Ouer ilk dune, and ouer ilc hil, ðhurge godes migt and godes wil; 588 And oðer fowerti ðore-to, Daiſ and nigtes ſtodet ſo;

Then was all flesh destroyed.

ðo waſ ilc fleiſ on wer[l]de ſlagen, ðo gunnen ðe wateres hem wið-dragen. 592

[111] At the end of the line in the margin 'Se archa Nœe.'


In the seventh month and the twenty-seventh day the ark stood in Armenia.

Ðe ſeuend moned[112] waſ in cumen, And ſeuene and .xx.^{ti} dais numen, IN armenie ðat arche ſtod, ðo waſ wið-dragen ðat ilc flod. 596

When the tenth month came the waters withdrew.

Ðo ðe tende moned[112] cam in, So wurð dragen ðe watreſ win; Dunes wexen, ðe flod wið-drog, It adde leſted longe a-nog 600

[Fol. 12b.] Forty days after this the ark's window is undone, the raven out flew, and came not again to the ark.

Fowerti daiſ after ðiſ, Arches windoge undon it iſ, ðe Rauen ut-fleg, hu ſo it gan ben, Ne cam he nogt to ðe arche a-gen; 604

The dove found no clean place, and came again to the ark.

ðe duue fond no clene ſtede, And wente a-gen and wel it dede;

After seven days the dove left the ark and returned with an olive bough.

ðe ſeuendai eſt ut it tog, And brogt a grene oliues bog; 608 Seue nigt ſiðen euerilc on

Seven nights after all are let out of the ark.

He is let ut flegen, crepen, and gon, wið-uten ilc ſeuend clene der ðe he ſacrede on an aucter. 612 Sex hundred ger and on dan[113] olde

Noah looked out of the ark and saw that the earth was dry.

Noe ſag ut of ðe arche-wolde; ðe firſt moned[112] and te firſt dai, He ſag erðe drie & te water awai; 616 get he waſ wiſ and nogt to rad,

Yet went he not out till he was bidden by God.

Gede he nogt ut, til god him bad. Ðe toðer moneð was in cumen, And ſeuene and twenti dais numen, 620 ðo herde Noe wol bliðe bode

At God's command he and his family left the ark.

Of a ſteuene, ðe cam fro gode; He and hiſe wif wenten ut fre, Hiſe ſunes and here wifes ðre; 624

Noah made an altar and sacrificed thereon.

He made an aucter on godeſ name, And ſacrede he ðor-on, for ſowleſ frame,

[Fol. 13.] The seventh deer was offered up,

Ilc ſeuende der of clene kin, ðe waſ holden in arche wið-hin, 628

[112] read moneð

[113] read ðan


the others were allowed to escape alive.

And leten ðe oðre to liue gon, of hem ben tudered manigon.

Noah besought God that he would no more send such destruction upon mankind.

Often he [bad] wid[114] frigti bede, ðat ſwiulc wreche ſo god ðo dede 632 Ne ſulde more on werlde cumen, Quat wreche ſo ðor wurðe numen.

God granted his request, and shewed him the rain-bow as a token of His love.

God gat it a token of luuen, Taunede him in ðe wa[l]kene a-buuen 636

The rain-bow is called red and blue.

Rein-bowe, men cleped[115] reed and blo;

The blue denotes the water that drowned all flesh.

ðe blo tokeneð de[116] wateres wo, ðat iſ wið-uten and is gon;

The red betokeneth the destruction of the world by fire.

ðe rede wid-innen[117] toknet on 640 wreche ðat ſal get wurðen ſent, wan al ðis werld wurðe brent; And al-ſo hege ðe lowe ſal gon, So ðe flod flet de dunes on; 644 fowerti ger or domeſ-dai, ðiſ token no man ne ſen mai.

From Noah and his three sons all mankind have come.

Of[118] noe ſiðen an iſ ðre ſunen, ben boren alle ðe in werlde wunen, 648

Before his death his family were widely spread.

And or he waſ on werlde led, His kinde waſ wel wide ſpred; Al it iſ writen ic tellen mai Of his kin bi hiſ liue dai; 652

[Fol. 13b.] They numbered, excluding women and children, 24,000 stalworth men.

vten childre and vten wimmen, wel fowre and .xx. ðhuſent men woren ſtalwurði boren bi tale, wið-uten wif-kin and childre ſmale; 656 .ix. hundred ger and fifti told, or or he ſtarf, noe waſ old.

Nimrod had dread of water, so he advised his followers to make a tower high and strong.

Nembrot gat hiſe feres red, for ðat he hadde of water dred, 660 To maken a tur, wel heg & ſtrong, Of tigel and ter, for water-gong;

Seventy-two men were employed about it.

Twelwe and ſexti men woren ðor-to,

[114] read wið

[115] read clepeð

[116] read ðe

[117] read wið-innen.

[118] Oſ MS.


Meiſter men for to maken it ſo. 664

All spoke one speech before.

Al waſ on ſpeche ðor bi-foren,

Now sundry tongues arose and sorely terrified the workmen.

ðor woren ſundri ſpeches boren; ðo wurðen he frigti and a-griſen, for dor[119] waſ ſundri ſpecheſ riſen, 668

Seventy-two land-speeches were then spoken.

Sexti lond-ſpeches and .xii. mo, weren delt ðane in werlde ðo.

That tower was called Babel.

Babel, ðat tur, bi-lef un-mad,

The folk became scattered afar upon the earth.

ðat folc iſ wide on lon[de] ſad; 672 Nembrot nam wið ſtrengðhe ðat lond, And helde ðe tur o babel in hiſ hond.

Belus was Nimrod's son, and after him reigned Nilus, who set up an image in remembrance of his father.

Beluſ king waſ nembrot ſune, Nilus hiſ ſune gan ille wune; 676 Belus wurð dead, and nilus king Made likeneſſe, for muni[gin]g[120]

[Fol. 14.]

After hiſ fader, and he ſo dede, He it ſetten on an mirie ſtede; 680

Nilus rewarded all that honoured this likeness.

Euerilc man he gaf lif and frið ðat to ðat likeneſſe ſogte grið; for ðat frið ðat hem [gaf] ðe king, He boren ðat likneſſe wurðing, 684

They called it Bel, after Belum.

Calden it bel, after belum; After ðis cam ſwilc oðer ſum,

Many made likenesses of their friends.

Manie man, iſ frend for to munen, Made likneſſe after ðe wunen, 688

Bel was the first, and hence the names Bal or Balim.

Bel was ðe firſte, and after him Sum higte beland, ſum balim, And ſum bel, and ſum bal; fendes fleiðing wex wið-al, 692 To wenden men fro godes reed, To newe luue and to newe dred;

Thus was idolatry introduced, by which many are destroyed.

Ydolatrie ðuſ waſ boren, for quuam mani man iſ for-loren. 696 Of ſem, and of ðe folc ðe of him cam, luue and dred under gode nam; Of ðis kinge wil we leden ſong,

[119] read ðor

[120] see l. 1623


Cristes helpe be us amonge! 700

The family of Shem.

Noe, ſem, arfaxath, ſale, Heber, phaleth, ðe ſexte iſ he, Reu, ſaruch, nacor, thare, ðiſ iſ ðe tende fro noe. 704

[Fol. 14b.]

Ðis oðer werldes elde iſ ſo, A ðhuſent ger ſeuenti and two.

The third age of the world began when Terah begat Abram.

ðe ðridde werldeſ elde cam, Quanne thare bi-gat abram; 708 for he bi-gat a ſune aram, Nachor midleſt, laſt abram;

Haran begat Lot and Sarai and Milcah.

Aram bi-gat loth, and ſarray, And melcham, and waſ ſort leui 712

They dwelt in Ur of the Chaldees.

In lond caldea, hur hicte ðe tun, Quor deades ſtrenge warp him dun;

Much strife was there between father and brother, children and wife.

ðor fader, and breðere, and childre, and wif, Him bi-ſtoden wið ſorwes ſtrif; 716 ðo ðogte thare on hiſ mod,

Terah did not care to remain long in this town.

long bigging iſ here nogt god. Nachor he gaf wif melcam, And trewe ſarray abram. 720

Abram having no children adopted Lot as his son.

Quanne abram wurð wiſ and war ðat ſarray non childre ne bar, He toc him loth on ſunes ſtede; He waſ hiſe neve, wol wel he dede. 724

Terah left Ur and came to Haran in Mesopotamia.

Thare let hur, and ðeðen he nam, And wulde to lond canahan, Cam into a burgt[121] ðat het aram, In londe meſopothaniam. 728

With him he took his sons and daughters.

Wið him ledde he nachor, melcam, Sarray, loth, and abram.

[Fol. 15.]

Tho[122] hundred ger and fifue mo,

Terah died when he was two hundred and five years old.

Thare waſ old, ſtarf he ðo. 732 Tereſ gliden for herteſ ſor fro loth, and abram, and nachor;

He lies buried in Haran.

Thare lið biried in aram.

[121] read burg

[122] read two


God ſeide wurd to abram:— 736

God then commanded Abram to leave Haran.

"Abram, ðu fare ut of lond and kin To a lond ic ðe ſal bringen hin." Sex ger and fiftene mo, Adde Abram on iſ elde ðo. 740

He departed, taking with him Lot and Sarai.

Abram tok loth wið ſarray, Hiſe agte, and erue he ledde him bi, For in to lond cananeam,

First he came to Sichem,

And in-to ſichem, a burgt, he nam, 744 And ðeðen he nam to mirie dale; fif burgeſ were ðor-inne bi tale,

and afterwards to Pentapolis (the five cities of the plain),

ðer-fore it higte pentapolis, Of weledeſ[123] fulſum and of bliſ, 748 Nov iſt a water of loðlic ble,

where now stands the Dead Sea.

Men callið it ðe dede ſe; Ilc ðing deieð ðor-inne iſ driuen; Ne may no fiſ ðor-inne liuen; 752

The cities were destroyed for man's sin.

for mannes ſinne ðus it iſ went, brent wið brimfir, ſunken and ſhent. God quad to abram, "al ðiſ lond ſal cumen in to iſ kinneſ hond." 756

[Fol. 15b.]

ðor god him taunede, made habram An alter, and fro ðeðen he nam.

Abram raised an altar between Bethel and Ai.

An oðer alter abram ſeli Made bi-twen betel and ai. 760

Damascus was the third place where Abram dwelt.

At damaſke iſ ðe ðridde ſtede, Quer abram iſ bigging dede, And ðeden for he, for hunger bond,

Famine drove him to Egypt.

feger ut in to egipte lond; 764 ðor he ſeide ðat ſarrai

To save his life he said that Sarai was his sister.

waſ hiſ ſiſter, al for-ði for he dredde him to leten iſ lif If he wiſten ghe wore iſ wif; 768

Sarai was fair and Egypt's folk were lecherous.

for ghe waſ fai[ge]r witter-like, And ðat folc luuede lecherlike. Quan abram was to egipte cumen,

[123] werldes?


Soon was Sarai taken from Abram, and brought to king Pharaoh.

Sone him waſ ſarrai binumen; 772 Sone him waſ ſarray bi-lagt, And [124]pharaon ðe kinge bi-tagt;

God plagued the king with sickness.

God ſente on him ſekeneſſe & care, And lettede al his lecher-fare. 776 Sarray liuede in clene lif,

Pharaoh at last became aware that all this strife was on account of Sarai,

And ðe king ðholede ſorges ſtrif Til he wiſte al ðat ſtrif Cam him on for abram wif; 780

so he restored her to her husband,

ðo ſente he after abram, And bi-tagte he him iſ leman,

[Fol. 16.] and gave Abram land and cattle.

And gaf him lond, and agte, and fe, And leue, ðor quiles his wille be, 784 To wune egipte folc among, And friðen him wel fro euerilc wrong, Bad him to god hiſ erdne beren,

In Egypt the patriarch abode in security.

ðat ywel him ſulde nunmor deren. 788 ðor wunede abram in welðe and in frið,

Egypt's clerks held him in high honour.

Egipte clerkes woren him wið, And hem lerede, witterlike, Aſtronomige and arſmetike; 792 He was hem lef, he woren him hold.

God greatly increased his riches.

God gaf him ðor ſiluer and gold, And hird, and orf, and ſrud, and ſat, Vn-achteled welðe he ðor bi-gat. 796

Out of Egypt Abram went to Canaan, and abode between Bethel and Ai.

Vt of egipte, riche man, Wente abram in to lond canaan; And loth hiſe neue and ſarray bileften bi-twen betel and ay, 800 ðor he quilum her wiſten wunen, Or he weren to egipte cumen.

Strife arose between Abram and Lot's herdsmen.

So wex here erue, and ſo gan ðen An twen here hirdeſ ſtriuing gan ben; 804

Lot, by leave of his uncle, chose the plains of the

Loth him cheſ, bi leue of abram, ðat herðe hende ðe flum iurdan;

[124] w in MS. But the w is much like p.


Jordan for his dwelling-place.

In mirie dale hiſe bigginge he ches, ðat he ſiðen twie for-les. 808

[Fol. 16b.]

Abram let loth in welðe and wale,

Abram dwelt in Mamre-dale, towards Ebron.

And ferde a-wei to mambre dale; ðor wunede abram henden ebron, ðat burge an oðer man lið on, 812

This city is called Kirjatharba, i. e. four cities.

It atteð cariatharbe, On engle ſpeche fowre cite; fowre arbe cariatht arn in,

Four lie buried there.

for ðat fowre biried ðor ben; 816

There was laid Adam and Eve, Abram and Sarai, Jacob and Leah.

ðor waſ leid adam and eua, Abram ſiðen and ſarra; ðor yſaac and rebecca, And iacob and hiſe wif lia. 820

Mamre, Eschol, and Aner were sworn brothers with Abram.

MAmbre, wið excol and anel, ðor luueden Abram ful wel; He woren breðere of kinde boren, And abram woren he breðre ſworen. 824 Quor abram wunede, ðor wex bi An ok' ðat waſ of gibi,

God promised that Abram's seed should possess the land wherein he was a stranger.

ðer het god abre ðat tagte lond Sal cumen al in hiſ kinneſ hond, 828 And eſt and weſt, and ſuð and norð; Al ðat god wile ſal wel gon forð.

Then was pride widely spread, and desire of sovereignty.

Ðo wurðen waxen ſo wide and ſpred, pride and giſcinge of louerd-hed; 832

Nearly every city had its ruler.

Neg ilc burge hadde iſe louereding, Sum waſ king, and ſum kumeling;

[Fol. 17.]

Sum waſ wið migte[125] ſo forð gon, ðat hadden he under hem mani on. 836

The five cities of Pentapolis, ruled over by their own kings,

Fif burges of pentapoliſ, Adama, bala, Seboyſ, And ſodoma wið gomorra, ðe kinges welten burges ðoa, 840

[125] The MS. has migt; but migte is at the bottom of p. 16 b in the catchwords—"Sū waſ wið migte."


were conquered by Chedorlaomer, and paid him tribute.

On-kumen was cadalamor, king of elam, wið ferding ſtor;

Twelve years they were under his hand.

.xij. ger he weren under iſ hond, And gouen him gouel of here lond; 844

In the thirteenth they rebelled,

.xiij. ger gan ſo forð gon wulde he giuen him gouel non;

Chedorlaomer and other three kings made war upon the cities.

ðre kinges haued he wið him brogt, wið here-gonge hiſe gouel ſogt; 848 He ben cumen to mirie dale, An ðere he werken ſckaðe and bale;

Much sorrow they wrought. The four kings conquered the five.

fowre on-ſeken and fifue weren, Oc ðe fowre ðe fiue deren; 852 wunded ðor waſ gret folc and ſlagen, ðe fifwe flen, ðe fowre ben fagen;

The five flee to the hills, and the four to the cities of the plain.

ðe fifwe up to ðe dunes flen, ðe fowre in to ðe tuneſ ten; 856 wifwes, and childre, and agte, and ſrud,

They led away with them Lot, his goods, children, and wife.

He ledden a-wei wið herte prud. Loth and iſ agte, childre and wif, ben led a-wei bunden wið ſtrif; 860

[Fol. 17b.]

oc on of hem, ðe flogen a-wei

But one escaped and told Abram, who armed 313 servants and pursued the enemy.

Told it abram ðat ilke deai. ðre hundred men and .xiij. wigt, Alle ſtalwurði and witter of figt, 864 wið mambre, and excol, and anel, Abram let him tunde wel; ðat hird he folged[126] alſ to ðan, On heued-welle of flum iordan, 868 ðor he wenden ben ſiker on nigt; Abram he brogte wel newe figt.

Abram found them drunk and sleepy.

He woren drunken and ſlepi, Abram[127] folc made hem dredi; 872 ſo heg, ſo long, ne ſpared hem nogt,

He brought them all to ground.

Alle he ben ðor to gronde brogt, wið-ðuten ðo ðe cuden flen;

[126] folgel in MS.

[127] An is is inserted by a later hand.


get ne migten he ſiker ben, 876

He pursued them unto Hoba, near Damascus.

for magnie[128] of ðo woren ouer-taken, Abram cude hem to ſorwe maken. Henden damaſk, til burgt oba, Abram hem folwede and wrogte woa; 880

Much spoil he took.

wifes, and childre, and ſrud, and ſat, He brogte agen and mikel he bat; And tol, and takel, and orf, he dede wenden hom to here ogen ſtede, 884

All this he did for love of Lot.

for loteſ luue fel him ðuſ rigt, Borwen he ben wel of dat[129] figt.

[Fol. 18.] The king of Sodom went out to meet Abram.

Sodomes king in kinge dale, Mette abram wið feres wale, 888 In ðe weie ðe ligið to ſalem, ðe ſiðen iſ cald ieruſalem.

Melchizedek brought him bread and wine.

Melchiſedech, ſalameſ king, dede abram ðor mikel wurðing; 892 He froðer[ed]e him, after iſ ſwinc, wið bredeſ fode and wines drinc;

Abram gave him a tenth of the spoil.

Habram gaf him ðe tigðe del Of alle iſ bigete, and dede ðor wel, 896 And bliſcede dor[130] godeſ migt, ðat bargt abram wel of ðat figt;

Melchizedek was both priest and king.

for he waſ boðen king and preſt, of elde moſt, of wit hegest; 900

None knew from what family he sprung.

wiſte no man of werlðe ðo, Quat kinde he waſ kumen fro;

Some said that this king of Salem was Shem,

Oc ſumme ſeiden ðat it waſ ſem, ðiſ preſt and [oc] king of ſalem, 904 or or ðe flod waſ long bi-forn of noe bi-geten, of[131] iſ wif born,

who lived until the birth of Isaac.

And fro ſo longe ðor bi-foren Liuede til yſaac waſ boren. 908

The king of Sodom offered Abram the goods and cattle taken from the enemy.

Sodomes king bed dor[132] abram Al agte and erf, wið-uten man,[133] Alle heſ hadde wið migte bi-geten,

[128] read manige

[129] read ðat

[130] read ðor

[131] MS. oſ.

[132] read ðor

[133] ? nam


wolde he nogt him hiſ ſwinc for-geten, 912

[Fol. 18b.] The patriarch would accept of nothing.

oc abram dede ðor meðelike wel, wid-held he ðor-of neu[er]e on del, oc al ðat euere fel him to,

Then first began the custom of keeping the 15th year holy.

Sac-les he let hin welden it ſo. 916 Ebruiſ ſeigen, wune hem wex her To algen ilk fiftene ger, for loth waſ fifti winter hold, Quan abram him bi-told. 920

Abel first began first-fruit.

Abel primiceſ firſt bi-gan,

Abram tithes.

And decimas first abram; Nu iſt ſo boden and ſo bitagt, Quo-ſo hiſ alt him bi agt. 924

After this God spake to Abram, saying, "I am thy safety and thy defence, thy toil shall be requited."

After ðiſ ſpac god to abram:— "ðin berg and tin werger ic ham. ðin ſwinc ðe ſal ben gulden wel, wid[134] michel welðe in good[e] ſel." 928

Quoth Abram, "What avails wealth, seeing that I am childless, and that Eliezer's son shall inherit my wealth?"

Quad he, "quat ſal me welðes ware, Quane ic child-leſ of werlde fare; Damak eliezereſ ſune, In al min welðe ſal he wunen?" 932

God said, "Of thyself shall thine heir come."

Quat god, "ſo ſal it nogt ben, Of ðe ſelf ſal ðin erward ten." Abram leuede ðiſ hot in ſped, dat[135] waſ him [told] to rigt-wiſhed. 936

Abram took three deer each three years old and offered them as a sacrifice.

ðre der he toc, ilc ðre ger hold, And ſacrede god on an wold;

[Fol. 19.]

of godeſ bode he nam god kep,

An heifer, a goat, and a sheep he took, and divided them in two and set them apart.

A net, and a got, and a ſep; 940 Euerilc of ðeſe he delte on two, And let hem lin on ſunder ſo, Vndelt heſ leide quor-ſo heſ tok;

The dove and the turtle he divided not.

And ðor a duue and a turtul ok 944 Sat up on-rum til heuene he tok, And of ðo doles kep he nam

Greedy fowls fell upon the carcases.

Gredi foueles fellen ðor-on,

[134] read wið

[135] read ðat


ðat ðogte abram wel iwel don, 948

Abram drove them away. Then came on him fear and fright.

kagte iſ wei, quan it waſ nigt, ðo cam on him vgging and frigt;

A great and bright fire he saw glide down between the pieces.

A michel fier he ſag, and an brigt, gliden ðor twen ðo doles rigt. 952

In a dream God showed Abram the future condition of his descendants.

God ſeide him ðor a ſoðe drem ðe timinge of iſ beren-tem, And hu he ſulde in pine ben, And uten erdes ſorge ſen; 956 fowre hundred ger ſulden ben gon,

Canaan is promised as his inheritance.

Hor he ſulden wel cumen a-gon, oc ſiðen ſulde in here hond, bi-cumen ðat hotene lond. 960

Then knew Abram much more of what was to come than he ever knew before.

ðo wiſte abram wel michel mor Quat waſ to cumen ðan he wiſte or.

Sarai, being barren, gives Hagar to Abram.

Siðen bi-fel ðat ſarrai, for ghe waſ longe untuderi, 964

[Fol. 19b.]

Ghe bitagte abre maiden agar; Ghe wurð wið childe and hem two bar; forð ſiðen ghe bi abram ſlep,

Hagar having conceived, despised her mistress.

Of hire leuedi nam ghe no kep; 968 And ſarrai wuldet nogt ðolen ðat agar wore ðuſ to-bolen;

Sarai afflicts her thrall.

Ghe held hire hard in ðralleſ wune, And dede hire ſorge and anger mune; 972

Hagar flees from Sarai into the desert homeless and weary.

ðo fleg agar fro ſarray, wimman wið childe, one and ſori, In ðe diſerd, wil and weri, And an angel cam ðor hire bi, 976 wiſte hire drogen ſori for ðriſt,

An angel commands her to return and be buxom to her lady.

At a welle quemede hire liſt, And bad hire ſone wenden agen, And to hire leuedi buxum ben; 980

He tells her of her child.

And ſeide ghe ſulde ſunen wel And timen, and clepen it ſmael,[136]

[136] A metrical licence for "iſmael."


And he ſulde ben man migti, And of him kumen folc frigti; 984

Hagar returns, and Ishmael is born.

Ghe wente agen, and bar ðat child, And abram wurð wið hire milde.

Abram was then fourscore and six years old.

lxxx. gere and ſexe mo Hadde abram on hiſ elde ðo, 988 And .xiii. ger ðor after told,

When Abram was ninety-nine years old God changed his name to Abraham.

ix. and nigneti[137] ger he waſ old,

[Fol. 20.]

Quuanne him cam bode in ſunder run, fro gode of circumcicioun. 992 His name ðo wurð a lettre mor, Hiſ wiueſ leſſe ðan it waſ or, for ðo wurd abram abraham,

Sarai's name is also changed to Sarah.

And ſarray ſarra bi-cam; 996 And al ðat euere ðe louered bad, dede abraham redi and rad.

Circumcision is instituted.

He him ſelf wurð ðanne circumciſ, And yſmael hiſ ſune iwiſ; 1000 And of iſ hird euerilc wapman wurð circumciſ, al-so he it bi-gan,

Whoso bore not this mark upon him was to be cut off from God's folk.

Quuo ne bar ðanne iſ merk him on fro godes folc ſulde he be don. 1004

Afterwards in the dale of Mamre Abraham saw figures three, seemly messengers from God.

Siðen, in ðe dale of mambre, ſag abraham figures ðre, Sondes ſemlike kumen fro gode; Abraham he broghten wel bliðe bode. 1008 Abraham he[m] ran wel ſwiðe agon,

Abraham entertains the angels.

And of ðe ðre he wurðede ðe ton, ðe god him dede in herte ſen, ðe waſ wurði wurðed to ben; 1012

He set before them calves flesh, bread and flour and butter.

bred, kalueſ fleiſ, and flures bred, And buttere, hem ðo sondes bed;

What he offered with a free heart his guests took in charity,

for ðat he bad wið herte fre, He it nomen in charite; 1016

[Fol. 20b.] though it was but as a drop of water in a fire.

So malt ðat mete in hem to nogt, So a watreſ drope in a fier brogt.

[137] read nigenti


Abraham ſtod and quamede hem wel, Hiſ good[e] wil was hem good mel. 1020

Abraham is promised a son.

Quuad ðiſ on, "ðiſ time oðer ger, Sal ic me to ðe taunen her; Bi ðan ſal ſarra ſelðe timen, ðat ge ſal of a ſune trimen." 1024

Sarah heard the words of the Lord.

ðanne herde ſarra ſwilc tiding, And it hire ðogte a ſelli ðhing, for ghe waſ nigenti winter hold, Abraham on wane of an hundred told; 1028

She did not believe them.

Ghe glente and ðhogte, migte it nogt ben, And ghe ðat ſulde her wið childe be ſen;

Abraham, however, trowed it full well.

And Abraham trewid it ful wel, And it wurð ſoð binnen ſwilc ſel. 1032

Then the three went towards Sodom.

Fro mambre dale wente ðo ðre, to-ward ſodome geden he; Quad ðe louered, "wile ic nogt ſtelen,

The destruction of Sodom is revealed to Abraham.

Ne min dede abraham helen; 1036 Ic cume to ſen ðat ſinne dwale ðat iſ me told of mirieſ dale."

He is in great grief on account of Lot.

ðo adde abram iſ herte ſor, for loth hiſ newe wunede ðor. 1040

He intercedes for the wicked cities.

"Louerd," quad he, "hu ſaltu don, If ðu ſalt nimen wreche ðor on;

[Fol. 21.]

Salt ðu nogt ðe rigt-wiſe weren, Or for hem ðe toðere með beren?" 1044

God promises to spare the cities for the sake of five righteous.

Quad god, "find ic ðor ten or mo, Ic ſal meðen ðe ſtede for ðo." Durſte Abraham freinen nunmor,

Abraham departs sore at heart.

Oc wente agen wið herte ſor; 1048 And god at-wot in-to hiſe ligt, ðo to gon to ſodome rigt.

At even two angels came to Sodom.

Sunne iſ weſt under erðe numen, Quuanne he ben to ſodome cumen; 1052

Lot sat at the city's gate, and seeing them,

Get ſat loth at ðe burges gate, After ſum geſte ſtod him quake;[138]

[138] read quate


He roſ, and lutte, and ſcroð him wel,

he invited them to his home to stay with him that night.

And bead hem hom to iſ oſtel 1056 To herbergen wið him ðat nigt, ðo ſwete angeles, faier and brigt; And he ſo deden alſ he hem bead, He wiſten him bergen fro ðe dead; 1060

Lot served his guests fair and well.

And loth hem ſerued faire and wel, And he him gulden it euerilc del. Oc al ðat burgt folc ðat helde waſ on, ðe migte lecher crafte don, 1064

The wicked Sodomites beset Lot's house.

To lothes huſ he cumen ðat nigt And bi-ſetten it redi to figt;

They bade him bring out the strangers.

He boden him bringen ut o-non, ðo men ðat woren ðidir in-gon. 1068

[Fol. 21b.] Lot offered them his daughters.

Loth hem bead iſ dogtres two, for to friðen hiſe geſte ſwo; Oc he ne wulden hiſ dogtres nogt,

The wicked folk sought to harm Lot.

for wicke and feble waſ here ðogt. 1072 ðat folc vn-ſeli, ſinne wod, ðo ſori wrecches of yuel blod wulden him ðor gret ſtrengðe don, Til wreche and letting cam hem on. 1076

The angels drew Lot in.

ðis angels two drogen loth in, And ſhetten to ðe dure-pin.

Blindness came upon the Sodomites,

Wil ſiðen cam on euerilc on, ðo wrecches ðe wið-vten gon, 1080 for al ðat nigt he ſogten ðor

and they sought the door in vain.

ðe dure, and fundend[139] neuere mor. ðo ſeiden ðiſ angeles to loth wið ſped,

Lot is commanded to leave the city with his friends before daybreak.

If ðu frend haueſt and wi[l]t don red, 1084 Bid him, or day, redi ben, And ſwiðe ut ðiſ burgeſ flen, elles ſulen he brennen and for-faren, If he ne bi time heðe[n] waren. 1088 Two ðor werren quam him ðogte ear To wedden hiſ two dogtres ðear;[140]

[139] So in MS.

[140] read dear


Lot warned his sons-in-law in vain.

Loth hem warnede, wiſlike and wel, Oc he ne troweden him neuere a del. 1092

The angels led Lot and his family out of Sodom,

On morgen quan day cam hem to, Loth and hiſ dogtres two

[Fol. 22.]

Ledden ðiſ angeles ut in ſel,

and bade them turn not back.

And boden hem and tagten wel, 1096 ðat here non wente agen, for non ðhing he migte ſen.

Lot thought the way to the hills hard and strong.

Loth waſ wanſum, and ðugte long vp to ðo dunes ðe weie hard and ſtrong; 1100

He intreated that he might dwell in Segor.

"Louerd," quat he, "gunde under dun, mot hic ben borgen in ðat tun!" ðo angeles ſeiden, "we ſulen it ſren,[141] ðor quile ðu wilt ðor-inne ben; 1104

This city was safe while Lot abode there;

Ai waſ borgen bala-ſegor ðor quile ðat loth dwelledde ðor;

when he left it, it was destroyed.

Oc ſiðen loth wente ut of hine, brende it ðhunder, ſanc it erðe-dine. 1108 Sone ſo loth ut of ſodome cam,

Sodom was destroyed by fire,

brend-fier-rein ðe burge bi-nam; Hardere wreche ðor waſ cumen ðan ear was vnder flode numen; 1112

for sin and "unkind deeds."

for men ðor ſinne un-kinde deden, ſo for-ſanc and brente ðat ſteden; So bitter-like iſ it for-don, Ne mai non dain waſſen ðor-on; 1116 So for-ſanc ðat folc ſinful ðor, ſwilc ſinful ſinne wex ðer nunmor.

Lot's wife turned back, and "went into a stone."

Ðo lotes wif wente hire a-gon, Sone ghe ſtod, wente in to a ſton; 1120

[Fol. 22b.] Thus is this merry dale turned into a swarthy lake.

So iſt nu forwent mirie dale In to dririhed and in to bale, ðe ſwarte flum, ðe dede ſe, Non fiſ, non fuel ðor-inne mai be. 1124 ðat water iſ ſo deades driuen,

Nothing may live therein.

Non ðing ne mai ðor-inne liuen;

[141] ? fren


Men ſeið ðe treen ðat ðor henden ben

Trees on its banks produce apples,

Waxen in time, and brimen, and ðen, 1128 Oc quane here apples ripe ben,

which contain ashes only.

fier-iſles man mai ðor-inne ſen; ðat erd iſ oten ſaltes dale, Maniman ðor-of holdet litel tale. 1132

Lot soon left Segor.

Loth wuned litel in ſegor, for he dredde him for to forfare ðor; Wið hiſe two dowtres ut he teg,

For fear he fled to the hills, and dwelt in a cave.

And for dred to ðo dunes he fleg; 1136 And ðor he biggede in a caue[n], ðe waſ ðor in roche grauen.

Lot's daughters thought all mankind had perished, and that, unless they had children, the world would come to an end.

ðo meidenes herden quilum ſeien, ðat fier ſulde al ðis werld forſweðen, 1140 And wenden wel ðat it were cumen, And fiereſ wreche on werld numen, And ðat man-kinde wore al for-loren but of hem ðre wore man boren. 1144

They consulted as to what was best to be done.

ðis maidenes redden ſone[142] on-on Quat hem two wore beſt to don,

[Fol. 23.]

Hu he migten vnder-gon

They made their father drunk so that he wrought the deed, and each begot a child.

Here fader, ðat he ne[143] wore ðor gon; 1148 Wið wineſ drinc he wenten iſ ðhogt, So ðat he haueð ðe dede wrogt, And on eiðer here a knaue bi-geten, ðiſ ne mai nogt ben for-geten. 1152 ðiſ maidenes deden it in god dhogt,[144] ðe fader oc drunken ne wiſte he it nogt.

The first bore Moab, the other Ammon.

ðe firſte him bar moab ðat ſune, Of him beð folc, [in] moab it wune; 1156 ðe leſſe him bar a ſune amon, Amonit folces fader on.

Now turn we to Abraham.

NV bi-oueð uſ to wenden a-gen, And of abraham ſong under-gon. 1160

On the morrow he looked toward Sodom,

Abraham up on morgen ſtod, Wið reuli lote and frigti mod;

[142] MS. ſono.

[143] MS. hene.

[144] read ðogt.


and saw that the city had been destroyed.

To-ward ſodome he ſag ðe roke And ðe brinfires ſtinken[145] ſmoke, 1164

For sorrow he left Mamre's dale

And wente a-wei fro mambre dale, So ſore him reu of ðat bale.

and went and abode in Gerar.

Suðen he wente & wunede in geraris, bi-twen cade and vr, y-wis; 1168

There he said Sarah was his sister.

ðor he ſeide eft, for luue of lif, ðat ſiſter wore ſarra his wif. Quilum of[146] er [147]pharraon hire toc, Nu takeð abimalech hire oc; 1172

[Fol. 23b.] Abimelech took her to wife.

Sene it was ðat ghe waſ fair wif, Quan ghe waſ luued in ſo long lif. Abimalech wurð ſek on-on,

Sickness fell on him and on his folk.

And oðer wreche iſ folc cam on; 1176 Nogt wif-kinnes non birðe ne nam, ðor quiles he ðor wið-helð ſaram. On dreme him cam tiding for-quat

The cause of this evil was made known to him in a dream.

He ðrowede and ðolede un-timing ðat; 1180 Al it waſ for abraham-iſ wif, ðat he hire held ðor wið ſtrif; ðo bi-ðhogte him ful wel, And ſente after abraham ðat ilc ſel, 1184

He sent back Sarah,

And bi-tagte him hiſ wif a-non, And hiſ yuel ſort[148] waſ ouer-gon.

his wife and others bore children, and the quinsy no more troubled him.

His wif and oðere birðe beren, ða ðe ſwinacie gan him nunmor deren. 1188 Abimalech gaf abraham Gold, and ſiluer, and lond for-ðan;

Plates of silver he gave to Sarah.

A ðhuſant plates of ſiluer god Gaf he ſarra ðat faire blod, 1192 Bad hire ðor hir wið[149] heuod ben hid, for ſwilc timing was hire bi-tid. Ðo wulde god bi-ſewen ſo of olde abraham and o ſarra ſo. 1196 Ghe wurd wið child, on elde wac,

The birth of Isaac.

And trimede and cleped it yſaac.

[145] for ſtinkende

[146] read aſ?

[147] MS. w

[148] fort in MS.

[149] read ðor wið hir


[Fol. 24.]

ðe egtende dai ðat he waſ boren,

He was circumcised on the eighth day,

Circumciſed he waſ, a-buten ſchoren; 1200 ðor-of holden ðe ieuwes lay, Circumciſed on ðe egtende day. Arabit folc of yſmael,

which custom the Jews follow.

After him don he it al ſwilk ſel, 1204 Quane he .xiii. ger ben old; Of yſmael here time iſ told.

When Isaac was three years old Abraham made a great feast.

Ðre ger woren yſaac on, Quane he waſ fro teding don; 1208 Michel geſtninge made abraham Quane he ðat ſune to borde nam. Wintres forð-wexen on yſaac,

Ishmael often mocked Isaac,

And yſmael waſ him vn-ſwac; 1212 Of-ten it gan yſaac un-framen, And yſmael pleide hard gamen;

which caused Sarah to be very wroth.

Sarra waſ ðor-fore often wroð, Hir waſ yſmaeles anger loð; 1216

She complains to Abraham.

Ghe bi-mente hire to abraham, And ſumdel ligtlike he it nam Til god him bad iſ wiues tale Liſten, and don a-wei ðat dwale. 1220 Abraham rapede him ſone in ſped for to fulfillen godeſ reed;

Abraham banishes Hagar and her son.

He flemede agar and yſmael In ſumertid, In egeſt ſel; 1224

[Fol. 24b.]

Bred, and a fetles wið water fild, Bar agar wið hire and wið ðe child;

By the desert they took their way.

Bi ðe deſert a-wei che nam, In ard weie and hete gram; 1228 Wið ſwinc and hete hem wexon ðriſt,

They became very thirsty.

ðe water ſleckede ðe childeſ liſt; Tid-like hem gan ðat water laken,

The water in the bottle became spent.

ðo gan agareſ ſorwe waken; 1232 Wantede ðit child faierneſſe and migt, Hiſ moder wurð neg dead for frigt.


Hagar placed her child under a tree,

Ghe leide ðe child under a tre, fer ðeðen ghe gede, ſo it gan be, 1236 ðe child ne mai ghe for ſorge ſen; Bi al-ſo fer ſo a boge mai ten,

and sat as far as a bow-shot off.

ðor ſat hiſ moder in ſik and ſor,

She thought it could not recover.

wende ghe it coueren neuere mor. 1240 Goddeſ merci dede hire reed,

An angel showed her a well-spring,

An angel meðede hire ðat ned, Tagte hire ðor a welle ſpring, ðat waſ hire ðor ſeli timing; 1244

and she gave the lad drink and bread.

ðor ghe gan fremen yſmael Wið watreſ drinc and bredeſ mel,

Forth they went and dwelt in Paran.

filt hire feteleſ, and nam fro ðan forð to ðe deſert of [150]pharan; 1248

Ishmael married an Egyptian woman.

ðor wunede yſmael and agar. Ghe cheſ him a wif ðe childre bar;

[Fol. 25.] Twelve sons he had, of whom sprang great nations.

.xii. ſuneſ he auede bi hiſ wif, Of him cam kinde mikil and rif. 1252 Nabachot waſ hiſ firſt ſune,

In Arabia they dwelt.

In arabie hiſ kinde wune fro ðe riche flod eufrate, Wid and fer to ðe rede ſe; 1256

Kedar gave name to a kingdom.

Of hiſ oðer ſune cedar, A ku[n]griche hiſ name bar;

From Dumah came the kingdom of Dirima.

And of duma hiſ ſexte ſune, A ku[n]gdom dirima ðu mune; 1260 Hiſ .ix. waſ tema for-ðan,

Teman gets its name from Tema.

Iſ ðor a ku[n]glond teman; And .xii. of ðe cedima, Het a guglond[151] eſten fro ða. 1264 Flemd waſ agar and yſmael, and yſaac wex and ðehg wol wel.

Abimelech makes a covenant with Abraham,

Abimalech ſag abraham, Hu welðe him wex and migte cam, 1268 He bad him maken ſiker pligt Of luue and trewðe, in frendeſ rigt,

[150] w MS.

[151] read kunglond


ðat ne ſulde him nogwer deren, Oc him and hiſe helpen and weren; 1272

and gives him the well of Beersheba.

He gaf him a welle and a lond fre, Abraham it clepede berſabe; ðor ben he boðen feren pligt ðat here neiðer ſal don oðer un-rigt. 1276

[Fol. 25b.]

Abraham gan ðor longe ben, And tillede corn and ſette treen,

Abraham left the land much richer than he found it.

ðog [it] waſ nogt iſ kinde lond; Richere he it leet ðan he it fond. 1280 Iff ioſephus ne legeð me, ðor quiles he wunede in berſabe,

When Isaac was twenty-five years old,

ſo waſ yſaaceſ eld told xx. and fiwe winter old; 1284

God's word came to Abraham,—

ðo herde abraham ſteuene fro gode, Newe tiding, and ſelkuð bode:—

"Take Isaac thy son,

"Tac ðin ſune yſaac in hond, And far wið him to ſiðhingeſ lond, 1288

and offer him on a hill that I shall show thee."

And ðor ðu ſalt him offren me On an hil ðor ic ſal taunen ðe." fro berſabe iurneſ two Waſ ðat lond ðat he bed him two;[152] 1292

Moriah that hill was called.

And morie, men ſeið, waſ ðat hil, ðat god him tawne[de] in his wil;

Upon this hill was afterwards built Solomon's temple.

Men ſeið ðat dune-iſ ſiðen on Was mad temple ſalamon, 1296 And ðe auter mad on ðat ſtede ðor abraham he[153] offrande dede.

Abraham was obedient to God's commands.

Abraham waſ buxum o rigt, Hiſe weie he tok ſone bi nigt; 1300 ðe ðrid[d]e day he ſagt ðe ſtede ðe god him witen in herte dede;

[Fol. 26.] He came to the hill and sent his servants away.

ðan he cam dun to ðo duneſ fot, Non of hiſ men forðere ne mot, 1304 But yſaac iſ dere childe,

Isaac bare the wood,

He bar ðe wude wið herte mild,

[152] read to

[153] read ðe


and Abraham the fire and the sword.

And abraham ðe fier and ðe ſwerd bar; ðo wurð ðe child witter and war 1308 ðat ðor ſal offrende ben don, Oc ne wiſte he quuat, ne quor-on;

"Where," quoth Isaac, "is the offering that thou wilt make?"

"fader," quað he, "quar ſal ben taken ðe offrende ðat ðu wilt maken?" 1312

Quoth Abraham, "God will provide the offering.

Quat abraham, "god ſal bi-ſen Quor-of ðe ofrende ſal ben;

In a wonderful manner thou camest into the world, and so shalt thou depart hence.

Sellik ðu art on wer[l]de cumen, Sellic ðu ſalt ben heðen numen; 1316 Wið-uten long ðhrowing and figt, God wile ðe taken of werlde nigt,

God requires thee as an offering."

And of ðe seluen holocaustum hauen, ðanc it him ðat he it wulde crauen." 1320

Isaac was ready to be sacrificed.

Yſaac waſ redi mildelike, Quan ðat he it wiſte witterlike. Oc abraham it wulde wel quat-ſo god bad, ðwerted he it neuer a del; 1324

Isaac was placed upon the altar.

Yſaac waſ leid ðat auter on, So men ſulden holocauſt don;

Abraham drew out his sword to slay his son, but an angel forbad him to harm the child.

And abraham ðat ſwerd ut-drog, And waſ redi to ſlon him nuge,[154] 1328

[Fol. 26b.]

Oc angel it him for-bed, And barg ðe child fro ðe dead; ðo wurð abraham frigti fagen, for yſaac bi-leaf un-ſlagen; 1332 Bi-aften bak, aſ he nam kep,

A ram is offered instead of Isaac.

faſte in ðornes he ſag a ſep, ðat an angel ðor-inne dede; It waſ brent on yſaac ſtede. 1336

Ere Abraham departed God swore to him that his seed should inherit the land.

And, or abraham ðeðen for, God him ðor bi him-ſeluen ſwor ðat he ſal michil hiſ kinde maken, And ðat lond hem to honde taken; 1340 Good ſelðhe ſal him cumen on, for he ðiſ dede wulde don.

[154] read nog?


Abraham went home joyful and glad.

He wente bliðe and fagen agen, To berſabe he gunne teen, 1344 Sarra waſ fagen in kindes wune, ðat [hire][155] bilef ðat dere ſune.

While at Beersheba he heard good tidings of Nahor.

Ðor quiles abraham wunede ðor, Him cam good tiding of nachor, 1348 ðat melca bar him egte ſunen;

Huz was Nahor's first-born.

Huſ waſ eldeſt, if we rigt munen.

Job came of his kin.

Rigt-wiſ iob cam of hiſ kin, Hus lond he waſ riche wid-hin;[156] 1352

Of Buz came the Buzites, Eliv and Balaam.

Of[157] buz, hiſ broðeres kin, cam Buzites, Eliv, Balaam.

[Fol. 27.] Abraham went again to Mamre.

Abraham, riche of welðe and wale, wente a-gen in to manbre dale; 1356

Sarah died being 127 years old.

Sarra ðo ſtarf, an hundred ger old And ſeuene and .xx. winter told.

Abraham sent Eliezer to Mesopotamia,

Abraham ſente eliezer to lond meſopotanie fer, 1360 To caram ðor iſ fader lay, (Or he cam ðor waſ manie day)

to fetch a wife for Isaac.

To fechen yſaac hom a wif, Of hiſ kinde ðe ðor waſ in lif. 1364

Ten camels he took with him.

Ten kameles ſemeð[158] forð he nam,

Eliezer came to a well without the city.

Wið michel ſwinc he ðider cam At a welle wið-uten ðe tun; ðor he leide hiſe ſemes dun, 1368

He there prayed to God to send him good speed.

ðor he wulde him reſten and ben, Sum good tiding heren or ſen. "Louerd god," quað he mildelike, "min erdne ðu forðe ſelðhelike, 1372 ðiſ dai me lene hire to ſen, ðat ſal yſaaces leman ben."

He offered his prayer in a good time.

He bad hiſe bede on good ſel. Rebecca, bi-geten of batuel, 1376

[155] MS. hire is written over in the later hand.

[156] read wið-hin

[157] MS. "Ob."

[158] read ſemede?


Rebekah came to that well,

Of nachor bi-geten, of melca boren, Cam to ðat welle ðor him bi-foren,

and she gave him and his camel water to drink.

And him and ilc-on his kamel Wið watres drinc ghe quemede wel. 1380

[Fol. 27b.]

Oðere maidenes wið hire cumen, Ne wor nogt ſo forð ðeuwe numen.

Eliezer learned that she was of the family of Nahor.

Eliezer lerede ðor ðat batuel cam of nachor; 1384 Of batuel ðis maiden cam ghe waſ forð nifte of abraham;

Thought he, this maiden will I have as a wife for Isaac.

ðogte he, ðiſ maiden wile ic hauen And to min louerdes bofte bi-crauen;[159] 1388 for kindes luue he waſ hire hold,

He gave her ear-rings and bracelets of gold.

Wið beges and ringes boðen of gold, Aſkede here if ghe migte taken Herberge for hire frendes ſake[n]. 1392 Maiden rebecca ðanne ran, And kiddit to hire broðer laban,

Laban came to the well, invited him home, and entertained him well.

And laban cam to ðat welle ner, faiger welcumede he ðer eliezer, 1396 And[160] fond good grið and good hostel, Him, and hiſe men, and hiſe kamel.

Eliezer would not eat till he had told his errand;

Eliezer, or he wulde eten, Wulde he nogt hiſe erdene for-geten; 1400 Al he tolde hem fro queðen he cam, And for quat erdene he ðider nam; Tolde hem tiding of abraham, Quilc ſelðe and welðhe him wel bi-cam, 1404

how he had been sent by Abraham to seek a wife for Isaac.

Sent he waſ ðider, for kinde wune, After a wif to yſaac hiſ ſune.

[Fol. 28.]

ſeide he, "rebecca wile ic hauen, To yſac-iſ bi-ofte wile ic crauen. 1408

Laban and the mother were well pleased with the messenger.

Laban and hiſ moder wið-ðan fagneden wel ðiſ ſondere man;

[159] read bi-ofte crauen? v. l. 1408.

[160] Anð MS.


(Quan god haueð it ſo bi-ſen, Alſe he ſendet, alſ it ſal ben.) 1412

With gold and silver and raiment Eliezer made the maiden proud.

Wið gold, and ſiluer, and wið ſrud, ðiſ ſonde made ðe mayden prud;

Gifts also he gave to the brother and mother.

ðe broðer and de[161] moder oc Riche gifteſ eliezer ðe[162] toc. 1416 Sone o-morwen he gan him garen,

No longer than one night would he delay his errand.

And crauede hiſ erdene, and wolde hom faren, for ſcrið, ne mede, ne wold he ðor Ouer on nigt drechen nunmor; 1420 And ðo gan ðat moder and laban

Rebekah's consent was first asked and obtained.

Rebecca freinen ðor for-ðan, And ghe it grantede mildelike, And he hire bi-tagten bliðelike. 1424

For this reason men ask the woman's will before she is given in marriage.

Siðen men hauen holden ſkil, firſt to freinen ðe wimmaneſ wil, Or or men hire to louerd giue, for wedding or for morgen-giwe. 1428

Eliezer takes his departure, wishing all a good day.

Eliezer iſ went hiſ wei And haueð hem boden godun dai. Or he wel homward cumen was, Yſaac waſ cume to geraſis, 1432

[Fol. 28b.] Isaac mourned for the death of his mother.

And wunede ðor in ðogt and care, for moderes dead and ſondes fare. In a weie an time he cam, And to a welle, ſigande, he nam, 1436 ðohgteful he waſ on felde gon; Eliezer him cam a-gon,

Eliezer brought him a wife by whom he was comforted.

Eððede hiſ ſorge, brogt him a wif Of faiger waspene,[163] of clene lif. 1440 He fagnede hire wið milde mod, Here ſameni[n]g was clene and god;

Isaac loved Rebekah well, and she never contradicted him.

He luuede hire on-like and wel, And ſge ne bi-ſpac him neuere a del. 1444

[161] read ðe

[162] read ðo?

[163] An error for wasteme.


Men say that Abraham called Hagar Keturah.

Get men seyn[164] ðat abraham, ſiðen calde agar ceturam,

She bore him seven sons.

And ſge bar him ſiðen ſex ſunen; Abraham dede hem ſiðen ſundri wunen; 1448 fer eſt fro cratonidé, Weren he ſpred to ðe rede se. Yſaac he let al hiſ god, for he waſ bi-geten of kinde blod. 1452

Abraham died at the age of 175.

An hundred ger hold and ſeuenti And .v. he waſ leid ſarram bi. boðen yſaac and yſmael Him bi-ſtoden wurlike and wel. 1456

Ishmael was 137 years old when he died.

On hundred ger and .xxxvij. Liuede yſmael and waſ ðor bi.

[Fol. 29.] Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife.

Yſaac waſ hold .xl. ger Quanne rebecca cam him ner; 1460 Longe it waſ or ghe him child bar,

Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife, who was barren.

And he bad god, quanne he it wurð war, ðat he ſulde fillen ðat quede ðat he[165] abraham quilum dede. 1464 ðo wurð rebecca childre bere,

Rebekah conceived.

ðat ghe felte ful time in gere; At on burdene ghe under-stod two ðe weren hire ſibbe blod; 1468 Alſe ðhute hire day and nigt,

The children struggled together within her.

Alſe he wrogten and[166] figt, Queðer here ſulde birðen bi-foren.

Esau was the first born, and Jacob was born soon after.

Oc eſau waſ firmeſt boren, 1472 And iacob ſone after, ic wot, for ðat he heldim bi ðe fot.

Sixty years was Isaac at this time.

Sexti ger yſaac waſ old, Quan ðiſ tidi[n]g him waſ told; 1476 Ghe[167] was abraham liues her, After ðiſ, fiftene ger.

[164] seyn is at the side in a later hand.

[165] In a later hand at the side.

[166] read an?

[167] read get


Isaac's sons grew up and had different occupations.

Wexen boden yſaac ſunes, And ðhogen, and adden ſundri wunes; 1480

Esau was a hunter, and Jacob a husbandman.

Eſau wilde man huntere, And Iacob tame man tiliere.

Isaac loved Esau for that he was the eldest.

ðe fader luuede eſau wel, for firme birðe & ſwete mel; 1484

[Fol. 29b.] Rebekah loved Jacob because of his peaceful disposition.

ðe moder, iacob for tamehed, And for ðe ali gaſteſ red. Iacob An time him ſeð a mete

Jacob sod pottage.

ðat man callen lentil gete, 1488

Esau came from the field hungry.

And eſau fro felde cam, Sag ðis pulment, hunger him nam.

"Brother," said he, "give me of this warm meat, for I am weary."

"Broðer iacob," quat eſau, "Of ðiſ warme mete ðu gif me nu, 1492 for ic ham mattilike weri." Iacob wurð war he waſ gredi;

Jacob said, "Sell me thy birthright, and I will fill thee with meat."

"Broðer," quad he, "ſel me ðo wunes, ðe queðen ben ðe firme ſunes, 1496 ðat ic ðin firme birðehe gete, If ic ðe fille wið ðiſ mete."

Esau consented full blithely.

Quad eſau, "ful bliðelike," And gafe it him wel ſikerlike. 1500

The eldest son was highly honoured.

firme birðe waſ wurði wune ðe fader dede ðe firme ſune; ðe firme ſune at offrende ſel Waſ wune ben ſcrid ſemelike and wel, 1504

At his father's death he had the blessing.

And ſulde auen ðe bliſcing Or or ðe fader dede hiſ ending; And at heg tide and at geſtning, ðe gungere[168] ſune geuen ðe bliſcing, 1508

At meat he had a double portion.

And hauen mete ðan at iſ mel, More or ðe gungere twinne del;

[Fol. 30.] His inheritance was twice as much as the younger's share.

And quanne ðe fader were grauen, two doles of ereward riche auen. 1512

[168] An error for eldere.


A famine banished Isaac to Gerar.

An time dede hunger yſaac flen, And he wulde to egipte then,[169] Oc god him ſente reed in wis ðat he bi-lef in geraſis; 1516

For his father's sake he was highly esteemed.

ðor he was for hiſ fadreſ luue[n] Holden wurðelike a wel a-buuen. An hundred ſo mikel wex hiſ tile, So may god friðe ðor he wile. 1520

The folk of Gerar envied Isaac, so he left them and went to Beersheba.

Niðede ðat folk him fel wel And deden him flitten hiſe oſtel. At berſabe he wunede beſt, And ðor wurð wið him trewðe feſt 1524

Abimelech made a covenant with Isaac.

Abimalech, and luue ſworen, So he waſ or iſ fader bi-foren. And helde gede on yſaac,

Isaac became old and sightless.

Wurðede ſighteleſ and elde ſwac;[170] 1528 He bad eſau, hiſ firme ſune,

He sends Esau for venison,

fechin him fode, aſ he waſ wune; If he toke him ðat he wulde eten,

and promises him his blessing.

Hiſ ſeli bliſcing ſulde he bi-geten. 1532 Ðor quiles eſau ſogte and ran,

Rebekah instructs Jacob how to obtain the blessing.

Rebecca iacob reden gan; Two kides he fette and brogtes hire, And ghe knew wel ðe faderes kire,[171] 1536

[Fol. 30b.]

And made ſwiðe on ſele ðat mete, ſwilc ghe wiſte he wulde eten;

She made him rough like Esau.

Sridde ghe iacob and made him ru ðor he was bare(.) nu lik eſau; 1540 And he ſeruede hiſ fader wel

Jacob obtained the blessing from his father.

Wið wines drinc and ſeles mel. Yſaac wende it were eſau, for he grapte him and fond him ru; 1544 ðanne he wiſte him on gode ſel, He him bliſcede holdelike and wel;

[169] read ten?

[170] read eldes wac

[171] Glossed wune in later hand.


The dew of heaven, the fatness of the earth, plenty of corn and wine, and the lordship over his brethren.

"Heuene dew, and erðeſ fetthed, Of win and olie fulſum-hed," 1548 And bad him of hiſ kindes louerd ben, In welðe and migt wurðinge ðen. Wel bliðe and fagen was iacob ðo, for bliſced he wente hiſ fader fro. 1552

When Isaac understood that Esau came too late he was seized with great fear.

Quan yſaac it under-nam ðat eſau to late cam, And ðat iſ broðer, af-ter boren, Waſ kumen and hadde iſ bliſcing bi-foren, 1556 Wel ſelkuðlike he wurð for-dred;

In his dread he saw how God would that it should so be.

And in ðat dred hiſ ðogt waſ led In to ligtneſſe for to ſen Quow god wulde it ſulde ben. 1560

To Esau thus he spoke:

ðo ſeide yſaac to eſau,

"Thy brother was here just now, and has taken thy blessing, and he shall be blessed."

"ðin broðer iacob waſ her nu,

[Fol. 31.]

And toc ðin bliſcing liðer-like, And he wurð bliſced witterlike." 1564 Quad eſau, "rigt iſ hiſ name hoten iacob, to min un-frame;

Esau intreats for one blessing.

Or he min firme birðe toc, Nu haued[172] he ſtolen min bliſcing oc; 1568 ðog, fader dere, bidde ic ðe, ðat ſum bliſcing gif ðu me."

Isaac promises him that his dwelling shall be of the fatness of the earth and of the dew of heaven.

ðo gan eſau ðengen[173] and ſen Quilc iſ bliſcing migte ben; 1572 In heuene deu, and erðes ſmere, Gatte him bliſcing ðat him waſ gere;

Idumea became Esau's inheritance.

for ydumea, ðat fulſum lond, Of lewſe god, was in hiſe hond. 1576

Esau threatens Jacob.

Quad eſau, "grot ſal bi-cumen, And wreche of iacob ſal binumen." Oc rebecca wiſte ðat ðhogt, ðat hate waſ in hiſe herte brogt, 1580

Rebekah warns Jacob of his brother's intentions.

for-ði ghe iacob warnen gan, And ſente him to hiſ broðer laban;

[172] read haueð

[173] read ðenken


"be ðu ðer," quat ghe, "til eſau Eðe moðed [be], ðe wreðed nu, 1584 And ðu ſalt ðe betre ſped,

Rebekah complains to Isaac of Esau's marriage and connection with the Canaanites.

If it beð bi ðin faderes red." Quad rebecca to hire were, "Eſau wifuede uſ to dere 1588

[Fol. 31b.]

Quan he iuſted & beð ſo mat, Toc of kin ðe canaan bi-gat, For-ði he maked him ſtið & ſtrong, For he beð mengt ðat kin among; 1592 If iacob toke her alſo a wif, Ne bode ic no lengere werldeſ lif.

Isaac blesses Jacob,

Yſaac bad iacob him garen,

and sends him to Padan-aram.

And forð ſwiðe to laban faren; 1596 Iacob liſtenede ðo frendes red, Fro berſabe he ferde wið ſped;

Jacob went a long way about,

Long weie he gan to-ward aram, bi cananeam forð he nam, 1600

in order to avoid the houses of the Canaanites.

And wulde nogt ðat folc bi-twen Herberged in here huſes ben.

At Luz he tarried all night.

He lay bi luzan ut on nigt, A ſton under hiſe heued rigt, 1604

In a dream he saw a ladder reaching from earth to heaven,

And ſlep and ſag, an ſoðe drem, fro ðe erðe up til heuene bem, A leddre ſtonden, and ðor-on

angels ascending and descending, and the Lord stood above it.

Angeles dun-cumen and up-gon, 1608 And ðe louerd ðor uppe a-buuen Lened[174] ðor-on; and [Jacob] wurð ut-ſuuen,

"I am," He said, "the God of Abraham and of Isaac;

Herde ðat he quad, "god ic am ðe luued yſaac and abraham; 1612

this land will I give thee, and in thy seed shall all mankind be blessed."

And ðis lond ic ſal giuen ðin ſed, And in ðis weige don ðe red;

[Fol. 32.]

And i ſal bringen ðe a-gen, And of ðin kinde bliſced ðu ſalt ben." 1616

[174] read leued = remained?


Jacob awoke. "Surely," he said, "here is God's house.

Iacob abraid, & ſeide frigtilike:— "God in ðis ſtede iſ wittirlike, Her, dredful ſtede, her, godeſ hus, Her, heuenegate amonguſ[175] us; 1620

If I may come again to my father's house,

Louerd, if ic mote a-gen cumen, Of ðis ſtede ic ſal in herte munen;" (Sette he up ðat ſton for muniging, And get on olige for tok-ning) 1624

the lord shall be my God,

"He ſal euere min louerd ben, ðat dede me her ðis ſigt[e] ſen,

here I shall brake offerings, and yield tithes."

Her ic ſal offrendes here don And tigðes wel gelden her-up-on; 1628 And wel ſal luz wurðed ben, for ic gan her ðis ſigðhe ſen."

Jacob called the place Bethel.

Iacob calde ðat ſtede betel; Quor-fore he it dede, he wiſte wel. 1632 Longe weie he ſiðen ouer-cam,

Jacob pursues his journey.

And longe time or he ſag tharam. Quane he cam ner, fond he ðor-on

He finds a well at Haran; three flocks of sheep were lying by it.

A welle wel helid under a ſton, 1636 And ðre flockes of ſep dor-bi,[176]

The cattle did not go to water one by one, but were all collected together at one time.

ðat ðor abiden al for-ði; ðor waſ nogt wune on & on, ðat orf ðor to water gon, 1640

[Fol. 32b.]

Oc at ſet time he ſulden ſamen, ðor hem-ſelf & here orf framen.

Jacob asks the herdsmen the way to Laban's house.

Iacob ðes hirdes freinen gan, Hu fer iſt heðen to laban; 1644 Wel he ſeiden and ſwiðe wel,

They answered, "Here is Rachel his daughter." She came to bring the sheep to the well.

"loc! her hiſ dogter rachel." Sep he driuen ðiſ welle ner, for ghe hem wulde wattre ðer. 1648

Jacob rolled the stone from the well's mouth.

Iacob wið hire wente ðat ſton, And let hire ſep to water gon;

He made known his relationship to Rachel.

And kidde he was hire mouies ſune, And kiſte hire aftre kindes wune; 1652

[175] So in MS.

[176] read ðor-bi


Rachel was bliðe and forð ghe nam, And kiddit to hire fader laban.

Laban welcomes his nephew and brings him to his house.

Laban fagnede him in frendes wune, feren ſwunken yſaaces ſunen. 1656 Iacob tolde him for quat he ſwanc So fer, and laban herte ranc; He cuðe him ðer-of wel gret ðhanc,

He entertains him well.

And dede him eten and to him dranc, 1660 And ſeide to him, "bi min blod, ðin come iſ me leflike and good."

Jacob abode with Laban for one month,

Laban bi-tagte him, ſiðen to ſen, Hiſ hirdeneſſe ðat it wel ben. 1664

after which time Laban said to him,

And quanne a moneð was ouer-meten, "Iacob," wað he, "quat wiltu bi-geten?

[Fol. 33.] "Tell me what shall thy wages be."

Quat-ſo [177][ðu] wilt for hire crauen, Aſke it wið ſkil and ðu ſalt hauen." 1668

Jacob covenanted for Rachel.

Quat iacob, "ic ſal, for rachel, Seruen ðe ſeuene winter wel." Luue wel michil it agte a wold, Swilc ſeruiſe and ſo longe told. 1672

Seven years passed away and Laban made a feast.

forð geden ſeuene ger bi tale, And laban made him hiſ bridale;

When even came Jacob was deceived with Leah.

Iacob wurð drunken, and euen cam, Laban bi nigt tog him liam; 1676 And a maiden waſ hire bi-tagt, Zelfa bi name, ðat ilke nagt. Iacob gan hire under-fon,

Laban says that it was not the custom to marry the younger before the first-born.

O morgen ðugte it him miſ-don. 1680 Quat laban, "long wune iſ her driuen, firmeſt on elde, firſt ben giuen: And loð me waſ ſenden rachel So fer, for ic luuede her wel; 1684

Jacob agrees to serve other seven years for Rachel.

Oc ſerf me ſeuene oðer ger, If ðu ſalt rachel ſeruen her;

[177] At bottom of Fol. 32b is the catchword—"quat ſo ðu wilt."


Seue nigt ſiðen forð ben numen Or rachel beð to iacob cumen, 1688 And laban made a feſte oc

Jacob marries Rachel.

Quanne iacob wid[178] rachel toc; And for ghe ðanne cam him ner, ſeruede he him ſiðen ſeuene ger. 1692

[Fol. 33b.]

Rachel adde, after londes kire,[179] maiden balaam to ſeruen hire.

Leah was the mother of four sons.

LIa moder of fowre was, Ruben, ſymeon, leui, iudas; 1696

Rachel was barren.

for rachel non birðe ne nam, Sge[180] bi-tagte iacob balaam;

Bilhah, her handmaid, bare Dan and Naphtali.

bala two childre bar bi him, Rachel cald es[181] dan(.) neptalim; 1700

Zilpah bare Gad and Asher.

And zelfa two ſunes him ber, Lia calde iſ(.) Gad(.) and aſſer;

Leah afterwards bare Zebulun, Issachar, and Dinah.

Lia ſiðen two ſunes bar, Zabulon(.) laſt(.) or yſakar; 1704 Lia bar laſt dowter dinam, Sichem, ſiðen, hire ille bi-nam.

At last Joseph was born of Rachel.

Last of rachel iosep was boren, Beſt of alle ðe oðere bi-foren. 1708 Longe haued[182] nu iacob ben her, wið laban fulle .xiii. ger;

Jacob desires leave of Laban to depart.

Leue aſkede hem hom to faren, Wið wiues and childre ðeðen charen, 1712

Laban would not let him depart.

But-if laban him ðelde bet Hiſe ſeruiſe, and wið-holde him get; ſerue he ſcriðed ðat .vij. ger, ðat he bi-leue and ſerue him her; 1716

He promises him to give him for hire whatever he shall ask.

Wel he ſeið him ðat he ſal hauen for hire, quat-ſo he wile crauen.

[Fol. 34.]

forward iſ mad of alle ſep, Of oneſ bles[183] iacob nim kep, 1720

Jacob is to have all the speckled

And if of ðo ſpotted cumen,

[178] wið?

[179] Glossed wune in a later hand.

[180] she?

[181] caldes MS.

[182] haueð?

[183] fles MS.


and spotted cattle for his hire.

ðo ſulen him ben for hire numen; Sep or got, haſwed, arled, or grei, Ben don fro iacob fer a-wei; 1724

The flocks produced many speckled and spotted.

ðog him boren ðes oneſ bles Vn-like manige and likeles.

Laban was greatly displeased.

ðo ſag laban ðat iacob bi-gat Michil, and him miſlikede ðat; 1728

He changed Jacob's hire.

bi-tagte him ðo ðe ſunder bles, And it him boren ones bles.

Ten times within six years he shifted the cattle.

Ten ſiðes ðus binnen .vi. ger, Shiftede iacob hirdeneſſe her, 1732 And ai was labaneſ herte ſor, for hiſ agte wex mor & mor.

Jacob saw that Laban was unfriendly towards him,

Ðo ſag iacob laban wurð wroð, Vnder him ben leng iſ him loð, 1736

so he determined to leave Padanaram.

And wið iſ wiues he takeð red, And greiðet him deðenward[184] wið ſped.

Laban had left Haran to shear his sheep.

Laban ferde to nimen kep, In clipping time to hiſe ſep, 1740 fro caram in-to vten ſtede, ðor quiles iacob ðiſ dede dede; Wið wiues, and childre, & orf he nam,

Jacob came to mount Gilead,

And to ðe munt galaad he bi-cam; 1744

[Fol. 34b.]

ðanne fleg he to meſopotaniam,

and drew towards Canaan.

And drog to-ward cananeam. And Rachel adde hid and for-olen

Rachel had stolen her father's gods.

Hire faderes godes of gold, & ſtolen. 1748 Laban it wiſte on ðe ðridde dai

Laban, hearing of Jacob's flight, pursues him.

ðat iacob waſ ðus flogen a-wei; He toc, and wente, and folwede on, And ðhogt in mod iacob to ſlon, 1752

God, in a dream, forbids Laban to harm Jacob.

Oc god in ſweuene ſpac him to, ðat he ſulde iacob non yuel do.

Laban overtakes Jacob on the seventh day.

vij. nigt forð-geden and dais oc, Or laban iacob ouer-toc; 1756

[184] ðeðenward?


So waſ he frig[t]ed ear in drem, ðus meðelike ſpac ðiſ em:

He complains of the wrong done to him.

"Qui wore ðu fro me for-holen, And qui aſ ðu min godes ſtolen? 1760 Min mog, min neue, and felage, Me ne agtes ðu don ſwilc [vn-]lage." "[I]c was for-dred ðe migte timen, fro me ðine doutres bi-nimen, 1764

Jacob denies that he has been guilty of theft.

fro here childre ðhogt hem ſor, mor for me bi-leuen ðor; ſtalðe ic for-ſake, ðat iſ min red, wið quam ðu iſ findes, ðat he be dead." 1768

Laban searched for his idols, but found them not.

Of al ðat laban haued[185] iſ ſogt, So woren it hid, ne fond he is nogt.

[Fol. 35.] Then said Jacob, "What is my sin that thou ransackest me as a thief?"

Ðo [q]wað iacob, "yuel iſt bi-togen, Min ſwinc a-buten ðin holðe drogen; 1772 ðu me ranſakes alſ an ðef, And me was ðin wurðing lef."

Quoth Laban, "Friends will we be and plight troth between us."

ðo quat laban, "frend ſule wit ben, And trewðe pligt[186] nu unc bi-twen, 1776 And make we it her an hil of ſton, Name of witneſſe be ðer-on;" ðor-on he eten bliðe and glað,[187]

This covenant was made at Gilead.

ðat hil iſ hoten galaað; 1780 Laban hem bliſcede, & on nigt

Laban departed before daylight.

wente a-gen-ward, or it waſ ligt; And iacob waſ of weie rad, Raðe he was fer fro laban ſad. 1784

As Jacob drew near to Canaan, he was met by the angels of God.

Alſ he cam ner cananeam, Engel wirð a-gen him cam, Als it were wopnede here, Redi to ſilden him fro were; 1788

That place he called Mahanaim.

ðat ſtede he calde manaim, ðor ðis wird of engeles metten him. ðor he bi-lef, and ſente ðeden[188]

Jacob sends messengers to Esau.

Sondere men to freinen and queðen 1792

[185] haueð?

[186] wligt MS.

[187] glad?

[188] ðeðen?


If eſau wulde him ogt deren,

Word came to him that Esau was on his way to meet him.

ðog wiſte wel god ſulde him weren; ðor him cam bode him for to ſen, ðat eſau him cam a-gen; 1796

[Fol. 35b.] Jacob sends a rich present to Esau.

And iacob ſente fer bi-foren him riche loac, and ſundri boren, And iordan he dede ouer waden, Orf & men, wið welðe laden; 1800 And he bi-lef ðor on ðe nigt to bidden helpe of godeſ migt.

He wrestled with an angel,

And ðor wreſtelede an engel wið, Senwe ſprungen fro ðe lið; 1804

and the sinew shrank from the thigh.

(wulde he non ſenwe ſiðen eten, Self his kinde nile ðat wune forgeten.)

Jacob would not let the angel go,

Get held he wið ðis angel faſt, Til ðe daning up eſten it braſt; 1808 ðo ſeide ðe engel, "let me get ben, ðe daining her nu men mai sen."

until he had blessed him.

Quad iacob, "ðe ne leate ic nogt, Til ðin bliſcing on me beð wrogt." 1812

Jacob prevailed, and his name was called Israel.

Ðo quad ðe angel, "ſal tu nummor ben cald iacob, ſo ðu wore or, Oc ðu ſal ben hoten iſrael, for ðu ðe weries ſwiðe wel; 1816 Quan ðe ðe migt wið angel weren, Hu ſal ani man ðe mugen deren? Ear iacob and nu iſrael."

This place was called Penuel.

ðat ſte[de] was cald phanuel, 1820 for he nam ouer phanuel; And it wurð ligt and he ſag wel

[Fol. 36.] The meeting of Jacob and Esau.

Quor eſau a-gen him cam, And bi-foren a-gen him nam; 1824 And ſeue ſiðes he fell him bi-foren, And wurðe him ſo firmeſt boren;

The brothers become reconciled to each other.

And eſau ðo ran him to, And kiſſede, and wept, ðo rew him ſo. 1828


Esau welcomes Jacob,

"Broðer," quad he, "ðu and ðin trume ben here in ðiſ place to me welcume; Haue and bruc wel al ðin preſent, ðat ðu to me bringeſt and haueſt ſent." 1832 Iacob was wo ðat he iſ for-ſoc,

accepts his present,

And ſcroð him ſo(.) ðat ſum he ðor tok. Here luue ðo wurð hol and ſchir,

and departs unto Seir.

And eſau ferde forð ðeden[189] to ſeyr; 1836 ðat newe burg waſ him to frame, Mad and cald of iſ owen name.

From thence Jacob went to Succoth,

Iacob fro ðeðen wente, ic wot, tgelt on a ſtede, and cald it[190] ſochot; 1840 fro ſochot ſiðen to ſichem,

and afterwards to Shalem,

And wune ðor-inne ſalem,

where he bought a piece of land from Hamor.

ðor him ſolde an lond kinge emor, And he drog ðider and wunede ðor; 1844 wið newe alter wurðed he wel ðe ſtrong god of yſrael.

Here his daughter Dinah "mis-did."

Hiſ dowter dina ðor miſ-dede, ghe nam leueles fro ðat ſtede, 1848

[Fol. 36b.] She went out to see the world.

To ſen de werld ðhugte hire god, ðat made hire ſiðen ſeri-mod, for-liſtede hire owen red;

Shechem took her maidenhead.

Sichem tok hire maiden-hed; 1852 Emor his fader, ſiðen for-ði, And hiſ burge-folc fellen in wi;

Simeon and Levi slew the Shechemites and spoiled the city.

Symeon and leui it bi-ſpeken, And hauen here ſiſter ðor i-wreken; 1856 folc of ſalem ðor-fore waſ ſlagen, wiwes, and childre, and agte up-dragen; Oc iacob ne wiſte it nogt,

Jacob reproved Simeon and Levi for their cruelty.

Til ðat wreche to bale was wrogt, 1860 Oc michil he frigtede for-ði, boðen ſymeon and leui.

They durst not dwell longer at Shechem, but went to Bethel.

Henden ſichem ne durſten he wunen, ðat folkes kin god bad him ſunen, 1864

[189] ðeðen?

[190] caldit MS.


And ðeden[191] faren to betel, And he folgede iſ red on ſel;

Their unclean goods they bore not with them.

Agte unclene ne wulde he beren, for he dredde him it ſulde him deren; 1868 Godes ðat rachel hadde ſtolen, And ay til ðan wið him for-holen,

Their idols and gold rings they buried under an oak.

And oðre ydeles brogt fro ſichem, Gol prenes and ringeſ wið hem, 1872 Diep he iſ dalf under an ooc, Made him non giſcing in herte wooc.

[Fol. 37.] Long they remained buried, until Solomon found them and decked his temple with them.

Longe it weren ðor for-hid; Men ſeið for-ði waſ ſo bi-tid, 1876 for ſalamon findin iſ ſal, And hiſ temple ſriðen wið-al. Iacob wente fro ðeden[192] in ſped,

God sent a fear upon the folk round about, so they did no hurt to the sons of Jacob.

God ſente on ðat erdfolc ſwilc dred, 1880 ðan[193] here non iacob ſcaðe ne dede; Quane he wente a-wei fro ðat ſtede,

Jacob makes an altar at Bethel.

He made an alter at betel, Alſ he god bi-het, ðor he geld wel. 1884

Benjamin is born.

Siðen ðo beniamin was boren,

Rachel dies.

Rachel adde ðe life for-loren; Iacob dalf hire and merke dede, ðat iſ get ſene on ðat ſtede. 1888

At Edar Reuben "misdid" and lay with his father's concubine.

Ðor quiles he wunede at tur ader, Ruben miſdede wid[194] bala ðer.

Jacob arrives at Hebron, and finds his mother gone from this world.

Siðen cam iacob to ebron, And fond his moder of werlde gon; 1892 Starf yſaac quan he waſ hold

Isaac dies at the age of nine score years.

.ix. ſcore ger and fiue told, And was doluen on ðat ſtede, ðor man adam and eue dede. 1896 So riche were growen hiſe ſunen, ðat he ne migte to-gider wunen;

Esau dwells in Edom,

Oc eſau, ſeyr [and] edon Lond ydumeam wunede on; 1900

[191] ðeðen?

[192] ðeðen?

[193] ðat?

[194] wið?


[Fol. 37b.]

Of edon ſo it higte ða,

which was before called Bozra.

for it was hoten ear bozra. Hear haued[195] moyſes ouer-gon, ðor-fore he wended eft a-gon. 1904 xii. ger or yſaac waſ dead

Jacob's sons did wickedly.

Iacobes ſunes deden un-red;

Joseph was sixteen when sold into Egypt.

FOr ſextene ger ioſeph was old, Quane he was in-to egipte ſold; 1908 He was iacobes gunkeſte ſune,

Joseph informed his father of his brethren's misdeeds.

Bricteſt of waſpene,[196] and of witter wune, If he ſag hiſe breðere miſ-faren, Hiſ fader he it gan vn-hillen & baren; 1912 He wulde ðat he ſulde hem ten ðat he wel-ðewed ſulde ben;

His brethren envied him on account of his dreams.

for-ði wexem[197] wið gret nið And hate, for it in ille [herte] lið. 1916 ðo wex her hertes niðful & bold Quanne he hem adde iſ dremeſ told, ðat hiſ handful ſtod rigt up ſoren,

The vision of the sun, moon, and eleven stars.

And here it leigen alle hem bi-foren; 1920 And ſunne, & mone, & ſterres .xi^e.[198] wurðeden him wið frigti luue; ðo ſeide hiſ fader, "hu mai ðis ſen ðat ðu ſalt ðuſ wurðed ben, 1924

Jacob reproached his son, yet he believed it should be so.

ðat ðine breðere, and ic, and ſhe ðat ðe bar, ſulen luten ðe?"

[Fol. 38.]

ðuſ he chidden hem bi-twen, ðoge ðhogte iacob ſiðe it ſulde ben. 1928

The sons of Jacob kept flocks at Shechem.

Hiſe breðere kepten at ſichem Hirdneſſe, & iacob to ſen hem

Joseph was sent to see how they fared.

ſente ioſeph to dalen ebron; And he was redi his wil to don. 1932 In ſichem feld ne fonde hem nogt,

His brethren knew him from afar,

In dotayin he fond hem ſogt; He knewen him fro feren kumen,

[195] haueð?

[196] wasteme?

[197] So in MS.

[198] For endluue?


Hate hem on ros, in herte numen; 1936 Swilc nið & hate roſ hem on,

and took counsel to slay him.

He redden alle him for to ſlon. "Nai," quad ruben, "ſlo we him nogt,

Reuben advised them to throw Joseph into an old and deep pit.

Oðer ſinne may ben wrogt, 1940 Quat-ſo him drempte ðor quiles he ſlep, In ðiſ ðiſterneſſe,[199] old and dep, Get wurðe[200] worpen naked and cold, Quat-ſo hiſ dremeſ owen a-wold." 1944 ðiſ dede waſ don wid[201] herte ſor,

Reuben left his brethren to seek better pasture for his cattle.

Ne wulde ruben nogt drechen ðor; He gede and ſogte an oðer ſtede, Hiſ erue in bettre lewſe he dede; 1948

Judah gave them bad advice,

Vdas dor[202] quiles gaf hem red, ðat was fulfilt of derne ſped; fro galaad men wið chafare Sag he ðor kumen wid ſpices ware; 1952

[Fol. 38b.]

To-warde egipte he gunne ten. Iudas tagte hu it ſulde ben,

and Joseph was sold for thirty pieces of silver.

Ioseph ſolde ðe breðere ten, for .xxx. plates to ðe chapmen; 1956 Get waſt bettre he ðuſ waſ ſold, dan[203] he ðor ſtorue in here wold.

Reuben came thither again and found Joseph gone.

Ðan ruben cam ðider a-gen, to ðat ciſterneſſe[204] he ran to ſen; 1960 He miſſed Ioseph and ðhogte ſwem,

Great was his outcry, which did not cease until he was assured that Joseph lived.

wende him ſlagen, ſet up an rem; Nile he blinnen, ſwilc ſorwe he cliued, Til him he ſweren ðat he liued. 1964 ðo nomen he ðe childes ſrud, ðe iacob hadde mad im[205] in prud;

Joseph's coat was dipt in kid's blood,

In kides blod he wenten it, ðo waſ ðor-on an rewli lit. 1968 Sondere men he it leiden on,

[199] cisterneſſe?

[200] he is inserted in the later hand.

[201] wið?

[202] ðor?

[203] ðan?

[204] MS. cifterneſſe.

[205] madim in MS.


and sent to Jacob at Hebron.

And ſenten it iacob in-to ebron, And ſhewed it him, and boden him ſen If hiſ childes wede it migte ben; 1972 Senten him bode he funden it. ðo iacob ſag dat[206] ſori writ,

"Evil beasts," said Jacob, "have swallowed my son."

He gret, and ſeide ðat "wilde der Hauen min ſune ſwolgen her." 1976

Long was his lamentation and sorrow.

Hiſ cloðes rent, in haigre ſrid, Long grot and ſorge is him bi-tid.

[Fol. 39.]

His ſunes comen him to ſen, And hertedin him if it migte ben; 1980

Jacob would not be comforted for the loss of Joseph.

"Nai! nai!" quat he, "helped it nogt, Mai non herting on me ben wrogt; ic ſal ligten til helle dale, And groten ðor min ſunes bale." 1984

In hell was a separate abode where the righteous rested,

(ðor was in helle a ſundri ſtede, wor ðe ſeli folc reſte dede; ðor he ſtunden til helpe cam,

till Christ took them from thence.

Til ihesu crist fro ðeden[207] he nam.) 1988 ðe chapmen ſkiuden here fare,

The merchants took their ware to Egypt.

In-to egipte ledden ðat ware; wið putifar ðe kinges ſtiward, He maden ſwiðe bigetel forward, 1992 So michel fe ðor iſ hem told, He hauen him bogt, he hauen ſold.

Potiphar bought Joseph.

Putifar waſ wol riche man, And he bogte ioſeph al forðan 1996

He entertained impure desires towards him,

He wulde don iſ lechur-hed wið ioseph, for hiſe faire-hed, Oc he wurð ðo ſo kinde cold, To don ſwilc dede adde he no wold; 2000

but Joseph was strengthened from above.

ſwilc ſelðe cam him fro a-buuen, God dede it al for ioſeph luue[n]. Biſſop in eliopoli[208] Men ſeið he was ſiðen for-ði, 2004

[206] ðat?

[207] ðeðen?

[208] In [H]Eliopolis; the words are run together.


[Fol. 39b.]

ðog had he ðo wif(.) and bi-foren Childre of him bi-geten and of hire boren, Oc after ðis it ſo bi-cam, Ioseph iſ dowter to wiue nam. 2008

Potiphar loved Joseph well.

Putifar luuede ioſeph wel, bi-tagte him hiſ huſ euerilc del, And he wurðede riche man an heg,

His wealth prospered under Joseph's care.

vnder ioſeph hiſ welðe ðeg. 2012 Hiſ wif wurð wilde, and nam in ðogt

His wife sought to lead Joseph astray.

vn-rigt-wiſ luue, and ſwanc for nogt, One and ſtille ðogt hire gamen wið ioſeph ſpeken and plaigen ſamen; 2016

For gold nor for wealth of any kind would he "forget his chastity."

Ghe bed him gold, and agte, and fe, To maken him riche man and fre, wið-ðhan ðat he wið here wile; Oc him mislikede ðat ghe wile; 2020 for ſcrið, ne ðret, ne mai ghe bi-geten for to don him chaſthed for-geten;

Neither threats nor intreaties prevailed.

Often ghe ðrette, often ghe ſcroð, Oc al it was him o-like loð. 2024 An time he was at hire tgeld, ðo ghe him his mentel for-held;

Wherefore she sought to be revenged upon Joseph.

for he wið hire ne wulde ſpeken, Ghe ðhenkeð on him for to ben wreken; 2028 Sone ghe mai hire louerd[209] ſen, Ghe god him bitterlike a-gen,

[Fol. 40.] She accused him falsely to Potiphar,

And ſeið ioſeph hire wulde don, ðat ghe ne migte him bringen on; 2032 "ðiſ mentel ic wið-held for-ði, To tawnen [ðe] ðe ſoðe her-bi." ðe wite iſ hiſe(.) ðe right iſ hire, God al-migtin ðe ſoðe ſhire. 2036

who, believing his wife's tale,

Pvtifar trewið hiſe wiwes tale, And haued[210] dempt ioſep to bale; He bad [him] ben ſperd faſt dun,

threw Joseph into prison.

And holden harde in priſun. 2040

[209] MS. loruerd.

[210] ? haueð.


An litel ſtund, quile he waſ ðer,

The gaoler loved Joseph.

So gan him luuen ðe priſuner, And him de[211] chartre haueð bi-tagt,

In this prison, either for misdeed or bad words,

wið ðo priſunes to liuen in hagt. 2044 Or for miſdede, or for on-ſagen, ðor woren to ðat priſun dragen,

were placed the chief butler and baker.

On ðat ðe kingeſ kuppe bed, And on ðe made ðe kingeſ bred; 2048

Both dreamt dreams in one night,

Hem drempte dremes boðen onigt, And he wurðen ſwiðe ſore o-frigt; Ioſeph hem ſeruede ðor on ſel, At here drink and at here mel, 2052

which caused them to become very sorrowful.

He herde hem murnen(.) he hem freinde for-quat; Harde dremes ogen awold ðat.

Joseph inquired the reason of their grief.

ðo ſeide he to ðe butuler, "Tel me ðin drem, mi broðer her. 2056

[Fol. 40b.]

Queðer-ſo it wurðe ſofte or ſtrong, ðe reching wurð on god bi-long."

The butler's dream.

"Me drempte, ic ſtod at a win-tre,

A vine with three branches

ðat adde waxen buges ðre, 2060 Oreſt it blomede, and ſiðen bar

bore grapes;

ðe beries ripe wurð ic war; ðe kinges [kuppe] ic hadde on hond,

the juice the butler squeezed into Pharaoh's cup, and gave him to drink as he was wont.

ðe beries ðor-inne me ðhugte ic wrong, 2064 And bar it drinken to pharaon, Me drempte, alſ ic waſ wune to don."

"Good it is," said Joseph, "to dream of wine.

"Good is," quað Ioſeph, "to dremen of win, heilneſſe an bliſſe iſ ðer-in; 2068

In three days thou shalt be restored to thy office,

ðre daies ben get for to cumen, ðu ſalt ben ut of priſun numen, And on ðin offiz ſet agen;

then think of me and bear my errand to Pharaoh,

Of me ðu ðhenke ðan it ſal ben, 2072 Bed min herdne to pharaon, ða[t] ic ut of prisun wurðe don,

for I am here wrongfully held in prison."

for ic am ſtolen of kinde lond, and her wrigteleſlike holden in bond." 2076

[211] ðe?


The "breadwright's" dream.

Quað ðis bred-wrigte, "liðeð nu me, me drempte ic bar bread-lepes ðre, And ðor-in bread and oðer meten, Quilke ben wune ðe kinges to eten; 2080

Fowls seized on the baskets of bread intended for the king,

And fugeles hauen ðor-on lagt, ðor-fore ic am in ſorge and hagt,

[Fol. 41.]

for ic ne migte me nogt weren,

and he could not keep the meat from them.

Ne ðat mete fro hem beren." 2084 "Me wore leuere," quad Ioſeph, "Of eddi dremes rechen ſwep;

"In three days," said Joseph, "thou shalt be hanged, and fowls shall tear thy flesh in pieces."

ðu ſalt, after ðe ðridde dei, ben do on rode, weila-wei! 2088 And fugeles ſulen ði fleis to-teren, ðat ſal non agte mugen ðe weren." Soð wurð ſo ioſeph ſeide ðat,

The butler soon forgat Joseph.

ðis buteler Ioſeph ſone for-gat. 2092

After two years,

Pharaoh dreamt a dream.

Ðo drempte pharaon king a drem,

Two ger ſiðen was Ioſeph ſperd ðor in priſun wið-uten erd;

He stood by the river, and there came seven "neat" fat and great, and seven lean after,

ðat he ſtod bi ðe flodes ſtrem, 2096 And ðeden[212] ut-comen .vii. neet, Euerilc wel ſwiðe fet and gret, And .vii. lene after ðo, ðe deden ðe .vii. fette wo, 2100

which ate up the fat ones.

ðe lene hauen ðe fette freten; ðiſ drem ne mai ðe king for-geten. An oðer drem cam him bi-foren,

Seven full ears of corn sprang up "on a rank bush," and then came seven withered ears,

.vii. eares wexen fette of coren, 2104 On an busk ranc and wel tidi, And .vii. lene rigt ðor-bi, welkede, and ſmale, and drugte numen, ðe ranc he hauen ðo ouer-cumen, 2108

[Fol. 41b.] which smote the others to the ground.

To-ſamen it ſmiten and, on a ſtund, ðe fette ðriſt hem to ðo grund. ðe king abraid and woc in ðhogt, ðeſ dremes ſwep ne wot he nogt, 2112

[212] ðeðen?


None were found able to interpret the dreams.

Ne was non ſo wis man in al hiſ lond, ðe kude vn-don ðis dremes bond;

The butler bethought him of Joseph.

ðo him bi-ðhogte ðat buteler Of ðat him drempte in priſun ðer, 2116 And of ioſeph in ðe priſun, And he it tolde ðe king pharaun.

Joseph is taken from prison,

Ioſeph waſ ſone in priſun ðo hogt, And ſhauen, & clad, & to him brogt; 2120

and brought before Pharaoh,

ðe king him bad ben hardi & bold, If he can rechen ðis dremeſ wold;

who related to him his dreams.

He told him quat him drempte o nigt, And ioſep rechede his drem wel rigt. 2124

"The two dreams," answered Joseph, "are one."

"ðis two dremes boðen ben on, God wile ðe tawnen, king pharaon; ðo .vij. ger ben get to cumen,

"Seven years of plenty

In al fulſum-hed ſulen it ben numen, 2128 And .vij. oðere ſulen after ben,

shall be followed by seven years of famine.

Sori and nedful men ſulen iſ ſen; Al ðat ðiſe firſt .vii. maken, Sulen ðiſ oðere .vii. roſpen & raken; 2132

I advise thee to make barns and store up corn, that thy folk perish not."

Ic rede ðe king, nu her bi-foren, To maken laðes and gaderen coren,

[Fol. 42.]

ðat ðin folc ne wurð vnder-numen, Quan ðo hungri gere ben forð-cumen." 2136 King pharaon liſtnede hiſe red, ðat wurð him ſiðen ſeli ſped.

Pharaoh gave Joseph his ring,

He bi-tagte ioſep hiſ ring, And his bege of gold for wurðing, 2140

and bad him rule the whole land.

And bad him al hiſ lond bi-ſen, And under him hegeſt for to ben, And bad him welden in hiſ hond His folc, and agte, & al his lond; 2144

Then were Potiphar and his wife under him.

ðo waſ vnder him ðanne putifar, And hiſ wif ðat hem ſo to-bar. Ioſep to wiue his dowter nam, Oðer is nu quan ear bi-cam; 2148


Before the famine came two sons were born to Joseph.

And ghe ðer him two childer bar, Or men wurð of ðat hunger war, first manaſſen and effraym; He luueden god, he geld it hem. 2152

The years of plenty pass away.

ðe .vii. fulſum geres faren, Ioſep cuðe him bi-foren waren; ðan coren wantede in oðer lond, ðo ynug [was] vnder his hond. 2156

The famine was felt in Canaan.

Hvnger wex in lond chanaan, And his .x. ſunes iacob for-ðan

Jacob sent his ten sons to Egypt to buy corn.

Sente in-to egipt to bringen coren; He bilef at hom ðe was gungeſt boren. 2160

[Fol. 42b.]

ðe .x. comen, for nede ſogt, To Ioſep, and he ne knewen him nogt,

Though they honoured Joseph,

And ðog he lutten him frigtilike, Anð ſeiden to him mildelike, 2164 "We ben ſondes for nede driuen To bigen coren ðor-bi to liuen."

yet he pretended not to know them.

(Ioſep hem knew al in his ðhogt, Alſ he let he knew hem nogt.) 2168 "It ſemet wel ðat ge ſpies ben,

He accused them of being spies.

And in-to ðiſ lond cumen to ſen, And cume ge for non oðer ðing, but for to ſpien ur lord ðe king." 2172 "Nai," he ſeiden euerilc on,

They declared that they were true men, the sons of one father.

"Spies were we neuer non, Oc alle we ben on faderes ſunen, For hunger doð es[213] hider cumen." 2176 "Oc nu ic wot ge ſpieſ ben, for bi gure bering men mai it ſen;

"Only kings," said Joseph, "had so many sons."

Hu ſulde oni man[214] poure for-geten, ſwilke and ſo manige ſunes bigeten? 2180 for ſeldum bi-tid ſelf ani king ſwilc men to ſen of hiſe ofſpring."

[213] doðes MS.

[214] MS. Hu suld sulde oninan.


"One," the brethren said, "is at home with his father."

"A louerd, merci! get iſ ðor on migt he nogt fro his fader gon; 2184 He iſ gungeſt, hoten beniamin, for we ben alle of ebriſſe kin."

[Fol. 43.] Quoth Joseph, "Ye shall not all go hence, until ye bring me Benjamin."

"Nu, bi ðe feið ic og to king pharaon, ſule ge nogt alle eðen gon, 2188 Til ge me bringen beniamin, ða gungeſte broðer of pore[215] kin." For ðo waſ Ioſep ſore for-dred ðat he wore oc ðhurg hem for-red; 2192 He dede hem binden, and leden dun,

He kept them in prison, and on the third day let them all go except Simeon.

And ſperen faſte in his priſun; ðe ðridde dai he let hem gon, Al but ðe ton broðer ſymeon; 2196 ðiſ ſymeon bi-lef ðor in bond, To wedde under Ioſepes hond. ðes oðere breðere, ſone on-on, Token leue and wenten hom; 2200

The others bemoaned their ill-luck.

And ſone he weren ðeden[216] went, Wel ſore he hauen hem bi-ment, And ſeiden hem ðan ðor bi-twen,

They thought of their sin towards Joseph.

"Wrigtful we in ſorwe ben, 2204 for we ſinigeden quilum or On hure broðer michil mor, for we werneden him merci, Nu drege we ſorge al for-ði." 2208 Wende here non it on hiſ mod, Oc Ioſep al it under-ſtod.

Joseph's men did, meanwhile, as they were commanded,

Ioſepes men ðor quiles deden Al-ſo Ioſep hem adde beden; 2212

[Fol. 43b.] and filled the brothers' sacks, and placed in them the money paid for the corn.

ðo breðere ſeckes hauen he filt, And in euerilc ðe ſiluer pilt ðat ðor was paid for ðe coren, And bunden ðe muðes ðor bi-foren; 2216 Oc ðe breðere ne wiſten it nogt Hu ðis dede wurðe wrogt;

[215] gure?

[216] ðeðen?


Unopened they brought them to Jacob and told him how they had sped.

Oc alle he weren ouer-ðogt, And hauen it ſo to iacob brogt, 2220 And tolden him ſo of here ſped, And al he it liſtnede in frigtihed;

Great was their fear when they saw the money in the sack's mouth.

And quan men ðo ſeckes ðor un-bond, And in ðe coren ðo agtes fond, 2224 Alle he woren ðanne[217] ſori ofrigt. Iacob ðus him bi-meneð o-rigt,

"Much sorrow," says Jacob, "is come upon me,

"Wel michel ſorge is me bi-cumen, ðat min two childre aren me for-numen; 2228

since my two children are taken from me.

Of Ioſep wot ic ending non, And bondes ben leid on ſymeon; If ge beniamin fro me don, Dead and ſorge me ſegeð on; 2232

Benjamin shall remain with me."

Ai ſal beniamin wið me bi-lewen ðor quiles ic ſal on werlde liuen." ðo quað iudas, "us ſal ben hard, If we no[218] holden him non forward." 2236

The corn is soon consumed, and Jacob bids them go to Egypt for more.

Wex derke,[219] ðis coren iſ gon, Iacob eſt[220] bit hem faren agon,

[Fol. 44.]

Oc he ne duren ðe weie cumen in, "but ge wið uſ ſenden beniamin;" 2240

Jacob is persuaded to send Benjamin.

ðo quað he, "quan it iſ ned, And ne can no bettre red,

He sends back the silver,

Bereð dat[221] ſiluer hol agon, ðat hem ðor-of ne wante non, 2244

and other corn-money,

And oðer ſiluer ðor bi-foren, for to bigen wið oðer coren;

together with a present of fruit and spices for Joseph.

fruit and ſpices of dere priſ, Bereð ðat man ðat iſ ſo wiſ; 2248 God hunne him eði-modes ben, And ſende me min childre agen."

The brethren come again to Egypt.

ðo nomen he forð weie rigt, Til he ben cumen in-to egypte ligt; 2252

Joseph treats them kindly,

And quanne Ioſep hem alle ſag, Kinde ðogt in his herte was [ðag].

[217] MS. ðanno

[218] ne?

[219] derðe?

[220] eft?

[221] ðat?


and bids his steward prepare a feast for them.

He bad hiſ ſtiward gerken iſ meten, He ſeide he ſulden wið him alle eten; 2256 He ledde hem alle to Ioſepes biri, Her non hadden ðo loten miri. "Louerd," he ſeiden ðo euerilc on,

They tell Joseph that they have brought back the silver which they found in their sacks.

"Gur ſiluer iſ gu brogt a-gon, 2260 It was in ure ſeckes don, Ne wiſte ur non gilt ðor-on." "Beð nu ſtille," quad ſtiward, "for ic nu haue min forward." 2264

[Fol. 44b.] Simeon was brought out unto them.

ðor cam ðat broðer ſymeon And kiſte iſ breðere on and on; Wel fagen he was of here come, for he was numen ðor to nome. 2268

Joseph came home about noon,

It was vndren time or more, Om cam ðat riche louerd ðore; And al ðo briðere, of frigti mod,

and the brethren offered him their present.

fellen bi-forn ðat louerd-iſ fot, 2272 And bedden him riche preſent ðat here fader hi[m] adde ſent; And he leuelike it under-ſtod, for alle he weren of kinde blod. 2276

He inquires after his father.

"LIueð," quad he, "ðat fader get, ðat ðus manige ſunes bi-gat?"

They answer that Jacob is well,

"louerd," he ſeiden, "get he liueð, Wot ic ðor non ðat he ne biueð; 2280

and that Benjamin stands before him.

And ðiſ iſ gunge beniamin, Hider brogt after bode-word ðin." ðo Iosep ſag him ðor bi-foren, Bi fader & moder broðer boren, 2284

Joseph was overcome.

Him ouer-wente his herte on-on, Kinde luue gan him ouer-gon;

He went out and wept secretly.

Sone he gede ut and ſtille he gret, ðat al his wlite wurð teres wet. 2288

After a while he returned to them and bade them eat.

After ðat grot, he weiſ iſ wliten, And cam ðan in and bad hem eten


[Fol. 45.] He made his brethren sit before him according to their age.

He dede hem waſſen and him bi-foren, And ſette hem aſ he weren boren; 2292 Get he ðhogte of hiſ faderes wunes Hu he ſette at ðe mete hiſe ſunes;

Of meat and wine, the best he gave to Benjamin.

Of euerilc ſonde, of euerilc win, moſt and beſt he gaf beniamin. 2296 In fulſum-hed he wurðen glaðe,[222] Ioſep ne ðoht ðor-of no ſcaðe, Oc it him likede ſwiðe wel,

Joseph gave them good counsel,

And hem lerede and tagte wel, 2300 And hu he ſulden hem beſt leden, Quene he comen in vnkinde ðeden;

and advised them to act truthfully.

"And al ðe bettre ſule ge ſpeden, If ge wilen gu wið treweiðe leden." 2304

On the morrow they depart.

Eft on morwen quan it waſ dai, Or or ðe breðere ferden a-wei, Here ſeckes woren alle filt wið coren, And ðe ſiluer ðor-in bi-foren; 2308

Joseph's cup is hid in Benjamin's sack.

And ðe ſeck ðat agte beniamin Ioſepes cuppe hid was ðor-in; And quuan he weren ut tune went, Ioſep haueð hem after ſent. 2312

Joseph's messenger overtakes them,

ðis ſonde hem ouertakeð raðe, And bi-calleð of harme and ſcaðe;

and accuses them of theft.

"Vn-ſeli men, quat haue ge don? Gret vn-ſelðehe iſ gu cumen on, 2316

[Fol. 45b.]

for iſ it nogt min lord for-holen, ða[t] gure on haueð iſ cuppe ſtolen." ð[o] ſeiden ðe breðere ſikerlike,

The brethren assert their innocence.

"Vp quam ðu it findes witterlike, 2320 He ſlagen and we agen driuen In-to ðraldom, euermor to liuen."

They are ransacked one by one,

He gan hem ranſaken on and on, And fond it ðor ſone a-non, 2324 And nam ðo breðere euerilk on, And ledde hem ſorful a-gon,

[222] = glade.


and brought before Joseph,

And brogte hem bi-for ioſep Wid reweli lote, and ſorwe, and wep. 2328 ðo quat ioſep, "ne wiſte ge nogt

who reproaches them for their crime.

ðat ic am o wol witter ðogt? Mai nogt longe me ben for-holen Quat-ſo-euere on londe wurð ſtolen." 2332

Judah tells Joseph of his promise to his father.

"Louerd!" quad Iudas, "do wið me Quat-ſo ði wille on werlde be, Wið-ðan-ðat ðu friðe beniamin; ic ledde [him] ut on trewthe min, 2336 ðat he ſulde ef[223] cumen a-gen to hiſe fader, and wið him ben."

Joseph commands all, except his brethren, to leave him, and makes himself known to them.

ðo cam ioſep ſwilc rewðe up-on, he dede halle ut ðe toðere gon, 2340 And ſpac un-eðes, ſo e gret, ðat alle hiſe wlite wurð tereſ wet.

[Fol. 46.]

"Ic am ioſep, dredeð gu nogt, for gure helðe or hider brogt; 2344 Two ger ben nu ðat derke[224] iſ cumen, Get ſulen .v. fulle ben numen, ðat men ne ſulen ſowen ne ſheren, So ſal drugte ðe feldes deren. 2348

Tells them to hasten to his father,

Rapeð gu to min fader a-gen, And ſeið him quilke min bliſſes ben, And doð him to me cumen hider,

and return with their cattle to Egypt.

And ge and gure orf al to-gider; 2352 Of lewſe god in lond gerſen ſulen ge ſundri riche ben." Euerilc he kiſte, on ilc he gret, Ilc here was of iſ teres wet. 2356

Soon did Pharaoh learn the new tidings.

Sone it was king pharaon kid Hu ðis newe tiding wurð bi-tid; And he was bliðe, in herte fagen, ðat Ioſep wulde him ðider dragen, 2360 for luue of Ioſep migte he timen.

He bad them take carts and

He bad cartes and waines nimen,

[223] eft?

[224] derðe?


wains and fetch their wives and children.

And fechen wiues, and childre, and men, And gaf hem ðor al lond gerſen, 2364 And het hem ðat he ſulden hauen More and bet ðan he kude crauen.

Joseph gave them changes of raiment.

Ioſep gaf ilc here twinne ſrud, Beniamin moſt he[225] made prud; 2368

[Fol. 46b.]

fif weden beſt bar beniamin, ðre hundred plates of ſiluer fin, Al-ſo fele oðre ðor-til,

He bad them take presents for Jacob,

He bad ben in is faderes wil, 2372 And .x. aſſes wið ſemes feſt; Of alle egiptes welðhe beſt Gaf he iſ breðere, wið herte bliðe,

and hasten homeward.

And bad hem rapen hem homward ſwiðe; 2376 And he ſo deden wið herte fagen. Toward here fader he gunen dragen,

When they came home, Jacob scarcely recognized them.

And quane he comen him bi-foren, Ne wiſte he nogt quat he woren. 2380

"Lord Israel," they said, "Joseph liveth and greeteth thee well."

"Louerd," he ſeiden, "iſrael, Ioſep ðin ſune greteð ðe wel, And ſendeð ðe bode ðat he liueð, Al egipte in hiſ wil cliueð." 2384

Jacob believed not till he saw the presents.

Iacob a-braid, and trewed it nogt, Til he ſag al ðat welðe brogt. "Wel me," quað he, "wel iſ me wel, ðat ic aue abiden ðuſ ſwil[c] ſel! 2388

Then he said, "I shall go to my son ere I turn from the world."

And ic ſal to min ſune fare And ſen, or ic of werlde chare."

Jacob and his family left Canaan.

[I]Acob wente ut of lond chanaan, And of iſ kinde wel manie a man; 2392 Ioſep wel faire him vnder-ſtod, And pharaon ðogte it ful good;

[Fol. 47.]

for ðat he weren hirde-men,

Pharaoh gives them the land of Goshen to live in. Jacob is brought before Pharaoh,

He bad hem ben in lond gerſen. 2396 Iacob waſ brogt bi-foren ðe king for to geuen him hiſ bliſcing.

[225] MS. be.


"fader derer," quað pharaon, "hu fele ger be ðe on?" 2400

and tells him of his age,

"An hundred ger and .xxx. mo Haue ic her drogen in werlde wo, ðog ðinkeð me ðor-offen fo,

of his many sorrows,

ðog ic iſ haue drogen in wo, 2404 ſiðen ic gan on werlde ben, Her vten erd, man-kin bi-twen; So ðinked[226] euerilc wiſ man,

and how all suffer for the sin of Adam.

ðe wot quor-of man-kin bi-gan, 2408 And ðe of adames gilte muneð, ðat he her uten herdes wuneð."

Pharaoh bad him rest in peace.

Pharaon bad him wurðen wel in ſofte reſte and ſeli mel; 2412 He and hiſe ſunes in reſte dede In lond gerſen, on ſundri ſtede; Siðen ðor waſ mad on ſcité, ðe waſ y-oten Rameſé. 2416

Jacob lived one hundred and forty-four years.

Iacob on liue wunede ðor In reſte fulle .xiiij. ger;

God showed him the time of his death.

And god him let bi-foren ſen Quilc time hiſe ending ſulde ben; 2420

[Fol. 47b.] Jacob bad Joseph promise

He bad ioſep hiſe leue ſune, On ðhing ðat[227] offe wel mune, ðat quan it wurð mid him don,

to bury him in Hebron,

He ſulde him birien in ebron; 2424 And witterlike he it aueð him ſeid,

where Abraham was laid,

ðe ſtede ðor abraham was leid; So was him lif[228] to wurðen leid, Quuor ali gast ſtille hadde ſeid 2428

and his elders before him.

Him and hiſe eldere(.) fer ear bi-foren, Quuor ieſu criſt wulde ben boren, And quuor ben dead, and quuor ben grauen; He ðogt wið hem reſte to hauen. 2432

Joseph swore to do as his father wished.

Ioſep ſwor him al-ſo he bad, And he ðor-of wurð bliðe & glad.

[226] ðinkeð?

[227] ðar?

[228] lef?


Before he died Jacob called his sons before him, and "said what of them should be."

Or ðan he wiſte off werlde faren, He bade hiſe kinde to him charen, 2436 And ſeide quat of hem ſulde ben, Hali gaſt dede it him ſeen; In clene ending and ali lif, So he for-let ðis werldes ſtrif. 2440

Joseph caused his father's body to be embalmed.

[I]Oſep dede hiſe lich faire geren, Waſſen, and riche-like ſmeren, And ſpice-like ſwete ſmaken;

Egypt's folk "bewaked" Jacob for forty nights and forty days.

And egipte folc him bi-waken 2444 xl. nigtes and .xl. daiges, ſwilc woren egipte lages.

[Fol. 48.] The first nine nights they bathe, anoint, etc., the body.

first .ix. nigt ðe liches beðen, And ſmeren, and winden, and bi-queðen, 2448 And waken iſ ſiðen .xl. nigt; ðo men ſo deden ðe adden migt.

The Hebrews had a different custom;

And ebriſſe folc adden an kire, Nogt ſone deluen it wið yre, 2452

they wash the body,

Oc waſſen it and kepen it rigt,

and keep it unanointed for seven nights.

Wið-vten ſmerles, ſeuene nigt, And ſiden[229] ſmered .xxx. daiges. Criſtene folc haueð oðer laiges, 2456 He ben ſmered ðor quiles he liuen,

Christian folks are anointed with chrism and oil in their life-time.

Wið criſme and olie, in trewðe geuen; for trewðe and gode dedes mide, ðon[230] ben ðan al ðat wech-dede; 2460 Sum .on. ſum .ðre. sum .vii. nigt, Sum .xxx., ſum .xii. moneð rigt; And ſum euerilc wurðen ger, ðor quiles ðat he wunen her, 2464

For the dead they perform alms-gift and mass-song.

don for ðe dede chirche-gong, elmeſſe-gifte, and meſſe-ſong, And ðat iſ on ðe weches ſtede; Wel him mai ben dat[231] wel it dede! 2468

Jacob's sons kept a "wake" of thirty days.

Egipte folc aueð him waked xl. nigt, and feſte maked,

[229] ſiðen?

[230] don?

[231] ðat?


And hiſe ſunes .xxx. daiges, In clene lif and ali daiges;[232] 2472

[Fol. 48b.] So ten weeks passed away and Jacob had no burial.

So woren forð .x. wukes gon, get adde Iacob birigeles non. And pharaon king cam bode bi-foren,

Pharaoh heard of Joseph's oath to his father,

ðat Ioſep haueð his fader ſworen; 2476 And he it him gatte ðor he wel dede,

and gave him leave to bury his father, and to take with him "weaponed" men.

And bad him nimen him feres mide, Wel wopnede men and wiſ of here[n], dat[233] noman hem bi weie deren; 2480 ðat bere iſ led, ðiſ folc iſ rad, he foren a-buten bi adad; ful ſeuene nigt he ðer abiden, And bi-mening for iacob deden; 2484 So longe he hauen ðeðen numen,

They crossed the Jordan, and laid the body in a tomb, and Joseph returned to Egypt.

To flum iurdon ðat he ben cumen, And ouer pharan til ebron; ðor iſ ðat liche in biriele don, 2488 And Ioſep in-to egipte went, Wid[234] al iſ folc ut wið him ſent.

His brethren came to him to seek forgiveness,

Hiſe breðere comen him ðanne to, And gunnen him bi-ſeken alle ſo; 2492 "Vre fader," he ſeiden, "or he was dead, Vs he ðiſ bodewurd ſeigen bead, Hure ſinne ðu him for-giue, Wið-ðanne-ðat we vnder ðe liuen." 2496

and fell down there before his feet, and he forgave and loved them kindly.

Alle he fellen him ðor to fot, To beðen meðe and bedden oc;

[Fol. 49.]

And he it for-gaf[235] hem mildelike, And luuede hem alle kinde-like. 2500

Joseph waxed old;

[I]Oſep an hundred ger waſ hold, And hiſ kin wexen manige-fold;

he bad his relations come before him ere he died,

He bad ſibbe cumen him bi-foren, Or he waſ ut of werlde boren; 2504

[232] laiges?

[233] ðat?

[234] wið?

[235] At the bottom of fol. 48b is the catchword—"And he it for-gaff."


"It ſal," quað he, "ben ſoð, bi-foren

and told them of God's promise to their elders.

ðat god hað ure eldere ſworen; He ſal gu leden in hiſ hond Heðen to ðat hotene lond; 2508 for godeſ luue get bid ic gu, Leſted it ðanne, hoteð it nu,

He asks them to bear his bones with them, when they leave Egypt.

ðat mine bene ne be for-loren, wið gu ben mine bones boren." 2512 He it him gatten and wurð he dead, God do ðe ſoule ſeli red!

The death of Joseph.

Hiſe liche waſ ſpice-like maked, And longe egipte-like waked, 2516 And ðo biried hem bi-foren, And ſiðen late of londe boren. Hiſe oðre breðere, on and on, Woren ybiried at ebron. 2520

Here endeth the book called Genesis, written by Moses, through God's counsel.

An her endede to ful, in wiſ, ðe boc ðe iſ hoten geneſis, ðe moyſes, ðurg godes red, Wrot for lefful ſoules ned. 2524

[Fol. 49b.] God shield his soul from hell-bale, who translated it into English!

God ſchilde hiſe ſowle fro helle bale, ðe made it ðus on engel tale! And he ðat ðiſe lettres wrot,

May God help and protect him from hell-pain, cold and hot!

God him helpe weli mot, 2528 And berge iſ ſowle fro ſorge & grot Of helle pine, cold & hot! And alle men, ðe it heren wilen,[236]

And all men who will hear it, God grant that they may dwell in bliss among angels for ever!

God leue hem in hiſ bliſſe ſpilen 2532 Among engeles & ſeli men, Wiðuten ende in reſte ben, And luue & pais uſ bi-twen, And god ſo graunte, amen, ameN! 2536

[236] MS. welin.


GOdes bliſcing be wið vs,

Here beginneth Exodus.

Her nu bi-ginned[237] exodus.

Under Pharaoh, and the seven kings who succeeded him,

Pharao kinges rigte name Vephres, be dede ðe ebriſ frame; 2540 And bi oðere ſeuene kinges ſel,

the Israelites increased and prospered.

Wexen he ðore & ðogen wel.

The eighth king treated them harshly,

ðe egtenede king amonaphis, Agenes ðis folc hatel is; 2544

and the Egyptians became jealous of them.

And egipte folc adden nið, for ebriſ adden ſeli ſið. Quuað ðis ging[238] wið hem ſtille in red, "ðis ebris waxen michil ſped, 2548

[Fol. 50.]

Bute if we eraflike[239] hem for-don, Ne ſulen he non eige ſen uſ on."

They made slaves of them, and set them to build walls.

Ðo ſette ſundri hem to waken His tigel and lim, and walles maken, 2552 burges feten; and rameſen ðurge here ſwinc it walled ben;

Some they made to do foul work,

Summe he deden in vn-ðewed ſwinc, for it was fugel and ful o ſtinc, 2556

to carry "muck and fen out of the city,"

Muc and fen ut of burgeſ beren, ðuſ bitterlike he gun hem deren; ðe ðridde ſwinc was eui and ſtron[g],

and to creep along dikes.

He deden hem crepen dikes long, 2560 And wide a-buten burges gon,

The comb of the dike serves them as protection against their enemies.

And cumen ðer ear waſ non; And if ðat folc hem wulde deren, ðe dikeſ comb hem ſulde weren. 2564 for al ðat ſwinc heui & ſor,

For all that labour, the folk increased and spread.

Ay wex ðat kinde, mor & mor, And ðhogen, & ſpredden in londe ðor, ðat made ðe kinges herte ful ſor. 2568

Then bad Pharaoh,

Ðo bad monophis pharaun wimmen ben ſet in euerilc tun,

that every Hebrew male child should be put to death as soon as it was born.

And ðat he weren redi bi-foren, Quan ebru child ſuld be boren, 2572

[237] bi-ginneð?

[238] king?

[239] craftlike?


And ðe knapes to deade giuen, And leten ðe mayden childre liuen.

[Fol. 50b.] The midwives saved the children's lives,

Oc he it leten fro godeſ dred; Get ðo childre wexen in ſped, 2576 And quane he komen to ðe king,

and lied to the king, saying,

He wereden hem wið leſing; He ſeiden ðe childre weren boren

that the children were born ere they arrived.

Or he migten ben hem bi-foren. 2580 God it geald ðeſe wifes wel, On hom, on hagte, eddi ſel!

Pharaoh then bad that every "knave child" should be drowned.

Ðo bad ðis king al opelike, In alle burges modilike, 2584 Euerilc knape child of ðat kin ben a-non don ðe flod wið-in.

By that time was Moses born.

BI ðat time waſ moyſes boren, So het abraham dor[240] bi-foren; 2588 And his moder het Iacabeð, Ghe was for him dreful and bleð,

His mother hid him for three months.

wel is hire of bird[241] bi-tid. ðre moneð haueð ghe him hid, 2592 durſte ghe non lengere him for-helen, Ne ghe ne cuðe ðe wateres ſtelen;

Then she made an ark,

In an fetles, of rigeſſes wrogt, Terred, ðat water dered it nogt, 2596

placed the child in it,

ðiſ child wunden ghe wulde don,

and set it on the water.

And ſetten it ſo ðe water on;

Miriam was sent to watch what became of it.

Ghe adde or hire dowter ſent,

[Fol. 51.]

To loken quider it ſulde ben went; 2600 Maria dowter ful feren ſtod, And ghe nam kep to-ward ðiſ flod.

The king's daughter came and saw the child on the water.

Teremuth kinkes[242] dowter ðor cam, ðor ðis child on ðe water nam; 2604 Ghe bad it ben to hire brogt, And ſag ðis child wol fair[e] wrogt,

She wist it was of Hebrew kin,

Ghe wiſte it was of ebrius kin, And ðog cam hire rewde[243] wið-in; 2608

[240] ðor?

[241] birð?

[242] kinges?

[243] rewðe?


God haued[244] ſwilc fair-hed him geuen,

but let it live for its beauty.

ðat ſelf ðe fon it leten liuen.

Egyptians wanted her to destroy the child.

Egipte wimmen comen ner, And boden ðe childe letten ðer, 2612 Oc he wente it awei wið rem, Of here bode nam he no gem.

Miriam, at Teremuth's bidding,

ÐO quad maria to teremuth, "wilt ðu, leuedi, ic go fear out, 2616 And take ſum wimman of ðat kin ðor he waſ bi-gote & foſtred in?"

fetches a "foster woman" for the child.

Teremuth ſo bad, & ſche forð-ran, And brogt hire a foſtre wimman, 2620 On waſ tette he ſone aueð lagt,

Teremuth consigned Moses to Jochabed, who returned home blithely.

And teremuth haueð hire him bi-tagt. Iakabeð wente bliðe agen, ðat ghe ðe gildesſ[245] foſtre muſte ben; 2624 Ghe kepte it wel in foſtre wune, Ghe knew it for hire owen ſune;

[Fol. 51b.] When old enough, the child was adopted by Teremuth, who called it Moses.

And quane it ſulde ſundred ben, Ghe bar it teremuth for to ſen; 2628 Teremuth toc it on ſunes ſtede, And fedde it wel and cloðen dede; And ghe it clepit moyſen, Ghe wiſte of water it boren ben. 2632

She brought him before Pharaoh, who placed the royal crown on his head.

An time after ðat ðiſ was don, Ghe brogte him bi-foren pharaon, And ðiſ king wurð him in herte mild, So ſwide[246] faiger was ðiſ child; 2636 And he toc him on ſunes ſtede, And hiſ corune on his heued he dede, And let it ſtonden ayne ſtund;

The child soon threw it to the ground.

ðe child it warp dun to de grund. 2640

Hamon's likeness was thereon.

Hamonel[247] likeneſ was ðor-on; ðis crune is broken, ðiſ iſ miſdon.

The Bishop of Heliopolis saw this, and said,

Biſſop Eliopoleos ſag ðiſ timing, & up he roſ; 2644

[244] haueð?

[245] cildeſ?

[246] ſwiðe?

[247] Hamoneſ?


"If this child be allowed to thrive, he shall become Egypt's bale."

"If ðiſ child," quad he, "mote ðen, He ſal egyptes bale ben." If ðor ne wore helpe twen lopen, ðiſ child adde ðan ſone be dropen; 2648 ðe king wið-ſtod & an wiſ man, He ſeide, "ðe child doð alſ he can; We ſulen nu witen for it dede ðiſ witterlike, or in child-hede;" 2652

[Fol. 52.] The king offered the child two burning coals (to eat), and he put them in his mouth, and burnt the end of his tongue therewith, and spake indistinctly.

He bad ðis child brennen to colen And he toc is hu migt he it ðolen, And in hiſe muth ſo depe he iſ dede Hiſe tunges ende iſ brent ðor-mide; 2656 ðor-fore ſeide de[248] ebru witterlike, ðat he ſpac ſiðen miſerlike;

So fair was he to look upon, that none might be angry with him.

Oc ſo faiger he waſ on to ſen, ðat migte non man modi ben. 2660 ðor quiles he ſeweden him up-on, Mani dede b[i]leph un-don In ðat burg folc bi-twen, So waſ hem lef on him to ſen. 2664

By the time that he became renowned for beauty and strength, the Ethiopians invaded Egypt, and burnt and slew as far as the Red Sea.

Bi dat[249] time ðat he was guð, Wið faigered and ſtrengthe kuð, folc ethiopienes on egipte cam, And brende, & ſlug, & wreche nam, 2668 Al to memphin dat[250] riche cite, And a-non to ðe reade ſe;

The Egyptians ask counsel of their gods, who tell them that a Hebrew shall deliver them.

ðo was egipte folc in dred, And aſkeden here godes red; 2672 And hem ſeiden wið anſweren, ðat on ebru cude hem wel weren; Teremuth un-eðes migte timen

Moses is permitted by Teremuth

ðat moyſes ſal wið hire forð-nimen, 2676 Or haue he hire pligt & ſworen, ðat him ſal feið wurðful ben boren.

[Fol. 52b.]

Moyſes was louered of ðat here, ðor he wurð ðane egyptes were; 2680

[248] ðe?

[249] ðat?

[250] ðat?


to lead the Egyptians against their enemies.

Bi a lond weige he wente rigt, And brogte vn-warnede on hem figt; He hadden don egipte wrong,

He smote and slew them.

He bi-loc hem & ſmette a-mong, 2684

Many fled to Sheba.

And ſlug ðor manige; oc ſumme flen, Into ſaba to borgen ben. Moyſes bi-ſette al ðat burg, Oc it was riche & ſtrong ut-ðhurg; 2688

The king of Ethiopia's daughter, for love,

Ethiopienes kinges dowter tarbis, Riche maiden of michel priſ,

gave this rich city to Moses,

Gaf ðiſ riche burg moyſi; Luue-bonde hire ghe it dede for-ði. 2692 ðor iſe fon he leide in bonde,

who waxed mighty in the land.

And he wurð al-migt-ful in ðat lond; He bi-lef ðor(.) tarbis him ſcroð,

His sojourn there was distasteful to him,

ðog was him ðat ſurgerun ful loð; 2696 Mai he no leue at hire taken

but by craft he brought it to an end.

but-if he it mai wið crafte maken: He waſ of an ſtrong migt wiſ,

He carved upon two gems two likenesses;

He carf in two gummes of priſ 2700 Two likeneſſes, ſo grauen & meten,

the one caused remembrance, the other forgetfulness.

ðiſ doð ðenken, & ðoð[251] forgeten; He feſt is in two ringes of gold,

Moses gave her the one which caused her to forget her love,

Gaf hire ðe ton, he was hire hold; 2704

[Fol. 53.]

Ghe it bered[252] and ðiſ luue iſ for-geten, Moyſes ðus haued[253] him leue bi-geten; Sone it migte wið leue ben,

and so he came again to Egypt.

Into egypte e[254] wente a-gen. 2708

On a time he went to Goshen, and found a "moody steward" beating a Hebrew.

AN time he for to lond gerſen, to ſpeken wið hiſe kinnes men; And ſone he cam in-to ðat lond, A modi ſtiward he ðor fond, 2712 Betende a man wid[255] hiſe wond; ðat ðhugte moyſes michel ſond,

He seized the churl, slew him, and buried him in the sand.

And hente ðe cherl wið hiſe wond, And he fel dun in dedes bond; 2716

[251] ðoðer?

[252] bereð?

[253] haueð?

[254] MS. ewente.

[255] wið?


And moyſes drug him to ðe ſtrond, And ſtille[256] he dalf him [in] ðe ſond;

He thought that none had wist it.

wende he ðat non egipcien ðat hadde it wiſt, ne ſulde a ſen; 2720

On the second day he saw two men chiding, and reproved them.

Til after ðiſ on oðer day, He ſag chiden in ðe wey two egypcienis, modi & ſtrong, ðiſ on wulde don ðe toðer wrong; 2724 And moyſes nam ðer-of kep, And to hemward ſwide[257] he lep, And vndernam him ðat it agte awold.

The wrong-doer thus answered him,

And he him anſwerede modi & bold; 2728

"Moses, who made thee master?

"Meiſter(.) moyſes, quo haueð ðe mad? ðu art of dede and o word to rad.

[Fol. 53b.] We know well how yesterday one was slain and hid.

we witen wel quat iſ bi-tid, Quuow giſter-dai waſ ſlagen and hid; 2732 ðe bode iſ cumen to pharaun,[258]

Soon shall thy pride fall down."

Get ſal ðin pride fallen dun."

Then Moses fled

Ðo bi-thowte him moyſes, And his weige ðeðen ches; 2736 ðurg ðe deſerd a-wei he nam,

and came to Midian,

And to burge madian he cam, And ſette hi[m] ðor vten ðe town,

where dwelt Jethro,

Bi a welle ðo ſprong ðor dun. 2740 Raguel Ietro ðat riche man, Was wuniende in madian,

who had seven daughters.

He hadde ſeuene dowtreſ bi-geten; ðor he comen water to feten, 2744

These maidens took care of cattle.

And for to wattren here ſep; (Wimmen ðo nomen of here erf kep,

Pride was not so great then as now.

Pride ne cuðe bi ðat dai Nogt ſo michel ſo it nu mai). 2748 Hirdes wulden ðe maidenes deren,

Moses helped the maidens to water the flocks.

Oc moyſes ðor hem gan weren, And wattrede here erue euerilc on, And dede hem tidelike to tune gon; 2752

[256] MS. ſtalle, corrected to ſtille.

[257] ſwiðe?

[258] MS. pharaum.


And ben ſone hom numen;

They told their father

And b[i]foren here fader cumen, And gunen him ðore tellen,

[Fol. 54.] how a young man at the well had protected them.

Hu a gunge man, at te welle[n], 2756 ðewe and wurſipe hem dede;

Jethro sent after him and kept him in his house,

And ietro geld it him in eſtdede, Sente after him, freinede hiſ kin, Helde him wurðelike iſ huſ wið-in; 2760 Of ali kinde he wiſte him boren, And bad him ðor wunen him bi-foren,

and gave him his daughter to wife, who bore him two sons.

Gaf him iſ dowter ſephoram; To wife in lage he hire nam, 2764 And bi-gat two ſunes on hire ðer, firſt gerlon, ſiðen eliezer. Egipte king to late waſ dead, ðe ðe childre ſo drinkelen bead. 2768

On a time Moses went into the desert with his flocks, for rich men then kept such ware.

And moyſes waſ numen an ſel In ðe deſerd depe ſumdel, for te loken hirdneſſe fare; Riche men ðo kepten ſwilc ware. 2772

By Mount Sinai he sees a wondrous sight,

ðo ſag moyſes, at munt ſynay, An ſwiðe ferli ſigt ðor-bi, fier brennen on ðe grene leaf,

a bush burning, and nevertheless green and whole.

And ðog grene and hol bi-leaf; 2776 forð he nam to ſen witterlike, Hu ðat fier brende milde-like;

Out of that bush God's voice was heard, clear and high,

Vt of ðat buſk, ðe brende and ðheg, God ſente an ſteuene, brigt and heg; 2780

'Moses, Moses, take off thy shoes, for thou standest on holy ground.

"Moyſes, moyſes, do of ðin ſon, ðu ſtondes ſeli ſtede up-on;

[Fol. 54b.] I am the God of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham.

Hic am god ðe in min geming nam Iacob, yſaac, and abraham; 2784

I have seen the affliction of my people,

ic haue min folkes pine ſogen, ðat he nu longe hauen drogen;

and have come down to deliver them,

Nu am ic ligt to fren hem ðeðen, And milche and hunige lond hem queðen; 2788


and to bring them into the land of seven kingdoms.

An .vii. kinge-riches lond Ic ſal hem bringen al on hond.

Come, thou shalt be my messenger,

Cum, ðu ſalt ben min ſondere man, Ic ſal ðe techen wel to ðan; 2792

and bid Pharaoh release my people.

ðu ſalt min folc bringen a-gen, And her ðu ſalt min migte ſen; And ðu ſalt ſeien to faraon, ðat he lete min folc ut-gon; 2796

If he refuse, I shall work great marvels,

If he it werne and be ðor-gen, Ic ſal ðe techen hu it ſal ben; for ic ſal werken ferlike ſtrong,

and cause my people to go out freely.

And maken min folc frelike ut-gong; 2800 Ge ſulen cumen wið feteles & ſrud,

As a sign, throw down thy wand." The wand then became an ugly snake.

And reuen egipte ðat iſ nu prud. Werp nu to token dun ðat wond." And it warp vt of hiſe hond, 2804 And wurð ſone an uglike ſnake, And moyſes fleg for dredes ſake;

God bade Moses take it by the tail, and anon it became a wand.

God him bad, bi ðe tail he it nam, And it a-non a wond it bi-cam, 2808

[Fol. 55.] He put his hand into his bosom and it became leprous.

And in hiſe boſum he dede his hond, Quit and al unfer he it fond;

He put it in again and it became whole and sound.

And ſone he dede it eft agen, Al hol and fer he wiſte it ſen. 2812

"If they believe not these tokens, pour out the water of the flood on the earth, and it shall become blood."

"If he for ðiſe tokenes two Ne liſteðe ne troweð to, Go, get ðe water of de[259] flod On ðe erðe, and it ſal wurðen blod." 2816

"Lord! I am not eloquent, and cannot speak well," said Moses.

"Louerd, ic am wanmol, vn-reken Of wurdes, and may ic Iuel ſpeken. Nu iſ forð gon ðe ðridde dai, Sende an oðer; bettre he mai." 2820

Quoth God, "Who made the dumb, the speaking, the blind, and the seeing?"

"Quo made domme, and quo ſpecande? Quo made bisne, and quo lockende? Quo but ic, ðat haue al wrogt? Of me ſal fultum ben ðe brogt." 2824

[259] ðe?


"Louerd, ſent him ðat iſ to cumen, Vgging and dred me haueð[260] numen."

"Aaron, thy brother can speak well, thou shalt meet him, and make known to him my words."

"Aaron ðin broðer can wel ſpeken, ðu ſalt him meten and vnſteken 2828 Him bodeword min, and ic ſal red Gunc boðen bringen read and ſped."

Moses asks leave of Jethro to visit his brethren.

Moyſes, frigti, ðo funden gan to ſpeken wið ietro ðat riche man, 2832 And aſkede him leue to faren and ſen, If hiſe breðere of liues ben;

[Fol. 55b.] Moses delayed until God's message again came to him.

ðog drechede he til god ef[t] bad, And brogte him bode ðe made him glad, 2836 ðat pharaun, ðe wulde him ſ[l]en, Waſ dead and hadde iſ werkes len.

Then he departed with his wife and children.

MOyſes and hiſe wif ſephoram, And hiſe childre wið him nam; 2840 And ðat on waſ vncircumciſ.

One child was uncircumcised, and the angel in the way sought to slay him.

He nam ſo forð, ſoð it is; An angel, wið an dragen ſwerd, In ðe weie made him offerd, 2844 for ðat he ledden feren ſwike, ðe ſulden him deren witterlike;

Zipporah circumcised her son.

Sephora toc ðiſ gunge knaue, And dede circumciſe haue, 2848 And gret, and wente frigti a-gen,

Moses pursued his way alone.

And let moyſes forð one ten. He bar hiſe gerde forð in iſ hond, And nam a weie[261] bi deſerd lond; 2852

At Mount Sinai he meets with Aaron.

To mount ſynai forð he nam, Aaron hiſe broðer a-gen him cam; Eyðer [h]ere was of oðer fagen; Moyſes him haueð iſ herte[262] vt-dragen, 2856

They come into Egypt.

And he ben in-to egypte numen, And a-mong folc ebriſſe ben cumen; Moyſes tolde hem ðat bliðe bode,

The people believe them.

And let hem ſen tockenes fro gode; 2860

[260] MS. haued.

[261] MS. aweie.

[262] MS. herðe.


[Fol. 56.]

He redden ſamen he ſulden gon wið[263] wiſe men to pharaon.

Moses and Aaron come before Pharaoh,

"God," he ſeiden, "of iſrael ðe bode ſente, and greteð wel, 2864

and deliver their message.

ðat, bi ði leue, hiſe folc vt-fare, ðre daiges gon and ben ðor gare, In ðe deſerd an ſtede up-on, Hiſ leue ſacrifiſe to don." 2868 Quad pharaun, "knowe ic[264] him nogt, Bi quaſe read haue ge ðiſ ſowt?"

Moses says that he is well known to the Egyptians,

Seide moyſes, "ic am ſonder man, Egipte folc me knowen can, 2872 for ic am ðat ilc moyſes,

having delivered them from the Ethiopians,

ðe egypte folc of ſorge les, ðan ethiops woren her cumen; ic warc al ðat ðu was binumen, 2876 And ſwanc and michel ſorwe dreg,

and that he brings God's message from Mount Sinai.

Get iſt vnſene hu ic it bi-teg? Ic haue ben ſiðen at munt ſyna, Godes bode-wurd bringe ic ðor-fra." 2880

Pharaoh chides Moses,

Qvað pharaun, "ðu art min ðral, ðat hidel-like min lond vt-ſtal; Sum ſwike-dom doð it nu ben, ðat ðu beſt cumen nu eft agen; 2884

and declares that the Israelites shall suffer still greater woe.

ðiſ folc, ðat ðu wilt me leden fro, ſal ben luken in more wo."

[Fol. 56b.]

Ðe king it bad, and [it] wurð don;

More labour is laid upon the Israelites.

More ſwinc ðo was hem leid on. 2888 Hem-ſeluen he fetchden ðe chaf ðe men ðor hem to gode gaf, And ðog holden ðe tigeles tale, And elten and eilden,[265] grete & ſmale. 2892

Moses complains to God.

Ðo fleg ðiſ folc wið moyſen, And [he] to god made hiſe bimen. "Louered, qui waſ ic hider ſent? ðin folc iſ more in ſorwe went." 2896

[263] MS. wid.

[264] MS. ic hic.

[265] ? eldren and children?


God renews his promise by his name Adonai,

God quað, "ic ſal hem leſen fro, And here fon weren wið wo; Abraham, yſac, and hiſe ſunen Woren to min ðhunerg wunen, 2900 ðog ne tagte ic hem nogt for-ði Min mig[t]ful name adonay;

which was unknown to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Min milche witter name eley He knewen wel, and ely; 2904 ðat ic ðe haue hoten wel, Ic it ſal leſten euerilc del."

Moses told the Hebrews these tidings, and yet were they in great anguish.

Moyſes told hem ðiſ tidding; ðog woren he get in ſtrong murni[n]g. 2908 Siðen ſpac god to moyſen, and tagte him hu it ſulde ben.

Moses was now fourscore years old.

fowre ſcore ger he waſ hold, And aaron ðre more told,[266] 2912

[Fol. 57.]

Quanne he ðat[267] bodewurd ſpoken, And deden ðe firme token.

Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh.

AAron ðor warp vt of hiſ hond Moyſeses migtful wond, 2916 And it wurð bi-foren pharaon

It became an ugly snake.

An Iglic ſnake ſone on-on; ðe king ſente after wiches kire,

The sorcerers, by the devil's help, did the like.

Wapmen ðe weren in ſowles lire, 2920 ðe ferden al bi fendes red, fendeſ hem gouen ſinful ſped; And worpen he ðor wondes dun,

Each of their rods became a dragon.

fro euerilc ðor crep a dragun; 2924 Oc moyſes wirm hem alle ſmot,

Moses's serpent bit off their heads.

And here aldre heuedes he of bot; ðog deden wicheſ ðo men to ſen On oðere wiſe or ſoðe ben; 2928 for ðo fendes or he[m] bi-foren Hadden ðo neddres ðider boren;

[266] At the bottom of this page is the catchword—"Quanne he ðat bodewurd."

[267] MS. dat; see the catchword.


Pharaoh would not let the Israelites go.

And pharaon ſtirte up a-non, And for-bed ðiſ folc to gon. 2932 ÐO ſeide moyſes to araon, "Quat redeſ tu, broder, ſule wit don? ðiſ king him his[268] wel wiðer-ward Agen ðis folc, and herte hard; 2936

Moses and Aaron again came before Pharaoh.

Go we and ſpeken wið hem get, And fonden wið ðiſ token bet."

[Fol. 57b.]

And ſo deden [he] ſone a-non, And comen bi-foren pharaon, 2940 Quad aaron, "nu ſaltu ſen Quilc godes migtful ſtrengðes ben."

Aaron smote on the flood with his wand;

He ſmot on ðat flod wið ðat wond,

soon anon it became blood,

Sone anon blod men al it fond; 2944

and the fish in it died.

And ðe fiſſes, in al ðat blod read, floten a-buuen and wurðeden dead;

In every well and pool blood was found,

In euerilc welle, in euerilc trike, men funden blod al witterlike, 2948

except in Goshen.

But-if it were in ðe lond gerſen, ðor-inne woree[269] ðe ebriſſe men. ðis wreche, in al egypte rigt,

This plague lasted seven nights.

Leſtede fulle ſeuene nigt; 2952 ðo waſ ðiſ king ſumdel for-dred,

Pharaoh then promised that the Hebrews should depart.

And het hem he ſulden vt ben led; And moyſes ðiſ pine vn-dede, And water wurð on blodeſ ſtede. 2956

When the plague was removed he would not release them.

ðan pharaon wurð war ðis bot, ðiſ folc of londe funden ne mot; Iannes and mambres, wicheſ wod, Him ðhugte he maden water blod; 2960

Mad sorcerers misled the king.

It waſ on fendes wiſe wrogt, for to bi-tournen[270] ðe kingeſ ðogt. Moyſes lerede god, ſpac him mide, Al ðat iſ broðer aaron dede. 2964

[Fol. 58.]

Eft he comen to pharaon, And he wernede ðiſ folc ut-gon.

[268] read is.

[269] woren?

[270] MS. bitoueren.


Aaron held up his hand towards the water, and up came a host of frogs.

And aaron held up his hond, to ðe water and ðe more lond; 2968 ðo cam ðor up ſwilc froſkes here ðe dede[271] al folc egipte dere;

Some were wild and some tame.

Summe woren wilde, and ſumme tame, And ðo hem deden ðe[272] moſte ſame; 2972

Some crept into houses, drink, meat, and bed.

In huſe, in drinc, in metes, in bed, It cropen and maden hem for-dred;

Some died and stank.

Summe ſtoruen and gouen ſtinc, And vn-hileden mete and drinc; 2976

Tadpoles, frogs, and toads afflicted Egypt's folk.

Polheuedes, and froſkes, & podes ſpile Bond harde egipte folc [273]in ſile. ðiſ king bad moyſes and aaron, ðat he ſulden god bone don; 2980

The frogs died,

And ſone ſo moyſes bad iſ bede, ðiſ wirmes ſtoruen in ðe ſtede;

but the king forbad the departure of the Hebrews.

And quane ðe king wurð war ðis dead, Anon ðis folc fore he for-bead. 2984 Ðe ðridde wreche dede aaron Bi-foren ðe king pharaon;

The third plague of gnats, small to look at, but sharp in biting.

He ſmot wið ðat gerde on ðe lond, And gnattes hird ðor ðicke up-wond, 2988 ſmale to ſen, and ſarp on bite, In al egypte fleg ðiſ ſmite.

[Fol. 58b.]

And ðo dede men and herf wo, Anger and tene, ſorge and wo. 2992

The sorcerers said, "This is token of God's ghost,"

Quoðen ðo wiches clerkes(.) "ðiſ fortoken godeſ gaſtes is."

for they lacked might to do this.

Her hem wantede migt and ſped, to ſwilc ðing cuðen he non red; 2996 ðiſ toknes dede aaron.

Pharaoh remained obstinate,

God ſente ſiðen hem oðere on, for euere eld ðiſ king on-on, And wernede ðiſ folc vt to gon. 3000 Ðo ſeide god to moyſen, "Go ðu gund pharaon agen;

[271] MS. ðede.

[272] MS. de.

[273] ? un-sile.


Sei him, if min folc ne mote gon,

and was punished by a plague of flies.

fleges kin ſal hin ouer-gon, 3004 And al hiſ lond to ſorge ten; Oc lond gerſen ne ſal non ben."

Then gave he them leave to depart,

And ðuſ[274] it was, and al ðiſ ſor Sag pharaun, and dredde him ðor. 3008 He gaf hem leue ðo vt to faren wið-ðanne-ðat he to londe ef[t] charen; And moyſes bad meðe here on,

and the flight of flies was removed.

And ðiſ fleges fligt vt iſ don; 3012 And pharaon wroð[275] herte on hard, And vn-dede hem ðat[276] forward. Moyſes ſpac ſiðen wið gode,

Message comes to Pharaoh of a great plague.

And he brogte pharaun ðiſ bode; 3016

[Fol. 59.]

"To-morgen, bute he mugen vt-pharen, Egyptes erf ſal al for-faren."

The murrain among the cattle.

He wið-held[277] hem and, al-ſo he it b[e]ad, Al ðe erf of egipt wurð dead; 3020 And get ne migte ðiſ folc vt-gon, ſwilc har[d]neſſe iſ on pharaon. After ðiſ time, it ſo bi-cam, ðat moyſes aſkes up-nam, 3024

The plague of boils and blains.

And warpes vt til heuene-ward; ðo wex vn-ſelðe on hem wel hard, dolc, ſor, and blein on erue and man;

The sorcerers hid themselves, and would not come before Pharaoh,

ðe wicches hidden hem for-ðan, 3028 Bi-foren pharaun nolden he ben,

so loathsome were they to look upon.

So woren he lodelike on to ſen; At laſt, quan it waſ ouer-gon, Hadde moyſes ðo leue non. 3032 Siðen ſente ðe louerd gode,

God's message to Pharaoh.

bi moyſes, to ðiſ king bode; "for-ði lete ic ðe king her ben, Men ſal, ðurg ðe, min migte ſen, 3036 And knowen ſal ben, ðe to un-frame, In euerilc lond min migte name.

[274] MS. duſ.

[275] worð?

[276] MS. dat.

[277] MS. wid-held.


He threatens the king with hail-storm.

ſwilc hail was her or neuere nomen So ſal ðiſ ſel to-morgen cumen; 3040 Do men and erue in huſe ben, If ðu wilt more hem liues ſen."

[Fol. 59b.]

ðo men, ðe weren in eige and dred, ben borwen, and erue, ðurg ðiſ red. 3044

On the morrow came thunder, hail, and lightning.

O morgen, al ſwilc time al ſir, ðhunder, and hail, and leuenes fir, Cam wel vnghere; al ðat it fond

It slew many men, broke down trees, grass, and corn.

Bergles, it ſloge in ðat lond; 3048 Treeſ it for-brac, and greſ, and corn, ðat waſ up-ſprungen ðor bi-foren; Oc ðe ebrius in lond gerſen ne derede it, coren, ne erf, ne men; 3052 ðo ſeide ðe folc to pharaon,

The Egyptians beseech Moses to remove this plague.

"Nu ic wot we haue miſ-don; Moyſes, do ðiſ weder charen, And gu ſal [ic] leten ut-faren." 3056 Moyſes gede vt, helde up iſ hond, And al ðiſ vnweder ðor atwond,

The storm ceased,

And wurð ðiſ weder ſone al ſtille, And al after ðe kinges wille. 3060

but though the weather was soft, the king's heart was hard.

ðiſ weder iſ ſofte, And ðiſ king hard, And brekeð him eft ðat forward. MOyſes ſiðen, and aaron,

Then said Moses,

Seiden bi-foren pharaon, 3064

"To-morrow shall the grasshoppers come into the land."

"To-morgen ſulen greſſeoppes cumen, And ðat ail ða bileaf ſal al ben numen; So ſal ðin hardneſſe ben wreken, ðat men ſulen longe ðor-after ſpeken." 3068

[Fol. 60.]

"Goð vt," quað he, "red ic ſal taken, And gu ſiðen i ſal anſwer maken."

The Egyptians advise the king to let the Israelites go.

Qvað ðiſ folc, "beter iſt laten hem vt-pharen, Al ſal egipte elles for-faren." 3072

Pharaoh is at first inclined to let them go,

He calde hem in; quad pharaon, "Quilc ben ðo ðe ſulen vt-gon?"


Quað moyſes, "but alle wapmen, wið erf, and childre, and wimmen." 3076

but would only grant permission to the men.

"Hu! haue ge wrong," quad pharaon, "Gu wapmen giue Ic leue to gon; Of erf and wimmen leue ic nogt, Ear one of wapmen waſ bi-ſogt." 3080 Ef[t] ðiſ andſwere, ben vt-gon moyſes forð and aaron;

Moses held up his hand, and a southern wind uprose,

MOyſes held up hiſ hond, A ſuðen wind iſ flig[t] up-wond, 3084 And blew ðat day and al ðat nigt And brogte egipte an newe figt;

which brought the locusts.

ðiſ wind hem brogte ðe ſkipperes, He deden on greſ and coren deres. 3088

Then was the king full of woe,

ðat lond was ful, and ðiſ king wo, He ſente after ðe breðere ðo. Quad pharaon, "ic haue miſ-numen,

and besought Moses to turn from them the evil.

Wreche iſ on vs wið rigte cumen; 3092 Bi-ſek get god, ðis one ſiðe, ðat he vs of ðiſ pine friðe."

[Fol. 60b.] A western wind took away the locusts.

And ſo [he] dede, and on wind cam fro weſten, and ðo opperes nam, 3096 And warpes ouer in-to ðe ſe; ðo pharaun ſag iſ lond al fre,

Pharaoh broke his covenant.

Hiſ herte ðo wurð ðwert and hard, And al he brac hem [ðat] forward. 3100 MOyſes ſiðen held up iſ hond,

The plague of thick darkness.

And ðhikke ðherkneſſe cam on ðat lond, ðat migte non egipcien Abuten him for mirkneſſe ſen; 3104 Manige ðor ſorge on liue bead,

Many died from fear.

And manige weren rewlike dead; Quor-ſo ðe folc waſ of yſrael,

The Israelites had light.

He adden ligt and ſowen wel. 3108 ðo quad pharaon to moyſen,

The king tells them to go, and

"Led vt al ðat iſ boren of man,


to leave their flocks and herds behind.

And let her hen boden er[f] & ſep, ic wile ðor-on[278] nimen kep." 3112 Quad moyſes, "la! god it wot,

Moses will not consent to this arrangement.

ſal ðe[r]-of bi-leuen non fot, Al we ſulen iſ wið vs hauen; 'Wold,' quad god, 'wile ðor-of crauen.'" 3116 Quað pharaon to moyſen,

Moses and Aaron are driven out from the presence of Pharaoh.

"Nu ic rede ðat ge flen; for ſe ic gu more-ouer nu, dead ſal be[279] wreken ouer gu." 3120

[Fol. 61.]

MOyſes fleg to lond gerſen, ðor wuneden hiſ kinnes men.

God tells Moses of his final vengeance upon the Egyptians.

Quað god, "get ic ſal pharaon, Or ge gon vt, don an wreche on, 3124 (Nu ſal ic in-to egipte gon,) Swilc wreche waſ ear neuere non;

Each first-born shall be destroyed.

Deigen ðor ſal ilc firme bigeten Of men and erf, non forgeten; 3128 Oc among gu, dredeð gu nogt, to gu ne ſal non iuel ben ſogt, Ne ſal ic gu nog[t] loten Of ðat ic haue gu bi-hoten." 3132

The year shall begin,

Siðen quað god to moyſen, "ðiſ ſal gure firmeſt moneð[280] ben, ðoo gune men ðe mone ſen

when in April the new moon is seen.

In april Reke-fille ben." 3136 ðanne he lereden hem newe wunen;

The institution of the Passover.

"Euerilc ger, more to munen, Euerilc huſ-folc ðe mai it ðauen

A lamb or kid of the first year is to be taken and slain by each household on the fourteenth day of the month,

On ger ſep oðer on kide hauen; 3140 ðe tende dai it ſulde ben lagt, And ho[l]den in ðe tende nagt, And [slagen] on ðe fowrtende dai; So mikil hird ſo it noten mai, 3144 Ben at euen folc ſum to ſamen,

and to be roasted whole.

And ilc folc iſ to fode framen,

[278] MS. dor-on.

[279] MS. me.

[280] MS. moned.


[Fol. 61b.]

And eten it bred, and non bon breken,

None of it is to be taken out of the house.

And nogt ðor-of vt huſe wreken, 3148 Oc ſod and girt, ſtondende, and ſtaf on hond,

It is to be roasted whole,

Ilc man after his owen fond,

and eaten with bitter herbs, and unleavened bread.

Heued and fet, and in rew mete[n], leſen fro ðe bones and eten, 3152 Wið[281] wriðel and vn-lif bread;"

The remainder is to be burnt, and the blood is to be sprinkled upon the door-posts.

ðe bi-leuen brennen he bead. "ðe dure-tren and ðe uuerſlagen, wið yſope ðe blod ben dragen; 3156 ðat nigt ſal ben feſt paſche," forð-for, on engle tunge, it be.

Vengeance came upon the Egyptians.

ON midel ſel, ðat[282] ilc nigt, So cam wreche on egipte rigt; 3160

The first-born of man and beast were slain.

Ilc firme bigeten, of erf and man, was ſtoruen on morwen and dead forðan; ðo waſ non biging of al egipte lich-leſ, ſo manige dead ðor kipte.[283] 3164

Pharaoh consented to let Israel go.

ðo wurð phara[o]n nede driuen And haueð[284] hem ðane leue giuen; And egipte folc bad hem faren, And ſwiðe a-weiward hem garen. 3168

The Egyptians gave the Hebrews whatever they asked.

Quat-ſo he boden, ſrud[285] or ſat, Egipte folc hem lenen ðat; Waſ hem nogt werned ðat he crauen, for here ſwinc-hire he nu hauen; 3172

[Fol. 62.]

Gold and ſiluer he hauen vt-brogt,

The Israelites numbered 600,000 men.

ðe tabernacle ðor[286]-wið wurð[287] wrogt; He woren ſexe hundred ðhuſent men, wið-vten childre and wimmen; 3176 Al erf-kin hauen he ut-led, Egipte folc hem hauen ut-ſped.

Moses thought of the oath sworn to Joseph.

Almost redi waſ here fare, moyſes bi-ðogt him ful gare 3180 Of ðat ðe iſ kin haueð ſworen,

Joseph's grave could not be found.

Ioſepes bones ſulen ben boren;

[281] MS. wid.

[282] MS. dat.

[283] caught.

[284] MS. haued.

[285] MS. ſruð.

[286] MS. dor.

[287] MS. wurd.


Oc ðe ail haueð[288] ſo wide ſpiled, ðat hiſ graue iſ ðor vnder hiled, 3184

A golden rod with the name of God upon it was laid upon the flood.

On an gold gad ðe name god Iſ grauen, and leid up-on ðe flod;

Moses followed its course, and thus discovered the grave.

Moyſes it folwede ðider it flet, And ſtod ðor ðe graue under let; 3188 ðor he doluen, and hauen ſogt, And funden, and hauen up-brogt ðe bones ut of ðe erðe wroken,

Some of the bones were whole and some broken.

Summe hole, & ſumme broken; 3192 He dede iſ binden & faire loken Alle ðe bones ðe he ðor token.

When Israel left Egypt there was an earthquake.

Quane he geden egipte fro, It wurð erðe-dine, and fellen ðo 3196

Many temples fell down.

fele chirches and ideles mide, Miracle it was ðat god ðor dede.

[Fol. 62b.] Seven score years were gone since Joseph was buried.

Gon woren .vii. ſcore ger Siðen[289] ioſep waſ doluen ðer;[290] 3200 And .xxiii. ſcore fro ðan ðat god it ſpac wið[291] abrahram.

The Israelites journey from Rameses to Succoth.

fro Rameſe to ſokoht ſtede Non man on hem letting dede, 3204 For ſwinc and murning hem was on, fro ðe liches in-to ðe erðe don; And manige of ðo greten forði ðat he adden ben hard hem bi. 3208

From Succoth they go to Etham, and thence to Pihahiroth.

To burg ethan fer fro ſokoth, And ðeðen he ten to pharaoth;[292] ðor he ſtunden for to ſen quilc pharaon wið hem ſal ben. 3212

Pharaoh called out his army.

Pharaon bannede vt hiſ here, Iſrael he ðhogte to don dere;

Six hundred chariots he brought out of Egypt, fifty thousand horsemen, and ten score thousand men of foot.

Sex hundred carte-hird i-wrogt[293] vt of egipte he haueð[294] brogt; 3216 On horſe fifiti ðhusent men, x ſcore ðhusent of fote ren;

[288] MS. haued.

[289] MS. Siden.

[290] MS. der.

[291] MS. wid.

[292] MS. pharaofh.

[293] MS. hirdi wrogt.

[294] MS. haued.


Alle he ledde hem vt forði ðat folc ebru to werchen wi. 3220

When the Israelites saw the Egyptian host they became sore afraid.

Ðiſ godes folc waſ under-numen, Quan he ſegen ðiſ hird al cumen, Sore he gunen for-dredde ben, for ne cuðen ne[295] gate flen, 3224

[Fol. 63.]

And if he ðore ben bi-ſet,

for they were without weapons.

Ille he ſulen ben hunger gret; He ne mogen figten a-gen,

They chided Moses.

for [he] wið-vten wopen ben; 3228 ðanne he ðuſ woren alle in dred, On moyſen he ſetten a gred. "Beð nu ſtille," quað moyſes,

Moses promises them God's assistance.

"ðor god wile(.) iſ non helpeles; 3232 Ge ſulen ſen ðiſ ilke dai Quat godes migt for gu mai." He bad ðiſ folc dregen wið ſkil, And he bi-ſogte godes wil. 3236

God instructs Moses to stretch out his rod over the sea.

Qvað god, "quor-at calles ðu me? Hold up ðin gerde to ðe ſe And del it ſo on ſundri del, ðat gu ben garknede weigeſ wel." 3240

Moses did so.

ðo moyſes helde up hiſ hond,

A wind blew the sea from the sand,

A wind blew ðe ſe fro ðe ſond; On twel[fe] doles delt iſt ðe ſe,

and twelve thoroughfares were made for the people.

xii. weiges ðer-in ben faiger and fre, 3244 ðat euerilc kinde of iſrael Mai ðor hiſ weige finden wel.

The water stood up as a wall on both sides.

ðe water up-ſtod, ðurg godes migt, On twinne half, alſo a wal up-rigt; 3248 Moyſes bad hem, alſo he ben boren, ðe eldeſt kindes gon bi-foren;

[Fol. 63b.] Moses went first, and then the men of Judah.

Oc moyſes gede in bi-foren, And ðo ðe kinde of iuda boren; 3252 On and on kin, alſ herte hem cam, ðat folc ilc in his weige nam;

[295] ? he no-gate


A cloud went before them.

Bi-foren hem fleg an ſkige brigt ðat nigt hem made ðe weige ligt; 3256 Egiptes folc gunnen ðiſ ſen,

Pharaoh pursued the Israelites,

And wenden ðat he wode ben. Ðis bode herde king pharaon And him ðuhte ſellic ðer-on, 3260 Garkede his hird & after nam,

and to the Red Sea he came.

And to ðe ſe bi nigte he cam;

In went this host after the king.

In ferde ðiſ hird after ðiſ king, And ðo ſprong ðe daiening. 3264 ðhunder, and leuene, and rein ðor-mong God ſente on ðat hird, ſtið and ſtrong;

Some were for going back.

ðo quoðen he, "wende we a-gen, An[d] iſrael folc lete we ben." 3268 ðor-quiles ben ðo kinges[296] cumen

The Israelites reached the land,

Ouer, and hauen ðe londes numen; Egipcienes woren in twired wen queðer he ſulden folgen or flen; 3272 And moyſes ſtod up-on ðe ſond,

and God bade Moses stretch his rod over the sea.

God him bad helden up hiſ hond to-ward ðiſ water, in a morgen quile ðe ſe luked, ſo god it wile,[297] 3276

[Fol. 64.] The sea covered the Egyptians,

And on and on, ſwiðe litel ſtund, Egypcienes fellen to ðe grund;[298]

and not one remained undrowned in that salt spot.

Of hem alle bi-leaf non fot Vn-drincled in ðat ſalte ſpot.[299] 3280 Ðvs iſ iſrael of hem wreken, And here welðe iſ to londe weken, Wepen, and ſrud, ſiluer, and gold; wel hem mai ben ðe god beð hold! 3284

Moses made a new song, and taught it to the people.

Moyſes ðor made a newe ſong, And tag[t]e it al ðat folc a-mong;

Each day for a week it was sung over.

And ilke dai ðat ſeuen nigt, Ones he ðor it ſungen rigt; 3288

[296] kindes?

[297] At the bottom of this page is the catchword—"And on and on."

[298] MS. grunð.

[299] MS. ſwot.


In memory of which are we wont to come seven times to the font at Eastertide.

ðor-of in eſterne be we wunen Seuene ſiðes to funt cumen. Ðor quiles he weren in ðe deſert, God tagte hem weie, wis and pert; 3292 A fair piler ſon hem on o nigt, And a ſkie[300] euere on daiges ligt.

The fifth sojourn was in the wilderness of Shur;

Ðe fifte ſuriuren ðat he deden, In ðe deſert ſur, on drie ſtede; 3296

three days the people were without water.

ðre dages weren he ðider gon, ðat he ne funden water non;

At Marah the waters were bitter, but

A welle he funde at marath,[301] ðe water was biter and al wlath;[302] 3300 A funden trew ðor-inne dede

a tree rendered them sweet.

Moyſes, and it wurð ſwet on ðe ſtede.

[Fol. 64b.] The sixth sojourn was at Elim,

Ðe ſexte ſuriuren at elim, xij welle-ſpringes weren on him, 3304 An[d] then[303] and ſexti palme tren bi ðo welles men migte ſen; He maden ſiðen, fro elim,

and from thence to Sin.

Mani ſuriuren in ðe deſert ſin. 3308 Bi-twen elim and ſinay,

Bread fails them.

bred wantede, hem was wo forði; ðat was on ðe ðrittiðe[304] dai, ðat here wei fro egypte lay, 3312 ðor he woren hungur for-dred;

They murmur against Moses.

"Ille," he ſeiden, "haue we ſped, Bet uſ were in egipte ben, Bred and fles ðer[305] we muwen ſen." 3316 Moyſes wurð war ðe folc was wroð, And here gruching ðo god was loð. "ſtille," quað he, "and on-dreg, Godeſ fulſum-hed iſ gu ful neg." 3320

God sends them a flight of fowls,

At euen cam a fugel-fligt, fro-ward arabie to hem rigt; ðor migte euerilc man fugeles taken, So fele so he wulden raken; 3324

[300] MS. aſkie.

[301] read marach.

[302] read wlach.

[303] ten?

[304] MS. ðrittide.

[305] MS. der.


and on the morrow a dew,

On morgen fel hem a dew a-gein. firſt he wenden it were a rein, knewen he nogt ðiſ dewes coſt;

like rime frost;

It lai ðor, quit als a rim[306] froſt, 3328

"Man-hu," said they, wherefore they called it Manna.

He ðe it ſogen,[307] ſeiden, "man hu," Manna for-ði men clepeð it nu.

[Fol. 65.]

Quad moyſes, "loc! her nu [iſ] bread, Ille gruching iſ[308] gu for-bead." 3332 A met ðor was, it het Gomor,

Each man gathered an omer of it before the sun shone,

Ilc man iſ he bead, and nunmor, Him gaderen or ðe ſunne-ſine, Elles he ſulden miſſen hine. 3336

for it melted at the sunshine.

for it malt at ðe ſunne-ſine, Oc oðer fir for-hadede hine.

When ground and made into bread, it tasted like wafers made with honey.

To duſt he it grunden and maden bread, ðat huni and olies ðef he bead; 3340 Quo-ſo nome up forbone mor, it wirmede, bredde, and rotede ðor.

Moses filled an omer of the manna,

Moyſen dede ful ðe gomor, In a gold pot, for muning ðor. 3344 Held it ſundri in clene ſtede,

and placed it in the tabernacle.

And in ðe tabernacle he it dede. Wið ðiſ mete weren he fed, fowerti winter vten leð,[309] 3348 Til he to lond canaan Comen(.) ðat god hem giuen gan.

Forth came this folk, and came to Rephidim,

Forð nam ðiſ folc, ſo god tagte him, to ðe deſert of rafadim;[310] 3352

where they murmured for thirst, and did chide with Moses.

Tidlike hem waſ ðat water wane, ðor he grucheden for ðriſt hane;[311]

[Fol. 65b.]

Harde he bi-haluen ðer moyſes, And to god he made is bi-men. 3356 "Louered," quad he, "quat ſal ic don? He ſulen me werpen ſtones on."

God sent him for water to a rock in Horeb.

Quað god, "go ðu to erebiſ ſton, And ſmit wið ðin gerde ðor-on." 3360

[306] MS. rin.

[307] MS. logen.

[308] ? ic.

[309] led?

[310] MS. rafaclim.

[311] MS. haue.


It was a ſtede henden ðor-bi,

Moses smote the rock,

On a ſyde of munt ſynay; And he ſmot wið his wond ðor-on, And water gan ðor-vten gon; 3364

and the people had enough to drink without toiling for it.

Anog adden he ðanne drinc, Redi funden wið litel ſwinc;

This place was called Temptation.

ðat ſtede waſ cald temptatio, for he ðo god fondeden so. 3368

Amalek comes to war against Israel.

Amalec, yſmaeles ſune, Was ðor hende rafadim[312] wune, He welte ðor ſtone and iaboch, ðat herdes folc him louerd toch; 3372 Wopened he ben a-gen iſrael.

Moses sends Joshua with the army to fight with Amalek.

Moyſes ear it wiſte wel, And ſente agen hem king ihesum, wið folc iſrael wopened ſum; 3376 He let bi-aften ðe[313] more del,

Moses, accompanied by Aaron and Hur, goes up to the top of a hill, and prays for the folk of Israel.

To kepen here ðing al wel. He, and aaron, and hur ben gon, Heg up to a dune ſone o-non; 3380

[Fol. 66.]

Moyſes bad [for] folc yſrael, And hiſe benes hem holpen wel; Ai quiles he up iſ hondes bead,

Amalek is overcome by the holding up of Moses' hands.

Amalechkes folc fledde for agte of dead, 3384 And quane he let[314] iſ hondes niðer, Amalech folc fagt hard and wiðer; Quane it wurð war, vr[315] and aaron He iſ under-leiden wið an ſton, 3388 Til ſunne him ſeilede in ðe weſt;

Thus Moses fought best of all.

ðus fagt Moyſes ðor alðer-beſt. Amalech fleg, and iſrael Hadde hegere hond, and timede wel. 3392 ðo ſente god to moyſen, wið ðis timing to muning ben,

The future destruction of Amalek.

"Get ſal ðe kinde of amalech Ben al fled dun in deades wrech." 3396

[312] MS. rafaclim.

[313] MS. de.

[314] MS. leth.

[315] MS. ut.


Moses raises an altar.

Moyſes made ðor alter on, "Min bliſ" iſ name ðor-one don.

Jethro visits Moses,

ÐO cam ietro to moysen, To ſpeken him and ðo kinnes-men, 3400

bringing with him Zipporah and her two sons.

And ſephora, moyſes wif, And hire two ſunes of faiger lif; Ietro liſtnede moyſes tale,

Moses relates to him the destruction of Pharaoh.

Of him and pharaon ðe dwale, 3404 And ðhankede[316] it almigten wel, ðat waſ bi-tid for iſrael;

[Fol. 66b.]

And at wið moyſen feſtelike,

Jethro counsels Moses to appoint rulers of the people,

And tagte him ſiðen witterlike 3408 Vnder him helpes oðere don, ðat folc ſtering to ſtreng[t]hen on.

rulers of thousands,

Al bi ðhuſenz ðiſ folc was told, Ilc ðhuſent adde a meiſter wold; 3412 And vnder ðiſ tgen[317] ſteres ben,

rulers of hundreds,

Ilc here on hundred to bi-ſen; Vnder ðis ilc two ſteres wunen,

rulers of fifties,

And vnder hem fif oðere numen; 3416

and rulers of tens.

Ilc of ðe .v. ſteres-men Vnder hem welden in ſtere tgen.[317]

An appeal to be made from the ruler of ten,

If ymong .x. wurð ogt miſ-don, Here ſtere rigten [ſulde] ðor-on, 3420 And if he ne mai it rigten wel,

to the ruler of hundreds,

Taunet iſ meiſter euerilc del; And if he rigten it ne can,

and thence to the superior ruler.

He taune it al hiſ ouer-man, 3424 Ai ſo forð fro man to man, Til he it here, ðe rigten can;

The final appeal to be made to Moses.

If it ne mai or rigted ben, ſo ſal it cumen to moysen. 3428

These rulers were to be able men, god-fearing, lovers of truth, and haters of covetousness.

He bad him cheſen ſtereſ-men Migti, ðe gode-frigti ben, ðe ſoð-faſtneſſe lef ben, And ðe niðing [and] giſcing flen. 3432

[316] MS. ðahankede.

[317] ten?


[Fol. 67.] Moses accepts the counsel.

ðiſ red ðhugte moyſes ful god, And leuelike it under-ſtod. Ietro wente in-to his lond a-gen; Al[ſ] he redde, al-ſo gan it ben. 3436

In the third month of the year Exodus, and in the forty-seventh day after they left Egypt,

Ðe ðridde moneð in iſ cumen, To ſynay ðiſ folc iſ numen; ðe ſeuene and forwerti dai ðat he nomen fro egipte awei, 3440

the people come to the desert of Sinai.

Vnder ðiſ munt he funden ſteden, And here teldes ðor he deden. On oðer daiges morgen quile, God tauned[318] moyſi quat he wile. 3444 "Sei ðiſ folc ðat nu ðolen,

God's message by Moses unto the people out of the mount.

for iſ here ðhogt nogt me for-holen; 'If ye liſten lefful to me, Ic wile min folc owen be.'" 3448 And moyſes tolde ðiſ iſrael, And him heten euerilc del, ðat hem bideð, ſulen he don. God dede moyſes ðiſ bodeword on, 3452

The people are to be prepared against the third day.

"Clenſe ðiſ folc wel ðiſ to daiges, And bidde hem leden clene la[i]ges; Abute ðiſ munt ðu merke make,[319] If erf or man ðor-one take, 3456

The mountain must not be touched.

It dead ðolen, wið ſtones ſlagen, Or to dead wið goren dragen;

[Fol. 67b.]

ðiſ frig[t]ful [folc] ðus a-biden, Quiles ðiſ daiges for[ð] ben gliden." 3460

On the third day there were thunders and lightning and a thick cloud upon the mount.

Ðe ðridde daiges morge quile, ðunder and leuene made ſpile, On ðiſ munt ſtod, and ſkies caſt, And dinede an migtful hornes blast; 3464

Smoke up reeked and the mount quaked.

Smoke up-rekeð and munt quakeð, Slep ðor non ðe[320] ðane up-wakeð; Ai was moſes one in ðis dine, ðiſ folc wende hauen for-loren hine;[321] 3468

[318] ? tauneð.

[319] MS. made.

[320] MS. de.

[321] MS. himine.


Oc he cam faiger and fer him to,

Moses addresses the people.

And gan wið hem ſpeken ſo; "Ilc gure wel in herte mune, Ne iſt nogt moyſes, amrame ſune, 3472

He reminds them of their deliverance from the Egyptians,

ðe ge ſulen to dai here ſpeken; Oc he ðe ſlog, gu for to wreken, Egypte, an weige made in ðe se, And let adam fonden ðe tre 3476 ðe noe barg, and abraham

and of God's kindness to their ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and Joseph.

Ledde vt in-to lond canaan; Of olde abraham and of ſarra bigeten Dede yſaac, of olde teten; 3480 ðe gaf yſaac so manige ſunen, ðe Ioſep dede ſo riche wunen; His word gu wurðe digere[322] al-ſo lif, Digere[322] or eiðer child or wif. 3484

[Fol. 68.]

Cumeð her forð, and beð alle reken, And lereð wel quat he ſal ſpeken."

Moses leadeth the people to the foot of the mount.

He ledde hem to ðe muntes fot, Non but non[323] forðere ne mot, 3488 And on iſ broðer aaron; God bad hem ðat merke ouer-gon; ðo ſo ſpac god ſo brigt-like, ðat alle he it herden witterlike. 3492

The Ten Commandments. First Commandment.

LOke ðat ðu god oðer ne make, Ne oðer ðan me ðat ðu ne take. for ic am god, gelus and ſtrong, Min wreche iſ hard, min ðole iſ long. 3496

Third Commandment.

Tac ðu nogt in idel min name[n], Ne ſwer it les to fele in gamen, Ne let ðu nogt min wurðfulhed for-faren in ðe fendes red. 3500

Fourth Commandment.

Min hali dai ðu halge wel, An do ðin dede on oðer ſel.

Fifth Commandment.

Wurð ðin fader and moder ſo, ðat ðu hem drede and helpe do. 3504

[322] = dgere = diere = dere.

[323] ? Nun.


Sixth Commandment.

Ne ſlo ðu nogt wið hond ne wil, Ne rend, ne beat nogt wið vn-ſkil; Help de nedful, ðat he ne be dead for truke of ðin helpe an[d] read. 3508

Seventh Commandment.

Oc horedom ðat ðu ne do, Ne wend no lecherie to.

[Fol. 68b.] Eighth Commandment.

Loke ðe wel ðat ðu ne ſtele, Ne reflac, ne ðefte, for-hele.[324] 3512

Ninth Commandment.

Falſe witneſſe ðat[325] ðu ne bere, Ne wið ðe leſe non ma[n][326] ne dere.

Tenth Commandment.

Ne giſce ðu nog[t] ðin neſtes ðing, Huſ, ne agte, ne wif, in ðin giſcing; 3516 For if ðu it gernes and giſſe, ðu tines vn-ended bliſce."

The Israelites at the foot of the mount are in great dread and fear.

Ðiſ for-frigted folc figeren ſtod, dredful, and bleð, and ſori mod; 3520 Herden ðat dredful beames blaſt, Sogen ðat figer, dred held hem faſt. ðo ſeiden he to moyſen,

They intreat Moses to stand between them and God.

"Be ðu nu god and us bi-twen, 3524 Her nu quat god ſal more queðen, And tellet uſ ſiðen her bi-neðen." And moyſes ſteg up a-non,

God gave to Moses many commandments and laws,

God hem bad bodes manige on 3528 And lages; and hu he ſulen maken ðe tabernacle, and wor-of taken

instructed him concerning the making of the Tabernacle,

ðe gold, and ſiluer, and ðe bras, ðe ſyðen don ðor-on[327] was, 3532 And nemeld it beſeel,

and gave him two tables of stone upon which were written the Ten Commandments.

And two oðere to maken it wel; And gaf to[328] tabeles of ſton, And .x. bodeword writen ðor-on. 3536

[Fol. 69.]

Ðor quiles moyſes was up wið gode, And liſtenede al ðat leue bode,

[324] MS. for for hele.

[325] MS. dat.

[326] MS. ma.

[327] MS. dor-on.

[328] two?


The people, in the absence of Moses, said unto Aaron,

Swilc wod-hed ðiſ folc[329] cam on, ðat he ſeiden to aaraon, 3540

"Make us gods to go before us,"

"Mac vs godes foren us to gon, of moyſes haue we helpe non." Aaron and vr ſtoden a-gen, And boden hem ſwilc ðhowtes leten; 3544 ðat wod folc ðor ur of dage

and compelled him to make a molten calf,

Brogten, and deden aaron in age; Here faigere ringes he boden taken, And don in fier, and geten, and maken 3548 An calf of gold, and [an] alter Made ðat folc, and lutten it ðer,

which they worshipped.

And ðat calf ofrendes deden, And made gret feſt in ðat ſtede[n]. 3552 Ðo ſeide god to moyſen,

God is angered thereby.

"Go ðu nu dun ðin folc to ſen, He hauen ſineged and miſdon, Let me taken wreche ðer-on." 3556

Moses intreateth for them.

"LOruerd,[330] merci!" quad moyſes, "get ne let hem nogt helpe-les; If he nu her wurðen ſlagen, Egipte folc ſal ðor-of ben fagen, 3560 And ſeyen ðat he ben bi-ſwiken, In ðe deſert wel liðerlike;[331]

[Fol. 69b.]

And ðenk, louerd,[330] quat ben bi-foren Abram, and yſaac, and iacob ſworen." 3564

God listeneth to Moses, and is appeased.

God liſtnede wel[332] al ðis anſwere; ðat he ðis folc al ðer[333] ne dere. And moyſes gan neðer-ten,

Moses came down with the tables,

And Ioſu cam him a-gen, 3568 Alſ he was ilc dai wune to don, quil moyſes ðat munt was on. Quat Ioſue to moyſi, "Ic wene he figten dun her-bi," 3572

[329] MS. has "ðiſ folc" twice over.

[330] MS. louerð.

[331] MS. liderlike.

[332] MS. wel and wel.

[333] MS. alðer.


"Nai, for gode," quad moyſes, "It iſ a ſong wikke and redles."

and seeing the idolatry of the people, he brake them in pieces.

Moyſes cam ner and ſag ðiſ plages,[334] And ðiſ calf, and ðiſ ille lages; 3576 So wurð he wroð, o mode ſarp, Hiſ tables broken dun he iſ warp,

The calf he burnt and ground to powder, and mixed it with the water they drank.

And dede ðat calf melten in fir, And ſtired it al to duſt ſir, 3580 And mengde in water and forð it of, And gaf ðat folc drinken ðat drof. ðo wiſte he wel quilc hauen it don, Sene it was here berdes on. 3584 ðo gredde he lude, "goð me to, Alle ðe god luuen so."

Moses caused the idolaters to be put to death.

Frend ne broðer ne ſpared he nogt On of hem ðat haued ðiſ wunder wrogt; 3588

[Fol. 70.]

Of ðo ðe weren to ðiſ red,

The number slain were about 3000.

.xxx. hundred to ðe dead woren ðane don ſone a-non, ðurg ſtrengðe of moyſes and aaron; 3592 On oðer ſtede men writen ſen, xxiii. ðhusent ðat ðor ben;

On the morrow, Moses reminded the people of their sin.

Ðo woren on liue ſumdel les. On oðer dai quad moyſes, 3596 "Michel ſinne haue ðe[335] don,[336] Ic ſal gon ſeken bote her on."

He returned to Mount Sinai to seek God's mercy.

Eft he ſteg up to munt ſynay, for to bi-ſeken god merci. 3600 "Louerd," quad he, "ðin meðe iſ god, Merci get for ðin milde mod![337] Or ðu ðiſ folc wið milche mod,[338] Or do min name ut of ðin boc." 3604

God promises to send his angel before the people.

God anſwerede, "of ſal ic don Hem, ðe arn nogt to ben ðor-on; Go, led ðiſ folc, min engel on

[334] MS. wlages.

[335] ge?

[336] MS. Michel ſinne quað haue ðe don.

[337] ? milde-hod.

[338] MS. moð.


Sal ic don ðe bi-foren gon." 3608 Ebrus ſeigen it waſ michael Engel ðe ſiðen ledde hem wel. Moyſes faſtede ſiðen to pligt xl. daiges and xl. nigt; 3612

Moses received other tables.

Oðere tables he brogte eft(.) writen, And ſunne-bem brigt ſon iſ wliten

[Fol. 70b.]

ðat folc on him ne migte ſen But a veil wore hem bi-twen. 3616

The Israelites offer Moses gold and silver for the tabernacle.

Ðo waſ ðiſ folc frigti and rad To don al ðat moyſes hem bad; Offreden him ſiluer and golde, And oðer metal ſwilc he wolde; 3620

Bezaleel and Aholiab are appointed for the work of the tabernacle.

He it bi-tagte beſſeleel, And eliab, he maden wel ðe tabernacle alſ hem was tagt, Goten and grauen wið witter dragt; 3624

Seven months they were about it.

.vii. moneð ðor-buten he ben, And here ſwinc wel he bi-ten; for ſwilc huſ was ear neuere wrogt, Ne ſwilc ſafte her on werlde brogt; 3628

God taught Moses the fashion of it.

God it tagte al ear moyſen Wiſlike hu it wrogt ſulde ben, Quilc ſrud, quat offrende, quilc[339] lage, And quat for luue, and quat for age. 3632

Aaron and others of his kin were appointed to serve in the tabernacle.

Aaron biſſop, oðere of ðat kin, Sette he hem for to ſeruen ðor-in. Bokes he wrot of lore wal, Hu ðiſ folc hem rigt leden ſal, 3636 Betten miſ-dedes, and clene lif Leden, wið-uten [h]ate and ſtrif.

Twelve months passed ere the people departed from Sinai.

Twelf moneð forð ben alle cumen, Or he fro ſynay ben forð numen; 3640

[Fol. 71.] On the twentieth day of the second month (in the second year),

On ðat oðer twentiðe[340] dai, of ðe oðe[r] moneð[341] tagte he wei; ðat brigte ſkie bi-foren hem fleg,[342]

[339] MS. quil.

[340] MS. twentide.

[341] MS. moned.

[342] MS. flegt.


the Israelites departed from Sinai,

And ðiſ folc ðor after teg. 3644 ðre dages and nigtes faren it gan

and came into the wilderness of Paran.

And wið-ſtod in ðe deſerd pharan; ðiſ folc iſ after ſofte togen,

For their complaining,

And hauen ſwinc in weige drogen; 3648 for ðat ſwinc he grucheden ðor, ðor-fore hem cam on more ſor.

the fire of the Lord consumed them,

fier iſ on hem bi-ſiden ligt, fele it brende and made o-frigt, 3652

but is quenched by the prayers of Moses.

Moyſes it bleſſ[ed]e wið his bede, And brenninge he calde ðat ſtede. Here hine-folc ðe waſ hem mide, And ſumme of hem ðor ille dede, 3656

The people lust for flesh and loathe manna.

He gerneden after oðer mete[n], Of manna he ben for-hirked to eten; He greten up-on moyſen, And he to god made his bi-men. 3660

Moses complains of his charge.

"Loruerd!" quad he, "ðiſ folc iſ ðin, And al ðis ſorge nu iſ min; But ic haue an oðer[343] read, Ðu ſalt me raðe don[344] ðolen dead." 3664

God commands him to choose seventy wise men to help him in the government of the people.

Quað god, "ches ðe nu her ſeuenti Wiſe men to ſtonden ðe bi,

[Fol. 71b.]

And ic ſal hem geuen witter-hed, And he ðe ſulen don helpe at ned; 3668 And ðin folc ſal to-morgen bi-geten ynog fles(.) into a moneð[345] for to eten." Moyſes was bliðe an glad[346] of ðis,

The appointment of seventy elders.

And ches ðo men [ðe] god made wiſ; 3672 waſ here non of herte dim, prophetis he weren and holpen him. Fro lond ortigie cam a wind,

Quails are sent in wrath at Kibroth-Hattaavah.

And brogte turles michel mind; 3676 It flogen longe, and ðikke, and wel Abuten ðe folc of yſrael;

For two days the fowls came.

Two daiges hem ben fugeles cumen,

[343] MS. oder.

[344] MS. ðon.

[345] MS. moned.

[346] MS. glað.


So fele he wilen, he [h]auen numen, 3680 And dried and holden to eten; Oc god ne wile[347] it nogt for-geten;

The Lord smote the people with a plague because of their murmuring.

ðat gruching hauen he derre bogt, fier haueð[348] on hem ðe wreche wrogt, 3684 Brend and doluen waſ ðat folc ſoth; ðat ſtede beð cald ðor-fore cabroth.

The people come to Hazaroth.

FOrð he nomen to aſſaroth,

Miriam speaks against Moses,

ðor wurð maria ſumdel ſoth,[349] 3688 for ſche ðor haueð wið moyſes fliten;

and is smitten with leprosy.

ðor wurð ghe ðanne wið lepre ſmiten, And vten ſundred .vii. nigt, In grot and in ſrifte, ſore offrigt;[350] 3692

[Fol. 72.]

Moyſes bi-ſogte, and ſche wurð fer And frend, and cam ðat[351] broðer ner.

The people remove from Hazaroth and come to Paran.

FOrð nam ðiſ folc ſiðen fro ðan fele iurnes in-to pharan; 3696 Forð waſ gon al ðeſe oðer ger, ðo he woren at ſyon-gaber;

Men are sent to search the Land of Promise.

Fro ðeðen[352] he ſente forð to ſen, Quilc ðo riche londes ben, 3700 ðat god hem ſulde bringen in;

One is sent from each tribe.

On man he ſente of ilc kin. xii. ſondere men ðor vte faren, ðiſ hoten lond ðurg-vt he charen, 3704

The spies having been away forty days,

xl. daigeſ faren ben; Bi ðanne quanne he wenten a-gen, In-to cades ðe folc was ſogt. ðeſ .xii. ðider hem hauen brogt 3708

return bringing with them of the plenty of the land.

Of ðe plenteð ðe god ðor gaf, An win-grape on an cuuel-ſtaf, And tolden hem ðe lond iſ god, ful of erf and of netes brod; 3712

In Hebron they found walled cities, stalworth men, and giants.

Oc burges ſtronge and folc v[n-]frigt, ſtalwurði to weren here rigt;

[347] MS. wile he.

[348] MS. haued.

[349] ? sot.

[350] At the bottom of the page is the catchword—"Moyſes bi-ſogte, &."

[351] MS. dat.

[352] MS. ðeden.


And geteniſſe men ben in ebron, Quilc men mai get wundren on. 3716

The Israelites murmur at the news.

ðiſ folc ðo ſette up grot and gred, And ſeiden he folwen iuel red;

[Fol. 72b.]

"Betre iſ vs get we wenden agen And in egipte ðralles ben, 3720 ðan we wurðen her ſwerdeſ ſlagen,

"A captain," said they, "we will make, and return into Egypt."

And ure kin to ſorge dragen;[353] An loder-man we wilen us ſen, And wenden in-to egipte agen; 3724

Joshua and Caleb endeavour to still them.

Ðo quad Ioſue and calef, "Leateð ben ſwilc wurdes ref, And doð nogt god almigten wrong, Iſ milce iſ mikel, iſ ſtrenge iſ ſtrong." 3728

God threatens them.

ðor ðrette god hem alle to ſlen, If moyſes ne wore ðor agen;

For Moses' sake he spareth them.

Oc for iſ benes and for iſ ſake[n], get he ſal wið hem milche maken, 3732

The murmurers are deprived of entering the land.

Oc alle he ſulen wenden a-gen, And in ðe deſert longe ben; And on ðe .xx. winter hold or mor ut of egipte told, 3736 ðat hauen ðuſ often fand, Ne ſulden welden ðat leue land,

Joshua and Caleb are excepted.

Wið-vten Ioſue & calef, Here rigt-wiſed waſ gode lef. 3740

Much sorrow came upon the people.

Moyſes told hem al ðis anſwere, And he ben ſmiten in ſorweſ dere;

Yet thirty-seven years shall they be in the desert.

Get he ſulen .xxx.vii. ger In ðe deſert ben vten her. 3744

[Fol. 73.]

Agen he maden here dragt, Al-ſo ðat ſkie haueð[354] tagt. Oſwas was moyſes eam,[355] And chore was iſ bernteam; 3748

Korah, with two hundred and fifty princes, rebel against Moses.

Ille nið iſ herte wexe on A-gen moyſen and aaron,

[353] MS. ðragen.

[354] MS. haued.

[355] MS. cam.


Hem two .ii. hundred men, And two[356] ðo .xl. and ten; 3752

They said they were more worthy to perform the services of the Tabernacle.

He ſeiden he weren wurði bet to ðat ſeruiſe to ben ſet; And two migtful he hauen taken, Meiſtres princes he wolden hem maken, 3756

Dathan and Abiram were joined to Korah.

On dathan(.) an oðer Abiron. Moyſes it herde and ſeide a-non, "To-morwen beð her alle redi,

Moses' directions to the company of Korah.

And ilc gure oðer ſtonde bi; 3760 And ilc gure hiſe reklefat, And fier ðor-inne and timinge on ðat, And ðan ſulde we brigte ſen, Quilc gure ſal god quemest ben." 3764 And ðuſ it waſ on morgen don,

Dathan and Abiram would not obey the command of Moses.

Ne wulde he, dathan(.) ne abiron, For orgel pride forð ðor cumen; Moyſes wið[357] folc iſ to hem numen, 3768 In here teld he ſtonden a-gen Moyſes and vr, [&] ne wulde gon;

[Fol. 73b.]

Moyſes ðor gret and bad iſ bede,

The earth swallowed up Korah.

And erðe denede[358] ſone in ðat ſtede, 3772 And opnede vnder [h]ere fet; Held up neiðer ſton ne gret, Alle he ſunken ðe erðe wið-in, Wið wifes, and childre, and hines-kin, 3776 Swilc endeſið vn-bi-wen hauen;

None had need to toil in burying them.

darð[359] noman ſwinken hem to grauen, ðiſ erðe iſ to-gidere luken, Als it ne were neuere or to-broken. 3780 FOr chore wel wiſte ðat

A fire came from God,

Gret fier wond vt of is reclefat, And of iſ fere on and on,

and burnt the two hundred and fifty men.

And for-brende hem ðor euerilck on; 3784 Oc aaron al hol and fer, Cam him no fieres ſwaðe ner;

[356] to?

[357] MS. wid.

[358] MS. deuede.

[359] MS. ðarð.


Of the censers were made crowns for the altar of brass.

Of ðo Reklefates for wurðing, Woren mad, and for muning, 3788 Corunes at ðe alter of bras, ðe at here tabernacle was.

On the morrow the people murmured against Moses and Aaron, who fled to the Tabernacle.

For al ðiſ, oðer day ðor waſ neſt, Agenes moyſes and iſ prest 3792 Gan al ðiſ folc wið wreðe gon, And wulden hem werpen ſtones on; To ðe tabernacle he ben flogen, ðor [h]aueth a ſkie hem wel bi-togen; 3796

[Fol. 74.] A fire slew many of the people.

A fier magti ðat folc feſt on, And haueð manige ðor for-don. ðan bad moyſes aaron, wið hiſe Rekelefat, to ðat fir gon; 3800 And he it dede[360] alſ he him b[e]ad,

Aaron stays the plague.

Ran and ſtod tuen[361] liues and dead, And ðiſ fier bleſſede and wið-drog, It [h]adde or ſlagen manige ynog; 3804

Fourteen thousand and eighty were thus slain.

.xiiii. ðhusent it haueð ſlagen, And .iiii. ſcore of liue dragen. Ðog ðiſ folc miðe a ſtund for-dred,

The Israelites do not recognise Aaron's authority,

ðog he ben get in ſunder red, 3808 Get he aglen on here red(.) and wen ðat it mai loked betre ben; ðog ðiſe brende ben for-ſaken, ðog he wenen ðat god ſal taken 3812

but think that others are fitted for the service of God.

Of ðo .xii. tribuz ſumme mo, To ben ðor he for-hu-gede ðo, Or ynog raðe of euerilc kin, He wile ðat ſumme ſerue ðor-in. 3816 "Childre," quat moyſes, "gure ſtrif

Moses addresses the people,

dereð ðe ſowle and greueð ðe lif; Do we uſ alle in godes red,

and directs each prince of the tribes to take a rod, and to write every man his name upon it.

Vs ſal timen ðe betre ſped; 3820 Ilc prince me take hiſe wond, And do we us here in godes hond;

[360] MS. ðede.

[361] MS. tiren.


[Fol. 74b.]

And on [ilc] wond writen ſal ben ðe kindes name ðe ðor to tgen; 3824 God ſal to-morgen token don, Quilc kinde he wile ðiſ meſter on.

The rods were written upon,

ðuſ it was don, and on a wond Wið-uten[362] ðo wrot he wið hond 3828 ðe twelfte names of ðat kin;

and laid before the Lord in the Tabernacle.

ðe tabernacle he dedis in, And ðor he iſ haued god bi-tagt, And let iſ ben ðor al ðat nagt. 3832

On the morrow the rods were examined,

O morgen quan he com a-gen, Quat was bitid he let hem ſen; Ilc wond he fond of euerilc kin Alſ ſwilc alſ he iſ dede ðor-in; 3836

and Aaron's rod, of the house of Levi, had budded, blossomed, and brought forth almonds,

Oc on, ðe was of aaron, (Writen was name leui ðor-on), It was grene and leaued bi-cumen, And nutes amigdeles ðor-onne numen; 3840 ðo wiſten he ðat[363] aaron

so it was seen that God had appointed Aaron as bishop.

Was hem biſſop ðurg god don; To ſen gode witneſſe ðor-on, ðat wond was in ðat arche don. 3844 [I]N ðe deſert he wuneden ðor

Thirty-seven years and more the people abode in the desert,

.xxx.vii. winter and mor; Longe abuten munt ſeyr, folgede hem ðat ſkie ſcir, 3848

[Fol. 75.] wandering about from place to place,

And often to ðe ſe ðor-bi, And often to ðe munt ſynay; Her and gund ðor he biried lin,

and all the old ones died.

Alle he[364] olde deden ðor fin. 3852 And at ðe laſte ne-ðe-les, Eft he come ſone to cades,

At Kadesh Miriam died,

ðor was moyſes ſiſter dead; ðat folc ðor .xxx. daiges a-bead, 3856 And after wune faire hire bi-stod, wið teres, rem, and frigti mod;

[362] MS. wid-uten.

[363] MS. dat.

[364] ðhe?


and her body was buried in Mount Zin.

Hire lich iſ biried in munt ſin, Hire ſowle iſ reſted ſtede wið-in. 3860 It bi-tidde after hire dead

The people murmur for water.

ðat ðis folc ſorge in ðriſte abead. And ðer roſ wreððe and ſtrif a-non Agen moyſen and aaron; 3864

Moses is commanded to gather the people before the rock at Meribah.

God [bad] ſemelen folc and gon, And foren hem ſmiten on ðe ſton And ſeide, ut of ðe ſmiten ſton Ynog hem ſulde water gon; 3868 He and hiſ folc comen ðer-to, Ic wene frigtlike ðat he do; Ones he ſmot ðor on ðe ſton,

Moses smote the rock twice, and the water flowed forth,

And miſte, and ſag ðe water gon; 3872 An oðer ſiðe he went iſ ðogt Betre and ſoftere, and ne miſte nogt,

[Fol. 75b.] and the folk and cattle had enough.

ðo flew ðor[365] water michil and ſtrong, Al folc and erue a-nog a-mong. 3876

The people are denied a passage through Edom.

Ðvrg lond edom ne migten he faren, ðor-fore he ſulen a-buten charen Bi ðe deſert of arabie lond; Long weige and coſtful he ðor fond, 3880 forð bi archim ðat meiſter burg; ðe deſert aren he walkeden ðurg,

They come to Mount Hor,

Til ðat[366] he comen to munt hor; Aaron ðo wente of liwe ðor, 3884

where Aaron dies.

Eleazar, iſ ſune, him neſt Was mad biſſop and meiſter preſt.

Thirty days the folk mourned for him.

xxx. daiges ðat folc in wep Wið bedes, and gret, and teres wep; 3888 Get iſt ſene, on ðe munt on ðat ſtede, Quor men aaron in birieles dede;

The age of Aaron.

vii. ſcore ger and .iii. told, ðor he lið doluen on ðat wold. 3892 Forð ðeðen he comen to ſalmona,

The people murmur,

for-weried grucheden he ðoa,

[365] MS. dor.

[366] MS. dat.


ðor-fore hem cam wrim-kin among,

and are plagued with serpents.

ðat hem wel bitterlike ſtong; 3896 Non oðer red ðor don ne waſ,

They, repenting, are healed by a serpent of brass,

Moyſes ðor made a wirme of bras, And henget hege up-on a ſaft, ðurg godes bode and godes craf[t]; 3900

[Fol. 76.]

Quat ſtungen man so ſag ðor-on, ðat werk him ſone al was vn-don;

which long afterwards was worshipped in Jerusalem.

Digere it was al ðat berem-tem,[367] figer ſiðen in-to ierusalem; 3904 oc ſiðen it waſ to duſte don, for ðat folc miſleuede ðor-on.[368]

The people come to Zered.

Frigti nam forð ðis folc and bleð, Til he comen to flum iareth; 3908 ðiſ water him on-ſunder drog, And let hem ouer, drige ynog;

Sihon, king of the Amorites, comes out against Israel and is overcome.

King ouer(.) amor(.) reos(.) ſeon, for to figten cam hem ageon; 3912 ðiſ folc him ſlog and hiſ lond tok, Suð fro arnon, norð to iabok, And weſten al to flum iordan;

The king of Bashan is slain.

Oc he ſlugen king of baſaan. 3916 To lond moab drugen he ſo, ðor nu iſ a burg, ierico. Balaac king was for-dred for-ðan, And ſente in to lond madian, 3920 To hiſe frend ðe ben him neſt;

Balak sends after Balaam,

And ſente after balaam ðe preſt, Wið riche men an[d] giftes oc, for to ſtillen hiſe [vn-]eðe mod, 3924 And bad him cumen for to don

to curse the folk of Israel.

fol[c] of yſrael hiſ curſing on.

[Fol. 76b.]

Balaam wið-[h]eld him ðor ðat nagt

The failure of the first message.

To witen quat him ſal wurðen tagt; 3928 Al waſ iſ fultum and hiſ ſped

[367] beren-tem?

[368] For this see 2 Kings, xviii. 4.


Bi-luken ille, in fendes red. On nigt him cam ſonde fro gode, Agen ðiſ kinges[369] red for-bode, 3932

God forbids Balaam to curse the Israelites.

And ðat he ne curſe non del ðiſ folc ðat god bliſcede wel. O morgen ſeide he, "fare ic nogt, for bode iſ me fro gode brogt." 3936

Balak's second message to the prophet.

Balaac ſente richere an[d] mo Medes, and oðer men to ðo. "Sondes, ſondes," quað balaam, Or he ðeſe oðere medes nam, 3940

Balaam's answer to the messengers.

"Ðog balaac king me goue hold, Hiſ huſ ful of ſiluer and of gold, Ne mai ic wenden her bi-neðen;" Godes wurd iſ cumen alſ it iſ queðen;[370] 3944 Oc or or ge wenden agen, ðiſ nigt ic ſal fonden and ſen." Quat tiding so it cam on ðe nigt, On morgen, at ðe daiges ligt, 3948

He consents to go with the princes of Moab,

Vp-on hiſe aſſe hiſ ſadel he dede, To madian lond wente he hiſ ride, And wente iſ herte on werre ðhogt; Wicke giſcing it haueð[371] al wrogt. 3952

being influenced by covetousness.

ðuſ rideð forð ðiſ man for-loren,

[Fol. 77.] An angel meets him in the way. The ass is frightened,

An angel drog an ſwerd him bi-foren, ðiſ aſſe wurð ſo ſore of-dred, Vt of ðe weige it haueð him led. 3956 Sellic ðogte balaam for-ði, And bet and wente it to ðe ſti Bi-twen two walles of ſton;

and turns aside to the wall,

Eft ſtod ðiſ angel him a-gon,[372] 3960 ðiſ aſſe iſ eft of weige ſtired,[373] So ðat balames fot iſ hird;[374]

so that Balaam's foot is crushed.

And he wurð ðo for anger wroð, And ðiſ prikeð and negt ſloð; 3964

[369] MS. ginges.

[370] MS. queden.

[371] MS. haued.

[372] ? agen.

[373] ? stirt.

[374] ? hirt.


The angel went further, and stood in a narrow place,

forð and narwere ðiſ aſſe him bar, And ðe ðridde ſiðe wurð ðe angel war. ðo ne migte ðes aſſe flen,

and the ass fell down under Balaam,

Ne he ne durſte forðere ten, 3968 Oc fel ðor dun(.) ðan ðis was don,

who smote her with his staff.

Balaam it ſpureð and ſmit ðor-on; And god vndede ðiſ aſſes muð,

God opened the mouth of the ass, and she spoke to her master.

So ſoð it iſ(.) ſo it is ſelcuð. 3972 Quuað ðiſ aſſe ðus wið vn-miðe, "Qui betes ðu me ðis ðridde ſiðe?" Quað balaam, "for ðu tregeſt me; Had ic an ſwerd, ic ſluge ðe." 3976

Nevertheless this infatuated man was not frightened.

So was ðis were to wunder brogt, ðhog ðe aſſe ſpac, frigtede he nogt;

[Fol. 77b.]

ðe let god[375] him ðat angel ſen,

The angel tells Balaam,

wið ðe ſwerd dragen him agen. 3980 Quað ðe angel, "ðin weige iſ me loð,

that but for the ass he would have slain him.

ðor-fore am ic wið ðe ðuſ loð;[376] If ðin aſſe ne were wið-dragen, Her ſuldes ðu nu wurðen ſlagen." 3984

The prophet offers to return.

Quað balaam, "quane ic haue miſ-faren, If ðu wilt, ic agen ſal charen."

He is cautioned by the angel.

"far forð," quað ðe angel, "oc loc ðe wel, for-bi min red, quað ðu non del." 3988

Balak entertains Balaam.

forð-nam balaam, and balaac king Cam him a-gen for wurðing, Gaf him giftes of mikil priſ; And balaam ſeide him to wiſ, 3992 "Sal ic non wurd[377] mugen forð-don, Vten ðat god me leið on."

Balak causes seven altars to be built.

Balaac him leddede[378] heg on an hil, And .vii. alteres wrogte in his wil, 3996 On ilc alter fier alðerneðer,

On each altar was offered a bullock and a wether.

And ðor-on an calf and a weðer, And he bad balaac ſtonden ðor-bi, And gede on-rum qui[379] bute for-ði, 4000

[375] MS. goð.

[376] wroð?

[377] MS. wurð.

[378] ledde?

[379] quile?


fro abuuen cam to him bi-neðen, Word in herte ðat[380] he ſal queðen;

God's word comes to Balaam,

Quan he cam to balaac a-gen, Swilc wurdes he let vt-ten. 4004

[Fol. 78.]

"Hu mai ic ðat folc curſen on,

and he blesses Israel.

ðor louerd haueð[381] bliſcing don? ðiſ folk ſal waxen wel and ðen, And ouer al oðer migtful ben, 4008 Hiſ lif beð bliðe, hiſ ending ſal, ðe timeð al-ſo ðiſ timen ſal."

Balak is greatly displeased.

Balaac miſliked al ðiſ queðe,[382] And ledde hem ðeðen on oðer ſtede, 4012 To munt faga, for to ſen wel Of folc iſrael ðe oðer del.

He brings the prophet to another place.

He wente on oðer ſtund or ſtede, Betre timing ðor-fore he it dede, 4016 And wende wenden godes ðogt, Oc al he ſwinked him for nogt.

Again seven altars were raised, and offerings made.

Hef[t] haueð he mad her .vii. alter, And on ilc brend eft twin der. 4020 Gede eft balaam up on-rum, ðo ſeide ðuſ quanne hem cam dun,

The parable of Balaam.

"ðis folc, ſprungen of iſrael, Iſ vnder god timed wel; 4024 Al-ſo leun iſ migtful der,

Israel is compared to a lion.

So ſal ðiſ folc ben migtful her; ðiſ leun ſal oðer folc freten, Lond canaan al preige bi-geten." 4028

Balak was ill pleased with the priest's words.

Ille liked ðanne balaac Euerilc word ðe preſt balaam ſpac.

[Fol. 78b.] Balak brings Balaam to Mount Peor.

Get he ledde him to munt fegor, And efte he ſacrede deres mor; 4032 ðor[383] ſpac balaam mikel mor Of ðiſ folckes migt, or he dede or. "folc ebru," quað he, "ðat ic ſe,

Again he blesses the Israelites,

Bliſced ſal ben ðe bliſcede ðe; 4036

[380] MS. dat.

[381] MS. haued.

[382] quede?

[383] MS. dor.


And quuo-ſo wile curſing maken, Ille curſing ſal him taken;

and prophesies their future happiness and greatness.

Of ðe ſal riſen ſterre brigt, And a wond ðe ſal ſmiten rigt 4040 Moab kinges, and under-don Al ſedes-kin ðiſ werld up-on."

Such tidings made Balak's heart sore.

Manie tiding quad balaam ðor, ðe made balakes herte ſor; 4044 Oc ðan balaam wente a-gen,

Balaam teaches Balak how to injure the Israelites,

Tagte he balaam quat migte ben ðiſ folc to dere, and gaf him red ðat brogt iſrael iwel ſped. 4048

by sending out young women fair of face and soft of speech,

"ðe ginge wimmen of ðin lond, faiger on ſigte an[d] ſofte on hond, And brigte on hewe, on ſpeche glad, Wið ðgere[384] ſal ic ſondes ſad, 4052 ðe ðu ten vt gen ðiſ men,

who should "brew heart-burning and love,"

ðe cunen[385] brewen herte-bren, wið win, and wlite, & bodi, & dwale, Luue[li]ke and wið ſpeche ſmale, 4056

[Fol. 79.] and so turn the people from God.

To wenden hem fro godes age To ði londe godes and vre lage; Bute-if ðu migt forðen ðiſ red, And hem fro godes luue led, 4060

For war nor weapon had no power to harm them.

And fonde to wenden ðuſ here ðhogt, for wi ne wopen ne helpeð[386] nogt." forð-nam balaam, ðat ille qu[e]ad ðe gaf ðiſ read of ſoules dead. 4064

This counsel was followed,

ðuſ it was don, and bi ðat ſel

and thus it fell that Israel sinned in Shittim,

In ſichin ſingede iſrael, And for luue of ðiſ hore-plage Manie for-leten godes lage, 4068 And wrogten ðor ſwilc ſoules for

and worshipped Baal-peor.

ðat he ðor lutten belphegor. Ðo ſeide god to moyſen, "ðe me[i]ſtres of ðiſe hore-men, 4072

[384] gere?

[385] MS. cumen.

[386] MS. helped.


God commands the chief men to be hanged.

ðe fendes folgen and me flen, ðe bidde ic hangen ðat he ben; Ben ðeſe hangen ðe ſunne agen, ðise oðer[387] folc ſal meðe ſen." 4076

Twenty-three thousand were slain.

Godes wreche ðor haueð of-ſlagen xx.iii. ðuſent of dagen.[388]

Phinehas kills Zimri and Cozbi

finees waſ a ſeli man, ðe godes wreche forðen gan; 4080 He ſlug Zabri for godeſ luuen, Hiſe hore bi-neðe and him abuuen;

[Fol. 79b.] with his long and sharp pike.

ðurg and ðurg boðen he ſtong wið hiſe giſarme ſarp & long. 4084 God moysen nemnen bead

God commands Moses to take the sum of the people above twenty.

Hiſ folc ðe was firmeſt fro dead, Or .xx. winter or more hold, ðe in egypte or ne weren told; 4088

It was found to be 601,720.

On and .vi. hundred ðuſent ðor, And .vii. hundred and .xx. mor Moyſes fond and eliazar; Was non of hem told in tale or, 4092

Of those who were numbered at Sinai, all died except Joshua and Caleb.

ðo moyſes tolde hem and aaron, ðan [h]e gunnen fro egipte gon. Vten ioſue and caleph, Alle elles he driuen in deades weph; 4096 Alle ðiſe wapmen ðor[389] god let liwen, ðe lond hoten ſal hem ben giuen. God moyſes clepede and quad to him,

Moses being told of his death,

"ſtig hege up to munt Abarim, 4100 And ic ſal don ðe ðeðen[390] ſen ðe lond ðe ſal ðiſ folc[e]s ben; ðer ðu ſalt ben of werlde numen. In to ðat lond ſalt ðu nogt cumen." 4104 "Louerd, merci!" quad moyſes,

intreats God not to let the people be "helpless."

"Let ðu ðin folc nogt helpe-les, And good let oc ðu hem bi-ſe, Alſwilc alſ hem bi-hu[f]lik bee." 4108

[387] MS. oder.

[388] MS. ðagen.

[389] MS. dor.

[390] MS. ðeden.


[Fol. 80.] Joshua is appointed to succeed him.

God hem andſwerede, "ioſue Ic wile ben loder-man after ðe; Tac him bi-foren eleazar, ðat al ðin folc wurð war, 4112 And ðine hondes ley him on, Sey him on ðin ſtede to gon." Alſ it is boden, alſo he dede, Ioſue wurð ſet on hiſe ſtede. 4116

When Moses was on Abarim, God showed him the promised land.

Ðo moyſes was on abarim, ðat lond hoten god tawned him. ðor quiles him leſten liue dages, Hiſ he tagte leue lages, 4120

Moses' song, setting forth God's vengeance

And writen hem, haueð[391] iſ hem bitagt, Bute-if he iſ loken hem beð agt,[392] Erðe and heuene he wittneſſe tooc, And wrot an canticle on ðat booc, 4124

upon those who would not serve Him truly.

ðat ðreated ðo men bitter-like ðe god ne ſeruen luue-like. ðo .xii. twelue kinderedes, on and on,

The blessings of the twelve tribes.

He gaf bliſcing bi-leue gon; 4128 At munt nemboc on ðat knol faſga, Wane he was ſtigen ðeðen ðoa, Sag ðe lond of promiſſion, ðurg god[393] him was ſiðen ðat on. 4132

Moses dies in Moab, and is buried by angels' hands.

ðer he ſtarf inne. ðe moab lond, His bodi was biried wið angeles hond,

[Fol. 80b.] No man ever found his body.

ðer non man ſiðen it ne fond, In to lef reſte hiſ ſowle wond. 4136 Ebrius ſeigen, ðuſ waſ bi-tid,

It was thus hid,

ðat moyſes waſ hem ðuſ hid, for, migten he finden ðe ſtede,

that the people might not afterwards worship it.

Quor engel-wird hiſ liche dede, 4140 fele ſulden him leuen on, And leten god; ðat were miſ-don.

[391] MS. haued.

[392] MS. beð beð agt.

[393] MS. goð.


Ydolatrie, ðat waſ hem lef, ofte vt-wrogte hem ſorges dref. 4144

Although Moses was 120 years old,

MOyſes iſ faren, on elde told fulle ſex ſcore winter old;

yet his eyesight remained bright, and every tooth was "by tale right."

And ðog him leſtede hiſe ſigte brigt, And euerilc toð bi tale rigt. 4148 .xxx. daiges wep iſrael for hiſ dead(.) and bi-ment it wel.

Such a prophet in Israel rose none.

Swilc prophete in folc of iſrael Roſ non, ne ſpac wið god ſo wel; 4152 Eſdras iſ witneſſe of [hiſ] ſage, He was wel wiſ of ðe olde lage.

Beseech we now God's might,

Bi-ſeke we nu godes migt, ðat he make ure ſowles brigt, 4156

that he shield us from Hell's night,

And ſhilde us fro elles nigt, And lede us to bliſſe and in-to ligt; In ſwilc ðewes lene[394] us to cumen,[395] ðurg quat we ben to liue numen, 4160

[Fol. 81.] and bring us all into bliss. Amen!

And in-to bliſſe wið ſeli men; Wið muð and herte ſey we, Amen! EXPLICIT LIBer EXODUS.

[394] ? leue.

[395] MS. cunen.


P. 1. ll. 1-2

Man og to luuen ðat rimes ren, ðe Wisseð wel ðe logede men.

og, another form of agh, = ow = ought. ren = run = rune, song, story.

"Nalde ha nane runes Ne nane luue runes leornen ne lustnen."—(St. Kath. 108.)

logede = lay. It is not necessarily unlearned, ignorant, etc., for O.E. writers frequently use the term in contradistinction to clergy. See Ayenbite, p. 197. "Vor all manere of volk studieþ in avarice, and (both) great and smale, kinges, prelates, clerkes, an lewede and religious."—(Ayenbite, p. 34.)

"And bathe klerk and laued man Englis understand kan, That was born in Ingeland."—(Met. Hom. p. 4.)

3 loken, to take care of oneself, to direct one's course of life, keep from sin. See Ayenbite of Inwyt, pp. 1, 197, 199, 201.

"Ac alneway hit is nyed to leawede men that hi ham loki vram þise zenne (avarice)."—Ayenbite, p. 31.

10 ðund is evidently an error for gund = yond, yonder, over. Cp. gu for ðu, ll. 365, 366.

"& þeond þat lond he heom to-draf (B. & ouer al þat lond he drof heom)."—(Laȝ. i. 68.)

12 earuermor = eauermor = evermore. 14 soðe-sagen = soðe-sage = sooth-saw = sooth-saying, true saying.


Cristene men ogen ben so fagen, so fueles arn quan he it sen dagen.

Christian men ought to be as fain (glad) As fowls (birds) are when they see it dawn.

17 telled = telleð = telleth. 20 devil-dwale = devil-deceiver, devil-heretic = arch-deceiver, arch-heretic. See l. 67. Cf. maȝȝstredwale = master heretic = arch-heretic, in the following passage:—

"Off all þis laþe læredd follc Þat we nu mælenn ummbe Wass maȝȝstredwale, an defless þeww, Þat Arrius was nemmnedd."

Of all this loathsome learned folk That we now talk about Was an arch-heretic, a devil's serf That Arius was named. —(Orm. i. p. 258, l. 7454.)


til god srid him in manliched, till god shrouded (clothed) himself in manhood. srid = sridde.

24 bote and red, salvation and counsel. 25 And unspered al ðe fendes sped = undid all the fiend's successful work (luck). 26 halp = Old and Middle Eng. holp = helped, assisted.

P. 2. l. 27 Biddi, an error for bidde?


ðu giue me seli timinge, To thaunen ðis wer[l]des biginninge, ðe, leuerd god, to wurðinge, Queðer so hic rede or singe!

Give Thou me a propitious opportunity To show (declare) this world's beginning, Thee, Lord God, for honour, Whether-so-ever I read or sing!

thaunen = taunen, show, exhibit.

"Ful wel he [Crist] taunede his luue to man, Wan he ðurg holi spel him wan." —Bestiary (O.E. Miscell. p. 24, l. 767.)

The word is very uncommon in O.E. writers. Cp. O.Du. tônen, to show. See ll. 1022, 2034. wurðinge = for worship, honour. wurðinge is a noun, not a participle or gerund. See l. 133. 38 Ear ðanne = ere that.


ðo bad god wurðen stund and stede, When God bad exist time and space.

43 ðrosing seems to be an error for ðrosim or ðrosem = fog, mist, chaos. Cf. waspene in l. 1440, p. 41, where the correct form is wasteme. aðrusemen, to suffocate, occurs in Ancren Riwle, p. 40.

wíte þoliað hátne heaðo-welm helle to-middes brand & bráde lígas swilce eác þa biteran récas, þrosm and þystro,

torment they suffer burning heat intense amidst hell, fire, and broad flames; so also the bitter reeks smoke and darkness. (Caedmon, p. 21, 18.)

45 ðu wislike mune = do thou wisely bear in mind. 47 hin = hine = him. 48 or, another form of ar, = ere, before. 49-56 The meaning of these lines may be expressed as follows:—"And of them two [God the Father and God the Son] that dearly love, who wield all here and above, proceeds that holy love, that wise will [the Holy Ghost], that wieldeth all things with right and skill [reason]. Might bad with word light exist; also that might [the Holy Ghost] wieldeth holy consolation, for there are three persons and one counsel, one might, and one godhead." 54 Hali froure = holy comfort, an allusion to the office of Holy Ghost as the comforter.

"Hire uoster moder wes an þe frourede hire."

= Her foster mother was one who comforted her.—(St. Marherete, p. 8.) 58 o sunde[r] sad = on sunder shad, i. e. a-sunder shed = divided apart, separated. It still exists in water-shed, Ger. wasser-scheide. Cf. l. 116. See Hampole's Pricke of Conscience, p. 271, l. 32. Cp. "the schedynge of tonges." (Trevisa's Translation of Higden's Polychron., p. 251.) "The longages & tonges were ischad & to-schift."—Ib. p. 251.

P. 3. l. 63 ðis walkenes turn = this welkin's course. See l. 79. 64 quuad = biquuad = bequeathed, ordained. See l. 117.


And euerilc wunder, and euerilc wo. And every evil and every woe.

Wunder = misfortune, evil. S.Saxon wundre, mischief, hurt.

"hare lust leadeð ham to wurchen to wundre." = their lust leadeth them to work to mischief.—(St. Marh. p. 14.)

(See Sir Gawaine and the Green Knyght. Ed. Morris, l. 16.)

71-72 Our ancestors had some strange chronological theories. In the Cursor Mundi we read that Adam was made at undern-tide, at mid-day Eve was drawn from his side, and at noon they both ate the apple, and were thus only three tides in bliss.[396]


ðis ik (ilk?) wort in ebrisse wen.

This same word is in Hebrew opinion (tradition). The true form is wene, "a wene" = in supposition. See Laȝ. l. 18752; Orm. l. 4326; Owl and Nightingale, l. 237.

77 a-gon = agen = again. 78 a-gon = gone. It is our word ago. Grammarians, therefore, altogether err in making the a in ago = the prefixal element ge (y) as in yclept. agon and ago = the A.Saxon agán = af-gán, gone by, past. We have abundant examples in O.E. writers of the verb agon (ago) = to go. The past participle is agon or ago, in conformity to the rule that the past participles of verbs with this prefix do not take the initial y. 81 o france moal; in French speech; moal = mel = speech. S.Saxon mælenn, to speak. See Orm. vol. i. l. 99, 253. mol also signifies tribute. See O.E. Hom. 2 S. p. 179; O.E. Miscell. p. 151, l. 161. 87 tellen = reckon. 88 or = ar = first.

P. 4. l. 102

It hiled [= hileð] al ðis werldes drof. = It surrounds (encloses) all this world's drove (assemblage).

drof = A.S. dráf, company.


Til domes-dai ne sal it troken. Till doomsday it shall not fail.

troken = S.Saxon truken, O.E. trokie.

"Ah for nauer nare teonen Nulle we þe trukien."

But never for no injury Will we fail thee.

—(Laȝ. i. p. 186.)

"Ah nauest þu neuere nenne mon. . . . . . . Þe cunne wærc makien. Þe nauere nulle trukien."

But thou hast never no [any] man . . . . . . Who can make a work, That never will fail.

The later copy reads "þat neuere nolle trokie." See St. Kath. 1814.

107 suuen = shoven, i. e. thrust, prest, driven.

111 oo = O.E. aa = ai = ever.

119 birðheltre, fruit tree, from birðel, fruitbearing. Adjectives in -el, -ol, are not uncommon in O.E. See O.E. Hom. 2 S. p. 131.

Cp. "ðare bwys bowys all for byrtht." Their boughs bend all for fruit.—(Wyntown, i. p. 14.)

124-5 fodme. When we find, as on p. 2, l. 43, ðrosing for ðrosim, we must not be surprised at learning that fodme is an error for fodinge, production; A.S. fadung, dispensation, order, production, from fadian, gefadian, to dispose, order, produce. "Hwæt is se Sunu? He is þæs Fæder Wisdom, and his Word, and his Miht, þurh þone se Fæder gesceop ealle þing and gefadode."—(Ælfric—"De Fide Catholica"—Thorpe's Analecta, p. 65.) "An Scyppend is ealra þinga, gesewenlicra and ungesewenlicra; and we sceolon on hine gelyfan, forþon þe hé is soð God and ána Aelmihtig, seðe næfre ne ongann ne anginn næfde, ac hé sylf is anginn, and hé eallum gesceaftum anginn and ordfruman forgeaf, þaet hí beon mihton, and þæt hí hæfdon agen gecynd, swa swa hit þære godcundlican fadunge gelicode."—(Ibid, p. 63.)

125 quuemeðen = quemeden, pleased. See l. 86.

P. 5. l. 133

walknes wurðinge, and erdes [erðes?] frame. welkin's glory and earth's advantage.

frame = advantage, gain, profit. See Handlyng Synne, ll. 5, 4249.

"Twifold forbisne in ðis der [the fox] To frame we mugen finden her."—(O.E. Miscell. p. 14, l. 425.)

"Summwhatt icc habbe shæwedd ȝuw till ȝure sawle nede, ȝiff þat ȝe willenn follȝenn itt & ȝuw till frame turrnenn."—(Orm. vol. i. p. 31.)

"Manne frame = men's advantage."—(O.E. Miscell. p. 2, l. 39.)

"Jhesu, do me that for thi name Me liketh to dreȝe pyne ant shame That is thy (the?) soule note ant frame, Ant make myn herte milde ant tame."—(Lyric Poetry, p. 71.)


He knowned (= knoweð) one ilc sterre name. He alone knoweth each star's name.

135 He settes = He set (placed) them. Cf. l. 156, where wroutis = wrought them. The pronoun is or es = them. See Prefaces to Ayenbite of Inwyt, O.E. Hom. 1st and 2nd SS. 136 ðis walkne went = this welkin's course. See l. 63. 141 bi mannes tale = by man's reckoning. 143 egest = hegest = highest. ðe sunnes brigt = the sun's brightness. 145 moneð met, measure of a month. Cp. O.E. metwand. 148 Reke-fille (see l. 3136) = reke-filleð (cp. O.E. winter-fylleð = October. See Menologium, p. 62, ed. Fox), April (the vapoury or watery month).


wel wurðe his migt lefful ay. Well worth his might ever holy!

Cf. "wo worth the day!" etc. lefful = O.E. geleáfful, faithful, holy. O.E. Miscell. p. 23, l. 713. 160 eruerilc = eauerilc = every. 162 his flotes migt = his floating (swimming) power. Cp. "a flote," a float, Rob. of Brunne, p. 169, l. 13. 163 ðen = to prosper, be successful. Cf. the O.E. phrase, "so mot I the." 164 tuderande = propagating, fruitful.

"Þa gyt drihten cwæð . . . . . wórd to Noe tymað nu & tiedrað."

Again the Lord spake . . . . . words to Noah:— Teem now and propagate. —(Cæd. p. 91.)

"I was borenn her Off faderr & off moder. . . . . . Þa þeȝȝre time wass all gan To tiddrenn & to tæmenn."

I was born here Of father and mother. . . . . . When their time was all gone To propagate and to teem. —(Orm. ii. p. 284.)

See O.E. Hom. 2nd S. p. 177, where tuder = offspring.

168 So, an error for ðo?

P. 6. l. 169 wrim = wirm = reptiles. 170 Qwel = qwelc; quilc = which.

172 singen, to sin. It is not an error for sinnen, but a genuine form (contracted from sinigen), and not uncommon in O.E. writers. See sineged in l. 3555, p. 101.

"He su[n]ggeden and sorgeden and weren in ðogt." They sinned and sorrowed and were in thought. (O.E. Miscell. p. 22, l. 682.)

"Þe verþe manere to zeneȝi in chapare is to zelle to tyme." —(Ayenbite, p. 33.)

"Alsuo may he mid his oȝene wyue zeneȝi dyadliche.—(Ibid. p. 36.)

Sunegi = to sin, occurs in the "Owl and Nightingale," 926.

See Sunegie, sunehi, in O.E. Miscell. pp. 67, 68, 78, 79, 193.


to fremen and do frame, to serve and do good.—(See l. 133.)

"Heo scullen me mon-radene mid mo[n]scipe fremmen." They shall me homage with honour perform.—(Laȝ. ii. 586.)

See St. Kath. 288; Anc. Riwle, p. 284.

Freme and frame are radically the same words, the former being of A.Saxon and the latter of Norse origin. In the Ayenbite, p. 91, vreme = freme = frame is used exactly in the sense of frame: "We wylleþ wel þet we be yvonded (tempted) vor hit is oure vreme ine vele maneres, vor we byeþ þe more ymylded and þe dredvoller and þe more wys ine alle þinges and þe more worþ and þe more asayd." 197 oc = og = ow, ought.

P. 7. ll. 204-6

Whilst it (the soul) followed holy will, God's self the while is pleased, And displeased when it loves sin.

un-lif is evidently an error for un-lief = displeased = O.E. unleôf. In the MS. the f has a long tail, and might almost stand for an incomplete k. 217 kiegt = hight = threatened, literally promised. 222 ilc here = each of them. Cf. the expressions her non, non her = none of them. 228 sib = akin, related; still preserved in gossip, originally godsib. See Ayenbite, p. 36. 230 wrocte = wrogte = pret. of worken, to ache, pain, hurt. Cf. A.S. rop-weorc = stomach-ache; weorcsum, irksome. In the Reliq. Antiq., p. 51, a receipt is given "for evel and werke in þe bledder." On p. 54 of the same work we have a receipt for the "seke man" whose "heved werkes." 234 ðurte, an abbreviated form of ðurfte = behoved. This verb is used with the dative of the pronoun. (See Handlynge Synne, l. 5826.)

"Whyne had God made us swa Þat us thurt never haf feled wele ne wa." —(Hampole's P. of C. 6229.)

P. 8. l. 240 seli sped may be regarded as a compound, and printed seli-sped = good speed, prosperity. Cf. l. 310, where iwel sped = iwel-sped = misfortune. Cf. O.E. gode-happe, prosperity, and ille-happe, mishap. 247 seuendai = seuend dai = seventh day. 250 newes = a-new, a genitival adjective used adverbially. Cf. our modern adverb needs, O.E. nedes, of necessity; lives, alive. (R. of Gloucester, 301, 376. Owl and Nightingale, 1632.) deathes = dead. (R. of Gl., 375, 382. Owl and Nightingale, 1630.) 255 rode-wold = rode tree. I have printed rode-wold and not rode wold, because the two expressions are widely different in meaning. In the latter phrase the word wold = put to death, slain; in the former it is a suffix = -tree, -beam; so that rode-wold corresponds exactly to the O.E. rode-tre = rood-tre = the cross.

"Þe ille men in manhed sal hym [Christ] se, Anly als he henged on þe rode-tre," etc. —(Hampole's P. of C., l. 5260.)

Cf. dore-tree, Piers Pl. 833, and the phrases "hanged on a tree," "the gallows tree," etc. O.E. Tre = tree = wood, beam (and treen = wooden), still existing in axle-tree, saddle-tree, etc. The -wold in rode-wold must therefore = -tre = wood, beam, which we still preserve in threshold. O.E. threshwald, threshwold (A.S. thersc-wald, thyrscwold). The affix -wold fortunately occurs again in lines 576 and 614 in the word arche-wold = ark-board.

Sexe hundred ger noe was hold, Quan he dede him in ðe arche-wold.—(l. 576.)

Sex hundred ger and on dan olde Noe ſag ut of ðe arche-wolde.—(l. 614.)

A passage in Cædmon's poems furnishes us with the very term ark-board by which we have rendered arche-wold.

"Læd swa ic ðe hate under earce-bord eaforan þine."

Lead so I thee hete (command) under the ark-board thy progeny. —(l. 23, p. 80.)

"Him þa Noe gewat swa hine nergand het under earce-bord."

Noah then departed as him the preserver bad, under the ark board. —(l. 4, p. 82.)


Siðen for-les ðat dai is pris Afterwards lost that day its honour.


And seli sad fro ðe forwrogt. And the righteous separated from the wicked (accursed).

Seli constantly occurs in O.E. writers in the sense of good, and unseli, with the opposite meaning of bad, wicked. At first sight it would appear that the for in forwrogt is the same prefix which we have in forbid, forsake, O.E. for-worth, "good for nothing;" but forwrogt in O.E. = overworked, and, hence, fatigued. Forwrogt seems to be connected with the O.H.Ger. foruuerget, cursed; O.E. weried, cursed. The first interpretation, however, is supported by the Goth. verb fra-vaurkjan; Ger. verwirken, sündigen.


Ligber he sridde a dere srud. Lucifer he shrouded (clothed) in dear (precious) shrouds (vestments).

Ligber is evidently Ligtber = Lucifer. It occurs in the Ayenbite, p. 10:—"And verst we willeþ zigge of þe zenne of prede, vor þet wes þe verste zenne and þe aginninge of alle kueade, for prede brek verst velaȝrede and ordre, huanne Liȝtbere the angel for his greate vayrhede and his greate wyt wolde by above þe oþre angeles and him wolde emni to God þet hine zo vayr an zuo guod hedde ymad."


And he became in himself proud, And with that pride upon him waxed envy That evilly influenced all his conduct; Then might he no lord tolerate, That should in any wise control him.

P. 9. l. 275 ðhauen = suffer, endure, tolerate. S.Saxon ðafen, iðeuen; O.E. thave.

"Þe sexte bede þatt mann bitt Uppo þe Paterr Nossterr Þatt iss, þatt Godd ne þole nohht Ne þafe laþe gastess. To winnenn oferrhand off uss Þurrh heore laþe wiless."

The sixth petition that one prayeth in the Pater Noster is that God should not suffer nor permit loathsome spirits to gain the upperhand of us through their loathsome wiles. —(Orm. i. p. 188.)

"& Hengest hine gon werien. & nalde it noht iþeuen [þolie]."

And Hengest gan him defend And would not suffer it. —(Laȝ. vol. ii. p. 215.)

276 ðhinge = place, office, duty; it seems to be here used adverbially in the sense of "any wise," "at all." 276 grauen is perhaps an error for þrauen, to compel, control. Cf. gu for ðu, p. 11, ll. 365, 366, and ðund for gund. If grauen be the original reading then it is equivalent to greven. O.F. grever, Lat. gravare, to injure, grieve.


Min sete norð on heuene maken.

"Sette," he (Lucifer) said, "mi sete I sal Gain him þat heist es of alle; In þe north side it sal be sette, O me seruis sal he non gette."—(Cursor Mundi, fol. 4b.)

282 geuelic = geuenlic = like. Cf. the A.S. ge-efenlæcan, to be like, to imitate. O.E. euening = equal.

"And ðeðen he sal cumen eft, and thence he shall come again, . . . . . . for to demen alle men, for to judge all men, oc nout on-geuelike. but not a-like."—(O.E. Miscell. p. 23.)

"It (the law) fet ðe licham and te gost oc nowt o geuelike." It feedeth the body and the spirit but not alike. —(Ibid. p. 10.)

295 ðis quead = this wicked one. In Early English writers we meet with several derivatives of this word, as kueadliche, wickedly, kueadvol, sinful. (See Ayenbite of Inwyt, p. 4, and extract in Note to l. 271, p. 125.)


Euerilc ðhing haued [haueð] he geue name, To everything hath he given name.

309-310 Yet I ween I know of a device, that shall bring them misfortune.

P. 10. l. 314 ðor buten hunte, there without search, or hunting, without delay; or thereabout to hunt or search. 316 bilirten, to deprive of by treachery, to cheat a person out of a thing.

"ða herodes gesægh for-ðon bisuicen [& bilyrtet] wæs from dryum, [& tungul cræftgum] urað wæs suiðe." (Matthew ii. 16, Northumbrian version.)

"Listneð nu a wunder, ðat tis der doð for hunger: goð o felde to a furg, and falleð ðar-inne, in eried lond er in erð-chine, forto bilirten fugeles."

Listeneth now to a wonder, That this deer (fox) doth for hunger: Goeth a-field to a furrow, And falleth therein, In eared land or in earth-chink, For to deceive fowls. —(O.E. Miscell. p. 13, l. 403.)

318 dreue = trouble, disturb. Cf. O.E. drove, to trouble, droving, tribulation. "Þa Herodes þæt gehyrde, þa wearð he gedrefed,[397] & eal Hierosolim-waru mid him."—Matt. ii. 3.

"& for-þi þatt he sahh þatt ȝho Was dræfedd of his spæche He toc to froffrenn hire anann."—(Orm. i. p. 74.)

"And because that he saw that she was troubled at his word, he took to comfort her anon." Southern writers, by metathesis, formed from dreuen (dreue) the vb. deruen (derue), thereby confounding it with another vb. deruen or derue, pret. dorue, p.p. doruen (A.Sax. deorfan, pret. dearf, p.p. dorfen), to labour, perish, be in trouble. Dreue is a transitive vb. of the weak conjugation, while derue is intransitive and of the strong conjugation, nevertheless we find derue (pret. dorue), taking the signification of dreue. "Stute nu earme steorue ant swic nuðe lanhure swikele swarte deouel, þat tu ne derue me na mare."—(Seinte Marherete, p. 12.) "Stop now, poor stern one, and cease now at once, deceitful swart devil, that thou harm me no more." In Laȝamon we find not only pret. drof = distressed, but derfde, and the p.p. iderued. In the Owl and Nightingale (ed. Wright), p. 40, we find the p.p. idorve = troubled, injured.

"Other thou bodest cualm of oreve (orve), Other that lond-folc wurth i-dorve."


And senkede hire hure aldre bale = And poured out to her the bale of us all,

i. e. gave her the cup of sorrow, of which we all drink; senkede = schenkede, to pour out, to give to drink, to skink. See Orm. ii. 181. Laȝ. ii. 202, 431; Alys. 7581; Owl and Nightingale, p. 70.


Quat oget nu ðat for-bode o-wold = What does now that prohibition signify?

i. e. What is the meaning of the prohibition; oget = has, possesses o wold = a wold = in force, in signification. Cp.

Quat-so his dremes owen a wold = What-soever his dreams do mean.

In ll. 1671, 2122 wold occurs as a noun = interpretation, meaning. The connection between the idea of power, and meaning, interpretation, is not, after all, so very remote. Do we not speak of the force of a word, its power, use, etc., in an expression? See Ormulum, p. 56, l. 11815.


for is fruit sired [sireð?] mannes mood, = for its fruit enlighteneth (cleareth) man's mind.

330 witent for witen it = know it. 333 on hire mod = in her mind. 339 scroðt = scroð = solicited; the pret. of scriðe. The original meaning of the verb is, (1) to go; (2) to cause to go, to urge; (3) to solicit.


for to forðen is fendes wil, for to further (do) his foe's will.

"For up he rigteð him redi to deren, to deren er to ded maken if he it muge forðen."—(O.E. Miscell. pp. 5, 6.)


At he ðat fruit, and dede unskil, Ate he that fruit and committed sin.

unskil, literally, signifies indiscretion, folly, and by an easy transition, sin, crime. (See Ormulum, vol. i. p. 12. Cf. O.E. unskilwis = irrational.)

P. 11. l. 345 Vn-buxumhed = disobedience; but in line 346 it signifies weakness, un-lithesomeness.


Vn-welde woren and in win Here owen limes hem wið-in.

Their own limbs within them Were powerless and in strife.

vnwelde = unwieldy = the S. Saxon vniwælde, heavy.—(Gower i. 312.)

"——hise limes arn unwelde."—(O.E. Miscell. p. 3.)

(i. e. weak with age); in win, in strife, conflict.

"and wið al mankin he (the devil) haueð nið and win" (envy and strife). (O.E. Miscell. p. 8.)

"ðis fis wuneð wið ðe se grund, and liueð ðer eure heil and sund, til it cumeð ðe time ðat storm stireð al ðe se, ðanne sumer and winter winnen (strive)." (O.E. Miscell. pp. 16, 17.)

"Þar aros wale and win." There arose slaughter and strife.—(Laȝ. i. 18.)


flesses fremeðe and safte same boðen he felten on here lichame.

Lust of flesh, and shame of form both they felt in their bodies.

fremeðe seems connected with fremen and frame. In the translation I have connected fremeðe with O.E. frim, vigorous; but it may be another form of O.E. frumðe, beginning. Then the translation of l. 349 would be 'the beginning of flesh and shame of form.'


ðu haues ðe sorges sigðhe waked. Thou hast for thyself a sight of sorrow roused.

sigðhe = sight, but if it be an error for siðhe it will signify adversity, mishap. 362 ut luken = shut out. 363 tilen ði mete[n] = earn thy food. tilen (till), earn, procure.

"Ne maig he tilen him non fode." He is not able to procure food for himself. (O.E. Miscell. p. 3.)

364 wid = wið, with. swotes teres = tears of sweat, i. e. drops of sweat. We may, however, by spoiling the metre, read swotes & teres, for in O.E. writers swot is frequently used in the singular and makes the plural swotes.

365, 366

Til gu beas eft into erðe cumen, Till thou art again into earth come.

beas = be'st = art. The present has also a future signification.

369 niðful = envious.

"O nyth þare springes mani bogh, Þat ledes man to mikel wogh, for nithful man he luuves lest, Þe quilk he wat es dughtiest." —(Cursor Mundi, MS. Cott. Vesp. A iii. fol. 153b.)

loð an liðer, loathsome and vile.


And atter on is tunge cliuen, And poison on his tongue shall cleave.

373 san = schand, disgrace, shame. Did the scribe originally write sam = shame? 377 pilches. This word answers to the "coats of skin" in our English version of the Scriptures. In modern English pilch is merely the flannel swathe of an infant, but it formerly signified a fur garment. Cf. Ital. pellicia, pelizza, any kind of fur; also Fr. pelisse (pelice), a furred garment.

"Here kirtle, here pilche of ermine, Here keuerchefs of silk, here smok o line, Al-togidere, with both fest, Sche to-rent binethen here brest."—(Seven Sages, 473.)

P. 12. l. 384.

Cherubin hauet [haueð] ðe gates sperd, Cherubim have the gates bolted (barred, fastened).

391 swem = sorrow, grief. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. swemande. Legends of Holy Rood, pp. 135, 201.


Of iwel and dead hem stondeð greim Of evil and death they stand in awe.

A similar phrase occurs in l. 432, p. 13. The phrase stande awe is not uncommon in O.E. writers.

"Than sal be herd the blast of bem, The demster sal com to dem, That al thing of standes awe." (i. e. stands in awe of.) —(Met. Hom. p. xii.)

"For Crist com sal be sa bright Þat thoru þat mikel lauerd might Him sal of stand sa mikel au, Þat alle þe filthes of his maugh Sal brist ute at his hindwin, For dred he sal haf of drightin." —(Antichrist and the Signs of the Doom, in Jahrbuch für Romanische und Englische Literatur, 1863, p. 203, l. 408.)

"Thereof ne stod him non owe."—(Seven Sages, 1887.)

See Havelok the Dane, p. 9, l. 277.

393 on sundri = asunder = apart, separate.


And leded (ledeð) samen gunker lif. And lead (pass) together your (two) lives.

leded = ledeð, is a verb in the imperative mood; gunker, the A.S. incer (dual) = your two, of you two. Cf. ȝunkerr baþre = of you both.—(Orm. i. 214.)


And sumdel quemeð it his seri mood And somewhat it cheereth his sorry mood.


More for erneste dan [ðan] for gamen, More for necessity than for pleasure.

P. 13. l. 417 al swilc sel = all such time.


ðan he was of is broðer wold, When he was by his brother killed.

421, 422

An hundred ger after is dead, Adam fro eue in srifte abead. A hundred years after his death, Adam from Eve in shrift (penance) abode.

(i. e. on account of the death of Abel.)

"A hundred winter of his liue fra þan forbar Adam his wiue, for soru of Abel þat was slayn."—(Cursor Mundi, fol. 8.)

See Legends of the Holy Rood, pp. 20, 21.

431 and wurð ut-lage = and became an outlaw.


wið dead him stood hinke and age. Of death he stood in dread and fear.

hinke = inke, doubt, dread. See note on l. 392.


ðeft and reflac ðhugte him no same, theft and robbery appeared to him no shame.

Reflac = robbery with violence, rapine. (See Laȝ. i. 172, 272, 424; ii. 526.)

"Þe first sin is o covatise Þat revis mani man þair praise, O þis cumes blindnes and tresun, Reuelaic, theft, extorsiun." —(The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursor Mundi, Cott. MS. Vesp. A iii.)

438 stonden agon = withstand, oppose. Cf. O.E. again-stande, to oppose.


Met of corn, and wigte of fe, Measure of corn, and weight of goods.

The only objection against explaining fe by goods or money is that in the poem it signifies cattle, the proper term for goods, etc., being agte. In Laȝamon fe, however, has the meaning of goods, money.


And merke of felde, first fond he, And he first devised division (boundary) of fields (lands).

444 at ðe sexte kne = at the sixth degree. Kne in this sense is used by Robert of Gloucester, p. 228:—"He come of Woden þe olde louerd, as in teþe kne" (i. e. tenth generation). 450 On engleis tale = in English speech.

P. 14. l. 451 kire, modesty, purity. See Laȝ. l. 8077. K. Horn, l. 1446.


He was hirde wittere and wal. He was herdsman wise and experienced (skilful).

See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. wale.


Of merke, and kinde, and helde, & ble, sundring and sameni[n]g tagte he.

He taught of (concerning) the character, breed, age, colour [of cattle], the keeping them asunder, and the matching them together. merke refers, perhaps, to the form, shape, etc., of the cattle, and kinde to their pedigree. 459 glew, music, still exists in glee, gleeman, etc., O.E. gleowinge = singing. gleu, to amuse by singing.

"Bi a piler was he þar sett To gleu þaa gomes at þair mete."—(Cursor Mundi, fol. 40b.)

Cf. gleo, music.—(Laȝ. i. 298.) gleo-cræften = glee-crafts, arts of music.—(Ibid. i. 299.) gleo-dreme = glee-sound.—(Ibid. i. 77.) gleowen, gleowien, to chant, play.—(Ibid. ii. 382, 429.) 466 a sellic smið, a wonderful (rare) smith. 468 To sundren and mengen = to separate (the ore from the dross) and to mix (alloy).


Wopen of wigte and tol of grið = weapon of war and tool of peace.

wigte = wig = war. Wigte may signify sharpness; it usually = strong, brave.


wel cuðe egte and safgte wið.

This line seems to be very corrupt and to stand in need of some emendation. I would propose to read as follows:—

wel cuðe he fegte and sagte wið

= well could he fight [i. e. with the wopen of wigte] and heal with [the tol of grið]. If this interpretation be right tol of grið would refer to some curative agents. 472 wurð bisne, became blind.

"Þis Lamech was called Lamech þe blind, Caym he slogh wit chaunce we find."—(Cursor Mundi, fol. 10.)


Al-so he mistagte, also he schet, As he mistaught, so he shot.

477 wende = weened, thought. 480-481 Cain unwarned, received it (the arrow), groaned, and stretched (fell prostrate), and died with that (immediately). unwarde may be an error for unwarnde = unwarned, or for unwared = A.S. unwered = unprotected. 484 dedes swog = death's swoon. Swog = O.E. swowe, swoughe.

"Aswogh (in swoon) he fell adoun An his hynder arsoun (rise of the saddle), As man that was mate."—(Lybeaus Disconus, 1171.)

The verb to swoon occurs often in English under the form swoghen (p.p. yswowe),

"The king swoghened for that wounde."—(Kyng Alys., 5857.)

Cf. Laȝ. 130, "he fel iswowen;" i. 192, stille he was iswoȝen (the later copy reads iswoȝe).


Of his soule beð mikel hagt. On his soul is much sorrow.—(See l. 2044, p. 59.)

The literal signification seems to be thought, care. (See Agte in l. 3384.)

P. 15. l. 490 or or, etc. = first ere, etc. = first before, etc. fen = mud, dirt.

"Man here is nathyng elles Bot a foule slyme, wlatsom til men, And a sekful of stynkand fen." —(Hampole's P. of C., l. 566.)

See R. of Gloucester, 6; Ps. (in Surtees' Psalter) xvii. 43. 492 drinkilden = were drowned; drinkil is a derivative of O.E. drinke, to drown, a softer form of which is drenche, which often signifies in O.E. a drink, potion (R. of Gl., p. 151; Ayenbite, p. 151, deaþes drenche), as well as to drink and to drown. See Laȝ. i. 64.

"& att te lattste drunncnenn þeȝȝ þa wrecchess, þat hemm trowwenn. And at the last drown they The wretches who them trow (believe)."—(Orm. ii. 181.)

"The see him gon adrynke That Rymenil may of-thinke."—(Kyng Horn, 978.)


he began holy custom Of prayers, and of god-fearing-ness, for life's help and soul's comfort (counsel).

500 alied = halihed = holiness; toch = toc = took. 501 fro mannes mene, from man's fellowship, society. The usual form of mene in O.E. is ymene, ymone = common, general. 503-510 From Hampole's Pricke of Conscience, pp. 122-126, we learn that both Enoch and Hely (Elijah) shall come before doomsday to turn the Jews from following Antichrist to the Christian law:—"For 1260 days, or three years, shall they continue to preach. Antichrist, in great wrath, shall put the two prophets to death in Jerusalem, where their bodies shall lie in the streets for three days and a half, after which they shall ascend to heaven in a cloud. After their death Antichrist shall only reign fifteen days, at the end of which time he shall be slain before the Mount of Olivet." Some "clerks" affirm that he shall be slain by St Michael in Babylon, "that great hill." (See "Antichrist and the Signs before the Doom," in Jahrbuch für Romanische und Englische Literatur, 1863.) 517 Metodius. In the "Polychronicon Ranulphi Higdeni," p. 23, ed. by Churchill Babington, 1865, amongst the "auctores names" we find mention made of "Methodius etiam martyr et episcopus, cui incarcerato revelavit angelus de mundi statu principio et fine." 518 sighe sir = sigðhe sir = sheer insight, clear fore-knowledge.

P. 16. l. 525 quat agte awold = what should happen. 526 water wold, destroyed by water. wold may = walled, flooded, from wallen. 530 hore-plage, whore-play, whoredom. Cf. O.Sax. hor-uuilo; O.H.G. huorgilust. In O.E. hore (not whore) was an epithet applicable to men as well as women. It occasionally signifies adultery. It is found in combination as a qualifying term in hore-cop, horesone, a bastard; hore-hous, a brothel. The O.E. horwed, defiled, unclean; horowe, foul (Chaucer); hori, ouri, dirty; Provincial E. horry (Devonshire), seem to belong to another family of words.


Wimmen welten weres mester Women wielded a man's art.—(See Rom. i. 26.)

See Allit. Poems, p. 46, ll. 269-272.


And swilc woded wenten on, And such madness (folly) went on.

woded = wodhed. Cf. alied = alihed = holiness (l. 500, p. 15). "Þe oþer ontreuþe þet comþ of prede is wodhede, me halt ane man wod þet is out of his wytte, in huam skele is miswent."—(Ayenbite, p. 12.)


Golhed hunkinde he gunnen don, Unnatural lust they did commit.

Golnes = lust, lasciviousness, occurs in the Owl and Nightingale, l. 492. Ancren Riwle, p. 198. Ps. lxvii. 14.

"Non lest (listen) on man do amys Thorȝ hys oȝene gale (lust)."—(Shoreham, p. 107.)

hunkinde = unkinde, unlawful, unnatural. 536 quad mester, wicked craft (practices). See Allit. Poems, p. 46, ll. 265-268. Quad takes several forms and meanings in O.E.; as qued, wicked (Kyng Alys., 5619; evil, 4237); the devil (R. of Gl., 314); quead, wickedness (Ayenbite, p. 4); quathe, wothe, wathe, evil, harm (Hampole's P. of C., 2102, 4558; Allit. Poems, B. 885).

"De quât deit, de schuwet gêrn dat licht."—(Reynard the Fox.)

537 hun-wreste plage, wicked lust; hun-wreste = unwreste, weak, frail, and hence wicked.

"Mærling vnwærste [onwreste] man Whu hæuest þu me þus idon."—(Laȝ. ii. 228.)

"Þenne þat hæfd (leader) is unwræst [onwrest] Þe hæp (host) is þæ wurse."—(Ibid. vol. ii. 259.)

"Thanne aȝte men here wyves love, Ase God doth holy cherche; And wyves nauȝt aȝens men Non onwrestnesse werche, Ac tholye, And nauȝt onwrest opsechen hy Ne tounge of hefede holye."—(Shoreham, p. 57.)

See Orm. i. 168-9. A.Sax. Chron., 1052. Wright's Lyric Poems, 37. Kyng Alys., 878. Owl and Night., 178. 538 A ðefis kinde = in thief's kind, in sodomy. thief in O.E. was a general term of reproach. Perhaps in ðefis we have an allusion to Cain.


And leten godes frigti-hed And forsook the fear of God.


And mengten wið waried kin And intermixed with accursed kin.


Of hem woren ðe getenes boren Of them were the giants born. —(See Genesis vi. 4.)


Migti men, and figti, for-loren = Migti men, figti and forloren, Mighty men, warlike and forlorn (doomed).

548 litel tale, little account (worth). 553 blissen = lessen = be-lessen (?) or bi + leschen, to soften. Cf. blinnen and linnen = to cease. See ll. 3653, 3803.


ðat it ne wexe at more hun-frame lest it should grow to greater evil.

hun-frame = unframe, loss, disadvantage. 556 deres kin = animals.

P. 17. l. 560 grið, protection, safety.

"he wuneden (dwelt) seoððen (afterwards) here inne griðe and inne friðe (peace)."—(Laȝ. ii. 50.)

"Lauerd, lauerd, ȝef (give) me grið."—(Ibid. iii. 35.)

Cf. greth, quarter (Sir Cleges, 292). grith-bruch, breach of the peace (Owl and Nightingale, 1043). grith-sergeant (Havelok, 267). 561 feteles, a vessel, a fat or vat.

"þe firrste fetless wass Brerdfull off waterr filledd."—(Orm. ii. 148.)

"Sex feteles of stan war thar stan[d]and, Als than was cumand in the land And Crist bad thaim thir feteles fille Wit water, and thai did son his wille." —(Met. Hom. p. 120.)

562 set, made, formed. limed, daubed, pitched. 564 sperd, sparred, barred. See Orm. D. 261; H. i. 142, ii. 68; Havelok, 448. spere or sparre signifies also to lock, shut up. Chaucer, Troilus and Creseide, v. 455; Bone Florence, 1774. ðig = ðic, thick.


ðor buten noe(.) long swing he dreg. Thereabout Noah endured long toil.

swing = swinc, toil, labour. 568 welken, pass away, literally to fade, wither; and usually applied to plants and flowers.

"It wites als gresse areli at dai, Areli blomes and fares awai; At euen doun es it brogt, Un-lastes, and welkes, and gas to noght."—(Ps. lxxxix. 6.)

See Hampole's P. of C. l. 707. 576 arche-wold. See note to l. 255. 582 gette or get, poured down. gette is the preterite of geten or gete. See l. 585. Cf. O.E. yhete (ȝete); pret. yhet; p.p. yhoten (iȝote).

"Yhet over þam þi wreth."—(Ps. lxviii. 25.)

See Ps. xli. 5, lxxiii. 21. Percy's Reliq. vol. ii. 81. Cf. "a metal geoter," a metal caster, Kyng Alys. 6725. out-yhetted, poured out, Hampole's P. of C. 7119. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. Gote. 592 moned = moneð = month.

P. 18. l. 598 dragen by metrical license for wið-dragen, withdrawn. ðe watres win = the water's force (strife). Winne in O.E. has the signification of to fight, contend with, strive, and hence to get. Cf. O.E. wunne, victory; wan, contrivance, remedy. See l. 347.

"Alle we atter dragen off ure eldere, ðe broken drigtinnes word ðurg ðe neddre; ðer-ðurg haueð mankin boðen nið and win."—(O.E. Miscell. p. 11.)

607 est = east. Probably only an error for eft = again. 614 arche-wolde. See note to l. 255. 617 Rad = hasty, rash. Literally it signifies ready, and frequently occurs in O.E. writers with this meaning. Cf. O.E. gerâd, rædlîce, rædliche, radely, radly, promptly, quickly, suddenly. See l. 2481, and Owl and Nightingale, ll. 423, 1041, 1279; Laȝ. 25603; St Marh. p. 10; Avow. Arth. xix. 6.

P. 19. l. 630 tudered (see note to l. 164).


Often he prayed with timid prayer, That such vengeance as God then did Should no more on the world come, What vengeance so ever there should be taken. God granted it in token of love, Showed him in the welkin above A rainbow, they call it, red and blue.

so after swiulc is a true relative, as in the oldest period.

635 gat = granted. It is the preterite of a verb gate, to grant.

"Fourti dais he sal [tham] yate Þat fallen ar ute o þair state Þoru foluing o þat fals prophet, Þat þai mai þam wit penance bete." —(Antichrist, in Jahrbuch für Romanische und Englische Literatur, 1863, p. 204, l. 428.)

gate or yate, pret. yatte, is the Northern form of the word, the corresponding southern term is ȝete, pret. ȝette.

"& ȝho ne wass nohht tær onnȝæn, Acc ȝatte hemm hĕre wille & ȝatte þatt ȝho wollde ben Rihht laȝhelike fesstnedd Wiþþ macche, swa summ i þat ald Wass laȝhe to ben fesstnedd."—(Orm. i. 80.)

"& þe king him ȝette swa Hengist hit wolde."—(Laȝ. ii. 172.)

"& þe king him ȝette al þat he ȝirnde."—(Laȝ. i. 189.)

See Seinte Marherete, p. 18. Allit. Poems, p. 17, l. 557. a = an = in. 637 men cleped = one calleth it; cleped = clepet = clepe + et; et = it. We have a similar construction in l. 1082:

"for al ðat nigt he sogten ðor ðe dure, and fundend neuere mor."

fundend = funden + ed = founden + et = found it. The author of the poem constantly joins the pronoun et = it to the preterite of weak verbs. See line 479, where letet = let it. 590 stodet = stod it = it stood. 1654 kiddit = kidd it = showed it. As the plurals of the present indicative do not end in -eþ or -et in the poem, but in -en (-n), cleped may be an error for clepeð or clepeth = calls, and men = O.E. me = one. See line 750.


And as high the flame shall go, As the flood flowed on the downs (hill).

lowe, a northern term (of Norse origin) for flame, the southern form (of A.Sax. origin) is leie. Religious Songs in Old Eng. Miscell., pp. 67, 182.

"Of his neose-þurles cumeð þe rede leie."

See also Legend of St Brandan, 512.

"Þair throtes sal ay be filled omang Of alle thyng þat es bitter and strang, Of lowe and reke with stormes melled, Of pyk and brunstane togyder welled." —(Hampole's P. of. C., l. 9431.)

653 vten = wið-vten, without, besides. See l. 656. Cf. l. 596, with l. 598. 655 bi tale, in number.

P. 20. l. 676 gan ille wune, began wicked practices. 678 muni[gin]g = remembrance. 692 fendes fleiðing, fiends' strife. Probably fleiðing = flitting, contention, strife. The phrase fendes fleathe = ? fendes fleiðing, occurs in Shoreham's poems, p. 97.

"ȝyf thou rewardest thyne eldrynges nauȝt A-lyve and eke a-dethe, That were wel besy to brynge the forthe, . . . . . . . . ȝyf thou hy gnaȝst and flagȝst eke, Ryȝt hys that fendes fleathe."

P. 21. l. 713 hicte = higte, was called, named. 724 wol wel = wel wel = very well, extremely well. Cf. the O.E. expressions wel ald, wel lang, etc., very old, very long, etc.; wol wel corresponds exactly to the O.H.G. and M.H.G. vil wol; Mod. Ger. sehr wohl. See Erec. (ed. Haupt. 1839), 2017.


Thare let hur, and ðeðen he nam, Terah left Ur, and thence he went.

let (pret. of lete) = left; nam, literally took, and hence took the way, departed, went. See ll. 744, 745. 727 burgt, an error for burg.

P. 22. l. 743 for, went. See l. 763.


Of weledes fulsum and of blis Rich of (in) wealth and of (in) bliss.

weledes is an error for welðes; it may = werldes = world's; fulsum = rich, plenteous, bountiful, occurs in O.E. fulsumhed (see l. 1548), fulsumly.

749 ist = is it, is there.


Each thing dieth that therein is cast.

753 ðus it is went = thus is it turned or changed. 754 brimfir, if not an error for brin-fire (burning fire; see l. 1164), signifies wild-fire, i.e. brimstone. Cf. A.Sax. cwic-fyr = fire of brimstone. 763 hunger bond. We ought, perhaps, to read hunger-bond, corresponding to the German hungersnoth, famine, dearth. Cf. luue-bond, l. 2692, force of love. 764 feger = feyer, far. 767 to leten = to lose.

P. 23. l. 787 erdne = ernde, errand, prayer, petition, message.

"Ih scal iu sagen imbot, gibot ther himilisgo Got, Ouh nist ther er gihorti so fronsig arunti."—(Otfried's Evangelienbuch.)

to god erdne beren = to intercede with God. Ernde occurs in Lyric Poetry, p. 62, in the sense of to intercede. 792 arsmetike = arsmet[r]ike = arithmetic.


He was hem lef, he woren him hold, He was dear to them, they were true to him.

795 sat = schat, treasure, still existing in scot, shot. 796 vn-achteled, unestimated, immense; from achtel, to estimate, reckon. See Stratmann, s.v. ahtlien.


ðor he quilum her wisten wunen, Where they formerly wished to dwell.

P. 24. l. 813 atteð = hatteð, is called.


ðer het god abre ðat tagte lond, etc. There God promised Abraham that promised land, etc.

tagte = bitagte, literally, assigned, appointed. 832 giscinge of louerd-hed = desire of lordship, greed of dominion. Giscinge = covetousness; the correct form is gitsing (ȝitsung, ȝittsung), but ȝissinge is found in Laȝ. ii. 227. Cp. yssing, O.E. Miscell. p. 38. icinge, Ayenbite, p. 16, and see Orm. i. 157.

"Al his motinge (talk) was ful of ȝitsinge."—(Laȝ. i. 280.)


Neg ilc burge hadde ise louereding, Nigh each borough (city) had its lord.

834 kumeling is literally a stranger, foreigner, but here signifies a king or ruler not of native blood, one of foreign extraction. See Comeling in Prompt. Parv. p. 89.

"For I am a commelyng toward þe And pilgrym, als alle my faders was." —(Hampole's P. of C., 1385.)

"Wande ein chomelinch ih bin mit dir unde ellente also alle uatere mine."—(Wendb. Ps. xxxviii. 22.)

P. 25. l. 842 ferding stor, a great army. See O.E. Hom. 2nd S. p. 189.

844 gouel, tribute, tax. Later writers use the word gauel or gouel in the sense of usury. See Ayenbite, p. 35; O.E. Miscell. p. 46. Cf. gaueler, usurer. Ayenbite, p. 35; Ps. cviii. 11. 847 haued = haueð, hath. 848 here-gonge, invasion.

"For ich am witi ful iwis, And wot (knoweth) al that to cumen is: Ich wot of hunger [and] of hergonge." —(Owl and Nightingale, l. 1189.)

851 fowre on-seken and fifue weren = four attack and five defend. on-seken = attack.

"heo wenden to beon sikere. They weened to be secure þeo Belin heom on-sohte." when Belin attacked them. —(Laȝ. i. 241.)

864 witter of figt = skilled in fighting. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. wyter, and Laȝ. i. 260, 409; ii. 247.


Abram let him tunde wel, Abram caused himself to be well surrounded (well guarded).

869 wenden, thought.


wið-ðuten [= wiðð-uten] ðo ðe cuden flen = except those who could flee.

P. 26. l. 882 bat = bad = bead = literally offered, and hence restored. bat = bette occurs in Legends of Holy Rood for amended, restored, p. 210, l. 6. 886 Borwen, delivered, rescued, the p.p. of bergen (O.E. berȝe, berwen).

"Þis boc is ymad vor lewede men vor vader and vor moder and vor oþer ken Ham vor to berȝe vram alle manyere zen þet in hare inwytte ne bleve no voul wen." —(Ayenbite, p. 211.)

"And huo þat agelt ine enie of þe ilke hestes him ssel þer-of vor-þench, and him ssrive, and bidde God merci yef he wyle by yborȝe."—(Ibid. p. 1.) Orm uses berrȝhenn, to save, preserve, from which he forms the derivative berrhless, salvation. 888 feres wale, brave companions (allies). Wale signifies select, choice, worthy, and hence brave. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. Wale.


He froðer[ed]e him after is swinc. He comforted him after his toil.

Herbert Coleridge (Gloss. Index, p. 33) connects froðere with the A.Sax. frofrian, to comfort. Of course there is nothing to be said against the interchange of f and th (cf. afurst, thirsty; afyngred, hungry, etc.); but the A.S. freoðian, to protect, render secure, is nearer in form, and there is the O.E. vreþie (Ayenbite) to prove that this verb had not gone out of use. 895 ðe tigðe del = the tenth part. tigðe = tithe = tenth. 898 bargt = barg (the pret. of bergen) preserved. 910 wið-uten man = except the men. The rhyme seems to require us to read nam; the meaning would then be "without exception or reserve."


Alle hes hadde wið migte bi-geten. He had them all with might begotten (obtained).

hes = he + es = he + them. The combination hes occurs again in l. 943. es or is = them, as in l. 949. See Note to l. 135, and Preface to O.E. Miscell. p. xv, and O.E. Hom. 2nd S. p. xii.

P. 27. l. 913 meðelike wel, with great moderation, very meetly. Cf. unmeaðeliche in Seinte Marherete, p. 10. meðeliche in O.E. Hom. 2nd S. p. 7. meðleas, Ancren Riwle, p. 96. 918 algen = halgen = hallow. 920 bi-told (rescued) should be the pret. of a vb. bitellen, but no such word occurs in the poem. See O.E. Hom. 1st S. p. 205. Owl and Night. l. 263. Laȝamon uses bi-tellen, to win.

"Ac wih him we scullen ure freoscipe (freedom) mid fehte bitellen."—(Vol. i. p. 328.)

"Bi-ðencheð eow ohte (bold) cnihtes to bi-tellen eoweore rihtes."—(i. 337.)

The editor explains bitellen by to win, but regain would suit the context.

"Nu þu hauest Brutlond, Al bi-tald to þire hond."—(Vol. ii. p. 335.)

"Nu ich mi lond habben bi-tald."—(Vol. iii. p. 258.)


Quo-so his alt him bi-agt = Whoso them (goods) holdeth, him it behoveth (yield as tithes).

His = is = es, them. 927 gulden wel, requited well.


Of ðe-self sal ðin erward ten, Of thyself shall thine heir come.

erward = eruweard, heir. 939 nam god kep = took good heed to, attended carefully to. kep = care. See R. of Gl. 177, 191. Owl and Night. l. 1226. Hampole's P. of C. ll. 381, 597. 941 Euerilc, each, every one. euerilc is the same as the O.E. euerich, Mod. Eng. every.


Vndelt hes leide quor-so hes tok, Undivided he laid them where-so he took (brought) them.

This line refers to the "duue and a turtul," in the following line. See Genesis xv. 10. 945 on-rum the same as a-rum, apart, aside.

"Tho Alisaundre sygh this, Aroum anon he drow, ywis, And suththe he renneth to his muthe (army)." —(Kyng Alys., 1637.)


And of ðo doles kep he nam. And of the pieces care he took.

P. 28. l. 949 kagte is wei, drove them away. kagte is the pret. of kache, to drive.

"And he ansuered als he war medde, And said, Allas and wailewaye. That ever I com at yon abbaye, For in na chaffar may I winne Of tha lurdanes that won tharinne For likes nan of thaim my play, Bot alle thar kache me away."—(Met. Hom. p. 151.)

953-954 God said to him in true dream, the future condition of his seed. beren-tem = barn-teem, offspring, descendants.

"We are alle a (one) man barn-teme."—(Cursor Mundi, fol. 27b.)


And uten erdes sorge sen. And in foreign lands sorrow see (experience).


"Outen sones to me lighed þai, Outen sones elded er þai."—(Ps. xvii. 46.)

"Filii alieni mentiti sunt mihi, filii alieni inveteraverunt."

Cf. uten stede, l. 1741. O.E. utenlande, a foreigner. Havelok, l. 2153. 958 Hor = or, before. 960 ðat hotene lond, that promised land. 964 untuderi, barren. The usual O.E. term is unberand, unbearing. See O.E. Hom. 2nd S. p. 177. 965 abre = to Abram. 969-971 And Sarai would not suffer it, that Hagar were thus swollen (with pride). She held her hard in thrall's wise (treated her as a slave). 974 one and sori, solitary and sad. 975 wil and weri, lonely and weary. Wil literally signifies astray, wild, from the verb wille, to go astray. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. Wyl.

"He is hirde, we ben sep; Silden he us wille, If we heren to his word ðat we ne gon nowor wille."—(O.E. Miscell. p. 2.)

"And child Jesus willed them fra."—(Met. Hom. p. 108.)


wiste hire drogen sori for ðrist. Knew her to be suffering sorely for thirst.

drogen may be an error for drogende = suffering. sori as an adjective is not sorrowful, as most editors interpret the word, but heavy, painful, and hence anxious, etc. See l. 974.

"Quen thai him (Jesus) missed, thai him soht Imang thair kith and fand him noht, And forthi Joseph and Mari War for him sorful and sari."—(Met. Hom. 108.)

978 quemede hire list, satisfied her desire.

P. 29. l. 984 folc frigti, formidable folk, frigti does not here signify, as in other parts of the poem, afraid, but to be feared. 991 in sunder run, secret speech or secret communing, private conversation. See O.E. Hom. 2nd S. p. 29. 1010 ðe ton = the one. ton = that one the first; toðer = that other, the second.

P. 30. l. 1019 quamede = quemede, pleased.


Quoth this one, "this time next year, Shall I appear to thee here; By that time shall bliss befall Sarah, That she shall of a son conceive."


And it hire ðogte a selli ðhing, And it appeared to her a marvellous thing.

1028 on wane, wanting one, i.e. one less. "In þis burh was wuniende a meiden swiðe ȝung of ȝeres, two wone of twenti."—(St. Kath. 69.)


And it wurð soð binnen swilc sel, And it became so (came to pass) within such time.

1035 stelen = go away stealthily or secretly.


Ne min dede abraham helen, Nor my deed from Abraham hide.

1037 sinne dwale = complaint of sin (see l. 1220); dwale may be taken as an adj. = grievous, mischievous. 1038 miries dale, an error for mirie dale = pleasant dale. See l. 1121.


ðo adde abram-is herte sor, for loth his newe wunede ðor, Then had Abraham's heart grief, For Lot, his nephew, dwelt there.

1041-4 "Lord," quoth he, "how shalt thou do (this), if thou shalt take vengeance thereon; shalt thou not the righteous protect (spare), or for them (for their sake) to the others mercy bear (show)?" með beren = to bear mercy, to show mercy to. See ll. 1046, 1242.


Ic sal meðen ðe stede for ðo, I shall have mercy upon the place for those (for their sake).

Meðen signifies to use gently, act with moderation towards any one, to compassionate, to show mercy to. (See Allit. Poems, p. 45, l. 247; p. 51, l. 436; p. 54, l. 565; O.E. Hom. 2nd S. p. 153.) 1049 at-wot, departed. There is no such verb as æt-wítan, to depart, in Bosworth's A.Sax. Dict. The only meaning given to atwiten by Stratmann is to reproach, twit. At-wot may be a blunder for at-wond, departed. See l. 3058. Laȝ. l. 87. We have the O.E. at-flegen, at-gon, at-scape, etc. The simple verb wite is not uncommon in Early English authors.

"The first dai sal al the se Boln and ris, and heyer be Than ani fel of al the land, . . . . . . . . . And als mikel the tother day Sal it sattel and wit away."—(Met. Hom., p. 25.)

"When this was sayd, scho wyte away."—(Ibid., p. 169.)

1054 quake is evidently an error for quate = wait, look for.

P. 31. l. 1055

He ros, and lutte, and scroð him [hem?] wel. He rose, and bowed, and urged (invited) them well.


He wisten him bergen fro ðe dead. They wished to preserve him from death.

bergen is literally to preserve, but it may be here used passively, as the infinitive often is by O.E. writers, and we must then render the line as follows:—"They wished him to be preserved from death."


And he him gulden it euerilc del. And they him requited it every whit.


Oc al ðat burgt folc ðat helde was on. But all that townsfolk that were old enough.


ðat folc vn-seli, sinne wod. That wretched folk, mad with sin.

1076 wreche and letting = vengeance and failure.


Wil siðen cam on euerilc on. Blindness or bewilderment afterwards came on every one.

1082 fundend = funden + id = funden + it = found it. 1084 don red = do (obey) counsel, i.e. take advice.

P. 32. l. 1095 in sel = in time, timely, opportunely.


ðat here non wente agen. That none of them should turn back.

1101 gunde under dun, under yond hill. 1103 sren, if correct, might signify screen, but it seems to be an error for fren, to set free, and hence to save.


Ai was borgen bala-segor. Aye was saved Bela Zoar (little Bela).

See Gen. xiv. 2; xix. 20, 22. 1107 hine = him, the name of the town being regarded as of the masculine gender. 1108 erðe-dine = earthquake.

"Á hundyr á thowsand and seẅyntene yhere Frá þe byrth of our Lord dere, Erddyn gret in Ytaly And hugsum fell all suddanly, And fourty dayis frá þine lestand."—(Wyntown, p. i. 289.)

The verb dinne in O.E. has not only the sense of to din, but to shake, quake. See Seinte Marherete, p. 20.

"Þe erth quok and dind again." —(Cursor Mundi; Cott. MS. Vesp. A. iii. fol. 11b.)

1109 Sone so, as soon as. 1110 brend-fier-rein, rain of burning fire.


Ne mai non dain wassen ðor-on, None may dare to wash therein.

dain, if not an error for darin = daren, dare, venture, may = ðain, a man, a servant, or = duen, avail. 1119 wente hire a-gon, turned her aback. See l. 1097. 1120 wente in to a ston, turned into a stone.


So ist nu forwent mirie dale, So is there now changed merry (pleasant) dale.

ist = is + it, is it, there is. 1125 deades driuen, held (influenced) of (by) death.

P. 33. l. 1127 They say the trees that are near it, come to maturity in time, and bring forth fruit and thrive, but when their apples are ripe, fire-ashes one may see therein. fier-isles, fire-ashes. For the meaning of isle, see Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. Vsle. 1131-2 That land is called dale of salt, many a one taketh thereof little heed (account).

"Of thair schepe thai gif na tale, Whether thai be seke or hale."—(MS. Harl. 4196, fol. 92.)

1137 biggede, dwelt. It signifies more properly to build. 1139-40 Here is an allusion to the destruction of the world by fire mentioned in lines 640-644, p. 19. Those maidens erewhile heard some say that fire should all this world consume. 1140 forsweðen, to burn up entirely, from the O.E. swethe or swithe, to burn, scorch. See Ancren Riwle, p. 306 (footnote). Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. swythe. 1142 fieres wreche, vengeance (plague) of fire. 1143-4 The Cursor Mundi says that Lot's daughters seeing only their father, thought that all men had perished.

"Bot Loth him held þat cave wit-in, He and his doghtres tuin; For þai nan bot þair fadre sau, Þai wend alle men war don odau, Thoru þat ilk waful wrak; Þe elder to þe yonger spak: 'Sister to þe in dern I sai, Þou seis þe folk er alle awai; Bot Loth our fader es carman (male) nan, Bot we twa left es na womman; I think mankind sal perist be, Bot it be stord wit me and þe.'"—(fol. 18.)

1147 vnder-gon, (1) to go under, (2) to cheat, deceive. In line 1160 under-gon = to undertake, take up again.

"ȝet our by-leave wole onder-gon, That thyse thre (Persons of the Trinity) beth ryȝt al on." —(Shoreham, p. 142.)

"Ope the heȝe eȝtynde day He onder-ȝede the Gywen lay."—(Ibid. p. 122.)

"And tus adam he [Christ] under-gede, reisede him up, and al mankin, ðat was fallen to helle dim."—(O.E. Miscell. p. 22.)

1151 eiðer here, each of them. Cf. O.E. eiðer eȝe, each eye, both eyes. 1159-60 Now behoveth us to turn back and take up the song concerning Abraham.


Wið reuli lote and frigti mod. With mournful cheer and frightened mood (mind).

reuli = sad, rueful, from the verb rue, to pity, compassionate, grieve for. Cf. O.E. rueness, compassion; Ruer, a merciful person; reuthe, pity.

"He saith 'we ben ybore euerichone Making sorwe and reuly mone.'"—(MS. Addit. 11305.)

lote, fare, cheer.

"Þis isah þe leodking grimme heore lates."

The king saw this, their grim gestures. —(Laȝ. ii., 245.)

"Þat freond sæiðe to freonde, mid fæire loten hende, 'Leofue freond, wæs hail!'"

That friend saieth to his friend With fair comely looks, "Dear friend, wassail!" —(Ibid. ii., 175.)

P. 34. l. 1163 Roke, East Anglian for reke, smoke. See Prompt. Parv. p. 436; Beve's, l. 2471.


And ðe brinfires stinken smoke, And the sulphur's stinking smoke.

stinken = stinkende, stinking. 1166 him reu. The verb rewe is used impersonally in O.E. 1167 suðen = southwards. (See Gen. xx. 1.) 1171-2 Erewhile as first Pharaoh her took, now taketh Abimelech her also. 1177 wif-kinnes, womankind. 1178 wið-helð = wið-held. 1179-80 In dream to him came tidings why he suffered and underwent that misfortune. 1180 untiming is literally that which is unseasonable. We have the same notion expressed in O.E. unhap (mishap), misfortune; E. happen, happy, and E. hap, happen, etc. Cp. untime, in Ancren Riwle, p. 344. 1184 ðat il sel, that same time, immediately.


And his yuel sort was ouer-gon, And his evil lot was passed.


ða ðe swinacie gan him nunmor deren, When the quinsy did him no more vex (annoy).

Our author or his transcriber is certainly wrong about the "swinacie;" for the punishment of "lecher-craft" was meselry (leprosy), the quinsy being the penalty for gluttony. The seven deadly sins were thus to be punished in Purgatory:—

1. Pride, by a daily fever. 2. Covetousness, " the dropsy. 3. Sloth, " the gout. 4. Envy, " boils, ulcers, and blains. 5. Wrath, " the palsy. 6. Gluttony, " the quinsy. 7. Lechery, " meselry or leprosy.

1192 ðat faire blod, that fair woman. blod in O.E. was used as a term of the common gender, as also were such words as girl, maid, etc. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. blod.


Bad hire ðor hir wið heuod ben hid = Bad hire ðor-wið hir heuod ben hid? Bad her there-with her head to be hid, (That is, she was to buy a veil for her head).

1194 timing, good-fortune, happiness. See note to line 1180. 1195 bi-sewen, be seen. so in this line seems an unnecessary addition of the scribe's. 1197 wurd = wurð, became; on elde wac, in age weak (feeble). Woc = weak; the older form is wac. See Laȝ. ii. 24, 195, 411.

"Forr icc amm i me sellfenn wac, & full off unntrummnesse."—(Orm. ii. 285.)

"Vor nout makeð hire woc but sunne one." For nought maketh hir weak but sin only. —(Ancren Riwle, p. 4.)

See O.E. Miscell. p. 135; ll. 581, 595.

1198 trimede is, perhaps, for timede = teemed = brought forth; if not it must be referred to O.E. trumen. See trimen in l. 1024.

P. 35. l. 1200 a-buten schoren = about shorn, is merely the explanation of circumcized.

"O thritte yeir fra he was born, was ysmael wen he was schorn."—(Cursor Mundi, fol. 16b.)

1201 lay is another form of law. Cf. O.E. daye and dawe. 1204 al swilk sel, even at such time. 1206 is told, is reckoned. 1208 fro teding don, removed from his mother's care (?). teding = tending (?), nursing, care, not teðing = teething. "fro teding don" in the Cursor Mundi is expressed by the phrase spaned fra the pap = weaned from the breast.


Michel gestninge made abraham, great feasting or entertainment made Abraham.

gestninge (feasting) seems to be the same as the S.Saxon gistninge, a banquet. The original meaning is hospitality; O.E. gesten, to entertain a guest; S.Sax. gistnen, to lodge. See Ancren Riwle, p. 288a, 414. Laȝ. ii. 172.


And ysmael was him vn-swac, And Ishmael was to him (Isaac) disagreeable.

vn-swac, displeasing, distasteful. There is no such word as un-swæc to be found in the A.Sax. glossaries, but we have swæc, savour, taste, from which I have deduced the meaning here given to un-swac. See Ancren Riwle, p. 48, where spekung = swekung, and cp. swæc, stenc, and hrepung, in Ælfric's Hom. i. 138.

1213 un-framen, to annoy, from O.E. frame, to benefit, to profit.

1216 Hir was ysmaeles anger loð, To her was Ishmael's anger displeasing.

1217 Ghe bi-mente hire to abraham, She bemoaned her to Abraham. bimente = pret. of bimene, to complain, lament.

"bimene we us, we hauen don wrong."—(O.E. Miscell. p. 25; see R. of Gloucester, p. 490.)

1220 dwale, complaint, grief. See l. 1037.

"Be þu neuere to bold, to chiden agen oni scold, ne mid mani tales to chiden agen alle dwales." (O.E. Miscell., p. 127. See p. 126, l. 414.)

1221 rapede, hastened, hurried away. See Rich. Cœur de Lion, 2206.

"The wretche stiward ne might nowt slape; Ac in the morewing he gan up rape."—(Seven Sages, l. 1620.)

"The king saide, 'I ne have no rape (I am in no hurry) For me lest yit ful wel slape.'"—(Ibid. l. 1631.)


In sumertid, In egest sel, In summer time, in the highest time (the hottest season) of the year.

Cp. 'in a hyȝ seysoun.'—Allit. Poems, p. 2, l. 39. 1228 hete gram, fierce heat. 1229 wexon ðrist. The sense requires us to read wex on ðrist, with fatigue and heat thirst waxed on them.


Tid-like hem gan ðat water laken, Soon did that water fail them.

P. 36. l. 1238

Bi al-so fer so a boge mai ten, By as far as a bow may reach.

1239 sik and sor, sighing and sadness. 1241 dede hire reed, brought her help.


An angel meðede hire ðat ned, An angel alleviated her distress.

hire is the dative of the personal pronoun. 1244 seli timing, a fortunate occurrence. See note to l. 1180. 1247 nam fro ðan, went from that place. fro ðan = Sc. fra thine, from thence. 1252 mikil and rif, great (powerful) and wide-spread. 1254 In Arabia his kin dwell. 1258 kungriche = kineriche, kingdom. Cf. kungdom = kunedon = kingdom, l. 1260. kunglond, kunelond = kinglond, kingdom, l. 1262. guglond = kunglond, kingdom, l. 1264.


His ninth son was Tema, Wherefore is there a kingdom called Teman.


Het a guglond esten (eften ?) fro ða, Was called a kingdom afterwards from that time.

esten fro ða = eastwards from those other kingdoms. 1269 siker pligt, firm, sure pledge.

P. 37. l. 1275 feren pligt, pledged fellows.


ðog [it] was nogt is kinde lond, Nevertheless it was not his native land.


Richere he it leet ðan he it fond, richer he left it than he found it.


On an hil ðor ic sal taunen ðe, on a hill where I shall show thee.

1292 ðat he bed him two [to ?], that he commanded him to go to. two, an error for to. See l. 3752. 1295-6 They say on that hill's side was made the temple of Solomon. 1295 dune-is siðen = dune-is siden, down's (hill's) sides. 1299 buxum o rigt, rightly obedient. 1301 sagt, an error for sag (saw). See l. 1334.

P. 38. l. 1308

ðo wurð ðe child witter and war, Then became the child wise and wary.


Wonderfully art thou in the world come, Wonderfully shalt thou be hence taken; Without long suffering and fight (struggle) God will thee take from world's night, And of thyself holocaust have, Thank Him that He would it crave (demand).

1317 ðhrowing = throe, suffering, agony.

"ðrowwinge and pine."—(Orm. ii. 174.)

"Vor soð wisdom is don euere soule-hele biuoren flesches hele: and hwon me ne mei nout boðe holden somed, cheosen er licomes hurt þen þuruh to stronge vondunges, soule þrowunge."—(Ancren Riwle, p. 372.) For true wisdom is ever to put soul-health before flesh-health, and when one may not hold both together, to choose rather bodily hurt than, through too strong trials, soul-agony (death). 1323 Supply don after wulde. 1328 nuge = nog, now. 1331 frigti fagen may be either frigti and fagen, timid and glad, or else frigti-fagen, timidly glad.

1332 for ysaac bi-leaf un-slagen, for Isaac remained unslain.

1333 Bi-aften, behind, abaft.

"Tacc þær an shep bafftenn þin bacc and offre itt forr þe wennchell."—(Orm. ii. 156.)

1336 on ysaac stede, instead of Isaac.

P. 39. l. 1345

Sarra was fagen in kindes wune, Sarah was naturally glad.

in kindes wune = after the manner of kinde (nature); kindes wune = kind-wise, kin-wise. 1365 semeð is an error for semes, burdens, loads, or for semed, burdened, loaded. See l. 1368. seme is properly a load for a pack-horse.

"An hors is strengur than a mon, Ac for hit non i-wit ne kon, Hit berth on rugge grete semes, And draȝth bi-vore grete temes." —(Owl and Nightingale, ed. Wright, p. 27.)

1372 min erdne ðu forðe selðhelike, mine errand do thou perform, accomplish successfully. forðe = forðen. See Orm. l. 1834; Ancren Riwle, p. 408; Laȝ. l. 31561. 1373 lene, grant, still exists in lend, loan, etc.


He bad hise bede on good sel, He offered his prayer (in good time) opportunely.

P. 40. l. 1379 ilc on = each one.


Ne wor nogt so forð ðeuwe numen, The custom had not been so forth (up to that time) practised.

1388 bofte = bi-ofte, behoof; cf. O.E. byefþe, bi-ofþe. See l. 1408. 1390 beges = bracelets, armlets, probably from A.Sax. bugan (= beogan), to bow, to bend. The original meaning of beg is crown. In Piers Ploughman 346, beighe signifies a collar. In the Middle High German version of the Book of Genesis (ed. Diemer) it is stated that Eliezer, for love, gave Rebekah

"Zwêne ôringe und zuêne arm-pouge ûz alrôteme golde."

1391 ghe seems to be an error for he. 1394 kiddit = made it known, showed it. 1397 good grið = good entertainment. 1398 Him (the dative of the personal pronoun), for him.


Quilc selðe and welðhe him wel bi-cam, What prosperity and wealth had well befallen him.

1409 wið-ðan, with-that, thereupon.


fagneden wel ðis sondere man, welcomed well this messenger.

fagnen is literally to make fain or glad, to welcome, entertain; sondere man. The proper form is sondes-man. Ancren Riwle, p. 190. Cf. loder-man for lodes-man, l. 4110, p. 117; and sander-bodes, O.E. Hom. 2nd S. p. 89.

P. 41. ll. 1411-12

When God hath it so ordained, As he sendeth so it shall be.

1417 garen, to prepare (to set out), to make yare, to get ready.


For entreaty nor meed not would he there. Over one night delay no (any) more.

drechen is (1) to trouble, annoy, (2) to hinder, delay.

(1) "Sir Pilates wife dame Porcula Tille hir Lord thus gan say— 'Deme ȝe noght Ihesus tille ne fra, Bot menske him that ȝe may I have bene drechid with dremes swa, This ilk night als I lay.'" —(Gospel of Nichodemus, Harl. MS. 4196.)

(2) "Quhen Claudius þe manhed kend Of þe Brettownys, he message send Tyl Arẅyragus, þan þe kyng Þat Brettayne had in governyng, For til amese all were and stryfe, And tak his dochtyr til his wyfe, And to Rowme þat Tribwte pay Wycht-owtyn drychyng or delay."—(Wyntown, vol. i. p. 92.)

In the Cursor Mundi we are told that wanhope (despair) causes

"Lathnes to kirc at sermon here Dreching o scrift (delay of shrift)," etc.—(Cott. MS. Vesp. A. iii.)

1427 Or or first ere, i.e. before. 1428 morgen-giwe = morgen-giue, nuptial gift, the morning gift, the gift of the husband presented to the wife on the morning after marriage. See Ancren Riwle, p. 94. Hali Meid. p. 39. 1430 godun dai, good day. godun = godne, the accusative of the adjective.

"He let clipie þe saterday: Þe freres bifore him alle And bed alle godne day."—(St Dunstan, l. 200.)

1434 sondes fare, the journey of the messenger (Eliezer). 1437 on felde = the O.E. afelde. 1439 Eððede = eðede, alleviated, is connected with the O.E. eþe (eað), easy, and literally signifies softened. 1440 Of faiger waspene, of fair form; waspene is evidently an error for wasteme or wastene. "He seh þeos seli meiden marherete ... þe schimede ant schan al of wlite (face) ant of wastum (form)."—(Seinte Marherete, p. 2.) "In þis burh was wuniende a meiden swiðe ȝung of ȝeres, two wone of twenti, feir ant freolich o wlite & o westum."—(St Kath. p. 69.) 1442 Here samening, their union, intercourse.


And sge ne bi-spac him neuere a del. And she contradicted him never a whit.

bispeke in O.E. also signifies to threaten. See Castle of Love, l. 221.

P. 42. l. 1448

Abraham dede hem siðen sundri wunen, Abraham assigned them afterwards sundry abodes.


Him bi-stoden wurlike and wel, Mourned for (bewailed) him worthily and well.

See ll. 716, 3857. wurlike = wurðlike, worthily. 1461-4 Long it was ere she him child bare, And he entreated God, when he became aware of it (i.e. that Rebekah was barren), That he should fulfil that promise, That he to Abraham erewhile made. 1463 fillen, to fulfil, accomplish. See Orm. i. 91. quede, promise, saying, is the same as the O.E. quede, a bequest, quide, a saying, from queðe, to say, still existing in quoth. See Laȝ. i. 38, 43; ii. 151, 197, 613 ; iii. 3; Orm. ii. 321.


At one burden she bore Two, who were to her akin of blood.

sibbe blod = O.H.G. sippe-bluot, blood relatives. Perhaps this line was inserted by the author on account of the popular belief at this time, that the birth of twins was an indication of unfaithfulness on the part of the woman to her husband. 1469-71 Also it seemed to her day and night, As (though) they wrought in fight (struggling, conflict), Which of them should first be born. 1470 "And the children struggled together within her."—(Gen. xxv. 22.) The following curious paraphrase of this passage occurs in the Cursor Mundi, fol. 20b:—

"His wiif (Rebekah) þat lang had child forgane, Now sco bredes tua for ane, Tuinlinges þat hir thoght na gamen, Þat in hir womb oft faght samen. Swa hard wit-in hir wamb þai faght, Þat sco ne might rest dai ne naght; At pray to Godd ai was sco prest, To rede hir quat þat hir was best; Þat hir war best he wald hir rede. Hir liif was likest to þe ded (death). Strang weird was giuen to þam o were, Þat þai moght noght þair strif forbere Til þai had o þaim-seluen might To se quarfor þat þai suld fight. Fra biginning o þe werld O suilk a wer was never herd, Ne suilk a striif o childer tuin Þat lai þer moder wamb wit-in. Þair strut it was vn-stern stith, Wit wrathli wrestes aiþer writh. Bituix unborn a batel blind, Suilk an was ferli to find. He þat on þe right side lai Þe tother him wraisted oft awai; And he þat lay upon þe left, Þe tother oft his sted him reft."

1470 and = an = in; or else figt must be an error for fagt = fought; and nigt = nagt. 1477 Ghe is evidently an error for ghet or get, yet. liues = alive. Cf. newes, anew, etc.

P. 43. l. 1484 swete mel, sweet meal (food), not sweet speech. "And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison."—(Gen. xxv. 28.) 1487 seð a mete, sod a meat. "sod pottage."—(Gen. xxv. 29.) 1493 mattilike weri = mattilike and weri, overcome (faint) and weary. Mattilike is connected with the O.E. mat, mote, faint, half dead. See Allit. Poems, p. 12, l. 386.


Iacob wurð war he was gredi, Jacob became aware that he (Esau) was hungry. —(See Gloss. s.v. Gredi.)

1495-6 "Brother," quoth he, "sell me those privileges Which are said to be the first (eldest) son's." 1499 bliðelike, quickly; blithelike has often this sense in O.E. writers. 1501 wurði wune, a worthy (high, great) privilege. 1503 offrende sel, offering time.


Was wune ben scrid semelike and wel, Was wont to be clothed seemly and well.

1506 dede his ending, came to his end (died). 1507 heg tide, hey (high) days. 1510 twinne del, two-fold. 1511-12 And when the father were (should be) buried, to have two portions of hereditary property. ereward = erfeward, is properly the guardian, keeper of the erfe or inheritance, and hence the heir, so that instead of ereward riche we ought to read ereward-riche, corresponding to the A.Sax. yrfe-land, hereditary land. The -riche is the affix found in O.E. heven-riche, heaven kingdom; kine-riche, a kingdom; E. bishoprick. The -ward (in ereward) = warder, keeper, is found in O.E. gate-ward, dore-ward (door-keeper), bat-ward (boat-keeper); hey-ward (farm-yard keeper); sti-ward (steward, the officer who originally had care of the highways or sties?).

P. 44. l. 1514 then, an error for ten, to go. 1515 in wis, in wise, so that; but may we not read in-wis = i-wis, indeed, truly? See l. 2521. 1518 Holden wurðelike, esteemed honourably, held in honour, respect; a may be for and, or for aa = aye, ever.


A hundred times as much waxed his honour, So may God prosper where he will.


Niðede ðat folk [ðat] him fel wel, That folk envied him because he prospered.

1522 And made him change his abode; flitten is to remove, to flit.

"O land he (Noe) had ful grette plenté, For him and for his sons thre; Mast to tilth he gave him þan, To flitt þe breres he bigan; Sua lang wit flitting he þam sloght, Þat wine-treis he þam wroght." —(Cursor Mundi, fol. 13.)

1524 trewðe fest, troth-fast, pledged by troth or plighted faith; fest has usually the sense of confirming, pledging, in O.E.

"Þis neu forward (covenant) was festened þan." —(Cursor Mundi, fol. 23.)


And age came upon Isaac, He became sightless and weak of (with) age.

elde swac = eldes wac, weak of (with) age. 1531 ðat, what. 1535 brogtes, brought them. 1536 And she well knew the father's choice; kire answers exactly to the later gloss, wune = what is chosen, selected; S. Sax. cure, choice.

"Þer stoden in þere temple ten þusend monnen þet wes þe bezste cure Of al Brut-londe."—Laȝ. i. 345.

1537 And made exceedingly good, or very opportunely, that meat; on sele = on-sele, good, literally timely, opportunely; S.Sax. on sele, safely. See note on l. 1542.

"Cnihtes fuseð me mid leteð slæpen þene king And fare we on sele."—Laȝ. i. 32.

sæ-men æfter fóron flód-wége folc wæs on salum.

The sea men after marched the flood way the folk prospered (was in prosperity). —(Cædmon, 184, 13.)

1539 Clothed she Jacob and made him rough. 1542 seles mel, an error for selie mel, good (timely) meal? Cf. miries dale for mirie dale, l. 1038, p. 30. See Laȝ. i. 75; ii. 173.

"And þas word saide Brutus þe sele (the good)."—Laȝ. i. 30.

"haueð mi fader bi þære sæ Castel swiðe sæle."—(Ibid. ii. 14.)

1544 For he handled him and found him rough. 1545 When he knew him, opportunely he blessed him, faithfully and well. on gode sel, in good time, opportunely. See note to l. 1542.

P. 45. ll. 1547-8

Heaven's dew and earth's fatness, Abundance of wine and oil.

1550 Supply and after migt.


Quoth Esau, "right is his name Called Jacob, to my disadvantage."


Nevertheless, dear father, intreat I thee That thou give me some blessing.

1573 erðes smere, earth's fatness; smere is properly fat, grease, butter. In the Orm. ii. 106 it is used in the sense of ointment. 1574 granted him blessing that was precious to him; gere is evidently an error for dere, beloved, dear, precious.


For Idumea, that rich land, Of pasture good, was in his hand.

lewse, cf. O.E. leswen, to pasture; lezzer[398] (Shropshire), a pasture-land. (Wicliffe, 1 Kings xvi. 11; 1 Cor. ix. 7; Luke viii. 34.) "If ony man schal entre by me, he schal be saved; and he schal go yn, and schal go out, and he schal fynde lesewis." (Wicliffe, St John x. 9.) "Egipte aȝenst kynde of oþer londes haþ plenté of corn; he is bareyne of lesue, and whan he haþ plenté of lesue it is bareyne of corn." (Trevisa's translation of Higden's Polychronicon, vol. 1, p. 131.)


Quoth Esau, "The time of mourning shall pass away, And I shall take vengeance of (on) Jacob."

1577 grot is a noun formed from the vb. to grete (to weep, mourn), just as wop is from wepe (weep). It is the same as the O.E. gret, grete, cry, outcry.

P. 46. ll. 1583-4

"Be thou there," quoth she, "till Esau Appeased be, who rages now."

Eðe-moðed (= eðe-moded) is literally easy-minded, humble, mild, and hence soft-mooded, appeased. S.Sax. edmod, eadmodied, edmodie. See Laȝ. ii. 554; Ancren Riwle, 246, 278. The insertion of be is necessary to the metre as well as to the sense.


Esau married in order to annoy us When he allied (himself to kin of Canaan) and is so foolish.


Wherefore he maketh him stubborn and strong, For he is mixed amongst that kin.


Ne bode ic no lengere werldes lif, I could endure (abide) no longer world's life.

1605 an soðe drem, in true dream. 1606 heuene bem = heaven-beam (?), the sun (?). 1610 Lened = leaned; but the MS. also sanctions leued = remained; and [Jacob] wurð ut-suuen, and Jacob became cast out of (aroused from) his sleep. 1615 i = ic, I. It is common to find i before sal, instead of the fuller ic.

P. 47. l. 1620 amongus = amonges = amongst. 1621 a-gen cumen = agen-cumen, return. 1623 for muniging = for a memorial. 1624 And get on olige = and poured on oil; olige = the O.E. olie, elye = oil; anelye, to anoint. 1636 A well well-covered under a stone. 1638 abiden (= abode) is the pret. pl. of abide. 1641 sulden samen = should assemble.


Iacob wið hire wente ðat ston, Jacob for her removed that stone.

wið in O.E. signifies in, for, against, etc.


And he made known he was her aunt's son, And kissed her after kins-wise (as a relative).

mouies is properly a female relative; S.Sax. mawe, moȝe, mowe, and must be distinguished from mæi, mey, may, etc., a male relative. "Þis ȝet þuncheð me wurst þæt tu þe ane hauest ouergan þi feder ant ti moder, meies ba ant mehen." (St Marherete, p. 16.)

"Nu is afered of þe þi mei and þi mowe; Alle heo wereð þe weden þat er weren þin owe."—(O.E. Miscell. p. 178.)

We occasionally, as in this instance, meet with the word in a more limited sense.

"Annd hire meȝhe Elysabaeþ Wass gladd inoh & bliþe Off hire dere child Iohan, And lefliȝ ȝho himm fedd."—(Orm. i. 109.)

"Has þou her," þai said, "ani man, Sun or dogter, mik or mau To þe langand, or hei or lau."—(Cursor Mundi, fol. 17.)

We even find a confusion between the two terms, as in l. 1761, p. 51, and in the following passage:

"Loth went and til his maues (sons-in-law) spak." —(Cursor Mundi, fol. 17.)

P. 48. ll. 1655-6 Laban welcomed him (Isaac's son travelled from afar) in friend's wise (friendly); feren = S.Sax. feorren, afar, far, from a distance. (See Ancren Riwle, p. 70, l. 3888.)

"The sonne, and monne, and many sterren By easte aryseth swythe ferren."—(Shoreham, p. 137.)

1658 and laban herte ranc = and Laban's heart was wrung (with pity)? for ranc read wranc = wrang. 1666 wað = quað, quoth, spoke. 1668 wið skil, in reason, reasonably.


Luue wel michil it agte a-wold Love so great it ought prevail.

agte awold, have in power, prevail, avail. Cp. "Þerfore everyche Romayn overcomeþ oþer is overcome wiþ flaterynge and wiþ faire wordes; and ȝif wordes failleþ, ȝiftes schal hym awelde." (Trevisa's translation of Higden's Polychronicum, vol. i. p. 253.) 1676 tog = toc = took.


long wune is her driuen, long custom is here held (practised).

P. 49. l. 1693 londes kire, custom of the land (country). 1700 caldes, called them. Cf. calde is in l. 1702. 1706 ille bi-nam, foully ravished. 1712 charen, to depart, literally to turn. 1713 ðelde an error for gelde = should requite.


Unless Laban should reward better His service, and withhold (retain) him yet.

1715 serue he scriðed = he entreated him to serve.


Covenant is made of all sheep, Jacob should take charge of those of one colour, And if of those, spotted ones came, Those should be taken for hire (wages). Sheep or goat, speckled, streaked, or gray, Are placed from Jacob far away; Nevertheless those of one colour Bore many unlike and dissimilar.

P. 50. l. 1723 haswed = haswe, "livid, a sad colour mixed with blue." It also signifies rugged, shaggy. 1726 vn-like = unlike in colour. It may be, however, an error for on-like = alike; likeles, unlike, dissimilar in form. 1729 ðe sunder bles, the diverse coloured ones. 1736 To be under him longer is displeasing to him. 1740 clipping time, shearing time. See Allit. Poems, A. 802. 1747 for-olen = for-holen, secreted.

P. 51. l. 1758

ðus meðelike spac ðis em, thus kindly (mildly) spake this uncle.


My relative, my nephew, my fellow (companion) Thou oughtest not to do me such unlawfulness (wrong).

mog. See note to l. 1651.


I was afraid it might occur to thee To take thy daughters from me.

1765 fro an error for for (?).


Theft I deny, that is my advice, That he be dead (put to death) with whom thou findest them (thy gods).

1768-9 is = them. 1771 yuel ist bi-togen, evil is there accused = wrongfully has accusation been made, i. e. I am accused of a crime. bitogen, the p.p. of biteon, signifies also befallen. bitogen may be an error for bilogen. 1772 My labour about thy property is drawn (taken up), i. e. I am troubled about thy property. 1774 And to me was thine honour dear; wurðing = honour, respect, good opinion. 1775 fend sule wit ben, friends shall we two be. 1776 And troth plight (pledge) now us two between. 1779 glað = glad. 1782 Turned backward ere it was light. 1783 of weie rad, quickly away. of liues = alive; of kin = akin. 1784 Soon was he far from Laban separated. 1786 Engel-wirð = engel-wird, a troop, multitude of angels.

"Þer wes Bruttene weored baldeliche isomned."—(Laȝ. ii. 412.)

1787 wopnede here, a weaponed (armed) host.

"iwepned wel alle heo wenden to þan walle."—(Laȝ. i. 401.)

"& sone anan se þiss wass seȝȝd Þurrh an off Godess enngless, A mikell here off enngleþeod Wass cumenn ut of heoffne, & all þatt hirdeflocc hemm sahh & herrde whatt teȝȝ sungenn."—(Orm. i. 115.)

"He comuth with so gret here Wondur is the ground may heom beore."—(Kyng Alys., p. 91, l. 2101.)

P. 52. l. 1797-8

And Jacob sent far before Him rich gifts, and sundry bearers.

1798 loac = lac, loc, a gift, present.

"ðe riche reoðeren & scheop & bule, hwa se mihte brohten to lake."—(St. Kath. 63.)

"And bi þatt allterr wass þe lac O fele wise ȝarkedd."—(Orm. i. 34.)

"Alle hii nemen þat lock."—(Laȝ., later copy, ii. 320.)

boren = bearers. A.S. bora. 1804 The sinews sprang from the limb. lið = member, limb. See Hampole's P. of C. 1917.


Would they (Jacob's kin) no sinews thenceforth eat, His own kin will not forget that usage.

1808 Till the dawning up from the east burst. 1811 leate = lete, relinquish. 1818 How shall any man be able to hurt thee? 1826 And honoured him as the first-born; wurðe should be wurð[ed]e. 1828 ðo rew him so, then had he such compassion upon Jacob.

P. 53. l. 1829 trume, host. (See Guy of Warwick, p. 291; Laȝ. iii. 73, 107.)

"And he arayeth hare trome As me (one) areyt men in fyȝt."—(Shoreham, p. 108.)

Cp. shel-ter = or scheltron = schild-trume. 1833 Jacob was sorrowful that he forsook (refused) them (the presents). 1835 hol and schir = whole and sound; schir = sheer, pure, undefiled. 1837 him to frame = for his own use. 1840 tgelt = tyelt = encamped. Cf. Ger. zelt; Eng. tilt. 1843 There King Emor sold him a piece of ground. 1848 She departed leave-less (without permission) from that place. 1851 Her own counsel misled (ruined) her. We might read

for hire listede hire owen red, for her own counsel pleased her.


And his burge-folc fellen in wi, And his people (borough-folk) fell in war.

wi = wig = war. Cf. Semi-Sax. wiȝe, battle, conflict. (Laȝ. i. 201; ii. 260; iii. 5.) wi-ax, wi-eax, a battle-axe. (Laȝ. i. 67, 96, 166, 286.) 1855 bi-speken, blamed. Cf. bi-spac, l. 1444, p. 41.

P. 54. l. 1872 Gol prenes = golde prenes = gold brooches. Prene is connected with O.E. preonne, to sew up. (See O.E. Miscell, p. 172, l. 68.) Sc. prin, a pin.


Deep he them buried under an oak, No covetousness made him weak (disobedient) in heart.


For Solomon shall find them, And his temple deck withal.

1887 merke dede, set up a mark (monument).

P. 55. ll. 1901-2

Of Edom so it was named then, For it was before called Bozra.

1906 deden un-red = committed sin; unred, want of wisdom, miscounsel, folly, wickedness. (See Owl and Nightingale, 161.)

"For unræd is swiðe ræh (rash)."—(Laȝ. i. 278.)

1910 Brictest of waspene (wasteme), brightest of form; witter wune = skillwise, skilful, of good abilities. 1912 vn-hillen & baren, discover and lay bare (disclose); vnhillen = O.E. unhelen. (See Surtees, Ps. xxviii. 9.)

1914 wel-ðewed, well conducted, well behaved.


for-ði wexem wið gret nið;

unless wexem = wex hem, we should perhaps read,

for-ði he wexen wið gret nið, Wherefore they increased in great envy (jealousy).

wið = in. 1919 soren = shorn = reaped. Shear is still an E.Anglian term for to reap.

"And I sal say til men scherande, Gaderes the darnel first in bande, And brennes it opon the land, And scheres sithen the corn rathe, And bringes it unto my lathe." —(Met. Hom. p. 146.)

1920 here = theirs. Cf. ure = ours. 1923 hu mai ðis sen, how may this appear (be seen). 1928 siðe = siðen = afterwards. 1934 In Dothan he found them come. sogt = sought = come, arrived? 1935 fro feren = from afar.

P. 56. l. 1942 ðisternesse = cisternesse = cistern. (See l. 1960.) Cistern occurs in the Middle High German Book of Genesis and Exodus, ed. Diemer, p. 75.

"Nu sehet ze dem trômære, er bringet nivmare Slahen wir den selben hunt, Werfen in in der zisterne grunt."


In this pit, old and deep, Yet shall he be cast, naked and cold, What-so(ever) his dreams may signify.

1943 wurðe = wurð e = wurð he (?) = he shall be. 1950 derne sped = secret haste. I should prefer derue sped = derfe sped, bold (wicked) haste. 1952 spices ware = spices-ware = spicery. 1958 Than he should there die in their power. 1961 ðhogte swem = appeared grieved = was sorrowful.


Believed him to be slain, set up a cry He will not cease, such sorrow he endured.

1962 rem, cry, outcry.

"ðanne remen he alle a rem, so hornes blast oðer belles drem (noise)." —(O.E. Miscell., p. 21.)


In kid's blood they turned it, Then was there-on a piteous stain.

1968 lit = stain.

"Ah wið se swiðe lufsume leores Ha leien, se rudie & se reade i-litet (coloured) eauereach leor as lilie i-leid to rose, Þæt nawhit ne þuhte hit Þæt ha weren deade."—(St. Kath. l. 1432.)

"Saide Laverd of Basan torne, torne sal I, In depnesse of þe se for-þi; Þat þi fote be lited in blode o lim, Þe tunge of þi hundes fra faas of him."—(Ps. lxvii. 24.)

P. 57. ll. 1975-8

He wept, and said that "wild beasts Have my son swallowed here." His clothes rent, in hair (cloth) shrouded, Long mourning and sorrow is him befallen.

1977 haigre.

"Þai sal be, als þe appocalips spekes, In harde hayres clende and in sekkes." —(Hampole's P. of C., 4530.)

1980 hertedin, consoled; literally encouraged him (to hope that his son was still alive). 1982 herting = consolation. 1989 skiuden for skinden = went. 1992 They made quickly a gainful covenant. 1995 wol = wel = very.

1999, 2000

But he became then so naturally cold, To do such deed had he no power.

2004 The author of the poem seems to have confounded Potiphar with Poti-pherah, the priest of On. (See Gen. xli. 45.)

P. 58. l. 2011 an heg for and heg = and high. 2015 One and stille, alone and secretly. 2019 Provided that he would with her wanton; wile seems to be the same as wigele, to play, sport. May we not supply plaige, play, before wile? 2020 But what she desired was displeasing to him. 2024 But it was to him all alike displeasing. 2025 tgeld = tyeld = tent. Cf. tilt (of a cart). 2030 god = goð = goes.


And saith Joseph would do to her, What she might not prove (or bring) against him.

2031 seið, says.


The blame is his, the right is hers, May God almighty discern the truth.

wite, blame, still exists in twit; O.E. at-wite.

P. 59. l. 2043 chartre for cwartre = prison.

"Forr nass nohht Sannt Johan ȝët ta Intill cwarrterrne worrpenn."—(Orm. ii. 270.)

2044 in hagt, in sorrow. We might translate ll. 2042-4 as follows:—"The gaoler did love him, and hath entrusted him the prison to live in care with the prisoners." 2045 on-sagen = un-sagen = O.E. mis-saw, opprobrious language. 2047 One that the king's cup presented (the butler). 2049-50 onigt = anigt, by night; o-frigt = afrigt, in fright, affrighted. 2054 Hard (troublesome) dreams would cause that (i. e. cause them to mourn). 2057 softe or strong = pleasant or unpleasant. 2058 The interpretation will on (to) God belong. 2059 win-tre, a vine.

"Me thoght I sagh a win-tre, A bogh þar was wit branches thre; O þis tre apon ilk bogh, Me thoght hang winberis inogh."—(Cursor Mundi, fol. 26.)

2060 That had full grown boughs three; waxen = full grown, explains Shakespear's man of wax. 2061 First it bloomed, and afterwards bore. 2062 Of the berries ripe became I aware. 2073 Present my petition (intercede for me) to Pharaoh; herdne = ernde. Cf. O.E. wordle = world.

"Bute heore almesdede heore ernde schal bere."

But their alms-deed Shall intercede for them. —(O.E. Miscell. p. 164.)

2075 kinde lond, native land. 2076 And here wrongfully held in bond; wrigteleslike = wrigte-les-like, fault-less-ly; wrigte = wrihhte, a fault, crime.

"For niss nohht Godess griþþ wiþþ þa Þatt wiþþrenn Godd onnȝæness, Acc helle-wawenn iss till þa All affterr þeȝȝre wrihhte."—(Orm. i. 136.)

P. 60. l. 2077 liðeð nu me, listen now to me. 2078 bread-lepes = bread-baskets. Cf. O.E. bar-lepe, a basket for keeping barley in. See Townley Myst., p. 329; Wicliffe, Exod. ii. 3. Leep, or baskett (lepp. K). Sporta, calathus, corbis.—(Prompt. Parv.)


It were preferable to me (I had rather) quoth Joseph, Tell the meaning of pleasant dreams.

2086 rechen = recken = to tell, explain; swep = force, stroke. Cf. the use of bond, wold, ll. 2114, 2122. 2088 ben do[n] on rode, be put on the cross (be crucified).


And fowls shall tear away thy flesh, That no wealth shall be able to save thee.

2094 wið-uten erd, in a foreign land. 2105 On a bush full grown and very beautiful (seasonable? well-seasoned, prime?). 2107 welkede = withered. drugte numen, seized with drought (dryness).

P. 61. l. 2114 Who could explain the meaning of these dreams. 2119 ðo hogt. Is hogt an error for logt = lagt, taken, or for sogt = sought? 2122 ðis dremes wold = this dream's meaning. Wold signifies (1) power, (2) force, (3) meaning. 2130 nedful = grievous; the O.E. ned often signifies grief, trouble. 2132 rospen and raken, rasp and rake, diminish and scatter. The Swedish raka signifies to clip, shave, shear. 2134 laðes, barns. (See note to l. 1919.) Chaucer uses the word in the Reve's Tale. "Berne or lathe, Horreum."—(Prompt. Parv.) 2136 hungri gere, famine years. 2146 so to-bar, so falsely accused him. (See baren in l. 1912.) In the Castle of Love to-beren = disagree; to-boren, at enmity, l. 49.

P. 62. l. 2153

The seven years of plenty pass away. Joseph himself knew how to provide beforehand.

2161 for nede sogt, sought, come by compulsion. (See l. 2165.) 2163 he lutten him, they did obeisance to him.


Joseph knew them all in his thought (mind), He made as if he knew them not.

2176 For hunger doth (causes) them (Jacob's sons) hither to come.

2178 bi gure bering, by your behaviour. 2181 For seldom betideth even any king.

P. 63. l. 2190 ða = ðat; pore is evidently an error for gure = your.


For then was Joseph sore afraid That he were also through them deceived.

2196 ðe ton = the one. 2198 to wedde = in pledge, as hostage.

"He said, 'Forsothe, a tokyne to wedde Salle thou lefe with me.'"—(Sir Perceval of Galles, p. 19.)

2204 Wrigtful = sinful. (See note to l. 2076.) 2209 For we denied him mercy; werneden = denied, refused.

"God schewes in his godspelle Of þe riche man and laȝarus, How þat he warned him almus, Þarfor God warned him agayne A drope of water, to sloken his payne In þe fire of helle when he was þan." —(Cott. MS. Tib. E. vii., fol. 37.)

2214 pilt = O.E. pult, thrown, placed (R. of Gloucester, 3376, 459; Lay le Freine, 136).

P. 64. l. 2219 ouer-ðogt, over-anxious. 2224 ðo agtes = the monies. 2232 Death and sorrow come on me; segeð = sigeð, cometh, alighteth, falleth.

"& þi wracche (wretched) saule [Scal] siȝen to helle."—(Laȝ. ii. 186.)

2233 bi-lewen = bi-liuen = remain.


Then quoth Judah, "It will go hard with us, If we do not keep our agreement with him." Famine increased, this corn is gone, Jacob again biddeth them go again (to Egypt).


Then quoth he, "When (since) it is necessary, And I know no better plan."

2249 God grant that he may be kindly disposed (towards you); eði-modes = eðe-moded (see note to l. 1584). 2252 ligt = soon; literally easily, without difficulty. 2254 Kind thought (natural affection) was in his heart then; ðag = ða = ðo = then, is necessary for the sense and the rhyme.

P. 65. l. 2255 gerken = O.E. ȝarke, Mod. Eng. yark, prepare, get ready.

"He lætte bi sæ flode ȝearkien scipen gode."—(Laȝ. i. 111.)

2258 None of them had then merry cheers (countenances). 2262 ur non, none of us; ur should be properly ure. Cf. l. 2260, where we have gur for gure.


Very glad (fain) he was of their coming, For he was held there as a prisoner.

to nome may have the same signification as the phrase to wedde = as hostage, as security; nome (nom?), derived from nimen, to take, capture, signifies seizure. Cf. wop from wepe (weep), grot from grete (lament, cry), lop (flee) from lepe (leap, run), etc. 2269 vndren time = A.Sax. undern-tid; vndren is the Prov. aandorn, oandurth, orndorn. It literally denotes "the intervening period, which accounts for its sometimes denoting a part of the forenoon, or a meal taken at that time, and sometimes a period between noon and sunset."—(Garnett.) 2275 And he willingly accepted it. 2279 Know I that none of them but what trembles.


Soon he went out, and secretly he wept, That all his face became wet with tears. After that weeping, he washed his face.

P. 66. l. 2295 of euerilc sonde, of every dish, of every mess; sond signifies a dish, mess, meal. S.Sax. sonden, sunde, viands.

"wanliche (bad) weoren þa sonden."—(Laȝ. iii. 32.)

"þas beorn þa sunde (þes beare þe sondes) from kuchene to þan kinge."—(Laȝ. ii. 611.)

"Hwer beoð þine disches midd þine swete sonde?"—(O.E. Miscell., p. 174.)

2297 In abundance they became glad. 2302 ðeden = peoples. 2311 weren ... went = had gone. 2316 vn-selðehe = vnselðe, misfortune, evil.

"Her waas unnseollþe unnride inoh Till an mann forr to dreȝhenn."—(Orm. i. 165.)

"Ah ich heom singe, for ich wolde That hi wel understonde schulde That sum unselthe heom is i-hende (near)." —(Owl and Nightingale, p. 43.)

Later writers use the word in the sense of wickedness. (See Shoreham's Poems, p. 43.) 2314 bi-calleð, accuses. See Ywain and Gawin, p. 21, l. 491. 2318 gure on = one of you. 2320 vp = vpe = upon.

"Moni of þisse riche þat wereden foh and grei, An rideþ uppe stede and uppen palefrai, Heo schulen atte dome, suggen weilawei."—(O.E. Miscell., p. 164.)

P. 67. l. 2335 Provided that thou spare Benjamin. 2341 so e gret = so he gret, so he wept. 2342 That all his face became wet of (with) tears. See l. 2356. 2354 sundri = on-sundri, apart. 2356 Ilc here, each of them.

P. 68. l. 2367 twinne srud, two changes of raiment. 2369 fif weden, five garments. 2373 wið semes fest, with burdens loaded. 2380 He knew not who they were (on account of their princely garments). 2384 All Egypt in his power is placed (fixed). 2390 or ic of werlde chare, ere I from the world go (turn) = ere I die.

P. 69. l. 2399 derer, an error for derë = beloved. 2400 How many years are on thee. 2403 fo = few; O.E. fowe. Cp. Northern fon, few, in Hampole's P. of C. 2404 Although I have passed (suffered) them in woe. 2406 her vten erd = here in foreign lands. See l. 2410. 2412 seli mel, good sustenance (food). Cf. l. 1542. 2416 y-oten = y-hoten, called.


So was it pleasing to him to be laid, Where the Holy Ghost secretly had said To him and his elders, far ere before, Where Jesus Christ would be born, And where be dead, and where be buried.

P. 70. l. 2435 Or ðan = ere that.


Joseph caused his body to be honourably prepared (for burial), To be washed, richly anointed, And with spices to be scented.

Smaken usually signifies to taste, savour, but here means to scent, to be scented. Smac in the Owl and Night., 821, is used for scent, while in the Ayenbite of Inwyt it has the sense of flavour.

"Zalt yefþ smac to þe mete."

See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s. v. Smach.


And Egypt's folk him bewaked, Forty nights and forty days, Such were Egypt's laws; The first nine nights the bodies they bathe, And anoint, and shroud, and bewail And watch them afterwards forty nights.


And Hebrew folk had a custom, Not immediately to bury it with iron, But to wash it (the corpse) and keep it right, Without anointing, seven nights, And afterwards (keep it) anointed thirty days.

2452 yre = iron; O.E. ire, iren (Owl and Night. 1028). The form ize, iron, is also met with in O.E. writers. (See Ayenbite, pp. 110, 133.) 2454 smerles, ointment, belongs to the same class of words as feteles, a vessel, reckeles, incense, etc. "þe smeryels ne is naȝt worþ to hele þe wonde ne non oþer þing þer huile þet þet yzen is þerinne."—(Ayenbite, p. 174.)


For truth and with good deeds, Done is then all that watch-deed.

2460 wech-dede, vigils. 2463 And some every year as it happens or comes round. 2465 Do for the dead church-going; chirche-gong = church-going.

"Þe gret cyte of Medes suþþe afure he (William) sette, Vor me (one) ne myȝte non chyrche gong wyþ out lyȝte do." —(R. of Gloucester, p. 380.)

2467 And that is instead of the vigils.

P. 71. l. 2472 daiges is evidently an error for laiges, laws. See l. 2456. 2479 wis of here[n], skilful in arms. 2487 ouer-pharan = ouer-faren, pass over or beyond Pharan. 2488 in biriele don, put into the tomb. "And whanne Jhesus hadde comen over the water at the cuntre of men of Genazereth, twey men havynge develis runnen to him, goynge out fro birielis (tombs), ful feerse, or wickid, so that no man miȝte passe by that way."—(Wicliffe, St. Matt. viii. 28.) 2498 To beðen meðe, to supplicate for mercy; beðen may be an error for beden, to entreat, bedden oc = beoden oth = to offer oath [of obedience].

P. 72. l. 2505-12

"It shall," quoth he, "be fulfilled What God before hath to our elders sworn; He shall lead you in his hand Hence to that promised land; For God's love I yet entreat you; Perform it (my prayer) then, promise it now That my petition shall not be lost (sight of); With you let my bones be borne.

2510 Lested = lesteð, perform. 2514 God bring the soul into bliss. 2516 egipte-like, after the custom of the Egyptians. 2521 to ful in wis = to ful-iwis, very full (completely), indeed. See l. 109. Orm uses the word fuliwis, ful iwiss, fuliȝwiss, in the sense of certainly, truly. See Gloss. to Orm, s. v. fuliwis. 2524 for lefful soules ned, for the need of faithful souls. 2528 May God help him kindly (joyfully). For the meaning of weli see Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s. v. wely. 2529 And preserve his soul from sorrow and tears. 2532 God grant them in his bliss to have pleasure; spilen signifies to sport, live pleasantly.

"Þan was Uortigerne þa king in Cantuarie-buri. Þer he mid his hirede, hæhliche spilede (nobly diverted themselves)." —(Laȝ. ii. 153.)

"dâ was spil unde wunne under wîben unde manne. vone benche ze benche hiez man allûteren wîn scenchen: Si spilten unde trunchan unz in iz der slâf binam." —(M.H.G. version of Genesis and Exodus, ed. Deimer.)

P. 73. l. 2544 hatel, severe, cruel. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s. v. Hatel. 2546 seli sið, prosperity. 2547 Quoth (spoke) this king with them, secretly, in council. 2548 michil sped = great speed, rapidly. 2553 feten seems to be an error for seten, made. 2555 vn-ðewed swinc, unaccustomed (extraordinary) labour; vn-ðewed also signifies immoral, wicked. See Orm. i. 74, Allit. Poems, B, l. 190. 2556 fugel = ful, foul, loathsome. 2560 They caused them to creep along (or through) dikes; dikes = O.E. diches, may here signify subterraneous passages, burrows; or perhaps dikes = sewers, from the allusion to muc and fen. "And Jhesus said to him, Foxes han dichis, or borowis, and briddis of the eir han nestis, but mannes sone hath not where he reste his heued."-(Wicliffe, St. Matt. viii. 20.)


And wide about (through) the cities to go, And come where none had been before.

2564 comb, crest or top (?). 2567 ðhogen = ðogen, throve. See l. 2542.

P. 74. l. 2575 But they disobeyed from fear of God. 2578 They defended themselves with lies.


God requited it these women well, On their homes, their wealth, a happy time.

eddi sel is, literally, pleasant time, but may here denote prosperity, success, etc. 2583 opelike = openlike, openly. 2588 Abraham is an error for Amram, i.e. Amram was Moses' first name. 2590 dreful and bleð, sorrowful and afraid; bleð. In A.Sax. bleað = gentle, slow; blæt = miserable; the S.Sax. blæð = destitute, poor; bliðere, cowardlier. 2594 Nor could she take him stealthily (secretly) of (from) the water; or stelen may signify to still, to quiet. 2595 rigesses = rushes. Cf. Sc. reesk, reyss. 2596 terred = tarred, pitched.

P. 75. l. 2609-10

God had such beauty him given, That the very foes let him live.


Egypt's women came near, And bad her leave the child there, But she took it away with a cry (scream); Of their command took she no heed.

2613-4 he = ghe = she. It cannot be the plural he = they, for this would require namen instead of nam. 2621 On whose teat (paps) he soon hath seized. 2629 on sunes stede, instead of a son. See l. 2637. 2639 ayne [= ane] stund, one minute. 2644 ðis timing = this occurrence, this timely assistance.

P. 76. l. 2647-8

If help had not run between This child had then soon been killed.

2650-8 He said, "The child doth as he knows (i. e. acts according to the extent of his knowledge); we shall now learn whether it did this wittingly, or in childishness." He offered this child two burning coals, and he took them; how was he able to bear it? and in his mouth so deep he placed them, that his tongue's end is burnt therewith; therefore said the Hebrews truly that he afterwards spake indistinctly. This legend is thus given in Lady Eastlake's Life of Our Lord:—"Therefore when he (Moses) was three years of age she (Thermutis) brought him to Pharaoh, who caressed him, and in sport, put the crown on his head, when the child eagerly pulled it off, and dashed it to the ground; for it is said that the crown was engraved within with figures of idols, which Moses instinctively abominated.... Those around Pharaoh looked upon it as a bad omen, and they counselled the king that he should be slain; but another counsellor said that he should be pardoned, because he was too young to know right from wrong; and a third counsellor said, 'There is in this child something miraculous and uncommon. Cause, therefore, a burning coal and a ruby ring to be set before him; and if he take the ring it will show that he knows right from wrong, and then let him be destroyed, lest he spoil the kingdom of Egypt. But if he take up the burning coal, it will show that he is too young to know right from wrong, and then let his life be spared.' Then the king said, 'Let the hot burning coal and the king's signet ring (which was a large shining ruby) be placed side by side, and we shall see what he will do.' And immediately the child stretched out his hand to take the signet ring; but the angel Gabriel (who instantly took the form of one of the attendants) turned his hand aside, and the child Moses took up the burning coal, and put it to his mouth, and his tongue was burnt therewith, so that he was unable afterwards to speak distinctly, even to the end of his days." 2652 childhede; "ac zeþþe ich com to elde of vol man, ich vorlet alle mine childhedes."—(Ayenbite, p. 208.) 2653 brennen = brennende, burning; to = two. 2654-5 is = them. 2658 miserlike = S.Sax. misliche, variously, differently; and, hence, thickly, indistinctly. The form miser-like may be a corruption of the A.Sax. missen-lic, dissimilar. Misliche in Owl and Nightingale, l. 1771, signifies erroneously. 2662 b[i]leph = bi-lef, remained.


By that time that he was a youth (young man) With (for) beauty and strength renowned, The Ethiopian folk on Egypt came, And burnt, and slew, and vengeance took.


Teremuth scarcely might bring it about (prevail) That Moses shall with them forth-go, Ere she have her pledged and sworn, That to him shall be borne (kept) honourable faith.

2676 hire, an error for hem, them. 2677 he = ghe = she. 2680 were (a substantive from weren, to defend), a defender, protector. Cf. dere, harm, from deren, to hurt.

P. 77. l. 2682 vn-warnede, unexpected. This enables us to correct the reading unwarde in l. 480. 2688 ut-ðhurg = out-through, throughout. Cf. O.E. ut-with, without, in-with, within, etc. 2696 Nevertheless that sojourn was very distasteful to him. 2701 meten is the p.p. of mete, to measure. 2702 This causes remembrance, the other causes forgetfulness. 2703 He fest is = he fixed them. 2704 Gave her the first gem; he was kind to her. Two lines seem missing after this line. We might supply the following:—

And quan awei nimen [faren] he wolde Gaf hire ðe toðer, he was hire colde.

And when he would go away, he gave her the other gem, and was distasteful to her. 2708 e = he. 2712 a modi stiward, a moody (proud) steward. 2714 That seemed to Moses a great shame.

P. 78. ll. 2718-20

And secretly he buried him in the sand, He weened that no Egyptian Had known it, or should have seen it.

2720 a sen may signify 'have seen.' Northumbrian ha, to have; but more probably we should read a-sen, to see, the infinitive being required after sulde, so that sulde a-sen = should see. In the Romans of King Alysaundre asen occurs as the p.p. of a-see, to see. Cf. our modern words wake and awake, rise and arise, etc. These double forms were far more common in O.E. writers than in the modern stage of our language. 2727 And enquired of him what it should mean. 2730 to rad, too hasty. 2736 his weige ðeðen ches = chose (took) his way thence.

P. 79. l. 2757 ðewe and wursipe, courtesy and honour. 2758 estdede, kindly deed (actions). (See Owl and Nightingale, l. 997.) Esste mete occurs in the Ormulum for delicate meat (food), etc.

"Ac thar lond is bothe este and god." —(Owl and Nightingale, p. 36, l. 1029.)

2764 To wife in law he her took; in lage = in law, in marriage, is an early use of a common phrase. 2769 And Moses had gone on a time. 2771 To look after the condition of the herds. 2775 brennen = brennende. See l. 2653. 2776 And nevertheless green and whole remained. 2783 in min geming, under my care (protection). 2788 milche, milk; queðen, to promise.

P. 80. l. 2789 an = in. 2790 on hond = on-hond, soon, speedily. Ger. in die hand. (See Laȝ. vol. ii. pp. 96, 106, 251, 264.) 2792 to ðan, to that = for that purpose. 2797 If he refuse it and be there-to contrary. 2803 to token, for a token (sign). Cf. to wedde, for a pledge, etc. 2812 fer, sound, and hence unfer (l. 2810), diseased. (See Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, l. 103; Ormulum, i. 41, 153, 212.) 2815 get = pour (see l. 582). 2817 wanmol = un-eloquent; wan occurs in O.E. wan-hope, despair; wan-trauthe, disbelief; mol is the same as moal (speech) in l. 81, p. 3; vn-reken = un-ready, slow. (See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s. v. reken.) 2822 Who made the blind, and who the looking (seeing)? 2824 fultum, aid, assistance.

Þa cristine liðen after, and heom on læiden, & cleopeden Crist, godes sune, beon heom a fultume.

The Christians pursued after, and laid on them, and called Christ, God's Son, To be to them in aid (to help them). —(Laȝ. ii. 264.)

P. 81. l. 2828 vnsteken, disclose. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s. v. Steke. 2830 Gunc = you two. See Orm. i. 301; ii. 98. 2831 funden; O.E. founde, to go, occurs in Allit. Poems, p. 63, l. 903. 2834 of liues = alive. 2838 is werkes len, reward of his works. 2845 feren swike, unfaithful companions, that is, his two sons who were uncircumcised. he = they, refers to Moses and his wife. 2847-50 Zipporah took this young lad, and made him to have circumcision, and wept, and turned back frightened, and let Moses forth alone proceed. 2855 Eyðer [h]ere = each of them. 2856 haueð is herte vt-dragen = hath his heart out-drawn. Cf. our expression, to unbosom oneself, with the Ger. sein herz anschütten.

P. 82. l. 2876-78

I defended so that thou wast rescued, And laboured, and great sorrow endured, Yet is it unseen (is it a secret) how I accomplished it?

2882 hidel-like (= hidingly), secretly. Cf. O.E. hidel, a hiding place (Ps. xxvi. 5). 2890 to gode, for good, gratuitously. 2891-2 And yet they hold (keep up) the number of the tiles (bricks), and knead and bake (them), great and small. 2894 And to God he made his complaint (bemoaning).

P. 83. l. 2900 ðhunerg = ðuner; O.E. thoner, thunder. 2903 Min milche witter name may signify (1) my great wise name, or (2) my merciful wise name. In (1) milche = michel = mikel, great; but in (2) it = milce, mild, merciful. See l. 3603. 2918 Iglic = uglic, ugly, horrible. 2919 wiches kire, select (choice) witches. 2920 in sowles lire, in soul's loss. 2926 And the heads of them all he bit off.

P. 84. l. 2934 wit = we two. See Orm. vii. 73, H. i. 4, 300. 2935-6 This king himself is very bitter against this folk, and of heart hard. 2938 And try better with this token. 2947 trike, a rivulet, small stream, evidently connected with the verb trick-le. 2951 wreche = wreke, vengeance, plague. Cf. michel and mikel, dike and diche, etc. 2957 bot = boot, release, deliverance, is connected with O.E. bete, to amend, to alleviate. 2962 bi-tournen = biturnen, turn, change.

P. 85. l. 2969 froskes here = host of frogs.


Pole-heads (tadpoles) and frogs, and sport of podes (toads), Bound hard Egypt's wretched folk.

in sile = vn-sile = vn-sele, miserable, wretched. Stratmann says that sile = sele, epirhedium. Polheuedes (Provincial Eng. pole-head), a tadpole. Palsgrave has polet. Polly-wigs, tadpoles. "Tadpoles, pole-wigges, young frogs." (Florio, p. 212.) Pol-wygle, wyrme, occurs in the Prompt. Parv. (Hall.); pode = Prov. E. pode, paddock, a toad (Shakespeare); W. Prov. E. padstool = toadstool. (See King Alis. 6124.)

"ðare nakyn best of wenym may Lywe, or lest atoure a day; As ask, or eddyre, táde or pade, Suppos þat þai be þiddyr hade."—(Wyntown, i. p. 15.)

2988 up-wond = up-went, but literally up-wound. 2989 on bite, in their bite. 2990 smite, a blight, plague.

P. 86. l. 3011 bad meðe, entreated for mercy. 3013 wroð = worð = wurð, became. 3014 And broke them that promise (see l. 3062). 3027 dolc = O.E. dolg, wound, ulcer. O.E. dolc = pin, tongue. 3037 ðe to un-frame, to thy sorrow.

P. 87. l. 3045 al sir = all sheer, clearly, openly. 3047 vnghere may be an error for undere = badly, or, what is more probable, for vngere = unready, unexpectedly, gere being the same as gare, yare, ready, prepared. 3048 bergles = unprotected, shelterless, from bergen, to protect.


Moses, cause this weather to turn, And I shall let you out fare (go).

3058 vnweder, storm. See ll. 3059, 3061. Weder in O.E. is often used for a tempest, storm. See Ywaine and Gawin, 411; Wyntown, i. 387; Romaunt of the Rose, 72, 4302. atwond, departed = away-wound, or away winded. Cf. at in at-wot, departed, p. 30, l. 1049. 3065 gresseopp-e, grasshopp-e-r, locust. Cf. O.E. hunt-e, a hunt-e-r, etc.

"And to lefe-worm þar fruit gaf he, And þar swynkes (labours) to gress-hope to be." —(Ps. lxxvii. 46.)

3066 And what the hail then left (untouched) shall all be consumed.

P. 88. l. 3075 but, without exception (?). 3077 Hu = how? 3080 Erewhile alone of men was leave besought. 3086 an newe figt, in a new conflict. 3087 skipperes, the grasshoppers. See l. 3096, where opperes is similarly used. 3088 They did on grass and corn injuries. 3102 ðherknesse = derknesse, darkness, is a genuine form, and occurs in the Coventry Mysteries:—"Therknesse, or derknesse, tenebre, caligo."—(Prompt. Parv.) 3105 Many there suffered sorrow in life; bead = abead, suffered. 3108 sowen = sogen, saw. See l. 3329.

P. 89. l. 3111 boden = both. See bothen in Glossary to Morte Arthure, ed. E. Brock. 3120 Death shall be avenged over you.


Said God, "Yet I shall on Pharaoh, Ere ye go out, put a plague (Now I shall into Egypt go)— Such a plague was never any before."


I shall not fail you Of what I have promised you.

3139 Every house-folk (family) that may permit of it.


The tenth day it should be taken, And kept on the tenth night, And slain on the fourteenth day.

3144 so it noten mai, as may partake of it; noten = O.E. note, naite, to make use of, enjoy, eat.

P. 90. l. 3147 bred = O.E. brad, roasted. (See Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight, l. 891.) 3148 wreken, taken, thrown out. "God nele naȝt þet me make, his hous marcat ne boþe, huerout he wrek þo þet zyalde and boȝte in þe temple."—(Ayenbite, p. 172.) 3150 his owen fond, his own wants (need). 3153 wriðel; can it mean haste? (see Ex. xii. 11.) At first sight it seems to be a derivative of wirt (by metathesis writ), an herb; but the mention of rew mete[n] in l. 3151 renders this rather doubtful. 3154 bi-leuen, the remainder. O.E. lave, leve, the remainder. 3155 dure-tren = door-trees, posts.

"For James the gentile Jugged in hise bokes That feith withouten the feet Is right nothyng worthi And as ded as a dore-tre But if the dedes folwe." —(Piers Ploughman, 833.)

uuerslagen = overslagen, ouerslage, over-piece, lintel. "Ovyrslay of a doore. superliminare."—(Prompt. Parv.) 3172 For their toil they now have hire.

P. 91. l. 3206 fro = for, on account of. 3211 stunden does not mean stood, but is a vb. (formed from the sb. stund, a stound, a short space of time) signifying to delay awhile, to wait. 3212 How Pharaoh should act toward them. 3213 Pharaoh summoned (assembled) out his army; bannen = to call to arms.

"Þa bleou Brutus & bonnede [bannede] his ferde."

Then blew Brutus his horn And assembled his forces. —(Laȝ. i. 75.)

3218 of fote ren = swift of foot.

P. 92. l. 3220 to werchen wi, to work war, to make war upon. 3224 ne gate = no gate, no ways; gate is often used by Northern writers as an affix = -wise or -ways; as al-gate, thus-gate, etc. 3230 On (against) Moses they set up a cry. 3234 Supply don after gu. 3235 dregen wið skil, endure with patience. 3240 That for you ways (paths) may be well prepared.

P. 93. l. 3255 an skige, a cloud. Cf. Milton's 'sky-tinctured' (Paradise Lost, Book V.).

"..... it ne left not a skie In al the welkin long and brode." —(House of Fame, iii. 508-511.)

3264 daiening = daigening, dawning. 3271 in twired wen, in perplexing doubt; twired signifies two-fold (doubtful) counsel.

"and [Bruttes] duden swiðe vnwraste ...... alle his haste, and weoren alle twiræde."

And Brutus did very evilly all his behests, and all were of two counsels. —(Laȝ. ii. 392.)

3274 helden, an error for holden. 3275 a morgen quile, a morrow while, a minute. 3282 weken seems to be an error for wreken, taken (see l. 3148.)

P. 94. l. 3292 pert = apert, open, clear. 3300 wlath, the reading of the MS., = lað, loathsome. But wlach = brackish, properly warm; cp. luke-warm. 3301 a funden (discovered) trew = a tree which he found. 3310 bred wantede, bread failed.


Bet us were in egipte ben, It were better for us in Egypt to be.

3319 on-dreg = 'bear up,' endure patiently. 3324 so fele so, as many as.

P. 95. l. 3327 ðis dewes cost, the nature of this dew. For the meaning of cost see O.E. Miscell., pp. 12, 25; Allit. Poems, p. 66; Chaucer's Knight's Tale. 3328 rim frost = rime frost, hoar frost. 3338 for-hadede. Read ? for-hardede, hardened. 3340 That it gave a flavour of honey and oil. 3341 forbone mor, more than was bidden; forbone may be an error for forbode, prohibition, command; or we may read (and the MS. will admit of it) forboue, above. Cf. bi and for-bi, etc. 3345 Kept it apart in a clean place. 3348 vten leð = in a foreign land; withouten let = without cessation. 3353 Soon was that water wanting to them. 3354 MS. haue; the rhyme requires hane; ðrist hane signifies torment of thirst.

P. 96. l. 3378 here ðing, their affairs. 3381 Moses prayed for the folk of Israel. 3385 For leth is read let his. 3388 They supported them with a stone. 3393 bode seems wanting after sente. 3394 Of this occurrence to have a memorial.

P. 97. l. 3398 min blis. Jehovah-nissi is generally explained as "The Lord is my banner." 3410 stering, government, rule; stere in ll. 3418, 3420, rule; steres, rulers, ll. 3413, 3415; steres-men, rulers, ll. 3417, 3429. 3412 a meister wold, a master (head) ruler, the same as ouer-man, l. 3424. 3413 tgen = tyen, ten. See l. 3418. 3414 Ilc here, each of them. 3429-32 He bad them choose rulers, mighty, who are God-fearing, truth-loving, and who strife and covetousness forsake. 3432 niðing signifies not only strife, but niggardliness, wickedness, slaughter, etc. O.E. writers usually employ the word in the sense of a coward, villain, miser, etc.

P. 98. l. 3434 And willingly (gladly) he received (accepted) it. 3438 is numen, has gone. 3448 May we not read Ic wile min folc cnowen be = I will be known to my people?


And Moses told this to Israel, And they promised him every whit What he biddeth them they will do.

3453 ðis to daiges = these two days. 3458 wið goren dragen = pierced with darts.

"heo beoren on heore honde gares [speres], swiðe stronge." —(Laȝ. iii. 44.)


These people fearful thus abode, While these days forth have passed.

3462 Spile, ravage, destruction (see l. 2977). 3463 On this mount stood a cloud's shadow; and = an = a (see l. 3475).

P. 99. l. 3471-84 Each of you bear in mind, that it is not Moses, Amram's son, whom ye shall to-day hear speak, but He who slew Egypt (you for to avenge), and a path made in the sea; and who let Adam discover the tree which preserved Noah, and led Abraham out into the land of Canaan; who caused Isaac to be begotten of old Abraham and of Sarah (of old teats); who gave Isaac (Jacob?) so many sons, and who gave Joseph such rich gifts (abilities); let His word be to you as precious as life, dearer than either child or wife.


None might go further except Nun, And also his brother Aaron.

3489 on = one. It may be an error for oc = also. 3496 My vengeance is severe, my forbearance is long. 3497 in idel, in vain; idel in O.E. signifies empty, void. 3498-3500 Nor swear it lyingly to defile in sport, Nor let thou my honour be lost in the fiend's tempting (i. e. in yielding to the devil's advice).

P. 100. l. 3508 for truke of = for failure of, for want of. 3515 Covet not thy neighbour's thing. 3518 Thou losest everlasting bliss. 3519 figeren = fiyeren = feren, afar. 3533 nemeld = nemend = nemned, named, appointed (?).

P. 101. l. 3545-6 That mad folk there of day brought Hur (i. e. put Hur to death) and put Aaron in fear; 'to don of dawe' = to bringen of dage = put to death. (See Legend of St. Beket, l. 622; Allit. Poems, p. 9, l. 282.)

"For quen the childe es born, sal I Do it of daw sa priuely, That na wiht sal the squeling here, And delf it sithen in our herbere."—(Met. Hom. p. 167.)

P. 102. l. 3573 for gode is frequently employed by Chaucer. 3574 It is a song wicked and foolish.


And mixed it in the water and poured it off, And gave that folk that draff (dregs) to drink.

Cf. O.E. draff, chaff. "Draffe or drosse, or mater stampyd, pilumen." (Prompt. Parv.) Cf. "draf-sak." (Chaucer.)


Then wist he well who had done it (committed idolatry), Seen it (the dregs) was on their beards.

3603 milche moð = milce mod, mild (merciful) mood.


God answered, "Off shall I take them, Who are not worthy to be placed thereon."

3607 min engel on, my angel alone.

P. 103. l. 3611 to pligt, for their sin. 3614 And as sun-beam bright shone his features. 3624 wið witter dragt, with skilful device. 3626 And their labour they well apply. 3635 of lore wal, of choice lore. 3637 betten = beten, amend, from bet, better. 3640 Ere they from Sinai forth have passed. 3642 ðe oðer, the second.

P. 104. l. 3647 This folk has after pleasure gone. 3653 Moses caused it to cease with his prayer. See note on blissen, p. 182. 3658 for-hirked = for-irked, tired. 3661 Loruerd = louerd, lord. 3664 Thou shalt cause me quickly to suffer death. 3676 And brought a great mint of quails; but turles = turtles, doves. See Ayenbite of Inwyt, p. 181.

P. 105. l. 3688 There became Miriam somewhat foolish; soth = sott, a fool (see l. 3685). 3710 A bunch of grapes on a long pole; O.E. cowele, cowle, a coop, tub, etc.; Prov. E. cowl; cuuel-staf signifies the staff or pole upon which the people carried their kneading troughs. This interpretation is supported by the form cowle-tre or soo-tree. Falanga, vectatorium. (Prompt. Parv.) "Phalanga est hasta, vel quidam baculus ad portandas cupas, Anglice a stang, or a culstaffe."—(Ortus.) "Courge, a stang, pale-staffe, or cole-staffe, carried on the shoulder, and notched for the hanging of a pale at both ends."—(Cotgrave.) In Caxton's Mirrour of the World, c. 10, A.D. 1481, it is related that in Ynde "the clusters of grapes ben so grete and so fulle of muste, that two men ben gretly charged to bere one of them only upon a cole-staff." In Hoole's translation of the Orbis sensualium, by Comenius, 1658, is given a representation of the cole-staff (ærumna), used for bearing a burden between two persons, p. 135; and again, at p. 113, where it appears as used by brewers to carry to the cellar the new-made beer in "soes," or tubs with two handles (labra), called also cowls. In Brand's "Popular Antiquities," ii. 107, will be found an account of the local custom of riding the cowl-staff or stang (Way in Prompt. Parv.)

P. 106. l. 3721 swerdes slagen, slain of (with) sword. 3723 loder-man = lodesman, leader. A leader we will choose (take); sen = bi-sen. 3730 If Moses were not opposed there-to. 3732 milche = milce, mercy, pity. See l. 3728, where the correct form occurs. 3740 Their righteousness was pleasing to God. 3742 sorwes dere = sorrow's hurt.


Again (backwards) they made their course, As that cloud had taught.

P. 107. l. 3755 migtful qualifies meistres in l. 3756. 3760-61 ilc gure, each of you. Cf. quilc gure, which of you, l. 3764. 3761 reklefat, incense vat, the vessel holding the incense, censer. See Orm. i. 2, 35, 58. 3762 timinge seems to be an error for time ge, wait ye. 3767 orgel pride, arrogant pride. Cf. orrȝhellmod, pride (Orm. i. 216). "Ichabbe isehen his ouergart, ant his egede orhel ferliche afallet."—(St. Marh. p. 11.) I have seen his presumption and his arrogance fearfully felled. 3770 Instead of the reading in the text substitute the following: Moyses, and vt ne wulde gon; vr seems to be an error for vt = out. See Numbers xvi. 12. 3774 Held up neither stone nor grit. I do not think ston ne gret = strong ne gret = strong nor great.


Such destruction they have unexpectedly No man need labour to bury them This earth is together closed As it were never ere broken up.

3786 fieres swaðe, flame (burning) of fire.

P. 108. l. 3796 There hath a cloud them well girded. 3802 Ran and stood between the living and the dead; tiren seems, from the way it is written in the MS., to be an error for tuen = twen, between. 3807-14 Though this folk, much frightened, remained quiet for a time, nevertheless they are yet in diverse counsels (i. e. of conflicting opinions). Moreover, they vacillate in purpose, and think that it may be decided better. Though these burnt (i. e. those destroyed by fire) are refused, yet they ween that God shall take of the twelve tribes some more to be in the place of those whom he had despised (rejected). miðe is the pret. subj. of miðen = A.S. míðan (pret. mád, pl. midon; pret. subj. mide), to lie hid, to avoid, omit, hide, dissemble. 3809 aglen = aylen = ail, become weak or foolish. 3814 for-hugede, despised, rejected.

"Ah Gurmund hit for-hoȝede And habbe he heo nolde."—(Laȝ. iii. 156.)

"For niss nan mann þatt uss birrþ att Forrhoȝhenn god to lernenn."—(Orm. ii. 107.)

P. 109. l. 3824. The name of the tribe which shall thereto belong. 3826 Which tribe he desires this service to be on.


Here and there (yonder) there they buried lie, All the old (ones) did there end (i. e. died).

P. 110. l. 3865-6

God bad assemble the folk and go, And before them smite on the stone.

3880 costful, dangerous. See Met. Hom. p. xix, where far-cost = a dangerous voyage. 3884 wente of liwe = turned from life = died. 3887 in = hin = hine, him.

P. 111. l. 3924 The sense requires us to read, for to stillen his vn-eðe mod, for to quiet his uneasy (disturbed) mind.

P. 112. ll. 3931-2

In the night a message came to him from God, And a prohibition against this king's counsel.

3941 me goue hold = should give me faithfully; hold = holde = faithfully, truly. 3945 Oc or or = but first ere. 3951 And turned his heart on worse thought. 3958 And beat and turned it to the path; sti, path, way. "ðes is forðon ðeðe gecuoeden wæs ðerh esaias ðone witgo cuoeðende: stefn cliopende in woestern gearuas woeg drihtnes, ræhta doeð [wyrcas] stiga his." (Matt. iii. 3. Northumbrian Version.) 3964 negt = neg + it = nigh it.

P. 113. ll. 3972-3

It is as true as it is marvellous. Said this ass thus with anger.


Had I a sword, I would slay thee. So was this man to mischief (grief) brought.


Quoth Balaam, "since I have mis-fared, If thou wilt, I will turn back."


Against my counsel speak thou nought.


Shall I no word be able to forth-do (utter), Except what God layeth on me.

4000-1 And went apart; why? but because from above, etc.

P. 114. ll. 4009-10

His life is blithe (joyful), so shall be his ending (death), Who prospereth as this (one) shall prosper.

4015 For or read and (?). 4016 He did it for better success. 4022 hem, if not an error for he, stands for he + hem.

P. 115. l. 4049 "The young women of thy land, fair of sight, and soft of hand, and bright of hue (complexion), of speech glad (joyous), in haste shall I set apart as messengers; do thou send out against these men those who can brew (produce) heart-burning with joy, with features, and with body and sin, pleasantly, with speech small (flattery), to turn them from God's fear to thy land gods and our laws; unless thou canst follow this advice and lead them from God's love, and seek to turn thus their thought, for war nor weapon helpeth not. 4052 ðgere = gere = haste. At first I was inclined to take ðgere for dere, so that wið ðgere = for harm. 4053 ten = te (?). Or should we read, ðe do ten vt = cause those to go out. 4056 Luueke may be an error for luue-like = pleasantly; or it may = luue-leke = love; -lec being a not uncommon ending of abstract nouns, as in O.E. feirlec, fairness, beauty. 4063 quad. The rhyme seems to require quead; ðat ille quad = that wickedly spoke (advised); ðat ille quead = that wicked wretch.

P. 116. ll. 4086-88

God bad Moses number His folk who were first preserved from death Either twenty winters or more old, Who in Egypt were not before numbered.

4096 All others were driven in death's web. 4106-8 Leave thou not thy folk helpless, and do thou, O God, cause them to be governed just as it may be advantageous for them.

P. 117. l. 4110 loder-man. See note on l. 3723.


Whilst to him lasted life-days, Them he taught precious laws, And written hath committed them to them, Unless they them keep, on them shall be sorrow (misfortune shall befall them).

In line 4121 the first hem should be omitted.

P. 118. l. 4143-4 Idolatry, that was pleasing to them, oft out-wrought (effected) for them sorrow's trouble, i. e. brought sorrow and trouble upon them.


In such virtues grant us to come; Through which we shall be to everlasting life taken.

[396] See "The History of Our Lord," vol. i. p. 53.

[397] The Northumbrian version reads gedroefed, from which the O.E. vb. drove.

[398] Written leasowe.


A, in, 271, 538, 635, 953.

A, have, 2720.

Abead = abad, abode, 422, 3856, 3862. A.S. abídan, pret. abád, p.p. abiden.

Abiden, (pl. pret.) abode, 1638, 2483, 3459.

Abiden, (p.p.) abided, remained, 2388.

Abraid, awoke, arose, started up, 231, 1617, 2111, 2385. A.S. abredan (pret. abræd).

Abute, about, 3455.

Abuten, about, 94, 1772, 2482. A.S. abútan.

Abuten-schoren, circumcised, 1200. See Schoren.

Abuuen, above, 10, 108, 332, 636, 1518. A.S. abufan.

Adde = hadde, had (3 pers. sing.), 240, 518, 519, 600, 1039, 1693, 1747, 2274.

Adden = hadden, had (3 pers. pl.), 239, 1480, 2451, 2545, 2546.

Age, awe, 432, 3546, 3632. A.S. ege, fear, terror, dread. Dan. ave, O.E. age, awe, is a northern form corresponding to the southern eige or eie.

Agen, awe, (acc.) 192.

Agen, (a) again, 405, 604, 606, 979, 985; (b) against, 562, 3373, 3375; (c) adverse, opposed to, 3730; (d) backwards, back, 1097, 3267; (e) towards, 1786, 1796, 1823, 1824; (f) for, 562. A.S. ongean, agen. See Agon.

Agenes, against, 538, 541.

Agenward, back, 1782.

Ageon, against, 3912. A.S. agean.

Aglen, to become weak, foolish, 3809. A.S. eglian, to ail, egle, troublesome; Goth. aglo, affliction, aglus, difficult.

Agon, gone, 78. A.S. agán.

Agon, again, 77, 958; against, 438; backwards, 1119; towards, 1009, 1438.

Agrisen, terrified, alarmed, 667. A.S. agrýsan.

Agt, Agte, property, possession, wealth, 742, 783, 857, 910, 924, 1858, 1867, 2017, 2090. A.S. ágan, (pret. ahte, áhte) to own, possess. A.S. æht, property.

Agte, owned, 2309.

Agte, ought, should, 525, 1671, 2727.

Agte, fear, 3384. It literally signifies thought, anxiety, sorrow. A.S. eaht, estimation, eahtian, to meditate, devise. Ger. acht, care, attention, achten, to mind, regard. See Hagt.

Agtes, oughtest, 1762.

Agtes, moneys, 2224.

Ai, ever, aye, 451, 1105.

Ail, hail, 3066, 3183.

Al, all, 36, 37; entirely, quite, 3059, 3098.

Al abuten, all about, 96, 136.

Aldre, of all; 'hure aldre bale,' the bale of us all, 322; 'here aldre heuedes,' the heads of them all, 2926.

Algen = halgen, to hallow, keep holy, 918. A.S. halgian.

Alle, all, 874, 896.

Al-migt-ful, powerful, 2694.

Almigten, Almigtin, almighty, (sb.) 9, 3405, (adj.) 30, 572, 3727.

Als, Alse, also, 867; as, 1773, 1785, 1787, 2650; so, 1412.

Also, as, 475, 643, 1238, 2212; so, 3436. A.S. alswá.

Alswilc, Alsswilc, even as, 4108. A.S. alswilc = eallswilc, even as, likewise.

Alt = halt, holdeth (?), 924.

Alter, altar, 758.

Alðer-best, the best of all, 3390.

Alðerneðer, beneath all, 3997.

Amigdeles, almonds, 3840. Gr. αμυγδαλη; Lat. amygdala.

Amonge, among, 700.

Amongus, amonges, amongst, 1620.

An (before a cons.), a, 680, 938, 951; 'an time,' 1435, 1487; 'an busk,' 2105; 'an kire,' 2451; 'an wis man,' 2649; 'an sel,' 2769; 'an steuene,' 2780; 'an dragen swerd,' 2843.

An, in, 1605, 2789, 3086. A.S. and O.S. an; South Prov. E. an.

An, and, 206, 221, 647.

And = an, a, 3463.

And = an, in, 1470.

Andswere, answer, 3081.

Andswerede, answered, 4109. A.S. andswerian, to answer.

Anger, grief, 972.

Ani, any, 48, 2181.

Anog, enough, 600, 3365, 3876.

Answerede, answered, 2728, 3605.

Answeren, (sb.) answer, 2673.

Ant, and, 485.

Apples, 1129.

Arche, ark, 560, 561, 580.

Arche-wold, ark-board, 576, 614.

Arches, ark's, 602.

Ard, hard, 1228.

Arled, ring-streaked, 1723. A.S. orl, rim, welt, border.

Arn, Aren, are, (pl.) 16, 815, 3606, 3882.

Arsmetike = arsmetrike, arithmetic, 792.

Arwe, arrow, 478.

As, hast, 1760.

Aske, ask, 1668.

Askede, asked, 1391.

Askeden, (pl.) asked, 2672.

Askes, ashes, 3024.

Astronomige, astronomy, 792.

At, to, 554; of, 2697; in, 3790.

At, ate, did eat, 337, 342, 3407.

Ate, hate, 373, 3638.

Atter, poison, venom, 372. A.S. áter, atter.

Atteð = hatteð, is called, 813.

At-wond, ceased, 3058. A.S. ætwíndan, to wind off, escape, flee away (pret. ætwánd, p.p. ætwunden).

At-wot, disappeared, departed, 1049. A.S. wítan, to depart; at = A.S. æt, as in at-wond, etc.

Aucter, altar, 612, 625.

Auter, altar, 1297, 1325.

Aue, have, 2388.

Auede = hauede, had, 1251.

Auen = hauen, have (inf.), 1505, 1512; (pl.) 3680.

Aueð = haueð, hath, 2425, 2469.

Awai, Awei, away, 616, 810, 858, 860, 861.

Aweiward, away, 3168.

Awold, avail, be successful, 1671; signify, 1944, 2727; cause, 2054. A.S. walden, to rule, wealdan, to govern (p. weold, p.p. wealden).

Ay, ever, always, 5, 87, 155.

Ayne = ane, one, a, 2639.

Bad, commanded, 41, 57, 441, 572, 618; prayed, 1462; 'bad meðe,' besought mercy, 3011. A.S. biddan (pret. bæd, p.p. beden), to ask, pray, command.

Bad, offered, gave, 2653; 'bad bede,' offered prayer, 1375, 2981. A.S. beódan (pret. beád, p.p. boden).

Bade, bad, 2436.

Bak, back, 1333.

Bale, sorrow, misery, calamity, destruction, 68, 322, 850, 1122, 1166; death, 1984. A.S. bealu.

Bannede, summoned, assembled, 3213. A.S. bannan, bonnan, to proclaim.

Bar, bore, took, 209, 338; gave birth to, 418, 428, 722; carried, 2078.

Baren, to disclose, 1912.

Barg, (pret. of bergen) preserved, 1330, 3477.

Bargt = barg, preserved, 898.

Bat, bad, 53; restored, 882; offered, gave, 1015. See Bad.

Be, shall be, 784.

Bead, bad, 1059, 2494, 2768;

invited, 1056; offered, 1069; presented, 3340.

Bead = abead, endured, suffered, 3105.

Beames, trumpet's, 3521. A.S. byme, a trumpet.

Beas = beast = beëst, art, 365, 366.

Bed, (pret. of bidden) commanded, bad, 258, 1292. See Bad.

Bed, (pret. of beden) offered, gave, presented, 909, 1014, 2017, 2047; (imp.) present, 2073.

Bedden, (pl. pret.) offered, 2273; prayed to, 2498.

Bede, prayer, 631, 1375, 2981. A.S. béd.

Beden, (p.p.) commanded, 2212.

Bedes, prayers, 495, 3888.

Bege, ring, 2140. A.S. beah, béh, beág (g. beáges), a crown, bracelet, ring.

Beges, bracelets, 1390. A.S. beágas.

Bem, beam, 'heuene-bem' = the sun (?), 1606.

Ben, to be, 15, 101, 164; are, 107, 139, 630.

Bene, prayer, petition, 2511. A.S. bén.

Ber, bore, 1701.

Berdes, beards, 3584.

Bere, bier, 2481.

Bere, (inf.) bear, 1465; (subj.) 3513.

Bered = bereð, beareth, 326, 2705.

Berem-tem = bern-tem, family, race, 3903.

Beren, (inf.) bear, carry, 8, 118, 120, 787, 2084; (pl. pret.) 1187, 2557; to show, 1044.

Beren-tem, family, descendants, 954.

Beres, (sb.) bears, 191.

Bereð, bear, (imp.) 2243, 2248.

Berg, (sb.) defence, protector, 926. A.S. beorh.

Berge, Bergen, to protect, 1060; (opt.) 2529. A.S. beorgan (pret. bearh, p.p. borgen).

Bergles, shelterless, unprotected, 3048.

Beries, berries, 2062, 2064.

Bering, bearing, behaviour, 2178.

Bernteam, descendant, 3748. A.S. bearn-team, posterity, from bearn, a child, and teamian, to generate.

Best, art, 2884.

Beste, beast, 194.

Bet, beat, (pret.) 483, 3958. A.S. beót.

Bet, better, 1713, 2366, 2938, 3753. A.S.

Betende, beating, 2713.

Betes, beatest, 3974.

Betre, Bettre, better, 1585, 1957, 2820.

Betten = beten, amend, 3637. A.S. bétan.

Beð, is, 182, 1156, 1589; shall be, 386, 4122; (imp.) 2263, 3231.

Beðen, bathe, 2447. A.S. beþian.

Beðen, pray, entreat, 2498. O.N. beiða, to pray.

Bi, by, 141, 1586.

Bi-aften, behind, 1333, 3377. A.S. be-æftan.

Bi-agt, ought, should, 924.

Bicalleð, calls after, accuses, 2314.

Bicam, became, befell, happened, 996, 1404, 2007, 2148; went, 1744.

Bicrauen, (inf.) ask, crave, 1388.

Bicumen, (inf.) become, pass, come into, 960, 1577; (p.p.) befallen, 2227; become, 3839.

Bid, intreat, pray, 2509.

Bidde, intreat, 1569; command, 3454.

Bidden, (inf.) pray, beseech, 1802.

Biddi = bidde, offer, 27.

Bideð, biddeth, 3451.

Bifel, befell, 963.

Biforen, Biforn, before, 47, 219, 253, 451, 665, 905, 907, 2272.

Bigan, began, 188, 236, 448, 921.

Bigamie, 448, 449.

Bigat, begot, 708, 709, 711, 1590; obtained, 796.

Bigen, to buy, 2166, 2246. A.S. bygan, bycgan.

Bigete, winnings, spoil, 896.

Bigetel, advantageous, 1992.

Bigeten, (inf.) obtain, 1532; beget, 2180; require, 1666; prevail, 2021; (p.p.) begotten, 906, 1151, 1376, 1377, 2006; acquired, obtained, 911, 2706.

Biggede, dwelt, 1137. A.S. byggan, to build; Icel. byggia; O.Sw. bygga, to build, inhabit.

Bigging, Bigginge, Biging, sojourn, abode, dwelling, 718, 762, 807; house, 3163.

Biginned = biginneð, beginneth, 2538.

Biginning, Biginninge, beginning, 32, 39, 521.

Bigote, begotten, 2618.

Bigunnen, (pl. pret.) began, 536.

Bihaluen = surround, 3355. See Havelok, l. 1834.

Bihet, (pret. of bihete) promised. A.S. beǽtan, (pret. behét; p.p. beháten) to promise.

Bihoten, promised, 3132.

Bi-hu[f]lik (?), needful, necessary, 4108. A.S. behóflíc.

Bilagt, taken away, 773. A.S. ge-læccan (pret. gelæhte), take, catch, seize.

Bileaf, remained, 1332, 2776; left, 3066.

Bilef, remained, 671, 1346, 1516, 1791, 1801. A.S. belífan (pret. belaf).

Bileften, (pl. pret.) dwelt, abode, 800.

Bileph = bilef, remained, 2662.

Bileue, should remain, 1716.

Bileue, quickly, 4128.

Bileuen, to remain, stay, 1766, 3114.

Bileuen, remainder, 3154.

Bilewen, to remain, 2233.

Bilirten, deprive of by fraud, 316.

Biloc, surrounded, 2684. See Biluken.

Bilong, along of, not belong, 2058.

Biluken, enclosed, shut up, 104. A.S. belúcan (pret. beleác; p.p. belocen).

Bimen, complaint, cry, 2894.

Bimeneð, bemoaneth, 2226.

Bimening, mourning, bemoaning, 2484.

Biment, Bimente, complained, 1217; bewailed, bemoaned, 2202, 4150. A.S. bemǽnan (pret. bimǽnde).

Binam, used, 1706. See Binimen.

Binden, to bind, 2193, 3193.

Bineðe, Bineðen, beneath, below, 10, 66, 126, 3526, 4082. A.S. benyðan.

Binimen, to take away, 1764. A.S. beniman (pret. benám, p.p. benumen).

Binnen, within, 1032, 1731. A.S. binnan.

Binumen = be taken, 1578.

Binumen, bereft, taken away, 198, 772; rescued, 2876; placed, 376.

Biofte, behoof, 1408. A.S. behofian, to behove.

Bioueð, behoveth, 1159.

Biquuad, ordered, appointed, 117. See Quuad.

Biqueðen, bewail, 2448. See Queðe.

Bird, birth, 2591.

Biri, city, 2257. A.S. burh (pl. byrig).

Biried, buried, 256, 735, 2517, 3851.

Biriele, tomb, sepulchre, 2488. A.S. byrgels.

Birien, to bury, 2424.

Birigeles, burial, interment, 2474.

Birðe, Birðehe, birth, 441, 1177, 1187, 1484, 1497.

Birðen, to be born, 1471.

Birðehe, birth, 368.

Birðheltre, fruit-bearing tree, 119.

Bise, rule, govern, 4107.

Bisek, (imp.) beseech, 3093.

Biseke, (imp.) beseech, 4155.

Biseken, to beseech, 2492, 3600.

Bisen, to provide, 1313; ordained, 1411; govern, direct, 2141, 3414. A.S. beseon.

Biset, (p.p.) beset, surrounded, 3225.

Bisette, (pret.) beset, compassed, 2687.

Bisetten, surrounded, encompassed, 1066.

Bisne, blind, 472, 2822. A.S. bisen.

Bisogt, (p.p.) besought, asked, 3080.

Bisogte, (pret.) besought, 3236; interceded, 3693.

Bispac (= bespoke), gain-said, contradicted, 1444.

Bispeken, to blame, condemn, 1855. A.S. besprécan, to accuse, blame.

Bistod, lamented, 3857.

Bistoden, (pl.) bewailed, wept for, 716, 1456. A.S. bestanden, to stand by.

Biswiken, betrayed, deceived, 3561. A.S. beswícan.

Bit, biddeth, 2238.

Bitagt, (p.p.) delivered, given over, assigned, 774, 1677.

Bitagte, (pret. of bitaken or bitechen) gave, 212, 782, 1185; appointed, assigned, 923, 965, 1663, 2622, 3621. A.S. betǽcan (pret. betǽhte).

Bitagten, (pl.) delivered, consigned, 1424.

Biteg, accomplished, 2878. See Ten.

Biten, (pl.) accomplish, 3626. See Ten.

Biter, bitter, 3300.

Bithowte, bethought, 2735.

Bitid, befallen, 357, 1194, 1876, 1978, 2358, 3406.

Bitidde, befell, 3861.

Bitime, betimes, 1088.

Bitogen, bestowed, applied, 1771; guided, directed, 3796. See Ten.

Bitold, rescued, 920; from bitellan, to defend, rescue. See Orm. l. 2045, and O.E. Hom. 1st S. p. 205.

Bitterlike, bitterly, 1115; angrily, 2030; severely, sharply, 3896.

Biðhogte, Biðogt, Biðohte, bethought, devised, 36, 37, 1183. A.S. beþencan, to consider, bethink.

Bitwen, between, 8, 251, 760, 1168, 1601, 2406.

Biueð, trembleth, 2280. A.S. bifian, beofian.

Biwaken, (pl.) keep a wake (or vigil) for the dead, 2444. A.S. wæcan, to watch, wake.

Blast; (ph.) 'liues blast,' 201; 'hornes blast,' 3464.

Ble, colour, hue, 457; appearance, 749. A.S. bleo.

Blein, blain, 3027.

Bles, (g. sing. of ble) of colour, hue, 1725.

Blessede, turned aside, ceased, 3653, 3803. See Blissen.

Bleð, timid, fearful, 2590, 3520, 3907. A.S. bleáð, gentle, timid. O.N. blauðr.

Blinne, Blinnen, to cease, 289, 1963. A.S. blinnan.

Blis, Blisce, bliss, 382, 748, 3518.

Blisced, (p.p.) blessed, 1552, 1616.

Bliscede, (pret.) blessed, 163, 897, 1546.

Bliscing, blessing, 1508, 1532, 1556, 1563, 1568, 2398.

Blisse, bliss, 11, 241, 2068.

Blissen, to lessen, 553. Du. bleschen, to quench.

Blisses, (g. sing.) of bliss, 19, 383; pl. happiness, joys, 2350.

Bliðe, blithe, joyful, 1343, 1653.

Bliðelike, blithely, joyfully, 1424, 1499.

Blo, blue, 637, 638. A.S. bleo; O.Du. bla.

Blod, blood, 1074, 1452, 1661, 2816.

Blod, woman, 1192. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. Blod.

Blodes, of blood, 2956.

Blomede, bloomed, flowered, 2061.

Boc, book, 523, 2522.

Bode, (subj.) should tolerate, endure, 1594.

Bode, word, message, command, 395, 621, 939, 991, 1008, 1286, 1973, 2383, 2859. A.S. bod, gebod, a command, message; beódan, to command, order, bid.

Boden, (pl. pret.) bad, commanded, 1067, 1096, 1971, 3544; asked for, 3169; p.p. bidden, 1430, 3111, 4115.

Bodes, commands, rules, 3528.

Bodeword, Bodewurd, commandment, prohibition, 213, 218, 361, 2282; message, 396, 2494, 2880, 2913. See Bode.

Bofte = Bihofte, behoof, 1388. A.S. be-hófian, to behove.

Bog, bough, 608.

Boge, bow, 483, 1238.

Bogt, (p.p.) bought, 1994, 3683.

Bogte, (pret.) bought, 1996.

Boken, book; ph. 'on no boken,' 4.

Bokes, books, 3635.

Bold, bad, 323; stubborn, 1917; boldly, 2728.

Bolen. See To-bollen.

Bond, Bonde, bond, prison, 2076, 2693; force, power, 763, 2114, 2716.

Bondes, bonds, 344, 2230.

Bone, prayer, petition, boon, 2980. O.N. bón; A.S. bén.

Booc, book, 4124.

Bor, (pret. of beren) bore, 425.

Borde, table, board, 1210.

Aftre, after, 1652.

Boren, s. pl. bearers, 1798.

Boren, (pl. pret. of beren, to bear) bore, 684, 1725, 1730; p.p. born, 84, 220, 648, 655, 666, 1144; borne, 2512, 2518.

Borgen, (p.p. of bergen) protected, saved, 1102, 1105, 2686. See Bergen.

Borwen, (p.p. of berge) preserved, saved, 886, 3044.

Bosum, bosom, 2809.

Bot, (pret. of biten) bit, 2926.

Bot, Bote, salvation, deliverance from evil, forgiveness, atonement, 24, 2957, 3598. A.S. bót, bótu; bétan, to amend.

Boðen, both, 328, 350, 899, 1275, 1390.

Brac, broke, 3100.

Bras, brass, 467.

Brast, (pret. of bresten) burst, 1808.

Bread-lepes, bread-baskets, 2078. A.S. leap, a basket, hamper.

Bred, Bread, bread, 364, 1013, 1225, 2079.

Bred, (p.p.) roasted, 1013, 3147. A.S. brǽdan, (p. brǽdde; p.p. gebrǽd) to melt, roast.

Bredde, (pret.) melted, 3342.

Bredes, of bread, 894, 1246.

Bred-wrigte, baker, 2077.

Breken, break, 3147.

Brekeð, breaketh, 3062.

Brend, (p.p.) burnt, 3685.

Brende, (pret.) burnt, 1108, 2668, 2778, 2779.

Brend-fier-rein, rain of burning fire, 1110.

Brennen, to burn, 1087, 2775, 3154.

Brennen = brennende, burning, 2653.

Brenninge, (sb.) burning, 3654.

Brent, Brente, burnt, 754, 1114, 1336, 2656.

Brest, breast, 343, 370.

Brewen, to brew, produce, 4054.

Breðere, brethren, 823, 1911, 2217; brothers', 530, 2213.

Brictest, brightest, 1910.

Bridale, wedding, 1674.

Brigt, (adj.) bright, 132, 951; beautiful, 1058; clear, 2780; (sb.) brightness, 143.

Brigte, (adv.) clearly, 3763.

Brigtlike, clearly, brightly, 3491.

Brimen, to become fertile, teem, 118; bear fruit, 1128. A.S. breman, to have in honour.

Brimfir, burning-fire, brimstone, 754.

Brinfires, burning-fires, brimstones, 1164.

Bringen, to bring, 312, 738, 1067; 'bringen on' = to bring against, 2032.

Briðere = breðere, brethren, 2271.

Brocte, brought, 237.

Brod, brood, 3712. A.S. bród.

Brogt, (p.p.) Brogte, (pret.) brought, 62, 124, 219, 608, 847, 870, 874, 882, 2634.

Brogten, (pl. pret.) brought, 3546.

Broðer, brother, 420, 1394.

Bruc, (imp.) enjoy, 1831. A.S. brúcan, (p. bréac; p.p. gebrocen) use, enjoy, eat.

Buges, boughs, 2060.

Bunden, (p.p.) bound, 2216.

Burdene, burden, birth, 1467.

Burg, Burge, city, 812, 833, 1110, 1837. A.S. burh, burg.

Burge-folc, townsfolk, 1854.

Burges, cities, 746, 840.

Burges, (g. sing.) of the city, 1053, 1086.

Burgt = burg, city, 727, 744, 879.

Burgt-folk = burg-folc, towns-folc, people, 1063.

Busk, bush, 2779.

But, send out (?), 3075. It may represent the A.S. búte, bútu, both.

But, Bute, unless, 3017, 3616; only, 4000. A.S. búte.

Bute if, unless, 4059.

Buteler, butler, 2092, 2115.

Buten, about, 566. A.S. bútan.

But-if, unless, 1713, 2698, 2949.

Buttere, butter, 1014.

Buxum, obedient, 980, 1299. A.S. bocsum, from búgan, to bend.

Cald, (p.p.) called, 3367, 3686.

Calde, (pret.) called, 1446, 1631, 1702.

Calden, (pl. pret.) called, 685.

Calles, callest, 3237.

Cam, came, 114, 158, 416.

Can, know, 309; did, 2872.

Canticle, 4124.

Care, sorrow, 775. A.S. cáru.

Carf, cut, carved, 2700. A.S. ceorfan, (pret. cearf; p.p. corfen) to cut, engrave.

Carte-hird, collection of carts (chariots), 3215.

Cartes, carts, 2362.

Cast, a shadow (?), 3463.

Caue[n], a cave, 1137.

Chaf, chaff, 2889.

Chafare, chaffer, 1951.

Chare, turn, go, 2390.

Charen, to turn, depart, journey, 1712, 2436, 3010, 3055, 3704, 3986. A.S. cérran, círran, to turn, pass over or by.

Charite, charity, 1016.

Chartre, prison, 2043. A.S. cwartern, a prison.

Chasthed, chastity, 2022.

Che, she, 1227.

Cherl, churl, man, fellow, 2715.

Ches, (pret. of chesen) chose, selected, 433, 805, 807, 1250, 2736, 3672; (imp.) 3665.

Chesen, to choose, 3429. A.S. ceósan, (pret. ceás, p.p. córen) to choose, select.

Chidden, (pret. pl.) chided, rebuked, 1927.

Chiden, to chide, 2722.

Childe, child, 966, 974.

Childes, child's, 1965, 1972.

Childhede, childishness, 2652.

Childles, childless, 930.

Childre, children, 656, 715, 722.

Chirche-gong, church-going, 2465.

Chirches, churches, 511, 3197.

Chosen, (pl.) chose, 543.

Circumcicioun, circumcision, 992.

Circumcis, circumcised, 999, 1002.

Circumcise, circumcision, 2848.

Circumcised, circumcised, 1200, 1202.

Cisternesse, pit, cistern, 1960.

Clene, clean, pure, 605, 611, 627, 777, 3454, 3637.

Clense, cleanse, 3453.

Cleped, Clepede, Clepit, called, 1198, 1274, 2631, 4099. A.S. cleopian, to cry, call.

Clepeð, calleth, 3330.

Clerkes, clerks, learned men, 2993.

Clipping-time, shearing time, 1740.

Cliued, 'he cliued' = him cliueð = cleaves to him, 1963.

Cliuen, to stick, fasten, 372. A.S. clifian.

Cliueð, adheres, remains, 2384.

Cloðen, to clothe, 2630.

Colen, coals, 2653.

Comb, top, crest, 2564. Du. kam.

Come, coming, arrival, 2267.

Come, should come, 464.

Comen, (p.p.) come, 344.

Comen, (pret. pl.) came, 1979, 2611, 2940.

Coren, corn, 2104, 2237.

Corune, crown, 2638.

Corunes, crowns, 3789.

Cost, nature, kind, 3327. A.S. cost. Icel. kostr, habits, character.

Costful, trying, dangerous, 3880. A.S. costian, to try.

Craflik, craftily.

Crauede, craved, asked, 1418.

Crauen, to crave, ask, demand, 1320, 1408, 1667, 1718, 2366, 3171.

Crep, (pret. of crepen) crept, 2924. A.S. creópan, to creep (pret. creáp, p.p. cropen).

Crepen, to creep, 610, 2560.

Crisme, chrisom, the anointing oil, 2458. O.Fr. cresme, from χρισμα.

Cristene, Cristenei, Christian, 7, 15.

Cropen, crept, 2974.

Crune, crown, 2642.

Cude = cuðe, could, knew how to, 878, 2674.

Cuden = cuðen, (pl.) could, 875. A.S. cunnan, to ken, know (pret. cúðe, p.p. cúð).

Cum, (imp.) come, 2791.

Cume, (1st pers. sing.) come, 1037.

Cume, (p.p.) come, 1432.

Cume, (pl.) come, 2171.

Cumen, (inf.) come, 305, 505, 2337.

Cumen, (pl. pret.) came, 1065.

Cumen, (p.p.) come, 365, 410, 570, 1141, 2316.

Cumeð, (imp. pl.) come, 3485.

Cunen, (pl.) can, are able, 4054.

Cuppe, cup, 2310, 2318.

Cursen, to curse, 4005.

Cursing, (sb.) curse, 3926, 4037, 4038.

Cuðe, could, 470, 2594, 2747; showed, 1659.

Cuðen, could, 3224; knew, 2996.

Cuuel-staf, a cowl-staff, a pole for carrying two-handled vessels, 3710. A.S. ceofl, cawel, a basket.

Dage, days, 'of dage brogten,' put to death, 3545.

Dagen, to dawn, 16, 91. A.S. dæg, a day; dægian, to shine; dagian, to dawn; dagung, a dawning, daybreak.

Dages, days, 3297.

Dai, day, 83, 88, 93.

Daiening, Daigening, Daning, dawn, 77, 1808, 3264.

Daiges, day's, 3294.

Daiges, days, 2455, 2471.

Dain = ðain (?), a man, 1116.

Dais, day's, 113, 114, 157, 158.

Dais, days, 590.

Dale, dale, vale, 'sorwes dale,' 19; 'werldes dale,' 142.

Dalen, dale, 1931.

Dalf, buried, 2718. See Deluen.

Dan = ðan, then, 411, 613, et passim.

Daning, dawn, 1808. See Daiening and Dagen.

Dat = ðat, 224, 232, 342.

Dead, Deade, death, 312, 392, 402, 421, 2573, 3120.

Dead, deed, 2983.

Deades, death's, 268, 714, 3396.

Deai, day, 862.

Ded, Dede, death, 214, 257, 261, 265.

Ded, Dede, dead, 217, 750, 2465.

Dede, deed, 355, 502, 1150, 2662.

Dede, did, 24, 118, 224; put, placed, 42, 576; made, 762, 2291; showed, 2757.

Deden, (pl. pret.) did, 1059, 1153; made, caused, 1522, 2100, 2560; put, 2555; fixed, 3442; gave, 3551.

Dedes, death's, 344, 484, 2716.

Dedes, deeds, 2459.

Dedes, deeds', 551.

Dedis = put them, 3830.

Dei, day, 78.

Deieð, dieth, 751.

Deigen, to die, 3127.

Del, a part, a whit, bit, 230, 1092, 567, 1062; -what, -thing, 353; parts, 3239. A.S. dǽl, a part.

Del, (imp.) divide, 3239. A.S. dǽlan, to divide, distribute.

Delen, (pl. pres.) divide, 151.

Delt, divided, scattered, 670, 3243.

Delte, (pret.) divided, 941.

Deluen, to bury, 2452. A.S. delfan, to dig, delve (pret. dealf, p.p. dolfen).

Dempt, doomed, condemned, 2038. A.S. déman, to deem, doom.

Denede = dinede, shook, quaked, 3772. A.S. dynian, to din.

Dep, deep, 1942.

Depe, Diep, deeply, 1873, 2655, 2770.

Der, deer, animal, 169, 178, 187, 299, 4020, 4025.

Dere, noble, precious, 271, 2247; dear, beloved, 403, 1569.

Dere, to harm, annoy, 1588, 3514; to injure, 4047; destroy, 3566. A.S. derian.

Dere, (sb.) harm, hurt, 2970, 3214, 3742. A.S. dere, dar, daru, hurt, damage.

Dered, Derede, harmed, hurt, 242, 2596, 3052.

Deren, to hurt, annoy, 788, 1188, 1271, 2348.

Deren, (pl. pres.) hurt, annoy, 187, 852.

Derer = dere, dear, beloved, 2399.

Deres, injuries, 3088.

Deres, animals, 4032.

Deres-kin, animals, 556.

Dereð, harms, hurts, 3818.

Derke = derðe, dearth, famine, 2237, 2345.

Derne, secret, 1950. A.S. dearn.

Derre = dearly, 3683.

Deserd, Desert, desert, 1227, 2737, 2770.

Dew, 3325.

Dhogt = ðhogt, thought, care, 1153.

Dewes, dew's, 3327.

Digere = diyere, dear, precious, 3483, 3484; dearer, 3903.

Dik, dike, ditch, pit, 281.

Dikes, ditches, 2560.

Dim, dull, 286; ignorant, 3673.

Dine, din, noise, 3467.

Dinede, sounded, 3464.

Dis = ðis, 63.

Diserd, desert, 975.

Do, take, put, 2781, 3604, 3819, 3822.

Dogtres, daughters, 1090, 1094.

Dole, part, 152.

Doles, parts, 151, 3243; pieces, 952; shares, 1512. See Del.

Doluen, (p.p.) buried, 1895, 3200, 3685.

Doluen, (pret. pl.) dug, 3189.

Domesdai, Domesday, doomsday, 105, 505, 645.

Domme, dumb, 2821.

Don, (inf.) to do, cause, 194, 534, 1146, 3608.

Don, (pl. pres.) do, 311; cause, 180.

Don, (p.p.) done, 345, 3012; placed, put, 267, 381, 383, 2586, 3206.

Dor = ðor, there, 668, 897.

Dor-bi = ðor-bi, thereby, 1637.

Doð, (imp.) cause, 2351; do, 3727.

Doð, doth, causes, 2702, 2883.

Dowter, daughter, 1847, 2147, 2599, 2601, 2603.

Dowtres, daughters, 2743.

Dragen, (p.p.) drawn, 3980; compiled, 13; 'to dead ... dragen,' put to death, 3458; 'of liue dragen,' slain, 3806; withdrawn, 598; led, drawn, 2046; sprinkled, 3156.

Dragen, (inf.) to draw near to, 2360, 2378.

Dragen, (adj.) drawn, 2843.

Dragt, plan, 3624; way, course, 3745.

Dragun, dragon, serpent, 2924.

Drake, dragon, 283.

Dranc, drank, 1660.

Drechede, delayed, 2835.

Drechen, delay, 1420, 1946. A.S. drécan, to trouble, oppress.

Dred, dread, fear, 179, 660, 694, 698.

Dredde, dreaded, feared, 767, 1868, 3008.

Dredes, dread's, 2806.

Dredeð, (imp.) dread, 2343, 3129.

Dredful, fearful, 3520; dreadful, 3521.

Dredi, afraid, 872.

Dref, trouble, 4144. See Dreue.

Dreful, sorrowful, 2590. See Dregen.

Dreg, suffered, endured, 429, 566, 2877.

Drege, Dregen, (pl.) endure, suffer, bear, 512, 2208.

Dregen, (inf.) to suffer, 3235. A.S. dreógan (pret. dreag, p.p. drogen), to suffer, bear.

Drem, Dreme, dream, 953, 2095; 'on dreme,' in dream, 1179.

Dremen, to dream, 2067.

Drempte, (vb. impers.) dreamt, 1941, 2049, 2059, 2078, 2095.

Dremes, (pl.) dreams, 1918, 2086; (gen.) 2112, 2114.

Dreue, to trouble, 318. A.S. dréfan, to trouble, disturb.

Drie, dry, 616.

Dried, 3681.

Drige, dry, 3910.

Drinc, drink, 1149, 1246.

Drinkelen, to drown, 2768.

Drinken, to drink, 2065, 3582.

Drinkilden, (pl.) drowned, 492.

Dririhed, dreariness, 1122.

Driuen, (pres. pl.) drive, 1647; (pret. pl.) drove, fell, 4096; (p.p.) driuen, 307, 574, 1125; practised, 1681.

Drof, draff, dregs, 3582. O.Du. draf. Dan. drav; Icel. draf, dregs. "Draffe or drosse, or matter stamped, pilumen."—(Prompt. Parv.)

Drof, assemblage, 102. A.S. dráf.

Drog, Droge, drew, 478, 1746, 1844, 3909.

Drogen, (pl.) drew, 1077.

Drogen = ? drogende, suffering, 977.

Drogen, (p.p.) suffered, 1772, 2402, 2404, 2786, 3648. See Dregen.

Drope, drop, 1018.

Dropen, killed, 2648. A.S. drepan (pret. dræp, p.p. drepen), to strike, wound.

Drug, drew, 2717.

Drugen, (pl.) drew.

Drugte, drought, dryness, 2107, 2348. A.S. drugoð.

Drunken, drunk, 871, 1154.

Dun, down, 484, 714, 1303.

Dun, Dune, hill, 19, 587, 1101, 1295, 3380. A.S. dún.

Dun-cumen, to descend, 1608.

Dunes, hills, 599, 644, 855, 1100.

Dune-is, down's, hill's, 1295.

Dure, door, 1082.

Duren, dare, 2239.

Dure-pin, door pin, bolt of the door, 1078.

Dure-tren, door-posts, 3155.

Durste, durst, 2593, 3968.

Dursten, (pl.) durst, 1863.

Duue, dove, 605, 944.

Dwale, heretic, apostate, 20, 67; deceit, fraud, 4055. A.S. dwala, an error; dwelian, to deceive.

Dwale, grief, complaint, 1037, 1220; strife, contest, 3404. O.E. dule, dole. Sc. dool.

Dwelledde, dwelt, 1106.

E = he, 2341, 2708.

E = he, they, 4094.

Ear, ere, before, formerly, 36, 47, 250, 284, 1089, 1757, 2562, 3080; 'ear ðanne,' ere that. A.S. ear, ǽr.

Eares, ears (of corn), 2104.

Earuermor = eauermor, evermore, 12.

Ebrisse, Hebrew, 73.

Eddi, pleasant, good, 2086. A.S. eadig.

Eddi-sel = happy (pleasant) time, prosperity, 2582. A.S. eádig, happy, blessed; sǽl, time.

Ef = eft, again, 2337.

Eft, Efte, again, 77, 365, 1169, 4032.

Egest = hegest, highest, 143, 1224.

Egte, probably miswritten for fegte, 470.

Egte, eight, 1349.

Egtende, Egtenede, eighth, 1199, 1202, 2543.

Eige, awe, fear, 2550, 3043. A.S. ége, fear, terror.

Eilden, ? bake, 2892. Stratmann proposes to derive it from O.N. elda, to make a fire.

Eld, Elde, age, 579, 705, 707, 740, 900, 1283; on elde, in age, 1197. A.S. eld, yld, age.

Eldes, of age, 1528.

Eld = held, 2999.

Elles, Hell's, 4157.

Elles, else, 3072; besides, 4096.

Elmesse-gifte, alms-gift, 2466.

Elne, ells, 563, 565, 586.

Elten, knead, 2892. O.N. elta. (Stratmann.)

Em, uncle, 1758. A.S. eám.

Endede, ended, 166.

Endesið, destruction, death, 3777. A.S. ende, end, sið, adversity. Endesið may be an error for unsið, from A.S. unsið, mishap.

Ending, Endinge, death, 487, 1506, 2420, 2439.

Engle, Engleis, English, 14, 450, 814.

Erd, Erde, land, abode, 210, 383,1131, 2094, 2406. A.S. eard, province, country.

Erdes, abodes, lands, 956.

Erdfolc, people, 1880.

Erdne, Erdene, = ernde, errand, petition, 787, 1372, 1400, 1402. A.S. ærend, ærende, message, news.

Ere = here, of them, 2855, 3773.

Ereward-riche, inheritance, 1512. Du. erfrijk. See Erward.

Erf, cattle, 183, 195, 910, 2746, 3018. A.S. ærfe, erfe, orfe, yrfe.

Erf-kin, cattle, 3177.

Ermor = eauermor, evermore, 306.

Erneste, necessity, 411.

Erðe, earth, 40, 116, 118, 122.

Erðe-dine, earthquake, 1108, 3196. A.S. eorð-dýne.

Erðes, earth's, 124, 1547, 1573.

Erue, cattle, 169, 174, 803, 1948, 2751. See Erf.

Eruerilc = euerilc, every, 160.

Erward = erf-ward, heir, 934. A.S. yrfe-weard, an heir.

Es = is, them, 135, 1535, 1700, 2176, 3025, 3097.

Est, an error for eft, 607.

Est, east, 829, 1449.

Estdede, kindness, 2758. A.S. este, mild, favouring.

Esterne, Easter, 3289.

Et, it, 590, 3899.

Eten, (p.p.) eaten, 329; (inf.) to eat, 364, 1531, 1538; (pl. pres.) eat, 1779.

Eðe-moðed = eðe-moded, appeased, 1584.

Eðen = heðen, hence, 2188.

Eði-modes = eðe-moded (easy minded), kind, gentle, 2249. A.S. eáð, easy, gentle, mild; eáð-mód, easy-minded, humble.

Eððede, softened, alleviated, 1439.

Euen, evening, 1675.

Euene, even, equally, 331.

Eui, heavy, 2559.

Euerilc, every, 68, 69, 121, 2407; each, every one, 2214, 2355.

Euerilc del, every whit, 567.

Euerilc on, every one, 185, 609.

Euerilk, every, 582.

Fader, father, 29, 1148.

Faderes, father's, 1536, 1586, 1748, 2293.

Fagen, glad, joyful, 15, 510, 854, 1331, 1343, 1551. A.S. fægn, fægen, glad; fægnian, to rejoice, be delighted with.

Fagnede, welcomed, 1441, 1655.

Fagneden, (pl.) welcomed, 1410.

Fagt, fought, 3386, 3390.

Faier, Fair, Faire, (adj.) fair, beautiful, 126, 127, 769, 1058, 1192; (adv.) 1061.

Faiernesse, fairness, colour, 1233.

Faiger, (adj.) fair, beautiful, 1440, 2636, 2659; good, 3244; (adv.) 1396. A.S. fæger.

Faigere, (pl.) fair, 3547.

Faigered, fairhood, beauty, 2666.

Faire, (adv.) decently, honourably, 2393, 3193.

Faire-hed, Fair-hed, beauty, 1998, 2609.

Fallen, to fall, 2734.

Fand, temptation, strife, 3737. See Fonden.

Far, Fare, (imp.) fare, go, 737, 1288.

Fare, course, journey, 1434, 1989; departure, 3179; welfare, 2771. A.S. fær, faru.

Fare, (inf.) to go, 2389.

Fare, (1st pers. sing.) go, 930.

Faren, (inf.) to go, 137, 1418, 1596, 2238; (pl. pres.) pass away, 2153; (p.p.) gone, 3705, 4145. A.S. faran, to go (pret. fór, p.p. gefaren).

Fastede, fasted, 3611.

Fe, goods, 439; cattle, 783. A.S. feoh, cattle, money, goods.

Fear, far, 253, 2616.

Feble, weak, bad, 1072.

Fechen, Fechin, (inf.) to fetch, 1363, 1530, 2363.

Fedde, fed, 2630.

Feið, faith, 2187, 2678.

Feger, far, 764.

Fel, fell, 72, 484; 'fel wel,' prospered, 1521.

Felage, fellow, companion, 1761.

Felde, field, 440, 1437.

Fele, many, 2371, 2400, 3197.

Fele, defile, dishonour, A.S. fǽlan, to defile; ? or 'to fele' = too much, 3498.

Fellen, (pl.) fell, 65, 287, 1854, 2272.

Felte, felt, 1466.

Felten, (pl.) felt, 350.

Fen, mud, dirt, 490, 2557.

Fendes, fiend's, devil's, 25, 401.

Fendes, devils, 512, 2922, 2929.

Fendes wise, devil wise, 2961.

Fer, far, 36, 47, 1238, 1256.

Fer, sound, whole, 2812, 3469. Dan. fór; O.N. foerr. See Sir Gawaine and the Green Knight, l. 103.

Ferde, went, 810, 1598, 1739, 3263.

Ferden, (pl.) went, 2306; acted, 2921. A.S. féran, to go.

Ferding, army, 842. A.S. ferd, army; fyrding, an army, expedition.

Fere, companion, 338; companions, 3783. A.S. fera, gefera, a companion.

Feren, companions, fellows, 1275, 2845.

Feren, afar, 2601. A.S. feorran, far from.

Feres, companions, 659, 888, 2478.

Ferli, wondrous, 2774. A.S. fǽrlíc, sudden; fǽrlíce, suddenly, from fǽr, sudden, fearful, strange.

Ferlike, marvellously, 2799.

Ferðe, fourth, 130, 131, 156, 157.

Fest, fastened, 2703, 3797.

Fest, Feste, feast, 1689, 2470, 3552.

Festelike, convivially, 3407.

Fet, feet, 3151.

Fet, (sing.) Fette, (pl.) fat, 2098, 2100, 2101, 2104, 2110.

Fetchden, (pl.) fetched, 2889.

Feteles, Fetles, vessel, 561, 1225, 1247, 2595, 2801. A.S. fetels.

Feten, an error for ſeten, set, built, 2553 (?). It may = fettle. O.Fris. fitia; Goth. fetjan, to adorn.

Feten, fetch, 2744. A.S. fettan.

Fette, fetched, 1535.

Fetthed, fatness, abundance, 1547.

Fier, fire, 103, 464, 1140.

Fier-isles, fire ashes, 1130. A.S. ysla, ashes.

Fieres, fire's, 1142, 3786.

Fif, five, 527, 746.

Fifte, fifth, 158, 159, 165, 166.

Fiftene, fifteen, 415, 417.

Fifti, fifty, 578, 657.

Fifue, Fifwe, Fiue, five, 731, 852, 854, 855.

Figer, fire, 3522.

Figer, Figeren, far, 3519, 3904.

Figt, fight, 870, 886; struggle, 1317, 1470.

Figten, (inf.) fight, 3227; (pl.) 3572.

Figti, warlike, 546.

Figures, forms, 1006.

Fild, filled, 1225.

Fillen, fulfil, perform, 1463.

Filt, filled, 1247, 2213, 2307.

Fin, ending, death, 3852.

Finden, Findin, to find, 1877, 3246.

Findes, findest, 1768.

Fir, fire, 99, 3338.

Firmament, 95, 135.

Firme, first, 39, 43, 59, 75, 76, 78, 172.

Firmest, first, 1472, 1682, 1826, 4086.

Fis, fish, 162, 221, 299, 752.

Fisses, fishes, 2945.

Fled, put to flight, subdued, 3396.

Fledde, fled, 3384.

Fleg, fled, 430, 1136, 1745, 2806.

Flegen, to fly, 479, 610.

Fleges, flies, 192.

Fleges, flies', 3012.

Fleges-kin, flies, 3004.

Flegt = fleg, fled, 3643.

Fleis, flesh, 591, 1013, 2089.

Fleiðing, instigation, 692. A.S. flít, strife, offence.

Flemd, banished, 1265.

Flemede, banished, 1223. A.S. flyman, to banish.

Flen, (inf.) to flee, 1086, 1513, (pl.) 2685.

Fles, flesh, 3316.

Flesses, flesh's, 349.

Flet, flowed, 644; floated, 3187. A.S. fleótan, to flow.

Fligt, Fligte, flight, 137, 161, 277, 3012.

Fliten, striven, 3689. A.S. flítan, to strive (pret. flát, p.p. gefliten).

Flitten, to remove, 1522. Dan. flytte, to remove.

Flod, Flode, flood, 596, 644, 1112, 3186.

Flodes, flood's, 2096.

Flogen, (pl.) flew, 861, 3677; (p.p.) fled, flown, 1750, 3795.

Flotes, swimming's, floating's, 162. A.S. flótan, to swim, float; flót, a float, raft. Stratmann compares flote with O.H.Germ. floza pinna.

Floten, (pl.) floated, 2946.

Flum, flood, 490; river, 806, 2486; sea, 1123.

Flures, flour's, 1013.

Fo, few, 2403. A.S. feáw, feá.

Fode, food, 176, 894, 3146.

Fodme, productions, 124, 125. A.S. fadung, setting in order, disposition.

Fol, full, 211.

Folc, folk, people, 697, 770, 894.

Folckes, folk's, 4034.

Folged, (p.p.) followed, 239.

Folgede, (pret.) followed, 204, 1866.

Folgen, to follow, 28, 3272.

Folkes, folk's, people's, 2785.

Folkes-kin, people, 1864.

Folwede, followed, pursued, 880, 3187.

Folwede on, pursued, 1751.

Folwen, to follow, 401.

Fon, foes, 2610, 2693.

Fond, trial, 336; need, want, 3150. Cf. Du. vond, scheme, device. See Fonden.

Fond, Fonde, found, 440, 1280, 1397, 1933, 2324.

Fondeden, (pl.) tempted, 3368.

Fonden, to try, 2938; to seek, 3476, 3946. A.S. fandian, to try, tempt, seek, search out.

For, (pret. of fare) went, 743, 763, 1337, 2709.

For, whether, 2651.

Forbead, Forbed, forbad, 213, 311, 1329, 2932, 2984.

Forbi, against, 3988.

Forbode, prohibition, 324.

Forboden, forbidden, 325. A.S. forbeódan, to forbid, prohibit.

Forbone, an error for forbode, command, law, 3341.

Forbrac, broke down, 3049. A.S. for-brecan, to break in two.

Forbrende, burnt up, consumed, 3784.

Fordede, killed, 426. A.S. for-dón, to destroy.

Fordred, afraid, 1557, 1763, 2191.

Fore, departure, 2984. A.S. fór, fóru, faru, a way, journey.

Foren, before, 3541, 3866. A.S. fóran, before.

Foren, (pl.) went, 2482. See Fare.

For-fare, For-faren, to perish, 1087, 1134, 3018. A.S. for-faran.

Forfrigted, afraid, frightened, 3519.

Forgaf, forgave, 2499.

Forgat, forgot, 2092.

Forgeten, (inf.) to forget, 912, 1400, 1806; (p.p.) forgotten, 1152, 2179, 3128.

For-hadede, consecrated (by burning), 3338. A.S. hadian, to consecrate. ? for-ha[r]dede, hardened.

For-held, withheld, 2026.

For-hele, (subj.) hide, 3512.

For-helen, (inf.) to hide, 2593. A.S. for-hélan, to hide, conceal.

For-hid, hidden, concealed, 1875.

For-hirked, tired of, 3658. A.S. earg, slothful, dull, timid; yrhð, sloth, fear.

For-holen, For-olen, (p.p.) concealed, hidden, 1747, 1759, 1870, 2317, 2331, 3446.

For-hugede, rejected, 3814. A.S. for-hugian, to despise.

Forles, lost, 189, 259, 502, 808. A.S. for-leósan, to lose.

For-leten, (pl.) forsook, 4068.

For-listede, from forlisten, to desire greatly, yearn for (see Orm. l. 11475); or does forlistede = deceived (?), 1851. Cf. Ger. list, craft, deceit.

For-loren, (pret. pl.) lost, 241; (p.p.) 1886, 2511, 3468; accursed, reprobate, 546; destroyed, 1143.

For-numen, taken away, 2228. See Nimen.

For-quat, wherefore, 1657, 2053.

For-red, deceived, 2192. A.S. forrǽdan, to mislead, deceive.

For-sake, deny, 1767.

For-saken, refused, 3811.

For-sanc, sank entirely, 1114, 1117.

For-soc, refused, 1833.

For-sweðen, burn up, consume, 1140.

O.N. sviða, to burn, consume.

Forð, forth, away, forward, 249, 262, 578.

For-ðan, therefore, 1190, 1261; because, 1996; thereupon, 3162.

Forð-do, utter, 3993.

Forðe, perform, 1372.

Forðen, to promote, further, accomplish, 341, 4080; follow, 4059. A.S. fyrðrian, to further, support.

Forðere, further, 1304, 3488.

Forð-for, departure, exodus, 3158. A.S. forð-faru.

Forð-geden, (pl.) passed, 1755. See Gede.

Forð-glod, passed away, 113, 129, 157. See Glod.

Forð-gon, extended, 835; pass, 845; gone, 2819.

Forði, therefore, wherefore, 1581, 1591. A.S. forði.

Forð-nam, forth went, 3351. See Nimen.

Forð-nimen, proceed, 2676.

Forð-numen, passed, 3640.

Forð-wexen, (pl.) passed, 1211.

For-token, token, sign, 2994.

Forward, covenant, agreement, 1719, 1992, 3014. A.S. for-weard.

Forwerti, fowertieðe, fortieth, 3439.

For-went, changed, 1121. See Wente.

For-weried, fatigued, 3894.

For-wrogt, accursed, 266.

Fostre, foster, nurse, 2620, 2624, 2625.

Fostred, fostered, brought up, 2618.

Fot, Fote, foot, 376, 1303, 1474; 'to fot,' at the feet, 2497.

Foueles, fowls, birds, 570, 947.

Foure, Fowre, four, 559, 814, 816, 852.

Fowerti, fourty, 583, 589, 601, 3348.

Fowrtende, fourteenth, 3143.

Frame, profit, advantage, 133, 173, 626, 1837; benefit, 2540.

Framen, to profit, serve, 1642; use, 3146. A.S. framian, to avail; freme, profit, gain.

Fre, free, 623, 3244.

Freinen, to question, 1047; inquire, ask, 1426, 1643, 1792. A.S. fregnan, to inquire, interrogate.

Freinede, inquired, 2759.

Frelike, freely, 2800.

Fremen, to strengthen, aid, comfort, 173, 1245. A.S. fremian, to profit, prosper, do well.

Fremeðe, force, lust, 349. A.S. freom, strong.

Fren, to deliver, rescue, 2787. A.S. freón, to set free.

Frend, friend, 1084, 3587.

Frend, friends, 1775.

Frendes, friend's, 1270; friends', 1392, 1597.

Frenkis, French, 81.

Freten, to eat, devour, 371, 4027; (p.p.) devoured, 2101. A.S. fretan, to eat, fret (pret. fræt, p.p. freten).

Frigt, fright, fear, 1234.

Frigted, Frigtede, feared, 1861, 3978; frightened, 1757.

Frigtful, timid, 3459.

Frigti, timid, frightened, afraid, 667, 1162, 1331, 2849; formidable, 984.

Frigtihed, fear, awe, 542, 2222.

Frigtilike, Frigtlike, timidly, 1617, 2163, 3870.

Frið, protection, safety, 681, 683, 789.

Friðe, Friðen, preserve, protect, 786, 1070, 2335; deliver, 3094;

prosper, 1520. A.S. frið, peace; friðian, to make peace, protect, defend, keep, free.

Fro, from, 89, 261; from the time that, 3206; ph. fro ðan, from that time, 188; from that place, 1247; fro ða = fro ðan, 1264. O.N. frá.

Froren, frozen, 97. Cf. frore (Milton); and forloren from forleosan.

Froskes, frogs, 2977; frogs', 2969. A.S. frosc.

Froðer[ed]e, comforted, 893. A.S. freoðian, to protect, give peace to.

Froward, from, 3322.

Froure, comfort, consolation, 54. A.S. frofer, comfort; frofrian, to comfort.

Fruit, 216.

Fuel, fowl, 160, 161, 1124.

Fueles, fowls, 16.

Fugel, foul, 2556.

Fugel, fowl, bird, 221, 299. A.S. fugel.

Fugeles, fowls, 2081, 2089, 3323, 3679.

Fugel-fligt, fowl-flight, 3321.

Ful, full, 109, 110, 111.

Fulfillen, perform, 1222.

Fulfilt, accomplished, 1950.

Fulsum, rich, plenteous, abundant, 748, 2153.

Fulsum-hed, abundance, 1548, 2128, 2297, 3320.

Fultum, aid, help, 2824, 3929. A.S. fultum, help.

Funde, Funden, (pl.) found, 1973, 2948, 3298, 3299.

Funden, (p.p.) found, 3190, 3366; discovered, 3301.

Funden, to go, 2831, 2958. A.S. fundian, to go forward.

Fundend = funden et, found it, 1082.

Funt, font, 3290.

Gad, a rod, 3185. A.S. gád, goad.

Gaderen, gather, 2134, 3335.

Gaf, Gafe, gave, 232, 238, 681, 1500.

Gamen, pleasure, 411, 2015; sport, 3498; tricks, 1214. A.S. gamen.

Gan, did, 91, 1417, 1421.

Gare = yare, soon, quickly, 390, 2866, 3180. A.S. gare, gearo.

Garen, prepare, get ready for a journey, 1417, 1595; exhibit, show, 138; to hasten, 3168. A.S. gearwan, gyrwan, to make ready, prepare.

Garkede, arrayed, 3261.

Garknede, prepared, 3240. O.E. yark; A.S. gearcian, to prepare, make ready.

Gast, ghost, 202, 2428. A.S. gást.

Gastes, ghost's, 1486, 2994.

Gat, Gatte, Gatten, granted, 635, 1574, 2477, 2513; gave, 659. A.S. geatan, to grant. O.N. geta.

Ge = ghe, she, 1024.

Ge, ye, 329, 330.

Geald, requited, 2581. See Gelden.

Gede, went, 618, 1236, 1947, 3057.

Geden, (pl.) went, 1034, 3195; passed away, 1673.

Gef, if, 311.

Geld, (pret.) performed, 1884; requited, 2758; (imp.) requite, 2152.

Gelden, to requite, reward, 6; pay, 1628. A.S. geldan, to pay, yield, restore (pret. geald, p.p. golden).

Gelus, jealous, 3495.

Gem, heed, 2614. A.S. geame, gyme, care.

Geming, care, protection, 2783.

A.S. gýman, to take care of, preserve.

Ger, year, 150, 152.

Ger, years, 415, 419.

Gerde = yard, rod, 2851, 2987. A.S. geard.

Gere, an error for dere, precious, 1574.

Geren, set in order (for burial,) 2441. See Garen.

Geres, years, 2153.

Gerken, prepare, 2255. See Garknede.

Gerneden, (pl.) yearned, 3657.

Geste, guest, 1054; guests, 1070.

Gestning, feast, festival, 1507. A.S. gyst, a guest; gystenlíc, hospitable.

Get, (pret.) poured, flowed, 585; (imp.) pour, 2815. A.S. geótan, to pour, pour out, shed (pret. geát, p.p. gegoten).

Get, Gete, yet, 313, 375, 503, 1488.

Gete, obtain, get, 1497.

Geten, melt, cast, 3548. See Get.

Getenes = yetenes, giants, 545. A.S. eóten, a giant.

Getenisse, gigantic, 3715.

Gette, poured, 582.

Geue, given, 301.

Geuelic, like, 282. A.S. ge-efenlǽcan, to be like.

Geuelengðhe (even length), equinox, 147, 149.

Geuen, to give, 1508, 2398; given, 2458.

Ghe = she, 237, 337, 339.

Ghe = ghet, yet, 1477.

Gif, (imp.) give, 1492.

Giftes, gifts, 1416.

Gildes = cildes, child's, 2624.

Gilt, Gilte, guilt, 2262, 2409.

Ging, king, 2547.

Ginge, young, 4049. A.S. ging.

Ginges, king's, 3932.

Girt, girded, 3149.

Gisarme, pike, axe, 4084.

Gisce, covet, 3515.

Giscing, covetousness, 1874, 3432, 3516. A.S. gítsung, desire.

Gisse, covetest, 3517. A.S. gítsian, to desire.

Gister-dai, yesterday, 2732.

Giuen, to give, 11, 1613.

Glað, Glaðe, = glade; glad, 1779; 2297, 3671.

Glente, looked affrighted, stared in astonishment, 1029. It signifies originally merely to shine, look. "Þys persone lay and lokede furth Vntyl a cofre yn þe florthe; Þar-to þe frere gaf gode tente Whyderwarde hys eyȝen glente." —(Robt. of Brunne's Handlying Synne.)

Glew, music, 459. A.S. gleó.

Gliden, (inf.) to glide, go, 370, 952; flowed, (pret pl.) 733; (p.p.) passed, 3460.

Glod, glided, passed, 76, 113, 129.

Gnattes, gnats', 2988.

God, Gode, good, 1191, 1545, 1576.

God, goeth, 2030.

Gode, 'to gode,' gratuitously, 2890.

Gode-frigtihed, Godes-frigtihed, god-fearingness, the fear of God, 495, 542.

Godfulhed, godhead, 56.

Gol = gold, 1872.

Godun, (acc.) good, 1430.

Golhed, lust, 534. A.S. gál, wanton; gálnes, lust.

Gon, (inf.) to go, 643, 845, 2561; (pl.) go, 3124; (p.p.) gone, 639, 835; departed, 4128.

Goren, darts, 3458. A.S. gár, a dart, javelin.

Got, goat, 940.

Goð, (imp.) come, 3585.

Goð, God, 4132.

Goue, should give, 3941.

Gouel, tax, tribute, 844, 846, 848. A.S. gafel, gafol, tax, tribute.

Gouen, (pl.) gave, 844, 2922, 2975.

Grantede, consented, 1423.

Grapte, felt, grasped, 1544. A.S. grápian, to feel, grope.

Gram, fierce, 1228. A.S. gram, furious, fierce.

Grauen, (inf.) to bury, 3778; (p.p.) dug, 1138; buried, 2431; carved, 2701, 3186, 3624.

Grauen, an error for þrauen, control, 276. A.S. þrafian, to urge, compel.

Graunte, grant, 2536.

Gred, (sb.) cry, clamour, 3230, 3717.

Gredde, cried, 3585. A.S. grædan, to cry, call.

Gredi, hungry, 1494. A.S. grǽdig, greedy, from grædan, to cry, call for. Goth. gredags, hungry.

Grei, grey, 1723.

Greim, grievous, hard, 392. A.S. gremian, to make severe or cruel; grim, rage; grim, sharp, bitter.

Greiðet, hastens, 1738. O.N. greiða, to make ready.

Grene, green, 608, 2775, 2776.

Gres, grass, 3049, 3088.

Gresseoppes, grasshoppers, locusts, 3065. A.S. gærshoppa, grasshopper.

Gret, great, 2098, 3226.

Gret, grit, earth, 3774. A.S. greót, dust, earth.

Gret, (sb.) weeping, 3888.

Gret, wept, 1975, 2287, 2341. A.S. grǽtan, to weep (pret. grét; p.p. grǽten).

Grete, (pl.) great, 2892.

Greten, (pl.) wept, cried, 3207, 3659.

Greteð, greeteth, 2382, 2864.

Greueð, grieveth, 3818.

Grið, protection, safety, security, 469, 560, 682, 1397. A.S. grið, peace, protection; griðian, to protect, defend.

Grot, weeping, mourning, lamentation, 1577, 1978, 2289, 3717. See Gret.

Groten, to bewail, 1984.

Grucheden, murmured, 3354.

Gruching, murmuring, 3318.

Grund, Grunð, ground, 2110, 2640, 3278.

Grunden, (pret. pl.) ground, 3339.

Grusnede, groaned, 481. O.N. grijsen, grijnsen, to snarl, grin. Ger. grausen, to shudder, grunzen, to grunt.

Gu, you, 325, 399, 2260.

Guglond, kingdom, 1264.

Gulden, (pl.) requited, 1062; (p.p.) requited, 927.

Gummes = gimmes, gems, 2700. A.S. gimm.

Gunc, you two, 2830. A.S. inc.

Gund, Gunde, yonder, 1101; there, 3851. A.S. geond.

Gune, (pl.) did, 3135.

Gunen. See Gunne.

Gunge, young, 2281, 2756.

Gungere, younger, 1508, 1510.

Gungest, Gunkeste, youngest, 1909, 2160, 2190.

Gunker, of you two, both your, 398. A.S. incer.

Gunne, Gunnen, Gunen, (pl.) did, 218, 534, 540, 592, 1344, 1953, 2378, 2492, 2755.

Gur, Gure, your, 404, 2178, 2260; of you, 2318, 3471.

Guð, youth, 2665. A.S. gugoð, youth.

Hadde, (pret.) had, 193, 3392.

Hadden, (pret. pl.) had, 413, 2930.

Hagte = agte, possession, wealth, 431, 2582. See Agte.

Hagt = agt, sorrow, grief, care, 486, 2044, 2082. See Agte.

Haigre, hair cloth, 1977. See Allit. Poems, C. 373. A.S. hæra, sackcloth.

Halge, hallow, 3501.

Halle, all, 2340.

Hali, holy, 54; 'hali day,' 3501; 'hali gast,' 202, 2438.

Halp, helped, succoured, 26.

Ham, am, 926.

Hane, torment, oppression, 3354. A.S. hýnan, to hurt, vex; hean, poor; hænð, want.

Hangen, hanged, 4075.

Hard, obstinate, 3061; (adv.) hard, 3386.

Harde, troublesome, difficult, 2054; severely, 3355.

Hardi, fearless, 2121.

Hardnesse, obstinacy, 3022, 3067.

Haswed, spotted, variegated, 1723. A.S. haso, livid, dusky, dark, rugged, haswig, variegated.

Hatte, called. See Het.

Hatel, severe, cruel, 2544. A.S. hétol; S.Sax. hatel.

Heg, Hege, high, 2011; loud, 2780, 3380, 4100. A.S. heg, heh.

Hegere, higher, upper, 3392.

Hegest, highest, 30, 2142.

Heilnesse, health, 2068. A.S. hǽlnes, wholeness, health.

Helde = eld, age, 457, 1527.

Heled, healed, 229.

Helden, (pl.) held, 285.

Helden, to hold, 3274.

Held forð, took, 165.

Heli, holy, 51, 204.

Helid, covered, 1636. A.S. hélan, to cover, conceal. Prov. E. hele, hile.

Helle, hell; 'helle-dik,' 281; 'helle-bale,' 2525; 'helle-dale,' 1983; 'helle-pine,' 2530.

Helles, hell's, 22.

Helpe, (vb.) help, 2528; (sb.) help, assistance, 496, 1802, 2647.

Helped, helpeth, 4062.

Helpeles, helpless, 3558.

Helpen, to help, 176, 1272.

Helpes, helpers, 3409.

Helðe, health, safety, 2344.

Hem, an error for him, 180.

Hem, them, 392, et passim.

Hem-seluen, themselves, 537, 2889.

Hemward; to h., to them, 2726.

Hende, Henden, near, 3361, 3370. O.E. i-hende; A.S. ge-hende, hende.

Heug, hung, 3899.

Hente, seized, caught, struck, 2715. A.S. hentan, to seize.

Her, here, 170, 175, 177, 184.

Her = here, of them, 2258.

Her, hear, 3525.

Her = er, before, 801.

Her-after, here-after, 243.

Herberge, lodging, 1392.

Herberged, lodged, 1602. A.S. here-bergan, to lodge, harbour, from here, an army.

Herbergen, to lodge, 1057.

Her-bi, hereby, 3572.

Herdes, (gen.); uten herdes = out of (his) own country, 2410.

Herdes-folc = erdes-folc, land-folk, people, 3372.

Herde, heard, 1285, 1611.

Herden, (pl.) heard, 1139, 3492, 3521.

Here, theirs, 1920.

Here, army, host, 1787, 2679. A.S. here.

Here, hear, 3426, 3473.

Here-gonge, invasion, 848.

Here[n], expedition, 2479. See Here.

Heren, to hear, 1370, 2531.

Herf = erf, cattle, 2991.

Herte, heart, 518, 520, 1302; g.s. of heart, 2936; courage, 3253.

Herte-bren, heart-burning, lust, 4054.

Hertedin, encouraged, consoled, 1980.

Hertes, hearts, 1917.

Herting, consolation, 1982.

Herðe, an error for herte, heart, 2856.

Herðe = herde = erde, land, 806.

Het, promised, 2365, 2954; was called, 2588, 2589, 3333. A.S. hátan, to command, promise (pret. hét, p.p. háten); hátan, to call (pret. hátte).

Hete, heat, 1228, 1229.

Heten, (pl.) promised, 3450.

Heðen, hence, 1644, 2508. O.N. hëðan.

Heued, Heuod, head, 376, 1193, 1604.

Heuedes, heads, 2926.

Heued-welle, spring, 868.

Heuene, Heuone, heaven, 40, 270; 'heuene bem' (the sun?), 1606; 'heuene dew,' 1547, 1573; 'heuene gate,' 1620; 'heuone hil,' 281; 'heuene rof' (heaven-roof, firmament), 101.

Heuene-ward, heaven-ward, 3025.

Heuerilc, every, 368.

Heui, heavy, 2565.

Heuones, heavens, 287.

Hewe, form, 4051,

Hic = ic, I, 34, 2783.

Hicte = higte, was called, 713. See Hiegt.

Hidden, (pl.) hid, 3028.

Hidel-like, secretly, 2882.

Hiden, to hide, 352.

Hider, hither, 2344, 2895.

Hiegt, threatened, 217. A.S. héht, pret. of hátan, to promise.

Higte, was called, 747.

Hil, hill, 1290, 1293.

Hiled = hileð, covers, encloses, 102; (p.p.) hidden, concealed, 3184. See Helid.

Himseluen, himself, 1338.

Hin, Hine, him, 47, 3004, 3468.

Hine-folc, servants, 3655. A.S. hína, híne, a domestic.

Hines-kin, servants, 3776.

Hinke = inke, fear, dread, 432. A.S. inca, doubt.

Hird, flock, 2988; host, 3222, 3261, 3263, 3266; household, 1001. A.S. heord, herd.

Hird, hurt, 3962.

Hirde, shepherd, 456. A.S. hirde.

Hirde-men, shepherds, 2395.

Hirdenesse, Hirdnesse, herds, flocks, 1664, 1732, 1930, 2771.

Hirdes, shepherds, 1643.

Hire, wages, 1718, 1722.

Hire, her, 238, 322; hers, 2035.

His = is, 2935.

His, Hise, his, 44, 45, 46; its, 125.

Hogt, called (?), 2119. See Higte.

Hol, whole, 1835, 2776, 2812. A.S. hál.

Hold, old, 419, 424, 1453.

Hold, kind, attentive, 1389; true, faithful, 2704, 3284. A.S. hold, faithful, friendly, true.

Hold, (adv.) truly, 3941.

Holden, (pl.) hold, 1201, 2236; (p.p.) held, 1425, 2040; esteemed, 1518.

Holdet, holdeth, 1132.

Holdelike, faithfully, truly, 1546. A.S. holdlíce.

Holocaust, Holocaustum, 1319, 1326.

Holpen, (pl.) helped, 3382, 3674.

Holðe, possession, property, 1772.

Hom, home, 1711.

Homward, homeward, 1431, 2376.

Hond, hand, 104, 959.

Hondes, hands, 3383, 3385.

Hor = or = before, 958. See Or.

Hore, whore, 4082.

Horedom, whoredom, adultery, 3509.

Hore-men, adulterers, 4072.

Hore-plage, adultery, 530, 4067.

Hornes, horn's, 3464.

Hostel, lodging, 1397. O.Fr. hostel, hosteil.

Hot, promise, 935.

Hoten, Hotene, (p.p.) called, 101, 1566, 2522; promised, 2508, 3704, 4098, 4118. See Het.

Hoteð, (imp.) promise, 2510.

Hu, how! 3077.

Hu, how, 244, 295.

Hun-frame, disadvantage, evil, 554. A.S. unfreme.

Hunger, famine, 1513, 2150.

Hunger-bond, force of hunger, famine, 763.

Hungri gere, famine years, 2136.

Huni, Hunige, honey, 2788, 3340.

Hunkinde, unnatural, 534.

Hunne, grant, 2249. A.S. unnan, to grant.

Hunte, delay, 314.

Huntere, hunter, 1481.

Hun-wreste, wicked, 537. A.S. wræst, good; unwræst, base.

Hure, our, 322, 2206.

Hus, house, 1619, 2010.

Huses, houses, 1602.

Hus-folc, household, 3139.

I, Ic, I, 309, 314, 315, 317.

Idel, 'in idel,' in vain, 3497.

Ideles, idols, 3197.

Idelhed, vanity, 28.

Iglic, ugly, 2918. See Uglike.

Ik = ilk, same, 73.

Ilc, Ilk, each, 68, 119, 134. A.S. ælc.

Ilc, Ilke, same, 258, 313, 1184.

Ilc-kinnes, of each kind, 220.

Ilc-on, each one, every, 1379.

Ille, ill, wicked, 1916, 4038, 4063; badly, wickedly, 1706, 4029.

In = hin = him, 3887.

In-gon, entered, 1068.

In-wis = iwis, truly, indeed, 1515, 2521. A.S. gewís.

Irin, iron, 467.

Is, his, 482, 483, 1737.

Is = his, its, 327.

Is, them, 1702, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1833, 1873, 1877, 2654, 2655, 3115, 3831, 3832.

Ist = is it, is there, 1121.

It, they, 298, 1920.

It, there, 2808.

Iurnes, days' journeys, 1291, 3696.

Iusted, allied, intermarried, 1589.

Iuel, Iwel, (sb.) evil, 328; (adj.) bad, evil, 310, 502, 3718; (adv.) wickedly.

I-wis, I-wisse, truly, indeed, 91, 109.

I-wreken, avenged, 1856.

I-wrogt, wrought, 3215.

Kagte, pret. of catch, drove, 949.

Kalues, calf's, 1013.

Kamel, camel, 1398.

Kameles, camels, 1365.

Kenned, taught, 216. A.S. cennan, to adduce, to vouch the truth.

Kep, care, heed, 939, 946, 1333, 2602. A.S. cépan, to keep, heed.

Kepen, to keep, look to, 2453, 3378.

Kepte, kept, 2625.

Kepten, (pl.) kept, 2772.

Kid, made known, 2357.

Kidde, made known, 1651.

Kiddit, showed it, made it known, 1394, 1654.

Kides, kids, 1535; kid's, 1967.

Kin, family, kin, 652.

Kinnes, kin's, 756, 828.

Kinde, natural, 78; native, 1279.

Kinde, kind, nature, 185, 250, 457.

Kinde, kin, family, 488, 650.

Kindelike, kindly, with natural affection, 2500.

Kinderedes, kindreds, 4127.

Kindes, kinsmen, 1549; 'in kindes wune,' kin-wise, naturally, 1345; 'aftre kindes wune,' after the manner of relatives, 1652; family's, tribe's, 1389, 3824.

Kinge-riches, kingdoms', 2789.

Kipte, seized, 3164. O.N. kippa. See Allit Poems, B. 1510, and Gloss., s.v. Kyppe.

Kire, purity, 451; choice, 1536; custom, 1693, 2451. A.S. cýre, choice; Ger. küren, to choose.

Kiste, kissed, 1652, 2355.

Knape, man-servant, 477, 482; male, 2585. A.S. cnápa, a man.

Knapes, boys, 2573.

Knaue, male child, 1151.

Kne, degree, 444. A.S. cneo.

Knewen, (pl.) knew, 2904.

Knigt, knight, 283.

Knol, knoll, top, 4129. A.S. cnoll.

Knowen, know, 2872; known, 3037.

Komen, (pl.) came, 2577.

Kude = cuðe, could, 2114, 2366.

Ku[n]glond, kingdom, 1262.

Kumeling, stranger, 834. O.H.Ger. chomeling. O.E. comeling.

Kumen, to come, 399, 984, 1007.

Kumen, (p.p.) come, 902, 1556.

Kuppe, cup, 2047.

Kuð, renowned, 2666. A.S. cúð, known.

Kuðe, could, 289.

La, lo! 3113.

Lage, marriage, 538; 'in lage,' in marriage, 2764. Cf. Goth. liugan, to marry, liuga, wedlock.

Lages, Laiges, laws, 2446, 2456.

Lagt, seized, 2081, 2621; caught, 3141. A.S. læhte, pret. of læccan, to seize.

Laken, to fail, lack, 1231. O.E. lac, lak, fault. Du. lack, want, fault; laecken, to decrease.

Laten = leten, to let, 3071.

Laðes, barns, 2134. Dan. lade.

Lay, law, 1201.

Leate, (imp.) leave, 1811.

Leateð, (imp.) let, 3726.

Leaued, leafy, 3839.

Lecher-crafte, lechery, 1064.

Lecher-fare, lechery, 776.

Lecherlike, lecherously, 770.

Lecherie, lechery, 3510.

Lechur-hed, lechery, 1997.

Led, song, 27. A.S. leoð. Ger. lied.

Led, (p.p.) brought, 649; (imp.) lead, 3607.

Ledde, (pret.) led, 89, 92.

Leddede = ledde, led, 3995.

Ledden = ledde, led, 2845.

Ledden, (pl.) led, 858, 1990.

Leded = ledeð, (imp.) lead, pass, 398.

Leden, to lead, 2193; pass, 304; take up, 699; act, 2301, 2304.

Leddre, ladder, 1607.

Leet, left, 1280. A.S. lǽtan, to leave (pret. lét, p.p. lǽten).

Lef, agreeable, pleasant, 340, 2664;

dear, precious, 793, 1774, 3431; joyful, 4136. A.S. leóf.

Lefful, dear, precious, 155, 2524; faithful, 3447.

Legeð, lies, speaks falsely, 1281.

Leid, (p.p.) laid, 817, 2426, 2427.

Leide, (pret.) laid, 943, 2693.

Leiden, (pl.) laid, 1969.

Leigen, (pl.) lay, 1920.

Leiste, least, 198.

Leið, layeth, 3994.

Leman, wife, 782. A.S. leof-man.

Len, reward, 2838.

Lene, lean, 2099, 2101, 2106.

Lene, grant, 4159.

Lened, leaned, 1610.

Lenen, lend, grant, 3170. A.S. lǽnan.

Leng, Lengere, longer, 1594, 1736.

Lentil, 1488.

Lep, leapt, 2726.

Lepre, leprosy, 3690.

Lered, learned, 4.

Lerede, taught, instructed, 791, 2300, 2963; learnt, 1383.

Lereden, (pl.) learned, 3137.

Leren, to learn, 354. A.S. lǽran, to teach, inform.

Lereð, (imp.) learn, 3486.

Les, less, 3595.

Les, delivered, loosed, 2874.

Les, falsely, 3498. A.S. leas, false.

Lese, lie, 3514.

Lesen, loosed, 3152; deliver, 2897.

Lesing, lies, 2578.

Lesse, less, 994.

Leste, least, 189.

Lested, Lestede, lasted, 600, 2952, 4147.

Lested = lesteð, lasteth, 111.

Lested = lesteð, (imp.) listen or perform, 2510.

Lesteful, everlasting, 304.

Lesten, (inf.) to last, 12; (pl.) last, 4119.

Lesten, to perform, 2906. Ger. leisten. "And thei ben false and traiterous and lasten not that thei bihoten."—(Mandeville.)

Let, 'let ben' = let be, 1809.

Let, pretended, 2168. A.S. lǽtan, to pretend (pret. lét, p.p. lǽten).

Let, left, 725, 809.

Let, (p.p.) led, 476.

Lete, (sub.) permit, 2796.

Leten, (inf.) to let, permit, 3056; lose, 767.

Leten, (inf.) forsake, 4142.

Leten, (pl.) left, forsook, 542; allowed, permitted, 629, 2610.

Letten, to leave, 2612.

Letting, hindrance, 1076, 3204.

Lettre, letter, 993, 2527.

Leð, diminution, 3348.

Leunes, lions, 191.

Leue, dear, precious, 90, 2421, 2868; dearly, 49. A.S. leóf.

Leue, grant, 2532.

Leue, leave, permission, 784, 805.

Leuede, believed, 935.

Leuedi, lady, 968, 980, 2616.

Leueles, without leave, 1848.

Leuelike, kindly, 2275; gladly, joyfully, 3434.

Leuene, lightning, 3265.

Leuenes, lightning's, 3046. Norse ljón, ljún.

Leuerd = louerd, lord, 33.

Leues, leaves, 352.

Lewse, pasture, 1576. A.S. lǽsu (acc. lǽswe), lǽswian, to pasture.

Ley, lay, 4113.

Lich, Liche, body, corpse, 2441, 2488, 4140. A.S. líc.

Liches, bodies, 2447, 3206.

Licham, Lichame, body, 200, 350. A.S. líchama, the (living) body.

Lichles, corpseless, 3164.

Liderlike, Liðerlike, treacherously, 3562; wickedly, deceitfully, 1563. See Liðer.

Lif, life, 176, 267, 504; 'in lif,' alive, 1364.

Ligber, Lucifer, 271. A.S. lig-bǽr, flame-bearing.

Ligið, lies, 889.

Ligt, light, 44, 53, 57.

Ligt, descended, come upon, 2787.

Ligt, soon, 2252.

Ligten, to descend, 1983.

Ligtlike, lightly, 1218.

Ligtnesse, insight, knowledge, 1559.

Lik, like, 223.

Likede, pleased, 2299, 4029.

Likeles, dissimilar, 1726.

Likenes, Likenesse, Liknesse, likeness, 202, 678, 682, 684, 688, 2641.

Likenesses, 2701.

Liket = like it, 205.

Lim, lime, 2552.

Limed, cemented, 562.

Limes, limbs, members, 348, 352.

Lin, lie, 942, 3851.

Lire, loss, 2920. A.S. lyre.

List = lust, desire, want, 978, 1230.

Listen, to listen, 1220.

Listeðe, 2814. Read 'liste ðe' = listen to thee.

Listnede, Listenede, listened, 1597, 2137, 2222, 3403, 3538.

Lit, stain, 1968. O.N lita, to stain.

Lið, lieth, 735, 812, 1916, 3892.

Lið, limb, 1804. A.S. lið.

Liðer, bad, vile, 369. A.S. lýðer.

Liue, life, 265, 629, 3806.

Liue-dai, life, 652; liue-dages, life-days, life-time, 4119.

Liuede, lived, 777, 908.

Liuen, (inf.) to live, 308, 573, 2044.

Liuen, (pl.) live, 2496.

Liues, life's, 201, 496.

Liues, alive, 1477, 3042; living, 3802; 'of liues,' alive, 2834.

Liueð, liveth, 503.

Liwe, life, 3884.

Liwen, live, 4097.

Loac = loc, gift, 1798. A.S. lác, gelác.

Loar, loss, 177, 181. A.S. lor.

Loc, look, behold, 3331.

Lockende, looking, seeing, 2822.

Lodelike, loathly, 3030.

Loder-man, leader, 3723, 4110. A.S. lád-man; O.E. lodesman, from A.S. lád, ládu, a way. Cf. Eng. loadstar.

Logede men, laymen, 2.

Loke, (imp.) look, take heed, 3511.

Loked, kept, guarded, 193.

Loked, awarded, decided, 3810.

Loken, to look, 2600; look to, take care of, 2771, 3193. A.S. lócian.

Loken, to keep from, abstain from, 215.

Lond, Londe, land, 103, 208, 1843.

Londes, lands, countries, 3700.

Londes-speche, (native) language, 18.

Lond-speches, languages, 669.

Lond-weige, land-way, path, 2681.

Lore, learning, wisdom, 3635. A.S. lár.

Lordehed, lordship, 196.

Lote, cheer, face, 1162, 2328. S.Sax. lote, late. O.N. læti. A.S. wlíte.

Loten, features, 2258.

Loten, to fail, 3131.

Loð, loathsome, 369; displeasing, 1216, 1736. A.S. láð.

Loðt = loð, displeasing, 340.

Loðlic, loathsome, horrid, 749.

Louerd, Louered, lord, 30, 275, 282, 997. A.S. hlaford.

Louerdhed, lordship, 190, 832.

Louereding, lording, lord, ruler, 833.

Louerdes, lord's, 1388.

Louerdis, lord's, 2272.

Lowe, flame, 643. O.N. log.

Lude, loudly, 3585.

Luked, locked, closed, 3276.

Luken, (p.p.) enclosed, 94, 3779; shut, 362; beset, 2886.

Luket = lukeð, encloseth, 98.

Luten, to bow down to, 1926. A.S. lútan, to bow down to (pret. sing. leát; pl. luton; p.p. loten).

Lutten, (pret. pl.) bowed down to, worshipped, 2163, 3550, 4070.

Luue, love, 8, 35, 51.

Luue-bonde, power of love, 2692.

Luued, Luuede, loved, 770, 1174.

Luueden, (pl.) loved, 549, 2152.

Luuen, (sb.) love, 635, 1517, 2002, 4081.

Luuen, to love, 1, 5, 9, 2042.

Luuen, (pl.) love, 49, 3586.

Ma = mai, may, 295.

Mac, (imp.) make, 3541.

Mad, (p.p.) made, 122, 184.

Maden, (pl.) made, 1992, 2960, 2974.

Magnie = manige, many, 877.

Magti, mighty, 584, 3797.

Mai, may, 371.

Maidenes, maidens, 1145, 1153, 2749.

Maidenhed, maidenhead, 1852.

Maked, makeð, maketh, 1591.

Maked, made, 2470, 2515.

Maken, to make, 278, 1269, 1312, 2018.

Male, 'helles male,' hell's mail, 22.

Malt, melted, 1017, 3337.

Man = manie, many, 1488.

Man, one, 1, 3, 1130.

Mani, Manie, many, 696, 836, 1362, 2392.

Manige, many, 413, 428, 437.

Manige-fold, many fold, 2502.

Manigon, many one, 630.

Mankin, mankind, 240.

Manliched, manhood, 23.

Manne, man, 366.

Mannes, man's, 141, 327, 501, 753.

Manslagt, manslaughter, 485.

Mat, foolish, doted, 1589. Du. mat, exhausted, overcome; Ger. matt, feeble, faint.

Mattilike, faintly, 1493.

Mayden-childre, girls, 2574.

Mede, reward, meed, 1419.

Medes, rewards, 3940.

Meidenes, maidens, 1139.

Meister, (adj.) master, chief, 664, 3412, 3881, 3886; (sb.) master, 2729, 3422.

Meistres, chiefs, 3756, 4072.

Mel, meal, food, 1020, 1246, 1484, 1509.

Melten, to melt, 99, 3579.

Men, one, 750, 1127, 1293.

Mene, company, fellowship, 501. A.S. ge-mána, a company, marriage. "Forr drihhtin haffde þanne sett Amang Iudissken þeode, Þatt nan ne shollde filedd ben Þurrh hæþenn macchess mæne." —(Orm. i. 65.)

Mengde, mixed, 3581.

Mengen, to mix, 468. A.S. mengian.

Mengt, mixed, 1592.

Mengten, (pl.) mixed, 544.

Mentel, mantle, 2026.

Merci, mercy, 1241, 3602.

Merk, Merke, character, mark, 457; sign, 1003.

Merke, boundary, 440, 3455; memorial, stone, 1887, 3490.

Messe-song, mass-song, 2466.

Mester, arts, devices, craft, 532, 536; duty, office, 3826. Lat. ministerium; Span. menestre.

Met, (sb.) measure, 439, 3333.

Mete, meat, food, 573, 1487, 1492, 1498.

Meten, devised, formed, 2701. Cf. metedd, painted (Orm. i. 34, 36). A.S. metan, to measure, paint.

Meten, meat, 363, 2255, 3657.

Meten, to meet, 2828.

Mette, (pret.) met, 888.

Metten, (pl.) met, 1790.

Með, Meðe, mercy, pity, 195, 1044, 2498, 3011, 3601, 4076. A.S. mæð, measure, moderation; mæðian, to use gently.

Meðede, pitied, compassionated, 1242.

Meðelike, mildly, kindly, 1758.

Meðen, to have mercy upon, to spare, 1046. See Með.

Michel, Michil, great, 1209, 1366, 1671. A.S. mycel.

Mide, with, 2478, 2963.

Middel, Middil, middle, 98, 288.

Middel-erd, middle-earth, earth, 106.

Middel-hed, (sb.) middle, 522.

Middes-werld, the earth, 42.

Midel, middle, 3159.

Midelerdes, middle-earth's, 521.

Midlest, middle, 427, 710.

Migt, 54, 56, 584.

Migte, mighty, 3038.

Migten, (pl.) might, 573, 876, 1147.

Migtful, (adj.) mighty, powerful, 100, 2902, 2916, 3464, 4008, 4025, 4026; (sb.) mighty ones, 3755.

Migti, mighty, 546, 983.

Mikel, Mikil, great, 26, 389, 486, 1252. See Michel.

Milce, mercy, 3728. A.S. milts.

Milche, milk, 2788.

Milche = Milce, mercy, 3732; merciful, 2903, 3603.

Milde, kind, merciful, 128; meek, gentle, 1306, 1441.

Mildelike, meekly, 1321, 1371, 1423; gently, 2778.

Min, mine, 1566, 1567.

Mind, quantity, 3676.

Mirc, dark, mirk, 286. O.N. myrkr, dark; myrka, to darken.

Miri, Mirie, merry, pleasant, 212, 294; cheerful, 2258.

Miries, an error for mirie, pleasant, 1038.

Mirknesse, darkness, 3104.

Mis, (sb.) wrong, 206.

Mis-ches = mischose, sinned, 190.

Misdede, misdid, sinned, 1847, 1890.

Misdedes, misdeeds, 3637.

Misdon, misdone, 1680, 2642, 3054.

Miserlike, indistinctly, 2658. A.S. misse-líc, dissimilar, various.

Misfaren, to misbehave, 1911.

Misleuede, disbelieved, 3906.

Misliked, Mislikede, displeased, 1728, 4011.

Misnumen, (p.p.) sinned, 3091. See Nimen.

Missen, to miss, lose, 3336. O.N. missa. Du. missen.

Mistagte, misdirected, misled, 475.

Miste, missed, 3872, 3874.

Miswiuen, to miswive, marry unlawfully, 540.

Miðe, cease, remain quiet, 3807. Du. mijden, to avoid, shun.

Mo, Moo, more, 354, 414, 428.

Moal = mal, speech, 81. Du. maal. O.N. mâl. "For Iesus o Grickisshe mal Onn Ennglissch iss, Hælennde." —(Orm. i. 147.)

Mod, Modd, Mode, mood, mind, 36, 128, 333, 717, 3577. A.S. mód.

Moder, mother, 122, 1421.

Moderes, mother's, 1434.

Modi, moody, angry, 2660, 2712. A.S. módig.

Modilike, cruelly, 2584.

Mog, male relative, 1761. A.S. mæg, (m.) a relation, kinsman; mæge, (f.) a kinswoman.

Mogen, may, can, 3227.

Moned = moneð, month, 593, 597, 615.

Mone, moon, 132, 139, 141.

Monen, to moan, bewail, 180.

Mones, moon's, 144, 145.

Moneð, month, 145, 152, 619; months, 2592.

Moo, more, 428.

Mor, more, 511, 993.

Morgen, morrow, morning, 247, 1161. A.S. morgen.

Morgen-giwe = morgen-giue, nuptial gift, 1428. A.S. morgen-gifu.

Morge-quile, Morgen-quile, morning while, a short space of time, 3275, 3443, 3461.

Morgen-tid, morning time, 59.

Morwen, morrow, morning, 2305, 3162.

Moste, most, greatest, 189, 198.

Mot, Mote, may, might, 1304, 1621, 3488; should, 2645.

Moðed = moded, minded, 1584.

Mouies, aunt's, 1651. Cp. Du. moei, aunt. See Mog.

Mount, 2853.

Mugen, (inf.) to be able, 1818, 2090, (pl.) 3017. A.S. mágan.

Mune, (imp.) bear in mind, 45.

Mune, Munen, to bear in mind, remember, 197, 972, 1622, 2422; commemorate, 687, 3138. A.S. ge-munan, to remember, call to mind.

Munen, (pl.) bear in mind, 558, 1350.

Munendai, Monday, 72.

Muneð, remembers, 2409.

Muniging, Muning, commemoration, memorial, 678, 1623, 3344, 3394.

Munt, mount, 1744, 2773.

Muntes, mount's, 3487.

Murnen, to mourn, 2053.

Murning, mourning, 2908, 3205.

Musike, music, 460.

Muste, (pret. of mot) might, 2624.

Muð, mouth, 2655, 3971.

Muðes, mouths, 2216.

Muwen, may, 3316. See Mugen.

Nagt, night, 1678, 3142, 3832.

Naild, nailed, 564.

Nam, took, 85, 200, 1218; seized, 482, 673; conceived, 1177; came, 698, 1402; came upon, 1490; went, took the way, 744, 745, 1247, 1436. See Nimen.

Name[n], name, 3497.

Narwere, narrower, 3965.

Ne, not, 554, et passim.

Ne-gate, no-gate, no-wise, 3224.

Nede, necessity, 2161, 2165, 3165.

Neddre, adder, serpent, 323, 369, 374.

Neddres, adders, serpents, 2930.

Nedful, needy, 2130.

Neet, neat, cattle, beeves, 2097. See Net.

Neg, nigh, 833, 1234, 3320.

Negt = neg it, nigh it, 3964.

Neiðere, Neiðer, neither, 394, 1276.

Nemeld = nemned, assigned, 3533.

Nemnen, name, call, 82; number, 4085. A.S. nemnan, to name, call upon.

Ner, near, 478, 1395.

Nest, nearest, next, 3791, 3921.

Nestes, neighbour's, 3515. A.S. nesta, a neighbour.

Net, Neet, neat, cattle, 940, 2097. A.S. nýten, níten, cattle, beast. O.N. naut, an ox.

Netes, neat's, 3712.

Ne-ðe-les, nevertheless, 3853.

Neðer, downwards, 370.

Neðer-ten, to descend, 3567. See Ten.

Neue, Neve, nephew, 724, 799, 1761. A.S. nefa; Fr. neveu; O.Fr. neve.

Neuere, never, 230, 1240.

Newe, new, 694, 1286.

Newes, anew, 250.

Newelike, recently, 293.

Nifte, niece, 1386. A.S. nift.

Nigt, night, 43, 76, 79.

Nigtes, nights, 590.

Nigenti, Nigneti, ninety, 990, 1027.

Nile, will not, 1806.

Nim, take, 1720.

Nimen, to take, 1042, 1739, 2362. A.S. niman (pret. nám, p.p. numen).

Nið, envy, 373, 1915. A.S. nið, malice; Ger. neid; O.N. nída, to abuse, disgrace. Nídíngr, a niggard, coward.

Niðede, envied, 1521.

Niðful, envious, 369, 1917.

Niðing, niggardliness, 3432.

Nogt, not, 330.

Nogwer, nowhere, 1271.

Nolden, (pl.) would not, 3029.

Nome, (sb.) hostage, pledge, 2268. See Nimen.

Nome, should take, 3341.

Nomen, (pl.) took, accepted, 1016, 1965; (p.p.) come, 3039.

Non, no, none, 223, 275.

Noten, use, enjoy, eat, 3144. A.S. notian, use, enjoy.

Nov, now, 749.

Nu, now, 356, 379.

Nuge, now, at once, 1328.

Numen, (p.p.) taken, 343, 366, 400, 409, 1316; smitten, seized, 2107, 2826; kept, 2268; passed, gone, 579, 594, 1142, 2485, 2753, 2769; practised, 1382.

Nunmor, no more, 788, 1118, 1420.

Nutes, nuts, 3840.

Nyð, envy, 273. See Nið.

O, of, 111, 353, 674, 1196, 2330, 2556, 3577.

O = on, in, 81.

Oc, but = O.E. ac, 187, 213, 488, 852, 861. A.S. ac.

Oc, also, 54, 465. A.S. eác.

Oc = og, ought, 197.

Of, in, 1355, 1901; from, 2390.

Of-dred, afraid, 3955.

Offerd, afraid, 2844.

Offiz, office, 2071.

Offrande, Offrende, Ofrende, (sb.) offering, 1298, 1309, 1312, 1314, 3631; (adj.) 1503.

Offreden, (pl.) offered, 3619.

Offrendes, Ofrendes, offerings, 1627, 3551.

Offrigt, Ofrigt, afraid, 2050, 2225, 3652, 3692.

Of-slagen, slain, 4077.

Og, (pres.) owe, 2187; ought, 1.

Ogen, (pres. pl.) ought, 15; would, 2054.

Ogen, (adj.) own, 884.

Oget, ought, should, 324.

Ogt, aught, 1793.

Ok, also, 944. See Oc.

Olde, old (ones), 3852.

Olie, oil, 1548, 2458.

Olige, oil, 1624.

Olike, alike, 2024.

Oliues, olive's, 608.

On, after, 1751.

On, an error for of = from, 649.

On, in, 4, 14, 38, 151, 161, 162, 164.

On, one, 56, 185, 454, 665; 'on and on,' singly, 1639, 2323.

On-dreg, (imp.) endure patiently, 3319. See Dreg.

One, alone, 134, 308, 974, 2015.

Ones, once, 3288; of one, 1720, 1725, 1730.

On-felde, afield, 1437.

On-kumen, invaded, 841. A.S. on-cuman, to enter in.

On-liue, in life, alive, 2417, 3105, 3595.

On-morgen, On-morwen, a morrow, in the morning, 1093, 1161, 1417, 1680, 2305, 3162.

On-nigt, Onigt, by night, 869, 1781, 2049, 2123, 3293.

Onon, anon, at once, 1067, 1145.

On-ros, arose, 1936. A.S. on-rísan, to rise up.

On-rum, aside, apart, 4000, 4021. A.S. rúm, room, space, place.

On-sagen = unsagen = unsaw, reproach, 2045.

On-seken, (pl.) attack, 851.

On-sel, On-sele, in time, betimes, timely, 1537, 2051. See Sel, Sele.

On-sunder, separate, apart, 148, 3909.

On-ðrist, athirst, 1229.

Oo, ever, 111.

Ooc, oak, 1873.

Opelike, openly, publicly, 2583.

Opnede, opened, 3773.

Opperes, hoppers, locusts, 3096. A.S. hoppere, a hopper. Cf. Eng. grasshoppers.

Or, ere, before, previously, 48, 490, 645, 649, 658, 905, etc.; 'or ðan,' ere that, 2435; first, 88, 490, 658, 905, 2929.

Or, than, 1510, 2928.

Orest, first, 2061.

Orf, cattle, 795, 883, 1642. See Erf, Erue.

Orgel, presumptuous, 3767. A.S. orh, orgel. Fr. orgueil.

Origt, aright, rightly, 1299, 2226.

Ostel, lodging, 1056. See Hostel.

O-sunder, asunder, apart, 58, 116.

Oten = hoten, called, 1131.

Oðer, second, 93, 705.

Oðer, or, 1940.

Oðere, others, 1187, 2132, 2199, 3613.

Oðer sum, 'some other,' 686.

Ougt, aught, thing, 121.

Ouer-cam, passed over, 1633.

Ouer-cumen, (p.p.) overcome, 2108.

Ouer-flet, overflowed, 586. See Flet.

Ouer-flowged, overflowed, 556.

Ouer-gon, passed, 1186, 1903, 3031.

Ouer-man, ruler, 3424.

Ouer-meten, passed over, elapsed, 1665.

Ouer-pharan = over-faren, overfare, pass over, 2487. See Faren.

Ouertakeð, overtakes, 2313.

Ouer-toc, overtook, 1756.

Owen, should, 1944.

Owen, own, 120, 348, 1838.

Owold, Awold, signify, 324; happen, 525. See Awold.

Paid, (p.p.) 2215.

Pais, peace, 8, 2535.

Palme-tren, palm-trees, 3305.

Paradis, Paradise, 291, 406.

Pert = apert, open, clear, 3292.

Pilches, garments of skin, 377. A.S. pylce.

Piler, pillar, 3293.

Pilt, thrown, put, 2214. O.E. pult. Dan. putte, to put into.

Pine, (vb.) torment, plague, 179.

Pine, (sb.) sorrow, torment, 177, 244, 955, 2530, 2785, 3094.

Plage, play, lust, 537.

Plages, plays, amusements, 3575.

Plaigen, to play, 2016.

Plates (of silver), 2370.

Pleide, played, 1214.

Plenteð = plenté, plenty, 3709.

Pligt, (sb.) pledge, 1269; sin, offence, 'to pligt' = for the offence, 3611. A.S. pliht.

Pligt, (vb.) pledge, 1776; (p.p.) pledged, 1275, 2677.

Podes, toads, 2977. O.N. padda, a toad.

Polheuedes, tadpoles, 2977. Does it signify spade-headed, from O.N. pál, a spade, as in pole-axe?

Pore, an error for gore = gure, your, 2190.

Preige, prey, 4028.

Prenes, brooches, 1872. A.S. preon, a clasp, bodkin. O.N. priona, to sew.

Present, (sb.) 1831, 2273.

Prest, priest, 3886, 3922.

Prikeð, pricks, spurs, 3964.

Pris, honour, 292, 326; value, worth, 2247, 2700; riches, 2690.

Prisun, prison, 2040, 2046, 2070.

Prisuner, gaoler, 2042.

Prisunes, prisoners, 2044.

Prud, proud, 858, 1414; pride, 1966.

Quad = quead, bad, evil, 536.

Quad = quoth, said, 755, 929, 1041, 1045.

Quake = wake, watch, 1054. The rhyme requires quate = wait.

Quamede, pleased, 1019. See Quemede.

Quam, whom, 1768.

Quan, Quane, Quanne, when, 16, 92, 418, 576, 708, 721, 930.

Quan, since, 1817.

Quar, where, 1311.

Quase, whose, 2870.

Quat, what, 171, 324, 357, 634; which, 4160.

Quat, quoth, 1313, 1775.

Quatso, whatso, 1324.

Quað, (pret.) quoth, 1311, 1371; in line 3988 read 'queð' (imp.), speak.

Quead, wretch, wicked one, 295, 4063. Du. kwaad, bad.

Quede, promise, 1463. A.S. cwede, a saying; cwiddian, to speak.

Quemed, beloved (ones), 86. A.S. cweman, to please, satisfy.

Quemede, satisfied, 978, 1380.

Quemest, most pleasing, 3764.

Quemeð, easeth, lightens, 408.

Quer, where, 762.

Quer-of, whereof, 366.

Queðe = quede, word, 4011. See Quede.

Queðen, to speak, 3525, 4002; to promise, 2788; to enquire, 1792. A.S. cwéðan (pret. cwǽð, p.p. ge-cweden).

Queðen, (p.p.) called, 1496; promised, 3944.

Queðen, whence, 1401. O.N. hvaðan.

Queðer, whether, 3272; which (of the two), 1471.

Queðer-so, whether, 340, 491.

Quhu, how, 20.

Qui, why, 1759, 1760.

Qui = quile, awhile, 4000.

Quider, whither, 2600.

Quil = quilc, which, 3631.

Quilc = what, 1572; which, 3764; how, 3212.

Quile, while, 2041; 'ðor quile,' while, whilst, 205, 1104, 1106.

Quiles; 'ðor quiles,' whilst, 186, 204, 574.

Quilke, (pl.) which, 2080; what, 2350.

Quilum, whilom, formerly, 801, 1139, 1171, 1464.

Quit, white, 2810.

Quo, who, 359, 2821, 2822, 2823.

Quor, where, 356, 714.

Quor-at, where to, 3237.

Quor-bi, whereby, 573.

Quor-fore, wherefore, 1632.

Quor-of, whereof, 1314.

Quor-on, whereon, 1310.

Quor-so, where-so, 943, 3107.

Quo-so, whoso, 924.

Quoðen, (pl.) spake, 2993, 3267.

Quow, how, 1560.

Quuad = biquad, ordained, 64.

Quuad, quoth, 1021.

Quuam, which, 696.

Quuan, Quuanne, when, 190, 206, 991, 2311.

Quuat, what, 1310.

Quuat-so-euere, whatsoever, 270.

Quuen, queen, 296.

Quuo, who, 1003.

Quuor, where, 2428, 2430, 2431.

Quuow, how, 2732.

Qwel = quelc = quilc, which, 170.

Rad, hasty, 617, 2730; expeditious, 2481; eager, 3617; readily, quickly, 998, 1783. A.S. rád, ready, quick.

Raken, to scatter, 2132. Sw. raka.

Raken, to gather, 3324. A.S. rǽcan, to reach. Du. ráken, to handle.

Ranc = wrang (?) = was wrung (with pity), 1658.

Ranc, strong, 2105, 2108. A.S. ranc.

Ransaken, to search, 2323. O.N. ransaka.

Ransakes, searchest, 1773.

Rapede, hastened, 1221. Du. rap, nimble. O.N. rapa, to hasten.

Rapen, to hasten, 2376.

Rapeð, (imp.) hasten, 2349.

Raðe, quickly, soon, 1784, 2313, 3664. A.S. hraðe.

Read, Red, Reed, counsel, advice, 401, 659, 1222, 1737, 2547, 3808, 4064; instruction, 1515, 2830; device, plan, 309, 3663, 4059; remedy, help, 2996. A.S. rǽd, counsel, advice, opinion.

Reade se, Red Sea, 2670.

Rechede, interpreted, 2124.

Rechen, to interpret, 2086, 2122. A.S. recan, to explain, interpret.

Reclefat, censer, 3782.

Redde, advised, 3436.

Redden, (pl.) consulted, 1145; advised, 2861. See Read.

Rede, read, 34.

Rede, Reed, red, 637, 640, 1256,

Rede, advise, 3118.

Reden, to counsel, 1534. A.S. rǽdan, to counsel (pret. réd, p.p. rǽden).

Redes, advisest, 2934.

Redi, readily, 998; ready, 1066.

Redles, foolish, wicked, 3574. A.S. rǽdleas, rash.

Ref, rough, 3726. A.S. hreof, rough, scabby.

Reflac, robbery, 436, 3512. A.S. reáflác, spoil, rapine.

Rein, rain, 3265, 3326.

Rein-bowe, rainbow, 637.

Reke-fille, April, 148, 3136.

Rekelefat, Reklefat, censer, 3761, 3800. A.S. récels, incense; récelsfæt, a censer.

Reken, ready, 3485.

Reklefates, censers, 3787.

Rem, cry, outcry, 1962, 2613, 3858. A.S. hream.

Ren, course, 1. A.S. ryne, rene.

Ren, swift, 3218. A.S. ryne, course, race.

Reste, Resten, (sb.) rest, 11, 249, 252, 400.

Restede, (pret.) rested, 257.

Resten, to rest, 1369.

Reu, Rew, grieved, 1166; sorrowed, 1828. A.S. hreówan, to rue, grieve (pret. hreáw).

Reuen, spoil, 2802. A.S. reáfian, to rob, spoil.

Reuli, sorrowful, mournful, 1162. A.S. hreówlíc.

Rew, bitter, 3151. A.S. hreów, raw, fierce.

Rewde, Rewðe, sorrow, grief, 2339; pity, 2608.

Reweli, Rewli, = piteous, sorrowful, 1968, 2328. See Reuli.

Rewlike, sorrowfully, 3106. A.S. hreówlíce, mournfully.

Reyn, rain, 582.

Riche-like, richly, 2442.

Richere, richer, 1280, 3937.

Ride, road, way, course, 3950.

Rif, widely known, renowned, 232; wide-spread, 1252. A.S. ryf, rife, prevalent.

Rigesses, rushes, 2595. A.S. risce, rixe, a rush.

Rigt, right, justice, 52, 451; rights, 3714; rightly, 885, 1565; mode, wise, 1270.

Rigted, set right, 3427.

Rigten, to righten, set right, decide, 3421, 3423, 3426. A.S. rihtan, to righten, correct, govern, rule.

Rigt-wise, righteous, 418, 516, 1043.

Rigt-wised, Rigt-wished, righteousness, 936, 3740.

Rimes, rhyme's, 1.

Rim-frost, rime, hoar frost, 3328. A.S. rím-forst.

Ringes, rings, 1872, 2703.

Risen, to rise, 4039.

Roche, rock, 256, 1138.

Rode, cross, 386, 388. A.S. ród.

Roke, reek, smoke, 1163. A.S. reác, réc.

Ros, rose, 261, 1055.

Rospen, to rasp, diminish, 2132. Du. raspen, to grate.

Rotede, became rotten, 3342.

Ru, rough, 1539, 1544. A.S. rúh.

Run, discourse, conversation, 991. A.S. rún.

Sac-les, without strife, willingly, 916. A.S. sacu, strife; sac-leas, without contention.

Sacrede, sacrificed, 612, 626, 938.

Sad, separated, divided, 58, 116, 266, 1784; set apart, 208; scattered, 672. See Shad.

Safgte, an error for sagte, cure, heal (?), 470.

Saft, a pole, 3899. A.S. sceaft, sceft, a shaft, pole.

Safte, making, work, 3628; creatures, 127. A.S. sceaft, a creature, created, made, formed, from scapan, to form.

Safte, of form, 349.

Sag, saw, 26, 127; looked, 3901.

Sage, words, sayings, 4153. A.S. sagu, a saying, speech, saw.

Sagen, saying, 14. See soðe-sagen. A.S. sægen, a saying.

Sagt, an error for sag, 1301. It may = sag + it = saw it.

Sake[n], sake, 1392, 3731.

Sal, shall, 12, et passim.

Sal = salt, shalt, 1815.

Salt, shalt, 1042, 1043.

Salte, salt, 3280.

Saltes, of salt, 1131.

Saltu, shalt thou, 1041, 1813.

Same, shame, 234, 302, 349, 351.

Sameden, (pl.) assembled, gathered, 434. A.S. samnian, to assemble, collect.

Samen, together, 40, 398, 412.

Samening, assembling, matching, 458; intercourse, 1442. A.S. samnung, a congregation.

San, infamy, shame, 373. A.S. scǽnan, to destroy; scand, disgrace.

Sanc, sank, 1108.

Sarp, sharp, 2989, 3577.

Sat, set, 945.

Sat, treasure, money, 795, 881, 3169. A.S. sceat, treasure, gift, money.

Scaðe, harm, ruin, 302, 2314. A.S. sceaðan, sceaðian, to hurt; scæðþe, injury, loss.

Schad, separated. A.S. scádan, to separate, divide. See Shad, Sad.

Sche, she, 235, 2619.

Schet, shot, 475.

Scheten, to shoot, 474. A.S. sceótan, to shoot (pret. sceat).

Schilde, shield, 2525. A.S. scýldan, to shield.

Schinen, (pl.) shine, 153.

Schir. sheer, sincere, 1835.

Schoren, cut. See Abuten-schoren.

Scir, bright, 3848.

Scité, city, 2415.

Sckaðe, harm, destruction, 850. See Scaðe.

Sckil = skil, reason, 203. See Skil.

Scrið, entreaty, 1419, 2021.

Scriðed, urged, 1715.

Scroð, urged, solicited, entreated, 1055, 1834, 2023, 2695. A.S. scríðan, to go (pret. scráð).

Scroðt, an error for scroð, 339.

Se, sea, 1123.

Seek, sack, 2309.

Seckes, sacks, 2213, 2223.

Sed, seed, 121, 1613.

Sedes-kin, Seth's kin, 4042.

Segen, (pl.) saw, 3222.

Segeð, cometh, falleth, 2232. A.S. sígan, to fall.

Sei, (imp.) say to, tell, 3445.

Seid, (p.p.) said, 2425.

Seide, (pret.) said, 277, 323.

Seiden, (pl.) said, 903, 1083.

Seien, to say, 1139.

Seigen, (pl.) say, 917; (inf.) 2494. A.S. secgan, seggan, to say.

Seilede, sailed, went, 3389.

Seið, says, 1127, 1293, 1295.

Seið, (imp.) say, 2350.

Sek, sick, 1175.

Seken, to seek, 3598.

Sekenesse, sickness, 775.

Sel, time, season, 417, 928, 1032, 1184, 1224, 1375, 1503, 1545, 2541, 2769, 3159; 'in sel,' quickly, opportunely, 1095; 'al swilk sel,' at such time, 1204; 'on sel,' 'on sele,' in time, timely, 1537. A.S. sǽl, seel, time. Prov. E. seel.

Sel, (imp.) sell, 1495.

Selcuð, marvellous, 3972. A.S. sel-cúð = seldom known, wonderful, rare.

Seldum, seldom, 2181.

Seles = selie, good, 1542. See Seli.

Self; 'Self his kinde' = his own kin, 1806; even, very, 2610.

Seli, blessed, righteous, 266, 1532, 1986, 2782; good, 2412, 4079; fortunate, 1244; propitious, 31; happy, blissful, 64. A.S. sél, good; sǽlig, happy, blessed, prosperous.

Seli-red, good advice, help, 2514.

Seli-sið, prosperity, 2546.

Seli-sped, bliss, happiness, prosperity, 240, 2138.

Selkuð, strange, 1286. See Selcuð.

Selkuðlike, wondrously, greatly, 1557.

Sellic, Selli, rare, wondrous, 466; marvellous, 1026; strange, 3260, 3957.

Sellik, Sellic, wonderfully, miraculously, 1315, 1316. A.S. séllíc, síllíc, wonderful.

Selðe, Selðhe, bliss, luck, fortune, 1023, 1341, 1404, 2001. A.S. sǽlð, gesǽlð, happiness, felicity.

Selðhelike, successfully, 1372.

Semelen = to assemble, 3865.

Semelike, Semlike, seemly 1007, 1504.

Semes, loads, 1368, 2373. A.S. seam.

Semet, seemeth, 2169.

Semeð, 1365. Read semede, loaded.

Sen, to be, 298, 1923, 3843. Ger. sein.

Sen, (inf.) to see, 279, 956; to look, 394, 2664; to look after, take care of, 1663, 2628; choose, take, 3723.

Sen, (pl.) see, 16, 140.

Sen, Sene, visible, manifest, 74, 1173.

Sende, (imp.) send, 2820.

Senden, to send, 1683.

Sendet, sendeth, 1412.

Senkede = schenkede, poured out, 322. A.S. scenc, drink; scencan, to pour out, give to drink.

Sent, (imp.) send, 2825.

Senten, (pl.) sent, 1970, 1973.

Senwe, sinew, 1805; sinews, 1804. A.S. sinewe.

Sep, sheep, 1334.

Serf, (imp.) serve, 1685.

Seri, sorry, 408.

Seri-mod, sorrowful-minded, 1850.

Serue, to serve, 1715.

Serue, should serve, 3816.

Seruede, served, 1692, 2051.

Seruen, (pl.) serve, 4126.

Seruen, to serve, 5, 1670, 1694, 3634.

Seruen, to deserve, 1686.

Seruise, service, 1672, 1714, 3754.

Set, made, 562.

Sete, seat, 278.

Sette, planted, 1278.

Setten, (inf.) set, place, 2598.

Seð, sees, 181, 196.

Seð, sod, seethed, 1487. A.S. seóðan, to boil, seeth (pret. seáð; p.p. soden).

Seue, seven, 489, 1825.

Seuend, Seuende, seventh, 445, 593, 611.

Seuendai = seuend dai, seventh day, 247, 607.

Seue nigt, Seuene nigt, se'nnight, a week, 609, 1687, 2952.

Seuenti, seventy, 706, 3665.

Seweden, (pl.) looked, gazed, 2661.

Sex, Sexe, six, 575, 577, 578.

Sexte, sixth, 167, 199, 531.

Sextene, sixteen, 1907.

Sexti, sixty, 663, 1475.

Sey, tell, 4114; sey we, let us say, 4162.

Seyen, Seyn, say, 1445, 3561.

Sge, she, 1444, 1447, 1698.

Shad, separated, 148. A.S. sceádan (pret. sceod, p.p. scaden), to separate, divide.

Shauen, shaved, 2120.

She, 1925.

Shent, destroyed, 754. A.S. scendan, to shend, disgrace.

Sheren, to reap, 2347.

Shetten, (pl. pret.) shut, 1078.

Shewed = shewede, (pl. pret.) showed, 1971.

Shiftede, changed, 1732.

Shilde, Schilde, shield, 2525, 4157.

Shire, make clear, 2036.

Sib, Sibbe, akin, 228; relatives, 2503. A.S. sib.

Sibbe-blod, blood-relatives, 1468.

Sid, side.

Siden = siðen, since.

Sigande, sighing, 1436.

Sighe = sigðhe, sight, 518.

Sighteles, blind, 1528.

Sigt, sight, 1626, 2774.

Sigðhe, sight, 335, 360.

Sik, sighing, 1239. A.S. sícan, to sigh. Prov. E. sike.

Siker, secure, safe, 869, 876, 1269. O.Fris. sikur; Ger. sicher.

Sikerlike, certainly, surely, 1500; with confidence, boldly, 2319.

Silden, to shield, 214, 1788.

Sinfulhed, sinfulness, 180.

Sile = sel, time, 2978. See Sel.

Singe, sing, 34.

Singede, sinned, 4066.

Singen, to sing, 27.

Singen, to sin, 172, 188. A.S. singian.

Sinigeden, (pl.) sinned, 2205.

Sinne, sin, 182, 186.

Sinnes, sin's, 553.

Sinne-wod, sin mad, 1073.

Sir, sheer, pure, 518, 3580; clearly, 3045. See Scir.

Sired, enlighteneth, 327. A.S. scír, clear; scýrian, to divide.

Sitten, to sit, 279.

Sið, course, conduct, 274. A.S. sið, path, way. See Seli-sið.

Siðe, time, 3093. A.S. sið.

Siðe, Siðen, since, 84, 262, 2405; after, 237; afterwards, 509, 609, 1928. A.S. síððan.

Siðen = siden, sides, 1295.

Siðes, times, 1731, 1825.

Skie, cloud, 3294, 3643.

Skies, clouds, 3463.

Skige, sky, cloud, 3255.

Skil, Sckil, reason, discretion, wisdom, 193, 203, 1425; 'wit skil,' reasonably, 52. O.N. skil.

Skipperes, locusts, 3087.

Skiuden, (pl.) skewed, changed, 1989.

Slagen, (p.p.) slain, 509, 591.

Sleckede, slaked, satisfied, 1230. A.S. sleacian, to slacken; Sw. sloka, to droop.

Slen, to slay, 2837, 3729. A.S. sleán.

Slep, slept, 967, 1605, 3466.

Slepi, sleepy, 871.

Slo, (imp.) slay, 1939, 3505. A.S. sleán; O.E. (N^n.) sla.

Slog, Slug, slew, 483, 2668, 2685, 3474, 3913, 4081.

Sloge, slew, 3048.

Slon, to slay, 1328, 1752.

Sloð, slays, 3964.

Sluge, would slay, 3976.

Slugen, (pl.) slew, 3916.

Smaken, to scent, 2443. A.S. smæccan, to savour, taste.

Smale, small, 656, 2107; 'wordes smale,' easy words, 18; 'speche smale,' flattery, 4056.

Smere, fatness, 1573. A.S. sméru, fat.

Smered, anointed, 2455, 2457.

Smerles, anointing, 2454. A.S. smérels, ointment.

Smeren, to anoint, 2442, 2448. A.S. smérian, to anoint.

Smette, smote, 2684.

Smit, smiteth, 3970.

Smit, (imp.) smite, 3360.

Smite, plague, 2990.

Smiten, to smite, 3866, 4040.

Smiten, (p.p.) smitten, 3867.

Smiten, (pl.) smote, 2109.

Smið, smith, workman, 466.

Smot, smote, 2925, 2943.

Snake, serpent, 2805.

So, as, 15, 57, 331, 332, et passim.

Sod, shod, 3149.

Softe, soft, mild, 335, 3061; pleasant, 2057, 2412; lust, pleasure, 3647.

Softere, (adv.) softer, 3874.

Sogen, saw, 3522; seen, 2785.

Sogt, united, at peace, 1934, 2161. A.S. saht.

Sogt, (p.p.) sought, 848, 3189; come near, 3130; 'was sogt' = had come, 3707.

Sogte, sought, 682, 1533, 1947.

Sogten, (pl.) sought, 1081.

Solde, sold, 1843; (pl.) 1955.

Solstices, 150.

Son, shoes, 2781.

Son, shone, 3293, 3614.

Sond, sand, 2718.

Sond, shame, 2714. A.S. sceond.

Sonde, messenger, 1414, 2313; message, 3931. A.S. sand.

Sonde, dish, 2295. A.S. sand.

Sonder-man, Sondere-man, messenger, 1410, 2791, 2871.

Sondere-men, messengers, 1792, 1969.

Sondes, messengers, 1007, 1014, 2165, 4052.

Sondes, messenger's, 1434.

Sone, immediately, soon, 329, 343, 979; quickly, 1145, 1221; 'sone so,' as soon as, 1109.

Sor, grief, heaviness, 512, 733, 1039, 1048, 1239, 1765, 3650. A.S. sár.

Sor, sore, 3027.

Sore, sorely, 1166, 3223.

Soren = shorn, reaped, 1919.

Sorful, sorrowful, 2326.

Sorge, sorrow, 68, 302, 362, 512. A.S. sorh.

Sorges, sorrow's, 360, 778.

Sori, sorrowful, distressed, heavy, 974, 977, 1974; wicked, 1074.

Sori-mod, sorrowful-minded, 3520.

Sort, lot, 1186.

Sort-leui, short-lived, 712.

Sorwe, sorrow, 179, 268.

Sorwes, sorrow's, 19, 716, 3742.

Soth, foolish, 3685, 3688. A.S. sot, a fool.

Soð, Soðe, true, 17, 953, 1032, 1605, 2091, 2842, 3972; 'ben soð' = be accomplished, 2505.

Soð, Soðe, truth, 74, 2034, 2036, 2928. A.S. sóð, truth, true.

Soðe-sagen, sooth-saw, true story, 14.

Soule, Sowle, soul, 486, 4136.

Soules, Sowles, souls's, 496, 626, 2920.

Sowen, saw, 3108.

Sowen, to sow, 2347.

Sowles, souls, 4156.

Spac, spake, 925, 1753, 1758.

Specande, speaking, 2821.

Speche, speech, language, 665.

Speches, speeches, languages, 666, 668.

Sped, speed, success, 25; abundance, 122; 'iwel sped,' misfortune, 310; 'in sped,' 'wið sped,' speedily, 935, 1083, 1221.

Sped, succeed, 1585.

Sped, succeeded, fared, 3314.

Speden, to prosper, succeed, 2303.

Sperd, fastened, enclosed, shut up, imprisoned, 22, 94, 384, 564, 2093.

Speken, to speak, 2016, 2027, 2710, 2827, 2832, 3400.

Speren, to shut up, 2194. A.S. sparran; O.N. sperra.

See Hampole's P. of C., l. 3835.

Spice-like, with spices, 2443, 2515.

Spices, 2247.

Spices-ware, spicery, 1952,

Spien, to spy, 2172.

Spies, 2169, 2174.

Spile, sport, play, 3462; multitude, 2977.

Spiled, scattered, 3183.

Spilen, to play, sport, live joyously, 2532. A.S. spilian.

Spirit, 203.

Spoken, (pl. pret) spake, 2913.

Spot, place, 3280.

Spotted, spotted ones, 1721.

Spred, (p.p.) spread, 650, 831.

Spredde, (pret.) 490.

Spredden, (pl. pret.) spread, 2567.

Springe, spring, 581.

Sprong, sprang, 60, 247, 2740.

Sprungen, (pl.) sprang, 1804; (p.p.) sprung, 4023.

Spureð, spurs, 3970.

Sren, an error (?) for fren, to deliver, save, 1103.

Srid, (p.p.) clothed, 379.

Srid, Sridde, (pret.) clothed, 23, 271, 1539.

Sriden, to clothe, 351. A.S. scrýdan (pret. scrydde), to clothe.

Srifte, penance, 422, 3692.

Sriðen = sriden, to deck, 1878.

Srud, clothing, vestments, 176, 271, 795, 857, 2367, 3169. A.S. scrúd.

Staf, staff, 3149.

Stalðe, theft, 1767. A.S. stálu.

Stalwurði, stalworthy, strong, 655, 864, 3714.

Starf, died, 481, 658, 4133. A.S. steorfan (pret. stearf; p.p. storfen), to die.

Stede, place, 117, 425, 433.

Steden, places, 3441.

Steden, place, 1114.

Steg, ascended, 319, 3527. See Stigen.

Stele, steal, 3511.

Stelen, to steal, do secretly, hide, 1035; hide from, 2594. A.S. stélan.

Stere, rule, 3418; ruler, 3420. A.S. steóran, to rule; steóra, ruler; steóre, rule.

Steres, rulers, 3413, 3415.

Steres-men, rulers, 3417, 3429.

Stering, rule, government, 3410.

Sterre, star, 132; star's, 134. A.S. steorra.

Sterres, stars, 1921.

Steuene, Steuone, voice, 355, 622, 1285. A.S. stefen.

Sti, path, 3958. A.S. stíg, a way, path.

Stig, (imp.) ascend, go up, 4100.

Stigen, (p.p.) ascended, 4130. A.S. stígan, to ascend, go (pret. stáh; p.p. gestígen).

Stille, secretly, 2015, 2428, 2718.

Stille, (imp.) be still, 3319.

Stillen, to quiet, still, 3924.

Stinc, stink, 2556, 2975.

Stinken, stinking, 1164.

Stired, stirred, 3580, 3961.

Stirte, started, 2931.

Stið, stiff, stubborn, 1591; severe, 3266. A.S. stíð, stýð, firm, stiff.

Stiward, steward, 1991, 2255, 2263, 2712. A.S. stiward.

Stod, stood, 1019.

Stoden, (pl.) stood, 3543.

Stodet = stood it, 590.

Ston, stone, 1120, 1604.

Stonde, (imp.) stand, 3760.

Stonden, to stand, 1607, 2639, 3666.

Stonden agon, (pl.) opposed, 438.

Stondende, standing, 3149.

Stondes, standest, 2782.

Stondeð, stands, 392.

Stong, stung, 3896; pierced, 4083.

Stor, great, 842. A.S. stór.

Storue, should die, 1958. See Starf.

Storuen, (pl. pret.) died, 2975, 2982.

Storuen, (p.p.) dead, 3162.

Strekede, stretched, fell prostrate, 481. A.S. streccan, to stretch.

Strem, stream, 2096.

Streng, Strenge, string, 479, 714. A.S. streng.

Strenge, strength, 3728. A.S. strengo.

Strengðe, Strengðhe, strength, 581, 673; harm, 1075.

Strengthen, to make strong, 3410.

Strif, strife, 373; toil, 175, 503; grief, agony, 268, 716, 778, 779, 860.

Striuing, strife, 804.

Strond, strand, 2717.

Strong, 1846; unpleasant, 2057.

Stronge, (pl.) strong, 3713.

Stund, time, 41, 2041, 3277; a stound, short space of time, moment, 2109, 2639. A.S. stund.

Stunden, (pl.) wait, abide, 3211; waited, 1987.

Stungen, stung, 3901.

Sul, Sule, (pl.) shall, 303, 305, 1775.

Sulde, should, 172, 175, 194.

Sulden, (pl.) should, 958, 1326.

Suldes, shouldst, 3984.

Sulen, (pl.) shall, 308, 316, 318, 3358.

Sum, (sing.) some, 337, 690, 834, 835; 'oðer sum,' 686.

Sumdel, somewhat, 380.

Sumertid, summertime, 1224.

Summe, (pl.) some, 399, 401.

Sunder, separate, 991; diverse, 3808; 'sunder bles,' party coloured, 1729.

Sundren, to separate, 468.

Sundri, separate, apart, 393, 1985, 2354, 2414, 3239; diverse, 1798; several, 2551.

Sune, Sunen, son, 46, 403, 1656.

Sunedai, Sunenday, Sunday, 71, 261.

Sunen, sons, 2175, 2899, 3481.

Sunen, to bear a son, 981.

Sunen, to shun, 1864.

Sunes, sons, 529, 540, 1251.

Sunes, son's, 1984; 'on sunes stede,' instead of a son, 723, 2629, 2637.

Sungen, (pl.) sang, 3288.

Sunken, (p.p.) sunk, 754; (pl.) sank, 3775.

Sunne, sun, 132, 139.

Sunnes, sun's, 143.

Surgerun, Suriuren, Suriurn, sojourn, 64, 2696, 3308.

Suð, south, 829.

Suðen, south, 1167.

Suuen, shoved, driven, 107.

Swanc, toiled, laboured, 2014, 2877; travelled, 1657. See Swinken.

Swart, black, 286. A.S. sweart.

Swem, grievous, afflicting, 391; grieved, 1961.

Swep (lit. stroke, force), meaning, 2086, 2112.

Swer, (imp.) swear, 3498.

Swerd, sword, 1307, 1327.

Sweren, (pl.) swear, 1964.

Swerdes, of sword, 3721.

Swet, Swete, sweet, nice, 210, 382, 1484, 3302.

Sweuene, dream, 224, 1753. A.S. swefen.

Swide = swiðe, quickly, 2726.

Swike, unfaithful, 2845. A.S. swíc.

Swike-dom, treachery, deceit, 2883.

Swilc, such, 143, 407, 417; such as, 3620.

Swinacie, quinsy, 1188.

Swine, toil, labour, 268, 363, 2554, 2555. A.S. swinc.

Swing = swinc, toil, labour, 566.

Swinked, laboured, 4018.

Swinken, to labour, 3778. A.S. swincan, to toil (pret. swánc, p.p. swuncen).

Swinkes, labour's, 175.

Swiðe, very, 334, 1645; quickly, 1009, 1086, 1537. A.S. swíð, swýð, great, strong.

Swiulc = swuilc = swilc, such, 632. A.S. swulc.

Swog, swoon, 484.

Swolgen, (p.p.) swallowed, 1976. A.S. swolgen, p.p. of swelgan, to swallow.

Swor, sware, 1338.

Sworen, (p.p.) sworn, pledged, 824, 1525.

Swotes, of sweat, 364. A.S. swát.

Swunken, (p.p.) toiled, travelled, 1656. See Swinc.

Tabeles, tables, 3535.

Tabernacle, 3174, 3623.

Tac, (imp.) take, 1287, 3497.

Tagt, (p.p.) taught, directed, 3623, 3746.

Tagte, (pret.) taught, showed, 458, 1243, 1954.

Tagte, (adj.) assigned, promised, 827.

Tagten, (pl.) taught, 1096.

Take, touch, 3456.

Takel, tackle, furniture, goods, 883.

Taken, to take, 1318, 3323.

Taken, to assign, give, 1340.

Tale, speech, language, 450; tale, story, 321; reckoning, number, 141, 1673, 2891, 4092; heed, account, 548. A.S. tal.

Tame, quiet, 1482.

Tamehed, quietness, docility, 1485.

Taune, (imp.) let him show, 3424.

Tauned, Taunede, (pret.) showed, 636, 757, 3444.

Taunen, to show, 1022, 1290. Du. toonen.

Taunet = taune it, let him show it, 3422.

Tawned, Tawnede, showed, 1294, 4118.

Tawnen, to show, 2034, 2126.

Techen, to teach, 2792.

Teding, suckling, 1208. A.S. tiedrian, tyddrian, to propagate, nourish, feed.

Teen = ten, to go, 1344. A.S. teón, to pull, go, lead (pret. sing. teah, pret. pl. tugon, p.p. togen).

Te, the, 2756.

Teg, went, 320, 1135, 3644. See Teen.

Teld, tent, 3769. A.S. teld.

Teldes, tents, 3442.

Telled = telleð, telleth, 17.

Tellen, to tell, 651, 2755; to reckon, 87; recount, 497.

Tellet, (imp.) tell it, 3526.

Telleð, tells, 414.

Temple, 1296.

Ten, (inf.) proceed, go, 934, 1238, 1953; lead, 1913; draw, 3005. See Teen.

Ten, (pl.) go, 856, 3210.

Tende, tenth, 597, 704, 3141.

Tene, sorrow, grief, affliction, 2992. A.S. teóna, injury, reproach; teonan, to anger, incense.

Ter, tar, pitch, 662. A.S. tearo.

Teres, tears, 364, 2356.

Teres, of tears, 2288, 2342.

Terred, tarred, 2596.

Teten, teats, breasts, 3480.

Tette, teat, pap, breast, 2621. A.S. tite, titte.

Tgeld = telt, tent, 2025. See Teld.

Tgelt, encamped, pitched tents. A.S. teldian, to pitch a tent.

Tgen, ten, 3413, 3418.

Tgen, (pl.) = ten, belong, 3824. See Teen.

Thaunen, show, declare, 32. See Taunen.

Then, ten, 3305.

Then = ten, go, 1514. See Ten.

Tho = to, two, 731.

Tholen, suffer, 508. A.S. þólian, to suffer, bear, endure.

Tid, Tide, time, 59, 263, 1507. A.S. tíd.

Tidi, in good condition, beautiful, 2105. O.Sw. tidig, beautiful. Cf. Shakespeare's use of tidy = plump, well-conditioned.

Tidelike, soon, quickly, 2752. A.S. tídlíce.

Tiding, Tidding, tidings, message, 396, 407, 1348, 2907.

Tidlike, quickly, 1231, 3353. See Tidelike.

Tigel, tile, brick, 461, 662, 2552. A.S. tigel.

Tigeles, bricks, 2891.

Tigðe, tithe, tenth, 895. A.S. teogeða.

Tigðes, tithes, 1628.

Til, till, until, 85, 254, 255; to, 879, 945, 1606. O.N. til, to.

Tile, gain, 1519. A.S. til, fit, good; tilian, to honour, to get, obtain.

Tilen, to earn, 363. A.S. tilian.

Tiliere, tiller, 1482.

Tillede, (pret.) cultivated, 1278.

Timed, (p.p.) prospered, 4024.

Timede, (pret.) prospered, 3392.

Timen, to occur, happen, befall, 1763, 3820. A.S. getimian, to happen, fall out.

Timen, to prosper, 1023, 2361, 4010.

Timen, to teem, bring forth, 982. A.S. tíman, to teem.

Timeð, prospereth, 4010.

Timing, Timinge, fortune, success, 1194, 4016; welfare, 954.

Timinge = ?time ge, wait ye, 3762.

Timinge, season, opportunity, 31; circumstance, occurrence, 1244, 2644, 3394.

Tin, thine, 926.

Tines, losest, 3518. O.N. tyna, to lose.

Tis, this, 334.

To, two, 423, 2653.

To-bar, falsely accused, 2146.

To-bolen, swollen with pride, 970.

Toc, took, 723, 937, 2654; took up, 1690; gave, 1416; considered, 1751.

Tockenes, tokens, signs, miracles, 2860.

To-dragen, to-draw, to tear in pieces, 191.

To-ful in wis, fully, completely, 2521.

Tog = toc, gave, 1676.

Tog (pret. of ten, to go), went, 607. See Teen.

Togen (p.p. of ten, to go), gone, 3647.

To-gider, To-gidere, together, 1898, 2352, 3779.

Tok, took (notice), 945.

Toke, (subj.) gave, 1531.

Token, (pl.) took, 2200.

Token, sign, miracle, 635, 646, 2803, 2914.

Tokenede, betokened, 248.

Tokenes, signs, miracles, 2813.

Tokeneð, Toknet, betokeneth, 638, 640.

Toknes, signs, miracles, 140, 153, 2997.

Tok-ning, token, memorial, 1624.

Tol, tool, 469; tools, 883.

Told, (p.p.) reckoned, 1358, 2912.

Tolde, (pret.) told, 1401, 1403.

Tolden, (pl.) told, 2221, 3711.

Ton, one (first), 1010, 2196, 2704.

To-samen, together, 2109, 3145. See Samen.

To-teren, tear in pieces, 2089.

Toð, tooth, 4148.

Toðer, other, 2724; second, 619.

Toðere, (pl.) others, 1044, 2340.

To-wis, truly, 3992.

Treen, trees, 1127, 1278.

Tregest, disregardest, 3975. A.S. ge-tregian, to disregard; tregian, to trouble, vex; or = treyest = betrayest.

Tren, trees, 3305.

Trew, tree, 3301. A.S. treow.

Trewe, true, 720. A.S. treówe.

Treweiðe, truth, fidelity; 'wið treweiðe,' faithfully, 2304. A.S. treówð, truth, confidence.

Trewed, Trewid, believed, 1031, 2385. A.S. treówian, to trust, believe.

Trewið, believes, 2037.

Trewðe, truth, 2458, 2459; troth, 1524, 1776; fidelity, 1270; pledged word, 2336. A.S. treúð, treówð, truth, troth, pledge.

Tribuz, tribes, 3813.

Trike, stream, 2947.

Trimede, brought forth, 1198.

Trimen, to teem, conceive, 1024. A.S. getrymian, to dispose, bring forward; trymian, to provide, prepare.

Troken, to fail, 105. A.S. trucan, to fail, diminish.

Troweden, (pl.) believed, 1092. A.S. trúwian, to trust.

Troweð, 2814. Read Trowe ðe, believe thee.

Truke, failure, default, 3508. See Troken.

Trume, host, company, 1829. A.S. truma, a troop, band.

Tuderande, fruitful, 164.

Tudered, begotten, 630. A.S. tyddrian, to propagate, procreate.

Tuen, between, 3802.

Tun, Tune, town, 713, 1102, 2311, 2570. A.S. tún.

Tunde, surrounded, 866. A.S. týnan, to hedge in, enclose.

Tunes, towns, 856.

Tunge, tongue, speech, 372, 3158.

Tunges, tongue's, 2656.

Tur, tower, 661.

Turles, (lit. doves) quails, 3676.

Turn, turning, course, 63, 79.

Turtul, turtle (dove), 944.

Twelfte = twelfe, twelve, 3829.

Twelwe, twelve, 663.

Twen, between, 804.

Twenti, twenty, 620.

Twentiðe, twentieth, 3641.

Twie, twice, 808.

Twie-wifing, Twin-wifing, bigamy, 450, 485.

Twin, two, 4020.

Twin-manslagt, double homicide, 485.

Twinne, two, 2367, 3248.

Twinne-del, twofold, 1510.

Twired, perplexing, conflicting. A.S. twy-rǽd, of two opinions, differing.

Two, to, 1292.

Ða, then, 1901. A.S. þa.

Ða = ðat, that, 2190.

Ðad = ðat, that, 311.

Ðan, Ðane, Ðanne, then, 9, 999, 1003, 2680; than, 144; when, 17, 182, 2072; that time, 'bi ðan,' 'bi ðanne,' 1023, 3706; 'ear ðanne, or ðan,' 38, 2435; 'fro ðan,' 188, 3201; 'til ðan,' 471, 1870; 'to ðan,' 867; 'to ðan,' for that purpose, 2792.

Ðanc, (imp.) give thanks to, 1320.

Ðarð, need, 3778.

Ðat, (dem. adj.) that, 1, 43, 54; what, 2020, 2032.

Ðat-offe = ðar-offe, thereof, 2422.

Ðauen, permit, allow of, 3139. A.S. þafian, to suffer, permit, allow.

Ðe, (rel. pron.) which, who, 2, 269, et passim.

Ðe = ðo, then, 1416.

Ðe = the, 778, et passim.

Ðear, there, 1090.

Ðeden, nations, peoples, 2302.

Ðeg, prospered, throve, 2012. See Ðen.

Ðef = ðeg, property, quality, taste, 3340.

Ðef, thief, 1773.

Ðefis, thief's, 538.

Ðefte, theft, 3512.

Ðei, they, 573.

Ðelde = gelde, (subj.) requite, 1713.

Ðen, thrive, 803, 1550, 2645; prosper, 4007. A.S. þeón, pret. þeáh, þáh, p.p. geþogen, to thrive, flourish, grow, increase.

Ðengen = ðenken, to think, 1571.

Ðenk, (imp.) think, 3563.

Ðhenke, (subj.) think, 2072.

Ðenken, Ðhenken, think, 393.

Ðer, Ðere, there, 337, 850.

Ðer-fore, therefore, 747.

Ðer-in, therein, 2068.

Ðer-of, thereof, 1659.

Ðer-on, thereon, 1778.

Ðes, this, 3967.

Ðes, Ðese, these, 941, 1643, 2199, 3697.

Ðeself, thyself, 934.

Ðeðen, thence, 65, 208, 725, 1236. O.N. ðaðan.

Ðeuwe, custom, 1382. A.S. þeáw, manner, habit, behaviour.

Ðewe, courtesy, respect, 2757.

Ðewed, behaved, conducted, 1914.

Ðewes, virtues, 4159.

Ðgere = gere, haste, 4052.

Ðhanc, thanks, 1659.

Ðhankede, thanked, 3405.

Ðhauen, to tolerate, endure, 275. See Ðauen.

Ðheg, Ðehg, throve, 1266, 2779. See Ðeg, Ðen.

Ðhenken, think, 393.

Ðhenkeð, thinks, 2028.

Ðherknesse, darkness, 3102.

Ðhikke, thick, 3102.

Ðhing, Ðhinge, Ðing, Ðinge, thing, 301; things, 29, 52, 297, 300; affairs, 3378.

Ðhinges, things, 280.

Ðhog, though, 3978.

Ðhogen, throve, increased, 1480, 2567. See Ðen.

Ðholede, suffered, 778. See Ðolede.

Ðhogt, mind, 2167; anxiety, 2111; thought, 1149; purpose, 1579.

Ðhogt, Ðhogte, Ðhugte, Ðhute, Ðuhte, seemed, appeared, 407, 436, 438, 491, 1469, 1765, 1849, 2064, 3260. A.S. þincan (pret. þúhte), to seem.

Ðhogte, (pret.) thought, 319.

Ðhowtes, thoughts, 3544.

Ðhre, thre, 55, 152, 563.

Ðhride, Ðhridde, third.

Ðhrowing, agony, suffering, 1317. A.S. þrówung, from þrówian, to suffer.

Ðhu, thou, 361, 362, 397.

Ðhunder, Ðhunerg = ðuner, thunder, 1108, 2900. A.S. þunor.

Ðhurg, Ðhurge, through, 588, 2192.

Ðhusant, Ðhusent, thousand, 489, 577, 654.

Ðider, Ðidir, thither, 1068, 1366, 1402, 1844.

Ðicke, thick, thickly, 2988.

Ðig = thick, 564.

Ðin, Ðine, thy, 397, 1764.

Ðing, affairs, 3378.

Ðinken, to seem, appear, 234.

Ðinkeð, seemeth, 391, 2403. See Ðhogt.

Ðis, Ðise, these, 1083, 2125, 2131, 2527.

Ðisternesse = cisternesse, pit, 1942.

Ðisternesse, darkness, 58. A.S. þýstre, dark, þeosternes, darkness.

Ðit = ðis, this, 1233.

Ðo, those, 305, 875, 2099. A.S. þá.

Ðo, the, 1303, 2110.

Ðo, then, 424, 717. A.S. þa.

Ðoa, then, 840.

Ðog, Ðoge, though, nevertheless, 4, 1794, 1928, 2404, 2908, 3807, 3808.

Ðogen, (pl.) throve, flourished, 2542.

Ðogt, thought, mind, 1558, 2013; purpose, intention, 1072; anxiety, 1433; 'kinde ðogt,' natural affection, 2254.

Ðogt, Ðogte, Ðoht, seemed, 948, 2015, 2298.

Ðogte, thought, 333, 1089.

Ðohgteful, anxious, 1437.

Ðole, forbearance, 3496.

Ðolede, suffered, 1180.

Ðolen, (inf.) suffer, 3664; (imp.) 3457; (pl.) 3445. A.S. þólian, to suffer, bear, endure.

Ðoo = þo, then, 3135.

Ðor, Ðore, there, 211, 222, 279, 2270; where, 438, 757, 1520.

Ðor-agen, Ðor-gen, opposed thereto, 2797, 3730.

Ðor-after, thereafter, 146.

Ðor-bi, thereby, 1458, 2106.

Ðor-buten, thereabout, 566, 3625.

Ðor-fore, therefore, 1215.

Ðor-fra, Ðor-fro, therefore, 112, 2880.

Ðor-in, Ðor-inne, therein, 42, 746, 1104, 3634.

Ðor-mide, therewith, 2656.

Ðor-mong, thereamong, 3265.

Ðor-of, thereof, 234, 329.

Ðor-offen, thereof, 2403.

Ðor-on, Ðor-one, Ðor-onne, thereon, 196, 464, 1116, 3398.

Ðor-quiles, whilst, 574.

Ðore-to, besides, 589.

Ðor-til, besides, 2371.

Ðor-to, thereto, 3824.

Ðor-vnder, thereunder, 3184.

Ðor-uppe, thereup, 1609.

Ðor-vten, thereout, 3364.

Dor-wið, therewith, 379.

Ðornes, thorns, 1334.

Ðoð = ðoðer, the other, 2702.

Ðowgte, thought, 295.

Ðral, thrall, slave, 2881.

Ðraldom, slavery, bondage, 2322.

Ðralles, slave's, 971.

Ðralles, slaves, 3720.

Ðre, three, 647, 1006.

Ðreated, threatened, 4125.

Ðret, threat, 2021.

Ðrette, (pret.) threatened, 2023, 3729.

Ðridde, third, 761, 1301.

Ðrist = ðriste, (pret. pl.) thrust, 2110.

Ðrist, thirst, 977, 3354.

Ðrittiðe, thirtieth, 3311.

Ðrosing, chaos, 43. A.S. þrósm, chaos, heap, smoke.

Ðrowede, suffered, 1180. See Ðhrowing.

Ðu, thou, 363, 1084.

Ðugte, seemed, 1099.

Ðund = gund, over, above. See NOTES.

Ðurg, Ðhurg, through, 195, 377, 2192.

Ðurg-vt, throughout, 3704.

Ðurte, needed, 234. A.S. þearfan, to need, behove (pret. þorfte).

Ðusent, Ðhusent, thousand, 527, 3412.

Ðusse, thus, 308.

Ðwert, obstinate, contrary, 3099.

Ðwerted, thwarted, 1324. A.S. þweor, þwer, froward, cross, thwart.

Vgging, fear, dread, 950, 2826. O.N. ugga, to terrify. See Hampole's P. of C., ll. 6419, 6683.

Uglike, ugly, horrible, 2805.

Vn-achteled, untold, 796. A.S. æht, value, estimation. O.E. ahtle, to estimate, endeavour.

Vn-bente, unbent, 483.

Vnbiwen, unexpectedly, 3777. See Wenen, Wen.

Un-bond, unbound, opened, 2223.

Vn-buxumhed, disobedience, 345; helplessness, unlithesomeness, rigidity, 346. See Buxum.

Unc, us two, 1776. A.S. unc.

Vncircumcis, uncircumcised, 2841.

Unclene, unclean, 1867.

Vndede, undid, opened, 581, 3971; removed, 2955; violated, 3014.

Under-don, subdue, 4041.

Under-feng, received, 480.

Under-fon, receive, 1679. A.S. under-fón, to take (pret. under-feng).

Vnder-gon, deceive, 1147; take up, 1160.

Under-leiden, supported, 3388.

Under-let, under-lay, lay under, 3188. A.S. lútan, to stoop, lie at the bottom (pret. leát).

Under-nam, perceived, 1553; questioned, 2728. A.S. under-niman, to comprehend, take.

Vnder-numen, taken unawares, surprised, 2135, 3221.

Vnder-stod, bore, 1467; accepted, received, 2275, 2393, 3434; understood, 2210.

Vn-don, undone, opened, 385, 603; removed, 3902.

Vn-don, to explain, 2114.

Vndren = undern, the time extending from nine to twelve in the morning, 2269. A.S. undern.

Vn-drincled, undrowned, 3280. O.E. drinkle, to drown. "Alle drenkled thorgh folie." —(Robt. of Brunne, p. 241.)

[Vn]eðe, uneasy, disturbed, 3924.

Vn-ended, everlasting, 3518.

Un-eðes, with difficulty, scarcely, 2341. A.S. uneáðe.

Unfer, diseased, 2810. See Fer.

Un-frame, disadvantage, 1566; sorrow, 3037. A.S. unfreme.

Un-framen, be hurtful, 1213.

V[n-]frigt, fearless, bold, 3713.

Vnghere = ungare, unexpectedly, 3047. A.S. un-gearu, un-prepared, sudden.

Vn-hileden, uncovered, 2976.

Vn-hillen, disclose, 1912. A.S. unhélan, to unhele, reveal, uncover.

Unkinde, unnatural, 449, 1113; foreign, 2302.

[Vn-]lage, wrong, 1762. A.S. unlagu, wrong, injustice.

Vn-lif, displeasing, 206.

Vn-lif, unleavened, 3153.

Vn-like, unlike, 1726.

Un-mad, unfinished, 671.

Vn-miðe, anger, 3973, from O.E. miðe, quiet. A.S. myðgian, to sooth, quiet. Vn-miðe may signify truth, from A.S. míðan, to hide, dissemble.

Un-red, sin, 1906. A.S. unrǽd.

Vn-reken, slow, unready, 2817. See Reken.

Un-rigt, wrong, 1276.

Vn-rigt-wis, unrighteous, 2014.

Vn-seli, wicked, wretched, 1073, 2315. A.S. unsǽlig.

Vn-selðehe, Vn-selðe, misfortune, misery, 2316, 3026. A.S. unsǽlð.

Vnsene, unseen, secret, 2878.

Vn-skil, wrong, 3506. See Skil.

Un-slagen, unslain, 1332.

Unspered, undid, spoilt, 25. See Sperd.

Vnsteken, disclose, 2828. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. Steke.

Vn-swac, displeasing, offensive, 1212.

Un-timing, misfortune, 1180.

Untuderi, barren, 964. See Tudered.

Vn-ðewed, foul, 2555. See Ðeuwe.

Unwarde, Un-warnede, unwarned, unawares, 480, 2682.

Vn-welde, unwieldy, 347. See Welden.

Vnweder, storm, 3058. A.S. unweder.

Vp, upon, 2320.

Up-dragen, carried off, 1858.

Up-gon, (pl.) ascend, 1608.

Up-rekeð, up-reeks, 3465.

Up-rigt, upright, 3248.

Up-sprungen, up-sprung, grown up, 3050.

Up-stod, up-stood, 3247.

Up-wakeð, rouses up, awakes, 3466.

Up-wond, up-winded, up-went, 3084.

Vr, Ur, Vre, Ure, our, of us, 2172, 2261, 2262.

Ut, Vte, out, 13, 227, 362, 607, 3703.

Ut-comen, (pl.) out-came, 2097.

Vt-dragen, out-drawn, opened, 2856.

Ut-drog, out-drew, 1327.

Vten, foreign, strange, 1741; out of, 956, 2406, 2410; without, 653, 2739, 3744; apart, 3691.

Vt-fare, out-go, 2865.

Ut-faren, depart, 3056.

Vt-gon, depart, out-go, 2966, 3021.

Ut-gong, out-go, 2800.

Ut-lage, outlaw, 431.

Vt-pharen = vt-faren, depart, 3017, 3071.

Ut-sped, hurried away, 3178.

Vt-stal, stole out, 2882.

Ut-suuen, out-shoved, aroused, 1610.

Ut-ten, go forth, 4004.

Ut-ðhurg, throughout, 2688.

Vt-wrogte, brought on, caused, 4144.

Uuer-slagen, lintel, 3155. A.S. oferslæge.

Wac, weak, 1197, 1528. A.S. wác, waac, weak, frail.

Waden, to ford, 1799.

Waines, wains, waggons, 2362.

Waked, aroused, stirred up, 360. A.S. wacan, to awake, take origin.

Waked, (pret.) kept a vigil or liche-wake, 2469; (p.p.) 2516.

Waken, to keep a vigil or liche-wake, 2449. A.S. wæccan, to watch.

Waken, to watch, 2551.

Wal, Wale, choice, select, 888, 3635. Ger. wählen, to choose, select. O.N. wal, choice.

Wale, prosperity, 809, 1355. A.S. wæla, weal, bliss.

Walkeden, 'aren walkeden,' have walked, 3882.

Walkeden is evidently an error for walked.

Walkene, Walkne, welkin, clouds, 96, 103, 136, 161. A.S. wolcen, a cloud, air, welkin; wealcan, to roll, turn.

Walknes, welkin's, 288.

Walled, Wallede, enclosed with a wall, 435, 2554.

Wan, Wane, when, 642, 4130.

Wane, wanting, 1028, 3353. A.S. wana, want, lack.

Wanmol, uneloquent, 2817 (from wan = un, and mol, mal, speech). See Moal.

Wansum, sorrowful, 1099. A.S. wannan, to be wan, pale.

Wante, should be wanting, 2244.

Wantede, wanted, failed, 1233, 2155, 2995, 3310.

Wapman, man, male, 1001. A.S. wǽpman, a man, from wǽpn, a weapon.

Wapmen, men, 536, 2920, 3078, 3080.

War, aware, 721, 1308. A.S. wǽr, wary, prepared, ready.

Warc = warg, defended, 2876.

Ware, merchandise, 1990; property. A.S. warú, ware, merchandise.

Waren, to make secure, 1088; to provide for, 2154. A.S. wárian, to beware, to guard, ward off.

Waried, cursed, 544. A.S. werigan, to curse.

Warnede, warned, 1091.

Warnen, to warn, 1581.

Warp, (pret. of werpen) threw, 2640, 2804.

Wassen, to wash, 1116, 2291, 2442.

Waspene = wasteme, form, 1910. A.S. wǽstm, growth, form.

Water, lake, 749, 1125.

Wateres, water's, 638.

Wateres, waters, 592, 2594.

Wateres-springe, water-spring, 581.

Water-gong, passage of water, 662.

Watres, water's, 598, 1246, 1380.

Watres, waters, 108, 117.

Wattre, Wattren, to water, 1648, 2745.

Wattrede, watered, 2751.

Wað = quað, spake, 1666.

Waxen, grow, increase, 1128, 2548.

Waxen, (p.p.) increased, 831; full-grown, 2060.

Wech-dede, watch-deed, vigil, 2460.

Weches, vigil's, 2467.

Wedde, hostage, pledge, 2198. A.S. wed, pledge (dat. wedde).

Wedden, to marry, 1090.

Wedding, marriage, 1428.

Wede, garment, 1972. A.S. wǽd, a garment.

Weden, garments, 2369.

Weder, weather, storm, 3055, 3059.

Wei, Weie, way, 1100, 1228, 1429, 1435.

Weige, way, 1614, 2681. A.S. weg.

Weiges, ways, 3240, 3244.

Weila-wei, alas! 2088.

Weis, washed, 2289.

Weken = wreken, taken, 3282.

Wel, well, 229, 1521, 1541.

Welcume, welcome, 1830.

Welcumede, welcomed, 1396.

Welden, to rule, 2143; take, enjoy, 916; possess, 3738. A.S. wealdan, to rule, direct, possess.

Welden, (pl.) rule, 50, 3418.

Weldeð, influences, 274.

Weledes = welðes, wealth's, 748.

Weli, blissfully, prosperously, 2528. A.S. welig, rich, bountiful.

Welkede, withered, 2107. A.S. wealwian; Ger. welken, to fade.

Welken, (pl.) elapsed, 568. A.S. wealcan, to revolve (pret. weolc).

Welle, well, 2756.

Welles, wells, 3306.

Welle-spring, well-spring, 1243.

Welle-springes, well-springs, 3304.

Welt, exercises, 54. See Welden.

Welte, ruled, 3371.

Welten, (pl.) wielded, 532; ruled over, governed, 840.

Welðe, Welðhe, wealth, 796, 1268, 1355, 1404, 1550, 2374.

Welðes ware, wealth, property, 929. Cf. Spices-ware, etc.

Wen, belief, 73; doubt, 3271. A.S. wén, hope, weening.

Wen = wenen, believe, 3809. A.S. wénan, to ween, think.

Wend, (imp.) turn, 3510.

Wende = weened, thought, 477, 1240, 1543, 2209.

Wende we, let us turn, 3267.

Wended, — agon, turned back, 1904.

Wenden, (pl.) weened, thought, believed, 869, 1141, 3258.

Wenden, (inf.) turn, 693, 884, 4057, 4061. A.S. wendan, turn, change.

Wenden-agen, return, 979, 1159, 3719, 3724. A.S. wendan (pret. wende), to turn, proceed, go.

Wene, think, ween, 309, 315, 317, 3572.

Wenen, (pl.) think, 3812. A.S. wénan.

Went, course, 136. A.S. wend, a turn.

Went, (p.p.) changed, 753; gone, 1429, 2201; turned, 2896.

Wente, turned, 321, 606, 1120, 3950, 3951; removed, 1649; took away, snatched, 2613; went, 1107.

Wente agen, returned, 606, 985, 1048, 1343, 1356; (subj.) should return, 1097.

Wente agon, turned back, 1119.

Wenten, (pl.) went, 533, 623; turned, changed, 1149, 1967; returned, 2200.

Wep, weeping, 2328, 3888. A.S. wóp.

Wep, wept, 4149. A.S. wépan, to weep (pret. weóp; p.p. wépen).

Wepen, weapon, 3283. A.S. wǽpen.

Weph, web, 4096.

Werchen, to work, 3220.

Werdes = werldes, world's, 32.

Were, protector, 2680. See Weren.

Were, man, 3977; husband, 1587. A.S. wer.

Were, war, 1788.

Wereden, saved, protected, 2578. See Weren.

Weren, were, 377, 570, 1468.

Weren, annoy, 2898. A.S. wérian, to weary.

Weren, defend, protect, 851, 1272, 1794, 1817, 2083, 2090, 2564, 3714; spare, 1043. A.S. werian, protect, hinder.

Weres, man's, 532.

Werger, defender, guardian, 926. A.S. wergan, to defend.

Weri, weary, 975, 1493.

Werk = wrek, plague, 3902. See Wrake, Wrech.

Werken = wreken, to take vengeance, 2799. See Wrake, Wrech.

Werken, (pl.) work, 850.

Werld, Werlde, world, 38, 42, 60.

Werlde, world's, 1318.

Werldes, world's, 48, 102, 142, 707, 1594, 2440.

Werlðe, world, 901.

Werne, deny, 2797. A.S. wyrnan, to deny, forbid.

Werned, (p.p.) refused, 3171.

Wernede, forbad, 2966, 3000.

Werneden, (pl.) denied, refused, 2207.

Werp, (imp.) throw, cast, 2803.

Werpen, to throw, cast, 3358, 3794. A.S. weorpan, to throw, cast (pret. wearp; p.p. worpen).

Werre, worse, 3951.

Werren, were, 1089.

Westen, west, 3096.

Westen, (pl.) wasted, 3915.

Weðer, wether, 3998.

Wex, increased, grew, 273, 584, 585, 1118, 1266. See Waxen.

Wex = wexe, (pl.) grew, 1917.

Wexe, should increase, 554.

Wexen, (pl.) grew higher, 599; increased, grew, 2104, 2502, 2542.

Wexem, for wexen, grew, increased, 1915.

Wi, war, 1854, 3220. A.S. wig, wih, war.

Wiches, wizards, magicians, 2919, 2927.

Wicke, wicked, 1072, 3952.

Wid, an error for wið, with, 79, 86, 128, 168, 928.

Wid, (adj.) wide, 60, 565; (adv.) 1256.

Wid-held, Wið-held, withheld, 914, 3019.

Wid-hin, Wid-innen, = wið-in, wið-innen, within, 555, 640, 1352.

Wide, widely, 672, 831.

Wif, wife, 231, 367.

Wifes, wife's, 530.

Wifes, Wifwes, wives, 453, 559, 624, 857.

Wif-kinnes, woman-kind, 1177.

Wifuede, wived, married, 1588.

Wigt, brave, 863. Sw. vig.

Wigte, war (?), or sharpness (?), 469.

Wigte, weight, 439. A.S. wiht.

Wikke, wicked, 3574.

Wil, (sb.) will, 194.

Wil, homeless, astray, 975. See Gloss. to Allit. Poems, s.v. Wyl.

Wil, blindness, 1079.

Wilde, lascivious, 2013; wild, 169, 178.

Wile, while, 371.

Wile, (vb.) will, 191, 277, 1318. A.S. willan.

Wile, desires, likes, 206, 2020. A.S. willan.

Wilen, (pl.) will, 2304, 2531, 3723.

Wimman, woman, 374, 375. A.S. wífman, wimman.

Wimmanes, woman's, 1426.

Wimmen, women, 532, 653, 2570.

Win, wine, 2295.

Win, strife, 347, 4055; force, 598. A.S. win, contention.

Winden, to enshroud, 2448.

Windoge, window, 602.

Wines, wine's, 894, 1542.

Win-grape, bunch of grapes, 3710.

Winter, (pl.) years, 567, 919.

Win-tre, vine, 2059. A.S. wín-treow.

Wintres, winters, years, 1211.

Wird, Wirð, troop, host, 1786, 1790, 4140. A.S. werod, host, army.

Wirm, Wirme, reptile, 178; serpent, 321, 2925, 3898. A.S. wyrm.

Wirmede, bred worms, 3342.

Wirmes, reptiles, 2982.

Wis, wise, 100, 260, 462, 617.

Wisdam, wisdom, 35.

Wise, (pl.) wise, 331.

Wise, manner, 2961.

Wislike, wisely, 45, 1091; with wisdom, 520; properly, 3630.

Wisseð, teacheth, showeth, 2. A.S. wissian, to instruct, show.

Wiste, knew, 779, 901, 961, 962, 1154, 1310. See Wot.

Wisten, (pl.) knew, 768, 2217, 3841.

Wisten, wished, 801, 1060.

Wistom, wisdom, 462.

Wit, we two, 1775. A.S. wit.

Wit, wisdom, 460, 900. A.S. wit.

Wit, with, 44, 52, 53.

Wite, (pl.) learn, know, 390.

Wite, (sb.) blame, 2035. A.S. wítan, to blame.

Witen, to know, 328, 1302; to learn, 2651, 3928. See Wot.

Witen, (pl.) know, 74, 523.

Witent = witen, to know, 330.

Witnesse, Wittenesse, witness, 507, 1778, 3843.

Witter, Wittere, wise, skilful, 168, 456, 1910, 2330, 3624; true, 2903; cognisant, 1308.

Witter-hed, wisdom, 3667.

Witterlike, surely, truly, indeed, 769, 791, 1322, 2320, 2425. Da. viterlig, known, manifest.

Wið, of, 432; in, 1083, 1668, 1915.

Wið-dragen, with-drawn, 596, 3983.

Wið-drog, with-drew, 599, 3803.

Wið-[h]eld, Wið-held, Wið-helð, withheld, 1178, 2033, 3927.

Wiðer, hostile, 3386. A.S. wiðerian, to oppose.

Wiðer-ward, contrary, hostile, 2935. A.S. wiðer-weard, contrary, rebellious.

Wið-stod, opposed, 2649; stood still, tarried, 3646.

Wið-ðan, with that, thereupon, 481, 1409.

Wið-ðan-ðat, Wið-ðhan-ðat, provided that, 2019, 2335.

Wið-uten, Wið-vten, Wið-ðuten, except, 557, 611, 875, 910, 3739; without, 503, 639, 1317, 2454; outside, 1080, 1367. A.S. wið-útan (adv.), wið-útan (prep.), without.

Wiue, wife, 2008, 2147.

Wiues, wife's, 1219.

Wiues, Wiwes, wives, 543, 1858, 2363; wife's, 994, 2037.

Wlath, bad, loathsome, 3300. A.S. wlætian, to nauseate, loath; wlath I take to be an error for wlach, A.S. wlæc, warm, slack.

Wlite, Wliten, face, 2288, 2289, 2342, 3614, 4055. A.S. wlíte, form, person, countenance.

Wo, Woa, woe, sorrow, grief, 216, 237, 353, 880; sorry, 1833. A.S. wá, waa.

Woc, Wooc, weak, 1874. See Wac.

Woc, awoke, 2111.

Wod, mad, foolish, 1073, 2959, 3545. A.S. wód, mad, insane.

Wod-hed, Woded, madness, 533, 3539.

Wol, very, 1266, 1995.

Wold, power, 1958, 2000. A.S. wald, power.

Wold, meaning, 2122. It literally signifies power.

Wold, hill, 938, 3892. A.S. wald, weald.

Wold, ruler, 3412. A.S. walda.

Wold, sacrifice, 3116.

Wold, Wolde, would, 912, 1418, 1419.

Wold, (1) killed, slain, 420; destroyed, 526 (?), or (2) flooded (?). (1) A.S. cwelian, to kill. (2) A.S. weallan, to flow.

Wolden, (pl.) would, 3756.

Wond, wand, 2715, 2803, 2808. Du. vaand, a switch.

Wond, went up, 3782, 4136.

A.S. windan, to move or be borne in a winding course, to wind.

Wondes, wands, 2923.

Wooc, weak, 1874. A.S. wác.

Wopen, weapon, 469, 3228, 4062. A.S. wǽpen.

Wopened, Wopnede, armed, 1787, 2479, 3373, 3376.

Wordes, words, 18.

Wore, (subj.) were, 768, 1144, 1148, 1170, 2192.

Wore, (2 pers. sing.) 1759, 1814.

Woree = woren, were, 2950.

Woren, were, 347, 488, 790, 1207, 2380.

Worn, were, 61, 147.

Wor-of, whereof, 3530.

Worpen, cast, 1943, 2923. See Werpen.

Wort, word, 73.

Worðed, honoured, 262. See Wurðen.

Wot, know, 487, 1473; knows, 353. A.S. witan (ic wát, þu wást, he wát; we witon; pret. wiste).

Wrake, punishment, destruction, 552. A.S. wræc, punishment.

Wrech, Wreche, vengeance, destruction, 552, 632, 634, 641, 1042, 1076, 1142, 3396; plague, 1176. A.S. wracu, vengeance, pain, punishment.

Wrecches, wretches, 1074, 1080. A.S. wræcca, an exile, wretch.

Wreken, (p.p.) revenged, 2028, 3067, 3281. A.S. wrécan, to avenge.

Wreken, (p.p.) taken, 3148.

Wrestelede, wrestled, 1803.

Wreðe, Wreððe, wrath, 482, 3793, 3863. A.S. wræðo, wrath.

Wreðed = wreðeð, is angry, 1584. A.S. wraðian, to be angry.

Wrigtful, guilty, 2204. A.S. wróht; Da. rygte, a crime.

Wrigteleslike, guiltlessly, 2076. A.S. wróhtlíc, accusing.

Wrim, reptile, 169, 187, 299. A.S. wyrm, a worm, reptile, serpent.

Wrim-kin, serpents, 3895.

Writ, 1974.

Wriðel, herbs (?), from Du. wortel, an herb, 3153. The A.S. wríðels, a band, fillet, cover, does not help us to explain this satisfactorily. Is wríðel written for wrixel, change, alternation, course?

Wrocte, hurt, 230. A.S. wrécan, to afflict. Wrocte is the pret. of werken = wreken, to hurt. Cf. wirm and wrim, werk and wrek, etc.

Wrogt, Wrogte, wrought, did, made, 40, 61, 249; done, 1150; bestowed, 1812.

Wrogten, (pl.) wrought, struggled, 1470; did, 529, 547, 4069.

Wroken, turned, 3191. A.S. wrécan, to banish, afflict (pret. wrǽc; p.p. wrecen).

Wrong, squeezed, 2064. A.S. wringan (pret. wrang; p.p. wrungen), to wring, press.

Wrot, wrote, 462, 523, 2524, 2527.

Wroutis, wrought them, 156.

Wroð, angry, 1215, 1735. A.S. wráð.

Wroð = worð, became, 3013.

Wude, wood, 476, 1306. A.S. wude, wudu.

Wudes, woods, 473.

Wukes, weeks, 2473. A.S. wuce, wucu.

Wulde, would, 214, 846, 1195, 2430.

Wulden, (pl.) would, 1071, 1075, 3324.

Wuldet, would it, 969.

Wunded, wounded, 853. A.S. wúndian, to wound.

Wunden, wrapped up, 2597. A.S. windan.

Wunder, sin, mischief, 69, 3588, 3977. S.Sax. wundre, mischief.

Wunderlike, wonderfully, 585.

Wune, (sb.) custom, 494, 1639, 1681, 1806, 3857; wise, manner, 971, 1345, 1405, 1652; practices, 676; abilities, 1910; privilege, 1501. A.S. wune, practice, custom.

Wune, abode, 513, 3370. See Wunen.

Wune, wont, 1504, 1530, 2066, 2080.

Wune, to dwell, 785.

Wune, (pl.) dwell, 1156, 1254.

Wune = wunede, dwelt, 1842.

Wuned, Wunede, abode, dwelt, 789, 811, 825, 1133, 1167, 1249, 1282.

Wuneden, (pl.) dwelt, 3122, 3845.

Wunen, to dwell, 306, 367, 404, 406, 1863, 1898. A.S. wunian, to dwell, inhabit.

Wunen, (pl.) dwell, 300, 332, 932, 2464.

Wunen, custom, fashion, 688; customs, laws, 3137; abilities, 3482.

Wunen, accustomed, 2900, 3289.

Wunes, customs, usages, 1480, 2293; practices, 539; privileges, 1495.

Wuneð, dwells, 465, 2410.

Wuniende, dwelling, 2742.

Wurd, word, 736.

Wurd = wurð, became, 995, 1197.

Wurdes, words, 2818, 3726.

Wurlike = wurðlike, worthily, 1456.

Wursipe, worship, honour, 2757. A.S. wurðscipe.

Wursiped, honoured, 511.

Wurt, wort, herb, 119. A.S. wurt.

Wurðe, 'wel wurðe,' well worth! 155. Cf. 'woe worth the day,' etc.

Wurð, Wurðe, became, 57, 272, 283, 284, 598, 634, 677, 721, 993, 999, 1175, 1462, 1494, 2218, 3196; shall be, 1564, 2057, 2058, 2074; let be, 3483.

Wurðe = wurð he, he shall be, 1943.

Wurðe = wurðede, honoured, 1826.

Wurðede, became, 1528, 2011.

Wurðed, Wurðede, honoured, 1010, 1012, 1629, 1845, 1924.

Wurðeden, (pl.) honoured, 1922.

Wurðeden, (pl.) became, 2946.

Wurðelike, honourably, worthily, 1518, 2760. A.S. wyrðlíc, wurðlíc, worthy.

Wurðen, (pl.) became, 286, 667, 831, 2050, 2297; (sbj. pl.) 3559, 3721.

Wurðen, to be, become, exist, 41, 53, 510, 641, 2411, 2427, 2816, 3928.

A.S. weorðan, wurðan, to become, to be, happen (pret. wearð; p.p. geworden).

Wurðen, honour, 2463. A.S. wurðian, wyrðian, to honour.

Wurðful, honourable, 2678. A.S. wyrð-full, honourable.

Wurðfulhed, honour, 3499.

Wurði, worthy, 1012, 1501, 3753.

Wurðing, Wurðinge, honour, respect, 33, 133, 684, 892, 1550, 1774, 2140, 3787. A.S. wurðung, honour.

Ybiried, 2520.

Ydeles, idols, 1871.

Ydolatrie, 695.

Ymong, among, 3419.

Ynog, enough, 3670.

Ynug, enough, 2156.

Y-oten, called, 2416. See Hoten.

Yre, iron, 2452.

Ys, ice, 99.

Yses, ice's, 97.

Yuel, wicked, bad, 1074, 1186.

Ywel, evil, harm, 788.

Ywis, certainly, truly indeed, 159. A.S. gewís.


Aaraon, Aaron, 3063, 3082, 3379, 3387, 3489, 3540, 3543, 3546, 3633, 3750, 3785, 3799, 3837, 3864, 3884, 3890.

Abel, 419, 426, 430, 921.

Abimalech, 1172, 1175, 1189, 1267, 1525.

Abiron, 3757, 3766.

Abraham = Amram, 2588.

Abraham, 995, 998, 1006, 1008, 1009, 1019, 1028, 1031, 1036, 1047, 1161, 1184, 1189, 1196, 1209, 1217, 1267, 1274, 1277, 1285, 1299, 1307, 1313, 1323, 1327, 1331, 1337, 1347, 1355, 1359, 1386, 1403, 1445, 1448, 1464, 1477, 1612, 2426, 3202, 3477, 3479.

Abram, Habram, 708, 710, 720, 721, 730, 734, 736, 737, 740, 741, 755, 757, 759, 762, 771, 780, 781, 798, 805, 809, 811, 818, 822, 824, 825, 862, 870, 872, 878, 880, 888, 892, 895, 898, 913, 920, 925, 935, 948, 961, 965, 967, 986, 988, 995, 3564.

Adam, 86, 199, 231, 238, 292, 296, 353, 356, 390, 397, 410, 412, 422, 424, 428, 429, 442, 445, 493, 498, 502, 541, 817, 1896, 3476.

Adama, 838.

Adda, 455.

Adonay, 2902.

Agar, 965, 970, 973, 1223, 1249, 1265, 1446.

Ai, Ay, 760, 800.

Amalec, Amalech, 3369, 3384, 3391, 3395.

Amon, 1157.

Amonit, 1158.

Amonaphis, Monophis, 2545, 2569.

Amrame, 3472.

Amorreos, 3911.

Anel, 821, 865.

Arabie, 1254, 3322, 3879.

Arabit, 1203.

Aram, 709, 711, 727, 735, 1599.

Archim, 3881.

Arfaxath, 701.

Armenie, 595.

Arnon, 3914.

Assaroth, 3687.

Babel, 671.

Bal, 691.

Bala, 838.

Bala, Balaam, 1694, 1698, 1699, 1890.

Balaac, 3919, 3937, 3941, 3989, 3995, 3999, 4011.

Balaam, 1354, 3922, 3927, 3939, 3957, 3962, 3975, 3985, 3989.

Balim, 690.

Basaan, 3916.

Batuel, 1376, 1384, 1385.

Bel, 689, 691.

Beland, 690.

Belum, 685.

Belus, 675.

Belphegor, 4070.

Beniamin, 1885, 2185, 2189, 2231, 2233, 2240, 2281, 2296, 2309, 2335, 2368, 2369.

Bersabe, 1274, 1291, 1344, 1523, 1598.

Beseel, Besseleel, 3533, 3621.

Betel, 760, 800, 1883.

Bozra, 1902.

Buz, 1353.

Buzites, 1354.

Cabroth, 3686.

Cadalamor, 841.

Cade, 1168.

Cades, 3707, 3854.

Caim, Caym, 416, 426, 430, 442, 446, 476, 529.

Caldea, 713.

Calef, Caleph, 3725, 3739, 4095.

Cam, 558.

Canaan, Canahan, Cananeam, Caynan, Chanaan, 498, 726, 743, 798, 1590, 1600, 1746, 1785, 2157, 2391, 3349, 4028.

Caram, 1361, 1741.

Cariatharbe, 813.

Cariatht, 815.

Cedar, 1257.

Cedima, 1263.

Ceturam, 1446.

Chore, 3748, 3781.

Cratonide, 1449.

Damak, 931.

Damask, Damaske, 207, 761, 879.

Dathan, 3757, 3766.

Dede Se, 750.

Dina, Dinam, 1705, 1847.

Dirima, 1260.

Dotayin, 1934.

Duma, 1259.

Ebron, 811, 1891, 1931, 2424, 2487, 2520, 3715.

Ebris, Ebrisse, 2451, 2540, 2858, 2950.

Ebru, Ebrius, 917, 2607, 2657, 2674, 3051, 3220, 3609, 4035, 4137.

Eden, 433.

Edom, 3877.

Edon, 1901.

Effraym, 2151.

Egipte, Egypte, 764, 785, 790, 797, 802, 1953, 1990, 2374, 2444, 2469, 2489, 2545, 2611, 2646, 2671, 2680, 2683, 2708, 2767, 2802, 2857, 2872, 2951, 2990, 3018, 3020, 3072, 3125, 3160, 3163, 3167, 3170, 3178, 3195, 3216, 3257, 3312, 3440, 3475, 3560, 3720, 3724, 3736, 4088.

Egypcien, Egipcien, 2723, 3103, 3271, 3278.

Eleazar, Eliazar, 3885, 4091, 4111.

Eliab, 3622.

Eliezer, 931, 1359, 1383, 1396, 1399, 1416, 1429, 1438, 2766.

Elim, 3303, 3307, 3309.

Eliopoleos, 2643.

Eliopoli, 2003.

Eliv, 1354.

Ely, 2904.

Emor, 1843, 1853.

Engle, 3158.

Engleis, 14.

Eno, 435.

Enoch, 499, 503, 513.

Enos, 442, 494, 498.

Erebis, 3359.

Esau, 1472, 1481, 1491, 1499, 1529, 1540, 1543, 1796, 1823, 1836, 1899.

Esdras, 4153.

Ethan, 3209.

Ethiops, 2875.

Ethiopien, 2667, 2689.

Eufrate, 1255.

Eue, Eua, 86, 292, 296, 317, 321, 333, 410, 412, 416, 418, 422, 424, 428, 817.

Excol, 821, 865.

Exodus, 2538.

Faga, 4013.

Fegor, 4031.

Faraon. See Pharao.

Fasga, 4129.

Finees, 4079.

Galaad, Galaað, 1744, 1780, 1951.

Genesis, 414, 2522.

Geraris, 1167.

Gerasis, 1432, 1516.

Gerlon, 2766.

Gersen, 2353, 2364, 2396, 2414, 2709, 3006, 3051, 3121.

Gibi, 826.

Gomorra, 839.

Hamones, 2641.

Heber, 702.

Hur (Ur), 725.

Hur, 3379.

Hus, 1350.

Iaboch, 3371.

Iabok, 3914.

Iacabeð, Iakabeð, 2589, 2623.

Iacob, 820, 1473, 1482, 1485, 1487, 1491, 1494, 1539, 1551, 1562, 1566, 1578, 1581, 1593, 1595, 1597, 1617, 1631, 1643, 1649, 1657, 1666, 1669, 1675, 1679, 1688, 1709, 1724, 1727, 1732, 1742, 1750, 1756, 1771, 1783, 1797, 1811, 1814, 1891, 1906, 1909, 1928, 1930, 1966, 1970, 1974, 2158, 2220, 2226, 2238, 2385, 2391, 2397, 2417, 2474, 2784, 3564.

Iannes, 2959.

Iaphet, 558.

Iareth, 499, 3908.

Ihesus, Iesus, 85, 254, 260, 386, 388, 507.

Ierusalem, 890, 3904.

Ierico, 3918.

Ietro, 2741, 2832, 3399, 3403, 3435.

Iewes, 506.

Ihesum (Joshua), 3375.

Iobal, 455, 459.

Iosep, Ioseph, 1907, 1931, 1955, 1961, 1996, 2002, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2016, 2031, 2038, 2051, 2067, 2085, 2092, 2093, 2117, 2119, 2124, 2139, 2147, 2154, 2162, 2167, 2191, 2198, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2229, 2253, 2257, 2283, 2298, 2310, 2312, 2329, 2343, 2360, 2361, 2367, 2382, 2393, 2421, 2433, 2489, 3182, 3200, 3482.

Iosephus, 1281.

Iosu, Iosue, 3568, 3571, 3725, 3739, 4095, 4109, 4116.

Iraab, 442.

Israel, 2381, 3214, 3245, 3268, 3373, 3376, 3406, 3449, 4014, 4023, 4048, 4066, 4149.

Issa, 233.

Iudas, Vdas, 1696, 1949, 1954, 2333, 3252.

Iurdan, Iordon, Iurdon, 806, 868, 1799, 2486, 3915.

Laban, 1395, 1421, 1582, 1596, 1644, 1655, 1658, 1663, 1674, 1676, 1681, 1689, 1710, 1713, 1727, 1733, 1735, 1739, 1749, 1756, 1769, 1775, 1781.

Lamech, 444, 447, 453, 465, 471, 482.

Leui, 1696, 1862.

Lia, Liam, 820, 1676, 1695, 1702, 1703, 1705.

Lote, Loth, 711, 723, 730, 734, 799, 805, 859, 885, 919, 1053, 1065, 1069, 1083, 1091, 1094, 1099, 1133.

Luz, Luzan, 1603, 1629.

Madian, 2738, 3920, 3950.

Malaleel, 443, 499.

Mambre, 810, 821, 865, 1033, 1165.

Mambres, 2959.

Manaim, 1789.

Manassen, 2151.

Marath, 3299.

Maria, 2601, 2615, 3688.

Matusale, 443, 514, 515.

Melca, 1349, 1377.

Melcam, Melcham, 712, 719, 729.

Melchisedech, 891.

Memphin, 2669.

Mesopotaniam, Mesopothaniam, Mesopotanie, 728, 1360, 1745.

Metodius, 517.

Michael, 3609.

Moab, 3917, 4041, 4133.

Morie, 1293.

Moysen, Moses, Moyses, Moysi, 1903, 2523, 2587, 2631, 2676, 2687, 2691, 2706, 2717, 2725, 2729, 2735, 2750, 2769, 2781, 2806, 2831, 2856, 2859, 2871, 2907, 2909, 2916, 2979, 2981, 3001, 3011, 3015, 3024, 3032, 3034, 3055, 3057, 3063, 3075, 3082, 3083, 3101, 3109, 3113, 3117, 3121, 3133, 3180, 3187, 3230, 3231, 3241, 3249, 3251, 3273, 3285, 3302, 3317, 3331, 3343, 3355, 3374, 3381, 3390, 3397, 3399, 3401, 3403, 3407, 3428, 3444, 3449, 3452, 3467, 3472, 3523, 3527, 3537, 3542, 3553, 3557, 3567, 3573, 3575, 3596, 3618, 3629, 3653, 3671, 3689, 3693, 3730, 3741, 3747, 3750, 3758, 3768, 3770, 3771, 3792, 3799, 3817, 3855, 3864, 3898, 4071, 4085, 4091, 4093, 4099, 4105, 4117, 4138, 4145.

Nabachot, 1253.

Nacor, Nachor, 703, 710, 719, 729, 734, 1377, 1384.

Nemboc, 4129.

Nembrot, 659, 673.

Neptalim, 1700.

Nilus, 676.

Noe, 516, 557, 566, 575, 580, 614, 621, 906.

Non, 3488.

Oba, 879.

Ortigie, 3675. "Þe same Delon hatte Ortygia; for ortigie (þat beeþ coturnicies, curlewes,) beeþ þerynne greet plenté."—(Higden's Polychronicon, vol. i., p. 309.)

Oswas, 3747.

Pasche, 3157.

Pentapolis, 747, 837.

Phaleth, 702.

Pharan, 1248, 3646, 3696.

Pharao, Pharaon, Pharraon, Pharaun, 774, 1171, 2073, 2095, 2118, 2126, 2137, 2187, 2357, 2394, 2399, 2411, 2539, 2569, 2634, 2733, 2795, 2837, 2862, 2869, 2881, 2931, 2940, 2957, 2965, 2986, 3002, 3008, 3013, 3016, 3022, 3029, 3053, 3064, 3073, 3091, 3098, 3109, 3117, 3123, 3212, 3213, 3259, 3404.

Pharaoth (Pi-hahiroth), 3210.

Putifar, Putiphar, 1991, 1995, 2009, 2037, 2145.

Rachel, 1646, 1653, 1669, 1683, 1688, 1690, 1693, 1697, 1700, 1707, 1886.

Raguel, 2741.

Ramese, Ramesen, 2416, 2553, 3203.

Rafadim, 3352, 3370.

Rebecca, 819, 1376, 1393, 1407, 1422, 1460, 1534, 1579, 1587.

Rede Se, Reade Se, 1450, 2670.

Reu, 703.

Ruben, 1696, 1890, 1939, 1959.

Saba, 2686.

Sale, 701.

Salam, 891.

Salamon, 1296, 1877.

Salem, 904, 1842, 1857.

Salmona, 3893.

Sarra, Sarrai, Sarray, Saram, 711, 741, 765, 772, 773, 777, 799, 818, 963, 969, 973, 996, 1023, 1170, 1178, 1192, 1196, 1215, 1345.

Saruch, 703.

Seboys, 838.

Sede (Seth), 4042.

Sella, 465.

Sem, 558, 701, 903.

Seth, Seht, 425, 493, 498, 540.

Seon, 3911.

Sephora, Sephoram, 2763, 2839, 2847, 3401.

Seyr, 1836, 1899, 3847.

Sichem, 744, 1706, 1841, 1852, 1855, 1863, 1929, 1933.

Sichin, 4066.

Sin, 3308.

Sinay, 3309.

Siðhinges lond, 1288.

Sodoma, Sodome, 839, 887, 909, 1034, 1050, 1052, 1163.

Sochot, Sokoht, Sokoth, 1840, 1841, 3203, 3209.

Sur, 3296.

Symeon, 1696, 1855, 1862, 2196, 2197, 2265.

Syna, Synai, Synay, 2853, 2879, 3362, 3438, 3599, 3640, 3850.

Syon-gaber, 3698.

Tarbis, 2689, 2695.

Thare, 703, 725, 732, 735.

Tharam (Charam), 1634.

Tema, 1261.

Teman, 1262.

Teremuth, 2603, 2615, 2628, 2629, 2675.

Tubal, 466.

Tur ader, 1889.

Vephres, 2540.

Ydumea, Ydumeam, 1575, 1900.

Ysaac, 819, 1198, 1207, 1211, 1213, 1266, 1283, 1287, 1305, 1321, 1325, 1336, 1363, 1406, 1408, 1432, 1451, 1455, 1459, 1475, 1479, 1513, 1527, 1595, 1612, 1656, 1893, 1905, 2784, 3480, 3481.

Ysakar, 1704.

Ysmael, 1000, 1203, 1212, 1214, 1216, 1223, 1245, 1249, 1265, 1455, 1458.

Ysrael, 3381, 3678.

Zabri, 4081.

Zabulon, 1704.

Zelfa, 1678, 1701.



Cedima, s. ða, adv. or pron. 36/1264.

Bozra. See ða.

Eua, s. Sarra, s. 24/818. See woa.

Fasga, s. ðoa, adv. 117/4130.

Gomorra, s. ðoa, adv. 24/840.

Lia. See Rebecca.

Oba, s. woa, s. 26/880.

Rebecca, s. Lia, s. 24/820.

Salmona, s. ðoa, adv. 110/3894.

Sarra. See Eua.

Syna, s. ðor-fra, adv. 82/2880.

ða, adv. Bozra, s. 55/1902. See Cedima.

ðoa. See Fasga, Gomorra, Salmona.

ðor-fra. See Syna.

woa, s. Eua, s. 7/238. See Oba.


Iraab. See bad.


Balaac, s. spac, pret. 114/4030.

Ysaac, s. swac, a. 44/1528; vn-swac, a. 35/1212. See wac.

spac. See Balaac.

swac. See Ysaac.

vn-swac. See Ysaac.

wac, a. Ysaac, s. 34/1198.


Adad. See rad.

bad, pret. glad, a. 69/2434, 81/2836; Iraab, s. 13/442; rad, a. 29/998; sad, pp. 2/58, 4/116. See rad.

glad, a. sad, (?) 115/4052. See bad.

mad, pp. rad, a. 78/2730; sad, pp. 7/208; shad, pp. 5/148.

rad, a. or pp. Adad, s. 71/2482; bad, pret. 18/618, 103/3618; sad, pp. 51/1784. See bad, mad.

sad. See bad, glad, mad, rad, un-mad.

shad. See mad.

un-mad, a. sad, pp. 20/672.


laden. See waden.

waden, inf. laden, pp. 52/1800.


chaf, s. gaf, pret. 82/2890.

cuuel-staf. See gaf.

gaf, pret. cuuel-staf, s. 105/3710. See chaf.


craf[t]. See saft.

saft, s. craf[t], s. 111/3900.


sag, pret. [ðag], 64/2254.


age, s. lage, s. 115/4058. See dage, lage, ut-lage.

dage, s. dat. pl. age, s. 101/3546.

felage, s. [vn-]lage, s. 51/1762.

hore-plage, s. lage, s. 115/4068. See vn-lage.

lage, s. age, s. 103/3632. See age, hore-plage, plage, sage.

plage, s. lage, s. 16/538.

sage, s. lage, s. 118/4154.

vn-lage, s. hore-plage, s. 16/530.

[vn-]lage. See felage.

ut-lage, s. age, s. 13/432.


agen. See to-dragen.

dagen, s. pl. See of-slagen.

dagen, inf. See fagen.

dragen, inf. See fagen.

dragen, pp. sagen, s. 1/14. See on-sagen, slagen, uuerslagen.

fagen, a. dagen, inf. 1/16; dragen, inf. 67/2360, 68/2378; un-slagen, a. 38/1332; vt-dragen, pp. 81/2856. See slagen.

of-slagen, pp. dagen, s. dat. pl. 116/4078.

on-sagen, s. dragen, pp. 59/2046.

sagen. See dragen, pp.

slagen, pp. dragen, pp. 98/3458, 106/3722, 108/3806; fagen, a. 15/510, 25/854, 101/3560; up-dragen, pp. 53/1858; wið-dragen, inf. 17/592. See wið-dragen, pp.

to-dragen, inf. agen, s. 6/192.

un-slagen. See fagen.

up-dragen. See slagen.

vt-dragen. See fagen.

uuerslagen, s. dragen, pp. 90/3156.

wið-dragen, inf. See slagen.

wið-dragen, pp. slagen, pp. 113/3984.


dages, s. pl. lages, s. pl. 117/4120.

lages. See dages, plages, daiges.

plages, s. pl. lages, s. pl. 102/3576.


agt. See bi-tagt.

bi-lagt, pp. bi-tagt, pp. 23/774.

bi-tagt, pp. agt, s. 27/924, 117/4122; hagt, s. 59/2044; nagt, s. 48/1678, 109/3832. See bi-lagt, lagt.

dragt, s. tagt, pp. 106/3746. See tagt.

hagt. See bi-tagt, lagt, twin-manslagt.

lagt, pp. bi-tagt, pp. 75/2622; hagt, s. 60/2082; nagt, s. 89/3142.

nagt, s. tagt. pp. 111/3928. See bi-tagt, lagt.

tagt, pp. dragt, s. 103/3624. See dragt, nagt.

twin-manslagt, s. hagt, s. 14/486.

-AI, -AY

ay, adv. day, s. 3/88, 5/156; may, v. 1/6. See sunenday.

awai. See dai.

dai, s. awai, adv. 18/616; a-wei, adv. 50/1750, 66/2306; awei, adv. 98/3440; lay, pret. 94/3312; mai, v. 10/314, 78/2748, 80/2820, 89/3144, 92/3234; wei, s. 103/3642. See mai, wei.

day, s. wey, s. 78/2722. See ay, lay, s., lay, pret.

domes-dai, s. mai, v. 19/646.

domes-day, s. may, v. 15/506.

lay, s. day, s. 35/1202.

lay, pret. day, s. 39/1362. See dai.

mai, v. dai, s. 19/652. See dai, domesdai.

may. See ay, domes-day.

munendai. See sunedai.

sunedai, s. munendai, s. 3/72.

sunenday, s. ay, adv. 8/262.


daiges, s. pl. daiges, s. pl. 71/2472; lages, s. pl. 70/2446; laiges, s. pl. 70/2456; la[i]ges, s. pl. 98/3454.


make, v. sbj. take, v. sbj. 99/3494.

make, v. imper. take, v. sbj. 98/3456.

quake. See gate.

sake, s. wrake, s. 16/552. See snake.

snake, s. sake, s. 80/2806.

take. See make (both).

wrake. See sake.


maked, pp. waked, pp. 72/2516. See waked.

naked, a. waked, pp. 11/360.

waked, pp. maked, pp. 70/2470. See maked, naked.


bi-waken. See smaken.

for-saken, pp. taken, inf. 108/3812.

laken, inf. waken, inf. 35/1232.

maken, v. pl. raken, inf. 61/2132.

maken. inf. taken, inf. 38/1340, 100/3530, 115/4038. See ouer-taken, sake[n], taken (both), up-taken, waken.

ouer-taken, pp. maken, inf. 26/878.

raken. See maken, v. pl., taken, inf.

sake[n], s. maken, inf. 106/3732. See taken, inf.

smaken, inf. bi-waken, inf. 70/2444.

taken, inf. maken, inf. 77/2698, 87/3070, 101/3548; raken, inf. 94/3324; sake[n], s. 40/1392. See for-saken, maken, inf.

taken, pp. maken, inf. 38/1312, 107/3756.

up-taken, inf. maken, inf. 9/278.

waken, inf. maken, inf. 73/2552. See laken.


quakeð, v. 3 sg. up-wakeð, v. 3 sg. 98/3466


al. See wal, s.

Bal, s. wið-al, adv. 20/692.

Iobal, s. wal, a. 14/456.

moal, s. natural, a. 3/82.

sal, v. sal, v. 114/4010; wið-al, adv. 54/1878. See wal, a.

ðral, s. vt-stal, pret. 82/2882.

wal, s. al, a. 4/98.

wal, a. sal, v. 103/3636. See Iobal.

wið-al. See Bal, sal.


[bale], s. male, s. 1/22.

bale, s. tale, s. 16/548, 72/2526. See dale, dwale, tale.

bridale. See tale.

dale, s. bale, s. 25/850, 32/1122, 34/1166, 57/1984; dwale, s. 1/20; tale, s. 22/746, 33/1132; wale, a. 26/888. See dwale, tale, wale, s.

dwale, s. bale, s. 3/68; dale, s. 30/1038; smale, a. 115/4056. See dale, tale.

male. See [bale].

smale. See dwale, tale.

tale, s. bale, s. 10/322, 58/2038; bridale, s. 48/1674; dale, s. 5/142; dwale, s. 35/1220, 97/3404; smale, a. pl. 1/18, 19/656, 82/2892. See bale, dale.

wale, s. dale, s. 24/810, 39/1356.

wale, a. See dale.


Ierusalem. See Salem.

Salem, s. Ierusalem, s. 26/890.


Abraham, s. bi-cam, pret. 29/996, 40/1404; cam, pret. 36/1268; Canaan, s. 99/3478; Ceturam, s. 42/1446; for-ðan, adv. 34/1190; nam, pret. 35/1210, 35/1218. See am, cam, nam, ðan.

Abram, s. ham, v. 27/926; Iurdan, s. 23/806; leman, s. 23/782; man, s. 26/910. See Aram, cam, Melcam, bi-gan.

Adam, s. cam, pret. 7/224, 12/416, 13/446; nam, pret. 6/200. See cam, nam.

am, v. Abraham, s. 46/1612.

Aram, s. Abram, s. 21/710, 22/736; Mesopothaniam, s. 21/728; nam, pret. 46/1600.

Balaam, s. nam, pret. 112/3940. See cam, nam.

bi-cam, pret. nam, pret. 58/2008; up-nam, pret. 86/3024. See Abraham, nam.

bi-nam. See cam, Dinam.

cam, pret. Abraham, s. 40/1386; Abram, s. 21/708; Adam, s. 6/172, 11/356; Balaam, s. 39/1354; bi-nam, pret. 32/1110; Liam, s. 48/1676; nam, pret. 20/698, 40/1402, 41/1436, 43/1490, 52/1824, 57/1988, 74/2604, 76/2668, 88/3096, 92/3254. See Abraham, Adam, Cananeam, nam, under-nam.

Canaan. See Abraham.

Cananeam, s. cam, pret. 51/1786; nam, pret. 22/744. See Mesopotaniam.

Ceturam. See Abraham.

Dinam, s. bi-nam, pret. 49/1706.

gram. See nam.

Habram, s. nam, pret. 22/758.

ham. See Abram.

Liam. See cam.

Melcam, s. Abram, s. 21/720, 21/730.

Mesopotaniam, s. Cananeam, s. 50/1746.

Mesopothaniam. See Aram.

nam, pret. Abraham, s. 79/2784; Adam, s. 3/86, 10/338; Balaam, s. 49/1698; bi-cam, pret. 50/1744, 61/2148, 80/2808; cam, pret. 39/1366, 78/2738, 81/2854, 93/3262; Canahan, s. 21/726; gram, a. 35/1228; Laban, s. 48/1654; Saram, s. 34/1178; Sellam, s. 14/454. See Abraham, Adam, Aram, Balaam, bi-cam, cam, Cananeam, Habram, Sephoram, wið-ðan, tok.

ouer-cam, pret. Tharam, s. 47/1634.

Saram. See nam.

Sellam. See nam.

Sephoram, s. nam, pret. 79/2764, 81/2840.

Tharam. See ouer-cam.

under-nam, pret. cam, pret. 45/1554.

up-nam. See bi-cam.


frame, s. name, s. 5/134, 53/1838; tame, a. pl. 6/174. See name.

hun-frame. See same.

lichame. See same.

name, s. frame, s. 18/626, 73/2540; same, s. 7/234, 9/302, 13/436; un-frame, s. 45/1566. See frame, tame, un-frame.

same, s. hun-frame, s. 16/554; lichame, s. 11/350. See name, tame.

tame, a. pl. name, s. 7/222; same, s. 85/2972. See frame.

un-frame, s. name, s. 86/3038. See name.


framen. See samen, to samen.

gamen, s. samen, adv. 12/412, 58/2016. See name[n], un-framen.

name[n], s. gamen, s. 99/3498.

samen, adv. framen, inf. 47/1642. See gamen.

to samen, adv. framen, v. 89/3146.

un-framen, inf. gamen, s. 35/1214.


Basaan. See Iordan.

bi-gan, pret. Abram, s. 27/922. See man, wapman.

Caynan. See can.

can, v. Caynan, s. 15/498; ouer-man, s. 97/3424. See man.

Canaan, s. gan, pret. 95/3350. See man.

Canahan. See nam.

Chanaan, s. for-ðan, adv. 62/2158; man, s. 68/2392.

for-ðan, conj. See man.

for-ðan, adv. Madian, s. 111/3920; Teman, s. 36/1262. See Abraham, Chanaan, Laban, man.

forð-ran, pret. wimman, s. 75/2620.

gan, pret. Laban, s. 45/1582, 47/1644; man, s. 81/2832; Pharan, s. 104/3646. See Canaan, man, ran.

Iordan, s. Basaan, s. 111/3916. See ðan.

Iurdan. See Abram.

Laban, s. for-ðan, adv. 41/1422. See nam, gan, ran.

leman. See Abram.

Madian. See for-ðan, adv., man.

man, s. bi-gan, pret. 6/188, 7/236, 13/448, 69/2408; can, v. 76/2650, 82/2872, 97/3426; Canaan, s. 23/798; for-ðan, conj. 57/1996; for-ðan, adv. 86/3028; forðan, adv. 90/3162; gan, pret. 116/4080; Madian, s. 78/2742; ðan, pron. 80/2792. See Abram, Chanaan, gan, ðan, wið-ðan, Moysen.

ouer-man. See can.

Pharan. See gan, ðan.

ran, pret. gan, pret. 44/1534; Laban, s. 40/1394.

san, s. (= schond). wimman, s. 11/374.

Teman. See for-ðan, adv.

ðan, pron. Abraham, s. 91/3202; Iordan, s. 25/868; man, s. 14/472; Pharan, s. 36/1248, 105/3696. See man.

wapman, s. bi-gan, pret. 29/1002.

wimman. See forð-ran, san.

wið-ðan, adv. man, s. 40/1410; nam, pret. 14/482.


dranc. See ðhanc.

ranc. See swanc.

swanc, pret. ranc, pret. 48/1658.

ðhanc, s. dranc, pret. 48/1660.


fand, ? land, s. 106/3738.


specande, pres. p. lockende, pres. p. 80/2822.


hane. See wane.

wane, a. hane, 95/3354.


Agar, s. bar, pret. 28/966, 36/1250.

bar, pret. Ysakar, s. 49/1704; war, a. 38/1308, 42/1462, 59/2062, 62/2150, 113/3966. See Agar, Cedar, war.

Cedar, s. bar, pret. 36/1258.

Eleazar, s. war, a. 117/4112.

Eliazar, s. or, adv. 116/4092.

Ysakar. See bar.

Putifar, s. to-bar, pret. 61/2146.

war, a. bar, pret. 21/722. See bar, Eleazar.


forward. See hard, on hard, stiward.

hard, a. forward, s. 64/2236, 87/3062, 88/3100. See wiðer-ward.

hard, adv. See heuene-ward.

heuene-ward, adv. hard, adv. 86/3026.

on hard, pp. forward, s. 86/3014.

stiward, s. forward, s. 57/1992, 65/2264.

wiðer-ward, a. hard, a. 84/2936.


care, s. fare, s. 41/1434; gare, adv. 12/390; lecher-fare, s. 23/776.

chafare, s. ware, s. 56/1952.

chare, v. sbj. See fare, inf.

fare, s. gare, adv. 90/3180; ware, s. 57/1990, 79/2772. See care.

fare, inf. chare, v. sbj. 68/2390;

fare, v. 1 sg. See ware.

gare. See care, fare, s., vt-fare.

lecher-fare. See care.

vt-fare, pres. subj. gare, a. or adv. 82/2866.

ware, s. fare, v. 1 sg. 27/930. See chafare, fare, s.


baren. See mis-faren, inf.

charen, inf. ut-faren, inf. 87/3056. See faren, inf., mis-faren, pp.

charen, v. pl. See faren (both).

faren, inf. charen, inf. 49/1712, 70/2436, 110/3878; charen, v. pl. 86/3010; garen, inf. 5/138, 90/3168. See garen.

faren, v. pl. charen, v. pl. 105/3704; waren, inf. 62/2154.

for-faren, inf. waren, pret. 31/1088. See vt-pharen.

garen, inf. faren, inf. 41/1418, 46/1596. See faren, inf.

mis-faren, inf. baren, inf. 55/1912.

mis-faren, pp. charen, inf. 113/3986.

ut-faren. See charen, inf.

vt-pharen, inf. for-faren, inf. 86/3018, 87/3072.

waren, inf. See faren, v. pl.

waren, pret. See for-faren.


sarp, a. warp, pret. 102/3578.


bras, s. was, pret. 14/462, 14/468, 100/3532, 108/3790. See was.

Iudas. See was.

was, pret. bras, s. 111/3898; Gerasis, s. 41/1432; Iudas, s. 49/1696. See bras.


Gerasis. See was.


blast, s. fast, adv. 100/3522; gast, s. 6/202. See cast.

brast. See fast.

cast, pret. blast, s. 98/3464.

fast, adv. brast, pret. 52/1808. See blast.

gast. See blast.


bat. See sat.

bi-gat, pret. ðat, pron. 50/1728. See mat, sat, get, adv.

for-gat. See ðat.

for-quat, adv. ðat, pron. 34/1180, 59/2054.

mat, a. bi-gat, pret. 46/1590.

reclefat. See ðat.

reklefat, s. ðat, pron. 107/3762.

sat, s. bat, pret. 26/882; bi-gat, pret. 23/796; ðat, pron. 90/3170.

ðat, pron. for-gat, pret. 60/2092; reclefat, s. 107/3782. See bi-gat, for-quat, reklefat, sat.


gate, s. quake, 30/1054.


Galaað. See glað.

glað, a. Galaað, s. 51/1780.


Marath, s. wlath, a. 94/3300.


glaðe, a. scaðe, s. 66/2298.

raðe, adv. scaðe, s. 66/2314.

scaðe. See glaðe, raðe.


haue. See knaue.

knaue, s. haue, inf. 81/2848.


auen. See grauen, pp.

bi-crauen. See hauen, inf.

caue[n], s. grauen, pp. 33/1138.

crauen, inf. hauen, inf. 48/1668. See hauen, inf.

crauen, v. pl. hauen, v. pl. 90/3172.

grauen, inf. See hauen, v. pl., ðhauen.

grauen, pp. auen, inf. 43/1512; hauen, inf. 69/2432. See caue[n].

hauen, inf. bi-crauen, inf. 40/1388; crauen, inf. 38/1320, 40/1408, 49/1718, 68/2366, 89/3116. See crauen, inf., grauen, pp., ðauen, inf.

hauen, v. pl. grauen, inf. 107/3778. See crauen, v. pl.

ðauen, inf. hauen, inf. 89/3140.

ðhauen, inf. grauen, inf. 9/276.


be. See fe, me, paschë, se, s., tre.

bee. See bi-se.

Bersabë. See fre, me.

birðheltre, s. he, pron. sg. 4/120.

bi-se, v. bee, v. 116/4108.

ble, s. he, pron. sg. 14/458; se, s. 22/750.

Cariatharbë, s. citë, s. 24/814.

charitë. See fre.

citë, s. se, s. 76/2670. See Cariatharbë.

Cratonidë, s. se, s. 42/1450.

Eufratë, s. se, s. 36/1256.

fe, s. be, v. 23/784. he, pron. sg. 13/440; sre (? fre), a. 58/2018.

fre, a. Bersabë, s. 37/1274; charitë, s. 29/1016; ðre, a. 18/624. See se, s.

he, pron. sg. See birðheltre, ble, fe, Salë.

he, pron. pl. ðhre, a. 5/152. See ðre.

Iosuë, s. ðe, pron. 117/4110.

kne. See Matusalë.

Mambre, s. ðre, a. 29/1006.

Matusalë, s. kne, s. 13/444; Noë, s. 15/516.

me, pron. be, inf. 98/3448; be, sbj. 67/2334; Bersabë, s. 37/1282; se, s. 92/3238; ðe, pron. 37/1290, 113/3976; ðre, a. 60/2078. See ðe.

Noë. See Matusalë, Tharë.

paschë, s. be, v. 90/3158.

Ramesë. See scitë.

Salë, s. he, pron. sg. 21/702.

scitë, s. Ramesë, s. 69/2416.

se, s. be, inf. 32/1124; fre, a. 88/3098, 92/3244; tre, s. 99/3476. See ble, citë, Cratonidë, Eufratë, me.

se, v. 1 sg. ðe, pron. 114/4036.

she, pron. ðe, pron. 55/1926.

sre (for fre). See fe.

Tharë, s. Noë, s. 21/704.

ðe, pron. me, pron. 45/1570. See Iosuë, me, se, v. 1 sg., she.

ðhre. See he, pron. pl.

ðre, a. he, pron. pl. 30/1034. See fre, Mambre, me, win-tre.

tre, s. be, inf. 36/1236. See se, s.

win-tre, s. ðre, a. 59/2060.


abead, pret. See dead, s.

a-bead. See dead, a.

b[e]ad, pret. dead, a. 86/3020, 108/3802.

bead, pret. dead, s. 31/1060, 96/3384, 116/4086; dead, a. 88/3106. See bread, dead, a.

bread, s. bead, pret. 90/3154, 95/3340; for-bead, pp. 95/3332.

dead, s. (= dede). for-bead, pret. 85/2984.

dead, s. abead, pret. 13/422, 110/3862. See bead, for-bead, pret., qu[e]ad, read, s., for-bed, red, s.

dead, a. a-bead, pret. 109/3856; bead, pret. 71/2494, 79/2768; read, s. 100/3508; red, s. 72/2514; un-red, s. 55/1906. See b[e]ad, bead, read, a., opened, red, s.

for-bead, pret. dead, s. 10/312; frigti-hed, s. 16/542. See dead, s.

for-bead, pp. See bread.

qu[e]ad, s. dead, s. 115/4064.

read, s. dead, s. 104/3664. See dead, a.

read, a. dead, a. 84/2946.


bi-leaf. See leaf.

leaf, s. bi-leaf, pret. 79/2776.

-EAI (= AI)

deai. See a-wei.


bernteam. See eam.

eam, s. bernteam, s. 106/3748.


ear, adv. ðear, adv. 31/1090.


Amalech, s. wrech, s. 96/3396.


bed, s. for-dred, pp. 85/2974.

bed, pret. bred, s. 59/2048. See bred, ded.

bred, s. bed, pret. 29/1014. See bed, pret.

ded, s. bed, pret. 8/258. See for-bed.

dred, s. gred, s. 92/3230; red, s. 76/2672, 87/3044; sinfulhed, s. 6/180; sped, s. 74/2576. See red, s., sped, s., reed.

faire-hed. See lechur-hed.

fed, pp. leð, s. 95/3348.

fetthed, s. fulsum-hed, s. 45/1548.

for-bed, pret. dead, s. 38/1330; ded, s. 7/214.

for-dred, pp. for-red, pp. 63/2192; led, pp. 45/1558, 84/2954; red, s. 108/3808; sped, pp. 94/3314. See bed, s.

for-red. See for-dred.

frigti-hed. See for-bead, pret., sped, s.

fulsum-hed. See fetthed.

godefrigtihed, s. red, s. 15/496.

godfulhed. See reed.

gred, s. red, s. 106/3718. See dred.

idel-hed. See led, s.

lechur-hed, s. faire-hed, s. 57/1998.

led, s. idel-hed, s. 2/28.

led, inf. See red, s.

led, pp. spred, pp. 19/650. See for-dred, of-dred.

louerd-hed. See spred.

maiden-hed. See red, s.

manliched, s. red, s. 1/24.

ned, s. red, s. 64/2242. See red, s., sped, s., witter-hed, reed.

of-dred, pp. led, pp. 112/3956.

opened, pp. dead, a. 12/388.

red, s. dead, s. 12/402, 102/3590; dead, a. 51/1768; dred, s. 19/660; led, inf. 115/4060; maiden-hed, s. 53/1852; ned, s. 72/2524; sped, s. 8/240, 9/310, 46/1598, 50/1738, 56/1950, 61/2138, 73/2548, 83/2922, 108/3820, 115/4048. See dead, a., dred, for-dred, godefrigtihed, gred, manliched, ned, sed, sped, s., sped, inf., tamehed, wurðfulhed.

red, inf. sped, s. 81/2830.

rigt-wished. See sped, s.

sed, s. red, s. 46/1614; sped, s. 4/122.

sinfulhed. See dred.

sped, s. dred, s. 54/1880; frigtihed, s. 64/2222; ned, s. 1/26; red, s. 31/1084, 85/2996, 112/3930; reed, s. 35/1222; rigt-wished, s. 27/936. See dred, red, s., red, inf., sed.

sped, inf. red, s. 46/1586.

sped, pp. See for-dred.

spred, pp. louerd-hed, s. 24/832, See led, pp.

tamehed, s. red, s. 43/1486.

un-red. See dead, a.

ut-led, pp. ut-sped, pp. 90/3178.

witter-hed, s. ned, s. 104/3668.

wurðfulhed, s. red, s. 99/3500.


bede, s. dede, pret. 19/632; stede, s. 85/2982, 104/3654, 107/3772.

child-hede. See dede, pret.

dede, s. See stede.

dede, pret. child-hede, s. 76/2652; estdede, s. 79/2758; mide, adv. 71/2478; ride, s. 112/3950; stede, s. 7/212, 20/680, 26/884, 38/1336, 54/1882, 54/1888, 69/2414, 94/3302, 117/4116; ðor-mide, adv. 76/2656. See bede, quede, stede, mide.

estdede. See dede, pret.

for-dede. See stede.

mis-dede, pret. stede, s. 53/1848.

quede, s. dede, pret. 42/1464.

stede, s. dede, s. 15/502; dede, pret. 2/42, 4/118, 18/606, 21/724, 22/762, 37/1298, 37/1302, 50/1742, 54/1896, 56/1948, 57/1986, 70/2468, 75/2630, 75/2638, 91/3204, 95/3346, 110/3890, 114/4016, 117/4140;

for-dede, pret. 13/426. See bede, dede, pret., mis-dede, undede, vn-dede, deden, queðe.

undede, pret. stede, s. 17/582.

vn-dede, pret. stede, s. 84/2956.

wech-dede. See mide.


beden. See deden.

deden, pret. pl. beden, pp. 63/2212; stede, s. 94/3296; stede[n], s. 101/3552; steden, s. sg. 32/1114. See steden, s. pl., abiden.

leden, inf. ðeden, s. pl. 66/2302. See speden.

speden, inf. leden, inf. 66/2304.

stede[n]. See deden.

steden, s. sg. See deden.

steden, s. pl. deden, pret. pl. 98/3442.

ðeden, s. pl. See leden.

ðeden, adv. queðen, inf. 51/1792.


reed, s. dred, s. 20/694; godfulhed, s. 2/56; ned, s. 36/1242. See sped, s.


seen. See ben, inf.

teen. See a-gen, adv.

treen. See ben, inf.


neet, s. pl. gret, a. 60/2098.


Calef, s. lef, a. 106/3740; ref, a. 106/3726.

dref. See lef.

lef, a. dref, s. 118/4144. See Calef, ðef.

ref. See Calef.

ðef, s. lef, a. 51/1774.


bi-teg. See dreg.

dreg, pret. bi-teg, pret. 82/2878; fleg, pret. 13/430. See heg.

fleg, pret. teg, pret. 104/3644. See dreg, teg.

heg, a. dreg, pret. 17/566; ðeg, pret. 58/2012. See ðheg.

neg. See on-dreg.

on-dreg, adv. neg, adv. 94/3320.

steg, pret. teg, pret. 10/320.

teg, pret. fleg, pret. 33/1136. See fleg, steg.

ðeg. See heg.

ðheg, pret. heg, a. 79/2780.

-EI, -EY

a-wei, adv. deai, s. 25/862. See dai, grei.

dei, s. weila-wei, int. 60/2088.

grei, a. a-wei, adv. 50/1724.

wei, s. dai, s. 41/1430. See dai.

wey. See day.

weila-wei. See dei.


leid, pp. seid, pp. 69/2428. See seid.

seid, pp. leid, pp. 69/2426. See leid.


greim. See swem.


a-gein, postp. rein, s. 95/3326.


bi-speken, pret. pl. i-wreken, pp. 53/1856.

breken, sbj. pres. wreken, sbj. pres. 90/3148.

i-wreken. See bi-speken.

reken, a. speken, inf. 99/3486.

speken, inf. vnsteken, inf. 81/2828; wreken, inf. 99/3474; wreken, pp. 58/2028. See reken, vn-reken, wreken, pp.

vn-reken, a. speken, inf. 80/2818.

vnsteken. See speken.

weken. See wreken, pp.

wreken, inf. See speken.

wreken, sbj. pres. See breken.

wreken, pp. speken, inf. 87/3068; weken, pp. 93/3282. See speken.


Abel. See sel.

Anel, s. wel, adv. 24/822, 25/866.

Batuel. See sel.

Beseël, s. wel, adv. 100/3534.

Besseleël, s. wel, adv. 103/3622.

Betel, s. sel, s. 54/1866; wel, adv. 47/1632, 54/1884.

del, s. wel, adv. 17/568, 26/896, 92/3240, 96/3378, 112/3934. See Israel, mel, wel.

hostel, s. kamel, s. 40/1398.

Ysmael, s. mel, s. 36/1246; sel, s. 35/1204, 35/1224; wel, adv. 36/1266, 42/1456.

Israel, s. del, s. 98/3450; Phanuel, s. 52/1820; wel, adv. 52/1816, 68/2382, 82/2864, 92/3246, 96/3374, 96/3392, 114/4024, 118/4150, 118/4152. See sel, wel.

Ysrael, s. wel, adv. 88/3108, 96/3382. See wel.

kamel, s. wel, adv. 40/1380. See hostel.

mel, s. del, s. 43/1510. See Ysmael, sel, wel.

Michael, s. wel, adv. 103/3610.

ostel. See wel.

Phanuel, s. wel, adv. 52/1822. See Israel.

Rachel s. wel, adv. 48/1670, 48/1684. See wel.

sel s. Abel, s. 13/418; Batuel, s. 39/1376; Israel, s. 115/4066; mel, s. 59/2052; sumdel, adv. 79/2770; wel, adv. 32/1096, 43/1504, 44/1546, 73/2542. See Betel, Ysmael, wel.

Smael. See wel.

sumdel. See sel.

wel, adv. del, s. 7/230, 27/914, 31/1062, 32/1092, 38/1324, 41/1444, 58/2010, 83/2906, 97/3422, 113/3988, 114/4014; Israel, s. 97/3406; Ysrael, s. 53/1846, 104/3678; mel, s. 30/1020, 43/1484, 44/1542, 69/2412; ostel, s. 31/1056, 44/1522; Rachel, s. 47/1646; sel, s. 27/928, 30/1032, 34/1184, 68/2388, 74/2582, 99/3502; Smael, s. 28/982; wel, adv. 66/2300. See Anel, Beseël, Besseleël, Betel, del, Ysmael, Israel, Ysrael, kamel, Michael, Phanuel, Rachel, sel.


for-held. See tgeld.

tgeld, s. for-held, pret. 5/2026.


for-hele. See stele.

stele, v. sbj. for-hele, v. sbj. 100/3512.


for-helen, inf. stelen, inf. 74/2594.

helen. See stelen.

stelen, inf. helen, inf. 30/1036. See for-helen.


tellen, inf. welle[n], s. 79/2756.


bem. See drem.

berem-tem, s. Ierusalem, s. 111/3904.

beren-tem. See drem.

drem, s. bem, s. 46/1606; beren-tem, s. 28/954; em, s. 51/1758; strem, s. 60/2096.

em. See drem.

gem. See rem.

hem. See Sichem, Effraym.

Ierusalem. See berem-tem.

rem, s. gem, s. 75/2614. See swem.

Salem. See Sem, Sichem.

Sem, s. Salem, s. 26/904.

Sichem, s. hem, pron. pl. 54/1872, 55/1930; Salem, s. 53/1842.

strem. See drem.

swem, s. greim, s. 12/392; rem, s. 56/1962.


a-gen, (agen) adv. ben, inf. 12/406, 28/980, 46/1616, 59/2072, 67/2338, 75/2624, 93/3268, 98/3436, 106/3734, 115/4046; ben, v. pl. 67/2350, 92/3228, 106/3720; gon, inf. 107/3770; leten, inf. 101/3544; sen, inf. 32/1098, 56/1960, 80/2794, 80/2812, 109/3834, 112/3946; teen, inf. 39/1344; ten, inf. 81/2850; under-gon, inf. 33/1160; vt-ten, inf. 114/4004. See ben, inf., ben, v. pl., sen, inf.

agen, postp. sen, inf. 116/4076. See Moysen, neðer-ten, sen, inf. (= say), sen, inf., ston.

amen. See bi-twen, men.

ben, inf. agen, adv. 18/604, 64/2250, 77/2708, 82/2884; bi-twen, postp. 51/1776, 69/2406; flen, inf. 7/218, 31/1086, 92/3224; Moysen, s. 97/3428; quuen, s. 9/296; seen, inf. 70/2438; sen, inf. 12/394, 28/956, 39/1370, 47/1626, 47/1630, 52/1810, 61/2130, 75/2628, 86/3030, 86/3036, 87/3042, 94/3316; sen, pp. 30/1030; ten, inf. 27/934; tgen, v. 109/3824; ðen, inf. 45/1550; treen, s. pl. 37/1278. See a-gen, adv., bi-sen, inf., bi-sen, pp., bi-twen, flen, inf., flen, v. pl., Gersen, men, Moysen, sen, inf., sren, ten, inf., ðen, inf., ðor-gen, wen.

ben, v. pl. a-gen, adv. 105/3706; bi-sen, inf. 97/3414; bi-ten, v. pl. 103/3626; flen, v. pl. 97/3432; sen, inf. 9/298, 33/1130, 62/2170, 62/2178; sen, v. pl. 6/140; ðen, v. pl. 33/1128. See a-gen, adv., flen, v. pl., Ramesen, sen, inf., sen, v. pl., steres-men, ðor bi-twen, in.

ben, v. sbj. sg. See sen, inf.

bimen. See Moysen, Moyses.

bi-sen, inf. ben, inf. 38/1314, 61/2142. See ben, v. pl.

bi-sen, pp. ben, inf. 41/1412.

bi-ten. See ben, v. pl.

bi-twen, postp. amen, int. 72/2536; ben, inf. 8/252, 55/1928; ben, v. pl. 46/1602; sen, inf. 76/2664. See ben, inf., men, Moysen, sen, inf.

chapmen. See ten, a.

Eden, s. men, s. pl. 13/434.

Egipcien, s. sen, inf. 88/3104; sen, pp. 78/2720.

fen. See men.

flen, inf. ben, inf. 26/876; ten, inf. 113/3968; then, inf. 44/1514. See ben, inf., wen.

flen, v. pl. ben, inf. 77/2686; ben, v. pl. 116/4074; ten, v. pl. 25/856. See ben, v. pl., Moysen.

forsweðen. See seien.

hore-men. See Moysen.

Gersen, s. ben, inf. 67/2354; men, s. pl. 77/2710, 84/2950, 87/3052, 89/3122. See hirde-men, men.

herte-bren. See men.

hirde-men, s. pl. Gersen, s. 68/2396.

kinnes-men. See Moysen.

len. See s[l]en.

leten. See a-gen, adv.

men, s. pl. amen, int. 118/4162; ben, inf. 72/2534; bi-twen, postp. ⅛; fen, s. 15/490; Gersen, s. 68/2364; herte-bren, s. 115/4054; ren, (?) 91/3218; ten, a. 107/3752; wimmen, s. pl. 90/3176. See Eden, Gersen, ren, wimmen.

Moysen, s. agen, postp. 85/3002; ben, inf. 75/2632, 83/2910, 89/3134, 96/3394, 103/3630; bimen, s. 82/2894; bi-men, s. 104/3660; bi-twen, postp. 100/3524; flen, v. pl. 89/3118; hore-men, s. pl. 115/4072; kinnes-men, s. pl. 97/3400; man, s. 88/3110; sen, inf. 101/3554. See ben, inf.

neðer-ten, inf. a-gen, postp. 101/3568.

quuen. See ben, inf.

Ramesen, s. ben, v. pl. 73/2554.

ren, s. men, s. pl. ½. See men.

seien, inf. forsweðen, inf. 33/1140.

sen, inf. (= say). a-gen, postp. 52/1796;

sen, inf. agen, adv. 106/3724; a-gen, postp. 58/2030, 113/3980; ben, inf. 7/226, 29/1012, 39/1374, 45/1560, 45/1572, 55/1924, 57/1972, 57/1980, 69/2420, 76/2660, 83/2928, 89/3136, 91/3212, 107/3764, 116/4102; ben, v. pl. 9/280, 81/2834, 84/2942, 93/3258, 105/3700; ben, v. sbj. sg. 48/1664; bi-twen, postp. 103/3616; ten, inf. 36/1238. See a-gen, adv., agen, postp., ben, inf., ben, v. pl., bi-twen, Egipcien, Moysen, tren.

sen, v. pl. ben, v. pl. 102/3594. See ben, v. pl.

sen, pp. See ben, inf., Egipcien, wen.

s[l]en, inf. len, s. 81/2838.

slen, inf. ðor agen, adv. 106/3730.

sren (for fren), inf. ben, inf. 32/1104.

steres-men, s. pl. ben, v. pl. 97/3430; tgen, a. 97/3418.

ten, a. chapmen, s. pl. 56/1956. See men.

ten, inf. ben, inf. 55/1914, 56/1954, 86/3006. See a-gen, adv., ben, inf., flen, inf., sen, inf.

ten, v. pl. See flen, v. pl.

tgen, v. See ben, inf.

tgen, a. See steres-men.

then. See flen, inf.

ðen, inf. ben, inf. 5/164, 23/804, 76/2646, 114/4008. See ben, inf.

ðen, v. pl. See ben, v. pl.

ðor agen. See slen.

ðor bi-twen, adv. ben, v. pl. 63/2204.

ðor-gen, adv. ben, inf. 80/2798.

tren, s. pl. sen, inf. 94/3306.

vt-ten. See a-gen, adv.

wapmen, s. pl. wimmen, s. pl. 88/3076.

wen, s. ben, inf. 108/3810; flen, inf. 93/3272; sen, pp. 3/74.

wimmen, s. pl. men, s. pl. 19/654. See men, wapmen.


lockende. See specande.


streng, s. under-feng, pret. 14/480.


bi-ment. See went.

brent. See sent.

firmament, s. sent, pp. 3/96; went, pp. 5/136.

present, s. sent, pp. 53/1832, 65/2274.

ſent. See went.

sent, pp. brent, pp. 19/642; went, pp. 74/2600, 82/2896. See firmament, present, ðusent, went.

shent. See went.

ðusent, s.

sent, pp. 16/528.

went, pp. bi-ment, pp. 63/2202; ſent, pp. 71/2490; sent, pp. 66/2312; shent, pp. 22/754. See firmament, sent.


ageon. See Seon.

Seon, s. ageon, postp. 111/3912.


dep. See slep.

Iosep, s. wep, s. 67/2328.

kep, s. lep, pret. 78/2726; sep, s. 27/940, 38/1334, 50/1740. See sep, slep.

lep. See kep.

sep, s. kep, s. 49/1720, 78/2746, 89/3112. See kep.

slep, pret. dep, a. 56/1942; kep, s. 28/968.

swep. See Ioseph.

wep, s. See Iosep, wep, pret.

wep, pret. wep, s. 110/3888.

-EPH (= ep).

Caleph, s. weph, s. 116/4096.

Ioseph, s. swep, s. 60/2086.

weph. See Caleph.


Ader, s. ðer, adv. 54/1890.

alter, s. der, s. 114/4020; ðer, adv. 101/3550.

Asser. See ber.

aucter. See der.

ber, pret. Asser, s. 49/1702.

buteler, s. ðer, adv. 61/2116.

butuler, s. her, adv. 59/2056.

der, s. aucter, s. 18/612; her, adv. 6/170, 6/184, 9/300, 57/1976, 114/4026; ner, adv. 14/478. See alter, her, ner.

Eliezer, s. fer, adv. 39/1360. See ner, ðer.

fer, a. ner, adv. 105/3694, 107/3786.

fer, adv. See Eliezer.

ger, s. her, adv. 30/1022, 48/1686, 49/1716, 50/1732, 70/2464, 106/3744; mester, s. 16/532, 16/536; ner, adv. 42/1460; Syon-gaber, s. 105/3698; ðer, adv. 91/3200. See her, ner, ðor.

her, adv. der, s. 6/178; ger, s. 5/150, 27/918, 42/1478, 49/1710. See butuler, der, ger.

mester. See ger.

ner, adv. or postp. der, s. 14/474; Eliezer, s. 40/1396; ger, s. 49/1692; ðer, adv. 47/1648, 75/2612. See der, fer, a., ger.

prisuner. See ðer.

Syon-gaber. See ger.

ðer, adv. Eliezer, s. 79/2766; prisuner, s. 59/2042. See Ader, alter, buteler, ger, ner.


erd, s. sperd, pp. 12/384. See sperd.

middel-erd, s. sperd, pp. 3/94.

offerd. See swerd.

sperd, pp. erd, s. 60/2094. See erd, middel-erd.

swerd, s. offerd, pp. 81/2844.


answere, s. dere, s. 106/3742; dere, v. sbj. 101/3566.

bere, v. sbj. dere, v. sbj. 100/3514.

childre-bere, a. gere, s. 42/1466.

dere, s. See answere, here, were (= husband).

dere, v. sbj. See answere, bere.

gere, s. See childre-bere.

gere, a. See smere.

here, s. dere, s. 85/2970, 91/3214; were, s. (= war) 51/1788; were, s. (= defence) 76/2680.

huntere, s. tiliere, s. 43/1482.

smere, s. gere, a. 45/1574.

tiliere. See huntere.

were, s. (= husband). dere, s. 46/1588. See here.

were (= war). See here.

were (= defence). See here.


answeren, s. weren, inf. 76/2674.

beren, inf. deren, inf. 23/788, 54/1868, 73/2558. See weren, inf.

beren, pret. pl. deren, inf. 34/1188.

deren, inf. weren, inf. 37/1272, 52/1794, 73/2564, 78/2750. See beren, inf., beren, pret. pl., sheren, weren, inf.

deren, v. pl. See weren, v. pl.

deren, v. sbj. See here[n].

geren, inf. smeren, inf. 70/2442.

here[n], s. deren, v. sbj. 71/2480.

sheren, inf. deren, inf. 67/2348.

smeren. See geren.

to-teren, inf. weren, inf. 60/2090.

weren, inf. beren, inf. 30/1044, 60/2084; deren, inf. 52/1818. See answeren, deren, inf., to-teren.

weren, v. pl. deren, v. pl. 25/852.


deres. See skipperes.

skipperes, s. pl. deres, s. pl. 88/3088.


desert, s. pert, a. 94/3292.


bles, s. gen. sg. bles, s. gen. sg. 50/1730; likeles, a. 50/1726.

Cades. See ne-ðe-les.

ches, pret. for-les, pret. 24/808. See Moyses.

forles, pret. mis-ches, pret. 6/190. See ches.

helpeles. See Moyses.

les, a. Moyses, s. 102/3596.

les, pret. See Moyses.

likeles. See bles.

mis-ches. See forles.

Moyses, s. bi-men, s. 95/3356; ches, pret. 78/2736; helpeles, a. 92/3232, 101/3558, 116/4106; les, pret. 82/2874; redles, a. 102/3574. See les, a.

ne-ðe-les, adv. Cades, s. 109/3854.

redles. See Moyses.


alðer-best. See west.

best, a. See fest.

best, adv. fest, a. or pp. 44/1524.

fest, a. or pp. best, a. 68/2374. See best, adv.

hegest. See prest.

nest, a. prest, s. 108/3792, 110/3886, 111/3922.

prest, s. hegest, a. 26/900. See nest.

west, s. alðer-best, adv. 96/3390.


lesten. See reste[n].

reste[n], s. lesten, inf. 1/12.


bet, adv. get, adv. 49/1714; set, pp. 107/3754. See get, adv.

bi-set, pp. gret, pp. 92/3226.

fet, s. pl. gret, s. 107/3774.

flet, pret. under-let, pret. 91/3188.

get, adv. bet, adv. 84/2938; bi-gat, pret. 65/2278. See bet.

get, pret. ouer-flet, pret. 17/586.

gret, s. See fet.

gret, a. See neet.

gret, pret. wet, a. 65/2288, 67/2342, 67/2356.

gret, pp. See bi-set.

let. See schet.

met, s. set, pp. 5/146.

ouer-flet. See get, pret.

schet, pret. let, pp. 14/476.

set. See bet, met.

under-let. See flet.

wet. See gret, pret.


gete, v. mete, s. 43/1498.

gete, adv. See mete.

mete, s. eten, inf. 44/1538; gete, adv. 43/1488. See gete, v.


bi-geten, inf. eten, inf. 104/3670; for-geten, inf. 58/2022; teten, s. pl. 99/3480. See eten, inf., for-geten, pp., freten, inf., ouer-meten.

bi-geten, pp. feten, inf. 78/2744; for-geten, inf. 27/912; for-geten, pp. 33/1152, 89/3128. See for-geten, pp.

eten, inf. bi-geten, inf. 44/1532; for-geten, inf. 40/1400, 52/1806, 105/3682. See mete, bi-geten, inf., mete[n], s., meten, s., wliten.

eten, v. sbj. See mete[n] (?)

eten, pp. forgeten, inf. 10/330.

feten. See bi-geten, pp.

for-geten, inf. See bi-geten, inf., bi-geten, pp., eten, inf., eten, pp., freten, pp., meten, pp.

for-geten, pp. bigeten, inf. 62/2180; bi-geten, pp. 77/2706. See bi-geten, pp.

freten, inf. bi-geten, inf. 114/4028.

freten, pp. for-geten, inf. 60/2102.

mete[n], (?) eten, v. sbj. 90/3152.

mete[n], s. eten, inf. 11/364, 104/3658.

meten, s. eten, inf. 60/2080, 65/2256.

meten, pp. forgeten, inf. 77/2702.

ouer-meten, pp. bi-geten, inf. 48/1666.

teten. See bi-geten, inf.


beð. See seð.

bleð, a. Iareth, s. 111/3908. See Iacabeð.

Iacabeð, s. bleð, a. 74/2590.

Iareth. See bleð.

leð. See fed.

með, s. seð, v. 3 sg. 6/196.

seð, v. 3 sg. beð, v. 3 sg. 6/182. See með.


queðe, s. stede, s. 114/4012.


beðen, inf. bi-queðen, inf. 70/2448.

bi-neðen, adv. queðen, inf. 114/4002; queðen, pp. 112/3944. See queðen, inf., quuemeðen, ðeðen.

bi-queðen. See beðen.

queðen, inf. bi-neðen, adv. 100/3526. See bi-neðen, ðeden, adv., ðeðen.

queðen, pp. See bi-neðen.

quuemeðen, pret. pl. bi-neðen, adv. 4/126.

ðeðen, adv. bi-neðen, adv. 3/66; queðen, inf. 79/2788.


alðerneðer, adv. weðer, s. 113/3998.

neðer. See liðer.

weðer. See alðerneðer.


dreue. See Eue.

Eue, s. dreue, inf. 10/318.


bi-lewen, inf. liuen, inf. 64/2234.

geuen, pp. liuen, inf. 75/2610. See liuen, v. pl.


euene, adv. heuone, s. 10/332.


glew, s. knew, pret. 14/460.

-I, -Y

Adonay. See for-ði.

Ai. See seli.

Ay. See Sarray.

bi, adv. Gibi, s. 24/826.

bi, postp. See for-ði, redi, Sarray, seuenti, weri.

dor-bi, adv. for-ði, adv. 47/1638.

dredi. See slepi.

Eley, s. Ely, s. 83/2904.

Eliopoli, s. forði, adv. 57/2004.

for-ði, adv. Adonay, s. 83/2902; bi, postp. 91/3208; her-bi, adv. 58/2034; Leui, s. 53/1862; sti, s. 112/3958; wi, s. 53/1854, 92/3220. See dor-bi, Eliopoli, merci, Moysi, Sarrai, Sinay, ðor-bi.

Gibi. See bi, adv.

gredi. See weri.

her-bi. See for-ði, Moysi.

Leui. See for-ði.

merci, s. for-ði, adv. 63/2208. See Synay.

Moysi, s. dat. for-ði, adv. 77/2692; her-bi, adv. 101/3572.

redi, a. bi, postp. 107/3760.

Sarrai, s. for-ði, adv. 22/766; untuderi, a. 28/964.

Sarray, s. Ay, s. 23/800; bi, postp. 22/742; sori, a. 28/974; sort-leui, a. 21/712.

seli, a. Ai, s. 22/760.

seuenti a. bi, postp. 42/1454, 104/3666.

Sinay, s. forði, adv. 94/3310.

Synay, s. merci, s. 102/3600; ðor-bi, adv. 79/2774. See ðor-bi.

slepi, a. dredi, a. 25/872.

sori. See Sarray.

sort-leui. See Sarray.

sti. See for-ði.

ðor-bi, adv. for-ði, adv. 113/4000; Synay, s. 96/3362, 109/3850. See Synay, ðritti, tidi.

ðritti, a. [xxxvij = seuen and ðritti]. ðor-bi, adv. 42/1458.

tidi, a. ðor-bi, adv. 60/2106.

untuderi. See Sarrai.

weri, a. bi, postp. 28/976; gredi, a. 43/1494.

wi. See for-ði.


rib, s. sib, a. 7/228.


geuelic. See dik.


bi-tid, pp. hid, pp. 11/358, 74/2592, 78/2732, 117/4138. See for-hid, hid, kid, srid.

for-hid, pp. bi-tid, pp. 54/1876.

hid, pp. bi-tid, pp. 34/1194. See bi-tid, srid.

kid, pp. bi-tid, pp. 67/2358.

srid, pp. bi-tid, pp. 57/1978; hid, pp. 11/380.

tid, s. wid, a. 2/60, 8/264.


mide, adv. dede, pret. 84/2964, 91/3198, 104/3656; wech-dede, s. 70/2460. See dede, pret.

ride. See dede, pret.

ðor-mide. See dede, pret.


abiden, pret. pl. deden, pret. pl. 71/2484; gliden, pp. 98/3460.

gliden. See abiden.

hiden. See sriden.

sriden, inf. hiden, inf. 11/352.


hider. adv. to-gider, adv. 67/2352.


lif, s. strif, s. 8/268, 23/778, 70/2440, 103/3638; wif, s. 22/768, 34/1170, 99/3484. See strif, wif.

rif. See wif.

strif, s. lif, s. 6/176, 15/504, 108/3818; wif, s. 23/780. See lif, wif.

wif, s. lif, s. 9/304, 10/316, 12/398, 34/1174, 39/1364, 41/1440, 46/1594, 97/3402; rif, a. 7/232, 36/1252; strif, s. 21/716, 25/860, 34/1182. See lif, strif.


brigt, s. ligt, s. 5/144.

brigt, a. ligt, s. 5/154; ligt, a. 93/3256; rigt, a. 118/4148; rigt, adv. 28/952, 115/4040. See migt, nigt.

figt, s. nigt, s. 38/1318. See migt, nigt, rigt, adv., wigt.

fligt, s. migt, s. 5/162; nigt, s. 5/166.

frigt. See migt, nigt.

fugel-fligt, s. rigt, adv. 94/3322.

knigt, s. ligt, a. 9/284.

lig[t], s. nig[t], s. 8/246.

ligt, s. migt, s. 2/54, 5/168; nigt, s. 3/76, 9/288; rigt, adv. 30/1050. See brigt, s., brigt, a., nigt.

ligt, a. See brigt, a., knigt, nigt.

ligt, adv. See rigt, adv.

ligt, pp. o-frigt, pp. 104/3652.

migt, s. brigt, a. 4/132, 118/4156; figt, s. 26/898; frigt, s. 35/1234; up-rigt, adv. 92/3248. See fligt, ligt, s., nigt.

nig[t]. See lig[t].

nigt, s. brigt, a. 31/1058; figt, s. 25/870, 31/1066, 42/1470, 88/3086; frigt, s. 28/950; ligt, s. 2/44, 3/90, 4/114, 4/130, 5/158, 94/3294, 112/3948, 118/4158; ligt, a. 51/1782; migt, s. 17/584, 52/1802, 70/2450; offrigt, pp. 105/3692; rigt, adv. 3/80, 46/1604, 61/2124, 70/2462, 90/3160, 93/3288. See figt, fligt, ligt, s., pligt, s., rigt, s., rigt, adv.

offrigt. See nigt.

ofrigt, pp. o-rigt, adv. 64/2226. See ligt, pp. onigt.

onigt, adv. o-frigt, pp. 59/2050.

o-rigt. See ofrigt.

pligt, s. nigt, s. 103/3612; rigt, s. 36/1270.

pligt, pp. un-rigt, s. 37/1276.

rigt, s. nigt, s. 37/1300. See pligt, s., v[n]-frigt.

rigt, a. See brigt, a.

rigt, adv. figt, s. 26/886, 77/2682; ligt, adv. 64/2252; nigt, s. 70/2454, 84/2952. See brigt, a., fugel-fligt, ligt, s., nigt.

v[n]-frigt, a. rigt, s. 105/3714.

un-rigt. See pligt, pp.

up-rigt. See migt.

wigt, a. figt, s. 25/864.


frigti. See migti.

migti, a. frigti, a. 29/984.


dik, s. geuelic, adv. 9/282.


arsmetike. See witterlike.

bitter-like, adv. luue-like, adv. 117/4126.

bliðelike, adv. sikerlike, adv. 43/1500. See mildelike.

brigt-like, adv. witterlike, adv. 99/3492.

festelike, adv. witterlike, adv. 97/3408.

frigtilike, adv. mildelike, adv. 62/2164; wittirlike, adv. 47/1618.

kinde-like. See mildelike.

lecherlike. See witterlike.

liðer-like, adv. witterlike, adv. 45/1564. See bi-swiken.

luue-like. See bitter-like.

mildelike, adv. bliðelike, adv. 41/1424; kinde-like, adv. 71/2500; selðhelike, adv. 39/1372; witterlike, adv. 38/1322. See frigtilike, witterlike.

miserlike. See witterlike.

modilike. See opelike.

opelike, adv. modilike, adv. 74/2584.

selðhelike. See mildelike.

sikerlike, adv. witterlike, adv. 66/2320. See bliðelike.

swike, a. pl. witterlike, adv. 81/2846.

trike, s. witterlike, adv. 84/2948.

witterlike, adv. arsmetike, s. 23/792; lecherlike, adv. 22/770; milde-like, adv. 79/2778; miserlike, adv. 76/2658. See brigt-like, festelike, liðer-like, mildelike, sikerlike, swike, trike.

wittirlike. See frigtilike.


bi-swiken, pp. liðerlike, adv. 101/3562.


hil, s. wil, s. 17/588, 37/1294, 113/3996.

sckil, s. wil, s. 7/204.

ſkil. See wil.

skil, s. wil, s. 6/194, 41/1426, 92/3236.

ðor-til, adv. wil, s. 68/2372.

unskil. See wil.

vn-skil. See wil.

wil, s. ſkil, s. 2/52; unskil, s. 10/342; vn-skil, s. 100/3506. See hil, sckil, skil, ðor-til.


child, s. milde, a. 29/986. See fild, mild.

fild, pp. child, s. 35/1226.

mild, a. child, s. 75/2636. See childe.


childe, s. mild, a. 37/1306.

milde. See child.


quile, s. spile, s. 98/3462; wile, v. 3 sg. 93/3276, 98/3444.

sile. See spile.

spile, s. sile, s. 85/2978. See quile.

tile, s. wile, v. 3 sg. 44/1520.

wile, v. 3 sg. wile, v. 3 sg. 58/2020. See quile, tile.


hiled. See spiled.

spiled, pp. hiled, pp. 91/3184.


spilen. See wilen.

wilen (MS. welin), v. pl. spilen, inf. 72/2532.


stille, a. wille, s. dat. 87/3060.


filt, pp. pilt, pp. 63/2214.

-IM, YM.

Abarim, s. him, pron. 117/4118. See him.

Balim. See him.

Caym, s. kin, s. 16/544.

dim, a. him, pron. 104/3674. See him.

Effraym, s. hem, pron. pl. 62/2152.

Elim, s. him, pron. 94/3304; Sin, s. 94/3308.

him, pron. Abarim, s. 116/4100; Balim, s. pl. 20/690; dim, a. 9/286; Neptalim, s. 49/1700; Rafadim, s. 95/3352. See Abarim, dim, Elim, Manaim.

Manaim, s. him, pron. 51/1790.

Neptalim. See him.

Rafadim. See him.


bi-nimen. See timen.

forð-nimen. See timen.

nimen. See timen.

timen, inf. bi-nimen, inf. 51/1764; forð-nimen, inf. 76/2676; nimen, inf. 67/2362; trimen, inf. 30/1024.

trimen. See timen.


Beniamin, s. fin, a. 68/2370; kin, s. 63/2186, 63/2190; min, a. 67/2336; ðin, a. 65/2282; ðor-in, adv. 66/2310. See in, win.

dure-pin. See in.

fin, a. See Beniamin.

fin, s. See lin.

hin. See kin.

hines-kin. See wið-in.

in, postp. or adv. ben, v. pl. 24/816; Beniamin, s. 64/2240; dure-pin, s. 31/1078; kin, s. 105/3702; win, s. 18/598. See kin.

kin, s. hin, adv. 22/738; in, postp. 75/2618, 109/3830; ðor-in, adv. 103/3634, 108/3816, 109/3836; wid-hin, postp. 39/1352; wið-hin, postp. 18/628; wið-in, postp. 74/2586, 74/2608, 79/2760. See Caym, Beniamin, in, wid-hin.

lin, v. pl. fin, s. 109/3852.

min. See Beniamin, ðin.

Sin, s. wið-in, postp. 110/3860. See Elim.

ðer-in. See win.

ðin, a. min, a. 104/3662. See Beniamin.

ðor-in. See Beniamin, kin.

wid-hin, postp. kin, s. 16/556. See kin.

win, s. Beniamin, s. 66/2296; ðer-in, adv. 59/2068.

win, s. wið-in, postp. 11/348. See in.

wið-hin. See kin.

wið-in, postp. hines-kin, s. 107/3776. See kin, Sin, win.


drinc, s. swinc, s. 96/3366. See stinc, swinc.

stinc, s. drinc, s. 85/2976. See swinc.

swinc, s. drinc, s. 26/894; stinc, s. 73/2556. See drinc.


mind. See wind.

wind, s. mind, s. 104/3676.


dine, s. hine, pron. 98/3468.

erðe-dine. See hine.

hine, pron. erðe-dine, s. 32/1108. See dine, sunne-sine.

sunne-sine, s. hine, pron. 95/3336, 95/3338.


biginning, s. ending, s. 15/522.

bliscing, s. ending, s. 43/1506. See gestning, king.

daiening. See king.

ending. See biginning, bliscing.

gestning, s. bliscing, s. 43/1508.

giscing. See ðing.

king, s. bliscing, s. 68/2398; daiening, s. 93/3264; lesing, s. 74/2578; muni[gin]g, s. 20/678; ofspring, s. 62/2182; wurðing, s. 20/684, 26/892, 113/3990. See ðing.

kumeling. See louereding.

lesing. See king.

louereding, s. kumeling, s. 24/834.

muni[gin]g. See king.

muniging, s. tok-ning, s. 47/1624.

muning. See wurðing.

murni[n]g. See tidding.

ofspring. See king.

ring, s. wurðing, s. 61/2140.

spring, s. timing, s. 36/1244.

ðhing. See tiding.

ðing, s. giscing, s. 100/3516; king, s. 62/2172; twie-wifing, s. 13/450.

tidding, s. murni[n]g, s. 83/2908.

tiding, s. ðhing, s. 30/1026.

timing. See spring.

tok-ning. See muniging.

twie-wifing. See ðing.

wurðing, s. muning, s. 108/3788. See king, ring.


biginninge. See timinge.

kinge. See ðhinge.

singe. See wurðinge.

ðhinge, s. pl. kinge, s. (gen. pl.?) 2/30.

timinge, s. biginninge, s. 2/32.

wurðinge, s. (? dat.) singe, v. 1 sg. 2/34.


blinne, inf. sinne, s. 9/290.


Egipte, s. kipte, pret. 90/3164.


fir, s. sir, a. 102/3580. See sir.

martyr, s. sir, a. 15/518.

schir, a. Seyr, s. 53/1836.

scir. See Seyr.

Seyr, s. scir, a. 109/3848. See schir.

sir, (?) fir, s. 87/3046.

sir, a. See fir, martyr.


hird. See stired.


hire, pron. kire, s. 44/1536; shire, v. sbj. pres. 58/2036. See kire.

yre. See kire.

kire, s. hire, pron. 49/1694; yre, s. 70/2452; lire, s. 83/2920. See hire.

lire. See kire.

shire. See hire.


stired, pp. hird, pp. 112/3962.


biri, s. miri, a. 65/2258.


Amonaphis, s. is, v. 73/2544.

blis. See i-wis, paradis, Pentapolis.

circumcis, a. iwis, adv. 29/1000.

fis. See ywis.

Genesis. See in wis, i-wis.

Geraris, s. y-wis, adv. 34/1168.

Gerasis. See in wis.

in wis, adv. Genesis, s. 72/2522; Gerasis, s. 44/1516.

is, v. mis, adv. 7/206; pris, s. 10/326. See Amonaphis, ðis, vncircumcis.

ys, s. wis, a. 4/100.

i-wis, adv. blis, s. 4/110; Genesis, s. 12/414. See circumcis.

ywis, adv. fis, s. 5/160. See Geraris.

mis. See is.

paradis, s. blis, s. 7/210, 12/382; pris, s. 9/292.

Pentapolis, s. blis, s. 22/748; Seboys, s. 24/838.

pris, s. to wis, adv. 113/3992; wis, a. 8/260, 64/2248. See is, paradis, Tarbis, wis.

Seboys. See Pentapolis.

Tarbis, s. pris, s. 77/2690.

ðis, pron. is, v. 18/602, 85/2994; wis, a. 104/3672.

to wis. See pris.

vncircumcis, a. is, v. 81/2842.

wis, a. pris, s. 77/2700. See ys, pris, ðis.


blisce. See gisse.


a-grisen, pret. pl. risen, pp. 20/668.


blisse. See iwisse.

gisse, v. sbj. blisce, s. 100/3518.

iwisse, adv. blisse, s. 3/92.


Antecrist. See Crist.

Crist, s. Antecrist, s. 15/508.

list. See ðrist.

ðrist, s. list, s. 28/978, 35/1230.


it, pron. lit, s. 56/1968; writ, s. 57/1974.


bite, s. smite, s. 85/2990.


fliten, pp. smiten, pp. 105/3690.

witen, v. pl. writen, pp. 16/524.

wliten, s. sg. eten, inf. 65/2290. See writen.

writen, pp. wliten, s. sg. 103/3614. See witen.


frið, s. grið, s. 20/682; wið, postp. 23/790.

grið, s. wið, postp. 14/470. See frið, wið.

lið, s. See wið.

lið, v. See nið.

nið, s. lið, v. 3 sg. 55/1916; sið, s. 73/2546.

nyð, s. sið, s. 8/274.

sið. See nið, nyð.

smið. See wið.

wið, postp. grið, s. 17/560; lið, s. 52/1804; smið, s. 14/466. See frið, grið.


bliðe, a. swiðe, adv. 68/2376.

fiðe. See vn-miðe.

friðe. See siðe.

siðe, s. friðe, v. sbj. 88/3094.

swiðe. See bliðe.

vn-miðe, s. fiðe (for siðe), s. 113/3974.


liðer, a. neðer, adv. 11/370.

niðer, adv. wiðer, adv. 96/3386.


for-giue, v. sbj. liuen, v. pl. 71/2496.

giue, v. sbj. morgen-giwe, s. 41/1428.


cliued, v. 3 sg. liued, v. 3 sg. 56/1964.


cliuen. See liuen, inf.

driuen, pp. giuen, pp. 48/1682, 90/3166; liuen, inf. 9/308, 22/752, 32/1126, 62/2166, 66/2322. See liuen, inf.

giuen, inf. liuen, inf. 74/2574.

giuen, pp. See driuen, liwen.

liuen, inf. cliuen, inf. 11/372; driuen, pp. 17/574. See geuen, bi-lewen, driuen, giuen, inf.

liuen, v. pl. geuen, pp. 70/2458. See for-giue.


biueð. See liueð.

cliueð. See liueð.

liueð, v. 3 sg. biueð, v. 3 sg. 65/2280; cliueð, v. 3 sg. 68/2384.

-IWE (= ive)

morgen-giwe. See giue.

-IWEN (= iven)

liwen, inf. giuen, pp. 116/4098.


blo, a. wo, s. 19/638.

do, inf. See to.

do, v. sbj. to, postp. 100/3510. See so, ðer-to.

euere mo. See wo, s.

fo (= few), a. wo, s. 69/2404.

fro, postp. ðo, adv. 91/3196; wo, s. 7/216, 82/2886, 83/2898. See ðo, adv.

Ierico. See so.

mo, a. ðo, adv. 13/424, 20/670, 21/732, 22/740, 29/988; ðo, pron. pl. 17/578, 30/1046, 108/3814, 112/3938; wo, s. 69/2402. See wo, s.

so, adv. do, v. sbj. 99/3504; Ierico, s. 111/3918; so, adv. 34/1196; two, a. 21/706. See temptatio, ðore-to, ðor-to, to, two, a.

swo. See two, a.

temptatio, s. so, adv. 96/3368.

ðer-to, adv. do, v. sbj. 110/3870.

ðo, adv. fro, postp. 26/902, 45/1552; moo, a. 13/428. See fro, mo, wo, a.

ðo, pron. pl. wo, s. 60/2100. See mo.

ðore-to, adv. so, adv. 17/590.

ðor-fro. See oo.

ðor-to, adv. so, adv. 20/664.

to, postp. do, inf. 50/1754; so, adv. 27/916, 52/1828, 71/2492, 99/3470, 102/3586; two, a. 32/1094. See do, sbj., two, a.

two (for to). See two, a.

two, a. so, adv. 17/572, 27/942; swo, adv. 31/1070; to, postp. 80/2814; two (for to), 37/1292. See so, to.

wo, s. euere mo, adv. 3/70; mo, a. 11/354; wo, s. 85/2992. See blo, fo, fro, mo, ðo, pron.

wo, a. ðo, adv. 88/3090.


boc. See mod [MS. moð].

for-soc, pret. tok, pret. 53/1834.

oc, conj. mod, s. 111/3924; ouer-toc, pret. 50/1756; toc, pret. 41/1416, 49/1690. See toc, fot.

ouer-toc. See oc.

toc, pret. oc, conj. 34/1172, 45/1568. See oc.


Enoch, s. toch, pret. 15/500.

Iaboch, s. toch, pret. 96/3372.

toch. See Enoch, Iaboch.


bi-stod, pret. mod, s. 109/3858,

blod, s. good, a. 48/1662. See flod, god, s., god, a., under-stod, wod.

brod. See god, a.

flod, s. blod, s. 80/2816. See God, s., stod.

God, s. flod, s. 91/3186.

god, s. blod, s. 42/1452.

god, a. blod, s. 34/1192; brod, s. 105/3712; mod, s. 102/3602; mood, s. 12/408; seri-mod, a. 53/1850; under-stod, pret. 98/3434. See mod.

mod, s. fot, s. 65/2272; god, a. 21/718, 41/1442; good, a. 10/334; under-stod, pret. 63/2210. See oc, bi-stod, god, a., stod.

mod, s. [MS. moð.] boc, s. 102/3604.

seri-mod. See god, a.

sori-mod. See stod.

stod, pret. flod, s. 18/596, 74/2602; mod, s. 33/1162; sori-mod, a. 100/3520. See good, a.

under-stod, pret. blod, s. 42/1468, 65/2276. See god, a., mod.

vnder-stod, pret. good, a. 68/2394.

wod, a. blod, s. 31/1074, 84/2960.


Godd, s. modd, s. 2/36.


bode, s. Gode, s. dat. 12/396, 18/622, 81/2860. See Gode.

for-bode. See Gode.

Gode, s. bode, s. 29/1008, 37/1286, 86/3016, 86/3034, 100/3538; for-bode, s. 112/3932. See bode.


drof. See heuene-rof, of.

heuene-rof, s. drof, s. 4/102.

of, adv. drof, s. 102/3582.


a-nog. See wið-drog.

bog. See tog.

drog, pret. ynog, adv. 111/3910.

ynog. See drog, wið-drog.

slog, pret. swog, s. 14/484.

tog, pret. bog, s. 18/608.

ut-drog, pret. nuge, adv. 38/1328.

wið-drog, pret. a-nog, adv. 18/600; ynog, adv. 108/3804.


bi-togen, pp. drogen, pp. 51/1772. See flogen.

drogen. See bi-togen, sogen, togen.

flogen, pp. bi-togen, pp. 108/3796.

sogen, pp. drogen, pp. 79/2786.

togen, pp. drogen, pp. 104/3648.


bi-sogt. See nogt, pron.

biðogt, pp. brogt, pp. 2/38.

bogt, pp. wrogt, pp. 105/3684.

brog[t]. See wrogt.

brogt, pp. forwrogt, pp. 8/266; nogt, adv. 113/3978; sogt, pp. 25/848; wrogt, pp. 74/2606. See biðogt, hogt, i-wrogt, nogt, pron., nogt, adv., ouer-ðogt, sogt, ðhogt, wrogt, bi-sogte.

dhogt, s. nogt, adv. 33/1154.

forwrogt. See brogt.

hogt, pp. brogt, pp. 61/2120.

i-wrogt, pp. brogt, pp. 91/3216.

nogt, pron. bi-sogt, pp. 88/3080; brogt, pp. 15/488, 29/1018; wrogt, pp. 2/40, 8/270. See ðogt.

nogt, adv. brogt, pp. 16/550, 25/874, 67/2344, 68/2386, 112/3936; sogt, pp. 55/1934, 89/3130; sowt, pp. 82/2870; ðogt, s. 31/1072, 67/2330; wrogt, pp. 52/1812, 53/1860, 56/1940, 57/1982, 63/2218, 102/3588. See brogt, dhogt, sogt, ðhogt, ðogt, wrogt.

ouer-ðogt, pp. brogt, pp. 64/2220.

sogt, pp. brogt, pp. 105/3708;

nogt, adv. 51/1770, 62/2162; up-brogt, pp. 91/3190. See brogt, nogt, adv.

ðhogt, s. brogt, pp. 45/1580; nogt, adv. 60/2112, 62/2168, 115/4062; wrogt, pp. 33/1150, 112/3952.

ðogt, s. nogt, pron. 58/2014, 114/4018; nogt, adv. 110/3874. See nogt, adv., wrogt.

up-brogt. See sogt.

vt-brogt, pp. wrogt, pp. 90/3174.

wrogt, pp. brog[t], pp. 8/250; brogt, pp. 3/62, 4/124, 9/294, 11/378, 80/2824, 103/3628; nogt, adv. 74/2596; ðogt, s. 84/2962. See bogt, brogt, nogt, pron., nogt, adv., ðhogt, vt-brogt.


bi-sogte, pp. brogt, pp. 15/520.


Iabok. See tok.

ok. See tok.

tok, pret. Iabok, s. 111/3914; nam, pret. 27/946; ok, conj. 27/944. See for-soc.


roke, s. smoke, s. 34/1164.


boken. See loken, inf.

broken, pp. luken, pp. 11/362. See wroken.

loken, inf. boken, s. ¼; token, pret. pl. 91/3194.

loken, pp. See troken.

spoken, pret. pl. token, s. 83/2914.

to-broken. See luken.

token, s. See spoken.

token, pret. pl. See loken, inf.

troken, inf. loken, pp. 4/106.

wroken, pp. or pret. pl. broken, pp. 91/3192.


arche-wold. See hold (= old).

awold, bold, a. 78/2728; told, pp. 48/1672; wold, pp. 16/526. See cold.

bi-told. See hold (= old), a.

bold, a. o-wold, 10/324; told, pp. 55/1918; wold, s. 61/2122. See awold.

cold, a. a-wold, 56/1944; wold, s. 57/2000. See wold, pp.

gold, s. hold, a. 77/2704, 93/3284. See hold, hold, a.

hold, (?) gold, s. 112/3942.

hold, a. gold, s. 23/794, 40/1390. See gold.

hold (= old), a. arche-wold, s. 17/576; bi-told, pret. 27/920; manige-fold, a. 71/2502; told, pp. 30/1028, 54/1894, 83/2912, 106/3736, 116/4088; wold, s. 27/938; wold, pp. 13/420.

manige-fold. See hold (= old).

old, a. sold, pp. 55/1908; told, pp. 35/1206, 39/1358, 42/1476. See told.

o-wold. See bold.

sold, pp. wold, s. 56/1958. See old, told.

told, pp. old, a. 19/658, 29/990, 37/1284, 118/4146; sold, pp. 57/1994; wold, s. 97/3412; wold, s. 110/3892. See awold, bold, hold (= old), old.

wold, s. (= hill). See hold (= old), told.

wold, s. (= power, &c.). See bold, cold, sold, told,

wold, pp. cold, a. 8/256. See awold, hold (= old).


arche-wolde. See olde.

golde, s. wolde, pret. 103/3620.

olde, a. arche-wolde, s. dat. 18/614.

wolde. See golde.


colen, s. pl. ðolen, inf. 76/2654.

for-holen, pp. stolen, pp. 51/1760, 66/2318, 67/2332. See stolen, ðolen, v. pl.

for-olen, pp. stolen, pp. 50/1748.

stolen, pp. for-holen, pp. 54/1870. See for-holen, for-olen.

ðolen, inf. to-bolen, pp. 28/970. See colen.

ðolen, v. pl. for-holen, pp. 98/3446.

to-bolen. See ðolen, inf.


hom. See on-on.


come, s. nome, s. 65/2268.


comen. See numen.

nomen, pp. cumen, inf. 87/3040.


Aaraon. See on, postp.

Aaron, s. don, inf. 85/2980; don, pp. 109/3842; gon, inf. 108/3800, 116/4094; on, postp. 85/2998; ouer-gon, inf. 99/3490; Pharaon, s. 85/2986, 87/3064; ston, s. 96/3388; ðor-on, adv. 109/3838. See a-non, on, postp., vt-gon, pp.

Abiron, s. a-non, adv. 107/3758. See don, pp.

a-gon, pp. See a-gon, adv.

a-gon, adv. a-gon, pp. 3/78; non, a. 64/2244; ston, s. 32/1120. See fon, gon, pp., on, a., ouer-gon, pp.

agon, postp. ton, a. 29/1010. See gon, pp.

Amon, s. on (?), 33/1158.

a-non, adv. Aaron, s. 102/3592, 110/3864 ; gon, inf. 84/2932; on, a. 100/3528; ouer-gon, pp. 34/1186; Pharaon, s. 84/2940. See Abiron, on, a.

Araon, s. don, inf. 84/2934.

don, inf. her-up-on, adv. 47/1628; on, postp. 31/1076, 58/2032, 74/ 2598, 95/3358, 97/3410, 98/3452, 101/3570, 109/3826, 111/3926; ðor-on, adv. 30/1042, 102/3606. See Aaron, Araon, Ebron. on, postp., on-on, Pharaon, up-on.

don, v. pl. on, postp. 64/2232.

don, pp. Abiron, s. 107/3766; Ebron, s. 69/2424; her-on, adv. 102/3598; on, postp. 11/346, 66/2316, 82/2888, 102/3584; Pharaon, s. 75/2634; quor-on, adv. 38/1310; ðor-on, adv. 65/2262, 111/3906, 113/ 3970. See Aaron, Ebron, here-on, on, postp., on, a., Pharaon, ðor-on, un-don, pp.

Ebron, s. don, inf. 55/1932; don, pp. 71/2488; gon, pp. 54/1892 ; on, postp. 24/812, 106/3716. See don, pp., on, postp., on, a.

Edon, s. on, postp. 54/1900.

Faraon, s. ut-gon, inf. 80/2796.

fon, s. pl. agon, adv. 13/438.

for-don, v. pl. on, postp. 73/2550.

for-don, pp. ðor-on, adv. 32/1116. See on, postp.

forð-don, inf. on, postp. 113/3994.

gon, inf. manigon, a. 19/630; non, pron. or a. 25/846, 73/2562, 89/3126, 101/3542; on, postp. 19/644, 108/3794; ouer-gon, inf. 86/3004; Pharaon, s. 82/2862; Symeon, s. 63/2196; ston, s. 110/3866. See a-gen, adv., Aaron, a-non, on, postp., on, a., on-on, Pharaon, ston, ðor-on, up-on.

gon, v. pl. See on, a.

gon, pp. a-gon, adv. 28/958, 64/2238; a-gon, postp. 41/1438; non, a. 71/2474, 94/3298; on, (?) 19/640; on, a. or pron. 24/836; o-non, adv. 96/3380. See Ebron.

here-on, adv. don, pp. 86/3012.

her-on. See don, pp.

her-up-on. See don, inf.

in-gon. See on-on.

manigon. See gon, inf.

misdon, pp. ðer-on, adv. 101/3556; ðor-on, adv. 97/3420. See on, postp., Pharaon, ðor-on, under-fon.

non, a. Symeon, s. 64/2230. See a-gon, adv., gon, inf., gon, pp., on, a., ouer-gon, pp.

on, postp. Aaraon, s. 101/3540; Aaron, s. 106/3750; don, inf. 16/534, 31/1064, 38/1326, 38/1342; don, pp. 29/1004, 35/1208, 91/3206, 114/4006; Ebron, s. 57/1970; for-don, pp. 108/3798; gon, inf. 117/4114; mis-don, pp. 117/4142; Salamon, s. 37/1296; slon, inf. 50/1752, 56/1938. See Aaron, don, inf., don, v. pl., don, pp., Ebron, Edon, for-don, v. pl., forð-don, gon, inf., on-on, Pharaon, promission.

on. (?) See Amon, gon, pp.

on, a. or pron. (= one). a-gon, adv. 65/2260, 66/2326; a-non, adv. 66/2324; don, pp. 97/3398; Ebron, s. 72/2520; gon, inf. 18/610, 47/1640, 63/2184, 78/2752, 103/3608, 117/4128; gon, v. pl. 31/1080; non, a. 62/2174; on, a. 107/3784; Pharaon, s. 61/2126. See a-non, gon, pp., Symeon.

on-on, adv. don, inf. 33/1146; gon, inf. 85/3000; hom, adv. 63/2200; in-gon, pp. 31/1068; on, postp. 34/1176; ouer-gon, inf. 65/2286. See gon, pp., Pharaon.

ouer-gon, inf. See Aaron, gon, inf., on-on.

ouer-gon, pp. a-gon, adv. 55/1904; non, a. 86/3032. See a-non.

Pharaon, s. don, inf. 59/2066; don, pp. 59/2074; gon, inf. 63/2188, 88/3078; mis-don, pp. 87/3054; on, postp. 69/2400, 89/3124; on-on, adv. 83/2918; ðer-on, adv. 93/3260; ut-gon, inf. 84/2966; vt-gon, inf. 87/3074. See Aaron, a-non, don, pp., gon, inf., on, a., vt-gon, inf.

promission, s. on, postp. 117/4132.

quor-on. See don, pp.

Salamon. See on, postp.

Symeon, s. on, a. 65/2266. See gon, inf., non.

slon. See on, postp.

son, s. pl. up-on, postp. 79/2782.

ston, s. a-gen, postp. 112/3960; gon, inf. 47/1650, 110/3868, 110/3872; ðer-on, adv. 51/1778; ðor-on, adv. 95/3360, 100/3536. See Aaron, a-gon, adv., gon, inf., ðor-on.

ðer-on. See misdon, Pharaon, ston.

ðor-gon. See vnder-gon.

ðor-on, adv. don, pp. 28/948, 109/3844; gon, inf. 96/3364; misdon, pp. 75/2642; ston, s. 47/1636; vn-don, pp. 111/3902; up-gon, inf. 46/1608. See Aaron, don, inf., don, pp., for-don, pp., misdon, ston, undon, pp.

ton. See agon, postp.

under-don, inf. up-on, postp. 115/4042.

under-fon, inf. mis-don, pp. 48/1680.

under-gon, inf. See a-gen, adv.

vnder-gon, inf. ðor-gon, adv. 33/1148.

un-don, a. See up-on.

un-don, pp. don, pp. 12/386; ðor-on, adv. 14/464.

vn-don. See ðor-on.

up-gon. See ðor-on.

up-on, postp. don, inf. 82/2868; gon, inf. 67/2340; un-don, a. 76/2662. See son, under-don.

ut-gon. See Faraon, Pharaon.

vt-gon, inf. Pharaon, s. 86/3022. See Pharaon.

vt-gon, pp. Aaron, s. 88/3082.


atwond. See hond.

bond, s. hond, s. 63/2198; lond, s. 22/764. See lond, wond, s.

fond, s. See hond.

fond, pret. lond, s. 87/3048; wond, pret. 117/4136. See hond, lond, un-bond, wond, s.

hond, s. atwond, pret. 87/3058; fond, s. 10/336, 90/3150; fond, pret. 80/2810; lond, s. 25/844, 28/960, 37/1288, 61/2144, 72/2508, 81/2852, 85/2968, 88/3102; sond, s. 92/3242; up-wond, pret. 88/3084; wond, s. 83/2916; wrong, pret. 59/2064. See bond, lond, sond (=sand), wond, s.

lond, s. bond, s. 59/2076, 61/2114; fond, pret. 37/1280, 77/2712, 110/ 3880; hond, s. 4/104, 20/674, 22/756, 24/ 828, 45/1576, 62/2156, 80/2790, 115/4050, 117/4134; up-wond, pret., 85/2988. See bond, fond, pret., hond, bonde.

sond, s. (=sand). hond, s. 93/3274. See hond, strond.

sond, s. (=schond). See wond, s.

strond, s. sond, s. 78/2718.

un-bond, pret. fond, pret. 64/2224.

up-wond. See hond, lond.

wond, s. bond, s. 77/2716; fond, pret. 84/2944; hond, s. 80/2804, 108/3822, 109/3828; sond, s. 77/2714. See hond.

wond, pret. See fond, pret.


bonde, s. lond, s. 77/2694.


among, postp. stong, pret. 111/3896; wrong, s. 23/786. See strong,

a-mong, adv. See song, strong, wrong, s.

bi-long, adv. See strong.

chirche-gong, s. messe-song, s. 70/2466.

long, a. strong, a. 17/564, 32/1100. See spro[n]g, stong, strong.

long, postp. See stron[g].

messe-song. See chirche-gong.

song, s. a-mong, adv. 93/3286; amonge, postp. 21/700; strong, a. 8/244.

spro[n]g, pret. long, a. 8/248.

stong, pret. long, a. 116/4084. See among, postp.

stron[g], a. long, postp. 73/2560.

strong, a. (or adv.) among, postp. 46/1592; a-mong, adv. 110/3876; bi-long, adv. 59/2068; long, a. 99/3496; ut-gong, s. 80/2800; water-gong, s. 19/662; wrong, s. 78/2724. See long, a. song, ðor-mong, wrong, s.

ðor-mong, adv. strong, a. 93/3266.

ut-gong. See strong.

water-gong. See strong.

wrong, s. a-mong, adv. 77/2684; strong, a. 106/3728. See among, postp., strong.

wrong, pret. See hond.


a-monge. See song.

-OO (= Ō)

moo. See ðo, adv.

oo, adv. ðor-fro, adv. 4/112.


booc. See tooc.

ooc, s. wooc, a. 54/1874.

tooc, pret. booc, s. 117/4124.

wooc. See ooc.


flood. See good, a.

good, s. See mood.

good, a. flood, s. 15/492, 17/562; mood, s. 4/128; stod, pret. 6/186. See blod, mod, vnder-stod.

mood, s. good, s. 10/328. See god, a., good, a.


dropen. See lopen.

lopen, pp. dropen, pp. 76/2648.


Bala-segor, s. ðor, adv. 32/1106.

Belphegor. See sor, s.

Cadalamor, s. stor, a. 25/842.

Emor, s. ðor, adv. 53/1844.

Fegor, s. mor, a. 114/4032.

for, pret. swor, pret. 38/1338.

gomor, s. nunmor, adv. 95/3334; ðor, adv. 95/3344.

Hor, s. ðor, adv. 110/3884.

mor, a. or adv. or, adv. 28/962, 29/994, 114/4034; sor, s. 15/512; ðor, adv. 95/3342. See Fegor, or, sor, a., ðor.

Nachor. See sor, s. ðor.

neuere mor. See sor, s. ðor.

nummor, adv. or, adv. 52/1814.

nunmor, adv. sor, s. 30/1048. See gomor, ðor.

or, adv. mor, adv. 63/2206. See Eliazar, mor, nummor.

Segor, s. ðor, adv. 33/1134.

sor, s. Belphegor, s. 115/4070; Nachor, s. 21/734; neuere mor, adv. 36/1240; ðor, adv. 86/3008. See mor, nunmor, ðor.

sor, a. mor, a. 50/1734; mor, adv. 73/2566; ðor, adv. 30/1040, 51/1766, 56/1946. See ðor.

stor. See Cadalamor.

swor. See for.

ðor, adv. ger, s. pl. 69/2418; mor, a. 109/3846, 116/4090; Nachor, s. 39/1348, 40/1384; neuere mor, adv. 31/1082; nunmor, adv. 32/1118, 41/1420; sor, s. 104/3650; sor, a. 73/2568, 115/4044. See Bala-*

*segor, Emor, gomor, Hor, mor, Segor, sor, s., sor, a.


more, adv. ðore, adv. 65/2270.


bi-foren, adv. or postp. boren, s. pl. 52/1798; boren, pp. 2/48, 42/1472, 52/1826, 58/2006, 65/2284, 66/2292, 69/2430, 71/2504, 72/2518, 73/2572, 83/2930, 92/3252; coren, s. 60/2104, 61/2134; sworen, pp. 71/2476, 72/2506, 101/3564; woren, pret. pl. 68/2380. See boren, pp., coren, forloren, pp., soren, sworen.

boren, s. pl. See bi-foren.

boren, pp. bi-foren, adv. or postp. 40/1378, 45/1556, 49/1708, 74/2580, 74/2588, 79/2762, 92/3250; for-loren, pp. 16/546, 20/696, 54/1886; schoren, pp. 35/1200; sworen, pp. 24/824. See bi-foren, coren, forloren, pret. pl., forloren, pp., sworen, ðor bi-foren, biforn.

coren, s. bi-foren, adv. 63/2216, 66/2308; boren, pp. 62/2160. See bi-foren.

for-loren, pret. pl. boren, pp. 8/242.

for-loren, pp. bi-foren, postp. 112/3954; boren, pp. 33/1144, 72/2512. See boren, pp.

schoren. See boren, pp.

soren, pp. bi-foren, postp. 55/1920.

sworen, pp. bi-foren, postp. 44/1526; boren, pp. 76/2678, 90/3182. See bi-foren, boren, pp.

ðor bi-foren. boren, pp. 20/666, 26/908; coren, s. 64/2246. See corn.

woren. See bi-foren.


biforn, adv. (or postp.) boren, pp. 3/84, 7/220, 8/254, 14/452; born, pp. 26/906.

born. See biforn.

corn, s. ðor bi-foren, adv. 87/3050.


forð. See norð.

norð, s. forð, adv. 24/830.


Eliopoleos, s. gen. sg. ros, pret. 75/2644.


cost, s. frost, s. 95/3328.


bot, s. mot, v. 84/2958.

bot, pret. See smot.

fot, s. mot, v. 37/1304, 99/3488; oc, conj. 71/2498; spot, s. 93/3280. See mod, wot, v. 1 sg., wot, v. 3 sg.

grot, s. hot, a. 72/2530.

mot. See bot, fot, wrot.

smot, pret. bot, pret. 83/2926.

Sochot. See wot, v. 1 sg.

spot. See fot.

wot, v. 1 sg. fot, s. 42/1474; Sochot, s. 53/1840.

wot, v. 3 sg. fot, s. 89/3114.

wrot, pret. mot, v. 3 sg. 72/2528.


bi-hoten. See loten.

loten, inf. bi-hoten, pp. 89/3132.


Assaroth, s. soth, a. 105/3688.

Cabroth. See soth.

Pharaoth. See Sokoth.

Sokoth, s. Pharaoth, s. 91/3210.

soth, a. Cabroth, s. 105/3686. See Assaroth.


loð, a. loð, a. 113/3982. See scroð, wroð.

scroð, pret. loð, a. 58/2024, 77/2696.

sloð. See wroð.

wroð, a. loð, a. 35/1216, 50/1736, 94/3318; sloð, v. 3 sg. 112/3964.

-OÐT (= oð).

loðt. See scroðt.

scroðt, pret. loðt, a. 10/340.


circumcicioun. See run.


out. See Teremuth.


town, s. dun, adv. 78/2740.


sowt. See nogt, adv.


Esau, s. nu, adv. 43/1492, 45/1562, 46/1584; ru, a. 44/1544. See ru.

gu, pron. nu, adv. 72/2510. See nu.

man hu. nu, adv. 95/3330.

nu, adv. gu, pron. 89/3120. See Esau, gu, man hu.

ru, a. Esau, s. 44/1540. See Esau.


prud, a. See srud.

prud, s. See srud.

srud, s. prud, s. 56/1966; prud, a. 8/272, 25/858, 41/1414, 68/2368, 80/2802.


nuge. See ut-drog.


luken, pp. to-broken, pp. 107/3780. See broken.


Belum, s. sum, a. 20/686.

Ihesum, s. sum, a. 96/3376.

on-rum, adv. dun, adv. 114/4022.

sum. See Belum, Ihesum.


trume, s. welcume, a. 53/1830.


bi-cumen, inf. binumen (= ben numen), 45/1578.

bi-cumen, pp. for-numen, pp. 64/2228; numen, pp. 109/3840.

binumen (= ben numen). See bi-cumen, inf.

binumen, pp. See cumen, pp., ouercumen, inf., munen, inf.

cumen, inf. munen, inf. 47/1622; numen, pp. 19/634, 69/2070, 61/2128, 81/2826, 87/3066, 107/3768, 118/4160; wunen, inf. 9/306. See nomen, numen, under-numen, sunen, s. pl., wunen, pp.

cumen, pres. pl. numen, pp. 50/1722.

cumen, pret. pl. numen, pp. 40/1382.

cumen, pp. binumen, 23/772, 82/2876; numen, pp. 11/366, 18/594, 18/620, 32/1112, 33/1142, 38/1316, 67/2346, 93/3270, 98/3438, 103/3640, 105/3680. See mis-numen, numen, wunen, s. pl., wunen, v. pl.

for-numen. See bi-cumen, pp.

forð-cumen. See vnder-numen.

kumen, inf. numen, pp. 12/400.

kumen, pp. numen, pp. 56/1936.

mis-numen, pp. cumen, pp. 88/3092.

numen, pp. comen, pp. 10/344; cumen, inf. 116/4104; cumen, pp. 12/410, 17/580, 30/1052, 49/1688, 71/2486, 79/2754, 81/2858; ouer-cumen, pp. 60/2108. See bi-cumen, pp., cumen, inf., cumen, pres. pl., cumen, pret. pl., cumen, pp., kumen, inf., kumen, pp., wunen, inf., wunen, v. pl.

ouercumen, inf. bi-numen, pp. 11/376.

ouer-cumen, pp. See numen.

under-numen, pp. cumen, inf. 92/3222.

vnder-numen, pp. forð-cumen, pp. 61/2136.


dragun. See dun, adv.

dun, s. tun, s. 32/1102.

dun, adv. dragun, s. 83/2924; prisun, s. 58/2040, 63/2194. See town, on-rum, Pharaun, tun.

Pharaun, s. dun, adv. 78/2734; tun, s. 73/2570. See prisun.

prisun, s. Pharaun, s. 61/2118. See dun, adv.

run, s. circumcicioun, s. 29/992.

tun, s. dun, adv. 21/714, 39/1368. See dun, s., Pharaun.


grund. See stund.

stund, s. grund, s. 60/2110, 75/2640; grund, s. [MS. grunð] 93/3278.


mune, inf. See sune, wune, s.

mune, sbj. or imp. sune, s. 2/46, 99/3472. See sune.

sune, s. mune, sbj. or imp. 36/1260; mune, inf. 69/2422; wune, s. 15/494, 20/676, 47/1652, 55/1910, 96/3370; wune, v. 33/1156, 36/1254; wune, a. 44/1530; wunen, inf. 12/404, 27/932. See mune, sbj. or imp., wune, s.

wune, s. mune, inf. 28/972; sune, s. 15/514, 39/1346, 40/1406, 43/1502, 75/2626; sunen, s. ?pl. 48/1656. See sune.

wune, v. See sune.

wune, a. See sune.


munen, inf. binumen, pp. 6/198; wunen, s. pl. 20/688. See cumen, inf., wunen, s. pl.

munen, v. pl. See sunen, s. pl.

sunen, s. pl. cumen, inf. 62/2176; munen, v. pl. 16/558, 39/1350; wunen, s. pl. 99/3482; wunen, inf. 42/1448, 54/1898; wunen, v. pl. 19/648; wunen, pp. 83/2900. See wune, s.

sunen, inf. See wunen, inf.

wunen, s. pl. cumen, pp. 23/802; munen, inf. 89/3138. See munen, inf., sunen, s. pl.

wunen, inf. numen, pp. 11/368; sunen, inf. 53/1864. See cumen, inf., sune, sunen, s. pl.

wunen, v. pl. cumen, pp. 17/570; numen, pp. 97/3416. See sunen, s. pl.

wunen, pp. cumen, inf. 94/3290. See sunen, s. pl.


sunes, s. gen. sg. See wunes.

sunes, s. pl. wunes, s. pl. 43/1480. See wunes.

wunes, s. pl. sunes, s. gen. sg. 43/1496; sunes, s. pl. 16/540, 66/2294. See sunes, s. pl.


muneð, v. 3 sg. wuneð, v. 3 sg. 69/2410.


burg, s. ðurg, postp. 110/3882; ut-ðhurg, adv. 77/2688.


suriurn. See turn.

turn, s. suriurn, s. 3/64.


Exodus. See vs.

hus, s. us, pron. 47/1620.

vs, pron. Exodus, s. 73/2538.

-UTH (= UT)

Teremuth, s. out, adv. 75/2616.


guð, s. kuð, pp. 76/2666.

muð, s. selcuð, a. 113/3972.


xi^e. (= endluue), a. luue, s. 55/1922.


a-buuen, adv. luue[n], s. 57/2002; ut-suuen, pp. 46/1610. See luue[n], luuen, s., luuen, inf., luuen, v. pl., suuen.

luue[n], s. a-buuen, adv. 44/1518. See a-buuen.

luuen, s. a-buuen, adv. 19/636, 116/4082.

luuen, inf. abuuen, adv. 1/10.

luuen, v. pl. abuuen, adv. 2/50.

suuen, pp. a-buuen, adv. 4/108.

ut-suuen. See a-buuen.


a. = adjective; adv. = adverb; conj. = conjunction; dat. = dative; gen. = genitive; imp. or imper. = imperative; inf. = infinitive; int. = interjection; p. = participle; pl. = plural; postp. = postposition; pp. = past or passive participle; pres. = present; pret. = preterite; pron. = pronoun; s. = substantive; sbj. = subjunctive; sg. = singular; v. = verb.


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