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Audiobook: Horton Genealogy: or Chronicles of the Descendants of Barnabas Horton, of Southold, L. I., 1640. by Horton, Geo. F. (George Firman)

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Audiobook: Horton Genealogy: or Chronicles of the Descendants of Barnabas Horton, of Southold, L. I., 1640. by Horton, Geo. F. (George Firman)

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Title: Horton Genealogy or Chronicles of the Descendants of Barnabas Horton, of Southold, L. I., 1640.

Author: Various

Release Date: October 11, 2016 [EBook #53259]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


Produced by Cindy Horton, John Campbell and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.)


Italic text is denoted by underscores.

A superscript is denoted by ^x or ^{xx}.

All changes noted in the ERRATA (at the front of the book) have been applied to the etext.

As the ERRATA states: "Errors in spelling, and occasionally discrepancies in dates may be found, but their correction will readily suggest itself to the reader." Errors in dates, even seemingly obvious ones, have not been corrected.

The lists of children in the book are predominantly given in a compact run-on format, probably to save printing space. All lists have been unwrapped, indented and presented on separate lines in this etext.

The two Indexes are incomplete and contain many errors. With a few exceptions these errors have not been adjusted; one valid page number has been added to an entry when none was present in the original Index.

Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

More detail of changes made can be found at the end of the book.







OF SOUTHOLD, L. I., 1640.




Page 11, line 25, for Zenia read Zeruiah, and in the same line read case instead of cose.

Page 18, line 13, for Elizabeth read Elijah, and in the same line read Pamela instead of Jarnella.

Page 26, line 6, for Elizabeth read Jemima.

Page 68, line 4, for 1698 read 1689, and in the 9th line instead of 1776 read 1767.

Page 100, line 32, read Rowena Nancy M., Capt. Familton, Harry M., unmarried.

Errors in spelling, and occasionally discrepancies in dates may be found, but their correction will readily suggest itself to the reader.

[Illustration: Horton.]


A stag's head cabossed, silver; attired, gold; and, for distinction, a canton ermine.

Crest, out of the waves of the sea proper, a tilting spear erect, gold; enfiled with a dolphin, silver, finned, gold, and charged with a shell.

[Cabossed means cut off short so as not to show the neck; attired denotes the horns; canton ermine, means the black spots upon the white field in the left-hand corner. In the picture the artist has not given the shell upon the dolphin.]

Motto.--"QUOD VULT, VALDE VULT,"--What he wills, he wills cordially and without stint.

Arms are hereditary, but the mottoes are not, and may be changed to suit the taste or fancy of any family. There are other Arms of the Horton family, varying somewhat from the above. The date of the grant of the arms I have not found--probably many centuries ago.


We give BARNABAS HORTON as the Preface and Introduction to this little volume of Chronicles. He was probably the son of Joseph Horton, of Leicestershire, England, and born in the little hamlet of Mousely of that shire. Of his history before he came to America very little is known. He came over in the ship "Swallow" in 1633-38. He landed at Hampton, Mass. How long he remained at Hampton is not known. But in 1640 we find him with his wife and two children in New Haven, Conn., in company with the Rev. John Youngs, William Welles, Esq., Peter Hallock, John Tuthill, Richard Terry, Thomas Mapes, Matthias Corwin, Robert Ackerly, Jacob Corey, John Conklin, Isaac Arnold, and John Budd, and on the 21st day of Oct., 1640, assisted by the venerable Rev. John Davenport and Gov. Eaton, they organized themselves into a Congregational Church, and sailed to the east end of Long Island, now Southold. They had all been members of Puritan churches in England, and all had families with them except Peter Hallock. They doubtless had been on the island previous to this time and looked out their homes. On nearing the shore they cast lots to decide who should first set foot on the land. The lot fell on Peter Hallock, and the place where he stepped upon the land has ever since been known as Hallock's Landing.

On coming ashore, they all knelt down and engaged in prayer, Peter Hallock leading, as had been determined by the lot. These were the first persons of any civilized nation that had ever attempted to settle on the east end of Long Island. See Griffin's Journal.

Barnabas Horton was a man of deep-toned piety, and a warm advocate of civil and religious freedom. He was one of the most prominent and influential men of Southold. He was for many years a magistrate, and several times a member of the General Court at New Haven and Harford. He built the first framed dwelling-house ever erected on the east of Long Island, and that house is still (1875) standing and occupied. It is a shingle-house, that is, shingles are used for weather-boards, and the sides have never been reshingled, and the roof but once, according to the statement of Jonathan Goldsmith Horton, the last Horton occupant of the old house.

It is said that Barnabas Horton I. was large in stature, and of a ruddy complexion, and of fine social qualities.

His tombstone is of English blue marble, five feet long and about three feet wide. It is placed horizontally over the grave. The stone was re-lettered about fifty or sixty years ago by Jonathan G. Horton. It is elevated about eighteen inches from the ground, on a good stone base. The original base was of brick, but it had all crumbled down many years ago. The present base was put under the stone at the time it was re-lettered by Jonathan G. Horton.

The inscription surrounds the border of the stone, and reads as follows:

"Here lieth buried the body of MR. BARNABAS HORTON, who was born at Mousely, Leicestershire, Old England, and died at Southold, on the 13th day of July, 1680, aged 80 years."

In the centre of the stone we find the Epitaph, as follows:

"Here lies my body tombed in dust 'Till Christ shall come to raise it with the just; My soul ascended to the throne of God, Where with sweet Jesus now I make abode: Then hasten after me, my dearest wife, To be partaker of this blessed life; And you, dear children, all follow the Lord, Hear and obey His public sacred word; And in your houses call upon His name, For oft I have advised you to the same: Then God will bless you with your children all, And to this blessed place He will you call."

Heb. xi: 4.--"He being dead, yet speaketh."

It is said that this epitaph was written by himself, and that it, together with the inscription, date of his death excepted, was all put upon the stone before he died. He was the only one of the original thirteen who brought his tombstone with him, and this fact seems to indicate a commendable desire to see that his name and memory should not perish from the earth.

NOTE.--We have followed Griffin's Journal in relation to the thirteen old Puritans who first settled in Southold. But C. B. Moore, Esq., of New York City, who has been more thorough and faithful than any other person, in studying the history and genealogy of the early settlers of Southold--examining all the deeds and wills, and other authentic documents to be found, and also copying the inscriptions from every headstone, not only in Southold, but over nearly the whole Island--makes it very evident that some of those named were not there at so early a date, and he also says that Peter Hallock, who is named as one of the thirteen, was the grandson of the Puritan Hallock who settled at Southold, and whose Christian name was William. Mr. Moore is one of the best genealogists of the country, and in relation to Long Island, he is the best authority extant.


It will be seen by the engraving that the old house is double. The western part is that which was built by Barnabas in 1659-60. The east or two-story part was built by Jonathan I., about 1682. The upper room of this part was used for a court-house for nearly twenty years, as we learn from Thompson's History of Long Island, and some of the old benches used when it was a court-house are still preserved. The old "castle," as Jonathan G. Horton, its last Horton occupant, used to call it, is in all probability the oldest wood house in America. I know of no dwelling-house of any kind, stone or brick, now standing, that can date back as far as this venerable old mansion. There were a few huts on the east of Long Island previous to 1640--two or three it is said on Shelter Island. But these, as well as those built by the Puritans, immediately on their settlement in Southold, soon all passed away. Not a vestige of any of the first generation buildings can be found except this one. It remained for the house that Barnabas built to survive the wreck of ages, and to stand to-day as a noble representative of the dwellings of two hundred and fifteen years ago. But the old house stands to-day not only as peering above all others by its age, but also by its occupancy. It is not very often that we find two generations of the same name, living and dying in the same house--rarely find three. But here we have six generations in succession, all bearing the Horton name, living and dying in the same house, and all born in it except Barnabas I., and his son Jonathan. We may go to the castles and palaces of the old world, and search long and diligently, and fail to find a parallel case.

With a few repairs, the old castle may yet stand for generations far in the future.

It requires some thought and reflection to realize the lapse of time since the old house was built. See the old Puritan himself there twenty years; then his son Jonathan, twenty-eight years; and then Jonathan, Jr., about sixty years; and next Lawrence and his son Jonathan over a half a century; and lastly Jonathan G. Horton, about a half a century; making in all two hundred and thirteen years at the death of Jonathan G. Horton, 3 July, 1873. These six generations all living and dying in the old mansion! Could those old walls re-echo all the words ever spoken there, and exhibit anew all the scenes ever witnessed there--the book containing such a record would vastly exceed in volume the size of the old castle. It would bring to light much that is now in darkness, and must forever remain hidden from the generations of the living.

At the death of Jonathan G. Horton, the old homestead became, by will, the property of the Rev. Mrs. Williams, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who was the adopted daughter of Jonathan G. Horton, he never having had issue, so that on the 3d of July, 1873, the old homestead went out of the Horton name.

Mrs. Williams proposes to sell it, and if some of the Hortons do not buy it, it will indicate a lack of decent respect for the old castle, if not for the Horton name. It should be bought back into the Horton name, suitably repaired and preserved for the wonder and admiration of generations of Hortons yet unborn. Jonathan G. Horton, the short, thick man, and Stuart T. Terry, are the two men seen in the engraving, in front of the old house.

Mr. Stuart T. Terry, of Southold, L. I., has kindly copied and forwarded to me, many interesting facts from the New Haven Colonial Records, some of which are here inserted:

"Concerning some farmers neere Southold, at a place called Hashamamock, aboute whom BARNABAS HORTON, one of ye Constables last yeare, which was 1656, also, Constable in 1659. 29 May, 1661, Barnabas Horton was a Deputy to the New Haven Court--also, 31 May, 1654, the Deputies from Southold, presented to ye court a wrighting from their towne, wherein it is desired that BARNABAS HORTON and JOHN PEAKEN, the two present Deputies of Southold, may be chosen Constables for that plantation; which was done. Barnabas Horton was a Deputy to the Court in New Haven, in 1654-'56-'58-'59 and 1661. In 1655 there was no election, but he wrote a letter to the Court on public affairs. In 1662 he was admitted a Freeman of Connecticut Colony, at Harford, and in 1663 and 1664 he was a Deputy to the General Court, at Harford. He was a Magistrate in 1664, and until his death. He is one of the Patentees of the Town of Southold in 1676." Made his will May 10, 1680. Died 13 July, 1680. Will proved. Lib. 2, N. Y., p. 54.--Vide "Moore's Indexes of Southold."


Perhaps the most interesting relic left by our good old ancestor, Barnabas, is the OLD BIBLE, which he brought with him from England. It is now in the possession of the Hon. Silas Horton, of Southold. It was taken to the Bible House, New York, some years ago, and carefully repaired, and every torn leaf mended, so that it is now entire, and in a good condition.

We find in it the following record:

"Imprinted at London, by the Deputies of Christian Barker."

Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majestie, 1597.


Then follows in manuscript:

"Barnabas Horton, to his son Jonathan Horton, this BIBLE he did bequeath, in the year of our Lord, 1680."

Then follows:

"Capt. Jonathan Horton, his Book. God give him grace. Jonathan Horton, 1683."

In another place, and probably in the handwriting of Jonathan Horton, Jr., we find:

"The Word of the Lord God of Jonathan Horton, 1748-'49."

Again we find:

"Lydia Tuthill, her Book, given her by her mother, as it is said."

And then follows:

"Feb. 8, in the year 1742, then Jonathan Tuthill departed this life--the son of Henry Tuthill and Bethia (Horton) Tuthill. Susanna Tuthill, wife of Jonathan Tuthill, departed this life May 16, in the year 1743, in the 50th year of her age. Henry Tuthill, departed this life the 4th day of January, in the year 1750, aged 84. Bethia Tuthill, wife of Henry Tuthill, departed this life March 16th, 1744, in the 73d year of her age."


The old wood hooks are still attached to the big beam of the old house, upon which Barnabas used to hang his OLD MUSKET, which was called "uncle Barney's quart pot." He brought it with him from England. It is now in the possession of Barnabas B. Horton, of Southold. It is still a long old gun, though not as long as it was once, as it was bursted by overloading on one Thanksgiving Day, and about eight or ten inches of the muzzle cut off.

The CASK, in which he packed a portion of his household goods, and brought over with him, is still in existence, and is owned by Gilbert W. Horton, of Bay View, Southold. It is doubly historic from the fact that when the British invaded Long Island it was filled with wheat and buried, thus securing the wheat from the foraging parties of the British army. It is made of solid oak--hoops and all--the hoops are square and about an inch and a quarter thick--only one hoop missing. It is used for a grain cask, and will hold about fifteen bushels. It was formerly called "uncle Barney's money barrel," as romance had it, that he brought it over full of gold and silver.

His WALKING STAFF is still preserved. It is made of the Yew tree wood, has a fine ivory head with the letters "J. H." and the figures "1617" in apparently golden specks indented into it, from which it would seem that it once belonged to his father, and that J. H. (Joseph Horton) were his initials. It is now owned by Silas R. Horton, of Goshen, N. Y.

Many other mementos of the old Puritan are in existence, some of them in the Long Island Historical Rooms, Brooklyn, N. Y.


The word Horton in the Anglo-Saxon language means an enclosure, or garden of vegetables. It is said to be derived from ort and tun, ort, meaning plant, and tun, enclosed. The name is evidently of Latin origin, and has been known in England ever since the conquest of Cæsar.

The Hortons in England, and their descendants in America, have generally been cultivators of the soil. They have been found almost universally in the middle class of society, and it is not known that any royal blood has ever coursed in their veins. They are, and always have been, producers rather than consumers, and for industry, integrity, and piety, they will lose nothing in a comparison with the renowned families of either the new or the old world.

The first of the family who emigrated to this country, of whom we have any authentic record, came over from England 1633 to 1638. Thomas, Jeremiah, and Barnabas, were among the early emigrants, and old tradition says they were brothers. Thomas came over in the "Mary and John," in 1633, settled permanently in Springfield, Mass. Jeremiah also settled in Massachusetts. There was a John Horton in New York, in 1645, but no one has been found claiming descent from him. He probably returned to England.

It is not known from what place in England either Thomas or Jeremiah came, nor is there any certain evidence that they were brothers of Barnabas, but the three coming over about the same time would favor the tradition that they were brothers.

The Head Quarters of Cæsar's army was near the present Leicester, the principal town of that county, and the Horton name has been known there to the remotest period of any authentic records. This fact, together with the name itself, favors the idea that the family was of Roman origin. The name in olden time was frequently written Orton, and it is highly probable, that the Ortons and Hortons were originally from the same family, and perhaps also the Nortons.


The antiquity of the Horton Family is established by the fact, that one Robert De Horton, manumitted a bondman to his manor of Horton, long before the time of Henry Larey, Earl of Lincoln, who died in 1310. It is also ascertained that the Hortons had a manor-house in Great Horton, with a mill and certain demesne lands therewith belonging, at a very remote period.

William Horton, Esq., of Frith House, in Barksland, Halifax, descended from the above-mentioned Robert, married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hanson, Esq., of Toothill, had issue and died about 1640, viz.:

1. William, of Barkisland, or Bark Island Hall, who purchased in the 15th of Charles I., the estate of Howroyde, was born about 1576.

2. Joseph, born about 1578.--Burke's Landed Gentry, vol. 1, p. 345.

It is held that this Joseph settled in Mousely, Leicester Co., and was the father of Barnabas Horton. It is highly probable that Barnabas was not the oldest son, and not inheriting real estate, may have been one reason for his emigrating to America.

It is known that Capt. Jeremy Horton, 18 Aug., 1626, was the master and owner of the ship "Swallow," of Barnstable, and that he made voyages to New England, in 1633 and 1638, and in a subsequent voyage he was shipwrecked and several lives lost--the crew and master came to Boston, but the vessel was lost.

Capt. Roger Horton, about this time, had a prisoner delivered to him, from the White Line Prison, to be transported into parts beyond the seas, to serve in the wars of his majesty's plantations.

Tradition says that Barnabas Horton and family came over in the "Swallow," in 1638, or perhaps earlier, but I have not found his name on any of the lists of emigrants.


"The Indians called Southold,[1] 'Yennycock.' Mr. John Youngs, who had been a minister at Hingham, England, came over with a considerable part of his church, and here fixed his residence. He gathered his church anew on the 21 Oct., 1640, and the planters united themselves with New Haven. However, they soon departed from the rule of appointing none to office, or of admitting none to be freemen, but members of the church. New Haven insisted on this as a fundamental article of the constitution. They were, therefore, for a number of years, obliged to conform to the law of jurisdiction. Some of the principal men were: Rev. Mr. Youngs, Mr. William Wells, Mr. Barnabas Horton, Thomas Mapes, John Tuthill, and Matthias Corwin."--Trumbull's History of Connecticut.


Documentary History of New York, vol. ii., p. 439. "Rate-Lists of Long Island, 1675, 1676, and 1683," page 447, Southold's Estimate, 16 Sept., 1675, p. 451:

Barnabas Horton, 2 heads (men? voters?), rated at £18 each; 37 acors land £37; 9 oxen, £54; 8 cows, at £40; 4 three year-olds, £16; 4 two year-olds, £10; 4 yerlings, £6; 69 shepe, £23; 6 horses, £72; 1 yerling (colt), £3; 8 swine, £8. Total, £305.

Jonathan Horton, 1 heade, 36 acors land, 2 oxen, 6 cows, 3 three-year olds, 5 two-year olds, 2 yerlings, 3 horses, 1 yerling, 9 shepe, 6 swine. Total, £171, 10s.

Page 452. Joshua Horton, 1 heade, 20 acors land, 8 oxen, 4 cows, 7 three-year olds, 3 yerlings, 3 horses, 1 two-year old, 10 swine. Total, £197.

Page 454. Caleb Horton, 1 heade, 80 acors of land, 6 oxen, 12 cows, 5 three-year olds, 7 two-year olds, 7 yerlings, 2 horses, 1 three-year old horse, 1 two-year old, 1 yerling horse, 2 swine. Total, £282.

Page 456. Benjamin Horton, 1 heade, 70 acors land, 4 oxen, 8 cows, 4 three-year olds, 5 two-year olds, 4 horses, 4 swine. Total, £232.

Page 535. Southold Estemation for ye year 1683. Jonathan Horton, £440, 13s. Joshua Horton, £173. Caleb Horton, £350. Benjamin Horton, £267.

Documentary History, vol. i, page 669. A list of names of old and young, Christians and heathens, freemen and servants, white and black, inhabittinge within the township of Southold, 1698:

Jonathan Horton, Bethia Horton, Jonathan Horton, Jr., William Horton, James Horton, Mehetabel Horton, Mary Horton, Abigail Horton, Patience Horton, Joshua Horton, Mary Horton, Ephraim Horton, Mary Horton, Jr., Bathia Horton, Elizabeth Horton, Zeruiah Horton, Caleb Horton, Sarah Horton, widow, Penelope Horton, Mary Horton, widow, Caleb Horton, Jonathan Horton, David, Barnabas, and Phebe Horton, Joshua Horton, Jr., Eliza Horton, Eliza Horton, Jr., Patience Horton, Deborah Horton, Martha Horton, Bethia Horton, Barnabas Horton.

Documentary History, vol. iii., p. 855.--Capt. James Horton, 1775, takes a census of slaves in Westchester County, New York, in which he sets down to himself 1 male and 1 female negro.

Same vol., p. 863.--Rev. Simon Horton, 1755, has 1 female and 2 male slaves.

Documentary History, vol. iv., p. 200.--List of freeholders 27 February, 1737.

Jonathan and Joseph Horton, Joshua, Jr., and Jonathan, Jr., David and Caleb Horton.


The reader will see at a glance the plan of this book. We commence with the Christian name. Then follows the parentage, genealogical data, &c., and then the Christian names of the children and order of births. In many of the early families the exact order of births cannot be ascertained; but it has been approximated as nearly as possible. The lineage is given in connection with the first member of the family. The Roman numerals indicate the order of births. The sons and daughters of the old Puritan, Barnabas, constitute the second generation, but they are spoken by way of eminence as Joseph I., Hannah I., &c. The book contains much repetition, but none too much to make it plain and easy to study.

This little book contains the chronicles of only about one-half of the Horton families looked up. Those whose genealogical data are given only in a small part, and those whose correct lineage has not been satisfactorily ascertained, are not included in this book.

This book is mainly what those who have kindly furnished records and sketches have made it. The whole has been carefully compiled. But genealogical works, almost of necessity, contain many errors. Doubtless this small work has its full share. But when errors are discovered, notice thereof should be given, so that a second edition may be made entirely truthful. Thankful to all who have generously given their assistance, this work is sent out as a small contribution to the genealogical literature of the day, and in the hope that a more full and extensive book of Horton chronicles may be issued at no very distant day.

Terrytown, 10 Jan., 1876.

First Generation.--Barnabas I.

I. BARNABAS HORTON, son of Joseph Horton, born in Mousely, Leicestershire, England, 13 July (old style), 1600. Emigrated to America in the ship "Swallow," Captain Jeremy Horton, master and owner, in 1635 to '38, landed at Hampton, Massachusetts, came to New Haven in 1640; his wife, MARY, and two children, Joseph and Benjamin, with him. He settled permanently on the east end of Long Island, now Southold, Suffolk County, New York, in October, 1640.

Children, all born in Southold, except Joseph and Benjamin, who were born in England:

1. Joseph, born about 1632; married Jane Budd, daughter of John Budd I.

2. Benjamin, born about 1634; married Anna Budd, sister of Jane.

3. Caleb, born about 1640; married Abigail Hallock.

4. Joshua, born about 1643; married Mary Tuthill.

5. Jonathan, born about 1648; married Bethia Wells.

6. Hannah, married Barnabas Terrill.

7. Sarah, married Joseph Conklin.

8. Mary, married Joseph Budd, son of John Budd.

9. Mercy, married Christopher Youngs.

10. Abigail, married Charles Booth.

Second Generation.--Joseph I.

I. JOSEPH, the first son of Barnabas I., was born in Mousely, England; exact date of his birth has not been found. Probably 1635. He came to this country with his father. He married, about 1655, JANE BUDD, daughter of John Budd, one of the original thirteen Puritans, who settled in Southold in 1640. He resided near his father in Southold for several years after his marriage; but about the year 1664, he moved to Rye, Westchester County, New York, to which place his father-in-law, John Budd, had previously gone.

He was admitted a freeman of Connecticut Colony in 1662. In 1663 he witnessed a deed of Tucker and Brush to Mapes. He sold his house, and lot of four acres of land, to his father, Barnabas Horton, and also deeded land to John Youngs, in 1665. In 1671 he was chosen one of the Selectmen of Rye, and about this time he is one of a Committee of three to procure a minister. In 1678 he was a Justice of the Peace, and about this time he was a Lieutenant, and then a Captain of a Militia Company, and also authorized by the General Court to issue warrants, and to unite persons in holy matrimony. In 1690-'91 he was devisee of his brother Benjamin, and his brother Joshua was executor. In 1695 he was chosen one of the vestrymen of the church, and in 1699 he was licensed to keep a public house of entertainment. In addition to all these dignities, he also filled the office of miller, and in this useful calling he was succeeded by several of his descendants. He had five sons and several daughters, only one of whom is mentioned. (Vide "Moore's Indexes of Southold," and "Baird's History of Rye," New York.)

Children, all born at Southold, except Jeremiah, who was probably born at Rye:

1. Joseph, born about 1654; married, perhaps, Mary Hallock.

2. John, born about 1656; married, perhaps, Sarah Vail.

3. Samuel, born about 1658.

4. David, born about 1661.

5. Abigail, born about 1663; married Roger Park.

6. Jeremiah, born about 1666.

II. BENJAMIN, son of Barnabas I., born in Mousely, England, 1637. came to this country with his father; married about 1661 ANNA BUDD, daughter of John Budd I., and settled near his father, in Southold. He was a freeman of Connecticut Colony in 1664, deeds land to Christopher Youngs in 1670, and to Samuel King and others at various times. Anna, his wife, witnesses deeds in 1673, 1683-85. On 19 February, 1686, he makes his will, appointing his brother Joseph devisee and his brother Joshua executor. He moved to Rye about 1665, where he died, 3 November, 1690, without issue. (Vide "Moore's Indexes of Southold," pp. 22 and 23.)

Second Generation.--Caleb I.

III. CALEB, son of Barnabas Horton I., born at Southold, in the autumn of 1640; married in Southold, 23 December, 1665 to Abigail Hallock, daughter of Peter Hallock, the Pilgrim. They settled at Cutchogue, Southold Township, L. I. He was accepted as a freeman of Connecticut, 1664. Land deeded to him by S. King the same year. In 1676 he is rated for 30 acres of land, 37 cattle, 5 horses, £282: and in 1683 his valuation was £350. In 1686 he has four males and six females in his family. He died 3d. October, 1702. His wife died in 1697. (See "Moore's Indexes of Southold.")

Children, all born at Cutchogue:

1. Barnabas, born 23 September, 1666; married Sarah Hines.

2. Jonathan, born in 1668; married Bethia Conklin.

3. Nathan, born in 1670; died without offspring.

4. David, born, 1672; married Mary Horton, daughter of Jonathan Horton I.

5. Mary, born 1675; married Nathaniel Terry.

6. Hannah, married ensign John Booth, son of John Booth I.

7. Abigail, married David Booth, son of Charles Booth and Abigail Horton.

8. Esther. 9. Rachel, died unmarried. 10. Ruth.

Second Generation.--Joshua I.

IV. JOSHUA, son of Barnabas Horton I., born at Southold, L. I., in 1643; married, about 1667, MARY TUTHILL. In 1673, '76, '78 and '95 he deeds land to various persons. In 1676 he is one of the patentees of Southold, and has six males and five females in his family. He is a Lieutenant in 1693. (See "Moore's Indexes of Southold" p. 88.) He died in Southold, 1729. His wife died 2 January, 1718.

Children, all born in Southold:

1. Joshua, ensign, born 1669.

2. Joseph, born 1671; married.

3. Sarah, born 1673; married Richard Terry, son of Richard I.

4. Mary, born; married 2 January, 1708, Zaccheus Goldsmith.

5. Bethia, born; married in Jan., 1716, Ichabod Hallock. She died 1753.

6. Keziah or Zeruiah, married Israel Case.

7. Ephraim, born 1786; married, in 1707, Martha Vail.

"In the old Colonial Records of Connecticut, Joshua speaks of 'his brother Caleb, 15 September, in the 28th year of the reign of Charles II.'"--S. T. Terry.

Second Generation.--Jonathan I.

V. JONATHAN, youngest son of Barnabas I., born in Southold, L. I., 23d February, 1648; married about 1672 to BETHIA WELLS, daughter of William Wells, Esq., one of the original 13 settlers of Southold, about 1750. Jonathan resided with his father, and inherited the homestead. He was the first Captain of the first Company of Cavalry ever organized in Suffolk County, New York, and his brother Joshua was first Lieutenant of the same Company. He and his wife were worthy members of the Southold Church, and highly esteemed in all the relations which they sustained. For further particulars, see "Moore's Indexes of the town of Southold," No. 348, page 90.

They had eleven children, viz.:

1. Caleb, born 1673, died young.

2. Bethia, born 1774.

3. Barnabas, born 1775, married Elizabeth Burnette.

4. William, born 1777, married Christiana Youngs.

5. Mehetabel, born 1679, married, 1. Peter Bradley, 2. Dea. Daniel Tuthill.

6. Abigail, born 1681; married, 1. Lyons, 2. David Brewster; settled in Orange County, New York.

7. Jonathan, born 23d December, 1683, married Mary Tuthill.

8. Mary, born 1687, married David Horton.

9. Caleb, born 1690, married 1. ----, 2. Widow Mary Goldsmith.

10. Patience, born 1692, died unmarried.

11. James, born 1694, married Anna Goldsmith.

Captain Jonathan made his will 21 February, 1707, and died on the 23d, two days afterwards. His wife, remaining his widow, died 14 April, 1733.

* * * * *

An inventory of the goods and chattels of Capt. Jonathan Horton, late of Southold, who deceased February 23, Anno Domini 1706-7:

£ s. d. Neat Cattle, 82 00 00 Horses, 9 00 00 Sheep and Swine, 30 00 00 Implements of Husbandry, 12 00 00 Beds and Bedding, 45 00 00 Linen, 18 00 00 Money and Plate, 10 01 03 Wearing Clothing and Arms, 22 00 00 Iron, Brass and Pewter Ware, 17 10 00 Chairs, Chest, and Wooden Ware, 14 14 00 Grain and Provision, 35 16 00 --- -- -- 304 5 03

We, the subscribers, have prized the above written particulars according to the best of our judgments.


Hannah I.

HANNAH, daughter of Barnabas Horton I., born in Southold, about 1651; married, about 1670, BARNABAS TERRILL, son of Thomas Terrill.

Children, all born at Southold:

1. Barnabas.

2. Richard.

3. Abigail.

4. Nicholas.

5. Catherine.

6. Mary.

Sarah I.

SARAH, daughter of Barnabas Horton I., born at Southold, about 1653; married, about 1670, JOSEPH CONKLIN, son of John Conklin, the Pilgrim, and born in Southold, about 1650.

1. Sarah.

2. Rachel.

3. Mary.

4. Joseph.

5. John.

6. Henry.

7. Thomas.

8. Elizabeth.

Mary I.

MARY, daughter of BARNABAS HORTON I., born at Southold, about 1655; married, about 1674, JOHN BUDD, son of John Budd, the Pilgrim. They moved from Southold to Rye, New York, about 1680.


John and Joseph, born in Southold; Jonathan and others, born in Rye.

MERCY, daughter of BARNABAS HORTON I., born at Southold, about 1660; married, about 1678, CHRISTOPHER YOUNGS, son of Col. John Youngs, grandson of Rev. John Youngs, the first pastor of the first church at Southold.

1. John, born 21 Oct., 1679.

2. Abram, born 1681.

3. Nathaniel, born 1683.

ABIGAIL, adopted daughter of BARNABAS HORTON I., born at Southold, about 1665; married, about 1690, CHARLES BOOTH, son of John Booth. She was probably the daughter of the second wife of Barnabas, by her first husband. Her father's name is not known.

Children, born in Southold:

1. Charles, born 1691; married Mary ----, who died 13 April, 1774.

2. Abigail, born 1693; married Thomas Goldsmith.

3. David, born 1695; married, in 1717, Abigail Horton, daughter of Caleb I.

Third Generation.--Joseph I.

I. JOSEPH, son of Joseph Horton and Jane Budd (Barnabas I.), born in Southold, about 1654. Moved with his father's family to Rye, Westchester County, N. Y., in 1664; married, perhaps, MARY HALLICK, about 1678. Children all born in Rye:

1. Joseph, born in 1679.

2. John, born in 1631.

3. Benjamin,

4. Janetz, baptized in New York in 1696.

(Moore's Indexes.)

II. JOHN, son of Joseph Horton and Jane Budd (Barnabas I.), born in Southold, about 1656. Married about 1680, perhaps, SARAH VAIL. Moved with his father to Rye, N. Y. Was captain of a militia company in Rye, in 1700. Children all born in Rye:

1. John; married, perhaps, Mary Vail.

2. Joseph.

3. Jonathan.

4. Benjamin; married and had Joseph, Benjamin and others.

5. Hannah.

IV. DAVID, son of Joseph Horton and Jane Budd, born in Rye, 1664; married about 1688, perhaps, ESTHER KING. Settled at White Plains, N. Y. Children probably all born at White Plains:

1. Joseph, born 1687; married Anna Howell.

2. Thomas, born 1690; married, perhaps, Mary Knapp, and had Thomas and others.

3. Daniel, born 23 April, 1692; married Esther Lane.

4. Samuel.

6. Jeremiah.

7. Abigail.

8. Ambrose.

Fourth Generation--Joseph I.

I. JOSEPH, son of Joseph Horton and Mary Hallock (Joseph I.), born at Rye, in 1697; married about 1703, perhaps, ANNA HOWELL. He was living in Rye, in 1722 and '23, and he probably died there. He had Joseph, born about 1705, and probably others of whom no record has been given.

II. JOHN, son of Joseph Horton and Mary Hallock, born at Rye, in 1681. He married and had family--John, born in Rye about 1707, is the only one found.

I. JOSEPH, son of David Horton and Esther King (Joseph I.), born at Rye about 1689; married ANNA KNAPP. Moved to White Plains about 1725. Died in 1763.

Children, probably, all born in Rye:

1. Joseph, born 1713.

2. Azariah.

3. Phebe.

4. Patience.

II. THOMAS, son of David Horton and Esther King, born at Rye, about 1691; married, perhaps, Mary Knapp, and probably moved to Rehoboth, Mass.

Children all born in Rehoboth:

1. Thomas, born 1758, married Mary Hix.

2. Mary.

3. David.

III. DANIEL, son of David Horton and Esther King, born at White Plains, N. Y., 23 April, 1602; married about 1724, ESTHER LANE, born at Rye, 24 May, 1704. They settled at Yorktown, N. Y., about 1724. She died 18 April, 1769. He died 10 December, 1777.

Children all born at Yorktown:

1. Daniel, born 1725.

2. Elizabeth; married ---- Wright.

3. Rachel; married Daniel Wright.

4. Stephen, born 30 April, 1731; married 1. Sarah Owens. 2. Elizabeth Frost.

5. Esther; married ---- Wright.

6. Phebe; married ---- Knapp.

7. Milicent; married 1. Owens. 2. Lee.

8. William born 10 January, 1743; married Elizabeth Covert.

V. JOHN, son of David Horton and Esther King, born at White Plains, N. Y., about 1696; married, perhaps, ELIZABETH LEE, and settled in Rye. He owned the mills at Horton's mill pond in Rye, from 1747 to 1769.--(See "Baird's History of Rye.")


1. Richard, born 1721; married Jemima Wright.

2. John, born 1722; married Mary Frost.

4. Daniel.

Fifth Generation.--Joseph I.

I. DANIEL, son of Daniel Horton and Esther Lane (David, Joseph I.), born at Yorktown, West Chester Co., N. Y., about 1725; married about 1748, perhaps, MARY COREY, and moved to White Plains, N. Y.

Children probably all born at White Plains:

1. Stephen, born about 1749; married Mary Wright.

3. Samuel.

4. George W., settled at City Island.

5. Anna; married Samuel Crawford, of White Plains.

6. David, born 4 August, 1860; married Sabra Wheeler.

7. Margaret, born 1763.

III. RACHEL, daughter of Daniel Horton and Esther Lane, born at Yorktown, N. Y., about 1730; married DANIEL WRIGHT.

1. Daniel, born 1751.

2. Sarah; married Frost.

3. Hannah.

4. Esther, born 1761; married Enoch Knapp.

5. Micajah.

6. Frances; married Field.

7. James.

8. Milicent; married Beadle.

9. Rachel; married Field.

10. Phebe; married Howland.

IV. STEPHEN, son of Daniel Horton and Esther Lane, born at Yorktown, 30 April, 1731; married 24 December, 1758, SARAH OWENS, born 19 November, 1737. Died 27 October, 1772. He married second, 29 December, 1773, ELIZABETH FROST, born 24 February, 1741. Died 20 May, 1825. He died 7 December, 1814. Children all born at Yorktown:

1. Joseph, born 24 August, 1759; married Mary Beedle; he died in June, 1813.

2. Hannah, born 12 January, 1761; married 23 December, 1782; died 30 October, 1827.

4. Elizabeth, born 23 October, 1764; married 25 November, 1787, William Beedle.

5. Caleb, born 3 November, 1766; died 11 February, 1771.

6. Sarah, born 18 November, 1769; died 20 September, 1771.

By second wife:

7. Caleb, born 25 September, 1774; married 22 January, 1800, Sarah Field; died 26 May, 1849.

8. Wright, born 22 May, 1776; married, 28 November, 1798, Anna Quereau.

9. Jacob, born 19 February 1779; married 17 June 1802; died 15 July, 1808.

10. Sarah, born 11 March, 1781; married 10 July, 1824, Joseph Lee; died 20 October, 1858.

VIII. HON. WILLIAM, son of Daniel Horton and Esther Lane, born at Yorktown, 10 January, 1743. In 1768, he married LIZZIE (ELIZABETH) COVERT, an accomplished and amiable lady of French descent, who was born 9 January, 1743. He removed from the town of Sommers, formerly Stephentown, to Colchester, Delaware Co., N. Y., in 1789. He was a tanner and currier by trade, and he tanned the first leather that was ever manufactured in Delaware Co. He purchased large tracts of lands, built saw-mills and grist-mills, and carried on a large business in the manufacture and sale of lumber and provisions, as well as of leather. He was a healthy, muscular man. His father died when he was sixteen, and he then for a while lived with his brother Stephen. He was a man of sound judgment, and capable of enduring much hardship. Colchester was an unbroken wilderness when he settled there, but by his influence and great business capacity, it was soon settled by an enterprising and industrious people, and the wilderness was soon turned into well cultivated and productive fields. He was a very prominent citizen among them. He was a Justice of the Peace for many years, and in 1794, he was sent to the Legislature, and about this time he was President Judge of Ulster Co., Ulster and Delaware being then one county.

He and his wife were both worthy and active members of the Baptist Church, and they trained up their children to fear the Lord and keep his commandments. He died suddenly in 1831, at the age of eighty-eight years, respected and lamented, not only by his numerous friends and relatives, but by the whole community. His wife survived him but two weeks. Children all born in Sommers:

1. John, born in 1769; married Sallie Hagan.

2. Henry, born 7 November, 1771; married Abigail Cook.

3. James, born 23 January, 1773; married Martha White.

4. Sarah, born in 1775; married Jacob Radaker.

5. Micajah, born in 1777; married Hannah Williams.

6. Isaac, born 13 April, 1780; married Prudence Knapp.

7. Hattie, born in 1783; married John Radaker.

I. THOMAS, son of Thomas Horton and Mary Knapp (David, Joseph I.), born, probably, at Rehoboth, Mass., 1784; married MARY HIX. Moved to New Lebanon, N. Y., and afterwards to Duchess Co., N. Y.

1. John Hix, born in New Lebanon, 1792; married Sarah Bannister.

2. Thomas, born in 1774; married Mary Wright.

3. Joseph.

4. Phebe.

5. Elizabeth.

6. Patience.

7. Stephen, born in Marnacaton, Duchess Co., N. Y., 10 May, 1791; married Susan Hyatt.

I. RICHARD, son of John Horton and Elizabeth Lee (David, Joseph I.), born at White Plains; married, perhaps JEMIMA WRIGHT, and moved to Peekskill.

Children, probably, all born at Peekskill:

1. Elijah, born 7 August, 1839; married Jemima Currie.

2. George.

3. William.

4. Richard.

II. JOHN, son of John Horton and Elizabeth Lee, born at White Plains, about 1718; married, about 1742, perhaps, MARY FROST, and moved to Philipstown, now Putnam Valley, Putnam Co., N. Y., about 1760.

Children, probably, all born at White Plains:

1. John, born 17 November, 1746; married perhaps, Sarah Lane.

3. Jesse.

4. David.

5. Joseph.

6. Sarah.

7. Phebe.

Sixth Generation.--Joseph I.

I. ELIJAH, son of Richard Horton and Jemima Wright (John, David, Joseph I.), born in Peekskill, N. Y., 7 August, 1739; married about 1762, JEMIMA CURRIE, born 6 July, 1744, probably in Peekskill. They moved from Peekskill to Stroudsburg, Pa., about 1780, and purchased a farm of Jacob Stroud, for which he was to pay in continental money, of which he had enough to pay down for the farm, but Stroud kept putting off making the deed until his money had so much depreciated that he could not pay for it, and Stroud kept the land. He then settled, for a time, in Middlesmithfield, Pa., but about 1789, he came to Sheshequin, Bradford Co., Pa., and took up land where Edward Brigham now resides, and here he spent the balance of his days. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. He died 14 August, 1821. She died 11 March, 1825. They were both buried in Horn Brook Cemetery.

Children all born in Peekskill:

1. Richard, born about 1766; married Tabitha Jayne.

2. Elijah M., born 9 June, 1768; married 1. Pamela Ogden. 2. Abigail Bullard.

3. Joshua, born 7 October, 1774; married 1. Lucy Thompson. 2. Lucinda Ellis. 3. Phebe Goodsell.

4. Isaac, born about 1778; married 1. Sally Smith. 2. Laura Stevens.

5. Gilbert, born about 1782; married ---- Beardsley.

6 Stephen, born about 1786; married Susan Mayhew.

7. William, born 14 May, 1789; married Esther Cowell.

There were probably some daughters in this family, but we have no knowledge of any. If there were any, they never came to Bradford County.

II. GEORGE, son of Richard Horton and Jemima Wright, born in Peekskill, N. Y., about 1741; married ELSIE SHOEMAKER.

Children, probably, all born in Peekskill,--all are now (1875) dead:

1. Anna; married Dunham.

2. Elizabeth; married Taylor.

3. Daniel; unmarried.

4. Esther; married Moses Cortwright.

5. Eleanor; married Cornelius De Witt.

6. Jane Depuy; married Evans.

7. George Cummins; married Hannah Cortwright.

8. Benjamin; married Jane Savage.

III. WILLIAM, son of Richard Horton and Jemima Wright, born in Peekskill. No record of marriage or family has been given.

Tradition says that he was a man of uncommon physical powers. In wrestling and prize-fighting he was never known to be beaten. At one time, it is said, a prize-fighter known as the "Boston Bully," came all the way from Boston to Peekskill to whip Billy Horton. It was in cold weather, and Horton at first declined to fight. But he was called a coward, and this he would not stand, and then the seconds were chosen, and the fight began, Horton came off victorious, the Boston man being so severely handled that it was several weeks before he was able to return home. He was kindly cared for by Horton until he was able to return.

JOHN HORTON, of Philipstown, now Putnam Valley, N. Y., son of John Horton and Mary Frost (John, David, Joseph I.), born at White Plains, N. Y., 17 November, 1746. Went to Philipstown with his father about 1760; married 2 April, 1768, to SARAH LANE, in Philipstown. She died 16 September, 1773, probably without issue, April 4, 1775. He married SARAH LEE, born 30 November, 1751. They settled permanently at Philipstown, and lived to a good old age, he dying in 1830, and she soon after him.

Children, all born at Philipstown:

1. John, born 31 December, 1775; died 30 September, 1776.

2. Jesse, born 29 January, 1777; married.

3. Sarah P., born 4 August, 1778; died 6 August, 1785.

4. Hannah, born 9 November, 1780; married 3 January, 1799, to John Bryant.

5. David, born 18 July, 1782.

6. Tamar, born 5 February, 1784; married Joshua Smith.

7. Lee, born 11 July, 1785.

8. Israel, born 15 December, 1786; married Nancy Hills.

9. Samuel, born 3 May, 1788.

10. John, born 23 March, 1790.

11. Isaiah, born 15 August, 1791.

12. Phebe, born 25 December, 1792.

I. STEPHEN, son of Daniel Horton and Mary Corey (Daniel, David, Joseph II.), born, probably at Yorktown, New York, in 1750; married, about 1771, to Mary Wright; moved to White Plains.

Children, probably born at White Plains:

1. David, lived at Yonkers, New York.

2. Benjamin, " " "

3. Joseph, settled in Claverack, Columbia County, New York.

II. DANIEL, son of Daniel Horton and Mary Corey, born at Yorktown, about 1753; married.

1. Daniel, born 22 February, 1776; married Anne Strong.

VI. DAVID, son of Daniel Horton and Mary Corey, born, probably, at Yorktown, 4 August, 1760; married, in 1784, SABRA WHEELER, born 11 May, 1766. They both died at Yorktown: he, 14 July, 1829, she, 20 July, 1831.

Children, born at Yorktown:

1. Platt, born 10 September, 1785; died 31 January, 1865.

2. Rhoda, born 1 April, 1787; died 14 January, 1859.

3. Amos, born 6 February, 1789; died 12 June, 1858.

4. David, born 29 October, 1790; died 21 January, 1758.

5. George, born 20 September, 1792; died 14 April, 1872.

6. Pearce, born 5 December, 1794; married Hannah Peak.

7. Peleg, born 23 February, 1797; died 2 April, 1834.

8. Leonard, born 2 November, 1798; died 17 February, 1858.

9. Alvor, born 2 November, 1800; died 24 December, 1871.

10. Mazor L., born 27 July, 1802.

11. Treuman, born 3 April, 1804; died 3 October, 1871.

12. Henry, born 15 April, 1808; died 12 December, 1872.

I. JOHN, son of Hon. William Horton and Elizabeth Covert (Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Somers, New York, in 1770; married, in 1792, SARAH HAGAR, born in Scoharrie County, New York, June, 1774. He died 28 October, 1828. She died 31 July, 1849, at Colchester, New York.

Children, probably all born at Colchester:

1. Daniel, born 17 February, 1793; died 29 January, 1861.

2. Peter, born 28 August, 1795; died 28 August, 1796.

3. David, born 23 August, 1797.

4. Peter, born 3 July, 1800.

5. Mary, born 7 February, 1803.

6. Samuel McCrea, born 28 June, 1805; died 28 April, 1829.

7. Elizabeth, born 16 June, 1807.

8. Col. Enoch, born 7 March, 1811.

9. Cornelia, born 5 July, 1813.

10. Geo. W. P., born 6 February, 1816; married Julia E. Carpenter.

11. Benjamin, born 24 July, 1818.

Sarah Hagar was the daughter of Capt. Peter Hagar, who commanded the upper Fort in Scoharrie County, in the Revolutionary War. He and his family were in the Fort three months. He was a man of firmness, and highly respected.

John Horton was a worthy man, a good citizen, taken away in the midst of his usefulness. He and his family were always much respected.

II. HENRY, son of the Hon. William Horton and Lizzie Covert, born at Sommers, New York, 7 November, 1771; married at Colchester, New York, by Elder Woolsey, 10 March, 1792, to ABIGAIL COOK, born in Duchess County, New York, 4 July, 1774. They were both worthy members of the Baptist Church.

Children, all born at Colchester, except Susan Cook and Henry, who were born at Point Salubrious, Jefferson County, New York:

1. Phebe, born 27 December, 1794; married Daniel Robbins.

2. William Cook, born 2 December, 1796.

3. Eliza, born December, 1799; married Ralph W. Rogers.

4. Stephen, born 1 October, 1801.

5. John Todd, born 29 September, 1803; married Emeline Smith.

6. Le Roy De, born 10 November, 1805; married Jane Reynolds.

7. Samuel McCrea, born 14 October, 1807.

8. Jacob R., born 22 October, 1809.

9. Susan Olive, born 29 December, 1811; married Noah Dunham.

10. Henry, born 12 April, 1814; married Sarah P. Dunham.

Henry Horton and family moved to Point Salubrious in the Autumn of 1809 and settled there. He died 4 February, 1855. Date of his wife's death is unknown. Both buried at Point Salubrious.

III. JAMES, son of Hon. William Horton and Lizzie Covert, born at Sommers, New York, 23 January, 1773; was married 15 May, 1800, to MARTHA WHITE, born at White Plains, 17 March, 1775. She died 16 July, 1862, aged 87.

He was about sixteen years of age when his father moved to Colchester, Delaware County, New York, where he endured the hardships and privations incident to a frontier settlement. In 1806 he moved from Colchester to Chaumont, Jefferson Co., New York, then a dense forest. He settled permanently on Point Salubrious, being the first family of white people who ever settled there. Here he was again exposed to hardships, causing continued ill health, until his death, which occurred on 5th November, 1833. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. He was a warm supporter of religion and a lover of good order in society, which he always labored zealously and successfully to promote. He was temperate in his habits and exemplary in his character. He never disgraced the name he bore, and his virtues are worthy of imitation by all his posterity. He and his elder brother Henry settled near each other on Point Salubrious, which is a neck of land running out about four miles into Chamount Bay. Here they took up farms, had fine fishing grounds, and raised large families.--Letter of Van Rantz Horton.

1. John White, born 12 October, 1802; married Candace L. Fox.

2. George, born 31 March, 1804; married Sabra Mills.

3. Ann Caroline, born 13 June, 1806; married Benjamin Ryder.

4. Valiant McCrea, born 14 May, 1808; married Delia M. Cook.

5. James I., born 18 March, 1810; married Lucy Hubbard.

6. Cornelius W. Van Rantz, born 31 January, 1812; married Emeline E. Dickerson.

7. William Henry, born 24 June, 1814; married Hattie Wright.

8. Sarah Maria, born 10 August, 1817; unmarried.

IV. SARAH, daughter of Hon. William Horton and Lizzie Covert, born in Westchester County, New York, in 1775; married JACOB RADAKER.

1. Betsy, married ---- Bliss.

2. Elbridge.

3. Armina, married David Horton.

4. John.

5. Barney.

6. Sylvia, married Charles Knapp.

7. William Horton.

8. Hannah, married ---- Campbell.

9. Henry J.

10. Perry.

11. Esther, married ---- Boggatt.

12 and 13. Elmeda and Elmira, twins; 12. married Peter Radaker, 13. married ---- Wilson.

They probably settled in Colchester and died there.

V. MAJ. MICAJAH, son of Hon. William Horton and Lizzie Covert, born at Sommers, New York, 22 May, 1777; married in Colchester in 1800, to HANNAH WILLIAMS, born in Norwich, Massachusetts, 15 September, 1773; died at Mason, Ingham County, Michigan, 1 September, 1868. He died at Colchester, 5 February, 1829. He was a volunteer in the war of 1812-15, and bore the commission of a Major.

Children, all born at Colchester:

1. Amanda, born 15 December, 1801; married Moore; died about 1850.

2. Wright, born 24 April, 1803; resides in Howard County, Kansas.

3. Isaac Williams, born 10 October, 1805; married Adah Washburn.

4. Martha, born 29 April, 1807; died at Mason, Michigan, 10 August, 1857.

5. James, born 4 April, 1809; died 12 May, 1809.

6. and 7. William and Elizabeth, twins, born 17 February, 1811.

8. Debora Ann, born 5 March, 1813; resides at Mason, Michigan.

9. Esther, born 27 December, 1814; married John Radaker; resides at Mason, Michigan, and has Sophia, who married Isaac Miller.

10. Peter Williams, born 9 September, 1816; died at Colchester, April, 1843.

VI. ISAAC, son of the Hon. William Horton and Lizzie Covert, born at Sommers, 13 April, 1780; married at Colchester, 1 January, 1807, by Elder Woolsey, to PRUDENCE KNAPP, daughter of Enoch Knapp and Esther Wright, and born in June, 1787.

Children, all born at Colchester, except Emily, born at Liberty, Sullivan County, New York.

1. Homer, born 28 June, 1809; married Jane Davidge.

2. Ray, born 8 April, 1811; married Martha A. Radaker, and has Agnes.

3. James, born 5 June, 1813; married 1. Elizabeth Krimer, 2. Eliza Ann Clements.

4. Charles, born 25 February, 1815; married Betsey Grant.

5. Esther, born 4 August, 1817; married Nathaniel Gildersleeve.

6. Clarissa, born 11 May, 1819; married John C. Smith.

7. Ovid, born 7 May, 1821; married Catharine Holliday.

8. Annis, born 16 January, 1824; unmarried.

9. Webb, born 24 February, 1826; married Elizabeth Ann Radaker.

10. Emily, born 11 Dec., 1829; married Nicholas M. Young; died 5 Jan., 1875.

"Isaac Horton moved from Colchester to Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y., 4 and 5 of April, 1826. The snow fell in April, after they moved, about two feet deep. He had a large stock of cows, sheep and hogs. In his flock of sheep were twenty-two ewes, the finest that could be found in Colchester, nearly all of them only two years old. He drove them to Liberty. Wolves were seen on the way near Parkesville. He arrived at Liberty Falls--salted his sheep in the evening. The next morning the sheep were gone, and Isaac and his son Roy, went up the hill at Liberty Falls to look for them. Before they got beyond the clearing they found dead sheep scattered along the log fence, and others dying. Nearly all the flock were killed. They even killed a lamb in the pen adjoining the house.

"In 1837, Isaac Horton had thirty-seven grandchildren, all living but two. His children all lived to maturity."--(Letter G. B. Horton, 1871.)

Isaac Horton was a member of the Baptist Church, of Colchester; but after he moved to Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y., he usually attended the Episcopal Church. He built a grist-mill at Liberty Falls, in 1827 or 1828, another in 1841-42. He was quite extensively engaged in the manufacture of bed-posts and other turned work, including wooden bowls; also in shipping curled and birds-eye maple. Politically he was a whig, and an ardent supporter of Clay and Webster. He died 10 May, 1855. She is still living.

Under date of 8 February, 1874, Webb Horton writes, "My mother is living and in good health. She resides at Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y. She is in the eighty-seventh year of her age. Her father died aged eighty-eight, and her grandmother, Prudence Schofield, aged ninety-four. She has now living ten children, thirty-seven grandchildren, and nineteen great-grandchildren."

This is a very remarkable family--so large and yet so few deaths. It is a rare occurrence to find a family of children, ten in number, the youngest forty-six years old, all living. And then so many grandchildren and great-grandchildren living. I have no record of any family equal to it, and doubtless, the number is now (1875), somewhat augmented.

IV. ESTHER, daughter of Rachel Horton and Daniel Wright (Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Yorktown, N. Y., in September, 1761; married ENOCH KNAPP, about 1786. Children all born at Yorktown.

1. Prudence, born 20 January, 1787; married Isaac Horton.

2. Esther; married Charles Bliven.

3. Allen.

4. James.

5. Charles; married Sylvia Radaker.

I. JOSEPH, son of Stephen Horton and Sarah Owens (Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Sommers, formerly Stephentown, N. Y., 24 August, 1759; married, in 1784, MARY BEEDLE, born about 1760. He died in June, 1813.

Children all born at Sommers, N. Y.:

1. Benjamin, born 19 February, 1785; married Hannah Strang.

2. Jesse.

3. Philena.

4. Joel.

5. Phebe.

VIII. WRIGHT, son of Stephen Horton and Elizabeth Frost, second wife, born at Yorktown, N. Y., 22 May, 1776; married 28 November, 1798, ANNA QUEREAU, daughter of Dr. Quereau, and born 10 March, 1780. Died 4 January, 1852. He died 27 June, 1861. Children, probably, all born at Yorktown:

1. Elias Quereau, born 22 December, 1800; married Mary Lyons. He died 23 September, 1831.

2. Betsey Ann, born 4 November, 1802; married 10 January, 1827.

3. George W., born 10 September, 1804; married Charlotte Griffin.

4. Frost, born 15 September, 1806; married Phebe Tompkins.

5. Stephen D., born 3 October, 1808; married Delia Clapp. He died 5 March, 1842.

6. William C., born 9 January, 1811; married Phebe McKeel; he died 26 January, 1846.

7. Jane, born 17 July, 1813; married 19 May, 1839, Thomas C. Van Heusen.

8. Sarah, born 10 May, 1815; married 18 March, 1838, Joseph T. Hollow. She died 11 January, 1850.

9. Peter Quereau, born 26 December, 1817; resides at Sing Sing. Unmarried.

10. Wright Frost, born 22 February, 1820; died 23 March 1844. Unmarried.

Seventh Generation.--Joseph I.

I. RICHARD, son of Elijah Horton and Jemima Currie (Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Peekskill, N. Y., about 1766. Moved with his father's family from Peekskill to Stroudsburg, Pa. about 1782; married, in 1787, TABITHA JAYNE, daughter of Isaac Jayne and Anna Lattemore, and probably born in New Jersey, about 1768. They settled first at Middlesmithfield, Pa., but about 1790, he moved to Bradford Co., Pa., and settled permanently in Sheshequin, on land now, 1875, occupied by Joseph Towner, son of Enoch Towner. They have both been dead many years--dates have not been given. Both buried in Horn Brook Cemetery.

Children all born in Sheshequin except David, who was born in Middlesmithfield, Pa.

1. David, born 22 October, 1788; married Hannah Newell.

2. Isaac Jayne, born 1790; married Ruth N. Ferguson. Both dead.

3. Infant, died before naming.

4. Anna, born 1792; married Caleb Shores.

5. Tabitha, died young.

6. Jemima, married John Lyons.

7. Tabitha, married Nathaniel Shores.

8. Betsey, married George Vibbert.

9. Diana, married Stephen Shores.

10. Richard, born 3 June, 1807; married Eliza Shores.

11. Josephine, born 6 April, 1809; married Daniel Culver. He died 25 August, 1856. She died 27 September, 1856.

12. Jane, married Aaron Shores, live in the West.

13. Lorinda, married Orrin Smith.

II. ELIJAH M., son of Elijah Horton, and Jemima Currie, born in Peekskill, N. Y., 9 June, 1768; married in 1791, PAMELA OGDEN, born in Northumberland, now Columbia Co., Pa., at the mouth of Fishing Creek. Soon after the birth of their first child, they moved up the Susquehanna River, and settled in Sheshequin. Pamela Ogden died 11 February, 1804, aged forty years. He married, 2. ABIGAIL BULLARD, born 11 April, 1780; died 3 March, 1845. He died August, 1835. All buried in Horn Brook Cemetery.

Children all born in Sheshequin except Isaac S., who was born at Fishing Creek:

1. Isaac Snyder, born 20 June, 1792; married Hannah Elliott.

2. Charles, born 5 September, 1793; married Sally Brink; died 24 February, 1873.

3. John, married ----

4. Lydia, married Rev. David Blackman.

5. Mary, married, 1. Smith Horton, 2. Rufus Cooley.

6. Betsey, married King Shores.

7. Elijah, married Elizabeth Ferguson Drake. She was born 1 August, 1799; died 23 October, 1863.

8. Jane Jemima, married Joseph Elliott.

9. William Bullard, born 27 September, 1807; married Melinda Blackman.

10. Charles, married Sally Brink.

11. Lucinda, married John B. Smith.

12. John, married Sally Stevens, went West.

III. ISAAC, son of Elijah Horton and Jemima Currie, born Peekskill, 19 April, 1772. Came to Sheshequin with his father married, 1. SALLY SMITH, 2. LAURA STEVENS, sister of Ira H. Stevens Esq., former Sheriff of Bradford Co., and born in Athens, Pa., 19 June, 1797. She died 19 June, 1851. Sally Smith died 18 August, 1814. He died 6 September. 1861,--without issue. All buried in Horn Brook Cemetery.

IV. JOSHUA, son of Elijah Horton and Jemima Currie, born in Peekskill, N. Y., 7 October, 1774; married, about 1800, LUCY THOMPSON, daughter of William Thompson and Elsie Welsh, and born 14 December, 1780. He came to Sheshequin about 1790.

Children all born in Sheshequin:

1. Elsie, born in 1801; married Abraham Durham.

2. Richard, born 1803; died aged 10 years, 1 month, and 10 days.

3. Lucy, born 1805; married Lemuel Landrus. She died.

4. Sally, born 1807; married Francis Forbes.

5. Joshua, born 1809; married Betsey Brink.

6. William, born 1811; married Sally Shores.

7. Richard T., born 20 May, 1813; married Rhoda Horton, daughter of David Horton.

Lucy Thompson Horton died 19 May, 1814, and he married LUCINDA ELLIS, born 2 January, 1788, and had--

8. Ithiel, born 1815; married Polly Brink, moved West.

9. Lucinda married Ethan Tuthill, both dead.

10. Esther married Jackson Blackman, no issue, they live in the West.

11. Ulysses married Sally Elliott.

12. Fanny married Elijah H. Blackman, lives in Illinois.

13. Eleazer married Harriet Chaffee, both dead.

14. Lewis born 6 February, 1822; married Sallie Maria Chaffee.

15. Luman P. married Phebe Horton, daughter of Richard N. Horton.

16. Nelson, married Lucy Bullis, moved to Rochelle, Ill.

Lucinda Ellis Horton died 20 April, 1864, and he married PHEBE GOODSELL. He died 19 February, 1863, she is still living. He and his two deceased wives were buried in Horn Brook Cemetery.

V. GILBERT, son of Elijah Horton and Jemima Currie, born in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1784; came to Bradford County with his father; married MARY BEARDSLEY and settled in Sheshequin. He moved to the West about 1850.

Children, all born in Sheshequin:

1. Freeman, died at 18.

2. Clarissa, married Leonard Shaw.

3. Reuben, married Polly Pierce.

4. David, went West.

VI. STEPHEN, son of Elijah Horton and Jemima Currie, born in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, about 1786; died 23 November, 1868; married SUSAN MAYHEW in 1807, she born on Long Island, New York, in 1788; died at North Towanda, Pennsylvania, 28 February, 1873. They lived in Sheshequin, Pennsylvania.

1. Elijah Harrison, born 12 November, 1808; married Mary Forster.

2. Hiram, married Hannah Hovey; they live at Lawrenceville, Pa.

3. Shepherd, married Harriet Accla; live at Painted Post, N. Y.

4. Mayhew, married Elizabeth Lyons; live at Blossburg, Pa.

5. Elizabeth, married Geo. Williams; he is dead.

6. Mary, married Benjamin Lyons.

7. Catharine, married Hiram Goff; live in Monroe, Pa.

8. Ann, married Rosin Fox; live on Hollon Hill, Pa.

VII. WILLIAM, son of Elijah Horton and Jemima Currie, born in Stroudsburg, Pa., 14 May, 1789; married at the old Judge Gore place, in Sheshequin, 15 January, 1809, by Samuel Gore, Esq., to ESTHER COWELL, daughter of Christopher Cowell and Rachel Coolbough, and born in Kingswood, N. J., 19 January, 1789. He settled in 1811, in Sheshequin, about two miles from the river, where his widow now resides. She is now (1875) 87 years old, retains her mental faculties without any apparent failure, and, excepting dimness of sight, her bodily powers are remarkably well preserved. Her husband died 23d ----, 1858. Her son, Isaac Jackson, with whom she lives very comfortably, occupies the old homestead.

1. Eliza, born 29 April, 1811; married Joseph Tuthill; she is dead. They had Lucinda, Arletta, Murray, Josiah, dead, Jerusha, dead.

2. Delight, born 4 February, 1813; married Albert Tuthill. Children: William, who was shot by an Indian and instantly killed at Elm Grove, Minnesota, Esther, Lucinda, George, dead, Ursula, Franklin, Florence.

3. Richard Currie, born 29 May, 1816; married Elizabeth Smith.

4. Lucinda, born 17 October, 1819; married Guy Smith. Children: Ulysses, dead, Ethline, dead, Ward.

5. William, born 29 June, 1822; married Polly Margaret Rundell. Children: Relsamon, Mahlon, Alice, Mary, Jane, Franklin. Mahlon and Alice are dead. The rest live in Iowa.

6. Esther Jemima, born 27 March, 1824; married John Vought, son of David Vought and Nelly Huyck. Children: Amanda, Eliza, Helen, Thomas, John, dead, Eugene, Esther.

7. Rachel Amanda, born 5 April, 1826; married George Chaffee. Children: William Dallas, dead, Francis, Mahlon and Sevelon, twins, Ethline, Jackson, Julia.

8. Isaac Jackson, born 3 Dec., 1828; married 3 March, 1852, in Sheshequin, by Rev. Mr. Gibson, of the Universalist Church of Sheshequin, to Elizabeth Rogers, daughter of John Rogers and Elizabeth Petit, and born in Litchfield, Penn'a, 26 December, 1834; they reside at the old homestead of William Horton. No children.

9. Lucy Ann, born 12 September, 1830; married, in Sheshequin, 31 December, 1850, by Rev. S. J. Gibson, to Joseph Franklin Blackman, son of Col. Franklin Blackman and Sybil Beardsley, and born 9 June, 1825; they reside in Sheshequin, near Col. Blackman's. Children: William Wallace, born 7 October, 1851; Mary, born 28 July, 1854; Florence E., born 17 October, 1858, died 26 July, 1861; George, born 17 February, 1863; Grace, born 1 September, 1870.

I. PHEBE, daughter of Henry Horton and Abigail Cook (Hon. William, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Colchester, New York, 27 December, 1794; married 15 January, 1817, by Esq. Robinson, to DANIEL ROBBINS. He was born 29 July, 1792; he died 9 September. 1850. She died.

Children, born at Chaumont:

1. Caroline Horton, born 19 April, 1818; married, 9 Feb'y, 1837, Noah Dunham.

2. Marietta, born 3 April, 1820; married, 27 January, 1842, to James Stebbins.

3. Abigail Horton, born 18 Jan., 1823; married, 28 Feb., 1848, to Geo. W. Phelps.

4. James, born 26 November, 1824.

5. John D. A., born 2 January, 1827; married 30 June, 1850, to Elizabeth Lance.

6. Daniel C., born 29 May, 1829; married, 16 February, to Magdaline Zimmerman.

7. Eliza E., born 22 May, 1832; married Chauncy Canfield, 20 April, 1851.

8. Lucy Jane, born 20 August, 1834.

III. ELIZA, daughter of Henry Horton and Abigail Cook, born 7 December, 1799; married RALPH W. ROGERS, by Elder Farmer, 4 February, 1819. He born 27 September, 1792; died 29 Sept., 1866.

Children, born at Point Salubrious, the residence of their parents:

1. Perley, born 18 Aug., 1802; married, by Rev. J. Canfield, to Susanna Dunham.

2. Henry Horton, born 19 February, 1822; died 31 May, 1830.

3. Charles, born 24 September, 1823; married, 22 February, 184-, by Esq. Hoyt, to Angeline Bloget.

4. Byron, born 19 June, 1825; married Julia A. Warner.

5. Anna J., born 29 June, 1827; married Edwin Warner, by Esq. Hoyt.

6. Minot J., 23 July, 1829; married, 1. Adeline Dewey, 2. Jerusha Hagens.

7. Mercy Ann, born 3 Dec., 1832; married, by Rev. J. Canfield, to Daniel Owens.

8. James L., born 23 March, 1835; married, 1. Elizabeth Denison, 2. Louisa Warner, 3. Almyra Warner.

9. Gaylord, born 22 April, 1837.

10. Rebecca, born 24 December, 1838; married Ambrose Warner.

11. Cyrus, born 4 June, 1841; married Mary Moren.

V. JOHN TODD, son of Henry Horton and Abigail Cook, born at Colchester, N. Y., 29 September, 1803; married at Point Salubrious, 14 January, 1827, by Esq. Lockwood, to EMELINE SMITH, born 15 June, 1806. He is a blacksmith by trade, resides at Mason City, Iowa. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Children all born at Point Salubrious, except William D., born at Mason, Iowa.

1. Albert F., born 26 December, 1827; married Lucinda Hunter.

2. Emily, born 9 March, 1830; died 18 August, 1836.

3. Martha M., born 11 March, 1832; married 27 February, 1851, by Rev. I. Canfield, to George Hunter.

4. Isabella D., born 9 November, 1834; married, 20 September, 1864, William Knapp. She died 29 December, 1873.

5. Emma F., born 2 June, 1838; died 20 December, 1838.

6. John S., born 29 November, 1840; married Olive Verder.

VI. LE ROY, son of Henry Horton and Abigail Cook, born in Colchester, N. Y., 10 November, 1805; married, 26 February, 1828, by Esq. Stone, to JANE REYNOLDS, born 22 November, 1807.

Children all born at Lyme, N. Y.

1. Henry, born 20 July, 1831; married Sally Bush.

2. Angelina Cook, born 31 August, 1833; married Isaac Adams.

3. William Dare, born 17 September, 1835; married Louisa Border.

4. Margaret, born 7 July, 1837; died 3 July, 1868.

5. Isaac Cook, born 27 April, 1839; married Helen F. Blodgett.

6. Dorr, born 12 September, 1841; married Eveline O. Fish.

7. James Le Roy, born 2 February, 1844; married Martha J. Williamson.

VII. SAMUEL MCCREA, son of Henry Horton and Abigail Cook, born at Colchester, N. Y., 14 October, 1807; married 2 November, 1831, to LEAH TRUMPER; she was born 2 April, 1810. He died at Chaumont, 1870. Moved to Chaumont with his father's family where he settled.

Children all born at Chaumont:

1. John McCrea, born 2 August, 1832; married 11 March, 1857, to Mary Jane Shelley, no children.

2. Henry Trumper, born 25 January, 1835; married 1 January, 1860, to Rachel Doty.

3. Abigail C., born 4 January, 1838; married James Lauer.

Henry T. Horton and Rachel Doty have two children:

1. Levi D., born 6 August, 1861, and 2. Estella, born 2 September, 1865.

X. HENRY, son of Henry Horton and Abigail Cook, born at Point Salubrious, N. Y., 12 April, 1814; married 6 January, 1836, by Esq. Bouse, to SARAH P. DUNHAM; she was born 6 July, 1818; she died 28 July, 1858. He married, 2. on the 6 January, 1860, by George Smith, Esq., to FIDELIA HORTON; she died 26 January, 1870. He married, 3. by Esq. Ennons, 12 April, 1872, to HELONIA PLUCHE.

Children by first wife, born at Point Salubrious.

1. Caroline, born 12 July, 1838; married Warren Horton. He died 4 July, 1870, leaving one son Willie, born 16 August, 1869.

2. Edward Baker, born 21 October, 1840; married Ellen Delma.

3. George Bertrand, born 27 April, 1844; married Henrietta Meeks.

4. Sarah Estella, born 12 December, 1861.

5. Harry, born 6 March, 1866.

6. Jason, born 2 May, 1867.

7. Frank A., born 16 January, 1870.

GEORGE PHILIP, son of Joseph Horton, (Stephen, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born in Claverack, N. Y., in 1798; married MAGDALENA MILLER, daughter of Cornelius Miller, and born in Claverack, N. Y., in 1800.

1. Rev. F. A., born in Philmont, N. Y., 15 September, 1841.

2. Cornelius Miller, born in Philmont, N. Y., 26 November, 1844.

"The original ancestor on the father's side was Michael, and on the mother's side it was Cornelius Stephanse Muldor, friend and companion of the old Patroon, the Hon. Stephen Van Rensalaer, and originally from Rykerk, Holland."--Letter of Rev. F. A. Horton, of Catskill, now (1874), of Cleveland.

VI. THOMAS, son of Thomas Horton and Mary Wright (Thomas, Thomas, David, Joseph I.), born in Hector, Schuyler Co., N. Y., 26 June, 1800; married, 27 February, 1823, to RACHEL LEE daughter of David Lee, of Duchess Co., N. Y.

Children, probably, all born in Pultney, Steuben Co., N. Y.:

1. David Lee, born 1824; married Susan Swarthout.

2. William Edward, born 14 March, 1826; married Nancy Bancroft.

3. Mary, born 26 July, 1828; married 5 June 1849, to Rev. J. C. Mallory.

4. Martha Cordelia, born 4 Oct., 1830; married 11 Oct., 1852, Rev. A. B. Chase.

5. Ann Eliza, born 15 March, 1833; married 4 July, 1852, Minor Swarthout.

6. Daniel Taylor, born 16 Nov., 1835; married, 1. Mary Ann Swarthout, 2. Mary Jane Knapp.

7. Sarah Maria, born 10 October, 1838; died 28 June, 1855.

8. Joseph Robert, born 25 April, 1841; married, 25 Feb., 1868, to Abbey Gaspar

9. Theodore Marcena, born 11 August, 1845; married Mary E. Jordan.

I. ELIAS QUEREAU, son of Wright Horton and Anna Quereau (Stephen, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Yorktown, 22 December, 1800; was married in Bedford, N. Y., 25 January, 1826, by Ezra Fountain, to MARY LYONS, daughter of Ezra Lyons, and born in Bedford, about 1802. He died 23 September, 1831, at Yorktown; was buried at Amawalk.

Children born at Yorktown:

1. Martha Ann, born 26 December, 1829.

2. Elizabeth M., born 27 May, 1831.

GEORGE WASHINGTON, son of Wright Horton and Anna Quereau, born at Yorktown, West Chester Co., N. Y., 10 September, 1804; married, 1. at Bedford, N. Y., by Daton Webus, Esq., 3 November, 1824, to CHARLOTTE GRIFFIN, daughter of Jacob and Rosanna Griffin; she died at Richfield Springs, 5 June, 1843; married, 2. to JULIA A. CANEY, 10 March, 1844, daughter of Edward and Mary Caney.

1. Charles W., born 2 November, 1825; died 13 December, 1826.

2. Anna, born 6 April, 1845; married Menzo Clapsadale.

3. Jane Elizabeth, born 25 November, 1848; died 20 February, 1864.

4. Mary Louisa, born 19 November, 1850; died 28 January, 1867.

5. William Van Hocson, born 22 June, 1864; died 28 March, 1870.

George W. Horton is now living at Richfield Springs, Otsego Co., N. Y. He is a liberal, kind-hearted man, much esteemed in the community.

IV. HON. FROST, son of Wright Horton and Ann Quereau, born in Yorktown, N. Y., 15 September, 1806; married at Yorktown, 17 October, 1827, by Thomas Tompkins, Esq., to PHEBE TOMPKINS, daughter of William Tompkins and Lydia Lane, and born at Yorktown, 25 November, 1803. William Tompkins was a cousin of Ex-Governor Daniel D. Tompkins, of New York.

Children, all born at Peekskill:

1. William James, born 10 December, 1828; married Leah B. Carpenter.

2. Sarah Jane, born 10 June, 1832; died 10 March, 1835.

3. Cornelia, born 17 February, 1837; died 18 February, 1852.

4. Stephen D., born 17 February, 1837; married Emily Horton.

Hon. Frost Horton is a retired manufacturer, and resides at Peekskill. He has always been a prominent man in the community, enjoying in a high degree the confidence and respect of his fellow citizens. He possesses fine social qualities, and, since retiring from business, he occasionally amuses himself in hunting and fishing. His integrity, industry and great business capacities, during the active part of his life, rendered him a most valuable acquisition to the community in which he carried on his business, and the articles he manufactured were of sterling value to the farming interests of the country.

Mr. Horton, on sending me his photograph for an engraving, accompanied it with the following very modest and unassuming sketch of his life:

"I was born in Yorktown, Westchester County, New York, 15 September, 1806. My parents were farmers, in moderate circumstances. I remained with them until I was seventeen, working on the farm in the summer, and going to school in the winter, thus acquiring merely a common-school education. When I was seventeen years old, at the suggestion of my parents, I decided to learn the blacksmith trade, and commenced the business at once, and served an apprenticeship for several years. On the 17th of October, 1827, I married Phebe Tompkins, and on the 9th of March, 1820, we moved to Peekskill village, where we have resided ever since. I bought some property, and set up the blacksmithing business. I succeeded well in the business. In the spring of 1835 I entered into a co-partnership business with Mr. Truman Minor, under the firm name of 'Minor & Horton,' and went into the foundry business, manufacturing agricultural implements, principally ploughs and plough-castings. Our business increased rapidly, and paid us well. We continued partners for twenty years. In 1855 Mr. Minor retired from business, and I took in Mr. Geo. W. Depeu as a partner, and about two years afterwards, we admitted each of us a son, and the firm then became, 'Horton, Depeu & Sons.' Our manufactured articles were sold in nearly every State in the Union, and also in many foreign countries.

"In 1862 we all sold out to a stock company, formed for that purpose. Having been in active business for thirty years, I now retired. In the spring of 1855 I was elected Supervisor of the town of Cortlandt, and I represented that town in the Board of Supervisors for five years in succession.

"In the winter of 1858, I was a member of the Legislature from this Assembly District. For many years I held the various offices of our village, but of late have declined official stations, preferring the enjoyments of private life."

Mr. Horton is not a public professor of Christianity, but is a gentleman of correct moral deportment, and very temperate in his habits. Mrs. Horton is an amiable lady, and a valued member of the Presbyterian Church.

[Illustration: Frost Horton]

V. STEPHEN D., son of Wright Horton and Ann Quereau, born at Yorktown, 3 October, 1808; moved to Peekskill in 1832; married in Peekskill, 13 January, 1841, by Rev. Mr. Westbrook, to DELIA CLAPP, daughter of Philip Clapp and ---- Ferris. They had one child, Emma, born at Peekskill in 1842, died in 1856. He was a lawyer, very industrious and ambitious, and died 5 March, 1842, probably from applying himself too closely to his profession and overtasking his mental powers.

VI. WILLIAM CLEMENTS, son of Wright Horton and Ann Quereau, born at Yorktown, 9 January, 1811; married 29 August, 1832, at Yorktown, by Thomas Tompkins, Esq., to PHEBE MCKEEL, daughter of Moses McKeel. She died at Yorktown, in 1845, leaving one child, which died young. He died 26 January, 1846. All buried in Yorktown Cemetery.

II. WRIGHT, son of Maj. Micajah Horton and Hannah Williams (Hon. William, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Colchester, N. Y., 24 April, 1803; married--resides in Howard County, Kansas.

III. ISAAC WILLIAMS, son of Maj. Micajah Horton and Hannah Williams, born in Colchester, N. Y., 10 October, 1805; married 10 October, 1832, in Colchester, to ADAH WASHBURN.

Children, all born in Colchester:

1. Mary Antoinette, born 7 January, 1834; married John R. Miller.

2. Elbridge Micajah, born 20 March, 1836; married Jane Pixley.

3. Ansell Phinney, born 27 December, 1837; married Mary T. Root.

4. Helen Delia, born 30 September, 1842; unmarried.

5. James Perry, born 28 February, 1845; married Lydia Dallsom.

6. Harriet Huntly, born 9 April, 1847; unmarried.

Isaac W. Horton moved from Colchester 2 June, 1847, to Vevay, Ingham County, Michigan; settled and remained there until September, 1853, when he removed to Mason, in the same county, and kept the "Mason Hotel" until about 1861; he still resides in Mason.

X. GEORGE WASHINGTON PAGE, son of John Horton and Sarah Hagar (Hon. William, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born in Colchester, New York, 6 February, 1816; married in Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, 16 September, 1852, by the Rev. S. Minier, to JULIA E. CARPENTER, daughter of John Y. Carpenter and Sarah Jane Delany, and born in 1818.

Children, both born in Colchester:

1. Edward Delany, born 15 August, 1854.

2. Eva Jane, born 6 September, 1857.

I. JOHN WHITE, son of James Horton and Martha White (Hon. William, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Colchester, New York, 12 October, 1802; married at Brownville, Jefferson County, New York, 17 September, 1826, by the Rev. Lyman Ackerman, to Candis Louisa Fox, daughter of Gabriel Ely Fox and Betsey, and born in Chestertown, Warren County, New York, 12 October, 1805. She died at Adams Centre, Jefferson County, New York, 13 December, 1872. He is a Deacon in the Baptist Church, embraced religion in early life, has always been a prominent man, and commanded the respect and esteem of all who knew him. He went to Jefferson County, New York, in his infancy, and in 1826 he purchased land at Adams Centre, and became a well-to-do farmer, exerting a salutary influence in the community, being active in the moral and religious enterprises of the day; he resided there until after the death of his wife, when he went to Troy, New York, where he now (1874) resides.

Children, all born at Adams Centre:

1. Louisa Maria, born 9 August, 1827; married Moses Pierson.

2. Lucinda Elizabeth, born 17 October, 1829; married James Taylor Main.

3. Lavanda Candis, born 15 November, 1832; married William D. Armo.

4. Licetta Augusta, born November, 1842; married Willard Reese Hammond.

[Illustration: Dea. J. W. Horton]

The following auto-biographical sketch of Dea. John W. Horton, contained in one of his letters, is interesting and well worth preserving:

"I was born in the town of Colchester, Delaware County, New York, on the 12th of October, 1802. When a little over three years old, my father moved to Lyme, Jefferson County, New York, which was then known as the Black River Country, and settled on the shore of Chaumont Bay, at the east end of Lake Ontario. It was here I spent my childhood and my boyhood days, learning, as I grew up, how to endure the privations of a pioneer life in a northern wilderness. At the age of nine years I began to know what manual labor meant, working on the farm in the summer, and going to school in the winter. In those days our school-houses were frequently some old log house, which some settler had built and then vacated, and perhaps left the country, or moved into better quarters. Such school-houses were splendid for hot weather, being so well ventilated; but in the winter they required piles of wood and great physical endurance to keep warm. My facilities for acquiring an education were exceedingly limited. Being the eldest of eight children, perhaps I had to take a little more of the rough end of life than some of the others.

"At the commencement of my seventeenth year, my father commenced preparing for building a new house, and I then gave up going to school, and worked through the winter at quarrying stone and getting lumber for the new house. The house was commenced in the spring and completed before fall, myself and younger brother carrying the stone and mixing the mortar.

"I remained with my father until I was twenty-four years old. I then went for myself. I purchased land, and settled permanently at Adams Centre, after my marriage. In December, 1829, myself and wife connected ourselves with the Baptist Church, at the State Road, Jefferson County, New York.

"We were blessed with four daughters--all grew up to womanhood, married, made a public profession of religion, and became members of the Baptist Church. We occupied our old home until the 13th of December, 1872, when death removed my dear wife from this world of care, pain and suffering to the mansions of everlasting rest, as I humbly trust.

"The next April I sold my farm, and I am now spending the few remaining days of my life with my three surviving daughters, by whose affectionate care and tenderness I am made quite contented and happy."

II. GEORGE, son of James Horton and Martha White, born at Colchester, N. Y., 31 March, 1804; married, 29 January, 1829, to SABRA MILLS, born at Deering, N. H., 29 May, 1804. They reside at Point Salubrious, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and they are worthy members of the Baptist Church.

1. George Dinsmore, born at Chaumont, N. Y., 3 November, 1829.

2. Ann Elizabeth, born at Adams Centre, N. Y., 30 December, 1831.

3. James White, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 6 March, 1834.

4. Robert Mills, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 3 July, 1836.

5. Francis Newell, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 29 June, 1838.

6. Andrew Marcus, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 31 December, 1840.

7. Martha Maria, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 10 April, 1842.

8. John Williams, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 12 September, 1845.

9. Emily Agnes, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 12 March, 1847.

III. ANN CAROLINE, daughter of James Horton and Martha White, born at Chaumont, N. Y., 13 June, 1806; married, at Point Salubrious, 30 January, 1833, by the Rev. Asher Stanton, to BENJAMIN RYDER; 2. a farmer, and born at Dumerstown, Vt., 31 December, 1806; he died at his residence in Brownsville, N. Y., 12 November, 1871.

Children all born at Brownsville, except Watkins L., born at Chaumont:

1. Watkins L., born 6 March, 1834; married Mary E. Spaulding, resides at Montella, Ill. He was a faithful soldier in the Union army, served during the war, and was honorably discharged. He is a lawyer.

2. Cornelia W., born 7 January, 1836; married Charles J. Gillingham, lives at Watertown, N. Y.

3. William Wallace, born 22 August, 1838; married Frances M. Easterbrooks.

4. Walter Van Rantz, born 9 January, 1841; died in the service of his country, November, 1864.

"He was a good soldier; his kind and obliging disposition, and his soldierly bearing won for him the respect and good-will of all who knew him. His love for his country overrode all personal considerations, and he was often heard to say, that the life of a civilian had no attractions for him while armed traitors refused to acknowledge the laws and its institutions typified by the Stars and Stripes. He loved his friends and home, but he loved his country more, and he was willing to bid adieu to father and mother, brothers and sisters, and go into the foremost rank of those who were battling for the right, and he battled nobly, and fell at last a martyr for his country's freedom. He died in Millon Prison, Ga., aged 23 years and 10 months."--Extract of Letter of Andrew Horton.

5. Willie Gaylord, born 15 May, 1843; died 30 January, 1849.

6. Mary L., born 26 ---- 1847.

7. Willis Bruce, born 19 September, 1850.

IV. VALIANT MCREA, son of James Horton and Martha White, born at Lyme, N. Y., 14 May, 1808; married at Adams, N. Y., 30 August, 1837, Delia M. Cook. They moved to Ridgefield, O., in 1837, where they both died, he 14 August, 1857; she 7 August, 1863.

Children all born at Grafton, O., except

1. Charles, born at Ridgefield, O., 18 June, 1838; died 20 May, 1840.

2. William Benton, born 13 ---- 1840; married Lavina Edgar, 9 September, 1862. He enlisted, 22 January, 1863, in the 8 Regiment N. Y. Sharpshooters, was taken prisoner at the Weldon Railroad, 19 August, 1864, was confined in Salisbury Prison, N. C., and died for his country, 2 January, 1865.

3. Cornelius C., born 8 January, 1843; died 1 August, 1865.

4. Edward W., born 30 December, 1844; enlisted in the 3d Regiment Ohio Cavalry, 28 March, 1864, was mustered out at Edgefield, Tenn., 4 August, 1865.

5. Eugene W., born 29 May, 1847; died 30 July, 1848.

6. Martha Louisa, born 15 January, 1852; a modest, unassuming, pious young lady, living with her cousin, Mrs. Hammond, in Troy.

V. JAMES INGERSOL, son of James Horton and Martha White, born on Point Salubrious, N. Y., 19 March, 1810; married 1st of January, 1839, to LUCY B. HUBBARD.

1. Ella Isadore, born in Lyme, N. Y., 6 July, 1844.

2. Theron Kimble, born in Lyme, N. Y., 2 November, 1847.

VI. CORNELIUS W. VAN RANTZ, son of James Horton and Martha White, born in Lyme, N. Y., 31 January, 1812; married 13 September, 1843, to EMELINE E. DICKERSON.

Children all born in Lyme, except Judson A., who was born in Somerville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.

1. Emma A., born 23 June, 1845.

2. Georgia Ann, born 25 Sept., 1846; resides in Troy, is employed in preparing for the press, the Transactions of the Homœopathic Society of the State of New York. In 1865, she was a clerk in one of the Census Bureaus at Albany, occupying the same place her father had held in 1855. She is educated, intelligent, and pious, and possesses fine social qualities.

3. Annie, born 17 April, 1848; married, 1 June, 1866, to Alfred E. Field, a clerk in the New York Post-Office, have one child, Harriet Van Rantz Field, born at Glen Cove, L. I., 17 October, 1867.

4. Judson A., born 13 March, 1850.

5. Willet S., born 11 June, 1853.

6. Eva A., born 25 May, 1855.

7. Theodore, born 20 November, 1860; died 24 March, 1861.

C. Van Rantz Horton died at Lyme, 3 September, 1862. He was mostly self-educated, possessed a good literary taste, was a good writer, and left an interesting diary.

VII. WILLIAM HENRY, son of James Horton and Martha White, born on Point Salubrious, N. Y., 24 January, 1814; married 20 November, 1851, to HARRIET WRIGHT, born 16 August, 1824.

Children all born on Point Salubrious:

1. William Wirt, born 26 October, 1852.

2. Lucy Lavina, born 3 December, 1853.

3. Darwin D., born 22 August, 1855; died 8 September, 1865.

4. Beulah A. G., born 2 November, 1856; died 4 February, 1858.

5. Jessie M., born 2 March, 1859; died 11 August, 1865.

6. Winfield Scott, born 15 September, 1861; died 21 January, 1862.

7. Abraham Lincoln, born 9 September, 1863; died 31 August, 1865.

William Henry occupies the old homestead of his father on Point Salubrious, Jefferson Co., N. Y.

VII. SARAH MARIA, daughter of James Horton and Martha White, born on Point Salubrious, N. Y., 10 August, 1817; she is an interesting and intelligent lady, engaged heartily in the work of the Horton Genealogy, and has done more than any other one in looking up the descendants of the first Joseph. She resides at Chaumont, and is a worthy member of the Baptist Church, is much esteemed and highly respected in the community. Her health is somewhat impaired, nevertheless she is active in every benevolent work, and she has been unwearied in her efforts to ferret out the genealogical data of her branch of the family. She possesses genuine piety, a mild and affable disposition, and never forgets her friends, and even if she has enemies she remembers them only to do good to them, by teaching them by her words and deeds to have a better mind.

I. HOMER, son of Isaac Horton and Prudence Knapp (Hon. William, Stephen, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Colchester, N. Y., 29 June, 1809; married, at Liberty Corners, N. Y., to JANE DAVIDGE.

Children all born in Sullivan Co., N. Y.:

1. Walter married, lives at Sheffield, Pa., has one child.

2. Lucien, born 14 December, 1836; married Hattie Burr.

3. Elizabeth married ---- McNair, has three children.

4. Rachel married ---- McNair, has two children.

5. James, born 1 August, 1849; married Willimina Garrit.

6. Isaac.

7. Sarah.

III. JAMES, son of Isaac Horton and Prudence Knapp, born at Colchester, 5 June, 1813; married, 1. ELIZABETH KREMER, 2. ELIZA ANN CLEMENTS.

Children, by first wife:

1. Archer.

2. Mary married Mansfield.

Names of children by second wife, not given.

IV. CHARLES, son of Isaac Horton and Prudence Knapp, born at Colchester, 25 February, 1815; married BETSY GRANT.

Children, all born at Liberty Falls, New York:

1. Lucinda, born 14 Dec., 1843; married 16 Jan., 1867, to S. H. Yocum.

2. Gurdon B., born 8 July, 1845; married ----; dealer in hides, New York.

3. Melvin, born 25 May, 1847; unmarried.

4. Francis E., born 29 Nov., 1848.

5. Louisa, born 25 Jan., 1851.

6. Florence, born 19 Sept., 1854.

Charles Horton is a merchant and leather manufacturer, in Middletown, New York, and also interested in large tanneries, in western Pennsylvania. He is wealthy, is doing a large business, and has a beautiful lot and dwelling house in Middletown, New York.

V. ESTHER, daughter of Isaac Horton and Prudence Knapp, born at Colchester, 11 August, 1817; married NATHANIEL GILDERSLEEVE.

1. William.

2. Isaac.

3. Henry.

4. Annis.

5. Lizzie.

6. Elsie.

VI. CLARISSA, daughter of Isaac Horton and Prudence Knapp, born 11 May, 1819; married JOHN C. SMITH.

1. Perry.

2. Charles.

3. Flavius.

VII. OVID, son of Isaac Horton and Prudence Knapp, born at Colchester, New York, 7 May, 1821; married in Bethel, New York, 3 June, 1847, by Rev. William Reeves, to CATHERINE GRAHAM HOLIDAY, daughter of Rev. Thomas Holiday and Elizabeth McCoy, and born at New Scotland, Albany County, New York, 28 February, 1825.

1. George, born 27 March, 1848; he is superintendent of the Sheffield Tannery, Warren County, Pa.

2. Byron, born 24 Dec., 1851; he graduated at Union College, New York, in the class of 1872; he is now and has been for two years past, a teacher in an Academy, near New York City; he possesses a good moral character, is "apt to teach," and is much esteemed and respected.

3. Celia, born Jan., 1855.

4. Catherine, born 24 April, 1857.

5. James Holiday, born 11 Dec., 1859.

Ovid Horton is a merchant, and is the proprietor of the Liberty Falls Mills, and manufactures flour and lumber. He enjoys the confidence, respect and esteem of the community. He has taken a lively interest in the history of the Horton family, and has cheerfully answered the circulars and letters sent him.

The Rev. Thomas Holiday was a Presbyterian minister, and labored faithfully in the ministry in New Scotland, N. Y., for more than thirty years.

IX. WEBB, son of Isaac Horton and Prudence Knapp, born at Colchester, N. Y., 24 February, 1826; married at Montgomery, Orange Co., N. Y., 28 August, 1855, by Rev. E. F. Fowler, of Monticello, N. Y., to ELIZABETH ANN RADAKER, daughter of Henry Radaker and Rachel Taylor, and born in Montgomery, N. Y., in 1833.

Children, all born in Damascus, Wayne Co., Pa.:

1. Eugene, born 22 May, 1856.

2. Junius Ray, born 2 March, 1860.

3. Carrie Josephine, born 18 Sept., 1861.

Webb Horton is largely engaged in the manufacture of leather and lumber, and also in general mercantile business at Sheffield, Warren Co., Pa. In a letter of 9th February, 1874, he says:

"My mother is living and in good health; she is in the 87th year of her age and resides at Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y.; her father died aged 88, and her grandmother aged 94; she has now living ten children, thirty-seven grandchildren and nineteen great grandchildren."

X. EMILY, daughter of Isaac Horton and Prudence Knapp, born at Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y., 11 December, 1829; married NICHOLAS M. YOUNG.

Children, born at Liberty Falls:

1. Amelia.

2. Reuben.

I. THOMAS HYATT, M. D., son of Stephen Horton and Susanna Hyatt, (Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, David, Joseph I.), born in Pultney, Steuben Co., N. Y., 9 June, 1819; married in Jerusalem, Yates Co., N. Y., 24 Sept., 1840, by Rev. A. B. Winchel, to LAURA ANN TORRANCE, daughter of William H. Torrance and Salome, and born in Jerusalem, 1 November, 1818.

1. William Nelson, born in Jerusalem, New York, 5 September, 1841.

2. Stephen, born in Jerusalem, 18 March, 1842; married at Lock Haven, Pa., 2 Sept., 1872, to Alice Ferris, of Bath, N. Y.

3. Levi Eugene, born in Pultney, 29 Aug., 1845; married in Bath, 6 April, 1867, by the Rev. Stephen Merritt, to Matilda M. Hickok.

4. Thomas Carson, born in Jerusalem, 23 August, 1849.

5. Ida Caroline, born in Cameron, N. Y., 11 October, 1861.

Thomas H. Horton is a physician, resides in Bath, Steuben County, New York, and is a successful practitioner, standing fair in the community.

Eighth Generation.--Joseph I.

I. DAVID, son of Richard Horton and Tabitha Jayne (Elijah, Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Middle Smithfield, Pa., 22 Oct., 1788, came with his father to Bradford County, in 1792; married in Sheshequin, 31 May, 1812, by George Scott, Esq., to HANNAH NEWELL, daughter of Abel Newell and Amy Wilcox, and born in Sheshequin, 5 Feb., 1794. She died 28 Jan., 1875; he died 23 June, 1875.

1. Richard Newell, born 28 Jan., 1813; married by Rev. N. Rouse, to Celinda Landrus.

2. Nancy Strickland, born 11 Oct., 1814; married by H. Morgan, Esq., 9 April, 1833, to James De Money.

3. Rhoda B., born 16 Aug., 1816; married Richard T. Horton.

4. Daniel Jayne, born 18 July, 1818; married Rhoda Chaffee. He died 21 March, 1867.

5. Tabitha, born 17 June, 1820; married Moses Canfield.

6. Eliza Ann, born 25 Feb., 1822; died 15 June, 1838.

7. Adaline, born 20 March, 1824; married Charles Chaffee.

8. David, born 25 Jan., 1826; married Arilla Newell.

9. Benjamin, born 25 Sept., 1827; married Lucinda D. Canfield.

10. William Franklin, born 2 Sept., 1829; died 11 Aug., 1830.

11. William Pesse, born 5 Sept., 1831; married Susan Lyon Young.

12. Hannah, born 10 June, 1834; married Dr. C. D. H. Cole.

13. Joseph Elliott, born 28 Oct., 1836; died unmarried.

14. George Landon, born 5 Aug., 1838; married Lucinda M. Horton, daughter of Ulysses, son of Joshua Horton.

IV. ANNA, daughter of Richard Horton and Tabitha Jayne, born in Sheshequin, in 1782; married at the residence of her father, in Sheshequin, 25 March, 1812, by William Myer, Esq., to CALEB SHORES, son of Samuel Shores and Polly Stephens, and born at Canoe Brook, Sussex Co., N. J., 15 Sept., 1789.

Children, all born on Shores' Hill, Wysox Township, Pa.:

1. Tabitha Dorcas, born 20 Sept., 1812; married James D. Lent.

2. Ethlinda, born 30 May, 1814; Curtis D. Ferguson.

3. Jemima, born 23 Sept., 1815; married Lewis B. Gillett.

4. David, born 12 April, 1817; married Miranda Rippett; she is dead.

5. Abraham J., born 2 Sept., 1818; married Jane Shores.

6. Richard, born 18 Jan., 1820; married Maria Shores; he is dead.

7. Anna Lorinda, born 31 July, 1821; married Jos. R. Horton, son of Wm. B. Horton.

8. Infant, born 7 Oct., 1825; died before naming.

9. Josephine, born 13 Sept., 1826; married William Post.

10. Irvine Caleb, born 28 Oct., 1828; married Elmira Shores.

11. Mary Amanda, born 19 May, 1834; married Merriman Shores.

Children all live in Sheshequin except Irvine, Richard and David, who live in Wysox, Pa.

Caleb Shores and his wife both died in March, 1875--only four days between their deaths.

X. RICHARD, son of Richard Horton and Tabitha Jayne, born in Sheshequin, 3 June, 1807; married in Sheshequin, 4 July, 1827, by Esq. Holcomb, to ELIZA SHORES, daughter of James Shores and Elizabeth Hamilton, and born in Sheshequin, 31 Dec., 1807; he died 20 Feb., 1835; she is still living.

1. James, born 5 May, 1828; died in 1850; unmarried.

2. Elizabeth, born 31 Dec., 1829; married Abel Barnes.

3. Lawrence Clinton, born 16 Feb., 1832; died at 11 months old.

4. Tabitha Amanda, born 22 Feb., 1834; married Philip Sebic.

I. ISAAC SNYDER, son of Elijah M. Horton and Pamela Ogden (Elijah, Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born at the mouth of Fishing Creek, Columbia County, Pa., 20 June, 1792; came to Bradford County with his father when he was but three weeks old; "was pushed up the Susquehanna River," as he says, "in a canoe." He was married in Sheshequin, Pa., 13 June, 1813, by Samuel Gore, Esq., to HANNAH ELLIOTT, daughter of John Elliott and Elizabeth Snyder, and born near the City of Hudson, N. Y., 2d of August, 1792. Elizabeth Snyder was a daughter of William Snyder, of Claverack, Columbia, New York. Isaac S. Horton died 9 January, 1874; his widow, now (1875) 83 years old, retains her mental faculties remarkably well; she is a fine old Christian lady and much esteemed.

1. Sylvester, born 28 April, 1814; married Abigail Cooley.

2. Emily, born 16 Oct., 1815; married Reuben Young.

3. John Elliott, born April, 1817; married Zippora Bidlack.

4. Joseph, born 2 Dec., 1818; married Anasthasia Stephenson.

5. Lydia, born 9 April, 1820; married Joseph Vought.

6. Elijah, born 25 Dec., 1821; married Eliza Hines.

7. George, born 22 Dec., 1823; married Emily Billings.

8. Elizabeth, born 11 Oct., 1825; married Dr. W. C. Ransom.

9. James, born 11 Dec., 1827; married, 1. Theresa Towner, 2. Mary Collins, 3. Mary Purcell.

10. Snyder, born 22 Dec., 1830; married Helen Hayden.

11. Hannah, born 11 Oct., 1832; married Barnabas Horton White.

12. Pamela, born 6 June, 1836; died 14 Jan., 1837.

13. Isaac Rufus, born 30 Nov., 1837; married Tabitha Maria De Money.

Isaac S. Horton was a farmer, and occasionally a hunter, "frequently taking his rifle," as he says, and going into the woods not far from his house, he would knock down a deer or two and return home by breakfast time. One morning in June, some forty years ago, he took his gun and went out into the woods, about half a mile from his house, when a fine buck appeared before him and down he went. While reloading his gun he heard a wolf howl, and going a little further he brought him down also. On returning to the place where he shot the buck, behold, a huge panther had taken possession of the buck, and was regaling himself by licking up the blood and preparing to feast upon the carcass. He stood still for some minutes, looking at the panther, thinking it rather cruel to kill him before he had a chance to take his fill of his much coveted food. But at length the panther saw him and showed signs of fight, and he then put a ball through his brain. On going home for his team, he found he had been gone only a little over an hour.

Mr. Horton took up land in a dense wilderness, several miles from any inhabitant, cleared it up, and then bought several other farms and assisted in clearing them up. He was a man of strong constitution, and lived to a good old age, dying at his old homestead, about two miles from Ghent meeting house, in Sheshequin, Pa.

II. LYDIA, daughter of Elijah M. Horton and Pamela Ogden, born in Sheshequin; married REV. DAVID BLACKMAN, of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

1. Milton.

2. Sterling.

3. Elisha Billings.

4. Franklin.

5. Charles Ichabod.

6. Elijah B.

7. David S.

III. CHARLES, son of Elijah M. Horton and Pamela Ogden, born in Sheshequin; married SALLY BRINK.

1. Perley.

2. Myron.

3. Orrin.

4. Charles.

All born in Sheshequin.

IV. JOHN, son of Elijah M. Horton and Pamela Ogden, born in Sheshequin.

1. John, married Sally Stevens.

2. Ellen, married John Brink.

VII. ELIJAH, son of Elijah M. Horton and Pamela Ogden, born in Sheshequin; married BETSEY FERGUSON; both dead.

1. Rockwell, married Forbes.

2. Stephen, married Forbes.

3. Ogden.

4. Curtis.

5. Jemima, married Fisher.

VIII. JANE JEMIMA, daughter of Elijah M. Horton and Pamela Ogden, born in Sheshequin; married JOSEPH ELLIOTT.

1. Isaac.

2. Irvine.

3. William Milton.

4. Jemima.

IX. WILLIAM BULLARD, son of Elijah M. Horton and Abigail Bullard, his 2d wife (Elijah, Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Sheshequin, 21 Sept., 1807; married 22 Sept., 1831, to MELINDA BLACKMAN, daughter of Col. Franklin Blackman and Sybil Beardsley, and born in Sheshequin, 28 Sept., 1810. She died 7 June, 1850. He married 2. on 19 Feb., 1851, to SALOMA J. KILMER, daughter of Jeremiah Kilmer and ---- Barner, and born in Sheshequin, 27 April, 1827. He died 20 Aug., 1867. She is still living.

Children, all born in Sheshequin. By 1st wife:

1. Harry Lawrence, born 17 July, 1832; married 1. Helen E. Breed, 2. Clara Patten.

2. Horace, born 25 Sept., 1834; married Mary Smith.

3. Elizabeth, born 25 Aug., 1836; married Perley Hutchins Kinney.

4. Amazilla, born 18 Aug., 1840; married Henry Clay Kinney.

5. Mary Ellen, born 25 Oct., 1844; married William Miles Shores.

By 2d wife:

6. Miles Emmett, born in 1851; married Mary Arinda Webb.

7. Rowena Hortense, born 23 Oct., 1855; married Theodore Gardner Smith.

William B. Horton was a man of good character and much esteemed as a neighbor and citizen.

XI. LUCINDA, daughter of Elijah M. Horton and Abigail Bullard, his 2d wife, born in Sheshequin; married JOHN B. SMITH, son of John B. Smith.

1. Ulysses M., born 10 Jan., 1843; died 17 July, 1859.

2. Ethline, born 19 Jan., 1850; died 19 June, 1850.

3. Clark.

4. Rachel.

5. William.

6. Cecelia.

VII. RICHARD THOMPSON, son of Joshua Horton and Lucy Thompson (Elijah, Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Sheshequin, Pa., 20 May, 1813; married in Sheshequin, 23 Oct., 1834, by Chester Park, Esq., to RHODA HORTON, daughter of David Horton and Hannah Newell, and born 16 August, 1816.

Children all born in North Towanda, except Percilla Adaline, born in Sheshequin:

1. Joel, born 8 June, 1835; died 28 of the same month.

2. Horace Le Roy, born 22 June, 1836; died young.

3. Sarah,[2] born 7 Nov., 1837; married John Alloways.

4. Hannah Lucinda, born 15 Sept., 1840; married Munson Howe; died in May, 1871.

5. Joel Stephen, born 10 April, 1845; resides at Terrytown; school-teacher; unmarried.

6. Percilla Adaline,[3] born 14 March, 1847; married William L. Fanning.

7. Andrew, born 26 Nov., 1848; died 12 Dec., 1849.

8. Richard Joshua, born 7 Dec., 1851; unmarried.

Mr. R. T. Horton resides at Terrytown, Pa., owns the Terrytown grist-mill, a dealer in flour, produce, etc. He and his wife are worthy members of the M. E. Church.

XIII. LEWIS, son of Joshua Horton and Lucinda Ellis, born 6 Feb., 1822; married in Sheshequin, by Elder Joseph Towner, of the M. E. Church, 17 Sept., 1851, to SALLIE MARIA CHAFFEE, daughter of Sullivan Chaffee and Catherine Deo. Reside at Horn Brook, Pa.

Children all born at Horn Brook, Sheshequin Township:

1. Sidney Chaffee, born 17 Sept., 1852.

2. Edith Lucinda, born 12 Nov., 1855; married Cevellon Horton.

3. Theodore Parker, born 29 April, 1859.

4. Adela, died at 11 months old.

I. ELIJAH HARRISON, son of Stephen Horton and Susan Mayhew (Elijah, Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Sheshequin, 12 Nov., 1808; married by David F. Barstow, Esq., in North Towanda, 12 Oct., 1830, to MARY FORSTER, daughter of Abial Forster and Mary Means, and born in North Towanda.

Children, all born on Hollon Hill:

1. Philander.

2. Infant son, died before naming.

3. Orville Carlton, born 19 June, 1835; married Mary Olive White.

4. Infant daughter, died before naming.

5. Bishop, born 12 August, 1839; married Martha Passage.

6. Fluta Ellen, born 18 Jan., 1832; married Benjamin Kerrick; no children.

7. Lydia, born 26 Nov., 1845; unmarried.

8. Mary, born 31 July, 1848; unmarried.

Mr. E. H. Horton now lives at North Towanda. He resided for many years on Hollon Hill, now Liberty Corners, Bradford Co., Pa. He and his wife are esteemed members of the M. E. Church, active in the work of the church and Sabbath-school.

III. RICHARD CURRIE, son of William Horton and Esther Cowell, born 29 May, 1816; married in Sheshequin, 26 May, 1843, by George Kinney, Esq., to ELIZABETH SMITH, daughter of John M. Smith and Rachel Brink, and born in Sheshequin, 26 Dec., 1820. He died about 1858.

1. Died unnamed in 1846.

2. Samuel Huston, born 30 July, 1847.

3. Welles, born 19 July, 1854.

Mrs. Horton and her sons live very comfortably near the old homestead of William Horton in Sheshequin.

I. REV. GEORGE DINSMORE, son of George Horton and Sabra Mills (James, Hon. William, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Chaumont, N. Y.; graduated at Hamilton College, N. Y., in the Class of 1857; graduated at Auburn Theological Seminary in 1860. He is now (1875), pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Coventryville, N. Y. Commenced his ministry at Dexter, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and was ordained there. He was married (1.) at Constantia, by Rev. Mr. Williams, to CARRIE INGERSOLL, on the 1 August, 1860; she was the daughter of Deacon Daniel W. Ingersoll, and was born at Constantia, Oswego Co., N. Y., 23 September, 1837; she died 24 July, 1868, leaving four children:

1. Carrie Elizabeth, born in Dexter, N. Y., 24 May, 1861.

2. George Ingersoll, born in Dexter, N. Y., 24 Sept., 1862.

3. James Mills, born in Dexter, N. Y., 16 June, 1864.

4. Mary Louisa, born in Dexter, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1867.

He was married (2.) at Coventryville, N. Y., 23 June, 1869, by Rev. A. Crocker, to WEALTHY ARCENCE BLAKE; she is the daughter of Deacon Othniel Blake, and was born at Coventry on the 28 Feb., 1830; has no children by 2 wife. He is a faithful minister, well-drilled in theological lore, and an able and earnest expounder of the Scriptures.

II. ANN ELIZABETH, daughter of George Horton and Sabra Mills, born in Adams Centre, N. Y., 30 Dec., 1831; married at Chaumont, N. Y., 20 April, 1856, to ABRAM VAN DOREN, a farmer, and born 13 August, 1827. She died at Chaumont, 19 Feb., 1859.

1. James Israel, born 17 March, 1857.

2. George Hanford, born 8 July, 1858.

III. JAMES WHITE, a sea captain, son of George Horton and Sabra Mills, born at Brownsville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 6 March, 1834; married at Cape Vincent, N. Y., 11 January, 1858, to MARY JANE MARKS, born 8 August, 1838.

Children, all born at Dexter, N. Y.:

1. Nelia Maria, born 21 Oct., 1858.

2. George Clinton, born 26 April, 1860; died 10 May, 1862.

3. Reuben E., born 24 July, 1865; died 10 August, 1865.

IV. ROBERT MILLS, son of George Horton and Sabra Mills, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 3 July, 1836; married at Chaumont, 14 June, 1857, to LAURA JANE CROSS, born 9 July, 1836.

1. Eva Estelle, born at Hillsboro, Ill., 18 June, 1858.

2. Helen Agnes, born at Hillsboro, Ill., 14 August, 1860.

3. Gertrude Elizabeth, born at Chaumont, 23 April, 1863.

Robert Mills Horton enlisted in the Union Service at Hillsboro, Ill., 1 August, 1861, and died for his country at Memphis, Tenn., 8 Sept., 1862.

V. FRANCIS NEWELL, son of George Horton and Sabra Mills, was born at Brownsville, N. Y., 29 June, 1838. Enlisted in the Union Service at Hillsboro, Ill., 1 August, 1861, Co. D, 126 Ill. Volunteers; died a martyr to freedom at Duvall's Bluff, Arkansas, 12 Dec., 1862; unmarried.

VI. ANDREW MARCUS, son of George Horton and Sabra Mills, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 31 Dec., 1840; enlisted in the Union Service, Co. E, 6. Reg. N. Y. Vol. Cavalry, 10 Sept., 1861; was orderly-sergeant; re-enlisted in Dec., 1863; served through the war, and was honorably discharged at Elmira, N. Y., 22 August, 1865, and is now (1873), editor of the "Algona Republican," Algona, Iowa; unmarried.

VII. MARTHA MARIA, daughter of George Horton and Sabra Mills, born at Brownsville, N. Y., 10 April, 1842; married at Chaumont, N. Y., 18 June, 1867, to PETER VAN DOREN, a farmer, and born 21 June, 1839. Children:

1. Leah Elizabeth, born at Chaumont in 1873.

III. JOSEPH STRANG, son of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Strang (Joseph, Stephen, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Sommers, 24 Feb., 1812; married 23 Jan., 1839, in Putnam Valley, N. Y., to ANN ELIZA DUSENBURY, daughter of Charles Dusenbury and Elizabeth Hadden, and born in 1814.

1. Benjamin, born at Yorktown, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1839.

2. Charles, born at Yorktown, 29 August, 1841; married Mercy Williams of Roundout.

3. Theodore F., born at Yorktown, 23 Nov., 1843; married Isabel Smith, Kingston, N. Y.

4. Hannah E., born at N. Y. City, 13 Jan., 1846.

5. Mary Louisa, born at Putnam Valley, 16 June, 1849; married Johannes Sleight of Esopus, N. Y.

6. Phebe Jane, born at Putnam Valley, 23 March, 1852.

7. Joseph, born at Roundout, N. Y., 23 August, 1854.

8. Claude, born at Roundout, N. Y., 23 Jan., 1857.

9. Wilfeid, born at Roundout, N. Y., 6 June, 1859.

10. Elmer E., born at Roundout, 9 Oct., 1861.

11. Anna, born 27 August, 1864.

Mr. J. S. Horton resides near Roundout, N. Y., and for twenty-one years past he has been Foreman and Director of Labor for the Newark Lime and Cement Manufacturing Company. That he possesses good business capacity and tact, and the confidence and esteem of his employers, is evident from the length of time he has been in their employ.

IV. STEPHEN, son of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Strang, born in Carmel, Putnam Co., N. Y., 8 Nov., 1813; married at Sommerstown, N. Y., 10 Jan., 1844, to MARTHA LINES, daughter of Stephen Lines and Hannah Peirsoll, and born in Sommers about 1815.

1. Orlando, born in Yorktown, Westchester Co., N. Y., 27 Feb., 1854.

2. Stephen Lines, born in Yorktown, Westchester Co., N. Y., 12 April, 1856.

3. Hannah, born in Yorktown, Westchester Co., N. Y., 12 May, 1858.

4. Alvira, born in Richford, Tioga Co., N. Y., 26 July, 1860.

Stephen Horton now resides in Richford, N. Y.

I. SARAH, daughter of Israel Horton and Nancy Hills (John, John, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Philipstown, 9 Feb., 1815; married in 1833, to JOSHUA NELSON of Philipstown.

Children, all born at Philipstown, except Joshua George:

1. Horton Washington, born 20 February, 1834.

2. Cyrus Elisha, born 25 March, 1836.

3. Cornelius James, born 20 November, 1838.

4. Adelia Ann, born 22 February, 1840.} } Twins. 5. Amelia, born 22 February, 1840. }

6. Mary Jane, born 6 March, 1842.

7. Joshua George, born at Cold Spring, N. Y., 20 November, 1850.

II. JESSE, son of Israel Horton and Nancy Hills, born at Philipstown, 5 Feb., 1816; married in Putnam Valley, N. Y., 3 March, 1842, by Rev. Samuel Weeks, to CAROLINE JAYCOX, daughter of Thomas Jaycox and Sarah ---- and born 8 May, 1819.

1. Thomas Israel, born 5 July, 1844; died 16 August, 1849.

2. Sarah Ann, born 23 Sept., 1847; died 10 August, 1849.

3. Mary Jane, born 4 July, 1850.

4. James Edward, born 20 Sept., 1852.

III. MARY ANN, daughter of Israel Horton and Nancy Hills, born at Philipstown, 16 July, 1817; married in January, 1842, to SYLVESTER HAIGHT, of Philipstown, and born in 1817. She died January, 1850; buried in South Highland Cemetery, but afterwards removed to Fishkill Cemetery. Children, all born in Philipstown:

1. Israel James, born 5 Nov., 1842.

2. Sarah Ann, born 5 May, 1844.

3. William C., born 1845; died in 1852; removed to Fishkill Cemetery.

4. Randolph, born 1847; died in 1852; removed to Fishkill Cemetery.

IV. WILLIAM JOHN, son of Israel Horton and Nancy Hills, born at Philipstown, 1 July, 1819; married 20 Dec., 1843, by Rev. Richard Hopper, to SARAH JANE ENTROTT, daughter of Henry Entrott and Hanna ----, of Putnam Valley, and born 16 Sept., 1825.

1. Israel Washington, born 26 Nov., 1844; died 11 Aug., 1848.

2. William Henry, born 14 July, 1848.

3. Mina, born 29 June, 1853.

4. Emily, born 25 Feb., 1861; died 18 March, 1861.

5. Maritta, born 24 May, 1862; died 24 Jan., 1864.

V. PHEBE JANE, daughter of Israel Horton and Nancy Hill, born in Philipstown, 14 April, 1821; married CORNELIUS J. HAIGHT, 12 Nov., 1840, of Philipstown, by Rev. Richard Hopper, and born 28 Aug., 1814.

1. Cyrus J., 26 Aug., 1841.

2. Isaac S., born 9 Feb., 1844.

3. Nancy Maria, born 22 June, 1846.

4. Israel, born 3 May, 1850; died 11 Jan., 1851; buried at South Highland.

5. Margaret J., born 18 Dec., 1851.

6. Sarah E., born 17 March, 1854.

7. Mary A., born 5 Aug., 1858; died 12 March, 1866; buried at South Highland Cemetery.

VI. CYRUS, son of Israel Horton and Nancy Hills, born 8 Dec., 1822, at Philipstown, married in Philipstown, 27 Jan., 1849, to CATHERINE WARREN, daughter of John Warren and Matilda ----, and born 25 May, 1829, in Philipstown.

1. Washington, born 27 March, 1850; died in 1856; buried in South Highland Cemetery.

2. William C., born 16 Feb., 1852; died in 1856; buried in South Highland.

3. Matilda Ann, born 1 July, 1855.

4. Charles, born 26 Sept., 1857.

5. Cyrus J., born 12 Dec., 1867.

VII. JOSHUA J., son of Israel Horton and Nancy Hills, born in Philipstown, 4 June, 1826; married in Philipstown, 4 June, 1855, by Rev. D. L. Meeks, of Fishkill, N. Y., to ELECTA ANN TOWNSEND, daughter of Talmadge Townsend and Julia Ann Bush, of Massachusetts, and born 21 May, 1838.

Children all born in Philipstown:

1. Mary Ann, born 28 June, 1857.

2. Geo. I., born 13 Feb., 1859.

3. Ezra J., born 28 May, 1861.

4. John C., born 31 July, 1866.

5. Allen D., born 18 Feb., 1871.

HENRY BEACH, son of Stephen Horton and Hettie Vandyke (Stephen, Stephen, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born in Marcellus, N. Y., about 1826; married 1. in Winsted, Connecticut, 5 May, 1851, to ADALINE HOLABIRD, daughter of William S. Holabird; married 2. in Elgin, Ill., 16 Dec., 1861, to AMANDA J. WEBSTER, daughter of Hazen Webster.

Children, born at Elgin, Ill. By 1st wife:

1. John Holabird, born 31 July, 1853.

2. Alexander Webster, born 10 July, 1863.

3. Laura Beach, born 18 Feb., 1866; died Oct., 1868.

4. Ben Porter, born 21 Feb., 1870.

They reside in Chicago, Ill. He is Secretary of the Sherwood School Furniture Co. In his letter giving the above record he remarks, "I know nothing of your purpose in gathering up this information; but, as I seldom see the name of Horton in our reports of criminal prosecutions, I trust that in tracing the genealogy of the family, you will find little to reflect dishonor upon the name. I have never met a scalawag who called himself Horton."

I. DAVID LEE, son of Thomas Horton and Rachel Lee (Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, David, Joseph I.), born in Pultney, N. Y., 6 Jan., 1827; married 12 Sept., 1847, to SUSAN SWARTHOUT. He was a hotel keeper; died 11 May, 1872, in Pultney, N. Y.

VI. CAPT. DANIEL TAYLOR, son of Thomas Horton and Rachel Lee, born in Pultney, N. Y., 16 Nov. 1835; married in Barrington, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1861, by the Rev. A. B. Chace, to MARY ANN SWARTHOUT, daughter of Asahel Swarthout. She died without issue, and on the 16th Nov., 1866, he married MARY JANE KNAPP, and moved to Auburn, N. Y. He was Captain of Company A., 161st New York Volunteer Infantry, served during the war, and came out unharmed. He is now (1873) one of the Keepers in Auburn State Prison, and has charge of the Shoe Department. The Captain is intelligent, possesses a good character and fine social qualities.

IX. THEODORE MARCENA, son of Thomas Horton and Rachel Lee, born in Pultney, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1845; married in Tyrone, N. Y., 3 Oct., 1868, by Rev. Philetus Olney, to MARY E. JORDAN. He is a merchant, doing a fair business in Weston, Schuyler Co., N. Y., where he resides. His wife is a daughter of William Jordan and Charity Lobdell, and born in Tyrone, Schuyler Co., N. Y., 15 May, 1850. They have one son, Milton Vern, born in Weston, N. Y., 25 Aug., 1871.

CORNELIUS MILLER, son of George Philip Horton and Magdalena Miller, born in Claverack, Columbia, Co., N. Y., 25 June, 1822; married at Livingston, Columbia Co., N. Y., 26 Nov., 1844, by Rev. Mr. Fonda, to CAROLINE DENISPAUGH, daughter of Henry Denispaugh and Christiana Potts, and born in Livingston, Columbia Co., N. Y., 8 July, 1820.

1. Cleveland Kemble, born in Livingston, 16 Jan., 1846.

2. Helen Mather, born in Hudson, N. Y., 26 Sept., 1849.

3. Abbertina Miller, born in Livingston, N. Y., 8 March, 1852.

4. Margaretta, born in Philmount, N. Y., 12 Jan., 1854.

5. Cornelius Mandeville, born in Buffalo, N. Y., 4 June, 1860.

6. Caroline Denispaugh, born in Buffalo, N. Y., 11 Dec., 1864; died 16 Dec., 1864.

I. LOUISA MARIA, daughter of Dea. John White Horton and Candis Louisa Fox (James, Hon. William, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Adams Centre, Jefferson County, New York, 9 Aug., 1827; married at Adams Centre, 4 April, 1850, by the Rev. Thomas Bright, to MOSES PIERSON, M. D., son of Henry Pierson and Polly Butler, and born at Charleston, Montgomery Co., N. Y., about 1824. They settled at Metuchen, N. J., where he died 13 July, 1874. He was, and so also is his wife, a worthy member of the Presbyterian Church.

1. Henry Bowman, born at Fishkill Landing, N. Y., 29 June, 1852.

2. William Horton, born at Smithville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 12 Feb., 1857.

3. Ely Fox, born at Smithville, " " " 13 Nov., 1859.

II. LUCINDA ELIZABETH, daughter of Dea. John W. Horton and Candis L. White, born at Adams Centre, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1829; married at Adams Centre, 2 May, 1863, by the Rev. Edward Mills, to JAMES TAYLOR MAIN, son of James Main and Susan Shelden, and born at Adams Centre, 8 June, 1816.

They are members of the Baptist Church. Have one son, Walter Taylor Main, born at Troy, N. Y., 13 Oct., 1870.

Mr. Main has a farm near the city of Troy, where he resides, and is a dealer in grain, cattle, &c., and he also has a store in Troy. He possesses good business capacities, and he and his amiable lady enjoy the confidence and respect of the community.

III. LAVANDA CANDIS, daughter of Dea. John W. Horton and Candis L. Fox, born at Adams Centre, 15 Nov., 1832; married at Adams Centre, early in the morning, 4 April, 1855, by the Rev. E. G. Blount, to WILLIAM D. ARMS, son of Luman Arms and Caroline Arms, and born at Adams Centre, 14 Jan., 1829. She died 10 Aug., 1872, at Metuchen, N. J., leaving two children. She was a worthy member of the Baptist Church.

1. Minnie Louisa, born at Adams Centre, 23 May, 1859.

2. Carrie Emeline, born at Belleville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 20 May, 1862.

Mr. Arms is a merchant, in Troy; member of the Baptist Church.

IV. LICETTA AUGUSTA, daughter of Dea. John W. Horton and Candis L. Fox, born at Adams Centre, 16 Nov., 1842; married at Adams Centre, 29 Nov., 1866, to WILLARD REESE HAMMOND, son of William Hammond and Elizabeth James, of Watertown, N. Y., and born at Waterloo, N. Y., 20 March, 1842. Mr. Hammond is an active business man, engaged in grocery and provision merchandise, in the city of Troy, and both he and his wife are intelligent members of the Baptist Church.

I. HENRY, son of Le Roy Horton and Jane Reynolds (Henry, Hon. William, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born in Lyme, N. Y., 20 July, 1831; married by G. P. Ainsworth, Esq., 4 July, 1855, to SALLY BUSH, born 22 April, 1839; they settled in Lyme, N. Y. He died 3 July, 1864.

Children all born in Lyme:

1. Hannen A., born 8 June, 1856.

2. Jacob L., born 12 May, 1858.

3. Elmore E., born 9 Feb., 1860.

4. Henry E., born 3 Sept., 1862.

Most of this family now reside in Michigan.

II. ANGELINE COOK, daughter of Le Roy Horton and Jane Reynolds, born in Lyme, 31 August, 1833; married by Rev. Mr. Stanton to ISAAC ADAMS, 12 Feb., 1856; he was born 4 Oct., 1835.

Children born in Lyme:

1. Frederick B., born 26 February, 1859.

2. Frank Reynolds, born 29 October, 1861.

3. Jennie I., born 28 September, 1864.

III. WILLIAM DRAKE, son of Le Roy Horton and Jane Reynolds, born 27 Sept., 1835, at Lyme; married 29 July, 1869, by Rev. William Merrifield, to LOUISA BORDER, born 5 June, 1843; no children.

IV. MARGARET, daughter of Le Roy Horton and Jane Reynolds, born 7 July, 1837; married 14 Sept., 1861, by Rev. Mr. Green, to CHARLES DOTY, born 18 May, 1840. She died 3 July, 1868.

Children, probably, all born in Lyme:

1. Burtie, born July 7, 1862.

2. Minnie, 12 August, 1866.

3. Annis, born 12 March, 1868.

V. ISAAC COOK, son of Le Roy Horton and Jane Reynolds, born 27 April, 1839; married 25 Dec., 1865, by Rev. George C. Greenleaf, to HELEN F. BLODGETT, born 27 July, 1843.

Children, born in Lyme:

1. Herbert Doty; born 15 Dec., 1866.

2. Alice M., born 7 March, 1872.

VI. DORR, son of Le Roy Horton and Jane Reynolds, born 12 Sept., 1841; married 22 January, 1867, by Rev. W. B. Joice, to EVELINE O. FISH, born 4 July, 1848.

Children, all born in Lyme:

1. Allen H., born 20 Nov., 1867.

2. Julia J., born 24 Oct., 1869.

3. Elizabeth M., born 12 Jan., 1872.

4. Ida M., born 23 August, 1873.

VII. JAMES L., son of Le Roy Horton and Jane Reynolds, born 22 Feb., 1844; married 4 July, 1867, MARTHA J. WILLIAMSON, born 29 July, 1850. One child, viz.:

Henry A., born 22 May, 1868.

REV. FRANCIS A., son of George Philip Horton and Magdalena Miller, born in Philmont, N. Y., 15 September, 1841; married in New Brunswick, N. J., 9 Nov., 1865, by Rev. J. Y. Beatty, to EMILY VAN DYKE ADAMS, daughter of John Adams. He is a clergyman of the "Reformed (Dutch) Church in America," entered the ministry in 1865, was ordained 30 Oct., of that year, at Glenham, Dutchess Co., N. Y., and removed in 1867 to Catskill, Greene Co., N. Y., where he now (1873), resides; moved to Cleveland, O., in 1874.

1. James Muldor, born 11 Dec., 1867, at Catskill, N. Y.

The Rev. F. A. Horton, in his letter of April, 1871, says:

"Our relatives are mainly in Southold, along the Hudson, in central and western New York, and in Michigan. I recollect father always said that one of the original brothers went into New Jersey, and that he had lost all trace of him. May be you are a scion from that root. At any rate, the Hortons are a great people. I see an account now and then of some of them in the reports of criminal prosecutions, but these are offset by now and then one in good and honorable places. The last Governor of Michigan married a full-blooded Horton of our line. Trace us back to the throne if you can, see that you make no less of our great top root, when you find him than an Earl." Another Horton says: "If you find any of the name claiming to have royal blood in his veins, perform phlebotomy upon him at once, and take every drop out of him or disown him. Trace us back to the noble old Roman CINCINNATUS, if you can."--Dr. Horton, of Orange Co., N. Y.

I. WILLIAM JAMES, son of the Hon. Frost Horton and Phebe Tompkins (Wright, Stephen, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Yorktown, 10 Dec., 1828; married at Peekskill, by Rev. Mr. Underhill, 8 Jan., 1851, to LEAH B. CARPENTER, daughter of William Carpenter and Winneford Carpenter, of Sommers, and born in 1830. He is a farmer, and resides at Yorktown.

Children, all born at Yorktown:

1. Wright, born 7 March, 1852; married 22 Oct., 1873, by Rev. Mr. Page, to Phebe E. Weeks, daughter of Jonah Weeks and Sarah his wife, and born in Peekskill in 1854. They have one son William Thomas, born 14 Feb., 1875.

2. Thomas Vanheusen, born 13 Oct., 1853.

3. Georgiana, born 9 Sept., 1860.

II. STEPHEN D., son of Hon. Frost Horton and Phebe Tompkins, born at Peekskill, 17 June, 1837; married at Cortland, N. Y., 28 Dec., 1857, by Rev. Mr. Bates, to EMILY CLARA HORTON, daughter of Joshua Horton[4] and Sally Purdy, and born at Yorktown, 19 Dec., 1840.

1. Cornelia, born 30 August, 1859; died 31 August, 1866.

2. Frost Joshua, born 20 Sept., 1862; died 7 November, 1862.

3. Stephen Frost D., born 18 Feb., 1865.

Stephen D. Horton is a manufacturer and doing a large business. His residence is in the village of Peekskill, and he has one of the most splendid dwellings in the village.

I. ALBERT F., son of John T. Horton and Emeline Smith (Henry, Hon. William, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born 26 Dec., 1827; married 27 Feb., 1851, by Rev. J. Canfield, to LUCINDA HUNTER.

Isadore M., born 20 Jan., 1852.

VI. JOHN SMITH, son of John T. Horton and Emeline Smith, born 29 Nov., 1840; married 1 Jan., 1861, by Rev. M. Wheeler, to OLIVE VERDEE.

1. Perley Ainsworth, born 10 Oct., 1861.

2. Delia Adelaide, born 20 March, 1863.

3. Fluta Bell, born 12 Feb., 1865.

4. Martha Maria, born 1 Feb., 1867.

5. William Drake, born 31 March, 1870.

II. ELBRIDGE MICAJAH, son of Isaac W. Horton and Adah Washburn (Maj. Micajah, Hon. William, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Colchester, Delaware Co., N. Y., 20 March, 1836; moved with his father's family to Mason, Mich., in 1847. He left Mason, and went to Chicago, 8 July, 1862, and connected himself with the Illinois Central Railroad Co., as bookkeeper. He was married in Buffalo, N. Y., 17 Oct., 1867, to JANE PIXLEY, daughter of Philander Pixley and Adaline Hovey, and born in Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., 15 Oct., 1812.

Mr. E. M. Horton is a man of good business capacities, and has rendered valuable assistance in furnishing a correct statement of the names and genealogical data of his branch of the family from the Hon. William Horton to the present time. He has no children. He possesses more than ordinary mental ability, and gives good satisfaction to his employers, and commands their confidence and respect, and the esteem of all who know him.

II. LUCIEN, son of Homer Horton and Jane Davidge (Isaac, Hon. William, Stephen, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Bethel, Sullivan Co., N. Y., 14 December, 1836; married 12 Nov., 1861, at Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. Y., by the Rev. Mr. Mack, to HATTIE BURR, daughter of Bradley Burr and Polly Sherwood, and born at Liberty, N. Y., 21 August, 1836.

1. Charles L., born in Lake Corner, Pa., 3 January, 1863.

2. Jessie Burr, born in Lake Corner, Pa., 11 May, 1864.

3. Cora Burr, born in Berkshire, N. Y., 26 November, 1865.

4. Lillie May, born in Berkshire, N. Y., 24 August, 1870.

5. Le Roy, born in Berkshire, N. Y., 28 April, 1873.

Lucien Horton is a man of commanding form, and possesses good social qualities. Resides at Berkshire, Tioga Co., N. Y., and is one of the principals of the firm of "Davidge, Horton and Co., Sole Leather Tanners," Berkshire, N. Y.

VI. JAMES, son of Homer Horton and Jane Davidge, born at Liberty Falls, Sullivan Co., N. Y., 1 August, 1849; married at Hancock, Delaware Co., N. Y., 4 March, 1872, by Rev. J. D. Cornell, to WILLIMINA GAVITT, daughter of Cyrenius Gavitt and Dorothy Burr, and born at Liberty, N. Y., 3 March, 1851.

Children, both born at Hancock, N. Y.:

1. Ruth, born 18 Nov., 1872.

2. Warren Gavitt, born 4 May, 1874.

James Horton is an accomplished clerk and bookkeeper. He resided several years at Hancock, respected and esteemed by all who knew him. He now (1875), resides in Sheffield, Warren Co., Pa., interested in a large tanning establishment.

I. WILLIAM NELSON, son of Thomas Hyatt Horton, M. D., and Laura Ann Torance (Stephen, Thomas, Thomas, David, Joseph I.), born in Jerusalem, Yates Co., N. Y., 5 Sept., 1841. He was a Union soldier, faithful and true, and died for his country in Georgia, 23 May, 1865, being shot by the rebels through the head and instantly killed. He left no issue.

II. GURDON BROMLEY, son of Charles Horton and Betsey Grant (Isaac, Hon. William, Stephen, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Liberty Falls, N. Y., 8 July, 1845; married in New York City, 27 Dec., 1871, by Rev. Alexander Capron, Rector of Grace Church, Middletown, N. Y., to MARY AMANDA BUCKLEY, daughter of William Buckley and Jane ----, his wife, and born in New York City.

They have Bessie Grant, born 18 Nov., 1872, and Jennie, born 27 Oct., 1874, both born in Brooklyn, N. Y., where Mr. Horton resides. He is in the leather business, and is the principal of the firm of "G. B. Horton & Co., 98 Gold Street, New York." We are indebted to him for valuable records of the family.

III. MELVIN, son of Charles Horton and Betsey Grant, born at Liberty Falls, N. Y., 25 May, 1847; unmarried. He deals in hides and leather, and is one of the firm of G. B. Horton & Co., Gold Street, New York. He traveled extensively in Europe, in 1873, possesses fair business capacities, is unassuming in his manners, and is wholly disinclined to "trumpet his own fame and name," as he expressed it, when he declined to get his portrait for the "Chronicles."

III. EDWARD AUGUSTUS, son of Jacob Horton and Charlotte Eugenia Knapp (Caleb, Stephen, Daniel, David, Joseph I.), born at Yorktown, N. Y., 1 May, 1847; married at Middlebury, Scoharrie Co., N. Y., 15 June, 1872, by Rev. Mr. Savage, to ANNIE MARIA DISBROW, daughter of Benjamin N. Disbrow and Sarah Haviland, and born in Croton, Westchester Co., N. Y., about 1848.

Mr. E. A. Horton is principal of the firm of Horton & Goodrich, 66 Dey Street, New York, who keep a wholesale seed store. He was formerly in business in Rochester, N. Y., and more recently in the employ of the General Government of the United States, in the Custom House, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Ninth Generation.--Joseph I.

I. RICHARD NEWELL, son of David Horton and Hannah Newell (Richard, Elijah, Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born at Horn Brook, Pa., 28 Jan., 1813; married in Sheshequin Pa., by the Rev. N. Rouse, to CELINDA LANDRUS.

1. Calista, married ---- Shores.

2. Phebe, married Luman Horton.

3. Lemuel.

4. Jackson.

5. Hannah, married Frank Shores.

II. NANCY STRICKLAND, daughter of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born 11 Oct., 1814; married at Horn Brook, 9 April, 1833, by Harry Morgan, Esq., to JAMES DE MONEY.

1. David, born in 1834; died in the army, unmarried.

2. Tabitha Maria, born in 1836; married Isaac Rufus Horton, son of Isaac S. Horton, and they had David Snyder, born 10 March, 1860.

3. Burton, born 1838.

4. Richard, died young.

5. Mary, died young.

6. William.

III. RHODA, daughter of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born 16 August, 1816; married RICHARD THOMPSON HORTON. (Vide his record.)

IV. DANIEL JAYNE, son of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born 18 July, 1818; married 3 March, 1841, by Elder Joseph Towner, to RHODA REBECCA CHAFFEE, daughter of Sullivan Chaffee and Catherine Deo, and born 19 April, 1823, in Lexington, N. Y.

1. George Washington, born 8 Feb., 1843; married 30 Aug., 1866, by Rev. Mr. Eckert, to Melissa Smith, daughter of John B. Smith and Lucinda Horton; live at Ghent.

2. Catherine Elizabeth, born 7 Feb., 1845; married 12 Sept., 1866, Joseph Vought, son of Edward Vought and Lydia Horton; live at Ghent.

3. James Franklin, born 8 July, 1847; married 31 Dec., 1873, by Elder Maryatt, to Emma Maynard, daughter of William Maynard, of Rome.

4. Daniel Sullivan, born 20 March, 1853; died 7 Nov., 1857.

5. Matilda Adelaide, born 28 May, 1855; married 11 March, 1874, by Rev. George L. Williams, to Charles Edward Brigham, son of Edward Brigham and Clarissa Swain, and born in Waverly, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1841.

6. Eliza Estella, born 14 Aug., 1857.

7. Charles Jayne, born 20 Aug., 1863.

V. TABITHA, daughter of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born 17 June, 1820; married MOSES CANFIELD.

Children, born in Sheshequin:

1. David, volunteered in the service of his country; died in the army.

2. Hannah, married Jefferson Horton, son of Charles, son of Elijah Horton.

VII. ADALINE, daughter of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born at Horn Brook, 20 March, 1824; married 19 Oct., 1842, by Rev. Joseph Towner, to CHARLES CHAFFEE, son of Sullivan Chaffee and Catherine Deo, and born in Lexington, Greene Co., N. Y., 28 Nov. 1813. He came to Bradford County in Oct., 1840.

Children, all born at Horn Brook, Sheshequin, Pa.:

1. John, born 13 July, 1843; married Marian Bull.

2. Festus Pratt, born 8 Aug., 1846; died 4 Aug., 1858.

3. Lodicy Emaline, born 11 March, 1850; died 4 Sept., 1850.

4. David Wilmot, born 13 July, 1851; married Delphine Brainard.

5. Richard Mahlon, born 23 Oct., 1853.

6. Charles La Fayette, born 2 Aug., 1864.

Mr. Chaffee is a farmer, of good social qualities and business capacity, and is said to be very wealthy.

VIII. DAVID, son of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born at Horn Brook, Pa., 25 Jan., 1826; married in Union, Tioga Co., Pa., 10 Oct., 1849, by Charles O. Spencer, Esq., to ARILLE NEWELL, daughter of Josiah Newell and Phebe, his wife, and born 28 June, 1827.

Children, both born at Horn Brook, Pa.:

1. Cevellon, born 22 Nov., 1850; married 1 April, 1872, Edith Lucinda Horton, daughter of Lewis Horton and Sarah Maria Chaffee, and born 14 April, 1859.

2. Josiah Spaulding, born 27 Feb., 1854.

IX. BENJAMIN, son of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born at Horn Brook, 25 Sept., 1827; married at Athens, Pa., 15 Oct., 1863, by Rev. H. R. Clark, to LUCINDA D. CANFIELD, daughter of William B. Canfield and Matilda, his wife, and born 14 Dec., 1842.

Children, both born at Horn Brook:

1. Myrtie Stella, born 13 Feb., 1864.

2. Ida May, born 12 Nov., 1866.

XI. WILLIAM PESSE, son of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born at Horn Brook, in Sheshequin, Pa., 5 Sept., 1831; married in Sheshequin 10 Nov., 1859, by Rev. J. W. Hewitt, to Susan Lyon Young, daughter of Reuben Young and Emily Horton, and born in Sheshequin, 28 Sept., 1839.

Children, all born Sheshequin:

1. Emily Eveline, born 29 August, 1862; died 24 Jan., 1868.

2. Reuben Emmerson, born 11 April, 1865; died 19 Oct., 1868.

3. Charles Mahlon, born 24 May, 1869.

4. Ruth Naomi, born 9 May, 1875.

William P. Horton and his wife are members of the M. E. Church, active in the work of the church and Sabbath-school. He follows the occupation of teaching in the public-schools of the county, and is a skillful educator.

XII. HANNAH, daughter of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born in Sheshequin, 10 June, 1834; married in Wysox, Pa., 15 June, 1859, by Rev. Andrew Barr, to CORNELIUS DUBOIS HASBROUCK COLE, son of John Cole and Catharine Letts, and born in Kingston, Ulster Co., N. Y., 4 April, 1818. Read Medicine and Surgery with Drs. Eastman and Arnold, of Owego, N. Y. Graduated at Geneva Medical College in the Class of 1849; was Assistant Surgeon 172d Pennsylvania Volunteers 15 Dec., 1862; promoted 31 same month to Surgeon, with rank of Major, served to the close of the war; was Surgeon-in-Charge of Nelson General Hospital, Yorktown, Va., for over six months. The Doctor now practices medicine and resides in Sheshequin. They have one son--

John Franklin Cole, born in Sheshequin, 4 April, 1860.

XIV. GEORGE LANDON, son of David Horton and Hannah Newell, born 5 August, 1838; married 23 Dec., 1864, LUCINDA MARIA HORTON, daughter of Ulysses Horton and Sallie Elliot, and born 8 May, 1844. Children, all born at Horn Brook:

1. Jessie Lorena, born 23 Sept., 1865.

2. Emma A., born 24 August, 1867.

3. Ulysses David, born 22 May, 1870.

They reside at the old homestead.

I. SYLVESTER, son of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott (Elijah, Elijah M., Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Sheshequin, Pa., 28 April, 1814; married in Sheshequin, by Esq. Kinney, to ABIGAIL COOLY, daughter of Rufus Cooly and Mary Horton, and born about 1817.

He was a Union soldier and died in Kentucky, 16 May, 1862.

II. EMILY, daughter of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 16 Oct., 1815; married 8 Oct., 1835, by Rev. N. Rouse, to REUBEN YOUNG, son of Ephraim Young and Hannah Shaw, and born in Rhode Island, 19 Feb., 1815.

1. Isaac Lewis, born 4 July, 1836.

2. Susan Lyon, born 28 Sept., 1839; married William P. Horton.

III. JOHN ELLIOTT, son of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 9 April, 1817; married by Esq. Holcomb, to ZIPPORA BIDLACK, daughter of James Bidlack and Esther Moore.

1. Martin Van Buren, married Louisa Ferguson, daughter of Curtis Ferguson, and Ethlinda Shores; had one son, viz.: Clayton.

2. Isaac, married Lovilla Ferguson, sister of Louisa,--have one daughter, Lovilla.

3. Alfred, married Sarah Hackette; no children.

IV. JOSEPH HARRISON, son of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 2 Dec., 1818; married, by Esq. Holcomb, ANASTHASIA STEPHENSON, daughter of Benjamin Stephenson.

1. Benjamin F. married 1. Sarah Elizabeth Shores, daughter of Silas Shores; married 2. Ruth Sackett; had by 1st wife, Orrin, Nancy, and Mary; she died 23 August, 1871; by 2d wife has one son.

2. Hannah married Milton Horton, son of William Horton; they have one son and two daughters.

3. Joseph, unmarried.

4. Emily married William Bidlack, son of Stephen Bidlack; one son.

5. Reuben.

7. Asa.

8. Edward.

9. Anasthasia.

V. LYDIA, daughter of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 9 April, 1820; married by Rev. Mr. Smith, to EDWARD VOUGHT, son of Joseph Vought and Hannah Dietrick.

1. Joseph M., married Catharine Elizabeth Horton, daughter of Daniel Horton and Rhoda Chaffee, and born 7 Feb., 1845.

2. Lewis, married Elizabeth King.

3. Hannah, married George Spencer.

4. Frank, married Maretta Gillet, daughter of Lewis Gillet and Jemima Shores.

5. Edward.

6. Charlotte.

7. Sumner.

8. Emmerson.

VI. ELIJAH, son of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 25 Dec., 1821; married ELIZA HINEY, daughter of Timothy Hiney and Sally Wright.

1. Alvin.

2. Levi.

3. Omar.

4. Orrin.

5. George.

6. Guy.

VII. GEORGE, son of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 22 Dec., 1823; married by Rev. Joseph Towner, to EMILY BILLINGS, daughter of George Billings and Elizabeth Towner.

1. Elizabeth.

3. and 4. Sylvester and Eunice are both mutes.

5. Susan.

6. Olive E.

7. William Mervin.

8. George Lewis.

9. Emma.

10. Snyder.

11. Chauncy.

12. Hannah.

VIII. ELIZABETH, daughter of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 11 Oct., 1825; married 8 August, 1846, by Franklin Blackman, Esq., to Dr. WILLIAM CHAUNCY RANSON, born in Orwell, Pa., 15 Nov., 1824, son of Henry Ranson and Hannah Spencer, who was a grand-daughter of Gen. Spencer.

1. Reuben, born 19 Oct., 1848; died 11 Sept., 1851.

2. Hannah, born 27 March, 1852; died 18 Nov., 1866.

3. Reuben Wilmot, born 1 June, 1855.

They reside at the old homestead of Isaac S. Horton with the old lady. She is now (1875), eighty-three years old, but retains her mental faculties remarkably well, is a fine Christian old lady.

IX. JAMES, son of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 11 Dec., 1847; married 1. THERESA TOWNER, 2. MARY COLLINS, 3. MARY PURCELL. He had three sons and four daughters by his first wife. Franklin, his oldest son, died in the army. By 2. wife he had Isaac, who lives in Tioga Co., Pa.

X. SNYDER, son of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 25 Dec., 1830; married HELEN HAYDEN; they reside in Jones Co., Iowa; and have four sons.

XI. HANNAH, daughter of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 11 Oct., 1832; married BARNABAS HORTON WHITE; have Herson, Lydia, and Herman.

XIII. ISAAC RUFUS, son of Isaac S. Horton and Hannah Elliott, born 30 Nov., 1837; married by Rev. Mr. Dutcher, 10 March, 1859, to TABITHA MARIA DE MONEY, daughter of James De Money and Nancy S. Horton. Children:

1. David Snyder, born 10 March, 1860.

2. Mary Emeline, born 20 Dec., 1861; died 13 Jan., 1874.

Isaac Rufus Horton was a Union soldier, and died for his country in the hospital at Alexandria, Va.

IV. FRANKLIN, son of Lydia Horton and Rev. David Blackman (Elijah M., Elijah, Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Sheshequin, Pa., 11 April, 1832; married in Sheshequin, 26 May, 1869, by Rev. W. H. Gavitt, to ETHLEEN GILLETT, daughter of Ensley W. Gillett and Sarah E. Townsend, and born in Sheshequin, 27 Sept., 1844.

Children, all born in Ogle Co., Ill.:

1. Sarah Maud, born 6 June, 1870.

2. Otto E., born 7 Jan., 1872.

3. Blanch, born 14 Feb., 1874.

Franklin Blackman is a very intellectual man, possesses superior social qualities, a high sense of honor, and extraordinary business capacities. He resides at Rochelle, Ill. He is self-educated, possesses a large store of general information and practical knowledge, a mind disciplined to study, and a generous spirit. He has made two European tours, the first in 1866-67, and the second in 1868-69. During his travels and after his return home he published, in the "Ogle County Reporter," fifty letters, under the title of "Rambles in the Orient," ably written, and full of interesting information. Under date of 17 June, 1875, he says, "In relation to my two voyages across the Atlantic and my travels in Europe, I must say, in all candor, that I revert to them as the most palmy days of my earthly pilgrimage. Should opportunity occur, I would again cheerfully place myself upon the perilous waves, that I might once more enjoy the rich feast spread out before me in the classic lands of the Orient."

I. HARRY LAWRENCE, son of William B. Horton and Melinda Blackman (Elijah M., Elijah, Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Sheshequin, Pa., 17 July, 1832; married at Milwaukee, Wis., 26 Oct., 1858, by Rev. I. P. G. Ingraham, of the Episcopal Church, to HELEN ELIZABETH BREED, daughter of A. O. T. Breed, Esq., and Margaret Shields, both of Milwaukee, Wis., and born in Milwaukee, 20 Jan., 1842. She died in Milwaukee, 25 Oct., 1864, and was buried in Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee.

Children, both born in Milwaukee:

1. Eugene Henry J., born 20 July, 1859.

2. Olive Grant, born 10 June, 1864.

Mrs. Horton was a lady of education and refinement. She possessed an excellent moral and religious character; was a worthy member of the St. James Episcopal Church, of Milwaukee, in which she took a lively interest, and was distinguished for her generosity--especially for her many deeds of benevolence to the suffering and the poor. She was a kind and dutiful wife, a most tender and affectionate mother, and her early departure was deeply lamented, not only by her bosom companion and near relatives, but also by the community in general.

[Illustration: Yours Truly

H. L. Horton]

Harry L. Horton's father was a well-to-do farmer, and Harry remained with his parents and worked on the farm until he was seventeen years old. He received but a moderate common-school education, and, during his school-boy days, he was noted for his activity and sagacity, and early exhibited more than ordinary business capacity. At the age of seventeen he engaged as a clerk in the store of D. Brink & Son, at Horn Brook, Pa., and remained with them until they sold out to H. W. Langford & Co., and with them he continued his clerkship until they closed business. Shortly after this, he was engaged for one year by O. D. Bartlett, Esq., of Towanda, Pa., as clerk in his store, and at the expiration of that time, he entered the store of Joseph Powell & Co., of Towanda, with whom he served as clerk until 1854. He always gave good satisfaction to his employers. Having by his industry and economy laid up a small sum of money, he decided to go West, and leaving Bradford County in 1854, he traveled extensively in Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin, until he neared the bottom of his purse, without locating or engaging in business anywhere. But at length, in 1856, he went to Milwaukee, and engaged in the produce commission business, in which he was very successful. Here he seemed to be permanently settled. But after the death of his wife, his business, which had been very remunerative, seemed to lose much of its interest, and in March, 1865, having closed up his business in Milwaukee, with about $15,000 in pocket, he went to New York City, and immediately engaged in the banking and broker business, in which he has continued until the present time, conducting a large business, which, under the supervision of his keen eye and his assiduous personal attention, he has made very lucrative. He now owns a fine property on Staten Island, and, though he lost largely by the panic of 1873, he is still doing a fair business, and, to use his own language, he "has always managed to pay a hundred cents on the dollar and never failed."

He possesses excellent social qualities, is kind-hearted, generous and noble, and at his banking house, 56 Broadway, New York, or at his island home, those who visit him will meet with such a frank and cordial reception as to make them feel that they are not only at home, but at the home of one whose words and deeds define the character of a true gentleman.

Mr. Horton was married 2. in Trinity Chapel, N. Y., 12 October, 1875, by the Rev. Dr. Weston, to Sara Patten, a lady of culture and refinement of the city of New York, and an esteemed member of the Episcopal Church.

II. HORACE, son of Wm. B. Horton and Melinda Blackman, born in Sheshequin, Pa., 25 Sept., 1834; married at the Valley House, in Sheshequin, 15 Oct., 1856, by C. H. Ames, Esq., to MARY SMITH, daughter of Henry C. Smith and Sarah Webb, and born in Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 22 Feb., 1835. No children.

Horace is a well-to-do farmer, owns a large farm about two miles from the river, has a very pretty dwelling-house with slate roof, a good barn and out-buildings. He is a prominent man in the township, rents his farm and lives at ease. He inherited a part of the old homestead farm.

III. ELIZABETH, daughter of William B. Horton and Melinda Blackman, born in Sheshequin, 25 Aug., 1836; married in Sheshequin, 23 Jan., 1855, by Rev. J. M. Peebles, to PERLEY HUTCHINS KINNEY, son of Perley Kinney, Esq., and Sarah Hutchins, and born in Sheshequin, 20 April, 1826. They have two children, viz.:

1. Sarah, born 18 Oct., 1856.

2. Flora, born 8 Oct., 1858.

They were both born in Sheshequin, are well educated, amiable and highly accomplished young ladies.

IV. AMAZILLA, daughter of William B. Horton and Melinda Blackman, born in Sheshequin, 18 Aug., 1840; married in Sheshequin, 18 Nov., 1863, by Rev. Schuyler B. Gibson, to HENRY CLAY KINNEY, son of Guy Kinney and Matilda Gore, and born in Sheshequin, 6 Aug., 1839. He died 11 March, 1871.

1. H. Gordon, born 8 Sept., 1864.

2. Horace Horton, born 6 June, 1868.

3. Hilene S., born 7 April, 1870.

Mr. Kinney was an intelligent farmer. The Kinney family is one of the oldest, most respectable and most intellectual families of Bradford County. Among them we find editors, legislators, lawyers, and last, but not least, educated farmers.

V. MARY ELLEN, daughter of William B. Horton and Melinda Blackman, born in Sheshequin, 25 Oct., 1844; married in Sheshequin, 25 Oct., 1866, by Rev. J. F. Brownell, to WILLIAM MILES SHORES, a farmer, son of David Shores and Marinda Rippeth, and born in Wysox, Pa., 11 Jan., 1843; have Henry Clay Shores, born in Wysox, 19 June, 1868. They reside in Towanda, Pa.

VI. MILES EMMETT, son of William B. Horton and Saloma J. Kilmer his second wife, born in Sheshequin, 18 Nov., 1851; married in Sheshequin, 4 July, 1872, by Rev. George L. Williams, to MARY ARINDA WEBB, daughter of Andrew Webb and Mary Bull, and born in Sheshequin, 15 Dec., 1851. They have one son, viz.:

William Bullard, born in Sheshequin, 13 Oct., 1873.

Miles E. Horton owns a part of the old homestead, has made many improvements, is a good liver, and possesses fine social qualities. The widow of W. B. Horton, a plain, intelligent, unassuming woman, lives very happily with her son Miles and his amiable lady.

VII. ROWENA HORTENSE, daughter of William B. Horton and Saloma J. Kilmer, born in Sheshequin, 23 Oct., 1855; married Jan., 1871, to THEODORE GARDNER SMITH. They reside at Horn Brook, Pa.

JOSEPH ROSE, son of William B. Horton and Mary Rose, born in Sheshequin, when his father was but sixteen years old; married ANNA LORINDA SHORES, daughter of Caleb Shores and Anna Horton, and born on Shores' Hill, 31 July, 1821. They live in Waverly, N. Y., and have two children, Sophia and Melinda; Sophia married Smith Barnum--reside in Litchfield; Melinda remains unmarried.

Joseph R. Horton possesses more than ordinary intellectual capacity, and is highly respected and esteemed. He was a faithful Union soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and lost a leg in the service.

Third Generation.--Caleb I.

I. BARNABAS, son of Caleb Horton I. and Abigail Hallock, born at Cutchogue, L. I., Sept., 1666; married about 1686, SARAH HINES.

1. Caleb, born 1687; married Phebe Terry.

2. Barnabas.

3. Penelope.

4. Bethia.

II. JONATHAN, son of Caleb I. and Abigail Hallock, born at Cutchogue, about 1668; married about 1693, perhaps, BETHIA CONKLIN.

Children, born at Cutchogue:

1. Jonathan, born 1694; married Elizabeth Goldsmith.

IV. DAVID, son of Caleb Horton I. and Abigail Hallock, born at Cutchogue, about 1672; married MARY HORTON, daughter of Capt. Jonathan Horton I.

1. David, born in 1697; married Eliza Sweazy.

2. Silas, born in 1700.

3. John.

4. Adam.

5. Patience.

8. Lydia.

9. Phebe, born 1715; married Constant King, son of Capt. John King, a mariner, of Southold.

V. MARY, daughter of Caleb Horton I. and Abigail Hallock, born at Cutchogue; married 31 Nov., 1682, NATHANIEL TERRY, son of Richard Terry I.

1. Phebe.

2. Uriah,

and others, names not known.

Fourth Generation.--Caleb I.

I. CALEB, son of Barnabas Horton and Sarah Hines (Caleb I.), born in Southold 22 Dec., 1687; married 10 Dec., 1714, PHEBE TERRY, daughter of Nathaniel, son of Richard Terry I., and born in Southold, in 1689. They moved to Roxbury, now Chester, N. J., in 1748, and settled there. They were both members of the Southold Church, and liberal supporters of the Gospel. On their tombstone in Chester Cemetery we find "Caleb Horton, of Southold, L. I., N. Y., died 6 Aug., 1772, having lived almost 85 years with an unblemished character. Phebe, wife of Caleb Horton, died 24 Dec., 1767, having finished a life of 78 years, 58 of which she was the wife of Caleb Horton.

"'Martha's care she had at heart, And also chosen Mary's better part.'"

Children all born in Southold:

1. Caleb, born 1715; married Sarah Benjamin.

2. Hannah, born 1717; married Samuel Sweazy, son of Joseph Sweazy.

3. Nathaniel, born 13 Oct., 1719; married Mehetabel Wells.

4. Nathan, born about 1720; married Mehetabel Case.

5. Phebe, born about 1722; married Henry Tuthill.

6. Elijah, born 19 June, 1724; married Lydia Sweazy.

7. Richard, born about 1726; married Elizabeth Harrison.

8. Sarah, born about 1735; married Stephen Sweazy.

9. Mary, born about 1831; married Richard Terry.

10. Rachel, born about 1733; married 23 Aug., 1753, Jonathan Racket.

11. Rhoda, born about 1728; married Robert Robinson; died in Chester, 30 June, 1771, aged 43 years and 5 days.

II. BARNABAS, son of Barnabas Horton and Sarah Hines, born in Southold, about 1690; married MARY SWEAZY and moved to Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y., about 1732.

Children, probably all born in Southold:

1. Barnabas, born in 1772; married Abigail Parshall.

2. David, born 1724; married Mary Warner.

3. Matthias, born 1726; married.

4. Elihu, born 1720; died young.

5. Silas, born 1730; married Experience Vail.

6. Mary, married Charles Seely.

I. JONATHAN, son of Jonathan Horton and Bethia Conklin (Caleb I.), born at Cutchogue, L. I., about 1694; married in 1720, to ELIZABETH GOLDSMITH, daughter John Goldsmith, and born at Southold, 3 Nov., 1701. They were both members of the Southold Church.

1. Israel, born in 1728; married Sarah Lee.

2. Jonathan, born in 1730; married Bethia Horton.

3. Barnabas, born in 1732; married, perhaps, Mary Tuthill.

4. Zaccheus, born in 1734; married widow Elizabeth Case.

5. Bethia, born in 1736.

6. Elizabeth, born in 1739; married David Tuthill, probably a son of Henry Tuthill and Phebe Youngs, and born in Southold about 1735.

II. BARNABAS, son of Jonathan Horton and Bethia Conklin, born at Cutchogue, in 1695; married about 1721, to SALLY CLARK.

1. Jonathan, born 1722.

2. Bethia.

3. Calvin.

I. DAVID, son of David Horton and Mary Horton (Caleb I.), born at Cutchogue, in 1697; married about 1720, perhaps, to ELIZA SWEAZY, daughter of Richard Sweazy.

1. Richard, born in 1720; married, probably, Mehitabel Jayne.

2. Mary, born in 1724.

Fifth Generation.--Caleb I.

I. CALEB, son of Caleb Horton and Phebe Terry (Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Southold in 1715; married in April, 1737, to SARAH BENJAMIN, born in 1717. They moved to Chester, N. J., about 1748.

Children, all born in Southold, except Sally and Mary, who were born in Chester:

1. Caleb, born in 1738.

3. Stephen.

4. Justin.

5. Patty.

6. Sally.

7. Mary, married Richard Terry.

III. NATHANIEL, son of Caleb Horton and Phebe Terry, born in Southold, 13 Oct., 1819; married MEHETABEL WELLS about 1740. They moved to Chester, N. J., in 1748. "She died 10 Dec., 1801. He died 24 Jan., 1804, having lived about 85 years, with an unblemished character."--From tombstone, Chester Cemetery.

Children, 1. and 2. born in Southold, the rest in Chester:

1. Dea. Nathaniel, born in 1741; married Rebecca Robinson.

2. Benjamin, born 1743.

3. David, born 2 Sept., 1750; married Olive Skellinger.

4. Daniel, married Martha Terry.

5. Polly, married Caleb Terry.

6. Mehetabel, married Edward Lewis.

IV. NATHAN, son of Caleb Horton and Phebe Terry, born in Southold about 1725; married about 1749, to MEHETABEL CASE, of Southold. They moved to Chester, N. J., soon after marriage. He was a soldier and a captain in the Revolutionary war.

Children, all born in Chester, or Black River, Morris Co., N. J.:

1. Israel, born 1750; died young.

2. Jemima, married Houston, or Hughson; lived at Mount Highest, N. J.

3. David, no record.

4. Nathan, born 25 Feb., 1757; married Elizabeth Eagles.

5. Bethia, married Caleb Terry, of Black River.

6. Sarah, married Daniel Sweazy.

7. Zephaniah, born 13 Nov., 1760; married Jane McCurry.

8. Phineas, born 17 Feb., 1774; married 1. Bethia Luce; 2. Esther Horton.

VI. ELIJAH, son of Caleb Horton and Phebe Terry, born in Southold, 19 June, 1724; married LYDIA SWEAZY, daughter of Joseph Sweazy, and born in Southold about 1731. They moved to Roxbury, now Chester, N. J., in 1748. He died 7 Oct., 1799. She died 18 March, 1723. He was a Justice of the Peace, of fair reputation, and much respected.

Children, all born in Chester:

1. Barnabas, born 27 Sept., 1749; married Elizabeth Coleman, or Corwin.

2. Elijah, born 19 Dec., 1756; married Lydia Sweazy.

3. Silas, born 17 July, 1746: married 1. Susan Corwin; 2. Mary Kelsey; 3. Esther Horton.

VII. RICHARD, son of Caleb Horton and Phebe Terry, born in Southold about 1727; married ELIZABETH HARRISON, and moved to Chester, N. J., about 1750; and thence to Radnor, Delaware Co., Pa. They were Quakers, and attended the Radnor Meeting, but the early records of Radnor Meeting cannot be found. The dates are mostly given by estimate. He remained in Chester only a short time.

Children, all born in Radnor:

1. Samuel, born about 1752; settled in Huntington Co., Pa.

2. Nathan, born 1754; settled in Huntington Co., Pa.

3. Josiah, born 1756.

4. Jesse.

5. John, married Elizabeth Thomas.

6. Thomas.

7. Septimus, died in Baltimore, about 1850.

I. BARNABAS, son of Barnabas Horton and Mary Sweazy (Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in 1720; married in 1740, to ABIGAIL PARSHALL, born in Goshen about 1721.

Children, born in Goshen:

1. Barnabas, born about 1743; married 8 Nov., 1767, to Abigail Dickerson.

2. Abigail, born about 1748; married Henry Youngs.

3. Sarah, born about 1752; married 23 July, 1775, Henry Conklin.

4. Anna, born about 1754; married 12 Oct., 1774, Ichabod Cleveland.

5. Lydia, born about 1756; married 5 Feb., 1775, Thomas Webb.

II. DAVID, son of Barnabas Horton and Mary Sweazy, born about 1724; married 31 May, 1744, MARY WARNER. They settled in the town of Goshen about 1760. He was a warm Whig, was one of the signers of the Pledge of Independence for the Colonies in 1775.

1. David, born about 1745; married 29 Oct., 1773, Theodosia Allen.

6. Dorothy, born 3 April, 1756; married Eli Corwin.

III. MATHIAS, son of Barnabas Horton and Mary Sweazy, born about 1726; married about 1750, and had Mathias, born in Goshen in 1751, and others, names not known.

IV. ELIHU, son of Barnabas Horton and Mary Sweazy, born about 1728; married Colman, and had one child, which died young. He was a true patriot, and signed the Pledge of Independence in 1775.

V. SILAS, son of Barnabas Horton and Mary Sweazy, born in Southold, about 1730; married about 1755, EXPERIENCE VAIL, daughter of Jeremiah Vail, Esq., and Mary, and born in Goshen, N. Y., about 1732.

Children, probably, all born in Goshen:

1. Silas, born 24 August, 1756; married Mary Danes.

2. Benjamin, married 24 Sept., 1786, Anna Goldsmith.

3. Gamaliel, or Samuel, married Mehetabel Hulse.

4. Mathias, married Sarah Rumsey.

5. Elihu.

6. Barnabas, married Milicent Howell.

7. Nellie, married ---- Stringham.

8. Mary, married John L. Hommedinn.

9. Lucretia, married Henry Youngs.

10. Hannah, married Isaiah Vail, Jr.

11. Abigail, born 3 Sept., 1773; married Capt. Daniel Stringham.

I. LIEUT. ISRAEL, son of Jonathan Horton and Elizabeth Goldsmith (Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Cutchogue, about 1728; married in 1755, to SARAH LEE, daughter of Rev. John Lee, of Lyme, Conn., born about 1730. The Rev. John Lee had two sons who were preachers.

Israel and his family moved from Cutchogue to Goshen Township in 1762. He was a farmer. In the Autumn of 1771, he went to Newburgh with a load of grain. On the way home, he was taken sick, succeeded in getting home, but died in a day or two after. About 1782, his widow married Parshall Terry, formerly of Southold. He was a widower, was living with his family in Wyoming Valley in 1778. He and his family were in the famed Forty Fort the night after the Indian battle and massacre. The next morning they fled to the mountains and after suffering great hardships, crossing the "big swamp," afterwards known as "Swamp Dismal," or the "Shades of Death," they reached Stroudsburg, Pa., in safety. Leaving his family here, he hastened to Orange Co., N. Y., for assistance. During his absence his wife was taken sick with "camp distemper" (malignant dysentery), and died leaving a large family of children, the youngest but three years old.

He took his family to Little Britain, Orange Co., N. Y., and as above-stated, married the widow Horton. The two families, all told, numbering twenty-two persons. The house in which they lived being an old-fashioned double log-house, they hired a school-master and made one part of it a school-house, thus evincing a laudable determination to have the education of their household properly cared for. The writer obtained these facts in 1828, from Benjamin Horton, son of Israel, who was one of the pupils. But this arrangement was not of long continuance, for in 1786, Sarah, the mother and step-mother died, and was buried by her first husband in Warwick Cemetery.

Israel Horton had children as follows, the first four born in Southold, the rest in Goshen, Orange Co.:

1. Israel, born 23 Sept., 1756; married Anna Van Devort.

2. Jason, born 18 Dec., 1758; married Mary Terry.

3. Jeremiah, born 12 Nov., 1760; married Mary Goldsmith.

4. Eunice, born Dec., 1761; married George Howell.

5. John, born 30 July, 1763; married Deborah Terry.

6. Joseph Lee, born 27 April, 1765; married Hannah Todd.

7. Sarah, born in 1767; died young.

8. Mary, born 6 Dec., 1768; married John Clark.

9. Samuel, born in 1770; died of small-pox; unmarried.

10. Benjamin, born 7 Feb., 1772; married Hannah Vance.

Israel Horton and his wife were pious people, active members of the Southold Church, and after removing to Orange County they became members of the Presbyterian Church of Warwick. Their children were trained up to love and fear the Lord and keep his commandments. He was a soldier in the old French war, and, in 1758, bearing the commission of Lieutenant, he had charge of Fort Stanwix, N. Y., and remained there until the close of the war.

II. JONATHAN, son of Jonathan Horton and Elizabeth Goldsmith, born at Cutchogue, L. I., about 1730; married BETHIA HORTON about 1752, and moved to Orange Co., N. Y. He was a zealous Whig, and early espoused the cause of the colonies against the mother country. He was one of the signers for the Pledge for Independence, in 1775.--Vide "History of Orange County," page 499.

Children, probably born in Orange County:

1. John, born 1753, went to Wyoming Valley; married Mary De La Montayne.

2. Caleb, went to New Jersey; married a Jayne.

3. Benjamin.

III. ZACCHEUS, son of Jonathan Horton and Elizabeth Goldsmith, born at Cutchogue, 1734; married widow ELIZABETH CASE; moved to Orange County; lived at Cornwall, where he signed the Pledge for Independence. He was probably married twice. He had a son, Zaccheus, who also signed the Pledge, and after the war was over he probably settled at Penfield, Monroe Co., N. Y., and was appointed Postmaster, at the first town meeting of that town, in 1811. Some of his posterity are living in that part of the country yet, and some are buried in East Palmyra Cemetery, Wayne Co., N. Y.

Sixth Generation.--Caleb I.

I. DEA. NATHANIEL, son of Nathaniel Horton and Mehitabel Wells (Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Southold, about 1741; married in 1761, to REBECCA ROBINSON, born 21 June, 1742; died, 14 Dec., 1819. He died 13 Aug., 1824; moved to Chester, N. J., with his father's family, in 1748.

Children, all born at Chester:

1. Huldah, born 14 Jan., 1762; married Joel Coe; died 13 Dec., 1803.

2. Rebecca, born 31 Dec., 1763; married Benj. Fordyce; died in 1840.

3. Jonah, born in 1765; married Jane Dalrymple; died in Lockport, N. Y.

4. Susan, born in 1767; married 30 March, 1798, to Robert McCollam; died in Calais, N. Y.

5. Polly, born in 1769; married David Lewis.

6. Nathaniel.

7. Hiram.

8. Mehitabel, all three died in childhood.

9. Elisha, born about 1777; married Mary Horton; died in Scipio, N. Y.

10. Nathaniel, born 1778; married Eunice Horton, daughter of Daniel Horton and Martha Terry.

11. Esther, born about 1782.

Dea. Nathaniel Horton was one of the excellent of the earth, loved by all.

II. BENJAMIN, son of Nathaniel Horton and Mehitabel Wells, born in Southold, in 1743; married 1767; moved to Brutus, N. Y., and settled there; died in Brutus.

1. Benjamin, born 1778, had William, Wines and Omar.

2. David, born 1780, had Spencer, who lives in Lansing, Mich., and others.

3. Rhoda, born 1782.

III. DAVID, son of Nathaniel Horton and Mehitabel Wells, born in Chester, 2 Sept., 1750; married OLIVE SKELLINGER, born 28 March, 1761.

1. Edward, born 17 March, 1777; married Charlotte Seward.

2. Mehitabel.

3. Daniel.

David Horton was a soldier in the Revolution--served to the close of the war--drew a pension to the close of his life. He was a man of integrity and sound Christian character.

IV. DANIEL, son of Nathaniel Horton and Mehitabel Wells, born in Chester, in 1751; married MARTHA TERRY, daughter of Richard Terry and Mary Horton, and born in Chester, in 1757; died 9 Feb., 1842. He died 27 Nov., 1835.

Children, born in Chester:

1. Stephen, died young.

2. Eunice, born 1782; married Col. Nathaniel Horton.

3. Daniel, married Esther Terry.

4. Lydia, married William Skellinger.

5. Esther, married Phineas Horton, being his 3d wife.

Daniel Horton was a Justice of the Peace for many years, of fair reputation and much respected.

II. JEMIMA, daughter of Capt. Nathan Horton and Mehitabel Case (Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Chester, about 1752; married about 1770, ROBERT HUGHSON. They lived at a place called Mount Highest, N. J.

Children, probably all born at Mount Highest:

1. John.

2. Elizabeth.

3. Nathan.

4. Jacob.

5. Sarah.

6. Samuel.

7. Phineas.

8. Robert.

9. Daniel.

10. Julia.

11. Lydia.

Jemima Hughson died 3 Oct., 1842. Her husband survived her six years. The children nearly all had families. Phineas had Elizabeth, Emeline, Theodore, Sarah, Mary, John and Lura; Julia married a Leek; Lydia married a Messler.

IV. COL. NATHAN, son of Capt. Nathan Horton and Mehitabel Case, born in Chester, N. J., 25 Feb., 1757; married in New York City, 10 July, 1783, to Elizabeth Eagles, daughter of John Eagles and Hannah ----, and born in the city of New York, 1 Dec., 1766. They moved to North Carolina about 1785, and settled on New River, then Wilkes, now Watauga Co., N. C.

Children, probably, all born at New River, except--

1. Hannah, born at Chester, 15 Dec., 1784; and died at Hagerstown, Md., while on the way to North Carolina.

2. William, born 15 August, 1786; married Milley Dula.

3. James, born 28 Feb., 1789; married Sydnia Webb.

4. David Eagles, born 4 May, 1792; married Sarah Dula.

5. Phineas, born 9 Jan., 1795; married Sarah Councill.

6. Sarah, born 19 Sept., 1797; died of croup when young.

7. John, born 11 June, 1800; died of croup when young.

8. Elizabeth, born 15 Sept., 1803; married Zephaniah Horton, Jr., of Yancey Co.

9. Jonathan, born 26 Feb., 1806; married Malinda Hartzag.

Col. Nathan Horton was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was on guard at the hanging of Major Andre. The gun which he then carried has been carefully preserved, and is now in the possession of his grandsons, who live near Elkville, Wilkes Co., N. C.

The Colonel was a farmer, a prominent man and for many years a Colonel of a regiment of militia of his county. He represented the county of Ashe in the Legislature in 1800-1-2. He was one of the first settlers in the county, and became wealthy in lands and other property. He died at his residence on New River, 22 July, 1824, and there his wife also died, 19 May, 1854.

V. BETHIA, daughter of Capt. Nathan Horton and Mehitabel Case, born in Chester, N. J., about 1759; married CALEB TERRY, of Chester.

Children, probably, all born in Chester:

1. Nathaniel, married Coleman.

2. Nathan, married Van Doren.

3. Richard, married Smith.

4. Julia, married Caleb Horton.

5. Deborah, married Thomas Stoute.

6. Jemima, died young.

7. Esther, married 1. Daniel Horton, son of David Horton; married 2. Nathan Hughson, son of Robert Hughson.

VI. SARAH, daughter of Capt. Nathan Horton and Mehitabel Case, born in Chester, N. J., about 1761; married DANIEL SWEAZY.

1. Benjamin, married Margaret Wiley.

2. James, married Effie Swackhammer.

3. Isaac, married an English lady, name not given.

4. Sarah, married Low Sliker.

5. Mehitabel, married John Sliker.

6. Mary, never married.

VII. ZEPHANIAH, son of Capt. Nathan Horton and Mehitabel Case, born in Chester, N. J., 13 Nov., 1760; went to North Carolina when a young man, soon returned to Chester, and 25 March, 1788, married JANE MCCURRY, daughter of Malcolm McCurry, Esq., of Chester, and soon afterwards moved to Wilkes Co., N. C., and thence in 1793, to Burke Co., and thence to Tennessee, where he remained only a short time, and then returned to North Carolina, and settled in Buncomb, now Yancey Co., where he lived, and where, 5 April, 1844, he died. He was a magistrate for many years, and also represented Buncomb Co. in the Legislature, in 1810-1812, and 1815.

On the day he was seventy years old he had his funeral sermon preached by Rev. Goodson McDaniel, of the Holston Conference. His wife died at her residence, 13 August, 1857. Her father was born on the Island of Ila, Highlands, Scotland. He was kidnapped when a small boy and brought to New Jersey, where he obtained a good education, became a lawyer, and practiced law at Morristown, N. J.

Children, 1. and 2. were born in Wilkes Co.; 3. born in Burke Co., and the rest in Buncomb Co., N. C.:

1. Nathan, born 24 Jan., 1789.

2. Rachel, born 31 May, 1791; died 29 Oct., 1800.

3. Sarah, born 30 June, 1794.

4. Malcolm, born 8 April, 1797.

5. Elizabeth, born 15 Nov., 1799.

6. Zephaniah, born 26 Nov., 1802.

7. Jane M., born 18 March, 1806.

8. Phebe D., born 30 Oct., 1810.

VIII. PHINEAS, son of Capt. Nathan Horton and Mehitabel Case, born in Chester, N. J., 17 Feb., 1774; married 1. 19 Oct., 1797, to BETHIA LUCE (Lewis), she died 20 August, 1809. He married 2. the widow ESTHER HORTON, daughter of Daniel Horton, and widow of Silas Horton.

Children, all born in Chester, 1, 2, 3, 4, by first wife; 5 and 6 by 2d wife:

1. Sarah, born 27 March, 1799; married Jeremiah Wilcox.

2. Nathan, born 27 Dec., 1801; married Julia Horton.

3. Elias, born 6 Feb., 1803; married Melinda Lewis.

4. Mary, born 6 Feb., 1806; married Daniel Skellinger.

5. Martha Esther, born 7 June, 1819.

6. Daniel, born 3 August, 1820; married Lydia C. Horton.

Phineas Horton died 8 Feb., 1857. Esther is still (1874) living, resides at the homestead with her son Daniel.

I. BARNABAS, son of Barnabas Horton and Abigail Parshall (Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Goshen, N. Y., about 1747; married 1. 8 Nov., 1767, to ABIGAIL DICKERSON, she died about 1777, he married 2. RACHEL BOSTWICK.

Children, all born in Goshen, exact order of births not known:

1. David.

3. Selah.

5. Barnabas, married Mehitabel Youngs.

7. Betsey.

8. Henry.

9. Benjamin, born 12 April, 1788.

10. Abigail, married William Brewster.

I. SAMUEL, son of Richard Horton and Elizabeth Harrison (Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Radnor, Delaware Co., Pa., about 1752. He moved to Huntingdon Co., Pa., married and raised a large family, but no family record has been found. He was a blacksmith, and had the reputation of being a first-class workman.

II. NATHAN, son of Richard Horton and Elizabeth Harrison, born in Radnor about 1754. He settled in Huntingdon Co., Pa., and was a blacksmith by occupation, a very skillful workman, and a man of good character and standing. He married REBECCA PRIEST, and lived in West Chester for a short time before he went to Huntingdon.

1. William, born in West Chester, Pa., about 1789.

2. Henry, born in West Chester, 25 Jan., 1791; married Elizabeth White.

3. Mary, born in West Chester, 25 Jan., 1791; (twins).

The rest viz.:

4. Catherine.

5. Rebecca.

6. Deborah.

7. John.

9. Nathan Priest,

were all born in Huntingdon.

V. JOHN, son of Richard Horton and Elizabeth Harrison, born in Radnor in 1762; married ELIZABETH THOMAS.

Children, all born in Newtown, Chester Co., Pa.:

1. Jesse, born in 1786; married about 1819, Mary Steel.

2. Jacob, born in 1791; married about 1813, Sarah Winans.

3. John, born 1798; married about 1828, Jane Lindsley.

4. Elizabeth, born 27 Nov., 1800; married Samuel Black.

I. LIEUT. JOHN, son of Jonathan Horton and Bethia Horton (Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Southold, L. I., 1753; went in early life to Chester, N. J., and thence to Wyoming Valley, where about 1782, he married MARY DE LA MONTAGNYE, daughter of John De La Montagnye. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and was a Lieutenant at the battle of Wyoming, July, 1778. He and his wife both died in Wyoming.

Children, all born in Wyoming:

1. Sarah, born about 1784; married John Hannas; settled in Hanover, Pa.

2. Mary, born about 1786; married John Shalls; settled in Kingston, Pa.

3. Ann, born about 1788; died unmarried.

4. John, born about 1790; married ---- Wickizer.

5. Miller, born 2 Feb., 1792; married Elizabeth Waller.

6. Josiah, born 1795; went south; died in Georgia.

7. Jesse, born 1797; married 1. ---- Headly; 2. Widow Cook.

8. Lewis Mulison, born 1799; married Priscilla Crisman.

9. Abigail, born 1803; died in Kingston, in 1808.

I. SILAS, son of Silas Horton and Experience Vail (Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Goshen, 24 Aug., 1756; married about 1777, MARY DANES. Settled in Wallkill, Orange Co., N. Y. He died 25 Dec., 1816.

Silas, though young, like his father, was truly patriotic, and signed the Pledge of Independence for the Colonies in 1775.

Children, probably all born in Wallkill:

1. Silas Danes, born in July, 1778.

2. Barnabas, born 1780; died in 1867.

3. Hiram, born 1782; died in 1840.

4. Nelly, married Timothy Wheat.

5. Molly, married Israel Moore; had Alfred and William; she married 2. Daniel Slawson, and had six children.

6. Mehala, married William Wheat.

This family were all dead in 1873, except Mehala.

IV. MATTHIAS, son of Silas Horton and Experience Vail, born in Goshen, in 1765; married about 1800, SARAH RUMSEY, born in Goshen, about 1765.

Children, probably all born in Goshen:

1. John, born in 1801.

2. James, born 1803.

3. Hector, born 26 Jan., 1805.

4. Gabriel, born 9 Aug., 1806; married Eliza Corwin; dead.

5. Dolly (Dorothy), born 1809; married John Coleman.

6. Matthias, born 26 Jan., 1812; married Eveline Williams.

7. Julia, born 1814; married Hector Tuthill.

Matthias Horton died 1815; his wife in 1842.

V. ELIHU, son of Silas Horton and Experience Vail, born 1758; married, about 1779, HANNAH COLEMAN. He was a zealous Whig in Revolutionary times, and signed the Pledge of Independence for the Colonies in 1775.

Children, probably born in Goshen:

1. Ira, born 1780; married Sarah Vanduzen.

2. Gabriel H., married Margaret Faulkner.

VI. BARNABAS, son of Silas Horton and Experience Vail, born in Goshen, 30 June, 1770 (Mrs. Lee says 3 Jan.); married in 1794, MILICENT HOWELL, of Southampton, L. I., born 18 Sept., 1770; died 13 Jan., 1849. He died 24 Oct., 1823, both in Minnisink.

1. Parmenas Howell, born in Wallkill, 13 Dec., 1795; married Fanny Cash.

2. Anna, born in Wallkill, N. Y., 21 Jan., 1798; married Simon W. Stoddard; died 30 Sept., 1843.

3. Harvey, born in Goshen, 1 Feb., 1800; married Mary Bennet.

4. Horace, born in Minnisink, 6 Oct., 1803; left at 18; never heard of afterwards.

5. Gabriel, born 9 Aug., 1806, in Minnisink; died 18 Dec., 1847.

6. Milicent Ellen, born 10 July, 1809; married Charles Lee.

7. Hampton Howell, born in Minnisink, 16 May, 1811; died 6 Jan., 1825.

XI. ABIGAIL, daughter of Silas Horton and Experience Vail, born in Goshen, in 1773; married in Goshen, in 1794, CAPT. DANIEL STRINGHAM, born in Wallkill, N. Y., in 1765. They moved to the State of Indiana in 1816. He died in 1841. She died in 1842.

Children, all born in Middletown, N. Y.:

1. John D. Stringham, born in 1795; died in 1814.

2. Silas Horton Stringham, born 7 Nov., 1797.

3. Charles S., born 1799; died 1818.

4. Lewis, born 1801; died 1816.

5. William M., born 1803; died 1805.

6. Margaret, born 1805; married Z. C. Hovey in 1837; died 1874.

7. Jane, born 1808; married Randolph Widding; is now a widow in Terre Haute, Ind.

8. William M., born 1808; died 1816.

9. Hannah, born 1811; married John Gilkey; now a widow, Crawfordsville, Ind.

10. Mary, born 1814; died 1816.

X. HANNAH, daughter of Silas Horton and Experience Vail, born in Goshen, about 1770; married in 1790, ISAIAH VAIL, JR. Settled in Goshen.

1. Lebbeus Lathrop, born 27 Oct., 1791; married Sally Moore; had 10 children.

2. Julia, married Whitehead Halstead; had 5 children.

3. Dolly, died in infancy.

4. Oliver Horton, married Eunice Moore; had 5 children.

5. Nathaniel, died unmarried.

6. William Morris, married Harriet Edwards; had 10 children.

7. James Williamson, married 1. Lindamira Jackson, had 2 children; married 2. Rebecca Sherman, grand-daughter of the HON. ROGER SHERMAN, of Connecticut, of the CONTINENTAL CONGRESS; had 5 children.

I. ISRAEL, JR., first son of Lieut. Israel Horton and Sarah Lee (Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Cutchogue, Southold, 23 Sept., 1756. He died at Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., 22 July, 1813. She died Jan., 1842. He moved with his father from Southold to Goshen, N. Y., in 1762. At the death of his father he was about 15 years old, and he being the oldest of the family, remained with his mother, and assisted in taking care of the family. On the 23 Feb., 1780, he married ANNA VAN DEVORT; she was the daughter of Thomas Van Devort, and was born in Orange Co., N. Y., 29 Nov., 1763. He removed from Orange County to Owego, N. Y., about 1801 or 1802, and in 1816 from Owego to Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., where he settled permanently, and spent the remainder of his days. They were pious people and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

1. Jason, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 23 Feb., 1781; married Sally Miller, of Geneva.

2. William Lee, born in Orange County, New York, 21 October, 1781.

3. Sarah, born in Orange County, New York, 9 April, 1784; married in Phelps, 1813, Samuel Minnis.

4. Phebe, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 6 March, 1786; married Frederick Schenick, of Spencer, N. Y.

5. John, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 26 Feb., 1788; married Rachel Hiler.

6. Thomas Van Devort, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 6 April, 1790; died 21 July, 1811.

7. Benjamin, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 9 Sept., 1792; died 22 Sept., 1834.

8. Arietta, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 28 Nov., 1794; married Isaac Butler.

9. Peter Davis, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 11 Dec., 1796; married Hannah Couch.

10. Isaac T., born in Orange Co., N. Y., 28 Feb., 1799; married Esther Clark.

11. Eleanor, born in Owego, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1802; married Thomas Van Devort.

12. Cornelius, born in Owego, N. Y., 13 Aug., 1804; died unmarried.

13. Joseph Lee, born in Owego, N. Y., 9 July, 1807; married widow Elizabeth Hatfield.

II. JASON, son of Lieut. Israel Horton and Sarah Lee, born at Cutchogue, Southold, L. I., 18 Dec., 1758; married in 1783, to MARY TERRY, daughter of Uriah Terry and Abigail Cleveland, and born in Southold, L. I., in 1760. He was a clothier by trade, served his apprenticeship in Chester, and then settled for a short time at Boskenridge,--it is now Basking Ridge,--New Jersey, and then moved to Somerville, New Jersey, where he settled permanently and where he died. He was one of the most pious and exemplary men that ever lived, a zealous, active, intelligent Presbyterian. He was a very strict observer of the Sabbath, and violation of it by his neighbors always gave him great displeasure. Observing one of his neighbors frequently chopping firewood on the Sabbath, he went one Saturday afternoon and took his neighbor a load of wood prepared for the fire, telling him it was to save him the trouble of chopping his firewood on the Sabbath. His neighbor took it kindly, and was careful afterwards to see that his fuel was all ready beforehand for the Sabbath. It was a common remark of one of the most reckless men of Somerville, that "If all professors of religion would live like Old Jason Horton, he would believe there was some reality in religion."

Jason Horton never failed to exert a strong influence for the Christian religion as long as he lived. And his wife also was a true help-meet for him in this regard, possessing genuine piety and Christian activity. She died at Somerville, on Sabbath morning at 5 o'clock, 22 Aug., 1841.

1. Uriah, born in Sugar Loaf, Orange Co., N. Y., in 1784; married Elizabeth Fairchild.

2. Sarah, born 20 Jan., 1788; married William Guest.

3. Elizabeth, married 1. John Denniston; 2. Adam Huyler.

4. Mary, born in 1793.

5. Abigail, born in Somerville, 6 March, 1795.

6. Eunice, born in 1797.

7. Fanny, born in 1799.

8. Israel, born in 1801; died young.

These children were all members of the Presbyterian Church, except Elizabeth, who is a member of the M. E. Church.

III. JEREMIAH, son of Lieut. Israel Horton and Sarah Lee, born at Cutchogue, L. I., 24 Oct., 1759. He lived with his grandfather Lee on Long Island, until he was sixteen years old, and then came to Orange Co. On the 16th of Jan., 1783, he married MARY GOLDSMITH. One of his hips was injured by sciatic rheumatism in early life, causing him to be a cripple all his days. He was a stone-mason and farmer, and notwithstanding he was lame, he still performed a great amount of manual labor. He was a man of good judgment, and a Justice of the Peace for many years, and was a man greatly beloved and respected in the community. He and his wife were both members of the Presbyterian Church. They settled in Blooming Grove, about a mile and a quarter south of the present village of Washingtonville, and he built, mostly with his own hands, the venerable old stone mansion now occupied by the widow and family of his only son Benjamin G. Horton. Jeremiah Horton died 17 Sept., 1841. His wife died 10 June, 1833.

Children, all born in Blooming Grove:

1. Julia, died young.

2. Fanny, died young.

3. Eunice, born 2 March, 1791.

4. Susan, born 17 Oct., 1793.

5. Mary, born 23 Oct., 1795.

6. Sarah, born 15 March, 1797.

7. Lydia, 24 April, 1799.

8. Eliza, died young.

9. Amy, born 17 Nov., 1803.

10. Benjamin G., born 28 August, 1807.

IV. EUNICE, daughter of Lieut. Israel Horton and Sarah Lee, born at Southold in 1761; married GEORGE HOWELL. They moved from Orange Co., in early life, and settled at Peach Orchard, Seneca Co., N. Y.

1. Benjamin.

2. William.

3. Jeremiah.

4. George.

5. Samuel.

6. Lucinda.

7. Anna.

8. Jemima.

9. Mehitabel.

10. Sally.

11. Hannah.

12. Eliza.

V. MAJ. JOHN, son of Lieut. Israel Horton and Sarah Lee, born in Goshen, 30 July, 1763. He married in Little Britain, Orange Co., N. Y., 9 April, 1785, DEBORAH TERRY, daughter of Parshall Terry and Deborah Clark, born in Little Britain, Orange Co., N. Y., on the 25 day of May, 1766. She was one of the inmates of the famed Forty Fort the night after the Indian battle and massacre of Wyoming. She was the tender and affectionate mother of eleven children, and raised them all to maturity. They moved to Wyoming Valley in 1787, and in 1792 moved to Terrytown, Pa., where he bought land and settled permanently, and where he died on the 28th day of April, 1848, aged almost 85 years, and where she died on the 25th day of May, 1844, aged 78 years.

Major Horton built the first framed dwelling-house on the west side of the river in the township of then Wyalusing, now Terry. He was the owner of the first two-horse wagon ever brought into Terrytown, and that wagon not only cheerfully bore the burdens he put upon it, but also those of several of the neighbors. He also owned the first fanning mill ever brought into the place. He built the first frame barn that was ever built in the township. It was built in 1805, and is still in a good state of preservation, and is owned by Edmund Horton.

The framed house mentioned above, built by Major Horton in 1806, accidentally took fire on the 23 Sept., 1861, and was burned up. Major Horton was a wagoner in the Revolutionary War, towards the close of the war, and was stationed in Mamakating Hollow, and afterwards on the Neversink Creek, not far from the present Port Jervis. He was Major of a battalion of militia in Wyalusing, frequently held township offices, and was one of the leading men of the place. He was not a public professor of Christianity, but his life in the main was in harmony with its teachings, and he loved, and was successful, in promoting good order in society. He was universally esteemed, and at his funeral a larger concourse of people were gathered than had ever before been witnessed in this part of the country on a funeral occasion. Deborah, his wife, was a woman distinguished for her eminent piety, unwearied industry, and good economy; she knew well how to guide the house. Their children were all born at Terrytown, except Ebenezer, who was born in Little Britain, N. Y., and Anna and Lydia, who were born in Wyoming Valley.

1. Ebenezer, born 9 Jan., 1786; married Mary Terry.

2. Anna, born 21 Oct., 1788; died August, 1813; unmarried.

3. Lydia, born 14 March, 1791; married John P. Stalford.

4. John, born 23 March, 1793; married 1. Nancy Miller; 2. Lydia Molther; 3. Amanda Cross.

5. Eunice, born 14 Jan., 1796; married Thomas Ingham.

6. Sallie, born 29 May, 1798; married John Morrow.

7. Betsey, born 27 Dec., 1800; married Francis Baillet.

8. Francis, born 7 June, 1803; died unmarried.

9. George F., born 2 Jan., 1806; married Abigail Terry.

10. Edmund, born 9 August, 1808; married Martha A. Robinson.

11. Harry Morgan, born 24 Sept., 1811; unmarried.

VI. JOSEPH LEE, son of Lieut. Israel Horton and Sarah Lee, born in Goshen, N. Y., 27 April, 1765; married in Sugar Loaf, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1791, to HANNAH TODD, daughter of Joseph Todd, of Sugar Loaf, and born there on the 31 Aug., 1771. He died in Palmyra, 10 July, 1831. She died at the same place on 9 Aug., 1827.

He moved from Goshen, N. Y., soon after he was married, to Owego, N. Y., where he remained until 1803, and he then removed to Palmyra, N. Y., and took up land and settled about four miles north of the village, where Mrs. Sarah Durfee, one of his daughters, now resides.

Joseph L. Horton and his wife were very pious people, both worthy members of the Baptist Church, beloved and respected in the community. He was a farmer and shoemaker. He had feeble health for several years before his death, wasting away gradually by consumption. He was a very patient and industrious man, and towards the close of his life, suffering from the ravages of disease, and much enfeebled, he would still work at his occupation, making sometimes one shoe in a day, and at others only half a one, according as he had strength and breath. His end was peace.

1. Samuel Todd, born at Owego, N. Y., 27 July, 1792.

2. Catharine, born at Owego, N. Y., 21 May, 1794; married Geo. Spinner; he died without issue.

3. Henry Wisner, born at Owego, N. Y., 31 May, 1797.

4. Sarah Parshall, born at Owego, N. Y., 28 May, 1799.

5. James Parshall, born at Owego, N. Y., 5 April, 1801.

6. Millie Ann, born at Palmyra, N. Y., 20 July, 1803; died 7 Oct., 1818.

7. Lewis Beers, born at Palmyra, N. Y., 24 May, 1806.

8. Anna, born at Palmyra, N. Y., 5 July, 1808.

9. Durfee Delano, born at Palmyra, N. Y., 25 July, 1813.

10. Wilson Osborn, born at Palmyra, N. Y., 26 April, 1815.

VII. MARY, daughter of Lieut. Israel Horton and Sarah Lee, born near Goshen, N. Y., about 1767; married JOHN CLARK. Settled in Spencer, N. Y.





and others.

VIII. SAMUEL, son of Lieut. Israel Horton and Sarah Lee, born in the township of Goshen, N. Y., in the year 1770. He was a master builder in the city of New York, when quite a young man. He was said to possess a mind peculiarly adapted to mechanical pursuits, and he engaged in them before his majority. When about 23 years of age, he took the small-pox, in New York, went home to his father's, in Orange County, where he died in a few days.

IX. BENJAMIN, youngest child of Lieut. Israel Horton and Sarah Lee, was born at Sugar Loaf, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1772. He was married in Belvale, Orange Co., N. Y., 29 Jan., 1795, by the Rev. Mr. Stevens, to HANNAH VANCE. She was born in Belvale, N. Y., 28 March, 1777. He bought a farm and settled there, but by indorsing for a friend, he lost his farm and all that he had. He then, about 1822, removed to New York, and entered largely into the business of a master builder. In 1834 he moved to Milan, Ohio, where, on the 18th Feb., 1856, he died, of congestion of the lungs. His wife died at the same place, 25 June, 1860. He and his wife were both members of the M. E. Church.

1. Margaret Vance, born 9 Dec., 1796.

2. Milton, born 7 April, 1799.

3. Julia Ann E., born 12 May, 1800; died of consumption, in Ohio, 27 Nov., 1839; unmarried.

4. Samuel, born 28 July, 1802; died 21 Nov., 1841, of epilepsy and consumption; unmarried.

5. Nicholas Townsend, born in Belvale, 20 Jan., 1805; married Sarah Van Orden.

6. Sarah Jane, born in Belvale, 2 May, 1807; married Matthew Mead, and settled in Philadelphia, Pa.

7. Eliza, born in Belvale, 19 March, 1809; died of lock-jaw, 18 July, 1815.

8. Hannah Maria, born in Belvale, 7 May, 1811; married James Galloway Horton.

9. Catharine D., born in Belvale, 13 Aug., 1813; married Enoch Nichols.

10. Elizabeth R., born in Belvale, 3 Oct., 1815; married Smith Conley.

11. Eunice, born in Belvale, 6 Oct., 1817; died 8 Oct., 1826, of dysentery.

12. Eloise, born in Belvale, 19 May, 1822; died 2 Oct., 1843, of consumption; unmarried.

I. ELIJAH, son of Elijah Horton and Lydia Sweazy (Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Chester, N. J., 19 Dec., 1756; married 19 Dec., 1780, MARY ----, born in Roxbury, N. J., April, 1752; died 17 Dec., 1790, leaving two children, Anna and Betsy, who married and settled in Canada. He married 2. about 1793, MEHITABEL RUTH COLEMAN, of Goshen, N. Y., and had:

1. Elijah, born 15 Dec., 1794; married Sarah Oberton.

2. Ephraim Coleman, born 1796; died young.

Elijah Horton was a man of correct moral deportment, and a valuable citizen. He died 29 August, 1799; buried in Chester Cemetery.

II. BARNABAS, son of Elijah Horton and Elizabeth Sweazy, born in Chester, 27 Sept., 1759; married 1783, ELIZABETH COLEMAN. He died 6 Dec., 1800. She died 26 Jan., 1831. Both buried in Chester Cemetery.

Children, born at Chester:

1. Elizabeth, born 1784; married Nathan Corwin; died 5 May, 1806.

2. Ruth, married Lodwick Horton, of Goshen, N. Y.

3. Patty Coleman, born 23 Sept., 1802; married John W. Thorp.

III. SILAS, son of Elijah Horton and Lydia Sweazy, born in Chester, 17 July, 1764; married 1. SUSAN CORWIN, who died 9 July, 1790, leaving Lydia Corwin Horton, who married Isaac H. Corwin, and died in 1816, childless. He married 2. MARY KELSEY, born in Goshen, 26 Jan., 1770; died 21 Dec., 1803, without issue. He married 3. ESTHER HORTON, daughter of Dea. Nathaniel Horton, and had

Mary, born 8 Sept., 1811; died 8 Oct., 1811.

On the tombstone of Silas, we find: "Filled the measure of his days with usefulness, and departed this life 10 Dec., 1842. He was a consistent member of the Congregational Church for 55 years, and the loss caused by his death can only be estimated by those who knew him. One of his last bequests was $3,200, secured by bond and mortgage, and the interest to be appropriated annually to the support of the elected Congregational minister of the first Congregational Church of Chester."

Esther, his 3d wife, died 5 Feb., 1852, aged 70.

JONATHAN BANI, son of Barnabas Horton and Mary Tuthill (Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Southold, 14 March, 1794; married 1. 20 May, 1815, by Rev. L. Thompson, to DEBORAH OSBORN. She died in 1833, leaving children, as follows, all born in Southold:

1. Emily, born 11 March, 1816; married Gilbert Miller; she died in 1857.

2. Edwin, born 1 Sept., 1817; died 6 July, 1818.

3. Joseph Osborn, born 24 Aug., 1819; died in New York, in 1858.

4. Edmund Bani, born 5 October, 1821.

5. Jerusha Conklin, born 14 June, 1824; married Orrin Case; died in 1874.

6. Deborah, born 7 Sept., 1828; married Charles Van Devort.

7. Catherine Conover, born 25 Dec., 1830; married Jonas Gulick.

Jonathan Bani married 2. in 1838, JERUSHA EDWARDS, she died, and he married 3. JERUSHA PEORNEY, she died, and he married 4. HANNAH BLONVETTE, she died in 1870; he died in New York, 19 Feb., 1871, and was buried at Cutchogue, L. I. Mr. Horton was emphatically a servant of God. We here re-produce a portion of his obituary, which appeared in the Presbyterian, of Philadelphia, shortly after his decease:

"Mr. Horton has been for forty years the indefatigable and successful Tract Missionary of the Seventh Ward, New York City. When he first assumed the important task of laboring for the spiritual interests of this portion of the city, it was known as one of the most wicked and wretched wards. The 'Sailor Boarding-houses' of olden times, with their numerous 'land-sharks,' and temptations to sinful indulgence, swarmed here.... In process of time, the greater part of this territory was occupied by dwellings of opulent merchants. Then after another period of years, a new generation found the older inhabitants of the Seventh Ward crowded out, and their former homes became filled with a population of the dregs of old country emigrants, or gave place to shops and manufactories. Mr. Horton adapted himself and modified his work to meet these successive changes, and calling to his help a faithful band of distributors, teachers and visitors, made a Christian influence to be felt, increasing its power by every available means. A great multitude of conversions from year to year were the result of his faithful labors. Admonished by the approach of old age, he resigned his position as missionary, made all arrangements as to his worldly affairs, wrote farewell letters, and quietly looked forward to the close of his earthly career."

Seventh Generation.--Caleb I.

I. HULDAH, daughter of Dea. Nathaniel Horton and Rebecca Robinson (Nathaniel, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Chester, N. J., 14 Jan., 1762; married in 1781, to JOEL COE, of Middletown, Conn. Moved to Scipio, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where they settled. He died 23 Sept., 1846, aged 88 years, 4 months. She died 13 Dec., 1803. After her death he married Widow HEPZIBAH SMITH.

Children, probably, all born in Scipio:

1. Mary C., born 8 Sept., 1782; married David Bennet; had Joel Coe, Mary Jane, Charles David, Emily, Nathaniel Curtis, and Rachel.

2. Joseph, born 12 Nov., 1784; married 1st 12 Jan., 1816, Pallas Wales, she died 4 Feb., 1822; he married 2d Sophia Harwood; he died in Ohio, 17 Oct., 1854.

3. Rachel, born 9 July, 1786; married 22 April, 1813, Benjamin Olney; he died 1st Sunday in April, 1850; she died 1st Sunday in April, 1874.

4. Nathaniel, born 6 Sept., 1788; married Mary Taylor White; he died in Oregon, 10 Oct., 1868.

5. Joel, born 8 March, 1791; died 21 May, 1791.

6. Huldah Horton, born 5 July, 1793; married Walter Bennet, of Portage, N. Y.

7. Joel, born 7 June, 1795; married Sophronia Roberts; he died in Louisiana, in June, 1834.

8. Curtis, born 25 August, 1797; married Hannah Clark; died 10 April, 1871, at Spring Post, N. Y.

9. Alma, born 25 Sept., 1802; married William Harwood; had Joel, William, and Alma; she died in Michigan, Jan., 1836.

A genealogy of the Coe family was published about twenty years ago. Many eminent men belong to that family.

II. REBECCA, daughter of Dea. Nathaniel Horton and Rebecca Robinson, born in Chester, 19 Dec., 1763; married BENJAMIN FORDYCE. He died 13 March, 1819. She died 17 Nov., 1840, in Scipio, N. Y.

1. John, born 2 March, 1791; died 21 Jan., 1868.

2. Eunice, born 4 July, 1792; died 20 Nov., 1861.

3. Benjamin, born 11 June, 1797; died 10 Dec., 1870.

4. Nathaniel Horton, born 4 Jan., 1799.

5. Rebecca, born 27 July, 1805; died 7 July, 1829.

Mrs. Fordyce was a very pious woman, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and highly esteemed.

III. JONAH, son of Dea. Nathaniel Horton and Rebecca Robinson, born in Chester, 1765; married 1. about 1789, to JANE DALRYMPLE. She died about 1795; married 2. in 1796, HANNAH BRYANT.

Children, probably all born in Chester:

1. Phebe, born 1790.

2. Huldah, born about 1792; married John King.

3. Nathaniel, born about 1794.

4. Elisha, born about 1798; died without issue.

5. Barnabas, born about 1800; married Ruth Cramer.

6. Archibald, born about 1802; married Matilda Smith.

7. Joanna, born about 1804; married David Horton Lewis.

8. Celestia, born about 1807; married John Cooper Horton.

9. Lydia, born about 1809; married Daniel Horton; no issue.

Jonah Horton died in Lockport, N. Y.

IV. SUSAN, daughter of Dea. Nathaniel Horton and Rebecca Robinson, born in Chester, about 1767; married ROBERT MCCOLLUM, 30 March, 1788. Died in Calais, N. Y.

1. Joel.

2. Rebecca.

3. Isaiah.

4. Susan.

5. Robert L.

6. Hiram.

7. Esther.

8. Nathaniel.

9. Anna.

10. Mehitabel.

11. Polly.

All now (1872), dead, excepting Hiram, Anna, and Esther.

IX. ELISHA, son of Dea. Nathaniel Horton and Rebecca Robinson, born in Chester, in 1777; married about 1800, to POLLY, daughter of Caleb Horton and Sarah Benjamin. She was his second cousin, and born in Chester, about 1779. They moved to Scipio, N. Y., in 1797, and settled there, and there they died.

1. Isaiah, born 27 July, 1796; married Charlotte Chatfield.

2. Aaron, unmarried.

3. Phebe, married Stephen Robinson.

4. Esther, married Warren R. Atwood.

X. COL. NATHANIEL, son of Dea. Nathaniel Horton and Rebecca Robinson, born in Chester, 15 Sept., 1778; married about 1801, to EUNICE HORTON, daughter of Daniel Horton and Martha Terry. He died in Chester, 17 Dec., 1856. She died 7 June, 1857; both buried in Chester Cemetery. He was an honorable and popular man, a Colonel in the militia, and much esteemed as an officer and citizen.

1. Julia, born 1802; married Nathan Horton.

2. Ann Eliza, born 1804; married Levi Vanosdell.

3. Martha, born 1806; married Isaac Oakford.

4. Lydia, born 1809; married Charles Dobbins.

XI. HIRAM, son of Dea. Nathaniel Horton and Rebecca Robinson, born in Chester, 16 Feb., 1780; married in 1808, MARY ROSE, born 29 Feb., 1778. He died 22 May, 1852. She died 8 March, 1855; both buried in Chester Cemetery.

1. Rebecca, born 29 Dec., 1809; married David Schuyler De Camp.

2. Stephen Overton, born 21 July, 1811; married Dency Cooper.

3. Elizabeth Celina, born 1813; married 1. Silas Olney; 2. Capt. Lemon.

4. Mary Rose, born 8 April, 1818; married Alfred Horton.

Hiram Horton possessed fine social qualities, was well skilled in music, and always led the singing in the Congregational Church until prevented by the infirmities incident to old age.

"With the most limited opportunities for early education, he became a great and profound thinker. He was an upright and conscientious man, and largely shared the esteem of all who knew him. He was a most sincere and ardent Universalist, living the life of the Christian, and dying in the full and perfect triumph of Gospel faith and hope. He and his wife were, for many years, members of the Congregational Church of Chester; but about thirty years before his death, he and his wife embraced Universalism, and avowed it openly ever afterwards. Nevertheless, they continued to support the church and worship within its walls, and we hazard nothing in saying that there was no man in Chester, nor in all the region round about it, who was more generally and highly respected for manly and Christian character than Hiram Horton. Some time before his death he had requested that a minister of the Universalist denomination should attend his funeral services; but the pastor of the church, the Rev. Luke I. Stoutenberg, and others, refused to let them into the church, notwithstanding that the salary of that preacher was paid in part by the 'Horton Fund,' and the church itself had been built mainly by the Hortons. His funeral had to be attended in the Presbyterian Church, the Presbyterians generously offering them the use of their church."--Obituary of Hiram Horton.

XIII. AARON, son of Dea. Nathaniel Horton and Rebecca Robinson, born in Chester, about 1788; married NANCY CRAMER, and had children, viz.:

1. Silas, born about 1812.

2. Lydia.

3. Aaron Decatur.

4. Huldah.

5. Nathaniel Charles.

Nancy Cramer Horton died, and he married the widow MARIA CRAIG, and she died without children by him. He married next the widow, PAMELA SMITH; she died leaving no children by him. He married, for his fourth wife, JANE HAWK, and by her he had one son, viz.: William.

I. EDWARD, son of David Horton and Olive Skellinger (Nathaniel, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Chester, N. J., 17 March, 1777, married in Jan., 1798, CHARLOTTE SEWARD, cousin of the late Gov. William H. Seward, of New York, and born in Chester, 19 August, 1775. They moved to Cayuga Co., N. Y., in 1804, and settled in the town of Brutus.

Children, all born in Randolph, Morris Co., N. J.:

1. James, born 24 Dec., 1798; married Jane Putnam.

2. John, born 29 Oct., 1801; married Paulina Carrier.

3. David, born 4 July, 1804.

4. Daniel, born 17 March, 1808.

5. Horace, born 2 July, 1810.

Edward Horton died 6 Feb., 1835. His wife died 10 Sept., 1872, at the remarkable age of 97 years and 21 days. In her funeral procession were four generations of her descendants. They were both buried in Brutus, N. Y.

II. MEHITABEL, daughter of David Horton and Olive Skellinger; born in Chester, N. J., 15 Jan., 1780; married DANIEL HORTON MILLER; moved to Michigan; died in Calhoun Co.

1. Olive, born 31 Dec., 1797; died 1st Sept., 1819.

2. David, born 30 Dec. 1799.

3. Phebe Ann, born 27 Jan., 1803; married Root.

4. Charles, born 13 Sept., 1809; died 23 Sept., 1828.

5. Esther, born 10 March, 1803; married Hackett.

6. Mary C., born 8 Sept., 1823; married Hicks; died 27 April, 1863.

I. SILAS DANES, son of Silas Horton and Mary Danes (Silas, Barnabas, arnabas, Caleb I.), born in Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y., in July, 1778. Moved to Wallkill, with his father, when young; married MARY MCCLEAN, 1796:

Children, probably, born in Wallkill:

1. Fanny, born 1797.

2. Abbey, born 1799.

3. Warren, died 3 Oct., 1862.

4. Betsey.

5. Caroline.

6. Nelson, married Sarah Shons.

7. James M., died in 1816.

8. Jane, died in 1838.

9. William Harrison.

10. Lewis, died young.

11. Judson, died in 1859.

12. Alfred, died 27 July, 1873.

13. Emiline, died May 1861.

14. Mary Ann.

15. Smith.

16. Verdine, resides in Jersey City.

Of the above children, the first to ninth, inclusive, were by his 1st wife, she died 30 Jan., 1814. In 1815, he married 2. MARY CALENDER, and she had the 10, 11, 12, and 13 of the above children, and died in Sept., 1826, and in August, 1827, he married 3. ANN PURDY, by whom he had the three last children.

Silas Danes Horton was a farmer, upright, honest, and a man of more than ordinary mental capacity. He was a deacon of the Old School Baptist Church at the time of his death, and for many years before. He wrote frequently on religious subjects, and many of his articles appeared in the "Signs of the Times" a religious paper edited and published by the Rev. G. Beebee, of Middletown, N. Y.

Dea. Horton was one of the pillars of the church, greatly esteemed by his fellow-citizens, and his death, which occurred 21 Sept., 1850, was deeply lamented.

II. BARNABAS, son of Silas Horton and Mary Danes, born in Wallkill, in 1780; married about 1804, JERUSHA WHEAT; she died and he married 2.

Children, born in Wallkill, and all by his first wife:

1. Loton, married Adeline Horton.

2. Harrison, married Prudence Warner.

3. Anna, married Alanson Beeks.

4. Milicent, married Chauncey Horton, son of Gilbert, son of Frederick.

5. Alfred M., married Adaline Wheat, they were double cousins; had Silas Danes, and others.

6. Gabriel C., married 1. Mary Ann Slawon; 2. Elizabeth Thompson; he had Loton, by his 1st wife, and Horace and Gilbert, by 2d wife.

Barnabas Horton died in 1867.

I. JASON, son of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort (Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y., 23 Feb., 1781; married in Lansing, Tompkins Co., N. Y., 9 Oct., 1805, SALLY MILLER; she was born in Lansing, in 1787.

1. Ursula, born in Lansing, N. Y., 15 July, 1806; died in Williamston, Mich., Feb., 1868; unmarried.

2. Ann, born in Lansing, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1808; married Daniel Sutton.

3. Phebe, born in Phelps, N. Y., 11 May, 1811; married David Beeman.

4. Joseph, born in Phelps, N. Y., 25 Sept., 1812; died at Constantine, St. Joseph Co., Mich., 16 Sept., 1866.

5. Israel, born in Lansing, N. Y., 29 Jan., 1815.

6. Mary Ann, born in Lansing, N. Y., 20 Feb., 1817, married ---- Smith.

7. Minor Thomas, born in Phelps, 2 June, 1816.

8. Eleanor, born in Lansing, N. Y., 22 Nov., 1821; married Samuel Barker, in Phelps, where she now lives.

He died in Lansing, N. Y., 16 Sept., 1821. After his death his widow married a Taylor; she died in Watkins, N. Y., 19 Dec., 1861.

II. WILLIAM LEE, son of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 21 Oct., 1782; married EUNICE TRACEY, of Spencer, N. Y.

1. James Parshall.

2. Lydia Ann, married Shepherd.

3. Caroline, married Harmer.

4. Charlotte, J., married Raymond.

5. Sarah R., married Nichols.

6. Clark, married, had sons, Henry N. and Elliott.

He moved with his father to Phelps, N. Y., in early life.

III. SARAH, daughter of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 9 April, 1784; married in Phelps, in 1813, to SAMUEL MINNIS. She died 8 May, 1864, in Wyalusing, Bradford Co., Pa.; she was a quiet Christian woman, much esteemed by all who knew her. Her husband died in comparatively early life, leaving her with a family of children, and not much of this world's goods to help herself with. But by industry and care she managed to raise and educate her children. She was living with one of them, viz., Maria Homet, of Wyalusing, Pa., at the time of her death. In her early life she was very active--often rode on horseback--and at one time she made a trip on horseback and alone, from Phelps to Wyalusing, about three hundred miles circular.

Children, born at Phelps:

2. and 3. (twins) Maria, married Edward Homet; Rachael, married Stephen Spoor.

4. Ellen, married Jacob Hicks.

5. Willard, born in 1823; died young.

IV. PHEBE, daughter of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 6 March, 1786; married about 1806, to FREDERICK SCHENICK, of Owego, N. Y., and went to Canada; nothing further is known of her.

V. JOHN, son of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 26 Feb., 1788; married in Phelps, about 1810, to RACHAEL HILER. He died at Phelps, 9 Sept., 1859. She is still living.

Children, born in Phelps:

1. John M., born 30 Dec., 1819; married Mary Martin Boardman.

2. Samuel Minnis, born 29 Oct., 1836; married Sylvia Ann Cole.

3. S. Van Rensalaer, born 11 Aug., 1829; married Rowena S. Rafter.

4. Peter Davis, born 17 April, 1826; married Mary S. Aiken.

5. William P., born 26 Dec., 1821; married Phebe Ann Brink.

6. Eunice, married Edgar P. Lake.

7. Ella S., married Gross.

8. Sarah, unmarried.

VIII. ARIETTA, daughter of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 28 Nov., 1794; married about 1818, to ISAAC BUTLER, of Phelps. She died 2 June, 1842.

1. Maria, married Eggleston.

2. Nancy, married Parshall.

3. Elizabeth, married Parshall.

4. Sarah Ann, married Service.

5. Mahala, married Van Scoy.

6. Amanda, married Larkin.

7. Elihu.

8. Samuel.

IX. PETER DAVIS, son of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 11 Dec., 1796; married at Nelson, O., 5 May, 1830, by Rev. Ezra Booth, to HANNAH COUCH, daughter of Samuel Couch and Hannah Ferris, and born in Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass., 23 July, 1802. He was a minister of the M. E. Church, a pious man, and an acceptable preacher, standing fair among his brethren, and in the community. Hannah Couch Horton died at Hubbard, Trumble Co., O., 22 Feb., 1845, leaving three children, viz.:

1. Joseph Dempster.

2. Thirza Ann.

3. Marcus C.

He married 2. in 1846, ANN CHAMBERS, daughter of Ezekiel Chambers, of Erie Co., Pa., and had one son, George W., born 2 Dec., 1849. Peter D. Horton died at Nelson, O., 21 Dec., 1867.

X. ISAAC TENEYCK, son of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 28 Feb., 1799; married about 1822, ESTHER CLARK. He died 7 Sept., 1869.

Children, 1. born in Phelps, N. Y., 7 born in Washtenaw, Mich., the rest in Orleans, N. Y.:

1. Myron, born 14 Oct., 1823; died 14 May, 1848.

2. Charlotte, born 26 Sept., 1825.

3. Tunis D., born 28 March, 1828.

4. Anne J., born 5 March, 1830.

5. Caroline, born 3 May, 1832.

6. Abbie, born 6 August, 1835.

7. Ellen V., born 28 Dec., 1843.

XI. ELEANOR, daughter of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Owego, N. Y., 27 Dec., 1802; moved with her father to Phelps, N. Y., in 1816; married at Phelps, by the Rev. Mr. Strong (Presbyterian), on 1 Jan., 1828, to THOMAS VAN DEVORT, born in Warwick, N. Y., 27 August, 1802. He moved to Phelps, in 1823. He was a son of Cornelius Teneyck Van Devort and Maria Probosco, and was born in Warwick, N. Y., 12 Oct., 1773. Maria Probosco was born in Brunswick, N. J., 8 Oct., 1778. He died 7 April, 1855. She died 17 March, 1864.

Dr. Thomas Van Devort, of Somerset Co., N. J., the father of Cornelius, died 17 Oct., 1773, aged 32 years, 7 months, and 10 days. His wife's name was Arietta Teneyck. After his death she married ---- Wood. He died and she subsequently married ---- Clark. She died 31 Oct., 1826, aged 80 years.

Children of Eleanor, all born at Phelps, N. Y.:

1. Cornelius Teneyck, born 14 Oct., 1828; died 20 August, 1829.

2. Phebe Ann, born 24 Dec., 1829; died 20 Dec., 1862; unmarried.

3. Henry Christy, born 16 March, 1831; died 20 Nov., 1848.

4. Andrew Probosco, born 10 Sept., 1832; died 1 March, 1869.

5. Gilbert Mead, born 9 Dec., 1834.

6. Maria, born 21 Sept., 1836.

7. Sarah Ella, born 12 May, 1838.

8. Cornelius, born 16 Oct., 1842.

9. Thomas Spencer, born 26 Nov., 1844.

XII. CORNELIUS, son of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Owego, N. Y., 13 August, 1804; moved with his parents to Phelps, in 1816. He was a teacher for several years in his early life.

Quite early in life he engaged in mercantile business, selling dry-goods, groceries, hardware, etc., and also various agricultural implements, and generally carried on a successful business.

He was Supervisor of the township of Phelps for eight years in succession, and was one of the most prominent and influential citizens of the town, enjoying the fullest confidence of the people. He was a kind-hearted and upright man, a close figurer, but always just and honorable in his dealings. He was never married, never made a public profession of religion, although he was a man of very correct moral deportment and habits, and practically a Christian gentleman. On the 29 Oct., 1871, as he was riding with a friend in a buggy, the horse became frightened, and ran away, upsetting the wagon, and throwing Mr. Horton upon the ground with great violence, causing his death in a few hours afterwards. He was wholly unconscious, and never spoke after the fall. He was a tall man, over six feet high, of commanding appearance, and urbane and dignified in his manners. He left an estate of about $50,000, with one sister, and a large number of nephews and nieces to inherit it.

XIII. JOSEPH LEE, youngest son of Israel Horton and Anna Van Devort, born in Owego, N. Y., 9 July, 1807. He married the widow ELIZABETH HATFIELD, of Newark, N. J. He was a very quiet, unassuming man, never had any children. He died in Phelps, in Jan., 1871. His wife died in Nov., 1870.

I. URIAH TERRY, son of Jason Horton and Mary Terry (Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Orange Co., N. Y., in 1784; moved with his father to Basking Ridge, N. J., about 1790, and next to Mendham, N. J., where in 1806, he married ELIZABETH FAIRCHILD, daughter of Peter Fairchild, and born 13 June, 1782. They moved from Mendham to White House, Hunterdon Co., N. J., in 1808, and lived there until 1820, when they moved to Lambertville, N. J., and settled there. He was a hatter by trade. He died in the Fall of 1858. She died at Lambertville, 22 Oct., 1864. For her goodness of heart and fidelity to duty in all the relations of life, she had the esteem and respect of all who knew her. She united with the Presbyterian Church in Lambertville, in 1825, and she adorned and illustrated the profession of Christianity, she then made, in the whole of her after life. She was one of the excellent of the earth, and though far advanced in years, still her departure was greatly lamented by the church and congregation.

1. Mary Jane, born in Mendham, 24 Jan., 1809; married Charles Naylor.

2. Harriet Lacy, born in Mendham, 6 April, 1811; married James Gordon.

3. Andrew Jackson, born in Mendham, 13 May, 1813; left home at 17, never heard of afterwards.

4. Anna Maria, born at White House, 14 April, 1815; unmarried.

5. Brackey, born at White House, 27 Feb., 1819; married Asa Price.

6. Alexander Horace, born at Lambertville, 16 Oct., 1821.

7. Abbey Wilson, born at Lambertville, in 1825; died unmarried.

II. SARAH, daughter of Jason Horton and Mary Terry, born in Basking Ridge, 20 Jan., 1788; married about 1808, to WILLIAM GUEST; he died at White House, N. J., 6 March, 1857.

1. George, dead.

3. Elizabeth.

4. Fanny.

6. Martha, dead.

7. Sarah Ann.

8. William.

9. Amy.

III. ELIZABETH, daughter of Jason Horton and Mary Terry, born at Basking Ridge, N. J., 6 January, 1790; married 1. in the spring of 1807, to JOHN DENISTON, son of William Deniston and Elizabeth Black, and born about 1780; died in 1815. She married 2. ADAM HUYLER.

1. George, born near Morristown, N. J., 1808; married Dorothy Smith.

2. Charles, born near Morristown, N. J., 4 April, 1809; married Mary Workman.

3. Anna, born in Trenton, N. J., 12 March, 1812; married Sebra Hough.

4. John Horton, born in Trenton, N. J., 15 Jan., 1815; married 1. Eliza Ricket, 2. Alice Palmer.

By second husband:

5. Elizabeth, born at Bound Brook, N. J., 6 Jan., 1818; married Hiram Allen.

6. Adam, born at Lambertville, N. J., 27 Dec., 1820; married 1. Elizabeth Roberts, 2. Hannah Snyder.

7. Jason Horton, born at New Brunswick, 23 Feb., 1823.

8. Edward Perrine, born at New Brunswick, 22 Aug., 1829.

Adam Huyler died in March, 1846; he was the son of William Huyler and Gertrude Smock; family originally from Holland.

Mrs. Huyler resides at Newark, N. Y., is wonderfully preserved, is active in body and mind, sight and hearing only very slightly impaired, and her memory quite good, and now, at nearly 86, she is getting a new set of natural teeth.

IV. MARY, daughter of Jason Horton and Mary Terry, married GEO. BEEMER, of Beemersville, N. J.



Elton and Halsey (twins),


Harriet and


V. ABIGAIL, daughter of Jason Horton and Mary Terry, born in Sommerville, N. J., 6 March, 1795; died 19 August, 1875; she was never married. She made teaching her profession for many years. She was a skillful educator and a great favorite of children. She early professed Christianity, and became a member of the Presbyterian Church. She was a lady of marked piety and intelligence; occasionally wrote articles for the newspapers. In 1872 she writes:

"This is my hand-writing, so, through the mercy of the Lord, my life is yet prolonged, but I am aged (77) and infirm, going the down hill of life, living on borrowed time. Oh, how important to be prepared for the final change!

"Of my sisters, the oldest is gone, taken in her 84th year, departed suddenly, gone, we trust, to 'Heaven above, where all is love,' and where sorrowing and sighing can never enter."

In another letter, she says: "Our home is pleasant, we live in a beautiful village of New Jersey. Yes, little New Jersey,

"'With all thy faults, I love thee still; I see beauties on every hill; Thy rocks in grandeur rise; Thy rills are charming in my eyes.'"

She wrote and published a very pretty obituary of her sister, who died recently.

VI. EUNICE, daughter of Jason Horton and Mary Terry, born at Basking Ridge, N. J., 20 Feb., 1796; married at North Branch, N. J., 15 Sept., 1813, by Rev. Enoch Burt, to GEORGE BOCKOVER, born at Beemersville, Sussex Co., N. J., 3 Jan., 1790; died 30 July, 1870.

Children, all born at Beemersville:

1. Jason Horton, born 18 Oct., 1814; married Mary Insley; had 4 sons and 4 daughters; nearly all his life a wholesale merchant in the city of New York; died 22d April, 1875; he was truly one of the excellent of the earth.

2. John Jackson, born 20 Oct., 1816; married Ruth Coykendull.

3. Maria, born 19 May, 1819; married Jacob H. Todd, merchant.

4. Julia Ann, born 13 Oct., 1821; married John B. Adams.

5. Benjamin Terry, born 8 Aug., 1824; married Sarah E. Hathaway.

6. Miranda, born 20 Aug., 1827; married Charles Good; both dead.

7. and 8. (twins) Harriet, born 8 July, 1830; married Alvah Crone; he died. Jane, born 8 July, 1830; married Henry A. De Poe; he died.

9. Elizabeth, born 5 July, 1833; married Thomas C. Whider.

10. Emma, born 25 Feb., 1838; married Sanford E. Fitch, 15 Sept., 1863, during the very interesting celebration of the "Golden Wedding" of her honored parents.

VII. FANNY, daughter of Jason Horton and Mary Terry, born at Basking Ridge, N. J., 15 Sept., 1799; married, at North Branch, N. J., 14 Feb., 1817, by Rev. Dr. Vadenburg, to JOHN WILLIAMS, born at Redington, N. J., 27 Aug., 1791; a farmer; died 11 Dec., 1867.

1. George, born 15 Nov., 1818; a merchant in New York City.

2. Jason, born 6 March, 1824, also a merchant in New York.

3. John William Kline, born 15 Sept., 1831; merchant in New York.

4. Samuel, born 29 May, 1833; died 9 March, 1845.

[Illustration: Nathaniel Thompson]

[Illustration: Sarah Thompson.]

III. EUNICE, daughter of Jeremiah Horton, Esq., and Mary Goldsmith (Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y., 2 March, 1791; married EDWARD STRONG, of Blooming Grove.

1. Nancy, married James Madison Smith.

2. Nathan, married Mary Morbin.

3. Edward.

4. Sarah Jane.

5. Benjamin Horton.

IV. SUSAN, daughter of Jeremiah Horton, Esq., and Mary Goldsmith, born in Blooming Grove, 17 Oct., 1793; married HARRY CLARK.

1. Nathan.

2. Walton.

4. Sarah.

5. Eunice.

V. MARY, daughter of Jeremiah Horton, Esq., and Mary Goldsmith, born in Blooming Grove, 23 Oct., 1795; married 1. SOLOMON GRAY, and had two children, viz.:

Thomas and Leander.

Solomon Gray died about 1845. She married 2. RICHARD GIBSTON, and had:

1. Ann Maria.

2. Edward.

3. Julia.

4. Mary.

VI. SARAH, daughter of Jeremiah Horton, Esq., and Mary Goldsmith, born in Blooming Grove, 15 March, 1797; married 22 Jan., 1818, in Blooming Grove, by Rev. Luther Halsey, to NATHANIEL THOMPSON, son of George Thompson and Elizabeth Gregory, and born in Blooming Grove, 22 Dec., 1792. She died 11 March, 1875, very suddenly.

Children, both born in Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y.:

1. Jeremiah Horton, born 13 Jan., 1821; married 10 Dec., 1845, Mary Webb.

2. George Washington, born 2 March, 1824; married 5 Jan., 1848, Charity Conklin; she died 15 March, 1875.

Sarah H. Thompson was one of the excellent of the earth--faithful, kind, energetic and industrious--exemplifying Christianity in her daily walk and conversation; open, frank and cheerful, she was ever sunshine for the family. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Mr. Thompson is well preserved; has lived a long life of usefulness; an able and efficient farmer; an upright Christian man; began the world with little; is now wealthy. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

VII. LYDIA, daughter of Jeremiah Horton, Esq., and Mary Goldsmith, born in Blooming Grove, 24 April, 1799; married 1. by Rev. Mr. Arbuckle, in Blooming Grove, to ALBERT GALLATIN HILDRETH, son of John Hildreth, of Southampton, L. I.; had one son, died in infancy. Mr. Hildreth died. She married 2. EDWARD STRONG, of Blooming Grove, and had Mary Bethia, born 20 May, 1840, who married, 20 May, 1863, Dr. George Hudson Thompson, a dentist, of Newburgh, and they have Edward Brewster Thompson, born in Newburgh, 9 March, 1844. Edward Strong died, and Lydia, his wife, moved to Newburgh, where she owns property and is very pleasantly situated. She has long been a professor of Christianity, and lived in harmony with its teachings.

IX. AMY, daughter of Jeremiah Horton, Esq., and Mary Goldsmith, born in Blooming Grove, 17 November, 1803; married PALMER WILLIAMSON.

1. Mary.

2. Susan.

3. Horton.

4. Jennie.

5. Marietta, dead.

6. Oscar.

7. Julia.

8. Harrison.

X. BENJAMIN GOLDSMITH, son of Jeremiah Horton, Esq., and Mary Goldsmith, born in Blooming Grove, 28 Aug., 1807; married 14 Feb., 1832, to SARAH JANE STUART, born in Blooming Grove, about 1809. She died 13 May, 1847.

1. Sarah Maria, born 23 Jan., 1833.

2. Anna F., born 1 Sept., 1835.

3. John W., born 27 May, 1837; dead.

4. Carrie S., born 30 Nov., 1840.

5. Phebe N., born 30 Aug., 1842; dead.

6. Jeremiah Henry, born 20 Dec., 1844.

Anna F. remains unmarried. John W. and Phebe N. died unmarried.

Benjamin G. Horton married 2. in the Presbyterian Church, Merry All, Pa., 23 January, 1853, by Rev. Dr. S. F. Colt, to ANNA PAMELA INGHAM, daughter of Thomas Ingham, Esq., and Eunice Horton, and born at Sugar Run, Bradford Co., Pa., 4 May, 1818.

7. Eunice Louisa, born 10 May, 1854.

8. Thomas Ingham, born 18 Sept., 1856.

9. Charles Herbert, born 5 June, 1860.

His children were all born in the old stone mansion, built by his father, in 1802. It is one of the oldest dwellings in Blooming Grove, and it is still a very comfortable and venerable house. It, together with a good farm, was inherited by Benjamin, he being the only son; and here he lived until his death, which occurred on the 9th of Nov., 1874. He was a kind, unassuming man--always possessing a good moral character, and a few months before his death he made a public profession of Christianity, and became a member of the Blooming Grove Church. His wife early embraced Christianity, and was a member of the Presbyterian Church, of Wyalusing, Pa. She is now a member of the Blooming Grove Church, faithful and active in the work of the Church and Sabbath-school.

[Illustration: Lydia H. Stalford.]

I. EBENEZER, son of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry (Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Little Britain, Orange Co., N. Y., 9 Jan., 1786; married, at Terrytown, Pa., by Guy Wells, Esq., in Oct., 1805, to MARY TERRY, daughter of Jonathan Terry, Esq., and Abigail Terry, born in Wyalusing, Pa., 5 Dec., 1787. He died 1 May, 1826, of tuberculosis. She died 30 March, 1873, at the advanced age of nearly 86 years. He was one of the constituent members of the first Baptist Church of Asylum, now Terry Township. She was not a public professor of Christianity, but was Old School Baptist in sentiment for many years before she died.

Children, all born at the old homestead, in Wilmot, now occupied by N. T. Horton, except Jason and Nathaniel, who were born at Terrytown:

1. Jason, born 13 July, 1807; married (1) Olivia Ladd, (2) Roxana Cooey.

2. Nathaniel Terry, born 5 Jan., 1808; married Mehala Hancock.

3. Julia, born 6 Oct., 1810; married Samuel E. Miller.

4. Eunice, born 7 Sept., 1812; married James H. Turrell.

5. Hiram, born 7 June, 1815; unmarried.

6. Ebenezer, born 4 April, 1817; married Ellen M. Crandall.

7. Adela, born 13 April, 1819; married C. Schoonover.

8. Jane, born 22 July, 1821; married Lehman Turrell.

9. Lydia Ann, born 4 Feb., 1824; married Moses T. Slotery.

II. ANNA, daughter of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, born in Wyoming Valley, on the farm afterwards owned by Oliver Pettibone, 21 Oct., 1788; died at Terrytown, 27 Aug., 1813, of consumption; unmarried. She was intelligent, truly pious, and of a most amiable disposition.

III. LYDIA, daughter of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, born in Wyoming Valley, 14 March, 1791; married at Terrytown, 12 Nov., 1815, by Rev. M. M. York, to JOHN PAULING STALFORD, son of Joseph Stalford and Catherine Pauling, and born in Perkiomen, Montgomery Co., Pa., 20 Dec., 1788; died in Wyalusing, 27 Jan., 1863. Mrs. Stalford is still living; she is well preserved, resides at the old homestead, also occupied by her son, John B. Stalford. She was a very beautiful girl, always possessed an amiable disposition and fine social qualities, and now, at the age of 84 and upwards, she is active, cheerful and remarkably good looking for one of her age; devotedly attached to her grandchildren, who live with her, and for whom she is untiring in her care. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and has lived a long life of industry, economy and practical piety, beloved by all who know her.

Children, all born in Wyalusing:

1. Samuel, died in infancy.

2. Ellen, born 18 Dec., 1817; married Dr. D. C. Scoville.

3. Elizabeth, born 20 Aug., 1819; married Cornelius Cronin; died at Dushore, Pa., 5 Oct., 1856; left John and Julia.

4. Joseph Horton, born 14 July, 1821; married 1. Mary Deihl; married 2. widow Mary Sturdevant.

5. Benjamin, born 25 July, 1823; unmarried.

6. Jesse Tuxbury, born 8 Dec., 1825; married 1. Catherine Wilcox; married 2. Jane Manly.

7. Deborah Ann, born 15 Oct., 1828; married Hollenback; died in Illinois.

8. John Bradford, born 6 April, 1830; married Emma Martin.

9. George Horton, born 23 May, 1833; married Minerva Jane Hollenback; lives in Iowa.

IV. MAJ. JOHN, JR., son of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, born at Terrytown, 23 March, 1793. He was three times married, 1. 16 July, 1816, to NANCY G. MILLER, daughter of John Miller and Lydia Gilbert. She was born in Connecticut; she died 27 Oct., 1839. He married 2. 3 Aug., 1841, to widow LYDIA MOLTHER, of Nazareth, Pa.; she died 4 June, 1850. Married 3. 9 Aug., 1852, to widow AMANDA CROSS, of Towanda, Pa., daughter of ---- Spaulding and Huldah Kellogg. He died 21 Feb., 1867.

Children, by his first wife:

1. Elmore, born 6 May, 1817; married Mary Stone.

2. Mary, born 19 Nov., 1818; married Dr. Nathan Wells.

3. Orice, born 16 June, 1821; married Austin Stalford.

4. John Miller, born 7 Feb., 1823; married Susan L. Bacon.

5. Anna, born 19 Nov., 1825; married Dr. James De Wolf.

6. Lydia Miller, born 31 Dec., 1828; married Rev. Dr. S. F. Colt.

7. Rowena Nancy, born 4 Dec., 1832; married Capt. Familton.

8. Harry M., born 25 May, 1835; unmarried.

9. Infant, female, stillborn, 1838.

By his second wife:

10. Col. Joseph Homet, born 2 June, 1842; married Abbie Newcomb.

By his third wife:

11. Belle Amanda, born 8 May, 1860. All born at Terrytown, Pa.

[Illustration: JOHN HORTON.]

Maj. Horton possessed more than an ordinary fund of cheerfulness and joviality; and his humorous and genial nature was an unfailing source of interest and life in the family and in the social circle. He was a careful business man. Though long engaged in mercantile pursuits, he never had occasion to fear financial crises or revulsions, living always prepared at any moment to honor his pecuniary obligations. Punctuality and promptness were marked characteristics of the man. To perform was more pleasing to him than to promise; in enterprises for the public good he was always among the first. He was constable for many years, Justice of the Peace for five years, and declined a re-election; was Treasurer of the County for two years, and was one of the electors on the Democratic electoral ticket in 1848. He was Captain and then Major in the militia, and from 1828 to 1835 Brigade Inspector.

Though not a public professor of Christianity, he was its friend and supporter, and conscientiously and habitually practised its virtues. He was uniformly in attendance upon public worship, and paid more money for the Terrytown Tabernacle (Union meeting-house) than any other person.

He was popular and pleasing in his manners, and politically a man of mark, but never a politician--holding office only when the office sought him. His end was quiet and peaceful.

"The 'Angel's Whisper' stole in song upon his closing ear; From his own daughter's lips it came, so musical and clear, That scarcely knew the dying man what melody was there: The last of earth's or first of heaven's pervading all the air."

V. EUNICE, daughter of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, born at Terrytown, 14 Jan., 1796; married in the old log meeting-house at Merry All, Pa., 20 July, 1817, by Rev. Minor Manasseh York, to THOMAS INGHAM, ESQ., son of Joseph Ingham and Pamelia Ellicott, and born in Bucks Co., Pa., 1 April, 1794. The ancestors of Thomas Ingham came from England. Jonas Ingham, the first known ancestor, came to this country about A. D. 1700. By trade he was a clothier. He married a Cheshire woman, who often told her grandson that she landed on the ground where the city of Philadelphia now stands before there was a house on it. They settled in Trenton, N. J., where their son Jonathan was born, in 1709 or 1710. They also had three daughters. Jonathan Ingham resided in Bucks County, at a place known as Ingham's Springs, where he owned a farm and woolen factory. He was a rigid Quaker. A cotemporary, who was well acquainted with him said, "He did not belong to the old aristocracy who governed Bucks County before the Revolution, but his position in life and high intelligence put him in their society." They made him a Justice of the Peace, a Judge of the Court, and a member of the Assembly. He died in 1798 or 1799, aged 89. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters. Jonas, his youngest son, was born in 1746. He learned the business of a clothier. January 3, 1771, he was married to Elizabeth Beaumont, and soon after leased his father's fulling mill, and was running it when the Revolutionary war commenced. When the contesting armies came near, he enlisted, and served first as a Lieutenant and then as a Captain in the militia. He was in service in 1777, and in the battle at Gulf Mills. In the early part of the year 1778 he was taken with a fever and sent home. He afterward purchased land and built a fulling mill near the Delaware River; he there lived some years and educated his children himself. In 1789 he commenced a settlement on the Wyalusing Creek, being the first settler above Lewis', on that stream. He was an ingenious mechanic, and invented the machine for shearing cloth, which afterwards came into general use. He was a good writer and public speaker. In 1804 he was elected a member of the Legislature from Luzerne County. He died October 28, 1820. He had three sons and three daughters.

[Illustration: Thos. J. Ingham.]

Joseph, his eldest son, was born January 21, 1773, and his father taught him the common branches of education, including surveying and algebra. While his father was making his first improvements on the Wyalusing, Joseph remained at home in Bucks County, in charge of the business. He learned the trade of a millwright. About the year 1793 he married Pamelia Ellicott, and soon after bought three hundred acres of land on the Susquehanna River, at the mouth of the Sugar Run. He moved his family to this place in 1795, and commenced building a saw mill in the fall of 1801, and finished it in the spring following. Soon afterwards he built a grist mill. His wife, Pamelia Ellicott, died 17 November, 1824. He afterwards married Laura (Whitcomb) Vose, a widow, by whom he had two sons. He had six sons by his first wife--no daughters. He died 11 June, 1829. Thomas, his eldest son, was educated partly by his father at home and partly in the common-school at Wyalusing. He learned his father's business of millwright, running mills and farming. He bought a farm and settled first at Browntown, Pa. But he remained there but a short time, when he sold out and came back to Sugar Run, and lived near his father. After the death of his father, he bought the homestead, and there lived until his death. He re-built the mills, and also erected a store-house, and engaged in the mercantile business. While quite a young man he was appointed a Justice of the Peace, and held that office during the most of his life. His mind was well informed on all general topics; his judgment was excellent, and he was noted for his morality, honesty and truthfulness. He was mild and quiet in his manners, but decided and firm in his purposes. Eunice, his wife, was handsome in her appearance and pleasing in her manners, possessed a lively and cheerful disposition, and was exceedingly energetic. She managed all the affairs of her household with economy and skill, and often assisted her husband in his business. When he was absent she could as readily manage the business out-doors as in the house. She was remarkably generous, and always had a bountiful hand for the poor, and was active in assisting her neighbors who were in sickness or trouble. Without making a public profession, both she and her husband exhibited the virtues of Christianity in her daily walk and character. She died 2 March, 1844. He died 14 August, 1855. They were both buried in the Terrytown Cemetery.

Children, all born in Asylum, now Wilmot, Pa.:

1. Anna Pamelia, born 4 May, 1818; married Benjamin Goldsmith Horton, of Blooming Grove, Orange Co., N. Y., where she now resides.

2. Joseph Washington Ingham, born 21 Oct., 1823; married in Wyalusing, 5 June, 1849, by Rev. Dr. S. F. Colt, to Mary Elizabeth Taylor, daughter of Rev. George Taylor, of Moravia, N. Y., and Abigail Baldwin, of Bloomfield, N. J., and grand-daughter of Maj. John Taylor, of Wyalusing, and born at Moravia, N. Y., 16 Jan., 1830; they have one son, George Taylor Ingham, an only child, born at Sugar Run, 13 Aug., 1851; he is a merchant.

J. W. Ingham owns and occupies the old homestead of his father, and is a manufacturer of lumber and flour. He is a good writer, and some of the soundest and best political articles published in the journals of the county are from his pen. Mrs. Ingham is a worthy and active member of the Presbyterian Church.

3. Thomas Jefferson, born 25 Nov., 1828; married at Laporte, Pa., 5 June, 1853, by William A. Mason, Esq., to Caroline Araminta Cheney, daughter of Abel Cheney and Priscilla Washburn, and born at Cortlandville, N. Y., 15 Feb., 1831. He removed to Sullivan County after the death of his father, and studied law, soon attained to eminence as a lawyer, and stood at the head of the bar in his county; he has held the offices of Register, Recorder, Prothonotary, member of the Legislature, and Additional Law Judge, and in the fall of 1874, he, although always a strong Republican and editor of a Republican paper, was elected president Judge of the 44th Judicial District--a district largely Democratic. He resides in Laporte, Sullivan County, has three children, Ernest V., Ellery P., and Frank Horton.

4. Debbie Lelia, born 3 June, 1831; married Andrew Jackson Stone, son of Raphael Stone and Mary Ingham. They live in Aurora, Ill., and have three children, Hugh, Lillie and Eliza, all born in Wilmot, Pa.

5. Emma Adelaide, born 25 Nov., 1840; married Dr. Volney Hornet. They reside at Camptown, Pa., and have Jessie, born at Sugar Run.

No child or grand-child of Eunice Horton Ingham has yet died.

VI. SALLY, daughter of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, born 29 May, 1798; married by Thomas Ingham, Esq., to JOHN MORROW, son of John Morrow and Nancy Gamble, and born in Dunlevey, in the Parish of Aughobog, County of Monohan, Ireland, 20 June, 1801. He sailed from Ireland 14 March, 1811, and landed at Amboy, on 15 April, 1811. He was an excellent farmer, owned a good farm in "The Bend" Asylum, now Wilmot Township, Bradford County, Pa. He was engaged in early life in merchandising, and later in life in raising and selling stock and grain. He possessed good business capacities, and was a man of much influence and activity, of good, sound, moral character, and well read in the sacred Scriptures, and in sentiment a thorough Old School Presbyterian or Covenanter, but never made a public profession. He was fond of company, and always took pains to make pleasant visits for his friends when they called on him.

Sally was a good housekeeper--industrious, economizing and a skillful worker, often taking the premium at the County Fair for domestic articles of her own manufacture. She possessed a wonderfully retentive memory--readily stating, not only incidents that occurred at any time during her life, but also dates--dates of births, marriages and deaths of all her acquaintances, even from her early childhood. She had a peculiar faculty of stating a fact or circumstance so connected with others as to leave no doubt of its truthfulness. She died in Wyalusing, 27 April, 1874, leaving to her family and friends the consoling belief that she exchanged the cares and sorrows of this mortal life for the full fruition of that world

"Where fragrant flowers eternal bloom, And joys supreme are given; Where rays divine disperse the gloom, Beyond the confines of the tomb, The endless bliss of Heaven."

Mr. Morrow died in Wyalusing, at the residence of his son-in-law, Andrew Fee, 10 August, 1873, where he had lain sick about four months.

[Illustration: M^{RS}. SALLY H. MORROW.]

Children, all born in Wilmot, except George, who was born at Terrytown, Pa.:

1. George Horton, born 16 May, 1823; died 30 Dec., 1873; unmarried.

2. John Wallace, born 4 Oct., 1824; died 20 March, 1857; unmarried.

3. James Harvey, born 2 March, 1826; married Sabra Smith; died at Terrytown, 22 June, 1857; he was a merchant.

4. Hon. Paul Dudley, born 17 Feb., 1828; entered Freshman class, at Hamilton College, N. Y., Sept., 1848; graduated July, 1852, in first grade of scholarship; read Law Extra, under Prof. T. W. Dwight, during his senior year in College. After his graduation, he studied law with the Hon. Ulysses Mercur, of Towanda. Admitted to practice, Sept., 1853. Elected District Attorney in 1856. Married 2 June, 1857, at Warren, Pa., by Rev. Dr. S. F. Colt, to Harriet King Pitcher, daughter of Lorin Pitcher and Henrietta Coburn, and born in Byron, Genesee Co., N. Y., 19 Oct., 1836. Mr. Morrow was appointed additional Law Judge of the 13th Judicial District, 1 March, 1870; was elected in the fall of the same year, and commissioned for ten years. The district was divided in 1874, and he was then commissioned President Judge of the 13th District (composed of Bradford County) for the balance of his term of office. He was a first class lawyer, and, as a judicial officer, he ranks high, possessing good executive talent and a sound judgment--none of his decisions have been reversed by the Supreme Court. He resides at Towanda, Pa.

5. Debbie Ann, born 7 Oct., 1830; married Andrew Fee. She is a highly respected member of the Presbyterian Church. They live in Wyalusing.

6. Nancy, born 23 July, 1834; married Capt. John G. Brown; she died 1 April, 1874.

7. Francis Gailey, born 28 Dec., 1839; married Sarah Webb; owns the old Homestead.

8. William Gibson, born 7 May, 1842; married Eliza Miller; lives in Wyalusing.

VII. ELIZABETH (Betsy), daughter of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, was born at Terrytown, Pa., 27 Dec., 1800; was married at Terrytown, by Thomas Ingham, Esq., to FRANCIS E. BAILLET, son of Francis Baillet and Lydia Terry, and born in Philadelphia, 9 June, 1797. He moved with his mother to Baltimore, where he served as an apprentice with a tobacconist.

He came to Terrytown when a young man, moved to Farmersville, Cataraugus Co., N. Y., soon after their marriage. Resided in Farmersville till 1837, when they removed to Ellicottville in the same county. He was clerk of Cataraugus Co. for twelve years in succession, was always, and is yet, a staunch Democrat. Cataraugus was largely a Whig county, yet his great popularity always drew Whig votes enough to elect him. He left Cataraugus Co. a few years ago, and went to Black River Falls, Wisconsin, where he now resides. He is a genial, whole-souled, sportive man, and his penmanship, now at the age of seventy-six years, is remarkably beautiful, round and fair, and almost as easily read as print. He is now clerk in the office of Carl C. Pope, Esq., of Black River Falls. He and his wife are both members of the Baptist Church, and if they live until the 30 of Nov. next (1874), they may celebrate their golden wedding.[5]

1. Harry, born at Farmersville, N. Y., 29 Sept., 1825; died 5 Oct., 1825.

2. John Horton, born at Farmersville, N. Y., 28 Jan., 1827; was a Union soldier; lives in Wisconsin.

3. George Washington, born at Farmersville, N. Y., 1 April, 1829; was Postmaster at Ellicottville, New York, for several years; now lives in Wisconsin.

4. Lydia Jane, born in Farmersville, New York, 24 July, 1831; married A. E. Sawyer; lives at Black River Falls, Wisconsin.

5. Frank, born at Farmersville, 3 Sept., 1833; lives at Black River Falls.

6. Henry, born at Farmersville, 30 April, 1836; died 3 April, 1857.

7. Anna E., born in Ellicottville, New York, 4 March, 1838; died 4 October, 1838.

8. Pamela, born in Ellicottville, 15 Sept., 1839; married Austin; lives at La Crosse, Wisconsin.

VIII. FRANCIS, son of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, born at Terrytown, Pa., 7 June, 1803. He purchased a farm in Farmersville, N. Y., went there and made the last payment for it. He was taken with inflammation of the stomach and bowels when on his way home, and died at his Uncle Joseph Horton's, at Palmyra, 30 June, 1829, was buried in the East Palmyra Cemetery.

IX. GEORGE FIRMAN, son of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, born at Terrytown, 2 Jan., 1806; married at Terrytown, 4 June, 1832, by Thomas Ingham, Esq., to ABIGAIL TERRY, daughter of William Terry and Nancy Sherman, and born at East Palmyra, N. Y., 8 Oct., 1807. He is a physician, was a member of the late Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania.

They have children as follows, all born at Terrytown:

1. Francis William, born 15 March, 1833; died 22 Dec., 1833.

2. Julia, born 24 Oct., 1834; married C. S. Homet.

3. Jane Elizabeth, born 6 June, 1837; married Rev. D. Craft.

4. William Terry, born 9 April, 1839; married Prudence Beardsley.

5. John Burleigh, born 8 Jan., 1842; married Eva Tupper.

6. Debbie Emily, born 7 Nov. 1843; married 30 June, 1868, Dr. W. J. Hillis; died 26 March, 1869, of consumption.

7. Nancy Terry, born 15 July, 1846; died of consumption, 7 Jan., 1872; unmarried.

8. Mary Eliza, born 24 April, 1850; married 1 Oct., 1873, to William R. Sutton, of Lyons, N. Y.

X. EDMUND, son of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, born 9 August, 1808; married at Lewistown, Mifflin Co., Pa., 10 Nov., 1834, by Rev. Mr. Wyles, to MARTHA ANN ROBINSON, daughter of Robert Robinson and Elizabeth Stalford, and born near Waynesburg, 3 Sept., 1811. Robert Robinson was the son of William Robinson and Martha Houston. He emigrated to this country from Ireland in 1752, and landed at Wilmington, Del., being then nineteen years old. He resided there until 1771, when he moved to Waynesburg, Mifflin Co., Pa., where he remained till the 12 June, 1817, when he died.

Robert Robinson was born 31 July, 1773, on the old farm in Waynesburg, now McVeytown. He was married in Philadelphia 23 Oct., 1810, by an Episcopal clergyman, to Elizabeth Stalford, only daughter of Joseph Stalford and Catharine Pauling. Joseph Stalford was the son of Samuel Stalford and Elizabeth Richardson, of Philadelphia. Catharine Pauling was the daughter of Henry Pauling, who was originally from Germany. Henry Pauling had six sons and two daughters, viz.: John, Henry, Benjamin, Jesse, Nathan, William, Catharine, and Rachael. Robert Robinson died in Lewistown, 18 April, 1832.

Edmund Horton and Martha Robinson have children as follows, all born at Terrytown, Pa.:

1. James Robert, born 15 Feb., 1836; died 10 Sept., 1838.

2. Elizabeth Robinson, born 15 May, 1838; unmarried; resides at Terrytown, Pa.

3. Mary Lucretia, born 17 July, 1840; unmarried; resides at Terrytown, Pa.

4. Parshall Terry, born 15 Feb., 1843; unmarried; resides at Terrytown, Pa.

5. Emily Robinson, born 14 Nov., 1847; married at Terrytown, 1 June, 1869, by Rev. Hallock Armstrong of the Presbyterian Church, to Calvin D. Albert. He was a mechanic, and whilst at work in a planing-mill in Wyalusing, Pa., he was struck in the region of the stomach by a piece of board thrown by a circular saw, causing his death on the 17 May, 1870, leaving Anna Horton Albert, a posthumous child, born in Terrytown, 16 Oct., 1870.

XI. HARRY MORGAN, son of Maj. John Horton and Deborah Terry, born 24 Sept., 1811. He studied medicine with Dr. George F. Horton, and was also an office student of Prof. Samuel McClellan of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1833 and 1834. He graduated at Jefferson Medical College in March, 1835. During the last year of his residence in the city, he frequently visited patients in the city and its environs, and in Feb., 1835, he was attacked with disease of the lungs. He was examined for his degree by a part of the Professors while confined to his bed, and he bore a very successful examination, all the Professors voting in his favor. He came home to Terrytown, and lived but seven weeks after he reached home, dying on the 6 May, 1835. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, and had a complimentary letter from the Rev. Dr. Ely, introducing him to some of the leading men of Columbia, South Carolina, and there he would have gone if he had lived, as Dr. Ely had influential friends there. The idea of going South to locate himself in the practice of medicine was so deeply impressed upon his mind, that he could not get rid of it, and he would not be satisfied until he started on his journey, and he did start, rode four miles in a buggy, and died the next morning at Thomas Ingham's.

I. SAMUEL TODD, son of Joseph Lee Horton and Hannah Todd, was born at Owego, N. Y., 27 July, 1792; was married at Palmyra, 27 March, 1812, to MARY GALLOWAY, daughter of Captain James Galloway, and born at Palmyra in May, 1794. He was a farmer and merchant, a spirited business man, of commanding personal appearance, and greatly respected. He was a First Lieutenant of a volunteer company of militia in 1825. He died at Palmyra, 5 Sept., 1851.

His wife after his death moved to Genesee Co., Mich., where she died 13 May, 1867. They were both members of the Baptist Church of Palmyra.

1. James Galloway, born at Palmyra, April, 1815.

2. Cynthia, born at Palmyra.

3. Ira Joseph, born at Palmyra, 1 April, 1818; married Ruth Howard.

4. Maria P., born in Palmyra; died 28 May, 1843.

5. William M., born in Palmyra; died 25 June, 1854. 6. Carlton S., born in Palmyra.

III. HENRY WISNER HORTON, son of Joseph Lee Horton and Hannah Todd, born at Owego, N. Y., 31 May, 1797. Moved with his parents to Palmyra, N. Y.; married at Penfield, N. Y., 31 Jan., 1819, to ADAH JENNINGS, daughter of Joseph Jennings and Nancy Sherman. She was born at Broadalbin, Saratoga Co., N. Y., 8 Oct., 1800. She died 20 Jan., 1856. They moved from Palmyra to Royaltown, Niagara Co., N. Y., in 1819. Remained there until 1830, when they removed to Groveland, Oakland Co., Mich., and settled on the farm upon which they now live (1873). He purchased his farm of the Government, and it was the first Government land sold and occupied in that township. He was an Acting Justice of the Peace for twenty-two years. He was town-clerk for nine years, and supervisor for three years. He embraced Christianity in early life, became connected with the M. E. Church, and has been one of the Stewards in that church in Groveland, from 1839 to the present time. He has frequently been the class leader of the church, and his house has always been known as "The Methodist Tavern and Preacher's Home." Through his efforts mainly, a comfortable church building was erected on the corner of his farm, and it has always been known as the "Horton Methodist Church." He was Captain of the first volunteer militia company ever organized in that section of the country. He was always a true republican, and frequently received the nomination of the Whig party for a seat in the Legislature, but in consequence of the large Democratic majority in the district, he was never elected. With a character unblemished he has lived to an honorable old age, and by his many virtues he commands the respect and high esteem of the church and community in which he resides.

1. Permelia, born 25 June, 1820.

2. Emerson Jennings, born 25 Dec., 1821; both died at Royalton, 10 Sept., 1824, where they were born; they were both placed in one coffin and buried in Royalton Cemetery.

3. Elstin Jennings, born 25 Jan., 1824.

4. Henry Lee, born 24 March, 1826.

5. Adah A., born 12 March, 1828; all at Royalton.

The rest, born at Groveland, Michigan:

6. Julia A., born 24 Aug., 1830.

7. Joseph Lee, born 27 Nov., 1832.

8. Dexter, born 24 June, 1836.

9. Emerson C., born 24 Oct., 1838.

10. Oscar, born 2 Nov., 1840.

11. Nancy H., born 5 July, 1847.

He married 2. on 16 Sept., 1856, MARY LASER, widow of Isaac J. Laser, Esq., of Springfield, Mich.

IV. SARAH PARSHALL, daughter of Joseph Lee Horton and Hannah Todd, born at Owego, N. Y., 28 May, 1799; married at Palmyra, N. Y., 27 Aug., 1818, by Elder Roe, to NATHAN DURFEE, son of Gideon Durfee and Hannah Wood, and born at Palmyra, 21 Aug., 1796. He died 28 May, 1868, at the homestead of his father-in-law, which he had bought, and upon which he had made great improvements. He was a member of the Baptist Church.

1. Susan, born 18 Nov., 1819.

2. Sarah A., born 17 April, 1822.

3. James S., born at Royalton, Niagara Co., N. Y., 16 Dec., 1827. He is married, has a family, resides at the old homestead with his mother. He is an active member of the Baptist Church. His mother is also a member of the Church, of marked piety and highly esteemed.

V. JAMES PARSHALL, son of Joseph Lee Horton and Hannah Todd, born at Owego, N. Y., 5 April, 1801. He married in Palmyra, 17 Feb., 1829, to CAROLINE M. GOLDSMITH; she died at Palmyra, 16 Jan., 1864; he died 13 July, 1871.

They had but one child, viz.:

Adriana, born in Palmyra; married David Bostwick, and had one daughter. David Bostwick died 13 March, 1864; his wife died 23 June, 1869.

Their daughter is living, and has a good property left her by her grandfather.

VII. LEWIS BEERS, son of Joseph Lee Horton and Hannah Todd, born at Palmyra, N. Y., 24 May, 1806; married 1. at Royalton, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1827, to LUCY A. BEDELL; she died 9 Aug., 1864. He was married 2. in the spring of 1866, to widow ELIZABETH SPENCER, of Michigan. By his first wife he had Caroline, born at Royalton. He is a farmer, and a deacon of the Baptist Church, of Royalton.

VIII. ANNA, daughter of Joseph Lee Horton and Hannah Todd, was born 5 July, 1808, died at Palmyra, N. Y., 29 July, 1854. She was never married, was a very pious girl; a member of the Baptist Church, lived a very exemplary life, had many friends; she was greatly afflicted with ill health all her life.

IX. DURFEE DELANO, son of Joseph Lee Horton and Hannah Todd, born 25 July, 1813; married 25 Feb., 1836, to SARAH BOYCE, daughter of William Boyce, of Marion, N. Y. Settled at Groveland, Oakland Co., Mich. His wife died at Groveland, 5 June, 1837; was married 2. to SARAH ----. They are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

1. Lewis Beers.

3. James L.

4. Ella.

X. WILSON OSBORN, son of Joseph Lee Horton and Hannah Todd, born 26 April, 1815. In his childhood he was subject to "fits," which clouded and dwarfed his mind; but to the extent of his ability he was a consistent Christian, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He died by drowning, while bathing in the Erie Canal, at Palmyra, 20 July, 1866.

I. MARGARET VANCE, daughter of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Vance (Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Sugar Loaf, Orange Co., N. Y., 9 Dec., 1796; married 13 Oct., 1821, to PETER BENNET, of Goshen. She died of consumption, 22 March, 1846. She was a member of the M. E. Church.

II. MILTON, son of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Vance, born at Sugar Loaf, Orange Co., N. Y., 7 April, 1799; married at Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y., 10 Nov., 1821, by the Rev. Zalmon Lyon of the M. E. Church, to LYDIA BENNET, daughter of Benjamin Bennet and Mary Belcher, and born in Monroe. She died in West Salem, Wis., 12 Sept., 1871.

"Mother left us last fall for a brighter, happier clime. Her work was done, and well done. Many deeds of kindness were performed by her, known only to the recipients and to Him who seeth in secret."--Letter of Josephine D. Horton, 1872.

1. Mary Elizabeth, born at Belvale, N. Y., 10 August, 1822; married Nelson Brown.

2. Benjamin, born at Belvale, N. Y., 19 Dec., 1823; married Carrie Hart.

3. Townsend Nicholas, born at Belvale, N. Y., 8 March, 1826.

4. Eunice Lucada, born at Belvale, N. Y., 21 Dec., 1827; married Caleb Evans.

5. Hannah Jane, born in Belvale, N. Y., 19 August, 1829; married Caleb Oakes.

6. Sarah Delia, born in Belvale, N. Y., 3 June, 1831; married A. G. Smith.

7. Josephine Deborah, born in Belvale, N. Y., 17 July, 1834; unmarried.

8. Emma Alma, born in Milan, Ohio, 4 Sept., 1836; married William Upton.

9. Catharine Julia, born in Milan, Ohio, 5 March, 1841.

Milton Horton is now (1873) living at West Salem, Wis. He has been a farmer all his days, an occupation as honorable, certainly as useful, as any other known to the family of man. The intelligent, conscientious, upright farmer is, and of right should be, one of the lords of our happy country. He cannot be surpassed by any profession or class of persons.

Milton Horton moved from Orange Co., N. Y., to Milan, Ohio, in 1835, and thence to West Salem, Wis., in 1865. He is a worthy follower, and so also was his wife, of the Good Shepherd, and he has always commanded the respect and esteem of all who have known him.

V. NICHOLAS TOWNSEND, son of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Vance, born in Belvale, N. Y., 20 Jan., 1805; married 1. in New York City, 19 August, 1827, SARAH VAN ORDEN, of Jersey City. She died in Cincinnati. He was married 2. in Cincinnati, Ohio, to ELIZA A. SMITH.

He commenced in New York City about 1826, the business of setting iron railings around door-steps and iron fences in front of dwelling-houses and other buildings. In 1832 he moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and carried on his business on a large scale, manufacturing as well as setting iron-railings, mantels, grates, and fencings, giving employment to quite a number of workmen. He was doing a large business in and about Cincinnati, and was reputed to be worth $200,000.

In July, 1857, he was killed by one of his employees. The murderer was arrested, tried, convicted, and executed.

By his sudden death his business matters were so deranged that his wife and family realized only a small part of his large estate.

Children, by 1st wife:

1. David Claudius, born in New York City, 1828; dead.

2. Benjamin J., born in New York City, 13 Feb., 1831.

3. Carrie Ella, born in Cincinnati; married Cunningham.

4. George Clifford, born in Cincinnati; unmarried; lives with his mother.

5. Nicholas Townsend, born in Cincinnati; unmarried; lives with his mother.

VI. SARAH JANE, daughter of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Vance, was born at Belvale, 2 May, 1807; was married in New York, 26 Dec., 1827, to MATTHEW MEAD, and moved to Philadelphia, where she died of consumption, 28 April, 1843.

VIII. HANNAH MARIA, daughter of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Vance, was born at Belvale, 7 May, 1811; was married about 1830, to JAMES GALLOWAY HORTON, son of Lieut. Samuel T. Horton, of Palmyra, N. Y. They moved to Michigan. She died 19 April, 1847, of consumption.

(For her family, see James Galloway Horton.)

IX. CATHARINE D., daughter of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Vance, was born at Belvale, 13 August, 1813; was married 12 Jan., 1837, at Norwalk, Ohio, by Rev. J. H. Powers, to ENOCH NICHOLS. He died 22 March, 1861, of consumption. He was a son of Nathaniel Nichols, who emigrated from England, settled 1. in Connecticut: 2. in Oneida Co., N. Y.; 3. in Genesee Valley, N. Y., where he died.

1. Martha J., born in Ridgefield, Ohio, 11 August, 1838; married by E. A. Pray, Esq., 23 Feb., 1857, to Caleb Root, of Norwalk, Ohio.

2. Hannah Etta, born in Ridgefield, Ohio, 12 Oct., 1839; married by Rev. Edwin Dewitt, 16 Sept., 1862, to Eben Baldwin, of Oxford, Ohio.

3. Benjamin Townsend, born in Oxford, Erie Co., Ohio, 29 July, 1845; married by Rev. Dr. Hatfield, 28 Oct., 1868, to Alice F. Hughes, of Milan, Ohio.

4. Albion Nathaniel, born in Oxford, Ohio, 19 March, 1850; unmarried.

5. Horton Samuel, born in Oxford, Ohio, 12 April, 1852; died 8 Feb., 1872, of consumption.

To Mrs. Catharine D. Nichols we are indebted for the above record, and for other information in regard to the family of Benjamin Horton.

X. ELIZABETH R., daughter of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Vance, born at Belvale, 3 Oct., 1815; married 7 Feb., 1833, to SMITH CONLEY. She died 26 May, 1853, of inflammation of the bowels. No record of children.

IV. JOHN, son of Lieut. John Horton and Mary De La Montanye (Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Wyoming, in 1790. He married WICKIZER, and settled on Wysox Creek, now Rome, Bradford Co., Pa., about 1814.

1. Mary, born in Wyoming, 23 Nov., 1810; married William Trout.

2. Rosina, born in Wyoming, 25 Nov., 1813; unmarried; resides at Myersburg, Pa.

3. Sarah Ann, born in Wysox, now Rome, 8 Oct., 1816; married Jarvis.

4. John, born in Rome, 11 March, 1819; married Sarah Wickizer.

5. Josiah, born in Rome, 16 Feb., 1823; married Mary Ann Lung. He is a good farmer and a very worthy man. He and his wife are members of the M. E. Church of Rome.

V. MILLER, son of Lieut. John Horton and Mary De La Montanye, born in Wyoming Valley, 12 Feb., 1792; married in Wilkesbarre, Pa., 19 Dec., 1813, by Esq. Campbell, to ELIZABETH WALLER, daughter of Nathan Waller, and born in Wilkesbarre, 24 May, 1786. She died in South Wilkesbarre, 30 June, 1833. He died 20 Oct., 1847. He was a stage proprietor, contractor on public works and a farmer.

Children, all born in South Wilkesbarre, Pa.:

1. John Waller, born 22 Nov., 1814; married Sarah Gates.

2. Elizabeth, born 14 Oct., 1816; married P. M. C. Gilchrist.

3. Mary, born 23 Oct., 1818; married W. L. Cook.

4. Nathan Miller, born 5 Jan., 1821; married Susan Richards.

5. Emily, born 25 March, 1824.

6. Thomas Miner, born 23 March, 1826; died without issue.

7. William Drinker, born 6 Aug., 1828; died 16 Nov., 1829.

HON. JESSE, son of Lieut. John Horton and Mary De La Montanye, born in Wyoming Valley, near Forty Fort, 1797; married in Berwick, Pa., in Jan., 1820, by Rev. Mr. Penne, to HARRIET HEADLEY, daughter of Dr. Samuel Headley and Anna Fairchild, and born in Cherry Valley, N. Y., in 1800; died at Berwick, 17 Jan., 1823, leaving two children, viz.:

1. Anna Maria, born 2 April, 1822; married Allen M. Gangwer, now (1873) chief clerk 3d Auditor's Office, Washington, D. C.

2. Harriet, born 17 Jan., 1823; married Nathan G. Wesley.

He married 2. the widow MARTHA COOK, daughter of James Lemon and Rachel Fishing, and born in Point Township, Northumberland Co., Pa., 25 Feb., 1796.

Children, all born in Northumberland:

3. Carrie.

4. Amelia.

5. Isabella.

6. Martha Cora.

By her first husband Mrs. Horton had Elizabeth and Edward, both died in infancy, and William Lemon Cook, who married ---- Horton, and is now a clerk in the Pension Office, Washington, D. C.

Jesse Horton was a soldier in the war of 1812; came out unharmed. He was a member of the Assembly in 1841, and a member of the Senate in 1843-4-5. In early life he was engaged in the staging business, and afterwards was Captain of a packet-boat on the Penn'a Canal. But for many years past he has been a farmer and dealer in cattle, grain and flour. He died quite suddenly in Feb., 1874.

VIII. LEWIS MULLISON, son of Lieut. John Horton and Mary De La Montanye, born in Wyoming Valley, near Forty Fort, in May, 1799; married in Wyoming, 1827, to PRISCILLA CRISMAN, and removed to Rushville, in 1836. In 1842, he moved to the Littleton Prairie, Ill., and settled on the northeast of Section 21, and here he remained until the day of his death, which occurred on the 10 Sept., 1874. In early life he was interested in several stage lines, and in boating on the Penn'a Canal. After he went West he followed farming.

I. JESSE, son of John Horton and Elizabeth Thomas (Richard, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Newtown, Chester Co., Pa., in 1786; was married about 1819, to MARY STEEL, daughter of Andrew Steel and Susanna ----. He died in Newtown in 1825. The date of his wife's death is not given. Children, all born in Newtown:

1. Susanna, was born in 1820; died unmarried.

2. Jesse Davis, was born in 1822; died unmarried in Beverly, N. J., in 1850.

3. Mary Elizabeth, was born 30 Oct., 1824; a maiden lady of intelligence and refinement, and resides in Newtown.

II. JACOB, son of John Horton and Elizabeth Thomas, born in Newtown, in 1791; was married in 1813, to SARAH WINANS, daughter of Jacob Winans and Mary ----.

Children, all born in Newtown:

1. John Elliott, was born in 1814; died in Ohio; unmarried.

2. David Thomas, was born in 1815; was married in 1839, to Mary Davis, daughter of William Davis; lives in Conshohocken, Montgomery Co., Pa.

3. James Elliott, was born in 1817; married Mary Roberts.

4. Mary, born in 1819.

5. Eliza Ann, was born about 1821; died unmarried.

6. Richard, born in 1823; resides in Jones Co., Iowa.

7. Caroline, born about 1825; married Abram Paschal.

8. Jacob, born about 1828; was a Union soldier, died in the service.

III. JOHN, son of John Horton and Elizabeth Thomas, born in Newtown, in 1798; married in 1828, to JANE LINDSLEY, daughter of Andrew Lindsley and Christiana Vanleer; reside in Newtown.

1. Christiana, born in 1829; unmarried; lives in Newtown.

2. John Andrews, born in 1831; lives in Newtown.

3. Jane, born in 1833.

4. Harry Thomas, born in 1835; married Mary Dwalf; resides in Philadelphia.

5. Bernard N., born in 1838; married Hannah Green, daughter of Lewis Green; has two children; lives in Radnor.

6. Elizabeth, was born 17 Feb., 1840; married George Davis, son of Samuel Davis; had three children; lives in Haverford, Delaware Co., Pa.

7. Mary Ann, was born about 1842; married Walter Thompson; has two children; resides in Haverford, Delaware Co., Pa.

8. Samuel Black, was born in 1844; married Mary ----; lives in Marple, Delaware Co., Pa.

IV. ELIZABETH, daughter of John Horton and Elizabeth Thomas, born in Newtown, 27 Nov., 1800; married in Radnor, 20 March, 1828, by the Rev. Samuel C. Brinkley, an Episcopal clergyman, to SAMUEL BLACK, son of Samuel Black and Catharine Vanleer, and born in Marple, Delaware Co., Pa., in 1799, and died there in 1851.

Mrs. Black now resides there, and to her the compiler is indebted for nearly all the information he has in relation to the Hortons of Radnor. She is intelligent and retains her memory remarkably well.

Children, all born in Marple:

1. John Horton, born 17 Feb., 1829.

2. Catharine Ann, born 8 May, 1831; was married in Philadelphia, 25 Dec., 1854, by the Rev. Mr. Channy, to Lewis Morris Lewis, son of James Lewis and Mary Fawkes, and born in Marple, in 1831. He is an Elder in the Presbyterian Church at Marple, is Superintendent of the Sabbath School, and both he and his wife are intelligent, active, and faithful members of the church. They have Harry M. Lewis, and James B. Lewis.

3. William Vanleer, born in Marple, 29 June, 1833.

4. Samuel Vanleer, born in Marple, 10 May, 1836; unmarried.

5. Harry Harrison, born in Marple, 23 Dec., 1837; married Helen Lawrence.

6. George Fell, born 20 July, 1839.

7. Elizabeth Jane, was born in Marple, 17 Feb., 1842; married by the Rev. Dr. Hodgkin, to Charles Johnson Essey.

8. Bernard Vanleer, born 22 May, 1844. He lives in Philadelphia, Pa.

BENJAMIN, son of Barnabas Horton and Rachael Bostwick (Barnabas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born at Grey Court, Orange Co., N. Y., 12 April, 1788; was married 1. 31 Dec., 1810, by Rev. Dr. Lansing, to SARAH ROSE, born 6 Jan., 1790; 2. 23 Dec., 1816, to ALMIRA OSBORN, born 4 July, 1798; 3. in Marseilles, N. Y., by Rev. Mr. Williams, 17 Dec., 1845, to POLLY BROOKS; 4. in Liverpool, N. Y., by the Rev. Silas Ball, 24. Jan., 1865, to ELIZA GRIFFIS, daughter of John Griffis, of Syracuse.

1. Benjamin, Jr., born 6 August, 1811.

2. Benjamin Rose, born 20 Feb., 1814.

3. Harry, born 30 July, 1818.

4. Israel, born 27 June, 1820.

5. Mirandi, born 8 Jan., 1823; married Jacob Brodhead.

6. Albert, born 3 March, 1825; died young.

7. Alauson, born 28 May, 1829.

By his fourth wife:

8. Hiram Haskins, born 17 May, 1866.

Mr. Horton is still in good health. He moved to Syracuse in early life, where he has now a fine property. He is able to get up his horse and carriage himself, and drive wherever his business calls him.

II. HENRY, son of Nathan Horton and Rebecca Priest (Richard, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Radnor, Delaware Co., Pa., 25 Jan., 1791; married in Broadtop, Pa., 22 Sept., 1812, to ELIZABETH WHITE, daughter of Thomas White and Elizabeth Jones.

Children, all born in Broadtop, Pa.:

1. Thomas, born 12 June, 1813; married 1. Barbara Barrett; 2. Widow Elizabeth Garrett.

2. Nathan, born 3 May, 1815; married 1. Rosanna Miller; 2. Widow Susanna Reddy.

3. William, born 4 July, 1817; married Ann Cerathers.

4. Hannah, born 21 March, 1819; married Amos Figart; resides at Broadtop, Pa.

5. Jesse, born 12 June, 1822; married Catherine Wightman; resides at Bellville, Pa.

6. George, born 31 August, 1824; died 16 June, 1868; married Catherine Hamilton.

7. Alexander, born 5 Jan., 1828; died, from disease contracted in the war, in 1868; married Naomi Duval.

8. Mary, born 21 August, 1832; married Eli Alloway; she is a widow, and resides at Broadtop, Pa.

HON. ELIJAH, son of Elijah Horton and Mehitabel R. Coleman (Elijah, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born at Chester, N. J., 15 Dec., 1794; married at Chester, 16 Dec., 1812, by the Rev. Stephen Overton, to SARAH OVERTON, daughter of Rev. Stephen Overton and Phebe Rose, and born at Fire Place, L. I., 4 Jan., 1797.

1. Alfred, born at Chester, N. J., 25 Nov., 1813; married Mary Horton.

2. Charles, born at Chester, N. J., 25 Jan., 1816.

3. Harriet, born at Chester, N. J., 13 July, 1817; died at Nunda, N. Y., 25 Jan., 1843.

4. George Washington, born at Chester, N. J., 29 July, 1819.

5. Phebe Ann, born at Chester, N. J., 16 Sept., 1821.

6. Theodore, born at Chester, N. J., 28 Oct., 1823.

7. Elizabeth, born at Pleasant Grove, N. J., 28 Sept., 1827.

8. Stephen Edwin, born at Chester, N. J., 25 Sept., 1829; died at Goshen, N. Y., 9 Feb., 1849.

9. Sarah Ann, born at Morristown, N. J., 10 June, 1832; died at Oswego, Ia., 28 Jan., 1856.

10. Elijah Augustus, born at West Almond, Alleghany Co., N. Y., 15 Dec., 1833.

11. Henrietta, born at West Almond, Alleghany Co., N. Y., 13 June, 1835.

Hon. Elijah Horton's present residence is Oswego, Kosciusko Co., Ia. In a letter bearing date 23d Sept., 1874, he says:

"You ask for a short biographical sketch. This I rather decline, further than to say that my life has been devoted to the judicial profession. I studied law in Morristown, N. J., and practiced there until I removed to Alleghany Co., N. Y., in 1832. I served as first Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of that county for about ten years. Soon after moving into the State of Indiana in 1844, I was appointed District Judge, and I have served in that office, and also as a Justice of the Peace ever since, until within a few weeks past when I resigned. In looking over my past life, I see many things that I would not do over again, with my past experience, especially would I say long and loud, NO, instead of YES, as I often did. Your letter brings to my mind views and opinions which I have been learning and experiencing for many years of my past life. Habits have grown upon me imperceptibly from my childhood. I have old diaries written in my younger days, in which I find recorded rules for my own conduct, the strict observance of which, has caused me many miles of travel and hours of labor. For illustration, I recall one or two: 'Have a place for everything, and keep everything in its place' and 'Never put off till to morrow what you can as well do to-day.' I began life under such rules, and I have always been tyrannically ruled by them. If I forgot to do anything that I intended to do through the day, and happened to think of it after I had gone to bed, I could not sleep until I would get up and do it, if possible, and if not possible there would be no sleep for me that night. I have written this letter at one sitting and feel pretty tired."

The letter contained about four pages foolscap, and it is no wonder that he, now just entering his eightieth year, should feel tired. The greater wonder is that he could write at all. It is written in a bold, plain hand, giving no indications of age.

I. PARMENAS HOWELL, son of Barnabas Horton and Milicent Howell (Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Goshen, N. Y., 13 Dec., 1795; married in Minnisink, N. Y., 16 Nov., 1819, by Rev. Henry Ball, to FANNY CASH, daughter of Reuben Cash and Milicent Howell, and born in Minnisink, 11 June, 1799; died 31 March, 1838. He died 21 June, 1868.

Children, all born in Goshen:

1. Mary Emeline, born 12 August, 1820; married William Reeve; died 1 Jan., 1849.

2. Barnabas, born 19 Feb., 1822; died 19 June, 1852; unmarried.

3. Harriet Milicent, born 12 July, 1826; died 15 Nov., 1855; unmarried.

4. Anna Eliza, born 15 Jan., 1830; married John Wheeler Gardner.

5. Sarah Frances, born 23 Feb., 1836; died 17 August, 1856; unmarried.

III. DR. HARVEY ADDISON, son of Barnabas Horton and Milicent Howell, born in Middletown, N. Y., 1 Feb., 1800; married MARY BENNET, born in Goshen, 15 July, 1798; died 27 Sept., 1855. He died.

He was an educated and skillful physician and practiced with good success in Minnisink and adjoining towns, and enjoyed the confidence and respect of all who knew him.

Children, born in Minnisink:

1. Harvey Addison, M. D., born 12 March, 1832; married Fanny C. Beebe.

2. Milicent Ellen, born 3 Sept., 1833; died 24 March, 1841.

3. Albert Howell, born 13 March, 1837; married Anna Amelia Robertson.

VI. MILICENT, daughter of Barnabas Horton and Milicent Howell, born in Minnisink, N. Y., 10 July, 1809; married in Minnisink, 10 March, 1827, by Rev. William Timlow, of Amity, N. Y., to CHARLES SMITH LEE, of Minnisink, and born 12 Feb., 1804.

Children, all born in Minnisink, N. Y.:

1. Mary Milicent Lee, born 12 Sept., 1828; died 8 April, 1844.

2. Harriet Elizabeth Lee, born 19 Feb., 1832.

3. Alexander Lee, born 19 April, 1834.

4. Angeline Lee, born 19 April, 1834.

5. Egbert Lee, born 2 Sept., 1837; died 1 Feb., 1839.

6. Albert Lee, born 21 Jan., 1840; died 30 Dec., 1845.

7. Ellen Amanda Lee, born 19 March, 1842; died 8 Feb., 1844.

8. Simeon Morgan Lee, born 26 July, 1846; died 27 Feb., 1852.

9. Horace Horton Lee, born 15 Dec., 1848; died 28 Dec., 1851.

10. Howell Haynes Lee, born 15 Dec., 1848; died 18 Sept., 1873, in Shreveport, Louisiana, greatly lamented by all who knew him. He was a merchant. He and his wife Fannie Moore, to whom he was married 2 May, 1872; went South early in the Summer of 1873. She came North by the advice of physicians, and at her husband's request, as it was not considered safe for her to remain there during the hot season. His mother writes: "We have passed through a great bereavement. Howell died the 18 Sept. last. He was taken sick on Sabbath with yellow fever, and died the next Thursday, at eleven o'clock. Our hopes as to this world are all blasted, but we trust that he is with his Saviour, to whom he gave himself in his seventeenth year, and from that time until his death, he lived a Christian. So we may mourn not without hope."

+------------------------------------------------------------------+ | TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: | | The following two entries for 'II. John Seward' and 'III. David' | | are misplaced and should be ignored. They are repeated, with | | some changes and additions, in the correct location in the | | Eighth Generation section on p. 130. | +------------------------------------------------------------------+

II. JOHN SEWARD, son of Edward Horton and Charlotte Seward (Edward, Nathaniel, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Randolph, Morris Co., N. J., 24 Oct., 1801. He was married at Brutus, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 13 March, 1823, by Elder Hough, of Port Byron, N. Y., to PAULINA CARRIER, daughter of Amaziah Carrier and Wealthy Hatch, and born in Brutus, 29 Sept., 1804.

Children, all born in Conquest, N. Y., except Jane A., who was born in Clarence, Calhoun Co., Mich.:

1. Charlotte, born 8 Jan., 1826; married William Wright; died at Conquest, N. Y., 14 August, 1858.

2. Mary Ann, born 1 March, 1828; married 1. Oliver M. Reed; 2. Samuel Farrand; 3. Theodore P. Halliday.

3. Hetty M., born 9 June, 1830; died 2 Sept., 1830.

4. Edward Livingston, born 28 August, 1834; died 28 March, 1839.

5. Pauline Emily, born 11 Feb., 1842; married 1. David Keck; 2. James Lewis.

6. Jane Adelaide, born 7 Nov., 1847; married Reuben C. Sibley.

III. DAVID, son of Edward Horton and Charlotte Seward, born in Randolph, Morris Co., N. J.

I. JOHN, son of Matthias Horton and Sarah Rumsey (Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born about 1785, in Goshen, N. Y.

1. Clarissa Jane, born 1810.

2. Matthias, died in Goshen; had 2 children.

3. John, lives in Albany, N. Y., has 6 children.

4. Mortimer, no children, lives in Bethel, Michigan.

5. Sarah Elizabeth, married Richard Drake, has 7 children, lives in Coldwater, Mich.

6. Mary, married Thomas Stansbrough, has 11 children, lives in Newburgh.

IV. GABRIEL, son of Matthias Horton and Sarah Rumsey, born in Goshen, 9 Aug., 1806; married ELIZA CORWIN, daughter of Joseph Corwin and Hannah Finch, and born in Goshen about 1808.

1. Julia, married William Garlock.

2. Henry, married, had Adah and Sarah.

5. Caroline, married George Huff.

6. Mary, married Hunsike, had Mary and Millard.

7. Adelia, married Wm. Porter, had Horton.

8. Charles.

9. Harriet, married Jackson.

VI. MATTHIAS, son of Matthias Horton and Sarah Rumsey (Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Orange Co., N. Y., 26 Jan., 1812; married 1 April, 1836, to EVELINE WILLIAMS, born in Orange Co., N. Y., 19 Oct., 1807.

Children, probably all born in Goshen Township:

1. Mary Catherine, born 3 Dec., 1836; married 7 May, 1854, to Henry Stedman.

2. Sarah Ann, born 19 Oct., 1838; married 3 Sept., 1857, to Charles Moore.

3. George Washington, born 11 Jan., 1841; died 6 Oct., 1862.

4. Andrew Jackson, born 26 June, 1843; married 21 June, 1868, to Hannah Fowler.

5. Martin Van Buren, born 13 March, 1846.

6. William Henry, born 24 Feb., 1848; died 25 July, 1848.

7. Eveline, born 15 Nov., 1849; married William Hutchings.

Matthias Horton died 6 March, 1863; his wife died 11 March, 1872.

IV. EDMUND BANI, son of Jonathan Bani Horton and Deborah Osborn (Barnabas, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Southold, 5 Oct., 1821; married in New York City, 5 June, 1844, by the Rev. Dr. E. F. Hatfield, to MATILDA G. DEVOY, daughter of John M. Devoy and Margaret G. Coddington. He is a mechanic, but is now a salesman, warehousing and forwarding merchant, in New York City. He has a beautiful residence at White Stone, L. I. He is an active and intelligent member of the Presbyterian Church, and he, with a few other liberal Presbyterians, have erected a very pretty little church.

Children, all born in New York City:

1. Edmund B., born 14 April, 1845.

2. William Henry, born 23 April, 1847; died 22 July, 1867.

3. Charles Pierson Baldwin, born 7 Feb., 1852.

4. Jonathan Bani, born 7 March, 1857.

5. Mortimer Slittwell, born 1 April, 1863.

II. GEN. WILLIAM, son of Col. Nathan Horton and Elizabeth Eagles (Nathan, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born at New River, Wilkes, now Watauga Co., N. C., 15 Aug., 1786; married in 1814, at Yadkin River, Ashe Co., N. C., to MILLY DULA, daughter of William and Theodoria, his wife.

Children, probably all born at Yadkin River:

1. James C., born 9 March, 1817.

2. William Leander, born 1818; married Francis Corpening.

3. Eliza, born 1820; married Jackson Corpening.

4. Theodoria Elvira, born 22 August, 1825; married Geo. Hays Hamilton.

5. Rebecca, born about 1827; married David E. Bower.

6. Nathan, born about 1829; unmarried.

7. Phineas, born about 1832; unmarried.

8. Sarah, born about 1834; unmarried.

9. Lamira Louisa, born about 1837; married Wiley P. Thomas.

10. Alexander Hamilton, born 1840; married Mary Jane Vogler.

After his marriage the General moved to Yadkin River, and settled near the mouth of Elk Creek, where he acquired a large amount of valuable land and other property, farming being his principal vocation. He represented Ashe County in the Legislature in 1814-'15-'16, and from Wilkes County he was elected in 1822-'23-'29-'30-'33-'34-'35 and '36. He was also for many years Brigadier General of the 9th Brigade, North Carolina Militia. He died at his residence on Yadkin River.

III. JAMES, son of Col. Nathan Horton and Elizabeth Eagles, born at New River, 28 Feb., 1789; married SIDNEA WEBB, daughter of Benjamin Webb and Jane ---- ----, of Beaver Dam, Ashe Co., N. C. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1830, and held other public positions for many years. He was a volunteer in the service of his country in the war of 1812-'15, and served until honorably discharged.

IV. DAVID EAGLES, son of Colonel Nathan Horton and Elizabeth Eagles, born at New River, 4 May, 1792; married SARAH DULA, a sister of the General's wife. They settled at Yadkin River, where they became quite wealthy in lands and negroes, owning, at the time they were made free, 150. He was a planter, and died at his residence, 3 July, 1870. He was also a volunteer in the war of 1812. His wife is still living.

James Theodore, born 16 Oct., 1829; married Sarah Rosa Lynch.

V. PHINEAS, son of Colonel Nathan Horton and Elizabeth Eagles, born at New River, Watauga Co., N. C., 9 Jan., 1795; married about 1827, REBECCA COUNCILL, daughter of Jordan Councill and Sarah Howard, of Ashe Co., N. C, and born 20 Feb., 1802.

Children, all born at New River:

1. William, born 8 March, 1828.

2. Nathan, born 22 March, 1829.

3. Jonathan Fillmore, born 3 March, 1836.

4. James Harrison, born 27 May, 1841.

Phineas Horton was a volunteer in the war of 1812. He served as a magistrate over 30 years. He was County Treasurer for several years. He is yet living, and remains upon the same place where he first settled at New River, five miles east of Boone. He has a considerable quantity of land, and at the time Emancipation was proclaimed, he owned six negroes. He has no inclination for anything but farming, and although in his 81st year, he is well preserved, and does a good deal of farm work.

Rebecca Councill, his wife, died of cancer of the breast, 12 August, 1863.

IX. COL. JONATHAN, son of Col. Nathan Horton and Elizabeth Eagles, born on New River, 26 Feb., 1806; married 11 Jan., 1841, at Richland, Ashe Co., N. C., to MELINDA HARTZAG, daughter of Jacob Hartzag and Rebecca Coloway, and born at Richland, 10 May, 1824. She is a distant relative of the celebrated DANIEL BOONE, the bold old pioneer of the West, of former days.

The Colonel resides at the old homestead of his father, Col. Nathan, owns good lands, and is an excellent farmer. He lost heavily by Emancipation. He has been a very prominent man all his life--firm, intelligent and generous. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1832-'33-'34 and '35. He was a member of the Electoral College of North Carolina, on the Henry Clay ticket, in 1844. He was again elected to the State Legislature from Watauga County, in 1854. He was a volunteer in the service of the Confederate States, in 1861, and was elected Captain of Co. B., 37th Regiment North Carolina troops, infantry, and he was in the seven days' fight near Richmond, Va., towards the close of which the command of the regiment devolved on him. Soon after this, health failing, he resigned and came home, and in 1864 he was elected to the State Senate. He says, and no doubt truly, that his house was robbed, in the spring of 1865, eighteen times in fourteen days, by men professing to be, and wearing the garb of, Union soldiers.

The Colonel has never had any children.

I. NATHAN, son of Zephaniah Horton, Esq., and Jane McCurry (Capt. Nathan, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Wilkes Co., N. C., 24 Jan., 1789; married 29 May, 1817, MARY YOUNG, born in Burke Co., N. C., about 1794; died 19 May, 1875. He was Col. Commander in the 15th Brigade, 9th Division, North Carolina Militia, for about 20 years--was offered the position of Brigadier General, but declined.

Children, all born in Buncombe County, except Mary I., born in Yancey Co., N. C.:

1. Zephaniah, born 20 Feb., 1818.

2. Martha E., born 16 Sept., 1819.

3. Malcolm, born 9 Feb., 1822.

4. Lucky, born 27 Dec., 1823.

5. Joshua, born 21 Oct., 1825.

6. Jesse, born 11 Nov., 1828.

7. Nathan Youngs, born 21 March, 1831.

8. Naomi A., born 10 Dec., 1832.

9. Mary I., born 14 April, 1835.

III. SARAH, daughter of Zephaniah Horton, Esq., and Jane McCurry, born 30 June, 1794; married in 1815, THOMAS YOUNG, of Buncombe County, and born 16 Jan., 1792.

Children (the 1 to 7, inclusive, born in Buncombe; 8, 9, and 10 born in Yancey County):

1. Elizabeth E., born 9 March, 1816.

2. Martha E., born 25 May, 1818.

3. Nathan, born 23 April, 1820.

4. Strawbridge, born 25 Jan., 1822; died 10 Nov., 1843.

6. Thomas, born 29 Sept., 1830.

7. Josiah, born 11 March, 1833.

8. Sarah I., born 12 Sept., 1835.

9. Mary A., born 12 Aug., 1837.

10. Tilman H., born 4 Oct., 1839.

IV. MALCOLM, son of Zephaniah Horton, Esq., and Jane McCurry, born 15 Nov., 1799; married 29 Feb., 1832, MARGARET A. DENHAM, of Virginia. He was for several years Col. Commander in the 15th Brigade, 9th Division, North Carolina Militia. He settled in Maryland and died there, 10 Aug., 1870.

1. Jane E., born 20 July, 1833.

2. Amos O., born 18 Aug., 1835.

3. David D., born 18 Dec., 1837.

4. Phebe E., born 25 June, 1840.

5. Amy I., born 5 Oct., 1842.

6. Charles A., born 3 Jan., 1846.

Amos I. and Charles A. are dead; the rest are all living, and have families.

V. ELIZABETH, daughter of Zephaniah Horton, Esq., and Jane McCurry, born 15 Nov., 1799; married JOSEPH SHEPHERD, ESQ., of North Carolina, 28 March, 1821. She died 2 Aug., 1838.

Children, all born in Buncombe Co., N. C.:

1. Jane A., born 6 Dec., 1826.

2. Julia, born 5 Sept., 1828.

3. Cordelia P., born 8 June, 1831.

4. Theressa E., born 3 Aug., 1833.

VI. ZEPHANIAH, son of Zephaniah Horton, Esq., and Jane McCurry, born 26 Nov., 1802; married 3 April, 1825, ELIZABETH HORTON, of Ashe Co., N. C., daughter of Nathan Horton, of Ashe County. She born 15 Sept., 1803. He died at his residence, in Yancey, 17 July, 1865.

Children, 1. and 2. born in Ashe, 3. born in Buncombe, all the rest born in Yancey:

1. Nathan, born 26 Jan., 1826.

2. McWilliam, born 14 Feb., 1828.

3. Jonathan, born 17 March, 1830; died 18 Aug., 1862.

4. Phineas, born 20 Dec., 1833; died 2 Oct., 1862.

5. Lorenzo D., born 30 July, 1836; died 25 Aug., 1862.

6. James P., born 13 Dec., 1839.

7. Elbert S., born 3 Sept., 1842.

8. Sarah I. E., born 8 Feb., 1845; died 20 Oct., 1845.

9. Harriet E., born 28 June, 1847; died 8 Nov., 1847.

10. Zephaniah I., born 12 May, 1849; died 4 Aug. 1849.

11. David E., born 5 Nov. 1851.

VII. JANE M., daughter of Zephaniah Horton, Esq., and Jane McCurry, born 18 March, 1806; married 25 Aug., 1823, JAMES H. POTEET, of Buncombe County, and born 23 Oct., 1796; moved in 1834 to Missouri, Gasconade County, where he died, 5 July, 1835, leaving two children, born in Buncombe County, viz.:

1.[6]Lorenzo D., born 5 June, 1824.

2. Sophronia, born 8 May, 1826.

Mrs. Poteet, soon after the death of her husband, returned to her native State, and, 23 Feb., 1840, married JOHN W. GARLAND, of Yancey County, born in Tennessee, 5 Sept., 1807. He was County Clerk of Yancey County for 12 years, and also represented that county in the Legislature in 1854-'55 and in 1865-'66, and was the Union Delegate in the State Convention of 1861.

VIII. PHEBE D., daughter of Zephaniah Horton, Esq., and Jane McCurry, born 3 Oct., 1810; married ADAM A. BROYLES, of Washington Co., Tenn., 15 July, 1835, born 11 May, 1813.

Children, all born in Washington Co., Tenn.:

1. Edmonia L., born 15 April, 1837.

2. Edwin A., born 2 Sept., 184-.

3. James W. McB., born 12 Jan., 1844.

4. Adam C., born 23 Jan., 1846.

5. Sarah E. I., born 7 Dec., 1848.

6. Lodelius H., born 8 May, 1855.

SILAS HORTON, son of Abigail Horton and Daniel Stringham (Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Middletown, Orange Co., N. Y., 7 Nov., 1797; married in 1821, HENRIETTA HICKS, daughter of Jacob M. Hicks and Elizabeth ----, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and born in 1804. (Jacob M. Hicks died in 1843, aged 94. His wife died in 1854, aged 85.)

Children, probably all born in Brooklyn:

5. Zephaniah, born 19 Oct., 1823.

1. Maria Hicks Stringham, married William M. Richards.

2. Jane Horton Stringham, married Benjamin W. How; died in 1874.

3. Edwinna Hurlbut Stringham, married Johnston Blakeley Creighton; died in 1862.

4. Elizabeth Wynkoop Stringham, married Com. J. B. Creighton, being his 2d wife.

Silas H. Stringham entered the navy in June, 1810, as midshipman on the frigate President, Commodore John Rogers. In 1812 he was assigned to the Guererre, under Decatur. In 1813 he was on the Spark, one of the Algerine squadron. In 1817, having been promoted to a Lieutenancy, he was transferred to the sloop-of-war Erie, and in 1818, to the Peacock. He was next ordered to the sloop-of-war Cyane, in 1819. In 1821 he was upon the Hornet, 1st Lieutenant, at the West India station. In 1822 he was again on the Cyane, under Com. Creighton. From 1825 to 1829 he held a position at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and in 1829 he was again assigned to the Peacock, and sent in search of the Hornet, sloop-of-war, which was lost. We next find him on the Falmouth, and ordered to Carthagena. From 1830 to 1834 he was in shore service. In 1835 he has command of the John Adams, in the Mediterranean squadron. In 1837 he is second in command at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and from 1843 to 1846 he had the full command of this yard. During the Mexican war we find him in active service, and in command of the Ohio, ship-of-the-line. In 1851 he was commander of the Norfolk Navy Yard; and in 1852 assigned to the command of the Mediterranean squadron, which he held till 1855. He is next in command of the Charleston Navy Yard, which he held till May, 1859. In March, 1861, he was a member of a naval Court-martial, and while there was appointed flag officer of the Atlantic Blockade squadron. In 1861 Com. Stringham was honored with the preparation of the first of those combined naval and military expeditions which have crowned the American navy with such glory; and in his case, as in many others, the success has been almost exclusively due to the action of the navy. The result of this expedition being the capture of the rebel forts Clark and Hatteras, and the surrender of the garrison to Flag-officer Stringham and General Butler, consisting of 715 men, 1000 stand of arms, 75 kegs of powder, 5 stand of colors, 31 cannon (1 of them a 10-inch Columbiad), a brig loaded with cotton, a sloop with provisions and stores, 2 light-boats, 150 bags of coffee, &c. Not a man belonging to the fleet was killed. For this brilliant affair Flag-officer Stringham received the thanks of the Government.

On the 23d of September, 1861, at his own request, he was relieved from his command, and in August, 1862, he was made a Rear-Admiral, on the retired list, and soon after this he was President of the Naval Commission to locate a new Navy Yard. In 1863 he had command of the Navy Yard and station at Charleston, S. C., remained there till 1866. In 1869 he was Port Admiral at New York, and served three years. March 3d, 1873, by Act of Congress, retired officers are prohibited from being employed by Government, except in time of war. Since that time the Admiral is permitted to enjoy a retired life, at his residence, in Brooklyn, N. Y.

For a more full account of the noble and daring deeds and brilliant exploits of Admiral Stringham, see The American Crisis of 1861-'62, by Frank Moore.

I. LEBBEUS LATHROP, son of Hannah Horton and Isaiah Vail, Jr. (Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Goshen, N. Y., 27 Oct., 1791; married SALLY MOORE, a lineal descendant of Thomas Moore, of Southold, L. I.

Children, probably all born in Newburgh, N. Y., where they settled soon after marriage:

1. Charles.

2. Hector.

3. Azuba.

4. Nathaniel.

6. Wilmot.

7. Richard.

8. Sally.

9. Egbert.

10. Anna.

"He early engaged in the business of transporting Orange County products to New York, and soon found himself in command of a first-class sloop, of extra heavy tonnage, and his carrying trade of merchandise, passengers, &c., became very extensive. The immense traffic at White Hall Street, East River, prompted Captain Vail to seek some other quarters, more commodious than that he occupied--the city at that time having a population of only about 100,000. He soon found an old acquaintance, formerly a Miss Horton, of West Chester Co., N. Y., who had married Mr. James Van Nostrand, a wholesale grocer. An arrangement was soon consummated, by which Van Nostrand was to move his stock to West Street, and Vail to leave East River and land at the Albany Basin, adjacent to Van Nostrand's store, which arrangement was at once announced to the Hudson River boatmen at White Hall, when, in derision, they laughed at the young Captain's presumption; but Vail and Van Nostrand soon had the laugh on the White Hall advocates, for the entire craft from Orange County soon followed Capt. Vail, discharging regularly his heavy loads of produce from the Bayard,[7] the first to establish a regular wharf for Orange County produce and passengers on the North River side of New York, and Van Nostrand's grocery was the first ever located in West Street. The following summer Capt. Vail's eyesight became impaired, and he moved to Goshen, New York, where he and Mrs. Vail were popular hotel keepers until the year 1834, when he was elected Clerk of Orange County, and re-elected in 1837, and again in 1840. In 1832 he established at Goshen a Baptist periodical, called the Signs of the Times, which is still in existence, and edited and published at Middletown, New York, by Elder Beebe, the venerable Old-School Baptist preacher. He, also, in 1844, established in Goshen the Clarion, the first Free-Soil newspaper ever established in this part of the State of New York. His religious and political opinions were regarded as ultra or radical, and he was a recognized leader of his sect or party. His general urbanity and good judgment, and his enthusiastic nature, combined with his fine appreciation of the arts, made him popular with all classes of people. He died in Goshen.

"Mrs. Vail survived him over a quarter of a century. She was devotedly attached to him and his children. She was a beautiful woman, and her happiness seemed to centre in their welfare, which her husband reciprocated by leaving her his entire estate, which she left unimpaired at her death, after a life of over four-score years. Their youngest daughter is the well known Madame Martinez, the eminent soprano vocalist and teacher of the voice."

We are indebted to Nathaniel Vail, Esq., of Goshen, for the foregoing record and sketch of Lebbeus L. Vail and family.

I. SARAH, daughter of Phineas Horton and Bethia Luce (Nathan, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Chester, N. J., 27 March, 1799; married about 1820, JEREMIAH WILCOX. He died in Illinois. His widow married a MR. RHOADS.

Children, probably, born in Chester:

1. Wilbur.

2. Phineas; he was taken by the Mormons and probably killed.

3. Esther Ann.

II. NATHAN, son of Phineas Horton and Bethia Luce, born in Chester, 27 Dec., 1801; married about 1825, JULIA HORTON, daughter of Nathaniel Horton and Eunice Horton, and born in Chester, about 1803.

1. Nathaniel Jackson, born 1804; died 21 Jan., 1859; unmarried.

2. Phineas W.; died 2 May, 1849.

3. Eunice Ann, married Westbrook.

4. Mary Elizabeth.

6. Julia Elmira, born 28 Aug., 1836; died 8 Jan., 1838.

7. Martha.

III. ELIAS, son of Phineas Horton and Bethia Luce, born in Chester, 6 Feb., 1803; married MELINDA LEWIS.

1. David Lewis, married Mary Ann Dilldine.

2. Elias.

3. Mary Ann, married Frederick Morrow.

4. Esther, married William Moore.

IV. MARY, daughter of Phineas Horton and Bethia Luce, born 6 Feb., 1806; married DANIEL SKELLINGER, and had

1. Joseph, dead.

3. James.

4. Phineas.

5. Elias.

6. Lydia, dead.

VI. DANIEL, son of Phineas Horton and Esther Horton, born in Chester, 3 Aug., 1820; married 8 Nov., 1851, by Rev. Mr. Fisher, to LYDIA CRAIG HORTON, daughter of Jonah Horton and Hannah Bryant, and born in Randolph, N. J., 2 Jan., 1827. She died 16 July, 1870; no children. Daniel Horton resides at the old homestead, a few miles from the borough of Chester. He is a well-to-do farmer, and his mother, now (1874) aged and feeble, resides with him. They are pious people, and of good repute among their neighbors.

Eighth Generation.--Caleb I.

I. ISAIAH, son of Elisha Horton and Polly (Mary) Horton (Dea. Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Chester, N. J., 21 July, 1796; married in Aurelius, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 31 Jan., 1817, to CHARLOTTE CHATFIELD. She died 21 Feb., 1854. He died in Wayland, at Spring Water, Livingston Co., N. Y., 22 May, 1873:

Children, probably all born at Spring Water, N. Y.:

1. Amarilla, born 1818; married Stephen Pearl.

2. Maranda, married Luther T. Norton, Esq.

3. Hiram, married Mary Briggs.

4. Eliza, married Luther F. Norton, Esq., being his 2d wife.

5. Esther, married Augustus Boughton.

6. Elisha C., dead.

7. Isaiah, married Ruth E. Adams.

8. Mary, married J. B. Tiffany.

MARY, born at Spring Water, N. Y., 1 Sept., 1833; married 27 Feb., 1855, at Spring Water, by Rev. H. M. Boothe, to J. B. TIFFANY, son of Jacob Tiffany and Lavina Andrews, and born in Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., 24 March, 1828. His father and mother were born at Austerlitz, Columbia Co., N. Y.; he, 1 Sept., 1795; she, 25 Sept., 1796; he died at Spring Water, 8 Jan., 1873; she is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Tiffany and family reside at East Bloomfield, N. Y. They have one son, viz.:

Charles Horton Tiffany, born 2 March, 1875.

ESTHER, born at Spring Water, 17 Aug., 1826; married at Spring Water, by Rev. Mr. Hunter, 9 Feb., 1848, to FREDERICK AUGUSTUS BOUGHTON, son of Nathaniel Boughton and Tryphenia Hart.

Children, all born at East Bloomfield, N. Y.:

1. Dwight Boughton, born 18 Aug., 1849; married Josephine Hunt; has Frank Dwight, born 26 Jan., 1873, and Grace Isabella, born 3 Aug., 1875.

2. Hiram, born 4 March, 1854; died 25 Sept., 1856.

3. Harriet Elizabeth, born 15 Nov., 1857.

4. Frederick, born 28 April, 1868.

HON. NATHANIEL COE, son of Huldah Horton and Joel Coe (Dea. Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Morris Co., N. J., 12 Sept., 1788; moved with his father to Scipio, N. Y., in 1795; went by sloop to Albany--4 days--thence in wagons up the Mohawk, by way of Schenectady--thence to Cayuga and Wood Creek to Auburn, N. Y., and then Scipio, being one month on the journey. He married in Auburn, N. Y., 5 Oct., 1827, to MARY TAYLOR WHITE, daughter of Lawrence Emery White and ---- ---- and born on Pearl Street, near Broadway, N. Y., 11 March, 1801.

1. Lawrence White.

2. Cornelia Elizabeth.

3. Charles Carroll.

4. Eugene Francis.

5. Susan Amelia.

6. Henry Clay.

Nathaniel Coe was an honest lawyer and an upright politician. He possessed a superior intellect, and always commanded the respect and esteem of his fellow men. He was long a magistrate, and for four years in succession he represented Livingston and Alleghany Counties in the Legislature of the State of New York. He was often an arbitrator, both in the Church and out of it. In religion he was what was then called, by way of reproach, a radical. In 1829 he went to Nevada. In 1851 he was appointed U. S. Mail Agent for Oregon. He finally settled at Hood River, where, on the 10th Oct., 1868, he died. For several years before his death, he carried on an extensive business in raising fruit, and became quite rich. He was a thoroughly anti-slavery man, and while the Liberty party was in existence, he was its firm and warm supporter. Mrs. Coe resides at Hood River, and her son Charles, who was a superior young man, noted for his piety and sound moral and Christian character, carried on successfully his father's business until his death, which occurred 24 Dec., 1874. His mother said of him, "My heart's beloved has left me, nothing can fill the void. He not only filled his father's place on the farm, but also at the family altar, and notwithstanding his youth, older men came to him for advice on matters temporal as well as religious."

Mrs. Coe is an educated, refined and talented Christian lady--an able and finished writer, and the author of many very pretty verses and poems, and though aged, and having suffered much from ill health, yet her penmanship is neat, and her thoughts and words fresh, warm and vigorous. Speaking of her deceased little infant, Susan Amelia, she says, "To whom, like a dew-drop, kissed off by the sun's morning beam, a beauteous existence was given, whose soul seemed to come down to earth in a dream, only to wake up when it ascended to Heaven." She has kindly given much valuable information in regard to the Hortons of New Jersey and their connections, only a small part of which can appear in the "Chronicles." Mrs. Coe's ancestors, both on her father and mother's side, were originally from England.

RACHEL BENNET, daughter of David Bennet and Mary Coe, and grand-daughter of Huldah Horton, is a maiden lady, intelligent, well educated and possesses good social qualities; she is a successful teacher. We are indebted to her for many interesting letters, giving genealogical data of members of the Horton family. Her residence was in Chicago, where she was a teacher a few years ago.

II. JOHN SEWARD, son of Edward Horton and Charlotte Seward (David, Nathaniel, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Randolph, Morris Co., N. J., 24 Oct., 1801; married 13 March, 1823, by Elder Hough, of Port Byron, N. Y., to PAULINA CARRIER, daughter of Amziah Carrier and Wealthy Hatch, and born in Brutus, N. Y., 29 Sept., 1804.

Children, all born at Conquest, Cayuga Co., N. Y., except Jane A.:

1. Charlotte, born 8 Jan., 1826; died 14 Aug., 1858.

2. Mary Ann, born 1 March, 1828.

3. Hetty M., born June 9, 1830; died 2 Sept., 1830.

4. Edward L., born 28 Aug., 1824; died 28 March, 1839.

5. Paulina E., born 11 Feb., 1842.

6. Jane A., born at Clarence, Calhoun Co., Mich., 7 Nov., 1847.

Mr. Horton moved with his father to Brutus, N. Y., when three years old; moved to Calhoun, Mich., in 1846, and resides now at Marengo, Mich.

III. DAVID, son of Edward Horton and Charlotte Seward, born in Randolph, Morris Co., N. J., 4 July, 1804; married in Conquest, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 19 Jan., 1826, by the Rev. Mr. Twist, to JANE MCCALLAM, daughter of William McCallam and Anna Crowell, all of Conquest, N. Y.

Children, all born in Conquest, N. Y.:

1. Margaret Ann, born 13 June, 1827; resides in Folsom, Cal.

2. Edward W., born 27 Jan., 1831; resides in Helena, Montana Ter.

3. Victoria E., born 1 May, 1839; resides in Conquest, N. Y.

4. David C., born 2 Sept., 1841; he is a merchant, keeps a general country store in Conquest, N. Y., where he resides. He was married in Conquest, N. Y., 19 April, 1871, by Rev. Daniel D. Davis, to Emma A. Slayton, daughter of Joseph Slayton and Nancy Crowell, and born in Conquest, 20 March, 1851; no children.

David Horton is a farmer--was largely engaged in the oil trade--carrying on a large business in the oil region in Pennsylvania a few years ago. He gave the compiler the first account he ever had of the old tombstone of Barnabas I., as we happened to meet on the cars between Lyons and Rochester, in Oct., 1870.

V. HORACE, son of Edward Horton and Charlotte Seward, born in Randolph, N. J., 2 July, 1810; married MELISSA PUTNAM about 1833.

Children, probably all born in Weedsport or Brutus, N. Y.:

1. Isabella, born 1834; married William E. Merrick, of Weedsport.

2. Eliza, born 31 Dec., 1836; married in Weedsport, 28 Sept., 1869, by Rev. A. R. Hewett, to Augustus Harley Whiting, son of Caleb Whiting, and born in Virgil, Cortlandt Co., N. Y.; have one son, Horace Horton Whiting.

Horace Horton died at Weedsport, in Jan., 1869. His widow lives at the homestead with Mrs. Whiting, who is an intelligent, active and lady-like woman. They are in good circumstances. Mr. Whiting holds some position under the United States Government, in Washington City.

HARRISON FAULKNER HORTON, son of Gabriel H. Horton and Margaret Faulkner (Elihu, Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born at Newburgh, Orange Co., N. Y., 11 Sept., 1804; reared at Bloomingburgh, Sullivan Co., N. Y., and educated in the Presbyterian faith, and Democratic political school. Removed to Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y., in Nov., 1825; from thence to Newburgh, Orange Co., N. Y., in March, 1831, and from there to New York City, in Feb., 1841; married 15 Dec., 1829, at New Milford, Orange Co., N. Y., by Rev. William Timlough, to EMILY COLEMAN, daughter of Merritt Coleman and Mary Smith. He is a retired merchant, living in New York City at the present time.

1. Annie M., born at Amity, Orange Co., N. Y., 7 Nov., 1830; died at St. Augustine, Fla., 9 May, 1852.

2. Mary Helen, born at Newburgh, Orange Co., N. Y., 3 Feb., 1740.

Mary Smith, the mother-in-law of Harrison Faulkner, was the daughter of Deacon Smith and Sally Wisner, of Goshen. Dea. Smith was the father of Dea. William Smith of Florida, Orange Co., N. Y. Margaret Faulkner, the mother of Harrison, was the daughter of Samuel Faulkner and Helen Murray, who were early inhabitants of Orange Co., N. Y., and pioneers in Wallkill Township. Samuel Faulkner was of French origin. His wife, Helen Murray, came from Scotland. Samuel Faulkner and his brother, Col. William Faulkner, were staunch Whigs in 1776.

"So far as my knowledge extends, the Hortons as a family have not been renowned for their attainments in literature, in the fine arts, or in natural science; not distinguished as warriors or statesmen, or in the learned professions. Indeed they have not been celebrated for great heroic achievements of any kind. Nevertheless, with but few exceptions, they have been industrious, peaceable, law-abiding, and very respectable citizens, possessing commendable self-reliance and independence. They belong to the middle class of the people--the class which has always constituted the basis of a good-ordered, well-regulated, and prosperous State and Nation. Let their merits and their virtues be inscribed on the tablets of our memories, and preserved for our veneration and emulation."--Letter of Harrison Faulkner Horton, September, 1872.

VI. NELSON, son of Silas Danes Horton and Mary McClean (Silas, Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Wallkill, 5 June, 1807; married in Wallkill, 1 Jan., 1836, by Elder Beebe, to SARAH SHONS, daughter of ----.

Children, all born in Wallkill, N. Y.:

1. Ruth Ann, born 14 June, 1838.

2. Ellen V., born 2 Feb., 1840.

3. Samuel Danes, born 31 Dec., 1843.

4. James M., born 26 April, 1845.

5. Charles Shons, born 3 March, 1850.

6. DeWitt Shons, born 4 Aug., 1857.

Nelson Horton is a well-to-do farmer--resides on the old homestead farm, to which he has made additions and improvements. He possesses fine social qualities--a remarkably retentive memory--tracing his ancestry back to the old Southold home, without the aid of written records.

VIII. JANE, daughter of Silas Danes Horton and Mary McClean, married BRINK. "Her son, Leander, is a warm advocate of the Horton genealogy."--Ruth A. Horton.

IX. WILLIAM HARRISON, son of Silas Danes Horton and Mary McClean, born in Wallkill, 18 Jan., 1814; married 1. at Mason, Mich., 8 Aug., 1840, by Rev. John W. Burchard, to MATILDA ROLF, daughter of Hazen Rolf and Mary ----, and born in 1814.

On the 27th Sept., 1841, she gave birth to two female babes, and survived but a short time afterwards. He married 2. 16 April, 1846, by the Rev. Bezaleel Hill, to ACHSA SAMISA CHAPIN, daughter of Levi Chapin and Achsa ----, and born in Springfield, Mass., in 1819. They reside in Eden, Mich.

1. Willis Hall, born in Eden, Mich., 23 July, 1849.

I. REBECCA ROSE, daughter of Hiram Horton and Mary Rose (Dea. Nathaniel, Col. Nathaniel, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Chester, 29 Dec., 1809; married at Chester, by the Rev. Stephen Overton, 3 May, 1828, to DAVID SCHUYLER DE CAMP, son of Zechariah De Camp and Experience Halsey, and born at Chester, 25 May, 1804.

Children, all born in Chester except Stephen H., born in New York:

1. Hiram Horton, born 6 April, 1829; married Althea Laing; they live in Plainfield, N. J.

2. Stephen Halsey, born 23 May, 1831; married Catherine Maria Crouse. He is a Justice of the Peace; resides in Syracuse, N. Y.

3. Mary Eugenia, born 13 June, 1833; died 4 Oct., 1839.

4. Alonzo Dickerson, born 28 Sept., 1834; married Loretta Dixon; resides at Bound Brook, N. J.

5. Abbey Louisa, born 18 Sept., 1837.

6. Alfred Eugene, born 12 June, 1843; married Catherine McCurry. He is a hotel keeper, at Succasunna Plains, N. J.

7. Harriet Elizabeth, born 2 March, 1847; is a music teacher.

8. Silas Olney, born 3 April, 1849; is a merchant at Kingsland, N. J.

Mr. De Camp is a wealthy farmer; his farm, a little below the surface of the ground, has many valuable beds of iron. He and his wife are intelligent, conscientious people, kind and hospitable; in religion, they are firm Universalists. They reside within about three miles of the borough of Chester, N. J.

I. CLARISSA JANE, daughter of John Horton (Matthias, Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Goshen, in 1810; married in 1832, to DAVID CONGER LOCKWOOD, son of Samuel Lockwood, and born in Goshen, in 1806; died in 1860. Samuel Lockwood's maternal great grandmother was JUDITH PECK, who came over in the May Flower.

Children, all born in New Windsor, Orange Co., N. Y.:

1. Susan May, married William Allison; resides in New York City.

2. Charles Burrell.

3. Sarah Elizabeth; dead; her family live in Brooklyn, N. Y.

4. Samuel Mann, lives in Indiana.

5. Catherine Arletta, lives in New Jersey, near New Brunswick.

6. Elias Riggs, lives in Indiana.

7. Abbie Anna, lives in New Brunswick.

8. Margaret Julia, lives in New Brunswick.

9. Lewis John, is in College in New Brunswick.

Mrs. Lockwood moved from New Windsor, N. Y., to New Brunswick, N. J., some years ago, where she now resides.

II. ANN, daughter of Jason Horton and Sallie Miller (Israel, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Lansing, Tompkins Co., N. Y., 11 Aug., 1808; married in Reading, N. Y., 26 Dec., 1826, by Rev. Elder Noell, of the Baptist Church, to DANIEL SUTTON. He was born in Ovid, N. Y., 13 May, 1807.

1. Lucinda, born in Reading, Steuben Co., N. Y., 13 Nov., 1827; married in Phelps, N. Y., 3 July, 1852, to John E. Roberts.

2. Jason, born in Hector, Tompkins Co., N. Y., 25 Feb., 1830; died in Catlin, Chemung Co., (now Schuyler), N. Y., 7 Sept., 1831.

3. Mary Etta, born in Catlin, N. Y., 26 April, 1832; married 28 Aug., 1866, in the City of Lansing, to James Van Kuren; now lives in Wheeling, West Virginia.

4. Emily Ann, born in Phelps, 9 Nov., 1839; married 9 Aug., 1865, in Phelps, to W. W. Minturn; now lives in Williamston, Ingham Co., Mich.

5. Phebe Maria, born in Phelps, 23 Nov., 1845; married in Phelps, 16 March, 1864, to Robert Martin Town; lives in Phelps.

6. Helen Gertrude, born in Phelps, 5 June 1850; unmarried; resides with her mother in Lansing.

III. PHEBE, daughter of Jason Horton and Sally Miller, born in Phelps, N. Y., 11 May, 1811; married to DAVID BEEMAN, 26 March, 1829; died 1 May, 1844, at Leoni, Jackson Co., Mich.

V. ISRAEL, son of Jason Horton and Sally Miller, born in Lansing, N. Y., 26 Feb., 1817; married in the town of Rathbone, Steuben Co., N. Y., 29 April, 1847, to ELIZA ADAMSON, daughter of John Adamson and Minerva Mulford, and born in Lindley, N. Y., 27 Jan., 1827.

Children, all born in Rathbone, except Nellie, born in Watkins, Schuyler Co., N. Y.:

1. Helen, born 29 Feb., 1848; died 9 Jan., 1849.

2. Florence, born 23 April, 1850.

3. Allie W., born 14 Dec., 1852.

4. Samuel B., born 30 June, 1854.

5. Israel, born 25 Dec., 1859.

6. Mary L., born 23 April, 1862.

7. Minnie, born 7 Jan., 1866.

8. Nellie, born 26 March, 1871.

"We moved from Rathbone to Morris Run, Pa., in 1870, and thence to Watkins, N. Y., 15 March, 1871, and 2 November, of the same year, moved back to Rathbone, and next from Rathbone to Merchantsville, N. Y., 1 April, 1872, and lastly to Williamston, Mich., where we are now located. Father's health is quite poor, he has been lame in one ankle from his boyhood, and while in Morris Run, Pa., he was nearly killed by the cars. Brother Israel has the old powder-horn, made by his great grandfather, Israel Horton, of Southold, L. I., N. Y. It descended to my father, by virtue of his name, Israel, and by him to Israel, my brother, who now has it, and it is to be handed down in regular succession to each of the family bearing the name of Israel. It will hold about three pounds of common rifle-powder; nicely carved on it are the words, 'Lieut. Israel Horton, his horn, made at Fort Stanwix, Nov. 3, 1758.' The same paint is yet on it that he put on it, and doubtless it will long be an heir-loom in the family of Israels."--Letter of Allie W. Horton, 1874.

VII. MINOR THOMAS, son of Jason Horton and Sally Miller, born in Phelps, N. Y., 2 June, 1819; married in Sandstone, Jackson Co., Mich., 7 October, 1841, by J. Haddock, Esq., to LUCINDA SOPHIA SPAULDING, daughter of Joseph Spaulding and Lucinda Spaulding, and born in Sandstone, Mich., 18 Sept., 1820.

Children, all born in Williamston, Mich.:

1. Charles Francis, born 23 Sept., 1842; died in Baltimore, Md., 19 March, 1864.

2. John, born 3 Sept., 1845; died in Williamston, Mich., accidentally shot, 9 July, 1863.

3. Joseph Nephi, born 23 Sept., 1850.

4. Matison B., born 24 Sept., 1852; died 30 Sept., 1858.

5. Mary Ann, born 23 Feb., 1855.

They reside in Williamston, Michigan.

I. JOHN MARTIN, son of John Horton and Rachael Hiler (Israel, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Phelps, N. Y., 30 Dec., 1819; married in Rushville, Ontario Co., N. Y., 25 Nov., 1851, by Rev. Robert Parker, to MARY MARTIN BOARDMAN, born in the town of Goshen, Ontario Co., N. Y., 30 Dec., 1824. She is the daughter of Jesse Churchill Boardman and Mary Bunyan.

Children, all born in Phelps:

1. Ellen Maria, born 25 June, 1853; died 19 Feb., 1859.

2. Cyrus Van Renssalaer, born 7 Oct., 1859.

"Our dear little daughter died where she was born. Should you ever visit the Pine Wood Cemetery, in Phelps, you will find a quite beautiful valley, shaded with evergreens, where she and her Grandpa Horton are buried, and they will be no doubt among those who have a part in the first resurrection, for they were true Christians."--Letter of Mrs. J. M. Horton.

The little girl whose death is mentioned above, was a remarkable instance of early piety. She possessed a precocious intellect, which very early became deeply pervaded with the religious element soon ripening into genuine Christianity. Her death-bed scene, though she was less than six years old, was like that of a matured Christian, exhibiting a brilliant trophy of Divine grace, deeply impressive and comforting to all who witnessed it.

II. SAMUEL MINNIS, son of John Horton and Rachael Hiler, born in Phelps, 29 Oct., 1836; married in Phelps, 19 March, 1867, by Rev. George Van Alstine, to SYLVIA ANN COLE, daughter of Cyrus Chapman Cole and Charity Boardman.

1. Julia May, born in Parma, Jackson Co., Mich., 4 May, 1868.

III. VAN RENSSALAER WAUGH, son of John Horton and Rachel Hiler, born in Phelps, N. Y., 11 Aug., 1829; married in Orleans, N. Y., 28 Aug., 1862, by Rev. Jacob Wader, to ROWENA SPENCER RAFTER, daughter of John Rafter and Eleanor Wilson, and born at Orleans, Phelps Township, 15 April, 1841.

1. Edgar Clayton, born at Clifton Springs, N. Y., 9 Feb., 1864; died 29 March, 1872. He was a wonderfully intellectual little boy. He seemed to pass through childhood and youth in a few months, and become, as it were, a man in intellect at the age of seven years. He died of scarlatina. On the third day, knowing that his sickness would prove fatal, he said, "Oh dear, I wish it would not be so long," and then added, "Methusalah only lived 969 years." At another time, when his father was fixing the pillow under his head, he said, "I would rather have a stone for my pillow, for Jacob, when he had a stone for his pillow, saw a ladder whose top reached to Heaven, and the Angels of God ascending and descending upon it." Just before he died he repeated the Lord's prayer, and then said, "I am ready to die and go to Heaven," and in a solemn tone, added, "I go down into deep water," and soon after, in a cheerful tone, exclaimed, "but I got into the Ark." On the evening of the third day of his sickness, without a struggle or a groan, "He neared the tide,--sunk as to cradle-rest and died."

2. Minerva Inez, born in Arcadia, N. Y., 6 Sept., 1866.

3. Carlton, born in Parma, Mich., 28 Oct., 1872.

IV. PETER DAVIS, son of John Horton and Rachael Hiler, born at Phelps, N. Y., 17 April, 1826; married in Arcadia, Wayne Co., N. Y., 8 Jan., 1855, by Edwin Pultz, Esq., to MARY SOPHIA AIKEN, daughter of William Burr Aiken and Mary Marinda Clark, and born in Arcadia, 3 Jan., 1836. They have one son, an only child:

George, born in Arcadia, 11 Oct., 1857; he graduated at Marshall College in June, 1874, with high honors. For his graduating thesis, he wrote a very pretty poem, which was published. He, also, during the last year of his college course, made a translation of a portion of Virgil, remarkable for its smooth versification, and also for retaining the sublimity of the original.

Mr. P. D. Horton is one of the best masters of penmanship in the country, is widely known as a teacher, and much respected; he resides in Marshall, Michigan.

V. WILLIAM PERSON, son of John Horton and Rachael Hiler, born at Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., 26 Dec., 1821; married by E. Jones, Esq., in Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y., 4 March, 1845, to PHEBE ANN BRINK, daughter of John Brink and Catherine Brink; she was born in Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y., 1 July, 1831.

1. John Marshall, born at Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y., 4 Dec., 1845.

2. Eunico De Maris, born at Huron, Wayne Co., N. Y., 6 Jan., 1847.

3. Hiler Hossmer, born at Barton, Washington Co., Wis., 22 June, 1858.

VI. EUNICE, daughter of John Horton and Rachael Hiler, born in Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., 13 Sept., 1833; married in Phelps, 21 July, 1859, by Rev. John Brown, to EDGAR PHINEAS LAKE, of Shelburn, Vermont, son of Hazleton Lake and Deborah Miller. He died 13 April, 1867.

Children, all born in Shelburn, Vermont:

1. Sarah Ina, born 28 July, 1862.

2. Daniel Horton, born 2 Dec., 1863.

3. Edgar Willie Hazleton, born 12 Aug., 1865.

4. Clara Mary, born 5 Aug., 1867.

Mrs. Lake is a very industrious, intelligent Christian lady, and resides at Shelburn, with her family well cared for.

I. JOSEPH DEMPSTER, son of Peter D. Horton and Hannah Couch (Israel, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Randolph, Portage Co., Ohio, 3 Jan., 1833; married 25 Dec., 1858, by Rev. Geo. Duffield, to FANNY FINLEY, daughter of Richard Finley and Ann Fitzpatrick.

1. Mary Hannah, born in Detroit, Mich., 16 Dec., 1859.

2. Jesse Ann, born in Detroit, Mich., 4 Nov., 1861.

3. Peter Dempster, born at Ravenna, Ohio, 13 Aug., 1865.

4. Fanny, born at Ravenna, Ohio, 27 Jan., 1870.

Joseph D. Horton is a lawyer of very fair ability and good reputation; he was a member of the recent Constitutional Convention of Ohio; he resides at Ravenna, Ohio.

II. THIRZA ANN, daughter of Peter D. Horton and Hannah Couch, born at Wesleyville, Erie Co., Pa., 12 April, 1836; died at Shalersville, O., 15 March, 1861, and was buried at Nelson, O.; unmarried.

III. CAPT. MARCUS CORNELIUS, son of Peter D. Horton and Hannah Couch, born at Nelson, O., 21 June, 1838. He was Captain of Co. D., 104th Reg. Ohio Vol. Infantry. He died at Dallas, Georgia, 28 May, 1864. He was buried at Nelson, O. He was much esteemed and respected, both as a man and as an officer, and his death was very greatly lamented.

IV. GEORGE WASHINGTON, son of Peter D. Horton and his 2d wife, Ann Chambers, born at Nelson, O., 2 Dec., 1849. He is a farmer, and resides at Nelson, O. He was married 15 Sept., 1875, at Nelson, Portage Co., by the Rev. John Vetter, to ERSIE F. VANDERSLICE, daughter of Benjamin P. Vanderslice and Sylvia W. Llewellen, and born at Hartstown, Crawford Co., Pa., 23 July, 1856.

I. HARRIET LACY, daughter of Uriah Horton and Elizabeth Fairchild (Jason, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Mendham, Morris Co., N. J., 6 April, 1811; married at Lambertville, 13 Sept., 1830, by the Rev. Peter O. Studdiford, to JAMES GORDON, son of David Gordon and Margaret West, and born in Trenton, N. J., 19 Dec., 1809. He died in New Orleans, 25 Nov., 1847.

1. Anna Elizabeth, born at Lambertville, N. J., 13 Feb., 1831.

2. William West, born at Kingston, N. J., 9 March, 1833.

3. Henry Barker, born at Kingston, N. J., 17 Jan., 1835; died at Uniontown, Pa., 12 Jan., 1841.

4. James, born in Trenton, N. J., 13 March, 1838.

5. Margaret West, born at Uniontown, Fayette Co., Pa., 12 Jan., 1841.

Mrs. Gordon now (1874) resides in Trenton, N. J., and is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

II. ANNA MARIA, daughter of Uriah Horton and Elizabeth Fairchild, born at White House, N. J., 15 April, 1813. She is a maiden lady--a member of the Baptist Church--is intelligent, possesses good social qualities, and is in easy circumstances.

BRACKEY, daughter of Uriah Horton and Elizabeth Fairchild, born at White House, N. J., 29 Feb., 1819; married at Headquarters, N. J., 22 Feb., 1839, by the Rev. Geo. Snyder, to ASA PRICE, son of Andrew Price and Mary Closson, and born at Lumberville, Pa., 2 Dec., 1807.

Children, all born at Lambertville, N. J.:

1. Andrew Jackson, born 25 January, 1840; died young.

2. Anna Elizabeth, born 20 December, 1841; married C. W. Kitchen.

3. Harriet Gordon, born 7 Feb., 1844; married David Taylor.

4. James Gordon, born 18 Nov., 1845; died young.

5. Catherine Hall, born 23 Aug., 1847; married George Johnson.

6. Martin Reeve, born 30 April, 1850; unmarried.

7. Lanning Harrison, born 15 June, 1853; unmarried.

8. Frank Allison, born 15 July, 1855; unmarried.

They reside at Lambertville, N. J.

VII. ALEXANDER HORACE, son of Uriah Horton and Elizabeth Fairchild, born at Lambertville, 16 Oct., 1821; married 4 May, 1843, by George Young, Esq., to CATHERINE CLINE DITMARS, daughter of Abraham Ditmars and Anne Moore, and born at Canandaigua, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1822.

Children, all born at Lambertville:

1. Elwood Ely, born 26 Dec., 1844; married 9 May, 1868--is a car painter by trade.

2. Emma Lilly, born 22 Feb., 1846; died 22 May, 1849.

3. Edward Chandler, born 7 May, 1848; died 30 Nov., 1850.

4. Albert, born 31 Oct., 1850--a civil engineer.

5. Emma, born 28 Nov., 1852; died 6 Jan., 1863.

6. Annie Elizabeth, born 3 June, 1854--a music teacher in Virginia.

7. William Large, born 20 Jan., 1859; died 2 Jan., 1865.

8. George McClelland, born 2 Aug., 1861; died 19 Jan., 1862.

I. GEORGE WASHINGTON, son of Nathaniel Thompson and Sarah Horton (Jeremiah, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y., 2 March, 1824; married 5 Jan., 1848, CHARITY CONKLIN, daughter of Sylvester Conklin and Charity Reynolds, and born in Monroe, 15 April, 1826.

Children, both born in Monroe:

1. Mary, born 18 Nov., 1851; died 12 May, 1857.

2. Georgianna, born 25 July, 1855.

Mrs. Thompson died 1875; she was a lady of refinement, possessing fine social qualities, tenderness of heart, and correct moral and Christian character. She was greatly afflicted with feeble health for several years before her death; but she always bore her sufferings with cheerfulness and Christian resignation.

I. SARAH MARIAH, daughter of Benjamin G. Horton and Sarah Jane Stuart (Jeremiah, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Blooming Grove, Orange Co.; married at Blooming Grove, 14 Feb., 1861, by Rev. Austin Craig, to HENRY VAN CLEFT, son of Lewis Van Cleft and Henrietta W. Cooper, and born 25 Nov., 1834. Sarah Mariah H. Van Cleft died 30 Aug., 1871, leaving three children, viz.:

Henrietta, Anna and Elizabeth.

Mr. Van Cleft is a farmer and dealer in cattle.

IV. CARRIE S., sister of Sarah Mariah (above), married at Vail's Gate, Orange Co., N. Y., 29 Nov., 1871, to HENRY VAN CLEFT, being his 2d wife.

1. Lewis Horton.

2. Parmelie.

VI. JEREMIAH HENRY, son of Benjamin G. Horton and Sarah Jane Stuart, born in Blooming Grove, 20 Dec., 1844; married in Newburgh, 20 Aug., 1872, by Rev. Andrew Longacre, to MARY SMITH PARMELEE, daughter of John W. Parmelee and Catharine Cole Smith, and born in Newburgh, 31 March, 1846. Have one child:

Lizzie (Elizabeth) Smith, born 19 July, 1873, in Newburgh.

J. H. Horton is a retired merchant. He and his wife are both very acceptable members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

I. JASON, son of Ebenezer Horton and Mary Terry (John, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Terrytown, Pa., 13 July, 1807; married in Albany, Pa., 29 Dec., 1835, by Thomas Ingham, Esq., to OLIVIA LADD, daughter of Horatio Ladd and Asenath Ives, and born 20 May, 1810. She died at Terrytown, 11 Sept., 1847. He married again in Terry, 5 Jan., 1848, by Thos. Ingham, Esq., to ROXEY COVEY, daughter of John Covey and Mary Sabens, and born in Grafton, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 15 July, 1819.

Children, all born in the township of Terry. By first wife:

1. Jane Asenath, born 20 Nov., 1836; died 15 July, 1837.

2. James, born 15 July, 1840; died 17 July, 1840.

3. Jane, born 4 Nov., 1848; married in Elmira, N. Y., to Daniel Dunham; has one son.

4. Mary Louisa, born 9 Aug., 1850; died of croup, 23 Jan., 1855.

5. Josephine Adela, born 22 May, 1852.

6. Liberty Ann, born 4 July, 1854.

7. Phebe Theresa, born 27 Jan., 1857.

8. Eunice Martha, born 30 Aug., 1859.

9. George Firman, born 26 Dec., 1861.

10. Infant son, born 4 Oct., 1864; died before naming.

Jason Horton is a farmer, has been a merchant, a hotel keeper and a Justice of the Peace for one term of five years. He made a public profession of Christianity in 1871, and united with the Baptist Church, of Terrytown, Rev. B. Jones officiating at his Baptism.

II. NATHANIEL TERRY, son of Ebenezer Horton and Mary Terry, born at the old homestead of Ebn'r Horton, in Asylum, now Wilmot, Pa., 5 Jan., 1808; married in Albany, Pa., 15 Dec., 1851, by George Burdick, Esq., to MEHALA HANCOCK, daughter of Amasa Hancock and Delilah Vincent, and born in Terry, about 1833.

1. Fred., born in Albany, 12 Nov., 1852.

2. Frank, born in Albany 31 Dec., 1855.

3. Mary Emma, born in Wilmot, 29 Dec., 1865.

N. T. Horton is a farmer and lumber dealer, was Captain of a militia company in 1835.

III. JULIA, daughter of Ebenezer Horton and Mary Terry, born in Wilmot, Pa., 6 Oct., 1810; married in Wilmot, 21 Nov., 1833, by Thomas Ingham, Esq., to SAMUEL E. MILLER, son of John Miller and Lydia Gilbert, and born at Frenchtown, Pa., in 1808.

1. Mary Jane, born in Wilmot, 19 Oct., 1834; married Geo. Capwell.

2. Debbie Terry, born in Wilmot, 13 Sept., 1836; married Jacob Place.

3. Perry Commodore, born in Terry, 12 May, 1839.

4. Ebenezer Horton, born in Wilmot, 22 Sept., 1842; died in the army in 1864.

IV. EUNICE, daughter of Ebenezer Horton and Mary Terry, born in Asylum, now Wilmot, Pa., 7 Sept., 1812; married at the old homestead, 6 July, 1837, by Ephraim Beeman, Esq., to JAMES HORACE TURRELL, son of Beebe H. Turrell and Olive Turrell, and born 1 Nov., 1809; died in Wilmot, 3 Sept., 1863. She is still living, and has been a worthy member of the Baptist Church for about fifty years.

Children, all born in Wilmot:

1. Phebe, born 30 April, 1839; married Morris Turrell; they reside in Kansas.

2. Sarah Jane, born 24 Aug., 1844; died 8 Oct., 1844.

3. Lydia Ann, born 8 July, 1845; unmarried.

4. Mary Adela, born 10 May, 1848; died 8 May, 1863.

5. Jas. Henry, born 21 May, 1850.

Mr. James H. Turrell was a farmer and lumber manufacturer. He was a prompt business man--a Justice of the Peace for five years, and enjoyed the confidence and respect of all who knew him. He began the world with nothing, but at the time of his death he was worth a fine property.

V. HIRAM, son of Ebenezer Horton and Mary Terry, born in Wilmot, 7 June, 1815. He is unmarried, and has lived all his life at the old homestead--is a farmer and lumber manufacturer.

VI. EBENEZER, son of Ebenezer Horton and Mary Terry, born in Wilmot, 4 April, 1817; married in Terry, to ELLEN MINERVA CRANDALL, daughter of Josias G. Crandall and Olive Burdick, and born in Grafton, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 18 Oct., 1823.

Children, born in Albany, Bradford Co., Pa.:

1. Eunice Alice, born 10 Sept., 1855.

2. John Edmund, born 4 March, 1857.

3. Olive Turrell, born 14 Feb., 1859.

4. Mary Jane, born 27 March, 1863.

Ebenezer Horton's residence was in Albany, Pa., but he died at his father's old residence in Wilmot, where he had gone to spend the closing days of his life with his mother and her family. He was an industrious, upright farmer, esteemed by all who knew him. His widow and family still occupy his old homestead, and live comfortably.

VII. ADELA, daughter of Ebenezer Horton and Mary Terry, born in Asylum, now Wilmot, Penn'a, 13 April, 1819; married in Towanda, by Elhanan Smith, Esq., 5 Feb., 1840, to CHESTER SCHOONOVER, son of Joseph Schoonover and Rachel Corsaw, and born near where the city of Binghamton now stands, 17 April, 1817.

Children, all born in Terry:

1. Infant son, stillborn in Nov., 1840.

2. John Horton, born 24 Jan., 1842; married Emily Jones.

Adela Horton Schoonover died March, 1844, and he married 2. in Sussex Co., N. J., by the Rev. Mr. Bookstaver, to ELIZA HORNBECK, daughter of Cornelius Hornbeck. They live in Terry. He has for many years been a preacher of the Old School Baptist Church.

VIII. JANE, daughter of Ebenezer Horton and Mary Terry, born in Asylum, now Wilmot, Penn'a, 22 July, 1821; married LEHMAN TURRELL, brother of J. H. Turrell. They reside in West Webster, Monroe Co., N. Y., no children. They are both worthy members of the M. E. Church. He is a carpenter and joiner by trade.

IX. LYDIA ANN, daughter of Ebenezer Horton and Mary Terry, born in Wilmot, 4 February, 1825; married in Wilmot, 27 Feb., 1851, by Henry Gaylord, Esq., to MOSES THOMPSON SLOTERY, son of Daniel Slotery and Elizabeth Firman, and born in Allentown, Pa., 22 July, 1829.

1. George Zachary, born 1st March, 1852.

2. Eunice Jennie, born 27 Dec., 1853; married Amasa Davids.

3. Ella Elizabeth, born 30 Sept., 1855.

4. Julia Adela, born 9 August, 1857.

I. ELMORE, son of Maj. John Horton, Jr., and Nancy Miller, born at Terrytown, 6 May, 1817; married in Wyalusing, 22 August, 1843, to MARY STONE, daughter of Raphael Stone and Mary Ingham, and born in Wyalusing, 8 Dec., 1815.

Children, all born at Sugar Run, Pa.:

1. George Hamilton, born 8 August, 1844.

2. Sarah Nancy, born 24 May, 1846.

3. Rowena Eliza, born 19 Oct., 1850; a very acceptable school-teacher.

4. Twins, born 28 Feb., 1849; died at birth.

Elmore Horton and family reside at Sugar Run, Bradford Co., Pa. He is a farmer and lumberman; was an engineer on the Pennsylvania canal when a young man; has some part of his life been engaged in mercantile business. His son is now one of the partners in carrying on a general country store and doing a fair business.

II. MARY, daughter of Maj. John Horton, Jr., and Nancy Miller, born at Terrytown, 19 Nov., 1818; married at Terrytown, 15 June, 1841, by Rev. Geo. Printz, to DR. NATHAN WELLS, son of Nathan Wells and Sarah Coleman, and born in Orange Co., N. Y., 15 Oct., 1815. Dr. Wells and wife are esteemed members of the Presbyterian Church. They settled at Meshoppen, Wyoming Co., Pa., soon after their marriage, where they reside at the present time. The Doctor is a first class physician, has done a large business, has accumulated a fine property, and is universally esteemed, both as a physician and worthy citizen. He was Associate Judge of Wyoming Co. for one term of five years.

1. Elmore Horton Wells, born in Braintrem, Pa., 19 April, 1842. He received the degree of A. M. at the Michigan University, and also graduated at Bellevue Medical College, N. Y., in the class of 1872. He was married at Meshoppen, 8 May, 1873, by Rev. Clark Salmon, to Lavinia W. Eppes; born at Petersburg, Va., 12 July, 1853. He resides at Meshoppen, practices medicine, and also keeps quite an extensive drug store.

2. Lydia Louisa, born at Meshoppen, 23 Nov., 1845; married 9 Jan., 1867, at Meshoppen, by Rev. C. R. Lane, to Thos. Alfred Wickham; born at Tioga, Pa. They reside in Tioga. He is a merchant.

3. Mary Helen, born at Meshoppen, 31 Oct., 1850; married at Meshoppen, by Rev. Dr. Colt, 20 Feb., 1872, to Joseph W. Bishop; born at Wysox, Pa., in 1847.

4. Nancy Amanda, born at Meshoppen, 21 Jan., 1853; unmarried.

III. ORICE MILLER, daughter of Maj. John Horton, Jr., and Nancy Miller, born at Terrytown, 16 Jan., 1821; married at Terrytown, 1 Sept., 1840, by Rev. Geo. Printz, to AUSTIN STALFORD, son of Benjamin Stalford and Urania Turrell, and born in Wyalusing, Pa., 15 Dec., 1812. He settled first in Browntown, Pa., remained there until 1852, when he moved to Rochelle, Ill. He carried on a large farming business. They were both members of the Presbyterian Church, and he was a ruling elder. He died suddenly whilst harnessing his horse to go to the meeting of the Presbytery in Chicago, on the 14 Oct., 1868.

Children: 1, 2, 3, born in Wyalusing; 4, born at Elkhorn, Ill.; 5, born at Rochelle.

1. Charles Lewis, born 18 Dec., 1844; married.

2. Rowena Horton, born 23 March, 1847; married; lives in London, Eng.

3. Matthew Armstrong, born 18 Dec., 1850; married.

4. Urania Ann, born 10 Feb., 1844.

5. John Horton, born 16 Feb., 1863; lives with his mother.

J. H. Horton]

The widow and family, except Rowena, reside near the village of Rochelle; are well-to do farmers. Charles L.'s wife is a lady of refinement and education, is a teacher and writer; many of her poetical lines are excellent, and some of them have been published.

IV. JOHN MILLER, son of Maj. John Horton, Jr., and Nancy Miller, born at Terrytown, 7 Feb., 1823; married in Huntington, Pa., 13 Nov., 1849, by Rev. E. Wadsworth, to SUSAN L. BACON, daughter of Rev. Septimeus Bacon.

Children, all born at Terrytown:

1. Henry Bacon, born 30 Sept., 1850; now in U. S. Army.

2. Florence Eudora, born 19 Oct., 1851; died 21 Feb., 1854.

3. Shepherd Bacon, born 28 Aug., 1852; died 22 Aug., 1860.

4. Leonard Moss, born 30 June, 1854; clerk and book-keeper in Scranton; member of Baptist Church.

5. James Bacon, born 26 Sept., 1856; he is clerk in a store at Huntington.

6. John Miller, born Oct., 1861; died when two days old.

John M. Horton was a shoemaker and hotel-keeper, a very industrious and public spirited man. He built the Terrytown Hotel, and kept it in such a manner as to make it superior to most of the country hotels. He died suddenly in the midst of his usefulness, 24 April, 1861, greatly lamented by all who knew him.

JOSEPH HOMET HORTON was born 2 June, 1842, at Terrytown, Bradford Co., Pa., the youngest son of Major John Horton, and the only son of his wife, Lydia Horton, nee Kimball.

In boyhood Joseph possessed a person of rare physical beauty, and evinced a bright and happy disposition. He was frank spoken, open, genial and social. His native industry, all through his childhood and youth, displayed great aptitude for business. In all these respects, as was the boy so is the man.

After availing himself of the schools of his native town, in his 16th year he entered upon the English and the commercial courses of study, in the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute, at Towanda, remaining there through 1858 and 1859. He then continued as an efficient clerk in his father's store until August, 1862.

The war for the Union had burst upon the nation. His heart was ablaze with enthusiasm for the Constitution and the Union. His father was proud of the valor and patriotism of his young son. Joseph had become as his right hand, and was his main-stay in business. The fond father hesitated to spare a son so dear to his heart, and so essential to the success of his affairs. At length, like tens of thousands of other fathers, he made the sacrifice for his country, consented, and allowed Joseph to enlist on the 7th of August, 1862, at Wyalusing, under Captain George W. Jackson, in Company "A," of the 141st Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers. Joseph was a week afterwards (August 14th,) elected 1st Lieutenant of this Company.

In September his Regiment was assigned to the 1st Brigade of Birney's (formerly Kearney's) Division in the 3d Army Corps. It was almost immediately put into most active service. Five days after his first battle (that of Fredericksburg,) Lieut. Horton was made Captain of his Company, viz.: on the 18th of December.

On the 4th day of the following May (1863) Captain Horton was engaged with his Regiment in the battle of Chancellorville, Virginia. The Regiment went into this engagement with 419 men, and during the fight had 234 killed or wounded; and for its firm constancy and bravery was warmly complimented, both by General Birney and General Graham.

At Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in July, 1863, this Regiment was again actively engaged. And of Capt. Horton, Gen. Madill, in his report says: "Capt. Horton, though severely stunned by concussion of shell, remained in the field, and I am greatly indebted to him for his services, as he was the only Captain left with the Regiment." On the 3d of July, at Gettysburg, Capt. Horton commanded the Regiment. At the morning roll-call of this fearful day, 198 men answered to their names; of this number, 136 were either killed or wounded. On the 31st of the following January (1864) Captain Horton was commissioned Major, commanding his Regiment. And on the 28th of the next month (February, 1864,) he was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding his Regiment until Lee's surrender, April 9th, 1865.

On the 12th of May, Col. Horton was wounded, during the engagement at Spottsylvania, Virginia, by a gun-shot through his left forearm and in his left hip.

During his wounded condition, he was visited by his uncle, Hon. George F. Horton, M. D., and was tenderly nursed by his sister Louisa, wife of Hon. Uriah Terry. While convalescing, and not yet well enough to take the field, he was appointed on several Courts-Martial, and also had charge of several convoys of new men, conducting them to posts along the southern sea-board.

With his Regiment, he was honorably mustered out of the service at the close of the war, May 28th, 1865.

Of Col. Horton's old Company "A," consisting of 117 members, there were killed, 16; died, 9; discharged for disability, 20; discharged for wounds, 15; transferred to veteran corps for wounds, 7; transferred to 57th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, for unexpired term of service, 14; absent in hospital, wounded, 4; dishonorably discharged, 1; leaving, at the mustering out of the Regiment, of the whole 117, only 31.

Col. Horton was engaged in the following battles, namely: Fredericksburg, Cedars, Chancellorville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Petersburg, Weldon Railroad, White-Oak Road, Sailors' Creek, and at Lee's surrender; besides participating in many small skirmishes.

Honorably freed from his military service by the happy close of the war, Col. Horton hasted home to be the business stay of his aged father, and was actively engaged in mercantile pursuits up to 1871.

In October (24th) 1866, he was married, at Worcester, Massachusetts, to ABBY H. NEWCOMB, only daughter of Charles and Lucy R. Newcomb, of that city. Miss Lucy Sanderson Horton is their only child; she was born December 18th, 1872.

Since 1871, Col. Horton has been living at Birch Creek (formerly Bernice Colliery), Sullivan County, Pa., and is Superintendent of "The Sullivan Anthracite Coal Company's" works, located at that place.

The high appreciation in which he is held by the Company, is shared by the community under his employ, who have several times combined in tendering to him, as their Superintendent and considerate friend, testimonials of large intrinsic value, but still more valuable as evidences of their cordial and grateful esteem.

The Republicans of his County unanimously urged him as their nominee for Congress in the fall of 1874, but were overruled by the other Counties of the District.

II. JULIA, daughter of Geo. F. Horton and Abigail Terry (John, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Terrytown, Bradford Co., Pa., 24 Oct., 1834; married at Terrytown, 11 June, 1861, by Rev. D. Cook, of the Presbyterian Church, to CHARLES STEVENS HOMET, son of Charles Homet and Lucy Stevens, and grandson of Frederick Nicholas Charles Homet and Maria Theresa Scheilenger, who were born in France, the former being one of the commissaries of the household of Louis XVI., the latter one of the chambermaids of the Queen. At the fall of Louis they made their escape and came to America. They had never had any acquaintance with each other until they found themselves passengers on the same ship to this country. Their acquaintance on the ship soon ripened into a mutual attachment, and on their arrival in New York they were married. After tarrying awhile at Bottle Hill, now Madison, in New Jersey, where Charley, the 1st child, was born, they came to Asylum, settling for two years away back in the wilderness, but at length on the Susquehanna River, where Francis X. Homet, Esq., now resides.

C. S. Homet was born in Asylum 20 May, 1830; settled in Wyalusing in 1861, where he now resides, and is a successful farmer. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church, and he is one of the elders.

1. William Horton, born 22 March, 1862.

2. Eliza Horton, born 5 Dec., 1865.

3. Francis, born 27 August, 1869.

III. JANE ELIZABETH, daughter of Geo. F. Horton and Abigail Terry, born at Terrytown, 6 June, 1837; married at Terrytown, 11 June, 1861, by Rev. D. Cook, to REV. DAVID CRAFT, son of William Craft and Phebe Baker, and born in Carmel, Putnam Co., N. Y., 3 Oct., 1832.

He graduated at Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., in the class of 1857, was Principal of the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute at Towanda during the years 1857-'58-'59; spent some six months in Princeton Theological Seminary in 1859 and '60; commenced his ministry in Terrytown, 1860, was ordained by the Susquehanna Presbytery, in August, 1862, and went into the army as chaplain of the 141st Pa. Volunteers in August, 1862, served for about a year, and then resigned on account of ill-health, and returned to Bradford Co., was installed pastor of the 2d Presbyterian Church, Wyalusing, 28 Feb., 1866, and also installed pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Terrytown, 1st March, 1866.

Children, born in Terrytown:

1. Abigail Horton, born 12 March, 1863.

2. George Horton, born 6 Nov., 1868.

They reside at the parsonage in Wyalusing, Pa.

IV. WILLIAM TERRY, son of Geo. F. Horton and Abigail Terry, born at Terrytown, 9 April, 1839; married at Auburn, Susquehanna Co., 14 June, 1871, by Rev. G. Greenfield, to PRUDENCE BEARDSLEY, daughter of John Beach Beardsley and Lucy S. Kasson, and born in Auburn, 27 Oct., 1842.

Children, born at Terrytown:

1. Charles Beardsley, born 13 April, 1872.

2. Nancy Terry, born 15 May, 1873.

W. T. Horton is a farmer and merchant at Terrytown. He volunteered in the service of his country in July, 1862, assisted in raising Co. A, 141 Regiment Pa. Volunteers, Infantry, and was chosen 2d Lieutenant. He was honorably discharged per order of the Secretary of War, by reason of chronic diarrhœa, in Dec., 1862. He shortly afterwards engaged in the service again as clerk in the Quarter Master's department, at Murfreesboro, Tenn., where he remained until the close of the war.

V. JOHN BURLEIGH, son of Geo. F. Horton and Abigail Terry, born at Terrytown, 8 Jan., 1842; married at West Danby, Tompkins Co., N. Y., 24 Feb., 1875, by Rev. Wm. Sharp, to EVA LAMIRA TUPPER, daughter of James Sturdevant Tupper and Lamira Truesdell, and born in Rush, Susquehanna Co., Pa., 12 April, 1851.

John B. Horton is a farmer and merchant at Terrytown.

[Illustration: As Ever Yours

Debbie E. H. Hillis]

VI. DEBBIE EMILY, daughter of Geo. F. Horton and Abigail Terry, born at Terrytown, 7 Nov., 1843; married at Terrytown, 30 June, 1868, by Rev. D. Craft, to WILLIAM JAMES HILLIS, M. D., son of Richard Hillis and Margaret Nesbit, and born in Herrick, Bradford Co., Pa., in 1841. He commenced the practice of medicine at Barclay, Bradford Co., Pa., where he commenced housekeeping, but his wife's health failing, she returned to Terrytown, where she died from tuberculosis; vide obituary.

VII. NANCY TERRY, daughter of Geo. F. Horton and Abigail Terry, born at Terrytown, 15 July, 1846; vide obituary:

HILLIS.--On Friday, March 26th, 1869, at the residence of her father, Dr. G. F. Horton, in Terrytown, Mrs. Deborah E., wife of Dr. W. J. Hillis, of Barclay. She was born Nov., 1844, born again Feb., 1866, and has passed from earth to heaven.

The following lines were written by a lady in the West, on the death of Mrs. HILLIS:


She faded away in the early spring-time, Ere Nature put on her robe of green, And with a peaceful look in her clear blue eyes, She calmly passed to the land unseen.

Oh, she has gone from us; so young and so fair, Wearing all the charms of youthful bloom, And around our hearts there comes a deep sadness, O'ershadowing us in midnight gloom,

Earth's tenderest ties were twined around her, And fain would we have had her stay; But angels around the throne were beckoning As if to hasten her flight away.

No fear of death could blanch her marble cheek, Nor dim the pure lustre of her eye; Through faith she looked above this fleeting world, Where joys immortal ne'er fade or die.

Her face was radiant with heavenly glory As she murmured a parting prayer, And then we knew, by her saint-like beauty, That the seal of death was written there.

We miss her, yes, we miss the cheerful sunshine That she cast on every side, And we mourn the crushed and blighted hopes, Of a fond and loving bride.

But there's a light to lure us homeward, In this sorrowing world of ours; And we'll strive to meet the dearly loved one Where forever bloom unfading flowers.

E. I. P. S.

Rochelle, Ill., May, 1869.

HORTON.--In Terrytown, Jan. 7, 1872, Miss Nancy T., daughter of Dr. G. F. and Abigail Horton, aged 25 years.

Decided in her convictions, yet with charity for all, amiable in disposition and warm in her affections, she won a large circle of friends, who sympathize with her immediate relatives in this bereavement. She availed herself of every advantage afforded to store her mind with useful knowledge. Diligent as a pupil, she was successful as a teacher, exhibiting unflagging energy and patience in the school room, she surpassed most in securing the love and advancement of her pupils. She was sustained through a long and painful illness by an unfaltering trust in her covenant keeping Saviour, and with her feet firmly set on the Rock of Ages by a living faith, fearlessly entered the dark valley, fearing no evil.

[Illustration: Truly Yours

Nancy T. Horton]

She referred to the following stanzas, as expressing her own hopes when near the close of her earthly existence, and which are inserted for this as well as for their exquisite beauty:



One sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er-- I'm nearer to my home to-day Than I have been before.

Nearer my Father's house, Where the many mansions be, Nearer the great white throne, Nearer the crystal sea.

Nearer the bound of life, Where we lay our burdens down, Nearer leaving the cross, Nearer gaining the crown!

But lying darkly between, Winding down through the night, Is the silent, unknown stream That leads at last to the light.

Closer and closer my steps Come to the dread abysm; Closer Death to my lips Presses the awful chrism.

Oh! if my mortal feet Have almost gained the brink; If it be I am nearer home, Even to-day, than I think;

Father, perfect my trust, Let my spirit feel in death That her feet are firmly set On the rock of a living faith.

[From the Presbyterian.]

In Terrytown, Pa., on the 7th inst., Miss Nancy T. daughter of Dr. G. F. and Abigail Horton, aged twenty-five years. Born of pious parents, from infancy she enjoyed the advantages of religious culture. In early life she made profession of faith in Christ, and ever after adorned that profession with a consecrated life and godly deportment. She was among the first to unite with the then recently organized Presbyterian church at Terrytown, which she loved with the ardor of a sanctified affection. Possessed of unusual decision of character and strong convictions of the truth of her opinions, she nevertheless exercised a broad charity for those whom she thought conscientiously differed from her. Her amiability, intelligence, purity, and warm affection won her a large circle of friends, over whom she had great influence. Her end was peace, and in full assurance of a blessed immortality. One incident, among many others, may be given as illustrating the ground of her confidence. Shortly before her death, clasping her arms around her brother's neck, she whispered:

"Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to the cross I cling."

This simple clinging to the cross was her support through the long months of wasting sickness, the secret of her patience in suffering, and the staff of her strength through the valley of the shadow of death.


VIII. MARY ELIZA, daughter of Geo. F. Horton and Abigail Terry, born at Terrytown, 24, April, 1850, married at Terrytown, 1 Oct., 1873, by Rev. D. Craft, to WILLIAM ROSS SUTTON, son of Oliver C. Sutton and Harriet Maria Ross, and grandson of Robert Blaine Sutton and Juliette Bradley, and born in Lyons, 27 Nov., 1850. He is a farmer, and also engaged in the manufacture and sale of an improved forcing pump. They reside in Lyons, N. Y.

I. JAMES GALLOWAY, son of Samuel Todd Horton and Mary Galloway (Joseph Lee, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Palmyra, N. Y., 23 Feb., 1813; married 26 Jan., 1832, by the Rev. Mr. Allen, to HANNAH MARIA HORTON, daughter of Benjamin Horton and Hannah Vance, and born at Belvale, Orange Co., N. Y., 7 May, 1811. She died at Atlas, Mich., 19 April, 1847, leaving four children, all born in Atlas, viz.:

1. Samuel Townsend, born 25 Nov., 1835, the first white male child ever born in Atlas.

2. Milton Augustus, born 27 Oct., 1838.

3. William Henry, born 1 April, 1842; he was a Union soldier, served three years, and was honorably discharged; died in Flint, Mich., 10 June, 1867.

4. Maria Eloise, born 29 Oct., 1844; died 29 August, 1845.

Married 2. in Atlas, 16 July, 1848, to ADALINE SUSAN DORR BALDWIN, daughter of Dr. Cyrus Baldwin, of Berkshire, Mass., and Susan Dorr, of Boston. Susan Dorr was a daughter of Joseph Dorr, made historic from the fact that he was a prominent man of the party who threw the tea overboard in Boston Harbor. Dr. Baldwin was the founder of the village of Baldwinsville, N. Y. J. G. Horton, in a letter of August 26, 1874, says: "We moved from Palmyra to Michigan when it was yet a territory. We were three miles from any white settlers, but we had plenty of Indians. Where the city of Flint now stands, it was then all a dense wilderness, and when the town of Atlas was organized, forty years ago, we had seventeen votes all told. The county of Genesee has now twelve flourishing villages besides the city of Flint, which has a population of about eleven thousand."

By his 2. wife he has one daughter, Mary Susan, born in Atlas, 22 May, 1851. They moved from Atlas to Flint in 1859, where they now reside. He is a farmer and surveyor.

[Illustration: Benj^m Fisk Horton.

St. Louis.]

III. IRA JOSEPH, son of Samuel Todd Horton and Mary Galloway, born 1 April, 1815, in Palmyra, N. Y.; married in Palmyra, 21 April, 1836, by Rev. H. V. Jones (Baptist) to RUTH HOWARD SPEAR, daughter of Lemuel Spear and Sarah Rogers, and born in Mendon, N. Y., 23 June, 1815.

Children, all born in Atlas, Genesee Co., Mich.:

1. Newman Norris, born 29 July, 1838.

2. Carlton Ira, born 3 Sept., 1841; married Marietta Frost.

3. Mary Ann, born 7 Nov., 1844; died Dec. 9, 1863.

4. Marvin Julius, born 30 Nov., 1848.

5. Charlie Albert, born 13 August, 1857.

Lemuel Spear was born in Conn., died in Macedon, N. Y. Sarah Rogers was born in Vermont, died in Palmyra, N. Y.

CYNTHIA E., daughter of Samuel Todd Horton and Mary Galloway, born in Palmyra, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1818; married in Palmyra, 12 Jan., 1837, to ABRAM NORRIS, born in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 28 April, 1809. He died.

Children: They have had six children,--one son and five daughters. Three daughters are dead. The son and two daughters living. Names and dates not given. Mrs. Norris resides in Buffalo, N. Y. A more full account was promised, but it has never been received.

I. MARY ELIZABETH, daughter of Milton Horton and Lydia Bennett (Benjamin, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Belvale, N. Y., 10 Aug., 1822; married about 1842, to NELSON BROWN; died 24 March, 1864.

2. Edith.

3. Jessie.

II. BENJAMIN, son of Milton Horton and Lydia Bennett, born at Belvale. N. Y., 19 Dec., 1823; married 1 Sept., 1852, in Cincinnati, Ohio, by the Rev. J. W. Weakly, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to CARRIE HART, daughter of William and Mary C. Hart, and born in Cincinnati, 6 Feb., 1833.

1. William Milton, born in Cincinnati, 26 Jan., 1854.

2. Carrie Ben, born in Cincinnati, 11 April, 1856.

3. Cornelius Comegzes, born in Cincinnati, 18 March, 1858; died in Feb., 1870.

4. Mary Kate, born in St. Louis, Mo., 1 May, 1860.

5. Benjamin Fisk, born in St. Louis, Mo., 25 Jan., 1862.

6. Augustus George, born in St. Louis, Mo., 21 Dec., 1865; died in Nov., 1866.

7. Monroe, born in St. Louis, Mo., 5 Oct., 1869.

Benjamin Horton went to Cincinnati in early life, and remained there until 1859, when he moved to St. Louis, where he now resides. He is principal of the firm of "B. Horton & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Tin Plate, Metals, &c.," of St. Louis. He is a prominent and much respected citizen, and highly esteemed by all who know him. He and his wife are both active and worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which they have been connected for twenty-six years.

III. TOWNSEND NICHOLAS, son of Milton Horton and Lydia Bennett, born at Belvale, 8 March, 1826. In 1835 he moved with his father to Milan, Ohio, remained there until 1855, when he went to La Crosse, and was one of the early founders of the city, assisting the early settlers in surveying and laying it out. He shared the confidence of the community, was elected a member of the Legislature, and gave promise of future usefulness as a statesman. He met with success as a merchant at West Salem. On his way to New York for goods he was killed, at the dreadful disaster on the Erie Railway, at Carr's Rock, fourteen miles west of Port Jervis, which occurred on the 13 April, 1868. He lived forty-eight hours after the accident. His sudden and shocking death cast a deep gloom over all the village where he lived. He was buried in West Salem.

IV. EUNICE LUCADA, daughter of Milton Horton and Lydia Bennett, born at Belvale, 27 Dec., 1827; married in Cincinnati, Ohio, to CALEB EVANS.

1. Kate.

3. Susie.

5. Lucella.

6. Carrie.

V. HANNAH, daughter of Milton Horton and Lydia Bennett, born at Belvale, 19 Aug., 1829; married at Milan, Ohio, by Rev. Mr. Barret, to CALEB OAKES.

1. Lydia.

2. Emma.

3. Milton.

4. Burton.

5. Benjamin.

VI. SARAH DELIA, daughter of Milton Horton and Lydia Bennett, born at Belvale, 3 June, 1831; married at Milan, by Rev. Alfred Wheeler, to A. G. SMITH; died 15 July, 1859. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and greatly beloved by her Christian friends. She had one child--Dudley; he also died.

VII. JOSEPHINE DEBORAH, daughter of Milton Horton and Lydia Bennett, born at Belvale, 17 July, 1834. She is an accomplished maiden lady, and a successful teacher in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is a lady of marked piety and much beloved.

VIII. EMMA ALMA, daughter of Milton Horton and Lydia Bennett, born in Milan, Ohio, 4 Sept., 1836; married at West Salem, by Rev. Mr. Clark, to WILLIAM UPTON, about 1866. One child--Lucius.

II. CAPT. BENJAMIN JASON, son of Nicholas Townsend Horton and Sarah Van Orden (Benjamin, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in New York City, 13 Feb., 1831; moved with his father to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1832, and here he grew up to manhood, and was married on the 18 April, 1858, by the Rev. Chauncey Giles, to VIRGINIA YEATMAN, daughter of Walker M. Yeatman and Eva Ammon, and born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 8 Feb., 1835. Eva Ammon is a sister of Gen. Jacob Ammon, formerly of the U. S. Regular Army, and also of Commodore Daniel Ammon, of the U. S. Navy.

1. Eva, born at Glendale, Ohio, 16 Nov., 1861.

2. Alice Yeatman, born in Glendale, Ohio, 12 Dec., 1863.

3. Richard Scott, born in Glendale, Ohio, 21 Feb., 1866.

4. Thomas Yeatman, born in Cincinnati, 7 March, 1868.

5. Benjamin Yeatman, born in Lawrence, Kansas, 8 Sept., 1872.

Capt. B. J. Horton graduated at Yale College, in 1852; read law with the Hon. Timothy Walker, of Cincinnati, closing up with a six months' term at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass. He was admitted to the bar in 1854. At the breaking out of the great Rebellion he volunteered in the service of his country, and entered the army as 1st Lieutenant of Co. "I," 24th Ohio Vol. Inf., and was placed on the staff of Col. Nelson; and after Gen. Nelson's death, he was on the staff of Maj. Gen. Gilbert. He was in the action at the taking of Nashville; at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, also at the taking of Corinth, and went as far as Athens, Alabama; then came to Kentucky with Gen. Nelson, and was at the battle of Richmond, Kentucky, and at the battle of Perryville, on the staff of Gen. Gilbert, and subsequently in command of Co. "I," 24th Ohio Vol. Inf., at Stone River, where he lost his left leg, and received several other wounds. He was honorably discharged from the service in August, 1863. He is now engaged in the practice of law at Lawrence, Kansas.

VIII. The HON. DEXTER HORTON, son of Henry W. Horton and Adah Jennings (Joseph, Israel, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Groveland, 24 June, 1836; married 25 April, 1861, by O. H. P. Green, Esq., to LAVINIA LOSEEL.

Children, all born at Fenton, Mich., except Mary A., born at Groveland:

1. Glen L., born 21 June, 1863.

2. Mary A., born 1 Sept., 1864.

3. Maybell, born 5 June, 1866.

4. Byron D., born 28 Sept., 1871.

5. Elmira, born 12 June, 1873.

Maj. D. Horton is an extensive dealer in flour, grain and wool, and also in farming implements. He was Postmaster at Fenton, in 1861, which office he resigned in 1863, to accept an appointment from President Lincoln as Captain and Commissary of Subsistence in the United States Volunteers, and remained with the armies of Tennessee and Georgia until they were disbanded. While in the army he was promoted to the rank of Major by President Lincoln, for meritorious services. In 1869 he was a member of the Legislature of Michigan.

I. JOHN WALLER, son of Miller Horton and Elizabeth Waller (John, Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at South Wilkesbarre, 22 Nov., 1814; married in Kingston, 9 Jan., 1844, by Rev. L. S. Bennet, to SARAH GATES, daughter of Nathaniel Gates and Ruth Richards, and born in Kingston, Pa. He was formerly a contractor, but is now (1873) Ticket Agent of the L. V. R. R., at South Wilkesbarre Depot.

1. Emily Cortland, born in South Wilkesbarre, 21 Jan., 1845.

2. Harriet Waller, born in South Wilkesbarre, 5 Aug., 1846.

3. Ruth Burritt, born in South Wilkesbarre, 11 March, 1848; died 28 Feb., 1857.

4. James Gallup, born in Tamaqua, 31 July, 1849.

5. David Richards, born in South Wilkesbarre, 3 July, 1851; died 21 Sept., 1852.

6. Sarah Elizabeth, born in South Wilkesbarre, 6 Feb., 1854.

7. John Carlysle, born in South Wilkesbarre, 5 Sept., 1855.

8. Harry Miller, born in South Wilkesbarre, 10 Dec., 1857.

II. ELIZABETH, daughter of Miller Horton and Elizabeth Waller, born in South Wilkesbarre, 14 Oct., 1816; married about 1835, to P. M. C. GILCHRIST. He kept the Phenix Hotel, in Wilkesbarre for many years; died a few years ago. She remains his widow, and now keeps a boarding house in Philadelphia.

Children, all born in Wilkesbarre:

1. Miller Horton Gilchrist, born about 1837; keeps a livery stable in Philadelphia. They had several daughters, but I have not succeeded in getting their record.

III. MARY, daughter of Miller Horton and Elizabeth Waller, born in South Wilkesbarre, 23 Oct., 1818; married WILLIAM L. COOK, son of William Cook and Martha Lemon. They reside in Washington, D. C. He is a clerk in the U. S. Pension Office.

IV. NATHAN MILLER, son of Miller Horton and Elizabeth Waller, born at Wilkesbarre, Pa., 5 Jan., 1821; married in Wilkesbarre, in 1840, by the Rev. John Darrom, to SUSAN RICHARDS, daughter of David Richards and Mary Primer, and born in Wilkesbarre, 15 Feb., 1824. He is a contractor on public works, resides at South Wilkesbarre.

1. Nathan Waller, born 1 Dec., 1841; married Lizzie Cook, daughter of William Cook and Mary Horton.

2. Mary Pruner, born 20 Feb., 1844; married Lyndon Ryan.

3. Elizabeth Waller, born 20 Feb., 1844. (Twins.)

4. William Richards, born 6 Jan., 1845; married Junietta Salsbury; died 5 Nov., 1870. One child--Orlando, 3 years old.

I. ZEPHANIAH, son of Col. Nathan Horton and Mary Young (Zephaniah, Esq., Capt. Nathan, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born 20 Feb., 1818; married 31 Oct., 1841, CHARLOTTE T. MAST, born in Ashe Co., 25 Nov., 1820; died 13 Feb., 1872. Mr. Horton was for several years, Col. commander of the 84th Reg., N. C. Militia.

Children, all born in Yancey Co., N. C.:

1. John P., born 28 Sept., 1842; died 18 Aug., 1856.

2. David M., born 18 Dec., 1844.

3. Elizabeth I., born 4 March, 1847.

4. Benjamin T., born 14 March, 1849.

5. William F., born 8 July, 1852.

6. Maria E., born 2 May, 1854.

7. James E., born 29 Oct., 1856.

8. Nicholas, born 19 May, 1859.

II. MARTHA E., daughter of Col. Nathan Horton and Mary Young, born 16 Sept., 1819; married 16 Aug., 1834, MARCUS L. PENLAND of Buncombe Co., N. C., 6 Feb., 1813.

Children, all born in Yancey Co., except Charles M., born in Buncombe Co.:

1. Milton F., born 19 Aug., 1840.

2. Noble Z., born 25 March, 1842.

3. Charles M., born 29 April, 1845.

4. Mary A. E., born 8 March, 1847.

5. Phebe I., born 28 Feb., 1849.

6. Catherine M., born 5 May, 1851; died 25 Jan., 1851.

7. Nathan L., born 11 Dec., 1853.

8. William L., born 18 Jan., 1856.

9. Clarissa E., born 4 April, 1858.

10. Angelina, born 15 May, 1861.

III. MALCOLM, son of Col. Nathan Horton and Mary Young, born 9 Feb., 1822; married CLARISSA A. WESTALL, of Yancey, and born in Buncombe, 26 July, 1832. He died 4 Nov., 1870.

Children, all born in Yancey:

1. Noble W., born 10 April, 1851.

2. Edwin, born 10 June, 1853.

3. Mary M., born 12 Dec., 1854.

4. Margaret V., born 6 July, 1856.

5. William M., born 8 Oct., 1858.

6. Eliza M., born 12 Aug., 1860.

7. Julia A., born 28 March, 1862.

8. Lillian, born 17 Aug., 1864.

9. Ariadne, born 7 April, 1866.

10. Lorenzo P., born 8 Aug., 1868.

11. Dudley I., born 2 June, 1870.

IV. LOCKY, daughter of Col. Nathan Horton and Mary Young, born 27 Dec., 1823; married 29 Sept., 1846, WILLIAM E. PIERCY, ESQ., of Yancey, formerly high sheriff of that County, and born in Buncombe Co., 2 Sept., 1820.

1. Robert H., born 2 Sept., 1847.

2. Sarah, born 18 Sept., 1849.

3. Ephraim B., born 9 Nov., 1852.

4. John W., born 22 April, 1855.

5. William H., born 4 Jan., 1858.

6. Mary I., born 7 Nov., 1859.

7. Myra W., born 28 Dec., 1861.

8. Adolphus E., born 1 April, 1864.

9. Julia A., born 15 Nov. 1866.

V. JOSHUA, son of Col. Nathan Horton and Mary Young, born 21 Oct., 1825; married 20 April 1856, SARAH C. DEYTON, of Yancey, and born 12 June, 1833.

1. John W., born 15 Sept., 1857.

2. Jesse, born 26 Sept., 1859.

3. Nathan W., born 29 Sept., 1861.

4. Zephaniah L., born 4 Aug., 1865.

VI. JESSE, son of Col. Nathan Horton and Mary Young, born 11 Nov., 1828; married 29 Oct., 1865, HARRIET E. MCCOURRY, of Yancey, and born 19 Aug., 1839.

1. Sarah E., born in Sept., 1866.

2. Isaac H., born 12 Nov., 1869; died 22 Sept., 1872.

3. Eliza L., born 2 Dec., 1871.

VII. NATHAN YOUNG, son of Col. Nathan Horton and Mary Young, born 21 March, 1831; married about 1855, LOUISA E. STUART, of Yancey, and born 11 June, 1840. He died 4 July, 1864.

1. Martha I., born 3 April, 1856.

2. Theresa, born 31 Jan., 1859.

3. Edmonia L., born 4 Jan., 1862.

VIII. NAOMI A., daughter of Col. Nathan Horton and Mary Young, born 10 Dec., 1832; married 1 Sept., 1849, SAMUEL I. WESTALL, of Yancey, and born in Buncombe, 26 April, 1828.

1. Mary M., born 5 Oct., 1850.

2. Sophronia I., born 12 Aug., 1853.

3. Martha E., born 8 June, 1855; died 20 Aug., 1856.

4. Noble A., born 5 May, 1857.

5. Locky I., born 29 July, 1859.

6. Adam P., born 13 Aug., 1862; died 22 June, 1863.

7. Edwin McB., born 4 May, 1864.

8. Louellen, born 29 Jan., 1867.

9. Lucy H., born 13 Jan., 1871.

[Illustration: Yours &c,

Albert H. Horton.]

[Illustration: Truly Yours,

Anna A. Robertson Horton.]

I. HARVEY ADDISON, M. D., son of Dr. Harvey Horton and Mary Bennet (Barnabas, Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born at Greenville, Orange Co., N. Y., 12 March, 1832; married in Middletown, N. Y., in March, 1859, to FANNY CAROLINE BEEBE, daughter of Elder Gilbert Beebe, the distinguished and able editor of the "Signs of the Times," and sister of the Hon. George M. Beebe, member of Congress from Orange Co., N. Y., and born in Middletown, N. Y., exact date not given. Dr. Horton graduated in Albany Medical College, Class of 1856. He established an office and commenced the practice of medicine at Middletown, N. Y., and was very successful. After his marriage he removed to Kansas, and settled at Atchison. On his way returning home from a journey East he was instantly killed, 3 Sept., 1861, by the fall of a bridge with a train of cars upon it, one of which he was in, which spanned the Little Platte River, nine miles east of St. Joseph, Missouri. The bridge had been partly burned by the rebels, but left standing ready to fall when the cars came upon it, for the purpose of killing Union soldiers. Thirteen persons were killed, and over eighty badly injured by this barbarous outrage. The Doctor's corpse was taken to Middletown, and buried in the Hill Cemetery by the side of his father, and mother, and sisters.

They had one child, Mary Evelyn, born 3 Aug., 1861. After the death of her husband, the Doctor's wife returned to Orange Co., where the little child died, 21 Oct., 1861, and was buried by the side of its dead father.

Dr. Horton was a man of superior mental capacity, possessed high literary talent, was deeply learned in his profession, and doubtless, had he lived, would have attained to great eminence in the science of medicine.

III. HON. ALBERT HOWELL, son of Dr. Harvey A. Horton and Mary Bennet, born near Brookfield, in the town of Minnisink, Orange Co., N. Y., 13 March, 1837; married in Middletown, N. Y., by the Rev. Mr. Harris, 26 May, 1864, to ANNA AMELIA ROBERTSON, daughter of William Wells Robertson and Adaline Sayer, and born in Centerville, Minnisink Township, 2 July, 1840.

1. Carrie Robertson, born in Middletown, N. Y., 22 April, 1865.

2. Mary Bennet, born in Atchison, Kansas, 12 July, 1868.

3. Rosa Sayer, born in Atchison, Kansas, 2 June, 1871.

4. Albert Howell, born in Atchison, Kansas, 1 April, 1874.

Albert H. Horton attended the public school at West Town, N. Y., until 13 years of age, and then attended the "Farmer's Hall Academy," at Goshen, Orange Co., New York, and was there prepared for college. He entered the "University of Michigan," as a freshman, and remained there two years, but was compelled to leave college on account of inability to study, owing to some trouble with his eyes. In 1857, he entered the law office of Hon. Joseph W. Gott, at Goshen, New York, as a law student, and remained there until December 18th, 1858, when he was admitted as a counsellor and attorney at-law, at a general term of the N. Y. Supreme Court, held in Brooklyn, New York. In 1859, he went West, with his brother, and the Hon. George M. Beebe, now member of Congress from New York State, to engage in the practice of the law. He formed a partnership in the law business with Mr. Beebe, under the firm name of Beebe & Horton, at Macon, Moscow, Mo., in 1859, but both parties soon became tired of Missouri, and removed to Kansas. Mr. Beebe soon became Secretary of the Territory of Kansas, and their acting Governor. Mr. Horton selected Atchison, Atchison Co., Kansas, as his adopted home, and has resided there ever since. In 1860, he was appointed City Attorney of Atchison, by the Mayor, the Hon. Geo. H. Fairchild. In the Spring of 1861, he was elected City Attorney of the same city, on the Union ticket. In September of 1864, he was appointed District Judge of the 2d Judicial District, of Kansas, by the Governor, Hon. Chas. H. Robinson. He was elected and re-elected to the same office, and then resigned in 1865, to continue the practice of his profession. On his entering practice, he was again elected City Attorney of Atchison, and held the position one year. In 1868, he was elected as one of the State Electors on the Republican State ticket in Kansas, and was selected the messenger to take the vote of Kansas to Washington, to be deposited with the Vice-President for Grant and Colfax. From 1861 to 1864, in addition to attending to the duties of Judge of the District Court, he edited, with Hon. John J. Ingalls, the weekly "Champion,"--a newspaper printed and published at Atchison. Mr. Ingalls is now the U. S. Senator from Kansas. In May, 1869, Mr. Horton was appointed, by President Grant, U. S. District Attorney of Kansas, and he held this office till July 18th, 1873, and then resigned the position. Upon the resignation of Judge Delabay, U. S. Judge of Kansas, in 1874, Mr. Horton's name was mentioned very prominently in connection with the vacant Judgeship, and at a State Bar meeting, called to recommend names for the position, Mr. Horton was presented by the majority of the lawyers present for the place. Owing to some difference of opinion among the Kansas delegation in Congress, however, Hon. C. G. Foster, of Atchison, was appointed in his stead. Mr. Horton still continues the practice of his profession at Atchison, and is the local attorney of the Chicago and Rock Island R. R. Co., and the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe R. R. Co., at that place. In March, 1873, Horton was associated with the Hon. Caleb Cushing, of Massachusetts, in the defence of Senator S. C. Pomeroy, before the U. S. Senate Investigating Committee, charged to inquire into certain pretended charges of bribery, connected with the Senatorial election in Kansas, in January, 1873. After a lengthy examination, Senator Pomeroy was acquitted by a majority of the Senatorial Committee. Afterwards the charges against Mr. Pomeroy were dismissed in Kansas, and the case against him never came to trial. In the Fall of 1873, Horton was elected by upwards of 500 majority to the Legislature of Kansas, and took a prominent part in the impeachment of Hon. Josiah E. Hayes, State Treasurer of Kansas. Mr. Horton was chairman of the committee which reported and carried the impeachment through the House, in February, 1874, and was then appointed Chairman of the Board of Managers to prosecute the impeached Treasurer before the State Senate. The State Treasurer then resigned, and the impeachment ended. In politics Mr. Horton is a Republican, but belongs to the Conservative side of the party.

The celebrated York-Pomeroy Bribery Case was brought to a final termination on the eleventh of March, 1875, and the $7,000 historic package was turned over to Mr. Pomeroy's counsel, the Hon. A. H. Horton. Great credit is due Judge Horton for his untiring efforts in having such an unjust and malicious prosecution brought to a close.

IV. ANNA ELIZA, daughter of Parmenas H. Horton and Milicent Howell (Barnabas, Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Middletown, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1830; married in Middletown, 23 March, 1859, by the Rev. Daniel F. Wood, to John Wheeler Gardner, son of John Gardner and Elizabeth Wheeler, and born in Warwick, N. Y., 7 Feb., 1827.

Children, born in Middletown:

1. Charles Horton Gardner, born 11 Feb., 1860.

2. John Wheeler Gardner, Jr., born 27 Jan., 1866.

They reside in Middletown, N. Y., and rank among the first families of that village. Mrs. Gardner says: "Milicent Howell was the name of both my paternal and maternal grandmothers, and yet they were not at all related as we know of; we have often spoken of it as quite a singular coincidence."

Mrs. Gardner was the first to propose a GENERAL GATHERING and SOCIAL UNION and RE-UNION of the Horton family of our country, which is to take place in Philadelphia in July, 1876.

VII. ALSON WARREN, son of Benjamin Horton and Almira Osborn (Barnabas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Onondaga, N. Y., 28 May, 1829; married in DeWitt, N. Y., 10 Feb., 1852, by Elder R. R. Raymond, to ELECTA LOUISA AINSLEE, daughter of William Ainslee and Nancy Pinney. He is now living in DeWitt, Onondaga Co., N. Y.; is a farmer.

Children, probably all born in DeWitt:

1. Charles Albert, born 2 Nov., 1853.

2. Philip Brewster, born 6 Jan., 1857.

3. William Benjamin, born 5 Oct., 1859.

4. Henry Broadhead, born 28 Nov., 1861.

5. Gardner Stanton, born 28 Jan., 1867.

6. Helen Elizabeth, born 15 July, 1871.

I. THOMAS WHITE, son of Henry Horton and Elizabeth White (Nathan, Richard, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born at Broadtop, Pa., 12 June, 1813; married 1. BARBARA BARNETTE; she died, and he married 2. the widow, ELIZABETH WOOD. Reside at Wells' Tannery, Fulton Co., Pa. He died in 1875.

II. NATHAN WHITE, son of Henry Horton and Elizabeth White, born at Broadtop, Pa., 3 May, 1815; married 1. about 1835, to ROSANNA MILLER; she died about 1860, and he married 2. the widow SUSANNA READY. They reside at Spearsville, Fulton Co., Pa.

1. Samuel Miller, born 5 May, 1836; married Sarah Dunnica.

2. Joseph Miller, born 22 April, 1840; married Bell M. Lee.

3. Maria, born in 1842; married Dr. Wishart, of Fulton, Pa.

4. Catherine, born in 1844; married Harry Markley, of Fulton Co., Pa.

5. Edwin A., born at Johnstown, Pa., 1846; unmarried; resides at Bedford Springs.

6. Laura, born at Johnstown, Pa., 1849; married William Spear Dickson, and reside in Fulton Co., Pa.

III. HON. WILLIAM, son of Henry Horton and Elizabeth White, born at Broadtop, Pa., 4 July, 1817; married at Broadtop, 15 March, 1837, by Rev. Zophar D. Pasco, to ANNA CERATHERS, daughter of Andrew Cerathers and Ellen Cerathers.

Children, born at Wells' Tannery, Fulton Co., Pa.:

1. Milton Murat, born 6 Nov., 1838.

2. Jonathan, born 5 April, 1840; died in the army in 1864.

3. Zophar Pasco, born 12 April, 1842.

4. Reuben, born 2 Sept., 1843; died in the army in 1864.

5. Nancy, born 22 March, 1845.

6. Calvin, born 25 July, 1846; died young.

7. Alfred, born 16 March, 1848.

8. Ruth, born 1 Feb., 1850.

9. Mary, born 12 Aug., 1851.

10. Elizabeth, born 18 May, 1855.

11. James B., born 4 Feb., 1857.

The Hon. William Horton resides at Wells' Tannery, Pa. He is a farmer, intelligent and self educated, and a few years ago was a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature. He is one of the leading men of the county, and he has kindly given his assistance in looking up the Hortons of West Chester, Pa. He remarks in one of his letters,

"The Patriarchs, Nathan and Samuel Horton, who settled in Bedford Co., Pa., seemed to live in a quiet, Quaker-like way, as they left no records save a few deeds and other legal papers, which we found on the county records. They were both practical blacksmiths, and that trade has been adopted by a great many of both families, and many of their descendants are at this time the best mechanics of the country. I have myself a set of blacksmith tools, brought from Philadelphia by my grandfather when he moved out, and the bellows bears the brand 'D. C. Dawson, Philadelphia, 1774,' and I do not keep them as an heirloom, for they are in active use almost every day."

I. JAMES C., son of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula (Nathan, Nathan, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born on New River, Ashe Co., N. C., 9 March, 1817; married SARAH DICKSON, daughter of Col. Dickson, of Caldwell Co., N. C. He is a first class farmer, resides on the Yadkin River one mile below Elkville. He was a volunteer in the Cherokee war, and had command of a company at the age of 19. He was county surveyor for many years.

Children, all born near Elkville:

1. William, died young.

2 and 3, Amelia and Margaret, twins.

2. Amelia, married Arthur Duvall Cowles, son of Calvin J. Cowles and Martha Duvall. He is a merchant at Gap Creek, Ashe Co., N. C. They have James, Calvin and Martha Horton.

3. Margaret is not married.

4. Dickson, a merchant, in company with his brother-in-law A. D. Cowles.

II. WILLIAM LEANDER, son of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula, married FRANCES CORPENING. They have:

1. Eliza, married John Wagoner, resides in Oregon.

2. Millard, also in Oregon.

4. Corpening.

5. Rufus.

William Leander was also a volunteer in the Cherokee war at the age of 16, and was a Lieut. in his brother's company.

III. ELIZA, daughter of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula, married JACKSON CORPENING of Burke Co., N. C. He is dead. He was a prominent man and much respected--left several children. One of his daughters married Col. Burgers S. Gaithers, a lawyer and politician, and one of the foremost men in the State.

IV. THEODOCIA ELVIRA, daughter of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula, born at Yadkin River, in Wilkes Co., N. C., 22 Aug., 1825; married at the residence of her father, 23 Jan., 1845, by the Rev. Smith Ferguson, a Baptist minister, to GEO. HAGA HAMILTON, born at Salem, N. C., 5 Jan., 1814. He is a first class farmer; resides near Jefferson, Ashe Co., N. C.

Children, all born at Jefferson:

1. William, born 8 Dec., 1845; married 2 Dec., 1869, to Martha Virginia Perkins.

2. Mary Jane, born 29 March, 1847; married 19 March, 1866, to Dr. Levi C. Gentrey.

3. Rufus Alexander, born 8 Oct., 1850; unmarried.

V. REBECCA, daughter of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula, married DAVID E. BOWER. They have several children--we only have names of two, as follows:

1. William Horton Bower, is a lawyer.

2. John Bower, is a clerk in a store at Elkville.

VI. NATHAN, son of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula. He is a farmer; resides at Beaver Creek, Wilkes Co., N. C.; unmarried.

VII. PHINEAS, son of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula. He is a farmer and merchant; resides at Elkville. He was a member of the House of Representatives of North Carolina in 1860-'63-'65 and '67, and in 1872 he was elected Senator.

IX. LAMIRA LOUISA, daughter of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula, born at Yadkin River, N. C.; married at Elkville, Wilkes Co., N. C., 13 April, 1853, by the Rev. Smith Ferguson, to WILEY PERKINS THOMAS, son of Stephen Thomas and Rebecca Perkins, and born at Heltore, Ashe Co., N. C., 20 April, 1823. Mr. Thomas resides at Jefferson, Ashe Co. He is a well-to-do farmer, also a merchant and stock dealer.

Children, born at Jefferson:

1. Alexander Hamilton, born 20 April, 1854.

2. John D., born 2 July, 1861.

3. Elizabeth Elvira, born 26 April, 1866.

4. Lamira Caroline, born 26 March, 1871.

X. ALEXANDER HAMILTON, son of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula, born at Yadkin River; married MARY JANE VOGLER, of Salem, N. C. They reside at Elkville. He is a merchant, in company with his brother, Phineas Horton; he is also Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes County.

XI. RUFUS DULA, son of Gen. William Horton and Milley Dula, born at Yadkin River. He resides at Elkville, at the old homestead of his father, and his sister Sarah lives with him. He is not married.

I. HON. WILLIAM, son of Phineas Horton and Rebecca Councill (Nathan, Nathan, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born on New River, 9 March, 1828; married at the residence of his wife's father, near Boone, N. C., 1860, to Nancy Rebecca Blair, only daughter of Henry Blair and Mary ----, and born in Caldwell Co., N. C., 26 Aug., 1835,--the Rev. Joseph Harrison, a deaf preacher, officiating.

1. James Crittenden, born 20 Jan., 1861.

2. Jonathan Blair, born 12 Dec., 1862.

3. Julia Rebecca, born 12 Nov., 1864.

4. William Phineas, born 14 Feb., 1867.

5. Mary Emma, born 23 Feb., 1869.

6. Addie Elizabeth, born 1 May, 1871.

7. Henry Walter, born 5 July, 1873.

William Horton, at the early age of 18 years, was elected Lieutenant in the militia, and afterwards from one position to another, until he held the office of Colonel, in 1862, and during the war. He also held the office of County Surveyor, from 1849 to 1862, when he was elected to the State Legislature, and re-elected in 1864, and again in 1866. Notwithstanding his official stations, he still claims the honor of being a farmer, and makes his home with his honored father, making the old gentleman's closing years as pleasant as possible.

"Many of the Horton Family of North Carolina have lived to old age. They are generally regarded as a clever, honest, liberal, and charitable people. They possess good social qualities, and are generally very popular, and these characteristics, capability being added, account for so many of them holding public positions. Many of them are public professors of Christianity, and belong to the Baptist and Methodist denominations.

"In politics they were formerly Whigs,--were all faithful to, though not fully approving, the cause of the late Southern Confederacy. They are now all conservative, and acting with the Democratic party. Though generally intelligent, educated, and talkative, there has never yet one of them been a preacher or a lawyer, and but one a physician. They are nearly all engaged in agricultural pursuits, and generally fond of amusements, such as hunting, fishing, etc."--Letter of Hon. William Horton, of Boone, N. C., Dec., 1874.

II. NATHAN, son of Phineas Horton and Rebecca Councill, born on New River, 22 Oct., 1829. He was a Captain in the militia before the war, and also held the office of county processioner for several years.

He volunteered in Capt. T. V. Crumpter's Co. A., 1st Reg't, N. C. Troops (cavalry), and was promoted to a Lieutenancy in Capt. Jonathan Horton's Co. (B.), 37 Reg't, N. C. Troops (infantry), in the Fall of 1863. He was in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va., and others which followed, until he reached Gettysburg, where he was severely wounded by a minnie ball, which he yet carries under his shoulder. He was captured and taken to the hospital near Chester, Pa., I think, where he remained about two months. He was then taken to Johnson's Island, Ohio, where he says, that the suffering from hunger was so great that rats were freely eaten by the prisoners. After remaining there about twenty months, he was released on parole, and got home in March, 1865. Soon after his return home he was elected County Surveyor, and he has been re-elected several times, and he still holds the office. He was married 27 May, 1875, by Rev. Dr. Wogg, to JULIETT GENTRY, daughter of W. H. Gentry, of Jefferson, N. C.

III. JONATHAN FILLMORE, son of Phineas Horton and Rebecca Councill, born 3 March, 1836. He was a Capt. in the militia before the war. When the war broke out he also volunteered, with his brother Nathan, in Capt. Crumpter's Co. He died from relapse of fever, at Moore's Hospital, Manassas Junction, Va., 2 March, 1862.

IV. JAMES HARRISON, son of Phineas Horton and Rebecca Councill, born 27 May, 1841. He was an officer in the militia, and like his brothers, volunteered in Capt. Miller's Co. I., 58th Reg't, N. C., Troops (infantry), and was chosen Lieutenant. He was slightly wounded at the battle of Chickamauga. He acted as Adjutant for Col. J. B. Palmer at the battle of Missionary Ridge. He died from brain-fever at Dalton, Ga., 22 Dec., 1863. His body was brought home and interred on the hill in front of his father's house.

JAMES THEODORE, son of David Eagles Horton and Sarah Dula (Col. Nathan, Nathan, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Caldwell Co., N. C., 16 Oct., 1829; married in Yadkin Co., N. C., 12 Oct., 1859, by John Williams, Esq., to SARAH ROSA LYNCH, daughter of Larkin Lynch and Elizabeth Hunter. Moved to Yadkin Co., N. C., in Oct., 1863, and in Dec., 1866, removed to the old homestead again in Caldwell Co. He is a well-to-do farmer, and respected by those who know him.

1. Alice Conrad, born in Yadkin Co., 22 Aug., 1860.

2. Ida Lynch, born in Yadkin Co., 2 Jan., 1863.

3. Rosa Virginia, born in Yadkin, Co., 3 Dec., 1864.

4. James Walter, born in Yadkin Co., 26 Jan., 1867.

5. Harriet Augusta, born in Caldwell Co., 30 April, 1869.

6. Lillie Gertrude, born in Caldwell Co., 2 May, 1872.

I. EDMUND BURKE, son of Edmund Bani Horton and Matilda Devoy (Jonathan Bani, Barnabas, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in New York City, 14 April, 1845; married 25 Oct., 1866, by Rev. F. Rallston Smith, D. D., to HARRIET MOORES, daughter of Charles W. Moores and Susan Ann Mallory.

Children, born at White Stone, L. I.:

1. Charles Edmund.

2. Elizabeth Mallory, both died young.

Harriet Moores Horton died in 1872. He married 2. in the Reformed Church, Port Richmond, Staten Island, 11 Nov., 1874, by the Rev. Dr. James Brownlee, to KATE CROCHERON BROWNLEE, eldest daughter of the officiating clergyman, and born at the parsonage in Port Richmond, Staten Island, on the 9 Feb., 1845.

Mr. Horton is a clerk and bookkeeper for the Howe Sewing Machine Co., in the city of New York.

Ninth Generation.--Caleb I.

I. DR. SAMUEL MILLER, son of Nathan White Horton and Rosanna Miller (Henry, Nathan, Richard, Caleb, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born at Broadtop, Pa., 5 May, 1835; studied medicine with Dr. John Lowman, of Johnstown, Pa., and graduated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in the Class of 1862. He married SARAH DUNNICA, daughter of the Hon. Judge Dunnica, of St. Louis, Mo. They have three children: names not given. He is now (1874) a Surgeon in the U. S. Army, and stationed at Fort McKavitt, Texas. He was breveted Major at the battle of Vicksburg.

II. JOSEPH MILLER, son of Nathan White Horton and Rosanna Miller, born at Broadtop, Bedford Co., Pa., 22 April, 1840; married in Philadelphia, 19 May, 1864, by the Rev. M. C. Sutphin, to BELL MATHEWS LEE, daughter of Matthias H. Lee and Ellen Mathews, of Philadelphia, born in Philadelphia, in 1836; died 8 Jan., 1871.

Children, born in Philadelphia:

1. Laura born 1 Oct., 1867; died in infancy.

2. Walter, born in 1868; died in early infancy. (Twins.)

3. Harrison, in 1868; died in early infancy.

He married 2. in Philadelphia, 14 Oct., 1875, CLARA EUGENIA GIRVIN, daughter of John Girvin and Emily Bowman, and born in Philadelphia.

Mr. Horton is now, and has been for about twelve years past, compositor in the "Evening Bulletin Office," Philadelphia. He has had charge of the Religious department of that paper for about eight years past. He is the Philadelphia correspondent of the "Nashville Bulletin." He was a Union soldier, served one year, and was honorably discharged. He edits the "Home Circle," a monthly literary journal, published in Philadelphia. He is an active member of the Spring Garden Presbyterian Church, and is also a member of the Board of Trustees. In October, 1874, he formed a partnership with R. F. Thorne and E. C. Cake, under the name of Thorne, Cake & Co., and they are now the proprietors of the Home Circle Publishing Company, of Philadelphia.

He is a ready, racy writer, and possesses a mind of good culture, enjoying the confidence and respect of all who know him.

IX. ELIZABETH, daughter of Eunice Horton and George Bockover (Jason, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Beemerville, N. J., 5 July, 1833; married 1. THOMAS C. WILDER, a merchant, who died leaving no issue; married 2. at Beemerville, 8 March, 1859, by Rev. Mr. Crosette, to the HON. JOHN PARKER JORDAN, of North Carolina. A happy union of the North and South. The bridal party left immediately for New York City, stopping for a few days at the St. Nicholas, where they received the elite of the city, and then went to Baltimore, where at Barnum's, Mrs. Jordan, with the ease and grace of manner so natural to her, received their friends, and made the entertainment very interesting. From Baltimore they proceeded to Mr. Jordan's home in the Old North State.

Mr. Jordan is a son of Matthias Jordan and Sally Smith, both of illustrious English descent, and on the mother's side tracing back to the Colonial Governor of Virginia. They were planters, on the James River, but moved to North Carolina in early life, engaged largely in the East India trade--lost a large fortune by the ravages of the war of 1812.

Hon. J. P. Jordan is a lawyer, self-educated, but rose gradually to eminence in his profession, and has several times been a member of the Legislature. He is at present (Dec., 1875,) engaged in important business in Washington, D. C.

I. RUTH ANN, daughter of Nelson Horton and Sarah Shons (Silas Danes, Silas, Silas, Barnabas, Barnabas, Caleb I.), born in Wallkill, N. Y., 14 June, 1838. She is an intelligent maiden lady--a live member of the Old School Baptist Church. She has rendered valuable assistance in gathering up genealogical data of her branch of the Horton family; under date of May, 1871, she says:

"In regard to leading traits of character of the Horton family, I may speak of the disposition manifested in my own line. Some might set them down as too dogmatical. I do admit that most of them are rather tenacious of their own opinions. Especially were my grandfather and his brother Barnabas positive and firm men. But I do not think this trait of character is so prominent in other branches of the family. In regard to punctuality and uprightness, they can present as untarnished a record as any other family. I have never heard of any of them being imprisoned for debt or misdemeanor. Their social standing has always been good. As to mental capacity, I believe they have generally been people of good common sense. They have not, so far as I know, ever made any special mark in the literary or scientific world. Politically, as a general thing, they embrace and adhere to the Democratic idea--the idea of freedom and equal rights. They have mainly followed agricultural pursuits. I believe frugality has ever been a leading characteristic of the family, in all its history, and we find this trait of character still prominent, despite the great amount of prodigality and unthrift witnessed in these times."

I. ELWOOD ELY, son of Alexander Horace Horton and Catherine Cline Ditmars (Uriah T., Jason, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Lambertville, N. J., 26 Dec., 1844; married in Trenton, N. J., 9 May, 1868, by the Rev. Mr. Bartine, to LYDIA GAMBLE, daughter of Ellis Gamble, and born at Lambertville, 1 April, 1850. She died in Trenton, N. J., 7 May, 1874, leaving one son:

William Horton, born 22 Oct., 1869.

Elwood E. Horton resides at Lambertville, and is a car painter by occupation.

II. CARLTON IRA, son of Ira Joseph Horton and Ruth Howard Spear (Samuel Todd, Joseph, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born in Atlas, Genesee Co., Mich., 3 Sept., 1841; married in Atlas, 1 Oct., 1863, by Isaac Crawford, Esq., to MARIETTA FROST, daughter of Jonathan Frost, and born in Atlas, 17 Sept., 1840.

Children, born in Atlas:

1. Sumner Green, born 16 June, 1865.

2. William Henry, born 29 March, 1869.

Third Generation.--Joshua I.

I. JOSHUA, Ensign, son of Joshua Horton I. and Mary Tuthill, born in Southold, 1669; married 1. ELIZABETH GROVER, daughter of Simon Grover and Elizabeth Moore, and born in Southold, 15 Sept., 1672; died in 1713. He married 2. the widow MARY GILLAM. He died about 1744.

Children, all by first wife, and all born in Southold:

1. Eliza, born 1694; married in 1719, John Halloway.

2. Patience, born 1696; married in 1716, Joseph Lamb.

3. Deborah, born 1698; married in 1721, Nathaniel Buell.

4. Martha, born 1701; married in 1724, Robert Tustin.

5. Mary, died in 1724; unmarried.

6. Rhoda, died 1720.

7. Simon Grover, born 1711.

8. Joshua, married Sarah Hull in 1734.

II. JOSEPH, son of Joshua Horton I. and Mary Tuthill, born in Southold, about 1671; married.

1. Joshua, born 1730.

2. Benjamin.

4. Martha.

5. Lydia.

6. Deliverance, died young.

IV. MARY, daughter of Joshua Horton I. and Mary Tuthill, born in Southold, 1687; married 2 Jan., 1708, ZACCHEUS GOLDSMITH, son of John Goldsmith and Anna Wells, and born in Southold about 1689.

1. David, born 1709.

V. BETHIA, daughter of Joshua Horton I. and Mary Tuthill, born in Southold, 1679; married in 1716, ICHABOD HALLOCK, son of Thos. Hallock and Mary Hope. He died in 1759. She died in 1753.

1. Thomas, born 1717.

2. Ichabod, born 1719.

3. Bethia, married Reeve.

4. Sarah, married Jeremiah Billard.

5. Patience, married Silas Moore.

6. Anna, married William Homan.

VII. EPHRAIM, son of Joshua Horton I. and Mary Tuthill, born in Southold, in 1786; married about 1707, MARTHA VAIL, born in Southold, 1788.

1. Joseph.

3. Jeremiah, died 1729.

4. Joshua, died 1729.

Fourth Generation.--Joshua I.

I. JOSEPH, son of Ephraim Horton and Martha Vail (Joshua I.), born in Southold in 1708; married perhaps DELIVERANCE REEVES.

1. Joshua, born in 1733; married Asenath Mapes.

2. Benjamin, born 1735; married Anna Horton.

3. Joseph, born 1737; married Mary Hallock.

4. Mary, born 1739.

5. Martha, born 1741; married 6 April, 1769, Recompense Howell.

6. Lydia, died young.

7. Lydia, born 1744; married 13 Feb., 1775, to James Overton.

8. Deliverance, born 1747; she was sent to a wind grist-mill when 11 years old, and venturing too near the wings, she was struck by one of them and fatally injured; she was taken to the house of Joseph Reeves and died the same day.

II. BENJAMIN, son of Ephraim Horton and Martha Vail, born in Southold, about 1710; married.

1. Joseph, born 1735.

2. Jeremiah, born 1738.

3. Joshua, born 1740.

4. Eliza, born 1742; married 20 Nov., 1763, Josiah Gibbs.

III. JEREMIAH, son of Ephraim Horton and Martha Vail, born in Southold, about 1712; married.

1. Joshua, born in 1747.

2. Justus, born in 1749.

3. Joseph, born 1757.

4. John, born in 1760; married and settled in Rhode Island, and had John, Benjamin and Joseph.

VII. SIMON GROVER, son of Joshua Horton and Eliza Grover (Joshua I.), born in Southold, 30 March, 1711.

"He graduated at Yale College in 1731; was bred a Congregationalist, but he was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church, in Connecticut Farms, L. I., between Sept., 1734 and Sept., 1735. In 1746 he accepted a call to Newtown, L. I., where he labored until 1772, when he resigned and remained in retirement till his decease, 8 May, 1786, at the residence of his son-in-law, Judge Benjamin Coe. He was a man of unquestioned purity, and always sustained a good character and standing. He was of middle size and solemn deportment."--Hatfield's History of Elizabeth, N. J.

He was twice married; his first wife, ABIGAIL HOWELL, died 5 May, 1752, and 7 Jan., 1762, he married ELIZABETH FISH, daughter of Samuel Fish, Esq. He had but one child:

Phebe, who married the late Hon. Benjamin Coe.

He was an exile during the Revolutionary War, with his son-in-law, at Warwick, Orange Co., N. Y. They returned to Newtown, L. I., in the fall of 1783, and there he died, as stated above. He was a zealous and active Whig, and early espoused the cause of the colonies against the mother country.

Fifth Generation.--Joshua I.

I. JOSHUA, son of Joseph Horton and Deliverance Reeves (Ephraim, Joshua I.), born in Southold about 1733; married about 1750, perhaps ASENATH MAPES.

1. Joshua, born 22 Sept., 1851.

2. Havens.

3. Gilbert.

4. William.

5. Deliverance.

6. Permela.

7. Asenath.

II. BENJAMIN, son of Joseph Horton and Deliverance Reeves, born about 1735; married about 1756, to ANNA HORTON, daughter of Calvin Horton and Elizabeth Burnette, and born in Southold, in 1737.

2. Elam Potter.

4. Benjamin.

5. Davis.

6. Martha.

III. JOSEPH, son of Joseph Horton and Deliverance Reeves, born about 1737; married MARY HALLOCK, and settled at Riverhead, L. I.

Children, all born at Riverhead:

1. Joseph, born 1759; married 1. Sally Decker, 2. Widow Cox.

2. William; born 1761; married Osborn.

3. Sybil, married Homan.

4. Mary, married Wm. Terry.

5. Hannah, married Hallock.

6. Benjamin, married Charlotte Wells.

Sixth Generation.--Joshua I.

I. JOSHUA, son of Joshua Horton and Asenath Mapes (Joseph, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born in Southold, 22 Sept., 1751; died in Putnam Valley, N. Y., 11 Nov., 1811; he went to Orange Co., N. Y., in early life; married about 1777, PHEBE RUMSEY, moved to Philipstown, now Putnam Valley, N. Y., where he settled. His wife was born in Goshen, N. Y., 15 Jan., 1760; died 8 Sept., 1807, in Putnam Valley. He was an honest, Christian man, a worthy member of the Baptist Church, and much respected by all who knew him.

Children, probably all born in Putnam Valley:

1. Isaac, born in 1778; married Margaret Odell.

2. John, born 1780.

3. James, born 1782.

4. Cyrus, born 1 June, 1784; married Sarah Mead.

5. Jasper, born in 1787.

III. GILBERT, son of Joshua Horton and Asenath Mapes, born in Southold, 1753; married and settled in Shenandoah Valley, Dutchess Co., N. Y.

IV. WILLIAM, son of Joshua Horton and Asenath Mapes, born in Southold, 1755; married MARY WRIGHT, in 1795; moved to Orange Co., and thence to Oneida Co., N. Y., and settled at Rome, N. Y. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, served during the war and came out unharmed.

Children, probably all born in Rome, N. Y.:

1. Anannias, born 1796; resides in Oriskany, N. Y.

2. Liberty, born 1798; resides in Whitesboro, N. Y.

3. Jeremiah, born 28 Oct., 1800; married Abigail Brownell.

4. Richmond Wright, born 30 Jan., 1803; married Martha McNall.

5. Irene, married ---- Knaggs; lives at Little Falls, N. Y.

6. Rhoda, married ---- Streetor.

7. Mary Shields, died in Rome, 9 Aug., 1855.

I. DEA. JOSEPH, son of Joseph Horton and Mary Hallock (Joseph, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born about 1761; moved to Orange Co., N. Y., in early life, settled in Wallkill; married SALLY DECKER. After her death he married the widow Sally Cox. He was a Deacon in the Presbyterian Church of Wallkill, Orange Co., N. Y.

Children, born in Wallkill:

1. Joseph, married Mary Cox.

2. Polly.

3. Benjamin, married Phebe Vail.

4. Levi Decker.

5. Anna, born 1789; married Isaac M. Gillett.

6. Hannah.

8. John.

"In the year 1824 or 1825, Dea. Joseph Horton, with his horse and buggy, left home in the morning and went to work in a field about two miles from his house alone. Not returning, his family made search for him, and going to the field they found him dead, lying upon his face on the ground, and the bridle in his hand, indicating plainly that his horse had been turned into the pasture-field in the morning, and that he had finished his day's work, and started to get his horse to return home when he fell dead."--Letter of L. D. Horton, August, 1874.

His residence was in Wallkill, Orange Co., N. Y. He was about sixty-three years old at the time of his death, and living with his 2d wife, who was the widow Sally Cox.

Seventh Generation.--Joshua I.

I. JOSEPH, son of Dea. Joseph Horton and Sally Decker (Benjamin, Joseph, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born in Wallkill, in 1776; married in Wallkill, N. Y., about 1806, MARY COX, born in Orange Co., N. Y., in 1779. They were members of the Presbyterian Church, and he was one of the Deacons. They settled in Newfield, Tompkins Co., N. Y., in 1813, and there they died, he in 1823, and she in 1862.

Children, 1. and 2. born in Wallkill, the rest in Newfield:

1. Solomon.

2. Lewis.

3. Harry.

4. Stephen.

6. Mehitabel.

7. Sally.

8. Fanny.

9. Elizabeth.

10. James Madison.

III. BENJAMIN, son of Dea. Joseph Horton and Sally Decker, born in Wallkill, Orange Co., N. Y., 7 July, 1787; married PHEBE VAIL, daughter of Daniel Vail and Elizabeth Smith, and born in Ulster Co., N. Y., 27 July, 1786.

1. Maria, born 1809; married Baxter.

2. Levi Decker, born 22 April, 1811; married Susan Polhamus.

3. Julia, married Miller.

4. Betsey, married Kingsbury.

6. Stephen L., born 15 March, 1818; married Harriet Newell.

7. Benjamin I., born 13 March, 1820; married Phebe Perry.

8. Sally Ann, married Baldwin.

9. Asa C., born 1 Jan., 1822; married Sarah Wood.

10. Nancy, married Clark.

11. Clarissa, married Cisson; she is dead.

12. Amanda M., married Tibbits.

13. Rufus.

V. ANNA, daughter of Dea. Joseph Horton and Sally Decker, born in Wallkill, in 1789; married ISAAC M. GILLETT.

Children, all born in Newfield, N. Y.:

1. Daniel Horton.

2. David Humley.

3. Charles Joseph, born 19 March, 1820; married Sarah Ann Alexander.

I. ISAAC, son of Joshua Horton and Phebe Rumsey (Joshua, Joseph, phraim, Joshua I.), born in Putnam Valley, N. Y., about 1778; married MARGARET ODELL.

1. Wright James, was born in Philipstown, Putnam Co., N. Y.; married Deborah Wilcox.

III. HON. CYRUS, son of Joshua Horton and Phebe Rumsey, born in Putnam Valley, N. Y., 1 June, 1784, and died there, 13 Feb., 1832. He was married 27 Sept., 1809, to MARY MEAD. She was born 23 May, 1791, died 27 May, 1842. She was the daughter of Anna Mead, who was born 12 March, 1765, and died 30 June, 1835.

"Cyrus Horton was a New York merchant for some years, but by reason of ill-health, he abandoned active business and purchased the homestead of his father in Philipstown, and there he spent the closing years of his life in comparative retirement, possessing a moderate competence, acquired in merchandising. He died in the same house in which his father had lived and died, thus two generations died on the homestead. He was distinguished for his gentlemanly deportment, Christian life, and public spirit. The old homestead was a church and a religious centre for more than sixty years. He knew well the advantages of education, and he inculcated it in his children."--Letter of E. J. Horton.

His influence in society was of the true kind, and his death was greatly lamented.

VI. LEONARD, son of Benjamin Horton and Peninah Newton (John, Jeremiah, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born at Naugatuck, Conn., 15 Nov., 1807; married JEMIMA CONOVER, born in New Jersey, 26 Sept., 1809; moved from Connecticut to Chenango Co., N. Y.

Children, probably all born in Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y.:

1. Marcus Nelson, born 6 April, 1830.

2. Emily Jane, born 1832.

3. Avis Amelia.

4. Clark Lawrence.

Eighth Generation.--Joshua I.

III. HARRY, son of Joseph Horton and Mary Cox (Dea. Joseph, Joseph, Benjamin, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born in Wallkill, Orange Co., N. Y., 11 April, 1811; moved with his father, when 18 months old (1813), to Newfield, Tompkins Co., N. Y.; married in Newfield, 5 May, 1834, by George Bailey, Esq., to SARAH SMITH, daughter of Henry Smith and Anna E. Hufford, and born in Hamilton, Northampton Co., Pa., 12 Oct., 1810.

Children, all born in Newfield, the residence of their parents:

1. William Henry, born 27 Feb., 1835; married Philena Nobles.

2. Stephen Joseph, born 31 May, 1838; married Kate Seabring.

3. Catherine Lonesa, born 14 March, 1841; married Nelson Cutter.

X. JAMES MADISON, son of Joseph Horton and Mary Cox, born in Newfield, N. Y., 14 Dec., 1814; married in Newfield, 27 Aug., 1835, by George D. Bailey, Esq., to ELIZABETH SMITH, daughter of Henry Smith and Nancy Hofford, and born in Newfield, 31 July, 1816.

Children, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 born in Newfield, 9 and 10 in Republic, Ohio:

1. A daughter, born 3 Feb., 1837; died unmarried.

2. Sarah Maria, born 26 Jan., 1838; married David Hubbard Clark.

3. Fannie Minerva, born 12 July, 1840; married Rufus Bishop Hall.

4. Clara Jane, born 20 Aug., 1842; married Harry Axtel Palmer.

5. Francis Asbury, born 22 Oct., 1845; married Marian Chitenden.

6. Levi Wisner, born 8 Dec., 1847; married Alchamedy Lapham.

7. Ann Elizabeth, born 12 Oct., 1850; married William Clink.

8. Matilda Adelia, born 30 May, 1853; unmarried.

9. A son, born in 1856; died without a name.

10. Willie Eugene Seabring, born 29 March, 1858; unmarried.

Mr. Horton and family moved from Newfield to Republic, Seneca Co., Ohio, in Oct., 1855. He has been afflicted with ill-health for nine years past. He resides at Green Springs, Ohio, and stands fair in the community.

II. LEVI DECKER, son of Benjamin Horton and Phebe Vail (Dea. Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born in Newfield, N. Y., 22 April, 1811; married in Enfield, Tompkins Co., N. Y., 12 July, 1834, by Rev. Obediah Chase, to SUSAN POLHAMUS, daughter of Cornelius Polhamus and Polly Caniff, and born in Ulster Co., N. Y., 18 Feb., 1813.

1. Amos Curry, born in Newfield, 27 April, 1835; died 6 July, 1862.

2. Ruth Ann, born in Newfield, 20 Nov., 1836; married 30 April, 1860, by the Rev. Volney Powell, to John Hamilton Danthemus.

3. Phebe Jane, born in Newfield, 6 July, 1839; married 12 May, 1858, by the Rev. Volney Powell, to Charles W. Johnson.

4. George Washington, born in Newfield, 6 July, 1841.

5. John Gillett, born in New Milford, Ill., 23 Oct., 1844; died 14 Jan., 1849.

6. Clara Elizabeth, born in New Milford, Ill., 20 Feb., 1848; unmarried.

7. Eva Louisa, born in New Milford, Ill., 12 Jan., 1853; married by Rev. Henry Mahil, 25 Dec., 1871, to Charles Peake.

Levi D. Horton moved from Newfield, about 1842, to New Milford, Ill., where he now resides.

VI. STEPHEN L., son of Benjamin Horton and Phebe Vail, born in Newfield, Tompkins Co., N. Y., 15 March, 1818; married in Harlem, Winnebago Co., Ill., in 1847, by Rev. Mr. Wilson, to HARRIET NEWELL, born 4 Jan., 1827, in Litchfield, Mass.; died in New Milford, Ill., 23 May, 1868.

1. Haskell V., born in New Milford, Ill., 16 March, 1850; married Celestia Jameson.

2. Harvey, born in New Milford, Ill., 7 August, 1852.

3. Alva, born in New Milford, Ill., 5 Sept., 1856.

4. Wesley Gibbs, born in New Milford, Ill., 25 Sept., 1858.

Married 2. in Newfield, N. Y., 5 Nov., 1868, by Rev. Reuben C. Fox, to MARY JANE STARR, born in Newfield, N. Y., 19 March, 1823.

1. Starr La Motte, born 19 Feb., 1870.

VII. BENJAMIN JOSEPH, son of Benjamin Horton and Phebe Vail, born in Newfield, N. Y., 13 March, 1820; married in Newfield, 19 Oct., 1842, by Rev. P. A. Johnson, to PHEBE PERRY, daughter of James E. Perry and Susanna Adams, and born in Schoharie Co., N. Y., 13 Oct., 1819.

Children, probably all born in Newfield, N. Y.:

1. Henrietta, born 23 July, 1843; died 25 Sept., 1858.

2. La Fayette, born 12 April, 1846; died 21 Sept., 1849.

3. Augusta Maria, born 24 Feb., 1851.

4. Oscar Perry, born 26 Dec., 1853.

5. Bela Joseph, born 5 Oct., 1856.

6. Elmer Elsworth, born 8 Dec., 1862.

IX. ASA CALDWELL, son of Benjamin Horton and Phebe Vail, born in Newfield, N. Y., 1 Jan., 1822; married at Beloit, Wis., in June, 1854, to SARAH WOOD, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Wood, and born at Chatham, now Ontario, Canada, 22 June, 1831. They reside at New Milford, Ill.

Children, all born at New Milford, Ill.:

1. Grace Edna, born 27 Dec., 1855.

2. Floyd Wallace, born 4 Nov., 1857.

3. William Wirt, born 16 March, 1861.

4. Amos Curry, born 6 Nov., 1863.

5. Lucy Lura, born 22 Nov., 1868.

I. WRIGHT JAMES, son of Isaac Horton and Margaret Odell (Joshua, Joshua, Joseph, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born in Philipstown, Putnam County, N. Y., 25 October, 1813; married in Fishkill, N. Y., 1 January, 1837, by the Rev. Geo. Horton, of the same place, to DEBORAH WILCOX, born in Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 13 Oct., 1812; she was daughter of Abner Wilcox and Sally ----. He was born 16 March, 1784. She was born 24 Sept., 1787.

Children, all born in Fishkill except Sarah Ann, who was born in Mt. Morris, Genesee Co., Mich.:

1. Rev. Isaac, born in Fishkill, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 29 Aug., 1839. A graduate of Rochester University, class of 1865; also a graduate of Rochester Theological Seminary, class of 1868.

2. Amelia, born 24 Oct., 1841; a teacher.

3. Abner, born 24 June, 1844; a telegraph operator and bookkeeper.

4. Cyrus B. Horton, born 13 Dec., 1846; a farmer.

5. Sarah Ann, born 26 July, 1849; married 3 Sept., 1867, to Prof. Jefferson H. Lewis. Mr. Lewis is the Principal of the Mt. Morris School. They have Nellie E. Lewis, born Sept., 1873.

Wright James Horton moved from Fishkill to Mt. Morris, Mich., in 1848, where he now resides.

I. EZRA JAMES, son of Hon. Cyrus Horton and Sarah Mead (Joshua, Joshua, Joseph, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born 20 July, 1826, in Putnam Valley, Putnam Co., N. Y., about seven miles from Peekskill, his present place of residence. He was married at Cold Springs Village, 8 Sept., 1850, by Rev. S. W. Jones, to SARAH DAVENPORT, only daughter of William Davenport and Euphemia Perry, and born at Cold Springs.

Children, all born in Peekskill, N. Y.:

1. Rushman Davenport, born 7 July, 1853; died 10 Aug., 1854, at Cold Springs.

2. Cyrus William, born 19 June, 1855; is now cadet midshipman, 3d class, Annapolis Academy.

3. Euphemia, born 17 Feb., 1857; died same day.

4. Linda E., born 24 Jan., 1859; died 2 Aug., 1859.

5. Walter, born 24 Sept., 1860; died 31 Oct., 1863, at Philipstown.

6. Annie Woolsey, born 24 Sept., 1863; died at Philipstown.

7. Cornelia Southard Lelia, born 12 Dec., 1864.

8. Charles Davenport, born 16 Sept., 1866, at Peekskill.

9. Ezra James, born 7 Jan., 1869, at Peekskill.

10. Clarence Frost, born 10 Feb., 1871, at Peekskill.

11. Arthur, born 26 Dec., 1872, at Peekskill.

E. J. Horton came to Peekskill in 1844. He has been an editor and publisher for twenty-four years, and he still follows the same occupation, being at present editor and publisher of the "West Chester News," an interesting and useful weekly paper, published at White Plains, the Seat of Justice of West Chester Co., N. Y. He spent two years at the New York University, but by reason of ill-health, he was compelled to leave it. He also studied medicine, but for the same reason he was forced to give this up also, and abandon all ideas of a professional life. Publishing and editing seemed better adapted to his health, and in this occupation he has been successful. He is now (1875) also publishing a paper at Port Jervis, N. Y.

I. MARCUS NELSON, son of Leonard Horton and Jemima Conover (Benjamin, John, Jeremiah, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born at Oxford, Chenango Co., N. Y., 6 April, 1830; married at Walton, Delaware Co., 1 July, 1861, by Rev. J. S. Pattingill, to ADALINE MEAD BRISACK, daughter of Sylvester Brisack and Ann Mead, and born in Walton, 22 Feb., 1833.

1. Edward Bates, born at Watertown, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 30 July, 1862.

2. Ernest Wayne, born at Elmira, N. Y., 4 August, 1871; dead.

3. John Marcus, born No. 25 Park Avenue, Williamsport, Pa., 19 July, 1873.

Mr. M. N. Horton was Superintendent of the public schools of the city of Williamsport for some years past. He is now Superintendent of the public schools of the city of Franklin, Venango Co., Pa. He is a skillful educator, and a gentleman much distinguished for his scholarly attainments, and correct moral habits and principles. He graduated at Williams College, Mass., in 1853. Received his degree of A. M. five years later. Studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1862, but did not continue in practice of law, preferring other pursuits.

Ninth Generation.--Joshua I.

VI. CHARLES WESLEY, son of Alvah Horton and Mary Elizabeth Tuthill (Benjamin, Dea. Joseph, Joseph, Joshua, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born at Riverhead, about 1828; married SARAH OVERTON.

1. Francis.

2. Alvah.

VII. HENRY EGBERT, son of Alvah Horton and Mary Elizabeth Tuthill, born at Cutchogue, L. I., 19 Sept., 1830; married in 1856, by Rev. Frs. Hill, to ISABELLA GRAHAM HORTON, daughter of B. Bailey Horton and Hannah Reeves, and born in Cutchogue, 19 Sept., 1831. They reside at East Hampton, L. I.

Children, probably all born at East Hampton:

1. Charlotte Beatrice, born 1857.

2. Mary Elizabeth, born 7 August, 1859.

3. David, born in 1861; died in infancy.

4. Maggie Cora, born in Dec., 1863.

5. Susan Hannah, born in 1866.

6. Isabella Rose, born in 1868.

7. De Forest, born 15 June, 1871.

I. WILLIAM HENRY, son of Harry Horton and Sarah Smith (Joseph, Dea. Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Ephraim, Joshua I.), born in Newfield, N. Y., 27 Feb., 1835; married 6 Dec., 1863, by the Rev. D. Weaver, to PHILENA NOBLES, daughter of Amon Nobles and Mary Wilbour, of Long Island, and born in 1837.

Children, born in Newfield, N. Y.:

1. Amanda Belle, born 12 August, 1865.

2. Kate Evelyn, born 25 Dec., 1872.

II. STEPHEN JOSEPH, son of Harry Horton and Sarah Smith, born in Newfield, 31 May, 1838; married in Newfield, 5 May, 1859, to KATE SEABRING, daughter of Richard Seabring and Betsey Hughes, of Newfield, and born in 1840.

Children, born in Newfield:

1. Willie, born 5 August, 1862.

2. Lida May, born 11 April, 1865.

III. CATHERINE LONESA, daughter of Harry Horton and Sarah Smith, born in Newfield, 14 March, 1841; married in Newfield, 3 Oct., 1864, to NELSON CUTTER, son of Nyrum Cutter, Esq., and Rebecca Dennis, and born in Newfield, in 1838. No children.

They reside in Newfield.

Third Generation.--Jonathan I.

I. JONATHAN, son of Jonathan Horton I. and Bethia Wells, born at the "Old Castle," 23 Dec., 1683; married 27 Nov., 1707, MARY TUTHILL, daughter of Henry Tuthill, brother of John Tuthill, the Pilgrim. He died 2 April, 1768; she died. Both buried in Southold Cemetery.

Children, probably all born in the Old Castle, at Southold:

1. Mary, born 1708; married Edward Mabel; had Moses and others.

2. Eliphaz, born 1710; disappeared mysteriously when 18, never heard of afterwards.

3. Mehitabel, born 1712; married 2 Dec., 1743, to Walter Brown, being his 3d wife. 4. Azariah W., born 20 March, 1715; married. 5. Lazarus (Lawrence), born 1717; married Anna Corey. 6. Ambrose, born 1720; married.

In "New Haven Colonial Records," as furnished by Stuart T. Terry, of Southold, we learn that he was a very prominent man; a merchant, an auctioneer, teacher of a select school, and often drew up legal documents. He also had charge of the church money, and under date of 5 Nov., 1716, he says: "Uncle Joshua Horton came to my house and weighed the church's money, Uncle Wells also being present." To his eldest son, Azariah W., he wills Rawley's History and a small cane, and to his grandson, son of Jonathan Horton, deceased, "my homestead and houses in the first Parish of Southold, also my gun and silver-hilted sword." He gives to the three daughters of his son Lazarus, £15 each; to his grandsons, sons of his son Ambrose, "all the buildings where my son Ambrose now lives--son Ambrose to have the improvement of the land as long as he lives--also the farming implements he hath at Rone Oak." He also makes bequests to his daughter Mary Mabel, and her son Moses. He appoints for his executors "my trusty friend William Horton and my son Joseph Cleveland." Will signed 3 Oct., 1764. We have no other record of Joseph Cleveland.

II. JAMES, son of Jonathan Horton I. and Bethia Wells, born in Southold, at the "Old Castle," in 1694; married in 1717, ANNA GOLDSMITH, born in Southold, in 1698. He was an office-bearer in the church at Southold from his majority to the close of his life--a strong pillar of the church, eminent for his piety and sound Christian character. He was universally known as "Dea. James," and greatly respected. It is said that he often accompanied the Rev. Mr. Whitefield, and took an active part in his public meetings.

Jonathan Goldsmith Horton, as quoted by Stuart T. Terry, says of him in his epitaph:

"Intombed beneath this ponderous load Lies the man who loved and feared the Lord; A husband dear, a father ever kind, To the poor a close and constant friend: Sober, blameless, to charity inclined, Meriting well of all he left behind."

He died 16 May, 1762; Anna, his wife, died 8 March, 1783. Both buried in Southold Cemetery.

1. James, born 1718; married, and had an only child, James, Jr., who died without issue.

2. Barnabas, born in 1720; married Susan Bailey.

3. Abigail, married 1. Pierson; 2. Jackson.

4. Anna, married Joseph Terry, son of Joseph Terry and Sarah Dimond.

5. Thomas, married Susan Conklin.

6. Silas, born 25 Dec., 1730; married Mary Bull.

7. Ezra, born 25 Dec., 1733; married Mary Hempstead.

8. Bethia, married Jonathan Burnette Horton, son of Barnabas Horton and Elizabeth Burnette.

Fourth Generation.--Jonathan I.

I. CAPT. BARNABAS, son of Dea. James Horton and Anna Goldsmith (Jonathan I.), born in Southold, in 1720; married about 1742, to SUSANNA BAILEY.

1. Barnabas, married Mehitabel Wells.

2. Abigail, married Gershom Terry.

3. Anna, married Joseph Wickham.

4. Julia Ann, married Jonathan Wells.

5. Susanna, married Gilbert Case.

6. Col. Benjamin, married 1. Mehitabel Osborn; 2. Harmony Reeves.

7. Capt. James, born 1 Sept., 1757; married 1. Elizabeth Wood; 2. Elizabeth Milliken.

8. Bethia, married William Rogers.

9. Gilbert, married Returah Terry.

10. Jonathan, married Bethia Hallock.

IV. THOMAS, son of Dea. James Horton and Anna Goldsmith, born in Southold, in 1728; married 24 Feb., 1757, to SUSANNA CONKLIN. Moved to Goshen, N. Y., about 1762, and settled there.

Children, all born in Goshen, except Thomas, who was born in Southold:

1. Thomas, born 5 Oct., 1760; married Hannah Moore.

2. James, married Abigail Tuthill.

3. Samuel, married Margaret Consalaris.

4. Hannah, born about 1773; married Abiram Reeve.

5. Gamaliel, died young.

6. Ezra, married Hannah Gardiner.

7. Paul, married Ruth Hardin.

8. Peter, died young.

9. Susan, married 1. Little; 2. Daniel Carpenter.

10. Bethia, married Peter Johnson.

VI. SILAS, son of Dea. James Horton and Anna Goldsmith, born in Southold, 25 Dec., 1730; married MARY BULL, about 1756. Her parentage is not known, although her name is illustrious in the annals of Orange Co.--Vide History of Orange Co.

He went to Orange Co. about 1750, where he settled and died.

Children, all born in Goshen Township:

1. Bethia, born in 1757; married 28 Feb., 1778, Benjamin Hallock.

2. Anna, born 20 June, 1758; died 18 Sept., 1767.

3. Margaret, born 4 Sept., 1760; died 4 Sept., 1767.

4. James, born 5 Feb., 1762; died young.

5. Sarah, born 28 Nov., 1764; married 15 August, 1795, David Hawkins.

6. Silas, born 19 May, 1768; died 13 April, 1782.

7. William, born 2 July, 1771; married 21 Dec., 1793, Phebe Rumsey.

8. James, born 11 Sept., 1774; married.

VII. REV. EZRA, son of Dea. James Horton and Anna Goldsmith, born in Southold, 25 Dec., 1733; married in the town of Hempstead, L. I., in 1757, MARY HEMPSTEAD, daughter of Robert Hempstead, and born in 1736. He graduated at Princeton College, N. J., in the class of 1754. He studied for the ministry in Princeton, and the honorary degree of A. M. was conferred upon him by Yale College, in 1772. He was ordained at Union, Ct., 14 June, 1759, and from that time until 1783, he was pastor of the Congregational Church at Union. After twenty years of faithful service, his health failing, at his own request, 6 August, 1783, he was dismissed from his charge. He died at Union, 13 Jan., 1789. His wife, remaining his widow, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Rev. Calvin Ingals, West Stafford, Conn., 23 Jan., 1815, aged 79.

Children, all born in Union:

1. Ezra.

2. Anna.

IV. AZARIAH, son of Jonathan Horton and Mary Tuthill (Jonathan I.), born in the "Old Castle," at Southold, 20 March, 1715; married EUNICE ----.

He was educated at Yale College, graduated in the close of 1735, being only twenty years of age.

Children, probably all born at Southold:

1. Mary, married Jacob Morrill, Esq.

2. Hannah, married Lewis Woodruff, son of the Mayor of Elizabeth, N. J.

3. Charles, a surgeon in the Revolutionary Army; died in the service.

4. Forster, a very prominent man in the Parish; a merchant in Chatham Village, N. J.

5. Charlotte, married a Christy.

The Rev. Azariah Horton was a missionary among Long Island Indians from 1741 to 1750. He kept a very interesting diary of his labors from day to day, a part of which is published in PRIME'S History of Long Island. In 1751, he was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Bottle Hill, now Madison, N. J. In Nov., 1776, at his own request, he was dismissed from his charge, and on 27 March, 1777, he died. He was an active and faithful minister, and he was one of the prominent men in founding the College of New Jersey. His wife kept a store at Bottle Hill. She was an energetic and successful business woman--active in the work of the church and highly esteemed.

About 15 or 20 years ago, some unknown gentleman came to Madison and put up a very pretty monument at the grave of the venerable Azariah Horton.

We are indebted to Mrs. Cuyler, mother of the Rev. Dr. Theodore S. Cuyler, of Brooklyn, for the above facts. She being a grand-daughter of Jacob Morrill, Esq., and great-grand-daughter of the Rev. Azariah Horton.

I. DEA. WILLIAM, son of William Horton and Christiana Youngs (Jonathan I.), born in 1708; married 21 Jan., 1730, to MEHETABEL WELLS, daughter of Joshua Wells and Hannah Tuthill, and born in Southold, about 1709. He died 26 Sept., 1788.

1. William, born 1731.

2. Jonathan.

3. Mehetabel, born 29 Sept., 1743; married James Corwin.

4. Hannah.

5. Asenath.

6. Bethia.

II. JONATHAN, son of William Horton and Christiana Youngs, born in 1710, in Southold; married about 1730, to ABIGAIL HORTON, daughter of Joseph Horton (Ephraim, Joshua I.). He was remarkable for his kindness of heart, and his constant efforts to do good, so much so, that he was appropriately called "Good Jonathan," and by this appellation he has always been known.

3. Joshua.

4. Mehetabel.

5. Abigail.

6. Phebe.

7. Hannah.

Fifth Generation.--Jonathan I.

I. BARNABAS, son of Capt. Barnabas Horton and Susanna Bailey (Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, 7 March, 1745; married 3 Nov., 1773, MEHETABEL WELLS, born in Southold, in Nov., 1747.

1. James Wells, born 28 Oct., 1774; married Mary Terry.

2. Justus, born 13 June, 1776; married Nancy Conklin.

3. Bethia, born 25 August, 1799; married Joshua Billard.

4. Barnabas B., born 16 Dec., 1803; married Eliza Case.

5. Harrison, born 28 Nov., 1811; died young.

6. William, born 27 May, 1810; married Elizabeth Dickerson.

II. ABIGAIL, daughter of Capt. Barnabas Horton and Susanna Bailey, born in Southold, about 1747; married Gershom Terry, son of Gershom Terry and Bethia Wells, and born in Southold.

1. Betsey.

4. Rensselaer.

5. Bethia.

6. Hetty.

IV. JULIA ANN, daughter of Capt. Barnabas Horton and Susanna Bailey, born in Southold, in 1751; married JONATHAN WELLS.

1. James.

3. Giles.

4. Julia.

5. Susanna.

7. Temperance.

8. Polly.

VI. COL. BENJAMIN, son of Capt. Barnabas Horton and Susanna Bailey, born in Southold, 2 April, 1755; married 22 Dec., 1778, to MEHITABEL OSBORN. She died 16 Oct., 1787. In 1788, he married HARMONY REEVES, daughter of Lawyer Reeves.

Children, all born in Southold. By his 1st wife:

1. Benjamin Hull, born 10 July, 1779; married Abigail Booth.

2. Barnabas, born 22 May, 1781; married 1. Anna Hawkins; 2. Sally Hawkins; 3. Sally Penny.

3. Osborn, born 1783.

By 2. wife:

4. James Reeves, born 2 July, 1789; married Amy Philips.

5. Mehitabel, born 24 June, 1791; married Albert Goldsmith.

6. Salter Storrs, born 12 Nov., 1793; married Harriet Case.

7. Silas, born 13 Nov., 1794; married Mary Landon.

8. Harmony, born 12 Sept., 1796; died unmarried.

9. Thomas Jefferson, born 6 Nov., 1798; married Eliza Davids.

10. Benjamin Franklin, born 8 Dec., 1800; unmarried; died in 1820.

11. Ezra L'Hommedieu, born 16 Nov., 1802; died young.

12. David Austin, born 5 July, 1804; married Mary Conklin; no children.

Col. Benjamin Horton was a prominent and genial man, highly respected. He was a Colonel of militia, and for many years a Deacon, and also a Trustee, of the Southold Church. He was a man of unblemished character. Griffin, in his Journal, says: "Col. Benj. Horton was esteemed as an officer, and as a valuable member of society, and a pillar of the church, as was his brother Gilbert, who with much and deserved respect, held the rank of Major, and was a Deacon of the church."

VII. CAPT. JAMES, son of Capt. Barnabas Horton and Susanna Bailey (Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born 1 Sept., 1757; married 1. the WIDOW ELIZABETH WOOD, of Orange Co., N. Y., born 14 Feb., 1751. She died of consumption, 27 March, 1787; married 2. 27 Dec., 1787, ELIZABETH MILLIKEN of Southold, born 25 July, 1770. She died 17 July, 1822. He died 30 July, 1825.

Children. By his 1st wife:

1. Elizabelh, born in Guilford, Conn., 14 March, 1783; died 25 Sept., 1864; unmarried.

2. Julia Ann, born in Southold, 16 May, 1785; married.

By his 2d wife:

3. Hector Youngs, born 15 March, 1789; married Dency Tuthill.

4. Mary, born 2 June, 1792; died 20 August, 1841; unmarried.

5. James Edwin, born 1 March, 1797; married Rejoice Horton; died 7 July, 1843.

6. Ezra, born 17 March, 1802; married 15 May, 1851, Hannah Bloomingburg.

7. Comfort, born 27 August, 1809; died 23 Oct., 1809.

Capt. James Horton was a blacksmith and farmer; a faithful soldier in the war of 1812-'15, bearing the commission of a Captain, and was honored and respected by all who knew him.

IX. MAJ. GILBERT, son of Capt. Barnabas Horton and Susanna Bailey, born in Southold, in 1763; married 7 Dec., 1784, KETURAH TERRY, daughter of Jonathan Terry and Keturah Reeves, and born in Southold, in 1766.

1. Jonathan Terry, married Mehitabel Horton, daughter of Benjamin Horton and Charlotte Wells.

2. Keturah.

3. Gilbert, born 6 Nov., 1799; married Lydia Bailey.

5. Susan Bailey.

Maj. Gilbert was a farmer and a blacksmith; also a Major in the militia, and a prominent man of fair reputation. He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church, and he was a Deacon of the church. He died 6 May, 1822, and his wife died 2 Feb., 1844.

X. JONATHAN, son of Capt. Barnabas Horton and Susanna Bailey, born in Southold, Sept., 1765. "Dea. Jonathan, as he was familiarly called, was the fifth son of Capt. Barnabas Horton of Hogneck, now Bay View, L. I. He married MISS HALLOCK, with whom he lived about thirty years in Mattituck Center. In early life he pursued the trade of a blacksmith. In later years that of a farmer. He embraced religion in early life, and united with the Presbyterian Church of Southold, and was chosen a Deacon and an Elder. He filled these offices for more than thirty years. For the greater part of his life he stood in official stations, and by them he was much burthened. But in all his civil, military, ecclesiastical and judicial relations, he was well sustained and gave general satisfaction. The many and complex cares wore upon his naturally good constitution, and at length led on to a lingering consumption which called him to his grave, 19 Jan., 1819, in the 54th year of his age.

His children were two sons and two daughters, viz.:

1. Silas, who died under one year of age.

2. Lydia, born in 1788; married John Clark.

3. Rejoice, born in 1792; married James E. Horton, son of Capt. James Horton and Elizabeth Milliken.

4. Barnabas Bailey, born 2 June, 1797; married Hannah Reeves."--Letter of B. Bailey Horton.

I. WILLIAM, son of Dea. William Horton and Mehetabel Wells (William, Jonathan I.), born at Southold, about 1732. "We have always heard him spoken of as 'Uncle' William. He was a large landholder--owned and occupied the old house in which I was born. It was taken down in 1854, and the house in which my father, Joseph Hazzard Horton, now lives, was erected upon its site. It was built by his grandfather, son of Jonathan I. He was thrice married, 1. to PATIENCE CORWIN; 2. MARTHA GARDINER, a very pious lady. She was confined to her bed a long time by sickness, previous to her death, and by her request, the Rev. Elam Potter prepared her funeral sermon, and read it to her previous to her death, which occurred in 1792; married 3. MARY GOLDSMITH.

"He occupied the east side of the old house, my grandfather, David Horton, the west side. My grandfather took the farm, and cared for 'Uncle' William's mother, who lived to be very aged. He always lived in good style, and kept several slaves. His third wife had the first woolen carpet ever known in that vicinity. A good stock of liquors was always found upon his board, and he allowed no wood except hickory to be used for fuel.

"He was a gentleman who always rode in his chaise, and spent much of his time in fishing and other amusements, and the 'William Horton Rock,' one of his most frequent fishing points, is famous to this day. He died without issue. His third wife survived him, and after his death she sold 'Tom' for $100, and 'Hagar' for $70. She married JOSIAH VAIL--lived happily for many years in the cottage a little west of the old Barnabas Horton Homestead."--Letter of D. P. Horton, 1872.

I. DEA. JOHN BUDD, son of Jonathan Horton and Mary Budd (Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Goshen, 19 August, 1762; married in 1796, to HANNAH WEBB, born in 1776. She died 22 Jan., 1835. He died 22 Jan., 1841. They were pious people, much esteemed by those who knew them. He was for many years a respected Deacon of the Presbyterian Church of Goshen.

1. Elizabeth Webb, born 29 Dec., 1797; died unmarried.

2. Sarah Ann, born 24 Dec., 1799; unmarried.

3. Spencer, born 12 Nov., 1801; married Emily Lewis.

4. Mary, born 5 Sept., 1803; unmarried.

5. James, born 17 Dec., 1805; married Mary G. Cummins; moved to Iowa.

6. Abigail, born 23 Nov., 1807; unmarried.

7. Susan M., born 8 Jan., 1811; unmarried.

8. Silas, born 14 May, 1813; married Mary A. C. Thompson; she died.

I. DEA. EZRA, son of Rev. Ezra Horton and Mary Hempstead (Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Union, Conn., 12 April, 1761; married 15 May, 1785, OLIVE MAY, daughter of Nehemiah May, of Holland, Mass., and Anna Lyon, of Woodstock, Conn., and born in Holland, Mass., about 1787. He died 31 May, 1848. She died 15 March, 1833,--both buried in Union Cemetery.

1. Thomas, born 8 Oct., 1786; died, unmarried, by drowning in Lake Erie, at Erie, Pa., in 1836.

2. Erastus, born 6 Oct., 1787; married Tryphena Burleigh.

3. Philena, born 12 June, 1789; married Salmon Strong.

4. Gurdon, born 24 Feb., 1791; married Lucy Davidson.

5. Lucinda, born 28 August, 1792; married Alfred Moore.

6. Ezra, born 12 June, 1794; married Lucy Shepherd.

7. Norman, born 5 Dec., 1795; married Esther Griggs.

8. Chauncey, born 13 May, 1797; married Amanda Chaffee.

9. Mary, born 17 Oct., 1798; married Elijah Kinney.

10. Joseph, born 16 Feb., 1799; died 27 March, 1800.

11. Almira, born 27 April, 1801; married Dwight Foster.

12. Eli, born 6 May, 1803; married Catharine E. Ellsworth.

13. Olive, born 1 April, 1805; married Elbert Foster.

14. Laurens, born 21 March, 1807; married 1. Almira Coe; 2. Laura Bennet.

15. Fidelia, born 5 Jan., 1809; married Thomas Moore.

II. ANNA, daughter of Rev. Ezra Horton and Mary Hempstead, born 13 April, 1763; married 30 Jan., 1783, ROBERT LAWSON, ESQ., son of Capt. Thomas Lawson, of Union, and born at Union, 11 Jan., 1759. He died 19 April, 1835. She died 14 Dec., 1841.

1. Margaret, born 3 Dec., 1783; married Nathan Howard, of Stockbridge, Mass.

2. Susannah, born 3 June, 1786; died 8 Feb., 1857.

3. Paul, born 31 March, 1789; married Lydia Holman, 9 Dec., 1824; died 27 Sept., 1871.

4. Phebe, born 12 Feb., 1792; married Lyman Moore, 31 May, 1827; died 3 April, 1868.

5. Ira, born 4 July, 1796; married 1. Amy Remmington; 2. Anna Bartlett.

6. David, born 8 July, 1800; married Polly Corbin, at Woodstock, 17 Nov., 1844.

7. Esther, born 14 March, 1803; married John Moore, 28 Nov., 1827.

And 8. Mary, born 14 March, 1803; married Roswell Blodgett, 19 July, 1857.

III. MARY, daughter of Rev. Ezra Horton and Mary Hempstead, born 24 Dec., 1768; married 28 May, 1795, REV. CALVIN INGALS, of West Stafford, Conn., and born at Pomfret, Conn., 22 Nov., 1760.

1. Catherine, born at Union, 12 June, 1796; married William Thompson, 1 Dec., 1815.

2. Mary, born at West Stafford, 11 June, 1800; married Milo Knight, 17 May, 1824.

VII. WILLIAM, son of Silas Horton and Mary Bull (Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Goshen, 2 July, 1771; married 21 Dec., 1793, PHEBE RUMSEY, born 12 March, 1768.

Children, all born in Goshen, N. Y.:

1. Sarah, born 12 Oct., 1794; died 15 August, 1795.

2. Dr. William, born 16 May, 1796; married Maria Ryneck.

3. Margaret, born 4 Oct., 1797; died 15 Jan., 1817.

4. Charlotte, born 31 Oct., 1807; married Dr. Jerome Welles. Their children all died young.

Sixth Generation.--Jonathan I.

II. ERASTUS, son of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May (Rev. Ezra, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Union, Ct., 7 Oct., 1787; married in Union, 28 April, 1808, by Samuel Crawford, Esq., to TRYPHENA BURLEIGH, daughter of Jacob Burleigh and Lucy Laflin, and born in Union; 25 March, 1788.

1. Almyra Minerva, born in Union, 1 June, 1809; married Anson Ranney.

2. Mary Emily, born in Union, 19 July, 1811; married Henry Francisco.

3. Alonzo Erastus, born in Union, 24 Oct., 1813; married 1. Sally Millington Wright; 2. Sarah Babe.

4. Ezra, born at Augusta, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1816; married.

5. Nelson Burleigh, born at Smithfield, N. Y., 27 March, 1818; died in Wisconsin, 1858.

6. Thomas de Lafayette, born at New Haven, N. Y., 16 Dec., 1824; died in Wisconsin, 17 Sept., 1850.

7. Lucy Jane, born at Scriba, N. Y., 7 April, 1835; married W. W. Bowers, Esq.

Erastus Horton moved, in 1815, to Oneida, N. Y.; thence, in 1832, to Scriba, N. Y., and next, in 1841, to Oakland, Jefferson Co., Wis., and finally to San Diego, Cal., where he and his wife both died, the latter 5 March, 1873, the former 19 Feb., 1875.

Jacob Burleigh, son of John Burleigh, was born in Union, 5 June, 1756. John Burleigh was the first settler in Union; came there as early as 1732. The family originally came from England. Lucy Laflin was the daughter of John Laflin and Susanna Galbraith, and born 2 Feb., 1762. John Laflin came from Stowe, Mass., and bought land in Union, Ct., 9 Sept., 1740.--See Town Record of Deeds, I. Vol., page 146. John Burleigh (Burley) is said to have emigrated to this country with Gov. Belcher, of Mass., about 1740, when he was 14 years old.--See Obituary Records of Yale College, 1863. The Burleighs were connected by marriage with Gov. William Bradford, of Mass., and many of them are celebrated as writers and speakers.

William H. Burleigh, the poet and editor, and Charles C. Burleigh, the eloquent anti-slavery and temperance lecturer, are known throughout the country.

III. PHILENA, daughter of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born 12 June, 1789; married 9 Jan., 1812, SALMON STRONG, ESQ., of Augusta, N. Y., son of Alexander Strong, and born at Union, 1 March, 1784.

1. Salmon, born at Union, 25 Oct., 1812; died 18 Jan., 1834.

2. Philena, born at Augusta, N. Y., 14 Sept., 1815; married Oliver Frank Ranney, Nov. 9, 1836, and died without issue, 17 Sept., 1838.

3. Alvin, born 14 Feb., 1817; married Persis S. A. Powers, May, 1838; died 5 Nov., 1866; she was killed by a horse running away, in 1875.

4. Olive Adelpha, born 7 March, 1821; died 14 April, 1842; unmarried.

5. Abigail, born 4 June, 1824; married Sept. 1, 1848, Oliver Brown Kinne; she died.

6. Julius Alexander, born 20 Nov., 1826; married 8 April, 1849, Caroline Miranda Powers, daughter of Walter Powers.

7. Warren Groves, born 30 Oct., 1832; married Sept. 22, 1857, Fanny Smith.

IV. GURDON, son of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born 24 Feb., 1791; married 1 May, 1816, LUCY DAVIDSON, of Wales, Mass.

1. Roysel, born 31 July, 1819; died 25 Sept., 1820.

2. Theodore Dwight, born 3 Aug., 1821; died in the hospital, Washington, D. C., 13 March, 1863.

3. Charles Riley, born 31 May, 1823; died 10 Sept., 1830.

4. Herman M., born 23 Feb., 1825; died 28 Oct., 1825.

5. Olive, born 23 April, 1827; died 27 August, 1830.

6. William Morgan, born 6 July, 1829; married Mary Ann Williams.

7. Francis G., born 6 July, 1829; died 26 Oct., 1833. (Twins.)

8. Eli, born 23 Nov., 1834; resides at Oaks, Wis.

9. Philena, born 22 Aug., 1838; married Williams; lives at N. Scriba, N. Y.

Gurdon Horton resides at a Shaker community, Albany Co., N. Y.

V. LUCINDA, daughter of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born 28 August, 1792; married 28 Jan., 1819, ALFRED MOORE, son of Thomas Moore, born at Union, 16 Jan., 1796. She died 2 April, 1845, at Smithfield, Madison Co., N. Y.

1. Alfred Austin, born 26 April, 1820; married Mary McQien; died 21 June, 1871.

2. Lucinda, born 3 June, 1822; died 6 Oct., 1826.

3. Olive Louisa, born 25 Sept., 1824; died 16 Oct., 1826.

4. Azubah Louisa, born 25 Sept., 1824; (Twins;) married William Baird; died 1 Aug., 1857.

5. Thomas, born 20 March, 1827; died 20 July, 1828. 6. Lucinda, born 2 Dec., 1828; died 8 August, 1830.

6. Ezra Horton, born 11 June, 1835; died 2 June, 1836.

VI. EZRA, son of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born 12 June, 1794; married LUCY SHEPHERD, daughter of Whitmore Shepherd, of Hartford, Conn., and born 18 March, 1822.

Children, all born in Union, where he resides:

1. Jared, born 18 Jan., 1822; married Harriet Louisa Tredeau.

2. Helen, born 5 August, 1823; married 1 Dec., 1843, Orrin Morse.

3. Thomas, born 4 May, 1825; married 22 April, 1850, Delight Wales.

4. Edwin, born in 1826; died in infancy.

5. Elvira, born 30 July, 1828; married 27 Jan., 1851, Thomas P. Leonard.

6. Edward Haskell, born 27 July, 1830; died 24 Dec., 1834.

7. Ezra Mason, born 3 June, 1832; married 2 August, 1859, Jane Bartlett.

8. Charles, born 3 July, 1834; married 23 March, 1859, Jane Frances Percy.

9. Olive, born 27 June, 1836; married 10 April, 1860, Joseph R. Langdon.

10. William Harrison, born 10 Oct., 1837; married 13 Feb., 1866, Armena Corbin; resides at Putnam, Ct.; no children.

11. Robert Bruce, born 13 Oct., 1843; married 8 Nov., 1865, Mary E. Coon, daughter of Isaac Coon and Sabrina Hall; no children.

VII. NORMAN, son of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born 5 Dec., 1795; married 27 Nov., 1823, ESTHER GRIGGS, daughter of Elisha Griggs, and born 13 Jan., 1800, in Union.

1. Harriet, born at Union, 22 August, 1824; married William Barron; died at Koskonong, Wis., 3 Sept., 1855.

2. Carlo, born at Union, 13 Feb., 1826; died at Koskonong, Wis., 3 Nov., 1846.

3. Norman Sanford, born at Union, 17 April, 1828; married 25 Dec., 1855, Lucy Lewis.

4. Elisha Griggs, born at Stockbridge, N. Y., 20 August, 1830; married Harriet Rawson.

5. Ezra, born at Stockbridge, N. Y., 13 August, 1832; died 21 April, 1862.

6. Esther Ann, born at Stockbridge, N. Y., 26 July, 1836; married 15 Nov., 1860, Frank Delong.

7. Sarah L., born at Stockbridge, N. Y., 6 Feb., 1839.

8. Malvin M., born at Koskonong, Wis., 13 May, 1843; married 24 Dec., 1863, Sophronia Cheesebro.

9. Charlotte, born at Koskonong, 9 May, 1846; married 6 April, 1866, Charles Wilby.

Norman Horton resides at Cold Spring, Wis.

VIII. CHAUNCEY, son of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born 13 May, 1797; married 30 Sept., 1824, AMANDA CHAFFEE, daughter of Amos Chaffee, of Ashford, Conn., and Eunice Cummings, and born 4 July, 1801.

1. Sophronia, born at Ashford, Ct., 5 Jan., 1826; married 17 May, 1849, John J. Carver.

2. Almira Amanda, born in Ashford, Ct., 20 Jan., 1828; married 18 Oct., 1849, H. A. Coolidge; she died in the Spring of 1875.

3. Emeline born at Ashford, 22 Sept., 1829; married 8 March, 1854, Giles B. Cleveland.

4. Mary Ann, born at Ashford, 1 Feb., 1831; married 16 May, 1854, Rev. R. H. Clark.

5. Cynthia Malvina, born at Stockbridge, 22 Feb., 1833; married 3 Sept., 1857, Justus Williams.

6. Chauncey Chaffee, born at Stockbridge, 24 March, 1835; married Elizabeth Hurlburt; died 24 July, 1870.

7. Harvey L., born at Stockbridge, 26 April, 1837; married 18 Oct., 1866, Clarissa Chapman, born at Smyrna, Chenango Co., N. Y.; no children.

8. Eunice Angeline, born at Stockbridge, 30 Sept., 1839; died 4 Feb., 1841.

9. Gerrit Smith, born at Stockbridge, 9 Sept., 1841; died 3 Sept., 1848.

Chauncey Horton died 15 Sept., 1848, at Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y.

IX. MARY, daughter of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born at Union, Ct., 17 Oct., 1798; married 31 May, 1821, at Union, ELIJAH KINNEY, son of Eleazar Kinney, of Union, and born 25 May, 1797.

Children, all born at Union:

1. Elisha Edwin, born 25 Sept., 1822; died 27 March, 1828.

2. Mary Olive, born 12 Dec., 1823; died at Ft. Atkinson, Wis., 6 June, 1859.

3. Harrison born 7 July, 1825; resides at Salem, Wis.

4. Eli Edwin, born 20 July, 1827; resides at Salem, Wis.

5. Decatur, born 30 Oct., 1830; died 18 Sept., 1832.

6. Fidelia, born in Madison Co., N. Y., 25 Jan., 1834; married at Ft. Atkinson, Wis., 2 Sept., 1861, by Rev. D. C. Curtis, to JOSEPH ALAND SHEPHERD, son of James Shepherd and Elizabeth Joyce, and born in Melksham, England, 19 June, 1827. They reside in San Diego, Cal., and he is a lawyer, and also, the accomplished and very competent clerk and bookkeeper of A. E. Horton, Esq., of San Diego, Cal.

XI. ALMIRA, daughter of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born at Union, 27 April, 1801; married at Stockbridge, N. Y., 31 March, 1825, DWIGHT FOSTER, of Ft. Atkinson, Wis., and born at Union, Ct., 16 April, 1801; died 8 Feb., 1870; son of Edward Foster, a lineal descendant of Samuel Foster and his wife Esther, who came from England to Winham, Mass., as early as 1648.

1. Alvin, born 31 July, 1828; died 8 Oct., 1846.

2. Celeste, born 21 August, 1834; married 28 May, 1857, Henry Southwell.

XII. ELI, son of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born at Union, Ct., 6 May, 1803; married KATHERINE E. ELLSWORTH, of East Windsor, Ct., daughter of Stoddard Ellsworth and Clarissa Alden.

Stoddard Ellsworth was a lineal descendant of Josiah Ellsworth, of Windsor, son of John Ellsworth, who was a resident of Windsor as early as 1646.

Children, all born at Stafford, Conn.:

1. Stoddard Ellsworth, born 31 March, 1833; married Fanny C. Chase.

2. Anna Ellsworth, born 17 Sept., 1835.

3. Katie Elsie, born 6 Jan., 1837; married Ezra B. Bailey, of Franklin, Ct.

4. Eli, born 24 August, 1839; died at Stafford, 3 March, 1841.

Eli Horton settled at Stafford, Ct., remained there till ---- ----; then moved to Windsor Locks, where he now resides. His life has been characterized by industry, economy and strict integrity. He has been an active business man,--become wealthy, and has always shared largely the respect and esteem of his fellow-men.

He was the inventor of an improved chuck for a turning-lathe, which he patented, and manufactures at a great profit. He also invented a machine for setting pins, for which he secured a patent, and for the right, he has been offered $10,000.

XIII. OLIVE, daughter of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born at Union, 1 April, 1805; died 19 April, 1855, married 30 April, 1830, ELBERT FOSTER, of Stockbridge, N. Y., son of William Foster, Esq., Union, Ct., a descendant of Samuel Foster, of Chelmsford and Winham, 1648, and born at Union, 21 Oct., 1805. He died 1874.

1. Olive Lorinda, born 7 May, 1831; died 30 May, 1835.

2. Elbert Judson, born 3 Oct., 1834; died 30 March, 1836.

3. Edward Burke, born 31 Dec., 1837; unmarried; lives at the old homestead.

4. Olive Adelphia, born 10 May, 1842; married William G. Potter, of Anaheim, Los Angeles Co., Cal.

XIV. LAURENS, son of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born at Union, 21 March, 1807; moved to Smithfield, N. Y., in 1825, and to Oswego, N. Y., in 1832; married 1. 11 June, 1834, ALMIRA COE, daughter of Albert Coe, of Scriba, N. Y. She died 21 June, 1842. He married 2. LAURA BENNET, of Kingston, Canada, who died 5 July, 1867.

He had two children by his 1st wife; 4 by his 2d wife:

1. Emily, born at Scriba, N. Y., 21 May, 1835.

2. William Henry, born at Smithfield, N. Y., 12 Feb., 1840; lives in San Francisco, Cal.; unmarried; now in company with W. W. Bowers in the Bee business.

3. Almira, born at Oswego, N. Y., 8 March, 1850.

4. Alvin, born at Oswego, N. Y., 1 April, 1853, died 8 May, 1855.

5. Nora, born at Oswego, N. Y., 27 August, 1857.

6. Celia, born 8 Sept., 1861; died 20 Sept., 1863.

XV. FIDELIA, daughter of Dea. Ezra Horton and Olive May, born at Union, Ct., 5 Jan., 1809; married at Smithfield, N. Y., 15 Sept., 1835, THOMAS MOORE, of Smithfield, N. Y., son of Thomas Moore, of Union, Ct., and born at Union, Ct., 6 Oct., 1806; died at Smithfield, N. Y., 5 July, 1853. She died 13 June, 1844.

Children, born at Smithfield:

1. Florilla, born 10 July, 1836; married Rev. Gordon Moore, son of Dr. James Moore, of Stockbridge, N. Y.

2. Franklin, born 3 Nov., 1843; married 28 June, 1870, Mary M. Clark.

II. DR. WILLIAM, son of Wm. Horton and Phebe Rumsey (Silas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Goshen, N. Y., 16 May, 1796; died in Goshen, at the age of 47 years. He married 9 April, 1817, Maria Ryneck, of Schenectady.

1. Silas Ryneck.

2. Eugene.

4. Egbert, died young.

5. Emily, married J. J. Dobson.

6. Margaret, married S. W. Teddel.

7. Charlotte, married Jesse E. Moffat.

8. Gertrude, married Brown C. Ward.

At the age of 18 the Doctor entered the junior class at Union College, and he was soon distinguished for his close application to his studies and strict regard for integrity. After his collegiate course, he studied medicine, and attended medical lectures in the medical department of the University of New York, during the palmy days of Mitchell and Hosack, and like these eminent teachers, he cultivated a taste for patient, cautious and bold investigation, which afterwards made him so distinguished and successful in the medical profession.

He commenced the practice of medicine at the residence of his father, and he soon possessed the confidence of the people and secured a large practice. He afterwards moved to the village of Goshen, and soon became a prominent man among his medical brethren, and, though young, he was nevertheless called upon to perform all the difficult and grave surgical operations occurring in the village, and also in the surrounding country. He was a good surgeon, but he was still more celebrated as a physician. By his skill and honorable bearing, he early secured the confidence of his medical brethren, and he was frequently called in consultation with the aged and experienced physicians of his day. He was remarkably successful in the treatment of fevers, carefully studying their pathology at the bedside, and also by post-mortem examinations, and in his views he was greatly in advance of the profession of his day. He prepared with great labor a work on fevers, but never published it. His pamphlet on Dysentery, and his Geological Reports, are his only published works, and these are sufficient to establish his reputation as a profound thinker and a clear and powerful writer.

At the bedside he was cheerful, affectionate and soothing, and always dignified. In his intercourse with his medical brethren he was always honorable, and in harmony with the code of medical ethics.

In the midst of his career of usefulness as a physician, he turned his attention to the study of botany, mineralogy and geology, and soon became one of the most noted men of his day in these sciences. His great delight in these studies led him, at the age of 37, to relinquish the practice of medicine and devote himself wholly to these sciences, and had he lived a few days longer, he would have published a large work on these subjects. The Doctor was also fond of archæological lore, and he was the first to attempt a genealogical history of the descendants of our old progenitor, Barnabas, of 1640. The old Horton roll of names and lineage which he got up some 60 years ago, was kindly furnished me by his son, Dr. William Horton, of Craigville, N. Y., and has rendered me valuable assistance in compiling the "Chronicles."

Dr. Horton was always rigidly moral, and never sacrificed principle to expediency. He had early been taught to respect the teachings of the Bible, and towards the close of his life he was led, with a child-like faith, to believe the doctrine of salvation by grace, and to publicly give himself to the Saviour, wondering and regretting that he had so long remained ignorant of the beauty, simplicity and sublimity of the Gospel scheme of salvation. Thus he died, in hope of a glorious immortality.

IV. BARNABAS BAILEY, son of Dea. Jonathan Horton and Bethia Hallock (Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, 2 June, 1797; married 22 January, 1824, by Rev. Lathrop Thompson, to HANNAH REEVES, daughter of Benjamin Reeves and Anna Corey, and born in Southold, 4 Dec., 1799. They reside in Cutchogue, L. I., are very pious, intelligent, worthy people--esteemed members of the Presbyterian Church of Southold--and he has given much valuable information in regard to his branch of the family.

Children, all born in Cutchogue:

1. Jonathan Edwards, born 25 Dec., 1824; dedicated in baptism 30 Dec., 1824, and died 31st of same month.

2. Susan Evangelia, born 26 Feb., 1826; married Henry E. Wells, of Greenport.

3. Andrew Philo, born 21 Sept., 1827; resides at Mattituck, L. I.

4. Isabella Graham, born 19 Sept., 1831; married Henry Egbert Horton.

I. BENJAMIN HULL, son of Col. Benjamin Horton and Mehetabel Osborn (Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born 10 July, 1782; married 14 Oct., 1802, ABIGAIL BOOTH, born in Southold, in 1784. He was drowned in Plumb Creek, 16 Dec., 1810.

1. Philander, born 9 Aug., 1803; died young.

2. Helen, born 18 June, 1805; married Cartwright.

3. Benjamin, born 2 March, 1807; died young.

4. Orange Hull, born 9 June, 1808; married Elmira Houston.

5. Benjamin Hull, born 28 July, 1810; married Phebe West.

III. OSBORN, son of Col. Benjamin Horton and Mehetabel Osborn, born in Southold, 5 Oct., 1787; married in 1812, SALLY PHILIPS.

1. Mary Elizabeth.

3. Theodore King.

IV. JAMES REEVES, son of Col. Benjamin Horton and Harmony Reeves (2d wife), born in Southold, 2 July, 1789; married AMY PHILIPS, daughter of Samuel Philips and Mary Corwin. He was long a magistrate, and a prominent man in Southold.

1. Lydia Rogers, married Franklin H. Overton.

2. Lydia, married J. Halsey Tuthill.

5. Fanny, married Oscar L. Case.

6. Benjamin Franklin, married Ann Eliza Horton.

VI. SALTER STORRS, son of Col. Benjamin Horton and Harmony Reeves, born in Southold, 12 Nov., 1792; married 18 Jan., 1823, by Rev. Nath'l Huntting, to HARRIET CASE, daughter of Moses Case and Lydia Goldsmith, and born in Southold, about 1794. He died 15 May, 1846. She perished on the Golden Gate, which was burned on the Pacific, 27 July, 1862.

1. Salter Storrs, born 10 Nov., 1825; went to California about 1849; died 24 June, 1855.

2. Emma Harriet, born 5 Dec., 1827; married Dr. Frank Tuthill. She was assistant editor of the New York Times for some years--went to California, became wealthy, and she is now (1874) in Europe, educating her daughter Anna.

3. Sarah Elizabeth, born 8 March, 1830; married Blakey; resides in California.

4. Jerusha Wickham, born 3 July, 1834. She is a teacher in Brooklyn, N. Y.

5. Josephine L., born 16 Dec., 1838; died 9 Oct., 1838.

6. Silas Austin, born 19 April, 1839; died in 1857.

7. Henry Wickham, born 29 July, 1841.

VII. HON. SILAS, son of Col. Benjamin Horton and Harmony Reeves, born in Southold, 13 Nov., 1794; married in Southold, 10 Jan., 1827, by the Rev. Noble Thomas, to MARY LANDON, daughter of Elijah Landon and Nancy Conklin, and born in Southold, 17 Dec., 1797. She died 19 Jan., 1872. He is still living.

He was a member of the Legislature of New York in 1844--was Sheriff of Suffolk Co., N. Y., in 1835. He has always been a prominent man--is widely known, possesses an unblemished character, and commands the respect and esteem of the community. His companion was a lady of refinement, intelligence and piety, and her death was deeply lamented, not only by a large circle of relatives and personal friends, but by the whole community.

1. Nancy Landon, born 17 March, 1828; married 8 Jan., 1850, by Rev. J. Huntting, to David H. Horton.

2. Martha Virginia, born 4 March, 1829; married 5 July, 1855, by Rev. E. Whittaker, to Rev. Carson W. Adams, of Wilmington, Del.

3. Adaline Bethia, born in 1831; died in infancy.

4. Angeline Margaret, born 17 March, 1833.

5. Mehetabel, born 13 Aug., 1836; married by Rev. E. Whittaker, 12 Nov., 1867, to Geo. W. Dayton, of Southampton, L. I. They reside in Brooklyn, N. Y.

VIII. HARMONY, daughter of Col. Benjamin Horton and Harmony Reeves, born in Southold, 12 Sept., 1796. She was a maiden lady, greatly distinguished for her hospitality and practical piety. She died some years ago.

IX. THOMAS JEFFERSON, son of Col. Benjamin Horton and Harmony Reeves, born in Southold, 6 Nov., 1798; married in Southold, 29 Jan., 1829, by Rev. Jonathan Huntting, to ELIZA DAVIDS, daughter of Samuel Davids and Nancy Wickham, and born in Southold, 22 May, 1804. He died 24 June, 1855. She is still living.

1. Henrietta, born 14 June, 1830.

2. Mary Elizabeth, born 11 Jan., 1832; married Stuart T. Terry.

3. Henry Davids, died young.

4. Nancy Wickham, born 20 Jan., 1839. 5. Henry Davids, born 23 Jan., 1845; married Miriam R. Osborn.

I. WILLIAM, son of Micah Horton and Bethia Tuthill (William, William, Jonathan I.), born in Minnisink, 25 Dec., 1757; married 1. HANNAH CROSSMAN; married 2. about 1791, ELIZABETH MASTERS.

Children, all born in Minnisink, Orange Co., N. Y.; by his first wife:

1. Julia, born 30 July, 1782; died 29 July, 1807.

2. Henry, born 20 Sept., 1783; died 6 May, 1848.

3. Bethia, born 26 Dec., 1784; married Ferguson; moved to Pennsylvania; died 24 Feb., 1860.

4. Hannah, born 7 Jan., 1786; died unmarried.

5. William, born 30 July, 1792; died 20 Sept., 1806.

6. Susan, born 1 July, 1793; unmarried.

7. Elizabeth, born 29 May, 1795; married Howell; died 12 May, 1863.

8. Mehetabel, born 29 July, 1798; married Joseph Doty; moved to Bradford Co., Pa.; died 6 Sept., 1863.

9. Benjamin, born 5 March, 1809; married 27 August, 1832, Mehitabel Reeves.

"Elizabeth Masters was born in Minnisink, 21 March, 1757, then a wilderness with but few inhabitants. When she was an infant the settlement was attacked by the Indians. The mother, with her child in her arms, fled, and made her way to a place of safety, just before being taken by the Indians. Her mother's sister, Mary Walling, was seized by them; and killed and scalped. Her grandmother, Susan Walling, in making her escape through the swamps, sank in the mire and mud. The Indians passed within a few feet of her, but did not discover her. She was found by her friends after the Indians left, and extricated almost dead, having remained in the mud almost one whole day."--Letter of Henry Albert Horton, 1874.

III. HECTOR YOUNGS, son of Capt. James Horton and Elizabeth Milliken (Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, 15 March, 1789; married in Southold, 28 Nov., 1812, by Rev. Lathrop Thompson, to DENCY TUTHILL, born 29 Oct., 1791. She was a lineal descendant of James Tuthill, brother of John, the Pilgrim. He died 6 August, 1825. She died.

1. John Franks, born 15 Dec., 1813; married Phebe Maria Reeves.

2. James Edwin, born 15 Jan., 1816; married Jerusha Worth.

I. JONATHAN GOLDSMITH, son of Capt. Jonathan Horton and Mary Goldsmith (Lazarus (Lawrence), Jonathan, Jonathan I.), born at the old homestead in Southold, 19 May, 1789; married 1. in Southold, 9 Dec., 1813, by Rev. Jonathan Huntting, to HANNAH BROWN, daughter of James Brown and Rhoda Youngs, and born 25 Nov., 1792; died 6 Sept., 1822, without issue; married 2. 25 Jan., 1825, by Rev. Jonathan Huntting, to RUTH AUGUSTA TERRY, daughter of James Terry and Mary Booth, and born in Southold, 23 Nov., 1792; died 30 Oct., 1869, childless; married 3. 27 Nov., 1870, by Rev. Ezra Youngs, to the widow BETHIA HORTON OVERTON BROWN, daughter of Jonathan Overton and Lydia Rogers, and born 14 Feb., 1804; died July, 1872. Her first husband was Samuel Brown, Jr., by whom she had David Horton and Lydia Catherine.

Jonathan Goldsmith Horton died 3 July, 1873, having no issue. He lived all his lifetime in the "Old Castle" built by Barnabas I., in 1660. He was a man of good social disposition, of little business capacity, of short, stout make, and rosy complexion. He bequeathed the old Homestead to Rev. Mrs. Charles S. William, of Brooklyn, who was formerly his foster-daughter Hannah, who married 1. Goldsmith. Jonathan G. Horton was Drum-Major of the 107th Reg., N. Y. Militia, in 1812, and Deputy-Sheriff of Suffolk Co., in 1814.

III. RENSSELAER, son of Capt. Jonathan Horton and Mary Goldsmith, born 5 March, 1793; married at Southampton, L. I., 10 March, 1814, to RUTH RACHEL HALSEY, daughter of Moses Halsey and Sarah Rogers, and born 1795; died 6 May, 1868.

Children, born at Greenport, L. I.:

1. Mary Caroline, born 17 July, 1819; married John Calvin Wells; had W. H. Harrison Wells; died 14 Jan., 1847.

2. Ruth Elmira Halsey, born 29 May, 1830; died 29 August, 1845.

Rensselaer Horton is a plain, unassuming man; member of the Presbyterian Church, and possesses good social qualities. He resides at Greenport with his daughter, Mrs. S. E. Wells, who is a widow.

I. DAVID, son of "Good" Jonathan Horton and Mary Case (Dea. William, William, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, about 1777; married about 1795, MARY CASE.

1. Joseph Hazzard, born 25 Jan., 1796; married Mehitabel Horton.

2. William, married 1. Clara Manny; 2. Leura Horton, daughter of Joseph Horton.

3. David Laurens, married Charlotte Jennings, daughter of Lazarus Jennings.

4. Christiana, married Ezra Boisseau.

5. Mary, married Samuel Hutchinson.

6. Julia, married Mathew Osborn.

7. Bethia, married Alvah Stratton Mulford. S. Harriet Newell, married Capt. Benjamin Cole.

III. SPENCER, son of Dea. John Budd Horton and Hannah Webb (Jonathan, Dea. James, Jonathan I.) born 12 Nov., 1801, in Goshen; married 27 Feb., 1828, EMILY LEWIS; died 18 Oct., 1864.

Children, probably all born in Wallkill, Orange Co., N. Y.:

1. Mary Jane, born 5 Jan., 1829.

2. John William, born 8 August, 1830.

3. Hannah Matilda, born 26 May, 1832.

4. James Edwin, born 13 Jan., 1835. 5. Amzi Spencer, born in 1838; died 28 August, 1849.

IV. BETHIA, daughter of Thomas Horton and Hannah Moore (Thomas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y., 25 Sept., 1789; married 1. BENJAMIN C. MCCLURE in 1811; married 2. WILLIAM DALES.

Children, all by her first husband, and probably all born in Hector, N. Y.:

1. John, born 17 July, 1811; died 10 April, 1862.

2. Oliver Perry, born 17 Nov., 1813.

3. Daniel, born 17 Sept., 1815; died 6 Feb., 1868.

4. Thomas Horton, born 16 Oct., 1817.

5. Almena Cully, born 18 Sept., 1822; died 19 Aug., 1827.

Under date of Feb. 22d, 1873, "Aunt" Bethia writes:

"My Dear Friend and Cousin, Dr. Geo. F. Horton:

"Yours of the 5th came to hand on the 10th inst. I was away from home when it came, or I should have replied sooner. I thought I would write to-day, and let you hear once more from your old cousin, now nearly 83 years old....

"My father's name was Thomas Horton. My mother's maiden name was Hannah Moore. My grandfather's name was also Thomas Horton. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and he and his brother-in-law, Nathan Moore, were taken prisoners when the British captured Fort Montgomery, and they were imprisoned in a vessel in New York Harbor, called 'a prison ship.' I never heard any other name for it. In that prison, by hard treatment and starvation, they were reduced so low that when set at liberty they both died before they got home. There were several other prisoners on that prison ship who lost their lives by the same cruel treatment.

"My father had ten children--4 sons and 6 daughters--all lived to be heads of families. I have often heard my father speak of a certain cup with the name of a bank on it, where a large sum of money was left by his father. When that cup was taken to the bank they could draw money. He said the cup was lost and how much money with it he did not know."

Seventh Generation.--Jonathan I.

I. JOSEPH HAZZARD, son of David Horton and Mary Case ("Good" Jonathan, Dea. William, William, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, 25 Jan., 1796; married 28 Nov., 1816, by the Rev. Jonathan Huntting, to MEHITABEL HORTON, daughter of Jonathan Horton and Mary Goldsmith, and born in Southold, 17 June, 1796.

1. Orinda McGee, born 20 Feb., 1816.

2. Jonathan Azariah, born 7 April, 1821.

3. David Philander, born 31 Aug., 1827.

4. Martha Day, born 10 Oct., 1836; married Jonathan Horton Boisseau.

Mr. J. H. Horton is well preserved--still active upon his farm--very industrious, and always temperate. He and his family are esteemed members of the Presbyterian Church.

BENJAMIN, son of William Horton and Elizabeth Masters (William, William, Jonathan I.), born in Minnisink, 5 March, 1809; married 27 Aug., 1832, to MEHITABEL REEVES, born 12 Jan., 1803.

Children, probably born in Minnisink, Orange Co., N. Y.:

1. Susan, born 13 May, 1823; died 24 June, 1825.

2. William, born 20 Feb., 1825; married 16 Nov., 1844, to Emeline S. Clark.

3. Charles W., born 9 May, 1827; married 13 Jan., 1869, to Elizabeth E. Post, of Wawaganda, N. Y.

4. Howell Reeve, born 24 Sept., 1829; married Julia Knapp.

5. Henry Albert, born 29 Aug., 1832; married Fanny Owens.

6. Mary Elizabeth, born 27 Oct., 1835; married Floyd Halstead; 2. Isaac Andrews.

V. EZRA, son of Thomas Horton and Anna Cully (Thomas, Thomas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in New York in 1818; married in Clearfield Co., Pa., 18 Jan., 1841, by the Rev. Mr. Chapman, to ELIZA WEAVER, daughter of John Weaver and Ruth Zimmerman, and born in 1820.

Mr. Horton was a farmer and a mason, and resided in Banks Township, Indiana Co., Pa., where his children were born, and where his widow now resides. He died 31 Oct., 1852.

1. Samantha Catherine.

2. Sarah Elizabeth.

3. Ruth Ann.

4. Hannah Amanda.

5. Happylonia Amelia.

6. John F.

VI. JUSTUS ELBERT, son of Justus Horton and Nancy Conklin (Justus, Barnabas Burnette, Barnabas, Jonathan I.), born on Shelter Island, Long Island, 8 July, 1816; married at Southampton, L. I., 9 Dec., 1840, by the Rev. Hugh N. Wilson, to SOPHIA HALSEY, daughter of Joshua Halsey and Experience Payne, and born in Southampton, 27 May, 1809.

1. Nancy Halsey, born in East Hampton. L. I., 29 April, 1842; died 21 July, 1845.

2. Charles Henry, born in East Hampton, L. I., 28 Feb., 1844; died 2 Aug., 1857.

3. Ann Eliza, born at Greenport, L. I., 22 May, 1846.

4. Schuyler Bogart, born at Greenport, L. I., March, 1849.

Justus E. Horton resides at Greenport. He is an elder in the Presbyterian Church at Greenport--is a quiet, unassuming and pious man. He and his son are undertakers, and dealers in all kinds of household furniture, spring beds, mattresses, &c., Main Street, Greenport, L. I.

I. JOHN FRANKS, son of Hector Youngs Horton and Dency Tuthill (Capt. James, Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, 15 Dec.; married in Southold, 19 Nov., 1836, by the Rev. Abraham Luce, to PHEBE MARIA REEVES, daughter of Dea. Nathaniel Reeves and Nancy Rogers, and born in Southold, 16 Nov., 1814.

1. Nancy Rogers.

2. Sophia Reeves; both died in infancy.

Mr. J. F. Horton and his wife are pious people--members of the Presbyterian Church of Southold, and he is one of the ruling elders of the church.

II. CAPT. JAMES EDWIN, son of Hector Youngs Horton and Dency Tuthill, born in Southold, 15 Jan., 1816; married in Mattituck, 10 May, 1848, by Rev. Abraham Luce, to JERUSHA WORTH, daughter of James Worth and Nancy Tooker, and born in Mattituck, 7 Jan., 1820.

1. Theodore Worth, born 7 Oct., 1849.

2. Edwin Willis, born 20 Jan., 1854.

Capt. Horton commenced a sea-faring life when about 19 years old, with Capt. Nathaniel Case, in the ship Triad. With a crew of about 25 men, they made a voyage of about nine months in the South Atlantic Ocean, in latitude 35 to 40°, and longitude 10 to 20°. The voyage was prosperous and the business paid well. He afterwards made a voyage on the Indian Ocean and South Sea. He followed the business for 13 years, and during that time, he circumnavigated the earth four times. It is a remarkable fact that, notwithstanding all the hazard and danger of a sea-faring life, they never lost a man by accident or sickness. They were all temperate men, and this had much to do with their immunity from danger, sickness and death. The Captain quaintly remarks that a half gallon demi-john of liquor was not used by the whole crew, as a beverage, during any one of their voyages. During the time he followed the sea he visited the Sandwich Islands, the Society Isles, and also New Zealand. On the island of Owyhee he saw the place where Capt. Cook was killed by the natives.

The last voyage was in 1846-47 and 48, and during this voyage the Captain had command of the ship. He took but two gallons of spirits with him on that voyage, and part of that he brought back with him.

The Captain is beautifully situated at Peconic, L. I.--has a beautiful farm, which he knows how to keep in good order, and his house, among the best in the township of Southold, is admirably kept by his amiable and accomplished lady, and nearly every room in it is richly ornamented with frames and cases of rare, costly and beautiful sea-shells, most tastefully arranged, and all done by the delicate hands of Mrs. Horton herself. Great skill and persevering effort were required to accomplish so much.

I. MARY ELIZABETH, daughter of Osborn Horton and Sally Philips (Col. Benjamin, Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at West Hampton, L. I., 17 March, 1813; married 1. 13 Aug., 1833, by Rev. Dr. Carroll, of Brooklyn, N. Y., to SAMUEL DRAPER, son of Pliny Draper, and born in Pompey, N. Y., 26 Oct., 1808--had one son, viz.: Geo. Horton Draper, born 23 March, 1835. Sam'l Draper died in New Orleans, in Aug., 1839. She married 2. in Brooklyn, 25 July, 1849, by the Rev. M. Jacobus, to JOHN LEWIS, son of Benjamin Lewis and Cynthia Merritt, and born in Canterbury, Conn., 25 April, 1800. They have:

Osborn Horton Lewis, born in Greenport, L. I., 21 June, 1851.

Mr. John Lewis resides in Brooklyn; he was a merchant, but retired from business about eight years ago. He is a prominent member of Plymouth Church.

II. THEODORE KING, son of Osborn Horton and Sally Philips, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 12 Aug., 1819; married in Brooklyn, 3 Feb., 1847, by Rev. Dr. Stone, to MARTHA ALETTA SMITH, daughter of Isaac N. Smith and Clarissa Talmadge, and born in Ballston, N. Y., 14 Nov., 1823.

Children, all born in Brooklyn:

1. Franklin Munn, born 15 March, 1848.

2. Philip Hallock, born 14 Feb., 1850.

3. Talmadge Baker, born 25 Jan., 1852.

4. Benjamin Theodore, born 26 May, 1856.

5. Grace, born 8 Nov., 1860.

6. Howard, born 7 Oct., 1864.

Mr. T. K. Horton is a first-class merchant in the city of Brooklyn, and is doing a large business. He visited Europe a few years ago, and when in England he went to Mousely, the birthplace of the old puritan, Barnabas. But he found no one there who knew anything of the ancestry of Barnabas.

Mr. Horton is distinguished for his business capacity, industry, strict integrity and honorable dealing with his fellow men. He is highly esteemed as a citizen and Christian gentleman, and is a liberal supporter of the Gospel.

III. BENJAMIN DE WITT, son of Osborn Horton and Sally Philips, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 8 Nov., 1823; married 15 August, 1859, by Rev. Dr. Thrall, to AMANDA F. WELCH, daughter of William Welch, of Rockland, Me. Mrs. Horton died 12 Feb., 1871, leaving two daughters:

Florence Isabell and Elizabeth, who survived their mother but a few days, the former dying the 15th, and the latter the 22d of Feb., 1871. All died of malignant scarlatina, leaving the deeply-afflicted father and one son, viz.:--Frederick Osborn, born 4 July, 1860.

Mr. Horton married 2. in Brooklyn, 20 June, 1872, by Rev. Dr. Dillon, to LYDIA A. HOLBROOK, daughter of Capt. Samuel Holbrook, of Portland, Maine (a gentleman who weighs only about 300 lbs.), and Catherine Rogers, of Liverpool, England, and born in Rockland, Me., 8 Feb., 1851. Mr. Horton was formerly a partner in the dry goods business of the old-established firm of Horton & Sons, of Brooklyn. He retired from business some years ago, and now lives in princely style, with his amiable and accomplished young wife in Brooklyn, 223 Clermont Avenue. She is a member of the Episcopal Church.

II. MARY ELIZABETH, daughter of Thomas Jefferson Horton and Eliza Davids (Col. Benjamin, Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, 11 Jan., 1832; married in Southold, 26 June, 1856, by the Rev. Mr. White, to STUART TUTHILL TERRY, son of Daniel Tuthill Terry and Eunice Case, and born in Southold, 20 July, 1831. They reside in Southold near Hallock's Landing. They are both live members of the Presbyterian Church of Southold, and he is one of the ruling elders, and they are both wielding a strong influence for Christianity, and command the respect and esteem of the community. They own a good farm beautifully situated. Mr. Terry is a farmer, doing much of his farm-work himself, but still he finds time for study and reading, and for some years past he has been engaged in looking up, and collating and compiling the genealogy of the descendants of Richard Terry I. He has the work in a good state of forwardness, and much of it ready for the press. They have no children.

In a recent letter, he says, "I can truly say that I am a descendant of Barnabas Horton, the Pilgrim, although I do not bear his name. I descend from him thus:

"I. Stuart T. Terry; D. T. Terry; Esther Tuthill Terry; Christopher Tuthill; Henry Tuthill, who married Bethia Horton, grand-daughter of Barnabas I., being the 8th Generation.

"II. Stuart T. Terry; D. T. Terry; Thomas Terry; Lydia Tuthill, daughter of Mehitabel Bradley Horton, who married Deacon Daniel Tuthill, and was a daughter of Capt. Jonathan Horton, son of Barnabas I., 7th Generation.

"III. Stuart T. Terry; D. T. Terry; Eunice Case Terry; Israel Case, who married Zeruiah Horton, daughter of Joshua Horton, son of Barnabas I., 7th Generation."

V. HENRY DAVIDS, son of Thomas Jefferson Horton and Eliza Davids, born in Southold, 23 Jan., 1845; married in New York City, 28 Dec., 1868, by Rev. J. C. Annan, to MIRIAM REEVES OSBORN, daughter of Thomas Osborn and Miriam Reeves, and born in Southold, about 1847. They reside in Southold, and have--

1. Thomas Osborn, born 2 June, 1870.

I. MEHULA, daughter of Barnabas Horton and Anna Hawkins (Col. Benjamin, Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at Mt. Hope, Orange Co., N. Y., 7 April, 1809; married NATHANIEL CONKLIN; reside in Middletown, N. Y., and have--

2. De Witt.

3. Robert.

4. Alice.--All born in Middletown.

X. FRANK, son of Barnabas Horton by his 2 wife, Sally Penny, born at Mount Hope, 28 Sept., 1828; married in Brooklyn, N. Y., 21 Sept., 1854, by Rev. Mr. Lewis, Rector of Trinity Church, Brooklyn, SARAH JANE REYNOLDS, daughter of John A. Dayton and Adelia Trowbridge, and born in New York City, 21 June, 1835.

Children, born in Brooklyn:

1. Franklin Reynolds, born 17 August, 1856.

2. and 3. Twins, Edwin and Ella, born 27 Oct., 1854.

Frank has a jewelry store in New York. His residence is in Brooklyn. He is an out-spoken, intelligent man, apparently in good circumstances.

XII. GILBERT, son of Barnabas Horton and Sally Penny, born at Mt. Hope, 22 March, 1833; married in New York City, 8 March, 1855, ELIZABETH PARDEE PERKINS, born in Ridgefield, Conn., 19 May, 1834.

1. Mary Perkins, born in New York, 7 March, 1856.

2. William Robinson, born in New York, 19 July, 1860.

3. Jessie Pardee, born in New York, 12 August, 1862.

4. Gilbert La Fayette, born in Elizabeth, N. J., 9 July, 1864.

They moved to St. Paul, Minn., where his wife and children now reside, and where he died 10 Jan., 1873. He was a blacksmith by trade.

XIII. CAROLINE, daughter of Barnabas Horton and Sally Penny, born at Mt. Hope, 10 Nov., 1837; married in New York City, 14 Sept., 1858, by Rev. R. G. Dixon, to HENRY ALFRED BRADFORD, of New Jersey, son of Judge D. Bradford and Ann Brightwell, and born in England in 1830. He died in New Jersey, 7 April, 1866.

1. and 2., David and Carrie, twins, born 6 July, 1859, in New Jersey; David lived to be thirteen months old; Carrie died twelve hours after her birth.

3. David, born 23 Sept., 1860.

4. Lizzie, born 30 July, 1862, both in New Jersey.

Mrs. Bradford, with her children, now resides in Brooklyn. She is an intelligent and pious lady, a member of the Presbyterian Church, and attending faithfully to the proper training and education of her children.

I. ALMIRA MINERVA, daughter of Erastus Horton and Tryphena Burleigh (Dea. Ezra, Rev. Ezra, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at Union, Ct., 1 June, 1809; died 17 March, 1860; married about 1830, ANSON RANNEY. They have two children:

Horton and Frances. Horton is now (1875), engaged as Inspector on the boundary line of Mexico.

II. MARY EMILY, daughter of Erastus Horton and Tryphena Burleigh, born at Union, Ct., 19 July, 1811; married at Ft. Atkinson, Wis., 5 Jan., 1835, HENRY FRANCISCO, son of John Francisco, who came from France, and born in Wellstown, Montgomery Co., N. Y., 20 March, 1811; died 13 April, 1865, at Lake Mills, Wis., where he moved in 1845.

Children, 1, 2, 3, and 4 born in Augusta, Oneida Co., N. Y.; 5, 6, and 7 born in Oakland, Jefferson Co., Wis.; 8 born at Ft. Atkinson, Wis.:

1. Philena Theressa, born 28 Sept., 1837.

2. Henry Alonzo, born 2 Sept., 1839.

3. Oscar Newton, born 16 Oct., 1841.

4. John Day, born 25 Sept., 1843.

5. Charles Francis, born 2 Sept., 1845.

6. Horton Erastus, born 25 Nov., 1848.

7. San E., born 29 Sept., 1852.

8. Manley Clayton, born 25 Sept., 1858.

Mrs. Francisco now resides in San Diego, Cal. Her son, Charles Francis, married Mary Evelyn Harvey, a niece of Gov. Harvey, of Wisconsin.

III. ALONZO ERASTUS, son of Erastus Horton and Tryphena Burleigh, born at Union, Ct., 24 Oct., 1813; married in Jefferson, Wis., 22 Dec., 1841, by Charles Rockwell, Esq., to SALLY MILLINGTON WRIGHT, eldest daughter of William Cobb Wright and Sylvia Shelden, and born in Russia, Herkimer Co., N. Y., 11 May, 1822. She died in Jefferson, Wis., 29 Dec., 1846, leaving no issue. He married 2. at Keyport, N. J., 29 July, 1861, by N. J. Beedle, Esq., to SARAH WILSON BABE, daughter of Joseph Babe and Margaret Wilson, and born at Sing Sing, N. Y., 3 Sept., 1824. They have no children.

We are indebted to Mr. J. A. Shepherd, of San Diego, for the following interesting sketch of the life of Mr. A. E. Horton:


To a person acquainted with this gentleman our introduction would sound unfamiliar. "Here is A. E. Horton, of San Diego," is all that he would allow to be said before he would be acquainted with a room-full of strangers. His motto is "action," and he has practiced it long and faithfully. He would leave ceremony in the lurch to talk business, and never think apology necessary; and we can think of no better rule to follow in writing what we know of him.

His parents commenced their westward march in 1815, from Union, Ct., when Alonzo was two years old. Their home for the next four years was in Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y. Then a residence of two years in New Haven, Oswego County, where the first school lessons were taken under the direction of Miss Patty Woodward. When he was eleven years old the family reached the shore of Lake Ontario, in the town of Scriba, and moved into their new log-house.

Then followed a year of muscular as well as mental discipline to the lad Alonzo. His father was suddenly bereft of sight by a severe inflammatory attack upon his eyes. School was two miles away, and to and fro our student made his morning and evening tramps in pursuit of knowledge. But he was the eldest boy of the household, and to him after study came toil. His evenings were spent in basket-making, which assisted largely in providing for the wants of the family. Thus for about a year he bravely essayed to lift the burden from his father's shoulders. From that time until he was half through his twenty-first year, he was first assistant wood-chopper on the home-lot, where they filled Oswego orders for hewed timber.

He commenced business for himself by purchasing the remaining six months of his minority, agreeing to pay $50 to his father for that purpose. In eight months from that time he had been a grocery clerk at $12 a month; a lake sailor before the mast; and the last half of the time owner and captain of the "Wild Goose," a small vessel he had purchased, and put into the wheat trade between Oswego and Canada. His marine speculation proved quite a profitable one for those days; he sold out and closed business, paid all his obligations, and had $300 in his pocket. During the winter of 1834-'35 he learned the trade of a cooper, and his specialty for a time was flour-barrels. Then the city of Oswego elected him constable, by the largest majority given to any man on the Whig ticket. The young officer was too kind-hearted to make his office pay, and he lost all he made in trade by failing to enforce payment from poor debtors according to law. Out of office he invested $7 in a contract for land, and in a month made $336 on the venture. Young Horton had another strong point, which was often brought into play in the inevitable wrestling-matches incident to town-meetings of long ago. His 130 pounds was a most animated and unmanageable load for his largest companions to handle, and at "square hold" he was the acknowledged champion of the township. Yet he was pronounced a consumptive by Dr. Van Schaick, with the advice "Go West--it may do you good; but I think it probable you will not live more than six months." He took the doctor's prescription, and went West.

[Illustration: A. E. Horton]

He landed in Milwaukee, in May, 1836, and soon after was one of a party of six on the trail for the Rock River country. There were no roads, and the best inn to be found was to turn in their blankets under an oak tree. But the mosquitoes promptly presented bills for their lodgings. After thirty nights camping, they reached the cabin of Mr. and Mrs. Janes, the parents of the now lively city of Janesville. Theirs was the only house, and that about 10x16 feet in size, but immense in hospitality. After partaking of the latter, the party (among whom were the names of Churchill, Odell, Ogden and Jewett) continued on until reaching the foot of Koskonong Lake, where each one made a quarter-section claim, built a cabin, and went back to Milwaukee. One of those claims, at least, was left for another pre-emptor, with the cabin thrown in, for Horton was soon too busy to think farther about it. Others waited, with hands in pockets, for the approaching land sales; he took up the shovel and worked on the new streets. Money was worth too much to be wasted by idleness. A working-man always gains more profitable knowledge than a loafer. His capital was labor and observation, and out of these were to be wrought a fortune.

Of the two hotels then in the new city, he had selected the Bellevue for his lodgings. Two bits a night paid for his share of a room, and his own blankets were bed and bedding. His room-mates were sometimes as many as sixteen; and his rule was "early to bed." Two nephews of the Receiver at the Land-Office came in one evening full of an important secret which they must talk over. The young fellow who worked on the road was the only one retired, besides themselves, and his hearty snoring satisfied them that he was beyond hearing. Their authority was official, so no danger of mistakes. The bills of the Michigan State Bank and Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank would be taken at par at the land sales, and consequently would be as good as gold, and worth the premium of at least 10 per cent. They would quietly gather it in for the occasion. The next day our sleeper was not shoveling on the street. He was learning the whereabouts of holders of certain styles of Michigan currency, and was soon doing a brisk exchange business with his New York Safety Fund Savings, amounting to $300. At night he was in his room, happy in the prospective addition to his funds; but there were two other persons there who thought they had little success in securing the coveted currency. It was unaccountable, for were they not the only individuals to whom the secret had been imparted?

The sales of Government land commenced the following day, and Horton was present with his receivable funds. He bought no land, but his money was in immediate and continuous demand. Many times during the sale he retired to replenish his bank stock by exchanging bank notes with numerous parties according to previous arrangement. The enterprise was a financial success. Here his quick perception did him good service, for he was marked as a prize by a thieving gang. One of them formed his acquaintance on the evening of a profitable day, and tried to learn his intended movements. Yes, he would soon go to his lodging-place; but that night he concluded it would be best for him to remain where he was, and he did so. But another young man, about his age, and similarly dressed, was waylaid on the very route Horton was expected to travel, caught, gagged and carried off to a safe place for robbery. In the dark they had captured the wrong man, as his empty pockets and the cut of his coat proved on careful examination.

Thinking the country a safer place, he went out three miles, to where his uncle, Dwight Foster, was superintending one of the first saw-mills built in Wisconsin. While there another attempt was made to entrap him. One, Robinson, came from town to inform him that a man named Johnson would take a named sum for some land which he had talked of buying. He must be sharp if the trade was secured, and should take his money with him for that reason. Horton promptly decided to take more, and quietly deposited a loaded pistol in each pocket of his hunter's coat. His caller carried a suspicious-looking hickory cudgel, altogether too cumbersome for a cane, and explained that he had been tracking a wild animal, which he hoped they could identify by the marks. In a low, marshy place, a little off their road, its tracks were most clearly made. Descending to the spot indicated, he urged Horton to follow him, and determine what sort of creature had crossed there. Instead of complying Horton presented a pistol, told his man if he found no tracks there as described, he would shoot him without further notice. The villain was outwitted, and preferred returning to town a short distance in advance of the ready weapons of his captor. It was ascertained that Johnson knew nothing of the fellow's errand, and that the only foot-prints about the miry trap in which Robinson had hoped to catch his game, were made by himself. He was next heard of, a few years afterwards, in the Iowa penitentiary, committed for horse-stealing.

Returning to the East Mr. Horton passed the time until 1840, in various places and employments, the last being at St. Mary's with the American Fur Co. His first western home was purchased in the town of Oakland, Wis., that year, to which locality his father and family followed not long after. In a few months more he had established himself matrimonially and happily. Three years engaged in miscellaneous trade, land figuring as the principal item, he became a cattle-dealer. He bought his beef in Illinois, did the largest part of the driving, and averaged two trips in five weeks. He furnished his customers so satisfactorily in his own and adjoining counties, that in one year his original capital of $150 was increased to $4,000. In St. Louis he saw profits in land-warrants, and bought sufficient to locate 1,500 acres of land. Out of this investment grew the village of Hortonville, in Outagamie Co., Wis. His first town was buried in the woods, and he went to work with eight men to cut a four-mile road to his proposed mill-site. By the time he had lots to sell, he was sawing lumber with which to improve them. The prices and payment for material was of small account with the proprietor. Houses must be built, whether settlers had money or not. In a year from the completion of the mill, 150 people were living in Hortonville, and at the end of two years sold out the remaining property, being $7,188 better for his enterprise.

In 1851, Mr. Horton went to California for the first time. Mining-stock was his first business experience, and it cost him $1,000. It was his last transaction in that line also. Spent a few months at mining in El Dorado and Placer Counties, and then opened a store at Pilot Hill. There also he devised and constructed a ditch 6½ miles in length, purposing to supply the miners with water as well as other commodities. At the end of a year he had sold out his water-works and other interests for $6,500, of which sum he had used the larger portion in his improvements. Next he was trading in gold-dust on account of Adams' Express Co., realizing usually $30 a day in commissions. A day or two before the failure of his employers, in 1853, a friend suggested to him, that his money remaining in their office at ----, might be safer in his own pocket. It was "a word to the wise," and before noon the next day he had ridden 30 miles, and much to the dissatisfaction of the agent, drawn his money from the safe of the company. His next care was for his friends hard at work in the mining-camps and elsewhere. To all whom he could reach he gave the hint, and thousands of dollars were secured, by his prompt efforts, to those who had earned the money by the hardest of toil. The following day the express offices were closed, and payments suspended. He was in capital standing in the mining districts where he had operated, and resumed the business with himself for banker. He bought at the mines and sold in the towns, often with a profit of $4.50 per ounce. He was a man of dust, and with his native adroitness, managed to carry valuable deposits of the precious article upon his person without a single mishap. Sometimes his outer garments would scarcely secure him other than the slightest attentions. His landlords were afraid their bills would be unpaid, except his fares were collected in advance. He arrived one evening at one of the rough taverns of those times, with treasure enough about him to incite the gamblers about him to worse crimes for its possession. His good clothes were covered with very dirty overalls and woolen shirt. In calculating Yankee phrase, he interrogated the proprietor as to his accommodations for man and beast, and the reasonableness of his charges. Card-playing ceased for a time in the general astonishment, then the party shouted with laughter at the green chap from Connecticut. They bantered him to play off a Yankee trick. He showed them how to eat the mush and milk, which he had stipulated for as his supper, and with a yawn of indifference to the jests made at his expense, he signified his desire to sleep. The door of his room was without lock or bolt, but the landlord laughingly assured his guest, that he would be the last man anybody would think of robbing. He awoke next morning from an undisturbed sleep, and at breakfast-time was up and dressed. He passed over a small package of dust in settlement, which was accepted and pronounced all right. Word was sent to the stable, his horse could now be brought out--his bill was paid.

"Mister, want to buy some more o' that stuff?"

"Yes;" replying with a surprised look.

"How much?"

"Suppose I can buy all you have to sell."

"Will you treat this 'ere crowd ef you can't?"

"Yes, I will, and yeou, too."

Diminutive sacks of dust were handed to the wondering host, and the coin counted out in return. By the time $2500 had exchanged hands, the landlord's $20-pieces were exhausted, and our Yankee had played the "trick" with a $250 pile still in reserve. The laugh came in then louder than the night before; and as the glasses were being filled the buyer of gold-dust remarked, irreligiously, that he would have robbed the fellow himself if he had known how he was playing him.

The business was as suitable as profitable to the man, and so well did he manage it, that his profits for the last quarter of 1854, were $1000 per month. Another success was in a novel undertaking for those golden days. He went prospecting for ice-fields, and finding a favorable situation 25 miles above Georgetown, in El Dorado County, put up 312 tons of the cool mountain product. A few months afterwards the speculation returned him eight thousand dollars.

In March, 1856, among the passengers on board the steamship Cortez, for Panama, was Mr. Horton. Soon after their arrival at the isthmus, the memorable rising of the natives took place. The mob would have had easy work in carrying out the plan of outrage and plunder, but for the prompt and courageous action of our friend and a few of his companions. Among nearly 200 people from the steamer, who were dining at the hotel where the attack was made, there were but three with fire-arms. The announcement that the rioters were coming, caused a stampede from the table to the upper rooms. On bursting into the house, the leading ruffians were halted at the stairway by Capt. Horton and his aids, and as the attempt to ascend was made, a few effective shots drove the assailants into the street. Immediately the reign of terror and bloodshed began.

"Please, sir, save my father!" was an appeal from a little boy, as he pointed to where a swarthy assassin stood taking aim at a defenceless man. The American's revolver was leveled and fired just in time to render the other's shot harmless by his own fall. Others were protected by the same faithful hand and stern purpose as they retreated towards the only place of safety--the American steamer. Arriving at the water, the crowd rushed on to a small steam-tug, and but for the quick thought and bold action of our leader, would have been overtaken by the pursuing mob. He took command, gave his orders to fasten to a lighter near at hand, transferred his passengers to the larger craft, and signalled the engineer to start for the Cortez. Fortunately, he was obeyed without question, and a more successful trip was never made by the Wild Goose and her commander on Lake Ontario! His money loss was some $10,000, but he could count untold gain in the saving of lives, and to this day he refers to his participation in those fearful scenes with satisfaction not to be calculated in coin.

On their arrival in New York, Mr. Horton was named by his fellow-passengers as the person to proceed to Washington, to make a statement of the occurrences at Panama, in response to a call from the authorities to that effect. From that time until his marriage in 1861, he made several journeys between Washington and Wisconsin, as a witness in the riot case and a claimant for damage. His testimony was important in deciding the demand for reparation made by the United States upon the Government of New Grenada. His own claim was most strenuously and successfully opposed by the Spanish commissioner. He had done too much injury to his people to have his losses repaid. All other claims were not so objectionable; and as a compromise in the final settlement, the man who deserved a General's commission for courage and strategic skill, and liberal pay for the personal risks taken in his defense of American citizens, was stricken from the list of creditors.

Starting again for the Pacific coast soon after the civil war was began at Sumpter, he included a trip to British Columbia in his travels. At Lewiston, on the Columbia River, he began to think of the outfit needed for the journey. His effects inventoried one gold pencil, a single-barreled pistol, and $15 cash. To his brother-in-law, Mr. Charles Wright, who was one of his traveling companions, and much better provided with equipments, he intimated that he must do a little trading before he could proceed. In half a day he had exchanged his jewelry and pistol for a pair of horses; sold one of them again at a clean profit of $50; paid $15 for a third; and early in the afternoon returned to camp with two good animals, fine revolver, saddles, blankets, and about $60 in money. Trading was his special success--speculation invariably a failure. For a distance of 1400 miles through the northern wilderness, that Lewiston revolver brought down most of the game upon which the company feasted by the way. In the Salmon River country, trees and the feathery snow furnished most comfortable bedding. They sold their surplus provisions to a British customs officer on the route, at a profit of 66 per cent. At Lytton, they replenished their stock, and loaded five of their horses with saleable goods. They found a market at Williams' Creek for flour at $1.00 per pound, and for bacon at $1.25.

Arriving at the Cariboo mining district, the party bought the "Darkey's Claim." It was a rich prospect, and they worked the lead until snow closed the operations, taking an ounce of gold from a bucket of dirt. At this time the claim would have sold for thousands of dollars. After wintering at Victoria they returned to make their fortunes, securing a force of workmen at $10 a day. After working four feet further their riches "jumped" and vanished beyond recovery. Not a hundred feet off three miners were taking out 75 ounces per day, and others doing equally well. But the "Darkey" had "run out," and the owners accepted $200 for their lost treasure. Mining has had no attraction for him to this day.

When Mr. Horton reached San Francisco again, his financial condition would have caused a "panic" in any other man. In capital he was "broke," but in nothing else. Then as now, there were the strength and elasticity of steel in the man's spirit and nerves. He first tried a stall in the market; but the dollar a day realized caused him to retire from business in a short time. Buying and selling a ranch in Rio Visto concluded his real-estate operations in that part of the State. He was a dealer in second-hand furniture in San Francisco, when he first heard San Diego discussed as one of the great cities of the future. The value of its harbor and climate was the topic of the evening at a private literary gathering where he was a frequent listener. What he had heard so impressed itself in his thoughts that he could not sleep that night, until he had jumped out of bed, and satisfied his inquisitiveness by a careful study of the map of California. The situation seemed revealed as a prize especially for him. He determined to secure it, and--slept.

Here was the opportunity long sought and never despaired of. In three days the stock was disposed of, and the store closed. The proceeds were small--perhaps less than $500. No one among his friends could be induced to join him in his visionary enterprise. Alone, on the 6th of April, 1867, Mr. Horton reached San Diego. It exceeded his expectations, and obstacles in the way of purchase were quickly swept aside by his indomitable energy. The few people there were having such a quiet time, that they had become indifferent to the charm of office. The first work was to get an election called for Trustees, those officers only being empowered to sell lands belonging to the city. Candidates were provided and elected. The desired property was legally advertised and sold, and on the 11th day of May following, a deed of some 750 acres was made. Thirty-six cents an acre, and but one bidder! Mr. Horton was the happy purchaser, and little did he care that his investment was looked upon by most of the 150 people then in San Diego, as a wild expenditure of money.

The work of advertising the new city was immediately commenced. The tin case in which he carried the first map of "Horton's Addition to San Diego," through the streets of San Francisco, is carefully treasured in his office, and could not be bought for its weight in gold. Horton was everywhere, and irresistible in glowing dreams of the future of his city. His labors were untiring from the time he measured off blocks and lots with a tape-line, and laid out the streets for his workmen to clear from cactus and sage-brush, until the winter of 1869-'70, when his sales averaged $15,000 a month. From $3,000 in 1867, his receipts increased to nearly $85,000 in 1869. His money built up the place as fast as received, and it is safe to state, that $300,000 have been used by him for that purpose.

This is but an imperfect sketch of Mr. Horton's business career in San Diego. He has richly earned the sobriquet of "Father of the City," and the respect and best wishes of his fellow-citizens. His faith and works have been the life of the place, when crops failed for want of rain, railroad hopes were delayed, or croakers insisted on publishing its death as a certainty. Long may Horton live, and great the prosperity he may witness in the pet child he has so bravely matured--HIS OWN SAN DIEGO!

Mr. Horton is a man of liberal views, and has always been an ardent and practical advocate of political and religious freedom. To the poor, both black and white, he has been a faithful friend. To-day, an honest man in homespun receives as cordial a grasp of his hand, as the man in broadcloth and fine linen. That he has the sympathy and respect of the masses of his fellow-citizens, was manifested in a most gratifying manner in the vote given him in his county for State Senator, in the contest of 1871. His opponent was the Democratic chief of the county, that had never before failed to give a large Democratic majority. San Diego honored the Republican Horton with a majority of 50, and he only failed in election by the adjoining county (forming the balance of the district) voting as usual, largely Democratic. Socially he is a warm-hearted, affable gentleman, true to his friends, and watchful of those who play him false. Temperate in his habits, and always active in mind and body, his health is as robust, and his personal appearance as young as most men at 50 years. Last and best tribute to his character, is the kind care for his parents in their helpless age, and that love for his MOTHER, which to her was the dearest and last earthly tie broken in her departure to the better Home.

VII. LUCY JANE, daughter of Erastus Horton and Tryphena Burleigh, born at Scriba, N. Y., 7 April, 1835; married at Hebron, Jefferson Co., Wis., about 1857, WILLIAM W. BOWERS, Esq., born at Whitesboro', N. Y., 20 Oct., 1834. They reside in San Diego, Cal.

Children, all born in San Diego:

1. Grace, born 6 Dec., 1869.

2. Vine, born 17 July, 1873.

Mr. Bowers moved from Whitesboro' to Oakland, Wis., 30 Nov., 1851, and thence to San Diego, 30 Sept., 1869. He is engaged in the bee business, which, it is said, pays remarkably well.

VI. WILLIAM MORGAN, son of Gurdon Horton and Lucy Davidson (Dea. Ezra, Rev. Ezra, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y., 6 July, 1829. Enlisted 4 Sept., 1861, in Co. B.. 81st Reg. N. Y. Volunteers--was honorably discharged 19 Jan., 1865, by reason of wounds received in action. He married 8 April, 1848, in Oswego, by the Rev. Dr. Voltair, to MARY ANN WILLIAMS, daughter of Charles Williams and Ann Kenally. He is now living at North Scriba, Oswego Co., N. Y., and is a cooper by occupation.

Children, all born in Oswego Co., N. Y.:

1. Lucy Jane, born 8 April, 1849.

2. Wm. Henry, born 31 Dec., 1852.

3. Caroline Kate, born 7 Sept., 1859.

4. Charles Gurdon, born 5 May, 1861.

5. Anna Mary, born 14 May, 1863.

6. Janette, born 8 Aug., 1867.

I. JARED, son of Ezra Horton and Lucy Shepherd (Dea. Ezra, Rev. Ezra, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at Hartford, Ct., 18 Jan., 1822; moved to Albany, N. Y., in 1840, where he now resides. He is a butcher by occupation; married at Albany, 30 Dec., 1847, by Rev. Joseph Belnap, to HARRIET TREDEAU, daughter of Alaxcie Tredeau and Sary Ann Percy.

Children, all born in Albany:

1. Ezra Tredeau, born 29 Oct., 1850.

2. Clara Ann, born 18 May, 1853.

3. Frederick, born 16 May, 1855.

4. Alaxcie, born 27 Sept., 1857.

5. Edward Grant, born 4 Nov., 1866.

6. Harriet Louisa, born 19 July, 1871.

II. HELEN, daughter of Ezra Horton and Lucy Shepherd, born 5 Aug., 1823, at Union, Conn.; married at Union, Conn., 1 Dec., 1843, ORRIN MORSE, of Putnam, Conn., born in Union, Ct., 27 Jan., 1822, son of Jedediah Morse, born 14 Sept., 1780, son of Nathan Morse, of Ashford, Ct., born at Sturbridge, in 1734, son of David Morse, of Sturbridge, born in Medfield, in 1709, son of David Morse, born in 1683, son of Ezra Morse, born 5 Feb., 1644, the sixth child of John Morse, born in England, in 1611, and had eleven children, who was the son of Samuel Morse, of Medfield, the common ancestor of the Morses in New England, who was born in Old England, in 1585.

1. Sanford, born 27 April, 1845; died 14 June, 1845.

2. Helen Jennette, born 9 June, 1848.

3. Seth Herbert, born 14 May, 1852.

4. Delpha Adela, born 23 July, 1864.

III. THOMAS, son of Ezra Horton and Lucy Shepherd, born in Union, Ct., 4 May, 1825; married in Union, 29 April, 1850, DELIGHT WALES, daughter of Aaron Allen Wales, of Union, who was a lineal descendant of Dea. Nathaniel Wales, who came from England in 1635, in the ship James, of Bristol, a fellow-passenger with Rev. Richard Mather.

1. Emma, born at Union, 2 Aug., 1852; died at Stafford, Ct., 1 Oct., 1867.

2. Ellsworth Wales, born at Stafford Springs, 4 Jan., 1862.

They reside at Stafford Springs.

V. ELVIRA, daughter of Ezra Horton and Lucy Shepherd, born in Union, 30 July, 1829; married 27 Jan., 1851, THOMAS P. LEONARD, of Putnam, Ct., son of Daniel Leonard, of Union, and born 22 Aug., 1828.

Children, born in Putnam:

1. Ida Elvira, born 29 April, 1853.

2. Eugene Thomas, born 26 March, 1857.

3. Lucy Maria, born 2 Feb., 1861.

VII. EZRA MASON, son of Ezra Horton and Lucy Shepherd, born in Union, 3 June, 1832; married in Union, 2 Aug., 1859, JANE BARTLETT, daughter of Daniel Bartlett and Lucy Paine, and born in Union, about 1834.

1. Balzamond Mason, born 15 March, 1862.

2. Emmons Burr, born 17 Sept., 1863.

3. Lucy Paine, born 11 May, 1865.

4. and 5. (twins,) Mary Percy, born 24 June, 1868; died 28 June, 1870; Martha Priscilla, born 24 June, 1868; died 16 July, 1868.

6. Knowlton Howard, born 16 Aug., 1871; died 29 June, 1872.

VIII. CHARLES, son of Ezra Horton and Lucy Shepherd, born in Union, 3 July, 1834; married in Albany, N. Y., 23 March, 1859, JANE FRANCES PERCY, daughter of John Percy and Eliza Ann ----, and born in Albany; reside in New York City.

1. Florence Effie, born in Albany, 4 April, 1860.

2. Frances Charlena, born in Albany, 13 Nov., 1863.

3. John Charles, born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 16 May, 1867.

IX. OLIVE, daughter of Ezra Horton and Lucy Shepherd, born in Union, 27 June, 1836: married 10 April, 1860, JOSEPH R. LANGDON, of Woodstock Valley, Ct., born in Yorkshire, Eng., in 1834; died 29 July, 1872.

1. Essie E., born 21 Feb., 1867; died 26 Aug., 1872.

2. Lucy Evelyn, born 13 April, 1870.

[Illustration: E. H. CLEVELAND, M. D.]

IV. ELISHA GRIGGS, M. D., son of Norman Horton and Esther Griggs (Dea. Ezra, Rev. Ezra, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at Stockbridge, N. Y., 20 Aug., 1830; married 1 April, 1855, HARRIET RAWSON, daughter of Emery Rawson and Julia Ruggles, and born in Linden, Vt., 2 Sept., 1832.

Children, born at Whitewater:

1. Minnie I., born 9 April, 1856.

2. Emery Norman, born 22 June, 1859.

3. Hattie May, born 2 March, 1870.

They reside at Whitewater, Wis. The Doctor is a skillful physician, doing a fair business.

VIII. MELVIN MORRIS, son of Norman Horton and Esther Griggs, born at Koskonong, Wis., 13 May, 1843; married at Koskonong, 24 Dec., 1863, SOPHRONIA CHEESEBRO, born at Koskonong, Jan., 1843.

Children, born at Cold Spring, Wis., where he resides:

1. Leo Leslie, born 1 Sept., 1864.

2. Everett Ezra, born 1 June, 1867.

I. SOPHRONIA, daughter of Chauncey Horton and Amanda Chaffee (Dea. Ezra, Rev. Ezra, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at Ashford, Ct., 5 Jan., 1826; married 17 May, 1849, JOHN J. CARVER, of Stockbridge, N. Y. No children.

II. ALMIRA AMANDA, daughter of Chauncey Horton and Amanda Chaffee, born in Ashford, Ct., 20 Jan., 1828; married 18 Oct., 1849, H. A. COOLIDGE. She died in Feb., 1875.

1. Edward Horton, born 13 July, 1850, in Cazenovia, N. Y.; died in 1854.

2. Mary Frances, born 31 May, 1858, in Litchfield, Ill.

3. Kate, born 27 Nov., 1860, in Litchfield, Ill.

III. EMELINE, daughter of Chauncey Horton and Amanda Chaffee, born in Ashford, Ct., 22 Sept., 1829; married in Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y., 8 March, 1854, to the REV. GILES BUTLER CLEVELAND, born 12 Aug., 1825, in Durham, Greene County, N. Y. They have one son, viz.:

Arthur Horton Cleveland, born in the city of Philadelphia, 10 Feb., 1865.

Mrs. Cleveland graduated from the Ladies' Department of Oberlin College (Ohio), in 1853, and from the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, in 1855. She was elected to the Chair of Anatomy in that College, in 1857, which she held until 1862, when she was transferred to the Chair of Obstetrics. This she still occupies, and is also a member of the Board of Corporators.

In 1860, at the solicitation of a number of philanthropic ladies of Philadelphia, who had in view the establishment of a Hospital for Women and Children, Professor Cleveland went abroad for medical study, and to make herself acquainted with the arrangements and management of hospitals. She entered the School of Obstetrics in connection with the Maternite of Paris, and after receiving the diploma of that institution, found ready access to the wards and lecture-rooms of other hospitals, and was allowed free inspection of their administrative departments.

On her return, she was chosen Resident Physician of the then chartered Woman's Hospital of Philadelphia, which position she continued to fill for seven years. She has been one of the Managers of the Hospital from its organization, and a member of the Consulting Board since her retirement from the office of Resident Physician.

Professor Cleveland has made a number of important surgical operations, and is the first woman, so far as known, who ever performed ovariotomy. In her second case, a tumor, weighing fifty pounds, was successfully removed, the patient making a good recovery.

IV. MARY ANN, daughter of Chauncey Horton and Amanda Chaffee, born in Ashford, Ct., 1 Feb., 1831; married 16 May, 1854, the REV. RICHARD HOLTON CLARK, born in Carolina Centre, Tompkins Co., N. Y., about 1828.

1. Mary Frances, born in Stockbridge, N. Y., 20 May, 1856.

2. Emma, born in Nelson, N. Y., 5 Aug., 1858.

3. Charles Richard, Cuyler, N. Y., born 17 Nov., 1862.

V. CYNTHIA MALVINA, daughter of Chauncey Horton and Amanda Chaffee, born in Stockbridge, N. Y., 22 Feb., 1833; married 27 Aug., 1857, JUSTUS WILLIAMS, of Ft. Atkinson, Wis., born at Cazenovia, about 1830.

1. Edith Virginia, born at Jefferson, Wis., 25 June, 1859.

2. Herbert Leslie, born at Ft. Atkinson, Wis., 28 April, 1868.

VI. CHAUNCEY CHAFFEE, son of Chauncey Horton and Amanda Chaffee, born in Stockbridge, N. Y., 24 March, 1835; married 18 Jan., 1859, ELIZABETH HURLBURT, born about 1837.

Children, all born in Stockbridge, where he resided:

1. Eddie, born in 1860; died young.

2. Anna P., born 20 Oct., 1863.

3. Nellie, born in March, 1865; died in 1869.

4. Harry, born 1868; died in 1868.

I. STODDARD ELLSWORTH, son of Eli Horton and Katherine E. Ellsworth (Dea. Ezra, Rev. Ezra, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at Stafford, Ct., 31 March, 1833; died 24 Jan., 1873, at his residence, Windsor Locks, Ct. He was a man of excellent character, and talent as a machinist; married 14 Nov., 1865, FANNY E. CHASE, daughter of John Chase and Emma Greenleaf, and born 16 March, 1816, at Lyme, N. H.

Children, all born at Windsor Locks:

1. Myra Elsie, born 16 April, 1866.

2. Katie Elvise, born 30 Nov., 1867.

3. Sydney Ellsworth, born 28 Oct., 1869.

4. Alice Chase, born 18 May, 1872.

III. KATIE ELSIE, daughter of Eli Horton and Katherine E. Ellsworth, born at Stafford, Ct., 6 Jan., 1837; married 14 Dec., 1870, EZRA B. BAILEY, born at Franklin, Ct., about 1835. They reside at Windsor Locks and have one son, viz.:

Phillips Horton, born 24 Aug., 1872.

REV. WILLIAM HORTON THOMPSON, son of William Thompson and Catherine Ingals, and grandson of the Rev. Calvin Ingals and Mary Horton (Rev. Ezra, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at West Stafford, Ct., 7 July, 1818. He fitted for college at Morison Academy, Mass., in 1840, under the care of Rev. Charles Hammond. Entered Amherst College, and remained there three years. In 1844, he entered the Theological Seminary at Columbia, S. C., whence he graduated, in 1847. Settled first in the ministry at Atlanta, Ga. In 1849, he had charge of a mission church in Augusta, Ga. He was settled in Chattanooga in 1851, and in Bolivar, West Tennessee, for twelve years. In 1865, he was settled in Columbus, Kentucky, and in July, 1873, he moved to Lexington, Miss., where he is now engaged in the ministry.

He married 11 May, 1852, MARY JANE SAFFORD, daughter of Rev. Henry Safford, of Greenboro, Georgia, and Eliza Burr, daughter of Dr. William Burr, of Philadelphia, who was a nephew of President Burr, of Princeton College, N. J. The Safford family is large, and includes many persons of distinction. The Hon. A. B. Safford, of Cairo, has written the history of the family, and says he has written to every penitentiary in the United States, and not a Safford can be found on their records.

1. William Henry, born in Bolivar, Tenn., 14 Dec., 1855.

2. Mary Eliza, born in Bolivar, Tenn., 11 Jan., 1857.

3. Catherine Alethea, born in Bolivar, Tenn., 20 Jan., 1860.

I. SUSAN BAILEY, daughter of Gilbert Horton and Lydia Bailey (Maj. Gilbert, Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born at Bay View, Southold Township, 11 July, 1820; married at Bay View, 12 Dec., 1839, by the Rev. Ralph Smith, to HIRAM TERRY, son of Jesse Terry and Hannah ----, and born in Southold.

1. Marietta A., born 4 April, 1841; died 19 April, 1865.

2. Charles E., born 4 Dec., 1843.

3. George I., born 9 August, 1850; died 28 August, 1868.

4. Lydia Bailey, born 18 Nov., 1854; died 27 Nov., 1869.

II. GILBERT WILSON, son of Gilbert Horton and Lydia Bailey, born at Bay View, 31 March, 1824; married in Cutchogue, L. I., 13 Dec., 1848, by the Rev. Ezra Youngs, to PHEBE ANN YOUNGS, daughter of Richard Youngs and Deborah Tuthill. She died 27 Nov., 1858, without issue, and he married 2. in Bridge Hampton, L. I., 12 Nov., 1862, by the Rev. Thomas Gray, to JANIE MARIA HALSEY, daughter of Daniel S. Halsey and Amanda Smith, and born in Bridge Hampton, about 1826.

Children, both born at Bay View:

1. Gilbert Wilson, born 9 April, 1865.

2. Daniel Halsey, born 5 Dec., 1871.

Mr. Horton has a farm and a very pretty situation at Fair View, Southold Township, and he owns the celebrated old cask in which were brought over a portion of the household goods of the old puritan, Barnabas, facetiously called "Uncle Barney's Money Pot," which it was said, he brought over with him, filled with gold and silver.

I. NANCY LANDON, daughter of Hon. Silas Horton and Mary Landon (Col. Benjamin, Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, 17 March, 1828; married 8 June, 1850, by Rev. Jonathan Huntting, to DAVID HAWKINS HORTON, son of Barnabas Horton and Mehetabel Osborn, and born at Mt. Hope, N. Y., 25 Feb., 1817.

1. Adelaide Landon.

2. Josephine.

3. Marietta.

4. Mary Landon.

IV. JAMES EDWIN, son of Spencer Horton and Emily Lewis (Dea. John, Budd, Jonathan, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Wallkill, Orange Co., N. Y., 13 Jan., 1835; married in Newburgh, 24 Oct., 1806, by Rev. John Brown, D. D., to SARAH SNEEDEN HATHAWAY, daughter of Col. Odell S. Hathaway and Helen Maria Birdsall, and born in Newburgh, 11 June, 1836.

Children, all born in Newburgh:

1. George Hathaway, born 19 August, 1863.

2. Ida Cushman, born 31 May, 1866.

3. Edith Alden, born 19 August, 1868.

4. Hiram Falls, born 28 Aug., 1869.

5. Helen Marie, born 25 April, 1874.

Mr. Horton is a successful merchant in the city of Newburgh. He and his wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and highly respected in the community.

I. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, son of Jonathan Terry Horton and Mehetabel Horton (Maj. Gilbert, Capt. Barnabas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born in Southold; married 22 Nov., 1848, MARY FRANCES TERRY, daughter of Gilbert Terry and Nancy Hedges, and born in Southold, about 1826.

1. Benjamin Carpenter.

2. Hetty Eliza.

3. Franklin Terry.

4. Edward Barton.

I. SILAS RYNECK, son of Dr. William Horton and Maria Ryneck (William, Silas, Dea. James, Jonathan I.), born on the old Horton farm, between Goshen and Craigville, Orange Co., N. Y., 26 June, 1820; married 7 August, 1859, at Philipsport, N. Y., by Rev. A. Ackerly, to SARAH JANE DECKER, daughter of Jacob J. Decker and Lucretia Cameron, and born near Ellensville, Ulster Co., N. Y., 21 July, 1836. One child, viz.:

Maggie B., born at the old homestead, 10 Dec., 1862.

Silas R. Horton has been for twenty years a noted fire-insurance agent, and he is still engaged in this business for some of the best companies in the country. Mr. Horton, like his father, possesses a fine taste for scientific studies. He is well-known as a geologist and mineralogist. A few years ago he discovered a new and rare mineral, which has since been named by Prof. George J. Brush, of Yale College, "Horton-olite."

II. EUGENE, son of Dr. William Horton and Maria Ryneck, born 27 Sept., 1824; married 7 June, 1867, ANNA T. HALEY.

1. Eugene B., born 20 Dec., 1872.

2. William R., born 13 July, 1874.

Mr. Horton is a noted agriculturalist; resides on the old homestead farm, which has now been in the possession of the Hortons for five generations.

III. DR. WILLIAM, son of Dr. William Horton and Maria Ryneck, born in Goshen, opposite the old Court-House, 10 April, 1827; married in Blooming Grove, N. Y., 8 Dec., 1853, by the Rev. Austin Craig, to SARAH LOUISA TOWNSEND, daughter of Sylvanus Smith Townsend and Elizabeth Rogers, of New York City.

1. Eugenia Townsend, born 18 March, 1858.

2. Elizabeth Emily, born 21 May, 1867.

Dr. Horton, in his letter, after giving his record as above, remarks: "Our old home has been in the Horton name for five generations. It is characteristic of the Horton Family to be fixed to one spot."

Eighth Generation.--Jonathan I.

DAVID PHILANDER, son of Joseph Hazzard Horton and Mehitabel Horton (David, "Good" Jonathan, Dea. William, William, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, 31 Aug., 1827; married 3 Nov., 1857, by the Rev. B. Pillsbury, to CAROLINE RUSHMORE, of Hempstead, Queens Co., L. I., daughter of Benjamin Rushmore and Elizabeth Clowes, and born in Hempstead, 16 March, 1829.

Children, all born in Brooklyn, N. Y.:

1. Caroline Rushmore, born 1 March, 1863.

2. Mary Goldsmith, born 9 Dec., 1865.

3. George Ellis, born 12 Aug., 1868.

Prof. D. P. Horton became a resident of Brooklyn in 1849, as a student in music, both vocal and instrumental. In December, 1856, he was employed to give instruction in music in the Public Schools of the city, and also to large classes of private pupils. Soon after this, he commenced leading the music in the Churches, and in this employment he has been engaged ever since, devoting his time during the week to giving instruction in the Public Schools, and leading the music in one or more Churches every Sabbath.

He possesses fine social as well as musical qualities, and he and his companion are both live members of the Presbyterian Church, and their influence for good is largely felt in the Church and congregation, and also wherever they are known. They have also given very valuable assistance in looking up the history of the Horton family--putting into my hands family records which Prof. Horton had been gathering up for some years past--and it has given me much pleasure to make their house my home, and enjoy their generous hospitality whenever I have had occasion to visit their beautiful city.

I. CAPT. WILLIAM HENRY, son of Henry Horton and Caroline Rogers (Benjamin, Micah, Moses, William, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, about 1837; married about 1865, LYDIA CATHERINE BROWN, daughter of Bethia Horton Overton and Samuel Brown, Jr., and born in Southold, about 1840. In June, 1872, she was living with her mother, who was the third wife of Jonathan G. Horton. The Captain was then in Boston, having just returned from a voyage to the East Indies.


II. STEPHEN OVERTON, son of Hiram Horton and Mary Rose, born at Chester, N. J., 21 July, 1811; married 21 May, 1833, by Rev. Oliver Bryant, to DENCY COOPER HORTON, daughter of Daniel Horton and Esther Terry.

Children all born at Chester:

1. Alma Cornelia, born 28 April, 1834; married Henry Clay Randolph.

2. Hiram, born 1 May, 1836; died 2 Sept., 1837.

3. Emma Elizabeth, born 25 June, 1838; died 27 June, 1839.

4. Stephen Lester, born 4 Nov., 1841.

5. Esther Emily, born 28 Oct., 1846.

Stephen O. Horton is a farmer, also a contractor on public works. He resides at Plainfield, N. J., and he is a prominent man, possessing good business capacities, and is highly respected.

III. ELIZABETH CELINA, daughter of Hiram Horton and Mary Rose, born at Chester; married 1. SILAS OLNEY, and had children as follows:

1. Corydon, now a real estate agent in Kansas.

2. Alonzo Schuyler, resides in Dover, N. J.

3. Mary Rose.

4. Hiram Horton, resides in Iowa.

Silas Olney died, and she married CAPT. LEMON, being his 2d wife. She was thrown from a wagon a few years ago and instantly killed.

V. ANNA, daughter of Maj. John Horton, Jr., and Nancy Miller, (John, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), born at Terrytown, 19 Nov., 1825; married at Terrytown, by the Rev. Mr. Brown, to DR. JAMES DE WOLF, son of Giles M. De Wolf and Anna Spaulding.

1. Mary, married Albert E. Strong, merchant at Vail, Iowa.

2. John H.

3. Geo. H.

4. Anna.

5. James.

Dr. De Wolf practiced medicine successfully at Terrytown, Mehoopany and Meshoppen, Pa. About 1850 he moved to Carroll Co., Ill. He was a member of the Legislature of Illinois, and also County Superintendent of Common Schools of Carroll County, Illinois. He now resides at Vail, Iowa--is a Magistrate and Postmaster. Dr. De Wolf and his wife embraced Christianity in early life, and they, together with their family, are intelligent and active members of the Presbyterian Church.

VI. LYDIA MILLER, daughter of Maj. John Horton and Nancy Miller, born at Terrytown, Pa., 31 Dec., 1827; married at Terrytown, 30 June, 1852, by Rev. Mr. Huntington, to REV. SAMUEL FISHER COLT, M.D., son of Samuel Colt and Phebe Andress, and born in Paterson, N. J., 19 April, 1817. His classic course was at Lafayette College; his theologic at Princeton Seminary. He was ordained by the Presbytery of West Jersey--was for many years the Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Wyalusing, Pa. He founded and built the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute at Towanda, and he is now pastor and practising physician at Laporte, Pa.

1. Caroline Vansann, born at Towanda, 12 Aug., 1853.

2. Samuel Fisher, born at Towanda, 12 Aug., 1855.

3. Frederika Rowena, born in Wysox, Pa., 4 Oct., 1857; married Earnest V. Ingham, editor of the Press and Standard, Laporte, Pa.

4. John Horton, born at Pottsville, Pa., 17 Jan., 1859; died 19 Jan., 1862.

5. Horace Austin, born at Pottsville, 2 Dec., 1860.

6. Harriet Elmer, born at Pottsville, 24 April, 1863.

7. Susan Kearcher, born at Pottsville, 15 Nov., 1864.

8. William Montelius, born at Troy, Pa., 5 Sept., 1866.

9. Louisa Josephine, born at Towanda, 7 March, 1868.

10. and 11. Joseph and John (twins), born at Towanda, 7 June, 1870; died 24 and 25 July, 1870.

ROWENA NANCY, daughter of Maj. John Horton, Jr., and Nancy Miller, born at Terrytown, 4 Dec. 1832; married 16 Aug., 1874, by Rev. A. M. Duboe, of the Baptist Church, Dennison, Iowa, to CAPT. WILLIAM FAMILTON, born in Harrison Co., O., 22 Sept., 1825. The Captain is a very generous-spirited and energetic man, engaged as an agent of Iowa Land Company, in the sale of real estate, receiving a liberal salary. Mrs. Familton was long a teacher; but for a few years past she has kept a fashionable millinery store in Dennison, and has a large business, giving good satisfaction to her customers. She embraced Christianity in early life, and is an esteemed member of the Presbyterian Church.

Tenth Generation.--Joseph I.

III. OMAR FLAVIUS, son of Elijah Horton and Eliza Hiney (Isaac S., Elijah M., Elijah, Richard, John, David, Joseph I.), born in Sheshequin, Pa., 24 Aug., 1853; married in Towanda, Pa., 26 Dec., 1873, by Rev. M. C. Dean, to JEMIMA ELLIOTT, daughter of Isaac Elliott and Olive Billings, and born in Illinois 23 April, 1856. They reside at North Towanda, Pa.

"My oldest brother, Alvin Le Roy, was born in Sheshequin, 2 Aug., 1846. He was married at Susquehanna Depot, Pa., 25 Feb., 1871, by Rev. L. W. Peck, to Charlotte Maria Tinsman. My 2d brother, Levi Christopher, was born 2 April, 1848; died 13 Jan., 1849. 4. Orrin Day, my brother next younger than myself, was born 17 Dec., 1850; died 8 Jan., 1864. 5. The next brother, George Harris, born 23 Nov., 1855, and my youngest brother, Guy Earl, was born 16 June, 1866."--Letter of O. F. Horton, 1874.



The years are passing, but their changes Do not allay our pain; For oft in the hush of the twilight hour We hear her loving voice again.

We hear her step on the floor beside us, We turn to greet her there, And as we would take her outstretched hand We only meet--a vacant chair.

We wander with noiseless step Again in her silent room; There are her pictures and her books, But, alas! they're shrouded in gloom.

No speaking eye is there to see The beauty of earth or sky; No melody cheers our sadness But the song bird's floating by.

We think of the pupils whom she loved, And taught with a teacher's pride; They too will fondly remember The days spent by her side.

Oh death! why did you rob us Of the treasure we held so dear? Why did you enter again our household Claiming another victim here?

Why was the work so quickly ended, Of a short but useful life? For she lived not for herself alone Amid this busy world of strife.

"Simply to the cross she clung" As she stemmed the rolling tide-- With full assurance in her faith, We know she lived and died.

The tears in our eyes are gathering, But we brush them sadly away; For afar in the distant future, We see an unclouded day.

Yes, there we shall bind again, These sundered broken bands; There with the dearly loved and lost, We'll meet with clasping hands.

We rejoice in the promise left us, That she has only gone before, For soon we shall win our crown of joy, Across the vale on the other shore.

E. J. P. S.

ROCHELLE, ILL., April, 1876.

MARIA MINNIS HOMET, M.D., daughter of Samuel Minnis and Sarah Horton (Israel, Israel, Jonathan, Jonathan, Caleb I.), was born in Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., on the 16 June, 1820. Married, in Wyalusing, Bradford Co., Penna., 13 Nov., 1856, by Rev. Ezekiel Carpenter, to EDWARD HOMET, son of Charles Homet and Lucy Stevens, and born in Asylum, Bradford County, Penna., 3d of May, 182-. Mr. Homet followed the business of a civil engineer during his early manhood. He is now an excellent and well-educated farmer, owning a large and beautiful farm on the Susquehanna River, about four miles above the mouth of Wyalusing Creek.

Dr. Maria M. Homet commenced the study of medicine, in Phelps, with Dr. Bannister. In early life she was a very acceptable and successful school-teacher. In 1850 she came to Pennsylvania, and entered the office of Dr. Horton at Terrytown, Pa., and continued the study of medicine. She graduated at the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, in the class of 1853. She returned to Terrytown, and commenced the practice of medicine. She was very successful and popular, and for three years she did an extensive country practice.

They have one child, viz., Lucy Jane Homet, an interesting and amiable young lady, born in Wyalusing 2d April, 1858.


[1] Southold (Southwold), is the name of an old town in England, from which several of the original thirteen Puritans came, when they emigrated to America.

[2] Sarah has 4 children:

1. Victoria Adelaide, married Hiram Young, of White Haven, Pa.; resides there.

2. Emma Louisa, married Charles Benjamin; have one daughter, viz., Montey May.

3. Ella Arloe, married Michael McDermady, of White Haven, Pa.

4. Ida Lucinda.

[3] Percilla Adaline, born in Sheshequin; married, at Terrytown, Pa., 29 Oct., 1873, by Rev. Mr. Clark, of the M. E. Church, to William L. Fanning, son of Elisha Fanning and Mary Ayres. Mr. Fanning and wife reside at Leona, Bradford Co., Pa.; no children.

[4] Joshua Horton was the son of William Horton and Ruth Wright. Children: Eliza Jane, Emily Clara, and Charles Edgar. Eliza Jane married Samuel F. Loder, has Orson E. Charles Edgar, married Ann McCord, daughter of Caleb McCord and Ann Purdy, and has 2 children. 1. (name not given.) 2. Albert L. They trace back to Joshua I.

[5] The Golden Wedding was celebrated in good style in Black River Falls, attended by the Presbyterian minister, the physician, the editor of the village paper, and many of the citizens of the village, also Edmund Horton and George F. Horton, of Pennsylvania, brothers of Mrs. Baillet--all of their children and grand-children now living,--many valuable tokens of respect and esteem were presented to the new married, youthful-looking, aged pair.

[6] Lorenzo D. Poteet is an accomplished gentleman and scholar, a good writer and eloquent speaker, and has kindly furnished us the records of the descendants of Zephaniah Horton, Esq., of Buncombe, now Ashe Co., N. C.

[7] The Bayard was the square-rigged topsail sloop, named after the old merchant, of New York, anterior to the Revolution. He was afterwards known as the American Banker, Col. William Bayard. This vessel was afterwards rigged a brig, and sent to sea and lost at Cape Horn, about 1825. Another vessel, bearing the same name, in honor of Col. Bayard, was on the French line of packets--the first established between New York and France, and owned principally by Messrs. Le Roy, Bayard & Co.


Aaron, 87, 89.

Aaron Decatur, 89.

Abbertina Miller, 52.

Abbie, 90, 93.

Abbie Anne, 134.

Abbie Louisa, 133.

Abbie Wilson, 94.

Abigail, 182, 184, 185, 188.

Abner, 178.

Abraham Lincoln, 38.

Adah, 119.

Adah A., 119.

Adaline, 41, 59.

Adaline Bethia, 197.

Adam, 67.

Addie Elizabeth, 165.

Adela, 45, 99.

Adelaide Landon, 220.

Adelia, 120, 143.

Adriana, 110.

Alaxcie, 215.

Albert, 116, 140.

Albert F., 26, 56.

Albert Howell, 159.

Albion Nathaniel, 113.

Alexander, 116.

Alexander Hamilton, 121, 165.

Alexander Horace, 139.

Alexander Webster, 51.

Alfred, 61, 117, 163.

Alfred Eugene, 133.

Alfred M., 90.

Alice Chase, 219.

Alice Conrad, 167.

Alice M., 54.

Alice Yeatman, 155.

Allen, 135.

Allen D., 50.

Allen H., 54.

Allie W., Almira, 188, 193, 194.

Almyra Amanda, 192, 217.

Almyra Minerva, 189, 207.

Alonzo Dickerson, 133.

Alonzo Erastus, 189, 207.

Alson Warren, 163.

Alva, 177, 179.

Alvin, 194.

Alvira, 62.

Alvor, 20.

Amanda Belle, 180.

Amanda M., 174.

Amarilla, 128.

Amazilla, 44, 66.

Ambrose, 14, 181.

Amelia, 114, 163, 178.

Amos, 98.

Amos Curry, 176, 177.

Amos O., 123.

Amy, 98.

Amy I., 123.

Amzi Spencer, 200.

Anannias, 173.

Anasthasia, 62.

Andrew, 45.

Andrew Jackson, 94, 120.

Andrew Marcus, 35, 48.

Andrew Philo, 196.

Angeline Cook, 29, 53.

Angeline Margaret, 197.

Ann, 27, 41, 77, 91, 134.

Anna, 15, 17, 25, 31, 48, 70, 78, 84, 90, 93, 99, 100, 107, 110, 171, 173, 174, 182, 183, 188.

Ann Caroline, 22, 36.

Ann Eliza, 30, 118, 161, 202.

Ann Elizabeth, 35, 45, 140, 176.

Anna Ellsworth, 193.

Anna M., 132, 215.

Anna Maria, 94, 114, 139.

Anna P., 219.

Annie Woolsey, 178.

Annis, 23.

Ansell Phinney, 33.

Archer, 38.

Archibald, 87.

Ariadne, 157.

Arietta, 80, 92.

Arthur, 178.

Asa, 62.

Asa C., 174, 177.

Asenath, 172, 184.

Augustus George, 153.

Augustus Maria, 177.

Avis Amelia, 175.

Azariah, 14, 183.

Azariah W., 181.

Balzamond Mason, 216.

Barnabas, 11, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 76, 78, 84, 87, 90, 118, 182, 184, 185.

Barnabas B., 184, 187, 196.

Bela Joseph, 177.

Belle Amanda, 100.

Benjamin, 14, 18, 19, 20, 24, 41, 48, 60, 71, 72, 73, 75, 83, 116, 153, 171, 172, 173, 174, 196, 198, 201.

Benjamin Carpenter, 221.

Benjamin, Col., 182, 185.

Benjamin De Witt, 204.

Benjamin F., 61, 153, 185, 196, 221.

Benjamin Goldsmith, 98.

Benjamin Hull, 185, 196.

Benjamin, 174, 177.

Benjamin J., 112, 154.

Benjamin Porter, 51.

Benjamin Rose, 116.

Benjamin T., 157, 204.

Benjamin Yeatman, 155.

Bernard, 115.

Bessy Grant, 57.

Bethia, 11, 12, 67, 68, 69, 70, 75, 170, 182, 184, 198, 200.

Betsy, 25, 76, 84, 90, 174, 185.

Betsy Ann, 24.

Beulah A. G., 37.

Bishop, 46

Brackey, 94, 139.

Burton, 58.

Byron, 39.

Byron D., 155.

Caleb, 11, 12, 16, 67, 68, 69, 72.

Calista, 58.

Calvin, 69, 163.

Carlo, 191.

Carlton, 108, 137.

Carlton Ira, 170.

Caroline, 30, 90, 91, 93, 110, 115, 119, 206.

Caroline Denispaugh, 52.

Caroline Kate, 215.

Caroline Rushmore, 222.

Carrie, 114.

Carrie Ben., 153.

Carrie Eliza, 47.

Carrie Ella, 112.

Carrie Josephine, 40.

Carrie Robertson, 159.

Carrie S., 140.

Catherine, 27, 39, 77, 83, 112, 162.

Catherine Arlette, 134.

Catherine Conover, 85.

Catherine Elizabeth, 59.

Catherine Julia, 111.

Catherine Lonesa, 180.

Celestia, 87.

Celia, 39, 194.

Cevellon, 60.

Charles, 23, 25, 36, 38, 43, 45, 50, 56, 117, 120, 183, 191, 216.

Charles Albert, 152, 163.

Charles Burrell, 134.

Charles Davenport, 178.

Charles Edmund, 167.

Charles Francis, 135.

Charles Gurdon, 215.

Charles H., 123, 202.

Charles Herbert, 98.

Charles Jayne, 59.

Charles Mahlon, 60.

Charles Pierson Baldwin, 120.

Charles Riley, 190.

Charles Shons, 133.

Charles Wesley, 179, 201.

Charlotte, 91, 92, 112, 120, 183, 189, 192, 194.

Charlotte Beatrice, 180.

Chauncy, 62, 188, 192.

Chauncey Chaffee, 192, 218.

Christiana, 115, 200.

Clara Ann, 215.

Clara Elizabeth, 176.

Clara Jane, 176.

Clarence Frost, 178.

Clarissa, 23, 27, 39, 119, 134, 174.

Clark, 91.

Clark Lawrence, 175.

Claude, 48.

Clayton, 61.

Cleveland Kemble, 52.

Comfort, 186.

Cora Burr, 57.

Cornelia, 20, 31, 55.

Cornelia Southard Lelia, 178.

Cornelia W., 36.

Cornelius, 80, 93.

Cornelius C., 37, 153.

Cornelius Mandeville, 52.

Cornelius Miller, 30, 52.

Cornelius W. Van Rantz, 22, 37.

Cynthia, 153.

Cynthia Malvina, 192, 218.

Cyrus, 50, 175.

Cyrus B., 178.

Cyrus J., 50.

Cyrus Van Rensselaer, 136.

Cyrus William, 178.

Daniel, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 69, 76, 89, 128.

Daniel Halsey, 220.

Daniel Jayne, 41, 59.

Daniel Sullivan, 59.

Daniel Taylor, 30, 51.

Darwin D., 37.

David, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 25, 27, 41, 59, 68, 69, 71, 73, 76, 89, 119, 131, 170, 180, 184, 200.

David Austin, 185.

David Claudius, 111.

David C., 131.

David D., 123.

David Eagles, 121, 124.

David Laurens, 200.

David Lee, 30, 51.

David Lewis, 128.

David M., 157.

David Philander, 222.

David Richards, 156.

David Snyder, 58, 63.

David Thomas, 115.

Davis, 172.

Debbie Emily, 149.

Deborah, 75, 77, 85, 170.

Deborah Ann, 22.

De Forest, 180.

Delia Adelaide, 56.

Delight, 27.

Deliverance, 170, 171, 172.

Dexter, 155.

De Witt Shons, 133.

Diana, 25.

Dickson, 163.

Dorothy, 71, 78.

Dorr, 29, 54.

Dudley I., 157.

Durfee Delano, 110.

Ebenezer, 99, 142.

Edie, 219.

Edgar Clayton, 137.

Edith Alden, 221.

Edith Lucinda, 45.

Edmonia L., 158.

Edmund, 107.

Edmund Bani, 120.

Edmund Burke, 167.

Edward, 62, 73, 89.

Edward Augustus, 58.

Edward Baker, 30.

Edward Barton, 221.

Edward Bates, 179.

Edward Delany, 34.

Edward Grant, 215.

Edward Haskell, 191.

Edward Livingston, 119.

Edward W., 37, 131.

Edwin, 85, 157, 191, 206.

Edwin A., 162.

Edwin Willis, 203.

Egbert, 191.

Elam Potter, 172.

Elbert S., 124.

Elbridge Micajah, 33, 56.

Eleanor, 18, 80, 91, 93.

Eleazer, 26.

Eli, 188, 191, 193.

Elias, 75, 128.

Elias Quereau, 24, 31.

Elias Riggs, 134.

Elihu, 68, 71, 78.

Elijah, 17, 18, 25, 42, 62, 68, 70, 84, 116.

Elijah Augustus, 117.

Elijah Harrison, 27, 46.

Eliphaz, 180.

Elisha, 73, 87.

Elisha C., 129.

Elisha Griggs, 192, 216.

Eliza, 21, 27, 28, 81, 84, 120, 128, 131, 163, 154, 170, 171.

Eliza Ann, 41, 115.

Eliza Estella, 59.

Eliza L., 158.

Eliza M., 157.

Elizabeth, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 27, 38, 42, 44, 62, 65, 69, 75, 76, 66, 84, 95, 105, 113, 117, 123, 156, 163, 172, 174, 186, 198, 204.

Elizabeth Bockover, 168.

Elizabeth Emily, 222.

Elizabeth M., 31, 54, 167.

Elizabeth R., 84, 107.

Elizabeth Waller, 157.

Elizabeth Webb, 188.

Ella, 110, 206.

Ella Isadore, 37.

Ella S., 92.

Ellen, 44.

Ellen Maria, 136.

Ellen V., 98, 133.

Ellsworth Wales, 216.

Elmer Ellsworth, 177.

Elmira, 155.

Elmore, 143.

Elmore E., 48, 53.

Eloise, 84.

Elsie, 26.

Elstine Jennings, 109.

Elvira, 191, 216.

Elwood Ely, 169.

Emeline, 192, 217.

Emery Norman, 217.

Emily, 23, 40, 42, 50, 61, 62, 83, 112, 194.

Emily Agnes, 35.

Emily Ann, 144.

Emily Cortland, 156.

Emily Eveline, 60.

Emily Jane, 175.

Emily Robinson, 107.

Emma, 33, 62, 216.

Emma Alma, 111, 154.

Emma A., 37, 61.

Emma F., 29.

Emma Harriet, 197.

Emmerson C., 109.

Emmerson Jennings, 109.

Emmons Burr, 216.

Enoch, 20.

Ephraim, 11, 71.

Ephraim Coleman, 84.

Erastus, 189.

Ernest Wayne, 179.

Essie E., 216.

Estella, 29.

Esther, 11, 15, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26, 39, 73, 74, 75, 83, 87, 128, 129.

Esther Ann, 192.

Esther Jemima, 27.

Eugene, 37, 40, 222.

Eugene B., 222.

Eugene Henry, 64.

Eugene Townsend, 222.

Eunice, 72, 81, 84, 92, 96, 99, 101, 137, 142.

Eunice Alice, 142.

Eunice Angeline, 182.

Eunice Ann, 128.

Eunice De Maris, 131.

Eunice Lucada, 174.

Eunice Martha, 141.

Euphemia, 178.

Eva, 155.

Eva A., 37.

Eva Estella, 47.

Eva Jane, 34.

Eva Louisa, 176.

Everett Ezra, 217.

Eveline, 120.

Ezra, 182, 183, 186, 188, 189, 191, 192, 201.

Ezra James, 178.

Ezra L'Hommedieu, 185.

Ezra Mason, 191, 216.

Ezra Tredeau, 215.

Fannie Minerva, 176.

Fanny, 26, 81, 90, 96, 138, 174, 196.

Fidelia, 188, 194.

Florence, 39, 135.

Florence Effie, 216.

Florence Isabella, 204.

Floyd Wallace, 177.

Fluta Belle, 46, 56.

Forster, 183.

Frances Charlena, 216.

Frances E., 39.

Francis, 106, 179.

Francis A., 30, 54.

Francis Asbury, 176.

Francis G., 191.

Francis Newell, 35, 47.

Francis W., 106.

Frank, 141, 206.

Frank A., 30.

Franklin, 63.

Franklin Munn, 104.

Franklin Reynolds, 206.

Franklin Terry, 221.

Frederick, 141, 215.

Frederick Osborn, 204.

Freeman, 27.

Frost, 24, 31.

Frost Joshua, 55.

Gabriel, 78, 119.

Gabriel C., 90.

Gabriel H., 78.

Gamaliel, 71, 182.

Gardnear Stanton, 162.

George, 17, 18, 20, 23, 35, 36, 42, 63, 110, 116, 137.

George W., 15, 24, 31, 59, 92, 116, 120, 135, 140, 186, 196.

George W. P., 33.

George Bertrand, 30.

Geo. Clifford, 112.

Geo. Clinton, 47.

Geo. Cummins, 18.

Geo. Dinsmore, 46.

Geo. Ellis, 222.

Geo. Firman, 141.

Geo. Hamilton, 143.

Geo. Hathaway, 221.

Geo. Ingersoll, 47.

Geo. Landon, 61.

Geo. Lewis, 62.

Geo. Philip, 30.

Georgiana, 53.

Georgia Ann, 37.

Gerrit Smith, 192.

Gertrude, 194.

Gertrude Elizabeth, 47.

Gilbert, 18, 56, 90, 172, 173, 182, 186, 206.

Gilbert La Fayette, 209.

Gilbert Wilson, 220.

Glen L., 155.

Grace, 204.

Grace Edna, 177.

Gurdon, 188, 190.

Gurdon B., 39, 57.

Guy, 62.

Hampton Howell, 78.

Hannah, 11, 14, 16, 19, 41, 42, 49, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 71, 78, 116, 154, 172, 173, 183, 184, 198.

Hannah Amanda, 202.

Hannah E., 48.

Hannah Jane, 111.

Hannah Lucinda, 45.

Hannah Maria, 112.

Hannah Matilda, 200.

Hannen, 53.

Happylonia Amelia, 202.

Harmony, 185, 197.

Harrison, 90, 168, 184.

Harrison Faulkner, 131.

Harry, 30, 116, 175, 219.

Harry Lawrence, 44, 64.

Harry Miller, 156.

Harry Morgan, 100, 107.

Harry Thomas, 115.

Harriet, 114, 117, 120, 191.

Harriet Augusta, 167.

Harriet Elizabeth, 124, 134.

Harriet Huntley, 33.

Harriet Larey, 139.

Harriet Louisa, 215.

Harriet Milicent, 118.

Harriet Newell, 200.

Harriet Waller, 156.

Harvey, 78, 177.

Harvey Addison, 118, 159.

Harvey L., 192.

Haskell V., 177.

Hattie, 17.

Hattie May, 217.

Havens, 172.

Hector, 78.

Hector Y., 198.

Helen, 135, 191, 199, 215.

Helen Agnes, 47.

Helen Delia, 33.

Helen Elizabeth, 162.

Helen Gertrude, 134.

Helen Marie, 221.

Helen Mather, 52.

Henrietta, 117, 177, 198.

Henry, 17, 20, 21, 29, 76, 77, 119.

Henry Albert, 201.

Henry Brock, 51.

Henry Broadhead, 162.

Henry Davids, 205.

Henry E., 53, 179.

Henry H., 54.

Henry Lee, 109.

Henry M., 119.

Henry Walter, 165.

Henry Wickham, 197.

Henry Wisner, 108.

Herbert Doty, 54.

Herman M., 190.

Hetty, 185.

Hetty Eliza, 221.

Hetty M., 131.

Hiler Hosmer, 137.

Hiram, 27, 73, 78, 99, 128, 133.

Hiram Falls, 221.

Hiram Hoskins, 116.

Horner, 23, 38.

Horace, 44, 45, 65, 78, 89, 80, 131.

Howard, 204.

Howell Reeve, 201.

Huldah, 73, 86, 87, 89.

Ichabod, 170.

Ida Caroline, 40.

Ida Cushman, 221.

Ida May, 54, 60.

Ira, 78.

Ira Joseph, 152.

Irene, 173.

Isaac, 17, 18, 22, 26, 38, 61, 63, 75, 174, 178.

Isaac Cook, 54.

Isaac H., 158.

Isaac Jackson, 38.

Isaac Jayne, 25.

Isaac Rufus, 43, 63.

Isaac Snyder, 25, 42.

Isaac T., 92.

Isabella, 114, 131.

Isabella D., 19.

Isabella Graham, 196.

Isabella Rose, 180.

Isadore M., 56.

Isaiah, 19, 128, 129.

Israel, 19, 70, 71, 72, 79, 94, 116, 134, 135.

Ithil, 26.

Jackson, 58.

Jacob, 16, 67, 115.

Jacob L., 53.

Jacob R., 21.

James, 12, 17, 21, 12, 23, 38, 42, 53, 57, 62, 75, 78, 89, 121, 173, 181, 182, 183, 188, 196.

James B., 163.

James C., 120, 163, 165.

James Edward, 49.

James Edwin, 186, 202, 221.

James Elliott, 115, 157.

James Franklin, 59.

James Galloway, 152.

James Gallup, 156.

James Holiday, 39.

James Harrison, 121, 166.

James I., 22, 37.

James L., 54, 110.

James Le Roy, 29.

James M., 90, 133, 176.

James Mills, 47.

James Muldor, 54.

James P., 124.

James Parshall, 91.

James Perry, 53.

James Reeves, 185, 196.

James Robert, 107.

James Theodore, 121, 166.

James Walter, 167.

James Welles, 184.

James White, 35, 47.

Jane, 24, 25, 90, 99, 115, 123, 131, 133, 141, 143.

Jane Adelaide, 119.

Jane De Puy, 18.

Jane Elizabeth, 31, 106, 148.

Jane Jemima, 25, 34.

Jane M., 124.

Janette, 215.

Jannetz, 14.

Jared, 215.

Jason, 72, 90, 99, 141.

Jasper, 173.

Jemima, 25, 70, 74, 75.

Jennie, 57.

Jeremiah, 10, 14, 72, 171, 173.

Jeremiah Henry, 140.

Jerusha Conklin, 85.

Jerusha Wickham, 197.

Jesse, 17, 24, 49, 77, 113, 116, 123, 157, 158.

Jesse Davis, 114.

Jesse M., 38.

Jessie Ann, 138.

Jessie Burr, 57.

Jessie Lorena, 61.

Jessie Pardee, 206.

Joel, 24, 45.

Joel Stephen, 45.

John, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 25, 26, 44, 67, 69, 72, 75, 77, 79, 89, 92, 100, 113, 115, 119, 145, 171, 173.

John Andrews, 115.

John B., 187.

John Burleigh, 146.

John C., 50, 156, 216.

John Edmund, 143.

John Elliott, 42.

John Franks, 202.

John F., 202.

John Gillett, 176.

John Hix, 17.

John Holabird, 51.

John McCrea, 29.

John Marcus, 179.

John Marshall, 137.

John Martin, 92, 130.

John Miller, 100.

John P., 157.

John Seward, 117, 120.

John S., 29, 56.

John Todd, 21, 29.

John Waller, 156.

John White, 22, 34.

John Williams, 55, 150, 200.

Jonah, 87.

Jonathan, 11, 12, 14, 67, 68, 69, 72, 122, 124, 122, 180, 182, 184, 186.

Jonathan Azariah, 201.

Jonathan Blair, 165.

Jonathan Bani, 85, 120.

Jonathan Edwards, 196.

Jonathan Filmore, 166.

Jonathan Goldsmith, 199.

Jonathan Terry, 186.

Joseph, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 24, 42, 48, 61, 62, 91, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 188.

Joseph Dempster, 138.

Joseph Elliott, 41.

Joseph Hazzard, 201.

Joseph Hornet, 145.

Joseph Lee, 72, 80, 94, 109.

Joseph Miller, 167.

Joseph Nephi, 136.

Joseph Osborn, 85.

Joseph Robert, 30.

Joseph Rose, 67.

Joseph Strong, 48.

Josephine, 25, 220.

Josephine Adela, 141.

Josephine Deborah, 111, 164.

Josephine L., 197.

Josiah, 70, 77, 113.

Josiah Spaulding, 60.

Joshua, 11, 18, 26, 158, 170, 171, 172, 173, 184.

Joshua I., 50.

Judson A., 37.

Julia, 75, 78, 81, 99, 106, 119, 141, 147, 174, 198, 200.

Julia Ann, 182, 185, 186.

Julia Ann E., 84, 109, 157.

Julia Elmira, 128.

Julia J., 54.

Julia May, 136.

Julia Rebecca, 165.

Junius Roy, 40.

Justin, 69.

Justus, 171, 184.

Justus Elbert, 202.

Kate Evelyn, 180.

Kate Elsie, 219.

Katie Elvise, 219.

Keturah, 186.

Knowlton Howard, 216.

La Fayette, 177.

Lamira Louisa, 121, 164.

Laura, 162, 168.

Laura Beach, 51.

Laurens, 188, 194.

Lavanda Candis, 34, 53.

Lazarus, 181.

Lawrence Clinton, 42.

Lebbeus Dathrop Vail, 126.

Lee, 19.

Lemuel, 58.

Leonard, 20, 175.

Leonard Moses, 145.

Le Roy, 21, 29, 57.


Lesli, 217.

Levi, 62.

Levi D., 29, 173, 176, 177.

Levi Eugene, 40.

Levi Wesner, 176.

Lewis, 26, 45, 90, 174.

Lewis Beers, 110.

Lewis John, 134.

Lewis Mullerson, 77.

Liberty, 173.

Liberty Ann, 141.

Licetta Augusta, 34, 53.

Lida May, 180.

Lillian, 157.

Lillie May, 37.

Lillie Gertrude, 167.

Linda E., 178.

Locky, 158.

Lorenzo D., 124.

Lorenzo P., 157.

Lorinda, 25.

Loton, 90.


Louisa, 39.

Louisa Maria, 34, 52.

Lucien, 38, 56.

Lucinda, 26, 27, 39, 44, 134, 188, 191.

Lucinda Elizabeth, 34, 52.

Lucretia, 71.

Lucy, 26.

Lucy Ann, 28.

Lucy Evelyn, 216.

Lucy Jane, 189, 214, 215.

Lucy Lovina, 37.

Lucy Paine, 216.

Lucy Lura, 177.

Luman P., 26.

Lydia, 46, 67, 70, 74, 89, 97, 99, 170, 171, 187, 196.

Lydia Ann, 91, 99, 143.

Lydia Corwin, 84.

Lydia Miller, 100.

Lydia Rogers, 196.

Maggie B., 221.

Maggie Cora, 180.

Malcolm, 76, 157.

Malvin M., 192.

Maranda, 128.

Marcus Cornelius, 138.

Marcus Nelson, 179.

Margaret, 15, 29, 54, 163, 182, 189, 194.

Margaret Ann, 131.

Margaret Julia, 134.

Margaret Vance, 110, 157.

Margaretta, 52.

Maria, 50, 162, 174.

Maria Eloise, 151, 157.

Maria P., 108.

Marietta, 50, 220.

Martha, 22, 128, 170, 171, 172, 186.

Martha Ann, 30.

Martha Cora, 114.

Martha Cordelia, 30.

Martha Day, 201.

Martha E., 113, 157.

Martha I., 158.

Martha Maria, 35.

Martha M., 192, 48, 56.

Martha Louisa, 37.

Martha Priscilla, 216.

Martha Virginia, 197.

Martin Van Buren, 61.

Mary, 11, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 30, 38, 46, 58, 61, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 83, 95, 100, 113, 115, 116, 119, 128, 129, 144, 156, 163, 170, 171, 172, 180, 183, 186, 188, 189, 192, 200.

Mary Ann, 49, 50, 91, 115, 119, 128, 136, 152, 153, 192, 218.

Mary Bennet, 159.

Mary Antoinette, 33.

Mary Bethia, 98.

Mary Caroline, 198.

Mary Catherine, 120.

Mary Eliza, 151.

Mary Elizabeth, 111, 114, 128, 153, 180, 201, 203, 205.

Mary Ellen, 44, 66.

Mary Emeline, 63, 118.

Mary Emily, 189, 207.

Mary Emma, 141, 165.

Mary Etta, 134.

Mary Eugenia, 133.

Mary Goldsmith, 222.

Mary Hannah, 138.

Mary Helen, 132.

Mary I., 123, 200.

Mary Kate, 153.

Mary Loudon, 220.

Mary Louisa, 31, 117, 48, 141.

Mary L., 135.

Mary Lucretia, 107.

Mary M., 157.

Mary Percy, 216.

Mary Perkins, 206.

Mary Pruner, 157.

Matilda Adelaide, 59.

Matilda Adelia.

Matilda Ann, 50.

Matison B., 136.

Matthias, 68, 70, 71, 78, 119, 120.

Mayhew, 27.

Maybell, 155.

Mazor L., 20.

McWilliam, 124.

Mehala, 78, 206.

Mehetabel, 12, 69, 73, 74, 75, 89, 174, 180, 184, 185, 197, 198.

Melinda, 67.

Melina, 39, 57.

Melvin Morris, 217.

Mercy, 9.

Micajah, 17, 22.

Miles Emmet, 44, 66.

Milicent, 15, 90.

Milicent Ellen, 78, 118.

Millard, 163.

Miller, 77, 113.


Millie Ann, 83.

Milton, 111.

Milton Augustus, 152.

Milton Murat, 162.

Minerva Inez, 137.

Minnie, 135.

Minnie I., 217.

Minor Thomas, 91, 135.

Miranda, 116.

Molly, 78.

Monroe, 153.

Mortimer, 119.

Mortimer Stillwell, 120.

Myra Elsie, 219.

Myron, 43, 92.

Myrtie Stella, 60.

Nancy, 61, 163, 174.

Nancy Halsey, 202.

Nancy H., 109.

Nancy Loudon, 197, 220.

Nancy Rogers, 202.

Nancy Strickland, 41, 59.

Nancy Terry, 149.

Nancy Wickham, 198.

Naomi A., 158.

Nathan, 11, 68, 69, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, 120, 121, 122, 124, 128, 164, 166.

Nathan Miller, 113, 156.

Nathan Priest, 77.

Nathan Waller, 157, 158.

Nathan White, 162.

Nathan Youngs, 158.

Nathaniel, 68, 69, 73.

Nathaniel Buell, 170.

Nathaniel Charles, 89.

Nathaniel Jackson, 128.

Nelson, 26, 132.

Nelson Burleigh, 189.

Nellie, 71, 78, 135, 219.

Nellie Maria, 47.

Newman Norris, 152.

Nicholas, 157.

Nicholas Townsend, 14, 112.

Noble W., 157.

Nora, 194.

Norman, 188, 191.

Norman Sanford, 191.

Olive, 188, 190, 191, 193, 216.

Olive E., 62.

Olive Grant, 64.

Olive Turrell, 142.

Omar, 62, 73.

Orange Hull, 196.

Orin Miller, 144.

Orinda McGee, 201.

Orlando, 49.

Orrin, 43, 61, 62.

Orville Carlton, 46.

Osborn, 196.

Oscar, 109.

Oscar Perry, 177.

Ovid, 23, 39.

Pamela, 43.

Parmenas Howell, 78, 118.

Parshall Terry, 107.

Patience, 12, 14, 17, 67, 170, 171.

Patty, 69.

Patty Coleman, 84.

Paul, 182.

Pauline Emily, 119, 131.

Pearce, 20.

Peleg, 20.

Penelope, 67.

Percilla Adaline, 45.

Perley, 43.

Perley Ainsworth, 56.

Permela, 172.

Peter, 20, 182.

Peter Davis, 92, 137.

Peter Dempster, 138.

Peter Quereau, 24.

Peter Williams, 22.

Phebe, 14, 15, 17, 21, 24, 28, 58, 67, 135, 172, 173, 184.

Phebe Ann, 117.

Phebe D., 76, 124.

Phebe E., 123.

Phebe Jane, 48, 50, 176.

Phebe Maria, 134.

Philander, 46, 196.

Philena, 24, 188, 190, 191.

Philip Brewster, 162.

Philip Hallock, 204.

Phineas, 70, 75, 121, 124, 164.

Phimos W., 128.

Platt, 20.

Polly, 69, 73.

Rachel, 15, 16, 38, 68, 76.

Rachel Amanda, 28.

Ray, 23.

Rensselaer, 185, 199.

Rejoice, 187.

Rebecca, 73, 77, 86, 120, 164.

Reuben, 27, 62, 163.

Reuben Emmerson, 47, 60.

Rhoda, 20, 68, 73, 170, 173.

Rhoda B., 41, 58.

Richard, 15, 17, 18, 24, 25, 41, 58, 68, 69, 70, 75, 76, 115.

Richard Currie, 27, 46.

Richard Joshua, 45.

Richard Newell, 41, 58.

Richard Scott, 155.

Richard Thompson, 45.

Richmond Wright, 173.

Robert Bruce, 191.

Robert Mills, 35, 47.

Rosa Sayer, 159.

Rosa Virginia, 167.

Rosina, 113.

Rowena Eliza, 143.

Rowena Hortense, 44, 66.

Rowena Nancy, 100.

Roysell, 190.

Rufus, 163, 174.

Rufus Dula, 165.

Rushman Davenport, 178.

Ruth, 84, 57, 163.

Ruth Ann, 169, 176, 202.

Ruth Burritt, 156.

Ruth Elmira Halsey, 199.

Ruth Naomi, 60.

Sally, 26, 69, 104, 174.

Sally Ann, 174.

Salter Storrs, 197.

Samantha Catherine, 202.

Samuel, 10, 14, 19, 72, 76, 83, 84.

Samuel Black, 115, 135, 182.

Samuel Danes, 133.

Samuel Huston, 46.

Samuel Mann, 134.

Samuel McCrea, 20, 21, 29.

Samuel Miller, 167.

Samuel Minnis, 92, 136.

Samuel Todd, 108.

Samuel Townsend, 152.

Sarah, 9, 11, 16, 17, 22, 24, 38, 45, 49, 68, 70, 72, 75, 76, 77, 79, 91, 92, 94, 97, 119, 121, 123, 165, 171, 182, 189.

Sarah Ann, 49, 113, 117, 120, 178, 188.

Sarah Delia, 154.

Sarah Elizabeth, 119, 134, 156, 197, 202.

Sarah Estella, 30, 158.

Sarah Frances, 118.

Sarah Jane, 31, 112.

Sarah J. E., 124.

Sarah L., 192.

Sarah Maria, 22, 30, 38, 140, 176.

Sarah Nancy, 143.

Sarah Parshall, 19, 109.

Sarah R., 91.

Schuyler Bogart, 202.

Selah, 76.

Septimus, 70.

Shepherd, 27.

Sidney Chaffie, 45.

Silas, 67, 68, 70, 71, 77, 84, 89, 182, 185, 187, 188, 197.

Silas Austin, 197.

Silas Danes, 78, 89, 90.

Silas Olney, 134.

Silas Ryneck, 221.

Silas Horton Stringham, 124.

Simon Grover, 171.

Smith, 90.

Snyder, 42, 62, 63.

Solomon, 174.

Sophia, 67.

Sophia Reeves, 202.

Sophronia, 192, 217.

Spencer, 73, 188, 200.

Starr La Mott, 177.

Stephen, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 40, 49, 69, 74, 174.

Stephen D., 24, 31, 33, 55.

Stephen Edwin, 117.

Stephen Frost, 55.

Stephen Halsey, 133.

Stephen Joseph, 176, 180.

Stephen Lines, 49.

Stephen L., 174, 177.

Stoddard Ellsworth, 219.

Susan, 87, 97, 114, 182, 198, 201.

Susan Bailey, 186, 220.

Susan Evangelia, 196.

Susan Green, 170.

Susan Hannah, 180.

Susan May, 134, 188.

Susan Olive, 21.

Sybil, 172.

Sydney Ellsworth, 219.

Sylvester, 21.

Tabitha, 25, 41, 59.

Tabitha Amanda, 42.

Tabitha Maria, 58.

Talmage Baker, 204.

Tamar, 19.

Theodore, 37, 117.

Theodore Dwight, 190.

Theodore F., 48.

Theodore King, 204.

Theodore Marcena, 30, 51.

Theodore Parker, 45.

Theodore Worth, 203.

Theodoria Elvira, 120, 164.

Theresa, 158.

Theron Kimble, 37.

Thirza Ann, 138.

Thomas, 14, 15, 17, 30, 70, 116, 170, 182, 188, 191, 215.

Thomas Carrier, 40.

Thomas De La Fayette, 189.

Thomas Hyatt, 40.

Thomas Ingham, 98.

Thomas Israel, 49.

Thomas Jefferson, 185, 198.

Thomas Minor, 113.

Thomas Osborn, 206.

Thomas Van Devort, 80.

Thomas Van Heusen, 55.

Thomas White, 162.

Thomas Yeatman, 155.

Townsend Nicholas, 111, 153.

Truman, 20.

Tunis, 93.

Ulysses, 26.

Ulysses David, 61.

Uriah, 80.

Uriah Terry, 94.

Ursula, 91.

Valiant McCrea, 36.

Van Rensselaer W., 136.

Verdine, 90.

Victoria E., 131.

Walter, 38, 168, 178.

Walter Van Routz, 36.

Warren, 90.

Warren Gavitt.

Washington, 50.

Watkins L., 36.

Webb, 23, 40.

Welles, 46.

Wesley Gibbs, 177.

Wilfred, 48.

William, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 26, 27, 58, 62, 73, 74, 77, 120, 121, 162, 163, 165, 169, 172, 173, 184, 187, 189, 193, 198.

William Benjamin, 162.

William Benton, 36.

William Bullard, 26, 44, 66.

William Cook, 21.

William Drake, 29, 53, 56.

William Drinker, 113.

William Edward, 30.

William Franklin, 41, 157.

William Harrison, 133, 191.

William Henry, 37, 50, 120, 152, 170, 176, 180, 194, 215, 220.

William James, 55.

William John, 50.

William Leander, 120, 163.

William Mervin, 62.

William M., 108, 153, 157, 191, 214.

William Nelson, 57.

William Person, 137.

William Perse, 41.

William Phineas, 165.

William Richards, 157.

William Robinson, 206.

William Ryneck, 222.

William Terry, 148.

William Thomas, 55.

William Van Hocsin, 31.

William Wallace, 36.

William Wirt, 37, 137.

Willie, 180.

Willie Eugene Seabring, 176.

Willie Gaylord, 36.

Willis Bruce, 36.

Wilson Osborn.

Wines, 73.

Winfield Scott, 38.

Wright, 16, 22, 24, 33, 57.

Wright Frost, 24.

Zaccheus, 73.

Zephaniah, 75, 76, 133, 157.

Zephaniah I., 124.

Zephaniah L., 158.

Zopher Pasco, 163.


Alphabetical Index of surnames of persons intermarried with the Horton Family, and also names of clergymen or magistrates who officiated at the marriage. With a few exceptions only one page is referred to, but many of these names occur frequently.

Accla, 27.

Ackerman, 34.

Adams, 177.

Adamson, 53, 54, 96, 177, 135.

Aiken, 137.

Ainslee, 162.

Ainsworth, 59.

Albert, 107.

Allen, 95.


Alloways, 45.

Ames, 65.

Ammon, 159.

Andrews, 129.

Annen, 205.

Arbuckle, 98.

Arms, 34.

Atwood, 87.

Austin, 106.

Ayres, 45.

Babe, 208.

Bacon, 145.

Bailey, 175, 182, 219.

Baldwin, 103, 113.

Bancroft, 30.

Baillet, 105.

Ball, 118.


Barker, 91.

Barner, 44.

Barnes, 42.

Barnette, 162.

Barnum, 67.

Barr, 60.

Barrett, 116.

Barstow, 46.

Bartine, 169.

Bartlett, 216.

Bates, 55.

Beadle, 24.

Beardsley, 44.

Beatty, 54.

Bedell, 110.

Beebe, 132, 159.

Beedle, 208.

Becks, 90.

Beemer, 95.

Belcher, 111.

Belnap, 215.

Bennet, 86, 111, 118, 194, 156.

Benjamin, 69.

Bidlock, 62.

Billings, 62.

Birdsall, 221.

Blackman, 28, 43, 44, 62.

Black, 95.

Blair, 165.

Blake, 47.

Bliss, 22.

Bliven, 24.

Blodgett, 54.

Blount, 53.

Boardman, 92.

Bogart, 22.

Bockover, 96.

Boone, 122.

Booth, 196.

Bookstover, 149.

Border, 54.

Bostwich, 110.

Boughton, 120.

Bouse, 29.

Bowers, 120.

Bowman, 168.

Boyce, 110.

Bradford, 206.

Bradley, 12.

Brainard, 59.

Breed, 64.

Brewster, 76.

Brigham, 59.

Bright, 52.

Briggs, 128.

Brightwell, 206.

Brink, 137.

Brinkley, 115.

Brisack, 167.

Broadhead, 111.

Brooks, 116.

Brown, 223.

Brownell, 66.

Brownlee, 167.

Broyles, 124.

Bryant, 128.

Buckley, 57.

Budd, 9.

Bull, 182.

Bullis, 26.

Bunyan, 136.

Burchard, 133.

Burleigh, 187.

Burnette, 172.

Burr, 219.

Burt, 96.

Bush, 53.

Butler, 92.

Calender, 90.

Cameron, 221.

Campbell, 113.

Caney, 31.

Canfield, 60.

Caniff, 176.

Capron, 57.

Carpenter, 55.

Carver, 217.

Carrier, 130.

Carroll, 203.

Case, 68.

Cash, 118.

Cerathers, 162.

Chaffer, 192.

Chase, 176.

Chambers, 92.

Chapin, 133.

Chase, 219.

Chauncey, 115.

Cheesebro, 217.

Cheney, 103.

Clapp, 33

Claprodale, 31.

Clark, 218.

Clements, 23.

Cleveland, 217.

Closson, 139.

Clowes, 222.

Coburn, 105.

Coddington, 120.

Coe, 194.

Cole, 92.

Coleman, 140.

Colfax, 160.

Conklin, 182.

Conley, 113.

Collins, 63.

Coloway, 122.

Colt, 100.

Conover, 175.

Cook, 114.

Coolbough, 27.

Coolidge, 217.

Cooly, 61.

Cooper, 88.

Corey, 15.

Cornell, 57.

Corpening, 164.

Cortwright, 18.

Corwin, 187.

Covert, 16.

Couch, 92.

Councill, 121.

Covey, 99.

Cowell, 27.

Cox, 174.

Coykendall, 96.

Craft, 106.

Craig, 222.

Cramer, 87.

Crandall, 99.

Crawford, 189.

Crisman, 114.

Crocker, 47.

Crone, 96.

Cronin, 100.

Crosette, 168.

Cross, 100.

Crossman, 198.

Crouse, 133.

Crowell, 131.

Crumpter, 166.

Culver, 25.

Cummings, 192.

Cunningham, 112.

Currie, 17.

Curtis, 192.

Cushing, 161.

Cutter, 180.

Dales, 200.

Dallsom, 33.

Dalrymple, 87.

Danes, 77.

Darrow, 157.

Davenport, 178.

Davidge, 33.

Davids, 198.

Davidson, 190.

Davis, 131.

Dayton, 206.

De Camp, 133.

Decker, 222.

Dietrick, 62.

De la Montanye, 77.

Delany, 34.

Delaboy, 160.

Deihl, 100.

Delma, 30.

De Money, 63.

Denham, 123.

Denispaugh, 52.

Dennis, 180.

Denniston, 80.

Deo, 59.

De Poe, 96.

De Voy, 120.

Deyton, 158.

Dewes, 28.

De Witt, 113.

De Wolf, 100.

Dickerson, 76.

Dilldine, 128.

Dillen, 204.

Ditmass, 139.

Disbow, 58.

Dixon, 206.

Dobbins, 88.

Dorr, 152.

Doty, 54.

Drake, 25.

Draper, 203.

Duffield, 13.

Dula, 121.

Dunham, 29.

Dunnica, 167.

Durfer, 109.

Dusenbury, 48.

Dutcher, 63.

Duval, 116.

Dwalf, 115.

Eagles, 74.

Easterbrooks, 36.

Eckhert, 59.

Edgar, 36.

Edwards, 79.

Eggleston, 92.

Elliott, 42, 44.

Ellis, 18.

Ellsworth, 193.

Emmons, 30.

Entrolt, 50.

Essey, 116.

Evans, 154.

Finley, 138.

Firman, 143.

Fitzpatrick, 138.

Fairchild, 160.

Familton, 100.

Fanning, 45.

Farmer, 28.

Farrand, 119.

Faulkner, 78.

Fawkes, 115.

Fee, 105.

Ferguson, 164.

Ferris, 92.

Field, 37.

Figart, 116.

Fish, 172.

Fisher, 128.

Fishing, 114.

Fitch, 96.

Fonda, 52.

Forbes, 44.

Fordyce, 73.

Forster, 46.

Foster, 193.

Fountain, 31.

Fowler, 120.

Fox, 177.

Francisco, 207.

Frost, 170.

Gaithers, 164.

Galloway, 108.

Gamble, 169.

Ganner, 114.

Gardner, 187.

Garlock, 119.

Garritt, 116.

Gasper, 39.

Gates, 152.

Gaylord, 143.

Gentry, 166.

Gibson, 66.

Gilchrist, 156.

Gildersleeve, 39.

Giles, 155.

Gilkey, 79.

Gillam, 170.

Gillette, 174.

Gillingham, 36.

Gilston, 97.

Girvin, 168.

Goff, 27.

Goldsmith, 187.

Good, 96.

Goodsell, 18.

Gore, 66.

Gordon, 139.

Gott, 160.

Grant, 160.

Gray, 220.

Green, 155.

Greenfield, 148.

Greenleaf, 219.

Gregory, 97.

Griffin, 31.

Griffis, 116.

Griggs, 191.

Gross, 92.

Grover, 170.

Guest, 84.

Gulick, 85.

Hacket, 89.

Hadden, 48.

Haddock, 135.

Hagar, 20.

Hagins, 28.

Haight, 49.

Holey, 222.

Hallock, 186.

Halsey, 220.

Halstead, 79.

Hamilton, 164.

Hammond, 53.

Hancock, 99.

Hannos, 77.

Harmer, 91.

Harris, 159.

Harrison, 165.

Hart, 153.

Hartzog, 123.

Harwood, 86.

Hatfield, 120.

Hathaway, 221.

Haviland, 58.

Hawk, 89.


Hayes, 161.

Headley, 113.

Hedges, 221.

Hempstead, 183.

Hewitt, 60.

Hickok, 40.

Hicks, 124.

Hildreth, 98.

Hiler, 92.

Hill, 179.

Hillis, 106.

Hills, 19.

Hines, 67.

Hiney, 62.

Hix, 16.

Hodgkin, 116.

Hofford, 176.

Holabird, 51.

Holbrook, 204.

Holcomb, 61.

Holiday, 39.

Hollenback, 100.

Hollow, 24.

Homet, 106.

Hope, 170.

Hopper, 50.

Hough, 130.

Hovey, 79.

Howard, 121.

Howe, 125.

Howell, 172.


Hoyt, 28.

Hubbard, 37.

Huff, 119.

Hughes, 180.

Hughson, 75.

Hulse, 71.

Hunsike, 119.

Hunt, 129.

Hunter, 167.

Huntting, 201.

Hurlburt, 218.

Hutchins, 120.

Huyck, 27.

Huyler, 95.

Hyatt, 17.

Ingols, 189.

Ingusoll, 46.

Ingham, 101, 143.

Ingraham, 64.

Insley, 96.

Jackson, 120.

Jacobus, 203.

James, 53.

Jarvis, 113.

Jaycox, 49.

Jayne, 72.

Jennings, 108.

Johnson, 177.

Joice, 192.

Keck, 119.

Kelsey, 85.

Kenolly, 215.

Kerrick, 46.

Kilmer, 44.

King, 87.

Kinney, 192.

Knapp, 51.

Kremer, 23.

Ladd, 99.

Laflin, 189.

Laing, 133.

Lake, 138.

Lance, 116.

Landrus, 58.

Langdon, 216.

Landon, 197.

Lane, 31.

Larkin, 92.

Laser, 109.

Lauer, 29.

Laurene, 116.

Lawson, 188.

Lee, 71, 168.

Leek, 74.

L'Hommedieu, 185.

Lemon, 88.

Lent, 41.

Leonard, 216.

Letts, 60.

Lewis, 206.

Lindsley, 115.

Lines, 49.

Llewellyn, 113.

Lobdell, 52.

Lockwood, 134.

Loder, 55.

Loseel, 155.

Luce, 202.

Lung, 113.

Lynch, 166.

Lyons, 188.

Mack, 56.

Main, 52.

Mallory, 167.

Manley, 100.

Mansfield, 38.

Mapes, 172.

Marks, 47.

Martin, 100.

Maryatt, 59.

Mast, 157.

Masters, 198.

Mathers, 215.

May, 188.

McClean, 90.

McClure, 200.

McCollom, 131.

McCord, 55.

McCoy, 39.

McCurry, 158.

McDaniel, 76.

McDermody, 45.

McKeel, 33.

McNair, 38.

Mead, 119.

Means, 46.

Meeks, 30.

Merrick, 131.

Merrifield, 54.

Merritt, 204.

Miller, 166.

Milliken, 186.

Mills, 22.

Minier, 34.

Minnis, 91.

Minturn, 134.

Molther, 100.

Moore, 78, 79, 120, 126, 167, 191, 194.

Moren, 28.

Morgan, 97.

Morrow, 128.

Morse, 215.

Mulford, 135.

Myer, 41.

Naylor, 94.

Nelson, 49.


Newell, 177.

Nichols, 112.

Nobles, 180.

Noell, 134.

Norris, 159.

Norton, 128.

Oakes, 111.

Oakford, 88.

Odell, 175.

Ogden, 25.

Olney, 88.

Osborn, 205.

Overton, 199.

Owens, 28.

Page, 55.

Paine, 216.

Palmer, 166.

Park, 45.

Parker, 136.

Parshall, 92.

Paschal, 115.

Pasco, 162.

Passage, 46.

Patten, 44.

Pattengill, 179.

Pauling, 107.

Payne, 202.

Pearl, 128.

Peebles, 65.

Penne, 114.

Penland, 157.

Percy, 216.

Perkins, 206.

Perry, 178.

Petit, 28.

Phelps, 28.

Philips, 196.

Pierce, 27.

Piercy, 158.

Piersall, 49.

Pierson, 54.

Pillsbury, 222.

Pinney, 162.

Pitcher, 105.

Pixley, 56.

Pluche, 30.

Polhomus, 176.


Pope, 106.

Porter, 120.

Post, 42.

Poteet, 124.

Potts, 52.

Powers, 112.

Pray, 112.

Price, 139.

Priest, 77.

Printz, 144.

Pruner, 157.

Pultz, 137.

Purcell, 63.

Purdy, 55.

Putnam, 131.

Quereau, 24.

Rackett, 68.

Radaker, 40.

Rafter, 136.

Ranney, 207.

Ransom, 62.

Raymond, 162.

Ready, 162.

Reed, 119.

Reeves, 206.

Reynolds, 206.

Rhoads, 127.

Richards, 124.

Ricket, 95.

Rippet, 66.

Robbins, 21.

Roberts, 134.

Robertson, 159.

Robinson, 160.

Rockwell, 207.

Roe, 109.

Rogers, 222.

Rolf, 133.

Root, 112.

Rose, 117.

Rouse, 61.

Ruggles, 219.

Rumsey, 189.

Rundell, 27.

Rushmore, 222.

Ryder, 36.

Ryneck, 194.

Sackett, 61.

Safford, 219.

Savage, 58.

Sawyer, 106.

Schenick, 92.

Schoonover, 143.

Scoville, 100.

Scott, 41.

Sealring, 180.

Sebie, 42.

Seely, 68.

Service, 92.

Seward, 89.

Shalls, 77.

Sharp, 149.

Sheldon, 207.

Shelly, 24.

Shepherd, 192.

Sherman, 79.

Sherwood, 56.

Shields, 64.

Shoemaker, 56.

Shons, 132.

Shores, 67.

Skellinger, 128.

Sibley, 119.

Slawson, 90.

Slayton, 131.

Sleight, 48.

Sliker, 75.

Slotery, 143.

Smith, 18 to 223 almost inclusive.

Smock, 95.

Snyder, 139.

Spaulding, 135.

Spear, 152.

Spencer, 62.

Spinner, 83.

Spoor, 91.

Starr, 177.

Stalford, 144.

Stansbrough, 119.

Stanton, 53.

Stebbins, 28.

Stedman, 120.

Steel, 114.

Stephens, 41.

Stephenson, 61.

Stevens, 44.

Stoddard, 78.

Stone, 204.

Stoute, 75.

Stringham, 79.

Strong, 24, 190.

Stuart, 158.

Studdiford, 139.

Sturdevant, 100.

Sutphin, 168.

Sutton, 134.

Swackhammer, 75.

Swain, 59.

Swarthout, 51.

Sweazy, 75.

Talmadge, 204.

Taylor, 103.

Terry, 11, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 75, 80, 99, 185, 186, 199, 205, 220, 221.

Thomas, 164.

Thompson, 219.

Thrall, 204.

Tiffany, 129.

Timlow, 132.

Todd, 96.

Tompkins, 31.

Tooker, 203.

Torrance, 40.

Tower, 134.

Towner, 63.

Townsend, 222.

Trany, 91.

Treadeau, 215.

Trowbridge, 206.

Trumper, 29.

Tupper, 106.

Turrell, 143.

Tuthill, 9, 26, 27, 69, 78, 180, 199, 220.

Twist, 131.

Underhill, 55.

Upton, 111.

Vadenburg, 96.

Vail, 174.

Van Alstine, 136.

Vance, 83.

Vanderslice, 138.

Van Devort, 93.

Van Doren, 75.

Van Duzen, 78.

Vandyke, 51.

Van Heusen, 24.

Van Kuren, 134.

Vanleer, 115.

Van Orden, 111.

Van Ordell, 88.

Van Scoy, 92.

Verder, 56.

Vetter, 138.

Vibbert, 25.

Vogler, 164.

Voltair, 215.

Vought, 62.

Wader, 136.

Wadsworth, 145.

Wales, 215.

Waller, 113.

Warner, 90.

Warren, 50.

Washburn, 103.

Weakly, 153.

Weaver, 202.

Webb, 188.

Webster, 51.

Webus, 31.

Weeks, 55.

Welch, 204.

Wells, 11, 68, 69, 99, 144, 184, 185.

Welsh, 26.

Wesley, 114.

Westall, 157.

Westbrook, 128.

Wheat, 90.

Wheeler, 161.

White, 116, 129, 205.

Whiting, 131.

Wickham, 198.

Wickizer, 113.

Widding, 79.

Wightman, 116.

Wilcox, 178.

Wilder, 96.

Wiles, 107.

Wiley, 75.

Wilbour, 180.

Williams, 218.

Williamson, 98.

Wilson, 208.

Winans, 115.

Winchel, 40.

Wogg, 166.

Wood, 185.

Workman, 95.

Worth, 203.

Wright, 207.

Yeatman, 159.

Yocum, 39.

Youngs, 220.

Zaccheus, 68.

Zimmerman, 202.


MALONE, N. Y., 16 August, 1871.


My Dear Friend: Your very kind and interesting letter of the 18th inst., came duly to hand some days since. I have often heard it said that the Hortons of this country sprung from two brothers, who emigrated from England at an early day, and that one of them settled in Massachusetts, and the other on Long Island. My ancestor, Stephen Horton, I think, was a descendant of Thomas Horton, who settled in Springfield, Mass., perhaps a son of Thomas. My brother, John Horton, many years since obtained from Dr. Horton, of Hartford, Ct., the genealogy that I send you. There was many years since a Dr. Horton who resided at Springfield, whom my eldest sister visited, and who was a relative of ours. He had a son who was also a doctor in New York City, and also engaged in the grocery and provision business. I think he is dead. I am satisfied that Barnabas Horton was a brother of Thomas.

Stephen Horton settled in West Springfield, Mass. He had two sons, Benjamin and Stephen. Benjamin, born in 1720; died at Brandon, Vermont, 13 Jan., 1803. He left two sons, Gideon and Moses, also a daughter, who married a Mr. Underwood.

Gideon Horton was born in 1744, in West Springfield, Mass.; married Sarah Douglass, great aunt to the Hon. Stephen A. Douglass. He died at Brandon, Vt., 16 Dec., 1801. His sons were Hiram, Gideon, Jr., and John. Hiram, born 5 March, 1764, at West Springfield; married Sarah Drury, 16 June, 1785, at Pittsford, Vt.; moved to Malone, Franklin Co., N. Y., in 1808. He was one of the leading men of the county, holding the office of County Treasurer, and first Judge of the Courts for several years. He died 5 Oct., 1824.

He owned a large quantity of land, also mill-property, and several mercantile stores. He belonged to the Presbyterian Church, and was active and consistent in its duties. He had three sons and seven daughters. Sons were: Harry, John, and Hiram, Jr. (myself), all born in Brandon, Vt. Harry, born 22 July, 1796; died in Constable, N. Y., 22 August, 1840. He was a farmer, a merchant, and a manufacturer of flour and lumber. He belonged to the Congregational Church. He had two children, Hiram Safford Horton (married and settled in Wisconsin, and has a large family), and Delia A. Horton, who married Howard E. King, Esq., merchant at Malone. John, son of Hiram. Sen., born 22 Dec., 1797; died at Madrid, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 14 Oct., 1859, without issue. He was also a member of the Congregational Church, and followed farming, milling, and lumbering. Hiram, Jr., born 22 April, 1799; resides in Malone, N. Y.; married 20 Jan., 1822, Adaline Wead. Has three children, all born at Malone, N. Y. I. William L. Horton, born 28 Oct., 1822; died 19 Sept., 1861. He was a lawyer; left two children: George F. and Anna M. Horton. II. Adeline Mead Horton, born 21 Jan., 1834; married in Oct., 1864, Myron G. Horton, grandson of Dr. John Horton, who was the son of Gideon Horton, Sen., being her 3d cousin. They reside at Malone, N. Y., and have two children. III. Frederick, born 22 August, 1838, and died 13 April, 1867, childless. I have now named the male members of my branch of the family, and for the family of Gideon Horton Jr., I refer you to Dr. Charles W. Horton, of Brattleborough, Vt., one of his sons, and for the family of Dr. John Horton, I refer you to his son, Dr. Geo. Horton, Winauskie Falls, Vt. The Hortons seem to have been given largely to the medical profession. When your work is accomplished, I shall be glad to have you send me one copy.

I am yours, truly, HIRAM HORTON.

Mr. Horton, the writer of the foregoing letter, was a highly-respected member and Elder of the Presbyterian Church of Malone. He died 31 August, 1873. He was a dealer in flour, lumber, and dry-goods, real-estate, and merchandising of various kinds. Mrs. Myron G. Horton, informing me of his death, remarks that she is now (1874) the only one of his children living.

17½ WEST 30 ST., CINCINNATI, OHIO, May, 1871.


Dear Sir: While at Pomeroy a few weeks since on a visit, my father showed me your letter, requesting information in regard to our descent, and asked me to answer your questions. I am not really in a condition to give you any particular information, for the reason that the notes I once made on the subject, when, in 1864, I graduated at Dana College, are out of my reach. A sketch of our genealogy and history had to be recorded in our "Class Book," and I there broke ground in this to me until then, unattractive field, in obedience to that necessity. The main facts that I recall are, however, these: I did not get very far in tracing my descent. My father, Valentine B. Horton, was the son of Zenas Horton, who was the son of David Horton--David was born near the beginning of the last century; no! in the 2d or 3d decade, and fought in the old French war, and was also a soldier in the Revolution, and was killed at Saratoga. He lived in Braintree, Mass. Zenas Horton moved thence to Windsor, Vt., where my father was born. Beyond David I did not spend labor enough to penetrate; but I was rendered nearly certain, I remember, that he was a grand-son and great-grand-son, respectively, of two certain Thomas Hortons, one of Springfield, and the other of Charlestown, Mass., the elder of whom landed in Dorchester, from the schooner Mary and John, in 1633. Barnabas, of Southold, I remember coming across, but I was obliged, after following that track for some time, to give him up, and settle upon Thomas, the ancestor of David.... I shall be glad to communicate with you further on this subject. My address I have already given at my office (law), as above, and believe most sincerely yours,


I have had some correspondence with this gentleman since the date of the above letter, but he has given no further information as to his lineage. The above would run thus: 6. S. Dana; 5. Valentine B.; 4. Zenas; 3. David; 2. Thomas; 1. Thomas. Some links are missing, for certainly, counting from the first Thomas, S. Dana Horton must be in the 8th or 9th generation. S. Dana wields the pen of a ready writer, and he has achieved considerable notoriety in the political reform literature of the day, especially in favor of so using the elective franchise as to give increased representation to minorities. Several of his articles have appeared in the Penn Magazine, of Philadelphia.

BARRINGTON, R. I., March 27th, 1871.

Dear Sir: Your letter of inquiry lies before me, supplying more information than I shall be able to give you. Ours is a Boston family, where my father and grandfather both resided. We were six brothers and four sisters, all of whom lived to their maturity, but of whom only five now survive. The eldest of these was Rev. Jotham Horton, of whom you inquire, who died in Boston, in Feb., 1853. His son, Rev. Jotham Horton, died, a martyr to freedom, by the mob spirit in New Orleans, some years ago. Our father's name was Jotham, who was a ship-smith, and did the iron work of the historic frigate Constitution.

Our family being large, my parents allowed me to go into the country (Worcester County), at the early age of seven. I was educated a paper-maker previous to entering upon a course of liberal education. Thus separated from home, I had less knowledge of our ancestry than might otherwise have been the case. Supposing that my surviving brother at Mobile has better information regarding our ancestry than I have, I take the liberty of forwarding your letter to him, requesting him to supply any intelligence he may have at hand. He having been long a resident there, and loyal to the Union, is an ex-Mayor of the city, appointed by Gen. Pope, and is at present, happily for him, Judge of Probate for the County. His address is "Hon. Gustavus Horton, Mobile, Alabama." From him you will probably hear soon. Wishing you much success in your laudable investigations, and quite willing to recognize any of our cousins in the Keystone State,

I am yours, &c.,


The Rev. Francis Horton, writer of the foregoing letter, was one of the excellent of the earth. He was a scholar and quite a poet, and an able and much loved minister of the Word. He died in 1873. It is highly probable that he was a descendant of Joshua I.

In connexion with this, we give the following thrilling article, which was published in the Boston Watchman and Reflector, soon after the barbarous murder of the Rev. Jotham Horton:



"Good-by, Emma," he said, "I shall not be gone long. It can't take more than ten minutes to open the Convention, and then I shall come right away. Look for me at three o'clock, at farthest," and the young pastor kissed his wife and hurried away to the city.

That day was destined to be one among the most memorable in the annals of human wickedness since the famous St. Bartholomew's. The members of the Union Convention had looked forward to it with apprehension. They knew that the spirit of the late rebellion still survived in New Orleans, and they could not hope that they should be permitted to assemble without some molestation from disorderly individuals, but they had no suspicions that the masses of the city would rise against them, organized for deliberate bloodshed. They did not know that all the arms had been bought up, till the gun-shops contained not so much as a pocket-pistol. They did not know that the Mayor had telegraphed to the President that there would certainly be a riot, and had received the assurance that the military would not interfere with the civil power. They did not know that the police force had been increased by the addition of a gang of blood-thirsty men, and that the municipal authorities had agreed upon signals, and arranged to begin the riot themselves. Watched by no suspicion, and awed by no Butler's strong right hand, the conspirators were suffered to perfect their preparations, and when the morning of the 30th of July dawned, the treacherous officials appeared at the station-house fully armed, and waiting the opportunity for their bloody work.

The pastor of the Colleseum Baptist Church, Rev. Jotham W. Horton, had been requested to open the Convention with prayer. Moved by the warmest Christian sympathy for the freedmen, this young New England minister had gone to the South with his wife, to give his best energies to their welfare. He was a man of sincere piety and a large heart; pure as a little child, self-denying where duty was concerned to an extent that often made him suffer, and so peaceable that though repeatedly insulted, and even once fired upon, and though conscious that he was fatally marked by malignant disloyalists, he would never go armed.

After taking leave of his wife, Mr. Horton proceeded in the cars from his residence in Carrolton to the city. Ever apt to look hopefully on the worst prospects, and slow to suspect evil of his fellow-men, he had felt no fears of injury for this day, beyond perhaps a forcible seizure and commitment to the parish prison.

The hour arriving for opening the Convention, and Mr. Horton having entered the hall, stood up to offer prayer just as the clock struck twelve. Strongly and fervently his words came up, breathing petitions for the peace of his country and the deliverance of the oppressed. God heard him, but with that prayer His servant's work ended, and then He gave him for a little while to the cruel wrath of his enemies, that He might make that wrath praise Him. Immediately on the sounding of the stroke of noon from the city clocks, and simultaneously with the opening of Mr. Horton's prayer, the armed police filed out of the several stations, three hundred strong, and marched toward the Institute. Some of them entered the hall during the prayer, a mob in the meantime rapidly collecting round the door, and hardly had the good man uttered the closing "amen" when a miscreant fired a bullet at his head.

There could be no longer any doubt of the intentions of the officers and the mob. The latter assailed the windows and crushed in at the doors. "Kill him! kill him!" they yelled. "Shoot every cursed Yankee in the house!" Just then all the bells in the city began to toll. It was the preconcerted signal of slaughter, and now the horrors of the day began.

The disloyalist ruffians rushed in with pistols, knives and clubs, and commenced their appointed work of murder. Resistance was hopeless. The Convention broke up in the wildest confusion, some of its members falling dead, and many mortally wounded in the hall, while a few who could, fled. The Union men saw that they were doomed. Instead of protecting them, and arresting the rioters at the firing of the first shot, as with their force they could easily have done, the police headed the attack, and there is reason to believe that one of their number fired the first shot.

Mr. Horton received five balls in his body, and fell. These balls were fired by policemen. Not satisfied with their work, they seized him, battered his head with their billies, stabbed him, kicked and dragged him on the pavements to the first station, the mob following behind, cursing, beating and trampling him with their shoes. Thrusting him into a cell, he was left mangled and senseless.

Meantime the shopkeepers of the city had closed their stores, and strolled about, gratified spectators of the fiendish carnival, greeting the murderers of Horton, and every squad of policemen that passed them dragging a bleeding loyalist, with shouts of "Good! good! Kill the white nigger."

Around the Mechanics' Institute and in the adjacent streets upwards of one hundred negroes lay weltering in their blood, and the dead carts drove by loaded with warm corpses and bodies of the wounded still writhing with life, all tumbled indiscriminately together.

In one of these carts the mangled Horton was flung, after lying awhile at the station-house, and under a stifling load of dead and wounded negroes, his stomach crushed in by a blow of a heavy plank, he was taken to the Marine Hospital.

Furious with the taste of blood, the police and their fellow Thugs raged up and down some of the streets of the city, calling out the names of well-known loyalists, declaring their intention to slaughter every Union man in New Orleans. In the midst of the excitement and carnage, the bayonets of Federal troops appeared, and further murder was prevented. The mob dispersed, and the blood-stained streets, and battered windows, and muffled groans from distant hospital wards alone testified to the horrors of the 30th of July.

As the hours of that bloody day passed, the wife of Mr. Horton waited at her home, five miles distant, for his return. Three o'clock came, the limit he had set for his absence. She looked long and anxiously to catch a glimpse of him approaching along the familiar street. He did not come, and her anxiety grew into alarm. To add to her terror, a breathless messenger arrived at her residence, and warned her that she would not be safe there that night, for trouble had happened at the State-House, and the secessionists were searching for all the Unionists in the city and suburbs. Hastily summoning the negro servant, she told her to bar the doors and windows, and with a few hurried preparations then set off for the city, to learn the fate of her husband.

Having formerly boarded with a Mrs. E----, she took her way first to her house, and made known her anxious errand. She was told of the riot and massacre, and at once feared the worst. Several young men who boarded at the house volunteered to search for Mr. Horton. They returned late in the evening, but could give her no news, save that he had been badly wounded. They dared not communicate their own convictions of his fate.

Only the darkness of the dangerous streets and the restraint of friends prevented the almost distracted woman from going forth that night to continue the search herself. As it was, the night brought no sleep to her eyes, and as soon as it was morning she started on her sad errand.

Information had been received through the city papers that Gen. Baird, the military commandant, had released all who had been arrested and confined by the police, giving the name of her husband among the rest, and stating that he had returned home. Acting on this representation, she went alone to Carrolton, but only to return by the next train. He was not there. Without waiting for breakfast she set off for Gen. Baird's headquarters; a young Methodist clergyman, Mr. Henry, one of Mrs. E----'s boarders, insisting on being her company.

No sooner did Gen. Baird see Mrs. Horton and knew who she was, than he expressed much surprise that her husband had not been seen, and told her he had ordered his release. Perhaps she would find him at the City Hall. To this place she immediately went, but she searched in vain. He had not been there. She then hurried to the First Police Station, determined to wring from the brutal officers a confession of what they had done with her husband. Entering the office, she forced her way within the rails, and asked of the clerk what had been done with her husband. The man declared that "Preacher Horton" had been sent by him to Charity Hospital, and she at once hurried thither. Again she was disappointed. He had not been seen there! (The truth was, the cart which carried Mr. Horton's body had stopped there, and been sent away, as it appeared to be occupied only by blacks.) The horrible idea now suggested itself to the afflicted woman that her husband had been conveyed away with a load of dead bodies, and had been buried alive, but, as a last resort, she determined to visit the Marine Hospital. This was in a low and distant part of the city, and devoted entirely to negroes, and she could not have believed he would be carried there by his worst enemies, but at a friend's suggestion she sought the place, still accompanied by Mr. Henry.

Arrived at the gate, she was refused entrance, but catching a glimpse of Dr. Harris, the head surgeon, whom she knew, she called to him, and asked him if her husband was there. Dr. Harris could give her no positive assurance, but immediately ordered the servant to admit her. Forgetting her weariness in her joy that her long quest had at last succeeded, the faithful woman bounded up the steps, and without waiting to be directed, rushed in among the patients, found out her husband, and sank exhausted upon his bosom. What a spectacle! The form she loved a bruised and helpless mass of flesh and blood, his head swollen to the size of two, his left arm useless, and his right shattered and mangled. He moved perpetually about with the restless, nervous gestures of a dreaming infant. So badly trampled and beaten was his head and face that his eyes were blinded, and a painful retching, produced by the injuries to his stomach, obstructed his breath and speech. But through all the anguish and darkness of his wreck he knew his wife. That she should have recognized him is a miracle to all who do not understand the inspired sagacity of a wife's affection.

"Wipe my face, Emma," he gasped, as if she had been bending over him ever since he fell.

Worn and broken-hearted, the poor woman sat down by her husband's side, and tried to strengthen herself for the task of soothing and comforting his last hours, for she knew too well that he could not live. Nineteen long hours she had searched for him, and now to find him thus!

Few comforts were to be found in that hospital, though the attendants, seeing her distress, evidently meant to treat her kindly. Up to this time the wounded man had lain in the warden's room, but on the next morning, which was Wednesday, he was removed to a more airy apartment. The operation of trepanning was then performed on his head, though with little hope of permanent benefit. When this was over, and the burden upon his brain was thus relieved, the sufferer looked up and repeated,

"When I can read my title clear To mansions in the skies, I'll bid farewell to every fear, And wipe my weeping eyes.

"Should earth against my soul engage--"

Here weakness prevented him, and he whispered to his wife,

"You finish it."

He slept a good deal, but seemed always conscious of his wife's presence, frequently putting up his restless hand to touch her face, and remind himself, in his blindness, of her loved features. When he talked, it was of his unfinished work, his conviction of the justice of the cause in which he fell, his anxieties for his wife, left alone in a cruel world, and of his enemies and murderers always forgivingly, as if they knew not what they did. At different times, too, he spoke of the riot, relating facts and incidents as I have set them down.

It afflicted him much to leave his wife penniless. He had had a little money in his pocket when he came to the Convention, but that, with the gold studs in his bosom, had been plundered by some of the ruffians who took part in mutilating his person.

Thus he lingered until the sixth day after his injury. When the morning of Sunday, the 5th of August, came, he remembered that he had an appointment to exchange pulpits with a colored brother in the city, and said,

"Emma, we must send word to Bro. Miles that I can't come. I don't feel quite well enough to preach."

As time went on, his mind began to wander, and he fancied himself in his own pulpit. He invoked the Divine blessing, he gave out a hymn and sung, wounded and suffering as he was; his wife, who wept as she thought of the melody of his own fine voice, joining him at his request, half choked by her tears. Then he prayed with her, sung again, and preached, taking for his text, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." After these exercises, he expressed his wish to close with the Lord's Supper, and immediately began the beautiful ceremony. His wife, anxious to gratify him, skilfully aided with such meagre conveniences as were at hand, to carry out his touching fancy. He partook with her what seemed to him the symbolic bread and wine.

"We both drink from the same cup, Emma," said he.

Another hymn, a benediction, and the sufferer began to grow weak, as if, indeed, his work was done.

"I am going now, Emma," he whispered. "I'm sorry you can't come with me. In the fall you'll come."

Then there were no more connected sentences, but incoherent syllables of prayer, and whispers of saintly hope, "In the vale--the vale--home yonder--good-by," and at six o'clock that Sabbath evening the gentle-spirited Horton fell asleep in Jesus.

Thus perished a martyr to freedom and equal rights, as sincere and pure a man as God ever welcomed "through great tribulation" to the immortal pleasures of His presence.

To the tender consideration of her friends, never so numerous as now, and to the merciful consolation of Almighty God, who never pitied her as He now pities her, we commend the weeping widow, and pray that she may long live to share the honor of her martyred husband's fame.


MONSON, MASS., May 27th, 1874.


My Dear Sir: I have received several copies of the "San Diego Union," the last No., April 30, also a copy of the "World," March 20th, which contains a picture of San Diego. Also a sketch of the city on a small sheet, which gives an account of the origin of the new city, and of your relation to it as the founder and the source of its enterprise.

For these favors I desire to express my cordial thanks. The growth of your new city is indeed wonderful, and a brilliant future is certain to come. Were I a young man, the temptation would be strong to cross the continent and join in your great enterprise. But my future is short, and must be devoted to the commemoration of the past.

It has so happened that in my work as the genealogist of my native town of Union, I have recently devoted special efforts to the two families of Horton and Burleigh. Dr. Horton, of Terrytown, Pa., proposes to publish the annals of the Horton family in this country, nearly all of whom are the posterity of BARNABAS, who came from England.

I have in charge the genealogy of Rev. Ezra Horton, your grandfather, and have nearly completed the collection of nearly all his descendants of the fourth generation (to which you belong), from Rev. Ezra, of Union. I have the names, with dates of birth, of three of your father's children who (including yourself) were born in Union. The rest of your father's family I have not. I desire very much to obtain a complete list of all the children of your father's family, with date of births, marriages, and deaths, so far as possible. I understand that your father is still living, though at an advanced age. I have an obituary notice of your mother, published in a San Diego paper soon after her death, a year ago last March.

Rev. Lucien Burleigh, the son of Rinaldo Burleigh, of Plainfield, Conn., is endeavoring to obtain a complete record of all the descendants of John Burleigh, the first comer of the name to which your mother belonged. Your mother was first cousin to Rinaldo Burleigh, who was a long time Principal of Plainfield Academy, and the father of a number of sons who are well known as writers, and as editors.

I visited Union last week, and saw my uncle, Capt. Chauncey Paul, and his wife, whose name before marriage was Polly Armour, daughter of John Armour. They both recollect your father and mother. John Armour was a near neighbor of Mr. Jacob Burleigh, and the children of the families grew up together.

The effort of Rev. Lucien Burleigh will result in obtaining full accounts of all branches of his family. I was able to give him a full account of the children of the first comer, John, and his wife, Meriam Fuller, whose ancestry I have traced far back among the early settlers of Willington and Ashford, in Conn., and in Rehoboth, Mass.

My interest in the two families of Horton and Burleigh, arises not from the recent efforts to procure genealogies of those two families by parties specially interested. I have long been engaged in collecting facts pertaining to the history of Union, my native town. I have made it a point to study the history of all the early settlers and long residents. I have traced the ancestry of very many back to England and Scotland, through the Scotch-Irish emigration, which took place nearly one hundred and sixty years ago. Very many of the early settlers of Union were Scotch-Irish--as the Pauls, the Lawlors, the Moores, the Armours, the Crawfords, the McNalls, and others who, like all the race, were genuine Scotch in their character, and were among the best of the emigrants of the olden times. They were not connected at all with the modern or ancient Irish race.

The Hortons, Burleighs, and Laflins were genuine Englishmen in their ancestry. So were the Fosters, the Badgers, the Sessions, the Newells, the Loomises, the Abbotts, and the Waleses.

From that little town, a great many enterprising emigrants have gone forth to people the mighty West. The people of Union, in respect to enterprise and education, are higher than the average emigration of towns in Connecticut and Massachusetts. My long and patient explorations into the history of Union, has led me to such results as that I am not ashamed of the fame or the name of my native town.

Having lost all my own children, and always cherishing a sincere regard for the people of Union, I determined long ago to find out all I could of their history and the fortunes of their descendants.

The old town holds its own in population and in valuation. I have a good memory of all who have lived there during the last half century, and I think the town is as respectable now as it was in my childhood. Some of the worthy names of the olden time have wholly gone; though the descendants of some remain.

It is an interesting circumstance, that from that little town you have gone forth, and on the other side of the new world have laid the foundations of a great city. Thus New England has sent forth its best mind and muscle to build up new States in this greatest Empire of freemen the sun has ever shone upon.

New England was founded by the best people of Old England and Scotland. I like to look back, and also forward. It is well that all parts of our great country can be able to trace their origin to common sources. Great as are the intervening distances in time and space which separate the different generations, yet are they not wholly severed in interest, nor ought they to be separated in sympathy. I hope that my long studies in relation to the families of my native town, will be of some benefit in making those of the same name somewhat acquainted with each other; or at least it will prevent those who are of kindred race and blood from utter forgetfulness of each other.

Very Truly Yours,


The Rev. Mr. Hammond, writer of the foregoing letter, is, and has been for many years past, the Principal of Monson Academy. His work is nearly ready for the press. Prof. Hammond kindly furnished us the records of the descendants of the Rev. Ezra Horton, of Union, which will also appear more fully in his history of Union.


Subscribers. Copies. Amount.

Milton Horton, 3 $9 00 Benjamin Horton, 3 7 50 Hon. Frost Horton, 10 125 00 V. R. W. Horton, 1 3 00 Geo. W. Horton, 1 3 00 Capt. James E. Horton, 3 7 50 B. Bailey Horton, 1 3 00 Milicent H. Lee, 4 10 00 Cyrus B. Horton, 1 3 00 Stuart T. Terry, 2 5 00 Lucien Horton, 4 10 00 Stephen Horton, 2 5 00 James Horton, 1 3 00 Wm. H. Horton, 1 3 00 Walter Horton, 1 3 00 Geo. W. Thompson, 2 10 00 Webb Horton, 4 10 00 Hon. A. H. Horton, 4 10 00 Mrs. Mary Horton, 1 3 00 Dea. J. W. Horton, 8 13 25 Norman Horton, 1 3 00 George Horton, 2 5 00 Le Roy De Horton, 2 5 00 Rev. Wm. H. Thompson, 3 7 50 Prof. E. H. Cleveland, 2 $5 00 Mrs. J. W. Gardner, 2 5 00 Gurdon B. Horton, 4 10 00 Geo. W. Horton, 2 5 00 David C. Horton, 2 5 00 Mrs. Sawyer and Mrs. Austin, 2 10 00 Prof. D. P. Horton, 2 5 00 T. K. Horton, 6 15 00 J. Elbert Horton, 1 3 00 Mrs. Mary Welles, 2 5 00 Gordon Horton, 1 3 00 H. L. Horton, 10 100 00 A. E. Horton, 12 100 00 Mrs. A. C. Ryder, 1 3 00 Frank Bruce Ryder, 1 3 00 Stephen O. Horton, 2 6 00 Hon. T. J. Ingham, 3 10 00 Parshall T. Horton, 4 10 00 James Usher, 2 5 00 Hon. Wm. Horton, 3 10 00 Joseph M. Horton, 2 5 00 E. M. Horton, 5 15 00

100 copies subscribed for, on which nothing has yet been paid.

The two Indexes are incomplete and contain many errors. With a few exceptions these errors have not been adjusted; one valid page number has been added to an entry when none was present in the original Index. See below.

Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, real-estate, real estate; heir-loom, heirloom; first class, first-class; manumitted; cotemporary.

Pg xiii, 'History, vol. 1' replaced by 'History, vol. i'. Pg xiii, 'ffremen and servants' replaced by 'freemen and servants'. Pg 10, missing heading 'Second Generation.--Caleb I.' inserted. Pg 16, 'wildness was soon' replaced by 'wilderness was soon'. Pg 16, 'David Horton and Esther Lane' replaced by 'Daniel Horton and Esther Lane'. Pg 18, 'whip Bully Horton' replaced by 'whip Billy Horton'. Pg 24, heading 'JOSEPH I.' changed to 'Joseph I.' for consistency. Pg 26, 'He and and his two' replaced by 'He and his two'. Pg 30, 'Abbey Gos ' replaced by 'Abbey Gaspar'. Pg 37, 'Ohio Cavalary' replaced by 'Ohio Cavalry'. Pg 38, '21 January' replaced by 'died 21 January'. Pg 38, Duplicate heading "Eighth Generation.--Joseph I." removed from the text. (Correct heading is on Pg 41.) Pg 60, 'the Claas of 1849' replaced by 'the Class of 1849'. Pg 63, '1. Mary Emeline' replaced by '2. Mary Emeline'. Pg 72, 'Anna Vandevort' replaced by 'Anna Van Devort'. Pg 79, 'Terra Haute' replaced by 'Terre Haute'. Pg 84, '4. Julia Ann' replaced by '3. Julia Ann'. Pg 95, 'By second wife' replaced by 'By second husband'. Pg 95, 'Lambertsville' replaced by 'Lambertville'. Pg 96, 'born at Beemerville:' replaced by 'born at Beemersville:'. Pg 116, 'Rebecca Preist' replaced by 'Rebecca Priest'. Pg 120, '5. William Henry' replaced by '6. William Henry'. Pg 127, 'Libbeus L. Vail' replaced by 'Lebbeus L. Vail'. Pg 128, 'Daniel Skilenger' replaced by 'Daniel Skellinger'. Pg 128, 'He did in Wayland' replaced by 'He died in Wayland'. Pg 139, 'Lambertsville, 13' replaced by 'Lambertville, 13'. Pg 160, 'among the the Kansas' replaced by 'among the Kansas'. Pg 164, 'lawyer and politican' replaced by 'lawyer and politician'. Pg 164, 'Lemira Louisa' replaced by 'Lamira Louisa'. Pg 169, 'Lambertvile, 1' replaced by 'Lambertville, 1'. Pg 170, 'Genessee Co.' replaced by 'Genesee Co.'. Pg 176, 'Nelson Cutting' replaced by 'Nelson Cutter'. Pg 195, 'he was lead' replaced by 'he was led'. Pg 201, 'Elizabeth Marsters' replaced by 'Elizabeth Masters'. Pg 213, 'Carriboo mining' replaced by 'Cariboo mining'. Pg 213, 'his inquistiveness' replaced by 'his inquisitiveness'. Pg 218, 'Elizabeth Hurlbutt' replaced by 'Elizabeth Hurlburt'.

In the Index of Horton Christian (first) names: Alvord, replaced by 'Alvor'. Angeline Margaret, page number '197' added. Archibald, page number '87' added. Ariadne, page number '157' added. David Snyker, replaced by 'David Snyder'. Edward Delany, page number '34' added. Eugene, page number '4' replaced by '40'. Eunice Martha, page number '141' added. Frank A, page number '30' added. Haskell V, page number '177' added. John Gillett, page number '176' added. Justin, page number '69' added. Lamira Louisa, page number '164' added. Lemira Louisa, removed. Liberty, page number '173' added. Martha Louisa, page number '37' added.

In the Index of surnames: Budd, page number '9' added. Closson, page number '139' added. Cortright, replaced by 'Cortwright'. De Poe, page number '96' added. Fitzpatrick, page number '138' added. Gaylord, '443' replaced by '143'. Hewitt, page number '60' added. Hofford, page number '176' added. Holbrook, page number '204' added. Lafflin, replaced by 'Laflin' and page number '189' added. L'Hommedien, replaced by 'L'Hommedieu' and '185' added. Mills, page number '22' added. Noel, replaced by 'Noell'. Pinney, page number '162' added. Service, page number '92' added. Skillinger, replaced by 'Skellinger'. Strong, two entries combined into '24, 190'. Studdiford, page number '139' added. Twist, page number '131' added.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Horton Genealogy, by Various


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