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Audiobook: Crimes of Preachers in the United States and Canada by Billings, M. E.

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Crimes of Preachers, by M. E. Billings

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Title: Crimes of Preachers In the United States and Canada

Author: M. E. Billings

Release Date: August 24, 2018 [EBook #57764]

Language: English

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Transcribed out of the Original Newspapers, and with Previous Transcriptions Diligently Compared and Revised.


"By their fruits shall ye know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?"



In the year 1906 the Young Men's Christian Association of Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, rejected the application of an actor for membership on the ground that one of his profession could not be a moral person. Viewing the action as a slur cast on the whole theatrical profession, Mr. Henry E. Dixey, the well-known actor, offered to give one thousand dollars to charity if it could be shown that actors, man for man, were not as good as ministers of the gospel. No champion of the cloth appearing to claim Mr. Dixey's money on that proposition, he went further and offered another thousand dollars if there could not be found a minister in jail for every state in the Union. This second challenge was likewise ignored by the clergy and the association which had provoked it, but Mr. Dixey made a few inquiries as to the proportion of ministers to actors among convicts. His research, which was far short of being thorough, discovered 43 ministers and 19 actors in jail. The investigation, so far as the ministers were concerned, could have touched only the fringe of the matter, for in eight months of the year 1914 the publishers of this work counted more than seventy reported offenses of preachers for which they were or deserved to be imprisoned, and of course the count included only those cases reported in newspapers that reached the office through an agency which scans only the more important ones. There had been nothing like a systematic reading of the press of the country for these cases. Judged by 1914, the clerical convicts in 1906 must have far exceeded the number developed by Mr. Dixey's census.

The foregoing incident is introduced here to explain the nature of this work, "Crimes of Preachers," which, like Mr. Dixey's challenge to the clergy in behalf of his profession, is the reply we have to make to the preachers in behalf of the unbelievers in their religion.

The clergy assume to be the teachers and guardians of morality, and assert not only that belief in their astonishing creeds is necessary to an upright life, but, by implication, that a profession of faith is in a sense a guarantee of morality. It has become traditionary with them to assume that the non-Christian man is an immoral man; that the sincere believer is the exemplar of the higher life, while the "Infidel," the unbeliever, illustrates the opposite; and that whatever of morality the civilized world enjoys today it owes to the profession and practice of Christianity.

Now, it is wholly legitimate that systems should be judged by the correspondence between the claims made for them and their actual performances. When Mrs. Eddy, for an instance, rose up and asserted that Christian Science was the key to health, investigation into the health of persons professing and practicing Christian Science became at once a proper inquiry. And so, when ministers exalt the belief and practice of Christianity as the one highway to the moral life of individuals and nations, it is equally germane to observe with some care whether or not the clergy make good their claims in their own persons. The inquiry would be of great interest and permissible even were Christianity offered only for our free acceptance or rejection; but the investigation assumes the binding nature of a civic duty when, on the strength of these clerical pretensions, the preachers of Christianity claim and are allowed to enjoy privileges and immunities from the state that are not granted to other citizens. There are many "benefits of the clergy" besides those bestowed on them personally in the shape of half-fares, freedom from civic and military duties, and the license under the papal decree which forbids that any priest shall be brought into a civil or criminal court without the approval of his ecclesiastical superior. In the United States church property valued at a billion and a half dollars escapes taxation on the plea that it is devoted to improving the morals of the community, and the ministers have a virtual monopoly of the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, on the strength of the same unproved theory. The plea is questioned and denied by the publishers of this book, who quote the evidences in disproof, among these being the fact of the immorality of the clergy themselves. If the religion they spend their lives in expounding does not keep the ministers straight, it is almost useless to ask how much restraining influence that religion has on the laity who only listen once a week.

It is admitted that just as the upright life of a professed Christian is no evidence whatever of the truth of Christian doctrine and history, so the moral delinquency of a believer is no disproof of those things which it is necessary to accept in order to be orthodox. The creation story, the flood story, the story of Jonah and the whale, the virgin birth and the other miracles of the Old and New Testaments are not affected by anything a believer in them may do, either good or bad. Therefore we have been asked of what value a list of the crimes of preachers can be to the cause of Freethought and mental liberty. The reply, couched in the language of an editorial article in "The Truth Seeker," is as follows:

"Christianity, as interpreted by its preachers, affirms a fundamental relation between belief and morals. It claims that its system of morals is revealed and perfect; and not only this, but also that good morals are out of the question unless we believe in the Christian religion.

"There are Christian ministers, and they are of the class who have the widest hearing, because they are 'sensational' ones, who will tell you that unbelief is synonymous with immorality; that men are wicked because they are Infidels, and are Infidels because they are wicked. They argue that as religion cannot countenance anything that is wrong, the wrongdoer must justify his course by denying the authority of religion, and hence becomes an unbeliever in order that his creed may not conflict with his conduct. Who has not heard that Infidels deny the existence of hell to relieve their minds of the uncertainty of going there when they die; that they put the Bible aside because it will not permit their indulgences in sin, and that a reform in conduct will be accompanied by a renunciation of their Infidelity and a reacceptance of religion and the Bible?

"The preachers who promulgate these principles often proceed from the general to the particular. Having asserted the correlation of unbelief with moral turpitude, they give pretended illustrative instances, and they do not seem to understand that the force of their argument is lessened by the fact that they are obliged to invent cases and to deal with imaginary characters. Some, of course, prefer to libel known and representative Freethinkers instead of exercising the faculty of invention and defaming unbelievers who are pure myths.

"A list of ministers, guilty of crimes and immoralities, though of unimpeached orthodoxy, is the answer to this class of falsifying preachers, which any court must accept as historical and lawful evidence against the pretense that good conduct grows out of belief in Christianity. It shows that the very apostles of that religion go wrong, that its ministers are profligate, and that in these the theory is condemned before we come to its mere lay exponents who less perfectly understand it.

"People have been taught so long that piety and morality are interchangeable terms, that they believe it without regard to the facts which demonstrate the contrary to be true. When an individual of reputed orthodoxy violates the moral law they accuse him of being a hypocrite and set his religious professions down as mere outward pretense. But here their mental narrowness is shown, for the immoral person may be thoroughly sincere. The more firmly he believes, the stronger may be his confidence that no mere human weakness on his part can deprive him of the benefits of his religion. For according to the code we are all sinners, and the function of religion is not so much to keep us from personal sin as to save us from its natural consequences. One has fallen already in Adam and is therefore totally depraved, which is the limit of depravity. How, then, can his own sins count against him, when he cannot be depraved beyond 'totally'? His concern is to escape the consequences of the fall, which is accomplished by accepting the Christian scheme of salvation. His own transgressions can be adjusted by prayer and repentance. He conceives of divine mercy as infinite--there is no reaching the end of it; hence with unlimited credit he may draw on his account whenever he feels sinfully disposed."

It is unlikely, however, that the believer performs this mental operation before reaching a determination to do that which is wrong. Were he capable of analyzing the plan of salvation in that manner he might doubt it. But he is like other men in the same environment, and, like them, when inclination prompts, he falls. Conduct, in the last analysis, is a matter of common sense, in which the minister and the believer are likely to be at a disadvantage as compared with the Rationalist. In our own minds we are pretty well convinced of the reason why ministers go wrong--they have more opportunities and, among the faithful, are under less suspicion and observation than the laity. Nevertheless we are not averse to hearing other explanations of their tendency to fall.

A few years ago the Rev. Dr. Madison C. Peters, a New York clergyman, offered a theory and remedy.

"The average minister," said Dr. Peters, "has only to preach a twenty-minute or half-hour sermon on Sunday, and this, with a mid-week meeting, constitutes his week's work. The rest of the days he is often loafing, trying to kill time. Even the weekly sermon may not be his own effort. He may be either too lazy or too ignorant to compose a sermon of his own, so he simply treats the congregation to a rehash of some other man's work, and for this he often receives a good salary. Do you wonder that the worst passions of these men become inflamed by their lives of idleness? They are only human. They eat and drink of the choicest products of the earth; they visit only the homes of the wealthy, where they are sumptuously entertained; they do not try to keep the body in subjection to the spirit by any kind of restraint or mortification, and so their carnal passion becomes the master of their being, and they fall away from grace, shocking the community and scandalizing the church of God. I would make all work for their money."

No doubt the indolent habits of the stall-fed clergy contribute to their incontinence, which is recognized as their predominant weakness. While their offenses otherwise, as these pages show, range all the way from petty larceny to murder, yet the great majority are such as are committed with or against women and girls. The larger figures in the list number cases of adultery, bigamy, desertion, elopement, and seduction.

That the immorality of the clergy is recognized as a matter that needs explanation is shown by an article entitled "Why Ministers Go Wrong," extracted from the "Baptist Standard" (Chicago), in which orthodox weekly it appeared in the latter part of the year 1913. The article, whose author is a minister, is surprising mainly because of its frankness and not because it tells anything not previously known or surmised. The writer says:

"Do ministers of the churches, that is clergymen, priests and preachers, go wrong in any greater proportion than do doctors, lawyers or teachers? If one answers the question mathematically, no; if one answers the question in the light of our moral standards for ministers of the gospel, the negative answer will not be so readily and decidedly given. There are few issues of the daily newspaper without at least a single item narrating the fall of a clergyman. It would be hard to find a man or a woman who has not at some time in life become personally acquainted with a professed exponent of religious truth and high moral ideals who has demonstrated the depths of human depravity.

"Yet the indictment against the profession is of a much more subtle character than that found in journalistic annals of crime or even in personal knowledge of gross faults on the part of clergymen. It would be folly to deny that, taken as a class, ministers live lives as pure and as free from criminal or grossly immoral taint as any other class of persons. The indictment takes rather the form of a general impression, amounting almost to a conviction, that the minister does not have the clear-cut and high standards which the business world demands.

"Business men feel that there is something about the 'cloth' that makes its wearer a 'doubtful proposition' when it comes to square dealing between men. A prominent lawyer in Chicago said, only the other day, 'I dread seeing a clergyman enter my office; I do not want his business; he does not have the commercial honor of the man of affairs.' He went on to give instances of ministers who disregarded their business obligations and even ignored the sanctity of the oath at the bar of justice.

"It is a well-known fact among houses accustomed to extend credit that ministers are the slowest to pay, and the most difficult from whom to collect. In the smaller towns it would be difficult to find a grocer without an uncollected account against some minister who had left the place. Over five years ago such a preacher boasted in his farewell sermon that all his bills were paid in the village, and he 'owed not any man'; he should have said that he had paid not any man, and some of his bills are still unpaid.

"A charitable organization in Chicago allowed a minister in a village nearby to become indebted to it. He promised to pay the small account at a certain date; but a year from that time, although many letters had been written, the bill was unpaid. Nor was settlement made until this prominent minister on a good salary was sent a sight draft for the amount.

"A struggling professor in an Eastern city consented to pick out a few books for a preacher up State, and to have them charged to his own account, being assured that payment would be made at once. The books were sent, but the cash never was forthcoming, and after a lengthy correspondence, in which many excuses were offered, the professor had to count his loss as the price he had paid for a lesson in trusting the 'cloth.'

"Such evidence could be extended indefinitely. The facts back of it, with the many other instances of which these few are but slightly indicative, have produced the decided opinion in the business world that the minister is unreliable, and that the ministry does not stand of necessity for admirable manliness.

"There are many exceptions. The manly, four-square ministers are the more noticeable because they are exceptional. There are still more ministers who are warmly admired by their congregations, but they are admired rather for professional traits and pulpit graces than for the rugged virtues that count on the street and in the store and office. On the whole, men of honor feel that today it is no honor to be entitled 'Reverend'; the average man looks somewhat askance at the clergyman.

"Perhaps this is nowhere better illustrated than when a minister leaves his profession and desires to enter business. He finds there a strong prejudice against his past; it is regarded as unfitting him for work. When such a man goes into an office, experience shows that he is likely to lack the qualities that make for trustworthiness in details in the individual and for harmony in a large force of employees.

"Now, if the business of the minister is to teach the people how to live, he ought at least to know how to do it himself. His principles are valueless if they will not stand the wear of daily life. Is the trouble with the teachings, with the message, or is it with the man himself?

"The first reason ministers go wrong is because they are men. They are not angels; they are not the reincarnated ideal saints that the sisters and the sisterly brethren like to think they are. Because they are men they have human frailties. But, while that does account for the fact that ministers steal and break the express commandments the same as other men, it does not account for the fact that they are held below par in commercial esteem.

"As a profession the ministry seems to offer a premium on the pretender, the impostor, the hypocrite. So long as there are the intentional pretenders and the unconscious hypocrites in the church they will enjoy the ministry of the pretender and hypocrite. So long as the churches say, 'There's nothing either good or ill but seeming makes it so,' the man who can succeed in fooling the people with appearances of virtues, with saintly air and pious phrase will be the man who reaches the top of his profession.

"Then no mortal being can stand for long the fawning and adulation which the preacher is likely to receive, especially from foolish and emotional women. He is sure to come to believe that he is a superior being, one who either can do no wrong or can do only right. Steady feeding on flattery unfits him for sound counsel regarding his shortcomings; he gets into the habit of judging his own actions, not by any undeviating principles, but by the measure of praise they receive.

"There are peculiar temptations incident to the work of any man who appears to weak minds as a demi-god on occasions, whose work makes unusual demands on his nerve forces, and who is obliged to work almost exclusively with women. There is not only the temptation to license in personal virtue coupled with opportunity in pastoral visitation; there is the tendency to conformity to feminine standards, so that the man becomes womanly and usually a poor kind of an old woman at that.

"Mere preaching puts a tremendous strain on a man's moral fibre. It is the habitual statement of duties and ideals which the preacher knows he does not reach and do. It is the expression of the phrases of character, not necessarily accompanied with their expression in living and doing. It results in the mental habit of considering a duty done as soon as it is declared. It exhausts the moral impetus in phrases. It makes the man act the lie.

"Intellectual dishonesty results from habitual standing as a special pleader; as the defender of ground which has not been honestly, candidly examined. The preacher seldom goes back to the evidence; he argues from the conclusions of others. He stands as an authority in that in which he frequently has made no original, unprejudicial examination.

"Intellectual dishonesty comes as a result of cowardice in regard to the declaration of his own honest convictions. He is perhaps unconsciously persuaded to teach what the church teaches rather than what he would teach if he gave himself a chance to think. Creeds may be small matters, after all, but the teaching of a creed in which we do not believe is no small matter in its effects on the teacher. There are many potent reasons for fearing a heresy trial--often the thought of his children's hungry mouths and bare backs is one reason. It is a good deal easier to admire the men who went to the stake for a conviction than it is to follow them. The truth is, no minister who is honest with himself and who declares what he fully believes will have any reason to fear. The church may cast him out, but he will find a thousand voices and hearts to echo to any honest truth in his own.

"Often the preacher is so dead sure that his motive is right, that he does not stop to examine sufficiently his method. He wants to save souls, and if he can do it, as it seems to him, by crooked means more quickly than by straight ones, then he takes the crooked way. He wants to build a church--if he can build it quicker by misrepresentation, by double dealing, by beating any one, he thinks only of the church, and that overweighs any other consideration.

"Take the matter of ministers (and others, too) lying in the stories and illustrations they tell. We have all heard preachers tell as happening to them some incident which we read when we were boys; perhaps before they were born. The man is so carried away with desire to impress the truth on you that he consents to lie to make the illustration more personal and forceful. That makes it none the less a lie; but after he has told it that way a few times, he forgets that it is a lie.

"One of the principal reasons for the disrespect in which the preacher is often regarded by the business world lies in the shamefully unbusinesslike manner in which the preacher has been treated in regard to compensation for his work. If his work is worthless, why not say so and tell him to get out, and do something worth while? If it is worth doing, then he ought to be paid sufficient for a living without being compelled to become a cadger and a pauper.

"The old donation party may have had a good beginning, but it has had a bad effect on the minister's character. Add to the moral results of being compelled to digest frozen potatoes, wooden turnips and other donation specimens, the experience of being forced into the attitude, at least annually, of a beggar, and one will begin to appreciate the difficulty the preacher has in maintaining his self-respect. When one makes it hard for a man to respect himself, how long is one likely to respect him?

"When the man in the pulpit is dependent for his daily bread on the tolerance and good will of the man in the pew; when he feels that he may get butter on his bread or even a little cake now and then if he can only get in the good graces of that smug old sinner sitting down there, it is easy to see how he has been tempted to fawn on him, how he has been tempted to speak of the old humbug's robbery of the widow and the orphan as one of the achievements of modern commerce and civilization. It has always been 'hard hitting the devil over the back if you are feeding his belly.'

"The preacher in the country and in the old days could get along very well between the neighborly gifts he received and the produce of his little farm or garden when these were added to his small salary. But when, without increase of salary, that same man is placed in the city in our days of swollen prices for necessities, he is hard put to it to keep out of debt and remain honest in the ministry. Under the pressure some men have turned to crooked schemes, to selling mining stocks and other bogus investments, and some have gone out of the ministry. But the greater number have stayed in and are working hard to make ends meet and to stay straight.

"Ministers have gone wrong because they have not been trained right in their professional schools; they have been educated only for oratorical labor, and that with the intent of persuading men to certain things by dint of their eloquence. What seminaries are giving courses corresponding to those in other professional schools on professional ethics? They have gone wrong in instances because their employers, the people, have not treated them right, have not given them a fair chance to live right; they have paid them, and are paying them less than we pay mechanics and clerks, and yet they expect the minister to live according to their social standards.

"When the people who employ the ministers will give them an honest return for their work, when they will also encourage them to be honest in their preaching and teaching, there will be fewer unworthy ministers. When the theological schools get out of their shells and into the cities, and the preachers get out of their cloth and among folk, when they take off their garments of sanctimoniousness and get busy helping and leading others to better living, and to making this world a better place to live in, the ministers will be a good many notches higher in the world's esteem. It is needless to say there are a great many ministers who have made good in these ways."

We have thus a view of the clerical profession from the inside, the writer having turned state's evidence. In the closing paragraph there is an intimation that liberal preaching, or "honest" preaching, with a discarding of the cloak of sanctimoniousness, will react on clerical morality and thus raise the preachers in the world's esteem. That view is borne out by the figures showing that the ministers of the liberal sects are the best behaved.

The editor of the "Baptist Standard," commenting on the article which he prints and which we have quoted, attributes the clergy's poor reputation for morality to the "yellow journal," which he says "will get twice as black in the face as it will over any other person of equal prominence." The Baptist editor complains because--

"A cross-roads clergyman who runs away with his organist will get more attention than a congressman who goes off with his stenographer. The senile philanderings of a former United States senator did not get a front-page position so often as did a comparatively obscure clergyman who a few years ago failed to get gold out of sea-water, but did get it out of the purses of customers who thought they had a 'good thing.' Why? The answer throws a flood of light upon the question at issue. Because out of tens of thousands of ministers, all of them working under the obvious limitations and temptations to which the article makes reference, those who go wrong are so few that, when such instances occur, they are played up, because they are news. When a lawyer or a physician, or a bank president, or a commercial traveler is found with the broken fragments of the seventh commandment on his person, it is no news, at least relatively speaking, and it is given an inside page. This is an unconscious tribute of the sensational press to the high estimate in which the clerical profession is in general held."

The theory of the religious editor might account for the notoriety given a delinquent minister, but no amount of publicity could create the fact of his delinquency. He has to run off with his organist before the yellow journal chronicles the event. And if more publicity is given him than is received by the lawyer, physician and bank president when the facts come out, the notoriety in known cases is more than offset by the secrecy preserved by the minister's congregation and friends in nine cases out of ten, so that the papers never get hold of the matter at all.

But the defense based on extraordinary notoriety breaks down when we remember that the preacher who wrote the article we reproduce does not depend on the press for his knowledge of the clerical character. He has first-hand information of his own, and makes the assertion, moreover, that "it would be hard to find a man or a woman who has not at some time in life become personally acquainted with a professed exponent of religious truth and high moral ideals who has demonstrated the depths of human depravity." This may or may not be an exaggeration; it agrees, however, with the testimony of purchasers of the previous editions of this pamphlet, who generally fail to find in its pages certain cases of clerical depravity they have individually met. And we do not suppose that one act of immorality in a thousand committed by clergymen is ever known to anyone but himself. Not regarding ministers as worse than other men in this respect, we may yet reasonably conclude that they practice the customary male reserve, and therefore are no more given to relating all the incidents of their lives--the only way such incidents could become known--than members of the laity.

The indictment really is not against the ministers as men--it is against their religion and their profession. There is so close a relation between religious emotion and what is called desire, that scientific men have written treatises and books on the correlation of religion and lust. The more fervent the preacher is godward, the more ardent is he womanward--and piety works the same way with the sisters. Our preacher who has turned state's evidence blames among other things the pastoral visit and the emotional women who place temptation before the man of God. He is concerned only with the minister, but the minister is as often a tempter as a victim. He improves the opportunities the pastoral visit affords, and makes his share of the advances. It may be that only men without mental honesty--men who are willing to profess to believe and to teach what they feel is false--are entering the ministry. In that case the worst is to be expected, and their conduct is accounted for by their lack of principle. The "Standard's" contributor offers the novel excuse that the minister uses up so much of his virtue in phrasing and uttering moral precepts that he has no strength left for applying them. The proposition is worth the notice of the churches; for if true it means that the vocation of a preacher devitalizes a man of his moral stamina.

The religious editor and his contributor disagree on an important point. The editor holds that the fuss made over one minister who goes wrong with his organist is a tribute to the high estimate in which the profession is held. On the other hand, the contributor represents that most ministers are moral skates, and that any high estimate the profession enjoys is due to the few decent exceptions. The distinction is vital.

The orthodox religious standards to which a minister is supposed to measure up are admittedly responsible for much moral laxity. Besides the sincerely orthodox preacher (whose religious austerity never prevents him from erring sexually), there are thousands of ministers who live a mental or intellectual lie by remaining in the church and preaching the creeds they do not believe. And the church does not trouble itself about the minister's doubts so long as he keeps them to himself. What can the church expect, then, from the religious hypocrite in the pulpit except that he will be a moral hypocrite out of it? Is he going to be dishonest as a preacher and honest as a man?

The Baptist paper's contributor puts the query: "Do ministers of the churches, that is, clergymen, priests and preachers, go wrong in any greater proportion than do doctors, lawyers or teachers?" He gives a negative answer, "mathematically," but the very asking of the question proves that an affirmative reply was not unexpected. Had he included editors in his list it could have been given. The literary and editorial professions are very poorly represented in our prisons, and even printers are exceedingly scarce.

This compilation, periodically revised and enlarged, has been before the public in its nine successive editions since 1881, as is stated in one of its prefaces; and considering that its information is based on newspaper reports, the number of corrections demanded by the ministers whose names are herein enrolled is small. The following is the only threat of action with which the publishers have been menaced. We follow the style of the clerical gentleman, who writes:

"BLUFFTON O.--5-12/1905.

"The Truth Seeker Co., No. 28 Lafayette Place, New York, N. Y.

"Sirs I notice you have published a Book The title of which is Crimes of Preachers in U. S. and Canada In which you have the name of Shelter, of McClure O. Now sirs, if the Copies of that Book is not called in and DESTROYED AND ITS PUBLICATION CEAS at once and the same notice bein given in your paper so published by your Co. in side of 20 days, ACTION will be taken against YOU immediately for blackmailing. The above name used by you is the untruth,

"Trusting to heare from you early. Yours.

"J. Shelter."

Mr. J. Shelter heard from the publishers early, but not only did he fail to keep up the correspondence, but apparently abandoned altogether his contemplated action. The charge against the Rev. John Shelter, of the United Brethren church, is that in 1890, at McClure, Ohio, he sold liquor without a license. All we can gather from his apparent denial is that the name used by us is not the true one. However, he does not take the trouble to correct it.

Another correction was personally solicited. In the ninth edition appeared an entry condensed from the following newspaper clipping, dated at a Connecticut town:

"If the Rev. ---- ----. ----, the ---- minister who eloped with Mrs. ---- ----. ----, of ----, and who is being sued for divorce by his wife on the ground of intolerable cruelty, had been publicly drummed out, his expulsion from the Methodist church could not have been more emphatic and humiliating. This afternoon, after more than an hour's debate in executive session, the New York East Conference of the Methodist church voted, practically unanimously, to allow him to withdraw 'under complaints.'"

Our entry, above mentioned, concerning this preacher, recorded: "Eloped with a married woman; cruelty to wife; expelled from the ministry." The entry should now be: "Personally appeared before us the reverend gentleman whose name is suppressed and requested the removal of the aforesaid entry, on the ground that there was no elopement." While acceding to the request, we have the feeling that with his name left out the book does not quite justify its title. The preacher whom the New York East Conference of the Methodist church got rid of in the emphatic and humiliating manner described by the clipping is now a Presbyterian clergyman and doctor of divinity. The names of more deserving men are very likely retained, for the gentleman showed himself so lacking in loyalty to his class that he voluntarily gave information regarding other Methodist ministers, including a well-known editor, which could have been used to their hurt.

An act of favoritism on our part which we might prefer to commit would be in the case of the reverend president of a Southern college who came to Philadelphia for some unremembered purpose, and was found dead in the house of a woman with whom he had made an assignation. This book would be kinder to his family than were the public prints at the time of the tragedy if it would do any good to the survivors. One toward whom we have not felt that any especial consideration is due is a minister of Jamestown, N. Y., who disappeared from a steamer on the Sound in circumstances pointing to suicide, leaving with his effects a note in which he said: "Let not those 'insane babblers' or Infidels get hold of this for their miserable, God-dishonoring yearly book on the crimes of preachers." We cannot see that it dishonors God to print what God permits his preachers to do. The man in this case wished his wife and relatives to regard him as dead because he had another woman in view, and was shortly found living with her in Albany.

Some amusing uses have been made of this volume. In 1909 the opponents of a bill before the legislature of California cited, to its prejudice, the fact that members of the clerical profession were against its passage. The gentleman who appeared before the legislative committee in behalf of the bill offered this list of reverend delinquents and inquired whether these were included among the ministers whose opposition was allowed to weigh with the committee. Ministers who undertake legislative work and pose as "Reformers" are often unfortunate in their moral character. There has been a singular series of mishaps among the conspicuous maintainers of the sanctity of the Sabbath who have allied themselves with organizations to promote Sunday observance by the saloon-keepers. The following list of them gathered in a single state is taken from a Detroit newspaper called "Truth" in 1905:

The Rev. R. G. Malone, superintendent of the Grand Traverse district, arrested for licentious conduct; fled the state; now in employ of Minnesota League.

The Rev. George Kulp, League orator, Grand Rapids, arrested for adultery.

The Rev. Ralph Baldwin, League in Saginaw, fled after being exposed in a liaison with a Detroit woman.

The Rev. John M. Wright, an organizer and orator for the League from Muskegon, proven guilty of perjury in a divorce case.

The Rev. Orson D. Taylor, a Saginaw League organizer and orator, sent to House of Correction for thefts.

The Rev. E. I. Waldorf, another Saginaw League worker, sent to House of Correction for thefts.

The Rev. C. E. Lee, a prominent League worker and orator in Grand Rapids, expelled from his church for licentiousness.

The Rev. J. Printer, a Branch county League organizer, fled the state to escape arrest for bigamy.

The Rev. Charles Kirchner, St. Clair county League organizer and orator, betrayed his foster daughter.

The Rev. Jos. St. Johns, Pontiac member of the League's force of workers, serving a term for assaulting a colored girl.

The Rev. J. R. Andrews, a Lansing League orator, expelled from church and arrested for blackmail.

The Rev. S. A. Northrop, one of the League's most gifted orators at Owosso, expelled from his church for undue intimacy with women of the congregation.

The Rev. John Smith, a Grand Rapids League orator and ardent supporter, eloped with one of the women of his church.

The Rev. Dr. J. G. Holiday, Manistee county organizer, expelled from his church for swindling.

The Rev. William P. Squires, Bay City organizer and orator for the League, expelled from his church for falsehood and swindling.

The Rev. A. C. Marshall, from Amboy, Hillsdale county, League worker and orator at Corunna, expelled from church for licentiousness.

There have been a number of clerical reformers in the East whose records cannot be cited to their advantage. One went against the Sabbath breakers in Brooklyn, was arrested for blackmail and forfeited his bond. One in West Virginia fought the theaters and Sunday trains, but he turned out a gallows bird, a bigamist, and the thief of his children's inheritance. One went to combat license in Brattleboro, Vermont, but turned up too drunk to go on with the lecture. One in New Jersey railed against Sunday liberty, but beat his wife and eloped with a choir singer. One of Boston stood in the pulpit with the blood of a girl seduced and murdered on his hands and demanded legal suppression of Sunday baseball. The "phrasing of morality," thus becoming a habit with the clergy, does not conflict with their other vices.

Wherever a reform is attacked by the clergy on moral grounds the usefulness of this work is appreciable. In Pittsburgh, Pa., the secretary of a Socialist group was debating with a prominent Presbyterian minister, when the preacher incautiously asserted that Socialism would break up the home, and paraded the horrible example of a Socialist professor who had been divorced by his wife. The proponent of Socialism, expressing his regrets that so irrelevant a matter had been brought into the argument, produced a copy of "Crimes of Preachers" to show how the home had fared at the hands of men of his opponent's profession.

Incidentals to the downfall of the preachers are sometimes dramatic. One exhorted his congregation to confession and repentance, whereupon his contrite landlady, much moved, made public the fact that she had been living with him in adultery, and asked for prayers. Another, having worked his hearers to the proper condition, said: "Let us all lay our sins upon the altar." A young woman with an infant in her arms came forward and, handing him the baby, said: "Here's yours." It appeared that he was the father of the child, though not married to the mother.

Reference has been made to the papal decree, which of late years has shown renewed capacity for mischief, protecting a priest from prosecution by any Catholic without a bishop or other superior's consent. It is a survival of the "benefit of clergy" law under which the church claimed the right to try the cases of clerical offenders, instead of letting them go before the civil courts. The working of this decree was illustrated in New York recently when a priest attempted an immoral act with an eight or ten-year-old girl. The mother of the girl, unmindful of the prohibition, reported the case to the police, and caused the lecherous clergyman's arrest, but later, having been advised by one of the higher clergy of the diocese, withdrew the charge and declined to testify against the accused, who appears to have been liberated after a reprimand by the court. It must be obvious that with this rule in force, all but the most serious offenses of the Catholic clergy will escape public notice. When in 1913 the murder of Anna Aumuller had been traced to the Rev. Hans Schmidt, a priest of a New York church, the police arrested and the courts convicted the reverend criminal; yet the Rev. Hans Schmidt had committed other crimes previous to this, and was known by his Catholic acquaintances to be a man of immoral life. He enjoyed, however, the benefit of clergy, and was protected by it from the exposure that would have come earlier but for the Catholic ban on "scandal," and that would not have come at all but for his sensational crime. With this wall of secrecy thrown about the priestly life, we know not what immoralities and crimes take place among the clergy and never come to light. While this edition of "Crimes of Preachers" is in preparation a Chicago Catholic priest, in line for distinguished honors from his church, takes an automobile "joy ride," visits a saloon in the suburbs and ends the outing by stabbing a station agent to the heart. The published offenses of the priests are such, usually, as in the nature of things cannot be covered up. For them there is no such offense as conduct unbecoming a priest, carrying the penalty of deposition and exposure.

In this edition an attempt has been made to shorten the list of terms by which the offenses of the preachers have hitherto been described. Now such breaches of good morals as were variously named "Beecherism," "immoralities," "lascivious conduct," "lechery," "scandalous conduct," "unministerial conduct," and the like have been brought under the head of "Immoralities with women and girls miscellaneously and variously described," which is as definite as the previously used terms, and saves space.

It will be observed that the total number of offenses charged is considerably greater than the total number of ministers involved. This results from the complicated character of some of the delinquencies of the reverends. A married minister betrays a young woman, thereby committing seduction and adultery. There may be a child and a charge of bastardy. He may run away with her, adding elopement and desertion of wife and family, and often divorce. Elopements are numerous, and they are mentioned here only when complicated with adultery or desertion, since the unmarried parson is entitled to his romance, and not to be censured above other men if he makes a runaway match of it--the woman concerned having reached or survived the ages of discretion without any matrimonial alliance at present existing. So the adulteries, seductions, etc., are all enlarged, while only one name is added to the number of ministers.

In only about two-thirds of the cases are the denominations of the clerical law-breakers known, that detail being often omitted by rural reporters or correspondents in whom the news sense is but imperfectly developed. The instances in which the communion is supplied give the Methodists first place, Baptists second, and Catholics third. The number of each is not disproportionate to the total number of clergy of the given denominations. Nothing appears to show that there is any great disparity between sects or between Protestants and Catholics in point of morality. There are, say, 170,000 ministers in the United States, 15,000 of them Catholic. That is ten parsons to one priest. Of the 3,795 ministers in this directory, 325 are Catholics, or about 1 priest to 10 non-Catholic clergymen.

Catholics do not have so many clergymen in proportion to their communicants as the Protestant sects. With them one priest has to serve a thousand adherents (provided they have the sixteen million communicants they claim), while the Baptists, with less than six million communicants, have nearly forty-three thousand ministers, and the Methodists, with seven million members, report upwards of forty-one thousand ministers. With such a multiplication of pulpiteers and a low standard of qualification for the ministry, the bad preeminence of the Methodist parsons is explained. It has been noticed already that priests are not publicly exposed in such peccadilloes as might cost a Protestant minister his pulpit or a layman his standing in the community.

It cannot be inappropriate to quote the following comment on an excuse offered for the two delegates to the Methodist conference of 1912, who were caught with the broken fragments of the seventh commandment on their person, or rather almost in the act of breaking them:

"The fact that two of the ministers who attended the late Methodist conference in Indianapolis committed the statutory offense before they went home led Pastor Dinsmore of the Baptist church of Anderson, Ind., to which state one of the delinquents belonged, to deliver a discourse on the theme, 'How Preachers Go Wrong.' Viewing the matter historically, as was his duty, the Rev. Mr. Dinsmore found that the going wrong of a preacher is by no means a modern innovation; for did not Micah, David, Eli, and Abiathar prove false to the trust imposed in them? The preacher blamed society for protecting the preacher in his sin, and for not giving him away. But the first cause, he says, why a preacher falls is that he is 'human,' and the devil works for mastery over him as over other souls. And the second cause of the preacher's fall, we are told, is the woman (nothing said about her being also 'human'). The religious woman who has missed her man finds him in Jesus and takes the parson as his deputy. The women tempt the preacher also by the cut of their clothes, says the Rev. Mr. Dinsmore. They wear and let their daughters wear gowns so low in the neck and so short in the skirt that when a man looks at them 'hell is stirred up' in his breast. And so on. Of course some of it is true; the minister is exposed to temptation, but if he cannot resist what the Infidel has to, what is his religion for?"

The light sentences, if any, imposed upon clergymen in many instances having been alluded to, we may allege a concrete case. It occurred at the time when a nation-wide attempt was being made to fasten the crime of white slavery, with its penalties, on two laymen who had taken two women with their consent into an adjoining state and there cohabited with them. The clerical case was as follows (we quote an editorial paragraph in "The Truth Seeker" for July 19, 1913):

"In the state of Michigan, town of St. Johns, in the middle of last month, a Baptist clergyman, the Rev. J. T. Gregory, being arraigned for the crime of rape committed upon a girl 11 years old, pleaded guilty and was 'sentenced to serve from one to ten years at the Ionia reformatory with a recommendation of two years by Judge Searl.' What extreme penalty the law of Michigan imposes for outraging an infant we do not know; the terms of the sentence named in this case show it is at least ten years, and here is a man of God getting off with a sentence of from one up, and recommended by the court to be let loose again upon the community in two years! The report of the case, printed in the Grand Rapids 'Press,' is exasperating to any one who believes that the law should be administered without favor. Every courtesy was shown the clerical violator of childhood. 'The sentence,' we read, 'was dealt out by a special arrangement with the judge,' as court would not convene for a week, and the minister 'was desirous of pleading guilty and beginning his term in prison as soon as possible.' The judge carried his consideration for the clerical rapist so far as to grant the latter's request 'for a day to clear up his personal affairs.' All this favoritism, as the reporter innocently puts it, because the Rev. Mr. Gregory is 'highly respected as the pastor of the Baptist church.' That is benefit of the clergy with the lid off! Now we would like to inquire why there is no public excitement about this miscarriage of justice. The man is married and has three daughters, two of them school teachers, and one a high school graduate, and is hence a middle-aged man who has not the excuse of youthful ardor for his crime. The girls in the California case were old enough to marry or to consent without marriage. The minister's victim is eleven years old. If the laymen had money and political influence, which they haven't, to protect them from prosecution on a charge of which on the face of it they are not guilty, it still would not be as base for them to avail themselves of that advantage as it is for a court to consider the alleged 'holy calling' of a minister and withhold adequate punishment for an atrocious crime he confesses that he committed. Men possessed of a nature that permits them to attack female children are among the most dangerous persons in any community, because they only want the opportunity to repeat the offense. The motive is always with them. The are like the Chicago priest who saw a 'stimulation to lust' in Chabas' picture, 'September Morn.' No young girl is safe in the power or presence of that kind of degenerates; and hence when one of them gets into the clutches of the law he should be kept there as long as the statute will permit. Had the Rev. Gregory been anything but a priest and the court anything but a boneheaded truckler to hypocritical piety, he would have got a determinate sentence of at least ten years."

In one year, recently, seventeen Chicago ministers were criminally or civilly prosecuted. It is difficult to believe that this number of offenses does not raise the percentage of criminal preachers above the average of all Chicago citizens. In six months of the same year (1912) Kokomo, Indiana, had four clerical scandals. We again quote:

"Is there some sinister element in the atmosphere of Kokomo, Indiana, inimical to clerical morals? After relating under the heading 'Parson and Widow Out on a Little Lark,' how 'the Rev. G. W. Alley, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church at Royal Center and an active member in the North Indiana conference, was arrested at a boarding house at Kokomo shortly before midnight Tuesday night in company with Mrs. Wendling, a widow of Walton, and both were hustled off to jail where they still remain,' the Hartford City (Ind.) 'Times-Gazette' of August 6 remarks: 'This is the fourth scandal in Kokomo within the past six months in which a preacher has been involved.' Surely there must be something unfavorable to ministerial morals in the Kokomo atmosphere--some such element as that affirmed by one of the infallible popes who, finding himself and many of his priests disabled by a mysterious malady, laid it to 'a certain malignity in the constitution of the air.' The constitution of the air in Kokomo, Indiana, is obviously malign and contraindicated for ministers."

Four delinquents in six months is eight a year in a community of 12,000 souls, the church-going portion of which could be adequately served by a dozen ministers.

It would be interesting, if practicable, to compare the morality of the American clergy with that of other countries, but the data are meager. Here, however, is an informing paragraph retained from a previous edition of this book:

"In England, from October, 1891, to October, 1892, 12 ministers committed suicide, 14 broke the marriage promise, 17 committed various crimes, 18 misused animals, 109 violated women, 121 were indicted for drunkenness (habitual), 254 cheated their creditors, and 18 committed minor offenses. That is 2.75 per cent. of the English ministry, says the 'Pall Mall Gazette,' who were in one year in trouble with the law."

Since the revision of this work was undertaken, late in the fall of 1914, the clergy have not ceased to furnish fresh material for its pages, but as each additional name must cause a revision of totals, the later cases, which perhaps number two dozen, must await the next round-up. The following table condenses the crimes, offenses, etc., with which the ministers have been charged:

Abduction 22 Abortion and attempts to procure 19 Abusive language 22 Adultery 676 Alienation of affections 17 Arson 62 Assault with intent to murder 61 Assault with intent to rape 50 Assault with intent to do great harm 26 Assault and battery 66 Attempted suicide 15 Bastardy 77 Bigamy, attempted and accomplished 144 Breach of promise to marry 27 Burglary 17 Cheating, swindling, grafting, malversation, misappropriation, etc. 288 "Conduct unbecoming a minister of the gospel" 44 Conspiracy 11 Contempt of court 13 Counterfeiting 16 Cruelty to wife or children 130 Debauchery 52 Desertion or non-support of wife or children 207 Disorderly conduct 44 Divorced or sued 56 Drunkenness 202 Elopement, attempted or accomplished 163 Embezzlement, fraud, defalcation, etc 162 Enticing women and young girls 15 False impersonation 13 Fighting 51 Forgery 123 "Fornication" 14 Gambling 19 Grave robbery 1 Gross immorality 40 Horse stealing 19 Illicit distilling 12 Illicit liquor selling 15 Immoralities with women and girls, miscellaneous and variously described 223 Larceny 181 Libel 50 Lying and deceit 138 Malicious destruction of property and malicious mischief 22 Manslaughter 14 Murder generally 119 Murder of child 12 Murder of wife 27 Obscene language 16 Obscene print, circulation of 14 Obtaining money or property under false pretenses 65 Perjury or subornation of 12 Plagiarism or literary piracy 14 Praying for death of neighbor, who died 1 Profanity 11 Quarreling 19 Rape in general 43 Rape of girls under age of consent or puberty 76 Seduction in general 273 Seduction of girls under fifteen 28 Slander 109 Sodomy or unnatural crime 67 Stealing religious funds or property 23 Suicide 117 Threatening life 16 Violation of postal laws 17 White slavery and pandering 15 Wife or woman beating 57

Breaking up the home of another man, defamation of character, illegal marrying, violation of game laws, 9 each; blackmail and extortion and breaking jail, 8 each; breach of hospitality, homicide, and pension frauds, 7 each; criminal neglect, cruelty to animals, and kidnapping, 6 each; dueling, administering poison, and fraudulent divorce, 5 each; bribery, nuisance, shoplifting, trespass, and speeding, 4 each; carrying concealed weapons, compounding of felony, and false arrest, 3 each; bankwrecking, beggary, breach of trust, cattle stealing, illegal voting, lynching and incitement to, prize-fighting, profanity, quackery, receiving stolen goods, smuggling, violation of revenue law, election frauds, extortion, and "felony," 2 each; assisting prisoner to escape, attempted trainwrecking, coercion of the dying, criminal carelessness, cruelty to prisoners, desertion from the army, dynamiting, illegal practice of medicine, illicit manufacture of cigars, keeping disorderly house, lottery running, malicious prosecution, mutilating public records, praying for death of neighbor (who died), selling vote and influence, slave-holding (by a missionary), teaching boys to steal, vagrancy, violation of articles of war, violation of drug law, violation of Sunday law, jury fixing, undue influence, "corrupting morals of young girl," and obstructing justice, 1 each. The whole number is approximately five thousand, from actual count, 4,987.

Denomination of ministers so far as known:

Methodist 728 Baptist 492 Catholic 325 Presbyterian 187 Episcopalian 164 Evangelist 136 Congregational 120 Christian (or Campbellite) 101 Lutheran 100 United Brethren 38 Jewish 18 Adventist 17 Reformed 16 Holiness 12 Church of God 8 Disciples 9 Missionary 8 Dunkard 7 Greek Catholic 7 Universalist 7 Church of Christ 6 Sanctificationist 5 Unitarian 5 Mennonite 4 Friend (Quaker) 3 Mormon 3 Armenian 2 Independent 2 Moravian 2 Pentecost 2 Millennialist 2

The following minor denominations are represented by 1 each: Absolute Life, Apostolic, Amish, Christian Union, Christian Catholic, Come Outer, Do Right, German Evangelical, Gift of Thomas, Gospel Mission, Heliga, Holy Ghost Household Faithful, New Jerusalem, Nazarene, New Thought, Shaker, Straight Edge, Syrian, and True Reformer (20).

The whole number of ministers whose names are recorded here is 3,795. Their denomination is given in 2,556 cases; unknown in 1,239.

In explanation of the varying typographical arrangement of dates, names, etc., and of faults of pagination, it may be said that the older portions of the book, covering cases occurring prior to 1899, have been left as they formerly stood, except that the periodical comments and recapitulations accompanying fresh editions have been eliminated, and the available matter thrown into the general introduction to the volume. Cases that have occurred since the close of the list in the former style of composition have been rearranged and reset in one alphabetical list. The book, then, contains six alphabetical lists, beginning, in the first part, on page 10 (circa 1875-81); page 50 (to 1883); page 102 (to 1893); page 125 (to 1895); page 140 (to 1898); page 139, Part II. (to 1914). The rearrangement condenses, without omitting anything of permanent value, a volume which was becoming too large to be economically produced and distributed.


So long as imagination creates a god to rule the destinies of men; so long as ignorance can be made to believe that the preacher or priest is in some way a go-between, or agent, between men and the powers in the clouds--that he is a "sky-pilot," directly commissioned by deity to attend to God's affairs on earth, and that the priest's person and office are sacred--just so long will there be possible such a profession as that of the modern priesthood.

And if these preachers as a whole are just as criminal as any other class; if they are immoral without the excuse of want or ignorance--without reason other than because of their often indolent lives and the opportunities afforded them by the nature of their calling--then their followers cannot learn that fact too soon.

The first edition of this book was printed in 1881, since which time many thousands of copies have been scattered throughout the country; but in no case to our knowledge has anyone successfully denied the facts alleged against any "man of God" figuring in these pages. Its substantial accuracy is therefore assured. The only charge that can be maintained against it is its incompleteness. The publishers do not claim to have discovered more than a small percentage of clerical villainy. The churches endeavor to and do hide a great deal of the immorality of their ministers. The preachers, who govern the ecclesiastical tribunals, have a fellow feeling for one another. As a general thing, it is only when the clergy are brought before the secular courts that the public can learn the full facts. Comparatively few Catholic priests figure in this record, for the reason that that church is a close corporation which by political influence and by control of its members' tongues can conceal the crimes of its leaders. In all large cities of the country the Catholic church has a large and dangerous political influence, and its priests have every chance to go free of retribution for their vices and crimes. The judges are Catholics, or owe their positions to Catholic power; the court officers are Catholics; the policemen are Catholics. They all shield the "fathers" and withhold their names from publication.

It is impossible, too, for the editor to read all the papers and gather all the cases which do see the light of publicity. And, we are sorry to say, some of the secular journals suppress the news. If the country could be scanned closely the indications are that a hundred times as many crimes could be found rightfully charged to the men who set themselves up as teachers of morals. For use in future editions we therefore urge all who read these pages to send us such accounts of these cases as may come to their notice, giving facts, dates, and localities, and, if clippings from newspapers are sent, name, date, and place of publication of paper.

It has been objected by apologists for the system of religion in vogue in this country that clerical delinquencies prove nothing against the system. In this they are mistaken. Of course, if Christianity had a foundation of fact, these records would not prove that the fact is not there. What they do prove, however, is that the claim made for Christianity, that it makes men moral, is not true. For if the system is not sufficient to restrain its very teachers, how can we expect their pupils to profit by it? The point this book emphasizes, as an ex-Methodist minister, now a Rationalist, but always a moral man, forcibly puts it, is that religion in and of itself, is not a moral force; that it is not one with morality; that it may, and often does, exist without morality, and that morality gains nothing by being associated with it.

In proportion to their numbers, it is believed, more ministers than members of any other profession are guilty of crimes and vices. A large portion of the crimes are against women or with women. This, perhaps, is not strange when one considers the institution of pastoral visits. While men are away from home attending to their duties in life, the minister is roving about, pretendedly looking after the welfare of his flock, but really making calls upon the women who most attract him. What the confessional is to the Roman Catholic church, such is the "pastoral visit" to the Protestant church. Women should not attend the one or receive the other except in the presence of their fathers or husbands. Another institution of the church could also be done away with to the gain of morality--to wit, the lone studies for the minister annexed to the churches. These furnished rooms are the scenes of many debaucheries. With them, too, should go the side doors or choir entrances. The side door and study of a church in San Francisco were used for assignation purposes, which culminated in murder. A murdered woman was found at the confessional box of a Romish church in New York city. In Omaha a minister was found in the pastor's room of his own church asphyxiated in close embrace with a woman missionary. These side doors, secluded "studies," and secret confessional boxes are dangerous to virtue if not to life. Many a woman and girl passes through them to her downfall.

In this short history of ministerial conduct, lack of complete identity is sometimes unavoidable, for in the reports of these trials in the secular journals it has been customary to drop the first names of the defendant, and many a pious villain is recorded as "Rev. Mr. Smith," or "Rev. Mr. Jones." In some cases the place is not fully given where the crime was committed. Again, in certain instances, the offense receives the laconic name, applied by the ecclesiastical court which tried the criminal, as "immoral conduct," "lascivious conduct," etc.; definitions that hide the grossness of the offense, and so screen the reverend culprit in the interest of the church and the cloth. In many reports of trials by ecclesiastical gatherings the name of the accused is entirely suppressed, as is supposed, out of respect for his "sacred calling."

The denomination to which the "pious soul" belonged, is not always given, consequently this record will not do to rely upon to enable the reader to ascertain what branch of "the church of God" has shown the most efficiency in pastoral criminality.

Letters will be found placed after a name, as P.E., for presiding elder, Ev. for Evangelist; for instance: Carhart, Rev. J. W., P.E., and Bayliss, Rev. E. L., Ev. The D.D., PhD., LLD., and other addenda purchased of colleges and theological seminaries have not been preserved with any great care. If any reverend offender who has been overlooked, and so left out of this "illustrious category," desires the distinction of having his name and title made famous, he will please forward the facts.


(The following adaptation of a familiar rhyme has appeared in all editions of this book and might be missed if omitted.)

Ten little preachers, preaching love divine, One kissed the servant girl, then there were nine.

Nine little preachers, preaching sinners' fate, One took too much drink, then there were eight.

Eight little preachers, showing path to heaven, One betrayed a brother's wife, then there were seven.

Seven little preachers, barring Satan's tricks, One of them beat his wife, then there were six.

Six little preachers, preaching Christ alive, One enticed a little girl, then there were five.

Five little preachers, preaching "Sin no more," One committed an assault, then there were four.

Four little preachers, pure as they could be, One deflowered an eight-year-old, then there were three.

Three little preachers--pity they're so few-- One killed his paramour, then there were two.

Two little preachers, to glorify the Son, One whipped his child to death, then there was one.

One little preacher, in the fold alone, He committed suicide, then there was none.


1878 Anderson, Rev. Robert New York, N. Y. M. E. Forgery, arrested while fleeing. Avery, Rev. Eph. K. Tiverton, R. I.; Fall M. E. Seduction, adultery, and murder; married. River, Mass.; Bristol, R. I.; Ohio. 1879 Allen, Rev. Cincinnati, O. M. E. Adultery and drunkenness; married. Araah, Rev. Anamosa, Iowa. Seduction; state prison. Anderson, Rev. J. S., P.E. Waverly, Iowa.; Charles M. E. Adultery, seduction of wife of D. C. Hayes, alias J. S. Clark. City, Iowa. Esq.; elopement, deserted wife & children. 1880 Appell, Rev. R. S. Belleman, Pa.; Reading, Pa. Fighting for pulpit, after being voted out; riot in church, quelled by sheriff's posse. 1881 Arkills, Rev. Moses E. Fredericksburg, Iowa.; Bap. Swindling, cheating, lying, obtaining $6,000 Rudd, Iowa. under false pretenses; arrested. Atwater, Rev., W. D., P.E. River Falls, Wis.; Knapp, M. E. Adultery, seduction of Miss Kate Northrup, Wis.; Menomonee, Wis. caught in act; lying; arrested, church trial. Aldrich, Rev., T. E. Middletown, Conn. Drunkenness, beating wife; arrested. 1882 Austin, Rev. Geo. H. Madison, Ind.; Dodd City, Forgery, $280, names of John & Perry Cotton; Tex. fled; arrested; pleaded guilty; Penitentiary 5 years. Adams, Rev. Wm. Louisville, Ky. Plagiarism, literary piracy; asked to resign. 1881 Arwood, Rev. Lumpkin Co., Ga. Deserted wife and children, destitute. 1876 Botts, Rev. Thos. B. Philadelphia, Pa. M. E. Adultery, seduction of Louisa Younger, a deacon's daughter; married. Benn, Rev. B. Storm Lake, Iowa. Pres. Adultery, seduction of Mrs. O. W. Smith; married, confessed. Butler, Rev. Harrison Chillicothe, Ky. Seduction of one of the sisters; she told. 1875 Beecher, Rev. H'ry W. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cong. Adultery, seduction of wife of T. Tilton; married; perjury; she confessed, he too. 1876 Bell, Rev. Frank, or Fred. New York and Brookl'n. Seduction of 12 sisters; penitentiary 2 yrs. Bradley, Rev. James Huntsville, Mo. Bap. Adultery, seduction, and bastardy with wife's sister. 1877 Buffum, Rev. F. K., or Hartford, Conn. Cong. Adultery, seduction, bastardy, and abortion four Francis E. times; confessed, married. 1878 Booth, Rev. D. R. Terre Haute, Ind. Adultery with a "soiled dove." Boyle, Rev. Leonidas H. Indianapolis, Ind. Drunkenness and suicide. Bensinger, Rev. G. T. Pittsburgh, Pa. Bap. Gross fraud; jailed. Broadwell, Rev. W. B. Vanceburgh, Ky. Chris. Rape on girl ten years old; expelled. Butler, Rev. Myron Flint, Mich. Ad. Rape on Alma Flint, ten years old; arrested. Blackwell, Rev. Wm. Columbus, Tenn. Bap. Larceny, horse-thief; arrested, confessed. Brown, Rev. Henry. Texas. Seduction, breach of promise. Bartlett, Rev. J. S. Milford, Ohio. Adultery. Bottes, Rev. Rich. Meriden, Mass. Larceny; convicted. Berkeley, Rev. E. F. St. Louis, Mo. Seduction of girl eleven years old. Butler, Rev. W. H. New York, N. Y. St. Lukes Immoral assault on young woman of his congregation; resigned. Bowen, Rev. B. F. Cold Spring, N. Y. Malicious trespass. Burdick, Rev. A. B. River Point, R. I. Adultery with many "sisters;" convicted. Bell, Rev. Fred A. New York Immoral assault on young woman; fled. Berry, Rev. Jos. M. Ashville, N. C. Adultery, drunkenness; convicted. Burr, Rev. D. Ellington Ellardsville, Mo. ,, ,, ,, Bettinger, Rev. Levi S. Baltimore Co., Md. Seduction of a girl in his charge. Black, Rev. Prof. Wm. F. Indianapolis, Ind.; St. Chris. Seduction of Miss Corrinne E. Voss; occupied Louis, Mo. same bed at Planter's Hotel; pres. Christian college. Baird, Rev. E. J. Richmond, Va. Pres. Larceny, embezzled $22,000 cash belonging to Pres. Pub. Co.; he was secretary. 1878 Bowan, Rev. Willis N. Morrisania, N. Y. Immoral assault on a young girl, daughter of John T. Cooper, member of church. Brooks, Rev. Wm. P. St. Louis, Mo. Adultery with sister McDonald. Barnhart, Rev. Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y. M. E. Adultery, seduction of servant girl. Barker, Rev. S. P. Brantford, Ont. Cong. Insulting personalities from pulpit. Butler, Rev. Henry Hot Springs, Ark. Adultery with a "sister;" she told. 1879 Barry, Rev. Edward Wyandotte, Mich. Seduction, bastardy with Miss Lizzle Thiede; he was arrested and held by Jus. Jones. Bowers, Rev. George Coonville, N. Y. Cong. Adultery, elopement with Bro. Lecroft's wife, deserting his own wife and children, general swindling, over $7,000; forgery. Bayliss, Rev. E. L. Ev. Waverly, Iowa.; Corruna, Bap. Adultery, seduction of wife of Mr. Phoenix; Mich.; Maple River; Ovid, elopement with her, deserting wife and four Mich. children; state prison in Mich; false name--assumed name of his "sweet singer" Leeland. Berry, Rev. Ev. Toledo, Ohio. Adultery, seduction of Bro. Bebont's wife. Browning, Rev. C. H. Grinnell, Iowa. Larceny, stealing cattle. Braun, Rev. Caspar Houston, Tex. Luth. Adultery, seduction, fighting for pulpit after he was expelled. Buck, Rev. New Hampton, Iowa. Advent. Inhumanly beating his little son; fled. 1880 Bowen, Rev. Somersett Co., Md. Illegally marrying a man to his twelve-year old step-daughter. Biscoe, Rev. Parsippany, N. J. Seduction; bastardy with Miss K. Leonard. Bridells, Rev. J., or William Marietta, Pa.; Adultery, drunkenness; expelled. J, Philadelphia, Pa. Bowden, Rev. New York. R. Pres. Quarreling in church. 1880 Billman, Rev. Ira C. Jackson, Mich. Adultery, elopement with a "sister," deserted wife. Bohanan, Rev. A. B. Leavenworth, Kan. Chris. Adultery, bigamy, deserted wife, embezzlement; fled. Banker, Rev. Canton, Kan. Bap. Indecent familiarities with a "sister"; resigned. 1881 Beekman, Rev. J. V. Armington, Ill.; Pekin, Chris. Beating wife, drunkenness; jailed. Ill. 1876 Brittain, Rev. P. H. Beverly, N. J. M. E. Immoral assault on two young girls, breach of hospitality; confessed; fled. Breese, Rev. J. T. Racine, Wis. Larceny, embezzlement, swindling. 1881 Blum, Rev. Jos. Michigan. Jew. Eloped with a widow; arrested in Chicago. Buskirk, Rev. Sullivan, Ind. M. E. Adultery, seduction of wife of Bro Jones; promised to marry; disc'v'd; church trial. Bowens, Rev. Jas. H. Chicago, Ill. Pres. Embezzlement, swindling, obtaining money by false pretense; church trial. Bair, Rev. D. W. Honeytown, O. Brutal ass'ult on a lady; bound to keep peace. Black, Rev. Indianapolis, Ind. Adultery with widow on Ohio River steamer. Boyd, Rev. Dr. St. Louis, Mo. Literary piracy; plagiarism from E. Everett. Baskerville, Rev. Thos. Bloomfield, Iowa; Belknap, Cong. Adultery, seduction of Lizzie Collier, elopement Iowa; Mt. Hope, Iowa; with her, deserting wife and children. Inhuman Lancashire, Eng. cruelty to wife and children. 1882 Brooks, Rev. T. R.; Brooks, Bloomington, Ill.; M. E. Slander in his Banner of Holiness; church trial. Rev. Jno. P. Montgomery, Ala. Bedient, Rev. J. A. Greenwood, Mo.; Louisville, Cong. Seduction of several "sisters"; dead beat; Ky. expelled. Brown, Rev. Jas. A. Indianapolis, Ind. M. E. Embezzlement of church funds; arrested. Brown, Rev. Lionel Welland, Can. P. E. Suicide; shot himself; Vicar of Welland. Burnett, Rev. C. C. Chicago, Ill. Slander. 1878 Bradford, Rev. A. H. P. E. Embezzlement of several thousands. 1882 Burt, Rev. D. E. St Louis, Mo. Drunkenness, lying, immoralities; convicted. Abusing wife and child. Barnes, Rev. Shanon Co., Mo. Bap. Incest, adultery, seduction of his granddaughter, aged 13; fled. 1881 Belknap, Rev. Isaac Philomath, Or. Libel on Rev. Walker. Caskins, Rev. Madison Washington, D. C. Bap. Bigamy, gross fraud. 1877 Crow, Rev. W. S. Hinsdale, Ill. Adultery with females of deacon's family; deposed. 1878 Carr, Rev. Daniel Lawrence, Mass. Adv. Adultery, three cases; breach of promise; convicted. Chenowitz, Rev. Jno. M. Illinois. Bap. Bigamy; fled; arrested; alias John Wells. Chase, Rev. Sullivan C. St. Louis, Mo. M. E. Rape on Miss Clara Clem, aged 13, and on other girls; convicted. Cole. Rev. James Tennessee. Bap. Illicit distilling; convicted. Craig, Rev. El Paso, Ill. Seduction. Chabert, Rev. Joseph Montreal, Ont. Cath. Rape on Josephine Beaucamp, aged 15. Curtis, Rev. Ev. Blackberry, Ill.; Piano, Adultery, caught in bed with a "sister." Ill. Copeland, Rev. E. L. Ev. Bigamy, forgery, swindling; expelled. Coleman, Rev. Austin Janesville, Iowa. M. E. Rape on Ada A. Conner, aged 13; buggery with her brother; adultery; 70 years old; arrested. Clark, Rev. Malcom Howard, Mich. Larceny, forgery. Coates, Rev. Seth B. Dallas City, Ill. Adultery with several sisters. Culver, Rev. A. J. Lisbon, Iowa. Seduction of daughter of lady who gave him entertainment. Crawford, Rev. Geo. C. Brunswick, Maine. Suicide. 1878 Chalfant, Rev. Marietta, Ohio. Incest, seduction of his niece; convicted. 1880 Cole, Rev. J. W. Charlemont, Mass. M. E. Beating wife; after her death, married her maid, and beat her also. 1878 Collins, Rev. Dr. A. M. Grand Rapids, Mich. Adultery; confessed; excommunicated. 1879 Chase, Rev. H. A. Tully, N. Y. Adultery, caught in the act; 75 years old. Casswell, Rev. J. C. Galesburgh, Ill.; Batavia, Bap. Adultery; fled. N. Y. Cowley, Rev. Edward New York, N. Y. P. E. Inhuman cruelty to orphan children under his charge in Shepherd's Fold; convicted, and penitentiary where once he was chaplain. 1880 Coleman, Rev. Louisville, Ky. Larceny, picked lady's pocket of $70.00. Curtis, Rev. George Fort Wayne, Ind. M. E. Slander, indecent proposals to lady; expel'd. 1880 Caraway, Rev. Alex. Charlotte, N. C. Larceny; convicted. Crothers, Rev. C. L. Findlay, Ohio. Swindling; fled. Coats, Rev. Charles T. Campbell, C. H., Va. Bap. Rape on Ida Turpin, 12 years old; immoral assault on other girls; arrested. Crude, Rev. Philip, (or Coad) Covington, Ky.; West Cath. Seduction and elopement with Miss Zoe Allard; Depere, Brown county, Wis. arrested by her father, Joseph J. Allard. Cooley, Rev. B. F. Chelmsford Cen., Mass. M. E. Getting a young boy drunk; sued. Carhart, Rev. J. W., P.E. Appleton, Wis.; Tex. M. E. Perjury, lying, dishonesty, "immoral conduct," "unchristian conduct," and eleven other charges; convicted, expelled. Cunz, Rev. B. Millersburgh, Ohio. Luth. Beating wife and children inhumanly. Caywood, Rev. Mrs. Hillsboro. Ky. Adultery with J. R. Crane. Cox, Rev. Chattanooga, Tenn. Immoral assault on wife of Mr. Hulley, who had given him entertainment, and who kicked him out doors undressed. Carey, Rev. T. H. Farmington, Mich.; St. Bap. Adultery, seduction of Miss Flora C. Gates. Johns, Mich. 1881 Cousins, Rev. O. M. Portland, Me.; Saco, Me. M. E. Beating and starving wife and children; she sued for divorce, and proved charges. Cass, Rev. Columbus Somerset, Ky.; Hickory M. E. Murdered Wm. McKinney, supt. Sunday-school, beat Ridge, Ky. head to jelly with an ax; fled. 1881 Cousins, Rev. O. M. Portland, Me. Slander; tried by church court. Callaert, Rev. Michigan. Cath. Extortion, dishonesty, drunkenness, slander, "a depraved wretch," so called in report of Judiciary Com. of Legislature. Chase, Rev. W. H. Medway, Mass. Cong. Swindling, obtaining money by false pretense, lying, false personation; fled. Corry, Rev. Daniel Hudson, N. Y.; Stillwater, Bap. Adultery, seduction, and bastardy with Alice N. Y. Orton, servant girl; confessed; resigned; expelled. 1882 Crum, Rev. Taylor Andover, N. Y.; West Bap. Beating wife many times; arrested. Lying, vile Candor, N. Y.; language; deposed. Hornellsville, N. Y.; Richburg, N. Y. Contois, Rev. St. Louis, Mo. Cath. Embezzlement of church funds, swindling; fled. 1881 Copeland, Rev. A. C. alias Iowa City, Iowa.; Cedar M. E. Adultery and seduction at various places; gross Rev. John Williams Rapids, Iowa.; St. swindling, forgery, embezzlement, lying, Catharines, Can.; obtaini'g money by false pretenses; arrested; Indianapolis, Ind. prison. 1882 Curtis, Rev. Lowell, Mich.; Charlotte, Gambling, lying, not believed under oath. Mich. Ceregheni, Rev. John Cincinnati, Ohio. Cath. Drunkenness, calaboose, swindling, obtaining money by false pretense. 1879 Chase, Rev. Hamilton Tully, N. W. Chris. Adultery; seduction of Miss McCarthy, aged 11; he, 70; she told. 1882 Curtley, Rev. Little Rock, Ark.; M. E. Adultery, drunkenness, robbery; prison. Perryville, Ark.; Dardanell, Ark. Dawson, Rev. T. M. San Francisco, Cal. Pres. Adultery, bastardy. Davis, Rev. G. M. Lincoln, Ill. Adultery with Mrs. W. M. Davis; caught by his wife; this in church. 1878 Dowling, Rev. Indianapolis, Ind. Adultery with servant girl; caught in act. Deardoff, Rev. Ev. Yates City, Ill. Adultery with three of the "sisters." Daly, Rev. John Montgomery, Mo. Cath. Seduction of Lizzie McDonald; abortion. Davidson, Rev. J. A. Pennsylvania. Drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Dunlap, Rev. Richard Midland, Mich. Adultery. Davis, Rev. Bap. Adultery with "sister" Burk. Doolittle, Rev. Aug. Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Adultery with deacon's wife; false personation, alias LeClair. Doolittle, Rev. Juneau Co., Wis. Incest and rape on idiotic niece, adultery with others, 63 years old; convicted, state prison 6 years. Dow, Rev. Lorenzo, P.E. Kentucky. M. E. Adultery, deserting wife, elopement with another preacher's daughter; fled. Dixon, Rev. Simeon Brooklyn, N. Y.; Adultery, seduction, bastardy with Sarah Jane Baxtertown, N. Y. Williams. 1878 Davis, Rev. J. K. Ohio. M. E. "Unministerial" conduct; expelled. 1878 Dwyer, Rev. Peter Ev. New York, N. Y. Adultery, elopement with "sister" Melville, deserting wife and family. 1879 Davis, Rev. A. J. Madelia, Minn. Bap. Assault, intent to murder J. F. Fisher; arrested. Dixon, Rev. Dr. Jas. A. New Albany, Ind.; Memphis, Adultery, seduction, of Miss Lizzie Kipley, Tenn. fraud, lying, attempted suicide, deserting wife and children. Dobbs, Rev. A. S. Painesville, Ohio.; M. E. Beating wife; "inhuman monster," expell'd. Meadville, Pa. Demond, Rev. Charles Massachusetts. Embezzling church funds; arrested. Dunbrowski, Rev. A., or Detroit, Mich. Cath. Seduction, bastardy with servant girl, Dorenhoffer. compounding felony; fled to Europe. 1880 Dannehoffer, Rev. Morris, Ind. Cath. Inhumanly beating children; fined. Daly, Rev. Morrison, Ill. Cath. Murdered his child by "sister" O'Connell; indicted. 1881 Dorsey, Rev. Wm. Yonkers.; Tarrytown. M. E. Bigamy, adulte'y, married "sister" Richardson while wife living, lying to her, told her wife was dead; church trial; depos'd; fled. Davenport, Rev. Isaac Newark, N. J. Pres. Lying; charged by Bro. Hawkins. Duer, Rev. Henry E. Newburgh, N. Y. Bap. Larceny; arrested. 1882 Dunn, Rev. J. B. Philadelphia, Pa. Pres. Adultery, seduction of "sister," immoral assault on women; fled. Dupont, Rev. F. L. Farrington, Ky.; Drunkenness, attempted suicide twice; arrested. Hopkinsville, Ky.; Atlanta, Ga. During, Rev. John Toledo, O. Inhuman cruelty to his daughter; she committed suicide; church trial; resigned. Dawe, Rev. Durfield, Mich. M. E. Arson; went to Europe; arrested. 1878 Decunie, Rev. C. L., or Flint, Mich.; Big Rapids, Cath. Adultery, bastardy, with housekeeper; swindling Dunnick. Mich.; Grand Rapids, Mich. his sister out of her patrimony. 1882 Dillon, Rev. S. D., or S. J. Cincinnati, O. Bap. Larceny, stole money from his host; jailed. Debeste, Rev. C. Kalamazoo, Mich. Luth. Larceny; caught; expelled; fled. 1878 Ellis, Rev. W. T. Woodstock, Conn. Cong. Vile, indecent, profane language; expell'd. Eddy, Rev. George O. Gloversville, N. Y. Bigamy. Edgerton, Rev. Gloversville, N. Y. Larceny. Eastman, Rev. A. W. West Cornwall, Ohio. Adultery with the "sisters;" expelled. Echenbery, Rev. John Peru, Ill. Incest with two daughters and daughters-in-law, adultery, sodomy; fled. Evans, Rev. W. H. Vincennes, Ind. Bap. Swindling under false pretense; fled. 1881 Ewing, Rev. Thos. Leavenworth, Kan. Bap. Adultery, seduction, and bastardy, with "sister" Leah Barnett; arrested. 1882 Ellis, Rev. W. T. Ev. Abingdon, Ill. Fighting. Ellis, Rev. Ed. H. Ev. Neponset, Mass.; North Bap. Adultery with a "sister," wife of a "brother;" Haven, Me.; Thomaston.; arrested in pulpit while preaching; jumped his Rockland, Me. bail and fled. 1879 Esmond, Rev. Worcester, Mass. Cong. Embezzlement of $100,000, church funds. Fishback, Rev. Charles. Winchester, Ky. Assault with intent to rape a 14-years-old colored girl; arrested. Fiske, Rev. Dr. Syracuse, N. Y.; Michigan. Adultery; indicted; pleaded guilty. Foster, Rev. H. Circleville, Ohio. Seduction of servant girl. Fairchild, Rev. J. H. Boston, Mass.; Exeter, Adultery, seduction; arrested. Mass. Fay, Rev. Dr. Boston, Mass. Adultery, fornication, perjury; confessed. Fink, Rev. Richard Grand Rapids, Mich. Adultery with a young sister; deposed. Forham, Rev. Chicago, Ill. Cath. Embezzlement of church funds. Fitz, Rev. E. S. Southampton, Mass. Adultery with "several sisters." Foster, Rev. J. H. Hannibal, Mo. Adultery, bigamy, several wives, gambling; fled. Fansette, Rev. Leaven Port Huron, Mich. Murder; hung. Flesher, Rev. Andw. C. Bridgeport, Ill. Bigamy. 1879 Furniss, Rev. Wm. P. Ilion, N. Y.; M. E. Seduction, bastardy with Miss Celeste Watrous; Pleasantville, N. Y. adultery, lying; fled to escape arrest. 1880 Franklyn, Rev. Thos. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Embezzlement; assault and battery on church warden Brown. Folger, Rev. S. W. Delhi, Ont. Bap. Suicide. Frazee, Rev. I. D. Branchville, N. J. M. E. Immoral assault on wife of A. Halsted. Fraeger, Rev. F. W. St. Paul, Minn. Forgery of note for $1,500. 1881 Fifer, Rev. Henry Nebraska City, Neb. Larceny, stealing wood from W. H. Hammond, W. E. Dillon, and News office. Fossett, Rev. Theo. Sacramento, Cal. M. E. Drunkenness; arrested. Flora, Rev. Furos Co., Mo. Immoral assault on a "sister;" indicted. 1882 Finnerty, Rev. M. Mokena, Ill.; Chicago, Ill. M. E. Assault with intent to commit rape on Miss May Sheridan; immoral assault on women; arrested; prison. Foster, Rev. E. S. Winchester, Vt.; N. Adams, Univers. Sodomy, lying, contempt of court; jailed; church Mass.; Utica, N. Y. trial. 1881 Guiteau, Rev. Chas. J. Chicago, Ill.; Washington, Cong.; M. E. Murder of Pres. Garfield; lying, adultery; D. C. religious tramp with Moody and Sankey; convicted; executed. 1876 Gaskins, Rev. M. Washington, D. C. Bap. Bigamy. Glendenning, Rev. J. S. Jersey City, N. J.; Henry, Pres. Seduction of a young sister, bastardy, lying; Ill. she committed suicide. 1877 Gray, Rev. William Lexington, Ky. Bap. Larceny, robbing contribution box. Graves, Rev. Uriel Baltimore, M. D. Luth. Embezzlement of missionary fund. 1878 Gray, Rev. John A. Texas. M. E. Drunkenness for two years. Goddis, Rev. Maxwell P. Adultery, drunkenness. Goodenough, Rev. New York, N. Y. M. E. Embezzlement from M. E. Book Concern. Graber, Rev. Charles A. Meriden, Conn. Adultery. Gilbert, Rev. Alfred N. Baltimore, Md. Adultery with a grass-widow. 1879 Green, Rev. R. T. Alisa Craig, Ont. P. E. Forgery; penitentiary. Gabbert, Rev. R. R. Pellville, Ky. Suicide. Goodnight, Rev. Ev. Corsicana, Texas. Adultery, bastardy with his female assistant evangelist. 1880 Gard, Rev. W. M. Newport, Ind. Chris. Immoral assault on little Cordelia Schuman. Gallahorn, Rev. J. H. Hannibal, Mo. Gross immorality; expos'd by church co'ncil. 1881 Gray, Rev. Plymouth, Pa. M. E. Robbed old Mr. Albrighten, larceny, lying; gave up the money; confessed. Gates, Rev. Shode Newberne, N. C.; Canada. Fighting for pulpit, whipped two preachers. 1882 Grant, Rev. C. E. Ev. alias Austin, Tex.; Bryan, Tex. Larceny, deserted wife and children, adultery, Geo. Holmes. attempted bigamy; arrested. Guy, Rev. Maysville, La. Cath. Sodomy, unnamed crime; driven from town. Graves, Rev. Baltimore, Md. Luth. Swindling, fraud "indecencies;" trial. Gallaway, Rev. H'nry N. Topeka, Kan.; Louisiana, Bigamy; arrested. Mo. Gleason, Rev. St. Louis, Mo. Cath. Adultery, seduction, bigamy; suspended. 1878 Howell, Rev. J. J. Minneapolis, Minn. Suicide. Heath, Rev. Henry A. Morrison, Ill. Adultery many times, deserted wife and family. Harlan, Rev. Dr. Nebraska. Slander and vulgarity; expelled. Hopkins, Rev. Jer. D. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cheating by false pretenses. Hoerlin, Rev. Martin Buffalo, N. Y. Arson, burned his house for insurance. Houghoworth, Rev. J. Ev. Liscomb, Iowa; Gifford, Adv. Adultery, seduction of Miss Eva Roberts; she was Iowa killed by her Lover, John Bell, who then committed suicide, dying with her in his arms. Harmon, Rev. Christ. Greenburgh, Ind. Bigamy; prison. 1879 Hines, Rev. H. K., P.E. La Grand, Ore.; Dalles, M. E. Adultery with Mrs. A. C. Huntington; fled. Ore. 1879 Hayes, Rev. James New York, N. Y. Cath. Inhumanly beating orphan child; indicted. Heroy, Rev. I. B. Hancock, N. Y. M. E. Adultery with Mrs. Lodiska Edwards, wife of A. J. Edwards, who captured his letters; she confessed; lying; Heroy denied. Hobson, Rev. John T. Bedford, Ind. Gambling, bet $150 on confidence game. Harris, Rev. Sherman, Tex. M. E. Embezzlement of church funds; swindling. Hauser, Rev. George Scipio, Ind. Bap. Illegal marrying; indicted. 1880 Henderson, Rev. J. R. Van Wert, Ohio. M. E. Slander of Miss Nora Comer; she horsewhipped him. Hafermann, Rev. Henry Hoboken, N. J. Luth. Kissing his servant girl for her spirit'l good; dismissed. Assaulting immorally another woman. Hojda, Rev. Johann Baltimore, Md. Cath. Fornication, seduction of Miss A. Lieman. Howell, Rev. E. W. Baxter Springs, Kan. M. E. Adultery with a "sister," wife of a good citizen; confessed by both; deserted wife and seven children. Hunter, Rev. C. R. Hoboken, N. J. Adultery, elopement with a young "sister," Miss Andervelt; deserting wife and children; confessed. Hunt, Rev. Hoyt E. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Woodbury, M. E. Sodomy, buggery, unnamed crime with his N. Y. step-son, Abner Jones, aged 11; prison. Hinman, Rev. S. D. Santee, Neb.; Dakota. P. E. Adultery, seduction of Indian girls at the mission school where he was missionary; patronizing brothels in Washington, D. C.; published by Bishop Hare, Niobrara. Hazlewood, Rev. Webst'r Roxsbury, Mass. Adultery; fraudulent divorce; expelled. Hendry, Rev. John Saranac, Mich.; Carlton, Forgery of Mrs. Lydy's name to note, etc.; fled. Mich. Haddock, Rev. F. O. Waupacca, Mich. Cong. Resigned under charges. "Least said the better at present." Huebner, Rev. Middleton, Ohio. Luth. Adultery with Peter Weigold's wife, and others. Handford, Rev. J. W. Toronto, Ont. Adultery with wife of Mr. Leslie, caught in act, drunkenness. 1877 Hopkins, Rev. E. D. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Forgery; state-prison; expelled. 1878 Hayden, Rev. H. H. North Madison, Conn. M. E. Seduction and murder of Miss Mary E. Stannard. Higgins, Rev. Sam. Shelbyville, Ind. M. E. Slander of Mrs. Jane Higgins; she cowhided him. Hulitt, Rev. S. Jerico county, Ky. Adultery; arrested; suspended. Hill, Rev. Dr. Wade Rutherford, N. C. Bap. Dueling--shot his son-in-law, And'w Scroggins, in a duel. Hayes, Rev. Robert Raleigh, N. C. Incest; penitentiary twenty years. Hudkins, Rev. Jas. A. Mt. Airy, Ohio. Bigamy, three wives. Huston, Rev. L. D. Baltimore, Md. Seduction of young girls ten to twelve years old. Holt, Rev. William Paris, Ill. Assault and battery, whipped a poor widow with plow lines. Hines, Rev. Archibald Knoxville, Tenn. Larceny. Hardy, Rev. L. T. Shelbyville, Ky. Adultery and elopement with a "sister." Hanna, Rev. J. W., P.E. Tennessee. M. E. Attempt to seduce Miss Parilla Naylor. Hutchison, Rev. Austin Vermont. Incest and bastardy with his daughter, adultery; she told. Hutchison, Rev. John Boston, Mass. Swindling; house of correction 8 months. Hiram, Rev. Greenville, N. Y. Adultery, fornication; convicted. Humpstone, Rev. Malta, N. Y. Fighting and quarreling with his church. 1880 Healey, Rev. Marblehead. Cath. Assault and battery on a young lady for refusing to buy his "photo;" convicted. 1880 Hartman, Rev. H. Council Bluffs, Iowa. Adultery, fornication, perjury; put up at hotel with woman not his wife. 1881 Hemenway, Rev. Massachusetts. M. E. Larceny; state-prison; convicted. Harbaugh, Rev. F. R. Red Bank. Pres. Irregularities; members deserted his church. Hudgins, Rev. Osnabruck, Ont. M. E. Assault and battery, beating a woman; arrested. Hargrave, Rev. Brooklyn, N. Y. M. E. Quarreling for the pulpit with Rev. Reeve. Hammond, Rev. H. H. Solon, Iowa.; Center Point, M. E. Swindling, lying, obtaining money by false Iowa. pretense, literary piracy; deposed. Hall, Rev. Jas. E. St Louis, Mo.; Roxbury, Cong. Bigamy, breach of promise, adultery, lying, Mass. engaged to marry 5 of "sisters;" depos'd. Heinrich, Rev. Carl Woodhaven, N. Y. Adultery with wife of Deacon Crippendorf; arrested; she told. Assault on Mr. C. Hall. Rev. Newman Chicago, Ill. Divorced his wife to marry a new love. Hoffman, Rev. Henry O. Bloomington, Ill.; Holden, M. E. Adultery, seduction and bastardy with Zeletta C. Ill.; Quincy, Ill.; Robinson, bribery, lying about it; confessed, Hillsboro, Ill. then denied; fornication; dismissed. 1882 Hall, Rev. Newman Chicago, Ill. Cong. Adultery, charged by his wife. Herndon, Rev. Richmond, Va. Bap. Murder, adultery, seduction, seduc'd a young "sister," murdered her to hide his crime, assault and battery, trying to beat religion into a fellow-convict; penitentiary. Heinrich, Rev. Carl Wisconsin.; Naperville, Luth. Adultery, seduction of wife of "Brother" Ill.; Woodhaven, N. Y. Crippendorf, assault and battery; expelled. Healey, Rev. Lawrence, Mass. Cath. Adultery, eloped with a "sister." 1882 Hamilton, Rev. Chas. Rondeau, Can. Bap. Adultery, seduction, elopement with a "brother's" wife; deserting sick wife and children; embezzlement of church funds; inhuman cruelty to wife. 1878 Hockpeppel, Rev. P. W. Wilmington, Del. Cath. Immoral assault on a young lady; embezzlement; sent to monastery. 1879 Haight, Rev. Geo. L. Portland, Mich. M. E. Larceny, stole a lady's silver cup on the cars; caught hiding it; arrested. 1881 Horville, Rev. Harry Avoca, Nebraska.; West U. B. Stopped at hotel, Council Bluffs, and slept a Virginia. week with a strange woman, "Ollie," as his wife; perjury in trying to escape. Holquerst, Rev. alias McLean. Red Wing Minn.; Norwich, M. E. Adultery with wife of Rev. ---- of Mich., eloped Mich. with her to Minn.; arrested. Holyfield, Rev. Ellsville, Ala. M. E. Burglary, larceny, breach of hospitality; killed while robbing store of his host, M. McLemore. 1882 Howland, Rev. Seneca Waterbury, Conn. M. E. Adultery, swindling, lying, "secularity;" churched. Hoff, Rev. Sam. Philadelphia, Pa. Forgery of election returns, fraud; arrested. Hilton, Rev. Norton Pontiac, Mich. Bap. Adultery, "immoralities;" expelled. 1881 Johnson, Rev. W. L. Albany, N. Y.; Burlington, M. E. Larceny, stole goods from steamer Drew; Vt. arrested. 1882 Johnson, Rev. A. P. Lansing, Mich. Drunkenness; assault and battery; prison ninety days. 1876 Jones, Rev. Wm. H. Toronto, Ont. P. E. Embezzlement, drunkenness, falsehood, vulgarity, and ten other charges; expelled. James. Rev. F. D. Somerville, Mass. Forgery, long continued, $100,000; jailed. Jones, Rev. John New York, N. Y. Bap. Forgery; arrested while fleeing to Europe. 1878 Johnson, Rev. Joshua Bayonne, N. J. M. E. Drunkenness and disorderly conduct; arrested. 1878 Johnson, Rev. W. H. Rahway, N. J. Larceny; arrested. Johnson, Rev. Adultery; deposed; editor of the Evangelist. Johnson, Rev. Williamson Co., Tenn. Adultery, seduction of girl 14 years old. Jones, Rev. Joseph Ev. Baltimore, Md. Suicide after embezzlement of $50,000 church funds. 1880 Jones, Rev. John T. New York, N. Y. Attempted suicide, shot himself three times; assistant editor of Daily Witness. 1876 Kendrick, Rev. C. A. Columbus, Ga. Bap. Adultery, seduction of a girl of 13, caught in the act in his church; adultery previously; fled; arrested; prison; confessed. 1880 Kirk, Rev. A. J. Ottawa, Kan.; Kansas City, U. B. Adultery, seduction, deserting wife, swindling; Mo. fled; arrested. Kirkpatrick, Rev. Toronto, Ont. Pres. Fighting and quarreling in church. Riot in church about having an organ. 1881 Koehler, Rev. Julius Chillicothe, Ohio. Luth. Adultery and drunkenness in house of ill-fame. 1879 Kallock, Jr., Rev. San Francisco, Cal. Murder of De Young, editor Chronicle. 1878 Knight, Rev. A. H. Mitchell circuit, Ind. M. E. Adultery with Mary Smith; suspended. Kalloch, Rev. J. S., P.E. Massachusetts.; San Adultery at various times, slander. Francisco, Cal.; Kansas. Kendrick, Rev. Tunis T. Williamsburg, N. Y. Adult'ry, drunkenness, swindling; convict'd. Keeley, Rev. Madison, Wis. Adultery with Miss Clemmens. Kendreck, Rev. Seduction of girl of 9 years. Kristeller, Rev. Newbridge, N. Y. Quarreling with Rev. K. N. Wright for pulpit. Kirby, Rev. Chambersburg, Ohio. Seduction. Kane, Rev. J. J. Inhuman treatment of wife; arrested. Knowlton, Rev. DeWitt Boltonville. Adultery and bastardy with a "sister." 1879 Komer, Rev. Olark's Hill; Lafayette, Adultery; compounding felony. Ind. 1880 Kensico, Rev. Immoral conduct, kissing promiscuously. Krohn, Rev. Dr. West Troy, N. Y. Adultery; cheating; fled. 1881 Kirby, Rev. Camden, N. J. M. E. Quarreling with Rev. Shimp over ch. dues. Kellogg, Rev. Iowa. Bap. Adultery; seduction of a "brothers'" wife; fled. Kera, Rev. E. K. Clermont Co., Ill. Bap. Adultery with "sister" Bontware; tried; resigned. Knight, Rev. Henry Clifton, Kan. Assault and battery; church trial. Kallsnberg, Rev. Miamisburg, O. Cath. Immoral assault on women. Kingsley, Rev. C. S. Boise City, Ida. M. E. Incest, adultery, seduction of his niece, Miss Hattie A. Parsons. Kirkus, Rev. Baltimore, Md.; Portland, "Very objectionable;" resigned. Or. 1882 Kochler, Rev. Julius Manistee. Adultery; sending obscene matter through mails; arrested; fined $300. Kelley, Rev. Lewisville, Pa. M. E. Adultery, seduction, elopement with Miss Carrie Monroe; deserting wife and children embezzlement of church funds. Knight, Rev. A. H. Mitchell, Ind. M. E. Attempt to poison wife; suspend'd; adult'y. 1882 Lorimer, Rev. Dr. Chicago, Ill. Literary piracy, stealing Dr. Parker's sermon's. Lewis, Rev. Elmira, N. Y.; Hartford, N. M. E. Pres. Adultery with wife of "brother" Kirkland. Y. Lansing, Rev. J. A. or G. A. Newark, N. J.; Brooklyn, M. E. Swindling; obtaining $14,000 from a widow by Mass. false pretenses; arrested, indicted, prison. Lichtenberg, Rev. Utica, N. Y. Luth. Drunkenness; dismissed. 1882 Levinson, Rev. Jacob L. New York.; Cincinnati, Jew. Forgery of $20,000; fled. Ohio. Little, Rev. Dr. J. Irondale, Mo.; St. Louis, M. E. Seduction and bastardy with Emma, a 19-year old Mo.; Poplar Bluff, Mo. "yellow" girl; discovered by his letters; arrested. Lampe, Rev. Wheeling, W. Va. Luth. Assault with intent to rape a 12-year old girl. Laros, Rev. Jesse Allentown, Pa. M. E. Rape on Ida Miller, aged 13, adultery; arrested. 1876 Lathrop, Rev. C. D. Amherst, Mass. Cong. Cruelty to family, "unchristian conduct;" expelled. Lee, Rev. Wm. H. Jersey City, N. J. Beating wife many times, profanity; arrest'd. 1878 Lautrell, Rev. Alf. M. New York, N. Y. Seduction of a young colored servant girl, lying; arrested. Luxumburg, Rev. Moritz New York, N. Y. Jew. Desertion of wife. Lyda, Rev. Dr. Wheeling, W. Va. Poisoning starving children, assault with intent to murder; arrested. Linn, Rev. Pittsburgh, Pa. Adultery many times. Langdon, D. D., Rev. New York, N. Y. M. E. Embezzlement, larceny from M. E. book concern. Lindsay, Rev. Medina, N. Y. Murder, whipped a little 3-year old boy to death for incorrectly saying Lord's Pray'r. LeClaire, Rev. Aug. Hoosic Falls, N. Y. Adultery with deacon's wife, false personation, alias Doolittle. Leak, Rev. J. F. Troy, Kan. Seduction, bastardy with a young "sister." Loring, Rev. Osage, Iowa. Adultery with wife of deacon Hawley, caught in act; both confessed to many offenses. Locker, Rev. John Cass City, Mich. M. E. Adultery; elopement with "sister" Bell; state prison three years. 1879 Landers, Rev. Brooklyn, Mo. Bap. Fighting and quarreling for the pulpit with Rev. Mr. Treadwell; riot in church. Long, Rev. George Springfield, Mo. Bap. Murder of Frank Gaddy; arrested. 1882 Lofton, D.D., Rev. George A. St. Louis, Mo.; Memphis, Bap. Drunkenness; immoral assault on a lady in cars; Tenn.; Georgia. knocked down by a passenger. Lying; church trial. Lewis, Rev. Peter Washington, D. C. Bap. Drunkenness; convicted; fined. 1876 McKilvey, Rev. Alex. New Jersey. Pres. Improper conduct; expelled from church. 1877 Moody, Rev. John Cincinnati, Ohio. Larceny, embezzlement of church funds; prison. Moulton, Rev. DeWitt Boultonville, Ill. Seduction, bastardy with a "sister;" she told; arrested. McGhee, Rev. Sam. H. Ashton, Ill. Murder of wife; adultery with Miss Lorrille Paddock; state prison 14 years. McCaffery, Rev. D. M. New York, N. Y. Immoral assault on young wife of Mr. Leavitt; attempted seduction; arrested. McCarty, Rev. C. P. New York, N. Y. Breach of trust; abusive language. 1878 McCoskry, Rev. Bishop Samuel Detroit, Mich. P. E. Seduction; fornication, long continued, with Miss Fannie Richards, aged 14; confessed; 75 years of age; deposed by the house of bishops. Merrill, Rev. Dr. St. Joseph, Mo. Bap. Unbecoming conduct; expelled. Miller, Rev. Herbert C. Gouverneur, N. Y.; St. P. E. Adultery, seduction of Maria B. Foster, an Lawrence Co., N.Y. invalid, bastardy with her; fled while under arrest; escape from justice; desertion of wife and children; lying, represented himself as unmarried, engaged to marry respectable lady. 1878 Murray, Rev. David Ypsilanti, Mich. Pres. Lascivious conduct with Miss Mamie Johnson; arrested. Manson, Rev. T. New York, N. Y. M. E. Adultery, at M. E. book concern. Maffitt, Rev. Jno. N. Ev. M. E. Adultery with many women. Mitchell, Rev. S. M. Savannah, Ga. Adultery, gross falsehood. Mills, Rev. Luke Norwich, Conn. M. E. Adultery, larceny, embezzlement. Murray, Rev. Dr. Wm. G. Baltimore, Md. Drunkenness and profanity. Magoon, Rev. Dr. Pres. Jonas college. "Very uncourteous conduct." Macready, Rev. Chas. S. Middleboro, Mass. Suicide. May, Rev. F. W. Chesaning, Mich. Adultery with several "sisters." Morris, Rev. John H. Philadelphia, Pa., San Rape on Mary Rue, his 8-year old adopted Antonio, Texas. daughter, caught by his wife, adultery for a year. 1879 Murray, Rev. W. H. H. Guilford, Conn. Swindling, general recklessness. Maupin, Rev. W. T. Farmer City, Ill. Chris. Adultery two years with "sister" Scott; she told. Mandeline, Rev. John Brooklyn, Ohio. Bigamy, 7 wives; confessed; penitentiary 5 years. McWilliams, Rev. Aurora, Ill. Larceny, embezzlement of his ward's (Miss Hill) money, assault and battery, beat her with cane and fist for remonstrating. Martin, Rev. J. L. Missouri Valley, Iowa. Pres. Drunkenness in the hour of divine service. Miller, Rev. S. S. Brookville, Pa. Luth. Adultery, seduction, bastardy with his adopted daughter; she told; convicted. McNeer, Rev. W. R. Prince George Co., Md. Adultery, seduction, bastardy with a young "sister," swindling, deserting wife and children. 1880 Mason, Rev. Jas. M. Floyd C.-H., Va. Swindling; convicted; jailed; whipped. Morgan, Rev. Henry Boston, Mass. Publishing obscene literature, so says the Christian Intelligencer. Morse, Rev. John Dexter, Me.; Calais, Me. M. E. Adultery and other crimes; suspended. Mitchell, Rev. G. Shelbyville, Ind. Deserting wife; attempted bigamy; fled. Moulton, Rev. R. G. Michigan. Cong. Drunkenness, gambling, profanity; deposed. Marshall, Rev. Frank. Fairland, Ind. Bap. Attempted bigamy; deserting wife and family. Miller, Rev. T. B. Philadelphia, Pa. Forgery; arrested. McClelland, Rev. Geo. T. Reynoldsville, Pa. Pres. Immoral assault on a reverend brother's wife, who beat him severely. 1880 May, Rev. Portland, Or. Jew. Assault with intent to murder Mr. Waldeman. May, Rev. C. S. Danvers, Mass. Adultery and abortion twice; adultery with insane women under his charge. Marsland, Rev. Jno. Center Village, Conn. M. E. Deserted his post suspiciously. 1881 Miller, Rev. B. C. Ev. Roxbury, N. Y. Ref. Kissing and hugging young wife of David Williams; caught in act; immoral conduct; caught at it; confessed; expelled. 1876 McGlenn, Rev. Boston, Mass. Cath. Slandering Jno. Fanning and wife; arrested. 1881 Mitchell, Rev. D. P. Topeka, Kan. M. E. Bribery, illegal voting, corrupting elections, embezzlement of church funds, larceny; convicted; expelled; candidate for Congress. Morgan, Rev. Lloyd. Kittenning, Pa.; Bap. M. E. Larceny, stole books from a public library; Cincinnati, Ohio. adultery with "sister," convicted; forgery. Mattlack, Rev Robert. Little Rock, Ark.; Izard New Light. Murder repeated; bloody atonement. county, Ark. Mahony or Malony, Rev. Erie, Pa. Cath. Swindling, obtaining money by false pretense, arrested; worked miracles for pay. 1881 Meredith, Rev. G. F. Washington, Ill.; Peoria, M. E.; M. E.; Swindling, obtaining money under false pretense; Ill.; Kewanee, Ill.; Kansas M. E.; Pres.; adultery, repeated many times in each place; City, Mo.; Soublette, Ill. M. E. seducing six married "sisters," drunkenness, lying, profanity; resigned; expelled. Eloped with wife of "Bro." O'Brien. Moore, Rev. G. W. Toledo, Ohio.; Chicago, Swindling, lying, obtaining money by false Ill.; Maryland. pretense. McGill, Rev. John Weston, W. Va.; Toronto, Cath. Swindling tramp; arrested. Can. Miller, Rev. D. New London, Mo. Larceny; arrested; disgraced. McIntosh, Rev. Geo. Newton, Ill. M. E. Forgery of Mr. J. W. William's note and sold it. Mulford, Rev. Jacob Camden, N. J. M. E. Drunkenness in pulpit, drunken spree; suicide, laudanum and whisky. Malek, Rev. Chicago, Ill. Cath. Murder of Rev. Mielcuszny; arrested. Mackey, Rev. Youngstown, Ohio. Adultery, seduction of wife of "Bro." J. T. Meal, assault with intent to kill Meal with revolver. McCarty, Rev. Greenfield, Mass. Cath. Inducing wife to leave husband; shot. Mahan, Rev. I. S. Urbana, Ohio. Bap. Adultery, seduction, lying, insulting ladies; church trial. 1882 Maynard, Rev. F. W. New York.; Decatur, Ill. Chris. Drunkenness, "immoralities," charges; resigned. McGill, Rev. John Toronto, Can.; Weston, W. Cath. Vagrancy, swindling; arrested. Va. Morgan, Rev. Floyd Galesburgh, Ill.; Bap. Adultery with many sisters; seduction of many Logansport, Pa. women; dismissed; arrested; confessed. McMurdy, Rev. Robert Niles, Mich.; Joliet, Ill. P. E. Adultery with many "sisters;" seduction. Miller, Rev. Philadelphia, Pa. Abortionist; arrested. Massingham, Rev. W. J. Chicago, Ill. Immoral assault on ladies; arrested, fined. Mitchell, Rev. Frank Fairland, Ind. Bap. Attempt to commit bigamy; deserting wife and children; fled. Marshall, Rev. Jonas T. Rossville. M. E. Guilty under Art. 10, �2, book of Discipline. Merritt, Rev. Battle Creek. M. E. Inhuman cruelty to wife; she attempted suicide. Miner, Rev. J. W. St. Louis, Mo. Forgery; larceny many times; arrested. McCord, Rev. Rush Center, Kan. Immoral assault on Mrs. McK. 1878 McElroy, Rev. White Plains, N. Y. Cath. Drunkenness; immorality. 1882 Martin, Rev. Joseph E. Lafayette, Ind. P. E. Inhuman cruelty to wife; held to bail, $500. Newby, Rev. Thos. B. New York, N.Y.; Central P. Adultery, seduction, bigamy, lying, false City, Col.; Ravenswood, N. pretense; adultery everywhere he went; expelled. Y.; Lambertville, N. J. 1877 Noble, Rev. Mason Sheffield, Mass. Cong. Immoral assault on Miss Belle J. Clarke, a pupil. 1878 Nolan, Rev. Hamlin Mt. Level, Va. Seducing a lot of colored girls, aged 13 to 15; expelled. Navin, Rev. Enoch Paris, Tenn. Nuisance, escaped jail, malicious mischief, indicted. 1879 Newell, Rev. John Lafayette, Ind.; Clark's Adultery with Rev. Komer's wife, compounding a Hill, Ind. felony. Newbold, Rev. Geo. Belleville, Ont.; M. E. Adultery, bigamy, forgery, assault and battery; Bartonville, Ont. convicted, prison; elopement with warden's wife; fled. 1881 O'Malley, Rev. Bryan P. E. Beating and kicking wife; she procured divorce. O'Brien, Rev. Milwaukee, Wis. Cath. Drunkenness; arrested. O'Hanlan, Rev. St. Louis, Mo. Cath. Riot, drunkenness, assault and battery. 1877 O'Neil, Rev. R. Moffatt, or Vermont.; New York.; New P. E.; Cong.; Forgery of ordination papers, literary piracy; Neil. England.; Waverly, Iowa. Pres.; Bap. expelled. Lying. Again forging ordination papers at Brooklyn, N. Y.; Orange, N. J.; Bellerica, Mass.; Fall River, Mass.; tried and expelled. False personation, now Neil. 1878 Onderdonk, Rev. Bishop New York. Adultery. Onderdonk, Rev. Bishop New Jersey. Adultery. 1880 O'Reiley, Rev. Cath. Adultery. 1881 O'Reiley, Rev. Carondelet, Mo. Cath. Assault and battery on a mechanic. 1876 Parker, Rev. L. D. P.-E. Catlettsburgh, Ky.; Louisa M. E. Adultery, seduction, elopement with Miss Winnie C.-H., Ky. Sweetman, daughter of Rev. S. Sweetman; deserting wife and children; swindling. Pettaplace, Rev. R. M. Lowell, Mass. Adv. Adultery, accused by his wife; confessed; resigned. Phillips, Rev. Darling R. Hackensack, N. J.; Immoral assault on Mrs. A. B. Foote, forgery; Richmond, Va. expelled. 1878 Pratt, Rev. H. L. E. Staten Island, N. Y.; New P. E. Adultery with Miss Mary Clark; arrested; York, N. Y. expelled. 1881 Potts, Rev. Orange Co., Ind. Assault and battery, beat Frank Osborn over head with club in church. Pierson, Rev. Silas Greenup, Ill. Bap. Adult'ry, seduction, and elopement with Miss Maynes, 17, deserting wife and 3 child'n. Pennell, Rev. Geo. C. Newark, N. J. P. E. Secret marriage; disowning his son; desertion of wife and child; cruelty to wife and child. Parnell, D.D., Arch Dea. Kingston, Ont. P. E. Embezzlement of $12,000 church funds. 1882 Pinman, Rev. J. B. Worcester, Mass. Criminal conduct; resigned; fled. Palmstrom, Rev. A. Hastings, Minn.; River Luth. Adultery, seduction, bastardy with Miss Anna Falls, Wis.; Red Wing, Erickson; lying; deposed. Minn.; Vasa, Minn.; Welsh, Minn.; Leon, Minn. 1878 Phillips, Rev. Thor. B. or Barnesville, Ohio. M. E. Wanton conduct with Miss Alma Fuller; expelled. Thorn. E. Parker, Rev. Zacharia Dallas, Tex. Bap. Embezzlement; arrested; bond $3,000. Pearson, Rev. R. W. Pittsburg, Pa. Swindling; gross fraud; arrested. Parker, Rev. Benj. Elkhart, Tex. Assault with intent to murder colored man named Worth. Parry, Rev. Wm. Bristol, R. I.; Worcester, Drunkenness, long continued; expelled. Mass. Packard, Rev. E. P. W. Unjust confinem't of wife in insane asylum. Phinney, Rev. B. F. Westboro, Mass. Adultery with the "sisters" in the church. Pomeroy, Rev. Dr. Sec. American Board of Adultery; larceny; embezzlement. Foreign Missions. Porter, Rev. J. M. Bethlehem, N. Y. Adultery, long continued. Porter, Rev. G. W. Danbyboro, Vt. Adultery, seduction of Miss Hattie Allen. Parshall, Rev. Oakland, Cal. Adultery with the "sisters;" convicted. Porter, Rev. John W. VanSycle's Cor., N. Y. Adultery, seduction of pupil, a mere child. Pond, Rev. Lucius M. Worcester, Mass. Forgery $10,000; larceny; swindling; fled; arrested. Parker, Rev. Ashland, Ky. Adultery, seduction of deacon's daughter; elopement; deserting wife and children. 1878 Patterson, Rev. J. B. Elizabeth, N. J. Adultery, drunkenness; confessed. Phillips, Rev. N. L. Monticello, Iowa. Adultery, elopement with wife of Herbert Barnes, desertion of wife and family. 1879 Parks, Rev. W. J. Canton, Ohio. Pres. Adultery with sister Hicks; confessed; suspended. Palmer, Rev. Lysander D. Jackson, Mich. Bap. Adultery with married woman; confessed; resigned. Pledge, Rev. W. H. Atlanta, Ga. M. E. Suicide, cut his throat. Purcell, Rev. Arch-Bish. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cath. Larceny, embezzlement of $4,000,000 deposited with him by his confiding dupes; confess'd; causing death of 137 persons. Powis, Rev. Atherton L. New York, N. Y. P. E. Adultery in house of prostitution, caught by his sons; arrested. 1880 Paige, Rev. A. N. East Hampton, Conn.; E. M. E. Adultery, long continued (five years), while he Glastonbury, Conn. kept preaching; confessed; prison. Paul, Rev. New York, N. Y. Bap. "Scandalous conduct," charged by his wife. Ponder, Rev. Chas. New Albany, Ind. M. E. Suicide. Peltz, Rev. Jamestown, N. Y. Bap. Adultery; seduced two girls; caught in act; fled. Perry, Rev. John A. Rhode Island. Bap. Arson, burnt his home for insurance; prison. Peck, Rev. H. C. Hanover, Mich. Assault and great bodily harm; suspended. Pellett, Rev. Egerton, Mich. Swindling, "too free with sisters;" fled. 1878 Peck, Rev. H. P. Napa, Cal.; St. Louis, Mo. Attempted bigamy with a woman who had a husband, deserting wife. Quint, D. D., Rev. A. New England. Adultery. 1876 Reagan, Rev. James Madison, Ind. M. E. Adultery with widow McHenry, caught in the act; suspended. 1877 Rublett, Rev. Albert Hoboken, N. J. Bigamy, adultery, drunkenness; prison. 1878 Rowland, Rev. D. Hackensack, N. J.; Immoral assa'lt on Mrs. A. B. Foote, forgery. Richmond, Va. Richardson, Rev. H. C. Baltimore, Md. M. E. Fighting, with superintendent Johnson about Sunday-school collections. Ross, Rev. T. S. Jefferson, N. C. Immoral assault and insulting proposals to Mrs. Dan'l Idol; fled. Ribble, E. G. DeKalb county, Ill. Adultery, seduction of four girls, desertion of wife and children; fled. Reed, Rev. Dr. Maldon, Mass. Adultery, fornication, seduction, sodomy, "unnamed crime," rape. Rice, Rev. Wm. Mason, Mich. Adultery. Rim, Rev. D. S. K. Pittsburgh, Pa. Adult'ry, seduction of a young lady; she told. Reedsdolph, Rev. Jas. Adrian, Mich. Swindling, drunkenness; prison. Reynolds, Rev. Muhlenburgh Co., Ky. Compelling daughter to marry against her will; assault and battery, whipped her brutally to compel her. Rose, Rev. J. H. Hartford, Mich. Forgery. Rich, Rev. Chas. Boston, Mass.; Washington, "Gross immorality;" died in disgrace. D. C. Rudder, Rev. J. J. New Milford, Pa.; Newark, Adultery, horse racing; fled. N. J. Rea, Rev. F. F. Durham, Conn. Drunkenness. Roberts, Rev. J. R. Allen, Wis. Slander, lying. Ross, Rev. H. P. Bennett's Corner, N. Y. Larceny, charged by "Bro." Vanvauken. 1879 Rascoe, Rev. Stephen Mattewan, Mich. Bap. Robbing mails as postmaster. Renforth, Rev. Jacob S. Lawndale, Ill. Bap. Adultery, seduction, bastardy with Ellen Manny; arrested. Rohan, Rev. Gaston de Halifax, N. S.; St. Louis, Cath. Forgery, drunkenness, penitentiary five years. Mo. Swindling; prison at Halifax. Rice, Rev. D. (clown) Ev. St. Louis, Mo. Adultery, took woman to Chicago, lived with her as his wife. 1880 Roy, Rev. F. V. Cincinnati, Ohio. Bigamy; a converted Brahman. Richardson, Rev. Henry Sea Cliff, N. Y.; Long Adultery, seduction, elopement with his wife's Island. sister, Miss Lowther; deserting wife and children; fled; arrested with his paramour; prison. Randall, Rev. N. B. Prattsburgh, N. Y. M. E. Immoral assault on Viola Smith, aged 14; she attempted suicide; expelled. 1876 Reynolds, Rev. John N. Booneville, Iowa. Seduction of Miss Hattie Slater, a pupil under his charge; penitentiary 4 years. 1881 Reeve, Rev. B. F. Brooklyn, N. Y. M. E. Quarreling for pulpit with Rev. Hargrave. Rogers, Rev. Dr. Delphi, N. Y. P. E. Irregularities; invited to resign. Ross, Rev. Geangaco, N. Y.; St. Johns, Adultery, bigamy, three wives and families; Mich.; Ovid, Mich. deserting wife and children; forgery; states prison; still preaching. Rock, Rev. R. Canton, Ohio. U. B. Profanity; suspended. Ryan, Rev. Cromwell, Conn. Cath. Drunkenness; immoralities; monastery. Rohe, Rev. Charles H. Detroit, Mich. Luth. Embezzlement, malfeasance, lying. Rexford, Rev. E. S. Detroit, Mich. Turned wife out of doors; divorced. 1882 Roeber, Rev. F. W. Elmhurst, Ill. Luth. Drunkenness, Sabbath breaking; resigned. Ryan, Rev. St. Louis, Mo. Cath. Assault with felonious intent; riot, drunkenness, fighting, quarreling. 1878 Robinson, Rev. Fred Putnam, Ill. Outrageous conduct; exposed. 1880 Robinson, Rev. E. Ev. Binghamton, N. Y. Adultery, seduction of many sisters; perjury; lying; desertion of wife and family; fled; kept diary of his liaisons in Greek and Latin; assault with intent to commit murder. Roberts, Rev. J. P. Troy, Kan. M. E. Adult'ry, attempted elopement with a young "sister." Ranson, Rev. Bryant Mount Vernon, Ohio. Inhuman cruelty, dug out live hog's eyes. Ronault, Rev. Todoro Loretto, N. M., and Los Cath. Seduction, bastardy, elopement with Miss Cruces, N. M. Marguerita Garcia, from convent; arrest'd. 1881 Rork, Rev. M. V. "Abominable crimes." 1878 Skews, Rev. Utah. Adultery; driven from town. Smith, Rev. John R. Boston, Mass. Swindling. Skillener or; Shiltner, Rev. Webster county Ky.; W. Va. M. E. Rape on a daughter of Ed. Baldwin only 6 years J. old, shameful breach of hospitality; prison. Steadman, Rev. C. M. Foxcraft, Me.; Dover, Me. Burglary, penitentiary six years. Simpson, Rev. John A. Carolina Mills, R. I.; Univ. Larceny various times; arrested; one man, many Simpson, Rev. Geo. A. Smith, Mansfield, Mass.; Maine.; aliases. Rev. Geo. A. E. Boston, Mass. Shaw, Rev. Flora, Ind. Adultery, incest with Mrs. Josie Shaw, his son's wife. Stray, Rev. Sydney M. East Lake.; St. George, N. Assault with intent to murder his wife, attempt Y.; Warrensburgh, Ohio. at suicide, shot his wife then himself, adultery with many "sisters;" deposed. Suicide. Summerlat, Rev. Franz Waverly, Iowa. Luth. Drunkenness, assault and battery, trying to choke orthodoxy down Aug. Miller; convicted; fined. 1879 Smith, Rev. N. G. New Castle, Ind. Adult'ry with Miss Emily Stipler or Sheplar, subornation of perjury; arrested for both. Smith, Rev. J. H. Leavenworth, Ind. M. E. Adultery, seduction, eloping with a young "sister," swindling; expelled. Sanes, Rev. Ripley county, Ind. Luth. Adultery with a "sister;" locked out of ch. 1880 Sparks, Rev. Long Island, N. Y. Immoralities; "cut off" by Bishop Littlejohn. Summers, Rev. Mark Louisville, Ky. Bap. Forgery; penitentiary 6 years. Sherwood, Rev. Jas. M. Princeton, N. Y. Pres. Embezzlement of ward's money; convicted. Is editor of Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review. Schneider, Rev. Pres. Adultery; beating his wife, assault and battery; arrested. 1877 Simpson, Rev. John C. Oregon county, Mo. Bap. Illicit distilling; convicted; penitentiary 20 years. 1878 Smith, Rev. Frank Brooklyn, N. Y. Cong. Adultery, seduction of Miss Matilda Kettle; she told; missionary of Beecher's ch. Shaffer, Rev. W. H. Schoonover. Neptune, Ohio. U. B. Larceny; arrested in pulpit. Schweinfurth, Rev. Geo. Ann Arbor, Miss. M. E. His tenets were those of the last female he met; too susceptible; expelled. Spencer, Rev. F. A. Athens, Ohio. Columbus, M. E. Adultery; immoral conduct; breach of Ohio. hospitality; expelled. Stephenson, Rev. J. W., P.E. Piqua, Ohio. Dayton, Ohio. M. E. Adultery, bastardy, drunkenness, immoral assault on lady; convicted. Schon, Rev. E. W. Louisville, Ky. M. E. Adultery. Smith, Rev. Elgin, Ill. Murder of wife, held her under water. Sands, Rev. Hoosic, N. Y. Adultery with "sister." Steelson, Rev. A. Adultery with "sister;" confessed. Strasburgh, Rev. Pres. Adultery with negro woman, miscegenation; confessed. Slang, Rev. Aug. C. Paterson, N. J. Rape on sister Pfennibucker. Southard, Rev. New Orleans, La.; New Adultery, debauchery, drunkenness long Jersey. continued; died in a brothel. Stillen, Rev. Joseph Westchester, Pa. Seduction of Miss Sarah Hall, made her insane, quoted scripture to convince her it was all right. Stillwell, Rev. J. K. Logansport Ind. Immoral assault on a "sister," perjury, lying--this during a revival. Speare, Rev. M. Mason, Ill.; Bloomington, Larceny, stole a roll of bills from a bank. Ill. Schneider, Rev. R. Mt. Vernon, Ind. Luth. Ev. Adultery, seduction, elopement with a girl of seventeen, desertion of wife and children, embezzlement of church funds; fled; pursued by detectives. Sluter, Rev. Geo. Shelbyville, Ind. Pres. Beating stepson inhumanly; arrested. Severance, Rev. I. T. Burlington, Ill.; Elgin, M. E. Forgery; arrested by constable Schoonover. Ill. 1881 Sapp, Rev. Wm. M. St. Joseph, Mo.; Savannah, Larceny, embezzlement of $4,000 county funds; Mo. fled. 1877 St. Clair, Rev. P. Des Moines, Iowa. M. E. Fraudulent voting in conference, stuffing ballot-box; tried, convicted, suspended. 1880 S----, Rev. Cincinnati, Ohio,; North Pres. Adultery, fornication with Susanna Schilling, Hogan, Ind. attempt to murder her, adultery with lewd women, swindling; arrested, prison; deposed. 1881 Sheldon, Rev. M. G. Harvard, Ill.; Marengo, M. E. Adultery, immorality, obscenity, vulgarity, Ill. lying; church trial. 1882 Sherman, Rev. C. W. Ev. Abingdon, Ill. Fighting. Stillwell, Rev. M. Englishville, Mich. Bap. Adultery with "sister" Barrows; she told. Smith, Rev. R. M. Indianola, Iowa. M. E. Disorderly conduct; fined. Stewart, Rev. W. H. U. Philadelphia, Pa. P. E. Deserting wife and family. 1876 Schueller, Rev. J. M. Andrew, Iowa. Luth. Seduction and adultery with a lot of little girls at his asylum school; rape on Zetta Meeker, 8 years old; seduction and adultery with Delia Pardee and Mary Meeker, aged 14; Rose Shaffer, 13; Libbie Ingham and Jennie Adair, 14 years old; Bertha Nellis, 15; and many others; confessed; resigned; fled. 1881 Sharp, Rev. Thos. Gowanda, N. Y.; Hamburg, N. M. E. Assault with intent to rape sister Zuber; lying; Y.; East Otto, N. Y. she told; suspended. Smith, Rev. W. L. Brunswick, N. Y.; Rutland, M. E. Seduction and bastardy with Miss Dora Farlies; Vt. lying; she told on child-birth deathbed. Simmons, Rev. Geo. B. Troy.; Greenbush. Bap. Seduction, adultery with Miss Lillie Aiken; expelled. Steman, Rev. Assault and battery on another preacher. 1878 Smith. Rev. M. H. New York, N. Y. Lying about what Miss Clara Morris told him. She never told him anything. 1882 Strongfellow, Rev. Frank Farmville, Va. P. E. Murder of many Union men during the war. 1879 Schilling, Rev. Carl. Alleghany, Pa. P. E. Adultery; drunkenness; expelled. 1881 Shrimp, Rev. Camden, N. J. M. E. Quarreling with Rev. Kirby over church dues. Sale, Rev. S. O. Mason City, Iowa. Bap. Adultery with "sister" Eva Brewer, lying; deposed; fled. Swindling. Shurtliff, Rev. Elmira, N. Y.; Hartford, N. M. E. Slander against Rev. Lewis; fined. Y. 1881 Steller, Rev. Erie. Rich Valley, Ind. U. B. Immoral assault on Miss Beamer; fled. Stone, Rev. Dan. H. Queens county, N. Y. M. E. Forgery, swindling, fraud, robbing Mrs. B. Brooklyn, N. Y. Sherman (aunt of Gen. W. T. Sherman); indicted. Smith, Rev. John L. Lebanon, Ind. M. E. Adultery, seduction of Mrs. E. Lovelace, 70 old, caught in act by M. M. Russell, Att'y; church trial. Swift, Rev. Carlos Chicago, Ill. Bap. Adultery, seduction of several "sisters," immoral assault on others; they told. Spencer, Rev. Edward. Immoral assault on a "sister," embezzlement; arrested. Stine, Rev. I. J. alias T. J. Leavenworth, Kan. New York. Bap. Larceny, often repeated; arrested; confessed; Black. prison. Spargrove, Rev. J. M. Pittsburgh, Pa. Suicide. 1882 Taylor, Rev. J. W. Great Bend, N. Y. Bap. Adultery, bigamy; deserting wife and children; Binghampton, N. Y. convicted; expelled from church. 1881 Teal, Rev. C. Ironton, Wis. Baraboo, Wis. Incest, seduction, adultery with his own daughter; she is only 15, and told; arrested; prison. Thornton, Rev. Abner Bartholomew Co., Ind. Fighting and quarreling with Dr. Beck. Thornloe, Rev. Jas. Montreal, Can. P. E. Larceny, long continued; arrested. Taylor. Rev. Joseph. Philadelphia, Pa. Bap. Swindling; English convict. Tice, Rev. David. Stillwater, Minn. M. E. Malicious prosecution of a poor widow. Thompson, Rev. J. M. Philadelphia, Pa. Pres. Larceny, dishonesty, bribery; church trial. Thompson, Rev. Alfred Elgin, Ill.; New York, N. Adultery, seduction of Mrs. Cobham; robbery of Y. his paramour; deserting wife. Said in court, "We all do such things more or less." State prison at Sing Sing five years. Thayer, Rev. J. A. Warren, Ohio. Drunkenness; arrested. 1878 Tice, Rev. Newark, N. J. Bap. Seduction of several girls; expelled. Thames, Rev. Joseph Ashville, N. C. Seduction of Miss Laura Palm. Thompson, Rev. L. M. P. Cincinnati, Ohio. Pres. Adultery many times. Torry, Rev. Western New York. Seduction. Thompson, Rev. A. T. Cincinnati, Ohio. Adultery, bigamy. Todd, Rev. J. H. Sioux City, Iowa. Adultery with a milliner, elopement with her, deserting wife. Tresselman, Rev. T. Annetia, N. Y. Adultery, seduction of several girls, elopement with wife of Mr. Hunt; bastardy. Torry, Rev. A. W. Kalamazoo, Mich. Falsehood; tried and found guilty. Thompson, Rev. Buffalo, N. Y.; Adultery many times. Philadelphia, Pa. Taylor, Rev. Horace Oberlin, Ohio. Seduction many times; convicted; prison. Thompson, Rev. John J. Orange county, N. Y. Immoral assault on a young "sister." Thompson, Rev. John J. Washington, D. C. Immoral assault on two young girls caught crawling into their window in his night-shirt. Thompson, Rev. Chas. Arson; arrested. 1879 Treadwell, Rev. Brooklyn, Mo. Fighti'g, riot in church against Rev. Landers. Talmage, Rev. T. DeWitt Brooklyn, N. Y. Pres. Lying, deceit, extortion, abusiveness. Thompson, Rev. J. P. New York, N. Y. Adultery, seduction of Mrs. Deland of his choir, his love-letters caught by her husband; pastor of Broadway Tabernacle. Tabor, Rev. Lorenso Kansasville, Wis. M. E. Adultery, seduction of Miss Nellie Foster; caught in act in her bedroom by Henry Combert; arrested; bailed $500. 1880 Trumbrower, Rev. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Hoboken. Immoral assault on servant girl, kissing her for N. J. her spiritual welfare; fled. 1881 Tupper, Rev. Kerr. B. Paducah, Ky.; Chicago, Bap. Arson, burning both churches; adultery, Ill.; Margaretta, Mich. seduction, and bastardy with a girl; she left babe in his woodhouse. 1880 Towes, Rev. Minnesota. Suicide. 1881 Thomas, Rev. Wm. Washington, D. C. Keeping gambling house. 1879 Uttey, Rev. W. H. Detroit, Mich. Swindling, obtaining money under false pretenses. 1882 VanAlstine, Rev. J. J. or J. Elmira, N. Y.; Bradford, Bap. Adultery and seduction many times; seduced wife W., alias George Ebers. Pa.; Richburg, Pa.; Corry, of a "brother" in Elmira; broke up the family; Pa.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Ohio. seduced wife of another brother in Buffalo; deserted her, seduced her daughter, lived with her in Richburg; deserted his wife and children; false personation; elopement with women. Vanderborn, Rev. Saginaw, Mich. Cath. Adultery, seduction of wife of W. Colford, who shot at him. Mrs. C. confessed. 1881 Veterling, Rev. Detroit, Mich. Drunkenness; immoral assault on women; arrested. 1876 VanOrden, Rev. M. Missionary to Brazil. Pres. Slaveholder; deposed. 1878 Vossburg, Rev. Geo. B. Jersey City, N. J. Bap. Assault with intent to murder wife; indicted. Veal, Rev. W. G., P.E. Wasatchie, Tex. M. E. Rape of Mrs. John Griffin; arrested, convicted; expelled. Valentine, Rev. Paul T., New York, N. Y. Rape on many little girls under his charge in D.D., Ph. D., LL. D. College for Homeless Children; sodomy, buggery, unnamed crime on little boys under his charge; penitentiary ten years. 1879 Vine, Rev. J. Thos. Ev. New York, N. Y. Deserting wife after squandering all her money. 1880 Van der Bone, E., or Van Der Saginaw, Mich. Cath. Adultery with parishioner's wife, caught in the Born. act by Catherine Burk. 1881 Vandeusen, Rev. G. H. Troy; W. Amsterdam, N. Y. Forgery of pension-papers; indicted. 1876 Watson, Rev. Arthur Kinman. Prot. Murdered his wife. 1877 Warren, Rev. A. J.; Warner, North Vernon, Ind. M. E. Adultery, elopement with "sister" Stanton, Rev. A. J.; Warren, Rev. A. embezzlement of church funds, lying, desertion S. of wife and four children; one person, three names. Weizerbeck, Rev. Rudol. Bloomingdale. Luth. Forgery, swindling, fraud; arrested. Whittemore, Rev. Jos. Mitchell, Iowa. Bap. Immoral assault and insult on wife of deacon Geo. Cummings; convicted, fined. Wiswall, Rev. Alvah Rochester, N. Y. P. E. Fraudulent bankruptcy, swindling, perjury. Wells, Rev. T. M.; Wells, Lebanon, Ohio.; Bangor, Bap. Dunk. Adultery, bigamy; arrested while fleeing to Rev. John M.; Chenowitz, Rev. Me.; Illinois. Europe; convicted; one man, 3 names. T. M. White, Rev. Reuben Little Rock, Ark. Adultery, seduction of Miss Bush. Wheeler, Rev. Charles Mansfield, Ohio. Larceny, arrested. Waters, Rev. Edward Pantego, N. C. Bap. Assault and battery on Miss Fanny Worland--held her while wife put red pepper in her eyes. Wray, Rev. New Brunswick, N. S. Suicide, because arrested for drunkenness while in New York. Wesley, Rev. Geneseo, Ill. Adultery, seduction. Wood, Rev. M. D. Decatur, Ill. Seduction. Wilcox, Rev. Illinois. Adultery, seduction, bastardy four times in one neighborhood. 1878 Warren, Rev. Bussett Hills, N. Y. Adultery, bigamy; four living wives. 1878 Welsh, Rev. Wash'n W. Holly, Mich. Rape on Mrs. Louisa Green, wife of another minister. Washburn, Rev. Geo. Alleghany county, N. Y. Engaged to marry several ladies at the same time, lying. Williamson, Rev. R. H. Wilksbarre, Pa. Adultery in house of ill-fame. Wright, Rev. K. N. New Bridge, N. Y. Quarr'ling for pulpit against Rev. Kristettar. White, Rev. D. M. Pittsburgh, Pa. Larceny; penitentiary two years. Watson, Rev. John S. Kansas. Murdered his wife. Whipple, Rev. E. Hillsdale college, Mich. Adultery, seduction of deacon's wife. White, Rev. Washington, Pa. Adultery, seduction. Wilson, Rev. Sam. B. Louisville, Ky. "Immoral conduct;" deposed. Wright, Rev. Ableman or Whitestown, N. Y. Adultery, seduction of a girl 12 years old; an Ambleman. old man with married children. Winslow, Rev. E. D. Boston, Mass. Forgery, swindling, $500,000; fled. Wolfe, Rev. Brooklyn, N. Y. Beating his wife; arrested. Wimberly, Rev. P. P. Atchinson, Pa. Larceny, embezzlement of church funds. Williams, Rev. G. R. Griggstown, N. Y. Attempt to commit bigamy, wife appeared, and he fled. Wells, Rev. J. M. Springfield, Ill. Adultery, bigamy; convicted. 1879 Waugh, Rev. J. L. Brasher's Falls, N. Y. Pres. Beating wife, lying from pulpit; expelled. Wiseman, Rev. D. M. Somerset, Ohio. Luth. Adultery, seduction, bastardy with Miss Hesse: convicted; expelled; confessed. Wayman, Rev. F. H. New York, N. Y. Cath. Larceny, embezzlement of $1,000 deposited with him by two women; arrested. Waite, Rev. Peter Madisonville, Ohio. M. E. Adultery, seduction of Agnes Murray, a young "sister." He was over 60; entered house where she worked, in the night, and was killed by a watchman on the lookout for burglars. Williams, Rev. Geo. Lanesboro, Minn. Pres. Rape on girl 15 years old; indicted. Willey, Rev. J. H. Delaware. M. E. Adultery with a "sister." 1879 Wood, Rev. John Cedar Falls, Iowa. Pres. Adultery, seduction of two young girls of 14 and 16; unministerial conduct, unchaste conduct; confessed the two last. Woodry, Rev. Henry Knox county, Ind. M. E. Adultery, seduction of Mary Shoaf; arrest'd. 1880 Willson, Rev. J. A. Jewell City, Kan. Adultery with a "sister;" expelled. Walker, Rev. C. E. Somerset, Mass. M. E. Adultery, seduction, bastardy, abortion, with Miss Moriss; arrested. Woolpert, Rev. J. M. Fort Wayne, Ind. M. E. Adultery many times. Williams, Rev. John New York. M. E. Inhuman cruelty to wife; convicted in divorce proceedings. Woodside, Rev. Nevin Pittsburgh, Pa. Quarreling for the possession of pulpit. Walker, Rev. W. E. Iowa.; Vermillion, Dak. Adultery; drunkenness; deposed. Willson, Rev. Chas. A. B. Pittsburgh, Pa.; New M. E. Larceny; arrested. Baltimore, Ohio. 1881 Willson, Rev. David D. Henrietta, Tex. Breach of hospitality; rape and adultery upon Mrs. Hickman; fled. Winslow, Rev. Ed. C. New Haven, Conn. Cong. Inhuman cruelty to Louisa Rogers, 8 years old, his adopted child. 1876 Wittrup, Rev. Julius Winfield, N. Y. M. E. Immoral assault on his niece, a young girl of 16, showed his privates. 1881 Widdows, Rev. Kircardine, Can. M. E. Assault with intent to kill; disturbing meeting. Wolchencraft, Rev. Chas. Larceny; arrested with stolen watch. Wright, Rev. Henry N. Northville, N. Y. Cong. Lying; gross immorality; dishonesty; arson. Webb, Rev. J. W. Bloomington, Ill. M. E. Slander, foul, false, and unchristian. Whitcher, Rev. W. T. Providence, R. I. M. E. Larceny, lying; caught in act, arrested, fined, confessed, resigned. Way, Rev. Jesse Wabash, Ind. Incest, adultery, eloped with daughter-in-law. Willson, Rev. Davenport, Iowa. Bap. Assault with intent to rape "sister" Bush. Witt, Rev. Chas. Sheldon, Ill. Immoral assault on women; crawled under depot platform and peeked up through cracks under the ladies; arrested, fined. Williams, Rev. La Plata, Mo. Adultery. Says the Lord commanded him "to desert wife and children for this woman." Washington, Rev. Topeka, Kan. Swindling, obtaining money by false pretense. Weaver, Rev. Wayne county, N. Y. M. E. Immoral assault on lady; dismissed. Willard, Rev. Wylie J. Boise City, Idaho.; Walla M. E. Swindling, embezzlement; cruelty to wife, Walla, Wash. T. desertion of wife. Waite, Rev. Arthur A. Ev. Lynn, Mass. Swindling, obtaining money by false pretense. Webber, Rev. Chas. Saco, Me. Bap. Adultery, seduct'n, eloped with young sister. Wetherwax, Rev. Berien Springs, Mich. Luth. Ejected from church for immoralities. 1882 Williams, Rev. Dr. R. H. Pennsylvania.; Milwaukee, P. E. Adultery in brothel; attempt at suicide. Wis. Williams, Rev. Jno. alias Cedar Rapids, Iowa.; St. M. E. Adultery, seduction; embezzlement; obtaining Rev. A. C. Copeland. Catharines, Can.; Terre money under false pretense; arrested; prison. Haute, Ind.; Indianapolis, Ind. Wardner, Rev. Morton or Little Genesee.; Milton, Adv. Adultery, seduction of a lot of young girls; Wardness. Wis. lying; fled; church trial. Walsh, Rev. A. C. Montreal, Can.; Port Royal, P. E. Fighting and riot for church; expelled. Iowa. Wright, Rev. Prince Chillicothe, Mo. M. E. Adultery; immorality, oft repeated; whipped by a mob; deposed. 1881 White, Rev. Little Rock, Ark. Murder, adultery, seduction of a young girl, attempted an abortion; killed the girl. Her father shot at him four times, but he escaped and fled. 1878 White, Rev. Reuben Adultery, seduction of Miss Bush; attempt at abortion; she told and died; manslaughter; arrested. Willson, Rev. Reuben E. Harrisburg, Pa.; M. E. Drunkenness; obscenity; jailed. Mifflintown, Pa. 1879 Wolf, Rev. Wm. New York, N. Y. Bap. Assault and battery; arrested. 1881 Walker, Rev. Prof. Philomath, Or. Adultery, seduction; lying--so says Rev. Isaac Belknap. 1880 Young, Rev. G. B. Indianapolis, Ind. "Lewdness," swindling; church trial. Yates, Rev. H. C. Dixon, Ill.; Soublette. Bap. Immoral assault on many ladies, immoral conduct, lechery, lying, adultery, drunkenness, seduction. 1878 Zuner, Rev. Jonathan Philadelphia, Pa. Larceny, embezzlement from Mr. Meyer; arrested.


1882 Allison, Rev. John Jessup, Iowa.; Milwaukee, Pres. Immoral assault, and indecent proposals to Mrs. Wis. Alice Moffitt; expelled. Allen, Rev. Wm. Osgoode, Ont. M. E. Adultery, seduction, bastardy with Eliza Hume; got her married. 1875 Ackerman, Rev. G. E. Blue Mountain, Idaho.; M. E. Embezzlement of $3,000, church funds: a dead Boise City. beat. 1882 Ahern, Rev. John C. Denver, Col. Cath. Adultery, immoral assault on women, insulting ladies, lying: removed. Ahern, Rev. Jere. Denver, Col. Cath. Immoral assault on Mrs. Miller; Mr. Miller accused him. Bribery; the priest paid him hush money. Drunkenness; says he was in liquor at time. Lying about Rev. John C. Ahern. Brooks, Rev. Wm. R. Hampstead, R. I. Adultery, bigamy--three wives. Bartlett, Rev. Jos. Gorham, Me. Cong. Suicide; 70 years of age. Billson, Rev. F. G. Kansas City, Mo. M. E. Drunkenness oft repeated; arrested, jailed, confessed, fined. 1876 Boyd, Rev. T. B. Kittaning, Pa.; West Adultery, seduction, immoral assaults on many Virginia. "sisters," and wife of "Brother Cook;" confessed; jailed. 1881 Browning, Rev. Wm. G. New York, N. Y. Swindling, $10,000; convicted. 1878 Blanchard, Rev. Wheaton, Ill. Cong. Embezzlement of $3,000, college funds; lying, slander; so say Rev. Chapman and Rev. Prof. Webster. 1882 Balky, Rev. Geo. Chilicothe, Mo. Forgery; drew a note and signed his father's and Andrew McCroskin's names to it; arrested, escaped, fled. Brisbee, Rev. John N. Madison, Tenn. Pres. Horse racing, gambling; church trial. Bentley, Rev. Chas., Ev., E. Baltimore, Md. Seduction of Miss Emma Martin, a "sister;" bastardy; kept evangelizing very successfully, until presented with an heir; confessed, expelled. Bedall, Rev. W. Barnesville, O.; M. E. Adultery, seduction of Rosa Arnold, aged 15; Beallsville, O.; Ozark, O.; elopement with her, deserting wife and three Wheeling, W. Va. children, penniless; embezzlement of $400, church funds: expelled. 1882 Brand, Rev. Oberlin, O. Slander from pulpit; sued by Bronson. Brand, Rev. G. F. Wintersett, Iowa.; Guthrie M. E. Indecent exposure of person; church trial, Center, Iowa. expelled. Bush, Rev., Ev. Covington, Ky.; Cynthiana, Adultery, seduction of "sister" Sarah Sherman; Ky. elopement with her. 1883 Beattie, Rev. T. R. or F. R. Brantford, Ont. Pres. Immoral assault; slandering Miss Sershman; arrested; bail $4,000; sued for $10,000, slander. Brown, Rev. W. H., Ev. Sioux City, Iowa. Drunkenness; fined. Ball, Rev. H. Burg Hill, O.; Wayne, O. Bap. Drunkenness, lying; got gloriously drunk, denied it; expelled. Bowen, Rev. Randolph, N. Y.; Ohio,; N. Bap. Assault and battery on a "brother;" lying, Jersey,; Wisconsin. swindling, making debts everywhere, never Michigan. paying; fled. 1878 Chapman, Rev. Wheaton, Ill. Cong. Lying, slander, so says Rev. Blanchard. 1882 Christian, Rev. J. T. Quincy, Ill.; Hannibal, Mo. Bigamy, adultery, lying, swindling; arrested. Canary, Rev. Andrew New York, N. Y. Cath. Larceny, stealing horse, drunkenness; arrested. Chapman, Rev. Richard Pine Bluff Spa, Tex. Bap. Murder of John Turner; stabbed him three times. Colfelt, Rev. New York. Pres. Literary piracy; church trial. 1879 Clapp, Rev. Lowell, Mich. Bap. Swindling; prison. 1882 Cook Rev. Alvin O. Eugene, Or.; Springfield, Chris. Adultery, seduction, elopement with wife of Rix, Or. deserting wife and children; temperance lecturer. 1882 Cleniheim, Rev. Cincinnati, O.; Avondale, Pres. Fighting with one of his elders; got whipped; O. elder's name, Robert Hood. 1883 Cobb, Rev. R. H. Taunton, Mass. M. E. Deserting wife, leaving her penniless and sick in bed; investigated; resigned. Corken, Rev. Salisbury P't, Mass.; Lynn, Cong. Literary piracy; preached Wilberforce's sermons; Mass. quack doctor; sued for malpractice; deposed. Cox, Rev. Henry, D.D., San Francisco, Cal. Gross swindling U. S. pension agent; robbed a ("Hallelujah Cox"). blind and helpless soldier of $7,278, pension; swindled a widow out of $2,535. 1883 Chambers, Rev. A. I. New Haven, Conn. M. E. Misappropriating church funds; sued. Comstock, Rev. I. Tonganoxie, Kan.; Reno, Ad. Rape, adultery, on 13-year-old daughter of Mr. Kan. Anderson; arrested; prison at Leavenworth. Cook, Rev. Jo. Boston, Mass. Lying generally. Copeland, Rev. Frasier Walhalla, S. C. Murder of W. J. Hunnicritt; confessed; hanged. 1878 Clark, Rev. W. J. Lisbon, N. Y. Pres. "Immoral conduct;" suspended. 1879 Curr, Rev. Alan Dubuque, Iowa.; Bap. Larceny, deserting wife, drunkenness, gross Leavenworth, Kan. fraud, lying, cheating. 1882 Dye, Rev. J. H., P.E. Searcy, Ark. M. E. Assault and battery; knocked Capt. McCaulley down and pounded him. Denton, Rev. J. L. or J. W. Fayetteville, Ark. Suicide, charged with embezzlement. Driver, Rev. S. M. Baker City, Idaho. M. E. Adultery with "sisters;" buried six wives. Davis, Rev. Geo. Cleveland, O.; Fort Wayne, Deserting wife and children; proposing marriage Ind. to several ladies; arrested. Draper, Rev. Frank Youngstown, O.; Riverside, M. E. Robbery of his friend and room-mate; O. drunkenness; fled; spent the cash; his friend died; confessed. 1883 Davis, Rev. Geo., Ev., Logansport, Ind.; Fort In prison. Wayne, Ind. DePuy, Rev. Dr. M. E. Swindling in connection with "Isabella mine;" editor Christian Advocate, resigned. Davis, Rev. Madison, Ind. M. E. Seduction, bastardy, with "sister" Jennie Williams; prosecuted. 1880 Deems, Rev. Dr. New York. Lying, so says Rev. Dr. Mackie. 1882 Dollman, Rev. W. Erie, Pa. M. E. Assault with intent to murder his wife and family, with poison and "cold steel;" arrested; prison. Dowd, Rev. W. W. Portchester, N. Y. Pres. Swindling; would not pay bills. Dollard, Rev. Wilmington, Del. Cath. Indecent proposals to Miss Lizzie Jordan; slandered her and her family from the pulpit; sued by her brother Charley Jordan. Dufresne, Rev. Holyoke, Mass. Cath. Slander of P. Hackman; fined $3,400; selling liquor in his church and school; fled to Canada. 1880 Dugan, Rev. Thos. Delavan, Ill.; Mason City, Cath. Rape upon his young housekeeper; she complained Ill. to Bishop Spaulding. 1878 Dale, Rev., Ev., New Castle, Ill. Immoral assault on two girls, one 12, other 14; fled. Daley, Rev. John New York, N. Y. Cath. Drunkenness, habitual; workhouse. 1879 Esmon, Rev. Albert Alabama. Illicit distilling; two stills destroyed by U.S. officials; fled. 1882 Ellis, Rev. Wm. T. St. Louis, Mo. Nuisance; arrested, fined. 1882 Ellis, Rev. Edwd. H., Ev. Thomaston, Me. Bap. Adultery, seduction, and elopement with Mrs. John E. Rose; arrested, fined $400, jailed at St. John's, N. B. Eastman, Rev. Chas. A., Geo. Roxb'ry, Lewist'n, Me.;; Cong. Adultery, bigamy, lying, false personation, E. Hindley, C. B. Merrill. Potterville, Whitehall,; deserting wife and family; first married Miss Kendall, Alamo,; Mich.; Emma Keyes, of Lewiston, Me.; second marriage Plainwell. with a Miss Piper, of Alamo; broke jail at Kalamazoo; sent to Michigan penitentiary; very religious. 1879 Eagan, Rev. D. San Francisco, Cal. Cath. Adultery with "sisters." Edmonson, Rev. Nathan Schollsville, N. Y. Bap. Suicide; hung himself. 1882 Farmer, Rev. G. W. Tamaroa, Ill. M. E. Assault and battery; beat Deacon Johnson over the head with a chair for saying "Good-morning." Fern, Rev. Thomas, or Fernly, Philadelphia, Pa. M. E. Libel on William Entriken; arrested; most Rev. Thos. A. popular preacher in the city. Fulton, Rev. Dr. T. D. Brooklyn, N. Y. Libel upon Rev. T. B. Conway; sued for $40,000; fighting. Fleming, Rev. N. Cleveland, O. Cath. Drunkenness, visiting house of ill-fame; riot, arrested, jailed, confessed, fined. 1883 Fleming, Rev. Boston, Mass. Cath. Assault and battery on a little girl; tore some pictures away from her; she went into convulsions; sued for damages by her father; fined; riot with 1,000 Irish against the father. 1882 Garry, Rev. M. M. Cincinnati, O. Bap. Burglary, immoral assault; shot, badly wounded, while scaling back wall of yard at midnight, by Roger Pearson. Gilmour, Rev. Bish. Ohio. Slander; sued by E. Cowlee, of the Leader. Gray, Rev. J. A. Portland, Or. Bap. Drunkenness, confessed, resigned. 1882 Green, Rev. Abijah Philadelphia, Pa.; Atlantic Bap. Larceny, stealing books; fighting at church City, N. J. trial with Rev. Wallace and others. Gleason, Rev. P. J. St. Louis, Mo.; Louisiana, Cath. Seduction, bastardy, with Mary Proctor, n�e Mo. Ryan; confessed, subsequently denied; after her marriage adultery and bastardy with her again; first child named John Patrick Gleason, second Richard Gleason Ryan; suspended from priesthood by Bishop Kenrick. 1883 Green, Rev. Mt. Gilead, O. Seduction, elopement with a 13-year-old daughter of a "brother." Gibbons, Rev. Baltimore, Md. Cath. Swindling Mrs. Simpson, while dying, out of her James--Archbishop. property; sued. 1879 Gaines, Rev. G. W. Columbia, Mo.; Centralia, M. E. Adultery, seduction of Miss Maria Delly; took Ill.; Louisiana, Mo. her to conference with him; slept with her at hotel. 1882 Henderson, Rev. John Mexico, Mo. Larceny of cattle and hogs, notorious thief; prison. Hyde, Rev. F. S. New Haven, Conn. Insulted Mrs. Foster; demanded her removal from hotel table because she was an actress. Higgins, Rev. A. C. Hackettstown, N. J. M. E. Adultery, seduction, with wife of Mr. Hoff; writing her to leave her husband and live with him; detected, fled, deserting wife and children. Higbee, Rev. Jesse Drakeville, Iowa. Medical quack; ruined lady's nose; sued. 1883 Hooper, Rev. J. F. Petaluma, Cal. Cong. Breach of promise; engaged to three ladies; fled to escape tar and feathers. Henselman, Rev. C. D. Canton, O. Chris. Immoral assault on three married "sisters." Healy, Rev. St. Louis, Mo. Cath. Immoral assault on "sister" Maggie Kinney; bounced with a black eye by Mike Dunphey. 1882 Huderdault, Rev. Canada. Cath. Slandering Leon Lanson and Mathilde St. Jean; sued. Huber, Rev. F. X. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cath. Defrauding dying man out of $90,600; gross swindling; compelled by courts to disgorge. 1883 Hull, Rev. M. S. Pelican Rapids, Minn. Slandering his hired girl, because she told of his swearing, "God damn it!" Haddock, Rev. Oshkosh, Wis. M. E. "Beecherism," charged by Dr Carhart. 1880 Hertzberger, Rev. H. A. Honesdale, Pa.; Port Luth. Drunkenness, lying, false personation; claimed Jervis, N. Y. to be a French count; quarreling for the pulpit. Hicks, Rev. Henry H. Camden, Mo.; San Francisco, M. E. Larceny, stole $310 from Neil Smith; fled. Cal. 1876 Hanks, Rev. G. Litchfield, Ill.; St. Bap. Adultery; drunkenness in a brothel at St. Louis; Louis, Mo. arrested. 1882 Hyde, Rev. Dr. W. A. Leadville, Col.; Portland, M. E. Adultery, seduction, elopement with a "sister," Or. deserting wife and children; arrested by his own son; forgery of recommendation. 1876 Irwin, Rev. G. A., Ev., St. Louis, Mo. P. E. Adultery, drunkenness, beating wife, profanity, lying, assault to murder; arrested, prison. 1876 Johnson, Rev. W. J. Eureka, Ill. M. E. Adultery, seduction, elopement with wife of John S. Brayman, leaving her children; Johnson is single, and a great revivalist. 1879 Johnson, Rev. W. A. Lindsay, Pa.; Barre, Pa. Pres. Gross swindling of widow and orphan children: arrested. 1882 Jeffries, Rev. M. St. Joseph, Mo. M. E. Robbing mails a long time; prison. Jamison, Rev. Geneva, O. M. E. Embezzlement of church funds. Keiser, Rev. Alex. S. Womelsdorf, Pa.; Luth. Seduction, bastardy, breach of promise; Pottsville, Pa. arrested; seduced Miss Lizzie Miller; she supported him while studying theology; he married another; expelled; confessed on trial. Kuhns, Rev. S. F. Lewisburg, O.; New Paris, U. B. Adultery, seduction of wife of "Brother" Hinkle; O.; Dayton, O. confessed; said he "couldn't help it;" married. 1883 Kruel, Rev. Kankakee, Ill. Cath. Drunkenness, breach of promise, left the church; promised to marry "Sister" Angela; took her to hotel, staid with her several days, then deserted her, and returned to priesthood. 1882 Lanritsen, Rev. Port Huron, Mich. Luth. Assault and battery; arrested; fighting for pulpit. Lane, Rev. Greenpoint, N. Y. Cath. Embezzling $174,000, church funds. Loughlin, Rev. Bishop Brooklyn, N. Y. Cath. Swindling Catholic church at Greenpoint out of church property to amount of about $200,000; threatens excommunication if they "kick;" obstructing legal process; defying the law. 1878 Lloyd. New York. Luth. Slander, drunkenness. 1882 Mesaros, Rev. Philadelphia, Pa. Pres. Quarreling, threatening to fight in church. Morgan, Rev. L. Leechburgh, Pa.; Kentucky.; Bap. Adultery both in Kentucky and Pennsylvania; Apollo, Pa.; Monongahela, marries a wife but retains an old "flame" as Pa.; Ludwick, Pa. mistress; forgery of letters of recommendation; lying; church trial. 1880 Mackie, Rev. New York, N. Y. Lying and libel, so says Dr. Deems. 1876 Murray, Rev. I. Brooklyn, N. Y. M. E. Fighting for the pulpit. 1882 Martin, Rev. Jos. E. Lafayette, Ind. P. E. Inhuman cruelty to wife; arrested, bailed; adultery, fled. Miller, Rev. J. H. Point Chautauqua, N. Y. Bap. Embezzlement of $10,000, church funds. 1883 Morgan, Rev. R. C. Connellsville, Pa. Bap. Adultery, seduction of a "sister," wife of R. E. Booth; married, large family; editor Baptist Messenger. McGill, Rev., alias M. F. Cleveland, O.; Columbus, Cath. Drunkenness oft repeated; fined often; often in Devlin. O.; Pittsburgh, Pa. workhouse; sent up for sixty days, and $25 fine. McCosker, Rev. Rahway, N. J. Cath. Disturbing school; drove teachers and scholars out of doors, and would not let them return; brutal assault on women and children. Martin, Rev. Joseph E. Lafayette, Ind. Inhuman cruelty to wife and children; divorced by court. Mongin, Rev. John New Albany, Ind.; Cath. Adultery, fornication, visiting house of Louisville, Ky. ill-fame in Louisville; drunkenness, assault and battery; arrested, fined; lying about it. 1882 Miller, Rev. T. B.; also Chicago, Ill. M. E. "Miller" as dean, and "Major" as secretary of Major, Rev. Major the medical college; gross swindling, gross fraud; allowed a paper reporter to register as a student, and then for $25 gave him a diploma as M.D.; Miller expelled, Major suspended. 1879 Munson, Rev. Henry J. Fitchburg, Mass. Ad. Lewd and lascivious conduct; convicted; fraudulent divorce. 1878 Milligan, Rev. Parker Kansas City, Mo. Adultery, lechery, deserting wife, fled. 1883 Nicum, Rev. John Syracuse. Luth. Fighting for pulpit, lying. 1882 Nistor, Rev. Bishop St. Michaels, Alaska Suicide, leaped from steamer St. Paul. Neal, Rev. W. H. St. Louis, Mo. F. M. "Immoral character;" dismissed; sodomy and unnamed crime with young "brothers" of his flock, too vile to print. O'Niel, Rev. Peter Brooklyn, N. Y. Cath. Adultery, seduction of Mrs. Robert Hawks; caught by her husband locked in her bedroom at night, at 273 Thirty-first street, New York; she the mother of several children; arrested. O'Connell, Rev. Timothy Freemont, Neb.; P. E. Seduction, adultery with Mary Rogers, deserting Cornellsville, Pa.; wife; illegal divorce; beating wife, lying, Huntington, N. Y.; Nebraska perjury, drunkenness, and delirium tremens; City. threatening to kill Bishop Kerwood and wife. O'Donoghue, Rev. Morrow, O. Cath. Slander of Mrs. Green; Mr. Green killed him. Parks, Rev. Noah Winston, Miss. Larceny, lynched, and nearly killed. 1882 Palmer, Rev. J. R. Mountain Peak, Tex. Chris. Indecent exposure of person to a lot of little girls, pupils under his care; immoral assault on Miss Ida Scott; failing in this, slandered her. Philips, Rev. Shiloh, O. Assault and battery upon parishioner; pounded Sunday law into him. Parshall, Rev. R. F. Oakland, Cal. Bap. Immoral assault on many ladies and young "sisters;" expelled ignominiously. Penn, Rev. Texas. Prayed for the death of two men at church; one died next day. Podd, Rev. Jas. D. Chicago, Ill. Bap. Adultery, seduction, bastardy, with Cora Wheeler. Pringle, Rev. Paul Mansfield, La. Murder of Alfred Smith; hanged. Posey, Rev. Dr. Oakland, Cal.; Dutch Flat, Swindling, obtaining money under false pretense. Cal. 1879 Plunkett, Rev. Warren Springs, N. C. Pres. Adultery, seduction, elopement with Miss Kate Ashton, daughter of a wealthy "brother," deserting wife and children. Pennington, Rev. Scott county, Iowa. Bap. Incest, adultery, seduction, elopement with wife's niece, writing to his wife not to expect him back; deserting wife and children. 1880 Rossvalley, Rev. Dr., Ev., Sing Sing, N. Y.; Larceny in Germany; drummed out as rebel Plainfield, N. J.; surgeon; counterfeiting, state prison; literary Doylestown, Pa.; Auburn, N. piracy, stole Ingersoll's temperance speech. Y. Ross, Rev. Wm. J. St. Louis, Mo. Murder, convicted, penitentiary. Rockwell, Rev. J. B.; or Rev. De Witt, Neb.; Wilber, Neb. Cong. Gross swindling, illegal use of mails; arrested, J. H. Harvey. prison. Rope, Rev. Andrew, Ev., Taylorville, Ill. M. E. Rape, indicted, fled. 1882 Rope, Rev. Andrew J. Texas. Married Miss Gessner; forgery, signed a man's name to note who could not write; discovered, fled, arrested. Reeder, Rev. J. J. Milford, Pa.; Newark. M. E. Gross swindling, made great debts and ran away; immorality. 1876 Robinson, Rev. Kansas City, Mo. Adultery; arrested in a brothel. 1882 Richardson, Rev. Brooklyn, N. Y. "Moral wreck;" expelled. Roe, Rev. Frank F. Scotland.; Athens, N. Y.; Various Drunkenness; expelled at Athens from Baptist Morenci, Mich.; Oakwood, denominations. church; went to Michigan, became a Mich.; Lapeer, Mich.; Congregational preacher, expelled; goes to Pontiac, Mich. Oakwood, finally to Lapeer, where he changes to Baptist again; pastor at Pontiac, again expelled, but continues to preach; popular preacher. Stearns, Rev. Harvey Fort Worth, Texas. Bap. Murder of Jeff. Wood; prison. Sedwick, Rev. T. B. Dakota. Adultery with Indian women; carried off and supposed murdered by them; he was missionary among the Crows. Sheppard, Rev. T. J. Mt. Olivet, Mo. M. E. Adultery with "Sister" Wells, wife of Rev. M. F. Wells, who is blind; caught by a neighbor; church trial. Sullivan, Rev. J. C. Salem, O. M. E. Adultery, seduction of "sister," wife of A. L. Halwick; she told; Sullivan married. 1879 Saxon, Rev. Lowell, Mich. Bap. Swindling Deacon Post; prison. 1882 Saunders, Rev. Mother New York, N. Y. Lewd woman; arrested in house of ill-fame; was a captain in Salvation Army. 1882 Sklorzik, Rev. Bay City, Mich. Cath. Assault with intent to murder the organist John Richards; arrested; Richards died of the injuries; slander from pulpit; sued by Daniels for $10,000; judgment against him. Sentenac, Rev. Roxton Falls, Can. Cath. Slander from pulpit of Dr. Desgrobois; sued; compromised, paying $1,000. Slater, Rev. Ira Cherry Valley, Ill. Bap. Larceny, stealing horse; arrested. 1883 Sherin, Rev. A., alias A. Pierre, Dak.; Huron, Dak.; M. E. Adultery, seduction, false personation; occupied Sheridan, or A. Sherdin, or Flandran, Dak.; Big Stone same room at Dakota House, Huron, with Miss A. Sherdian. City, Minn. Rice; registered as "A. Sheridan and wife;" introduced her as "Miss Rice, my wife's niece;" preached next day at Flandran, "Miss Rice, a cousin," still with him; married, and family: confessed registering "A. Sheridan and wife," and occupying same room, "merely to protect from harm a modest, timid, warm-hearted woman, of generous impulses." Shurtleff, Rev. Fabius, N. Y. M. E. Immoral assault, went into Miss Clark's bedroom twice and tried to seduce her, while his wife was sick; sued. Smith, Rev. J. Hyatt Brooklyn, N. Y. M. E. Borrowed $1,128 for election expenses; wouldn't pay, sued. Spencer, Rev. Geo. T. Corinth, N. Y.; South M. E. Outrageous conduct, expelled; fled to escape tar Corinth, N. Y. and feathers; adultery, seduction, bastardy, with wife's sister, aged 16; confessed. 1883 Seguin, Rev. New York, N. Y. F. R. Brutal assault on a woman, sent to workhouse. Satterfield, Rev. Jno. W. Brownsville, Pa. Drunkenness, beating wife very often; church trial. Starr, Rev. James Peru, Ind. Rape on a little five-year-old girl; caught in the act, and arrested. Smith, Rev. Silas Mexico, Mo.; St. Louis, Mo. Bap. Arson; burnt, with help of some "sisters," two churches; arrested, prison. 1879 Surnley, Rev. John Begging while getting $1,400 a year; lying generally. 1883 Stoddard, Rev. E. L. Jersey City, N. J. P. E. Criminal carelessness--or worse; killed his wife accidentally(?) with a revolver. 1882 Tryston, Rev. C. F. W. Newark, N. J.; St. Louis, P. E. Beating wife; arrested, prison; robbing his wife Mo. of money. Victorian, Rev. Vicksburg, Miss. Cath. Unnamed crime with boys under his charge at Brotherhood College; caught in act, expelled, fled, arrested, prison; a most beastly wretch; he was principal of the college. Van Dersall, Rev. S. S. Forest Grove, Or. M. E. and Immoral assault on Widow Marsh; slander and Cong. libel; read a paper before college trustees, alleging that she tried to seduce him, and was a bad woman with others; lying; expelled; perjury on slander trial; a most infamous scoundrel; convicted by a jury. 1878 Webster, Rev. Prof. Wheaton, Ill. Cong. Slander, lying; so says Rev. Blanchard, president of the "parson factory." 1882 Willoughby, Rev. N. R. Yorkville, Can.; Brompton, M. E. Immoral assault on Miss Graham; church trial; Can. lying. Waite, Rev. A. A. North Adams, Mass.; St. Adultery, seduction, incest, with Lena Capron, Louis, Mo.; Troy, N. Y. his twenty-year-old niece; deserting wife and three children; beating wife; paramour confessed; he was arrested; he "exposed Spiritualism." Whipple, Rev. Madison, O. Rape on girl 11 years old, he 70; arrested, jailed. Wharton, Rev. Henry Louisville, Ky.; Eufaula, Bap. Drunkenness oft repeated; church trial, La. suspended. Whipple, Rev. Henry Evanston, Ill. Grossly swindling a brother preacher, Rev. John McComber, of Minnesota; gross fraud, sued. 1879 Webster, Rev. Lowell, Mich. Bap. Counterfeiting, prison. 1882 Waggoner, Rev. James Waverly, Tenn. Chris. Swindling creditors, fled. Wharton, Rev. J. G., or J. W. Carthage, Mo.; M. E. Adultery, seduction, elopement with organist, Wharton, alias J. D. Hill. Elizabethtown, Ky. wife of J. R. McGill; forgery for $2,600; deserting wife and 15 children; stole $2,600 from his wife; Mrs. McGill deserting three children; embezzlement; arrested, indicted. Woodruff, Rev. R. H. Baltimore, Md. Robbing mail; pleaded guilty, fined. Wallace, Rev. Philadelphia, Pa. Bap. Fighting in pulpit with Rev. Green, threatening to kill him. 1883 Waldron, Rev. Thomas, alias Buffalo, N. Y.; La Salle, Cath. Rape on Hattie Carr, aged 7 years, a pupil; "Brother Frank." Ill.; New York, N. Y. arrested, state prison five years; principal of St. Joseph's College; formerly; principal of De la Salle (Catholic) Institute, New York. 1882 Walsh, Rev. South Natick, Mass. Cath. Embezzlement of $8,000, church funds. 1883 Woodworth, Rev. A. M. Otisville, N. Y.; Port M. E. Drunkenness for a week, gambling in a saloon. Jervis, N. Y. Walk, Rev. David Indianapolis, Ind. Chris. Egotism, puffing himself in the papers. Worthen, Rev. H. W. Northfield, Vt.; M. E. Rape on Mrs. S. F. Gibbs, by means of opiates; Burlington, Vt. sued. Wright, Rev. Prince Chillicothe, Mo. M. E. Adultery, expelled; an old man. Walker, Rev. J. B. R. East Hartford, Conn. Adultery, inhuman cruelty to wife; lying, charged by wife in divorce suit. 1873 Weeks, Rev. Thos. J. New York. Bap. Larceny; prison two years.


Abernethy, Rev. J. T. Snow Hill, N. C. M. E. Kissing Mrs. Grimsley; shot by Mr. Grimsley, resigned. Anderson, Rev. J. T. Owsley Co., Ky. Pres. Because Wilson family deferred one year marriage of their daughter to him, drove nail through foot of their horse, necessitating killing, put petroleum in their well, terrorized them with forged warnings to leave, put powder in Wilson's forge; escaped. Andrews, Rev. Henry Marienfield, Tex. Cath. Murder (see under Peters, Rev. J. H.) Andrews, Rev. Geo. Essex, Mass. Arson to obtain insurance. Anderson, Rev. S. P. St. Louis, Mo. Bap. Theft and forgery; sentenced to five years' imprisonment. Adams, Rev. C. G. Lockport, N. Y. Epis. Charged with accepting bribes and embezzling. Ali, Rev. Jos. Newark, N. J. Cath. Charged with assaulting nine-year-old girl. Arnold, Rev. John Wellington, O. U. B. Charged with murdering wife. Ahlfeldt, Rev. Carl San Francisco, Cal. Luth. Drunkenness; imprisoned. Booth, Rev. James Coulton, O. Raping deaf and dumb girl. Bonsack, Rev. David Westminster, Md. Dunk. Suicide. Bowles, Rev. Marion Omaha, Neb. Chris. Raping parishioner's wife. Bacon, Rev. Mr. Norwich, Conn. Obscene language. Baxter, Rev. Geo. W. Des Moines, Ia. Pres. Sporting tendencies; engaged to two women at once. Barrows, Rev. C. D. San Francisco, Cal. Cong. Immorality. Booth, Rev. C. M. Springfield, Mass. Bap. Forgery. Bristor, Rev. Geo. R. Spring Valley. M. E. Seduction of sixteen-year-old ward. Butler, Rev. Father Jersey City, N. J. Cath. Elopement. Bennett, Rev. J. R. Morgantown, Ky. Meth. Obtaining money under false pretenses. Benjamin, Rev. H. D. Portsmouth, O. Suicide. Butler, Rev. Mr. Raleigh, N. C. Bap. Elopement. 1892 Best, Rev. Ed. Hamilton, Ont. Cursing his neighbor and praying the Lord to destroy him; this in a disorderly manner and at open window; fined $10. Browne, Rev. Robert New York. Bap. Drunkenness. 1890 Bickley, Rev. F. D. T. Covington, Ky. M. E. Charged with immorality; lying; maladministration; profanity. 1889 Bohannon, Rev. Chas. Louisville, Ky. Bap. Elopement. 1889 Boyle, Rev. J. J. Raleigh, N. C.; Winchester, Cath. In North Carolina, assault with intent to commit Ill. rape; at Winchester, going to St. Louis on a spree and attempting to shoot woman in a disorderly house. Bloom, Rev. Jos. Oswego, N. Y. Bap. Charged with theft of horse and sleigh. Brom, Rev. Dr. B. Central City, Neb. Pres. Theft of $1,500; forgery. Black, Rev. Mr. Springfield, O. Arrested on charge of slander. 1891 Bowers, Rev. E. T. Kansas City, Mo. Pres. Adultery. Brushingham, Rev. J. P. Chicago. Meth. Charged with bastardy. (Was fond of abusing Roscoe Conkling and other Freethinkers for Infidelity and immorality.) 1891 Buck, Rev. Mr. Yankton, S. D. Faith Cure. Swindling by alleged cures; starving and freezing his children; fled on suspicion of having murdered his boy. 1892 Best, Rev. Jos. Hamilton, Can. Assault on wife. Blanton, Rev. Mr. Cave Springs, Ga. Meth. Writing letter to mulattress to assign immoral meeting; expelled. Barr, Rev. D. A. Allentown, Pa. Slander; expelled. Brown, Rev. Geo. Portland, N. Y. Bigamy. Butler, Rev. Jas. Dunlap, Tenn. M. E. Elopement and horse-stealing. Brown, Rev. Wesley Bedford, Ia. Chris. Breach of promise (engaged to five girls at once). Boone, Rev. Wm. Calhoun, Ga. Poisoning a family. Buchanan, Rev. S. H. Little Rock, Ark. Charged with embezzlement of $5,000. Bair, Rev. Mr. Royal Center, Ind. Charged with adultery. Baxter, Rev. Charged by church committee with lying and wholesale love-making. Bowman, Rev. A. S. G. Reading, Pa. Arrested for breaking into church. Broad, Rev. T. P. Topeka, Kan. Cong. Charged with criminal libel. Burdette, Rev. Robt. ("Bob St. Louis, Mo. Bap. Charged with continuous drunkenness which caused Burdette.") him to disappoint several audiences for lectures. 1890 Carter, Rev. T. C., DD. Chattanooga, Tenn. Meth. Charged with adultery and suborning witnesses. 1890 Cruchet, Rev. A. B. Montreal, Can. Pres. Seduction. Crocker, Rev. Sim. Sweettown, I. T. Bap. Murder of a preacher. Conyer, Rev. J. F. Chattanooga, Tenn. Attempted murder. Campbell, Rev. Jas. Columbus, Ind. Meth. Practicing abortion. Clark, Rev. J. Dayton, O. Charged with murder. Corder, Rev. Willis Marion, Ill. Bap. Drunkenness. Canterbury, Rev. J. C. Redlands, Cal. Embezzlement. Calvin, Rev. John Green Co., Ala. Meth. Murder. Carter, Rev. H. R. O. Baltimore. Adultery. Campbell, Rev. W. H. Akron, O. Intoxication and disorderly conduct. Cave, Rev. W. A. Wooster. Theft. Copper, Rev. E. K. Rochester, N. Y. M. E. Drunkenness. Dobbs, Rev. A. S. Franklin, Wash.; Seattle, Cruelty to wife, forcing her to black his boots Wash.; Cameron, Mo. before church and rewarding her with an insult; she became insane, recovered, got divorce; embezzlement at Cameron, Mo. Dale, Rev. Walker R. Atlanta, Ga. Bap. Charged with bigamy. Danks, Rev. John A. Pittsburgh, Pa. M. E. Threatening life; slander; convicted and suspended. Duncan, Rev. Henry Birmingham, Ga. Poisoned wife and eloped; hanged. Dempsey, Rev. Thos. Highland, Wis. Cath. Made improper visits to Mr. Grace's wife; on Grace's charging criminality eleven parishioners dragged him to the priest's house amid cries of "Lynch him!" when the priest beat him in the face, the party forced him to his knees, and he retracted to save his life; Grace sues for $15,000. Doelling, Rev. Adolph Gr'nd R'pids, Mich. Theft of watch and $2 from preacher; imprisoned one year. Dudley, Rev. Mr. Gibbon, Neb. Meth. Seduction; abuse and desertion of the seduced girl after marriage. De Ford, Rev. A. M. Hortonville, Wis. Counterfeiting. Durant, Rev. A. H. Sumter, S. C. Murder. Dyer, Rev. Ross Macomb, Ill. Bap. Elopement with a married woman, deserting wife and children. Davis, Rev. Geo. E. Chicago, Ill. Bigamy. Downs, Rev. Mr. Boston, Mass. Bap. Charged with adultery. Dill, Rev. A. C. Sterling, N. J. Indecent familiarities with women. Dawson, Rev. G. E. Wheeling, W. Va. M. E. Lying, robbery, fraud. Dumont, Rev. Wm. Kalamazoo, Mich. Swindling. Dubs, Bishop. Indianapolis, Ind. Charged with circulating obscene literature. Dittke, Rev. Herman Shawano Co., Wis. Luth. Charged with cruelty to children. Donnelly, Rev. Father Los Angeles, Cal. Cath. Desertion of wife. Derepentencigny, Rev. Father Montreal, Can. Cath. Illicit distilling. Dunbar, Rev. Edw. Oxford, Ga. Meth. Bigamy. Davie, Rev. Mr. New Haven, Mich. Charged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Dobbin. Rev. John Wacousta, Mich. Gross immorality. Edgell, Rev. Mr. Parkersburg, W. V. Meth. Forgery of pension affidavits for purpose of sale. Early, Rev. Father Pou'keepsie, N. Y. Cath. Assault on a parishioner during services. Edward, Rev. W. M. Portland, N. D. Charged with immorality with women; fled, deserting family. Eastman, Rev. Jas. M. Olmsted Falls, O. M. E. Seduction. Flory, Rev. B. F. Pawnee City, Neb. Forgery. Fritch, Rev. M. L. Shillington, Pa. Ref. Long course of theft. Fitzgerald, Rev. Mr. Charlot, N. Y. Cath. Beating and choking a lady; fined $50. Fleming, Rev, S. J. Monte Vista, Cal. M. E. Swindle of $6,000. Finnerty, Rev. Mr. Dayton, O. Cath. Adultery. Flaherty, Rev. Chas. Rochester, N. Y. Cath. Rape. Fleming, Rev. Jas. Detroit, Mich. Cruelty to wife. Farrington. Rev. F'r. Louisville, Ky. Cath. Drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Guihot, Rev. Father Montreal, Can. Cath. Adultery. Griffis, Rev. J. K. Waconda, Ill. Bap. Eloped with young parishioner, taking all wife's money and jewelry. Garland, Rev. J. B. Vermillion, S. D. Epis. Charged with embezzlement of $14,000. Gordon, Rev. C. B. W. Petersburg, Va. Bap. Charged with selling vote and influence; asked to resign. George, Rev. Harry Fishkill, N. Y. Seduction, and abettal of an abortion which proved fatal. Garrett, Rev. Mr. Pa. Forgery, accessoriness to; expelled. Goine, Rev. C. C. Fort Scott, Kan. Bap. Seduction; fled. Gates, Rev. Geo. N. Savanna, Ill. Bap. Seduction; expelled. George, Rev. A. Leeds, N. Y. Charged with seduction of his stepdaughter, which resulted in her death. Gordon, Rev. Frank South Solon, O. Disc. Seduction. Gardner, Rev. C. M. Toledo, O. While married, writing love-letters to girls; expelled. Gurr, Rev. Henry Oakland, Cal. Epis. Cruelty to wife. Gentle, Rev. George Washington, O. Attempted rape of ten-year-old girl. Griesen, Rev. Mr. Chicago. Charged with slander. Gifford, Rev. Wm. C. Meth. Charged with adultery. Garrett, Rev. Philip Reading, Pa. U. B. Obtaining money on false pretenses. Gratza, Rev. Father Hillsboro, Ill. Cath. Charged with circulating obscene pictures. Gilford, Rev. W. E. Chicago, Ill. Meth. Immorality. Hendricks, Rev. R. O. Meth. Assault with deadly weapon. Hoddy, Rev. Carroll N. Decatur, Ill. Chris. Drunkenness. Hayden, Rev. Francis Drunkenness and frequenting brothel. Henderson, Rev. T. R. Lima, O. Meth. Charged with seduction. Hoffman, Rev. John Waukesha, Mich. Meth. Charged with cruelty to wife. Hall, Rev. C. J. New London, Wis. Bigamy. Heininger, Rev. Elkhart, Ind. Falsehood and slander. Hembree, Rev. C. C. Guthrie, Okla. Threatening with revolver new claimant of pulpit, from which Hembree had been deposed for disreputable conduct; arrested. Hennessey, Rev. E. M. Dungannon, O. Cath. Assault and battery of a woman; fined $700 and imprisoned ninety days. Hogfin, Rev. A. O. Sabetha, Kan. Charged with criminal libel. Hughes, Rev. Chas. S. Sedalia, Mo. Charged with forgery. Holmes, Rev. Mr. Dubuque, Ill. Counterfeiting. Healy, Rev. Mr. Pierce City, Mo. Cath. Arrested for criminal libel. Holted, Rev. Nicholas Louisville, Ky. Cath. Charged with immorality with a young lady; forced to resign. Hooper, John F. Kingston, N, Y.; Mott Pres. Cruelty to wife at Kingston; elopement at Mott Haven, N. Y. Haven. Hildreth. Rev. T. F. Chicago, Ill. M. E. Charged with scandalous immorality. Henry, Rev. Mr. Odessa, Mo. Charged with seduction. Hammond, Rev. Wm. Montreal, Can.; Yreka, Bap. Extensive swindling; arrested for attempt to Cal.; Franklin F'ls, Ill.; poison a lady whom he had married for her money. Indiana.; Georgia. Helmick, Rev. D. M. Neola, Ia. Meth. Unprovoked murder of a man whom he had failed to intimidate from marrying a lady loved by both. Hinsman, Rev. Z. K. Asotin, Wash. Meth. Elopement and wife desertion. Hale, Rev. John Dayton, O. Fraudulent dealings. Hibler, Rev. Sidney Saradia, Miss. Meth. Adultery; killed by husband. Harrison, Rev. G. Cannon, Tex. Meth. Murder and suicide. Holohan, Rev. John J. Hinsdale, N. H. Cath. Charged with lewdness. Hallman, Rev. S. T. Concord, N. C. Seduction. 1892 Hallinger, Rev. Edw. Jersey City, N. J. Bap. Murder; hanged. Hagins, Rev. Mr. Oswego, N. Y. Desertion of wife and children for another woman. Harris, Rev. Andrew Clinton, Miss. Bap. Murder. Irvine, Rev. Ingram Braddock, Pa. Cong. Adultery; swindling. Johnson, Rev. W. W. Laurel, Del. M. E. Attempt to elope and leave family. Jones, Rev. Thomas R. Albion, Mich. Bap. Forgery. 1890 Johnson, Rev. H. E. Greenville, Pa. M. E. Charged on twenty-three counts with indecent conduct with young ladies. Jones, Rev. Geo. W. Long Branch, N. J. Embezzlement of church collections. Jealicka, Father J. J. Chicago, Ill. Cath. Insulting little girls. Johnson, Rev. H. R. J. Chicago, Ill. Threatening life of rival evangelist; held in bonds to keep peace. Jennings, Rev. J. B. Newark, N. J. Charged with wife-desertion, drunkenness, and lying. Kolasinski, Rev. Fath'r Toledo, O. Cath. Charged with rape of eleven-year-old girl. Knauf, Rev. George Pittsburg, Pa. Charged with abetting murder. Kuhlman, Rev. Chas. Marshall Ill. Cath. Immoral conduct. Koehler, Rev. A. N. Farmer's Retreat, Ind. Luth. Indecent familiarities with women. Kohn, Rev. Horace Bucyrus, O. Attempted seduction. Kelsey, Rev. Joel S. McCook, Neb. Cong. Seduction of girls; fled to escape lynching. King, Rev. T. Oakland, Cal. Drunkenness. Knight, Rev. David Caldwell Co., N. C. Bap. Desertion of wife and twelve children to elope with mother-in-law. Kimball, Rev. O. D. Newton, Mass.; Leominster, Bap. Sodomy with boys; seduction of little girls; Mass. dismissed; confessed. Kelly, Rev. Alfred B. Brooklyn, N. Y. Theft; confessed. Kroeger, Rev. Father Elkhart, Ind. Cath. Swindling in the amount of $17,000. Kertly, Rev. F. S. Franklin, Ind. Chris. Forgery. Kisler, Rev. J. B. Seneca City, Ga. Hol. Burglary. Koesalsko, Rev. Jos. Hazelton, Pa. Cath. Libel; embezzlement. Lord, Rev. William West Creek, N. J. Bap. Charged with seduction. 1899 Lightfoot, Rev. Mr. Newport, Ark. Bap. Swindling congregation; shot dead by them. Lerch, Rev. Fred. Syracuse, N. Y. Cath. Indecent liberties with eight-year-old girl; sentenced to penitentiary. Lindler, Rev. George Nashville, Tenn. Swindling. Laird, Rev. G. M. Gillespie, Mo. Attempt to blackmail. Lennax, Ernest Chicago, Ill. Meth. Charged with embezzlement. McArthur, Rev. Julius Dover, N. H. Bap. Horse-stealing and murder. Moore, Rev. Henry C. Little Rock, Ark. Charged with passing counterfeit money. Morse, Rev. Wm. F. Big Rapids, Mich. Wes. Elopement and desertion of family. Mastin, Rev. J. J. St. Elmo, Tenn. Bap. Writing love letters to several ladies with whom he had no acquaintance. 1889 McCready, Rev. R. H. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pres. Charged with obtaining money under false pretenses; arrested. Marquis, Rev. Mr. Osage City, Kan. Pres. Charged with immodest conduct with young ladies; forced to resign. Mowbray, Rev. Mr. Springfield. Bap. Adultery. McIntosh, Rev. Mr. St. Louis, Mo. M. E. Charged with bigamy, and using obscene language. Mertz, Rev. Matthew Columbus, Ind. Luth. Adultery. McNeeley, Rev. Oscar Indianapolis, Ind. Chris. Charged with forgery. Mitterling, Rev. D. J. Lucas, O. Luth. Gross immorality. Murphy, Rev. Coniff Sioux City. Cath. Intoxication and disorderliness. Martin, Rev. L. Detroit, Mich. Fornication. Mayes, Rev. Jas. Arcola, Ill. M. E. Selling liquor without license. Mailluchette, Rev. L. Detroit, Mich. Cath. Adultery. Meyer, Rev. H. Lincoln, Ill. Luth. Charged with speculation and falsehood. McBride, Rev. M. J. Harrisburg, Pa. Cath. Compelled dying man to will him his estate. Michanowski, Rev. A. Jersey City, N. J. Cath. Embezzlement of church funds. Miracle, Rev. Geo. W. Grove, Kan. Meth. Elopement with married woman, deserting wife and four children. McCready, Rev. R. H. Pittsburgh, Pa. Cong. Charged with theft of $319. McManus, Rev. Wm. N. Springfield, Pa. Chris. Elopement with a parishioner's wife. Meynardie, Rev. J. S. Atlanta, Ga. Immorality; expelled. Mitchell, Rev. N. W. Fort Worth, Tex. Pres. Heavy forgeries; fled. Moysant, Rev. J. Chicago, Ill. Cath. Seduction of and elopement with the wife of the

famous politician McDonald, who says: "She became a fanatic in religion, and the brute brought a tremendous religious influence to bear on her. Under his powerful leverage, the church, he made her an easy prey. To think that he lived on me, blessed my food, took my children on his knee and blessed them!" Mower, Rev. Mr. Pa. U. B. Immorality and forgery. McFarland, Rev. A. B. Pittsburgh Pa. Assault and terrible cruelty to wife; divorce given her. Mills, Rev. Michael Detroit, Mich. Arrested for seduction and many immoralities with women. Martin, Rev. N. H. Chatham, Ont. Epis. Breach of promise (engaged to three girls); fled. 1891 Moore, Rev. Geo. Louisville, Ky. Bap. Theft of Bible and other property. Marshall, Rev. W. F. Kinderhook, N. Y. Seduction under promise of marriage, and desertion. Moore, Rev. H. H. Warren, Pa. Charged with immoralities. Mayer, Rev. Mr. Erie, Pa. Wantonness; tarred and feathered. Moore, Rev. Lewis Nashville, Tenn. Incest. Matlock, Rev. Robt. Izard Co., Ark. Murder. Martin, Rev. R. L. Evansville, Wis. Drunkenness. Maczynski, Rev. Father Cath. Charged with embezzlement of $3,700. McArthur, Rev. Julius Dover, N. H. Bap. Horse-stealing and murder. Moore, Rev. Henry C. Little Rock, Ark. Charged with passing counterfeit money. Nailand, Rev. Jas. Springfield, Mo. Theft; imprisoned ten days. Norto, Rev. L. L. Macon City, Ga. Charged with theft. Nutting, Rev. W. W. Lisbon, N. D. Elopement. Nelson, Rev. Walter Port Burwell, Ont. Elopement and wife-desertion. Orne, Rev. A. L. Haverhill, Mass. Faith Cure. Allowing child to die without medical service. O'Donnell, Rev. Father Sedamsville, O. Cath. Drunkenness. Orvis, Rev. Wm. Philadelphia, Pa. Cong. Medical swindling. Oftedal, Rev. Gus. Wahpeton, N. D. Luth. Charged with whipping his servant-girl for her spiritual discipline. O'Riordan, Rev. M. V. Buffalo, N. Y. Cath. Drunkenness; forgery; consorting with lewd women; embezzling church money. Owen, Rev. Thos. Vernon, Ala. Bap. Insulting ladies who would not attend his meeting; mobbed out of the neighborhood; convicted. Overton, Rev. W. A. Greene Co., Ga. Bap. Suicide. O'Sullivan, Rev. John Camillus, N. Y. Cath. Charged with seduction and deposed. Orbach, Rev. C. L. Sauk Rapids, Minn. Luth. Charged with adultery. O'Connor, Rev. Father Wilmington, Del. Cath. Drunkenness. O'Connor, Rev. Father Chicago, Ill. Cath. Criminal intercourse with girl under fourteen. Otis, Rev. Father Calumet, Mich. Cath. Charged with seduction. Phillips, Rev. R. D. Elmira, N. Y. Meth. Forgery. Payne, Rev. J. H. Columbus, O. Theft. Prouty, Rev. Enoch Beloit, Wis. Bap. Dishonesty, lying, wife-desertion, adultery. Percival, Rev. Harold Detroit. Bap. Sodomy. Powell, Rev. Wm. Macon. Ga. Perjury. Parsons, Rev. M. Perry, Ia. Bap. Charged with embezzlement. Pierce, Rev. Geo. J. Salem, Mass.; Philipston, Cong. Charged with many immoralities. Mass; Bangor, Me.; Danbury, N. H.; Portsmouth, N. H. Parker. Rev. F. Sherman, Tex. Meth. Charged with forgery. Parrault, Rev. Father Dickinson. N. D. Charged with forgery. 1889 Packard, Rev. J. Los Angeles, Cal. Hol. Ran up board bill until landlady became embarrassed for money; suggested that he pawn her watch for her, and did so and absconded with the proceeds. 1891 Peters, Rev. J. H. Marienfeld, Tex. Cath. With Father Andrews governed a convent of boys; one escaped and revealed that the two priests had killed a student, telling the escaped one that priests had a right to murder; Andrews, with the justice of peace who held inquest, and, being a strong Catholic and under the priest's control, returned verdict of suicide, arrested; Peters missing. Pettit, Rev. Mr. Lafayette, Ind. Arrested for wife-poisoning. Perry, Rev. Spurgeon Philadelphia, Pa. Horse-stealing. Prather, Rev. E. L. Lincoln, Ill. Pres. Charged with many seductions; deposed. Pistor, Rev. Mr. Albuquerque, N. M. Luth. Drunkenness and embezzlement of church funds; deposed. Phillips, Rev. J. W. Joliet, Ill. Adultery. Petty, Rev. W. P. Maysville, Tex. Meth. Charged with indecencies with girls. Paul, Rev. Mr. Heraldsburg, Cal. Meth. Libel. Poole, Rev. Pedro Vera Cruz. Cath. Murder. Price, Rev. J. W. Ottumwa, Ia. Bap. Criminal connection. Quinn, Rev. Father Spokane Falls, Wash. Cath. Indecent liberties with little girls; under assumed character of John Smith sentenced to ninety days in workhouse, whereupon revealed true profession and was but fined $100. Quay, Rev. Father Snohomish, Wash. Cath. Sodomy. Reynolds, Rev. Allen Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Adultery. 1892 Robinson, Rev. Mr. Detroit, Mich. Meth. Criminal connection. Ransford, Rev. Edw. New York, N. Y. Assault with intent to rape. Roe, Rev. John F. Wooster, O. Theft. Roberts, Rev. R. M. Graham Co., N. C. Elopement with another man's wife, deserting his own. Rymarsky, Rev. Louis Carlstadt, N. J. Pres. Assaults on girls between twelve and fifteen with intent to rape. Rheinhart, Rev. J. P. Norwood. Evan. Theft of a theological work and other books. Ryan, Rev. Francis Philadelphia, Pa. Cath. Theft. Robinson, Rev. E. Girard, Ga. Meth. Charged with theft; fined for fighting in church. Rollins, Rev. J. M. Bonne Terre, Mo. Meth. Adultery, confessed; charged with sodomy. Ray, Rev. John S. Wooster, O. Meth. Burglary. Rodgers, Rev. Mr. Colton, Cal. Hol. Indecent conduct with women. Riley, Rev. J. T. Pittsburgh, Pa. M. E. Indecent conduct with women. Roberts, Rev. G. W. Toronto. Gross immorality. Robertson, Rev. J. D. Savannah, Ga. Pres. Immoralities. 1890 Ryan, Rev. Peter Lowville, N. J. Cath. Struck lady in face with prayer-book and used indecent language to her, because she refused share of assessment demanded; deposed. Richards, Rev. W. L. Stockton, Minn. M. E. Charged with embezzlement. Ross, Rev. Orville Lockford, Cal. Cong. Killed wife, son, and self because wife would not support him. 1889 Rogers, Rev. Euclid B. Franklin, Pa. Bap. Cruelty to wife; expelled; wife got divorce. 1888 Riley, Rev. John Council Grove, Kan. Adv. Sending to wife of a parishioner, with whom he maintained a liaison, a love-letter such that he was arrested for mailing obscene matter. Reed, Rev. J. C. Grand Island, Neb. Bap. Elopement. Rodden, Rabbi Max. Trenton, N. J. Heb. Fighting in church; arrested. Roberts, Rev. Peter Scranton, Pa. Cong. Breach of promise; $3,000 damages. Richardson, Rev. J. W. Marshfield, Mo. Chris. Elopement with fourteen-year-old girl, deserting

family. Robinson, Rev. Mr. Clarkston, Mich. M. E. Charged with indecent conduct with young ladies, and proposing adultery to married. Rogers, Rev. E. B. Burlington, Ia. Charged with deliberately planning the cruelties that forced his wife to get divorce, so he could marry another woman. 1890 Smith, Rev. D. A. Clam Falls, Minn. Elopement with a parishioner's wife. Sanborn, Rev. Geo. M. Eureka, Cal. Cong. Elopement with a parishioner's wife. Stone, Rev. Saml. G. Cowan, Ont., Can. Meth. Improper relations with a parishioner's wife. Sims, Rev. G. P. Atwood, Ill. Immorality; deposed; threatened to kill church officers; arrested for carrying concealed weapons. Steffens, Rev. Aloysius. L'g Isl'd City, N. Y. Cath. Slander; $1,000 damages given. Schaberhorn, Rev. A. A. Clarkstown, N. Y.; Nyack, Pres. Drunkenness; using lewd language to women; N. Y. desertion of wife and children. Smedley, Rev. Mr. Des Moines, Ia. Meth. Charged with lying. 1889 Sutton, Rev. D. G. Boone, Ia. Blackmail. Savage, Rev. Samuel Celina, Tenn. Bap. Twice running away with woman for a short time; finally absconding with one altogether and leaving wife in want. Smith, Rev. Wm. A. Boston, Mass. Bap. Immorality, drunkenness; expelled. Shelton, Rev. T. J. Little Rock, Ark. Chris. Non-support of wife; divorce granted her; arrested for intoxication. Stewart, Rev. Wm. J. Port Norris, N. J. M. E. Accused of seduction. Simmons, Rev. W. H. Springfield, O. Meth. Charged with indecent conduct to married lady; her husband and others dragged him from the pulpit and stopped his preaching. Samuels, Rev. A. Chicago, Ill. Swindling. Sherwood, Rev. Dr. South Om'ha, Neb. Cruelty to boys. Squire, Rev. S. R. New Portage, O. Immoralities. Stevens, Rev. L. G. St. John. N. B. Epis. Charged with adultery. Schmotz, Rev. Carl Challicoon, N. Y. Ref. Intoxication and indecent liberties. Seals, Rev. C. B. E. Lynn, Ill. Elopement. Smith, Rev. Father Delavan, Wis. Cath. Conducting lottery at church fair; arrested. Scott, Rev. Monroe W. Baton Rouge, La. Attempted bigamy; murder and suicide. Simmons, Rev. W. H. Springfield, O. M. E. Indecent liberties. Snowden, Rev. Frank Chicago, Ill. Chris. Assault and battery. Small, Rev. Sam. Charged with swindling in the sum of $1,000 by a clergyman of Newton Lower Falls, Mass. Souderstom, Rev. H. M. Burlington, Ia. Meth. Fraud; lying; suspended. Saddlier, Rev. R. A. Minneapolis, Minn. Meth. Drunkenness, habitual; expelled. Spencer, Rev. Joel F. Richmond, Mo. Chris. Borrowed $350 and left, leaving note that he should commit suicide. Stone, Rev. S. C. Tenn., Miss. & Ark. Murder. Stratton, Rev. Mr. Oakland, Cal. Charged with hugging and kissing one of his female teachers after she had retired for the night. Smith, Rev. John St. Johns, N. B. Swindling hotel. Shibrow, Rev. Mr. Ono, Wis. Indecent conduct. Squier, Rev. E. A. Taylorville, Ill. Meth. Charged with slander and lying. Smith, Rev. R. M. Sterling, Ill. Meth. Charged with adultery. Schwabe, Rev. F. B. Rock Island, Ill. Pres. Intoxicated; arrested. Staunton, Rev. Benj. Fort Green, N. Y. Pres. Adulteries, and cruelty to wife. Slusser, Rev. Jas. G. Stark Co., O. Charged with adultery. Spurlock, Rev. M. Geneseo, Ill. Lying; immorality; adultery. Shelter, Rev. John McClure, O. U. B. Selling liquor without license. Smith, Rev. W. R. Hastings, Neb. Forgery; libel; embezzlement; opening others' letters; false entries. Serche, Rev. F. J. Syracuse, N. Y. R. C. Indecent assault on eight-year-old girl. Staples, Rev. Alfred Amherst, N. S. Bap. Swindling; engaged to many girls at once; fled. Stevens, Rev. W. L. Santa Cruz, Cal. M. E. Improper liberties with women; gambling; drunkenness; expelled. Schoonover, Rev. Mr. New Haven, Mich. Bap. Charged with drunkenness. Seymour, Rev. D. Janesville, Minn. M. E. Elopement with Mrs. Henry; taking with him missionary funds; leaving wife and five children destitute; she leaving husband and two children. Stone, Rev. Mr. Tacoma, Wash. Meth. Charged with desertion of wife for Mrs. McIntyre, upon the latter's receiving $6,000 insurance money. 1891 Shaffer, Rev. A. H. Des Moines, Ia. M. E. Cruelty to wife; adultery; falsehood. Seeley, Rev. Father Granville, Wis. Cath. Indecent liberties with little girls at parochial school; fled from tar and feathers. Stevenson, Rev. Mr. Des Moines, Ia. Meth. Desertion of wife for other women. Smith, Rev. C. Hudson Boston, Mass. Cong. Desertion of wife; liaison with prostitute; return and redesertion of wife for same prostitute. Schrieves, Rev. S. R. Moss Run, O. Desertion of wife and children; evangelizing accompanied by another woman as pretended wife. Turner, Rev. R. G. Little Rock, Ark. M. E. Swindles aggregating several thousand dollars; his conference in a warning circular describes him as "a good preacher--can talk and cry a man into believing him a saint." Tipton, Rev. John C. W. Va. Forgery; two murders; threefold bigamy; theft; arrested in pulpit at close of sermon. Tatum, Rev. Jos. Camden, Ark. Murder of wife; hanged. Trunnell, Rev. Evan Marion, Ind. Arrested on charge of burning church to get insurance. Triffit, Rev. J. F. Columbus, O. Adulteries. Taylor, Rev. J. H. Jefferson City, Mo. Bap. Bigamy. Thayer, Rev. O. B. Clinton, Ill. Pres. Swindling. 1892 Temple, Rev. John Evansville, Ind. Charged with murder. Turrell, Rev. C. W. Wyandotte, Mich. Meth. Adultery. Tighe, Rev. R. H. New York, N. Y. Charged with adultery and libel. Tupper, Rev. C. T. Leavenworth, Kan. Epis. Charged with adultery. Tevis, Rev. A. H. Kansas City, Mo. Meth. Charged with lying; suspended. Trager, Rev. W. A. Washington, Ind. Charged with horse-stealing. Vanetten, Rev. J. P. Youngstown, O. Meth. Embezzlement of $1,200 from a widow. Van Buskirk, Rev. Dr. Indianapolis, Ind. Chris. Adultery with parishioner's wife. Vedder, Rev. A. A. New York, N. Y. Pres. Seduction. Vancil, Rev. George W. Duquoin, Ill. Counterfeiting. Vest, Rev. E. B. Martinsville, Ind. Immodest conduct with a young lady; forced to resign. Van Horn, Rev. David Athens Co., N. Y. Forgery. 1889 Williams, Rev. G. W. Brooklyn, N. Y. Grand larceny--renting a furnished house and selling the furniture; was found in Buffalo living with a mulatto girl. Woodward, Rev. J. H. Greenbush, Wis. Meth. Charged with "scandalous conduct." Wharton, Rev. F. L. Milwaukee, Wis. M. E. Arrested on charge of slander. White, Rev. J. H. Gonzales, Tex. M. E. Indecent language and letters; suspended one year. Whitman, Rev. Edw. Joliet, Ill. Bap. Thefts and improper conduct with girl. Wood, Rev. D. C. Tama City, Ia. U. B. Elopement, leaving wife and seven children. Woodruff, Rev. Chas. Boyleston, Ind. U. B. Elopement with Mrs. Covert, she taking considerable of her husband's money. West, Rev. Wm. T. A. Chesterton, Ind. Meth. Seduction and murder by poison of Susie Beck. Wilson, Rev. Wm. Waco, Tex. Chris. Horse-stealing. 1893 Webster, Rev. S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. Charged with forgery. Wood, Rev. D. W. Sioux City, Ia. Obtaining $17,000 under false pretenses. Wilbur, Rev. Sidney Susp. Bridge, N. Y. P. E. Immorality. Weih, Rev. John N. Hudson Co., N. J. Robbery of six churches. Wright, Rev. J. N. Indianapolis, Ind. Meth. Suicide. Watkins, Rev. M. Pleasant Plains, Ill. Rape. Wood, Rev. C. F. Tulare, Cal. Cong. Indecent proposals to fifteen-year-old girl. Worden, Rev. Jarvis New York, N. Y. Dishonesty; lying; suspended. Ward, Rev. W. M. Portland, N. D. Meth. Criminal connection; fled, deserting wife and family. Welton, Rev. Sidney St. John, N. B. Bap. Charged with swindling. Watson, Rev. W. L. Little Black, Wis. Epis. Charged with illegal liquor-selling. Woolford, Rev. N. D. Indianapolis, Ind. U. B. Charged with coercing a weak-minded woman into giving $20,000 to an institution of his. Widemar, Rev. Howard Philadelphia, Pa. Epis. According to charges, persuaded wife to live apart from him, and used this absence as ground for divorce; obtained bishop's consent to remarry by saying ground was adultery. Wood, Rev. Andrew Los Angeles, Cal. U. B. According to charges paid improper attention to Mrs. Bell; kicked wife out of bed because she would not receive Mrs. Bell; threatened to put her in jail; made her kneel and swear to obey him in all things as the Bible commands, and consent to his courting Mrs. Bell; arrested. Washington, Rev. W. H. Marysville. Adultery with W. Dyer's wife; murder of Dyer. Wilson, Rev. J. T. C. Beresford, Ia. Meth. Arrested on charge of rape of a thirteen-year-old girl. Waters, Rev. G. L. Cortland, N. Y. Desertion of family; immoralities with female parishioners in Canada. Watkins, Rev. W. F. Philadelphia, Pa. Charged with sodomy with boys. Yodyzus, Rev. Math. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cath. Assaults, drunkenness, embezzlement; deposed. Young, Rev. John Butte, Mont. Pres. Habitual drunkenness. Young, Rev. Conrad Chicago, Ill. Charged with embezzlement. Zyla, Rev. John Chicago, Ill. Cath. Assault and battery.


Accoursine, Father Pierre, S. D. Cath. Drunkenness; violent assault on a butcher. 1894 Ackerman, Rev. Elmer Pres. Felonious assault on wife of elder. Accused; arrested. Agnew, Rev. T. H. Auburn, Ill. M. E. Violation of postal law; called brother minister names on a card. Fined. 1893 Alford, Rev. Mr. Salem, O. Col. Malversation of funds; left town with camp-meeting gate receipts. Accused. 1894 Anderson, Rev. Pierce Hermann, Mo. Bap. Horse stealing; confessed; 4 years in penitentiary. 1894 Armstrong, Rev. Cal. Kokomo, Ind. Embezzlement, as county treasurer, 3 years. 1894 Barnett, Rev. James Columbus, O. Bap. Drunkenness; arrested for disturbing the peace. Barrett, Rev. Dr. Banks Co., Ga. Bap. Illicit distilling; arrested; bound over. Bartsch, Rev. Bernard Sutter, Ill. G. Evan. Abortion, charged with attempting to procure. Arrested. 1894 Bates, Rev. W. H. Johnstown, Pa. Ref. Immorality, with disorderly woman; suspended by church. Baullauff, Rev. Paul East New York, N. Y. Desertion; also accused of bigamy and perjury. 1894 Beardsley, Rev. E. H. Pratt City, Ala. Meth. Grand larceny; pleaded guilty; to penitentiary. 1893 Bennett, Rev. Hampton D. Lebanon, O. Slander; sued for $10,000 by Pres. Long, Antioch College. 1893 Bennetts, Rev. J. J. Meaderville, Mont. M. E. Accused of breaking up home of William Hay. 1894 Berry, Rev. B. F. Postville, Iowa. M. E. Lying; fraudulent dealings; immoral conduct. Expelled from church. Berry, Rev. John M. White Co., Ga. Robbery of co-operative store. In jail awaiting trial; made saws of his wife's corset steels. Escaped with five other prisoners. Says jailer: "He was the most religious man I ever saw. He prayed night and day." 1892 Blanton, Rev. T. M. Florence, Ala. Wrote insulting note to a lady; drunkard, opium eater, threatened the life of another minister. Whipped by citizens and run out of town. 1893 Bolton, Rev. R. H. Findlay, O. C. of G. Improper proposal to Mrs. Samuel Cole. She knocked him down twice and swore out warrant for his arrest Church revoked his license. Bonewell, Rev. Benj. A. Madisonburg, O. U. B. Illicit relations with several members of the church. Confessed, in substance, in meeting. 1892 Bonsack, Elder D. D. Carroll Co., Md. Dunk. Adultery; eloped with a married woman. Carried away others' funds. 1894 Bowe, Rev. James F. Edgerton, Wis. Cath. Slander; verdict, $5,000. 1894 Bowman, Rev. W. T. Mississippi. Pension frauds. Sentenced 3 years. 1893 Boyer, Rev. T. F. Eureka, Ill. Deception; concealed his marriage when at Chillicothe, Mo., and made love to girls. Suspended by the church. 1893 Bragg, Rev. Charles M. Baltimore, Md. M. E. S. Adultery; eloped with organist, aged 17. Left wife and five children. Briger, Rev. E. Jennings, La. Cong. Slanderous talk about women; whipped in the pulpit. 1893 Britton, Rev. G. W. Lancaster, O. Meth. Drunk and disorderly; arrested. 1893 Brown, Rev. I. J. Waupan, Wis. Meth. Burglary; arrested at St. Joseph, Mo. Confessed. 1893 Buchanan, Rev. S. H. Little Rock, Ark. C. of P. Embezzlement, while treasurer of the state insane asylum. Indicted, arrested, confessed. 1894 Buck, Rev. Solomon T. Baltimore, Md. E. As. Receiving money under false pretenses. Had an independent income from copyright on illus. edition of Lord's Prayer and Ten Commandments. 3 yrs in pen. 1890 Burns, Rev. R. T. Kingston, Ont. C. E. Defaulter, as ass't postmaster. Arrested, confessed. 1893 Chase, Rev. E. B. Evanston, Ill. A. M. E. Assault on a letter carrier. 1892 Chadbourne, Rev. G. S. Boston, Mass. M. E. Swindling; accused, arrested. 1893 Chenowith, Rev. J. F. Wheeling, W. Va. M. E. Adultery; church trial; charges sustained. 1894 Clancy, Rev. Charles Frontier, Mich. M. E. Improper conduct; accused; tarred and feathered. 1890 Collins, Rev. S. A. Ashland, Wis. Meth. Immorality and misappropriation of funds. Found guilty. 1894 Connolly, Rev. James E. Two Harbors, Minn. Cath. Rape; 20 years and 3 months. Attempted abortion, also. While at Crookston was suspended from church for alleged improper relations with married woman. 1893 Cook, Rev. Edward Tecumseh, Neb. Horse stealing; accused; arrested. A traveling evangelist and said to be mixed up in other crookedness. 1894 Cox, Rev. Daniel Peru, Ind. Dunk. Murder, the victim having made charges reflecting on Cox's daughter. 1895 Crummett, Rev. Benj. Leavenworth Co., Kan. M. E. Rape and bastardy; accused, arrested. 1891 Culpepper, Rev. Mr. Atlanta, Ga. Vulgarity and obscenity in pulpit. Accused. 1893 De Castries, L'Abbe de la Tacoma, Wash. Cath. Smuggling; accused; arrested; prosecuting Croix. attorney failed to act. Jumped bail. 1893 Deener, Rev. R. S. Batesville, Ark. Meth. Forgery and immorality. Lived a double life. Accused. Arrested. 1893 Dent, Rev. Joshua L. Cincinnati, O. A. Bap. Bigamy and perjury. Accused. Arrested. 1894 Dingleday, Rev. John Richmond, Ind. Cruelty, to inmates of Orphans' Home. Heavily fined. 1893 Disney, Rev. Mr. Brazil, Ind. Violent assault on a young man. Fined. 1894 Dixon, Rev. J. K. Portsmouth, O. M. P. Fighting with Salvation Army worker. 1893 Dixon, Rev. Thomas New York City. Bap. Violation of law for protection of song birds. Fined. 1893 Donnocker, Rev. Delbert G. Brockton, Mass. F. W. B. Rape and bastardy. Accused; indicted; arrested. 1894 Donnell, Rev. R. J. Vicksburg, Miss. Pension frauds. 3 years penitentiary. Dozier, Rev. R. F. Arkansas. Rape. Accused; arrested. Drew, Rev. W. P. Williamsbridge, N. Y. Bap. Forgery; pleaded guilty. 1894 Driver, Rev. Samuel M. Placerville, Cal. M. E. Adultery; embezzlement; eloped. 1890 Duncan, Rev. Henry Ozark, Ala. F. W. B. Adultery, murder; hanged. 1894 Dunlap, Evangelist Nyack, N. Y. Forgery, embezzlement, wife desertion, adultery. Accused, arrested. 1894 Duvall, Rev. C. H. New Castle, Pa. Bap. Adultery with 14 year old girl. Accused; arrested. 1893 Edwards, Rev. Rodney San Francisco, Cal. Epis. Embezzlement. Accused, indicted. 1891 Ellis, Rev. John W. San Francisco, Cal. Pres. Malversation of funds and false statement of account. Promised to make good the loss, and presbytery censured him. 1894 Englebrecht, Rev. E. J. Luverne, Minn. Cath. Criminal assault Accused, indicted. Brought counter actions for slander. 1894 Feldman, Rev. Mr. Goshen, Ind. Luth. "Contracting debts without intention to pay." Intoxication. Accused; left town. Fordinsky, Rabbi Harris Brooklyn, N. Y. Jew Struck a child; fined. Fritch, Rev. Martin L. Reading, Pa. Larceny; accused; confessed; arrested. 1890 Garrett, Rev. P. H. The Gap, Pa. U. B. Embezzlement, perjury, forgery, theft. Accused, arrested. 1894 Gelvin, Rev. Mr. Patriot, Ind. M. E. Adultery; eloped with wife of another minister. Sold his father's horse and buggy, after borrowing them. 1894 Grayville, Rev. Mr. Washington, Ind. M. E. Assault and battery; went into neighbor's house to break up dance; fined; refused to pay; jailed. 1892 Guenthner, Rev. Nelson A. Portland, Me. Assault; accused, arrested. 1892 Haines, Rev. J. H. New Hampshire. Meth. Falsehood; convicted; deposed. 1893 Hall, Rev. J. R. Van Wert, O. Meth. Obtaining money under false pretenses; arrested; suspended from ministry. 1892 Hamilton, Rev. James W. Winfield, N. Y. Murder; electrocuted. Hammond, Rev. Dr. Victoria, B. C. Bigamy, embezzlement, accused. 1894 Haney, Rev. Conrad Chicago, Ill. Meth. Adultery; eloped. 1891 Hanks, Rev. Robert T. Dallas, Tex. Bap. Criminal libel growing out of newspaper controversy; indicted. 1890 Hanna, Rev. Thomas, D.D. Chattanooga, Tenn. Swindler and dead beat; fled. 1891 Harris, Rev. Mr. Boston, Mass. Bap. Immorality, accused. 1890 Heath, Rev. W. Ray, jr. Bucksport, Me. Meth. Betrayal; arrested. 1893 Heddie, Rev. Thomas E. Highland, Mich. Seduction; 2 years. 1894 Henderson, Rev. I. R. Lima, O. M. E. Attempted immorality; at 70 tried to make appointments with young girls. Suspended. Once at Van Wert, O., cowhided for slandering women of congregation. 1894 Henderson, Rev. Thomas Morristown, N. J. A. M. E. Immoral assault; accused, arrested. Hickey, Rev. Michael J. Jersey City, N. J. Cath. Adultery; accused. 1895 Hicks, Rev. Charles W. Wantagh, L. I., N. Y. Larceny; accused, arrested. Hicks, Rev. Henry S. Roundout, N. Y. A. M. E. Malversation of funds; accused. 1895 Hinshaw, Rev. William E. Belleville, Ind. Meth. Murder; accused, indicted, arrested. 1893 Hoerl, Rev. Lewis Sabina, O. Bap. Theft; accused, arrested. Hoffman, Rev. A. F. Pierce City, Mo. Chris. Immorality; accused, whipped by husband. 1894 Hoffman, Rev. Wm. La Porte, Ind. Horse stealing; in 13 state penitentiaries. 1894 Howard, Rev. G. B. Many states. All-round swindler. 9 years, from Jackson, Tenn., to Columbus, O., for fraud. 1894 Howard, Rev. Geo. S. V. Chicago, Ill. Meth. Forgery and obtaining money under false pretenses. Accused, arrested. 1889 Howard, Rev. Wm. E. New York City. Swindling; 9 years and 6 months in Sing Sing. 1889 Hunt, Rev. Buck Mississippi. S. Meth. Murder of minister who had supplanted him; shot him as he was preaching. Penitentiary for life; escaped 5 years later arrested at East Birmingham, Ala., where he had preached for 3 years as W. W. Thompson. Hutchinson, Rev. George Philadelphia, Pa. Bigamy; arrested. 1895 Irvine, Rev. Alex. F. New York & Omaha. Deserted wife; made false charges to get divorce. 1893 Johnson, Rev. Charles Midville, Ga. Murder of another preacher; executed. Johnson, Rev. Robert I. New York City. Swindling; begging; 6 months. 1893 Johnson, Rev. Wm. H. Parkerford, Pa. Stealing chickens; fled. 1890 Keeler, Rev. A. S. Mechanicstown, O. M. E. Adultery; eloped. 1894 Kepler, Rev. Charles O. Boston, Mass. Meth. Unfaithfulness and desertion. Was sued for divorce, which was granted by default. Koehler, Rev. Henry Cincinnati, O. Cath. Theft; stealing silver candlesticks from Cath. churches; accused, arrested. 1894 Lando, Rev. Stephen Guthrie, O. T. Jew & Chris. Fraud; arrested. Victimized Christians in many places. 1893 Latham, Rev. James Fenton, Mich. Meth. Adultery; eloped to Canada, arrested, pleaded guilty. 1895 Lee, Rev. W. J. Benton, Mo. Pres. Adultery; accused. Le Count, Rev. George Camden, N. J. Larceny; sentenced to jail, but sentence changed to fine that he might preach at camp meeting. 1895 Lepore, Rev. Mariano North Denver, Col. Cath. Immorality and dishonesty. Accused, deposed by bishop, arrested. 1890 Lesser, Rev. J. Henry York, Pa. Luth. Seduction; accused, arrested. 1894 Lewis, Rev. C. W. Chattanooga, Tenn. Pension frauds; accused, arrested. 1893 Lightner, Rev. John A. Marietta, O. Adultery, eloped; arrested. Loomis, Rev. S. P. Shelton, Neb. Meth. Slandered doctor; cowhided by latter. 1891 Lowery, Rev. John A. Monroeville, Ala. Bap. Adultery; eloped. 1895 Mabry, Rev. W. D. Salt Lake City, Utah. Bap. Adultery; accused, arrested. 1890 Marshall, Rev. A. J. Winnebago City, Minn. Bap. Bastardy; accused, expelled from presidency of North-western Baptist College. 1895 McAuley, Rev. Alex. G. Philadelphia, Pa. Pres. Immorality, visited low resorts for 5 years. 75 years old. Dismissal recommended. McChesney, Rev. Samuel Amsterdam, N. Y. Meth. Malversation of funds; accused, held for grand jury. 1890 McEllery, Rev. J. C. Calera, Ala. Bap. Attempted fraud; accused, resignation demanded. 1894 McGuire, Father Lexington, Ky. Cath. Immorality; in the evening awarded medals at Catholic colored school, and spent the night in debauch with colored women; next day drunk on street. McKinney, Rev. G. R. Orlando, O. T. Pension frauds in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Arrested. 1894 McKinnis, Rev. R. C. Marion, Ill. Bap. Leader of mob. Arrested. Meinarezy, or Mlynarzyak, Menominee, Mich. Cath. Slander; accused, arrested. Rev. Father Michael, "Prince." Detroit, Mich. Seduction and adultery; many times; arrested. 1891 Morris, Rev. W. H. Greenville, Ala. Misappropriation of school funds; 13 months. 1890 Nations, Rev. J. Logan Little Rock, Ark. M. Prot. Adultery; accused. 1893 Nickelson, Rev. Joseph Detroit, Mich. Cruelty to prisoners, farmed out to him by government. Nicoll, Rev. M. H. Seattle, Wash. M. E. Criminal libel of his presiding elder; convicted. 1894 Noonan, Rev. Joseph Los Angeles, Cal. Cath. Immorality; consorted with the frail; superiors imposed 2 years penance. 1895 O'Connell, Rev. Timothy New York City. Bap. or Epis. Attempted assault on a little girl. Accused, arrested. Also drunkenness. 1894 O'Grady, Rev. Dominick Cincinnati, O. Cath. Murder of Mary Gilmartin; attempted suicide, confessed. 1893 Palmer, Rev. S. S. Pittsburg, Pa. Pres. False representations; suspended from ministry. Had before tried to take child from his wife; fined. 1894 Parker, Rev. Zachariah Paris, Tex. Meth. Forgery and pension fraud; for 18 years drew pension in name of widow of former slave; woman had been dead 15 years. 18 months' imprisonment. Parkman, Rev. T. C. Denver, Col. Meth. Larceny as bailee of money belonging to insurance companies of which he was agent. Accused, arrested. 1894 Paxton, Rev. Dr. John R. New York City. Pres. Unlawful conduct; failed to report marriage of W. C. P. Breckinridge in time prescribed by law; fined. 1895 Penrod, Rev. Lemuel Vanceburg, Ky. Dis. Assault with pistol and dirk on a member of his congregation in a dispute over infant baptism. Then went to his church and preached eloquent sermon. Pettit, Rev. L. C. Cohoes, N. Y. M. E. Adultery; eloped. Accused. Wife took him back. Petty, Rev. Jason Atlanta, Ga. Meth. Bigamy. Accused, arrested. Admitted, but thought he had conclusive evidence of first wife's death. Pieffer, Father Duelm, Mich. Cath. Violent assault on a parishioner. Porter, Rev. J. W. Liberty Center, Ind. Bap. False representation. Expelled from ministry. 1893 Potter, Rev. Dr. D. C. New York City. Bap. Falsification, intemperance, intent to defraud, embezzlement, immorality, etc., all charged by his assistant, Rev. J. W. Putnam. Preyer, Rev. Charles D. Kearny, N. J. Pres. Slander; sued. Price, Rev. A. A. Connersville, Ind. A. M. E. Assault with intent to kill his wife. Arrested. Tried twice to commit suicide. 1893 Putnam, Rev. J. W. New York City. Bap. Libel, growing out of the Potter-Putnam quarrel (see Potter, Rev. D. C.). Indicted. 1893 Reams, Rev. A. R. Merced, Cal. M. E. S. Adultery; eloped with his organist Arrested in B. C. 1894 Ridenour, Rev. A. M. Ironton, O. Adultery. Pleaded guilty. Sadlier, Rev. H. Hailey, Idaho. Meth. Drunkenness; visiting house of ill-fame. Expelled from ministry by unanimous vote of conference. Sagebeer, Rev. Joseph E. Flemington, N. J. Meth. Libel; refused to retract. Prosecuted. Sample, Rev. S. W. Minneapolis, Minn. Cruel and inhuman treatment of his wife. She sued for divorce. 1894 Savage, Rev. M. H. Perris Indian School, Cal. Systematic defrauding of government as superintendent. Accused by General Armstrong. Fled. 1892 Singer, Rev. Robert H. Somerset, Pa. Dis. Assault and battery. Fined and imprisoned; judge told him evidence would have convicted him of the more serious charge of attempted criminal assault. 1894 Schreffler, Rev. John A. West Salem, O. U. B., Cong., Incest with his daughters. Expelled from & Ref. ministry; indicted; arrested. 1895 Sheldrake, Rev. Geo. H. Pittsburg, Pa. Pres. Adultery. Accused in Presbytery. 1894 Shinn, Rev. W. E. Buffalo, N. Y. A. P. A. Abused wife and children. Accused; resigned leader. pastorate. 1890 Smith, Rev. James Parkersburg, W. Va. "Sensational and highly improper conduct with several ladies." So accused by his wife in suit for divorce. Smith, Rev. Oscar A. Baker City, Or. M. E. Defamation of character. Accused; suspended. Smith, Rev. W. B. Danville, Ky. Bap. Embezzlement. Penitentiary one year. 1892 Smoot, Rev. J. E. Midland City, Ala. Mis., Bap. Attempted rape of little girl. Arrested; held to await action of grand jury. 1895 Spalding, Rev. E. L. Butte, Mont S. A. ldr. Counterfeiting. Accused; arrested. 1894 Stanley, Rev. D. T. Monmouth, Or. Dis. Adultery. Accused; expelled from membership in ministerial association after he started the "Amer. Patriot." 1894 Stephenson, Rev. J. G. Milton, Ill. Chris. Adultery; eloped. 1894 Stiles, Rev. F. J. Genessee Co., N. Y. Epis. Petit larceny; passing checks on banks in which he had no funds. Arrested. 1893 Strickland, Rev. H. L. Hatchville, Mass. Cong. Bigamy. Confessed; dismissed from pastorate. 1894 Swartzher, Rev. B. B. Chatanooga, Tenn. Murder. Accused, arrested. 1893 Talbot, Rev. Louis B. Lewiston, Me. Bap. Incest with daughter. Accused, arrested. 1890 Taylor, Rev. G. W. Defiance, O. Bastardy. Accused, arrested. 1893 Taymar, or Waymer, Rev. J. Milaca, Minn. Meth. Adultery; eloped. 1894 Thomas, Rev. W. D. LaCrosse, Wis. Pres. Violation of postal law; sent cards dunning another minister and accusations against him to the minister and the sessions. Pleaded guilty and fined. Thompson, Rev. N. B. Brockton, Mass. Cong. Adultery and lying. Charges sustained by church and fellowship withdrawn, 116 to 59. 1893 Timmis, Rev. George Phoenix, Ariz. Extreme cruelty to child, a boy of seven. Fined $500 with alternative of 6 months in jail, the full penalty. 1894 Todd, Rev. Ebenezer Wichita, Kan. Bap. Rape of 16 year old girl; by threats kept her silent for months until concealment was no longer possible. Arrested; jailed. 1894 Todd, Rev. William Ironton, O. Larceny of cow. In jail in default of bail. 1894 Tolliver, Rev. Peter Parkersburg, W. Va. Meth. Bastardy. Accused, arrested. 1893 Totheroh, Rev. W. N. Chicago, Ill. Pres. Lying, improper conduct, adultery; charges sustained by presbytery. Suspended from the church. Tucker, Rev. Willis J. South Windham, Me. Fr. Bap. Improper propositions to a woman. Held guilty by council and ordination papers surrendered. 1893 Vanderveen, Rev. Mr. New Whatcom, Wash. Extreme cruelty, wife beating; alleged in divorce proceedings by wife. 1893 Van Horn, Rev. Daniel M. Athens Co., O. Meth. Forgery. Penitentiary; died in prison. 1893 Vernon, Rev. Leigh Joplin, Mo. Adultery; eloped. 1892 Vail, Rev. W. G. Waxahatchie, Tex. Meth. Adultery; attempt to seduce a young woman whom he had just baptised. Expelled from church. Von Kohn, Rev. H. F. Grenada Co., Miss. Bap. Terrible cruelty to his wife. When wife was dying. Walker, Rev. Geo. F. Wymore, Neb. Bap. Bastardy. Charge brought by his divorced wife, at whose hotel he stopped after divorce was allowed. F'd guilty. Webster, Rev. H. D. Hart, Mich. Bap. Seduction. Suspended from the ministry. Webster, Rev. Samuel E. Philadelphia, Pa. Forgery, of name of a minister to an order for goods. Arrested. Weisswasser, Rev. C. L. Scranton, Pa. Pres. Adultery; eloped; had crusaded bitterly against amusements. 1894 Whismont, Rev. Q. O. Pana, Ill. M.E. So. Seduction of girl of 16. Forced to marry her; expelled from church. 1893 Wiard, Rev. O. O. Erie, Pa. U. B. Attempted rape. Accused; arrested. 1890 Williamson, Rev. Thomas Markham, Ont. Meth. Forgery. Accused; absconded. 1891 Williford, Rev. Silas Geneva Co., Ala. Bap. Adultery; eloped with lewd woman. Willison, Rev. Mr. Portland, Or. Forgery. Eighteen years in penitentiary. 1894 Wilson, Rev. C. P. New York city. Epis. Drunk and disorderly. Fined. 1894 Wilson, Rev. J. C. Beresford, S. D. Meth. Rape of 13-year-old daughter of one of his parishioners. 1893 Wilson, Rev. Nathan F. New Brunswick, N. J. M. E. Assault of girl of 16; accused; arrested. 1890 Winfrey, Rev. William Hawkins, Co., Tenn. Meth. Forgery. Accused; fled. 1895 Witt, Rev. Mr. Gainesville, Tex. Bap. Assault with deadly weapon. Surrendered. 1889 Wood, Rev. John D. Port Allegheny, Pa. M. E. Bigamy. Expelled from church and ministry. Woods, Rev. J. D. Wichita, Kan. Misappropriation of funds of Law and Order League of which he was president. 1894 World, Rev. Richard Vicksburg, Miss. Pension frauds. Penitentiary, 3 years. 1894 Yates, Rev. Mr. Water Valley, Ky. Fought a duel with knives. 1893 Yoder, Rev. C. M. Wooster, O. Criminal libel. Arrested on complaint of young woman parishioner. Young, Rev. Richard N. Indiana. U. B. Cruelty, and adultery with lewd women, alleged by wife in suit for divorce.


1898 Andrews, Rev. Geo. A. B'zard's B'y, Mass. Jailed for spending on himself money collected for sick soldiers. 1898 Ararosky, Rabbi D. Philadelphia, Pa. Jew. Plucking live chickens. Sent to jail. 1898 Arthur, Rev. C. W. Connecticut. Cong. Abused his wife so she got a divorce; liar, fomenter of discord, slanderous, obscene, said the ecclesiastical court that deposed him. Armstrong, Rev. J. Z. Kansas City. Expelled from ministry for alleged immorality. 1898 Aston, Rev. Henry Philadelphia, Pa. Meth. Improper conduct, cruelty to wife; deposed. Averill, Rev. G. W. Adv. Charged with improper conduct toward girl of nine years. Avery, Rev. J. H. Fort Dodge, Ia. Meth. Adultery; gave up his position as minister. 1898 Avis, Rev. F. C. Minnesota. Meth. Expelled from church for immoral conduct. 1896 Bailey, Rev. Samuel West Chester, Pa. Charged with murder of his wife. Her body found in pond near their house. A short time before she ran to a neighbor's, saying Bailey had attacked her with a knife. 1896 Bailey, Rev. William North Platte, Neb. Attempting to imitate the Holy Ghost, husband ejected him and mob gave him coat of tar and feathers. Was a faith-cure miracle-worker, and was stopping in house of a believer. 1898 Baldwin, Rev. Ralph Saginaw, Mich. Improper conduct. Eloped with young woman to Detroit, where they lived a while. 1897 Barnaby, Rev. George Anaconda, Mont. Chris. Immorality. Wife sues for a divorce; says she picked him out of the gutter when he was a gambler and boozer. 1897 Bates, Rev. W. C. Toronto, Ont. Epis. Charged with theft of goods from a department store; goods found on his person. Belleville, Rev. Mr. Letohatchie, Ala. Bap. Assault, on another minister, in religious quarrel. 1897 Berry, Rev. Charles L. Pawnee, Okla. Pres. Bank-wrecker; was convicted; was president and cashier of bank. 1897 Boley, Rev. Adam Philadelphia, Pa. Luth. Suicide. 1896 Booth, Rev. Oliver J. New York. Epis. Alcoholism, said doctors at Bellevue hospital. 1896 Bridges, Rev. William Rome, Ga. Bap. Defalcation; was county school commissioner; short $5,000; suspended from office; fled. 1897 Brittain, Rev. M. C. Leavittsburg, O. Meth. "Drank too much" on a trip to Niles; suspended from ministry. 1897 Brown, Rev. C. O. San Francisco, Cal. Cong. Adultery, perjury, slander, lying. Long church trial later, confessed, and dropped from ministry. 1897 Brown, Rev. Leonidas St. Paul, Minn. Meth. Charged with rape of girl of fourteen; arrested in church; admitted to bail; disappeared during trial. 1898 Budlong, Rev. O. J. Providence, R. I. Sending obscene matter through the mails; jailed. 1897 Burdine, Rev. J. L. Pickens co., S. C. Bap. Murder. Shot his wife and then himself. 1897 Burns, Rev. Charles E. Milford, Conn. Cath. Charged with embezzlement as administrator of an estate; compromise, friends paying $1,300, the amount of alleged defalcation. 1896 Caywood, Rev. James Maysville, Ky. Meth. Suicide. Chase, Rev. H. E. Bird Island, Minn. Meth. Accused of indecent assault on 10-year-old girl. Arrested. 1896 Chase, Rev. J. C. Fitzwilliam, N. H. Bap. Fornication; sent one girl away when about to become a mother; ran away with another. 1895 Chubb, Rev. S. H. Norristown, Pa. Evan. Seduction. Convicted. 1898 Clark, Rev. William Hoboken, N. J. Grand larceny; to penitentiary; has record for forgery, blackmail, horse theft, intimidation, bigamy, assault, obtaining money under false pretenses, and robbery of a child. 1896 Colburn, Rev. M. F. San Francisco, Cal. Meth. Sodomy. Colby, Rev. Mr. Lacy, Ia. Meth. Gross immorality. Expelled from ministry. 1896 Conniff, Rev. Father Omaha, Neb. Cath. Rape and seduction; absconded when grand jury indicted him. 1898 Cook, Rev. Leslie Virginia. Bapt. Arrested for forgery; said also to have two wives. 1896 Cooper, Rev. Thomas St. Joseph, Mo. Meth. Gross immorality, slander, and profanity; church committee recommended expulsion from church. 1896 Covert, Rev. Harry M. Brooklyn, N. Y. Adultery; left wife and eloped with a widow. 1896 Craft, Rev. Washingt'n Clay co., Ky. Bapt. Murder of two men. 1897 Cumming, Rev. F. H. Geneseo, N. Y. Meth. Improper relations, with two young women. 1897 Davis, Rev. A. C. Billings. Mont. Meth. Unnatural crime; fled to escape tar and feathers. 1890 Decker, Rev. E. D. Newark, N. J. Meth. Conduct unbecoming a clergyman; dropped from ministry; wrote love letters and kissed the sisters. 1898 Doyle, Rev. Gregory Munfordville, Ky. Bapt. Seduction, abortion, murder. 1898 Dreischler, Rev. Gus. Newburg, N. Y. Luth. Suicide. 1898 Du Hamel, Rev. Wm. New York. Epis. Extreme cruelty; so wife alleged in divorce suit. 1896 Duncan, Rev. J. W. Indiana. Meth. Illegal voting; arrested on charge of. 1896 Dwyer, Rev. Joseph Denver, Col. Disorderly conduct; arrested in New York. 1898 Eldridge, Rev. E. Olin Washington, D. C. Meth. Adultery; corespondent in divorce suit. 1898 Embree, Rev. E. S. Topeka, Kan. Meth. Charged with seduction of colored servant, acquitted by his church although his attorney had paid the girl $200. She died under abortion. At Leavenworth Embree was fined for shooting a valuable bird dog. 1898 Emerson, Rev. Mr. Nevada, Mo. Theft; accused. 1897 Emery, Rev. John Leavenworth, Kan. Suicide. Evans Rev. C. M. Bloomfield, Ia. Meth. Undue intimacy; expelled from ministry. 1897 Farrar, Rev. Dr. H. C. Albany, N. Y. Meth. Gross immorality confessed; expelled from ministry and church. 1897 Finley, Rev. David New York. Intoxication. 1897 Fisher, Rev. C. M. Toronto, Ont. Epis. Untruthfulness and deceit; asked to resign or stand charges. 1896 Fisher, Rev. M. R. Waco, Tex. Immoral conduct; left Waco under those charges. 1897 Fitzgerald, Rev. J. M. Rochester, N. Y. Cath. Wanted for extortion and swindling. Under conviction for burning a schoolhouse in Charlotte. 1896 Fitzgerald, Rev. Mr. Masontown, Pa. Adultery; accused and arrested. 1895 Flaherty, Rev. Chas. Geneseo, N. Y. Cath. Assault on 16 year old girl. Convicted; 7 years. 1897 Flint, Rev. D. W. H. Metamora, Mich. Interference, causing divorce proceedings and his whipping by the husband. 1897 Ford, Rev. W. T. Everett, Wash. Meth. Seduction of 15-year-old girl; convicted. Fort, Rev. W. C. Louisville, Ky. Quarreling. Francis, Rev. D. R. Trinidad, Col. Cong. Adultery; confessed; expelled by congregation. 1896 Frankin, Rev. Mr. Newark, N. J. Robbery; missing goods from department store found in his house. 1898 Freeman, Rev T. F. Chaplain in navy. Suicide. 1897 Fridow, Rev. Ernest Woodhaven, N. H. Misappropriating property of his church; arrested. 1898 Fuller, Rev. Henry R. New York. Relations with woman not his wife; wife secured divorce. 1897 Furber, Rev. H. G. Philadelphia, Pa. Assault and battery; arrested at Old Orchard, Me., on that charge. 1897 Garrison, Rev. J. H. Missouri. Meth. Libel--so says another minister--wants $10,000. 1898 Gary, Rev. R. W. Maroa, Ill. Forgery; confessed. Gensike, Rev. John Winneconne, Wis. Luth. Cruel and inhuman treatment, and drunkenness; alleged in wife's suit for divorce. 1897 Gibson, Rev. Philip S. Plainfield, N. J. Bapt. Arrested on charge of bastardy. Gibson, Rev. J. T. Georgia. Meth. "Coveting neighbor's wife;" expelled. 1896 Gilpin, Rev. John Oakview, Ky. Meth. Charged with forcibly detaining a woman; arrested; jumped bail; rearrested. 1898 Gill, Rev. John H. Aspen, Col. Meth. Illicit relations with servant girl of weak mind; expelled from the ministry. 1898 Golding, Rev. W. E. Cal. and Nev. Unnatural crime. 1897 Goodwin, Rev. Chas. Buffalo, N. Y. Meth. Attempted rape of girl of eighteen; arrested. 1897 Goodwin, Rev. M. M. Chaplain in navy. Drunkenness. Resigned to escape court martial. Green, Rev. William Arkansas. Bapt. Indicted by grand jury for stealing hog from convict farm. 1898 Gurschke, Rev. A. W. Hoboken, N. J. Luth. "Chased by a mob for making an insulting proposition to a respectable girl on the street." 1897 Halst, Rev. Father L'g Isl'd City, N. Y. Cath. Malversation of funds entrusted by a widow for two infants; in reply, said most was used for masses for souls of woman and her husband. 1897 Hambly, Rev. Mr. Middleton, N. Y. Pres. Fraud, immorality in speech and behavior, drunkenness, and profanity; said the presbytery. 1898 Hammond, Rev. E. N. Newark V'y, N. Y. Bapt. Attempting crim. assault; sued by young woman. 1897 Hampton, Rev. M. A. Charleston, Ill. Abduction of girl; convicted. 1897 Hand, Rev. J. Howard New York. Meth. Violation of game laws; arrested. Harwell, Rev. J. H. Cambr'ge C'y, Ind. Meth. Forgery, passing worthless checks. Hayden, Rev. J. W. Iowa co., Ia. Charged with embezzlement. 1896 Hazen, Rev. W. W. Iowa. Cong. Swindling; sentenced for six months. 1897 Hess, Rev. Henry Pennsylvania. Bastardy; girl of sixteen asks him to acknowledge paternity of child. Hepp, Rev. B. P. Racine, Wis. Meth. Charged with criminal neglect of girl when in delicate condition. Arrested. Hermann, Rev. F. Salt Lake City, U. Meth. Charged with murder of two girls; remains in furnace of church; he disappears; warrant issued. 1898 Hilgard, Rev. Myron South Dakota. Robbery. 1898 Hill, Rev. Palmer W. Muskegon, Mich. Polygamy. 1897 Holden, Rev. Edward New York. Cath. Intoxication. Hoover, Rev. Geo. K. Chicago, Ill. Meth. Charged with slander by another minister; arrested. 1898 Hostetter, Rev. Gabriel Canton, O. Bap. Counterfeiting outfit found in his cellar; arrested. 1897 Howard, Rev. Prince Bigamy. 1898 Howe, Rev. O. R. New Haven, Conn. Cong. Improper hypnotic influence over servant girl. 1897 Howell, Rev. David T. Monticello, N. Y. Epis. Choked his wife; jailed in default of paying fine. 1898 Howell, Rev. R. E. Warrensburg, Mo. Eloped with neighbor's wife. Nearly lynched. Also charged with arson. Committed suicide. Howland, Rev. H. E. Oakland, Cal. Charged with sodomy; arrested. 1896 Hubbs, Lieut. A. B. Duluth, Minn. S. A. Bastardy; charged by woman soldier of Army. 1898 Hudson, Rev. Jas. L. Detroit, Mich. Meth. Adultery, as charged by wife in suit for divorce. 1896 Hughes, Rev. Thomas New York. Cath. Improper behavior; arrested on charge of fifteen-year-old girl. 1896 Hull, Rev. J. C. St. Paul, Minn. Meth. Attempted wife poisoning; confessed; sentenced. Hunnycutt, Rev. D. H. Morrillton, Ark. Bap. Arrested, charged with killing ten-months'-old babe of his housekeeper. 1898 Hotaling, Rev. S. P. Stamford, Vt. Stealing; accused. Wife also accuses him of immoral conduct. 1896 Jakinowicz, Rev. T. Mount Carmel, Pa. Cath. Embezzlement. Deposed by church. 1896 Jameson, Rev. James New York. Epis. Beating hotel. Stealing jewelry. Jenkins, Rev. Fred. Fargo, N. Dak. Univ. Elopement and defalcation. 1898 Jernegan, Rev. P. F. Bap. Sea-water gold swindle. 1896 Johnson, Rev. J. S. Somerville, N. J. Murder. Johnson, Rev. Mr. Fresno, Cal. Slander; said from pulpit two-thirds of girls of Fresno were ruined before they were fourteen; rescued from mob; left town. 1896 Johnson, Bishop W. Fort Scott, Kan. Meth. Making false pension affidavits; convicted. 1898 Jones, Rev. Henry D. Asbury Park, N. J. Epis. Assault and battery of servant girl. 1897 Jones, Rev. Mr. Monkstown, Tex. Left wife and children; eloped with 16-year-old girl; purs'd by girl's father (Rev. J. Widsby); shot dead. 1896 Keeley, Rev. Horace Millville, N. Y. Cong. Eloped with young girl, leaving wife with child. 1898 Kerr, Rev. Joseph R. New York. Pres. Adultery; dismissed from pulpit. 1896 Killeen, Rev. Father Bayonne, N. J. Cath. Indecent language in pulpit, keeping a mistress; removed. 1898 Kincaid, Rev. D. L. Milan, Mo. Dealing in green goods, passing counterfeit money; arrested. Kirkland, Rev. R. L. St. Joseph, Mo. Bapt. Charged by the deacons with immorality. 1897 Kirkpatrick, Rev. D. M. Rochester, N. Y. Unministerial conduct; lost his pulpit. Koblitz, Rev. O. T. Hopeville, O. Luth. Drunkenness; expelled from ministry. 1898 Kulp, Rev. George B. Gr'nd R'pids, Mich. Meth. Adultery. 1898 Lane, Rev. John Larned, Kan. Bapt. Bigamy. 1896 Lee, Rev. C. E. Bapt. Improper language and conduct. 1896 Leigh, Rev. H. W. Groom's C'rnr's, Vt. Meth. Breach of promise of marriage. 1897 Lester, Rev. Charles H. Shortsville, N. Y. Pres. Gross immoralities long continued. 1897 Lewis, Rev. J. Nelson Malden, Mass. Charged with attempt to defraud creditor; arrested. 1897 Libby, Rev. Daniel L. Watertown, N. Y. Univ. Improper relations with parishioner's wife. Dismissed from pulpit. Lazenby, Rev. Mr. Ottumwa, Ia. Meth. Breach of promise of marriage; convicted; he was 80; she an aged spinster. Leydon, Rev. Father Aurora, Ill. Cath. Accused of seduction and bastardy; put on trial. 1896 MacAlduff, Rev. J. W. Brooklyn, N. Y. Charged by grand jury with sending improper matter through the mails. 1898 MacCoun, Rev. G. T. Baltimore, Md. Epis. Suicide. 1898 Magett, Rev. W. A. North Carolina. Stole watch from his host, a bishop in his church. 1898 Mallon, Rev. Father New York. Cath. Disorderly conduct at Sal. Army meeting. Fined. 1897 Manary, Rev. H. N. Terre Haute, Ind. Bapt. Slander. Apologized from pulpit. 1896 Manker, Rev. J. J. Chattan'ga, Tenn. Meth. Accused of alienating affections of wife of minister. 1897 McCrea, Rev. William Pittsburg, Pa. Pres. Arrested on charge of attempting to pass forged note. 1896 McDonald, Rev. Father Cath. Sued by young woman for $1,500, alleged to have been obtained from her under false pretenses when she was supposed to be dying. 1897 McLaughlin, Rev. Mr. Hot Springs, Ark. Meth. Contempt of court. Fined and jailed. 1898 McVettie, Rev. R. R. Wadena, Minn. Epis. Adultery. 1897 Meyer, Rev. George Bayonne, N. J. Cath. Violation of law requiring report of marriages. 1897 Mich, Rev. John Chicago, Ill. Suicide. 1898 Miller, Rev. James B. New Haven, Conn. Cong. Stealing books from counters of stores. 1897 Millington, Rev. E. J. O. Newark, N. J. Pres. Eloped with married woman; brought back; begged pardon. 1898 Mitchell, Rev. George Delaware, O. Undue intimacy, says brother minister in suit for divorce. 1898 Morris, Rev. Dr. Chas. Natchez, Miss. Epis. Brutal treatment of wife; divorce granted to her. 1898 Morrison, Rev. G. E. Vernon, Tex. Murder; killed his wife by poison. 1896 Mott, Rev. Charles A. Lambertville, N. J. Attempted assault on wife of his host. 1894 Murphy, Rev. Charles Denver, Col. Theft. 1898 Murray, Rev. J. W. Humansville, Mo. Bapt. Eloped with domestic; caught. Nash, Rev. Mr. Louisville, Ky. Quarreling. 1896 Noon, Rev. Samuel A. Norwich, Conn. Cong. Beating his wife. 1898 Nye, Rev. DeWitt C. Coshocton, N. Y. Meth. Eloped with young woman, leaving wife and grown up daughters; also charged with grand larceny. 1897 Parker, Rev. S. P. Ottumwa, Ia. Bapt. Eloped with married woman, leaving wife and children. 1898 Parks, Rev. Enoch Taylorville, Ill. Meth. Murder; killed his wife's lover. 1898 Parrish, Rev. Geo. R. Marshalltown, Ia. Cong. Forgery; long criminal career. Alias Rev. Mark Thompson and Rev. Edward C. Aiken. Passmore, Rev. F. F. Colorado. Meth. Defamation, unministerial, unchristian conduct. Expelled from ministry. 1897 Phelps, Rev. Isaac N. Babylon, N. Y. Epis. Alienation of affections; whipped by husband. 1898 Phillips, Rev. J. Lafayette, Ind. Attempted criminal assault. Convicted. 1898 Pliszak, Rev. Anton Chicago, Ill. Cath. Charged with larceny. 1897 Polyakovitch, Rev. J. Passaic, N. J. Cath. Atrocious assault and battery. Popp, Rev. Andrew Stanton, Ind. Luth. Drunkenness. Expelled from the ministry. 1897 Potter, Rev. Daniel C. New York. Bapt. Charged with adultery by wife in suit for divorce; also with lying, dishonesty, intemperance. Privitt, Rev. H. Anderson, Ind. C of G Adultery, as charged in divorce suit of parishioner. 1896 Pullman, Rev. Joseph Bridgeport, Conn. Slander of actress, Jane May. Sued, retracted, settled with her lawyers. 1898 Putnam, Rev. Mr. Pleasant View, Mo. Immorality. 1898 Reynolds, Rev. John F. Chaplain in army. Bigamy. 1895 Richards, Rev. T. E. Camden, N. J. Bapt. Intimacy with young female evangelist. 1897 Richards, Rev. T. H. Dell Rapids, S. D. Epis. Sodomy, charged. 1897 Richmond, Rev. G. W. Kansas. Meth. Seducer and swindler. 1898 Ricks, Rev. Moses Monroe co., Ark. Outrageous assault on farmer's wife; confessed. 1896 Ritchie, Rev. Wm. M. Asbury Park, N. J. Slander; sued by Rev. Mr. Widdemar; mulcted. Roberts, Rev. Mr. Iowa. Meth. "Acting in a manner not consistent with good morals." Suspended from ministry. 1898 Robinson, Rev. George Victoria, B. C. Meth. Attempted suicide. 1897 Romine, Rev. James Jennings, Okla. Bapt. Turning out his wife and taking in another woman; tarred and feathered. 1898 Rooks, Rev. T. S. Col. and Neb. Meth. Left family and eloped with young girl. 1898 Rumpf, Rev. Mr. Elizabeth, N. J. Luth. Pounded wife on head with brass-bound Bible; wife paid his fine; got drunk on communion wine and beat her again; that landed him in jail. 1896 Rusker, Rev. Gregory Jersey City, N. J. Arrested on charge of illicit manufacture of cigars. 1896 Russell, Rev. Edwin B. Paterson, N. J. Epis. Arrested on charge of committing unnatural crime. 1898 Ross, Rev. James Jacksonville, Fla. Cruelly beat and kicked 15-year-old daughter; accused; in defense said she used profane language. 1896 Scott, Rev. G. E. Waterloo, Ia. Meth. Seduction of girl of 15; eloped, leaving family. 1898 Segal, Rev. Mr. New York. Jew. Forcible entry of house and threatening occupants with firearms; arrested. 1898 Shearer, Rev. F. E. New York. Pres. Assault on colored Sunday-school teacher. 1898 Shoemaker, Rev. J. W. Scottsboro, Ala. Meth. Charged with defrauding post office. 1893 Shoemaker, Rev. Mr. Wheeling, W. Va. Cruelty and neglect charged by wife in divorce suit. 1896 Smith, Rev. Daniel Hamilton, N. Y. Suicide. 1894 Stark, Rev. Mr. Waukon, Ia. Pres. Accused of malicious trespass by his presbytery. 1898 Stevens, Rev. Mr. Manchester, Kan. Tried to break into room of female evangelist. Stewart, Rev. C. A. Nebraska. Meth. Charged with breach of promise of marriage. 1895 Stinson, Rev. J. C. Downsville, N. Y. Pres. Fornication. Street, Rev. Mr. Letohatchie, Ala. Quarrelling; knock-down row with Bapt. minister. Stoneman, Rev. Mr. Oelrichs, S. Dak. Eloped with married woman, as charged. 1897 Taylor, Rev. O. D. Saginaw, Mich. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1898 Thompson, Rev. Mr. Chadron, Neb. Bap. Undue familiarity with married woman; chased by angry husband; fled; dismissed from church. 1898 Thompson, Rev. John Portland, Pa. Pres. Destruction of property; arrested, fined. 1896 Thorp, Rev. G. M. Rawlins, Wyo. Bigamy. Tuttle, Rev. Thomas Windsor, Me. Attempted assault; three years. 1897 Vaughan, Rev. E. H. Dodge City, Kan. Meth. Lying; deposed from pastorate. 1898 Vedder, Rev. Henry Brooklyn, N. Y. Meth. Improper conduct. Deposed from ministry. 1898 Vineyard, Rev. D. M. Dexter, Mo. Pres. Improper actions toward little girls; left town. 1898 Vodyszus, Rev. M. Brooklyn, N. Y. Cath. Adultery, assault, business crookedness; accused. 1897 Von Bast, Rev. John Sandy Creek, N. Y. Meth. Sodomy; confessed. 1895 Wagner, Rev. D. St. Joseph, Mo. Cath. Seduction, assault, abduction. Indicted by grand jury. Married the girl, so escaping trial. 1898 Waldorp, Rev. Emmett Saginaw, Mich. Theft; accused; goods found in his house. Walstein, Rev. John Washington, Ind. Chris. Manslaughter; killed baby in shooting at rowdies who were hooting him as he preached. 1896 Warner, Rev. James E. Exeter, N. H. Extreme cruelty. Wife obtained divorce. 1897 Warner, Rev. Mr. Oakland, Mich. Attempted seduction; whipped by husband; conf'd. 1896 Waterman, Rev. H. B. Chautauqua, N. Y. Robbery of post office. Accused and arrested. 1898 West, Frederick F. Brooklyn, N. Y. Evan. Assault upon girl of eight years; sentenced for nine years and six months. 1896 West, Rev. James A. New York. Improper behavior on street; accused; arrested. 1896 Wheeler, Rev. John D. Derby, Conn. Non-support of family; arrested. 1898 Whistler, Rev. John H. Minneapolis, Minn. Pres. Unnatural practices; turned out of the pulpit. 1898 White, Rev. Charles Clarksburg, W. Va. Pres. Adultery; took his organist to Pittsburg, where they registered as man and wife; on their way home she jumped from the steamer and drowned. 1896 White, Rev. George M. Gold Hill, Col. Robbery; opened another's registered letter; accused; arrested. 1897 White, Rev. H. C. Circleville, Pa. Pres. Improper relations; accused. Deposed. 1897 White, Rev. Jesse Dixon, Ky. Disturbance of religious worship; fined $25. Whiteman, Rev. Amos Anderson, Ind. Horse-stealing. When his first term expired six deputies from three states with six warrants were waiting for him. 1895 Widdemer, Rev. H. T. Asbury Park, N. J. Pres. Immoral character; dropped by the presbytery. 1898 Williams, Rev. C. S. Flatbush, N. Y. Meth. Disorderly conduct, in pointing pistol at two men; "was excited," he said, and was let off. 1898 Williams, Rev. G. F. Washington, D. C. Epis. Bastardy; accused. Ecclesiastical court finds him guilty of immorality. 1897 Young, Rev. C. C. St. Clair co., Mo. Bapt. Adultery, eloped. 1896 Young, Rev. F. F. Oakland, Cal. Cruelty to his children; adultery; accused and threatened with tar and feathers. 1897 Young, Rev. P. J. L. Pomeroy, Wash. Immorality of various kinds.


(Each paragraph below gives in their order the date of the offense, the name of the preacher, his residence and denomination, and the character of the crime charged.)

1906. Abbott, Rev. E. J., Stony Point, N. Y. Presbyterian. Though married, made love to postmistress. 1901. Abbott, Rev. John F., Henryville, Ky. Methodist. Adultery. 1906. Abel, Rev. A. C., Chicago. Methodist. Bigamy. 1899. Abernethy, Rev. Wm., Circleville, O. Assignation; adultery; arrested; fined. 1901. Adams, Rev. C. G., Berkeley, Cal. Episcopal. Murder. 1909. Adams, Rev. C. G., St. Louis, Mo. Episcopal. Bigamy. 1907. Adams, Rev. H. A., New York. Episcopal. Left wife to elope with young girl. 1911. Adams, Rev. Henry T., Arcata, Cal. Protestant Episcopal. Arrested for larceny, and confessed. 1913. Adams, Rev. N. Q., Starkville, Miss. Baptist. Indicted as bank director for receiving deposits after the bank was declared insolvent. 1912. Adkins, Rev. G. W., Poteau, Okla. Baptist. Convicted of grave robbery. 1902. Alden, Rev. Chas. A., New York. Grand larceny. Indicted. 1907. Alexander, Rev. Mr., Indianapolis, Ind. Arrested for shooting craps. 1914. Alexander, Rev. Mr., Chicago, Ill. Murderous assault. 1907. Alexander, Rev. D. R., Bluefield, W. Va. Stabbed saloonkeeper. 1913. Alexander, Rev. Henry B., La Crosse, Wis. Obtaining money under false pretenses. Sent to the state penitentiary for one year. Ali, Rev. Joseph, Newark, N. J. Catholic. Assaulting 9-year-old girl. 1909. Allan, Rev. A., Cleveland. Drunkenness; arrested and fined. 1905. Allen, Rev. Frank, Guthrie, Okla. Revivalist. Disturbing the peace. Fined $5. which he refused to pay, and went to jail. 1903. Allen, F. T., exhorter, Santa Paula, Cal. Methodist. Assaulting little girls. 1903. Allen, Rev. George, Morrisville, Pa. Stealing. Ten years at hard labor. 1899. Allen, Rev. George, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Presbyterian. Engaged to two women; tried suicide. 1906. Allen, Rev. G. E., Breckinridge, Ky. Found in compromising position with wife of host. 1900. Allen, Rev. Henry E., West Derry, N. H. Methodist. Betrayal of 16-year-old girl. 1910. Allen, Rev. Jesse, Nowata, Okla. Co-respondent in divorce. Allen, Rev. Willard S., Boston, Mass. Methodist. Stealing $80,000 from preachers' fund. 1899. Allen, Rev. W. A., Asbury Park, N. J. Methodist. Deserting wife; cruelty; divorced. 1901. Allen, Rev. Mr., Uniontown. Hanged for outrage and murder. 1912. Alley, Rev. G. W., Royal Center, Ind. Methodist. Adultery; pleaded guilty and paid fine. 1908. Allison, Rev. Charles E., Yonkers, N. Y. Presbyterian. Suicide. 1901. Ament, Rev. Mr., Missionary in China. Blackmailing Chinese. Arrested. 1907. Amhyrst, Rev. H. G., Lafayette, Ind. Dishonesty; embezzlement; falsifying. Suspended. 1907. Amis, Rev. W. T., Hot Springs, Ark. Baptist. Contempt of court. 1901. Ammons, Rev. W. J., Georgia. Breaking into post-office. Convicted. 1900. Anderson, Rev. G. W., Frederick Co., Va. Deserting bride; mobbed out of town. 1912. Anderson, Rev. James, Paterson, N. J. Baptist. Defaulted on note given to a widow to secure loan. 1901. Anderson, Rev. Jos. (alias Geo. Hayford), Phoenix, Arizona, and California. Evangelist. Bank swindles. 1912. Anderson, Rev. J. S., Houston, Tex. Baptist. Suspected of complicity in the wholesale murder of Negroes. 1911. Anderson, Ralph D., Lincoln City, Del. Divinity student. Stole horses. 1906. Anderson, Rev. T. C., Tarentum, Pa. Presbyterian. Beating and choking his wife. 1911. Andrews, Charles, Portland, Ore. Street preacher. Arrested for disorderly conduct, not specified. 1907. Andrews, Rev. J., Monroe City, Mo. Baptist. Left wife to join circus; dealt faro bank; married snake charmer. 1902. Andrews, Rev. J. R., Lansing, Mich. Baptist. Delinquency in money matters; arrested; went insane. 1903. Andrews, Rev. M. C., Oshkosh, Wis. Episcopal. Consorting with immoral women. Whitewashed. 1914. Anthony, Rev. George W., New York, N. Y. Episcopal. Conspiracy. Aquila, Rev. E. D., Mount Carmel, Pa. Catholic. Arrested in New York for speeding. 1900. Archer, Rev. J. W., Norfolk, Va. Baptist. Illegal voting; arrested. 1902. Ardman, Rev. John, Scranton, Pa. Catholic. Approved assassination of President McKinley; enjoined by bishop. 1904. Armer, Rev. Norman, Sacramento, Ky. Presbyterian. Murder of son; 21 years' imprisonment. 1907. Arnold, Rev. J. H., Ga. Evangelist. Cruelty to son. Six months in chain gang. 1904. Arthur, Rev. A. A., Hiawatha, Kan. Evangelist. All-round fraud; forged check for $10,000 in Texas; confessed; many aliases. 1898. Arthur, Rev. Chas. M., Weston, Conn. Congregational. Found guilty by conference of obscenity, violent actions, cruelty to wife; divorced. 1907. Arthur, Rev. C. W., Syracuse, N. Y. Congregational. Grand larceny. 1908. Arthur, Rev. Mark, Spalding, Idaho. Presbyterian. Criminal libel. 1899. Ashton, Rev. Mr., Union City, Mich. Baptist. Criminal neglect of wife in child-bed. 1908. Assenicio, Rev. Mr., New York. Catholic. Attempted suicide. 1901. Astwood, Rev. H. C. C., Brooklyn, N. Y. Methodist. Unministerial conduct; arrested for fraud; suspended. 1908. Atherton, Rev. Albert, St. Louis, Mo. "Household Faithful." Taking indecent liberties. 1909. Atherton, Rev. D. F., Haverhill, Mass. Co-respondent in divorce case. 1909. Atkins, Rev. P. J., Ogdensburg, N. Y. Methodist. Suicide. 1913. Atkinson, Rev. Edward J., Lima, O. Baptist. Abandonment and non-support of 5-year-old daughter. 1908. Atkinson, Rev. J. C., Atlanta, Ga. Methodist. Sued for slander. 1900. Attaway, Rev. A. M., Columbus, S. C. Attacked his wife and died of heart disease while attempting to throttle her. 1913. Atwood, Rev. W. C., Brookfield, Mo. Presbyterian. Assault. 1906. Austin, Rev. J. W., Gainesville, Ga. Methodist. Eloped with married woman whom he had "saved" at a revival. 1899. Axtell, Rev. J. J., Royal Oak, Mich. Prize fighting; non-support of wife; divorce. 1905. Ayres, Rev. Early, Lee Co., Tex. Cattle stealing; arrested in Berwyn, I. T., while preaching. Axtel, Rev. P. D., Pittsburgh, Pa. Presbyterian. Suicide. 1912. Ayres, Rev. William B., Wollaston, Mass. Congregational. Sued for alienation of affections by an irate husband in his parish. 1907. Babcock, Rev. C. A. C., Frankfort, Ind. Campbellite. Illegal marriage; immoral conduct. 1901. Babcock, Rev. Maltbie D., New York, N. Y. Presbyterian. Suicide. 1913. Backtell, Harry S., Pittsburgh, Pa. Noted "boy evangelist" and highly accredited "soul-saver." Swindling by means of worthless checks. 1909. Bailey, Rev. Geo., Cincinnati. Abused his family. 1905. Bailey, Rev. J. J., Fletcher, Okla. Fighting. 1906. Bain, Rev. E. S., Waterloo, N. Y. Baptist. Arson. 1913. Baird, Rev. E. J., Woodland, Cal. Episcopal. Inhuman and abusive treatment of wife. 1912. Baird, Rev. L. W., Winsted, Conn. Lay preacher. Arrested for embezzlement. 1900. Baker, Rev. Mr., Cleveland, O. Discovered in a girl's room in a compromising position. 1904. Baker, Rev. C. S., Wilmington, Del. Methodist. Gambling; suspended. 1914. Baker, Rev. Francis C., New York. Congregational. Grand larceny. 1899. Baker, Rev. Jos. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Evangelist. Wife beating; convicted; ten days. 1904. Baker, Rev. Seward, Geneseo, Ill. Unitarian. Drunkenness; long spree; dismissed. 1914. Baker, Rev. William L., New York, N. Y. Violation of the medical law. 1904. Baldwin, Rev. Mr., Warsaw, Ind. Dunker. Assault and battery; arrested. 1903. Baldwin, Rev. Ralph H., New York, N. Y. Marrying two wives and deserting both. 1907. Balea, Rev. Moise, Cleveland. Greek. Criminal libel. 1907. Ballard, Rev. M., Texarkana, Ark. Murdered neighbor. Shot by officers whom he resisted. 1906. Banbury, Rev. James, Brooklyn, N. Y. Congregational. Left wife to elope with choir singer. 1900. Bandy, Rev. S. S., Arkansas City, Ark. Baptist. Assault on 14-year-old girl. 1905. Bane, Rev. A. H., Hollow Rock, Tenn. Baptist. Unlicensed liquor selling; prosecuted. 1902. Barbee, Rev. Wm., Cookville, Tenn. Evangelist. Bigamy; five years' imprisonment. 1907. Bard, Rev. Paul, Detroit, Mich. Methodist. Took saloonkeeper's wife. 1902. Barfell, Rev. Othias, Columbus, O. United Brethren. Suicide by hanging. 1914. Barker, Rev. C. A., Benhams, Va. Methodist Episcopal. Lewdness; convicted and fined. 1900. Barnard, Rev. E. H., Sylmar, Pa. Incest and child murder; arrested. 1899. Barnett, Rev. Mr., Cambria, O. Methodist. Familiarity with female member of flock; attacked marshal with knife; arrested. 1902. Barnhart, Rev. C. W., Tylers Switch, N. Y. Evangelist. Horse stealing; fled from warrant. 1907. Barnwell, Rev. G. L., Atlanta, Ga. Baptist. Kissed married woman. 1914. Barr, Rev. Earl, Macedonia, O. Christian. Immoral conduct. 1900. Barr, Rev. L. W., Fairmont, W. Va. Presbyterian. Forgeries and embezzlements; absconded. 1911. Barrakman, Rev. Mr., Waterloo, Ill. Divinity student. Arrested for robbery. 1911. Barranger, Rev. N. H., North Yakima, Wash. Christian. Sued for $25,000 damages for stealing affections of another man's wife. 1909. Barret, Rev. J. W., Cleveland, O. Obtaining a signature under false pretenses; 18 months. 1902. Barrett, Rev. Mr., Brazil, Ind. Evangelist. Slandering women; fled from tar and feathers. 1910. Barrett, Rev. Wm. I., Blairville, Pa. Presbyterian. Arrested for criminal libel. 1909. Bartemes, Rev. Mr., Amherst, O. Before grand jury for slander. 1899. Barth, Rev. Benj., Paterson, N. J. Christian. Absconding debtor; household goods attached. 1907. Bartle, Rev. S. D., Mechanicsville, Ia. Methodist. Suspended for intimacy with telephone girl. 1900. Bass, Rev. L. D., Saltsburg, Pa. Baptist. Fraudulent mail business. 1899. Bateman, Rev. C. C. Army chaplain. Insubordination and violation of articles of war; dismissed. 1901. Baum, Rev. H. M., New York. Bankrupt, he concealed assets with intent to deceive. 1911. Baxter, Rev. C. L., Council Bluffs, Ia. Methodist. Sued for breach of contract. 1911. Baxter, Rev. John F., Brooklyn, N. Y. Catholic. Charged with using questionable methods in collecting money for benefit of a church in Ireland. 1911. Baylis, Rev. Edgar E., Somerville, Mass. Sentenced to three months in jail for libel. 1907. Baynes, Rev. H. L., Englewood, Ill. Left wife to elope with girl. 1900. Beahm, Rev. J. C, Brentsville, S. C. Betraying 18-year-old girl; penitentiary for five years. 1912. Beall, Rev. J. W. H., Hampden, Md. Assault and contempt of court. 1905. Beavers, Rev. Geo. S., Gainesville, Tex. Incest with daughter; arrested. 1899. Beceljak, Rev. John, Cleveland, O. Catholic. Vagrancy; arrested. 1902. Beebe, Rev. Mr., Delaware, O. Horse stealing; arrested. 1913. Beeler, Rev. Orville, Plainsville, Ind. Larceny. 1912. Beers, Rev. W. L., Wakarusa, Kans. Methodist. Wife-murder. 1913. Beesley, Rev. Jesse, St. Louis, Mo. Baptist. Bigamy. 1899. Belding, Rev. J. M., Lapeer, Mich. Presbyterian. Indecent advances to boys. Admitted his guilt. Suspended. 1902. Bell, Rev. Basil, Huntington, Pa. Murderous assault. 1902. Bell, Rev. Edwin, New Canaan, Conn. Baptist. Slander. Arrested. 1907. Bell, Rev. E. A., Chicago. Fighting. 1913. Bell, Rev. J. M., McKinney, Tex. Campbellite. Adultery and wife desertion. 1912. Bennett, Rev. C. O., Millwood, Ga. Baptist. Killed in duel with his cousin. 1913. Bennett, Rev. Fred E., Evanston, Ill. Attempting to bribe a witness to commit perjury. 1902. Bennett, Rev. Jos., Lansford, Pa. Owed church $200; disappeared, leaving letter for girl with whom he was accused of intimacy, saying he had committed suicide. 1909. Bennett, Rev. Jos., Owensboro, Ky. Suicide. 1907. Bentz, Rev. John, Covington, Ky. Sued for slander. 1912. Bergen, Rev. John, New York, N. Y. Roman Catholic. Indecent attempt on young girl; convicted; later gave name as Rev. John P. Devaney. 1902. Berkemeier, Rev. H. J., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Lutheran. Summoned to court for detaining immigrant girl. 1899. Berrien, Rev. J. C, Steubenville, O. Crime of a revolting nature with boys. Berry, Rev. Chas. L., Pawnee, Okla. Presbyterian. Looting bank; twenty years' sentence. 1907. Bertrand, Rev. August, Windsor, Mich. Attempted to entice 12-year-old girls. 1911. Besse, Rev. Henry T., San Jose, Cal. Sued for breach of promise. 1905. Bettes, Rev. Sam'l G., Parkersburg, W. Va. Evangelist. Bastardy; arrested as he was about to sail for Panama as chaplain appointed by President Roosevelt. 1900. Bettles, Rev. Albert, Lincoln, Neb. Evangelist. Poisoning himself and girl he had betrayed. 1905. Betts, Rev. S. E., Topeka, Kan. Methodist. Slander of another minister's wife. 1911. Bichel, Rev. Albert A., Baltimore, Md. Methodist. Deserted family. 1911. Bichel, Carl, Kansas City. Divinity student. Held for murder. Bigam, Rev. R. J., Milledgeville, Ga. Methodist. Immorality and drunkenness. 1910. Biggs, Rev. George W., Cincinnati, O. Former chaplain of Texas Legislature. Arrested as a common thief; confessed. 1908. Billings, Rev. C. M., Blackville, S. C. Baptist. Intimate with Negro girl, servant of family. Resigned; left town. 1910. Bivans, Rev. J. T., Salina, Kan. Methodist. Immoral conduct; suspended. 1901. Bivens, Rev. R. D., Nicholasville, Ky. Methodist. Assault; pleaded guilty; fined. 1901. Bixby, Rev. Jos. P., Boston, Mass. Contempt of court. 1901. Black, Rev. Henry, chaplain British cruiser at St. Johns, N. F. Suicide. 1901. Blackiston, Rev. W. E., Windsor, N. J. "Left a trail of scandal behind him," says his wife. 1902. Blake, Rev. John H., Montclair, N. J. Methodist. "Serious charge" by a woman; arrested. 1904. Blakemore, Rev. F. P., Tecumseh, Neb. Methodist. Immorality and profanity. 1912. Blanchet, Rev. John B., Philadelphia, Pa. Episcopal. Charged with stealing church and contents by means of a fraudulent deed. Also arrested for cruelty to animals. 1910. Bliesz, Rev. A., Dayton, O. Catholic. Living in illegal state with woman. 1899. Bliss, Rev. Leon D., Great Barrington, Mass. Congregational. Defendant in $5,000 damage suit for slandering women. 1906. Bloom, Rev. A. W., San Jose, Cal. Christian. Eighteen months for horse stealing on plea of guilty. 1909. Bockman, Rev. H., Beaver Dam, Wis. Lutheran. "Peeping Tom." Ousted. 1904. Bolton, Rev. Floyd, Six Mile, Ind. Deceiving young women; fled. 1899. Boone, Rev. Daniel, Washington, Md. Stealing from woman; disorderly; fined. 1910. Boord, Rev. Thomas G., Pittsburgh, Pa. Baptist. Tried to sell his children at auction. 1911. Booth, Rev. A. L., Elizabeth City, N. C. Methodist. Misappropriated missionary and conference funds. 1905. Booze, Rev. Coleman, Buchanan, Va. Baptist. Set fire to his church and smashed doors of residence with an ax; arrested. 1905. Bope, Rev. F. W., Zanesville, O. Episcopal. Debauchery and licentiousness. 1901. Born, Rev. Peter, Detroit, Mich. Lutheran. Abusing wife and adultery. Borrough, Rev. Geo. T., Brooklyn, N. Y. Episcopal. Passing forged check; grafter. 1906. Boscher, Rev. Henry, New York. Lutheran. Vagrancy and fraud. 1908. Bostwick, Rev. Mr., Wyaconda, Mo. Methodist. Criminal assault. 1912. Bourne, Rev. Alexander P., Cambridge, Mass. Constructive larceny. 1911. Bowen, Rev. Franklin, Paterson, N. J. Guilty of disorderly conduct. Bowers, Rev. E. T., Kansas City, Mo. Presbyterian. Criminal intimacy and gross immoralities; found guilty. 1909. Boyd, Rev. F., Logan, O. United Brethren. Assault; six years. 1899. Boyer, Rev. C. H., D. D., Kansas City, Kan. Evangelist. Horse stealing; five years in Missouri penitentiary. 1903. Boyer, Rev. Henry K., Robertsville, Conn. Deserting blind wife after squandering her money. 1910. Bradburn, Rev. A. K., Charlotte, Mich. Methodist. Arrested for larceny. 1908. Brady, Rev. James, Fort Smith, Ark. Catholic. Bastardy. 1914. Brales, S. Virum, San Antonio, Tex. Catholic. Shot by a parishioner and his son, when caught by them in criminal conduct in their home. 1903. Branham, Rev. Clifton H., Bluefield, W. Va. Murder of wife. 1900. Brannock, Rev. J. A., Cherryvale, Mo. Baptist. Inducing married woman to leave home for him. 1911. Bray, Rev., Suffolk, Va. Took money and jewels from a woman. 1901. Bredlinger, Rev. Wm., Cumberland, Md. Evangelist. Criminal intimacy with daughters, 16 and 12; justified his conduct with Bible quotation. 1904. Breen, Rev. S. Edmund, Danbury, Conn. Congregational. Alleged to be thief and liar. 1912. Brenton, Rev. Cranston, Hartford, Conn. Episcopal. Sued for divorce on the ground of intolerable cruelty. 1910. Bresner, Rev. P., New York. Catholic. Intoxication. 1911. Brewer, Rev. Charles, Olustee, Okla. Baptist. Held for dynamiting Fort Riley. 1906. Bridewell, Rev. C. P., Atlanta, Ga. Presbyterian. Suspended by Presbytery for gross immorality. 1911. Briggs, Rev. George W., Cincinnati. Methodist. Larceny. 1902. Briggs, Rev. G. W., Paducah, Ky. Local. "Cutting with intent to kill." 1902. Bright, Rev. T., Charlotte, N. C. Baptist. Fraudulently obtaining money by "endless chain;" convicted. 1901. Brinsfield, Rev. G. W., Cambridge, Md. Local. Criminal assault on sister-in-law. 1903. Brobst, Rev. F. J., Chicago, Ill. Attempting life of wife, which he had insured. 1913. Brodt, Rev. John G., St. Louis, Mo. Presbyterian. Taking young boys to disorderly resorts. 1901. Brooker, Rev. L. C, Kearney, Neb. Evangelist. Bastardy; suicide. 1914. Brooks, Rev. Frank, Warsaw, Mo. Child abandonment. 1910. Brooks, Rev. Lawson, Rochester, N. Y. Collected money under false pretenses. Had two families. 1913. Brooks, Rev. Walter, Passaic, N. J. Charged with assaulting his wife and threatening to shoot her. 1905. Brooks, Rev. W. H., Princeton, Ind. Attempted train wrecking; jailed. 1908. Brophy, Rev. J. F., Coney Island, N. Y. Catholic. Suicide. 1900. Brothemer, Rev. J. C., Frank, O. Catholic. Assault and battery. 1904. Broughton, Rev. Len G., Atlanta, Ga. Baptist. Fighting with chief of police at Albany, Ga. 1899. Brown, Rev. Mr., Kansas City, Mo. Neglect of children; arrested. 1900. Brown, Rev. C. O., Chicago, Ill. Conduct entitling wife to divorce. 1905. Brown, Rev. Chas. S., Brooklyn, N. Y. Episcopal. Sued for separation by wife; reason unprinted. 1901. Brown, Rev. Chas. or David, alias Leonidas Brown, Roxbury, Va., N. St. Paul, Minn. Evangelist. Assaulting girl; jumped bail; charged with felonious assault in 1897. 1908. Brown, Rev. Chas. S. S., Lee's Summit, Mo. Gambling. 1910. Brown, Rev. C. S., Kansas City, Mo. Christian. Murder and suicide. 1908. Brown, Rev. F. C., Rowayton, Ill. Baptist. Seduction; expelled from ministry. 1908. Brown, Rev. G. A., Bloomington, Ill. Mismanaged children's home; used children to solicit funds. Brown, Rev. Herbert, Paterson, N. J. Presbyterian. Resistance to law. 1899. Brown, Rev. John W., Brooklyn, N. Y. Baptist. Attempt at larceny; pleaded guilty. 1900. Brown, Rev. Lyman S., Liberty, Del. Methodist. Forgery; indicted; suicide. 1906. Brown, Rev. O. M., Kentucky. Forgery. 1906. Brown, Rev. Wm., Burlington, Wis. Baptist. Arrested for seduction and embezzlement. 1913. Brown, Rev. Will, Sterling, Ill. Caught with a woman in a disorderly house. Pleaded guilty and was fined. 1912. Brown, Rev. W. A., Hyde Park, Mass. Presbyterian. Sued for divorce on account of cruel and inhuman treatment. 1902. Brownback, Rev. G. W., Reading, Pa. Congregational. Conduct compromising woman. 1907. Browning, Rev. W. T., Cleveland, Miss. Giving fraudulent mortgage; arrested. 1912. Brownlee, Rev. J. M., Joplin, Mo. Baptist. Immoral conduct with young girls. 1901. Bruce, Rev. J. G., alias J. B. Goddard, Selma, Cal. United Brethren. Improper conduct toward women. 1913. Brueggeman, Rev. E. A., Zanesville, O. Disorderly conduct; pleaded guilty and was fined. 1900. Brumbaugh, I. Harvey, Huntington, Pa. Dunkard (called Church of the Brethren). Breach of promise. Convicted. Assessed $9,250 damages. 1899. Bruner, Rev. Otto, Long Island. Methodist. Adultery and elopement. 1907. Bryan, Rev. S., Millen, Ga. Methodist. Intimacy with young woman; wife beating; suspended from ministry. 1903. Bryant, Rev. C. A., Jessup, Ia. Baptist. Swindling; deserting wife. 1900. Bryant, Rev. Gay, Shoal Creek, N. C. Methodist. Inciting mob to burn a Sanctificationist church. 1899. Bryant, Rev. H. A., Fayetteville, Term. Christian. Arrested for arson; committed suicide. 1911. Bryant, Rev. W. M., Moultrie, Ga. Operated a "blind tiger." Buchanan, Rev. S. H., Clarksville, Ark. Embezzlement of state asylum funds. 1911. Buchanan, Rev. Dr. W. D., New York. Convicted of speeding. 1912. Buck, Rev. Mr., Ind. Free Methodist traveling evangelist. Sued for divorce on the ground of adultery. 1911. Buckner, Rev. Henry, Fairgeld, Ill. Methodist. Attacked young girl. 1906. Budanauro, Rev. E. E., Monmouth, Ill. Baptist. Disappeared, leaving wife and debts. 1908. Buddington, Rev. A. L., Adrian, Mich. Free Methodist. Eloping. 1905. Budlong, Rev. C. J., Rhode Island. Campbellite. Illegal use of mails; assault on 12-year-old girl; one year in jail; long criminal record. 1901. Budzikowiski, Rev. F. J., Minneapolis, Minn. Catholic. Suicide by shooting. 1913. Buell, Rev. Henry A., Washington, N. J. Baptist. Improper conduct with daughter of a fellow-preacher. 1908. Bulgin, Rev. E. J., Hanford, Cal. Evangelist. Swindling; ordered by court to make good. 1907. Bull, Rev. D. W., Syracuse, N. Y. Congregational. Practicing ophthalmology without license; arrested. 1902. Bullard, Rev. Frederick, Circleville, O. Presbyterian. Inviting girl to assignation; suspended. 1904. Bullock, Rev. C. S., Stratford, Conn. Independent. Bastardy. 1899. Bumkala, Rev. Jos., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Absconding with church funds. 1913. Bunn, Rev. W. G., Geneva, N. Y. Reckless speeding while drunk. Fined on his plea of guilty. 1903. Bunnell, Rev. Noah, Up. Sandusky, O. Attempting suicide. 1907. Burbridge, Rev. A., Wichita, Kan. Murdered wife; attempted suicide; executed. 1900. Burgess, Rev. C. C., Wolfville, N. S. Baptist. Though married, seduced single woman; deposed. 1903. Burgess, Rev. Dawson, alias Bert Dawson, Wessington, S. D. Christian. Left wife in Iowa; married again in S. D. and decamped with mortgaged property, leaving creditors. 1911. Burgess, Rev. Dr. Frederick, Brooklyn. Episcopal. Arrested for speeding auto. 1900. Burrows, Rev. Edward, Camden, N. J. Congregational. Bigamy; arrested; three wives. Burt, Rev. O. C, Quarryville, Pa. Methodist. Eloping with a parishioner; whipped by girl's father and deposed; wife and two children; bigamist. 1899. Bush, Rev. J. W., Cincinnati, O. Methodist. Theft and grafting. 1906. Butcher, Rev. A. C., Clinton, Ind. Arrested for criminal assault on 14-year-old girl. Held for $1,500. 1900. Butler, Rev. J. B. K., Norfolk, Va. Baptist. Unministerial conduct. 1912. Butler, Rev. George H., Sherwood Park, N. Y. Episcopal. Sued for assault on a woman. 1911. Butler, Rev. G. H. H., Yonkers, N. Y. Episcopal. Slander. 1914. Butterworth, Rev. Robert F., Seattle, Wash. Reorganized Church Latter Day Saints. Murderous assault. The clergyman refused to quit a shack condemned by the city, and shot the health inspector, who tried to eject him. 1907. Buttington, Rev. J. H., Hamilton, O. Jailed with his companion, a married woman. 1903. Byars, J. P., Chattanooga, Tenn. Methodist. Eloping with married woman. 1914. Byles, Rev. Charles H., Lockport, Ill. Congregational. In trouble with his church for divers alleged improprieties. 1907. Byrnes, Rev. Wm., Luverne, Minn. Methodist. Suspended from clergy for immoral conduct with two young girls. Calaway, Rev. J. L., Adair, Mo. Methodist. Stealing horse and buggy; woman in the case. 1903. Caldwell, Rev. J. M., Chicago. Methodist. Arrested on a serious charge; attempted suicide. 1913. Call, Chaplain W. J., San Quentin, Cal. Grafting on prisoners. Confessed and was removed. 1911. Callahan, Father Michael F., Denver. Catholic. Misappropriated funds. Calvin, Rev. John, Green Co., Ala. Methodist. Killed one man and fatally wounded another in fight; intimacy with wife of man killed. 1914. Cameron, Rev. Edward C., Palisade, Colo. Baptist. Larceny and fraud. 1909. Campbell, Rev. H. R., Stamping Ground, Ky. Campbellite. left wife for affinity; resigned; arrested. Campbell, Bish. W. B., Toledo, O. Evangelist. Embezzling church funds; arrested. 1900. Campeau, Rev. J. V., Manchaug, Mass. Catholic. Slander; sued for $8,000. 1899. Canning, Rev. John, Exeter, Mass. Catholic. Seduction; sued by girl's father. 1912. Capps, Rev. Marion, Bonanza, Ark. Methodist. Murder; sentenced to death. 1904. Carack, Rev. Victor, Snowshoe, Pa. Catholic. Cruelly beating a boy; jailed. 1914. Carlin, Rev. Philip C., Methodist. Wife-desertion. 1911. Carlson, J. S., Spokane, Wash. "Once a preacher." Fined for intoxication. 1911. Carlson, Kurtz, Chicago, Ill. Lutheran. Bigamy; pleaded guilty. 1909. Carmichael, Rev. J. H., Battle Run, Mich. Murder; suicide. 1911. Carosini, Father Joseph A., Pueblo, Colo. Catholic. Arrested for assault. 1912. Carpenter, Rev. Arthur H., Cromwell, Conn. Baptist. Resigned pastorate under fire. Accused of "indiscretion" with married woman. 1901. Carpenter, Rev. J. C., Eldersville, Pa. Methodist. Conspiracy; indicted; arrested. 1907. Carpenter, Rev., Dover, Del. Holiness. Deceived wife; seduced young woman. 1907. Carr, Rev. J. H., Baltimore, Md. Arrested for stealing. 1909. Carr, Rev. T. J., Topeka, Kan. Baptist. Wife-beating. 1909. Carroll, Rev. J. H., Wallingford, Conn. Catholic. Slander. 1902. Carrothers, Rev. Mr., Hackensack, N. J. Methodist. Conspiracy; intimacy with a sister of the church. 1909. Carruthers, Rev. Francis, New Waterford, O. Presbyterian. Arrested for drunkenness. 1907. Carska, Rev. A., Glassport, Pa. Murder. 1910. Carter, Rev. G. T., Paterson, N. J. Baptist. Paying attentions to 15-year-old girl; divorced. 1908. Carter, Rev. Joseph, Columbus, Ind. United Brethren. Intoxicated in company of two women. 1901. Cartledge, Rev. H., Rock Spr., Neb. Methodist. Attempted rape; fined. 1910. Casey, Rev. M. A., Tacoma, Wash. Methodist Episcopal. Immorality; resigned. 1901. Cash, Rev. W. B., Pierson, Ia. Christian. Eloping with parishioner's wife. 1903. Cassada, Rev. W. R., Somerset, Ky. Violation of revenue law. 1913. Chadbourne, Rev. James P., Roxbury, Mass. Methodist. Wife desertion. Sued for divorce, and hastily resigned from the ministry. 1914. Chadwick, W. S., Greenville, S. C. Local preacher. Wife beating and murder. 1905. Chamberlain, Rev. H. W., Priest River, Idaho. Congregational. Attempted suicide. 1905. Chamberlain, Rev. Mr., Salt Lake City, Utah. Swindling in real estate transaction. 1899. Chapman, Rev. Austin, New York, N. Y. Baptist. Assaulting wife; jailed. 1913. Chapman, Rev. John C., New York, N. Y. Presbyterian. Fraud. 1903. Chase, Rev. Alfred, St. Johns, Mich. Stealing; arrested; fled. Chase, Rev. E. H., Fairfield. Methodist. Stole another minister's coat and Bible. 1908. Chase, Canon William Sheafe, Brooklyn, N. Y. Episcopal. Contempt of court. 1906. Chattin, Rev. J. M., Chicago. Catholic. Immoral conduct with inmates of his home for boys. 1909. Chavis, Rev. Jordan, 8th Regt., Ill. Co-respondent in divorce case. 1900. Cheney, Rev. T. B., Washington C. H., O. Methodist. Suicide by cutting throat. 1903. Cherry, Rev. B. A., Winchester, Tenn. Subornation of perjury; incendiarism; fraud; expelled. 1899. Cheshire, Rev. Chas. B., Newark, N. J. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1908. Chew, Rev. F. R., Missouri. Methodist. Irregularities. 1900. Childs, Rev. John P., Marysville, O. Church of Christ. Failing to provide for wife; sued for divorce. 1913. Chiles, Rev. John, Topeka, Kan. Illegal liquor-selling. 1911. Chilton, Rev. Charles H., Birmingham, Ala. Baptist. Arrested for adultery. 1911. Chincaloni, Father Felice, Youngstown, Pa. Catholic. Arrested for kidnapping. 1914. Chip, Rev. E. G., Parsons, W. Va. Deserting wife and child and eloping with a woman. 1909. Christian, Rev. R. W., Ashtabula, O. Baptist. Embezzlement of church funds; forgery. 1913. Christy, Rev. Robert, Columbus, O. Keeping disorderly house. 1912. Cissel, Rev. Cassius C., D. D., Kokomo, Ind. Methodist. Unfrocked for adultery. 1899. Civill, Rev. Acton T., Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Methodist. Voluntarily resigned as "unfit." 1909. Claflin, Rev. M. C., Garden City, Minn. Methodist. Disappeared with money and girl not his own. 1899. Clare, Rev. E. H., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lutheran. Slander; summoned to police court. 1908. Clark, Rev. Geo., Roseburg, Ore. Methodist. Money under false pretenses. Eloped with 17-year-old girl. 1900. Clark, Rev. Thos., Wood Co., W. Va. Shot his neighbor, Dempsey, dead. 1905. Clark, Rev. Warren E., New York. Episcopal. Raising and not accounting for Japanese orphan fund. 1905. Clarkson, Rev. Nestor, Chicago, Ill. Evangelist. Non-payment of alimony to wife who divorced him. 1901. Cleary, Rev. B. F., Chattanooga, Tenn. Methodist. Eloped with 16-year-old girl. 1898. Clear, Rev. M. J., Grafton, O. Catholic. Assault on girl; fined and transferred. 1901. Clemmons, Rev. H. E., Memphis, Tenn. Baptist. Selling mortgaged property; arrested. 1913. Click, Rev. William, McAlester, Okla. Apostolic. Manslaughter. 1909. Clifton, Rev. J. J., Sioux City, Ia. Campbellite. Criminal assault on 4-year-old girl. 1906. Cline, Rev. E. C., Eden Valley, Kan. Methodist. "Led about a sister" not his own wife. 1912. Coad, Rev. J. E., Butte, Mont. Methodist. Charged with immorality. 1904. Cockran, Rev. W. F., So. Bethlehem, Pa. Methodist. Gambling; suspended. 1905. Codman, Rt. Rev. Bishop, Diocese of Maine. Episcopal. Criminal libel; indicted by grand jury. 1908. Coff, Abis, Tahlihina, Okla. Choctaw Indian Missionary. Murder. 1899. Coffey, Rev. Wm. N., Des Moines, Ia. Christian. Robbed an old lady of her life savings, $600. 1908. Coffman, Rev. S. C., Marion Co., W. Va. Methodist. Wife murder. 1913. Cohron, Rev. J. L., St Louis, Mo. Baptist. Embezzlement. 1907. Colin, Rev. J. H., Wenatchee, Wash. Catholic. Betrayed 17-year-old girl; held for trial. 1902. Collins, Rev. Jas., Chittenango, N. Y. Catholic. Burglary in third degree; convicted of assault in 1900. 1911. Collins, Rev. John M., Sacramento, Cal. Contributing to dependence of 17-year-old girl. 1902. Coltharp, Rev. Ham, Knoxville, Tenn. Baptist. Divorced by wife. 1909. Colton, Rev. C. H., Buffalo, N. Y. Catholic. Embezzlement. 1899. Combus, Rev. B. C., Perry, Okla. Attempting extortion; jailed. 1903. Comer, Rev. J. L., Russiaville, Ind. Intoxicated; arrested; fined. 1911. Condit, Rev. Henry J., Newark, N. J. Congregationalist. Arrested for slander. 1906. Connell, Rev. W. J., Lamar, Col. Presbyterian. Assault on 16-year-old girl; eighteen years in penitentiary. 1901. Conniff, Rev. Jas., Louisville, Ky. Catholic. Paternity of child born out of wedlock. 1913. Conroy, Coadjutor Bishop Joseph; Ogdensburg, N. Y. Roman Catholic. Conspiracy. 1911. Consolazio, Father Bernardin, Trenton, N. J. Catholic. Held for trial for fraud; elopement. 1900. Cook, Rev. Elisha, Richmond, Va. Teaching boys to steal; six months. 1907. Cook, Rev. F. J., Peoria, Ill. Methodist. Fined for assault on 13-year-old girl. 1902. Cook, Rev. L. O., Kenton, O. Methodist. Arrested in hotel with grass widow. 1907. Cooke, Rev. J. K., Hempstead, L. I. Episcopal. Left wife to elope with his "spiritual" ward. 1906. Coombs, Rev. C. T., Pittsburgh, Pa. Living with affinity instead of wife. 1909. Coons, Rev. W. F., Hoosick, N. Y. Baptist. Visiting disorderly houses; divorced. 1912. Cooper, Rev. R. T., Springfield, Mass. Methodist. Immoral conduct; caught during the Methodist conference at Minneapolis, Minn., and sentenced to the workhouse. 1899. Copeland, Rev. John A., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Slander; fled from tar and feathers. 1904. Copeland, Rev. Levi B. H., Palmyra, N. J. Baptist. Improper suggestions to lady, who brought charges. 1912. Cordell, Rev. Harold, Beulah, Ind. Christian. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1904. Cordova, Rev. J. F., South River, N. J. Methodist. Eloping; abusing wife; four years. 1901. Corey, Rev. Geo., New York. Methodist. Fraudulent land transactions; sued. 1905. Cormack, Rev. Jos., W. McHenry, Ill. Methodist. Kidnapping; indicted by grand jury. 1910. Cornforth, Rev. Athelstane, New York. Episcopal. Left wife to elope; suicide. 1901. Cory-Thomas, Rev. T., Ishpeming, Mich. Episcopal. Improper conduct; guilty; debarred. 1914. Cottam, Rev. J. A., Dearborn, Mich. Methodist Episcopal. Arson. 1908. Coultman, Rev. D. M., St. Catharines, Ont. Baptist. Ministerial conduct. 1910. Courtenay, Rev. A. M., Zanesville, O. Methodist. Fighting. 1902. Couzins, Rev. I. D., Elm Grove, W. Va. Church of God. Drunkenness; arrested. 1909. Covell, Rev. H. E., Long Island. Non-support of wife. 1902. Cowherd, Rev. Alex., Indianapolis, Ind. Giving bogus mortgage; arrested. 1913. Cox, Rev. A. T., Elm Grove, W. Va. Christian. Elopement with 14-year-old girl. 1902. Cox, Rev. Charles, Morehead, Ky. Leaving wife and eloping with girl. 1905. Cox, Rev. James B., Saltville, Va. Baptist. Chicken stealing; 30 days in jail. 1907. Cox, Rev. J. R., Jonesboro, Tenn. Baptist. Chicken theft; thirty days. 1911. Coyle, Rev. E. T., Indianapolis, Ind. Awaiting trial for larceny. 1911. Crabtreeman, Rev. Mr., Wayne Co., Tenn. Presbyterian. Illicit whisky selling. 1904. Crafts, Rev. Wilbur F., Washington, D. C. Misuse of U. S. mails. 1908. Craig, Rev. John W., Newark, N. J. Episcopal. Swindling. 1903. Craig, Rev. Robert Lee, Omaha, Neb. Episcopal. Slaughtering song birds; fined. 1911. Crane, Rev. William, Redke, Ind. Christian. Celebrated successful ending of revivals by getting drunk and disorderly. 1899. Cranfill, Rev. J. B., Texas. Baptist. Slandering Rev. Dr. Hayden; tried; $60,000 damages. 1902. Crawford, Rev. C. H., Amherst, Va. Contempt of court; cowhided by judge. 1911. Crawford, Rev. E. D., Chicago. Methodist. Found guilty of slander; fined $4,000. 1901. Crawford, Rev. R. E., Tioga Co., N. Y. Methodist. Petty larceny; arrested. Cree, Rev. E. C., City of Mexico. Episcopal. Stealing books; caught in the act. Critchlow, Rev. L. A., Iowa. Come-outer. Living with woman not his wife; arrested. 1908. Crociata, Rev. F., No. Adams, Mass. Catholic. Complicity in assault causing death; three years. 1900. Crockett, Rev. J. Ad., New York. Left wife, who sued for divorce. Crooks, Rev. James D., Troy, Ida. Methodist Episcopal. Murder. 1912. Cross, Rev. Holmes, Louisville, Ky. Methodist. Disorderly conduct. 1913. Cross, Rev. Sydney, Westfield, N. J. Episcopal. Criminal conduct with boys. 1900. Crow, Rev. T. P., Owensboro, Ky. Methodist. Drunkenness; withdrew from church. 1902. Crowther, Rev. J. C., Vernon, N. Y. Consorting with disreputable characters; sued for divorce. 1904. Crudup, Rev. Essex J., Plainfield, N. J. Misbehaving with four women; arrested. 1900. Cuff, Rev. John, New York. Obtaining money under false pretenses; jailed. 1906. Culley, Rev. G. H., Philadelphia, Pa. Campbellite. Embezzlement. 1900. Culver, Rev. R. M., Bowling Green, O. Receiving stolen goods; fined $50. 1906. Cummings, Rev. M. G., Murphysboro, Ill. Campbellite. Arson. 1908. Cummings, Rev. Wm., Elk Rapids, Mich. Eloped with wife's sister. 1899. Cunningham, Rev. H., Franklin, W. Va. Robbery; stealing $1,500; five years. 1899. Curran, Rev. Michael, Gloucester, N. J. Catholic. Assault and threat to shoot. Cusack, Rev. John, Cincinnati, O. Catholic. Drunkenness; resisting officer; jailed. 1913. Cuthriell, Rev. John F., Baltimore, Md. Dismissed from ministry for running after strange women. 1908. Cutler, Rev. Frederick, Yonkers, N. Y. Reformer. Fraud. 1908. Dack, Rev. Herbert W., East African Missionary. Methodist. Forgery. 1911. Dagenais, Rev. Father, Bryson, Can. Catholic. Sued for defamation of character. 1899. Dahlke, Rev. G. J., Colfax, Wash. Running away with married woman; jailed. 1914. Dahlstrom, Rev. Albert, Tacoma, Wash. Founder of Heliga sect. Convicted of white slavery. 1907. Dahlstrom, Rev. A., Chicago. Abduction of 17-year-old girl. 1913. Daily, Rev. Elmer, Topeka, Kan. Wife desertion. 1911. Damstater, Louis, Cleveland, O. Jewish rabbi. Sentenced to six months in jail for larceny. 1913. Darby, Rev. William L., New York, N. Y. City missionary. Non-support of wife. 1899. Daugherty, Rev. H. C., Scott Co., Tenn. Killing Wm. Ross with shotgun. 1911. David, Rev. Israel, Providence, R. I. Baptist. Robbery. 1909. Davidson, Rev. E. E., Piqua, O. Church of Christ. Eluded officer with warrant for desertion. Denied common law marriage. 1912. Davis, Rev. Ben., Louisville, Ky. Baptist. Wanted by police for murder. 1913. Davis, Rev. Cader Russell. Ex-Christian preacher. Adultery. 1902. Davis, Rev. John, Pedricktown, N. J. Baptist. Deserting affianced bride at altar; fled. 1900. Davis, Rev. Edwards, Oakland, Cal. Deserting wife. Sued for divorce. 1910. Davis, Rev. J. A., Woodstock, Can. Methodist Episcopal. Adultery with 16-year-old girl. 1902. Davis, Rev. J. P., Coshocton, O. Sanctificationist. Beating wife; intimacy with other women; sued for divorce. 1901. Davis, Rev. King, Earleboro, Okla. Assault on 12-year-old girl; killing her father. 1900. Davis, Rev. Wesley R., Washington, D. C. Passing worthless check; arrested. 1902. Davis, Rev. W. L., Dublin, O. Deserting family; divorced; failed to pay alimony; arrested. 1901. Davis, Rev. Mr., Easton, Md. Stealing; jailed; escaped. 1901. Dawkins, Rev. Eliphas, Cherokee Co., S. C. Murdering his wife. 1911. Day, Rev. John, Muskogee, Ok. Christian. Bigamist. 1906. Day, Rev. J. A., Revelstock, B. C. Financial fraud. 1899. Day, Rev. Mr. Fairbank, Ia. Intimacy with another man's wife; fled to escape tar and feathers. 1901. Deal, Rev. Mr., Rutherford, N. C. Assaulting 15-year-old girl; jailed. 1900. Dean, Rev. George, Findlay, O. Adventist. Eloping with school girl; arrested. 1914. Decker, Rev. Nathaniel, Bolivar, Pa. Saint's church (faith healing). Assault and battery. 1912. DeGroth, Rev. Frank, Chicago, Ill. Arrested for "improper conduct." 1905. DeLarme, Rev. A. A., Paterson, N. J. Baptist. Accused of breach of promise; resigned. 1907. Deller, Rev. W. N., Altoona, Pa. United Brethren. Found in hotel with 19-year-old girl; resigned. 1906. Dempsey, Rev. J. M.. Lineville, Ia. Attempted to wed a second time while first wife lived. 1904. Denham, Rev. Benj. Q., New York. Disciples. Indecent exposure. 1908. Denham, Rev. B. Q., New York. Disciples. Adultery. 1913. DePue, Rev. James H., Arlington, Va. Presbyterian. Receiving money on false pretenses. 1905. Derrick, Rev. B., bishop, New York. Methodist. Libel, conspiracy, maladministration, and other misdemeanors. 1907. DeVries, Rev. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Christian Reformed. Improper conduct; expelled. 1906. DeWoody, Rev. Chas., Utica, N. Y. Baptist. Conduct unbecoming a Christian; resigned. 1914. Diamond, Rev. George I., D. D., Beaumont, Tex. Larceny. 1900. Diana, Rev. Fr., Alpha, N. J. Catholic. Drunkenness; debauchery; forgery; arrested. 1905. Dick, Rev. Jacob, Indian Territory. Evangelist. Fraudulent real estate transactions. 1902. Dickerson, Rev. Charles H., Newark, N. J. Congregational. Stealing altar furniture; broke jail. 1907. Dickson, Rev. T. J., San Antonio, Tex. Chaplain. Shot a soldier. 1903. Dillard, Rev. H. C., Spring Hope, N. C. Writing obscene letters to a girl. 1903. Dillon, Rev. J. P., Rolla, Mo. Evangelist. Dual life; woman confessed; sued, he fled. 1908. Dimmit, Rev. J. H., Valley Junction, Ia. Congregational. Dismissed from ministry for misconduct. 1900. Dixon, Rev. Jos. K., Boston, Mass. Baptist. Adultery; divorced. 1911. Doak, Rev. J. A., Quinton, Kan. Criminally assaulted a little girl. 1900. Dobson, Rev. Robert, New York, N. Y. Deceived Sunday school teacher; borrowed her money and broke promise to marry; jailed. Dodd, Rev. Richard, Clinton, Ky. Bastardy and complicity in infanticide. 1905. Dodge, Rev. John, Lebanon, Ind. Holiness. Stabbing parishioner; arrested. 1905. Doherty, Rev. Richard, Marcus Rock, Pa. Episcopal. False report; horsewhipped. 1902. Donahoe, Bish. P. J., Philippi, Md. Catholic. Contempt of court as executor of will; summoned. 1912. Donaldson, Rev. Aaron B., St. Louis, Mo. Methodist. Sentenced to three years' imprisonment for swindling an aged parishioner. 1902. Donaldson, Aug. M., Rossville, N. Y. Manslaughter. "Straight Edge" society leader. 1902. Donaldson, Rev. M. V., Vacaville, Cal. Nocturnal exploits with women; drunkenness. 1911. Donatella, Francis, Pittsburgh, Pa. Catholic. Wanted for abducting a 15-year-old girl. 1910. Donnelly, Rev. Ed., Bingham, Utah. Catholic. Dismissed from church for drunkenness. 1899. Donnelly, Rev. Robert, Denver, Col. Evangelist. Burglary; jailed. 1909. Donnelly, Rev. Mr., New York. Theft. 1908. Doolittle, Rev. Chas., Anderson, Ind. Evangelist. Non-support. 1904. Dorr, Rev. Henry, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thrice arrested for wife beating. 1909. Dorsey, Rev. Wm., St. Louis, Mo. Campbellite. Stealing; jailed. 1909. Dougherty, Rev. R. T., Fargo, N. D. Congregational. Suicide pact with college student; latter killed himself. 1899. Doughty, Elder L. M., Whitley, Ill. Improper conduct with girl; resigned. 1914. Douglass, Rev. Archie, Sayre, Pa. Itinerant preacher. Arrested on charge of serious offense against a 15-year-old girl. 1901. Douglass, Rev. Jas., Atlanta, Ga. United Brethren. Bigamy and forgery in various states. 1911. Douthitt, Rev. S. W., Arkansas City, Kans. United Presbyterian. Arrested for drunkenness and spent night in jail. 1912. Dow, Rev. T. J., Minneapolis, Minn. Christian. Sued for alienation of affections. 1903. Dowie, John A., Chicago, Ill. Christian Catholic. Libel; mulcted $2,000. 1911. Dowie, William, Cleveland, Ohio. Evangelist. Fined $10 for assault and battery. 1911. Doyle, Rev. Clyde, Amite, La. Arrested and sent to jail in Texas for four years for bigamy, embezzlement and wife desertion. 1894. Doyle, Rev. Gregory, Hart Co., Ky. Baptist. Seduction; abortion; girl died; sentenced for life. 1899. Drake, Rev. Edward, Chillicothe, O. Co-respondent in divorce suit. 1913. Drake, Rev. Paul H., Beverly, Mass. Universalist. Disorderly conduct and obstructing the sidewalk. 1907. Driver, Rev. S. M., Los Angeles, Cal. Methodist. Unbalanced by drink. 1900. Dryden, Rev. M. F., Wheeling, W. Va. Methodist. Choked wife; killed by her father. 1908. Dryer, Rev. Geo. H., New York. Methodist. Defalcation. 1901. Duceman, Rev. J. V., Goshen, O. United Brethren. Attempted suicide by shooting. 1899. Duchon, Rev. Fr., St. Louis, Mo. Catholic. Fled with parish funds and his housekeeper. 1900. Dudley, Rev. Lewis, St. Louis, Mo. Church of God. Assault and battery; arrested. 1900. Duffy, Rev. Fr., Port Jervis, N. Y. Catholic. Suicide in New York, found dead in hotel. 1909. Du Lubicz, Rev. Antonio, Winnipeg, Man. Catholic. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1909. Dumouline, Rev. W. G., San Francisco, Cal. Cruelty and desertion; divorced. Dunbar, Rev. Edward, Cal., Ark., N. Y. Methodist. Desertion of wife, and adultery. 1909. Duncan, Rev. D. B., Crawfordsville, Ind. Presbyterian. Cruel and inhuman treatment of wife; divorced. 1900. Duncan, Rev. Kenneth, San Francisco, Cal. Evangelist. Petty larceny; stole clothes; jailed. 1913. Duncan, Matthew and Luke, Knoxville, Tenn. Baptist. Assault. 1904. Dundonough, Rev. Jas., Eau Claire, Wis. Ran away with girl, forsaking flock. 1912. Dunn, Rev. William F., Evansville, Ind. Methodist. Immoral conduct; three months in jail. 1909. Dunnigan, Rev. A. P., Hempstead, L. I. Catholic. Alienated a wife's affections. 1908. Dunworth, Rev. Wm., New London, Conn. Catholic. Suicide. 1900. Duperon, Rev. Fr., Worcester, Mass. Catholic. Deceiver and swindler. Dwello, Rev. P. N., Marshalltown, Ia. Methodist. Slander and libel. 1911. Dwindle, Dr. O. T., Peoria, Ill. Methodist. Misappropriated funds of the church. 1901. Dye, Rev. Geo. E., Willows, Cal. Baptist. Intimacy with widow; resigned. 1905. Dyer, Rev. W. T., Reedbrake, Ala. Deserting wife and eloping with her sister. 1902. Dynia, Rev. M. A., New Bedford, Mass. Catholic. Co-respondent in divorce suit; threatened accusing husband with a pistol, and was jailed. 1903. Earl, Rev. Daniel, B. A., Bedford, Que. Methodist. Too great familiarity with a young woman. 1905. Early, Rev. Fred, Maury Co., Tenn. Sanctificationist. Murder and suicide. 1907. Easterday, Rev. G. H., Stewartsville, N. J. Congregational. Entanglement with his "spiritual ward"; left town on 48 hours' notice from deacons. 1899. Eastman, Rev. F. W., Nashville, Tenn. Presbyterian. Rape; mistrial. Eastman, Rev. J. M., Mohawk, O. Methodist. Seduction of young girl; paid $2,600 to settle; deposed. 1900. Easton, Rev. Dr., Washington, D. C. Slandering Olga Nethersole, the actress; sued; apologized. 1906. Eby, Rev. S. C., Clayton, Mo. Sued for divorce on ground of intimacy with another woman. 1912. Eddings, Rev. John, Columbia, S. C. Holiness. Criminal assault on 12-year-old girl; sentenced to thirty days' hard labor. 1911. Edson, Rev. G. Clement, Brooklyn, N. Y. Presbyterian. Eloped with soloist of his church. 1911. Edwards, Rev. Alexander, Denver. Baptist. Killed by husband of woman with whom he was criminally intimate. 1908. Edyvean, W. H., Cadillac, Mich. Methodist. Adultery. 1901. Eicher, Deacon J., Decatur, Ind. Amish. Forgery; 1 to 14 years. 1912. Eills, Rev. John, Springfield, Mass. Unitarian. Accused by wife of neglecting her for other women; defended Richeson, the murderer, in the pulpit. 1913. Ekeland, Rev. Emanuel, Madison, Minn. Lutheran. Arson. 1912. Elliott, Rev. Edward, Newark, N. J. Evangelist. Sued for breach of promise. 1904. Elliott, Rev. M. C., Genesee, Ill. Giving out worthless checks; jailed; he has a record as a juggler of funds. 1909. Elliott, Rev. R. W., Pittsburgh. Pentecost. Co-respondent in divorce suit. 1900. Ellis, Rev. John, Foxboro, Mass. Unitarian. Cruelty to wife; clandestine correspondence with another woman; sued for divorce. 1914. Ellis, Rev. John, Bloomington, Ind. Presbyterian. Immoral conduct. 1904. Ellis, Rev. Elwood O., Richmond, Ind. Friend. Went on a week's vacation with young woman; pronounced moral degenerate. 1901. Ellison, Rev. John, Chattanooga, Tenn. Shooting Sophia Johnson; arrested. 1911. Ellsworth, Rev. Philip B., Jefferstown, Ind. Lutheran. Forgery. 1903. Ellwood, Rev. Robert A., Wilmington, Del. Presbyterian. Inciting to lynching. 1908. Ellwood, Rev. R. A., Leavenworth, Kan. Presbyterian. Seduction; resigned. 1913. Elmore, Rev. C. E., New Albany, Ky. Christian. Assault. 1905. Elsworth, Rev. J. S., Paterson, N. J. Reformed. Injudicious conduct with widow; resigned. 1912. Emelius, Rev. Charles, New Sweden, Me. Lutheran. Accused of murder. 1901. Emerson, Rev. F. W., Topeka, Kan. Disturbance of the peace; assaulting an officer; arrested. 1905. Erhard, Rev. Lawrence A., Chicago, Ill. Scandalous living; paid $2,000 hush money. 1913. Erler, Rev. John, Seven Valleys, Pa. Lutheran. Disfrocked for gross immorality. 1913. Eubank, Rev. Henry, Triplett, Mo. Christian. Mutilating public records. 1900. Euster, Rev. W. T., Helena, Mont. Methodist. Common liar; exposed by presiding elder at conference. 1912. Evans, Rev. Emerson G., Monroeton, Pa. Methodist. Allowed to withdraw from church conference under threat of exposure for immoral conduct. 1909. Evans, Rev. E. T., Port Huron, Mich. Episcopal. Seduced 16-year-old girl; married her; spent her money on drink. Had wife in Wales. 1899. Evans, Rev. W. R., Mandalin, N. Y. Methodist. Intimacy with a girl he attempted to reform; lost pulpit. Everett, Rev. M. L., Des Moines, Ia. Christian. Charged with statutory offense; wife sued for divorce. 1908. Ewert, Rev. Arthur, Morrisonville, Ill. Methodist. Slander. 1908. Ewing, Rev. Emmett, Athens, O. Forgery. 1912. Ewing, Rev. U. P., Newton, Kan. Baptist. Wanted for embezzlement. 1899. Eyton, Rev. Robert, London. Episcopal. Scandalous charges; fled. 1899. Fagley, Rev. Joseph, Missouri. Evangelist. Train robber; 12 years in penitentiary. 1912. Fairall, Rev. H. H., Iowa City, Ia. Methodist. Attempted suicide on account of ill health. 1908. Fairfield, Rev. F. W., Sag Harbor, L. I. Baptist. Taking indecent liberties with women. 1907. Falkner, Rev. John, Chicago, Ill. Lutheran. Desertion. 1901. Farber, Rabbi R., Denver, Col. Hebrew. Improper proposals to women, who horsewhipped him. 1913. Farraday, Rev. Henry W., Broadway, N. J. Methodist. Seduction. 1909. Farrell. Rev. Thos., Brooklyn, N. Y. Catholic. Caught in raid on disorderly house; fined. 1913. Farrell, Rev. William, Jersey City, N. J. Baptist. Abduction of 20-year-old girl. The clerical rival of Don Juan is 70 years of age. Fee, Rev. Mr., Toledo, O. Methodist. Cheating widow in land deal; found guilty. 1902. Fellows, Rev. C. A., Portsmouth, O. Methodist. Promiscuous attention to females; guilty. 1910. Fennell, Rev. John, New York, N. Y. Swedish Lutheran. Larceny. 1909. Fenton, Rev. J., San Jon, N. M. Holiness. Murder. 1912. Fenyes, Rev. Louis F., Johnstown, Pa. Roman Catholic. Wanted for embezzlement of church funds. 1902. Ferdinand, Rev. Mr., Omaha, Neb. Took up with another man's wife; sued. 1913. Ferdon, Rev. Arthur I., Palisades Park, N. J. Evangelist. Wife-beating. 1899. Ferguson, Rev. Geo., Kansas City, Kan. Congregational. Wrecked by drink. 1907. Ferguson, Rev. W. P., Lincoln, Neb. Methodist. Adultery with his landlady, confessed to by the latter under influence of one of his sermons. 1911. Ferrant, Rev. Victor, Syracuse, N. Y. Baptist. Counterfeiter. 1911. Ferrell, Rev. W. A., Gaffney, S. C. Was about to marry an Atlanta girl when discovery was made that he already had a wife. 1903. Ferris, Rev. A. Frank, Grand Rapids, Mich. Deserted wife and took another. 1907. Fischer, Rev. O. W., Bridgeton, N. J. Lutheran. Paid attention to young woman. Left family and town. 1907. Fish, Rev. G., Denver, Colo. Fraud. 1910. Fisher, Rev. F. B., Neoga, Ill. Presbyterian. Sued for slander. 1908. Fitts, Rev. Joseph W., Independence, Kan. Baptist. Rape. 1901. Fitzgerald, Rev. Robert, Nash, Va. Evangelist. Stealing stamps as postmaster. 1900. Fitzgerald, Rev. S. F., Newark, N. J. Catholic. Assault and battery on woman. 1908. Fitzgerald, Rev. Wm., Millville, N. J. Catholic. Slander and defamation. 1904. Fitzmaurice, Rev. M. O., Chicago, Ill. Episcopal. Used fraudulent credentials; dismissed. 1902. Flaherty, Rev. Chas., Mt. Morris, N. Y. Catholic. Poisoning; indicted for manslaughter; criminal relations with girl. 1914. Flannery, Rev. Lawrence S., West Plains, Mo. Methodist. Manslaughter; convicted. 1909. Fleenor, Rev. L., Evansville, Ind. Alienating a wife's affections. 1901. Fleming, Rev. E. T., Chicago, Ill. Presbyterian. Indecently approaching women; convicted of lying. 1905. Fleming, Rev. Solomon, Etty, Va. Baptist. Shot Robert Mullins, another preacher, in preachers' feud. 1911. Fliedner, Rev. Augustus, Irvington, N. Y. Episcopal. Fined $5 for disorderly conduct. 1908. Flower, Rev. J. H., St. Louis, Mo. Methodist. Immoral conduct. 1912. Flynn, Rev. John M., Edgewater, Colo. Methodist. Improper conduct with women and criminal libel; hushed up for the glory of God and the peace of the church. 1902. Foith, Rev. Adolph, Cincinnati, O. Lutheran. Debauching little girls; suicided. 1911. Folta, Father Joseph, and Father Rzadkowolski, Detroit, Mich. Catholics. Arrested for autoing "in a dangerous manner." 1909. Force, Rev. W. H., Nevada, Mo. Bigamy; four wives; three years in jail. 1911. Ford, Rev. E. E., New York. Accused of fraud in organizing the World's Bible League corporation. 1901. Ford, Rev. Geo. E., Bridgeton, N. J. Methodist. Enticing young girls into his church at night; discovered; fled. 1902. Forest, Rev. Fr., Jackman, Me. Catholic. Violation of game laws. 1913. Forsell, Rev. K. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Lutheran. Violating game law. 1908. Forses, Rev. W. H., Nevada, Mo. Bigamy; three years. 1912. Foster, Rev. Edward S., Richmond, Va. Criminal assault on a little girl. 1910. Foster, Rev. Frank L., Sioux Falls, S. D. Free Baptist. Adultery. 1899. Foster, Rev. Jas. H., Plainfield, N. J. Church of Christ. Disappeared with another man's wife. 1913. Foster, Rev. J. W., Atlanta, Ga. Baptist. Adultery. 1905. Foster, Rev. Thomas, Athens, Ark. Methodist. Rape of an 8-year-old girl; second offense. 1899. Fowler, Rev. A. R., South Carolina. Presbyterian. Forgery; sentenced to penitentiary. 1899. Fox, Rev. Geo. J., Easton, Pa. Baptist. Confessed to sin and departure from rectitude. 1911. Francis, Rev. A. M., Omaha, Neb. Charged with fraud. 1913. Francis, Rev. David, Richmond, Va. Christian. Forced to resign for unbecoming conduct with a married woman. 1909. Francis, Rev. D. B., Ironton, O. Campbellite. Bastardy. 1908. Francis, Rev. Geo. A., Elizabeth, N. J. Baptist. Fraud. 1902. Francis, Rev. H. C, New Londonderry, N. H. Statutory offense named in wife's successful divorce suit. 1902. Frederick, Rev. Jas., Wolf Creek, Ky. Baptist. Disturbing school; stole bench warrants; fined. 1906. Frederickson, Rev. A., Milwaukee, Wis. Lutheran. Suicide while depressed by drink. 1906. Freelander, Rabbi, Evansville, Ind. Orthodox Jew. Living with wife's sister. 1911. Freeman, Rev. James, Murphysboro, Ill. Murdered his wife; sentenced to imprisonment for life. 1908. Frees, Rev. R. W., Port Huron, Mich. Baptist. Wife beating. 1908. Freis, Rev. Phil., St. Louis, Mo. Arrested as pickpocket. 1904. Fritch, Rev. W. S., Attleboro, Mass. Congregational. Alienating affections of another man's wife; sued; $1,334 damages awarded. 1911. Froelich, Rev. Father John von, Muncie, Ind. Catholic. Accused of unnamed crime by a married woman of his church. Frost, Rev. T. B., Chattanooga, Tenn. Evangelist. Eloped with a prostitute. 1900. Frost, Rev. W. J., Harvey, Ill. Congregational. Confessed intimacy with servant; ousted. 1905. Frye, Rev. James, Keokuk, Ia. Deserting family and eloping with girl; arrested. 1913. Frye, Rev. M. H., Kiester, Minn. United Brethren. Arson. Fulkerson, Rev. B. H., Eureka Springs, Ark. Methodist. Immoral conduct and attempted suicide. Fullers, Rev. Mr., Salem, W. Va. Methodist. Transgression of 7th commandment. 1909. Furbush, Rev. A. C, Georgetown, Conn. Congregational. Intimacy with young woman, though married; resigned and left town. 1902. Gablet, Rev. S., Toledo, O. Presbyterian. Shoplifting; arrested. 1910. Gaines, Bishop, W. G., Camden, N. J. African Methodist Episcopal. Embezzlement. 1914. Gardiner, Rev. Vernon A. Bird of passage. Evangelist. Fraud. 1911. Gardner, Rev. T. H. H., Kittitas, Wash. Methodist. Beat his wife to death with a club. 1904. Garner, Rev. Harrison, Goshen, N. Y. Evangelist. Abduction; jailed. 1912. Garretson, Rev. John, Geddes, S. D. Congregational. Accused of immoral conduct and financial dishonesty; forced to resign pastorate. 1906. Garstka, Rev. A., Pittsburgh, Pa. Catholic. Refused to give up church records; shoots parishioner. 1906. Gay, Rev. T. B., Utica, O. Presbyterian. A "Peeping Tom"; resigned and left town. 1911. Geis, Rev. Mr., Brooklyn. Arrested for beating his wife. 1912. Geisel, Rev. Theodore H., Bernardsville, N. J. Pleaded guilty to charge of sending defamatory postcards through the mail; sent to the workhouse for two months. 1899. Geoghegan, Rev. Thos., Hamilton, Ont. Catholic. Illicit sexual intercourse. 1911. George, Rev. P. A., Cleveland, Ohio. Head of the "Kingdom of God" society. Has two wives, his own and a "god-given" one, regularly married to another man. 1901. Gerrish, Rev. Theodore, Sioux Falls, S. D. Gave fraudulent deed to property; jailed. 1907. Gettman, Rev. Peter, Kossuth Co., Ia. Methodist. Murdered wife; suicide. 1906. Gibbons, Rev. B. J., Norfolk, Va. Methodist. Bigamy; suicide. 1911. Gibbs, Rev. John, Tampa, Fla. Presbyterian. Horse thief. 1912. Gibson, Rev. Lewis, Bristol, Va. Methodist. Election fraud; pleaded guilty and sentenced to a month's imprisonment. 1904. Gibson, Rev. Smith, Mt. Holly, N. J. Attempted corruption of 11-year-old girl. 1908. Gibson, Rev. W., Hoxie, Ark. Kidnapping. Gidding, Rev. Mr., Alton, Ill. Stabbed step-son to death. 1899. Ginner, Rev. S. G., St. Paul, Minn. Episcopal. Grand larceny; three years in penitentiary. 1899. Giraud, Rev. Philip, Montreal, Can. Catholic. Fraudulently obtaining money. 1899. Givens, Rev. Mr., West Virginia. Methodist. Counterfeiting; indicted by grand jury. 1901. Gladden, Rev. Wm. E., Liverpool, O. Methodist. Conspiracy; indicted; arrested. 1902. Glass, Rev. O., Ft. Worth, Tex. Evangelist. Indecent exposure; fined. 1906. Glenn, Rev. H. L., Raleigh, N. C. Holiness. Destruction of virtue of half a dozen girls from 13 to 17 years of age; indicted for criminal assault on girl of 14. 1899. Gloria, Rev. Fr. G., Oakland, Cal. Catholic. Betrayed girl; deposed; married her. 1908. Gneilinski, Rev. Mr., St. Louis, Mo. Catholic. Kidnapping girls; immoral life. 1900. Goad, Rev. Geo., Pine Bluff, Ark. Sanctificationist. Embezzling charity fund; arrested. 1911. Goddard, Rev. J. B., Portland, Ore. Methodist. Charged with "statutory offense" against two young girls; held for trial. 1908. Godlin, Rev. Albert., Preacher of the end of the world. Catahoula Parish, La. Incendiarism; lynched. 1911. Godrycz, Rev. John A., Philadelphia, Pa. Catholic. Arrested for slander. 1909. Godssen, Priest, Henrietta, Tex. Catholic. Gambling. 1909. Goetchell, Rev. E., Kansas City, Mo. Swindling. 1910. Goins, Rev. E. R., Sandusky, O. Methodist. Boy's charge disorderly conduct. 1900. Golden, Rev. R. F., Boston, Mo. Evangelist. Stealing horse and cart; arrested. 1911. Goldstein, Samuel, Montreal. Jewish rabbi. Sentenced to federal penitentiary for smuggling. 1912. Gongaware, Rev. George J., Pittsburgh, Pa. Lutheran. Charged with unduly influencing a sick and incompetent woman to will much of her property to the church. 1907. Gooden, Rev. R., Seabright, N. J. Assault on married woman. 1908. Goodin, Rev. H. H., Pontiac, Ill. Baptist. Abduction; one to ten years. 1910. Goodrich, Rev. G. E., Jackson, Mich. Baptist. Immorality. 1904. Gordan, Rev. Jas. A., Cabin Hill, N. Y. Presbyterian. Breach of promise; convicted. 1911. Gordon, E. G., Richmond, Va. Former Methodist minister. Accused of drunkenness and "misconduct" with a married woman. 1900. Gordon, Rev. Jas. H., Nicetown, Pa. Baptist. Alienating affections of choir singer from her husband. 1905. Gordon, Rev. M. D., Hudson, Mich. Episcopal. Paternity of housekeeper's child; decamped. 1911. Gormley, Father; Wichita, Kan. Catholic. Seduced 15-year-old girl. 1910. Gosgan, Rev. Richard, Hartford, Conn. Catholic. Suicide. 1914. Gossett, Rev. W. J., Vancouver, Wash. Brutal treatment of wife. Gould, Rev. R. A., Cent. City, Neb. Free Methodist. Left wife, eloping with girl of 15; penitentiary six years. 1913. Gouthy, Rev. Mr., Indianapolis, Ind. Free Methodist. Fined for illegal hunting. 1909. Gow, Rev. Clyde, Mexico, Mo. Manslaughter; four years. 1907. Graff, Rev. B., Joliet, Ill. Baptist. Jailed for running confidence game. Grafton, Rev. T. W., Anderson, Ind. Campbellite. Contempt of court; fined. 1911. Graham, Rev. David, Nashville, Tenn. Found guilty of running a "blind tiger"; sentenced to jail for 60 days and fined $45 and costs. 1908. Graham, Rev. J. H., Moundsville, W. Va. Horse stealing; life sentence. 1908. Graham, Rev. J. S., Albany, N. Y. Catholic. Suicide. 1901. Graham, Rev. R. H., Topeka, Kan. Baptist. Rape on girl of his flock; five years. 1899. Gram, Rev. W. O., Montrose, S. D. "A case of crim. con., no doubt;" fled from Montrose. 1899. Grandison, Rev. Chas., New York, N. Y. Methodist. Drunkenness; delirium tremens; a temperance lecturer. 1908. Grant, Rev. H. R., Halifax, N. S. Perjury; arrested. 1907. Grant, Rev. John, Little Rock, Ark. Methodist. Murder. 1914. Grantham, Rev. Daniel, Purvis, Miss. Baptist. Murder; sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. 1911. Grass, Rev. Z. B., Moncton, N. B. Reformed Baptist. Charged with setting fire to his home. 1912. Graves, Rev. L. W., Adrian, Mich. Methodist. Sued for divorce, and committed suicide. 1909. Gray, Rev. I. N., St. Louis. Congregational. Passing bogus checks. 1912. Gray, Rev. James H., Charleston, W. Va. Evangelist. Convicted three times of horse stealing, and sentenced to life imprisonment as a habitual criminal. 1912. Green, Rev. D. Hudson, Indianapolis, Ind. Evangelist. Charged with theft of jewelry and clothing. 1900. Green, Rev. D. T., Rome, Ga. Methodist. Larceny of church funds; guilty. 1901. Green, Rev. Rufus S., New York, N. Y. Presbyterian. Swindling. 1901. Greenberg, Rev. Moses, Philadelphia, Pa. Evangelist. Non-support of aged father; held in $500 bail. 1912. Greene, Rev. Thomas E., St. Louis, Mo. Methodist Accused of improper conduct with women. 1899. Greer, Rev. J. R., Millville, Pa. Methodist. Insulting young woman in his congregation. 1905. Greer, Rev. Mr., Cairo, Ill. Do Right. Eloped with Mrs. Carr; killed by Carr. 1913. Gregory, Rev. E. J., St. Johns, Mich. Baptist. Taking indecent liberties with an 11-year-old girl; confessed guilt and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. 1899. Grey, Rev. Henry, Washington, D. C. Grand larceny; stealing jewelry. 1913. Griegg, Rev. David B., Berwyn, Ill. Presbyterian. Bastardy. 1911. Grieves, Rev. Thomas, Greenwich, N. Y. Methodist. Arrested for manslaughter. 1908. Griffin, Rev. Alfred, Chicago, Ill. Episcopal. Corrupting boys. 1913. Grigg, Rev. Samuel, Winnipeg, Can. Bigamy; sentenced to a year's imprisonment. 1912. Griggs, Rev. Crawford, New York, N. Y. Baptist. Sued for slander by a brother preacher. Griggs, Rev. Edward, Big Rapids, Mich. Episcopal. Maltreatment of wife; fled. 1899. Griggs, Rev. R. E., Binghamton, N. Y. Episcopal. Deserting wife; arrested. 1908. Grimshaw, Rev. E. Cullum, Troy, N. Y. Baptist. Theft. 1912. Grobusch, Rev. Edward, La Salle, Ill. Shirked his debts to gamble at the races. 1899. Groenendyke, Rev. M., Hartford City, Ind. United Brethren. Hugging and kissing young woman without her compliance. 1903. Groenveld, Rev. Mr., So. Holland, Ill. Nameless crime; chased from town. 1914. Grogg, Rev. Philip N., St. Mary's, Mo. Baptist. Murderous assault. 1905. Grove, Rev. M. F., Visalia, Cal. Methodist. Collusion to obtain divorce; previous charges of immorality sustained. 1901. Grumbine, Rev. J. G. F., Syracuse, N. Y. Luring girl away; defamation of her mother; held in $1,000. 1913. Gryszar, Rev. Thomas, Toronto, Ont. Roman Catholic. Drunkenness and assault. 1912. Guernsey, Rev. R. T., Long Prairie, Minn. Baptist. Sent to jail for bad conduct with children, and committed suicide. 1901. Guirey, Rev. Geo., New York and Illinois. Baptist. Relations with woman not his wife; divorced. 1913. Gullins, Rev. William R., Trenton, N. J. Methodist. Fraud. 1899. Gumba, Rev. Mr., Fishkill, N. Y. Methodist. Undue intimacy with young woman. 1911. Gunn, Rev. J. G., Gilmar, Kan. Revivalist. Arrested for bigamy. 1913. Gunter, Rev. D. R., Greeneville, Tenn. Disciple. Accused of attempted rape on own daughter. 1904. Gurley, Elder R. A., Huntsville, Ga. Christian. Carrying concealed weapons; jailed. 1906. Haath, Rev. L. A., Rochester, N. Y. Suicide. 1913. Haff, W. P. W., Jr., Lynbrook, L. I. Lay preacher. Baptist. Seduction and bastardy. Hagaman, Rev. J. A., Anderson, Ind. Church of God. Caused divorce suit by kissing wife of H. Morehead; called it treatment for nervous trouble. 1905. Hagar, Rev. Washington, Hadley, W. Va. Baptist. Raising bills from $1 to $10. 1908. Hagen, Rev. Emil, New York, N. Y. Dutch Reformed. Theft. 1900. Hagen, Rev. Henry, Rushing, Ark. Selling whisky without a license; arrested. 1901. Haigler, Rev. J. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. Criminal malpractice; arrested. 1900. Haist, Rev. F. H., Chicago, Ill. Assault and battery; arrested. 1900. Hale, Rev. Wm., Middleboro, Mass. Episcopal. Cruel and abusive treatment of wife, who sued for divorce. 1910. Hall, Rev. E., Bloomington, Ill. Baptist. Illegitimate parentage. Settled with mother. 1899. Hall, Rev. Henry, Peter Creek, Ky. Drunk, abused his wife, shot by son. 1907. Hall, Rev. J. C., Kaukauna, Wis. Episcopal. Drunkenness; deposed. 1901. Hall, Lay Pr. J. T., E. Orange, N. J. Episcopal. Grand larceny. 1900. Hall, Rev. Wesley, Hindman, Ky. Murdered his brother's widow, who had refused to marry him. 1909. Hallan, Rev. A., Akron, O. Church of Christ. Drunkenness; jailed; fined. 1900. Halloway, Rev. John, Linn, Mo. Cold-blooded murder; hanged. 1909. Halpern, Rev. Rabbi S. M., Newark, N. J. Selling liquor without license. 1909. Hamilton, Rev. E., Muncie, Ind. Evangelist. Passed bogus check; two wives. 1908. Hamilton, Rev. E. A., Newman, Ill. Methodist. Pandering. Submitted wife and daughter to wealthy libertine for money consideration. Hamilton, Rev. Jas. B., alias J. L. Douglass, Lithonia, Ga. Evangelist. Bigamy, larceny and other crimes. 1911. Hamilton, Rev. Wm. J., Chicago. Congregational. Adulterer. 1914. Hamrick, Rev. L. M., Pittsburgh, Kan. Methodist. Obtaining property under false pretenses. 1902. Hance, Rev. Oscar T., Newburgh, N. Y. Stealing, passing bad checks. 1907. Hancock, Rev. W. S., Chicago, Ill. Episcopal. Deposed for debauchery. Held in London for poisoning his wife. 1901. Hand, Rev. A. L., Tuscumbia, La. Bigamy; arrested at the altar. 1912. Hand, Rev. David M., Moscow, Ida. Baptist. Convicted of improper conduct with the young daughter of his Sunday school superintendent; sent to the penitentiary for from five years to life. 1905. Hand, Rev. J. Howard, Rye, N. Y. Methodist. Hugging and kissing girl. 1899. Hanks, Rev. R. T., Abilene, Tex. Baptist. Rifling mails; indicted. 1913. Hanmer, Rev. W. G., St. Charles, Ill. Free Methodist. Unfrocked for adultery with the wife of another preacher. 1908. Hanna, Rev. J. C., Philadelphia, Pa. Methodist. Slander. 1899. Hanna, Rev. T. Carson, Union City, Ct. Baptist. Undue familiarity; promiscuous kissing. 1913. Hanon, Rev. O. M., Jetmore, Kan. Methodist. Irregular conduct with a married woman. 1912. Hansman, Rev. Joseph E., Topeka, Kan. Convicted of bigamy on his own confession. 1901. Hanson, Rev. M. O., LaCrosse, Wis. Lutheran. Wife desertion; tried and expelled. 1909. Hard, Rev. E. R., New Port, N. Y. Baptist. Alienation of a wife's affections. Failure to pay judgment. 1914. Harder, Rev. John W., Vibbard, Mo. Christian Union. Violating liquor law. 1911. Hardin, Rev. John, Beecher, Ill. Congregationalism. Bigamist. 1911. Hardy, Elder E. H., Reidsville, N. C. Primitive Baptist. Contempt of court. 1907. Hardy, Rev. E. N., Cleveland, O. Congregational. Found in disorderly house. Arrested. 1910. Hare, Rev. Louis T., Brooklyn, N. Y. Catholic. Clandestine marriage. 1908. Hargrave, Rev. James T., Richmond, Va. Fraud by use of the mails; eight months and $100. 1906. Hark, Rev. N. S., Greenville, Pa. Evangelist. Conduct unbecoming a minister towards young woman. 1914. Harness, Rev. Murray, Kokomo, Ind. Christian. Adultery. 1910. Harper, Rev. E. J., Los Angeles. Presbyterian. Forced to resign by unprintable charges. 1908. Harper, Rev. John, Chickasha, Ark. Methodist. Horse stealing. 1900. Harper, Rev. W. H., Shelbyville, Tenn. Methodist. Living with young woman in absence of his wife. 1912. Harrall, Rev. Fleet, Greensburg, La. Fought duels with two men; killed one, and wounded the other. 1901. Harrington, Rev. Geo. B., Oxford, N. J. Methodist. Suicide. 1909. Harrington, Rev. Mr., Helena, Mont. Catholic. Drinking and misconduct with boys. 1900. Harriott, Rev. Wm. C., Fostoria, O. Consorting with immoral women; sued for divorce. 1914. Harris, Rev. A. M., Metropolitan, Ill. Baptist. Duelling. Harris, Bishop C. R., Asheville, N. C. African Methodist Episcopal. Arson. 1903. Harris, Rev. J. Barr, Bozeman, Mont. Methodist. Seduction; one year in penitentiary. 1901. Harris, Rev. Sheldon A., Milburn, Ill. Congregational. Running get-rich-quick game on his flock; expelled. 1910. Harris, Rev. Sundy H., Cartersville, Ga. Methodist. Suicide. Harris, Rev. Thos., Spartanburg, S. C. Baptist. Hanged for murder. 1901. Harrison, Rev. G. W., Waco, Tex. Bigamy by direction of heaven, he said; two years in penitentiary. 1907. Harsha, Rev. Wm., Denver, Colo. Had an affinity; horsewhipped by whitecaps. 1899. Harsha, Rev. Mr., New York. Collegiate Reformed. Left his pulpit under charges reflecting on his moral character. 1904. Hart, Rev. C. A. B., Brooklyn, N. Y. Episcopal. Arrested as ticket of leave man, convicted of revolting crime against morals and deported. 1908. Hart, Rev. W. G., Groesbeck, Texas. Rape and bastardy. Life sentence. 1910. Hastings, Rev. H. L., Chicago. Methodist. Immoral conduct toward boy. 1900. Hastings, Rev. Mr., South Orange, N. J. Presbyterian. Shooting game in violation of law. 1913. Hatcher, Rev. James W., Wellston, Mo. Methodist. Wife-beating and non-support. 1909. Hathaway, Rev., J. D., Maryville, Mo. Episcopal. Suicide. 1900. Hatton, Rev. Edward, Brooklyn, N. Y. Baptist. Abandonment of wife; arrested. 1910. Hauberch, Rev. A. A., Miltonsburg, O. Lutheran. Stealing jewelry. 1911. Hausman, Rev. Eugene, Kansas City, Mo. Methodist. Bigamist. 1913. Hawkes, Rev. Roy A., Spencer, Ia. Methodist. Indicted for murder. 1905. Hawkins, Rev. J. S., Arkansas. Methodist. Immorality. 1901. Hawkins, Rev. Wm., Philadelphia. Baptist. Incendiarism; arrested. 1907. Hawley, Rev. F. M., Fulton, Ky. Presbyterian. Wrecked a home; horsewhipped by husband. 1912. Hawley, Rev. Richard, New York, N. Y. Roman Catholic. Drunkenness. 1905. Haynes, Rev. Myron W. Methodist. Obtaining rail-road transportation by fraud; intimacy with a female school teacher. 1910. Hays, Rev. Wm., Nowata, Okla. Baptist. Left wife for affinity. 1901. Heafy, Rev. Jer. J., Brooklyn, N. Y. Catholic. Getting insane man's property by fraud. 1902. Heath, Rev. Henry R., Essex Co., N. Y. Baptist. Larceny; jailed. 1901. Heath, Rev. Jas. T., Kansas City, Mo., and Castile, N. Y. Baptist. Abandoning wife and getting divorce without notice and by misrepresentation, to marry another woman. 1907. Heathcote, Rev. A., Wadena, Minn. Episcopal. Jailed for wife-beating. 1905. Heather, Rev. Andley J., Wahoo, Neb. Congregational. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1911. Hedeberg, Rev. John R., Bozeman, Mont. Swedish. Grand larceny. 1912. Heery, Rev. P. M., Dennison, O. Roman Catholic. Drunkenness, disorderly conduct and profanity. Heideman, Rev. A. L., Calumet, Mich. Twice arrested for violating game laws, and fined. 1904. Heilman, Rev. Edgar J., Wyndmoor, Pa. Lutheran. Breach of promise; convicted. 1899. Hellenus, John, theological student, New York, N. Y. Baptist. Intimacy with married woman; she confessed. 1910. Helwig, Rev. H. D., Evansville, Ind. Episcopal. Forged check; arrested. 1904. Henderson, Rev. C. E., Butte, Mont. Methodist. Acknowledged gambler. 1903. Henderson, Rev. Henry, Williamsburg, O. Criminal assault on 12-year-old girl. 1899. Henderson, Rev. John, Brooklyn, N. Y. Methodist. Traducing woman member; sued. 1900. Henderson, Rev. John M., Brooklyn, N. Y. Slander. 1899. Henderson, Rev. W. C, St. Louis, Mo. Using mails to defraud; jailed. 1903. Hendrick, Rev. Fr., Rochester, N. Y. Catholic. False arrest; sued. 1901. Hendricks, Rev. A. M., LaPorte, Ind., and elsewhere. Catholic. Swindling; pleaded guilty. 1908. Henneman, Rev. J. W, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Methodist Episcopal. Suicide. 1908. Henning, Rev. V., Winnipeg, Man. Lutheran. Seduced girl; violated consent law; two years. 1909. Hensge, Rev. Paul, Portsmouth, O. Made, false oath. 1900. Hensley, Rev. A. J., Yorkville, S. C. Baptist. Slandering Dr. Scoggins, who drubbed him in a street fight. 1901. Herald, Rev. Mr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Congregational. "Coarse and brutal" slander of a woman; sued at law. 1908. Herberg, Rev. Marcellus, St. Louis, Mo. Impersonating an officer. 1908. Herbert, Rev. D., Richmond, Ind. Drunkard and wife beater. 1901. Herborn, Rev. John, New York. Methodist. Interfering with officer; fined $5. 1913. Herr, Rev. William J., Rose Point, Pa. Pentecostal. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1912. Hervey, Rev. Joseph L., D.D., New York, N. Y. Presbyterian. Accused by parishioners of circulating scurrilous stories about members of his flock. 1909. Herzog, Rev. C. A., Anthrax, O. United. Assault. 1907. Hetland, Rev. John, Clarion, Ia. Criminal assault. 1912. Hewitt, Rev. Jesse R., Bomarton, Tex. Baptist. Abduction and white slavery; sentenced to fifty years' imprisonment. 1910. Hewson, Rev. Earl, St. Louis. Congregational. Desertion. 1906. Hibner, Rev. A. A., Hennessey, Okla. Running away with another's wife. 1909. Hickey, Rev. E. D., Springfield, Mass. Catholic. Convicted of assault on girl. 1902. Hickman, Rev. R. L., McKeesport, Pa. Methodist. Forged notes, discounted them and skipped. 1913. Hickman, Rev. Thomas A., Webb City, Mo. Methodist. Wife-desertion; divorce granted his wife. 1910. Hicks, Rev. R. O., Columbus, O. Smashed windows; stole jewelry. 1910. Hicks, Rev. William, Spokane, Wash. Methodist. Sued for "get-rich-quick" swindling. 1899. Hicks, Rev. W. H., Hawesville, Ky. Baptist. Betrayal of two young women; fled. 1908. Hicks, Rev. W. M., Paducah, Ky. Baptist. Swindling; forgery. 1905. Hicks, Rev. W. W., Chilhowie, Va. Methodist. Immoral conduct; suspended by conference. 1899. Higgins, Rev. Geo. W., Levant, Me. Holiness. Breaking up homes; tarred and feathered. 1906. Higgs, Rev. J. J., Cherry Valley, Ill. Methodist. Found in hotel room with young woman; resigned. 1908. Hilbish, Rev. J. M., Turlock, Cal. Methodist. Horse-whipped by women whom he slandered. 1901. Hiles, Rev. Henry, Laurel, Md. Evangelist. Cruelty and wife beating; arrested. 1909. Hill, Rev. F. W., Duluth, Minn. Methodist. Burglary; ninety days or $100. 1909. Hill, Rev. H. J., Huntington, W. Va. Jailed for carousing. 1899. Hill, Rev. J. Wesley, Butler, Ill. Methodist. Taking unwelcomed liberties with young woman. 1911. Hill, Rev. Murry, with a half-dozen aliases, Brooklyn. Methodist. Attempted grand larceny. 1912. Hill, Rev. Simeon C., D.D., Philadelphia, Pa. Episcopal. Driven from the country at 75 years of age on account of his behavior with a young girl of his congregation. 1911. Hillis, Rev. Dwight, Brooklyn. Fraud. 1900. Hills, Rt. Rev. R. P., Omaha, Neb. Episcopal. Bigamy; left wife in England. 1900. Hilson, Rev. H. D., Kansas City, Kan. Killed wife, who had sued him for divorce. 1913. Hilton, Rev. Thomas J., Plattsburg, Mo. Mennonite. Bigamy. 1908. Hines, Rev. David, New York. Theft. 1908. Hines, Rev. W. P., Lexington, Ky. Baptist. Lechery. 1907. Hinshaw, Rev. W. E., Belleville, Ind. Methodist. Murdered wife; life sentence. Paroled, he seduced a married woman in 1908. 1908. Hinton, Rev. D. C, Pittsburgh, Pa. Episcopal. Drunk and disorderly. 1902. Hintz, Rev. A. B., Odessa, Mo. Baptist. Bigamy; deserted two wives. 1900. Hobes, Rev. John, Belleville, Ill. Evangelist. Seducing married woman and mother. 1906. Hobson, Rev. Lemuel, Mitchel, Ind. United Brethren. Found in compromising position with married woman. Shot by husband. 1905. Hofer, Rev. Fr., LaCrosse, Wis. Catholic. Criminal assault on orphan girl; fled; arrested; convicted. 1913. Hoffman, Rev. Henry C., Owensboro, Ky. Methodist. Criminal assault. 1899. Hoffman, Rev. Richard, Lynchburg, Va. Baptist. Two or more wives; sued for divorce. 1900. Hoffman, Rev. R. T., Lexington, Ky. Fighting another preacher; fined $100 and jailed. 1904. Hoge, Rev. Chas. M., California. Episcopal. Suicide by shooting in head. 1907. Hogg, Rev. A. J., Norwood, O. Bigamy. 1908. Holcomb, Rev. Walt., Cartersville, Ga. Evangelist. Obscene language in the presence of a female; $200. 1912. Holden, Rev. Albert, Toledo, O. Itinerant evangelist. Bigamy and obtaining money under false pretenses. 1900. Holden, Rev. John, Matewan, W. Va. Methodist. Found in bed with Mrs. Bostock; shot at by Mr. B. and wounded. 1906. Holgate, Rev. LeGrand, Ashland, Ore. Nazarene. Wife beating. 1901. Hollis, Rev. C. W., Davis, W. Va. Presbyterian. Issuing fraudulent marriage certificate; other charges. 1904. Holly, Rev. J. B., Jacksonville, Fla. Baptist. Assault and battery on Rev. W. Hobson; fined $250. 1911. Holly, J. C., Wilmington, Del. Former Quaker preacher. Murder and arson. 1906. Holman, Rev. E. H., Ontario, Ore. Held for defrauding a number of innocent Oregonians. Holmes, Rev. W. D., Clarksville, Ark. Free Will Baptist. Assault to commit rape; jailed. Holmsen, Rev. H., Hudson, Wis. Christian. Cruelty to wife and "more serious charges." 1901. Holp, Rev. Philip, Angelo, Ind. Congregational. Leading a dual life; expelled. 1914. Holper, Rev. Father, Minnesota Lake, Minn. Catholic. Kidnapping. 1903. Holt, Rev. W. J., Elkins, W. Va. Methodist. Lying, in that he expressed himself as penitent for gambling, although he won $5,000. 1909. Holtgreve, Rev. J. J., Plaquemine, La. Catholic. Criminal libel; immoral conduct with boys. 1912. Homburger, Rev. Oscar, Chillicothe, Mo. Methodist. Wanted by the police for abducting a 17-year-old girl; is a married man with several children. 1912. Honeycutt, Rev. M. H., Jackson, Miss. Murderous assault on a neighbor on account of a trifling dispute over a children's quarrel. 1903. Hook, Rev. J. W., Dickens, Ia. Assaulting little girl criminally. 1912. Hooker, Rev. Conrad, Westfield, Mass. Sneak thief and shoplifter. 1907. Hopkins, Rev. A., Camden, N. J. Convicted of stealing whisky. 1909. Hopkins, Rev. F. E., Chicago, Ill. Congregational. Unpaid bills; sued. 1914. Hopp, Rev. J. H., Portland, Ore. German Congregational. Larceny. 1913. Horn, Rev. Frank, Richmond, Cal. Baptist. Adultery and bigamy. 1911. Horton, Rev. John H., Joliet, Ill. Bigamy. 1906. Horton, Rev. J. B., Commerce, Ga. Baptist. Forgery. 1908. Hoshauer, Rev. A. H., Norristown, Pa. Reformed. Deserted wife to live with affinity. 1899. Hotema, Rev. Solomon E., Indian Territory. Presbyterian. Murder of three neighbors; hanged. 1899. Houldsworth, Rev. H., New York, N. Y. Evangelist. Forgery in various places. 1914. Housemann, Rev. Eugene, Kansas City, Mo. Methodist Episcopal. Bigamy; pleaded guilty and received a three-year sentence. 1902. Howard, Rev. Geo. N., Batavia, N. Y. Baptist. Marital unfaithfulness with several women. 1911. Howard, Rev. Herbert W., Le Roy, N. Y. Methodist. Immorality. 1909. Howard, Rev. I. J., Hartford City, Ind. Drunkard. Seduction. 1902. Howard, Rev. L. F. B., alias Harper, Detroit, Mich., and elsewhere. Swindling; six years in penitentiary; escaped; retaken; bad record. 1911. Howard, Rev. Samuel E., Macon, Mo. Baptist evangelist. Bigamy. 1910. Howard, Rev. W. M., Crook Co., Wyom. Baptist. Fraud. 1909. Howaweeney, Bishop R., Brooklyn, N. Y. Greek. Slander and libel. 1902. Howe, Rev. G. F., Summitville, Ind. Prison evangelist. Burglary; killed in the act. 1900. Howe, Rev. O. Raymond, New Haven, Conn. Accomplishing ruin of his domestic; ordered to support the child. 1899. Howell, Rev. David L., New York. Prison chaplain. Alienating affections of Mrs. Greene; husband brought divorce suit; Mrs. Howell secured divorce. 1908. Howell, ex-Rev. David T., Newark, N. J. Episcopal. Suicide. 1912. Hubbard, Rev. W. J., Charleston, W. Va. Baptist. Criminal assault. 1912. Hucless, Rev. Marcellus, New York, N. Y. Baptist. Sued for slander, and defaulted at trial. 1912. Hudson, Rev. Joseph H., Chicago, Ill. Baptist. Assaulting two young girls in an orphan asylum of which he was head; convicted and sentenced to 25 years in the penitentiary. 1912. Hudson, Rev. Madison M., Terre Haute, Ind. Evangelist. Sued for divorce on the ground of cruelty. 1903. Hudson, Rev. Roger J., New York. Evangelist. Corrupting girls; jailed. Hudson, Rev. Roy., Itinerant evangelist. Child desertion. 1913. Huggins, Rev. George D., Jacobstown, N. J. Methodist. Convicted of rape. 1907. Hughes, Rev. E. C., Chicago, Ill. Swindler; one to ten years in prison. Hughes, Rev. Jasper S., Holland, Mich. Methodist. Malicious destruction of property. 1910. Hughes, Rev. P., Milwaukee. Assault on two telephone girls. 1905. Hulme, Rev. George, Kecksburg, Pa. Church of God. Assault on a female member of his congregation. 1908. Humble, Rev. G. T., Leetonia, Ohio. Methodist. Liberties with women. 1909. Humes, Rev. John, Brooklyn, N. Y. Accused by two little girls. 1902. Hungate, Rev. Frank, Painesville, O. Baptist. Seduction; criminal operation; 15 years in penitentiary. 1907. Hunt, Rev. E. I., Adultery and bastardy. Deposed. 1906. Hunt, Rev. Lawrence, Greenpoint, L. I. Presbyterian. Co-respondent in divorce proceeding. 1910. Hunt, Rev. R., Atlanta, Ga. Congregational Methodist. Fighting. 1909. Hunt, Rev. W. F., Columbus, Ind. Presbyterian. Criminal assault. 1909. Hunt, Rev. W. S., Elizabethtown, Ind. Presbyterian. Unbecoming conduct with young woman. 1908. Hunter, Rev. A. D., Raleigh, N. C. Baptist. Suicide. 1910. Hunter, Rev. H., Lebanon, O. Conducting harem. 1909. Hunter, Rev. T. W., Houlton, Me. Methodist. Arson. 1913. Hurley, Rev. C. P., Stoutsville, Mo. Roman Catholic. Drunkenness. 1908. Hutcheson, Rev. Joseph, Warren, R. I. Defamation. 1908. Hutchins, Rev. Ed., Topeka, Kan. Whipped by boy whose mother he insulted. 1910. Hutchinson, Rev. A. P., Butler, Pa. Libel; indicted. 1908. Hutchinson, Rev. John, St. Louis, Mo. Evangelist. Bastardy. 1900. Hutson, Rev. I. S., Jacksonville, Fla. Receiving stolen goods; two years' hard labor. 1900. Hutton, Rev. Chas. E., Saddle Rock, N. J. Lutheran. Too wide interpretation of pastoral relations with women. Pursued by husband with gun; resigned pulpit and departed. 1899. Hyler, Rev. John, Asheville, N. C. Free Will Baptist. Bigamy; three wives; all living. 1903. Hylock, Rev. John, Mitchell Co., N. C. Jailed for bigamy; six living wives. 1913. Iden, Rev. W. A., Visalia, Cal. Fraudulent sales. Sent to penitentiary for five years. 1905. Iliff, Rev. T. C., Presiding elder and superintendent Utah missions. Methodist. Plagiarism. Stole a sermon, which he delivered as his own. 1901. Iliff, Rev. W. H., Hamilton, Ill. Methodist. Malicious mischief. Inman, Rev. Mr., Goldfield, Nev. Methodist. Contempt of court. 1900. Irvine, Rev. I. N. W., Huntingdon, Pa. Episcopal. Gross immorality; unfrocked. 1901. Israel, Rev. Wm. F., Savannah, Ga. Running moonshine still. 1900. Jacamowics, Rev. T., Mt. Carmel, Pa. Catholic. Embezzlement; jailed. 1913. Jackson, Rev. Crawford, Atlanta, Ga. Methodist. Drunkenness and making improper advances to young girl. 1899. Jackson, Rt. Rev. H. M., D.D., Alabama. Episcopal. Drunkenness; fell down at Eufala and could not get up. 1911. Jackson, Rev. John H., Cincinnati, O. Baptist. Embezzlement. 1899. Jackson, Rev. K., Creve Coeur, Mo. Wife-beating; fled. 1909. Jackson, Rev. L. F., Caruthersville, Mo. Methodist. Left wife for young woman. 1906. Jackson. R. S., Boston. Bested in boxing match before Sharkey A. C., New York. 1907. Jackson, Rev. S. T., No. Yakima, Wash. Baptist. Embezzlement of church funds. 1907. Jackson, Rev. T. N., Waynesboro, Ga. Forgery and larceny. 1908. Jacobs, Rev. Marvin V., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Baptist. Clerical conduct. 1900. Jacobs, Rev. M. V., N. Colebrook, Conn. Baptist. Undue intimacy with woman; fled. 1902. Jacobwitz, Rev. Jacobs, New York. Jewish. Brutally beating a boy; arrested. 1906. James, Rev. E. L., Decatur, Ill. Baptist. Left town to escape consequences of his assault on child. Expelled from church; license revoked. 1912. Jamison, Rev. Guy, Altoona, Pa. Evangelist. Arrested for burglary. 1908. Jaques, Rev. Wm., St. Louis, Mo. Mormon. Assaulted 11-year-old girl. 1911. Jarman, Elder, Hub City, Idaho. Mormon elder. Adultery. 1910. Jasiak, Rev. Bartholemue, Toronto, Can. Catholic. Rape on a girl of 10 years. 1900. Jedlika, Rev. John F., Yonkers, N. Y. Catholic. Cruelty to animals; arrested. 1914. Jenkins, Elmer E., St. Louis, Mo. Gospel missioner. Accused of abusing two little girls. 1912. Jenkins, Rev. John T., Lexington, N. C. Baptist. Expelled from his pulpit for undue familiarity with one of the sisters. Jenkins, Rev. Rufus, Knoxville, Tenn. Deserted wife for another woman; deposed. 1913. Jeffrey, Rev. B. H., Bluefield, Va. Baptist. White slavery. 1910. Jerrett, Rev. Howard W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Methodist. Seduction; ran away on exposure. 1906. Jesaheke, Rev. Henry, Stockholm, N. J. Unitarian. Found in hotel with married woman; co-respondent in divorce case. 1900. Jester, Rev. Alex., London, Mo. Murder of a man named Gates. Jewell, Rev. F. W., Wolverine, Mich. Methodist. Intimacy with married woman; ousted from church. 1907. Jewett, Rev. E. H., New York. Suicide. 1907. John, Rev. J., Chicago. Congregational. Immorality. 1907. John, Rev. W. B., New Rochelle, N. Y. Baptist. Fired for grafting. Johnson, Rev. A. A., Oskaloosa, Ia. Methodist. Wronging a girl, who shot and wounded him in the pulpit. 1901. Johnson, Rev. A. L., Bartow, Ga. Forgery; bigamy. 1907. Johnson, Rev. A. S., Knox Co., Tenn. Sued for libel. 1905. Johnson, Rev. Edward A., Newport, R. I. Baptist. Hugging, kissing and taking other improper liberties with girls; expelled. 1911. Johnson, Rev. George A., Baltimore, Md. Methodist. Murder. 1900. Johnson, Rev. G. W., Chicago, Ill. Evangelist. Misuse of girl of 11. 1903. Johnson, Rev. H. A., Clayton, N. Y. Congregational. Eloping with married woman. 1911. Johnson, Rev. H. H., Clarence, Mo. Methodist. Immorality. 1910. Johnson, Rev. H. J., Independence, Kan. Drunkenness. 1911. Johnson, Rev. John, Oswego, N. Y. Methodist. Immorality. 1900. Johnson, Rev. J. LeB., New York, N. Y. Episcopal. Eloped with a nurse; wife got divorce; Johnson was fire chaplain. 1913. Johnson, Rev. J. M., Fargo, Okla. Baptist. Adultery. 1911. Johnson, Rev. M. C., Huntington, W. Va. Methodist. Murderous assault. 1909. Johnson, Rev. M. D., Lebanon, Mo. Baptist. Shot and killed another minister in quarrel. Johnson, Rev. O. A., Oskaloosa, Ia. Fought pistol duel in street; wounded. 1900. Johnson, T. J., Carmel, Ind. Evangelist. Assaulted an attendant at one of his meetings; arrested; shot constable mortally; constable returned fire, killing Johnson. 1899. Johnson, Rev. Wm., Maryville, Mo. Baptist. Indecent proposals to woman; nine months. 1900. Johnson, Rev. Wm. E., Bamberg, S. C. Baptist. Murdering W. T. Bellinger. 1902. Johnson, Rev. Wm. F., Brooklyn, N. Y. Corrupting young girls. 1910. Jones, Rev. B. Canfield, Paterson, N. J. Presbyterian. Two young women named as co-respondents by wife in divorce. 1909. Jones, Rev. C. S., Detroit, Mich. Left home. 1901. Jones, Rev. D. B., Lagrange, N. C. Attempted rape. 1899. Jones, Rev. E. Mona, Long Island. Baptist. "Ministerial" conduct and other improper behavior. 1907. Jones, Chaplain H. W., U. S. S. Minnesota. Deadbeat and too fond of women. Jones, Rev. J. W., Newport, Tenn. Abduction for purposes of prostitution. 1908. Jones, Rev. Oliver, Brenham, Texas. Evangelist. Murderous assault. 1907. Jones, Rev. Ralph, Selma, Ind. Kidnapping. 1906. Jones, Rev. W. H., Hendersonville, N. C. Baptist. Criminal relations with a woman. 1900. Jones, Rev. W. H., Meriden, Conn. Methodist. Fraudulently obtaining money. 1904. Jones, Rev. W. H. H., Junc. City, Kan. General misconduct; expelled. 1910. Jones, Rev. N., Greenville, S. C. Seduction. 1900. Jones, Preacher, Garners, N. C. Local. Murdered his paramour and five children. 1900. Jordan, Rev. Graham, Arlington, O. Fraudulent sale of timber land. 1908. Jordan, Rev. John O., Jackson Hill, Ind. Baptist. Suicide. 1908. Jordan, Rev. W. F., Marshalltown, Ia. Methodist. Lying, slander, perjury; expelled from church. 1912. Jorganson, Rev. Kent, Callender, Ia. Immoral conduct; fined in police court. 1902. Jungblud, Rev. Chas., Niellsville, Wis. Assaulting his 8-year-old ward; eight years in penitentiary. 1913. Jurco, Rev. John, Jessup, Pa. Lutheran. Suicide. 1910. Kain, Rev. Maurice J. L., Newark, N. J. Episcopal. Unnatural relations with boys. 1910. Kaminski, Rev. Father, Buffalo, N. Y. Catholic. Slander. 1903. Kammer, Rev. A. M., Guttenburg, N. J. Catholic. Horse-whipping small girl. 1902. Kantor, Rev. J. M., Alta, Ia. Methodist. Defrauding insurance companies. 1909. Kasel, Rev. Ed., New Hradec, N. D. Catholic. Tampering with mails. 1908. Kaye, Rev. J. A., Oak Park, Ill. Presbyterian. Counterfeiting; two years. 1905. Kaylor, Rev. A. H., Pittsburgh, Pa. Evangelist. Outrageous abuse of wife; divorced. 1910. Kazinsky, Rev. Father, Pittsburgh, Pa. Catholic. Perjury. 1911. Kearns, Father, Vineland, N. J. Catholic. Assault. 1901. Keep, Rev. R. H., Middleport, W. Va. New Jerusalem. Making love to all the marriageable women in his congregation, and some outside. 1911. Keffer, Rev. Mr., Seattle, Wash. Evangelist. Cruelty. 1901. Keller, Rev. John, Arlington, N. J. Episcopal. Ravishing Mrs. Barker; shot by Barker; recovered; not tried. 1901. Kellerman, Rev. C. R., Midland, Mich. Methodist. "Indiscretions;" fled. 1905. Kelley, Rev. Ad. A., Salem, W. Va. Methodist. Intimacy with domestic; confessed by himself and girl. 1911. Kellmayer, Rev. E., Trenton, N. J. Presbyterian. "Conduct unbecoming a minister." 1907. Kelly, Rev. A. M., Nashville, Tenn. Swindling. 1913. Kelly, Rev. Claude, San Jose, Cal. Baptist. Improper conduct with girls. 1902. Kelly, Francis J., Jersey City, N. J. Evangelist. Deserting family. 1910. Kelly, Rev. J. M., Nowata, Okla. Evangelist. Adultery. Kelly, Rev. Fr., Elk Point, S. D. Catholic. Running away with young woman. 1899. Kemp, Rev. K. L., Mechanicsburg, O. Drunkenness; arrested and fined. 1908. Kemp, Rev. Morris, Chicago. Episcopal. Corrupting morals of boys. 1911. Kemp, Rev. R. M., Chicago. Episcopalian. Drunkenness and immorality. 1900. Kempton, Rev. Arthur C., Janesville, Wis. Baptist. Slander; sued by young woman for $10,000. 1910. Keniston, Rev. George, Danville, Ill. Congregational. Criminal assault. 1903. Kennedy, Rev. R. H., Hillsboro, Ore. Congregational. Burglary; arrested. 1906. Kenyon, Rev. J. B., Bradford, Pa. Methodist Episcopal. Resigned under complaint of immoral conduct with young woman. 1905. Kent, Rev. Alex, Buffalo, N. Y. Baptist. Conduct unbecoming a minister; expelled. 1912. Kepler, Rev. Robert W., Boston, Mass. Evangelist. Corrupting the morals of a boy and abducting a young girl; now serving time in the penitentiary. 1911. Kerr, J. W., Portland, Ind. Methodist. Immorality. 1899. Kerr, Rev. Milton R., New Haven, Conn. Congregational. Assignation with woman of his flock. 1899. Kerr, Rev. Dr., New York. Presbyterian. Lodging at a hotel with a young woman, with whom he afterwards fled, leaving wife. 1907. Kessenger, Rev. Nat., Evansville, Ind. Drunkenness. 1909. Keuling, Rev. E. J., Woodhaven, L. I. Lutheran. Disappeared, leaving wife. 1914. Kidder, Rev. Dr. Scott, Bayonne, N. J. Episcopal. Accused of indecent assault on a 16-year-old girl. 1909. Kiekhoefer, Rev. H. J., Naperville, Ill. Made love to girls in his college. 1899. Killingbeck, Rev. Wm., New York. Evangelist. Drunkenness; died intoxicated. 1911. Kimmons, Rev. James, Rev. Bunyan and Rev. Judson, Ellijay, Ga. Baptists. Murder. 1910. King, Rev. D. D., Ithaca, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal. Though married, made love to another woman; resigned. 1902. King, Rev. J. V. M., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Episcopal. Drunkenness; suicide. 1902. Kinnunen, Rev. John, Houghton, Mich. Lutheran. Murder of wife and child, and suicide. 1905. Kipartawy, Rev. H., New York. Catholic. Threat to kill; assault; arrested. 1908. Kirreh, Rev. Justin, Port Chester, N. Y. Baptist. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1908. Kister, Rev. Frank, Providence, R. I. Theft. 1900. Kline, Robert and May, Kansas City, Mo. Evangelist. Theft. 1902. Kling, Rev. Walter, Canton, O. Presbyterian. Deceiving numerous women of his flock; deposed. 1902. Knapp, Rev. D. E., Guthrie Center, Ia. Methodist. Abduction; prosecuted. 1907. Knight, Rev. E. J., Philadelphia, Pa. Episcopal. Fighting. 1912. Knox, Rev. Maurice E., Parkersburg, W. Va. Methodist. Sued for divorce for cruel and inhuman treatment. 1908. Knox, Rev. Robert, Toronto, Ont. Episcopal. Attempted suicide. 1914. Kolodzejczik, Rev. John, Chicago, Ill. Polish Catholic. Contributing to dependency of 8-year-old girl; convicted. 1911. Korb, Rev. A. B., St. Louis, Mo. Assault. 1911. Korona, Father Antona, Bayonne, N. J. Catholic. Slander. 1901. Koslowski, Bishop, Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Charged with borrowing money from patients in his hospital, and then causing their death by injecting strychnine in their veins. 1901. Kossalko, Rev. Mr., Bridgeport, Conn. Catholic. Malicious prosecution; sued for $5,000. 1910. Kovach, Rev. A., Dayton, O. Reformed. Mistreated little girl. 1910. Kowalski, Rev. Mr., Winnipeg, Man. Catholic. Felony. 1903. Krainhardt, Rev. Fred, Josephville, Mo. Catholic. Suicide. 1912. Kraisicki, Rev. E., Detroit, Mich. Greek. Adultery. 1902. Krell, Rev. Samuel, Lacon, Ia. Methodist. Suicide. 1900. Kreutzer, Rev. Frederick, Syracuse, N. Y. Methodist. Criminal assault on woman. 1910. Kruzinaki, Rev. Ignacius, Stamford, Conn. Catholic. Embezzlement. 1913. Kuhlman, Rev. H. W., Tillamook, Ore. Methodist. Accosting women on the street; convicted, but let off in accordance with the usual favoritism to a preacher. 1913. Kuhn, Rev. A., Mississippi, Miss. Roman Catholic. Child-beating. 1908. Kurtz, Rev. J. S., Lancaster, Pa. Mennonite. Violating fishing laws; fined; pleaded guilty. 1912. Kuryllo, Rev. Constantine, Pittsburgh, Pa. Greek. Criminal assault on a girl. 1911. Kvantkovsky, Father Bolishlav, Jersey City, N. J. Catholic. Seduced and abducted young girl. 1913. Kwiatowski, Rev. Barslow, Jersey City, N. J. Roman Catholic. Embezzlement; arrested ten years before for assault and battery. 1899. Labour, Rev. John, Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Disorderly conduct. 1907. Lagan, Rev. V. J., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Absconded with $6,000. 1913. Laguzzi, Rev. Joseph, Batavia, N. Y. Roman Catholic. Assault. 1899. Laird, Rev. A. M., Laporte, Ind. Christian. Adultery with member of his flock at Elkhart. 1905. Lampkin, Rev. L. D., Duncan, Mo. Evangelist. Attempting assault on woman during revival. 1909. Lander, Rev. A. J., Chicago, Ill. Baptist. Suicide. 1914. Landis, Rev. B. J., Prince's Fork, Va. Lutheran. White slavery. 1900. Lane, Rev. C. M., San Francisco, Cal. Desertion of wife, who sued for divorce. 1913. Lane, Rev. John, Tulsa, Okla. Methodist and evangelist. Drunkenness. 1907. Langan, Rev. J. J., New York, N. Y. Catholic. Stealing. 1907. Lange, Rev. A., Evansville, Ind. Lutheran. Divorced; decamped with hairdresser. 1906. Lange, Rev. F. X., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Sued by head of family as father of 5-year-old member of that family. 1905. Lanning, Rev. J. C., Doniphan Co., Kan. Evangelist. Forgery; jailed. 1901. Latimer, Rev. J. H., Rome, Ga. Baptist. Fighting with school superintendent. 1913. Laudrais, Rev. Mr., La Rochelle, N. J. Roman Catholic. Arson; sentenced to sixteen years at hard labor. 1900. Laurence, Rev. Thos., Montreal, Can. Jesuit. Swindling; three years in state prison. 1900. Lawrence, Rev. John S., Cincinnati, O. Campbellite. Unlawful cohabitation; proved. 1913. Lawrence, Bishop William, Cambridge, Mass. Episcopal. Sued for defamation of character. 1902. Ledbrook, Rev. Dr., Moscow, Ida. Methodist. Seduction, murder and suicide; chloroformed himself and girl with whom he eloped. 1914. Lee, Rev. Burton H., Ossining, N. Y. Episcopal. Sued for separation by his wife. 1914. Lee, Rev. Frank L., Cory, Ind. Methodist. Suicide. 1903. Lee, Rev. Robert H., Middleburg, Ky. Murder of two; penitentiary for life. 1911. Lenihan, Rev. Father D. C., Waterloo, Ia. Catholic. Assault. 1900. Lenk, Rev. Otto P., Cullman, Ala. Lutheran. Suicide by shooting. 1900. Leonard, Rev. John, Horton, Kan. Baptist. Intimacy with choir girl; dismissed. 1903. Lepore, Rev. Felix M., Denver, Col. Catholic. Gambling and shooting. Lewis, Rev. Clay, Kansas City, Mo. Evangelist. Selling borrowed horse and wagon. 1912. Lewis, Rev. David D., New York, N. Y. Imprisoned for fraud; made a sensational attempt to escape, but was recaptured. 1912. Lewis, Rev. F. E., Willard, Kan. Arson. Charged with burning church to revenge himself on the congregation. 1905. Lewis, Rev. Harry, Richfield, Minn. Baptist. Theft of jewelry; jailed. 1903. Lewis, Rev. James, Columbus, O. Beating wife. 1910. Lewis, Rev. James H., Brighton, Ia. Methodist. Adultery. 1913. Lewis, Rev. J. D., Alexis, Ill. Lutheran. White slavery, larceny. 1901. Lewis, Rev. J. P., Petersburg, Va. Assault with deadly weapon. 1913. Lewis, Rev. W. A., Lansdowne, Pa. Methodist. Fined for cruelty to chickens. 1903. Lewis, Rev. W. A., Texarkana, Ark. Baptist. Assisting prisoner to escape; jailed. 1902. Lewis, Rev. Z. D., Richmond, Va. Baptist. Adultery; divorce proceedings. 1899. Life, Rev. J. M., Hebron, O. Methodist. Attempting improper relations; dismissed. 1906. Life, Rev. J. M., Canton, O. Methodist. Blacked wife's eye; sued for divorce. 1911. Lightbourne, Rev. A. W., Wilmington, Del. Methodist. "Irregularity." 1908. Limbeck, Rev. H. G., Cincinnati, O. Episcopal. Beating a boy. Lindner, Rev. G. J., Nashville, Tenn. Campbellite. Swindling banks; fled. 1902. Lindsey, Rev. Jos., Carbondale, Ill. Evangelist. Stealing clothes. 1911. Line, Rev. Hood, Iola, Kan. Free Methodist. Immorality. 1902. Ling, Rev. F. D., Port Huron, Mich. Methodist. Attempted intimacy with married woman. 1910. Little, Rev. Arthur W., Evanston, Ill. Episcopal. Suicide. 1900. Little, Rev. J. C., Rossville, Ind. Expelled for improper relations; threatens editor with gun. 1901. Little, Rev. J. W., Beecher City, Ill. Baptist. Running away with married woman. Littleton, Rev. C. B., Edna, Kan. Methodist. Under suspicion of causing wife's death; unfrocked. 1900. Lloyd, Rev. Williams C., Southod, L. I. Presbyterian. Mixed in scandal involving the pregnancy of a worker in his church. 1909. Logan, Rev. A. W., Sterling, Ill. Baptist. Larceny. 1909. Logan, Rev. B., Tacoma, Wash. Criminal assault on 11-year-old girl. 1910. Logan, Rev. P. B., Butler, Pa. Libel; indicted. 1901. Long, John, McKinney, Tex. Cut wife's throat with pocketknife. 1913. Long, Rev. J. Franklin, Canon City, Colo. Episcopal. Unlawful cohabitation. 1909. Long, Rev. W. M., Plainfield, Ia. Methodist Episcopal. Defaulter. 1910. Long, Rev. Wm., Monticello, N. Y. Theft; thirty days. 1900. Lonier, Rev. A. V., Mt. Holly, N. J. Methodist. Intimacy with another's wife. 1914. Loomis, Rev. Chester E., Owosso, Mich. Methodist. Improper conduct with married woman. 1909. Lorton, Rev. J. E., Edinburg, Ill. Campbellite. Unfaithfulness and cruelty to wife. 1910. Lott, Rev. G. W., Chicago, Ill. Methodist. Annoying women on elevated trains; fined $100. 1910. Lovejoy, Rev. M. T., Chambersburg, Pa. Church of God. Swapped wives with the baker. 1911. Lowe, Rev. Gilbert, Willimantic, Conn. Methodist. Forgery. 1910. Lowe, Rev. Robert B., Bellefontaine, O. Baptist. Adultery. 1910. Lowery, Rev. M. C., Greenville, Ala. Shot his wife. 1901. Lowther, Rev. Frank, Winfield, Kan. Methodist. Assault and destruction of property. 1909. Lubach, Rev. Sam., Staten Island, N. Y. Assaulted old man; fined $10. 1901. Lucas, Rev. J. H., Hancock Co., W. Va. Methodist. Conspiracy; indicted, arrested. 1899. Lumpkins, Rev. Lewis, Scottsboro, Ala. Baptist. Torturing by burning his young grandson, who died; ten years in the penitentiary. 1911. Lupton, Levi, founder of the Gift of Thomas cult, Akron, O. Adultery. 1899. Luther, Rev. L. O., Garrison, Ia. Swindling merchants of Garrison. 1910. Lutz, Rev. Mr., Ashland, Wis. Lutheran. Arrested for assault. 1908. Lyford, Rev. G. D., Port Huron, Mich. Congregational. "Indiscreet" with married woman; resigned; disappeared, leaving wife behind. 1912. Lyles, Rev. C. S., Logan, Ia. Methodist. Suspended by the church conference for what is euphemistically described as "high imprudence and unministerial conduct." 1908. Lynos, Rev. Ernest E., Suffolk, Va. Sanctificationist. Murder. 1904. Lyons, Rev. Chas. A., Sioux City, S. D. Bigamy; five living wives or more. 1914. Lyons, Rev. David P., Newton, Ill. Holiness. Assault and battery; convicted. Mabry, Rev. W. D., Salt Lake City, Utah. Methodist. Discovered in compromising position with well-known woman. 1904. MacGrail, Rev. Jos. T., Navy chaplain. Catholic. Gross immorality; resignation required. 1913. Machlachlan, Rev. H. D. C., Richmond, Va. Christian. Maintaining common nuisance. 1899. Mackay, Rev. T. J., Newport News. Baptist. Taking "unusual" liberties with a woman. 1912. Mackelcan, Rev. George F. A., Detroit, Mich. Episcopal. Habitual drunkard; committed to insane asylum on complaint of his wife. 1900. MacKinney, Rev. Jas., Philadelphia, Pa. Enticing young girl; fined $500. 1913. MacMurtry, Rev. Andrew J., Manilla, Ia. Presbyterian. Adultery; divorce granted his wife. 1913. MacRorie, Rev. Willis S., Mount Hope, N. J. Methodist. Adultery; convicted and sentenced to three months in county jail. 1914. MacWeedsen, Rev. Robert, Willow Grove, Pa. Baptist. Disorderly conduct and carrying concealed weapons. 1914. Maddox, Rev. Carroll S., Santa Monica, Cal. Baptist. Sued for slander by woman. 1899. Maguire, Rev. H. W., Bayonne, N. J. Baptist. Assault and battery. 1913. Main, Rev. Silas S., Britton, Mich. Christian. Equivocal conduct with women. 1903. Malone, Rev. D. M., Wardell, Mo. Evangelist. Deserted his wife and traveled with another woman; killed by a mob while under arrest. 1913. Mann, Rev. Allen D., Marion, Ind. Larceny. 1910. Mann, Rev. A. M., Logan, Mich. Methodist. Immoral conduct. 1906. Marable, Rev. J. L., Haverhill, Mass. Baptist. Unlawful cohabitation. 1912. Marcavitz, Rev. Jos., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Collecting money under false pretenses. 1913. Marsh, Rev. Waldo B., D.D., Tacoma, Wash. Methodist. Unfrocked for clerical impropriety. 1901. Marsh, Rev. W. H., Remington, Va. Methodist Eloping with young girl. 1906. Marshall, Rev. C. C., Sault Ste. Marie, Can. Baptist. Disciplined by church for striking a member of congregation. 1899. Marston, Rev. J. F., St. Louis, Mo. Baptist. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1909. Martin, Rev. D. C., Pittsburgh. Presbyterian. Larceny. 1905. Martin, Rev. G. W., Barron, Wis. Baptist. Seduction; ousted. 1904. Martin, Rev. L. P., Philadelphia, Pa. Evangelist. "Raising" postal money orders; confessed. 1908. Martoogessian, Rev. L. M., New York, N. Y. Armenian. Blackmail and extortion; two years. 1910. Maslowske, Rev. S., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Attacked and mistreated a girl. 1905. Mason, Rev. John T., Albany, Mo. Baptist. Criminal libel. 1913. Mason, Rev. O. H. L., Long Beach, Cal. Presbyterian. Improper conduct with girl parishioners. 1910. Mason, Rev. W. A., San Bernardino, Cal. Menacing wife's life. 1905. Masterson, Rev. Chas. S., Garrett, Ill. Abandonment and non-support of wife, who sued for divorce; name connected with different women's. 1913. Mata, Rev. Domingo A., Los Angeles, Cal. Presbyterian. Impropriety with his organist. 1900. Matschat, Rev. G. L., Hicksville, L. I. Lutheran. Drunk in the pulpit. 1901. Matthews, Rev. Chas. H., Cumberland, Md. Methodist. Shooting a boy. 1907. Matthews, Rev. E. E., Brooklyn, N. Y. Larceny. 1914. Matthews, Rev. Frederick R., Pasadena, Cal. Methodist. Cruelty to boy. 1913. Matthews, Rev. John, Omaha, Neb. Baptist. Immoral conduct; unfrocked on his own confession. 1909. Matthews, Rev. R. M., Connellsville, Pa. Bigamy. 1900. Matthewson, Rev. A. C., Brockport, N. Y. Consorting with a strange woman in Buffalo. 1913. Maxey, Rev. I. W., Decatur, Ill. Financial crookedness. 1913. Maxson, Rev. C. W., Los Angeles, Cal. Christian. Vagrancy and drunkenness. 1901. Maxwell, Rev. M. C., Clayton, Ala. Baptist. Shooting in church. 1905. Maybery, Rev. Mr., Salt Lake City, Utah. Methodist. Adultery committed in his church. Jailed, jumped bail. 1899. Maynard, Rev. R. A., Denver, Colo. Independent. Improperly obtaining a divorce and remarrying. 1905. McAccen, Rev. Jos. E., Gethsemane, Ky. Catholic. Theft of $110 from another priest with whom he went on a spree in New York. 1901. McAllister, Rev. J. W., Lowells, Mich. Methodist. Attempted seduction; disappeared. 1911. McAlwain, Rev. R. C., Council Bluffs, Ia. Episcopal. Defendant in scandalous breach of promise suit for $30,000, plaintiff being mother of his illegitimate child. 1901. McAmmond, Rev. F., Perth, Ont. Methodist. Drunk and disorderly in Syracuse. 1899. McArdle, Rev. George, Troy, N. Y. Presbyterian. Cut his throat in the presence of his wife. 1906. McAtee, Rev. J. Q., Philadelphia, Pa. Lutheran. Brutally attacked his wife; shot by daughter. 1909. McBrian, Rev. J. D., Leavenworth, Kan. Grafting as chaplain of penitentiary. 1902. McCall, Rev. D. H., Sharon Grove, Ky. Breaking into and robbing a store. 1901. McCammish, Rev. J., Carbondale. Ill. Second Advent. Relations with Mrs. Brown; shot Brown in fight. McCampbell, Rev. J. H., Bolckow, Mo. Methodist Episcopal. Suicide. 1899. McCauley, Rev. Clarence, Louisville, Ky. Evangelist. Attempted assault on woman. 1909. McClasky, Rev. W. P., Alameda, Cal. Methodist. Left wife for affinity. 1910. McClellan. Rev. H., Bloomington, Ill. Cruelty to wife. 1900. McClelland, Rev. G., Brooklyn, N. Y. Presbyterian. Falsehood and attentions to woman. 1900. McClenaghan, Rev. Mr., East Orange, N. J. Withheld until after her death the fact that he had married a young woman to his nephew and allowed the public to believe her child was illegitimate; forced to resign. 1899. McCool, Rev. H. W., West Point, Neb. Lutheran. Suicide. 1909. McCrossan, Rev. C. W., Los Angeles, Cal. Baptist Exaggerated mine prospects. 1912. McCutcheon, Rev. T. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. Evangelist. Adultery; caught by detectives in flagrante delicto. 1913. McDaniel, Rev. George W., Richmond, Va. Baptist. Maintaining common nuisance. 1912. McDaniel, Rev. J. G., Rogers, Ark. Embezzlement; sent to the penitentiary. 1902. MacDonald, Rev. Geo. A., Long Island City, N. Y. Baptist. Drinking too much; resigned. 1902. McDonald, Rev. W. H., Spring Valley, N. Y. Baptist. Absconding with church funds. 1910. McFall, Rev. Arthur, Orange, Tex. Baptist. Suicide. 1900. McFarland, Rev. E. G., Coshocton, N. Y. Episcopal. Adultery; confessed and quit. 1903. McFarland, Rev. J. T., Topeka, Kan. Contempt of court; $25 fine. 1903. McFarland, Rev. Wm., Peoria, Ill. Methodist. Gross immorality. 1912. McFarland, Rev. W. D., D.D., Greenville, Tenn. Presbyterian. Causing girl's death by criminal operation. Convicted and sentenced to a year's imprisonment. 1912. McGann, Rev. William T., Elgin, Ill. Deserted his wife, who thereupon sued for divorce. 1901. McGowan, Rev. John, South Brooklyn, N. Y. Catholic. Undue intimacy with Sunday school teacher. 1902. McGuinness, Rev. Jas., Truxton, N. Y. Catholic. Drunkenness; died of alcoholism. 1909. McHenry, Rev. A. C., Cleveland, O. Congregational. Performed illegal marriage; assaulted his accuser. 1907. McHenry, Rev. John, Benton Harbor, Mich. Campbellite. Made date with married woman. McIntyre, Rev. Lee A., Louisville, Ky. African Baptist. Malicious shooting and wounding; convicted. 1901. McIntroff, Rev. David N., Spokane, Wash. Methodist. Defrauding a widow of $700; convicted. 1904. McKay, Rev. C. B., Mapleton, Ia. Methodist. Seduction and rape of girls. 1907. McKay, Rev. Thos., New Haven, Conn. Congregational. Plagiarism. 1904. McKinney, Rev. H. L., Pittsburgh, Pa. Evangelist. Posed as girl correspondent and swindled men. 1902. McKnight, Rev. Mr., Pittsburgh, Pa. Methodist. Selling liquor on Sunday. 1912. McKoy, Rev. Charles F., Bar Harbor, Me. Baptist. Driven from town on account of his conduct with a 10-year-old girl. 1913. McLain, Rev. E. B., Little Rock, Ark. Forgery. Declared insane, and sent to asylum. 1905. McLaurin, Rev. Archibald, Brooklyn, N. Y. Baptist. Too great familiarity with women, intemperance, and other offenses. 1910. McLeod, Rev. W. H., Woodstock, Can. Baptist. Intimacy with young women; resigned. 1909. McMasters, Rev. Josc., Galveston, Tex. Methodist. Criminally assaulting 15-year-old girl. 1910. McMurry, Rev. W. F., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Methodist. Accused of murder. 1913. McMurty, Rev. A. J., Oakland, Neb. Presbyterian. Immoral conduct. 1900. McNamee, Rev. B., Urbana, O. Evangelist. Wife beating; $50 and three months. 1902. McNellis, Rev. Ch., Titusville, Pa. Catholic. Eloping with married woman; arrested as a vagrant. 1914. McVicker, Mrs. B. L., Marion, Ind. Quaker pastor. Unlawful cohabitation. Even the ladies in the pulpit cannot escape the contamination which follows the profession so persistently. 1902. McWilliams, Rev. Robt., Vineland, N. J. Cruelty to young wife. 1907. Mears, Rev. W. H., New York, N. Y. Episcopal. Consorting with public woman. Arrested; deposed. 1899. Melbourne, Rev. J. D., Briscoe Co., Tex. Baptist. Counterfeiting; admitted guilt. 1908. Meloy, Rev. J. B., La Porte, Ia. United Evangelist. Slander. 1900. Merchant, Rev. E. W., St. Louis, Mo. Adultery; threatening wife's life. 1913. Merington, Rev. R. W. E., Essex Falls, N. J. Episcopal. Attempted suicide. 1900. Meriwether, Rev. P. M., Clarksville, Tenn. Abducting for purposes of prostitution. 1909. Metcalf, Rev. E. F., Alexandria, S. D. Campbellite. Seduction of 14-year-old girl. 1914. Metcalf, Rev. Milton Y., St. Louis, Mo. Baptist. Embezzlement. 1913. Michael, Rev. George, Pittsburgh, Pa. Greek Catholic. Criminal assault. 1902. Miller, Rev. Chas. B., Griffin, Ga. Methodist. Forging and swindling. 1910. Miller, Rev. C. E., Marion, O. Campbellite. Charged by wife with immorality; resigned. 1898. Miller, Rev. Jas. N., New Haven, Conn. Congregational. Stealing $500 worth of books. 1910. Miller, Rev. J. M., Butler, Pa. Lutheran. Libel; indicted. 1913. Milligan, Rev. Robert F. T., Chicago, Ill. Evangelist. Attempted criminal assault; sentenced to from one to fourteen years in the penitentiary. 1901. Milliken, Rev. Lee B., Cincinnati, O. Presbyterian. Swindling; borrowed money and skipped from Washington, Ind. 1913. Milton, Rev. Mr., Hastings, Neb. Methodist. Unlawful intercourse. 1914. Minehart, Rev. James T., Chicago, Ill. Using mails to defraud. 1910. Miraglia, Rev. Paolo. Catholic. Excluded as undesirable person because of crimes in Italy. 1901. Mitchell, Rev. H. M., Sugartown, Ga. Methodist. Fighting with a knife. 1896. Mitchell, Rev. T. E., Knoxville, Tenn. Perjury; two years' sentence. 1914. Mlynarezyk, Rev. Father, Cleveland, O. Polish Catholic. Rape. 1914. Mohammed, Rev. C., Bristol, Va. Syrian. Obtaining money under false pretenses; convicted and sentenced. 1909. Mollineaux, Rev. E. H., Hempstead, L. I. Baptist. Eloped with another's wife. 1901. Moment, Rev. Alfred, Brooklyn, N. Y. Presbyterian. Misconduct with young married woman. Monda, Rev. L. A., Connellsville, Pa. Catholic. Seduction; arrested; jumped bail. 1912. Monteuffel, Rev. Julius, Passaic, N. J. Roman Catholic. Assault; charged with striking a woman in the face. 1902. Montgomery, Rev. Mr., Woodbridge, N. J. Presbyterian. Conduct meriting imprisonment. 1908. Moore, Rev. Allie, Bellefontaine, O. Episcopal. Forgery. 1913. Moore, Bishop David H., Indianapolis, Ind. Methodist. Libel. 1900. Moore, Rev. Green, Louisa, Ky. Baptist. Convicted on paternity charge. Moore, Rev. Dr. H. H., Corry, Pa. Methodist. Indicted on "serious charge." 1901. Moore, Rev. Philip, Indianapolis, Ind. Evangelist. Assault and battery on wife and child. 1907. Moore, Rev. R. L., Garrett's Ford, Pa. Evangelist. Larceny. 1899. Moore, Rev. W., Benton, Ky. Methodist. Immorality with young girl. 1899. Moran, Rev. S. Wilson, Minneapolis. Episcopal. Nameless crime. 1899. Morelle, Rev. Daniel, Wilmington, Ga. Suicide in New York. 1903. Morgan, Rev. F. A., Oklahoma City, I. T. Holiness. Fornication. 1900. Morris, Rev. John W., Indianapolis, Ind. Evangelist. Adultery; eloped with married woman. 1910. Morris, Rev. Wm., Los Angeles. Episcopal. Craving for coin and beer; arrested. 1908. Morris, Rev. Mr., Milford, Ga. Methodist. Attempted assault on woman; shot by husband. 1914. Morrison, Rev. Arthur M., Newburyport, Mass. Evangelist. Forgery. 1905. Morrison, Rev. A. B., Texarkana, Ark. Baptist. Eloped with girl of 13; prosecuted under age of consent law; ten years. 1905. Morrison, Rev. D. H., Emporia, Kan. Methodist. Improper conduct with girl 8 years old. 1899. Morrison, Rev. G. E., Vernon, Tex. Methodist. Wife murder; hanged. 1902. Morrison, Rev. W. F., Chelsea, Mass. Navy chaplain. Suicide. 1912. Mortimer, Rev. Alfred G., D.D., Philadelphia, Pa. Episcopal. Immorality. 1911. Moss, Rev. Richard H., Akron, O. Methodist. Convicted of robbery. 1898. Mott, Rev. Charles A., Stockton, N. J. Baptist. Attempted rape of married woman; confessed. 1908. Mott, Rev. Henry Elliott, D.D., Elizabeth, N. J. Presbyterian. Immorality. 1914. Moulton, Rev. R. C., Des Moines, Ia. Methodist. Brutal assault on child. 1909. Moyer, Rev. C. H., Chicago, Ill. Methodist Episcopal. Confessed to embezzlement of $1,700. 1912. Muehlfeldt, Francis W., New York, N. Y. Lay evangelist. Robbery and murder. 1913. Mueller, Rev. Kurt, Chicago, Ill. Lutheran. Bigamy. 1913. Mueller, Rev. Philip, D.D., Stillwater, Wis. Manslaughter. 1901. Muldoon, Rev. Mr., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Scandalous conduct, drunkenness, etc. 1914. Mullin, Rev. J. J., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Murder. Murphy, Rev. S. E., Eufala, Ark. Evangelist. Forgery; deserting his wife. 1901. Murray, Rev. Abr., Chicago, Ill. Methodist. "Transgressions of the most serious sort." 1905. Murray, Rev. O. E., Bijou Hills, S. D. Sued by H. A. Schmidt for seduction of minor daughter. 1899. Murray, Rev. William, Dyersburg, Tenn. Methodist. Immorality. 1899. Musgrove, Rev. C. J., Lewiston, O. Methodist Protestant. Burglary and larceny. 1908. Myers, Rev. Clement, Portland, Ind. Debauchery, etc. 1910. Myers, Rev. C., Boston, Mass. Baptist. Sued for libel. 1912. Mylnarczyk, Rev. A., Utica, N. Y. Polish Catholic. Mailing obscene literature. 1906. Mynarczyk, Rev. W. A., New Kensington, Pa. Catholic. Rape. 1913. Nawrocki, Rev. Adelbert, Brooklyn, N. Y. Polish Catholic. Criminal libel; pleaded guilty. 1906. Nazarian, Rev. Saliag, Fresno, Cal. Catholic. Abduction of 14-year-old girl. 1911. Neal, Rev. B., Springfield, Ill. Christian. Seduced a little girl, who at the age of 13 gave birth to a child. 1911. Neece, T. Clay, Dallas, Tex. Former Baptist preacher. Horse thief. 1899. Neeley, Rev. H. D., Higginsport, O. Methodist. Indulgence in immoralities. 1913. Neil, Rev. B. M., Modesta, Ill. Seduction of young girl; sent to penitentiary for 25 years. Nellis, Rev. Charles, Titusville, Pa. Catholic. Elopement with married woman. 1904. Nelson, Rev. H. P., Seattle, Wash. Evangelist. Left wife to live with another woman. 1902. Nelson, Rev. Ludwig, Pittsburgh, Pa. Robbing patients in hospital and swindling merchants. 1903. Nesbit, Rev. N. Hill. Desertion; divorce; alimony. 1913. Nettles, Rev. Stephen A., Spartansburg, S. C. Methodist. Improper conduct toward a young woman, assault and miscellaneous minor offenses. 1912. Newell, Rev. William R., Chicago, Ill. Evangelist. Excommunicated by Moody Church for misconduct with women, habitual use of narcotic drugs, and unreliability of statements. 1914. Newill, Rev. E. P., Los Angeles, Cal. Contempt of court. 1899. Newman, Rev. Newman, Waco, Tex. Evangelist. Counterfeiting; one year in the penitentiary. 1909. Newman, Rev. P. I., Vandalia, Ill. Crime against little girl; one to twenty years' sentence. 1900. Newsom, Rev. Mr., Elizabethtown, Ky. Methodist. Fighting on the street. 1900. Nichols, Rev. C. E. O., Burlington, N. J. Episcopal. Maltreating a boy pupil; fled. 1899. Nichols, Rev. C. W. DeL., New York. Episcopal. Gross immorality; deposed by Bishop Potter. 1900. Nichols, Rev. J. E., Riverhead, L. I. Methodist. Living with another man's wife. 1904. Nichols, Rev. R. A., Worcester, Mass. Church of Christ. Mishandling funds entrusted to him. 1903. Nickelsen, Rev. C. D., Colfax, Wash. Methodist. Enticing a woman; withdrew from the ministry. 1913. Nickerson, Rev. Wm. H., Westfield, Ill. United Brethren. Murderous assault. 1904. Nickerson, Rev. Mr., Columbus, O. Baptist. Bigamy; penitentiary for one year. 1909. Nieman, Rev. John, Pittsburgh, Pa. Abused 15-year-old girl; struck wife. 1908. Nimmo, Rev. J. H., Barriefield, Ont. Anglican. Eloped; deposed. 1913. Niskowici, Rev. A., Youngstown, O. Independent Catholic. Forgery. 1912. Nix, Rev. J. W., Clarkson, Miss. Methodist. Convicted of attempted assault on a 9-year-old girl; sentenced to one year in prison. 1913. Noon, Rev. Samuel H., Cambridge, Mass. Methodist. Suicide. 1912. Norris, Rev. J. Frank, Fort Worth, Tex. Baptist. Accused of arson. 1899. Norris, Rev. Reginald, St. Paul, Minn. Evangelist. Bigamy; four or five wives. 1900. Northrup, Rev. C. V., Owosso, Mich. Baptist. Seduction; deposed. 1900. Norton, Rev. A. Q., Amityville, N. Y. Methodist. "Indiscreet conduct;" fined $25. 1906. Norton, Rev. J. G., Valdosta, Ga. Baptist. Suicide. 1911. Novak, Rev. Matthew, Milwaukee, Wis. Catholic. Viciously assaulted a boy. 1898. Nye, Rev. D. C., North Coshocton, N. Y. Methodist. Left wife and eloped with young woman. 1900. Nye, Rev. Moses, Newark, O. Evangelist. Assaulted brother preacher. 1912. Oakes, Rev. John A., Belford, N. J. Methodist. "Indiscretion" with young girls. 1899. Oakes, Rev. J. A., Sharpestown, N. J. Methodist. Indecent assault on girl. 1910. O'Brien, Rev. D., Sandy Hill, N. Y. Catholic. Immoral relations with school teacher. 1905. O'Callaghan, Rev. P. J, Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Keeping gambling house; arrested. 1900. O'Cantey, Rev. Mr., Elliott, S. C. Ravishing 10-year-old girl. 1904. O'Connell, Rev. M. J., New York, N. Y. Catholic. Attempting suicide. 1909. O'Dell, Rev. Sol., Lebanon, Mo. Presbyterian. Drew knife on a minister who then shot him. 1914. Odjada, Rev. Macairo, San Bernardino, Cal. Head of Spanish mission. Failure to provide for family. 1900. O'Donnell, Rev. John J., New York, N. Y. Catholic. Suicide. 1900. Odum, Rev. B., Atlanta, Ga. Baptist. "Beating landlady out of his board bill." 1912. Offstedahl, Rev. M. E., Grafton, N. D. Lutheran. Suicide. 1905. Oggle, Rev. Mr., Roan Mountain, Term. Baptist. Organized church club into which females were initiated nude; lodged in jail in Bakersville, N. C. O'Hara, Rev. Anthony, Philip, S. D. Catholic. Rape of 12-year-old girl. 1899. Olden, Rev. G. D., Topeka, Kan. Baptist. Parentage of illegitimate child. 1899. Oliver, Rev. Robt., Atlantic City, N. J. Stealing lumber to fit up camp grounds. 1909. Olson, Rev. O. M., Batavia, Ill. Methodist. Disorderly conduct. 1907. Oplinger, Rev. H. J., Slatington, Pa. Young woman the mistress, wife the domestic in his household. 1912. O'Ryan, Father William, Denver, Colo. Catholic. Attempted to bribe a witness. 1902. Orwick, Rev. J. F., Jackson, Mich. Visiting assignation houses; habitual immorality. 1909. Osborn, Rev. A. O., Bloomfield, Ind. Campbellite. Embezzlement. 1909. Osborn, Rev. Joel, St. Joseph, Mo. Baptist. "Peeping Tom;" fined. 1899. O'Shay, Rev. Charles, Chillicothe, O. Christian. Intimacy with woman not his wife; breaking up home of Ch. Summers. 1900. O'Shea, Rev. Chas., Provo, Utah. Known to be a bigamist; suspected of murder. 1908. Osterfield, Rev. Dudley, Ozone Park, L. I. Methodist. Violation of marriage vows; sued for divorce. 1904. O'Tool, Rev. M. J., New Sharon, Ia. Peddling without license; arrested. 1909. Owen, Rev. Gustave, Clarksville, Tenn. Selling liquor without license; chain gang. 1908. Owen, Rev. Thomas, Newton, Mass. Episcopal. Adultery. 1909. Owen, Rev. W. D., Augusta, Ga. Campbellite. Jailed for land frauds. 1901. Owens, Rev. C. T., Atlanta, Ga. Methodist. Drunkenness and breach of promise. 1912. Owens, Rev. Eben J., New York City. Evangelist. Extortion. 1913. Owens, Rev. Joe, Rosedale, Va. Baptist. Adultery and embezzlement. 1913. Owens, Rev. Joseph, Abingdon, Va. Baptist. White slavery. 1913. Owens, Rev. Oscar Lee, Baltimore, Md. Baptist. cruelty to wife; separation granted her. 1912. Oxnard, Rev. Henry E. E., New Bedford, Mass. Constructive larceny. 1901. Pace, Rev. John P., Russellville, Ala. Baptist. Adultery; six months' sentence. 1914. Paciarelli, Rev. Joseph, Altoona, Pa. Methodist. Libel. 1910. Paisley, Rev. J. A., Moorsville, N. C. Presbyterian. Seduction, adultery. 1901. Papageorgopoulos, Rev. Agathodorus A., New York. Greek Catholic. Adultery; co-respondent in divorce suit. 1913. Papineau, Rev. Arthur B., Wayland, Mass. Episcopal. Sued for defamation of character. 1912. Pappilon, Rev. J. J., Willimantic, Conn. Roman Catholic. Obstructing justice. 1900. Pappon, Rev. Karol, Springfield, Mass. Catholic. Assaulting a woman. 1899. Parish, Rev. F. G., Indianapolis, Ind. Baptist. Cruelty to wife; divorced. 1907. Park, Rev. W. H., Goshen, Ind. Suicide. 1907. Parker, Rev. G. C., Hopkinsville, Ky. Methodist. Used church collection to get drunk. 1912. Parker, Rev. J. A., Kempton, Ind. Christian. Adultery. 1901. Parker, Rev. J. T., Baltimore, Md. Baptist. Bigamy. 1907. Parker, Rev. W. G., Goshen, Ind. Suicide. 1901. Parker, Rev. W. H., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Interfering with an officer; jailed. 1910. Parkinson, Rev. B. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Methodist. Engaged to young woman; wife in Iowa. 1897. Parrish, Rev. Geo., Marshalltown, Ia. Congregational. Forgery. 1912. Passley, Rev. Robert, New York, N. Y. Baptist. Grand larceny. 1912. Patten, Rev. Samuel, Cincinnati, O. Disorderly conduct and attempted suicide. 1901. Patterson, Rev. C. T., Minneola, Fla. Methodist. Threatening life of wife; arrested. 1907. Patterson, Rev. E., Enid, Okla. Jailed for stealing. 1910. Patterson, Rev. V. M., Brooklyn, N. Y. Congregational. Left wife to court former sweetheart. 1913. Pawlikowski, Rev. Roman, St. Louis, Mo. Alienation of affections; verdict against him of $750. 1899. Payne, Rev. Thos. J., Benton, Tenn. Baptist. Making moonshine whisky. Payseur, Rev. J. J., Charlotte, N. C. Baptist. Shot farmer on whose lands he was hunting. 1902. Peabody, Rev. D. C., Decatur, Ill. Episcopal. Suicide. 1907. Peabody, Rev. P. B., Utica, N. Y. Episcopal. Petty larceny; six months. 1909. Pembroke, Rev. D., St. Joseph, Mo. Catholic. Blackmailing; six months. 1912. Perinchef, Rev. Percy, D.D. Methodist. Accused of slandering and intimidating a woman. Perkins, Rev. G., Marshalltown, Ia. Baptist. Cheating by false pretenses. 1912. Perkins, Rev. Reece W., New Orleans, La. Baptist. Frequented houses of ill fame. Perry, Rev. Harry M., Lincoln, Neb. Methodist. Violation of liquor law. 1910. Perry, Rev. Isaac, Williamsburg, Ky. Murder. 1910. Perry, Rev. M. W., Gadsden, Ala. Adultery and embezzlement of $165. 1909. Person, Rev. R. T., Philadelphia, Pa. Made love to workingman's wife. 1913. Peterson, Rev. Carl, Northampton, Mass. Using mails to defraud. 1900. Peterson, Rev. Jacob B., New York, N. Y. Armenian. Drunk and disorderly; demolished furniture. 1912. Peterson, Rev. W. A., Oshkosh, Wis. Methodist. "Indiscretion" with lambs of the female persuasion. 1903. Petty, Rev. W. O., Gainesville, Ga. Shooting at a divekeeper and hitting another man. 1906. Phalen, Rev. J. R., Clement City, Mich. Baptist. Jailed for passing worthless checks. Received compromising letters from women of congregation. 1910. Pheley, Rev. Dr. W. H., Providence, R. I. Presbyterian. Drinking habits. 1908. Phelps, Rev. James Duane, Syracuse, N. Y. Methodist. Suicide. 1899. Phelps, Rev. J. D., Buffalo, N. Y. Methodist. Immoral character, according to rumor. 1901. Phillips, Rev. E. S., Hazleton, Pa. Catholic. Came to New York on a spree, and died in a disorderly house. 1903. Phillips, Rev. Harry L., Randolph, Co., W. Va. Methodist. Forgery. 1900. Phillips, Rev. J. H., Huntsville, Ala. Left wife and disappeared with another. 1909. Pick, Elder E., Mount Lebanon, N. Y. Shaker. Unbecoming conduct with eldress; unfrocked. 1906. Pickle, Rev. John, Colfax, Wash. Jailed for wife-beating. 1905. Pierce, Rev. David, Southbury, Conn. Congregational. Attempting to shoot wife and daughter; placed in an asylum. 1909. Pike, Rev. G. R., Eau Claire, Wis. Congregational. Detraction; prosecuted. 1900. Piner, Rev. W. F., Hopkinsville, Ky. Methodist. Called on wife; whipped husband who objected. 1910. Pippen, Rev. W. E., Shreveport, La. Baptist. Obtaining money by false pretenses. 1913. Pippin, Rev. William E., Prescott, Ark. Baptist. Forgery; sentenced to three years in penitentiary. 1900. Pirstle, Rev. B. J., Jasper, Tenn. Presbyterian. Suicide. 1910. Pittman, Rev. A. J., Brandenburg, Ky. Baptist. Wife-beating. 1903. Plannette, Rev. E. E., Los Angeles, Cal. Presbyterian. Petty larceny; confessed; jailed. 1905. Plant, Rev. Robert, Rockland, Me. Episcopal. Libel; sued. 1913. Plantz, Rev. Howard J., Sycamore, Ill. Free Methodist. Corrupting morals of child; confessed guilt. 1911. Plass, Rev. Norman, Boston, Mass. Protestant. Sold bogus mining stock. 1904. Platt, Rev. A. L., Santa Cruz, Cal. Christian. Deserting wife and eloping. 1908. Pledger, Rev. C. P., Warrensburg, Ill. Evangelist. Defamation. 1909. Pniak, Rev. Simon, Utica, N. Y. Catholic. Criminal assault on girl. 1913. Podin, Rev. Carl, New York, N. Y. Presbyterian. Non-support of wife. 1905. Pohl, Rev. Titus, Chicago, Ill. Lutheran. Bastardy; resigned. 1903. Poleet, Rev. John, Springfield, Ill. Murder of C. Isaksson; confessed; life sentence. 1907. Poole, Rev. G., Gloucester City, N. J. Baptist. Put out of church on serious charges. Pooler, Rev. G., Burr Oaks, Mich. Presbyterian. Cruelty to and non-support of wife. 1900. Popke, Rev. A., Baltimore, Md. Catholic. Adultery; woman's husband got divorce. 1902. Porter, Rev. C. H., Newport, R. I. Unitarian. Cruelty to wife, who secured a divorce. 1900. Porter, Rev. Farley, Batavia, N. Y. Presbyterian. Slander; sued for $5,000. 1912. Porter, Rev. Robert B., Downieville, Pa. Sued for divorce on grounds of cruelty and neglect. 1904. Porter, Rev. Wm., Huntsville, Ala. Embezzling funds; arrested. 1900. Porterfield, Rev. C. L., Franklin, Pa. Baptist. Assaulting 15-year-old girl; sent to Western Penitentiary. Porubsky, Rev. John, Binghampton, N. Y. Catholic. Misappropriation of church funds. 1903. Posey, Rev. O. K., Pottawatomie Co., Kan. Christian. Deserting wife; eloping with young girl. 1899. Potter, Rev. Daniel, New York, N. Y. Baptist. Improper conduct with his housekeeper. 1904. Powell, Rev. George, Utica, N. Y. Attempted suicide. 1900. Powell, Rev. James, Elfort, O. Evangelist. The murder of Frank Reed. 1912. Powell, Rev. J. W., Van Buren, Ark. Baptist. Convicted of criminal assault on a young girl. 1899. Powell, Rev. Thos., Madison, Ind. Drunkenness; lost pulpit through drink. 1900. Power, Rev. J. W., New York, N. Y. Catholic. Procuring will in his favor through fraud. 1909. Powers, Rev. P., Chicago. Methodist Episcopal. Held responsible for suicide of woman. Removed by bishop. 1901. Powers, Rev. Samuel, Philadelphia, Pa. Methodist. Suicide. 1912. Prentess, Rev. S. Henry, Charlottesville, Va. Evangelist. Burglary. 1907. Presby, Rev. J. H., New Haven, Conn. Sued for divorce; intimate with young woman of congregation. 1899. Preston, Rev. Charles E., Jamestown, N. Y. Disappeared from steamer Puritan under circumstances pointing to suicide, leaving a note, in which he said, "Let not those 'insane babblers' or Infidels get hold of this for their miserable God-dishonoring, yearly book on the crimes of preachers." He was afterward found in Albany, N. Y., living with a woman member of his church as her husband. Expelled from ministry, wife securing divorce. 1908. Preston, Rev. E. J., Glens Falls and Enterprise, W. Va. Methodist. Swindling. 1914. Price, Rev. Jacob E., D.D., New York. Methodist Episcopal. Improper conduct with women; admonished by church court. 1911. Price, Rev. Dr. Walter, McKeesport, Pa. Presbyterian. Improper conduct with girls. 1907. Pritchett, Rev. A., Clayton, Mo. Methodist Episcopal. Chased out of town by women he slandered. Protisch, Rev. G. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Lutheran. Deserted wife for another woman; deserted her. 1914. Pruitt, Rev. L. B., Colena, Ia. Baptist. Drunkenness; fined in police court. 1907. Puffer, Rev. C. H., Salem, Mass. Universalist. Made love to another's wife while on "trial divorce" from his own. 1900. Queen, Rev. Z. T., Mystic, Ia. Campbellite. Two wives; found guilty by his church. 1904. Quick, Rev. S., Sigourney, Ia. Evangelist. Alienating the affections of married woman. 1901. Quimby, Rev. David B., Brooklyn, N. Y. Passing worthless check. 1906. Quinn, Rev. Mr., Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Catholic. Found dead in New York lodging house with rectory housekeeper. Married man. 1902. Rabe, Rev. Wm. G., Omaha, Neb. Baptist. Asphyxiated in close embrace with a lady missionary, in pastor's room of church. 1904. Raczaszeek, Rev. I. Paul, New York. Catholic. Slander; arrested. 1900. Radford, Rev. Walter, Waubay, S. D. Congregational. Ruining his own daughter; confessed. 1899. Rafferty, Rev. C. P., Columbus, O. Catholic. Drunkenness; death due to alcoholism. 1907. Rafter, Rev. W. S., Oxford, Conn. Episcopal. Deposed for low morals. 1914. Ragdale, Rev. C. B., Atlanta, Ga. Perjury. 1910. Rakowski, Rev. W., St. Joseph, Mo. Catholic. Took $300 to save a soul; stayed away. 1904. Ramsey, Rev. Alex., New Castle, Pa. Evangelist. Horse stealing; convicted; jailed. 1909. Ramsey, Rev. J. J., Fruita, Col. Seduction; girl attempted suicide. 1901. Raub, Rev. F. E., Frankford, Pa. Moravian. Breach of promise; convicted. 1905. Ravens, Rev. D. F., Farmington, Wash. Campbellite. Abusing wife who sued for divorce. 1900. Ravidon, Rev. M., Evans, W. Va. Baptist. Ravishing 11-year-old girl. 1905. Rawlins, Rev. G. W., Valdosta, Ga. Murdering the two children of the Rev. W. L. Carter; hanged. 1908. Ray, Rev. J. M., Peoria, Ill. Swindling. 1909. Raycroft, Rev. J. R., Chicago, Ill. Evangelist. Home insanitary; child died for lack of medical attention. 1913. Raymond, Rev. Charles E., Peoria, Ill. Lutheran. Deposed and expelled from the synod for immoral conduct. 1910. Raymond, Rev. R. D., Boston, Mass. Baptist. Forgery. 1906. Rea, Rev. J. L., Mangum, Okla. Campbellite. Murder; suicide. Reams, Rev. A. R., Merced, Cal. Baptist. Seduction; arrested; escaped. 1912. Reardon, Rev. Mr., Peoria, Ill. Name given by a Roman Catholic priest, who was arrested in a state of beastly intoxication. 1913. Redecker, Rev. C. E., Tacoma, Wash. Methodist. Sued for divorce for non-support; formerly kicked out of pastorate for attentions to women. Reed, Rev. A. M., Oakland, Cal. Evangelist. Theft of a horse from his fiancee. 1913. Reed, Rev. Draper, Newburg, Ind. Free Methodist. Assault and battery of wife; fined for offense. "The devil was in me," his excuse. 1913. Reed, Rev. Robert H., McCleary, Wash. Methodist. Sending obscene letters through the mail; sentenced on his own confession. 1909. Reese, Rev. D. L., Anderson, Ind. Lutheran. Drunkenness. 1913. Reinhardt, Rev. Max, Soldier, Ida. Baptist. Stealing church building. 1899. Renear, Rev. B., Millville, N. J. Attempting suicide. 1900. Rexroad, Rev. J. T., Weston, W. Va. Evangelist. Fomented bloody feud; was asked to leave and did. 1909. Reynolds, Rev. E. V., Los Angeles, Cal. Catholic. Murder; arrested in Salt Lake City for immoral conduct with boys. 1906. Reynolds, Rev. G. L., Columbus, O. Baptist. Arrested for bigamy. 1902. Reynolds, Rev. J. M., Bedford City, Pa. Presbyterian. Juggling funds; untruthfulness; expelled from the ministry. 1901. Reynolds, Rev. J. S., Riverton, Ill. Campbellite. Embezzlement and bigamy. 1899. Rhianhart, Rev. J., Steinauer, Neb. Catholic. Eloped with a married woman. 1912. Rhodes, Rev. Walter R., Onancock, Va. Baptist. Suicide. 1905. Rice, Rev. John Bell, Louisville, Ky. Suicide by shooting. 1909. Rice, Rev. J. R., Toledo, O. Implicated in hold-up. 1908. Rice, Rev. T. M., Columbus, Kan. Baptist. Bigamy; pleaded guilty; five years at hard labor. 1913. Rice, Rev. U. T. S., Mattoon, Ill. Baptist. Embezzlement; pleaded guilty and sent to penitentiary for from one to ten years. 1900. Rich, Rev. Alonzo, Kansas City, Mo. Evangelist. Convicted of perjury; a bigamist. 1900. Rich, Rev. E. L., Watsonville, Cal. Presbyterian. Selling pork that had died of itself. 1901. Rich, Rev. John M., Hackensack, N. J. Slander; apologized to avert consequences. 1909. Richards, Rev. E. A., Chattanooga, Tenn. Campbellite. Swindling. Richardson, Rev. John, Missouri. Abducting girl for immoral purposes. 1911. Richeson, Rev. C. V. T., Boston. Baptist. Murder. 1909. Richey, Rev. J. W., Carmel, Ind. Methodist. Sold mortgaged property. Left wife for young woman. Two years. 1907. Richmond, Rev. W. C., Cambridge, Mass. Baptist. Divorced by wife. Larceny; jailed. 1905. Richtartsik, Rev. E. F., Bayonne, N. J. Catholic. Assault and battery; arraigned. 1909. Richter, Rev. W. J., Grand Rapids, Mich. Divorced for cruelty. 1902. Rickey, Rev. Albert, Scottsburg, Ind. Baptist. Theft of a cow; arrested; escaped. 1900. Riddick, Rev. J. E., White Plains, Va. Methodist. Manslaughter; convicted. 1902. Ridge, Rev. Thomas, Hart, Mich. Murder of W. L. Shafer. 1912. Riedl, Rev. John, Milwaukee, Wis. Roman Catholic. Offering bribe to chief truancy officer to secure his brother's appointment as an officer. 1901. Riegel, Rev. C. P., Cheltenham, Pa. Catholic. Came to New York on a spree; got into bad company; found dead in hallway. 1909. Rightmeyer, Rev. G., Dayton, O. Lutheran. Drunkenness; arrested. 1910. Ringland, Rev. Thos., Weldon, Ill. Methodist. Disorderly conduct; arrested with girl. 1911. Ringle, Otto, Duluth, Minn. Former preacher. Drunkard and vagrant. Ritanour, Rev. A. M., Bedford, Va. Baptist. Expelled from church on charges by wife. 1908. Ritchie, Rev. Wm., Charlottesville, Ind. Methodist. Defaulted; embezzled church funds; disappeared with servant girl, leaving family dependent on congregation. 1906. Rittgers, Rev. J. B., Glendola, N. J. Methodist. Implicated in church scandal; resigned. 1913. Rivera, Rev. J. M., Brooklyn, N. Y. Roman Catholic. Seduction; ran away. 1914. Robbins, Rev. E. E., Salinas, Cal. Methodist. Mailing improper letters; three years in the Federal prison. 1907. Robbins, Rev. J. W., Maurice, Ind. Campbellite. Immoral conduct with children. 1907. Roberts, Rev. John, Cocke Co., Tenn. Ten years for murder. 1909. Roberts, Rev. J. T., Noblesville, Ind. United Brethren. Criminal libel. 1907. Roberts, Rev. N. J., Shreveport, La. Methodist Episcopal. Expelled from conference for immorality. Roberts, Elder Sam, Stuart, Ia. Church of God. Eloping with the wife of Elder Sharp. 1904. Robinette, Rev. M. D., Richmond, Va. Baptist. Making moonshine whisky. 1900. Robinson, Rev. B., New York, N. Y. Baptist. Forgery. 1910. Robinson, Rev. C. W., Philadelphia, Pa. Episcopalian. Seduction. 1910. Robinson, Rev. G. J., Dayton, O. Methodist. Removed under a cloud. 1900. Robinson, Rev. Lewis, Camden, N. J. Evangelist. Attempting the life of his wife. 1910. Robinson, Rev. S. D., Herkimer, N. Y. Methodist. Betrayed 19-year-old girl; left town. 1907. Robinson, Rev. Wm., Helena, Ark. Swindling. 1900. Robottom, Rev. P. J., Lancaster, Pa. Episcopal. Intimacy with woman; husband sought divorce. 1911. Rockwell, Rev. C. W., Waynesburg, Pa. Baptist. wife-beater. 1910. Rockwell, Rev. R. H., Butler, Pa. Presbyterian. Libel; indicted. 1901. Rodgers, Rev. J. E., Bloomington, Ind. Baptist. Arrested on paternity charge of 16-year-old girl. 1910. Roehl, Rev. William E., St. Louis, Mo. Traveling evangelist. Drunkenness. 1910. Rogers, Rev. J. A., Chicago, Ill. Theft. 1902. Rogers, Rev. J. L., Santa Cruz, Cal. Baptist. Arson; arrested; confessed. 1900. Roney, Rev. M. F., Philadelphia, Pa. Catholic. Delirium tremens in Cincinnati. 1903. Rooks, Rev. T. S., Bridgewater, Ia.; Col., Cal., Okla. Adultery; seduction; jail; tar and feathers. 1913. Rorsos, Rev. Steven, Delray, Mich. Assault and battery committed on 10-year-old boy. 1911. Rose, Rev. B. L., Pittsburgh, Pa. Baptist. Charged with felony. 1912. Rose, Rev. J. B., Lemoore, Cal. Presbyterian. Used obscene language in the presence of women, and threatened to murder an editor. Rose, Rev. J. D., Campbell, Ark. Baptist. Deserting wife and children and eloping with girl of 15; forged check for $65. 1900. Rose, Rev. Owen W., Sabula, Ia. Leading lynching mob. 1908. Roseberry, Rev. H. E., Chattanooga, Tenn. Abduction; three years. 1909. Rosell, Rev. W. H., Oxford, O. Evangelist. Fraud. 1902. Ross, Rev. I. S., El Reno, Ark. Betrayal of financial trust. 1908. Rowe, Rev. F., Carthage, Mo. Adventist. Jailed for wife abandonment. 1911. Rowe, Rev. Gilbert J., Willimantic, Conn. Passed bogus check. 1901. Rowland, Rev. J. M., Grand Rapids, Mich. Christian. Suicide. 1907. Royer, Rev. John, Columbus, Ind. Methodist. Kissing member of congregation; suspended. 1899. Ruby, Rev. H. W., Ponca City, Ok. Free Methodist. Killing a deputy sheriff. 1912. Rucker, Rev. Thomas, Benton, Mo. Methodist. Forgery. 1899. Rumpf, Rev. Charles, Union Hill, N. J. Lutheran. Drunkenness and wife-beating; 90 days. 1908. Runyan, Rev. P. D., West Derry, Pa. Baptist. Beat a little girl; fined $10. 1901. Russell, Rev. F. B., New York, N. Y. Extortions as head of a law and order league. 1900. Russell, Rev. L. M., Eddyville, Ky. Methodist. Writing love letters to a married woman; withdrew from church. 1911. Ruth, Rev. Leroy, Sultan, Wash. Methodist. Criminally assaulted a girl 10 years old. 1900. Rutledge, Rev. Wm., Paducah, Ky. Baptist. Making and selling moonshine whisky. 1908. Rutledge, Rev. W. E., St. Louis, Mo. Baptist. Used mails to defraud. 1905. Ryan, Rev. J. A., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Adultery; named as co-respondent in divorce suit. 1909. Ryan, Rev. J. A., Denver, Colo. Catholic. Eloped with girl. 1910. Ryan, Rev., Benton Harbor, Mich. Catholic. Seduction. 1899. Rymarfski, Rev. L., Cleveland, O. German evangelist. Suicide by poison. 1912. Sachs, Rev. William P., St. Louis, Mo. Lutheran. Arrested for deserting his wife. 1908. Samson, Rev. Maurice, Spring City, Pa. Reformed. Marital unfaithfulness. 1913. Sanders, Rev. L. L., Spokane, Wash. United Presbyterian. Using mails to defraud; pleaded guilty. 1901. Sanderson, Rev. D. C., Almonte, Ont. Methodist. Drunkenness and debauchery at Syracuse. 1911. Sandford, Rev. Frank, Portland, Me. Head of Holy Ghost and Us Society. Caused death of six of his followers on voyage of yacht. 1908. Saphore, Rev. E. Warren, Syracuse, N. Y. Episcopal. Enticing young woman. 1906. Savery, Rev. H. S., St. Martin's, Can. Congregational. Attempted to marry young woman, though having a wife in Boston. 1905. Sayre, O. L., Byesville, O. Methodist. Attempted rape; lynching threatened. 1913. Schade, Rev. Augustus E. F., Panama. German Reformed. Suicide. 1912. Schell, Rev. L. C., Indianapolis, Ind. Methodist. Accused of improper conduct toward fair parishioner. 1907. Schell, Rev. Jos., Tony, Wis. Catholic. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1909. Schenk, Rev. G. F., St. Louis, Mo. Evangelist. Seduced girl of his household. 1913. Schenck, Rev. Hallack F., Manasquan, N. J. Methodist. Convicted in church trial of indiscretions with female members, and forced to resign. 1899. Schermerhorn, Rev. L. B., N. Ottawa, Kan. Bigamy. 1900. Schermerhorn, Rev. L. M., Dubuque, Ia. Baptist. Desertion and non-support of wife. 1907. Schmidill, Rev. Chas., Chicago. Ministerial masher. Arrested. 1913. Schmidt, Rev. Hans, New York, N. Y. Roman Catholic. Murder; convicted. 1911. Schmidt, Rev. Lawrence, Rochester, N. Y. Robbed his wife of watch and money after their separation. 1911. Schock, Rev. J. T., Plainfield, N. J. Reformed church. Under arrest for complicity in fraudulent get-rich-quick scheme. 1912. Schoenlein, Rev. G. A., Lima, O. Lutheran. Sued by wife for divorce on account of improper attentions to other women. Schultz, Rev. H. D., Sunbury, Pa. Evangelist. Sued wife for divorce, and was shown by her counsel to be an immoral man. 1905. Schultz, Rev. Wm., Freelandsville, Ind. Evangelist. Fraud, swindling, lying, etc.; deposed. 1908. Schwartz, Rev. Robert E., Des Moines, Ia. Drunkenness; divorced. 1907. Schwerzmann, Rev. S., Cortez, Colo. Methodist. Theft and forgery. 1911. Scotford, Rev. H. C., Chicago, Ill. Congregationalist. In same predicament as his colleague Schock, and for similar offense. 1906. Scott, Rev. G. E., Waterloo, Ia. Eloped with 16-year-old girl. 1903. Scott, Rev. Mark, Seattle, Wash. Methodist. Violation of colored girl, aged 14, who gave birth to a child and died; jailed. 1900. Scott, Rev. W. D., San Francisco, Cal. Became a physical wreck through drunkenness and debauchery. 1909. Scoville, Rev. V. P., Climax, Ga. Married couple against wishes of girl's parents. 1913. Scull, Rev. William, Joliet, Ill. United Brethren. Carrying concealed weapons. 1908. Seachery, Rev. J. W., Moore, Mont. Rape. 1914. Sears, Dr. F. W., New York, N. Y. New Thought. Adultery; wife obtained divorce. Secombe, Rev. S. H., Goshen, Mass. Congregational. Gained sympathy and money by fake. 1911. See, E. A., Chicago, Ill., founder of "Absolute Life" cult. Abducted 17-year-old girl, whom he "took for a wife" on the European plan. 1904. Selby, Rev. Isaac, San Francisco, Cal. Evangelist. Attempt to kill Judge Hebbard on the bench; a noted "Infidel smasher." 1903. Senesac, Rev. Jos. E., Waterbury, Conn. Catholic. Alienating the affections of a wife; sued by husband. 1914. Settles, Rev. Edward W., Los Angeles, Cal. Larceny. 1911. Severence, Rev. C. M., Bangor, Me. Under suspended sentence, after pleading guilty to charge of using mails to defraud. 1902. Seytone, Rev. W. R., Dunkirk, N. Y. Disciples. Forging signatures to a note. 1907. Sezeigell, Rev. Ludwig, Pittsburgh, Pa. Shot two; killed one. 1901. Shaffer, Rev. George, Bellevue, Pa. Methodist. Conspiracy; indicted; arrested. 1908. Shaffer, Rev. Wm. H., Morganstown, Pa. Methodist. Ministerial conduct. 1902. Shannon, Rev. T. H., Glen Easton, W. Va. Methodist. Bastardy; expelled. 1901. Sharp, Rev. W. D., Alvin, W. Va. Methodist. Using mails to defraud; confessed to series of forgeries. 1910. Sharpe, Rev. C. D., Schenectady, N. Y. Abduction of 14-year-old girl. 1908. Shaw, Rev. C. F., Clare, Mich. Congregational. Swindling. 1909. Shaw, Rev. W. S., Onaway, Mich. Drunkenness; resigned. 1901. Shepherd, Rev. Geo. C. E., Liverpool, O. Methodist. Slander and conspiracy; indicted by grand jury at Dunbar, Pa.; arrested. 1908. Shepherd, Rev. J. E., Webb City, Mo. Presbyterian. Assault. 1906. Shepley, Rev. E. H., Geneva, Ill. Congregational. Threatened life of girl if she refused to marry him; resigned, left town. 1911. Sherman, William, New York, N. Y. Former Catholic priest. Attempted to extort money from saloon-keeper while posing as an officer; held for trial. 1899. Shields, Rev. D. H., Navy chaplain. Methodist. Drunkenness; scandalous immorality; courtmartialed. 1908. Shinn, Rev. C., Riverton, N. J. Urged wife to debase herself to raise money. 1908. Shipman, Rev. S. P., Hurlock, Md. Methodist. Immorality; found in married woman's bedroom. 1909. Siana, Rev. N., Newark, N. J. Catholic. Abduction. 1913. Silke, Rev. Cornelius A., Moravia, Ill. Roman Catholic. Assault. 1906. Simmons, Rev. G. H., Peoria, Ill. Expelled from town on charges of immoral conduct preferred by boys; mismanaged bank of which he was president; suicide. 1899. Simpson, Rev. J. A., New England. Baptist. Thievery, incendiarism, bigamy and murder. 1907. Sims, Rev. W. P., Utica, N. Y. Found an affinity. 1899. Sinclair, Rev. F. N., Rochester, N. Y. Catholic. Slander; accusation made by another priest. 1908. Skaggs, Rev. Elijah, Prophet of the Millennium, Fort Smith, Ark. Assault and rape. 1913. Skeley, Rev. Alexander, Brownsville, Pa. Reformed Presbyterian. Larceny. 1912. Skovgard, Rev. Thale P., Council Bluffs, Ia. Lutheran. Sued by wife for separate maintenance. 1913. Skulik, Rev. Bernard L., Rock Island, Ill. Polish Catholic. Fraudulent use of mails; skipped bail. 1910. Skulik, Rev. B., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Arrested in hotel in company of 15-year-old girl. 1903. Skyles, Rev. John, Port Gibson, Miss. Bigamy; seven wives. 1913. Slater, Rev. Virgil B., Youngstown, O. Wife desertion. 1909. Slaughter, Rev. A. J., Tulsa, Okla. Baptist. Fighting. 1906. Slayton, Rev. J. R., U. S. Navy. Deserted. 1911. Slick, Rev. Joseph, Lincoln, Neb. "Cruelty and misconduct with other women," is the charge in his wife's suit for divorce. 1900. Small, Rev. Sam, Havana, Cuba. Evangelist. Swindling operations; jailed. 1902. Small, Rev. Sam, Georgia. Evangelist. Too drunk to lecture at Brattleboro, Vt. 1899. Smalley, Rev. M. J., Waterbury, Conn. Congregational. Offensive attentions to young women; biffed by a worker; left. 1910. Smith, Rev. A. F., Nowata, Okla. Methodist. Eloped with wife's money and another woman. 1914. Smith, Rev. A. N., Paterson, N. J. Methodist Episcopal. Sued for slander. 1911. Smith, Rev. Ben., Swainsboro, Ga. Wounded officer sent to arrest him for a petty offense, and was hanged by a mob. 1900. Smith, Rev. Chas. F., Michigan. Deserted wife; eloped with unmarried woman. 1908. Smith, Rev. Charles W., Wyoming, Pa. Methodist. "Ministerial conduct." 1909. Smith, Bishop C. S., Atlanta, Ga. African Methodist Episcopal. Grafting and tyranny. 1905. Smith, Rev. C. W., Binghamton, N. Y. Methodist. Attempted seduction of 16-year-old girl; guilty. 1900. Smith, Rev. C. Y., Louisville, Ky. Methodist. Skipped, leaving unpaid bills. 1903. Smith, Rev. E. A., McMinnville, Ore. Took prize won on a stolen oration. 1914. Smith, Rev. Francis F., Newark, N. J. African Methodist. The statutory offense; pleaded guilty; six months. 1899. Smith, Rev. F. M., Houston, Tex. Murder of Mrs. Varoters; sentenced to death; had killed wife and mother-in-law in Alabama. 1900. Smith, Rev. Guy, Oakland, Cal. Campbellite. Indiscreet conduct with woman; divorced his wife by misrepresentation. 1914. Smith, Rev. Herman L., Binghamton, N. Y. Obtaining merchandise under false pretenses. The defense is the usual convenient kind of insanity which is noticed only when one is caught in the act, and no other excuse will work. 1909. Smith, Rev. H. J., Columbus, O. Methodist. Alienated wife's affection; abused husband for not receiving her back. 1908. Smith, Rev. John A., West Suffield, Conn. Congregational. Perversion. 1899. Smith, Rev. John F., New York, N. Y. Evangelist. Stealing from his employer. 1911. Smith, Rev. Joseph R., Sewanee, Tenn. Pleaded guilty of making moonshine whisky. 1911. Smith, Rev. J. A., Omaha, Neb. Suspended for slander and because of a bad financial record. 1913. Smith, Rev. Milford H., Saranac Lake, N. Y. Sued for libel. 1904. Smith, Rev. Oscar, Seattle, Wash. Methodist. Rifling U. S. mails. 1913. Smith, Rev. Paul Jordan, Chicago, Ill. Congregationalist. Cruelty to wife and children; wife granted divorce with custody of children. 1911. Smith, Rev. Samuel G., St. Paul, Minn. Arrested for tampering with a jury. 1904. Smith, Rev. Sidney, New York, N. Y. Using threats and a pistol to extort money; two years in Sing Sing. 1914. Smith, Rev. Simon, Purvis, Miss. Eloping and wife-desertion. The preacher possesses a wife and five children. The oldest child is twelve and the youngest was born this summer, after the elopement, which was with his wife's sister. 1902. Smith, Rev. Victor C., New York, N. Y. Episcopal. Suicide. 1914. Smith, Rev. William R., Marshall Co., Ga. Methodist. Using mails to defraud; convicted. 1907. Smith, Rev. W. N., Middleburg, Fla. Murderer of step-daughter. 1914. Smith, Rev. W. P., Wolf Creek, Ore. Presbyterian. Run out of town by citizens for vile slanders against women. 1901. Smith, Rev. Mr., Waco, Tex. Baptist. Fighting with Rev. Mr. Cranfill. 1905. Smouse, Rev. J. W., Dallas Centre, Ia. Methodist. Seduction; arrested. 1900. Smythe, Rev. Thomas, Sing Sing, N. Y. Catholic. Attempting suicide. 1911. Snyder, Rev. Charles, Attica, Ind. Catholic. Stripped of priestly authority and secretly removed from town after a drunken debauch. 1911. Snyder, Rev. Frank, Topeka, Kan. Christian. Sued for divorce by invalid wife on grounds of cruelty and neglect. 1908. Snyder, Rev. Leonard W., Richmond, Va. Immoral practices. 1911. Snyder, Rev. R., Goldfield, Nev. Presbyterian. Dismissed because of criminal intimacy with married woman, and left town after being beaten by the injured husband. 1910. Solomon, Rabbi I., Logansport, Ind. Jewish. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1913. Solomon, Rev. Jacob, Rockaway Beach, L. I. Baptist. Violating prison parole, after sentence for larceny. 1914. Soper, Rev. Ben W., Cresco, Ia. Adultery. Arrested, and skipped his bail. 1911. Sorenson, Rev. A., Battle Creek, Mich. Arrested for threatening to kill man with whom he was associated in business. 1908. Sower, Rev. D. W., Oak Harbor, Ohio. Methodist. Lechery. 1907. Spates, Rev. D. D., Nacogdoches, Tex. Embezzlement. Spencer, Rev. E. J., Columbia, Mo. Methodist. Adultery; convicted on two counts. 1912. Spray, Rev. Walter, Kokomo, Ind. Holiness. Caught in compromising position with a woman. 1901. Springfield, Rev. W. H., Woodbridge, Cal. Leaving his wife and eloping with his niece. 1911. Stalnaker, Rev. W. K., Kansas City, Mo. Methodist. Criminally assaulted his niece and adopted daughter, aged 12; pleaded guilty and was sentenced to ten years in the pen. 1899. Stamm, Rev. Robert, Anderson, Ind. Evangelist. Assault with revolver and slung shot; arrested. 1899. Stampers, Rev. A., Dawson, Ga. Assassination of George Dennard. Stanford, Rev. John, Utica, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal. Suicide. 1909. Stanley, Rev. A. B., Flat Rock, Mich. Baptist. Eloped with stenographer. 1906. Stanley, Rev. H. D., Seattle, Wash. Church of Christ. Fraud; misappropriating funds. 1905. Stanley, Rev. Robert Lee, Hamburg, Tenn. Presbyterian. Drunk and created public disturbance in Waco, Tex.; fined in city court. 1900. Stanton, Rev. Frank, Clinton, Ind. Catholic. Made co-respondent in divorce suit of John L. Horney. 1905. Stark, Rev. J. B., Lakeview, Ore. Methodist. Appropriating funds belonging to congregation; dishonesty and lying; deprived of his standing by conference. 1900. Starr, Rev. S. A., Portland, Ore. Methodist. Immorality; expelled from ministry. 1909. Staskiewicz, Rev. J., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Embezzlement; raffling. 1901. Stauffer, Rev. Byron H., Buffalo, N. Y. Methodist. Slander; sued for $10,000 damages; assault. 1907. Steed, Rev. G., Cal. Methodist. Immoral conduct toward a woman. 1912. Steele, Rev. William, Gray, Ind. Murder. Stephan, Rev. T., Sioux City, Ia. Lutheran. Abused his wife. 1908. Stettler, Rev. Martin H., Reading, Pa. Slander. 1910. Stetson, Rev. Oscar F., Sutton, Mass. Congregational. Adultery. 1899. Steumpeges, Rev. J. J., Mitchell, S. D. Methodist. Fraudulent sale of mortgaged property; arrested. 1905. Stevens, Rev. Edward, New York, N. Y. Methodist. Attempted suicide; locked up. 1899. Stevens, George H., Easton, Pa. Incendiarism; nine years' imprisonment. 1908. Stevens, Rev. O. C., East Liverpool, O. Abusive language; five days and $15. Stevenson, Rev. Alten Z., New York, N. Y. Methodist. Mailing scurrilous postcard. 1900. Stewart, Rev. Clifford, Laporte, Ind. Campbellite. Confessed to leading a double life. 1914. Stewart, Rev. C. A., D.D., Clinton, Ia. Inciting riot; fifteen days in jail. 1909. Stewart, Rev. P., Oakland, Cal. United Presbyterian. Charged by wife with having six affinities. 1908. Stickney, Rev. Alfred, Howell county, circuit, Mo. Methodist. Abandonment. 1903. Stiles, Rev. Samuel, Cuero, Tex. Baptist. Murder of Henderson Edwards. 1903. Stiles, Rev. Fred, New London, Conn. Baptist. Jumped board bill and eloped with daughter of the house, whom he deserted in New York. 1912. Still, Rev. Roy, Seymour, Ind. Holiness. Assault and attempted murder. 1903. St. John, Rev. Jos., Pontiac, Mich. Evangelist. Assaulting colored girl; 18 months in pen. 1901. Stofilet, Rev. Jas. P., Jersey City, N. J. Presbyterian. Having girl in woods after sunset; girl had illegitimate child. 1912. Stokley, Rev. C. L., Turner, Kan. Baptist. Sued for divorce for undue intimacy with the wrong woman. 1913. Stockwell, Rev. George W., D.D., Fort Plain, N. Y. Methodist. Assault and battery. 1907. Stokes, Rev. R. W., Clarksville, Tenn. Drunkenness. 1914. Stough, Rev. Henry W. Evangelist. Sued for slander. 1899. Stout, Rev. A. W., Hartford, Ind. Methodist. Criminal intimacy with young girl. 1903. Stout, Rev. Chas. L., Lawrenceburg, Ind. Baptist. Abusing wife and eloping with another woman. 1906. Stovall, Rev. J. M., South Bend, Ind. Baptist. Violation of court order; eloped with woman whose intimacy with him caused her husband's death. 1908. Strauss, Rev. V., Herrman, Mo. Evangelist. Homicidal mania; shot several persons. 1899. Streeter, Rev. Lewis R., So. Brooklyn, N. Y. Methodist. Concerned in Kootenai water swindle. 1907. Strouse, Rev. C. B., Bowling Green, Ky. Immoral. 1910. Strunk, Rev. Thomas, Frankfort, Ky. Criminal assault. 1909. Stuart, Rev. A. K., Don Luis, Ariz. Assaulting 11-year-old girl. 1900. Stuart, Rev. D. E., Wyoming, Pa. Baptist. Killing his young wife by a criminal operation. 1909. Stuckey, Rev. Wallace M., Waukegan, Ill. Campbellite. Abduction; convicted; fled and recaptured in 1914. One to five years' imprisonment. 1908. Studeven, Rev. James G., Newark, N. J. Congregational. Bigamy. 1910. Sturdevant, Rev. Sam., Baltimore, Md. Assault; three years. 1901. Stutchell, Rev. W. T., Jersey City, N. J. Presbyterian. Having girl in his room at night; girl had illegitimate child. 1908. Summers, Rev. G., Gardiner, Ore. Abduction; bastardy. 1905. Sutherlin, Rev. U. G., Albany, Ind. Christian. Arrested on warrant charging wife murder. 1911. Sutton, Rev. E. B., Seattle, Wash. Found guilty of fraudulently entering names upon registration books. 1901. Swallow, Rev. Silas C., Harrisburg, Pa. Methodist. Lying; suspended by conference committee. 1911. Swartz, Rev. C. E., Woodsfield, O. Presbyterian. Murderous assault. 1910. Swartz, Rev. W. P., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Accused of fraud in will case. 1902. Sweeney, Rev. M. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. Methodist. Suicide. 1911. Sweeney, Rev. Zack, Indianapolis, Ind. Embezzled more than $7,000 while fish and game commissioner. 1911. Sweet, Rev. Chester H., Middletown, Conn. Congregational. Misappropriated church funds and pleaded guilty. 1899. Sweet, Rev. John, Owosso, Mich. Slander; assessed $1,000. 1907. Sweeten, Rev. H. W., St. Louis. Evangelist. Cruelty to wife; non-support. 1901. Swift, Rev. Charles L., E. Liverpool, O. Methodist. Conspiracy; indicted; arrested. 1907. Swift, Rev. J. H., Winterset, Ia. Campbellite. Blackmail. 1909. Switzer, Rev. G. W., Lafayette, Ind. Methodist. Evading taxes. 1908. Sydow, Rev. Mr., Big Run, Pa. Rape; jumped bail. 1909. Sykes, Rev. John, Trenton, N. J. Embezzlement and forgery. 1911. Symington, Rev. Geo. A., Seattle, Wash. Episcopal. Pleaded guilty to a technical charge of assault in the second degree involving an immoral act, and sentenced to jail. 1907. Szcygiel, Rev. Ludwig, Pittsburgh, Pa. Catholic. Murdered two. 1909. Szepessy, Rev. J., Cleveland, O. Sued for breach of promise. Talbot, Bishop E., Central Penn. Episcopal. Violation of ordination vows; woman in the case. 1910. Tallent, Rev. O. S., Atlanta, Ga. Congregational Methodist. Fighting. 1902. Tart, Rev. E., Richmond, Va. Baptist. Appropriating funds of church. 1907. Tartt, Rev. Eli, Petersburg, Va. Baptist. Assault with pistol; thirty days and $25. 1911. Tate, D. P., Danville, Va. Former Methodist minister. Swindler. 1902. Taylor, Rev. Chas., Richmond, Ind. Convicted of assault on young girl. 1907. Taylor, Rev. C. F., Brooklyn, N. Y. Swindling. 1903. Taylor, Rev. I. B., Wilmington, Del. Bigamy; four years. 1904. Taylor, Rev. J. B., Sigourney, Ia. Evangelist. Bigamy; four years. 1907. Taylor, Rev. J. M., Saginaw, Mich. Made love to married woman. Taylor, Rev. Wm., Innisfail, Can. Presbyterian. Drunkenness, profanity, lying, consorting with lewd women; deadbeat and liar, says an acquaintance. 1908. Taylor, Rev. Wm. L., Cincinnati, O. True Reformer. Swindling. 1910. Temple, Rev. J. C., Harrisburg, Pa. Assault on his wife. 1900. Tenney, Rev. Chas., Lynn, Mass. Baptist. Assaulting a girl of 4 years. 1910. Tenney, Rev. C. T., Des Moines, Ia. Baptist. Criminal assault on 8-year-old girl. 1902. Tesnon, Rev. H. M., Denver, Col. Visiting houses of prostitution; wife sued for divorce. 1913. Tetreault, Rev. Frederic, Drummondville, Quebec. Roman Catholic. Libel. 1913. Thacker, Rev. James, Rome, Ga. Congregational Methodist. Immoral relations; convicted and sentenced to six months on the chain-gang. 1907. Thoburn, Bishop J. M., Syracuse, N. Y. Methodist Episcopal. Fined $500 for slander. 1905. Thomas, Rev. A. C., Sidney, O. Methodist. Intimacy with two girls; ducked in the Miami river by congregation. 1907. Thomas, Rev. C. H., Rockford, Ill. Accomplice in forgery. 1901. Thomas, Rev. George, Urbana, O. Baptist. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1908. Thomas, Rev. Jas., Malvern, Ark. Methodist. Cattle thief. 1910. Thomas, Rev. Jas., Piqua, O. Criminal assault on 7-year-old girl; jailed. 1913. Thomas, Rev. John, Camden, N. J. Unnatural practices. 1910. Thomas, Rev. J., Nowata, Okla. Selling whisky in prohibition state. 1905. Thomas, Rev. J. C., Palmyra, N. Y. Baptist. Enticing wife of one of his parishioners. 1902. Thomas, Rev. J. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. Baptist. Breach of promise; judgment, $2,500. 1908. Thomas, Rev. J. P., colored, Kokomo, Ind. Breaking up a home. 1910. Thomas, Rev. Wm., Corona, L. I. Evangelist. Confessed bigamist. Thomas, Rev. William J., Evanston, Ill. Evangelist. Disorderly conduct; convicted and fined. 1903. Thompson, Rev. Ab'm S., Paterson, N. J. Alienating affections of married woman; sued for $50,000. 1913. Thompson, Rev. C. C., Waco, Tex. Presbyterian. Cruelty to wife, for which divorce was granted her; assault and contempt of court. 1907. Thompson, Rev. D. W., Des Moines, Ia. Used mails to defraud. Thompson, Rev. G. T., Philadelphia, Pa. Baptist. Sued for slander by stock market men. 1911. Thompson, Rev. H. M. D., Montrose, Cal. Baptist. Embezzler. 1911. Thompson, Rev. J. E., Cleveland, Ohio. Baptist. Charged with criminal slander. 1907. Thompson, Rev. Wm., Chicago, Ill. Caused girl's downfall; procured criminal operation. Thompson, Rev. Wm., Cartersville, Ga. Local. Marrying three wives; divorcing none. 1910. Thornton, Rev. Jesse B., New York, N. Y. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1912. Thurman, Rev. J. M. D., Hagerstown, Md. Christian. Murderous assault. 1908. Thurston, Rev. L. L., Oklahoma City, Okla. Methodist Episcopal. Immorality; suspended. 1909. Tilburn, Rev. O., Linton, Ind. Campbellite. Embezzled church funds; seduced girl. 1910. Tillmans, Rev. Theo., Chicago, Ill. Lutheran. Abandoned wife; friendly with shop girl. 1900. Toal, Rev. Wm. H., Newburgh, N. Y. Catholic. Raising a disturbance in New York; sent to Bellevue Hospital. Todd, Rev. Thos., Cedar Falls, Ia. Expelled from church and normal school for illicit relations with woman of faculty. 1913. Tompkins, Rev. George, Brookline, Mass. Larceny. 1908. Toms, Rev. F. E., Kan. Baptist. Bigamy. Tomson, Rev. G. W., Woodbury, N. J. Presbyterian. Love entanglement with three women. Suicide. 1899. Torrey, Rev. R. A., Chicago, Ill. Evangelist. Permitted three of his children to die from lack of medical attendance. Totheroh, Rev. Dr., Chicago, Ill. Presbyterian. Dalliance with lady member. 1899. Townes, Rev. C. H. W., Cincinnati, O. Presbyterian. Stealing gifts intended for the poor. 1900. Towns, Rev. C. Hill, Columbus, Ind. Methodist. Drunk and disorderly; fined. 1907. Townsend, Rev. T. J., Nashville, Tenn. Baptist. Carrying concealed weapons. 1900. Tracey, Deacon E., Somerset, Me. Baptist. Eloping with girl 17 years old, leaving wife. 1910. Tranter, Rev. W. W., Covington, Ky. Forgery. 1908. Trick, Rev. Albert, New York, N. Y. Presbyterian. Suicide. 1910. Trimble, Rev. D. H., Eugene, Ore. Methodist. Slander. 1914. Triplett, Rev. J. Edwin, Jr., Woodbury, Conn. Presbyterian. Sued by wife for separation for cruel and inhuman treatment. 1907. Triplett, Rev. J. E., New York, N. Y. Presbyterian. Criminal libel. 1899. Trompen, Rev. J. N., Hackensack, N. J. Reformed. Criminal abuse of adopted girl. 1910. Troy, Rev. John H., New York, N. Y. Baptist. Attempted seduction. 1910. Tucker, Rev. S. W., Scuffletown, Va. Nine wives; jumped his bail. 1909. Tucker, Rev. T. P., Wilson, N. C. Arrested for desertion. 1907. Tupper, Rev. K. B., Philadelphia, Pa. Sued for unpaid note; many overdue debts. 1910. Turley, Rev. F., Cincinnati, O. Methodist. Disorderly conduct; arrested and fined. 1912. Turner, Rev. David, Jersey City, N. J. Baptist. Procuring women for immoral purposes. 1909. Turner, Rev. S. D., Huntington, Ark. Jailed for arson. 1911. Turner, Rev. William, Jackson, Ga. Colored. Incited race riot. 1899. Turney, Rev. Wm., Muncie, Ind. United Brethren. Attacking sick woman in bed. 1900. Tyron, Rev. Wm., Chillicothe, O. Forgery, bigamy, murder. 1911. Ulitsky, Rev. Alexander, Jersey City, N. J. Greek Catholic. Charged with malicious mischief. 1913. Upsher, Rev. John, Baltimore, Md. Accessory to larceny. 1912. Upton, Rev. T. A., Okla. Rape. 1909. Vahey, Rev. F. V. G. H., Jersey City, N. J. Methodist. Suicide pact with wife; both dead. 1909. Van Auken, Rev. H. R., Ashland, Neb. Congregational. Deserted wife and children; eloped with nurse. 1905. Van Buren, Rev. Otto, Utica, N. Y. Lutheran. Unwelcome attentions to married woman, whom he sought to entice. 1899. Vance, Rev. Frank E., Piqua, O. Methodist. "Indiscretion." 1901. Vance, Rev. Thos., Irvington, Ind. Christian. Shooting at his daughter's young man. 1902. Van de Water, Rev. Geo. R., New York, N. Y. Episcopal. Adultery; co-respondent in Watt divorce suit. 1899. Van Herlich, Rev. J., Wichita, Kan. Episcopal. Denying his wife; "graver charges;" escapade in the Tenderloin. 1910. Vanover, Rev. Robert, Williamsburg, Ky. Fighting. 1900. Van Winkle, Rev. Jas., Indianapolis, Ind. Petty theft; ducked by students at Butler University. 1904. Vaughan, Rev. E. W., Denver, Colo. Confessed to killing a child. 1912. Vaughn, Rev. Thurston U., Greenville, S. C. Baptist. Criminal assault; convicted on his own confession; sentenced to death. 1909. Venerable, Rev. W. D., Keokuk, Ia. Baptist. Embezzlement. 1900. Vernon, Rev. Jas., Salt Lake City, Utah. Missionary. The attempted violation of unmarried woman. 1908. Villiers, Rev. W. H., Chicago, Ill. Divorced; ordered to pay alimony. 1904. Vincent, Rev. Mr., Winnipeg, Man. Seduction of member of his choir. 1901. Vines, Chas. N., Bremen, Ga. Methodist. Counterfeiting. 1906. Von Buren, Rev. Otto, New York, N. Y. Lutheran. Made love to organist; expelled. 1907. Waddel, Rev. C. W., New Albany, Miss. Evangelist. Murder. 1906. Wade, Rev. Goodone, Waukegan, Ill. Congregational. Sending obscene literature through mails to boys; attempted suicide. 1910. Wade, Rev. J. W., Chicago, Ill. Universalist. Forgery and fraud. 1899. Wade, Rev. N. E., W. Kortright, N. Y. United Presbyterian. Stealing; expelled by church. 1904. Wade, Rev. W. H., Velpin, Ind. Campbellite. Passing counterfeit money; indicted. 1905. Wadsworth, Rev. W. W., Hartwell, Ga. Methodist. Immorality; suspended. 1904. Wagner, Rev. Samuel, Croton, O. United Brethren. Criminally assaulting girl of 14. 1909. Wagner, Rev. Mr., Wyalusing, Wis. Threatened by women for breaking up a home. 1906. Wainscot, Rev. John, Elkinsville, Ind. Evangelist. Assault. 1901. Wainwright, Rev. H., Roanoke, Va. Sanctificationist. Housebreaking and robbery. 1902. Waldrop, Rev. Emmet L., Cleveland, O. Lying, stealing, neglect of family. 1907. Walenta, Rev. M. J. H., New York, N. Y. Found his platonic affinity in parishioner's wife. 1903. Wales, Rev. J. W., Charlottesville, Va. Baptist. Co-respondent in divorce suit. 1912. Walker, Rev. J. Franklin, Cincinnati, O. Baptist Corrupting morals of young girls. 1913. Walker, Rev. Raymond B., Providence, R. I. Baptist. Wife-beating. 1910. Walker, Rev. Raymond D., Boston, Mass. Episcopal. Forgery. 1906. Walker, Rev. R. D., Windham, Vt. Baptist. Dropped by church for moral and commercial irregularity. 1909. Walker, Rev. R. E., Providence, R. I. Forgery; arrested. 1899. Wall, Rev. Rufus, Memphis, Tenn. Wife murder. Wallace, Rev. Foy. Traveling evangelist; Campbellite. Run out of town for attempt to seduce married woman. 1903. Walling, Rev. W. A., New York, N. Y. Fraud; locked up. 1903. Wallis, Rev. E. H., Evening Shade, Ark. Methodist. Lying; convicted on four counts. 1911. Walstrom, Rev. W. H., Versailles, Ill. Pastor Christian church. Stole collection of rare old coins, and confessed after; found with aid of bloodhounds. 1913. Walt, Rev. J. W., Springfield, Mo. Methodist. Abduction. Walters, Rev. Alex., Hackensack, N. J. Methodist. Assault and battery on girl. 1914. Walton, Rev. M. R., Glendale, Cal. Methodist. Improper advances to women. 1900. Walton, Rev. T. J., Burton, Ky. Shooting John Gray. 1910. Wand, Rev. John B., Meppen, Ill. Catholic. Criminal assault. 1906. Wannamaker, Rev. H. S., Elyria, O. Congregational. Made love to organist; divorced by wife; dropped by church. 1905. Ward, Rev. D. F., Claremont, Va. Episcopal. Fighting; thrashed outgoing pastor Ridout. 1912. Ward, Rev. L. T., Collierville, Tenn. Embezzlement. Confessed and sentenced to three years' imprisonment. 1909. Ward, Rev. S., Freewater, Ore. Baptist. Bigamy; four wives; five years. 1900. Ward, Rev. Wm., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Catholic. Drunk and disorderly; arrested. 1906. Ware, Rev. G. G., Deadwood, S. D. Episcopal. Conspiracy to defraud the government with false homestead entries. 1905. Ware, Rt. Rev. Archdeacon T. C., Black Hills District, S. D. Episcopal. Hilarious drunk in Lead City. 1906. Warlick, Rev. Mr., Elorado, Okla. Violation of an 18-year-old girl. 1902. Warner, Rev. A. J., Clinton, N. C. Misappropriation of money; indicted. 1905. Warner, Rev. H. H., Denver, Col. Bigamy; living with one wife and supporting another. 1899. Warren, Rev. B. E., Helena, Mont. Methodist. Charged with immorality; resigned. 1906. Warren, Rev. F. J., Portland, Ore. Episcopal. Despoiled a brother minister's home. 1909. Warren, Rev. L. W., Los Angeles, Cal. Presbyterian. Unprintable crime. 1913. Warren, Rev. W. D., Columbus, O. Methodist. Attempted suicide. 1911. Watkins, Rev. R. B., Buffalo, N. Y. Presbyterian. Arrested on "a serious charge" preferred by a young woman of Richmond, Va. 1906. Watson, Rev. J. A., No. Plainfield, N. J. Murder. 1910. Watson, Rev. W. E., Urbana, O. Methodist. Embezzlement. 1910. Way, Rev. H., Hoboken, N. J. Evangelist. Accused by 17-year-old girl. 1909. Wear, Rev. W. M., Birmingham, Ala. Baptist. Seduction of another's wife. Resigned. 1904. Weaver, Rev. T. E., Tazewell, Va. Methodist. Failing to account for money placed in his hands. 1899. Webb, Rev. James, Atlantic City, N. J. Baptist. Stealing lumber; arrested. 1905. Weeks, Rev. Mr., Toronto, Ont. Baptist. Caught in park with female member of his own church; resigned. 1905. Welch, Rev. Clarence M., Grand Rapids, Mich. Evangelist. Bastardy; jailed for non-support of child. 1906. Welch, Rev. C. E., Nashville, Mich. Methodist. Immoral relations with two girls, resulting in the death of one of them. 1899. Welch. Rev. D. S., Macksburg, O. Methodist. Fraudulently procuring a divorce from his wife. 1909. Welch, Rev. V. P., Fostoria, O. Slander. 1911. Wells, Rev. H. H., St. Louis, Mo. Methodist. Held for trial for passing a check which he forged. 1899. Wells, Rev. J. H., Selma, N. C. Baptist. Making moonshine whisky; jailed. 1905. Welsh, Rev. Fr., Pittsburgh, Pa. Catholic. Drunk; assaulted President Dreyfus of the Pittsburgh Baseball Club; suspended. 1899. Wenger, Rev. Mr., Harrisonburg, Va. Mennonite. "Transgression" with hired girl. 1914. Werlein, Rev. Halsey, San Jose, Cal. Episcopal. Sued for divorce on the ground of extreme cruelty. 1898. Wesley, Rev. G. W., Louisa, Ky. Baptist. Convicted of having three wives. 1909. West, Rev. J. W., Richmond, Va. Accused by little girls of being too intimate. 1911. Westenberg, Rev. C. A., San Francisco, Cal. Swindled public in selling stock in an alleged California placer mine. 1901. Westlake, Rev. C. M., Providence, R. I. Deserted his wife; divorced. 1908. Weston, Rev. W. W., Los Angeles, Cal. Methodist. Swindling. 1905. Whalen, Rev. C. D., Los Angeles, Cal. Methodist. Deserting family and eloping with Mrs. Jennie H. Clark from Plattsburg, N. Y.; jailed. 1900. Wharton, Rev. H. M., Ocean City, N. J. Baptist. Obtaining property under false pretenses; jailed. 1901. Wharton, Rev. Geo., Jackson, Miss. Baptist. Attempting to hug the female pupils of Hillman Female College, of which he was president; fled. 1910. Wheaton, Rev. J. M., Chicago, Ill. Methodist. Abusive trespasser. 1908. Wheeler, Rev. A. J., New York, N. Y. Adventist. Suicide. 1901. Wheeler, Rev. G. F., Greendale, Mass. Baptist. Kissing and hugging young ladies to the neglect of his wife; disciplined. 1910. Wheeler, Rev. James M., Akron, O. Methodist. Malicious destruction of property. 1900. Wheeler, Rev. J. B., Bridgeport, Conn. Missionary. Leading women astray. 1913. Whitaker, Rev. T. A., Waltham, Mass. Baptist. Non-support of wife. 1908. Whitaker, Rev. Wm. G., Exeter, Kan. Episcopal. Fraud. 1914. White, Rev. Dennis, Windsor, Conn. Arson; convicted and given a prison sentence of two to five years. 1899. White, Rev. D. R., Palmyra, Mo. Baptist. Shoplifting; caught with goods on. 1901. White, Rev. Geo. W., Orion, Ill. Baptist. Incontinence and dishonesty; deposed. 1909. White, Rev. H., Marion, Ind. Bigamy; six wives. 1900. White, Rev. John W., Chillicothe, Mo. Methodist. Beating children with iron poker; arrested. 1903. White, Rev. J. L., Washington, D. C. Obtaining money under false pretenses. 1901. White, Rev. Minor, Elkinsville, Ind. Ministerial misconduct; locked out by congregation. 1905. White, Rev. M. J., Carthage, Mo. Catholic. Threatening life of A. L. Franks; arrested. 1910. White, Rev. R. G., Portland, Ore. Presbyterian. Fell in love with student under him; expelled from academy and ministry; divorced. 1908. White, Rev. Samuel, St. Paul, Minn. Larceny; chain gang. 1914. Whitfield, Rev. Joseph, Rock Island, Ill. Baptist. Assault with a deadly weapon. Indicted. 1900. Whitlock, Rev. Mr., Lima, O. Methodist. Assault and battery; arrested. Whittaker, Rev. Thos., Vilonia, Ark. Methodist. A revivalist, he was forced to leave Vilonia for kissing a girl against her will. 1910. Whorley, Rev. A. H., Pensacola, Fla. Wife-beating. Wiant, Rev. Warren, Urbana, O. Methodist. Slander; held for grand jury; declared all women unchaste who dance. 1901. Wickham, Rev. C. M., Sioux City, Ia. Christian. Seduction; justified by scripture. 1912. Wickham, Rev. Noah, Oklahoma City, Okla. Accused of cruel treatment of orphans and dependent children in home of which he was superintendent; convicted in former years for similar offenses. 1899. Widdemer, Rev. H. T., Asbury Park, N. J. Congregational. Indiscreet familiarity with typewriter girl; out. 1911. Wigginton, Rev. G. W., Pittsburgh, Pa. Named as co-respondent in divorce suit brought on the ground of adultery. 1905. Wilberforce, Rev. D. F., Missionary to Africa. United Brethren. Apostasy and bigamy. 1905. Wilbur, Rev. A., Los Gatos, Cal. Horse stealing; confessed. 1899. Wilburn, Rev. W. R., Flat Hollow, Ky. Divorced his wife; fought with her; fatally injured. 1906. Wilding, Rev. A., Greensburg, Pa. Baptist. Ran away with another's wife. 1911. Wilhite, Rev. A. L., Topeka, Kan. Sent to jail for "bootlegging" whisky, thus depriving the government of profit on license. 1903. Wilkins, Rev. Mr., Ladonia, Tex. Presbyterian. Associating with prostitutes. 1901. William, Rev. M., Charleston, S. C. Baptist. Pension frauds; convicted; one year. 1913. Williams, Rev. Elmer L., Chicago, Ill. Methodist. Defamation of character. 1905. Williams, Rev. E. E., Shawnee, Okla. Baptist. Prostituting his daughters. 1908. Williams, Rev. G. F., Washington, D. C. Episcopal. Immoral conduct with seamstress; unfrocked; old offender. 1908. Williams, Rev. I. D., Denver, Colo. Violating postal laws. 1914. Williams, Rev. James T. W., Newcastle, Pa. Congregational. Elopement and adultery. 1909. Williams, Rev. J., Bellecenter, O. Methodist. Charged with false arrest and imprisonment. 1909. Williams, Rev. J. D., New York, N. Y. Baptist. Larceny. 1902. Williams, Rev. J. W., New Castle, Pa. Baptist. Picking pockets; ordered out of town. 1900. Williams, Rev. R. B., Paxton, Ill. Evangelist. Insulting young lady; pummeled by her father. 1906. Williams, Rev. S. V., Laporte, Ind. Campbellite. Leading a dual life. 1914. Williams, Rev. W. L., Los Angeles, Cal. Cumberland Presbyterian. Malicious destruction of property. 1900. Willis, Rev. Elijah, Chillicothe, O. Baptist. Deserted wife and eloped with married woman. 1902. Wills, Rev. Joshua, West Chester, N. Y. Baptist. Convicted of fraud; compelled to refund. 1900. Willy, Rev. E. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Congregational. Negotiating a forged draft; arrested. 1909. Wilmer, Rev. H., Rome, Ga. Embezzlement; three years. 1908. Wilson, Rev. Aubrey, Brooklyn, N. Y. Presbyterian. Theft. 1913. Wilson, Rev. Cecil P., Brookland, Pa. Episcopal. Drunkenness. 1900. Wilson, Rev. C. H., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. False arrest; prosecuted. 1901. Wilson, Rev. Emanuel S., Grand Rapids, Mich. Baptist. Adultery; arrested. 1914. Wilson, Rev. Isaac, Milan, Mich. Methodist. Invented a story of assault and robbery to account for inability to pay his bills. 1901. Wilson, Rev. Jas., Guthrie, Okla. Evangelist. Arrested for double murder in Missouri, in 1869. 1910. Wilson, Rev. J. H., Savannah, Ga. Church of Ascension. Wronged girl; cowhided by mother. 1902. Wilson, Rev. Morris Genoa, W. Va. Baptist. Read Bible and then cut his wife's throat with a razor. 1905. Wilson, Rev. W. S., Altoona, Pa. Methodist. Dissipation; died in police cell. 1906. Wilson, Rev. Yancey, Tustin, Cal. Adventist. Desertion. 1912. Winchester, Rev. Sirl J., Winchester, Ind. Failure to provide for young daughter. 1907. Wingert, Rev. A. E., Tillamook, Ore. Presbyterian. Forgery and swindling. 1900. Winkfield, Rev. Z., Ensley, Ala. Murder of a man attentive to his wife. 1910. Winn, Rev. W. G., Pittsburgh, Pa. Christian. Left it to the Lord to pay board bill; sued for $80. 1905. Winters, Rev. F. W., Newark, N. J. Catholic. Obtaining money under false pretenses. Witt, Rev. W. L., Los Angeles, Cal. Second Advent. Left wife and lived with widow; pleaded guilty. Wittlinger, Rev. T., Rome, N. Y. Lutheran. Caught looking in at window when women were retiring. 1901. Wohl, Rev. John H., W'm'son, W. Va. Presbyterian. Shot D. Stokes; was killed by return fire. 1902. Wolfe, Rev. John B., Quincy, Ill. Methodist. Put up at hotel with woman not his wife; condemned by conference. 1914. Wolfendale, Rev. N. S., Seattle, Wash. Circuit rider. Larceny. 1906. Wolfington, Rev. W. W., Freetown, Ind. United Brethren. Arrested on charge of young girl. 1909. Wolfram, Rev. C. A., Atlanta, Ga. Took a married woman for his soulmate. 1900. Wollpert, Rev. D. C., Zenia, O. Methodist. "Immoral and unchristian practices." 1899. Wood, Rev. E. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. Methodist. "Ecclesiastical" immorality; women complainants. 1911. Wood, Rev. J. B., alias Woodard, Coffeyville, Tex. Bigamist. 1902. Wood, Rev. Wm. A., Glens Falls, N. Y. Baptist. Instigating a riotous demonstration. 1907. Woodring, Rev. W. H., Ashtabula, O. Methodist. Assault. 1909. Woodruff, Rev. W. L., Lorain, O. Lutheran. Raised money under false pretenses; 30 days and $10. 1903. Woods, Rev. J. S., Evanston, Ill. Cruelty to his son; summoned. 1904. Woodson, Rev. A. R., Indianapolis, Ind. Presbyterian. Improper liberties with young women. 1900. Woodward, Rev. J. D., Commerce, Ga. Baptist. Found guilty of bigamy; four years. 1899. Woodward, Rev. W. L., Oak Harbor, O. Disciples. Suicide by shooting. 1901. Wooton, Rev. J. A., Philadelphia, Pa. Unlawfully mailing letters containing threats. 1902. Workman, Rev. S. N., Bluefield, W. Va. Pleaded guilty to charge of bigamy; one year. 1908. Wormser, Rev. Andrew, Cincinnati, O. Dutch Reformed. Swindling. Wright, Rev. G. H., Chillicothe, O. Evangelist. Triple murder in Provo Co., Utah. 1910. Wright, Rev. W. R., Wood, N. M. Baptist. Murder. 1900. Wye, Rev. L., Croswell, Mich. Episcopal. Paid unwelcome attentions to young woman and beat father who objected. 1906. Wylie, Rev. J. R., Los Angeles, Cal. Methodist. Bigamy. 1902. Xavier, Rev. H. F., Yonkers, N. Y. Catholic. False arrest; sued by a young woman for $20,000. 1900. York, Rev. S. P., Brownsville, Ky. Giving and furnishing liquor to a young woman; indicted. 1900. Youberg, Rev. W., Chicago, Ill. Missionary. Stealing scrap iron to repair mission. 1901. Young, Rev. Clarence, Newark, N. J. Evangelist. Bigamy; tried and found guilty. 1911. Young, Rev. J. Henry, Mattoon, Ill. Bigamist. Young disappeared when he learned a warrant was out for his arrest for having two wives. 1911. Young, Rev. J. H., Leechburg, Pa. Lutheran. "Too familiar with young girls." This charge was to have been heard at a church trial. 1909. Young, Rev. P., Oakland, Cal. Episcopal. Embezzled $15,000. Courted young woman; wife in Boston. 1908. Young, Rev. Wm. C., Paterson, N. J. Seduction; six months. 1906. Zakelsky, Rev. G. A., Chicago, Ill. Catholic. Issuing worthless checks in gambling game; sued. 1906. Zechel, Rev. A. H., Appleton, Wis. Violating Sunday law. 1900. Zeperian, Rev. E., New York, N. Y. Missionary. Stealing a watch; arrested. 1901. Zeutgraff, Rev. J. R., Brooklyn, N. Y. Catholic. Slander; sued for $5,000 damages. 1908. Ziegler, Rev. Mr., Hutchinson, Kan. United Brethren. Eloping, leaving his wife and six children. 1910. Zimmerman, Rev. A. H., Utica, N. Y. Methodist. Over-flirtatious, and disappeared mysteriously. 1908. Zimmerman, Rev. E. H., Omaha, Neb. Lutheran. Obscenity; pleaded guilty; six months and $100. 1914. Zook, Rev. Isaac, Fresno, Cal. Methodist. Adultery. 1909. Zuccarelli, Rev. Jas., Newark, N. J. Catholic. Broke up home; embezzled $400. 1912. Zwickert, Rev. John D., Altoona, Pa. Roman Catholic. Alienation of affections. 1900. Zwinger, Rev. E., Hempstead, N. Y. Lutheran. Slander and assault; arrested.


The Devil sat by the river's side-- The stream of time, where you'll always find him-- Casting his line in the rushing tide, And landing the fish on the bank behind him.

He sat at ease in a cozy nook, And was filling his basket very fast; While you might have seen that his deadly hook Was differently baited for every cast.

He caught 'em as fast as a man could count; Little or big, it was all the same. One bait was a cheque for a round amount; An assemblyman nabbed it, and out he came.

He took a gem that as Saturn shone; It sank in the water without a sound, And caught a woman who long was known As the best and purest for miles around.

Sometimes he would laugh and sometimes sing, For better luck no one could wish, And he seemed to know to a dead sure thing, The bait best suited to every fish.

Quoth Satan: "The fishing is rare and fine." And he took a drink, somewhat enthused: And yet a parson swam round the line, That e'en the most tempting bait refused.

He tried with his gold and his flashing gems, Hung fame and fortune upon the line, Dressing gowns with embroidered hems, But still the dominie made no sign.

A woman's garter went on the hook; "I have him at last," quoth the devil, brightening; Then Satan's sides with laughter shook,-- And he landed the preacher as quick as lightning!

--Sam Davis.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Crimes of Preachers, by M. E. Billings


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