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Audiobook: Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction, and the Drama, Vol. 4: A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook by Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham

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Audiobook: Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction, and the Drama, Vol. 4: A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook by Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham

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Title: Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction, and the Drama, Vol 4 of 4

Author: E. Cobham Brewer

Release Date: February 28, 2019 [EBook #58988]

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Copyright, 1892, by SELMAR HESS.








=Skeggs= (Miss Carolina Wilhelmina Amelia), the companion of “Lady Blarney.” These were two flash women, introduced by Squire Tuthill to the Primrose family, with a view of beguiling the two eldest daughters, who were both very beautiful. Sir William Thornhill thwarted their infamous purpose.--Goldsmith, Vicar of Wakefield (1766).

=Skeleton= (Sam), a smuggler.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Sketchley= (Arthur), George Rose, author of Mrs. Brown (her observations on men and objects, politics and manners, etc.).

=Skettles= (Sir Barnet), of Fulham. He expressed his importance by an antique gold snuff-box and a silk handkerchief. His hobby was to extend his acquaintances, and to introduce people to each other. Skettles, junior, was a pupil of Dr. Blimber.--C. Dickens, Dombey and Son (1846).

=Skevington’s Daughter=, an instrument of torture invented by Skevington, lieutenant of the Tower, in the reign of Henry VIII. It consisted of a broad iron hoop, in two parts, jointed with a hinge. The victim was put into the hoop, which was then squeezed close and locked. Here he remained for about an hour and a half in the most inexpressible torture. (Generally corrupted into the “Scavenger’s Daughter.”)

=Skewton= (The Hon. Mrs.), mother of Edith (Mr. Dombey’s second wife). Having once been a beauty, she painted when old and shrivelled, became enthusiastic about the “charms of nature,” and reclined in her bath-chair in the attitude she assumed in her barouche when young and well off. A fashionable artist had painted her likeness in this attitude, and called his picture “Cleopatra.” The Hon. Mrs. Skewton was the sister of the late Lord Feenix, and aunt to the present lord.--C. Dickens, Dombey and Son (1846).

=Skiffins= (Miss), an angular, middle-aged woman, who wears “green kid gloves when dressed for company.” She marries Wemmick.--C. Dickens, Great Expectations (1860).

=Skimpole= (Harold), an amateur artist, always sponging on his friends. Under a plausible, light-hearted manner he was intensely selfish, but Mr. Jarndyce looked on him as a mere child, and believed in him implicitly.--C. Dickens, Bleak House (1852).

(The original of this character was Leigh Hunt, who was greatly displeased at the skit.)

=Skin= (The Man without a), Richard Cumberland. So called by Garrick, on account of his painful sensitiveness of all criticism. The same irritability of temper made Sheridan caricature him in The Critic as “Sir Fretful Plagiary” (1732-1811).

=Skinfaxi= (“shining mane”), the horse which draws the chariot of day.--Scandinavian Mythology.

=Skofnung=, the sword of King Rolf, the Norway hero, preserved for centuries in Iceland.

=Skogan.= (See SCOGAN.)

=Skreigh= (Mr.), the precentor at the Gordon Arms inn, Kippletringan.--Sir W. Scott, Guy Mannering (time, George II.).

=Skulls at Banquets.= Plutarch tells us that towards the close of an Egyptian feast a servant brought in a skeleton, and cried to the guests, “Eat, drink, and be merry, for to-morrow you die!”

Like skulls at Memphian banquets. Byron, Don Juan, iii. 65 (1820).

=Skurliewhitter= (Andrew), the scrivener.--Sir W. Scott, Fortunes of Nigel (time, James I.).

=Sky-Lark=, a lark with the “skies,” or ’scīs. The Westminster boys used to style themselves Romans, and the “town,” Volsci; the latter word was curtailed to ’sci [sky]. A row between the Westminsterians and the town roughs was called a ’sci-lark, or a lark with the Volsci.

=Skyresh Bol´golam=, the high admiral or galbert of the realm of Lilliput.--Swift, Gulliver’s Travels (“Voyage to Lilliput,” iii., 1726).

=Slackbridge=, one of the “hands” in Bounderby’s mill at Coketown. Slackbridge is an ill-conditioned fellow, ill-made, with lowering eyebrows, and though inferior to many of the others, exercises over them a great influence. He is the orator, who stirs up his fellow-workmen to strike.--C. Dickens, Hard Times (1854).

=Slammerkin= (Mrs.). Captain Macheath says of her, “She is careless and genteel.” “All you fine ladies,” he adds, “who know your own beauty, affect an undress.”--Gay, The Beggar’s Opera, ii. 1 (1727).

=Slander=, an old hag, of “ragged, rude attyre, and filthy lockes,” who sucked venom out of her nails. It was her nature to abuse all goodness, to frame groundless charges, to “steale away the crowne of a good name,” and “never thing so well was doen, but she with blame would blot, and of due praise deprive.”

A foule and loathly creature sure in sight, And in condition to be loathed no lesse: For she was stuft with rancor and despight Up to the throat, that oft with bitternesse It forth would breake and gush in great excesse, Pouring out streames of poyson and of gall ’Gainst all that truth or vertue doe professe, Whom she with leasings lewdly did miscall, And wickedly backbite. Her name men “Slaunder” call. Spenser, Faëry Queen, IV. viii. 24 (1596).

=Slang=, from Slangenberg, a Dutch general, noted for his abusive and exaggerated epithets when he reproved the men under his command. The etymon is suited to this dictionary, and the following are not without wit:--Italian, s-lingua, s negative and lingua = “bad language;” French, esclandre, “an event which gives rise to scandal,” hence, faire esclandre, “to expose one to scandal,” causer de l’escandre, “to give ground for scandal;” Greek, skandălon, “an offense, a scandal.” “Slangs,” fetters for malefactors.

=Slango=, a lad, servant of Gaylove, a young barrister. He dresses up as a woman, and when Squire Sapskull comes from Yorkshire for a wife, Slango passes himself off as Arbella. In the mean time, Gaylove assumes the airs and manners of a Yorkshire tike, and marries Arbella, with whom he is in love.--Carey, The Honest Yorkshireman (1736).

=Slawken-Ber´gius Hafen=, an imaginary author, distinguished for the great length of his nose. In the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy (by Sterne), Slawken-Bergius is referred to as a great authority on all lore connected with noses, and a curious tale is introduced from his hypothetical works about a man with an enormously long nose.

No nose can be justly amputated by the public, not even the nose of Slawken-Bergius himself.--Carlyle.

=Slaygood= (Giant), master of a gang of thieves which infested the King’s highway. Mr. Greatheart slew him, and rescued Feeblemind from his grasp in a duel.--Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, ii. (1684).

=Sleary=, proprietor of the circus at Coketown. A stout man with one eye fixed and one loose, a voice like the efforts of a broken pair of bellows, a flabby skin, and muddled head. He was never sober and never drunk, but always kind-hearted. Tom Gradgrind, after robbing the bank, lay concealed in this circus as a black servant till Sleary connived at his escape. This Sleary did in gratitude to Thomas Gradgrind, Esq., M.P., who adopted and educated Cecilia Jupe, daughter of his clown, Signor Jupe.

Josephine Sleary, daughter of the circus proprietor, a pretty girl of 18, who had been tied on a horse at two years old, and had made a will at 12. This will she carried about with her, and in it she signified her desire to be drawn to the grave by two piebald ponies. Josephine married E. W. B. Childers, of her father’s circus.--C. Dickens, Hard Times (1854).

=Sleek= (Aminadab), in The Serious Family, a comedy by Morris Barnett.

=Sleeper= (The). Almost all nations have a tradition about some sleeper who will wake after a long period of dormancy.

American (North). RIP VAN WINKLE, a Dutch colonist, of New York, slept twenty years in the Catskill Mountains.--Washington Irving.

American (South). SEBASTIAN I., supposed to have fallen in the battle of Alcazarquebir, in 1578, is only asleep, and will in due time awake, return to life, and make Brazil the chief kingdom of the earth.

Arabian Legends. MAHOMMED MOHADI, the twelfth imân, is only sleeping, like Charlemagne, till Antichrist appears, when he will awake in his strength, and overthrow the great enemy of all true believers.

NOURJAHAD is only in a temporary sleep, waiting the fulness of time.

British Traditions. KING ARTHUR is not dead in Avillon, but is merely metamorphosed into a raven. In due time he will awake, resume his proper person, claim the throne of Britain, and make it the head and front of all the kingdoms of the globe. “Because King Arthur bears for the nonce the semblance of a raven, the people of Britain never kill a raven” (Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. ii. 5).

GYNETH slept 500 years by the enchantment of Merlin. She was the natural daughter of King Arthur and Guendolen, and was thus punished because she would not put an end to a combat in which twenty knights were mortally wounded, including Merlin’s son.--Sir W. Scott, Bridal of Triermain (1813).

MERLIN, the enchanter, is not dead, but “sleeps and sighs in an old tree, spell-bound by Vivien.”--British Legend.

ST. DAVID was thrown into an enchanted sleep by Ormandine, but after sleeping for seven years, was awoke by Merlin.

French Legend. The French slain in the SICILIAN VESPERS are not really dead, but they sleep for the time being, awaiting the day of retribution.

German Legends. BARBAROSSA, with six of his knights, sleeps in Kyffhaüsberg, in Thuringia, till the fulness of time, when they will awake and make Germany the foremost kingdom of the earth. The beard of the red king has already grown through the table slab at which he is sitting, but it must wind itself three times round the table before his second event. Barbarossa occasionally wakes and asks, “Is it time?” when a voice replies, “Not yet. Sleep on.”

CHARLEMAGNE is not dead, but only asleep in Untersberg, near Saltzburg, waiting for the advent of Antichrist, when he will rouse from his slumber, go forth conquering, and will deliver Christendom that it may be fit for the second advent and personal reign of Christ.

CHARLES V., kaiser of Germany, is only asleep, waiting his time, when he will awake, return to earth, “resume the monarchy over Germany, Portugal, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Denmark, putting all enemies under his feet.”

KNEZ LAZAR, of Servia, supposed to have been slain by the Turks in 1389, is not really dead, but has put on sleep for a while, and at an allotted moment he will re-appear in his full strength.

Grecian Legends. ENDYM´ION, a beautiful youth, sleeps a perpetual sleep in Latmos. Selēnê (the moon) fell in love with him, kissed him, and still lies by his side. In the British Museum is an exquisite statue of Endymion asleep.--Greek Fable.

EPIMEN´IDES (5 syl.), the Cretan poet, was sent in boyhood to search for a stray sheep; being heated and weary, he stepped into a cave, and fell asleep for fifty-seven years. Epimenidês, we are told, attained the age of 154, 157, 229, and some say 289 years.--Pliny, History, vii. 12.

Irish Traditions. BRIAN, surnamed “Boroimhe,” king of Ireland, who conquered the Danes in twenty pitched battles, and was supposed to have been slain in the battle of Clontarf, in 1014, was only stunned. He still sleeps in his castle of Kincora, and the day of Ireland’s necessity will be Brian’s opportunity.

DESMOND OF KILMALLOCK, in Limerick, supposed to have perished in the reign of Elizabeth, is only sleeping under the waters of lough Gur. Every seventh year he re-appears in full armor, rides round the lake early in the morning, and will ultimately reappear and claim the family estates.--Sir W. Scott, Fortunes of Nigel.

Jewish Legend. ELIJAH, the prophet, is not dead, but sleeps in Abraham’s bosom till Antichrist appears, when he will return to Jerusalem and restore all things.

Russian Tradition. ELIJAH MANSUR, warrior, prophet, and priest in Asiatic Russia, tried to teach a more tolerant form of Islâm, but was looked on as a heretic, and condemned to imprisonment in the bowels of a mountain. There he sleeps, waiting patiently the summons which will be given him, when he will awake, and wave his conquering sword to the terror of the Muscovite.--Milner, Gallery of Geography, 781.

Scandinavian Tradition. OLAF TRYGGVASON, king of Norway, who was baptized in London, and introduced Christianity into Norway, Iceland and Greenland. Being overthrown by Swolde, king of Sweden (A.D. 1000), he threw himself into the sea and swam to the Holy Land, became an anchorite, and fell asleep at a greatly advanced age; but he is only waiting his opportunity, when he will sever Norway from Sweden, and raise it to a first-class power.

Scottish Tradition. THOMAS OF ERCELDOUNE sleeps beneath the Eildon Hills, in Scotland. One day an elfin lady led him into a cavern in these hills, and he fell asleep for seven years, when he revisited the upper earth, under a bond that he would return immediately the elfin lady summoned him. One day, as he was making merry with his friends, he heard the summons, kept his word, and has never since been seen.--Sir W. Scott, Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border.

Spanish Tradition. BOBADIL EL CHICO, last of the Moorish kings of Granada, lies spell-bound near the Alhambra, but in the day appointed he will return to earth and restore the Moorish government in Spain.

Swiss Legend. Three of the family of TELL sleep a semi-death at Rütli, waiting for the hour of their country’s need, when they will wake up and deliver it.


=Sleeper Awakened= (The). Abou Hassan, the son of a rich merchant at Bagdad, inherited a good fortune; but, being a prudent man, made a vow to divide it into two parts: all that came to him from rents he determined to set apart, but all that was of the nature of cash he resolved to spend on pleasure. In the course of a year he ran through this fund, and then made a resolve in future to ask only one guest at a time to his board. This guest was to be a stranger, and never to be asked a second time. It so happened that the Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid, disguised as a merchant, was on one occasion his guest, and heard Abou Hassan say that he wished he were caliph for one day, and he would punish a certain imân for tittle-tattling. Haroun-al-Raschid thought that he could make capital of this wish for a little diversion; so, drugging the merchant’s wine, he fell into a profound sleep, was conveyed to the palace, and, on waking, was treated as the caliph. He ordered the imân to be punished, and sent his mother a handsome gift; but at night, another sleeping draught being given him, he was carried back to his own house. When he woke he could not decide if he had been in a dream or not, but his conduct was so strange that he was taken to a mad-house. He was confined for several days, and, being discharged, the caliph in disguise again visited him, and repeated the same game, so that next day he could not tell which had been the dream. At length the mystery was cleared up, and he was given a post about the caliph’s person, and the sultana gave him a beautiful slave for his wife. Abou Hassan now played a trick on the caliph. He pretended to be dead, and sent his young wife to the sultana to announce the sad news. Zobeida, the sultana, was very much grieved, and gave her favorite a sum of money for the funeral expenses. On her return she played the dead woman, and Abou Hassan went to the caliph to announce his loss. The caliph expressed his sympathy, and, having given him a sum of money for the funeral expenses, went to the sultana to speak of the sad news of the death of the young bride. “The bride?” cried Zobeida; “you mean the bridegroom, commander of the faithful.” “No, I mean the bride,” answered the caliph, “for Abou Hassan has but just left me.” “That cannot be, sire,” retorted Zobeida, “for it is not an hour ago that the bride was here to announce his death.” To settle this moot point, the chief of the eunuchs was sent to see which of the two was dead; and Abou, who saw him coming, got the bride to pretend to be dead, and set himself at her head bewailing, so the man returned with the report that it was the bride who was dead, and not the bridegroom. The sultana would not believe him, and sent her aged nurse to ascertain the fact. As she approached, Abou Hassan pretended to be dead, and the bride to be the wailing widow; accordingly, the nurse contradicted the report of the eunuch. The caliph and sultana, with the nurse and eunuch, then all went to see for themselves, and found both apparently dead. The caliph now said he would give 1000 pieces of gold to know which died first, when Abou Hassan cried, “Commander of the faithful, it was I who died first.” The trick was found out, the caliph nearly died with laughter, and the jest proved a little mine of wealth to the court favorite.--Arabian Nights.

=Sleepers.= (See SEVEN SLEEPERS.)

=Sleeping Beauty= (The), a lady who sleeps in a castle a hundred years, during which time an impenetrable wood springs up around the castle; but being at length disenchanted by a young prince, she marries him. The brothers Grimm have reproduced this tale in German. The old Norse tale of Brynhild and Sigurd seems to be the original of The Sleeping Beauty.--Perrault, Contes du Temps (“La Belle au Bois Dormant,” 1697).

(Tennyson has poetized this nursery story.)

=Sleepner=, the horse of Odin.

=Slender=, one of the suitors of “sweet Anne Page.” His servant’s name is Simple. Slender is a country lout, cousin of Justice Shallow.--Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor (1596).

=Slick Mose=, idiot boy, yet with animal instinct and dogged fidelity enough to make him signally useful to those to whom he is attached. “Della sets a heap by Slick Mose’s notions in things,” said the Colonel. “Well, there’s no tellin’ ’bout these half-witted creatures. And more people are half-witted than is suspected.”--Octave Thanet, Expiation (1890).

=Slick= (Sam), Judge Thomas Chandler Haliburton, of Nova Scotia, author of The Clockmaker (1837).

Sam Slick, a Yankee clockmaker and pedlar, wonderfully ’cute, a great observer, full of quaint ideas, droll wit, odd fancies, surprising illustrations, and plenty of “soft sawder.” Judge Haliburton wrote the two series called Sam Slick, or the Clockmaker (1837).

=Sliderskew= (Peg), the hag-like housekeeper of Arthur Gride. She robs her master of some deeds, and thereby brings on his ruin.--C. Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby (1838).

=Sligo= (Dr.), of Ireland. He looks with contempt on his countryman, Dr. Osasafras, because he is but a parvenu.

Osasafras? That’s a name of no note. He is not a Milesian, I am sure. The family, I suppose, came over the other day with Strongbow, not above seven or eight hundred years ago.--Foote, The Devil Upon Two Sticks (1768).

=Slingsby= (Jonathan Freke), John Francis Waller, author of The Slingsby Papers (1852), etc.

Slingsby (Philip), pseudonym of N. P. Willis, in the series of essays and tales published as The Slingsby Papers. Chief among these is Love in the Library (184-).

=Slip=, the valet of young Harlowe (son of Sir Harry Harlowe, of Dorsetshire). He schemes with Martin, a fellow-servant, to contract a marriage between Martin and Miss Stockwell (daughter of a wealthy merchant), in order to get possession of £10,000, the wedding portion. The plan was this: Martin was to pass himself off as young Harlowe, and marry the lady or secure the dot; but Jenny (Miss Stockwell’s maid) informs Belford, the lover of Miss Stockwell, and he arrests the two knaves just in time to prevent mischief.--Garrick, Neck or Nothing (1766).

=Slippers=, which enabled the feet to walk, knives that cut of themselves, and sabres which dealt blows at a wish, were presents brought to Vathek by a hideous monster without a name.--W. Beckford, Vathek (1784).

=Slippery Sam=, a highwayman in Captain Macheath’s gang. Peachum says he should dismiss him, because “the villain hath the impudence to have views of following his trade as a tailor, which he calls an honest employment.”--Gay, The Beggar’s Opera, i. (1727).

=Slipslop= (Mrs.), a lady of frail morals.--Fielding, Joseph Andrews (1742).

=Slocums= (The), Rowland Slocum, the head of a large marble-yard, and a good citizen. He gives Richard Shackford employment, and lets him become an inmate of his family.

Margaret Slocum, a motherless, only child, her father’s housekeeper, Richard Shackford’s fast friend, and, in time, his wife.--T. B. Aldrich, The Stillwater Tragedy (1880).

=Slop= (Dr.), Sir John Stoddart, M.D., editor of the New Times, who entertained an insane hatred of Napoleon Bonaparte, called by him “The Corsican Fiend.” William Hone devised the name from Stoddart’s book entitled Slop’s Shave at a Broken Hone (1820), and Thomas Moore helped to popularize it (1773-1856).

Slop (Dr.), a choleric, enthusiastic, and bigoted physician. He breaks down Tristram’s nose, and crushes Uncle Toby’s fingers to a jelly, in attempting to demonstrate the use and virtues of a newly invented pair of obstetrical forceps.--Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759).

(Under this name, Sterne ridiculed Dr. Burton, a man mid-wife of York.)

=Slopard= (Dame), wife of Grimbard, the brock or badger, in the beast-epic of Reynard the Fox (1498).

=Sloppy=, a love-child, brought up by Betty Higden, for whom he turned the mangle. When Betty died, Mr. Boffin apprenticed him to a cabinet-maker. Sloppy is described as “a very long boy, with a very little head, and an open mouth of disproportionate capacity that seemed to assist his eyes in staring.” It is hinted that he became “the prince” of Jenny Wren, the doll’s dressmaker.

Of an ungainly make was Sloppy. There was too much of him longwise, too little of him broadwise, and too many sharp angles of him angle-wise.... He had a considerable capital of knee, and elbow, and wrist, and ankle. Full-private Number One in the awkward squad was Sloppy.--C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend, I. i. 16 (1864).

=Slote= (Hon. Bardwell). Member of Congress, who condenses phrases into initials, expressing himself phonetically as “H. K.” for Hard Cash, and “G. F.” for Jug Full.--B. E. Woolf, The Mighty Dollar (1875).

=Slough of Despond= (The), a deep bog, which Christian had to pass on his way to the Wicket Gate. Neighbor Pliable would not attempt it, and turned back. While Christian was floundering in the slough, Help came to his aid, and assisted him over.

The name of the slough was Despond. Here they wallowed for a time, and Christian, because of the burden that was on his back, began to sink into the mire. This miry slough is such a place as cannot be mended. It is the descent whither the scum and filth that attends conviction of sin doth continually run, and therefore is it called the Slough of Despond; for still, as the sinner is awakened about his lost condition, there arise in his soul many fears and doubts and discouraging apprehensions, which all of them get together, and settle in this place, and this is the reason of the badness of this ground.--Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, i. (1678).

=Slowboy= (Tilly), nurse and general help of Mr. and Mrs. Peerybingle. She “was of a spare and straight shape, insomuch that her garments appeared to be in constant danger of sliding off her shoulders. Her costume was remarkable for its very partial development, and always afforded glimpses at the back of a pair of dead-green stays.” Miss Tilly was very fond of baby, but had a surprising talent for getting it into difficulties, bringing its head into perpetual contact with doors, dressers, stair-rails, bedposts, and so on. Tilly, who had been a foundling, looked upon the house of Peerybingle, the carrier, as a royal residence, and loved both Mr. and Mrs. Peerybingle with all the intensity of an undivided affection.--C. Dickens, The Cricket on the Hearth (1845).

=Sludge= (Gammer), the landlady of Erasmus Holiday, the schoolmaster in White Horse Vale.

Dickie Sludge, or “Flibbertigibbet,” her dwarf grandson.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Slum= (Mr.), a patter poet, who dressed en militaire. He called on Mrs. Jarley, exhibitor of wax-works, all by accident. “What, Mr. Slum?” cried the lady of the wax-works; “who’d have thought of seeing you here?” “’Pon my soul and honor,” said Mr. Slum, “that’s a good remark! ’Pon my soul and honor, that’s a wise remark.... Why I came here? ’Pon my soul and honor, I hardly know what I came here for.... What a splendid classical thing is this, Mrs. Jarley! ’Pon my soul and honor, it is quite Minervian!” “It’ll look well, I fancy,” observed Mrs. Jarley. “Well!” said Mr. Slum; “It would be the delight of my life, ’pon my soul and honor, to exercise my Muse on such a delightful theme. By the way--any orders, madam? Is there anything I can do for you?” (ch. xxviii.).

“Ask the perfumers,” said the military gentleman, “ask the blacking-makers, ask the hatters, ask the old lottery office keepers, ask any man among ’em what poetry has done for him, and mark my word, he blesses the name of Slum.”--C. Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop (1840).

=Slumkey= (Samuel), “blue” candidate for the representation of the borough of Eatanswill in parliament. His opponent is Horatio Fizkin, who represents the “buff” interest.--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

=Sly= (Christopher), a keeper of bears, and a tinker. In the induction of Shakespeare’s comedy called Taming of the Shrew, Christopher is found dead drunk by a nobleman, who commands his servant to take him to his mansion and attend on him as a lord. The trick is played, and the “commonty” of Taming of the Shrew is performed for the delectation of the ephemeral lord.

A similar trick was played by Haroun-al-Raschid on a rich merchant, named Abou Hassan (see Arabian Nights, “The Sleeper Awakened”). Also by Philippe le Bon of Burgundy, on his marriage with Eleanora (see Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, ii. 2, 4; 1624).

=Slyne= (Chevy), one of old Martin Chuzzlewit’s numerous relations. He is a drunken, good-for-nothing vagabond, but his friend, Montague Tigg, considers him “an unappreciated genius.” His chief peculiarity consists in his always being “round the corner.”--C. Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit (1844).

=Small= (Gilbert), the pinmaker, a hard-working old man, who loves his son most dearly.

Thomas Small, the son of Gilbert, a would-be man of fashion and maccaroni. Very conceited of his fine person, he thinks himself the very glass of fashion. Thomas Small resolves to make a fortune by marriage, and allies himself to Kate, who turns out to be the daughter of Strap, the cobbler.--S. Knowles, The Beggar of Bethnal Green (1834).

=Small Beer Poet= (The). W. Thomas Fitzgerald. He is now known only for one line, quoted in the Rejected Addresses: “The tree of freedom is the British oak.”--Cobbett gave him the sobriquet (1759-1829).

=Small-Endians=, a “religious sect” in Lilliput, who made it an article of orthodoxy to break their eggs at the small end. By the Small-endians is meant the Protestant party; the Roman Catholics are called the Big-endians, from their making it a sine quâ non for all true Churchmen to break their eggs at the big end.--Swift, Gulliver’s Travels (“Voyage to Lilliput,” 1726).

=Smallweed Family= (The), a grasping, ill-conditioned lot, consisting of grandfather, grandmother, and the twins, Bartholomew and Judy. The grandfather indulges in vituperative exclamations against his aged wife, with or without provocation, and flings at her anything he can lay his hand on. He becomes, however, so dilapidated at last that he has to be shaken up by his amiable grand-daughter, Judy, in order to be aroused to consciousness.

Bart., i.e., Bartholomew Smallweed, a youth, who moulds himself on the model of Mr. Gruppy, the lawyer’s clerk, in the office of Kenge and Carboy. He prides himself on being “a limb of the law,” though under 15 years of age; indeed it is reported of him that his first long clothes were made out of a lawyer’s blue bag.--C. Dickens, Bleak House (1852).

=Sma´trash= (Eppie), the ale-woman at Wolf’s Hope village.--Sir W. Scott, Bride of Lammermoor (time, William III.).

=Smauker= (John), footman of Angelo Cyrus Bantam. He invites Sam Weller to a “swarry” of “biled mutton.”--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

=Smectym´nuus=, the title of a celebrated pamphlet containing an attack upon episcopacy (1641). The title is composed of the initial letters of the five writers, =SM= (Stephen Marshall), =EC= (Edmund Calamy), =TY= (Thomas Young), =MN= (Matthew Newcomen), =UUS= (William Spurstow). Sometimes one U is omitted. Butler says the business of synods is:

To find in lines of beard and face. The physiognomy of “Grace;” And by the sound and twang of nose, If all be sound within disclose ... The handkerchief about the neck (Canonical cravat of Smeck, From whom the institution came When Church and State they set on flame ...) Judge rightly if “regeneration” Be of the newest cut in fashion. Hudibras, i. 3 (1663).

=Smelfungus.= Smollett was so called by Sterne, because his volume of Travels through France and Italy is one perpetual snarl from beginning to end.

The lamented Smelfungus travelled from Boulogne to Paris, from Paris to Rome, and so on; but he set out with the spleen and jaundice, and every object he passed by was discolored or distorted. He wrote an account of them, but ’twas nothing but the account of his own miserable feelings.--Sterne, Sentimental Journey (1768).

=Smell a Voice.= When a young prince had clandestinely visited the young princess brought up in the palace of the Flower Mountain, the fairy mother, Violenta, said, “I smell the voice of a man,” and commanded the dragon on which she rode to make search for the intruder.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“The White Cat,” 1682).

Bottom says, in the part of “Pyramus:”

I see a voice, now will I to the chink, To spy an I can hear my Thisbe’s face. Shakespeare, Midsummer Night’s Dream, act v. sc. 1 (1592).

=Smike= (1 syl.), a poor, half-starved, half-witted boy, the son of Ralph Nickleby. As the marriage was clandestine, the child was put out to nurse, and neither its father or mother went to see it. When about seven years old, the child was stolen by one Brooker, out of revenge, and put to school at Dotheboys Hall, Yorkshire. Brooker paid the school fees for six years, and being then transported, the payment ceased, and the boy was made a sort of drudge. Nicholas Nickleby took pity on him, and when he left, Smike ran away to join his friend, who took care of the poor half-witted creature till he died.--C. Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby (1838).

=Smiler=, a sheriff’s officer, in A Regular Fix, by J. M. Morton.

=Smilinda=, a lovelorn maiden, to whom Sharper was untrue. Pope, in his eclogue called The Basset Table (1715), makes Cordelia and Smilinda contend on this knotty point, “Who suffers most, she who loses at basset, or she who loses her lover?” They refer the question to Betty Lovet. Cordelia stakes her “lady’s companion, made by Mathers, and worth fifty guineas,” on the point; and Smilinda stakes a snuff-box, won at Corticelli’s in a raffle, as her pledge. When Cordelia has stated the iron agony of loss at cards, and Smilinda the crushing grief of losing a sweetheart, “strong as a footman, and as his master sweet,” Lovet awards the lady’s companion to Smilinda, and the snuff-box to Cordelia, and bids both give over, “for she wants her tea.” Of course, this was suggested by Virgil’s Eclogue, iii.

=Smiley= (Jim), the champion better of Calaveras County, and owner of a trained frog.--Mark Twain, The Jumping Frog (1867).

=Smith= (Henry), alias “Henry Gow,” alias “Gow Chrom,” alias “Hal of the Wynd,” the armorer, and lover of Catharine Glover, whom at the end he marries.--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.)

Smith (Mr.), a faithful, confidential clerk in the bank of Dornton and Sulky.--Holcroft, The Road to Ruin (1792).

Smith (Rainy Day), John Thomas Smith, Antiquary (1766-1833).

Smith (Wayland), an invisible farrier, who haunted the “Vale of White Horse,” in Berkshire, where three flat stones supporting a fourth, commemorate the place of his stithy. His fee was sixpence, and he was offended if more were offered him.

Sir W. Scott has introduced him in Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Smith’s Prizeman=, one who has obtained the prize (£25) founded in the University of Cambridge, by Robert Smith, D.D., once Master of Trinity. Two prizes are awarded annually to two commencing bachelors of arts for proficiency in mathematics and natural philosophy.

=Smolkin=, a punic spirit.

Peace, Smolkin, peace, thou fiend! Shakespeare, King Lear, act iii. sc. 4 (1605).

=Smollett of the Stage= (The), George Farquhar (1678-1707).

=Smotherwell= (Stephen), the executioner.--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.).

=Smyr´nean Poet= (The), Mimnermos, born at Smyrna (fl. B.C. 630).

=Snacks=, the hard, grinding steward of Lord Lackwit, who, by grasping, got together £26,000. When Lord Lackwit died, and the property came to Robin Roughhead, he toadied him with the greatest servility, but Robin dismissed him, and gave the post to Frank.--Allingham, Fortune’s Frolic.

=Snaffle= (Erastus), a successful speculator in “wild cat” stocks, especially ingenious in “standing from under” when the crash comes.--Arlo Bates, The Philistines (1888).

=Snaggs=, a village portrait-taker and tooth-drawer. He says, “I draws off heads, and draws out teeth,” or “I takes off heads, and takes out teeth.” Major Touchwood, having dressed himself up to look like his uncle, the colonel, pretends to have the tooth-ache. Snaggs being sent for, prepares to operate on the colonel, and the colonel, in a towering rage, sends him to the right about.--T. Dibdin, What Next?

=Snags´by= (Mr.), the law-stationer in Cook’s Court, Cursitor Street. A very mild specimen of the “spear half,” in terrible awe of his termagant wife, whom he calls euphemistically “his little woman.” He preceded most of his remarks by the words, “not to put too fine a point upon it.”--C. Dickens, Bleak House (1852).

=Snail=, the collector of customs, near Ellangowan House.--Sir W. Scott, Guy Mannering (time, George II.).

=Snailsfoot= (Bryce), the jagger or pedlar.--Sir W. Scott, The Pirate (time, William III.).

=Snake= (Mr.), a traitorous ally of Lady Sneerwell, who has the effrontery to say to her, “you paid me extremely liberally for propagating the lie, but, unfortunately, I have been offered double to speak the truth.” He says:

Ah, sir, consider; I live by the baseness of my character; and if it were once known that I have been betrayed into an honest action, I shall lose every friend I have in the world.--Sheridan, School for Scandal, v. 3 (1777).

=Sneak= (Jerry), a hen-pecked pinmaker; a paltry, pitiful, prying sneak. If ever he summoned up a little manliness, his wife would begin to cry, and Jerry was instantly softened.

=Snaw´ley=, “in the oil and color line.” A “sleek, flat-nosed man, bearing in his countenance an expression of mortification and sanctity.”--C. Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby, iii. (1838).

Master Sneak, ... the ancient corporation of Garratt, in consideration of your great parts and abilities, and out of respect to their landlord, Sir Jacob, have unanimously chosen you mayor.--Act ii.

Jerry Sneak has become the type of hen-pecked husbands.--Temple Bar, 456 (1875).

Mrs. Sneak, wife of Jerry, a domineering tartar of a woman, who keeps her lord and master well under her thumb. She is the daughter of Sir Jacob Jollup.--S. Foote, The Mayor of Garratt (1763).

Jerry Sneak Russell. So Samuel Russell, the actor, was called, because of his inimitable representation of “Jerry Sneak,” which was quite a hit (1766-1845).

=Sneer=, a double-faced critic, who carps at authors behind their backs, but fawns on them when they are present (see act i. 1).--Sheridan, The Critic (1779).

=Sneerwell= (Lady), the widow of a City knight. Mr. Snake says, “Every one allows that Lady Sneerwell can do more with a word or a look than many can with the most labored detail, even when they happen to have a little truth on their side to support it.”

Wounded myself, in the early part of my life, by the envenomed tongue of slander, I confess I have since known no pleasure equal to the reducing of others to the level of my own reputation.--Sheridan, School for Scandal, i. 1 (1777).

=Snevellicci= (Mr.), in Crummle’s company of actors. Mr. Snevellicci plays the military swell, and is great in the character of speechless noblemen.

Mrs. Snevellicci, wife of the above, a dancer in the same theatrical company.

Miss Snevellicci, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Snevellicci, also of the Portsmouth Theatre. “She could do anything from a medley dance to Lady Macbeth.” Miss Snevellicci laid her toils to catch Nicholas Nickleby, but “the bird escaped from the nets of the toiler.”--C. Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby (1838).

=Snitchey and Craggs=, lawyers. It was the opinion of Mr. Thomas Craggs that “everything is too easy,” especially law; that it is the duty of wise men to make everything as difficult as possible, and as hard to go as rusty locks and hinges which will not turn for want of greasing. He was a cold, hard, dry man, dressed in grey-and-white like a flint, with small twinkles in his eyes. Jonathan Snitchey was like a magpie or raven. He generally finished by saying, “I speak for Self and Craggs,” and, after the death of his partner, “for Self and Craggs, deceased.”

Mrs. Snitchey and Mrs. Craggs, wives of the two lawyers. Mrs. Snitchey was, on principle, suspicious of Mr. Craggs; and Mrs. Craggs was, on principle, suspicious of Mr. Snitchey. Mrs. Craggs would say to her lord and master:

Your Snitcheys, indeed! I don’t see what you want with your Snitcheys, for my part. You trust a great deal too much to your Snitcheys, I think, and I hope you may never find my words come true.

Mrs. Snitchey would observe to Mr. Snitchey:

Snitchey, if ever you were led away by man, take my word for it you are led away by Craggs; and if ever I can read a double purpose in mortal eye, I can read it in Craggs’s eye.--C. Dickens, The Battle of Life, ii. (1846).

=Snodgrass= (Augustus), M.P.C., a poetical young man, who travels about with Mr. Pickwick, “to inquire into the source of the Hampstead ponds.” He marries Emily Wardle.--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

=Snoring= (Great). “Rector of Great Snoring,” a dull, prosy preacher.

=Snorro Sturleson=, last of the great Icelandic scalds or court poets. He was author of the Younger Edda, in prose, and of the Heimskringla, a chronicle, in verse, of the history of Norway, from the earliest times to the year 1177. The Younger Edda is an abridgement of the Rhythmical Edda (see SÆMUND SIGFUSSON). The Heimskringla appeared in 1230, and the Younger Edda is often called the Snorro Edda. Snorro Sturleson incurred the displeasure of Hakon, king of Norway, who employed assassins to murder him (1178-1241).

⁂ The Heimskringla was translated into English by Samuel Laing, in 1844.

=Snout= (Tom), the tinker who takes part in the “tragedy” of Pyrămus and Thisbe, played before the duke and duchess of Athens “on their wedding day at night.” Next to Peter Quince and Nick Bottom, the weaver, Snout was by far the most self-important man of the troupe. He was cast for Pyramus’s father, but has nothing to say, and does not even put in an appearance during the play.--Shakespeare, Midsummer Night’s Dream (1592).

=Snow King= (The), Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, king of Sweden, killed in the Thirty Years’ War, at the battle of Lutzen. The cabinet of Vienna said, in derision of him, “The Snow King is come, but he can live only in the north, and will melt away as soon as he feels the sun” (1594, 1611-1632).

At Vienna he was called, in derision, “The Snow King” who was kept together by the cold, but would melt and disappear as he approached a warmer soil.--Dr. Crichton, Scandinavia (“Gustavus Adolphus,” ii. 61).

Snow King (The), Frederick, elector palatine, made king of Bohemia by the Protestants in the autumn of 1619, but defeated and set aside in the following autumn.

The winter king, king in times of frost, a snow king, altogether soluble in the spring, is the name which Frederick obtained in German histories.--Carlyle.

=Snow Queen= (The), Christiana, queen of Sweden (1626, 1633-1689).

The Princess Elizabeth of England, who married Frederick V., elector palatine, in 1613, and induced him to accept the crown of Bohemia in 1619. She was crowned with her husband, October 25, 1619, but fled, in November, 1620, and was put under the ban of the empire in 1621. Elizabeth was queen of Bohemia during the time of snow, but was melted by the heat of the ensuing summer.

=Snubbin= (Serjeant), retained by Mr. Perker for the defence in the famous case of “Bardell v. Pickwick.” His clerk was named Mallard, and his junior, Phunky, “an infant barrister,” very much looked down upon by his senior.--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

=Snuffim= (Sir Tumley), the doctor who attends Mrs. Wititterly.--C. Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby (1838).

=Snuffle= (Simon), the sexton of Garratt, and one of the corporation. He was called a “scollard, for he could read a written hand.”--S. Foote, Mayor of Garratt, ii. 1 (1763).

=Snug=, the joiner, who takes part in the “lamentable comedy” of Pyramus and Thisbe, played before the duke and duchess of Athens “on their wedding day at night.” His rôle was the “lion’s part.” He asked the manager (Peter Quince) if he had the “lion’s part written out, for,” said he, “I am slow of memory;” but being told he could do it extempore, “for it was nothing but roaring,” he consented to undertake it.--Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1592).

=Sobri´no=, one of the most valiant of the Saracen army, and called “The Sage.” He counselled Agrămant to entrust the fate of the war to a single combat, stipulating that the nation whose champion was worsted should be tributary to the other. Rogēro was chosen for the pagan champion, and Rinaldo for the Christian army; but when Rogero was overthrown, Agramant broke the compact. Sobrino was greatly displeased, and soon afterwards received the rite of Christian baptism.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

Who more prudent than Sobrino?--Cervantes, Don Quixote (1605).

=Soc´ratês= (The English), Dr. Johnson is so called by Boswell (1709-1784).

Mr. South’s amiable manners and attachment to our Socrătês at once united me to him.--Life of Johnson (1791).

=Sofronia=, a young Christian of Jerusalem, the heroine of an episode in Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered (1575). The tale is this: Aladine, king of Jerusalem, stole from a Christian church an image of the Virgin, being told by a magician that it was a palladium, and, if set up in a mosque, the Virgin would forsake the Christian army, and favor the Mohammedan. The image was accordingly set up in a mosque, but during the night was carried off by some one. Aladine, greatly enraged, ordered the instant execution of all his Christian subjects, but, to prevent this massacre, Sofronia accused herself of the offence. Her lover, Olindo, hearing that Sofronia was sentenced to death, presented himself before the king, and said that he and not Sofronia was the real offender; whereupon the king ordered both to instant execution; but Clorinda, the Amăzon, pleading for them, obtained their pardon, and Sofronia left the stake to join Olindo at the altar of matrimony.--Bk. ii.

This episode may have been suggested by a well-known incident in ecclesiastical history. At Merum, a city of Phrygia, Amachius, the governor of the province, ordered the temple to be opened, and the idols to be cleansed. Three Christians, inflamed with Christian zeal, went by night and broke all the images. The governor, unable to discover the culprits, commanded all the Christians of Merum to be put to death; but the three who had been guilty of the act confessed their offence, and were executed.--Socratês, Ecclesiastical History, iii. 15 (A.D. 439). (See SOPHRONIA.)

=Soham=, a monster with the head of a horse, four eyes, and the body of a fiery dragon. (See OURANABAD.)

=Soi-même.= St. Soi-même, the “natural man,” in opposition to the “spiritual man.” In almost all religious acts and feelings, a thread of self may be detected, and many things are done ostensibly for God, but in reality for St. Soi-même.

They attended the church service not altogether without regard to St. Soi-même.--Asylum Christi, ii.

=Soldan= (The), Philip II. of Spain, whose wife was Adicia (or papal bigotry). Prince Arthur sent the soldan a challenge for wrongs done to Samient, a female ambassador (deputies of the states of Holland). On receiving this challenge, the soldan “swore and banned most blasphemously,” and mounting “his chariot high” (the high ships of the Armāda), drawn by horses fed on carrion (the Inquisitors), went forth to meet the prince, whom he expected to tear to pieces with his chariot scythes, or trample down beneath his horses’ hoofs. Not being able to get at the soldan from the great height of the chariot, the prince uncovered his shield, and held it up to view. Instantly the soldan’s horses were so terrified that they fled, regardless of the whip and reins, overthrew the chariot, and left the soldan on the ground, “torn to rags, amongst his own iron hooks and grapples keen.”--Spenser, Faëry Queen, v. 8 (1596).

⁂ The overthrow of the soldan by supernatural means, and not by combat, refers to the destruction of the Armada by tempest, according to the legend of the medals, Flavit Jehovah, et dissipati sunt (“He blew with His blast, and they were scattered”).

=Soldier’s Daughter= (The), a comedy by A. Cherry (1804). Mrs. Cheerly, the daughter of Colonel Woodley, after a marriage of three years, is left a widow, young, rich, gay, and engaging. She comes to London, and Frank Heartall, a generous-minded young merchant, sees her at the opera, falls in love with her, and follows her to her lodging. Here he meets with the Malfort family, reduced to abject poverty by speculation, and relieves them. Ferret, the villain of the piece, spreads a report that Frank gave the money as hush-money, because he had base designs on Mrs. Malfort; but his character is cleared, and he leads to the altar the blooming young widow, while the return of Malfort’s father places his son again in prosperous circumstances.

=Soldiers’ Friend= (The), Frederick, duke of York, second son of George III., and commander of the British forces in the Low Countries during the French Revolution (1763-1827).

=Solarion=, a dog, selected from the finest and purest breeds, and endowed with intellect and soul by means of electricity. He is his master’s favorite companion and fellow-student until master and dog love the same woman. They quarrel, the man strikes the dog, and the dog, leaping upon his former friend, tears him horribly. The master shoots him dead, and bears for the rest of his life in frightful disfigurement of visage tokens of his folly and madness.--Edgar Fawcett, Solarion (1890).

=Solemn Doctor= (The). Henry Goethals was by the Sorbonne given the honorary title of Doctor Solemnis (1227-1293).

=Solemn League and Covenant=, a league to support the Church of Scotland, and exterminate popery and prelacy. Charles II. signed it in 1651, but declared it null and void at his restoration.

=Soles=, a shoemaker, and a witness at the examination of Dirk Hatteraick.--Sir W. Scott, Guy Mannering (time, George II.).

=Solid Doctor= (The), Richard Middleton (*-1304).

=Soliman the Magnificent=, Charles Jennens, who composed the libretto for Handel’s Messiah (*-1773).

=Soli´nus=, duke of Ephesus, who was obliged to pass the sentence of the law on Æge´on, a merchant, because, being a Syracusan, he had dared to set foot in Ephesus. When, however, he discovered that the man who had saved his life, and whom he best loved, was the son of Ægeon, the prisoner was released, and settled in Ephesus.--Shakespeare, Comedy of Errors (1593).

=Solomon=, an epic poem in three books, by Prior (1718). Bk. i. Solomon seeks happiness from wisdom, but comes to the conclusion that “All is vanity;” this book is entitled Knowledge. Bk. ii. Solomon seeks happiness in wealth, grandeur, luxury, and ungodliness, but comes to the conclusion that “All is vanity and vexation of spirit;” this book is entitled Pleasure. Bk. iii., entitled Power, consists of the reflections of Solomon upon human life, the power of God, life, death, and a future state. An angel reveals to him the future lot of the Jewish race, and Solomon concludes with this petition:

Restore, Great Father, Thy instructed son, And in my act may Thy great will be done!

Solomon is called king of the ginn and fairies. This is probably a mere blunder. The monarch of these spirits was called “suleyman,” and this title of rank has been mistaken for a proper name.

Solomon died standing. Solomon employed the genii in building the Temple, but, perceiving that his end was at hand, prayed God that his death might be concealed from the genii till the work was completed. Accordingly, he died standing, leaning on his staff as if in prayer. The genii, supposing him to be alive, toiled on, and when the Temple was fully built, a worm knawed the staff, and the corpse fell prostrate to the earth. Mahomet refers to this as a fact:

When We [God] had decreed that Solomon should die, nothing discovered his death unto them [the genii] except the creeping thing of the earth, which gnawed his staff. And when his [dead] body fell down, the genii plainly perceived that if they had known that which is secret, they would not have continued in a vile punishment.--Al Korân, xxxiv.

Solomon’s Favorite Wife. Prior, in his epic poem called Solomon (bk. ii.), makes Abra the favorite.

The apples she had gathered smelt most sweet; The cake she kneaded was the savory meat; All fruits their odor lost and meats their taste, If gentle Abra had not decked the feast; Dishonored did the sparkling goblet stand, Unless received from gentle Abra’s hand; ... Nor could my soul approve the music’s tone, Till all was hushed, and Abra sung alone.

Al Beidâwi, Jallâlo´ddin, and Abulfeda, give Amīna, daughter of Jerâda, king of Tyre, as his favorite concubine.

Solomon Kills His Horses. Solomon bought a thousand horses, and went to examine them. The examination took him the whole day, so that he omitted the prayers which he ought to have repeated. This neglect came into his mind at sunset, and, by way of atonement, he slew all the horses except a hundred of the best “as an offering to God;” and God, to make him amends for his loss, gave him the dominion of the winds. Mahomet refers to this in the following passage:--

When the horses, standing on three feet, and touching the ground with the edge of the fourth foot, swift in the course, were set in parade before him [Solomon] in the evening, he said, “Verily I have loved the love of earthly good above the remembrance of my Lord; and I have spent the time in viewing these horses till the sun is hidden by the veil of night. Bring the horses back unto me.” And when they were brought back, he began to cut off their legs and their necks.--Al Korân, xxxvii.

Solomon’s Mode of Travelling. Solomon had a carpet of green silk, on which his throne was placed. This carpet was large enough for all his army to stand on. When his soldiers had stationed themselves on his right hand, and the spirits on his left, Solomon commanded the winds to convey him whither he listed. Whereupon the winds buoyed up the carpet, and transported it to the place the king wished to go to, and while passing thus through the air, the birds of heaven hovered overhead forming a canopy with their wings to ward off the heat of the sun. Mahomet takes this legend as an historic fact, for he says in reference to it:

Unto Solomon We subjected the strong wind, and it ran at his command to the land whereon We had bestowed our blessing.--Al Korân, xxi.

And again:

We made the wind subject to him, and it ran gently at his command whithersoever he desired.--Al Korân, xxxviii.

Solomon’s Signet-Ring. The rabbins say that Solomon wore a ring in which was set a chased stone that told him everything he wished to know.

Solomon Loses His Signet-Ring. Solomon’s favorite concubine was Amīna, daughter of Jerâda, king of Tyre, and when he went to bathe, it was to Amina that he entrusted his signet-ring. One day the devil, Sakhar, assumed the likeness of Solomon, and so got possession of the ring, and for forty days reigned in Jerusalem, while Solomon himself was a wanderer living on alms. At the end of the forty days, Sakhar flung the ring into the sea; it was swallowed by a fish, which was given to Solomon. Having thus obtained his ring again, Solomon took Sakhar captive, and cast him into the sea of Galilee.--Al Korân (Sale’s notes, ch. xxxviii.). (See JOVIAN.)

⁂ Mahomet, in the Korân, takes this legend as an historic fact, for he says: “We [God], also tried Solomon, and placed on his throne a counterfeit body [i.e., Sakhar, the Devil].”--Ch. xxxviii.

Uffan, the sage, saw Solomon asleep, and wishing to take off his signet-ring, gave three arrows to Aboutaleb, saying, “When the serpent springs upon me, and strikes me dead, shoot one of these arrows at me, and I shall instantly come to life again.” Uffan tugged at the ring, was stung to death, but, being struck by one of the arrows, revived. This happened twice. After the third attempt, the heavens grew so black, and the thunder was so alarming, that Aboutaleb was afraid to shoot, and throwing down the bow and arrow, fled with precipitation from the dreadful place.--Comte de Caylus, Oriental Tales (“History of Aboutaleb,” 1743).

Solomon (The Second), James I. of England (1566, 1603-1625).

The French king (Henri IV.) said, in the presence of Lord Sanquhar, to one that called James a second Solomon. “I hope he is not the son of David the fiddler” [David Rizzio].--Osborne, Secret History, i. 231.

Sully called him “The Wisest Fool in Christendom.”

Solomon, a tedious, consequential, old butler, in the service of Count Wintersen. He has two idiosyncrasies: One is that he receives letters of confidential importance from all parts of the civilized world, but “has received no communication from abroad to tell him who Mrs. Haller is.” One letter “from Constantinople” turns out to be from his nephew, Tim Twist, the tailor, about a waistcoat, which had been turned three times. In regard to the other idiosyncrasy, he boasts of his cellar of wine, provided in a “most frugal and provident way,” and of his alterations in the park, “all done with the most economical economy.” He is very proud of his son, Peter, a half-witted lad, and thinks Mrs. Haller “casts eyes at him.”--Benj. Thompson, The Stranger (1797).

=Solomon Daisy=, parish clerk and bellringer, of Chigwell. He had little, round, black, shiny eyes like beads; wore rusty black breeches, a rusty black coat, and a long-flapped waistcoat, with little queer buttons like his eyes. As he sat in the firelight, he seemed all eyes, from head to foot.--C. Dickens, Barnaby Rudge (1841).

=Solomon of China= (The), Taetsong I., whose real name was Lee-chemen. He reformed the calendar, founded a very extensive library, established schools in his palace, built places of worship for the Nestorian Christians, and was noted for his wise maxims (*, 618-626).

=Solomon of England= (The), Henry VII. (1457, 1485-1509). (See SOLOMON THE SECOND.)

=Solomon of France= (The), Charles V. le Sage (1337, 1364-1380).

⁂ Louis IX. (i.e., St. Louis) is also called “The Solomon of France” (1215, 1226-1270).

=Solon of French Prose= (The), Balzac (1596-1655).

=Solon of Parnassus= (The). Boileau is so called by Voltaire, in allusion to his Art of Poetry (1636-1711).

=Solsgrace= (Master Nehemiah), a Presbyterian pastor.--Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

=Solus=, an old bachelor, who greatly wished to be a married man. When he saw the bright sides of domestic life, he resolved he would marry; but when he saw the reverse sides, he determined to remain single. Ultimately, he takes to the altar Miss Spinster.--Inchbald, Every One has His Fault (1794).

=Solymæan Rout= (The), the London rabble and rebels. Solymæa was an ancient name of Jerusalem, subsequently called Hiero-solyma, that is “sacred Solyma.” As Charles II. is called “David,” and London “Jerusalem,” the London rebels are called “the Solymæan rout,” or the rabble of Jerusalem.

The Solymæan rout, well versed of old, In godly faction, and in treason bold, ... Saw with disdain an Ethnic plot [popish plot] begun, And scorned by Jebusites [papists] to be outdone. Dryden, Absalom and Achitophel, i. (1681).

=Sol´yman=, king of the Saracens, whose capital was Nice. Being driven from his kingdom, he fled to Egypt, and was there appointed leader of the Arabs (bk. ix.). Solyman and Argantês were by far the most doughty of the pagan knights. The former was slain by Rinaldo (bk. xx.), and the latter by Tancred.--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered (1575).

=Somnambulus.= Sir W. Scott so signs The Visionary (political satires, 1819).--Olphar Hamst [Ralph Thomas], Handbook of Fictitious Names.

=Somo Sala= (Like the Father of), a dreamer of air-castles, like the milkmaid Perrette, in Lafontaine. (See COUNT NOT, etc.)

=Son of Be´lial= (A), a wicked person, a rebel, an infidel.

Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial: they knew not [i.e., acknowledged not] the Lord.--1 Sam. ii. 12.

=Son of Consolation=, St. Barnabas of Cyprus (first century).--Acts iv. 36.

=Son of Perdition= (The), Judas Iscariot.--John xvii. 12.

Son of Perdition, Antichrist.--2 Thess. ii. 3.

=Son of a Star= (The), Barcochebas, or Barchochab, who gave himself out to be the “star” predicted by Balaam (died A.D. 135).

There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.--Numb. xxiv. 17.

=Son of the Last Man.= Charles II. was so called by the parliamentarians. His father, Charles I., was called by them “The Last Man.”

=Son of the Rock=, echo.

She went. She called on Armar. Nought answered but the son of the rock.--Ossian, The Songs of Selma.

=Sons of Phidias=, sculptors.

=Sons of Thunder=, or Boanerges, James and John, sons of Zebedee.--Mark iii. 17.

=Sonderby= (John), a school-teacher who, after dallying with an evil temptation all through one summer, shakes himself free of it, and resolves “to make a man of himself, to go where human life is thick and the push keen and strong, to earn a place there by using the talent given him, and to work with hope, courage and belief, with a heart open to his humankind.”--Bliss Perry, The Broughton House (1890).

=Song.= The Father of Modern French Songs, C. F. Panard (1691-1765).

Song. What! all this for a song? So said William Cecil, Lord Burghley, when Queen Elizabeth ordered him to give Edmund Spenser £100 as an expression of her pleasure at some verses he had presented to her. When a pension of £50 a year was settled on the poet, Lord Burghley did all in his power to oppose the grant. To this Spenser alludes in the lines following:--

O, grief of griefs! O, gall of all good hearts! To see that virtue should despisèd be Of him that first was raised for virtuous parts; And now, broad-spreading like an aged tree, Lets none shoot up that nigh him planted be. Oh, let the man of whom the Muse is scorned, Alive nor dead be of the Muse adorned! Spenser, The Ruins of Time (1591).

=Sonnam´bula= (La), Ami´na, the miller’s daughter. She was betrothed to Elvi´no, a rich young farmer, but the night before the wedding was discovered in the bed of Conte Rodolpho. This very ugly circumstance made the farmer break off the match and promise marriage to Lisa, the innkeeper’s daughter. The count now interfered, and assured Elvino that the miller’s daughter was a sleep-walker, and while they were still talking she was seen walking on the edge of the mill-roof, while the huge mill-wheel was turning rapidly. She then crossed a crazy old bridge, and came into the midst of the assembly, when she woke and ran to the arms of her lover. Elvino, convinced of her innocence, married her, and Lisa was resigned to Alessio, whose paramour she was.--Bellini’s opera, La Sonnambula (1831).

(Taken from a melodrama by Romani, and adapted as a libretto by Scribe.)

=Sophi=, in Arabic, means “pure,” and therefore one of the pure or true faith. As a royal title it is tantamount to “Catholic,” or “most Christian.”--Selden, Titles of Honor, vi, 76-7 (1614).

=Sophi´a=, mother of Rollo and Otto, dukes of Normandy. Rollo is the “bloody brother.”--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Bloody Brother (1639).

Sophia, wife of Mathīas, a Bohemian knight. When Mathias went to take service with King Ladislaus of Bohemia, the queen, Honoria, fell in love with him, and sent Ubaldo and Ricardo to tempt Sophia to infidelity. But immediately Sophia perceived their purpose she had them confined in separate chambers, and compelled them to earn their living by spinning.

Sophia’s Picture. When Mathias left, Sophia gave him a magic picture, which turned yellow if she were tempted, and black if she yielded to the temptation.--Massinger, The Picture (1629).

Sophia (St.) or AGIA [Aya] SOFI´A, the most celebrated mosque of Constantinople, once a Christian church, but now a Mohammedan jamih. It is 260 feet long and 230 feet broad. Its dome is supported on pillars of marble, granite, and green jasper, said to have belonged to the temple of Diana at Ephesus.

Sophia’s cupola with golden gleam. Byron, Don Juan, v. 3 (1820).

Sophia (The princess), only child of the old king of Lombardy, in love with Paladore, a Briton, who saved her life by killing a boar which had gored her horse to death. She was unjustly accused of wantonness by Duke Birēno, whom the king wished her to marry, but whom she rejected. By the law of Lombardy, this offence was punishable by death, but the accuser was bound to support his charge by single combat, if any champion chose to fight in her defence. Paladore challenged the duke, and slew him. The whole villainy of the charge was then exposed, the character of the princess was cleared, and her marriage with Paladore concludes the play.--Robert Jephson, The Law of Lombardy (1779).

Sophia [FREELOVE], daughter of the Widow Warren by her first husband. She is a lovely, innocent girl, passionately attached to Harry Dornton, the baker’s son, to whom ultimately she is married.--T. Holcroft, The Road to Ruin (1792).

Sophia [PRIMROSE], the younger daughter of the vicar of Wakefield; soft, modest, and alluring. Being thrown from her horse into a deep stream, she was rescued by Sir William Thornhill alias Mr. Burchell. Being abducted, she was again rescued by him, and finally married him.--Goldsmith, Vicar of Wakefield (1766).

Sophia [SPRIGHTLY], a young lady of high spirits and up to fun. Tukely loves her sincerely, and knowing her partiality for the Hon. Mr. Daffodil, exposes him as a “male coquette,” of mean spirit and without manly courage; after which she rejects him with scorn, and gives her hand and heart to Tukely.--Garrick, The Male Coquette (1758).

=Sophonis´ba=, daughter of Asdrubal, and reared to detest Rome. She was affianced to Masinissa, king of the Numidians, but married Syphax. In B.C. 203 she fell into the hands of Lelius and Masinissa, and, to prevent being made a captive, married the Numidian prince. This subject and that of Cleopatra have furnished more dramas than any other whatsoever.

French: J. Mairet, Sophonisbe (1630); Pierre Corneille; Lagrange-Chancel; rewritten by Voltaire. Italian: Trissino (1514); Alfieri (1749-1863). English: John Marston, The Wonder of Women, or the Tragedy of Sophonisba (1605); James Thomson, Sophonisba (1729).

(In Thomson’s tragedy occurs the line, “Oh, Sophonisba! Sophonisba, oh!” and a wit set all the town laughing with “Oh, Jemmy Thomson! Jemmy Thomson, oh!”)

=Sophronia=, a young lady who was taught Greek, and to hate men who were not scholars. Her wisdom taught her to gauge the wisdom of her suitors, and to discover their shortcomings. She never found one up to the mark, and now she is wrinkled with age, and talks about the “beauties of the mind.”--Goldsmith, A Citizen of the World, xxviii. (1759).

Sophronia. (See =Sofronia=.)

=Sophros´yne= (4 syl.), one of Logistilla’s handmaids, noted for her purity. Sophrosynê was sent with Andronīca to conduct Astolpho safely from India to Arabia.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

=Sophy=, the eldest of a large family. She is engaged to Traddles, and is always spoken of by him as “the dearest girl in the world.”--C. Dickens, David Copperfield (1849).

=Sora´no=, a Neapolitan noble, brother of Evanthe (3 syl.) “the wife for a month,” and the infamous instrument of Frederick, the licentious brother of Alphonso, king of Naples.--Beaumont and Fletcher, A Wife for a Month (1624).

=Sordello=, a Provençal poet, whom Dantê meets in purgatory, sitting apart. On seeing Virgil, Sordello springs forward to embrace him.

⁂ R. Browning has a poem called Sordello, and makes Sordello typical of liberty and human perfectibility.

=Sorel= (Agnes), surnamed La dame de Beauté, not from her personal beauty, but from the “château de Beauté,” on the banks of the Marne, given to her by Charles VII. (1409-1450).

=Sorento= (in Naples), the birthplace of Torquato Tasso, the Italian poet.

=Sorrows of Werther=, a mawkish, sentimental novel by Goethe (1774), once extremely popular. Werther, the hero of the story, loves a married woman, and becomes disgusted with life because Charlotte [Lotte] is the wife of his friend, Kestner.

Werther, infusing itself into the core and whole spirit of literature, gave birth to a race of sentimentalists, who raged and wailed in every part of the world till better light dawned on them, or, at any rate, till exhausted nature laid itself to sleep, and it was discovered that lamenting was an unproductive labor.--Carlyle.

=Sosia= (in Molière, Sosie), the slave of Amphitryon. When Mercury assumes the form of Sosia, and Jupiter that of Amphitryon, the mistakes and confusion which arise resemble those of the brothers Antiph´olus and their servants, the brothers Dromio, in Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors.--Plautus, Molière (1668), and Dryden (1690), Amphitryon.

His first name ... looks out upon him like another Sosia, or as if a man should suddenly encounter his own duplicate.--C. Lamb.

=Sosii=, brothers, the name of two booksellers at Rome, referred to by Horace.

=So´tenville= (Mon. le baron de), father of Angélique, and father-in-law of George Dandin. His wife was of the house of Prudoterie, and both boasted that in 300 years no one of their distinguished lines ever swerved from virtue. “La bravoure n’y est pas plus hérdéitaire aux mâles que la chasteté aux femelles.” They lived with their son-in-law, who was allowed the honor of paying their debts, and receiving a snubbing every time he opened his mouth, that he might be taught the mysteries of the haut monde.--Molière, George Dandin (1668).

=Soulis= (Lord William), a man of prodigious strength, cruelty, avarice and treachery. Old Redcap gave him a charmed life, which nothing could affect “till threefold ropes of sand were twisted round his body.” Lord Soulis waylaid May, the lady-love of the heir of Branxholm, and kept her in durance till she promised to become his bride. Walter, the brother of the young heir, raised his father’s liegemen, and invested the castle. Lord Soulis having fallen into the hands of the liegemen, “they wrapped him in lead, and flung him into a caldron, till lead, bones, and all were melted.”--John Leyden (1802).

(The caldron is still shown in the Skelfhill, at Ninestane Rig, part of the range of hills which separates Liddesdale and Teviotdale.)

=South= (Squire), the Archduke Charles of Austria.--Arbuthnot, History of John Bull (1712).

=Southampton= (The earl of), the friend of the earl of Essex, and involved with him in the charge of treason, but pardoned.--Henry Jones, The Earl of Essex (1745).

=Sovereigns of England= (Mortual Days of the).

SUNDAY: six, viz., Henry I., Edward III., James I., William III., Anne, George I.

MONDAY: six, viz., Stephen, Henry IV., Henry V., Richard III., Elizabeth, Mary II. (Richard II. deposed).

TUESDAY: four, viz., Richard I., Charles I., Charles II., William IV. (Edward II. resigned, and James II. abdicated).

WEDNESDAY: four, viz., John, Henry III., Edward IV., Edward V. (Henry VI. deposed).

THURSDAY: five, viz., William I., William II., Henry II., Edward VI., Mary I.

FRIDAY: three, viz., Edward I., Henry VIII., Cromwell.

SATURDAY: four, viz., Henry VII., George II., George III., George IV.

That is, 6 Sunday and Monday; 5 Thursday; 4 Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday; and 3 Friday.

ANNE, August 1 (Old Style), August 12 (New Style), 1714.

CHARLES I., January 30, 1648-9; CHARLES II. February 6, 1684-5; CROMWELL died September 3, 1658; burnt at Tyburn, January 30, 1661.

EDWARD I., July 7, 1307; EDWARD III., June 21, 1377; EDWARD IV., April 9, 1483; EDWARD V., June 25, 1483; EDWARD VI., July 6, 1553; ELIZABETH, March 24, 1602-3.

GEORGE I., June 11, 1727; GEORGE II., October 25, 1760; GEORGE III., January 29, 1820; GEORGE IV., June 26, 1830.

HENRY I., December 1, 1135; HENRY II., July 6, 1189; HENRY III., November 16, 1272; HENRY IV., March 20, 1412-3; HENRY V., August 31, 1422; HENRY VI., deposed March 4, 1460-1; HENRY VII., April 21, 1509; HENRY VIII., January 28, 1546-7.

JAMES I., March 27, 1625; JAMES II., abdicated December 11, 1688; JOHN, October 19, 1216.

MARY I., November 17, 1558; MARY II., December 27, 1694.

RICHARD I., April 6, 1199; RICHARD II. deposed September 29, 1399; RICHARD III., August 22, 1485.

STEPHEN, October 25, 1154.

WILLIAM I., September 9, 1087; WILLIAM II., August 2, 1100; WILLIAM III., March 8, 1701-2; WILLIAM IV., June 20, 1837.

⁂ Edward II. resigned Tuesday, January 20, 1327, and was murdered Monday, September 21, 1327. Henry VI. deposed Wednesday, March 4, 1461, again Sunday, April 14, 1471, and died Wednesday, May 22, 1471. James II. abdicated Tuesday, December 11, 1688, and died at St. Germain’s, 1701. Richard II. deposed Monday, September 29, 1399, died the last week in February, 1400; but his death was not announced till Friday, March 12, 1400, when a dead body was exhibited said to be that of the deceased king.

Of the sovereigns, eight have died between the ages of 60 and 70, two between 70 and 80, and one has exceeded 80 years of age.

William I. 60, Henry I. 67, Henry III. 65, Edward I. 68, Edward III. 65, Elizabeth 69, George I. 69, George IV. 68.

George II. 77. William IV. 72. George III. 82.

Length of reign. Five have reigned between 20 and 30 years, seven between 30 and 40 years, one between 40 and 50 years, and three above 50 years.

William I., 20 years 8 months 16 days; Richard II., 22 years 3 months 8 days; Henry VII., 23 years 8 months; James I., 22 years 4 days; Charles I., 23 years 10 months 4 days.

Henry I., 35 years 3 months 27 days; Henry II., 34 years 6 months 17 days; Edward I., 34 years 7 months 18 days; Henry VI., 38 years 6 months and 4 days; Henry VIII., 37 years 9 months 7 days; Charles II. + Cromwell, 36 years 8 days; George II., 33 years 4 months 15 days.

Elizabeth, 44 years 4 months 8 days.

Henry III., 56 years 20 days; Edward III., 50 years 4 months 28 days; George III., 59 years 3 months 4 days.

=Sow= (A), a machine of war. It was a wooden shed which went on wheels, the roof being ridged like a hog’s back. Being thrust close to the wall of a place besieged, it served to protect the besieging party from the arrows hurled against them from the walls. When the countess of March (called “Black Agnes”), in 1335, saw one of those engines advancing towards her castle, she called out to the earl of Salisbury, who commanded the engineers:

Beware Montagow, For farrow shall thy sow;

and then had such a huge fragment of rock rolled on the engine that it dashed it to pieces. When she saw the English soldiers running away, the countess called out, “Lo! lo! the litter of English pigs!”

=Sow of Dallweir=, named “Henwen,” went burrowing through Wales, and leaving in one place a grain of barley, in another a little pig, a few bees, a grain or two of wheat, and so on, and these made the places celebrated for the particular produce ever after.

It is supposed that the sow was really a ship, and that the keeper of the sow, named Coll ab Collfrewi, was the captain of the vessel.--Welsh Triads, lvi.

=Sowerberry=, the parochial undertaker, to whom Oliver Twist is bound when he quits the workhouse. Sowerberry was not a badly disposed man, and he treated Oliver with a certain measure of kindness and consideration; but Oliver was ill-treated by Mrs. Sowerberry, and bullied by a big boy called Noah Claypole. Being one day greatly exasperated by the bully, Oliver gave him a thorough “drubbing,” whereupon Charlotte, the maidservant, set upon him like a fury, scratched his face, and held him fast till Noah Claypole had pummelled him within an inch of his life. Three against one was too much for the lad, so he ran away.--C. Dickens, Oliver Twist (1837).

Sowerberry, a misanthrope.--W. Brough, A Phenomenon in a Smock Frock.

=Sowerbrowst= (Mr.), the maltster.--Sir W. Scott, St. Ronan’s Well (time, George III.).

=Soyer= (Alexis), a celebrated cook, appointed, in 1837, chef de cuisine to the Reform Club, London, was the author of several useful works, as The Gastronomic Regenerator, The Poor Man’s Regenerator, The Modern Housewife, etc. (died 1858).

=Spado=, an impudent rascal, in the band of Don Cæsar (called “Captain Ramirez”), who tricks every one, and delights in mischief.--O’Keefe, Castle of Andalusia (1798).

Quick’s great parts were “Isaac,” “Tony Lumpkin,” “Spado,” and “Sir Christopher Curry.”--Records of a Stage Veteran.

(“Isaac,” in the Duenna, by Sheridan; “Tony Lumpkin,” in She Stoops to Conquer, by Goldsmith; “Sir Christopher Curry,” in Inkle and Yarico, by G. Colman.)

=Spahis=, native Algerian cavalry, officered by Frenchmen. The infantry are called Turcos.

=Spanish Brutus= (The), Alfonso Perez de Guzman, governor of Tarifa, in 1293. Here he was besieged by the infant, Don Juan, who had Guzman’s son in his power, and threatened to kill him unless Tarifa was given up. Alfonso replied, “Sooner than be guilty of such treason, I will lend Juan a dagger to carry out his threat;” and so saying, he tossed his dagger over the wall. Juan, unable to appreciate this patriotism, slew the young man without remorse.

⁂ Lopê de Vega has dramatized this incident.

=Spanish Curate= (The), Lopez.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Spanish Curate (1622).

=Spanish Fryar= (The), a drama by Dryden (1680). It contains two plots, wholly independent of each other. The serious element is this: Leonora, the usurping queen of Aragon, is promised in marriage to Duke Bertran, a prince of the blood; but is in love with Torrismond, general of the army, who turns out to be the son and heir of King Sancho, supposed to be dead. Sancho is restored to his throne, and Leonora marries Torrismond. The comic element is the illicit love of Colonel Lorenzo for Elvīra, the wife of Gomez, a rich old banker. Dominick (the Spanish fryar) helps on this scandalous amour, but it turns out that Lorenzo and Elvira are brother and sister.

=Spanish Lady= (The), a ballad contained in Percy’s Reliques, ii. 23. A Spanish lady fell in love with Captain Popham, whose prisoner she was. A command being sent to set all the prisoners free, the lady prayed the gallant captain to make her his wife. The Englishman replied that he could not do so, as he was married already. On hearing this the Spanish lady gave him a chain of gold and a pearl bracelet to take to his wife, and told him that she should retire to a nunnery and spend the rest of her life praying for their happiness.

It will be stuck up with the ballad of Margaret’s Ghost [q.v.] and the Spanish Lady, against the walls of every cottage in the country.--Isaac Bickerstaff, Love in a Village (1763).

=Spanish Tragedy= (The), by T. Kyd (1597). Horatio (son of Hieronimo) is murdered while he is sitting in an arbor with Belimperia. Balthazar, the rival of Horatio, commits the murder, assisted by Belimperia’s brother, Lorenzo. The murderers hang the dead body on a tree in the garden, where Hieronimo, roused by the cries of Belimperia, discovers it, and goes raving mad.

=Spanker= (Lady Gay), in London Assurance, by D. Boucicault (1841).

Dazzle and Lady Gay Spanker “act themselves,” and will never be dropped out of the list of acting plays.--Percy Fitzgerald.

=Sparabel´la=, a shepherdess, in love with D’Urfey, but D’Urfey loves Clum´silis, “the fairest shepherd wooed the foulest lass.” Sparabella resolves to kill herself; but how? Shall she cut her windpipe with a penknife? “No,” she says, “squeaking pigs die so.” Shall she suspend herself to a tree? “No,” she says, “dogs die in that fashion.” Shall she drown herself in a pool? “No,” she says, “scolding queans die so.” And while in doubt how to kill herself, the sun goes down, and

The prudent maiden deemed it then too late, And till to-morrow came deferred her fate. Gay, Pastoral, iii. (1714).

=Sparkish=, “the prince of coxcombs,” a fashionable fool, and “a cuckold before marriage.” Sparkish is engaged to Alithēa Moody, but introduces to her his friend, Harcourt, allows him to make love to her before his face, and, of course, is jilted.--The Country Girl (Garrick, altered from Wycherly’s Country Wife, 1675).

=Sparkler= (Edmund), son of Mrs. Merdle by her first husband. He married Fanny, sister of Little Dorrit. Edmund Sparkler was a very large man, called in his own regiment “Quinbus Flestrin, junior, or the Young Man-Mountain.”

Mrs. Sparkler, Edmund’s wife. She was very pretty, very self-willed, and snubbed her husband in most approved fashion.--C. Dickens, Little Dorrit (1857).

=Sparrowgrass=, pen-name of Frederic S. Cozzens, under which he depicted the blunders and mishaps of a pair of city-bred people, who set up their Lares and Penates in Yonkers, N.Y.--Frederic Swartwout Cozzens, The Sparrowgrass Papers (1856).

=Sparsit= (Mrs.), housekeeper to Josiah Bounderby, banker and mill-owner at Coketown. Mrs. Sparsit is a “highly connected lady,” being the great-niece of Lady Scadgers. She had a “Coriolanian nose and dense black eyebrows,” was much believed in by her master, who, when he married, made her “keeper of the bank.” Mrs. Sparsit, in collusion with the light porter, Bitzer, then acted the spy on Mr. Bounderby and his young wife.--C. Dickens, Hard Times (1854).

=Spasmodic School= (The), certain authors of the nineteenth century, whose writings abound in spasmodic phrases, startling expressions, and words used out of their common acceptation. Carlyle, noted for his Germanic English, is the chief of this school. Others are Bailey, author of Festus, Sydney Dobell, Gilfillan, and Alexander Smith.

⁂ Professor Aytoun has gibbeted this class of writers in his Firmilian, a Spasmodic Tragedy (1854).

=Spear of Achillês.= Telĕphos, son-in-law of Priam, opposed the Greeks in their voyage to Troy. A severe contest ensued, and Achillês, with his spear, wounded the Mysian king severely. He was told by an oracle that the wound could be cured only by the instrument which gave it; so he sent to Achillês to effect his cure. The surly Greek replied he was no physician, and would have dismissed the messengers with scant courtesy, but Ulysses whispered in his ear that the aid of Telephos was required to direct them on their way to Troy. Achillês now scraped some rust from his spear, which, being applied to the wound, healed it. This so conciliated Telephos that he conducted the fleet to Troy, and even took part in the war against his father-in-law.

Achillês’ and his father’s javelin caused Pain first, and then the boon of health restored. Dantê, Hell, xxxi. (1300).

And fell in speche of Telephus, the king, And of Achilles for his queinte spere, For he coude with it both hele and dere (i.e., wound). Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (“The Squire’s Tale”).

Whose smile and frown, like to Achillês’ spear, Is able with the change to kill and cure. Shakespeare, 2 Henry VI. act v. sc. 1 (1591).

⁂ The plant milfoil or yarrow, called by the old herbalists, Achilles, is still used in medicine as a tonic. The leaves were at one time much used for healing wounds, and are still employed for this purpose in Scotland, Germany, France, and other countries.

=Spearman= (Rosanna). Housemaid in the employ of Lady Verinder, and a reformed thief. She is infatuated with Franklin Blake, who is quite ignorant of her passion. Learning, accidentally, that he has, as a sleep-walker, stolen the diamond, she tries to use the knowledge to establish a hold upon him. Failing in this, she drowns herself in a quicksand, leaving behind her a confession of her hopeless love and the means she had used to avert suspicion from him.--Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone.

=Spears of Spyinghow= (The Three), in the troop of Fitzurse.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Speech ascribed to Dumb Animals.= Al Borak, the animal which conveyed Mahomet to the seventh heaven; Arīon, the wonderful horse which Herculês gave to Adrastos; Balaam’s ass (Numb. xxii. 28-30); the black pigeons of Dodōna; Comrade, Fortunio’s horse; Katmîr, the dog of the Seven Sleepers; Sâleh’s camel; Temliha, king of the serpents; Xanthos, the horse of Achillês. Frithjof’s ship, Ellīda, could not speak, but it understood what was said to it.

=Speech given to Conceal Thought.= La parole a été donnée a l’homme pour déguiser la pensée or pour l’aider à cacher sa pensée. Talleyrand is usually credited with this sentence, but Captain Gronow, in his Recollections and Anecdotes, asserts that the words were those of Count Montrond, a wit and poet, called “the most agreeable scoundrel and most pleasant reprobate in the court of Marie Antoinette.”

Voltaire, in Le Chapon et la Poularde, says: “Ils n’employent les paroles que pour déguiser leurs pensées.”

Goldsmith, in The Bee, iii. (October 20, 1759), has borrowed the same thought: “the true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them.”

=Speech-Makers= (Bad).

ADDISON could not make a speech. He attempted one in the House of Commons, and said, “Mr. Speaker, I conceive--I conceive, sir--sir, I conceive----” Whereupon a member exclaimed, “The right honorable secretary of state has conceived thrice, and brought forth nothing.”

CAMPBELL (Thomas), once tried to make a speech, but so stuttered and stammered, that the whole table was convulsed with laughter.

CICERO, the great orator, never got over his nervous terror till he warmed to his subject.

IRVING (Washington), even with a speech written out, and laid before him, could not deliver it without a breakdown. In fact, he could hardly utter a word in public without trembling.

MOORE (Thomas) could never make a speech.

(Dickens and Prince Albert always spoke well and fluently.)

=Speed=, an inveterate punster, and the clownish servant of Valentine, one of the two “gentlemen of Verona.”--Shakespeare, The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1594).

=Speed the Plough=, a comedy by Thomas Morton (1798). Farmer Ashfield brings up a boy named Henry, greatly beloved by every one. This Henry is in reality the son of “Morrington,” younger brother of Sir Philip Blandford. The two brothers fixed their love on the same lady, but the younger married her, whereupon Sir Philip stabbed him to the heart, and fully thought him to be dead, but after twenty years, the wounded man reappeared, and claimed his son. Henry marries his cousin, Emma Blandford; and the farmer’s daughter, Susan, marries Robert, only son of Sir Abel Handy.

=Spenlow= (Mr.), father of Dora (q.v.). He was a proctor, to whom David Copperfield was articled. Mr. Spenlow was killed in a carriage accident.

Misses Lavinia and Clarissa Spenlow, two spinster aunts of Dora Spenlow, with whom she lived at the death of her father.

They were not unlike birds altogether, having a sharp, brisk, sudden manner, and a little, short, spruce way of adjusting themselves, like canaries.--C. Dickens, David Copperfield, xli. (1849).

=Spens= (Sir Patrick), a Scotch hero, sent, in the winter-time, on a mission to Norway. His ship, in its home passage, was wrecked off the coast of Aberdeen, and every one on board was lost. The incident has furnished the subject of a spirited Scotch ballad by Lady Lindsay.

=Spenser.= The Spenser of English Prose Writers, Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667).

Spenser. From Spenser to Flecknoe, that is, from the top to the bottom of all poetry; from the sublime to the ridiculous.--Dryden, Comment on Spenser, etc.

=Spenser’s Monument=, in Westminster Abbey, was erected by Anne Clifford, countess of Dorset.

=Spider’s Net= (A). When Mahomet fled from Mecca, he hid in a cave, and a spider wove its net over the entrance. When the Koreishites came thither, they passed on, being fully persuaded that no one had entered the cave, because the cobweb was not broken.

In the Talmud, we are told that David, in his flight, hid himself in the cave of Adullam, and a spider spun its net over the opening. When Saul came up and saw the cobweb, he passed on, under the same persuasion.

=Spindle= (Jack), the son of a man of fortune. Having wasted his money in riotous living, he went to a friend to borrow £100. “Let me see, you want £100, Mr. Spindle; let me see, would not £50 do for the present?” “Well,” said Jack, “if you have not £100, I must be contented with £50.” “Dear me, Mr. Spindle!” said the friend, “I find I have but £20 about me.” “Never mind,” said Jack, “I must borrow the other £30 of some other friend.” “Just so, Mr. Spindle, just so. By-the-by would it not be far better to borrow the whole of that friend, and then one note of hand will serve for the whole sum? Good morning, Mr. Spindle; delighted to see you! Tom, see the gentleman down.”--Goldsmith, The Bee, iii. (1759).

=Spirit of the Cape= (The), Adamastor, a hideous phantom, of unearthly pallor, “erect his hair uprose of withered red,” his lips were black, his teeth blue and disjointed, his beard haggard, his face scarred by lightning, his eyes “shot livid fire,” his voice roared. The sailors trembled at the sight of him, and the fiend demanded how they dared to trespass “where never hero braved his rage before?” He then told them “that every year the shipwrecked should be made to deplore their foolhardiness.” According to Barreto the “Spirit of the Cape” was one of the giants who stormed heaven.--Camoens, The Lusiad (1572).

In me the Spirit of the Cape behold ... That rock by you the “Cape of Tempests” named ... With wide-stretched piles I guard ... Great Adamastor is my dreaded name. Canto v.

=Spiri´to=, the Holy Ghost as the friend of man, personified in canto ix. of The Purple Island, by Phineas Fletcher (1633). He was married to Urania, and their offspring are: Knowledge, Contemplation, Care, Humility, Obedience, Faith or Fido, Penitence, Elpi´nus or Hope, and Love, the foster-son of Gratitude. (Latin, spirĭtus, “spirit.”)

=Spitfire= (Will), or WILL SPITTAL, serving-boy of Roger Wildrake, the dissipated royalist.--Sir W. Scott, Woodstock (time, Commonwealth).

=Spontaneous Combustion.= There are above thirty cases on record of death by spontaneous combustion, the most famous being that of the Countess Cornelia di Baudi Cesenatê, which was most minutely investigated, in 1731, by Guiseppê Bianchini, a prebendary of Verona.

The next most noted instance occurred at Rheims, in 1725, and is authenticated by no less an authority than Mon. Le Cat, the celebrated physician.

Messrs. Foderé and Mere investigated the subject of spontaneous combustion, and gave it as their fixed opinion that instances of death from such a cause cannot be doubted.

In vol. vi. of the Philosophical Transactions, and in the English Medical Jurisprudence, the subject is carefully investigated, and several examples are cited in confirmation of the fact.

Joseph Battaglia, a surgeon of Ponte Bosio, gives in detail the case of Don G. Maria Bertholi, a priest of Mount Valerius. While reading his breviary the body of this priest burst into flames in several parts, as the arms, back and head. The sleeves of his shirt, a handkerchief and his skull-cap were all more or less consumed. He survived the injury four days. (This seems to me more like an electrical attack than an instance of spontaneous combustion.)

=Spontoon=, the old confidential servant of Colonel Talbot.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

=Spoons= (Gossip). It was customary at one time for sponsors at christenings to give gilt spoons as an offering to their godchild. These spoons had on the handle the figure of one of the apostles or evangelists, and hence were called “Apostle spoons.” The wealthy would give the twelve apostles, those of less opulence the four evangelists, and others again a single spoon. When Henry VIII. asks Cranmer to be godfather to “a fair young maid,” Cranmer replies, “How may I deserve such honor, that am a poor and humble subject?” The king rejoins, “Come, come, my lord, you’d spare your spoons.”--Shakespeare, Henry VIII. act v. sc. 2 (1601).

=Sporus.= Under this name Pope satirized Lord John Hervey, generally called “Lord Fanny” from his effeminate habits and appearance. He was “half wit, half fool, half man, half beau.” Lord John Hervey was vice-chamberlain in 1736, and lord privy seal in 1740.

That thing of silk, Sporus, that mere white curd of asses’ milk; Satire or sense, alas! can Sporus feel, Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel? A. Pope, Prologue to the Satires (1734).

⁂ This Lord John Hervey married the beautiful Molly Lapel; hence Pope says:

So perfect a beau and a belle As when Hervey, the handsome, was wedded To the beautiful Molly Lapel.

=S.P.Q.R.=, the Romans. The letters are the initials of Senatus Populus-Que Romanus.

New blood must be pumped into the veins and arteries of the S.P.Q.R.--G.A. Sala (Belgravia, April, 1871).

=Spotswood= (Lady). A singular letter to this lady (widow of Governor Spotswood of Virginia) is preserved in the family. It was written by Rev. John Thompson, rector of St. Mark’s Church, Culpepper County, Virginia, and contains an elaborate and apparently dispassionate argument for marrying a clergyman. The only outbreak of loverly feeling is in the expressed hope that if he should convince her reason, she will “keep him no longer in suspense and misery, but consummate his happiness” (1742).

=Sprackling= (Joseph), a money-lender and a self-made man.

Thomas Sprackling, his brother and equal in roguery.--Wybert Reeve, Parted.

=Spregner= (Louis), Annette Veilchen’s bachelor.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Sprightly= (Miss Kitty), the ward of Sir Gilbert Pumpkin of Strawberry Hall. Miss Kitty is a great heiress, but stage-struck, and when Captain Charles Stanley is introduced she falls in love with him, first as a “play-actor,” and then in reality.--I. Jackman, All the World’s a Stage.

=Spring= (A Sacred). The ancient Sabines, in times of great national danger, vowed to the gods “a sacred spring” (ver sacrum), if they would remove the danger. That is, all the children born during the next spring were “held sacred,” and at the age of twenty were compelled to leave their country and seek for themselves a new home.

=Spring-Heel Jack.= The marquis of Waterford, in the early part of the nineteenth century, used to amuse himself by springing on travellers unawares, to terrify them; and from time to time others have followed his silly example. Even so late as 1877-8, an officer in her majesty’s service caused much excitement in the garrisons stationed at Aldershot, Colchester, and elsewhere by his “spring-heel” pranks. In Colchester and its neighborhood the tales told of this adventurer caused quite a little panic, and many nervous people were afraid to venture out after sunset, for fear of being “sprung” upon. I myself investigated some of the cases reported to me, but found them for the most part Fakenham ghost tales.

=Springer= (The). Ludwig Margrave, of Thuringia, was so called, because he escaped from Giebichenstein, in the eleventh century, by leaping over the river Saale.

=Sprowles= (The). New England village parvenus.

Hezekiah Sprowle, esquire and colonel is “a retired India merchant,” i.e., he used to deal in West India rum, molasses, etc. His wife was an heiress, and helps him push their way up the social ladder.

Miss Matilda Sprowle, just out of school. “There’s one piece o’goods,” said the colonel to his wife, “that we han’t disposed of, nor got a customer for yet. That’s Matildy. I don’t mean to set her up at vaandoo, I guess she can have her pick of a dozen.”--Oliver Wendell Holmes, Elsie Venner (1861).

=Spruce, M.C.= (Captain), in Lend Me Five Shillings, by J. M. Morton (1764-1838).

=Spruch-Sprecher= (The) or “sayer of sayings” to the archduke of Austria.--Sir W. Scott, The Talisman (time, Richard I.).

=Spuma´dor=, Prince Arthur’s horse. So called from the foam of its mouth, which indicated its fiery temper.--Spenser, Faëry Queen, ii. (1590).

⁂ In the Mabinogion, his favorite mare is called Llamrei (“the curveter”).

=Spurs= (The Battle of), the battle of Guinnegate, in 1513, between Henry VIII. and the duc de Longueville. So called because the French used their spurs in flight more than their swords in fight. (See SPURS OF GOLD, etc.)

=Squab= (The Poet). Dryden was so called by Lord Rochester.

=Square= (Mr.), a “philosopher,” in Fielding’s novel called The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749).

=Squeers= (Mr. Wackford), of Dotheboy’s Hall, Yorkshire, a vulgar, conceited, ignorant schoolmaster, overbearing, grasping, and mean. He steals the boys’ pocket money, clothes his son in their best suits, half starves them, and teaches them next to nothing. Ultimately, he is transported for purloining a deed.

Mrs. Squeers, wife of Mr. Wackford, a raw-boned, harsh, heartless virago, without one spark of womanly feeling for the boys put under her charge.

Miss Fanny Squeers, daughter of the schoolmaster, “not tall like her mother, but short like her father. From the former she inherited a voice of hoarse quality, and from the latter a remarkable expression of the right eye.” Miss Fanny falls in love with Nicholas Nickleby, but hates him and spites him because he is insensible of the soft impeachment.

Master Wackford Squeers, son of the schoolmaster, a spoilt boy, who was dressed in the best clothes of the scholars. He was over-bearing, self-willed, and passionate.--C. Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby (1838).

The person who suggested the character of Squeers was a Mr. Shaw, of Bowes. He married a Miss Laidman. The satire ruined the school, and was the death both of Mr. and Mrs. Shaw.--Notes and Queries, October 25, 1873.

=Squeeze= (Miss), a pawnbroker’s daughter. Her father had early taught her that money is the “one thing needful,” and at death left her a moderate competence. She was so fully convinced of the value of money that she would never part with a farthing without an equivalent, and refused several offers, because she felt persuaded her suitors sought her money and not herself. Now she is old and ill-natured, marked with the small-pox, and neglected by every one.--Goldsmith, A Citizen of the World, xxviii. (1759).

=Squint= (Lawyer), the great politician of society. He makes speeches for members of parliament, writes addresses, gives the history of every new play, and finds “seasonable thought” upon every possible subject.--Goldsmith, A Citizen of the World, xxix. (1759).

=Squint-Eyed.= [Guercīno] Gian-Francesco Barbieri, the painter (1590-1666).

=Squintum= (Dr.), George Whitefield is so called by Foote in his farce entitled The Minor (1614-1770).

Squintum (Dr.). The Rev. Edward Irving, who had an obliquity of the eyes, was so called by Theodore Hook (1792-1834).

=Squire of Dames= (The), a young knight, in love with Col´umbell, who appointed him a year’s service before she would consent to become his bride. The “squire” was to travel for twelve months, to rescue distressed ladies, and bring pledges of his exploits to Columbell. At the end of the year he placed 300 pledges in her hands, but instead of rewarding him by becoming his bride, she set him another task, viz., to travel about the world on foot, and not present himself again till he could bring her pledges from 300 damsels that they would live in chastity all their life. The squire told Columbell that in three years he had found only three persons who would take the pledge, and only one of these, he said (a rustic cottager) took it from a “principle of virtue;” the other two (a nun and a courtezan) promised to do so, but did not voluntarily join the “virgin martyrs.” This “Squire of Dames” turned out to be Britomart.--Spenser, Faëry Queen, iii. 7 (1590).

⁂ This story is imitated from “The Host’s Tale,” in Orlando Furioso, xxviii.

=Squires= (Milton), servant in the Fairchild family, boorish, vindictive hind who murders one brother and tries to fasten the deed upon another.--Harold Frederic, Seth’s Brother’s Wife (1886).

=Squirt=, the apothecary’s boy in Garth’s Dispensary; hence any apprentice lad or errand boy.

Here sauntering ’prentices o’er Otway weep. O’er Congreve smile, or over D’Urfey sleep, Pleased sempstresses the Lock’s famed Rape unfold, And Squirts read Garth till Apozems grow cold. J. Gay, Trivia (1712).

(Pope wrote The Rape of the Lock, 1712.)

=Squod= (Phil), a grotesque little fellow, faithfully attached to Mr. George, the son of Mrs. Rouncewell (housekeeper at Chesney Wold). George had rescued the little street arab from the gutter, and the boy lived at George’s “Shooting Gallery” in Leicester Square (London). Phil was remarkable for limping along sideways, as if “tacking.”--C. Dickens, Bleak House (1852).

=Stael= (Madame de), called by Heine [Hi.ne] “a whirlwind in petticoats,” and a “sultana of mind.”

=Stagg= (Benjamin), the proprietor of the cellar in the Barbican where the secret society of “Prentice Knights” used to convene. He was a blind man, who fawned on Mr. Sim Tappertit, “the ’prentices glory” and captain of the “’Prentice Knights.” But there was a disparity between his words and sentiments, if we may judge from this specimen: “Good-night, most noble captain! farewell, brave general! bye-bye illustrious commander! a conceited, bragging, empty-headed, duck-legged idiot!” Benjamin Stagg was shot by the soldiery in the Gordon riots.--C. Dickens, Barnaby Rudge (1841).

=Staggchase= (Mrs. Frederick), descendant of an old Boston family, and one of the cleverest women in her set.--Arlo Bates, The Philistines (1888).

=Stagirite= (3 syl.). Aristotle is called the Stagirite, because he was born at Stagīra, in Macedon. Almost all our English poets call the word Stagĭrite: as Pope, Thomson, Swift, Byron, Wordsworth, B. Browning, etc. The Greek would be Stag´īrite.

Thick like a glory round the Stagyrite, Your rivals throng, the Sages. R. Browning, Paracelsus, i.

All the wisdom of the Stagirite. Wordsworth.

Plato, the Stagyrite, and Tully joined. Thomson.

As if the Stagirite o’erlooked the line. Pope.

Is rightly censured by the Stagirite, Who says his numbers do not fadge aright. Swift, To Dr. Sheridan (1718).

=Stammerer= (The). Louis II. of France, le Bégué (846, 877-879).

Michael II., Emperor of the East (*, 820-829).

Notker or Notger, of St. Gall (830-912).

=Stanchells=, head jailer at the Glasgow tolbooth.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

=Standard.= A substantial building for water supplies, as the Water Standard of Cornhill, the Standard in Cheap, opposite Honey Lane, “which John Wells, grocer, caused to be made [? rebuilt] in his mayoralty, 1430.”--Stow, Survey (“Cheapside”).

The Cheapside Standard. This Standard was in existence in the reign of Edward I. In the reign of Edward III. two fishmongers were beheaded at the Cheapside Standard, for aiding in a riot. Henry IV. caused “the blank charter of Richard II.” to be burnt at this place.

The Standard, Cornhill. This was a conduit with four spouts, made by Peter Morris, a German, in 1582, and supplied with Thames water, conveyed by leaden pipes over the steeple of St. Magnus’s Church. It stood at the east end of Cornhill, at its junction with Gracechurch Street, Bishopsgate Street, and Leadenhall Street. The water ceased to run between 1598 and 1603, but the Standard itself remained long after. Distances from London were measured from this spot.

In the year 1775, there stood upon the borders of Epping Forest, at a distance of about twelve miles from London, measuring from the Standard in Cornhill, or rather from the spot on which the Standard used to be, a house of public entertainment, called the Maypole.--Dickens, Barnaby Rudge, i. (1841).

Standard (The Battle of the), the battle of Luton Moor, near Northallerton, between the English and the Scotch, in 1138. So called from the “standard,” which was raised on a wagon, and placed in the centre of the English army. The pole displayed the standards of St. Cuthbert of Durham, St. Peter of York, St. John of Beverley, and St. Wilfred of Ripon, surmounted by a little silver casket, containing a consecrated wafer.--Hailes, Annals of Scotland, i. 85 (1779).

The Battle of the Standard, was so called from the banner of St. Cuthbert, which was thought always to secure success. It came forth at the battle of Nevil’s Cross, and was again victorious. It was preserved with great reverence till the Reformation, when, in 1549, Catharine Whittingham (a French lady), wife of the dean of Durham, burnt it out of zeal against popery.--Miss Yonge, Cameos of English History, 126-8 (1868).

=Standing= (To die). Vespasian said, “An emperor of Rome ought to die standing.” Louis XVIII. of France, said, “A king of France ought to die standing.” This notion is not confined to crowned heads.

=Standish= (Miles), the puritan captain, was short of stature, strongly built, broad in the shoulders, deep-chested, and with sinews like iron. His wife, Rose, was the first to die “of all who came in the Mayflower.” Being desirous to marry Priscilla, “the beautiful puritan,” he sent young Alden to plead his cause; but the maiden answered archly, “Why don’t you speak for yourself, John?” Soon after this, Standish was supposed to have been killed, and John Alden did speak for himself, and prevailed.--Longfellow, Courtship of Miles Standish (1858).

Standish (Mrs. Justice), a brother magistrate with Bailie Trumbull.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

=Stanley=, in the earl of Sussex’s train.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

Stanley (Captain Charles), introduced by his friend, Captain Stukely, to the family at Strawberry Hall. Here he meets Miss Kitty Sprightly, an heiress, who has a theatrical twist. The captain makes love to her under the mask of acting, induces her to run off with him and get married, then, returning to the hall, introduces her as his wife. All the family fancy he is only “acting,” but discover too late that their “play” is a life-long reality.--I. Jackman, All the World’s a Stage.

=Stanley Crest= (The). On a chapeau gu. an eagle feeding on an infant in its nest. The legend is that Sir Thomas de Lathom, having no male issue, was walking with his wife one day, and heard the cries of an infant in an eagle’s nest. They looked on the child as a gift from God, and adopted it, and it became the founder of the Stanley race (time, Edward III.).

=Stannard= (Major). Sturdy, blunt, unaffected soldier, a terror to evil-doers, and the strong-tower of persecuted innocence. His wife is a lovely woman, worthy of the gallant warrior.--Charles King, Marion’s Faith, and The Colonel’s Daughter (1886), (1888).

=Stantons= (The), John Stanton, intelligent young carpenter, engaged to Melissa Blake, once a teacher, now a copyist of legal papers.

Orin Stanton, half-brother to John. A sculptor; “one of the artists who would never be able to separate his idea of the nurse from that of the serving-maid. He viewed art from the strictly utilitarian standpoint which considers it a means toward the payment of butcher and baker and candlestick-maker.”--Arlo Bates, The Philistines (1888).

=Staples= (Lawrence), head jailer at Kenilworth Castle.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Starch= (Dr.), the tutor of Blushington.--W. T. Moncrieff, The Bashful Man.

=Starchat´erus=, of Sweden, a giant in stature and strength, whose life was protracted to thrice the ordinary term. When he felt himself growing old, he hung a bag of gold round his neck, and told Olo he might take the bag of gold if he would cut off his head, and he did so. He hated luxury in every form, and said a man was a fool who went and dined out for the sake of better fare. One day, Helgo, king of Norway, asked him to be his champion in a contest which was to be decided by himself alone against nine adversaries. Starchaterus selected for the site of combat the top of a mountain covered with snow, and, throwing off his clothes, waited for the nine adversaries. When asked if he would fight with them one by one or all together, he replied, “When dogs bark at me, I drive them all off at once.”--Joannes Magnus, Gothorum Suevorumque Historia (1554).

=Stareleigh= (Justice), a stout, pudgy little judge, very deaf, and very irascible, who, in the absence of the chief justice, sat in judgment on the trial of “Bardell v. Pickwick.”--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

=Starno=, king of Lochlin. Having been conquered by Fingal and generously set at liberty, he promised Fingal his daughter, Agandecca, in marriage, but meant to deal treacherously by him and kill him. Fingal accepted the invitation of Starno, and spent three days in boar-hunts. He was then warned by Agandecca to beware of her father, who had set an ambuscade to waylay him. Fingal, being forewarned, fell on the ambush and slew every man. When Starno heard thereof, he slew his daughter, whereupon Fingal and his followers took to arms, and Starno either “fled or died.” Swaran succeeded his father, Starno.---Ossian, Fingal, iii.; see also Cath-Loda.

=Starvation Dundas=, Henry Dundas, the first Lord Melville. So called because he introduced the word starvation into the language (1775).

=Starveling= (Robin), the tailor. He was cast for the part of “Thisbe’s mother,” in the drama played before Duke Theseus (2 syl.) on “his wedding day at night.” Starveling has nothing to say in the drama.--Shakespeare, Midsummer Night’s Dream (1592).

=Stati´ra=, the heroine of La Calprenède’s romance of Cassandra. Statīra is the daughter of Darīus, and is represented as the “most perfect of the works of creation.” Oroondatês is in love with her, and ultimately marries her.

Statira, daughter of Dari´us, and wife of Alexander. Young, beautiful, womanly, of strong affection, noble bearing, mild yet haughty, yielding yet brave. Her love for Alexander was unbounded. When her royal husband took Roxāna into favor, the proud spirit of the princess was indignant, but Alexander, by his love, won her back again. Statira was murdered by Roxana, the Bactrian, called the “Rival Queen.”--N. Lee, Alexander The Great (1678).

=Staunton= (The Rev. Mr.), rector of Willingham, and father of George Staunton.

George Staunton, son of the Rev. Mr. Staunton. He appears first as “Geordie Robertson,” a felon; and in the Porteous mob he assumes the guise of “Madge Wildfire.” George Staunton is the seducer of Effie Deans. Ultimately he comes to the title of baronet, marries Effie, and is shot by a gypsy boy called “The Whistler,” who proves to be his own natural son.

Lady Staunton, Effie Deans, after her marriage with Sir George. On the death of her husband, she retires to a convent on the Continent.--Sir W. Scott, Heart of Midlothian (time, George II.).

=Steadfast=, a friend of the Duberly family.--Colman, The Heir-at-Law (1797).

=Steel Castle=, a strong ward, belonging to the Yellow Dwarf. Here he confined All-Fair when she refused to marry him according to her promise.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“The Yellow Dwarf,” 1682).

=Steenson= (Willie), or “Wandering Willie,” the blind fiddler.

Steenie Steenson, the piper, in Wandering Willie’s tale.

Maggie Steenson, or “Epps Anslie,” the wife of Wandering Willie.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Steerforth=, the young man who led little Em’ly astray. When tired of his toy, he proposed to her to marry his valet. Steerforth, being shipwrecked off the coast of Yarmouth, Ham Peggotty tried to rescue him, but both were drowned.--C. Dickens, David Copperfield (1849).

=Steinbach= (Erwin von), designed Strasbourg Cathedral; begun 1015, and finished 1439.

A great master of his craft, Erwin von Steinbach. Longfellow, Golden Legend (1851).

=Steinernherz von Blutsacker= (Francis), the scharf-gerichter, or executioner.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Steinfeldt= (The old baroness of), introduced in Donnerhugel’s narrative.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Steinfort= (The baron), brother of the Countess Wintersen. He falls in love with Mrs. Haller, but, being informed of the relationship between Mrs. Haller and “the stranger,” exerts himself to bring about a reconciliation.--Benj. Thompson, The Stranger (1797).

=Stella.= The Lady Penelopê Devereux, the object of Sir Philip Sidney’s affection. She married Lord Rich, and was a widow in Sidney’s life-time. Spenser says, in his Astrophel, when Astrophel (Sir Philip) died, Stella died of grief, and the “two lovers” were converted into one flower, called “Starlight,” which is first red, and, as it fades, turns blue. Some call it penthea, but henceforth (he says) it shall be called “Astrophel.” It is a pure fiction that Stella died from grief at the death of Sidney, for she afterwards married Charles Blount, created by James I. earl of Devonshire. The poet himself must have forgotten his own lines:

No less praiseworthy Stella do I read, Tho’ nought my praises of her needed are, Whom verse of noblest shepherd lately dead [1586] Hath praised and raised above each other star. Spenser, Colin Clout’s Come Home Again (1591).

Stella. Miss Hester Johnson was so called by Swift, to whom she was privately married in 1706. Hester is first changed into the Greek aster, and “aster” in Latin, like stella, means “a star.” Stella lived with Mrs. Dingley, on Ormond Quay, Dublin.

Poor Stella must pack off to town ... To Liffy’s stinking tide at Dublin ... To be directed there by Dingley ... And now arrives the dismal day, She must return to Ormond Quay. Swift, To Stella at Wood Park (1723).

=Steno= (Michel), one of the chiefs of the tribunal of Forty. Steno insults some of the ladies assembled at a civic banquet given by Marino Faliero, the doge of Venice, and is turned out of the house. In revenge, he fastens on the doge’s chair some scurrilous lines against the young dogaressa, whose extreme modesty and innocence ought to have protected her from such insolence. The doge refers the matter to “the Forty,” who sentence Steno to two month’s imprisonment. This punishment, in the opinion of the doge, is wholly inadequate to the offence, and Marino Faliero joins a conspiracy to abolish the council altogether.--Byron, Marino Faliero, the Doge of Venice (1819).

=Stentor=, a Grecian herald in the Trojan war. Homer says he was “great-hearted, brazen-voiced, and could shout as loud as fifty men.”

He began to roar for help with the lungs of a Stentor.--Smollett.

=Steph´ano=, earl of Carnūti, the leader of 400 men in the allied Christian army. He was noted for his military prowess and wise counsel.--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered, i. (1575).

Stephano, a drunken butler.--Shakespeare, The Tempest (1609).

Stephano, servant to Portia.--Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice (1598).

=Stephen=, one of the attendants of Sir Reginald Front de Bœuf (a follower of Prince John).--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

Stephen (Count), nephew of the count of Crèvecœur.--Sir W. Scott, Quentin Durward (time, Edward IV.).

Stephen (Master), a conceited puppy, who thinks all inferiors are to be snubbed and bullied, and all those weaker and more cowardly than himself are to be kicked and beaten. He is especially struck with Captain Bobadil, and tries to imitate his “dainty oaths.” Master Stephen has no notion of honesty and high-mindedness; thus he steals Downright’s cloak, which had been accidently dropped, declares he bought it, and then that he found it. Being convicted of falsehood, he resigns all claim to it, saying, in a huff, “There, take your cloak; I’ll none on’t.” This small-minded youth is young Kno’well’s cousin.--Ben Jonson, Every Man in his Humor (1598).

=Stephen Steelheart=, the nickname of Stephen Wetheral.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Stephen of Amboise=, leader of 5000 foot soldiers from Blois and Tours in the allied Christian army of Godfrey of Bouillon. Impetuous in attack, but deficient in steady resistance. He was shot by Clorinda with an arrow (bk. xi.).--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered (1575).

=Sterling= (Mr.), a vulgar, rich City merchant, who wishes to see his two daughters married to titles. Lord Ogleby calls him “a very abstract of ’Change;” and he himself says, “What signifies birth, education, titles, and so forth? Money, I say--money’s the stuff that makes a man great in this country.”

Miss Sterling, whose Christian name is Elizabeth or Betty; a spiteful, jealous, purse-proud damsel, engaged to Sir John Melvil. Sir John, seeing small prospect of happiness with such a tartar, proposed marriage to the younger sister; and Miss Sterling being left out in the cold, exclaimed, “Oh, that some other person, an earl or duke for instance, would propose to me, that I might be revenged on the monsters!”

Miss Fanny Sterling, an amiable, sweet-smiling, soft-speaking beauty, clandestinely married to Lovewell.--Colman and Garrick, The Clandestine Marriage (1766).

=Sterry=, a fanatical preacher, admired by Hugh Peters.--S. Butler, Hudibras (1663-78).

=Stevens=, a messenger of the earl of Sussex at Say’s Court.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Stewart= (Colonel), governor of the castle of Doune.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

Stewart (Prince Charles Edward), surnamed “The Chevalier” by his friends, and “The Pretender” by his foes. Sir W. Scott introduces him in Waverley, and again in Redgauntlet, where he appears disguised as “Father Buonaventura.” (Now generally spelt Stuart.)

Stewart (Walking), John Stewart, the English traveller, who travelled on foot through Hindûstan, Persia, Nubia, Abyssinia, the Arabian Desert, Europe and the United States (died 1822).

A most interesting man,... eloquent in conversation, contemplative ... and crazy beyond all reach of helebore, ... yet sublime and divinely benignant in his visionariness. This man, as a pedestrian traveller, had seen more of the earth’s surface ... than any man before or since.--De Quincey.

⁂ Walking Stewart must not be confounded with John M’Douall Stuart, the Australian explorer (1818-1866).

=Steyne= (Marquis of), earl of Gaunt and of Gaunt Castle, a viscount, baron, knight of the Garter and of numerous other orders, colonel, trustee of the British Museum, elder brother of the Trinity House, governor of White Friars, etc., had honors and titles enough to make him a great man, but his life was not a highly moral one, and his conduct with Becky Sharp, when she was the wife of Colonel Rawdon Crawley, gave rise to a great scandal. His lordship floated through the ill report, but Mrs. Rawdon was obliged to live abroad.--W. M. Thackeray, Vanity Fair (1848).

=Stick to it, says Baigent.= Baigent was the principal witness of the Claimant in the great Tichborne trial, and his advice to his protégé was, “Stick to it” (1872).

=Stiggins=, a hypocritical, drunken Methodist “shepherd” (minister), thought by Mrs. Weller to be a saint. His time was spent for the most part in drinking pineapple rum at the Marquis of Granby tavern.--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

=Still= (Cornelius, the), Cornelius Tacitus. (Latin, tacĭtus, “still.”)

Cornelius, the Stylle, in his firste book of his yerely exploictes, called in Latine, Annales.--Fardle of Facions, iii. 3 (1555).

=Stimulants used by Public Characters.=


BRAHAM, bottled porter.

BULL (Rev. William), the nonconformist, was an inveterate smoker.

BYRON, gin-and-water.

CATLEY (Miss), linseed tea and madeira.

COOKE (G. F.), everything drinkable.

DISRAELI (Lord Beaconsfield), champagne jelly.

EMERY, cold brandy-and-water.

ERSKINE (Lord), opium in large doses.

Gladstone (W. E.), an egg beaten up in sherry.

HENDERSON, gum arabic and sherry.

HOBBES, only cold water.

INCLEDON, madeira.

JORDAN (Mrs.), calves’-foot jelly dissolved in warm sherry.

KEAN (Edmund), beef-tea, cold brandy.

KEMBLE (John), opium.

LEWIS, mulled wine and oysters.

NEWTON smoked incessantly.

OXBERRY, strong tea.

POPE, strong coffee.

SCHILLER required to sit over a table deeply impregnated with the smell of apples. He stimulated his brain with coffee and champagne.

SIDDONS (Mrs.), porter, not “stout.”

SMITH (William), drank strong coffee.

WEDDERBURNE (the first Lord Ashburton) used to place a blister on his chest when he had to make a great speech.--Dr. Paris, Pharmacologia (1819).

WOOD (Mrs.), drank draught porter.

=Stinkomalee.= So Theodore Hook called the London University. The word was suggested by “Trincomalee” (in Ceylon), a name before the public at the time. Hook hated the “University,” because it admitted students of all denominations.

Only look at Stinkomalee and King’s College. Activity, union, craft, indomitable perseverance on the one side; indolence, indecision, internal distrust, and jealousies, calf-like simplicity, and cowardice intolerable on the other.--Wilson, Noctes Ambrosianæ (1822-36).

=Stitch= (Tom), a young tailor, a great favorite with the ladies.--The Merry History of Tom Stitch (seventeenth century).

=Stockwell= (Mr.), a City merchant, who promised to give his daughter, Nancy, in marriage, to the son of Sir Harry Harlowe of Dorsetshire.

Mrs. Stockwell, the merchant’s wife, who always veers round to the last speaker, and can be persuaded to anything for the time being.

Nancy Stockwell, daughter of the merchant, in love with Belford, but promised in marriage to Sir Harry Harlowe’s son. It so happens that Sir Harry’s son has privately married another lady, and Nancy falls to the man of her choice.--Garrick, Neck or Nothing (1766).

=Stolen Kisses=, a drama by Paul Meritt, in three acts (1877). Felix Freemantle, under the pseudonym of Mr. Joy, falls in love with Cherry, daughter of Tom Spirit, once valet to Mr. Freemantle (who had come to the title of Viscount Trangmar). When Tom Spirit ascertained that “Felix Joy” was the son of the viscount, he forbade all further intercourse, unless Felix produced his father’s consent to the marriage. The next part of the plot pertains to the brother of Tom Spirit, who had assumed the name of Walter Temple, and, as a stock-broker, had become very wealthy. In his prosperity, Walter scornfully ignored his brother, Tom, and his ambition was to marry his daughter, Jenny, to the son of Viscount Trangmar, who owed him money. Thus, the two cousins, Cherry and Jenny, came into collision; but at the end Jenny married Fred Gay, a medical student, Cherry married Felix, the two brothers were reconciled, and Tom released his old master, Viscount Trangmar, by destroying the bond which Walter held and gave him.

=Stonehenge.= Aurelius Ambrosius asked Merlin what memento he could raise to commemorate his victory over Vortigern; and Merlin advised him to remove “The Giant’s Dance” from Mount Killaraus, in Ireland, to Salisbury Plain. So Aurelius placed a fleet and 15,000 men under the charge of Uther, the pendragon, and Merlin, for the purpose. Gilloman, king of Ireland, who opposed the invaders, was routed, and then Merlin, “by his art,” shipped the stones, and set them up on the plain “in the same manner as they stood on Killaraus.”--Geoffrey, British History, viii. 11-12 (1142).

How Merlin, by his skill and magic’s wondrous might, From Ireland hither brought the Sonendge in a night. Drayton, Polyolbion, iv. (1612).

Stonehenge, once thought a temple, you have found A throne, where kings, our earthly gods, were crowned. Dryden, Epistles, ii.

Stonehenge a Trophy. It is said, in the Welsh triads, that this circle of stones was erected by the Britons to commemorate the “treachery of the Long Knives,” i.e., a conference to which the chief of the British warriors were invited by Hengist, at Ambresbury. Beside each chief a Saxon was seated, armed with a long knife, and at a given signal each Saxon slew his Briton. As many as 460 British nobles thus fell, but Eidiol, earl of Gloucester, after slaying seventy Saxons (some say 660), made his escape.--Welsh Triads.

Stonehenge was erected by Merlin, at the command of Ambrosius, in memory of the plot of the “Long-Knives,” when 300 British chiefs were treacherously massacred by Vortigern. He built it on the site of a former circle. It deviates from older bardic circles, as may be seen by comparing it with Avebury, Stanton-Drew, Keswick, etc. It is called “The Work of Ambrosius.”--Cambrian Biography, art. “Merddin.”

⁂ MONT DIEU, a solitary mound close to Dumfermline, owes its origin, according to story, to some unfortunate monks, who, by way of penance, carried the sand in baskets, from the sea-shore at Inverness.

At Linton is a fine conical hill, attributed to two sisters (nuns), who were compelled to pass the whole of the sand through a sieve, by way of penance, to obtain pardon for some crime committed by their brother.

The Gog Magog Hills, near Cambridge, are ascribed to his Satanic majesty.

=Stonewall Jackson=, Thomas Jonathan Jackson, general in the Southern army, in the great civil war of the United States. General Bee suggested the name in the battle of Bull Run (1861). “There is Jackson,” said he to his men, “standing like a stone wall” (1824-1863).

=Storm-and-Stress Period.= The last quarter of the eighteenth century was called in Germany the Sturm-und-Drang Zeit, because every one seemed in a fever to shake off the shackles of government, custom, prestige, and religion. The poets raved in volcanic rant or moonshine sentimentality; marriage was disregarded; law, both civil and divine, was pooh-poohed. Goethe’s Man with the Iron Hand and Sorrows of Werther, Schiller’s Robbers, Klinger’s tragedies, Lessing’s criticisms, the mania for Shakespeare and Ossian, revolutionized the literature; and the cry went forth for untrammelled freedom, which was nicknamed “Nature.” As well go unclad, and call it nature.

=Storms= (Cape of). The Cape of Good Hope was called by Bartholomew Diaz Cabo Tormentoso in 1486; but King John II. of Portugal gave it its present more auspicious name.

=S.T.P.=, the initials of Sanctæ Theologiæ Professor: Professor of Sacred Theology. The same as D.D., Divinitatis Doctor: Doctor of Divinity.

=Stradiva´rius= (Antonius), born at Cremo´na, in Italy (1670-1728). He was a pupil of Andreas Amāti. The Amati family, with Stradivarius and his pupil, Guarnerius (all of Cremona), were the most noted violin-makers that ever lived, insomuch that the word “Cremona” is synonymous for a first-rate violin.

The instrument on which he played Was in Cremona’s workshop made ... The maker from whose hands it came Had written his unrivalled name-- “Antonius Stradivarius.” Longfellow, The Wayside Inn (prelude, 1863).

=Strafford=, an historical tragedy by R. Browning (1836). This drama contains portraits of Charles I., the earl of Strafford, Hampden, John Pym, Sir Harry Vane, etc., both truthful and graphic. The subject of the drama is the attainder and execution of Thomas Wentworth, earl of Strafford.

=Straitlace= (Dame Philippa), the maiden aunt of Blushington. She is very much surprised to find her nephew entertaining dinner company, and still more so that he is about to take a young wife to keep house for him instead of herself.--W. T. Moncrieff, The Bashful Man.

=Stral´enheim= (Count of), a kinsman of Werner, who hunted him from place to place, with a view of cutting him off, because he stood between him and the inheritance of Siegendorf. This mean, plausible, overreaching nobleman was by accident lodged under the same roof with Werner, while on his was to Siegendorf. Here Werner robbed him of a rouleau of gold, and next night Ulric (Werner’s son) murdered him.

Ida Stralenheim, one of the characters in Byron’s drama, Werner (1822). She was the daughter of Count Stralenheim, and was betrothed to Ulric, for whom she had a deep affection, but when she learned from the lips of Ulric himself that he was the murderer of her father she fell senseless at his feet, and revived only to learn that he had fled the country, and that she had lost him forever.

=Stranger= (The), the Count Waldbourg. He married Adelaide at the age of 16; she had two children by him, and then eloped. The count, deserted by his young wife, lived a roving life, known only as “The Stranger;” and his wife, repenting of her folly, under the assumed name of Mrs. Haller, entered the service of the Countess Wintersen, whose affection she secured. In three years’ time, “the stranger” came by accident into the same neighborhood, and a reconciliation took place.

Kotzebue’s Menschenhasz und Rene (1787). English adaptation: The Stranger (1808).

=Strangford= (Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, viscount), in 1803, published a translation of the poems of Camoens, the great Portuguese poet.

Hibernian Strangford ... Thinkst thou to gain thy verse a higher place. By dressing Camoens in a suit of lace?... Cease to deceive; thy pilfered harp restore, Nor teach the Lusian bard to copy Moore. Byron, English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (1809).

=Strap= (Hugh), a simple, generous, and disinterested adherent of Roderick Random. His generosity and fidelity, however, meet with but a base return from the heartless libertine.--T. Smollett, Roderick Random (1748).

We believe there are few readers who are not disgusted with the miserable reward assigned to Strap in the closing chapter of the novel. Five hundred pounds (scarce the value of the goods he had presented to his master) and the hand of a reclaimed street-walker, even when added to a Highland farm, seem but a poor recompense for his faithful and disinterested attachment.--Sir W. Scott.

=Strasbourg Cathedral=, designed by Erwin von Steinbach (1015-1439).

=Strauchan= (Old), the squire of Sir Kenneth.--Sir W. Scott, The Talisman (time, Richard I.).

=Straw.= A little straw shows which way the wind blows.

You know or don’t know, that great Bacon saith, Fling up a straw, ’twill show the way the wind blows. Byron, Don Juan, xiv. 8 (1824).

=Streets of London= (The), a drama by Dion Boucicault (1862), adapted from the French play Les Pauvres des Paris.

=Stre´mon=, a soldier, famous for his singing.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Mad Lover (1617).

=Strephon=, the shepherd in Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia, who makes love to the beautiful Uranĭa (1580). It is a stock name for a lover, Chloê being usually the corresponding lady.

Captain O’Flarty was one of my dying Strephons at Scarborough. I have a very grate regard for him, and must make him a little miserable with my happiness.--Garrick, The Irish Widow, i. 3 (1757).

The servant of your Strephon ... is my lord and master.--Garrick, Miss in Her Teens (1753).

=Stretton= (Hesba), the pseudonym of Miss Smith, daughter of a bookseller and printer in Wellington, Salop, authoress of several well-known religious novels.

=Strickalthrow= (Merciful), in Cromwell’s troop.--Sir W. Scott, Woodstock (time, Commonwealth).

=Strictland= (Mr.), the “suspicious husband,” who suspects Clarinda, a young lady visitor, of corrupting his wife; suspects Jacintha, his ward, of lightness; and suspects his wife of infidelity; but all his suspicions being proved groundless, he promises reform.

Mrs. Strictland, wife of Mr. Strictland, a model of discretion and good nature. She not only gives no cause of jealousy to her husband, but never even resents his suspicions or returns ill temper in the same coin.--Dr. Hoadly, The Suspicious Husband (1747).

=Strike, Dakyns! the Devil’s in the Hempe=, the motto of the Dakynses. The reference is to an enemy of the king, who had taken refuge in a pile of hemp. Dakyns, having nosed the traitor, was exhorted to strike him with his battle-axe, and kill him, which he did. Hence the crest of the family--a dexter arm ... holding a battle-axe.

=Strong= (Dr.), a benevolent old schoolmaster, to whom David Copperfield was sent whilst living with Mr. Wickfield. The old doctor doted on his young wife, Annie, and supported her scapegrace cousin, Jack Maldon.--C. Dickens, David Copperfield (1849).

=Strong Men and Women.=

Antæos, Atlas, Dorsănês, the Indian Herculês, Guy, earl of Warwick, Herculês, Macĕris, son of Amon, Rustam, the Persian Herculês, Samson, Starchatĕrus, the Swede (first Christian century).

BROWN (Miss Phœbe), about five feet, six inches in height, well proportioned, round-faced and ruddy. She could carry fourteen score, and could lift a hundredweight with each hand at the same time. She was fond of poetry and music, and her chief food was milk.--W. Hutton.

MILO, of Crotōna, could carry on his shoulders a four-year-old bullock, and kill it with a single blow of his fist. On one occasion, the pillar which supported the roof of a house gave way, and Milo held up the whole weight of the building with his hands.

POLYD´AMAS, the athlete. He killed a lion with a blow of his fist, and could stop a chariot in full career with one hand.

TOPHAM (Thomas) of London (1710-1749). He could lift three hogsheads, or 1836 lbs.; could heave a horse over a turnpike gate; and could lift two hundredweight with his little finger.

=Strongback=, one of the seven attendants of Fortunio. He could never be overweighted, and could fell a forest in a few hours without fatigue.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“Fortunio,” 1682).

The brothers Grimm have introduced the tale of “Fortunio” in their Goblins.

=Strongbow=, Gilbert de Clare, who succeeded to the title of his brother, the earl of Hertford, in 1138, and was created earl of Pembroke (died 1149).

Henry II. called him a “false” or “pseudo-earl.”

Strongbow (Richard of Strigal) was Richard de Clare, earl of Pembroke, son of Gilbert de Clare. He succeeded Dermot, king of Leinster, hiss father-in-law, in 1170, and died 1176.

The earl of Strigale then, our Strongbow, first that won Wild Ireland with the sword. Drayton, Polyolbion, xviii. (1613).

=Struldbrugs=, the inhabitants of Luggnagg, who never die.

He had reached that period of life ... which ... entitles a man to admission into the ancient order of Struldbrugs.--Swift, Gulliver’s Travels “Laputa,” (1726).

=Strutt= (Lord), the king of Spain; originally Charles II. (who died without issue), but also applied to his successor, Philippe, duc d’Anson, called “Philip, Lord Strutt.”

I need not tell you of the great quarrels that happened in our neighborhood since the death of the late Lord Strutt; how the parson [Cardinal Portocarero] ... got him to settle his estate upon his cousin, Philip Baboon [Bourbon], to the great disappointment of his cousin, Squire South [Charles of Austria].--Dr. Arbuthnot, History of John Bull, i (1712).

=Stryver= (Bully), of the King’s Bench Bar, counsel for the defence in Darnay’s trial.

He was stout, loud, red, bluff, and free from any drawback of delicacy; had a pushing way of shouldering himself (morally and physically) into companies and conversations, that argued well for his shouldering his way on in life.--C. Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities, ii. 24 (1859).

=Stuart Ill-Fated= (The House of), as that of Œdĭpos.

JAMES I. of Scotland, poet, murdered by conspirators at Perth, in the forty-fourth year of his age (1393, 1424-1437).

JAMES II., his son, killed at the siege of Roxburgh, aged 30 (1430, 1437-1460).

JAMES III., his son, was stabbed in his flight from Bannockburn by a pretended priest, aged 36 (1452, 1460-1488).

(His brother, the earl of Mar, was imprisoned in 1477, and died in durance, 1480.)

JAMES IV., his son, the “Chivalrous Madman,” was defeated and slain at Flodden, aged 41 (1472, 1488-1513).

JAMES V., his son, was defeated at Solway Moss, November 25, and died of grief, December 14, aged 30 (1512, 1513-1542).

MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS, daughter of James V., was beheaded, aged 44 years, 63 days (1542, 1542-1587, Old Style).

(Her husband, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, was murdered (1541-1566). Her niece, Arabella Stuart, died insane in the Tower, 1575-1615.)

CHARLES I., her grandson, was beheaded, aged 48 years, 69 days (1600, 1625-1649).

CHARLES II., his son, was in exile from 1645 to 1661, and in 1665 occurred the Great Fire of London, in 1666 the Great Plague; died aged 54 years, 253 days (1630, 1661-1685).

(His natural son, the Duke of Monmouth, defeated at Sedgemoor, July 5, 1685, was executed as a traitor, July 15, aged 36.)

James II., brother of Charles, and son of Charles I., was obliged to abdicate to save his life, and died in exile (1633, reigned 1685-1688, died a pensioner of Louis XIV., 1701).

JAMES FRANCIS EDWARD “the Luckless,” his son, called the “Old Pretender,” was a mere cipher. His son, Charles, came to England to proclaim him king, but was defeated at Culloden, leaving 3000 dead on the field (1688-1765).

CHARLES EDWARD, the “Young Pretender,” was son of the “Old Pretender.” After the defeat of his adherents at Culloden he fled to France, was banished from that kingdom, and died at Rome (1720-1788).

HENRY BENEDICT, Cardinal York, the last of the race, was a pensioner of George III.

=Stuart of Italy= (The Mary), Jane I. of Naples (1327, 1343-1382).

Jane married her cousin, Andrè of Hungary, who was assassinated two years after his marriage, when the widow married the assassin. So Mary Stuart married her cousin, Lord Darnley, 1565, who was murdered, 1567, and the widow married Bothwell, the assassin.

Jane fled to Provence, 1347, and was strangled in 1382. So Mary Stuart fled to England in 1568, and was put to death, 1587 (Old Style).

Jane, like Mary, was remarkable for her great beauty, her brilliant court, her voluptuousness, and the men of genius she drew around her; and, like Mary, she was also noted for her deplorable administration.

⁂ La Harpe wrote a tragedy called Jeanne de Naples (1765). Schiller made an adaptation of it (1821).

=Stuarts’ Fatal Number= (The). This number is 88.

James III. was killed in flight near Bannockburn, 1488.

Mary Stuart was beheaded, 1588 (New Style).

James II. of England was dethroned, 1688.

Charles Edward died, 1788.

⁂ James Stuart, the “Old Pretender,” was born, 1688, the very year that his father abdicated.

James Stuart, the famous architect, died, 1788.

(Some affirm that Robert II., the first Stuart king, died 1388, the year of the great battle of Otterbum; but the death of this king is more usually fixed in the spring of 1390.)

=Stuart= (Jack), frank, brave, unintellectual lover of Constance Varley, and one of the travelling-party in the Holy Land. Through a fatal combination of misunderstandings, the man she has loved for years leaves her without uttering the words that burned upon his tongue, and the lonely-hearted girl turns for comfort to the assured, patient affection of the honest fellow who makes no secret of his devotion. Constance Varley marries Jack Stuart.--Julia Constance Fletcher, Mirage (1878).

=Stubble= (Reuben), bailiff to Farmer Cornflower, rough in manner, severe in discipline, a stickler for duty, “a plain, upright, and downright man,” true to his master and to himself.--C. Dibdin, The Farmer’s Wife (1780).

=Stubbs=, the beadle at Willingham. The Rev. Mr. Staunton was the rector.--Sir W. Scott, Heart of Midlothian (time, George II.).

Stubbs (Miss Sissly or Cecilia), daughter of Squire Stubbs, one of Waverley’s neighbors.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

=Stuffy= (Matthew), an applicant to Velinspeck, a country manager, for a situation as prompter, for which he says he is peculiarly qualified by that affection of the eyes vulgarly called a squint, which enables him to keep one eye on the performance and the other on the book at the same time.--Charles Mathews, At Home (1818).

Stuffy is one of the richest bits of humor we ever witnessed. His endless eulogies upon the state of things in the immortal Garrick’s time are highly ludicrous.--Contemporary Paper.

=Stuke´ly= (2 syl.), a detestable man. “’Twould be as easy to make him honest as brave” (act i. 2). He pretends to be the friend of Beverley, but cheats him. He aspires to the hand of Miss Beverley, who is in love with Lewson.--Edward Moore, The Gamester (1753).

Stukeley (Will), the companion of Little John. In the morris-dance on May-day, Little John used to occupy the right hand side of Robin Hood, and Will Stukely the left. (See STUTLY.)

Stukely (Captain Harry), nephew of Sir Gilbert Pumpkin of Strawberry Hall.--I. Jackman, All the World’s a Stage.

=Stupid Boy= (The), St. Thomas Aquinas; also called at school “The Dumb Ox” (1224-1274).

=Sturgeon= (Major), J.P., “the fishmonger from Brentford,” who turned volunteer. This bragging major makes love to Mrs. Jerry Sneak.--S. Foote, The Mayor of Garratt (1763).

We had some desperate duty, Sir Jacob ... such marchings and counter-marchings, from Brentford to Ealing, from Ealing to Acton, from Acton to Uxbridge. Why, there was our last expedition to Hounslow; that day’s work carried off Major Molossas.... But to proceed. On we marched, the men all in high spirits, to attack the gibbet where Gardel is hanging; but, turning down a narrow lane to the left, as it might be about there, in order to possess a pigstye, that we might take the gallows in flank and secure a retreat, who should come by but a drove of fat oxen for Smithfield. The drums beat in front, the dogs barked in the rear, the oxen set up a gallop; on they came, thundering upon us, broke through our ranks in an instant, and threw the whole corps into confusion.--Act i. 1.

=Sturmthal= (Melchoir), the banneret of Berne, one of the Swiss deputies.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Stutly= (Will), sometimes called Will Stukely, a companion of Little John. In the morris-dance on May-day, Little John occupied the right hand side of Robin Hood, and Will Stutly the left. His rescue from the sheriff of [Notts.] by Robin Hood forms the subject of one of the Robin Hood Ballads.

When Robin Hood in the greenwood lived, Under the greenwood tree, Tidings there came to him with speed, Tidings for certaintie, That Will Stutley surprisëd was, And eke in prison lay; Three varlets that the sheriff hired, Did likely him betray. Robin Hood’s Rescuing Will Stutly, iv. 15.

=Stuyvesant= (Peter).

“If, from all I have said, thou dost not gather, worthy reader, that Peter Stuyvesant was a tough, sturdy, valiant, weather-beaten, mettlesome, obstinate, leather-sided, lion-hearted, generous-spirited old governor, either I have written to but little purpose, or thou art very dull at drawing conclusions.”--Diedrich Knickerbocker (Washington Irving), A History of New York (1809).

=Styles= (Tom or John), or Tom o’ Styles, a phrase name at one time used by lawyers in actions of ejectment. Jack Noakes and Tom Styles used to act in law the part that N or M acts in the church. The legal fiction has been abolished.

I have no connection with the company further than giving them, for a certain fee and reward, my poor opinion as a medical man, precisely as I may give it to Jack Noakes or Tom Styles.--Dickens.

⁂ Tom Styles, Jack Noakes, John Doe, and Richard Roe, are all Mrs. Harrises of the legal profession, nomina et præterea nihil.

=Subtle=, the “alchemist,” an artful quack, who pretends to be on the eve of discovering the philosopher’s stone. Sir Epicure Mammon, a rich knight, is his principal dupe, but by no means his only one.--Ben Jonson, The Alchemist (1610).

Subtle, an Englishman settled in Paris. He earns a living by the follies of his countrymen who visit the gay capital.

Mrs. Subtle, wife of Mr. Subtle, and a help-meet for him.--Foote, The Englishman in Paris (1753).

=Subtle Doctor= (The), Duns Scotus, famous for his metaphysical speculations in theology (1265-1308).

=Subvolvans=, inhabitants of the moon, in everlasting strife with the Privolvans. The former live under ground in cavities, “eight miles deep and eighty round;” the latter on “the upper ground.” Every summer the under-ground lunatics come to the surface to attack the “grounders,” but at the approach of winter slink back again into their holes.--S. Butler, The Elephant in the Moon (1754).

=Such Things Are=, a comedy by Mrs. Inchbald (1786). The scene lies in India, and the object of the play is to represent the tyranny of the old régime, and the good influence of the British element, represented by Haswell, the royal physician. The main feature is an introduction to the dungeons, and the infamous neglect of the prisoners, amongst whom is Arabella, the sultan’s beloved English wife, whom he has been searching for unsuccessfully for fifteen years. Haswell receives the royal signet, and is entrusted with unlimited power by the sultan.

=Suckfist= (Lord), defendant in the great Pantagruelian lawsuit, known as “Lord Busqueue v. Lord Suckfist,” in which the plaintiff and defendant pleaded in person. After hearing the case, the bench declared, “We have not understood one single circumstance of the matter on either side.” But Pantagruel gave judgment, and as both plaintiff and defendant left the court fully persuaded that the verdict was in his own favor, they were both highly satisfied, “a thing without parallel in the annals of the law.”--Rabelais, Pantagruel, ii. 11-13 (1533).

=Suddlechop= (Benjamin), “the most renowned barber in all Fleet Street.” A thin, half-starved creature.

Dame Ursula Suddlechop, the barber’s wife. “She could contrive interviews for lovers, and relieve frail fair ones of the burden of a guilty passion.” She had been a pupil of Mrs. Turner, and learnt of her the secret of making yellow starch, and two or three other prescriptions more lucrative still. The dame was scarcely 40 years of age, of full form and comely features, with a joyous, good-humored expression.

Dame Ursula had acquaintances ... among the quality, and maintained her intercourse ... partly by driving a trade in perfumes, essences, pomades, head-gears from France, not to mention drugs of various descriptions, chiefly for the use of ladies, and partly by other services, more or less connected with the esoteric branches of her profession.--Sir W. Scott, Fortunes of Nigel, viii. (time, James I.).

=Suds= (Mrs.), any washerwoman or laundress.

=Suicides from Books.=

CLEOM´BROTOS, the Academic philosopher, killed himself after reading Plato’s Phædon, that he might enjoy the happiness of the future life, so enchantingly described.

FRÄULEIN VON LASSBERG drowned herself in spleen, after reading Goethe’s Sorrows of Werther.

=Sulin-Sifad´da=, one of the two steeds of Cuthullin, general of the Irish tribes. The name of the other was Dusronnal.

Before the right side of the car is seen the snorting horse; the high-maned, broad-breasted, proud, wide-leaping, strong steed of the hill. Loud and resounding is his hoof; the spreading of his mane above is like a stream of smoke on a ridge of rocks. Bright are the sides of his steed. His name is Sulin-Sifadda.--Ossian, Fingal, i.

Dusronnal snorted over the bodies of heroes. Sifadda bathed his hoof in blood.--Ditto.

=Sulky= (Mr.), executor of Mr. Warren, and partner in Dornton’s bank. With a sulky, grumpy exterior, he has a kind heart, and is strictly honest. When Dornton is brought to the brink of ruin by his son’s extravagance, Sulky comes nobly forward to the rescue. (See SILKY.)--T. Holcroft, The Road to Ruin (1792).

And oh! for monopoly. What a blest day, When the lank and the silk shall, in fond combination (Like Sulky and Silky, that pair in the play). Cry out with one voice for “high rents” and “starvation!” T. Moore, Ode to the Goddess Ceres (1806).

=Sullen= (Squire), son of Lady Bountiful by her first husband. He married the sister of Sir Charles Freeman, but after fourteen months, their tempers and dispositions were found so incompatible that they mutually agreed to a divorce.

He says little, thinks less, and does nothing at all. Faith! but he’s a man of great estate, and values nobody.--Act i. 1.

Parson Trulliber, Sir Wilful Witwould, Sir Francis Wronghead, Squire Western, Squire Sullen--such were the people who composed the main strength of the tory party for sixty years after the Revolution.--Lord Macaulay.

⁂ “Parson Trulliber,” in Joseph Andrews (by Fielding); “Sir Wilful Witwould,” in The Way of the World (Congreve); “Sir Francis Wronghead,” in The Provoked Husband (by Cibber); “Squire Western,” in Tom Jones (by Fielding).

Mrs. Sullen, sister of Sir Charles Freeman, and wife of Squire Sullen. They had been married fourteen months, when they agreed mutually to a separation, for in no one single point was there any compatibility between them. The squire was sullen, the lady sprightly; he could not drink tea with her, and she could not drink ale with him; he hated ombre and picquet, she hated cock-fighting and racing; he would not dance, and she would not hunt. Mrs. Sullen liked Archer, friend of Thomas Viscount Aimwell, both fortune-hunters; and Squire Sullen, when he separated from his wife, was obliged to resign the £20,000, which he received with her as a dowry.--George Farquhar, The Beaux’ Stratagem (1707).

=Sul-Malla=, daughter of Conmor, king of Inis-Huna and his wife, Clun-galo. Disguised as a warrior, Sul-Malla follows Cathmor to the war; but Cathmor, walking his round, discovers Sul-Malla asleep, falls in love with her, but exclaims, “This is no time for love.” He strikes his shield to rouse the host to battle, and is slain by Fingal. The sequel of Sul-Malla is not given.

Clun-galo came. She missed the maid. “Where art thou, beam of light? Hunters from the mossy rock, saw you the blue-eyed fair? Are her steps on grassy Lumon, near the bed of roses? Ah, me! I beheld her bow in the hall. Where art thou, beam of light?”--Ossian, Temora, vi. (Set to music by Sir H. Bishop.)

=Summerson= (Esther). (See ESTHER HAWDON.)

=Summons to Death.=

JACQUES MOLAY, grand-master of the Knights Templars, as he was led to the stake, summoned the Pope (Clement V.) within forty days, and the king (Philippe IV.) within forty weeks to appear before the throne of God to answer for his murder. They both died within the stated time.

MONTREAL D’ALBANO, called “Fra Moriale,” knight of St. John of Jerusalem, and captain of the Grand Company in the fourteenth century, when sentenced to death by Rienzi, summoned him to follow within the month. Rienzi was within the month killed by the fickle mob.

PETER and JOHN DE CARVAJAL, being condemned to death on circumstantial evidence alone, appealed, but without success, to Ferdinand IV. of Spain. On their way to execution, they declared their innocence, and summoned the king to appear before God within thirty days. Ferdinand was quite well on the thirtieth day, but was found dead in his bed next morning.

GEORGE WISHART, a Scotch reformer, was condemned to the stake by Cardinal Beaton. While the fire was blazing about him, the martyr exclaimed in a loud voice, “He who from yon high place beholdeth me with such pride, shall be brought low, even to the ground, before the trees which have supplied these faggots have shed their leaves.” It was March when these words were uttered, and the cardinal died in June.

=Sun= (The). The device of Edward III., was the sun bursting through a cloud. Hence Edward III. is called “our half-faced sun.”--Shakespeare, 2 Henry VI. act iv. sc. 1 (1592).

=Sun-Steeds.= Brontê (“thunder”) and Amethēa (“no loiterer”), Æthon (“fiery red”) and Pyroïs (“fire”); Lampos (“shining like a lamp”), used only at noon; Philogēa (“effulgence”), used only in the westering course.

⁂ Phaĕton (“the shining one”) and Abraxas (the Greek numeral for 365) were the horses of Aurora, or the morning sun.

=Sun´ith=, one of the six Wise Men of the East led by the guiding star to Jesus. He had three holy daughters.--Klopstock, The Messiah, v. (1771).

=Sunshine of St. Eulalie´= (3 syl.), Evangeline.

Sunshine of St. Eulălie was she called, for that was the sunshine Which, as the farmers believed, would load their orchards with apples. Longfellow, Evangeline, i. 1 (1849).

=Super Grammat´icam=, Sigismund, emperor of Germany (1366, 1411-1437).

At the council of Constance, held 1414, Sigismund used the word schisma as a noun of the feminine gender (illa nefanda schisma). A prig of a cardinal corrected him, saying “‘Schisma,’ your highness, is neuter gender;” when the kaiser turned on him with ineffable scorn, and said, “I am king of the Romans, and what is grammar to me?” [Ego sum rex Romanus et super grammaticam.]--Carlyle, Frederick the Great (1858).

=Superstitions about Animals.=

ANT. When ants are unusually busy, foul weather is at hand.

Ants never sleep.--Emerson, Nature, iv.

Ants lay up food for winter use.--Prov. vi. 6-8; xxx. 25.

Ants’ eggs are an antidote to love.

ASS. The mark running down the back of an ass, and cut at right angles over the shoulders, is the cross of Christ impressed on the animal because Christ rode on an ass in His triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Three hairs taken from the “cross” of an ass will cure the whooping-cough, but the ass from which the hairs are plucked will die.

The ass is deaf to music, and hence Apollo gave Midas the ears of an ass, because he preferred the piping of Pan to the music of Apollo’s lute.

BARNACLE. A barnacle broken off a ship turns into a Solan goose.

Like your Scotch barnacle, now a block, Instantly a worm, and presently a great goose. Marston, The Malecontent (1604).

BASILISK. The basilisk can kill at a distance by the “poison” of its glance.

There’s not a glance of thine But, like a basilisk, comes winged with death. Lee, Alexander the Great, v. 1 (1678).

BEAR. The cub of a bear is licked into shape and life by its dam.

So watchful Bruin forms with plastic care Each growing lump and brings it to a bear. Pope, The Dunciad, i. 101 (1728).

BEAVER. When a beaver is hunted, it bites off the part which the hunters seek, and then, standing upright, shows the hunters it is useless to continue the pursuit. [Æsop tells a similar story of a civet-cat.]--Eugenius Philalethes, Brief Natural History, 89.

BEE. If bees swarm on a rotten tree, a death in the family will occur within the twelvemonth.

Swarmed on a rotten stick the bees I spied, Which erst I saw when Goody Dobson dyed. Gay, Pastoral, v. (1714).

Bees will never thrive if you quarrel with them or about them.

If a member of the family dies and the bees are not put into mourning, they will forsake their hive.

It is unlucky for a stray swarm of bees to alight on your premises.

BEETLES. Beetles are both deaf and blind.

CAT. When cats wash their ears more than usual, rain is at hand.

When the cat washes her face over her ears, wee shall have great shore of raine.--Melton, Astrologastor, 45.

The sneezing of a cat indicates good luck to a bride.

Crastina nupturæ lux est prosperrima sponsæ: Felix fele bonum sternuit omen amor. Robert Keuchen, Crepundia, 413.

If a cat sneezes thrice, a cold will run through the family.

Satan’s favorite form is that of a black cat, and hence is it the familiar of witches.

A cat has nine lives.

Tybalt. What wouldst thou have with me?

Mer. Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives.--Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, act iii. sc. 1 (1595).

CHAMELEONS live on air only.

I saw him eat the air for food. Lloyd, The Chameleon.

COW. If a milkmaid neglects to wash her hands after milking, her cows will go dry.

Curst cows have curt horns. Curst means “angry, fierce.”

God sends a curst cow short horns.--Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing, act ii. sc. 1 (1600).

CRICKET. Crickets bring good luck to a house. To kill crickets is unlucky. If crickets forsake a house, a death in the family will soon follow.

It is a signe of death to some in a house, if the crickets on a sudden forsake the chimney.--Melton, Astrologastor, 45.

CROCODILES moan and sigh, like persons in distress, to allure travellers and make them their prey.

As the mournful crocodile With sorrow snares relentless passengers. Shakespeare, 2 Henry VI. act iii. sc. 1 (1591).

Crocodiles weep over the prey which they devour.

The crocodile will weep over a man’s head when he [it] hath devoured the body, and then he will eat up the head too.--Bullokar, English Expositor (1616).

Paul Lucas tells us that the hummingbird and lapwing enter fearlessly the crocodile’s mouth, and the creature never injures them, because they pick its teeth.--Voyage fait en 1714.

CROW. If a crow croaks an odd number of times, look out for foul weather; if an even number, it will be fine.

[The superstitious] listen in the morning whether the crow crieth even or odd, and by that token presage the weather.--Dr. Hall, Characters of Vertues and Vices, 87.

If a crow flies over a house and croaks thrice, it is a bad omen.--Ramesey, Elminthologia, 271 (1668).

If a crow flutters about a window and caws, it forbodes a death.

Night crowes screech aloud, Fluttering ’bout casements of departing soules. Marston, Antonio and Mellida, ii. (1602).

Several crows fluttered about the head of Cicero on the day that he was murdered by Popilius Lænas ... one of them even made its way into his chamber, and pulled away the bedclothes.--Macaulay, History of St. Kilda, 176.

If crows flock together early in the morning, and gape at the sun, the weather will be hot and dry; but if they stalk at nightfall into water, and croak, rain is at hand.--Willsford, Nature’s Secrets, 133.

When crows forsake a wood in a flock, it forebodes a famine.--Supplement to the Athenian Oracle, 476.

DEATH-WATCH. The clicking or tapping of the beetle called a death-watch is an omen of death to some one in the house.

Chamber-maids christen this worm a “Death-watch,” Because, like a watch, it always cries “click;” Then woe be to those in the house that are sick, For sure as a gun they will give up the ghost ... But a kettle of scalding hot water injected Infallibly cures the timber infected; The omen is broken, the danger is over, The maggot will die, and the sick will recover. Swift, Wood an Insect (1725).

DOG. If dogs howl by night near a house, it presages the death of a sick inmate.

If doggs howle in the night neer an house where somebody is sick, ’tis a signe of death.--Dr. N. Home, Dæmonologie, 60.

When dogs wallow in the dust, expect foul weather: “Canis in pulvere volutans....”

Præscia ventorum, se volvit odora canum vis; Numina difflatur pulveris instar homo. Robert Keuchen, Crepundia, 211.

ECHINUS. An echīnus, fastening itself on a ship’s keel, will arrest its motion like an anchor.--Pliny, Natural History, xxxii. 1.

EGG. The tenth egg is always the largest.

Decumana ova dicuntur, quia ovum decimum majus nascitur.--Festus.

ELEPHANT. Elephants celebrate religious rites.--Pliny, Natural History, viii. 1.

Elephants have no knees.--Eugenius Philalethes, Brief Natural History, 89.

The elephant hath joints, but none for courtesy; his legs are for necessity, not for flexure.--Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, act iii. sc. 3 (1602).

FISH. If you count the number of fish you have caught, you will catch no more that day.

FROG. To meet a frog is lucky, indicating that the person is about to receive money.

Some man hadde levyr to mete a frogge on the way than a knight ... for than they say and ’leve that they shal have golde.--Dives and Pauper (first precepte, xlvi. 1493).

When frogs croak more than usual, it is a sign of bad weather.

GUINEA-PIG. A guinea-pig has no ears.

HADDOCK. The black spot on each side of a haddock, near the gills, is the impression of St. Peter’s finger and thumb, when he took the tribute money from the fish’s mouth.

The haddock has spots on either side, which are the marks of St. Peter’s fingers when he catched that fish for the tribute.--Metellus, Dialogues, etc., 57 (1693).

HAIR. If a dog bites you, any evil consequences may be prevented by applying three of the dog’s hairs to the wound.

Take the hair, it is well written, Of the dog by which you’re bitten; Work off one wine by his brother, And one labor by another. Athenæus (ascribed to Aristophanês).

HARE. It is unlucky if a hare runs across a road in front of a traveller. The Roman augurs considered this an ill omen.

If an hare cross their way, they suspect they shall be rob’d, or come to some mischance.--Ramesay, Elminthologia, 271 (1668).

It was believed at one time that hares changed their sex every year.

HEDGEHOG. Hedgehogs foresee a coming storm.--Bodenham, Garden of the Muses, 153 (1600).

Hedgehogs fasten on the dugs of cows, and drain off the milk.

HORSE. If a person suffering from whooping-cough asks advice of a man riding on a piebald horse, the malady will be cured by doing what the man tells him to do.

JACKAL. The jackal is the lion’s provider. It hunts with the lion, and provides it with food by starting prey, as dogs start game.

LADY-BUG. It is unlucky to kill a lady-bug.

LION. The lion will not injure a royal prince.

Fetch the Numidian lion I brought over; If she be sprung from royal blood, the lion Will do her reverence, else he will tear her. Beaumont and Fletcher, The Mad Lover (1617).

The lion will not touch the true prince.--Shakespeare, 1 Henry IV. act ii. sc. 4 (1598).

The lion hates the game-cock, and is jealous of it. Some say because the cock wears a crown (its crest), and others because it comes into the royal presence “booted and spurred.”

The fiercest lion trembles at the crowing of a cock.--Pliny, Natural History, viii. 19.

According to legend, the lion’s whelp is born dead, and remains so for three days, when the father breathes on it, and it receives life.

LIZARD. The lizard is man’s special enemy, but warns him of the approach of a serpent.

MAGPIE. To see one magpie is unlucky; to see two denotes merriment, or a marriage; to see three, a successful journey; four, good news; five, company.--Grose.

Another superstition is: “One for sorrow; two for mirth; three, a wedding; four, a death.”

One’s sorrow, two’s mirth, Three’s a wedding, four’s a birth, Five’s a christening, six’s a dearth, Seven’s heaven, eight is hell, And nine’s the devil his ane sel. Old Scotch Rhyme.

In Lancashire, two magpies flying together is thought unlucky.

I have heard my gronny say, hoode os leef o seen two owd harries as two pynots [magpies].--Tim Bobbin, Lancashire Dialect, 31 (1775).

When the magpie chatters, it denotes that you will see strangers.

MAN. A person weighs more fasting than after a good meal.

The Jews maintained that man has three natures--body, soul, and spirit. Diogĕnês Laertius calls the three natures body, phrên, and thumos; and the Romans called them manês, anĭma, and umbra.

There is a nation of pygmies.

The Patagonians are of gigantic stature.

There are men with tails, as the Ghilanes, a race of men “beyond the Sennaar;” the Niam-niams, of Africa, the Narea tribes, certain others south of Herrar, in Abyssinia, and the natives in the south of Formosa.

MARTIN. It is unlucky to kill a martin.

MOLE. Moles are blind. Hence the common expression, “Blind as a mole.”

Pray you tread softly, that the blind mole may not Hear a footfall. Shakespeare, The Tempest, act. iv. sc. 1 (1609).

MOON-CALF, the offspring of a woman, engendered solely by the power of the moon.--Pliny, Natural History, x. 64.

MOUSE. To eat food which a mouse has nibbled, will give a sore throat.

It is a bad omen if a mouse gnaws the clothes which a person is wearing.--Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, 214 (1621).

A fried mouse is a specific for small-pox.

OSTRICH. An ostrich can digest iron.

Stephen. I could eat the very hilts for anger.

Kno´well. A sign of your good digestion; you have an ostrich stomach.--B. Jonson, Every Man in His Humor, iii. 1 (1598).

I’ll make thee eat iron like an ostrich, and swallow my sword.--Shakespeare, 2 Henry VI. act iv. sc. 10 (1591).

OWL. If owls screech with a hoarse and dismal voice, it bodes impending calamity. (See OWL.)

The oulê that of deth the bodê bringeth. Chaucer, Assembly of Foules (1358).

PELICAN. A pelican feeds its young brood with its blood.

The pelican turneth her beak against her brest, and therewith pierceth it till the blood gush, wherewith she nourisheth her young.--Eugenius Philalethes, Brief Natural History, 93.

Then sayd the Pellycane, “When my byrdts be slayne, With my bloude I them reuyue [revive],” Scrypture doth record, The same dyd our Lord, And rose from deth to lyue [life]. Skelton, Armoury of Byrdts (died 1529).

And, like the kind, life rendering pelican, Repast them with my blood. Shakespeare, Hamlet, act iv. sc. 5 (1596).

PHŒNIX. There is but one phœnix in the world, which, after many hundred years, burns itself, and from its ashes another phœnix rises up.

Now I will believe, ... that in Arabia There is one tree, the phœnix’ throne; one phœnix At this hour reigning there.

Shakespeare, The Tempest, act iii. sc. 3 (1609).

The phœnix is said to have fifty orifices in its bill, continued to its tail. After living its 1000 or 500 years, it builds itself a funeral pile, sings a melodious elegy, flaps its wings to fan the fire, and is burnt to ashes.

The enchanted pile of that lonely bird Who sings at the last his own death-lay. And in music and perfume dies away. T. Moore, Lalla Rookh (“Paradise and the Peri,” 1817).

The phœnix has appeared five times in Egypt: (1) in the reign of Sesostris; (2) in the reign of Amăsis; (3) in the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphos; (4) a little prior to the death of Tiberius; and (5) during the reign of Constantine. Tacitus mentions the first three (Annales, vi. 28).

PIG. In the fore feet of pigs is a very small hole, which may be seen when the pig is dead and the hair carefully removed. The legend is that the devils made their exit from the swine through the fore feet, and left these holes. There are also six very minute rings round each hole, and these are said to have been made by the devil’s claws.

When pigs carry straws in their mouth, rain is at hand.

When swine carry bottles of hay or straw to hide them, rain is at hand.--The Husbandman’s Practice, 137 (1664).

When young pigs are taken from the sow, they must be drawn away backwards, or the sow will be fallow.

The bacon of swine killed in a waning moon will waste much in the cooking.

When hogs run grunting home, a storm is impending.--The Cabinet of Nature, 262 (1637).

It is unlucky for a traveller if a sow crosses his path.

If, going on a journey on business, a sow cross the road, you will meet with a disappointment, if not an accident, before you return home.--Grose.

To meet a sow with a litter of pigs is very lucky.

If a sow is with her litter of pigs, it is lucky, and denotes a successful journey.--Grose.

Langley tells us this marvellous bit of etymology: “The bryde anoynteth the poostes of the doores with swynes grease, ... to dryve awaye misfortune, wherefore she had her name in Latin uxor, ´ab ungendo’ [to anoint].”--Translation of Polydore Vergil, 9.

PIGEON. If a white pigeon settles on a chimney, it bodes death to some one in the house.

No person can die on a bed or pillow containing pigeon’s feathers.

If anybody be sick and lye a-dying, if they [sic] lie upon pigeon’s feathers they will be languishing and never die, but be in pain and torment.--British Apollo, ii. No. 93 (1710).

The blue pigeon is held sacred in Mecca.--Pitt.

PORCUPINE. When porcupines are hunted or annoyed, they shoot out their quills in anger.

RAT. Rats forsake a ship before a wreck, or a house about to fall.

They prepared A rotten carcass of a boat; the very rats Instinctively had quit it. Shakespeare, The Tempest, act i. sc. 2 (1609).

If rats gnaw the furniture of a room, there will be a death in the family ere long.--Grose.

⁂ The bucklers at Lanuvium being gnawed by rats, presaged ill fortune, and the battle of Marses, fought soon after, confirmed the superstition.

The Romans said that to see a white rat was a certain presage of good luck.--Pliny, Natural History, viii. 57.

RAVEN. Ravens are ill-omened birds.

The hoarse night raven, trompe of doleful dreere. Spenser.

Ravens seen on the left hand side of a person bode impending evil.

Sæpe sinistra cava prædixit ab ilice cornix. Virgil, Ecl., i.

Ravens call up rain.

Hark How the curst raven, with her harmless voice, Invokes the rain! Smart, Hop Garden, ii. (died 1770).

When ravens forsake a wood, it prognosticates famine.

This is because ravens bear the character of Saturn, the author of such calamities.--Athenian Oracle (supplement, 476).

Ravens forebode pestilence and death.

Like the sad-presaging raven, that tolls The sick man’s passport in her hollow beak, And, in the shadow of the silent night, Doth shake contagion from her sable wing. Marlowe, The Jew of Malta (1633).

Ravens foster forsaken children.

Some say that ravens foster forlorn children. (?) Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, act ii. sc. 3 (1593).

It is said that King Arthur is not dead, but is only changed into a raven, and will in due time resume his proper form and rule over his people gloriously.

The raven was white till it turned tell-tale, and informed Apollo of the faithlessness of Corōnis. Apollo shot the nymph for her infidelity, but changed the plumage of the raven into inky blackness for his officious prating.--Ovid, Metamorphoses, ii.

He [Apollo] blackened the raven o’er, And bid him prate in his white plumes no more. Addison’s Translation of Ovid, ii.

If ravens gape against the sun, heat will follow; but if they busy themselves in preening or washing, there will be rain.

REM´ORA. A fish called the remora can arrest a ship in full sail.

A little fish that men call remora, Which stopped her course ... That wind nor tide could move her. Spenser, Sonnets (1591).

ROBIN. The red of a robin’s breast is produced by the blood of Jesus. While the “Man of Sorrows” was on His way to Calvary, a robin plucked a thorn from His temples, and a drop of blood, falling on the bird, turned its bosom red.

Another legend is that the robin used to carry dew to refresh sinners parched in hell, and the scorching heat of the flames turned its feathers red.

He brings cool dew in his little bill, And lets it fall on the souls of sin; You can see the mark on his red breast still, Of fires that scorch as he drops it in. J. G. Whittier, The Robin.

If a robin finds a dead body unburied, it will cover the face at least, if not the whole body.--Grey, On Shakespeare, ii. 226.

The robins so red, now these babies are dead, Ripe strawberry leaves doth over them spread. Babes in the Wood.

It is unlucky either to keep or to kill a robin. J. H. Pott says, if any one attempts to detain a robin which has sought hospitality, let him “fear some new calamity.”--Poems (1780).

SALAMANDER. The salamander lives in the fire.

Should a glass-house fire be kept up without extinction for more than seven years, there is no doubt but that a salamander will be generated in the cinders.--J. P. Andrews, Anecdotes, etc., 359.

The salamander seeks the hottest fire to breed in, but soon quenches it by the extreme coldness of its body.--Pliny, Natural History, x. 67; xxix. 4.

Food touched by a salamander is poisonous.--Ditto, xxix. 23.

SALIVA. The human saliva is a cure for blindness.--Ditto, xxviii. 7.

If a man spits on a serpent, it will die. Ditto, vii. 2.

The human saliva is a charm against fascination and witchcraft.

Thrice on my breast I spit, to guard me safe From fascinating charms. Theocritos.

To unbewitch the bewitched, you must spit into the shoe of your right foot.--Scot, Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584).

Spitting for luck is a most common superstition.

Fishwomen generally spit upon their hansel.--Grose.

A blacksmith who has to shoe a stubborn horse, spits in his hand to drive off the “evil spirit.”

The swarty smith spits in his buckthorne fist. Browne, Britannia’s Pastorals, i.

If a pugilist spits in his hand, his blows will be more telling.--Pliny, Natural History, xxviii. 7.

SCORPION. Scorpions sting themselves.

Scorpions have an oil which is a remedy for their stings.

’Tis true the scorpion’s oil is said To cure the wound the venom made. S. Butler, Hudibras, iii. 2 (1678).

SPIDER. It is unlucky to kill a moneyspinner.

Small spiders, called “money-spinners,” prognosticate good luck, if they are not destroyed or removed from the person on whom they attach themselves.--Park.

The bite of a spider is venomous.

No spider will spin its web on an Irish oak.

Spiders will never set their webs on a cedar roof.--Caughey, Letters (1845).

Spiders indicate where gold is to be found. (See SPIDERS INDICATORS OF GOLD.)

There are no spiders in Ireland, because St. Patrick cleared the island of all vermin.

Spiders envenom whatever they touch.

There may be in the cup A spider steeped, and one may drink, depart, And yet partake no evil. Shakespeare, Winter’s Tale, act iii. sc. 1 (1604).

A spider enclosed in a quilt and hung round the neck will cure the ague.--Mrs. Delany, A Letter dated March 1, 1743.

I ... hung three spiders about my neck, and they drove my ague away.--Elias Ashmole, Diary (April 11, 1681).

A spider worn in a nutshell round the neck is a cure for fever.

Cured by the wearing a spider around one’s neck in a nutshell. Longfellow, Evangeline, ii. (1849).

Spiders spin only on dark days.

The subtle spider never spins But on dark days his slimy gins. S. Butler, On a Nonconformist, iv.

Spiders have a natural antipathy to toads.

STAG. Stags draw, by their breath, serpents from their holes, and then trample them to death. (Hence the stag has been used to symbolize Christ.)--Pliny, Natural History, viii. 50.

STORK. It is unlucky to kill a stork.

According to Swedish legend, a stork fluttered round the cross of the crucified Redeemer, crying, Styrkê! styrkê! (“Strengthen ye! strengthen ye!”), and was hence called the styrk or stork, but ever after lost its voice.

SWALLOW. According to Scandinavian legend, the bird hovered over the cross of Christ, crying, Svalê! svalê! (“Cheer up! cheer up!”), and hence it received the name of svalê or swallow, “the bird of consolation.”

If a swallow builds on a house, it brings good luck.

The swallow is said to bring home from the seashore a stone which gives sight to her fledglings.

Seeking with eager eyes that wondrous stone which the swallow Brings from the shore of the sea, to restore the sight of its fledglings. Longfellow, Evangeline, i. 1 (1849).

To kill a swallow is unlucky.

When swallows fly high, the weather will be fine.

When swallows fleet soar high and sport in air, He told us that the welkin would be clear. Gay, Pastoral, i. (1714).

SWAN. The swan retires from observation when about to die, and sings most melodiously.

Swans a little before their death sing most sweetly.--Pliny, Natural History, x. 23.

The swanne cannot hatch without a cracke of thunder.--Lord Northampton, Defensive, etc. (1583).

TARANTULA. The tarantula is poisonous.

The music of a tarantula will cure its venomous bite.

TOAD. Toads spit poison, but they carry in their head an antidote thereto.

... the toad ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in its head. Shakespeare, As You Like It, act ii. sc. 1 (1600).

Toads are never found in Ireland, because St. Patrick cleared the island of all vermin.

In the dog days, toads never open their mouths.

UNICORN. Unicorns can be caught only by placing a virgin in their haunts.

The horn of a unicorn dipped into a liquor will show if it contains poison.

VIPER. Young vipers destroy their mothers when they come to birth.

WEASEL. To meet a weasel is unlucky.--Congreve, Love for Love.

You never catch a weasel asleep.

WOLF. If a wolf sees a man before the man sees the wolf, he will be struck dumb.

Men are sometimes changed into wolves.--Pliny, Natural History.

WREN. If any one kills a wren, he will break a bone before the year is out.

MISCELLANEOUS. No animal dies near the sea, except at the ebbing of the tide.--Aristotle.

=Superstitions about Precious Stones.=

’A parted even just between twelve and one, e’en at the turning o’ the tide.--Shakespeare, Henry V. act. ii. sc. 3 (Falstaff’s death, 1599).

R. B. means Rabbi Benoni (fourteenth century); S. means Streeter, Precious Stones (1877).

AGATE quenches thirst, and if held in the mouth, allays fever.--R. B.

It is supposed, at least, in fable, to render the wearer invisible, and also to turn the sword of foes against themselves.

The agate is an emblem of health and long life, and is dedicated to June. In the Zodiac it stands for Scorpio.

AMBER is a cure for sore throats and all glandular swellings.--R. B.

It is said to be a concretion of birds’ tears.--Chambers.

Around thee shall glisten the lovliest amber That ever the sorrowing sea-bird hath wept. T. Moore, Lalla Rookh (“Fire-Worshippers,” 1817).

The birds which wept amber were the sisters of Meleager, called Meleagrĭdês, who never ceased weeping for their brother’s death.--Pliny, Natural History, xxxvii. 2, 11.

AMETHYST banishes the desire for drink, and promotes chastity.--R. B.

The Greeks thought that it counteracted the effects of wine.

The amethyst is an emblem of humility and sobriety. It is dedicated to February and Venus. In the Zodiac it stands for Sagittarius, in metallurgy for copper, in Christian art it is given to St. Matthew, and in the Roman Catholic Church it is set in the pastoral ring of bishops, whence it is called the “prelate’s gem,” or pierre d’évêque.

CAT’S-EYE, considered by the Cingalese as a charm against witchcraft, and to be the abode of some genii.--S., 168.

CORAL, a talisman against enchantments, witchcrafts, thunder, and other perils of flood and field. It was consecrated to Jupiter and Phœbus.--S., 233.

Red coral worn about the person is a certain cure for indigestion.--R. B.

CRYSTAL induces visions, promotes sleep, and ensures good dreams.--R. B.

It is dedicated to the moon, and in metallurgy stands for silver.

DIAMOND produces somnambulism, and promotes spiritual ecstasy.--R. B.

The diamond is an emblem of innocence, and is dedicated to April and the sun. In the Zodiac it stands for Virgo, in metallurgy for gold, in Christian art invulnerable faith.

EMERALD promotes friendship and constancy of mind.--R. B.

If a serpent fixes its eyes on an emerald, it becomes blind.--Ahmed ben Abdalaziz, Treatise on Jewels.

The emerald is an emblem of success in love, and is dedicated to May. In the Zodiac, it signifies Cancer. It is dedicated to Mars, in metallurgy it means iron, and in Christian art, is given to St. John.

GARNET preserves health and joy.--R. B.

The garnet is an emblem of constancy, and, like the jacinth, is dedicated to January.

This was the carbuncle of the ancients, which they said gave out light in the dark.

LOADSTONE produces somnambulism.--R. B.

It is dedicated to Mercury, and in metallurgy means quicksilver.

MOONSTONE has the virtue of making trees fruitful, and of curing epilepsy.--Dioscorĭdês.

It contains in it an image of the moon, representing its increase and decrease every month.--Andreas Baccius.

ONYX contains in it an imprisoned devil, which wakes at sunset, and causes terror to the wearer, disturbing sleep with ugly dreams.--R. B.

Cupid, with the sharp point of his arrows, cut the nails of Venus during sleep, and the parings, falling into the Indus, sank to the bottom, and turned into onyxes.--S., 212.

In the Zodiac it stands for Aquarius; some say it is the emblem of August and conjugal love; in Christian art it symbolizes sincerity.

OPAL is fatal to love, and sows discord between the giver and receiver.--R. B.

Given as an engagement token, it is sure to bring ill luck.

The opal is an emblem of hope, and is dedicated to October.

RUBY. The Burmese believe that rubies ripen like fruit. They say a ruby in its crude state is colorless, and, as it matures, changes first to yellow, then to green, then to blue, and lastly to a brilliant red, its highest state of perfection and ripeness.--S., 142.

The ruby signifies Aries in the Zodiacal signs; but some give it to December, and make it the emblem of brilliant success.

SAPPHIRE produces somnambulism, and impels the wearer to all good works.--R. B.

In the Zodiac it signifies Leo, and in Christian art is dedicated to St. Andrew, emblematic of his heavenly faith and good hope. Some give this gem to April.

TOPAZ is favorable to hemorrhages, imparts strength, and promotes digestion.--R. B.

Les anciens regardaient la topaze comme utile contre l’épilepsie et la mélancolie.--Bouillet, Dict. Univ. des Sciences, etc. (1855).

The topaz is an emblem of fidelity, and is dedicated to November. In the Zodiac it signifies Taurus, and in Christian art is given to St. James the Less.

TURQUOISE, given by loving hands, carries with it happiness and good fortune. Its color always pales when the well-being of the giver is in peril.--S., 170.

The turquoise is an emblem of prosperity, and is dedicated to December. It is dedicated to Saturn, and stands for lead in metallurgy.

A bouquet composed of diamonds, loadstones and sapphires combined, renders a person almost invincible, and wholly irresistible.--R. B.

All precious stones are purified by honey.

All kinds of precious stones dipped into honey become more brilliant thereby, each according to its color, and all persons become more acceptable when they join devotion to their graces. Household cares are sweetened thereby, love is more loving, and business becomes more pleasant.--S. Francis de Salis, The Devout Life, iii. 13 (1708).

=Supporters in Heraldry= represent the pages who supported the banner. These pages, before the Tudor period, were dressed in imitation of the beasts, etc., which typified the bearings or cognizances of their masters.

=Surface= (Sir Oliver), the rich uncle of Joseph and Charles Surface. He appears under the assumed name of Premium Stanley.

Charles Surface, a reformed scapegrace, and the accepted lover of Maria, the rich ward of Sir Peter Teazle. In Charles, the evil of his character was all on the surface.

Joseph Surface, elder brother of Charles, an artful, malicious, but sentimental knave; so plausible in speech and manner as to pass for a “youthful miracle of prudence, good sense, and benevolence.” Unlike Charles, his good was all on the surface.--Sheridan, School for Scandal (1777).

=Surgeon’s Daughter= (The), a novel by Sir Walter Scott, laid in the time of George II. and III., and published in 1827. The heroine is Menie Gray, daughter of Dr. Gideon Gray, of Middlemas. Adam Hartley, the doctor’s apprentice, loves her, but Menie herself has given her heart to Richard Middlemas. It so falls out that Richard Middlemas goes to India. Adam Hartley also goes to India, and, as Dr. Hartley, rises high in his profession. One day, being sent for to visit a sick fakir´, he sees Menie Gray under the wing of Mde. Montreville. Her father had died, and she had come to India, under madame’s escort, to marry Richard; but Richard had entrapped the girl for a concubine in the harem of Tippoo Saib. When Dr. Hartley heard of this scandalous treachery, he told it to Hyder Ali, and the father of Tippoo Saib, who were so disgusted at the villainy that they condemned Richard Middlemas to be trampled to death by a trained elephant, and liberated Menie, who returned to her native country under the escort of Dr. Hartley.

=Surgery= (Father of French), Ambrose Paré (1517-1590).

=Surly=, a gamester and friend of Sir Epicure Mammon, but a disbeliever in alchemy in general, and in “doctor” Subtle in particular.--Ben Jonson, The Alchemist (1610).

=Surplus= (Mr.), a lawyer, Mrs. Surplus, and Charles Surplus, the nephew.--J. M. Morton, A Regular Fix.

=Surrey= (White), name of the horse used by Richard III. in the battle of Bosworth Field.

Saddle White Surrey for the field to-morrow. Shakespeare, King Richard III. act v. sc. 3 (1597).

=Surtur=, a formidable giant, who is to set fire to the universe at Ragnarök, with flames collected from Muspelheim.--Scandinavian Mythology.

=Sur´ya= (2 syl.), the sun-god, whose car is drawn by seven green horses, the charioteer being Dawn.--Sir W. Jones, From the Veda.

=Susanna=, the wife of Joacim. She was accused of adultery by the Jewish elders, and condemned to death; but Daniel proved her innocence, and turned the criminal charge on the elders themselves.--History of Susanna.

=Susannah=, in Sterne’s novel entitled The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759).

=Suspicions Husband= (The), a comedy by Dr. Hoadly (1747). Mr. Strictland is suspicious of his wife, his ward, Jacintha, and Clarinda, a young lady visitor. With two attractive young ladies in the house, there is no lack of intrigue, and Strictland fancies that his wife is the object thereof; but when he discovers his mistake, he promises reform.

=Sussex= (The earl of), a rival of the earl of Leicester, in the court of Queen Elizabeth; introduced by Sir W. Scott in Kenilworth.

=Sut´leme´me= (4 syl.), a young lady attached to the suite of Nouron´ihar, the emir’s daughter. She greatly excelled in dressing a salad.

=Sutor.= Ne sutor supra Crepĭdam. A cobbler, having detected an error in the shoe-latchet of a statue made by Apellês, became so puffed up with conceit that he proceeded to criticize the legs also; but Apellês said to him, “Stick to the last, friend.” The cobbler is qualified to pass an opinion on shoes, but anatomy is quite another thing.

Boswell, one night sitting in the pit of Covent Garden Theatre, with his friend, Dr. Blair, gave an imitation of a cow lowing, which the house greatly applauded. He then ventured another imitation, but failed; whereupon the doctor turned to him and whispered in his ear, “Stick to the cow.”

A wigmaker sent a copy of verses to Voltaire, asking for his candid opinion on some poetry he had perpetrated. The witty patriarch of Ferney wrote on the MS., “Make wigs,” and returned it to the barber-poet.

=Sutton= (Sir William), uncle of Hero Sutton, the City maiden.--S. Knowles, Woman’s Wit, etc. (1838).

=Suwarrow= (Alexander), a Russian general, noted for his slaughter of the Poles in the suburbs of Warsaw, in 1794, and the still more shameful butchery of them on the bridge of Prague. After having massacred 30,000 in cold blood, Suwarrow went to return thanks to God “for giving him the victory.” Campbell, in his Pleasures of Hope, i., refers to this butchery; and Lord Byron, in Don Juan, vii., 8, 55, to the Turkish expedition (1786-1792).

A town which did a famous siege endure ... By Suvaroff or Anglicè Suwarrow. Byron, Don Juan, vii. 8 (1824).

=Suzanne=, the wife of Chalomel, the chemist and druggist.--J. R. Ware, Piperman’s Predicament.

=Swallow’s Nest=, the highest of the four castles of the German family called Landschaden, built on a pointed rock almost inaccessible. The founder was a noted robber-knight. (See “Swallow.”)

=Swan.= Fionnuāla, daughter of Lir, was transformed into a swan, and condemned to wander for many hundred years over the lakes and rivers of Ireland, till the introduction of Christianity into that island.

T. Moore has a poem on this subject in his Irish Melodies, entitled “The Song of Fionnuala” (1814).

Swan (The), called the bird of Apollo or of Orpheus (2 syl.). (See “Swan.”)

Swan (The knight of the), Helias, king of Lyleforte, son of King Oriant and Beatrice. This Beatrice had eight children at a birth, one of which was a daughter. The mother-in-law (Matabrune) stole these children, and changed all of them, except Helias, into swans. Helias spent all his life in quest of his sister and brothers, that he might disenchant them and restore them to their human forms.--Thoms, Early English Prose Romances, iii. (1858).

Eustachius vanit ad Buillon ad domum ducissæ quæ uxor erat militis qui vocabatur “Miles Cygni.”--Reiffenberg, Le Chevalier au Cygne.

Swan (The Mantuan), Virgil, born at Mantua (B.C. 70-19).

Swan (The Order of the). This order was instituted by Frederick II. of Brandenburg, in commemoration of the mythical “Knight of the Swan” (1443).

=Swan-Tower=, of Cleves. So called because the house of Cleves professed to be descended from the “Knight of the Swan” (q.v.)

=Swan of Avon= (The Sweet). Shakespeare was so called by Ben Jonson (1564-1616).

=Swan of Cambray=, Fénelon, archbishop of Cambray (1651-1715).

=Swan of Lichfield=, Miss Anna Seward, poetess (1747-1809).

=Swan of Padua=, Count Francesco Algarotti (1712-1764).

=Swan of the Meander=, Homer, a native of Asia Minor, where the Meander flows (fl. B.C. 950).

=Swan of the Thames=, John Taylor, “water-poet” (1580-1654).

Taylor, their better Charon, lends an oar, Once Swan of Thames, tho’ now he sings no more. Pope, The Duncaid, iii. 19 (1728).

=Swane= (1 syl.) or =Swegen=, surnamed “Fork-Beard,” king of the Danes, joined Alaff or Olaf [Tryggvesson] in an invasion: of England, was acknowledged king, and kept his court at Gainsbury. He commanded the monks of St. Edmund’s Bury, to furnish him a large sum of money, and as it was not forthcoming, went on horseback at the head of his host to destroy the minster, when he was stabbed to death by an unknown hand. The legend is that the murdered St. Edmund rose from his grave and smote him.

The Danes landed here again ... With those disordered troops by Alaff hither led, In seconding their Swane ... but an English yet there was ... Who washed his secret knife in Swane’s relentless gore. Drayton, Polyolbion, xii. (1613).

=Swanston=, a smuggler.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Swaran=, king of Lochlin (Denmark), son and successor of Starno. He invaded Ireland in the reign of Cormac II. (a minor), and defeated Cuthullin, general of the Irish forces. When Fingal arrived the tide of battle was reversed, and Swaran surrendered. Fingal, out of love to Agandecca (Swaran’s sister), who once saved his life, dismissed the vanquished king with honor, after having invited him to a feast. Swaran is represented as fierce, proud and high-spirited; but Fingal as calm, moderate and generous.--Ossian, Fingal.

=Swash-Buckler= (A), a riotous, quarrelsome person. Nash says to Gabriel Harvey: “Turpe senex miles, ’tis time for such an olde fool to leave playing the swash-buckler” (1598).

=Swedenborgians= (called by themselves “The New Jerusalem Church”). They are believers in the doctrines taught by Dr. Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). Their views respecting salvation, the inspiration of the Bible, future life and the Trinity, differ widely from those of other Christians. In regard to the Trinity, they believe it to be centered in the person of Jesus Christ.

=Swedish Nightingale= (The), Jenny Lind, the public singer. She married Mr. Goldschmidt, and retired (1821-1887).

=Swee´dlepipe= (Paul), known as “Poll,” barber and bird-fancier; Mrs. Gamp’s landlord. He is a little man, with a shrill voice but a kind heart, in appearance “not unlike the birds he was so fond of.” Mr. Sweedlepipe entertains a profound admiration of Bailey, senior, whom he considers to be a cyclopædia “of all the stable-knowledge of the time.”--C. Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit (1844).

=Sweepclean= (Saunders), a king’s messenger at Knockwinnock Castle.--Sir W. Scott, The Antiquary (time, George III.).

=Sweet Singer of Israel= (The), King David.

=Sweet Singer of the Temple=, George Herbert, author of a poem called The Temple (1593-1633).

=Sweno=, son of the king of Denmark. While bringing succors to Godfrey, he was attacked in the night by Solyman, at the head of an army of Arabs, and himself and all his followers were left dead on the field. Sweno was buried in a marble sepulchre, which appeared miraculously on the field of battle, expressly for his interment (bk. viii.).--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered (1575).

This is a very parallel case to that of Rhesus. This Thracian prince was on his march to Troy, bringing succors to Priam, but Ulysses and Diomed attacked him at night, slew Rhesus and his army, and carried off all the horses.--Homer, Iliad, x.

=Swertha=, housekeeper of the elder Mertoun (formerly a pirate).--Sir W. Scott, The Pirate (time, William III.).

=Swidger= (William), custodian of a college. His wife was Milly, and his father, Philip. Mr. Swidger was a great talker, and generally began with, “That’s what I say,” à propos of nothing.--C. Dickens, The Haunted Man (1848).

=Swimmers.= Leander used to swim across the Hellespont every night to visit Hero.--Musæus, De Amore Herois et Leandri.

Lord Byron and Lieutenant Ekenhead accomplished the same feat in 1 hr., 10 min., the distance (allowing for drifting) being four miles.

A young native of St. Croix, in 1817, swam over the Sound “from Cronenburgh [? Cronberg] to Graves” in 2 hrs., 40 min., the distance being six English miles.

Captain Boynton, in May, 1875, swam or floated across the channel from Grisnez to Fan Bay (Kent) in 23 hrs.

Captain Webb, August 24, 1875, swam from Dover to Calais, a distance of about thirty miles including drift, in 22 hrs., 40 min.

H. Gurr was one of the best swimmers ever known. J. B. Johnson, in 1871, won the championship for swimming.

=Swing= (Captain), a name assumed by certain persons, who, between 1830 and 1833, used to send threatening letters to those who used threshing-machines. The letters ran thus:

Sir, if you do not lay by your threshing-machine, you will hear from Swing.

=Swiss Family Robinson.= This tale is an abridgment of a German tale, by Joachim Heinrich Kampe.

=Switzers=, guards attendant on a king, irrespective of their nationality. So called because at one time the Swiss were always ready to fight for hire.

The king, in Hamlet, says, “Where are my Switzers?” i.e., my attendants; and in Paris, to the present day, we may see written up, Parlez au Suisse (“speak to the porter”), be he Frenchman, German, or any other nation.

Law, logicke, and the Switzers may be hired to fight for anybody.--Nashe, Christ’s Tears over Jerusalem (1594).

=Swiveller= (Mr. Dick), a dirty, smart, young man, living in apartments near Drury Lane. His language was extremely flowery, and interlarded with quotations: “What’s the odds,” said Mr. Swiveller, à propos of nothing, “so long as the fire of the soul is kindled at the taper of conwiviality, and the wing of friendship never moults a feather?” His dress was a brown body-coat, with a great many brass buttons up the front, and only one behind, a bright check neckcloth, a plaid waistcoat, soiled white trousers, and a very limp hat, worn the wrong side foremost, to hide a hole in the brim. The breast of his coat was ornamented with the cleanest end of a very large pocket-handkerchief; his dirty wristbands were pulled down and folded over his cuffs; he had no gloves, and carried a yellow cane, having a bone handle, and a little ring. He was forever humming some dismal air. He said min for “man,” forgit, jine; called wine or spirits “the rosy,” sleep “the balmy,” and generally shouted in conversation, as if making a speech from the chair of the “Glorious Apollers” of which he was perpetual “grand.” Mr. Swiveller looked amiably towards Miss Sophy Wackles, of Chelsea. Quilp introduced him as clerk, to Mr. Samson Brass, solicitor, Bevis Marks. By Quilp’s request, he was afterwards turned away, fell sick of a fever, through which he was nursed by “the marchioness” (a poor house-drab), whom he married, and was left by his Aunt Rebecca an annuity of £125.

“Is that a reminder to go and pay?” said Trent, with a sneer. “Not exactly, Fred,” replied Richard. “I enter in this little book the names of the streets that I can’t go down while the shops are open. This dinner to-day closes Long Acre. I bought a pair of boots in Great Queen Street, last week, and made that ‘no thoroughfare’ too. There’s only one avenue to the Strand left open now, and I shall have to stop up that to-night with a pair of gloves. The roads are closing so fast in every direction, that in about a month’s time, unless my aunt sends me a remittance, I shall have to go three or four miles out of town to get over the way.”--C. Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, viii (1840).

=Sword.= (For the names of the most famous swords in history and fiction, see Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 869.) Add the following:--

Ali’s sword, Zulfagar.

Koll, the Thrall’s sword, named Greysteel.

Ogier, the Dane, had two swords, made by Munifican, viz., Sauvagine and Courtain or Curtāna.

He [Ogier] drew Courtain his sword from out its sheath. W. Morris, Earthly Paradise, 634.

Strong-o’-the-Arm had three swords, viz., Baptism, Florence, and Graban made by Ansias.

Sword (The Marvel of the). When King Arthur first appears on the scene, he is brought into notice by the “Marvel of the Sword;” and Sir Galahad, who was to achieve the Holy Graal, was introduced to knighthood by a similar adventure. That of Arthur is thus described:

In the greatest church of London ... there was seen in the churchyard, against the high altar, a great stone, foursquare, like to a marble stone, and in the midst thereof, was an anvil of steel a foot in height, and therein stuck a fair sword, naked by the point, and letters of gold were written about the sword that said thus: Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of England. [Arthur was the only person who could draw it out, so he was acknowledged to be the rightful king.]--Pt. i. 3, 4.

The sword adventure of Sir Galahad, at the age of 15, is thus given:

The king and his knights came to the river and they found there a stone floating, as it had been of red marble, and therein stuck a fair and rich sword, and in the pomell thereof were precious stones, wrought with subtil letters of gold. Then the barons read the letters, which said in this wise: Never shall man take me hence, but only he by whom I ought to hang, and he shall be the best knight of the world. [Sir Galahad drew the sword easily, but no other knight was able to pull it forth.]--Sir T. Malory, History of Prince Arthur, iii. 30, 31 (1470).

A somewhat similar adventure occurs in the Amădis de Gaul. Whoever succeeded in drawing from a rock an enchanted sword, was to gain access to a subterranean treasure (ch. cxxx.; see also lxxii. xcix.).

Sword (The Irresistible). The king of Araby and Ind sent Cambuscan´, king of Tartary, a sword that would pierce any armor, and if the smiter chose he could heal the wound again by striking it with the flat of the blade.--Chaucer, The Squire’s Tale (1388).

=Sword and the Maiden= (The). Soon after King Arthur succeeded to the throne, a damsel came to Camelot girded with a sword which no man defiled by “shame, treachery, or guile” could draw from its scabbard. She had been to the court of King Ryence, but no knight there could draw it. King Arthur tried to draw it, but with no better success; all his knights tried also, but none could draw it. At last a poor ragged knight named Balin, who had been held in prison for six months, made the attempt, and drew the sword with the utmost ease, but the knights insisted it had been done by witchcraft. The maiden asked Sir Balin to give her the sword, but he refused to do so, and she then told him it would bring death to himself and his dearest friend; and so it did; for when he and his brother, Balan, jousted together, unknown to each other, both were slain, and were buried in one tomb.--Sir T. Malory, History of Prince Arthur, i. 27-44 (1470).

=Sword in the City Arms= (London). Stow asserts that the sword or dagger in the City arms was not added in commemoration of Walworth’s attack on Wat Tyler, but that it represents the sword of St. Paul, the patron saint of London. This is not correct. Without doubt the cognizance of the City, previous to 1381, was St. Paul’s sword, but after the death of Tyler, it was changed into Walworth’s dagger.

Brave Walworth, knight, lord mayor, that slew Rebellious Tyler in his alarmes; The king, therefore, did give him in lieu The dagger to the city armes. Fishmongers’ Hall (“Fourth Year of Richard II.,” 1381).

=Sword of God= (The). Khaled, the conqueror of Syria (632-8), was so called by Mohammedans.

=Sword of Rome= (The), Marcellus. Fabius was called “The Shield of Rome” (time of Hannibal’s invasion).

=Swordsman= (The Handsome). Joachim Murat was called Le Beau Sabreur (1767-1815).

=Syb´arite= (3 syl.), an effeminate man, a man of pampered self-indulgence. Seneca tells us of a sybarite who could not endure the nubble of a folded rose leaf in his bed.

[Her bed] softer than the soft sybarite’s, who cried Aloud because his feelings were too tender To brook a ruffled rose leaf by his side. Byron, Don Juan, vi. 89 (1824).

=Sybrandt=, cousin and lover of Catalina, in The Dutchman’s Fireside, by James Kirke Paulding. The girl, half-spoiled by city life, is now ashamed of her rustic lover in his snuff-colored suit; anon, believes all the slanderous tales she hears of him, and, when she witnesses his terrible struggle with the Indian who sought her life, knows that she loves him truly and entirely (1831).

=Syc´orax=, a foul witch, the mistress of Ariel, the fairy spirit, by whom for some offence he was imprisoned in the rift of a cloven pine tree. After he had been kept there for twelve years, he was liberated by Prospero, the rightful duke of Milan, and father of Miranda. Sycorax was the mother of Caliban.--Shakespeare, The Tempest (1609).

If you had told Sycorax that her son, Caliban, was as handsome as Apollo, she would have been pleased, witch as she was.--Thackeray.

Those foul and impure mists which their pens, like the raven wings of Sycorax, had brushed from fern and bog.--Sir W. Scott, The Drama.

=Syddall= (Anthony), house-steward at Osbaldistone Hall.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

=Sydenham= (Charles), the frank, open-hearted, trusty friend of the Woodvilles.--Cumberland, The Wheel of Fortune (1779).

=Syl=, a monster like a basilisk, with human face, but so terrible that no one could look on it and live.

=Sylla= (Cornelius), the rival of Ma´rius. Being consul, he had, ex-officio, a right to lead in the Mithridatic war (B.C. 88), but Marius got the appointment of Sylla set aside in favor of himself. Sylla, in dudgeon, hastened back to Rome, and insisted that the “recall” should be reversed. Marius fled. Sylla pursued the war with success, returned to Rome in triumph, and made a wholesale slaughter of the Romans who had opposed him. As many as 7000 soldiers and 5000 private citizens fell in this massacre, and all their goods were distributed among his own partisans. Sylla was now called “Perpetual Dictator,” but in two years retired into private life, and died the year following (B.C. 78).

Jouy has a good tragedy in French called Sylla (1822), and the character of “Sylla” was a favorite one with Talma, the French actor. In 1594, Thomas Lodge produced his historical play called Wounds of Civil War, lively set forth in the True Tragedies of Marius and Sylla.

=Sylli= (Signor), an Italian exquisite, who walks fantastically, talks affectedly, and thinks himself irresistible. He makes love to Cami´ola, “the maid of honor,” and fancies, by posturing, grimaces, and affectation, to “make her dote on him.” He says to her, “In singing, I am a Siren,” in dancing, a Terpsichŏrê. “He could tune a ditty lovely well,” and prided himself “on his pretty spider fingers, and the twinkling of his two eyes.” Of course, Camiŏla sees no charms in these effeminacies; but the conceited puppy says he “is not so sorry for himself as he is for her” that she rejects him. Signor Sylli is the silliest of all the Syllis.--Massinger, The Maid of Honor (1637). (See TAPPERTIT.)

=Sylvia=, daughter of Justice Balance, and an heiress. She is in love with Captain Plume, but promised her father not to “dispose of herself to any man without his consent.” As her father feared Plume was too much a libertine to make a steady husband, he sent Sylvia into the country to withdraw her from his society; but she dressed in her brother’s military suit, assumed the name of Jack Wilful, alias Pinch, and enlisted. When the names were called over by the justices, and that of “Pinch” was brought forward, Justice Balance “gave his consent for the recruit to dispose of [himself] to Captain Plume,” and the permission was kept to the letter, though not in its intent. However, the matter had gone too far to be revoked, and the father made up his mind to bear with grace what without disgrace he could not prevent.--G. Farquhar, The Recruiting Officer (1705).

I am troubled neither with spleen, colic, nor vapors, I need no salts for my stomach, no harts-horn for my head, nor any wash for my complexion. I can gallop all the morning after the hunting-horn, and all the evening after a fiddle.--Act i. 2.

=Sylvio de Rosalva= (Don), the hero and title of a novel by C. M. Wieland (1733-1813). Don Sylvio, a quixotic believer in fairyism, is gradually converted to common sense by the extravagant demands which are made on his belief, assisted by the charms of a mortal beauty. The object of this romance is a crusade against the sentimentalism and religious foolery of the period.

=Symkyn= (Symond), nicknamed “Disdainful,” a miller, living at Trompington, near Cambridge. His face was round, his nose flat, and his skull “pilled as an ape’s.” He was a thief of corn and meal, but stole craftily. His wife was the village parson’s daughter, very proud and arrogant. He tried to outwit Aleyn and John, two Cambridge scholars, but was himself outwitted, and most roughly handled also.--Chaucer, Canterbury Tales “The Reeve’s Tale,” (1388).

=Symmes’s Hole.= Captain John Cleve Symmes maintained that there was, at 82° N. lat., an enormous opening through the crust of the earth into the globe. The place to which it led he asserted to be well stocked with animals and plants, and to be lighted by two under-ground planets named Pluto and Proserpine. Captain Symmes asked Sir Humphrey Davy to accompany him in the exploration of this enormous “hole” (*-1829).

Halley, the astronomer (1656-1742), and Holberg, of Norway (1684-1754), believed in the existence of this hole.

=Symon´ides the Good=, king of Pentap´olis.--Shakespeare, Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1608).

=Symphony= (The Father of) Francis Joseph Haydn (1732-1809).

=Synia=, the portress of Valhalla.--Scandinavian Mythology.

=Syntax= (Dr.), a simple-minded, pious, hen-pecked clergyman, green as grass, but of excellent taste and scholarship, who left home in search of the picturesque. His adventures are told by William Coombe in eight-syllable verse, called The Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque (1812.)

Dr. Syntax’s Horse was called Grizzle, all skin and bone.

=Synter´esis=, Conscience personified.

On her a royal damsel still attends, And faithful counsellor, Synter´esis. Phineas Fletcher, The Purple Island, vi. (1633).

=Syphax=, chief of the Arabs who joined the Egyptian armament against the crusaders. “The voices of these allies were feminine, and their stature small.”--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered, xvii. (1575).

Syphax, an old Numidian soldier in the suite of Prince Juba, in Utĭca. He tried to win the prince from Cato to the side of Cæsar; but Juba was too much in love with Marcia (Cato’s daughter) to listen to him. Syphax, with his “Numidian horse,” deserted in the battle to Cæsar, but the “hoary traitor” was slain by Marcus, the son of Cato.--Addison, Cato (1713).

=Syrinx=, a nymph beloved by Pan, and changed at her own request into a reed, of which Pan made his pipe.--Greek Fable.

Syrinx, in Spenser’s Eclogue, iv., is Anne Boleyn, and “Pan” is Henry VIII. (1579).

Tusser has a poem on Thriftiness, twelve lines in length, and in rhyme, every word of which begins with t (died 1580). Leon Placentius, a Dominican, wrote a poem in Latin hexameters, called Pugna Porcorum, 253 lines long, every word of which begins with p (died 1548).

The thrifty that teacheth the thriving to thrive, Teach timely to traverse, the thing that thou ’trive, Transferring thy toiling, to timeliness taught, This teacheth thee temp’rance, to temper thy thought. Take Trusty (to trust to) that thinkest to thee, That trustily thriftiness trowleth to thee. Then temper thy traveil, to tarry the tide; This teacheth thee thriftiness, twenty times tryed. Take thankfull thy talent, thank thankfully those That thriftily teacheth [? teach thee] thy time to transpose. Troth twice to be teached, teach twenty times ten, This trade thou that takest, take thrift to thee then. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, xlix. (1557).

=Taau=, the god of thunder. The natives of the Hervey Islands believe that thunder is produced by the shaking of Taau’s wings.--John Williams, Missionary Enterprises in the South Sea Islands, 109 (1837).

=Tabakiera=, a magic snuff-box which, upon being opened, said, Que quieres? (“What do you want?”); and, upon being told the wish, it was there and then accomplished. The snuff-box is the counterpart of Aladdin’s lamp, but appears in numerous legends slightly varied (see for example Campbell’s Tales of the West Highlands, ii. 293-303, “The Widow’s Son”).--Rev. W. Webster, Basque Legends, 94 (1876).

=Tabarin=, a famous vender of quack medicines, born at Milan, who went to Paris in the seventeenth century. By his antics and rude wit he collected great crowds together, and in ten years (1620-30) became rich enough to buy a handsome château in Dauphine. The French aristocracy, unable to bear the satire of a charlatan in a château, murdered him.

The jests and witty sayings of this farceur were collected together in 1622, and published under the title of L’inventaire Universel des Œuvres de Tabarin, contenant ses Fantaisies, Dialogues, Paradoxes, Farces, etc.

In 1858 an edition of his works was published by G. Aventin.

=Tachebrune= (2 syl.), the horse of Ogier le Dane. The word means “brown spot.”

=Taciturnian=, an inhabitant of L’Isle Taciturne, or Taciturna, meaning London and the Londoners.

A thick and perpetual vapor covers this island, and fills the souls of the inhabitants with a certain sadness, misanthropy, and irksomeness of their own existence. Alaciel [the genius] was hardly at the first barriers of the metropolis when he fell in with a peasant bending under the weight of a bag of gold ... but his heart was sad and gloomy ... and he said to the genius, “Joy! I know it not; I never heard of it in this island.”--De la Dixmie, L’Isle Taciturne et l’Isle Enjouée (1759).

=Tacket= (Tibb), the wife of old Martin, the shepherd of Julian Avenel, of Avenel Castle.--Sir W. Scott, The Monastery (time, Elizabeth).

=Tackleton=, a toy merchant, called Gruff and Tackleton, because at one time Gruff had been his partner; he had, however, been bought out long ago. Tackleton was a stern, sordid, grinding man; ugly in looks, and uglier in his nature; cold and callous, selfish and unfeeling; his look was sarcastic and malicious; one eye was always wide open, and one nearly shut. He ought to have been a money-lender, a sheriff’s officer, or a broker, for he hated children and hated playthings. It was his greatest delight to make toys which scared children, and you could not please him better than to say that a toy from his warehouse had made a child miserable the whole Christmas holidays, and had been a nightmare to it for half its child-life. This amiable creature was about to marry May Fielding, when her old sweetheart, Edward Plummer, thought to be dead, returned from South America, and married her. Tackleton was reformed by Peerybingle, the carrier, bore his disappointment manfully, sent the bride and bridegroom his own wedding-cake, and joined the festivities of the marriage banquet.--C. Dickens, The Cricket on the Hearth (1845).

=Taffril= (Lieutenant), of H. M. gunbrig Search. He is in love with Jenny Caxton, the milliner.--Sir W. Scott, The Antiquary (time, George III.).

=Taffy=, a Welshman. The word is simply Davy (David) pronounced with aspiration. David is the most common Welsh name; Sawney (Alexander), the most common Scotch; Pat (Patrick), the most common Irish; and John (John Bull), the most common English. So we have Cousin Michael for a German, Micaire for a Frenchman, Colin Tampon for a Swiss, and Brother Jonathan in the United States.

=Tag=, wife of Puff, and lady’s maid to Miss Biddy Bellair.--D. Garrick, Miss in Her Teens (1753).

=Tahmuras=, a king of Persia, whose exploits in Fairy-land among the peris and deevs are fully set forth by Richardson, in his Dissertation.

=Tails= (Men with). The Niam-niams, an African race between the gulf of Benin and Abyssinia, are said to have tails. Mons. de Castlenau (1851) tells us that the Niam-niams “have tails forty centimetres long, and between two and three centimetres in diameter.” Dr. Hubsch, physician to the hospitals of Constantinople, says, in 1853, that he carefully examined a Niam-niam negress, and that her tail was two inches long. Mons. d’Abbadie, in his Abyssynian Travels (1852), tells us that south of the Herrar is a place where all the men have tails, but not the females. “I have examined,” he says, “fifteen of them, and am positive that the tail is a natural appendage.” Dr. Wolf, in his Travels and Adventures, ii. (1861), says: “There are both men and women in Abyssinia with tails like dogs and horses.” He heard that, near Narea, in Abyssinia, there were men and women with tails so muscular that they could “knock down a horse with a blow.”

John Struys, a Dutch traveller, says, in his Voyages (1650), that “all the natives on the south of Formosa have tails.” He adds that he himself personally saw one of these islanders with a tail “more than a foot long.”

It is said that the Ghilane race, which numbers between 30,000 and 40,000 souls, and dwell “far beyond the Senaar,” have tails three or four inches long. Colonel du Corret assures us that he himself most carefully examined one of the race named Bellal, a slave belonging to an emir in Mecca, whose house he frequented.--World of Wonders, 206.

The Poonangs, of Borneo, are said to be a tail-bearing race.

Individual Examples. Dr. Hubsch says that he examined at Constantinople the son of a physician whom he knew intimately, who had a decided tail, and so had his grandfather.

In the middle of the present (the nineteenth) century, all the newspapers made mention of the birth of a boy at Newcastle-on-Tyne with a tail, which “wagged when he was pleased.”

In the College of Surgeons at Dublin may be seen a human skeleton with a tail seven inches long.

Tails given by way of Punishment. Polydore Vergil asserts that when Thomas á Becket came to Stroud, the mob cut off the tail of his horse, and in eternal reproach, “both they and their offspring bore tails.” Lambarde repeats the same story in his Perambulation of Kent (1576).

For Becket’s sake Kent always shall have tails.--Andrew Marvel.

John Bale, bishop of Ossory, in the reign of Edward VI., tells us that John Capgrave and Alexander of Esseby have stated it as a fact that certain Dorsetshire men cast fishes’ tails at St. Augustine, in consequence of which “the men of this county have borne tails ever since.”

We all know the tradition that Cornish men are born with tails.

=Taillefer=, a valiant warrior and minstrel in the army of William the Conqueror. At the battle of Hastings (or Senlac) he stimulated the ardor of the Normans by songs in praise of Charlemagne and Roland. The soldier-minstrel was at last borne down by numbers, and fell fighting.

He was a juggler or minstrel, who could sing songs and play tricks.... So he rode forth singing as he went, and as some say, throwing his sword up in the air and catching it again.--E. A. Freeman, Old English History, 332.

=Tailors of Tooley Street= (The Three). Canning tells us of three tailors of Tooley Street, Southwark, who addressed a petition of grievances to the House of Commons, beginning with these words, “We, the people of England.”

The “deputies of Vaugirard” presented themselves before Charles VIII. of France. When the king asked how many there were, the usher replied, “Only one, an please your majesty.”

=Taj=, in Agra (East India), the mausoleum built by Shah Jehan to his favorite sultana, Moomtaz-i-Mahul, who died in childbirth of her eighth child. It is of white marble, and is so beautiful that it is called “A Poem in Marble,” and “The Marble Queen of Sorrow.”

=Talbert= [Tŏl´.but], John Talbert or rather Talbot. “The English Achillês,” first earl of Shrewsbury (1373-1453).

Our Talbert, to the French so terrible in war, That with his very name their babes they used to scare. Drayton, Polyolbion, xviii. (1613).

=Tallbot= (John), a name of terror in France. Same as above.

They in France, to feare their young children, crye, “The Talbot commeth!”--Hall, Chronicles (1545).

Is this the Talbot, so much feared abroad, That with his name the mothers still their babes? Shakespeare, 1 Henry VI. act. ii. sc. 3 (1589).

Talbot (Colonel), an English officer, and one of Waverley’s friends.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

Talbot (Lord Arthur), a cavalier who won the love of Elvira, daughter of Lord Walton; but his lordship had promised his daughter in marriage to Sir Richard Ford, a puritan officer. The betrothal being set aside, Lord Talbot became the accepted lover, and the marriage ceremony was fixed to take place at Plymouth. In the mean time, Lord Arthur assisted the Dowager Queen Henrietta to escape, and on his return to England was arrested by the soldiers of Cromwell, and condemned to death; but Cromwell, feeling secure of his position, commanded all political prisoners to be released, so Lord Arthur was set at liberty, and married Elvira.--Bellini, I Puritani (1834).

Talbot (Lying Dick), the nickname given to Tyrconnel, the Irish Jacobite, who held the highest offices in Ireland in the reign of James II., and in the early part of William III.’s reign (died 1691).

=Tale of a Tub=, a comedy by Ben Jonson (1618). This was the last comedy brought out by him on the stage; the first was Every Man in His Humor (1598).

In the Tale of a Tub, he [Ben Jonson] follows the path of Aristoph´anês, and lets his wit run into low buffoonery, that he might bring upon the stage Inigo Jones, his personal enemy.--Sir Walter Scott, The Drama.

Tale of a Tub, a religious satire by Dean Swift (1704). Its object is to ridicule the Roman Catholics under the name of Peter, and the Presbyterians under the name of Jack [Calvin]. The Church of England is represented by Martin [Luther].

Gulliver’s Travels and the Tale of a Tub must ever be the chief corner-stones of Swift’s fame.--Chambers, English Literature, ii. 547.

=Tales= (Chinese), being the transmigrations of the mandarin, Fum-Hoam, told to Gulchenraz, daughter of the king of Georgia. (See FUM-HOAM.)--T. S. Gueulette (originally in French, 1723).

Tales (Fairy), a series of tales, originally in French, by the Comtesse D’Aunoy, D’Aulnoy, or D’Anois (1698). Some are very near copies of the Arabian Nights. The best-known are “Cherry and Fairstar,” “The Yellow Dwarf,” and “The White Cat.”

About the same time (1697), Claude Perrault published, in French, his famous Fairy Tales, chiefly taken from the Sagas of Scandinavia.

Tales (Moral), twenty-three tales by Marmontel, originally in French (1761). They were intended for draughts of dramas. The design of the first tale, called “Alcibiădês,” is to expose the folly of expecting to be loved “merely for one’s self.” The design of the second tale, called “Soliman II.,” is to expose the folly of attempting to gain woman’s love by any other means than reciprocal love; and so on. The second tale has been dramatized.

Tales (Oriental), by the Comte de Caylus, originally in French (1743). A series of tales supposed to be told by Moradbak, a girl of 14, to Hudjadge, shah of Persia, who could not sleep. It contains the tale of “The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus.” (See MORADBAK.)

=Tales of a Grandfather=, in three series, by Sir W. Scott; told to Hugh Littlejohn, who was between five and six years of age (1828). These tales are supposed to be taken from Scotch chronicles, and embrace the most prominent and graphic incidents of Scotch history. Series i., to the amalgamation of the two crowns in James I.; series ii., to the union of the two parliaments in the reign of Queen Anne; series iii., to the death of Charles Edward, the Young Pretender.

=Tales of My Landlord=, tales supposed to be told by the landlord of the Wallace inn, in the parish of Gandercleuch, “edited and arranged by Jedediah Cleishbotham, schoolmaster and parish clerk” of the same parish, but in reality corrected and arranged by his usher, Peter or Patrick Pattison, who lived to complete five of the novels, but died before the last two were issued. These novels are arranged thus: First Series, “The Black Dwarf” and “Old Mortality;” Second Series, “Heart of Midlothian;” Third Series, “Bride of Lammermoor” and “Legend of Montrose;” Posthumous, “Count Robert of Paris” and “Castle Dangerous.”--Sir W. Scott. (See Black Dwarf, introduction.)

=Tales of the Crusaders=, by Sir W. Scott, include The Betrothed and The Talisman.

=Tales of the Genii=, that is, tales told by the genii to Iracagem, their chief, respecting their tutelary charges, or how they had discharged their functions as the guardian genii of man. Patna and Coulor, children of Giualar (imân of Terki), were permitted to hear these accounts rendered, and hence they have reached our earth. The genius, Barhaddan, related the history of his tutelary charge of Abu´dah, a merchant of Bagdad. The genius, Mamlouk, told how he had been employed in watching over the Dervise Alfouran. Next, Omphram recounted his labors as the tutelar genius of Hassan Assar, caliph of Bagdad. The genius, Hassarack, tells his experience in the tale of Kelaun and Guzzarat. The fifth was a female genius, by name, Houadir, who told the tale of Urad, the fair wanderer, her ward on earth. Then rose the sage genius, Macoma, and told the tale of the Sultan Misnar, with the episodes of Mahoud and the princess of Cassimir. The affable Adiram, the tutelar genius of Sadak and Kalas´rade, told of their battle of life. Last of all rose the venerable genius, Nadan, and recounted the history of his earthly charge, named Mirglip, the dervise. These tales are from the Persian, and are ascribed to Horam, son of Asmar.

=Talgol=, a butcher in Newgate market, who obtained a captain’s commission in Cromwell’s army for his bravery at Naseby.

Talgol was of courage stout ... Inured to labor, sweat, and toil, And like a champion, shone with oil ... He many a boar and huge dun cow Did, like another Guy, o’erthrow ... With greater troops of sheep he’d fought Than Ajax or bold Don Quixote. S. Butler, Hudibras. i. 2 (1663).

=Taliesin= or TALIESSIN, son of St. Henwig, chief of the bards of the West, in the time of King Arthur (sixth century). In the Mabinogion, are given the legends connected with him, several specimens of his songs, and all that is historically known about him. The bursting in of the sea through the neglect of Seithenin, who had charge of the embankment, and the ruin which it brought on Gwyddno Garanhir, is allegorized by the bursting of a pot called the “caldron of inspiration,” through the neglect of Gwion Bach, who was set to watch it.

That Taliessen, once which made the rivers dance, And in his rapture raised the mountains from their trance. Shall tremble at my verse. Drayton, Polyolbion, iv. (1613).

=Talisman= (The), a novel by Sir W. Scott, and one of the best of the thirty-two which he wrote (1825). It relates how Richard Cœur de Lion was cured of a fever in the Holy Land, by Saladin, the soldan, his noble enemy. Saladin, hearing of his illness, assumed the disguise of Adonbec el Hakim, the physician, and visited the king. He filled a cup with spring water, into which he dipped the talisman, a little red purse that he took from his bosom, and when it had been steeped long enough, he gave the draught to the king to drink (ch. ix.). During the king’s sickness, the archduke of Austria planted his own banner beside that of England; but as soon as Richard recovered from his fever he tore down the Austrian banner, and gave it in custody to Sir Kenneth. While Kenneth was absent he left his dog in charge of it, but on his return, found the dog wounded, and the banner stolen. King Richard, in his rage, ordered Sir Kenneth to execution, but pardoned him on the intercession of “the physician” (Saladin). Sir Kenneth’s dog showed such a strange aversion to the Marquis de Montserrat, that suspicion was aroused, the marquis was challenged to single combat, and, being overthrown by Sir Kenneth, confessed that he had stolen the banner. The love story interwoven is that between Sir Kenneth, the prince royal of Scotland, and Lady Edith Plantagenet, the king’s kinswoman, with whose marriage the tale concludes.

=Talismans= (The Four). Houna, surnamed Seidel-Beckir, a talismanist, made three of great value: viz., a little golden fish, which would fetch out of the sea whatever it was bidden; a poniard, which rendered invisible not only the person bearing it, but all those he wished to be so; and a ring of steel, which enabled the wearer to read the secrets of men’s hearts. The fourth talisman was a bracelet, which preserved the wearer from poison.--Comte de Caylus, Oriental Tales (“The Four Talismans,” 1743).

=Talking-Bird= (The), called Bulbulhe´zar. It had the power of human speech, and when it sang all the song-birds in the vicinity came and joined in concert. It was also oracular, and told the sultan the tale of his three children, and how they had been exposed by the sultana’s two jealous sisters.--Arabian Nights (“The Two Sisters,” the last tale).

The talking bird is called “the little green bird” in “The Princess Fairstar,” one of the Fairy Tales of the Comtesse D’Aunoy (1682).

=Tallboy= (Old), forester of St. Mary’s Convent.--Sir W. Scott, Monastery (time, Elizabeth).

=Talleyrand.= This name, anciently written “Taileran,” was originally a sobriquet derived from the words tailler les rangs (“cut through the ranks”).

Talleyrand is generally credited with the mot: “La parole a été donnée à l’homme pour l’aider à cacher sa pensée [or déguiser la pensée];” but they were spoken by Comte de Montrond, “the most agreeable scoundrel in the court of Marie Antoinette.”--Captain Gronow, Recollections and Anecdotes.

Voltaire, sixty years previously, had said: “Ils n’employent les paroles que pour déguiser leurs pensées.”--Le Chapon et la Poularde.

And Goldsmith, in 1759, when Talleyrand was about four years old, had published the sentence: “The true use of speech is not so much to express our wants as to conceal them.”--The Bee, iii.

=Talos=, a son of Perdix, sister of Dædălos, inventor of the saw, compasses, and other mechanical instruments. His uncle, jealous of him, threw him from the citadel of Athens, and he was changed into a partridge.

Talos, a man of brass, made by Hephæstos (Vulcan). This wonderful automaton was given to Minos to patrol the island of Crete. It traversed the island thrice every day, and if a stranger came near, made itself red hot, and squeezed him to death.

=Talus=, an iron man, representing power or the executive of a state. He was Astræa’s groom, whom the goddess gave to Sir Artĕgal. This man of iron, “unmovable and resistless without end,” “swift as a swallow, and as a lion strong,” carried in his hand an iron flail, “with which he threshed out falsehood, and did truth unfold.” When Sir Artegal fell into the power of Radigund, queen of the Amăzons, Talus brought Britomart to the rescue.--Spenser, Faëry Queen, v. 1 (1596).

=Talut.= So the Mohammedans call Saul.

Verily God hath sent Talût king over you .... Samuel said, Verily God hath chosen him, and hath caused him to increase in knowledge and stature.--Al Korân, ii.

=Talvi=, a pseudonym of Mrs. Robinson. It is simply the initials of her maiden name, Therese Albertine Louise von Iakob.

=Tam o’ Todshaw=, a huntsman, near Charlie’s Hope Farm.--Sir W. Scott, Guy Mannering (time, George II.).

=Tam o’ the Cowgate=, the sobriquet of Sir Thomas Hamilton, a Scotch lawyer, who lived in the Cowgate, at Edinburgh (*-1563).

=Tam O’ Shanter=, drunken peasant who looks into the lighted windows of Alloway Kirk one night, on his way home from the tavern, and watches the witches dance. He is discovered and chased by the hags. In crossing the bridge, a witch who has sprung upon his crupper, seizes his horse’s tail, and he leaves it with her, since she cannot cross running water.--Robert Burns, Tam O’ Shanter.

=Tamburlaine the Great= (or Timour Lengh), the Tartar conqueror. In history called Tamerlane. He had only one hand and was lame (1336-1405). The hero and title of a tragedy by C. Marlowe (1587). Shakespeare (2 Henry IV. act ii. sc. 4) makes Pistol quote a part of this turgid play.

Holla, ye pampered jades of Asia. What! can ye draw but twenty miles a day, And have so proud a chariot at your heels, And such a coachman as great Tamburlaine.

(In the stage direction in Marlowe’s play:

Enter Tamburlaine, drawn in his chariot by Treb´izon and Soria, with bits in their mouths, reins in his left hand, in his right a whip with which he scourgeth them.)

N. Rowe has a tragedy entitled Tamerlane (q. v.).

=Tamer Tamed= (The), a kind of sequel to Shakespeare’s comedy The Taming of the Shrew. In the Tamer Tamed, Petruchio is supposed to marry a second wife, by whom he is hen-pecked.--Beaumont and Fletcher (1647).

=Tamerlane=, emperor of Tartary, in Rowe’s tragedy so called, is a noble, generous, high-minded prince, the very glass of fashion for all conquerors, in his forgiveness of wrongs, and from whose example Christians might be taught their moral code. Tamerlane treats Bajazet, his captive, with truly godlike clemency, till the fierce sultan plots his assassination. Then, longer forbearance would have been folly, and the Tartar has his untamed captive chained in a cage, like a wild beast.--N. Rowe, Tamerlane (1702).

It is said that Louis XIV. was Rowe’s “Bajazet,” and William III. his “Tamerlane.”

⁂ Tamerlane is a corruption of Timour Lengh (“Timour, the lame”). He was one-handed and lame also. His name was used by the Persians in terrorem. (See TAMBURLAINE THE GREAT.)

=Taming of the Shrew= (The), a comedy by Shakespeare (1594). The “shrew” is Kathari´na, elder daughter of Baptista, of Padua, and she is tamed by the stronger mind of Petruchio into a most obedient and submissive wife.

This drama is founded on A pleasaunt conceited Historie, called The Taming of a Shrew. As it hath beene sundry times acted by the right honourable the earle of Pembrooke his servants, 1607. The induction is borrowed from Heuterus, Rerum Burgundearum, iv., a translation of which into English, by E. Grimstone, appeared in 1607. The same trick was played by Haroun-al-Raschid, on the merchant Abou Hassan (Arabian Nights, “The Sleeper Awakened”); and by Philippe the Good of Burgundy. (See Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, II. ii. 4; see also The Frolicksome Duke, or the Tinker’s Good Fortune (a ballad), Percy.)

Beaumont and Fletcher wrote a kind of sequel to this comedy, called The Tamer Tamed, in which Petruchio is supposed to marry a second wife, by whom he is hen-pecked (1647).

The Honeymoon, a comedy by Tobin (1804), has a similar plot, but the shrew is tamed with far less display of obstreperous self-will.

=Tami´no and Pami´na=, the two lovers who were guided by the magic flute through all worldly dangers to the knowledge of divine truth (or the mysteries of Isis).--Mozart, Die Zauberflöte (1791).

=Tamismud=, aged chief of the Delawares, regarded as an oracle by Indians of all tribes. When Magua brings his captives, whites and Indians, before the sage for sentence, Tamismud is a hundred years old, and speaks with clear eyes, and for the most part dreamily, as communing with unseen powers. His style of speech is highly figurative and the superstitious creatures by whom he is surrounded hang breathlessly upon every sentence uttered by his lips.--James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans (1826).

=Tam´ora=, queen of the Goths, in love with Aaron, the Moor.--(?) Shakespeare, Titus Andron´icus (1593).

⁂ The classic name is Andronīcus, but Titus Andronĭcus is a purely fictitious character.

=Tamper= (Colonel), betrothed to Emily. On his return from Havana, he wanted to ascertain if Emily loved him “for himself alone;” so he pretended to have lost one leg and one eye. Emily was so shocked that the family doctor was sent for, who, amidst other gossip, told the young lady he had recently seen Colonel Tamper, who was looking remarkably well, and had lost neither leg nor eye. Emily now perceived that a trick was being played, so she persuaded Mdlle. Florival to assume the part of a rival lover, under the assumed name of Captain Johnson. After the colonel had been thoroughly roasted, Major Belford entered, recognized “Captain Johnson” as his own affiancée, the colonel saw how the tables had been turned upon him, apologized, and all ended happily.--G. Colman, Sr., The Deuce is in Him (1762).

=Tamson= (Peg), an old woman at Middlemas village.--Sir W. Scott, The Surgeon’s Daughter (time, George II.).

=Tanaquill=, wife of Tarquinius, priscus of Rome. She was greatly venerated by the Romans, but Juvenal uses the name as the personification of an imperious woman with a strong independent will. In the Faëry Queen, Spenser calls Gloriana (Queen Elizabeth), “Tanaquill” (bk. i. introduction, 1590).

=Tancred=, son of Eudes and Emma. He was the greatest of all the Christian warriors except Rinaldo. His one fault was the love of woman, and that woman Clorinda, a pagan (bk. i.). Tancred brought 800 horse to the allied crusaders under Godfrey of Bouillon. In a night combat Tancred unwittingly slew Clorinda, and lamented her death with great and bitter lamentation (bk. xii.). Being wounded, he was tenderly nursed by Erminia, who was in love with him (bk. xix).--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered (1575).

⁂ Rossini has an opera entitled Tancredi (1813).

Tancred, prince of Otranto, one of the crusaders, probably the same as the one above.--Sir W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

Tancred (Count), the orphan son of Manfred, eldest grandson of Roger I. of Sicily, and rightful heir to the throne. His father was murdered by William the Bad, and he himself, was brought up by Siffre´di, lord high chancellor of Sicily. While only a count, he fell in love with Sigismunda, the chancellor’s daughter, but when King Roger died, he left the throne to Tancred, provided he married Constantia, daughter of William the Bad, and thus united the rival lines. Tancred gave a tacit consent to this arrangement, intending all the time to obtain a dispensation from the pope, and marry the chancellor’s daughter; but Sigismunda could not know his secret intentions, and, in a fit of irritation, married the Earl Osmond. Now follows the catastrophe: Tancred sought an interview with Sigismunda, to justify his conduct, but Osmond challenged him to fight. Osmond fell, and stabbed Sigismunda when she ran to his succor.--Thomson, Tancred and Sigismunda (1745).

⁂ Thomson’s tragedy is founded on the episode called “The Baneful Marriage,” Gil Blas, iv. 4 (Lesage, 1724). In the prose tale, Tancred is called “Henriquez,” and Sigismunda “Blanch.”

=Tancredi=, the Italian form of Tancred (q.v.). The best of the early operas of Rossini (1813).

=Tanner of Tamworth= (The), the man who mistook Edward IV. for a highwayman. After some little altercation, they changed horses, the king giving his hunter for the tanner’s cob, worth about four shillings; but as soon as the tanner mounted the king’s horse, it threw him, and the tanner gladly paid down a sum of money to get his old cob back again.

King Edward now blew his hunting-horn, and the courtiers gathered round him. “I hope [i.e., expect] I shall be hanged for this,” cried the tanner; but the king, in merry pin, gave him the manor of Plumpton Park, with 300 marks a year.--Percy, Reliques, etc.

=Tannhäuser= (Sir), called in German the Ritter Tannhäuser, a Teutonic knight, who wins the love of Lisaura, a Mantuan lady. Hilario, the philosopher, often converses with the Ritter on supernatural subjects, and promises that Venus herself shall be his mistress, if he will summon up his courage to enter Venusberg. Tannhäuser starts on the mysterious journey, and Lisaura, hearing thereof, kills herself. At Venusberg, the Ritter gives full swing to his pleasures, but in time returns to Mantua, and makes his confession to Pope Urban. His holiness says to him, “Man, you can no more hope for absolution, than this staff which I hold in my hand, can be expected to bud.” So Tannhäuser flees in despair from Rome, and returns to Venusberg. Meanwhile, the pope’s staff actually does sprout, and Urban sends in all directions for the Ritter, but he is nowhere to be found.

Tieck, in his Phantasus (1812), introduces the story. Wagner (in 1845) brought out his great opera, called Tannhäuser. The companion of Tannhäuser was Eckhardt.

⁂ The tale of Tannhäuser is substantially the same as that of Thomas of Erceldoun, also called “Thomas the Rhymer,” who was so intimate with Faëry folk, that he could foretell what events would come to pass. He was also a bard, and wrote the famous lay of Sir Tristrem. The general belief is, that the seer is not dead, but has been simply removed from the land of the living to Faëry-land, whence occasionally he emerges, to busy himself with human affairs. Sir W. Scott has introduced the legend in Castle Dangerous, v. (See ERCELDOUN.)

=Tantalus=, for crimes the nature of which is uncertain, he was punished in the Inferno with insatiable hunger and thirst, placed up to his chin in water, which receded whenever he tried to drink, while tempting fruits grew near by, that drew back if he attempted to touch them. Hence, tantalize.--Greek Mythology.

=Taouism=, the system of Taou, that invisible principle which pervades everything. Pope refers to this universal divine permeation in the well-known lines: it

Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees, Lives through all life, extends through all extent, Spreads undivided, operates unspent. Essay on Man, i. (1733).

=Tapestered Chamber= (The), a tale by Sir W. Scott, laid in the reign of George III. There are but two characters introduced. General Browne goes on a visit to Lord Woodville, and sleeps in the “tapestered chamber,” which is haunted. He sees the “lady in the sacque,” describes her to Lord Woodville next morning, and recognizes her picture in the portrait gallery.

The back of this form was turned to me, and I could observe, from the shoulders and neck, it was that of an old woman, whose dress was an old-fashioned gown, which, I think, ladies call a sacque--that is, a sort of robe completely loose in the body, but gathered into broad plaits upon the neck and shoulders, which fall down to the ground, and terminate in a species of train.

=Tap´ley= (Mark), an honest, light-hearted young man, whose ambition was “to come out jolly” under the most unfavorable circumstances. Greatly attached to Martin Chuzzlewit, he leaves his comfortable situation at the Blue Dragon to accompany him to America, and in “Eden” has ample opportunities of “being jolly,” so far as wretchedness could make him so. On his return to England he marries Mrs. Lupin, and thus becomes landlord of the Blue Dragon.--C. Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, xiii., xxi., etc. (1843).

Charles [VII. of France] was the Mark Tapley of kings, and bore himself with his usual “jollity” under this afflicting news. It was remarked of him that “no one could lose a kingdom with greater gaiety.”--Rev. J. White.

=Tappertit= (Sim, i.e., Simon), the apprentice of Gabriel Varden, locksmith. He was just 20 in years, but 200 in conceit. An old-fashioned, thin-faced, sleek-haired, sharp-nosed, small-eyed little fellow was Mr. Sim Tappertit, about five feet high, but thoroughly convinced in his own mind that he was both good looking and above the middle size, in fact, rather tall than otherwise. His figure, which was slender, he was proud of; and with his legs, which in knee-breeches were perfect curiosities of littleness, he was enraptured. He had also a secret notion that the power of his eye was irresistible, and he believed that he could subdue the haughtiest beauty “by eyeing her.” Of course Mr. Tappertit had an ambitious soul, and admired his master’s daughter, Dolly. He was captain of the secret society of “’Prentice Knights,” whose object was “vengeance against their tyrant masters.” After the Gordon riots, in which Tappertit took a leading part, he was found “burnt and bruised, with a gun-shot wound in his body and both his legs crushed into shapeless ugliness.” The cripple, by the locksmith’s aid, turned shoe-black under an archway near the Horse Guards, thrived in his vocation, and married the widow of a rag-and-bone collector. While an apprentice, Miss Miggs, the “protestant” shrewish servant of Mrs. Varden, cast an eye of hope on “Simmun;” but the conceited puppy pronounced her “decidedly scraggy,” and disregarded the soft impeachment.--C. Dickens, Barnaby Rudge (1841). (See SYLLI.)

=Tapwell= (Timothy), husband of Froth, put into business by Wellborn’s father, whose butler he was. When Wellborn was reduced to beggary, Timothy behaved most insolently to him; but as soon as he supposed he was about to marry the rich dowager, Lady Allworth, the rascal fawned on him like a whipped spaniel.--Massinger, A New Way to Pay Old Debts (1625).

=Tara= (The Hill of), in Meath, Ireland. Here the kings, the clergy, the princes and the bards used to assemble in a large hall, to consult on matters of public importance.

The harp that once thro’ Tara’s halls The soul of music shed, Now hangs as mute on Tara’s walls As if that soul were fled. T. Moore, Irish Melodies (“The Harp that Once ...” 1814).

Tara (The Fes of), the triennial convention established by Ollam Fodlah or Ollav Fola in B.C. 900, or 950. When business was over the princes banqueted together, each under his shield suspended by the chief herald on the wall, according to precedency. In the reign of Cormac, the palace of Tara was 900 feet square, and contained 150 apartments, and 150 dormitories, each for sixty sleepers. As many as 1000 guests were daily entertained in the hall.

=Tarpa= (Spurius Metius), a famous critic of the Augustan age. He sat in the temple of Apollo, with four colleagues, to judge the merit of theatrical pieces before they were produced in public.

He gives himself out for another Tarpa; decides boldly, and supports his opinions with loudness and obstinacy.--Lesage, Gil Blas, xi. 10 (1735).

=Tarpe´ian Rock.= So called from Tarpeia, daughter of Spurius Tarpeius, governor of the citadel on the Saturnian (i.e., Capitoline) Hill of Rome. The story is that the Sabines bargained with the Roman maid to open the gates to them, for the “ornaments on their arms.” As they passed through the gates they threw on her their shields, saying, “These are the ornaments we bear on our arms.” She was crushed to death, and buried on the Tarpeian Hill. Ever after, traitors were put to death by being hurled headlong from the hill-top.

Bear him to the rock Tarpeian, and from thence Into destruction cast him. Shakespeare, Coriolanus, act iii. sc. 1 (1610).

⁂ G. Gilfillan, in his introduction to Longfellow’s poems, makes an erroneous allusion to the Roman traitress. He says Longfellow’s “ornaments, unlike those of the Sabine [sic] maid, have not crushed him.”

Louise Imogen Guiney has a poem entitled Tarpeia, beginning:

“Woe! lightly to part with one’s soul as the sea with its foam! Woe to Tarpeia, Tarpeia, daughter of Rome!” (1884).

=Tarquin=, a name of terror in Roman nurseries.

The nurse, to still her child, will tell my story, And fright her crying babe with Tarquin’s name. Shakespeare, Rape of Lucrece (1594).

Tarquin (The Fall of). The well-known Roman story of Sextus Tarquinius and Lucretia has been dramatized by various persons, as: N. Lee (1679); John Howard Payne, Brutus, or The Fall of Tarquin (1820)--this is the tragedy in which Edmund Kean appeared with his son, Charles, at Glasgow, the father taking “Brutus” and the son “Titus.” Arnault produced a tragedy in French, entitled Lucrèce, in 1792; and Ponsard, in 1843. Alfieri has a tragedy called Brutus, on the same subject. It also forms indirectly the subject of one of the lays of Lord Macaulay, called The Battle of the Lake Regillus (1842), a battle undertaken by the Sabines for the restoration of Tarquin, but in which the king and his two sons were left dead upon the field.

=Tarquinia=, wife of Titus, son of Brutus. Titus is one of the conspirators whose object is to bring back the Tarquins to Rome, and the sin against the state is palliated by his connection with the proscribed family. The unhappy son is condemned to death by his own father, and beheaded in his presence.--John Howard Payne, Brutus, a tragedy (1818).

=Tarquinius= (Sextus), having violated Lucretia, wife of Tarquinius Collatīnus, caused an insurrection in Rome, whereby the magistracy of kings was changed for that of consuls.

⁂ A parallel case is given in Spanish history: Roderick, the Goth, king of Spain, having violated Florinda, daughter of Count Julian, was the cause of Julian’s inviting over the Moors, who invaded Spain, drove Roderick from the throne, and the Gothic dynasty was set aside for ever.

=Tartaro=, the Basque Cyclops; of giant stature and cannibal habits, but not without a rough bonhommie. Intellectually very low in the scale, and invariably beaten in all contests with men. Galled in spirit by his ill success, the giant commits suicide. Tartaro, the son of a king, was made a monster out of punishment, and was never to lose his deformity till he married. One day he asked a girl to be his bride, and on being refused, sent her “a talking ring,” which talked without ceasing immediately she put it on; so she cut off her finger and threw it into a large pond, and there the Tartaro drowned himself.--Rev. W. Webster, Basque Legends, 1-4 (1876).

In one of the Basque legends, Tartaro is represented as a Polyphēmos, whose one eye is bored out with spits made red hot by some seamen who had wandered inadvertently into his dwelling. Like Ulysses, the leader of these seamen made his escape by the aid of a ram, but with this difference--he did not, like Ulysses, cling to the ram’s belly, but fastened the ram’s bell round his neck and threw a sheep-skin over his shoulders. When Tartaro laid hold of the fugitive, the man escaped, leaving the sheep-skin in the giant’s hand.

=Tartar=, handsome, “eminently well-dressed” and vivacious cousin of the Crittendens, into whose family Phœbe has married. The country-bred bride conceives the fancy that the dashing belle is beloved of her (Phœbe’s) husband, and leaves him in consequence. Tartar, meanwhile, has long loved--as she believes--hopelessly, Peyton Edwards, a quietly-reserved young lawyer, whom she finally marries.--Mariam Coles Harris, Phœbe (1884).

=Tartarin=, a Quixotic Frenchman whose life at home and whose adventures while travelling are related by Alphonse Daudet in Tartarin of Tarascon, Tartarin on the Alps, and Port Tarascon.

=Tartlet= (Tim), servant of Mrs. Pattypan, to whom also he is engaged to be married. He says, “I loves to see life, because vy, ’tis so agreeable.”--James Cobb, The First Floor, i. 2 (1756-1818).

=Tartuffe= (2 syl.), the chief character and title of a comedy by Molière (1664). Tartuffe is a religious hypocrite and impostor who uses “religion” as the means of gaining money, covering deceit, and promoting self-indulgence. He is taken up by one Orgon, a man of property, who promises him his daughter in marriage, but his true character being exposed, he is not only turned out of the house, but is lodged in jail for felony.

Isaac Bickerstaff has adapted Molière’s comedy to the English stage, under the title of The Hypocrite (1768). Tartuffe he calls “Dr. Cantwell,” and Orgon “Sir John Lambert.” It is thought that “Tartuffe” is a caricature of Père la Chaise, the confessor of Louis XIV., who was very fond of truffles (French, tartuffes), and that this suggested the name to the dramatist.

=Tartuffe of the Revolution.= N. J. Pache is so called by Carlyle (1740-1823).

Swiss Pache sits sleek-headed, frugal, the wonder of his own ally for humility of mind.... Sit there Tartuffe, till wanted.--Carlyle.

=Tasnar=, an enchanter, who aided the rebel army arrayed against Misnar, sultan of Delhi. A female slave undertook to kill the enchanter, and went with the sultan’s sanction to carry out her promise. She presented herself to Tasnar and Ahu´bal, and presented papers which she said she had stolen. Tasnar, suspecting a trick, ordered her to be bow-strung, and then detected a dagger concealed about her person. Tasnar now put on the slave’s dress, and, transformed into her likeness, went to the sultan’s tent. The vizier commanded the supposed slave to prostrate “herself” before she approached the throne, and while prostrate he cut off “her” head. The sultan was angry, but the vizier replied, “This is not the slave, but the enchanter. Fearing this might occur, I gave the slave a pass-word, which this deceiver did not give, and was thus betrayed. So perish all the enemies of Mahomet and Misnar, his vicegerent upon earth!”--Sir C. Morell [J. Ridley], Tales of the Genii, vi. (1751).

=Tasso and Leonora.= When Tasso, the poet, lived in the court of Alfonso II., the reigning duke of Ferrara, he fell in love with Leonora d’Este (2 syl.), the duke’s sister, but “she saw it not or viewed with disdain” his passion, and the poet, moneyless, fled half mad to Naples. After an absence of two years, in which the poet was almost starved to death by extreme poverty, his friends, together with Leonora, induced the duke to receive him back, but no sooner did he reach Ferrara than Alfonso sent him to an asylum, and there he was kept for seven years, when he was liberated by the instigation of the pope, but died soon afterwards (1544-1595).

=Taste=, a farce by Foote (1753), to expose the imposition of picture-dealers and sellers of virtu generally.

=Tati´nus=, a Greek who joined the crusaders with a force of 200 men armed with “crooked sabres” and bows. These Greeks, like the Parthians, were famous in retreat, but when a drought came they all sneaked off home.--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered, xiii. (1575).

=Tatius= (Achilles), the acolyte, an officer in the Varangian guard.--Sir W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

=Tatlanthe= (3 syl.) the favorite of Fadladinida (queen of Queerummania and wife of Chrononhotonthologos). She extols the warlike deeds of the king, supposing the queen will feel flattered by her praises; and Fadladinida exclaims, “Art mad, Tatlonthe? Your talk’s distasteful.... You are too pertly lavish in his praise?” She then guesses that the queen loves another, and says to herself, “I see that I must tack about,” and happening to mention “the captive king,” Fadladinida exclaims, “That’s he! that’s he! that’s he! I’d die ten thousand deaths to set him free.” Ultimately, the queen promises marriage to both the captive king and Rigdum-Funnidos “to make matters easy.” Then, turning to her favorite, she says:

And now, Tatlanthe, thou art all my care; Where shall I find thee such another pair? Pity that you, who’ve served so long and well, Should die a virgin and lead apes in hell. Choose for yourself, dear girl, our empire round; Your portion is twelve hundred thousand pound. H. Carey, Chrononhotonthologos (1734).

=Tattle=, a man who ruins characters by innuendo, and so denies a scandal as to confirm it. He is a mixture of “lying, foppery, vanity, cowardice, bragging, licentiousness, and ugliness, but a professed beau” (act i.). Tattle is entrapped into marriage with Mrs. Frail.--Congreve, Love for Love (1695).

⁂ “Mrs. Candour,” in Sheridan’s School for Scandal (1777), is a Tattle in petticoats.

=Tattycoram=, a handsome girl, with lustrous dark hair and eyes, who dressed very neatly. She was taken from the Foundling Asylum (London) by Mr. Meagles to wait upon his daughter. She was called in the hospital Harriet Beadle. Harriet was first changed to Hatty, then to Tatty, and Coram was added because the Foundling stands in Coram street. She was most impulsively passionate, and when excited had no control over herself. Miss Wade enticed her away for a time, but afterwards she returned to her first friends.--C. Dickens, Little Dorrit (1857)

=Tawny= (The). Alexandre Bonvici´no, the historian, was called Il Moretto (1514-1564).

=Taylor=, “the water-poet.” He wrote four score books, but never learnt “so much as the accidences” (1580-1654).

Taylor, their better Charon, lends an oar, Once Swan of Thames, tho’ now he sings no more. Pope, The Dunciad, iii. 19 (1728).

Taylor (Dr. Chevalier John). He called himself “Opthalminator, Pontificial, Imperial and Royal.” He died, 1767. Hogarth has introduced him in his famous picture, “The Undertaker’s Arms.” He is one of the three figures atop, to the left hand of the spectator; the other two are Mrs. Mapp and Dr. Ward.

=Teacher of Germany= (The), Philip Melancthon, the reformer (1497-1560).

=Teachwell= (Mrs.), a pseudonym of Lady Ellinor Fenn, wife of Sir John Fenn, of East Dereham, Norfolk.

=Teague= (1 syl.), an Irish lad, taken into the service of Colonel Careless, a royalist, whom he serves with exemplary fidelity. He is always blundering, and always brewing mischief, with the most innocent intentions. His bulls and blunders are amusing and characteristic.--Sir Robert Howard, The Committee (1670), altered by T. Knight into The Honest Thieves.

Who...has not a recollection of the incomparable Johnstone [Irish Johnstone] in “Teague,” picturesquely draped in his blanket, and pouring forth his exquisite humor and mellifluous brogue in equal measure.--Mrs. C. Mathews, Tea Table Talk.

=Tearless Battle= (The), a battle fought B. C. 367, between the Lacedæmonians and the combined armies of the Arcadians and Argives (2 syl.). Not one of the Spartans fell, so that, as Plutarch says, they called it “The Tearless Battle.”

⁂ Not one was killed in the Abyssinian expedition under Sir R. Napier (1867-8).

=Tears--Amber.= The tears shed by the sisters of Pha´ëton were converted into amber.--Greek Fable.

According to Pliny (Natural History, xxxvii. 2, 11), amber is a concretion of birds’ tears, but the birds were the sisters of Meleāger, who never ceased weeping for his untimely death.

=Tearsheet= (Doll), a common courtezan.--Shakespeare, 2 Henry IV. (1598).

=Teazle= (Sir Peter), a man who, in old age, married a country girl who proved extravagant, fond of pleasure, selfish and vain. Sir Peter was for ever nagging at her for her inferior birth and rustic ways, but secretly loving her and admiring her naïveté. He says to Rowley, “I am the sweetest-tempered man alive, and hate a teasing temper, and so I tell her ladyship a hundred times a day.”

Lady Teazle, a lively, innocent, country maiden, who married Sir Peter, old enough to be her grandfather. Planted in London in the whirl of the season, she formed a liaison with Joseph Surface, but, being saved from disgrace, repented and reformed.--R. B. Sheridan, School for Scandal (1777).

=Teeth.= Rigord, an historian of the thirteenth century, tells that when Chosroës, the Persian, carried away the true cross discovered by St. Helĕna, the number of teeth in the human race was reduced. Before that time, Christians were furnished with thirty, and in some cases with thirty-two teeth, but since then no human being has had more than twenty-three teeth.--See Historiens de France, xviii.

⁂ The normal number of teeth is thirty-two still. This “historic fact” is of a piece with that which ascribes to woman one more rib than to man.

=Teetotal.= The origin of this word is ascribed to Richard (Dicky) Turner, who, in addressing a temperance meeting in September, 1833, reduplicated the word total to give it emphasis: “We not only want total abstinence, we want more, we want t-total abstinence.” The novelty and force of the expression took the meeting by storm.

It is not correct to ascribe the word to Mr. Swindlehurst, of Preston, who is erroneously said to have stuttered.

=Te´ian Muse=, Anacreon, born at Teïos, in Ionia, and called by Ovid (Tristia, ii. 364) Teïa Musa (B.C. 563-478).

The Scian and the Teian Muse ... [Simonidês and Anacreon] Have found the fame your shores refuse. Byron, Don Juan, iii. 86 (“The Isles of Greece,” 1820).

⁂ Probably Byron meant Simonidês of Ceos. Horace (Carmĭna, ii. 1, 38) speaks of “Ceæ munera neniæ,” meaning Simonidês; but Scios, or Scio, properly means Chios, one of the seven places which laid claim to Homer. Both Ceos and Chios, are isles of Greece.

=Tei´lo= (St.), a Welsh saint, who took an active part against the Pelagian heresy. When he died, three cities contended for his body, but happily the strife was ended by the multiplication of the dead body into three St. Teilos. Capgrave insists that the ipsissime body was possessed by Llandaff.--English Martyrology.

=Teirtu’s Harp=, which played of itself, merely by being asked to do so, and when desired to cease playing, did so.--The Mabinogion (“Kilhwch and Olwen,” twelfth century).

St. Dunstan’s harp discoursed most enchanting music without being struck by any player.

The harp of the giant, in the tale of Jack and the Bean-Stalk, played of itself. In one of the old Welsh tales, the dwarf named Dewryn Fychan, stole from a giant a similar harp.

=Telamachus,= the only son of Ulysses and Penelŏpê. When Ulysses had been absent from home nearly twenty years, Telemachus went to Pylos and Sparta, to gain information about him. Nestor received him hospitably at Pylos, and sent him to Sparta, where Menelāus told him the prophecy of Proteus (2 syl.), concerning Ulysses. He then returned home, where he found his father, and assisted him in slaying the suitors. Telemachus was accompanied in his voyage by the goddess of wisdom, under the form of Mentor, one of his father’s friends. (See TELEMAQUE.)--Greek Fable.

=Télémaque= (Les Aventures de) a French prose epic, in twenty-four books, by Fénelon (1699). The first six books contain the story of the hero’s adventures, told to Calypso, as Ænēas told the story of the burning of Troy and his travels from Troy to Carthage to Queen Dido. Télémaque says to the goddess that he started with Mentor from Ithăca, in search of his father, who had been absent from home for nearly twenty years. He first went to inquire of old Nestor if he could give him any information on the subject, and Nestor told him to go to Sparta, and have an interview with Menelāus. On leaving Lacedæmonia, he was shipwrecked off the coast of Sicily, but was kindly treated by King Acestês, who furnished him with a ship to take him home (bk. i.). This ship fell into the hands of some Egyptians; he was parted from Mentor, and sent to feed sheep in Egypt. King Sesostris, conceiving a high opinion of the young man, would have sent him home, but died, and Télémaque was incarcerated by his successor in a dungeon overlooking the sea (bk. ii.). After a time he was released and sent to Tyre. Here he would have been put to death by Pygmalīon, had he not been rescued by Astarbê, the king’s mistress (bk. iii.). Again he embarked, reached Cyprus, and sailed thence to Crete. In this passage he saw Amphitrītê, the wife of the sea-god, in her magnificent chariot, drawn by sea-horses (bk. iv.). On landing in Crete, he was told the tale of King Idomĕneus (4 syl.), who made a vow if he reached home in safety, after the siege of Troy, that he would offer in sacrifice the first living being that came to meet him. This happened to be his own son; but when Idomeneus proceeded to do according to his vow, the Cretans were so indignant that they drove him from the island. Being without a ruler, the islanders asked Télémaque to be their king (bk. v.). This he declined, but Mentor advised the Cretans to place the reigns of government in the hands of Aristodēmus. On leaving Crete, the vessel was again wrecked, and Télémaque, with Mentor, was cast on the island of Calypso (bk vi.). Here the narrative closes, and the rest of the story gives the several adventures of Télémaque from this point till he reaches Ithaca. Calypso, having fallen in love with the young prince, tried to detain him in her island, and even burnt the ship which Mentor had built to carry them home; but Mentor determined to quit the island, threw Télémaque from a crag into the sea, and then leaped in after him. They had now to swim for their lives, and they kept themselves afloat till they were picked up by some Tyrians (bk. vii.). The captain of the ship was very friendly to Télémaque, and promised to take him with his friend to Ithaca, but the pilot by mistake landed them on Salentum (bk. ix.). Here Télémaque, being told that his father was dead, determined to go down to the infernal regions to see him (bk. xviii.). In Hadês he was informed that Ulysses was still alive (bk. xix.). So he returned to the upper earth (bk. xxii.), embarked again, and this time reached Ithaca, where he found his father, and Mentor left him.

=Tell= (William), a famous chief of the confederates of the forest cantons of Switzerland, and son-in-law of Walter Furst. Having refused to salute the Austrian cap which Gessler, the Austrian governor, had set up in the market-place of Altorf, he was condemned to shoot an apple from the head of his own son. He succeeded in this perilous task, but letting fall a concealed arrow, was asked by Gessler with what object he had secreted it. “To kill thee, tyrant,” he replied, “if I had failed.” The governor now ordered him to be carried in chains across the Lake Lucerne to Küssnacht Castle, “there to be devoured alive by reptiles;” but, a violent storm having arisen on the lake, he was unchained, that he might take the helm. Gessler was on board, and when the vessel neared the castle, Tell leapt ashore, gave the boat a push into the lake, and shot the governor. After this he liberated his country from the Austrian yoke (1307).

This story of William Tell is told of a host of persons. For example: Egil, the brother of Wayland Smith, was commanded by King Nidung to shoot an apple from the head of his son. Egil, like Tell, took two arrows, and being asked why, replied, as Tell did to Gessler, “To shoot thee, tyrant, if I fail in my task.”

A similar story is told of Olaf and Eindridi, in Norway. King Olaf dared Eindridi to a trial of skill. An apple was placed on the head of Eindridi’s son, and the king shooting at it grazed the boy’s head, but the father carried off the apple clean. Eindridi had concealed an arrow to aim at the king, if the boy had been injured.

Another Norse tale is told of Hemingr and Harald, son of Sigurd (1066). After various trials of skill, Harald told Hemingr to shoot a nut from the head of Bjorn, his younger brother. In this he succeeded, not with an arrow, but with a spear.

A similar tale is related of Geyti, son of Aslak, and the same Harald. The place of trial was the Faroe Isles. In this case also it was a nut placed on the head of Bjorn.

Saxo Grammatĭcus tells nearly the same story of Toki, the Danish hero, and Harald; but in this trial of skill Toki killed Harald.--Danorum Regum Heroumque Historia (1514).

Reginald Scot says that Puncher shot a penny placed on his son’s head, but made ready another arrow to slay the Duke Remgrave who had set him the task (1584).

⁂ It is said of Domitian, the Roman emperor, that if a boy held up his hands with the fingers spread, he could shoot eight arrows in succession through the spaces without touching one of the fingers.

William of Cloudesley, to show the king his skill in shooting, bound his eldest son to a stake, put an apple on his head, and, at the distance of 300 feet, cleft the apple in two without touching the boy.

I have a son is seven years old, He is to me full dear, I will hym tye to a stake ... And lay an apple upon his head, And go six score paces hym fro, And I myselfe with a broad arrow Will cleve the apple in two. Percy, Reliques.

Similar feats of skill are told of Adam Bell and Clym of the Clough.

In Altorf market-place, the spot is still pointed out where Tell shot the apple from his son’s head, and a plaster statue stands where the patriot stood when he took his aim.

See Roman fire in Hampden’s bosom swell, And fate and freedom in the shaft of Tell. Campbell, Pleasures of Hope, i. (1799).

⁂ The legend of William Tell has furnished Florian with the subject of a novel in French (1788); A. M. Lemierre with his tragedy of Guillaume Tell (1766); Schiller with a tragedy in German, Wilhelm Tell (1804); Knowles with a tragedy in English, William Tell (1840); and Rossini with the opera of Guglielmo Tell, in Italian (1829).

=Tellus’s Son,= Antæos, son of Posei´don and Gê, a giant wrestler of Lib´ya, whose strength was irresistible so long as he touched his mother (earth). Herculês, knowing this, lifted him into the air, and crushed him to death. Near the town of Tingis, in Mauritania, is a hill in the shape of a man, called “The Hill of Antæos,” and said to be his tomb.

So some have feigned that Tellus’ giant son Drew many new-born lives from his dead mother; Another rose as soon as one was done, And twenty lost, yet still remained another. For when he fell and kissed the barren heath, His parent straight inspired successive breath, And tho’ herself was dead, yet ransomed him from death. Phineas Fletcher, The Purple Island, ix. (1633).

⁂ Similarly, Bernardo del Carpio lifted Orlando in his arms, and squeezed him to death, because his body was proof against any instrument of war.

=Temliha,= king of the serpents, in the island of serpents. King Temliha was “a small yellow serpent, of a glowing color,” with the gift of human speech, like the serpent which tempted Eve.--Comte de Caylus, Oriental Tales (“History of Aboutaleb,” 1743).

=Tem´ora=, the longest of the Ossianic prose-poems, in eight books. The subject is the dethronement of the kings of Connaught, and consolidation of the two Irish kingdoms in that of Ulster. It must be borne in mind that there were two colonies in Ireland--one the Fir-bolg, or British Belgæ, settled in the south, whose king was called the “lord of Atha,” from Atha, in Connaught, the seat of government; and the other the Cael, from Caledonia, in Scotland, whose seat of government was Temŏra, in Ulster. When Crothar was “lord of Atha,” he wished to unite the two kingdoms, and, with this view, carried off Conlāma, only child of the rival king, and married her. The Caledonians of Scotland interfered, and Conar, the brother of Fingal, was sent with an army against the usurper, conquered him, reduced the south to a tributary state, and restored, in his own person, the kingdom of Ulster. After a few years, Cormac II. (a minor) became king of Ulster and over-lord of Connaught. The Fir-bolg, seizing this opportunity of revolt, Cairbar, “lord of Atha,” threw off his subjection, and murdered the young king in his palace of Temora. Fingal interfered in behalf of the Caels; but no sooner had he landed in Ireland than Cairbar invited Oscar (Fingal’s grandson) to a banquet, picked a quarrel with him in the banquet hall, and both fell dead, each by the other’s hand. On the death of Cairbar, Faldath became leader of the Fir-bolg, but was slain by Fillan, son of Fingal. Fillan, in turn, was slain by Clathmor, brother of Cairbar. Fingal now took the lead of his army in person, slew Clathmor, reduced the Fir-bolg to submission, and placed on the throne Ferad-Artho, the only surviving descendant of Conar (first of the kings of Ulster of Caledonian race).

=Tempest= (The), a drama by Shakespeare (1609). Prospero and his daughter, Miranda, lived on a desert island, enchanted by Sycŏrax, who was dead. The only other inhabitants were Caliban, the son of Sycorax, a strange, misshapen thing, like a gorilla, and Ariel, a sprite, who had been imprisoned by Sycorax for twelve years in the rift of a pine tree, from which Prospero set him free. One day Prospero saw a ship off the island, and raised a tempest to wreck it. By this means his brother, Anthonio, Prince Ferdinand, and the king of Naples, were brought to the island. Now it must be known that Prospero was once duke of Milan; but his brother, Anthonio, aided by the king of Naples, had usurped the throne, and set Prospero and Miranda adrift in a small boat, which was wind-driven to this desert island. Ferdinand (son of the king of Naples) and Miranda fell in love with each other, and the rest of the shipwrecked party being brought together by Ariel, Anthonio asked forgiveness of his brother, Prospero was restored to his dukedom, and the whole party was conducted by Ariel with prosperous breezes back to Italy.

⁂ Dryden has a drama called The Tempest (1668).

Tempest (The), a sobriquet of Marshal Junot, one of Napoleon’s generals, noted for his martial impetuosity (1771-1813).

Tempest (The Hon. Mr.), late governor of Senegambia. He was the son of Lord Hurricane; impatient, irascible, headstrong, and poor. He says he never was in smooth water since he was born, for being only a younger son, his father gave him no education, taught him nothing, and then buffeted him for being a dunce.

First I was turned into the army; there I got broken bones and empty pockets. Then I was banished to the coast of Africa, to govern the savages of Senegambia.--Act ii. 1.

Miss Emily [Tempest], daughter of Mr. Tempest; a great wit of very lively parts. Her father wanted her to marry Sir David Daw, a great lout with plenty of money, but she had fixed her heart on Captain Henry Woodville, the son of a man ruined by gambling. The prospect was not cheering, but Penruddock came forward, and by making them rich, made them happy.--Cumberland, The Wheel of Fortune (1779).

Tempest (Lady Betty), a lady with beauty, fortune and family, whose head was turned by plays and romances. She fancied a plain man no better than a fool, and resolved to marry only a gay, fashionable, dashing young spark. Having rejected many offers because the suitor did not come up to her ideal, she was gradually left in the cold. Now she is company only for aunts and cousins, in the ballroom is a wallflower, and in society generally esteemed a piece of fashionable lumber.--Goldsmith, A Citizen of the World, xxviii. (1759).

=Templars= (Knight), an order of knighthood founded in 1118, for the defence of the Temple in Jerusalem. Dissolved in 1312, and their lands, etc., transferred to the Hospitallers. They wore a white robe with a red cross; but the Hospitallers a black robe with a white cross.

=Temple= (The). When Solomon was dying, he prayed that he might remain standing till the Temple was completely finished. The prayer was granted, and he remained leaning on his staff till the Temple was finished, when the staff was gnawed through by a worm, and the dead body fell to the ground.--Talmud Legend.

Temple (Launcelot), the nom de plume of John Armstrong, the poet (1709-1779).

Temple (Elizabeth), daughter of Judge Temple and the heroine of two stirring adventures, the first being an escape, by the intervention of Leather-Stocking, from a panther, the second from a forest-fire, the hunter again coming to her aid. She marries Oliver Effingham, whom she has known as Oliver Edwards.--J. F. Cooper, The Pioneers (1822).

=Templeton= (Laurence), the pseudonym under which Sir W. Scott published Ivanhoe. The preface is initialed L. T., and the dedication is to the Rev. Dr. Dryasdust (1820).

=Tempy= (Miss), New England spinster, who kept her young, loving heart and through it, her young face, after all contemporaries were old. She had but one old quince-tree, but she tended it carefully every spring, “and would look at it so pleasant, and kind of expect the thorny old thing into blooming.”

“She was just the same with folks!”--Sarah Orne Jewett, Miss Tempy’s Watchers (1888).

=Tenantius=, the father of Cymbeline, and nephew of Cassibelan. He was the younger son of Lud, king of the southern part of Britain. On the death of Lud, his younger brother, Cassibelan, succeeded, and on the death of Cassibelan, the crown came to Tenantius, who refused to pay the tribute to Rome exacted from Cassibelan, on his defeat by Julius Cæsar.

=Tendo Achillis=, a strong sinew running along the heel to the calf of the leg. So called because it was the only vulnerable part of Achillês. The tale is that Thetis held him by the heel when she dipped him in the Styx, in consequence of which the water did not wet the child’s heel. The story is post-Homeric.

=Teniers= (The English), George Morland (1763-1804).

Teniers (The Scottish), Sir David Wilkie (1785-1841).

=Teniers of Comedy= (The), Florent Carton Dancourt (1661-1726).

=Tennessee’s Partner=, camp-name for associate and co-worker with a dare-devil who runs away with the Partner’s wife, returns to camp without her, and is taken back amicably by the Partner. When Tennessee is tried for highway robbery the Partner offers “$1700 in coarse gold and a watch”--his whole fortune--to buy him off. The offer is refused; Tennessee is hanged. The Partner waits composedly, a little way from the gallows, with a mule and a cart. “When the gentlemen are done with the ‘diseased,’ he will take him.” “Ef thar is any present”--in his simple, serious way--“as would like to jine in the fun’l, they ken come.”--Bret Harte, Tennessee’s Partner (1871).

=Tennis-Ball of Fortune= (The), Pertinax, the Roman emperor. He was first a charcoal-seller, then a schoolmaster, then a soldier, then an emperor; but within three months he was dethroned and murdered (126-193; reigned from January 1 to March 28, A.D. 193).

=Tent= (Prince Ahmed’s), a tent given to him by the fairy, Pari-Banou. It would cover a whole army, yet would fold up into so small a compass that it might be carried in one’s pocket.--Arabian Nights.

Solomon’s carpet of green silk was large enough to afford standing room for a whole army, but might be carried about like a pocket-handkerchief.

The ship, Skidbladnir, would hold all the deities of Valhalla, but might be folded up like a roll of parchment.

Bayard, the horse of the four sons of Aymon, grew larger or smaller, as one or more of the four sons mounted on its back.--Villeneuve, Les Quatre Filz Aymon.

=Tents= (The father of such as dwell in), Jabal.--Gen. iv. 20.

=Terebin´thus=, Ephes-dammim, or Pasdammim.--1 Sam. xvii. 1.

O, thou that ’gainst Goliath’s impious head The youthful arms in Terebinthus sped, When the proud foe, who scoffed at Israel’s band, Fell by the weapon of a stripling hand. Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered, viii. (1575).

=Terence of England= (The), Richard Cumberland (1732-1811).

Here Cumberland lies, having acted his parts; The Terence of England, the mender of hearts; A flattering painter, who made it his care To draw men as they ought to be, not as they are ... Say ... wherefore his characters, thus without fault, ... Quite sick of pursuing each troublesome elf, He grew lazy at last, and drew men from himself. Goldsmith, Retaliation (1774).

=Tere´sa=, the female associate of Ferdinand, Count Fathom.--Smollett, Count Fathom (1754).

=Teresa d´Acunha=, lady’s-maid of Joceline, countess of Glenallan.--Sir W. Scott, The Antiquary (time, George III.).

=Teresa Panza=, wife of Sancho Panza. In pt. I. i. 7 she is called Dame Juana [Gutierez]. In pt. II. iv. 7 she is called Maria [Gutierez]. In pt. I. iv. she is called Joan.--Cervantes, Don Quixote (1605-15).

=Tereus= [Te´.ruse], king of Daulis, and the husband of Procnê. Wishing afterwards to marry Philomēla, her sister, he told her that Procnê was dead. He lived with his new wife for a time, and then cut out her tongue, lest she should expose his falsehood to Procnê; but it was of no use, for Philomela made known her story in the embroidery of a peplus. Tereus rushed after Procnê with an axe, but the whole party were metamorphosed into birds. Tereus was changed into a hoopoo (some say a lapwing, and others an owl), Procnê into a swallow, and Philomela into a nightingale.

And the mute Silence hist along, ’Less Philomel will deign a song In her sweetest saddest plight, Smoothing the rugged brow of night. * * * * * * * * Sweet bird that shunn’st the noise of folly Most musical, most melancholy.

Milton, Il Penseroso.

In Titus Andronĭcus the sons of Tamŏra, after defiling Lavinia, cut off her tongue and hands, but she wrote her tale in the sand with a staff held in her mouth and guided by her arms.

Fair Philomela, she but lost her tongue, And in a tedious sampler sewed her mind. But, lovely niece, that mean is cut from thee; A craftier Tereus, cousin, hast thou met, And he hath cut those pretty fingers off, That could have better sewed than Philomel. Act ii. sc. 4 (1593).

=Ter´il= (Sir Walter). The king exacts an oath from Sir Walter to send his bride, Cælestina, to court on her wedding night. Her father, to save her honor, gives her a mixture supposed to be poison, but in reality only a sleeping draught, from which she awakes in due time, to the amusement of the king and delight of her husband.--Thomas Dekker, Satiromastix (1602).

=Termagant=, an imaginary being, supposed by the crusaders to be a Mohammedan deity. In the Old Moralities the degree of rant was the measure of the wickedness of the character portrayed; so Pontius Pilate, Herod, Judas Iscariot, Termagant, the tyrant, Sin, and so on, were all ranting parts.

I would have such a fellow whipped for o’er-doing Termagant; it out-Herods Herod, pray you, avoid it.--Shakespeare, Hamlet, act iii. sc. 2 (1596).

Termagant, the maid of Harriet Quidnunc. She uses most wonderful words, as paradropsical for “rhapsodical,” perjured for “assured,” phisology for “philology,” curacy for “accuracy,” fignification for “signification,” importation for “import,” anecdote for “antidote,” infirmaries for “infirmities,” intimidate for “intimate.”--Murphy, The Upholsterer (1758).

=Ter´meros=, a robber of Peloponnesos, who killed his victims by cracking their skulls against his own.

=Termosi´ris=, a priest of Apollo, in Egypt; wise, prudent, cheerful, and courteous.--Fénelon, Télémaque, ii. (1700).

=Ternotte=, one of the domestics of Lady Eveline Berenger, “the betrothed.”--Sir W. Scott, The Betrothed (time, Henry II.).

=Terpin= (Sir), a king who fell into the power of Radigund, queen of the Amăzons. Refusing to dress in female attire, as she commanded, and to sew, card wool, spin, and do house work, he was doomed to be gibbeted by her women. Sir Artegal undertook his cause, and a fight ensued, which lasted all day. When daylight closed, Radigund proposed to defer the contest till the following day, to which Sir Artegal acceeded. Next day the knight was victorious; but when he saw the brave queen bleeding to death, he took pity on her, and, throwing his sword aside, ran to succor her. Up started Radigund as he approached, attacked him like a fury, and, as he had no sword, he was, of course, obliged to yield. So the contest was decided against him, and Sir Terpin was hung by women, as Radigund had commanded.--Spenser, Faëry Queen, v. 5 (1596).

=Terpischore= [Terp.sic´o.re.], the Muse of dancing.--Greek Fable.

=Terrible= (The), Ivan IV. or II. of Russia (1529, 1533-1584).

=Terror of France= (The), John Talbot, first earl of Shrewsbury (1373-1453).

Is this the Talbot, so much feared abroad, That with his name the mothers still their babes? Shakespeare, 1 Henry VI. act ii. sc. 3 (1589).

=Terror of the World= (The), Attĭla, king of the Huns (*-453).

=Terry Alts=, a lawless body of rebels, who sprang up in Clare (Ireland) after the union.

The “Thrashers” of Connaught, the “Carders,” the followers of “Captain Right,” in the eighteenth century, those of “Captain Rock,” who appeared in 1822, and the “Fenians,” in 1865, were similar disturbers of the peace.

=Tesoretto= (“The Little Treasure,”) an Italian poem by Brunetto Latini, preceptor of Dantê (1285). The poem is one of the landmarks in the development of the Italian language. The poet says he was returning from an embassy to the king of Spain, and met a scholar who told him of the overthrow of the Guelfi. Struck with grief, he lost his road, and wandered into a wood, where Dame Nature accosted him, and disclosed to him the secrets of her works. On he wandered till he came to a vast plain, inhabited by Virtue and her four daughters, together with Courtesy, Bounty, Loyalty, and Prowess. Leaving this, he came to a fertile valley, which was for ever shifting its appearance, from round to square, from light to darkness. This was the valley of Queen Pleasure, who was attended by Love, Hope, Fear, and Desire. Ovid comes to the poet at length and tells him how to effect his escape. Dantê meets Brunetto Latini in Hell, and praises his poem.

=Tes´sira=, one of the leaders of the Moorish host.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

=Tests of Chastity.= Alasnam’s mirror; the brawn or boar’s head; drinking-horns (see ARTHUR’S DRINKING-HORN; SIR CRADOCK AND THE DRINKING-HORN); Florimel’s girdle; grotto of Ephesus; the test mantle; oath on St. Antony’s arm was held in supreme reverence because it was believed that whoever took the oath falsely would be consumed by “St. Antony’s fire” within the current year; the trial of the sieve.

=Tests of Fidelity.= Canacê’s mirror; Gondibert’s emerald ring. The corsned or “cursed mouthful,” a piece of bread consecrated by exorcism, and given to the “suspect” to swallow as a test. “May this morsel choke me if I am guilty,” said the defendant, “but turn to wholesome nourishment if I am innocent.” Ordeals, combats between plaintiff and defendant, or their representatives.

=Tête Bottée=, Philippe de Commines [Cum.min], politician and historian (1445-1509).

You, Sir Philippe des Comines [sic] were at a hunting-match with the duke, your master; and when he alighted, after the chase, he required your services in drawing off his boots. Reading in your looks some natural resentment, ... he ordered you to sit down in turn, and rendered you the same office ... but ... no sooner had he plucked one of your boots off than he brutally beat it about your head ... and his privileged fool, Le Gloirieux, ... gave you the name of Tête Bottée.--Sir W. Scott, Quentin Durward, xxx. (time, Edward IV.).

=Te´thys=, daughter of Heaven and Earth, the wife of Ocean and mother of the river-gods. In poetry it means the sea generally.

The golden sun above the watery bed Of hoary Têthys raised his beamy head. Hoole’s Ariosto, viii.

By the earth-shaking Neptune’s mace [trident], And Têthy’s grave majestic pace. Milton, Comus, 870 (1634).

=Tetrachor´don=, the title of one of Milton’s books about marriage and divorce. The word means “the four strings;” and refers to the four chief places in Scripture which bear on the subject of marriage.

A book was writ of late called Tetrachordon. Milton, Sonnet, x.

=Teucer=, son of Telămon of Salămis, and brother of Telamon Ajax. He was the best archer of all the Greeks at the siege of Troy.

I may, like a second Teucer, discharge my shafts from behind the shield of my ally.--Sir W. Scott.

=Teufelsdroeckh= (Herr), pronounce Toi.felz.drurk; an eccentric German professor and philosopher. The object of this satire is to expose all sorts of shams, social as well as intellectual.--Carlyle, Sartor Resartus (1849).

=Teutonic Knights= (The), an order organized by Frederick, duke of Suabia, in Palestine (1190). St. Louis gave them permission to quarter on their arms the fleur de lis (1250). The order was abolished, in 1809, by Napoleon I.

=Tewksburys= (The), “Society” couple, always bickering, and always making up, inveighing against the boredom of society duties, yet bent upon complying with every by-law, and sacrificing time and happiness to their idol.--Philip Henry Welch, The Tailor-Made Girl (1888).

=Texartis=, a Scythian soldier, killed by the Countess Brenhilda.--Sir W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

=Tezoz´omoc=, chief of the priests of the Az´tecas. He fasted ten months to know how to appease the national gods, and then declared that the only way was to offer “the White Strangers” on their altars. Tezozomoc was killed by burning lava from a volcanic mountain.

Tezozomoc Beholds the judgment ... and sees The lava floods beneath him. His hour Is come. The fiery shower, descending, heaps Red ashes round. They fall like drifted snows, And bury and consume the accursed priest. Southey, Madoc, ii. 26 (1805).

=Thaddeus of Warsaw=, the hero and title of a novel by Jane Porter (1803.)

=Thaddu=, the father of Morna, who became the wife of Comhal and the mother of Fingal.--Ossian.

=Tha´is= (2 syl.), an Athenian courtezan, who induced Alexander, in his cups, to set fire to the palace of the Persian kings at Persepŏlis.

The king seized a flambeau with zeal to destroy; Thaïs led the way to light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fired another Troy. Dryden, Alexanders Feast (1697).

=Thaïs´a=, daughter of Simon´idês, king of Pentap´olis. She married Periclês, prince of Tyre. In her voyage to Tyre Thaïsa gave birth to a daughter, and dying, as it was supposed, in childbirth, was cast into the sea. The chest in which she was placed drifted to Ephesus, and fell into the hands of Cer´imon, a physician, who soon discovered that she was not dead. Under proper care, she entirely recovered, and became a priestess in the temple of Diana. Periclês, with his daughter and her betrothed husband, visiting the shrine of Diana, became known to each other, and the whole mystery was cleared up.--Shakespeare, Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1608).

=Thal´aba ebn Hateb=, a poor man, who came to Mahomet, requesting him to beg God to bestow on him wealth, and promising to employ it in works of godliness. The “prophet” made the petition, and Thalaba rapidly grew rich. One day Mahomet sent to the rich man for alms, but Thalaba told the messengers their demand savored more of tribute than of charity, and refused to give anything; but afterwards repenting, he took to the “prophet” a good round sum. Mahomet now refused to accept it, and, throwing dust on the ungrateful churl, exclaimed, “Thus shall thy wealth be scattered!” and the man became poor again as fast as he had grown rich.--Al Korân, ix. (Sale’s notes).

=Thal´aba, the Destroyer=--that is, the destroyer of the evil spirits of Dom-Daniel. He was the only surviving child of Hodei´rah (3 syl.), and his wife, Zeinab (2 syl.); their other eight children had been cut off by the Dom-Danielists, because it had been decreed by fate that “one of the race would be their destruction.” When a mere stripling, Thalăba was left motherless and fatherless (bk. i.); he then found a home in the tent of a Bedouin named Mo´ath, who had a daughter, Onei´za (3 syl.). Here he was found by Abdaldar, an evil spirit, sent from Dom-Daniel to kill him; but the spirit was killed by a simoom, just as he was about to stab the boy, and Thalaba was saved (bk. ii.). He now drew from the finger of Abdaldar, the magic ring, which gave him power over all spirits; and, thus armed, he set out to avenge the death of his father (bk. iii.). On his way to Babylon he was encountered by a merchant, who was in reality the sorcerer, Loba´ba, in disguise. This sorcerer led Thalaba astray into the wilderness, and then raised up a whirlwind to destroy him; but the whirlwind was the death of Lobaba himself, and again Thalaba escaped (bk. iv.). He reached Babylon at length, and met there Mohāreb, another evil spirit, disguised as a warrior, who conducted him to the “mouth of hell.” Thalaba detected the villainy, and hurled the false one into the abyss (bk. v.). The young “Destroyer” was next conveyed to “the paradise of pleasure,” but he resisted every temptation, and took to flight just in time to save Oneiza, who had been brought there by violence (bk. vi.). He then killed Aloa´din, the presiding spirit of the garden, with a club, was made vizier, and married Oneiza, but she died on the bridal night (bk. vii.). Distracted at this calamity, he wandered towards Kâf, and entered the house of an old woman, who was spinning thread. Thalaba expressed surprise at its extreme fineness, but Maimu´na (the old woman) told him, fine as it was, he could not break it. Thalaba felt incredulous, and wound it round his wrists, when, lo! he became utterly powerless; and Maimuna, calling up her sister, Khwala, conveyed him helpless to the island of Moha´reb (bk. viii.). Here he remained for a time, and was at length liberated by Maimuna, who repented of her sins, and turned to Allah (bk. ix.). Being liberated from the island of Mohāreb, our hero wandered, cold and hungry, into a dwelling, where he saw Laila, the daughter of Okba, the sorcerer. Okba rushed forward with intent to kill him, but Laila interposed, and fell dead by the hand of her own father (bk. x.). Her spirit, in the form of a green bird, now became the guardian angel of “The Destroyer,” and conducted him to the simorg, who directed him the road to Dom-Daniel (bk. xi.), which he reached in time, slew the surviving sorcerers, and was received into heaven (bk. xii.).--Southey, Thalaba, the Destroyer (1797).

=Thales´tris=, queen of the Amazons. Any bold, heroic woman.

As stout Armi´da [q.v.], bold Thalestris, And she [Rhodalind q.v.] that would have been the mistress Of Gondibert. S. Butler, Hudibras, i. 2 (1663).

=Tha´lia=, the Muse of pastoral song. She is often represented with a crook in her hand.

Turn to the gentler melodies which suit Thalia’s harp, or Pan’s Arcadian lute. Campbell, Pleasures of Hope, ii. (1790).

=Thaliard=, a lord of Antioch.--Shakespeare, Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1608).

=Tham´muz=, God of the Syrians, and fifth in order of the hierarchy of hell: (1) Satan, (2) Beëlzebub, (3) Moloch, (4) Chemos, (5) Thammuz (the same as Ado´nis). Thammuz was slain by a wild boar in Mount Lebanon, from whence the river Adonis descends, the water of which, at a certain season of the year, becomes reddened. Addison saw it, and ascribes the redness to a minium washed into the river by the violence of the rain.

Thammuz came next behind, Whose annual wound in Lebanon allured The Syrian damsels to lament his fate In amorous ditties all a summer’s day; While smooth Adonis from his native rock Ran purple to the sea, supposed with blood Of Thammuz yearly wounded. Milton, Paradise Lost, i. 446, etc. (1665).

=Thamu´dites= (3 syl.), people of the tribe of Thamûd. They refused to believe in Mahomet without seeing a miracle. On a grand festival, Jonda, prince of the Thamûdites, told Sâleh, the prophet, that the god which answered by miracle should be acknowledged God by both. Jonda and the Thamûdites first called upon their idols, but received no answer. “Now,” said the prince to Sâleh, “if God will bring a camel big with young from that rock, we will believe.” Scarcely had he spoken, when the rock groaned and shook and opened; and forthwith there came a camel, which there and then cast its young one. Jonda became at once a convert, but the Thamûdites held back. To add to the miracle, the camel went up and down among the people crying, “Ho! every one that thirsteth, let him come, and I will give him milk!” (compare Isaiah lv. 1.).

Unto the tribe of Thamûd we sent their brother, Sâleh. He said, “O, my people, worship God; ye have no god besides him. Now hath a manifest proof come unto you from the Lord. This she-camel of God is a sign unto you; therefore dismiss her freely ... and do her no hurt, lest a painful punishment seize upon you.”--Al Korân, vii.

⁂ There is a slight resemblance between this story and that of the contest between Elijah and the priests of Baal, so graphically described in 1 Kings xviii.

=Tham´yris= (Blind), a Thracian poet, who challenged the Muses to a contest of song, and was deprived of sight, voice, and musical skill for his presumption (Pliny, Natural History, iii. 33, and vii. 57). Plutarch says he had the finest voice of any one, and that he wrote a poem on the War of the Titans with the Gods. Suidas tells us that he composed a poem on creation. And Plato, in his Republic (last book), feigns that the spirit of the blind old bard passed into a nightingale at death. Milton speaks of:

Blind Thamyris and blind Mæon´idês [Homer]. Paradise Lost, iii. 35 (1665).

=Thanatopsis.= “View of, or meditation upon death.”

W. C. Bryant’s poem bearing this name was written when he was but nineteen years old (1818). It is the best of his poems.

=Thancmar=, châtelain of Bourbourg, the great enemy of Bertulphe, the provost of Bruges. Charles “the Good,” earl of Flanders, made a law in 1127, that a serf was always a serf till manumitted, and whoever married a serf became a serf. By these absurd laws, the provost of Bruges became a serf, because his father was Thancmar’s serf. By the same laws, Bouchard, though a knight of long descent became Thancmar’s serf, because he married Constance, the provost’s daughter. The result of these laws was that Bertulphe slew the earl and then himself, Constance went mad and died, Bouchard and Thancmar slew each other in fight, and all Bruges was thrown into confusion.--S. Knowles, The Provost of Bruges (1836).

=Thaumast=, an English pundit, who went to Paris, attracted by the rumor of the great wisdom of Pantag´ruel. He arranged a disputation with that prince, to be carried on solely by pantomime, without the utterance of a single word. Panurge undertook the disputation for the prince, and Pantagruel was appointed arbiter. Many a knotty point in magic, alchemy, the cabala, geomancy, astrology, and philosophy were argued out by signs alone, and the Englishman freely confessed himself fully satisfied, for “Panurge had told him even more than he had asked.”--Rabelais, Pantagruel, ii. 19, 20 (1533).

=Thaumaturga.= Filumēna is called La Thaumaturge du Dixneuvième Siecle. In 1802, a grave was discovered with this inscription: LUMENA PAXTE CVMFI, which has no meaning, but being re-arranged makes PAX TE-CUM, FI-LUMENA. So Filumena was at once accepted as a proper name and canonized. And because as many miracles were performed at her tomb as at that of the famous Abbé de Paris, mentioned in Paley’s Evidences, she was called “The Nineteenth-Century Miracle-Worker.” But who Filumena was, or if indeed she ever existed, is one of those secrets which no one, perhaps, will ever know. (See ST. FILOMENA.)

=Thaumatur´gus.= Gregory, bishop of Neo-Cæsarēa, in Cappadocia, was so called on account of his numerous miracles (212-270).

ALEXANDER OF HOHENLOHE, was a worker of miracles.

APOLLONIUS OF TYA´NA, “raised the dead, healed the sick, cast out devils, freed a young man from a lamia or vampire of which he was enamored, uttered prophecies, saw at Ephesus the assassination of Domitian at Rome, and filled the world with the fame of his sanctity” (A.D. 3-98).--Philostrătos, Life of Apollonius of Tyana, in eight books.

FRANCIS D’ASSISI (St.), founder of the Franciscan order (1182-1226).

J. J. GASSNER, of Bratz, in the Tyrol, exorcised the sick and cured their diseases “miraculously” (1727-1779).

ISIDORE (St.) of Alexandria (370-440).--Damascius, Life of St. Isidore (sixth century).

JAMBLICHUS, when he prayed, was raised ten cubits from the ground, and his body and dress assumed the appearance of gold. At Gadăra he drew from two fountains the guardian spirits, and showed them to his disciples.--Eunapius, Jamblichus (fourth century).

MAHOMET, “the prophet.” (1) When he ascended to heaven on Al Borak, the stone on which he stepped to mount rose in the air as the prophet rose, but Mahomet forbade it to follow any further, and it remained suspended in mid-air. (2) He took a scroll of the Korân out of a bull’s horn. (3) He brought the moon from heaven, made it pass through one sleeve and out of the other, and then allowed it to return to its place in heaven.

PASCAL (Blaise) was a miracle-worker (1623-1662).

PLOTI´NUS, the Neo-platonic philosopher (205-270).--Porphyrius, Vita Plotini (A.D. 301).

PROCLUS, a Neo-platonic philosopher (410-485).--Marinus, Vita Procli (fifth century).

SOSPITRA possessed the power of seeing all that was done in every part of the whole world.--Eunapius, Œdeseus (fourth century).

VESPASIAN, the Roman emperor, cured a blind man and a cripple by his touch during his stay at Alexandria.

VINCENT DE PAUL, founder of the “Sisters of Charity” (1576-1660).

=Thaumaturgus Physicus,= a treatise on natural magic, by Gaspar Schott (1657-9).

=Thaumaturgus of the West,= St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153).

=Theag´enes and Chariclei´a= (The Loves of), a love story, in Greek, by Heliodorus, bishop of Trikka (fourth century). A charming fiction, largely borrowed from by subsequent novelists, and especially by Mdlle. de Scudéri, Tasso, Guarini and D’Urfé. The tale is this: Some Egyptian brigands met one morning on a hill near the mouth of the Nile, and saw a vessel, laden with stores, lying at anchor. They also observed that the banks of the Nile were strewn with dead bodies and the fragments of food. On further examination they beheld Charicleia sitting on a rock, tending Theagĕnês, who lay beside her severely wounded. Some pirates had done it, and to them the vessel belonged. We are then carried to the house of Nausĭclês, and there Calasīris tells the early history of Charicleia, her love for Theagenês, and their capture by the pirates.

=Thea´na= (3 syl.) is Anne, countess of Warwick.

No less praiseworthy I Theana read ... She is the well of bounty and brave mind, Excelling most in glory and great light, The ornament is she of womankind, And court’s chief garland with all virtues dight. Spenser, Colin Clout’s Come Home Again (1595).

=Thebaid= (The), a Latin epic poem in twelve books, by Statius (about a century after Virgil). Laïos, king of Thebes, was told by an oracle that he would have a son, but that his son would be his murderer. To prevent this, when the son was born he was hung on a tree by his feet, to be devoured by wild beasts. The child, however, was rescued by some of the royal servants, who brought him up, and called his name Œdĭpos or Club-foot, because his feet and ankles were swollen by the thongs. One day, going to Thebes, the chariot of Laïos nearly drove over the young Œdipos; a quarrel ensued, and Laïos was killed. Œdipos, not knowing whom he had slain, went on to Thebes, and ere long married the widowed queen, Jocasta, not knowing that she was his mother, and by her he had two sons and two daughters. The names of the sons were Et´eoclês and Polynīcês. These sons in time dethroned their father, and agreed to reign alternate years. Etĕŏclês reigned first, but at the close of the year refused to resign the crown to his brother, and Polynicês made war upon him. This war, which occurred some forty-two years before the siege of Troy, and about the time that Debŏrah was fighting with Sisĕra (Judges iv.), is the subject of the Thebaid.

The first book recapitulates the history given above, and then goes on to say that Polynicês went straight to Argos, and laid his grievance before King Adrastos (bk. i.). While at Argos he married one of the king’s daughters, and Tydeus the other. The festivities being over, Tydeus was sent to Thebes to claim the throne for his brother-in-law, and, being insolently dismissed, denounced war against Eteoclês. The villainous usurper sent fifty ruffians to fall on the ambassador on his way to Argos, but they were all slain, except one, who was left to carry back the news (bk. ii). When Tydeus reached Argos he wanted his father-in-law to march at once against Thebes, but Adrastos, less impetuous, made answer that a great war required time for its organization. How ever, Kapăneus (3 syl.), siding with Tydeus [Ti´.duce], roused the mob (bk. iii.), and Adrastos at once set about preparations for war. He placed his army under six chieftains, viz., Polynicês, Tydeus, Amphiarāos, Kapaneus, Parthenopæos and Hippomĕdon, he himself acting as commander-in-chief (bk. iv.). Bks. v., vi. describe the march from Argos to Thebes. On the arrival of the allied army before Thebes, Jocasta tried to reconcile her two sons, but, not succeeding in this, hostilities commenced, and one of the chiefs, named Amphiaraos, was swallowed up by an earthquake (bk. vii.). Next day Tydeus greatly distinguished himself, but fell (bk. viii.). Hippomedon and Parthenopæos were both slain the day following (bk. ix.). Then came the turn of Kapaneus, bold as a tiger, strong as a giant, and a regular dare-devil in war. He actually scaled the wall, he thought himself sure of victory, he defied even Jove to stop him, and was instantly killed by a flash of lightning (bk. x.). Polynicês was now the only one of the six remaining, and he sent to Eteoclês to meet him in single combat. The two brothers met, they fought like lions, they gave no quarter, they took no rest. At length Eteoclês fell, and Polynicês, running up to strip him of his arms, was thrust through the bowels, and fell dead on the dead body of his brother. Adrastos now decamped, and returned to Argos (bk. xi.). Creon, having usurped the Theban crown, forbade any one, on pain of death, to bury the dead; but when Theseus, king of Athens, heard of this profanity, he marched at once to Thebes, Creon died, and the crown was given to Theseus (bk. xii.).

=Theban Bard= (The), THEBAN EAGLE or THEBAN LYRE, Pindar, born at Thebes (B.C. 522-442).

Ye that in fancied vision can admire The sword of Brutus and the Theban lyre. Campbell, Pleasures of Hope, i. (1799).

=Thecla= (St.) said to be of noble family, in Ico´nium, and to have been converted by the Apostle Paul. She is styled in Greek martyrologies the protomartyress, but the book called The Acts of Paul and Thecla is considered to be apocryphal.

On the selfsame shelf With the writings of St. Thecla herself. Longfellow, The Golden Legend (1851).

=Thekla=, daughter of Wallenstein.--Schiller, Wallenstein (1799).

=Thélème= (Abbey of) the abbey given by Grangousier to Friar John for the aid he rendered in the battle against Picrochole, king of Lerné. The abbey was stored with everything that could contribute to sensual indulgence and enjoyment. It was the very reverse of a convent or monastery. No religious hypocrites, no pettifogging attorneys, no usurers were admitted within it, but it was filled with gallant ladies and gentlemen, faithful expounders of the Scriptures, and every one who could contribute to its elegant recreations and general festivity. The motto over the door was: “FAY CE QUE VOULDRAS.”--Rabelais, Gargantua, i. 52-7 (1533).

Thélème, the Will personified. Voltaire, Thélème and Macare.

=The´lu=, the female or woman.

And divers colored trees and fresh array [hair] Much grace the town [head], but most the Thelu gay; But all in winter [old age] turn to snow and soon decay. Phineas Fletcher, The Purple Island, v. (1633).

=Thenot=, an old shepherd bent with age, who tells Cuddy, the herdsman’s boy, the fable of the oak and the briar. An aged oak, once a most royal tree, was wasted by age of its foliage, and stood with bare head and sear branches. A pert bramble grew hard by, and snubbed the oak, calling it a cumberer of the ground. It even complained to the lord of the field, and prayed him to cut it down. The request was obeyed, and the oak was felled; but now the bramble suffered from the storm and cold, for it had no shelter, and the snow bent it to the ground, where it was draggled and defiled. The application is very personal. Cuddy is the pert, flippant bramble, and Thenot the hoary oak; but Cuddy told the old man his tale was long and trashy, and bad him hie home, for the sun was set.--Spenser, Shepheardes Calendar, ii. (1579).

(Thenot is introduced also in ecl. iv., and again in ecl. xi., where he begs Colin to sing something, but Colin declines because his mind is sorrowing for the death of the shepherdess Dido.)

Thenot, a shepherd who loved Clorin chiefly for her “fidelity” to her deceased lover. When the “faithful shepherdess” knew this, in order to cure him of his passion, she pretended to return his love. Thenot was so shocked to see his charm broken that he lost even his respect for Clorin, and forsook her.--John Fletcher, The Faithful Shepherdess (1610).

=Theocritus,= of Syracuse, in Sicily (fl. B.C. 280), celebrated for his idylls in Doric Greek. Meli is the person referred to below.

Behold once more, The pitying gods to earth restore Theocritus of Syracuse. Longfellow, The Wayside Inn (prelude 1863).

Theocritus (The Scotch), Allan Ramsay, author of The Gentle Shepherd (1685-1758).

Theocritus (The Sicilian), Giovanni Meli, of Palermo, immortalized by his eclogues and idylls (1740-1815).

=Theod´ofred=, heir to the Spanish throne, but incapacitated from reigning, because he had been blinded by Witiza. Theodofred was the son of Chindasuintho, and father of King Roderick. As Witiza, the usurper, had blinded Theodofred, so Roderick dethroned and blinded Witiza.--Southey, Roderick, etc. (1814).

⁂ In mediæval times no one with any personal defect was allowed to reign and one of the most ordinary means of disqualifying a prince for succeeding to a throne was to put out his eyes. Of course, the reader will call to mind the case of Prince Arthur, the nephew of King John; and scores of other instances in Italian, French, Spanish, German, Russian, and Scandinavian history.

=Theod´omas=, a famous trumpeter at the siege of Thebes.

At every court ther cam loud menstralcye That never trompêd Joab for to heere, Ne he Theodomas yit half so cleere At Thebês, when the citê was in doute. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, 9592, etc. (1338).

=Theodo´ra=, sister of Constantine, the Greek emperor. She entertained most bitter hatred against Rogēro for slaying her son, and vowed vengeance. Rogero, being entrapped in sleep, was confined by her in a dungeon, and fed on the bread and water of affliction, but was ultimately released by Prince Leon.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

=The´odore= (3 syl.), son of General Archas, “the loyal subject” of the great-duke of Muscovia. A colonel, valorous, but impatient.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Loyal Subject (1618).

Theodore (3 syl.), of Ravenna, brave, rich, honored, and chivalrous. He loved Honōria “to madness,” but “found small favor in the lady’s eyes.” At length, however, the lady relented and married him. (See HONORIA.)--Dryden, Theodore and Honoria (from Boccaccio).

Theodore, son of the lord of Clarinsal, and grandson of Alphonso. His father thought him dead, renounced the world, and became a monk of St. Nicholas, assuming the name of Austin. By chance Theodore was sent home in a Spanish bark, and found his way into some secret passage of the count’s castle, where he was seized and taken before the count. Here he met the monk, Austin, and was made known to him. He informed his father of his love for Adelaide, the count’s daughter, and was then told that if he married her, he must renounce his estates and title. The case stood thus: If he claimed his estates, he must challenge the count to mortal combat, and renounce the daughter; but if he married Adelaide, he must forego his rights, for he could not marry the daughter and slay his father-in-law. The perplexity is solved by the death of Adelaide, killed by her father by mistake, and the death of the count by his own hand.--Robert Jephson, Count of Narbonne (1782).

Theod´orick, king of the Goths, called by the German minnesingers, Diderick of Bern (Verōna).

Theodorick, or “Alberick of Mortemar,” an exiled nobleman, hermit of Engaddi, and an enthusiast.--Sir W. Scott, The Talisman (time, Richard I.).

=Theodorus= (Master), a learned physician, employed by Ponocratês to cure Gargantua of his vicious habits. The doctor accordingly “purged him canonically with Anticyrian hellebore, cleansed from his brain all perverse habits, and made him forget everything he had learned of his other preceptors.”--Rabelais, Gargantua, i. 23.

Hellebore was made use of to purge the brain, in order to fit it the better for serious study.--Pliny, Natural History, xxv. 25; Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, xvii. 15.

=Theodo´sius=, the hermit of Cappadocia. He wrote the four gospels in letters of gold (423-529).

Theodosius, who of old. Wrote the gospels in letters of gold. Longfellow, The Golden Legend (1851).

=Theophilus= (St.), of Adana, in Cilicia (sixth century). He was driven by slander to sell his soul to the devil, on condition that his character was cleared. The slander was removed, and no tongue wagged against the thin-skinned saint. Theophilus now repented of his bargain, and after a fast of forty days and forty nights, was visited by the Virgin, who bade him confess to the bishop. This he did, received absolution, and died within three days of brain fever.--Jacques de Voragine, The Golden Legends (thirteenth century).

This is a very stale trick, told of many a saint. Southey has poetized one of them in his ballad of St. Basil, or The Sinner Saved (1829). Elĕēmon sold his soul to the devil on condition of his procuring him Cyra for wife. The devil performed his part of the bargain, but Eleemon called off, and St. Basil gave him absolution. (See SINNER SAVED.)

=Theophras´tus of France= (The), Jean de la Bruyère, author of Caractères (1646-1696).

=Theresa=, the miller’s wife, who adopted and brought up Amīna, the orphan, called “the somnambulist.”--Bellini, La Sonnambula (libretto by Scribe, 1831).

Therēsa, wife of the count palatine of Padōlia, beloved by Mazeppa. Her father, indignant that a mere page should presume to his daughter’s hand, had Mazeppa bound to a wild horse, and set adrift. The future history of Theresa is not related.--Byron, Mazeppa (1819).

Medora [wife of the Corsair], Neuha [in The Island], Leila [in The Giaour], Francesca [in The Siege of Corinth], and Theresa, it has been alleged, are but children of one family, with differences resulting only from climate and circumstances.--Finden, Byron Beauties.

Theresa (Sister), with Flora M’Ivor at Carlisle.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

=Theringe= (Mde. de), the mother of Louise de Lascours, and grandmother of Diana de Lascours and Martha, alias Orgari´ta, “the orphan of the Frozen Sea.”--E. Stirling, The Orphan of the Frozen Sea (1856).

=Thermopylæ.= When Xerxes invaded Greece, Leonĭdas was sent with 300 Spartans, as a forlorn hope, to defend the pass leading from Thessaly into Locris, by which it was thought the Persian host would penetrate into Southern Greece. The Persians, however, having discovered a path over the mountains, fell on Leonidas in the rear, and the “brave defenders of the hot-gates” were cut to pieces.

=Theron=, the favorite dog of Roderick, the last Gothic king of Spain. When the discrowned king, dressed as a monk, assumed the name of “Father Maccabee,” although his tutor, mother, and even Florinda failed to recognize him, Theron knew him at once, fawned on him with fondest love, and would never again leave him till the faithful creature died. When Roderick saw his favorite,

He threw his arms around the dog, and cried, While tears streamed down, “Thou, Theron, thou hast known Thy poor lost master; Theron, none but thou!” Southey, Roderick, etc., xv. (1814).

=Thersi´tes= (3 syl.), a scurrilous Grecian chief, “loquacious, loud, and coarse.” His chief delight was to inveigh against the kings of Greece. He squinted, halted, was gibbous behind and pinched before, and on his tapering head grew a few white patches of starveling down (Iliad, ii.).

His brag, as Thersītês, with elbows abroad. T. Tusser, Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, liv. (1557).

=The´seus= (2 syl.), the Attic hero. He induced the several towns of Attica to give up their separate governments and submit to a common jurisdiction, whereby the several petty chiefdoms were consolidated into one state, of which Athens was the capital.

⁂ Similarly, the several kingdoms of the Saxon heptarchy were consolidated into one kingdom by Egbert; but in this latter case, the might of arms, and not the power of conviction, was the instrument employed.

Theseus (Duke) of Athens. On his return home, after marrying Hypolĭta, a crowd of female suppliants complained to him of Creon, king of Thebes. The duke therefore set out for Thebes, slew Creon, and took the city by assault. Among the captives taken in this siege were two knights, named Palămon and Arcite, who saw the duke’s sister from their dungeon window, and fell in love with her. When set at liberty, they told their loves to the duke, and Theseus (2 syl.) promised to give the lady to the best man in a single combat. Arcite overthrew Palamon, but as he was about to claim the lady his horse threw him, and he died; so Palamon lost the contest, but won the bride.--Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (“The Knight’s Tale,” 1388).

⁂ In classic story, Theseus is called “king;” but Chaucer styles him “duke,” that is, dux, “leader or emperor” (imperātor).

=Thespian Maids= (The), the nine Muses. So called from Thespia, in Bœotia, near Mount Helĭcon, often called Thespia Rupes.

Those modest Thespian maids thus to their Isis sung. Drayton, Polyolbion, xv. (1613).

=Thespi´o=, a Muse. The Muses were called Thespi´adês, from Thespīa, in Bœo´tia, at the foot of mount Helĭcon.

Tell me, oh, tell me then, thou holy Muse, Sacred Thespīo. Phineas Fletcher, The Purple Island, vii. (1633).

=Thespis=, the father of the Greek drama.

Thespis, the first professor of our art, At country wakes sang ballads from a cart. Dryden, Prologue to Sophonisba (1729).

=Thes´tylis=, a female slave; any rustic maiden.--Theocritos, Idylls.

With Thestylis to bind the sheaves. Milton, L’Allegro (1638).

=Thet´is=, mother of Achillês. She was a sea-nymph, daughter of Nereus, the sea-god.--Grecian Story.

=Theuerdank=, a sobriquet of Kaiser Maximilian I. of Germany (1459, 1493-1519).

=Thiebalt=, a Provençal, one of Arthur’s escorts to Aix.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Thieves= (The Two). The penitent thief crucified with Jesus, has been called by sundry names, as Demas, Dismas, Titus, Matha, and Vicimus.

The impenitent thief, has been called Gestas, Dumachas, Joca, and Justīnus.

In the Aprocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, the former is called Dysmas and the latter Gestas. In the Story of Joseph of Arimathea, the former is called Demas and the latter Gestas. Longfellow’s Golden Legend, calls them Titus and Dumachus. A legend says that they attacked Joseph in his flight into Egypt. Titus said, “Let the good people go;” but Dumachus refused to do so till he “paid a ransom for himself and family.” Upon this, Titus gave his fellow forty groats; and the infant Jesus said, “In thirty years I shall die, and you two with Me. We shall be crucified together; but in that day, Titus, this deed shall be remembered.”

Thieves (His ancestors proved). It is Sir Walter Scott who wrote and proved his “ancestors were thieves,” in the Lay of the Last Minstrel, iv. 9.

A modern author spends a hundred leaves To prove his ancestors notorious thieves. The Town Ecolgue.

=Thieves Screened.= It is said of Edward the Confessor, that one day, while lying on his bed for his afternoon’s nap, a courtier stole into his chamber and seeing the king’s casket, helped himself freely from it. He returned a second time, and on his third entrance, Edward said, “Be quick, or Hugoline (the chamberlain) will see you.” The courtier was scarcely gone, when the chamberlain entered and instantly detected the theft. The king said, “Never mind, Hugoline; the fellow who has taken it no doubt has greater need of it than either you or I.” (Reigned 1042-1066).

Several similar anecdotes are told of Robert the Pious, of France. One time he saw a man steal a silver candle-stick off the altar, and said, “Friend Ogger, run for your life, or you will be found out.” At another time, one of the twelve poor men in his train cut off a rich gold pendant from the royal robe, and Robert, turning to the man, said to him, “Hide it quickly, friend, before any one sees it.” (Reigned 996-1031.)

The following is told of two or three kings, amongst others of Ludwig the Pious, who had a very overbearing wife. A beggar under the table, picking up the crumbs which the king let down, cut off the gold fringe of the royal robe, and the king whispered to him, “Take care the queen doesn’t see you.”

=Thieves of Historic Note.=

AUTOL´YCOS, son of Hermês; a very prince of thieves. He had the power of changing the color and shape of stolen goods so as to prevent their being recognized.--Greek Fable.

BARLOW (Jimmy), immortalized by the ballad-song:

My name it is Jimmy Barlow; I was born in the town of Carlow; And here I lie in Maryboro’ jail, All for the robbing of the Dublin mail.

CARTOUCHE, the Dick Turpin of France (eighteenth century).

COTTINGTON (John), in the time of the Commonwealth, who emptied the pockets of Oliver Cromwell, when lord protector, stripped Charles II. of £1500, and stole a watch and chain from Lady Fairfax.

DUVAL (Claude), a French highwayman, noted for his gallantry and daring (*-1670). (See “James Whitney,” who was a very similar character.)

⁂ Alexander Dumas has a novel entitled Claude Duval, and Miss Robinson introduces him in White Friars.

FRITH (Mary), usually called “Moll Cutpurse.” She had the honor of robbing General Fairfax, on Hounslow Heath. Mary Frith lived in the reign of Charles I., and died at the age of 75 years.

⁂ Nathaniel Field has introduced Mary Frith, and made merry with some of her pranks, in his comedy, Amends for Ladies (1618).

GALLOPING DICK, executed in Aylesbury, in 1800.

GRANT (Captain), the Irish highwayman, executed at Maryborough in 1816.

GREENWOOD (Samuel), executed at Old Bailey in 1822.

HASSAN, the “Old Man of the Mountain,” once the terror of Europe. He was chief of the Assassins (1056-1124).

HOOD (Robin) and his “merry men all,” of Sherwood Forest. Famed in song, drama and romance. Probably he lived in the reign of Richard Cœur de Lion.

⁂ Sir W. Scott has introduced him both in The Talisman and in Ivanhoe. Stow has recorded the chief incidents of his life (see under the year 1213). Ritson has compiled a volume of ballads respecting him. Drayton has given a sketch of him in the Polyolbion, xxvi. The following are dramas on the same outlaw, viz.:--The Playe of Robyn Hode, very proper to be played in Maye games (fifteenth century); Skelton, at the command of Henry VIII., wrote a drama called The Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntington (about 1520); The Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntington, by Munday (1597); The Death of Robert, Earle of Huntington, otherwise called Robin Hood of Merrie Sherwodde, by H. Chettle (1598). Chettle’s drama is in reality a continuation of Munday’s, like the two parts of Shakespeare’s plays, Henry IV. and Henry V. Robin Hood’s Penn´orths, a play by William Haughton (1600); Robin Hood and His Pastoral May Games (1624), Robin Hood and His Crew of Soldiers (1627), both anonymous; The Sad Shepherd, or a Tale of Robin Hood (unfinished), B. Jonson (1637); Robin Hood, an opera (1730); Robin Hood, an opera by Dr. Arne and Burney (1741); Robin Hood, a musical farce (1751); Robin Hood, a comic opera (1784); Robin Hood, an opera by O’Keefe, music by Shield (1787); Robin Hood, by Macnally (before 1820). Sheridan began a drama on the same subject, which he called The Foresters; The Foresters, Tennyson (1892).

PERIPHE´TES (4 syl.) of Argŏlis, surnamed “The Club-Bearer,” because he used to kill his victims with an iron club.--Grecian Story.

PROCRUSTES (3 syl.), a famous robber of Attica. His real name was Polypēmon or Damastês, but he received the sobriquet of Procrustês, or “The Stretcher,” from his practice of placing all victims that fell into his hands on a certain bedstead. If the victim was too short to fit it he stretched the limbs to the right length; if too long he lopped off the redundant part.--Grecian Story.

REA (William), executed at Old Bailey in 1828.

SHEPPARD (Jack), an ardent, reckless, generous youth, wholly unrivalled as a thief and burglar. His father was a carpenter in Spitalfields. Sentence of death was passed on him in August, 1724; but when the warders came to take him to execution, they found he had escaped. He was apprehended in the following October, and again made his escape. A third time he was caught, and in November suffered death. Certainly the most popular burglar that ever lived (1701-1724).

⁂ Daniel Defoe made Jack Sheppard the hero of a romance in 1724, and H. Ainsworth in 1839.

SINIS, a Corinthian highwayman, surnamed “The Pine-Bender,” from his custom of attaching the limbs of his victims to two opposite pines forcibly bent down. Immediately the trees were released they bounded back, tearing the victim limb from limb.--Grecian Story.

TER´MEROS, a robber of Peloponnesos, who killed his victims by cracking their skulls against his own.

TURPIN (Dick), a noted highwayman (1711-1739). His ride to York is described by H. Ainsworth in his Rookwood (1834).

WHITNEY (James), the last of the “gentlemanly” highwaymen. He prided himself on being “the glass of fashion and the mould of form.” Executed at Porter’s Block, near Smithfield (1660-1694).

WILD (Jonathan), a cool, calculating, heartless villain, with the voice of a Stentor. He was born at Wolverhampton, in Staffordshire, and, like Sheppard, was the son of a carpenter. Unlike Sheppard, this cold-blooded villain was universally execrated. He was hanged at Tyburn (1682-1725).

⁂ Defoe made Jonathan Wild the hero of a romance in 1725; Fielding in 1744.

=Thirlmore= (Rev. and Col.), ambitious, able man, first a popular, sensational preacher, then, as the bubble breaks, a farmer and stock-raiser, lastly an officer in the U. S. Army, during the Civil War. In the varied experiences of the latter career, the selfishness which has marred his character sloughs off, and the man appears.--William M. Baker, His Majesty, Myself (1879) and The Making of a Man (1881).

=Third Founder of Rome= (The), Caius Marius. He was so called, because he overthrew the multitudinous hordes of Cambrians and Teutons, who came to lick up the Romans as the oxen of the field lick up grass (B.C. 102).

⁂ The first founder was Romulus, and the second Camillus.

=Thirsil and Thelgon=, two gentle swains who were kinsmen. Thelgon exhorts Thirsil to wake his “too long sleeping Muse;” and Thirsil, having collected the nymphs and shepherds around him, sang to them the song of The Purple Island.--Phineas Fletcher, The Purple Island, i., ii. (1633).

=Thirsty= (The), Colman Itadach, surnamed “The Thirsty,” was a monk of the rule of St. Patrick. Itadach, in strict observance of the Patrician rule, refused to quench his thirst even in the harvest-field, and died in consequence.

=Thirteen Precious Things of Britain.=

1. DYRNWYN (the sword of Rhydderch Hael). If any man except Hael drew this blade, it burst into a flame from point to hilt.

2. THE BASKET OF GWYDDNO GARANHIR. If food for one man were put therein, it multiplied till it sufficed for a hundred.

3. THE HORN OF BRAN GALED, in which was always found the very beverage that each drinker most desired.

4. THE PLATTER OF RHEGYNYDD YSGOLHAIG, which always contained the very food that the eater most liked.

5. THE CHARIOT OF MORGAN MWYNVAWR. Whoever sat therein was transported instantaneously to the place he wished to go to.

9. THE HALTER OF CLYDNO EIDDYN. Whatever horse he wished for was always found therein. It hung on a staple at the foot of his bed.

7. THE KNIFE OF LLAWFRODDED FARCHAWG, which would serve twenty-four men simultaneously at any meal.

8. THE CALDRON OF TYRNOG. If meat were put in for a brave man, it was cooked instantaneously, but meat for a coward would never get boiled therein.

9. THE WHETSTONE OF TUDWAL TUDCLUD. If the sword of a brave man were sharpened thereon, its cut was certain death; but if of a coward, the cut was harmless.

10. THE ROBE OF PADARN BEISRUDD, which fitted every one of gentle birth, but no churl could wear it.

11. THE MANTLE OF TEGAU EURVRON, which only fitted ladies whose conduct was irreproachable.

12. THE MANTLE OF KING ARTHUR, which could be worn or used as a carpet, and whoever wore it or stood on it was invisible. This mantle or carpet was called Gwenn.

⁂ The ring of Luned rendered the wearer invisible so long as the stone of it was concealed.

13. THE CHESSBOARD OF GWENDDOLEN. When the men were placed upon it, they played of themselves. The board was of gold, and the men silver.--Welsh Romance.

=Thirteen Unlucky.= It is said that it is unlucky for thirteen persons to sit down to dinner at the same table, because one of the number will die before the year is out. This silly superstition is based on the “Last Supper,” when Christ and His twelve disciples sat at meat together. Jesus was crucified; and Judas Iscariot hanged himself.

=Thirty= (The). So the Spartan senate established by Lycurgos was called.

Similarly, the Venetian senate was called “The Forty.”

=Thirty Tyrants= (The). So the governors, appointed by Lysander, the Spartan, over Athens, were called (B.C. 404). They continued in power only eight months, when Thrasybūlos deposed them and restored the republic.

“The Thirty” put more people to death in eight months of peace, than the enemy had done in a war of thirty years.--Xenophon.

=Thirty Tyrants of Rome= (The), a fanciful name, applied by Trebellius Pollio, to a set of adventurers who tried to make themselves masters of Rome at sundry times between A.D. 260 and 267.

The number was not thirty, and the analogy between them and “The Thirty Tyrants of Athens” is scarcely perceptible.

=Thirty Years’ War= (The), a series of wars between the Protestants and Catholics of Germany, terminated by the “Peace of Westphalia.” The war arose thus: The emperor of Austria interfered in the struggle between the Protestants and Catholics, by depriving the Protestants of Bohemia of their religious privileges; in consequence of which the Protestants flew to arms. After the contest had been going on for some years, Richelieu joined the Protestants (1635), not from any love of their cause, but solely to humiliate Austria and Spain (1618-1648).

The Peloponnesian war between Athens and Sparta is called “The Thirty Years’ War”.

=Thisbe= (2 syl.), a beautiful Babylonian maid, beloved by Pyrămus, her next-door neighbor. As their parents forbade their marriage, they contrived to hold intercourse with each other through a chink in the garden wall. Once they agreed to meet at the tomb of Ninus. Thisbê was first at the trysting-place, but, being scared by a lion, took to flight, and accidentally dropped her robe, which the lion tore and stained with blood. Pyramus, seeing the blood-stained robe, thought that the lion had eaten Thisbê, and so killed himself. When Thisbê returned and saw her lover dead, she killed herself also. Shakespeare has burlesqued this pretty tale in his Midsummer Night’s Dream (1592).

=Thom´alin=, a shepherd who laughed to scorn the notion of love, but was ultimately entangled in its wiles. He tells Willy that one day, hearing a rustling in a bush, he discharged an arrow, when up flew Cupid into a tree. A battle ensued between them, and when the shepherd, having spent all his arrows, ran away, Cupid shot him in the heel. Thomalin did not much heed the wound at first, but soon it festered inwardly and rankled daily more and more.--Spenser, Shepheardes Calendar, iii. (1579).

Thomalin is again introduced in Ecl. vii., when he inveighs against the Catholic priests in general, and the shepherd Palinode (3 syl.) in particular. This eclogue could not have been written before 1578, as it refers to the sequestration of Grindal, archbishop of Canterbury in that year.

=Thomas= (Monsieur), the fellow-traveller of Val´entine. Valentine’s niece, Mary, is in love with him.--Beaumont and Fletcher, Mons. Thomas (1619).

Thomas (Sir), a dogmatical, prating, self-sufficient squire, whose judgments are but “justices’ justice.”--Crabbe, Borough, x. (1810).

=Thomas à Kempis=, the pseudonym of Jean Charlier de Gerson (1363-1429). Some say, of Thomas Hämmerlein Maleŏlus (1380-1471).

=Thomas the Rhymer= or “Thomas of Erceldoun,” an ancient Scottish bard. His name was Thomas Learmont, and he lived in the days of Wallace (thirteenth century).

⁂ Thomas the Rhymer, and Thomas Rymer were totally different persons. The latter was an historiographer, who compiled The Fœdera (1638-1713).

=Thomas= (Winifred), beautiful coquette, who wins Henry Vane’s heart only to trifle with it, in Frederic Jesup Stimson’s novel, The Crime of Henry Vane (1884).

=Thopas= (Sir), a native of Poperyng, in Flanders; a capital sportsman, archer, wrestler, and runner. Sir Thopas resolved to marry no one but an “elf queen,” and accordingly started for Faëryland. On his way he met the three-headed giant, Olifaunt, who challenged him to single combat. Sir Thopas asked permission to go for his armor, and promised to meet the giant next day. Here mine host broke in with the exclamation, “Intolerable stuff!” and the story was left unfinished.--Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (“The Rime of Sir Thopas,” 1388).

=Thor=, eldest son of Odin and Frigga; strongest and bravest of the gods. He launched the thunder, presided over the air and the seasons, and protected man from lightning and evil spirits.

His wife was Sif (“love”).

His chariot was drawn by two he-goats.

His mace or hammer was called Mjolner.

His belt was Megingjard. Whenever he put it on his strength was doubled.

His palace was Thrudvangr. It contained 540 halls.

Thursday is Thor’s day.--Scandinavian Mythology.

The word means “Refuge from terror.”

=Thoresby= (Broad), one of the troopers under Fitzurse.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Thorn´berry= (Job), a brazier in Penzance. He was a blunt but kind man, strictly honest, most charitable, and doting on his daughter, Mary. Job Thornberry is called “John Bull,” and is meant to be a type of a genuine English tradesman, unsophisticated by cant and foreign manners. He failed in business “through the treachery of a friend;” but Peregrine, to whom he had lent ten guineas, returning from Calcutta after the absence of thirty years, gave him £10,000, which he said his loan had grown to by honest trade.

Mary Thornberry, his daughter, in love with Frank Rochdale, son and heir of Sir Simon Rochdale, whom ultimately she married.--G. Colman, Jr., John Bull (1805).

=Thorne= (Esmerald), physician who is killed instantly by a runaway horse, and, without suspecting that his spirit has left his body, seeks first one friend, then another, remaining viewless to all. Condemned to work his way from a lower to a higher plane, he rebels against the natural law of sowing and reaping, until led by the spirit of his own little child to repentance and sanctification.

Thorne (Helen), patient wife and sorrowing widow of Esmerald.--Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, The Gates Between (1887).

=Thornhaugh= (Colonel), an officer in Cromwell’s army.--Sir W. Scott, Woodstock (time, Commonwealth).

=Thornhill= (Sir William), alias Mr. Burchell, about 30 years of age. Most generous and most whimsical, most benevolent and most sensitive. Sir William was the landlord of Dr. Primrose, the vicar of Wakefield. After travelling through Europe on foot, he had returned and lived incognito. In the garb and aspect of a pauper, Mr. Burchell is introduced to the vicar of Wakefield. Twice he rescued his daughter, Sophia--once when she was thrown from her horse into a deep stream, and once when she was abducted by Squire Thornhill. Ultimately he married her.--Goldsmith, The Vicar of Wakefield (1766).

Thornhill (Squire), nephew of Sir William Thornhill. He enjoyed a large fortune, but was entirely dependent on his uncle. He was a sad libertine, who abducted both the daughters of Dr. Primrose, and cast the old vicar into jail for rent after the entire loss of his house, money, furniture, and books by fire. Squire Thornhill tried to impose upon Olivia Primrose by a false marriage, but was caught in his own trap, for the marriage proved to be legal in every respect.--Goldsmith, The Vicar of Wakefield (1766).

This worthy citizen abused the aristocracy much on the same principle as the fair Olivia depreciated Squire Thornhill:--he had a sneaking affection for what he abused.--Lord Lytton.

=Thornton= (Captain), an English officer.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time George I.).

Thornton (Cyril), the hero and title of a novel of military adventure, by Captain Thomas Hamilton (1827).

=Thorough Doctor= (The). William Varro was called Doctor Fundātus (thirteenth century).

=Thoughtful= (Father), Nicholas Cat´inet, a marshal of France. So called by his soldiers for his cautious and thoughtful policy (1637-1712).

=Thoughtless= (Miss Betty), a virtuous, sensible, and amiable young lady, utterly regardless of the conventionalities of society, and wholly ignorant of etiquette. She is consequently forever involved in petty scrapes most mortifying to her sensitive mind. Even her lover is alarmed at her gaucherie, and deliberates whether such a partner for life is desirable.--Mrs. Heywood, Miss Betty Thoughtless (1687-1758).

(Mrs. Heywood’s novel evidently suggested the Evelina of Miss Burney, 1778.)

=Thoulouse= (Raymond, count of), one of the crusading princes.--Sir W. Scott Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

=Thrame= (Janet), fiend-possessed serving maid, who, when she went abroad led by her possessor and master, left her body hung upon a nail in her room.--R. L. Stevenson, Thrame Janet.

=Thraso=, a bragging, swaggering captain, the Roman Bobadil (q.v.).--Terence, The Eunuch.

Thraso, duke of Mar, one of the allies of Charlemagne.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

=Three a Divine Number.= Pythagoras calls three the perfect number, expressive of “beginning, middle, and end,” and he makes it a symbol of deity.

AMERICAN INDIANS: Otkon (creator), Messou (providence) Atahuata (the Logos).

(Called Otkon by the Iroquois, and Otkee by the Virginians).

ARMORICA. The korrigans or fays of Armorica are three times three.

BRAHMINS: Brahma, Vishnu, Siva.

BUDDHISTS: Buddha, Annan Sonsja, Rosia Sonsja.

(These are the three idols seen in Buddhist temples; Buddha stands in the middle.)

CHRISTIANS: The Father, the Son (the Logos), the Holy Ghost.

When, in creation, the earth was without form and void, “the Spirit moved over the face,” and put it into order.

EGYPTIANS (Ancient). Almost every district had its own triad, but the most general were Osiris, Isis, Horus; Eicton, Cneph (creator), Phtha.

ETRUSCANS. Their college consisted of three times three gods.

Lars Porsĕna of Clusium, By the nine gods he swore That the great house of Tarquin Should suffer wrong no more. Lord Macaulay, Lays of Ancient Rome (“Horatius,” 1842).

KAMTSCHADALES: Koutkhou (creator of heaven), Kouhttigith, his sister (creator of earth), Outleigin (creator of ocean).

PARSEES: Ahura (the creator), Vohu Mano (“entity”), Akem Mano (“nonentity”).

PERSIANS: Oromasdês or Oromāzês (the good principle), Arimanês (the evil principle), Mithras (fecundity).

Others give Zervanê (god the father), and omit Mithras from the trinity.

PERUVIANS (Ancient): Pachama (goddess mother), Virakotcha (= Jupiter), Mamakotcha (=Neptune). They called their Trinity “Tangatanga” (i.e., “three in one”).

PHŒNICIANS: Kolpia (the Logos), Baaut (“darkness”), Mot (“matter”).

ROMANS (Ancient): Jupiter (god of heaven), Neptune (god of earth and sea), Pluto (god of Hades, the under-world).

(Their whole college of gods consisted of four times three deities.)

SCANDINAVIANS: Odin (“life”), Hænir (“motion”), Loda (“matter”).

TAHITIANS: Taroataihetoomoo (chief deity), Tepapa (the fecund principle), Tettoomatataya (their offspring).

Lao-Tseu, the Chinese philosopher, says the divine trinity is: Ki, Hi, Ouei.

Orpheus says it is: Phanês (light), Urănos (heaven), Kronos (time).

Plato says it is: Tô Agăthon (goodness), Nous (intelligence), Psuchê (the mundane soul).

Pythagoras says it is: Monad (the unit or oneness), Nous, Psuchê.

Vossius says it is: Jupiter (divine power), Minerva (the Logos), Juno (divine progenitiveness).

Subordinate. The orders of ANGELS are three times three, viz.: (1) Seraphim, (2) Cherubim, (3) Thrones, (4) Dominions, (5) Virtues, (6) Powers, (7) Principalities, (8) Archangels, (9) Angels.--Dionysius, the Areopăgite.

In heaven above The effulgent bands in triple circles move. Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered, xi. 13 (1575).

The CITIES OF REFUGE were three on each side the Jordan.

The FATES are three: Clotho (with her distaff, presides at birth), Lachĕsis (spins the thread of life), Atrŏpos (cuts the thread).

The FURIES are three: Tisiponê, Alecto, Megæra.

The GRACES are three: Euphros´ynê (cheerfulness of mind), Aglaia (mirth), Thalīa (good-tempered jest).

The JUDGES OF HADES are three: Minos (the chief baron), Æacus (the judge of Europeans), Rhadamanthus (the judge of Asiatics and Africans).

The MUSES are three times three.

Jupiter’s thunder is three-forked (trifĭdun); Neptune’s trident has three prongs; Pluto’s dog, Cerbĕrus, has three heads. The rivers of hell are three times three, and Styx flows round it thrice three times.

In Scandinavian mythology there are three times three earths; three times three worlds in Niflheim; three times three regions under the dominion of Hel.

According to a mediæval tradition, the heavens are three times three., viz., the Moon, Venus, Mercury, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the fixed stars and the primum mobĭlê.

SYMBOLIC. (1) In the tabernacle and Jewish Temple.

The Temple consisted of three parts: the porch, the Temple proper and the holy of holies. It had three courts: the court of the priests, the court of the people and the court of foreigners. The innermost court had three rows, and three windows in each row (1 Kings vi. 36; vii. 4).

Similarly, Ezekiel’s city had three gates on each side (Ezek. xlviii. 31). Cyrus left direction for the rebuilding of the Temple; it was to be three score cubits in height, and three score cubits wide, and three rows of great stones were to be set up (Ezra vi. 3, 4). In like manner, the “New Jerusalem” is to have four times three foundations: (1) jasper, (2) sapphire, (3) chalcedony, (4) emerald, (5) sardonyx, (6) sardius, (7) chrysolyte, (8) beryl, (9) topaz, (10) chrysoprase, (11) jacinth, (12) amethyst. It is to have three gates fronting each cardinal quarter (Rev. xxi. 13-20).

(2) In the Temple Furniture: The golden candlestick had three branches on each side (Exod. xxv. 32); there were three bowls (ver. 33); the height of the altar was three cubits (Exod. xxvii. 1); there were three pillars for the hangings (ver. 14); Solomon’s molten sea was supported on oxen, three facing each cardinal point (1 Kings vii. 25).

(3) Sacrifices and Offerings: A meat offering consisted of three-tenth deals of fine flour (Lev. xiv. 10); Hannah offered up three bullocks when Samuel was devoted to the temple (1 Sam. i. 24); three sorts of beasts--bullocks, rams, and lambs--were appointed for offerings (Numb. xxix.); the Jews were commanded to keep three national feasts yearly (Exod.. xxiii. 14-17); in all criminal charges three witnesses were required (Deut. xvii. 6).

MISCELLANEOUS THREES. Joshua sent three men from each tribe to survey the land of Canaan (Josh. xvii. 4). Moses had done the same at the express command of God (Numb. xiii.). Job had three friends (Job ii. 11). Abraham was accosted by three men (angels), with whom he pleaded to spare the cities of the plain (Gen. xviii. 2). Nebuchadnezzar cast three men into the fiery furnace (Dan. iii. 24). David had three mighty men of valor, and one of them slew 300 of the Philistines with his spear (2 Sam. xxiii. 9, 18). Nebuchadnezzar’s image was three score cubits high (Dan. iii. 1). Moses was hidden three months from the Egyptian police (Exod. ii. 2). The ark of the covenant was three months in the house of Obededom (2 Sam. vi. 11). Balaam smote his ass three times before the beast upbraided him (Numb. xxii. 28). Samson mocked Delilah three times (Judges xvi. 15). Elijah stretched himself three times on the child which he restored to life (1 Kings xvii. 21). The little horn plucked up three horns by the roots (Dan. vii. 8). The bear seen by Daniel in his vision, had three ribs in its mouth (ver. 5). Joab slew Absalom with three darts (2 Sam. xviii. 14). God gave David the choice of three chastisements (2 Sam. xxiv. 12). The great famine in David’s reign lasted three years (2 Sam. xxi. 1); so did the great drought in Ahab’s reign (Luke iv. 25). There were three men transfigured on the mount, and three spectators (Matt. xvii. 1-4). The sheet was let down to Peter three times (Acts x. 16). There are three Christian graces: Faith, hope, and charity (1 Cor. xiii. 13). There are three that bear record in heaven, and three that bear witness on earth (1 John v. 7, 8). There were three unclean spirits that came out of the mouth of the dragon (Rev. xvi. 13).

So again. Every ninth wave is said to be the largest.

[They] watched the great sea fall, Wave after wave, each mightier than the last; Till last, a ninth one, gathering half the deep And full of voices, slowly rose and plunged, Roaring, and all the wave was in a flame. Tennyson, The Holy Grail (1858-59).

A wonder is said to last three times three days. The scourge used for criminals is a “cat o’ nine tails.” Possession is nine points of the law, being equal to (1) money to make good a claim, (2) patience to carry a suit through, (3) a good cause, (4) a good lawyer, (5) a good counsel, (6) good witnesses, (7) a good jury, (8) a good judge, (9) good luck. Leases used to be granted for 999 years. Ordeals by fire consisted of three times three red-hot ploughshares.

There are three times three crowns recognized in heraldry, and three times three marks of cadency.

We show honor by a three times three in drinking a health.

The worthies are three Jews, three pagans, and three Christians: viz., Joshua, David, and Judas Maccabæus; Hector, Alexander, and Julius Cæsar; Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouillon. The worthies of London are three times three also: (1) Sir William Walworth, (2) Sir Henry Pritchard, (3) Sir William Sevenoke, (4) Sir Thomas White, (5) Sir John Bonham, (6) Christopher Croker, (7) Sir John Hawkwood, (8) Sir Hugh Caverley, (9) Sir Henry Maleverer (Richard Johnson, The Nine Worthies of London).

⁂ Those who take any interest in this subject can easily multiply the examples here set down to a much greater number. (See below, the Welsh Triads.)

=Three Ardent Lovers of Britain= (The): (1) Caswallawn, son of Beli, the ardent lover of Flur, daughter of Mugnach Gorr; (2) Tristan or Tristram, son of Talluch, the ardent lover of Yseult, wife of March Meirchawn, his uncle, generally called King Mark of Cornwall; (3) Kynon, son of Clydno Eiddin, the ardent lover of Morvyth, daughter of Urien of Rheged.--Welsh Triads.

=Three Battle Knights= (The), in the court of King Arthur: (1) Cadwr, earl of Cornwall; (2) Launcelot du Lac; (3) Owain, son of Urien, prince of Rheged, i.e., Cumberland and some of the adjacent lands. These three would never retreat from battle, neither for spear, nor sword, nor arrow; and Arthur knew no shame in fight when they were present.--Welsh Triads.

=Three Beautiful Women= (The), of the court of King Arthur: (1) Gwenhwyvar or Guenever, wife of King Arthur; (2) Enid, who dressed in “azure robes,” wife of Geraint; (3) Tegau or Tegau Euron.--Welsh Triads.

=Three Blessed Rulers= (The) of the island of Britain: (1) Bran or Vran, son of Llyr, and father of Caradawc (Caractacus). He was called “The Blessed,” because he introduced Christianity into the nation of the Cymry from Rome; he learnt it during his seven years’ detention in that city with his son. (2) Lleurig ab Coel ab Cyllyn Sant, surnamed “The Great Light.” He built the cathedral of Llandaff, the first sanctuary in Britain. (3) Cadwaladyr, who gave refuge to all believers driven out by the Saxons from England.--Welsh Triads, xxxv.

=Three Calenders= (The), three sons of three kings, who assumed the disguise of begging dervises. They had each lost one eye. The three met in the house of Zobeidê, and told their respective tales in the presence of Haroun-al-Raschid, also in disguise. (See CALENDERS.)--Arabian Nights (“The Three Calenders”).

=Three Chief Ladies= (The) of the island of Britain: (1) Branwen, daughter of King Llyr, “the fairest damsel in the world;” (2) Gwenhwyvar or Guenever, wife of King Arthur; (3) Æthelflæd, the wife of Ethelred.

=Three Closures= (The) of the island of Britain: (1) The head of Vran, son of Llyr, surnamed “The Blessed,” which was buried under the White Tower of London, and so long as it remained there, no invader would enter the island. (2) The bones of Vortimer, surnamed “The Blessed,” buried in the chief harbor of the island; so long as they remained there, no hostile ship would approach the coast. (3) The dragons buried by Lludd, son of Beli, in the city of Pharaon, in the Snowdon rocks. (See THREE FATAL DISCLOSURES.)--Welsh Triads, liii.

=Three Counselling Knights= (The) of the court of King Arthur: (1) Kynon or Cynon, son of Clydno Eiddin; (2) Aron, son of Kynfarch ab Meirchion Gul; (3) Llywarch Hên, son of Elidir Lydanwyn. So long as Arthur followed the advice of these three, his success was invariable, but when he neglected to follow their counsel, his defeat was sure.--Welsh Triads.

=Three Diademed Chiefs= (The) of the island of Britain: (1) Kai, son of Kyner, the steward of King Arthur. He could transform himself into any shape he pleased. Always ready to fight, and always worsted. Half knight and half buffoon. (2) Trystan mab Tallwch, one of Arthur’s three heralds, and one whom nothing could divert from his purpose; he is generally called Sir Tristram. (3) Gwevyl mab Gwestad, the melancholy. “When sad, he would let one of his lips drop below his waist, while the other turned up like a cap upon his head.”--The Mabinogion, 227.

=Three Disloyal Tribes= (The) of the island of Britain: (1) The tribe of Goronwy Pebyr, which refused to stand substitute for their lord, Llew Llaw Gyffes, when a poisoned dart was shot at him by Llech Goronwy; (2) the tribe of Gwrgi, which deserted their lord in Caer Greu, when he met Eda Glinmawr in battle (both were slain); (3) the tribe of Alan Vyrgan, which slunk away from their lord on his journey to Camlan, where he was slain.--Welsh Triads, xxxv.

=Three Estates of the Realm=: the nobility, the clergy, and the commonalty.

N.B.--The sovereign is not one of the three estates.

=Three Fatal Disclosures= (The) of the island of Britain: (1) That of the buried head of Vran “The Blessed,” by King Arthur, because he refused to hold the sovereignty of the land except by his own strength; (2) that of the bones of Vortimer by Vortigern, out of love for Ronwen (Rowena), daughter of Hengist, the Saxon; (3) that of the dragons in Snowdon by Vortigern, in revenge of the Cymryan displeasure against him; having this done, he invited over the Saxons in his defence. (See THREE CLOSURES.)--Welsh Triads, liii.

=Three-Fingered Jack=, the nickname of a famous negro robber, who was the terror of Jamaica in 1780. He was at length hunted down and killed in 1781.

=Three Golden-Tongued Knights= (The) in the court of King Arthur; (1) Gwalchmai, called in French Gawain, son of Gwyar; (2) Drudwas, son of Tryffin; (3) Eliwlod, son of Madog ab Uthur. They never made a request which was not at once granted.--Welsh Triads.

=Three Great Astronomers= (The), of the island of Britain: (1) Grwydion, son of Don. From him the Milky Way is called “Caer Gwydion.” He called the constellation Cassiopeia “The Court of Don,” or Llys Don, after his father; and the Corona Borealis, he called “Caer Arianrod,” after his daughter. (2) Gwynn, son of Nudd. (3) Idris.--Welsh Triads, ii. 325.

=Three Holy Tribes= (The), of the island of Britain: (1) That of Bran or Vran, who introduced Christianity into Wales; (2) that of Cunedda Wledig; and (3) that of Brychan Brycheiniog.--Welsh Triads, xxxv.

=Three Guardsmen=, trio of French gentlemen, who enter the army of Louis XIII., assuming the pseudonyms of Athos, Porthos and Aramis. Their adventures are traced through three books of Dumas, Les Trois Mousquetaires, Vingt Ans Après and Le Vicomte de Bragelonne.

=Three Kings’ Day=, Twelfth Day or Epiphany, designed to commemorate the visit of the “three kings,” or “Wise Men of the East,” to the infant Jesus.

=Three Kings of Cologne= (The), the three “Wise Men” who followed the guiding star “from the East” to Jerusalem, and offered gifts to the babe Jesus. Their names were Jaspar or Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthazar; or Apellius, Ameĕrus, and Damascus; or Magalath, Galgalath, and Sarasin; or Ator, Sator and Peratŏras. Klopstock, in his Messiah, says the Wise Men were six in number, and gives their names as Hadad, Selĭma, Zimri, Mirja, Beled, and Sunith.

⁂ The toys shown in Cologne Cathedral as the “three kings” are called Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthazar.

=Three Learned Knights= (The), of the island of Britain: (1) Gwalchmai ab Gwyar, called in French romances Gawain; (2) Llecheu ab Arthur; (3) Rhiwallon with the broom-bush hair. There was nothing that man knew they did not know.--Welsh Triads.

=Three-Leg Alley= (London), now called Pemberton Row, Fetter Lane.

=Three Letters= (A Man of), a thief. A Roman phrase, from fur, “a thief.”

Tun’ trium literarum homo Me vituperas? Fur! Plautus, Aulularia, ii. 4.

=Three Makers of Golden Shoes= (The), of the island of Britain; (1) Caswallawn, son of Beli, when he went to Gascony to obtain Flur. She had been abducted for Julius Cæsar, but was brought back by the prince. (2) Manawyddan, son of Llyr, when he sojourned in Lloegyr (England). (3) Llew Llaw Gyffes, when seeking arms from his mother.--Welsh Triads, cxxiv.

“What craft shall we take?” said Manawyddan.... “Let us take to making shoes.”... So he bought the best cordwal ... and got the best goldsmith to make clasps ... and he was called one of the three makers of gold shoes.--The Mabinogion (“Manawyddan,” twelfth century).

=Three Robbers= (The). The three stars in Orion’s belt are said to be “three robbers climbing up to rob the Ranee’s silver bedstead.”--Miss Frere, Old Deccan Days, 28.

=Three Stayers of Slaughter= (The): (1) Gwgawn Gleddyvrud; the name of his horse was Buchestom. (2) Morvran eil Tegid. (3) Gilbert mab Cadgyffro.--Welsh Triads, xxix.

=Three Tailors of Tooley Street= (The), three worthies who held a meeting in Tooley Street, for the redress of popular grievances, and addressed a petition to the House of Commons, while Canning was prime minister, beginning, “We, the people of England.”

=Three Tribe Herdsmen of Britain= (The): (1) Llawnrodded Varvawe, who tended the milch cows of Nudd Hael, son of Senyllt; (2) Bennren, who kept the herd of Caradawc, son of Brân, Glamorganshire; (3) Grwdion, son of Don, the enchanter, who kept the kine of Gwynedd, above the Conway. All these herds consisted of 21,000 milch cows.--Welsh Triads, lxxxv.

=Three Tyrants of Athens= (The); Pisistrătos (B.C. 560-490), Hippias and Hipparchos (B.C. 527-490).

(The two brothers reigned conjointly from 527-514, when the latter was murdered.)

=Three Unprofessional Bards= (The), of the island of Britain: (1) Rhyawd, son of Morgant; (2) King Arthur; (3) Cadwallawn, son of Cadvan.--Welsh Triads, lxxxix, 113.

=Three Weeks after Marriage=, a comedy by A. Murphy (1776). Sir Charles Racket has married the daughter of a rich London tradesman, and, three weeks of the honeymoon having expired, he comes on a visit to the lady’s father, Mr. Drugget. Old Drugget plumes himself on his aristocratic son-in-law, so far removed from the vulgar brawls of meaner folk. On the night of their arrival the bride and bridegroom quarrel about a game of whist; the lady maintained that Sir Charles ought to have played a diamond instead of a club. So angry is Sir Charles that he resolves to have a divorce; and, although the quarrel is patched up, Mr. Drugget has seen enough of the beau monde to decline the alliance of Lovelace for his second daughter, whom he gives to a Mr. Woodley.

=Three Writers= (The). The Scriptores Tres are Richardus Corinensis, Gildas Badonĭcus and Nennius Banchorensis; three who wrote on The Ancient History of the British Nation, edited, etc., by Julius Bertram (1757).

⁂ The Five Writers, or Scriptores Quinque, are five English chronicles on the early history of England, edited by Thomas Gale (1691). The names of these chroniclers are: William of Malmesbury, Henry of Huntingdon, Roger Hoveden, Ethelwerd, and Ingulphus of Croyland.

The Ten Writers, or Scriptores Decem, are the authors of ten ancient chronicles on English history, compiled and edited by Roger Twysden and John Selden (1652). The collection contains the chronicles of Simeon of Durham, John of Hexham, Richard of Hexham, Ailred of Rieval, Ralph de Diceto, John Brompton, Gervase of Canterbury, Thomas Stubbs, William Thorn and Henry Knighton. (See SIX CHRONICLES.)

=Thresher= (Captain), the feigned leader of a body of lawless Irishmen, who attacked, in 1806, the collectors of tithes and their subordinates.

Captain Right was a leader of the rebellious peasantry in the south of Ireland in the eighteenth century.

Captain Rock was the assumed name of a leader of Irish insurgents in 1822.

=Thrummy-Cap=, a sprite which figures in the fairy tales of Northumberland. He was a “queer-looking little auld man,” whose scene of exploits generally lay in the vaults and cellars of old castles. John Skelton, in his Colyn Clout, calls him Tom-a-Thrum, and says that the clergy could neither write nor read, and were no wiser than this cellar sprite.

=Thrush= (Song of the). Marvellous, rippling music, like the sweet babble of a brook over stones; like the gentle sighing of the wind in pine trees ... a rhapsody impossible to describe, but constantly reminding one of running streams and gentle waterfalls, and coming nearer to “put my woods in song” than any other bird-notes whatever.--Olive Thorne Miller, In Nesting Time (1888).

Thrush (Golden-crowned). Commencing in a very low key ... he grows louder and louder, till his body quakes, and his chant runs into a shriek, ringing in my ear with a peculiar sharpness. This lay may be represented thus: “Teacher! teacher! Teacher! TEACHER! TEACHER!” the accent on the first syllable, and each word uttered with increasing force and shrillness.--John Burroughs, Wake Robin (1871).

=Thu´le= (2 syl.), the most remote northern portion of the world known to the ancient Greeks and Romans; but whether an island or part of a continent nobody knows. It is first mentioned by Pythĕas, the Greek navigator, who says it is “six days’ sail from Britain,” and that its climate is a “mixture of earth, air and sea.” Ptolemy, with more exactitude, tells us that the 63° of north latitude runs through the middle of Thulê, and adds that “the days there are at the equinoxes [sic] twenty-four hours long.” This, of course, is a blunder, but the latitude would do roughly for Iceland.

(No place has a day of twenty-four hours long at either equinox; but anywhere beyond either polar circle the day is twenty-four hours long at one of the solstices.)

Thule (2 syl.). Antonius Diogenês, a Greek, wrote a romance on “The Incredible Things beyond Thulê” (Ta huper Thoulen Apista), which has furnished the basis of many subsequent tales. The work is not extant, but Photius gives an outline of its contents in his Bibliotheca.

=Thumb= (Tom), a dwarf no bigger than a man’s thumb. He lived in the reign of King Arthur, by whom he was knighted. He was the son of a common ploughman, and was killed by the poisonous breath of a spider in the reign of Thunstone, the successor of King Arthur.

Amongst his adventures may be mentioned the following:--He was lying one day asleep in a meadow, when a cow swallowed him as she cropped the grass. At another time he rode in the ear of a horse. He crept up the sleeve of a giant, and so tickled him that he shook his sleeve, and Tom, falling into the sea, was swallowed by a fish. The fish being caught and carried to the palace gave the little man his introduction to the king.

⁂ The oldest version extant of this nursery tale is in rhyme, and bears the following title:--Tom Thumb, His Life and Death; wherein is declared many marvailous acts of manhood, full of wonder and strange merriments. Which little knight lived in King Arthur’s time, and was famous in the court of Great Brittaine. London: printed for John Wright, 1630 (Bodleian Library). It begins thus:

In Arthur’s court Tom Thumbe did liue-- A man of mickle might, The best of all the Table Round, And eke a doughty knight. His stature but an inch in height, Or quarter of a span; Then thinke you not this little knight Was prov’d a valiant man?

N.B.--“Great Britain” was not a recognized term till 1701 (Queen Anne), when the two parliaments of Scotland and England were united. Before that time, England was called “South Britain,” Scotland “North Britain,” and Brittany “Little Britain.” The date, 1630, would carry us back to the reign of Charles I.

Fielding, in 1730, wrote a burlesque opera called Tom Thumb, which was altered in 1778, by Kane O’Hara. Dr. Arne wrote the music to it, and his “daughter (afterwards Mrs. Cibber), then only 14, acted the part of ‘Tom Thumb’ at the Haymarket Theatre.”--T. Davies, Life of Garrick.

⁂ Here again the dates do not correctly fit in. Mrs. Cibber was born in 1710, and must have been 20 when Fielding produced his opera of Tom Thumb.

Thumb (General Tom), a dwarf exhibited in London in 1846. His real name was Charles S. Stratton. At the age of 25, his height was 25 inches, and his weight 25 lbs. He was born at Bridgeport, Connecticut, in 1832, and died in January, 1879.

They rush by thousands to see Tom Thumb. They push, they fight, they scream, they faint, they cry, “Help!” and “Murder!” They see my bills and caravan, but do not read them. Their eyes are on them, but their sense is gone.... In one week 12,000 persons paid to see Tom Thumb, while only 133½ paid to see my “Aristidês.”--Haydon, the artist, MS. Diary.

=Thunder= (The Giant), a giant who fell into a river and was killed, because Jack cut the ropes which suspended a bridge which the giant was about to cross.--Jack the Giant Killer.

Thunder (The Sons of). James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were called “Boaner´gês.”--Luke ix. 54; Mark iii. 17.

=Thunder and Lightning=, Stephen II. of Hungary, was surnamed Tonnant (1100, 1114-1131).

=Thunderbolt= (The). Ptolemy, king of Macedon, eldest son of Ptolemy Sotêr I., was so called from his great impetuosity (B.C. *, 285-279).

Handel was called by Mozart “The Thunderbolt” (1684-1759).

=Thunderbolt of Italy= (The), Gaston de Foix, nephew of Louis XII. (1489-1512).

=Thunderbolt of War= (The). Roland is so called in Spanish ballads.

Tisaphernês is so called in Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered, xx. (1575).

=Thunderer= (The), the Times newspaper. This popular name was first given to the journal in allusion to a paragraph in one of the articles contributed by Captain Edward Sterling, while Thomas Barnes was editor.

We thundered forth the other day an article on the subject of social and political reform.

Some of the contemporaries caught up the expression, and called the Times “The Thunderer.” Captain Sterling used to sign himself “Vetus” before he was placed on the staff of the paper.

=Thundering Legion= (The), the twelfth legion of the Roman army under Marcus Aurēlius acting against the Quadi, A.D. 174. It was shut up in a defile, and reduced to great straits for want of water, when a body of Christians, enrolled in the legion, prayed for relief. Not only was rain sent, but the thunder and lightning so terrified the foe that a complete victory was obtained, and the legion was ever after called “The Thundering Legion.”--Dion Cassius, Roman History, lxxi. 8; Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, v. 5.

The Theban legion, i.e., the legion raised in the Thebaïs of Egypt, and composed of Christian soldiers led by St. Maurice, was likewise called “The Thundering Legion.”

The term “Thundering Legion” existed before either of these two was so called.

=Thunstone= (2 syl.), the successor of King Arthur, in whose reign Tom Thumb was killed by a spider.--Tom Thumb.

=Thu´rio=, a foolish rival of Valentine for the love of Silvia, daughter of the duke of Milan.--Shakespeare, The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1595).

=Thwacker= (Quartermaster), in the dragoons.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Thwackum=, in Fielding’s novel, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling (1749).

=Thyamis=, an Egyptian thief, native of Memphis. Theagĕnês and Chariclēa being taken by him prisoners, he fell in love with the lady, and shut her up in a cave for fear of losing her. Being closely beset by another gang stronger than his own, he ran his sword into the heart of Chariclea, that she might go with him into the land of shadows, and be his companion in the future life.--Heliodorus, Æthiopica.

Like to the Egyptian thief, at point of death, Kill what I love. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, act v. sc. 1 (1614).

=Thyeste´an Banquet= (in Latin cæna Thyestæ), a cannibal feast. Thyestês was given his own two sons to eat in a banquet served up to him by his brother, Atreus [At.truce].

Procnê and Philomēla served up to Tereus (2 syl.) his own son Itys.

⁂ Milton accents the word on the second syllable in Paradise Lost, x. 688, but then he calls Chalybe´an (Samson Agonistes, 133) “Chalyb´ean,” Æge´an (Paradise Lost, i. 745) “Æ´gean,” and Cambuscan´ he calls “Cambus´can.”

=Thyeste´an Revenge=, blood for blood, tit for tat of bloody vengeance.

1. Thyestês seduced the wife of his brother, Atreus (2 syl.), for which he was banished. In his banishment he carried off his brother’s son, Plisthĕnês, whom he brought up as his own child. When the boy was grown to manhood, he sent him to assassinate Atreus, but Atreus slew Plisthenês, not knowing him to be his son. The corresponding vengeance was this: Thyestês had a son named. Ægisthos, who was brought up by King Atreus as his own child. When Ægisthos was grown to manhood, the king sent him to assassinate Thyestês, but the young man slew Atreus instead.

2. Atreus slew his own son, Plisthenês, thinking him to be his brother’s child. When he found out his mistake, he pretended to be reconciled to his brother, and asked him to a banquet. Thyestês went to the feast, and ate part of his own two sons, which had been cooked, and were set before him by his brother.

3. Thyestês defiled the wife of his brother, Atreus, and Atreus married Pelopia, the unwedded wife of his brother, Thyestês. It was the son of this woman by Thyestês who murdered Atreus (his uncle and father-in-law).

⁂ The tale of Atreus and that of Œdĭpus are the two most lamentable stories of historic fiction, and in some points resemble each other: Thus Œdipus married his mother, not knowing who she was; Thyestês seduced his daughter, not knowing who she was. Œdipus slew his father, not knowing who he was; Atreus slew his son, not knowing who he was. Œdipus was driven from his throne by the sons born to him by his own mother; Atreus [At´.ruce] was killed by the natural son of his own wife.

=Thymbræ´an God= (The), Apollo; so called from a celebrated temple raised to his honor on a hill near the river Thymbrĭus.

The Thymbræan god With Mars I saw and Pallas. Dantê, Purgatory, xii. (1308).

=Thymert=, priest and guardian of Guenn. Beloved by the fisherfolk, and secretly in love with his beautiful ward. He finds her drowned on the shore of his island home.--Blanche Willis Howard, Guenn (1883).

=Thyrsis=, a herdsman introduced in the Idylls of Theocrĭtos, and in Virgil’s Eclogue, vii. Any shepherd or rustic is so called.

Hard by, a cottage chimney smokes From betwixt two agêd oaks, Where Corydon and Thyrsis met, Are at their savory dinner set. Milton, L’Allegro (1638).

=Thyrsus=, a long pole with an ornamental head of ivy, vine leaves, or a fir cone, carried by Bacchus and by his votaries at the celebration of his rites. It was emblematic of revelry and drunkenness.

[I will] abash the frantic thyrsus with my song. Akenside, Hymn to the Naiads (1767).

=Tibbs= (Beau), a poor, clever, dashing young spark, who had the happy art of fancying he knew all the haut monde, and that all the monde knew him; that his garret was the choicest spot in London, for its commanding view of the Thames; that his wife was a lady of distinguished airs; and that his infant daughter would marry a peer. He took off his hat to every man and woman of fashion, and made out that dukes, lords, duchesses, and ladies addressed him simply as Ned. His hat was pinched up with peculiar smartness; his looks were pale, thin, and sharp, round his neck he wore a broad black ribbon, and in his bosom a glass pin; his coat was trimmed with tarnished lace; and his stockings were silk. Beau Tibbs interlarded his rapid talk with fashionable oaths, such as, “Upon my soul! egad!”

“I was asked to dine yesterday,” he says, “at the Duchess of Piccadilly’s. My Lord Mudler was there. ‘Ned,’ said he, ‘I’ll hold gold to silver I can tell you where you were poaching last night ... I hope Ned, it will improve your fortune,’ ‘Fortune, my lord? five hundred a year at least--great secret--let it go no further.’ My lord took me down in his chariot to his country seat yesterday, and we had a tête-à-tête dinner in the country.” “I fancy you told us just now you dined yesterday at the duchess’s, in town.” “Did I so?” replied he, coolly. “To be sure, egad! now I do remember--yes, I had two dinners yesterday.”--Letter liv.

Mrs. Tibbs, wife of the beau, a slattern and a coquette, much emaciated, but with the remains of a good-looking woman. She made twenty apologies for being in dishabille; but had been out all night with the countess. Then, turning to her husband, she added, “And his lordship, my dear, drank your health in a bumper.” Ned then asked his wife if she had given orders for dinner. “You need make no great preparation--only we three. My lord cannot join us to-day--something small and elegant will do, such as a turbot, an ortolan, a----”

“Or,” said Mrs. Tibbs, “what do you think, my dear, of a nice bit of ox-cheek, dressed with a little of my own sauce?” “The very thing,” he replies; “it will eat well with a little beer. His grace was very fond of it, and I hate the vulgarity of a great load of dishes.” The citizen of the world now thought it time to decamp, and took his leave, Mrs. Tibbs assuring him that dinner would certainly be quite ready in two or three hours.--Letter lv.

Mrs. Tibbs’s lady’s-maid, a vulgar, brawny Scotchwoman. “Where’s my lady?” said Tibbs, when he brought to his garret his excellency the ambassador of China. “She’s a-washing your twa shirts at the next door, because they won’t lend us the tub any longer.”--Goldsmith, A Citizen of the World (1759).

=Tibert= (Sir), the name of the cat in the beast-epic of Reynard the Fox (1498).

=Tibet Talkapace=, a prating hand-maid of Custance, the gay and rich widow, vainly sought by Ralph Roister Doister.--Nicholas Udall, Ralph Roister Doister (first English comedy, 1534).

The metre runs thus:

I hearde our nourse speake of an husbande to-day Ready for our mistresse, a rich man and gay; And we shall go in our French hoodes every day ... Then shall ye see Tibet, sires, treade the mosse so trig ... Not lumperdee, clumperdee, like our Spaniel Rig.

=Tibs= (Mr.), a most “useful hand.” He will write you a receipt for the bite of a mad dog, tell you an Eastern tale to perfection, and understands the business part of an author so well that no publisher can humbug him. You may know him by his peculiar clumsiness of figure, and the coarseness of his coat; but he never forgets to inform you that his clothes are all paid for. (See TIBBS.)--Goldsmith, A Citizen of The World, xxix. (1759).

=Tibullus= (The French), the chevalier Evariste de Parny (1742-1814).

=Tiburce= (2 or 3 syl.), brother of Valerian, converted by St. Cecile, his sister-in-law, and baptized by Pope Urban. Being brought before the Prefect Almachius, and commanded to worship the image of Jupiter, he refused to do so, and was decapitated.--Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (“Second Nun’s Tale,” 1388).

⁂ When Tiburce is followed by a vowel it is made 2 syl., when by a consonant it is 3 syl., as:

And after this, Tiburce in good entente (2 syl.), With Valerīan to Pope Urban went, And this thing sche unto Tiburce tolde (3 syl.). Chaucer.

=Tibur´zio=, commander of the Pisans, in their attack upon Florence, in the fifteenth century. The Pisans were thoroughly beaten by the Florentines, led by Lu´ria, a Moor, and Tiburzio was taken captive. Tiburzio tells Luria that the men of Florence will cast him off after peace is established, and advises him to join Pisa. This Luria is far too noble to do, but he grants Tiburzio his liberty. Tiburzio, being examined by the council of Florence, under the hope of finding some cause of censure against the Moor, to lessen or cancel their obligations to him, “testifies to his unflinching probity,” and the council could find no cause of blame, but Luria, by poison, relieves the ungrateful state of its obligation to him.--Robert Browning, Luria.

=Tichborne Dole= (The). When Lady Mabella was dying, she requested her husband to grant her the means of leaving a charitable bequest. It was to be a dole of bread, to be distributed annually on the Feast of the Annunciation, to any who chose to apply for it. Sir Roger, her husband, said he would give her as much land as she could walk over while a billet of wood remained burning. The old lady was taken into the park, and managed to crawl over twenty-three acres of land, which was accordingly set apart, and is called “The Crawls” to this hour. When the Lady Mabella was taken back to her chamber, she said, “So long as this dole is continued, the family of Tichborne shall prosper; but immediately it is discontinued, the house shall fall, from the failure of an heir male. This,” she added, “will be when a family of seven sons is succeeded by one of seven daughters.” The custom began in the reign of Henry II., and continued till 1796, when, singularly enough, the baron had seven sons and his successor seven daughters, and Mr. Edward Tichborne, who inherited the Doughty estates, dropping the original name, called himself Sir Edward Doughty.

=Tickell= (Mark), a useful friend, especially to Elsie Lovell.--Wybert Reeve, Parted.

=Tickler= (Timothy), an ideal portrait of Robert Sym, a lawyer of Edinburgh (1750-1844).--Wilson, Noctes Ambrosianæ (1822-36).

=Tiddler.= (See TOM TIDDLER’S GROUND.)

=Tiddy-Doll=, a nickname given to Richard Grenville, Lord Temple (1711-1770).

=Tide-Waiters= (Ecclesiastical). So the Rev. Lord Osborne (S. G. O.) calls the clergy in convocation whose votes do not correspond with their real opinions.

=Tider= (Robin), one of the servants of the earl of Leicester.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Tiffany=, Miss Alscrip’s lady’s-maid; pert, silly, bold, and a coquette.--General Burgoyne, The Heiress (1781).

=Tigg= (Montague), a clever impostor, who lives by his wits. He starts a bubble insurance office--“the Anglo-Bengalee Company”--and makes considerable gain thereby. Having discovered the attempt of Jonas Chuzzlewit to murder his father, he compels him to put his money in the “new company,” but Jonas finds means to murder him.--C. Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit (1844).

=Tiglath-Pile´ser=, son of Pul, second of the sixth dynasty of the new Assyrian empire. The word is Tiglath Pul Assur: “the great tiger of Assyria.”

=Tigra´nes= (3 syl.), one of the heroes slain by the impetuous Dudon soon after the arrival of the Christian army before Jerusalem.--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered, iii. (1575).

Tigranes (3 syl.), king of Arme´nia.--Beaumont and Fletcher, A King or No King (1619).

=Tigress Nurse= (A). Tasso says that Clorinda was suckled by a tigress.--Jerusalem Delivered, xii.

Roman story says Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf.

Orson, the brother of Valentine, was suckled by a she-bear, and was brought up by an eagle.--Valentine and Orson.

=Tilburi´na=, the daughter of the governor of Tilbury Fort; in love with Whiskerandos. Her love-ravings are the crest unto the crest of burlesque tragedy (see act ii. 1).--Sheridan, The Critic (1779).

“An oyster may be crossed in love,” says the gentle Tilburina.--Sir W. Scott.

=Tilbury Fort= (The governor of), father of Tilburīna; a plain, matter-of-fact man, with a gushing, romantic and love-struck daughter. In Mr. Puff’s tragedy, The Spanish Armada.--Sheridan, The Critic (1779).

=Tim Syllabub=, a droll creature, equally good at a rebus, a riddle, a bawdy song or a tabernacle hymn. You may easily recognize him by his shabby finery, his frizzled hair, his dirty shirt and his half-genteel, but more than half-shabby dress.--Goldsmith, A Citizen of the World, xxix. (1759).

=Times= (The), a newspaper founded by John Walter in 1785. It was first called The London Daily Universal Register; in 1788 the words The Times or ... were added. This long title was never tolerated by the public, which always spoke of the journal as The Register, till the original title was suppressed, and the present title, The Times, remained. In 1803, John Walter, son of the founder, became manager, and greatly improved the character of the paper, and in 1814 introduced a steam press. He died in 1847, and was succeeded by his son, John Walter III. In the editorial department, John (afterwards “Sir John”) Stoddart (nicknamed “Dr. Slop”), who began to write political articles in The Times in 1810, was appointed editor in 1812, but, in 1816, was dismissed for his rabid hatred of Napoleon. He tried to establish an opposition journal, The New Times, which proved an utter failure. Sir John Stoddart was succeeded by John Stebbing; then followed Thomas Barnes (“Mr. T. Bounce”), who remained editor till his death, in 1841. W. F. A. Delane came next, and continued till 1858, when his son, John Thaddeus Delane, succeeded him. The following gentlemen were connected with this paper between 1870 and 1880:--

AN EAST END INCUMBENT, Mr. Rowsell, a volunteer correspondent.

ANGLICANUS, Arthur P. Stanley, dean of Westminster, a volunteer correspondent.

C., Dr. Cumming, who often dates from Dunrobin.

C. E. T., Sir Charles E. Trevelyan, a volunteer correspondent.

CHURCH MATTERS, the Rev. Henry Wace, preacher at Lincoln’s Inn.

CITY ARTICLE, M. B. Sampson.

COLLEAGUES TO CORRESPONDENTS, Dr. Charles Austin, with Messrs. Dallas, Broome, and Kelly.

CORRESPONDENTS in every chief town of the United Kingdom, and in all the most important foreign countries.

CRITIC. Fine Arts, Tom Taylor; Dramatic, John Oxenford (died 1876); Musical, T. J. Davidson.

EDITOR, John Thaddeus Delane, who succeeded his father; Assistant, Mr. Stebbings, who succeeded G. W. Dasent (“The Hardy Norseman”).

H., Vernon Harcourt, M. P., a volunteer correspondent.

HERTFORDSHIRE INCUMBENT, Canon Blakesley, dean of Lincoln.

HISTORICUS, Vernon Harcourt, M. P., who also wrote slashing articles in the Saturday Review.

IRISH CORRESPONDENT, Dr. G. V. Patten, editor and proprietor of the Dublin Daily Express.

IRISH MATTERS, O’Conor Morris.

J. C., Dr. Cumming (see C.), a volunteer correspondent.

LEADERS, Leonard H. Courteney, Dr. Gallenga, Mr. Knox, Robert Lowe, Canon Moseley, Lawrence Oliphant.

MANAGER OF OFFICE, Mowbray Morris.


MERCATOR, Lord Overstone, a volunteer correspondent.


RELIGIOUS MATTERS, the Rev. Henry Wace, preacher at Lincoln’s Inn.

REPORTERS, about sixteen.

RUNNYMEDE, Benjamin Disraeli, afterwards earl of Beaconsfield, a volunteer correspondent.

SENEX, Grote (died in 1871), a volunteer correspondent.

S. G. O., the Rev. Lord Sidney Godolphin Osborne, a volunteer correspondent.

SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT, Dr. W. Howard Russell, famous for his letters from the Crimēa, in 1854; from India, in 1857; from America, in 1861; from Bohemia, in 1866; from France, on the Franco-Prussian war, in 1870-71; etc. Occasionally, Captain Hozier has acted as “Our Own Correspondent.”

VETUS, Capt. Edw. Sterling, a volunteer correspondent.

VIATOR, John Alexander Kinglake, a volunteer correspondent.

⁂ Paper is supplied from the Taverham Mills; ink by Messrs. Fleming and Co., Leith, and by Messrs. Blackwell and Co., London; Daily Issue, between 70,000 and 80,000, which can be thrown from the press in two hours; Working Staff, 350 hands.

Called “The Thunderer” from an article contributed by Captain E. Sterling, beginning: “We thundered forth the other day an article on the subject of social and political reform;” and “The Turnabout,” because its politics jump with the times, and are not fossilized whig or tory.

=Tim´ias=, King Arthur’s squire. He went after the “wicked foster,” from whom Florimel fled, and the “foster,” with his two brothers, falling on him, were all slain. Timias, overcome by fatigue, now fell from his horse in a swoon, and Belphœbê, the huntress, happening to see him fall, ran to his succor, applied an ointment to his wounds, and bound them with her scarf. The squire, opening his eyes, exclaimed, “Angel or goddess; do I call thee right?” “Neither,” replied the maid, “but only a wood-nymph.” Then was he set upon his horse and taken to Belphœbê’s pavilion, where he soon “recovered from his wounds, but lost his heart” (bk. iii. 6). In bk. iv. 7 Belphœbê subsequently found Timias in dalliance with Amoret, and said to him, “Is this thy faith?” She said no more, “but turned her face and fled.” This is an allusion to Sir Walter Raleigh’s amour with Elizabeth Throgmorton (Amoret), one of the queen’s maids of honor, which drew upon Sir Walter (Timias) the passionate displeasure of his royal mistress, Queen Elizabeth, (Belphœbê).--Spenser, Faëry Queen, iii. (1590).

=Timms= (Corporal), a non-commissioned officer in Waverley’s regiment.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

=Timo´leon=, the Corinthian. He hated tyranny, and slew his own brother, whom he dearly loved, because he tried to make himself absolute in Corinth. “Timophănês he loved, but freedom more.”

The fair Corinthian boast Timoleon, happy temper, mild and firm, Who wept the brother while the tyrant bled. Thomson, The Seasons (“Winter,” 1726).

=Timon=, the Man-hater, an Athenian, who lived in the time of the Peloponnesian war. Shakespeare has a drama so called (1609). The drama begins with the joyous life of Timon, and his hospitable extravagance; then launches into his pecuniary embarrassment, and the discovery that his “professed friends” will not help him; and ends with his flight into the woods, his misanthropy, and his death.

When he [Horace Walpole] talked misanthropy, he out-Timoned Timon.--Macaulay.

⁂ On one occasion, Timon said, “I have a fig tree in my garden, which I once intended to cut down; but I shall let it stand, that any one who likes may go and hang himself on it.”

=Timon’s Banquet=, nothing but cover and warm water. Being shunned by his friends in adversity, he pretended to have recovered his money, and invited his false friends to a banquet. The table was laden with covers, but when the contents were exposed, nothing was provided but lukewarm water. (See SCHACABAC.)--Shakespeare, Timon of Athens, act iii. sc. 6 (1609).

=Timoth´eos=, a musician, who charged double fees to all pupils who had learned music before.--Quintilian, De Institutione Oratoria, ii. 3.

Ponocrates made him forget all that he [Gargantua] had learned under other masters, as Timŏthĕus did to his disciples who had been taught music by others.--Rabelais, Gargantua, i. 23 (1533).

Timotheus placed on high Amid the tuneful quire, With flying fingers touched the lyre. Dryden, Alexander’s Feast (1697).

=Timothy= (Old), ostler at John Menge’s inn, at Kirchoff.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Timothy Quaint=, the whimsical, but faithful steward of Governor Heartall; blunt, self-willed, but loving his master above all things, and true to his interests.--Cherry, The Soldier’s Daughter (1804).

=Ti´murkan=, the Tartar, and conqueror of China. After a usurpation of twenty years, he was slain in a rising of the people, by Zaphimri, “the orphan of China.”

My mind’s employed on other arts: To sling the well-stored quiver Over this arm, and wing the darts At the first reindeer sweeping down the vale, Or up the mountain, straining every nerve; To vault the neighing steed, and urge his course, Swifter than whirlwinds, through the ranks of war;-- These are my passions, this my only science. Raised from a soldier to imperial sway, I still will reign in terror. Murphy, The Orphan of China, iv. 1.

=Tinacrio=, “the Sage,” father of Micomico´na, queen of Micom´icon, and husband of Queen Zaramilla. He foretold that after his death his daughter would be dethroned by the giant, Pandafilando, but that in Spain, she would find a champion in Don Quixote, who would restore her to the throne. This adventure comes to nothing, as Don Quixote is taken home in a cage, without entering upon it.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. iv. 3 (1605).

=Tinclarian Doctor= (The Great), William Mitchell, a whitesmith and tin-plate worker, of Edinburgh, who published Tinkler’s Testament, dedicated to Queen Anne, and other similar works.

The reason why I call myself the Tinclarian doctor, is because I am a tinklar, and cures old pans and lantruns.--Introduction to Tinkler’s Testament.

⁂ Uniformity of spelling must not be looked for in the “doctor’s” book. We have “Tinklar,” “Tinkler,” and “Tinclarian.”

=Tinderbox= (Miss Jenny), a lady with a moderate fortune, who once had some pretensions to beauty. Her elder sister happened to marry a man of quality, and Jenny ever after resolved not to disgrace herself by marrying a tradesman. Having rejected many of her equals, she became at last the governess of her sister’s children, and had to undergo the drudgery of three servants, without receiving the wages of one.--Goldsmith, A Citizen of the World, xxviii. (1759).

=Tinker= (The Immortal or The Inspired), John Bunyan (1638-1688).

=Tinsel= (Lord), a type of that worst specimen of aristocracy, which ignores all merit but blue blood, and would rather patronize a horse-jockey than a curate, scholar, or poor gentleman. He would subscribe six guineas to the concerts of Signor Cantata, because Lady Dangle patronized him, but not one penny to “languages, arts, and sciences,” as such.--S. Knowles, The Hunchback (1831).

=Tintag´el= or TINTAGIL, a strong and magnificent castle on the coast of Cornwall, said to have been the work of two giants. It was the birthplace of King Arthur, and subsequently the royal residence of King Mark. Dunlop asserts that vestiges of the castle still exist.

They found a naked child upon the sands Of dark Tintagil, by the Cornish sea, And that was Arthur. Tennyson, Guinevere (1858).

=Tinto= (Dick), a poor artist, son of a tailor in the village of Langdirdum. He is introduced as a lad in the Bride of Lammermoor, i. This was in the reign of William III. He is again introduced in St. Ronan’s Well, i., as touching up the sign-board of Meg Dods, in the reign of George III. As William III. died in 1702, and George III. began to reign in 1760, Master Dick must have been a patriarch when he worked for Mrs. Dods.--Sir W. Scott, Bride of Lammermoor (1819); St. Ronan’s Well (1823).

Meg Dods agreed with the celebrated Dick Tinto to repaint her father’s sign, which had become rather undecipherable. Dick accordingly gilded the bishop’s crook, and augmented the horrors of the devil’s aspect, until it became a terror to all the younger fry of the school-house.--St. Ronan’s Well, i.

=Tintoretto=, the historical painter, whose real name was Jacopo Robusti. He was called Il Furioso from the extreme rapidity with which he painted (1512-1594).

=Tintoretto of England= (The), W. Dobson was called “The Tintoret of England” by Charles I. (1610-1646).

=Tintoretto of Switzerland= (The), John Huber (eighteenth century).

=Tiphany=, the mother of the three kings of Cologne. The word is manifestly a corruption of St. Epiphany, as Tibs is of St. Ubes, Taudry of St. Audry, Tooley [Street] of St. Olaf, Telder of St. Ethelred, and so on.

Scores of the saints have similarly manufactured names.

=Ti´phys=, pilot of the Argonauts; hence any pilot.

Many a Tiphys ocean’s depths explore, To open wondrous ways, untried before. Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, viii. (Hoole).

⁂ Another name for a pilot or guiding power is Palinūrus; so called from the steersman of Ænēas.

E’en Palinurus nodded at the helm. Pope, The Dunciad, iv. 614 (1742).

=Tippins= (Lady), an old lady “with an immense, obtuse, drab, oblong face, like a face in a tablespoon; and a dyed ’long walk’ up the top of her head, as a convenient public approach to the bunch of false hair behind.” She delights “to patronize Mrs. Veneering,” and Mrs. Veneering is delighted to be patronized by her ladyship.

Lady Tippins is always attended by a lover or two, and she keeps a little list of her lovers, and is always booking a new lover, or striking out an old lover, or putting a lover in her black list, or promoting a lover to her blue list, or adding up her lovers, or otherwise posting her book, which she calls her Cupĭdon.--C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend, ii. (1864).

=Tipple=, in Dudley’s Flitch of Bacon, first introduced John Edwin into notice (1750-1790).

Edwin’s “Tipple,” in the Flitch of Bacon, was an exquisite treat.--Boaden.

=Tippoo Saib= (Prince), son of Hyder Ali, nawaub of Mysore.--Sir W. Scott, The Surgeon’s Daughter (time, George II.).

=Tips= or “Examination Crams.” Recognized stock pieces of what is called “book work” in university examinations are: Fermat’s theorem, the “Ludus Trojanus” in Virgil’s Æneid (bk. vi.), Agnesi’s “Witch,” the “Cissoid” of Diocles and the famous fragment of Solon, generally said to be by Euripidês.

In law examinations the stock pieces are the Justinian of Sandars; the Digest of Evidence of Sir James Stephen; and the Ancient Law of Sir Henry Maine.

The following are recognized primers:--Hill’s Logic; Spencer’s First Principles; Maine’s Ancient Law; Lessing’s Laocoon; Ritter and Preller’s Fragmenta; Wheaton’s International Law.

=Tip-tilted.= Tennyson says that Lynette had “her slender nose tip-tilted like the petal of a flower.”--Tennyson, Gareth and Lynette (1858).

=Tiptoe=, footman to Random and Scruple. He had seen better days, but, being found out in certain dishonest transactions, had lost grade, and “Tiptoe, who once stood above the world,” came into a position in which “all the world stood on Tiptoe.” He was a shrewd, lazy, knowing rascal, better adapted to dubious adventure, but always sighing for a snug berth in some wealthy, sober, old-fashioned, homely, county family, with good wages, liberal diet, and little work to do.--G. Colman, Ways and Means (1788).

=Tiran´te the White=, the hero and title of a romance of chivalry.

“Let me see that book,” said the curé; “we shall find in it a fund of amusement. Here we shall find that famous knight, Don Kyrie Elyson, of Montalban, and Thomas, his brother, with the Knight Fonseca, the battle which Detriantê fought with Alano, the stratagems of the Widow Tranquil, the amour of the empress with her squire, and the witticisms of Lady Brillianta. This is one of the most amusing books ever written.”--Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. i. 6 (1605).

=Tiresias=, a Theban soothsayer, blind from boyhood. It is said that Athêna deprived him of sight, but gave him the power of understanding the language of birds, and a staff as good as eyesight to direct his way. Ovid says that Tiresias met two huge serpents in the wood and struck them with his staff, when he found himself turned into a woman, in which shape he remained for seven years. In the eighth year, meeting them again, he again struck them, and was changed back to a man. Dante places Tiresias in the Eighth Chasm of the Fourth Circle of the Lower Hell among the sorcerers, and other dealers in magic arts.

Behold Tiresias, who changed his aspect When of male he was made female, Altogether transforming his members. And afterward he had again to strike The two involved serpents with his rod Before he could resume his manly plumes. Dante, Inferno, xx. 40.

Meeting two mighty serpents in the green wood he struck their intertwined bodies with his staff, and, oh, wonderful! he found himself changed into a woman, and so remained for seven years. Again he sees them, in the eighth year. “And if,” he cried, “so powerful was the effect of my former blow, once more will I strike you!” And, the serpents struck with the same blows, his former shape returned, and his original nature.--Ovid, Metamorphoses, iii.

⁂ Milton, regretting his own blindness, compares himself to Tiresias, among others.

Blind Thamyris and blind Mæonidês [Homer], And Tiresias and Phineus prophets old. Paradise Lost, iii. 36 (1665).

=Tirlsneck= (Jonnie), beadle of old St. Ronan’s.--Sir W. Scott, St. Ronan’s Well (time, George III.).

=Tirso de Moli´na=, the pseudonym of Gabriel Tellez, a Spanish monk and dramatist. His comedy called Convivando de Piedra (1626) was imitated by Molière in his Festin de Pierre (1665), and has given birth to the whole host of comedies and operas on the subject of “Don Juan” (1570-1648).

=Tiryn´thian Swain= (The), Her´culês, called in Latin Tirynthius Heros, because he generally resided at Tiryns, a town of Ar´golis, in Greece.

Upon his shield lay that Tirynthian swain Swelt’ring in fiery gore and poisonous flame, His wife’s sad gift venomed with bloody stain. [See NESSUS.] Phineas Fletcher, The Purple Island, vii. (1633).

=Tisapher´nes= (4 syl.), “the thunderbolt of war.” He was in the army of Egypt, and was slain by Rinaldo.--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered, xx. (1575).

⁂ This son of Mars must not be mistaken for Tissaphernês, the Persian satrap, who sided with the Spartans, in the Peloponnesian war, and who treacherously volunteered to guide “the ten thousand” back to Greece.

=Tisbi´na=, wife of Iroldo. Prasildo, a Babylonish nobleman, fell in love with her, and threatened to kill himself. Tisbina, to divert him, tells him if he will perform certain exploits which she deemed impossible, she will return his love. These exploits he accomplishes, and Tisbina, with Iroldo, takes poison to avoid dishonor. Prasildo discovers that the draught they have taken is harmless, and tells them so; whereupon Iroldo quits the country, and Tisbina marries Prasildo. Bojardo, Orlando Innamorato (1495). (See DIANORA, and DORIGEN.)

=Tisellin=, the raven, in the beast-epic of Reynard the Fox (1498).

=Tisiph´one= (4 syl.), one of the three Furies. Covered with a bloody robe, she sits day and night at hell-gate, armed with a whip. Tibullus says her head was coifed with serpents in lieu of hair.

The Desert Fairy, with her head covered with snakes, like Tisiphonê, mounted on a winged griffin.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“The Yellow Dwarf,” 1682).

=Ti´tan=, the son of Hēlĭos, the child of Hyperi´on and Basil´ea, and grandson of Cœlum, or heaven. Virgil calls the sun “Titan,” and so does Ovid.

... primos crastĭnus ortus Extulerit Titan, radiisque retexerit orbem. Æneid, iv. 118, 119.

A maiden queen that shone at Titan’s ray. Spenser, Faëry Queen, i. 4 (1590).

=Titans=, giants, sons of Heaven and Earth. Their names were Ocēănos, Kœos, Krios, Hyperīon, Iapĕtos, and Kronos.

The Titanĭdês were Theia [Thi-a], Rhea, Themis, Mnemosynê, Phœbê, and Tethys.

=Titan´ia=, queen of the fairies, and wife of Obĕron. Oberon wanted her to give him for a page a little changeling, but Titania refused to part with him, and this led to a fairy quarrel. Oberon, in revenge, anointed the eyes of Titania, during sleep, with an extract of “Love in Idleness,” the effect of which was to make her fall in love with the first object she saw on waking. The first object Titania set eyes on happened to be a country bumpkin, whom Puck had dressed up with an ass’s head. While Titania was fondling this unamiable creature, Oberon came upon her, sprinkled on her an antidote, and Titania, thoroughly ashamed of herself, gave up the boy to her spouse; after which a reconciliation took place between the willful fairies.--Shakespeare, Midsummer Night’s Dream (1592).

=Tite Barnacle= (Mr.), head of the Circumlocution Office, and a very great man in his own opinion. The family had intermarried with the Stiltstalkings, and the Barnacles and Stiltstalkings found berths pretty readily in the national workshop, where brains and conceit were in inverse ratio. The young gents in the office usually spoke with an eye-glass in the eye, in this sort of style: “Oh, I say; look here! Can’t attend to you to-day, you know. But look here! I say; can’t you call to-morrow?” “No.” “Well, but I say; look here! Is this public business?--anything about--tonnage--or that sort of thing?” Having made his case understood, Mr. Clennam received the following instructions in these words;--

You must find out all about it. Then you’ll memorialize the department, according to the regular forms for leave to memorialize. If you get it, the memorial must be entered in that department, sent to be registered in this department, then sent back to that department, then sent to this department to be countersigned, and then it will be brought regularly before that department. You’ll find out when the business passes through each of these stages by inquiring at both departments till they tell you.--C. Dickens, Little Dorrit, x (1857).

=Tite Poulette=, daughter (supposed) of a quadroon mother. “She lives a lonely, innocent life, in the midst of corruption, like the lilies in the marshes.... If she were in Holland to-day, not one of a hundred suitors would detect the hidden blemish of mixed blood.” When the young man, who thus describes her loves her, Lalli, her putative mother confesses: “I have robbed GOD long enough. Here are the sworn papers. Take her--she is as white as snow--so!... I never had a child. She is the Spaniard’s daughter.”--G. W. Cable, Old Creole Days (1879).

=Titho´nus=, a son of Laomedon, king of Troy. He was so handsome that Auro´ra became enamored of him, and persuaded Jupiter to make him immortal; but as she forgot to ask for eternal youth also, he became decrepit and ugly, and Aurora changed him into a cicada, or grasshopper. His name is a synonym for a very old man.

Weary of aged Tithon’s saffron-bed. Spenser, Faëry Queen, I. ii. 7 (1500).

... thinner than Tithōnus was Before he faded into air. Lord Lytton, Tales of Milētus, ii.

Tithonus (The Consort of), the dawn.

Now the fair consort of Tithonus old, Arisen from her mate’s beloved arms, Looked palely o’er the eastern cliff. Dantê, Purgatory, ix. (1308).

=Tithor´ea=, one of the two chief summits of Parnassus. It was dedicated to Bacchus, the other (Lycorēa), being dedicated to the Muses and Apollo.

=Titian= (Tiziano Vecellio), an Italian landscape painter, especially famous for his flesh-tints and female figures (1477-1576).

Titian (The French), Jacques Blanchard (1600-1638).

Titian (The Portuguese), Alonzo Sanchez Coello (1515-1590).

=Titmarsh= (Michael Angelo), a pseudonym used by Thackeray, in a number of his earlier writings. Like Michael Angelo, Thackeray had a broken nose.

=Titmouse= (Mr. Tittlebat), a vulgar, ignorant coxcomb, suddenly raised from the degree of a linen-draper’s shopman, to a man of fortune, with an income of £10,000 a year.--Warren, Ten Thousand a Year.

=Tito Mele´ma=, a Greek, who marries Romola.--George Eliot, Romola.

=Titurel=, the first king of Graal-burg. He has brought into subjection all his passions, has resisted all the seductions of the world, and is modest, chaste, pious, and devout. His daughter, Sigunê, is in love with Tschionatulander, who is slain.--Wolfram von Eschenbach, Titurel (thirteenth century).

⁂ Wolfram’s Titurel is a tedious expansion of a lay already in existence, and Albert of Scharfenberg produced a Young Titurel, at one time thought the best romance of chivalry in existence, but it is pompous, stilted, erudite, and wearisome.

=Titus=, the son of Lucius Junius Brutus. He joined the faction of Tarquin, and was condemned to death by his father, who, having been the chief instrument in banishing the king and all his race, was created the first consul. The subject has been often dramatized. In English, by N. Lee (1678) and John Howard Payne (1820). In French, by Arnault, in 1792; and by Ponsard, in 1843. In Italian, by Alfieri, Bruto, etc. It was in Payne’s tragedy that Charles Kean made his début in Glasgow, as “Titus,” his father playing “Brutus.”

Titus, “the delight of man,” the Roman emperor, son of Vespasian (40, 79-81).

Titus, the penitent thief, according to the legend. Dumăchus and Titus were two of a band of robbers, who attacked Joseph in his flight into Egypt. Titus said, “Let these good people go in peace;” but Dumachus replied, “First let them pay their ransom.” Whereupon Titus handed to his companion forty groats; and the infant Jesus said to him:

When thirty years shall have gone by I at Jerusalem shall die ... On the accursêd tree. Then on My right and My left side, These thieves shall both be crucified, And Titus thenceforth shall abide In paradise with Me. Longfellow, The Golden Legend (1851).

=Tityre Tus= (long u), the name assumed in the seventeenth century by a clique of young blades of the better class, whose delight was to break windows, upset sedan-chairs, molest quiet citizens, and rudely caress pretty women in the streets at night-time. These brawlers took successively many titular names, as Muns, Hectors, Scourers, afterwards Nickers, later still Hawcubites, and lastly Mohawks or Mohocks.

“Tityre tu-s” is meant for the plural of “Tityre tu,” in the first line of Virgil’s first Eclogue: “Tityre, tu patulæ recubans sub tegmine fagi,” and meant to imply that these blades were men of leisure and fortune, who “lay at ease under their patrimonial beech trees.”

=Tit´yrus=, in the Shepheardes Calendar, by Spenser (ecl. ii. and vi.), is meant for Chaucer.

The gentle shepherd sate beside a spring ... That Colin hight, which well could pipe and sing, For he of Tityrus his song did learn. Spenser, The Shepheardes Calendar, xii. (1579).

=Tityus=, a giant, whose body covered nine acres of ground. In Tartărus, two vultures or serpents feed forever on his liver, which grows as fast as it is gnawed away.

Promētheus (3 syl.) is said to have been fastened to Mount Caucasus, where two eagles fed on his liver, which never wasted.

Nor unobserved lay stretched upon the marle Tityus, earth-born, whose body, long and large, Covered nine acres. There two vultures sat, Of appetite insatiate, and with beaks For ravine bent, unintermitting gored His liver. Powerless he to put to flight The fierce devourers. To this penance judged For rape intended on Latona fair. Fenton’s Homer’s Odyssey, xi. (1716).

=Tizo´na=, the Cid’s sword. It was buried with him, as Joyeuse (Charlemagne’s sword) was buried with Charlemagne, and Durindāna with Orlando.

=Tlal´ala=, surnamed “The Tiger,” one of the Aztĕcas. On one occasion, being taken captive, Madoc released him, but he continued the unrelenting foe of Madoc and his new colony, and was always foremost in working them evil. When at length the Aztecas, being overcome, migrated to Mexico, Tlalala refused to quit the spot of his father’s tomb, and threw himself on his own javelin.--Southey, Madoc (1805).

=Toad-Eater= (Pulteney’s). Henry Vane was so called in 1742, by Sir Robert Walpole. Two years later, Sarah Fielding, in David Simple, speaks of “toad-eater” as “quite a new word,” and she suggests that it is “a metaphor taken from a mountebank’s boy eating toads in order to show his master’s skill in expelling poison,” and “built on a supposition that people who are in a state of dependence are forced to do the most nauseous things to please and humor their patrons.”

=Tobo´so= (Dulcinĕa del), the lady chosen by Don Quixote for his particular paragon. Sancho Panza says she was “a stout-built, sturdy wench, who could pitch the bar as well as any young fellow in the parish.” The knight had been in love with her before he took to errantry. She was Aldonza Lorenzo, the daughter of Lorenzo Corchuelo and Aldonza Nogalês; but when Signior Quixāda assumed the dignity of knighthood, he changed the name and style of his lady into Dulcinea del Tobōso, which was more befitting his rank.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. i. 1 (1605).

=Toby=, waiter of the Spa hotel, St. Ronan’s, kept by Sandie Lawson.--Sir W. Scott, St. Ronan’s Well (time, George III.).

Toby, a brown Rockingham-ware beer jug, with the likeness of Toby Filpot embossed on its sides, “a goodly jug of well-browned clay, fashioned into the form of an old gentleman, atop of whose bald head was a fine froth answering to his wig” (ch. iv.).

Gabriel lifted Toby to his mouth, and took a hearty draught.--C. Dickens, Master Humphrey’s Clock (“Barnaby Rudge,” xli., 1841).

Toby, Punch’s dog, in the puppet-show exhibition of Punch and Judy.

In some versions of the great drama of Punch, there is a small dog (a modern innovation), supposed to be the private property of that gentleman, and of the name of Toby--always Toby. This dog has been stolen in youth from another gentleman, and fraudulently sold to the confiding hero who, having no guile himself, has no suspicion that it lurks in others; but Toby, entertaining a grateful recollection of his old master, and scorning to attach himself to any new patron, not only refuses to smoke a pipe at the bidding of Punch but (to mark his old fidelity more strongly) seizes him by the nose, and wrings the same with violence, at which instance of canine attachment the spectators are always deeply affected.--C. Dickens.

Toby, in the periodical called Punch, is represented as a grave, consequential, sullen, unsocial pug, perched on back volumes of the national Menippus, which he guards so stolidly that it would need a very bold heart to attempt to filch one. There is no reminiscence in this Toby, like that of his peep-show namesake, of any previous master, and no aversion to his present one. Punch himself is the very beau-ideal of good-natured satire and far-sighted shrewdness, while his dog (the very Diogĕnês of his tribe) would scorn his nature if he could be made to smile at anything.

⁂ The first cover of immortal Punch was designed by A. S. Henning; the present one by Richard Doyle.

Toby (Uncle), a captain, who was wounded at the siege of Namur, and was obliged to retire from the service. He is the impersonation of kindness, benevolence, and simple-heartedness; his courage is undoubted, his gallantry delightful for its innocence and modesty. Nothing can exceed the grace of Uncle Toby’s love-passages with the Widow Wadman. It is said that Lieutenant Sterne (father of the novelist), was the prototype of Uncle Toby.--Sterne, Tristram Shandy (1759).

My Uncle Toby is one of the finest compliments ever paid to human nature. He is the most unoffending of God’s creatures, or, as the French would express it, un tel petit bonhomme. Of his bowling-green, his sieges, and his amours, who would say or think anything amiss?--Hazlitt.

=Toby Veck=, ticket-porter and jobman, nicknamed “Trotty” from his trotting pace. He was “a weak, small, spare man,” who loved to earn his money, and heard the chimes ring words in accordance with his fancy, hopes, and fears. After a dinner of tripe, he lived for a time in a sort of dream, and woke up on New Year’s day to dance at his daughter’s wedding.--C. Dickens, The Chimes (1844).

=Todd= (Laurie), a poor Scotch nailmaker, who emigrates to America, and, after some reverses of fortune, begins life again as a backwoodsman, and greatly prospers.--Galt, Laurie Todd.

=Tod´gers= (Mrs.), proprietress of a “commercial boarding-house;” weighed down with the overwhelming cares of sauces, gravy, and the wherewithal of providing for her lodgers. Mrs. Todgers had a soft heart for Mr. Pecksniff, widower, and being really kind-hearted, befriended poor Mercy Pecksniff in her miserable married life with her brutal husband, Jonas Chuzzlewit.--C. Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit (1844).

=Tofa´na=, of Palermo, a noted poisoner, who sold a tasteless, colorless poison, called the Manna of St. Nicola of Bara, but better known as Aqua Tofana. Above 600 persons fell victims to this fatal drug. She was discovered in 1659, and died 1730.

La Spara or Hieronyma Spara, about a century previously, sold an “elixir” equally fatal. The secret was ultimately revealed to her father confessor.

=Tofts= (Mistress), a famous singer towards the close of the eighteenth century. She was very fond of cats, and left a legacy to twenty of the tabby tribe.

Not Niobê mourned more for fourteen brats, Nor Mistress Tofts, to leave her twenty cats. Peter Pindar [Dr. Wolcot], Old Simon (1809).

=Toinette=, a confidential female servant of Argan, the malade imaginaire. “Adroite, soigneuse, diligente, et surtout fidèle,” but contractious, and always calling into action her master’s irritable temper. In order to cure him, she pretends to be a travelling physician of about 90 years of age, although she has not seen twenty-six summers; and in the capacity of a Galen, declares M. Argan is suffering from lungs, recommends that one arm should be cut off, and one eye taken out to strengthen the remaining one. She enters into a plot to open the eyes of Argan to the real affection of Angelique (his daughter), the false love of her stepmother, and to marry the former to Cléante, the man of her choice, in all which schemes she is fully successful.--Molière, Le Malade Imaginaire (1673).

=Toison d’Or=, chief herald of Burgundy.--Sir W. Scott, Quentin Durward, and Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Toki=, the Danish William Tell. Saxo Grammaticus, a Danish writer of the twelfth century, tells us that Toki once boasted, in the hearing of Harald Bluetooth, that he could hit an apple with his arrow off a pole; and the Danish Gessler set him to try his skill by placing an apple on the head of the archer’s son (twelfth century).

=Tolande of Anjou=, a daughter of old King Réné of Provence, and sister of Margaret of Anjou (wife of Henry VI. of England).--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Tolbooth= (The), the principal prison of Edinburgh.

The Tolbooth felt defrauded of his charms If Jeffrey died, except within her arms. Byron, English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (1809).

Lord Byron refers to the “duel” between Francis Jeffrey, editor of the Edinburgh Review, and Thomas Moore, the poet, at Chalk Farm, in 1806. The duel was interrupted, and it was then found that neither of the pistols contained a bullet.

Can none remember the eventful day, That ever-glorious, almost fatal fray, When Little’s [Thomas Moore] leadless pistol met his eye, And Bow Street myrmidons stood laughing by? Ditto.

=Tolme´tes= (3 syl.), Foolhardiness personified in The Purple Island, fully described in canto viii. His companions were Arrogance, Brag, Carelessness, and Fear. (Greek, tolmêtês, “a foolhardy man.”)

Thus ran the rash Tolmetes, never viewing The fearful fiends that duly him attended ... Much would he boldly do, but much more boldly vaunt. P. Fletcher, The Purple Island, viii. (1633).

=Tom=, “the Portugal dustman,” who joined the allied army against France in the war of the Spanish Succession.--Dr. Arbuthnot, History of John Bull (1712).

Tom, one of the servants of Mr. Peregrine Lovel, “with a good deal of surly honesty about him.” Tom is no sneak, and no tell-tale, but he refuses to abet Philip, the butler, in sponging on his master, and wasting his property in riotous living. When Lovel discovers the state of affairs, and clears out his household, he retains Tom, to whom he entrusts the cellar and the plate.--Rev. J. Townley, High Life Below Stairs (1750).

=Tom Folio=, Thomas Rawlinson, the bibliopolist (1681-1725).

=Tom Jones= (1 syl.), a model of generosity, openness, and manly spirit, mixed with dissipation. Lord Byron calls him “an accomplished blackguard” (Don Juan, xiii. 110, 1824).--Fielding, Tom Jones (1749).

A hero with a flawed reputation, a hero sponging for a guinea, a hero who cannot pay his landlady, and is obliged to let his honor out to hire, is absurd, and the claim of Tom Jones to heroic rank is quite untenable.--Thackeray.

=Tom Long=, the hero of an old tale, entitled The Merry Conceits of Tom Long, the Carrier, being many Pleasant Passages and Mad Pranks which he observed in his Travels. This tale was at one time amazingly popular.

=Tom Scott=, Daniel Quilp’s boy, Tower Hill. Although Quilp was a demon incarnate, yet “between the boy and the dwarf there existed a strange kind of mutual liking.” Tom was very fond of standing on his head, and on one occasion Quilp said to him, “Stand on your head again, and I’ll cut one of your feet off.”

The boy made no answer, but directly Quilp had shut himself in, stood on his head before the door, then walked on his hands to the back, and stood on his head there, then to the opposite side and repeated the performance.... Quilp, knowing his disposition, was lying in wait at a little distance, armed with a large piece of wood, which, being rough and jagged, and studded with broken nails, might possibly have hurt him, if it had been thrown at him.--C. Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, v. (1840).

=Tom Thumb=, the name of a very diminutive little man in the court of King Arthur, killed by the poisonous breath of a spider, in the reign of King Thunstone, the successor of Arthur. In the Bodleian Library there is a ballad about Tom Thumb, which was printed in 1630. Richard Johnson wrote in prose, The History of Tom Thumbe, which was printed in 1621. In 1630, Charles Perrault published his tale called Le Petit Poucet. Tom Thumb is introduced by Drayton in his Nymphidia (1563-1631).

“Tom” in this connection is the Swedish tomt (“a nix or dwarf”), as in Tomptgubbe (“a brownie or kobold”); the final t is silent, and the tale is of Scandinavian origin.

Tom Thumb, a burlesque opera, altered by Kane O’Hara (author of Midas), in 1778, from a dramatic piece by Fielding, the novelist (1730). Tom Thumb, having killed the giants, falls in love with Huncamunca, daughter of King Arthur. Lord Grizzle wishes to marry the princess, and when he hears that the “pygmy giant-queller” is preferred before him, his lordship turns traitor, invests the palace “at the head of his rebellious rout,” and is slain by Tom. Then follows the bitter end: A red cow swallows Tom, the queen, Dollallolla, kills Noodle, Frizaletta kills the queen, Huncamunca kills Frizaletta, Doodle kills Huncamunca, Plumantê kills Doodle, and the king, being left alone, stabs himself. Merlin now enters, commands the red cow to “return our England’s Hannibal,” after which the wise wizard restores all the slain ones to life again, and thus “jar ending,” each resolves to go home “and make a night on’t.”

=Tom Tiddler’s Ground=, a nook in a rustic by-road, where Mr. Mopes, the hermit, lived, and had succeeded in laying it waste. In the middle of the plot was a ruined hovel, without one patch of glass in the windows, and with no plank or beam that had not rotted or fallen away. There was a slough of water, a leafless tree or two, and plenty of filth. Rumor said that Tom Mopes had murdered his beautiful wife from jealousy, and had abandoned the world. Mr. Traveller tried to reason with him, and bring him back to social life, but the tinker replied, “When iron is thoroughly rotten you cannot botch it, do what you may.”--C. Dickens, A Christmas Number (1861).

=Tom Tiler and His Wife=, a transition play between a morality and a tragedy (1578).

=Tom Tipple=, a highwayman in Captain Macheath’s gang. Peachum calls him “a guzzling, soaking sot, always too drunk to stand himself or to make others stand. A cart,” he says, “is absolutely necessary for him.”--Gray, The Beggar’s Opera, i. (1727).

=Tom Tram=, the hero of a novel entitled The Mad Pranks of Tom Tram, Son-in-Law to Mother Winter, whereunto is added His Merry Jests, Odd Conceits and Pleasant Tales (seventeenth century).

All your wits that fleer and sham, Down from Don Quixote to Tom Tram. Prior.

=Tom-a-Thrum=, a sprite which figures in the fairy tales of the Middle Ages; a “queer-looking little auld man,” whose chief exploits were in the vaults and cellars of old castles. John Skelton, speaking of the clergy, says:

Alas! for very shame, some cannot declyne their name; Some cannot scarsly rede, And yet will not drede For to kepe a cure.... As wyse as Tom-a-Thrum. Colyn Clout (time, Henry VIII.).

=Tom o’ Bedlam=, a ticket-of-leave madman from Bethlehem Hospital, or one discharged as incurable.

=Tom of Ten Thousand=, Thomas Thynne; so called from his great wealth. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, but why, the then dean has not thought fit to leave on record.

=Tom the Piper=, one of the characters in the ancient morris-dance, represented with a tabor, tabor-stick and pipe. He carried a sword and shield, to denote his rank as a “squire minstrel.” His shoes were brown; his hose red and “gimp-thighed;” his hat or cap, red, turned up with yellow, and adorned with a feather; his doublet blue, the sleeves being turned up with yellow; and he wore a yellow cape over his shoulders. (See MORRIS-DANCE.)

=Tom Turner= (Mrs.), unsophisticated country dame, whose head is turned by the feigned devotion of a man to whom “flirting is a part of daily existence.” “Mrs. Tom” dresses flashily, in imitation of the butterflies of fashion whom she meets in her new career as a woman of the world, affects airs and graces foreign to her nature, and plays the fool generally until shocked into her senses by a letter from her quiet, commonplace husband, telling her that he “has gone away and that she will not see him again.” She follows him, entreats forgiveness, returns to home and plain living, and, as a characteristic penance, wears her gaudy costumes out as everyday gowns. There were thirty of them at first. “I’ve worn them all almost out. When I get to the end of them I’ll have my own things again.”--H. C. Bunner, Mrs. Tom’s Spree (1891).

=Tomahourich= (Muhme Janet of), an old sibyl, aunt of Robin Oig M’Combich, the Highland drover.--Sir W. Scott, The Two Drovers (time, George III.).

=Tom´alin=, a valiant fairy knight, kinsman of King Obĕron. Tomălin is not the same as “Tom Thumb,” as we are generally but erroneously told, for in the “mighty combat” Tomalin backed Pigwiggen, while Tom Thum or Thumb, seconded King Oberon. This fairy battle was brought about by the jealousy of Oberon, who considered the attentions of Pigwiggen to Queen Mab were “far too nice.”--M. Drayton, Nymphidia (1563-1631).

=Tomb= (Knight of the), James, earl of Douglas in disguise.

His armor was ingeniously painted so as to represent a skeleton; the ribs being constituted by the corselet and its back-piece. The shield represented an owl with its wings spread--a device which was repeated upon the helmet, which appeared to be completely covered by an image of the same bird of ill omen. But that which was particularly calculated to excite surprise in the spectator was the great height and thinness of the figure.--Sir W. Scott, Castle Dangerous, xiv. (time, Henry I.).

=Tomboy= (Priscilla), a self-willed, hoydenish, ill-educated romp, of strong animal spirits, and wholly unconventional. She is a West Indian, left under the guardianship of Barnacle, and sent to London for her education. Miss Priscilla Tomboy lives with Barnacle’s brother, old [Nicholas] Cockney, a grocer, where she plays boy-and-girl love with young Walter Cockney, which consists chiefly in pettish quarrels and personal insolence. Subsequently she runs off with Captain Sightly, but the captain behaves well by presenting himself next day to the guardian, and obtaining his consent to marriage.--The Romp (altered from Bickerstaff’s Love in the City).

=Tomès= [Tō-may], one of the five physicians called in by Sganarelle to consult on the malady of his daughter, Lucinde (2 syl.). Being told that a coachman he was attending was dead and buried, the doctor asserted it to be quite impossible, as the coachman had been ill only six days, and Hippocrătês had positively stated that the disorder would not come to its height till the fourteenth day. The five doctors meet in consultation, talk of the town gossip, their medical experience, their visits, anything, in short, except the patient. At length the father enters to inquire what decision they had come to. One says Lucinde must have an emetic, M. Tomès says she must be blooded; one says an emetic will be her death, the other that bleeding will infallibly kill her.

M. Tomès, Si vous ne faites saigner tout à l’heure votre fille, c’est une personne morte.

M. Desfonandrès, Si vous la faites saigner, elle ne sera pas en vie dans un quart-d’-heure.

And they quit the house in great anger (act. ii. 4).--Molière, L’Amour Médecin (1665).

=Tomkins= (Joseph), secret emissary of Cromwell. He was formerly Philip Hazeldine, alias Master Fibbet, secretary to Colonel Desborough (one of the parliamentary commissioners).--Sir W. Scott, Woodstock (time, Commonwealth).

=Tom´yris=, queen of the Massagētæ. She defeated Cyrus, who had invaded her kingdom, and, having slain him, threw his head into a vessel filled with human blood, saying, “It was blood you thirsted for; now take your fill!”

Great bronze valves embossed with Tomyris. Tennyson, The Princess, v.

[I] was shown the seath and cruel mangling made By Tomyris on Cyrus, when she cried, “Blood thou didst thirst for; take thy fill of blood!” Dantê, Purgatory, xii (1308).

=Ton-Iosal= was so heavy and unwieldy that when he sat down it took the whole force of a hundred men to set him upright on his feet again.--The Fiona.

If Fion was remarkable for his stature, ... in weight all yielded to the celebrated Ton-Iosal.--J. Macpherson, Dissertation on Ossian.

=Ton-Thena= (“fire of the wave”), a remarkable star which guided Larthon to Ireland, as mentioned in Ossian’s Tem´ora, vii., and called in Cathlin of Clutha, “the red traveller of the clouds.”

=Tonio=, a young Tyrolese, who saved Maria, the sutler-girl, when on the point of falling down a precipice. The two, of course, fall in love with each other, and the regiment, which had adopted the sutler-girl, consents to their marriage, provided Tonio will enlist under its flag. No sooner is this done than the marchioness of Berkenfield lays claim to Maria as her daughter, and removes her to the castle. In time, the castle is besieged and taken by the very regiment into which Tonio had enlisted, and, as Tonio had risen to the rank of a French officer, the marchioness consents to his marriage with her daughter.--Donizetti, La Figlia del Reggimento (1840).

=Tonna= (Mrs.), Charlotte Elizabeth (1792-1846).

=Tonto= (Don Cherubin), canon of Tole´do, the weakest mortal in the world, though, by his smirking air, you would fancy him a wit. When he hears a delicate performance read, he listens with such attention as seems full of intelligence, but all the while he understands nothing of the matter.--Lesage, Gil Blas, v. 12 (1724).

=Tonton=, the smallest dog that ever existed. When the three princes of a certain king were sent to procure the tiniest dog they could find, as a present to their aged father, the White Cat gave the youngest of them a dog, so small that it was packed in wadding in a common acorn shell.

As soon as the acorn was opened, they all saw a little dog laid in cotton, and so small it might jump through a finger-ring without touching it.... It was a mixture of several colors; its ears and long hair reached to the ground. The prince set it on the ground, and forthwith the tiny creature began to dance a saraband with castanets.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“The White Cat,” 1682)

=Tony Lumpkin=, a young booby, fond of practical jokes, and low company. He was the son of Mrs. Hardcastle by her first husband.--Goldsmith, She Stoops to Conquer (1773).

=Tony Tyler=, on the editorial staff of the Tecumseh Chronicle. “He knows about eighteen hundred times as much as Samboye (managing editor) does, only somehow, he hasn’t the faculty of putting it on paper. Too much whiskey!”--Harold Frederic, Seth’s Brother’s Wife (1886).

=Toodle=, engine-fireman, an honest fellow, very proud of his wife, Polly, and her family.

Polly Toodle, known by the name of Richards, wife of the stoker. Polly was an apple-faced woman, and was mother of a large, apple-faced family. This jolly, homely, kind-hearted matron was selected as the nurse of Paul Dombey, and soon became devotedly attached to Paul and his sister, Florence.

Robin Toodle, known as “The Biler,” or “Rob the Grinder,” eldest son of Mrs. Toodle, wet-nurse of Paul Dombey. Mr. Dombey gets Robin into an institution called “The Charitable Grinders,” where the worst part of the boy’s character is freely developed. Robin becomes a sneak, and enters the service of James Carker, manager of the firm of Dombey and Son. On the death of Carker, Robin enters the service of Miss Lucretia Tox.--C. Dickens, Dombey and Son (1846).

=Toom Tabard= (“empty jacket”), a nickname given to John Balliol, because his appointment to the sovereignty of Scotland was an empty name. He had the royal robe or jacket, but nothing else (1259, 1292-1314).

=Tooth Worshipped= (A). The people of Ceylon worship the tooth of an elephant; those of Malabar, the tooth of a monkey. The Siamese once offered a Portuguese 700,000 ducats for the redemption of a monkey’s tooth.

=Tooth-picks.= The Romans used tooth-picks made of mastic wood, in preference to quills; hence, Rabelais says that Prince Gargantua “picked his teeth with mastic tooth-pickers” (s’escuroit les dents avecques ung trou de lentisce), bk. i. 23.

Lentiscum melius; sed si tibi frondea cuspis Defuerit, dentes, penna, levare potes. Martial, Epigrams, xx. 24.

=Toots= (Mr.), an innocent, warm-hearted young man, just burst from the bonds of Dr. Blimber’s school, and deeply in love with Florence Dombey. He is famous for blushing, refusing what he longs to accept, and for saying, “Oh, it is of no consequence.” Being very nervous, he never appears to advantage, but in the main, “there were few better fellows in the world.”

“I assure you,” said Mr. Toots, “really I am dreadfully sorry, but it’s of no consequence.”--C. Dickens, Dombey and Son, xxviii. (1846).

=Topas= (Sir), a native of Poperyng, in Flanders; a capital sportsman, archer, wrestler, and runner. Chaucer calls him “Sir Thopas” (q.v.).

Topas (Sir). Sir Charles Dilke was so called by the Army and Navy Gazette, November 25, 1871 (1810-1869).

=Topham= (Master Charles), usher of the black rod.--Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

=Topsy=, a young slave-girl, who never knew whether she had either father or mother, and being asked by Miss Ophelia St. Clare, how she supposed she came into the world, replied, “I ’spects I growed.”--Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852).

=Tor= (Sir), the natural son of King Pellinore, and the wife of Aries, the cowherd. He was the first of the knights of the Round Table.--Sir. T. Malory, History of Prince Arthur, i. 24 (1470).

=Toralva= (The licentiate), mounted on a cane, was conveyed through the air with his eyes shut; in twelve hours he arrived at Rome, and the following morning returned to Madrid. During his flight he opened his eyes once, and found himself so near the moon that he could have touched it with his finger.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, II. iii. 5 (1615). (See TORRALBA.)

=Tordenskiol= [Tor´.den.skole], or the “Thunder-Shield.” So Peder Wessel, vice-admiral of Denmark (in the reign of Christian V.), was called. He was brought up as a tailor, and died in a duel.

From Denmark thunders Tordenskiol; Let each to heaven commend his soul, And fly. Longfellow, King Christian [V.].

=Torfe= (Mr. George), provost of Orkney.--Sir W. Scott, The Pirate (time, William III.).

=Tormes= (Lazarillo de), by Diego Hurtado de Mendoza (sixteenth century); a kind of Gil Blas, whose adventures and roguish tricks are the first of a very popular sort of novel called the Gusto Picaresco. Lesage has imitated it in his Gil Blas, and we have numberless imitations in our own language. (See TYLL OWLYGLASS.)

The ideal Yankee, in whom European prejudice has combined the attractive traits of a Gines de Passamonte, a Joseph Surface, a Lazarillo de Tormes, a Scapin, a Thersitês, and an Autolycus.--W. H. Hurlburt.

⁂ “Gines de Passamonte,” in Don Quixote, by Cervantes; “Joseph Surface,” in The School for Scandal, by Sheridan; “Scapin,” in Les Fourberies de Scapin, by Molière; “Thersitês,” in Homer’s Iliad, i.; “Autolycus,” in the Winter’s Tale, by Shakespeare.

=Tormot=, youngest son of Torquil, of the Oak (foster-father of Eachin M’Ian).--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.).

=Torquato=, that is, Torquato Tasso, the Italian poet, author of Jerusalem Delivered (1544-1595). After the publication of his great epic, Tasso lived in the court of Ferrara, and conceived a violent passion for Leonora, one of the duke’s sisters, but fled, in 1577, to Naples.

Torquato’s tongue Was tuned for slavish pæans at the throne Of tinsel pomp. Akenside, Pleasures of Imagination, ii. (1744).

=Torquil of the Oak=, foster-father of Eachin M’Ian. He was chief of the clan Quhele, and had eight sons, the finest men in the clan. Torquil was a seer, who was supposed to have communication with the invisible world, and he declared a demon had told him that Eachin or Hector M’Ian, was the only man in the two hostile clans of Chattan and Quhele who would come off scathless in the approaching combat (ch xxvi.).--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.).

A parallel combat is described in The Cid. When Sancho of Castile was stabbed by Bellĭdo of Zamora, Diego Ordoñez, of the house of Lara, challenged five of the knights of Zamora to a single combat. Don Arias Gonzalo and his four sons accepted the challenge. Pedro Arias was first slain, then his brother, Diego. Next came Herman, who received a mortal wound, but struck the charger of Diego Ordoñez. The charger, furious with pain, carried its rider beyond the lists, and the combat was declared to be drawn.

=Torralba= (Dr.), carried by the spirit Cequiel from Valladŏlid to Rome and back again in an hour and a half. He was tried by the Inquisition for sorcery (time, Charles V.).--Joseph de Ossau Pellicer (seventeenth century). (See TORALVA.)

=Torre= (Sir), son of Sir Bernard, baron of Astolat. His brother was Sir Lavaine, and his sister Elaine “the lily maid of Astolat.” He was blunt-mannered, but not without kindness of heart.--Tennyson, Idylls of the King (“Elaine”).

The word “Torre” is a blunder for Tirre. Sir Torre or Tor, according to Arthurian legend, was the natural son of Pellinore, king of Wales, “begotten of Aries’ wife, the cowherd” (pt. ii. 108). It was Sir Tirre who was the brother of Elaine (pt. iii. 122).--Sir T. Malory, History of Prince Arthur (1470).

=Tor´rismond=, general of the forces of Aragon. He falls in love with Leonora, the usurping queen, promised in marriage to Bertran, prince of the blood-royal, but she falls in love with Torrismond, who turns out to be the son of Sancho, the deposed king. Ultimately Sancho is restored, and Leonora is married to Torrismond.--Dryden, The Spanish Fryar (1680),

=Torso Farne´se= (3 syl.), Dircê and her sons, the work of Apollonius and Tauriscus of Rhodes.

=Toshach Beg=, the “second” of M’Gillie Chattanach, chief of the clan Chattan, in the great combat.--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.).

=Tottenham in Boots=, a popular toast in Ireland in 1734. Mr. Tottenham gave the casting vote which threw out a Government bill very obnoxious to the Irish, on the subject of the Irish parliament. He had come from the country, and rushed into the House, without changing his boots just in time to give his vote, which prevented the bill from passing by a majority of one.

=Totterly= (Lord), an Adonis of 60, and a ci-devant Jeune Homme.--C. Selby, The Unfinished Gentleman.

=Touchet= [Too-shay]. When Charles IX. introduced Henri of Navarre to Marie Touchet, the witty Navarrese made this anagram of her name, Je charme tout.

=Touchetts= (The). Mrs. Touchett, “plain-faced old woman, without coquetry, and without any great elegance, but with an extreme respect for her own motives. Mrs. Touchett might do a great deal of good, but she never pleases.” She lives in Florence, her husband in London.

Mr. Touchett, “a gentle, refined, fastidious old man, combining consummate shrewdness with a sort of fraternizing good humor.” His feeling about his own position in the world is of the democratic sort.

Ralph Touchett, philosophical invalid, whose interest in his cousin Isabel is believed by most people to be brotherly. In order that she may not feel obliged to marry for a support, he persuades his father to divide his (Ralph’s) inheritance into two equal parts and give one-half, unconditionally, to Isabel. She is married for this fortune, and, a miserable woman, comes against her husband’s will, to see her cousin die happy because she is with him.--Henry James, Jr., Portrait of a Lady (1881).

=Touchfaucet= (Captain), in Picrochole’s army, taken captive by Friar John. Being presented to Grangousier and asked the cause of his king’s invasion, he replied, “To avenge the injury done to the cake-bakers of Lernê” (ch. 25, 26). Grangousier commanded his treasurer to give the friar 62,000 saluts (£15,500) in reward, and to Touchfaucet he gave “an excellent sword of a Vienne blade, with a gold scabbard, and a collar of gold weighing 702,000 merks (576,000 ounces), garnished with precious stones, and valued at £16,000 sterling, by way of present.” Returning to King Picrochole, he advised him to capitulate, whereupon Rashcalf cried aloud, “Unhappy the prince who has traitors for his counsellors!” and Touchfaucet, drawing “his new sword,” ran him through the body. The king demanded who gave him the sword, and being told the truth, ordered his guards “to hew him in pieces.”--Rabelais, Gargantua, i. 45-47 (1533).

=Touching for the King’s Evil.= It is said that scrofulous diseases were at one time very prevalent in the island, and that Edward the Confessor, in answer to earnest prayer, was told it would be cured by the royal touch. Edward, being gifted with this miraculous power, transmitted it as an heir-loom to his successors. Henry VII. presented each person touched with a small coin, called a touch-piece or touch-penny.

Charles II. of England, during his reign, touched as many as 92,107 persons; the smallest number (2983) being in the year 1669, and the largest number in 1684, when many were trampled to death (see Macaulay’s History of England, xiv.). In these “touchings,” John Brown, a royal surgeon, superintended the ceremony. (See Macbeth, act iv. sc. 3.)

Prince Charles Edward, who claimed to be prince of Wales, touched a female child for the disease in 1745.

The French kings claimed the same divine power from Anne of Clovis, A.D. 481. And on Easter Sunday, 1686, Louis XIV. touched 1600, using these words, Le roy te touche, Dieu te guerisse.

⁂ Dr. Johnson was the last person touched. The touch-piece given to him has on one side this legend, Soli Deo gloria, and on the other side, Anna D: G. M. BR. F: et H. REG. (“Anne, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, queen”).

Our good Edward he, the Confessor and king ... That cancred evil cured, bred ’twixt the throat and jaws, When physic could not find the remedy nor cause ... He of Almighty God obtained by earnest prayer, This tumor by a king might curêd be alone, Which he an heir-loom left unto the English throne. Drayton, Polyolbion, xi. (1613).

=Touchstone=, a clown filled with “quips and cranks and wanton wiles.” The original of this character was Tarlton, the favorite court jester of Queen Elizabeth.--Shakespeare, As You Like It (1598).

His famous speech is “the seven degrees of affront:” (1) the retort courteous, (2) the quip modest, (3) the reply churlish, (4) the reproof valiant, (5) the counter-check quarrelsome, (6) the lie circumstantial, (7) the lie direct (act v. sc. 4).

=Touchwood= (Colonel), “the most passionate, impatient, unreasonable, good-natured man in Christendom.” Uncle of Major and Clarissa Touchwood.

Sophia Touchwood, the colonel’s daughter, in love with her cousin, Major Touchwood. Her father wants her to marry Colonel Clifford, but the colonel has fixed his heart on Clarissa, the major’s sister.

Major Touchwood, nephew of Colonel Touchwood, and in love with his cousin, Sophia, the colonel’s daughter. He fancies that Colonel Clifford is his rival, but Clifford is in love with Clarissa, the major’s sister. This error forms the plot of the farce, and the mistakes which arise when the major dresses up to pass himself off for his uncle constitute its fun and entanglement.

Clarissa Touchwood, the major’s sister, in love with Colonel Clifford. They first met at Brighton, and the colonel thought her Christian name was Sophia; hence the major looked on him as a rival.--T. Dibdin, What Next?

Touchwood (Lord), uncle of Melle´font (2 syl.).

Lady Touchwood, his wife, sister of Sir Paul Pliant. She entertains a criminal passion for her nephew, Mellefont, and, because he repels her advances, vows to ruin him. Accordingly, she tells her husband that the young man has sought to dishonor her, and when his lordship fancies that the statement of his wife must be greatly overstated, he finds Mellefont with Lady Touchwood in her own private chamber. This seems to corroborate the accusation laid to his charge, but it was an artful trick of Maskwell’s to make mischief, and in a short time a conversation which he overhears between Lady Touchwood and Maskwell reveals the whole infamous scheme most fully to the husband.--Congreve, The Double Dealer (1700).

(Lord and Lady Touchwood must not be mistaken for Sir George and Lady Frances Touchwood, who are very different characters.)

Their Wildairs, Sir John Brutes, Lady Touchwoods and Mrs Frails, are conventional reproductions of those wild gallants and demireps which figure in the licentious dramas of Dryden and Shadwell.--Sir W. Scott, The Drama.

⁂ “Wildair,” in The Constant Couple, by Farquhar; “Brute,” in The Provoked Wife, by Van Brugh; “Mrs. Frail,” in Love for Love, by Congreve.

Touchwood (Sir George), the loving husband of Lady Frances, desperately jealous of her, and wishing to keep her out of all society, that she may not lose her native simplicity and purity of mind. Sir George is a true gentleman of most honorable feelings.

Lady Frances Touchwood, the sweet, innocent wife of Sir George Touchwood. Before her marriage she was brought up in seclusion in the country, and Sir George tries to keep her fresh and pure in London.--Mrs. Cowley, The Belle’s Stratagem (1780).

Touchwood (Peregrine), a touchy old East Indian, a relation of the Mowbray family.--Sir W. Scott, St. Ronan’s Well (time, George III.).

=Tough= (Mr.), an old barrister.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Touran.= The death of the children of Touran forms one of the three tragic stories of the ancient Irish. The other two are The Death of the Children of Lir and The Death of the Children of Usnach.

=Tournemine= (3 syl.), a Jesuit of the eighteenth century, fond of the marvellous. “Il aimait le merveilleux et ne renonçait qu’avec peine à y croire.”

Il ressemble à Tournemine, Il croit ce qu’il imagine. French Proverb.

=Touthope= (Mr.), a Scotch attorney and clerk of the peace.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

She ordered the fellow to be drawn through a horse-pond, and then to be well rubbed down with an oaken towel.--The Adventure of My Aunt.

=Tower of Hunger= (The), Gualandi, the tower in which Ugolino with his two sons and two grandsons were starved to death in 1288.--Dantê, Inferno (1300).

=Tower of London= (The), was really built by Gundulphus, bishop of Rochester, in the reign of William I., but tradition ascribes it to Julius Cæsar.

Ye towers of Julius, London’s lasting shame. Gray, The Bard (1757).

=Tower of Vathek=, built with the intention of reaching heaven, that Vathek might pry into the secrets seen by Mahomet. The staircase contained 11,000 stairs, and when the top was gained, men looked no bigger than pismires, and cities seemed mere bee-hives.--Beckford, Vathek (1784).

=Townley Mysteries=, certain religious dramas; so called, because the MS. containing them belonged to P. Townley. These dramas are supposed to have been acted at Widkirk Abbey, in Yorkshire. In 1831, they were printed for the Surtees Society under the editorship of the Rev. Joseph Hunter, and J. Stevenson. (See COVENTRY MYSTERIES.)

=Townley= (Colonel), attached to Berinthia, a handsome young widow, but in order to win her he determines to excite her jealousy, and therefore pretends love to Amanda, her cousin. Amanda, however, repels his attentions with disdain; and the colonel, seeing his folly, attaches himself to Berinthia.--Sheridan, A Trip to Scarborough (1777).

Townley (Lord) a nobleman of generous mind and high principle, liberal and manly. Though very fond of his wife, he insists on a separation because she is so extravagant and self-willed. Lady Townly sees at length the folly of her ways, and promises amendment, whereupon the husband relents and receives her into favor again.

Lady Townly, the gay, but not unfaithful young wife of Lord Townley, who thinks that the pleasure of life consists in gambling; she “cares nothing for her husband,” but “loves almost everything he hates.” She says:

I dote upon assemblies; my heart bounds at a ball; and at an opera, I expire. Then I love play to distraction; cards enchant me; and dice put me out of my little wits.--Vanbrugh and Cibber, The Provoked Husband, iii. 1 (1728).

(Mrs. Pritchard, Margaret Woffington, Miss Brunton, Miss M. Tree, and Miss E. Tree, were all excellent in this favorite part.)

=Tox= (Miss Lucretia), the bosom friend of Mr. Dombey’s married sister (Mrs. Chick). Miss Lucretia was a faded lady, “as if she had not been made in fast colors,” and was washed out. She “ambled through life without any opinions, and never abandoned herself to unavailing regrets.” She greatly admired Mr. Dombey, and entertained a forlorn hope that she might be selected by him to supply the place of his deceased wife. Miss Tox lived in Princess’s Place, and maintained a weak flirtation with a Major Bagstock, who was very jealous of Mr. Dombey.--C. Dickens, Dombey and Son (1846).

=Tozer=, one of the ten young gentlemen in the school of Dr. Blimber, when Paul Dombey was there. A very solemn lad, whose “shirt-collar curled up the lobes of his ears.”--C. Dickens, Dombey and Son (1846).

=Trabb=, a prosperous old bachelor, a tailor by trade.

He was having his breakfast in the parlor behind the shop.... He had sliced his hot roll into three feather-beds, and was slipping butter in between the blankets.... He was a prosperous old bachelor, and his open window looked into a prosperous little garden and orchard, and there was a prosperous iron safe let into the wall at the side of the fireplace, and without doubt, heaps of his prosperity were put away in it in bags.--Dickens, Great Expectations (1860).

=Traddles=, a simple, honest young man, who believes in everybody and everything. Though constantly failing, he is never depressed by his want of success. He had the habit of brushing his hair up on end, which gave him a look of surprise.

At the Creakle’s school, when I was miserable, he [Traddles] would lay his head on the desk for a little while, and then, cheering up, would draw skeletons all over his slate.--C. Dickens, David Copperfield, vii.(1849).

=Trade´love= (Mr.), a broker on ’Change, one of the four guardians of Anne Lovely, the heiress. He was “a fellow that would out-lie the devil, for the advantage of stock, and cheat his own father in a bargain. He was a great stickler for trade, and hated every one that wore a sword” (act. i. 1). Colonel Feignwell passed himself off as a Dutch merchant named Jan van Timtamtirelereletta herr van Feignwell, and made a bet with Tradelove. Tradelove lost, and cancelled the debt by giving his consent to the marriage of his ward to the supposed Dutchman.--Mrs. Centlivre, A Bold Stroke for a Wife (1717).

=Tragedy= (Father of Greek), Thespis, a traditional actor of Athens. Æschylos is also called “The Father of Greek Tragedy” (B.C. 525-426).

=Tragedy of Gorboduc=, otherwise entitled the Tragedy of Ferrex and Porrex, the earliest English tragedy, was the joint production of Thomas Sackville, afterwards Lord Buckhurst, and earl of Dorset, and Thomas Norton, a Puritan clergyman. It was produced before Queen Elizabeth, at Whitehall, January 18, 1562. Sackville was already known as the most important of the writers who produced “The Mirror for Magistrates,” a collection of narratives of various remarkable English historical personages, which was first published in 1559. Norton had been associated with Sternhold and Hopkins in their metrical version of the Psalms. On the title-page of the first edition of Gorboduc, published in 1565, without the consent of the authors, it is stated that the first three acts were written by Norton and the last two by Sackville, but Charles Lamb expresses himself “willing to believe that Lord Buckhurst supplied the more vital parts.”

=Trainband=, the volunteer artillery, whose ground for practice was in Moorfields.

A trainband captain eke was he, Of famous London town. Cowper, John Gilpin (1782).

=Trajan= (The Second), Marcus Aurelius Claudius, surnamed Gothĭcus, noted for his valor, justice, and goodness (215, 268-270).

=Trajan and St. Gregory.= It is said that Trajan, although unbaptized, was delivered from hell in answer to the prayers of St. Gregory.

There was storied on the rock The exalted glory of the Roman prince, Whose mighty worth moved Gregory to earn. His mighty conquest--Trajan, the emperor. Dantê, Purgatory, xi. (1308).

=Trajan and the Importunate Widow.= One day a mother appeared before the Emperor Trajan, and cried, “Grant vengeance, sire! My son is murdered.” The emperor replied, “I cannot stop now; wait till I return.” “But, sire,” pleaded the widow, “if you do not return, who will grant me justice?” “My successor,” said Trajan. “And can Trajan leave to another the duty that he himself is appointed to perform?” On hearing this the emperor stopped his cavalcade, heard the woman’s cause, and granted her suit. Dantê tells this tale in his Purgatory, xi.--John of Salisbury, Polycraticos de Curialium Nugis, v. 8 (twelfth century).

Dion Cassius (Roman Historia, lxix.) tells the same story of Hadrian. When a woman appeared before him with a suit as he was starting on a journey, the emperor put her off, saying, “I have no leisure now.” She replied, “If Hadrian has no leisure to perform his duties, let him cease to reign!” On hearing this reproof he dismounted from his horse and gave ear to the woman’s cause.

A woman once made her appeal to Philip of Macedon, who, being busy at the time, petulantly exclaimed, “Woman, I have no time now for such matters.” “If Philip has no time to render justice,” said the woman, “then it is high time for Philip to resign!” The king felt the rebuke, heard the cause patiently, and decided it justly.

=Tramecksan and Slamecksan=, the High-heels and Low-heels, two great political factions of Lilliput. The animosity of these Guelphs and Ghibellines of punydom ran so high “that no High-heel would eat or drink with a Low-heel, and no Low-heel would salute or speak to a High-heel.” The king of Lilliput was a High-heel, but the heir-apparent a Low-heel.--Swift, Gulliver’s Travels (“Voyage to Lilliput.” iv., 1726).

=Tramp= (Gaffer), a peasant at the execution of old Meg Mudochson.--Sir W. Scott, Heart of Midlothian (time, George II.).

=Tramtrist= (Sir), the name assumed by Sir Tristram, when he went to Ireland to be cured of his wounds after his combat with Sir Marhaus. Here La Belle Isold (or Isold “the Fair”) was his leech, and the young knight fell in love with her. When the queen discovered that Sir Tramtrist was Sir Tristram, who had killed her brother, Sir Marhaus, in combat, she plotted to take his life, and he was obliged to leave the island. La Belle Isold subsequently married King Mark of Cornwall, but her heart was ever fixed on her brave young patient.--Sir T. Malory, History of Prince Arthur, ii. 9-12 (1470).

=Tranchera=, Agricane’s sword which afterwards belonged to Brandimart.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

=Tra´nio=, one of the servants of Lucentio, the gentleman who marries Bianca (the sister of Kathari´na, “the Paduan shrew”).--Shakespeare, Taming of the Shrew (1594).

=Transfer=, a usurer, who is willing to advance Sir George Wealthy a sum of money on these easy terms: (1) 5 per cent. interest; (2) 10 per cent. premium; (3) 5 per cent. for insuring the young man’s life; (4) a handsome present to himself as broker; (5) the borrower to pay all expenses; and (6) the loan not to be in cash but goods, which are to be taken at a valuation and sold at auction at the borrower’s sole hazard. These terms are accepted, and Sir George promises besides a handsome douceur to Loader for having found a usurer so promptly.--Foote, The Minor (1760).

=Transformations.= In the art of transformation, one of the most important things was a ready wit to adopt in an instant some form which would give you an advantage over your adversary; thus, if your adversary appeared as a mouse, you must change into an owl, then your adversary would become an arrow to shoot the owl, and you would assume the form of fire to burn the arrow, whereupon your adversary would become water to quench the fire; and he who could outwit the other would come off victorious. The two best examples I know of this sort of contest are to be found, one in the Arabian Nights, and the other in the Mabinogion.

The former is the contest between the Queen of Beauty and the son of the daughter of Eblis. He appeared as a scorpion, she in a moment became a serpent; whereupon he changed into an eagle, she into a more powerful black eagle; he became a cat, she a wolf; she instantly changed into a worm and crept into a pomegranite, which in time burst, whereupon he assumed the form of a cock to devour the seed, but it became a fish; the cock then became a pike, but the princess became a blazing fire, and consumed her adversary before he had time to change.--“The Second Calendar.”

The other is the contest between Caridwen and Gwion Bach. Bach fled as a hare, she changed into a greyhound; whereupon he became a fish, she an otter-bitch, he instantly became a bird, she a hawk; but he became as quick as thought a grain of wheat. Caridwen now became a hen, and made for the wheat-corn and devoured him.--“Taliesin.”

=Translator-General.= Philemon Holland is so called by Fuller, in his Worthies of England. Holland translated Livy, Pliny, Plutarch, Suetonius, Xenophon, and several other classic authors (1551-1636).

=Transome= (Harold), takes a leading part in George Eliot’s novel Felix Holt.

Transome (Mrs). Mother of Harold.

=Trapbois= (Old), a miser in Alsatia. Even in his extreme age, “he was believed to understand the plucking of a ‘pigeon’ better than any man in Alsatia.”

Martha Trapbois, the miser’s daughter, a cold, decisive, masculine woman, who marries Richie Moniplies.--Sir W. Scott, The Fortunes of Nigel (time, James I.).

=Trapper= (The). One of the titles of Natty Bumpo, a character introduced into several of Cooper’s novels. In The Pioneers, he bears his own name, in others he is “The Trapper,” “The Deerslayer,” “The Pathfinder,” “The Hawk-eye” and “Leatherstocking.”

=Traveller= (The). The scheme of this poem is very simple: The poet supposes himself seated among Alpine solitudes, looking down upon a hundred kingdoms. He would fain find some spot where happiness can be attained, but the natives of each realm think their own the best; yet the amount of happiness in each is pretty well equal. To illustrate this, the poet describes the manners and government of Italy, Switzerland, France, Holland, and England.--O. Goldsmith (1764).

Traveller (Mr.), the stranger who tried to reason with Mr. Mopes and bring him back to society, but found the truth of the tinker’s remark, “When iron is thoroughly rotten, you cannot botch it.”--C. Dickens, A Christmas Number (1861).

=Travellers’ Tales.= Marco Polo says,

“Certain islands lie so far north in the Northern Ocean, that one going thither actually leaves the pole-star a trifle behind to the south.”

A Dutch skipper told Master Noxon, the hydrographer of Charles II., that he had himself sailed two degrees beyond the pole.

Maundeville says, in Prester John’s country is a sea of sand which ebbs and flows in great waves without one drop of water. This sea, says the knight of St. Alban’s, men find full of right good fish of most delicious eating.

At the time of the discovery of America by Columbus, many marvellous tales were rife in Spain. It was said that in one part of the coast of El Nombre de Dios, the natives had such long ears that one ear served for bed and the other for counterpane. This reminds one of Gwevyl mab Gwestad, one of whose lips hung down to his waist, and the other covered his head like a cowl. Another tale was that one of the crew of Columbus had come across a people who lived on sweet scents alone, and were killed by foul smells. This invention was hardly original, inasmuch as both Plutarch and Pliny tell us of an Indian people who lived on sweet odors, and Democrĭtos lived for several days on the mere effluvia of hot bread. Another tale was that the noses of these smell-feeders were so huge that their heads were all nose. We are also told of one-eyed men; of men who carried their heads under one of their arms; of others whose head was in their breast; of others who were conquered, not by arms, but by their priests holding up before them a little ivory crucifix--a sort of Christian version of the taking of Jericho by the blast of the rams’ horns of the Levites in the time of Joshua.

=Travels ... in Remote Nations=, by “Lemuel Gulliver.” He is first shipwrecked and cast on the coast of Lilliput, a country of pygmies. Subsequently he is thrown among the people of Brobdingnag, giants of tremendous size. In his third expedition he is driven to Lapūta, an empire of quack pretenders to science and knavish projectors. And in his fourth voyage he visits the Houyhnhnms [Whin´.n´me], where horses were the dominant powers.--Dean Swift (1726).

=Travers=, a retainer of the earl of Northumberland.--Shakespeare, Henry IV. (1598).

Travers (Sir Edmund), an old bachelor, the guardian and uncle of Lady Davenant. He is a tedious gossip, fond of meddling, prosy, and wise in his own conceit. “It is surprising,” he says, “how unwilling people are to hear my stories. When in parliament I make a speech, there is nothing but coughing, hemming, and shuffling of feet--no desire of information.” By his instigation, the match was broken off between his niece and Captain Dormer, and she was given in marriage to Lord Davenant, but it turned out that his lordship was already married, and his wife living.--Cumberland, The Mysterious Husband (1783).

=Travia´ta=, an opera, representing the progress of a courtezan. Music by Verdi, and libretto from La Dame aux Came´lias, a novel by Alexandre Dumas fils (1856).

=Treachery of the Long-Knives= (The). Hengist invited the chief British nobles to a conference at Ambresbury, but arranged that a Saxon should be seated beside each Briton. At the given signal, each Saxon was to slay his neighbor with his long knife, and as many as 460 British nobles fell. Eidiol, earl of Gloucester escaped, after killing seventy (some say 660) of the Saxons.--Welsh Triads.

Stonehenge was erected by Merlin, at the command of Ambrosius, in memory of the plot of the “Long-Knives.”... He built it on the site of a former circle. It deviates from older bardic circles, as may be seen by comparing it with Avebury, Stanton-Drew, Keswick, etc.--Cambrian Biography, art. “Merddin.”

=Trecentisti=, the Italian writers of the “Trecento” (thirteenth century). They were Dantê (1265-1321); Petrarch (1304-1374); Boccaccio (1313-1375), who wrote the Decameron. Among the famous artists were Giotto, Lorenzo Ghiberti, and Andre Orcagna. (See CINQUECENTO, SEICENTO.)

In Italy he’d ape the Trecentisti. Byron, Don Juan, iii. 86 (1820).

=Tree= (The Bleeding). One of the superstitous tales told of the marquis of Argyll, so hated by the royalists for the part he took in the execution of Montrose, was this: “That a tree on which thirty-six of his enemies were hanged was immediately blasted, and when hewn down, a copious stream of blood ran from it, saturating the earth, and that blood for several years flowed out from the roots.”--Laing, History of Scotland, ii. 11 (1800); State Trials, ii. 422.

Tree (The Poet’s), a tree which grows over the tomb of Tan-Sein, a musician at the court of [Mohammed] Akbar. Whoever chews a leaf of this tree, will be inspired with a divine melody of voice.--W. Hunter.

His voice was as sweet as if he had chewed the leaves of that enchanted tree, which grows over the tomb of the musician, Tan-Sein.--Moore, Lalla Rookh (1817).

Tree (The Singing), a tree, each leaf of which was musical, and all the leaves joined together in delightful harmony.--Arabian Nights (“The Story of the Sisters who envied their Younger Sister”).

In the Fairy Tales of the Comtesse D’Aunoy, there is a similar tale of a tree which bore “the singing apple,” but whoever ate of this fruit received the inspiration of poetry as well.--“Cherry and Fairstar.”

=Tregeagle=, the giant of Dosmary Pool, on Bodmin Downs (Cornwall). When the wintry winds blare over the downs, it is said to be the giant howling.

=Trelawny Ballad= (The), is by the Rev. R. S. Hawker, of Morwenstow.--Notes and Queries, 441 (June, 1876).

=Tremor= (Sir Luke), a desperate coward, living in India, who made it a rule never to fight, either in his own house, his neighbor’s house, or in the street. This prudent desperado is everlastingly snubbing his wife. (See TRIPPET.)

Lady Tremor, daughter of a grocer, and grandchild of a wig-maker. Very sensitive on the subject of her plebeian birth, and wanting to be thought a lady of high family.--Mrs. Inchbald, Such Things Are (1786).

=Tremydd ap Tremhidydd=, the man with the keenest sight of all mortals. He could discern “a mote in the sunbeam in any of the four quarters of the world.” Clustfein ap Clustfeinydd was no less celebrated for his acuteness of hearing, “his ear being distressed by the movement of dew, in June, over a blade of grass.” The meaning of these names is, “Sight, the son of Seer,” and “Ear, the son of Hearer.”--The Mabinogion (“Notes to Geraint,” etc., twelfth century).

=Trenmor=, great-grandfather of Fingal, and king of Morven (north-west of Scotland). His wife was Inibaca, daughter of the king of Lochlin or Denmark.--Ossian, Fingal, vi.

In Temora, ii. he is called the first king of Ireland, and father of Conar.

=Trent= (Fred), the scapegrace brother of little Nell. “He was a young man of one and twenty, well-made, and certainly handsome, but dissipated, and insolent in air and bearing.” The mystery of Fred Trent and little Nell is cleared up in ch. lxix.--C. Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop (1840).

=Tres= (Scriptores): Richardus Corinensis, or Richard of Cirencester (fourteenth century); Gildus Badonicus; and Nennius Banchorensis; published by Professor Bertram (1757).

=Tresham= (Mr.), senior partner of Mr. Osbaldistone, Sr.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

Tresham (Richard), same as General Witherington, who first appears as Matthew Middlemas.

Richard Tresham, the son of General Witherington. He is also called Richard Middlemas.--Sir W. Scott, The Surgeon’s Daughter (time, George II.).

Tresham (Thorold, Lord), head of a noble family, whose boast was, that “no blot had ever stained their ’scutcheon,” though the family ran back into pre-historic times. He was a young, unmarried man, with a sister, Mildred, a girl of 14, living with him. His near neighbor, Henry, earl of Mertoun, asked permission to pay his addresses to Mildred, and Thorold accepted the proposal with much pleasure. The old warrener next day told Thorold he had observed for several weeks that a young man climbed into Mildred’s chamber at night-time, and he would have spoken before, but did not like to bring his young mistress into trouble. Thorold wrung from his sister an acknowledgement of the fact, but she refused to give up the name, yet said she was quite willing to marry the earl. This Thorold thought would be dishonorable, and resolved to lie in wait for the unknown visitor. On his approach, Thorold discovered it was the earl of Mertoun, and he slew him, then poisoned himself, and Mildred died of a broken heart.--Robert Browning, A Blot on the ’Scutcheon.

=Tressilian= (Edmund), the betrothed of Amy Robsart. Amy marries the earl of Leicester, and is killed by falling into a deep pit, to which she has been cruelly inveigled.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Tre´visan= (Sir), a knight to whom Despair gave a hempen rope, that he might go and hang himself.--Spenser, Faëry Queen, i. (1590).

=Tribulation= [WHOLESOME], a pastor of Amsterdam, who thinks “the end will sanctify the means,” and uses “the children of perdition” to promote his own object, which he calls the “work of God.” He is one of the dupes of Subtle, “the alchemist,” and his factotum, Face.--Ben Jonson, The Alchemist (1610).

=Tribune of the People= (The), John Bright (1811-1889).

=Tricolor=, the national badge of France since 1789. It consists of the Bourbon white cockade, and the blue and red cockade of the city of Paris combined. It was Lafayette who devised this symbolical union of king and people, and when he presented it to the nation, “Gentlemen,” said he, “I bring you a cockade that shall make a tour of the world.” (See STORNELLO VERSES.)

If you will wear a livery, let it at least be that of the city of Paris--blue and red, my friends.--Dumas, Six Years Afterwards, xv. (1846).

=Tricoteuses de Robespierre= (Les), Robespierre’s Knitters. During the sittings of the Convention and at those of the popular Clubs and the Revolutionary Tribunal, certain women were always seen knitting. Encouraged by the rabble they carried their insolence so far that they were called the Furies of the Guillotine. They disappeared with the Jacobins.--Bouillet, Dict. Universel.

=Triermain= (The Bridal of), a poem by Sir Walter Scott, in four cantos, with introduction and conclusion (1813). In the introduction, Arthur is represented as the person who tells the tale to Lucy, his bride. Gyneth, a natural daughter of King Arthur and Guendŏlen, was promised in marriage to the bravest knight in a tournament; but she suffered so many combatants to fall, without awarding the prize, that Merlin threw her into an enchanted sleep, from which she was not to wake till a knight as brave as those who had fallen claimed her in marriage. After the lapse of 500 years, Sir Roland de Vaux, baron of Triermain, undertook to break the spell, but had first to overcome four temptations, viz., fear, avarice, pleasure and ambition. Having come off more than conqueror, Gyneth awoke and became his bride.

=Trifal´di= (The countess), called “The Afflicted Duenna” of the Princess Antonomasia (heiress to the throne of Candaya). She was called Trifaldi from her robe, which was divided into three triangles, each of which was supported by a page. The face of this duenna was, by the enchantment of the giant, Malambru´no, covered with a large, rough beard, but when Don Quixote mounted Clavilēno, the Winged, “the enchantment was dissolved.”

The renowned knight, Don Quixote de la Mancha, hath achieved the adventure merely by attempting it. Malambruno is appeased, and the chin of the Dolorida dueña is again beardless.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, II. iii. 4, 5 (1615).

=Trifal´din= of the “Bushy Beard” (white as snow), the gigantic squire of “The Afflicted Duenna,” the Countess Trifaldi.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, II. iii. 4 (1615).

=Trifle= (Miss Penelopé), an old maiden sister of Sir Penurious Trifle. Stiff as a ramrod, prim as fine airs and graces could make her, fond of long words, and delighting in phrases modelled in true Johnsonian ponderosity.

Trifle (Miss Sukey), daughter of Sir Penurious, tricked into marriage with Mr. Hartop, a young spendthrift, who fell in love with her fortune.

⁂ Sir Penurious Trifle is not introduced, but Hartop assumes his character, and makes him fond of telling stale and pointless stories. He addresses Sir Gregory as “you knight.”--Foote, The Knights (1754).

=Trim= (Corporal), Uncle Toby’s orderly. Faithful, simple-minded and most affectionate. Voluble in speech, but most respectful. Half companion, but never forgetting he is his master’s servant. Trim is the duplicate of Uncle Toby in delf. The latter at all times shows himself the officer and the gentleman, born to command and used to obedience, while the former always carries traces of the drillyard, and shows that he has been accustomed to receive orders with deference, and to execute them with military precision. It is a great compliment to say that the corporal was worthy such a noble master.--Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy (1759).

=Trimalchi=, a celebrated cook in the reign of Nero, mentioned by Petronius. He had the art of giving to the most common fish the flavor and appearance of the best. Like Ude, in our own day, he said that “sauces are the soul of cookery, and cookery the soul of festivity,” or, as the cat’s-meat man observed, “’tis the seasonin’ as does it.”

=Trin´culo=, a jester.--Shakespeare, The Tempest (1609).

A miscarriage ... would (like the loss of Trinculo’s bottle in the horse-pond) be attended not only with dishonor but with infinite loss.--Sir W. Scott.

=Trin´ket= (Lord), a man of fashion and a libertine.

He is just polite enough to be able to be very unmannerly, with a great deal of good breeding; is just handsome enough to make him excessively vain of his person; and has just reflection enough to finish him for a coxcomb; qualifications ... very common among ... men of quality.--G. Colman, The Jealous Wife, ii. (1761).

=Tri´nobants=, people of Trinoban´tium, that is, Middlesex and Essex. Their chief town was Trin´ovant, now London.

So eastward where by Thames the Trinobants were set, To Trinovant their town ... That London now we term ... The Saxons ... their east kingdom called [Essex]. Drayton, Polyolbion, xvi. (1613).

=Trinquet=, one of the seven attendants of Fortunio. His gift was that he could drink a river and be thirsty again. “Are yon always thirsty?” asked Fortunio. “No,” said the man, “only after eating salt meat or upon a wager.”--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“Fortunio,” 1682).

=Trip to Scarborough= (A), a comedy by Sheridan (1777), based on The Relapse, by Vanbrugh (1697). Lord Foppington goes to Scarborough to marry Miss Hoyden, daughter of Sir Tunbelly Clumsy, but his lordship is not known personally to the knight and his daughter. Tom Fashion, younger brother of Lord Foppington, having been meanly treated by his elder brother, resolves to outwit him; so, passing himself off as Lord Foppington, he gets introduced to Sir Tunbelly, and marries Miss Hoyden before the rightful claimant appears. When at length Lord Foppington arrives he is treated as an impostor, till Tom Fashion explains the ruse. As his lordship behaves contumeliously to the knight, matters are easily arranged, Lord Foppington retires, and Sir Tunbelly accepts Tom Fashion as his son-in-law with good grace.

=Tripe= (1 syl.), the nickname of Mrs. Hamilton, of Covent Garden Theatre (1730-1788).

=Triple Alliance= (The).

1. A treaty between Great Britain, Sweden, and the United Provinces, in 1668, for the purpose of checking the ambition of Louis XIV.

2. A treaty between George I. of England, Philip, duke of Orleans, regent of France, and the United Provinces, for the purpose of counteracting the plans of Alberoni, the Spanish minister, 1717.

=Trippet= (Beau), who “pawned his honor to Mrs. Trippet never to draw sword in any cause,” whatever might be the provocation. (See TREMOR.)

Mrs. Trippet, the beau’s wife, who “would dance for four and twenty hours together,” and play cards for twice that length of time.--Garrick, The Lying Valet (1740).

=Tripping as an Omen.=

When Julius Cæsar landed at Adrumētum, in Africa, he happened to trip and fall on his face. This would have been considered a fatal omen by his army, but, with admirable presence of mind, he exclaimed, “Thus take I possession of thee, O Africa!”

A similar story is told of Scipio. Upon his arrival in Africa, he also happened to trip, and, observing that his soldiers looked upon this as a bad omen, he clutched the earth with his two hands, and cried aloud, “Now, Africa, I hold thee in my grasp!”--Don Quixote, II. iv. 6.

When William the Conqueror leaped on shore at Bulverhythe, he fell on his face, and a great cry went forth that the omen was unlucky; but the duke exclaimed, “I take seisin of this land with both my hands!”

The same story is told of Napoleon in Egypt; of King Olaf, son of Harald, in Norway; of Junius Brutus, who, returning from the oracle, fell on the earth, and cried, “’Tis thus I kiss thee, mother Earth!”

When Captain Jean Cœurpreux tripped in dancing at the Tuileries, Napoleon III. held out his hand to help him up, and said, “Captain, this is the second time I have seen you fall. The first was by my side in the field of Magenta.” Then, turning to the lady, he added, “Madam, Captain Cœurpreux is henceforth commandant of my Guards, and will never fall in duty or allegiance, I am persuaded.”

=Trismegistus= (“thrice greatest”), Hermês, the Egyptian philosopher, or Thoth, councillor of Osīris. He invented the art of writing in hieroglyphics, harmony, astrology, magic, the lute and lyre, and many other things.

=Tris´sotin=, a bel esprit. Philaminte (3 syl.), a femme savante, wishes him to marry her daughter, Henriette, but Henriette is in love with Clitandre. The difficulty is soon solved by the announcement that Henriette’s father is on the verge of bankruptcy, whereupon Trissotin makes his bow and retires.--Molière, Les Femmes Savantes (1672).

Trissotin is meant for the Abbé Crotin, who affected to be poet, gallant and preacher. His dramatic name was “Tricotin.”

=Tristram= (Sir), son of Sir Meliŏdas, king of Li´onês, and Elizabeth, his wife (daughter of Sir Mark, king of Cornwall). He was called Tristram (“sorrowful”) because his mother died in giving him birth. His father also died when Tristram was a mere lad (pt. ii. 1). He was knighted by his uncle, Mark (pt. ii. 5), and married Isond le Blanch Mains, daughter of Howell, king of Britain (Brittany); but he never loved her, nor would he live with her. His whole love was centered on his aunt, La Belle Isond, wife of King Mark, and this unhappy attachment was the cause of numberless troubles, and ultimately of his death. La Belle Isond, however, was quite as culpable as the knight, for she herself told him, “My measure of hate for Mark is as the measure of my love for thee;” and when she found out that her husband would not allow Sir Tristram to remain at Tintag´il Castle, she eloped with him, and lived three years at Joyous Guard, near Carlisle. At length she returned home, and Sir Tristram followed her. His death is variously related. Thus the History of Prince Arthur says:

When, by means of a treaty, Sir Tristram brought again La Belle Isond unto King Mark from Joyous Guard, the false traitor, King Mark, slew the noble knight as he sat harping before his lady, La Belle Isond, with a sharp-ground glaive, which he thrust into him from behind his back.--Pt. iii. 147 (1470).

Tennyson gives the tale thus: He says that Sir Tristram, dallying with his aunt, hung a ruby carcanet round her throat; and, as he kissed her neck:

Out of the dark, just as the lips had touched, Behind him rose a shadow and a shriek-- “Marks way!” said Mark, and clove him thro’ the brain. Tennyson, Idylls (“The Last Tournament”).

Another tale is this: Sir Tristram was severely wounded in Brittany, and sent a dying request to his aunt to come and see him. If she consented, a white flag was to be hoisted on the mast-head of her ship; if not, a black one. His wife told him the ship was in sight, displaying a black flag, at which words the strong man bowed his head and died. When his aunt came ashore and heard of his death, she flung herself on the body, and died also. The two were buried in one grave, and Mark planted over it a rose and a vine, which became so interwoven it was not possible to separate them.

⁂ Sir Launcelot, Sir Tristram and Sir Lamorake were the three bravest and best of the 150 knights of the Round Table, but were all equally guilty in their amours: Sir Launcelot with the queen; Sir Tristram with his aunt, King Mark’s wife; and Sir Lamorake with his aunt, King Lot’s wife.

=Tristram’s Horse=, Passetreûl, or Passe Brewell. It is called both, but one seems to be a clerical error.

(Passe Brewell is in Sir T. Malory’s History of Prince Arthur, ii. 68).

History of Sir Tristram or Tristan. The oldest story is by Gotfrit of Strasbourg, a minnesinger (twelfth century), entitled Tristan and Isolde. It was continued by Ulrich of Turheim, by Heinrich of Freyburg, and others, to the extent of many thousand verses. The tale of Sir Tristram, derived from Welsh traditions, was versified by Thomas the Rhymer, of Erceldoune.

The second part of the History of Prince Arthur, compiled by Sir T. Malory, is almost exclusively confined to the adventures of Sir Tristram, as the third part is to the adventures of Sir Launcelot, and the quest of the Holy Graal (1470).

Matthew Arnold has a poem entitled Tristram; and R. Wagner, in 1865, produced his opera of Tristan and Isolde.

See Michel, Tristan; Recueil de ce qui reste des Poèmes relatifs à ses Aventures (1835).

=Tristrem l’Hermite=, provost-marshal of France, in the reign of Louis XI. Introduced by Sir W. Scott in Quentin Durward (1823), and in Anne of Geierstein (1829).

=Tritheim= (J), chronicler and theologian of Treves, elected abbot of Spanheim at the age of 22 years. He tried to reform the monks, but produced a revolt, and resigned his office. He was then appointed abbot of Würzburg (1462-1516).

Old Tritheim, busied with his class the while. R. Browning, Paracelsus, i. (1836).

=Triton=, the sea-trumpeter. He blows through a shell to rouse or allay the sea. A post-Hesiodic fable.

Have sight of Proteus coming from the sea, Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn. Wordsworth.

=Triumvirate= (The), in English history: The duke of Marlborough, controlling foreign affairs, Lord Godolphin, controlling council and parliament, and the duchess of Marlborough, controlling the court and queen.

=Triumvirate of England=, (The): Gower, Chaucer, and Lydgate, poets.

=Triumvirate of Italian Poets= (The): Dantê, Boccaccio, and Petrarch.

Boccaccio wrote poetry, without doubt, but is now chiefly known as “The Father of Italian Prose.” These three are more correctly called the “Trecentisti” (q.v.).

=Triv´ia=, Diana; so called because she had three faces, Luna in Heaven, Diana on earth, and Hecate in Hell.

The noble Brutus went wise Trivia to inquire, To show them where the stock of ancient Troy to place. M. Drayton, Polyolbion, i. (1612).

=Trog´lodytes= (3 or 4 syl.). According to Pliny (Nat. Hist., v. 8), the Troglodytes lived in caves under ground, and fed on serpents. In modern parlance, we call those who live so secluded as not to be informed of the current events of the day, troglodytes. Longfellow calls ants by the same name.

[Thou the] nomadic tribes of ants Dost persecute and overwhelm These hapless troglodytes of thy realm. Longfellow, To a Child.

Troglody´tes (4 syl.), one of the mouse heroes in the battle of the frogs and mice. He slew Pelĭon, and was slain by Lymnoc´haris.

The strong Lymnocharis, who viewed with ire A victor triumph, and a friend expire; With heaving arms, a rocky fragment caught, And fiercely flung where Troglodytês fought ... Full on his sinewy neck the fragment fell, And o’er his eyelids, clouds eternal dwell. Parnell, Battle of the Frogs and Mice (about 1712).

=Troil= (Magnus), the old udaller of Zetland.

Brenda Troil, the udaller’s younger daughter. She marries Mordaunt Mertoun.

Minna Troil, the udaller’s elder daughter. In love with the pirate.--Sir W. Scott, The Pirate (time, William III.).

(A udaller is one who holds his lands by allodial tenure.)

=Tro´ilus= (3 syl.), a son of Priam, king of Troy. In the picture described by Virgil (Æneid, i. 474-478), he is represented as having thrown down his arms and fleeing in his chariot, not equal to meeting Achilles; he is pierced with a lance, and, having fallen backwards, still holding the reins, the lance with which he is transfixed “scratches the sand over which it trails.”

In the Troilus and Creseide of Chaucer, and the Troilus and Cressida of Shakespeare, we have a story unknown to classic fiction. Chaucer pretends to take it from Lollius, but who Lollius was, has never been discovered. In this story Troilus falls in love with Cressid, daughter of the priest Chalchas, and Pandărus is employed as a go-between. After Troilus has obtained a promise of marriage from the priest’s daughter, an exchange of prisoners is arranged, and Cressid, falling to the lot of Diomed, prefers her new master to her Trojan lover.

Chaucer’s Troilus and Creseide is not one of the Canterbury Tales, but quite an independent one, in five books. It contains 8246 lines, nearly 3000 of which are borrowed from the Filostrato of Boccaccio.

=Trois Chapitres= (Les), or THE THREE CHAPTERS, three theological works on the “Incarnation of Christ and His dual nature.” The authors of these “chapters” are Theodore of Mopsuestia, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, and Ibas of Edessa. The work was condemned in 553 as heretical.

=Trois Echelles=, executioner.--Sir W. Scott, Quentin Durward and Anne of Geierstein (time Edward IV.).

=Trojan=, a good boon companion, a plucky fellow or man of spirit. Gadshill says, “There are other Trojans [men of spirit] that ... for sport sake are content to do the profession [of Thieving] some grace.” So in Love’s Labor’s Lost “Unless you play the honest Trojan, the poor wench is cast away” (unless you are a man of sufficient spirit to act honestly, the girl is ruined).

“He is a regular Trojan,” means he is un brave homme, a capital fellow.

=Trompart=, a lazy but wily-witted knave, grown old in cunning. He accompanied Braggadoccio as his squire (bk. ii. 3), but took to his heels when Talus shaved the master, “reft his shield,” blotted out his arms, and broke his sword in twain. Being overtaken, Talus gives him a sound drubbing (bk. v. 3).--Spenser, Faëry Queen (1590-6).

=Trondjem’s Cattle= (Remember the bishop of), i.e., look sharp after your property; take heed, or you will suffer for it. The story is, that a certain bishop of Trondjem [Tron´.yem] lost his cattle by the herdsmen taking his eyes off them to look at an elk. Now this elk was a spirit, and when the herdsman looked at the cattle again they were no bigger than mice; again he turned towards the elk, in order to understand the mystery, and while he did so, the cattle all vanished through a crevice into the earth.--Miss Martineau, Feats on the Fiord (1839).

=Tropho´nios=, the architect of the temple of Apollo, at Delphi. After death he was worshipped, and had a famous cave near Lebadia, called “The Oracle of Trophonios.”

The month of this cave was three yards high and two wide. Those who consulted the oracle had to fast several days, and then to descend a steep ladder till they reached a narrow gullet. They were then seized by the feet, and dragged violently to the bottom of the cave, where they were assailed by the most unearthly noises, howlings, shrieks, bellowings, with lurid lights and sudden glares, in the midst of which uproar and phantasmagoria the oracle was pronounced. The votaries were then seized unexpectedly by the feet, and thrust out of the cave without ceremony. If any resisted, or attempted to enter in any other way, he was instantly murdered.--Plutarch, Lives.

=Trotley= (Sir John), an old-fashioned country gentleman, who actually prefers the obsolete English notions of domestic life, fidelity to wives and husbands, modesty in maids, and constancy in lovers, to the foreign free and easy manners which allow married people unlimited freedom, and consider licentiousness bon ton.--Garrick, Bon Ton (1776). (See PRIORY.)

=Trotter= (Job), servant to Alfred Jingle. A sly, canting rascal, who has at least the virtue of fidelity to his master. Mr. Pickwick’s generosity touches his heart, and he shows a sincere gratitude to his benefactor.--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

Trotter (Nelly) fishwoman at old St. Ronan’s.--Sir W. Scott, St. Ronan’s Well (time, George III.).

=Trotters=, the Punch and Judy showman; a little, good-natured, unsuspicious man, very unlike his misanthropic companion, Thomas Codlin, who played the panpipes, and collected the money.

His real name was Harris, but it had gradually merged into Trotters, with the prefatory adjective “Short,” by reason of the small size of his legs. Short Trotters, however, being a compound name, inconvenient in friendly dialogue, he was called either Trotters or Short, and never Short Trotters, except on occasions of ceremony.--C. Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, xvii. (1840).

=Trotty=, the sobriquet of Toby Veck, ticket-porter and jobman.

They called him Trotty from his pace, which meant speed, if it didn’t make it. He could have walked faster, perhaps; most likely; but rob him of his trot, and Toby would have taken to his bed and died. It bespattered him with mud in dirty weather; it cost him a world of trouble; he could have walked with infinitely greater ease; but that was one reason for his clinging to his trot so tenaciously. A weak, small, spare old man; he was a very Herculês, this Toby, in his good intentions.--C. Dickens, The Chimes, i. (1844).

=Trotwood= (Betsey), usually called “Miss Betsey,” great aunt of David Copperfield. Her idiosyncrasy was donkeys. A dozen times a day would she rush on the green before her house to drive off the donkeys, and donkey-boys. She was a most kind-hearted, worthy woman, who concealed her tenderness of heart under a snappish austerity of manner. Miss Betsey was the true friend of David Copperfield. She married in her young days a handsome man, who ill-used her, and ran away, but preyed on her for money till he died.--C. Dickens, David Copperfield (1849).

=Trouil´logan=, a philosopher, whose advice was, “Do as you like.” Panurge asked the sage if he advised him to marry. “Yes,” said Trouillogan. “What say you?” asked the prince. “Let it alone,” replied the sage. “Which would you advise?” inquired the prince. “Neither,” said the sage. “Neither?” cried Panurge; “that cannot be.” “Then both,” replied Trouillogan. Panurge then consulted several others, and at last the oracle of the Holy Bottle.--Rabelais, Pantagruel, iii. 35 (1545).

Molière has introduced this joke in his Marriage Forcé (1664). Sganarelle asks his friend Géronimo, if he would advise him to marry, and he answers “No.” “But,” says the old man, “I like the young woman.” “Then marry her, by all means.” “That is your advice?” says Sganarelle. “My advice is, do as you like,” says the friend. Sganarelle next consults two philosophers, then some gypsies, then declines to marry, and is at last compelled to do so, nolens volens.

=Trovato´re= (4 syl.), or “The Troubadour” in Manrico, the supposed son of Azuce´na, the gypsy, but in reality, the son of Garzia (brother of the conte di Luna). The Princess Leono´ra falls in love with the troubadour, but the count, entertaining a base passion for her, is about to put Manrico to death, when Leonora intercedes on his behalf, and promises to give herself to him, if he will spare her lover. The count consents; but while he goes to release his captive Leonora kills herself by sucking poison from a ring. When Manrico discovers this sad calamity, he dies also.--Verdi, Il Trovatore (1853).

(This opera is based on the drama of Gargia Guttierez, a fifteenth century story.)

=Troxartas= (3 syl.), king of the mice, and father of Psycarpax, who was drowned. The word means “bread-eater.”

Fix their counsel ... Where great Troxartas crowned in glory reigns ... Psycarpax’ father, father now no more! Parnell, Battle of the Frogs and Mice, i. (about 1712).

=Trudge=, in Love in a Bottle, by Farquhar (1698).

=True Thomas=, Thomas the Rhymer. So called from his prophecies, the most noted of which was his prediction of the death of Alexander III. of Scotland, made to the earl of March. It is recorded in the Scotichronĭcon of Fordun (1430).

=Trueworth=, brother of Lydia, and friend of Sir William Fondlove.--S. Knowles, The Love-Chase (1837).

=Trull= (Dolly). Captain Macheath says of her, “She is always so taken up with stealing hearts, that she does not allow herself time to steal anything else” (act ii. 1).--Gay, The Beggar’s Opera (1727).

=Trulla=, the daughter of James Spenser, a Quaker. She was first dishonored by her father, and then by Simeon Wait (or Magna´no), the tinker.

He Trulla loved, Trulla more bright Than burnished armor of her knight, A bold virago, stout and tall As Joan of France or English Mall. S. Butler, Hudibras, i. 2 (1663).

=Trul´liber= (Parson), a fat clergyman; ignorant, selfish, and slothful.--Fielding, The Adventures of Joseph Andrews (1742).

Parson Barnabas, Parson Trulliber, Sir Wilful Witwould, Sir Francis Wronghead, Squire Western, Squire Sullen; such were the people who composed the main strength of the Tory party for sixty years after the Revolution.--Macaulay.

⁂ “Sir Wilful Witwould,” in The Way of the World, by Congreve; “Sir Francis Wronghead,” in The Provoked Husband, by C. Cibber; “Squire Western,” in Tom Jones, by Fielding; “Squire Sullen,” in The Beaux’ Stratagem, by Farquhar.

=Trunnion= (Commodore Hawser), a one-eyed naval veteran, who has retired from the service in consequence of injuries received in engagements; but he still keeps garrison in his own house, which is defended with drawbridge and ditch. He sleeps in a hammock, and makes his servants sleep in hammocks, as on board ship, takes his turn on watch, and indulges his naval tastes in various other ways. Lieutenant Jack Hatchway is his companion. When he went to be married, he rode on a hunter which he steered like a ship, according to the compass, tacking about, that he might not “go right in the wind’s eye.”--T. Smollett, The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle (1750).

It is vain to criticize the manœuvre of Trunnion, tacking his way to church on his wedding day, in consequence of a head wind.--Encyc. Brit., Art. “Romance.”

⁂ Dickens has imitated this in Wemmick’s house, which had flag and drawbridge, fortress and gun in miniature; but the conceit is more suited to “a naval veteran” than a lawyer’s clerk. (See WEMMICK.)

=Truscott= (Jack), officer in U. S. Army, and, according to his wife, “gallant, noble, gentle, tender, true, faithful--and--um--sweet!” Truscott’s character, said to be drawn from life, is one of the finest in Captain Charles King’s series of military novels. Truscott leads the rescuing party to the cottonwood copse where a handful of U. S. soldiers are penned in by Indians.

“More shots and yells, a trumpet-blare, and then--then, ringing like clarion over the turmoil of the fight, echoing far across the still valley, the sound of a glorious voice shouting the well-known words of command,--Left--front--into line--gallop.” And Dana can hold in no longer. Almost sobbing, he cries aloud--

“Jack Truscott, by all that is glorious! I’d know the voice among a million!” Who in the ----th would not? Who in the old regiment had not leaped at its summons, time and again?--Charles King, Marion’s Faith (1886).

=Trusty= (Mrs.), landlady of the Queen’s Arms, Romford. Motherly, most kind-hearted, a capital caterer, whose ale was noted. Bess, “the beggar’s daughter,” took refuge with her, and was most kindly treated. Mrs. Trusty wished her son, Ralph, to take Bess to wife, but Bess had given her heart to Wilford, the son of Lord Woodville, her cousin.--S. Knowles, The Beggar of Bethnal Green (1834).

=Tryamour= (Sir), the hero of an old metrical novel, and the model of all knightly virtues.

=Try´anon=, daughter of the fairy king who lived on the island of Ole´ron. “She was as white as a lily in May, or snow that snoweth on a winter’s day,” and her “haire shone as goldê wire.” This paragon of beauty married Sir Launfal, King Arthur’s steward, whom she carried off to “Oliroun, her jolif isle.”--Thomas Chestre, Sir Launfal (fifteenth century).

=Trygon=, a poisonous fish. Ulysses was accidentally killed by his son Telegŏnos with an arrow pointed with trygon-bone.

The lord of Ithăca, Struck by the poisonous trygon’s bone expired. West, Triumphs of the Gout (“Lucian” 1750).

=Tryphon=, the sea-god’s physician.

They send in haste for Tryphon, to apply Salves to his wounds, and medicines of might; For Tryphon of sea-god’s the sovereign leech is hight. Spenser, Faëry Queen, iii. 4 (1590).

=Tubal=, a wealthy Jew, the friend of Shylock.--Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice (a drama, 1598).

=Tuck=, a long, narrow sword (Gaelic tuca, Welsh twca, Italian stocco, French estoc). In Hamlet the word “tuck” is erroneously printed stuck in Malone’s edition.

If he by chance escape your venomed tuck, Our purpose may hold there. Shakespeare, Hamlet, act iv. sc. 7.

Tuck, (Friar), the “curtal friar of Fountain’s Abbey,” was the father confessor of Robin Hood. He is represented as a sleek-headed, pudgy, paunchy, pugnacious clerical Falstaff, very fat and self-indulgent, very humorous, and somewhat coarse. His dress was a russet habit of the Franciscan order, a red corded girdle with gold tassel, red stockings, and a wallet.

Sir Walter Scott, in his Ivanhoe, calls him the holy clerk of Copmanhurst, and describes him as a “large, strong-built man in a sackcloth gown and hood, girt with a rope of rushes.” He had a round, bullet head, and his close-shaven crown was edged with thick, stiff, curly black hair. His countenance was bluff and jovial, eyebrows black and bushy, forehead well-turned, cheeks round and ruddy, beard long, curly and black, form brawny (ch. xv.).

In the May-day morris-dance the friar is introduced in full clerical tonsure, with the chaplet of white and red beads in his right hand, a corded girdle about his waist, and a russet robe of the Franciscan order. His stockings red, his girdle red, ornamented with gold twist and a golden tassel. At his girdle hung a wallet for the reception of provisions, for “Walleteers” had no other food but what they received from begging. Friar Tuck was chaplain to Robin Hood, the May-king. (See MORRIS-DANCE.)

In this our spacious isle, I think there is not one But he hath heard some talk of Hood and Little John; Of Tuck, the merry friar, which many a sermon made, In praise of Robin Hood, his outlaws and their trade. Drayton, Polyolbion, xxvi. (1622).

=Tud= (Morgan), chief physician of King Arthur.--The Mabinogion (“Geraint,” twelfth century).

=Tug= (Tom), the waterman, a straightforward, honest young man, who loved Wilhelmi´na, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bundle, and, when he won the waterman’s badge in rowing, he won the consent of “the gardener’s daughter” to become his loving and faithful wife.--C. Dibdin, The Waterman (1774).

=Tukely=, the lover of Sophia. As Sophia has a partiality for the Hon. Mr. Daffodil, “the male coquette,” Tukely dresses in woman’s clothes, makes an appointment with Daffodil, and gets him to slander Sophia and other ladies, concealed among the trees. They thus hear his slanders, and, presenting themselves before him, laugh him to scorn.--Garrick, The Male Coquette (1758).

=Tulk´inghorn= (Mr.), attorney-at-law and legal adviser of the Dedlocks. Very silent and perfectly self-contained, but, knowing Lady Dedlock’s secret, he is like the sword of Dam´oclês over her head, and she lives in ceaseless dread of him.--C. Dickens, Bleak House (1852).

=Tullia=, wicked daughter of Servius Tullius, king of Rome. She conspired with her paramour to compass her father’s death, and drove over his dead body on her way to greet her accomplice as king.

=Tulliver= (Mr.), honest, irascible miller, whose love for “the little wench,” his daughter, is the gentlest feeling of his nature. His pride is hurt by financial disaster; he becomes a hireling of the man he hates; his fortunes are redeemed by his son, but he dies soon afterward.

Tulliver (Mrs.), a weak, garrulous woman, vain of her “Dodson blood.”

Tulliver (Maggie), fine, upright, imaginative, affectionate girl, understood by few, and passionately loved by two men. She resists her love for her cousin’s almost betrothed, and suffers the loss of reputation patiently. Tom Tulliver, her brother, is the sternest of her censors. The two are drowned together in a river-flood.--George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss.

=Tully=, Marcus Tullius Cicero, the great Roman orator (B.C. 106-43). He was proscribed by Antony, one of the triumvirate, and his head and hands, being cut off, were nailed, by the orders of Antony, to the Rostra of Rome.

Ye fond adorers of departed fame, Who warm at Scipio’s worth or Tully’s name. Campbell, Pleasures of Hope, i. (1799).

The Judas who betrayed Tully to the sicarii was a cobbler. The man who murdered him was named Herennius.

=Tungay=, the one-legged man at Salem House.

He generally acted, with his strong voice, as Mr. Creakle’s interpreter to the boys.--C. Dickens, David Copperfield, ii. (1849).

=Tunstall= (Frank), one of the apprentices of David Ramsay, the watchmaker.--Sir W. Scott, The Fortunes of Nigel (time, James I.).

=Tupman= (Tracy), M.P.C., a sleek, fat young man, of very amorous disposition. He falls in love with every pretty girl he sees, and is, consequently, always getting into trouble.--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

=Turbulent School of Fiction= (The), a school of German romance writers, who returned to the feudal ages, and wrote between 1780 and 1800, in the style of Mrs. Radcliffe. The best known are Cramer, Spiers, Schlenkert, and Veit Weber.

=Turcaret=, a comedy by Lesage (1708), in which the farmers-general of France are gibbeted unmercifully. He is a coarse, illiterate man, who has grown rich by his trade. Any one who has risen from nothing to great wealth, and has no merit beyond money-making, is called a Turcaret.

=Turcos=, native Algerian infantry, officered by Frenchmen. The cavalry are called Spahis.

=Turell= (Jane), a fair Puritan, whose early precocity and mature accomplishments are related by her husband. Before she was four years old she “could say the Assembly’s Catechism, many of the Psalms, some hundred lines of the best poetry, read distinctly, and make pertinent remarks on many things she read.” In later years she fulfilled the promise thus given of intellectual acquirements, while “her innocence, modesty, ingenuity and devotion charmed all into admiration of her.”--Ebenezer Turell, Memoirs of the Pious and Ingenious Mrs. Jane Turell (1735).

=Turk Gregory=, Gregory VII. (Hildebrand); so called for his furious raid upon royal prerogatives, especially his contest with the emperor [of Germany] on the subject of investiture. In 1075, he summoned the emperor Henry IV. to Rome; the emperor refused to obey the summons, the pope excommunicated him, and absolved all his subjects from their allegiance; he next declared Henry dethroned, and elected a new kaiser, but Henry, finding resistance in vain, begged to be reconciled to the pope. He was now commanded, in the midst of a severe winter, to present himself, with Bertha, his wife, and their infant son, at the castle of Canossa, in Lombardy; and here they had to stand three days in the piercing cold, before the pope would condescend to see him, but at last the proud prelate removed the excommunication, and Henry was restored to his throne.

=Turkish Spy= (The). A once popular romance relating the adventures of Mahmut, a Turk who lived forty-five years undiscovered in Paris, unfolding the intrigues of the Christian courts, between 1637 and 1682. The author of this romance is Giovanni Paolo Mara´na, and he makes it the medium of an historical novel of the period (1684).

=Turkomans=, a corruption of Turk-imâms (“Turks of the true faith”). The first chief of the Turks who embraced Islam, called his people so to distinguish them from the Turks who had not embraced that faith.

=Turnbull= (Michael), the Douglas’s dark huntsman.--Sir W. Scott, Castle Dangerous (time, Henry I.).

Turnbull (Mr. Thomas), also called “Tom Turnpenny,” a canting smuggler and school-master.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Turnip-Hoer=, George I. So called because, when he first came over to England, he proposed planting St. James’s Park with turnips (1660, 1714-1727).

=Turnpenny= (Mr.), banker at Marchthorn.--Sir W. Scott, St. Ronan’s Well (time, George III.).

Turnpenny (Tom), also called “Thomas Turnbull,” a canting smuggler and school-master.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Turntippit= (Old lord), one of the privy council in the reign of William III.--Sir W. Scott, Bride of Lammermoor (1819).

=Turon=, the son of Brute’s sister, slew 600 Aquitanians with his own hand in one single fight.

Where Turon, ... Brute’s sister’s valiant son ... Six hundred slew outright thro’ his peculiar strength; By multitudes of men, yet overpressed at length. His noble uncle there, to his immortal name The city Turon [Tours] built, and well endowed the same. Drayton, Polyolbion, i. (1612).

=Turpin=, a churlish knight, who refuses hospitality to Sir Calepine and Serēna, although solicited to do so by his wife, Blanĭda (bk. vi. 3). Serena told Prince Arthur of this discourtesy, and the prince, after chastising Turpin, unknighted him, and prohibited him from bearing arms ever after (bk. vi. 7). The disgraced churl now vowed revenge; so off he starts, and seeing two knights, complains to them of the wrongs done to himself and his dame by “a recreant knight,” whom he points out to them. The two champions instantly challenge the prince “as a foul woman-wronger,” and defy him to combat. One of the two champions is soon slain and the other overthrown, but is spared on craving his life. The survivor now returns to Turpin, to relate his misadventure, and when they reach the dead body see Arthur asleep. Turpin proposes to kill him, but Arthur starts up and hangs the rascal on a tree (bk. vi. 7).--Spenser, Faëry Queen (1596).

Turpin, “archbishop of Rheims,” the hypothetical author of a Chronicle, purporting to be a history of Charlemagne’s Spanish adventures in 777, by a contemporary. This fiction was declared authentic and genuine by Pope Calixtus II. in 1122, but it is now generally attributed to a canon of Barcelona in the eleventh century.

The tale says that Charlemagne went to Spain in 777 to defend one of his allies from the aggressions of a neighboring prince. Having conquered Navarre and Aragon he returned to France. He then crossed the Pyrenees, and invested Pampeluna for three months, but without success. He tried the effect of prayer, and the walls, like those of Jericho, fell down of their own accord. Those Saracens who consented to be baptized he spared, but the rest were put to the sword. Being master of Pampeluna, the hero visited the sarcophagus of James; and Turpin, who accompanied him, baptized most of the neighborhood. Charlemagne then led back his army over the Pyrenees, the rear being under the command of Roland. The main army reached France in safety, but 50,000 Saracens fell on the rear, and none escaped.

Turpin (Dick), a noted highwayman, executed at York (1739).

Ainsworth has introduced into Rookwood Turpin’s famous ride to York on his steed, Black Bess. It is said that Maginn really wrote this powerful description (1834).

Turpin (The French Dick) is Cartouche, an eighteenth century highwayman. W. H. Ainsworth made him the hero of a romance (1841).

=Tur´quine= (Sir) had sixty-four of King Arthur’s knights in prison, all of whom he had vanquished by his own hand. He hated Sir Launcelot, because he had slain his brother, Sir Car´ados, at the Dolorous Tower. Sir Launcelot challenged Sir Turquine to a trial of strength, and slew him, after which he liberated the captive knights.--Sir T. Malory, History of Prince Arthur, i. 108-110 (1470).

=Turquoise= (2 syl.), a blue material found in Persia, the exact nature of which is not known. Sundry virtues are attached to it: (1) It indicates by its hue the state of the wearer’s health; (2) it indicates by its change of lustre if any peril awaits the wearer; (3) it removes animosity between the giver and the receiver; (4) it is a potent love-charm, and hence Leah gave a turquoise ring to Shylock “when he was a bachelor,” in order to make him propose to her.

=Tur´veydrop= (Mr.), a selfish, self-indulgent, conceited dancing-master, who imposes on the world by his majestic appearance and elaborate toilette. He lives on the earnings of his son (named Prince, after the prince regent), who reveres him as a perfect model of “deportment.”--C. Dickens, Bleak House (1852).

=Tuscan Poet= (The), Ludovico Ariosto, born at Reggio, in Modena (1474-1533). Noted for his poem entitled Orlando Furioso.

The Tuscan poet doth advance The frantic paladin of France. Drayton, Nymphidia (1563-1631).

=Tutivillus=, the demon who collects all the fragments of words omitted, mutilated, or mispronounced by priests in the performance of religious services, and stores them up in that “bottomless” pit which is “paved with good intentions.”--Langland, Visions of Piers Plowman, 547 (1362); and the Townley Mysteries, 310, 319, etc.

=Twangdillo=, the fiddler, in Somerville’s Hobbinol, a burlesque poem in three cantos. Twangdillo had lost one leg and one eye by a stroke of lightning on the banks of the Ister, but was still merry-hearted.

He tickles every string to every note; He bends his pliant neck, his single eye Twinkles with joy, his active stump beats time. Hobbinol, or The Rural Games, i. (1740).

=Tweedledum and Tweedledee.= In the time of George III. the musical world was divided between the parties holding by the German Händel and the Italian Bononcini. The prince of Wales supported Händel, the duke of Marlborough stood for Bononcini.

Some say, compared to Bononcini, That mynherr Handel’s but a ninny; Others aver that he to Handel Is scarcely fit to hold a candle; Strange all this difference should be ’Twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee. J. Byrom (1691-1763).

=Twelfth Night=, a drama by Shakespeare. The story came originally from a novellette by Bandello (who died 1555), reproduced by Belleforest in his Histoires Tragiques, from which Shakespeare obtained his story. The tale is this: Viola and Sebastian were twins, and exactly alike. When grown up, they were ship-wrecked off the coast of Illyria, and both were saved. Viola, being separated from her brother, in order to obtain a livelihood, dressed like her brother, and took the situation of page under the duke Orsino. The duke, at the time, happened to be in love with Olivia, and as the lady looked coldly on his suit, he sent Viola to advance it, but the willful Olivia, instead of melting towards the duke, fell in love with his beautiful page. One day Sebastian, the twin-brother of Viola, being attacked in a street brawl, before Olivia’s house, the lady, thinking him to be the page, invited him in, and they soon grew to such familiar terms that they agreed to become man and wife. About the same time, the duke discovered his page to be a beautiful woman, and as he could not marry his first love, he made Viola his wife, and the duchess of Illyria.

=Twelve Apostles of Ireland= (The), twelve Irish prelates of the sixth century, disciples of St. Finnian of Clonard.

1. CIARAN or KEIRAN, bishop and abbot of Saighir (now Seir-Keiran, King’s County).

2. CIARAN or KEIRAN, abbot of Clomnacnois.

3. COLUMCILLE of Hy (now Iona). This prelate is also called St. Columba.

4. BRENDAN, bishop and abbot of Clonfort.

5. BRENDAN, bishop and abbot of Birr (now Parsonstown, King’s County).

6. COLUMBA, abbot of Tirdaglas.

7. MOLAISE or LAISRE, abbot of Damhiris (now Devenish Island, in lough Erne).

8. CAINNECH, abbot of Aichadhbo, in Queen’s County.

9. RUADAN or RODAN, abbot of Lorrha, in Tipperary County.

10. MOBI CLAIRENECH (i.e., “the flat-faced”), abbot of Glasnooidhan (now Glasnevin, near Dublin).

11. SENELL, abbot of Cluain-inis, in lough Erne.

12. NANNATH or NENNITH, bishop and abbot of Inismuige-Samh (now Inismac-Saint, in lough Erne).

=Twelve Knights of the Round Table.= Dryden says there were twelve paladins, and twelve knights of the Round Table. The table was made for 150, but as twelve is the orthodox number, the following names hold the most conspicuous places:--(1) LAUNCELOT, (2) TRISTRAM, and (3) LAMORACKE, the three bravest; (4) TOR, the first made; (5) GALAHAD, the chaste; (6) GAW´AIN, the courteous; (7) GARETH, the big-handed; (8) PALOMIDES, the Saracen, or unbaptized; (9) KAY, the rude and boastful; (10) MARK, the dastard; (11) MORDRED, the traitor; and the twelfth, as in the case of the paladins, must be selected from one of the following names, all of which are seated with the prince in the frontispiece attached to the History of Prince Arthur, compiled by Sir T. Malory in 1470;--Sirs Acolon, Ballamore, Beleobus, Belvoure, Bersunt, Bors, Ector de Maris, Ewain, Floll, Graheris, Galohalt, Grislet, Lionell, Marhaus, Paginet, Pelleas, Percival, Sagris, Superabilis, and Turquine.

Or we may take from the Mabinogion the three “battle knights,” Cadwr, Launcelot, and Owain; the three “counselling knights,” Kynon, Aron, and Llywarch Hên; the three “diademed knights,” Kai, Trystan, and Gwevyl; and the three “golden-tongued,” Gwalchmai, Drudwas and Eliwlod, many of which are unknown in modern story.

Sir Walter Scott names sixteen of renown, seated round the king:

There Galahad sat with manly grace, Yet maiden meekness in his face; There Morolt of the iron mace; And lovelorn Tristrem there; And Dinadam, with lively glance; And Lanval, with the fairy lance; And Mordred, with his looks askance; Brunor and Belvidere. Why should I tell of numbers more? Sir Cay, Sir Banier, and Sir Bore, Sir Caradoc, the keen, And gentle Gawain’s courteous lore, Hector de Mares, and Pellinore, And Lancelot, that evermore Looked stol’n-wise on the queen. Bridal of Triermain, ii. 13 (1813).

=Twelve Paladins= (The), twelve famous warriors in Charlemagne’s court.

1. ASTOLPHO, cousin of Roland, descended from Charles Martel. A great boaster, fool-hardy, and singularly handsome. It was Astolpho who went to the moon to fetch back Orlando’s (Roland’s) brains when mad.

2. FERUMBRAS or FIERABRAS, a Saracen, afterwards converted and baptized.

3. FLORISMART, the fidus Achātês of Roland or Orlando.

4. GANELON, the traitor, count of Mayence. Placed by Dantê in the Inferno.

5. MAUGRIS, in Italian MALAGIGI, cousin to Rinaldo, and son of Beuves of Aygremont. He was brought up by Oriande the fairy, and became a great enchanter.

6. NAMO or NAYME de Bavière.

7. OGIER, the DANE, thought to be Holger, the hero of Denmark, but some affirm that “Dane” is a corruption of Damné; so called because he was not baptized.

8. OLIVER, son of Regnier, comte de Gennes, the rival of Roland in all feats of arms.

9. OTUEL, a Saracen, nephew to Ferragus or Ferracute. He was converted, and married a daughter of King Charlemagne.

10. RINALDO, son of Duke Aymon, and cousin to Roland. Angelica fell in love with him, but he requited not her affection.

11. ROLAND, called ORLANDO in Italian, comte de Cenouta. He was Charlemagne’s nephew, his mother being Berthe, the king’s sister, and his father Millon.

12. One of the following names, all of which are called paladins, and probably supplied vacancies caused by death:--Basin de Genevois, Geoffrey de Frises, Guerin, duc de Lorraine, Guillaume de l’Estoc, Guy de Bourgogne, Hoël comte de Nantes, Lambert, prince of Bruxelles, Richard, duc de Normandy, Riol du Mans, Samson, duc de Bourgogne, and Thiery.

⁂ There is considerable resemblance between the twelve selected paladins and the twelve selected Table knights. In each case there were three pre-eminent for bravery: Oliver, Roland and Rinaldo (paladins); Launcelot, Tristram, and Lamoracke (Table knights). In each case was a Saracen: Ferumbras (the paladin); Palomides (the Table knight). In each was a traitor: Ganelon (the paladin); Mordred (the Table Knight), like Judas Iscariot in the apostolic twelve.

Who bear the bows were knights in Arthur’s reign, Twelve they, and twelve the peers of Charlemain. Dryden, The Flower and the Leaf.

=Twelve Wise Masters= (The), the original corporation of the mastersingers. Hans Sachs, the cobbler of Nürnberg, was the most renowned and the most voluminous of the mastersingers, but he was not one of the original twelve. He lived 1494-1576, and left behind him thirty-four folio vols. of MS., containing 208 plays, 1700 comic tales, and about 450 lyric poems.

Here Hans Sachs, the cobbler-poet, laureate of the gentle craft, Wisest of the Twelve Wise Masters, in huge folios sang and danced. Longfellow, Nuremberg.

⁂ The original corporation consisted of Heinrik von Mueglen, Konrad Harder, Master Altschwert, Master Barthel Regenbogen (blacksmith), Master Muscablüt (tailor), Hans Blotz (barber), Hans Rosenblüt (armorial painter), Sebastian Brandt (jurist), Thomas Murner, Hans Folz (surgeon), Wilhelm Weber, and Hans Sachs (cobbler). This last, though not one of the founders, was so superior to them all that he is always reckoned among the wise mastersingers.

=Twemlow= (Mr.), first cousin to Lord Snigsworth; “an innocent piece of dinner-furniture,” in frequent requisition by Mr. and Mrs. Veneering. He is described as “grey, dry, polite, and susceptible to east wind;” he wears “first-gentleman-in-Europe collar and cravat;” “his cheeks are drawn in as if he had made a great effort to retire into himself some years ago, and had got so far, but never any further.” His great mystery is who is Mr. Veneering’s oldest friend; is he himself his oldest or his newest acquaintance? He couldn’t tell.--C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend (1864).

=Twenty Bold Mariners.=

“Twenty bold mariners went to the wave, Twenty sweet breezes blew over the main; All were so hearty, so free and so brave-- But they never came back again.” * * * * * * * * * Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, Along the Shore (1888).

=Twice-told Tales.= Some of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s most charming tales and sketches are collected under this caption (1851).

=Twickenham= (The Bard of), Alexander Pope, who lived for thirty years at Twickenham (1688-1744).

=Twigtythe= (The Rev. Mr.), clergyman at Fasthwaite Farm, held by Farmer Williams.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

=Twin Brethren= (The Great), Castor and Pollux.

Back comes the chief in triumph Who, in the hour of fight, Hath seen the Great Twin Brethren In harness on his right. Safe comes the ship to haven, Thro’ billows and thro’ gales, If once the great Twin Brethren Sit shining on the sails. Lord Macaulay, Lays of Ancient Rome (“Battle of Lake Regillus,” xl. 1842).

=Twineall= (The Hon. Mr.), a young man who goes to India, intending to work himself into place by flattery; but, wholly mistaking character, he gets thrown into prison for treason. Twineall talks to Sir Luke Tremor (who ran away from the field of battle) of his glorious deeds of fight; to Lady Tremor (a grocer’s daughter) of high birth, supposing her to be a descendant of the kings of Scotland; to Lord Flint (the sultan’s chief minister) of the sultan’s dubious right to the throne, and so on.--Mrs. Inchbald, Such Things Are (1786).

=Twist= (Oliver), the son of Mr. Brownlow’s oldest friend and Agnes Fleming; half-brother to “Manks.” He was born and brought up in a workhouse, starved, and ill-treated; but was always gentle, amiable, and pure-minded. His asking for more gruel at the workhouse because he was so hungry, and the astonishment of the officials at such daring impudence, is capitally told.--Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist (1837).

=Twitcher= (Harry). Henry, Lord Brougham [Broom] was so called, from his habit of twitching his neck (1778-1868).

Don’t you recollect, North, some years ago that Murray’s name was on our title-page; and that, being alarmed for Subscription Jamie [Sir James Mackintosh] and Harry Twitcher, he ... scratched his name out?--Wilson, Noctes Ambrosianæ (1822-36).

Twitcher (Jemmy), a cunning and treacherous highwayman in Macheath’s gang.--Gay, The Beggar’s Opera (1727).

Twitcher (Jemmy), the nickname of John, Lord Sandwich, noted for his liaison with Miss Ray (1718-1792).

When sly Jemmy Twitcher had smugged up his face With a lick of court whitewash and pious grimace, Avowing he went where three sisters of old, In harmless society, guttle and scold. Gay, (1716-1771).

=Two Drovers= (The), a tale in two chapters, laid in the reign of George III., written by Sir Walter Scott (1827). It is one of the “Chronicles of the Canongate” supposed to be told by Mr. Croftangry. Robin Oig M’Combich, a Highland drover, revengeful and proud, meets with Harry Wakefield, a jovial English drover, and quarrels with him about a pasture-field. They fight in Heskett’s ale-house, but are separated. Oig goes on his way to get a dagger, with which he returns to the ale-house, and stabs Harry who is three parts drunk. Being tried for murder, he is condemned and executed.

=Two Gentlemen of Vero´na=, a drama by Shakespeare, the story of which is taken from the Diana of Montemayor (sixteenth century). The tale is this: Protheus and Valentine were two friends, and Protheus was in love with a lady of Verōna, named Julia. Valentine went to sojourn in Milan, and there fell in love with Silvia, the duke’s daughter, who was promised in marriage to Thurio. Protheus, being sent by his father to Milan, forgot Julia, fell in love with Silvia, and, in order to carry his point, induced the duke to banish Valentine, who became the captain of banditti, into whose hands Silvia fell. Julia, unable to bear the absence of her lover, dressed in boy’s clothes, and, going to Milan, hired herself as a page to Protheus, and when Silvia was lost, the duke, with Thurio, Protheus and his page, went in quest of her. She was soon discovered, but when Thurio attempted to take possession of her, Valentine said to him, “I dare you to touch her;” and Thurio replied, “None but a fool would fight for a girl.” The duke, disgusted, gave Silvia to Valentine; and Protheus, ashamed of his conduct, begged pardon of Valentine, discovered his page to be Julia, and married her (1595).

=Two Kings of Brentford= (The). In the duke of Buckingham’s farce called The Rehearsal (1671), the two kings enter hand-in-hand, dance together, sing together, walk arm-in-arm, and, to heighten the absurdity, they are made to smell of the same nosegay (act ii. 2.).

=Two-Legged Mare= (The), a gallows. Vice says to Tyburn:

I will help to bridle the two-legged mare. Like Will to Like, etc. (1587).

=Two-Shoes= (Goody), a nursery tale by Oliver Goldsmith (1765). Goody Two-shoes was a very poor child, whose delight at having a pair of shoes was so unbounded that she could not forbear telling every one she met that she had “two shoes,” whence her name. She acquired knowledge and became wealthy. The title-page states that the tale is for the benefit of those

Who from a state of rags and care, And having shoes but half a pair, Their fortune and their fame should fix, And gallop in a coach and six.

=Two Strings to Your Bow=, a farce by Jephson (1792). Lazarillo, wanting a master, enters the service of Don Felix and also of Octavio at the same time. He makes perpetual blunders, such as giving letters and money to the wrong master; but it turns out that Don Felix is Donna Clara, the betrothed of Octavio. The lovers meet at the Eagle hotel, recognize each other, and become man and wife.

=Two Unlucky.= In our dynasties two has been an unlucky number; thus: Ethelred II. was forced to abdicate; Harold II. was slain at Hastings; William II. was shot in the New Forest; Henry II. had to fight for his crown, which was usurped by Stephen; Edward II. was murdered at Berkeley Castle; Richard II. was deposed; Charles II. was driven into exile; James II. was obliged to abdicate; George II. was worsted at Fontenoy and Lawfeld, was disgraced by General Braddock and Admiral Byng, and was troubled by Charles Edward, the Young Pretender.

=Tyb´alt=, a fiery young nobleman of Verona, nephew to Lady Capŭlet, and cousin to Juliet. He is slain in combat by Ro´meo.--Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (1595).

The name is given to the cat in the beast-epic called Reynard the Fox. Hence Mercutio calls him “rat-catcher” (act iii. sc. 1), and when Tybalt demands of him, “What wouldst thou have with me?” Mercutio replies, “Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives” (act iii. sc. 1).

Tybalt, a Lombard officer, in love with Laura, niece of Duke Gondibert. The story of Gondibert being unfinished, no sequel of this attachment is given.--Sir W. Davenant, Gondibert (died 1668).

Tybalt or Tibert, the cat in the beast-epic of Reynard the Fox (1498).

=Tyburn= (Kings of), hangmen.

=Tyburn Tree= (The), a gallows; so called because criminals at one time hung on the elm trees which grew on the banks of the Tyburn. The “Holy Maid of Kent,” Mrs. Turner, the poisoner, Felton, the assassin of the duke of Buckingham, Jack Sheppard, Jonathan Wild, Lord Ferrers, who murdered his steward, Dr. Dodd and Mother Brownrigg, “all died in their shoes” on the Tyburn tree.

Since laws were made for every degree, To curb vice in others as well as in me [Macheath], I wonder we ha’nt better company ’Neath Tyburn tree. Gay, The Beggar’s Opera (1727).

=Tycho=, a vassal of the bishop of Treves, in the reign of Kaiser Henry IV. He promised to avenge his lord and master, who had been plundered by Count Adalbert, a leader of bandits. So, going to the count’s castle, he craved a draught of water. The porter brought him a cup of wine, and Tycho said, “Thank thy lord for his charity, and tell him he shall meet with his reward.” Then, returning home, he procured thirty large wine-barrels, in each of which he concealed an armed retainer and weapons for two others. Each cask was then carried by two men to the count’s castle, and when the door was opened Tycho said to the porter, “I am come to recompense thy lord and master,” and the sixty men carried in the thirty barrels. When Count Adalbert went to look at the present, at a signal given by Tycho the tops of the casks flew off, and the ninety armed men slew the count and his brigands, and then burnt the castle to the ground.

The reader may perceive a certain resemblance between this tale and that of “Ali Baba, or the Forty Thieves” (Arabian Nights’ Entertainments).

=Tyler= (Wat), a frugal, honest, industrious, skillful blacksmith of Essex; with one daughter, Alice, pretty, joyous, innocent, and modest. With all his frugality and industry, Wat found it very hard to earn enough for daily bread, and the tax-collectors came for the poll-tax, three groats a head, for a war to maintain our conquests in France. Wat had saved up the money, and proffered six groats for himself and wife. The collectors demanded three groats for Alice also, but Tyler said she was under 15 years of age, whereupon, one of the collectors having “insulted her virgin modesty,” Tyler felled him to the ground with his sledge-hammer. The people gathered round the smith, and a general uprising ensued. Richard II., sent a herald to Tyler, to request a parley, and pledging his royal word for his safe conduct. The sturdy smith appointed Smithfield for the rendezvous, and there Tyler told the king the people’s grievances; but while he was speaking, William Walworth, the lord mayor, stabbed him from behind and killed him. The king, to pacify the people, promised the poll-tax should be taken off and their grievances redressed, but no sooner had the mob dispersed than the rebels were cut down wholesale, and many being subjected to a mockery of a trial, were infamously executed.--Southey, Wat Tyler (1794, published, 1817).

=Tyll Owlyglass= or TYLL OWLEGLASS, by Thomas Murner, a Franciscan monk, of Strasbourg (1475-1536); the English name of the German “Tyll Eulenspiegel.” Tyll is a mechanic of Brunswick, who runs from pillar to post as charlatan, physician, lansquenet, fool, valet, and Jack-of-all-trades. He undertakes anything and everything, but invariably “spoils the Egyptians” who trust in him. He produces popular proverbs, is brimfull of merry mischief, droll as Sam Slick, indifferent honest as Gil Blas, light-hearted as Andrew Bode, as full of tricks as Scapin, and as popular as Robin Hood. The book is crammed with observations, anecdotes, fables, bon mots, facetiæ, and shows forth the omnipotence of common sense. There are two good English versions of this popular picaresco romance--one printed by William Copland, and entitled The Merrye Jeste of a Man called Howlëglass and the many Marvellous Thinges and Jestes which he did in his Lyfe in Eastland; and the other published in 1860, translated by K. R. H. Mackenzie, and illustrated by Alfred Crowquill. In 1720 was brought out a modified and abridged edition of the German story.

To few mortals has it been granted to earn such a place in universal history as Tyll Eulenspiegel [U’len-spee’.g’l]. Now, after five centuries, Tyll’s native village is pointed out with pride to the traveller, and his tombstone ... still stands ... at Möllen, near Lubeck, where since 1350 [sic] his once nimble bones have been at rest.--Carlyle.

=Tylwyth Teg=, or the “Family of Beauty,” elves who “dance in the moonlight on the velvet sward,” in their airy and flowing robes of blue and green, white and scarlet. These beautiful fays delight in showering benefits on the human race. The Mabinogion.

=Tyneman= (2 syl.), Archibald IV., earl of Douglas. So called because he was always on the losing side.

=Tyre=, in Dryden’s satire of Absalom and Achitophel, means Holland. “Egypt,” in the same satire, means France.

I mourn my countrymen, your lost estate ... Now all your liberties a spoil are made, Egypt and Tyrus intercept your trade. Pt. i. (1681).

Tyre (Archbishop of), with the crusaders.--Sir W. Scott, The Talisman (time, Richard I.).

=Tyrian Cyn´osure= (3 syl.), Ursa Minor. Ursa Major is called by Milton “The Star of Arcady,” from Calisto, daughter of Lyca´on, the first king of Arcadia, who was changed into this constellation. Her son, Arcas or Cynosūra, was made the Lesser Bear.--Pausanias, Itinerary of Greece, viii. 4.

And thou shalt be our star of Arcady, Or Tyrian Cynosure. Milton, Comus, 343 (1634).

=Tyrie=, one of the archers in the Scottish guard of Louis XI.--Sir W. Scott, Quentin Durward (time, Edward IV.).

Tyrie (The Rev. Michael), minister of Glenorquhy.--Sir W. Scott, The Highland Widow (time, George II.).

=Tyrog´lyphus= (“the cheese-scooper”), one of the mouse princes slain in the battle of the frogs and mice by Lymnisius (“the laker”).

Lymnisius good Tyroglyphus assails, Prince of the mice that haunt the flowery vales; Lost to the milky fares and rural seat, He came to perish on the bank of fate. Parnell, Battle of the Frogs and Mice, iii. (about 1712).

=Tyrrel= (Francis), the nephew of Mr. Mortimer. He loves Miss Aubrey “with an ardent, firm disinterested love.” On one occasion Miss Aubrey was insulted by lord Courtland, with whom Tyrrel fought a duel, and was for a time in hiding; but when Courtland recovered from his wounds, Tyrrel re-appeared, and ultimately married the lady of his affection.--Cumberland, The Fashionable Lover (1780).

Tyrrel (Frank), or Martigny, earl of Etherington, son of the late earl, and la comtesse de Martigny, his wife. He is supposed to be illegitimate. Frank is in love with Clara Mowbray, daughter of Mr. Mowbray, of St. Ronan’s.--Sir W. Scott, St. Ronan’s Well (time, George III).

=Tyrtæos=, selected by the Spartans as their leader, because his lays inspired the soldiers to deeds of daring. The following is a translation of one of his martial songs;--

Oh, how joyous to fall in the face of the foe, For country and altar to die! But a lot more ignoble no mortal can know, Than with children and parents heart-broken with woe, From home as an exile to fly.

Unrecompensed labor, starvation, and scorn, The feet of the captive attend; Dishonored his race, by rude foes overborne; From altar, from country, from kith and kin torn; No brother, no sister, no friend.

To the field, then! Be strong, and acquit ye like men! Who shall fear for his country to fall? Ye younger, in ranks firmly serried remain; Ye elders, though weak, look on flight with disdain, And honor your fatherland’s call!

Tyrtæos (The Spanish), Manuel José Quintāna, whose odes stimulated the Spaniards to vindicate their liberty, at the outbreak of the War of Independence (1772-1857).

⁂ Who can tell the influence of such odes as the Marseillaise, or some of the Jacobite songs, on the spirit of a people? Even the music-hall song, “We don’t want to fight,” almost roused the English nation into a war with Russia in 1878.

=Tyson= (Kate), a romantic young lady, who marries Frank Cheeney.--Wybert Reeve, Parted.

=Ubaldo=, one of the crusaders, mature in age. He had visited many regions, “from polar cold to Libya’s burning soil.” He and Charles, the Dane, went to bring back Rinaldo from the enchanted castle.--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered (1575).

=Ubaldo and Ricardo=, two men sent by Honoria, queen of Hungary, to tempt the fidelity of Sophia, because the queen was in love with her husband, Mathias. Immediately Sophia understood the object of their visit, she had the two men confined in separate rooms, where they were made to earn their food by spinning.--Massinger, The Picture (1629).

=Ube´da= (Orbaneia of), a painter who drew a cock so preposterously that he was obliged to write under it “This is a cock,” in order that the spectator might know what was intended to be represented.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, II. i. 3 (1615).

=Uberti= (Farinata Degli), a noble Florentine, leader of the Ghibelline faction. Dantê represents him in his Inferno, as lying in a fiery tomb, yet open and not to be closed till the last judgment.

=Uberto=, Count d’Este, etc.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

=Udaller=, one who holds land by allodial tenure. Magnus Troil, in Sir W. Scott’s Pirate, was a udaller.

=Ude=, the most learned of cooks, author of La Science de Gueule. He says, “Coquus nascitur non fit.” That “music, dancing, fencing, painting, and mechanics possess professors under 20 years of age, but pre-eminence in cooking is never attained under 30.” He was premier artiste to Louis XVI., then to Lord Sefton, then to the duke of York, then chef de cuisine at Crockford’s. It is said that he quitted the earl of Sefton, because one of his lordship’s guests added pepper to his soup. He was succeeded by Frascatelli.

⁂ Vatel, we are told, committed suicide (1677), during a banquet given by the Prince de Condé, because the lobsters for the turbot sauce did not arrive in time.

=Udolpho= (The Mysteries of), a romance by Mrs. Radcliffe (1790).

=Ugo=, natural son of Niccolo III. of Ferrara. His father had for his second wife Parisi´na Malatesta, between whom and Ugo a criminal attachment arose. When Niccolo was informed thereof, he had both brought to open trial, and both were condemned to suffer death by the common headsman.--Frizzi, History of Ferrara.

=Ugoli´no=, count of Gheradesca, a leader of the Guelphi in Pisa. He was raised to the highest honors, but the Archbishop Ruggie´ri incited the Pisans against him, his castle was attacked, two of his grandsons fell in the assault, and the count himself, with his two sons and two surviving grandsons, were imprisoned in the tower of the Gualandi, on the Piazza of the Anziani. Being locked in, the dungeon key was flung into the Arno, and all food was withheld from them. On the fourth day his son, Gaddo, died, and by the sixth day little Anselm, with the two grandchildren, “fell one by one.” Last of all the count died also (1288), and the dungeon was ever after called “The Tower of Famine.”

Dantê has introduced this story in his Inferno, and represents Ugolino as devouring most voraciously the head of Ruggieri, while frozen in the lake of ice.

Chaucer, in his Canterbury Tales, makes the monk briefly tell this sad story, and calls the count “Hugeline of Pise.”

Oh, thou Pisa, shame!... What if fame Reported that thy castles were betrayed

By Ugolino, yet no right hadst thou To stretch his children on the rack ... Their tender years ... uncapable of guilt. Dantê, Hell, xxxiii. (1300).

Remember Ugolino condescends To eat the head of his arch-enemy The moment after he politely ends His tale. Byron, Don Juan, ii. 83 (1819).

=Ulalume=, the lost love, to the door of whose tomb the poet strays with “Psyche, his soul.”

And we pass to the end of the vista, But were stopped by the door of a tomb,-- By the door of a legended tomb; And I said, “What is written, sweet sister On the door of this legended tomb?” She replied, “Ulalume! Ulalume! ’Tis the vault of thy lost Ulalume!” Edgar Allan Poe, Poems (1850).

=Ula´nia=, queen of Islanda. She sent a golden shield to Charlemagne, to be given as a prize to his bravest knight, and whoever won it might claim the donor in marriage.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso, xv. (1516).

=Ulfin=, the page of Gondibert’s grandsire, and the faithful Achātês of Gondibert’s father. He cured Gondibert by a cordial kept in his sword hilt.--Sir W. Davenant, Gondibert (died 1668).

=Ulf=, Celtic husband, who, surprising his wife with her lover, follows and slays him, then tells her what he has seen, and how avenged his injured honor, and kills her.--Charles de Kay, Hesperus and other Poems (1880).

=Ulien’s Son=, Rodomont.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

=Ulin=, an enchantress who had no power over those who remained faithful to Allah and their duty; but if any fell into error or sin she had full power to do as she liked, Thus, when Misnar (sultan of India) mistrusted the protection of Allah, she transformed him into a toad. When the Vizier Horam believed a false report, obviously untrue, she transformed him also into a toad. And when the Princess Hemjunah, to avoid a marriage projected by her father, ran away with a stranger, her indiscretion placed her in the power of the enchantress, who transformed her likewise into a toad. Ulin was ultimately killed by Misnar, sultan of Delhi, who felled her to the ground with a blow.--Sir C. Morell [J. Ridley], Tales of the Genii, vi., viii. (1751).

=Ullin=, Fingal’s aged bard, called “the sweet voice of resounding Cona.”

Ullin, the Irish name for Ulster.

He pursued the chase on Ullin, on the moss-covered top of Drumardo.--Ossian, Temora, ii.

=Ullin’s Daughter= (Lord), a young lady who eloped with the chief of Ulva’s Isle, and induced a boatman to row them over Lochgyle during a storm. The boat was capsized just as Lord Ullin and his retinue reached the shore. He saw the peril, he cried in agony, “Come back, come back! and I’ll forgive your Highland chief;” but it was too late, the “waters wild rolled o’er his child, and he was left lamenting.”--Campbell, Lord Ullin’s Daughter (a ballad).

=Ulric=, son of Werner (i.e., count of Siegendorf). With the help of Gabor, he saved the count of Stral´enheim from the Oder; but murdered him afterwards for the wrongs he had done his father and himself, especially in seeking to oust them from the princely inheritance of Siegendorf.--Byron, Werner (1822).

=Ulri´ca=, in Charles XII., by J. R. Planché (1826).

Ulrica, a girl of great beauty and noble determination of character, natural daughter of Ernest de Fridberg. Dressed in the clothes of Herman (the deaf and dumb jailer-lad), she gets access to the dungeon where her father is confined as a “prisoner of State,” and contrives his escape, but he is recaptured. Whereupon Christine (a young woman in the service of the Countess Marie) goes direct to Frederick II., and obtains his pardon.--E. Stirling, The Prisoner of State (1847).

Ulrica, alias MARTHA, mother of Bertha, the betrothed of Hereward (3 syl.).--Sir W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

Ulrica, daughter of the late thane of Torquilstone; alias Dame Urfried, an old sibyl at Torquilstone Castle.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time Richard I.).

=Ulster= (The kings of). The kings of Ulster were called O’Neil; those of Munster, O’Brien; of Connaught, O’Connor; of Leinster, MacMorrough; and of Meath, O’Melaghlin.

=Ultimus Romano´rum=, Horace Walpole (1717-1797).

=Ulvfagre=, the fierce Dane, who massacred the Culdees of Io´na, and having bound Aodh in iron, carried him to the church, demanding of him where he had concealed the church treasures. At that moment a mysterious gigantic figure in white appeared, and, taking Ulvfagre by the arm, led him to the statue of St. Columb, which instantly fell on him and killed him.

The tottering image was dashed Down from its lofty pedestal; On Ulvfagre’s helm it crashed. Helmet, and skull, and flesh, and brain, It crushed as millstones crush the grain. Campbell, Reullura.

=Ulysses=, a corrupt form of Odusseus [O. dus´.suce], the king of Ithăca. He is one of the chief heroes in Homer’s Iliad, and the chief hero of the Odyssey. Homer represents him as being craftily wise and full of devices. Virgil ascribes to him the invention of the Wooden Horse.

Ulysses was very unwilling to join the expedition to Troy, and pretended to be mad. Thus, when Palamēdês came to summon him to the war, he was plowing the sand of the seashore and sowing it with salt.

Ulysses’s bow. Only Ulysses could draw this bow, and he could shoot an arrow from it through twelve rings.

William the Conqueror had a bow which no arm but his own could bend.

Robin Hood’s bow could be bent by no hand but his own.

⁂ Statius says that no one but Kapăneus [Kap´.a.nuce] could poise his spear.

His cypress spear with steel encircled shone, Not to be poised but by his hand alone. Thebaid, v.

Ulysses’s Dog, Argus, which recognized his master after an absence of twelve years. (See THERON, King Roderick’s dog.)

=Ulysses and Polyphemos.=

Ulysses and his crew, having reached the island of Sicily, strayed into the cave of Polyphēmos, the giant Cyclops. Soon as the monster returned and saw the strangers, he seized two of them, and, having dashed out their brains, made his supper off them, “nor entrails left, nor yet their marrowy bones;” then stretched he his huge carcass on the floor, and went to sleep. Next morning he caught up two others, devoured them for his breakfast, then stalked forth into the open air, driving his flocks before him. At sun-down he returned, seized other two for his supper and after quaffing three bowls of wine, fell asleep. Then it was that Ulysses bored out the giant’s eye with a green olive stake heated in the fire. The monster roared with pain, and after searching in vain to seize some of his tormentors, removed the rock from the mouth of the cave to let out his goats and sheep. Ulysses and his companions escaped at the same time by attaching themselves to the bellies of the sheep, and made for their ship. Polyphemos hurled rocks at the vessel, and nearly succeeded in sinking it, but the fugitives made good their flight, and the blinded monster was left lamenting.--Homer, Odyssey, ix.

⁂ An extraordinary parallel to this tale is told in the third voyage of Sindbad, the sailor. Sindbad’s vessel was driven by a tempest to an island of pygmies, and advancing into the interior, the crew came to a “high palace,” into which they entered. At sundown came home the giant, “tall as a palm tree; and in the middle of his forehead was one eye, red and fiery as a burning coal.” Soon as he saw the intruders, he caught up the fattest of them and roasted him for his supper, then lay down to sleep, and “snored louder than thunder.” At daybreak he left the palace, but at night returned, and made his meal off another of the crew. This was repeated a third night, but while the monster slept, Sindbad, with a red-hot spit, scooped out his eye. “The pain he suffered made him groan hideously,” and he fumbled about the palace to catch some of his tormentors “on whom to glut his rage;” but not succeeding in this, he left the palace, “bellowing with pain.” Sindbad and the rest lost no time in making for the sea; but scarcely had they pushed off their rafts when the giant approached with many others, and hurled huge stones at the fugitives. Some of them even ventured into the sea up to their waists, and every raft was sunk except the one on which Sindbad and two of his companions made their escape.--Arabian Nights (“Sindbad, the Sailor,” third voyage).

Another similar tale occurs in the Basque legends, in which the giant’s name is Tartaro, and his eye was bored out with spits made red hot. As in the previous instances, some seamen had inadvertently wandered into the giant’s dwelling, and Tartaro had banqueted on three of them, when his eye was scooped out by the leader. This man, like Ulysses, made his escape by means of a ram, but, instead of clinging to the ram’s belly, he fastened round his neck the ram’s bell, and threw over his back a sheep-skin. When Tartaro laid his hand on the skin, the man left it behind and made good his escape.

That all these tales are borrowed from one source none can doubt. The Iliad of Homer had been translated into Syriac by Theophilus Edessenes, a Christian Maronite monk of Mount Libănus, during the caliphate of Hárun-ur-Ráshid (A.D. 786-809).--See Notes and Queries, April 19, 1879.

=Ulysses of Brandenburg= (The), Albert III., elector of Brandenburg, also called “The German Achillês” (1414-1486).

=Ulysses of the Highlands= (The), Sir Evan Cameron, lord of Lochiel [Lok.keel´], and surnamed “The Black” (died 1719).

⁂ It was the son of Sir Evan who was called “The Gentle Lochiel.”

=Umbra= (Obsequious), in Garth’s Dispensary, is meant for Dr. Gould (1699).

=Umbriel´= (2 syl.), the tutelar angel of Thomas, the apostle, once a Sadducee, and always hard of conviction.--Klopstock, The Messiah, iii. (1748).

Umbriel [Um.breel´], a sprite whom Spleen supplies with a bagful of “sighs, sobs, and cross words,” and a vialful of “soft sorrows, melting grief, and flowing tears.” When the baron cuts off Belinda’s lock of hair, Umbriel breaks the vial over her, and Belinda instantly begins sighing and sobbing, chiding, weeping, and pouting.--Pope, Rape of the Lock (1712).

Umbriel, a dusky, melancholy sprite As ever sullied the fair face of light, Down to the central earth, his proper scene, Repaired, to search the gloomy cave of Spleen. Canto iv. 13, etc.

=U´na=, truth; so called because truth is one. She goes, leading a lamb and riding on a white ass, to the court of Gloriana, to crave that one of her knights might undertake to slay the dragon which kept her father and mother prisoners. The adventure is accorded to the Red Cross Knight, and the two start forth together. A storm compels them to seek shelter in a forest, and when the storm abates they get into Wandering Wood, where they are induced by Archimago to sleep in his cell. A vision is sent to the knight, which causes him to quit the cell, and Una, not a little surprised at this discourtesy, goes in search of him. In her wanderings she is caressed by a lion, who becomes her attendant. After many adventures, she finds St. George, “The Red Cross Knight;” who is held captive by Ugoglio, pride. Prince Arthur slays Ugoglio and frees the knight, who is then taken by Una to the house of Holiness to prepare for his battle with the dragon, which he finally defeats after a terrific three-days contest.--Spenser, Faëry Queen, i. (1590).

Una, one of Flora M’Ivor’s attendants.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

=Uncas=, son of Chingachgook, surnamed “Deer-foot.” The courage, dignity, and loyalty of this young chieftain, combine with his personal graces to make him one of the most interesting creations of the novelist’s imagination. He dies in the effort to rescue the palefaced girl he loves, from the cruel Magua, and is buried by his tribe with all the honors due the bravest and purest of the tribe.

“Who that saw thee in battle, would believe that thou couldst die? Who before thee has ever shown Uttawa the way into the fight? Thy feet were like the wings of eagles; thine arm heavier than falling branches from the pine, and thy voice like the Manitou when he speaks in the clouds.”--James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans.

=Unborn Doctor= (The), of Moorfields. Not being born a doctor, he called himself “The Un-born Doctor.”

=Uncle Larry=, genial man of the world, kindly in thought, and sagacious in speech, who appears in The Last Meeting, The Rival Ghosts and other tales by Brander Matthews.

=Uncle Toby=, a captain who had been wounded at the siege of Namur, and had been dismissed the service on half-pay. Most kind and benevolent, modest, and simple-minded, but brave and firm in his own opinions. His gallantry towards Widow Wadman, is exquisite for its modesty and chivalry. Uncle Toby retains his military tastes and camp habits to the last.--Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1729).

But what shall I say to thee, thou quintessence of the milk of human kindness, ... thou master of the best of corporals, ... thou high and only final Christian gentleman, ... divine Uncle Toby?... He who created thee was the wisest man since the days of Shakespeare himself.--Leigh Hunt.

=Uncle Tom=, a negro slave, of unaffected piety, and most faithful in the discharge of all his duties. His master, a humane man, becomes embarrassed in his affairs, and sells him to a slave-dealer. After passing through various hands, and suffering intolerable cruelties, he dies.--Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852).

⁂ The original of this character was the negro slave subsequently ordained and called “the Rev. J. Henson.” He was in London, 1876, 1877, took part in several religious services, and was even presented to her majesty, Queen Victoria.

=Undine= [Oon-deen], a water-sylph, who was in early childhood changed for the young child of a fisherman living on a peninsula, near an enchanted forest. One day Sir Huldbrand took shelter in the fisherman’s hut, fell in love with Undine, and married her. Being thus united to a man, the sylph received a soul. Not long after the wedding Sir Huldbrand returned homeward, but stopped awhile in the city, which lay on the other side of the forest, and met there Bertalda, a beautiful but haughty lady, whom they invited to go with them to their home, the Castle Ringstettin. For a time, the knight was troubled with visions, but Undine had the mouth of a well closed up, and thus prevented the water-sprites from getting into the castle. In time the knight neglected his wife, and became attached to Bertalda, who was in reality the changeling. One day, sailing on the Danube, the knight rebuked Undine in his anger, and immediately she was snatched away by sister sylphs to her water home. Not long after the knight proposed to Bertalda, and the wedding day arrived. Bertalda requested her maid to bring her some water from the well; so the cover was removed, Undine rose from the upheaving water, went to the chamber of Sir Huldbrand, kissed him, and he died. They buried him, and a silver stream bubbled round his grave; it was Undine who thus embraced him, true in life, and faithful in death.--De la Motte Fouqué, Undine (1807).

⁂ This romance is founded on a tale by Theophrastus Paracelsus, in his Treatise on Elemental Sprites.

=Ungrateful Guest= (The), a soldier in the army of Philip of Macĕdon, who had been hospitably entertained by a villager. Being asked by the king what he could give him in reward of his services, the fellow requested he might have the farm and cottage of his late host. Philip, disgusted at such baseness, had him branded with the words, THE UNGRATEFUL GUEST.

=Unique= (The), Jean Paul Richter, whose romances are quite unique, and belong to no school (1763-1825).

=Universal Doctor=, Alain de Lille (1114-1203).

⁂ Sometimes Thomas Aquinas is also called Doctor Universālis (1224-1274).

=Unknown= (The Great), Sir Walter Scott, who published the Waverley novels anonymously (1771-1832).

=Unlearned Parliament= (The). The parliament convened by Henry IV., at Coventry, in Warwickshire (1404), was so called because lawyers were excluded from it.

=Unlucky Possessions=, the gold of Nibelungen and the gold of Tolosa, Graysteel, Harmonia’s necklace, Sherborne, in Dorsetshire, etc.

=Unready= (The), Ethelred II. (*, 978-1016).

⁂ “Unready” does not mean “never ready or prepared,” but lacking rede, i.e., “wisdom, judgment or kingcraft.”

=Unreason= (The abbot of), or FATHER HOWLEGLAS, one of the masquers at Kennaquhair.--Sir W. Scott, The Abbot (time, Elizabeth).

=Unwashed= (The Great), the common people. It was Burke who first applied this term to the artizan class.

=Upholsterer= (The), a farce by Murphy (1758). Abraham Quidnunc, upholsterer, in St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, being crazed with politics, so neglects his business for the affairs of Europe that he becomes a bankrupt; but, at this crisis, his son, John, who had married the widow of a rich planter, returns from the West Indies, pays off his father’s debts, and places him in a position where he may indulge his love for politics without hampering himself with business.

=Ura´nia=, sister of Astrophel (Sir Philip Sidney), is the countess of Pembroke.

Urania, sister unto Astrophel, In whose brave mind, as in a golden coffer, All heavenly gifts and riches lockèd are, More rich than pearls of Ind. Spenser, Colin Clout’s Come Home Again (1595).

Urania, daughter of the king of Sicily, who fell in love with Sir Guy (eldest son of St. George, the patron saint of England).--R. Johnson, The Seven Champions, etc., iii. 2 (1617).

=Ura´nian Venus=, i.e., “Celestial Venus,” the patroness of chaste and pure love.

Venus pandêmos or popularis is the Venus of the animal passion called “love.”

Venus etaira or amīca is the Venus of criminal sensuality.

The seal was Cupid bent above a scroll, And o’er his head Uranian Venus hung And raised the blinding bandage from his eyes. Tennyson, The Princess, i. (1830).

=Urban= (Sylvānus), the hypothetical editor of The Gentleman’s Magazine.

=Urbané=, hero of a religious story bearing the title of Urbané and His Friends, by Elizabeth Payson Prentiss (1863).

=Urchin=, a hedgehog, a mischievous little fellow, a dwarf, an imp.

We’ll dress like urchins. Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor, act iv. sc. 4 (1596).

=Ureus=, the Egyptian snake, crowned with a mitre, and typical of heaven.

=Urfried= (Dame), an old sibyl at Torquilstone Castle; alias Ulrica, daughter of the late thane of Torquilstone.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Urgan=, a human child stolen by the king of the fairies, and brought up in elf-land. He was sent to lay on Lord Richard the “curse of the sleepless eye,” for killing his wife’s brother. Then said the dwarf to Alice Brand (the wife of Lord Richard), “if any woman will sign my brow thrice with a cross, I shall resume my proper form.” Alice signed him thrice, and Urgan became at once “the fairest knight in all Scotland,” and Alice recognized in him her own brother, Ethert.--Sir W. Scott, Lady of the Lake, iv. 12 (1810).

=Urganda=, a potent fairy in the Amădis de Gaul and other romances of the Carlovingian cycle.

This Urganda seemed to be aware of her own importance.--Smollett.

=Ur´gel=, one of Charlemagne’s paladins, famous for his enormous strength.

=U´riel= (3 syl.), or =Israfil=, the angel who is to sound the resurrection trumpet.--Al Korân.

Uriel, one of the seven great spirits, whose station was in the sun. The word means “God’s light” (see 2 Esdras iv., v., x. 28).

The archangel Uriel, one of the seven Who, in God’s presence, nearest to his throne, Stand ready at command. Milton, Paradise Lost, iii. 648, etc. (1665).

⁂ Longfellow calls him “the minister of Mars,” and says that he inspires man with “fortitude to bear the brunt and suffering of life.”--The Golden Legend, iii. (1851).

=U´rien=, the foster-father of Prince Madoc. He followed the prince to his settlement in North America, south of the Missouri (twelfth century).--Southey, Madoc (1805).

=Urim=, in Garth’s Dispensary, is designed for Dr. Atterbury.

Urim was civil and not void of sense, Had humor and courteous confidence, ... Constant at feasts, and each decorum knew, And soon as the dessert appeared, withdrew. The Dispensary, i. (1699).

=Urra´ca=, sister of Sancho II. of Castile, and queen of Zamōra.--Poema del Cid Campeador (1128).

=Urre= (Sir), one of the knights of the Round Table. Being wounded, the king and his chief knights tried on him the effect of “handling the wounds” (i.e., touching them to heal them), but failed. At last, Sir Launcelot was invited to try, and as he touched the wounds they severally healed.--Arthurian Romance.

=Urrie= (Sir John), a parliamentary leader.--Sir W. Scott, Legend of Montrose (time, Charles I.).

=Ursa Major=, Calisto, daughter of Lycāon, violated by Jupiter, and converted by Juno into a bear; whereupon the king of gods and man placed her in the Zodiac as a constellation. The Great Bear is also called “Hellicê.”

Ursa Major. Dr. Johnson was so called by Boswell’s father (1709-1784).

My father’s opinion of Dr. Johnson may be conjectured from the name he afterwards gave him, which was “Ursa Major;” but it is not true, as has been reported, that it was in consequence of my saying that he was a constellation of genius and literature.--Boswell (1791).

=Ursel= (Zedekias), the imprisoned rival of the Emperor Alexius Comnēnus of Greece.--Sir W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

=Ur´sula=, mother of Elsie, and wife of Gottlieb [Got.leeb], a cottage farmer, of Bavaria.--Hartmann von der Aue, Poor Henry (twelfth century); Longfellow Golden Legend (1851).

Ursula, a gentlewoman, attending on Hero.--Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing (1600).

Ursula, a silly old duenna, vain of her saraband dancing; though not fair yet fat and fully forty. Don Diego leaves Leonora under her charge, but Leander soon finds that a little flattery and a few gold pieces will put the dragon to sleep, and leave him free of the garden of his Hesperidês.--I. Bickerstaff, The Padlock (1768).

Ursula (Sister), a disguise assumed at St. Bride’s, by the Lady Margaret de Hautlieu.--Sir W. Scott, Castle Dangerous (time, Henry I.).

Ursula (Saint), daughter of Dianotus, king of Cornwall (brother and successor of Caradoc, king of Cornwall). She was asked in marriage by Conan [Meriadoc] of Armorica, or Little Britain. Going to France with her maidens, the princess was driven by adverse winds to Cologne, where she and “her 11,000 virgins” were martyred by the Huns and Picts (October 21, 237). Visitors to Cologne are still shown piles of skulls and bones heaped in the wall, faced with glass, which the verger asserts to be the relics of the martyred virgins; but, like Iphis, they must have changed their sex since death for most undoubtedly many of the bones are those of men and boys.--See Geoffrey, British History, v. 15, 16.

A calendar in the Freisingen Codex notices them as “SS. XI. M. VIRGINUM” i.e., “eleven holy virgin martyrs;” but, by making the “M” into a Roman figure equal 1000, we have XIM=11,000; so iiic=300.

Ursula is the Swabian ursul or hörsel (“the moon”), and, if this solution is accepted, then the “virgins who bore her company” are the stars. Ursul is the Scandinavian Hulda.

Those who assert the legend to be based on a fact, have supplied the following names as the most noted of the virgins, and, as there are but eleven given, it favors the Freisingen Codex:--(1) Ursula, (2) Sencia or Sentia, (3) Gregoria, (4) Pinnosa, (5) Mardia, (6) Saula, (7) Brittola, (8) Saturnina, (9) Rabacia, Sabatia, or Sambatia, (10) Saturia or Saturnia, and (11) Palladia.

In 1837 was celebrated with great splendor the sixteenth centenary “jubilee of their passion.”

Bright Ursula the third, who undertook to guide The eleven thousand maids to Little Britain sent, By seas and bloody men devoured as they went; Of which we find these four have been for saints preferred. And with their leader still do live encalendered: St. Agnes, Cor´dula, Odillia, Florence, which With wondrous sumptuous shrines those ages did enrich At Cullen. Drayton, Polyolbion, xxiv. (1622).

=Ursus=, humane, tender-hearted pessimist, posing as a misogynist and philanthropist. His favorite comrade is the tame wolf, Homo.--Victor Hugo, L’Homme qui rit.

=Use of Pests.= David once said he could not image why a wise deity should have created such things as spiders, idiots, and mosquitoes; but his life showed they were all useful to him at any rate. Thus, when he fled from Saul, a spider spun its web at the mouth of the cave, and Saul, feeling assured that the fugitive could not have entered the cave without breaking the web, passed on without further search. Again, when he was taken captive before the king of Gath, he feigned idiocy, and the king dismissed him, for he could not believe such a driveller could be the great champion who had slain Goliath. Once more, when he entered into the tent of Saul, as he was crawling along, Abner, in his sleep, tossed his legs over him. David could not stir, but a mosquito happened to bite the leg of the sleeper, and, Abner shifting it, enabled David to effect his escape.--The Talmud. (See VIRGIL’S GNAT.)

=Used Up=, an English version of L’Homme Blasé, of Felix Auguste Duvert, in conjunction with Auguste Théodore de Lauzanne. Charles Mathews made this dramatic trifle popular in England.--Boucicault, Used Up (1845).

=Useless Parliament= (The), the first parliament held in the reign of Charles I. (June 18, 1625). It was adjourned to Oxford in August, and dissolved twelve days afterwards.

=Usher= (The House of), a doomed family, the last scions of which are twins--a brother and sister. The brother is the victim of melancholia, the sister seems to die and is buried prematurely. She bursts the coffin and appears in the door of her brother’s room. “For a moment she remained trembling and reeling to and fro upon the threshold--then, with a low, moaning cry, fell heavily inward upon the person of her brother, and, in her violent and now final death agonies, bore him to the floor a corpse, and a victim to the terrors he had anticipated.”--Edgar Allan Poe, Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (1840).

=Usnach= or =Usna=. Conor, king of Ulster put to death by treachery, the three sons of Usnach. This led to the desolating war against Ulster, which terminated in the total destruction of Eman. This is one of the three tragic stories of the ancient Irish. The other two are The Death of the Children of Touran and The Death of the Children of Lir.

Avenging and bright falls the swift sword of Erin On him who the brave sons of Usna betrayed!... By the red cloud that hung over Conor’s dark dwelling When Ulad’s three champions lay sleeping in gore ... We swear to avenge them. T. Moore, Irish Melodies iv. (“Avenging and Bright ...” 1814).

=Uta=, queen of Burgundy, mother of Kriemhild and Günther.--The Nibelungen Lied (twelfth century).

=Utha=, the “white-bosomed daughter of Herman.” She dwelt “by Thano’s stream,” and was beloved by Frothal. When Fingal was about to slay Frothal, she interposed and saved his life.--Ossian, Carric-Thura.

=Uthal=, son of Larthmor, petty king of Berrathon (a Scandinavian island). He dethroned his father, and, being very handsome, was beloved by Nina-Tho´ma (daughter of a neighboring prince), who eloped with him. Uthal proved inconstant, and, confining Nina-Thoma in a desert island, fixed his affections on another. In the mean time Ossian and Toscar arrived at Berrothan. A fight ensued, in which Uthal was slain in single combat, and Larthmor restored to his throne. Nina-Thoma was also released, but all her ill treatment could not lessen her deep love, and when she heard of the death of Uthal she languished and died.--Ossian, Berrathon.

=Uther= or UTER, pendragon or war-chief of the Britons. He married Igerna, widow of Gorloïs, and was by her the father of Arthur and Anne. This Arthur was the famous hero who instituted the knights of the Round Table.--Geoffrey, History of Britain, viii. 20 (1142).

=Uthorno=, a bay of Denmark, into which Fingal was driven by stress of weather. It was near the residence of Starno, king of Lochlin (Denmark).--Ossian, Cath-Loda, i.

=Uto´pia=, a political romance by Sir Thomas More.

The word means “nowhere” (Greek, ou-topos). It is an imaginary island, where everything is perfect--the laws, the politics, the morals, the institutions, etc. The author, by contrast, shows the evils of existing laws. Carlyle, in his Sartor Resartus, has a place called “Weissnichtwo” [Vice-neckt-vo, “I know not where”]. The Scotch “Kennaquhair” means the same thing (1524).

Adoam describes to Telemachus the country of Bétique (in Spain) as a Utopia.--Fénelon, Télémaque, viii.

Utopia, the kingdom of Grangousier. “Parting from Me´damoth, Pantag´ruel sailed with a northerly wind, and passed Me´dam, Gel´asem, and the Fairy Isles; then keeping Uti to the left, and Uden to the right, he ran into the port of Utopia, distant about 3½ leagues from the city of the Amaurots.”

⁂ Parting from Medamoth (“from no place”), he passed Medam (“nowhere”), Gelasem (“hidden land”), etc.; keeping to the left Uti (“nothing at all”) and to the right Uden (“nothing”), he entered the port of Utopia (“no place”), distant 3½ leagues from Amauros (“the vanishing point”).--See Maps for the Blind, published by Nemo and Co., of Weissnichtwo.

(These maps were engraved by Outis and Son, and are very rare.)

=Uzziel= [Uz´.zeel], the next in command to Gabriel. The word means “God’s strength.”--Milton, Paradise Lost, iv. 782 (1665).

=Vadius=, a grave and heavy pedant.--Molière, Les Femmes Savantes (1672).

⁂ The model of this character was Ménage, an ecclesiastic, noted for his wit and learning. Vadius, although a caricature, was at once recognized by Molière’s readers.

=Vafri´no=, Tancred’s squire, practiced in all disguises, and learned in all the Eastern languages. He was sent as a spy to the Egyptian camp. Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered (1575).

=Vagabonds= (The).

“We are two travellers, Roger and I. Roger’s my dog;--come here, you scamp! Jump for the gentleman,--mind your eye! Over the table--look out for the lamp! The rogue is growing a little old; Five years we’ve tramped through wind and weather, And slept out-doors when nights were cold, And ate and drank--and starved--together.” * * * * * * * * * * Trowbridge, The Vagabonds (1869).

=Vagabond= (The Bishop’s), “Cracker,” who imposes in countless ways upon the credulity and takes advantage of the humanity of a benevolent man. In the end he saves the bishop’s life at the cost of his own, and, as the good man offers to pray by his dying bed, tries to wave his hand in the old airy style. “I reckon God a’mighty knows I’d be the same old Demming ef I could get up, an’ I don’ mean to make no purtenses. But mabbe it’ll cheer up th’ ole ’ooman a bit; so you begin, an’ I’ll bring in an ‘Amen’ whenever it’s wanted.” When the prayer ended there was no “Amen.” Demming was gone where prayer may only faintly follow.--Octave Thanet, Knitters in the Sun (1887).

=Vain´love=, a gay young man about town.--Congreve, The Old Bachelor (1693).

=Valantia= (Count), betrothed to the Marchioness Merĭda, whom he “loved to distraction till he found that she doted on him, and this discovery cloyed his passion.” He is light, inconsiderate, unprincipled and vain. For a time he intrigues with Amantis, “the child of Nature,” but when Amantis marries the Marquis Almanza, the count says to Merida she shall be his wife if she will promise not to love him.--Mrs. Inchbald, Child of Nature. (See THENOT.)

=Valclusa= (Vaucluse), the famous retreat of Petrarch (father of Italian poetry) and his mistress, Laura, a lady of Avignon.

At last the Muses rose ... from fair Valclusa’s bowers. Akenside, Pleasures of Imagination, ii. (1744).

=Valdes= (2 syl.) =and Cornelius=, friends of Dr. Faustus, who instruct him in magic, and induce him to sell his soul, that he may have a “spirit” to wait on him for twenty-four years.--C. Marlowe, Dr. Faustus (1589).

=Valence= (Sir Aymer de), lieutenant of Sir John de Walton, governor of Douglas Castle.--Sir W. Scott, Castle Dangerous (time, Henry I.).

=Valenti´na=, daughter of the conte di San Bris, governor of the Louvre. She was betrothed to the conte di Nevers, but loved Raoul [di Nangis], a Huguenot, by whom she was beloved in return. When Raoul was offered her hand by the Princess Margheri´ta di Valois, the bride of Henri le Bernais (Henri IV.), he rejected it, out of jealousy; and Valentina, out of pique, married Nevers. In the Bartholomew slaughter which ensued, Nevers fell, and Valentina married her first love, Raoul, but both were shot by a party of musketeers under the command of her father, the conte di San Bris.--Meyerbeer, Les Huguenots (1836).

=Valentine=, one of the “two gentlemen of Verona;” the other “gentleman” was Protheus. Their two serving-men were Speed and Launce. Valentine married Silvia, daughter of the duke of Milan, and Protheus married Julia. The rival of Valentine was Thurio.--Shakespeare, The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1595).

Valentine, a gentleman in attendance on the duke of Illyria.--Shakespeare, Twelfth Night (1602).

Valentine (3 syl.), a gentleman just returned from his travels. In love with Cellide (2 syl.), but Cellide is in love with Francisco (Valentine’s son).--Beaumont and Fletcher, Mons. Thomas (a comedy, before 1620).

Valentine (3 syl.), a gallant that will not be persuaded to keep his estate.--Beaumont and Fletcher, Wit without Money (1639).

Valentine, brother of Margaret. Maddened by the seduction of his sister, he attacks Faust during a serenade, and is stabbed by Mephistophelês. Valentine dies reproaching his sister, Margaret.--Goethe, Faust (1798).

Valentine [LEGEND], eldest son of Sir Sampson Legend. He has a tendre for Angelica, an heiress, whom he eventually marries. To prevent the signing away of his real property for the advance of £4000 in cash to clear his debts, he feigns to be mad for a time. Angelica gets the bond, and tears it before it is duly signed.--Congreve, Love for Love (1695).

⁂ This was Betterton’s great part.

Valentine (Saint), a Romish priest, who befriended the martyrs in the persecution of Claudius II., and was, in consequence, arrested, beaten with clubs, and finally beheaded (February 14, 270). Pope Julius built a church in his honor, near Pontê Molê, which gave its name to the gate Porta St. Valentini, now called “Porta del Popolo,” and by the ancient Romans “Porta Flaminia.”

⁂ The 15th February was the festival of Februta Juno (Juno, the fructifyer), and the Roman Catholic clergy substituted St. Valentine for the heathen goddess.

=Valentine and Orson=, twin sons of Bellisant and Alexander (emperor of Constantinople). They were born in a forest near Orleans. While the mother was gone to hunt for Orson, who had been carried off by a bear, Valentine was carried off by King Pepin (his uncle). In due time Valentine married Clerimond, the Green Knight’s sister.--Valentine and Orson (fifteenth century).

=Valentine Mortimer=, scatter-brained youth, who accepts against his conscience ill-gotten possessions, and is forced by conscience to renounce them, just before his early death.--Jean Ingelow, Fated to be Free (1875).

=Valentine and Violet=, two girls who are made the subject of the curious social experiment described in The Children of Gibeon, by Walter Besant (1890).

=Valentine de Grey= (Sir), an Englishman and knight of France. He had “an ample span of forehead, full and liquid eyes, free nostrils, crimson lips, well-bearded chin, and yet his wishes were innocent as thought of babes.” Sir Valentine loved Hero, niece of Sir William Sutton, and in the end married her.--S. Knowles, Woman’s Wit, etc. (1838).

=Valentin´ian= [=III.=], emperor of Rome (419, 425-455). During his reign the empire was exposed to the invasions of the barbarians, and was saved from ruin only by the military talents of Aët´ius, whom the faithless emperor murdered. In the year following Valentinian was himself “poisoned” by [Petrōnius] Maxĭmus, whose wife he had violated. He was a feeble and contemptible prince, without even the merit of brute courage. His wife’s name was Eudoxia.--Beaumont and Fletcher, Valentinian (1617).

=Valenti´no=, Margheri´ta’s brother, in the opera of Faust e Margherita, by Gounod (1859).

Valentino, familiar name of Duke Cæsar Borgia. Daring, unscrupulous noble, whose amours are as audacious as the measures he devises for ridding himself of his rivals and enemies. His relationship to Pope Alexander VI. gives him peculiar advantages for prosecuting his evil designs. He is poisoned at a banquet, together with his father, who dies. Valentino procures an antidote in time to save his life, but remains an invalid for long. Recovering partially, he sets sail for France, is seized by the Spaniards and imprisoned for two years in Seville. Escaping, he takes service under the king of Navarre and is killed in a skirmish with the soldiers of the constable of Lerina, at the early age of thirty-one.--William Waldorf Astor, Valentino, An Historical Romance (1885).

=Valère= (2 syl.), son of Anselme (2 syl.), who turns out to be Don Thomas d’Alburci, a nobleman of Naples. During an insurrection the family was exiled and suffered shipwreck. Valère, being at the time only seven years old, was picked up by a Spanish captain, who adopted him, and with whom he lived for sixteen years, when he went to Paris and fell in love with Elise, the daughter of Har´pagon, the miser. Here also Anselme, after wandering about the world for ten years, had settled down, and Harpagon wished him to marry Elise; but the truth being made clear to him that Valère was his own son, and Elise in love with him, matters were soon adjusted.--Molière, L’Avare (1667).

Valère (2 syl.), the “gamester.” Angelica gives him a picture, and enjoins him not to lose it on pain of forfeiting her hand. He loses the picture in play, and Angelica, in disguise, is the winner of it. After a time Valère is cured of his vice and happily united to Angelica.--Mrs. Centlivre, The Gamester (1709).

=Vale´ria=, sister of Valerius, and friend of Horatia.--Whitehead, The Roman Father (1741).

Valeria, a blue-stocking, who delights in vivisection, entomology, women’s rights, and natural philosophy.--Mrs. Centlivre, The Basset Table (1706).

=Valerian=, husband of St. Cecilia. Cecilia told him she was beloved by an angel, who constantly visited her; and Valerian requested to see this visitant. Cecilia replied that he should do so, if he went to Pope Urban to be baptized. This he did, and on returning home, the angel gave him a crown of lilies, and to Cecilia, a crown of roses, both from the garden of paradise. Valerian, being brought before the Prefect Almachius for heresy, was executed.--Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (“The Second Nun’s Tale,” 1388).

=Vale´rio=, a noble young Neapolitan lord, husband of Evanthê (3 syl.). This chaste young wife was parted from her husband by Frederick, the licentious brother of Alphonso, king of Naples, who tried in vain to seduce her, and then offered to make her any one’s wife for a month, at the end of which time the libertine should suffer death. No one would accept the offer, and ultimately the lady was restored to her husband.--Beaumont and Fletcher, A Wife for a Month (1624).

=Valerius=, the hero and title of a novel by J. G. Lockhart (1821). Valerius is the son of a Roman commander, settled in Britain. After the death of his father, he is summoned to Rome, to take possession of an estate to which he is the heir. At the villa of Capĭto he meets with Athanasia, a lady who unites the Roman grace with the elevation of the Christian. Valerius becomes a Christian also, and brings Athanasia to Britain. The display at the Flavian amphitheatre is admirably described. A Christian prisoner is brought forward, either to renounce his faith or die in the arena; of course the latter is his lot.

This is one of the best Roman stories in the language.

Valerius, the brother of Valeria. He is in love with Horatia, but Horatia is betrothed to Caius Curiatius.--Whitehead, The Roman Father (1741).

=Valiant= (The), Jean IV. of Brittany (1338, 1364-1399).

=Valiant-for-Truth=, a brave Christian, who fought three foes at once. His sword was “a right Jerusalem blade,” so he prevailed, but was wounded in the encounter. He joined Christiana’s party in their journey to the Celestial City.--Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, ii (1684).

=Valjean= (Jean), ex-convict, whose efforts at re-habilitation meet with rebuff and misconstruction. The best qualities of a really noble nature appear in his care for his adopted child, the daughter of poor Fantine.--Victor Hugo, Les Miserables.

=Valkyrior= or Valkyrs, stern, beautiful maidens, who hover over battle-fields to bear away to Valhalla the souls of slain heroes. They also wait at table in the halls of Valhalla.--Scandinavian Mythology.

=Val´ladolid´= (The doctor of), Sangrado, who applied depletion for every disease, and thought the best diet consisted of roast apples and warm water.

I condemned a variety of dishes, and arguing like the doctor of Valladolid, “Unhappy are those who require to be always on the watch, for fear of overloading their stomachs!”--Lesage, Gil Blas, vii. 5 (1735).

=Valley of Humiliation=, the place where Christian encountered Apollyon, and put him to flight.--Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, i. (1678).

=Valley of the Shadow of Death=, a “wilderness, a land of deserts, and of pits, a land of drought, and of the shadow of death” (Jer. ii. 6). “The light there is darkness, and the way full of traps ... to catch the unwary.” Christian had to pass through it, after his encounter with Apollyon.--Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, i. (1678).

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.--Psalm xxiii. 4.

=Valunder=, the Vulcan of Scandinavian mythology, noted for a golden arm-ring, on which was wrought all the heathen deities, with their attributes. It was once stolen by Sotê, but being recovered by Thorsten, became an heirloom, and of course descended to Frithjof, as one of his three inheritances, the other two being the sword Angurva´del, and the self-acting ship, Ellīda.--Tegnér, Frithjof Saga, iii. (1825).

Farewell, and take in memory of our love My arm-ring here, Valunder’s beauteous work, With heavenly wonders graven on the gold. viii.

=Valver´de= (3 syl.), a Spaniard, in love with Elvi´ra. He is the secretary of Pizarro, and at the end preserves the life of Elvira.--Sheridan, Pizarro (altered from Kotzebue, 1799).

=Vamen=, a dwarf, who asked Baly, the giant monarch of India, to permit him to measure out three paces to build a hut upon. The kind monarch smiled at the request, and bade the dwarf measure out what he required. The first pace compassed the whole earth, the second the whole heavens, and the third all pandalon or hell. Baly now saw that the dwarf was no other than Vishnû, and he adored the present deity.--Hindû Mythology.

⁂ There is a Basque tale the exact counterpart of this.

=Vamp=, bookseller and publisher. His opinion of books was that the get-up and binding were of more value than the matter. “Books are like women; to strike, they must be well dressed. Fine feathers make fine birds. A good paper, an elegant type, a handsome motto, and a catching title, have driven many a dull treatise through three editions.”--Foote, The Author (1757).

=Van= (The Spirit of the), the fairy spirit of the Van Pools, in Carmarthen. She married a young Welsh farmer, but told him that if he struck her thrice, she would quit him forever. They went to a christening, and she burst into tears, whereupon her husband struck her as a marjoy; but she said, “I weep to see a child brought into this vale of tears.” They next went to the child’s funeral, and she laughed, whereupon her husband struck her again; but she said, “I truly laugh to think what a joy it is to change this vale of tears for that better land, where there is no more sorrow, but pleasures for evermore.” Their next visit was to a wedding, where the bride was young, and the man old, and she said aloud, “It is the devil’s compact. The bride has sold herself for gold.” The farmer again struck her, and bade her hold her peace; but she vanished away, and never again returned.--Welsh Mythology.

=Vanbeest Brown= (Captain) alias Dawson, alias Dudley, alias Harry Bertram, son of Mr. Godfrey Bertram, laird of Ellangowan.

Vanbeest Brown, lieutenant of Dirk Hatteraick.--Sir W. Scott, Guy Mannering (time, George II.).

=Vanberg= (Major), in Charles XII., by J. R. Planché (1826).

=Vanda=, wife of Baldric. She is the spirit with the red hand, who appears in the haunted chamber to the Lady Eveline Berenger, “the betrothed.”--Sir W. Scott, The Betrothed (time, Henry II.).

=Van´dunke= (2 syl.), burgomaster of Bruges, a drunken merchant, friendly to Gerrard, king of the beggars, and falsely considered to be the father of Bertha. His wife’s name is Margaret. (Bertha is in reality the daughter of the duke of Brabant.)--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Beggars’ Bush (1622).

=Vandyck= (The English), William Dobson, painter (1610-1647).

=Vandyck in Little=, Samuel Cooper. In his epitaph in old St. Pancras Church he is called “the Apellês of his age” (1609-1672).

=Vandyck of France=, Hyacinth Rigaud y Ros (1659-1743).

=Vandyck of Sculpture=, Antoine Coysevox (1640-1720).

=Vane= (Ellery), a coquettish girl, who has method in her coquetry, beguiles Ellery Vane to the loss of his heart by tying on her hat in his presence.

“Ah! Ellery Vane, you little thought, An hour ago, when you besought This country lass to walk with you, After the sun had dried the dew, What perilous danger you’d be in As she tied her bonnet under her chin!” Nora Perry, After the Ball and Other Poems (1875).

Vane (Henry), a man who begins life as a flippant young fellow with a French education; settles down into an astute money-maker; falls in love seriously when he meant to flirt, and, finding that the girl with whom he is enamored has played a sharper game than he, and is engaged to another man, blows out his own brains.--Frederic Jesup Stimson, The Crime of Henry Vane.

=Vanessa=, Miss Esther Vanhomrigh, a young lady who proposed marriage to Dean Swift. The dean declined the proposal in a poetical trifle called Cadēnus and Vanessa.

Essa, i.e., Esther, and Van, the pet form of Vanhomrigh; hence Van-essa.

=Vanity=, the usher of Queen Lucifĕra.--Spenser, Faëry Queen, i. 4 (1590).

Vanity, a town through which Christian and Faithful had to pass on their way to the Celestial City.

Almost five thousand years agone, there were pilgrims walking to the Celestial City,... and Beëlzebub, Apollyon, and Legion ... perceived, by the path that the pilgrims made, that their way to the city lay through this town of Vanity.--Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, i. (1678).

=Vanity Fair=, a fair established by Beëlzebub, Apollyon and Legion, for the sale of earthly “vanities,” creature comforts, honors, decorations and carnal delights. It was held in Vanity town, and lasted all the year round. Christian and Faithful had to pass through the fair, which they denounced, and were consequently arrested, beaten and put into a cage. Next day, being taken before Justice Hate-good, Faithful was condemned to be burnt alive.--Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, i. (1678).

⁂ A looking-glass is called Vanity Fair.

Vanity Fair is the name of a periodical noted for its caricatures signed “Ape,” and set on foot by Signor Pellegrini.

Vanity Fair, a novel by W. M. Thackeray (1848). Becky (Rebecca) Sharp, the daughter of a poor painter, dashing, selfish, unprincipled, and very clever, contrives to marry Rawdon Crawley, afterwards his excellency Colonel Crawley, C.B., governor of Coventry Island. Rawdon expected to have a large fortune left him by his aunt, Miss Crawley, but was disinherited on account of his marriage with Becky, then a poor governess. Becky contrives to live in splendor on “nothing a year,” gets introduced at court, and is patronized by Lord Steyne, earl of Gaunt; but, this intimacy giving birth to a great scandal, Becky breaks up her establishment, and is reduced to the lowest Bohemian life. Afterwards she becomes the “female companion” of Joseph Sedley, a wealthy “collector,” of Boggley Wollah, in India. Having insured his life and lost his money, he dies suddenly under very suspicions circumstances, and Becky lives for a time in splendor on the Continent. Subsequently she retires to Bath, where she assumes the character of a pious, charitable Lady Bountiful, given to all good works. The other part of the story is connected with Amelia Sedley, daughter of a wealthy London stock-broker, who fails, and is reduced to indigence. Captain George Osborne, the son of a London merchant, marries Amelia, and old Osborne disinherits him. The young people live for a time together, when George is killed in the battle of Waterloo. Amelia is reduced to great poverty, but is befriended by Captain Dobbin, who loves her to idolatry, and after many years of patience and great devotion, she consents to marry him. Becky Sharp rises from nothing to splendor, and then falls; Amelia falls from wealth to indigence, and then rises.

=Vanhorne= (Miss), “an old woman with black eyes, a black wig, shining false teeth, a Roman nose and a high color,” who munches aromatic seeds coated with sugar, and tries to make or mar the fortunes of everybody she knows. Lonely, crabbed and rich.--Constance Fenimore Woolson, Anne (1882).

=Van Ness= (Aunt), sentimental, worldly old woman, who succeeds in marrying her niece, Constance Varley, to the man she does not want to accept.--Julia Constance Fletcher, Mirage (1878).

=Vanoc=, son of Merlin, one of the knights of the Round Table.

Young Vanoc, of the beardless face (Fame spoke the youth of Merlin’s race), O’erpowered, at Gyneth’s footstool bled, His heart’s blood dyed her sandals red. Sir W. Scott, Bridal of Triermain, ii. 25 (1813).

=Vantom= (Mr.). Sir John Sinclair tells us that Mr. Vantom drank in twenty-three years 36,688 bottles (i.e., 59 pipes) of wine.--Code of Health and Longevity (1807).

⁂ Between four and five bottles a day.

=Vanwelt= (Ian), the supposed suitor of Rose Flammock.--Sir W. Scott, The Betrothed (time, Henry II.).

=Vapians= (The), a people of Utopia, who passed the equinoctial of Queūbus, “a torrid zone lying somewhere beyond three o’clock in the morning.”

In sooth, thou wast in very gracious fooling last night, when thou spokest ... of the Vapians passing the equinoctial of Queubus.--Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, act ii. sc. 3 (1602).

=Vapid=, the chief character in The Dramatist, by F. Reynolds, and said to be meant for the author himself. He goes to Bath “to pick up characters.”

=Varbel=, “the lowly but faithful squire” of Floreski, a Polish count. He is a quaint fellow, always hungry.--J. P. Kemble, Lodoiska (1719).

=Varden= (Gabriel), locksmith, Clerkenwell; a round, red-faced, sturdy yeoman, with a double chin, and a voice husky with good living, good sleeping, good humor and good health. He was past the prime of life, but his heart and spirits were in full vigor. During the Gordon riots Gabriel refused to pick the lock of Newgate prison, though at the imminent risk of his life.

Mrs. Varden [Martha], the locksmith’s wife and mother of Dolly, a woman of “uncertain temper” and a self-martyr. When too ill-disposed to rise, especially from that domestic sickness, ill temper, Mrs. Varden would order up “the little black teapot of strong mixed tea, a couple of rounds of hot buttered toast, a dish of beef and ham cut thin without skin, and the Protestant Manual in two octavo volumes. Whenever Mrs. Varden was most devout, she was always the most ill-tempered.” When others were merry, Mrs. Varden was dull; and when others were sad, Mrs. Varden was cheerful. She was, however, plump and buxom, her handmaiden and “comforter” being Miss Miggs. Mrs. Varden was cured of her folly by the Gordon riots, dismissed Miggs, and lived more happily and cheerfully ever after.

Dolly Varden, the locksmith’s daughter; a pretty, laughing girl, with a roguish face, lighted up by the loveliest pair of sparkling eyes, the very impersonation of good humor and blooming beauty. She married Joe Willet, and conducted with him the Maypole inn, as never country inn was conducted before. They greatly prospered, and had a large and happy family. Dolly dressed in the Watteau style; and modern Watteau costume and hats were, in 1875-6, called “Dolly Vardens.”--C. Dickens, Barnaby Rudge (1841).

=Vari´na=, Miss Jane Waryng, to whom Dean Swift had a penchant when he was a young man. Varina is a Latinized form of “Waryng.”

=Varney= (Richard, afterwards Sir Richard), master of the horse to the earl of Leicester.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Varro= (The British). Thomas Tusser, of Essex, is so called by Warton (1515-1580).

=Vasa= (Gustavus), a drama, by H. Brooke (1730). Gustavus, having effected his escape from Denmark, worked for a time as a common laborer in the copper mines of Dalecarlia [Dah´.le.karl´.ya]; but the tyranny of Christian II. of Denmark having driven the Dalecarlians into revolt, Gustavus was chosen their leader. The revolters made themselves masters of Stockholm; Christian abdicated; and Sweden became an independent kingdom (sixteenth century).

=Vashti.= When the heart of the king [Ahasuerus] was merry with wine, he commanded his chamberlains to bring Vashti, the queen, into the banquet hall, to show the guests her beauty; but she refused to obey the insulting order, and the king, being wroth, divorced her.--Esther i. 10, 19.

O Vashti, noble Vashti! Summoned out She kept her state, and left the drunken king To brawl at Shushan underneath the palms. Tennyson, The Princess, iii. (1830).

=Vatel=, the cook who killed himself, because the lobster for his turbot sauce did not arrive in time to be served up at the banquet at Chantilly, given by the Prince de Condé to the king.

=Vath´ek=, the ninth caliph of the race of the Abassides, son of Motassem, and grandson of Haroun-al-Raschid. When angry, “one of his eyes became so terrible that whoever looked at it either swooned or died.” Vathek was induced by a malignant genius to commit all sorts of crimes. He abjured his faith, and bound himself to Eblis, under the hope of obtaining the throne of the pre-Adamite sultans. This throne eventually turned out to be a vast chamber in the abyss of Eblis, where Vathek found himself a prisoner without hope. His wife was Nouron´ihar, daughter of the Emir Fakreddin, and his mother’s name was Catharis.--W. Beckford, Vathek (1784).

=Vathek’s Draught=, a red-and-yellow mixture given him by an emissary of Eblis, which instantaneously restored the exhausted body, and filled it with unspeakable delight.--W. Beckford, Vathek (1784).

=Vato=, the wind-spirit.

Even Zoroaster imagined there was an evil spirit called Vato, that could excite violent storms of wind.--T. Rowe [i.e., Dr. Pegge], Gentleman’s Magazine, January, 1763.

=Vaudeville= (Father of The), Oliver Basselin (fifteenth century).

=Vaughan=, the bogie of Bromyard exorcised by nine priests. Nine candles were lighted in the ceremony, and all but one burnt out. The priests consigned Nicholas Vaughan to the Red Sea; and casting the remaining candle into the river Frome, threw a huge stone over it, and forbade the bogie to leave the Red Sea till that candle re-appeared to human sight. The stone is still called “Vaughan’s Stone.”

=Vaugirard= (The deputies of). The usher announced to Charles VIII. of France, “The deputies of Vaugirard.” “How many?” asked the king. “Only one, may it please your highness.”

=V. D. M. I. Æ.=, Verbum Dei manet in æternum (“the Word of God endureth for ever”). This was the inscription of the Lutheran bishops, in the diet of Spires. Philip of Hessen said the initials stood for Verbum diaboli manet in episcopis (“the word of the devil abideth in the [Lutheran] bishops”).

=Veal= (Mrs.), an imaginary person, whom Defoe feigned to have appeared, the day after her death, to Mrs. Bargrave, of Canterbury, on September 8, 1705.

Defoe’s conduct in regard to the well-known imposture, Mrs. Veal’s ghost, would justify us in believing him to be, like Gil Bias, “tant soi peu fripon.”--Encyc. Brit., Art. “Romance.”

=Veal’s Apparition= (Mrs.). It is said that Mrs. Veal, the day after her death, appeared to Mrs. Bargrave, at Canterbury, September 8, 1705. This cock-and-bull story was affixed by Daniel Defoe to Drelincourt’s book of Consolations against the Fears of Death, and such is the matter-of-fact style of the narrative that most readers thought the fiction was a fact.

=Vec´chio= (Peter), a teacher of music and Latin; reputed to be a wizard.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Chances (1620).

=Veck= (Toby), nicknamed “Trotty;” a ticket-porter, who ran on errands. One New Year’s Eve he ate tripe for dinner, and had a nightmare, in which he fancied he had mounted up to the steeple of a neighboring church, and that goblins issued out of the bells, giving reality to his hopes and fears. He was roused from his sleep by the sound of the bells ringing in the new year. (See MEG.)--C. Dickens, The Chimes (1844).

=Vedder= (Jan), a fisherman whose mistaken marriage leads to every evil he does or suffers. One who would become a good man but for his perverse, wrong-headed wife. He is desperately wounded in a quarrel, and his condition, working upon all that is best in his wife, changes her temper and behavior to him.--Amelia E. Barr, Jan Vedder’s Wife (1885).

=Vegliantino= [Val.yan.tee´no], Orlando’s horse.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516). Also called Veillantif.

=Vehmgericht=, or THE HOLY VEHME, a secret tribunal of Westphalia, the principal seat of which was in Dortmund. The members were called “Free Judges.” It took cognizance of all crimes in the lawless period of the Middle Ages, and those condemned by the tribunal were made away with by some secret means, but no one knew by what hand. Being despatched, the dead body was hung on a tree to advertise the fact and deter others. The tribunal existed at the time of Charlemagne, but was at its zenith of power in the twelfth century. Sir W. Scott has introduced it in his Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

Was Rebecca guilty or not? The Vehmgericht of the servant’s hall pronounced against her.--Thackeray, Vanity Fair, xliv. (1848).

=Vehmique Tribunal= (The), or the Secret Tribunal, or the court of the Holy Vehme, said to have been founded by Charlemagne.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Veil of St. Agatha=, a miraculous veil belonging to St. Agatha, and deposited in the church of the city of Catania, in Sicily, where the saint suffered martyrdom. “It is a sure defence against the eruptions of Mount Etna.” It is very true that the church itself was overwhelmed with lava in 1693, and some 20,000 of the inhabitants perished; but that was no fault of the veil, which would have prevented it if it could. Happily, the veil was recovered, and is still believed in by the people.

=Veilchen= (Annette), attendant of Anne of Geierstein.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Veiled Prophet of Khorassan= (The), Hakim ben Allah, surnamed Mokanna, or “The Veiled,” founder of an Arabic sect, in the eighth century. He wore a veil to conceal his face, which had been greatly disfigured in battle. He gave out that he had been Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Moses. When the Sultan Mahadi marched against him, he poisoned all his followers at a banquet, and then threw himself into a cask containing a burning acid, which entirely destroyed his body.

⁂Thomas Moore has made this the subject of a poetical tale, in his Lalla Rookh (“The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan,” 1817).

There, on that throne, ... sat the prophet-chief, The great Mokanna. O’er his features hung The veil, the silver veil, which he had flung In mercy there, to hide from mortal sight His dazzling brow, till man could bear its light. * * * * * * * * * “’Tis time these features were uncurtained, This brow whose light--oh, rare celestial light!-- Hath been reserved to bless thy favored sight ... Turn now and look; then wonder, if thou wilt, That I should hate, should take revenge by guilt, Upon the hand whose mischief or whose mirth Sent me thus maimed and monstrous upon earth ... Here--judge if hell, with all its power to damn, Can add one curse to the foul thing I am!” He raised the veil; the maid turned slowly round, Looked at him, shrieked, and sunk upon the ground. The Veiled Prophet of Khorassan.

=Velasquez=, the Spanish governor of Portugal in 1640, when the people, led by Don Juan, duke of Braganza, rose in rebellion, shook off the Spanish yoke, and established the duke on the throne, under the name and title of Juan or John IV. The same dynasty still continues. Velasquez was torn to pieces by the mob. The duchess calls him a

Discerning villain, Subtle, insidious, false, and plausible; He can with ease assume all outward forms ... While with the lynx’s beam he penetrates The deep reserve of every other breast. R. Jephson, Braganza, ii. 2 (1785).

=Velinspeck=, a country manager, to whom Matthew Stuffy makes application for the post of prompter.--Charles Mathews, At Home (1818).

=Vellum=, in Addison’s comedy, The Drummer (1715).

=Velvet= (The Rev. Morphine), a popular preacher, who feeds his flock on eau sucrée and wild honey. He assures his hearers that the way to heaven might once be thorny and steep, but now “every hill is brought low, every valley is filled up, the crooked ways are made straight, and even in the valley of the shadow of death, they need fear no evil, for One will be with them to support and comfort them.”

=Veneering= (Mr.), a new man, “forty, wavy-haired, dark, tending to corpulence, sly, mysterious, filmy; a kind of well-looking veiled prophet, not prophesying.” He was a drug merchant of the firm of Chicksey, Stobbles and Veneering. The two former were his quondam masters, but their names had “become absorbed in Veneering, once their traveller or commission agent.”

Mrs. Veneering, a new woman, “fair, aquiline-nosed and fingered, not so much light hair as she might have, gorgeous in raiment and jewels, enthusiastic, propitiatory, conscious that a corner of her husband’s veil is over herself.”

Mr. and Mrs. Veneering were bran-new people, in a bran-new house, in a bran-new quarter of London. Everything about the Veneerings was spick and span new. All their furniture was new, all their friends were new, all their servants were new, their plate was new, their carriage was new, their harness was new, their horses were new, their pictures were new, they themselves were new, they were as newly married as was lawfully compatible with their having a bran-new baby.

In the Veneering establishment, from the hall chairs, with the new coat of arms, to the grand pianoforte with the new action, and upstairs again to the new fire-escape, all things were in a state of high varnish and polish.--C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend, ii. (1864).

=Veneerings of Society= (The), flashy, rich merchants, who delight to overpower their guests with the splendor of their furniture, the provisions of their tables and the jewels of their wives and daughters.

=Venerable Bede= (The). Two accounts are given respecting the word venerable attached to the name of this “wise Saxon.” One is this: When blind, he preached once to a heap of stones, thinking himself in a church, and the stones were so affected by his eloquence that they exclaimed, “Amen, venerable Bede!” This, of course, is based on the verse, Luke xix. 40.

The other is that his scholars, wishing to honor his name, wrote for epitaph:

Hæc sunt in fossa, Bedæ presbyteri ossa;

but an angel changed the second line into “Bedæ venerabilis ossa” (672-735).

⁂The chair in which he sat is still preserved at Jarrow. Some years ago a sailor used to show it, and always called it the chair of the “Great Admiral Bede.”

=Venerable Doctor= (The), William de Champeaux (*-1121).

=Venerable Initiator= (The), William of Occam (1276-1347).

=Venetian Glass=, an antique goblet with a tragic history, bought in Venice of a vertu dealer, by John Manning, to whose remote ancestor it had belonged. Manning goes into the army, is wounded at Gettysburg, and nursed back to life by a beautiful woman. He marries her, and falls into a lingering decline. One day the Venetian goblet arrives from Italy, and his wife, in a freak, pours his medicine into it. In passing it to her husband the glass drops, and is shivered, “as its fellow had been shivered three centuries ago,” and more. She still stared steadily before her; then her lips parted, and she said, “The glass broke! The glass broke! then the tale is true!” Then, with one hysterical shriek, she fell forward amid the fragments of the Venetian goblet, unconscious thereafter of all things.--Brander Matthews, Venetian Glass (1884).

=Venery.= Sir Tristram was the inventor of the laws and terms of venery. Hence a book of venery was called A Book of Tristram.

Of Sir Tristram came all the good terms of venery and of hunting; and the sizes and measures of blowing of an horn. And of him we had first all the terms of hawking; and which were beasts of chase and beasts of venery, and which were vermin; and all the blasts that belong to all manner of games. First to the uncoupling, to the seeking, to the rechase, to the flight, to the death and to the strake; and many other blasts and terms shall all manner of gentlemen have cause to the world’s end to praise Sir Tristram, and to pray for his soul.--Sir T. Malory, History of Prince Arthur, ii. 138 (1470).

=Venice Preserved=, a tragedy by T. Otway (1682). A conspiracy was formed by Renault, a Frenchman, Elliot, an Englishman, Bedamar, Pierre and others, to murder the Venetian senate. Jaffier was induced by his friend, Pierre, to join the conspirators, and give his wife as hostage of his good faith. As Renault most grossly insulted the lady, Jaffier took her away, when she persuaded her husband to reveal the plot to her father, Priuli, under the promise of a general amnesty. The senate violated the promise made by Priuli, and commanded all the conspirators except Jaffier to be broken on the wheel. Jaffier, to save his friend, Pierre, from the torture, stabbed him, and then himself. Belvidera went mad and died.

=Venner= (Dudley), sad and studious father of Elsie Venner, in O. W. Holmes’s novel of that name (1863).

=Ventid´ius=, an Athenian imprisoned for debt. Timon paid his debt, and set him free. Not long after, the father of Ventidius died, leaving a large fortune, and the young man offered to refund the loan, but Timon declined to take it, saying that the money was a free gift. When Timon got into difficulties he applied to Ventidius for aid; but Ventidius, like the rest, was “found base metal,” and “denied him.”--Shakespeare, Timon of Athens (1609).

Ventidius, the general of Marc Antony.

⁂ The master scene between Ventidius and Antony in this tragedy is copied from The Maid’s Tragedy (by Beaumont and Fletcher), Ventidius being the “Melantius” of Beaumont and Fletcher’s drama.--Dryden, All for Love, or the World Well Lost (1678).

=Ventriloquist.= The best that ever lived was Brabant, the engastrimisth of François I. of France.

=Venus= (Paintings of). VENUS ANADYOM´ENÊ, or Venus rising from the sea and wringing her golden tresses, by Apellês. Apellês also put his name to a “Sleeping Venus.” Tradition says that Campaspê (afterwards his wife) was the model of his Venus.

THE RHODIAN VENUS, referred to by Campbell, in his Pleasures of Hope, ii., is the Venus spoken of by Pliny, xxxv. 10, from which Shakespeare has drawn his picture of Cleopatra in her barge (Antony and Cleopatra, act ii. sc. 2). The Rhodian was Protog´enês.

When first the Rhodian’s mimic art arrayed The queen of Beauty in her Cyprian shade, The happy master mingled in his piece Each look that charmed him in the fair of Greece ... Love on the picture smiled. Expression poured Her mingling spirit there, and Greece adored. Pleasures of Hope, ii. (1799).

Venus (Statues of). THE CNIDIAN VENUS, a nude statue, bought by the CNIDIANS. By Praxitĕlês.

THE COAN VENUS, a draped statue, bought by the Coans. By Praxitelês.

THE VENUS DE’ MEDICI, a statue dug up in several pieces at Hadrian’s villa, near Tiv´oli (seventeenth century), and placed for a time at the Medici palace at Rome, whence its name. It was the work of Cleom´enês, the Athenian. All one arm and part of the other were restored by Bandinelli. In 1680 this statue was removed to the Uffizi gallery at Florence. It was removed to Paris by Napoleon, but was afterwards restored.

THE VENUS OF ARLES, with a mirror in the right hand and an apple in the left. This statue is ancient, but the mirror and apple are by Girardin.

THE VENUS OF MILO. The “Venus Victorious” is called the “Venus of Milo,” because it was brought from the island of Milo, in the Ægēan Sea, by Admiral Dumont d’Urville, in 1820. It is one of the chefs d’œuvre of antiquity, and is now in the Louvre of Paris.

THE PAULINE VENUS, by Canōva. Modelled from Pauline Bonaparte, Princess Borghese.

I went by chance into the room of the Pauline Venus; my mouth will taste bitter all day. How venial! how gaudy and vile she is with her gilded upholstery! It is the most hateful thing that ever wasted marble.--Ouida, Ariadnê, i. 1.

THE VENUS PANDĒMOS, the sensual and vulgar Venus (Greek, pan-dêmos, for the vulgar or populace generally); as opposed to the “Uranian Venus,” the beau-ideal of beauty and loveliness.

Amongst the deities from the upper chamber a mortal came, the light, lewd woman, who had bared her charms to live for ever here in marble, in counterfeit of the Venus Pandēmos.--Ouida, Ariadnê, i. 1.

GIBSON’S VENUS, slightly tinted, was shown in the International Exhibition of 1862.

Venus, the highest throw with the four tali or three tesseræ. The best cast of the tali (or four-sided dice) was four different numbers; but the best cast of the tesseræ (or ordinary dice) was three sixes. The worst throw was called canis--three aces in tesseræ and four aces in tali.

Venus (The Isle of), a paradise created by “Divine Love” for the Lusian heroes. Here Uranian Venus gave Vasco de Gama the empire of the sea. This isle is not far from the mountains of Imāus, whence the Ganges and Indus derive their source.--Camoens, Lusiad, ix. (1572).

⁂Similar descriptions of paradise are: “the gardens of Alcinŏus” (Odyssey, vii.); “the island of Circê” (Odyssey, x.); Virgil’s “Elysium” (Æneid, vi.); “the island and palace of Alci´na” (Orlando Furioso, vi., vii.); “the country of Logistilla” (Orlando Furioso, x.); “Paradise,” visited by Astolpho (Orlando Furioso, xxxiv.); “the island of Armi´da” (Jerusalem Delivered); “the bower of Acrasia” (Faëry Queen); “the palace with its forty doors” (Arabian Nights, “Third Calendar”), etc.

Venus (Ura´nian), the impersonation of divine love; the presiding deity of the Lusians.--Camoens, Lusiad (1572).

=Venus and Adonis.= Adōnis, a most beautiful boy, was greatly beloved by Venus and Proserpine. Jupiter decided that he should live four months with one and four months with the other goddess, and the rest of the year he might do what he liked. One day he was killed by a wild boar during a chase, and Venus was so inconsolable at the loss that the infernal gods allowed the boy to spend six months of the year with Venus on the earth, but the other six he was to spend in hell. Of course, this is an allegory of the sun, which is six months above and six months below the equator.

⁂ Shakespeare has a poem called Venus and Adonis (1593), in which Adonis is made cold and passionless, but Venus ardent and sensual.

=Venus of Cleom´enes= (4 syl.), now called the “Venus de’ Medici” or “Venus de Medicis.”

=Venusberg=, the mountain of fatal delights. Here Tannhäuser tarried, and when Pope Urban refused to grant him absolution, he returned thither, to be never more seen.--German Legend.

=Ver´done= (2 syl.), nephew to Champernal, the husband of Lami´ra.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Little French Lawyer (1647).

=Verdugo=, captain under the governor of Segovia.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Pilgrim (1621).

=Vere= (Mr. Richard), laird of Ellieslaw, a Jacobite conspirator.

Miss Isabella Vere, the laird’s daughter. She marries young Patrick Earnscliffe, laird of Earnscliffe.--Sir W. Scott, The Black Dwarf (time, Anne).

Vere (Sir Arthur de), son of the earl of Oxford. He first appears under the assumed name of Arthur Philipson.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Verges= (2 syl.), an old-fashioned constable and night-watch, noted for his blundering simplicity.--Shakespeare, Much Ado about Nothing (1600).

=Vergob´retus=, a dictator, selected by the druids, and possessed of unlimited power, both in war and state, during times of great danger.

This temporary king or vergobretus, laid down his office at the end of the war.--Dissertation on the Era of Ossian.

=Verinder= (Rachel), pretty, strong-willed, imperious, warm-hearted young Englishwoman, the legatee of a diamond of immense value. She receives it upon her twenty-first birthday, wears it all the evening and insists upon keeping it in her room that night. She sees from the adjoining apartment, her lover, Franklin Blake, purloin the gem, and hides the name of the thief, while discarding him.--Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone.

=Verisopht= (Lord Frederick), weak and silly, but far less vicious than his bear-leader, Sir Mulberry Hawk. He drawled in his speech, and was altogether “very soft.” Ralph Nickleby introduced his niece, Kate, to the young nobleman at a bachelor’s dinner-party, hoping to make of the introduction a profitable investment, but Kate was far too modest and virtuous to aid him in his scheme.--C. Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby (1838).

=Vernon= (Diana), niece of Sir Hildebrand Osbaldistone. She has great beauty, sparkling talents, an excellent disposition, high birth, and is an enthusiastic adherent of an exiled king. Diana Vernon marries Frank Osbaldistone.

Sir Frederick Vernon, father of Diana, a political intriguer called “his excellency the earl of Beauchamp.” He first appears as Father Vaughan [Vawn].--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

Vernon (Elinor), “a student, enthusiastic and devoted, and one of rare attainments, both in character and degree.” She becomes an author of note. Her betrothed, Walter Mayward, would wean her from devotion to letters, and loses her thereby. Frederic St. Clair appreciates the glory of her perfected womanhood, loves and marries her, and her “poetry finds in his love its triumph, its crowning, its glorious apotheosis.”--Grace Greenwood, Heart Histories (1850).

=Ver´olame= (3 syl.) or VERULAM, “a stately nymph” of Isis. Seeing her stream besmeared with the blood of St. Alban, she prayed that it might be diverted into another channel, and her prayer was granted. The place where St. Alban was executed was at that time called Holmhurst.--Robert of Gloucester. Chronicle (in verse), 57 (thirteenth century).

⁂ A poetical account of this legend is also given by W. Browne in his Britannia’s Pastorals, iv (1613).

=Veron´ica=, the maiden who handed her handkerchief to Jesus on His way to Calvary. The “Man of Sorrows” wiped His face with it, returned it to the maiden, and it ever after had a perfect likeness of the Saviour photographed on it. The handkerchief and the maiden were both called Veronica (i.e., vera iconica, “the true likeness”).

⁂ One of these handkerchiefs is preserved in St. Peter’s of Rome, and another in Milan Cathedral.

=Verrina=, the republican who murders Fiesco.--Schiller, Fiesco (1783).

=Versatile= (Sir George), a scholar, pleasing in manners, warm-hearted, generous, with the seeds of virtue and the soul of honor, but being deficient in stability, he takes his color, like the chameleon, from the objects at hand. Thus, with Maria Delaval, he is manly, frank, affectionate, and noble; with Lord Vibrate, hesitating, undecided, and tossed with doubts; with Lady Vibrate, boisterously gay, extravagant, and light-hearted. Sir George is betrothed to Maria Delaval, but the death of his father delays the marriage. He travels, and gives a fling to youthful indulgences. After a time, he meets Maria Delaval by accident, his better nature prevails, and he offers her his hand, his heart, his title, and his fortune.--Holcroft, He’s Much to Blame (1790).

=Vertaigne= (2 or 3 syl.), a nobleman and judge, father of Lamīra and Beaupré.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Little French Lawyer (1647).

=Vesey= (Sir John), a baronet, most worldly wise, and, being poor, gives himself the nickname of “Stingy Jack,” that he may be thought rich. Forthwith his £10,000 was exaggerated into £40,000. Sir John wanted his daughter to marry Alfred Evelyn, but feeling very uncertain about the stability of the young man’s money, shilly-shallied about it; and in the mean time, Georgina married Sir Frederick Blount, and Evelyn was left free to marry Clara Douglas, whom he greatly loved.--Lord L. Bulwer Lytton, Money (1840).

=Vestris=, called “The God of Dancing,” used to say, “Europe contains only three truly great men--myself, Voltaire, and Frederick of Prussia” (1729-1808).

=Vesuvian Bay:=

“My soul to-day Is far away, Sailing the Vesuvian Bay; My wingéd boat, A bird afloat, Swims ’round the purple peaks remote.”

The English language does not contain a more exquisite bit of word-painting than the poem embodying the above-quoted lines.--Thomas Buchanan Read, Drifting (1867).

=Veto= (Monsieur and Madame), Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette. The king had the power of putting his veto on any decree of the National Assembly (1791), in consequence of which he was nicknamed “Capet Veto.”

⁂ The name occurs in the celebrated song called La Carmagnole, which was sung to a dance of the same name.

=Vetus=, in the Times newspaper, is the nom de plume of Edward Sterling (1773-1847), “The Thunderer” (1812-13).

=Vexhalia=, wife of Osmond, an old Varangian guard.--Sir W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

=Vholes= (1 syl.), a lawyer who draws Richard Carstone into his toils. He is always closely buttoned up, and speaks in a lifeless manner, but is pre-eminently a “most respectable man.”--C. Dickens, Bleak House (1852).

=Vibrate= (Lord), a man who can never make up his mind to anything, and, “like a man on double business bent, he stands in pause, which he shall first begin, and both neglects.” Thus, he would say to his valet, “Order the coachman at eleven. No; order him at one. Come back! order him in ten minutes. Stay! don’t order him at all. Why don’t you go and do as I bid you?” or, “Tell Harry to admit the doctor. No, not just yet; in five minutes. I don’t know when. Was ever man so tormented?” So with everything.

Lady Vibrate, wife of the above. Extravagant, contradictious, fond of gaiety, hurry, noise, embarrassment, confusion, disorder, uproar, and a whirl of excitement. She says to his lordship:

I am all gaiety and good humor; you are all turmoil and lamentation. I sing, laugh, and welcome pleasure wherever I find it; you take your lantern to look for misery, which the sun itself cannot discover. You may think proper to be as miserable as Job; but don’t expect me to be a Job’s wife.--Act. ii. 1.

Lady Jane Vibrate, daughter of Lord and Lady Vibrate. An amiable young lady, attached to Delaval, whom she marries.--Holcroft, He’s Much to Blame (1790).

=Vicar of Bray= (The). Mr. Brome says the noted vicar was Simon Alleyn, vicar of Bray, in Berkshire, for fifty years. In the reign of Henry VIII. he was catholic till the Reformation; in the reign of Edward VI. he was =calvanist=; in the reign of Mary he was papist; in the reign of Elizabeth he was protestant. No matter who was king, he resolved to die the vicar of Bray.--D’Israeli, Curiosities of Literature.

Another statement gives the name of Pendleton as the true vicar. He was afterwards rector of St. Stephen’s, Walbrook (Edward VI. to Elizabeth).

Hadyn says the vicar referred to in the song was Simon Symonds, who lived in the Commonwealth, and continued vicar till the reign of William and Mary. He was independent in the protectorate, episcopalian under Charles II., papist under James II., moderate protestant under William and Mary.

⁂ The song called The Vicar of Bray was written in the reign of George I., by Colonel Fuller, or an officer in Fuller’s regiment, and does not refer to Alleyn, Pendleton, or Symonds, but to some real or imaginary person, who was vicar of Bray, from Charles II. to George I. The first verse begins: “In good King Charles’s golden days” I was a zealous high-church*-man. Ver. 2: “When royal James obtained the crown,” I found the Church of Rome would fit my constitution. Ver. 3: “When William was our king declared,” I swore to him allegiance. Ver. 4: “When gracious Anne became our queen,” I became a tory. Ver. 5: “When George, in pudding-time came o’er,” I became a whig. And “George my lawful king shall be--until the times do alter.”

I have had a long chase after the vicar of Bray, on whom the proverb ... Mr. Fuller, in his Worthies ... takes no notice of him.... I am informed it is Simon Alleyn or Allen who was vicar of Bray about 1540, and died, 1588.--Brome to Rawlins, June 14, 1735. (See Letters from the Bodleian, II. i. 100.)

=Vicar of Wakefield= (The), Dr. Primrose, a simple-minded, pious clergyman, with six children. He begins life with a good fortune, a handsome house, and wealthy friends, but is reduced to utter poverty without any fault of his own, and, being reduced like Job, like Job he is restored. First, he loses his fortune through the rascality of the merchant who held it. His next great sorrow was the elopement of his eldest daughter, Olivia, with Squire Thornhill. His third was the entire destruction by fire of his house, furniture and books, together with the savings which he had laid by for his daughters’ marriage portions. His fourth was being incarcerated in the county jail by Squire Thornhill for rent, his wife and family being driven out of house and home. His fifth was the announcement that his daughter, Olivia, “was dead,” and that his daughter, Sophia, had been abducted. His sixth was the imprisonment of his eldest son, George, for sending a challenge to Squire Thornhill. His cup of sorrow was now full, and comfort was at hand: (1) Olivia was not really dead, but was said to be so in order to get the vicar to submit to the squire, and thus obtain his release. (2) His daughter, Sophia, had been rescued by Mr. Burchell (Sir William Thornhill), who asked her hand in marriage. (3) His son, George, was liberated from prison, and married Miss Wilmot, an heiress. (4) Olivia’s marriage to the squire, which was said to have been informal, was shown to be legal and binding. (5) The old vicar was released, re-established in his vicarage, and recovered a part of his fortune.--Goldsmith, The Vicar of Wakefield (1766).

⁂ This novel has been dramatized several times: In 1819 it was performed in the Surrey Theatre; in 1823 it was turned into an opera; in 1850 Tom Taylor dramatized it; in 1878 W. G. Wills converted it into a drama of four acts, entitled Olivia.

The real interest of the story lies in the development of the character of the amiable vicar, so rich in heavenly, so poor in earthly wisdom; possessing little for himself, yet ready to make that little less, whenever misery appeals to his compassion. With enough of worldly vanity about him to show that he shares the weakness of our nature; ready to be imposed upon by cosmogonies and fictitious bills of exchange, and yet commanding, by the simple and serene dignity of goodness, the respect even of the profligate.--Encyc. Brit., Art. “Romance.”

=Victor Amade´us= (4 syl.), king of Sardinia (1665, 1675-1732), noted for his tortuous policy. He was fierce, audacious, unscrupulous and selfish, profound in dissimulation, prolific in resources, and a “breaker of vows both to God and man.” In 1730 he abdicated, but a few months later wanted to regain the throne, which his son, Charles Emmanuel, refused to resign. On again plotting to recover the crown, he was arrested by D’Ormēa, the prime minister, and died.--R. Browning, King Victor and King Charles Emmanuel.

=Victoria= (Donna), the young wife of Don Carlos. Don Carlos had given to Donna Laura (a courtezan) the deeds of his wife’s estate; and Victoria, to get them back, dressed in man’s apparel, assumed the name of Florio, and made love to Laura. Having secured a footing, she introduced Gasper as the rich uncle of Victoria, and Gasper persuaded Laura that the deeds were wholly worthless, whereupon Laura tore them to pieces. By this manœuvre the estate was saved, and Don Carlos rescued from ruin.--Mrs. Cowley, A Bold Stroke for a Husband (1782).

=Victorious= (The). Almanzor means “victorious.” The Caliph Almanzor was the founder of Bagdad.

Thou, too, art fallen, Bagdad, city of peace! Thou, too, hast had thy day!... Thy founder The Victorious. Southey, Thalaba, the Destroyer, v. 6 (1797).

=Victory= (The), Nelson’s ship.

At the head of the line goes the Victory, With Nelson on the deck, And on his breast the orders shine Like the stars on a shattered wreck. Lord Lytton, Ode, iii. 9 (1839).

=Vidar=, the god of wisdom, noted for his thick shoes, and not unfrequently called “The god with the thick shoes.”--Scandinavian Mythology.

=Vienne= (The archbishop of), chancellor of Burgundy.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Vifell=, father of Viking, famous for being the possessor of Angurva´del, the celebrated sword made in the East by dwarfs. Vifell won it from Björn Blœtand, and killed with it the giant Iernhös, whom he cleft from head to waist with a single stroke. Vifell left it to Viking, Viking to Thorsten, and Thorsten to his son, Frithjof. The hilt of the sword was gold, and the blade written with runes, which were dull in times of peace, but in war glittered “red as the crest of a cock when he fighteth.”--Tegnér, Frithjof Saga, iii. (1825).

=Villalpando= (Gaspar Cardillos de), a Spanish theologian, controversialist and commentator (1505-1570).

“Truly,” replied the canon, “I am better acquainted with books of chivalry than with Villalpando’s divinity.”--Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. iv. 17 (1605).

=Ville´rius=, in Davenant’s Siege of Rhodes (1656).

... pale with envy, Singleton foreswore The lute and sword, which he in triumph bore, And vowed he ne’er would act Villerius more. Dryden, MacFlecknoe (1682).

⁂ This was a favorite part of Singleton.

=Villers= (Mr.), a gentleman who professed a supreme contempt for women, and declared, if he ever married, he should prefer Widow Racket to be his executioner.--Mrs. Cowley, The Belle’s Stratagem (1780).

=Villiard=, a villain from whose hands Charles Belmont rescued Fidelia.--E. Moore, The Foundling (1748).

=Vincent= (Jenkin), or “Jin Vin,” one of old Ramsay’s apprentices, in love with Margaret Ramsay.--Sir W. Scott, Fortunes of Nigel (time, James I.).

=Vincent de la Rosa=, a boastful, vain, heartless adventurer, son of a poor laborer, who had served in the Italian wars. Coming to the village in which Leandra lived, he induced her to elope with him, and, having spoiled her of her jewels, money and other valuables, deserted her, and she was sent to a convent till the affair had blown over.

He wore a gay uniform, bedecked with glass buttons and steel ornaments; to-day he dressed himself in one piece of finery, and to-morrow in another. He would seat himself upon a bench under a large poplar, and entertain the villagers with his travels and exploits, assuring them there was not a country in the whole world he had not seen, nor a battle in which he had not taken part. He had slain more Moors than ever Tunis or Morocco produced; and as to duels, he had fought more than ever Gante had, or Luna, Diego Garcia de Paredez, or any other champion, always coming off victorious, and without losing one drop of blood.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. iv. 20 (“The Goat-herd’s Story,” 1605).

=Vincen´tio=, duke of Vienna. He delegates his office to Angelo, and leaves Vienna for a time, under the pretence of going on a distant journey; but, by assuming a monk’s hood, he observes, incognito, the conduct of his different officers. Angelo tries to dishonor Isabella, but the duke re-appears in due time and rescues her, while Angelo is made to marry Mariana, to whom he was already betrothed.--Shakespeare, Measure for Measure (1603).

⁂ Mariana was Angelo’s wife by civil contract, or, as the duke says to her, “He is thy husband by pre-contract,” though the Church had not yet sanctified the union and blessed it. Still, the duke says that it would be “no sin” in her to account herself his wife, and to perform towards him the duties of a wife. Angelo’s neglect of her was “a civil divorce,” which would have been a “sin” if the Church had sanctified the union, but which, till then, was only a moral or civil offence. Mariana also considered herself Angelo’s “wife,” and calls him “her husband.” This is an interesting illustration of the “civil contract” of matrimony long before “The Marriage Registration Act,” in 1837.

Vincentio, an old gentleman of Pisa, in Shakespeare’s comedy called The Taming of the Shrew (1593).

Vincentio, the troth-plight of Evadne, sister of the marquis of Colonna. Being himself without guile, he is unsuspicious, and when Ludovico, the traitor, tells him that Evadne is the king’s wanton, he believes it and casts her off. This brings about a duel between him and Evadne’s brother, in which Vincentio falls. He is not, however, killed; and when the villainy of Ludovico is brought to light, he re-appears and marries Evadne.--Sheil, Evadne, or The Statue (1820).

Vincentio (Don), a young man who was music mad, and said that the summum bonum of life is to get talked about. Like Queen Elizabeth, he loved a “crash” in music, plenty of noise and fury. Olivia de Zuniga disgusted him by maintaining the jew’s-harp to be the prince of musical instruments.--Mrs. Cowley, A Bold Stroke for a Husband (1782).

=Vi´ola=, sister of Sebastian; a young lady of Messaline. They were twins, and so much alike that they could be distinguished only by their dress. Viola and her brother were shipwrecked off the coast of Illyria, Viola was brought to shore by the captain, but her brother was left to shift for himself. Being a stranger in a strange land, Viola dressed as a page, and, under the name of Cesario, entered the service of Orsīno, duke of Illyria. The duke greatly liked his beautiful page, and, when he discovered her true sex, married her.--Skakespeare, Twelfth Night (1602).

=Vi´ola and Hono´ra=, daughter of General Archas, “the loyal subject” of the great-duke of Muscovia.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Loyal Subject (1618).

=Violan´te= (4 syl.), the supposed wife of Don Henrique (2 syl.), an uxorious Spanish nobleman.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Spanish Curate (1622).

Violante, the betrothed of Don Alonzo, of Alcazar, but given in marriage by King Sebastian to Henri´quez. This caused Alonzo to desert and join the emperor of Barbary. As renegade, he took the name of Dorax, and assumed the Moorish costume. In the war which followed, he saved Sebastian’s life, was told that Henriquez had died in battle, and that Violante, who never swerved from his love, being a young widow, was free and willing to be his wife.--Dryden, Don Sebastian (1690).

Violante, an attendant on the Princess Anna Comnēna, the historian.--Sir W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

Violante, (4 syl.), wife of Pietro (2 syl.), and putative mother of Pompilia. Violantê provided this suppositious child partly to please old Pietro, and partly to cheat the rightful heirs.--R. Browning, The Ring and the Book, ii.

Violante (Donna), daughter of Don Pedro, a Portuguese nobleman, who intends to make her a nun; but she falls in love with Don Felix, the son of Don Lopez. Isabella (sister of Don Felix), in order to escape a hateful marriage, takes refuge with Donna Violantê (4 syl.), who “keeps the secret” close, even at the risk of losing her sweetheart, for Felix discovers that a Colonel Briton calls at the house, and supposes Violantê to be the object of his visits. Ultimately the mystery is cleared up, and a double marriage takes place.--Mrs. Centlivre, The Wonder (1714).

Mrs. Yates (in the last act), with Garrick as “Don Felix,” was admirable. Felix, thinking he has gone too far, applies himself to soothe his Violantê. She turns from him and draws away her chair; he follows, and she draws further away. At length, by his winning, entreating, and cajoling, she is gradually induced to melt, and finally makes it up with him. Her condescension ... was admirable; her dignity was great and lofty, ... and when by degrees she laid aside her frown, and her lips relaxed into a smile, ... nothing could be more lovely and irresistible.... It laid the whole audience, as well as the lover, at her feet.--William Goodwin.

=Violen´ta=, any young lady nonentity; one who contributes nothing to the amusement or conversation of a party. Violenta is one of the dramatis personæ of Shakespeare’s All’s Well that Ends Well, but she only enters once, and then she neither speaks nor is spoken to (1598). (See ROGERO.)

Violenta, the fairy mother, who brought up the young princess, who was metamorphosed into a white cat for refusing to marry Migonnet (a hideously misshapen fairy).--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“The White Cat,” 1682).

=Violet=, the ward of Lady Arundel. She is in love with Norman, the “sea-captain,” who turns out to be the son of Lady Arundel by her first husband, and heir to the title and estates.--Lord Lytton, The Sea-Captain (1839).

Violet (Father), a sobriquet of Napoleon I.; also called “Corporal Violet” (1769, 1804-1815, died, 1821).

⁂ Violets were the flowers of the empire, and when, in 1879, the ex-empress Eugénie was visited at Chislehurst by those who sympathized with her in the death of her son, “the prince imperial,” they were worn as symbols of attachment to the imperial family of France. The name was given to Napoleon on his banishment to Elba (1815), and implied that “he would return to France with the violets”.

=Violet-Crowned City= (The). Athens is so called by Aristophănês, (ιοστέφανος) (see Equites, 1323 and 1329; and Acharnians, 637). Macaulay refers to Athens as “the violet-crowned city.” Ion (a violet) was a representative king of Athens, whose four sons gave names to the four Athenian classes; and Greece, in Asia Minor, was called Ionia. Athens was the city of “Ion crowned its king,” and hence was the “Ion crowned” or King Ion’s city. Translating the word Ion into English, Athens was the “Violet-crowned” or King Violet’s city. Of course, the pun is the chief point, and was quite legitimate in comedy.

Similarly, Paris is called the “city of lillies,” by a pun between Louis and lys (the flower-de-luce), and France is l’empire des lys or l’empire des Louis.

By a similar pun, London might be called “the noisy town,” from hlúd, “noisy.”

=Violetta=, a Portuguese, married to Belfield, the elder brother, but deserted by him. The faithless husband gets betrothed to Sophia (daughter of Sir Benjamin Dove), who loves the younger brother. Both Violetta and the younger brother are shipwrecked and cast on the coast of Cornwall, in the vicinity of Squire Belfield’s estate; and Sophia is informed that her “betrothed” is a married man. She is therefore free from her betrothal, and marries the younger brother, the man of her choice; while the elder brother takes back his wife, to whom he becomes reconciled.--R. Cumberland, The Brothers (1769).

=Violin= (The Angel with the). Rubens’s “Harmony” is an angel of the male sex playing a bass-viol.

The angel with the violin, Painted by Raphael, (?) he seemed. Longfellow, The Wayside Inn (1863).

=Violin-Makers= (The best): Gasparo di Salo (1560-1610); Nicholas Amati (1596-1684); Antonio Stradivari (1670-1728); Joseph A. Guarneri (1683-1745).

⁂ Of these, Stradivari was the best, and Nicholas Amati the next best.

The following are eminent, but not equal to the names given above:--Joseph Steiner (1620-1667); Matthias Klotz (1650-1696). (See Otto, On the Violin.)

=Vipont= (Sir Ralph de) a knight of St. John. He is one of the knights challengers.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Virgil=, in the Gesta Romanorum, is represented as a mighty but benevolent enchanter, and this is the character that Italian romances give him.

Similarly, Sir Walter Scott is called “The Great Wizard of the North.”

Virgil, in Dantê, is the personification of human wisdom, Beatrice of the wisdom which comes of faith, and St. Bernard of spiritual wisdom. Virgil conducts Dantê through the Inferno and through Purgatory too, till the seven P’s (peccata “sins”) are obliterated from his brow, when Beatrice becomes his guide. St. Bernard is his guide through a part of Paradise. Virgil says to Dantê:

What reason here discovers, I have power To show thee; that which lies beyond, expect From Beatrice----faith not reason’s task. Dantê, Purgatory, xviii. (1308).

Virgil. The inscription on his tomb (said to have been written by himself) was:

Mantua me genuit; Calabri rapuere; tenet nunc Parthenope; cecini pascua, rura, duces.

In Mantua was I born; Calabria saw me die; Of sheep, fields, wars I sung; and now in Naples lie.

Virgil (The Christian), Giacomo Sannazaro (1458-1530).

Marco Girolamo Vida, author of Christias (in six books), is also called “The Christian Virgil” (1490-1566).

⁂ Aurelius Clemens Prudentius, of Spain, is called by Bentley “The Virgil and Horace of Christians” (348-*).

=Virgil of our Dramatic Poets= (The). Ben Jonson is so called by Dryden (1574-1637).

Shakespeare was the Homer or father of our dramatic poets; Jonson was the Virgil, and pattern of elaborate writing. I admire rare Ben, but I love Shakespeare.--Dryden.

=Virgil of the French Drama= (The). Jean Racine is so called by Sir Walter Scott (1639-1699).

=Virgil’s Courtship.= Godfrey Gobilyve told Graunde Amoure that Virgil, the poet, once made proposals to a lady of high rank in the Roman court, who resolved to punish him for his presumption. She told him that if he would appear on a given night before her window, he should be drawn up in a basket. Accordingly he kept his appointment, got into the basket, and, being drawn some twenty feet from the ground, was left there dangling till noon the next day, the laugh and butt of the court and city.--Stephen Hawes, The Passe-tyme of Plesure, xxix. (1515).

=Virgil’s Gnat= (the Culex, ascribed to Virgil). A shepherd, having fallen asleep in the open air, was on the point of becoming the prey of a serpent, when a gnat stung him on the eyelid. The shepherd crushed the gnat, but at the same time alarmed the serpent, which the shepherd saw and beat to death. Next night the gnat appeared to the shepherd in a dream, and reproached him for ingratitude, whereupon he raised a monument in honor of his deliverer. Spenser has a free translation of this story, which he calls Virgil’s Gnat (1580). (See USE OF PESTS.)

=Virgile du Rabut= (Le), “The Virgil of the Plane,” Adam Bellaut, the joiner-poet, who died, 1662. He was pensioned by Richelieu, patronized by the “Great Condé,” and praised by Pierre Corneille.

=Virgil´ia= is made by Shakespeare the wife of Coriolanus, and Volumnia his mother; but historically Volumnia was his wife, and Vetu´ria his mother.--Coriolanus (1610).

The old man’s merriment in Menenius; the lofty lady’s dignity in Volumnia; the bridal modesty in Virgilia; the patrician and military haughtiness in Coriolanus; the plebeian malignity and tribunitian insolence in Brutus and Sicinius, make a very pleasing and interesting variety.--Dr. Johnson, On Coriolanus.

=Virgil´ius=, Feargil, bishop of Saltzburg, an Irishman. He was denounced as a heretic for asserting the existence of antipodês (*-784). (See HERESY.)

⁂ Metz, in France, was so called in the Franco-Prussian war (1870-1).

=Virgin Martyr= (The), a tragedy by Philip Massinger (1622).

=Virgin Mary= (The), is addressed by the following titles:--“Empress and Queen of Heaven;” “Empress and Queen of Angels;” “Empress and Queen of the Earth;” “Lady of the Universe or of the World;” “Mistress of the World;” “Patroness of all Men;” “Advocate for Sinners;” “Mediatrix;” “Gate of Paradise;” “Mother of Mercies and of Divine Grace;” “Goddess;” “The only Hope of Sinners,” etc., etc.

It is said that Peter Fullo, in 480, was the first to introduce invocations to the Virgin.

=Virgin Modesty.= John Wilmot, earl of Rochester, was so called by Charles II., because of his propensity to blushing (1647-1680).

=Virgin Queen= (The), Elizabeth (1533, 1558-1603).

=Virgin Unmasked= (The), a farce by H. Fielding. Goodwill had acquired by trade £10,000, and resolved to give his daughter Lucy to one of his relations, in order to keep the money in the family. He sent for her bachelor relations, and told them his intention; they were Blister (the apothecary), Coupee (the dancing-master), and Quaver (the singing-master). They all preferred their professions to the young lady, and while they were quarrelling about the superiority of their respective callings, Lucy married Thomas, the footman. Old Goodwill says, “I don’t know but that my daughter has made a better choice than if she had married one of these booby relations.”

=Virginians= (The), a sequel to Henry Esmond. It gives the story of Colonel Esmond’s twin grandsons, George and Harry Warrington, born and brought up in Virginia. George joins Braddock’s expedition, and is reported killed, Harry goes to England. George, escaping from Indian captivity, joins his brother, whom everybody had supposed the head of the family. Harry enters the army and George marries. One of the characters introduced in the book is George Washington, whom the twins believe to be in love with their widowed mother.--W. M. Thackeray, The Virginians.

=Virgins= (The Eleven Thousand). Ursul or Hörsel in Swabia, like Hulda in Scandinavia, means “the moon,” and her eleven thousand virgins are the stars. The bones shown in Cologne, as those of the eleven thousand virgins are those of males and females of all ages, and were taken from an old Roman cemetery across which the wall of Cologne ran (1106).

=Virginia=, a young Roman plebeian of great beauty, coveted by Appius Claudius, one of the decemvirs, and claimed as his slave. Her father, Virginius, being told of it, hastened to the forum, and arrived at the moment when Virginia was about to be delivered up to Appius. He seized a butcher’s knife, stabbed his daughter to the heart, rushed from the forum, and raised a revolt.

This has been the subject of a host of tragedies. In French, by Mairet (1628), by Leclerc (1645), by Campistron (1683), by La Beaumelle (1760), by Chabanon (1769), by Laharpe (1786), by Leblanc du Guillet (1786), by Guiraud (1827), by Latour St. Ybars (1845), etc. In Italian, by Alfieri (1783). In German, by Gotthold Lessing (eighteenth century). In English, by John Webster, entitled Appius and Virginia (1654); by Miss Brooke (1760); J. S. Knowles (1820), Virginius.

It is one of Lord Macaulay’s lays (1842), supposed to be sung in the forum on the day when Sextus and Licinius were elected tribunes for the fifth time.

Virginia, the daughter of Mde. de la Tour. Madame was of a good family in Normandy, but, having married beneath her social position, was tabooed by her family. Her husband died before the birth of his first child, and the widow went to live at Port Louis, in the Mauritius, where Virginia was born. Their only neighbor was Margaret, with her love-child, Paul, an infant. The two children grew up together, and became strongly attached; but when Virginia was 15 years old, her wealthy great-aunt adopted her and requested that she might be sent immediately to France to finish her education. The aunt wanted her to marry a French count, and as Virginia refused to do so, disinherited her and sent her back to the Mauritius. When within a cable’s length of the island, a hurricane dashed the ship to pieces, and the corpse of Virginia was cast on the shore. Paul drooped, and died within two months.--Bernardin de St. Pierre, Paul and Virginia (1788).

⁂ In Cobb’s dramatic version of this story, Virginia’s mother is of Spanish origin, and dies committing Virginia to the charge of Dominique, a faithful old negro servant. The aunt is Donna Leonora de Guzman, who sends Don Antonio de Guardes to bring Virginia to Spain, and there to make her his bride. She is carried to the ship by force; but scarcely is she set on board when a hurricane dashes the vessel to pieces. Antonio is drowned, but Virginia is rescued by Alhambra, a runaway slave, whom she has befriended. The drama ends with the marriage between Virginia and Paul (1756-1818).

=Virginius=, father of the Roman Virginia, the title of a tragedy by S. Knowles (1820). (For the tale, see VIRGINIA.)

Macready (1793-1873) made the part of “Virginius” in Knowles’s drama so called, but the first to act it was John Cooper, in Glasgow (1820).

=Visin=, a Russian who had the power of blunting weapons by a look. Starchat´erus, the Swede, when he went against him, covered his sword with thin leather, and by this means obtained an easy victory.

=Vision of Judgment= (The), a poem in twelve parts, by Southey, written in hexameter verse (1820). The laureate supposes that he has a vision of George III., just dead, tried at the bar of heaven. Wilkes is his chief accuser, and Washington his chief defender. Judgment is given by acclamation in favor of the king, and in heaven he is welcomed by Alfred, Richard Cœur de Lion, Edward III., Queen Elizabeth, Charles I. and William III., Bede, Friar Bacon, Chaucer, Spenser, the duke of Marlborough and Berkeley the sceptic, Hogarth, Burke the infidel, Chatterton, who made away with himself, Canning, Nelson and all the royal family who were then dead.

⁂ Of all the literary productions ever issued from the press, never was one printed of worse taste than this. Byron wrote a quiz on it called The Vision of Judgment, in 106 stanzas of eight lines each (1820).

=Visines, De= (The). The uncle, an emigrant abbé who teaches French in Philadelphia, to private pupils. One of these is Marguerite Howard, with whom the nephew, Henri De Visines, speedily falls in love. The girl, in skating, finds herself upon a floating cake of ice from which she is rescued by Henri De Visines. A series of revelations brings about the truth that Marguerite is of the De Visine blood, and in due time she marries her newly-found cousin.--S. Weir Mitchell, Hephzibah Guinness (1880).

=Vita´lis=, the pseudonym of Eric Sjöberg, a Swedish poet. (Latin, vita lis, “life is a strife.”)

=Viti´za= or =Witi´za=, king of the Visigoths, who put out the eyes of Cordŏva, the father of Roderick. He was himself dethroned and blinded by Roderick.--Southey, Roderick, the Last of the Goths (1814).

=Vitruvius= (The English), Inigo Jones (1572-1652).

=Vivian=, brother of Maugis d’Agremont, and son of Duke Bevis of Agremont. He was stolen in infancy by Tapinel, and sold to the wife of Sorgalant.--Roman de Maugis d’Agremont et de Vivian son Frère.

Vivian, son of Buovo (2 syl.), of the house of Clarmont, and brother of Aldiger and Malagigi.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

=Viviane= (3 syl.), daughter of Dyonas, a vavasour of high lineage, and generally called the “Lady of the Lake.” Merlin, in his dotage, fell in love with her, and she imprisoned him in the forest of Brécéliande, in Brittany. Viviane induced Merlin to show her how a person could be imprisoned by enchantment without walls, towers, or chains, and after he had done so, she fondled him into a sleep under a whitethorn laden with flowers. While thus he slept, she made a ring with her wimple round the bush, and performed the other needful ceremonies, whereupon he found himself enclosed in a prison stronger than the strongest tower, and from that imprisonment was never again released.--Merlin (a romance).

⁂ See the next article.

=Viv´ien= or =Vivian=, the personification of shameless harlotry, or the crowning result to be expected from the infidelity of Queen Guin´evere. This wily wanton in Arthur’s court hated all the knights, and tried without success to seduce “the blameless king.” With Merlin, she succeeded better, for, being pestered with her importunity, he told her the secret of his power, as Samson told Delilah the secret of his strength. Having learnt this, Vivien enclosed the magician in a hollow oak, where he was confined as one dead, “lost to life, and use, and name, and fame.”--Tennyson, Idylls of the King (“Vivien,” 1858-9). (See VIVIANE.)

⁂ In Malory’s History of Prince Arthur, i. 60, Nimue (? Ninive) is the fée who inveigled Merlin out of his secret:

And so upon a time it happened that Merlin shewed to her [Nimue] in a rock, whereas was a great wonder, and wrought by enchantment, which went under a stone. So by her subtle craft and working, she made Merlin to go under that stone, to let her wit of the marvels there; but she wrought so there for him that he came never out, for all his craft. And so she departed and left him there.

=Voadic´ia= or =Boadice´a=, queen of the British Icēni. Enraged against the Romans, who had defiled her two daughters, she excited an insurrection against them, and while Suetonius Paulīnus, the Roman governor, was in Mona (Anglesea), she took Colchester and London, and slew 70,000 Romans. Being at length defeated by Suetonius Paulinus, she put an end to her life by poison (A.D. 61).

Cowper has an ode on Boadicea (1790).

Brave Voadicĭa made with her resolvedest men To Virolam [St. Alban’s], whose siege with fire and sword she plyed Till levelled with the earth ... etc. Drayton, Polyolbion, viii. (1612).

=Voadine= (2 syl.), bishop of London, who reproved Vortiger[n] for loving another man’s wife and neglecting his own queen, for which reproof the good bishop was murdered.

... good Voadine, who reproved Proud Vortiger, his king, unlawfully that loved Another’s wanton wife, and wronged his nuptial bed, For which by that stern prince unjustly murdered. Drayton, Polyolbion, xxiv. (1622).

⁂ This is very like the story of John the Baptist and Herod.

=Voice= (Human). The following animals possessed both human voice and articulate speech, speaking in the language of their masters:--

AL BORAK, the animal which conveyed Mahomet to the seventh heaven. He not only spoke good Arabic, but had also a human face.

ARION, the wonderful horse which Herculés gave to Adrastos. It not only spoke good Greek, but both his near feet were those of a man.

BALAAM’S ASS spoke Hebrew to Balaam on one occasion.--Numb. xxii.

THE BLACK PIGEONS, one of which gave the responses in the temple of Ammon, and the other in Dodōna.--Classic Story.

The BULBUL-HEZAR, which had not only human speech, but was oracular also.--Arabian Nights (“The Two Sisters”).

COMRADE, Fortunio’s horse, spoke with the voice of a man.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“Fortunio”).

The little GREEN BIRD which Fairstar obtained possession of, not only answered in words any questions asked it, but was also prophetic and oracular.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“Cherry and Fairstar”).

KATMÎR, the dog of the Seven Sleepers, spoke Greek.--Al Korân, xviii.

SÄLEH’S CAMEL used to go about crying, in good Arabic, “Ho! every one that wanteth milk, let him come, and I will give it him.”--Sale, Al Korân, vii. (notes).

The SERPENT which tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit.--Gen. iii.

TEMLIHA, the king of serpents, had the gift of human speech.--Comte de Caylus, Oriental Tales (“History of Aboutaleb”).

XANTHOS, one of the horses of Achillês, announced to the hero, in good Greek, his approaching death.--Classic Fable.

=Voiture= (2 syl.), a French poet, idolized by his contemporaries in the reign of Louis XIV., but now only known by name (1598-1648).

E’en rival wits did Voiture’s death deplore, And the gay mourned, who never mourned before; The truest hearts for Voiture heaved with sighs, Voiture was wept by all the brightest eyes. Pope, Epistle to Miss Blount (1715).

=Voland= (Squire), the devil. (German, Junker Voland.)

=Volan´te= (3 syl.), one of the three daughters of Balthazar. Lively, witty, sharp as a needle and high-spirited. She loves the Count Montalban; but when the count disguises himself as a father confessor, in order to sound her love for him, she sees the trick in a moment, and says to him, “Come, count, pull off your lion’s hide, and confess yourself an ass.” Subsequently, all ends happily and well.--J. Tobin, The Honeymoon (1804).

=Volet´ta=, Free-will personified.

Voletta, Whom neither man, nor fiend, nor God constrains. Phineas Fletcher, The Purple Island, vi. (1633).

=Volksmährchen= (“popular tales”), in German, the best exponents being Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853), Musäus (1735-1787), De la Motte Fouqué (see UNDINE), Chamisso (see SCHLEMIHL, PETER), Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827), Achim von Arnim (1781-1831), Clemens Brentano (1777-1842), Zschokke (1771-1848), Hoffmann (1776-1822), Gustav Freytag, “The German Dickens” (1816-1878), and the brothers Grimm.

=Vol´pone= (2 syl.), or THE FOX, a comedy by Ben Jonson (1605). Volpone, a rich Venetian nobleman, without children, feigns to be dying, in order to draw gifts from those who pay court to him under the expectation of becoming his heirs. Mosca, his knavish confederate, persuades each in turn that he is named for the inheritance, and by this means exacts many a costly present. At the end, Volpone is betrayed, his property forfeited, and he is sentenced to lie in the worst hospital in all Venice.

Jonson has three great comedies: Volpone, or The Fox, Epicene, or The Silent Woman, and The Alchemist.--R. Chambers, English Literature, i. 192.

=Volscius= (Prince), a military hero, who falls in love with the fair Parthenŏpê, and disputes with Prince Prettyman upon the superiority of his sweetheart to Cloris, whom Prince Prettyman sighs for.--Duke of Buckingham, The Rehearsal (1671).

Why, this is worse than Prince Volscius in love!--Sir W. Scott.

Oh, be merry, by all means. Prince Volscius in love! Ha, ha, ha!--W. Congreve, The Double Dealer (1694).

=Volsunga Saga= (The), a collection of tales in verse about the early Teutonic heroes, compiled by Sæmund Sigfusson in the eleventh century. A prose version was made some 200 years later by Snorro Sturleson. This saga forms a part of the Rhythmical, or Elder Edda, and of the Prose, or Younger Edda.

=Voltaire= (The German), Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1838).

Christoph Martin Wieland is also called “The German Voltaire” (1733-1813).

Voltaire (The Polish), Ignatius Krasicki (1774-1801).

Voltaire (The Russian), Alex P. Sumorokof (1727-1777).

=Vol´timand=, a courtier in the court of Claudius, king of Denmark.--Shakespeare, Hamlet (1596).

=Volumnia= was the wife of Coriolanus, and Vetu´ria his mother; but Shakespeare makes Virgilia the wife, and Volumnia the mother.--Coriolanus (1610).

The old man’s merriment in Menenius; the lofty lady’s dignity in Volumnia; the bridal modesty in Virgilia; the patrician and military haughtiness in Coriolanus; the plebeian malignity and tribunitian insolence in Brutus and Sicinius, make a very pleasing and interesting variety.--Dr. Johnson.

=Voluspa Saga= (The), the prophecy of Völa. It contains between 200 and 300 verses, and resembles the Sibylline books of ancient Rome. The Voluspa Saga gives, in verse, a description of chaos, the formation of the world, the creation of all animals (including dwarfs and giants, genii and devils, fairies and goblins), the final conflagration of the world and its renewal, when it will appear in celestial beauty, like the new Jerusalem described in the book of the Revelation.

=Vorst= (Peterkin), the sleeping sentinel at Powys Castle.--Sir W. Scott, The Betrothed (time, Henry II.).

=Vortigern=, counsel of the Gewisseans, who crowned Constans, king of Britain, although he was a monk, but treacherously contrived to get him assassinated afterwards, and then usurped the crown. He married Rowen’a, daughter of Hengist, and was burnt to death in a tower set on fire during a siege by Ambrosius.--Geoffrey, British History, vi. 6; viii. 1 (1142).

Vortigern, a drama put forward by Henry W. Ireland (1796) as a newly discovered play by Shakespeare. It was brought out at Drury Lane Theatre, by John Kemble. Dr. Parr declared it to be his opinion that the play was genuine.

=Vortigern and Hengist.= The account of the massacre of the Long-Knives, given by Geoffrey, in his British History, vi. 15, differs greatly from that of the Welsh Triads (See STONEHENGE, A TROPHY). Geoffrey says that Hengist came over with a large army, at which King Vortigern was alarmed. To allay this suspicion, Hengist promised to send back all the men that the king did not require, and begged Vortigern to meet him in conference at Ambrius (Ambresbury), on May-day. Hengist, in the meantime, secretly armed a number of his soldiers with “long-knives,” and told them to fall on the Britons during the conference, when he uttered the words, “Nemet oure Saxas.” This they did, and 460 “barons and consuls” fell. It does not appear from this narrative that the slaughter was due “to the treachery of Vortigern,” but was wholly the work of Hengist. Geoffrey calls the earl of Gloucester “Eldol,” and not “Eidiol.”

=Vortigern’s Tower=, like Penelopê’s web, is a work ever beginning, and never ending. Vortigern was told by his magicians to build a strong tower for his own security; so he commanded his workmen to build one on Mount Erir, but whatever they built one day, was wholly swallowed up by the earth during the night.--Geoffrey, British History, vi. 17 (1142).

=Vos non Vobis.= The tale is that Virgil wrote an epigram on Augustus Cæsar, which so much pleased the emperor that he desired to know who was the author. As Virgil did not claim the lines, one Bathyllus declared they were his. This displeased Virgil, and he wrote these four words, Sic vos non vobis ... four times as the commencement of four lines, and Bathyllus was requested to finish them. This he could not do, but Virgil completed the lines thus:

Sic vos non vobis nidificatis aves; Sic vos non vobis villera fertis oves; Sic vos non vobis mellificatis apes; Sic vos non vobis fertis aratra boves.

Not for yourselves your nests ye song-birds build; Not for yourselves ye sheep your fleeces bear; Not for yourselves your hives ye bees have filled; Not for yourselves ye oxen draw the share.

=Vox et præterea Nihil.= A Spartan, pulling a nightingale, and finding only a very small body, exclaimed, φωνὰ τύ τις ἐσσι, καὶ οὐδὲν ἄλλο (“Voice art thou, and nothing more”).--Plutarch, Apophthegmata Laconica.

=Vox= (Valentine), enterprising ventriloquist, who figures in the novel called by his name.--Henry Cochton (1840).

=Vran= (Bendigeid, i.e., “Blessed”), king of Britain, and father of Caradawc (Caractacus). He was called “Blessed,” because he introduced Christianity into this island. Vran had shared the captivity of his son, and had learned the Christian faith during his seven years’ detention in Rome.

Vran or Bran the Blessed, son of Llyr, first brought the faith of Christ to the nation of the Cymry, from Rome, where he was seven years a hostage for his son, Caradawc, whom the Romans made prisoner, through craft and the treachery of Aregwedd Fôeddawg [Cartismandua] Welsh Triads, xxxv.

=Vran’s Caldron= restored to life whoever was put therein, but the revivified never recovered speech. (See MEDEA’S KETTLE.)

“I will give thee,” said Bendigeid Vran, “a caldron, the property of which is that if one of thy men be slain to-day, and be cast therein to-morrow, he will be as well as he was at the best, except that he will not regain his speech.”--The Mabinogion (“Branwen,” etc., twelfth century).

=Vrience= (King), one of the knights of the Round Table. He married Morgan le Fay, half-sister of King Arthur.--Sir T. Malory, History of Prince Arthur (1470).

=Vulcan= was the lawful offspring of Jupiter and Juno, but the former, upon beholding his homely son, kicked him out of heaven.

“From morn To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve, A summer’s day, and with the setting sun Drop’t from the zenith like a falling star On Lemnos, the Ægean isle.” Milton, Paradise Lost, I.

His leg was broken, and he remained lame forever after. He was a blacksmith, and employed by the Cyclops to forge their thunderbolts.

=Vulcan’s Badge=, the badge of cuckoldom. Vulcan was the husband of Venus, with whom Mars intrigued.

We know Better than he have worn Vulcan’s badge. Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, act ii. sc. 1 (1593).

=Vulnerable Parts.=

ACHILLES was vulnerable only in the heel. When his mother, Thetis, dipped him in the river Styx, she held him by the heel, and the water did not touch this part.--A Post-Homeric Story.

AJAX, son of Telamon, could be wounded only behind the neck; some say only in one spot of the breast. As soon as he was born Alcīdês covered him with a lion’s skin, which rendered the whole body invulnerable, except in a part where the skin had been pierced by Herculês.

ANTÆOS was wholly charmed against death so long as he touched the earth.--Lucan, Pharsalia, iv.

FERRACUTE (3 syl.) was only vulnerable in the navel.--Turpin, Chronicle of Charlemagne.

He is called Ferrau, son of Landfūsa, by Ariosto, in his Orlando Furioso.

MEGISSOGWON was only vulnerable at one tuft of hair on his head. A woodpecker revealed the secret to Hiawatha, who struck him there and killed him.--Longfellow, Hiawatha, ix.

ORILLO was impervious to death unless one particular hair was cut off; wherefore Astolpho, when he encountered the robber, only sought to cut off this magic hair.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso.

ORLANDO was invulnerable except in the sole of his foot, and even there nothing could injure him except the prick of a pin.--ITALIAN CLASSIC FABLE.

SIEGFRIED was invulnerable except in one spot between the shoulders, on which a leaf stuck when he dipped his body in the dragon’s blood.--The Nibelungen Lied.

⁂ The Promethĕan unguent rendered the body proof against fire and wounds of any sort. Medea gave Jason some of this unguent.--Classic Story.

=Vulture= (The Black), emblem of the ancient Turk, as the crescent is of the modern Ottoman empire.

And that black vulture, which with dreadful wing O’ershadows half the earth, whose dismal sight Frightened the Muses from their native spring, Already stoops, and flags with weary wing. Phineas Fletcher, The Purple Island, vii. (1633).

=Vulture Hopkins.= John Hopkins was so called from his rapacious mode of acquiring money. He was the architect of his own fortune, and died worth £300,000 (in 1732).

⁂ Pope refers to John Hopkins in the lines:

When Hopkins dies, a thousand lights attend The wretch who, living, saved a candle end.

=Wabster= (Michael), a citizen of Perth.--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.).

=Wabun=, son of Mudjekeewis; the Indian Apollo. He chases darkness over hill and dale with his arrows, wakes man, and brings the morning. He married Wabun-Annung, who was taken to heaven at death, and became the morning star.--Longfellow, Hiawatha (1855).

=Wabun-Annung=, the morning star, a country maiden who married Wabun, the Indian Apollo.--Longfellow, Hiawatha (1855).

=Wackbairn= (Mr.), the schoolmaster at Libberton.--Sir W. Scott, Heart of Midlothian (time, George II.).

=Wackles= (Mrs. and the Misses), of Chelsea, keepers of a “Ladies’ Seminary.” English grammar, composition, geography, and the use of dumb-bells, by Miss Melissa Wackles; writing, arithmetic, dancing, music, and general fascination, by Miss Sophy Wackles; needlework, marking, and samplery, by Miss Jane Wackles; corporal punishment and domestic duties, by Mrs. Wackles. Miss Sophy was a fresh, good-natured, buxom girl of 20, who owned to a soft impeachment for Mr. Swiveller, but as he held back, she married Mr. Cheggs, a well-to-do market gardener.--C. Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, viii. (1840).

=Wade= (Miss), a handsome young woman, brought up by her grandmother, with a small independence. She looked at every act of kindness, benevolence, and charity with a jaundiced eye, and attributed it to a vile motive. Her manner was suspicious, self-secluded, and repellant; her temper proud, fiery, and unsympathetic. Twice she loved--in one case she jilted her lover, in the other she was herself jilted. The latter was Henry Gowan, who married Pet, the daughter of Mr. Meagles, and in consequence of this marriage Miss Wade hated Gowan, his wife, the Meagleses, and all their friends. She enticed Tattycoram away from Mr. Meagles, and the two beautiful young women lived together for a time, nursing their hatred of man to keep it warm.--C. Dickens, Little Dorrit, ii. 21 (1857).

=Waddell= (James), the Blind Preacher, as he was familiarly called, was a marked character in the central counties of Virginia in the latter part of the eighteenth century. He performed all the offices of a clergyman up to the time of his death, preaching with power and unction every week. “I have never,” says William Wirt, “seen in any other orator such a union of simplicity and majesty. He has not a gesture, an attitude or an accent, to which he does not seem forced by the sentiment which he is expressing.... He is not only a very polite scholar, but a man of extensive and profound erudition.”--William Wirt, The British Spy (1803).

=Wadman= (Widow), a comely widow, who would full fain secure Uncle Toby for her second husband. Amongst other wiles, she pretends to have something in her eye, and gets Uncle Toby to look for it. As the kind-hearted hero of Namur does so, the gentle widow gradually places her face nearer and nearer the captain’s mouth, under the hope that he will kiss and propose.--Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy (1759).

=Wagner=, the faithful servant and constant companion of Faust, in Marlowe’s drama called The Life and Death of Dr. Faustus (1589); in Goethe’s Faust (German, 1798); and in Gounod’s opera of Faust (1859).

Wagner is a type of the pedant. He sacrifices himself to books as Faust does to knowledge ... the dust of folios is his element, parchment the source of his inspiration.... He is one of those who, in the presence of Niagara, would vex you with questions about arrow-headed inscriptions ... or the origin of the Pelasgi.--Lewes.

=Wa´hela=, Lot’s wife, who was confederate with the men of Sodom, and gave them notice when a stranger came to visit her husband. Her sign was smoke by day and fire by night. Wahela was turned into a pillar of salt.--Jallâlo´ddin, Al Zamakh.

=Wa´ila= (3 syl.), wife of Noah, who told the people her husband was distraught.

The wife of Noah [Wâïla] and the wife of Lot [Wâhela] were both unbelievers, ... and it shall be said unto them at the last day, “Enter ye into hell fire, with those who enter therein.”--Al Korân, lxvi.

=Wainamoi´nen=, the Orpheus of Finnish mythology. His magic harp performed similar wonders to that of Orpheus (2 syl.). It was made of the bones of a pike; that of Orpheus was of tortoiseshell. The “beloved” of Wainamoinen was a treasure called Sampo, which was lost as the poet reached the verge of the realms of darkness; the “beloved” of Orpheus was Eurydi´cê, who was lost just as the poet reached the confines of earth, after his descent into hell.

⁂ See Kalewala, Rune, xxii. It is very beautiful. An extract is given in Baring Gould’s Myths of the Middle Ages, 440-444.

=Waitwell=, the lackey of Edward Mirabell, and husband of Foible, governante of the household of Lady Wishfort. By his master’s request, Waitwell personates Sir Roland, and makes love to Lady Wishfort, but the trick is discovered before much mischief is done.--W. Congreve, The Way of the World (1700).

=Wakefield= (Harry), the English drover killed by Robin Oig.--Sir W. Scott, The Two Drovers (time, George III.).

=Wakeman= (Sir George), physician to Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I.--Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

=Waldeck= (Martin), the miner, and hero of a story read by Lovel to a picnic party at the ruins of St. Ruth’s Priory.--Sir W. Scott, The Antiquary (time, George III.).

=Walde´grave= (2 syl.), leader of the British forces which joined the Hurons in extirpating the Snake Indians, but he fell in the fray (pt. i. 18).

Julia Waldegrave, wife of the above. She was bound to a tree with her child by some of the Indians during the attack. Outalissi, a Snake Indian, unbound them, took them home, and took care of them; but the mother died. Her last request was that Outalissi would carry her child to Albert of Wy´oming, her friend, and beg him to take charge of it.

Henry Waldegrave, the boy brought by Outalissi to Albert. After staying at Wyoming for three years, his English friends sent for him (he was then 12 years old). When grown to manhood, he returned to Wyoming, and was married to Gertrude; but three months afterwards Outalissi appeared, and told them that Brandt was coming with his English soldiers to destroy the village. Both Albert and Gertrude were shot in the attack; and Henry joined the army of Washington.--Campbell, Gertrude of Wyoming (1809).

=Waldemar Fitzurse= (Lord), a baron following Prince John of Anjou (brother of Richard Cœur de Lion).--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Waldstetten= (The countess of), a relative of the baron. He is one of the characters in Donnerhugel’s narrative.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Walk= (Knave) is meant for colonel Hewson, generally called “Walk, Knave, Walk,” from a tract written by Edmund Gayton, to satirize the party, and entitled Walk, Knaves, Walk.--S. Butler, Hudibras (1663-78).

=Walker= (Dr.), one of the three great quacks of the eighteenth century, the others being Dr. Rock and Dr. Timothy Franks. Goldsmith, in his Citizen of the World, has a letter (lxviii.) wholly upon these three worthies (1759).

Walker (Helen), the prototype of Jeanie Deans. Sir W. Scott caused a tombstone to be erected over her grave in Irongray churchyard, Kirkcudbright [Ke.koo´.bry].

Walker (Hookey), John Walker, outdoor clerk to Longman, Clementi and Co., Cheapside. He was noted for his hooked nose, and disliked for his official duties, which were to see that the men came and left at the proper hour, and that they worked during the hours of work. Of course, the men conspired to throw discredit on his reports; and hence when any one draws the “long-bow,” the hearer exclaims, “Hookey Walker!” as much as to say, “I don’t believe it.”

=Walking Gentleman= (A). Thomas Colley Grattan published his Highways and Byeways under this signature (1825).

=Walking Stewart=, John Stewart, an English traveller, who walked through Hindûstan, Persia, Nubia, Abyssinia, the Arabian Desert, Europe, and the North American states; “crazy beyond the reach of hellebore, yet sublime and divinely benignant.... He had seen more of the earth’s surface, and had communicated more with the children of the earth, than any man before or since.”--De Quincey, (1856).

=Walking-Stick= (Henry VIII.’s), the great Danish club shown in the armory of the Tower.

=Walkingshaw= (Miss), mistress of the chevalier Charles Edward, the Young Pretender.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Wallace’s Larder=, the dungeon of Ardrossan, in Ayrshire, where Wallace had the dead bodies thrown when the garrison was surprised by him in the reign of Edward I.

“Douglas’s Larder” is a similar phrase, meaning that horrible compound of dead bodies, barrels of flour, meal, wheat, malt, wine, ale, and beer, all mixed together in Douglas Castle, by the order of Lord James Douglas, when, in 1306, the garrison was surprised by him.

=Wallenrode= (The earl of), an Hungarian crusader.--Sir W. Scott, The Talisman (time, Richard I.).

=Wallenstein= (Max), German baron and general, eminent in the Thirty Years’ War. He was assassinated in 1634 by order of Ferdinand II. of Germany.--Schiller, Wallenstein (1799).

=Waller=, in love with Lydia, lady’s-maid to Widow Green. His love at first was not honorable, because his aristocratic pride revolted at the inferior social position of Lydia; but when he knew her real worth, he loved her, proposed marriage, and found that she was the sister of Trueworth, who had taken service to avoid an obnoxious marriage.--S. Knowles, The Love-Chase (1837).

=Waller’s Plot=, a plot organized in 1643 by Waller, the poet, against the parliamentary party. The object was to secure the king’s children, to seize the most eminent of the parliamentarians, to capture the Tower, and resist all taxes imposed for the support of the parliamentary army.

=Walley= (Richard), the regicide, whose story is told by Major Bridgenorth (a roundhead) at his dinner-table.--Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

=Walnut Web.= When the three princes of a certain king were sent to find out “a web of cloth which would pass through the eye of a fine needle,” the White Cat furnished the youngest of the three with one spun by the cats of her palace.

The prince ... took out of his box a walnut, which he cracked ... and saw a small hazel nut, which he cracked also ... and found therein a kernel of wax.... In this kernel of wax was hidden a single grain of wheat, and in the grain a small millet seed.... On opening the millet, he drew out a web of cloth 400 yards long, and in it was woven all sorts of birds, beasts, and fishes; fruits and flowers; the sun, moon, and stars; the portraits of kings and queens, and many other wonderful designs.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“The White Cat,” 1682).

=Walpurgis=, saint who converted the Saxons to Christianity.

=Walpurgis Night.= May 1, when witches dance upon the Brocken in the Hartz Mountains.

=Walsingham=, the affianced of Helen Mowbray. Deceived by appearances, he believed that Helen was the mistress of Lord Athunree, and abandoned her; but when he discovered his mistake he married her.--S. Knowles, Woman’s Wit, etc. (1838).

Walsingham (Lord) of Queen Elizabeth’s court.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Walter=, marquis of Saluzzo, in Italy, and husband of Grisilda, the peasant’s daughter (q.v.).--Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (“The Clerk’s Tale,” 1388).

⁂ This tale, of course, is allegorical; Lord Walter takes the place of deity, and Grisilda typifies the true Christian. In all her privations, in all her sorrows, in all her trials, she says to her lord and master, “Thy will be done.”

Walte (Master), “the hunchback,” guardian of Julia. A worthy man, liberal and charitable, frank and honest, who turns out to be the earl of Rochdale and father of Julia.--S. Knowles, The Hunchback (1831).

=Walter Debree=, a Protestant clergyman, who, driven as he imagines, by conscience, takes orders in the Roman Catholic Church. His wife seeks him out and makes an eloquent appeal to him in the name of their former love, their dead child, and their once common faith. His heart and conscience thus aroused, combine to urge reconsideration of his belief. He resolves to return to the Mother Church, and makes his plans to take the Lord’s Supper with his wife on a certain Sabbath. On his way to church, he is overtaken by a fierce snow-storm and buried in the drifts. It is his lifeless body which is taken to the waiting wife. “Is this all, Walter?” she sobbed. “Is this the end? Yes, and it is a good end.... I did not seek you for myself. It never was for myself!” The effort to subdue the human love to the Divine triumphed in the midst of tears.--Robert Lowell, The New Priest of Conception Bay (1858).

=Walter= [=Furst=], father-in-law of Tell.--Rossini, Guglielmo Tell (opera, 1829).

=Walter Hartwright=, drawing-teacher and lover of Laura Fairlie. When the report of her death has been circulated by her husband, Sir Percival Glyde, Walter unravels the plot, restores Laura to her rightful place, and after the baronet’s death, marries her.--Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White.

=Walter von der Vogelweide=, one of the German minnesingers, flourished in 1206.

=Waltheof= (The abbot), abbot of St. Withold’s Priory.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

Waltheof (Father), a grey friar, confessor to the duchess of Rothesay.--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.).

=Walton= (Lord), father of Elvi´ra, who promised his daughter in marriage to Sir Richard Forth, a puritan officer; but Elvira had already plighted her love to Lord Arthur Talbot, a cavalier. The betrothal was set aside, and Elvira married Arthur Talbot at last.--Bellini, Il Puritani (opera, 1834).

Walton (Sir John de), governor of Douglas Castle.--Sir W. Scott, Castle Dangerous (time, Henry I.).

=Wamba=, “the son of Witless,” the jester of Cedric, the Saxon, of Rotherwood.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Wampum=, a string or belt of whelk-shells, current with the North American Indians as a medium of exchange, and always sent as a present to those with whom an alliance or treaty is made.

Peace be to thee! my words this belt approve. Campbell, Gertrude of Wyoming, i. 14 (1809).

Our wampum league thy brethren did embrace. Ibid, i. 15.

=Wanda=, proud, high-bred German beauty, who loves and weds a man, believing him to be of noble birth. Accident reveals the mistake, and she drives him from her in anger. After long separation, he rescues their child from death, and dies in the arms of his remorseful wife.--Ouida, Wanda.

=Wanderers.= It is said that gypsies are doomed to be wanderers on the face of the earth, because they refused hospitality to the Virgin and Child, when the holy family fled into Egypt. (See WILD HUNTSMAN.)--Aventinus, Annalium Boiorum, libri septem (1554).

=Wandering Jew= (The), Kartaph´ilos (in Latin, Cartaphilus), the door-keeper of the judgment hall, in the service of Pontius Pilate. The tradition is that this porter, while haling Jesus before Pilate, struck Him, saying, “Get on faster!” whereupon Jesus replied, “I am going fast enough; but thou shalt tarry till I come again.”

⁂ The earliest account of this tradition is in the Book of the Chronicles of the Abbey of St. Alban’s, copied and continued by Matthew Paris (1228). In 1242 Philip Mouskes, afterwards bishop of Tournay, wrote the “rhymed chronicle.”

Kartaphilos, we are told, was baptized by Ananias, who baptized Paul, and received the name of Joseph.--See Book of the Chronicles of the Abbey of St. Alban’s.

Another tradition says the Jew was Ahasue´rus, a cobbler, and gives the story thus: Jesus, overcome by the weight of the cross, stopped at the door of Ahasuerus, when the man pushed Him away, saying, “be off with you!” Jesus replied, “I am going off truly, as it is written; but thou shalt tarry till I come again.”

⁂ This legend is given by Paul von Eitzen, bishop of Schleswig, in 1547.--See Greve, Memoirs of Paul von Eitzen, Hamburgh (1744).

In Germany, the Wandering Jew is associated with John Buttadæus, who was seen at Antwerp in the thirteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, and at Brussels in 1774.

⁂ Leonard Doldius of Nürnberg, in his Praxis Alchymiæ (1604), says the Jew Ahasuerus is sometimes called Buttadæus.

In France, the name given to the Jew is Isaac Laquedem, or Lakedion.

⁂ See Mitternacht, Dissertatio in Johan., xxi. 19.

Salathiel ben Sadi is the name of the Wandering Jew, in Croly’s novel entitled Salathiel (1827).

Eugène Sue introduces a Wandering Jew in his novel called Le Juif Errant (1845). Galt has also a novel called The Wandering Jew.

Poetical versions of the legend have been made by A. W. von Schlegal, Die Warnung; by Schubert, Ahasuer; by Goethe, Aus Meinem Leben, all in German. By Mrs. Norton, The Undying One, in English, etc. The legend is based on St. John’s Gospel xxi. 22. “If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?” The apostles thought the words meant that John would not die, but tradition has applied them to some one else.

=Wandering Knight= (The), El Donzel del Febo (“the Knight of the Sun”), is so called in the Spanish romance entitled The Mirror of Knighthood. Eumen´edês is so called in Peele’s Old Wives’ Tale (1590).

=Wandering Willie=, the blind fiddler, who tells the tale about Sir Robert Redgauntlet, and his son, Sir John.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Wandering Wood= which contained the den of Error. Error was a monster, like a woman upwards, but ending in a huge dragon’s tail with a venomous sting. The first encounter of the Red Cross Knight was with this monster whom he slew.--Spenser, Faëry Queen, i. 1 (1590).

⁂ When piety (the Red Cross Knight) once forsakes the oneness of truth (Una), it is sure to get into “Wandering Wood,” where it will be attacked by “Error.”

=Wantley= (Dragon of), a monster slain by More of More Hall, who procured a suit of armor studded with spikes, and, proceeding to the lair, kicked the dragon in its mouth, where alone it was vulnerable.--Percy, Reliques of Ancient Poetry.

One of Carey’s farces is entitled The Dragon of Wantley.

=War of Wartburg=, a poetic contest at Wartburg’s Castle, in which Vogelweid triumphed over Heinrich von Ofterdingen.

They renewed the war of Wartburg, Which the bard had fought before. Longfellow, Walter von der Vogelweid.

=Warbeck= (Perkin) assumed himself to be Richard, duke of York, the younger son of Edward IV., supposed to be murdered by order of Richard III., in the Tower.

Parallel Instances. The youngest son of Ivan IV. of Russia was named Dīmitri, i.e., Demetrius. He was born in 1581, and was mysteriously assassinated in 1591, some say by Godounov, the successor to the throne. Several impostors assumed to be Dimitri, the most remarkable appeared in Poland in 1603, was recognized as Czar in 1605, but perished the year following.

Martin Guerre, in the sixteenth century, left his wife, to whom he had been married ten years, to join the army in Spain. In the eighth year of his absence one Arnaud du Tilh assumed to be Martin Guerre, and was received by the wife as her husband. For three years he lived with her, recognized by all her friends and relations, but the return of Martin himself dispelled the illusion, and Arnaud was put to death.

The great Tichborne case was a similar imposition. One Orton assumed to be Sir Roger Tichborne, and was even acknowledged to be so by Sir Roger’s mother; but after a long and patient trial it was proved that the claimant of the Tichborne estates was no other than one Orton, of Wapping.

In German history, Jakob Rehback, a miller’s man, assumed, in 1345, to be Waldemar, an Ascanier margraf. Jakob was a menial in the service of the margraf.

=Warburton= (Lord), handsome, well-bred and commonplace young nobleman, in love with Isabel Archer.--Henry James, Jr., Portrait of a Lady (1881).

=Ward= (Artĕmus), Charles F. Browne, of America, author of His Book of Goaks (1865). He died in London in 1867.

Ward (Dr.), a footman, famous for his “friars’ balsam.” He was called to prescribe for George II., and died, 1761. Dr. Ward had a claret stain on his left cheek, and in Hogarth’s famous picture, “The Undertakers’ Arms,” the cheek is marked gules. He forms one of the three figures at the top, and occupies the right hand side of the spectator. The other two figures are Mrs. Mapp and Dr. Taylor.

=Warden= (Henry), alias HENRY WELLWOOD, the Protestant preacher. In the Abbot he is chaplain of the Lady Mary at Avenel Castle.--Sir W. Scott, The Monastery (time, Elizabeth).

Warden (Michael), a young man of about 30, well-made and good-looking, light-hearted, capricious, and without ballast. He had been so wild and extravagant, that Snitchey and Craggs told him it would take six years to nurse his property into a healthy state. Michael Warden told them he was in love with Marion Jeddler, and her, in due time, he married.--C. Dickens, The Battle of Life (1846).

=Wardlaw=, land-steward at Osbaldistone Hall.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

Wardlaw (Henry of), archbishop of St. Andrew’s.--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.).

=Wardle= (Mr.), an old country gentleman, who had attended some of the meetings of “The Pickwick Club,” and felt a liking for Mr. Pickwick and his three friends, whom he occasionally entertained at his house.

Miss [Isabella] Wardle, daughter of Mr. Wardle. She marries Augustus Snodgrass, M.P.C.

Miss Emily Wardle, daughter of Mr. Wardle. She marries Mr. Trundle.--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

=Wardour= (Sir Arthur), of Knockwinnock Castle.

Isabella Wardour, daughter of Sir Arthur. She marries Lord Geraldin.

Captain Reginald Wardour, son of Sir Arthur. He is in the army.

Sir Richard Wardour or “Richard with the Red Hand,” an ancestor of Sir Arthur.--Sir W. Scott, The Antiquary (time, George III.).

=Ware= (Bed of), a great bed, twelve feet square, assigned by tradition to the earl of Warwick, the “king maker.”

A mighty large bed [the bed of honor], bigger by half than the great bed of Ware; ten thousand people may lie in it together and never feel one another.--G. Farquhar, The Recruiting Officer (1707).

The bed of Og, king of Bashan, which was fourteen feet long, and a little more than six feet wide, was considerably smaller than the great bed of Ware.

His bedstead was a bedstead of iron ... nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man.--Deut. iii. 11.

=Waring= (Sir Walter), a justice of the peace, whose knowledge of the law was derived from Matthew Medley, his factotum. His sentences were justices’ justice, influenced by prejudice and personal feeling. An ugly old hag would have found from him but scant mercy, while a pretty girl could hardly do wrong in Sir Walter’s code of law.--Sir H. B. Dudley, The Woodman (1771).

=Warman=, steward of Robin Hood, while earl of Huntingdon. He betrayed his master into the hands of Gilbert Hoode (or Hood), a prior, Robin’s uncle. King John rewarded Warman for this treachery by appointing him high sheriff of Nottingham.

The ill-fac’d miser, bribed on either hand, Is Warman, one the steward of his house, Who, Judas-like, betraies his liberall lord Into the hands of that relentlesse prior Calde Gilbert Hoode, uncle of Huntington. Skelton, Downfall of Robert, earl of Huntington (Henry VIII.).

=Warming-Pan Hero= (The), James Francis Edward Stuart (the first Pretender). According to the absurd story set afloat by the disaffected at the time of his birth, he was not the son of Mary d’Este, the wife of James II., but a natural child of that monarch by Mary Beatrice, of Modena, and he had been conveyed to the royal bed in a warming-pan, with the intention of palming him off upon the British people as the legitimate heir to the throne.

=Warner=, the old steward of Sir Charles Cropland, who grieves to see the timber of the estate cut down to supply the extravagance of his young master.--G. Colman, The Poor Gentleman (1802).


ALASNAM’S MIRROR. This mirror remained unsullied when it reflected a chaste and pure-minded woman, but became dim when the woman reflected by it was faithless, wanton, or light.--Arabian Nights (“Prince Zeyn Alasnam”).

ANTS. Alexander Ross says that the “cruel battle between the Venetians and Insubrians, and also that between the Liegeois and the Burgundians, in which 30,000 men were slain, were both presignified by combats between two swarms of ants.”--Arcana Microcosmi.

BAHMAN’S KNIFE (Prince). When Prince Bahman started on his exploits, he gave his sister, Parizādê, a knife which, he told her, would remain bright and clean so long as he was safe and well, but, immediately he was in danger, or dead, would become dull or drop gouts of blood.--Arabian Nights (“The Two Sisters”).

BAY TREES. The withering of bay trees prognosticates a death.

’Tis thought the king is dead ... The bay trees in our country are all withered. Shakespeare, Richard II. (1597).

N.B.--The bay was called by the Romans “the plant of the good angel,” because “neyther falling sicknes, neyther devyll, wyll infest or hurt one in that place whereas a bay tree is.”--Thomas Lupton, Syxt Book of Notable Thinges (1660).

BEE. The buzzing of a bee in a room indicates that a stranger is about to pay the house a visit.

BIRTHA’S EMERALD RING. The Duke Gondibert gave Birtha an emerald ring which, he said, would preserve its lustre so long as he remained faithful and true, but would become dull and pale if he proved false to her.--Wm. Davenant, Gondibert.

BRAWN’S HEAD (The). A boy brought to King Arthur’s court a brawn’s head, over which he drew his wand thrice, and said, “There’s never a traitor or a cuckold who can carve that head of brawn.”--Percy, Reliques (“The Boy and the Mantle”).

CANACE’S MIRROR indicated, by its lustre, if the person whom the inspector loved was true or false.--Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (“The Squire’s Tale”).

CANDLES. The shooting forth of a parcel of tallow, called a winding-sheet, from the top of a lighted candle, gives warning to the house of an approaching death; but a bright spark upon the burning wick is the promise of a letter.

CATS on the deck of a ship are said to “carry a gale of wind in their tail,” or to presage a coming storm. When cats are very assiduous in cleaning their ears and head, it prognosticates rain.

CATTLE give warning of an earthquake by their uneasiness.

CHILDREN PLAYING SOLDIERS on a road is said to forebode approaching war.

COALS. A cinder bounding from the fire is either a purse or a coffin. Those which rattle when held to the ear are tokens of wealth; those which are mute and solid indicate sickness or death.

CORPSE CANDLES. The ignis fatuus, called by the Welsh canhwyll cyrph, or “corpse candle,” prognosticates death. If small and of pale blue, it denotes the death of an infant; if large and yellow, the death of one of full age.

Captain Leather, chief magistrate of Belfast, in 1690, being shipwrecked on the Isle of Man, was told that thirteen of his crew were lost, for thirteen corpse candles had been seen moving towards the churchyard. It is a fact that thirteen of the men were drowned in this wreck.--Sacheverell, Isle of Man, 15.

CRADLE. It forebodes evil to the child if any one rocks its cradle when empty.--American Superstition.

CRICKETS. Crickets in a house are a sign of good luck, but if they suddenly leave, it is a warning of death.

CROW (A). A crow appearing to one on the left hand side indicates some impending evil to the person; and flying over a house, foretells evil at hand to some of the inmates. (See “Raven.”)

Sæpe sinistra cava prædixit ab ilice cornex. Virgil, Eclogue, i.

CROWING OF A COCK. Themistoclês was assured of his victory over Xerxes by the crowing of a cock, on his way to Artemisium the day before the battle.--Lloyd, Stratagems of Jerusalem, 285.

Crowing of a hen indicates approaching disaster.


1. In Germany. Several princes of Germany have their special warning-givers of death. In some it is the roaring of a lion, in others the howling of a dog. In some it is the tolling of a bell or striking of a clock at an unusual time, in others it is a bustling noise about the castle.--The Living Library, 284 (1621).

2. In Berlin. A White Lady appears to some one of the household or guard, to announce the death of a prince of Hohenzollern. She was duly seen on the eve of Prince Waldemar’s death in 1879.

3. In Bohemia. “Spectrum fœminium vestitu lugubri apparere solet in arce quadam illustris familiæ, antequam una ex conjugibus dominorum illorum e vita decebat.”--Debrio, Disquisitiones Magicæ, (592).

4. In Great Britain. In Wales the corpse candle appears to warn a family of impending death. In Carmarthen scarcely any person dies but some one sees his light or candle.

In Northumberland the warning light is called the person’s waff, in Cumberland a swarth, in Ross a task, in some parts of Scotland a fye-token.

King James tells us that the wraith of a person newly dead, or about to die, appears to his friends.--Demonology, 125.

Edgewell Oak indicates the coming death of an inmate of Castle Dalhousie by the fall of one of its branches.

5. In Scotland. The family of Rothmurchas have the Bodachau Dun, or the Ghost of the Hill.

The Kinchardines have the Spectre of the Bloody Hand.

Gartinbeg House used to be haunted by Bodach Gartin.

The house of Tulloch Gorms used to be haunted by Maug Monlach, or the Girl with the Hairy Left Hand.

DEATH-WATCH (The). The tapping made by a small beetle called the death-watch is said to be a warning of death.

The chambermaids christen this worm a “Death-watch,” Because, like a watch, it always cries “click;” Then woe be to those in the house who are sick, For sure as a gun they will give up the ghost, If the maggot cries “click” when it scratches a post. Swift.

DIVINING-ROD (The). A forked hazel rod, suspended between the balls of the thumbs, was at one time supposed to indicate the presence of water-springs and precious metals by inclining towards the earth beneath which these things might be found. Dousterswivel obtained money by professing to indicate the spot of buried wealth by a divining-rod.--Sir W. Scott, The Antiquary.

DOGS. The howling of a dog at night forebodes death.

A cane præviso funere disce mori. R. Keuchen, Crepundia, 113 (1662).

Capitolīnus tells us that the death of Maximīnus was presaged by the howling of dogs. Pausanias (in his Messenĭa) says the dogs brake into a fierce howl just before the overthrow of the Messenians. Fincelius says the dogs in Mysinia flocked together and howled just before the overthrow of the Saxons in 1553. Virgil says the same thing occurred just previous to the battle of Pharsalia.

Dogs give warning of death by scratching on the floor of a house.


When dotterels do first appear, It shows that frost is very near; But when that dotterels do go, Then you may look for heavy snow. Salisbury Saying.

DREAMS. It will be remembered that Joseph, the husband of Mary, was warned by a dream to flee from Judæa, and when Herod was dead he was again warned by a dream to “turn aside into the parts of Galilee.”--Matt. ii. 13, 19, 22.

In the Old Testament, Pharaoh had a warning dream of a famine which he was enabled to provide against.--Gen. xli. 15-36.

Pharaoh’s butler and baker had warning dreams, one being prevised thereby of his restoration to favor, and the other warned of his execution.--Gen. xl. 5-23.

Nebuchadnezzar had an historic dream, which Daniel explained.--Dan. ii. 1, 31-45.

Abimelech, king of Egypt was warned by a dream that Sarah was Abraham’s wife and not his sister.--Gen. xx. 3-16.

Jacob had an historic dream on his way to Haran.--Gen. xxviii. 12-15.

Joseph, son of Jacob, had an historic dream, revealing to him his future greatness.--Gen. xxxvii. 5-10.

Daniel had an historic dream about four beasts which indicated four kingdoms (Dan. vii.). Whether his “visions” were also dreams is uncertain (see chs. viii. x.).

It would require many pages to do justice to this subject. Bland, in his Popular Antiquities, iii. 134, gives “A Dictionary of Dreams” in alphabetic order, extracted from The Royal Dream-Book.

DRINKING-HORNS. King Arthur had a horn from which no one could drink who was either unchaste or unfaithful. The cuckold’s horn, brought to King Arthur’s court by a mysterious boy, gave warning of infidelity, inasmuch as no one unfaithful in love or unleal to his liege lord could drink therefrom without spilling the liquor. The coupe enchantée possessed a similar property.

EAGLE. Tarquinius Priscus was assured that he would be king of Rome by an eagle, which stooped upon him, took off his cap, rose in the air, and let the cap fall again upon his head.

Aristander assured Alexander of his victory over Darius at the battle of Arbĕla, by the flight of an eagle.--Lloyd, Stratagems of Jerusalem, 290.

EAR (The). If the left ear tingles or burns, it indicates that some one is talking evil of you; if the right ear, some one is praising you. The foreboded evil may be averted by biting the little finger of the left hand.

Laudor et adverso, sonat auris, lædor ab ore; Dextra bono tinnit murmure, læva malo. R. Keuchen, Crepundia, 113 (1662).

EPITAPHS (Reading). If you would preserve your memory, be warned against reading epitaphs. In this instance the American superstition is the warning-giver, and not the act referred to.

FIR TREES. “If a firr tree be touched, withered, or burned with lighting, it is a warning to the house that the master or mistress thereof shall shortly dye.”--Thomas Lupton, Syxt Book of Notable Thinges, iii. (1660).

FIRE. The noise occasioned when the enclosed gas in a piece of burning coal matches fire, is a sure indication of a quarrel between the inmates of the house.

FLORIMEL’S GIRDLE would loosen or tear asunder if any woman unfaithful or unchaste attempted to put it on.--Spenser, Faëry Queen.

GATES OF GUNDOF´ORUS (The). No one carrying poison could pass these gates. They were made of the horn of the horned snake, by the apostle Thomas, who built a palace of sethym wood for this Indian king, and set up the gates.

GROTTO OF EPHESUS (The) contained a reed, which gave forth musical sounds when the chaste and faithful entered it, but denounced others by giving forth harsh and discordant noises.--Lord Lytton, Tales of Miletus, iii.

HARE CROSSING THE ROAD (A). It was thought by the ancient Romans that if a hare ran across the road on which a person was travelling, it was a certain omen of ill luck.

Lepus quoque occurrens in via, infortunatum iter præsagit et ominosum.--Alexander ab Alexandro, Genialium Dierum, libri VI. v. 13 p. 685.

Nor did we meet, with nimble feet, One little fearful lepus, That certain sign, as some divine, Of fortune bad to keep us. Ellison, Trip to Benwell, lx.

HOOPOE (The). The country people of Sweden consider the appearance of the hoopoe as a presage of war.--Pennant, Zoölogy, i. 258.

LIZARDS warn men of the approach of a serpent.

LOOKING-GLASSES. If a looking-glass is broken, it is a warning that some one in the house will ere long lose a friend. Grose says it “betokens a mortality in the family, commonly the master.”

To break a looking-glass is prophetic that the person will never get married; or, if married, will lose the person wedded.

MAGPIES are prophetic birds. A common Lincolnshire proverb is, “One for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a wedding, four for death;” or thus: “One for sorrow, two for mirth, three a wedding, four a birth.”

Augurs and understood relations have, By magotpies and choughs and rooks, brought forth The secret’st man of blood. Shakespeare, Macbeth (1606).

Alexander Ross tells us that the battle between the British and French, in which the former were overthrown in the reign of Charles VIII., was foretold by a skirmish between magpies and jackdaws.--Arcana Microcosmi.

MANTLE (The Test). A boy brought to King Arthur’s court a mantle which no one could wear who was unfaithful in love, false in domestic life, or traitorous to the king. If any such attempted to put it on, it puckered up, or hung slouchingly, or tumbled to pieces.--Percy, Reliques (“The Boy and the Mantle”).

METEORS. Falling stars, eclipses, comets, and other signs in the heavens, portend the death or fall of princes.

Meteors fright the fixed stars of heaven; The pale-faced moon looks bloody on the earth ... These signs forerun the death or fall of kings. Shakespeare, Richard II., act ii. sc. 4 (1597).

Consult Matt. xxiv. 29; Luke xxi. 25.

MICE AND RATS. If a rat or mouse, during the night, gnaw our clothes, it is indicative of some impending evil, perhaps even death.

Nos autem ita leves, atque inconsiderati sumus, ut si mures corroserint aliquid quorum est opus hoc unum, monstrum putemus? Ante vero Marsicum bellum quod Clypeos Lanuvii--mures rosissent, maxumum id portentum haruspices esse dixerunt. Quasi vero quicquam intersit, mures diem noctem aliquid rodentes, scuta an cribra corroserint ... cum vestis a soricibus roditur, plus timere suspicionem futuri mali, quam præsens damnum dolere. Unde illud eleganter dictum est Catonis, qui cum esset consultus a quodam, qui sibi erosas esse Caligas diceret a soricibus, respondit; non esset illud monstrum; sed vere monstrum habendum fuisse, si sorices a Caligis roderentur.--Cicero, Divinatio, ii. 27.

MOLE-SPOTS. A mole-spot on the armpit promises wealth and honor; on the ankle bespeaks modesty in men, courage in women; on the right breast is a sign of honesty, on the left forebodes poverty; on the chin promises wealth; on the right ear, respect; on the left forebodes dishonor; on the centre of the forehead bespeaks treachery, sullenness and untidiness; on the right temple foreshows that you will enjoy the friendship of the great; on the left temple forebodes distress; on the right foot bespeaks wisdom, on the left, rashness; on the right side of the heart denotes virtue, on the left side, wickedness; on the knee of a man denotes that he will have a rich wife, if on the left knee of a woman she may expect a large family; on the lip is a sign of gluttony and talkativeness; on the neck promises wealth; on the nose indicates that a man will be a great traveller; on the thigh forebodes poverty and sorrow; on the throat, wealth and health; on the wrist, ingenuity.

MOON (The). When the “mone lies sair on her back, or when her horns are pointed towards the zenith, be warned in time, for foul weather is nigh at hand.”--Dr. Jamieson.

Foul weather may also be expected “when the new moon appears with the old one in her arms.”

Late yestreen I saw the new moone Wi’ the auld moone in her arme, And I feir, I feir, my deir master, That we will come to harme. The Ballad of Sir Patrick Spens.

To see a new moon for the first time on the right hand, and direct before you, is lucky; but to see it on the left hand or to turn round and see it behind you, is the contrary.

If you first see a new moon through glass, your wish will come to pass.

NAILS. A white spot on the thumb promises a present; on the index finger denotes a friend; on the long finger, a foe; on the third finger, a letter or sweetheart; on the little finger, a journey to go.

In America, white spots on the nails are considered lucky.

NOURGEHAN’S BRACELET gave warning of poison by a tremulous motion of the stones, which increased as the poison approached nearer and nearer.--Comte de Caylus, Oriental Tales (“The Four Talismans”).

OPAL turns pale at the approach of poison.

OWLS. The screeching of an owl forebodes calamity, sickness, or death. On one occasion an owl strayed into the Capitol, and the Romans, to avert the evil, underwent a formal lustration.

The Roman senate, when within The city walls an owl was seen, Did cause their clergy with lustrations ... The round-faced prodigy t’ avert. Butler, Hudibras, II. iii. 707 (1664).

The death of Augustus was presaged by an owl singing [screeching] upon the top of the Curia.--Xiphilinus, Abridgment of Dion Cassius.

The death of Commŏdus Antonius, the emperor, was forboded by an owl sitting on the top of his chamber, at Lanuvium.--Julius Obsequens, Prodigies, 85.

The murder of Julius Cæsar was presaged by the screeching of owls.

The bird of night did sit, Even at noonday, upon the market-place, Hooting and shrieking. Shakespeare, Julius Cæsar, act i. sc. 3 (1607).

The death of Valentinian was presaged by an owl, which perched on the top of a house where he used to bathe.--Alexander Boss, Arcana Microcosmi.

Antony was warned of his defeat in the battle of Actium by an owl flying into the temple of Concord.--Xiphilinus, Abridgment of Dion Cassius.

The great plague of Würtzburg, in Franconia, in 1542, was foreboded by the screeching of an owl.

Alexander Ross says: “About twenty years ago I did observe that, in the house where I lodged, an owl groaning in the window presaged the death of two eminent persons, who died there shortly after.”--Arcana Microcosmi.

PEACOCKS give warning of poison by ruffling their feathers.

PERVIZ’S STRING OF PEARLS (Prince). When Prince Perviz went on his exploit, he gave his sister, Parizādê, a string of pearls, saying, “So long as these pearls move readily on the string, you may feel assured that I am alive and well; but if they stick fast, they will indicate to you that I am dead.”--Arabian Nights (“The Two Sisters”).

PIGEONS. It is considered by many a sure sign of death in a house if a white pigeon perches on the chimney.

PIGS running about with straws in their mouths give warning of approaching rain.

RATS forsaking a ship forebode its wreck, and forsaking a house indicate that it is on the point of falling down. (See “Mice.”)

RAVENS. The raven is said to be the most prophetic of “inspired birds.” It bodes both private and public calamities. “To have the foresight of a raven” is a proverbial expression.

The great battle fought between Beneventum and Apicium, was portended by a skirmish between ravens and kites on the same spot.--Jovianus Pontanus.

An irruption of the Scythians into Thrace was presaged by a skirmish between crows and ravens.--Nicetas.

Cicero was warned of his approaching death by some ravens fluttering about him just before he was murdered by Popilius Cænas.--Macaulay, History of St. Kilda, 176.

Alexander Ross says: “Mr. Draper, a young gentleman, and my intimate friend, about four or five years ago had one or two ravens, which had been quarrelling on the chimney, fly into his chamber, and he died shortly after.”--Arcana Microcosmi.

RHINOCEROS’S HORNS. Cups made of this material will give warning of poison in a liquid by causing it to effervesce.

SALT spilt towards a person indicates contention, but the evil may be averted by throwing a part of the spilt salt over the left shoulder.

Prodige, subverso casu leviore salino, Si mal venturum conjicis omen; adest. R. Keuchen, Crepundia, 215 (1662).

SHEARS AND SIEVE (The), ordeals by fire, water, etc., single combats, the corsned or cursed morsel, the Urim and Thummim, the casting of lots, were all employed as tests of innocence or guilt in olden times, under the notion that God would direct the lot aright. (See JONAH, i. 7.)

SHOES. It was thought by the Romans a bad omen to put a shoe on the wrong foot.

Augustus, having b’ oversight, Put on his left shoe for his right, Had like to have been slain that day By soldiers mutin’ing for pay. Butler, Hudibras.

Auguste ... restoit immobile et consterné lorsqu’il lui arrivoit par mégarde de mettre le soulier droit au pied gauche.--ST. FOIX, Essais sur Paris, v. 145.

SHOOTING PAINS. All sudden pains are warnings of evil at hand.

Timeo quod rerum gesserim hic, ita dorsus totus prurit.--Plautus, Miles Gloriosus.

By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes. Shakespeare, Macbeth (1606).

SNEEZING. Once, a wish, twice, a kiss, thrice, a letter, and oftener than thrice, something better.

Sneezing before breakfast is a forecast that a stranger or a present is coming.

Sneezing at night-time. To sneeze twice for three successive nights denotes a death, a loss, or a great gain.

Si duæ sternutationes fiant omni nocte ab aliquo, et illud continuitur per tres noctes, signo est quod aliquis vel aliqua de domo morietur vel aliud damnum domui continget, vel maximum lucrum.--Hornmannus, De Miraculis Mortuorum, 163.

Eustathius says that sneezing to the left is unlucky, but to the right lucky. Hence, when Themistoclês was offering sacrifice before his engagement with Xerxes, and one of the soldiers on his right hand sneezed, Euphrantīdês, the soothsayer, declared the Greeks would surely gain the victory.--Plutarch, Lives (“Themistoclês”).

SOOT ON BARS. Flakes of sheeted soot hanging from the bars of a grate foretell the introduction of a stranger.

Nor less amused have I quiescent watched The sooty films that play upon the bars Pendulous, and foreboding ... some stranger’s near approach. Cowper, Winter Evening.

SOPHIA’S PICTURE, given to Mathias, turned yellow if the giver was in danger or in temptation; and black if she could not escape from the danger, or if she yielded to the temptation.--Massinger, The Picture (1629).

SPIDERS indicate to gold-searchers where it is to be found.

STAG’S HORN is considered in Spain to give warning of an evil eye, and to be a safeguard against its malignant influences.

STONE. To find a perforated stone is a presage of good luck.

SWALLOWS forecast bad weather by flying low, and the fine weather by flying high.

TEETH WIDE APART warn a person to seek his fortune away from his native place.

THUNDER. Thunder on Sunday portends the death of some learned man, judge, or author; on Monday, the death of women; on Tuesday, plenty of grain; on Wednesday, the death of harlots, or bloodshed; on Thursday, plenty of sheep, cattle, and corn; on Friday, the death of some great man, murder, or battle; on Saturday it forebodes pestilence or sickness.--Leonard Digges, A Prognostication Everlasting of Ryght Good Effecte (1556).

TOLLING BELL. You will be sure of tooth-ache if you eat while a funeral bell is tolling. Be warned in time by this American superstition, or take the consequences.

VEIPSEY, a spring in Yorkshire, called “prophetic,” gives due warning of a dearth by rising to an unusual height.

VENETIAN GLASS. If poison is put into liquor contained in a vessel made of Venetian glass, the vessel will crack and fall to pieces.

WARNING STONES. Bakers in Wiltshire and in some other counties used to put a certain kind of pebble in their ovens, to give notice when the oven was hot enough for baking. When the stone turned white, the oven was fit for use.

WATER OF JEALOUSY (The). This was a beverage which the Jews used to assert no adulteress could drink without bursting.--Five Philosophical Questions Answered (1653).

WHITE ROSE (The). A white rose gave assurance to a twin-brother of the safety or danger of his brother during his absence. So long as it flourished and remained in its pride of beauty, it indicated that all went well, but as it drooped, faded, or died, it was a warning of danger, sickness, or death.--The Twin-Brothers.

WITCH HAZEL. A forked twig of witch hazel, made into a divining-rod, was supposed, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, to give warning of witches, and to be efficacious in discovering them.

WORMS. If, on your way to a sick person, you pick up a stone and find no living thing under it, it tells you that the sick person will die, but if you find there an ant or worm, it presages the patient’s recovery.

Si visitans ægrum, lapidem inventum per viam attollat, et sub lapide inveniatur vermis se movens, aut formica vivens, faustum omen est, et indicium fore ut æger convalescat, si nihil invenitur res est conclamata et certa mors.--Buchardus, Drecretorum, lib. xix.

=Warren= (Widow), “twice married and twice a widow.” A coquette of 40, aping the airs of a girl; vain, weak, and detestable. Harry Dornton, the banker’s son, is in love with her daughter, Sophia Freelove; but the widow tries to win the young man for herself, by advancing money to pay off his friend’s debts. When the father hears of this he comes to the rescue, returns the money advanced, and enables the son to follow his natural inclinations by marrying the daughter instead of the designing mother.

A girlish, old coquette, who would rob her daughter, and leave her husband’s son to rot in a dungeon, that she might marry the first fool she could find.--Holcroft, The Road to Ruin, v. 2, (1792).

=Wart= (Thomas), a poor, feeble, ragged creature, one of the recruits in the army of Sir John Falstaff.--Shakespeare, 2 Henry IV., act iii. sc. 2 (1598).

=Warwick= (The earl of), a tragedy by Dr. T. Franklin. The theme is the last days and death of the “king maker” (1767).

=Washington of Africa= (The). William Wilberforce is so called by Lord Byron. As Washington was the chief instrument in liberating America, so Wilberforce was the chief instigator of slave emancipation.

Thou moral Washington of Africa. Don Juan, xiv. 82 (1824).

=Washington of Colombia=, Simon Bolivar (1785-1831).

=Wasky=, Sir Iring’s sword.

Right through the head-piece straight The knight Sir Hagan paid, With his resistless Wasky, That sharp and peerless blade. Nibelungen Lied, 35 (1210).

=Wasp=, in the drama called Bartholomew Fair, by Ben Jonson (1574-1637).

Benjamin Johnson, an actor [1665-1742], commonly called Ben Johnson, ... seemed to be proud to wear the poet’s name, being particularly great in all that author’s plays that were usually performed, viz., “Wasp,” “Corbaccio,” “Morose,” and “Ananias.”--Chetwood, History of the Stage.

⁂ “Corbaccio,” in The Fox; “Morose,” in The Silent Woman; and “Ananias,” in The Alchemist.

=Waste Time Utilized.=

BAXTER wrote his Saints’ Everlasting Rest on a bed of sickness (1615-1691).

BLOOMFIELD composed The Farmer’s Boy in the intervals of shoemaking (1766-1823).

BRAMAH (Joseph), a peasant’s son, occupied his spare time when a mere boy in making musical instruments, aided by the village blacksmith. At the age of 16 he hurt his ankle while ploughing, and employed his time while confined to the house in carving and making woodwares. In another forced leisure from a severe fall, he employed his time in contriving and making useful inventions, which ultimately led him to fame and fortune (1749-1814).

BUNYAN wrote his Pilgrim’s Progress while confined in Bedford jail (1628-1688).

BURRITT (Elihu) made himself acquainted with ten languages while plying his trade as a village blacksmith (Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, Spanish, Bohemian, Polish, Danish, Persian, Turkish, and Ethiopic). His father was a village cobbler, and Elihu had only six months’ education, and that at the school of his brother (1811-1879).

CAREY, the missionary and Oriental translator, learnt the rudiments of Eastern languages while employed in making and mending shoes (1761-1834).

CLEMENT (Joseph), son of a poor weaver, was brought up as a thatcher, but, by utilizing his waste moments in self-education and works of skill, raised himself to a position of great note, giving employment to thirty workmen (1779-1844).

COBBETT learnt grammar in the waste time of his service as a common soldier (1762-1835).

D’AGUESSEAU, the great French chancellor, observing that Mde. D’Aguesseau always delayed ten or twelve minutes before she came down to dinner, began and completed a learned book of three volumes (large quarto), solely during these “waste minutes.” This work went through several editions (1668-1751).

ETTY utilized indefatigably every spare moment he could pick up when a journeyman printer (1787-1849).

FERGUSON taught himself astronomy while tending sheep in the service of a Scotch farmer (1710-1776).

FRANKLIN, while working as a journeyman printer, produced his Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain (1706-1790).

MILLER (Hugh) taught himself geology while working as a mason (1802-1856).

PAUL worked as a tentmaker in intervals of travel and preaching.

⁂ This brief list must be considered only as a hint and heading for enlargement. Henry Cort, William Fairbairn, Fox of Derby, H. Maudslay, David Mushet, Murray of Leeds, J. Nasmyth, J. B. Neilson, Roberts of Manchester, Whitworth, and scores of others will occur to every reader. Indeed, genius for the most part owes its success to the utilization of waste time.

=Wastle= (William), pseudonym of John Gibson Lockhart, in Blackwood’s Magazine (1794-1854).

=Wat Dreary=, alias BROWN WILL, a highwayman, in Captain Macheath’s gang. Peachum says, “he has an underhand way of disposing of the goods he stole,” and therefore he should allow him to remain a little longer “upon his good behavior.”--Gay, The Beggar’s Opera, i. (1727).

=Water-Poet= (The), John Taylor, a Thames waterman (1580-1654).

=Water-Wraith=, the evil spirit of the waters.

By this the storm grew loud apace, The water-wraith was shrieking. Campbell, Lord Ullin’s Daughter.

=Waterman= (The), Tom Tug. It is the title of a ballad opera by Charles Dibdin (1774). (For the plot, see WILELMINA BUNDLE.)

=Watkins= (William), the English attendant on the prince of Scotland.--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.).

=Watts= (Dr. Isaac). It is said that Isaac Watts, being beaten by his father for wasting his time in writing verses, exclaimed:

O, father, pity on me take, And I will no more verses make.

A similar anecdote is told of Ovid, the Latin poet:

Parce, precor, genitor, posthac non versificabo.

=Wauch= (Mansie), fictitious name of D. M. Moir, author of The Life of Mansie Wauch, Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself (1828).

=Waverley=, the first of Scott’s historical novels, published in 1814. The materials are Highland feudalism, military bravery, and description of natural scenery. There is a fine vein of humor, and a union of fiction with history. The chief characters are Charles Edward, the Chevalier, the noble old baron of Bradwardine, the simple, faithful clansman, Evan Dhu, and the poor fool, Davie Gellatley, with his fragments of song and scattered gleams of fancy.

Scott did not prefix his name to Waverley, being afraid that it might compromise his poetical reputation.--Chambers, English Literature, ii. 586.

Waverley (Captain Edward), of Waverley Honor, and hero of the novel called by his name. Being gored by a stag, he resigned his commission, and proposed marriage to Flora M’Ivor, but was not accepted. Fergus M’Ivor (Flora’s brother) introduced him to Prince Charles Edward. He entered the service of the Young Chevalier, and in the battle of Preston Pans saved the life of Colonel Talbot. The colonel, out of gratitude, obtained the pardon of young Waverley, who then married Rose Bradwardine, and settled down quietly in Waverley Honor.

Mr. Richard Waverley, the captain’s father, of Waverley Honor.

Sir Everard Waverley, the captain’s uncle.

Mistress Rachel Waverley, sister of Sir Everard.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

=Wax= (A lad o’), a spruce young man, like a model in wax. Lucretius speaks of persona cerea, and Horace of the waxen arms of Telĕphus, meaning beautiful in shape and color.

A man, young lady! Lady, such a man As all the world----Why, he’s a man o’ wax! Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (1595).

=Way of the World= (The), a comedy by W. Congreve (1700). The “way of the world” is to tie up settlements to wives, to prevent their husbands squandering their wives’ fortunes. Thus, Fainall wanted to get into his power the fortune of his wife, whom he hated, but found it was “in trust to Edward Mirabell,” and consequently could not be tampered with.

=Way to Keep Him= (The), a comedy by A. Murphy (1760). The object of this drama is to show that women, after marriage, should not wholly neglect their husbands, but should try to please them, and make home agreeable and attractive. The chief persons are Mr. and Mrs. Lovemore. Mr. Lovemore has a virtuous and excellent wife, whom he esteems and loves; but, finding his home insufferably dull, he seeks amusement abroad; and those passions which have no play at home lead him to intrigue and card-playing, routes and dubious society. The under-plot is this: Sir Bashful Constant is a mere imitator of Mr. Lovemore, and Lady Constant suffers neglect from her husband and insult from his friends, because he foolishly thinks it is not comme il faut to love after he has married the woman of his choice.

=Ways and Means=, a comedy by Colman, the younger (1788). Random and Scruple meet at Calais two young ladies, Harriet and Kitty, daughters of Sir David Dunder, and fall in love with them. They come to Dover, and accidentally meet Sir David, who invites them over to Dunder Hall, where they are introduced to the two young ladies. Harriet is to be married next day, against her will, to Lord Snolts, a stumpy, “gummy” nobleman of five and forty; and, to avoid this hateful match, she and her sister agree to elope at night with the two young guests. It so happens that a series of blunders in the dark occur, and Sir David himself becomes privy to the whole plot, but, to prevent scandal, he agrees to the two marriages, and discovers that the young men, both in family and fortune, are quite suitable to be his sons-in-law.

=Wayland= (Launcelot), or WAYLAND SMITH, farrier in the vale of Whitehorse. Afterwards disguised as a pedlar at Cumnor Place.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Wealtheow= (2 syl.), wife of Hrothgar, king of Denmark.

Wealtheow went forth; mindful of their races, she ... greeted the men in the hall. The freeborn lady first handed the cup to the prince of the East Danes.... The lady of the Helmings then went about every part ... she gave treasure-vessels, until the opportunity occurred that she (a queen hung round with rings) ... bore forth the mead-cup to Beowolf ... and thanked God that her will was accomplished, that an earl of Denmark was a guarantee against crime.--Beowulf (Anglo-Saxon epic, sixth century).

=Wealthy Hoogs.= Yankee housewife, “hungry for books, full of keen thought, energetic to preëminence even among Yankee notables”--“she lived here, simply where she had been put, made and packed her butter, wove her homespun, and loved faithfully--and forbearingly, for the most part--(were it praise worth a woman’s having to say more?) the man whose name and home she shared.”--A. D. T. Whitney, The Gayworthys (1865).

=Wealthy= (Sir William), a retired City merchant, with one son of prodigal propensities. In order to save the young man from ruin, the father pretends to be dead, disguises himself as a German baron, and, with the aid of coadjutors, becomes the chief creditor of the young scapegrace.

Sir George Wealthy, the son of Sir William. After having run out his money, Lucy is brought to him as a courtezan; but the young man is so moved with her manifest innocence and tale of sorrow that he places her in an asylum where here distresses would be sacred, “and her indigent beauty would be guarded from temptation.” Afterwards she becomes his wife.

Mr. Richard Wealthy, merchant, the brother of Sir William; choleric, straightforward, and tyrannical. He thinks obedience is both law and gospel.

Lucy Wealthy, daughter of Richard. Her father wants her to marry a rich tradesman, and, as she refuses to do so turns her out of doors. She is brought to Sir George Wealthy as a fille de joie; but the young man, discerning her innocence and modesty, places her in safe-keeping. He ultimately finds out that she is his cousin, and the two parents rejoice in consummating a union so entirely in accordance with both their wishes.--Foote, The Minor (1760).

=Weary-all Hill=, above Glastonbury, to the left of Tor Hill. This spot is the traditional landing-place of Joseph of Arimathea; and here is the site (marked by a stone bearing the letters A. I. A.D. xxxi.) of the holy thorn.

When the saint arrived at Glastonbury, weary with his long journey, he struck his staff into the ground, and the staff became the famous thorn, the site being called “Weary-all Hill.”

=Weatherport= (Captain), a naval officer.--Sir W. Scott, The Pirate (time, William III.).

=Weaver-Poet of Inverary= (The), William Thom (1799-1850).

=Wea´zel= (Timothy), attorney-at-law at Lestwithiel, employed as the agent of Penruddock.--Cumberland, The Wheel of Fortune (1778).

=Wedding Day= (The), a comedy by Mrs. Inchbald (1790). The plot is this: Sir Adam Contest lost his first wife by shipwreck, and “twelve or fourteen years” afterwards he led to the altar a young girl of 18, to whom he was always singing the praises of his first wife--a phœnix, a paragon, the ne plus ultra of wives and women. She did everything to make him happy. She loved him, obeyed him; ah! “he would never look upon her like again.” On the wedding day this pink of wives and women made her appearance, and told how she had been rescued, and Sir Adam was dumfounded. “He was happy to bewail her loss,” but to rejoice in her restoration was quite another matter.

=Weeping Philosopher= (The), Heraclītos, who looked at the folly of man with grief (fl. B.C. 500). (See JEDDLER).

=Wegg= (Silas), wooden-legged ballad-monger and humbug, who “reads” for the confiding Boffins, and does his best to ruin them.--Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend.

=Weir= (Major), the favorite baboon of Sir Robert Redgauntlet. In the tale of “Wandering Willie,” Sir Robert’s piper went to the infernal regions to obtain the knight’s receipt of rent, which had been paid; but no receipt could be found, because the monkey had carried it to the castle turret.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Weird Sisters.= The three witches in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth.

=Weissnichtwo= [Vice-neckt-vo], nowhere. The word is German for “I know not where,” and was coined by Carlyle (Sartor Resartus, 1833). Sir W. Scott has a similar Scotch compound, “Kennaquhair” (“I know not where”). Cervantes has the “island of Trapoban” (i.e., of “dish-clouts,” from trapos, the Spanish for “a dish-clout”). Sir Thomas More has “Utopia” (Greek, ou topos, “no place”). We might add the “island of Medăma” (Greek, “nowhere”), “the peninsular of Udamogês” (Greek, “nowhere on earth”), the country of “Kennahtwhar,” etc., and place them in the great “Nullibian” ocean (“nowhere”), in any degree beyond 180º long. and 90º lat.

=Wel´ford=, one of the suitors of “the Scornful Lady” (no name is given to the lady).--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Scornful Lady (1616).

=Well.= Three of the most prominent Bible characters met their wives for the first time by wells of water, viz., Isaac, Jacob, and Moses.

Eliezer met Rebekah by a well, and arranged with Bethuel for her to become Isaac’s wife.--Gen. xxiv.

Jacob met Rachel by the well of Haran.--Gen. xxix.

When Moses fled from Egypt into the land of Midian, he “sat down by a well,” and the seven daughters of Jethro came there to draw water, one of whom, named Zipporah, became his wife.--Exod. ii. 15-21.

The Princess Nausicăa, daughter of Alcinŏos, king of the Phæacians, was with her maidens washing the household linen on the seashore when she first encountered Ulysses.--Homer, Odyssey, vi.

=Well of English Undefiled.= So Spenser calls Chaucer.

Dan Chaucer, well of English undefiled, On Fame’s eternal bead-roll worthy to be filed. Spenser, Faëry Queen, iv. 2 (1596).

=Well-Beloved= (The), Charles IV. of France, Le Bien-Aimé (1368, 1380-1422).

Louis XV. of France, Le Bien-Aimé (1710, 1715-1774).

=Well-Founded Doctor= (The), Ægidius de Colonna; also called “The Most Profound Doctor” (Doctor Fundatissimus et Theologorum Princeps); sometimes surnamed “Romānus,” because he was born in the Campagna di Roma, but more generally “Colonna,” from a town in the Campagna (1247-1316).

=Wellborn= (Francis, usually called Frank), nephew of Sir Giles Overreach, and son of Sir John Wellborn, who “bore the whole sway” of Northamptonshire, kept a large estate, and was highly honored. Frank squandered away the property, and got greatly into debt, but induced Lady Allworth to give him her countenance out of gratitude and respect to his father. Sir Giles fancies that the rich dowager is about to marry his nephew, and, in order to bring about this desirable consummation, not only pays all his debts, but supplies him liberally with ready money. Being thus freed from debt, and having sown his wild oats, young Wellborn reforms, and Lord Lovell gives him a “company.”--Massinger, A New Way to Pay Old Debts (1625).

=Weller= (Samuel), boots at the White Hart, and afterwards servant to Mr. Pickwick, to whom he becomes devotedly attached. Rather than leave his master when he is sent to the Fleet, Sam Weller gets his father to arrest him for debt. His fun, his shrewdness, his comparisons, his archness, and his cunning on behalf of his master are unparalleled.

Tony Weller, father of Sam; a coachman of the old school, who drives a coach between London and Dorking. Naturally portly in size, he becomes far more so in his great-coat of many capes. Tony wears top-boots, and his hat has a low crown and broad brim. On the stage-box he is a king, elsewhere he is a mere greenhorn. He marries a widow, landlady of the “Marquis of Granby inn,” and his constant advice to his son is, “Sam, beware of the vidders.”--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

=Wellington of Gamblers= (The). Lord Rivers was called in Paris Le Wellington des Joueurs.

=Wellington’s Horse=, Copenhagen. It died at the age of 27.

=Wellon= (Mr.), rector of English church at Conception Bay, and Mrs. Barre’s (Debrée’s) firm friend. He performs the service over her husband’s grave.--Robert Lowell, The New Priest of Conception Bay (1858).

=Wemmick=, clerk of Mr. Jaggers, the lawyer. He lived at Walworth. Wemmick was a dry man, rather short in stature, with square, wooden face. “There were some marks in the face which might have been dimples if the material had been softer.” His linen was frayed; he wore four mourning rings, and a brooch representing a lady, a weeping willow and a cinerary urn. His eyes were small and glittering; his lips small, thin and mottled; his age was between 40 and 50 years. Mr. Wemmick wore his hat on the back of his head, and looked straight before him, as if nothing was worth looking at. Mr. Wemmick at home and Mr. Wemmick in his office were two distinct beings. At home he was his “own engineer, his own carpenter, his own plumber, his own gardener, his own Jack-of-all-trades,” and had fortified his little wooden house like Commodore Trunnion (q.v.) His father lived with him, and he called him “The Aged.” The old man was very deaf, but heated the poker with delight to fire off the nine o’clock signal, and chuckled with joy because he could hear the bang. The house had a “real flag-staff,” and a plank which crossed the ditch some four feet wide and two feet deep was the drawbridge. At nine o’clock P.M., Greenwich time, the gun (called “The Stinger”) was fired.

The piece of ordnance was mounted in a separate fortress, constructed of lattice-work. It was protected from the weather by an ingenious little tarpaulin contrivance in the nature of an umbrella.--C. Dickens, Great Expectations, xxv. (1860).

=Wenlock= (Wild Wenlock), kinsman of Sir Hugo de Lacy, constable of Chester. His head is cut off by the insurgents.--Sir W. Scott, The Betrothed (time Henry II).

=Weno´nah=, mother of Hiawatha and daughter of Noko´mis. Nokomis was swinging in the moon, when some of her companions, out of jealousy, cut the ropes, and she fell to the earth “like a falling star.” That night was born her first child, a daughter, whom she named Wenonah. In due time, this lovely daughter was wooed and won by Mudjekee´wis (the west wind), and became the mother of Hiawatha. The false West Wind deserted her, and the young mother died.

Fair Nokomis bore a daughter, And she called her name Wenonah. Longfellow, Hiawatha, iii. (1855).

=Wentworth= (Eva), the beau-ideal of female purity. She was educated in strict seclusion. De Courcy fell in love with her, but deceived her; whereupon she died calmly and tranquilly, elevated by religious hope. (See ZAIRA).--Rev. C. R. Maturin, Women (a romance, 1822).

=Werburg= (St.), born a princess. By her prayer, she drove the wild geese from Weedon.

She falleth in her way with Weedon, where, ’tis said, St. Werburg, princely born--a most religious maid-- From those peculiar fields, by prayer the wild geese drove. Drayton, Polyolbion, xxiii. (1622).

=Were-wolf= (2 syl.), a man-wolf, a man transformed into a wolf temporarily or otherwise.

Oft through the forest dark, Followed the weir-wolf’s bark. Longfellow, The Skeleton in Armor.

=Werner=, the boy said to have been crucified at Bacharach, on the Rhine, by the Jews. (See HUGH OF LINCOLN.)

The innocent boy who, some years back, Was taken and crucified by the Jews In that ancient town of Bacharach. Longfellow, The Golden Legend (1851).

=Werner= or =Kruitzner= (Count of Siegendorf), father of Ulric. Being driven from the dominions of his father, he wandered about for twelve years as a beggar, hunted from place to place by Count Stral´enheim. At length, Stralenheim, travelling through Silesia, was rescued from the Oder by Gabor (alias Ulric), and was lodged in an old tumble-down palace, where Werner had been lodging for some few days. Here Werner robbed the count of a rouleau of gold, the next day the count was murdered by Ulric (without the connivance or even knowledge of Werner). When Werner succeeded to the rank and wealth of Count Siegendorf, he became aware that his son, Ulric, was the murderer, and denounced him. Ulric departed, and Werner said, “The race of Siegendorf is past.”--Byron, Werner (1821).

(This drama is borrowed from “Kruitzner, or The German’s Tale,” in Miss H. Lee’s Canterbury Tales, 1797-1805).


=Werther=, a young German student, of poetic fancy and very sensitive disposition, who falls in love with Lotte (2 syl.), the betrothed and afterwards the wife of Albert. Werther becomes acquainted with Lotte’s husband, who invites him to stay with him as a guest. In this visit his love blazes out into a terrible passion, and after vainly striving to fight it down, he puts an end to his misery by shooting himself.--Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774).

⁂ Goethe represents himself, or rather one of the moods of his mind, in the character of Werther. The catastrophe, however, is borrowed from the fate of a schoolfellow of his named Jerusalem, who shot himself on account of a hopeless passion for a married woman. “Albert” and “Lotte” were sketched from his friends Albert and Charlotte Kestner, a young couple with whom he had relations not unlike those of Werther in the early part of the story with the fictitious characters.

=Werther of Politics.= The marquis of Londonderry is so called by Lord Byron. Werther, the personification of maudlin sentimentality, is the hero of Goethe’s romance entitled The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774).

It is the first time since the Normans that England has been insulted by a minister who could not speak English, and that parliament permitted itself to be dictated to in the language of Mrs. Malaprop.... Let us hear no more of this man, and let Ireland remove the ashes of her Grattan from the sanctuary of Westminster. Shall the Patriot of Humanity repose by the Werther of Politics?--Byron, Don Juan (preface to canto vi., etc., 1824).

=Wessel= (Peder), a tailor’s apprentice, who rose to the rank of vice-admiral of Denmark, in the reign of Christian V. He was called Tor´denskiold (3 syl.), corrupted into Tordenskiol (the “Thunder Shield”), and was killed in a duel.

North Sea! a glimpse of Wessel rent Thy murky sky ... From Denmark thunders Tordenskiol; Let each to heaven commend his soul, And fly. Longfellow, King Christian [V.].

=West Indian= (The), a comedy by R. Cumberland (1771). Mr. Belcour, the adopted son of a wealthy Jamaica merchant, on the death of his adopted father came to London, to the house of Mr. Stockwell, once the clerk of Mr. Belcour, senior. This clerk had secretly married Belcour’s daughter, and when her boy was born it was “laid as a foundling at her father’s door.” Old Belcour brought the child up as his own son, and at death “bequeathed to him his whole estate.” The young man then came to London as the guest of Mr. Stockwell, the rich merchant, and accidentally encountered in the street Miss Louisa Dudley, with whom he fell in love. Louisa, with her father, Captain Dudley, and her brother, Charles, all in the greatest poverty, were lodging with a Mr. Fulmer, a small bookseller. Belcour gets introduced, and, after the usual mistakes and hairbreadth escapes, makes her his wife.

=Western= (Squire), a jovial, fox-hunting country gentleman, supremely ignorant of book-learning, very prejudiced, selfish, irascible and countrified; but shrewd, good-natured, and very fond of his daughter, Sophia.

Philip, earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, was in character a Squire Western, choleric, boisterous, illiterate, selfish, absurd and cowardly.--Osborne, Secret History, i. 218.

Squire Western stands alone; imitated from no prototype, and in himself an inimitable picture of ignorance, prejudice, irascibility and rusticity, united with natural shrewdness, constitutional good humor, and an instinctive affection for his daughter.--Encyc. Brit., Art. “Fielding.”

Sophia Western, daughter of Squire Western. She becomes engaged to Tom Jones, the foundling.--Fielding, Tom Jones (1749).

There now are no Squire Westerns, as of old; And our Sophias are not so emphatic, But fair as them or fairer to behold. Byron, Don Juan, xiii. 110 (1824).

=Westlock= (John), a quondam pupil of Mr. Pecksniff (“architect and land surveyor”). John Westlock marries Ruth, the sister of Tom Pinch.--C. Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit (1843).

=Westmoreland=, according to fable, is West-Mar-land. Mar or Marius, son of Arvirăgus, was king of the British, and overthrew Rodric, the Scythian, in the north-west of England, where he set up a stone with an inscription of this victory, “both of which remain to this day.”--Geoffrey, British History, iv. 17 (1142).

=Westward Hoe=, a comedy by Thomas Dekker (1607). The Rev. Charles Kingsley published a novel in 1854, entitled Westward Ho! or The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. (See EASTWARD HOE.)

=Wetheral= (Stephen), surnamed “Stephen Steelheart,” in the troop of Lord Waldemar Fitzurse (a baron following Prince John).--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Wetherell= (Elizabeth), Miss Susan Warner, authoress of The Wide, Wide World (1852), Queechy (1853), etc.

=Wetzweiler= (Tid), or Le Glorieux, the court jester of Charles, “The Bold,” duke of Burgundy.--Sir W. Scott, Quentin Durward (time, Edward IV.).

=Whachum=, journeyman to Sidrophel. He was Richard Green, who published a pamphlet of base ribaldry, called Hudibras in a Snare (1667).

A paltry wretch he had, half-starved, That him in place of zany served, Hight Whachum. S. Butler, Hudibras, ii. 3 (1664).

=Whang=, an avaricious Chinese miller, who, by great thrift, was pretty well off, but, one day, being told that a neighbor had found a pot of money which he had dreamt of, began to be dissatisfied with his slow gains, and longed for a dream also. At length the dream came. He dreamt there was a huge pot of gold concealed under his mill, and set to work to find it. The first omen of success was a broken mug, then a house-tile, and at length, after much digging, he came to a stone so large that he could not lift it. He ran to tell his luck to his wife, and the two tugged at the stone, but, as they removed it, down fell the mill in utter ruins.--Goldsmith, A Citizen of the World, lxx. (1759).

=Wharton= (Eliza), heroine of one of the first novels published in the United States, under the title of The Coquette, or The History of Eliza Wharton, by Hannah Webster Foster (1797).

=Whartons= (The). Henry Wharton, young royalist captain, arrested as a spy while visiting his father’s house, which is within the American lines. He is assisted to escape by Harvey Birch.

Sarah Wharton, the elder daughter, has royalist proclivities; Frances is loyal to the colonial cause, and betrothed to Major Dunwoodie.

Mr. Wharton (père), fine specimen of the old English gentleman.--James Fenimore Cooper, The Spy (1821).

=What Next?= A farce by T. Dibdin. Colonel Clifford meets at Brighton two cousins, Sophia and Clarissa Touchwood, and falls in love with the latter, who is the sister of Major Touchwood, but thinks her Christian name is Sophia, and so is accepted by Sophia’s father, who is Colonel Touchwood. Now, it so happens that Major Touchwood is in love with his cousin, Sophia, and looks on Colonel Clifford as his rival. The major tries to outwit his supposed rival, but finds they are both in error, that it is Clarissa whom the colonel wishes to marry, and that Sophia is quite free to follow the bent of her own and the major’s choice.

=Wheel of Fortune= (The), a comedy by R. Cumberland (1779).

⁂ For the plot and tale, see PENRUDDOCK.

=Whetstone Cut by a Razor.= Accius Navius, the augur, cut a whetstone with a razor in the presence of Tarquin, the elder.

In short, ’twas his fate, unemployed or in place, sir, To eat mutton cold, and cut blocks with a razor. Goldsmith, Retaliation (“Burke” is referred to, 1774).

=Whims= (Queen), the monarch of Whimdom, or country of whims, fancies, and literary speculations. Her subjects were alchemists, astrologers, fortune-tellers, rhymers, projectors, schoolmen, and so forth. The best way of reaching this empire is “to trust to the whirlwind and the current.” When Pantagruel’s ship ran aground, it was towed off by 7,000,000 drums quite easily. These drums are the vain imaginings of whimsyists. Whenever a person is perplexed at any knotty point of science or doctrine, some drum will serve for a nostrum to pull him through.--Rabelais, Pantagruel, v. 18, etc. (1545).

=Whim´sey=, a whimsical, kind-hearted old man, father to Charlotte and “young” Whimsey.

As suspicious of everybody above him, as if he had been bred a rogue himself.--Act i. 1.

Charlotte Whimsey, the pretty daughter of old Whimsey; in love with Monford.--James Cobb, The First Floor.

=Whip with Six Lashes=, the “Six Articles” of Henry VIII. (1539).

=Whipping Boy.= A boy kept to be whipped when a prince deserved chastisement.


D’OSSAT and DUPERRON, afterwards cardinals, were whipped by Clement VIII. for Henry IV. of France.--Fuller, Church History, ii. 342 (1655).

MUNGO MURRAY stood for Charles I.

RAPHAEL was flogged for the son of the marquis de Leganez, but, not seeing the justice of this arrangement, he ran away.--Lesage, Gil Blas, v. 1 (1724).

=Whisker=, the pony of Mr. Garland, Abel Cottage, Finchley.

/# There approached towards him a little, clattering, jingling, four-wheeled chaise, drawn by a little obstinate-looking, rough-coated pony, and driven by a little, fat, placid-faced old gentleman. Beside the little old gentleman sat a little old lady, plump and placid like himself, and the pony was coming along at his own pace, and doing exactly as he pleased with the whole concern. If the old gentleman remonstrated by shaking the reins, the pony replied by shaking his head. It was plain that the utmost the pony would consent to do was to go in his own way ... after his own fashion, or not at all.--C. Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop, xiv. (1840).

=Whiskerandos= (Don Fero´lo), the sentimental lover of Tilburina.--Sheridan, The Critic, ii. 1 (1779).

=Whist= (Father of the game of), Edmond Hoyle (1672-1769).

=Whistle= (The). In the train of Anne of Denmark, when she went to Scotland with James VI., was a gigantic Dane of matchless drinking capacity. He had an ebony whistle, which, at the beginning of a drinking bout, he would lay on the table, and whoever was last able to blow it, was to be considered the “Champion of the Whistle.” In Scotland the Dane was defeated by Sir Robert Laurie, of Maxwelton, who, after three days’ and three nights’ hard drinking, left the Dane under the table, and “blew on the whistle his requiem shrill.” The whistle remained in the family several years, when it was won by Sir Walter Laurie, son of Sir Robert; and then by Walter Riddel, of Glenriddel, brother-in-law of Sir Walter Laurie. The last person who carried it off was Alexander Ferguson of Craigdarroch, son of “Annie Laurie” so well known.

⁂ Burns has a ballad on the subject, called The Whistle.

Whistle. The blackbird, says Drayton, is the only bird that whistles.

Upon his dulcet pipe the merle doth only play. Polyolbion, xiii. (1613).

=Whistler= (The), a young thief, natural son of Sir G. Staunton, whom he shot after his marriage with Effie Deans.--Sir W. Scott, Heart of Midlothian (time, George II.).

=Whistling.= Mr. Townley, of Hull, says, in Notes and Queries, August 2, 1879, that a Roman Catholic checked his wife, who was whistling for a dog: “If you please, ma’am, don’t whistle. Every time a woman whistles, the heart of the blessed Virgin bleeds.”

Une poule qui chante, le coq et une fille qui siffle, portent malheur dans la maison. La poule ne doit point chanter devant le coq.

A whistling woman and a crowing hen Are neither good for God or men.

=Whitaker= (Richard), the old steward of Sir Geoffrey Peveril.--Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

=Whitchurch=, in Middlesex (or Little Stanmore), is the parish, and William Powell was the blacksmith, made celebrated by Händel’s Harmonious Blacksmith. Powell died in 1780.

=White Cat= (The). A certain queen, desirous of obtaining some fairy fruit, was told she might gather as much as she would if she would give to them the child about to be born. The queen agreed, and the new-born child was carried to the fairies. When of marriageable age, the fairies wanted her to marry Migonnet, a fairy-dwarf, and, as she refused to do so, changed her into a white cat. Now comes the second part. An old king had three sons, and promised to resign the kingdom to that son who brought him the smallest dog. The youngest son wandered to a palace, where he saw a white cat endowed with human speech, who gave him a dog so tiny that the prince carried it in an acorn shell. The father then said he would resign his crown to that son who brought him home a web, 400 yards long, which would pass through the eye of a needle. The White Cat gave the prince a web 400 yards long packed in the shale of a millet grain. The king then told his sons he would resign his throne to that son who brought home the handsomest bride. The White Cat told the prince to cut off its head and tail. On doing so, the creature resumed her human form, and was acknowledged to be the most beautiful woman on earth.

Her eyes committed theft upon all hearts, and her sweetness kept them captive. Her shape was majestic, her air noble and modest, her wit flowing, her manners engaging. In a word, she was beyond everything that was lovely.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“The White Cat,” 1682).

=White Clergy= (The), the parish priests, in contradistinction to The Black Clergy or monks, in Russia.

=White Cross Knights=, the Knights Hospitallers. The Knights Templar wore a red cross.

The White Cross Knights of the adjacent isle. Robert Browning, The Return of the Druses, i.

=White Devil of Wallachia.= George Castriota, known as “Scanderbeg,” was called by the Turks “The White Devil of Wallachia” (1404-1467).

=White Elephant= (King of the) a title of the kings of Ava and Siam.

=White Friars= (The), the Carmelites, who dress in white.

⁂ There is a novel by Miss Robinson called White Friars.

=White Heron.= Maurice Thompson thus describes the shooting of a white heron:

“Like twenty serpents bound together, Hissed the flying arrow’s feather. A thud, a puff, a feathery ring, A quick collapse, a quivering-- A whirl, a headlong downward dash, A heavy fall, a sullen plash, And, like white foam, or giant flake Of snow, he lay upon the lake!” Maurice Thompson, The Death of the White Heron, Songs of Fair Weather (1883).

=White Hoods= (or Chaperons Blancs); the insurgents of Ghent, led by Jean Lyons, noted for their fight at Minnewater to prevent the digging of a canal which they fancied would be injurious to trade.

Saw the fight at Minnewater, saw the “White Hoods” moving west. Longfellow, The Belfry of Bruges.

=White Horse= (Lords of The), the old Saxon chiefs, whose standard was a white horse.

And tampered with the lords of the White Horse. Tennyson, Guinevere.

=White Horse of the Peppers=, a sprat to catch a mackerel. After the battle of the Boyne, the estates of many of the Jacobites were confiscated, and given to the adherents of William III. Amongst others, the estate of the Peppers was forfeited, and the Orangeman to whom it was awarded went to take possession. “Where was it, and what was its extent?” These were all-important questions; and the Orangeman was led up and down, hither and thither, for several days, under pretence of showing him the land. He had to join the army by a certain day, but was led so far afield that he agreed to forego his claim if supplied with means of reaching his regiment within the given time. Accordingly, the “white horse,” the pride of the family, and the fastest animal in the land, was placed at his disposal, the king’s grant was revoked, and the estate remained in the possession of the original owner.--S. Lover, Stories and Legends of Ireland (1832-34).

=White Horse of Wantage= (Berkshire), cut in the chalk hills. The horse is 374 feet long, and may be seen at the distance of fifteen miles. It commemorates a great victory obtained by Alfred, over the Danes, called the battle of Æscesdun (Ashdown), during the reign of his brother Ethelred in 871. (See RED HORSE.)

In this battle all the flower of the barbarian youth was there slain, so that neither before nor since was ever such a destruction known since the Saxons first gained Britain by their arms.--Ethelwerd, Chronicle, ii. A. 871. (See also Asser, Life of Alfred, year 871.)

=White King=, the title of the emperor of Muscovy, from the white robes which these kings were accustomed to use.

Sunt qui principem Moscoviæ Album Regem noncupant. Ego quidem causam diligenter quærebam, cur regis albi nomine appellaretur cum nemo principum Moscoviæ eo titulo antea [Basilius Ivanwich] esset usus.... Credo autem ut Persam nunc propter rubea tegumenta capitis “Kissilpassa” (i.e., rubeum caput) vocant; ita reges Moscoviæ propter alba tegumenta “Albos Reges” appellari.--Sigismund.

⁂ Perhaps it may be explained thus: Muscovy is always called “Russia Alba,” as Poland is called “Black Russia.”

White King. So Charles I. is called by Herbert. His robe of state was white instead of purple. At his funeral the snow fell so thick upon the pall that it was quite white.--Herbert, Memoirs (1764).

=White Lady= (The), “La Dame d’Aprigny,” a Norman fée, who used to occupy the site of the present Rue de St. Quentin, at Bayeux.

La Dame Abonde, also a Norman fée.

Vocant dominam Abundiam pro eo quod domibus quas frequentant, abundantiam bonorum temporalium præstare, putantur non aliter tibi sentiendum est neque aliter quam quemadmodum de illis audivisti.--William of Auvergne (1248).

White Lady (The), a ghost seen in different castles and palaces belonging to the royal family of Prussia, and supposed to forebode the death of some of the royal family, especially one of the children. The last appearance was in 1879, just prior to the death of Prince Waldemar. Twice she has been heard to speak, e.g.: In December, 1628, she appeared in the palace at Berlin, and said in Latin, “I wait for judgment;” and once at the castle of Neuhaus, in Bohemia, when she said to the princess, in German, “It is ten o’clock;” and the lady addressed died in a few weeks.

There are two white ladies, in fact--one the Countess Agnes, of Orlamunde, and the other the Princess Bertha von Rosenberg, who lived in the fifteenth century. The former was buried alive in a vault in the palace. She was the mistress of a margrave of Brandenburgh, by whom she had two sons. When the prince became a widower, Agnes thought he would marry her, but he made the sons an objection, and she poisoned them, for which crime she was buried alive. Another version is that she fell in love with the prince of Parma, and made away with her two daughters, who were an obstacle to her marriage, for which crime she was doomed to “walk the earth” as an apparition.

The Princess Bertha is troubled because an annual gift, which she left to the poor, has been discontinued. She appears dressed in white, and carrying at her side a bunch of keys.

It may interest those who happen to be learned in Berlin legends, to know that the White Lady, whose visits always precede the death of some member of the royal family, was seen on the eve of Prince Waldemar’s death. A soldier on guard at the old castle was the witness of the apparition, and in his fright fled to the guard-room, where he was at once arrested for deserting his post.--Brief, April 4, 1879.

=White Lady of Avenel= (2 syl.), a tutelary spirit.--Sir W. Scott, The Monastery (time, Elizabeth).

=White Lady of Ireland= (The), the banshee or domestic spirit of a family, who takes an interest in its condition, and intimates approaching death by wailing or shrieks.

=White Moon= (Knight of the), Samson Carrasco. He assumed this cognizance when he went as a knight-errant to encounter Don Quixote. His object was to overthrow the don in combat, and then impose on him the condition of returning home, and abandoning the profession of chivalry for twelve months. By this means he hoped to cure the don of his craze. It all happened as the barber expected; the don was overthrown, and returned to his home, but soon died.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, II. iv. 12, etc. (1615).

=White Queen= (The), Mary Queen of Scots (La Reine Blanche); so called by the French, because she dressed in white, in mourning for her husband.

=White Rose= (The), the house of York, whose badge it was. The badge of the house of Lancaster was the Red Rose.

Richard de la Pole is often called “The White Rose.”

=White Rose of England= (The). Perkin Warbeck was so called by Margaret of Burgundy, sister of Edward IV. (*-1499).

=White Rose of Raby= (The), Cecily, wife of Richard, duke of York, and mother of Edward IV. and Richard III. She was the youngest of twenty-one children.

⁂ A novel entitled The White Rose of Raby was published in 1794.

=White Rose of Scotland= (The), Lady Katherine Gordon, the [? fifth] daughter of George, second earl of Huntly, by his second wife, Princess Annabella Stuart, youngest daughter of James I. of Scotland. She married Perkin Warbeck, the pretender, self-styled Richard, duke of York. (See WARBECK.) She had three husbands after the death of Warbeck.

As Margaret of York, duchess of Burgundy, who out of jealousy of the Lancastrian Henry VII., adopted the cause of Perkin Warbeck, always called him “The White Rose of York;” his wife, Lady Katharine Gordon, was called The White Rose of Scotland.

=White Rose of York= (The), Edward Courtney, earl of Devon, son of the marquis of Exeter. He died at Padua, in Queen Mary’s reign (1553).

=White Surrey=, the favorite charger of Richard III.

Saddle White Surrey for the field to-morrow. Shakespeare, Richard III. act v. sc. 3 (1597).

=White Tsar of His People.= The emperor of Russia is so called, and claims the empire of seventeen crowns.

=White Widow= (The), the duchess of Tyrconnel, wife of Richard Talbot, lord deputy of Ireland under James II. After the death of her husband she supported herself by her needle. She wore a white mask, and dressed in white.--Pennant, Account of London, 147 (1790).

=White Witch= (A), a “witch” who employs her power and skill for the benefit and not the harm of her fellow-mortals.

=Whites= (The), an Italian faction of the fourteenth century. The Guelphs of Florence were divided into the Blacks, who wished to open their gates to Charles de Valois, and the Whites, who opposed him. The poet Dantê, was a “White,” and when the “Blacks,” in 1302, got the upper hand, he was exiled. During his exile he composed his immortal epic, the Divina Commedia.

=Whitecraft= (John), innkeeper and miller at Altringham.

Dame Whitecraft, the pretty wife of the above.--Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

=Whitfield of the Stage= (The). Quin was so called by Garrick (1716-1779). Garrick himself is sometimes so denominated also.

=Whitney= (James), the Claude Duval of English highwaymen. He prided himself on being “the glass of fashion and the mould of form.” Executed at Porter’s Block, near Smithfield (1660-1694).

=Whittington= (Dick), a poor orphan country lad, who heard that London was “paved with gold,” and went there to get a living. When reduced to starving point a kind merchant gave him employment in his family to help the cook, but the cook so ill treated him that he ran away. Sitting to rest himself on the roadside, he heard Bow bells, and they seemed to him to say, “Turn again, Whittington, thrice lord mayor of London;” so he returned to his master. By-and-by the master allowed him, with the other servants, to put in an adventure in a ship bound for Morocco. Richard had nothing but a cat, which, however, he sent. Now it happened that the king of Morocco was troubled by mice, which Whittington’s cat destroyed; and this so pleased his highness that he bought the mouser at a fabulous price. Dick commenced business with this money, soon rose to great wealth, married his master’s daughter, was knighted, and thrice elected lord mayor of London--in 1398, 1406 and 1419.

⁂ A cat is a brig built on the Norwegian model, with narrow stern, projecting quarters and deep waist.

Another solution is the word achat, “barter.”

KEIS, the son of a poor widow of Siraf, embarked for India with his sole property, a cat. He arrived at a time when the palace was so infested by mice and rats that they actually seized the king’s food. This cat cleared the palace of its vermin, and was purchased for a large sum of money, which enriched the widow’s son.--Sir William Ouseley (a Persian story).

ALPHONSO, a Portuguese, being wrecked on the coast of Guinea, had a cat, which the king bought for its weight in gold. With this money Alphonso traded, and in five years made £6000, returned to Portugal, and became in fifteen years the third magnate of the kingdom.--Description of Guinea.

⁂ See Keightley, Tales and Popular Fictions, 241-266.

=Whittle= (Thomas), an old man of 63, who wants to cajole his nephew out of his lady-love, the Widow Brady, only 23 years of age. To this end he assumes the airs, the dress, the manners, and the walk of a beau. For his thick flannels he puts on a cambric shirt, open waist-coat, and ruffles; for his Welsh wig he wears a pigtail and chapeau bras; for his thick cork soles he trips like a dandy in pumps. He smirks, he titters, he tries to be quite killing. He discards history and solid reading for the Amorous Repository, Cupid’s Revels, Hymen’s Delight, and Ovid’s Art of Love. In order to get rid of him, the gay young widow assumes to be a boisterous, rollicking, extravagant, low Irishwoman, deeply in debt, and utterly reckless. Old Whittle is thoroughly alarmed, induces his nephew to take the widow off his hands, and gives him £5000 for doing so.--Garrick, The Irish Widow (1757).

=Who’s The Dupe?= Abraham Doiley is a retired slop-seller, with £80,000 or more. Being himself wholly uneducated, he is a great admirer of “larning,” and resolves that his daughter Elizabeth shall marry a great scholar. Elizabeth is in love with Captain Granger, but the old slop-seller has fixed his heart on a Mr. Gradus, an Oxford pedant. The question is how to bring the old man round. Gradus is persuaded to change his style of dress to please the lady, and Granger is introduced as a learned pundit. The old man resolves to pit together the two aspirants, and give Elizabeth to the best scholar. Gradus quotes two lines of Greek, in which the word panta occurs four times; Granger gives some three or four lines of English fustian. Gradus tells the old man that what Granger said was mere English; but Doiley, in the utmost indignation, replies, “Do you think I don’t know my own mother tongue? Off with your pantry, which you call Greek! t’other is the man for my money;” and he gives his daughter to the captain.--Mrs. Cowley, Who’s the Dupe?

=Whole Duty of Man= (The). Sir James Wellwood Moncrieff, bart., was so called by Jeffrey (1776-1851).

=Wickfield= (Mr.), a lawyer, father of Agnes. The “’umble” Uriah Heep was his clerk.

Agnes Wickfield, daughter of Mr. Wickfield; a young lady of sound sense and domestic habits, lady-like and affectionate. She is the second wife of David Copperfield.--C. Dickens, David Copperfield (1849).

=Wickam= (Mrs.), a waiter’s wife. Mrs. Wickam was a meek, drooping woman, always ready to pity herself or to be pitied, and with a depressing habit of prognosticating evil. She succeeded Polly Toodles as nurse to Paul Dombey.--C. Dickens, Dombey and Son (1846).

=Wicliffe=, called “The Morning Star of the Reformation” (1324-1384).

=Widdrington= (Roger), a gallant squire, mentioned in the ballad of Chevy Chase. He fought “upon his stumps,” after he lost his legs. (See BENBOW.)

=Widenostrils= (in French Bringuenarilles), a huge giant, who had swallowed every pan, skillet, kettle, frying-pan, dripping-pan, saucepan and caldron in the land, for want of windmills, his usual food. He was ultimately killed by eating a lump of fresh butter at the mouth of a hot oven, by the advice of his physician.--Rabelais, Pantagruel, iv. 17 (1545).

=Widerolf=, bishop of Strasbourg (997), was devoured by mice in the seventeenth year of his episcopate, because he suppressed the convent of Seltzen on the Rhine. (See HATTO.)

=Widow=, in the Deserted Village (Goldsmith). “All the bloomy flush of life is fled” from Auburn:

All but yon widowed, solitary thing, That feebly bends beside the plashy spring; She, wretched matron, forced in age, for bread, To strip the brook, with mantling cresses spread, To pick her wintry faggot from the thorn, To seek her nightly shed, and weep till morn; She only left of all the harmless train, The sad historian of the pensive plain.

Her name was Catherine Geraghty.

Widow (The), courted by Sir Hudibras, was the relict of Amminadab Wilmer or Willmot, an independent, slain at Edgehill. She was left with a fortune of £200 a year. The knight’s “Epistle to the Lady” and the “Lady’s Reply,” in which she declines his offer, are usually ap pended to the poem entitled Hudibras.

=Widow Bedott=, relict of Hezekiah, and willing to be consoled. Garrulous, silly and full of sentimental affectations.--Francis M. Whitcher (1856).

=Widow Blackacre=, a perverse, bustling, masculine, pettifogging, litigious woman.--Wycherly, The Plain Dealer (1677).

=Widow Flockhart=, landlady at Waverley’s lodgings in the Canongate.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

=Wieland’s Sword=, Balmung. It was so sharp that it cleft Amilias in twain without his knowing it; when, however, he attempted to stir, he fell into two pieces.--Scandinavian Mythology.

=Wiever= (Old), a preacher and old conspirator.--Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

=Wife= (The), a drama by S. Knowles (1833). Mariana, daughter of a Swiss burgher, nursed Leonardo in a dangerous sickness--an avalanche had fallen on him, and his life was despaired of, but he recovered, and fell in love with his young and beautiful nurse. Leonardo intended to return to Mantua, but was kept a prisoner by a gang of thieves, and Mariana followed him, for she found life intolerable without him. Here Count Florio fell in love with her, and obtained her guardian’s consent to marry her; but Mariana refused to do so, and was arraigned before the duke (Ferrardo), who gave judgment against her. Leonardo was at the trial disguised, but, throwing off his mask, was found to be the real duke supposed to be dead. He assumed his rank, and married Mariana; but, being called to the wars, left Ferrardo regent. Ferrardo, being a villain, hatched up a plot against the bride, of infidelity to her lord, but Leonardo would give no credit to it, and the whole scheme of villainy was fully exposed.

⁂ Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure probably gave Knowles some hints for his plot.

=Wife for a Month= (A), a drama by Beaumont and Fletcher (1624). The “wife” is Evanthê (3 syl.), the chaste wife of Valerio, pursued by Frederick, the licentious brother of Alphonso, king of Naples. She repels his base advances, and, to punish her, he offers to give her to any one for one month, at the end of which time whoever accepts her is to die. No one appears, and the lady is restored to her husband.

=Wife of Bath=, one of the pilgrims to the shrine of Thomas à Becket.--Chaucer. Canterbury Tales (1388).

=Wife of Bath’s Tale.= One of King Arthur’s knights was condemned to death for ill-using a lady, but Guinever interceded for him, and the king gave him over to her to do what she liked. The queen said she would spare his life, if, by that day twelve months, he would tell her “What is that which woman loves best?” The knight seeks far and wide for a solution, but in his despair he meets a hideous old woman who promises to give him the answer if he will grant her one request, which is, to marry her. The knight could not bring himself to embrace so gruesome a bride, but she persuaded him that it was better to have a faithful wife even if she were old and ugly, than one young and beautiful, but untrue. The knight yields, and in the morning he wakes to find a lovely woman by his side, who tells him that what a woman likes best is to have her own way.--Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (“The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” 1388).

⁂ This tale is a very old one, and appears in various languages; European and Oriental. It is one of those told by Gower in his Confessio Amantis, where Florent promises to marry a deformed old hag, who in reward for his complaisance helps him to the solution of a riddle.

=Wigged Prince= (The Best). The guardian, uncle-in-law and first cousin of the duke of Brunswick was called “The Best Wigged Prince in Christendom.”

=Wild= (Jonathan), a cool, calculating, heartless villain, with the voice of a Stentor. He was born at Wolverhampton, in Staffordshire, and, like Jack Sheppard, was the son of a carpenter.

He had ten maxims: (1) Never do more mischief than is absolutely necessary for success; (2) Know no distinction, but let self-interest be the one principle of action; (3) Let not your shirt know the thoughts of your heart; (4) Never forgive an enemy; (5) Shun poverty and distress; (6) Foment jealousies in your gang; (7) A good name, like money, must be risked in speculation; (8) Counterfeit virtues are as good as real ones, for few know paste from diamonds; (9) Be your own trumpeter, and don’t be afraid of blowing loud; (10) Keep hatred concealed in the heart, but wear the face of a friend.

Jonathan Wild married six wives. Being employed for a time as a detective, he brought to the gallows thirty-five highwaymen, twenty-two burglars and ten returned convicts. He was himself executed at last at Tyburn for house-breaking (1682-1725).

Daniel Defoe has made Jonathan Wild the hero of a romance (1725). Fielding did the same in 1743. The hero in these romances is a coward, traitor, hypocrite and tyrant, unrelieved by human feeling, and never betrayed into a kind or good action. The character is historic, but the adventures are in a measure fictitious.

=Wild Boar of Ardennes=, William de la Marck.--Sir W. Scott, Quentin Durward (time, Edward IV.).

⁂ The Count de la Marck was third son of John, count de la Marck and Aremberg. He was arrested at Utrecht, and beheaded by order of Maximilian, emperor of Austria, in 1485.

=Wild Boy of Hameln=, a human being found in the forest of Hertswold, in Hanover. He walked on all fours, climbed trees like a monkey, fed on grass and leaves, and could never be taught to articulate a single word. He was discovered in 1725, was called “Peter, the Wild Boy,” and died at Broadway Farm, near Berkhampstead, in 1785.

⁂ Mdlle. Lablanc was a wild girl found by the villagers of Soigny, near Chalons, in 1731. She died in Paris in 1780.

=Wild Goose Chase= (The), a comedy by Beaumont and Fletcher (1652). The “wild goose” is Mirabel, who is “chased” and caught by Oriana, whom he once despised.

=Wild Horses= (Death by). The hands and feet of the victim were fastened to two or four wild horses, and the horses, being urged forward, ran in different directions, tearing the victim limb from limb.

METTIUS SUFFETIUS was fastened to two chariots, which were driven in opposite directions. This was for deserting the Roman standard (B.C. 669).--Livy, Annals, i. 28.

SALCĒDE, a Spaniard, employed by Henri III. to assassinate Henri de Guise, failed in his attempt, and was torn limb from limb by four wild horses.

NICHOLAS DE SALVADO was torn to pieces by wild horses for attempting the life of William, prince of Orange.

BALTHAZAR DE GERRARD was similarly punished for assassinating the same prince (1584).

JOHN CHASTEL was torn to pieces by wild horses for attempting the life of Henri IV. of France (1594).

FRANÇOIS RAVAILLAC suffered a similar death for assassinating the same prince (1610).

=Wild Huntsman= (The), a spectral hunter with dogs, who frequents the Black Forest to chase wild animals.--Sir W. Scott, Wild Huntsman (from Bürger’s ballad).

⁂ The legend is that this huntsman was a Jew, who would not suffer Jesus to drink from a horse-trough, but pointed to some water collected in a hoof-print, and bade Him go there and drink.--Kuhn von Schwarz, Nordd. Sagen, 499.

The French story of Le Grand Veneur is laid in Fontainbleau Forest, and is supposed to refer to St. Hubert.--Father Matthieu.

The English name is “Herne, the Hunter,” once a keeper in Windsor Forest.--Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor, act iv. sc. 4.

The Scotch poem called Albania contains a full description of the wild huntsman.

⁂ The subject has been made into a ballad by Burger, entitled Der Wilde Jäger.

=Wild Man of the Forest=, Orson, brother of Valentine, and nephew of King Pepin.--Valentine and Orson (fifteenth century).

=Wild Oats=, a drama by John O’Keefe (1798).

=Wild Wenlock=, kinsman of Sir Hugo de Lacy, besieged by insurgents, who cut off his head.--Sir W. Scott, The Betrothed (time, Henry II.).

=Wildair= (Sir Harry), the hero of a comedy so called by Farquhar (1701). The same character had been introduced in the Constant Couple (1700), by the same author. Sir Harry is a gay profligate, not altogether selfish and abandoned, but very free and of easy morals. This was Wilks’s and Peg Woffington’s great part.

Their Wildairs, Sir John Brutes, Lady Touchwoods and Mrs. Frails are conventional reproductions of those wild gallants and demireps which figure in the licentious dramas of Dryden and Shadwell.--Sir W. Scott.

⁂ “Sir John Brute,” in The Provoked Wife (Vanbrugh); “Lady Touchwood,” in The Belle’s Stratagem (Mrs. Cowley); “Mrs. Frail,” in Congreve’s Love for Love.

=Wildblood of the Vale= (Young Dick), a friend of Sir Geoffrey Peveril.--Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

=Wilde= (Johnny), a small farmer of Rodenkirchen, in the isle of Rügen. One day he found a little glass slipper belonging to one of the hill-folk. Next day a little brownie, in the character of a merchant, came to redeem it, and Johnny Wilde demanded as the price “that he should find a gold ducat in every furrow he ploughed.” The bargain was concluded, but before the year was over he had worked himself to death looking for ducats in the furrows which he ploughed.--Rügen Tradition.

=Wildenhaim= (Baron), father of Amelia. In his youth he seduced Agatha Friburg, whom he deserted. Agatha bore a son, Frederick, who in due time became a soldier. Coming home on furlough, he found his mother on the point of starvation, and, going to beg alms, met the baron with his gun, asked alms of him, and received a shilling. He demanded more money, and, being refused, collared the baron, but was soon seized by the keepers, and shut up in the castle dungeon. Here he was visited by the chaplain, and it came out that the baron was his father. As the baron was a widower, he married Agatha, and Frederick became his heir.

Amelia Wildenhaim, daughter of the baron. A proposal was made to marry her to Count Cassel, but, as the count was a conceited puppy, without “brains in his head or a heart in his bosom,” she would have nothing to say to him. She showed her love to Anhalt, a young clergyman, and her father gave his consent to the match.--Mrs. Inchbald, Lovers’ Vows (altered from Kotzebue, 1800).

=Wildfire= (Madge), the insane daughter of old Meg Murdochson, the gypsy thief. Madge had been seduced when a girl, and this, with the murder of her infant, had turned her brain.--Sir W. Scott, Heart of Midlothian (time, George II.).

=Wilding= (Jack), a young gentleman fresh from Oxford, who fabricates the most ridiculous tales, which he tries to pass off for facts; speaks of his adventures in America, which he has never seen; of his being entrapped into marriage with a Miss Sibthorpe, a pure invention. Accidentally meeting a Miss Grantam, he sends his man to learn her name, and is told it is Miss Godfrey, an heiress. On this incident the humor of the drama hinges. When Miss Godfrey is presented to him he does not know her, and a person rushes in who declares she is his wife, and that her maiden name was Sibthorpe. It is now Wilding’s turn to be dumbfounded, and, wholly unable to unravel the mystery, he rushes forth, believing the world is a Bedlam let loose.--S. Foote, The Liar (1761).

Wilding (Sir Jasper), an ignorant but wealthy country gentleman, fond of fox-hunting. He dresses in London like a foxhunter, and speaks with a “Hoic! tally-ho!”

Young Wilding, son of Sir Jasper, about to marry the daughter of old Philpot for the dot she will bring him.

Maria Wilding, the lively, witty, high-spirited daughter of Sir Jasper, in love with Charles Beaufort. Her father wants her to marry George Philpot, but she frightens the booby out of his wits by her knowledge of books and assumed eccentricities.--Murphy, The Citizen, (1757 or 1761).

=Wildrake=, a country squire, delighting in horses, dogs, and field sports. He was in love with “neighbor Constance,” daughter of Sir William Fondlove, with whom he used to romp and quarrel in childhood. He learned to love Constance; and Constance loved the squire, but knew it not till she feared he was going to marry another. When they each discovered the state of their hearts, they agreed to become man and wife.--S. Knowles, The Love-Chase (1837).

Wildrake (Roger), a dissipated royalist.--Sir W. Scott, Woodstock (time, Commonwealth).

=Wilhelmi´na= [BUNDLE], daughter of Bundle, the gardener. Tom Tug, the waterman, and Robin, the gardener, sought her in marriage. The father preferred honest Tom Tug, but the mother liked better the sentimental and fine-phrased Robin. Wilhelmina said he who first did any act to deserve her love should have it. Tom Tug, by winning the waterman’s badge, carried off the bride.--C. Dibdin, The Waterman (1774).

=Wilfer= (Reginald), called by his wife R. W., and by his fellow clerks Rumty. He was clerk in the drug-house of Chicksey, Stobbles and Veneering. In person Mr. Wilfer resembled an overgrown cherub; in manner he was shy and retiring.

Mr. Reginald Wilfer was a poor clerk, so poor indeed that he had never yet attained the modest object of his ambition, which was to wear a complete new suit of clothes, hat and boots included, at one time. His black hat was brown before he could afford a coat; his pantaloons were white at the seams and knees before he could buy a pair of boots; his boots had worn out before he could treat himself to new pantaloons; and by the time he worked round to the hat again, that shining modern article roofed in an ancient ruin of various periods.--Ch. iv.

Mrs. Wilfer, wife of Mr. Reginald. A most majestic woman, tall and angular. She wore gloves, and a pocket-handkerchief tied under her chin. A patronizing, condescending woman was Mrs. Wilfer, with a mighty idea of her own importance. “Viper!” “Ingrate!” and such like epithets were household words with her.

Bella Wilfer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfer. A wayward, playful, affectionate, spoilt beauty, “giddy from the want of some sustaining purpose, and capricious because she was always fluttering among little things.” Bella was so pretty, so womanly, and yet so childish that she was always captivating. She spoke of herself as “the lovely woman,” and delighted in “doing the hair of the family.” Bella Wilfer married John Harmon (John Rokesmith), the secretary of Mr. Boffin, “the golden dustman.”

Lavinia Wilfer, youngest sister of Bella, and called “The Irrepressible.” Lavinia was a tart, pert girl, but succeeded in catching George Samson in the toils of wedlock.--C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend (1864).

=Wilford=, in love with Emily, the companion of his sister, Miss Wilford. This attachment coming to the knowledge of Wilford’s uncle and guardian, was disapproved of by him; so he sent the young man to the Continent, and dismissed the young lady. Emily went to live with Goodman Fairlop, the woodman, and there Wilford discovered her in an archery match. The engagement Was renewed, and ended in marriage.--Sir H. B. Dudley, The Woodman (1771).

Wilford, secretary of Sir Edward Mortimer, and the suitor of Barbara Rawbold (daughter of a poacher). Curious to know what weighed on his master’s mind, he pried into an iron chest in Sir Edward’s library; but while so engaged, Sir Edward entered and threatened to shoot him. He relented, however, and having sworn Wilford to secrecy, told him how and why he had committed murder. Wilford, unable to endure the watchful and jealous eye of his master, ran away; but Sir Edward dogged him from place to place, and at length arrested him on the charge of theft. Of course, the charge broke down, Wilford was acquitted, Sir Edward confessed himself a murderer, and died. (See WILLIAMS, CALEB.)--G. Colman, The Iron Chest (1796).

⁂ This is a dramatic version of Godwin’s novel called Caleb Williams (1794). Wilford is “Caleb Williams,” and Sir Edward Mortimer is “Falkland.”

Wilford, supposed to be earl of Rochdale. Three things he had a passion for: “the finest hound, the finest horse, and the finest wife in the three kingdoms.” It turned out that Master Walter, “the hunchback,” was the earl of Rochdale, and Wilford was no one.--S. Knowles, The Hunchback (1831).

Wilford (Lord), the truant son of Lord Woodville, who fell in love with Bess, the daughter of the “blind beggar of Bethnal Green.” He saw her by accident in London, lost sight of her, but resolved not to rest night or day till he found her; and, said he, “If I find her not, I’m tenant of the house the sexton builds.” Bess was discovered in the Queen’s Arms inn, Romford, and turned out to be his cousin.--S. Knowles, The Beggar of Bethnal Green (1834).

=Wilfred=, “the fool,” one of the sons of Sir Hildebrand Osbaldistone, of Osbaldistone Hall.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

=Wilfrid=, son of Oswald Wycliffe; in love with Matilda, heiress of Rokeby’s knight. After various villainies, Oswald forced from Matilda a promise to marry Wilfrid. Wilfrid thanked her for the promise, and fell dead at her feet.--Sir W. Scott, Rokeby (1813).

=Wilfrid= or =Wilfrith= (St.). In 681, the Bishop Wilfrith, who had been bishop of York, being deprived of his see, came to Sussex, and did much to civilize the people. He taught them how to catch fish generally, for before they only knew how to catch eels. He founded the bishopric of the South Saxons at Selsey, afterwards removed to Chichester, founded the monastery of Ripon, built several ecclesiastical edifices, and died in 709.

St. Wilfrid, sent from York into the realms received (Whom the Northumbrian folk had of his see bereaved), And on the south of Thames a seat did him afford, By whom the people first received the saving word. Drayton, Polyolbion, xi. (1613).

=Wilhelm Meister= [Mice.ter], the hero and title of a philosophic novel by Goethe. This is considered to be the first true German novel. It consists of two parts published under two titles, viz., The Apprenticeship of Wilhelm Meister (1794-96), and The Travels of Wilhelm Meister (1821).

=Wilkins= (Peter), Robert Pultock, of Clement’s inn, author of The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man (1750).

The tale is this: Peter Wilkins is a mariner, thrown on a desert shore. In time he furnishes himself from the wreck with many necessaries, and discovers that the country is frequented by a beautiful winged race called glumms and gawreys, whose wings when folded, serve them for dress, and when spread, are used for flight. Peter marries a gawrey, by name Youwarkee, and accompanies her to Nosmnbdsgrsutt, a land of semi-darkness, where he remains many years.

Peter Wilkins is a work of uncommon beauty.--Coleridge, Table Talk (1835).

=Wilkinson= (James), servant to Mr. Fairford, the lawyer.--Sir W. Scott, Redgauntlet (time, George III.).

=Will= (Belted), William, Lord Howard, warden of the western marches (1563-1640).

His Bilboa blade, by Marchmen felt, Hung in a broad and studded belt; Hence, in rude phrase, the Borderers still Called noble Howard “Belted Will.” Sir W. Scott, Lay of the Last Minstrel (1805).

=Will Laud=, a smuggler, with whom Margaret Catchpole (q.v.) falls in love. He persuades her to escape from Ipswich jail, and supplies her with a seaman’s dress. The two are overtaken, and Laud is shot in attempting to prevent the recapture of Margaret.--Rev. R. Cobbold, Margaret Catchpole.

=Will and Jean=, a poetic story by Hector Macneill (1789). Willie Gairlace was once the glory of the town, and he married Jeanie Miller. Just about this time Maggie Howe opened a spirit shop in the village, and Willie fell to drinking. Having reduced himself to beggary, he enlisted as a soldier, and Jeanie had “to beg her bread.” Willie, having lost his leg in battle, was put on the Chelsea “bounty list;” and Jeanie was placed, by the duchess of Buccleuch, in an alms-cottage. Willie contrived to reach the cottage and

Jean ance mair, in fond affection, Clasped her Willie to her breast.

=Willet= (John), landlord of the Maypole inn. A burly man, large-headed, with a flat face, betokening profound obstinacy and slowness of apprehension, combined with a strong reliance on his own merits. John Willet was one of the most dogged and positive fellows in existence, always sure that he was right, and that every one who differed from him was wrong. He ultimately resigned the Maypole to his son, Joe, and retired to a cottage in Chigwell, with a small garden, in which Joe had a Maypole erected for the delectation of his aged father. Here at dayfall assembled his old chums, to smoke, and prose, and doze, and drink the evenings away; and here the old man played the landlord, scoring up huge debits in chalk to his heart’s delight. He lived in the cottage a sleepy life for seven years, and then slept the sleep which knows no waking.

Joe Willet, son of the landlord, a broad-shouldered, strapping young fellow of 20. Being bullied and brow-beaten by his father, he ran away and enlisted for a soldier, lost his right arm in America, and was dismissed the service. He returned to England, married Dolly Varden, and became landlord of the Maypole, where he prospered and had a large family.--C. Dickens, Barnaby Rudge (1841).

=William=, archbishop of Orange, an ecclesiastic who besought Pope Urban on his knees to permit him to join the crusaders, and, having obtained permission, led 400 men to the siege of Jerusalem.--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered (1575).

William, youngest son of William Rufus. He was the leader of a large army of British bowmen and Irish volunteers in the crusading army.--Tasso, Jerusalem Delivered, iii. (1575).

⁂ William Rufus was never married.

William, footman to Lovemore, sweet upon Muslin, the lady’s maid. He is fond of cards, and is a below-stairs imitation of the high-life vices of the latter half of the eighteenth century.--A. Murphy, The Way to Keep Him (1760).

William, a serving-lad at Arnheim Castle.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

William (Lord), master of Erlingford. His elder brother, at death, committed to his charge Edmund, the rightful heir, a mere child; but William cast the child into the Severn, and seized the inheritance. One anniversary, the Severn overflowed its banks, and the castle was surrounded; a boat came by, and Lord William entered. The boatman thought he heard the voice of a child--nay, he felt sure he saw a child in the water, and bade Lord William stretch out his hand to take it in. Lord William seized the child’s hand; it was lifeless and clammy, heavy and inert. It pulled the boat under water, and Lord William was drowned, but no one heard his piercing cry of agony.--R. Southey, Lord William (a ballad, 1804).

=William and Margaret=, a ballad by Mallet. William promised marriage to Margaret, deserted her, and she died “consumed in early prime.” Her ghost reproved the faithless swain, who “quaked in every limb,” and, raving,

He hy’d him to the fatal place, Where Margaret’s body lay; And stretch’d him on the grass-green turf That wrapt her breathless clay.

And thrice he call’d on Margaret’s name, And thrice he wept full sore; Then laid his cheek to her cold grave, And word spake never more.

=William, king of Scotland=, introduced by Sir W. Scott in The Talisman (1825).

=William of Cloudesley= (3 syl.), a north country outlaw, associated with Adam Bell and Clym of the Clough (Clement of the Cliff). He lived in Englewood Forest, near Carlisle. Adam Bell and Clym of the Clough were single men, but William had a wife named Alyce, and “children three,” living at Carlisle. The three outlaws went to London to ask pardon of the king, and the king, at the queen’s intercession, granted it. He then took them to a field to see them shoot. William first cleft in two a hazel wand at a distance of 200 feet; after this he bound his eldest son to a stake, put an apple on his head, and, at a distance of “six score paces,” cleft the apple in two without touching the boy. The king was so delighted that he made William “a gentlemen of fe,” made his son a royal butler, the queen took Alyce for her “chief gentlewoman,” and the two companions were appointed yeoman of the bed-chamber.--Percy, Reliques (“Adam Bell,” etc.), I. ii. 1.

=William of Goldsbrough=, one of the companions of Robin Hood, mentioned in Grafton’s Olde and Auncient Pamphlet (sixteenth century).

=William of Norwich= (Saint), a child said to have been crucified by the Jews in 1137. (See HUGH OF LINCOLN and WERNER.)

Two boys of tender age, those saints ensue, Of Norwich, William was, of Lincoln, Hugh. Whom th’ unbelieving Jews (rebellious that abide), In mockery of our Christ, at Easter crucified. Drayton, Polyolbion, xxiv. (1622).

=William-with-the-Long-Sword=, the earl of Salisbury. He was the natural brother of Richard Cœur de Lion.--Sir W. Scott, The Talisman (time, Richard I.).

=Williams= (Caleb), a lad in the service of Falkland. Falkland, irritated by cruelty and insult, commits a murder, which is attributed to another. Williams, by accident, obtains a clue to the real facts; and Falkland, knowing it, extorts from him an oath of secrecy, and then tells him the whole story. The lad, finding life in Falkland’s house insupportable, from the ceaseless suspicion to which he is exposed, makes his escape, and is pursued by Falkland with relentless persecution. At last Williams is accused by Falkland of robbery, and, the facts of the case being disclosed, Falkland dies of shame and a broken spirit. (See WILFORD.)--W. Godwin, Caleb Williams (1794).

⁂ The novel was dramatized by G. Colman, under the title of The Iron Chest (1796). Caleb Williams is called “Wilford,” and Falkland is “Sir Edward Mortimer.”

Williams (Ned), the sweetheart of Cicely Jopson, farmer, near Clifton.

Farmer Williams, Ned’s father.--Sir W. Scott, Waverley (time, George II.).

=Willie=, clerk to Andrew Skurliewhitter, the scrivener.--Sir W. Scott, =Fortunes of Nigel= (time, James I.).

=Willieson= (William), a brig-owner, one of the Jacobite conspirators under the laird of Ellieslaw.--Sir W. Scott, The Black Dwarf (time, Anne).

=Williewald of Geierstein= (Count), father of Count Arnold of Geierstein, alias Arnold Biederman (landamman of Unterwalden).--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Will-o’-the-Flat=, one of the huntsmen near Charlie’s Hope farm.--Sir W. Scott, Guy Mannering (time, George II.).

=Willoughby= (Lord), of Queen Elizabeth’s court.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Willy=, a shepherd to whom Thomalin tells the tale of his battle with Cupid (Ecl. iii). (See THOMALIN.) In Ecl. viii. he is introduced again, contending with Perigot for the prize of poetry, Cuddy being chosen umpire. Cuddy declares himself quite unable to decide the contest, for both deserve the prize.--Spenser, The Shepheardes Calendar (1579).

=Wilmot.= There are three of the name in Fatal Curiosity (1736), by George Lillo, viz., old Wilmot, his wife, Agnes, and their son, young Wilmot, supposed to have perished at sea. The young man, however, is not drowned, but goes to India, makes his fortune, and returns, unknown to any one of his friends. He goes in disguise to his parents, and deposits with them a casket. Curiosity induces Agnes to open it, and when she sees that it contains jewels, she and her husband resolve to murder the owner and appropriate the contents of the casket. No sooner have they committed the fatal deed than they discover it is their own son whom they have killed; whereupon the old man stabs first his wife and then himself.

The harrowing details of this tragedy are powerfully depicted; and the agonies of old Wilmot constitute one of the most appalling and affecting incidents in the drama.--R. Chambers, English Literature, i. 592.

Old Wilmot’s character, as the needy man who had known better days, exhibits a mind naturally good, but prepared for acting evil.--Sir W. Scott, The Drama.

Wilmot (Miss Arabella), a clergyman’s daughter, beloved by George Primrose, eldest son of the vicar of Wakefield, whom ultimately she marries.--Goldsmith, Vicar of Wakefield (1766).

Wilmot (Lord), earl of Rochester, of the court of Charles II.--Sir W. Scott, Woodstock (time, Commonwealth).

=Wilsa=, the mulatto girl of Dame Ursley Suddlechop, the barber’s wife.--Sir W. Scott, Fortunes of Nigel (time, James I.).

=Wilson= (Alison), the old housekeeper of Colonel Silas Morton of Milnwood.--Sir W. Scott, Old Mortality (time, Charles II.).

Wilson (Andrew), smuggler; the comrade of Geordie Robertson. He was hanged.--Sir W. Scott, Heart of Midlothian (time, George II.).

Wilson (Bob), groom of Sir William Ashton, the lord keeper of Scotland.--Sir W. Scott, Bride of Lammermoor (time, William III.).

Wilson (Christie), a character in the introduction of the Black Dwarf, by Sir W. Scott.

Wilson (John), groom of Mr. Godfrey Bertram, laird of Ellangowan.--Sir W. Scott, Guy Mannering (time, George II.).

=Wilton= (Ralph de), the accepted suitor of Lady Clare, daughter of the earl of Gloucester. When Lord Marmion overcame Ralph de Wilton in the ordeal of battle, and left him for dead on the field, Lady Clare took refuge in Whitby Convent. By Marmion’s desire she was removed from the convent to Tantallon Hall, where she met Ralph, who had been cured of his wounds. Ralph, being knighted by Douglas, married the Lady Clare.--Sir W. Scott, Marmion (1808).

=Wimble= (Will), a character in Addison’s Spectator, simple, good-natured, and officious.

⁂ Will Wimble in the flesh was Thomas Morecroft, of Dublin (*-1741).

=Wimbledon= (The Philosopher of), John Horne Tooke, who lived at Wimbledon, near London (1736-1812).

=Winchester= (The bishop of), Lancelot Andrews. The name is not given in the novel, but the date of the novel is 1620, and Dr. Andrews was translated from Ely to Winchester in February, 1618-19; and died in 1626.--Sir W. Scott, Fortunes of Nigel (time, James I.).

=Wind Sold.= At one time the Finlanders and Laplanders drove a profitable trade by the sale of winds. After being paid they knitted three magical knots, and told the buyer that when he untied the first he would have a good gale; when the second, a strong wind; and when the third, a severe tempest.--Olaus Magnus, History of the Goths, etc., 47 (1658).

King Eric of Sweden was quite a potentate of these elements, and could change them at pleasure by merely shifting his cap.

Bessie Millie, of Pomo´na, in the Orkney Islands, helped to eke out her living (even so late as 1814) by selling favorable winds to mariners, for the small sum of sixpence per vessel.

Winds were also at one time sold at Mont St. Michel, in Normandy, by nine druidesses, who likewise sold arrows to charm away storms. These arrows were to be shot off by a young man 25 years of age.

⁂ Witches generally were supposed to sell wind.

’Oons! I’ll marry a Lapland witch as soon, and live upon selling contrary winds and wrecked vessels.--W. Congreve, Love for Love, iii. (1695).

In Ireland and in Denmark both, Witches for gold will sell a man a wind, Which, in the corner of a napkin wrapped, Shall blow him safe unto what coast he will. Summer, Last Will and Test. (1600).

⁂ See note to the Pirate: “Sale of Winds” (Waverley Novels, xxiv. 136).

When Ulysses left the island of Æolus, whom Jupiter had made keeper of the winds, Æolus bound the storm-winds in an ox’s bladder, and tied it in the ship that not even a little breath might escape. Then he sent the west wind to waft the ship onward. While Ulysses was asleep his companions, thinking a treasure was concealed in the bladder, loosed the skin, and all the winds rushed out. The ship was driven back to the island of Æolus, who refused to let them land, believing that they must be hated by the gods.

=Winds= (The), according to Hesiod, were the sons of Astræus and Aurora.

You nymphs, the winged offspring which of old Aurora to divine Astræus bore. Akenside, Hymn to the Naiads(1767).

=Winds and Tides.= Nicholas of Lyn, an Oxford scholar and friar, was a great navigator. He “took the height of mountains with his astrolobe,” and taught that there were four whirlpools like the Maelström of Norway--one in each quarter of the globe, from which the four winds issue, and which are the cause of the tides.

One Nicholas of Lyn The whirlpools of the seas did come to understand, ... For such immeasured pools, philosophers agree, I’ the four parts of the world undoubtedly there be, From which they have supposed nature the winds doth raise, And from them too proceed the flowing of the seas. Drayton, Polyolbion, xix. (1622).

=Windmill With a Weather-Cock Atop= (The). Goodwyn, a puritan divine, of St. Margaret’s, London, was so called (1593-1651).

=Windmills.= Don Quixote, seeing some thirty or forty windmills, insisted that they were giants, and, running a tilt at one of them, thrust his spear into the sails; whereupon the sail raised both man and horse into the air, and shivered the knight’s lance into splinters. When Don Quixote was thrown to the ground, he persisted in saying that his enemy, Freston, had transformed the giants into windmills merely to rob him of his honor, but notwithstanding, the windmills were in reality giants in disguise. This is the first adventure of the knight.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. i. 8 (1605).

Windmills. The giant Widenostrils lived on windmills. (See WIDENOSTRILS.) Rabelais, Pantagruel, iv. 17 (1545).

=Windsor= (The Rev. Mr.), a friend of Master George Heriot, the king’s goldsmith.--Sir W. Scott, Fortunes of Nigel (time, James I.).

=Windsor Beauties= (The), Anne Hyde, duchess of York, and her twelve ladies in the court of Charles II., painted by Sir Peter Lely, at the request of Anne Hyde. Conspicuous in her train of Hebês was Frances Jennings, eldest daughter of Richard Jennings of Standridge, near St. Alban’s.

=Windsor Sentinel= (The), who heard St. Paul’s clock strike thirteen, was John Hatfield, who died at his house in Glasshouse Yard, Aldersgate, June 18, 1770, aged 102.

=Wingate= (Master Jasper), the steward at Avenel Castle.--Sir W. Scott, The Abbot (time, Elizabeth).

=Wingfield=, a citizen of Perth, whose trade was feather-dressing.--Sir W. Scott, Fair Maid of Perth (time, Henry IV.).

Wingfield (Ambrose), employed at Osbaldistone Hall.

Lancie Wingfield, one of the men employed at Osbaldistone Hall.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

=Wing-the-Wind= (Michael), a servant at Holyrood Palace, and the friend of Adam Woodcock.--Sir W. Scott, The Abbot (time, Elizabeth).

=Winifred=, heroine of The Last Meeting, by Brander Matthews. In defiance of all innuendoes and arguments, she remains true to her lover throughout the period of his mysterious absence.

=Winifrid= (St.), patron saint of virgins; beheaded by Caradoc, for refusing to marry him. The tears she shed became the fountain called “St. Winifrid’s Well,” the waters of which not only cure all sorts of diseases, but are so buoyant that nothing sinks to the bottom. St. Winifrid’s blood stained the gravel in the neighborhood red, and her hair became moss. Drayton has given this legend in verse in his Polyolbion x. (1612).

=Winkle= (Nathaniel), M.P.C., a young cockney sportsman, considered by his companions to be a dead shot, a hunter, skater, etc. All these acquirements are, however, wholly imaginary. He marries Arabella Allen.--C. Dickens, The Pickwick Papers (1836).

Winkle (Rip Van), a Dutch colonist of New York, who met a strange man in a ravine of the Catskill Mountains. Rip helped the stranger to carry a keg to a wild retreat among rocks, where he saw a host of strange personages playing skittles in mysterious silence. Rip took the first opportunity of tasting the keg, fell into a stupor, and slept for twenty years. On waking, he found that his wife was dead and buried, his daughter married, his village remodelled, and America had become independent.--Washington Irving, Sketch-Book (1820).

The tales of Epimenidês, of Peter Klaus, of the Sleeping Beauty, the Seven Sleepers, etc., are somewhat similar. (See SLEEPER.)

=Winklebred= or =Winklebrand= (Louis), lieutenant of Sir Maurice de Bracy, a follower of Prince John.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Winnie=, (Annie), an old sibyl, who makes her appearance at the death of Alice Gray.--Sir W. Scott, Bride of Lammermoor (time, William III.).

=Winter=, the head servant of General Witherington, alias Richard Tresham.--Sir W. Scott, The Surgeon’s Daughter (time, George II.).

Winter. (See SEASONS.)

=Winterbourne=, travelling American who makes a “study” of Daisy Miller.--Henry James, Jr., Daisy Miller (1878).

=Winter King= (The), Frederick V., the rival of Ferdinand II. of Germany. He married Elizabeth, daughter of James I. of England, and was king of Bohemia for just one winter, the end of 1619 and the beginning of 1620 (1596-1632). (See SNOW KING.)

=Winter Queen= (The), Elizabeth, daughter of James I. of England, and wife of Frederick V. “The Winter King.” (See SNOW QUEEN.)

=Winter’s Tale= (The), by Shakespeare (1604). Leontês, king of Sicily, invites his friend Polixenês to visit him. During this visit the king becomes jealous of him, and commands Camillo to poison him; but Camillo only warns Polixenês of the danger, and flees with him to Bohemia. When Leontês hears thereof, his rage is unbounded; and he casts his queen, Hermi´onê, into prison, where she gives birth to a daughter, which Leontês gives direction shall be placed on a desert shore to perish. In the mean time, he is told that Hermionê, the queen, is dead. The vessel containing the infant daughter being storm-driven to Bohemia, the child is left there, and is brought up by a shepherd, who calls it Perdĭta. One day, in a hunt, Prince Florizel sees Perdita and falls in love with her; but Polixenês, his father, tells her that she and the shepherd shall be put to death if she encourages the foolish suit. Florizel and Perdita now flee to Sicily, and being introduced to Leontês, it is soon discovered that Perdita is his lost daughter. Polixenês tracks his son to Sicily, and being told of the discovery, gladly consents to the union he had before forbidden. Pauli´na now invites the royal party to inspect a statue of Hermionê in her house, and the statue turns out to be the living queen.

The plot of this drama is borrowed from the tale of Pandosto, or The Triumph of Time, by Robert Greene (1583).

We should have him back Who told the Winter’s Tale to do it for us. Tennyson, Prologue of The Princess.

=Winterblossom= (Mr. Philip), “the man of taste,” on the managing committee at the Spa.--Sir W. Scott, St. Ronan’s Well (time, George III.).

=Wintersen= (The count), brother of Baron Steinfort, lord of the place, and greatly beloved.

The Countess Wintersen, wife of the above. She is a kind friend to Mrs. Haller, and confidante of her brother, the Baron Steinfort.--Benjamin Thompson, The Stranger (1797).

=Winterton= (Adam), the garrulous old steward of Sir Edward Mortimer, in whose service he had been for forty-nine years. He was fond of his little jokes, and not less so of his little nips, but he loved his master and almost idolized him.--G. Colman, The Iron Chest (1796).

=Win-the-Fight= (Joachin), the attorney employed by Major Bridgenorth, the roundhead.--Sir W. Scott, Peveril of the Peak (time, Charles II.).

=Winthrop= (Madam). One of the oddest chapters in a bona fide courtship is found in the diary of Judge Samuel Sewall, wherein he sets down in order the several stages of his wooing of Madame Winthrop. One extract must suffice.

“I think I repeated again that I would go home and bewail my rashness in making more haste than good speed. I would endeavor to contain myself and not go on to solicit her to do that which she could not consent to. Took leave of her. As came down the steps, she bid me have a care. Treated me courteously. Told her she had entered the fourth year of her widowhood. I had given her the newsletter before. I did not bid her draw off her glove as sometime I had done. Her dress was not so clean as sometime it had been. Jehovah jireh!”--Sewall Papers (173——).

=Wisdom= (Honor paid to).

ANACHARSIS went from Scythia to Athens to see Solon.--Ælian, De Varia Historia, v.

APOLLONIOS TYANÆUS (Cappadocia) travelled through Scythia and into India as far as the river Phison to see Hierarchus.--Philostrătos, Life of Apollonios.

BEN JONSON, in 1619, travelled on foot from London to Scotland merely to see W. Drummond, the Scotch poet, whose genius he admired.

LIVY went from the confines of Spain to Rome to hold converse with the learned men of that city.--Pliny the Younger, Epistle, iii 2.

PLATO travelled from Athens to Egypt to see the wise men or magi, and to visit Archytas of Tarentum, inventor of several automatons, as the flying pigeon, and of numerous mechanical instruments, as the screw and crane.

PYTHAGORAS went from Italy to Egypt to visit the vaticinators of Memphis.--Porphyry, Life of Pythagoras.

SHEBA (The queen of) went from “the uttermost parts of the earth” to hear and see Solomon, whose wisdom and greatness had reached her ear.

=Wisdom Persecuted.=

ANAXAGORAS of Clazomēnæ held opinions in natural science so far in advance of his age that he was accused of impiety, cast into prison, and condemned to death. It was with great difficulty that Perĭclês got the sentence commuted to fine and banishment.

AVERROIS, the Arabian philosopher, was denounced as a heretic, and degraded, in the twelfth Christian century (died 1226).

BACON (Friar) was excommunicated and imprisoned for diabolical knowledge, chiefly on account of his chemical researches (1214-1294).

BRUNO (Giordano) was burnt alive for maintaining that matter is the mother of all things (1550-1600).

CROSSE (Andrew), electrician, was shunned as a profane man, because he asserted that certain minute animals of the genus Acarus had been developed by him out of inorganic elements (1784-1855).

DEE (Dr. John) had his house broken into by a mob, and all his valuable library, museum, and mathematical instruments destroyed, because he was so wise that “he must have been allied with the devil” (1527-1608).

FEARGIL. (See “Virgilius.”)

GALILEO was imprisoned by the Inquisition for daring to believe that the earth moved round the sun and not the sun round the earth. In order to get his liberty, he was obliged to “abjure the heresy;” but as the door closed he muttered, E pur si muove (“But it does move, though”), (1564-1642).

GERBERT, who introduced algebra into Christendom, was accused of dealing in the black arts, and was shunned as a “son of Belial.”

GROSTED or GROSSETESTE, bishop of Lincoln, author of some two hundred works, was accused of dealing in the black arts, and the pope wrote a letter to Henry III., enjoining him to disinter the bones of the too-wise bishop, as they polluted the very dust of God’s acre (died 1253).

FAUST (Dr.), the German philosopher, was accused of diabolism for his wisdom so far in advance of the age.

PEYRERE was imprisoned in Brussels for attempting to prove that man existed before Adam (seventeenth century).

PROTAGORAS, the philosopher, was banished from Athens, for his book On the Gods.

SOCRATÉS was condemned to death as an atheist, because his wisdom was not in accordance with that of the age.

VIRGILIUS, bishop of Saltzburg, was compelled by Pope Zachary to retract his assertion that there are other “worlds” besides our earth, and other suns and moons besides those which belong to our system (died 784).

Geologists had the same battle to fight, and so had Colenso, bishop of Natal.

=Wise= (The).

Albert II., duke of Austria, “The Lame and Wise” (1289, 1330-1358).

Alfonso X. of Leon and Castile (1203, 1252-1284).

Charles V. of France, Le Sage (1337, 1364-1380).

Che-Tsou of China (*, 1278-1295).

Comte de las Casas, Le Sage (1766-1842).

Frederick, elector of Saxony (1463, 1544-1554).

James I., the “Solomon” of England (1566, 1603-1625).

John V., duke of Brittany, “The Good and Wise” (1389, 1399-1442).

=Wise Men= (The Seven): (1) Solon of Athens, (2) Chilo of Sparta, (3) Thalês of Milētos, (4) Bias of Priēnê, (5) Cleobūlos of Lindos, (6) Pittăcos of Mitylēnê, (7) Periander of Corinth, or, according to Plato, Myson of Chenæ. All flourished in the sixth century B.C.

First SOLON, who made the Athenian laws; While CHILO, in Sparta, was famed for his saws; In Milētos did THALES astronomy teach; BIAS used in Priēnê his morals to preach; CLEOBULOS, of Lindos, was handsome and wise; Mitylenê ’gainst thraldom saw PITTACOS rise; PERIANDER is said to have gained, thro’ his court, The title that MYSON, the Chenian, ought.

One of the chapters in Plutarch’s Moralia is entitled, “The Banquet of the Seven Wise Men,” in which Periander is made to give an account of a contest at Chalcis between Homer and Hesiod. The latter won the prize, and caused this inscription to be engraved on the tripod presented to him:

This Hesiod vows to the Heliconian nine, In Chalcis won from Homer the divine.

=Wise Men of the East.= Klopstock, in The Messiah, v., says there were six “Wise Men of the East,” who, guided by the star, brought their gifts to Jesus, “the heavenly babe,” viz., Ha´dad, Selima, Zimri, Mirja, Be´led and Sun´ith. (See COLOGNE, THREE KINGS OF.)

=Wisest Man.= So the Delphic oracle pronounced Soc´ratês to be. Socratês modestly made answer, ’Twas because he alone had learnt this first element of truth, that he knew nothing.

Not those seven sages might him parallel; For he whom Pythian maid did whilome tell To be the wisest man that then on earth did dwell. Phin. Fletcher, The Purple Island, vi. (1633).

=Wisheart= (The Rev. Dr.), chaplain to the earl of Montrose.--Sir W. Scott, Legend of Montrose (time, Charles I.).

=Wishfort= (Lady), widow of Sir Jonathan Wishfort; an irritable, impatient, decayed beauty, who painted and enamelled her face to make herself look blooming, and was afraid to frown lest the enamel might crack. She pretended to be coy, and assumed, at the age of 60, the airs of a girl of 16. A trick was played upon her by Edward Mirabell, who induced his lackey, Waitwell, to personate Sir Rowland, and make love to her; but the deceit was discovered before much mischief was done. Her pet expression was, “As I’m a person.”--W. Congreve, The Way of the World (1700).

=Wishing-Cap= (The), a cap given to Fortunatus. He had only to put the cap on and wish, and whatever he wished he instantly obtained.--Straparola, Fortunatus.

=Wishing-Rod= (The), a rod of pure gold, belonging to the Nibelungs. Whoever possessed it could have anything he desired to have, and hold the whole world in subjection.--The Nibelungen Lied, 1160 (1210).

=Wishing-Sack= (The), a sack given by our Lord to a man named “Fourteen,” because he was as strong as fourteen men. Whatever he wished to have he had only to say, “Come into my sack,” and it came in.

⁂ This is a Basque legend. In Gascoigne it is called Le Sac de la Ramée (“Ramée’s Sack”).

=Wit--Simplicity.= It was said of John Gay that he was

In wit a man, simplicity a child.

⁂ The line is often flung at Oliver Goldsmith, to whom, indeed, it equally applies.

=Witch.= The last person prosecuted before the lords or justiciary (in Scotland) for witchcraft was Elspeth Rule. She was tried May 3, 1709, before Lord Anstruther, and condemned to be burned on the cheek, and banished from Scotland for life.--Arnot, History of Edinburgh, 366, 367.

=Witch-Finder=, Matthew Hopkins (seventeenth century). In 1645 he hanged sixty witches in his own county (Essex) alone, and received 20s. a head for every witch he could discover.

Has not the present parliament Mat Hopkins to the devil sent, Fully empowered to treat about, Finding revolted witches out? And has not he within a year Hanged three score of them in one shire? S. Butler, Hudibras, ii. 3 (1664).

=Witch of Atlas=, the title and heroine of one of Shelley’s poems.

=Witch of Balwer´y=, Margaret Aikens, a Scotchwoman (sixteenth century).

=Witch of Edmonton= (The), called “Mother Sawyer.” This is the true traditional witch; no mystic hag, no weird sister, but only a poor, deformed old woman, the terror of villagers, and amenable to justice.

Why should the envious world Throw all their scandalous malice upon me? Because I’m poor, deformed, and ignorant, And, like a bow, buckled and bent together By some more strong in mischiefs than myself. The Witch of Edmonton, (by Rowley, Dekker and Ford, 1658).

=Witch’s Blood.= Whoever was successful in drawing blood from a witch, was free from her malignant power. Hence Talbot, when he sees La Pucelle, exclaims, “Blood will I draw from thee; thou art a witch!”--Shakespeare, 1 Henry VI. act i. sc. 5 (1592).

=Witherington= (General), alias Richard Tresham, who first appears as Mr. Matthew Middlemas.

Mrs. Witherington, wife of the general, alias Mrs. Middlemas (born Zelia de Monçada). She appears first as Mrs. Middlemas.--Sir W. Scott, The Surgeon’s Daughter (time, George II.).

=Wititterly= (Mr. Henry), an important gentleman, 38 years of age; of rather plebeian countenance, and with very light hair. He boasts everlastingly of his grand friends. To shake hands with a lord was a thing to talk of, but to entertain one was to be in the seventh heaven.

Mrs. Wititterly [Julia], wife of Mr. Wititterly, of Cadŏgan Place, Sloane Street, London; a faded lady living in a faded house. She calls her page Alphonse (2 syl.), “although he has the face and figure of Bill.” Mrs. Wititterly toadies the aristocracy, and, like her husband, boasts of her grand connections and friends.--C. Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby (1838). (See TIBBS).

=Witling of Terror=, Bertrand Barère; also called “The Anacreon of the Guillotine” (1755-1841).

=Wittenbold=, a Dutch commandant in the service of Charles II.--Sir W. Scott, Old Mortality (time, Charles II.).

=Witterington= (Roger). (See WIDDRINGTON.)

=Wittol= (Sir Joseph), an ignorant, foolish simpleton, who says that Bully Buff “is as brave a fellow as Cannibal.”--Congreve, The Old Bachelor (1693).

=Witwould= (Sir Wilful), of Shropshire, half-brother of Anthony Witwould, and nephew of Lady Wishfort. A mixture of bashfulness and obstinacy, but when in his cups as loving as the monster in the Tempest. He is “a superannuated old bachelor,” who is willing to marry Millamant; but as the young lady prefers Edward Mirabell, he is equally willing to resign her to him. His favorite phrase is, “Wilful will do it.”

Anthony Witwould, half-brother to Sir Wilful. “He has good nature and does not want wit.” Having a good memory, he has a store of other folks’ wit, which he brings out in conversation with good effect.--W. Congreve, The Way of the World (1700).

=Wives as they Were and Maids as they Are=, a comedy by Mrs. Inchbald (1797). Lady Priory is the type of the former, and Miss Dorrillon of the latter. Lady Priory is discreet, domestic, and submissive to her husband; but Miss Dorrillon is gay, flighty, and fond of pleasure. Lady Priory, under false pretences, is allured from home by a Mr. Bronzely, a man of no principle and a rake; but her quiet, innocent conduct quite disarms him, and he takes her back to her husband, ashamed of himself, and resolves to amend. Miss Dorrillon is so involved in debt that she is arrested, but her father from the Indies pays her debts. She also repents, and becomes the wife of Sir George Evelyn.

=Wives of Literary Men.= According to popular rumor the following were unhappy in their wives:--Addison, Byron, Dickens, Dryden, Albert Dürer, Hooker, Ben Jonson, W. Lilly, Milton (first wife), Molière, More, Saadi, Scaliger, Shakespeare, Shelley, Socratês, Wycherly, etc. The following were happy in their choice:--Thomas Moore, Sir W. Scott, Wordsworth, William Howitt, Robert Browning, S. C. Hall, Disraeli, Gladstone, etc., in England, and in America a great majority of literary men:--Longfellow, Lowell, Emerson, Hawthorne, to name only a few.

=Wizard of the North=, Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832).

=Wobbler= (Mr.), of the Circumlocution Office. When Mr. Clennam, by the direction of Mr. Barnacle, in another department of the office, called on this gentleman, he was telling a brother clerk about a rat-hunt, and kept Clennam waiting a considerable time. When at length Mr. Wobbler chose to attend, he politely said, “Hallo, there! What’s the matter?” Mr. Clennam briefly stated his question; and Mr. Wobbler replied, “Can’t inform you. Never heard of it. Nothing at all to do with it. Try Mr. Clive.” When Clennam left, Mr. Wobbler called out, “Mister! Hallo, there! Shut the door after you. There’s a devil of a draught!”--Charles Dickens, Little Dorrit, x. (1857).

=Woeful Countenance= (Knight of the). Don Quixote was so called by Sancho Panza, but after his adventure with the lions he called himself “The Knight of the Lions.”--Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. iii. 5; II. i. 17 (1605-15).

=Wolf.= The NEURI, according to Herodŏtus, had the power of assuming the shape of wolves once a year.

One of the family of ANTÆUS, according to Pliny, was chosen annually, by lot, to be transformed into a wolf, in which shape he continued for nine years.

LYCA´ON, king of Arcādia, was turned into a wolf because he attempted to test the divinity of Jupiter by serving up to him “human flesh at table.”--Ovid.

VERET´ICUS, king of Wales, was turned by St. Patrick into a wolf.

Wolf. When Dantê, in the first Canto of the Divina Commedia, describes the ascent of the hill (of fame?) he is met, first by a panther (pleasure?) then by a lion (ambition?) then by a she-wolf (avarice?)

A she-wolf, ... who in her leanness seemed Full of all wants, ... with such fear O’erwhelmed me ... that of the height all hope I lost. Dantê, Inferno, i. (1300).

Wolf (To cry), to give a false alarm.

YÖW-WÂNG, emperor of China, was greatly enamoured of a courtezan named Pao-tse, whom he tried, by sundry expedients, to make laugh. At length he hit upon the following plan:--He caused the tocsins to be rung, the drums to be beaten, and the signal-fires to be lighted, as if some invader was at the gates. Pao-tse was delighted, and laughed immoderately to see the vassals and feudatory princes pouring into the city, and all the people in consternation. The emperor, pleased with the success of his trick, amused his favorite over and over again by repeating it. At length an enemy really did come, but when the alarm was given no one heeded it, and the emperor was slain (B.C. 770).

=Wolf duke of Gascony=, one of Charlemagne’s paladins. He was the originator of the plan of tying wetted ropes round the temples of his prisoners, to make their eye-balls start from their sockets. It was he also who had men sewn up in freshly stripped bulls’ hides, and exposed to the sun till the hides, in shrinking, crushed their bones.--L’Epine, Croquemitaine, iii.

=Wolf of France= (She-), Isabella la Belle, wife of Edward II. She murdered her royal husband “by tearing out his bowels with her own hands.”

She-wolf of France, with unrelenting fangs, Thou tear’st the bowels of thy mangled mate. Gray, The Bard (1757).

=Wol´fort=, usurper of the earldom of Flanders.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Beggars’ Bush (1622).

=Wolfort Webber=, Old Knickerbocker, searcher for treasure buried by buccaneers.--Washington Irving, Tales of a Traveller.

=Wolsey= (Cardinal), introduced by Shakespeare in his historic play of Henry VIII. (1601).

=Woman Changed to a Man.= Iphis, daughter of Lygdus and Telethusa, of Crete. The story is that the father gave orders if the child about to be born proved to be a girl, it was to be put to death; and that the mother, unwilling to lose her infant, brought it up as a boy. In due time the father betrothed his child to Ianthê, and the mother, in terror, prayed for help, when Isis, on the day of marriage, changed Iphis to a man.--Ovid, Metaph. ix. 12; xiv, 699.

CÆNEUS [Se.nuce], was born of the female sex, but Neptune changed her into a man. Ænēas, however, found her in the infernal regions restored to her original sex.

TIRE´SIAS, was converted into a woman for killing one of two serpents he met in a wood and was restored to his original sex by killing the other serpent met again after seven years.

D’EON DE BEAUMONT, the Chevalier, was believed to be a woman.

HERMAPHRODITOS was of both sexes.

=Woman killed with Kindness= (A), a tragedy by Thos. Heywood (1600). The “woman” was Mrs. Frankford, who was unfaithful to her marriage vow. Her husband sent her to live on one of his estates, and made her a liberal allowance; she died, but on her death-bed her husband came to see her, and forgave her.

=Woman made of Flowers.= Gwydion, son of Don, “formed a woman out of flowers,” according to the Bard Taliesin. Arianrod had said that Llew Llaw Gyffes (i.e., “The Lion with the Steady Hand”), should never have a wife of the human race. So Math and Gwydion, two enchanters,

Took blossoms of oak, and blossoms of broom, and blossoms of meadow-sweet, and produced therefrom a maiden, the fairest and most graceful ever seen, and baptized her Blodeuwedd, and she became his bride.--The Mabinogion (“Math,” etc., twelfth century).

=Woman’s Wit=, or =Love’s Disguises=, a drama by S. Knowles (1838). Hero Sutton loved Sir Valentine de Grey, but offended him by waltzing with Lord Athunree. To win him back she assumed the disguise of a Quakeress, called herself Ruth, and pretended to be Hero’s cousin. Sir Valentine fell in love with Ruth, and then found out that Ruth and Hero were one and the same person. The secondary plot is that of Helen and Walsingham, lovers. Walsingham thought Helen had played the wanton with Lord Athunree, and he abandoned her. Whereupon Helen assumed the garb of a young man named Eustace, became friends with Walsingham, said she was Helen’s brother; but in the brother he discovers Helen herself, and learnt that he had been wholly misled by appearances.

=Women= (The Nine Worthy): (1) Minerva, (2) Semiramis, (3) Tomyris, (4) Jael, (5) Debŏrah, (6) Judith, (7) Britomart, (8) Elizabeth or Isabella of Aragon, (9) Johanna of Naples.

By’r lady, maist story-man, I am well afraid thou hast done with thy talke. I had rather have herd something sayd of gentle and meeke women, for it is euill examples to let them understand of such studye manlye women as those have been which erewhile thou hast tolde of. They are quicke enow, I warrant you, noweadays, to take hart-a-grace, and dare make warre with their husbandes. I would not vor the price o’ my coate, that Jone, my wife had herd this yeare; she would haue carried away your tales of the nine worthy women a dele zoner than our minister’s tales anent Sarah, Rebekah, Ruth, and the ministering women, I warrant you.--John Ferne, Dialogue on Heraldry (“Columel’s reply to Torquatus”).

⁂ “Hart-a-grace,” a hart permitted by royal proclamation to run free and unharmed for ever, because it has been hunted by a king or queen.

=Women of Abandoned Morals.=

BARBARA of Cilley, second wife of the Emperor Sigismund, called “The Messalīna of Germany.”

BERRI (Madame de), wife of the Duc de Berri (youngest grandson of Louis XIV.).

CATHERINE II. of Russia, called “The Modern Messalina” (1729-1796).

GIOVANNA or JEAN of Naples. Her first love was James, count of March, who was beheaded. Her second was Camicioli, whom she put to death. Her next was Alfonso of Aragon. Her fourth was Louis d’Anjou, who died. Her fifth was René, the brother of Louis.

ISABELLE of Bavaria, wife of Charles VI., and mistress of the duke of Burgundy.

ISABELLE of France, wife of Edward II., and mistress of Mortimer.

JULIA, daughter of the Emperor Augustus.

MAROZIA, the daughter of Theodora, and mother of Pope John XI. The infamous daughter of an infamous mother (ninth century.)

MESSALI´NA, the wife of Claudius, the Roman emperor.

=Wonder= (The), a comedy by Mrs. Centlivre; the second title being A Woman Keeps a Secret (1714). The woman referred to is Violantê, and the secret she keeps is that Donna Isabella, the sister of Don Felix, has taken refuge under her roof. The danger she undergoes in keeping the secret is this: Her lover, Felix, who knows that Colonel Briton calls at the house, is jealous, and fancies that he calls to see Violantê. The reason why Donna Isabella has sought refuge with Violantê is to escape a marriage with a Dutch gentleman whom she dislikes. After a great deal of trouble and distress, the secret is unravelled, and the comedy ends with a double marriage, that of Violantê with Don Felix, and that of Isabella with Colonel Briton.

=Wonder of the World= (The).

GERBERT, a man of prodigious learning. When he was made pope, he took the name of Sylvester II. (930, 999-1003).

OTTO III. of Germany, a pupil of Gerbert. What he did deserving to be called Mirabilia Mundi nobody knows (980, 983-1002).

FREDERICK II. of Germany (1194, 1215-1250).

=Wonderful Doctor=, Roger Bacon (1214-1292).

=Wood= (Babes in the), a baby boy and girl left by a gentleman of Norfolk on his death-bed to the care of his brother. The boy was to have £300 a year on coming of age, and little Jane £500 as a wedding portion. The uncle promised to take care of the children, but scarcely had a year gone by when he hired two ruffians to make away with them. The hirelings took the children on horseback to Wayland Wood, where they were left to die of cold and hunger. The children would have been killed, but one of the fellows relented, expostulated with his companion, and finally slew him. The survivor compromised with his conscience by leaving the babes alive in the wood. Everything went ill with the uncle from that hour; his children died, his cattle died, his barns were set on fire, and he himself died in jail.

⁂ The prettiest version of this story is one set to a Welsh tune; but Percy has a version in his Reliques of Ancient English Poetry.

=Woodcock= (Adam), falconer of the Lady Mary at Avenel Castle. In the revels he takes the character of the “abbot of Unreason.”--Sir W. Scott, The Abbot (time, Elizabeth).

Woodcock (Justice), a gouty, rheumatic, crusty, old country gentleman, who invariably differed with his sister, Deb´orah, in everything. He was a bit of a Lothario in his young days, and still retained a somewhat licorous tooth. Justice Woodcock had one child, named Lucinda, a merry girl, full of frolic and fun.

Deborah Woodcock, sister of the justice; a starch, prudish old maid, who kept the house of her brother, and disagreed with him in everything.--Isaac Bickerstaff, Love in a Village (1762).

=Woodcocks= (The). John Woodcock, a rough, reckless colonist, who seems harsh to his motherless girl while she is a child, but subsequently betrays the depths of fatherly affection when she is persecuted by others.

Mary Woodcock, wild, wayward, passionate girl, in trouble from her youth up. She marries a gentle-hearted fellow, Hugh Parsons; is tried for slandering a neighbor, and, driven insane by ill-treatment, murders her baby, believing it to be a changeling. She is tried for witchcraft, and acquitted; for child-murder, and sentenced to death, but dies before the sentence is carried into execution. Her father says over her lifeless body:

“If I didn’t think the Lord would see just how she’s been abused and knocked round, and would allow for the way she was brung up, and would strike out all He’s got agin her, excepting that that didn’t come from bein’ meddled with and insulted and plagued, I should want to have her an’ me an’ everybody else I care anything about, blown into a thousand flinders, body and soul, and all the pieces lost.”--J. G. Holland, The Bay Path (1857).

=Woodcourt= (Allan), a medical man, who married Esther Summerson. His mother was a Welsh woman, apt to prose on the subject of Morgan-ap-Kerrig.--C. Dickens, Bleak House (1852).

=Wooden Horse= (The). Virgil tells us that Ulysses had a monster wooden horse, made by Epēos after the death of Hector, and gave out that it was an offering to the gods to secure a prosperous voyage back to Greece. By the advice of Sinon, the Trojans dragged the horse into Troy for a palladium; but at night the Grecian soldiers concealed therein were released by Sinon from their concealment, slew the Trojan guards, opened the city gates, and set fire to Troy. Arctīnos of Milētus, in his poem called The Destruction of Troy, furnished Virgil with the tale of “the Wooden Horse” and “the burning of Troy” (fl. B.C. 776).

A remarkable parallel occurred in Saracenic history. Arrestan, in Syria, was taken in the seventh century by Abu Obeidah by a similar stratagem. He obtained leave of the governor to deposit in the citadel some old lumber which impeded his march. Twenty large boxes filled with men were carried into the castle. Abu marched off; and, while the Christians were returning thanks for the departure of the enemy, the soldiers removed the sliding bottoms of the boxes and made their way out, overpowered the sentries, surprised the great church, opened the city gates, and Abu, entering with his army, took the city without further opposition.--Ockley, History of the Saracens, i. 185 (1718).

The capture of Sark affords another parallel. Sark was in the hands of the French. A Netherlander, with one ship, asked permission to bury one of his crew in the chapel. The French consented, provided the crew came on shore wholly unarmed. This was agreed to, but the coffin was full of arms, and the crew soon equipped themselves, overpowered the French, and took the island.--Percy, Anecdotes, 249.

Swoln with hate and ire, their huge, unwieldy force Came clustering like the Greeks out of the wooden horse. Drayton, Polyolbion, xii. (1613).

Wooden Horse (The), Clavilēno, the wooden horse on which Don Quixote and Sancho Panza got astride to disenchant Antonomas´ia and her husband, who were shut up in the tomb of Queen Maguncia of Candaya.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, II. iii. 4, 5 (1615).

Another wooden horse was the one given by an Indian to the shah of Persia as a New Year’s gift. It had two pegs; by turning one it rose into the air, and by turning the other it descended wherever the rider wished. Prince Firouz mounted the horse, and it carried him instantaneously to Bengal.--Arabian Nights (“The Enchanted Horse”).

Reynard says that King Crampart made for the daughter of King Marcadigês a wooden horse which would go a hundred miles an hour. His son, Clamadês, mounted it, and it flew out of the window of the king’s hall, to the terror of the young prince.--Alkman, Reynard the Fox (1498). (See CAMBUSCAN.)

=Wooden Walls=, ships made of wood. When Xerxes invaded Greece, the Greeks sent to ask the Delphic oracle for advice, and received the following answer (B.C. 480):--

Pallas hath urged, and Zeus, the sire of all, Hath safety promised in a wooden wall; Seed-time and harvest, sires shall, weeping, tell How thousands fought at Salamis, and fell.

=Woodman= (The), an opera by Sir H. Bate Dudley (1771). Emily was the companion of Miss Wilford, and made with Miss Wilford’s brother “a mutual vow of inviolable affection;” but Wilford’s uncle and guardian, greatly disapproving of such an alliance, sent the young man to the Continent, and dismissed the young lady from his service. Emily went to live with Goodman Fairlop, the woodman, and there Wilford discovered her in an archery match. The engagement was renewed, and terminated in marriage. The woodman’s daughter, Dolly, married Matthew Medley, the factotum of Sir Walter Waring.

=Woodstal= (Henry), in the guard of Richard Cœur de Lion.--Sir W. Scott, The Talisman (time, Richard I.).

=Woodstock=, a novel by Sir W. Scott (1826). It was hastily put together, but is not unworthy of the name it bears.

=Woodville= (Harry), the treacherous friend of Penruddock, who ousted him of the wife to whom he was betrothed. He was wealthy, but reduced himself to destitution by gambling.

Mrs. Woodville (whose Christian name was Arabella), wife of Harry Woodville, but previously betrothed to Roderick Penruddock. When reduced to destitution Penruddock restored to her the settlement which her husband had lost in play.

Captain Henry Woodville, son of the above; a noble soldier, brave and high-minded, in love with Emily Tempest, but, in the ruined condition of the family, unable to marry her. Penruddock makes over to him all the deeds, bonds and obligations which his father had lost in gambling.--Cumberland, The Wheel of Fortune (1779).

Woodville (Lord), a friend of General Brown. It was Lord Woodville’s house that was haunted by the “lady in the Sacque.”--Sir W. Scott, The Tapestered Chamber (time, George III.).

=Woolen.= It was Mrs. Oldfield, the actress, who revolted at the idea of being shrouded in woolen. She insisted on being arrayed in chintz trimmed with Brussels lace, and on being well rouged to hide the pallor of death. Pope calls her “Narcissa.”

“Odious! In woolen! ’Twould a saint provoke!” Were the last words that poor Narcissa spoke. “No, let a charming chintz and Brussels lace Wrap my cold limbs and shade my lifeless face; One would not, sure, be frightful when one’s dead! And, Betty, give this cheek a little red.” Pope, Moral Essays, i. (1731).

=Wopsle= (Mr.), parish clerk. He had a Roman nose, a large, shining, bald forehead, and a deep voice, of which he was very proud. “If the Church had been thrown open,” i.e., free to competition, Mr. Wopsle would have chosen the pulpit. As it was, he only punished the “Amens” and gave out the psalms; but his face always indicated the inward thought of “Look at this and look at that,” meaning the gent in the reading-desk. He turned actor in a small metropolitan theatre.--C. Dickens, Great Expectations (1860).

=Work= (Endless), Penelopê’s web; Vortigern’s Tower; washing the blackamoor white; etc.

=Work-room= (My).

“Yet the world is thy field, thy garden, On earth art Thou still at home. When thou bendest hither thy hallowing eye, My narrow work-room seems vast and high, Its dingy ceiling, a rainbow dome-- Stand ever thus at my wide swung door, And toil will be toil no more.” Lucy Larcom, Poetical Works (1885).

=World= (End of the). This ought to have occurred, according to Cardinal Nicolas de Cusa, in 1704. He demonstrates it thus: The Deluge happened in the thirty-fourth jubilee of fifty years from the Creation (A.M. 1700), and therefore the end of the world should properly occur on the thirty-fourth jubilee of the Christian era, or A.D. 1704. The four grace years are added to compensate for the blunder of chronologists respecting the first year of grace.

The most popular dates of modern times for the end of the world, or what is practically the same thing, the Millennium, are the following:--1757, Swedenborg; 1836, Johann Albrecht Bengel, Erklärte Offenbarung; 1843, William Miller, of America; 1866, Dr. John Cumming; 1881, Mother Shipton.

It was very generally believed in France, Germany, etc., that the end of the world would happen in the thousandth year after Christ; and therefore much of the land was left uncultivated, and a general famine ensued. Luckily, it was not agreed whether the thousand years should date from the birth or the death of Christ, or the desolation would have been much greater. Many charters begin with these words, As the world is now drawing to its close. Kings and nobles gave up their state: Robert of France, son of Hugh Capet, entered the monastery of St. Denis; and at Limoges, princes, nobles, and knights proclaimed “God’s Truce,” and solemnly bound themselves to abstain from feuds, to keep the peace towards each other, and to help the oppressed.--Hallam, The Middle Ages (1818).

Another hypothesis is this: As one day with God equals a thousand years (Psalm xc. 4), and God labored in creation six days, therefore the world is to labor 6000 years, and then to rest. According to this theory, the end of the world ought to occur A.M. 6000, or A.D. 1996 (supposing the world to have been created 4004 years before the birth of Christ). This hypothesis, which is widely accepted, is quite safe for another century at least.

=Worldly Wiseman= (Mr.), one who tries to persuade Christian that it is very bad policy to continue his journey towards the Celestial City. Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, i. (1678).

=Worms= (Language of). Melampos the prophet was acquainted with the language of worms, and when thrown into a dungeon, heard the worms communicating to each other that the roof overhead would fall in, for the beams were eaten through. He imparted this intelligence to his jailers, and was removed to another dungeon. At night the roof did fall, and the king, amazed at this foreknowledge, released Melampos, and gave him the oxen of Iphiklos.

=Worse than a Crime.= Talleyrand said of the murder of the Duc d’Enghien by Napoleon I. “It was worse than a crime, it was a blunder.”

=Worthies= (The Nine). Three Gentiles: Hector, Alexander, Julius Cæsar; three Jews: Joshua, David, Judas Maccabæus; three Christians: Arthur, Charlemagne, Godfrey of Bouillon.

=Worthies of London.= (The Nine).

1. SIR WILLIAM WALWORTH, fishmonger, who stabbed Wat Tyler, the rebel. For this service King Richard II. gave him the “cap of maintenance” and a “dagger” for the arms of London (Lord Mayor, 1374, 1380).

2. SIR HENRY PRITCHARD or PICARD, vintner, who feasted Edward III., the Black Prince, John, king of Austria, the king of Cyprus, and David of Scotland, with 5000 guests, in 1356, the year of his mayoralty.

3. SIR WILLIAM SEVENOKE, grocer. “A foundling, found under seven oaks.” He fought with the dauphin, and built twenty almshouses, etc. (Lord Mayor, 1418).

4. SIR THOMAS WHITE, merchant tailor, who, during the mayoralty in 1553, kept London faithful to Queen Mary during Wyatt’s rebellion. Sir Thomas White was the son of a poor clothier, and began trade as a tailor with £100. He was the founder of St. John’s College, Oxford, on the spot where two elms grew from one root.

5. SIR JOHN BONHAM, mercer, commander of the army which overcame Solyman the Great, who knighted him on the field after the victory, and gave him chains of gold, etc.

6. SIR CHRISTOPHER CROKER, vintner, the first to enter Bordeaux, when it was besieged. Companion and friend of Edward the Black Prince.

7. SIR JOHN HAWKWOOD, tailor, knighted by the Black Prince. He is immortalized in Italian history as Giovanni Acuti Cavaliero. He died in Padua.

8. SIR HUGH CAVERLEY, silk-weaver, famous for ridding Poland of a monstrous bear. He died in France.

9. SIR HENRY MALEVERER, grocer, generally called “Henry of Cornhill,” a crusader in the reign of Henry IV., and guardian of “Jacob’s Well.”--R. Johnson, The Nine Worthies of London (1592).

=Worthington= (Lieutenant), “the poor gentleman;” a disabled officer and a widower, very poor, “but more proud than poor, and more honest than proud.” He was for thirty years in the king’s army, but was discharged on half-pay, being disabled at Gibraltar by a shell which crushed his arm. His wife was shot in his arms when his daughter was but three years old. The lieutenant put his name to a bill for £500; but his friend dying before he had effected his insurance Worthington became responsible for the entire sum, and if Sir Robert Bramble had not most generously paid the bill the poor lieutenant would have been thrown into jail.

Emily Worthington, the lieutenant’s daughter; a lovely, artless, affectionate girl, with sympathy for every one, and a most amiable disposition. Sir Charles Cropland tried to buy her, but she rejected his proposals with scorn, and fell in love with Frederick Bramble, to whom she was given in marriage.--C. Colman, The Poor Gentleman (1802).

=Worthy=, in love with Melinda, who coquets with him for twelve months, and then marries him.--G. Farquhar, The Recruiting Officer (1705).

Worthy (Lord), the suitor of Lady Reveller, who was fond of play. She became weary of gambling, and was united in marriage to Lord Worthy.--Mrs. Centlivre, The Basset Table (1706).

=Wouvermans= (The English), Abraham Cooper. One of his best pieces is “The Battle of Bosworth Field.”

Richard Cooper is called “The British Poussin.”

=Wrangle= (Mr. Caleb), a hen-pecked young husband, of oily tongue and plausible manners, but smarting under the nagging tongue and willful ways of his fashionable wife.

Mrs. Wrangle, his wife, the daughter of Sir Miles Mowbray. She was for ever snubbing her young husband, wrangling with him, morning, noon, and night, and telling him most provokingly “to keep his temper.” This couple lead a cat-and-dog life: he was sullen, she quick tempered; he jealous, she open and incautious.--Cumberland, First Love (1796).

=Wrath’s Hole= (The), Cornwall. Bolster, a gigantic wrath, wanted St. Agnes to be his mistress. She told him she would comply when he filled a small hole, which she pointed out to him, with his blood. The wrath agreed, not knowing that the hole opened into the sea; and thus the saint cunningly bled the wrath to death, and then pushed him over the cliff. The hole is called “The Wrath’s hole” to this day, and the stones about it are colored with blood-red streaks all over.--Polwhele, History of Cornwall, i. 176 (1813).

=Wray= (Enoch), “the village patriarch,” blind, poor, and 100 years old; but reverenced for his meekness, resignation, wisdom, piety, and experience.--Crabbe, The Village Patriarch (1783).

=Wrayburn= (Eugene), barrister-at-law; an indolent, idle, moody, whimsical young man, who loves Lizzie Hexam. After he is nearly killed by Bradley Headstone, he reforms, and marries Lizzie, who saved his life.--C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend (1864).

=Wren= (Jenny), whose real name was Fanny Cleaver, a doll’s dressmaker, and the friend of Lizzie Hexam, who at one time lodged with her. Jenny was a little, deformed girl, with a sharp, shrewd face, and beautiful golden hair. She supported herself and her drunken father, whom she reproved as a mother might reprove a child. “Oh,” she cried to him, pointing her little finger, “you bad, old boy! Oh, you naughty, wicked creature! What do you mean by it?”--C. Dickens, Our Mutual Friend (1864).

=Wrong= (All in the), a comedy by A. Murphy (1761). The principal characters are Sir John and Lady Restless, Sir William Bellmont and his son, George, Beverley and his sister, Clarissa, Blandford and his daughter, Belinda. Sir John and Lady Restless were wrong in suspecting each other of infidelity, but this misunderstanding made their lives wretched. Beverley was deeply in love with Belinda, and was wrong in his jealousy of her, but Belinda was also wrong in not vindicating herself. She knew that she was innocent, and felt that Beverley ought to trust her, but she gave herself and him needless torment by permitting a misconception to remain which she might have most easily removed. The old men were also wrong: Blandford in promising his daughter in marriage to Sir William Bellmont’s son, seeing she loved Beverley; and Sir William, in accepting the promise, seeing his son was plighted to Clarissa. A still further complication of wrong occurs. Sir John wrongs Beverley in believing him to be intriguing with his wife; and Lady Restless wrongs Belinda in supposing that she coquets with her husband; both were pure mistakes, all were in the wrong, but all in the end were set right.

=Wronghead= (Sir Francis), of Bumper Hall, and M.P. for Guzzledown; a country squire, who comes to town for the season, with his wife, son, and eldest daughter. Sir Francis attends the House, but gives his vote on the wrong side; and he spends his money on the hope of obtaining a place under Government. His wife spends about £100 a day on objects of no use. His son is on the point of marrying the “cast mistress” of a swindler, and his daughter of marrying a forger; but Manly interferes to prevent these fatal steps, and Sir Francis returns home to prevent utter ruin.

Lady Wronghead, wife of Sir Francis; a country dame, who comes to London, where she squanders money on worthless objects, and expects to get into “society.” Happily, she is persuaded by Manly to return home before the affairs of her husband are wholly desperate.

Squire Richard [Wronghead], eldest son of Sir Francis, a country bumpkin.

Miss Jenny [Wronghead], eldest daughter of Sir Francis; a silly girl, who thinks it would be a fine thing to be called a “countess,” and therefore becomes the dupe of one Basset, a swindler, who calls himself a “count.”--Vanbrugh and Cibber, The Provoked Husband (1726).

=Wyat.= Henry Wyat was imprisoned by Richard III., and when almost starved a cat appeared at the window-grating and dropped a dove into his hand. This occurred day after day, and Wyat induced the warder to cook for him the doves thus wonderfully obtained.

Elijah, the Tishbite, while he lay hidden at the brook Cherith, was fed by ravens, who brought “bread and flesh” every morning and evening.--1 Kings xvii. 6.

=Wylie= (Andrew), ex-clerk of bailie Nicol Jarvie.--Sir W. Scott, Rob Roy (time, George I.).

Wylie (Joe), mate of the Proserpine, hired by Arthur Wardlaw to scuttle that vessel, that the insurance-money may be used to conceal the fact of Wardlaw’s defalcations.--Charles Reade, Foul Play.

=Wynebgwrthucher=, the shield of King Arthur.--The Mabinogion (“Kilhwch and Olwen,” twelfth century).

=Wynkyn de Worde=, the second printer in London (from 1491-1534). The first was Caxton (from 1476-1491). Wynkyn de Worde assisted Caxton in the new art of printing.


Wynken, Blynken and Nod one night, Sailed off in a wooden shoe-- Sailed on a river of misty light Into a sea of dew. “Where are you going, and what do you wish?” The old moon asked the three. “We have come to fish for the herring-fish That live in this beautiful sea, Nets of silver and gold have we,” Said Wynken, Blynken and Nod. Eugene Field, A Little Book of Western Verse, (1889).

=Wyo´ming=, in Pennsylvania, purchased by an American company from the Delaware Indians. It was settled by an American colony, but being subject to constant attacks from the savages the colony armed in self-defence. In 1778 most of the able-bodied men were called to join the army of Washington, and in the summer of that year an army of British and Indian allies, led by Colonel Butler, attacked the settlement, massacred the inhabitants, and burnt their houses to the ground.

⁂ Campbell has made this the subject of a poem entitled Gertrude of Wyoming, but he pronounces the name Wy´oming, and makes Brant, instead of Butler, the leader of the attack.

=Wyvill= (William de), a steward of the field at the tournament.--Sir W. Scott, Ivanhoe (time, Richard I.).

=Xan´adu=, a city mentioned by Coleridge in his fragment, Kubla Khan. The idea of this poem is borrowed from the Pilgrimage by Purchas (1613), where Xanadu is called “Xaindu.” Coleridge says that he composed the poem in a dream, after reading Purchas’ Pilgrimage.

=Xanthos=, the horse of Achillês. He spoke with a human voice, like Balaam’s ass, Adrastos’s horse (Arīon), Fortunio’s horse (Comrade), Mahomet’s “horse” (Al Borak), Sâleh’s camel, the dog of the seven sleepers (Katmîr), the black pigeons of Dodona and Ammon, the king of serpents (Temliha), the serpent which was cursed for tempting Eve, the talking-bird called bulbul-hēzar, the little green bird of Princess Fairstar, the White Cat cum quibusdam aliis.

The mournful Xanthus (says the bard of old) Of Peleus’ warlike son the fortune told. Peter Pindar [Dr. Wolcott], The Lousiad, v. (1809).

=Xantippe= (3 syl.), wife of Socrătês; proverbial for a scolding, nagging, peevish wife. One day, after storming at the philosopher, she emptied a vessel of dirty water on his head, whereupon Socratês simply remarked, “Aye, aye, we always look for rain after thunder.”

Xantippe (3 syl.), daughter of Cimo´nos. She preserved the life of her old father in prison by suckling him. The guard marvelled that the old man held out so long, and, watching for the solution, discovered the fact.

Euphra´sia, daughter of Evander, preserved her aged father while in prison in a similar manner. (See GRECIAN DAUGHTER.)

=Xavier= (François), Florentine priest, son of a cameo cutter, who finds on the shore of Lake Superior an uncut onyx stone, called by Black Beaver, the Indian owner, “the devil-stone.” Black Beaver will not sell it, but his daughter, Marie, in love with Xavier, persuades him to offer it to the Virgin. Xavier engraves upon it an exquisite representation of Venus rising from the sea. Black Beaver, seeing his daughter pining for love of Xavier, offers her to the chief priest of the mission as Xavier’s wife, and learns that Romish priests cannot marry. He drinks heavily all night, and the next day departs on a journey “for stores.” That evening Marie, kneeling at prayer, sees that the cameo has disappeared from the Virgin’s breast. Next day François Xavier is found dead in the forest, an arrow in his heart. When the shaft is withdrawn, the arrow-head remains in his bosom. A century later, within the skeleton of a man exhumed near Starved Rock, Illinois, is found a rarely beautiful cameo. “The uncanny thing rattled within the white ribs.”--Elizabeth W. Champney, The Heartbreak Cameo.

=Xavier de Belsunce= (H. François), immortalized by his self-devotion in administering to the plague-stricken at Marseilles (1720-22).

⁂ Other similar examples are Charles Borro´meo, cardinal and archbishop of Milan (1538-1584). St. Roche, who died in 1327 from the plague caught by him in his indefatigable labors in ministering to the plague-stricken at Piacenza. Mompesson was equally devoted to the people of Eyam. Sir John Lawrence, lord mayor of London, is less known, but ought to be held in equal honor, for supporting 40,000 dismissed servants in the great plague.

=Xenoc´rates= (4 syl.), a Greek philosopher. The courtezan Laïs made a heavy bet that she would allure him from his philosophy; but after she had tried all her arts on him without success, she exclaimed, “I thought he had been a living man, and not a mere stone.”

Do you think I am Xenocrates, or like the Sultan with marble legs? There you leave me tête-à-tête with Mrs. Haller, as if my heart were a mere flint.--Benjamin Thompson, The Stranger, iv. 2 (1797).

=Xerxes denounced.=--See Plutarch, Life of Themistoclês, art. “Sea-Fights of Artemisium and Salamis.”

Minerva on the bounding prow Of Athens stood, and with the thunder’s voice Denounced her terrors on their impious heads [the Persians]. And shook her burning ægis. Xerxes saw From Heracle´um on the mountain’s height, Throned in her golden ear, he knew the sign Celestial, felt unrighteous hope forsake His faltering heart, and turned his face with shame. Akenside, Hymn to the Naiads (1767).

=Xime´na=, daughter of Count de Gormez. The count was slain by the Cid for insulting his father. Four times Ximēna demanded vengeance of the king; but the king, perceiving that the Cid was in love with her, delayed vengeance, and ultimately she married him.

=Xit=, the royal dwarf of Edward VI.

=Xury=, a Moresco boy, servant to Robinson Crusoe.--Defoe, Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1719).

=Ya´hoo=, one of the human brutes subject to the Houyhnhnms [Whin.hims], or horses possessed of human intelligence. In this tale the horses and men change places; the horses are the chief and ruling race, and man the subject.--Swift, Gulliver’s Travels (1726).

=Yajûi and Majûj=, the Arabian form of Gog and Magog. Gog is a tribe of Turks, and Magog of the Gilân (the Geli or Gelæ of Ptolemy and Strabo). Al Beidâwi says they were man-eaters. Dhu´lkarnein made a rampart of red-hot metal to keep out their incursions.

He said to the workmen, “Bring me iron in large pieces till it fill up the space between these two mountains ... [then] blow with your bellows till it make the iron red hot.” And he said further, “Bring me molten brass that I may pour upon it.” When this wall was finished Gog and Magog could not scale it, neither could they dig through it.--Al Korán, xviii.

=Yakutsk=, in Siberia, affords an exact parallel to the story about Carthage. Dido, having purchased in Africa as much land as could be covered with a bull’s hide, ordered the hide to be cut into thin slips, and thus enclosed land enough to build Byrsa upon. This Byrsa (“bull’s hide”) was the citadel of Carthage, round which the city grew.

So with Yakutsk. The settlers bought as much land as they could encompass with a cow-hide, but, by cutting the hide into slips, they encompassed enough land to build a city on.

=Yama=, a Hindû deity, represented by a man with four arms, riding on a bull. He gave the horse to India.

Whether thou didst first spring from the firmament or from the water, thy great birth, O horse, is to be glorified, inasmuch as thou hast neighed, thou hast the wings of the falcon, thou hast the limbs of the deer. Trita harnessed the horse which was given by Yama; Indra first mounted him; Gandharba seized his reins. Vasus, you fabricated the horse from the sun. Thou, O horse, art Yama; thou art Aditya; thou art Trita; thou art Soma.--The Rig Veda, ii.

=Ya´men=, lord and potentate of Pandălon (hell).--Hindû Mythology.

What worse than this hath Yamen’s hell in store? Southey, Curse of Kehama, ii. (1809).

=Yar´ico=, a young Indian maiden with whom Thomas Inkle fell in love. After living with her as his wife, he despicably sold her in Barbadoes as a slave.

⁂ The story is told by Sir Richard Steele in The Spectator, 11; and has been dramatized by George Colman under the title of Inkle and Yarico (1787).

=Yarrow= (The Flower of). Mary Scott was so called.

=Yathreb=, the ancient name of Medīna.

When a party of them said, “O, inhabitants of Yathreb, there is no place of security for you here, wherefore return home;” a part of them asked leave of the prophet to depart.--Al Korân, xxxiii.

=Yeardley= (Lady), an Englishwoman, living in the American colonies, receives on Christmas Eve as a guest, an Indian, who brings his four-year-old boy “to be made like English children.” The lady takes her dark-skinned visitors to church next day, and a tumult arises that the Indian father is a spy. A rush is made upon him, but Lady Yeardley shields the chief, claiming him as her guest.

“They dropped, at her word, their weapons, Half-shamed as the lady smiled, And told them the red man’s story, And showed them the red man’s child; And pledged them her broad plantations, That never would such betray The trust that a Christian woman Had shown on a Christmas-Day.” Margaret Junkin Preston, Lady Yeardley’s Guest (1887).

=Yellow Dwarf= (The), a malignant, ugly imp, who claimed the Princess Allfair as his bride; and carried her off to Steel Castle on his Spanish cat, the very day she was about to be married to the beautiful king of the Gold-Mines. The king of the Gold-Mines tried to rescue her, and was armed by a good siren with a diamond sword of magic power, by which he made his way through every difficulty to the princess. Delighted at seeing his betrothed, he ran to embrace her, and dropped his sword. Yellow Dwarf, picking it up, demanded that Gold-Mine should resign the lady, and, on his refusing to do so, slew him with the magic sword. The princess, rushing forward to avert the blow, fell dead on the body of her dying lover.

Yellow Dwarf was so called from his complexion and the orange tree he lived in.... He wore wooden shoes, a coarse, yellow stuff jacket, and had no hair to hide his large ears.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“The Yellow Dwarf,” 1682).

=Yellowley= (Mr. Triptolemus), the factor, an experimental agriculturist of Stourburgh or Harfra.

Mistress Baby or Barbary Yellowley, sister and housekeeper of Triptolemus.

Old Jasper Yellowley, father of Triptolemus and Barbary.--Sir W. Scott, The Pirate (time, William III.).

=Yenadiz´ze=, an idler, a gambler; also an Indian fop.

With my nets you never help me; At the door my nets are hanging. Go and wring them, Yenadizze. Longfellow, Hiawatha, vi. (1855).

=Yendys= (Sydney), the nom de plume of Sydney Dobell (1824-1874).

⁂ “Yendys” is merely the word Sydney reversed.

=Yeru´ti=, son of Quiāra and Monnĕma. His father and mother were of the Guarāni race, and the only ones who escaped a small-pox plague which infested that part of Paraguay. Yerūti was born after his parents migrated to the Mondai woods, but his father was killed by a jagŭar just before the birth of Mooma (his sister). When grown to youthful age a Jesuit pastor induced the three to come and live at St. Joăchin, where was a primitive colony of some 2000 souls. Here the mother soon died from the confinement of city life. Mooma followed her ere long to the grave. Yeruti now requested to be baptized, and no sooner was the rite over, than he cried, “Ye are come for me! I am quite ready!” and instantly expired.--Southey, A Tale of Paraguay (1814).

=Yezad= or =Yezdam=, called by the Greeks Oroma´zês (4 syl.), the principle of good in Persian mythology, opposed to Ahriman or Arimannis, the principle of evil. Yezad created twenty-four good spirits, and, to keep them from the power of the evil one, enclosed them in an egg; but Ahriman pierced the shell, and hence there is no good without some admixture of evil.

=Ygerne= [E-gern´], wife of Gorloïs, lord of Tintag´il Castle, in Cornwall. King Uther tried to seduce her, but Ygerne resented the insult; whereupon Uther and Gorloïs fought, and the latter was slain. Uther then besieged Tintagil Castle, took it, and compelled Ygerne to become his wife. Nine months afterwards Uther died, and on the same day was Arthur born.

Then Uther, in his wrath and heat, besieged Ygerne within Tintagil ... and entered in ... Enforced she was to wed him in her tears, And with a shameful swiftness. Tennyson, Coming of Arthur.

=Yguerne.= (See YGERNE.)

=Yn´iol=, an earl of decayed fortune, father of Enid. He was ousted from his earldom by his nephew, Ed´yrn (son of Nudd), called “The Sparrow-Hawk.” When Edyrn was overthrown by Prince Geraint, in single combat, he was compelled to restore the earldom to his uncle. He is described in the Mabinogion as “a hoary-headed man, clad in tattered garments.”--Tennyson, Idylls of the King (“Enid”).

He says to Geraint: “I lost a great earldom as well as a city and castle, and this is how I lost them: I had a nephew, ... and when he came to his strength he demanded of me his property, but I withheld it from him. So he made war upon me, and wrested from me all that I possessed,”--Mabinogion (“Geraint, the Son of Erbin,” twelfth century).

=Yoglan= (Zacharias), the old Jew chemist, in London.--Sir W. Scott, Kenilworth (time, Elizabeth).

=Yohak=, the giant guardian of the caves of Babylon.--Southey, Thalaba, the Destroyer, v. (1797).

=Yone=, bewitching heroine of Edward H. House’s story, “A Child of Japan” (1888).

=Yone=, diminutive of Giorgione Willoughby, a self-willed, selfish, fascinating woman, who deliberately allures her cousin’s lover away from her, and finds when he has married her (Yone) that she has dazzled his fancy, not won his heart.--Harriet Prescott Spofford, The Amber Gods (1863).

=Yor´ick=, the king of Denmark’s jester; “a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.”--Shakespeare, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (1596).

Yorick (Mr.) is the name used by the Rev. Laurence Sterne, 1713-1768, in A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (1768) as that of the author. In his other book, The Life and Opinions of Mr. Tristram Shandy (1759), where the Sentimental Journey appears, as it were, in embryo, Yorick is the name of one of the principal characters, and, as Sir Walter Scott remarks, “Yorick, the lively, witty, sensible and heedless parson is--Sterne himself.” The name was borrowed by Sterne from the Yorick of Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

=York= (Geoffrey, archbishop of), one of the high justiciaries of England in the absence of Richard Cœur de Lion.--Sir W. Scott, The Talisman (time Richard I.).

York (James, duke of), introduced by Sir W. Scott, in Woodstock and in Peveril of the Peak.

=Yorke= (Oliver), pseudonym of Francis Sylvester Mahony, editor of Fraser’s Magazine. It is still edited under the same name.

=Yorkshire Tragedy= (The), author unknown (1604), was at one time printed with the name of Shakespeare.

=Young America.= J. G. Holland says: “What we call Young America is made up of about equal parts of irreverence, conceit, and that popular moral quality familiarly known as brass.”

=Young Chevalier= (The), Charles Edward Stuart, grandson of James II. He was the second pretender (1720-1788).

=Young England=, a set of young aristocrats, who tried to revive the courtly manners of the Chesterfield school. They wore white waistcoats, patronized the pet poor, looked down upon shopkeepers, and were imitators of the period of Louis XIV. Disraeli has immortalized their ways and manners.

=Young Germany=, a literary school, headed by Heinrich Heine [Hi.ny], whose aim was to liberate politics, religion, and manners from the old conventional trammels.

=Young Ireland=, followers of Daniel O’Connell in politics, but wholly opposed to his abstention from war and insurrection in vindication of “their country’s rights.”

=Young Italy=, certain Italian refugees, who associated themselves with the French republican party, called the Carbonnerie Democratique. The society was first organized at Marseilles by Mazzini, and its chief object was to diffuse republican principles.

=Young Roscius=, William Henry West Betty. When only 12 years old he made £34,000 in fifty-six nights. He appeared in 1803, and very wisely retired from the stage in 1807 (1791-1874).

=Young-and-Handsome=, a beautiful fairy, who fell in love with Alidōrus, “the lovely shepherd.” Mordicant, an ugly fairy, also loved him, and confined him in a dungeon. Zephyrus loved Young-and-Handsome, but when he found no reciprocity he asked the fairy how he could best please her. “By liberating the lovely shepherd,” she replied. “Fairies, you know, have no power over fairies, but you, being a god, have full power over the whole race.” Zephyrus complied with this request, and restored Alidorus to the Castle of Flowers, when Young-and-Handsome bestowed on him perpetual youth, and married him.--Comtesse D’Aunoy, Fairy Tales (“Young-and-Handsome,” 1682).

=Youwarkee=, the name of the gawrey that Peter Wilkins married. She introduced the seaman to Nosmnbdsgrsutt, the land of flying men and women.--R. Pultock, Peter Wilkins (1750).

=Ysaie le Triste= [E.say´ lĕ Treest], son of Tristram and Ysolde (wife of King Mark of Cornwall). The adventures of this young knight form the subject of a French romance called Isaie le Triste (1522).

I did not think it necessary to contemplate the exploits ... with the gravity of Isaie le Triste.--Dunlop.

=Ysolde= or =Ysonde= (2 syl.), surnamed “The Fair,” daughter of the king of Ireland. When Sir Tristram was wounded in fighting for his uncle, Mark, he went to Ireland, and was cured by the Fair Ysolde. On his return to Cornwall he gave his uncle such a glowing account of the young princess that he was sent to propose offers of marriage, and to conduct the lady to Cornwall. The brave young knight and the fair damsel fell in love with each other on their voyage, and, although Ysolde married King Mark, she retained to the end her love for Sir Tristram. King Mark, jealous of his nephew, banished him from Cornwall, and he went to Wales, where he performed prodigies of valor. In time his uncle invited him back to Cornwall, but, the guilty intercourse being renewed, he was banished a second time. Sir Tristram now wandered over Spain, Ermonie, and Brittany, winning golden opinions by his exploits. In Brittany he married the king’s daughter, Ysolde or Ysonde of the White Hand, but neither loved her nor lived with her. The rest of the tale is differently told by different authors. Some say he returned to Cornwall, renewed his love with Ysolde the Fair, and was treacherously stabbed by his uncle Mark. Others say he was severely wounded in Brittany, and sent for his aunt, but died before her arrival. When Ysolde the Fair heard of his death, she died of a broken heart, and King Mark buried them both in one grave, over which he planted a rose bush and a vine.

=Ysolde= or =Ysonde= or =Ysolt= of the White Hand, daughter of the king of Brittany. Sir Tristram married her for her name’s sake, but never loved her nor lived with her, because he loved his aunt, Ysolde the Fair (the young wife of King Mark), and it was a point of chivalry for a knight to love only one woman, whether widow, wife, or maid.

=Yuhid´thiton=, chief of the Az´tecas, the mightiest in battle and wisest in council. He succeeded Co´anocot´zin (5 syl.), as king of the tribe, and led the people from the south of the Missouri to Mexico.--Southey, Madoc (1805).

=Yvetot= [Eve.toe], a town in Normandy; the lord of the town was called le roi d’Yvetot. The tale is that Clotaire, son of Clovis, having slain the lord of Yvetot before the high altar of Soissons, made atonement to the heirs by conferring on them the title of king. In the sixteenth century the title was exchanged for that of prince souverain, and the whole fiction was dropped not long after. Béranger has a poem called “Le Roi d’Yvetot,” which is understood to be a satirical fling at the great Napoleon. The following is the first stanza:

Il était un roi d’Yvetot Peu connu dans l’histoire; Se levant tard, se couchant tôt, Dormant, fort bien sans gloire, Et couronné par Jeanneton D’un simple bonnet de coton. Dit on: Oh! oh! oh! oh! Ah! ah! ah! ah! Quel bon petit roi c’etait; là! là! là! Béranger.

It was a King of Yvetot Whom few historians name; A sleeper sound, a waker slow, No dreams had he of fame. By Betty’s hand with nightcap crown’d, He snored in state the whole clock round Profound. Ha! ha! ha! ha! Ho! ho! ho! ho! A Kingdom match for Yvetot! Ho! ho!

=Ywaine and Gawin=, the English version of “Owain and the Lady of the Fountain.” The English version was taken from the French of Chrestien de Troyes (twelfth century), and was published by Ritson. The Welsh tale is in the Mabinogion. There is also a German version by Hartman von der Aue, a minnesinger (beginning of thirteenth century). There are also Bavarian and Danish versions.

=Zabarell=, a learned Italian commentator on works connected with the Aristotelian system of philosophy (1523-1589).

And still I held converse with Zabarell ... Stufft noting-books; and still my spaniel slept. At length he waked and yawned; and by yon sky For aught I know, he knew as much as I. Marston (died 1634).

=Zabidius=, the name in Martial for which “Dr. Fell” was substituted by Tom Brown, when sent by the dean of Christ Church to translate the lines;

Non amo te, Zabidi, nec possum dicere quare, Hoc tantum possum dicere, non amo te.

I love thee not, Zabidius-- Yet cannot tell thee why; But this I may most truly say, I love thee not, not I.

Imitated thus:

I do not like thee, Dr. Fell-- The reason why, I cannot tell; But this I know, and know full well, I do not like thee, Dr. Fell. Tom Brown (author of Dialogues of the Dead).

=Zab´ulon=, a Jew, the servant of Hippolyta, a rich lady wantonly in love with Arnoldo. Arnoldo is contracted to the chaste Zeno´cia, who, in turn, is basely pursued by the governor, Count Clo´dio.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Custom of the Country (1647).

=Zab´ulus=, same as Diabolus.

Gay sport have we had to-night with Zabulus. Lord Lytton, Harold, viii. (1850).

=Zaccoc´ia=, king of Mozambique, who received Vasco da Gama and his crew with great hospitality, believing them to be Mahommedans; but when he ascertained that they were Christians he tried to destroy them.--Camoens, Lusiad, i., ii. (1569).

=Zacharia=, one of the three anabaptists who induced John of Leyden to join the revolt of Westphalia and Holland. On the arrival of the emperor, the anabaptists betrayed their dupe but perished with him in the flames of the burning palace.--Meyerbeer, Le Prophète (1849).

=Zadig=, the hero and title of a novel by Voltaire. Zadig is a wealthy young Babylonian, and the object of the novel is to show that the events of life are beyond human control.

=Zad´kiel= (3 syl.), angel of the planet Jupiter.--Jewish Mythology.

Zadkiel, the pseudonym of Lieutenant Richard James Morrison, author of Prophetic Almanac, Handbook of Astrology, etc.

=Zadoc=, in Dryden’s satire of Absalom and Achitophel, is Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury.

Zadoc, the priest whom, shunning power and place, His lowly mind advanced to David’s grace. Pt. i. (1681).

=Zadoc Pine=, man who makes a good living by attending to his own business and disregarding the admonitions of “Trades Unions” and officious wiseacres. “Man must earn his bread in the sweat of his brow; but some men sweat inside o’ their heads, an’ some outside. I’m workin’ my brain.”--H. C. Bunner, Zadoc Pine (1891).

=Zaïde= (2 syl.), a young slave who pretends to have been ill-treated by Adraste (2 syl.), and runs to Don Pèdre for protection. Don Pèdre sends her into the house while he expostulates with Adraste “for his brutality.” Now, Adraste is in love with Isidore, a Greek slave kept by Don Pèdre, and when Zaïde is called forth, Isidore appears, dressed in Zaïde’s clothes. “There,” says Don Pèdre, “take her home and use her well.” “I will,” says Adraste, and leads off Isidore.--Molière, Le Sicilien ou L’Amour Peintre (1667).

=Zaira=, the mother of Eva Wentworth. She is a brilliant Italian, courted by de Courcy. When deceived by him she meditates suicide, but forbears, and sees Eva die tranquilly, and the faithless de Courcy perish of remorse.--Rev. C. R. Maturin, Women (a novel, 1822).

=Zambullo= (Don Cleophas Leandro Perez), the person carried through the air by Asmodēus to the steeple of St. Salvādor, and shown, in a moment of time, the interior of every private dwelling around.--Lesage, The Devil on Two Sticks (1707).

Cleaving the air at a greater rate than Don Cleophas Leandro Perez Zambullo and his familiar.--C. Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop (1840).

=Zam´ora=, youngest of the three daughters of Balthazar. She is in love with Rolando, a young soldier, who fancies himself a woman-hater, and, in order to win him she dresses in boy’s clothes and becomes his page, under the name of Eugenio. In this character Zamōra wins the heart of the young soldier by her fidelity, tenderness and affection. When the proper moment arrives she assumes her female attire, and Rolando, declaring she is no woman, but an angel, marries her.--J. Tobin, The Honeymoon (1804).

=Zamti=, the Chinese mandarin. His wife was Mandănê, and his son Hamet. The emperor of China, when he was about to be put to death by Ti´murkan´, the Tartar, committed to Zamti’s charge his infant son, Zaphimri, and Zamti brought up this “orphan of China” as his own son, under the name of Etan. Twenty years afterwards Zamti was put to the rack by Timurkan, and died soon afterwards.--Murphy, The Orphan of China (1761).

=Zanga=, the revengeful Moor, the servant of Don Alonzo. The Moor hates Alonzo for two reasons: (1) because he killed his father, and (2) because he struck him on the cheek; and, although Alonzo has used every endeavor to conciliate Zanga, the revengeful Moor nurses his hate and keeps it warm. The revenge he wreaks is: (1) to poison the friendship which existed between Alonzo and Don Carlos by accusations against the don, and (2) to embitter the love of Alonzo for Leonora, his wife. Alonzo, out of jealousy, has his friend killed, and Leonora makes away with herself. Having thus lost his best beloved, Zanga tells his dupe he has been imposed upon, and Alonzo, mad with grief, stabs himself. Zanga, content with the mischief he has done, is taken away to execution.--Edward Young, The Revenge (1721).

⁂ “Zanga” was the great character of Henry Mossop (1729-1773). It was also a favorite part with J. Kemble (1757-1823).

=Zanoné=, Jepththa’s daughter, doomed by her father’s rash vow, to perpetual celibacy.--Margaret J. Preston, Old Song and New (1870).

=Zano´ni=, hero and title of a novel by Lord Bulwer Lytton. Zanoni is supposed to possess the power of communicating with spirits, prolonging life, and producing gold, silver, and precious stones (1842).

=Zany of Debate.= George Canning was so called by Charles Lamb in a sonnet printed in The Champion newspaper. Posterity has not endorsed the judgment or wit of this ill-natured satire (1770-1827).

=Zaphimri=, the “orphan of China,” brought up by Zamti, under the name of Etan.

Ere yet the foe burst in, “Zamti,” said he, “preserve my cradled infant; Save him from ruffians; train his youth to virtue....” He could no more; the cruel spoiler seized him, And dragged my king, from yonder altar dragged him, Here on the blood-stained pavement; while the queen And her dear fondlings, in one mangled heap, Died in each other’s arms. Murphy, The Orphan of China, iii. 1 (1761).

=Zaphna=, son of Alcānor, chief of Mecca. He and his sister, Palmira, being taken captives in infancy, were brought up by Mahomet, and Zaphna, not knowing Palmira was his sister, fell in love with her, and was in turn beloved. When Mahomet laid siege to Mecca, he employed Zaphna to assassinate Alcanor, and when he had committed the deed discovered that it was his own father he had killed. Zaphna would have revenged the deed on Mahomet, but died of poison.--James Miller, Mahomet the Impostor (1740).

=Zara=, an African queen, widow of Al-buca´cim, and taken captive by Manuel, king of Grana´da, who fell in love with her. Zara, however, was intensely in love with Osmyn (alias Prince Alphonso of Valentia), also a captive. Alphonso, being privately married to Alme´ria, could not return her love. She designs to liberate Osmyn; but, seeing a dead body in the prison, fancies it to be that of Osmyn, and kills herself by poison.--W. Congreve, The Mourning Bride (1697).

⁂ “Zara” was one of the great characters of Mrs. Siddons (1755-1831).

Zara (in French Zaïre), the heroine and title of a tragedy by Voltaire (1733), adapted for the English stage by Aaron Hill (1735). Zara is the daughter of Lusignan d’Outremer (king of Jerusalem) and sister of Nerestan. Twenty years ago Lusignan and his two children had been taken captives. Nerestan was four years old at the time; and Zara, a mere infant, was brought up in the seraglio. Osman the sultan fell in love with her, and promised to make her his sultana; and as Zara loved him for himself, her happiness seemed complete. Nerestan, having been sent to France to obtain ransoms, returned at this crisis, and Osman fancied that he observed a familiarity between Zara and Nerestan, which roused his suspicions. Several things occurred to confirm them, and at last a letter was intercepted, appointing a rendezvous between them in a “secret passage” of the seraglio. Osman met Zara in the passage, and stabbed her to the heart. Nerestan was soon seized, and being brought before the sultan, told him he had slain his sister, and the sole object of his interview was to inform her of her father’s death, and to bring her his dying blessing. Osman now saw his error, commanded all the Christian captives to be set at liberty, and stabbed himself.

=Zaramilla=, wife of Tinacrio, king of Micomicon, in Egypt. He was told that his daughter would succeed him, that she would be dethroned by the giant Pandafilando, but that she would find in Spain the gallant knight of La Mancha, who would redress her wrongs, and restore her to her throne.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. iv. 3 (1605).

=Zaraph=, the angel who loved Nama. It was Nama’s desire to love intensely and to love holily, but as she fixed her love on an angel and not on God, she was doomed to abide on earth till the day of consummation; then both Nama and Zaraph will be received in the realms of everlasting love.--T. Moore, Loves of the Angels (1822).

=Zauberflöte= (Die), a magic flute, which had the power of inspiring love. When bestowed by the powers of darkness, the love it inspired was sensual love; but when by the powers of light, it became subservient to the very highest and holiest purposes. It guided Tami´no and Pami´na through all worldly dangers to the knowledge of divine truth (or the mysteries of Isis).--Mozart, Die Zauberflöte (1791).

=Zayde=, the chief character in a French romance by Mde. Lafayette (seventeenth century).

=Zeal= (Arabella), in Shadwell’s comedy The Fair Quaker of Deal (1617).

This comedy was altered by E. Thompson in 1720.

=Zedekiah=, one of General Harrison’s servants.--Sir W. Scott, Woodstock (time, Commonwealth).

=Ze´gris and the Abencerra´ges= [A´.ven.ce.rah´.ke], an historical romance, professing to be history, and printed at Alca´la in 1604. It was extremely popular, and had a host of imitations.

=Zeid=, Mahomet’s freedman. “The prophet” adopted him as his son, and gave him Zeinab (or Zenobia) for a wife; but falling in love with her himself, Zeid gave her up to the prophet. She was Mahomet’s cousin, and within the prohibited degrees, according to the Korân.

=Zeinab= or ZENOBIA, wife of Zeid, Mahomet’s freedman and adopted son. As Mahomet wished to have her, Zeid resigned her to the prophet. Zeinab was the daughter of Amîma, Mahomet’s aunt.

Zei´nab (2 syl.), wife of Hodei´rah (3 syl.), an Arab. She lost her husband and all her children, except one, a boy named Thal´aba. Weary of life, the angel of death took her, while Thalaba was yet a youth.--Southey, Thalaba, the Destroyer (1797).

=Zeleu´cus= or =Zaleucus=, a Locrensian lawgiver, who enacted that adulterers should be deprived of their eyes. His own son being proved guilty, Zeleucus pulled out one of his own eyes, and one of his son’s eyes, that “two eyes might be paid to the law.”--Valerius Maximus, De Factis Dictisque, v. 5, exl. 3.

How many now will tread Zeleucus’ steps? G. Gascoigne, The Steele Glas (died 1577).

=Zeli´ca=, the betrothed of Azim. When it was rumored that he had been slain in battle, Zelĭca joined the harem of the Veiled Prophet as “one of the elect of paradise.” Azim returned from the wars, discovered her retreat, and advised her to flee with him, but she told him that she was now the prophet’s bride. After the death of the prophet Zelica assumed his veil, and Azim, thinking the veiled figure to be the prophet, rushed on her and killed her.--T. Moore, Lalla Rookh (“The Veiled Prophet,” etc., 1817).

=Zelis=, the daughter of a Persian officer. She was engaged to a man in the middle age of life, but just prior to the wedding he forsook her for a richer bride. The father of Zelis challenged him, but was killed. Zelis now took lodging with a courtezan, and went with her to Italy; but when she discovered the evil courses of her companion she determined to become a nun, and started by water for Rome. She was taken captive by corsairs, and sold from master to master, till at length Hingpo rescued her, and made her his wife.--Goldsmith, A Citizen of the World (1759).

=Zelma´ne= (3 syl.), the assumed name of Pyr´oclês, when he put on female attire.--Sir Philip Sidney, Arcadia (1590).

Sir Philip has preserved such a matchless decorum that Pyroclês’ manhood suffers no stain for the effeminacy of Zelmanê.--C. Lamb.

=Zelu´co=, the only son of a noble Sicilian family, accomplished and fascinating, but spoilt by maternal indulgence, and at length rioting in dissipation. In spite of his gayety of manner, he is a standing testimony that misery accompanies vice.--Dr. John Moore, Zeluco (a novel, 1786).

=Ze´mia=, one of the four who, next in authority to U´riel, preside over our earth.--Klopstock, The Messiah, iii. (1748).

=Zemzem=, a fountain at Mecca. The Mohammedans say it is the very spring which God made to slake the thirst of Ishmael, when Hagar was driven into the wilderness by Abraham. A bottle of this water is considered a very valuable present, even by princes.

There were also a great many bottles of water from the fountain of Zemzem, at Mecca.--Arabian Nights (“The Purveyor’s Story”).

=Zenel´ophon=, the beggar-girl who married King Cophet´ua of Africa. She is more generally called Penel´ophon.--Tennyson, King Cophetua and the Beggar-maid.

=Zenobia=, queen of Palmyra, who claimed the title of “Queen of the East.” She was defeated by Aurelian and taken prisoner in A.D. 273.

Zenobia, brilliant and beautiful woman, the most striking figure in the group of remarkable people who compose the Blithedale Farm household. She has a dark history which she would forget in a later love. This fails her and she drowns herself. “Being the woman that she was, could Zenobia have foreseen all these ugly circumstances of death, how ill it would become her ... she would no more have committed the dreadful act than have exhibited herself to a public assembly in a badly-fitting garment.... She was not quite simple in her death.”--Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance (1850).

=Zeno´cia=, daughter of Chari´no, and the chaste troth-plight wife of Arnoldo. While Arnoldo is wantonly loved by the rich Hippol´yta, Zenocia is dishonorably pursued by the governor, Count Clo´dio.--Beaumont and Fletcher, The Custom of the Country (1647).

=Zephalinda=, a young lady who has tasted the delights of a London season, but is taken back to her home in the country, to find enjoyment in needlework, dull aunts, and rooks.

She went from opera, park, assembly, play, To morning walk, and prayers three hours a day; To part her time ’twixt reading and Bohea, To muse, and spill her solitary tea, O’er her cold coffee trifle with her spoon, Count the slow clock and dine exact at noon. Pope, Epistle to Miss Blount (1715).

=Zeph´on=, a cherub who detected Satan squatting in the garden, and brought him before Gabriel, the archangel. The word means “searcher of secrets.” Milton makes him “the guardian angel of paradise.”

Ithuriel and Zephon, with winged speed Search thro’ this garden, leave unsearched no nook; But chiefly where those two fair creatures lodge, Now laid perhaps asleep, secure of harm. Milton, Paradise Lost (1665).

=Zephyr.= (See MORGANE.)

=Zerbinette= (3 syl.), the daughter of Argante (2 syl.), stolen from her parents by gypsies when four years old, and brought up by them. Léandre, the son of Seigneur Géronte fell in love with her, and married her; but the gypsies would not give her up without being paid £1500. Scapin wrung this money from Géronte, pretending it was to ransom Léandre, who had been made a prisoner by some Turks who intended to sell him in Algiers for a slave unless his ransom was brought within two hours. The old man gave Scapin the money grudgingly, and Scapin passed it over to the gypsies, when a bracelet led to the discovery that Zerbinette was the daughter of Seigneur Argante, a friend of Léandre’s father, and all parties were delighted at the different revelations.--Molière, Les Fourberies de Scapin (1671).

⁂ In the English version, called The Cheats of Scapin, by Thomas Otway, Zerbinette is called “Lucia,” her father, Argante, is called “Thrifty,” Léandre is Anglicized into “Leander,” Géronte becomes “Gripe” and the sum of money is £200.

=Zerbi´no=, son of the king of Scotland, and intimate friend of Orlando.--Ariosto, Orlando Furioso (1516).

=Zerli´na=, a rustic beauty, about to be married to Massetto, when Don Giovanni allures her away under the promise of making her a fine lady.--Mozart, Don Giovanni (opera, 1787).

Zerlina, in Auber’s opera of Fra Diavolo (1830).

=Zesbet=, daughter of the sage Oucha, of Jerusalem. She had four husbands at the same time, viz., Abdal Motallab (the sage), Yaarab (the judge), Abou´teleb (a doctor of law), and Temimdari (a soldier). Zesbet was the mother of the Prophet Mahomet. Mahomet appeared to her before his birth, in the form of a venerable old man, and said to her:

“You have found favor before Allah. Look upon me; I am Mahomet, the great friend of God, he who is to enlighten the earth. Thy virtues, Zesbet, and thy beauty have made me prefer thee to all the daughters of Mecca. Thou shalt for the future be named Aminta [sic].” Then, turning to the husbands, he said, “You have seen me; she is yours, and you are hers. Labor then with a holy zeal to bring me into the world to enlighten it. All men who shall follow the law which I shall preach may have four wives; but Zesbet shall be the only woman who shall be lawfully the wife of four husbands at once. It is the least privilege I can grant the woman of whom I choose to be born.”--Comte Caylus, Oriental Tales (“History of the Birth of Mahomet,” 1743).

(The mother of Mahomet is generally called Amina, not Aminta.)

=Zethus=, son of Jupiter and Antiope.

=Zeus= (1 syl.), the Greek Jupĭter. The word was once applied to the blue firmament, the upper sky, the arch of light; but in Homeric mythology Zeus is king of gods and men; the conscious embodiment of the central authority and administrative intelligence which holds states together; the supreme ruler; the sovereign source of law and order; the fountain of justice, and final arbiter of disputes.

=Zeuxis and Parrhas´ios.= In a contest of skill Zeuxis painted some grapes so naturally that birds pecked at them. Confident of success, Zeuxis said to his rival, “Now let Parrhasios draw aside his curtain, and show us his production.” “You behold it already,” replied Parrhasios, “the curtain is the picture.” Whereupon, the prize was awarded to him, for Zeuxis had deceived the birds, but Parrhasios had deceived Zeuxis.

MYRON’S statue of a cow was mistaken by a herd of bulls for a living animal; and Apellês’s painting of the horse Bucephalos deceived several mares, who ran about it neighing.

QUINTIN MATSYS, of Antwerp, fell in love with Lisa, daughter of Johann Mandyn; but Mandyn vowed his daughter should marry only an artist. Matsys studied painting, and brought his first picture to show Lisa. Mandyn was not at home, but had left a picture of his favorite pupil, Frans Floris, representing the “fallen angels,” on the easel. Quintin painted a bee on an outstretched leg, and when Mandyn returned he tried to brush it off, whereupon the deception was discovered. The old man’s heart was moved, and he gave Quintin his daughter in marriage, saying, “You are a true artist, greater than Johann Mandyn.” The painting is in Antwerp Cathedral.

VELASQUEZ painted a Spanish admiral so true to life that King Philip IV., entering the studio, thought the painting was the admiral, and spoke to it as such, reproving the supposed officer for being in the studio wasting his time, when he ought to have been with the fleet.

=Zillah=, beloved by Hamuel, a brutish sot. Zillah rejected his suit, and Hamuel vowed vengeance. Accordingly, he gave out that Zillah had intercourse with the devil, and she was condemned to be burnt alive. God averted the flames, which consumed Hamuel, but Zillah stood unharmed, and the stake to which she was bound threw forth white roses, “the first ever seen on earth since paradise was lost.”--Southey. (See ROSE.)

=Zimmerman= (Adam), the old burgher of Soleure, one of the Swiss deputies to Charles “the Bold” of Burgundy.--Sir W. Scott, Anne of Geierstein (time, Edward IV.).

=Zim´ri=, one of the six Wise Men of the East led by the guiding star to Jesus.

Zimri taught the people, but they treated him with contempt; yet, when dying, he prevailed on one of them, and then expired.--Klopstock, The Messiah, v. (1771).

Zimri, in Dryden’s satire of Absalom and Achitophel, is the second duke of Buckingham. As Zimri conspired against Asa, king of Judah, 1 Kings, xvi. 9, so the duke of Buckingham “formed parties and joined factions.”

Some of the chiefs were princes in the land: In the first rank of these did Zimri stand-- A man so various that he seemed to be Not one, but all mankind’s epitomê; Stiff in opinion, always in the wrong, Was everything by turns, and nothing long. Pt. i. (1681).

=Zine´bi= (Mohammed), king of Syria, tributary to the caliph Haroun-al-Raschid; of very humane disposition.--Arabian Nights (“Ganem, the Slave of Love”).

=Zineu´ra=, in Boccaccio’s Decameron (day 11, Nov. 9), is the “Imogen” of Shakespeare’s Cymbeline. She assumed male attire with the name of Sicurano da Finalê (Imogen assumed male attire and the name Fidelê); Zineura’s husband was Bernard Lomellin, and the villain was Ambrose (Imogen’s husband was Posthŭmus Leonātus, and the villain Iachimo). In Shakespeare, the British king Cymbeline takes the place assigned by Boccaccio to the sultan.

=Ziska= or =Zizka=, John of Trocznov, a Bohemian nobleman, leader of the Hussites. He fought under Henry V. at Agincourt. His sister had been seduced by a monk; and whenever he heard the shriek of a Catholic at the stake, he called it “his sister’s bridal song.” The story goes that he ordered his skin at death to be made into a drum-head (1360-1427).

⁂ Some say that John of Trocznov was called “Ziska” because he was “one-eyed;” but that is a mistake--Ziska was a family name, and does not mean “one-eyed,” either in the Polish or Bohemian language.

For every page of paper shall a hide Of yours be stretched as parchment on a drum Like Ziska’s skin, to beat alarm to all Refractory vassals. Byron, Werner, i. (1822).

But be it as it is, the time may come His name [Napoleon’s] shall beat th’ alarm like Ziska’s drum. Byron, Age of Bronze, iv. (1819).

=Zobeide= [Zo-bay´de], half-sister of Amīnê. She had two sisters, who were turned into little black dogs by way of punishment for casting Zobeidê and the prince from the petrified city into the sea. Zobeidê was rescued by the fairy serpent, who had metamorphosed the two sisters, and Zobeidê was enjoined to give the two dogs a hundred lashes every day. Ultimately, the two dogs were restored to their proper forms, and married two calenders, sons of kings; Zobeidê married the Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid; and Aminê was restored to Amin, the caliph’s son, to whom she was already married.--Arabian Nights (“History of Zobeidê”).

While the caliph was absent from Bagdad, Zobeidê caused his favorite (named Fetnab) to be buried alive, for which she was divorced.--Arabian Nights (“Ganem, the Slave of Love”).

=Zohak=, the giant who keeps the “mouth of hell.” He was the fifth of the Pischdadian dynasty, and was a lineal descendant of Shedâd, king of Ad. He murdered his predecessor, and invented both flaying men alive and killing them by crucifixion. The devil kissed him on the shoulders, and immediately two serpents grew out of his back and fed constantly upon him. He was dethroned by the famous blacksmith of Ispahan´, and appointed by the devil to keep hell-gate.--D’Herbelot, Bibliothèque Orientale (1697).

=Zohara=, the queen of love, and mother of mischief. When Harût and Marût were selected by the host of heaven to be judges on earth, they judged righteous judgment till Zohara, in the shape of a lovely woman, appeared before them with her complaint. They then both fell in love with her and tried to corrupt her, but she flew from them to heaven; and the two angel-judges were for ever shut out.

The Persian Magi have a somewhat similar tradition of these two angels, but add that after their “fall,” they were suspended by the feet, head downwards, in the territory of Babel.

The Jews tell us that Shamhozai, “the judge of all earth,” debauched himself with women, repented, and by way of penance was suspended by the feet, head downwards, between heaven and earth.--Bereshit rabbi (in Gen. vi. 2).

=Zohauk=, the Nubian slave; a disguise assumed by Sir Kenneth.--Sir W. Scott, The Talisman (time, Richard I.).

=Zoilos= (in Latin Zoïlus), a grammarian, witty, shrewd and spiteful. He was nicknamed “Homer’s Scourge” (Homēro-mastix), because he assailed the Iliad and Odyssey with merciless severity. He also flew at Plato, Isoc´ratês, and other high game.

The Sword of Zoïlos, the pen of a critic.

=Zoilus.= J. Dennis, the critic whose attack on Pope produced The Dunciad, was so called (1657-1733).

=Zoleikha= (3 syl.), Potiphar’s wife.--Sale, Al Korân, xii. (note).

=Zophiel= [Zo.fel], “of cherubim the swiftest wing.” The word means “God’s spy.” Zophiel brings word to the heavenly host that the rebel crew are preparing a second and fiercer attack.

Zophiel, of cherubim the swiftest wing, Came flying, and in mid-air aloud thus cried: “Arm, warriors, arm for fight.” Milton, Paradise Lost (1665).

=Zorai´da= (3 syl.), a Moorish lady, daughter of Agimora´to, the richest man in Barbary. On being baptized she had received the name of Maria; and, eloping with a Christian captive, came to Andalusi´a.--Cervantes, Don Quixote, I. iv. 9-11 (“The Captive,” 1605).

=Zorphee= (2 syl.), a fairy in the romance of Amadis de Gaul (thirteenth century).

=Zosimus=, the patriarch of the Greek Church.--Sir W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

=Zuleika= [Zu.lee´.kah], daughter of Giaffer [Djaf´fir], pacha of Aby´dos. Falling in love with Selim, her cousin, she flees with him, and promises to be his bride; but the father tracks the fugitives and shoots Selim, whereupon Zuleika dies of a broken heart.--Byron, Bride of Abydos (1813).

Never was a faultless character more delicately or more justly delineated than that of Lord Byron’s “Zuleika.” Her piety, her intelligence, her strict sense of duty, and her undeviating love of truth, appear to have been originally blended in her mind, rather than inculcated by education. She is always natural, always attractive, always affectionate; and it must be admitted that her affections are not unworthily bestowed.--George Ellis.

=Zulichium= (The enchanted princess of), in the story told by Agelastes, the cynic, to Count Robert.--Sir W. Scott, Count Robert of Paris (time, Rufus).

=Zulzul=, the sage whose life was saved in the form of a rat by Gedy, the youngest of the four sons of Corcud. Zulzul gave him, in gratitude, two poniards, by the help of which he could climb the highest tree or most inaccessible castle.--Gueulette, Chinese Tales (“Corcud and His Four Sons,” 1723).




=Abbott= (Edwin Abbott), London, 1838- Bible Lessons, 1872. Cambridge Sermons, 1875. Concordance to Pope, 1875. Parables for Children, 1880. Shakesperian Grammar (A), 1870. Through Nature to Christ, 1877. =Abbott= (Jacob), born at Hallowel, Maine, 1803-1879. Corner Stone (The), 1826. Way to do good (The), 1836. Young Christian (The), 1825. =Abbott= (Rev. John S. C.), brother of Jacob Abbott, 1806-1877. Kings and Queens, or Life in a Palace, 1839. Life of Napoleon, 1855. Mother at Home (The), 1845. =Abercrombie= (John), Aberdeen, 1781-1844. Inquiry Concerning the Intellectual Powers, 1830, 1833. Philosophy of Moral Feeling, 1833. Researches on Diseases of the Brain, etc., 1828. =Addison= (Joseph), born at Milston, in Wiltshire, 1672-1719. Freeholder (The), 1715-16. Guardian (The), 1713. Spectator (The), 1711-12, 1714. Tatler (The), 1709-11. Cato (a tragedy), 1713. Divine Poems, 1728. Evidences of the Christian Religion, 1807. Poems, 1712, 1719. =Agassiz= (Louis), born at Orbe, in Switzerland, 1807-1873. Elements of Zoölogy, 1854. Essay on Classification, 1859. Fossil Fish, 1833-42. Lake Superior; its Physical character, Vegetables and Animals, 1850. Salmonidæ, 1839. Studies on Glaciers, 1840. System of Glaciers, or Researches on Glaciers, 1847. Zoölogical Bibliography, 1848-50. =Ainsworth= (William Harrison), Manchester, 1805-1882. Auriol and other Tales, 1880. Beatrice Tyldesley, 1878. Beau Nash, 1880. Boscobel, or the Royal Oak, 1872. Cardinal Pole, 1863. Chetwynd Calverley, 1876. Constable de Bourbon, 1866. Constable of the Tower, 1861. Crichton, 1837. Fall of Somerset, 1877. Flitch of Bacon (The), 1854. Goldsmith’s Wife (The), 1875. Good Old Times (The), 1873. Guy Fawkes, 1841. Hilary St. Ives, 1869. Jack Sheppard, 1839. John Law, the Projector, 1864. Lancashire Witches, 1848. Leaguer of Lathom (The), 1876. Lord Mayor of London (The), 1862. Manchester Rebels (The), 1873. Merry England, 1874. Mervyn Clitheroe, 1857. Miser’s Daughter (The), 1842. Myddleton Pomfret, 1865. Old Court (The), 1867. Old St. Paul’s, 1841-43. Ovingdean Grange, 1850. Preston Fight (The), 1875. Rookwood, 1834. St. James’s, or Court of Queen Anne, 1844. Sir John Chiverton, 1825. South Sea Bubble, 1868. Spanish Match (The), 1865. Spendthrift (The), 1856. Stanley Brereton, 1881. Star Chamber (The), 1854. Talbot Harland, 1870. Tale of the Plague, 1841. Tower Hill, 1871. Tower of London, 1843. Windsor Castle, 1843. =Akenside= (Mark), born at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1721-1770. British Philippic, 1738. Epistle to Curio, 1744. Naiades (Hymn to the), 1746. Odes, 1740. Pleasures of the Imagination, 1744. =Aldrich= (Thomas Bailey), born at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1836. Ballad of Baby Bell, and other Poems, 1856. Cloth of Gold, and other Poems, 1874. Marjorie Daw, 1873. Prudence Palfrey, 1874. Queen of Sheba, 1877. Story of a Bad Boy, 1870. =Alford= (Henry), dean of Canterbury, London, 1810-1871. Chapters on the Poets of Greece, 1841. Greek Testament edited, 1841-61. New Testament for English Readers, 1863-69. Queen’s English (The), 1864. Abbot of Muchelnage, and other Poems, 1841. Poems and Poetical Fragments, 1831. School of the Heart, and other Poems, 1835. =Alison= (Sir Archibald), born at Kenley, in Shropshire, 1792-1867. Essays, 1850. History of Europe during the French Revolution, 1833-1842. History of Europe from the fall of Napoleon, 1853-59. Life of Marlborough, 1848. Lives of Lord Castlereagh and Sir C. Stewart, 1861. =Alleine= (Joseph), Devizes, 1633-1668. Alarm to the Unconverted, 1672. =Allibone= (Samuel Austen), born in Philadelphia, 1816-1889. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors, 1858-1875. =Allingham= (William), Ballyshannon, 1824-1889. Day and Night Songs, 1854-55. Fifty Modern Poems, 1865. Music-master (The), and other Poems, 1857. Poems, 1850. Songs, Ballads, and Stories, 1877. (Editor of Frazer’s Magazine, 1874.) =Argyll= (George John Douglas Campbell, duke of), 1823- Primeval Man, 1869. Reign of Law (The), 1867. =Arnold= (Sir Edwin), 1832- Feast of Belshazzar (Newdegate prize), 1852. Griselda (a drama), 1856. Poems, Narrative and Lyrical, 1853. Indian Song of Songs, 1875; the Gîta Govinda. Light of Asia, 1879. Poets of Greece, 1869. =Arnold= (Matthew), born at Laleham, Middlesex, 1822-1888. New Poems, 1868. Poems, 1854-1877. Essays on Criticism, 1865. God and the Bible, 1875. Last Words on Translating Homer, 1863. Literature and Dogma, 1873. Popular Education of France, 1864. Schools and Universities on the Continent, 1868. St. Paul and Protestantism, 1870. Study of Celtic Literature, 1867. Three Lectures on Translating Homer, 1861-1862. =Arnold= (Thomas), born at West Cowes, Isle of Wight, 1795-1842. History of Rome, 1838-42. Lectures on Modern History, 1842. Sermons. =Ascham= (Roger), born at Kirby-Wiske, Yorkshire, 1515-1568. Scholemaster (The), 1570. =Audubon= (John James), born in Louisiana, 1780-1851. American Ornithological Biography, 1831-39. Birds of America, 1830-39, 1844. Quadrupeds of America (with Dr. Buchanan). =Austen= (Jane), born at Steventon, Hampshire, 1775-1817. Emma, 1816. Mansfield Park, 1814. Northanger Abbey, posthumous, 1818. Persuasion, posthumous, 1818. Pride and Prejudice, 1813. Sense and Sensibility, 1811. =Austin= (Alfred), born at Headingley, near Leeds, 1835- Golden Age (The), 1871. Human Tragedy (The), 1862. Interludes, 1872. Leszko, the Bastard, 1877. Madonna’s Child, 1873. My Satire and its Censors, 1861. Randolf, 1858. Rome or Death, 1873. Season (The), 1861. Tower of Babel (The), 1874. Artist’s Proof (An), 1864. Five Years of it, 1858. Won by a Head, 1866. England’s Policy and Peril, 1877. Note of Admiration, etc., 1861. Poetry of the Period (The), 1870. Russia before Europe, 1876. Tory Horrors, 1876. Vindication of Lord Byron, 1869. =Aytoun= (William Edmonstoune), born in Edinburgh, 1813-1865. Ballads of Scotland, 1858. Bothwell, 1856. Firmilian, 1854. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other Poems, 1849. Poland, and other Poems. Glenmutchkin Railway. How I became a Yeoman. Life and Times of Richard I, 1840. Norman Sinclair, 1861.

=Bacon= (Francis, Baron Verulam and Viscount St. Albans), London, 1561-1626. Advancement of Learning, 1605. Essays (fifty-eight), 1597; enlarged, 1625. Novum Organum, 1620. =Bacon= (Roger), a friar, born at Ichester, in Somersetshire, 1214-1292. Opus Majus, 1267. =Bailey= (Philip James), Nottingham, 1816- Festus, 1839. =Baillie= (Joanna), born at Bothwell, 1762-1851. Plays of the Passions, 1st series, 1798; 2d series, 1802; 3rd series, 1812. =Bain= (Alexander), born at Aberdeen, 1818- Emotions and the Will, 1859. Senses and the Intellect (The), 1855. =Baird= (Spenser Fullerton), born at Reading, Pennsylvania, 1823-1887. Birds of North America, 1860 (with J. Cassin). Mammals of North America, 1861 (with J. Cassin). Review of American Birds, 1864 (with Dr. T. M. Brewer). Editor and Translator of the Iconographic Encyclopædia, 1851. =Baker=, (Sir Samuel White), 1821-1880. Albert N’yanza (The), Great Basin of the Nile, and Exploration of the Nile Sources, (2 vols.), 1866. Cast Up by the Sea, 1869. Eight Year’s Wanderings in Ceylon, 1855. Ismaïlia, 1874. Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia (The), 1867. Rifle and Hound of Ceylon (The), 1854. =Bancroft= (George), born at Worcester, Massachusetts, 1800-1891. History of the United States, vol. 1st, 1834; 3rd, 1840; 7th, 1858; 8th, 1860; 10th, 1874. Plea for the Constitution of the United States, 1886. Martin Van Buren to the End of his Public Career, 1889. =Banim= (John), near Kilkenny, 1800-1842. Tales of the O’Hara Family, 1825. =Barbauld= (Mrs.), born at Kibworth-Harcourt, in Leicestershire, 1743-1825. Devotional pieces, 1775. Early Lessons for Children, 1774. Evenings at Home, 1792-95 (with Dr. Aikin). Female Spectator (The), 1811. Hymns in Prose, 1774. Life of Samuel Richardson, 1805. Miscellaneous Poems, 1773. Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose, 1773. =Barham= (Richard Harris), born at Canterbury, 1788-1845. Ingoldsby Legends (in verse and prose), 1837. =Baring-Gould= (Rev. Sabine), Exeter, 1834- Book of Were Wolves (The), 1865. Curiosities of the Olden Time, 1869. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, 1866-67. Difficulties of the Faith (The), 1874. Germany, Past and Present, 1879. Golden Gate (The), 1869-70. Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas, 1861. In Exitu Israel, 1870. Life of the Rev. R. S. Hawker, 1876. Lives of the Saints, 1872-77. Lost and Hostile Gospels (The), (1874). Mystery of Suffering (The), 1877. Origin and Development of Religious Belief (The), 1869-70. Path of the Just (The), 1854. Post Mediæval Preachers, 1865. Silver Store (The), 1868. Some Modern Difficulties, 1875. Village Sermons for a Year, 1875. Yorkshire Oddities, 1874. =Barlow= (Joel), born at Reading, Connecticut, 1755-1812. Vision of Columbus (The), a poem, 1787. (Afterwards enlarged into The Columbiad, 1805.) =Barnes= (Albert), New York, 1798-1870. Notes on the New Testament, 1832-48. Notes on the Old Testament, 1851. =Barnum= (Phineas Taylor), born at Bethel, Connecticut, 1810-1891. Humbugs of the World, 1865. Struggles and Triumphs, 1869. =Barrow= (Sir John), born near Ulverstone, in Lancashire, 1764-1848. Mutiny of the Bounty, 1831. =Baxter= (Richard), born at Rowton, in Shropshire, 1615-1691. Saints’ Everlasting Rest (The), 1650. =Beattie= (James), born at Laurencekirk, in Scotland, 1735-1803. Judgment of Paris, 1765. Minstrel (The), in two parts. Part i. 1771; part ii. 1774. Poems and Translations, 1760. Dissertations, 1783. Elements of Moral Sciences (The), 1790-93. Essay on Poetry and Music, 1778. Essay on Truth, 1770. Essays, 1776. Evidences of Christianity, 1786. =Beckford= (William), 1761-1844. Vathek (an Eastern tale), 1786. =Bede= (“The Venerable”), born at Jarrow, in Durham, 672-735. A Book on Metrical Art; another on Orthography; lives of the abbots of Wearmouth; Commentaries on the Bible; De Sex Ætatibus Mundi. (All in Latin.) Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, 734. Homilies, Hymns, Epigrams, etc. Martyrology. =Beecher= (Catherine Esther), born at East Hampton, New York, 1800-1878. Common Sense applied to Religion, 1857. Duty of American Women to their Country, 1845. The True Remedy for the Wrongs of Women, 1851. =Beecher= (Rev. Henry Ward), born at Litchfield, Connecticut, 1813-1887. Lectures to Young Men, 1850. Life Thoughts, 1858. Star Papers (The), 1858. =Beecher-Stowe= (Mrs.), born at Litchfield, Connecticut, 1812- Agnes of Sorrento, 1862. Chimney Corner (The), 1868. Christian Slave (The), a drama, 1855. Daisy’s First Winter, and other Stories, 1867. Dred, a Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp, 1856. House and Home Papers, 1864. Lady Byron’s Vindication, 1870. Little Foxes, 1865. Little Pussy Willows, 1870. Men of Our Times, 1868. Minister’s Wooing (The), 1859. My Wife and I, 1872. Old Town Folks, 1869. Our Charley, and what to do with him, 1859. Pearl of Orr’s Island (The), 1862. Pink and White Tyranny, 1871. Poganuc People, their Loves and Lives, 1878. Queer Little People, 1867. Ravages of a Carpet (The), 1864. Religious Rhymes, 1865. Stories about our Dogs, 1865. Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands, 1854. True Story of Lord Byron, 1869. Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1852. =Bellows= (Rev. Henry Whitney), born at Boston, 1814-1882. Defence of the Drama, 1857. Old World in its New Face (The), 1868-69. =Benton= (Thomas Hart), born in Orange county, North Carolina, 1783-1858. Thirty Years’ Views, 1853. =Bickersteth=, (Rev. Edward Henry), born at Islington, 1825- Yesterday, To-day, and For Ever, 1866. =Black= (William), born at Glasgow, 1841- Daughter of Heth (A), 1871. Green Pastures and Piccadilly, 1877. In Silk Attire, 1869. Kilmeny, 1870. Lady Silverdale’s Sweetheart, 1876. Macleod of Dare, 1878. Madcap Violet, 1876. Maid of Killeena (The), and other Stories, 1874. Monarch of Mincing Lane (The), 1871. Princess of Thule (A), 1873. Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, 1872. Sunrise, 1881. Three Feathers, 1875. White Wings, 1880. Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 1878. =Blackburn= (Henry), 1830- Art in the Mountains, 1870. Artists and Arabs, 1868. Harz Mountains, 1873. Normandy Picturesque, 1869. The Pyrenees, 1867. Travelling in Spain, 1866. =Blackie= (John Stuart), born at Glasgow, 1809- Democracy, 1867. Discourses on Beauty, 1858. Four Phases of Morals, 1871. Homer and the Iliad, 1866. Horæ Hellenicæ, 1874. Lays and Legends of Ancient Greece, 1857. Lays of the Highlands and Islands, 1872. Lyrical Poems in English and Latin, 1860. Natural History of Atheism, 1878. Poems, chiefly Mythological, 1857, 1860. Self-culture, 1873. War-Songs of Germany, 1870. =Blackmore= (Richard Doddridge), born at Longworth, in Berkshire, 1825- Alice Lorraine, 1875. Christowell, 1882. Clara Vaughan, 1864. Cradock Nowell, 1866. Cripps, the Carrier, 1876. Eréma, or My Father’s Sin, 1877. Fate of Franklin (The), a poem, 1860. Lorna Doone, 1869. Maid of Sker, 1872. =Blackstone= (Sir William), London, 1723-1780. Commentaries on the Laws of England (4 vols.), 1765-69. =Blackwell=, M.D. (Elizabeth), born at Bristol, 1821. The first woman that ever obtained a medical diploma, 1849. Laws of Life considered with reference to the Physical Education of Girls, 1852. =Blair= (Hugh), born at Edinburgh, 1718-1800. Lectures on Rhetoric, 1783. =Blake= (William), “Pictor Ignotus,” London, 1757-1827. America (a prophecy), 1793. Book of Ahania, 1795. Book of Thiel, 1789. Europe (a prophecy), 1794. Gates of Paradise, 1793. Jerusalem, 1804. Marriage of Heaven and Hell, 1800. Milton, 1804. Poetical Sketches, 1783. Songs of Experience, 1794. Songs of Innocence, 1789. Urizen, 1800. Visions of the Daughters of Albion, 1793. =Blessington= (Marguerite, countess of), born near Clonmel, in Ireland, 1789-1849. Conversations with Lord Byron, 1832. Desultory Thoughts, 1838. Idler in France, 1841. Idler in Italy, 1839. Belle of the Season (The), 1840. Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman, 1835. Confessions of an Elderly Lady, 1836. Country Quarters, 1850. Governess (The), 1841. Repealers (The), 1833. Two Friends (The), 1834. Victims of Society, 1837. =Bloomfield= (Robert), born at Honington, in Suffolk, 1766-1823. Farmer’s Boy, 1798. =Borrow= (George), born at East Dereham, in Norfolk, 1803-1881. Bible in Spain (The), 1843. Lavengro, the Scholar, Gypsy and Priest, 1851. Romany Rye (The), a sequel to Lavengro, 1857. =Boswell= (James), born in Auchinleck, in Scotland, 1740-1795. Journal of a tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Johnson, 1785. Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, 1791. =Boucicault= (Dion), born in Dublin, 1820-1890. Author of more than 150 dramatic pieces. (See APPENDIX III., under the title of each.) =Bowditch= (Nathaniel), born at Salem, Massachusetts, 1773-1838. Méchanique Céleste, 1829-38. Practical Navigator, 1802. =Bowen= (Francis), born at Charleston, 1814- Critical essays on the History and Present Condition of Speculative Philosophy, 1842. =Braddon= (Mary Elizabeth), London, 1837- Aurora Floyd, 1864. Barbara, etc., 1880. Birds of Prey, 1870. Captain of the Vulture (The), 1870. Charlotte’s Inheritance, 1871. Cloven Foot (The), 1878. Dead Men’s Shoes, 1876. Dead Sea Fruit, 1872. Doctor’s Wife (The), 1867. Eleanor’s Victory, 1865. Fenton’s Quest. Henry Dunbar, 1865. Hostages of Fortune, 1875. John Marchmont’s Legacy, 1866. Joshua Haggard’s Daughter, 1876. Lady Audley’s Secret, 1862. Lady Lisle, 1869. Lady’s Mile (The), 1869. Lost for Love, 1874. Lovells of Arden, 1871. Lucius Davoren, 1873. Milly Darrell, 1872. Only a Clod, 1868. Open Verdict (An), 1878. Ralph the Bailiff. Robert Ainsleigh, 1871. Run to Earth, 1872. Rupert Godwin, 1871. Sir Jasper’s Tenant, 1868. Strange World (A), 1875. Strangers and Pilgrims, 1873. Taken at the Flood, 1874. To the Bitter End, 1872. Trail of the Serpent (The), 1868. Weavers and Weft, 1877. Vixen, 1879. Garibaldi, and other Poems, 1861. Griselda (a drama), 1873. Loves of Arcadia (a comedietta), 1860. =Bradford= (William), born at Austerfield, in Lancashire, 1588-1657. History of Plymouth Colony, 1656. =Bradley= (Rev. Edward), born at Kidderminster, in Worcestershire, 1827-1889. Adventures of Verdant Green (a tale), 1853. =Brande= (William Thomas), born 1786-1866. Dictionary of Materia Medica, 1839. Dictionary of Science, Literature and Art, 1842. Manual of Chemistry, 1819. =Bray= (Mrs.), born in Surrey, 1791-1883. Life of Thomas Stothard, R.A., 1851. =Brewer= (Rev. E. Cobham), 1810- Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 1868. Reader’s Handbook (The), 1880. =Bronte= (Charlotte), born at Thornton, in Yorkshire, 1816-1855. Jane Eyre, 1847. Professor (The), 1856. Shirley, 1849. Villette, 1853. =Brooke= (Henry), born in Ireland, 1706-1783. Fool of Quality (The), a novel, 1767. =Brooke= (Rev. Stopford Augustus), of Dublin, 1832- Christ in Modern Life, 1881. Life of Frederick W. Robertson, 1865. Milton, 1879. Primer of English Literature, 1878. Theology in the English Poets, 1874. =Brooks= (Charles Shirley), born at Brill, in Oxfordshire, 1815-1874. Aspen Court, 1855. Gordian Knot (The), 1858. Silver Cord (The), 1841. Sooner or Later, 1869. Creole (The), 1853. Daughter of the Stars (The). Honors and Tricks. Our New Governess. Naggletons (The). Poems of Wit and Humor, 1875. =Brougham= and =Vaux= (Henry, Lord), born in Edinburgh, 1779-1868. Works, 1855-57. =Brown= (Charles Brockden), of Philadelphia, 1771-1810. Arthur Mervyn, 1796. Clara Howard, 1801. Edgar Huntly, 1801. Jane Talbot, 1804. Ormond, 1799. Wieland, 1798. =Brown=, M.D. (John), born at Biggar, in Scotland, 1810-1882. Horæ Subsecivæ, 1858. Rab and his Friends, 1858-60. Our Dogs. =Browne= (Charles Farrar), pseudonym “Artĕmus Ward,” born in Maine, 1834-1867. Artemus Ward among the Fenians, 1866. Artemus Ward among the Mormons, 1864. Artemus Ward his Book, 1862. Artemus Ward in London, 1868. Artemus Ward’s Complete Works, 1870. =Browne= (Sir Thomas), London, 1605-1682. Religio Medici, 1642. =Browning= (Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett), 1809-1861. Aurora Leigh, 1856. Battle of Marathon, 1822. Casa Guidi Windows, 1851. Drama of Exile, 1840. Essay on Mind, and other Poems, 1826. Greek Christian Poets, 1863. Lady Geraldine’s Courtship, 1850. Poems, 1844. Poems before Congress, 1860. Prometheus Bound, 1833. Romaunt of the Page (The), 1839. Seraphim, and other Poems (The), 1838. =Browning= (Robert), London, 1812-1889. Agamemnon of Æschylus, 1877. Aristophanes’ Apology, 1875. Balaustion’s Adventure, 1871. Blot on the ’Scutcheon, 1843. Christmas Eve, 1850. Dramatic Idylls, 1879-80. Dramatic Lyrics, 1881. Dramatic Romances. Dramatis Personæ, 1864. Fifine at the Fair, 1872. Inn Album (The), 1875. King Victor and King Charles. La Saisiaz, 1878. Men and Women, 1855. Pacchiarotto, 1876. Paracelsus, 1836. Pippa Passes, 1842. Prince Hohenstïel-Schwangau, 1871. Red-cotton Nightcap Country (The), 1873. Return of the Druses. Ring and the Book (The), 1868. Romances and Lyrics, 1845. Sordello, 1839. Soul’s Tragedy (A), 1846. Strafford, 1837. Two Poets of Croisic (The), 1878. =Bruce= (James), born at Kinnaird, in Scotland, 1730-1794. Travels to discover Sources of the Nile, 1790. =Bryant= (William Cullen), born at Cummington, 1794-1878. Ages (The), 1821. Battle-field. Embargo (The), 1807. Fountain (The), and other Poems, 1842. Hymn of the City. Indian at the Burying-place of his Fathers. Poems collected, 1832. Thanatopsis, 1812. =Buchanan= (Robert), born at Caverswall, in Staffordshire, 1841- Balder the Beautiful, 1877. Ballad Stories of the Affections, 1866. Book of Orm, 1870. Child of Nature, 1870, printed 1881. David Gray, and other Essays, 1868. Drama of Kings (The), 1871. God and the Man, 1881. Idyls and Legends of Inverburn, 1865. Land of Lorne (The), 1871. London Poems, 1866; Poems, 1860. Master Spirits, 1873. Martyrdom of Madeline, 1882. North Coast, and other Poems, 1867. Poetical Works, 1874. Shadow of the Sword, 1875. White Rose and Red, 1873. Undertones, 1860. Madcap Prince (A), a comedy, 1874. Witch-finder (The), a tragedy. =Buckle= (Henry Thomas), 1822-1862. History of Civilization in Europe, 1857-61. =Bunyan= (John), born at Elstow, in Bedfordshire, 1628-1688. Barren Figtree (The), 1683. Grace Abounding, 1666. Holy City (The), 1665. Holy War, 1682. Pilgrim’s Progress, part i., 1678; part ii., 1684. =Burke= (Edmund), of Dublin, 1730-1797. Inquiry into our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, 1756. Present State of the Nation (The), 1769. Reflections on the French Revolution, 1790. Speeches, posthumous, 1801. =Burnaby= (Frederick), born at Bedford, 1842-1885. On Horseback through Asia Minor, 1877. Ride to Khiva, 1873. =Burnet= (Gilbert), bishop of Salisbury, born in Edinburgh, 1643-1715. History of his own Time, posthumous, 1723-34. History of the Reformation, vol. i., 1679; vol. ii., 1681; vol. iii., 1714. =Burney= (Frances), afterwards Mde. D’Arblay, 1752-1840. Diary and Letters, posthumous, 1841-46. =Burns= (Robert), born at Ayr, 1759-1796. Auld Lang Syne, 1793. Cotter’s Saturday Night, 1787. Death and Dr. Hornbook, 1787. Duncan Gray, 1792. For a’ that an’ a’ that, 1796. Green grow the Rashes O, 1787. Halloween, 1787. Highland Mary, 1792. Mary Morison, 1793. Scots wha hae, 1793. Tam O’Shanter, 1791. To Mary in Heaven, 1788. To a Mountain Daisy, 1786. To a Mouse, 1785. Twa Dogs, 1787. =Burritt= (Elihu), of Connecticut, 1811-1879. Chips from Many Blocks, 1878. Olive Leaves, 1853. Sparks from the Anvil, 1848. Voice from the Forge (A). Walk from John o’ Groat’s to Land’s End, 1865. =Burton=, (John Hill), of Aberdeen, 1809-1881. Book-hunter (The), 1862. =Burton= (Richard Francis), born in Norfolk, 1821-1890. Abeokuta, or the Cameroon Mountains, 1863. Canoeing ... from Sabarà to the Sea, 1868. City of the Saints (The), 1861. Etruscan Bologna, 1876. Falconry in the Valley of the Indus, 1852. First Footsteps in East Africa, 1856. Goa and the Blue Mountains, 1851. Lake Regions of Central Africa, 1860. Mission to Gelile, King of Dahomey, 1864. Nile Basin (The), 1864. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrim to ... Mecca, 1855. Sind revisited, 1877. Trips to Gorilla Land, 1875. Ultima Thule, 1875. Vikram and the Vampire (Hindu tales), 1869. Zanzibar, 1872. =Burton= (Robert), born at Lindley, in Leicestershire, 1576-1639. Anatomy of Melancholy, 1621. =Butler= (Joseph), bishop of Durham, born at Wantage, in Berkshire, 1692-1752. Analogy of Religion, 1736. =Butler= (Samuel), born at Strensham, in Worcestershire, 1612-1680. Hudibras, part i., 1663; part ii., 1664; part iii., 1678. =Byron= (George Noel Gordon, lord), London, 1788-1824. Beppo, 1818. Bride of Abydos, 1813. Cain, 1821. Childe Harold, canto i., 1809; ii., 1810; iii., 1816; iv., 1818. Corsair (The), 1814. Curse of Minerva, 1812. Deformed Transformed (The), 1824. Don Juan, cantos i., ii., 1819; iii.-v., 1821; vi.-viii., 1823; ix.-xi., 1823; xii.-xiv., 1823; xv., xvi., 1824. English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 1809. Giaour (The), 1813. Heaven and Earth: a Mystery, 1822. Hebrew Melodies, 1815. Hours of Idleness, 1807. Island (The), 1823. Lament of Tasso, 1817. Lara, 1814. Manfred, 1817. Marino Faliero, 1821. Mazeppa, 1819. Memoirs of my own Life, 1825. Monody on Sheridan, 1817. Morgante Maggiore, etc., 1823. Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte, 1814. Parisina, 1816. Prisoner of Chillon, 1816. Prophecy of Dante, 1821. Sardanapalus, 1821. Siege of Corinth, 1816. Werner, 1822. Letters and Journal, 1831. =Byron= (Henry James), born at Manchester, 1835-1884. American Lady (An), 1874. Fra Diavolo, 1858. Ill-treated Il Trovatore, 1855. Not such a Fool as he looks, 1869. Old Sailors, 1874. Our Boys, 1878. War to the Knife, 1865.

=Cædmon=, first English poet, died at Whitby, 680. Paraphrasis Poetica Geneseos, printed 1655. =Campbell= (John, lord), born near Cupar, in Scotland, 1779-1861. Lives of the Chief Justices, 1849. Lives of the Lord Chancellors, 1845-47. =Campbell= (Thomas), of Glasgow, 1777-1844. Battle of the Baltic, 1801. Exile of Erin, 1801. Gertrude of Wyoming, 1809. Hohenlinden, 1801. Pilgrim of Glencoe, and other Poems, 1842. Pleasures of Hope, 1799. Reullura, the Beautiful Star, 1817. Theodoric, and other Poems, 1824. Ye Mariners of England, 1801. =Carey= (Henry), 1696-1743. Sally in our Alley, 1737. =Carleton= (William), of Ireland, 1798-1869. Black Prophet (The), 1847. Tales, 1841. Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, 1830-32. Valentine M’Clutchy, 1845. Willie Reilly, 1855. =Carlyle= (Thomas), of Dumfriesshire, in Scotland, 1795-1881. Chartism, 1839. French Revolution (The), 1837. Friedrich II. the Great, vol. i., ii., 1858; iii., iv., 1862. Heroes and Hero-worship, 1840. Life of Schiller, 1823-24; recast 1825. Life of John Sterling, 1851. Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches, 1845. Past and Present, 1843. Reminiscences, 1881. Sartor Resartus, 1833-34. =Cary= (Rev. Henry Francis), born at Birmingham, 1772-1844. Dante (translated), 1805-14. =Cass= (Lewis), born at Exeter, in New Hampshire, 1782-1866. King, Court, and Government of France, 1840. =Cavendish= (George), a pseudonym. Life of Cardinal Wolsey, 1825. =Chalmers= (Alexander), of Aberdeen, 1759-1834. British Essayist, 1803. English Poets, 1810. General Biographical Dictionary, 1812-17. =Chalmers= (Thomas), born at Anstruther, in Scotland, 1780-1847. Adaptation of Nature to the Constitutions of Man, 1833. =Chambers= (Robert), born at Peebles, in Scotland, 1802-1871. Book of Days (The), 1863-64. =Chambers= (William), brother of the above, 1800-1883. Ailie Gilroy, 1872. Book of Scotland, 1830. Memoir of Robert Chambers, 1872. The Two Brothers. Cyclopædia of English Literature, 1842-44. Domestic Annals of Scotland, 1858. Essays, 1866. Edinburgh Journal, started 1832. Information for the People, commenced 1834. Gazetteer of Scotland, 1829-30. =Chamier= (Frederic), London, 1796-1870. Ben Brace, 1835. Tom Bowline, 1839. =Channing= (William Ellery), born at Boston, 1818- Poems, 1843, 1847. Wanderer (The), 1872. Woodman (The), 1849. Thoreau, the Poet-Naturalist, 1873. =Chapman= (Dr. George), born at Hitching Hill, in Hertfordshire, 1557-1634. Homer’s Iliad, 1603. Homer’s Odyssey, 1614. =Chatterton= (Thomas), of Bristol, 1752-1770. Rowley Correspondence begins 1768. Godwin, 1771. Miscellanies, 1778. Supplement, 1784. Poems, 1771. Rowley Pieces in a Collective Form, 1777. =Chaucer= (Geoffrey), born in London, 1328-1400. Boke of Cupid, or the Cuckow and the Nightingale, 1364; first printed 1532. Boke of Fame (The), printed by Caxton, no date; by Pynson, 1526. Boke of the Duchesse (The), 1371; printed 1532. Canterbury Tales (The), 1383; printed by Caxton, 1475. Compleynte of a Loveres Lyfe (The), 1362. Compleynte of Chaucer to his Purse (The), 1377; first printed 1532. Compleynte of Mars and Venus (The), 1364. Flower and the Leaf (The), first printed 1598. House of Fame (The), 1373; first printed 1532. Jacke Upland, first printed 1602. Parlement of Briddes, or Assembly of Fowles (The), 1358; or Scipio’s Dream, printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1530. Ploughman’s Tale (The), first printed 1542. Praise of Women (A), 1366; first printed 1532. Romaunt of the Rose (The), 1360; printed 1532. Treatise on the Astrolabie, 1391-92. Troylus and Creseyde, 1369; printed by Caxton, no date; Wynkyn de Worde, 1517. =Chavasse= (Pye H.), 19th century. Advice to a Mother on the Management of her Children, 1849. Advice to a wife on the Management of her Own Health, 1850. =Chesterfield= (Philip Dormer Stanhope, earl of), born in London, 1694-1773. Letters to his Son, posthumous, 1774; supplement, 1777. =Child= (Mrs. Lydia Maria), born at Medford, 1802-1880. Autumnal Leaves, 1860. Fact and Fiction, 1846. Flowers for Children, 1852. Hobomok, a Story of the Pilgrims, 1824. Isaac T. Hopper, a True Life, 1853. Looking towards Sunset, 1860. Philothea, a Greek Romance, 1836. Progress of Religious Ideas, etc., 1855. Rebels (The), 1825. Romance of the Republic (A), 1867. =Church= (Rev. Richard William), 1815-1890. Beginning of the Middle Ages, 1877. Civilization before and after Christianity, 1872. Influences of Christianity upon National Character, 1873. Sacred Poetry of Early Religions, 1874. =Cibber= (Colley), of London, 1671-1757. Apology for his own Life, 1740. Works, 1721. =Clarendon= (Henry Hyde, earl of), born at Dinton, in Wiltshire, 1638-1709. History of the Rebellion and Civil War in England, 1702-4. =Clarke= (Charles Cowden), born at Enfield, in Middlesex, 1787-1877. Molière Characters, 1865. Shakespeare Characters, 1863. Tales from Chaucer, 1833. =Clarke= (Mrs. Cowden), 1809- Complete Concordance to the Works of Shakespeare (A), 1845. Girlhood of Shakespeare’s Heroines (The), 1850. =Clarke= (James Freeman), born in Hanover, 1810-1888. Christian Doctrine of Forgiveness (The), 1852. Christian Doctrine of Prayer (The), 1854. Essentials and Non-essentials in Religion, 1878. Orthodoxy, 1866. Steps of Belief, 1870. Ten Great Religions (The), 1870. =Clemens= (Samuel Langhorne), pseudonym “Mark Twain,” born in Florida, 1835- An Idle Excursion, 1878. Gilded Age (The), 1874. Innocents Abroad (The), 1869. Jumping Frog (The), 1867. Prince and Pauper, 1881. Roughing it, 1872. Tom Sawyer, 1876. Tramp Abroad, 1880. =Clough= (Arthur Hugh), born in Liverpool, 1819-1861. Poems and Essays, 1871. =Cobbe= (Frances Power), born in the county of Dublin, 1822- Cities of the Past, 1864. Criminals, Idiots, Women and Minors, 1869. Dawning Lights, 1868. Essays on the Pursuits of Women, 1863. Female Education, 1862. Friendless Girls and How to Help Them, 1861. Hours of Work and Play, 1867. Religious Duty, 1864. Studies of Ethical and Social Subjects, 1865. Thanksgiving, 1863. Workhouse as an Hospital (The), 1861. =Cobbett= (William), born at Farnham, in Surrey, 1762-1835. Advice to Young Men, 1831. Cottage Economy, 1822. History of the Protestant Reformation in England, etc., 1810. Parliamentary History of England, 1803. Political Registers, 1802-13. Poor Man’s Friend (The), 1826. Works of Peter Porcupine, 1801. =Cobbold= (Rev. Richard), 1797-1877. Margaret Catchpole, 1845. =Cockburn= (Henry Thomas, lord), Edinburgh, 1779-1854. Life of Lord Jeffrey, 1852. =Coke= (Sir Edward), born at Milenam, in Norfolk, 1551-1633. Institutes, part i. (Coke upon Littleton), 1628; part ii. (Magna Charta), 1642; part iii. (High Treason), 1644; part iv. (Jurisdiction of Courts), 1644. =Colenso= (John William), 1814-1883. Criticism on The Speaker’s Commentary, 1871. Epistle to the Romans (The), 1861. Lectures on the Pentateuch, 1873. Natal Sermons, 1866. Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically examined (The), 1862-72. =Coleridge= (Samuel Taylor), born at Ottery St. Mary, in Devonshire, 1772-1834. Ancient Mariner (in seven parts), 1798. Christabel, part i., 1797; part ii., 1800; published 1816. Kubla Khan (a vision), 1816. Poems, 1796. Translation of Wallenstein, 1800. Aids to Reflection, 1825. Biographia Literaria, 1817. Essays on his own Times, 1850. Friend (The), 27 numbers, 1809-10. Lay Sermons, 1816-17. Notes and Lectures on Shakespeare, etc., 1849. Table Talk, 1835. =Collier= (Jeremy), born at Stow Quy, in Cambridgeshire, 1650-1726. Ecclesiastial History of Great Britain, 1708-14. Essays on Moral Subjects, 1697, 1705, 1709. =Collier= (John Payne), London, 1789-1883. Bibliographical Account of Rare Books, 1865. History of English Dramatic Poetry, 1831. Memoirs of Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare, 1846. New Facts regarding Shakespeare, 1835, 1836, 1839. Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakespeare’s Plays, 1852. Poetical Decameron, 1820. Poet’s Pilgrimage (The), 1822. Sculptor (The), 1878. =Collins= (Mortimer), of Plymouth, in Hampshire, 1827-1876. Blacksmith and Scholar, 1875. Fight with Fortune (A), 1876. Frances, 1874. Idyls and Rhymes, 1855. Ivory Gate (The), 1869. Marquis and Merchant, 1871. Miranda, 1873. Mr. Carington, 1873. Princess Clarice, 1872. Squire Silchester’s Whim, 1873. Summer Songs, 1860. Sweet and Twenty, 1875. Sweet Anne Page, 1868. Transmigration, 1873. Two Plunges for a Pearl, 1872. Village Comedy (The), 1877. Vivian Romance (The), 1870. Who is the Heir? 1865. =Collins= (William), of Chichester, 1720-1756. Odes, 1745-46. Ode to Evening, 1746. Oriental Eclogues, 1742. Passions (Ode on the), 1746. Poems, 1765. =Collins= (William Wilkie), London, 1824-1889. After Dark, and other Stories, 1856. Antonina, or the Fall of Rome, 1850. Armadale, 1866. Basil, 1852. Black Robe (The), 1881. Dead Secret (The), 1857. Fallen Leaves (The), 1880. Frozen Deep (The), 1873. Haunted Hotel (The), 1879. Hide and Seek, 1854. Law and the Lady (The), 1875. Man and Wife, 1870. Miss or Mrs.? and other Stories, 1873. Mr. Wray’s Cash-box (a Christmas tale), 1852. Moonstone (The), 1868. My Miscellanies, 1863. New Magdalen (The), 1873. No Name, 1862. Poor Miss Finch, 1872. Queen of Hearts (The), 1859. Rambles beyond Railways, 1851. Two Destinies, 1876. Woman in White (The), 1860. Black and White. Frozen Deep (The), 1857. Lighthouse (The), 1855. =Colman= (George), 1762-1836. Broad Grins, 1802. Eccentricities for Edinburgh, 1820. My Nightgown and Slippers, 1797. Poetical Vagaries, 1812. Random Records, 1830. Vagaries vindicated, 1814. ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III. =Colton= (Rev. Caleb C.), *-1832. Lacon, or Many Things in Few Words, 1822. =Congreve= (William), born at Stafford, 1670-1729. Poems, 1710. ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III. =Conington= (John), born at Boston, in Lincolnshire, 1825-1869. Translations into English verse of the Æneid of Virgil, 1866; of the Agamemnon of Æschylus, 1848; of the Odes of Horace, 1863. =Cook= (Eliza), 1812-1889. Journal, 1849-54. New Echoes, and other Poems, 1864. Poems, 1840. =Cook= (Captain James), born at Marton, in Yorkshire, 1728-1779. Three Voyages around the World, first published in 1773; second in 1777; third in 1784. =Cooke=(John Esten), born at Winchester, in Virginia, 1830-1886. Henry St. John, Gentleman, 1856. Her Majesty the Queen, 1873. Hilt to Hilt, 1869. Leather Stockings and Silk, 1854. Life of Robert E. Lee, 1871. Life of Stonewall Jackson, 1866. Mohun, or the Last Days of Lee and his Paladins, 1868. Virginia Comedians (The), 1855. =Cooley= (Thomas McIntyre), born at Attica, in New York, 1824- Constitutional Limitations ... of the American Union, 1868, 1871. =Coombe= (William), born at Bristol, 1741-1823. Tour in Search of the Picturesque, 1812. Tour in Search of Consolation, 1820. Tour in Search of a Wife, 1821. Tour of Dr. Syntax through London, 1810. =Cooper= (James Fenimore), born at Burlington, 1789-1851. Afloat and Ashore, 1844. Bravo (The), 1831. Chainbearer (The), 1845. Deer-slayer (The), 1841. Headsman of Berne, 1833. Home as Found, 1838. Homeward Bound, 1838. Jack Tier, 1848. Last of the Mohicans (The), 1826. Lionel Lincoln, 1825. Mercedes of Castile, 1840. Miles Wallingford, 1844. Ned Myers, 1843. Oak Openings, 1848. Outward Bound, 1836. Pathfinder, 1840. Pilot (The), 1823. Pioneers (The), 1823. Prairie (The), 1827. Precaution, 1821. Red Rover (The), 1827. Red Skins (The), 1846. Satanstoe, 1845. Sea Lions, 1849. The Spy, 1821. Two Admirals (The), 1842. Water Witch (The), 1830. Ways of the Hour, 1850. Wept of Wishton-Wish (The), 1829. Wing and Wing, 1842. Wyandotte, 1843. =Cotton= (Charles), born at Beresford Hall, in Staffordshire, 1630-1687. Complete Angler, 1676. =Coverdale= (Miles), bishop of Exeter, born at Coverham, in Yorkshire, 1487-1568. Cranmer’s (or the Great) Bible, 1539. Translation of the Bible, 1535. =Cowper= (William), born at Great Berkhampstead, in Hertford, 1731-1800. John Gilpin, 1782. Miscellaneous Poems, 1793. On the Receipt of My Mother’s Picture, 1798. Table Talk, 1781; published 1782. Task (The), in six books, 1783-85. =Cox= (Rev. Sir George William), 1827- Crusades (The), 1874. History of Greece (A), 1874. Great Persian War (The), 1861. Introduction to the Science of Comparative Mythology and Folk Lore, 1881. Mythology of the Aryan Nations (The), 1870. Poems, Legendary and Historical, 1850. Tales of Ancient Greece, 1868, 1877. Tales of Thebes and Argos, 1863. Tales of the Gods and Heroes, 1862. =Cox= (Samuel Sullivan), born at Zanesville, Ohio, 1824-1889. Buckeye Abroad (The), 1852. Eight Years in Congress, 1865. Search for Winter Sunbeams, 1870. =Coxe= (Rev. Arthur Cleveland), born at Mendham, New Jersey, 1818-. Advent, a Mystery, 1837. Athanasion, and other Poems, 1842. Athwold, 1838. (Recast and reproduced under the title of “The Ladye Chase.”) Christian Ballads, 1840. Halloween, 1844. Saul, a Mystery, 1845. =Craik= (George Lillie), of Fifeshire, Scotland, 1799-1866. Bacon, his Writings and Philosophy, 1846-47. English of Shakespeare (The), 1857. History of British Commerce, 1844. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, 1831. Romance of the Peerage, 1848-50. Outlines of the History of the English Language, 1855. Sketches of the History of Literature and Learning in England, 1844-45. Spenser and his Poetry, 1845. =Craik= (Mrs. Dinah Maria Mulock), born at Stoke-upon-Trent, in Staffordshire, 1826-1887. Agatha’s Husband, 1852. Avilion, and other Tales, 1854. Christian’s Mistake, 1865. Hannah, 1871. Head of the Family (The), 1851. John Halifax, Gentleman, 1857. Laurel Bush (The), 1877. Legacy (A), 1878. Life for a Life (A), 1859. Mistress and Maid, 1863. Noble Life (A), 1866. Ogilvies (The), 1849. Olive, 1850. Poems, 1872. Sermons out of Church, 1875. Studies from Life, 1869. Woman’s Kingdom (The), 1870. =Creasy= (Sir Edward Shepherd), born at Bexley, in Kent, 1812-1878. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World (The), 1851. =Croly= (Rev. George), born at Dublin, 1780-1860. Salathiel, 1827. =Crosby= (Howard), born in New York, 1826-1890. Lands of the Moslem, 1850. Life of Christ, 1871. Notes on the New Testament, 1861. =Crowe= (Mrs.), born at Borough Green, in Kent, 1800-1876. Night Side of Nature (ghost stories), 1848. =Crowe= (Joseph Arthur), London, 1825- Early Flemish Painters, 1857, 1872. History of Painting in Italy, 1864. History of Painting in North Italy, 1871. Life of Titian, 1877. =Cruden= (Alexander), of Aberdeen, 1700-1770. Concordance of the Holy Scriptures, 1737. Scripture Dictionary, 1770. =Cumming= (Roualeyn George Gordon), born in Scotland, 1820-1866. Hunter’s Life in South Africa (A), 1850. =Cunningham= (Alexander), born at Ettrick, in Scotland, 1654-1737. History of Great Britain, etc., 1787. =Cunningham= (Allan), born at Blackwood, in Scotland, 1785-1842. Lives of British Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, 1829-33. =Curtis= (George Ticknor), born at Watertown, in Massachusetts, 1812- History of the Origin, Formation, and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States, 1855-58. Life of Daniel Webster, 1855-58. =Curtis= (George William), born at Providence, in Rhode Island, 1824- Howadji in Syria, 1852. Lotus Eaters, 1852. Nile Notes of a Howadji, 1850. Potiphar Papers (The), 1853. Prue and I, 1862. =Cushing= (Caleb), born at Salisbury, in Massachusetts, 1800-1879. Review of the Three Days’ Revolution in France, 1833.

=Dana= (James Dwight), born at Utica, in New York, 1813- Corals and the Coral Islands, 1872. Manual of Geology, 1862. On Crustacea, 1852-54. On the Geology of the Pacific, 1849. On Zoöphytes, 1846. Text-book of Geology, 1864. =Dana= (Richard Henry), born at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1815-1882. To Cuba and Back, 1859. Two Years before the Mast, 1869. =Darwin= (Charles), born at Shrewsbury, 1809-1882. Cross and Self Fertilization, etc., 1876. Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (The), 1871. Different Forms of Flowers in Plants of the same Species, 1877. Domesticated Animals and Cultivated Plants, etc., 1867. Effects of Cross-fertilization in Plants, 1876. Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals (The), 1872. Fertilization of Orchids, 1862. Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, 1881. Fossil Lepodidæ of Great Britain (The), 1855. Geological Observations on South America, 1846. Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands, 1844. Insectivorous Plants, 1875. Journal of Researches in Various Countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle in 1831. Monograph of the Family Cirripedia, 1851. Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants, 1875. Nutation of Plants, 1880. Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (The), 1859. Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs (The), 1842. Voyage of a Naturalist, 1845. Zoölogy of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle, 1840-43. =Davy= (Sir Humphrey), born at Penzance, in Cornwall, 1778-1829. Researches, Chemical and Philosophical, 1800. =Dawson= (John William), born at Picton, in Nova Scotia, 1820- Archaia, or Studies on the Cosmogony, etc., of the ... Scriptures, 1858. Story of the Earth and Man, 1872. =Day= (Thomas), London, 1748-1789. History of Sandford and Merton, 1783-89. =Defoe= (Daniel), London, 1661-1731. Colonel Jack, 1721. Jonathan Wild, 1725. Journal of the Plague Year, 1722. Memoirs of a Cavalier, 1724. Moll Flanders, 1721. Political History of the Devil (The), 1726. Robinson Crusoe, 1719. =De la Ramé= (Louisa), nom de plume “Ouida,” born at Bury St. Edmunds, 1840- Ariadne, 1877. Cecil Castlemaine’s Gage, 1867. Chandos, 1866. Dog of Flanders (A), 1872. Folle Farine, 1871. Friendship, 1878. Held in Bondage, 1863. In a Winter City, 1876. Leaf in a Storm (A), 1873. Moths, 1880. Pascarel, 1873. Pipistrello, and other Stories, 1880. Puck, his Vicissitudes and Adventures, 1869. Signa, 1875. Strathmore, 1865. Tricotrin, a Story of a Waif and Stray, 1860. Two Little Wooden Shoes, 1874. Under Two Flags, 1868. Village Commune (A), 1881. =De Quincey= (Thomas), Manchester, 1786-1859. Confessions of an English Opium Eater, 1821. =Dewey= (Orville), born at Sheffield, Massachusetts, 1794- Old World and the New (The), 1836. On the Education of the Human Race, 1855. =Dexter= (Henry Martyn), born at Plympton, 1821- Banishment of Roger Williams (The), 1876. Church Policy of the Pilgrims, 1866. History of King Philip’s War (The), 1870. History of the Plymouth Colony, 1877. =Dibdin= (Charles), Southampton, 1745-1814. Complete History of the English Stage (A), 1795. Sea-songs, 1790. Shepherd’s Artifice (The), an opera, 1761. =Dicey= (Edward), born at Claybrook Hall, in Leicestershire, 1832- Battlefields of 1866 (The), 1866. Memoir of Cavour, 1859. Month in Russia (A), 1867. Morning Land (The), 1870. Rome in 1860. Schleswig-Holstein War (The), 1864. =Dick= (Thomas), born at Dundee, in Scotland, 1774-1857. Celestial Scenery, 1838. Christian Philosopher (The), 1823. Philosophy of Religion (The), 1825. Philosophy of a Future State (The), 1828. Practical Astronomer (The), 1845. =Dickens= (Charles), born at Portsmouth, 1812-1870. Barnaby Rudge, 1841. Battle of Life, 1846. Bleak House, 1852. Chimes (The), 1844. Cricket on the Hearth (The), 1846. Christmas Carol (A), 1843. David Copperfield, 1849. Dr. Marigold’s Prescriptions, 1868. Dombey and Son, 1846-47. Great Expectations, 1860. Hard Times, 1854. Haunted House (The), 1859. Haunted Man (The), 1848. Holly-tree Inn (The), 1855. Hunted Down, 1860. Little Dorritt, 1857. Martin Chuzzlewit, 1843. Master Humphrey’s Clock, 1840-41. Message from the Sea (A), 1860. Mrs. Lirriper’s Lodgings, 1863. Mugby Junction, 1866. Mystery of Edwin Drood, 1870. Nicholas Nickleby, 1838. No Thoroughfare, 1867. Old Curiosity Shop (The), 1840. Oliver Twist, 1837. Our Mutual Friend, 1864. Pickwick Papers (The), 1836. Round of Stories (A), 1852. Sketches by Boz, 1835. Somebody’s Luggage, 1862. St. George and the Dragon, 1866. Strange Gentleman (The), 1836. Tale of Two Cities (A), 1859. Tenants at Will, 1864. Tom Tiddler’s Ground, 1867. Village Coquettes (The), 1836. Uncommercial Traveller (The), 1860. American Notes, 1842. Child’s History of England (The), 1851. Sunday under Three Heads, 1836. =Dilke= (Charles Wentworth), 1843- Greater Britain, 1868. =Disraeli= (Benjamin, earl of Beaconsfield), 1805-1881. Alarcos, 1839. Alroy (The Wondrous Tale of), 1833. Coningsby, or the New Generation, 1844. Contarini Fleming, 1832. Endymion, 1881. Henrietta Temple, 1837. Ixion in Heaven, 1833. Lothair, 1871. Revolutionary Epic (The), 1834. Rise of Iskander (The), 1833. Sybil, or the Two Nations, 1845. Tancred, or the New Crusade, 1847. Venetia, 1837. Vivian Grey, 1826-27. Voyage of Captain Popanilla (The), 1828. Young Duke (The), 1831. =Disraeli= (Isaac), born at Bradenham House, in Buckinghamshire, 1766-1848. Amenities of Literature, 1841. Calamities of Authors, 1812. Curiosities of Literature, 1791, 1793, 1823. Defence of Poetry (A), 1790. Dissertation on Anecdotes, 1793. Miscellanies of Literature, 1812-22. Quarrels of Authors (The), 1814. =Dixon= (William Hepworth), born at Newton Heath, in Yorkshire, 1821-1879. British Cyprus, 1879. Diana, Lady Lyle, 1877. Free Russia, 1870. Her Majesty’s Tower, 1871. Holy Land (The), 1865. John Howard, 1849. Life of Lord Bacon, 1860. Life of Admiral Blake, 1852. Life of William Penn (A), 1851. New America, 1867. Personal History of Lord Bacon (The), 1860. Robert Blake, Admiral, etc., 1852. Royal Windsor, 1878. Ruby Grey, 1878. Spiritual Wives, 1868. Switzers (The), 1872. Two Queens, 1873. White Conquest, 1875. =Dobell= (Sydney), London, 1824-1874. England in Time of War, 1856. Poetical Works, 1875. =Dodd= (Rev. William), born at Bourne, in Lincolnshire, 1729-1777. Beauties of Shakespeare, 1752. =Doddridge= (Philip), London, 1702-1751. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, 1750. =Doran= (John), 1807-1878. Monarchs Retired from Business, 1857. =Drake= (Samuel), born at Pittsfield, New Hampshire, 1798-1875. Book of the Indians, 1833. History of Boston, 1852. =Draper= (John William), born at St. Helen’s, near Liverpool, 1811-1882. Forces which Produce the Organization of Plants (The), 1844. History of the American Civil War, 1867-70. History of the Conflict between Religion and Science, 1874. History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, 1862. Thoughts on the Future Policy of America, 1865. =Drayton= (Michael), born at Hartshill, in Warwickshire, 1563-1631. Barons’ Wars (The), 1596. Nymphidia, or the Court of Fairy, 1627. Polyolbion, songs i.-ix., 1612; xi.-xviii., 1613; xix.-xxx., 1622. =Dryden= (John), born at Aldwinkle, in Northamptonshire, 1631-1701. Absalom and Achitophel, part i., 1681; part ii., 1682. Alexander’s Feast, 1697. Annus Mirabilis, 1667. Astræa Redux, 1660. Britannia Rediviva, 1689. Cromwell (Death of), an elegy, 1658. Fables, 1698-1700. Hind and the Panther (The), 1687. Lord Hastings (An Elegy on). MacFlecknoe, 1682. Medal (The), 1681. Ovid’s Epistles translated, 1679. Religio Laici, 1682. Song of St. Cecilia, 1687. Virgil translated, 1694-96. Essay on Dramatic Poets, 1667. Essay on Heroic Plays, 1672. ⁂ For his 28 dramas, see APPENDIX III. =Duffy= (Sir Charles Gavan), born in Monaghan, Ireland, 1816- Ballad Poetry of Ireland, 1870. =Dwight= (Timothy), born in Massachusetts, 1752-1817. Conquest of Canaan, 1785. Sermons, 1828. Theology explained and defended (173 sermons), 1819. Travels in New England and New York, 1821.

=Edgeworth= (Maria), born at Hare-hatch, in Berkshire, 1767-1849. Belinda, 1803. Castle Rackrent, 1801. Early Lessons, 1801. Essays on Practical Education, 1798. Harrington and Ormond, 1817. Helen, 1834. Irish Bulls (An Essay on), 1801. Leonora, 1806. Moral Tales, 1806. Popular Tales, 1804. Practical Education, 1798. Tales and Novels, 1812. Tales of Fashionable Life, 1809, 1812. =Edwards= (Mrs. Annie), *-*. Archie Lovell, 1866. Blue Stocking (The), 1877. Creeds, 1859. Jet, 1878. Leah, 1875. May Fair, 1858. Miss Forrester, 1865. Ordeal for Wives, 1865. Ought we to Visit Her? 1871. Point of Honor (A). Steven Lawrence, 1868. Susan Fielding, 1869. Vagabond Heroine, 1873. Vivian the Beauty, 1879. World’s Verdict (The), 1861. =Edwards= (Amelia Blandford), 1831-1892. Barbara’s History, 1864. Debenham’s Vow, 1870. Half a Million of Money, 1865. Hand and Glove, 1859. In the Days of my Youth, 1873. Miss Carew (short tales), 1865. Mons. Maurice, 1873. My Brother’s Wife, 1855. Thousand Miles up the Nile (A), 1877. Untrodden Peaks, etc., 1873. =Edwards= (Edward), London, 1812- Economy of the Fine Arts in England, 1840. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1868. =Edwards= (Jonathan), born at Windsor, Connecticut, 1703-1758. Doctrine of Original Sin, 1758. Inquiry into the Freedom of the Will, 1754. Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, 1740. Works, including Sermons and Life (in 10 vols.), 1830. =Egan= (Pierce), of Ireland, 1772-1849. Anecdotes of the Turf, etc., 1827. Book of Sports and Mirror of Life, 1832. Life in London (Tom and Jerry), about 1824. Life of an Actor, 1825. Panorama of the Sporting World, 1827. Pilgrims of the Rhine, 1828. Pilgrims of the Thames, 1838. Show Folks (The), 1831. Trial of J. Thurtell, etc., 1824. Walks in Bath, 1834. =Egan= (Pierce), London, 1814-1880. Adam Bell, 1842. Black Prince (The). Clifton Grey. Paul Jones, 1842. Quintin Matsys, 1839. Robin Hood and Little John, 1840. Wat Tyler, 1841. =Eliot= (George). See EVANS (Marian). =Eliot= (Samuel), born at Boston, 1821- History of Liberty, 1849, 1853. Manual of the United States between 1492 and 1850, published in 1856. =Ellicott= (Charles John), bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, born at Whitwell, near Stamford, 1819- Commentaries on the Pauline Epistles, 1854, 1855, 1858. History and Obligation of the Sabbath, 1844. On the Life of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1860. Sermons preached at St. Mary’s, Cambridge, 1858. =Elliott= (Charles Wyllys), born at Guildford, Connecticut, 1817-1883. Cottages and Cottage Life, 1848. Mysteries, or Glimpses of the Supernatural, 1852. New England History (The), from 986 to 1776, published in 1857. St. Domingo, its Revolution and its Hero, 1855. Remarkable Characters and Places in the Holy Land, 1867. Wind and Whirlwind (a novel), 1868. =Ellis= (George Edward), born at Boston, 1814- Half a Century of the Unitarian Controversy, 1857. Memoir of Jared Sparks, 1869. Memoirs of Count Rumford, 1871. =Ellis= (Mrs.), 1812- Daughters of England, 1842. Hearts and Homes, 1848-49. Mothers of Great Men (The), 1859. Pictures of Private Life, 1845. Social Distinction, 1854. Wives of England, 1843. Women of England, 1838. =Ellwood= (Thomas), born at Crowell, in Oxfordshire, 1639-1713. Autobiography, 1714. =Emerson= (Ralph Waldo), born at Boston, 1803-1879. Conduct of Life (The), 1860. English Traits, 1856. Essays, 1844, 1847. Literary Ethics, 1838. Man the Reformer, 1841. May-day, and other Poems, 1867. Nature and Man thinking, 1837. Poems, 1846. Representative Men, 1849. =Evans= (Marian), nom de plume “George Eliot,” 1820-1880. Adam Bede, 1859. Agatha, 1869. Daniel Deronda, 1876. Felix Holt, the Radical, 1866. Impressions of Theophrastus Such, 1879. Legend of Jubal, and other Poems, 1874. Middlemarch, 1871-72. Mill on the Floss, 1860. Romola, 1863. Scenes of Clerical Life, 1858, 1861. Silas Marner, the Weaver of Raveloe, 1861. Spanish Gypsy (The), a poem, 1868. Essence of Christianity, by Feuerbach, 1853. Life of Jesus, by Strauss, 1846. =Evelyn= (John), born at Wotton, in Surrey, 1620-1706. Diary and Correspondence, posthumous, 1818. =Everett= (Edward), born at Dorchester, 1794-1865. Defence of Christianity (A), 1814. Orations and Speeches, 1825-50.

=Fairfax= (Edward), of Yorkshire, *-1632. Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered translated into English verse, 1600. =Fairholt= (Frederick William), London, 1814-1866. Dictionary of Terms of Art, 1854. England under the House of Hanover, 1848. History of Costume in England, 1846. Up the Nile, 1861. =Faraday= (Michael), London, 1791-1867. Experimental Researches in Electricity, 1839, 1844, 1855. =Farrar= (Frederick William), born in Bombay, 1831- Chapters on Language, 1865. Eternal Hope, 1878. Families of Speech, 1870. Life of Christ (The), 1874. Life and Work of St. Paul, 1879. Origin of Language, 1860. Saintly Workers, 1878. Seekers after God, 1869. Silence and Voices of God (The), 1873. Witness of History to Christ (The), 1871. =Fawcett= (Henry), of Salisbury, 1833-1884. Economic Position of the British Laborer (The), 1867. Free Trade and Protection, 1878. Manual of Political Economy (A), 1863. Pauperism, its Causes and Remedies, 1871. =Ferrier= (Susan Edmonston), of Edinburgh, 1782-1854. Destiny, or the Chief’s Daughter, 1831. Inheritance (The), 1824. Marriage, 1818. Works, 1841. =Fielding= (Henry), born near Glastonbury, in Somersetshire, 1707-1754. Amelia, 1752. Jonathan Wild (The History of), 1754. Joseph Andrews (The Adventures of), 1742. Journey from this World to the Next, 1743. Tom Jones (The History of), 1750. =Filmer= (Sir Robert), *-1647. Patriarcha, 1680. =Fleetwood= (John), *-*. Christian Dictionary, 1773. Life of Christ, about 1770, but the editions are numerous. =Flint= (Austin), born at Petersham, Massachusetts, 1812-1886. Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Heart, 1859. Practice of Medicine (The), 1856. =Flint= (Austin), born at Northampton, Massachusetts, 1836- Physiology of Man, 1866-74. Sources of Muscular Power, 1878. =Forbes= (James David), of Edinburgh, 1809-1868. Norway and its Glaciers, 1853. Theory of Glaciers (The), 1859. Tour of Mont Blanc, 1855. Travels in the Alps of Savoy, 1843. =Forster= (John), born at Newcastle, 1812-1876. Arrest of the Five Members by Charles I., 1860. Biographical and Historical Essays, 1859. Life of Charles Dickens, 1872-74. Life of Sir John Eliot, 1864. Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 1848. Life of Walter Savage Landor, 1868. Life of Jonathan Swift, 1876. Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England, 1831-34. =Foxe= (John), born at Boston, in Lincolnshire, 1517-1587. Acts and Monuments (the Book of Martyrs), part i., 1554; Complete Edition, 1563. =Franklin= (Benjamin), born at Boston, 1706-1790. Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1732-57. Way to Wealth (The), 1795. Works, 1836-40. =Franklin= (Sir John), born at Spilsby, in Lincolnshire, 1786-1847. Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea, 1823. Narrative of a Second Expedition to the Polar Sea, 1828. =Freeman= (Edward Augustus), born at Harborne, in Staffordshire, 1823- Ancient Greece and Mediæval Italy, 1858. Architecture of Llandaff Cathedral, 1851. Cathedral Church of Wells (The), 1870. Church Restoration, 1846. Comparative Politics, 1873. Disestablishment and Disendowment, 1874. Essay of Window Tracery, 1850. General Sketch of European History, 1872. Growth of the English Constitution, 1872. Historical and Architectural Studies, 1876. Historical Essays, 1872-73. Historical Geography of Europe, 1881. History and Antiquities of St. David, 1860. History and Conquests of the Saracens, 1856. History of Architecture, 1849. History of Federal Government, 1863. History of the Norman Conquest, 1867-76. Old English History for Children, 1869. Ottoman Power in Europe (The), 1877. Unity of History (The), 1872. =Froude= (James Anthony), born at Dartington, in Devonshire, 1818-1894. English in Ireland in the Eighteenth Century (The), 1871-74. History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Queen Elizabeth, 1856-70. Life of Bunyan, 1880. Life of Julius Cæsar, 1876. Lives of the English Saints, 1844. Nemesis of Faith (The), 1848. Shadows of the Clouds, 1847. Short Studies on Great Subjects, 1867, 1872, 1877. =Fuller= (Thomas), born at Aldwinkle, in Northamptonshire, 1608-1661. History of the Worthies of England (The), 1662. =Fullerton= (Lady), Georgiana, 1814-1885. Constance Sherwood, 1865. Ellen Middleton, 1844. Grantley Manor, 1846. Lady Bird, 1852. La Comtesse de Bonneval, 1857. Laurentia, 1861. Life of Father Henry Young, 1874. Life of Louisa de Carvajal, 1873. Life of St. Frances of Rome, 1857. Mrs. Gerald’s Niece, 1869. Rose Leblanc, 1860. Stormy Life (A), 1867. Too Strange not to be True (a novel), 1864. Will and a Way (A), a novel, 1881. =Garrick= (David) born at Hereford, 1716-1779. Clandestine Marriage, 1796. Guardian (The), 1759. Irish Widow (The), 1757. Lethe, 1743. Lying Valet, 1740. Miss in her Teens, 1747. With about 30 other dramatic pieces, most of them adaptations. His Works were compiled and published 1785-1798. =Gascoigne= (George), 1530-1577. Complaynt of Philomene (The), 1576. =Gaskell= (Mrs.), born at Chelsea, 1810-1866. Cranford, 1853. Lizzie Leigh, 1857. Mary Barton, 1848. Moorland Cottage (The), 1850. North and South, 1855. Round the Sofa, 1859. Ruth, 1853. Sylvia’s Lovers, 1860. Wives and Daughters, 1866. Life of Charlotte Bronté, 1857. =Gay= (John), born at Barnstaple, in Devonshire, 1688-1732. Ballads, 1725. Beggar’s Opera (The), 1727. Black-eyed Susan, 1725. Captives (The), 1724. Dione. Epistles, 1709-22. Fables, 1727-38. Fan (The), 1713. Polly, 1729. Rural Sports, 1711. Shepherd’s Week, 1714. Three Hours after Marriage, 1715. Trivia, 1712. Wife of Bath (The), 1713. =Geikie= (Archibald), Edinburgh, 1835- Memoir of Sir Roderick I. Murchison, 1874. Phenomena of the Glacial Drift of Scotland, 1863. Life of Edward Forbes, 1861. Scenery of Scotland, viewed in Connection with its Physical Geography, 1865. Story of a Boulder (The), 1858. Student’s Manual of Geology, 1871. =Gibbon= (Charles). A Heart’s Problem, 1881. Braes of Yarrow, 1881. Dangerous Connections, 1873. Dead Heart, 1874. For Lack of Gold, 1875. For the King, 1878. In Honor Bound, 1877. In Love and War, 1877. In Pastures Green, 1880. Queen of the Meadow, 1879. Robin Gray, 1876. What Will the World say? 1878. =Gibbon= (Edward), born at Putney, in Surrey, 1737-1794. Autobiography, 1799. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 1776-1788. =Gilbert= (Sir Humphrey), of Devonshire, 1539-1583. Possibility of a North-west Passage, 1576. =Gilbert= (William Schwenck), London, 1836- Bab Ballads (The). Broken Hearts, 1876. Charity, 1874. Dulcamara, 1866. H.M.S. Pinafore, 1873. Ne’er-do-Weel (The), 1878. On Bail, 1877. Palace of Truth, 1871. Patience, 1881. Pygmalion and Galatea, 1871. Sweethearts, 1874. Trial by Jury, 1875. Wicked World (The), 1873. =Gladstone= (William Ewart), born at Liverpool, 1809- Chapter of Autobiography (A), 1868. Church considered in relation with the State, 1840. Church Principles, etc., 1841. Ecce Homo, 1868. Gleanings of Past Years, 1879. Homeric Synchronisms, 1876. Juventus Mundi, 1869. Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen, 1850-51. Remarks on Recent Commercial Legislation, 1845. Rome and the Latest Fashions in Religion, 1875. State considered in its relation to the Church (The), 1838. Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age, 1858. Turk in Europe (The), 1876. Vatican Decrees (The), 1874. Vaticanism, 1875. =Gleig= (Rev. George Robert), born at Stirling, in Scotland, 1796-1888. Campaigns of Washington and New Orleans, 1821. Life of the Duke of Wellington, 1859. Subaltern (The), a novel, 1825. =Gliddon= (George Robins), born in Egypt, 1807-1857. Ancient Egypt, her Monuments, Hieroglyphics, History, etc., 1840. =Godwin= (William), born at Wisbeach, in Cambridgeshire, 1756-1836. Caleb Williams, 1794. =Goldsmith= (Oliver), born at Pallas, in Ireland, 1728-1774. Bee (The), 1759-60. Citizen of the World (The), 1759. Deserted Village (The), 1770. Double Transformation (The), 1765. Edwin and Angelina, 1765. Elegy on a Mad Dog, 1765. Essays, 1758-65. Good-natured Man (The), 1767. Haunch of Venison (The), 1765. Hermit (The), 1765. History of the Earth and Animated Nature, 1774. Life of Bolingbroke, 1770. Life of Richard Nash, 1762. Life of Voltaire, 1759. Present State of Literature in Europe, 1759. Retaliation, 1774. She Stoops to Conquer, 1773. Traveller (The), 1764. Vicar of Wakefield (The), 1766. =Gore= (Mrs.), born at East Retford, in Nottinghamshire, 1799-1861. Ambassador’s Wife (The), 1842. Banker’s Wife (The), or Court and City, 1843. Book of Roses (The), a rose manual, 1838. Cabinet Minister (The), 1839. Cecil, or the Adventures of a Coxcomb, 1841. Cecil, a Peer. Courtier of the Days of Charles II., 1839. Diary of a Désennuyée, 1838. Dowager (The), or the New School for Scandal, 1840. Fair of May-Fair (The), 1832. Fascination, 1842. Greville, or a Season in Paris, 1841. Heir of Selwood (The), 1838. Hungarian Tales, 1829. Lettre de Cachet, 1827. Mary Raymond, 1837. Mothers and Daughters, 1831. Mrs. Armytage, 1836. Preferment, or My Uncle the Earl, 1839. Reign of Terror (The), 1827. Theresa Marchmont, or the Maid of Honor, 1823. Woman of the World (The), 1838. Women as they are, 1830. Her dramatic works: The Bond; Lord Dacre of the South; School for Coquettes. =Gosse= (Edmund William), London, 1849- King Erik, 1876. Madrigals, Songs and Sonnets, 1870. On Viol and Flute, 1873. Unknown Lover (The), 1878. =Gower= (John), 1327-1402. Balades (in French), 1350. Confessio Amantis, 1393. =Grant= (James), of Edinburgh, 1822-1887. Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp, 1848. Adventures of Rob Roy, 1863. Arthur Blane, or the Hundred Cuirassiers, 1858. Bothwell, or the Days of Mary Queen of Scots, 1851. British Battles on Land and Sea, 1873. British Heroes in Foreign Wars, 1873. Captain of the Guard (The), 1862. Cavaliers of Fortune (The), 1858. Constable of France (The), 1866. Dick Rodney, or the Adventures of an Eton Boy, 1861. Edinburgh Castle, 1850. Fairer than a Fairy, 1874. First Love and Last Love, 1868. Frank Hilton, or the Queen’s Own, 1855. Girl he married (The), 1869. Harry Ogilvie, or the Black Dragoon, 1856. Highlanders in Belgium (The), 1847. History of India, 1880-81. Jack Manly, his Adventures, 1870. Jane Seton, or the King’s Advocate, 1853. King’s Own Borderers (The), 1865. Lady Gwendonwyn, 1881. Lady Wedderburn’s Wish, 1870. Laura Everingham, 1857. Legends of the Black Watch, 1859. Letty Hyde’s Lovers, 1863. Lucy Arden, 1859. Mary of Lorraine, 1860. Memoirs of Kirkcaldy of Grange, 1849. Memoirs of Morley Ashton, 1876. Memoirs of Sir John Hepburn, etc., 1851. Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose, 1858. Memorials of Edinburgh Castle, 1850. Oliver Ellis, or the Fusiliers, 1861. One of the Six Hundred, 1876. Only an Ensign, 1871. Phantom Regiment (The), 1856. Philip Rollo, or the Scottish Musketeers, 1854. Romance of War, or Highlanders in Spain, 1846. Second to None, 1864. Secret Despatch (The), 1868. Shall I win her? 1874. Six Years ago, 1877. Yellow Frigate (The), 1855. Under the Red Dragon, 1872. Walter Fenton, or the Scottish Cavalier, 1850. White Cockade, or Faith and Fortitude, 1867. =Gray= (Asa), born at Paris, New York, 1810-1888. Botany of the United States, 1840. Elements of Botany, 1836. Flora of North America, begun 1838. Manual of Botany for the Northern States, 1848. Pacific Exploring Expedition under Captain Wilkes, 1854. =Gray= (Thomas), London, 1716-1771. Bard (The), 1757. Elegy in a Country Churchyard, 1749. Eton College, 1742. Progress of Poesy, 1757. Spring, 1751. =Greeley= (Horace), born at Amherst, New Hampshire, 1811-1872. History of the Struggle for Slavery Extension, etc., 1856. =Green= (John Richard). *-*. History of the English People, 1877-79. Stray Studies from England and Italy, 1876. =Greene= (George Washington), born in Rhode Island, 1811-1883. American Revolution (The), 1865. Biographical Studies, 1860. History and Geography of the Middle Ages, 1860. Life of General Nathaniel Greene, 1867-68. =Greg= (William Rathbone), of Manchester, 1809-1881. Creed of Christendom, 1851. Enigmas of Life, 1872. =Griffin= (Gerald), 1803-1840. Collegians (The), 1828. Gisipus, 1842. Hollandtide, 1827. Rivals (The), 1830. Tales of the Five Senses, 1832. Tales of the Minister Festivals, 1827. Tracy’s Ambition, 1830. =Griswold=, (Rufus Wilmot), New York, 1815-1857. Curiosities of American Literature, 1851. Female Poets of America, 1849. Prose Writers of America (The), 1847. =Gross= (Samuel D.), of Pennsylvania, 1805-1884. American Medical Biography, 1861.

=Habberton= (John), born at Brooklyn, 1842- Canoeing in Kanuckia, 1878. Helen’s Babies, 1876. Other People’s Children, 1877. Some Folks, 1877. =Hakluyt= (Rev. Richard), of Herefordshire, 1553-1616. Divers Voyages touching the Discoverie of America ... 1582. Four Voyages to Florida, 1587. Historie of the West Indies (in Latin), translated by Saunders, 1818. Principal Navigations and Discoveries of the English Nation, 1589; supplement compiled from his MSS., 1812. =Hale= (Edward Everett), 1822- Daily Bread, and other Stories, 1870. Margaret Perceval in America, 1850. Rosary (The), 1848. Sketches of Christian History, 1850. =Hale= (Sir Matthew), born at Alderley, in Gloucestershire, 1609-1678. Analysis of the Law, 1739. Contemplations, 1676. =Haliburton= (Thomas Chandler), born at Windsor, Nova Scotia, 1796-1865. Attaché (The), or Sam Slick in England, 1843-1844. English in America (The), 1851. Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia, 1829. Letter bag of the Great Western, 1839. Nature and Human Nature, 1855. Old Judge (The), 1847. Sam Slick, the Clockmaker, 1835, 1838-40. Sam Slick’s Wise Saws and Modern Instances, 1853. Traits of American Humor, 1852. Yankee Stories, 1852. =Hall= (Captain Basil), born at Edinburgh, 1788-1844. Extracts of a Journal written on the Coasts of Chili, Peru and Mexico, 1824. Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 1831-33. Patchwork, or Travels in Stories, 1841. Travels in North America, 1830. Voyage of Discovery to the Western Coast of Corea, etc., 1818. =Hall= (Mrs. S. C.), born in Dublin, 1802-1881. Buccaneers (The), 1832. Can Wrong be Right? 1862. Chronicles of a Schoolroom, 1830. Digging a Grave with a Wine-glass, 1871. Fight of Faith (The), 1868-69. French Refugee (The), 1836. Groves of Blarney, 1838. Ireland, its Scenery, etc., 1840. Lights and Shadows of Irish Character, 1838. Lucky Penny (The), 1864. Marian, or a Young Maid’s Fortunes, 1840. Midsummer Eve, 1847. Outlaw (The), 1835. Pilgrimages to English Shrines. Playfellow (The), 1868. Prince of the Fair Family, 1866. Ronald’s Reason, or the Little Cripple, 1865. Sketches of Irish Character, 1828. Stories of the Irish Peasantry, 1840. Tales of Woman’s Trials, 1834. Uncle Horace, 1835. Uncle Sam’s Money-box. Union Jack, 1863. Whiteboy (The), a novel, 1845. Woman’s Story (A), 1857. =Hallam= (Henry), born at Windsor, 1777-1859. Constitutional History of England, 1827. History of the Middle Ages, 1848. Introduction to the Literature of Europe in the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, 1837-39. View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, 1818. =Halleck= (Fitz-Greene), born at Guildford, 1795-1867. Poems, 1827, 1835. =Hamerton= (Philip Gilbert), born at Laneside, in Lancashire, 1834- Contemporary French Painters, 1867. Etchings and Etchers, 1868. Harry Blount, 1875. Intellectual Life (The), 1873. Isles of Loch Awe, and other Poems, 1855. Life of Turner, 1878. Modern Frenchmen, 1878. Painter’s Camp in the Highlands (A), 1862. Rome in 1849, 1849-50. Round my House, 1876. Sylvan Year (The), 1876. Unknown River (The), 1871. Wenderholme, 1869. =Hamilton= (Alexander), born in the Island of Nevis, one of Lesser Antilles, 1757-1804. Federalist (The), begun 1787. Works (in 7 vols.), edited by his son, 1851. =Hamilton= (Anthony, count de), born in Ireland, 1646-1720. Mémoires du Comte de Grammont (a faithful delineation of the court of Charles II.). =Hamilton= (Sir William), born at Glasgow, in Scotland, 1788-1856. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, 1852. Lectures on Metaphysics, 1859-1861. =Hammond= (William Alexander), born at Annapolis, 1828- Insanity in its Relation to Crime, 1873. Medico-legal Study of the Case of Daniel McFarland, 1870. Military Hygiene, 1863. Over Mental Work, etc., 1878. Physics and Physiology of Sleep (The), 1870. Sleep and its Nervous Derangement, 1869. Treatise on Diseases of the Nervous System, 1871. =Hannay= (James), born at Dumfries, 1827-1873. Singleton Fontenoy, 1850. =Hardy= (Thomas), of Dorsetshire, 1840- Laodicean (A), 1881. Far from the Madding Crowd, 1874. Hand of Ethelberta (The), 1876. Pair of Blue Eyes (A), 1873. Return of the Native, 1877. Under the Greenwood Tree, 1872. =Hare= (Augustus John Cuthbert), born at the Villa Strozzi, in Rome, 1834- Cities of Northern and Central Italy, 1875. Days near Rome, 1874. Epitaphs for Country Churchyards, 1856. Memorials of a Quiet Life, 1872. Walks in London, 1877. Walks in Rome, 1870. Wanderings in Spain, 1872. Winter in Mentone (A), 1861. =Hare= (Rev. Julius Charles), born at Hurstmonceux, in Sussex, 1796-1855. Guesses at Truth, 1827. Memoir of John Sterling, 1848. =Harrington= (James), born at Upton, in Northamptonshire, 1611-1677. Oceana, 1556. =Harrison= (Frederic), London, 1831- Meaning of History (The), 1862. Order and Progress, 1875. =Harte= (Francis Bret), born at Albany, 1839- Condensed Novels, 1867. East and West Poems, 1871. Gabriel Conroy, 1879. Heathen Chinee (The), 1869. Heiress of Red Dog (An), 1879. Jeff Briggs’s Love Story, 1880. Luck of Roaring Camp, and other Sketches, 1870. Mrs. Skagg’s Husbands, 1872. Poems, 1870. Poetical Works, 1871. Story of a Mine, 1878. Twins of Table Mountain, 1879. =Hatton= (Joseph), born at Andover, in Hampshire, 1839- Against the Stream, 1866. Bitter Sweets, 1865. Christopher Kenrick, 1869. Clyte, 1874. Cruel London, 1878. In the Lap of Fortune, 1872. Queen of Bohemia (The), 1877-78. Tallants of Barton (The), 1867. Valley of Poppies (The), 1871. =Haweis= (Rev. Hugh Reginald), born at Egham, in Surrey, 1838- Music and Morals, 1871. Shakespeare and the Stage, 1878. =Hawks= (Francis Lister), born at Newbern, 1798-1866. Auricular Confession in the Protestant Church, 1850. Commodore Perry’s Expedition to the China Sea and Japan, 1852-54. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of the United States, 1836-40. Egypt and its Monuments, 1849. =Hawthorne= (Julian), born at Boston, Massachusetts, 1846- Bressant, 1873. Garth, 1877. Idolatry, 1874. Mrs. Gainsborough’s Diamonds, 1879. Saxon Studies, 1875. Sebastian Strome, 1880. Septimus, 1871. =Hawthorne= (Nathaniel), born at Salem, Massachusetts, 1804-1864. Blithedale Romance (The), 1852. House of Seven Gables (The), 1851. Life of President Pierce, 1852. Mosses from an Old Manse, 1846. Our Old Home, 1863. Scarlet Letter (The), 1850. Transformation, 1859. Twice-told Tales, 1837. =Hayes= (Isaac Israel), born in Chester County, Penna., 1832-1881. Arctic Boat Journey (An), 1860. Cast away in the Cold, 1868. Land of Desolation (The), 1870. Open Polar Sea (The), 1862. =Hazlitt= (William), born at Maidstone, 1778-1830. Characteristics, 1823. Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays, 1817. Conversations of James Northcote, 1830. Dramatic Scorpion (The), 1818. Essay on the Principles of Human Action, 1805. Free Thoughts on Public Affairs, 1806. Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth, 1821. Lectures on the English Comic Writers, 1819. Lectures on the English Poets, 1818. Liber Amoris, or the New Pygmalion, 1823. Life of Napoleon, 1828. Life of Titian, 1830. Memoirs of Holcroft, 1809. Plain Speaker (The), etc., 1826. Political Essays, with Sketches of Public Characters, 1819. Reply to Malthus, 1807. Round Table (The), 1817. Sketches of the Principal Picture Galleries of England, 1824. Spirit of the Age, 1825. Table-Talk, 1821-22. View of the English Stage (A), 1818. =Hazlitt= (William Carew), 1834- Bibliography of Old English Literature, 1867. English Proverbs and Provincial Phrases, 1869. History of the Venetian Republic, 1860. Memoirs of W. Hazlitt, 1867. Popular Antiquities of Great Britain, 1870. =Hecker= (Rev. Isaac Thomas), of New York, 1819-1888. Aspirations of Nature, 1857. Catholicity in the United States, 1859. Questions of the Soul, 1855. =Hedge= (Rev. Frederick Henry), born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1805- Prose Writers of Germany, 1848. =Helps= (Sir Arthur), 1817-1875. Brevia, or Short Essays and Aphorisms, 1870. Casimir Maremma, 1870. Catherine Douglas, 1843. Claims of Labor, 1845. Companions of my Solitude, 1851. Conquerors of the New World, 1848. Conversations on War, etc., 1871. Essays, 1841. Friends in Council, 1847-49; second series, 1859. History of the Spanish Conquests of America, 1855-61. Ivan de Biron, 1874. King Henry II., 1843. Life of Cortez, 1871. Life of Pizarro, 1869. On Organization, 1860. Oulita, the Serf, 1858. Realmah, 1869. Social Pressure, 1874. Spanish Conquest in America (The), 1855-57. Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd, 1835. Thoughts upon Government, 1871. =Hemans= (Mrs.), born at Liverpool, 1794-1835. Domestic Affections, and other Poems, 1812. Early Blossoms, 1808. Forest Sanctuary (The), 1826. Hymns for Childhood, 1834. Last Constantine (The), and other Poems, 1827. Lays of Leisure Hours, 1829. Records of Women, 1828. Sceptic (The), 1821. Siege of Valencia, and other Poems, 1823. Songs of the Affections, 1830. =Herbert= (Edward, lord), of Cherbury, born at Montgomery Castle, 1581-1648. Own Life, written by himself, 1764. =Herbert= (Rev. George), born at Montgomery, 1593-1633. Temple (The), or the Church, 1631. =Herrick= (Rev. Robert), London, 1591-1674. Hesperides, 1647-48. Noble Numbers, or Pious Pieces, 1647. =Herschel= (Sir John Frederick William), born at Slough, near Windsor, 1790-1871. Essays, 1857. Familiar Letters on Scientific Subjects, 1866. Manual of Scientific Enquiry, 1849. Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy, 1831. =Heywood= (Thomas), 1576-1645. Brazen Age (The), 1603. Challenge for Beautie, 1606. Edward IV., 1600. English Traveller (The), 1633. Fair Maid of the Exchange (The), 1607. Fair Maid of the West (The), 1611. Fortune by Land and Sea, 1655. Four Prentises of London, 1615. Golden Age (The), 1611. Iron Age (The), 1632. Lancashire Witches, 1634. Life and Death of Hector, 1614. Love’s Maistresse, 1636. Queen Elizabeth’s Troubles, 1606, 1609. Rape of Lucrece (The), 1608. Royall King and Loyall Subject (A), 1637. Silver Age (The), 1613. Wise Woman of Hogsdon, 1638. Woman kilde by Kindnesse (A), before 1603. =Higginson= (Thomas Wentworth), born at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1823- Atlantic Essays, 1871. Brief Biographies of European Statesmen, 1875. Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1866. Life in a Black Regiment, 1870. Malbone, 1869. Oldport Days, 1874. Outdoor Papers, 1863. Young Folks’ History of the United States, 1875. =Hitchcock= (Roswell Dwight), born at Machias, 1817-1887. Complete Analysis of the Bible, 1869. Hymns and Songs, 1874, 1875. =Hobbes= (Thomas), born at Malmesbury, in Wiltshire, 1588-1679. Leviathan, 1651. =Hogg= (James), born at Ettrick, in Scotland, 1772-1835. Forest Minstrel (The), 1810. Mador of the Moor, 1816. Mistakes of a Night, 1794. Mountain Bard (The), 1807. Pilgrims of the Sun (The), a poem, 1815. Poetic Mirror (The), 1814. Queen Hynde, 1825. Queen’s Wake (The), 1813. Scottish Pastorals, Poems and Songs, 1801. =Holland= (Josiah Gilbert), born at Belchertown, 1819-1881. Arthur Bonnicastle, 1873. Bay Path (The), 1857. Bitter Sweet, 1858. History of Western Massachusetts, 1855. Katrina, 1868. Marble Prophecy (The), and other Poems, 1872. Mistress of the Manse (The), 1874. Nicholas Minturn, 1877. Sevenoaks, 1876. Titcomb Papers (The), begun 1858. =Holmes= (Oliver Wendell), born at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1809-1894. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, 1857. Elsie Venner, 1861. Guardian Angel (The), 1868. Mechanism in Thought and Morals, 1870. Poet at the Breakfast Table (The), 1872. Professor at the Breakfast Table. Report on Medical Literature, 1848. Songs in Many Keys, 1864. Soundings from the Atlantic, 1864. =Hone= (William), born at Bath, in Somersetshire, 1779-1842. Everyday Book, 1825-27. Memoirs of Sheridan, 1817. Table-book, 1827-28. Year-book, 1832. =Hood= (Thomas), London, 1798-1845. Comic Annual, 1829-39. Dream of Eugene Aram, 1845. Epping Hunt, 1829. Hood’s Own, 1838-39. National Tales, 1827. Odes and Addresses to Great People, 1825. Plea for the Midsummer Fairies, and other Poems, 1827. Poems of Wit and Humor, 1847. Tylney Hall, 1834. Up the Rhine, 1840. Whims and Oddities, 1826-27. Whimsicalities, 1843-44. =Hook= (Theodore Edward), London, 1788-1841. Adventures of an Actor, 1842. All in the Wrong, 1839. Births, Deaths and Marriages, 1839. Cousin Geoffrey, the Old Bachelor, 1840. Fathers and Sons, 1841. Gilbert Gurney, 1835. Gurney Married, 1837. Jack Brag, 1837. Killing no Murder, 1811. Life of Sir David Baird, 1832. Love and Pride, 1833. Man of Sorrow (The), 1809. Maxwell, 1830. Parson’s Daughter (The), 1835. Pascal Bruno, 1837. Pen Owen, 1855. Percy Mallory, 1824. Perigrine Bunce, or Settled at Last, 1842. Peter and Paul, 1815. Precept and Practice, 1840. Reminiscences of Michael Kelly, 1826. Sayings and Doings, 1824, 1825, 1828. Soldier’s Return (The), 1805. =Hooker= (Richard), born at Heavytree, near Exeter, 1554-1600. Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity, first four books, 1594; fifth book, 1597; last two, 1604. =Hope= (Thomas), 1774-1831. Anastasius, 1819. =Hopkins= (Mark), born at Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 1802-1887. Law of Love, and Love as a Law (The), 1869. Lectures on Moral Philosophy, 1858. Lowell Lectures on the Evidences of Christianity, 1846. Miscellaneous Essays, etc., 1847. Outline Study of Man (An), 1873. Strength and Beauty, 1874. =Horne= (Richard Hengist), London, 1803-1884. Ballads and Romances, 1846. Cosmo de Medici, 1837. Death Fetch (The), 1839. Death of Marlowe, 1838. Dreamer and Worker (The), 1851. Gregory VII., 1840. Judas Iscariot, 1848. Laura Dibalzo, 1880. Life of Napoleon, 1841. New Spirit of the Age, 1844. Undeveloped Characters of Shakespeare, 1880. =Houghton= (Richard Monckton Milnes, lord), born at Great Houghton, in Yorkshire, 1809-1885. Good Night and Good Morning, 1859. Life of Keats, 1848. Memorials of a Residence on the Continent, 1838. Memorials of a Tour in Parts of Greece, 1834. Memorials of Many Scenes, 1844. Monographs, Personal and Social, 1873. Palm Leaves, 1844. Poems, Legendary and Historical, 1844. Poems of Many Years, 1838. Poetry for the People, 1840. =Howard= (John), born at Hackney, near London, 1726-1790. State of the Prisons in Great Britain, etc., 1777. =Howells= (William Dean), born at Martinville, Ohio, 1837- Chance Acquaintance (A), 1873. Counterfeit Presentment, 1876. Foregone Conclusion (A), 1874. Italian Journeys, 1867. Life of R. B. Hayes, 1877. No Love Lost, 1868. Poems, 1860, 1875. Suburban Sketches, 1870. Their Wedding Journey, 1872. Venetian Life, 1866. =Howitt= (William), born at Heanor, in Derbyshire, 1795-1879. Aristocracy of England (The), 1846. Colonization and Christianity, 1837. Book of the Seasons (The), 1831. Boy’s Adventures in the Wilds of Australia, 1853. Boy’s Country Book (The), 1839. Hall and Hamlet (The), 1847. Haunts and Homes of the British Poets, 1847. History of Priestcraft, 1833. History of the Supernatural, 1863. Land, Labor, and Gold, 1855. Mad War Planet (The), and other Poems, 1871. Madame Dorrington of the Dene, 1851. Man of the People (The), 1860. Ruined Castles and Abbeys of England, 1861. Rural and Domestic Life of Germany, 1842. Rural Life of England, 1837. Student Life in Germany, 1841. Talangetta, or the Squatter’s Home, 1857. Tales of the Pantika, 1836. Visits to Remarkable Places, 1840. Year book of the Country, 1849. =Howitt= (Mrs.), Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, 1800-1888. Ballads, and other Poems, 1847. Coast of Caergwyn, 1864. Dial of Love (The). Heir of West Wayland. Improvisatore (The), 1857. Seven Temptations (The), 1830. Sketches of Natural History in Verse. Stories of Stapleford, 1863. Wood Leighton, 1835. With William Howitt, her husband. Desolation of Eyam, 1827. Forest Minstrel (The), 1823. History of Scandinavian Literature, 1852. Literature and Romance of Northern Europe. =Hughes= (Thomas), born at Uffington, in Berkshire, 1823- Alfred the Great, 1869. Manliness of Christ (The), 1879. Memoirs of a Brother, 1873. Our Old Church, 1878. Scouring the White Horse, 1858. Tom Brown’s School-days, 1856. Tom Brown at Oxford, 1861. =Hume= (David), Edinburgh, 1711-1776. Dialogues concerning Natural Religion, 1779. Essays, 1741-52. History of England, 1754-61. History of the Stuarts, 1754. Inquiry concerning Human Understanding, 1748. Inquiry into the Principles of Morals, 1751. Natural History of Religion; of the Passions; of Tragedy; of the Standard of Taste, 1757. Political Discourses, 1752. Treatise of Human Nature, 1739. =Hunt= (James Henry Leigh), London, 1784-1859. Autobiography and Reminiscences, 1850. Amyntas, 1820. Bacchus in Tuscany, 1816. Book for a Corner (A), 1849. Captain Sword and Captain Pen, 1835. Christianism, 1846. Companion (The), 1828. Descent of Liberty, 1815. Feast of the Poets, and other Pieces in Verse, 1814. Foliage, 1818. Hero and Leander, 1816. Imagination and Fancy, 1844. Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla (A), 1847. Legend of Florence (A), 1840. Liberal (The), 1822. Men, Women, and Books, 1847. Old Court Suburbs (The), 1855. One Hundred Romances of Real Life, 1843. Palfrey (The), 1842. Reading for Railways, 1850. Recollections of Lord Byron and his Contemporaries, 1828. Religion of the Heart (The), 1853. Seer (The), 1840-41. Sir Ralph Esher, 1832. Stories in Verse, 1855. Stories from the Italian Poets, 1846. Story of Rimini, 1816. Table Talk, 1850. Town (The), a description of London, with its noted characters, 1848. Ultra-Crepidarius, 1819. Wit and Humor, 1846. =Huntington= (Frederic Daniel), born at Hadley, Massachusetts, 1819- Christian Living and Believing, 1860. Helps to a Holy Lent, 1872. Helps to a Living Faith, 1873. Lessons on the Parables, 1865. Sermons for the People, 1856. =Hutchinson= (Thomas), born at Boston, 1711-1780. Collection of Original Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachusetts, 1769. History of the Colony of Massachusetts, 1760-1767. =Hutchinson= (Thomas Joseph), born at Stonyford, in Ireland, 1820-1885. Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings, 1865. Impressions of Western Africa, 1858. Narrative of Niger Tshadda Binue Exploration, 1855. Parana and South America Recollections, 1868. Ten Years’ Wanderings among the Ethiopians, 1861. Two Years in Peru, 1874. =Huxley= (Thomas Henry), born at Ealing, in Middlesex, 1825- American Addresses, with a Lecture on Biology, 1877. Critiques and Addresses, 1873. Elementary Biology, 1875. Hume, 1879. Introduction to the Classification of Animals, 1869. Lay Sermons, etc., 1870. Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, 1864. Lessons in Elementary Physiology, 1866. Man’s Place in Nature, 1863. Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals, 1871. Observations on the Glaciers, 1857. Oceanic Hydrozoa, 1859. On the Theory of the Vertebrate Skull, 1858. Physiology, etc., 1877.

=Inchbald= (Mrs.), born near Bury St. Edmunds, in Suffolk, 1753-1821. Nature and Art, 1796. Simple Story, 1791. ⁂ For her plays, see APPENDIX III. =Ingelow= (Jean), born at Boston, Lincolnshire, 1820- Allerton and Dreux, 1851. Deborah’s Book, etc., 1867. Don John, 1881. Fated to be Free, 1875. Golden Opportunity (The), 1867. Grandmother’s Shoe (The), 1867. Life of John Smith, 1867. Little Wonder-horn (The), 1872. Minnows with Silver Tails, 1867. Moorish Gold, and the One-eyed Servant, 1867. Mopsa, the Fairy, 1869. Off the Skelligs, 1873. Poems, 1863, 1867, 1880. Rhyming Chronicle of Incidents and Feelings, 1850. Round of Days (The), 1861. Sarah de Berenger, 1879. Sister’s Bye-hours (A), 1868. Stories told to a Child, 1865. Story of Doom, and other Poems, 1867. Studies for Stories, 1872. Suspicious Jackdaw (The), 1867. Tales of Orris, 1860. Two Ways of telling a Story, 1867. Wild Duck Shooter (The), etc., 1867. =Ingram= (John H.), London, 1849- Memoirs of Poe, 1874, 1877. =Ireland= (William Henry), 1777-1835. Authentic Account of the Shakespearian MSS., 1796. Confessions relative to the Shakespeare Papers, 1805. Miscellaneous Papers under the Hand and Seal of W. Shakespeare, including the Tragedy of King Lear, etc., 1796. Vortigern (an historical play ... attributed by him to Shakespeare), 1796; printed 1832. =Irving= (Washington), born at New York, 1783-1859. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey, 1835. Adventures of Captain Bonneville, 1837. Astoria, 1836. Bracebridge Hall, 1822. Conquest of Granada, 1829. Crayon Miscellany, 1835. History of New York, by Diedrick Knickbocker, 1809. Legends of the Conquest of Spain, 1835. Life and Voyages of Columbus, 1828. Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 1849. Life of Washington, 1855-59. Mahomet and his Successors, 1849-50. Salmagundi, 1807-8. Sketch-book (The), 1820. Tales of the Alhambra, 1832. Tales of a Traveller, 1824. Wolfert’s Roost, 1839-40.

=James I.=, born in Edinburgh Castle, 1566-1625. Basilikon Doron, 1599. Counterblaste to Tobacco, 1604. =James= (George Payne Rainsford), London, 1801-1860. Agincourt, 1844. Agnes Sorel, 1853. Arabella Stuart, 1844. Arrah Neil, or Times of Old, 1845. Attila, 1837. Beauchamp, or the Error, 1848. Blanche of Navarre, 1839. Brigand (The), 1841. Cameralzaman, 1848. Castelneau, 1841. Castle of Ehrenstein (The), 1847. Charles Tyrel, 1839. Convict (The), 1847. Darnley, 1830. Delaware, or Thirty Years Since, 1848. De L’Orme. 1830. De Lunatico Inquirendo, 1842. Desultory Man (The), 1836. Eva St. Clare, and other Tales, 1843. False Heir (The), 1843. Fate, 1851. Fight of the Fiddlers (The), 1848. Forest Days, 1843. Forgery, or Best Intentions, 1848. Gentleman of the Old School (The), 1839. Gowrie, or the King’s Plot, 1847. Heidelberg, 1846. Henry Masterton, 1832. Henry of Guise, 1839. Henry Smeaton, 1850. Huguenot (The), 1839. Jacquerie (The), 1841. John Jones’s Tales from English History, 1849. John Marston Hall, 1834. King’s Highway (The), 1840. Last of the Fairies (The), 1847. Lord Montagu’s Page, 1858. Man at Arms (The), 1840. Margaret Graham, 1847. Mary of Burgundy, 1833. Morley Ernstein, 1842. Old Dominion, or the Southampton Massacre, 1856. One in a Thousand, 1835. Pequinillo, 1852. Philip Augustus, 1831. Prince Life, 1855. Revenge, 1851. Richelieu, 1828. Robber (The), 1838. Rose d’Albret, 1840. Russell, 1847. Sir Theodore Broughton, 1847. Smuggler (The), 1845. Stepmother (The), 1846. Story without a Name (A), 1852. String of Pearls, 1849. Ticonderoga, or the Black Eagle, 1854. Whim (The), and its Consequences, 1847. Woodman (The), 1849. History of Charlemagne, 1832. History of Chivalry, 1849. Life and Times of Louis XIV., 1838. Life of the Black Prince, 1822. Life of Richard Cœur de Lion, 1841-42. Lives of Eminent Foreign Statesmen, 1832-38. Memoirs of Celebrated Women, 1837. Memoirs of Great Commanders, 1832. =Jameson= (Mrs.), born in Dublin, 1797-1860. Beauties of the Court of Charles II., 1833. Celebrated Female Sovereigns, 1831. Characteristics of Shakespeare’s Women, 1832. Commonplace Book, etc., 1854. Diary of an Ennuyée, 1826. Early Italian Painters (The), 1845. Handbook of Public Galleries of Art, 1842. History of our Lord as represented in Art, 1860. Legends of the Madonna, 1852. Legends of the Monastic Orders, 1850. Loves of the Poets, 1829. Memoirs and Essays, 1846. Pictures of Social Life in Germany, etc., 1840. Poetry of Sacred and Legendary Art, 1848. Rubens, his Life and Genius, 1840. Sacred and Legendary Art, 1848. Sketches of Germany, 1837. Visits and Sketches, etc., 1834. Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada, 1838. =Jenkins= (Edward), born at Bangalore, in India, 1838- Captain’s Cabin (The), 1872. Coolie, his Rights and Wrongs (The), 1864. Devil’s Chain (The), 1868. Fatal Days, 1874. Ginx’s Baby, 1860. Jobson’s Enemies, 1880-81. Lisa Lena, 1880. Little Hodge, 1866. Lord Bantam, 1862. Lutchmee and Dilloo, 1870. =Jerrold= (Douglas William), London, 1803-57. Black-eyed Susan, 1829. Bubbles of the Day, 1842. Cakes and Ale, 1841. Catspaw (The), 1850. Caudle Lectures, 1845. Chronicles of Clovernook, 1846. Heart of Gold, 1854. Housekeeper (The), 1835. Man Made of Money (A), 1849. Men of Character, 1838. Nell Gwynne, 1832. Prisoner of War (The), 1837. Punch’s Letters to his Son, 1846. Rent-day (The), 1830. Retired from Business, 1851. St. Giles and St. James, 1851. Story of a Feather, 1843. Time works Wonders, 1845. =Jerrold= (William Blanchard), London, 1826-1884. At Home in Paris, 1864, 1870. Beau Brummel, 1858. Chatterbox (The), 1857. Children of Lutetia, 1863. Christian Vagabond (The), 1871. Chronicles of a Crutch, 1860. Cockaignes (The), 1871. Cool as a Cucumber, 1851. Cupboard Papers (The), 1881. Cupid in Waiting, 1871. Disgrace to the Family (The), 1847. Epicure’s Year-book, by Fin-Bec, 1867-68. French under Arms (The), 1860. Imperial Paris, 1855. Life of George Cruikshank, 1882. Life of Douglas Jerrold, 1858. Life of Napoleon III., 1874-82. London a Pilgrimage, 1872. Old Woman who lived in a Shoe (An). On the Boulevards, 1853-66. Passing the Time, 1865. Progress of a Bill, 1848. Story of Madge and the Fairy Content, 1871. Swedish Sketches, 1852. Trip through the Vineyards of Spain, 1864. Trips to Normandy, etc., 1867. Two Lives, 1865. Up and Down in the World, 1866. =Johnson= (Samuel), born at Lichfield, in Hampshire, 1709-1784. Dictionary of the English Language, 1755. Idler (The), 1758-60. Irene, 1749. Journey to the West Islands of Scotland, 1775. Life of Dr. Isaac Watts, 1785. Life of Richard Savage, 1744. Lives of the Poets, 1779-81. Miscellaneous Observations on Hamlet, 1745. Rambler (The), 1750-52. Rasselas, 1759. Taxation no Tyranny, 1775. Vanity of Human Wishes, 1749. Visit to the Hebrides, 1773. Voyage to Abyssinia, 1735. =Jones= (Henry), pseudonym “Cavendish,” London, 1831- Laws of Ecarté, 1878. Laws of Piquet, 1873. Principles of Whist, 1862. =Jonson= (Benjamin), born at Westminster, 1574-1637. Execration against Vulcan, with Divers Epigrams, 1640. Jests, or the Wit’s Pocket Companion, 1731. Last Legacy to the Sons of Mirth, etc., 1756. =Junius=, Letters of, 1769-72. The Author of these Letters. Barré, Col. Isaac (“Authorship of the Letters of Junius, by John Britton”), 1848. Boyd, Hugh (“Author of Junius ascertained by George Chalmers”), 1817. Burke, Edmund (“Inquiry into the author of Junius, by John Roche”), 1813. (“Junius proved to be Burke,” no name), 1826. Prior, in his Life of Burke, takes the same view, 1839. Burke, William (“The Author of Junius, by J. C. Symons”), 1859. Chatham, William Pitt, lord (“Another Guess at Junius,” by (?) Fitzgerald), 1809; Earl Chatham “proved to be Junius,” by John Swinden, 1833; by W. Dowe, 1857. (“Who was Junius?” no name), 1837. Also an essay to prove this, by Dr. B. Waterhouse, of Boston, 1831. Chesterfield, earl of (“Author of Junius discovered,” by W. Cramp), 1821, 1851. De Lolme, John Lewis (“Arguments and Facts demonstrating” this, by Dr. Thomas Busby), 1816. Francis (Dr.) and his son Sir Philip (“Discovery of the Author of Junius, by John Taylor”), 1813. Francis, Sir Philip (“Identity of Junius ... established by John Taylor”), 1816. Sir F. Dwarris, 1850, and Lord Campbell, in his Lives of the Chancellors, take the same view. (“Handwriting of Junius professionally investigated, by Charles Chabot”), 1871. Macaulay espoused this “identity.” Glover, Richard (“An Inquiry into the author of the Letters of Junius,” no name), 1814. Gibbon (“Junius unmasked,” no name), 1819. Lee, Major-General Charles (proved “from facts” to be Junius by Dr. T. Girdlestone), 1813. M’Lean, Laughlin (said to be Junius in Galt’s Life of West, pp. 57-69). Sir David Brewster takes the same view. Portland, Duke of (“Letters to a Nobleman proving” this, by A. G. Johnston), 1816. Pownall, Governor (“Junius discovered, by F. Griffen, Boston,”), 1854. Rich, Sir R. (“The Ghost of Junius, by F. Ayerst”), 1853. Sackville, Viscount (“The Real Author of the Letters of Junius, by George Coventry”), 1825. (“Junius unmasked,” no name), 1770. The same proved by John Jacques, 1843. Suett, the comedian (“Junius with his Visor up,” a skit, no name), 1819. Temple, R. Grenville, earl (“Letters on Junius showing” this, by Isaac Newhall, Boston), 1831. Tooke, John Horne (“Junius discovered, by P[hilip] T[hicknesse]”), 1789. The same “proved” by J. B. Blakeway, 1813; and Dr. A. Graham, 1828. Wray, Daniel (“The Secret revealed, by James Falconar”), 1830. Wilmot, James, proved to be “Junius” by O. W. Serres, 1813.

=Kames= (Henry Home, lord), born at Kames, in Berwickshire, 1696-1782. Elements of Criticism, 1762. =Kane= (Elisha Kent), born at Philadelphia, 1820-1857. Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1856. =Keats= (John), London, 1796-1821. Endymion, 1818. Eve of St. Agnes, 1820. Hyperion, 1820. Isabella, 1820. Lamia, and other Poems, 1820. Ode to the Nightingale, 1820. Poems, 1817. =Keble= (Rev. John), born at Fairford, in Gloucestershire, 1792-1866. Christian Year (The), 1827. Lyra Innocentium, 1846. =Kemble= (Frances Anne), born in London, 1809- Journal of a Residence in America, 1835. Records of Girlhood, 1878. Records of Later Life, 1882. Residence in a Georgian Plantation, 1863. Year of Consolation (A), 1847. =Kennedy= (John Pendleton), born at Baltimore, 1795-1870. Annals of Quodlibet, 1840. Horse-shoe Robinson, 1835. Life of William Wirt, 1849. Red Book (The), 1817-19. =Kent= (James), born at Fredericksburg, New York, 1763-1847. Commentaries on American Law, 1826-30. =Kinglake= (Alexander William), born near Taunton, in Somersetshire, 1811-1891. Eothen, 1844. History of the Crimean War, 1863-75. =Kingsley= (Rev. Charles), born at Holne, in Devonshire, 1819-1875. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet, 1849. Glaucus, or the Wonders of the Shore, 1855. Hereward the Wake, 1866. Hermits (The), 1868. Heroes (The), Greek fairy tales, 1856. Hypatia, 1853. Madam How and Lady Why, 1870. Miscellanies, 1859. Plays and Puritans, 1873. Prose Idylls, 1873. Two Years Ago (a novel), 1857. Village Sermons, 1849. Water Babies (The), 1863. Westward Ho! 1855. =Kingsley= (Henry), born at Holne, in Devonshire, 1830-1876. Austin Elliot, 1863. Boy in Grey (The), 1870. Fireside Studies, 1876. Geoffry Hamlyn (Recollections of), 1859. Grange Gardens, 1876. Harveys (The), 1872. Hetty, and other Stories, 1871. Hillyars and the Burtons (The), 1865. Hornby Mills, and other Stories, 1872. Leighton Court, 1866. Lost Child (The), 1864. Mademoiselle Mathilde, 1868. Mystery of the Island, 1877. Number Seventeen, 1875. Oakshott Castle, 1873. Old Margaret, 1871. Ravenshoe, 1861. Reginald Hetheredge, 1874. Silcote of Silcotes, 1867. Stretton, 1869. Tales of Old Travel, 1869. Valentin, 1872. =Knatchbull-Hugessen= (Edward Hugessen), born at Mersham Hatch, in Kent, 1829- Crackers for Christmas, 1870. Higgledy-Piggledy, or Stories for Everybody’s Children, 1875. Moonshine, 1871. Queer Folks, 1873. River Legends, 1874. Stories for My Children, 1869. Tales for Tea-time, 1872. Uncle Joe’s Stories, 1878. Whispers from Fairyland, 1874. =Knight= (Charles), born at Windsor, in Berkshire, 1791-1873. Cyclopædia of the Industry of all Nations, 1851. English Cyclopædia, 1854-61. Half-hours with the Best Authors, 1847-48. Library of Entertaining Knowledge, 1831. Penny Magazine (The), 1832-45. Pictorial Bible (The), 1838. Pictorial History of England (The) 1844. Pictorial Shakespeare (The), 1839-41. Popular History of England, 1856-62. Shakespeare (a biography), 1839. =Knowles= (James Sheridan), born at Cork, in Ireland, 1784-1862. Idol demolished by its own Priest (The), 1851. Rock of Rome (The), or the Arch-Heresy, 1849. ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III.

=Lamb= (Charles), London, 1775-1834. Adventures of Ulysses, 1807. Essays on the Genius of Hogarth. Essays of Elia, 1st series, 1820-1822; 2nd series, 1823-25; last, 1833. John Woodvil, 1802. Last Essays, and Popular Fallacies, 1833. Mrs. Lacester’s School. Old Blind Margaret, 1798. Poems, 1797. Poems, 1836. Poetry for Children, 1809. Rosamond Gray, 1798. Tales from Shakespeare, 1807. =Landon= (Letitia Elizabeth), born in London, 1802-1838. Duty and Inclination, 1838. Ethel Churchill, 1834. Fate of Adelaide (The), 1821. Francisca Carrara, 1834. Golden Violet (The), and other Poems, 1827. Improvisatrice (The), and other Poems, 1824. Lady Anne Granard, 1841. Lost Pleiad (The), 1829. Romance and Reality, 1832. Traits and Trials of Early Life (tales), 1836. Troubadour (The), and other Poems, 1825. Venetian Bracelet (The), and other Poems, 1829. Vow of the Peacock (The), 1835. Zenana (The), and Minor Poems, 1839. =Landor= (Walter Savage), born at Ipsley Court, in Warwickshire, 1775-1864. Admonition to Detractors, 1837. Andrea of Hungary, 1839. Count Julian, 1812. Dry Sticks fagoted, 1857. Examination of William Shakespeare (The), 1834. Fra Ruperto, 1841. Gebir, 1798. Giovanni of Naples, 1839. Hellenics (The), 1847. Idyllia Heroica (in Latin), 1820. Imaginary Conversations of Greeks and Romans, 1853. Imaginary Conversations of Literary Men, 1824-28; second series, 1829. Imaginary Conversations ... on Italian Affairs, 1848. Last Fruit off an Old Tree, 1853. Latin Poems, 1824. Letters of an American, 1854. Letters of a Conservative, 1836. Pentameron and Pentalogia (The), 1837. Pericles and Aspasia, 1836. Poems, 1795. Poems from the Arabic, etc., 1800. Popery, British and Foreign, 1851. Simoniaca (a poem), 1806. Satire on Satirists, 1836. =Langland= (William), born at Cleobury Mortimer, in Cheshire, 1332-1400. Visions of Piers Plowman, 1362. =Layard= (Austin Henry), born in Paris of English parents, 1817- Monuments of Nineveh, 1853. Nineveh and its Remains, 1848-49. =Lecky= (William Edward Hartpole), of Dublin, 1838- History of England in Eighteenth Century, 1878. History of European Morals, 1869. History of Rationalism, 1865. History of the Rise and Influence of Rationalism, etc., 1865. Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland, 1861. =Leland= (Charles Godfrey), of Philadelphia 1824- Egyptian Sketch-book (The), 1873. English Gypsies and their Language, 1873. English Gypsy Songs, 1875. Fu-Sang, or the Discovery of America by Buddhist Priests, 1875. Hans Breitmann’s Ballads, 1867, 1870. Legends of Birds, 1864. Meister Karl’s Sketch-book, 1855. Music Lessons of Confucius (The), and other Poems, 1870. Poetry and Mystery of Dreams (The), 1855. Sunshine in Thoughts, 1862. =Lemon= (Mark), London, 1809-1870. Christmas Hamper (A), 1859. Enchanted Doll (The), 1849. Falkner Lyle, 1866. Jest-Book, 1864. Loved at Last, 1864. Wait for the End, 1863. (And 60 dramatic pieces.) =Lempriere= (John), born at Jersey, a Channel Isle, 1760-1824. Classical Dictionary, 1788. Universal Biography, 1808. =Lever= (Charles James), born in Dublin, 1809-1872. Barrington, 1863. Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly (The), 1868. Charles O’Malley, 1841. Con Cregan, or the Irish Gil Blas, 1850. Daltons (The), 1852. Davenport Dunn, 1859. Day’s Ride (A), 1863. Diary of Horace Templeton, 1861. Dodd Family Abroad (The), 1854. Fortunes of Glencore (The), 1857. Harry Lorrequer, 1839. Jack Hinton, 1842. Knight of Gwynne (The), 1847. Lord Kilgobbin, 1872. Luttrel of Arran, 1865. Martins of Cro’ Martin, 1856. O’Donoghue (The), 1845. Paul Gosslett’s Confessions, 1871. Roland Cashel, 1849. Sir Brooke Fosbrooke, 1866. That Boy of Norcott’s, 1869. Tom Burke of Ours, 1844. Tony Butler, 1865. =Lewes= (George Henry), London, 1817-1878. Aristotle, 1861. Biographical History of Philosophy, 1847. Comte’s Philosophy of the Sciences, 1859. Life of Goethe, 1859. Life of Robespierre, 1850. Noble Heart (The), 1850. Physical Basis of Mind, 1877. Physiology of Common Life, 1860. Problems of Life and Mind, 1873-76. Ranthorpe, 1847. Rose, Blanche and Violet, 1848. Seaside Studies, 1859. Spanish Drama (The), 1846. Studies in Animal Life, 1861. =Lewis= (Matthew Gregory), London, 1775-1818. Alphonso, King of Castile, 1801. Captive (The), 1839. Castle Spectre (The), 1797. Monk (The), 1795. Tales of Terror, 1799. Tales of Wonder, 1801. Timour, the Tartar (a melodrama), 1812. =Liddell= (Henry George), 1811- Greek Lexicon, 1843. History of Rome, 1855. =Liddon= (Henry Parry), born at Stoneham, in Hampshire, 1829-1890. Divinity of ... Jesus Christ (The), 1866. Lenten Sermons, 1858. =Lilly= (John), born in Kent, 1553-1601. Euphues, 1581. Euphues and his England, 1582. Euphues’ Shadow, 1592. Euphues and Lucilla, published 1716. =Lingard= (John), born at Winchester, 1771-1851. History of England (from Cæsar to William and Mary), 1819-30. =Linton= (Mrs.), born at Keswick, in Cumberland, 1822- Amymone, 1848. Atonement of Leam Dundas, 1876. Azeth, the Egyptian, 1846. Grasp your Nettle, 1865. Lake Country (The), 1864. Lizzie Lorton of Greyrigg, 1866. Mad Willoughbys (The), 1876. “My Love!” 1881. Ourselves, 1867. Patricia Kemball, 1874. Realities, 1851. Rebel of the Family, 1880. Sowing the Wind, 1866. True History of Joshua Davidson (The), 1872. Under which Lord? 1879. Witch Stories, 1861. With a Silken Thread, 1880. World Well Lost (The), 1877. =Linton= (William James), London, 1812- Claribel, and other Poems, 1865. History of Wood Engraving, 1858. Life of Paine, 1866. Works of Deceased British Artists, 1860. =Lippincott= (Mrs.), pseudonym “Grace Greenwood,” born at Pompey, 1823- Forest Tragedy, and other Tales, 1856. Greenwood Leaves, 1850-52. Haps and Mishaps, etc., 1858. History of My Pets, 1850. Merrie England, 1855. New Life in New Lands, 1873. Poems, 1851. Recollections of My Childhood, 1851. Stories and Legends of Travel, 1858. Stories and Sights in France, etc., 1867. Stories from Famous Ballads, 1860. Stories of Many Lands, 1867. =Livingstone= (David), born at Blantyre, in Scotland, 1817-1873. Exploration of the Zambesi, 1865. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa, 1857. =Locke= (John), born at Wrington, in Somersetshire, 1632-1704. Adversariorum Methodus, 1686. Essays on the Human Understanding, 1670-87; printed 1690. Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures (The), 1690. Letters on Toleration, 1667, 1689, 1692. Method of a Commonplace Book, 1685. Of the Conduct of the Understanding, 1706. On Education, 1693. On the Reasonableness of Christianity, 1695. On Toleration, 1689. Thoughts on Education, 1693. Treatise on Civil Government, 1690. =Locker= (Arthur), born in Greenwich Hospital, 1828- On a Coral Reef, 1869. Sir Godwin’s Folly, 1864. Stephen Scudamore, 1868. Sweet Seventeen, 1866. Village Surgeon (The), 1874. =Locker= (Frederick), 1821- London Lyrics, 1857. Patchwork, 1879. =Lockhart= (John Gibson), born at Cambusnethan, in Scotland, 1794-1854. Adam Blair, 1822. Essay on Cervantes, 1822. Life of Burns, 1828. Life of Napoleon, 1730. Life of Scott, 1837-39. Matthew Wald, 1824. Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk, 1819. Reginald Dalton, 1824. Spanish Ballads, 1823. Valerius, 1821. =Lockyer= (Joseph Norman), born at Rugby, in Warwickshire, 1836- Contributions to Solar Physics, 1873. Elementary Astronomy, 1871. Primer of Astromony, 1874. Solar Physics, 1873. Spectroscope and its Applications (The), 1873. Studies in Spectrum Analysis, 1878. Star-gazing, Past and Present, 1878. =Longfellow= (Henry Wadsworth), born at Portland, Maine, 1807-1882. Aftermath, 1873. Ballads, etc., and other Poems, 1842. Belfry of Bruges, and other Poems, 1846. Dante translated, 1868. Divine Tragedy (The), 1872. Evangeline, 1847. Flower de Luce, 1866. Golden Legend (The), 1851. Hanging of the Crane (The), 1874. Hiawatha, 1855. Hyperion, 1839. Kavanagh, 1849. Masque of Pandora (The), 1875. Miles Standish, 1858. New England Tragedies, 1868. Outre-mer, 1835. Poems on Slavery, 1842. Poets and Poetry of Europe (The), 1845. Seaside (The) and the Fireside, 1850. Spanish Student (The), 1843. Tales of a Wayside Inn, 1863. Three Books of Song, 1872. To a Child, 1848. Voices of the Night, 1841. =Lossing= (Benson), born at Beekman, New York, 1813-1892. Brief Memoirs of Eminent Americans, 1854. Illustrated History of the United States, 1854-1856. Life, etc., of P. Schuyler, 1860. Life of Washington, 1860. Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, 1848. Mount Vernon and its Associations, 1859. Outline History of the Fine Arts (An), 1841. Pictorial Field-book of the Revolution, 1848-1852. Pictorial History of the Civil War, 1866-69. Seventeen Hundred and Seventy-Six, 1847. =Loudon= (John Claudius), born at Cambuslang, in Scotland, 1783-1843. Arboretum, Britannicum, 1838. Derby Arboretum (The), 1841. Designs for ... Farms and Farm Buildings, 1812. Encyclopædia of Agriculture, 1825; of Cottage, Farm and Villa Architecture, 1812; of Gardening, 1822; of Plants, 1829; (supplement, 1838); of Trees and Shrubs, 1842. Formation and Management of Country Residences, 1806; of Plantations, 1804. Greenhouse Companion (The), 1824. Hortus Britannicus, 1830. Hortus Lignosus Londinensis, 1838. Illustrations of Landscape Gardening, etc., 1830-33. Paper Roofs used at Tew Lodge, 1811. Self-instruction to Young Gardeners, 1845. Suburban Gardener (The), 1836-38. Suburban Horticulture, 1842. =Lovelace= (Richard), born in Kent, 1618-1658. Lucasta, 1649. Scholar (The), 1649. Soldier (The), 1649. =Lover= (Samuel), of Dublin, 1797-1868. Angels’ Whispers. Handy Andy, 1842. Four leaved Shamrock (The), 1839. Happy Man (The). Irish Sketches, 1837. Legends and Stories of Ireland, 1832-34. Low-backed Car (The), 1838. Lyrics of Ireland, 1858. May Dew (The), 1839. Metrical Tales, and other Poems, 1860. Molly Bawn, 1839. Molly Carew, 1838. Rory O’More, 1837. Songs and Ballads, 1839. Treasure Trove, 1844. True Love can ne’er forget. White Horse of the Peppers (The). =Lowell= (James Russell), born at Boston, 1819-1891. Among my Books, 1870. Biglow Papers (The) 1848; second series, 1862. Conversations on some of the Old Poets, 1845. Fable for Critics (A), 1848. Fireside Travels, 1864. Legends of Brittany, 1844. My Study Windows, 1871. Poems, 1844, 1848. Prometheus, 1844. Under the Willows, 1869. Vision of Sir Launfal, 1848. Year’s Life (A), 1841. =Lubbock= (Sir John William), London, 1803-1865. Classification of Different Branches of Human Knowledge, 1838. Researches on Physical Astronomy, 1830. Theory of the Moon and Perturbations of the Planets, 1833. Treatise on the Tides, 1831-37. =Lyell= (Sir Charles), born in Kinnordy, Scotland, 1797-1875. Antiquity of Man (The), etc., 1863. Atheisms of Geology, 1857. Elements of Geology, 1838. Manual of Elementary Geology, 1863. Principles of Geology, 1830-33. Travels in North America, 1845. =Lytton= (Edward George Earle Lytton, Bulwer-Lytton, lord), born at Woodalling, in Norfolk, 1805-1873. Alice, or the Mysteries, 1838. Arthur (King), 1848. Athens, its Rise and Fall, 1836. Caxtonia, 1863. Caxtons (The), 1849. Devereux, 1829. Disowned (The), 1828. England and the English, 1833. Ernest Maltravers, 1837. Eugene Aram, 1831. Eva, 1842. Falkland, 1827. Godolphin, 1833. Harold, 1850. Ismael, 1820. Kenelm Chillingly, 1873. Last Days of Pompeii, 1834. Last of the Barons (The), 1843. Leila and Calderon, 1838. Lost Tales of Miletus (The), 1866. Lucretia, 1847. My Novel, 1853. New Timon, 1846. Night and Morning, 1841. O’Neill, or the Rebel, 1827. Parisians (The), 1873. Paul Clifford, 1830. Pelham, 1827. Pilgrims of the Rhine, 1834. Rienzi, 1835. St. Stephen’s, 1861. Sculpture, 1825. Strange Story (A), 1862. Weeds and Wild-flowers, 1826. What Will he do With It? 1858. Zanoni, 1842. ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III. =Lytton= (Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, lord), 1831-1892. Clytemnestra, and other Poems, 1855. Chronicles and Characters, 1868. Fables in Song, 1874. Julian Fane, 1871. Life of Lord Lytton, 1874. Lucile, 1860. Orval, or the Fool of Time, 1869. Poetical Works of Owen Meredith, 1867. Ring of Amasis (The), 1863. Serbski Pesme, 1861. Tannhauser, or the Battle of the Bards, 1861. Wanderer (The), a collection of poems, 1859.

=Macaulay= (Thomas Babington Macaulay, lord), born at Rothley Temple, in Leicestershire, 1800-1859. Essays (in three vols.), 1843. History of England from James II., 1849-61. Ivry, 1824. Lays of Ancient Rome, 1842. =McCarthy= (Justin), born in Cork, Ireland, 1830- Comet of the Season (The), 1881. Con Amore, 1880. Dear Lady Disdain, 1875. Donna Quixote, 1879. Fair Saxon (A), 1873. History of our own Times, 1878-80. Lady Judith, 1871. Linley Rochford, 1874. Miss Misanthrope, 1877. My Enemy’s Daughter, 1869. Waterdale Neighbors (The), 1867. =McCosh= (James), born in Ayrshire, Scotland, 1811- Christianity and Positivism, 1871. Intuitions of the Mind, 1860. Method of Divine Government, etc., 1850. Scottish Philosophy (The), 1874. Supernatural in Relation to the Natural (The), 1862. Typical Forms, etc., in Creation, 1856. =Macdonald= (George), born at Huntly, in Scotland, 1824- Adela Cathcart, 1864. Alec Forbes of Howglen, 1865. Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, 1866. At the Back of the North Wind, 1870. Castle Warlock, 1882. David Elginbrod, 1862. Dealings with the Fairies, 1867. Disciple (The), and other Poems, 1868. England’s Antiphon, 1868. Exotics, 1876. Guild Court, 1867. Gutta Percha Willie, 1873. Hidden Life, and other Poems, 1864. Malcolm, 1874. Marquis of Lossie (The), 1877. Mary Marston, 1879. Miracles of Our Lord, 1870. Paul Faber, Surgeon, 1878. Phantastes, 1858. Poems, 1857. Portent (The), a story of second sight, 1864. Princess and the Goblin (The), 1871. Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood, 1869. Robert Falconer, 1869. St. George and St. Michael, 1875. Seaboard Parish (The), 1868. Sir Gibbie, 1875. Thomas Wingfield, Curate, 1876. Unspoken Sermons, 1866. Vicar’s Daughter (The), 1872. Wilfred Cumbermede, 1871. Wise Woman (The), 1875. Within and Without, 1856. Wow O’ (Rioven Riwen), or the Idiot’s home, 1868. =Malory= (Sir Thomas), 1430-*. Morte d’Arthur (History of Prince Arthur), in 3 parts, 1465-70; printed by Caxton, 1485. =Malthus= (Rev. Thomas Robert), born near Dorking, in Surrey, 1766-1834. Essays on the Principle of Population, 1798, 1803. Inquiry into the Nature, etc., of Rent, 1815. Measure of Value, etc. (The), 1823. Principles of Political Economy, 1820. =Mandeville= (Sir John de), born at St. Albans, in Hertfordshire, 1300-1372. Voyaige and Travaile, 1356. =Manning= (Anne), 1807- Belforest, 1864. Cherry and Violet, 1853. Chronicles of Merrie England, 1854. Claude, the Colporteur, 1857. Duchess of Trajetto (The). Good Old Times, 1856. Household of Sir Thomas More, 1851. Mary Powell, 1850. Miss Biddy Frobisher, 1866. Noble Purpose nobly won (A). Poplar House Academy, 1859. Royal Mischief. Tasso and Leonora. =March= (Francis Andrew), born at Millbury, Massachusetts, 1825- Anglo-Saxon Grammar, 1870. Introduction to Anglo-Saxon, 1871. Method of Philological Study of the English Language (A), 1865. =Marlowe= (Christopher), born at Canterbury, 1565-1593. Ovid’s Elegies, 1597. ⁂ For his nine dramas, see APPENDIX III. =Marryat= (Captain Frederick), London, 1792-1848. Children of the New Forest (The), 1847. Frank Mildmay, or the Naval Officer, 1829. Jacob Faithful, 1835. Japhet in Search of a Father, 1836. King’s Own (The), 1830. Little Savage (The), 1847. Masterman Ready, 1841. Mission (The), or Scenes in Africa, 1845. Mr. Midshipman Easy, 1836. Monsieur Violet, 1843. Newton Forster, 1832. Olla Podrida, 1840. Pacha of Many Tales (The), 1835. Percival Keene, 1842. Peter Simple, 1833. Phantom Ship (The), 1839. Pirate and the Three Cutters (The), 1836. Poor Jack, 1840. Privateersman (The), 1844. Settlers in Canada (The), 1844. Snarley-Yow, or the Dog-Fiend, 1837. Valerie (an autobiography), 1849. =Marryat= (Florence), born at Brighton, 1837- Broken Blossom (A), 1879. Confessions of Gerald Estcourt, 1867. Fair-haired Alda, 1880. Fighting the Air, 1875. For Ever and Ever, 1866. Girls of Feversham, 1868. Gyp, 1868. Harvest of Wild Oats (A), 1877. Her Father’s Name, 1876. Her Lord and Master, 1870. Her Own. Her Word against a Lie, 1878. Hidden Chains, 1876. Life and Letters of Captain Marryat, 1872. Little Stepson (A), 1877. Love’s Conflict, 1865. Mad Dumaresq, 1873. My Own Child, 1876. My Sister, the Actress, 1881. Nelly Brooke, 1867. No Intentions, 1874. Open Sesame, 1875. Petronel, 1869. Prey of the Gods (The), 1871. Root of all Evil (The), 1879. Sybil’s Friend, etc., 1873. Too Good for Him, 1865. Verdique, 1868. Veronique, 1869. With Cupid’s Eyes, 1880. Woman against Woman, 1866. Written in Fire, 1878. =Marsh= (George Perkins), born at Woodstock, 1801-1882. Camel (The), his Habits and Uses, 1856. Grammar of the Icelandic Language, 1838. Lectures on the English Language, 1861. Origin and History of the English Language, 1862; now called “The Earth as Modified by Human Action,” 1874. =Marston= (Philip Bourke), son of Dr. Westland Marston, 1850-1887. All in All, 1874. Songtide, and other Poems, 1871. =Martin= (Sir Theodore), born at Edinburgh, 1816- Life of Aytoun, 1867. Life of the Prince Consort, 1874-79. =Martineau= (Harriet), born at Norwich, 1802-1876. Billow and the Rock (The), 1846. Biographical Sketches, 1872. British Rule in India, 1857. Christmas Day, 1824. Complete Guide to the Lakes, 1854. Corporate, Traditional and Natural Rights, 1857. Crofton Boys (The), 1840. Deerbrook, 1839. Devotional Exercises ... for the Young, 1823. Eastern Life, etc., 1848. Endowed Schools in Ireland, 1859. England and her Soldiers, 1859. Factory Controversy (The), 1855. Feats of the Fiord, 1840. Forest and Game Law Tales, 1845. Friend (The), 1825. Health, Husbandry and Handicraft, 1861. History of England during the Thirty Years’ Peace (1816-46), 1849-50; introduction, 1851. History of the American Compromise, 1856. Hour and the Man (The), 1840. Household Education, 1854. Illustrations of Political Economy, 1833. Illustrations of Taxation, 1834. Laws of Man’s Nature, etc., 1851. Letter on Mesmerism, 1845. Life in the Sick-Room, 1843. Poor Laws and Paupers, 1834. Principle and Practice, 1826. Prize Essays, 1830. Retrospect of Western Travel, 1838. Rioters, 1826. Society in America, 1837. Traditions of Palestine, 1830. Turn-out (The), 1827. =Martineau= (James), born at Norwich, 1805- Endeavors after the Christian Life, 1843-47. Essays, 1869. Hours of Thought, 1876. Hymns, 1840, 1874. Ideal Substitutes for God, 1878. Miscellanies, 1852. Rationale of Religious Inquiry, 1837. Religion and Modern Materialism, 1874. Studies of Christianity, 1858. =Massey= (Gerald), born at Tring, in Hertfordshire, 1828- Ballad of Babe Christabel, and other Poems, 1855. Craigcrook Castle, and other Poems, 1856. Havelock’s March, and other Poems, 1861. Poems and Chansons, 1846. Shakespeare’s Sonnets and his Private Friends, 1866. Tale of Eternity (A), and other Poems, 1869. Voices of Freedom and Lyrics of Love, 1849. =Masson= (David), of Aberdeen, 1822- British Novelists, etc., 1859. Critical Sketch ... of British Prose Fiction, 1859. Drummond of Hawthornden, 1873. Essays, Biographical and Critical, etc., 1856. Life of John Milton, 1858-1879. Recent British Philosophy, 1865. Three Devils (The), Luther’s, Milton’s and Goethe’s. =Maurice= (Rev. John F. Denison), 1805-1872. Bible and Science (The), 1863. Christian Ethics, 1867. Commandments (The), 1866. Conflict of Good and Evil (The), 1865. Conscience (The), 1868. Doctrine of Sacrifice (The), 1854. Friendship of Books (The), 1873. History of Moral and Physical Philosophy, 1853-62. Kingdom of Christ, 1842. Kingdom of Heaven, 1864. Lectures on Ecclesiastical History, 1854. Patriarchs and Lawgivers of the Old Testament, 1855. Prophets and Kings of the Old Testament, 1853. Religions of the World, 1847. Social Morality, 1869. Theological Essays, 1854. =May= (Sir Thomas Erskine), 1815-1886. Constitutional History of England since the Accession of George III., 1861-63, 1871. Democracy in Europe, 1877. =Mayhew= (Henry), 1812-1887. Great World of London (The), 1856. London Labor and London Poor, 1851. Mormons, or Latter-day Saints (The), 1852. Rhine (The), and its Scenery, 1856-58. Wandering Minstrel (The), 1841. Wonders of Science (The), 1855. =Mayo= (William Starbuck), born at Ogdensburg, 1812- Kaloolah, or Journeyings to the Djebel Kumri, 1848. =Melville= (George John Whyte), 1821-1878. Black but Comely, 1879. Bones and I, 1868. Brooks of Bridlemere (The), 1864. Cerise, 1865. Contraband, 1870. Digby Grand, 1853. General Bounce, 1854. Gladiators (The), 1863. Good for Nothing, 1861. Holmby House, 1860. Interpreter (The), 1858. Kate Coventry, 1856. Katerfelto, 1875. M. or N., 1869. Market Harborough, 1861. Queen’s Maries (The), 1864. Rosine, 1876. Roy’s Wife, 1878. Sarchedon, 1871. Satanella, 1872. Sister Louise, 1875. Tilbury Nogo, 1861. True Cross (The), 1873. Uncle John, 1874. White Rose (The), 1868. =Meredith= (George), born in Hampshire, 1828- Adventures of Harry Richmond, 1871. Beauchamp’s Career, 1875. Egoist (The), 1879. Emilia in England, 1864. Evan Harrington, 1861. Farina, 1857. Mary Bertrand, 1860. Modern Love, 1862. Ordeal of Richard Feveril (The), 1859. Poems, 1851. Poems and Ballads, 1862. Rhoda Fleming, 1865. Shaving of Shagpat (The), 1855. Vittoria, 1866. =Merivale= (Charles), 1808- General History of Rome, 1875. History of the Romans under the Empire, 1850-62. =Meteyard= (Eliza), 1816-1879. Doctor’s Little Daughter (The), 1850. Dr. Oliver’s Maid, 1857. Group of Englishmen (A), 1871. Hallowed Spots of London (The), 1861. Industrial and Household Tales, 1872. Lady Herbert’s Gentlewoman, 1862. Life of Josiah Wedgwood, 1865-66. Lilian’s Golden Hours, 1856. Little Museum-keepers (The), 1863. Maidstone’s Housekeeper, 1860. Struggles for Fame, 1845. =Mill= (John Stuart), London, 1806-1873. Auguste Comte and “Positivism,” 1865. Autobiography, 1873. Dissertations and Discussions, 1859-67. England and Ireland, 1868. Essay on Liberty, 1858. Essays on ... Political Economy, 1844. Examination of Sir W. Hamilton’s Philosophy, 1865. Irish Land Question (The), 1870. Nature, and other Essays, 1874. Principles of Political Economy, 1848. Subjection of Women (The), 1867. System of Logic, 1843. Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform, 1859. Utilitarianism, 1862. =Miller= (Hugh), born at Cromarty, in Scotland, 1802-1856. Cruise of the Betsy, 1858. First Impressions of England, etc., 1847. Footprints of the Creator, 1850. My Schools and Schoolmasters, 1854. Old Red Sandstone (The), 1841. Poems, 1829. Scenes and Legends in the North of Scotland, 1834. Testimony of the Rocks, 1857. =Miller= (Joaquin), born in Indiana, 1841- First Fam’lies in the Sierras, 1875. Life among the Madocs, 1873. One Fair Woman (The), 1876. Pacific Poems, 1864. Ship in the Desert (The), 1875. Songs of Far-away Lands, 1878. Songs of the Sierras, 1864. Songs of the Sun Lands, 1873. =Milman= (Henry Hart), London, 1791-1868. History of Christianity, 1840. History of Latin Christianity, 1854-55. History of the Jews, 1829-30. =Milton= (John), London, 1608-1674. Arcades, 1633. Comus, 1634; published 1637. Death of an Infant, 1625. L’Allegro, 1645. Lycidas, 1637. May Morning, 1630. Morning of Christ’s Nativity, 1629. Paradise Lost, 1667. Paradise Regained, 1671. Penseroso (Il), 1645. Samson Agonistes, 1671. Sonnet on Reaching the Age of Twenty-Three Years, 1631. University Carrier (The), 1631. Vacation Exercise, 1628. Areopagitica, 1644. Christian Doctrine, 1823. Colasterion, 1645. Considerations ... for removing Hirelings from the Church, 1659. Defence of the Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes, 1659. Defensio Populi Anglicani, 1650-51. (Burnt by the public hangman.) Doctrine, etc., of Divorce, 1644. Eikonoklastes, 1649. History of Britain, 1670. Judgment of Bucer touching Divorce, 1644. Latin Letters, 1674. Observations on the Articles of Peace, 1649. On Shakespeare, 1630. Prelatical Episcopacy, 1641. Reasons of Church Government ... against Prelacy, 1641-42. Reformation in England (The), 1641. Tenure of Kings, etc. (The), 1648-49. =Mitchell= (Donald Grant), born at Norwich, Conn., 1822- About Old Story-Tellers, 1878. Battle Summer (The), 1849. Dr. John’s, 1866. Dream Life, 1851. Fresh Gleanings, etc., 1847. Judge’s Doings (The), 1854. Lorgnette (The), 1850. My Farm at Edgewood, 1863. Pictures of Edgewood, 1869. Reveries of a Bachelor, 1850. Rural Studies, 1867. Seven Stories, Basement and Attic, 1864. Wet Days at Edgewood, 1864. =Mitford= (Mary Russell), born at Alresford, in Hampshire, 1786-1855. Our Village, 1824-32. Recollections of a Literary Life, 1851. =Mivart= (St. George), London, 1827- Contemporary Evolution, 1876. Genesis of Species (The), 1871. =Moore= (Thomas), born in Dublin, 1779-1852. Epicurean (The), 1827. Irish Melodies, 1807-34. Lalla Rookh, 1817. Life of Lord Byron, 1830. =More= (Hannah), born at Stapleton, in Gloucestershire, 1745-1833. Cœlebs in Search of a Wife (a novel), 1809. Village Politics, 1793. =More= (Sir Thomas), London, 1480-1535. Utopia, 1516; translated into English, 1551. =Morley= (John), born at Blackburn, in Lancashire, 1838- Critical Miscellanies, 1871, 1877. Diderot and the Encyclopædists, 1878. Edmund Burke, 1867. Life of Cobden, 1881. Rousseau, 1873. Struggle of National Education, 1873. Voltaire, 1871. =Morris= (William), born near London, 1834- Defence of Guenevère, 1858. Earthly Paradise, 1868-70. Life and Death of Jason, 1865. Love is Enough, 1872. Story of Sigurd (The), etc., 1876. Translations from the Icelandic, 1869; from Virgil’s Æneid, 1876. =Motley= (John Lothrop), born at Dorchester, 1814-1877. History of the Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1856. History of the United Netherlands, etc., 1860-1865. =Muller= (Frederick Max), a German by birth, but a writer in English, 1823- Chips from a German Workshop, 1868-70. Essay on Bengali (An), 1847. German Classics ... 1858. History of Ancient Sanskrit Literature, 1859. Introduction to Science of Religion, 1873. Lectures on the Science of Language, 1859. Proposals for a Uniform Missionary Alphabet, 1854. Survey of Languages (A), 1855.

=Napier= (Sir William Francis Patrick), born at Castletown, in Ireland, 1785-1860. History of the Peninsular War, 1828-40. =Newcomb= (Simon), born at Wallace, in Nova Scotia, 1835- A B C of Finance (The), 1877. Investigation of the Solar Parallax, 1867. On Action of Planets on the Moon, 1871. On Secular Variations of Asteroids, 1860. Our Financial Policy during the Southern Rebellion, 1865. Popular Astronomy, 1878. =Newman= (John Henry), London, 1801-1890. Apologia pro Vita Sua, 1864. Arians of the Fourth Century, 1838. Church of the Fathers, 1842. Development of Christian Doctrine, 1846. Grammar of Assent (The), 1870. Lectures on Justification, 1838. Lectures on Romanism, etc., 1837. Life of Apollonius Tyanæus, 1824. Lives of the English Saints, 1844. Miracles of the Middle Ages (The), 1843. Office and Work of Universities, 1854-56. Poems, 1868. Prophetical Office of the Church, etc., 1837. Theory of Religious Belief (The), 1844. Tracts for the Times (No. 90), 1840. =Newton= (Sir Isaac), born at Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, 1642-1727. Principia Philosophiæ Naturalis Mathematica, 1684; published 1687-1726.

=Oliphant= (Laurence), 1829-1888. Incidents of Travel, 1865. Journey to Katmandhu (A), 1850. Minnesota and the Far West, 1855. Narrative of the earl of Elgin’s Mission (1857-59) to China and Japan, 1860. Patriots and Filibusters, 1861. Piccadilly, 1870. Russian Shores of the Black Sea, 1853. Transcaucasian Campaign under Omer Pasha, 1856. =Oliphant= (Mrs. Margaret Wilson), born at Liverpool, 1820- Adam Græme of Mossgray, 1852. Agnes, 1866. At his Gates, 1872. Brownlows, 1868. Carità, 1877. Chronicles of Carlingford, 1864-69. Curate in Charge (The), 1876. Dress, 1878. For Love and Life, 1874. Harry Muir, 1853. Innocent, 1873. John, 1870. Katie Stewart, 1856. Lilliesleaf, 1855. Magdalen Hepburn, 1854. May, 1873. Merkland, 1851. Minister’s Wife, 1869. Mrs. Arthur, 1877. Mrs. Margaret Maitland of Sunnyside, 1849. Mrs. Marjoribanks. Ombra, 1872. Perpetual Curate (The). Phœbe Junior. Primrose Path (The), 1878. Quiet Heart (The), 1858. Rector (The). Rose in June (A), 1874. Salem Chapel. Son of the Soil (A), 1870. Squire Arden, 1871. Three Brothers, 1870. Valentine and his Brothers, 1875. Within the Precincts, 1879. Young Musgrave, 1877. Zaidee, 1856. Historical Sketches of the Reign of George II., 1869. Life of Edward Irving, 1862. Life of St. Francis of Assisi, 1870. Makers of Florence, 1876. Memoir of Montalembert (A), 1872. =Olmsted= (Frederick Law), born in Hartford, 1822- Cotton Kingdom (The), 1861. Journey in the Black Country, 1860. Journey to the Seaboard Slave States, 1856. Journey through Texas, 1857. Walks and Talks, 1852. =Opie= (Mrs.), born at Norwich, 1769-1853. Adelaide Mowbray, 1804. Detraction Displayed, 1828. Father and Daughter, 1810. Illustrations of Lying in All its Branches, 1827. Lays for the Dead, 1833. Madeline, 1822. Mother and Son, 1800. New Tales, 1818. Poems, 1802-8. Simple Tales, 1806. Tales of the Heart, 1811. Tales of Real Life, 1813. Temper, or Domestic Scenes, 1812. Valentine Eve, 1812. Warrior’s Return (The), and other Poems, 1809. =Ossian=, Celtic warrior-poet, said to have lived in the third century. Poems published by James Macpherson, consist of two epics, viz. “Fingal” and “Temora,” and several smaller prose-poems, 1760-63. =Owen= (Robert Dale), born at New Lanark, in Scotland, 1804-1877. Authenticity of the Bible, 1832. Beyond the Breakers, 1870. Debatable Land (The), 1872. Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World, 1860. Threading my Way, 1874. Wrong of Slavery (The), 1864. =Paine= (Thomas), born at Thetford, in Norfolk, 1737-1809. Age of Reason, 1792-95, 1807. Agrarian Justice, 1797. American Crisis (The), 1776, 1796. Common Sense, 1776. Crisis (The), 1776-80. Dissertation on the First Principles of Government, 1795. Political and Moral Maxims, 1792. Prospects on the Rubicon, 1787. Public Good, 1780. Rights of Man (The), 1791-92. =Paley= (William), born at Peterborough, in Northamptonshire, 1743-1805. Evidences of Christianity, 1794. Horæ Paulinæ, 1790. Moral and Political Philosophy, 1785. Natural Theology, 1802. =Palgrave= (Francis Turner), London, 1824- Essays on Art, 1866. Five Days’ Entertainments at Wentworth Grange, 1868. Golden Treasury of English Songs, etc., 1861. Hymns, 1867. Idylls and Songs, 1854. Life of Sir Walter Scott, 1867. Lyrical Poems, 1871. Visions of England (The), poems, 1881. =Park= (Mungo), born near Selkirk, in Scotland, 1771-1805. Travels (in 1795-97) in the Interior of Africa, 1799. =Parker= (Rev. Theodore), born at Lexington, 1810-1860. Discourse of Matters pertaining to Religion, 1842. Sermons, 1852-53. Speeches, 1855. =Parkman= (Francis), born at Boston, 1823- California and Oregon Trail (The), 1849. Discovery of the Great West (The), 1869. France and England in America, 1865-67. Frontenac, 1878. History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, 1851. Old Régime in Canada (The), 1874. Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life, 1852. Vassal Morton, 1856.

=Patmore= (Coventry Kearsay Deighton), born at Woodford, in Essex, 1823- Angel of the House (The), in four parts, 1855; part i., the Betrothal, 1854; part ii., the Espousal, 1856; part iii., Faithful for Ever, 1860; part iv., the Victories of Love, 1862. Memoir of Barry Cornwall, 1878. Poems, 1844. =Pattison= (Rev. Mark), born at Hornby, in Yorkshire, 1813-1884. Isaac Casaubon, 1875. =Payn= (James), born at Rodney Lodge, Cheltenham, in Gloucestershire, 1830- At Her Mercy. Best of Husbands (The). Bentinck’s Tutor. By Proxy, 1878. Carlyon’s Year. Cecil’s Tryst. Clyffards of Clyffe (The). Confidential Agent (A), 1830. County Family (A), 1869. Fallen Fortunes. Family Scapegrace (The), 1861. For Cash Only, 1882. Foster Brothers (The). Found Dead. From Exile, 1881. Grape from a Thorn (A), 1881. Gwendoline’s Harvest. Halves. High Spirits, 1879. Humorous Stories. Less Black than we’re Painted, 1878. Like Father, Like Son, 1870. Lost Sir Massingberd, 1864. Marine Residence (A). Married Beneath Him. Mirk Abbey. Murphy’s Master. Not Wooed, but Won. Perfect Treasure (A), 1869. Some Private Views, 1882. Two Hundred Pounds Reward. Under One Roof, 1879. Walter’s Word. What He Cost Her, 1877. Woman’s Vengeance (A). =Pearson= (John), born at Snoring, in Norfolk, 1612-1686. Exposition of the Creed, 1659. =Pennell= (Henry Cholmondeley), 1836- Angler-Naturalist (The), 1864. Book of the Pike (The), 1866. Fishing Gossip, 1867. Modern Practical Angler, 1873. Muses of Mayfair, 1874. Puck on Pegasus, 1861. =Pepys= (Samuel), born at Brampton, in Huntingdonshire, 1632-1703. Diary, in shorthand, deciphered by the Rev. John Smith, and published 1825. =Percy= (Thomas), born at Bridgnorth, in Shropshire, 1728-1811. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 1765. =Percy Anecdotes=, compiled by Thomas Byerley, of Mount Benger, in Scotland, under the pseudonyms of “Sholto” and “Reuben Percy,” brothers of the Benedictine Monastery, Mount Benger, 1820-23. =Planche= (James Robinson), London, 1796-1880. Costumes for King John, 1823-1825. Costumes for Richard III., 1830. Cyclopædia of Costume, 1875-79. History of British Costume, 1834, 1847. Introduction to Heraldry, 1866. King Nutcracker, 1853. Popular Fairy Tales, 1857. =Plowman= (Piers), before 1350. Visio Willi de Petro Plouhman, printed by R. Cowley, 1550. The Appendix to the Vision is called “Pierce Ploughman’s Crede,” and was published by R. Wolfe, 1553. =Plumptre= (Edward Hayes), 1821-1891. Bible Educator (The), 1873. Biblical Studies, 1870. Book of Proverbs, 1864. Byways of Scripture, 1869. Christ and Christendom, 1867. Confession and Absolution, 1874. Dangers Past and Present, 1861. Education of the Clergy, 1862. Epistle of St. James (The), 1876. Epistles of St. Peter and of St. Jude, 1876. Epistles to the Seven Churches, 1877. Gospels (The First Three), 1878. Lazarus, and other Poems, 1864. Master and Scholar, with other Poems, 1865. Movement of Religious Thought, 1879. Our Life in Heaven, 1856. Perversions to Rome, 1877. Respice, Aspice, Prospice, etc., 1876. Spirits in Prison, 1871. Tragedies of Æschylus translated, 1870; Sophocles, 1866. =Poe= (Edgar Allen), born at Baltimore, 1811-1849. Al Aaraff, and Minor Poems, 1829. Bells (The), 1831. Eureka, 1848. Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, 1838. Poems, 1831. Raven (The), and other Poems, 1831. Tales, 1845, 1850. Tales of the Grotesque, etc., 1840. Tamerlane, and some Minor Poems, 1829. =Pollok= (Robert), Scotland, 1799-1827. Course of Time (The), 1820. =Pope= (Alexander), London, 1688-1744. Correspondence, 1735-36. Dunciad, 1726. Eloisa to Abelard, 1717. Epistle on Taste, 1731. Essay on Criticism, 1711. Essay on Man, 1732-34. Imitations of Horace, 1733, 1734, 1737. Iliad translated into English verse; completed 1719, begun 1713. Messiah (The), 1712. Miscellaneous Poems, 1709. Moral Essays, 1731-35. New Dunciad (A), 1742-43. Ode on St. Cecilia’s Day, 1713. Odyssey translated into English verse, 1725. Pastorals, 1709. Rape of the Lock, 1712. Satires, 1734. Temple of Fame, 1712. Windsor Forest, 1704, 1713. =Porter= (Jane), born at Durham, 1776-1850. Scottish Chiefs, (The), 1810. Sir Edward Seaward’s Narrative, 1831. Thaddeus of Warsaw, 1803. =Praed= (Winthrop Mackworth), London, 1802-1839. Works, 1864. =Prescott= (William Hickling), born at Salem, 1796-1859. Biographical and Critical Essays, 1843. History of Ferdinand and Isabella, 1837. History of Philip II., King of Spain, 1855-59. History of the Conquest of Mexico, 1843. History of the Conquest of Peru, 1847. =Prior= (Matthew), born at Wimborne, in Dorsetshire, 1664-1721. Alma, 1717. Carmen Seculare, 1700. City and Country Mouse, 1688. Solomon, 1718. =Procter= (Adelaide Anne), 1835-1864. Chaplet of Verse, 1862. Legends and Lyrics, 1858, 1861. =Procter= (Bryan Waller), London, 1790-1874. Autobiography, 1877. Biography of Kean, 1835. Biography of Lamb, 1836. Dramatic Scenes, 1819. Effigies Poeticæ, 1832. Essays and Tales, 1851. Flood of Thessaly (The), 1822. Marcian Colonna, 1820. Mirandola, 1821. Sicilian Story (A), 1820. =Proctor= (Richard Anthony), born at Chelsea, 1837-1888. Borderland of Science, 1873. Easy Star Lessons, 1881. Elementary Astronomy, 1871. Essays on Astronomy, 1872. Expanse of Heaven (The), 1873. Familiar Science Studies, 1882. Half-hours with the Stars, 1869. Half-hours with the Telescope, 1868. Handbook of the Stars (The), 1866. Moon (The), 1873. Myths and Marvels of Astronomy, 1877. Orbs Around Us (The), 1872. Other Worlds than Ours, 1870. Our Place among Infinities. Pleasant Ways in Science, 1878. Rough Ways made Smooth, 1879. Sun (The), 1871. Sun-Views of the Earth, 1867. =Pusey= (Edward Bouverie), 1800-1882. Advice on hearing Confession, 1878. Church of England a Portion of Christ’s One Holy Catholic Church (The), 1865. Doctrine of Real Presence vindicated, 1855. History of Councils of the Church, 1857. Holy Eucharist (The), 1843. Minor Prophets (The); 1862-67. Tracts for the Times, 1835. Unscience, not Science, adverse to Faith, 1878.

=Quarles= (Francis), born near Romford, in Essex, 1592-1664. Emblems, etc., 1635.

=Radcliffe= (Mrs.), born in London, 1764-1823. Mysteries of Udolpho (The), 1794. Poems, 1834. Romance of the Forest (The), 1791. Sicilian Romance (A), 1790. =Raleigh= (Sir Walter), born at Budleigh Salterton, in Devonshire, 1552-1618. History of the World, 1614. =Ralston= (William Ralston), 1828-1889. Early History of Russia (The), 1874. Kriloff and his Fables, 1869. Nest of Gentlemen (A), 1869. Russian Folk Tales, 1873. Songs Illustrative of Slavonic Mythology, etc., 1872. =Ramsay= (Allan), born at Leadhills, Lanarkshire, in Scotland, 1686-1758. Gentle Shepherd, 1725. =Rawlinson= (Rev. George), born at Chadlington, in Oxfordshire, 1815- Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient World (The), 1862, 1864. History of Ancient Egypt, 1881. History of Herodotus, 1858-60. History, etc., of the Sassanian Empire, 1876. Manual of Ancient History (A), 1869. =Reade= (Charles), 1814-1884. Autobiography of a Thief, 1858. Christie Johnstone, 1853. Cloister and the Hearth (The), 1861. Course of True Love never did run Smooth, 1857. Drink, 1879. Foul Play, 1868. Gold, 1850. Griffith Gaunt, 1866. Hard Cash, 1863. Hero and Martyr (A), 1876. Jack of All Trades, 1858. King’s Rivals (The), 1854. Love me Little, Love me Long, 1859. Masks and Faces, 1854. Never too Late to Mend, 1856. Peg Woffington, 1852. Put Yourself in his Place, 1870. Scuttled Ship (The), 1877. Simpleton (A), 1873. Terrible Temptation (A), 1871. Two Loves and a Life, 1854. Wandering Heir (The), 1875. White Lies, 1860. Woman-hater (A), 1877. =Reid= (Mayne), born in Ulster, Ireland, 1818-1883. Afloat in the Forest, 1866. Boy Hunters (The), 1852. Bruin, or the Grand Bear Hunt, 1860. Bush Boys (The), 1855. Castaways (The), 1870. Child Wife (The), 1868. Cliff Climbers (The), 1864. Death Shot (The), 1873. Desert Home, or the Family Robinson, 1851. Finger of Fate (The), 1872. Flag of Distress (The), 1876. Forest Exiles (The), 1854. Giraffe Hunters (The), 1867. Guerilla Chief (The), 1867. Gwen Wynn, 1877. Headless Horseman (The), 1865. Hunter’s Feast (The), 1860. Maroon (The), 1862. Mountain Marriage (The), 1876. Ocean Waifs, 1864. Osceola, 1859. Plant Hunters (The), 1857. Quadroon (The), 1856. Quadrupeds, 1867. Rifle Rangers (The), 1849. Scalp Hunters (The), 1850. Tiger Hunters (The), 1860. War Trail (The), 1858. White Chief (The), 1855. White Gauntlet, 1864. White Squaw (The), 1870. Wood Rangers (The), 1860. Yellow Chief (The), 1870. Young Voyageurs (The), 1853. Young Yägers (The), 1856. =Rhymer= (Thomas the), the earliest poet of Scotland. Real name, Thomas Learmouth. Born in Tweeddale, Scotland, about 1240-1298. Prophecies of the Rhymer, first published 1603. Sir Tristrem, edited by Sir W. Scott, 1804. =Ricardo= (David), London, 1772-1823. Principles of Political Economy, etc., 1817. =Richard de Bury=, bishop of Durham, 1281-1345. Philobiblon, 1345; first printed 1473. =Richardson= (Sir John), born at Dumfries, in Scotland, 1787-1865. Arctic Searching Expedition, 1851. Fauna Boreali-Americana, 1829-37. Polar Regions, 1861. Zoölogy, 1839, 1844-47. =Richardson= (Samuel), born in Derbyshire, 1689-1761. Clarissa Harlowe, 1748. Correspondence, 1804. Pamela, 1740. Sir Charles Grandison, 1753. =Riddell= (Mrs. J. H.), born at Carrickfergus, in Ireland, *-- Alaric Spenceley, 1881. Above Suspicion, 1875. Austin Friars. City and Suburbs (The). Dearly Bought. Far above Rubies. George Geith, 1871. Her Mother’s Darling, 1877. Life’s Assize (A), 1873. Moors and Fens. Mortomley’s Estate, 1874. Premie Keller. Race for Wealth (The). Too Much alone. =Robertson= (William), born at Bothwick, in Scotland, 1721-1793. History of America, 1777, 1788. History of Charles V., 1769. History of Scotland, 1759, 1787. =Robinson= (Henry Crabb), born at Bury St. Edmunds, in Suffolk, 1775-1867. Diary and Correspondence, 1869. =Rogers= (Samuel), London, 1763-1855. Italy, 1822. Pleasures of Memory, 1792. Recollections, 1859. Table Talk, 1856, 1859. =Roget= (Peter Mark), London, 1779-1869. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, 1852. =Rossetti= (Christina Georgina), London, 1830- Annus Domini, 1874. Commonplace, and other Short Stories, 1870. Goblin Market, and other Poems, 1862. Pageant (A), and other Poems, 1881. Poems, 1875. Prince’s Progress (The), and other Poems, 1866. Seek and Find, 1879. Singsong, 1872. Speaking Likenesses, 1874. =Rossetti= (Dante Gabriel), London, 1828-1882. Dante and his Circle, 1873; the same as-- Early Italian Poets (The), 1861. Poems, 1870. =Rossetti= (Maria Francesca), London, 1827-1876. Shadow of Dante (The), 1871. =Rossetti= (William Michael), London, 1829- Criticisms on Swinburne, 1866. Dante’s Hell translated into English, 1865. Fine Arts, 1867. Lives of Famous Poets, 1878. Memoir of Shelley, 1870. =Ruskin= (John), London, 1819- Aratra Pentilici, 1872. Cambridge School of Art (The), 1858. Crown of Wild Olive (The), 1866. Decoration and Manufacture, 1859. Deucalion, 1876. Eagle’s Nest (The), 1872. Elements of Perspective, 1859. Ethics of the Dust, 1863. Frondes Agrestes, 1875. Giotto and his Works, 1855. Harbors of England, 1856. King of the Golden River, 1851. King’s Treasures and Queen’s Gardens, 1865. Laws of Fésole, 1877. Lectures on Architecture and Painting, 1854. Lectures on Art, 1859. Lectures on the Political Economy of Art, 1857. Love’s Meinie, 1873. Michael Angelo and Tintoret, 1872. Modern Painters, 1843-46, 1860. Mornings in Florence, 1877. On the Nature of Gothic Architecture, 1853. Pre-Raphaelism, 1850. Proserpina, 1875-76. Queen of the Air, etc., 1867. Sesame and Lilies, 1864. Seven Lamps of Architecture (The), 1849. Stones of Venice, 1851-53. Study of Architecture in Schools, 1865. Time and Tide, etc., 1868. Two Paths, 1854. Unto this Last, 1862. Val d’Arno, 1874. =Russell= (William Howard), born at Lily Vale, in Dublin, Ireland, 1821- Canada, its Defences, Conditions, etc., 1865. Diary in the East, 1869. Diary in the Last Great War, 1873. Diary in India, 1860. Diary, North and South, 1863. Letters from the Crimea, 1855-56. Prince of Wales’s Tour in India, 1877.

=Saxe= (John Godfrey), 1816-1887. Clever Stories of Many Nations, 1864. Flying Dutchman (The), 1862. Masquerade (The), and other Poems, 1866. Leisure Day Rhymes, 1875. =Schaff= (Philip), born at Chur, in Switzerland, 1819- Political, Social and Religious Condition of the United States, 1855. What is Church History? 1846. =Scott= (Michael), born at Glasgow, in Scotland, 1789-1835. Cruise of the Midge. Tom Cringle’s Log. =Scott= (Rev. Thomas), born at Braytoft, in Lincolnshire, 1747-1821. Commentary on the Bible, 1796. =Scott= (Sir Walter), born at Edinburgh, 1771-1832. Abbot (The), 1820; time, Elizabeth. Anne of Geierstein, 1829; time, Edward IV. Antiquary (The), 1816; time, George III. Aunt Margaret’s Mirror; time, William III. Betrothed (The), 1825; time, Henry II. Black Dwarf (The), 1816; time, Anne. Bride of Lammermoor, 1819; time, William III. Castle Dangerous, 1831; time, Henry I. Count Robert of Paris, 1831; time, Rufus. Fair Maid of Perth, 1828; time, Henry IV. Fortunes of Nigel, 1822; time, James I. Guy Mannering, 1815, time, George II. Heart of Midlothian, 1818; time, George II. Highland Widow (The), 1827; time, George II. Ivanhoe, 1819; time, Richard I. Kenilworth, 1821; time, Elizabeth. Laird’s Jock (The), 1827; time, Elizabeth. Legend of Montrose (The), 1819; time, Charles I. Monastery (The), 1820; time, Elizabeth. Old Mortality, 1816; time, Charles II. Peveril of the Peak, 1823; time, Charles II. Pirate (The), 1821; time, William III. Quentin Durward, 1823; time, Edward IV. Redgauntlet, 1824; time, George III. Rob Roy, 1817; time, George I. St. Ronan’s Well, 1825; time, George III. Surgeon’s Daughter (The), 1827; time, George II. Talisman (The), 1825; time, Richard I. Tapestried Chamber (The), time, George III. Two Drovers (The), 1827; time, George III. Waverley, 1814; time, George II. Woodstock, 1826; time, Commonwealth. Ballads and Lyrical Pieces, 1806. Border Minstrelsy, 1802-5. Bridal of Triermain, 1813. Lady of the Lake (The), 1809. Lay of the Last Minstrel (The), 1805. Lord of the Isles, 1814. Marmion, 1808. Rokeby, 1813. Sir Tristram, 1804. Vision of Don Roderick, 1811. Border Antiquities of Scotland, 1818. Demonology and Witchcraft, 1831. History of Scotland, 1830. Life of Dryden, 1808. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1827. Life of Swift, 1814. Lives of British Novelists, 1825. Memoirs of the Earl of Montrose, 1808. Tales of a Grandfather, 1827-1830. =Shakespeare= (William), born at Stratford-upon-Avon, in Warwickshire, 1564-1616. Lover’s Complaint (The), 1609. Passionate Pilgrim (The), 1599. Rape of Lucrece (The), 1594. Sonnets, 1598. Venus and Adonis, 1593. ⁂ For his plays, see p. 385, vol. III. =Shedd= (William), born at Acton, 1820- History of Christian Doctrines, 1863. Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, 1867. Lectures on the Philosophy of History, 1856. Outlines of a System of Rhetoric, 1850. Sermons to the Natural Man, 1871. =Shelley= (Mrs.), Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, born in London, 1798-1851. Biography of Percy B. Shelley, 1839. Falkner, 1837. Frankenstein, 1816. Last Man (The), 1824. Lodore, 1835. Perkin Warbeck, 1830. Rambles in Germany and Italy, 1844. Valperga, 1823. =Shelley= (Percy Bysshe), born at Field Place, in Sussex, 1792-1822. Adonais, 1821. Alastor, or the Spirit of Solitude, 1816. Arethusa, 1820. Cenci (The), 1819. Cloud (The), 1820. Hellas, 1823. Julian and Maddalo, 1820. Laon and Cythna, 1818. Nightmare (The), 1809. Œdipus Tyrannus, 1820. Peter Bell III., 1819. Prometheus Unbound, 1821. Prometheus Unmasked, 1823. Queen Mab, 1813. Revolt of Islam, 1817. Rosalind and Helen, 1818. St. Irvyne, 1810. Shelley Papers (The), 1815. Skylark (The), 1820. Witch of Atlas (The), 1820. =Shenstone= (William), born at the Leasowes, in Shropshire, 1714-1763. Elegies, 1743-46. Essay on Men and Manners, 1764. Jemmy Dawson, 1745. Judgment of Hercules, 1741. Odes, Songs and Ballads, 1750-54. Pastoral Ballad, 1743. Poems on Several Occasions, 1737. Progress of Taste, 1764. Schoolmistress (The), 1737, 1742. =Sheridan= (Richard Brinsley Butler), born in Dublin, 1751-1816. Clio’s Protest, and other Poems, 1819. His Speech for the Impeachment of Warren Hastings, 1786. ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III. =Sidney= (Sir Philip), born in Penshurst, in Kent, 1554-1586. Apologie for Poetrie (An), 1595. Arcadia, 1580; published 1590-93. Astrophel and Stella, 1591. Defence of Poesie, 1583; published 1595. =Sigourney= (Mrs. Lydia Huntly), born at Norwich, 1791-1865. Lays of the Heart. Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands, 1842. Pocahontas, and other Poems. Sketch of Connecticut, 1824. Tales in Prose and Verse. Traits of the Aborigines (a poem), 1822. =Simms= (William Gilmore), born at Charleston, South Carolina, 1806-1870. Beauchamps (The), 1842. Book of My Lady (The), 1833. Border Beagles, 1840. Carl Werner, 1838. Cassique of Kiawah, 1860. Castle Dismal, 1845. Charlemont, 1856. Confession, or the Blind Heart, 1842. Count Julien, 1845. Damsel of Darien (The), 1845. Eutaw, 1856. Foragers (The), 1855. Golden Christmas, 1852. Guy Rivers, 1834. Helen Halsey, 1845. Katherine Walton, 1851. Kinsman (The), 1841. Lily (The) and the Totem, 1845. Marie de Bernière, 1853. Maroon (The), 1858. Martin Faber, 1833. Mellichamp, 1851. Partisan (The), 1835. Pelayo, 1838. Richard Hurdis, 1838. Scout (The), 1841. Vasconcelos, 1857. Wigwam and the Cabin (The), 1845-46. Woodcraft, 1855. Yemassee, 1835. =Skeat= (Rev. Walter William), London, 1835- Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, 1879. Mæso-Gothic Glossary (A), 1868. Tale of Ludlow Castle (A), a poem, 1866. =Smedley= (Francis Edward), born at Marlow, in Buckinghamshire, 1818-1864. Frank Fairleigh, 1850. Gathered Leaves, 1865. Harry Coverdale’s Courtship, 1854. Lewis Arundel, 1852. =Smiles= (Samuel), born at Haddington, in Scotland, 1812- Baker of Thurso (The), 1878. Character, 1871. George Moore, 1878. Huguenots in England and Ireland, 1867. Huguenots in France, 1874. Industrial Biography, 1863. Life of George Stephenson, 1857. Life of Robert Dick, 1878. Life of Boulton and Watt, 1865. Lives of the Engineers, 1862. Physical Education, 1837. Railway Property, 1849. Scotch Naturalist, 1876. Self-Help, 1860. Thrift, 1875. Workmen’s Earnings, Strikes and Wages, 1861. =Smith= (Adam), born at Kirkaldy, in Scotland, 1723-1790. Wealth of Nations, 1776. =Smith= (Albert Richard), born at Chertsey, in Middlesex, 1816-1860. Adventures of Mr. Ledbury. Christopher Tadpole. Marchioness of Brinvilliers. Pottleton Legacy (The). Scattergood Family (The). =Smith= (Goldwin), born at Reading, in Berkshire, 1823- Does the Bible sanction American Slavery? 1864. Empire (The), 1862-63. England and America, 1865. Irish History and Irish Character, 1861. Lectures on Modern History, 1869. Rational Religion, etc., 1858. Three English Statesmen, Pym, Cromwell and Pitt (The), 1867. =Smith= (Horace), London, 1779-1849. Rejected Addresses, 1812. =Smith= (Joseph), born at Sharon, 1805-1844. Book of Mormon, 1830. =Smith= (Rev. Sydney), born at Woodford, in Essex, 1771-1845. Peter Plymley’s Letters, 1807. Sermons, 1800, 1809, 1846. Sketches of Moral Philosophy, 1850. Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith, 1861. Works, 1839-40. =Smith= (Dr. William), London, 1813- Atlas of Biblical and Classical Geography, 1875. Dictionary of Christian Biography, 1876-81. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 1840-42. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, 1843-49. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography, 1852-57. Dictionary of the Bible, 1860-63. New Classical Dictionary, 1850. =Smollett= (Tobias), born at Cardross, in Scotland, 1721-1771. Adventures of an Atom, 1769. Compendium of Voyages and Travels, 1757. Essay on External Use of Water, 1752. Ferdinand Count Fathom, 1753. Humphry Clinker, 1771. Peregrine Pickle, 1751. Roderick Random, 1748. Sir Launcelot Greaves, 1760-61. =Somerville= (Mrs.), born in Roxburghshire, Scotland, 1780-1872. Connection of the Physical Sciences (The), 1834. Mechanism of the Heavens, 1831. Molecular and Microscopic Science, 1851. Personal Recollections, 1873. Physical Geography, 1848. =Southey= (Robert), born at Bristol, 1774-1843. Battle of Blenheim, 1798. Bishop Bruno, 1798. Bishop Hatto, 1799. Botany Bay Eclogues, 1794. Carmen Triumphale, 1815. Cataract of Lodore, 1820. Curse of Kehama, 1809. Devil’s Walk (The), 1820. English Eclogues, 1798-1803. Holly Tree (The), 1798. Inchcape Rock (The), 1802. Joan of Arc, 1795. Madoc, 1805. Mary, the Maid of the Inn, 1796. Metrical Tales, 1804. Old Woman of Berkeley, 1798. Pilgrim of Compostella (The), 1829. Roderick, the Last of the Goths, 1814. St. Patrick’s Purgatory, 1801. Tale of Paraguay (A), 1814. Thalaba, the Destroyer, 1800. Vision of Judgment, 1822. Wat Tyler, 1817. Well of St. Keyne (The), 1798. Commonplace Book, 1849-51. Correspondence, 1849-50. Doctor (The), 1834. Essays, 1832. History of Brazil, 1810-19. History of the Peninsular War, 1822-32. Letters from England, 1807. Life of Dr. Andrew Bell, 1844. Life of Bunyan, 1830. Life of Cromwell, 1844. Life of Lord Nelson, 1813. Life of John Wesley, 1820. Lives of the English Admirals, 1833-40. Naval History of England, 1833-40. =Sparks= (Jared), born at Willington, 1789-1866. Correspondence of American Revolution, 1854. Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, 1829-30. History of the American Revolution, 1845. Library of American Biography, 1834-48. Life of Ledyard, the American Traveller, 1828. Life of Governor Morris, 1832. Life of Washington, 1833-40. =Spencer= (Herbert), born at Derby, 1820- Ceremonial Institutions, 1879. Classification of the Sciences, 1864. Data of Ethics, 1879. Descriptive Sociology, 1873. Education, 1861. Essays, 1858-63. First Principles, 1862. Principles of Biology, 1864. Principles of Psychology, 1855. Proper Sphere of Government, 1842. Recent Discussions in Science, Philosophy and Morals, 1871. Sins of Trade and Commerce, 1875. Social Statics, 1851. Spontaneous Generation, 1870. Study of Sociology, 1869. =Spenser= (Edmund), London, 1553-1599. Astrophel, 1594. Colin Clout’s come Home again, 1591. Daphnaiada, 1592. Epithalamium, 1595. Faëry Queen, i.-iii., 1590; iv.-vi., 1596. Four Hymns, 1596. Mother Hubberd’s Tale, 1591. Muiopotmos, or the Fate of the Butterfly, 1590. Prothalamion, 1596. Ruins of Rome, 1590. Ruins of Time, 1590. Shepheardes Calendar, 1579. Tears of the Muses, 1590. Visions of the World’s Vanity, 1590. View of the State of Ireland, 1633. =Spurgeon= (Rev. Charles Haddon), born at Kelvedon, in Essex, 1834- Comments and Commentaries, 1876. Evening by Evening, 1868. Feathers for Arrows, 1870. Flashes of Thought, 1874. Gleanings among the Sheaves, 1859. Interpreter (The), 1873. John Ploughman’s Pictures, 1881. John Ploughman’s Talk, 1869. Lectures to my Students, 1875, 1877. Memorial Volume, 1879. Metropolitan Tabernacle (The), its History and Work, 1875. Morning by Morning, 1865. Our Own Hymn-book, 1866. Saint and his Saviour (The), 1857. Smooth Stones. Speeches, 1878. Spurgeon’s Gems, 1859. Treasury of David (The), 1869-78. Trumpet Calls, etc., 1875. Types and Emblems, 1873. =Stanley= (Arthur Penrhyn), born at Alderley, in Cheshire, 1815-1881. Athanasian Creed (The), 1871. Christian Institutions, 1881. Epistles to the Corinthians (The), 1854. Essays on Church and State, 1870. Historical Memorials of Canterbury, 1854. Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey, 1767. History of the Eastern Church, 1861. History of the Jewish Church, 1863, 1865. Lectures on the Church of Scotland, 1872. Life of Dr. Arnold, 1844. Life of Bishop Stanley (his father), 1850. Life of Edward and Catherine Stanley, 1879. Sermons Preached before the University of Oxford, 1860-63. Sermons Preached in the East, 1862. Sinai and Palestine, 1855. =Stanley= (Henry M.), born at Denbigh, in Wales, 1840- Coomassie and Magdala. How I found Livingstone, 1872. My Kalulu; Prince, King and Slave (a story). Through the Dark Continent, etc., 1878. =Stedman= (Edmund Clarence), born at Hartford, Conn., 1833- Alice of Monmouth, and other Poems, 1864. Blameless Prince (The), and other Poems, 1869. Hawthorne, and other Poems, 1877. Lyrics and Idylls, 1860. Poetical Works, 1874. Victorian Poets (The), 1875. =Steele= (Sir Richard), born in Dublin, 1671-1729. Christian Hero (The), 1701. Crisis (The), 1714. Poetical Miscellanies, 1694. ⁂ Began the Tatler, 1709; the Spectator (with Addison), 1711; the Guardian, 1713; and the Englishman, 1713. =Sterne= (Rev. Laurence), born at Clonmel, in Ireland, 1713-1768. History of a Warm Watchcoat, 1769. Letters, 1775, 1788, 1844. Sentimental Journey, 1768. Sermons of Mr. Yorick, 1760, 1766, 1769. Tristram Shandy, Gent., 1759-67. =Still= (John), bishop of Bath and Wells, 1543-1607. Gammer Gurton’s Needle, printed 1575. =Stoddard= (Richard Henry), born at Hingham, 1825- Adventures in Fairyland, 1853. Book of the East, and other Poems, 1871. Children in the Wood, 1866. Female Poets of America, 1874. Footprints, 1849. King’s Bell (The), 1863. Late English Poets, 1865. Life of Alexander von Humboldt, 1859. Loves and Heroines of the Poets, 1860. Melodies and Madrigals, 1865. Memoir of Edgar Allan Poe, 1875. Poems, 1852. Poets and Poetry of England, 1875. Putnam the Brave, 1869. Songs of Summer, 1857. Story of Little Red Riding Hood, 1864. Town and Country, 1857. Under Green Leaves, 1865. =Stoddard= (Mrs. Richard Henry), 1823- Morgesons (The), 1862. Temple House, 1867. Two Men, 1865. =Story= (Joseph), born at Marblehead, 1779-1845. Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws, 1834. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1833. Power of Solitude (The), and other Poems, 1804. ⁂ Many other legal “Commentaries.” =Story= (William Wetmore), born at Salem, 1819- American Question (The), 1862. Graffiti d’Italia, 1869. Life of Joseph Story (his father), 1851. Nero, 1875. Poems, 1847. Proportions of the Human Figure, 1866. Roba di Roma, 1863. Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem (The), 1870. Stephanie, 1877. =Strickland= (Agnes), born at Reydon Hall, in Suffolk, 1806-1874. Historical Tales of Illustrious British Children, 1847. Lives of the Bachelor Kings of England, 1861. Lives of the Queens of England, 1840-48. Lives of the Queens of Scotland, etc., 1850-59. Lives of the Seven Bishops, 1866. Patriotic Songs, 1825. =Suckling= (Sir John), born at Whitton, in Middlesex, 1609-1641. Account of Religion by Reason (An). Four Plays, 1646. Session of the Poets (A), 1636. Songs and Ballads. =Swift= (Jonathan), born at Dublin, 1667-1745. Arguments for the Abolition of Christianity, 1708. Battle of the Books, 1704. Baucis and Philemon, 1710. Bella Punica, or the Art of Punning, 1719. Cadenus and Vanessa, 1713. City Shower described, 1710. Directions to Servants, 1729. Drapier’s Letters, 1724. Gulliver’s Travels, 1726. History of the Last Four Years of Queen Anne, 1728. Polite Conversation, 1738. Predictions of Isaac Bickerstaff, 1708. Stella (To), 1720-26. Tale of a Tub, 1704. Trip to Dunkirk (A), 1708. =Swinburne= (Algernon Charles), born in London, 1837- Atalanta in Calydon, 1864. Blake (William), 1867. Bothwell, 1874. Chapman (George), 1875. Charlotte Bronté, 1877. Chastelard, 1865. Erechtheus, 1876. Essays and Studies, 1875. Mary Stuart, 1881. Note of an English Republican on the Muscovite Crusade, 1876. Notes on Poems and Reviews, 1866. Ode on the Proclamation of the French Republic, 1870. Poems and Ballads, 1866; second series, 1878. Queen Mother (The), a play, 1861. Rosamond, 1861. Shakespeare (A Study of), 1880. Siena, 1868. Song of Italy (A), 1867. Songs of the Springtides, 1880. Songs before Sunrise, 1871. Under the Microscope, 1872. =Taylor= (Ann), 1782-1866. Original Poems, 1806. =Taylor= (Bayard), born at Kennett Square, Chester, 1825-1878. At Home and Abroad, 1859, 1862. Book of Romances, Lyrics and Songs, 1851. Byeways of Europe (The) 1869. El Dorado, or Adventures in the Path of Empire, 1850. Essays on German Literature, 1880. Home Pastorals, and other Poems, 1875. John Godfrey’s Fortunes, 1864. Journey to Central Africa, etc., 1853. Lands of the Saracen (The), 1854. Lyrics of the War of Secession, 1865. Masque of the Gods (The), 1872. Northern Travel, or Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland, 1856. Poems of Home and Travel, 1855. Poems of the Orient, 1854. Poet’s Journal (The), 1862. Prince Deukalion, 1879. Prophet (The), 1874. Rhymes of Travel, Ballads and other Poems, 1848. Story of Kennet (The), a tale, 1866. Travels in Greece and Russia, etc., 1857. Views Afoot, or Europe seen with Knapsack and Staff, 1846. Visit to India, China, Japan, etc., 1855. Voyage to California, 1850. Ximena, and other Poems, 1844. =Taylor= (Sir Henry), 1800-1886. Philip van Artevelde, 1834. =Taylor= (Jane), born in London, 1783-1824. Hymns for Infant Minds, 1818. Poems for Infant Minds, 1806. Rhymes for the Nursery, 1807. =Taylor= (Jeremy), bishop of Down and Connor, born at Cambridge, 1613-1667. Holy Living and Holy Dying, 1651. =Taylor= (Tom), born at Sunderland, in Cumberland, 1817-1880. Life and Times of Sir J. Reynolds, 1865. ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III. =Tennyson= (Alfred), born at Somersby, in Lincolnshire, 1809- Aylmer’s Field, 1864. Charge of the Light Brigade, 1854. Dying Swan (The), 1830. Enoch Arden, 1864. Falcon (The), 1879. Grandmother’s Apology (The), 1859. Harold, 1877. Hero and Leander, 1830. Idylls of the King, 1858-59. Gareth and Lynette, 1872. Holy Grail (The), 1867. In Memoriam, 1850. Lady Clara Vere de Vere, 1833. Last Tournament (The), 1871. Lilian, 1830. Locksley Hall, 1833. Lotus-eater (The), 1833. Lover’s Tale (The), 1879. Mariana, 1830. Maud and other Poems, 1855. May the First, 1862. Mermaid (The), 1830. Miller’s Daughter (The), 1833. Oriana, 1830. Poems, 1827, 1830, 1842. Princess (The), 1847-50. Queen Mary, 1875. Relief of Lucknow, 1879. Revenge (The), 1878. Timbuctoo, 1829. Tithonus, 1864. Welcome (A), 1863. Welcome to Marie Alexandrovna, 1874. Wellington (Death of the Duke of), 1852. Window (The), or Songs of the Wrens, 1870. =Thackeray= (Anne Isabella), 1839- Miss Angel, 1875. Old Kensington, 1872. Story of Elizabeth, 1863. Toilers and Spinsters, with other Essays, 1873. Village on the Cliff (The), 1866. =Thackeray= (William Makepeace), born at Calcutta, 1811-1863. Adventures of Philip, 1861. Barry Lyndon, 1853. Book of Snobs (The), 1848. Catherine, 1839-40. Chronicle of the Drum (The), 1841. Denis Duval. English Humorists (The), 1851. Esmond, 1852. Four Georges (The), 1860. From Cornhill to Grand Cairo, 1845. Hoggarty Diamond (The Great). Kickleburys on the Rhine (The), 1851. Irish Sketch-book (The), 1843. Lovel, the Widower. Jeames’s Diary. Mrs. Perkins’s Ball, 1847. Newcomes (The), a novel, 1855. Novels by Eminent Hands, etc. Our Street, 1848. Paris Sketch-book (The), 1840. Pendennis, 1849-50. Philip. Roundabout Papers (The). Second Funeral of Napoleon (The), 1841. Vanity Fair, 1846-48. Virginians (The), 1857-59. =Thomson= (James), born at Ednam, in Scotland, 1700-1748. Castle of Indolence, 1748. Seasons, 1730. ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III. =Trevelyan= (George Otto), born at Rothley Temple, in Leicestershire, 1838- Life of Lord Macaulay, 1876. =Trollope= (Anthony), 1815-1882. American Senator (The), 1877. Ayala’s Angel, 1881. Barchester Towers, 1857. Belton Estate (The), 1865. Bertrams (The), 1859. Can you Forgive Her? 1864. Castle Richmond, 1860. Claverings (The), 1867. Cousin Henry, 1879. Doctor Thorn, 1858. Eustace Diamonds, 1872. Framley Parsonage, 1861. Golden Lion of Grandpère, 1872. Harry Heathcote, 1874. He knew he was Right, 1869. Is he Popenjoy? 1878. Kellys (The) and the O’Kellys, 1848. Lady Anna, 1874. Last Chronicles of Barset, 1867. La Vendée, 1850. Macdermots of Ballycloran (The), 1847. Miss Mackenzie, 1865. Orley Farm, 1862. Phineas Finn, the Irish Member, 1869. Phineas Redux, 1873. Prime Minister (The), 1875. Ralph the Heir, 1871. Sir Harry Hotspur, 1870. Small House at Allington, 1864. Struggles of Brown, Jones and Robinson (The), 1870. Thackeray (a biographical sketch), 1879. Three Clerks (The), 1857. Vicar of Bullhampton (The), 1870. Warden, (The), 1855. Way we Live Now (The), 1875. =Trollope= (Mrs. Frances), born at Heckfield, in Hampshire, 1790-1863. Domestic Manners of the Americans, 1832. =Trollope= (Thomas Adolphus), 1810- History of Florence, 1865. Impressions of a Wanderer in Italy, 1850. =Tupper= (Martin Farquhar), 1810-1889. Proverbial Philosophy, 1838, 1842, 1867. =Tyndall= (John), born at Leighlin Bridge, in Ireland, 1820- Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapors, 1861. Address to the British Association, 1871. Calorescence, 1865. Contributions to Molecular Physics, 1872. Faraday as a Discoverer, 1868. Forms of Water in Clouds and Rivers, Ice and Glaciers, 1872. Fragments of Science, 1871. Glaciers of the Alps, 1860. Heat as a Mode of Motion, 1863. Hours of Exercise in the Alps, 1871. Imagination in Science, 1870. Invisible Radiation of Electric Light, 1865. Lectures on Light, 1869, 1872-73. Lectures on Sound, 1867. Lessons on Electricity, 1875-76. Mountaineering, 1861. Notes on Electricity, 1870. Notes on Light, 1871. On Molecular Influences, 1853. Physical Connection of Absorption and Radiation, etc., 1861. Physical Phenomena of Glaciers, 1857. Physical Properties of Ice, 1858-59. Radiation, 1861-65. Sounding and Sensitive Flames, 1867. Transmission of Heat through Gaseous Bodies, 1859. Transmission of Heat through Organic Structures, 1853. Vacation Tour, 1862.

=Ure= (Andrew), born at Glasgow, 1778-1857. Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures, 1839. Dictionary of Chemistry, 1821. New System of Geology, 1829. Philosophy of Manufactures, 1835.

=Victoria= (Queen), born at Kensington Palace, 1819- Early Days of the Prince Consort, 1867. Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, 1869. Life of the Prince Consort, 1874-78.

=Walton= (Izaak), born at Stafford, 1593-1683. Compleat Angler (The), 1653. Life of Donne, 1640. Life of Herbert, 1670. Life of Hooker, 1665. Life of Sanderson, 1678. Life of Wotton, 1651. =Warner= (Susan), born at New York, 1818- Melbourne House, 1864. Hills of the Shatemuc, 1856. Old Helmet (The), 1863. Queechy, 1851. Wide, Wide World (The), 1849. =Warren= (Samuel), born in Denbighshire, North Wales, 1807-1877. Diary of a Late Physician, 1830. Ten Thousand a Year, 1839-1841. =Watts= (Isaac), born at Southampton, 1674-1748. Divine Songs, 1726. Hymns, 1707. Moral Songs, 1730. =Webster= (Noah), born at Hartford, Conn., 1758-1843. Dictionary of the English Language, 1828. =Wesley= (Rev. Charles), born at Epworth, in Lincolnshire, 1708-1788. Hymns and Sacred Poems, 1749. Hymns for Ascension Day, 1753. Hymns for the Nativity, 1750. Hymns for the Resurrection, 1754. Hymns for the Watch Night, 1780. Hymns for the Year, 1756. Works, 1829-31. =Wesley= (Rev. John), born at Epworth, in Lincolnshire, 1703-1791. Account of the People called “Methodists,” 1749. Ecclesiastical History, 1781. History of England from the Death of George II., 1776. Letters, 1816. =Whately= (Richard), archbishop of Dublin, born in London, 1787-1863. Elements of Logic, 1826. Elements of Rhetoric, 1828. English Synonyms, 1851. Errors of Romanism, 1830. Historic Doubts, 1819. History of Religious Worship, 1847. Introductory Lectures on Political Economy, 1831. =White= (Rev. Gilbert), born at Selborne, in Hampshire, 1720-1793. Natural History of Selborne, 1789. Naturalist’s Calendar (The), 1795. =White= (Henry Kirke), born at Nottingham, 1785-1806. Clifton Grove, and other Poems, 1803. Poems, 1804. Remains, 1807. =White= (Richard Grant), born in New York, 1822-1885. Authorship of the Three Parts of Henry VI., 1859. Handbook of Christian Art, 1853. Life and Genius of Shakespere, 1865. National Hymns, 1861. New Gospel of Peace (The), 1863-66. Poetry of the Civil War, 1866. Shakespere’s Scholar, 1854. Words and their Uses, 1870. =Whitman= (Walt), 1819- Poems, such as “Leaves of Grass,” “Drum Taps,” etc., 1878. =Whittier= (John Greenleaf), born at Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1807- Among the Hills, and other Poems, 1868. Ballads, 1838. Ballads of New England, 1870. Centennial Hymn (A), 1876. Chapel of the Hermits, and other Poems, 1853. Child Life, 1871. Collected Poems, 1850. Home Ballads, and other Poems, 1859. In War Time, and other Poems, 1863. Lays of my Home, and other Poems, 1843. Leaves from Margaret Smith’s Journal, 1836. Legends of New England, 1831. Literary Recreations, 1854. Maud Müller, 1865. Miriam, and other Poems, 1870. Moll Pitcher, 1833. National Lyrics, 1865-66. Old Portraits and Modern Sketches, 1850. Panorama (The), and other Poems, 1856. Pennsylvania Pilgrims (The), and other Poems, 1872. Sabbath Verse (A), 1853. Snow-bound, a Water Idyll, 1866. Songs of Labor, and other Poems, 1851. Stranger in Lowell (The), 1845. Supernaturalism in New England, 1847. Tent on the Beach, and other Poems, 1867. Vision of Echard, etc. (The), 1878. Voices of Freedom, 1836. =Willis= (Nathaniel Parker), born in Maine, 1807-1867. Dashes at Life with a Free Pencil, 1845. Famous Persons and Places, 1854. Fun Jottings, 1853. Health Trip to the Tropics, 1852. Hurrygraphs, 1851. Inklings of Adventure, 1839. Letters from under a Bridge, 1840. Life Here and There, 1850. Loiterings of Travels, 1839. Memoranda of Jenny Lind, 1851. Paul Fane, 1856. Pencillings by the Way, 1835. People I have met, 1850. Poems, 1828-31. Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean, 1853. =Wills= (William Gorman), of Kilkenny, in Ireland, 1828- ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III. =Wilson= (John), born at Paisley, in Scotland, 1785-1854. Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, 1822. Noctes Ambrosianæ, 1822-36. Poems and Dramatic Works, 1825. Recreations of Christopher North, 1842. =Wood= (Mrs. Henry), born at Worcester, 1820-1887. Adam Grainger, 1876. Anne Hereford, 1868. Bessy Rane, 1870. Channings (The), 1862. Court Netherleigh, 1881. Dene Hollow, 1871. East Lynne, 1861. Edina, 1876. Elster’s Folly, 1866. Foggy Night at Offord (A), 1862. George Canterbury’s Will, 1870. Johnny Ludlow, in the Argosy. Lady Adelaide. Life Secret (A), 1867. Lord Oakburn’s Daughters, 1864. Master of Greylands, 1873. Mildred Arkell, 1865. Mrs. Halliburton’s Troubles, 1862. Oswald Cray, 1864. Orville College. Parkwater. Pomeroy Abbey, 1878. Red Court Farm. Roland Yorke, 1869. St. Martin’s Eve, 1866. Shadow of Ashlydyat (The), 1863. Told in the Twilight, 1875. Trevlyn Hold, 1864. Verner’s Pride, 1863. William Allair, 1863. Within the Maze, 1872. =Wood= (Rev. John George), born in London, 1828-1889. Bible Animals. Common Objects of the Country. Common Objects of the Microscope. Common Objects of the Sea Shore, 1857. Common Beetles of England. Common Moths of England. Common Shells of England. Field Naturalist’s Handbook (The), 1880. Homes without Hands. Insects Abroad, 1874. Insects at Home. Man and Beast, 1873. My Feathered Friends. Natural History of Man. Natural History Ramble, 1879. Our Garden Friends and Foes. Popular Natural History. =Woolman= (John), born in New Jersey, 1720-1773. Journal of his Life and Travels, 1776. =Woolsey= (Theodore Dwight), born at New York, 1801-1889. Introduction to International Law, 1860. =Worcester= (Joseph Emerson), 1784-1865. Universal and Critical Dictionary of the English Language, 1846. =Wordsworth= (William), born at Cockermouth, in Cumberland, 1770-1850. Borderers (The), 1842. Descriptive Sketches in Verse, 1793. Excursion, 1814. Idiot Boy (The), 1819. Lyrical Ballads, 1798. Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1803, 1814. Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, 1820. Odes, 1803-6. Peter Bell, 1819. Prelude, 1850. Sonnets to Liberty, 1802-16. Waggoner (The), 1819. White Doe of Rhylstone, 1815. Yarrow revisited, and other Poems, 1835. =Wycherly= (William), born at Clive, in Shropshire, 1640-1715. Poems, 1704. Works, 1712. Works, 1728. ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III.

=Yates= (Edmund Hodgson), 1831- After Office Hours, 1861. Black Sheep, 1866-67. Broken to Harness, 1864-65. Business of Pleasure, 1865. Cast Away, 1872. Dr. Wainwright’s Patient, 1871. For Better for Worse, 1876. Forlorn Hope, 1867. Impending Sword (The), 1874. Kissing the Rod, 1865. Land at Last, 1866. Life of Charles Mathews the Elder, 1860. Memoir of Albert Smith, 1860. Mirth and Metre, 1854. My Haunts and their Frequenters, 1854. Nobody’s Fortune, 1871. Pages in Waiting, 1865. Righted Wrong (A), 1871. Rock Ahead (A), 1868. Running the Gauntlet, 1867. Silent Witness, 1875. Two by Tricks, 1874. Two Merry Men, 1854. Waiting Rain, 1872. Wrecked in Port, 1869. Yellow Flag (The), 1872. =Yonge= (Charles Duke), 1812- History of England, 1857. History of France under the Bourbons, 1866. History of the British Navy, 1864. History of the English Revolution, 1874. Life of the Duke of Wellington, 1860. Parallel Lives: Epaminondas and Gustavus Adolphus, Philip and Frederick the Great, 1858. Three Centuries of Modern History, 1872. =Yonge= (Charlotte Mary), born at Otterbourne, in Hampshire, 1823- Catharine of Aragon, 1881. Chaplet of Pearls (The), 1868. Christian Names, their History and Derivation. Clever Woman of the Family (The), 1865. Daisy Chain (The), 1856. Dove in the Eagle’s Nest (The), 1866. Dynevor Terrace, 1857. Heart’s-ease, 1854. Heir of Redclyffe, 1853. Lady Hester, 1873. Lances of Lynwood (The). Landmarks of History. Life of Bishop Patteson, 1873. Little Duke (The). Magnum Bonum, 1880. Three Brides (The), 1876. Trial (The), 1764. Young Stepmother (The), 1864. =Young= (Rev. Edward), born at Upham in Hampshire, 1684-1765. Night Thoughts, 1742-46. ⁂ For his plays, see APPENDIX III.



Alex. = Alexandrine metre.

b.v. = Blank verse.

bks. = Books.

d.m. = Divers metres.

Ep. = Epic.

Ep., H.M. = Epic in heroic metre.

Ep., Hex. = Epic in hexameter verse.

Es. = Essay or Essays.

H.M. = Heroic metre.

H.M., b.v. = Heroic metre in blank verse.

H.M., rh. = Heroic metre in rhyme.

Hex. = Hexameter verse.

Nov. = [Prose] novel.

p. = Poetry.

pr. = Prose.

pr. and v. = Prose and verse.

pr. Ep. = Prose epic.

rh. = Rhyme.

Rom. = Romance.

Rom. p. = Romance in poetry.

Sp. m. = Spencerian metre.

ter. rh. = Ternary rhymes.

v. = Verse.

8 syl. v. = Octosyllabic verse.

=Æsop=, Fables, about B.C. 570. Greek pr.

AMADIS OF GAUL, begun by Vasco de Lobeira, 14th cent.; finished by sundry hands, 15th cent. Old French pr.

=Arabian Nights=, first published in Paris, by Antony Galland, 1704-17. The best are Indian; the sentimental love tales are Persian; the witty, comical ones are Arabic. Arabic pr. tales. Lane’s translation, 1841.

ARGONAUTS (The), by Appolonius Rhodius, about B.C. 200 (4 bks.). Greek Ep., Hex. Translated into English by Fawkes, 1780; and into English verse by Green, 1780; W. Preston, 1803. H.M., rh.

CHINESE TALES, by Gueulette, 1723. French pr.

=Chrestien de Troyes=, the Chevalier au Lion, Chevalier de l’Epée, Sir Lancelot du Lac, in metrical French (before 1200).

CHRONICLES of Albericus Trium Fontium, 1242. Latin pr.

CID (The), 1040-1099. The Spanish Chronicle of the Cid, 13th cent., first printed in 1541, and a second by Medina del Campo, in 1552. The Spanish Poem of the Cid dates from 1207, and 102 ballads on the Cid in Spanish were published in 1615. Southey published an excellent English Chronicle in 1808. Lockhart has rendered eight of them into English ballads; and George Dennis has strung together, in prose and verse, a connected tale of the great Spanish hero, 1845. (The Cid, in Spanish romance, occupies the same position as Arthur in English story, Charlemagne in French and Theodorick in German.)

CONTES DE FEES, by Claude Perrault, 1697. French pr. fairy tales.

CREATION, or La Première Semaine, by Du Bartas, about 1570. French Ep., H.M. English version by Joshua Sylvester, 1605.

DECAMERON, by Boccaccio, 1350. Italian pr. tales. An English version by G. Standfast, and by many others. DIABLE BOITEUX, by Lesage, 1707. French pr. tale. W. Coombe wrote an English imitation, called The Devil upon Two Sticks, 1790.

DIVINA COMMEDIA, by Dantê: Inferno, 1300; Purgatory, 1308; Paradise, 1311. Italian Ep. poems. English translations by Boyd, 1785; Gary, 1814, b.v.; Wright, 1833, triple rh.; Caley, 1851-55, ter. rh.; Pollock, 1854, b.v.; Dayman, 1865; Rossetti, 1865; Longfellow, 1870; Norton, 1892; etc.

DON QUIXOTE, by Cervantes, pt. i., 1605; ii., 1615. Spanish Nov. English versions by Shelton, 1612-20; Motteux, 1719; Jarvis, 1742; Smollett, 1755; Wilmot, 1774; Duffield, 1881; etc. All in pr. Dramatized by Durfey, 1694-96.

FABLES, by Lafontaine, 1668. French; d.m.

FAIRY TALES, by la comtesse D’Aunoy, 1682. French pr.

GARGANTUA, by Rabelais, 1533. French Nov. English version by Urquhart and Motteux, 1653.

GIL BLAS, by Lesage, bks, i.-iii., 1715; iv.-vi., 1724; vii.-xii., 1735. French Nov. English version by Smollett, 1761; Procter, 1774; Smart, 1807; etc. All in pr.

GOBLIN STORIES, by the brothers Grimm, 1812. German pr.

=Goethe=, 1749-1832 (German). Achilliad (The), about 1800. Farbenlehre, 1810. Hermann and Dorothea, 1797. Poem. Metamorphosis of Plants, 1790. Es. Werther, 1774. Rom. Wilhelm Meister, 1794. Rom. (For dramatic pieces, see APPENDIX III.)

GULISTAN (Garden of Roses), by Saadi, 13th cent. Persian p.

HENRIADE, by Voltaire, 1724 (10 chants). French Ep.; rh.

=Herbelot= (D’), Bibliothèque Orientale, an Oriental Miscellany, 1697. French pr.

HITÔPADÊSA, an epitome of the Pancha Tantra, 5th cent. B.C. Hindû.

=Homer=, Iliad (24 bks.), composed in the prime of his life, about B.C. 962. Greek Ep. Hex. Odyssey (24 bks.), composed in maturer age, about B.C. 927. Greek Ep., Hex. These poems were first reduced to writing by Pisistratos, of Athens, B.C. 531. English versions by Chapman, Il. 1598, Od. 1614; Bryant, Il. 1870, Od. 1871. The following have translated the Iliad only: Hall, 1581; Tickell, bk. i. 1715; Macpherson, 1773; Morrice, 1809; Brandreth, 1846; Barter, 1854; Newman, 1856; Wright, 1859; Selwyn, 1865; Green, 1865; Simcox, 1865; Dart, 1865; Herschel, 1866; Lord Derby, 1867; Merivale, 1869; Cordery, 1870; Newman, 1871. The following have translated the Odyssey alone: Cary, 1823; Hayman, 1866; Musgrave, 1869; Edginton, 1869; Wither, 1869; Merry, 1871.

JERUSALEM DELIVERED, by Tasso, 1575. Italian Ep. English version by Carew, 1594; Fairfax, 1600; Hoole, 1762.

=Lokman=, Fables, contemporary with David and Solomon. Arabian; d.m.

LUSIADS (The), by Camoens, 1572 (in 10 bks.). Portuguese Ep. English versions, “The Lusiad,” by Fanshawe, 1655; Mickle, H.M., rh., 1775; “The Lusiads,” by Aubertin, 1878; R. F. Burton, 1880.

MESSIAH, by Klopstock, bks. i.-iii., 1748; iv.-xv., 1771. German Ep., Hex. English version in pr. by Collyer, 1763; Raffles, 1815. In v. by Egestorff, 1821.

METAMORPHOSES, Ovid (in 15 bks.). Latin; about A.D. 6. Hex. English version by Golding, 1565; Sandys, 1626; Dr. Garth, assisted by Dryden, Congreve, Rowe and several others, 1716. H.M., rh.

MORAL TALES, by Marmontel, 1761. French pr.

NIEBELUNGEN LIED, 1210 (in 39 adventures). From Snorro Sturleson’s Edda. Old German Ep. Transplanted into Germany by the minnesingers. English version by Lettsom, 1850.

ORIENTAL TALES, by comte de Caylus, 1740. French pr.

ORLANDO FURIOSO, by Ariosto, 1516. Italian Rom., p. English version by Harrington, 1591; Croker, 1755; W. S. Rose, 1823; and an abridged version by Hoole, H.M., rh., 1783.

ORLANDO INNAMORATO, by Bojardo, 1495 (in 3 bks., unfinished). Italian Rom.; p. Three more books were added, in 1531, by Agostini; and the whole was remodelled by Berni. Translated by Tofte, 1598. PANCHA TANTRA, a collection of Hindû fables, 6th cent. B.C. Hindû.

PANTAGRUEL, Rabelais, 1545. French Nov. English version by Urquhart and Motteux, 1653.

PAUL AND VIRGINIA, by St. Pierre, 1788. French tale; pr.

=Phædrus=, fables, about A.D. 25, chiefly from Æsop. Latin v. In English v. by C. Smart, 1765.

PHARSALIA (The), by Lucan, about A.D. 60 (in 10 bks.). Latin Ep.; Hex. English version by C. Marlowe; Gorge, 1614; May, 1627; Rowe, 1729; and a literal translation by Riley, in Bohn’s series.

=Pilpay=, Fables, compiled from the Pancha Tantra and other sources, 4th cent. B.C. Indian.

=Pliny=, Natural History, about A.D. 77. Latin pr. English version by Dr. Holland, 1601; Bostock, 1828; Riley, in Bohn’s series, 1855-57.

=Plutarch=, Parallel Lives, about A.D. 110-13. Greek pr. English version by North, 1579; Langhorne, 1771; another by Dryden and others, re-edited by Clough. All in pr.

REYNARD THE FOX, 1498. German pr., by Heinrich von Alkmaar. An English version printed by Caxton, 1481. ROMANCE OF THE ROSE, by Guillaume de Lorris, 13th cent. Continuation by Jean de Meung, 14th. cent. French Rom. p. English poetic version by Chaucer, in 8 syl. v., about 1360.

TELEMACHUS, by Fénelon, 1700 (in 24 bks.). French pr. Ep. English version by Dr. Hawkesworth, 1810; pr.

THEBAID, by Statius, about A.D. 86 (in 12 bks.). Latin Ep., Hex. An English version by Lewis, 1767. Parts by Pope; Stephens, 1648; Howard, H.M., rh., etc.

UNDINE, by De la Motte Fouqué, 1813. An English version was published by Routledge and Sons, 1875.

=Victor Hugo=, 1802-1885. (French poet and novelist). Autumn Leaves, 1832; p. Last Days of a Condemned Criminal, 1829. (For dramatic pieces, see APPENDIX III.)

=Virgil=, Æneid (in 12 bks.), B.C. 27-20. Latin Ep., Hex. English version by Gawin, 1513; Lord Surrey 1553; Phaer and Twyne, 1558-73; Stanihurst, 1583; Ogilby, 1649; Dryden, H.M., rh., 1697; Dr. Trapp, b.v., 1731; Pitt and Warton, 1740; Kennedy, 1849; Singleton, “in rhythm,” 1855-59; Conington, 1866; Morris, 1876; Cranch, 1872; etc. In literal pr. by Davidson, 1743; Wheeler, 1852; etc.


A. = Afterpiece.

Alleg.Pl. = Allegorical play.

B. = Burlesque.

B.C. = Burlesque comedy.

B.O. = Burlesque opera.

B.T. = Burlesque tragedy.

Bd. = Ballad.

Bd.F. = Ballad farce.

Bd.O. = Ballad opera.

Bl. = Ballet.

Blta. = Burletta.

C. = Comedy.

C.Bf. = Comédie bouffe.

C.D. = Comic drama.

C.H. = Comédie historique.

C.O. = Comic opera.

Cdta. = Comedietta or comedetta.

Cl.C. = Classical comedy.

Cl.Cdta. = Classical comedietta.

Cl.D. = Classical drama.

Cl.Pl. = Classical play.

Cl.T. = Classical tragedy.

Ct.E. = Court entertainment.

Ct.S. = Court show.

D. = Drama.

D.Dia. = Dramatic dialogue.

D.E. = Dramatic entertainment.

D.Fab. = Dramatic fable.

D.H. = Drama historique.

D.Mon. = Dramatic monologue.

D.N. = Dramatic novel.

D.O. = Dramatic opera.

D.Pc. = Dramatic piece.

D.Pm. = Dramatic poem.

D.R. = Dramatic romance.

D.S. = Dramatic satire.

D.Sk. = Dramatic skit.

Dom.D. = Domestic drama.

E. = Entertainment.

Ex. = Extravaganza.

F. = Farce.

F.C. = Farce comedy.

Fy.C. = Fairy comedy.

Fy.P. = Fairy pastoral.

G.E.Mel.S. = Grand Eastern melodramatic spectacle.

G.O.R. = Grand operatic romance.

H.C. = Historic comedy.

H.D. = Historic drama.

H.O. = Historic opera.

H.Pc. = Historic piece.

H.Pl. = Historic play.

H.R. = Historic romance.

H.T. = Historic tragedy.

Hc.Pl. = Heroic play.

Int. = Interlude.

I.D. = Irish drama.

L.D. = Lyrical drama.

L.Pl. = Lyrical play.

LowC. = Low comedy.

M. = Masque.

Mel. = Melodrama.

Mel.O. = Melodramatic opera.

Mel.R. = Melodramatic romance.

Met.D. = Metrical drama.

Mir.Pl. = Miracle play.

Mo. = Morality.

MockPl. = Mock play.

MockT. = Mock tragedy.

Mu.C. = Musical comedy.

Mu.D. = Musical drama.

Mu.E. = Musical entertainment.

Mu.F. = Musical farce.

Mu.Int. = Musical interlude.

Mu.Pl. = Musical play.

Mu.Sp. = Musical spectacle.

Mu.Tr. = Musical trifle.

Mys. = Mystery.

Myt.C. = Mythological comedy.

Myt.D. = Mythological drama.

N.Blta. = Nautical burletta.

N.C.O. = Nautical comic opera.

N.C.Opta. = Nautical comic operetta.

N.D. = Nautical drama.

N.O. = Nautical opera.

N.Pl. = Nautical play.

O. = Opera.

O.Bf. = Opera bouffe.

O.Blta. = Operatic burletta.

O.C. = Opera comique.

O.D. = Operatic drama.

O.E. = Operatic entertainment.

O.Ex. = Operatic extravaganza.

O.F. = Operatic farce.

Op.C. = Operatic comedy.

Opta. = Operetta.

Or. = Oratorio.

P. = Pastoral.

P.C. = Pastoral comedy.

P.O. = Pastoral opera.

P.T. = Pastoral tragedy.

P.T.C. = Pastoral tragi-comedy.

Pl. = Play.

Pn. = Pantomime.

Pn.Bl. = Pantomimic ballet.

Po.D. = Poetic drama.

Pol.D. = Political drama.

Pr.C. = Prize comedy.

Pr.T. = Prize tragedy.

Pt.C. = Petit comedy.

Pt.Pc. = Petit piece.

R.D. = Romantic drama.

R.T. = Romantic tragedy.

Rel.Pl. = Religious play.

S.D. = Sacred drama.

S.T. = Sacred tragedy.

Sat.C. = Satiric comedy.

Sat.D. = Satiric drama.

Sen.D. = Sensational drama.

Ser. = Serenata.

Sol. = Solemnity.

Sp.T. = Spasmodic tragedy.

T. = Tragedy.

T.C. = Tragi-comedy.

T.C.P. = Tragi-comic pastoral.

T.L. = Tragedie lyrique.

T.O. = Tragedy-opera.

V. = Vaudeville.

* = Unknown.

Etc. = With some other author or authors.

Notwithstanding the length of this list, there are some dramatic pieces very difficult to classify.


If any discrepancy is observed between the dates given in this list and those in the body of the book, the dates here given are to be preferred. It must be borne in mind that the date of some plays is purely conjectural, and can be assigned only approximately; and in not a few instances authorities differ.

Abdelazer, or the Moor’s Revenge, 1677, Mrs. Behn. C. Abel, 18th cent., Alfieri. T.O. About Town, 1873, A. W. A’Beckett. C. Abraham’s Sacrifice, 1550, T. Beza (French). Rel.Pl. (translated by A. Golding, 1575). Abroad and at Home (1764-1817), Holman. C.O. Absalon, 1590, Peele. T. Absent Man (The), 1768, Bickerstaff. C. Accomplices (The), about 1790, Goethe. C. Acharnanians, B.C. 425, Aristophanes. C. Achille in Sciro, 1736, Metastasio. O. Achilles, 1732, Gay. O. Acis and Galatea, 1683, Camistron. O. Acis and Galatea, 1732, Gay. Ser. Adelaide, 1814, Sheil. Adelaide du Guesclin, 1734, Voltaire. T. Adelaide of Wulfingen, 1799. B. Thompson. T. Adelgitha, 1806, Lewis. Pl. Adelmorn, or The Outlaw, 1801, Lewis. D. Adelphi, or The Brothers, B.C. 160, Terence. C. Adherbal, 1687, Lagrange. T. Adopted Child, * Birch. Mu.D. Adrasta, or Woman’s Spleen, 1635, J. Jones. Pl. Adriano in Siria, 1731, Metastasio. O. Adrienne Lecouvreur, 1849, MM. Legouvé and Scribe. C. Adventures of Five Hours, 1663, Tuke. C. Ælla, posthumous, 1777, Chatterton. T. Æsop, 1697, Vanbrugh. Afflicted Father (The), 1745-1820, Hayley. D. Africaine (L’), 1865, Meyerbeer. O. Africans (The), 1808, Colman. Pl. After Dark, 1868, Boucicault. Agamemnon, B.C. 458, Æschylus. T. (Greek). Agamemnon (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Agamemnon, 1738, Thomson. T. Agamemnon, printed 1783, Alfieri. T. Agathocles, or The Sicilian Tyrant, 1676, R. Perrinchief. T. Agésilas, 1666, Corneille. T. Agis, 1758, Home. T. Agis (Agide), printed 1783, Alfieri. T. Aglaura, 1637, Sir J. Suckling. T.C. Agnes de Castro (1679-1749), Cockburn. D. Agnes de Vere, 1834, Buckstone. D. Agnese, about 1820, Paer. O. Agreeable Surprise, 1798, O’Keefe. C. Agrippina, 1771, T. Gray. T. (unfinished). Ah! que l’Amour est Agréable! 1862, Delaporte. C. Aïda, 1872, Verdi. O. Ajax, about B.C. 420, Sophocles. T. (Greek). Aladdin, 1824, Bishop. O. Alaham Mustapha, 1609, T. Grenville. T. Alarcos, 1839, Disraeli. T. Alarkas, 1802, F. C. Schlegel. T. Alarming Sacrifice, about 1849, Buckstone. F. Alarum for London, or the siege of Antwerp, 1602, Anon. T. Alasco, 1824, Shee. T. Alba, 1583, performed at Oxford before Albertus de Alasco, a Polish prince. Albertus Wallenstein, 1639, Glapthorne. T. Albovine, King of Lombardy, 1629, Sir W. Davenant. T. Albumazar, 1634, B. (a comedy). Albumazar, the Astronomer, 1614, Tomkis. C. Albyon Knight (The), 1565, Anon. Alleg.Pl. Alcazar (Battle of), 1594, Peele. T. Alceste, 1690, Lagrange. T. Alceste, 1747, Smollett. O. Alceste, 1769, Glück. O. (libretto by Calzabigi). Alcestis, B.C. 438, Euripides. T. (Greek). Alchemist (The), 1610, Jonson. C. Alcibiade, 1688, Campistron. T. Alcibiades, 1675, Otway. T. Alcida, 1588, Greene. Alessandro nell’ Indie, 1729, Metastasio. O. Alexander and Campaspê, etc., 1584, J. Lyly. Myt.D. Alexander and the King of Egypt, 1788, Anon. MockPl. Alexandre, 1665, Racine. T. Alexandrians (The), 1605, Lord Stirling. T. Alexina, 1866, Knowles. Pl. Alexius, or the Chaste Lover, 1639, Massinger. C. Alfonso, King of Castile, 1801, Lewis. H.Pl. Alfred, 1724, Arne or his pupil Burney. O. Alfred, 1778, Home. H.Pl. Alfred, or the Roast Beef of Old England, 1740, J. Thompson and Mallet. M. Alfred the Great at Athelney, 1876, Stratford de Redcliffe. T. Ali Baba, 1833, Cherubini. O. Aline Reine de Golconde, 1767, Sedaine. O. All Alive and Merry, 1737, S. Johnson. C. All Fools, 1605, Chapman. C. All for Fame, 1805, Cherry. C. All for Love, or The World Well Lost, 1668, Dryden. T. All for Money, 1578, Lupton. T.C. All in the Wrong, 1761, Murphy. C. All is Vanity, or the Cynic’s Defeat, * Alfred Thompson. Cl.Cdta. All’s Fair in Love, 19th cent., J. Brougham. D.Pc. All’s Lost by Lust, 1633, Rowley. T. All’s Well that Ends Well, 1598, Shakespeare. C. All the World’s a Stage, 1777, Jackman. F. Almahide and Hamet, 1804, Malkin. T. Almansor. (See “Conquest of Granada.”) Almeria, 1698, Handel. O. Almeyda, Queen of Granada, 1796, Miss Lee. T. Alonzo, 1773, Home. T. Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany, 1654, Capman. T. Alphonsus, King of Aragon, 1594, Greene. C. Alsatia (The Squire of), 1688, Shadwell. C. Alzire, 1736, Voltaire. T. Amadis de Grèce, 1704, Lamotte. O. Amant Difficile (L’), 1672-1731, Lamotte. C. Amant Jaloux (L’), 1778, Grétry. O. Amants Magnifiques, 1670, Molière. C. Amasis (1677-1758), Lagrange. T. Ambassadrice, 1837, Scribe. O.C. Amber Witch (The), 1861, Wallace. O. Ambitious Stepmother (The), 1698, Rowe. T. Ambitious Vengeance (1755-1798), Merry. Amboyna, 1673, Dryden. Amelia, 1732, H. Carey. Amelia, 1768, Cumberland. Amends for Ladies, 1611, Field. C. American Cousin (Our), 1858, Tom Taylor and Sothern. C. American Lady (An), 1874, H. J. Byron. C. Americans (The), about 1770, Arnold. O. Ami de la Maison, 1772, Marmontel. O. Amoroso, King of Little Britain, 1818, Planché. B. Amorous Bigot, 1690, Shadwell. C. Amorous Fantasms, 1660, Lower. T.C. Amorous Gallant (The), 1675, (from Corneille). Amorous Old Woman (The), 1674, Duffet. C. Amorous Orontus, or Love in Fashion, 1665, J. Bulteel. C. Amorous Prince (The), 1671, Mrs. Behn. C. Amorous Warre, 1648, Mayne. T.C. Amorous Widow (The), 1706, Betterton. C. Amour (L’) et l’Opinion (1781-1857), Brifaut. C. Amour Médecin, 1665, Molière. C. Amours de Diable, 1852, St. Georges. O.C. Amphitruo (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Amphitryon, 1668, Molière. C. Amphitryon, 1690, Dryden. C. Amphitryon, 1781, Sedaine. O. Amphitryon, 1782, Andrieux. C. Amy Robsart (1830-1877), Halliday. Amyntas or The Impossible Dowry, 1638, Randolph. Fy.P. Amyntas, 1698, Oldmixon. C. Anacreon, 1766, Sedaine. C.O. Anacreon, 1832, Cherubini. O. Anaximandre, 1782, Andrieux. C. Andrew of Hungary, 1839, Landor. T. Andria (The Woman of), B.C. 166, Terence. C. Andromachê, B.C. 417, Euripides. T. Andromana, or The Merchant’s Wife, 1660, Shirley. T. Andromaque, 1667, Racine. T. Andromaque, 1683, Campistron. T. Andronic, 1686, Campistron. T. Andronicus, or Heaven’s Late Revenge, 1661, Anon. T. Angelica, 1722, Metastasio. O. Anglais à Bordeaux (L’), 1763-72, Favart. O.C. Anglomane, 1752, Saurin. C. Animal Magnetism, 1785, Inchbald. F. Ann Blake, 1852, W. Marston. Pl. Anna Bolena, 1830, Donizetti. O. Anna Boleyn, about 1680, Banks. T. Anna Boleyn, 1877, Miss Dickinson. H.P. Anne Boleyn, 1826, Milman. D.Pm. Anne Boleyn, 1850, G. H. Boker. T. Anne Boleyn, 1876, T. Taylor. Annette et Lubin, 1763-72, C. N. Favart. O.C. Año Despues de la Boda, 1825, Gil y Zarate. Antidote (The), 1805, Alfieri. C. Antigonê, about B.C. 441, Sophocles. T. Antigone, 1631, May. Cl.D. Antigone, 1633, Rotrou. Cl.D. Antigone, 1756. Glück. O. Antigone, 1783, Alfieri. T. Antiochus et Cléopâtre, 1717, Deschamps. T. Antipodes (The), 1633, Brome. C. Antiquary (The), 1633, Marmion. C. Antonio and Mellida, 1602, Marston. T. Antonio and Vallia, 1660, Massinger. Antonio, or the Soldier’s Return, 1801, Godwin. T. Antonio’s Revenge, 1602, Marston. T. Antony, 1590, Lady Pembroke. T. Antony, 1831, Dumas. T. Antony and Cleopatra, 1608, Shakespeare. T. Anything for a Quiet Life, 1662, Middleton. C. Apocryphal Ladies (The), 1624-1673, Margaret, duchess of Newcastle. C. Apollo and Daphne, 1716, Hughes. M. Apollo Shroving, 1626, Hawkins. C. Apostate (The), 1817, Sheil. T. Appearance is Against Them, * Anon. F. Appius and Virginia, 1574, R. B----. Mo. Appius and Virginia, 1654, Webster. T. Revised by Betterton, 1679, and entitled The Roman Virgin, or The Unjust Judge. Appius and Virginia, 1705, Dennis. T. Apprentice (The), 1751 or 1756, Murphy. F. Arab (The), 1783, Cumberland. T. Arcades, 1636, Milton. M. Arcadia, 1640, Shirley. Pl. (based on Sidney’s Arcadia). Archipropheta, 1547, Grimbold. T. (Latin, John the Baptist). Arden of Feversham, 1592, Anon. H.T. (altered in 1739 by Lillo). Argalus and Parthenia, 1639, Glapthorne. Pl. Ariadne, 1721, D’Urfey. O. Ariane, 1672, T. Corneille. T. Ariodante and Ginevra, 1582, Anon. Pl. (founded on a story in Orlando Furioso, by Ariosto). Aristodemus, 1825, Monti. T. (rendered into French, 1854, by Duplissis). Aristomène, 1749, Marmontel. T. Armgart, 1874, “George Eliot.” D.Pm. Armida, 1774, Glück. O. (libretto by Calzabigi). Arminius, 1684, Campistron. T. Arminius, 1798, Murphy. T. Armourer (The), 1793, Cumberland. C.O. Armourer of Nantes, 1863, Balfe. O. Arrah na Pogue, 19th cent., Boucicault. I.D. Arraignment of Paris, 1584, Peele. Ct.S. or M. Art of Management, 1735, C. Clarke. D.Pc. Artaserse, before 1730, Metastasio. O. Artaxerxes, 1741, Glück. O. Artaxerxes, 1761, Arne. O. (from Metastasio). Artaxerxes, 1831, Dorn. O. Artémire, 1720, Voltaire. T. Arthur (King), 1691, Dryden. O. (music by Purcell). Arthur, King of England, 1598, Hathaway. Pl. (See “Misfortunes of Arthur.”) Artifice, 1721, Centlivre. C. As Cool as a Cucumber, 1851, W. B. Jerrold. F. As You Find it, 1703, Boyle. C. As You Like it, 1600, Shakespeare. C. (The quarry of this play was Lodge’s novel called Rosalynde, 1590.) Asdrubal, 1647, Jacob Montfleury. T. Asinaria, or The Ass Comedy (B.C. 254-184). Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Assignation (The), 1672, Dryden. C. Assignation (The), 1807, Miss Lee. C. Assommoir (L’), 1878, Zola. D. (See “Drink.”) Astræa Appeased, 1797, Olivari (translated from Metastasio). At Home, 1818, C. Mathews. E. Atalanta in Calydon, 1864, Swinburne. D.Pm. Athalia, 1733, Handel. O. Athalia, 1844, Mendelssohn. O. Athalie, 1690, Racine. T. (translated by J. C. Knight, 1822). Atheist’s Tragedy (The), 1611, Tourneur. T. Athelwold, 1732, Hill. T. Athelwold, 1842, W. Smith. T. Athénais (1677-1758), Lagrange. T. Athenian Captive, 1838, Talfourd. Cl.Pl. Atonement, or Branded for Life, 1863, Muskerry. D. (Les Misérables of Victor Hugo dramatized). Attila, 1667, Corneille. T. Attila, 19th cent., Verdi. O. Attilio Regolo, 1740, Metastasio. O. Atys, 1780, Piccini. O. Auchindrane. (See “Ayrshire Tragedy.”) Auction of Pictures, 1748, Foote. F. Auction (The), 1757, T. Cibber. F. Augusto (L’), 1665, Amore. T. Aulularia (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-1774. Aureliano in Palmira, 1814, Rossini. O. Aurengzebe, 1675, Dryden. He.Pl. Author (The), 1757, Foote. F. Author’s Farce (The), 1731, Fielding. F. Avant, Pendant et Aprés, before 1822, Scribe. V. Avare (L’), 1667, Molière. C. (indebted to the Aulularia of Plautus). Avocat Patelin (L’), 1706, De Brueys. F. (This was a reproduction of a comedy attributed to Blanchet, who died 1519; but Bouillet says it was more ancient still.) Ayrshire Tragedy, 1830, Sir W. Scott. T.

Babes in the Wood, 1860, Tom Taylor. (Rob. Yarrington, in 1601, wrote Two Lamentable Tragedies, one of which was about a young child murdered in a wood by two ruffians by command of its uncle.) Bacchæ (B.C. 480-407), Euripides (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782; Buckley, pr., in Bohn’s library. Bacchides (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin, based on a Greek comedy by Menander.) Translated into blank verse by Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Bad Lovers, 1836, Coyne. C. Bague de Thérèse, 1861, Carmouche. C. Bajazet, 1672, Racine. T. Balder’s Död, 1773, Evald or Ewald. D. Ball (The), 1632, Chapman and Shirley. C. Ballo in Maschera (Un), 1861, Verdi. O. Banditti (The), 1686, D’Urfey. Pl. Banishment of Cicero (The), 1761, Cumberland. D.Pm. Banker’s Daughter (The), 1879, B. Howard. D. Bankrupt (The), 1776, Foote. F. Baptistes (1506-1582), G. Buchanan. T. (Latin). Barbarossa, 1755, Brown. T. Barbe Bleue, 1866, Offenbach. C.Bf. Barbier de Séville (Le), 1775, Beaumarchais. C. Barbiere di Siviglia, 1780, Paisiello. O. Barbiere di Siviglia, 1816, Rossini. O. (Sir H. Bishop altered it). Barmecides (Les), 1778, Laharpe. T. Barnwell. (See “George Barnwell.”) Barry (Mde. du), 1836, Ancelot. V. Bartholomew Fayre, 1614, Jonson. C. Bashful Lover, 1636, printed 1655, Massinger. C. Bashful Man (The), *-1857, Moncrieff. C.D. Basil (Count), 1798, printed in the “Series,” 1802, J. Baillie. T. (the passion of “love”). Basset Table, 1706, Centlivre. C. Bastard (The), 1652, C. Manuche. T. Bastien et Bastienne (1749-1806), Favart. O.C. Bath (The), 1701, D’Urfey. C. Battaile de Danes, 1851, Scribe and Legouvé. C. Battle of Alcazar, 1594, Peele. T. Battle of Hastings, 1778, Cumberland. T. Battle of Hermann (1776-1811), Kleist. H.D. Battle of Hexham, 1789, Colman. C. Battle of Sedgmoor, about 1675, duke of Buckingham. F. Bear-Hunters (1802-1879), Buckstone. Beatrice di Tenda, 1833, Bellini. O. Beau Brummel, 1858, W. B. Jerrold. C. Beau’s Duel, 1703, Centlivre. C. Beauty, 1616, Jonson. C. Beauty in a Trance, 1653, Ford. C. Beauty in Distress, 1698, Motteux. T. Beauty’s Triumph, 1676, Duffett. M. Beaux’ Stratagem, 1707, Farquhar. C. Becket. (See “Thomas à Becket.”) Beggar of Bethnal Green, 1834, Knowles. C. (See “Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green.”). Beggars’ Bush, 1622, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). Folio edition 1647. C. Beggar’s Opera, 1727, Gay. C.O. (music by Linley. Dr. Pepusch adapted music to this opera). Believe as you List, 1653, Massinger. C. Bélisaire, 1645, Rotrou. T. Belisarius (1757-1823), Kemble. Bellamere Earl of Carlisle, 1807. T. Bellamira, or The Mistress, 1687, Sedley. C. Bellamira, 1818, Sheil. C. Belle Arsène (La), 1775, Favart. O.C. (music by Monsigny). Belle Hélène (La), 1865, Offenbach. O.Bf. Belle’s Stratagem (The), 1780, Mrs. Cowley. C. Bells (The), 1874, Erckmann-Chatrian, adapted from The Polish Jew (q.v.). Belphegor, 1856, C. Webb, and L. Buckingham. D. (translated from the French of Dennery and Fournier). Belshazzar, 1822, Milman. D.Pm. Ben Nazir, 1827, Grattan. T. Benevolent Tar (The), * Cross. Mu.E. Benyowski, 1811, Kotzebue. (The English version is called The Virgin of the Sun.) Bérenice, 1670, Racine. T.(the hero and heroine meant for Louis XIV., and Henrietta of England). Bertram, 1816, Maturin. T. Bertrand et Raton, 1833, Scribe. C. Betrothal (The), 1852, G.H. Boker. Betsy, 1879, Burnard (from the French). Better Late than Never, before 1814, Andrews. C. Beverley, 1748, Saurin. D. Bianca, 1817, Ingemann. T. Bianca, 1859, Balfe. O. Bianca Visconti, 1843, Willis. T. (Greek). Bickerstaff’s Burying, 1710, Centlivre. C. Bijou Perdu, 1855, Adam. Pt. Pc. (libretto by Deforges). Billy Taylor (1802-1879), Buckstone. Bird in a Cage (The), 1633, Shirley. C. Birds (The), B.C. 409, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). Translated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Carey, 1824; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867. Biron’s Conspiracie, 1604, Chapman. T. Biron’s Tragedy, 1605, Chapman. T. Birth (1829-1871), Robertson. C. Birth of Jupiter, 1797, Olivari (translated from Metastasio). Birth of Merlin, 1662, Rowley. C. Birthday (The), 1801. C. (from Kotzebue). Biter (The), 1705, acted 1706, Rowe. C. Black and White, 19th cent., Collins. C. Black Domino, 1841, an English version of Scribe’s Le Domino Noir, 1737. O.C. Black-Eyed Susan, 1822, D. Jerrold. N.D. Black Horse (The), before 1620, Fletcher. Pl. (See “Palæmon and Arcyte.”) Black Prince, 1669, Lord Orrery. H.Pl. Black Sheep (1805-1868), Coyne. Blackness, 1616, Jonson. C. Blanche of Navarre, 1839, James. Pl. Blazing Comet (The), 1732, S. Johnson. C. Blighted Being (A), 1854, Tom Taylor. Blind Bargain (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. Blind Beggar of Alexandria, 1559, Chapman. Pl. Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green, 1592, acted 1600, Day. C. (See “Beggar of Bethnal Green.”) Blind Beggar of Bethnal [Bednal] Green (The), 1745, Dodsley. C. Blind Girl, 1801, Morton. C. Blind Lady (The), 1660, Howard. C. Bloodie Banquet (The), 1639, R. Davenport. T. Bloody Brother, 1639, Beaumont and Fletcher. T. Blot on the ’Scutcheon, 1843, R. Browning. T. Blue Beard, 1797, Sedaine. C.O. (music by Grétry); 1866. Blue Beard, 1798, Colman. Mu.Sp. (music by Kelly). Blue Beard, 1868, Offenbach. O.Bf. Blurt, Master Constable, 1602, Middleton. C. Boadicea, 1611, Fletcher. T. Boadicea, 1753, Glover. T. Bohemian Girl, 1844, Balfe. O. (burlesqued by H. J. Byron in The Bohemian Gyurl). Bohemians or Rogues of Paris, 1863, Stirling. D. Bohemienne, 1862, St. Georges. O.C. Boite d’Argent, 1858, Dumas fils. C. Bold Stroke for a Husband, 1782. Cowley. C. Bold Stroke for a Wife, 1717, Centlivre. C. Bombastes Furioso, 1790, Rhodes. F. Bon Fils, 1785, Florian. C. Bon Ménage, 1782, Florian. C. Bon Père, 1783, Florian. C. Bon Ton, 1760, Burgoyne. C. Bon Ton, 1776, Garrick. F. Bondman (The), 1624, Massinger and Field. T. Bondman (The), 1780, Cumberland. Bondman (The), 1846, Balfe. O. Bondman (The), or Love and Liberty, 1719, Betterton. C. Bonduca, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. T. Bonne Mère, 1784, Florian. C. Boots at the Swan, 1857, Selby, F. (Dickens’s tale dramatized). Borderers (The), 1795-96, Wordsworth. T. Bothwell, * Ware. T. Bothwell, 1874, Swinburne. T. Bourgeois Gentilhomme, 1670, Molière. C. Bourgeoises à-la-Mode, 1654, Dancourt. C. Bourse (La), 1856, Ponsard. F. Bow Bells, 1880, Mr. Byron. D. Box and Cox, * J. M. Morton. F. Box Lobby Challenge (The), 1794, Cumberland. C. Bradamante, 1580, Garnier. T. Braganza (The Duke of), 1775, Jephson. T. Bravo (The), 1833, Buckstone. Mel. (Cooper’s novel dramatized). Brazen Age (The), 1603, T. Heywood. C. Breach of Promise (1829-1871), Robertson. C. Brennoralt (1609-1641), Sir J. Suckling. T. Bride (The), 1640, Nabbes. C. Bride (The), 1808, Korner. C. Bride of Messina, 1803, Schiller. T. Bride’s Tragedy (The), 1822, Beddoes. T. Brides of Aragon (The), 1823, Beer. T. Brier Cliff, 1842, George Morris. D. Brigand (The), 1829, Planché. Brighton. (See “Saratoga.”) Bristowe Merchand (The), * Ford and Dekker. Britannia Triumphans, 1637, Davenant. M. Britannicus, 1669, Racine. T. British Enchanters (The), 1701, G. Granville. D.Pm. Briton (The), 1722, Philips. T. Broken Heart, 1633, Ford. T. Broken Hearts, 1876, Gilbert. T.C. Broker of Bogota (1803-1854), Bird. T. Brother and Sister, 1633, Ford. T. Brother Sam, 19th cent., Oxenford, Sothern and Buckstone. C. Brothers (The), 1652, Shirley. Pl. Brothers (The), 1728, Young. T. Brothers (The), 1769, Cumberland. C. (based on “The Little French Lawyer,” q.v. See “Adelphi”). Brutus, about 1690, Miss Bernard. T. Brutus, 1730, Voltaire. T. Brutus (Junius), 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Brutus (Junius), 1828, Andrieux. T. Brutus (Lucius Junius) 1679, Lee. T. Brutus (Lucius Junius), 1784, Duncombe. T. Brutus and Cassius (1764-1811), Chénier. T. (See “Conspiracy of Brutus.”) Brutus, or the Fall of Tarquin, 1820, Payne. T. Bubbles of the Day, 1842, Jerrold. C. Buckingham, 1875, Wills. H.Pl. Buffoon (Sir Hercules), 1622-1681, Lacy. C Bull. (See “John Bull.”) Bury Fair, 1689, Shadwell. C. Busiris, 1719, Young. T. Bussy d’Ambois, 1607, Chapman. T. Bussy d’Ambois, 1691, D’Urfey. T. Busybody (The), 1708, Centlivre. C. (based on Dryden’s Sir Martin Marall, 1667.) By Royal Command, 19th cent., Stirling. C.O.

Cabal and Love, 1783, Schiller. T. Cadi Dupé (Le), 1761, Monsigny. O.C. Cælina, or L’Enfant du Mystère, 1800, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Mel. Cæsar and Pompey, 1631, Chapman. T. Cæsar and Pompey, or Cæsar’s Revenge, 1607. Cain, 1821, Byron. Mys. Caio Gracco, 1720, Leo. O. (See “Gracchus.”) Caius Gracchus, 1815, Knowles. H.T. Caius Gracchus, 1825, Monti. H.T. (rendered into French by Duplissis, 1854; and into English by Lord John Russell, 1830). Caius Marius, 1680, Otway. T. (This is Shakespeare’s Coriolanus reset.) Calandria (La), 1490, Bibbi. C. (the first Italian comedy). Calaynos, 1848, G. H. Boker. T. Caleb Quotem, * H. Lee. Calife de Bagdad, 1799, Boieldieu. O. Calisto, about 1679, Crowne. M. Calistus, 1530, Anon. T.C. Callisthène, 1780, Piron. T. Calypso, 1779, Cumberland. Calypso, 1803, Winter. O. (See “Gracchus.”) Calypso and Telemachus (1677-1720), Hughes. O. Camaraderie (La), 1837, Scribe. C. Cambises (King), 1569, Preston. T. (Referred to by Shakespeare, 1 Hen. IV., act ii. sc. 4.) Cambyses, 1671, Settle. T. Cameralzaman, 1848, James. Fy.C. Camma, 1661, T. Corneille. T. Camp (The), 1780, Sheridan. Mu.D. Campaigners (The), or Pleasant Adventures in Brussels, 1698, D’Urfey. C. Campaign, or Love in the East, 1783, Jephson. O. Campaspê. (See “Alexander and Campaspê,” “Cupid and Campaspê.”) Candidate (The) about 1781, Dent. F. (See “Rival Candidates.”) Caprices of a Lover (The), 1769, Goethe. C. Capricious Lovers (The), 1764, R. Lloyd. C.O. (from the Caprices d’Amour of Favart). Captain (The), 1613, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Captain Mario, 1577, Gosson. C. Captifs (Les), 1635, Rotrou. C. (imitated from the Captivi of Plautus). Captive (The), 1769, Bickerstaff. Captive (The), 1839, Lewis. Mel. Captives (The), 1723, J. Gay. T. Captivi (B.C. 254-184). Plautus. C. (Latin.) Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. (See “Captifs.”) Captivity (The), 1728-1744, Goldsmith. Or. Capuchin (The), 1776, Foote. Caractacus, 1759, Mason. D.Pm. Caractacus, 1808, Bishop. Pn.Bl. Caravanne (La), 1783, Grétry. O. Card of Fancy, 1601, Greene. C. Cardinal (The), 1652, Shirley. D. Cardinal Beaton, 1823, Tennant. T. Careless Husband (The), 1704, Cibber. C. Careless Shepherdess, 1656, T. G[offe]. T.C. Carlos (Don), 1676, Otway. T. Carlos (Don), 1787, Schiller. T. Carmelite (The), 1785, Cumberland. T. Carnival (The), 1663, Porter. C. Carnival of Venice, 1781, Tickell. C.O. Cartesmunda, the Fair Nun of Winchester, 1655, Brewer. T. Case is Altered (The), 1609, Jonson. C. Casini (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin, based on a Greek comedy by Diphilos). Translated to blank verse by Messrs, Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Cassandre, 17th cent., Calprenède. T. (translated by Sir C. Cotterell, 1652). Cassandre (1677-1758), Lagrange. O. Cassius (1677-1758), Lagrange. T. Caste, 1867, Robertson. C. Castilian (The), 1853, Talfourd. T. Castle of Andalusia, 1798, O’Keefe. C.O. Castle of Sorento, * Heartwell. Mu.E. Castle of Perseverance (The). One of the oldest Morality plays in the language. Castle Spectre, 1797, Lewis. D.R. Castor and Pollux, 1700, Bernard. O. Catch Him Who Can, 1808, Hook. Caterino Conara, 1844, Donizetti. O. Catherine Douglas, 1843, Helps. T. Catherine Grey, 1837, Balfe. O. Catherine of Heilbronn (1776-1811), Kleist. C. Catiline, 1822, Croly. T. Catiline’s Conspiracy, 1611, Jonson. T. Catiline’s Conspiracy (1554-1623), Gosson. H.D. Cato, 1713, Addison. T. Caton d’Utique, 1715, Dechamps. O. (music by Vinci). Catone in Utica, 1726, Metastasio. T. (music by Leo.) Catspaw, 1850, Jerrold. Ce qui Plait aux Femmes, 1860, Ponsard. C. Cecchina (La), 1760, Piccini. O. Celestina. (See “Spanish Bawd.”). Cenci (The) 1819, Shelley. T. Cenerentola (La), 1817, Rossini. O. Chabot, Admiral of France, 1639, Chapman. T. Chaîne (Une), 1841, Scribe. C. Châlet (Le), 1834, Adam. O.C. (libretto by Scribe). Challenge for Beautie (A), 1606, Thomas Heywood. T.C. Chances (The), 1620 Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). C. (altered by the Duke of Buckingham, and then by Garrick, to a farce). Changeling (The), 1654, Middleton. T. Changement d’Uniforme, 1836, Dennery. D. Changes (The), 1633, Shirley. C. Chanson de Fortunio, 1861, Offenbach. O.Bf. Chaperon Rouge (Le), 1818, Boieldieu. O. Chapter of Accidents (The), 1780, Miss Lee. C. Charity, 1874, Gilbert. Pl. Charlatanisme (Le), before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Charles I., 1750, Havard. H.D. Charles I., 1828, E. Cobham Brewer. H.T. Charles I., 1830, Miss Mitford. H.D. Charles I., 1853 Gurney. H.Pl. (See “Cromwell.”) Charles I., 1872, Wills. H.Pl. Charles II., 1849, Macfarren. O. Charles II (1792-1852), Payne. D. Charles VI., 1841, Halévy. O. (libretto by Delavigne). Charles VII., 1831, Dumas. H.D. Charles IX., 1789, Chénier. H.D. Charles XII., 1826, Planché. H.D. Charles le Téméraire, 1814, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. D. Charlotte Corday, 1850, Ponsard. T. Chasse à St. Germain, 1860, Deslandes. D. Chaste Mayd in Cheapside (The), 1620, Middleton. C. Chastelard, 1865, Swinburne. T. Châtelet (Mde. du), about, 1834, Ancelot. V. Chatterbox (The), 1857, W. B. Jerrold. C. Cheats of Scapin, 1677, Otway. F. (from Molière’s Fourberies de Scapin, 1671. C.). Checkmate (1830-1877), Halliday. Chefe Promises of God unto Man, 1538, Bale. Mir.Pl. Chercheuse l’Ésprit (La), 1710-1792, Favart. O.C. Cheshire Comics, 1730, S. Johnson. C. Chester Mysteries (24). The oldest dramatic works in the language. Ascribed to R. Heyden, who died 1363. Chevalier à-la-Mode, 1652, Dancourt. C. Chien de Montargis (Le), 1814, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. D. Chiens du Mont St. Bernard, 1838, Antier. T. Child of Nature (1753-1821), Inchbald. D. Children of the Wood, 1815, Morton. C. Chivalry, 1873, R. Lee. Pl. Chloridia, 1630, Jonson. M. Choephori, B.C. 458, Æschylus. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1777; Buckley 1849, Plumptre, 1869. Choleric Man, 1775, Cumberland. C. Chosroes, 1649, Rotrou. T. Christabel, 1816, Coleridge. D. Christian Slave (The), 1855, Mrs. Beecher-Stowe. T. (Uncle Tom’s Cabin dramatized). Christian turned Turke (A), 1612, Dayborn. Pl. Christine, 1830, Dumas. H.Pl. Christine à Fontainebleau, 1829, Soulié. D.R. Christine en Suède, 1829, Brault. H.Pl. Christmas, 1616, Jephson. Christo Triumphante (De), 1551, J. Foxe. T. (Latin), translated, 1579. Christophe Colomb, 1815, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. D. Chronicle History of Leir, King of England 1578, Anon. H.Pl. (This was the quarry of Shakespeare’s King Lear.) Chrononhotonthologos, 1734, Carey. MockT. Cid (The), 1621, Guilhelm de Castro. T. Cid (The), 1636, Corneille. T. (an adaptation of the above; translated 1714, by J. Ozell; 1802, by a “Captain”). Cid (The), 1637, J. Rutter. T.C. Cid (The), or the Heroic Daughter, 1714, J. Ozell. T. Cinna, 1639, Corneille. D.H. Cinna’s Conspiracy, 1740, T. Cibber. T. Cinthia’s Revels. (See “Cynthia’s Revels.”) Cinthia’s Revenge, 1613, Stephens. C. Circassian’s Bride (The), 1809, Bishop. O. Circe, 1677, C. Davenant. T. Ciro Riconosciuto, 1739, Leo. O. Cistellaria, or The Casket Comedy (B.C. 254-184). Plautus. C. (Latin, adapted from a Greek play by Menander). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Citizen (The), 1761, Murphy. F. Citizen General (The), 1793, Goethe. C. City Heiress (The), 1682, Mrs. Behn. C. City Madam (The), 1659, Massinger. C. City Match, 1639, Mayne. C. City Nightcap (The), 1661, R. Davenport. T.C. (a dramatized version of the Curious Impertinent in “Don Quixote,” welded on a tale of the “Decameron,” day vii., nov. 7). City Politics, 1672, Crowne. C. City Ramble (The), 1712, Settle. C. City Witt (The), 1653, Brome. C. City of the Plague, 1816, Wilson. D.Pm. Civil Wars of Henry VI., 1724, T. Cibber. H.T. Clandestine Marriage, 1766, Colman the Elder and Garrick. C. (based on The False Concord, by Townley, 1760). Claracilla, 1641, Killigrew. T.C. Clari, the Maid of Milan, 1822, Payne. Mu.D. (music by Bishop). Clavijo, 1774, Goethe. D. (translated 1798). Clementina, 1774, Kelly. T. Clemenza di Tito, 1734, Metastasio. O. (music by Leo). Clemenza di Tito, 1754, Glück. O. Clemenza di Tito, 1791, Mozart. O. Cleomenes, 1692, Dryden and Sothern. Cleone, 1740, Dodsley. T. Cleonice, 1775, Hoole. T. Cleopatra, 1594, Daniel. T. Cleopatra, 1639, May. T. Cleopatra, 1773, acted 1775, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Cléopâtre, 1630, Mairet. T. Cléopâtre, 17th cent., Calprenède. T. (translated by R. Loveday, 1668). Cléopâtre, 1750, Marmontel. T. Cléopâtre, Captive, 1550, Jodelle. T. Clifford, 1817, Clifford. T. Clitandre, 1632, Corneille. Closerie des Genêts (La), 1846, Soulié. D. Clotilde, 1832, Soulié. T. Clouds (The), B.C., 423, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). Translated by Stanley, 1687; White, 1759; Cumberland, 1797; Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867. Clytemnestra, 1823, Beer. T. Cobbler’s Prophecy (The), 1594, Wilson. D. Cocalus, B.C. 387, Aristophanes. C. (Translated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867.) Cocu Imaginaire, 1660, Molière. Cœlum Britannicum, 1633, Carew. M. Coffee-house Politicians, 1732, Fielding. C. Colinette à la Cour (1774-1826), Grétry. O. Colleen Bawn, 1860, Boucicault. C. Columbus, 1798, Morton. H.PL Combat of Love and Friendship (The), 1654, Mead. C. Combat of the Tongue, 1607, Brewer. C. (Cromwell acted the part of Tactus in this play.) Comédienne (La), 1816, Andrieux. C. Comédiens (Les), 1819, Delavigne. C. Comedy of Errors, 1593, Shakespeare. C. (first mentioned 1598). Comical Gallant, 1702, Dennis. C. (This is The Merry Wives of Windsor, by Shakespeare, 1596, new set.) Comical Hash (The), 1625-1673, Margaret, duchess of Newcastle. C. Comical History of Don Quixote, in three parts, 1694-96, D’Urfey. C. Comical Lovers (The), 1671-1757, C. Cibber. C. Comical Revenge, or Love in a Tub, 1664; Etherege. C. Commissary (The), 1765, Foote. F. Committee (The), 1670, Howard. C. (See “Honest Thieves.”) Common Conditions, 1576, * C. Commonwealth of Women (The), 1686, D’Urfey. T.C. (based on Fletcher’s Sea Voyage). Complaint of Rosamond (1562-1619), Daniel. T. Comte d’Ory (Le), 1828, Scribe. C. Comtesse d’Escarbagnas, 1672, Molière. C. Comus, 1634, Milton. M. (music by Lewes). Comus, 1738, Arne. O. Confederacy (The), 1705, Vanbrugh. C. Confederates (The), 1717, Jos. Gay. F. Confederates (The), about 1720, Breval. Sat.D. Conflict of Conscience, 1581, Woodes. Mo. Conquest of China, 1676, Settle. T. Conquest of Granada, 1672, Dryden. T. Conrad, 1772, Magnocavallo. Pr.T. Conscience, or The Bridal Night, 1823. Haynes. Conscious Lovers (The), 1722, Steele. C. Conseiller Rapporteur (Le), 1841, Delavigne. C. Conspiracy (The), 1638, H. Killigrew. T. Conspiracy (The), 1796, Jephson. T. (Metastasio’s Clemenza di Tito). Conspiracy of Brutus, 1691, Antoni. T. (See “Julius Cæsar.”) Conspiracy of the Pazzi, 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Constant Couple (The), 1700, Farquhar. C. Constant Maid (The), 1640, Shirley. C. (altered into Love will find out a Way, 1661). Contention (The), 1640, Shirley. C. Contention between Liberality and Prodigality, 1602 (?) Greene. Mo. Contention between the Houses of Lancaster and York, 1600. Anon. H.Pl. (Shakespeare’s part ii. of Henry VI., published 1623, is very like it indeed.) Contes de la Reine de Navarre (Les), 1850, Scribe and Legouvé. Contested Election (The), 1859, Tom Taylor. Contract (The), 1780, T. Franklin. C. Contrivances (The), 1715, Carey. Bd.F. Convict ( The), 1816, J. Wilson. D.Pm. Convivado de Piedra, 1626, Tirso de Molino, whose name was Tellez. C. (This is the original of all the Don Juans.) Cool as a Cucumber, 1851, W. B. Jerrold. F. Cophte (The Grand), 1792, Goethe. C. Coquette (The), 1706-1767, Molloy. C. Coquette du Village, 1715, Dufresny. C. Corésus et Callirhoe, 1696, Lafosse. T. Coriolan, 1781, Laharpe. T. Coriolanus, 1610, Shakespeare. T. (See “Invader of His Country.”) Coriolanus, 1723, founded on Haym’s drama of Cajo Marzio Coriolano, music by Attilo Ariosto. Coriolanus, 1749, Thomson. T. Cornelia, 1594, Kyd. T. (from Gander’s tragedy Cornélie). Cornélie, 1591, Garnier. T. (see above). Cornélie, 1768, Henault and Fusher. T. Cornette Jaune, 1864, Carmouche. C. Coronation (The), 1640, Shirley. C. Corsaire (The), 1856, Adam. B. Corsican Brothers, 1848, Boucicault. D. Corsicans, 1799. D. (from Kotzebue). Cosa Rara (La), 1786, Martini. O. (The English version is called The Siege of Belgrade.) Cosi Fan Tutte, 1788, Mozart. O. Cosmo de Medici, 1837, Horne. T. Costlie Whore (The), 1633, Anon. C. Count Egmont, 1788, Goethe. T. Count of Burgundy, 1798, Anne Plumtree. Pl. (from Kotzebue). Count of Narbonne, 1781, Jephson. T. (Walpole’s Castle of Otranto dramatized). Counterfeit Presentment. 1876, Howells. C. Counterfeits, 1677, Leanerd. C. Countess of Salisbury, 1767, Hartson. T. Country Attorney, 1793, Cumberland. C. Country Captain (The), 1649, duke of Newcastle. C. Country Girle (The), 1647, Brewer. C. Country Girl (The), 1716-1779, Garrick. C. (altered from The Country Wife). Country House, 1715, Vanbrugh. F. Country Innocence, 1677, Leanerd. C. (a plagiarism of The Country Girle). Country Wake (The), 18th cent., Dogget. C. Country Wife, 1675, Wycherly. C. (largely borrowed from L’Ecole des Maris and L’Ecole des Femmes, by Molière, q.v.). Courageous Turk (Aurath I.), 1632, Goff. T. Courier of Lyons, 1852, Stirling. D. Couronne de Bluets, 1836, Houssaye. Court Beauties, 1835, Planché. C. Court Beggar (The), 1653, Brome. C. Court Secret (The), 1653, Shirley. C. Courtley Nice (Sir), 1685, Crowne. C. Courtly Masque (A), 1620, Middleton. M. Covent Garden, 1632, printed 1638, Nabbes. C. Covent Garden Weeded, 1653, Brome. C. Coventry Plays (The), in MS..[MS.**], 1468. Covivando de Piedro. (See “Convivado,” etc.) Coxcomb, 1612, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Cozeners (The), 1774, Foote. F. Creation (The), 1798, Haydn. Or. Creatures of Impulse, 19th cent., Gilbert. Creole (The), 1815-1874, C. S. Brooks. D. Creusa, 1754, Whitehead. T. Crispin Gentilhomme (1640-1685), Ant. J. Montfleury. C. Critic (The), 1779, Sheridan. F. (“Sir Fretful Plagiary” is meant for Cumberland.) Critique (La), 1662, Molière. C. Crochets du Père Martin (Les), 1858, Cormon and Grange. (This is the original of Oxenford’s Porter’s Knot, and Boucicault’s Daddy O’Dowd.) Crociato in Egitto (Il), 1825, Meyerbeer. O. Crœsus, 1604, Alexander, earl of Stirling. T. Crœsus, 1845, Richards. T. Cromwell (Lord), 1602, Anon. H.Pl. Cromwell, 1827, Victor Hugo. H.Pl. (See “Charles I.”) Cromwell, 1847, Richards. H.Pl. Cross Purposes, 1842, O’Brien. F. Crown Diamonds, 1842 (English version of Diamants de la Couronne, q.v.). Crowne for a Conqueror (A), 1639, E. Davenport. D. Cruel Brother (The), 1630, Davenant. T. Cruel Gift, 1707, Centlivre. Crutch and Toothpick, 1879, Sims. B. Cry (The), 1754, Mesd. Fielding and Collier. D.Fab. Cuck Queanes, etc., 1824, Percy. C. Cuculio, or the Hood (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Cunning Lovers (The), 1654, Brome. C. Cup (The), 1881, Tennyson. T. Cupid and Campaspê, 1583, Lyly. L.D. Cupid and Death, 1653, Shirley. M. Cupid and Psychê, 19th cent., Miller. L.D. Cupid in Waiting, 1871, W. B. Jerrold. C. Cupid’s Revenge, 1615, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. (The quarry of this play was Sidney’s Arcadia.) Cure for a Cuckold (A), 1661, Webster and Rowley. C. Cure for Romance, 1819, Thomson. C. Cure for the Heartache, 1811, Th. Morton. C. Cure of Saul, 1770, Arnold. O. Curfew (The), 1770-1804, Tobin. Pl. Custom of the Country, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. T. Cutter of Coleman Street, 1663, Cowley. C. Cyclops (B.C. 480-407), Euripides. Sat.D. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782; Shelley; with Buckley’s prose translation in Bohn’s series. Cymbeline, 1605, Shakespeare. T. Cymon (1716-1779), Garrick. D.R. Cymon and Iphigenia (1631-1701), Dryden. Cynthia and Cyrus, 1768, Hoole. T. Cynthia and Endymion, 1697, D’Urfey. D.O. Cynthia’s Revels, 1600, Jonson. Sat.C. Cyril’s Success, 19th cent., H. J. Byron. Cyrus the Great, 1696, Banks. T.

Daddy O’Dowd, 19th cent., Boucicault. I.D. (See “Crochets du Père Martin.”) Daisy Farm (The), 1871, H. J. Byron. Dom.D. Dame Blanche (La), 1829, Boieldieu. O.C. (libretto by Scribe). Dame Médecin (La), 1640-1685, Ant. J. Montfleury. C. Dame Voilée, 1838, Balfe. O. Dame aux Camélias, 1848, Dumas fils. C. Dames Capitaines, (Les), 1857, Reber. O. Damoiselle, 1653, Brome. C. Damoiselle à Marier (La), before 1822, Scribe. Damoiselles à-la-Mode, 1667, Flecknoe. C. Damon and Pythias, 1571, R. Edwards. T. (See “Ferrex and Porrex.”) Damon and Pythias, 1825, Banim. Pl. Dancing Devils (The), 1724, E. Ward. C. Dan’l Druce, 1878, Gilbert. D. Daphne and Amintor, 1765, Bickerstaff. Daranes, 1743, Hill. Darius (King), 1565, Anon. Mir. Pl. Darius, 1603, published 1607, Lord Stirling. T. Dark Glen of Ballyfoill (The), 19th cent., Stirling. I.D. Daughter (The), 1836, Knowles. D. Daughter of St. Mark, 1844, Balfe. O. Daughter of the Isles, 1861, Leslie. O. Daughter of the Stars (The), 1815-1874, C. S. Brooks. D. Daughter to Marry (A), 1828, Planché. C. David (1724-1803), Klopstock. S.D. David, 1834, Neukomm. Or. David (King), 1874, Armstrong. T. David Garrick. (See “Garrick.”) Days of Jezebel (The), 1872, P. Bayne. H.D. Days of Yore, 1796, Cumberland. C. De Christo Triumphante, 1551, Foxe. S.D. De Montfort, 1798, Baillie. T. De Paris à Corbell, etc., 1854, Demolière. C. Deaf and Dumb, 1785, Holcroft. H.D. Death Fetch, 1830, Horne. D. Death of Adam (1724-1803), Klopstock. S.D. Death of Marlowe, 1838, Horne. T. Death of Nero, 1690, Pechantre. T. Death of Robert, Earl of Huntington, in two parts, 1601, Heywood. Pl. (See “Robin Hood.”) This play is by some attributed to Ant. Munday and Chettle. Death’s Jest-book, or the Fool’s Tragedy, 1850, Beddoes. D. Debates in the Police Friend, Herz. V. Debauchee (The), 1677, Mrs. Behn. C. Deborah, 1733, Handel. Or. Deformed Transformed, 1824, Byron. D. (founded partly on The Three Brothers, a novel, and partly on Goethe’s Faust). Dégel (Le), 1864, Sardou. Delinquent (The), 1765-1841, Reynolds. C. Demafoonte, 1719, Metastasio. O. (music by Leo). Demetrio, 1731, Metastasio. O. (music by Caldara). Demetrio, 1742, Glück. O. Démocrite, 1700, Régnard. C. Démophon, 1791, Cherubini. O. Dependant (The), 1798, Cumberland. C Dépit Amoreux, 1654, Molière. C. Der Freischütz, 1822, Weber. O. (libretto by Kind). Dervis (Le), 1811, Scribe. O. Desert Flower (The), 1863, Wallace. O. Desert Island (The), 1760, Murphy. D.Pc. (from Metastasio). Deserted Daughter, 1785, Holcroft. C. (altered into The Steward). Deserter (The), 1770, Dibdin. Mu.D. (from Le Déserteur). Déserteur (Le), 1769, Sedaine. C.O. (music by Monsigny). Destruction of Jerusalem, 1677, Crowne. T. (Milman wrote The Fall of Jerusalem, 1820. Cl.T.). Destruction of Troy (The), 1679, Banks. T. Deuce is in Him, 1763, Colman the Elder. F. Deux Amis (Les), 1770, Beaumarchais. D. Deux Aveugles (Les), 1855, Offenbach. O.Bf. Deux Billets (Les), 1779, Florian. C. Deux Hommes pour un Placard, 1860, Desarbres. F. Deux Journées, 1800, Cherubini. O. Deux Jumeaux de Bergame, 1781, Florian. C. Deux Papas Très-Bien, 1845, Labiche. C. Deux Précepteurs, before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Devil of a Wife (The), 1686, Jevon. C. Devil to Pay (The), 1731, Coffey. Bd.F. Devil upon Two Sticks, 1768, Foote. F. Devil’s an Ass (The), 1616, Jonson. C. Devil’s Charter, 1607, Barnes. T. (chief character Pope Alexander VI.). Devil’s Law-Case, 1613, Webster. C. Devil’s Opera (The), 1838, Macfarren. O. Devin du Village (Le), 1652, words and music by Rosseau. Opta. Diable à l’Ecole, 1842, Boulanger. C.O. Diable à Quartre (Le), 1756, Sedaine. C.O. Diamants de la Couronne (Les), 1841, Auber. O. (See “Crown Diamonds.”) Diane et Endymion, 1787, Piccini. O. Dido, 1734, Reed. T. Dido, 1783, Marmontel. O. (music by Piccini). Dido, Queen of Carthage, 1594, Marlowe and Nash. T. Dido and Æneas, 1657, Purcell. O. Dido and Æneas, 1727, D’Urfey. D.E. Didone Abbandonata, 1724, Metastasio. O. (music by Sarro and Vinci). Die Zauberflöte. (See “Zauberflöte.”) Dieu et la Bayadère, 1830, Scribe. O. Dinorah, 1859, Meyerbeer. O. Dioclesian, 1690, Purcell. O. Diogenes and His Lantern, 1849, Taylor. C. Dione, 1720, J. Gay. P.T. Dionysius, 1748, Marmontel. T. (Denys le Tyrant). Diplomate (Le), 1827, Delavigne and Scribe. Pt.Pc. Disappointed Gallant (The), 1738, A. Thomson. Bd.O. Disappointment (The), 1684, Southerne. C. Discarded Son (The), 1854, Godfrey. C. (This is an English version of Un Fils de Famille; see “The Queen’s Shilling.”) Discontented Colonel, 1638, Suckling. C. Discovery (The), 1763, Mrs. Sheridan. C. Disobedient Child (The), 1575, Ingeland. Mo. Distrait (Le), 1697, Régnard. C. Distressed Mother (The), 1725, Philips. T. (Racine’s tragedy Andromaque Anglicized). Distressed Wife (The), 1743, J. Gay. C. Diversions of the Morning, 1747, Foote. F. Divine Olimpiade, 1719, Metastasio. O. (music by Leo). Divorce (The), 1805, Alfieri. C. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Djengis Khan ou La Conquête de la Chine, 1837, Anicet Bourgeois. T. Dr. Last in His Chariot, 1769, Foote and Bickerstaff. F. (based on Le Malade Imaginaire, by Molière, 1673). Dr. Magnus, 1864, Cormon. D. Dodypoll (Dr.), 1600, Lyly. Pl. Dog of Montargis, 1815. Mel. (an English version of the Chien de Montargis, of Guilbert de Pixérécourt). (There is another French drama, called Le Chien d’Aubry, on the same subject.) Doigts de Fee (Les), 1858, Scribe and Legouvé. O.C. Domino Noir (Le), 1837, Auber. O.C. (libretto by Scribe). (See “Black Domino.”) Don Cæsar de Bazan, 19th cent., Boucicault. Don Carlos, 1676, Otway. T. Don Carlos, 1787, Schiller. T. (translated by Calvert, 1836). Don Carlos, 1822, Lord J. Russell. T. Don Carlos, 1844, Michael Costa. O. Don Carlos, 1867, Verdi. O. Don Felix, 1714, Centlivre. C. (same as The Wonder). Don Garcia, 1785, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Don Giovanni, 1787, Mozart. O. (libretto by L. da Ponte). Sir H. Bishop recast this opera. (See “Giovanni” and “Convivado.”) Don Juan, 1665, Glück. O. Don Juan, 1665, Molière. C. (imitated from the “Convivado,” q.v.). Don Juan, 1673, Thomas Corneille. C. (from the Spanish comedy “Convivado,” q.v.). Don Juan, 1802, Kalkbrenner. O. Don Juan d’Autriche, 1835, Delavigne. C. Don Pasquale, 1843, Donizetti. O. Don Pédre, 1857, Cormon. D. Don Pedro, 1795, Cumberland. D. Don Pedro de Portugal, 1828, Gil y Zarate. D. Don Quixote, 1846, Macfarren. O. Don Quixote in England, 1736, Fielding. C. Don Sebastian, 1690, Dryden. T. Don Sebastiano, 1843, Donizetti. O. Donna Diana, 1864, W. Marston. C. Donna del Lago (La), 1821, Rossini. O. Doom of Devorgoil, 1829, Sir W. Scott. Pl. Dot., 19th cent., Boucicault. Double Dealer (The), 1694, Congreve. C. Double Deceit (The), 1736, W. Popple. C. Double Disguise (The), 1783, Murdoch. C. Double Falsehood, 1728, Theobald. T. Double Gallant, 1707, Cibber. C. Double Marriage, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Double Veuvage, 1701, Dufresny. C. Double or Quits, (See “Quitte,” etc.) Doubtful Heir (The), 1652, Shirley. C. Douglas, 1756, Home. T. (based on the tale of Gil Morice). Dowager (The), 1803-1878, C. J. Mathews. Dragon of Wantley, 1737, Carey. B.O. (Its sequel is called Margery, or The Dragoness). Dragons de la Reine, 1841, Decourcelle. C. Dragoons (The), 1879, Hersee. (This is an English version of Des Dragons de Villars, a comic opera by Maillart.) Drama of Exile, 1850, E. B. Browning. Dramatist (The), 1789, Reynolds, C. Drames du Cabaret, 1864, Dumanoir. D. Dream at Sea, before 1838, Buckstone. Mel. Dream of Scipio (The), 1797, Olivari. F. (from Metastasio). Dreams (1829-1871), Robertson. C. Drink, 1879, C. Reade. D. (from L’Assommoir, by M. Zola, 1878). Druid, or The Vision of Fingal, 1815, Thomson. Drummer (The), 1715, Addison. C. (founded on a tradition of Hurstmonceux House). Duchess de la Vallière, 1836, Lytton. T. Duchess of Guise, 1838, Flotow. O. Duchess of Malfy, 1623, Webster. T. Duenna (The), 1775, Sheridan. Op.C. (music by Linley). Duke of Braganza, 1785, Jephson. T. Duke of Guise, 1682, Dryden. T. Duke of Lerma, 1665, Sir Robert Howard. Duke of Millaine, 1623, Massinger. T. Duke’s Mistress, 1638, Shirley. Dulcamara, 1866, Gilbert. D.P. Dumb Knight, 1608, Machin. C. Dumb Lady, 1672, Lacy. C. Dundreary Married and Done for (Lord), 1859, H. J. Byron and Sothern. C. (See “Our American Cousin.”) Dupe (The), 1765, Mrs. Sheridan. C. Dupe. (See “Who’s the Dupe?”) Duplicity, 1781, Holcroft. C. Dutch Courtesan (The), 1605, Marston. C. (Revived in 1680, and called the Revenge. Revived again in 1746, and called The Vintner Tricked.) Dutch Lover (The), 1673, Mrs. Behn. C.

Earl Godwin, 1796, Anne Yearsley. T. Earl of Essex (1610-1663), La Calprenède. T. Earl of Essex, 1678, Th. Corneille. T. (Essex). Earl of Essex, 1682, Banks. T. Earl of Essex, 1753, Jones. T. Earl of Essex, 1760, Brooke. T. Earl of Gowrie (1785-1862), White. Pl. Earl of Huntingdon. See (“Death of Robert ...”) Earl of Warwick, 1767, Dr. T. Franklin. T. (See “Warwick.”) Earl of Westmoreland, 1748, H. Brooke. T. East Indian, 1800, Lewis. C. (from Kotzebue). Eastward Hoe! 1605, Jonson, Chapman, etc. Sat.D. to ridicule the Scotch. (Revived by Tate, and called The Cuckold’s Haven, 1685. Revived again by Mrs. Lennox, and called Old City Manners, 1777.) Eccentric Love, 1799, Cumberland. C. Echo et Narcisse, 1778, Glück. O. Eclair. (See “L’Éclaire.”) Ecole. (See “L’École.”) Ecossaise (L’), 1764, Voltaire. C. (in which Fréron is gibbeted). Edgar, the English Monarch, 1677, Thomas Rymer. H.Pl. Edith (1740-1809), Downman. T. Edward I., 1593, Peele. H.Pl. Edward II., 1592, Marlowe. H.T. (Shakespeare’s Richard II. is in imitation of it, 1597). Edward IV., in two parts, 1600, Thomas Heywood. H.Pl. Edward and Leonora, 1739, Thomson. T. Edward the Black Prince, 1640, Shirley. H.T. Edwin (1678-1755), Jefferys. T. Edwin and Elgitha, 1795, Mad. D’Arblay. T. Edwin, the Banished Prince, 1784, Douglas. T. Edwin the Fair, 1843, Taylor. H.D. Egmont (Count), 1788, Goethe. T. Elavi, 1816, Bishop. O. Elder Brother, 1637, Fletcher. C. Election (The), 1774, Andrews. Int. Election of the Managers (The), 1784, G. Colman. D. Skit. Electra, about B.C. 439, Sophocles. T. (Greek). Translated by C. W[ase], 1649; L. Theobald, 1714; G. Adams, 1729; Potter, 1788; Dale, 1824; Plumptre, 1865. Electra, B.C. 413, Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782. Electra, 1714, Theobald. T. Elfrid, or The Fair Inconstant, 1710, Hill. Elfrida, 1752, acted 1753, Mason. T. Elfrida, 1856, Balfe. O. El Hyder, * Barrymore. G.E.Mel.S. Eli, 1855, M. Costa. Or. Elijah, 1846, Mendelssohn. Or. Elisa, 1794, Cherubini. O. Elisca (1741-1813), Grétry. O. Elixir d’Amour (L’), 1845, Donizetti. O. Eliza (1710-1778), Dr. Arne. Op. Ella Rosenberg, 1807, Kenney. C. Ellen Wareham, about 1834, Buckstone. D. (written for Mrs. Yates). Elmerick, 1739, Lillo. T. Eloisa, 1786, Reynolds. C. Elves (The), 1835, Heiberg. Fy.C. Elvira, 1760, Mallet. T. Emilia Galotti, 1772, Lessing. T. Emma, 19th cma di Resburgo, 1820, Meyerbeer. O. Empedocles on Etna, 1853, M. Arnold. D.Pm. Emperiques (Les), 1698, De Brueys. C. Emperor of the East, 1632, Massinger. Emperor of the Moon, 1687, Mrs. Behn. C. Empress of Morocco, 1673, Settle. T. Empress of Morocco, 1674, Duffett. T. En Avant les Chinois! 1858, Labiche. C. Enchanted Lovers (The), 1663, Lower. P. Enchantress (The), 1849, Balfe. O. Endimione, 1721, Metastasio. Mu.D. Endymion, the Man in the Moon, 1591, J. Lyly. Myt.D. Enfant du Peuple (Un), 1847, Labrousse. C. Enfants d’Edouard (Les), 1833, Delavigne. H.D. Engaged, 1877, Gilbert. F.C. England in the Days of Charles II., 1877, Wills. C. English Fleet (1739-1802), Arnold. Mu.D. English Gentleman (The), 19th cent., H. J. Byron. C. English Merchant, 1767, Colman. C. English Moor (The), 1653, Brome. C. English Rogue (The), 1668, Thompson. C. English Rogue (The), 1671, Head. Ex. English Princess, or Death of Richard III., 1667, Caryl. T. English Travellers (The), 1633, Th. Heywood. C. Englishman (An) in Paris, 1753, Foote. F. Englishman (An) returned from Paris, 1756, Foote. F. Englishmen for my Money, 1596, Haughton. C. Enrico di Borgogna, 1818, Donizetti. O. Enrico IV., 1834, Balfe. Op. Enseignement Mutuel, 1846, Nus. C. Envies de Mde. Godard, 1848, Carmouche. C. Ephesian Matron (The), 1769, Bickerstaff. Epicharis et Néron, 1793, Legouvé. T. Epicœne, or The Silent Woman, 1609, Jonson. C. Epidicus (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Epsom Wells, 1673, Shadwell. C. Erechtheus, 1876, Swinburne. T. Erigone (1677-1758), Lagrange. T. Erik (King), 1876, Gosse. T. Erik VII., 19th cent., Bojé. T. Eriphyle, 1732, Voltaire. T. Erminia, or The Chaste Lady, 1665, Flecknoe. T.C. Ernani [Hernani], 1830, Victor Hugo. R.T. Ernani, 1841, Verdi. O. Esclave de Camoëns, 1843, Flotow. O. Esmeralda, 1833, Victor Hugo. R.D. (An English version by H. J. Byron.) Esperidi (Gli Orti), 1722, Metastasio. O. (music by Porpora). Esprit de Contradiction, 1700, Dufresny. F. Essex. (See “Earl of Essex.”) Esther, 1689, Racine. S.T. Esther, 1720, Handel. Or. Estrella, 1865, Wallace. O. (left incomplete). Esule di Granada, 1823, Meyerbeer. O. Etéocle, 1799, Legouvé. T. Etoile de Nord (L’), 1854, Meyerbeer. O. (libretto by Scribe). Etoile de Seville (L’), 1842, Balfe. O. Etourdis (Les), 1788, Andrieux. C. Eugene Aram, 1873, W. G. Wills. D. (Lord Lytton’s novel dramatized). Eugénie, 1767, Beaumarchais. D. Eugenie, One Drama of a Trilogy (1749-1832). Goethe. T. Eumenides, B.C. 458, Æschylus. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1777; Buckley, 1849; Dalton, 1868; Plumptre, 1869. Eunuchus, or The Eunuch, B.C. 162, Terence. C (Latin). Translated by Bentley, 1726; Colman the Elder, 1765; Barry, 1857; etc. Euphosine et Coradin. 1790, Hoffmann. O.C. (music by Méhul). Euryanthe, 1825, Weber. O. Eurydice, 1731, Mallet. T. Evadne, or The Statue, 1819, Sheil (The Traitor, by Shirley, 1631, reset). Evasion de Marie Stuart, 1822, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. D. Evening’s Love (An), 1668, Dryden. Every Man (written in the reign of Edward IV.). Anon. Mo. (printed by Pynson). Every Man in His Humor, 1596, improved 1598, Jonson. C. (Garrick reset this comedy.) Every Man out of His Humor, 1599, Jonson. C. Every one has His Fault, 1794, Inchbald. C. (realized £700). Example (The), 1637, Shirley. C. Excommunicated Prince (The), 1679, Bedlow. T. Exiles of Siberia, 1789, Aude. D. Extravagant Shepherd (The), 1654. T.R. (from Corneille). Extremes, or Men of the Day, 1859, O’Rourke (i.e. E. Falconer). Ezechias, 1564, Udal. S.D. Ezio, 1728, Metastasio. O.

Fabii (The), 1573, Anon. H.Pl. Facheux (Les), 1661, Molière. C. Faded Flowers, 1874, A. W. A’Beckett. C. Fair Anchoress of Pausilippo, 1640, Massinger. C. Fair Circassian (The), 1720, Dr. Croxall. D.Pm. (This is Solomon’s Song dramatized.) Fair Circassian (The), 1749-1814, S. J. Pratt. T. Fair Maid of the Exchange, 1607, Heywood. Fair Maid of the Inn, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Fair One with the Golden Locks (The), 1843, Planché. Fair Penitent (The), 1703, Rowe. T. (quarried from The Fatal Dowry by Massinger). Fair Quaker of Deal, 1617, Ch. Shadwell. C. (altered by Ed. Thompson). Fair Quarrel, 1617, Middleton and Rowley. C. Fair Rosamond. (See “Rosamond.”) Fair Rosamond, 1836, Barnett. H.O. Fairy Knight (The), 19th cent., Ford and Dekker. Faithful Friend, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Faithful Shepherdess, 1610, Fletcher. P. (in imitation of Il Pastor Fido, 1590, q.v.). Falcon (The), 1879, Tennyson. V. (in one act). (The story is from Boccaccio’s Decameron.) Fall of Jerusalem, 1820, Milman. D.Pm. (Crowne wrote, in 1680, The Destruction of Jerusalem. T.) Fall of Mortimer, 1731, Mortimer. H.Pl. Fall of Portugal, 1808, Dr. Wolcot (Peter Pindar). T. Fall of Robespierre, 1794, Coleridge. H.Pl. Fall of the Giants, 1745, Glück. O. False Alarms, 1807, Kenney. Opta. (music by King and Braham). False Concord, 1760, Townley. C. (See “Clandestine Marriage.”) False Count (The), 1682, Mrs. Behn. C. False Delicacy, 1763, Kelly. C. False Friend (1672-1726), Vanbrugh. C. False Impressions, 1796, Cumberland. C. False One (The), 1619, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). T. (That is Cleopatra and J. Cæsar.) False Shame, 1872, Marshall. C. Falstaff, 1838, Balfe. O. Falstaff’s Wedding, 1766, Mortimer. H.Pl. Famille Benoiton (La), 1865, Sardou. D. Famille Poisson (La), 1633-1690, Poisson. C. Famille Renneville (La), 1802, Demoliére. D. Famille au Temps de Luther (Une), 1836, Delavigne. T. Famille de Lusigny (La), 1830, Soulié. D. Family Honors, 1878, Marshall. Pl. Family Legend (The), 1810, Baillie. T. Family of Love (The), 1608, Middleton. C. Famous Victories of Henry V. (The), 1578, Anon. H.Pl. (This was the quarry of Shakepeare’s Henry V.) Fanatico per la Musica, 1799, Mayer. O. Fancies Chaste and Noble, 1638, Ford. T.C. Fancy’s Festival, 1657, Jordan. M. Fanisca, 1805, Cherubini. O. Farinelli, 1837, Barnett. O. Farm-House (The), 1757-1823, Kemble. F. Farmer (The), 1788, Shield. O. Farmer’s Wife (The), 1780, Dibdin, junior. C.O. Faro Table (The), 1770-1804, Tobin. Fashion, 1845, Mowatt. C. Fashionable Levites (1752-1820), Macnally. C. Fashionable Lover (The), 1772, Cumberland. C. Fast and Welcome, 1660, Massinger. C. Fata Morgana, 1838, Heiberg. Fy.C. Fatal Contract (The), 1653, Hemmings. T. (from the French). Fatal Curiosity, 1736, Lillo. T. Fatal Discovery, 1769, Home. T. Fatal Dowry, 1620, Massinger and Field. T. (See “Fair Penitent.”) Fatal Extravagance, 1721, Mitchell. T. (altered by Hill, in 1746). Fatal Falsehood, 1779, H. More. T. Fatal Friendship (1679-1749), Mrs. Cockburn. T. Fatal Love (1648-1724), Settle. T. Fatal Marriage, 1692, Southerne. T. (See “Isabella, or the Fatal Marriage.”) Fatal Vision, 1716, Hill. T. Fate of Villainy (The), 1730, T. Walker. T. Father Baptiste, 19th cent., Stirling. D. Father’s Revenge (A), 1783, earl of Carlisle. T. Faucon (Le), 1772, Sedaine. O.C. (music by Monsigny.) Faulkner, 1808, W. Godwin. T. Faussaires Anglaises (Les), 1833, Cormon. D. Fausse Magie (La), 1775, Marmontel. O. (music by Grétry). Faust, pt., i., 1798; ii., 1828; Goethe. T. or rather a dramatic poem. (English versions by Leveson-Gower, 1823; A. Hayward, 1833; J. S. Blackie, 1834; Anster, 1835; R. Talbot, 1835; J. Birch, 1839; J. Hills, 1840; L. Filmore, 1841; MacDonald, 1842; Gurney, 1843; C. H. Knox, 1847; Sir W. Scott, 1851; Grant, 1868; Martin, 1870; Taylor, 1871; B. Bernard; Scoones, Swanwicke; etc.) Faust and Marguerite, 1877, Boucicault. Faust e Margherito, Gounod. O. Faustus (Dr.), 1604, Marlowe. T. Favorita, 1843, Donizetti. O. Fazio, 1815, Milman. T. Fée Urgèle (La), 1749-1806, Favart. O.C. Feigned Courtezan (The), 1679, Mrs. Behn. C. Feinte par Amour (La), 1734-1780, Dorat. C. Félix, 1777, Sedaine. O.C. (music by Monsigny). Felix (Don). (See “The Wonder.”) Felton (John), 1852, Stirling. H.Pl. Female Academy (The), 1624-1673, Margaret, duchess of Newcastle. C. Female Dramatist, 1782, Colman. Mu.F. Female Officer (1757-1823), Kemble. F. Female Parricide (The), 1761, Crane. T. Female Prelate (The), 1680, Settle. T. Female Volunteer (The), 1801, Hallorom. D. Femme à Deux Maris (La), 1802, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. V. Femme Jalouse (La), 1726, Joly. C. Femme Juge et Partie (La), 1666, Montfleury. C. (reduced to three acts by Leroy, 1821). Femmes et le Mérite des Femmes, 1824, Antier. C. Femmes et le Secret, 1843, Déaddé. C. Femmes Savantes (Les), 1672, Moliére. C. Femmes Soldats (Les), 1809, Dartois. C. Femmes Terribles (Les), 1858, Dumanoir. D. Fénelon, 1793, Chénier. T. (An English version by Merry.) Fernande, 1868, Sardou. C. (adapted by S. Edwards). Ferrex and Porrex, 1561-62, Buckhurst. T. (called Gorboduc by Sir P. Sidney. The first three acts by Norton, the last two by Sackville Lord Buckhurst. First English tragedy). (See “Damon and Pythias” and “Ralph Roister Doister.”) Festin de Pierre. (See “Don Juan.”) Festus, 1839, Bailey. D.Pm. Feudal Times (1785-1862), White. Pl. Few (The), 1805, Alfieri. C. Fidèle Berger (Le), 1837, Adam. O.C. Fidelio, 1791, Beethoven. O. Fiesco, 1783, Schiller. T. Fiesco, 1850, H. Elliott. T. Fiesque, 1824, Ancelot. T. (a French version of the above). Figaro. (See “Mariage de ...” and “Nozze....”) Filippo II., 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Fille de Jephte, 1814, Meyerbeer. Or. (See “Jephte.”) Fille de l’Exile (La), 1819, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. D. Fille des Bois, 1800, Weber. O. Fille du Cid (La), 1840, Delavigne. T. Fille du Diable, 1860, Thiboust. D. Fille du Régiment, 1840, Donizetti. O.C. Fille du Tambour-Major, 1879, Offenbach. C.Bf. Filles de Marbre (Les), 1853, Barrière. D. Fils de Famille (Un), 1853, Bayard and Bieville. C. (See “The Discarded Son.”) Fils du Diable, 1860, Déaddé. D. (See “Fille du Diable.”) Fils Ingrats ou L’École des Pères, 1728, Piron. C. Fils Naturel, 1757, Diderot. C. Financier et le Savetier (Le), 1819-1880, Offenbach. O.Bf. Fine Companion (A), 1633, Marmion. Pl. Finestrina (La), 1805, Alfieri. C. (scene laid in hell), translated by C. Lloyd, 1815. Finta Giardiniera (La), 1774, Mozart. O. Fiole de Cagliostro (La), 1835, Brisebarre. D. Firmilian, 1854, T. P. Jones (i.e. Aytoun). Sp.T. First Floor (The), 1756-1818, Cobb. F. First Impressions, 1813, H. Smith. C. First Love, 1795, Cumberland. C. Flitch of Bacon, 1778, Dudley. Mu.F. (music by Shield). Flitting Day (The), 19th cent., Herz. D. Floating Island (The), 1655, Strode. T.C. (music by Lawes). Florinda, 1699, Handel. O. Flowers of the Forest, 1847, Buckstone. R.D. Flying Dutchman, about 1830, Fitzball. Mel. Flying Scud, 1866, Boucicault. D. Folies Amoureuses, 1704, Régnard. C. Follies of a Day (The), 1745-1809, Holcroft. C. Follies of the Night, 1842, Planché. C. Folly as it Flies (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. Fond Husband (The), 1676, D’Urfey. C. Fontainbleau, 1798, O’Keefe. C. Fool made Wise, 1741, S. Johnson. C.O. Fool of Quality (1633-1690), Poisson. C. Fool turned Critic (The), 1678, D’Urfey. C. Fool would be a Favorite, 1657, Carlell. Pl. Fool’s Opera, 1731, Aston. O. Fool’s Preferment (The), 1688, D’Urfey. C. (Fletcher’s play The Two Noble Kinsmen. The songs are by Purcell.) Fool’s Revenge (The), 1859, Tom Taylor. H.D. Fopling Flutter (Sir), 1676, Etherege. C. (second title of The Man of Mode). Forced Marriage (The), 1770, Armstrong. T. (See “Mariage Forcé.”) Forest (The), 1616, B. Jonson. For Love or Money (1830-1877), Halliday. C. Forgery, 1832, Buckstone. Mel. Formosa, 19th cent., Boucicault. Fortresse du Danube (La), 1805, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Mel. Fortunate Isles (The), 1626, B. Jonson. M. Fortunate Isles (The), 1840, Planché. Fortunatus (Old), or the Wishing-Cap, 1600, Dekker. C. Fortune by Land and Sea, 1655. Th. Heywood. T.C. Fortune’s Fool (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. Fortune’s Frolic, about 1800, Allingham. F. Fortunes of Nigel, Sir W. Scott’s novel, 1822, dramatized by A. Halliday. Forza del Destino (La), 1869, Verdi. O. Foscari (Il due), 19th cent., Verdi. O. Foscari (The), 1826, Miss Mitford. H.T. Foscari (The Two) 1821, Byron. H.T. Foul Play, 19th cent., C. Reade and Boucicault. Foundling (The), 1748, E. Moore. C. Foundling of the Forest, * Dimond. Pl. Four Elements (The), before 1536, Rastell. Int. Four Fine Gallants, 1607, Middleton. C. Four P’s (Palmer, Pardoner, Poticary, Pedlar), 1530, printed 1569, J. Heywood. Int. Four Plays in One, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Four ’Prentices of London, 1632, Heywood. H.Pl. Four Sons of Aymon, 1843, Balfe. O. Fourberies de Scapin, 1671, Molière. C. (See “Cheats of Scapin.”) Fox. (See “Volpone.”) Fra Diavolo, 1830, Auber. O.C. (libretto by Scribe). (Fra Diavolo, by H. J. Byron.) Francesca da Rimini, 1816, Hunt. D.Pm. Francis I., 1830, F. A. Kemble. H.Pl. Francois I. à Madrid, 1826, Brifaut. T. Fredolpho, 1818, Maturin. Freethinker (The), 1774, Lessing. D. Freischütz (Der), 1822, Weber. O. (libretto by Kind). French Refugée (The), 1836, Mrs. S. C. Hall. Pl. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, 1588, Greene. C. (first acted in 1591, first printed 1594). Friendship in Fashion, 1683, Otway. C. Frogs (The), B.C. 405, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). Translated by Dunster, 1812; Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867. Frozen Deep (The), 1857, Wilkie Collins. D. Fugitive (The), 1758-1803, J. Richardson. C. Funeral, or Grief à-la-Mode, 1701, Steele. C.

Gabrielle de Vergy, 1768, De Belloy. T. (This is the story of Raval de Courcy and the Dame de Fayel, whose history was written by G. A. Crapelet, and published in 1829.) Gageure Imprévue (La), 1772, Sedaine. C. Galant Jardinier, 1667, Dancourt. C. Galathea, 1592, J. Lyly. Pl. Gallant (The), 1765, O’Keefe. C. Gallants (The), 1696, G. Granville. C. Galotti. (See “Emilia Galotti.”) Game at Chesse, 1624, Middleton. C. Game of Life (The), 19th cent., J. Brougham. D.Pc. Game of Love (The), 19th cent., J. Brougham. D.Pc. Game of Speculation, 19th cent., Slingsby Laurence (i.e. G. H. Lewes). Adapted from Balzac’s Mercadet le Faiseur. (See “Speculation.”) Gamester (The), 1637, Shirley. C. (Altered by C. Johnson into The Wife’s Relief, 1711; The Gamesters, by Garrick, 1758; The Wife’s Stratagem, by J. Poole, 1827. It was founded on a tale by Malespini.) Gamester (The), 1709, Centlivre. T. Gamester (The), 1753, E. Moore. T. Gamesters (The), 1758, Garrick. C. (See above, “Gamester.”) Gammer Gurton’s Needle, 1551, Mr. S. Master of Arts (said to be Bishop Still; but he was under nine years of age at the date given. It was printed in 1575, when Still was 32. This was our second comedy). (See “Roister Doister” and “Mesogonus.”) Garçon de Ferme (Le), 1861, Brisebarre. D. Garrick (David), 1864, Robertson. C. (adapted from the French). Gay Deceivers, 1804, Colman. F. Gazza Ladra (La), 1817, Rossini. C.O. Gemma di Vergi, 1835, Donizetti. O. General (The), 1653, Shirley. T.C. Generous Conqueror, 1702, Higgons. Geneviève de Brabant, 1860, Offenbach. O.Bf. Gentle Shepherd, 1725, Ramsay. P. (altered by Tickell in 1786). Gentleman Cully (The), 1702, C. Johnson. Pl. Gentleman Dancing-Master, 1673, Wycherly. C. Gentleman Usher, 1606, Chapman. C. Gentleman of Alsatia (The), 1688, Shadwell. C. (sometimes called The Squire of Alsatia). Gentleman of Venice (A), 1655, Shirley. T.C. Genvière, before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. George Barnwell, 1730, Lillo. T. George Dandin, 1668, Molière. C. George-a-Green, 1599, Greene. C. (a ballad bearing the same title is amongst Greene’s Dramatic Works). Geta, 1687, Pechantre. T. Gibraltar, 1704, Dennis. D. Gil Blas, 1750, E. Moore. C. Gilded Age (The), 1874, Mark Twain and C. D. Warner. C. Giovanni (Don), 1787, Mozart. O. (libretto by L. da Ponte). (See “Don Juan.”) Giovanni in London (1687-1770), Moncrieff. O.Ex. Giovanni of Naples, 1839, Landor. (See “Don Giovanni.”) Giovanno-d’Arco, 1868, Verdi. O. Gipsies Metamorphosed (The), * B. Jonson. M. Gipsy Warning, 1838, Benedict. O. Gisipus, 1842, Griffin. T. Giralda, 1850, Adam. O.C. Girl’s Romance (A), 1879, Boucicault. D. Girls (The), 1879, H. J. Byron. C. Gisèle, 1841, Adam. B. Giulio Sabino, 1781, Sarti. O. Giulio Sabino, 1784, Cherubini. O. (a pupil of Sarti). Giuseppe, 1732, Metastasio. O. Giustino, 1712, Metastasio. T. (aged 14). Give a Dog a Bad Name, * J. M. Morton. C. Gladiateur, 1841, Altenheim. T. Gladiator (The), 1803-1854, Bird. T. Glass of Government (The), 1575, Gascoigne. T.C. Glencoe, 1839, Talfourd. T. Gli Orti Esperidi. (See “Orti....”) Goblins (The), 1636, Suckling. C. Godly Queen Hester, 1561, Anon. Mir.Pl. Goetz von Berlichengen, 1773, Goethe. H.D. (English versions by Rose d’Aguilar, 1795; Sir W. Scott, 1799.) Going to the Bad, 1858, Tom Taylor. C. Gold-Mine, or Miller of Grenoble, 1854, Stirling. D. Golden Age (The), 1611, Th. Heywood. C. Golden Branch (The), 1847, Planché. Golden Fleece (The), 1845, Planché. Golden Legend (The), 1851, Longfellow. D.Pm. Golden Pippin, 1765, O’Hara. Good-Natured Man (The), 1768, Goldsmith. C. Good Soldier (The), about 1680, from R. Poisson. Good for Nothing, 1851, Buckstone. C.D. Gorboduc. (See “Ferrex and Porrex.”) Gotham Election, 1715, Centlivre. C. Governor of Cyprus, 1703. Oldmixon. Gracchus, 1792, Chénier. T. (See “Caio Gracco.”) Gracchus (Caius), 1815, Knowles. H.T. Gracchus (Caius), 1825, Monti. H.T. Grand Duchesse de Gérolstein (La), 1867, Offenbach. O. Grasshopper (The), 1877, Hollingshead. C. (from the French). Grateful Fair (The), 1747, C. Smart. Pl. Grateful Servant, 1630, Shirley. Pl. Gray. (See “Grey.”) Great Casimir (The), 1879, Leigh. Mu.D. (music by Lecocq; from the French). Great City (The), 1830-1877, Halliday. C. Great-Duke of Florence, 1636, Massinger. C. Grecian Daughter, 1772, Murphy. T. Grecian Heroine (The), 1721, D’Urfey. O. Green Bushes, 1845, Buckstone. D. Green Domino, 1810, Korner. C. Green-Eyed Monster (The), 1828, Planché. Gregory VII., 1840, Horne. T. Grey (Lady Jane), 1638, Calprinède. T. Grey (Lady Jane), 1715, Rowe. T. Grey (Lady Jane), 1876, Tennyson. T. Grief à-la-Mode, 1702, Steele. C. Grim, the Collier of Croydon, 1662. C. by J. T. Griselda (1774-1839), Paer. O. Griselda, 1856, E. Arnold. D. (See “Patient Grissel.”) Griselda, 1873, M. E. Braddon. T. Grondeur (Le), 1691, De Brueys. C. Grotius (1761-1819), Kotzebue. Grotto on the Stream, 19th cent., Stirling. D. Grove (The), or Lovers’ Paradise, 1700, Oldmixon. C. Guardian (The), 1637, Massinger. C. (altered by Garrick in 1759). Guardian (The), 1650, Cowley. C. Guèbres, 1762, Voltaire. T. Gul’s Hornbook, 1609, Dekker. C. Gustave III., 1833, Scribe. O. Gustave, or Le Napolitain, 1825, Anicet Bourgeois. D. Gustavus Erikson (1679-1749), Mrs. Cockburn. Gustavus Vasa, 1733, Piron. T. Gustavus Vasa, 1739, Brooke. T. Gustavus Vasa, 1797, Kotzebue. T. Guy Mannering, 1816, Terry. Mu.Pl.--music by Bishop. (This is a dramatized version of Sir W. Scott’s novel so called, 1815.)

H. (Mr.), 1806, C. Lamb. F. Habit de Cour, 1818, Antier. D. Haine d’Une Femme (La), before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Half-Pay Officer (1706-1767), Molloy. C. Halidon Hill, 1822, Sir W. Scott. A dramatic sketch in three acts. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, 1596, Shakespeare. T. (printed 1603). Hamlet Travestied, 1811, Poole. F. Hampstead Heath, 1706, Baker. C. Handsome Hernani, 1879, H. J. Byron. B. Hanging and Marriage, 1722, Carey. F. Hannibal and Scipio, 1635; acted in 1637. Nabbes. T. Happiest Day of My Life (The), 1802-1879, Buckstone. Happy Family (The), 1799, Thompson. Pl. (from Kotzebue). Happy Man (The), 1797-1868, Lover. O. Happy Pair, 1868, S. T. Smith. Cdta. Hard Struggle (A), 1858, W. Marston. Pl. Harlekin Patriot (The), 1772, Ewald. D. Harlot’s Progress (The), 1733, T. Cibber. Ex. Harold, 1876, Tennyson. H.Pm. Harry Gaylove (Sir), 1772, Miss Marshall. C. Hartford Bridge (1754-1829), Shield. Mu.F. Haunted Tower (The), 1793, Cobb. Mu.D. (music by Storace). Haydee, 1847, Auber. O. He Would if He Could, 1771, Bickerstaff. C. He’s Much to Blame, 1790, Holcroft. C. Heart and the World, 1847, W. Marston. Pl. Heart’s Delight (The), 1830-1877, Halliday. C. Heauton-timoroumenos, or The Self-Tormentor, B.C. 163, Terence. C. (Latin). Translated by Bentley, 1726; Colman the Elder, 1765; Barry, 1857; etc. Heaven and Earth, 1822, Byron. Mys. Hector, his Life and Death, 1614, Thomas Heywood. H.Pl. Hecuba, B.C. 423, Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782; Morgan, 1865; Giles, 1866. Hecyra, or The Stepmother, B.C. 165, Terence. C. (Latin). Translated by Bentley, 1726; Colman the Elder, 1765; Barry, 1857. Heir (The), 1622, May. C. Heir-at-Law (The), 1797, Colman. C. (See “Lord’s Warmingpan.”) Heir of Vironi, 1817, Pocock. Mu.D. (music by Whittaker). Heiress (The), 1786, Burgoyne. C. Helen and Paris, 1768, Glück. O. (libretto by Calzabigi). Helena, B.C. 412, Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782. Hellas, 1821, P. B. Shelley. L.D. Helping Hands, 1855, Tom Taylor. C. Helter Skelter, 1704, E. Ward. C. Helvellyn, 1864, Macfarren. O. Helvétius, 1802, Andrieux. C. Henri III., 1829, Dumas. H.D. Henri IV., 1725, Beckingham. H.D. Henri IV., 1834, Balfe. O. (Enrico IV.). Henri IV. en Famille, 1828, Deforges. D. Henriette the Forsaken, about 1835, Buckstone. C. Henriette Deschamps, 1863, Carré. D. Henry II., 1773, a drama produced by adding together the two subjoined. Henry II., King of England, with the death of Rosamond, 1693, ascribed both to Bancroft and to Mountford. H.T. Henry and Rosamond, 1749, Hawkins. H.T. Henry II., 1799, Ireland. H.D. Henry II., 1843, Helps. H.D. 1 Henry IV., 1598, Shakespeare. H.Pl. (printed 1598). 2 Henry IV., 1598, Shakespeare. H.Pl. (printed 1600). Henry IV. with ... Sir John Falstaff, 1700, Betterton. C. (the sequel in 1719). Henry V., 1599, Shakespeare. H.Pl. (printed 1600). (This play resembles an older one: The Famous Victories of Henry V.) Henry V., 1723, Hill. H.Pl. 1 Henry VI., 1592, Shakespeare. H.Pl. (alluded to by Nash, in Pierce Penniless, 1592). 2 Henry VI., 1594, Shakespeare. H.Pl. 3 Henry VI., 1595, Shakespeare. H.Pl. Henry VII., 1812, Chenevix. H.Pl. Henry VIII., 1601, Shakespeare. H.Pl. (Knight, 1613). Henry VIII., 1791, Chénier. D.H. (Henri VIII.). Heraclidæ, B.C. 421, Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782. Héraclides (Les), 1752, Marmontel. T. Heraclius, Emperor of the East, 1664, L. Carlell. T. (from Corneille). Hercule, 1643, Rotrou. Cl.T. (imitated from the Herculês Furens of Euripidês). Hercules Furens (B.C. 480-406), Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782. Hercules Furens (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Adapted by T. Heywood, 1561; T. Newton, 1581. Hercules Œtæus (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Adapted by J. Studley, 1587. Hernani. (See “Ernani” and “Handsome Hernani.”) Hero and Leander, 1669, Stapleton. T. Hero and Leander, 18th cent., Jackman. O.Blta. Hero of Romance (A), 1867, W. Marston (from the French). Herod and Antipas, 1622, Markham. T. Herod and Mariamne, 1673, Pordage. T. Heroic Love, 1686, G. Granville. T. Heroine of the Cave (1719-1777), Hiffernan. D. Herr Burckhurd and His Family, 1827, Herz. Dom.D. Hertford Bridge. (See “Hartford Bridge.”) Hey for Honesty, 1638, Randolph. C. (the Plutus of Aristophanes). Sir C. Wren performed in this play the character of Nœnias. Hic et Ubique, 1663, Head. C. Hick Scorner (*-*). Mo. (printed by Wynkyn de Worde). Hide Park. (See “Hyde.”) Hieronimo. (See “Jeronimo.”) High Life Above Stairs, 1776, Garrick. F. High Life Below Stairs, 1759, Townley. F. High-Mettled Racer (1771-1841), Dibdin. Mu.Tr. Highland Fair, 1729, Mitchell. Bd.O. Highland Reel, 1798, O’Keefe. Hinko, 1871, Wills. D. Hints for Husbands, 1806, Cumberland. C. Hippolyte et Aricie, 1732, Rameau. O. Hippolytus, B.C. 428, Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782; Fitzgerald, 1867; Williams, 1871. Hippolytus or Phædra (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Adapted in Alexandrine verse by J. Studley, 1581; translated by E. Prestwich, 1651. (See “Phædra.”) Hiren, the Faire Greek, 1584; Peele. C. (The title of this play is The Turkish Mahomet and....) His Last Legs (1808-1875), W. B. Bernard. Historical Register, 1738, Fielding. C. History of Madoc, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. History of Orlando Furioso, 1594, Greene. C. History of the Two Valiant Knights, Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes, 1599, Peele. T. Hit or Miss (1782-1835), Pocock. C. H.M.S. Pinafore, 1878, Gilbert and Sullivan. N.C.Opta. Hoffman, 1631, Chettle. T. Hog hath lost His Pearl (The), 1613, R. Tailor. C. Hollander (The), 1640, Glapthorne. C. Holland’s Leaguer, 1632, Marmion. C. Holofernes, 1554, Anon. T. Home (1829-1871), Robertson. Home for Home, 1879, Lee. V. Homme à Trois Visages (L’), 1801, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. V. Homo (*-1639), Atkinson. T. (Latin). Honest Cheats, 1836, Coyne. C. Honest Lawyer, 1616, S.S. C. Honest Man’s Fortune, 1613, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Honest Thieves (The), 1774-1826), Knight. F. (The Committee, C., reset). Honest Whore (The), 1602, Dekker. C. (published under the title of The Converted Courtezan, 1604). Honest Yorkshireman, 1736, Carey. F. Honeycombe (Polly), 1760, Colman. D.N. Honeymoon (The), 1804, Tobin. C. Honneur de Mamère, 1837, Boule. Honoria and Mammon, 1659, Shirley. Pl. Honorable Ambition, 1751, Holberg. C. Honorable Delinquent (1749-1811), Jovellanos. C. Honors and Tricks (1815-1874), C. S. Brooks. C. Hood. (See “Robin Hood.”) Hop o’ my Thumb, 1864, *. O. Hope of the Family (The), 1805-1868, Coyne. Horace, 1639, Corneille. T. (translated by Sir W. Lower, 1656; C. Cotton, 1671). Horatius, 1657, Sir W. Lower (from Corneille). Hotel (The), 1783, Jephson. Pl. House or the Home (The), 1859, Tom Taylor. Housekeeper (The), 1835, Jerrold. C. How She Loves Him! 1867, Boucicault, C. How to Grow Rich (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. How to Settle Accounts with your Laundress, 1847, Coyne. Huguenot (The), 1791-1851, Sheil. Huguenots (Les), 1833, Meyerbeer. O. (libretto by Scribe). Huitre et les Plaideurs (Le), 1769, Sedaine. O.C. Humor out of Breath, 1608, Day. C. Humorist (The), 1671, Shadwell. C. Humorous Courtier (The), 1640, Shirley. C. Humorous Dayes Myrth (An), 1599, Chapman. C. Humorous Lieutenant, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Humorous Lovers (The), 1677, duke of Newcastle. C. Humors of an Election (The), 1780, *. C. Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, 1725, Philips. T. Hunchback (The), 1831, Knowles. C. Hunting of Cupid (The), 1591, Peele. C. Hurlo-Thrumbo, 1729, S. Johnson. Ex. Huron (Le), 1769, Marmontel. O. (music by Grétry). Husband His Own Cuckold, before 1704, C. Dryden. C. Husband at Sight (1802-1879), Buckstone. Hussard de Feltheim, 1827, Dupenty. Hussites (The), 1761-1819, Kotzebue. D. Hyde Park, 1637, Shirley. C. Hymenæi, 1606, Jonson. \ M. Hymen’s Triumph, 1615, S. Daniel. P.T. Hypocrite (The), 1768, Bickerstaff. C. (This is The Nonjuror, 1717, modernized; and The Nonjuror is an English version of Moliére’s Tartuffe, 1664.) Hyrden af Tolosa. 19th cent., Ingemann. Hyren, the Fair Greek, 1584, Peele. C.

Idle Business, or Man Who has no Time, 1750, Holberg. C. Idomeneo, 1781, Mozart. O. If I had a Thousand a Year (1764-1838), Morton. C. If it is not Good the Divel is in It, 1612, Day. C. Ifigenia in Aulide, 1788, Cherubini. O. (See “Iphigenia.”) Ignoramus, 1611, printed 1662, G. Ruggle. C. (Latin). Ildegerte, Queen of Norway, 1799, B. Thompson. Pl. (from Kotzebue). Ill Beginning has a Good End (An), 1613, Ford. C. Ill-Treated Il Trovatore, 1855, H. J. Byron. F. Illustrious Stranger (The), 1827, Kenney. Mel. Immanuel, 1853, Leslie. Or. Imperial Captives (1692-1750), Mottley. D. Imperial Tragedy (The), 1669, Sir W. Killigrew. T. Impertinent (The), 1750, Desmahis. F. Important de Cour (L’), 1693, De Brueys. C. Impostor (The), 1789, Cumberland. C. Impromptu de Campagne (L’), 1633-1690, R. Poisson. C. Impromptu de l’Hôtel de Condé, 1664, Montfleury. C. (written in rivalry of Molière’s Impromptu de Versailles). Impromptu de Versailles, 1663, Molière. C. In Quarantine, * Ware. C. Inconstant (The), 1703, Farquhar. C. Inconstant Lady (The), 16th cent., Wilson. C. (printed 1814). Indian Emperor, 1665, Dryden. He.Pl. Indian Queen (The), 1664, Dryden and Howard. He.Pl. Indians (The), 1770-1804. Tobin. Indians in England (The), 1761-1819, Kotzebue. D. Indiscret (L’), 1725, Voltaire. C. Inès de Castro, 1723, Lamotte. T. Inès de Cordue, 1696, Bernard. T. Inez de Castro, 1590, Ferreira. T. Inflexible Captive (The), 1774, H. More. T. (adapted from Metastasio’s Attilio Regolo). Ingranno Infelice, 1812, Rossini. O. Injured Princess (The), 1682, D’Urfey. T.C. (a version of Shakespeare’s Cymbeline). Inkle and Yarico, 1787, Colman. Mu.Pl. Innocent Usurper (The), 1694, Banks. T. Ino et Melicerte (1677-1758), Lagrange. T. Insatiate Countess (The), 1613, Marston. T. Insolvent (The), 1738, Hill. Institution of the Garter (The), 1742, West. D.Pm. Intrigue and Love, 1783, Schiller. T. (Kabale und Liebe). Intrigues of Versailles, 1797, D’Urfey. C. Intriguing Chambermaid, 1734, Fielding. F. Invader of His Country, 1705, Dennis. T. (This is Shakespeare’s Coriolanus, reset.) Invincibles (The), 1820, Morton. C. Invisible Prince (The), 1846, Planché. Ion (B.C. 480-406), Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782; Cooke, 1869. Ion, 1803, Schlegel. Cl.T. Ion, 1835, Talfourd. Cl.T. Ipermnestra, 1742, Glück. O. Ipermnestra, 1744, Metastasio (written in 9 days). Iphigenia, 1702, Dennis. T. Iphigenia at Tauris (B.C. 480-406), Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782. Iphigenia in Aulis (B.C. 480-406), Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Banister, 1780; Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782. Iphigenia in Aulis, 1776, Glück. O. (libretto by Calzabigi). Iphigenia in Tauris, 1779, Glück. O. (libretto by Calzabigi). Iphigenia in Tauris, 1786, Goethe. Cl.D. (translated by Taylor, 1793). Iphigenia in Tauris, 1792, Piccini. O. Iphigénie, 1637, Rotrou. Cl.D. (imitated from the Iphigenia of Euripidês). Iphigénie, 1674, Racine. Cl.D. (in imitation of Euripidês). Iphigénie (Sacrifice d’), 1861, Dennery. Cl.D. Irato (L’), 1807, Méhul. O.B. Irene, 1658, Swinhoe. T. Irene, 1737, Dr. Johnson. T. Irish Lion (The), 1802-1759, Buckstone. Irish Widow (The), 1757, Garrick. F. Irlandais (L’), ou L’Esprit National, 1831, Antier. Iron Age (The), in two parts, 1632, Thomas Heywood. C. Iron Chest, 1796, Colman. Mu.D. (music by Storace). A dramatic version of Godwin’s novel called Caleb Williams. Isaac Comnenus, 1827, H. Taylor. Isabella, or the Fatal Marriage, 1692, Southerne. T. (same as Fatal Marriage). Isabelle et Gertrude (1741-1813), Grétry. O. Isabelle, or Woman’s Life, about 1836, Buckstone. D. Island Princess, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Island Queens (The), 1684, Banks. T. Isle of Dogs, 1597, Nash. Sat.C. I[s]le of Guls, 1606, Day. C. Isle of Palms (The), 1812, Wilson. Israel in Egypt, 1738, Handel. Or. Issé, 1699, Lamotte. P.O. Issipile, 1732, Metastasio. O. Istamine, 1817, Victor Hugo. Cl.T. Italiana en Algeri, 1813, Rossini. O. It’s Never too Late to Mend, 1878, Reade. C. (the novel so called dramatized).

Jack Drum’s Entertainment; 1601, Anon. C. Jacke Juggler, 1562, Anon. Int. (based on the Amphitruo of Plautus). (See “Amphitryon.”) Jaloux (Le), 1708, Dufresny. C. Jaloux Désabusé (Le), 1700, Campistron. C. James IV., 1594, Greene. H.Pl. Jamie and Bess, 1787, Shirrefs. C. Jane Grey (Lady). (See “Grey.”) Jane Shore, 1713, Rowe. T. Jane Shore, 1876, W. G. Wills. H.Pl. Janet Pride, 19th cent., Boucicault. Sen.D. Janetta, 1840, Auber. O. Jardinier (Le), 1771, Sedaine. O.C. Jason, 1799, Glover. T. (suppressed). Jealous Lovers (The), before 1630, Randolph. C. Jealous Wife (The), 1761, Colman the Elder. C. (suggested by Fielding’s Tom Jones). Jean Dacier, 1876, Lomon. T. Jean de Paris, 1812, Boieldieu. O. Jeannot et Colin, 1780, Florian. C. Jephte (Fille de), * Plessis Mornay. Jephte (Fille de), 1814, Meyerbeer. Or. Jephtha, 1546, Christopherson. T. Jephtha, 1554, Buchanan. T. Jephtha, 1751, Handel. Or. Jeronimo, 1588, Kyd. T. Jessy Lea, 1863, Macfarren. O. Jeune Henri, 1797, Méhul. O.C. Jeunesse de Luther, 1843, Carré. H.D. Jeunesse de Richelieu (La), 1833, Ancelot. V. Jew (The), 1795, Cumberland. C. Jew and Doctor (1771-1841), Dibdin. Mu.Tr. Jew of Malta (The Rich), 1586, printed 1633, Marlowe. T. (Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice in 1598. The two plays are evidently allied.) Jeweller of Amsterdam (The), 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Jewess (The), 1835, Balfe. O. Joan of Arc, 1801, Schiller. T. (Jungfrau von Orleans). Joan of Arc, 1839, Balfe. O. Joan of Arc, 1870, T. Taylor. H.D. Joan of Hedington, 1712, King. T.C. Joanna Montfaucon, 1799. D.R. (from Kotzebue). Joanna Montfaucon, 1808, Cumberland. D.R. Jocasta, 1566, Gascoigne and Kinwelmarsh. T. (from the Phœnissæ of Euripidês; one of our earliest dramas). John (King), 1596, Shakespeare. H.T. (first mentioned 1598). This play was suggested by that entitled The Troublesome Reign of King John. (See “Kynge Johan.”) John (King) and Matilda, 1655, Davenport. T. John Baliol, 1825, Tennant. H.D. John Bull, 1805, Colman. C. John Cockle at Court (Sir), 1737, Dodsley. F. John Felton, 1852, Stirling. H.Pl. John Jones (1802-1879), Buckstone. C. John Oldcastle (Sir), printed 1600, Munday and Drayton (printed in 1601, with the name of Shakespeare on the title-page, and contained in Pope’s edition of Shakespeare). John Street (1802-1879), Buckstone. C. John the Baptist, 1548, Grimbold. S.D. John Woodvil, 1801, Lamb. T. John-a-Kent, etc., 1595, Munday. C. John of Paris (1782-1835), Pocock. C. John of Procida, 1840, Knowles. T. Joseph, 1816, Méhul. Or. Joseph and His Brethren, 1747, J. Miller (music by Handel). Joseph and His Brethren, 1785, J. Platt. S.D. Joseph and His Brethren, 1802, Procter. S.D. Joseph and His Brethren, 1876, C. Wells. S.D. Joseph made known to His Brethren, by Mad. Genlis (translated by Holcroft, 1789). Joshua, 1747, Handel. Or. Joueur (Le), 1696, Régnard. C. Journée à Versailles, 1814, Duval. Journey to London. (See “Provoked Husband.”) Jovial Crew, 1656, Brome. C. Juan. (See “Don Juan.”) Jube, the Sane, time, Edward VI., Anon. S.D. Judas Iscariot, 1848, Horne. Mir.Pl. Judas Maccabæus, 1746, Handel. Or. Judith, 1764, Bickerstaff. Or. (music by Arne). Judith, 1857, Leslie. Or. Judge Not, or The Scales of Justice, 19th cent., Stirling. D. Jugement de Midas (1741-1813), Grétry. O. Jugglers (The), * Ware. D. Jugurtha, 1689, Pechantre. T. Jugurtha (1677-1758), Lagrange. T. Juif Errant (Le), 1799-1862, Halévy. O. (libretto by Scribe). Juive (La), 1835, Halévy. O. (libretto by Scribe). Julia Agrippina, Empress of Rome, 1639, May. H.D. Julia, or The Italian Lover, 1786, Jephson. T. Julian, 1823, Miss Mitford. T. Julian and Agnes, 1800, Sotheby. Juliana, 1671, Crowne. D. Julius Cæsar, 1601, printed 1623, earl of Stirling. H.T. Julius Cæsar, 1607, printed 1623, Shakespeare. H.T. (See “Conspiracy of Brutus.”) Junius Brutus, 1828, Andrieux. T. (See “Brutus.”) Jupiter, 1771, Sheridan and Halhed. Blta. Just Italian (The), 1630, Davenant.

Killing no Murder, 1811, Hook. Kindheart’s Dream, 1592, Chettle. C. King Arthur, 1691, Purcell. O. (words by Dryden). King Charming, 1850, Planché. King Christmas, 1871, Planché. King David and Absalom, printed, 1599, Peele. S.D. King Réné’s Daughter, 19th cent., Herz. L.D. (an English version by Martin). King Sigurd, 19th cent., Bojé. T. King and No King, 1619, Fletcher. T. King and the Miller (1791-1852), Murray. F. King and the Miller of Mansfield, 1737, Dodsley. F. (See “Sir John Cockle at Court.”) King of the Alps, 1832, Buckstone (adapted from the German). King o’ Scots (1830-1877), Halliday. King’s Rival (The), 1817-1880, Tom Taylor, etc. Kinkvervankots-dor-sprakengotchdern (The Baron), 1781, Andrews. C. Kiolanthe, 1840, Balfe. O. Knavery in All Trades, 1664, Tatham. C. Knight of Malta, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Knight of the Burning Pestle, 1611, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Knights (The), B.C. 424, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). Translated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867. Knights (The), 1754, Foote. F. Knights Conjuring ..., 1607, Day. C. Know Your Own Mind, 1777, Murphy. C. König Saul, 1839, Gutzikow. O. (See “Saul.”) Koranzzo’s Feast, 1811, Hayes. T. Kynge Johan, 1550, *. T. (See “John.”)

Labyrinth (The), or Fatal Embarrassment, 1795. T. (from Corneille). La Perouse. (See “Perouse.”) Ladies’ Battle, 1851, Robertson. C. (from the French of Scribe and Legouvé, 1851). Ladies’ Privilege (The), 1640, Glapthorne. C. Lady Clancarty (1817-1880), T. Taylor. Lady Contemplation (1624-1673), Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. C. Lady Errant (The), 1651, Cartwright. C. Lady Jane Grey. (See “Grey.”) Lady of Lyons, 1838, Lord Lytton. C. Lady of Pleasure (The), 1637, Shirley. C. Lady of the Desert (The), 1859, Stirling. D. Lady of the Lake (The), 1830-1877, Halliday. Lady’s Frolic, before 1774, Love. Lady’s Last Stroke (The), 1703-1758, Theo. Cibber. C. Lady’s Revenge (The), 1734, W. Popple. C. Lady’s Trial (A), 1638, printed 1639, Ford. D. Lame Lover, 1770, Foote. F. Lancashire Witches (The), 1634, T. Heywood. C. Lancashire Witches (The), 1682, Shadwell. C. Laodamia, 1689, Miss Bernard. T. Lara, 1864, Cormon. Last Days of Pompeii, 1835, Buckstone. D. (Lord Lytton’s novel dramatized.) Last Year (1802-1879), Buckstone. Last of the Family (The), 1795, Cumberland. C. Late Murther of the Sonne upon the Mother (The), * Ford and Webster. T. Latude, 1834, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Laugh When You Can (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. Law of Java (The), 1822, Colman. Mu.D. Law of Lombardy (The), 1779, Jephson. T. Law Tricks, or Who Would Have Thought It? 1603, Day. C. Laws of Candy, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Leah, the Jewish Maiden, * Dr. Mosenthal. T. Leap in the Dark (A), 1850, Buckstone. Dom.D. Leap-Year, or The Ladies’ Privilege, 1850, Buckstone. C. Lear (King), 1605, Shakespeare. T. (printed 1608). This play was suggested by one called The Chronicle History of Leir, King of England, 1578. L’Éclair, (1799-1862), Halévy. O.C. L’École des Amants, 1718, July. C. (See “School for Lovers.”) L’École des Femmes, 1662, Molière. C. (See “School for Wives.”) L’École de Jaloux (1640-1685), A. J. Montfleury. C. L’École des Maris, 1661, Molière. C. L’École des Vieillards, 1823, Delavigne. C. (See “School”) Led Astray, 1873, Boucicault. C. Légataire Universel, 1708, Régnard. C. Legend of Florence, 1840, Hunt. D.R. L’Elisire d’Amour, 1832, Donizetti. O. Lend Me Five Shillings (1764-1838), Morton. F. Léonard, 1863, Brisebarre. D. Les 20,000 francs, 1832, Boule. D. Lesson for Ladies (1802-1879), Buckstone. C. Lethe, 1743, Garrick. L’Étoile de Seville, 1842, Balfe. O. L’Étourdi, 1653, Molière. C. Leucothe, 1756, Bickerstaff. C. Liar (The), 1762, Foote. F. (See “Menteur.”) Libertine (The), 1676, Shadwell. C. Liberty Asserted, 1704, Dennis. D. Life (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. Life-Buoy (The), (1566-1638), Hoskins. D. Life-Drama (The), 1852, A. Smith. D.Pm. Light Heart (1574-1637), Jonson. Lighthouse (The), 1855, Wilkie Collins. D. Like will to Like, 1568, Fulwel. Int. L’Ile du Prince Touton, 1854, Dennery. Lily of Killarney, 1862, Benedict. O. Lily of the Desert (The), 1859, Stirling. R.D. Limherham, 1679, Dryden. Linda di Chamourni, 1842, Donizetti. O. Lindamira, 1805, Foote. Lingua, or The Five Senses, 1580, printed 1607, Brewer. Alleg.Pl. (Cromwell, on one occasion, acted the part of Tactus.) Lionel and Clarissa, 1768, Bickerstaff. O. (music by Dibdin). Little Em’ly (1830-1877), Halliday. Little French Lawyer, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Little Rebel (The), 1805-1868, Coyne. Little Red Riding-Hood (1817-1880), Taylor. Little Toddlekins (1803-1878), C. T. Mathews. Loan of a Lover, (The), 1833, Planché. V. Lock and Key (1755-1834), Hoare (music by Shield). Locrine, 1595, Tylney. T. Lodoiska, 1791, Kemble. Mu.D. (music by Storace). Lodoiska, 1800, Mayer. Mu.D. Lodowick Sforza, 1628, Gomersall. T. Lohengrin, 1848, Wagner. O. Lombardi, 1843, Verdi. O. London Assurance, 1841, Boucicault. C. London Florentine (The), 1602, Chettle and Heywood. Pl. London Prodigal (The), 1605 (ascribed by some to Shakespeare). Long Strike, 19th cent., Boucicault. D. Longer Thou Livest the More Foole Thou Art (time, Queen Elizabeth), Wager. C. Looking-Glasse for London, etc., 1594, Greene and Lodge. T.C. (The Looking-Glass is Nineveh.) Lord Cromwell, 1602, Anon. H.Pl. (See “Cromwell.”) Lord Dacre, * Mrs. Gore. Lord Dundreary Married and Done For, 1859, H. J. Byron and Sothern. C. Lord of the Manor, before 1833, C. Dibdin, junior. C.O. (altered from Burgoyne, 1783; music by Jackson). Lord of the Manor, 1783, Burgoyne. C. Lord’s Warmingpan (The), 1825 (same as Colman’s Heir-at-Law). Lorenzo (1755-1798), Merry. T. Lost Lady (The), 1639, Berkeley. T.C. Lost at Sea, 19th cent., Boucicault. D. Louis IX., 1819, Ancelot. T. Louis XI., 1832, Delavigne. H.D. (An English version in 1846 by Boucicault). Louise de Lignerolles, 1838, Legouvé. D. Love, 1840, Knowles. D. Love-Chase (The), 1837, Knowles. C. Love Crowns the End, 1657, Tatham. T.C. Love Laughs at Locksmiths, 1803, Colman. F. Love, Law and Physic (1772-1849), Kenney. C. Love Makes a Man, 1700, Cibber. C. Love-Riddelig, 1816, Ingemann. D. Love Tricks, 1667, Shirley. C. (originally called The Schoole of Complement, 1631). Love Triumphant, 1694, Dryden. C. Love à-la-Mode, 1759, Macklin. C. Love and a Bottle, 1698, Farquhar. C. Love and Fortune, 1859, Planché. C. Love and Friendship, 1666, Killigrew. Pl. Love and Honor, 1649, Davenant. C. Love and Police, 19th cent., Herz. V. Love and Revenge, 1675, Settle. T. Love and War, 1658, Meriton. T. Love and War, 1792, Jephson. F. Love at First Sight (1730-1805), King. C. Love at a Loss (1679-1749), Mrs. Cockburn. C. Love at a Venture, 1706, Centlivre. C. Love for Love, 1695, Congreve. C. Love for Money, or The Boarding School, 1691, D’Urfey. C. Love in a Blaze, 1800, Atkinson. C. Love in a Camp, 1798, O’Keefe. C. Love in a Forest, 1721, C. Johnson. C. (based on Shakespeare’s As You Like It). Love in a Hurry, 1709, Aston. C. Love in a Maze, 1844, Boucicault. C. Love in a Riddle (1671-1757), C. Cibber. C. Love in a Tub, 1664, Etherege. C. Love in a Veil, 1718, Savage. C. Love in a Village, 1762, Bickerstaff. O.F. (music by Arne). Based on Johnson’s Village Opera. Love in a Wood, 1672, Wycherly. C. Love in a Wood (1686-1744), G. Jacob. C. Love in Several Masques, 1728, Fielding. C. Love in the City, 1767, Bickerstaff. C. (See “The Romp.”) Love of Arcadia, 1860, Miss Braddon. Cdta. Love of King David, etc., 1599, Peele. S.D. Love will find out the Way, 1661, by T. B. (Shirley’s Constant Maid reset). C. Love’s Contrivances, 1703, Centlivre. C. Love’s Cruelty, 1640, Shirley. T. Love’s Cure, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Love’s Disguises, 1838, Knowles. C. Love’s Dominion, 1654, Flecknoe. D. Love’s Kingdom. 1664, Flecknoe. P.T.C. (same as “Love’s Dominion,” slightly altered). Love’s Labor’s Lost, 1594, Shakespeare. C. (printed 1598). Love’s Last Shift, 1695, Cibber. C. Love’s Metamorphosis, 1601, J. Lyly. Myt.D. Love’s Mistress, 1636, Heywood. C. Love’s Pilgrimage, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Love’s Riddle, 1638, A. Cowley. P.C. Love’s Sacrifice, 1633, Ford. T. (It resembles Shakespeare’s Othello.) Love’s Stroke of Genius, 19th cent., Herz. V. Love’s Triumph, 1630, Johnson. M. Love’s Triumph, 1860, Wallace. O. Love’s Victorie, 1653, Shirley. Pl. Love’s Victory, 1658, Chamberlayne. T.C. Loves of Arcadia (The), 1860, Miss Braddon. Cdta. Lover (The), 1730, T. Cibber. C. Lover Lost (The), 1696, Mrs. Manley. C. Lover’s Melancholy (The), 1628, Ford. T. (This play contains the exquisite description of a contest of song between a musician and a nightingale). Lovers’ Progress, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Lovers’ Quarrels (1730-1805), King. Int. (See “Mistake.”) Lovers’ Vows, 1800, Inchbald. Pl. (Kotzebue’s play, 1798, Anglicized). Lover’s Watch (The), 1686, Mrs. Behn. C. Lovesick Court (The), 1653, Brome. C. Lovesick King (The), 1655, Brewer. C. Loyal Brother (The), 1682, Southerne. T. Loyal Subject, 1618, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). Based on Heywood’s Royal King and Loyal Subject. L.S.D., 1872, A. W. A’Beckett. C. Lucia di Lammermoor, 1835, Donizetti. O. Lucidi (I), 1539, Angelo. C. Lucio Silla, 1773, Mozart. O. Lucius, 1717, Mrs. Manley. T. Lucius Junius Brutus. (See “Brutus.”) Lucky Chance (The), 1687, Mrs. Behn. C. Lucretia Borgia, 1831, Victor Hugo. R.T. Lucrezia di Borgia, 1834, Donizetti. O. Lucretius, 19th cent., Tennyson. D.Mon. Luisa Miller, 19th cent., Verdi. O. Luke, the Laborer, 1828, Buckstone. Mel. Luria, 19th cent., R. Browning. T. Lurline, 1860, Wallace. O. Lust’s Dominion, 1593, Marlowe. T. (finished by Dekker, 1617). Lusty Juventus (time, Henry VIII.), Anon. Mo. Lying Lover (The), 1704, Steele. C. Lying Valet, 1740, Garrick. F. Lysistrata, B.C. 411, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). Translated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867.

Ma Tante Aurore, 1802, Boieldieu. O. Macbeth, 1606, Shakespeare. T. (music by Lock, 1672). Macbeth, 19th cent., Verdi. O. Mad as a Hatter, 1863, Marshall. F. Mad Couple well matched, 1653, Brome. C. Mad Lover, 1617, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). Mad Lover, 1637, Massinger. Mad Lovers (The), 1732, S. Johnson. C. Mad World, 1608, Beaumont and Fletcher. Mad World, My Masters, 1608, Middleton. C. Madam Fickle, 1677, D’Urfey. C. Madame Diogène, etc., 1854, Desarbres. C. Madame Favart, 1878, Offenbach. C.O. Madame Du Barry, 1836, Ancelot. V. Madame du Châtelet, about 1834, Ancelot. V. Madcap Prince (A), 1874, *. Maestro di Capella, 1797, Dellamaria. Magician no Conjuror (1755-1798), Merry. C. Magicienne (La), 1799-1860, Halévy. O. Magnetic Lady, 1632, Jonson. C. Magnifique (Le), 1672-1731, Lamotte. C. Magnifycence (time, Henry VII.), Skelton. Mo. Mahomet, 1738, Voltaire. T. (done into English by Miller, 1740). Maid Marian (The), 1822, Bishop. O. (libretto by Planché). Maid and the Magpie, 1792-1852, Payne. C. Maid in the Mill, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher, or Rowley and Fletcher. C. Maid of Artois, 1836, Balfe. O. Maid of Bath, 1771, Foote. F. Maid of Honor, 1632, Massinger. T.C. Maid of Honor, 1847, Balfe. O. Maid of Lockling, 1801, W. Richardson. L.D. Maid of Mariendorpt, 1838, Knowles. D. Maid of Milan (Clari, the), 1822, Payne. Mu.D. (music by Bishop). Maid of Orleans, 1801, Schiller. T. (See “Joan of Arc.”) Maid of Saxony, 1842, George Morris. O. Maid of the Mill, 1765, Bickerstaff. O.F. (music by Arnold). (See “Maid in the Mill.”) Maid of the Oaks (The), 1779, Burgoyne. D.E. Maid’s Metamorphoses. (See “Maydes Metamorphoses.”) Maid’s Revenge (The), 1639, Shirley. T. Maid’s Tragedy, 1610, Beaumont and Fletcher. T. (Waller altered the fifth act.) Maids and Bachelors (1768-1850), Skeffington. C. Maids as They Are, etc., 1797, Inchbald. C. Maiden Queen (The), 1667, Dryden. H.Pl. Maidenhead. (See “Maydenhead.”) Maire du Palais (Le), 1823, Ancelot. T. Maître en Droit (Le), 1760, Monsigny. O.C. Malade Imaginaire (Le), 1673, Molière. C. (See “Dr. Last in His Chariot,” and “Robert, the Invalid.”) Malati and Madhava, 8th cent., Bhavabhouti. R.T. (translated by Wilson in his Indian Theatre). Malcontent (The), 1604, Marston and Webster. T.C. Male Coquette, 1758, Garrick. F. Mamilia, 1593, Greene. Man Bewitched, 1710, Centlivre. C. Man o’ Airlee, 1866, Wills. Pl. Man of Honor, 19th cent., Boucicault. C. Man of Mode (The), 1676, Etherege. C. Man of the World, 1764, Macklin. C. (Its original title was The Freeborn Scotchman.) Man’s the Master (The), 1668, Davenant. C. Management (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. Manfred, 1817, Byron. T. Manfredi, 1825, Monti. T. (A version in French, by Duplissis, 1854.) Maniac (The), 1810, Bishop. O. Mankind (time, Henry VI.), Hynghus. Mo. Manlius Capitolinus, 1684, Lafosse. T. (imitated from Otway’s Venice Preserved). Manteau (Le), 1826, Andrieux. C. Mantuan Revels, 1812, Chenevix. C. Manuel, 1817, Maturin. T. Maometto Secundo, 1822, Rossini. O. Marciano, or The Discovery, 1663, Clerke. T.C. Maréchal Ferrent (Le), 1726-1795, Philidor. O.C. Maréchaux de l’Empire (Les), 1856, Anicet Bourgeois. D. Margaret of Anjou (1727-1812), Jerningham. T. Margery, or The Dragoness, 1738, Carey. F. (sequel to The Dragon, q.v.). Margherita d’Anjou, 1822, Meyerbeer. O. (See “Margaret....”) Marguerite d’Anjou, 1810, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. D. Mari dans du Coton, 1862, Thiboust. C. Mari Impromptu, 1836, Duval. C. Mari Retrouve, 1662, Dancourt. C. Mari qui Lance sa Femme, 1864, Deslande or Labiche (it is attributed to both). C. Maria Padilla, 1838, Ancelot. T. Maria Stuarda, 1785, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). (See “Mary Stuart.”) Maria Stuart, 1800, Schiller. T. (See “Mary Queen of Scots,” “Mary Stuart,” etc.). Mariage Fait et Rompu, 1721, Dufresny. C. Mariage Forcé, 1664, Molière. C. (See “Forced Marriage.”) Mariage Infantin (Le), before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Mariage d’Argent (Le), 1827, Scribe. C. Mariage de Figaro, 1784, Beaumarchais. C. (See “Nozze....”) Mariage de Rien (Le), 1640-1685, Ant. J. Montfleury. C. Mariages Samnites (Les), 1741-1813, Grétry. O. Mariamne, 1623, Hardy. T. Mariamne, 1640, P. T. L’Ermite. T. Mariamne, 1724, Voltaire. T. Marian, the Faire Queen of Jewry, 1613, Lady Elizabeth Carew. T. Marian, 1788, Miss Brooke. Pl. Marian (1754-1829), Shield. O. Marianne, 1718, Fenton. T. Marie de Brabant, 1825, Ancelot. D.Pm. Marino Faliero, 1821, Byron. T. Marino Faliero, 1829, Delavigne. T. Marino Faliero, 1835, Donizetti. O. Marion Delorme, 1829, Victor Hugo. R.D. Maritana (a mosaic, by Wallace, of Ruy Bias and Notre Dame), 1845. O. Marius, 1791, Arnault. T. Marius (Caius), 1680, Otway. T. Marius and Sylla, 1594, Lodge. H.Pl. Marmaduke Maxwell (Sir), 1827, Cunningham. C. Marplot, 1711, Centlivre. C. Marquis Caporal, 1864, Sejour. D. Marquis d’Argencourt, 1857, Dupenty. D. Marquis de Kénilis, 1879, Lomon. Marriage à-la-Mode, 1672, Dryden. C. Marriage-Hater Matched, 1692, D’Urfey. C. Marriage Night (The), 1664, H. Carey, Lord Falkland. T. Marriage of Witte and Science (The), about 1559, Anon. Mo. Married for Money (1803-1878), C. J. Mathews. Married in Haste, 19th cent., H. J. Byron. Married Libertine (The), 1761, Macklin. F. Married Life, 1834, Buckstone. C. Married Man (The), 1789, Inchbald. C. Martha, 1858, Flotow. O. Martyr of Antioch, 1821, Milman. T. Martyrs (Les), 1840, Donizetti. O. (from Corneille’s Polyeucte). [Mary] Queen of Scots, 1684, Banks. T. Mary Queen of Scots, 1807, Grahame. T. Mary Queen o’ Scots, 1874, Wills. H.Pl. Mary (Queen), 1877, Tennyson. T. Mary Stuart, 1840, Haynes. T. Mary Stuart, 1881, Swinburne. T. (See “Maria ...” and “Evasion de....”) Mary Tudor, 1833, Victor Hugo. T. Mary Tudor, 1847, Vere. T. Mary Tudor, 1876, Miss Dickinson. H.Pl. Masaniello, 1814, Ingemann. T. Masaniello, about 1820, Carafa. O. Masaniello, 1828, Auber. O. (libretto by Scribe). Often called La Muette de Portici. (See “Massaniello.”) Masks and Faces (1817-1880), Tom Taylor. C. Masnadieri (I), 1847, Verdi. O. Masque (The), 1612, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Masque de Velours, 1860, Delaporte. D. Masque of Calisto, 1676, Crowne. M. Masque of Heroes, 1619, Middleton. M. Massacre of Paris, 1590, Marlowe. T. Massacre of Paris, 1690, Lee. T. Massacre de Syrie, 1860, Sejour. T. Massaniello, 1699, D’Urfey. T. (Originally two plays, but compressed into one by T. Walker, in 1700.) Massaniello, 1829, Kenney. (See “Masaniello.”) Match at Midnight, 1633, Rowley. C. Match for a Widow (A), 1787, Atkinson. C. Match mee in London, 1631, Day. T.C. Matilda, 1775, T. Franklin. T. Matilda of Hungary, 1847, Wallace. O. Matrimonial Troubles, (1624-1673), Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. Pt. i. C. Pt. ii. T. Matrimonio Segreto (Il), 1793, Cimarosa. O. Matrimony, 1804, Kenney. C. Maud, 1855, Tennyson. D.Pm. Maures d’Espagne (Les), 1804, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. D. Maximian, 1800, Lady S. Burrell. T. (from Corneille). May Day, 1611, Chapman. C. May Queen (1802-1879), Buckstone. Maydenhead Well Lost (A), 1634, Heywood. C. Maydes Metamorphoses, 1600, J. Lyly. Myt.D. Mayor of Garratt, 1763, Foote. F. Mayor of Quinborough, 1661, Middleton. C. Meadows of St. Gervaise (The), * Ware. F.C. (translated from the French). Measure for Measure, 1603, Shakespeare. C. (based on Promos and Cassandra, 1578, by Whetstone; acted at Whitehall, 1604). Medea, B.C. 431, Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782; Morgan, 1865; Giles, 1865; Lee, 1867; Webster, 1868; Williams, 1871. Medea (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Adapted by J. Studley, 1566; translated by E. Sherburne, 1648. Medea, 1761, Glover. T. Medea, 1795, Cherubini. O. Medea, about 1820, Mayer. O. Médecin Malgré Lui, 1666, Molière. C. (See “Mock Doctor.”) Médecins (Les), 1863, Nus. D. Médée, 1635, Corneille. T. Médée, 1695, Longpierre. T. Médée, 1853, Legouvé. T. Médus, 1739, Deschamps. T. Méduse (1677-1758), Lagrange. O. Mélanie, 1770, Laharpe. T. Melanthe, 1614, printed 1615, Brookes. P. Méléagre (1677-1758), Lagrange. T. Mélicerte, 1666, Molière. C. Mélite, 1629, Corneille. C. (translated 1776). Memorable Maske of the Two Hon. Inns-of-Court (The), 1614, Chapman. M. Menæchmi, or The Brothers Menæchmus who were Exactly Alike (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. It was translated by W. W[arner] in 1595, and furnished Shakespeare with the scheme, etc., of his Comedy of Errors. (See below.) Ménage en Ville, 1864, Barrière. Pl. Ménechmes, 1637, Rotrou. C. (imitated from the Menæchi of Plautus). Ménechmes (Les), 1705, Régnard. C. Menteur, 1642, Corneille. C. (See “Liar.”) Mercator, or The Merchant (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin, adapted from a Greek play by Philemon). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Merchant Pirate, 19th cent., Stirling. D. Merchant of Bruges, before 1830, Kinnaird. Pl. (altered from Beaumont and Fletcher). Merchant of Venice, 1598, Shakespeare. D. (See “Jew of Malta.”) Mercurius Britannicus, 1641, Braithwait. T.C. (From the French.) Mère Coupable (La), 1792, Beaumarchais. D. Méridien, 1852, Deslandes. D. Merlin in Love, 1759, Hill. C. Mérope, 1713, Maffei. T. Mérope, 1738, Voltaire. T. Merope, 1749, Jefferys or Hill (ascribed to both). T. Merope, 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Merope, 1858, Matthew Arnold. Cl.T. Merry Devil of Edmonton (The), 1608, Brewer. C. Merry Play between Johan ..., Tyb. ... and Johan, the Prester, 1533, Heywood. C. Merry Wives of Windsor, 1596, Shakespeare. C. (printed 1602). (See “Comical Gallant.”) Mery Play between the Pardoner and the Frere (A), 1533, J. Heywood. C. Mesogonus, 1560, Thomas Rychardes. C. (only four acts extant). Messalina, 1640, Richards. T. Messiah (The), 1741, Handel. Or. (libretto by Jennens). Metamorphosed Gypsies (1574-1637). Jonson. C. Métamorphoses de l’Amour, 19th cent., Brohan. C. (See “Love’s Metamorphoses.”) Metamorphosis of Pygmalion’s Image, 1598, Marston. C. Métromanie ou Le Poete, 1738, Piron. C. (said to be the best comedy in the French language). Michaelmas Term, 1607, Middleton. Michael et Cristine, before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Microcosmus, 1637, Nabbes. M. Midas, 1592, J. Lyly. Myt.D. Midas, 1764, O’Hara. Blta. Midas (Jugement de), 1741-1813, Grétry. O. Midnight Hour (The), 1793, Inchbald. Pt.C. Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1592, Shakespeare. Fy.C. (printed 1600). Midsummer Night’s Dream, 1843, Mendelssohn. Milês (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Milkmaid (The), 1771-1841, Dibdin. Mu.D. Miller and His Men, 1813, Pocock. Mel. (music by Bishop). Miller of Mansfield (The), 1737, Dodsley. D.E. (The second part is Sir John Cockle at Court.) Mind, Will and Understanding (time, Henry VI.), Anon. Mo. (In MS. only.) Minerva’s Sacrifice, 1653, Massinger. Mines de Pologne (Les), 1803, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Minister (The), 1797, Lewis. T. (adapted from Schiller). Minna von Barnhelm, 1767, Lessing. C. Minor (The), 1760, Foote. F. Mirandola, 1821, Procter. T. Mirra, 1783, Alfieri (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Mirror. (See “Myrrour.”) Mirza, 17th cent., R. Baron. T. Misanthrope, 1666, Molière. C. Misanthropy and Repentance, 1797, Kotzebue. D. (called in English The Stranger). Miser (The), 1672, Shadwell. (See below.) Miser (The), 1732, Fielding. C. (from L’Avare, by Molière, 1667). Misérables (Les), 1864, Hugo, junior. D. (his father’s novel dramatized). Misfortunes of Arthur, 1587, Hughes. T. Misogonist (The), 1780, Lessing. D. Misogonus, 1560, printed 1577, Rychardes. C. (one of our earliest plays). Miss Sarah Samson, 1755, Lessing. T. (music by Mendelssohn and Nicolay). Miss in Her Teens, 1747, Garrick. F. Mistake (The), 1672-1726, Vanbrugh. C. (altered by King into Lovers’ Quarrels). Mistakes (The), or The Happy Resentment, 1758, Lord Hyde. C. Mithridate, 1673, Racine. T. (imitated from Euripidês). Mithridate, 1770, Mozart. O. Mithridates, 1674, Lee. T. Mock Doctor (The), 1732, Fielding. F. (This is Le Médecin Malgré Lui of Molière, 1666, converted into a farce.) Mock Officer (The), 1733, T. Cibber. C. Mock Tempest (The), 1675, Duffett. C. Modern Antiques, 1798, O’Keefe. C. Modern Husband (The), 1735, Fielding. C. Modern Prophet, 1709, D’Urfey. C. Mœurs de Temps (Les), 1750, Saurin. C. Mogul Tale (The), 1785, Inchbald. F. Moise in Egitto, 1818, Rossini. O. Mon Gigot et Mon Gendre, 1861, Antier. Monastère Abandonna, 1816, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Money, 1840, Lytton. C. Money in an Asse, 1668, Jordan. C. Mons. D’Olive, 1606, Chapman. C. Mons. le Duc, 1869, Val Prinsep. Pl. Mons. Ragout, about 1669, Lacy. C. Mons. Thomas, 1619, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). C. Mons. Tonson, 1767, Moncrieff or Taylor (attributed to both). F. Montargis. (See “Chien.”) Montezuma, 1772, Sacchini. O. Montezuma, 1878, Verdi. O. Montfort (De), 1798, Baillie. T. (the passion of “hate”). Montoni, 1820, Sheil. Montrose (1782-1835), Pocock. Monument of Honor (The), 1624, Webster. Moonstone (The), 1877, Wilkie Collins (his novel dramatized). Morando, 1584, Greene. More Dissemblers besides Women, 1657, Middleton. C. More Ways than One, 1785, Mrs. Cowley. C. Mort d’Abel, 1792, Legouvé. T. (imitated from Gesser and Klopstock). Mort de Calas, 1791, Chénier. T. Mort de Henri IV., 1806, Legouvé. T. Mostellaria, or The Haunted House (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74; and imitated by Regnard, Addison and others. Mother Bombie, 1594, J. Lyly. Ct.E. Mother Goose (1771-1841), Dibdin. Pn. Mother Pantom (1771-1841), Dibdin. C. Mother Shipton (no date), about 1670, Thompson. C. Mount Sinai, 1831, Neukomm. Or. Mountain Sylph (The), 1834, Barnett. O. Mountaineers (The), 1793, Colman. C. Mourning Bride, 1697, Congreve. T. Mousquetaires (Les), 19th cent., Halévy. O.C. M.P., 1870, T. W. Robertson. C. M.P., or The Blue Stocking, 1811, Moore. Mu.C. Mucedorus (no date), about 1590, Greene. F. Much Ado about Nothing, 1600, Shakespeare. C. Muet (Le), 1691, De Brueys. C. Muette de la Fôret, 1828, Antier. Muette de Portici (La). (See “Masaniello.”) Mulberry Garden (The), 1668, Sedley. Pl. Murderous Michael, 1578, Anon. T. Muse in Livery, 1732, Dodsley. C. Muses in Mourning, 1749, Hill. C. Muses’ Looking-Glass (The), 1638, Randolph. C. Mustapha, 1609, F. Greville, Lord Brooke. T. Mustapha, 1739, Mallet. Pl. Mutius Scævola, 1801, Ireland. H.D. Mutual Deception, 1795, Atkinson. C. (altered by Colman into Tit for Tat). My Awful Dad (1803-1878), C. J. Mathews. My Grandmother and Other Fairies (1755-1834), Hoare. My Lord and My Lady, 1861, Planché. My Spouse and I (1771-1841), Dibdin. O.F. My Wife’s Daughter (1805-1868), Coyne. My Wife’s Mother (1803-1878), C. J. Mathews. Myrrha, 1783, Alfieri. T. (Translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Mystères d’Udolphe (Les), 1798, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Mel. Mysterious Husband (The), 1783, Cumberland. C. Mysterious Mother, 1768, Walpole. T.

Naaman, 1864, Costa. Or. Nabob (The), 1772, Foote. F. Nabob (The), 1879, Burnard (an English version of Les Trente Millions de Gladiateurs, by Labiche and Gille). Nabucco, 1842, Verdi. O. Nabucodonosor, 19th cent., Verdi. O. Nancy, 1739, Carey. Nanine, 1749, Voltaire. C. Narbonne. (See “Count of Narbonne.”) Nathan the Wise, 1778, Lessing. D. Nations (Les), 1851, Banville. O. Native Land, 1823, Bishop. O. Natural Daughter (The), 1792, Goethe. C. Natural Son (The), 1786, Cumberland. C. (See “Fils Natural.”) Natural Son (The), 1799, Anne Plumtree. Pl. (from Kotzebue). Nature, 1490, H. Medwell. Int. Naufragium Joculare, 1638, Cowley. C. (translated by C. Johnson, and called Fortune in her Wits, 1705). Neck or Nothing, 1766, Garrick or King (ascribed to both). F. Ne’er-do-Weel (The), 1878, Gilbert. C. Negro Slaves, 1796. H.Pc. (from Kotzebue). Nell (1830-1877), Halliday. C. Nell Gwynne, 1832, Jerrold. C. Nero, 1675, Lee. T. Nerone, 1700, Handel. O. Nervous Man, 19th cent., B. Bernard. C. Nest of Ninnies (A), 1608, Armyn. C. Never too Late, 1590, Greene. C. Never too Late to Mend (It’s), 1878, Reade. C. New Academy (The), 1653, Brome. C. New Droll (A), 1660, Jordan. M. New Hippocrates (The), 1761, Hiffernan. D. New Inn (The), 1630, Jonson. C. New Men and Old Acres (1817-1880), T. Taylor. C. New Peerage (The), 1830, Miss Lee. C. New Tricke to Cheat the Divell, 1639, R. Davenport. C. New Way to Pay Old Debts, 1625, printed 1633, Massinger. C. New Wonder, a Woman Never Vext, 1532, Rowley. C. Nice Firm (A), 19th cent., Tom Taylor. Nice Valour, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Nice Wanton (The), 1560, Anon. Mo. Nicholas Flam, 19th cent., Buckstone. Nicholas Nickleby (1830-1877), Halliday (C. Dickens’s novel dramatized). Nicodemus (time, Edward III.), Anon. Mir.Pl. (founded on chap. xvi. of the “Gospel of Nicodemus”). Nicomède, 1670, P. Corneille. T.C. Nicomedes, 1671, J. Dancer. T.C. (from the Nicomède of Corneille). Niebelungen, 1850, Wagner. O. Night Walkers, 1633, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Night Watcher (The), * Körner. C. Nine Points of the Law, 1859, Tom Taylor. Ninette à la Cour (1710-1792), Favart. O.C. Ninus II., 1814, Brifant. T. No Cure no Pay, 1794, H. Rowe. Mu.F. No Song no Supper, 1790, Hoare. Mu.E. (music by Storace). No Wit like Woman’s 1657, Greene or Middleton. C. Noah’s Flood, 1679, Ecclestone. Or. Noble Choice, 1653, Massinger. Noble Gentleman, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Noble Heart (The), 1850, Lewes. T. Noble Ingratitude, 1659, Lower. P.T. Nobleman (The), 17th., cent., Tourneur. T.C. (The Manuscript of this play was destroyed by the cook of Mr. Warburton, the Somerset herald). Nobody and Somebody, 1606, Trundell. C. Noces de Gamache, 1827, Mendelssohn. O. Nonjuror (The), 1717, Cibber. C. (from Molière’s Tartuffe). (See “Hypocrite.”) Nonne Sanglante, 1854, Delavigne. O. (music by Gounod). Norma, 1831, Bellini. O. (libretto by Romani). Northern Lass (The), 1632, Brome. C. Northward Hoe! 1607, Dekker. Not so Bad as we Seem, 1851, Lord Lytton. C. Not such a Fool as he Looks, 1869, H. J. Byron. Notaire Obligeant, 1650, Dancourt. C. Note of Hand, or Trip to Newmarket, 1777, Cumberland. C. Notoriety (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. Notre Dame, 19th cent., Victor Hugo. D. Nouveau Pourceaugnac, before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Nouveau Seigneur du Village, 1813, Boieldieu. O. Novella, 1653, Brome. C. Nozze di Figaro, 1786, Mozart. O. (See “Mariage de Figaro.”) Sir H. Bishop altered this opera. Nuit Blanche (Une), 19th cent., Offenbach. O.Bf. Nuit de Noël (La), 1848, Reber. O. Nuits Terribles, 1821, St. Georges. O.C Nuptials of Peleus and Thetis, 1654, Howell. M. and C.

Oberon, 1616, Jonson. C. Oberon, 1626, Weber. O. (libretto by Planché). Oberto di Bonifazio, 1839, Verdi. O. Obstinate Lady (The), 1657, Cokaine. C. Octavia (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Adapted by T. Nuce, 1566; acted 1581. Octavia, 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). (See “Virtuous Octavia.”) Octavius (1761-1819), Kotzebue. H.D. Octoroon, 1861, Boucicault. D. Oden (1756-1829), Lèopold. T. Odette, 1832, Déaddé. D. O’Dowd (The), 1880, Boucicault (a version like “The Porter’s Knot” of Les Crochets du Père by Cormon and Grange). Œdipe, 1659, Corneille. T. Œdipe, 1718, Voltaire. T. Œdipe, 1781, Sacchini. O. Œdipe Rol, 1798, Chénier. T. Œdipe à Colone, 1796, Chénier. T. Œdipe chez Admète, 1778, Ducis. T. Œdipus (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Adapted by A. Nevyle, 1560. Œdipus, 1679, Dryden and Lee. T. Œdipus at Colonus, about B.C. 407, Sophocles. T. (Greek). Translated by G. Adams, 1729; Potter, 1788; Dale, 1824; Plumptre, 1865. Œdipus Tyrannus, about B.C. 425, Sophocles. T. (Greek). Translated by L. Theobald, 1715; G. Adams, 1729; Potter, 1788; G. S. Clarke, 1791; Dale, 1824; F. H. Doyle, 1849; Plumptre, 1865. Œdipus Tyrannus, etc., 1820, P. B. Shelley. T. Œnone, 1804, Kalkbrenner. O. Œuvres du Démon (Les), 1854, Boule. D. Old Bachelor, 1693, Congreve. C. Old City Manners, 1777, Mrs Lennox. C. (This is Eastward Hoe reset.) Old Couple, before 1641, May. C. Old Fortunatus. (See “Fortunatus.”) Old Heads and Young Hearts, 1843, Boucicault. C. Old Law (The), 1599, printed 1656, Middleton and Rowley. C. (altered by Massinger). Old Maid (The), 1761, Murphy. F. Old Maids, 1841, Knowles. C. Old Martin’s Trials, 19th cent., Stirling. Dom.D. Old Mode (The) and the New, 1709, D’Urfey. C. Old Sailors, 1874, H. J. Byron. C. Old Troop, 1672, Lacy. C. Old Wives’ Tale, 1590, Peele. C. (Milton’s Comus is indebted to this comedy.) Oldcastle (Sir John), 1600, Munday and Drayton. T. (one of the “spurious plays” of Shakespeare). Olimpiade, 1719, Leo. O. Olive (D’). (See “Mons. D’Olive.”) Olivia, 1878, W. G. Wills. C. Ollanta, 1871, Markham. D. Olympiade, 1761, Piccini. O. Olympic Revels, 1831, Planché. Olympie, 1800, Kalkbrenner. O. Olympie, 1820, Brifaut. O. (music by Spontini). Omba, 1853, Bigsby. D.R. Oncle Valet, 1798, Dellamaria. O.C. Ondine, 1816, Hoffmann. O. On Bail, 1877, Gilbert. On Strike, 1873, A. W. A’Beckett. One, or a Monarchy, 1805, Alfieri. C. Translated by C. Lloyd, 1815. One o’clock, or The Wood Demon, 1811, Lewis. G.O.R. One Snowy Night, * Ware. C. Opera Comique, 1799, Dellamaria. O.C. Opera di Camera of Jessy Lea, 1863, Macfarren. O. Opportunity (The), 1640, Shirley. C. Oraloosa (1803-1854), Bird. T. Orators (The), 1762, Foote. F. Ordeal by Touch (The), 1872, R. Lee. D. Order of the Garter (The), 1742, West. D.Pm. Ordinary (The), 1647, printed 1651, Cartwright. C. Oreste, 1750, Voltaire. T. Oreste et Pylade, 1695, Lagrange. T. Orestes, B.C. 408, Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Banister, 1780; Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782. Orestês, 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd. 1815). Orestes, 1802, Sotheby. T. Orestes, 1871, Warren. Met.D. Orfeo, 1483, Poliziano. (See “Orpheus.”) Orfeo, 1764, Glück. O. (libretto by Calzabigi). Orientales (Les), 1828, V. Hugo. R.D. Originaux (Les), 1693, Lamotte. Orlandino, 1526, Folengo. B. Orlando Furioso, 1594, Greene. (See “Bombastes Furioso.”) Ormasdes (1612-1690), Henry Killigrew. Oronooko, 1696, Southerne. T. (Mrs. Behn’s novel dramatized). Orphan (The), 1680, Otway. T. Orphan of China (The), 1761, Murphy. T. (Voltaire’s L’Orphelin de la Chine). Orphan of the Frozen Sea, 1856, Stirling. N.D. Orphée (1677-1758), Lagrange. O. Orphée aux Enfers, 1858, Offenbach. O.Bf. Orphelin de la Chine (L’), 1760, Voltaire. T. Orpheus and Eurydice, 1705, Dennis. T. (See “Orfeo.”) Orpheus and Eurydice (1730-1805), King. Orti Esperidi (Gli), 1722, Metastasio. O. (music by Porpora). Oscar and Malvina (1754-1829), Shield. O. Osmond the Great Turk, 1657, Carlell. Pl. Otello, 1816, Rossini. O. Othello, 1602, Shakespeare. T. Otho the Great (1796-1821), Keats and Brown. T. Othon, 1664, Corneille. T. Oulita, the Serf, 1858, Helps. Pl. Our American Cousin, 1858, Tom Taylor. C. (It was greatly altered by Sothern.) Our Boys, 1878, H. J. Byron. C. Our Clerks, 1852, Tom Taylor. C. Our Mary Anne (1802-1879), Buckstone. C. Our New Governess (1815-1874), C. S. Brooks. D. Ours, 1866, Robertson. C. Ours et la Pacha (Les), before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Outtara-Rama-Tscheritra, 8th cent., Bhavabhouti. Myt.D. (translated by Wilson in his Indian Theatre). Overland Route, 1860, Tom Taylor. C. Ovin, 1662, Cockaine. T.

Padlock (The), 1768, Bickerstaff. O.F. Page (The), 1765-1841, Reynolds. C. Page of Plymouth (time, Queen Elizabeth). Anon. T. Palace of Truth, 1870, Gilbert. Fy.C. Palamon and Arcyte, 1566, Edwards. C. Palestine (1775-1847), Crotch. Or. Pallantus and Eudora, 1653, T. Killigrew. T. (same as The Conspiracy). Pamela, 1742, Love. C. Pammachius, 1544, Anon. C. (Latin). Pandora, 1664, Sir W. Killigrew. Pl. Panel (The), 1757-1823, Kemble. (This is Bickerstaff’s comedy of ’Tis Well ’tis no Worse, reset.) Pan’s Anniversary, 1625, B. Jonson. M. Panurge, 1785, Grétry. O. Papal Tyranny, 1745, Cibber. T. Paracelsus, 1836, R. Browning. D.Pm. Parasitaster, or The Fawn, 1606, Marston. C. Paria (Le), 1821, Delavigne. T. Paria (The), 1826, Beer. T. (the above in English). Paride e Elena, 1770, Glück. O. (libretto by Calzabigi). Paris et Londres, 1827, Dartois. C. Parisien (Le), 1838, Delaporte. C. Parisina, 1833, Donizetti. O. Parliament of Love, 1625, Massinger. C. Parolle et Izidora (1703-1758), Theo. Cibber. C. Parson’s Wedding (The), 1663, Killigrew. C. Parted (1799-1838), Reeve. C. Pasquale (Don), 1843, Donizetti. O. Pasquin, 1736, Fielding. C. Passionate Lovers (The), 1655, Carlell. T.C. Passions (Plays of the), 1798-1812, J. Baillie. C. and T. Past Ten o’clock (1771-1841), Th. Dibdin. F. Pastorale Comique, 1666, Molière. Pastor Fido (Il), 1590, Guarini. P. (See “Faithful Shepherdess.”) Pathomachia, or The Battle of the Affections, 1630, Constable. D. Patient Grizzell, 1603, Chettle and Dekker. C. Patrician and Parvenu (The), 1835, Poole. C. Patrician’s Daughter, 1841, W. Marston. T. Patriot (The), 1784, Charles Hamilton. T. Patron (The), 1764, Foote. F. Patter v. Clatter (1803-1878), C. J. Mathews. Pattie and Peggie, 1730, Th. Cibber. Bd.O. (Allan Ramsay’s Gentle Shepherd reset.) Paul, 1836, Mendelssohn. Or. Paul Lafarge, 1870, Boucicault. Paul Pry, 1825, Poole. F. Paul and Virginia (1756-1818), Cobb. Mu.E. Paul and Virginia (1755-1837), Favieres. T. Paul and Virginia (1768-1844), Mazzhingi. O. Pauline, 1841, Labrousse. C. Payable on Demand (1817-1880), Tom Taylor. Peace, B.C. 419, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). Translated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867. Pédre (Don), 1857, Cormon. D. Pedro de Portugal (Don), 1828, Gily Zarate. D. Peep Behind the Curtain, 1767 (ascribed to Garrick and to King). F. Pelayo (1749-1811), Jovellanos. T. Pèlerin Blanc (Le), 1811, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Pélopides, 1763, Voltaire. T. Pénélope, 1785, Marmontel. O. Percy, 1777, Hannah More. T. Père de Famille, 1758, Diderot. C. Pericles Prince of Tyre, 1609, Shakespeare. T. Perjured Husband, 1700, Centlivre. C. Perkin Warbeck, 1634, Ford. H.D. Perle Noire, 1862, Sardou. Perouse (La), 1799, B. Thompson. D. Perplexed Couple (The), 1706-1767, Molloy. C. Perplexed Lovers, 1712, Centlivre. C. Perplexities (The), 1767, Hull. C. (The Adventures of Five Hours, 1663, reset.) Persa, or The Persian (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Persian Prince (The), 1682, Southerne. T. Persian Princess (The) 1711, Theobald. T. Persians (The), B.C. 472, Æschylus. T. (Greek). Translated by otter, 1777; Buckley, 1849; Plumptre, 1869. Pertharite, 1693, Corneille. T. Peter and Paul (1788-1841), Hook. Pewterer (The), 1747, Holbery. B.C. Phædra and Hippolytus, 1708, E. Smith. T. Phaeton, 1597, Daniel or Dekker. T. Pharamond, 17th cent., Calprenède. T. (translated by Phillips, 1677). Pharamond, 1736, Cahusac. T. Phèdre, 1677, Racine. T. Phèdre et Hippolyte, 1677, Pradon. T. Philaster, or Love Lies a-Bleeding, 1620, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). T. Philenzo and Hippolyta, 1653, Massinger. Philip II., 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Philip von Artevelde, 1834, H. Taylor. D.Pm. Phillippe II., (1764-1881), Chénier. D. Phillis of Seyros, 1655, Shirley. Pl. Philoctète, 1783, Laharpe. T. Philoctetes, about B.C. 415, Sophocles. T. (Greek). Translated by T. Sheridan, 1725; G. Adams, 1729; Potter, 1788; Dale, 1824; Plumptre, 1865. Philoctetes, 1871, Warren. Met.D. Philosophe sans le Savoir (Le), 1765, Sedaine. C. Philosopher’s Stone (The), 1850, Tom Taylor. Philotas, 1597, acted 1607, Daniel. T. Philtre (Le), 1830, Scribe. O. Phœnisssæ (B.C. 480-406), Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Banister, 1780; Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782; Morgan, 1805; Giles, 1865. (See “Thebais.”) Phœnix (The), 1607, Middleton. Phœnix in Her Flames (The), 1639, Lower. T. Phormio, B.C. 162, Terence. C. (Latin). Translated by Bentley, 1726; Colman the Elder, 1765; Barry, 1857; etc. Phrenologist, 1835, Coyne. C. Phrontisterion, or Oxford in the Nineteenth Century, 1852, Mansel. D. (unfinished). Phrosine et Mélidor, 1794, Méhul. O.C. Physic Lies a-Bleeding, 1697, Th. Brown. C. Piccolino, 1875, Guiraud. O. (libretto by Sardou). Picture (The), 1630, Massinger. T.C. Pierce Penniless (Supplication of) 1592, Nash. Pierre et Catherine, 1829, St. Georges. Pierre le Grand, 1854, Meyerbeer. O. Piety in Pattens, 1773, Foote. F. Pilgrim (The), 1621, Fletcher. Pilot (The), 19th cent., Fitzball. N.Blta. Pinafore (H.M.S.), 1878, Gilbert and Sullivan. N.C.Opta. Pinner of Wakefield, 1560-1592, R. Greene. C. Piperman’s Predicaments, * Ware. F. Pippa Passes, 1842, R. Browning. D. Pirata (Il), 1806-1835, Bellini. O. Pirate (The), 1792-1851, Davenport. Pl. Pirates (1763-1796), Storace. Mu.D. Piso’s Conspiracy, 1676, Lee. T. (same as Nero). Pizarro, 1799, Sheridan. T. (from Kotzebue’s drama The Spaniard in Peru, 1797). Plaideurs (Les), 1668, Racine. C. (imitated from the Wasps of Aristophanês). Plain Dealer, 1677, Wycherly. C. Plain Dealer (The), 1766, Bickerstaff. C. Platonic Love, 1707, Centlivre. C. Platonic Lovers, 1636, Davenant. T.C. Play (1829-1871), Robertson. C. Play betwene the Pardoner and the Frere, printed 1533, J. Heywood. Int. Play called the Four P’s (The), printed 1569, J. Heywood. Pl. Play of Love (The), 1533, Heywood. Int. Play of the Wether (The), 1533, Heywood. Int. Plot and No Plot (A), 1697, Dennis. C. Plot and Passion, 1852, Tom Taylor, etc. Plotting Sisters (The), 1676, D’Urfey. C. Plus Beau Jour de la Vie (Le), before 1822. Scribe. Pl.Pc. Plutus, B.C. 408, Aristophanês. C. (Greek). Translated by Randolph, 1651; Fielding and Young, 1812; Mitchell, 1820-22; Cunningham, 1826; Rudd, 1857. Pœrulus (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-1774. Poetaster (The), 1601, Jonson. Sat.C. Poets (The), 1774, Alfieri. F. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Polidoro, 1788, Bandettini. Polinice, 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by C. Lloyd, 1815). Polish Jew (The), * Ware. D. (altered into The Bells, 1874). Politician (The), 1655, Shirley. T. Politician Cheated (The), 1663, Greene. C. Polly Honeycombe, 1760, Colman. D.N. Polyeucte, 1640, Corneille. T. Polyxène, 1686, Lafosse. T. Pompée, 1592, Garnier. T. Pompée, 1641, Corneille. T. Pompey, 1663, Mrs. C. Philips. T. Pompey the Great, 1595, Kyd. T. (translated from the Pompée of Garnier). Pompey the Great, 1664, E. Waller. T. Pompey the Great (1705-1773), never printed, S. Johnson. T. Poor Gentleman (The), 1802, Colman. C. Poor Jack (1802-1879), Buckstone. C. Poor Man’s Comfort (The), 1655, Daborn. D. Poor Soldier (The), 1798, O’Keefe. O. (music by Shield). Pope als Metaphysiker, 1754, Lessing (music by Mendelssohn). Pope Joan. (See “Female Prelate.”) Popping the Question (1802-1879), Buckstone. C. Popularité, 1838, Delavigne. C. Porter’s Knot (The), 1858, Oxenford. D. (Like O’Dowd, it is an adaptation of Les Crochets du Père, by Cormon and Grangé.) Postillon de Lonjumeau (Le), 1836. Adam. O.C. Poulet et Poulette, 1878, Hervé. B.O. Pourceaugnac (Mons.), 1669, Molière. C. Pragmatical Jesuit New-Leven’d (The), 1657, Carpenter. C. Precieuses Ridicules, 1659, Molière. C. Premier Jour de Bonheur (Le), 1868, Auber. O. Presence (1624-1678), Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. C. Presented at Court, 1848, Coyne. C. Presumptive Evidence (1802-1879), Buckstone. Pretty Esmeralda and Captain Phœbus of Ours, 1879, H. J. Byron. B. Pride shall have a Fall, 1825, Croly. C. Priestess (The), 1855, Sargent. Prince Deukalion, 1879, B. Taylor. D. Prince Dorus, 1850, Tom Taylor. Prince of Homburg (1776-1811), Kleist. D. Princess (The), 19th cent., Gilbert. D. Princess of Cleves, 1689, Lee. Princesse Aurélie (Le), 1828, Delavigne. C. Princesse d’Elide, 1664, Molière. C. Princesse de Navarre, 1743, Voltaire. O. Princesse de Navarre, 1747, Rameau. O. Princesse de Trébizonde, 1870, Offenbach. O. Prisoner of State, 1847, Stirling. D. Prisoner of War, 1837, Jerrold. C. Prisoners (The), 1641, Killigrew. T.C. Prisonnier (Le), 1796, Dellamaria. O.C. Procureur Arbitre (Le), 1633-1690, Poisson. C. Prodigal Son (The), 1739-1802, Arnold. O. (music by Sullivan). Profligate (The), 1820, G. W. Taylor. C. Prometheus Bound, B.C. 460, Æschylus. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1777; Buckley, 1849; Webster, 1866; Plumptre, 1869; Lang, 1870. Prometheus Bound, 1838, E. Browning. T. Prometheus Unbound, 1821, Shelley. L.D. Promos and Cassandra, 1578, Whetstone. C. Prôneurs (Les) or La Tartuffe Littéraire (1734-1780), Dorat. Sat.D. Proof, 1878, Burnard (an English version of Une Cause Célèbre). Prophet (The), 1874, B. Taylor. T. Prophète (Le), 1849, Meyerbeer. O. (libretto by Scribe). Prophetess (The), 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Prophetess (The), or History of Dioclesian, 1690. Betterton. Proserpina, 1804, Winter. O. Proserpine, 1801, Paisiello. O. Protecteur (Le), 1781-1857, Brifaut. C. Provoked Husband, 1726, Vanbrugh. C. (left unfinished by Vanbrugh, and called The Journey to London. Cibber finished the play, and changed the name). Provoked Wife, 1697, Vanbrugh. C. Provost of Bruges, 1836, Knowles. T. Pseudolus, or The Cheat (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Psyché, 1671, Molière. C. Psyché, 1675, Shadwell. Psyché Debauched, 1678. Public Wooing (1624-1673), Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. C. Pulchérie, 1672, Corneille. Puritan Maid (The), 1602, Middleton. Pl. (lost). Puritan (The), or The Widow of Watling Street, 1607, W[entworth] S[mith]. Puritani (I), 1834, Bellini. O. Puritan’s Daughter, 1861, Balfe. O. Purse (The), or The Benevolent Tar, * Cross. Mu.E. Pygmalion, 1748, Rameau. O. Pygmalion, 1809, Cherubini. O. Pygmalion and Galatea, 1871, Gilbert. Myt.D. Pyrame et Thisbé (1632-1698), Pradon. T. Pyrame et Thisbé (1677-1758), Lagrange. O. Pyrrhus, King of Egypt, 1695, Hopkins. T.

Q.E.D., 1871, Marshall. Cdta. Quaker (The), 1777, Dibdin. C.O. Quaker’s Opera (The), 1728, Th. Walker. Quarantine (The), * Ware. C. Queen and Concubine (The), 1653, Brome. D. Queen Elizabeth’s Troubles, in two parts, 1606-1609, Thomas Heywood. H.Pl. Queen Juta of Denmark, 19th cent., Bojé. T. Queen Mab, 1760, Burney. O. Queen Mary [of England], 1875, Tennyson. T. Queen Mother (The), 1861, Swinburne. T. Queen of Arragon, 1635, Habington. T.C. Queen of Corinth, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. Queen of Scots (The), 1684, Banks. T. Queens, 1616, Jonson. Queen’s Arcadia (The), 1606, Daniel. P.T. Queen’s Shilling (The), 1879, Godfrey. C. (an English version of Un Fils de Famille; see also “The Discarded Son”). Queer subject (The), 1837, Coyne. C. Qui Femme a, Guerre a, about 1830, Brohan. C. Quintus Fabius, 1573, Anon. H.Pl. Quip for an Upstart Courtier (A), 1592, Greene. C. Quitte ou Double, about 1830, Brohan. C. (The English adaptation is Double or Quits.)

Rabages, 1872, Sardou. C. Rage (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. Raging Turk (The), 1631, Goffe. T. (Bajazet II.). Ragout. (See “Mons. Ragout.”) Raising the Wind, 1803, Kenney. F. Rake and His Pupil (The), 1834, Buckstone. C. Ralph Roister Doister, 1534, Udal (the first English comedy). (See “Gammer Gurton’s Needle” and “Mesogonus.”) Ram Alley, or Merry Tricks, 1611, Barry. C. Rambling Justice, 1677, Leanerd. C. Rambling Lady (1659-1746), Southerne. C. Rape of Lucrece (The), 1608, Th. Heywood. T. Rapparee (The), or The Treaty of Limerick, 1870, Boucicault. Rare Triumphs of Love and Fortune (The), 1580, Anon. Pl. Re Teodoro, 1785, Paisiello. O. Rebecca (1830-1877), Halliday. D. Rebellion (The), 1640, Rawlins. T. Rebellion Defeated, or The Fall of Desmond, 16th cent., Cutts. T. Rebels (The), 1749-1832, Goethe. C. Recess (The), 1785, Miss Lee. Réconciliation Normande, 1719, Dufresny. C. Reconciliation, or The Two Brothers, 1799, C. (from Kotzebue). Recruiting Officer (The), 1706, Farquhar. C. Recruiting Sergeant, 1770, Bickerstaff. Mu.E. Reculer pour Mieux Sauter, 1854, Dartois. C. Red Cross Knight, 1794, Holman. Red Mask (The), 1834, Planché. Regent (Le), 1831, Ancelot. V. Regicide (The), 1747, acted 1749, Smollett. T. Register Office (The), 1723-1787, Reed. F. Regolo (Attilio), 1740, Metastasio. O. Regular Fix (1764-1838), Morton. C. Régulus (1632-1698), Pradon. T. Régulus (1734-1780), C. J. Dorat. T. Regulus, 1774, Mrs. H. More. T. Rehearsal (The), 1671, Duke of Buckingham. B. Reinald (1789-1862), Ingemann. Reine de Chypre (La), 1799-1862, Halévy. O. Reine de Golconde. (See “Aline,” etc.) Reine de Saba, 1862, Gounod. O. (libretto by Curré). Relapse (The), 1697, Vanbrugh. C. Religious (1624-1673), Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. T.C. Remorse, 1797, acted 1813, Coleridge. T. Rencontre (The), 1827, Planché. Rendezvous Bourgeois (Les), 1794, Hoffman. O.C. (music by Méhul). Renegado (The), 1624, Massinger. T.C. Rent Day, 1830, Jerrold. C. Reprisals, or The Tars of Old England, 1757, Smollett. F. Rescued, 1879, Boucicault. Sen.D. Retaliation (1752-1820), Macnally. F. Retour de Napoléon, 1841, Sejour. D. Retribution, 1856, Bennett and Taylor. H.P. Return from Parnassus (The), 1606, Anon. Pl. Return of the Druses, 1865, R. Browning. T. Revenge (The), 1680, Anon. C. (This is the Dutch Courtezan revived.) Revenge (The), 1721, Young. T. Revenge, or a Match at Newgate, 1680, Betterton. Revenge for Honor, 1654, Chapman. T. Revenge of Bussy d’Amboise, 1613, Chapman. T. Revenger’s Tragedie (The), 1607, Tourneur. T. Revers de la Medaille (Le), 1861, Demolière. C. Review (The), or Wags of Windsor, 1798, Colman. F. Rewards of Vertue (The), 1661, Fountaine. C. (altered by Shadwell, and called The Royal Shepherdess, 1669). Rich Jew of Malta, 1586, Marlowe. T. Rich and Poor, 1812, Lewis. C.O. Richard Cœur de Lion, 1781, Sedaine. O. (music by Grétry). Richard Cœur de Lion, 1782, Burgoyne. H.R. (the above Anglicized). Richard Cœur de Lion (1752-1820), Macnally. O. Richard Cœur de Lion (1830-1877), Halliday. H.D. Richard Cœur de Lion, 1863, Benedict. O. Richard I., 1728, Sewell. T. Richard II., 1597, Shakespeare. H.D. Richard III., 1597, Shakespeare. H.T. Richard, Duke of York, 1595, Marlowe. T. Richelieu, 1839, Lord Lytton. H.Pl. Richelieu (La Jeunesse de), 1833, Ancelot. V. Richmond Heiress (The), 1693, D’Urfey. C. Rienzi, 1828, Miss Mitford. T. Rienzi, 1841, Wagner, O. (libretto by Jackson). Right Woman (A), 1615, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Rightful Heir (The), 1868, Lord Lytton. T. (same as The Sea Captain). Rigoletto, 1852, Verdi. O. (libretto from Victor Hugo). Rimini (Francesca di), 1819, Pellico. T. Rinaldo, 1711, Hill. O. (music by Handel; this was the first piece he set to music). Rinaldo and Armida, 1699, Dennis. D. Riquet, 1836, Planché. Rival Candidates, 1774, Dudley. Mu.Int. Rival Friends (The), 1632, Hausted. C. Rival Kings (The), 1677, Banks. Rival Ladies, 1663, Dryden. C. Rival Modes, 1726, Moore. C. Rival Queens, 1677, Lee. Rivals (The), 1668, Davenant. C. Rivals (The), 1775, Sheridan. C. Rivals (The), 1830, Balfe. O. (I Rivali). Road to Ruin, 1792, Holcroft. C. Roaring Girl (The), 1611, Middleton. C. (i.e. Moll Cutpurse). Rob Roy, 1832, Flotow. O. Rob Roy MacGregor (1782-1835), Pocock. O.D. (from Sir W. Scott’s novel). Robbers (The), 1781, Schiller. T. Robbers of Calabria, * Lane. D. (adapted). Robert le Diable, 1831, Meyerbeer O. (libretto by Scribe). Robert the Invalid, 1870, C. Reade. C. (a version of Molière’s Le Malade Imaginaire). Robin Hood, pt. i., 1597, Munday. D. Robin Hood, pt. ii., 1598, Chettle. D. Robin Hood, 1741, Dr. Arne and Burney. O. Robin Hood, 1787, O’Keefe. O. (music by Shield). Robin Hood (1752-1820), Macnally. C.O. (See “Death of Robert, Earl of Huntington.”) Robin Hood, 1860, Macfarren. O. Robin des Bois, 1824, Weber. O. Robinson Crusoé, 1805, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. V. Robinson Crusoe, 1806, Pocock (the above in English). Rock of Rome, 1849, Knowles. H.Pl. Roderigo, 1706, Handel. O. Rodogune, 1646, Corneille. T. Rodogune, or The Rival Brothers, 1765, Aspinwall. T. (from T. Corneille). Rodolphe, before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Roef-Krage, 1770, Ewald. D. Roi Fainéant (Le), 1830, Ancelot. T. Roi d’Yvetot (Le), 1842, Adam. O.C. Roi et le Fermier, 1762, Sedaine. O.C. (music by Monsigny). Roland, 1778, Piccini. O. Roland for an Oliver, 1819, Th. Morton. C. Rolla, 1798, Kotzebue. T. Rolla, 1799, Lewis. T. (from the above). Rollo, 1639, Beaumont and Fletcher. Roman (The), 1850, S. Dobell. D.Pm. Roman Actor (The), 1629, Massinger. Roman Brother (The), 19th cent., Heraud. T. Roman Comique (Le), 1861, Offenbach. O.Bf. Roman Empress (A), 1622-1706, Joyner. D. Roman Father (The), 1750, Whitehead. T. (based on the Horace of Corneille). Roman Revenge, 1753, Hill. Roman d’Une Heure, or La Folle Gageure, 1803, Hoffmann. C. Roman Virgin (The), or The Unjust Judge, 1679, Betterton. T. (the tale of Virginius). Romance and Reality, J. Brougham. D.Pc. Romance for an Hour, 1771, Kelly. C. Rome Sauvée, 1752, Voltaire. T. Romeo and Juliet, 1595, Shakespeare. T. Romeo et Juliette, 1828, Soulié. T. Romildare Constanza, 1819, Meyerbeer. O. Romp (The), * Anon. C.O. (altered from Bickerstaff’s Love in the City). Rosalinda, 1762, Lockman. Mu.D. Rosamond, 1706, Addison. O. (music by Arne). Rosamond, 1861, Swinburne. Po.D. Rosamond (Fair), 1879, Tennyson. T. Rosamond (The Fair), 1812, Korner. T. Rosamond the Fair, 1836, Barnett. H.O. Rose (The), 1710-1778, Arne. C.O. (from the French). Rose Blanche (La), et la Rose Rouge, 1809, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. D. (See “Two Roses.”) Rose de St. Fleur (La), Offenbach. O.Bf. Rose et Colas, 1764, Sedaine. O.C. Rose of Arragon, 1842, Knowles. D. Rose of Castille, 1857, Balfe. O. Rosière de Salency (La), 1774, Grétry. O. Rosière et Norrice, 1842, Barrière. D. Rosina, 1782, Miss Brooke. Pl. Rosina, 1783, Shield. O. Rosmonda, 1525, Rucelleri. T. Rosmunda, 1783, Alfieri. T. (based on Bandello’s novel). Rosmunda, 1840, Gil y Zarate. (See “Henry” and “Complaint.”) Rösten i Oerken, 1815, Ingemann. Rough Diamond (1802-1879), Buckstone. Cdta. Roundheads (The), 1682, Mrs. Behn. C. Rover (The), 1677, Mrs. Behn; pt. ii., 1681. C. Roving (The), 17th cent., Middleton. C. Roxana, 1592, Alabaster. T. (Latin). Roxana, 1772, Magnocavallo. T. (a prize play). Royal Captive (The), 1745, J. Maxwell. T. Royal Combat, 17th cent., Ford and Dekker. Royal Command (By), 19th cent., Stirling. C.O. Royal Convert, 1708, Rowe. T. (i.e., Rodogune). Royal Garland, 1768, Bickerstaff. Royal King and Loyal Subject (The), 1737, Th. Heywood. T.C. Royal Martyr (The), 1669, Dryden. T. Royal Master (The), 1638, Shirley. C. Royal Mischief, 1696, Mrs. Manley. Royal Mistress (The), 1696, Mrs. Manley. Royal Shepherd (The), 1764, R. Holt. O. (from Metastasio). Royal Shepherdess, 1669, Shadwell. C. (This is Fountaine’s comedy The Rewards of Vertue, 1661, altered.) Royal Slave (The), 1637, Cartwright. T.C. Royalist (The), 1682, D’Urfey. C. Rubans d’Ivonne, 1850, Thiboust. Rudens, or The Rope (B.C. 154-184), Plautus. C. (Latin, adapted from a Greek play by Diphulos). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Rugantio, 1805, Lewis. Mel. Ruines de Babylone (Les), 1819, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Ruines de Vaudemont, 1845, Boule. Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, 1624, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. (altered by Garrick). Rump (The), 1660, Tatham. C. Runaway (The) 1776, Mrs. Cowley. C. Runnimede, 1783, J. Logan. T. Rural Felicity, 1834, Buckstone. C. Ruy Blas, 1840, Victor Hugo. R.D.

Sabots de la Marquis, 1854, Boulanger. O.C. Sackfull of News (The), 1557, Anon. Pl. Sacrifice d’Iphigénie, 1861, Dennery. T. Sad One (The), 1609-1641, Suckling. T. Sad Shepherd (The), left at death unfinished, 1637, Jonson. P. Sailor’s Daughter (The), 1800, Cumberland. C. St. Clement’s Eve, 1862, Sir H. Taylor. D. St. Genest, 1641, Rotrou. T. St. Patrick for Ireland, 1640, Shirley. C. St. Patrick’s Day, 1775, Sheridan. F. St. Peter, 1866, Benedict. Or. Saint’s Tragedy, 1846, Kingsley. D.Pm. Salmacida Spolia, 1639, Davenant. M. Salvator, 19th cent., Herault. T. Samor, 1818, Milman. Samson, 1742, Handel. Or. Samson Agonistes, 1671, Milton. D.Pm. Sappho, 1850, Gounod. O. Sappho and Phao, 1591, J. Lyly. Myt.D. Saratoga, 1874, Marshall (brought out in London under the title of Brighton). Sardanapalus, 1821, Byron. T. Satanella, 1858, Balfe. O. Satiro-mastix, 1602, Dekker. Sat.C. Saucy Valets (1730-1805), King. Saul, 1738, Handel. Or. Saul, 1739, Hill. T. Saul, 1782, Alfieri. T. Saul, 1801, Kalkbrenner. Or. Saul (King), 1872, Armstrong. T. Saul (König), 1839, Gutzkow. D. Sauney, the Scot, 1698, Lacy. C. Savage (Richard), 19th cent., Gutzkow. D. Savonarola, 1881, Austin. T. Scapegoat (The), about 1840, Poole. F. Scholar (The), 1649, Lovelace. C. Scholar (The), 1802-1879, Buckstone. C. School, 1869, Robertson. C. School for Arrogance (1745-1809), Holcroft. C. School for Authors (1770-1804), Tobin. C. School for Coquettes (1799-1861), Mrs. Gore. Prose C. School for Fathers (The), 1770, Bickerstaff. C. School for Grown Children, 1826, Morton. C. School for Grown Gentlemen, 1827, Morton. C. School for Lovers, 1762, Whitehead. C. (See “L’École des Amants.”) School for Scandal, 1777, Sheridan. C. School for Wives, 1774, Kelly. C. (See “L’École des Femmes.”) School of Complement, 1631, Shirley. C. School of Reform, 1817, Thomas Morton. C. (See “L‘École.”) Scipio Africanus, 1729, Beckingham. T. (from Pradon’s Scipion l‘Africain). Scipion l‘Africain, 1632-1698, Pradon. T. Scornful Lady (The), 1616, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Scots Figaries (The), 1652, Tatham. C. Scowerers (The), 1691, Shadwell. C. Scythes, 1761, Voltaire. T. Sea-Captain (The), 1839, Lytton. T. (often called The Rightful Heir). Sea-Voyage, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Search after Happiness, 1773, H. More. P. Search for Money (A), 1609, Rowley. C. Seasons (The), 1800, Haydn. O. Sebastian. (See “Don Sebastian.”) Second Maiden’s Tragedy, before 1620, Anon. T. (ascribed to Chapman). Second Thoughts, 19th cent., Buckstone. Secret (Le), 1793, Hoffmann. O.C. (music by Méhul). Secret Love, 1667, Dryden. C. Secrets Worth Knowing, 1798, Th. Morton. C. Secrétaire et le Cuisinier (Le), before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. See Me and See Me Not, 1618, Belcher. C. (adapted from a play by Hans Beerpot). Sejanus, 1602, Jonson. T. Séjour Militaire, 1813, Auber. O. Self-immolation, or The Sacrifice of Love, 1799, Newman. Pl. (from Kotzebue). Selindra, 1665, Sir W. Killigrew. Pl. Semele, 1698, Congreve. Mu.D. (music by Handel). Semiramide, 1729, Metastasio. O. Semiramide, 1819, Meyerbeer. O. Semiramide, 1823, Rossini. O. Sémiramis, 1748, Voltaire. T. Senile Odium, 1633, Hausted. C. Serail, 1782, Mozart. O. Serious Family (A), about 1850, Buckstone (music by Barnett). Sertorious, 1662, Corneille. T. Servius Tullius, 1826, Bouzique. T. Sesostris, 1667, Amore. T. Seven against Thebes (The), B.C. 471, Æschylus. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1777; Buckley, 1849; Davies, 1864; Plumptre, 1869. Shaughraun, 1874, Boucicault. D. She Stoops to Conquer, 1773, Goldsmith. C. She Stoops to Conquer, 1864, Macfarren. O. She Would and She Would Not, 1703, Cibber. C. She Would if She Could, 1668, Etherege. C. Shepherd of Tolosa, 1829, Ingemann. Shepherd’s Artifice, 1761, Dibdin. O. Shepherd’s Holiday (The), 1635, Rutten. P.T.C. Shoemaker a Gentleman (A), 1638, Rowley. C. Shoemaker’s Holiday (The), 1600, Dekker. C. Shore. (See “Jane Shore.”) Si j’étais Roi, 1854, Adam. Pt.Pc. Sicilian Summer (A), 1850, Henry Taylor. C. Sicilian Vespers, 1840, Kenney. Sicilian Vespers, 1819, Delavigne. T. Sicilien ou L’Amour Peintre, 1667, Molière. C. Siege (The), or Love’s Convert, 1651, Cartwright. C. Siège of Aguileia, 1760, Home. Siege of Babylon (The), 1678, Pordage. T. Siege of Belgrade, 1796, Cobb. C.O. (music by Storace; an English version of La Cosa Rara). Siege of Berwick, 1806, Jerningham. T. Siege of Damascus, 1720, Hughes. T. Siege of Grenada, 1671, Dryden. H.Pl. Siege of Ischia, (1778-1824), Kemp. O. Siege of Memphis (The), 1676, D’Urfey. T. Siege of Rhodes, 1656, Davenant. Pl. Siege of Rochelle, 1835, Balfe. O. Siege of Sinope, 1781, Miss Brooke. T. Siege of Troy (The), 1715. D. Siege of Urbin, 1666, Sir W. Killigrew. Pl. Sigurd (King), 19th cent., Bojé. T. Silent Woman (The), 1609, Jonson. C. Silver Age (The), 1613, Thomas Heywood. C. Silvia, 1731, Lillo. Single Life, about 1835, Buckstone. C. Sir Barnaby Whigg, 1681, D’Urfey. C. Sir Courtley Nice, 1685, Crowne. C. (from the Mayor Imposible of Lope de Vega). Sir Fopling Flutter, 1676, Etherege. C. Sir George Etherege’s Comical Revenge (1642-1689), Mrs. Behn. C. Sir Harry Gaylove, 1772, Miss Marshall. C. Sir Harry Wildair, 1701, Farquhar. C. Sir Hercules Buffoon, 1684, Lacy. C. Sir John Cockle at Court, 1737, Dodsley. F. Sir John Falstaff in Masquerade, 1741, S. Johnson. C. Sir John Oldcastle. (See “Oldcastle.”) Sir Marmaduke Maxwell, 1827, Cunningham. C. Sir Martin Marplot (1592-1670), William, Duke of Newcastle. C. (founded on Molière’s L’Etourdi). Sir Martin Marrall, 1667, Dryden. C. (This is Sir Martin Marplot adapted for the stage.) Sir Patient Fancy, 1678, Mrs. Behn. C. Sir Richard Grinvile, 1595, Markham. T. Sir Solomon, or The Cautious Coxcomb, 1671, Caryl. C. Sir Thomas Moore, 1792, Hurdis. T. Sir Thomas Overbury, 1726, Savage. T. Sir Thomas Overbury’s Life and Untimely Death, 1614, Ford. T. Sir Thomas Wyat, 1607, Webster and Dekker. T. Sir Walter Raleigh, 1720, Sewell. T. Sirène (La), 1844, Scribe. O.C. Siroe (Il), 1728, Metastasio. O. Sisters (The), 1652, Shirley. C. Sisters (The), 1769, Mrs. Lennox. C. Slanderer (The), 1778, Foote. Slave (The), 1816, Bishop. O. Slave Life (1817-1880), Tom Taylor, etc. Sleeping Beauty, 1805, Skeffington. Pn. Sleeping Beauty, 1840, Planché. Slighted Maid (The), 1663, Stapylton. C. Snake in the Grass, 1759, Hill. C. (altered by Buckstone, 19th cent.) Society, 1865, Robertson. C. Sofonisbe, 1718, Leo. O. (See “Sophonisba.”) Soirée à la Bastille, 1845, Decourcelle. C. Soirée d’Auteuil (La), 1804, Andrieux. C. Soldier (The), 1649, Lovelace. T. Soldier’s Daughter (The), 1804, Cherry. C. Soldier’s Fortune, 1681, Otway. C. Soldier’s Last Stake (The), 1686-1744, G. Jacob. Soldier’s Return, 1805, Hook. C. Soliman and Persida, 1599, Anon [? Kyd]. T. Soliman II. (1710-1792), Favart. O.C. Solliciteur (Le), before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Solomon, 1748, Handel. Or. Solomon, 1748, Klopstock. S.D. (translated by R. Huish, 1809). Solomon (King), 1876, Armstrong. T. Somnambule (La), 1819, Delavigne. D. Sonnambula, 1831, Bellini. O. Sophi (The). (See “Sophy.”) Sophister (The), 1639, Zouch. C. Sophonisba, 1514, Trissino. T. (the first Italian tragedy). (See “Ferrex,” etc.) Sophonisba, or The Wonder of Women, 1606, Marston. T. (See “Sofonisbe.”) Sophonisba, 1729, Thomson. T. Sophonisba, 1783, Alfieri. T. (translated by Lloyd, 1815). Sophonisbe, 1630, Mairet. T. (imitated from Trissino; the first French Tragedy). Sophonisbe (1606-1684), Corneille. T. Sophonisbe (1677-1758), Lagrange-Chancel. T. Sophy (The), 1641, printed 1642, Denham. T. Sorcerer (The), 1876, Gilbert and Sullivan. Opta. Sorcière (La), 1863, Bourgeois and Barbier. C. Sordello, 1839, R. Browning. Sosies, 1639, Rotrou. C. Sot toujours Sot, 1693, De Brueys. C. Spaniard in Peru (The), 1797, Kotzebue. T. (The English version is called Pizarro). Spanish Bawd (The), 1631, Fernando de Roias. C. (the longest play ever published). Spanish Curate (The), 1622, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). C. (based on The Unfortunate Spaniard by Gonsalvo de Cespides). Spanish Dollars, 1807, Cherry. M.D. Spanish Father (The), 1745-1831, H. Mackenzie. T. Spanish Fryar (The), 1680, Dryden. C. Spanish Gipsy, 1653, Middleton and Rowley. C. Spanish Gypsy, 1865, rewritten 1867, and published 1868, “G. Eliot” [Mrs. Lewes]. D.Pm. Spanish Masquerado, 1589, Greene. C. Spanish Rogue (The), 1674, Duffett. C. Spanish Student (The), 1845, Longfellow. D.Pm. Spanish Tragedy (The), or Jeronimo Mad Again, 1603, Kyd. T. (forming pt. ii. to Jeronimo). Spanish Viceroy, 1653, Massinger. Spartacus, 1746, Saurin. T. Spartan Dame (The), 1721, Southerne. T. Speculation (1765-1841), Reynolds. C. Speed the Plough, 1798, Thomas Morton. C. Spoilt Child (The), 1805 (?) Bickerstaff. C. Spouter (The), 1756, Murphy. F. Sprigs of Laurel, 1798, O’Keefe. M.F. (music by Shield). Spring and Autumn, 1827, Kenney. C. Spring’s Glory (The), 1638, Nabbes. M. Squeeze to the Coronation, 1821, Thomson. C. Squire of Alsatia (The), 1688, Shadwell. C. (same as Gentleman of Alsatia). Squire Oldsapp, 1679, D’Urfey. C. Stage Beaux toss’d in a Blanket, 1704, Thomas Brown. C. Stage Coach, 1704, Farquhar. C. Staple of News (The), 1625, Jonson. C. Star of Seville, 1837, Mrs. Butler (born Kemble). State of Innocence, 1673, Dryden. D.Pm. (a dramatic version of Milton’s Paradise Lost). State Prisoner, 1847, Stirling. Statira (1632-1698), Pradon. T. Stella, 1776, Goethe. D. Stella, 1843, Anicet Bourgeois. D. Stephanie, 1877, Story. T. Stepmother (The), 1664, Stapylton. T.C. (See “Hecyra.”) Stepmother (The), 1800, Earl of Carlisle. T. Steward (The). (This is merely The Deserted Daughter of Holcroft, 1785, reset.) Stichus (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin, adapted from a Greek play by Menander). Translated into blank verse by Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. Stilicon, 1660, Thomas Corneille. T. Still Waters Run Deep, 1855, Tom Taylor. C. Stolen Heiress, 1703, Centlivre. C. Stolen Kisses, 19th cent., Merritt. C. Stafford, 1837, R. Browning. H.T. Stafford, 1843, Sterling. H.T. Strange Discovery (The), 1640, Gough. T.C. Strange Gentleman (The), 1836, Dickens. Blta. Stranger (The), 1797, B. Thompson. D. (from Misanthropy and Repentance, by Kotzebue). Thompson’s version was greatly altered in 1798 by Sheridan. Straniera (La), 1806-1835, Bellini. O. Strathmore, 1849, W. Marston. T. Stratonice, 1792, Hoffmann. O.C. (music by Méhul). Streets of London, 1862, Boucicault. D. Struensee, 1827, Beer. T. Success, or A Hit if You Like It, 1825, Planché. F. Such Things Are, 1786, Inchbald. Pl. Suite du Mentuer (La), 1803, Andrieux. C. Sullen Lovers, 1668, Shadwell. C. Sultan (The), 1775, Bickerstaff. F. Summer’s Last Will, etc., 1600, Nash. C. Summer’s Tale, 1768, Cumberland. C.O. Sun in Aries (The), 1621, Middleton. C. Sun’s Darling (The), 1656, Ford. M. Superiority, 1607, Ant. Brewer. C. Suppliants (The), B.C. 461, Æschylus. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1777; Buckley, 1849; Plumptre, 1869. Supplication of Pierce Penniless, etc., 1592, Nash. Supplice d’un Homme, 1865, Thiboust. Supplices, B.C. 421, Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782. Supposes (The), 1566, Gascoigne. C. Suréna, 1674, Corneille. T. Surprise (Agreeable), 1798, O’Keefe. C. Surrender of Calais, 1791, Colman. C. Suspicious Husband (The), 1747, Hoadly. C. Svend Dyring’s House, 19th cent., Herz. R.D. Svend Grathe, 19th cent., Bojé. T. Sweethearts, 1874, Gilbert. D.Pc. Sweethearts and Wives (1772-1849), Kenney. Mu.C. (music by Nathan). Sweetman, the Woman-Hater, 1640, Anon. C. Swindler (The), 1764-1838, Morton. C. Sword and the Hand, 1832, Beer. T. Sylvain, 1770, Marmontel. O.C. (music by Grétry). Sylvana, 1809, Weber. O. Sylvester Daggerwood, 1795, Colman. C. Sylvia, 1731, Lillo.

Tableau Parlant (Le), 1769, Grétry. O. Tailors (The), * Anon. B.T. Tale of Mantua, 1830, Knowles. Tale of Mystery (1745-1809), Holcroft. Mel. Tale of a Tub, 1633, Jonson. Tamburlaine, 1590, Marlowe. T. Tamerlan (1632-1698), Pradon. T. Tamerlan et Bajazet, 1806, Bishop. Bl. Tamerlane, 1702, Rowe. T. Tamerlane, 1722, Leo. O. Taming of the Shrew, 1593, Shakespeare. C. Tancred and Gismunda, 1568, by Hatton and four others. T. Tancred and Sigismunda, 1745, Thomson. T. Tancréde, 1760, Voltaire. T. Tancredi, 1813, Rossini. O. Tannhäuser, 1845, Wagner. O. Tante (La) et le Neveu (1781-1857), Brifaut. C. Tarare, 1787, Beaumarchais. O. Tartuffe, 1664, Molière. C. Tasso (Torquato), 1790, Goethe. T. Tasso Refriede, 1819, Ingemann. D. Taste, 1752, Foote. F. Tatlers (The), 1797, Hoadly. C. Taverne des Étudiants (La), 1854, Sardou. C. Technogamia, or Marriage of the Arts, 1630, Holyday. C. Tekeli, 1803, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Mel. Tell (Guglielmo), 1829, Rossini. O. Tell (Guillaume), 1766, Lemière. T. Tell (Guillaume), 1772, Sedaine. O. Tell (Wilhelm), 1804, Schiller. T. Tell (William), 1825, Knowles. T. Tell (William), 1827-1862, Talfourd. F. Temistocle, 1738, Metastasio. D. Tempest (The), 1609, Shakespeare. C. Tempest (The), 1668, Dryden. C. Temple Beau (The), 1738, Fielding. C. Temple de la Gloire, 1744, Voltaire. O. Temple of Love (The), 1634, Davenant. M. Temptatyon of Our Lorde and Saver (The), 1538. Bal.Int. Tender Husband (The), 1703, Steele. C. Teraminta, 1732, H. Carey. Tête de Mort (La), 1827, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. V. Théagène et Chariclée, 1662, Racine. T. Thébaïde (La), 1664, Racine. T. Thebaïs, or The Phœnissæ (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Themistocle. (See “Temistocle.”) Theodosius, or The Force of Love, 1680, Lee. T. Therese, the Orphan of Geneva, 19th cent., Kerr. Mel.R. (adapted). Thersytes, 1537, Anon. Int. Thésée, 1690, Lafosse. T. Theseus, 1715, Handel. O. Theseus and Ariadne, 1848, Planché. Thesmophoriazusæ, B.C. 410, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). Translated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867. Thespis, 1762, Kelly. Thierry and Theodoret, 1621, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). T. Thieves of Paris, 1856, Stirling. D. Thimble Rig (The), 1802-1879, Buckstone. F. Thirty Years of a Woman’s Life, before 1834, Buckstone. Thomas. (See “Mons. Thomas.”) Thomas à Becket, 1780, Tennyson. T. Thomas and Sally (1696-1743), Carey. Mu.E. Thomas and Sally, 1760, Bickerstaff. C.O. Thracian Wonder, 1661, Webster. C. Three Black Seals (The), 1864, Stirling. H.D. Three Hours after Marriage, 1717, Gay. F. Three Ladies of London (The), 1584, Anon. Mo. Three Lords and Three Ladies of London, 1590, Anon. Mo. Three Strangers (The), 1835, Miss Lee. C. Three Weeks after Marriage, 1776, Murphy. F. Thyestes (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Translated by Heywood, 1560; Wright, 1674. Thyestes, about 1680, Crowne. T. Tibère, (1764-1811), Chénier. T. Ticket-of-Leave Man, 1863, Tom Taylor. Timanthes, 1769, Hoole. T. Time Works Wonders, 1845, Jerrold. C. Timocrate, 1656, Thomas Corneille. T. Timocrate, 1723, Leo. O. Timoléon, 1783, Alfieri. T. Timoléon, 1794, Chénier. T. Timon of Athens, 1609, Shakespeare. T. Timon of Athens, 1778, Cumberland. T. Timon, the Manhater, 1678, Shadwell. T. Timour, the Tartar, 1812, Lewis. Mel. Tipperary Legacy, 1847, Coyne. C. ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore, 1633, Ford. T. ’Tis Well ’tis no Worse, 1770, Bickerstaff. C. Tit for Tat, * Colman. C. Tito, 1791, Mozart. O. Titus Andronicus, 1593, (?) Shakespeare. T. Titus Andronicus, 1687, Ravenscroft. T. Titus and Berenice, 1672, Otway. To Marry or Not to Marry (1753-1821), Inchbald. C. To-Night, Uncle, 1878, H. J. Byron. To Oblige Benson, 1854, Tom Taylor. To Parents and Guardians (1817-1880), Tom Taylor. Tobacconist (The), before 1780, Gentleman. F. Tom Cobb, 1876, Gilbert. F. Tom Essence, or The Modish Wife, 1677, Rawlins. C. Tom Fool, 1760, Stevens. F. Tom Jones, 1740, Reed. C.O. Tom Thumb, 1733, Fielding. C.O. Tom Tyler and his Wife, about 1569, published in 1578, Anon. Mo. Tonson. (See “Mons. Tonson.”) Tony Lumpkin in Town, 1778, O’Keefe. C. Too Late to Call Back Yesterday, 1639, R. Davenport. C. Too Many, or Democracy, 1805, Alfieri. C. Toréador (Le), 1849, Adam. O.C. Tortesa, the Usurer, 1841, Willis. C. Tottenham Court, 1633, Nabbes. C. Tour de Londres, 1855, Nus. D. Tower of Babel (The), 1871, A. Austin. Dc.Pm. Town and Country, 1807, Morton. C. Town Fop (The), 1677, Mrs. Behn. C. Toy-Shop, 1735, Dodsley. D.S. Trachiniæ, about B.C. 430, Sophocles. T. (Greek). Translated by G. Adams, 1729; Potter, 1788; Dale, 1824; Plumptre, 1865. Traitor (The), 1635, Shirley. T. Travailes of Three English Brothers, 1607, Day. T.C. Travellers (The), 1806, Cherry. C. Traviata (La), 1856, Verdi. O. Trente Millions de Gladiateurs (Les), 19th cent., Labiche and Gille. (See “Nabob.”) Trésor (Le), 1803, Andrieux. C. Trial. (See “Tryal.”) Trial by Jury, 1875, Gilbert and Sullivan. Opta. Trial of Pleasure (The), 1567, Skelton. Mo. Trick for Trick, 1678, D’Urfey. C. Trick upon Trick, 1710, Hill. C. Tricke to Catch the Old One (A), 1608, Middleton. C. Trinuzzia (La), 1540, Angelo. C. Trinummus (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin, adapted from a Greek play by Philemon). Translated into blank verse by Messrs. Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-1774. Triomphe des Arts (Le), 1672-1731, Lamotte. O. Trip to Calais (A), 1777, Foote. F. Trip to Kissengen (A), 1817-1880, Taylor. Trip to Scarborough (A), 1777, Sheridan. Trip to Scotland (A), 1770, Whitehead. F. Tristan and Isolde, 1865, Wagner. O. Triumph of Oriana, 1601, Morley. O. Triumph of Peace (The), 1633, Shirley. M. Triumphs of Beautie (The), 1646, Shirley. M. Triumphs of Health and Prosperity, 1626, Middleton. Sol. Triumphs of Honor and Industry, 1617, Middleton. Sol. Triumphs of Honor and Virtue, 1622, Middleton. Sol. Triumphs of Integrity, 1623, Middleton. Sol. Triumphs of Love and Antiquity, 1619, Middleton. Sol. Triumphs of Love and Fortune, 1589, by E. A. Sol. Triumphs of Truth, 1613, Middleton (and scores more for Lord Mayor’s Day). Triumphs of the Prince D’Amour, 1635, Davenant. M. Triumphant Widow (The), 1677, William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle. C. Troade (La), 1632-1698, Pradon. T. Troades (B.C. 415), Euripides. T. (Greek). Translated by Bannister, 1780; Potter, 1781; Wodhull, 1782. Troas or Hecuba (B.C. 58-32), Seneca. T. (Latin). Translated by J. Heywood, 1559; S. P[ordage], 1660; E. Sherburne, 1679; J. T[albot], 1686. Troilus and Cressida, 1602, Shakespeare. T. Troilus and Cressida, 1679, Dryden. T. Trois Cousins, 1664, Dancourt. C. Trois Rivaux (Les), 1758, Saurin. C. Trois Sultanes (Les), 1710-1792, Favart. C. Troja Distrutta, 1663, Andrea. T. Troublesome Reign of King John, 1578, Anon. H.Pl. Trovatore (Il), 1853, Verdi. O. Truculentus (B.C. 254-184), Plautus. C. (Latin). Translated into blank verse by Thornton, Rich, Warner and Colman, 1769-74. True Love can ne’er Forget (1797-1868), Lover. True Widow, 1679, Shadwell. C. Tryal of Samuel Foote, 1763, Foote. F. Tu Quoque, 1599, Greene. Tunbridge Wells, 1678, Rawlins. C. Turcaret, 1708, Lesage. C. Turco in Italia, 1814, Rossini. O. Turk and No Turk, 1785, Colman. Mu.C. Turke (The), 1610, J. Mason. T. Turkish Court (The), 1748, L. Pilkington. Pl. Turkish Mahomet, 1584, Peele. Turnpike Gate (1774-1826), Knight. F. Twelfth Night, etc., 1602, Shakespeare. C. Twin Rivals, 1705, Farquhar. ’Twixt Axe and Crown, 1870, Taylor. H.Pl. Two Foscari (The), 1821, Byron. Two Gentlemen of Verona, 1595, Shakespeare. C. (first mentioned 1598). Two Italian Gentlemen (The), 1584, Munday. D. (afterwards called Fidele and Fortunio). Two Klingsbergs (The), 1761-1819, Kotzebue. D. Two Loves and a Life (1817-1880), Taylor. Two Maids of More Clacke, 1609, Armin. C. Two Misers, 1767, O’Hara. Two Noble Kinsmen, 1634, Beaumont and Fletcher. Two Queens of Brentford, 1721, D’Urfey. O. Two Roses (The), 1878, Albery. V. Two Strings to your Bow, 1791, Jephson. F. Two to One, 1784, Colman. C. Two Tragedies in One, 1601, Yarrington. D. Two Wise Men and All the Rest Fools, 1619, Chapman. C. (in seven acts). Tyrant (The), 1660, Massinger. Tyrannic Love, 1669, Dryden. T.

Ugone, 1870, Armstrong. T. Ulysses, 1706, Rowe. Myt.D. Un Ballo in Maschera, 1861, Verdi. O. Uncle, 19th cent., H. J. Byron. C. Uncle John, 1833, Buckstone. Uncle Too Many, 1828, Thomson. C. Under the Earth, 1868. R.D. (Hard Times, by Dickens, dramatized). Underbarnet, 19th cent., Ingemann. Undertaker (The), 1770-1804, Tobin. Une Cause Célèbre. (See “Proof.”) Une Chasse à St. Germain, 1860, Deslandes. D. Une Faute, before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Unequal Match (An), 1877, Tom Taylor. Unfinished Gentleman (1801-1863), Selby. C. Unfortunate Lovers (The), 1642, Davenant. T. Unfortunate Mother (The), 1640, Nabbes. T. Unhappy Favorite (The), 1682, Banks. T. Unknown Lover (The), 1878, Gosse. Pl. Unnatural Combat, 1639, Massinger. T. Unnatural Tragedy (The), 1624-1673, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. T. Up All Night (1730-1805), King. Mu.D. (music by Dr. Arnold). Upholsterer (The), 1758, Murphy. F. Upper Crust (The), 1880, H. J. Byron. C. Urgent Private Affairs (1805-1868), Coyne. C. Used Up, 1845, C. J. Mathews. C.

Vacancies (Les), 1659, Dancourt. C. Val d’Andorre (Le), 1799-1862, Halévy. O.C. Valentine, 1820, Guilbert de Pixérécourt. Valentinian, 1617, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). T. Valérie, 1822, Scribe. F. Valiant Welchman (The), 1615, Armin. C. Valsei (i.e., Wallace), or The Hero of Scotland, 1772, Perobo. T. (a prize play). Vampire (Le), 1820, Carmouche. Vampire (The), 1820, Planché. Vampire (The), 1829, Planché. O. Vanderdecken, 1878, W. G. Wills. Vandyck, 1850, Richards. Pl. Variety (The), 1649, Duke of Newcastle. C. Vautour (Mons.), 1805, Duval. Venceslas, 1647, Rotrou. T. Vendanges de Suresnes, 1657, Dancourt. C. Vendetta, 1846, Stephens. Venetian Outlaw (The), 1805, Elliston. Venice Preserved, 1682, Otway. T. Vénitienne (La), 1834, Anicet Bourgeois. D. Venoni, 1809, Lewis. D. Venus and Adonis (1703-1758), Theo. Cibber. C. Vêpres Siciliennes (Les), 1819, Delavigne. T. Verre d’Eau (Le), 1842, Scribe. C. Very Woman (A), 1655, Massinger. T.C. Vespers of Palermo, 1823, Hemans. T. Veuve de Malabar, 1799, Kalkbrenner. O. Vicar of Wakefield (The). (This novel was dramatized in 1819; turned into an opera in 1823; S. Coyne produced a dramatic version in 1850, in conjunction with Tom Taylor; and W. G. Wills in 1878, under the name of Olivia.) Victims, 1856, Tom Taylor. Victorine, 1831, Buckstone. Videna, 1854, Heraud. T. Vie de Café, 1850, Dupenty. Vieux Château, 1799, Dellamaria. O. Vieux Fat (Le), 1810, Andrieux. C. Vieux Garçon (Le), before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Vieux Péchés (Les), 1833, Dumanois. D. Village (The), 1805, Cherry. C. Village Coquettes, 1835, Hullah. O. Village Coquettes, 1836, Dickens. O. Village Opera (The), 1762, Johnson. C.O. Village Wedding, before 1770, Love. P. Villain (The), 1663, Porter. T. Vindimiatrice (Le), 1741-1813, Grétry. O. Vintner Tricked (The), 1746, *. C. Vira-Rama-Tscherita, 8th cent., Bhavabhouti. Myt.D. Virgin Martyr (The), 1622, Massinger and Dekker. T. Virgin Unmasked, about 1740, Fielding. Mu.F. Virgin of the Sun (The), 1799, Anne Plumtree. Pl. (from Kotzebue). Virgin of the Sun (The), 1812, Bishop. O. Virgin Widow (The), 1649, Quarles. C. Virginia, 1654, Webster. T. Virginia, 1760, Miss Brooke. T. Virginia, 1783, Alfieri. T. Virginia (1756-1829), Léopold. T. Virginie, 1683, Campistron. T. Virginie, 1786, Laharpe. T. Virginius (1792-1852), Payne. T. Virginius, 1820, Knowles. T. Virtue Betrayed, 1682, Banks. T. Virtuoso (The), 1676, Shadwell. C. Virtuous Octavia, 1598, Brandon. H.Pl. Virtuous Wife (The), or Good Luck to the Last, 1680, D’Urfey. C. Visite à Bedlam (Une), before 1822, Scribe. Pt.Pc. Vologese, 1744, Leo. O. Volpone, or The Fox, 1605, Jonson. C. Volunteers (The), 1693, Shadwell. C. Vortigern and Rowena, 1796, Ireland. T. Votary of Wealth (The), 1792, Holman. C.

Wags of Windsor. (See “Review.”) Wakefield Plays (The), 32 in number, printed by the Surtees Society in 1836. Mys. Walking Statue, 1710, Hill. Wallace, 1799, Grahame. T. Wallace. (See “Valsei.”) Wallenstein (Albertus), 1639, Glapthorne. H.D. Wallenstein, 1799, Schiller. (An English version by Coleridge, 1800.) Walloons (The), 1782, Cumberland. Walpole, 1869, Lord Lytton. C. Walter Raleigh (Sir), 1720, Sewell. T. Wandering Lover (The), 1658, Meriton. T.C. Wandering Minstrel (The), 1841, Mayhew and Beckett. F. War (1829-1871), Robertson. C. War to the Knife, 1865, H. J. Byron. Warning to Fair Women (The), 1599, Anon. T. Warwick, 1763, Laharpe. T. (In 1767 appeared the English version by Franklin.) Washington, 1877, Tupper. D. Wasps (The), B.C. 422, Aristophanes. C. (Greek). Translated by Mitchell, 1820-22; Hickie, 1853; Rudd, 1867; Rogers, 1876. Wat Tyler, 1794, Southey. Pol.D. Wat Tyler, 1869, Sala. B. Water Witches (The), Coyne (1805-1868.) Waterman (The), 1774, Dibdin. Bd.O. Way of the World (The), 1700, Congreve. C. Way to Get Married (The), 1796, Morton. C. Way to Keep Him (The), 1760, Murphy. C. Ways and Means, 1788, Colman. C. We Fly by Night, 1806, Colman. F. Weak Points (1802-1879), Buckstone. Weathercock (The), about 1810, Allingham. C. Wedding (The), 1629, Shirley. C. Wedding Day (The), 1740, Fielding. C. Wedding Day, 1790, Inchbald. F. Wedding March (The), 19th cent., Gilbert. Welcome and Farewell, 1837, Harness. D. Wenceslaus. (See “Venceslas.”) Werner, 1822, Byron. T. Werter, 1786, Reynolds. Werther, 1817, Duval. F. West Indian, 1771, Cumberland. C. Westward Hoe! 1607, Dekker and Webster. C. What a Blunder! (1764-1817), Holman. C. What d’ye Call It? 1714, Gay. T.C.P. What Next? (1771-1841), Dibdin. F. What You Will, 1607, Marston. C. Wheel of Fortune (The), 1779, Cumberland. C. Which is the Man? (1743-1809), Mrs. Cowley. C. White Devil (The), 1612, Webster. T. White Lady of Berlin Castle, 1875, C. Winchester. T. Who is She? 19th cent., Stirling. Pt.C. Who wants a Guinea? 1805, Colman. F. Whore of Babylon (The), 1603, Day. Who’s the Dupe? (1743-1809), Mrs. Cowley. F. Wicked World (The), 1873, Gilbert. Fy.C. Widow (The), 1628, Middleton. C. Widow (The), printed 1652, Jonson, Fletcher and Middleton. C. Widow Ranter (The), 1690, Mrs. Behn. C. Widow of Delphi, 1780, Cumberland. O. Widow’s Tears (The), 1612, Chapman. C. Wife (The), 1833, Knowles. D. Wife for a Month, 1624, Fletcher (Beaumont died 1616). T.C. Wife of Bath, 1713, altered 1730, J. Gay. C. Wife or No Wife, 19th cent., Heraud. C. Wife Well Managed, 1715, Centlivre. C. Wife’s Excuse, 1692, Southerne. C. Wife’s Relief (The), 1711, Johnson. C. Wife’s Stratagem (The), 1827, Poole. C. Wives as They Were, etc., 1797, Inchbald. C. Wild Gallant, 1663, Dryden. C. Wild-Goose Chase, 1619, Fletcher. C. Wild Oats, 1798, O’Keefe. C. Wildair (Sir Harry), 1701, Farquhar. C. Wilhelm Tell. (See “Tell.”) Will (The), 1765-1841, Reynolds. C. Willow Copse (The), 19th cent., Boucicault. Wily Beguilede, 1606, Anon. C. Winning a Husband (1802-1879), Buckstone. C. Winter’s Tale, 1604, Shakespeare. C. Wisdom of Dr. Dodypoll, 1600, Lyly. C. Wise Man of the East (A), 1799, Inchbald. Pl. (from Kotzebue). Wise Women of Hogsdon, 1638, T. Heywood. C. Wit at Several Weapons, 1614, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Wit in a Constable, 1640, Glapthorne. C. Wit without Money, posthumous, 1649, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Witch-Finder (The), 19th cent., R. Buchanan. T. Witch (The), 1604, Middleton. T.C. Witch of Edmonton, 1658, Rowley, Tourneur, etc. T.C. (The witch was Mother Sawyer.) Within and Without, 1856, McDonnell. D.Pm. Wits (The), 1636, Davenant. C. Wit’s Cabal (1624-1673), Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. C. Wit’s Last Stake (1730-1805), King. C. Wittie Faire One (The), 1633, Shirley. C. Wives. (See under “Wife.”) Woman Captain, 1680, Shadwell. C. Woman-Hater, 1607, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Woman in Red, 1849, Coyne. Woman in the Moon, 1597, J. Lyly. Myt.D. Woman Kilde with Kindnesse (A), before 1603, third edition 1617, Heywood. T. Woman made Justice (A), 1720, Betterton. C. Woman will have her Will (A), 1616, Haughton. Woman’s Place, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Woman’s Prize, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Woman’s Wit, 1697, C. Cibber. C. Woman’s Wit, 1838, Knowles. C. Woman’s a Weathercock, 1609, printed 1612. Field. C. (The second part called Amends for Ladies, was acted in 1610.) Women, Beware of Women, 1657, Middleton. C. (from the Italian). Women Pleased, 1647, Beaumont and Fletcher. C. Wonder (A), or An Honest Yorkshireman, 1736, Carey. Bd.O. Wonder (A New), or a Woman Never Vext, 1632, Rowley. C. Wonder (The), or a Woman keeps a Secret, 1713, Centlivre. C. Wonder of Women. (See “Sophonisba.”) Wonderful Year, 1603, Dekker. C. Wonders in the Sun, 1706, D’Urfey. C.O. Wood Demon (The), 1811, Lewis. Mel. Woodgirl (The), 1800, Weber. O. Woodman (The), 1771, Dudley. C.O. Woodvil. (See “John Woodvil.”) Word of Nature (The), 1797, Cumberland. C. Word to the Wise, 1765, Kelly. C. Works for Cutlers, 1615, Anon. D.Dial. World (The), 1808, Kenney. C. Worlde and the Chylde (The), printed 1522, Anon. Mo. World’s Idol (The), 1659, by H. H. B. (adapted from the Greek comedy of Plutus by Aristophanes). Wounds of Civil War, 1594, Lodge. H.Pl. Wreck Ashore, 1830, Buckstone. Mel. Writing Desk (The), or Youth in Danger, 1799. Pl. (from Kotzebue).

Xerxes, 1699, C. Cibber. H.D. X.Y.Z., 1810, Colman. F.

Yellow Dwarf (The), 1854, Planché. Yorkshire Tragedy (The), 1604, Anon. (at one time printed with the name of Shakespeare). Young Hypocrite (The), 1778, Foote. Young King (The), 1683, Mrs. Behn. Younger Brother (The), 1696, Mrs. Behn. Your Five Gallants, 1607, Middleton. C. Youth, 1549, Anon. Mo. Youthful Martyrs of Rome, 1856, Oakley. Youth’s Glory and Death’s Banquet, in two parts (1624-1673), Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle. T.

Zaïre, 1733, Voltaire. T. Zaire, 1815, Winter. O. Zapolya, 1817, Coleridge. T. Zara, 1735, Hill. T. (an English version of Voltaire’s Zaïre). Zauberflöte (Die), 1791, Mozart. O. Zelinda, 1772, Calini. C. (a prize play). Zémire et Azor, 1771, Marmontel. O. (music by Grétry). Zenobia, 1758, Piccini. O. Zenobia, 1768, Murphy. T. Zobeide, 1772, Craddock. Zoraïde di Granata, 1822, Donizetti. O. Zorinski, 1809, Thomas Morton.

Transcriber’s Note

Given the nature of the text, there were copious errors in the typesetting. Errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s have been corrected, and are noted here. Inconsistencies in the punctuation in the Appendices have been resolved with no further notice below.

(The references below are to the page and line in the original. Since the original text was arranged in two columns, ‘L’ and ‘R’ denote the side of the page.)

2R.13 Gu[i]lliver’s Travels Removed. 3L.8 Spenser, Faëry Queen, IV. viii. 24 (1[8/5]56 Replaced. ). 3R.36 Catskill Moun[t]ains Inserted. 9L.14 he blesses the name Slum.[”] Added. 20R.38 Paladore chall[a/e]nged the duke Replaced. 27L.21 pour déguiser leurs pensées.[”] Added. 30R.14 said the colo[nel] to his wife, Restored. 31R.37 live in chas[t]ity all their life Inserted. 32R.39 Louis II. of France, le Bégué (846, Replaced. 877-879)[,/.] 40L.6 “The Work of Ambrosius.”[’] Removed. 43L.17 Gulliver’s Travels “Laputa,” [(]1726). Added. 43R.33 aged 36.[)] Added. 51R.38 One’s sorrow, two’s mirth[,] Added. 65R.38 “The Reeve’s Tale,” [(]1388) Added. 66L.14 Francis Joseph Haydn [(]1732-1809). Added. 72L.19 to read the secret[’]s Removed. 76R.2 goes on a vis[i]t Inserted. 79R.13 Tasna[r] Added. 91R.28 the death of his father[”] Removed. 104L.15 “The Thirty Years’ War[”]. Added. 123L.20 Fer[n/m]at’s theorem Replaced. 133R.26 [{]“The White Cat,” 1682). Added. 141L.11 Polycraticos de Curialium Nugis, v. 8 Replaced. (twelft[y/h] century). 143R.14 an old bach[e]lor Inserted. 154R.14 French estoc[)] Added. 157L.12 [(]time, George III.). Added. 157L.38 Drayton, Polyolbion, i. [(]1612). Added. 170R.6 The Messiah, iii. [(]1748). Added. 173R.35 Southey, Madoc [(]1805). Added. 180R.2 because he esca[s]ped from Giebichenstein Removed. 181R.1 [[/(]Val.yan.tee´no] Replaced. 184R.17 the lov[e]liest pair of sparkling eyes Inserted. 186L.3 on September 8, 1705[)] Removed. 190L.39 “Elysium” [(]Æneid, vi.) Added. 197R.12 [{]“The White Cat,” 1682). Added. 197R.21 [(]1769>, 1804-1815, died, 1821) Added. 199R.1 of this story[/,] which he calls Replaced. 204L.39 R[h]ythmical, or Elder Edda Inserted. 215R.42 cats are very assid[i/u]ous Replaced. 216R.17 Disquisitiones Magicæ, [(]592) Added. 239R.29 One of King Arthur’s knight[’]s Removed. 246L.18 Lord Will[ai/ia]m seized the child’s hand Transposed. 240L.9 [(]“The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” 1388) Added. 252R.37 (“But it does move, though”), [(]1564-1642). Added. 258R.9 (ninth century.[)] Added. 261R.35 be toil no more.[’]” Removed. 262L.2 the thirty-fourth jub[l]ilee Removed. 272R.17 (begin[n]ing of thirteenth century) Inserted. 277L.16 brill[i]ant and beautiful woman, Inserted. 277L.23 could Zenobia have for[e]seen Inserted. 280L.21 Zobeid[e/ê] caused his favorite Replaced. 281R.25 (“Corcud and His Four Sons,” 1723[).] Added. 295R.14 of the Amer[i]can Union Inserted. 305R.36 Popular Antiquities of Great Brit[ia/ai]n Transposed. 313L.25 proved to be “Junius” by[ by] O. W. Serres Removed. 321R.47 Reveries [a/o]f a Bachelor Replaced. 326R.41 born in Derbyshire, 1689[, /–]1761 Replaced. 331R.38 Commentaries on the[ the] Constitution of the Removed. United States 347L.9 Brutus, or the Fall of Tarquin, 1820[.], Removed. 350L.57 (a plagia[r]ism of The Country Girle) Inserted. 357L.10 Foscari (I[l] due) Added. 369L.31 Mucedorus (no [(]date) Removed. 378L.8 (1642-1689[)] Added. 383L.9 [1805-1868. Coyne./Coyne (1805-1868.)] Replaced.

The phrase ‘Duchess of...’, etc., is not consistently capitalized, particularly in the Appendices. All are left as printed.

The following words had inconsistent hyphenation. Words which are hyphenated on a line break retained the hyphen (or not) depending on other instances.

candle-stick/candlestick-maker Deerslayer/Deer-slayer Fairy-land/Fairyland fool-hardy/foolhardy heir-loom/heirloom Outre-mer/Outremer over-bearing/overbearing pale-faced/palefaced re-appear/reappear Satiro-mastix/Satiromastix school-master/schoolmaster sea-shore/seashore ship-wrecked/shipwreck sun-down/sundown Un-born/Unborn waist-coat/waistcoat wig-maker/wigmaker

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction, and the Drama, Vol 4 , by E. Cobham Brewer


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