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Audiobook: An Easy Introduction to Spanish Conversation: Containing all that is necessary to make a rapid progress in it by Velázquez de la Cadena, Mariano

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Audiobook: An Easy Introduction to Spanish Conversation: Containing all that is necessary to make a rapid progress in it by Velázquez de la Cadena, Mariano

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Title: An Easy Introduction to Spanish Conversation Containing all that is necessary to make a rapid progress in it

Author: M. Velazquez de la Cadena

Release Date: April 9, 2019 [EBook #59238]

Language: English

Character set encoding: UTF-8


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Transcriber’s Note:

Underscores “” before and after a word or phrase indicate italics in the original text. Equal signs “=” before and after a word or phrase indicate =bold= in the original text. Small capitals have been converted to SOLID capitals. Footnotes have been moved so they do not break up paragraphs. Old or antiquated spellings have been preserved. Typographical errors have been silently corrected but other variations in spelling and punctuation remain unaltered.







Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1849,


In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York.


Multum in parvo is the object of this small book; in which the student will find all the elements necessary to enable him in a very short time to enter into a conversation on the most usual topics.

For this purpose, and in order that he may understand the questions put, or the answers given to him, should they be expressed in words different in tense or number from those contained in the dialogues, and also to afford him the best means to vary them himself, it has been deemed expedient to prefix to the vocabularies a synopsis of the Spanish language. The learner is earnestly desired to study it attentively, so as to become perfectly familiar with the conjugation of the verbs; a thorough knowledge of which will render his progress easy, sure, and speedy.

Persons unaccustomed to commit tasks to memory, will do well to begin by learning daily a set number (say five) of nouns, adjectives, or verbs, and as many phrases as they can remember well; repeating always the English before the Spanish. Such exercise being steadily pursued for a month, the student will have acquired an aggregate of more than five hundred of the words most frequently used in common intercourse. This plan has been often tried, and its results have constantly exceeded the most sanguine expectations.

Should the student wish to acquire a thorough knowledge of the Spanish, even without the assistance of a teacher, he may do so by studying Ollendorff’s New Method, by M. Velazquez and T. Simonné, published by D. Appleton & Co., No. 443 Broadway.

This work will also be found very useful for the younger classes of learners, as an introduction to Ollendorff, or any other Spanish grammar, as it contains in a few pages, and exhibits in the plainest manner, the elements necessary to enable them to make a very easy and rapid progress in the study of this language.

NEW YORK, June 1st, 1849.




The Letters 7 Accent 10 Noun—Number ib. Gender ib. Case 11 Augmentative and Diminutive Nouns ib. Adjectives 12 Comparative ib. Superlative 13 Pronouns 14 Verbs 16 Conjugation—Simple Tenses 17 “ Compound Tenses 23 Auxiliary Verbs 25 Idiomatical Tenses 27 Place of the Pronouns 28 Verbs affirmatively and negatively conjugated ib. Passive Verbs ib. Pronominal Verbs 29 Gerund 30 Verbs that alter their radical letters 31 Remarks on the Subjunctive ib. Participle 32 Verbs that have two Participles ib. Adverbs 33 Prepositions 34 Conjunctions 35 Interjections 36 Abbreviations ib.


The Numbers 37 Moneda corriente 39 Of Heaven and the Elements 40 The Weather and Seasons ib. Days of the Week and Months 41 Holy Days ib. Ecclesiastical Dignities ib. Eatables 42 Covering of the Table ib. For Fast Days—Fish 44 For the Dessert ib. Conditions of Man and Woman 46 Clothes and Articles for Dressing ib. Articles for Riding 47 Clothes for Ladies ib. Parts of the Human Body 48 The Five Senses—Ages 49 Qualities of the Body ib. Defects of the Body 50 Studying ib. Musical Instruments ib. Parts and Furniture of a House 51 What is found about the Chimney, in the Kitchen, and in the Cellar 52 The Servants of a House 53 What is found in and about the Door, and in the Stable 54 The Garden—Flowers, Trees, &c. 54 Temporal Dignities 55 Officers of War—The Army 56 Fortifications ib. Professions and Trades 57 Defects and Imperfections 58 Good Qualities—Diseases ib. Bird and Quadrupeds 59 The Country—The City 60 Colors—Metals 61 Commercial Terms ib. Collection of Verbs 63


I. Saluting, &c. 69 II. To pay a Visit 70 III. To dress one’s self 71 IV. The Tailor 72 V. To breakfast 73 VI. To speak Spanish 74 VII. Of the Weather 75 VIII. To write 76 IX. To buy 78 X. To inquire after News 79 XI. To inquire after any one 82 XII. For a journey 83 XIII. Supper and Lodgings 85 XIV. To reckon with the Landlord 86 XV. On a Voyage by Sea 87 XVI. On board of a Vessel 89 XVII. On a Journey in a Litter, or on Mules 90 XVIII. At the Dinner Table 92


First Letter 95 Second Letter 96 An Invoice 97 Third and Fourth Letters 98 Letter of Recommendation 99 A Draft ib. Endorsement 100 Notes ib.





The vowels are, a, e, i, o, u, y.

Pronounce them, ah, ay, ee, oh, oo, ee. They have invariably the same sound, and must be fully and distinctly pronounced.

The vowels are never silent, except u, in the syllables gue, gui, que, qui. When the u is to be sounded in them, it is marked with a diæresis (¨) over it; thus, argüir, ar-goo-ir.

The syllables in which the consonants are pronounced differently from the English, are the following. The letters in italics under them express their respective sounds.

C. Ca, co, cu, cua, cuo. Kah, koh, koo, kwah, kwo.

ce, ci. Th lisped, thay, thee.

CH. Pronounce it invariably as in the English words chap, chess, cheese.

G. Ga, go, gu, gue, gui. Gah, goh, goo, gay, gee.

J. J before all the vowels, and g before e or i, have the sound of the English h, more harshly aspirated.

Ja, je, ji, jo, ju. Hah, hay, hee, hoe, who.

Ge, gi. Hay, hee.

LL. LL is not a double consonant in Spanish, consequently it must not be divided in spelling. It sounds like ll in English in million; but it must be pronounced more quickly and stronger. In some parts of the Mexican states it is sounded somewhat like the Spanish y consonant, with which they confound it in writing; and in manuscript we frequently see cabayo instead of caballo.

Lla, lle, lli, llo, llu. Lyah, lye-ay, lyee, lyoh, lyoo.

N. N has a strong nasal sound, like n in poniard. The gn in French gives its sound.

Na, ñe, ñi, ño, ñu. Nyah, nye-ay, nyee, nyoh, nyoo.

Q. The syllables qua, qüe, qüi, quo, are at present written with c, which see above.

Que, qui. Kay, kee.

V. V must be pronounced as in English. Its sound is so slender in Spanish, that most generally it is confounded with the b: but such pronunciation must not be imitated. It is frequently used in manuscript instead of the capital U; thus,

=Vnion y Libertad=, instead of =Union y Libertad=.

X. X, in conformity with the new orthography, is to represent solely the sound of cs; but the greater part of the people pronounce and write only the s; thus, estranjero, instead of extranjero, (ex-tran-her´-oh.)

Y. Y is a vowel when it is followed by a consonant, or terminates a word, and then it sounds like ee. It is a consonant when it is before a vowel, and then it sounds somewhat like English j. In some parts of America it is generally pronounced as ee; thus, suyo, soo´-ee-o.

N. B.—Of late years, some persons write i instead of y in ai, y, convoi, &c., but the Academy retains the y. In manuscript, Y is to be used instead of I, whenever this letter must be a capital.

Z. Z, before all the vowels, is pronounced like th lisped in the English words thank, theft, thin, path, truth.

Za, ze, zi, zo, zu. Thah, thay, thee, thoh, thoo.

Az, ez, iz, oz, uz. Ath, eth, eeth, oth, ooth.

In Spanish America z is generally pronounced s, and also frequently written instead of that letter.


Gra-cio-so, cons-truc-cion, abs-te-ner-se, ha-bla-do-res, ca-ro, car-ro, des-en-re-dar, ca-ba-llo, con-flic-to, pers-pi-caz, flu-xion.


This mark (´) is set over a vowel to point out that a particular stress of the voice must be laid on it. When the word has no mark on any of its letters, the penultimate, or last syllable but one, must be pronounced with particular emphasis.

Amo, este, ira, oso, Amó, esté, irá, osó.

Nouns ending in a consonant (plurals excepted) have the last syllable long, and consequently do not require the mark: otherwise, they have it on the syllable on which the stress of the voice lies; as,

Caridad, animal, capitan, | Césped, fácil, órden, carácter, favor, interes. | ménos.

ARTICLES. Singular. Plural. THE {masculine El Los {feminine La Las

A or an {masculine Un SOME unos {feminine Una “ unas


Nouns are substantive or adjective, and have number, gender, and case.


Singular and Plural.—Nouns terminating in a short, or unaccented vowel, add an s for the plural; as, boy, muchacho; boys, muchachos. Nouns ending in an accented vowel, or in a consonant, or in y, add es to the singular; as, ruby, rubí; rubies, rubíes; lion, leon; lions, leones; ox, buey; oxen, bueyes. Nouns terminating in z, change it into c to form the plural; as, cross, cruz; crosses, cruces.


Every he, or male animal, is of the masculine gender; as, man, hombre; every she, or female, is of the feminine gender; as, woman, mujer. Nouns of inanimate objects or things ending in a, ad, bre, ion, are for the most part feminine; and those terminating in e, i, o, u, on, are masculine. The exceptions, however, are very numerous.

Common nouns ending in o, change it into a to form the feminine; as, son, hijo; daughter, hija. There are some that express their gender by a different word or termination; as, father, padre; mother, madre; bull, toro; cow, vaca; poet, poeta; poetess, poetisa. (See Ollendorff, p. 246.)

Common nouns terminating in an, on, or, add an a to form the feminine; as lion, leon; lioness, leona; shepherd, pastor; shepherdess, pastora.


There are two cases, the Nominative and the Objective. The Nominative case expresses the subject of the verb; as, The man gives, El hombre da. The Objective case is either direct or indirect. It is direct when it is the immediate object of the action of the verb; as, The man gives alms, El hombre da limosna. It is indirect (called also complement) when it is the term, or end of the action expressed by the verb; as, The man gives alms to the poor, El hombre da limosna á los pobres. When the object direct of an active verb is the noun of a rational being, or a proper noun, or thing personified, it must be preceded by the preposition á; as, The brother loves his sister, El hermano ama á su hermana. The brother loves his money, El hermano ama su dinero.


Augmentative nouns are those that increase the extent of their signification by adding on, ote, or azo, to the masculine nouns, and ona, ota, or aza, to the feminine, suppressing their last letter, should it be a, e, or o; as, a boy, un muchacho; a big boy, un muchachon; a girl, una muchacha; a big girl, una muchachona. The termination azo frequently signifies the blow, or injury caused by the object to which it is added; as, whip, látigo; a very large whip, un latigazo; a stroke with a whip, un latigazo.

Diminutive nouns are formed by adding ito, illo, ico, or uelo for the masculine, and ita, illa, ica, or uela for the feminine, to the noun, which suppresses its last letter if it be a or e; as, a boy, un muchacho; a little boy, un muchachito, un muchachillo, un muchachuelo; a girl, una muchacha; a little girl, una muchachita, una muchachilla, una muchachuela.

N. B.—The terminations, ito, ita, &c., added to christian names, or those that express relationship, indicate love, affection, and regard towards the object; thus, hermanita, dear sister; Juanito, esteemed John, &c.


Adjectives ending in o are masculine, and change it into a to form the feminine; as, fine, fino, fina. Those ending in any other letter are common to both genders; as, prudent, prudente; useful, útil.

Except adjectives expressing the natives of a country, or things belonging to it; and also most of those terminating in an or on, which add an a for the feminine; as, Spaniard, or Spanish, español, española; idle, haragan, haragana; clamorous, griton, gritona.

Adjectives form their plural according to the rules set forth for the nouns; as, white, blanco, blancos, blanca, blancas; deep blue, turquí, turquíes; natural, natural, naturales; happy, feliz, felices, or felizes.

Uno, one; alguno, some; ninguno, none; primero, first; bueno, good; malo, bad; suppress the o when they are immediately followed by a substantive masculine in the singular, whether it be alone, or preceded by an adjective; as, no heart, ningun corazon; ningun humano corazon.

Ciento, hundred, loses the last syllable before a substantive masculine or feminine; the same does Santo before a noun masculine in the singular. Grande, great, generally loses it also when it refers to qualities; as, El Gran Capitan.


More, (or the termination er,) mas——than, que. He is richer, or more rich than | El es mas rico que ella. she. Less, ménos——than, que. | She is less rich than he. | Ella es ménos rica que él.

As, (or so,) tan——as, como. He is as rich as she. | El es tan rico como ella.

As much, (so much,) tanto or tanta——as, como. She has as much money as | Ella tiene tanto dinero como he. | él. She has as much beauty as | Ella tiene tanta hermosura modesty. | como modestia.

As many, (so many,) tantos or tantas——as, como. He has as many books as his | El tiene tantos libros como brother. | su hermano. As many houses. | Tantas casas.

The more, cuanto mas——the more, tanto mas. The more he studies, the more | Cuanto mas estudia, tanto he learns. | mas aprende.

The less, cuanto ménos——the less, tanto ménos. The less he works, the less | Cuanto ménos trabaja, tanto he earns. | ménos gana.

Greater, mayor; less, menor; better, mejor; worse, peor, superior, superior, &c.


It is formed, first, by literally translating the adverb very, muy; as, very high, muy alto. Secondly, by adding the termination ísimo, or ísima, to the adjective, which suppresses the last letter if it be an o, or e: very fine, finísimo; very sweet, dulcisimo; very useful, utilísimo. Adjectives in ble change it into bilísimo; those in co, into quísimo; and those in go, into guísimo; as, amabilísimo, riquísimo, prodiguísimo. Thirdly, by prefixing el, los, la, las mas, or ménos to the adjective; as, The most industrious, El mas industrioso; the most humane, el, or los mas humanos; la, or las mas humanas.

Best, óptimo, worst, pésimo; greatest, máximo; least, mínimo; lowest, ínfimo; supreme, supremo.


PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Nom. I, yo. | Nom. We, nosotros, nosotras. Obj. Dir. Me, me. | Obj. Dir. Us, nos, nos. Obj. Ind. Me, mí. | Obj. Ind. Us, nosotros, nosotras. “ With me, conmigo. | “ With us, con nosotros, | “ “ con nosotras.

Nom. Thou, tú. | Nom. You, vosotros, vosotras. Obj. Dir. Thee, te. | Obj. Dir. You, os, os. Obj. Ind. Thee, tí. | Obj. Ind. You, vosotros, vosotras. “ With thee, contigo. | “ With you, con vosotros. | “ “ con vosotras.

You, in familiar polite style, is translated usted for both genders, and the verb agrees with it in the singular or the plural, according to the sense. Usted and its plural are always written in abbreviation, thus: V. or Vm. for the first, and VV. or Vms. for the latter.

Nom. You, usted, (V. or Vm.) | Nom. You, ustedes, (VV. or Vms.) Obj. Dir. You, á usted, le, | Obj. Dir. You, á VV. los, las, se. la, se. | Obj. Ind. You, á V. le, se: | Obj. Ind. You, á VV. les, se: á á él, ella, sí.| ellos, ellas, sí. “ With you, con usted.| “ With you, con ustedes. “ With yourself, | “ “ consigo. consigo.|

Nom. He or it, él. | Nom. They, ellos. Obj. Dir. Him or it, le, se;| Obj. Dir. Them, los, se; ellos, sí. él, sí. | Obj. Ind. Him or it, le, se;| Obj. Ind. Them, les, se; ellos, sí. él, sí. | “ With him or it, | “ With them, con ellos. con él. | “ With himself or | “ With themselves, consigo. itself, consigo.|

Nom. She or it, ella. | Nom. They, ellas. Obj. Dir. Her or it, la, se;| Obj. Dir. Them, las, se; ellas, sí. ella, sí. | Obj. Ind. Her or it, le, se;| Obj. Ind. Them, les, se; ellas, sí. ella, sí. | “ With her or it, | “ With them, con ellas. con ella. | “ With herself or | “ With themselves, consigo. itself, consigo.|

Mí, tí, sí, are always preceded by prepositions.

Me, te, se, le, los, la, las, les, are governed by verbs, and never placed after prepositions. When the verbs are in the indicative, or in the subjunctive mood, they are placed before the verb; as, He esteems her, él la estima. Should the verb be in the infinitive, or in the imperative mood, the pronouns must be placed after it, and joined to it so as to appear one word; thus, Give it to him, (give, da, it, le, to him, se,) dásele.

POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS CONJUNCTIVE. My, mi, mis. His, su, sus. Its, su, sus. Thy, tu, tus. Her, su, sus. Their, su, sus. Your, with reference to Usted, or Ustedes, su, sus.

These pronouns agree in number with the noun that follows them; as, He sold his horses, él vendió sus caballos; they fulfilled their promise, ellos cumplieron, su promesa.

POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS ABSOLUTE. Mine, mio, mios. His, suyo, suyos. Its, suyo, suyos. mia, mias. suya, suyas. suya, suyas. Thine, tuyo, tuyos. Hers, suyo, suyos. Theirs, suyo, suyos. tuya, tuyas. suya, suyas. suya, suyas. Our, nuestro, nuestros. Your, vuestro, vuestros. Your, de Usted. nuestra, nuestras. vuestra, vuestras. de Ustedes. Your, with reference to Usted, is translated also suyo, suyos, suya, suyas.

RELATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. Who, which, que, quien, quienes. What, that, que. Which, what, cual, cuales; also, el cual, los cuales, la cual, las cuales. Whose, cuyo, cuyos, cuya, cuyas; also, de quien, de cual, &c.

DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS. This, este. These, estos. | That, aquel. Those, aquellos. “ esta. “ estas. | “ aquella. “ aquellas. That, ese. Those, esos. | This, esto. That, aquello. “ esa. “ esas. | That, eso. It, ello, lo.

INDEFINITE PRONOUNS. One, uno. | Such, tal. Each, cada. | Something, algo. Nobody, {nadie. | Nothing, nada. {ninguno. | Each one, cada cual. Somebody, alguien. | Each other, uno y otro. Anybody, } | One another, uno á otro. Any, some,} alguno. | Every one, cada uno. Some one, } | Every one, } Somebody, } | Everybody, } todo, todos. Whichever, cualquiera. | Every thing, } Whomsoever, quienquiera. | All, every, } {ámbos. | Both, {entrámbos. | {ámbos á dos. |



The conjugation of a verb is a regular arrangement of its moods, tenses, persons, and numbers.

All the verbs in the Spanish language are formed out of the present of the infinitive mood, which invariably terminates in AR, ER, or IR, which syllables are called its TERMINATION; and the letters that remain of the said present of the infinitive, after separating one of the said terminations, whatever they may be, are said to be its ROOT, and the letters of such root are called its RADICAL LETTERS; as, to esteem, estim-ar; to offend, ofend-er; to permit, permit-ir: in which verbs ar, er, ir are the TERMINATIONS; and estim, ofend, permit, the RADICAL LETTERS of each respectively, to which the other combinations must be added to form the various persons and tenses of a verb.

All the Spanish verbs are, therefore, classed into three conjugations. Verbs ending in ar belong to the first; those in er to the second; and those in ir to the third.

Obs. 1. It is not necessary to express the pronouns subject or nominative, in the colloquial style, (usted and ustedes excepted;) but they must be used whenever elegance or clearness requires it.

Obs. 2. The numbers before the terminations point out the different persons. N. 2, before usted and ustedes, denotes that they are of the second person, but that the verb agrees with them in the third, (by Enallage.)


Obs. 3. The grave accent (`) upon a vowel in the following terminations, points out the syllable on which the stress of the voice is laid, but over which the mark of it must not be set. The acute accent (') marks the syllable on which the stress of the voice lays, and over which the accent is to be written. When there is no mark of an accent in the termination, the syllable that precedes it is long.


=First Conjugation.= =Second Conjugation.= =Third Conjugation.=

PRESENT. PRESENT. PRESENT. To arm, armar. To offend, ofender. To unite, unir.

Termination, ar. Termination, er. Termination, ir.

Radical letters, arm. Radical letters, ofend. Radical letters, un.

GERUND.[1] GERUND. GERUND. Arming, ando. Offending, iendo. Uniting, iendo.

PARTICIPLE PAST.[2] PARTICIPLE PAST. PARTICIPLE PAST. Armed, ado. Offended, ido. United, ido.

[1] The Gerundio (gerund) never changes its termination for gender or number.

[2] The participle past coming immediately after any of the tenses of the verb haber, (to have,) does not admit of any change of gender or number. After other verbs, it changes its termination to agree with that of the person or thing it refers to.


=First Conjugation.= PRESENT. 1. I arm, arm-o. 2. Thou armest, as. 3. He arms, a. 2. You arm, V.—a.[3] 1. We arm, àmos. 2. You arm, àis. 3. They arm, an. 2. You arm, VV.—an.[4]

IMPERFECT. 1. I armed,[5] arm-àba. 2. Thou armedst, àbas. 3. He armed, àba. 2. You armed, V.—àba. 1. We armed, ábamos. 2. You armed, ábais. 3. They armed, àban. 2. You armed, VV.—àban.

PERFECT. 1. I armed,[10] arm-é. 2. Thou armedst, àste. 3. He armed, ó. 2. You armed, V.—ó. 1. We armed, ámos. 2. You armed, ásteis. 3. They armed, áron. 2. You armed, VV.—áron.

FUTURE. 1. I shall arm, arm-aré. 2. Thou wilt arm, arás. 3. He will arm, ará. 2. You will arm, V.—ará. 1. We shall arm, arémos. 2. You will arm, aréis. 3. They will arm, arán. 2. You will arm, VV.—arán.

=Second Conjugation.= PRESENT. 1. I offend, ofend-o. 2. Thou offendest, es. 3. He offends, e. 2. You offend, V.—e.[6] 1. We offend, èmos. 2. You offend, èis. 3. They offend, en. 2. You offend, VV.—en.[7]

IMPERFECT. 1. I offended, ofend-ía. 2. Thou offendedst, ías. 3. He offended, ía. 2. You offended, V.—ía. 1. We offended, íamos. 2. You offended, íais. 3. They offended, ían. 2. You offended, VV.—ían.

PERFECT. 1. I offended, ofend-í. 2. Thou offendedst, iste. 3. He offended, ió. 2. You offended, V.—ió. 1. We offended, imos. 2. You offended, isteis. 3. They offended, iéron. 2. You offended, VV.—éron.

FUTURE. 1. I shall offend, ofend-eré. 2. Thou wilt offend, erás. 3. He will offend, erá. 2. You will offend, V.—erá. 1. We shall offend, erémos. 2. You will offend, eréis. 3. They will offend, erán. 2. You will offend, VV.—erán.

=Third Conjugation.= PRESENT. 1. I unite, un-o. 2. Thou unitest, es. 3. He unites, e. 2. You unite, V.—e.[8] 1. We unite, imos. 2. You unite, is. 3. They unite, en. 2. You unite, VV.—en.[9]

IMPERFECT. 1. I united, un-ía. 2. Thou unitedst, ías. 3. He united, ía. 2. You united, V.—ía. 1. We united, íamos. 2. You united, íais. 3. They united, ían. 2. You united, VV.—ían.

PERFECT. 1. I united, un-í. 2. Thou unitedst, iste. 3. He united, ió. 2. You united, V.—ió. 1. We united, imos. 2. You united, isteis. 3. They united, iéron. 2. You united, VV.—iéron.

FUTURE. 1. I shall unite, un-iré. 2. Thou wilt unite, irás. 3. He will unite, irá. 2. You will unite, V.—irá. 1. We shall unite, irémos. 2. You will unite, iréis. 3. They will unite, irán. 2. You will unite, VV.—irán.

REMARK.—Those scholars who desire a more detailed explanation of this subject, are referred to Lesson XL. page 157 of Ollendorff’s New Method of Learning to Read and Write the Spanish Language, published by D. Appleton & Co., No. 200 Broadway. This work contains every rule necessary to render easy the study of that language.

IMPERATIVE MOOD. =First Conjugation.= 1. Let me arm,[11] arm-e. 2. Arm thou, a. 2. Arm thou not,[12] no—es. 3. Let him arm, e. 2. Arm you, eV. 1. Let us arm, èmos. 2. Arm ye, ad. 2. Arm you not, no—èis. 3. Let them arm, en. 2. Arm you, en VV.

=Second Conjugation.= 1. Let me offend, ofend-a. 2. Offend thou, as. 2. Offend thou not, no—as. 3. Let him offend, a. 2. Offend you, a V. 1. Let us offend, àmos. 2. Offend ye, ed. 2. Offend ye not, no—ais. 3. Let them offend, an. 2. Offend you, an VV.

=Third Conjugation.= 1. Let me unite, un-a. 2. Unite thou, e. 2. Unite thou not, no—as. 3. Let him unite, a. 2. Unite you, a V. 1. Let us unite, àmos. 2. Unite ye, id. 2. Unite ye not, no—ais. 3. Let them unite, an. 2. Unite you, an VV.

SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. 1. I may arm, arm-e. 2. Thou mayst arm, es. 3. He may arm, e. 2. You may arm, V.—e. 1. We may arm, èmos. 2. You may arm, èis. 3. They may arm, en. 2. You may arm, VV.—en.

IMPERFECT. Termination—àra. 1. I might arm, arm-àra. 2. Thou mightst arm, àras. 3. He might arm, àra. 2. You might arm, V.—àra. 1. We might arm, áramos. 2. You might arm, árais. 3. They might arm, àran. 2. You might arm, VV.—àran.

Termination—aría. 1. I might arm, arm-aría. 2. Thou mightst arm, arías. 3. He might arm, aría. 2. You might arm, V.—aría. 1. We might arm, aríamos. 2. You might arm, aríais. 3. They might arm, arían. 2. You might arm, VV.—arían.

First Conjugation. Termination—àse. 1. I might arm, arm-àse. 2. Thou mightst arm, àses. 3. He might arm, àse. 2. You might arm, V.—àse. 1. We might arm, àsemos. 2. You might arm, àseis. 3. They might arm, àsen. 2. You might arm, VV.—àsen.

FUTURE. 1. If I should arm, arm-àre. 2. If thou shouldst arm, àres. 3. If he should arm, àre. 2. If you should arm, V.—àre. 1. If we should arm, àremos. 2. If you should arm, àreis. 3. If they should arm, àren. 2. If they should arm, VV.—àren.

PRESENT. 1. I may offend, ofend-a. 2. Thou mayst offend, as. 3. He may offend, a. 2. You may offend, V.—a. 1. We may offend, àmos. 2. You may offend, àis. 3. They may offend, an. 2. You may offend, VV.—an.

IMPERFECT. Termination—ièra. 1. I might offend, ofend-ièra. 2. Thou mightst offend, ièras. 3. He might offend, ièra. 2. You might offend, V.—ièra. 1. We might offend, ièramos. 2. You might offend, ièrais. 3. They might offend, ièran. 2. You might offend, VV.—ièran.

Termination—ería. 1. I might offend, ofend-ería. 2. Thou mightst offend, erías. 3. He might offend, ería. 2. You might offend, V.—ería. 1. We might offend, eríamos. 2. You might offend, eríais. 3. They might offend, erían. 2. You might offend, VV.—erían.

Second Conjugation. Termination—ièse. 1. I might offend, ofend-ièse. 2. Thou mightst offend, ièses. 3. He might offend, ièse. 2. You might offend, V.—ièse. 1. We might offend, ièsemos. 2. You might offend, ièseis. 3. They might offend, ièsen. 2. You might offend, VV.—ièsen.

FUTURE. 1. If I should offend, ofend-ière. 2. If thou shouldst offend, ières. 3. If he should offend, ière. 2. If you should offend, V.—ière. 1. If we should offend, ièremos. 2. If you should offend, ièreis. 3. If they should offend, ièren. 2. If they should offend, ièren.

PRESENT. 1. I may unite, un-a. 2. Thou mayst unite, as. 3. He may unite, a. 2. You may unite, V.—a. 1. We may unite, àmos. 2. You may unite, àis. 3. They may unite, an. 2. You may unite, VV.—an.

IMPERFECT. Termination—ièra. 1. I might unite, un-ièra. 2. Thou mightst unite, ièras. 3. He might unite, ièra. 2. You might unite, V.—ièra. 1. We might unite, ièramos. 2. You might unite, ièrais. 3. They might unite, ièran. 2. You might unite, VV.—ièran.

Termination—iría. 1. I might unite, un-iría. 2. Thou mightst unite, irías. 3. He might unite, iría. 2. You might unite, V.—iría. 1. We might unite, iríamos. 2. You might unite, iríais. 3. They might unite, iríain. 2. You might unite, VV.—irían.

Third Conjugation. Termination—ièse. 1. I might unite, un-ièse. 2. Thou mightst unite, ièses. 3. He might unite, ièse. 2. You might unite, V.—ièse. 1. We might unite, ièsemos. 2. You might unite, ièseis. 3. They might unite, ièsen. 2. You might unite, VV.—ièsen.

FUTURE. 1. If I should unite, un-ière. 2. If thou shouldst unite, ières. 3. If he should unite, ière. 2. If you should unite, V.—ière. 1. If we should unite, ièremos. 2. If you should unite, ièreis. 3. If they should unite, ièren. 2. If they should unite, VV.—ièren.

REMARK.—Could, would, or should express as well as might any of the above tenses, but the translation of the verb preceded by them in English, depends entirely on the meaning of the Spanish verb or conjunction that governs, or requires it in the subjunctive mood, as it is explained in Lesson LXXIX. p. 356 of Ollendorff’s Method, which the learner must study with attention.

The future of the subjunctive might be translated in English when I shall, and the verb in the usual way.

[3] V. in the singular, must be read Usted; VV. means Ustedes, and must be pronounced so.

[4] V. in the singular, must be read Usted; VV. means Ustedes, and must be pronounced so.

[5] When the English imperfect tense, for instance, he united, may 1be expressed by he was uniting, or he used or was accustomed to unite, preserving the same sense, then it is to be translated by the imperfect tense in Spanish; thus—él unía. When that cannot be done, but it may be changed into did, then the preterit must be used—él unió. The same must be understood of all the verbs in the imperfect tense.

[6] V. in the singular, must be read Usted; VV. means Ustedes, and must be pronounced so.

[7] V. in the singular, must be read Usted; VV. means Ustedes, and must be pronounced so.

[8] V. in the singular, must be read Usted; VV. means Ustedes, and must be pronounced so.

[9] V. in the singular, must be read Usted; VV. means Ustedes, and must be pronounced so.

[10] When the English imperfect tense, for instance, he united, may be expressed by he was uniting, or he used or was accustomed to unite, preserving the same sense, then it is to be translated by the imperfect tense in Spanish; thus—él unía. When that cannot be done, but it may be changed into did, then the preterit must be used—él unió. The same must be understood of all the verbs in the imperfect tense.

[11] The imperative mood is set as it is found in Murray’s English Grammar, with the object that the student may learn how to translate it. When the emphasis is laid on the auxiliary let, it may be translated by the verbs permitir or dejar, in the second person singular or plural; or in the third person singular or plural, if Usted or Ustedes is used.

[12] The terminations of the second person singular or plural, when the verb is used negatively, are es, eis, as, ais, thus—offend thou not, no ofendas; unite ye not, no unais.


Obs. 4. These tenses being formed by placing after the verb haber, (to have,) the participle past of the principal verb, or the verb that is conjugated, only one participle for each conjugation is here given, in all the tenses.


It is compounded of the present of the indicative of the verb haber, (to have,) and the perfect, or participle past of the verb which is conjugated. For brevity’s sake, the English is prefixed only to the first person of all these tenses.

I have armed. Yo he armado. I have offended. Yo he ofendido. I have united. Yo he unido. 1. He } armado. Hemos } armado. 2. Has } ofendido. Habeis } ofendido. 3. Ha } unido. Han } unido. 2. V. ha } VV. han }

PLUPERFECT. I had armed. Yo habia armado. I had offended. Yo habia ofendido. I had united. Yo habia unido. 1. Habia } armado. Habíamos } armado. 2. Habias } ofendido. Habíais } ofendido. 3. Habia } unido. Habian } unido. 2. V. habia } VV. habian }

PRETERIT INDEFINITE, OR ANTERIOR. I had armed. Yo hube armado. I had offended. Yo hube ofendido. I had united. Yo hube unido. 1. Hube } armado. Hubimos } armado. 2. Hubiste } ofendido. Hubisteis } ofendido. 3. Hubo } unido. Hubieron } unido. 2. V. hubo } VV. hubieron }


I shall have armed. Yo habré armado. I shall have offended. Yo habré ofendido. I shall have united. Yo habré unido. 1. Habré } armado. Habrémos } armado. 2. Habrás } ofendido. Habréis } ofendido. 3. Habrá } unido. Habrán } unido. 2. V. habrá } VV. habrán }


PERFECT, OR PRETERIT DEFINITE. I may have armed. Yo haya armado. I may have offended. Yo haya ofendido. I may have united. Yo haya unido.

1. Haya } armado. Háyamos } armado. 2. Hayas } ofendido. Háyais } ofendido. 3. Haya } unido. Hayan } unido. 2. V. haya } VV. hayan }

PLUPERFECT. Termination IERA. I might have armed. Yo hubiera armado. I might have offended. Yo hubiera ofendido. I might have united. Yo hubiera unido.

1. Hubiera } armado. Hubiéramos } armado. 2. Hubieras } ofendido. Hubiérais } ofendido. 3. Hubiera } unido. Hubieran } unido. 2. V. hubiera } VV. hubieran }

PLUPERFECT. Termination RIA. I might (would) have armed. Yo habria armado. I might (would) have offended. Yo habria ofendido. I might (would) have united. Yo habria unido.

1. Habria } armado. Habríamos } armado. 2. Habrias } ofendido. Habríais } ofendido. 3. Habria } unido. Habrian } unido. 2. V. habria } VV. habrian }

PLUPERFECT. Termination IESE. I might have armed. Yo hubiese armado. I might have offended. Yo hubiese ofendido. I might have united. Yo hubiese unido.

1. Hubiese } armado. Hubiésemos } armado. 2. Hubieses } ofendido. Hubiéseis } ofendido. 3. Hubiese } unido. Hubiesen } unido. 2. V. hubiese } VV. hubiesen }

FUTURE DEFINITE. Should I have armed. Si yo hubiere armado. Should I have offended. Si yo hubiere ofendido. Should I have united. Si yo hubiere unido.

1. Hubiere } armado. Hubiéremos } armado. 2. Hubieres } ofendido. Hubiéreis } ofendido. 3. Hubiere } unido. Hubieren } unido. 2. V. hubiere } VV. hubieren }


INFINITIVE MOOD. PRESENT. To have. To be. Haber. Tener. Ser. Estar.

GERUND. Having. Being. Habiendo. Teniendo. Siendo. Estando.

PAST PARTICIPLE. Had. Been. Habido. Tenido. Sido. Estado.

INDICATIVE MOOD. PRESENT. I have. I am. 1. He. Tengo. Soy. Estoy. 2. Has. Tienes. Eres. Estas. 3. Ha. Tiene. Es. Está. 2. V. ha. V. tiene. V. es. V. está. 1. Hemos. Tenemos. Somos. Estamos. 2. Habeis. Teneis. Sois. Estais. 3. Han. Tienen. Son. Estan. 2. VV. han. VV. tienen. VV. son. VV. estan.

PRETERIT. I had. I was. 1. Hube. Tuve. Fui. Estuve. 2. Hubiste. Tuviste. Fuiste. Estuviste. 3. Hubo. Tuvo. Fué. Estuvo. 2. V. hubo. V. tuvo. V. fué. V. estuvo. 1. Hubímos. Tuvímos. Fuímos. Estuvimos. 2. Hubisteis. Tuvisteis. Fuísteis. Estuvísteis. 3. Hubiéron. Tuviéron. Fuéron. Estuviéron. 2. VV. hubiéron. VV. tuviéron. VV. fuéron. VV. estuviéron.

IMPERFECT. I had. I was. 1. Habia. Tenia. Era. Estaba. 2. Habias. Tenias. Eras. Estabas. 3. Habia. Tenia. Era. Estaba. 2. V. habia. V. tenia. V. era. V. estaba. 1. Habíamos. Teníamos. Éramos. Estábamos. 2. Habíais. Teníais. Érais. Estábais. 3. Habian. Tenian. Eran. Estaban. 2. VV. habian. VV. tenian. VV. eran. VV. estaban.

FUTURE. I shall have. I shall be. 1. Habré. Tendré. Seré. Estaré. 2. Habrás. Tendrás. Serás. Estarás. 3. Habrá. Tendrá. Será. Estará. 2. V. habrá. V. tendrá. V. será. V. estará. 1. Habrémos. Tendrémos. Serémos. Estarémos. 2. Habréis. Tendréis. Seréis. Estaréis. 3. Habrán. Tendrán. Serán. Estarán. 2. VV. habrán. VV. tendrán. VV. serán. VV. estarán.

IMPERATIVE MOOD. Let me have. Let me be. 1. Let me have. Tenga yo. Sea. Esté. 2. Have thou. Ten tú. Se. Está. 2. Have not. No tengas. Nó seas. No estes. 3. Let him have. Tenga él. Sea. Esté. 2. Have. Tenga V. Sea V. Esté V. 1. Let us have. Tengamos. Seamos. Estemos. 2. Have ye. Tened. Sed. Estad. 2. Have not. No tengais. No seais. No estais. 3. Let them have. Tengan. Sean. Esten. 2. Have you. Tengan VV. Sean VV. Esten VV.

SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT. I may have. I may be. 1. Haya. Tenga. Sea. Esté. 2. Hayas. Tengas. Seas. Estes. 3. Haya. Tenga. Sea. Esté. 2. V. haya. V. tenga. V. sea. V. esté. 1. Háyamos. Tengamos. Seamos. Estemos. 2. Háyais. Tengais. Seais. Esteis. 3. Hayan. Tengan. Sean. Esten. 2. VV. hayan. VV. tengan. VV. sean. VV. esten.

IMPERFECT. FIRST TERMINATION. I would have. I would be. 1. Hubiera. Tuviera. Fuera. Estuviera. 2. Hubieras. Tuvieras. Fueras. Estuvieras. 3. Hubiera. Tuviera. Fuera. Estuviera. 2. V. hubiera. V. tuviera. V. fuera. V. estuviera. 1. Hubiéramos. Tuviéramos. Fuéramos. Estuviéramos. 2. Hubiérais. Tuviérais. Fuérais. Estuviérais. 3. Hubieran. Tuvieran. Fueran. Estuvieran. 2. VV. hubieran. VV. tuvieran. VV. fueran. VV. estuvieran.

SECOND TERMINATION. I would have. I would be. 1. Habria. Tendria. Seria. Estaria. 2. Habrias. Tendrias. Serias. Estarias. 3. Habria. Tendria. Seria. Estaria. 2. V. habria. V. tendria. V. seria. V. estaria. 1. Habríamos. Tendríamos. Seríamos. Estaríamos. 2. Habríais. Tendríais. Seríais. Estaríais. 3. Habrian. Tendrian. Serian. Estarian. 2. VV. habrian. VV. tendrian. VV. serian. VV. estarian.

THIRD TERMINATION. I should have. I should be. 1. Hubiese. Tuviese. Fuese. Estuviese. 2. Hubieses. Tuvieses. Fueses. Estuvieses. 3. Hubiese. Tuviese. Fuese. Estuviese. 2. V. hubiese. V. tuviese. V. fuese. V. estuviese. 1. Hubiésemos. Tuviésemos. Fuésemos. Estuviésemos. 2. Hubiéseis. Tuviéseis. Fuéseis. Estuviéseis. 3. Hubiesen. Tuviesen. Fuesen. Estuviesen. 2. VV. hubiesen. VV. tuviesen. VV. fuesen. VV. estuviesen.

FUTURE. When I shall have. When I shall be. 1. Hubiere. Tuviere. Fuere. Estuviere. 2. Hubieres. Tuvieres. Fueres. Estuvieres. 3. Hubiere. Tuviere. Fuere. Estuviere. 2. V. hubiere. V. tuviere. V. fuere. V. estuviere. 1. Hubiéremos. Tuviéremos. Fuéremos. Estuviéremos. 2. Hubiéreis. Tuviéreis. Fuéreis. Estuviéreis. 3. Hubieren. Tuvieren. Fueren. Estuvieren. 2. VV. hubieren. VV. tuvieren. VV. fuéren. VV. estuviéren.


N.B.—The (i) stands for the present of the infinitive mood, and the (p) for the past participle.

I am to, (i,) | He de, (i,) (139-153)[13] Thou art to, (i,) &c. | Has de, (i,) &c. I was to, (i,) &c. | Habia de, (i,) &c. I shall be obliged to, (i,) &c. | Habré de, (i,) &c. I have just, (p,) &c. | Acabo de, (i,) acabas de, | (i,) &c. (211.) I had just, &c. | Acababa de, (i,) acababas | de, (i,) &c. I am going to, (i,) &c. |{ Voy á, (i,) vas á, (i,) |{ va á, (i.) |{ Vamos á, (i,) vais á, (i,) |{ van á, (i.) I was going to, (i,) &c. | Iba á, (i,) ibas á,(i,) | iba á, (i,) &c. |{ Volver á, (i.) |{ Vuelvo á, (i,) vuelves á, |{ (i,) To (i) again, &c. |{ vuelve á, (i.) |{ Volvemos á, (i,) volveis á, |{ (i,) |{ vuelven á, (i.) I liked to have, (p.) | Estuve para, (i.) To be near. } Pres. |{ Estar á pique de, (i.) To come near.} participle. |{ Estar á punto de, (i.) |{ Estar para, (i.) To be about, (p. or i.) | Estar para. To be to, (i.) | Ser de. Haber de. Deber. It is to be observed. |{ Es de notar. Se ha de notar. |{ Debe notarse.

[13] The numbers within a parenthesis refer to the pages in Ollendorff’s Method which the scholar is advised to consult.


Él me le (los, la, las, lo) da. Él no te le (los, la, las, lo) envia. ¿Nos le (los, la, las, lo) ofrece él? ¿Nos le (los, la, las, lo) trae él? V. no se le (los, la, las, lo) promete.


I recompense, or do recompense. | Recompenso. I do not recompense. |{ Yo no recompenso, or |{ No recompenso. Do I recompense? |{ ¿Recompenso? or |{ ¿Recompenso yo? Do I not recompense? |{ ¿No recompenso? |{ ¿No recompenso yo? I have corresponded. | He correspondido. I have not corresponded. | No he correspondido. Have I corresponded? |{ ¿He correspondido? or |{ ¿He correspondido yo? Have I not corresponded? | ¿No he correspondido yo?


Passive verbs are formed from active-transitive verbs by adding their participle past, or passive, to the auxiliary verb ser, (to be,) through all its changes, as in English; thus, from the active verb amar, (to love,) is formed the passive verb ser amado, (to be loved.)

Obs. 5. The participle must agree in gender and number with the nominative it refers to; consequently it changes the o into a when the subject is feminine, and adds s for the plural; thus,

SINGULAR. He is loved. | El es amado. She is loved. | Ella es amada. You are loved. | V. es amado, (amada.)

PLURAL. They are loved. | Ellos son amados. They are loved. | Ellas son amadas. You are loved. | VV. son amados, (amadas.)

Obs. 6. In the compound tenses the participle of the principal verb is the only one that admits the change; the participle of the auxiliary verb to be (been, sido) is unchangeable; as,

He has been rewarded. | El ha sido premiado. They have been rewarded. | Ellos han sido premiados. She had been admired. | Ella habia sido admirada. They had been admired. | Ellas habian sido admiradas. You could have been employed. | V. habria sido empleado, | (empleada.) You could have been assisted. | VV. habrian sido asistidos, | (asistidas.)

Obs. 7. Passive impersonal verbs, and those referring to inanimate objects or things, are translated by placing the verb which is in the participle past in English, in the same person and number in which the verb to be is in the English sentence, placing the pronoun se before it; thus,—This ship was built in less than three months; Esta fragata se construyó en ménos de tres meses, instead of fué construida. It is said; Se dice, instead of Es dicho.


A pronominal, or reflective verb, is that which has the same person or thing as subject and object; as,

He arms himself. | El se arma á sí mismo.

These verbs terminate their present of the infinitive mood by the pronoun se, which must be suppressed in order to find out the conjugation, thus—

To approach. | Acercarse. To be sorry. | Dolerse. To repent. | Arrepentirse.

Taking off the se we here have, acercar, 1st conjugation, doler, 2d conjugation; and arrepentir, 3d conjugation. (80.)

These verbs are conjugated by placing the pronouns me, te, se, se, nos, os, se, se, according to the number and person of the nominative they refer to, immediately before the verb, if the subject be expressed before it; and either before or after the verb, if the subject be not expressed or placed after it. When they are placed, after the verb, they must be written so as to form one word with it.

In the imperative mood they are always placed after the verb, which suppresses the s in the first person plural, and the d in the second person of the same number. When the second person singular or plural is used with the adverb no, the pronouns are placed before the verb. Examples:—

1. I congratulate myself. | Yo me congratulo. 2. Thou congratulatest thyself. | Tú te congratulas. 3. He congratulates himself. | El se congratula. 2. You congratulate yourself. | V. se congratula. 1. We congratulate ourselves. | Nosotros nos congratulamos. 2. You congratulate yourselves. | Vosotros os congratulais. 3. They congratulate themselves. | Ellos se congratulan. 2. You congratulate yourselves. | VV. se congratulan. 1. I had congratulated myself. | Me habia congratulado. 2. I have armed myself. | Yo me he armado. 3. They had flattered themselves. | Ellos se habian lisonjeado.

IMPERATIVE MOOD. Behave (thou) well. | Pórtate bien. Behave (you) well. | Portáos bien, | (the d is suppressed) Behave not ill. | No te portes mal. Behave (you) not ill. | No os portéis mal. Let us prepare ourselves. | Preparémonos. | (the s is suppressed.)


The gerund is that part of the verb that terminates in ando in the verbs of the first conjugation, and in iendo in those of the second and third; as, publicando, (publishing,) from publicar; prometiendo, (promising,) from prometer; asistiendo, (assisting,) from asistir. It does not admit any change of gender or number.

It is translated by the English present participle, and conjugated with the verb estar, (to be;) as,

Anastasia is reading, and Maria | Anastasia está leyendo, y Maria Ann is playing on the piano. | Ana está tocando el piano.

It is used also absolutely; as,

By practising virtue thou wilt | Practicando la virtud, serás feliz. be happy. |


Verbs ending in car change the c into que, when the first letter of the termination is e; as, to mark, marcar, marc-ar, (perfect tense) marqué.

Verbs ending in gar add a u immediately after the g in the terminations beginning by e; as, to pay, pagar, pag-ar, (perfect tense) pagué.

Verbs in cer change the c into z } “ ger “ g “ j } when the first letter of “ gir “ g “ j } the termination is either “ quir “ qu “ c } o or a. “ guir lose the u }

Examples:—To vanquish, vencer, venzo; to choose, escoger escojo; to elect, elegir, elijo; to transgress the law, delinquir delinco; to follow, seguir, sigo.


1. The imperfect tense of the subjunctive has three terminations; the first in ra, the second in ria, the third in se.

The termination ra (or se) must be used when the verb is governed by a conditional conjunction, or an interjection expressing a wish; and if any other verb be in the same phrase to complete its sense, it must be placed in the termination ria; as, If you studied more, you would learn very much; Si usted estudiara mas, V. aprenderia mucho.

2. When the verb begins without a conditional conjunction, the termination ra or ría may be used, and the verb requisite to complete the sentence must be placed in the termination se; as, It would be proper that you should write to him; Fuera (or seria) bueno que V. le escribiese.

3. Verbs denoting admiration, command, desire, duty, fear, ignorance, intention, permission, prohibition, application, surprise, will, and also the impersonal verbs, govern the next verb in the subjunctive with que. If the governing verb is in the present or future of the indicative, or subjunctive, the verb governed must be placed in the present of the subjunctive. If the governing verb be in any of the past tenses of the indicative, the verb governed must be placed in the first or third termination of the imperfect tense of the subjunctive; as, They beg you to come early; Suplican a V. que venga temprano. I requested him to send you my letter; Le encargué que enviara á V. mi carta.


The passive or past participle terminates in ado in the first conjugation, and in ido in the second and third. It changes its termination according to the number and gender of the person it refers to; except when it follows immediately after the verb haber, or any other auxiliary, in which case it does not admit of any change.

All passive participles that do not terminate in ado or ido are called irregular; such are the following, from the verbs—

To open, abrir, abierto. | To print, imprimir, impreso. To cover, cubrir, cubierto. | To die, morir, muerto. To say, decir, dicho. | To solve, solver, suelto. To write, escribir, escrito. | To see, ver, visto. To fry, freir, frito. | To put, poner, puesto. To do, hacer, hecho. | To turn, volver, vuelto.

Their compounds have the same irregularity.

Obs. 8. The participles past of haber, ser, estar, and tener, do not admit any variation. The first and the last had it formerly.


There are some verbs that have two passive participles, the one regular and the other irregular. Such are:—To bless, bendecir, bendecido, bendito; to compel, compeler, compelido, compulso; to convert, convertir, convertido, converso; to awake, despertar, despertado, despierto; to elect, elegir, elegido, electo; to express, expresar, expresado, expreso; to fix, fijar, fijado, fijo; to satiate, hartar, hartado, harto; to include, incluir, incluido, incluso; to join, juntar, juntado junto; to arrest, prender, prendido, preso; to provide, proveer, proveido, provisto; to break, romper, rompido, roto; to loosen, soltar, soltado, suelto; to suspend, suspender, suspendido, suspenso, &c.

The regular participles of these verbs are used to form the compound tenses with haber; as,

He has awaked early. | El ha dispertado temprano.

The irregular participles are used as verbal adjectives, and with the verbs ser, &c., and do not form compound tenses with haber; excepting preso, prescrito, provisto, roto, and a few others; as,

He is early awaked. | El está despierto temprano. They have provided. | Ellos han provisto, (proveido.)


Adverbs are formed from adjectives of one termination by adding to them mente; as, dulce, dulcemente: and from those of two terminations by adding mente to the feminine; as, gracioso, graciosamente. They admit the superlative; as, graciosísimamente.

When two or more adverbs ending in ly occur in the same sentence, the termination mente is added to the last only; as,

He speaks elegantly and correctly. El habla correcta y elegantemente.


Here, acá, aquí. | Little, poco. There, allá, allí, ahí. | Already, ya. Near, cerca. | Often, á menudo. Far, léjos. | To-day, hoy. Where, donde, adonde. | Yesterday, ayer. Within, dentro. | To-morrow, mañana. Without, fuera. | Last night, anoche. Up, arriba. | Now, ahora. Down, abajo. | Presently, luego. Before, delante. | Late, tarde. Behind, detras. | Early, temprano. Upon, encima. | Always, siempre. Under, debajo. | Never, nunca, jamas. Well, bien. | Thus, así. Ill, mal. | Very, muy. More, mas. | Even, aun. Less, ménos. | Yes, si. Much, mucho. | No, nor, no, ni.


On all fours, á gatas. In heaps, á montones. Hardly, á pénas. On credit, á plazo. Sometimes, á veces. Truly, á la verdad. Knowingly, á sabiendas. On the back, á cuestas. At the utmost delay, á mas tardar. Slyly, á la sordina. Secretly, á escondidas. Rashly, Imprudently, á ojos cerrados. Instantly, al punto. Very nearly, casi casi. As soon as possible. cuanto ántes. How long, cuanto tiempo. At most, cuando mucho. At least, cuando ménos. Gratis, for nothing, de balde. Readily, de contado. Of course, de seguro. From time to time, } de cuando en cuando. Now and then, } To and fro, } de aquí para allí. Here and there, } On a sudden, } de improviso. Unexpectedly, } Purposely, de intento. Across, de traves. In fact, actually, de hecho. Pell-mell, de tropel. By chance, } Cheaply, } de lance. Second-hand, } Truly, de véras. In good earnest, en conciencia. Forthwith, en seguida. In the future, en adelante. Hereafter, en lo sucesivo. In a direct way, en derechura. Briefly, { en resumen. In short, { en breve. To the utmost, hasta no mas. Long time ago, mucho tiempo ha. Behold, he aquí, or allí. Not long since, no ha mucho. No sooner, Scarcely no bien. Lately, poco ha. By degrees, Softly, poco á poco. Of course, por supuesto. Nearly, por poco. Superficially, por encima. Short time ago, poco ha. { sobre seguro. Confidently, { á ciencia. { á cierta. Without motive } sin ton ni son. or cause, } Some time ago, rato ha. Perhaps, tal vez, acaso. Once, una vez. At once, de una vez. Sometimes, á véces.


The most frequent are—

At, to, for, A. | Towards, hácia. Before, ántes, ante. | Until, hasta. With, con. | For, to, para. Against, contra. | By, for, through por. Of, from, de. | According, segun. From, desde. | Without, sin. In, on, at, en. | On, upon, sobre. Between, among, entre. | Behind, tras, detras.

The following prepositions require de after them, when they are followed by a noun or pronoun as,

That man comes after. | Ese hombre viene despues. Sir, he will go after you. | Señor, él irá despues de V.

About, { á cerca, al rededor, en torno. { á cerca de, al rededor de, en torno de. Before, ántes, delante. | Within, in, dentro. Above, up, encima. | After, despues. Below, abajo. | Behind, detras, tras. Under, bajo. | Beneath, debajo. Out of, fuera. | Opposite, enfrente. Near, cerca. | On, upon, encima.


They are classed as follows:

COPULATIVE. That, que. Also, tambien. Moreover, además. And, y or i, é.[14] Neither, nor, ni.

DISJUNCTIVE. Or, either, } ó, ú, ya.[15] Whether, } Whether, sea que. Neither, tampoco.

ADVERSATIVE. But, mas, pero. Even, { aun cuando. { aun, cuando. Although, } aunque. Though, }

CAUSAL. Because, porque, que. Why? ¿porqué? Since, pues, pues que. By, for, por. Therefore, por tanto. Whereas, por cuanto. That, para que. That, {para que. In order that, {á fin de.

CONDITIONAL. If, si. But, sino. Provided, con tal que. Unless, { á ménos de. { á ménos que.

CONTINUATIVE. Since, pues, puesto que.

COMPARATIVE. As, como, así como. So, así.

[14] E is used instead of y when the following word begins with i or hi, as,

Wise men and ignorant. | Sabios é ignorantes. Mother and daughter. | Madre é hija.

[15] U is employed instead of ó, when the word immediately following it begins with o or ho; as,

Silver or gold. | Plata ú oro


Alas! ¡Ay! Take care! ¡Tate! Ah! ¡Ah! Hurrah! ¡Viva! Wo to me! ¡Ay de mí! Here! ¡Ce! Lo! ¡He! Fie! ¡Puf! Well! ¡Ea! God grant! ¡Ojalá! Holla! ¡Ola!


A or a, Arroba, Twenty-five pounds weight. AA. Autores, Authors. A.C. Año Cristiano, Christian year. Art. or art. Artículo, Article. { Beso, besamos, besa, } I, we kiss; he, she kisses; B.L.M. { besan la mano, or } they kiss the hands. { las manos, } B.L.P. Beso or besa los piés, I kiss or he kisses the feet. D. Dn. Don, Mr. Da. Doña, Mrs. Dr., D.D. Doctor, Doctores, Doctor, Doctors. Exmo., Esmo., } Excelentísimo, Most Excellent. Escmo. } Fr. Fray, Frey, Friar, Brother. Ib. Ibidem, The same. Ill^e. Ill^{mo}. { Ilustre, } Illustrious, { Ilustrísimo, } Most Illustrious. Ill^{ma}. { Ilustrísima, } Ill. P.S. Muy poderoso Señor, Most powerful Sir. N. Fulano, Such a one. N^o. or Núm. Número, Number. Nro. Nra. Nuestro, a, Our. Onz. Onza, Ounce. Orn. Orden, Order. P.D. Post data, Postscript. R.P.M. or Mtro. { Reverendo Padre } Reverend Father and Master. { Maestro, } R^{do}. P. Reverendo Padre, Reverend Father. S.S^{n}. Sto. Sta. San, Santo, or Santa, Saint. S.A. Su Alteza, His Highness. S.A.A. Su afecto amigo, Your affectionate friend. S.M. Su Magestad, His Majesty. Sr. Sor. or S^{ra}. Señor or Señora, Sir, Lord, Madam, Lady. S. Sria. or S^{ra}. Su Señoria, His Lordship, Her Ladyship. S.S.S. Su seguro servidor, Your assured servant. V. Vd. Vm. or Vmd. Usted, Your worship, you. VV. Vs. Vms. or } Ustedes, Your worships, you. Vmds. } V.E. or V. Esc^a Vueclelencia, Your Excellency. V.M. Vuestra Majestad, Your Majesty. V.S. Usia, (Vueseñoria,) Your Lordship. V.S.I. Usía Ilustrísima, Your Grace.




CARDINAL NUMBERS.—Números Cardinales.

One. Uno, m. Una, f. Two. Dos[16]. Three. Tres. Four. Cuatro. Five. Cinco. Six. Seis. Seven. Siete. Eight. Ocho. Nine. Nueve.

Ten. DIEZ. Eleven. Once. Twelve. Doce. Thirteen. Trece. Fourteen. Catorce. Fifteen. Quince. Sixteen. Diez y seis. Seventeen. Diez y siete. Eighteen. Diez y ocho. Nineteen. Diez y nueve.

Twenty. VEINTE. Twenty-one. Veintiuno. Twenty-two. Veintidos. Twenty-three. Veintitres. Twenty-four. Veinticuatro. Twenty-five. Veinticinco. Twenty-six. Veintiseis. Twenty-seven. Veintisiete. Twenty-eight. Veintiocho. Twenty-nine. Veintinueve.

Thirty. TREINTA. Thirty-one. Treinta y uno. Thirty-two, &c. Treinta y dos. Forty. CUARENTA. Fifty. CINCUENTA. Sixty. SESENTA. Seventy. SETENTA. Eighty. OCHENTA. Ninety. NOVENTA.

A or one hundred. CIENTO. Two hundred. Doscientos[17]. Three hundred. Trescientos. Four hundred. Cuatrocientos. Five hundred. Quinientos. Six hundred. Seiscientos. Seven hundred. Setecientos. Eight hundred. Ochocientos. Nine hundred. Novecientos.

A or one thousand. MIL. One thousand and one. Mil y uno. One thousand and eleven. Mil y once. One thousand one hundred and one. Mil, ciento y uno. One thousand five hundred. Mil y quinientos. Two thousand. Dos mil. Five hundred thousand. Quinientos mil. A million. MILLON, (cuento.)

[16] From dos, (two,) up to ciento, (hundred,) inclusively, the numbers are plural, and common to both genders; as—

Three men, tres hombres. | Four women, cuatro mujeres.

[17] From doscientos to novecientos, inclusively, the termination os is changed into as for the feminine; as—

Three hundred miles. | Trescientas millas.

Two numbers coming together in an inverted order in English, are translated by placing the highest in the first place; thus,

Three and twenty. | Veinte y tres.

Eleven hundred, fifteen hundred, and the like expressions, are always translated, one thousand one hundred, one thousand five hundred, &c.; thus, mil y ciento, mil y quinientos, and not once cientos, &c.

The words o’clock are omitted in reference to the hours of the day, which are expressed by the cardinal numbers, preceded by the article las or la with reference to una, one; as,

What time is it? | ¿Que hora es? It is one o’clock. | Es la una. It is two o’clock. | Son las dos.

ORDINAL NUMBERS.—Números Ordinales.

Singular. Plural. The first. { El primero. } Los primeros. { El primer.[18] } The second. El segundo. Los segundos. The third. { El tercero. } Los terceros. { El tercer. } The fourth. El cuarto. Los cuartos. The fifth. El quinto. Los quintos. The sixth. El sexto. Los sextos. The seventh. El séptimo. Los séptimos. The eighth. El octavo. Los octavos. The ninth. { El nono. Los nonos. { El noveno. Los novenos. The tenth. El décimo. Los décimos. The eleventh. El undécimo. Los undécimos. The twentieth. El vigésimo. Los vigésimos. The thirtieth. El trigésimo. Los trigésimos.

[18] Primero and tercero lose the o before a noun.

Ex.—El primer tomo el tercer tomo.

Ordinal numbers change o into a for the feminine, and admit the same variation of numbers as the adjectives.

The cardinal numbers are used instead of the ordinal in speaking of the days of the month, excepting the first; as,

The fourth of July. | El cuatro de Julio. The first of May. | El primero de Mayo. What day of the month is it? |{ ¿Que dia del mes tenemos? |{ ¿Que dia es hoy? (It is) the first. | El primero. (It is) the second. | El dos. (It is) the third. | El tres. What day of the month is this? | ¿A cuantos estamos? (It is) the eleventh. | A once.

Obs. Except the first day of the month, all the other days are expressed by a cardinal number preceded by the article.


COBRE. 2 maravedíses valen 1 ochavo. 2 ochavos “ 1 cuarto. 8½ cuartos “ 1 real de vellon. 4 reales de vellon “ 1 peseta. 5 pesetas “ 1 peso, or duro. 4 pesetas columnarias “ 1 “ “

PLATA. vale 1 duro, peso fuerte, peso, ó escudo de plata, a silver dollar $1.00 1 medio duro, ó escudo de vellon, half a dollar 50 1 peseta columnaria, quarter of a dollar 25 1 real de plata Americano, New York shilling 12½ 1 medio real, medio, New York sixpence 6½

Valor Valor nominal. real. 1 peseta provincial ó Sevillana, pistareen 20 cents. 16 cents. 2 reales de vellon, half pistareen 10 “ 8 “ 1 real de vellon, ó 34 maravedíses, quarter pistareen 5 “ 4 “

Valor Valor ORO. nominal. real. 1 onza ú onza de oro, a doubloon $16.00 $15.56 ½ onza, (cuatro escudos,) half of a doubloon 8.00 7.76 ¼ un doblon de á dos, a quarter of a doubloon 4.00 3.88 ⅛ un dobloncito, ó un escudo, an eighth of a doubloon 2.00 1.94 1/16 un escudito, un durillo, ó veinten, a sixteenth of a doubloon 1.00 .97

OF HEAVEN AND THE ELEMENTS.—Del Cielo y de los Elementos.

N.B.—A word within a parenthesis followed by an M, in the following Vocabulary and Dialogues, indicates that it is the one used in the Mexican States.

God, Dios. Jesus Christ, Jesucristo. The Holy Ghost, El Espíritu Santo. The angel, el ángel. The paradise, el paraíso. The world, el mundo. The fire, el fuego. The air, el aire. The earth, la tierra. The sea, el mar. The sun, el sol. The moon, la luna. The stars, las estrellas. The rays, los rayos. The clouds, las nubes. The wind, el viento. The rain, la lluvia. The thunder, el trueno. The lightning, el relámpago. The hail, el granizo. The thunderbolt, el rayo, or la centella. The snow, la nieve. The frost, la helada. The ice, el hiélo. The white frost, la escarcha. The dew, el rocío. The fog, la niébla. A deluge, un diluvio. The heat, el calor. The cold, el frío.

OF THE WEATHER AND SEASONS.—Del tiempo y de las estaciones.

The day, el día. The noon, el mediodía. The night, la noche. Midnight, media noche. The morning, la mañana. The afternoon, The evening, la tarde. Hour, hora. Quarter of an hour, cuarto de hora. Half an hour, media hora. Three quarters of an hour, tres cuartos de hora. To-day, hoy. Yesterday, ayer. The day before yesterday, ántes de ayer. The day after to-morrow, pasado mañana. This evening, esta tarde. This morning, esta mañana. After dinner, despues de comer. After supper, despues de cenar. A week, una semána. A month, un mes. A year, un año. A moment, un momento. The spring, la primavera. The summer, el verano or estío. Autumn, el otoño. The winter, el invierno. A holiday, día de fiesta. A working-day, día de trabajo. The sun-rising, la salida del sol. The sun-setting, el ponerse del sol. The dawn, la aurora.

THE DAYS OF THE WEEK.—Los días de la semána.

Monday, Lúnes. Tuesday, Mártes. Wednesday, Miércoles. Thursday, Juéves. Friday, Viérnes. Saturday, Sábado. Sunday, Domingo.

THE MONTHS.—Los meses.

January, Enero. February, Febrero. March, Marzo. April, Abril. May, Mayo. June, Junio. July, Júlio. August, Agosto. September, Setiembre. October, Octubre. November, Noviembre. December, Diciembre.

THE HOLIDAYS OF THE YEAR.—Dias de fiesta del año.

New Year’s Day, el dia de Año Nuevo. Lent, la Cuaresma. The Ember-weeks, las Cuatro témporas. Palm Sunday, Domingo de Ramos. Good Friday, Viérnes Santo. Easter-day, Pascua de Resurreccion. Twelfth day, Dia de Reyes. Whitsunday, Pascua del Espíritu Santo. All Souls’-day, Dia de Difuntos, (muertos, M.) Christmas, Pascua de navidád. La Noche Buena. The Eve, la Vigilia. The Harvest, la cosecha de Granos.

ECCLESIASTICAL DIGNITIES.—Dignidades ecclesiasticas.

The pope, el papa. A cardinal, un cardenal. An archbishop, un arzobispo. A bishop, un obispo. A nuncio, un nuncio. A prelate, un prelado. A rector, un cura. A canon, un canonigo. A priest, un sacerdote. A chaplain, un capellan. A vicar, un vicario. A vicar-general, un vicaria general. A dean, un dean. An almoner, un limosnero. A curate, teniente de cura. A preacher, un predicador. A grave-digger, sepulturero. A sexton, un sacristan. A musician, un músico. A beadle, un pertiguero.

NAMES OF THINGS MOST USUALLY EATEN.—Nombres de las cosas que se comen mas comunmente.

Bread, pan. Meat, carne. Fish, pez or pescado. Boiled meat, el cocido. Roast meat, el asado. A mouthful of bread, un bocado de pan. A pie, un pastel. A soup, una sopa. A slice of bread, una rebanoda de pan. A broth, un caldo. A salad, una ensalada. A sauce, una salsa. A stew, un estofado. A ragout, un guisado. Fruits, las frutas. Cheese, el queso.

THE COVERING OF THE TABLE.—El aparato de la mesa.

The table, la mesa. The tablecloth, el mantel. A chair, una silla. A knife, un cuchillo. A fork, un tenedor. A plate, un plato. A dish, fuente, platon. A saltcellar, un salero. Oil-cruet, aceítera. Vinegar-cruet, vinagrera. Casters, taller. A sugar-dish, azucarero. A candle, una vela. A candlestick, un candelero. The snuffers, las despabiladeras. A chafingdish, el braserito. A basin, palangana. A glass, copa. A napkin, una servilleta. A flask, un flasco. A cup, una jicara, taza. A saucer, una salsera. A towel, una toalla. A service, un servicio. Water, agua. Wine, vino. Brandy, aguardiente. A decanter, una botella de cristal. A tumbler, un vaso. A jug, un jarro. A bottle, una botella. A gill, una copa.

WHAT IS EATEN AT TABLE, BOILED.—Loque se come en la mesa cocido.

Beef, la vaca. Mutton, el carnero. Veal, la ternera. Lamb, el cordero. A fowl, una gallina. A turkey, un pavo, (un guajolote, M.)

OTHER DISHES.—Otros platos.

A ragout, un guisado. A fricassee, una fricasé. Stewed meat, estofado. Sweetbread, lechecillas. A tart, una torta. Petty patties, pastelillos. Ham, jamon. Sausages, salchichas. A Bologna sausage, salchicha de Boloña. Black pudding, morcilla. Liver, hígado. A hash, un picadillo. Beef’s tongue, lengua de vaca.

WHAT IS ROASTED.—Loque es asádo.

Pullets, pollos. Pigeons, pichónes. Woodcocks, gallinetas. Partridges, perdices. Thrushes, tordos. Larks, alondras. Quails, codorníces. Pheasants, faisanes. A turkey-cock, un pavo, (un guajolote, M.) A goose, un ganso. A gosling, un gansaron, or pollo de ganso. A duck, un pato. A hare, una liebre. A rabbit, un conejo. A hog, un cerdo. A roasting-pig, lechoncillo. A wild-boar, un jabalí. A stag, un ciervo. A leg of mutton, pierna a carnero. A loin of veal, tomo de ternera. A shoulder of mutton, brazuelo de carnero. Game, caza.

TO SEASON MEAT WITH.—Para sazonar la carne.

Salt, sal. Pepper, pimienta. Oil, aceite. Vinegar, vinagre. Verjuice, agraz. Mustard, mostaza. Cloves, clavos. Cinnamon, canela. Capers, alcaparras. Laurel, laurel. Chervil, perifollo. Pimento, chile, (M.) Mushrooms, setas. Onions, cebollas. Garlic, ajos. Bacon, tocino. Oranges, naranjas. Lemons, limones. Parsley, perexil. Young onions, cebolletas. Eggs, huevos.

FOR A SALAD.—Para una ensalada.

Endives, endibias. Lettuce, lechuga. Succory, achicoria. Celery, apio. Chervil, perifollo. Roman lettuce, lechuga Romana. Cresses, berros.

FOR FAST DAYS.—Para los dias de ayuno.

Butter, manteca. Milk, leche. Eggs in the shell, huevos cocidos. Poached eggs, huevos estrellados. An omelet, tortilla de huevos. Crawfish, cangrejo de agua dulce. A pike, un lucio. A carp, una carpa. A trout, una trucha. A sole, lenguado. An eel, anguila. A tench, tenca. A sturgeon, esturion. A herring, arenque. Oysters, ostras. Salmon, salmon. Codfish, abadejo, bacalao, merluza. A mackerel, caballa, escombro, halacha. A lobster, langosta. Peas, guisantes. Beans, habas. Kidney-beans, frijoles. Spinach, espinacas. Artichokes, alcachofas. Asparagus, esparragos. Cabbages, berzas, coles. Cauliflowers, coliflores. Vegetables, verduras. Fennel, hinojo.

FOR THE DESSERT.—Para los postres.

Apples, manzanas. Pears, peras. Peaches, duraznos. Mellow peaches, melocotones, (priscos.) Apricots, albaricoques. Cherries, cerezas. Figs, higos. Plums, ciruelas. Raspberries, frambuesas. Grapes, uvas. Fritters, buñuelos. A tart, torta. Sugarplums, confites. Sweetmeats, dulces, conservas. Nuts, nueces. Filberts, avellanas. Chestnuts, castañas. Almonds, almendras. Medlars, nisperos. Blackberries, zarzamora. Quinces, membrillos. Pomegranates, granadas. Oranges, naranjas. Olives, aceitunas. Mulberries, moras. Currants, grosellas.

DEGREES OF KINDRED.—Grados de parentesco.

The father, el padre. The mother, la madre. The grandfather, el abuelo. The grandmother, la abuela. The great-grandfather, el bisabuelo. The great-grandmother, la bisabuela. The son, el hijo. The daughter, la hija. The grandson, el nieto. The granddaughter, la nieta. The brother, el hermano. The sister, la hermana. The eldest son, el primogénito. The second son, el hijo segundo. The uncle, el tio. The aunt, la tia. The nephew, el sobrino. The niece, la sobrina. The nephew’s son, el hijo del sobrino. The niece’s daughter, la hija de la sobrina. The cousin, el primo. The female cousin, la prima. The brother-in-law, el hermano político, or el cuñado. The sister-in-law, la hermana política, or la cuñada. The father-in-law, el padre político, or el suegro. The mother-in-law, la madre política, or la suegra. The son-in-law, el hijo político, or el yerno. The daughter-in-law, la hija política, or la nuera. The parents, los padres, (el padre y la madre.) The spouse, el esposo, m. The spouse, la esposa, f. A consort, un consorte. Twin brothers, mellizos, (cuátes, M.) Twin sisters, mellizas, (cuátes, M.) A godfather, el padrino. A godmother, la madrina. A godson, el ahijado. A goddaughter, la ahijada. A lying-in woman, muger parida. The nurse, ama de criar, criandera, or (chichigua), M. A midwife, la partera. A relation, un pariente. A female relation, una parienta. A friend, un amigo. A female friend, una amiga. An enemy, un enemigo, m. An enemy, una enemiga, f. A widower, un viudo. A widow, una viuda. An heir, un heredero. An heiress, una heredera. A pupil, un pupilo, m. A pupil, una pupila, f. A marriage, un casamiento. A wedding, unas bodas. A christening, un bautismo.

Compadre, and comadre, are names that the sponsor and the parents of the godson or daughter give each other.

OF THE CONDITIONS OF MAN AND WOMAN.—De los estados del hombre y de la muger.

A man, un hombre. A woman, una muger. An aged man, un viejo. An aged woman, una vieja. An old man, hombre anciano. An old woman, muger anciana. A young man, un jóven. A young girl, una moza. A spark, dandy, petimetre. A lady, una señora. A husband, el marido. A wife, la muger. An infant, un infante. A boy, un muchacho. A girl, una muchacha. A maid, una doncella. A master, el amo. A mistress, el ama. A man-servant, un criado. A female servant, una criada. A citizen, un ciudadano. A countryman, un paisano, (un payo, M.) A stranger, un extrangero. A rogue, un bribon. A sharper, un estafador. A cheat, un engañador. A thief, un ladron. A pickpocket, un ratero.

OF WHAT IS NECESSARY FOR DRESSING ONE’S SELF.—De lo que es menester para vestirse.

A suit of clothes, un vestido. A hat, un sombrero. A wig, una peluca. A cravat, una corvata. A coat, casaca. A close coat, casaca á la francesa. Pantaloons, pantalones. Small-clothes, los calzones. Stockings, las medias. Silk stockings, medias de seda. Under-stockings, calcetas. Socks, escarpines. The shoes, los zapatos. The slippers, las chinelas. A shirt, una camisa. An under-waistcoat, una almilla. A vest, un chaleco. The sleeves, las mangas. The ruffles, las vueltas. A cap, un gorro. A nightgown, una bata. A fob, el bolsillo. The pocket, la faltriquera.

WITH CLOTHES ONE MUST HAVE.—Con los vestidos es menester tener.

Ribbons, cinta de seda. Lace, encaje. Buttons, botones. Button-holes, ojales. A pocket-handkerchief, un pañuelo, (un paño, or pañite de polvos, M.) Fringe, franja. Gloves, guantes. Mittens, mitones. A watch, reloj de faltriquera. A muff, un manguito. Buckles, las hebillas. Garters, ligas, (ataderos, M.) A ring, anillo, (cintillo, M.) A comb, peine.

FOR THOSE THAT RIDE ON HORSEBACK.—Para aquellos que andan á caballo.

A sword, la espada. A girdle, el cinto. The pistols, las pistolas. The bridle, el freno. The saddle, la silla. The stirrups, los estribos. The whip, el látigo. The boots, las botas. The spurs, los espuelas. The top of the boot, la campana de la bota. The rowel of the spur, la estrella de la espuela. The leg, la pierna. The heel, el talon. The sole, la suela de la bota.

FOR THE LADIES.—Para las Señoras.

A cap, el tocado. A chemise, una camisa. An under-petticoat, enaguas. The stays, la cotilla. An upper-petticoat, un guardapiés. A morning-gown, ropa de levantar. Stockings, medias. Garters, ligas. The slippers, las chinelas. An apron, el delantal. A comb, un peine. A combing-cloth, el peinador. The toilet, el tocador. A looking-glass, el espejo. Powder, polvos. Pomatum, la pomada. Sweet-waters, aguas de olor. Pins, los alfileres. A pincushion, el acerico. Scissors, tijeras. A head-dress, una cofia. A cloak, un capotillo. A mantilla, una mantilla. A pelisse, un ropon de pieles. A thimble, el dedal. A needle, la aguja. Thread, el hilo. Linen, el lienzo. A pocket looking-glass, el espejo de faltriquera. A gown, una bata, un camison, (túnico, M.) A necklace, la gargantilla. Jewels, joyas. Precious stones, piedras preciosas. A diamond, un diamante. An emerald, una esmeralda. A ruby, un rubí. A pearl, una perla. Silk stockings, medias de seda. Cotton stockings, medias de algodon. Shoes, zapatos. A bonnet, un sombrerillo: una gorra. A hat, un sombrero. A veil, un velo. The curls, los rizos. A fan, el abanico. A tippet, una palatina. A muff, un manguito. Gloves, los guantes. A smelling-bottle, botellita de olor. An umbrella, el paraguas. The curling-irons, el encrespador. A parasol, el quita sol. A watch, un reloj de faltriquera. A pocket-handkerchief, un pañuelo. Rings, los anillos. Ear-rings, los zarcillos, (aretes, M.) Bracelets, los brazaletes.

OF THE PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY.—De las partes del cuerpo humano.

The head, la cabeza. The face, la cara. The forehead, la frente. The eyes, los ojos. The eyebrows, las cejas. The eyelids, los párpados. The eyeball, la niña del ojo. The ears, las orejas. The hair, el pelo. The temples, las sienes. The hollow of the ear, el hueco de la oreja. The drum of the ear, el tímpano del oído. The eyelashes, las pestañas. The cheeks, las mejillas. The nose, la nariz. The nostrils, las ventanas de la nariz. The mouth, la boca. The tongue, la lengua. The teeth, los dientes. The gums, las encías. The eyeteeth, los colmillos. The grinders, las muelas. The lips, los labios. The nails, las uñas. The belly, la barriga. The stomach, el estomago. The ribs, las costillas. The navel, el ombligo. The groins, las ingles. The thighs, los muslos. The knees, las rodillas. The legs, las piernas. The calf of the leg, la pantorrilla. The ankle-bone, hueso del tobillo. The instep, la garganta del pié. The foot, el pié. The heel, el talon. The sole of the foot, la planta del pié. The mien, el semblante. The complexion, la complexion. The air, el aire. The demeanor, el porte. The fatness, la gordura. The leanness, la magrura. The palate, el paladar. The whiskers, las patillas. The chin, la barba. The beard, las barbas. The neck, el cuello. The throat, la garganta. The bosom, el seno. The breast, el pecho. The stomach, el estomago. The shoulders, los hombros. The arms, los brazos. The elbow, el codo. The wrist, la muñeca. The hands, las manos. The thumb, el pulgar. The forefinger, el dedo índice. The middle finger, el dedo del corazon. The fourth finger, el dedo anular. The little finger, el dedo meñique. The brawn of the fingers, la yema de los dedos. The sides, los costados. The stature, la estatura. The gait, the step, el paso. The gesture, el gesto. The brain, el celebro. The blood, la sangre. The veins, las venas. The arteries, las arterias. The nerves, los nervios. The muscles, los músculos. The skin, el cútis. The heart, el corazon. The liver, el hígado. The lungs, los pulmones. The bladder, la vejiga. The gall, la hiel. The spittle, la saliva. The sweat, el sudor. The rheum, el resfriado. A cough, la toz. The breath, la respiracion. The voice, la voz. The speech, la palabra. A sigh, un suspiro.

THE FIVE SENSES.—Los cinco sentidos.

The sight, la vista. The hearing, el oido. The smell, el olfato. The taste, el gusto. The feeling, el tacto.

OF AGES.—De las edades.

Childhood, la niñez. Infancy, infancia. Boyishness, puericia. Adolescence, adolescencia. Youth, la juventud. Manhood, la virilidad. Old age, la senectud. Old age, la vejez.

QUALITIES OF THE BODY.—Calidades del cuerpo.

Health, la salud. Strength, la fuerza. Weakness, la debilidad. Beauty, la hermosura. Ugliness, la fealdad. Good presence, el garbo. Sprightliness, el brío. Fine stature, hermoso tallo.

DEFECTS OF THE HUMAN BODY.—Defectos del cuerpo humano.

Ugliness, la fealdad. Wrinkles, las arrugas. Freckles, las pecas. Blear eyes, las lagañas. A wart, una verruga. A mole, un lunar. A pearl in the eye, la nube en el ojo. Tickling, las cosquillas. Cataract, la catarata. Blindness, la ceguedád. Blind, el ciego. One-eyed, el tuerto. Dumb, el mudo. Leanness, la flacura. Lame, el cojo. Lameness, la cojera. The stammerer, el tartamudo. Crookedness, la corcova. Bald, el calvo. Flat-nosed, el romo. Crippled, el estropeado. Lame of the limbs, el tullido. Squinting, el bizco. Lame of a hand, el manco. Deaf, el sordo. Left-handed, el zurdo.

FOR STUDYING.—Para estudiar.

A book, un libro. The paper, el papel. A leaf, un pliego de papel. A page, una página. The cover of a book, la cubierta del libro. A pen, una pluma. The ink, la tinta. The inkstand, el tintero. A penknife, el cortaplumas. The sealing-wax, el lacre. A seal, el sello. A letter, una carta. A note, una esquela. The writing, la escritura. The pocketbook, librito de memorias. Parchment, pergamino. The pencil, el lápiz. A lesson, una leccion. A translation, una traduccion. A writing-desk, una escribanía.

INSTRUMENTS OF MUSIC.—Instrumentos de música.

A violin, un violin. A bass-viol, violon. A flute, una flauta. A flageolet, un caramillo. A bagpipe, una gaita. A hautboy, un oboe. A guitar, una guitarra. A piano, un piano. A harpsichord, un clavicordio. A lute, laud. A harp, una harpa. An organ, un órgano. A trumpet, una trompeta. A drum, un tambor.

OF THE PARTS OF A HOUSE.—De las partes de una casa.

The house, la casa. The door, la puerta. The drawing-room, la sala. The staircase, la escalera. The stairs, los escalones. The chamber, la cámara. The antechamber, la antecámara. The study, el estudio. The windows, las ventanas. The glasses, los vidrios. The kitchen, la cocina. The yard, el patio. The well, el pozo. The stable, la caballeriza. The cellar, la bodega. The garden, el huerto. The gate, el porton. The fountain, la fuente. The pantry, la dispensa. The first story, el primer alto. The second story, el segundo alto. The garret, el zaquizamí. The terrace, la azotea. The roof, el tejado. The tiles, las tejas. The gutters, las goteras. The chimney, la chimenéa. The bricks, los ladrillos. The floor, el suelo. The coach-house, la cochera. The oven, el horno. The beams, las vigas. The joists, las viguetas. The planks, los tablones. The sign, la señal, or la tablilla. The plastering, el yeso. The lime, la cal. The marble, el marmol. The stones, las piedras. The pigeon-house, el palomar. The hen-house, el gallinero. The poultry-yard, corral de aves. The hogsty, la zahurda. The walls, las paredes. The house-rent, el alquiler de casa.

THE FURNITURE OF A HOUSE.—Muebles de una casa.

The hangings, la tapicería. The looking-glass, el espejo. The bed, la cama. The sheets, las sábanas. The mattress, el colchon. The feather-bed, colchon de plumas, or el plumon. The bolster, la almohada. The pillows, las almohadas. The tester of the bed, el cielo de la cama. The curtains, las cortinas. The counterpane, la colcha. The head-curtains, las cortinitas. The curtain-rods, las varillas. The warming-pan, calentador de cama. The pictures, las pinturas. The frame, el cuadro. The chairs, las sillas. An arm-chair, silla de brazos. The table, la mesa. The carpet, la alfombra. A cupboard, bufete. A screen, el biómbo. A box, una caja. A trunk, un cofre, or baul. A little trunk, cofrecito. Embroidery, el bordado. The painting, la pintura. The gilding, el dorado. The carving, la escultura. A figure, una figura. A pedestal, una pedestal. A vessel, una vasíja. A cage, una jaula. A bird, un pájaro. A portrait, un retrato.

WHAT IS FOUND ABOUT THE CHIMNEY.—Lo que se halla cerca de la chimenea.

The chinaware, la porcelana. An urn, una vasija. A vase, un vaso. The fire, la candela, el fuego, la lumbre. Coal, carbon de piedra. Charcoal, carbon. The ashes, las cenízas. The hearth, el hogar. A firebrand, un tizon. A pair of bellows, los fuelles. The fender, el guarda fuego. A standing screen, el biombo. The shovel, el badil. The tongs, las tenazas. The poker, el atizador. A hand-screen, el biombito. The flame, la llama. The smoke, el humo. The soot, el hollin. The matches, las pajuelas. The steel, el eslabon. The flint, el pedernal, (la piedra, M.) The tinder, la yesca.

WHAT IS FOUND IN THE KITCHEN.—Lo que se halla en la cocina.

The spit, el asador. The jack, el torno del asador. A kettle, una caldera, (un cazo, M.) A frying-pan, la sarten. A trivet, el or la trípode. A gridiron, las parrillas. A pitcher, un cántaro. A pail, un cubo. A rope, una cuerda. A pulley, una polea. An earthen pan, una cazuela. A great pot, una marmita. A pot, una olla. A spoon, una cuchara. A ladle, un cucharon. A chafingdish, el escalfador. A hook, un garabato. The pot-hanger, las lláres. A grater, el rallo. A pudding-pan, la tortera. A mortar, el mortero, or almirez. A pestle, la mano del mortero. The sink, el sumidero. A broom, la escoba. A rag, un trapo. A dishclout, una rodilla. A saucepan, la cacerola. A little pan, un cacito. A skimmer, la espumadera. A strainer, la coladera. An oil-pot, la alcuza. A vial, una redoma. A tub, un barreño, una cuba. Ley, or lie, la lejia. Soap, el jabon. A coarse cloth, un trapo. The flour, la harina. The bran, el salvado. A tray, la artesa. A tablecloth, los manteles. Napkin, la servilleta. A basin, la jofayna, (palangana, M.) A towel, la toalla. Plate, el plato. Knife, el cuchillo. Washstand, (aguamanil, M.) Fork, el tenedor. Saltcellar, el salero. A porringer, la escudilla. Dishes, los platos. Spoon, la cuchara. A chopping-block, el tajo. A mug, el jarro. A cup, una taza. A basin, una palangana. The peel of the oven, la pala del horno. Some wood, leña.

WHAT WE FIND IN THE CELLAR.—Lo que hallamos en la bodega.

A butt, una bota. A barrel, un barril. A stand for a butt, el sitio de la bota. A funnel, el embudo. Some hoops, algunos aros. The dregs, la hez. Wine, el vino. Old wine, vino añejo. New wine, vino nuevo. Red wine, vino tinto. White wine, vino blanco. Claret, vino clarete. Sour wine, vino agrio. Sweet wine, vino dulce. Beer, cerveza. Small-beer, cerveza floja. Cider, sidra. Vinegar, vinagre. A hammer, el martillo. A lantern, la linterna. To tap a barrel, decentar un baril. To draw wine, sacar vino.

THE SERVANTS OF A HOUSE.—Los criados de una casa.

The steward, el mayordomo. An almoner, el limosnero. A chaplain, el capellan. The secretary, el secretario. The purveyor, el despensero. The chamberlain, el camarero. A page, el page. A footman, el lacayo. A coachman, el cochero. A groom, el mozo de caballos. The master of the horses, el caballerizo. The cupbearer, el copero. A butler, el bodeguero. A falconer, el halconero. The cook, el cocinero. A woman cook, la cocinera. The scullion, el galopin. The maid-servant, la criáda. The chambermaid, doncella de la señora, (la recamarera, M.) The waiting-woman, doncella de cámara, or la criada. The carver, el trinchante. The gardener, el jardinero. The porter, el portero. The master of the house, el amo de la casa. The mistress, el ama.

WHAT IS FOUND ABOUT THE DOOR.—Lo que se halla cerca de la puerta.

The key, la llave. The lock, la cerradura. The latch, el picaporte. The bolt, el cerrojo. The bell, la campanilla. The knocker, el aldabon. The wards of a lock, las guardas de la cerradura. The bar, la tranca. The threshold, el umbral. The hinges, los goznes.

WHAT IS FOUND IN THE STABLE.—Lo que se halla en la caballeriza.

The hay, el heno. Some oats, la avena, (cebada, M.) Some straw, la paja. A rack, el enrejado. A manger, el pesebre. The bran, el salvado. The comb, el peine. The currycomb, la almohaza. A sieve, el tamiz. A bridle, el freno. A saddle, la silla. The breastplate, el pretal. The girths, las cinchas. The fetlocks, las cernejas. Some nails, algunos clavos. The saddle-bow, el arzon. A halter, el cabestro. The groom, el establero. The horses, los caballos. A cart, un carro.

WHAT IS FOUND IN THE GARDEN; FLOWERS, TREES &c. Lo que se halla en el jardín; flores, árboles, &a.

A row of trees, hilera de árboles. An arbor, el emparrado. A rose, una rosa. A jessamine, un jazmin. Pinks, claveles. Tulips, tulipanes. Lilies, lírios. Violets, violetas. Gilliflowers, alhelíes. Jonquils, junquillos. Poppies, amapolas. An apple-tree, manzano. An orange-tree, naranjo. The gooseberry-bush, el espino. A rose-bush, el rosal. The vine, la vid. The ivy, la yedra. A branch, un ramo. An almond-tree, el almendro. An alley, calle de árboles. A little wood, un bosquecito. The shade, la sombra. The cool, el fresco. A pear-tree, un peral. A cherry-tree, un cerezo. A plum-tree, un ciruelo. An apricot-tree, un albaricoque. A mulberry-tree, un moral. A peach-tree, un alberchigo. A fig-tree, una higuera. An olive-tree, un olivo. The box-tree, el box. A laurel-tree, el laurel. A fir-tree, el abeto. An oak, el roble. The elm, el olmo. The beech-tree, la haya. The nursery, el plantel. The fountain, la fuente. The pond, el estanque. A bush, un arbusto. A myrtle-tree, el mirto. Sweet marjoram, la mejorana. Thyme, el tomillo. Verdure, la verdura. A nosegay, un ramillete.

TEMPORAL DIGNITIES.—Dignidades temporales.

The chancellor, el chanciller. The keeper of the seals, el guarda sellos. The secretary of state, el secretario de estado. The surveyor, el superintendente. The treasurer, el tesorero. The president, el presidente. The counsellor, el consejero. The judge, el juez. The consul, el cónsul. The auditor, el contador mayor. The alderman, el regidor. The civil magistrate, el magistrado civil. The mayor, el corregidor. The justice of the ward, el alcalde de barrio. The advocate, el abogado. The attorney-general, el procurador general. An attorney, un procurador. A deputy, un diputado. A notary, un escribano. A secretary, un secretario. A solicitor, un agente. A clerk, un escribiente. A writer, un escritor. The doorkeeper, el portero. The constable, el alguacil. A jailer, el carcelero. A prisoner, un preso. A bumbailiff, el corchete.

OFFICERS OF WAR.—Oficiales de guerra.

The general, el general. The admiral, el almirante. The lieutenant-general, el teniente general. A field-marshal, el mariscal de campo. A brigadier, el brigadier. The colonel, el coronel. The major, el sargento mayor. The adjutant, el ayudante mayor. The captain, el capitan. The lieutenant, el teniente. The cornet, el corneta. The ensign, el alférez. The sergeant, el sargento. The corporal, el cabo de escuadra. A quartermaster, el cuartel maestre. A commissary, el comisario. A harbinger, el aposentador. A horseman, soldado de á caballo. The infantry, la infanteria. A dragoon, un dragon. A musketeer, un mosquetero. A trumpeter, el trompetero. A drummer, un tambor. The fifer, el pífano. The sentinel, la centinela. The round, la ronda. The patrole, la patrulla. A spy, una espia. A pioneer, un gastador. A cannonier, el artillero. A miner, un minador. A volunteer, un voluntario. The volunteers, los voluntarios.

OF THE ARMY.—Del ejército.

A land army, un ejército. A fleet, una armada. The main body, el cuerpo del ejército. The vanguard, la vanguardia. The rearguard, la retaguardia. The body of reserve, el cuerpo de reserva. A flying camp, el campo volante. The horse, la caballeria. The foot, la infanteria. A squadron, un esquadron. A batalion, un batallon. The first rank, la primera fila. The second rank, la segunda fila. The baggage, el bagage. The artillery, la artilleria. The tents, las tiendas. The pavilion, el pabellon. A regiment, un regimiento. A company, una compañia. A garrison, la guarnicion.

OF THE FORTIFICATIONS.—De las fortificaciones.

A city, una ciudad. The citadel, una ciudadela. A fort, un fuerte. A fortress, una fortaleza. A castle, un castillo. The walls, las murallas. The ditch, el foso. A palisade, la palizada. The curtain, la cortina. The half moon, la media luna. The covered way, camino cubierto. A redoubt, un reducto. The trenches, las trincheras. A mine, una mina. A counter-mine, una contra mina. A tower, una torre. A parapet, el parapeto. A bastion, un bastion. Provisions, los víveres. Ammunition, las municiones. A siege, el sitio. The capitulations, las capitulaciones. Succors, un socorro. A sally, una salida. A storm, un asalto.

PROFESSIONS AND TRADES.—De las profesiones y oficios.

A physician, un médico. A surgeon, un cirujano. An apothecary, un boticario. An engraver, un grabador. A goldsmith, un platero. A watchmaker, un relojero. A merchant, un mercader. A mercer, mercader de sedas. A haberdasher, tendero de cintas. An embroiderer, un bordador. An upholsterer, un tapicero. A pawnbroker, un prendero. A pastrycook, un pastelero. A butcher, un carnicero. An innkeeper, un mesonero. A hatter, un sombrerero. A tailor, un sastre. A shoemaker, un zapatero. A printer, un impresor. A bookseller, un librero. Grocer, un tendero, especiero. A baker, un panadero. A cobler, un remendon. A sadler, un sillero. A barber, un barbero. A joiner, un ensamblador, carpintero de obra prima. A carpenter, un carpintero. A mason, un albañil. A locksmith, un cerragero. A blacksmith, un herrero. A miller, un molinero. A glover, un guantero. A washerwoman, una lavandera. A glazier, un vidriero. A farrier, un herrador. A player, un comediante. A musician, un músico. A painter, un pintor. A wine-merchant, mercader de vino. A sword cutler, un espadero. A bookbinder, un encuadernador. A milliner, una modista. A mantuamaker, una batera. An interpreter, un interprete. A master, un maestro.

Qualities, Defects, and Imperfections of a Man.

Calidades, defectos, é imperfeciones de un hombre.

A one-eyed man, un tuerto. A blind man, un ciego. A cripple, un estropeado. A cripple, (one who limps,) un cojo. Squinteyed, bizco, or bisojo. A hunchbacked man, un jorobado. A left-handed man, un zurdo. A one-handed man, un manco. A deaf man, un sordo. A dumb man, un mudo. A stammerer, un tartamudo. A bald man, un calvo. A dwarf, un enano. A thief, un ladron. A rascal, un bribon, belitre. A pickpocket, un ratero. A rogue, un pícaro. A magician, un mágico. A sorcerer, un hechicero. A witch, una bruja. A wicked fellow, un malvado. A poor fellow, un pobrete.


Buenas calidádes del hombre, y las enfermedádes á las cuales está expuesto.

A good-looking man, hombre de buena presencia. A bad-looking man, hombre de mala catadura. A rich man, hombre rico. A misfortune, desgracia. A person ill, un enfermo. An illness, una enfermedád. A fever, una calentura. A quotidian ague, calentura cuotidiana. A tertian ague, las tercianas. A quartan ague, las cuartanas. The cold fit, el parasismo de frio. A wound, una herida. A contusion, una contusion. The gout, la gota. The colic, un dolor cólico. The smallpox, las viruélas. The measles, el sarampion. The rheum, la reuma. The cough, la toz. A cold in the head, una fluxion, un catarro. The hooping-cough, toz convulsiva. The itch, la sarna. The itching, la comezon. A tumor, un tumor. The corruption, la corrupcion. The stone, la piedra. The gravel, las arenillas. A bunch, un bulto. A scratch, un araño. A slap on the face, una bofetada. A cuff, un puñetazo. A kick, un puntapié. A pistol-shot, un tiro de pistola, pistoletazo. A thrust with a sword, una estocada. A fall, una caida. Swooning, el desmayo. A cold sweat, el sudor frio. Death, la muerte.

OF BIRDS.—De las aves.

An eagle, una águila. A bird, una ave. A little bird, un pajarito. A goldfinch, un jilguero. A linnet, un pardillo. A Canary-bird, un Canario. A nightingale, el ruiseñor. A lark, una alondra. A green-bird, un verderon. A thrush, un tordo. A godwit, un francolin. A partridge, una perdiz. A redbreast, un pitirojo. A quail, una codorniz. A starling, un estornino. A chaffinch, un pinzon. A sparrow, un gorrion. A parrot, un papagayo. A blackbird, un mirlo. A magpie, una urraca. A jay, un grajo. A pigeon, un pichon. A dove, una paloma. A rook, una corneja. A wagtail, el aguzanieve. A plover, el reyezuelo. An ortolan, un ortolano. A swallow, una golondrina. A cuckoo, un cuclillo.

AMPHIBIOUS CREATURES.—Animales anfibios.

A beaver, un castor. An otter, una nutria. A sea-horse, un hipopótamo. A tortoise, una tortuga. A land-tortoise, un galápago. A sea-calf, una foca.

OF FOUR-FOOTED ANIMALS.—De los cuadrúpedos.

A dog, un perro. A little dog, un perrito. A cat, un gato. A civet-cat, gato de algalia. A rat, una rata. A mouse, un raton. An ape, un mono. A sheep, una oveja. A hog, un puerco. A sow, una puerca. A cow, una vaca. A fox, una zorra. A rabbit, un conejo. A wolf, un lobo. A bull, un toro. A mule, un mulo. A camel, un camello. A she-goat, una cabra. An elephant, un elefante. A lion, un leon. A leopard, un leopardo. A tiger, un tigre. A horse, un caballo. A mare, una yegua. An ox, un buey. An ass, un burro.

OF REPTILES AND INSECTS.—De los réptiles é insectos.

A toad, un sapo. A frog, una rana. A lizard, un lagarto. A snail, un caracol. A beetle, un escarabajo. A scorpion, un escorpion. A spider, una araña. A serpent, una serpiente. A butterfly, una mariposa. A fly, una mosca. A gnat, un mosquito. A caterpillar, una oruga. A worm, un gusano. A louse, un piojo. A flea, una pulga. A bug, una chinche. A nit, una liendre. An ant, una hormiga. A crocodile, una cocodrilo. An asp, un áspia.

WHAT IS SEEN IN THE COUNTRY.—Lo que se ve en el campo.

The road, el camino. The highway, camino real. A plain, un llano. A valley, un valle. A mountain, una montaña. A little hill, una colina. A wood, un bosque. A forest, una selva. A hedge, un seto. A bush, un arbusto. A tree, un árbol. A branch, un ramo. The corn, el grano. The wheat, el trigo. Barley, la cebada. The oats, la avena. The vine, la vid. A garden, un jardin. An orchard, un huerto. An alley, calle de árboles. A castle, un castillo. A steeple, un campanario. A meadow, una pradería. A lake, un lago. A pond, estanque de agua. A rock, una roca. A ditch, una zanja. A rivulet, un arroyo. A river, un rio. A bridge, un puente. A bark, un barco. A marsh, un pantano. A slough, un cenagal. A village, una aldéa. A fortified town, una plaza. A hut, una choza, (jacal, M.)

WHAT WE SEE IN A CITY.—Lo que vémos en una ciudad.

The gates, las puertas. The church, la iglesia. A palace, un palacio. A house, una casa. An hospital, un hospital. The custom-house, la aduana. The exchange, la lonja. The place of arms, plaza de armas. The town-house, casa de ayuntamiento. The post-office, la casa del correo. A banking-house, el banco. A street, una calle. The fair, la feria. The market, la plaza. A fountain, una fuente. The bridge, el puente. A shop, una tienda. A prison, la cárcel. A lane, callejuela. An inn, una posada.

OF COLORS.—De los colores.

White, el blanco. Black, el negro. Red, el rojo. Green, el verde. Yellow, el amarillo. Blue, el azul. Gray, el pardo. Violet color, violado. Fire color, color de fuego. Cherry color, color de cereza. Purple, el morado. Olive color, aceitunado. Brick color, color de ladrillo. Straw color, pajizo. Crimson, carmesí. Brown dark color, bruno. Orange color, naranjado. Dove color, columbino. Ash color, ceniciento.

OF METALS.—De los metales.

Gold, el oro. Silver, la plata. Steel, el acero. Iron, el hierro, or fierro. Lead, el plomo. Copper, el cobre. Brass, el bronce. Zinc, zinc. Pewter, el peltre. Tin, el estaño. Quicksilver, el azogue. Loadstone, piedra imán. Brimstone, el azufre. Cast steel, acero fundido. Verdigris, el cardenillo. Glass, el vidrio.

COMMERCIAL TERMS.—Voces mercantiles.

An engrosser, un abarcador. To credit, abonar. The carriage, el porte. Packthread, hilo acarreto. To accept a bill, aceptar una letra. Stock, accion. Mortgagee, hipotecario. Mortgager, el que dá la hipóteca. Creditor, acreedor. Custom-house, aduana. A bargain, ajuste. A settlement, ajuste de cuentas. Carried over, á la vuelta. A warehouse, un almacen. Sale by auction, almoneda. To hire, to let out, alquilar. Exchange, cambio. Goods, bienes, géneros. Property, propiedad. To insure, asegurar. Ready money, dinero de contado. Goods which I have, bienes habidos, or may have, y por haber. Consumption, consumo. Stock, caudal. Fund, fondo. Cashier, cajero. Clerk, cajero, (M.) Cash, caja. Cash-book, libro de caja. A certificate, un certificádo. The receiver, el cobrador. Wharfage, &c., derechos de muelle. A partner, un compañero. Company, compañia. Partnership, compañia. A commission, una comision. Cent, or per 100, ciento. Two or three per cent, dos ó tres por ciento. A purchase, una compra. A purchaser, un comprador. A bill of lading, un conocimiento. A bill, una cuenta. To cast up a bill, sumar una cuenta. To call to an account, pedir cuenta. To pay a part of an account, pagar a cuenta. Consignment, consignacion. Duty of importation, derechos de entrada. Duty of exportation, derechos de salida. To unlade, descargar. Discount for ready money, descuento por dinero de contado. Disbursement, desembolso. Town’s duties, derechos municipales. A duplicate, un duplicado. A shop-book, libro de tienda. The waste-book, el borrador. A small note-book, el borradorcillo. A journal, el diario. A ledger, libro mayor. A letter-book, copiador de cartas. A wholesale dealer, comerciante por mayor. Nonpayment, falta de pago. A promissory note, un pagaré. For the cost of losses, para costo de pérdidas. Gross weight, peso bruto. Neat weight, peso neto. Policy of insurance, póliza de seguros. To come to anchor, surgir. Tare or trett, tara. A set rate, la tara. Cooperage, tonelería. To deal, tratar. Business, negocio. Seller, vendedor. Sale, venta. A cable, la amarra, el cable. The sounding-lead, la sonda. A pilot, un piloto. The boatswain, el contramaestre. A sailor, un marinero. A passenger, un pasajero. A cabin, camarote. The great cabin, la camara. A tempest, una tormenta. A storm, una borrasca. Fair weather, bonanza. The calm, calma. Cabin-boy, page de escoba.


To study, estudiar. To learn, aprender. To learn by heart, aprender de memoria. To read, leer. To write, escribir. To mark, señalar. To fold up, doblar. To seal, sellar. To put the direction, sobrescribir. To correct, corregir. To blot out, borrar. To translate, traducir. To begin, empezar. To go on, continuar. To end, acabar. To repeat, repetir. To do, hacer. To know, saber. To be able, poder. To be willing, to wish, querer. To remember, acordarse. To forget, olvidar.

TO SPEAK.—Para hablar.

To pronounce, pronunciar. To accent, acentuar. To utter, proferir. To say, decir. To prattle, charlar. To speak, hablar. To cry out, exclamar. To open the mouth, abrir la boca. To shut the mouth, cerrar la boca. To be silent, callar. To call, llamar. To answer, responder.

TO EAT AND DRINK.—Para beber y comer.

To chew, mascar. To swallow, tragar. To cut, cortar. To taste, gustar. To rinse, limpiar. To drink, beber. To eat, comer. To fast, ayunar. To breakfast, almorzar. To dine, comer. To drink tea, tomar té. To sup, cenar. To fill one’s self, saciarse. To be hungry, tener hambre. To be thirsty, tener sed.

TO GO TO SLEEP.—Para ir á dormir.

To get into bed, meterse en la cama. To sleep, dormir. To watch, velar. To rest, descansar. To fall asleep, adormecerse. To dream, soñar. To snore, roncar. To wake, despertar. To rise, levantarse. To pray God, rogar á Dios.


To dress one’s self, vestirse. To undress one’s self, desnudarse. To put on one’s shoes, ponerse los zapatos, calzarse. To pull off one’s shoes, quitarse los zapatos. To comb one’s head, peinarse. To shave one’s self, afeitarse. To dress one’s head, rizarse el pelo, componerse la cabeza. To put on one’s hat, ponerse el sombrero. To be covered, estar cubierto. To button one’s self, abotonarse. To put on one’s stockings, ponerse las medias.

ORDINARY ACTIONS OF MEN.—Acciones ordinarias de los hombres.

To laugh, reir. To weep, llorar. To sigh, suspirar. To sneeze, estornudar. To yawn, bostezar. To blow, soplar. To blow one’s nose, sonarse las narices. To whistle, silbar. To hear, oir. To smell, oler. To spit, escupir. To bleed at the nose, echar sangre por las narices. To sweat, sudar. To clean, limpiar. To tremble, temblar. To swell, hinchar. To cough, toser. To look, mirar. To see, ver. To pinch, pellizcar. To scratch, rascar.

ACTIONS OF LOVE AND HATRED.—Acciones de amor y de odio.

To love, amar, or querer. To caress, alhagar. To show a kindness, mostrar benevolencia. To flatter, lisonjear. To embrace, abrazar. To kiss, besar. To salute, saludar. To teach, enseñar. To nourish, nutrir. To correct, corregir. To punish, mortificar. To chastise, castigar. To whip, azotar. To praise, alabar. To blame, culpar. To give, dar. To deny, negar. To forbid, prohibir. To use ill, maltratar. To beat, apalear. To hate, detestar. To drive, impeler. To pardon, perdonar. To dispute, disputar. To argue, argüir. To plead, alegar. To protect, proteger. To forsake, abandonar. To curse, maldecir. To bless, bendecir.

FOR AMUSEMENTS.—Para las diversiones.

To sing, cantar. To dance, bailar. To play, jugar. To play on the guitar, tocar la guitarra. To play on the flute, tocar la flauta. To fence, esgrimir. To play at mall, jugar al mallo. To play at tennis, jugar á la pelota. To play at cards, jugar á los naipes. To play at piquet, jugar á los cientos. To play at ombre, jugar al hombre. To play at basset, jugar á la baceta. To play at chess, jugar al ajedrez. To leap, saltar. To win, ganar. To lose, perder. To ride, cabalgar. To lay a wager, apostar. To venture, aventurar. To be quits, estar en paz. To lay out, descartar. To shuffle, barajar los naipes. To cut, alzar los naipes. To divert one’s self, entretenerse. To joke, chancear. To laugh at one, reirse de uno. To make one laugh, hacer reir á uno. To stand up, estar en pié. To stoop downwards, inclinarse. To turn, voltear. To stop, parar.

FOR ILLNESSES.—Para las enfermedádes.

To feel the pulse, tomar el pulso. To give a medicine, dar una medicina. To take medicine, tomar una medicina. To be sick, estar enfermo. To grow worse, ponerse peor. To purge, purgar. To let blood, sangrar. To make an incision, hacer una incision. To bind up a wound, vendar una herida. To probe, tentar. To grow better, mejorarse. To cut, cortar. To cure, sanar. To recover, recobrarse.

FOR BUYING.—Para comprar.

To ask the price, pedir el precio. How much is this worth? ¿cuanto vale eso? What does it cost? ¿que cuesta? To haggle, regatear. To measure, medir. To buy, comprar. To pay, pagar. To bid, to offer, ofrecer. To exact, exigir. To sell dear, vender caro. To sell cheap, vender barato. To lend, prestar. To borrow, pedir prestado. To pawn, empeñar. To take out of pawn, desempeñar. To give, dar. To cheat, engañar.

FOR THE CHURCH.—Para la iglesia.

To go to church, ir á la iglesia. To pray God, rogar á Dios. To hear the sermon, oir el sermon. To preach, predicar. To receive the sacrament, comulgar. To adore, adorar. To baptize, bautizar. To confirm, confirmar. To ring the bells, repicar las campanas. To bury, sepultar. To sing, cantar. To inter, enterrar. To kneel, arrodillarse. To rise, levantarse.

ACTIONS AND MOTIONS OF MEN.—Acciones y movimientos de los hombres.

To go, andar, or ir. To stay, quedar. To dwell, habitar. To come, venir. To walk, pasear. To run, correr. To follow, seguir. To escape, escapar. To depart, partir. To advance, adelantar. To stand back, estar detras. To be distant, estar léjos. To come near, acercarse. To return, volver. To fall down, caerse abajo. To slide, resbalarse. To hurt one’s self, hacerse daño. To arrive, arribar, llegar. To go to meet, ir á recibir. To come in, entrar. To go out, irse, or salir. To go up, subir. To go down, bajar. To stand idle, estar ociso. To sit down, sentarse. To walk, pasear. To go a-walking, ir á pasear. To be in haste, estar de priesa.

MANUAL ACTIONS.—Acciones manuales.

To work, trabajar. To touch or feel, tocar. to play on, To handle, palpar. To tie, atar, anudar. To untie, desatar. To let loose, soltar. To take away, llevar. To take, tomar. To steal away, hurtar. To gather, coger. To tear off, despedazar. To present, presentar. To receive, recibir. To squeeze, comprimir. To hold, or to have, tener. To break, romper. To hide, esconder. To cover, cubrir. To discover, descubrir. To dirty, emporcar. To clean, limpiar. To rub, frotar. To feel, sentir. To point out, mostrar. To pinch, pellizcar. To scratch, arañar.

ACTIONS OF MEMORY AND IMAGINATION.—Acciones de la memoria y de laimaginacion.

To remember, acordarse. To forget, olvidar. To think, pensar. To believe, creer. To doubt, dudar. To suspect, sospechar. To observe, observar. To take care, tener cuidado. To know, saber. To imagine, imaginar. To wish, desear. To hope, esperar. To fear, temer. To assure, asegurar. To adjudge, adjudicar. To conclude, concluir. To resolve, resolver. To feign, fingir. To be conceited, estar pagado de si, ser presumido. To be obstinate, estar obstinado, obstinarse. To fly into a passion, arder en colera, encolerisarse. To be appeased, aplacarse. To embroil one’s self, embrollarse. To mistake, errar. To be certain, estar cierto. To be jealous, estar zeloso.

FOR ARTS AND TRADES.—Para las artes y oficios.

To paint, pintar. To engrave, grabar. To draw a sketch, delinear. To embroider, bordar. To enamel, esmaltar. To gild, dorar. To silver over, platear. To inlay, ataracear. To print, imprimir. To bind a book, encuadernar. To labor, trabajar.

FOR THE ARMY.—Para el ejército.

To raise soldiers, levantar gente. To beat the drum, tocar el tambor. To sound the trumpet, tocar el clarin. To march, marchar. To encamp, acampar. To lodge, alojar. To alight, apearse del caballo. To give battle, dar batalla. To gain the victory, ganar la victoria. To put in disorder, poner en desorden. To rout, derrotar. To rob, hurtar. To sack, saquear. To plunder, pillar. To block up, bloquear. To besiege, sitiar. To storm, asaltar. To take by storm, tomar por asalto. To spring a mine, volar una mina. To fire, disparar, quemar. To capitulate, capitular. To surrender, rendirse. To draw the sword, sacar la espada. To kill, matar. To give quarter, dar cuartel. To wound, herir. To open the trenches, abrir la trinchera. To sound the retreat, tocar á la retirada. To pursue the enemy, perseguir al enemigo.

END OF THE VOCABULARY.—Fin del Vocabulario.




About saluting and inquiring Acerca de saludar é informarse after the health of a person. de la salud de una persona.

Good morning, sir. Buenos dias, tenga Usted.[19] Good night, sir. Buenas noches, tenga V. Good afternoon, or good evening. Buenas tardes, tenga V. How do you do, sir? ¿Como está, V.? Well, not very well; so, so. Bueno, no muy bueno; así, así. Very well to serve you. Muy bueno para servir á V. At your service. Al servicio de V. I am obliged to you. Viva V. muchos años. I thank you. Doy á V. las gracias. How does your brother do? ¿Como está su señor hermano de V.? He is well. Está bueno. He will be glad to see you. Se alegrará de ver á V. I shall have no time to see No tengo tiempo de verle hoy. him to-day. Be pleased to sit down. Siéntese V. un rato. Give a chair to the gentleman. Da una silla al señor. There is no occasion. No es necesario. I must go to pay a visit in Es menester que vaya á hacer the neighborhood. una visita en la vecindad. You are in haste. V. está de priesa. I will be back presently. Volveré luego. Farewell, sir. Adiós, señor. I am glad to see you in good health. Me alegro de ver á V. con salud. I kiss your hands. Beso á V. las manos. I am your servant. Servidor de V. Your most humble servant. Su humilde servidor de V. Your servant, sir. Servidora de V.

[19] Usted and Ustedes, (you,) have always been written in abbreviation, thus—Vm., Vd., Vmd., for the singular, and Vms., Vds., Vmds., for the plural. At present V. for the former, and VV. for the latter, are used; and by either of them only, will those words be expressed in these dialogues.


To pay a visit in the morning. Para hacer una visita por la mañana.

Where is your master? ¿Adonde está tu amo? Is he asleep still? ¿Duerme aun? No, sir, he is awake. No, señor, está despierto. Is he up? ¿Está levantado? No, sir, he is still abed. No, señor, aun está en la cama. What a shame it is to be abed ¡Que vergüenza! estar en la at this time of the day! cama á esta hora. I went to bed so late last Me acosté tan tarde anoche, night, I could not rise early que no he podido levantarme this morning. temprano. What did you after supper? ¿Que hizo V. despues de cenar? We danced, we sung, we Bailamos, cantamos, reimos, laughed, we played. jugamos. At what game? ¿A que juego? We played at piquet with Mr. N. Jugámos, á los cientos con el Don N. What did the rest do? ¿Que hiciéron los otros? They played at chess. Jugaron el ajedrez. How grieved am I, I did not know it! ¡Siento muchisimo no haberlo sabido! Who won? who lost? ¿Quien ganó? ¿quien perdió? I won ten pistoles. Gané diez doblones. Till what hour did you play? ¡Hasta que hora jugaron VV.? Till two in the morning. Hasta las dos de la mañana. At what o’clock did you go to bed? ¿A que hora se acostó V.? At three, half an hour after three. A las tres, á las tres y media. I don’t wonder at your rising No extraño que V. se levante so late. tan tarde. What o’clock is it? ¿Que hora es? What o’clock do you think it is? ¿Que hora cree V. que sea? Scarce eight, I believe, yet. Creo que son apénas las ocho. How, eight! it has struck ten. ¡Como, las ocho! han dado las diez. Then I must rise with all speed. Es menester que me levante pronto.


To dress one’s self. Para vestirse.

Who is there? ¿Quien es? or ¿quien está ahi? What will you please to have, ¿Que manda V. señor? sir? Be quick, make a fire, and Presto, haz fuego, y ven á dress me. vestirme. There is a fire, sir. El fuego está encendido, señor. Give me my shirt. Dáme mi camisa. It is not warm, it is quite cold. No esta caliente, está fria. If you please, I will warm it. La calentaré si V. gusta. No, no; bring me my silk No, no; traeme mis medias stockings. de seda. They are torn. Tienen puntos. Stitch them a little; mend them. Remiéndalas un poco. I have given them to the Las he dado á la calcetera. stocking-mender. You have done right. Where Has hecho bien. ¿Adonde are my slippers? están mis chinelas? Where is my nightgown? ¿Adonde esta mi pata? Comb my head. Peíname. Take another comb. Toma otro peine. Give me my handkerchief. Dame mi pañuelo. There is a clean one, sir. Aqui está uno limpio, señor. Give me that which is in my Dame el que está en mi faltriquera. pocket. I gave it to the washerwoman; Le dí á la lavandera; estaba it was foul. sucio. Has she brought my linen? ¿Ha traido ella mi ropa? Yes, sir; there wants nothing. Si, señor, no falta nada. What clothes will you wear ¿Que vestido llevará V. hoy to-day, sir? señor? Those I had yesterday. El que llevé ayer. The tailor will bring your suit El sastre debe traer luego, su of clothes presently. vestido nuevo de V. Somebody knocks; see who it is. Alguno llama á la puerta; mira quien es. Who is it? ¿Quien es? It is the tailor, sir. Es el sastre, señor. Let him come in. Díle que entre.


A gentleman and the tailor. Un caballero y el sastre.

Do you bring me my suit of clothes? ¿Me trae V. mi vestido? Yes, sir; here it is. Si, señor; aqui está. You make me wait a great while. V. me hace esperar largo tiempo. I could not come sooner; it No podía venir mas pronto; was not finished. no estaba acabado. The lining was not sewed. El forro no estaba cosido. Will you be pleased to try ¿Quiere V. probar la casaca? the close coat on? Let us see whether it be well made. Veámos si está bien hecha. I believe it will please you. Espero que le gustará á V. It seems to me to be very long. Me parece muy larga. They wear them long now. Se usan largas ahora. Button me. Abotóneme V. It is too close. Me aprieta demasiado. To fit properly, it ought to be Para que siente bien, es preciso close. que ajuste. Are not the sleeves too wide? ¿No son las mangas demasiado anchas? No, sir; they fit very well. No, señor; van muy bien. This suit becomes you mighty Este vestido le va muy bien well. á V. It is too short, too long, too Está demasiado corto, largo, big, too little. grande, chico. Pardon me, it fits very well. Perdone V., le va muy bien. Have you made your bill? ¿Ha hecho V. su cuenta? No, sir; I had not time. No, señor; no he tenido tiempo. Bring it to-morrow; I will pay you. Traígala V. mañana, y le pagaré.


To breakfast. Para almorzar.

Bring us something for breakfast. Traiganos V. alguna cosa, para almorzar. Yes, sir; there are sausages Si, señor; ahi tiénen salchichas and eggs. y huevos. Do you choose ham? ¿Gustan VV. jamon? Yes, bring it; we will cut a Si, traigale V.; cortarémos slice of it. una tajada. Lay the tablecloth. Ponga V. los manteles. Give us plates, knives, and forks. Denos platos, cuchillos, y tenedores. Give the gentleman a chair. Dé una silla al señor. Sit down, sir; sit by the fire. Siéntese V. junto al fuego. I am very well here; I am not cold. Estoy bien aqui; no tengo frio. Let us see if the wine is good. Veámos si el vino es bueno. Give me that bottle and a glass. Deme V. esa botella y un vaso. Taste that wine, pray. Pruebe V. este vino, señor. How do you like it? What ¿Como le halla V.? ¿que le do you say to it? parece á V.? It is not bad; it is very good. No es malo; es muy bueno. Here are the sausages; take Ahí están las salchichas; quite away this plate. V. este plato. Eat some sausages. Coma V. unas salchichas. I have eaten some; they are He comido algunas; son muy very good. buenas. Give me some drink. Déme V. algo de beber. Your health, sir. Caballero á la salúd de V. Sir, I thank you. Doy á V. las gracias. Give the gentleman something Dá de beber al señor. to drink. I drank but just now. Acabo de beber. The petty patties were very Los pastelillos eran muy buenos. good. They were baked a little too Solo estaban demasiado cocidos. much. You do not eat. V. no come. I have eaten so much, I shall He comido tanto, que no tendré not be able to eat my dinner. ganas á medio dia. You only jest; you have eaten V. se burla; V. no ha comido nothing at all. casi nada. I have eaten very heartily He comido de buena gana las black pudding, sausages, morcillas, las salchichas, and ham. y el jamon.


To speak Spanish. Para hablar Español.

How goes on your Spanish? ¿Como vamos con el Español? Are you much improved in it now? ¿Ha hecho V. mucho progreso ahora? Not much; I know scarcely No mucho; no sé casi nada. any thing. It is said, however, you speak Dicen, no obstante, que V. le it very well. habla muy buen. Would to God it were true! ¡Ojalá fuéra verdad! Those that say so are much Los que lo dicen se engañan mistaken. mucho. I assure you, I was told so. Le aseguro á V. que me lo han dicho. I can say a few words which Puedo decir algunas palabras I have learned by heart. que he aprendido de memoria. And it is as much as it is Y es cuanto basta para empezar necessary to begin to speak. á hablar. The beginning is not all; you El principio no es el todo; es must make an end. preciso acabar. Be always speaking, either Hable V. siempre, ó bien ó well or ill. mal. I am afraid of committing blunders. Temo decir disparates. Never fear; the Spanish language No hay nada que temer; la is not hard. lengua España no es dificil. I know it; and that it has Lo sé; y que tiene tambien abundance of graces. abundancia de gracias. Application is the only way La aplicasion es el solo modo of learning it. de aprenderla. How long have you been learning? ¿Cuanto tiempo ha, que V. la está aprendiendo? Scarcely two months. A pénas dos meses. Does not your master tell you, ¿No dice su maestro de V. que es you must always speak Spanish? menester hablar siempre Español? Yes, he often tells me so. Si, señor, me lo dice á menudo. Why don’t you talk, then? ¿Porqué no habla V.? Whom will you have me talk with? ¿Con quien he de hablar? With those that talk to you. Con todos los que le hablen á V. I would fain talk, but I dare not. Quisiera hablar, pero no me. You must not be afraid. atrevo. V. no debe tener miedo. You must be bold. Es menester ser atrevido.


Of the weather. Del tiempo.

What sort of weather is it? ¿Que tiempo hace? It is fine weather. Hace buen tiempo. It is bad weather. Hace mal tiempo. Is it cold? is it hot? ¿Hace frio? ¿hace calor? It is not cold; it is not hot. No hace frio; no hace calor. Does it rain? does it not rain? ¿Llueve? ¿no llueve? I do not think it does. No lo creo. The wind is changed. Se mudó el viento. We shall have rain. Tendremos lluvia. It will not rain to-day. No lloverá hoy. It rains; it pours. Llueve; llueve á cántaros. It snows. Nieva. It thunders. Truena. It hails. Graniza. It lightens. Relampaguéa. It is very hot. Hace gran calor. Has it frozen to-night? ¿Ha helado á noche? No, sir; but it freezes now. No, señor; pero hiela ahora. It appears to me to be a great fog. Me parece que hace un tiempo nebuloso. You are not mistaken; it is true. V. tiene razon; es verdád. You have caught a violent cold. V. ha cogido un gran catárro, or una fluxion. I have had it this fortnight. Ya hace quince días que le (or la) tengo. What o’clock is it? ¿Que hora es? It is early; it is not late. Es temprano; no es tarde. Is it breakfast-time? ¿Es tiempo de desayunarse? It will be dinner-time immediately. Luego será tiempo de comer. What shall we do after dinner? ¿Que harémos despues de comer? We will take a walk. Irémos á pasear. Let us take a turn now. Vamos ahora. We must not go abroad this weather. No debemos salir con este tiempo.


To write. Para escribir.

Give me a sheet of paper, a Déme V. un pliego de papel, pen, and a little ink. una pluma, y un poco de tinta. Step into my closet; you will Entre V. en mi gabinete, y find on the table whatever hallará sobre la mesa, recado you want. de escribir. There are no pens. No hay plumas. They are in the standish. Ahí están en el tintero. They are good for nothing. Nada valen. There are some others. Allí hay otras. They are not made. No estan tajadas. Where is your penknife? ¿Adonde está el cortaplumas de V.? Can you make pens? ¿Sabe V. tajar plumas? I make them my own way. Las tajo á mi modo. This is not bad. Esta no es mala. While I finish this letter, do Miéntras acabo esta carta, hágame me the favor to make a V. el favor de hacer packet of the rest. un pliego del resto. What seal will you have me ¿Que sello quiere V. que le put to it? ponga? Seal it with my cipher, or Selléle V. con mi cifra, ó con coat of arms. mis armas. What wax shall I put to it? ¿Que lacre le he deponér? Put either red or wafer, no Ponga V. encarnado, ú oblea, matter which. no importa. Have you put the date? ¿Ha puesto V. la fecha? I believe I have; but I have Créo que si; pero no he firmado. not signed it. What day of the month is this? ¿A cuantos estamos del mes? The eighth, the tenth, the A ocho, á diez, á veinte. twentieth. Put the superscription. Ponga V. el sobrescrito. Where is the sand? ¿Adonde está la arenilla? You never have either powder V. no tiene nunca arenilla. or sand. There is some in the sandbox. Hay alguna en la salvadera. There is your servant; will Aqui está el criado; ¿quiere V. que you let him carry the lleve estas cartas al correo? letters to the post-house? Carry my letters to the Lleva las cartas del señor al post-office; and don’t correo, y no se te olvide forget to pay the postage. (pagar el porte) franquearlas. I have no money. No tengo dinero. There is some; go quick, Ahí le tienes; vete pronto, y make haste to come back. vuelve luego.


To buy. Para comprar.

What do you want, sir? ¿Que manda V. señor? What would you please to have? ¿Que desea V.? I want a good fine cloth, to Necesito paño bueno y hermoso, make me a suit of clothes. para hacerme un vestido. Be pleased to walk in, sir, Hágame V. el favor de entrar, you will see the finest I have. verá V. el mejor que tengo. Show me the best you have. Enséñeme V. el mejor que tenga. There is a very fine one, and Ahí tiene V. uno muy fino, y what is worn at present. como se estila ahora. It is a good cloth; but I don’t Es bueno, pero el color no me like the color. gusta. There is another lighter piece. Aquí hay otra pieza de un color mas claro. I like that color well; but the Me gusta ese color; pero el cloth is not strong, it is too paño es muy delgado, no thin. tiene bastante cuerpo. Look at this piece, sir; you Mire V. este paño, señor, no will not find the like hallará otro semejante en anywhere else. ninguna parte. What do you ask for it a yard? ¿Cuanto pide V. por la vara? Without exacting, it is worth Sin pedir demasiado, vale five dollars. cinco pesos. Sir, I am not used to stand No estoy acostumbrádo a regatear; haggling; pray tell me your suplico á V. que me diga lowest price. el último precio. I have told it you, sir; it is He dicho á V. cuanto vale. worth that. It is too dear; I will give Es demasiado caro; le daré you four dollars. á V. solo cuatro pesos. I cannot abate a farthing. No puedo rebajar un cuarto. You shall not have what you ask. No daré á V. lo que pide. You asked me the lowest price, V. me preguntó el último and I have told it to you. precio, y se le he dicho. Come, come, cut off two yards Vamos, corte V. dos varas y and a half of it. media. I protest, on the word of an Aseguro á V. bajo palabra de honest man, I do not get hombre de bien, que no gano two shillings by you. dos reales con V. There are three doubloons; Aquí hay tres onzas déme V. give me my change. cambio. Be pleased, sir, to give me Hágame V. el favor de darme another doubloon; this is otra onza, á esta le falta too light, it wants weight. peso. Here is another. Aquí hay otra. Farewell; sir, your servant. Adiós; señor, servidor de V.


To inquire after news. De las noticias.

What news is there? ¿Que se dice de nuevo? Do you know any? ¿Sabe V. alguna cosa? I have heard none. No he oido decir nada. What is the talk of the town? ¿Que se dice en la ciudad? There is no talk of any thing. No se habla de nada. Have you heard no talk of war? ¿No ha oido V. hablar de la guerra? I heard nothing of it. No se dice nada de ella. A person told me this morning, Un sugeto me dijo esta mañana que that Mr. S. is a bankrupt; have el señor S. ha quebrado; ¿tiene you any connection with him? V. correspondencia con él? No, thank God. No, señor, gracias á Dios. So much the better. Tanto mejor. Indeed, you surprise me. Verdaderamente V. me sorprehende. My dear friend, there is no Querido amigo, no hay nada wonder in all the bankruptcies que extrañar en todas las now. quiebras ahora. Why so? ¿Porqué? Because the greatest part of Porque la mayor parte de los shopkeepers will appear tenderos quiéren parecer more than they really are. mas de lo que son realmente. What is the amount of his ¿A cuanto llega su quiebra? bankruptcy? Between twenty-five and thirty Veinticinco ó treinta mil pesos. thousand dollars. So much as that! you surprise ¡Tanto! V. me sorprehende. me. Four years ago he was but Cuatro años ha estába de a shopman at Mr. M’s. How has dependiente en la tienda he been able to be trusted del señor M. ¿Como ha so much? podido tener tanto crédito? I don’t know; he was worth No sé, él era ríco cuando al something when he first principio abrió su tienda. began to open his shop. I heard he had ten thousand He oido, que tenia diez mil pesos. dollars. Well; if he was worth ten Muy bien; si tenía diez mil thousand dollars, and reduced pesos y ahora esta insolvente, to be a bankrupt now, there hay ciertamente mala conducta must be some misconduct in that. en él. I suppose so; I have heard he has Lo supongo; he oido que tiene casa a country-house most handsomely de campo muy soberbiamente furnished, a horse-chaise, two adornada, una calesa, dos ó tres or three servants, without criados, sin hablar de sus mozos speaking of his shopmen: de tienda: con todas estas cosas all that takes a great part se gasta la mayor parte de la of the profit, besides frequent ganancia, además de la comedia y entertainments and the play. de los convites. If there was nothing but that, Si no fuéra otra cosa que eso, it would be but a trifle. seria bagatela. Do you call that a trifle? ¿V. llama eso bagatela? Yes, if he can afford it; but Sí, si puede sostener semejantes if cards are his greatest gastos; mas si los naipes son occupation, and he loses in su mas grande ocupacion, y pierde an instant the labor of his en un instante el trabajo de sus men and his own, I do not mozos y su ganancia, no hay que wonder at his being a bankrupt. extrañar que sea insolvente. I cannot comprehend how a man of No puedo comprehender como un sense can run headlong to the hombre de juicio puede ser tan ruin of others and his own. inconsiderado que arruine á otros y á sí mismo. I have heard he is overstocked He oido que tiene abundancia de toda with every thing. suerte de géneros. If he is overstocked, and does Si tiene tantos géneros, y no los not pay for it, would it not be paga, ¿No seria mejor volver lo better to send back what he que no puede vender, que hacer cannot sell, than to make a show vender, que hacer gala de lo que of what is not his own? no es suyo? But you do not reflect, that V. no considera, que la gente people generally go where va generalmente adonde there is a greater choice. hay mas en que escoger. I grant it; however, there is Lo concedo; pero hay un a medium in every thing. medio en todas las cosas. Yes, when prudence dictates Sí, cuando la prudencia es la our actions; but when we regla de nuestras acciones; will appear what we are mas cuando queremos parecer not, others suffer for it. lo que no somos, otros sufren por ello. You are right. V. tiene razon. How soon will he present ¿Quando se ha de presentar? himself? The newspaper does not say. La gazeta no lo dice. It will be soon known. Pronto lo sabrémos. It is twenty-six years ago Hace veintiseis años desde since I opened my shop: que abrí mi tienda: mi we were not worth, my mujer y yo no teniámos wife and I, three thousand tres mil pesos: hemos educádo dollars: I have bred up doce hijos, y vivido twelve children, and lived dichosos, sin verme insolvente. comfortably, without having been a bankrupt. I can say almost the same; Puedo casi decir lo mismo; for my fortune was not so mi fortuna verdaderamente considerable by a great no era tan considerable: deal: yet by frugality I pero con economía he vencido have overcome all the las dificultades de la vida. difficulties of life. Were you married when first ¿Era V. casado quando abrió you began business? su tienda? No; I kept shop ten years No; tenía tienda diez años before I married, and was ántes de casarme, y tuve fortunate enough to find a la dicha de hallar una mujer wife after my own sentiments. de mi modo de pensar. We are both old, and have Somos ámbos ancianos, y chosen the best time for hemos escogido el mejor our business. tiempo para nuestros negocios. Truly, it is so; for, if you Realmente, es así; porque, observe, now we pay dearer si V. observa, pagamos for every article, and not ahora mas caros los géneros, so good as they were formerly. y no son tan buenos como lo eran antiguamente. It is true; but we sell them Es verdad; pero los vendemos nearly the half dearer than casi la mitad mas caro de lo what they did sell ten years lo que se vendian diez años ago. hace. I grant it; but we have not Lo concedo; pero no tenemos tanta so much profit as we had. ganancia como teníamos.


To inquire after any one. Para informarse de alguno.

Who is that gentleman that spoke ¿Quien es ese caballero que to you a little while ago? hablaba á V. algun tiempo ha? He is a German. Es un Aleman. I took him for an Englishman. Creí que era Ingles. He comes from Saxony. Viene de Sajonia. He speaks French very well. Habla Francés muy bien. The Spaniards take him for a Los Españoles le creen Español, Spaniard, and the English for y los Ingleses Ingles. an Englishman. It is difficult to be conversant Es dificil hablar tantas lenguas in so many different languages. diferentes. He has been a long while in Ha estado largo tiempo en those countries. esos paises. Have you known him for any time? ¿Hace mucho tiempo que V. le conoce? About two years. Cerca de dos años. He has a noble air; he has a Tiene buena presencia, y él good mien. aspecto noble. He is a genteel person. Es bien parecído. He is neither too tall, nor too No es demasiado alto, ni demasiado little. pequeño. He is handsome; he is well Es hermoso; es bien hecho. shaped. He plays upon the piano, the Toca el piano, la guitarra, y guitar, and several other otros muchos instrumentos. instruments. I should be glad to know him. Gustaría mucho de conocerle. I will bring you acquainted Proporcionaré a usted su with him. conocimiento. Where does he live? ¿Adonde vive? He lives by the river side. Vive á la orilla del rio. When will you have us go and ¿Cuando quiere V. que váyamos wait on him? á visitarle? Whenever you please, for he Cuando V. guste, porque es is my intimate friend. mi amigo íntimo. It shall be when you are not Será quando V. esté desocupado. engaged. We will go to-morrow morning. Irémos mañana por la mañana. I shall be obliged to you. Se lo agradeceré á V. mucho.


For a journey. De un viage.

How many leagues is it from ¿Cuantas leguas hay de aquí á N.? this place to N.? It is eight leagues. Hay ocho leguas. We shall not be able to get No podrémos llegar allá hoy, es there to-day, it is too late. muy tarde. It is not twelve o’clock; you No han dado las doce, tiene V. have time enough yet. bastante tiempo. Is the road good? ¿Es un buen camino? So so; there are woods and Así así; tiene V. bosques y rios rivers to pass. que atravesar. Is there any danger upon the ¿Hay peligro en el camino real? highway? There is no talk of it; it is a No se dice nada de eso; es un highway where you meet camino en que se encuentra people every moment. gente á cada momento. Do not they say there are ¿No se dice que hay ladrones en robbers in the woods? los bosques? There is nothing to be feared No hay nada que temer de dia a ni either by day or night. de noche. Which way must one take? ¿Que camino he de tomar? When you come near the hill, you Cuando esté V. cerca del cerro, must take to the right hand. tomará á mano derecha. Is it not necessary to ascend ¿Hay necesidad de subir el cerro? the hill then? No, sir; there is no other hill No, señor; no hay mas que un but a little declivity in the declive insensible en el bosque. wood. Is the way difficult through ¿Es el camino dificil en el bosque? the wood? You cannot lose your way. V. no puede extraviarse. As soon as you are out of the Luego que V. esté fuera del bosque, wood, remember to keep to the acuérdese de tomar á la left hand. izquierda. Is there any good inn on the ¿Hay alguna buena posada or venta road? (algun buen meson, M.) en el camino? There is one. There is none. Hay una. No hay ninguna. There is one tolerably good. Hay una pasadera. (Hay una tal cual.) Can I find any horses there? ¿Podré hallar caballos en ella? It is likely. But you would Puede ser. Pero V. haria mejor en do better to secure one here, asegurar uno aquí de antemano. beforehand. Pray, how much would it cost? ¿Dígame V. cuanto me costaría? It would cost at the rate of Costaría á razon de ... por legua. ... a league. I thank you, sir, and am much Muchas gracias: lo agradezco obliged to you. mucho. Come, come, gentlemen, let us Vamos, caballeros, á caballo. take horse. Where is Mr. N.? ¿Adonde está el Sr. N.? He is gone before. Se ha ido adelante. He will wait for you just out Esperará á VV. fuera de la ciudad. of town. What do we stay for now? ¿Que esperámos ahora? Vamos. Let us be gone. Farewell, gentlemen. Adiós, señores. I wish you a good journey. Dios les dé á VV. buen viage. Thank you. Viva V. muchos años.


Supper and lodgings. La cena y el alojamento.

Let us alight, gentlemen. Apeémonos, señores. Take these gentlemen’s horses, Toma los caballos de estos and take care of them. señores, y cuídalos bien. Now, let us see what you will Veamos ahora que nos dará give us for supper. V. de cenar. Two chickens, half-a-dozen of Un par de pollos, media docena de pigeons, a salad, six quails, pichónes, una ensalada, seis and a dozen of larks. codornices, y una docena de alondras. Will you have nothing else? ¿No quieren VV. otra cosa? That is enough; but give us No, esto basta; pero dénos buen some good wine, and some vino y postres. dessert. Let me alone, I will please Déjenme VV. les asegúro que les you, I warrant ye. daré gusto. Light the gentlemen. Alumbra á los señores. Let us have our supper as Dénos V. de cenar cuanto ántes. soon as possible. Before you have pulled off Antes que se hayan quitado your boots, supper will be VV. las botas, estará la upon the table. cena en la mesa. Let our portmanteaus and pistols Vengan nuestras maletas y pistolas be carried up-stairs. al cuarto. Pull off my boots; and then Quítame las botas, y vé a ver si you shall go and see whether han dado heno (paja, M.) they have given the horses á los caballos. any hay. You shall conduct them to Llévalos al rio, y cuida que les the river; and take care de avena, (cebada, M.) they give them some oats. I will take care of everything; Tendré cuenta con todo: descuide V. don’t trouble yourself. Gentlemen, supper is ready; Señores, la cena está pronta; it is upon the table. está en la mesa. We will come presently. Vamos luego. Let us go to supper, gentlemen, Vamos, señores, á cenar, para that we may go to bed in poder acostarnos temprano. good time. Give us water to wash our hands. Dénos agua para lavarnos. Let us sit down at table, Sentémonos á la mesa, señores. gentlemen. Give us some drink. Dénos de beber. To your health, gentlemen. A la salud de VV., señores. Is the wine good? ¿Es el vino bueno? It is not bad. No es malo. The chickens are not done Los pollos no estan bastante enough. asados. Give us some oranges. Dénos algunas naranjas. Why don’t you eat of these ¿Porque no come V. pichónes? pigeons? I have eaten one pigeon and Me he comído un pichón, y tres three larks. alondras. Go, call for a chafingdish. Vaya V. por un escalfadór. Tell the landlord we want to Dí al posadero que venga á speak with him. hablarnos.


To reckon with the landlord. Para ajustar cuentas con el mesonero.

Good evening, gentlemen. Buenas noches, señores. Are you satisfied with your ¿Les gusta á VV. la cena? supper? We are; but we must satisfy Si, señor; pero es menester you too. pagar. What is the reckoning? ¿Cuanto hemos gastado? The reckoning is not great. El escote no sube á mucho. See what you must have for us, Vea V. cuanto le debémos, our men, and our horses. por nosotros, nuestros criados y caballos. Reckon yourselves, and you Hagan VV. la cuenta, y hallaran will find it comes to ten que todo importa diez pesos. crowns. Methinks you ask too much. Me parece que es demasiado. On the contrary, I am very Al contrario, es muy barato. reasonable. How much do you make us ¿Cuanto nos hace V. pagar por pay for the wine? el vino? Four shillings a bottle. Cuatro reales la botella. Bring us another bottle, and Traiganos otra botella, y mañana to-morrow morning we will por la mañana le pagaremos pay you ten dollars with diez pesos incluyendo breakfast included. el almuerzo. Methinks the gentleman is Me paréce que este señor está not well. malo. I am very well, but I am Estoy bueno, pero estoy molido y weary and fatigued. cansado. You must take courage. Es menester tomar ánimo. It would be better for me to Yo estaría mejor en la cama, que be in bed than at the table. en la mesa. Get your bed warmed, and Mande V. calentar su cama, go to bed. y váyase á acostar. Good night, gentlemen. Buenas noches, señores. Do you want any thing? ¿Le falta á V. algo? I want nothing, but rest. Nada quiero, sino descanso. Let us be called to-morrow Despiértenos V. mañana muy morning very early. temprano. I will not fail. Gentlemen, Lo haré sin falta. Señores, good-night. tengan VV. buenas noches.


On sailing upon the water, or De un viaje por agua, ó por mar. on a voyage by sea.

When shall we go on board? ¿Cuando nos embarcarémos? If we have favorable weather, ¿Si tenemos viento favorable, how long shall we be on our cuanto durará nuestro viaje? passage? How much must I pay for ¿Cuanto he de pagar por el pasage? the passage? How much must I pay for a ¿Cuanto he de pagar por un cabin for myself? camarote para mí solo? How much ought I to give ¿Cuanto se paga por estar en for a place in the large la cámara grande con los cabin, with the rest of the demas pasageros? passengers? How many passengers have you? ¿Cuantos pasageros tiene V.? Are there any ladies among ¿Hay algunas señoras entre the number? ellos? How many persons does your ¿De cuantos hombres se compone whole crew consist of? la tripulacion de V.? What kind of diet shall we ¿Que nos darán de comer? have? Some smoked and salt meat, Carne ahumada y salada, pescado and fish, potatoes, beans, salado, patatas, frijoles, cheese, and sea-bread. I ó avichuelas, queso y advise you, therefore, to galleta. Aconsejo á V. por take along some provisions lo mismo que lleve consigo for your private use. algunas provisiones para su uso particular. What sort of provisions shall ¿Que provisiones debo llevar? I take? Rice, vermicelli, ham, pickled Arroz, fideos, jamones, ostras oysters, portable soup, and en escaleche, sopa, y otros other eatables prepared for comestibles preparados para that purpose, sugar, honey, el efecto, azúcar, miel lemon syrup, prunes, fresh de abejas, jarabe de limon, lemons; and also beer, ciruelas pasas, limones frescos; wine, and such liquors as y tambien vino, cerveza, you may be in want of. y aquellos licores que puedan necesitarse. Do not forget to provide No olvide V. llevar sábanas y yourself with sheets and demas ropa de cama; y asi mismo bedclothes, and likewise algunas medicinas. with a few medicines. When shall we set sail? ¿Cuando partirémos, or saldrémos? To-day, if the wind is fair. Hoy, si hace buen viento. At what hour shall we set sail? ¿A que hora nos harémos á la vela? At ten o’clock, to profit by A las diez, para aprovecharnos the high water. de la marea alta. I shall be in readiness, you Estaré pronto, puedo V. estar may depend upon it. I will seguro. Volveré en ménos be back in less than half de media hora. an hour.


Conversation on board of a vessel. Conversacion á bordo de un barco.

Is the wind fair? ¿Es bueno el viento? ¿Tenemos buen viento? I fear we shall have a storm. Temo que tengamos un temporal. The wind gets much higher. El viento crece mucho. El viento se arrecia. What a dreadful storm! ¡Que terrible temporal! or tempestad! Do you think there is any danger? ¿Piensa V. que hay peligro? Don’t be afraid, there is no No tenga V. miedo, no hay danger. peligro. Does the wind continue to be ¿Continua el viento á ser tan so contrary, or so bad? contrario, or tan malo? It is likely it will continue the Es regular que continue lo mismo the same for three more hours. por tres horas mas. No, it begins to abate a little. No, empieza á caer un poca. I am very sick. Estoy muy malo. What is the matter with you? ¿Que tiene V.? I feel very dizzy, great Siento un grande desvanecimiento, squeamishnessin my stomach, (se me anda la cabeza,) tengo my head and bones pain el estómago revuelto, me me much, and I have a duelen mucho la cabeza y los shivering all over me. huesos, y experimento escalofrío en todo el cuerpo. This is the effect of the Todo eso es efecto del maréo; y seasickness; you must not be no debe darle á V. ningun under any apprehension on cuidado. that account. I advise you to take, two or Aconsejo á V. que tome dos three times a day, a little ó tres veces al dia una spoonful of sulphuric-ether cucharaditade eter sulfúrico in a small tumbler of water, en un vasito de agua, y que and to rub your temples se frote con él las sienes, and nose with it. It y las nariz. Se recomienda is recommended also to tambien á los principios el drink sea-water for the beber agua del mar una ó dos first few days, to keep on veces al dia; el mantenerse deck, and to walk about sobre la cubierta, y pasear as much as possible. Some cuanto se pueda. Algunos persons assert that a silk aseguran que el atarse handkerchief, tied tight fuertemente un pañuelo de seda round the waist next to á raiz de las carnes, al the skin, is a great preventive. rededor de la cintura, es un gran preservativo. I have the toothache. Tengo dolor de muelas. That happens frequently at Eso sucede frecuentemente en sea. You must mind not el mar. Es menester no to expose yourself to the esponerse al relente, (la damps of the morning and humedad de la mañana, ó evening air. You must de la noche;) mascar coclearia, frequently chew cochlearia ó salvia; lavarse la boca or sage leaves. Wash your á menudo con aguardiente mouth with camphorated alcanforado, en una palabra brandy, and finally, take tener mucho cuidado de los great care of your teeth. dientes.


On a journey which cannot Sobre un viaje que no puede be otherwise performed hacerse sino en litera, ó en than in a litter, or on mules. mulas.

Is the road very bad? ¿Es muy malo el camino? Yes, sir, it is very narrow, Si, señor, es muy angosto, rugged, and bordered with escabroso, á la orilla de precipices. precipicios. How far is this place from ...? ¿Cuanto dista este lugar de ...? It is about eleven long leagues. Dista como unas once leguas largas. Shall we sleep on the road? ¿Pasarémos la noche en el camino? It is likely; but there is an Es regular; pero V. hallará inn at the foot of yonder una venta al pié de aquel mount. You will find in monte. En ella algunas it pretty good accommodations, comodidades, y las mulas with good stabling for the una buena caballeriza. mules. How many horses or mules ¿Cuanto caballos ó mulas tengo must I take? que tomar? Two, four, &c. Dos, cuatro, &a. How much are they paid by ¿Cuanto se les paga (se les da) the day? por día? You would travel more V. viajaria mas comodamente yendo conveniently by going in a en litera. litter. Will you do me the favor to ¿Querrá V. hacerme el favor look for a good litter, a de buscarme una buena good litter-driver, and good litera y procurarme, un mules for me? buen literero, y mulas? Very willingly. De muy buena gana. As you will perform part Como V. hará mucha parte of this journey on foot, I del camino á pié, le aconsejo advise you to get a pair of que se provea de un good, stout, and easy boots, buen par de botas fuertes and to take with you an y cómodas, de su paragua, umbrella and your greatcoat. y de su sobretodo. Do you know enough of the ¿Sabe V. lo bastante de la language of the country to lengua del pais para hablar speak with the drivers and con los litereros, o con los the servants? criados, (mozos, M.)? No; but one of the passengers No; pero uno de los pasageros speaks it well. la habla bien. That is not sufficient. You Eso no basta. Es preciso que must be able yourself to V. mismo pueda mandar á order the drivers to stop, los litereros que paren, que to drive on a good pace, to caminen mas á priesa, que proceed more gently, &c. vayan con mas tiento, &a. Well, I will learn a dozen of Bien está; voy á aprender una phrases for that purpose. docena de frases con ese objeto. That is all you stand in need of. Eso es todo lo que se ha menester. Would you be so kind as to ¿Querria V. tener la bondad prepare all things necessary de preparar todas las cosas for this voyage? necesarias para mí viage? With all my heart. De muy buena gana.


At the dinner table. A la mesa or comiendo.

Call for dinner. Pida V. la comida. It is not ready yet. Todavia no está pronta. They have rung the bell. Ya han tocado la campana. Sit down, ladies and gentlemen. Siéntense VV. señoras y señores. Who says grace? ¿Quien echa la bendicion? Why do you make such ceremonies? ¿Porqué hace V. tantas ceremonias? Give us some bread. Dénos V. pan. Shall I cut you some of the ¿Quiere V. que le dé de la upper or the under crust? corteza de encima ó de la de abajo? As you please. Como V. guste. I thank you; I shall help Gracias; me serviré yo mismo. myself. What can I help you to? ¿Que me permite V. que le sirva? Will you take a little soup? ¿Tomará V. un poco de sopa? I thank you. I will trouble Gracias. Tenga V. la bondad you for a small piece of de darme un pedacito de vaca, beef, it looks very well. que parece muy buena. What part do you like best? ¿Que parte le gusta á V. mas? It is indifferent. Any that Me es indiferente. La que you please. V. guste. Do you like it well done or ¿Le gusta á V. bien cocida, o no? rare? Well done, if you please. Bien cocida; si V. me hace favor. Rather rare, if it is not too Poco cocida, si no es muy much trouble. molesto para V. I do not like it overdone. No me gusta demasiadamente cocida. Have I helped you to what ¿Le he servido á V. á se gusto? you like? I hope this piece is to your Espero que este pedazo sea del liking. gusto de V. It is very good, indeed. Con verdad es bonísimo. What do you take with your meat? ¿Que toma V. con su carne? Shall I help you to some ¿Gusta V. de que le sirva legumbres? vegetables? We have here potatoes, cabbage, Aquí tenemos patatas, (papas,) cauliflower, peas, turnips, coles, coliflor, guisantes, parsnips, beets, spinage, &c. (chícharos,) nabos, chirivías, remolacha, espinacas, &a. I will thank you for some Sirvase V. darme patatas. potatoes. Change my plate. Múde (llévese) V. este plato. Bring a clean plate. Traiga V. un plato limpio. A knife and fork. Un cuchillo y un tenedor. A spoon and a tumbler. Una cuchara y un vaso. Help yourselves. Sírvanse VV. Take, without ceremony, what Tomen VV. sin ceremonia, de you like best. lo que hay. Will you take some roast beef? ¿Tomará V. un poco de asado? Do you like the fat, or the ¿Le gusta á V. el gordo, ó el lean? magro? I am not very fond of fat. No me gusta mucho el gordo. Give me some of the lean, if Déme V. un poco de magro, si V. you please. me hace el favor. Take this to Mr. or Mrs., &c. Lleve V. este plato al caballero, or al Señor N., or á la Señora N. This is for the young lady. Este es para la Señorita. How do you like the roast beef? ¿Como le gusta á V. el asado? It is delicious—excellent. Es delicioso—excelente. I am very glad it is to your Me alegro mucho que esté del taste. gusto de V. You have no juice. V. no tiene caldo, or salsa. I have plenty, I thank you. Tengo bastante, muchas gracias. Have the goodness to pass Tenga V. la bondad de pasarme the saltcellar. el salero. Now I will send you some of Ahora voy á enviarle á V. this fowl. Which do you una piececita de este pollo. like best—a wing, a leg, or ¿Que prefiere V., el alon, the white meat? la pierna, ó la pechuga? I thank you. I would prefer Gracias. Preferiria un bocadito a small piece of salmon. de salmon. Pray, taste some of this pie. Hágame V. favor de probar este pastel. You drink nothing. Parece que V. no bebe. Permit me to pour you out Permítame V. que le ofrezca some Madeira. una copita de Madera. You have some wine beside you. Ahí tiene V. vino á su lado. Help yourself to what you Sírvase V. como guste. like best. I drink nothing but cool water. Yo no bebo mas que agua fría. What will you take of the ¿Que tomará V. de los postres? dessert? Here are pears, oranges, Aquí tiene V. peras, naranjas, grapes, &c., preserves, jellies. uvas, &a., conservas, jaléas. I thank you; I have eaten Gracias; he comido bastante. enough. Will you take some coffee? ¿Tomará V. un poco de café? With pleasure. Con mucho gusto.



Modelos de Cartas de Comercio, &a.

FIRST LETTER.—Carta primera.

New York, March 15, 1849. Sr. Don[20] Anselmo Bravo, Nueva York, á 15 de Mr. Anselmo Bravo, Marzo de 1849.

Sir: Having established in Muy Señor mio:[21] Habiendo this city a mercantile house establecido en esta ciudad under my own name, I beg leave una casa de comercio bajo mi to offer you my services, propio nombre, suplico á V. particularly as a commission me permita ofrecerle mis merchant. (Or any other kind servicios, particularmente como of business.) comisionista. (U otra clase de negocios.)

A sufficient capital, a Un caudal suficiente, respectable credit, and the un crédito respetable y el requesite knowledge of business, conocimiento necesario de los enable me to serve my friends negocios, me ponen en estado in the most satisfactory manner; de servir á mis amigos de la and I am happy to add that manera mas satisfactoria, Mr. Cándido Delgado, of teniendoel gusto de añadir que your city, merchant, has permitted el Señor Don Cándido Delgado, me to refer to him for any de ese comercio me ha permitido information on the subject. referirme á su informe, siempre que se requiera alguno sobre I have the honor to be, with el particular. the utmost respect, Tengo[22] el honor de ser de Your most ob’t servant, V. con el mayor respeto su muy atento seguro servidor, ELIGIO FUENTE. Q. B. S. M. ELIGIO FUENTE.

[20] DON being a distinction of nobility, is omitted in the new republics; they address thus, Señor Anselmo Bravo. It will be better for foreigners to observe the style used by persons to whom the letters are addressed, and imitate it.

[21] Letters, particularly on business, generally begin with these words Muy Señor mio; which, according to circumstances, may be changed into Muy Señores mios, Muy Señor nuestro, Muy Señores nuestros. Persons mutually acquainted frequently begin their letters thus: Muy Señor mio, y amigo, or estimado amigo, or Muy Señor mio y de todo mi aprecio; My dear Sir, and friend, or esteemed friend, or valued friend.

[22] Letters are also ended thus: Dios guarde á V. (or la vida de V.) los m^s. a^s. (muchos años) que desea S. S. S. (su seguro servidor) Q. B. S. M. (que besa sus manos.) Also, Soy de V. muy atento servidor Q. B. S. M. or Quedo de V. su muy afecto servidor, Q. B. S. M.

SECOND LETTER.—Carta segunda.

Havana ... 1849. Sr. Don A. B. Mr. A. B., Habana, y ... de 1849.

SIR: Under the protection Muy Señor mio. Bajo los of our common friend ... I auspicios de nuestro comun take the liberty to send, on amigo ... me tomo la libertad my own account and risk and de remitir de mi cuenta to your consignment, one hundred y riesgo, y á la consignacion and fifty boxes white sugar, de V. ciento y cincuenta cajas and twenty-two bags containing de azúcar blanco, y veintidos coffee of superior quality, which sacos de café de superior I have this day shipped on board calidad, que he embarcado á the American ship Anastasia, bordo de la fragata Americana A. Smith, captain, as per the Anastasia, su capitan A. Smith inclosed invoice and bill of como lo prueban la factura y lading. conocimiento incluso.

The ship is new, and her El barco es nuevo, el capitan captain a very intelligent and muy inteligente y experimentado, experienced seaman, and he is y deberá darse á la vela el 9 to sail on the 9th instant del corriente sin falta. precisely.

This information will be Estas noticias serán suficientes sufficient for the insurance of para proceder al seguro de dichos said articles, which I beg you artículos, que suplico á V. se to have made immediately, sirva hacer inmediatamente, con together with the addition of mas un 25 por ciento de ganancias 25 per cent. for imaginary imaginarias. profits.

Should this first essay prove Si este primer ensayo tuviere as successful as I wish, I will el buen éxito que deseo continuaré apply to you in all the business valiéndome del favor de V. para I may have in your place, and cuanto me ocurra en esa, é induce my friends to do the same. induciré á mis amigos á que hagan lo mismo.

Wishing you the greatest Deseando á V. la mayor prosperity, I beg leave to offer prosperidad, me ofrezco á sus you my services, and am órdenes y soy con el mayor Very respectfully, respeto, Sir, S. S. S. Your most ob’t servant, Q. B. S. M. E. F. E. F.

An invoice of one hundred Factura de ciento y cincuenta and fifty boxes white sugar, cajas de azucar blanco, y and twenty-two bags superior veintidos sacos de café superior, coffee, which I, the undersigned, que yo, el infraescrito he have shipped on my own account embarcado de mi cuenta y riesgo, and risk, on board the American á bordo de la fragata Americana ship Anastasia, Captain A. Smith, Anastasia, su capitan A. Smith, bound to New York, consigned to con destino á Nueva York, á la Don A. B. of that city, merchant. consignacion de Don A. B de aquel comercio.

cwt. qrs. lbs. qtls. arrb. lb. N.1 to N.1. 17 3 11 $ N.1 á N.1. 17 3 11 $ 150 N.2. 16 2 17 $ 150 N.2. 16 2 17 $ A.F. &c. &c. —— A.F. &a. &a. ——

N.1 to N.1. 4 3 9 $ N.1 á N.1. 4 3 9 $ 22 N.2. 4 3 21 $ 22 N.2. 4 3 21 $ A.F. &c. &c. —— A.F. &a. &a. —— $ $ Expenses $ Gastos $ —— —— E. E. Total $ S. Y. O. Total $ —— —— Havana ... 1849. Habana ... 1849.

E. F. E. F.

THIRD LETTER.—Carta tercera.

New York ... 1849. Sr. Dn. E. F. Mr. E. F., Nueva York á ... 1849.

SIR: I have the pleasure Muy Señor mio: Tengo el to inform you, that the Anastasia gusto de informar á V. que arrived safely at this la Anastasia llegó felizmente port the day before yesterday, á este puerto el dia ántes de and that your sugar and ayer, y que el azúcar y café coffee are already in my store. de V. estan ya en mi almacen. I hope soon to wait on you Espero pasar á V. dentro de with their account-sale, and poco su cuenta de venta, y a at prices which I have no precios que no dudo merezcan doubt will be satisfactory: su aprobacion: en el entretanto in the mean while I remain quedo á sus órdenes very respectfully, con el mayor respeto, y soy Sir, su muy afecto servidor, Your most affect’e serv’t, Q. B. S. M. A. B. A. B.

FOURTH LETTER.—Carta cuarta.

New York ... 1849. Sr. Dn. E. F., Mr. E. F., Nueva York á ... 1849.

SIR: I have just received Muy Señor mio: Acabo de a letter from Captain A. recibir una carta de Sr. A. Smith, of the Anastasia, dated Smith, capitan de la Anastasia, Savannah on the ... instant, fecha el ... del corriente, informing me that he en Savannah, en la que me informa has been obliged to enter said haberse visto obligado á entrar de port in distress, in order to arribada en aquel puerto para repair the damages sustained reparar los daños causados á by said vessel, in consequence dicho barco por el recio temporal of the severe gale experienced experimentado en su travesia. El during her passage. He supposes supone que el cargamento está the cargo to be damaged. averiado.

In order to secure your A fin de poner en salvo los interests, I have made a protest intereses de V. he hecho la in your name; which, together with correspondiente protesta en su all the necessary documents, I nombre, la cual, con los demas have presented to the underwriters, documentos necesarios he and in due time I will inform you presentado á los aseguradores, of the results. y á su tiempo informaré á V. del resultado.

Very respectfully, &c. Quedo de V., &a.

LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION.—Carta de recomendacion.

N.Y. ... 1849. Sr. Don G. H., Mr. G. H., N.Y. ... de 1849.

SIR: Permit me to Muy Señor mio: Permítame introduce to your acquaintance V. que le presente mi particular my particular friend Mr. J. amigo, Don J. del comercio de of this city, merchant. He esta ciudad, que pasa á esa á visits your city on certain suntos de familia. Si este Señor family business. Should he necesitare del auxilio de los stand in need of any assistance, conocimientos de V. le viviré muy you will oblige me by affording reconocido si se sirviere it to him with your usual prestársele con su acostumbrada friendly attention. bondad.

(In the event of Mr. J. (En caso que dicho Sr. J requiringsome money, I beg haya menester algun dinero, you to supply him with any suplico á V. se sirva franquearle sum to the extent of two hasta la cantidad de dos mil pesos, thousand dollars, taking his tomando su libranza á, mi cargo draft on me at ... days’ á ... dias vista por el importe. sight for the amount. At foot Al pié va su firma para direccion is his signature for your de V.) direction.)

I am, dear Sir, Soy de V. mi estimado Señor, Most affectionately yours, su muy afecto servidor, L. M. Q. B. S. M. L. M.

A DRAFT.—Libranza.

Havana, Feb. 9, 1849. Habana á 9 de Feb. de 1849. For Dollars 567. Por Pesos 567.

Thirty days after sight, you A treinta dias vista, se ser will please to pay, by this vira V pagar por esta sola sole bill of exchange, to Mr. de cambio, á Don ... ó á su ... or order, the sum of five órden, la cantidad de quinientos, hundred, sixty-seven dollars, sesenta y siete pesos, que and place it to the account cargará V. en cuenta á (segun of (or to account as by a viso de) este advice from) your most obedient servant, S. S. S. M. V. M. V.

To Mr. G. P., Merchant, A Don G. P. del comercio Philadelphia. de Filadelfia.


Baltimore, Mar. 3, 1849. Baltimore y Marzo 3 de 1849.

Pay to the order of Mr. N. N. Pagúese á la orden de Don N. N.

O. S. O. S.

A RECEIPT.—Recibo.

Received, New York, Mar. He recibido de Don T. C. 19, 1849, from Mr. T. C. two dos cientos y veinticinco pesos hundred and twenty-five dollars por finiquito de todas cuentas in full of all claims and hasta la fecha, (or á cuenta de demands up to this date, mayor cantidad.) (or on account.) Nueva York á 19 de Marzo de 1849.

For $225. H. L. Son $225. H. L.

A NOTE.—Esquela.

Mr. A.’s compliments to Don A. C. (A. C.) B. L. M. al Mr. B. (Mr. and Mrs. B.) and Sr. Don B. (saluda al Sr. y la requests the favor of his Sra. B.) y le (les) suplica se (their) company on Thursday sirva (sirvan) favorecerle con evening the 21st instant, at 8 su compañia la noche del Juéves 21 o’clock. del corriente á las ocho. Jan. 10. Enero 10. A. if Y. P. S. V. C. (An answer if you please.) (Sírvase V. contestar.)

Mr. D. F. requests the Don D. F. (el Sr. D. F. or pleasureof Mr. G.’s company D. F.) suplica al Sr. G. le on Wednesday evening, the 9th haga el gusto de favorecerle instant, at eight o’clock. con su compañia en la noche del Miércoles 9 del corriente á las ocho. Wednesday, Feb. 2. Miércoles, Febrero 2.

Mr. B.’s compliments to Mr. El Sr. B. B. L. M. al Sr. A. A. and is happy to accept his y acepta con gusto su atento polite invitation for convite para el Juéves 21 del Thursday evening, the 21st corriente. inst. Enero 12. Jan. 12.

Mr. B.’s compliments to El Sr. B. saluda al Sr. A. Mr. A. and regrets that a y siente no poder aceptar su pre-engagement does not allow atento convite por hallarse him to accept his polite comprometida de antemano invitation for the 21st inst. para la noche del 21. Jan. 11. Enero 11.

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