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Audiobook: Cartoons by Sir John Tenniel, Selected from the Pages of "Punch" by Tenniel, John

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Audiobook: Cartoons by Sir John Tenniel, Selected from the Pages of "Punch" by Tenniel, John

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Title: Cartoons by Sir John Tenniel Selected from the pages of "Punch"

Author: John Tenniel

Release Date: June 24, 2019 [EBook #59801]

Language: English

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[Illustration: Elliott & Fry] [London.

Sir John Tenniel.]


by Sir John Tenniel

Selected from the Pages of “PUNCH.”



Prefatory Note.

The present collection of Sir John Tenniel’s Cartoons is intended to be a selection comprising the more memorable of those which have appeared in “Punch” during the last 50 years. The first in the collection bears the date of 1851, and the last is Sir John Tenniel’s final Cartoon in January, 1901. Short explanatory notes have been provided, but as most of them will, perhaps, be unnecessary to those to whom the Cartoons themselves are familiar, they have been grouped together and combined with the Table of Contents at the commencement of the volume, where they can readily be referred to.

March, 1901.



May Day, 1851 2-3 The Great Exhibition of All Nations was opened in Hyde Park on May Day, 1851, by the Queen and the Prince Consort.

The Bear and the Bees.—A New Version of an Old Story 4 The invasion of Turkey by the Russian forces had been met by an unexpected resistance, and had aroused the hostility of the European Powers.

What Nicholas Heard in the Shell 5 The Emperor Nicholas of Russia had provoked a declaration of war by England and France, and his armies had already suffered several defeats.

The British Lion’s Vengeance on the Bengal Tiger 6-7 The horrible misdeeds of the native Indian soldiers after the Mutiny aroused throughout the country an uncontrollable desire for revenge.

The Quaker and the Bauble 8 Mr. Bright, at this time, in his zeal for Parliamentary Reform, was unsparing in his attacks upon the Landed Interest and the Aristocracy.

John Bull Guards his Pudding 9 This year marks the formation of the Volunteer force, which elicited an enthusiastic response from all classes.

Dame Cobden’s New Pupil 10 Richard Cobden was the means of procuring a Treaty of Commerce between France and England—beneficial to both countries.

Lyndhurst as Nestor rebukes the Chiefs 11 Lord Lyndhurst—the Nestor of the House of Lords—in a speech of great power reproved the Government for their neglect of the Navy.

Right Leg in the Boot at Last 12 Victor Emmanuel, King of Sardinia, was patriotically urged by General Garibaldi to aid in the liberation of the Italian Peninsula.

New Elgin Marbles 13 Lord Elgin, having with the English and French forces occupied Pekin, compelled the Chinese Emperor to pay the indemnity for the last war.

“Beggar my Neighbour” 14 The Emperor Napoleon was making great additions to the French Navy, provoking a corresponding increase by Great Britain.

Papal Allocution.—Snuffing out Modern Civilisation 15 Pope Pius the Ninth had issued an Allocution condemning without reserve all aspirations for Reform at home and abroad.

King Cotton Bound 16 The outbreak of the Civil War in the United States prevented the exportation of cotton, and produced great misery in our manufacturing districts.

Waiting for an Answer 17 The intrusion on a British ship by United States officials and the seizure therefrom of Envoys from the Southern States, led to a demand from Great Britain for their release.

Columbia’s Fix 18 The justice of Great Britain’s demand was eventually acknowledged by the United States, and the Envoys were set at liberty.

Peace 19 “Mr. Punch’s” design for a Colossal Statue, which ought to have been placed in the International Exhibition.

The “Sensation” Struggle in America 20 The Civil War in the United States was being conducted with great courage on both sides, and many bloody battles had been fought.

Britannia Discovering the Source of the Nile 21 The sources of the river Nile, which previously had been unknown, were discovered by two British travellers, Captains Speke and Grant.

At Home and Abroad 22-23 The Princess Alexandra of Denmark (now our Queen) made her entry into London amidst an amazing outburst of affection from all classes.

Miranda and Prospero 24 The signs of unrest amongst the European Nationalities were attributed to the unscrupulous policy of the Emperor of the French.

Shakspeare and the Pigmies 25 The celebration of the Tercentenary of the birth of Shakspeare was believed to have been productive of much self-advertisement amongst professional journalists.

The American Juggernaut 26-27 The long-continued intensity of the Civil War in the United States had been accompanied by enormous losses on both sides.

Britannia Sympathises with Columbia 28 The murder of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, after the conclusion of the Civil War, evoked widespread feelings of sympathy from all classes of society.

Vulcan’s Best Customer 29 The overmastering success of the Prussian Needle-gun in the Austro-Prussian War had given an immense impetus to the manufacture of arms of precision.

Gladiators preparing for the Arena 30-31 The Conservatives being at this time in office, Parliament opened with indications of an unusual bitterness of party warfare.

“Onward!” 32 Impressed by the indications of unrest in France, the Emperor had proposed to grant a modified form of Constitutional Government.

France, Sept. 4, 1870 33 The surrender of the French Emperor at Sedan was followed by the fall of the Empire and the establishment of the Republic at Paris.

A Vision on the Way. “BEWARE!” 34-35 France had declared war against Germany, and the Emperor Napoleon and his son had left Paris to take command. The shade of the Great Napoleon forebodes the disasters which followed.

Versailles, Oct. 5, 1870 36 Versailles from this date became the head-quarters of the German army investing Paris, and the Prussian King was here proclaimed Emperor in Germany.

Ajax Defying the Lightning 37 Mr. Gladstone, after being defeated on the question of Abolition of Purchase, advised the Queen to put an end to purchase by Royal Warrant.

“Vae Victis!” 38-39 On March 1st, after the conclusion of Peace at Versailles, the German army marched into Paris.

Suspense 40 The country was in great anxiety on account of the critical condition of the Prince of Wales.

The Loving Cup 41 In respect to the “Alabama” Claims Great Britain was judged responsible for a sum of 15,500,000 dollars in gold, in full satisfaction of all claims.

Paradise and the Peri 42 The General Election had given the Conservatives a majority, and Mr. Disraeli became Premier for the second time.

Dearly Bought 43 Sir Garnet Wolseley’s march to Coomassie involved much loss of life, with little more result than the possession of the Umbrella, the symbol of Ashanti sovereignty.

The Damp Roman Candle 44 The fulminations of the Vatican against the Anti-Infallibility pamphlet of Mr. Gladstone had failed to produce the effect intended.

“Mosé in Egitto!!!” 45 Mr. Disraeli had successfully effected the purchase from the Khedive, for the sum of £4,000,000, of all his shares in the Suez Canal.

Waiting to be Won 46-47 An Arctic expedition in search of the North Pole, consisting of H.M. ships Alert and Discovery, had sailed on the 29th of May.

Stuck in the Mud 48 After the death of M. Thiers, Marshal MacMahon maintained a stubborn attitude; he was believed to be under the influence of reactionary advisers.

The “Pas de Deux!” 49 Upon their return from Berlin Lords Beaconsfield and Salisbury were invested with the Order of the Garter.

Imperium et Libertas! 50-51 An adaptation of Lord Beaconsfield’s phrase, suggested by the state of things in Russia, where there had been another Nihilist attempt upon the life of the Emperor.

The School of Musketry 52 At the battle of Majuba Hill the Boers had shown their superiority in marksmanship. “Mr. Punch” points the lesson for the benefit of the Duke of Cambridge.

A Common Sorrow 53 General Garfield, President of the United States, had succumbed to the effect of the shot of the assassin Guiteau, who had fired at him on July 2nd.

“Out of the Wood!” 54-55 The Irish Land Bill, designed in the interests of Hibernia, after many difficulties had finally passed.

Change of Address 56 The new Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand were opened by Queen Victoria on the 4th December.

On the Trail 57 Seventeen persons suspected of complicity with the Phœnix Park murders had been arrested. There was a good hope of at length securing the clue to the series of crimes.

Snubbed! 58 An exchange of visits, the first for the last 200 years, had taken place between the German and Spanish Courts. This aroused jealousy in France, where the Spanish King had recently been rudely received.

“Mirage” 59 At this time General Gordon at Khartoum was isolated. His appeal for assistance and the opening of communications with Khartoum by the Suakin-Berber route, was still delayed.

“Mrs. Micawber” 60 This Cartoon refers to Mr. Gladstone’s vacillating Egyptian policy, and pictures him as “Micawber waiting for something to turn up.” The Liberal Party, however, like Mrs. Micawber, remained loyal to the Premier.

“Wait till the Clouds roll by” 61 Mr. Gladstone, burdened with political complications at home and abroad, ill-health and impaired voice, was resting and recruiting at Hawarden. The advice here tendered to him was the title of a popular song.

“Too Late!” 62 When Sir Charles Wilson at last succeeded in approaching Khartoum, the Mahdi’s flag was flying upon what had been Gordon’s citadel. Khartoum had fallen, and its dauntless defender with it.

“Only his Play” (!!!) 63 The Russians had attacked the Afghans at Penjdeh, and each side charged the other with provoking the conflict.

The Broken Covenant 64 On April 27 Mr. Gladstone made use of the above significant words with reference to an arrangement or covenant with Russia concerning Afghanistan, which Russia appeared to have broken.

Our Protean Premier! 65 On May 4 Mr. Gladstone removed all immediate fear of war, by announcing that Russia and England would resume negotiations for the delimitation of the Afghan frontier.

The “Irrepressible” Tourist 66 The occupation by Germany of the Caroline Islands had excited Spanish feeling. England, too, regarded with apprehension the active “Colonial Policy” of Bismarck at this time.

The Waits 67 At the end of the year, Lord Salisbury determined to remain in office, though left by the General Election in a minority.

The Grand Young Man!! 68 Lord Randolph Churchill had been appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer and Leader of the House of Commons in the new Salisbury Ministry.

Sink or Swim!! 69 Mr. Gladstone had introduced his Home Rule Bill, and had deliberately set his fortune and that of his party upon the policy thereby involved.

“1886” 70-71 This travesty depicts the retreat of the Liberal Party on the defeat of the second reading of Mr. Gladstone’s Home Rule Bill.

The Tempter 72 Certain Socialists and Anarchists had taken advantage of the prevailing poverty and lack of work to make inflammatory appeals to the unemployed.

Salisbury Sisyphus 73 Lord Salisbury had to face the difficulties of the Irish question—a task as formidable to him as to his predecessors.

“What of the Night?” 74-75 The action of Russia (the Great Northern Bear) in Bulgaria and elsewhere at this time seemed likely to involve a disturbance of the peace of Europe.

“Quite English, you know” 76 President Cleveland was at this time advocating in America the adoption of the English system of Free Trade.

Bear or Bug-Bear? 77 Russia, in consequence of her huge armaments and equivocal policy, seemed a standing menace to the peace of Europe.

In the Arena 78-79 The two sides are shown parading before the reassembling of Parliament—the Unionists (Tory and Liberal) under Lord Salisbury, the Home Rulers under Mr. Gladstone.

Germany, March 9, 1888 80 On this date Germany was plunged into mourning owing to the death of the Emperor William.

Consol-ation 81 Mr. Goschen’s National Debt Conversion Bill provided for the conversion of the 3 per cent. Stocks into a new Stock bearing 2-3/4 per cent. interest for fifteen years, and thereafter a guaranteed 2-1/2 per cent. for 20 years.

What next? 82 The popularity of General Boulanger suggested the idea that France was growing weary of a Republican “regime.”

“Panic amongst the Pigs!” 83 A Papal Rescript, condemning the Plan of Campaign and the practice of Boycotting, caused some excitement among the Irish Nationalists.

Plain English! 84 England was aggrieved by the action of Portugal in reference to the Delagoa Railway, and by insults to the British flag committed by the Portuguese.

From the Nile to the Neva 85 “And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour. And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage.”—EXODUS.

Dropping the Pilot 86-87 In consequence of disagreement with the German Emperor, Prince Bismarck resigned his post of Chancellor.

The McGladstone! 88 Mr. Gladstone had started for Midlothian to carry on another political campaign for the rallying of his forces.

“Separatists” 89 Owing to the scandal arising out of the O’Shea divorce case, Mr. Gladstone refused to co-operate any longer with Mr. Parnell as leading the Irish Home Rule Party.

Arbitration 90 The Americans claimed to make the Behring Sea a mare clausum, and it was thought advisable to establish a “close-time” for the seals.

“Retire!—What do you think?” 91 A rumour that Mr. Gladstone was about to retire from political life proved to be without foundation.

Coriolanus 92 Prince Bismarck had inspired in the columns of the Hamburger Nachrichten, incessant attacks upon the Imperial policy, and especially upon the proceedings of his successor, Caprivi.

“Advance, Australia!” 93 A scheme, advocated by Sir Henry Parkes, was under consideration for establishing “one great Union Government” amongst the Australian Colonies.

Mr. Punch’s Jubilee Pageant 94-95 In July “Mr. Punch” celebrated his Jubilee. The sketches surrounding the Pageant are of selected cartoons illustrating events ranging over 50 years.

“Turning the Tables” 96 The suggestion of “Turning the Tables” was that on this occasion the Man (France) was dancing to the tune of the Bear acting as leader.

“What will he do with it?” 97 It was hoped that some portion of the large Russian loan might be applied to the relief of misery rather than for war preparations.

Trying it on! 98 A rapprochement between Russia and Italy was considered likely to weaken the strength of the Triple Alliance.

The Coming of Ninety-Two 99

“Short-’anded” 100 “The whole legal machinery is out of gear, and the country is too busy to put it right.”—Law Times.

The Attack on the “Capital” 101 The Liberal Party, which had organised great public meetings in London, were making a determined effort to capture the Tory stronghold.

“Her Majesty’s Servants” 102-103 The Parliament opened for its last Session previous to the General Election in July, which gave Mr. Gladstone a small majority.

Younger than ever! 104 The great Liberal leader, who had been recruiting his health in the South of France, had returned and resumed the leadership.

The Dynamite Dragon 105 The Dynamitards had committed many outrages on the Continent, and the destruction of property by dynamite had been made a capital offence by the French Chamber.

The New “Queen of the May” 106 Incendiary Manifestoes having been issued by the French proletariat, it was feared that disturbances might ensue during the May Day celebrations on the Continent.

“When Greek meets Greek” 107 The two great leaders had issued stirring addresses to the constituencies, and were preparing to grapple for supremacy at the approaching General Election.

Mischief! 108 Mr. Labouchere’s promises of support to the Government were largely discounted by the report that he considered himself slighted at being left out of office.

A Pilgrim’s Progress 109 The Liberal leader was resolved to persevere with his Home Rule Bill, despite the lukewarm support of the Irish Nationalists and the fierce opposition of the Ulster Unionists.

Uncle Toby and Widow Wadman 110 The Ulster Defence Union had issued a Manifesto antagonistic to the Home Rule scheme, and mass meetings were held at Belfast and other parts of Ulster.

“The Minstrel Boy” 111 The Marquis of Salisbury had visited Belfast, and assisted in the demonstrations against the Home Rule Bill.

“Father William” 112 The German Army Bill, which had been vehemently opposed and rejected in the previous Parliament, was eventually passed.

The French Wolf and the Siamese Lamb 113 Disputes having arisen between the French and Siamese Governments concerning the boundary of the river Mekong, an ultimatum was sent by France and unconditionally accepted.

“Over the Hills and Far Away!” 114 The Premier had gone to Scotland for a well-earned holiday rest after his arduous exertions during the debates on the Second Home Rule Bill.

The “Forlorn Hope” 115 After the summary rejection of the Home Rule Bill by the Peers, the liberal Party were daily awaiting the signal for an attack on the House of Lords.

A Dirty Crossing 116 The management of the Bank of England had been freely criticised in the Press.

“Confidences” 117 There had been a debate in the Chamber of Deputies which provoked comparisons between the French and English Navies.

“Pluck’d!” 118 The Local Government Bill had been severely dealt with by the Lords in Committee, notably the clauses dealing with the Parish Councils.

Unarming 119 On March 1, 1894, Mr. Gladstone delivered his last speech in the House of Commons previous to his final retirement from political life.

Lemon-Squash 120 The Chancellor of the Exchequer increased the Income Tax from 7d. to 8d.

“Vive la République!” 121 A stringent anti-Anarchist Bill had been passed by the French Chamber after the assassination at Lyons of President Carnot.

Jap the Giant-Killer 122 In the war arising out of the Corean dispute between China and Japan, the Japanese forces gained easy victories, both on land and sea.

“Vested Interests” 123 The House of Lords had survived the repeated attacks made upon it, both in the Commons and by its own Members.

“All’s Well!” 124 The Russian Press at this time suggested that an Anglo-Russian understanding would be of great advantage to the two nations.

The New Passenger 125 The year 1894 had been marked by many dynamite outrages on the Continent, and specially by the assassination of President Carnot. The New Year opened under brighter auspices.

“Who said—‘Atrocities’?” 126 Mr. Gladstone had expressed his strong indignation at the atrocities in Armenia, which had profoundly shocked the mind of the country.

Silent! 127 The British occupation of Egypt still continued, the Egyptian Government being powerless to suppress outrages on Europeans in Alexandria.

An Easter ’Oliday 128 The House of Commons had adjourned for the Easter vacation. Both leaders were glad of repose after the exciting debates on the Welsh Disestablishment and Irish Land Bills.

“William! ahoy!” 129 The Welsh Disestablishment Bill having been warmly discussed in the Commons, Mr. Gladstone had withdrawn his pair with Mr. Villiers in order to keep “an open mind” on the question.

The Old Crusaders! 130-131 The Duke of Argyll had presided at an indignation meeting held in St. James’s Hall to protest against the Armenian atrocities.

Old Warder William 132 After Sir William Harcourt’s defeat at Derby he was elected for West Monmouthshire, the Radical candidate having retired in his favour.

“Just a-goin’ to Begin!” 133 It was thought that in the coming Session the Jameson raid would bring trouble to the Ministry, but this was averted by the skillful management of Mr. Balfour and the Colonial Secretary.

The Tug of War 134-135 On an appeal from the Uitlanders at Johannesburg, Dr. Jameson crossed the Transvaal frontier with an armed force. Mr. Chamberlain, however, intervened, and ordered him to retire.

The Patient Ass 136 The Budget having shown a considerable surplus, an idea was prevalent that the Chancellor of the Exchequer would relieve the income-tax payer.

A Turkish Bath 137 The Porte at length realised the gravity of the situation in Crete.

Preparing his Speech 138 A genial allusion to the many changes which had marked Mr. Chamberlain’s political career.

“Turkey Limited” 139 It was reported that the Powers had considered a scheme for a Turkish loan, to be applied under European control to the cost of the Judiciary, Revenue and Police service.

“Seaside Lodgings” 140 The Cartoon foreshadowed Russian designs upon the Chinese naval arsenal at Port Arthur, which in fact came into her possession a year later.

The Queen’s Year! 141 In June of this year Queen Victoria celebrated her Jubilee.

Against the Grain 142 The Cretans having revolted against Turkish misrule, Greece intervened with an armed force, but was ordered by the Allied Powers to withdraw.

Tender Mercies! 143 The Allied Powers had decided to grant autonomy to Crete, but under Turkish suzerainty.

“Who says ‘Sick Man’ now?” 144 After the recall of the Greek army, the Turkish forces were successful in a conflict with the Cretan insurgents.

Spithead, June 26 145 At this great Review of the Fleet there were present 165 British war-ships. Official representatives from the various Colonies participated in the display.

“For Queen and Empire!!” 146-147 The Cartoon is typical of the great celebrations which marked the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The Colonial, Asiatic, and African contingents took part in the procession on June 22.

“Brothers in Arms” 148 A treacherous attack had been made at Maizar on the Political Officer’s escort. The British loss was heavy, but the Native Infantry behaved with the greatest gallantry.

Saved! 149 England, Russia and France, the Powers originally responsible for the freedom of Greece, agreed to jointly guarantee a loan to that country.

“Financial Relations” 150 Colonel Saunderson, Mr. Healy, and Mr. Lecky had united in supporting the Irish Local Government Bill, which assigned £700,000 a year to Ireland.

Bull-Baiting 151 Continental ill-feeling against Great Britain was at this time more than usually manifested.

Sentinels 152 The occupation of Port Arthur by Russia seemed to leave Great Britain no alternative but to adopt a similar course with Wei-Hai-Wei.

The Duello 153 The United States, on account of Spanish misrule in Cuba, had declared war against Spain.

Bismarck 154-155 Prince Bismarck, the great Chancellor of the German Empire, died on July 30, 1898.

Honour à la Russe 156 When the Russians occupied Talien-Wan it was understood that it was to be a free port.

Our Masters’ Masters 157 Sympathy for the Costers had led to the rejection of a municipal bye-law for the repression of street shouting.

Khartoum! 158-159 Khartoum was captured by the Mahdi on Jan. 26, 1885, and General Gordon assassinated. On Sept. 2, 1898, General Kitchener annihilated the Khalifa’s army and re-entered the town.

A Fixture 160 The conquest of the Soudan seemed to indicate a permanence of the British occupation of Egypt.

Under the Mistletoe 161 Sir William Harcourt had written to Mr. John Morley announcing his retirement from the leadership of the Liberal Party.

A New Year’s Greeting 162 Thanks to Mr. Henneker Heaton, some of the Colonies had accepted the principle of an International Penny Postage.

Diogenes-Morley 163 Mr. Morley was one of the few who remained faithful to the traditions of the old Liberal Party.

A Free Hand! 164 Parliament had been prorogued, and the Government would in the interim, it was thought, have a free hand in the South African and other questions.

Open at Last! 165 The Russians had made Talien-Wan a free port. There had been some doubt as to Russia’s intentions.

Plain English 166 The Transvaal Government had sent an insolent Ultimatum to Great Britain, requiring the withdrawal within forty-eight hours of the British forces from the Boer frontiers.

Who said “Dead”? 167 On Feb. 27, 1900, the anniversary of the Majuba Hill disaster, General Cronje surrendered to General Roberts.

Full of Resource 168 The Chancellor of the Exchequer had announced in his Budget speech that he hoped to recover a large proportion of the war expenses by taxation of the Transvaal.

Good Wishes! 169 “Mr. Punch” here expresses his good wishes for the success of the Paris Exhibition, which was shortly to be opened.

The Avenger! 170-171 Thrilling details had been published of the reported massacre of the British and Foreign Ministers in Pekin. Happily this proved to be unfounded.

The Imperial Dispensary 172 Great satisfaction was felt in the Colonies at the introduction by Mr. Chamberlain of his Commonwealth of Australia Bill.

Shifting his Capital 173 President Kruger had abandoned Pretoria on the near approach of the British forces, taking with him, it was reported, bullion to the value of £2,000,000.

In the Movement 174 On the advance of the Allied troops to Pekin the Empress and the Chinese Court had fled to the interior.

Reporting Himself 175 The City of London Imperial Volunteers met with an enthusiastic reception in the City and elsewhere on their return from South-Africa.

Time’s Appeal 176-177

Cartoons by Sir John Tenniel.

[Illustration: May Day, Eighteen hundred and Fifty-one.]

[Illustration: July, 1853.

The Bear and the Bees.—A New Version of an Old Story.]

[Illustration: June, 1854.

What Nicholas heard in the Shell.]

[Illustration: August, 1857.

The British Lion’s Vengeance on the Bengal Tiger.]

[Illustration: February, 1859.

The Quaker and the Bauble.

“It is the Land which the territorial party represents in Parliament.... That is the theory of the Constitution: Blackstone says so. But it is a thing which is not likely to be respected much longer, and it must go, even if involving the destruction of the Constitution.”—Mr. BRIGHT.]

[Illustration: December, 1859.

John Bull Guards his Pudding.]

[Illustration: January, 1860.

Dame Cobden’s New Pupil.]

[Illustration: May, 1860.

Lyndhurst as Nestor rebukes the Chiefs.]

[Illustration: November, 1860.

Right Leg in the Boot at last.

GARIBALDI. “If it won’t go on, Sire, try a little more powder.”]

New Elgin Marbles.

ELGIN TO EMPEROR. “Come, knuckle down! No cheating this time!”]

[Illustration: March, 1861.

“Beggar my Neighbour.”

PAM. “Is not your Majesty tired of this foolish game?”]

[Illustration: April, 1861.

Papal Allocution.—Snuffing out Modern Civilisation.]

[Illustration: November, 1861.

King Cotton Bound;

Or, The Modern Prometheus.]

[Illustration: December, 1861.

Waiting for an Answer.]

Columbia’s Fix.

COLUMBIA. “Which answer shall I send?”]

[Illustration: May, 1862.


Mr. PUNCH’S Design for a colossal Statue which ought to have been placed in the International Exhibition.]

[Illustration: June, 1862.

The “Sensation” Struggle in America.]

[Illustration: June, 1863.

Britannia Discovering the Source of the Nile.

BRITANNIA. “Aha, Mr. Nilus! So I’ve found you at last!”]

[Illustration: March, 1863.

At Home and Abroad.]

[Illustration: January, 1864.

Miranda and Prospero.

MIRANDA (EUROPE). “If by your art, my dearest Louis, you have put the wild waters in this roar, allay them.”]

Shakspeare and the Pigmies.]

[Illustration: September, 1864.

The American Juggernaut.]

[Illustration: May, 1865.

Britannia Sympathises with Columbia.]

[Illustration: September, 1866.

Vulcan’s Best Customer.

PEACE. “Not much doing, I suppose, Mr. Vulcan?” VULCAN. “Doing! Thanks to you, Miss, I’ve a’most more work than I can manage.”]

[Illustration: February, 1867.


Gladiators preparing for the Arena.]

[Illustration: January, 1870.


[Illustration: September, 1870.

France, Sept. 4, 1870.

“Aux armes, Citoyens; Formez vos bataillons!” The “Marseillaise.”]

[Illustration: July, 1870.

A Vision on the Way. “BEWARE!”]

[Illustration: October, 1870.

Versailles, Oct. 5, 1870.

GHOST OF LOUIS THE FOURTEENTH (to GHOST OF NAPOLEON THE FIRST). “Is this the end of ‘All the Glories?’”]

[Illustration: July, 1871.

Ajax Defying the Lightning.]

[Illustration: March, 1871.

“Væ Victis!”

Paris, March 1st, 1871.]

[Illustration: December, 1871.


[Illustration: September, 1872.

The Loving Cup.

“In this we bury all unkindness!”—SHAKSPEARE.]

[Illustration: February, 1874.

Paradise and the Peri.

“Joy, joy for ever! My task is done— The gates are passed, and Heaven is won!” Lalla Rookh.]

[Illustration: March, 1874.

Dearly Bought.

SIR GARNET. “It don’t look much, Madam, but it has cost good money, and better lives.” BRITANNIA. “And but for you, Sir Garnet, might have cost more of both!”]

[Illustration: December, 1874.

The Damp Roman Candle.

PAPA PIUS. “But it won’t go off!”]

[Illustration: December, 1875.

“Mosé in Egitto!!!”]

[Illustration: June, 1875.

Waiting to be Won.]

[Illustration: November, 1877.

Stuck in the Mud.

M. LE MARÉCHAL (loq.). “J’y suis! J’y reste!” (?)]

[Illustration: August, 1878.

The “Pas de Deux!”

(From the “Scène de Triomphe” in the Grand Anglo-Turkish Ballet d’Action.)]

[Illustration: February, 1880.

Imperium et Libertas!

(Russ. Translation.)]

[Illustration: May, 1881.

The School of Musketry.

BOER (to F. M. H. R. H. THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF). “I say, Dook! You don’t happen to want a practical ‘Musketry Instructor,’ do you?”]

[Illustration: October, 1881.

A Common Sorrow.]

[Illustration: August, 1881.

“Out of the Wood!”]

[Illustration: December, 1882.

Change of Address.

“For Despatch of Business.”

Mr. PUNCH (to Themis). “Well, Madam, now that your New Establishment is open, I trust the system you mean to adopt is—Low Charges and no Delays.”]

[Illustration: February, 1883.

On the Trail.]

[Illustration: November, 1883.


MOSSOO (aside). “Ha!—with my hated Rival! Why was I so rude to her?!”]

[Illustration: April, 1884.


GENERAL GORDON.... “What is it that I seem to see Across the sand waste? Is it the quick gleam Of English steel, or but a desert-dream? Help—or that last illusion of distress, The mocking Mirage of the wilderness?”]

[Illustration: May, 1884.

“Mrs. Micawber.”

Mrs. M. (hysterically). “I never will do it! It’s of no use asking me! I never will desert Mr. Micawber!!” David Copperfield.]

[Illustration: January, 1885.

“Wait till the Clouds roll by!”]

[Illustration: February, 1885.

“Too Late!”]

[Illustration: April, 1885.

“Only his Play.” (!!!)

“The Russian Government hope that this unlucky incident may not prevent the continuance of the negotiations. (Laughter.)”—Mr. Gladstone, quoting M. de Giers.]

[Illustration: May, 1885.

The Broken Covenant.

“We cannot close this book, and say we will look into it no more.”—Mr. Gladstone’s Speech, April 27th.]

Our Protean Premier!

(As “The Angel of Peace,” in his Unrivalled Variety-and-Quick-Change Entertainment.)]

[Illustration: August, 1885.

The “Irrepressible” Tourist.

BISMARCK. “H’m!—Ha!—Where shall I go next?”]

[Illustration: December, 1885.

The Waits.]

[Illustration: August, 1886.

The Grand Young Man!!

SHADE OF “DIZZY.” “Dear me! Quite reminds one of old times!!”]

[Illustration: April, 1886.

Sink or Swim!!]

[Illustration: June, 1886.


(A Playful Adaptation of Meissonier’s Famous Picture, “1814.”)]

[Illustration: November, 1886.

The Tempter.

SPIRIT OF ANARCHY. “What! No work! Come and enlist with me—I’ll find work for you!!”]

[Illustration: April, 1887.

Salisbury Sisyphus.

“Unending task!” ... * * * * * “Swift roll the years, and still the ceaseless round, The toilsome press up the precipitous ground, The sullen slow ascent, the swift rebound!”]

[Illustration: October, 1886.

“What of the Night?”]

[Illustration: December, 1887.

“Quite English, you know.”

PRESIDENT CLEVELAND (to COLUMBIA). “Will you allow me to introduce this Young Lady?”]

[Illustration: January, 1888.

Bear or Bug-bear?

“Thou com’st in such a questionable shape!”—Hamlet.]

[Illustration: February, 1888.

In the Arena.

The “Parade” before the Conflict.]

[Illustration: March, 1888.

Germany. March 9, 1888.]


Or, “A Fair Exchange no Robbery.”

SWEET SIMPLICITY. “I AM sorry to part with him!” SHREWD BUT SEDUCTIVE SHEPHERD. “Nay, dear Child! What though this one be but indifferent fair to look on at present? He’ll last longer—and you will LEARN TO LOVE HIM!!”]

[Illustration: April, 1888.

What Next?]

[Illustration: May, 1888.

“Panic amongst the Pigs!”]

[Illustration: January, 1890.

Plain English!

JOHN BULL. “Look here, my little Friend, I don’t want to hurt your little feelings—but, COME OFF THAT FLAG!!!”]

[Illustration: August, 1890.

From the Nile to the Neva.

SHADE OF PHARAOH. “Forbear! That weapon always wounds the hand that wields it.”

[Illustration: March, 1890.

Dropping the Pilot.]

[Illustration: October, 1890.

The McGladstone!

“To land McGladstone lightly sprang, And thrice aloud his bugle rang With note prolong’d and varied strain, Till bold Ben-Ghoil replied again.”

“Lora of the Isles.” Canto IV.]

[Illustration: December, 1890.


Douglas ... MR. GLADSTONE. Marmion ... MR. PARNELL.

DOUGLAS. “The hand of Douglas is his own; And never shall in friendly grasp The hand of such as Marmion clasp!”—Marmion. Canto VI.]

[Illustration: January, 1891.


THE SEAL. “Belay, you two Johnnies!—avast quarrelling! Give me a ‘Close-time,’ and leave the ‘Sea’ an open question.”]

[Illustration: February, 1891.

“Retire!—What do *You* Think?”]


“Such a nature, Tickled with good success, disdains the shadow Which he treads on at noon.”—Coriolanus, Act I., Sc. 1.]

[Illustration: March, 1891.

“Advance, Australia!”


[Illustration: July, 1891.

Mr. Punch’s Jubilee Pageant.

(As reflected in Punch’s Magic Mirror.)]

[Illustration: September, 1891.

“Turning the Tables.”]

[Illustration: October, 1891.

“What will he do with it?”

STARVING RUSSIAN PEASANT. “Is none of that for ME, ‘Little Father’?”]

Trying it on!

RUSSIA. “SS-S-T! (Whispers.) I want to speak to you, my dear!”]

[Illustration: January, 1892.

The Coming of Ninety-Two

To the Modern Merlin, MR. PUNCH.

“And down the wave, and in the flame was borne A naked babe, and rode to PUNCH’S feet, Who stoopt, and caught the babe, and cried, ‘The Year! Here is an heir for Ninety-One!’”—Adapted from Tennyson’s “Coming of Arthur.”]

“Short ’Anded.”

MRS. HALSBURY. “I tell you what it is, Mrs. Coley, Mum—if all this ’ere dirty linen’s to be got through, we must ’ave ’ELP, Mum!!”]

[Illustration: February, 1892.

The Attack on the “Capit*a*l.”]

“Her Majesty’s Servants.”

View of the Stage on the re-opening of the Theatre Royal Westminster.]

[Illustration: March, 1892.

Younger than Ever!

The G.O.M. “Now then, Harcourt!—Tuck in your tuppenny!——Over!!”]

[Illustration: April, 1892.

The Dynamite Dragon.]

The New “Queen of the May.”]

[Illustration: June, 1892.

“When Greek meets Greek.”]

[Illustration: January, 1893.


[Illustration: April, 1893.

A Pilgrim’s Progress.]

Uncle Toby and Widow Wadman.

(Modern Ulster Version. After C. R. Leslie, R.A.’s celebrated picture.)

MRS. ULSTER. “Now, Mr. Bull, do you see any ‘GREEN’ in my eye?”]

[Illustration: May, 1893.

“The Minstrel Boy.”

LORD SALISBURY (sings). “I’ll harp wild war, aye, from sea to sea, Ere the Loyalists stoop to slavery!”]

[Illustration: July, 1893.

“Father William.”

“You are old,” said the Youth; “one would hardly suppose That your eye was as steady as ever; Yet you balance that Eel on the end of your nose— What makes you so awfully clever?”]

[Illustration: August, 1893.

The French Wolf and the Siamese Lamb.]

[Illustration: September, 1893.

“Over the Hills and Far Away!”]

The “Forlorn Hope.”]

[Illustration: January, 1894.

A Dirty Crossing.

THE OLD LADY OF THREADNEEDLE STREET (loq.). “O dear, O dear! I wish I were out of this nasty mess!”]

[Illustration: February, 1894.


JOHN BULL. “Did you ever see anything worse than my Navy?” JEAN CRAPAUD. “Yes—MINE!!”]


PARISH COUNCILS COCKATOO (sadly). “I’ve had a doose of a time of it!!!”]

[Illustration: March, 1894.


“Unarm!—the long day’s task is done!”—Antony and Cleopatra, Act IV., Sc. 12.]

[Illustration: April, 1894.


WILLIAM HARCOURT (the Barman). “Wonder if I can squeeze any more out of HIM?”]

[Illustration: July, 1894.

“Vive la République!”

“The tear that brimmeth, blindeth not her eye, So fixed aloft it lowereth not to greet The writhing reptile bruised by her unfaltering feet!”]

[Illustration: September, 1894.

Jap the Giant-Killer.]

[Illustration: October, 1894.

“Vested Interests.”

HOUSE OF LORDS CHARWOMAN. “Well! them Rogeberries, and ’Erbert Gladstings, and Haskwidges, and the rest on ’em may tork—and they may tork—but they h’aint turned HUS out yet!!”]

[Illustration: December, 1894.

“All’s Well!”

BRITISH LION AND RUSSIAN BEAR (together). “What a pity we didn’t know each other before!”]

[Illustration: January, 1895.

The New Passenger.]

“Who said ‘*Atrocities*’?”

(After the Popular Engraving.) “Old as I am, my feelings have not been deadened in regard to matters of such a dreadful description.” Mr. Gladstone’s Speech at Hawarden, December 29.

[Illustration: March, 1895.


LITTLE KHEDIVE. “Tell me, great Sphinx—is Egypt for the Egyptians?”]

[Illustration: April, 1895.

An Easter ’Oliday.

Duet (’ARCOURT and HARTHUR sing while being jolted).

“La-a-zi-ly la-a-zi-ly! Drow-ow-ow-sily! Drow-ow-ow-sily!” etc.]

[Illustration: June, 1895.

“William! ahoy!”

OPEN-MINDED WILLIAM (having come ashore from “The Stormy Petrel”). “Avast there, Messmates! The statesman who would lay his hands on a steeple-hatted female in distress—save in the way of ke-indness,” etc., etc. [The “Messmates” “avast” accordingly.

[Illustration: May, 1895.

The Old Crusaders!

The Duke of Argyll and Mr. Gladstone “Brothers in Arms” again!

BULGARIA, 1876. ARMENIA, 1895.]

[Illustration: July, 1895.

Old Warder William.

THE VETERAN (loquitur). “Dear me! What HAS become of Harcourt?”]

[Illustration: February, 1896.

“Just a-goin’ to Begin!”

PROFESSOR SALISBURY (P.P.R.). “Now, my Sportin’ Gents, ’ere’s the ’Atfield Pet and the Brummagem Bruiser—Who’ll have ’em on with either of ’em?”]

[Illustration: January, 1896.

The Tug of War.]

[Illustration: April, 1896.

The Patient Ass.

THE INCOME-TAXED ONE MURMURETH. “I don’t grumble, but—I SHOULD like just a little taken off.”]

[Illustration: August, 1896.

A Turkish Bath.

SULTAN. “They gave it me pretty hot in that Armenian room! But Bismillah! This is——Phew!!”]

[Illustration: October, 1896.

Preparing his Speech.

MR. JOE CHAMBERLAIN (to himself). “‘In short, Gentlemen—if you are only true to your principles, any one of you may become—as I have done—a Minister in a Liber—I should say in a Conserv—I beg pardon—I should say in an Unionist Government.’ H’m rather confusing—I don’t think THAT’ll quite do!”]

[Illustration: November, 1896.

“Turkey Limited.”

SULTAN. “Bismillah! Make me into a Limited Company? M’m—ah s’pose they’ll allow me to join the Board after allotment!”]

[Illustration: December, 1896.

“Seaside Lodgings.”

RUSSIAN BEAR. “Nice view of the sea! Just what I wanted! Think I’ll take ’em!”]

[Illustration: January, 1897.

The Queen’s Year!]

[Illustration: February, 1897.

Against the Grain.

JOHN BULL (loq.). “Ah! that Greek’s a plucky little chap! Precious sorry that me and my Forin’ Mates has to stop him!”]

[Illustration: March, 1897.

Tender Mercies!

DAME EUROPA (to LITTLE CRETE). “Don’t cry, my little Man. I’ve asked this nice, kind Turkish Policeman to stay and take care of you!”]

[Illustration: May, 1897.

“Who says ‘Sick Man’ now?”]

[Illustration: June, 1897.

Spithead. June 26.

BRITISH LION (taking the Young Lions out to see the Great Naval Review). “Lor’ love yer, my Lads, this is the proudest moment of my life!”]

“For Queen and Empire!!”]

[Illustration: September, 1897.

“Brothers in Arms.”]

[Illustration: February, 1898.


(Scene from Grand International Nautical Melodrama, first performed in 1833, and now revived with all the Original Scenery and Effects.)

THE THREE SAILORS (together). “Avast there! you lubberly Swab! Take the gold, and let the Gy-url go free!!”]

“Financial Relations.”

Chorus of Long-lost Brothers.


“It’s the most disthressful counthry that ever you did see! We want Siv’n Hundred Thousand Pounds from the Saxon Treasuree!”]

[Illustration: March, 1898.


[Illustration: April, 1898.


The Duello.

“Oh, the pity of it!”]

[Illustration: August, 1898.


[Illustration: May, 1898.

Honour à la Russe.

BRITISH LION. “What! Not come in here! Why, you gave me your word!”

RUSSIAN BEAR. “My friend! HOW you misunderstand me!”


[Illustration: July, 1898.

Our Masters’ Masters.

NEWSPAPER HAWKER. “Shout away, Bill! We’re safe enough as long as we votes ‘Progressive’!!”]

[Illustration: September, 1898.


Monday, January 26, 1885. Friday, September 2, 1898.]

[Illustration: November, 1898.

A Fixture.]

[Illustration: December, 1898.

Under the Mistletoe.

MISS WILHELMINA HARCOURT (to MISS JOANNA MORLEY). “Really, my dear, I don’t think it seems much use our staying here any longer.... They won’t come!”]

[Illustration: January, 1899.

A New Year’s Greeting.]


(In search of a genuine Liberal.)

D.-M. “Can’t see one anywhere.” [Gives it up.]

[Illustration: August, 1899.

A Free Hand!

HARTHUR B. (to the Butler). “Well, thank ’Evins, Mr. Salisbury, they’ve all left the ’Ouse!”

JOE (the Buttons). “Now we can do just as we like, and no questions arst.”]

Open at Last!

RUSSIAN BEAR (politely). “Come in, Miss. How COULD I keep my door closed against YOU!”]

[Illustration: October, 1899.

Plain English.

JOHN BULL (to Boer). “As you WILL fight, you shall have it. THIS time it’s a fight to a finish.”]

[Illustration: March, 1900.

Who said “Dead”?]

Full of Resource.

PRESIDENT KRUGER (reading the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s speech on the Budget debate):—“I am not going to bind myself as to what I will do on the termination of the War. I look first to the Transvaal.”

“Oh, DOES he? I know what I’M going to do on the termination of the war. I’M going through the BANKRUPTCY COURT!”]

[Illustration: April, 1900.

Good Wishes!]

[Illustration: July, 1900.

The Avenger!]

[Illustration: May, 1900.

The Imperial Dispensary.

THE KANGAROO. “I’ve got a sort of—er—feeling of oppression. My doctor at home gave me that Prescription!”

MR. CHAMBERLAIN (Colonial Chemist and Druggist according to the British Pharmacopœia). “‘Abolition of Appeal to Privy Council’—of course, I COULD make it up for you, but I think I can give you something that will exactly suit your constitution!”]

[Illustration: June, 1900.

Shifting his Capital.]

[Illustration: August, 1900.

In the Movement.

OOM PAUL (to himself). “Shifting her Capital? My idea!”]

[Illustration: September, 1900.

Reporting Himself.

You that answered England’s call At the darkest of the night, Come and take your coronal Won in many a gallant fight!

She that armed your eager ranks, She from whom you have your name, London’s city yields you thanks For your gift of added fame!]

[Illustration: January, 1901.

Time’s appeal.]

Transcriber’s Notes:

- Text enclosed by underscores is in italics (italics). - Text enclosed by asterisks is underlined (*underlined*). - Blank page has been removed. - Redundant title page removed. - Page 33: “Marseilliase” corrected to “Marseillaise”.

End of Project Gutenberg's Cartoons by Sir John Tenniel, by John Tenniel


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