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Audiobook: The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 4 of 4: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy by Blavatsky, H. P. (Helena Petrovna)

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Audiobook: The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 4 of 4: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy by Blavatsky, H. P. (Helena Petrovna)

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Title: The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 4 of 4 The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy

Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

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The Secret Doctrine:

The Synthesis




H. P. Blavatsky,

Author Of “Isis Unveiled.”

Third And Revised Edition.

Satvât Nâsti Paro Dharmah, “There is no Religion higher than Truth.”

Index to Vols. I., II. and III.

LONDON: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1895. Reprinted 1902, 1905, 1908, 1911, 1913, 1918, 1921.



Newnham, Cowell & Gripper, Ltd., Printers, 75, Chiswell Street, London, E.C. 1.


Aam, Toom is, i, 737.

Aanroo, Deceased allotted land in, i, 257; Domain of Osiris in, i, 737; Khem, who gleans in, i, 241; Wheat in the field of, ii, 390.

Aanroo-field, domain of Amenti, i, 257.

AB, the Father, ii, 87.

Ababel, the mystical Tree, ii, 653.

Abacus, the Pythagorean, i, 387.

Abahu, the Rabbi, ii, 56.

Abarbanel, ii, 477.

Abba Father, i, 380.

Abba, Rabbi, quoted, ii, 661, 664.

Abbé Bourgeois, ii, 301, 713; Brasseur de Bourbourg, quoted, ii, 787; Fabre on Prehistoric Man, ii, 789; Gorresio, quoted, i, 447; Huc, quoted, ii, 528.

Abd Allatif on Sabæans, ii, 378.

Abdera, Democritus of, i, 142.

Abdi of the Mahometans, ii, 636.

Abel, Cain and, i, 705, ii, 132, 142, 143, 492; Hebel or, a female, ii, 135; Sacrifice of, ii, 285; Soil, life-bearing, ii, 286; Woman, the first, ii, 406.

Abenephius, i, 308.

Ab Hati, Animal Soul, ii, 670.

Abhayan, ii, 424.

Abhimânin, ii, 258, 548; Sons of, i, 567.

Abhûtarajasas, or Râjasas, ii, 93.

Abjayoni, or Padmayoni, i, 399.

Abode of Apollo, ii, 7; Crystalline, of the Great Mother, ii, 501; Deity, of the invisible, i, 736; Devachan the, of Bliss, i, 391; Kwanyin, of, i, 161; Niraksha, of the Gods, ii, 419; Vishnu, of, ii, 5.

Abodes, Monads, of Immortal, ii, 16; Mortals, of Immortal, ii, 58.

Above, Below, and, i, 59, 100, 295, 592, ii, 527, 538, 739, 740.

Abracadabra, i, 50.

Abraham, Bosom of, i, 621; El Elion of, ii, 397; God of, ii, 536; Jehovah to, ii, 534; Lord God of, i, 506, 566; Palestine, coming to, i, 403; Paurânic MSS., in, i, 15; Pillars of, Lingams, ii, 495; Race-father, a, ii, 43; Sarah and, ii, 184; Saturn identical with, i, 631; Seed of, i, 631; Sepher Jetzirah, and the, i, 26; Ur, came from, ii, 148; Woman of, freed and bond, ii, 80.

Abrahams, Brahms and, ii, 138.

A-bra(h)m becomes Abraham, ii, 148.

Abram, Abraham and, ii, 43; Arba, derived from, i, 360; Circumcized servants of, i, 343; Lamp of, i, 361; No-Brâhman, or, ii, 210; Sarai, or SRI, and, ii, 80.

Abrasax, Gnostic sects, ii, 496; Sun, Eternal, ii, 224; Supreme God, a, i, 374.

Abraxas, Generative Deity, a, ii, 497; Gnostic sects and, ii, 496; Ievo antagonistic to, ii, 570; Osiris on, gems, ii, 596; Priapus, one with, ii, 480.

Abrayanti one of the Pleiades, ii, 581.

Absolute, Adepts do not speculate on the, i, 86; Ain Suph the, ii, 570; All, the, i, 37; Aspects of the, i, 43; Atyantika, or, ii, 72, 323; Being, i, 70, 82, 91, 289, ii, 470; Be-ness, One, i, 42; Brahma, the, Cause, i, 482; Breath of the, i, 267; Cause, the, i, 36, 622, 738; Chit or Intelligence, i, 35; “Concealed Lord,” the, i, 83; Consciousness, i, 32, 43, 72, 78, 82, 86, 87, 236, 286, 298, 696; Creative Power, the, and, ii, 82; Crookes on the, i, 635; Darkness, the, i, 86, 99, 522; Definition of the, no, ii, 37; Deity, the, i, 88, 194, 268, 581, 672, ii, 168, 249; Dissolution, ii, 323; Emanation from the, i, 314; Essence, i, 36, 86, 294, 690; Existence, the one, i, 71, 74, 347; Fiery Breath of the, ii, 120; First cannot be, i, 43; Gleam borrowed from the, i, 275; God as, i, 443; Hegel on the, i, 44; Ideation, mirrored in, i, 350; Intelligence, i, 113; Itself, the, stands by, ii, 632; Kabalists’ mistakes as to the, i, 235; Law, ii, 92; Life, i, 279, 296, 588, ii, 37; Light, i, 98, 99, 222, ii, 41, 100, 171, 225; Mahâmâyâ of the, IS, ii, 466; Mahat, an aspect of the, i, 82; Man becoming one with the, ii, 82; Manas and the, i, 204; Monad becomes the, i, 160; Motion, i, 42, 74, 86; Mystery of the Tree of Life, ii, 621; Negation, i, 43, 381; Non-Being, i, 78, 84, 215; No-Number is, i, 115; No-thing, the, i, 234, ii, 583; Nucleoles form part of the, ii, 37; One, i, 242, 276, 510, ii, 573; Oulom, the, i, 378; Parabrahman, the, i, 43, 92; Paranishpanna is the, i, 74, 79, 84; Parinirvâna, Perfection, i, 73; Perfection of the, All, i, 102, ii, 431, 586; “Perpetual Motion,” i, 85; Personified Powers, aspects of the, i, 374; Planes too near the, first two, i, 198; Plenum, the, container, i, 37; Point, the, i, 369; Pralaya, the, i, 40; Pre-cosmic Root-Substance, an aspect of the, i, 43; Presence, the, i, 678; Principle, i, 35, 81; Ray of the One, i, 144, 252; Reality, One, i, 42, 84, 569; Reflection of the, i, 310; Rest, i, 98, ii, 84; Scientists on the, i, 538; Self identical with the, Higher, i, 297; Self-consciousness attained by the, i, 81, 82; Silent All, i, 369; Spirit, i, 35, 360, 481; Spinoza on the, All, i, 689; Substance, Divine, i, 482; THAT which is the, All, ii, 168; Thought, i, 70, ii, 515; Time, i, 450; Truth, i, 79, 84; Unity, i, 37, 89, ii, 27, 249, 575, 616, 622; Unknowable, the, ii, 769; Unmanifested, or, i, 115; Upâdhi, one, ii, 37; Veil shrouding the, i, 82; Wisdom, i, 3, 31, ii, 102, 401; Word, manifesting in the, ii, 584.

Absoluteness, Breath of the, i, 267, 310; Conditioned, cannot be, i, 36; God, the, of, i, 445; Incomprehensible, i, 287; Infinity, the, of, i, 156; Non-being, of, i, 522; Parabrahman is, i, 44; Plane of, the, i, 154; Principle, of the One, i, 46; State of, indescribable, i, 49; Thought in its, Divine, ii, 566.

Absoluter Geist, i, 81.

Absolutes, Two, impossible, i, 36, 442.

Ab Soo, Space called, ii, 527.

Absorption in Brahman, i, 159; Laws of, specific, i, 174; Source, of man into his, i, 697.

Abstraction, Absolute, i, 363; Atom an, i, 559; Causeless Cause an, the, i, 622; Concretion follows the lines of, i, 200; Deity of the Pagans an, i, 707; Elohim not an, i, 251; Ever-Present an, i, 32; Holy of Holies an, ii, 495; Ideal, i, 363; Incomprehensible, i, 676; Jehovah not an, i, 679; Logos as an, i, 374; Mathematical, a, i, 733; Matter as an, i, 349, 619; Metaphysical, i, 76; Mûlaprakriti as an, ii, 28; Plane of, i, 68; Reality to, giving, i, 271; Sephiroth not, i, 693; Shekinah the purest, i, 678; Spirit per se an, i, 215; Symbols represent, i, 443, 675; Universal, a, ii, 495, 632.

Abydos, quoted, i, 104, 249.

Abydos, Osiris worshipped at, i, 471, 738; Synchronistic table at, ii, 384.

Abyss, Arg floating on the, ii, 482; Aryan and Semitic systems, between the, i, 479; Beginning, a great, in the, i, 460; Boundless and Void, i, 394; Chaos, the, of, i, 160; Chaotic, Fountains of the, ii, 150; Creation, the, of primordial, ii, 68; Darkness, the, of, ii, 57; Demiurgos reflected in the, looks of the, ii, 254; Destruction in the, ii, 58; Gate of the, ii, 621; Infinite, i, 369; Lady of the Nether, ii, 485; Lower, the i, 63; Male unit, dug by the, ii, 586; Manifested World, the, ii, 245; Matter, the, of, i, 217; Mentality, the, of, ii, 85; Noot the celestial, i, 248; Space, the, of, i, 402, ii, 56, 151; Spirit of the, ii, 109; Waters, the, of primordial, ii, 613; Watery, ii, 690, 755.

Abyss., Ethiopic text, Job, i, 454.

Abyssinia, Book of Enoch in, ii, 560; Egypt reached through, ii, 789; Formation of, ii, 789; Island, formerly an, ii, 385; Pistis Sophia brought from, ii, 597.

Académie des Inscriptions, i, 150, ii, 357, 543.

Accad, or Accadia, Sargon of, ii, 730.

Accadian calendar, ii, 732.

Accident, Karma and, ii, 317; Lives, no, in our, i, 705.

Accumulators, Faure’s, i, 635.

Accuser, Book of the Dead, the, in the, ii, 403; Soul, of the, i, 130.

Achad, Ahu the Eka, the, i, 138; Creators called, i, 154; Elohim called, i, 137; Hebrew name for Jehovah, i, 102.

Achaica of Pausanias, quoted, ii, 357.

Achamoth, Ilda-baoth mother of, ii, 254; Sophia or, i, 157.

Achar, Jehovah the, ii, 535.

Achath, Creators called, i, 154.

Acheron, ii, 373.

Achilles, Heel of, ii, 674; Shield of, ii, 412.

Achit, Anâtmâ and Parabrahman, i, 89.

Achyuta, Chyuta, became the, ii, 50; Immutable, the, i, 593; Vishnu, a name of, i, 46.

Acosmism, i, 176.

Acosta, quoted, i, 230.

Acrania, ii, 694.

Acropolis, Argos, the, at, ii, 308; Temple on the, i, 361.

Actio in Distans, i, 529, 533.

Action, Âkâsha exists because of, i, 354; Causes of, i, 584; Divine, kingdom of, ii, 252; Fatalism of blind, i, 705; Forces, Design in, of, i, 298; Fruit of our, i, 257; Independent, falsely so-called, i, 617; Karma or, i, 295, 695, ii, 316, 319; Marshalling of, i, 699; Matter and, i, 707, ii, 38; Molecular, i, 539; Nature of a God known by, i, 454; Personal and impersonal, ii, 319; Priests, good, the only, i, 301; Seed of, i, 258; Sense and, i, 356; Spheres of, ii, 657; Spirits of, i, 279; Spiritual sphere of, ii, 657; Thought and the, i, 311; Unity in thought and, i, 706; Vital, developing all forces, i, 588, 647; Whirlwind raised by, i, 701; Will determines, i, 700; With and without, i, 91; World of, the third, i, 117; Worshipped, of the, ii, 524.

Active, Being, Periods of, ii, 249; Divine Mind in, operation, i, 486; Dragon, after passivity, the Old, i, 445; Existence, cycles of, ii, 540; Force a Principle, i, 687; Gods, World of the, i, 469; Intelligence, Universal, ii, 631; Matter, i, 553, 572; Passive by turn, and, ii, 774; Periods of the Universe, i, 394; Polarity, ii, 706; Power, Sephira the, i, 378; Principle, ii, 62, 556; Self-Consciousness, ii, 332; Wisdom, the Logos as, ii, 241.

Activity, Cosmic, ii, 325; Creation, in, i, 302; Creative force, of the, i, 401; Cycles of, i, 287, ii, 575; Cyclic, of Spirit, i, 693; Fohat, of, ii, 621; Leibnitz and living, i, 691; Matter, of, i, 172, 304; Nascent, ii, 512; Organic units, of, i, 687; Periods of, i, 92, 178; Plane of, i, 203; Stages of, ii, 790; Svabhâvat, intense, of, i, 695; Terrestrial, i, 679; Vital, i, 303.

Actor, Dress of an, i, 623; Characters played by an, ii, 320.

Acts, Consequences of, i, 308; Nature’s, are cyclic, i, 702.

Acts of the Apostles, i, 114, 349, ii, 504.

Ad, Assyrian is “Father,” in, ii, 46; Sanskrit is “First,” in, ii, 45, 473; Sons of, i, 228.

Ad-ad, Aramæan means “only one,” in, ii, 45, 46.

Ad-ah, Sons of, ii, 213.

Adam, ii, 230; Âdi-Nâth Sanskrit for, ii, 473; Admi or Adami, ii, 3; Androgyne, ii, 135, 191; Apple, and the, i, 153, 325; Ark, body of, in the, ii, 490; A-sexual, the, ii, 126; Athamas or Thomas, ii, 143; Barhishad became the, of dust, ii, 81; Bible, in the, ii, 401; Biblical, the, ii, 8, 74; Book of Enoch and, ii, 132; Cain not son of, ii, 135; Chaldæan, the, ii, 107; Children of, i, 482; Church, a, ii, 46; Clergy on descent from, i, 343; Collective name, a, ii, 4; Creation of, ii, 411; Dead-letter sense, in the, ii, 159; Disobedience of, ii, 425; Dust, the, of, i, 263, ii, 86, 90, 119; Earth, the, of, ii, 133; Eden, in, ii, 118; Elohim were, i, 105, 145, ii, 399; Enos and, ii, 492; Essence, emanating from Divine, i, 26; Eve, and, i, 161, 345, 492, ii, 65, 156, 203, 278, 286, 292, 524, 665, 693, 739; Fall of, ii, 179, 538; Family of, human, ii, 300; First, the, i, 376; First man, not the, i, 345; Formation of, from clay, ii, 682; Garden, in the, i, 435; Generations of, ii, 561; Generic name, a, ii, 475; Genesis and, ii, 1, 185, 405, 698; Highest, the, ii, 529; Humanity, collective, ii, 142; Initiating an, ii, 212; Jehovah or, i, 479, ii, 133, 282; Jehovah-Cain made part of, ii, 406; Jews, obtained from Chaldæa, ii, 45; Kadmon (see Adam Kadmon); Kaimurath identical with, ii, 412, 414, 415; Lifthrasir the coming, ii, 105; Lilith, and, ii, 183, 274; Mâdim, Mars and, ii, 152; Maimonides on, ii, 489; Mankind, is, ii, 126; Mosaic Bible, and the, ii, 46; Noah, period from, to, ii, 444; Oilah the Heavenly form, i, 380; Paurânic MSS., in forged, i, 15; Personification, as a, ii, 410; Planet, formed long after our, i, 345; Priapean monster represents the fourth, ii, 480; Primitive Race, stands for the, ii, 132; Races, of the different, ii, 429, 717; Raphael to, i, 682; Red, the, ii, 153; Reïncarnation, and, i, 131; Rishoon is the Lunar Spirit, ii, 415; Second, ii, 1; Sons of, ii, 329, 492, 567; Soul, the first living, ii, 540; Soul of life, requires the, i, 267; Spirit, a quickening, ii, 540; Swaddling clothes, in, ii, 730; Tailless, the, ii, 343; Terrestrial, the first, ii, 171; Theology, in Christian, ii, 100; Tree of Knowledge, and the, i, 434; Tree of Life, and the, ii, 226; White, the, i, 344; Woman from the second, ii, 137; Yima, or, ii, 646.

Adam-Adami, i, 380, ii, 45, 46, 47, 473, 475, 478.

Ad-am-ak-ad-mon, ii, 47.

Adamas, Kabir, named, ii, 3; Ophite, the, ii, 479.

Adam-Eve, Jehovah or, ii, 135; Race, the Second, ii, 142.

Adam-Galatea, ii, 159.

Adami, Adam, Admi or, ii, 3; Red-earth, the, ii, 475; Symbol, the manifold, ii, 473.

Adamic, Humanity, i, 25; Man, ii, 329; Orthodox, 6,000 years, ii, 713; Race, the, i, 437, ii, 5, 95, 749.

Adam-Jehovah, ii, 47.

Adam-Jehovah-Eve, ii, 132.

Adam Kadmon, Adam-Adami or, i, 380; Ad-am-ak-ad-mon or, ii, 47; Adonis or, ii, 47; Ain Suph, vehicle of, i, 466, ii, 770; Ain-Suph-Shekinah, i, 679; Ancient of Days and, i, 90; Androgyne, ii, 136, 489; Anu preceded, ii, 153; Archetypal Man, the, i, 420, 478; Body of, i, 260; Brahmâ and, ii, 132; Dual-Man, generic name of, ii, 40; Elohim framed, i, 259; Female counterpart of, i, 236, ii, 282; Genesis, of, ii, 2, 119; Heavenly Man or, i, 161, ii, 49, 630, 662; Jehovah and, ii, 489; Kabalah, in the, ii, 4; Kabalists and, i, 202, ii, 136; Light, is Spiritual, i, 359; Logoi as, the, i, 266; Logos, the, i, 235, 463, ii, 135, 574; Lord, is the, ii, 135; Mind-born son of, ii, 133; Origin of, ii, 566; Paradigmatic, ii, 478; Sephira and, i, 125, 236, 461, 464; Sephiroth and, ii, 244, 744; Sephirothic Tree, personifies the, i, 376, ii, 4, 306; Symbol, the four-lettered, ii, 28; Twofold man, the, i, 485; Yodcheva or, ii, 137.

Adam-KDM, the Heavenly Man, ii, 40.

Adams, Animal, ii, 274; Creation of the human, ii, 49; Four, the, ii, 529; Kabalistic four, ii, 479; Nebo and Buddha both, ii, 478; Prediction of, ii, 460; Primitive men or, ii, 3; Primordial, seven, ii, 49.

Adam’s Earth, or primordial matter, i, 39, 594.

Adamu, or Dark Race, ii, 5.

Adan, the city of, ii, 30.

Adaptation, Environment, to, ii, 779.

Ad-Argat, the Syrian Goddess, ii, 47.

Ad-ar-gat or Aster’t, ii, 46.

Adbhitanya, ii, 333.

Adbhutam in Atharva Veda, ii, 658.

Adder, Dan described as an, i, 715, ii, 222.

Address, Liverpool Geological Society, ii, 734.

Address to the British Association, i, 128.

Address of the Gods to Vishnu, i, 454.

Adelaide, Natives near, ii, 206.

Adept (see also Adepts, Initiates, Rishis, Masters, etc.), Absolute not studied by the, i, 186; Âlaya the Self of an, i, 80; Angel, ii, 662; Ape theory, an, rejects the, i, 212; Âryâsanga, a pre-Christian, i, 80; Astronomers, ii, 738; Atlantis, an, on, ii, 426; Bacon an, Roger, i, 604; Chaldæan, Bible of the, ii, 476; Chelâ to a higher Initiate, the, i, 227; Christos, becoming the full, ii, 613; Correlation of Elements, and the, i, 324; Cross at Initiation, attached to a, ii, 589; Dragon a symbol of the, ii, 293; Ego of an, ii, 227; Form, an, changing his, ii, 745; “G” and the, the letter, ii, 608; Galilean, ii, 241; Initiated, ii, 30; Invisible, becoming, ii, 814; Jîvanmukta the highest, i, 77; Magic of the, White, ii, 445; Matter, on, i, 595; Monad, reading all in the, i, 691, 692; Mysteries of Nature known to the, ii, 580; Occultist, the, i, 169; Personalities of an, i, 296; quoted, ii, 425; Râja Yogî, every, a, i, 182; Revelation to an, ii, 476; Secret Wisdom, in, ii, 561; Self-made, a, ii, 378, 450, 451; Serpent a symbol of the, ii, 381; Spiritual faculties of the, i, 618; Student, reveals to the, i, 324; Third Eye of the, ii, 651; Trance of the, i, 561; Upâdhis separated by the, i, 182; Vision of the, i, 531; Wilford, an, on, ii, 425; Will of an, born through the, ii, 127; Work without fault must be written by an, ii, 677.

Adepts, Abode of, ii, 519; Age, in every, i, 525; Âkâsha of the, i, 361; Alchemists and, ii, 364; Ancient, the great, ii, 443; Apes, hope for the, ii, 274; Âryan, ii, 401; Atlantean and Âryan, ii, 520; Authority of the, i, 647; Balaam taught by, ii, 427; Beings perceived by, i, 663; Books, existence of, recorded in the Sacred, i, 19; Buddhahood reached by, i, 628; Celibate, the, ii, 87; Cis-Himâlayan, ii, 390; Civilize, tarry to, ii, 213; Classes of, seven, i, 628; Commentaries compiled by, ii, 26; Coptic, ii, 451; Cross used by, sign of the, ii, 593; Cyclic laws, and the, ii, 659; Death of, ii, 559; Dhyâni-Buddha, have each their, i, 626; Difficulties encountered by, i, 193, ii, 741; Dragons, named, ii, 225; Earliest known, ii, 527; Egos of great, ii, 650; Egyptian, ii, 451; Fifth Race, of the, i, 452; Firm ground, on, i, 468; Forefathers of all, ii, 528; Forces of the Moon, on the, i, 425; Generic title of, ii, 221; Good Law, of the, ii, 521; Greek, ii, 451; Heavenward aspirations of the, ii, 227; Hermes and, ii, 398; Hierophants, or, ii, 384; Hindû, ii, 668; History known to, i, 23; Indian, i, 330; Initiates and, i, 314, 671; Initiation, and, i, 435; Knowledge, cannot communicate, ii, 741; Life of the, ii, 521; Light known to, properties of, i, 562; Lipika, do not know all orders of, i, 153; Mankind will be composed of, ii, 465; Manvantaras, of previous, ii, 99; Mental vision of, i, 190; Moon, knowledge of the, i, 180; Multiply again, the, will, ii, 288; Mystery of the Lunar Chain known to, i, 202; Mystics of antiquity, and, ii, 558; Nâgas of the, i, 435; Names of, ii, 519; Nebo starts a new race of, ii, 477; Nebular Theory and, i, 576, 643, 646, 650; Nursery for future, i, 228; Occult Fraternity preserve the teaching of, i, 18; Perfection of the, i, 294; Phraseology of the, ii, 372; Planetary system, on the, i, 649; Post-diluvian, i, 450; Pyramids, living under, ii, 367; Researches of, i, 671; Revelations not made by, i, 325; Right Path, of the, ii, 221; Saints, and, ii, 441; Science known to, ii, 471; Seed for future, ii, 238; Serpent symbolical of, ii, 98; Serpent-holes, from, ii, 790; Seventh Race, will return in the, ii, 559; Shiva the patron of, ii, 295; Solar System known to, ii, 741; Sun’s nature known to, ii, 629; Sword of Knowledge used by, i, 585; Third Race, of the, ii, 220; Truths concealed by, i, 1; Vidyâ, and Sacred, ii, 457; Visions of, i, 294; War between, ii, 527; “Wondrous Being” governs, i, 228; World-efforts of, i, 28.

Adeptship, Candidate for, ii, 397; Embryo of divine, ii, 650; Hermes and, allegories of, ii, 398.

Âdhi Budha, Supreme Wisdom, i, 3.

Âdi, First, in Sanskrit is, i, 154, ii, 45; Race called, first speaking, ii, 473; One, the, i, 3.

Âdibhûta, or primeval cause of all, i, 3.

Âdi-Buddha, First or Primeval Wisdom, i, 84; Illusion, an, i, 84; Unknown, the one, i, 624; Wisdom of, concealed, i, 135.

Âdi-Buddhi, or Absolute Consciousness, i, 696.

Âdi-Buddhic Monad, i, 625.

Âdi-Budha, Correlation of, i, 161; Decrees of, ii, 52; Supreme Wisdom, or, i, 3.

Âdikrit, Creator, i, 399.

Âdi-Nâth or First Lord, ii, 473.

Âdi-Nidâna Svabhâvat, i, 61, 125.

Âdi-Parvan of the Mahâbhârata, ii, 242.

Âdi-Sanat, the number, i, 61, 125.

Âdi-Shakti, Mûlaprakriti emanation from, i, 39.

Âd-Îshvara, ii, 473.

Aditi, Âkâsha or, i, 354, 574; Ambâ or, i, 496; Cosmic Space or, i, 83; Daksha and, i, 165, 683, ii, 258; Depth of, unfathomable, ii, 224; Diti is, ii, 648, 649; Dyaus or, i, 127; Gæa one with, ii, 281; Gaia metaphysically, ii, 69; Light, Primordial, ii, 46, 112; Mother, i, 686, ii, 554; Mûlaprakriti called, i, 464; Sephira is, i, 379, 382, ii, 46; Sons of, i, 101, 126, 604, ii, 221; Space, is Infinite, i, 126; Spirit, and the, ii, 480; Sun, Mother of the, i, 578; Surârani, called, ii, 555; THAT, in, i, 34; Vâch or, i, 161, 465, 468, ii, 47.

Aditi-Gæa, Prakriti materialized is, ii, 69.

Aditi-Prakriti, i, 304.

Aditi-Vâch, i, 380, 465.

Âditya, Athivâhikas, a name of, i, 157; Planetary God, the, ii, 69.

Âdityas, Ashvins, or Sacrificers, ii, 640; Devas, are real, ii, 95; Gods, the eight, or, i, 127; Planets, the, the seven, i, 126; Rudras who are, ii, 192, 618; Secret Doctrine, in the, i, 119; Sustainers of life, the, ii, 513; Vaivasvata period, in the, ii, 94; Varuna, chief of the, ii, 281; Vedas, in the, ii, 258; Vedic deities, the, the, i, 100; Vedic times, the, of, ii, 555.

Âdi-Varsha, the primitive Eden, ii, 211, 213.

Adjuster, Pesh-Hun is Karma’s, ii, 52.

Adjustment, Harmony, is universal, ii, 319; Inner Man, of the, ii, 280; Karma, by, ii, 317; Orbs, the, of, i, 223; Organism, of the human, ii, 307; Sphere of final, i, 205; Struggles and wars of, i, 215; Work of, intelligent, i, 540.

Ad-m, appellation of, ii, 45.

Admi, Adam or Adami, ii, 3.

Ad-on, or Lord of Syria, ii, 46, 47.

Adon, Adonai and Adonim, ii, 473; Baal or, a Phallic God, ii, 482; Hiram’s temple to, ii, 570.

Adonai, Adonim and, ii, 473; Footstool of, ii, 245; Iao-Jehovah, a name of, ii, 407; Israelites, of the, ii, 473; Iurbo-Adonaï, or, i, 501; Jehovah, a title of, i, 472, ii, 487, 535; Jewish, the, ii, 47; Star, the, six-pointed, ii, 561; Sun, genius of the, i, 631, ii, 567.

A Do Na Y, or Lord, ii, 473.

Adoneus, a stellar spirit, i, 484.

Adoni, Jews’ reading of, ii, 137.

Adonim and Adonai, ii, 473.

Adonis, Adam-Kadmon or, ii, 47; First Lord, the, ii, 473; Lunar God, a, i, 425; Mysteries of, ii, 222; Osiris and, ii, 812; Ptah, identical with, i, 377.

Adrasteia, the inevitable, ii, 319.

Adulterer, Seed of the, ii, 622.

Advaita, Brâhman of the, Sect, i, 697; Doctrine, i, 92, 107; Philosophy, i, 37, 84, 569, ii, 674; Sect, the, i, 486; Vedântists, the, i, 86; Without a Second, i, 84.

Advaitî and the Vishishthâdvaita Philosophy, i, 89.

Advaitin, Brâhmans, opposed to orthodox, i, 37; Doctrines, i, 81; Occultists are not Atheists, i, 35; Philosophy, the, Vedântic, ii, 631.

Advaitîs, Purusha and Prakriti, on, ii, 633.

Advaitîs and Vedântins, i, 83.

Advent of Christ, Enoch and Elijah, ii, 559; Second, the, i, 289.

Adventures of an Atom, i, 167.

Adversaries, Christianity, in, ii, 407; Gods, of the, ii, 173.

Adversary, Anthropomorphic God, of the, ii, 395; Azazel, not the, of Jehovah, ii, 393; Demon, the, ii, 512; God and, ii, 534; Human form, in, i, 444; Jehovah the first, ii, 405; Law on the, the, ii, 501; Lucifer as the, ii, 171; Matter, the, of Spirit, ii, 244; Nature, the, in, i, 443; Satan as the, i, 443, ii, 246, 254, 392, 404, 406; Theology, the, in, ii, 64.

Adv. Hær., i, 435, ii, 480.

Adyar, Pandit at, i, 157.

Adyta, Documents stored in the, i, 20; First Principle beyond the, i, 459; Initiation Halls of the, ii, 480; Secrecy of the, i, 143.

Adytum, Sacred, of Occult Mysteries, i, 687; Sanctum Sanctorum or, ii, 481.

Æd-en, Eden or, ii, 45.

A, E, I, O, V denote the Five Races, ii, 480.

Ælian, quoted, ii, 437, 803.

Æneas, Astral double of, ii, 814.

Æneid, quoted, ii, 628.

Æolian, Cronus, form of, i, 139; Mars, the, name of, ii, 410.

Æolus, Typhôeus chained by, i, 504.

Æon, Adam, the Patriarch, i, 703; Eternity sometimes denoting, i, 92; Intermediate, an, ii, 512; Logos, or First, i, 375; Sunrise of another, i, 214.

Æons, Angels, created by, i, 374; Archaic, the, i, 180; Beginning of, i, 671; Being-less, the, i, 376; Brahmâ and, Days of, i, 477; Chief of the, i, 217; Differentiation, of slow, ii, 778; Evolution of, duration of, ii, 575; Falling down of the, i, 449; First of the, ii, 399; Highest of the, ii, 514; Genii or, i, 217; Kalpas or, of Life, i, 142; Manvantaras, in former, i, 297; Material History, of, i, 699; Nirvâna, of suffering before, ii, 85; Pairs of, ii, 601; Spheres, rebellious, of the, ii, 639; Time, of, i, 437, ii, 712.

Aërial, Fire, and Ethereal, i, 508; Gods, the, class of, ii, 80; Navigation, i, 611; Spirit, serpent as an, ii, 218.

Aëriform, Primeval man, ii, 84; Transformations of the, globes, i, 226.

Aërius, or Pan, i, 501.

Ærobes, i, 270, 278, 281.

Aerolites, Howard on, ii, 828.

Æronautics, Vimâna Vidyâ or, ii, 444.

Aesar, an Etruscan God, ii, 120; Irish Gods, one of the, ii, 121.

Æschylus, Initiate, an, ii, 437, 551; Prometheus of, ii, 431, 549, 551, 806; quoted, ii, 283, 429; Tragedies of, ii, 712; Trilogy of, ii, 432.

Æsculapius (see also Esculapius and Asclepios), Apollo, son of, ii, 112; Asclepios or, ii, 218; Embryo, and the human, ii, 270; Ptah, identical with, i, 377; Saviour of All, called, i, 377; Serpent, and the, ii, 219; Sun-God, a, ii, 485.

Æsers of the Scandinavian Eddas, ii, 30.

Æsir, Scandinavian or, ii, 797.

Æther (see Ether, etc.), Aditi, is, i, 354; Aditi the principle higher than, i, 161; Âkâsha the primary of, i, 585; Ancients, of the, i, 353; Astronomy, in modern, i, 527; Being of another Plane, a, i, 530; Breath of the Father, is the, i, 103; Chaos, and, i, 459; Deified by Ancients, i, 353; Elasticity of the, i, 528; Element, the fifth, i, 392; Elements, the synthesis of all, i, 366, 502; Energy, the quintessence of all, i, 554; Ether and, of the Ancients, i, 353; Father, Omnipotent, i, 498; Father-Mother, is, i, 41,105; Fire is, i, 114; Fiery Waters of Space, the, ii, 418; Forces, the cause of, i, 554; Gravitation, Father, and, i, 538; Greeks, the sacred, of the, i, 528; Hemera and, i, 135; Imponderable aspect of, i, 353; Lodge on, i, 530; Logoi, related to the, i, 465; Magnus, i, 353; Mochus on, i, 391; Noumenon of, Ether the, i, 553; Occultist, of the, i, 561; Osiris representing, i, 363; Pater Omnipotens, i, 353; Personifications of, i, 165; Phenomena, in the world of, i, 371; Prima Materia, the Soul of, i, 364; Richardson on Aith-ur or, i, 574; Science, unknown to, i, 128; Sons of, i, 610; Spiller on the, i, 553; Subdivision of, i, 366; Synonyms of, ii, 537; Ulom and, i, 391; Universal, i, 523; Zeus-Zên or, i, 363, ii, 138.

Ætheric vibrations, i, 614.

Æthiop river, the, ii, 435.

Æthiopians, Eastern, the, ii, 447; Pioneer race of the, ii, 436.

Ætna, the celestial pillar, ii, 806.

Affinity, Atoms, of the, i, 32, ii, 709; Caloric, of, i, 572; Cohesion, laws of, and, i, 279; Electric power of, i, 144; Magnetic, ii, 121; Natural Selection and, ii, 672; Tongues, between Basque and Dravidian, ii, 835.

Afghanistan, Arabs in, ii, 210; Khoorassan came from, tribe of, i, 17.

Afghans, Ben-Issraël, children of, ii, 210; Israelites, and, ii, 210; Jews, will not call themselves, ii, 210.

Africa, America and, ii, 341; Asia formed after, ii, 641; Atlantes of Western, ii, 804; Atlanteans and, ii, 782; Atlantis and, ii, 275, 834; Continent of, ii, 210, 806; Emergence of, ii, 276; Ethiopian of, ii, 493; Europe and, ii, 8, 341, 385, 781; Gigantic men in, ii, 444; Irish stones in, origin of, ii, 359; Karma of, ii, 178; Lemuria included part of, ii, 7; Migrations to, ii, 342; Negro of, ii, 463; Nîla in Western, ii, 421; Northern, ii, 765; Pushkara will form part of, ii, 422; Races of, ii, 203; Root-stocks of, ii, 181; Shâka will form part of, ii, 422; Shveta-Dvîpa and, ii, 420; Sicily joined to, ii, 793; Skulls of races in, ii, 177; Stones of, ii, 794; Tribes of, ii, 171, 439, 452; Types in, variability of, ii, 444; Western, the first men lived in, ii, 718.

Agadi, Akkad, called, i, 339; Sargon, capital of, i, 339.

Against Apion, quoted, i, 140.

Agassiz, ii, 142, 179, 180, 646, 682, 688.

Agastya, the sage, ii, 242.

Agathodæmon, Archangel or, the highest, ii, 64; Christ the, ii, 293; Christos, the, ii, 394; Egypt, called a king of, ii, 383; Genius, the Good, i, 513; Gnostic Saviour, the, ii, 480; Legend of, ii, 545; Light, Shadow of the, ii, 224; Mercury as, ii, 31; Pyramid tomb of, ii, 378; Seth, was, ii, 378; Serpent, the good, i, 441, 476, ii, 220; Tree of Being, and the, i, 443.

Agathodæmon, the good Spirit, i, 368.

Age, Argonauts, of the, ii, 4; Âryan Brâhmanical nation, of the, ii, 644; Augustan, the, i, 229; Azoic, of Science, i, 278; Black, i, 27, ii, 454; Blackness, of, i, 510; Brahmâ, of, i, 37, 84, 195, 227, 309, 395, 437, 603, ii, 73; Bronze, the, of, ii, 208, 282, 816; Cambrian, the, ii, 10; Chipped-stone, ii, 782; Devonian, i, 273; Earth, of our, ii, 51, 69; Elephas primigenius, of the, ii, 726; Eocene, ii, 452, 715, 729; Fourth Race, of the, ii, 308; Globe, geological, of the, ii, 158, 163, 261; Golden, i, 706, 712, ii, 128, 208, 282, 285, 389, 440, 547, 762, 821; Great, i, 224, 266, 718, ii, 81, 322; Horror, the, of, ii, 347; Human race, of the, ii, 653; Humanity, of, i, 174, ii, 463; Ice, so-called, ii, 74; Iron, i, 706, ii, 208, 282; Kali, of sin and sorrow, ii, 580; Kali Yuga, of, i, 728, ii, 413, 580; Kalpa or, great, i, 114, ii, 321; Mahâkalpa or great, i, 68; Mammalia, of, ii, 628; Man, of, ii, 69, 301, 725, 781; Meanings of, several, ii, 334; Men, diminished, of, ii, 345; Miocene, the, ii, 10, 452, 721; Moon, of the, ii, 69; Mythopœic, the, i, 287; Palæolithic, the, i, 229; Pigmies, of, ii, 754; Primary, the, ii, 169; Pyrolithic, the, ii, 169; Reptiles, of, ii, 753; Sacred, the, i, 266; Satya Yuga, the, of, i, 97, 404, ii, 154; Secondary, man in the, ii, 8, 10; Silver, the, ii, 208, 282; Silurian, the, i, 273; Sin and Sorrow, of, ii, 580; Stone, the, ii, 461, 719; Sun, of the, ii, 9; Tertiary, ii, 9, 717; Third, the, i, 228; Third Race, of the, ii, 753; Titan of the Secondary, ii, 8; Titanic, the first, ii, 429; Tradition of the Christian, ii, 476; Truth, the, of, ii, 154; Wheel, of the small, i, 226; World, of the, ii, 564; Zodiac, of the, i, 722.

Age and Origin of Man, The, ii, 551, 698.

Aged, Form of the, ii, 744.

Agent, Architect, Creator, for the, ii, 46; Creator as, ii, 46; Ether an, i, 278; Free, man, a, i, 700; Gravity acting through an, i, 533; Immaterial, an, i, 519, 533; Lapis Philosophorum, or Universal, ii, 119; Magic, great, ii, 537, 539; Material, a, i, 519, 660; Spirit, an, of God, i, 216; Transmission, of, ii, 60, 111; Universal, i, 554, ii, 119.

Agent provocateur, the Lord an, ii, 405.

Agent unique, a universal, i, 105.

Agents, Causes of the, i, 584; Creation, of, i, 491; Forces on this Plane or, i, 536; Harmony, of Universal, ii, 104; Karma, of, ii, 500; Kosmos, Active, in, ii, 114; Law, irresponsible, of the, ii, 243; Monads not merely, i, 691; Newton on the, i, 532.

Ages, Archaic, i, 6, ii, 71, 105, 588; Azoic, the, ii, 169; Babylonian divine, ii, 655; Dark, the, ii, 448, 460; Day of Brahmâ, of a, i, 93; Duration of the, ii, 70, 71, 83; Geology, in, ii, 10, 166; Globe, of the, i, 733; Great, the four, i, 485; Mahâyugas or Great, i, 93; Man, seven, of, ii, 326; Middle, the, i, 670, ii, 480; Minor, the, i, 718; Natures of the, ii, 92; Periods of four, i, 397; Post-diluvian, ii, 456; Pre-diluvian, ii, 170; Prehistoric, i, 444, ii, 70, 285, 474; Primary, of Geology, ii, 166; Primitive, the, i, 693; Quaternary, the, ii, 705; Reptiles, of the, ii, 58; Science, of, ii, 74; Secondary, of Geology, ii, 166; Shakespeare, the seven, of, ii, 124; Signification of the four, ii, 283; Years, meant by, i, 363.

Agglutinative, Language in the, stage, ii, 699; Speech, ii, 209.

Agruerus, the great Phœnician God, ii, 150.

Âgneya, a synonym for Krittikâ, ii, 580.

Âgneyâstra, also Agnyastra, fiery weapon, a, ii, 666; Magic, the, ii, 590.

Agni, Abhimânin, ii, 258, 548; Âryan God, the, ii, 120; Asura, an, ii, 97, 525; Bhuranyu, an epithet of, ii, 548; Brahmâ, eldest son of, i, 567; Dhruva and, ii, 579; Father of the three Fires, ii, 60; Fire-god, the, ii, 399, 611, 648; Friends of, the seven, ii, 640; God of Fire, the, i, 500, ii, 596; Hebdomad, and, the second, i, 483; Hindû, the, i, 364; Hymn to, ii, 554; Indian, the, ii, 400; Kâlî and, i, 477; Kâma, identified with, ii, 186; Kârttikeya and, ii, 580; Rapid, the, ii, 548; Sanskrit, in, ii, 106; Titans, sons of, ii, 150; Vaishvânara, a name of, ii, 325, 600; Vedas, in the, ii, 431; Vedic Trimûrti, a, i, 117.

Agnibâhu, Priyavrata, son of, ii, 386.

Agni-bhû, Kârttikeya called, ii, 399, 580, 654.

Agnîdhra of Jambu-dvîpa, ii, 334.

Agnihotris, or Fire-priests, ii, 524.

Agni-putra in India, the, ii, 379.

Agni-ratha, Force from an, i, 614.

Agnis of the Âryas, ii, 90.

Agnishvâtta, Ancestors, the, ii, 81; Barhishads and, ii, 92; Boon of the, ii, 552; Dhyânîs and the, Fire, ii, 96; Fires, the, devoid of, ii, 81; Flames, or, ii, 83; Kumâras and, ii, 92; Marîchi, father of the, ii, 94; Pitris, the, i, 204, ii, 93, 293; Progenitors, the, ii, 81; Saviours, the, our, ii, 430; Solar Deities are, i, 114.

Agnishvâtta-Kumâra, ii, 377.

Agni-Vishnu-Sûrya, ii, 643.

Agnostic, Carelessness of the, ii, 623; Faraday said to be an, i, 552; First Cause, speculation on, i, 348; Hæckel an, ii, 686; Mytholators, and, ii, 620; Quatrefages, attitude of, ii, 681; Speculative thinkers, ii, 167.

Agnosticism, Geological problems and, ii, 822; Janus-faced, i, 575; Nescience and, i, 36; Philosophy and, i, 697; Science and, i, 566; Spencer’s, i, 43.

Agnus Dei, ii, 400.

Agnyastra, or fire-weapons, ii, 445.

Agra-Sandhâni and the Soul’s Life, i, 131.

Agriculture, Ceres and, ii, 408; Discovery of, ii, 391; Huschenk, in the days of, ii, 415; Isis and, ii, 408; Isis-Osiris invented, ii, 383; Operations of, i, 703; Nabatheans, of the, ii, 477; Revelation of, ii, 380.

Agriculture of the Nabatheans, The, ii, 476.

Agrippa, i, 488, 670, ii, 511.

Ah, root of the verb “to be,” ii, 643.

Aham = I, i, 489, ii, 488.

Ahamkâra, Ahamship or, i, 585; Being, the origin of all, i, 488; Desires of, i, 280; Egoship or, i, 585; Egotism, or the feeling of, ii, 649; Element, the, i, 218, 251; Indriya Creation and, i, 489; Manas springs from, i, 356; Origin of the Elements, the, ii, 651; Prakritis, one of the seven, i, 277; Sânkhya philosophy, in the, i, 358; Spiritual ascension, opposed to, ii, 676; Triple aspect of, i, 357, 488; Vishnu Purâna, in the, i, 95.

Aham-sa, or “I [am] He,” ii, 488.

A-hamsa, Brahmâ is, i, 47.

A-ham-sa or Hamsa, i, 106.

Aham-ship or Ahamkâra, i, 585; Mahat becomes, i, 104.

Ahan or Day, ii, 61.

Ahaz reproved by Isaiah, ii, 517.

Ah-hi, Army, like an, i, 70; Celestial Beings or, i, 69; Chohanic, i, 83; Dhyân Chohans or, i, 70; Individuality of the, i, 70; Laws, act according to, i, 70; Paranishpanna, in their, i, 56; Powers of Nature and, i, 70; Responsibilities of the, i, 70; Universal Mind and the, i. 55.

Ahi, Indra and, i, 223; Nâga called, ii, 192; Vritra or, ii, 399.

Ahi-Vritra, Indra and, ii, 402.

Ahiyé and Asher, ii, 491.

Ahiyé asher Ahiyé, ii, 568.

Ahmed Ben Yusouf Eltiphas, ii, 383.

A’hoor, i.e., back, ii, 568.

Ahriman, Ahura Mazda, and, ii, 512; Angels, were primordial, ii, 513; Conqueror of, ii, 503; Dethroned, will be, ii, 438; Divine aspect of, ii, 544; Evil thought of, ii, 514; Fire, surrounded with, ii, 543; Ministers of, i, 630; Ormazd, and the Bull of, ii, 98; Osiris and, ii, 296.

Ahti the Dragon, ii, 29.

Ahu, Achad, the Eka, the, i, 138.

Ahura, Asura and, ii, 64, 642; Mazda, i, 135, ii, 102, 244, 304, 305, 374, 398, 402, 438, 499, 502, 504, 512, 543, 643, 645, 743; Supreme Spirit or, ii, 62; Zoroastrians’, ii, 525.

Ai, crucifixion of the King of, ii, 588.

Aïdoneus of the Subterranean World, i, 501.

Ailanthus is bi-sexual, ii, 141.

Aima the Great Mother, ii, 88, 401.

Ain, Aiôr, En or, i, 235; Non-being or, ii, 662; No-thing, or, ii, 136.

Aindrî, Indrânî or, ii, 649.

Aindriyaka, Aindrî the personification of, ii, 649; Creation, the third, i, 481; Organic creation or, i, 489; Senses or, i, 490.

Ain i Akbari, i, 8.

Ain Suph, Absolute Endless No-thing, i, 234, ii, 570; Adam Kadmon and, i, 202, 466, ii, 770; Boundless All, the, i, 134; Boundless Time, or, ii, 244; Christians have ignored, i, 420; Concealed, the, ii, 117; Deity, the Nameless, ii, 570; Delight of, in itself, ii, 134; Fiery Soul of the Pelican, the, i, 109; Forms of, i, 466; Head of, i, 381; Jehovah blended with, ii, 404, 630; Jewish, the, ii, 583; Kabalists, of the, ii, 136, 481, 495; Kâla or, ii, 244; Left-hand of, i, 674; Manifestation of, ii, 42; Mystery name of, ii, 133; Negation, a term of, i, 462; No-thing, the, i, 234, 677; Nothingness, the great, i, 367; One, is, ii, 303; Para-brahman and, i, 84, 138, 456, ii, 244; Ray from, i, 235, 624; Sephirothic aspects of, i, 374; Seven letters of, i, 358; Shekinah-Adam-Kadmon, i, 679; Unity, the concealed, i, 373, 378; Unknowable, the, i, 84, ii, 44; Unnameable, the, ii, 44; Vehicle of, i, 466, ii, 770; Veil of, ii, 226; Zeruâna Akerne and, ii, 244; Zohar on, the, ii, 565.

Aiôn, Bythos, or, i, 373; Time or, ii, 514.

Aiôr, En, Ain or, i, 235.

Air, Âkâsha and, i, 226; Ancients’ knowledge of, i, 568; Body, the cosmic gross, i, 572; Breath of all, born from the, i, 269; Chemical constituents of, i, 146; Composition of, i, 641; Coruscations in, i, 694; Creation of, i, 274; Eagle and, ii, 121; Element, as an, i, 280, 304, 360, 382, 468, 482, ii, 615, 651; Ether and, i, 40, 278, 352, 582; Fire and, i, 273, ii, 120; Gases and, i, 503; God of the, i, 500, 501; Hydrogen and, ii, 111, 121; John and, St., ii, 121; Monsters of the, ii 8; Mountain-top, pure, on the, i, 168; Nature of, i, 399; Nitrogen and, i, 274; Occultism, the, of, i, 239; Personifications of, i, 165; Prince of the, ii, 509, 542; Quaternary of matter, one of the, ii, 634; Race that could live in Fire or, ii, 230; Rudimentary man nursed by the, ii, 119; Space, spreads over, i, 399; Spirit and, i, 280, 365, 494, 498; Upâdhi of, ii, 111; Vibration breaks up, i, 615; Walking in the, ii, 298.

Air plane, ii, 302.

Air vehicles, Vimânas or, ii, 444, 445.

Airy Bodies, Chohans of the, ii, 17; Lords of the, ii, 79.

Airy, Sir George, quoted, i, 639.

Airyama-ishyô, ii, 544.

Airyaman, the holy, ii, 544.

Airyana Vaêjô, ii, 5, 214, 305, 372, 434.

Airyana-Varsedya, ii, 434.

Aish, Asr, Osiris or, ii, 120; Man, Hebrew for, ii, 591; Osiris, Asr or, ii, 120.

Aitareya Brâhmana, quoted, i, 103, 127, ii, 50, 436.

Aitareya Upanishad, quoted, i, 36.

Aith-ur, Solar Fire, Ether, i, 574.

Aja, Hindû, the, ii, 371; Kâma is, ii, 186, 611; Krishna is, ii, 72; Logos, as the, ii, 612; Rig Veda, in the, ii, 612; Unborn, the, ii, 72, 186; Vedântins, the, of the, ii, 637.

Ajitas refused to create, ii, 94.

Ajunta, Labyrinths of, ii, 231.

Ak or Creator, ii, 46.

Ak-ad or Father-creator, ii, 45.

Akarot, ii, 264.

Âkâsha, Adepts and, i, 361; Aditi and, ii, 46, 649; Æther and, i, 105, 354, 366; Ambâ means, i, 496; Celestial Virgin, the, i, 354; Chaos, proceeds from, i, 585; Definition of, ii, 538; Diathermanous Matter, is, i, 41; Differentiation of the elements in, i, 488; Element not, the One, i, 41; Ether and, i, 41, 90, 105, 124, 226, 274, 276, 277, 278, 315, 353, 354, 527, 573; Fire and, i, 273; First-born of the One, the, i, 586; Fohat acts through, i, 135; Forces and, i, 641; Heat, and radiant, i, 41; Inter-etheric force and, i, 613; Kant and, i, 659; Materialist, and the, i, 316; Mother, the, i, 354; Mother-Father, the, ii, 418; Mûlaprakriti and, i, 39, 67; Nârâyana concealed in, i, 252; Nirvâna and, eternal, i, 697; Noumenon of Ether, the, i, 274, 583; Occultism and, i, 529; Pairs of opposites and, ii, 601; Pater Æther or, i, 530; Plastic, i, 46; Pradhâna synonym for, i, 276; Prakriti and, i, 277, 553; Sophia Achamôth or, i, 219; Soul, the Universal, i, 377; Sound, and, i, 399; Spirit of, i, 494; Substance, primordial, i, 347; Supersubstantial essence of, i, 561; Sthûla Sharîra of, ii, 650; Synonyms of, i, 276, ii, 537; Universal Soul, the, i, 377; Vâch, a form of, i, 161; Water, the symbol of, i, 494.

Âkâshic, Jesus, Garment of, ii, 613; Photographs of worlds, i, 46; Primal Natures, i, 110; Principle, the, i, 279; Universal Soul, the, i, 39.

Akbar, the Emperor, i, 7, 8, 18, 97.

Aker, Apap slain by, ii, 223; God, the, ii, 621; Set’s serpent, ii, 223.

Akhu, intelligence or perception, ii, 669.

Akibeel reveals meaning of portents, ii, 393.

Akkad (see Accad), City of, ii, 730; Nimrod, capital of, i, 339.

Akkadians, Ak-ad or, ii, 45; Ancestors of the, i, 422; Brâhmans and, ii, 212; Cosmic powers conceived by, ii, 500; Creative God of the, ii, 382; Ea of the ii, 64; Emigrants, the, were, ii, 213; Genesis of the, i, 381, 382, ii, 212; Lord of Ghosts of the, ii, 148; Months named by the, i, 712; Silik-Muladag of the, ii, 500; Serpent of the, i, 438; Zi or Spirit with the, ii, 57.

Akkads, the Great Deep of the, ii, 56.

Aksha or latitude, ii, 419; Akshonnati, or elevation of the pole, ii, 419.

Akta or anointed, ii, 106.

Alais, meteorites of, ii, 746.

Al-ait, the God of Fire, ii, 150.

Alalus, Pithecanthropus, ii, 699, 718.

Alaskan Peninsula, the, ii, 341.

Âlaya, Anima Mundi, the “Heart” of the, i, 88; Brahma, an aspect of, i, 81; Existence of, absolute, i, 80; Paramârtha and, i, 78; Soul of the World, the, i, 79; Three-fold meaning of, i, 80; Universe, of the, i, 56, 78.

Albatross, magical properties of the, i, 388.

Albertus Magnus and Roger Bacon, i, 636.

Albus McGaldus, skeleton of, ii, 792.

Alcamenes, statuary of, i, 416.

Al-Chazari, quoted, ii, 43, 45, 244.

Al-Chazari, the Prince, ii, 43.

Alchemical, Chemical or, i, 580; Fact, an, i, 449; Metaphors conceal, meanings, i, 567; Progeny of Fire, description of the, ii, 68; Secret, an, ii, 132; Solvent of life, the, i, 278; Svastika an, sign, ii, 104; Test for pure air, i, 686; Transformations, Nature’s, ii, 179; Trinity, the, ii, 111.

Alchemistic mysteries, ii, 667.

Alchemists, Adam’s Earth of i, 39; Adepts and, ii, 364; Athanor of the, i, 110; Celestial Virgin of the, i, 495; Chemists and, ii, 364; Christian, i, 472; Cosmic Matter of the, i, 594; Ether, on, ii, 628; Exact Science and, i, 167; Fictions of, i, 560; Fires and the, ii, 112; Heirs of the, i, 670; Jehovah and Christian, i, 472; Matter, on, i, 595; Mediæval, i, 26, 109; Miracles of the, i, 26; Mystic Watchers of the, i, 144; Occultists and, Eastern, ii, 627; Spiritual secretion, and, i, 555; Sun in the Ship, on the, i, 441; Tetragram of the, ii, 587; Transformations, on, i, 368.

Alchemy, Birthplace of, ii, 807; Books on, ancient, i, 636; Chemistry, the new, i, 683; Compromise with, i, 539; Elements in, i, 110, 638; Fourth Race taught, ii, 445; Hermeticism, or Western, ii, 120; Hydrogen in, ii, 111; Mercury in, ii, 572; Occult, ii, 121; Ozone in, i, 606; Phenomena and, Occult, i, 165; Primordial substance of, i, 352; Renaissance of, ii, 807; Sciences, and ancient, i, 282.

Alcyone in the Pleiades, i, 545, ii, 451, 582, 811.

Aldebaran, ii, 829, 830.

Alden, J. B., ii, 29.

Aleim, Astrologers, the, ii, 213; Elohim, ii, 212; Magi or, ii, 213.

Aleph, symbol of the Bull, i, 720, ii, 582, 607.

Aletæ, Planets, the seven, ii, 377; Titans, the, ii, 150, 377.

Aletheia or Truth, ii, 605.

Aleutian Islands, ii, 336, 341.

Alexander Jannæus, ii, 530.

Alexander Polyhistor, i, 10, ii, 56.

Alexander, Prof., i, 643.

Alexander the Great, i, 10, 144, 713, ii, 5, 435, 436, 803.

Alexandria, Cæsar and the burning of, ii, 807; Gnostics of, i, 448; Greeks of, i, 722, 723; Indian figures in, i, 387; Initiates of, ii, 606; Library in, i, 7, 18, ii, 731; Neo-Platonists of, i, 27, 440; Ophio-Christos of the Mystics of, i, 389.

Alfuras, skulls of, ii, 550.

Algæ, i, 200, ii, 752.

Algebra, i, 674, ii, 586.

Algebraical term, an, ii, 584.

Algeria, ii, 795.

Alhim, Creator, the, i, 365; Elohim or, i, 137, 139, ii, 141; God, the, ii, 42; Hebrew, i, 118; Kosmos fashioned by, i, 369; Life, of, ii, 43; Light, creates, ii, 40; Wisdom of, hidden, ii, 43; Words of, ii, 45.

Alhim-ness, ii, 43.

Alkahest proper, the, i, 368.

Alkaloid, Ptomaine, the, poison, i, 282; Saliva contains venomous, i, 282.

All, Absolute, the, i, 37, 102, 252, 369, 689, ii, 168, 401, 584; Abstract, the, i, 43; Ain Suph, the, i, 134; Boundless, the, i, 55, 72, 134; Breath of the, i, 104; Causeless Cause, the, i, 43; Circle, the, ii, 658; Darkness filled the, i, 55, 72; Divine, the, i, 485; Emanation concealed in the, i, 36; Eternal, the, i, 37; Germ becoming the, i, 31; God, the, i, 96; Golden Egg not created by the, i, 37; Infinite, the, i, 37; Life, is, i, 269; Nature, in the, i, 120, 352; No-Thing is the, Absolute, ii, 584; Nothing yet the, i, 462; Number, is One, i, 113; One, the, i, 37, 486, ii, 573; Pan the Great, ii, 614; Primordial Substance, the, i, 352; Ray of the, i, 252; Root of the, i, 171, 276; Rootless Root of, i, 98; Spinoza, the, of, i, 689; Unconditioned, the One, i, 288; Unconscious, the, i, 93; Unit merged in the, i, 351; Unknowable, the, ii, 515; Unknown, the, i, 131.

Alla of the Arabs, ii, 636.

Allahabad, i, 422, ii, 231.

All-bad, the snake not a type of the, ii, 404.

All-Being, Brahmâ, is, i, 85; Rootless Root of, i, 437.

All-Be-ness, i, 85.

All-Cause, Parabrahman the, ii, 114.

All-Deity, Circle or, ii, 629; Science and the, ii, 103.

Allegorical, Adam, permutations of, ii, 132; Âgneyâstra, origin of the, ii, 666; Ain Suph, descent of, ii, 770; Animals, reference to the Sacred, ii, 191; Âryan writing, i, 329; Chaldæan tablets are, ii, 2; Cosmogony, accounts of, i, 261; Descriptions, ii, 671; Drama of Initiation, ii, 437; Emblem explained, i, 324; Event, of a moral, ii, 351; Flood, meaning of the, ii, 154; Forms of belief, ii, 595; Genesis is, ii, 444; Half-man, the, ii, 596; Interpretation, the, i, 401; Kabiri, names of the, i, 703; Language used in the past, i, 327; Plato, language of, ii, 278; Purânas are, ii, 334; Ra, assimilation to, i, 248; Racial events, ii, 435; Religion, form of, ii, 478, 695; Rig Vedic hymns are, ii, 640; Scriptures are, ancient, ii, 80; Secret Doctrine teachings are, ii, 2; Symbol, the, ii, 398; Systems, the, dual, i, 217; Thought, the, mode of, ii, 350; War in Heaven, the, ii, 280.

Allegories, Anthropomorphic, i, 156; Âryan, ii, 401, 608; Astronomical, ii, 399, 619; Atlantis, of, ii, 811; Bible, ii, 661, 662; Cain, of, ii, 232; Conceptions in the shape of, i, 552; Cosmic, ii, 129, 399; Creation, of, ii, 58; Cube, of the perfect, i, 367; Cycles, of the, i, 396; Earth, of the, ii, 48; Egyptian, ii, 398; Esoteric truths given as, ii, 830; Flood, of the, ii, 153, 328; Fohat, the key to the, i, 736; Greek, ii, 811; Hidden meaning of, ii, 456; Hindû, i, 371, ii, 581; Homer’s, ii, 401; Isis-Osiris, of, ii, 152; Kabalah, in the, ii, 661; Manvantaras, of the, i, 396; Matter and Purusha, of, i, 392; Meaning of, ii, 108; Moon, of the, ii, 48; Mosaic, ii, 131; Nâgas in the, ii, 192; Nârada, of, ii, 599, 618; Noah, of, ii, 232; Oriental traditions full of, i, 449; Paurânic, ii, 145, 184; Powers, concealing the nature of the, i, 504; Purânas, of the, i, 567, ii, 11, 61; Purusha and Matter, of, i, 392; Semi-esoteric, ii, 83; Sons of the Seven, i, 604; Testaments, in both, i, 334; Vâch, veil, i, 468; Veil of, ii, 157.

Allegory, Abel, of, ii, 492; Adam, of, ii, 185, 226; Agnishvâtta, of the, ii, 81; Androgynes in every, ii, 132; Angels, of the Fall of the, i, 215; Anugîtâ, from the, ii, 675, 676; Ape’s origin, of the, i, 212; Archaic mysteries, of the, ii, 239; Âryan, the, ii, 86, 98; Astronomical, ii, 368, 404, 571; Asuras, of the fallen, i, 210; Brahmâ, of, ii, 82; Brazen Serpent, of the, i, 390; Cain, of, ii, 492; Candidate’s awakening, of the, ii, 589; Castor and Pollux, of, ii, 130; Chaldæan account of Creation not, ii, 55; Codex Nazaræus, of the, i, 217; Cosmic, i, 223, ii, 183; Cosmogonical, ii, 404; Creation, of the, ii, 40, 55; Cronus, of, i, 450, ii, 440; Cross, of the, ii, 571; Deluge, of the, ii, 4; Eastern, phraseology of, i, 131, 185; Edom, of the Kings of, ii, 57; Egyptian, i, 257; Enoch, of, ii, 561; Esoteric, i, 577; Eve, of, ii, 204; Existence in, the Absolute, i, 347; Fall, of the, i, 215, ii, 65; Fancies of, ii, 97; Fire of Life, of the, ii, 226; Gandharva, of, i, 569; Genesis, in, i, 266, ii, 185; Gnostic, of Satan, ii, 254; Greek, ii, 109, 159; Hanumân, of, ii, 173; Hindû, ii, 35; Indian, ii, 4; Indra’s Soma-drinking, of, ii, 395; Io, of, ii, 436; Ischins, of the, ii, 393; Isis Unveiled, in, i, 268; Israelites’ deluge, of the, ii, 4; Jacob, of the sons of, ii, 222; Jupiter, of, ii, 207; Kâma, of, ii, 186; Kandu, of, ii, 180; Keys of, seven, ii, 25; Kings of Edom, of the, ii, 57; Kumâras in, ii, 610; Leda, of, ii, 128, 207; Linga Purâna, in the, ii, 260; Manu, of the, ii, 156; Manus, of the, ii, 322, 653; Maruts, of the, ii, 648; Matsya Avatâra, ii, 72; Moses an, history of, ii, 487; Nature’s inability to create, of, ii, 107; Origin of, i, 435; Palestine, concerning burial in, i, 621; Personification for purposes of, i, 632; Poetical, ii, 105; Pralayas, of two, ii, 814; Prometheus, ii, 83, 109, 432, 434; Purânas, in the, ii, 62, 183; Purûravas, of the, i, 569; Pygmalion, of, ii, 159; Raumas, of the, ii, 193; Religion, in every, ii, 103; Religious mysteries, in the, ii, 131; Satan, of, ii, 254; Science rejects, i, 222; Scrolls of Wisdom, of the, ii, 105; Secret Meaning of, i, 456; Serpent, of the Brazen, i, 390; Shukra, an, of, ii, 36; Solomon’s Temple, of, i, 334; Spirit of, i, 456, ii, 66, 602; Suggestive, is, i, 570; Sweat-born, of the, ii, 186; Temple, of the, i, 334; Tien-Hoang, of the, ii, 30; Titans, of the Western, ii, 35; Tradition, and, ii, 246; Universes, of the three, i, 299; Uranus, of, i, 450; Vaivasvata, of, ii, 147; Vishnu, of, ii, 42; Vishvakarmâ, of, ii, 590; War in Heaven, of the, ii, 66, 396; Yima, of, ii, 645; Zeus, of, ii, 129, 440.

All-embracer, the, ii, 281.

All-embracing Deity, the, ii, 407.

Allen, Grant, quoted, ii, 301, 717, 724, 726, 729.

All-Father, Abyss, dwelt in the, i, 460; Darkness wherein dwells the, i, 461; Divinities in the house of, ii, 105.

All-Force inherent in the Monad, ii, 116.

All-fours, dumb man walking on, ii, 301.

All-good, snake a type of the, ii, 404.

Alligator Mound, ii, 795.

All-in-All, i, 48, 370.

All-knowing Lord, the, ii, 97.

All-knowledge of Nârada, ii, 599.

Allness of the world, ii, 41.

All Nyug, i, 50.

Allotropize, i, 168.

All-penetrating fluid, i, 275.

All-permanent, the, i, 487, 637.

All-potent monad, ii, 116.

All-potential, Monad is, ii, 116; Moon is, shell of the, ii, 121; Unity, the, i, 637.

All-powerful, i, 541.

All-presence, i, 56, 77, ii, 623.

All-seeing God, Vishvakarmâ, the, ii, 590.

All-Spirit, or Âtman, ii, 115.

Allusions in the Vendîdâd, ii, 642.

All-Wisdom, i, 389.

All-Wise Deity, Dhîmat or, ii, 186.

ALM, Mahomet’s mystic word, ii, 485.

Almanac, i, 703.

Almeh, the Egyptian dancing girls, ii, 485.

Almighty, Deity, ii, 637; Lord God, ii, 535; Matter, the, creating, i, 682; Prayers to the, i, 506; Satan first-born of the, ii, 249; Throne of the, ii, 67; Triune, the, i, 678.

Al-orit, the God of Fire, ii, 377.

Alorus, Adam, ii, 475.

Alpha, Christ the, i, 720; Creation, the, of, ii, 105; Dhruva now, the Pole-Star, ii, 648; Draconis, i, 438, ii, 451; Esotericism, of Eastern, ii, 470; Omega, and, i, 33, 288, 347, 510, 674, ii, 46, 371, 588; Polaris, i, 469; Tau the, of Secret Divine Wisdom, ii, 614.

Alphabet, Egyptian, the, i, 287, ii, 614; Gods, of the, ii, 380; Greek, the, ii, 596; Hebrew, the, i, 121, ii, 582, 607; Mayas, of the, i, 287; Philosophical meaning of the ancient, i, 121, ii, 606; Russian, ii, 577; Sanskrit, i, 121; Slavonian, ii, 577; Thoth, of, i, 325.

Alphonso, tables of, i, 729.

Alpine, Ice-age in, valleys, ii, 74; Path of knowledge, ii, 448.

Alps, ii, 793, 822, 831.

Altar, Christian churches, in, i, 500; Horns of the, ii, 436; Kârana, of, i, 301; Mithra, of, ii, 638; Proportions of the, i, 230.

Alter Ego, Satan transformed into the Divine, ii, 499; Venus-Lucifer the, of the Earth, i, 323.

Althersumkunde, quoted, i, 12.

Altruism, Law of Harmony which depends on, ii, 316; Name, not simply in, i, 706; Prometheus, of, ii, 440.

Altruistic purposes, Intellect applied to, ii, 173.

Altyn-tag, subterranean libraries of, i, 8, 16.

Aluminium, i, 602, 603.

Always-existing, the, ii, 585.

Am means divine or deity, ii, 47.

Amalthæa Jupiter’s foster-mother, ii, 612.

Amânasa or mindless, ii, 22, 95, 201.

Amanuenses of Eternal Ideation, i, 130.

Amazarak, the teacher of sorcerers, ii, 393.

Amazons, Aphides keep house like the, ii, 142; Circle-dance of the, ii, 483.

Ambâ one of the Pleiades, ii, 581.

Ambâ or Aditi, i, 496.

Amber, Tears become, ii, 814.

Ambhâmsi, Suggestiveness of the term, i, 495; Waters, or, i, 494, 496.

Ambrose, St., quoted, i, 148.

Ambrosia, Dragon and forbidden, Flying, ii, 542; Ûrdhvasrotas who feed on, ii, 172.

Amdo, district of, i, 134.

Ame no ani naka nushi no Kami, i, 234.

Amenophes, King, i, 428.

Amenti, Assessors in, i, 130; Corn of, i, 257; Counsellor of Osiris in, ii, 505; Egyptian, Initiate descended into, ii, 589; Justice conferred in, i, 332; Osiris and, i, 332, ii, 505, 613; Region of, i, 130; Soul in, the, i, 391; Spirit in, one becomes pure, i, 737; Thot the Scribe in, i, 413.

Amentian region, the, ii, 396.

America, Aborigines of, ii, 210, 781; Angels in, believers in, i, 670; Atlanta, called, ii, 231; Atlantis called, ii, 155; Basque language akin to that of, ii, 834; Cities in, ruined, i, 739; Colossal stones in, ii, 794; Continent, the fifth, ii, 7; Dolichocephalæ of, ii, 837; Europe and, ii, 349, 425; Evening Telegraph of, quoted, ii, 460; Forests of, ii, 714; Giant-skeletons in, ii, 307; Horse in, origin of the, ii, 836; Human stocks in, ii, 718; Idealists of, ii, 703; Iguana lizard of South, ii, 163; India, thought to be part of, ii, 341; Isis Unveiled, reviews in, of, i, 532; Kabalists in, i, 34; Miocene period in, ii, 825, 828; Myth by Europeans, regarded as a, i, 315, 316; Nâgas, peopled by descendants of, ii, 192; Nargals of, ii, 224; North and South, ii, 421; Pampas of, i, 500; Pâtâla is, ii, 141, 224, 465, 665; Philosophers in, ii, 703; Primeval man in, ii, 181; Pushkara is, ii, 421, 422; Pyramids in, ii, 367; Root-Race in, Fifth, i, 518; Sanskritists in, i, 710; Savages of, ii, 458; Seven in ancient, number, ii, 38; Shâka, will form part of, ii, 422; Skeletons in, giant, ii, 91; South, ii, 421; Spiritualists in, ii, 91; Substantialists in, i, 170, 617; Symbols of tribes of, i, 393, 419, 500; Transformation in, ii, 463; Tribes of, i, 146, ii, 458; Upheaval of, ii, 425; Zuñi Indians of, ii, 665.

American, Anglo-Saxons, people were pure, ii, 463; Archæologists, ii, 442; Baffin’s Bay on the, side, ii, 420; Denton, the, Geologist, i, 222; Geologists, i, 222, ii, 9; Journalists, ii, 460; Journal of Science, The, quoted, i, 112, 149; Kabalist, an, i, 118; Naturalist, The, quoted, ii, 339; Noah, the, ii, 150; Primary Race, the, is a, ii, 464; Race will not be, the Sixth, ii, 465; Theosophist, quoted, an, i, 683; Traveller on the Great Pyramid, an, i, 334; Zone, the, ii, 465.

Americas, Cataclysm will destroy both, ii, 464; Europe, portions of the, older than, ii, 641.

Amers taught the solution of magic, ii, 393.

Amesha Spentas, Amshaspands or, ii, 374, 402, 544, 643.

Ameyâtman, i, 455.

Amida or Buddha, i, 134.

Amilakha, or animated, ii, 37.

Amitâbha, A-mi-to Fo, is, ii, 189; Avatâra of, i, 134; Buddha, or, i, 511; Dhyâni-Buddha, a, i, 134; Dhyânîs, or, ii, 189; Tien and, i, 381.

A-mi-to Fo, or Amitâbha, ii, 189.

Ammianus Marcellinus, quoted, i, 424, ii, 447.

Ammon, Creative God, the, i, 391; Egyptian God, the, i, 393; Exclusion, of, the, i, 738; Horus, becomes, ii, 487; Mon, or, i, 393; Moot and, i, 464, ii, 486; Mout, mother and wife of, i, 119; Mystic eyes of, ii, 223; Neïth, was the Goddess, ii, 143; Theban Triad, one of the, ii, 486.

Ammonia, elements of, i, 637.

Ammonites, Moloch of the, i, 427.

Ammon-Ra, Amenophes, to, i, 428; Generator, the, i, 393; Mother’s husband, his, i, 422.

Amœba, Division of, ii, 698; Man, from, to, ii, 266; Reproduction of the, ii, 123.

Amœbian souls, ii, 687.

Amona, Mother, i, 380.

Amoorland, ii, 828.

Amoura, ii, 736.

Ampère, Law of, i, 558.

Amphain-Essumen, ii, 480.

Amphibia, ii, 174, 694, 722.

Amphibian, Ancestors, ii, 125, 724; Fauna, ii, 723; Mammalia traced to an, ancestor, ii, 125.

Amphibious, Crocodile sacred because, i, 440; Frog, nature of the, i, 413; Makara means an, animal, ii, 609; Reptiles, ii, 198, 211.

Amphion, ii, 840.

Amphioxus, ii, 387, 700.

Amphitrite, ii, 611, 612.

Ampsiu-Ouraan, ii, 601.

Amrita, Guna, beyond any, i, 371; Immortality, i, 97, 98, 371, ii, 398; Water of Life, or, i, 97.

Amshaspands, ii, 374, 382, 402, 512, 543, 643.

Amshaspend, Osiris the chief, i, 471.

Amshaspends, Archangels, the, are, i, 471; Asuras, and, ii, 97; Dual nature of the, ii, 499; Manvantaric emanations, are, i, 463; One in Many are, the, i, 138; Synthesis standing for, the veiled, i, 362; Zoroastrians, of the, i, 152, 255.

Amshumat, Sagara’s grandson, ii, 602.

Amulets, Mandrake, of, ii, 30; Psammite, made of, ii, 786.

Amun the source of light, i, 138, 363.

Amusement or Lîlâ, ii, 56.

Amyot, Father, quoted, i, 512.

An, Basin of Persæa in, ii, 576; Chief of, i, 737.

Ana, Belita, and, ii, 485; Chaldæan, i, 119.

Anactes, Kabiri identified with the, ii, 376; Vulcan’s progeny and the, ii, 112.

Anærobes, Human body, in the, i, 281; Scientists and the, i, 270.

Anærobic being, an, i, 270.

Anâgâmin path to Nirvâna, i, 227.

Anagram, Kumâra an, ii, 610; Mystic, a, ii, 488.

Anagrammatic blind, an, ii, 613.

Anagrammatical significance of Makara, ii, 612.

Anagrânîyas, i, 381.

Anaitia, wife of Shiva, i, 119.

Anaïtis of the Medes and Persians, i, 425.

Anak, Sons of, ii, 798.

Anakim, ii, 351, 355.

Analogies, False, i, 512; Gentiles and Jews, between, ii, 494; Greek words, of, ii, 548; Sequence of, i, 670.

Analogues of the inferior races, ii, 171.

Analogy, Chemical composition, of, i, 654, 663; Comparative, indisputable, ii, 596; Cosmos and man, between, i, 196; Doctrine of, i, 210; Elements, between chemical, ii, 663; Esotericisms, between various, i, 248; Evolution, Law of, in, ii, 69; Human ovum, in the segmentation of the, ii, 723; Law of, i, 174, 211, 229, 238, 280, 592, 640, 662, ii, 69, 162, 163, 265, 652, 740; Life of man and the Universe, between the, i, 283; Matter an, of invisible worlds, i, 664; Nature judged by, everything in, i, 142; Ovum, in segmentation of the human, ii, 723; Universe follows, i, 200.

Analysis of Ancient Mythology, quoted, ii, 409.

Ânandamaya Sheath, the, i, 623.

Ânandamayakosha or Spiritual Soul, i, 181.

Anania, John Lorenzo, quoted, ii, 636.

Ananta, Serpent of Eternity, the, i, 438; Shesha or, i, 102, 103, ii, 52; Svastika and, ii, 105.

Ananta-Shesha, Eternity, the Great Serpent of, i, 368; Vishnu, a form of, ii, 530.

Anarchists, baby-toys of, i, 614.

Anathema, ii, 427.

Anâtmâ, i, 89.

Anatomist, Dryopithecus of the, ii, 714; Embryo, studied by the, ii, 198; Huxley, the great, ii, 720; Owen, the, Prof., ii, 726; Rudimentary organs, the, and, ii, 722.

Anatomy, Anthropoid, of the, ii, 718; Aspirations not explained by, i, 193; Body, of the human, ii, 690; Brain, of the, ii, 315; Comparative, ii, 91; Human body, of the, ii, 690; Love not explained by, i, 193; Man, the, of, i, 643; Monkey, of the, ii, 719; Pineal gland, of the, ii, 310, 311.

Anaxagoras of Clazomenæ, i, 81, 143, 354, 486, 534, 620, 633, 641, 651, 683.

Anaximenes, i, 105, 645.

Ancestor, Amphibian, an, ii, 125; Animal, of man, ii, 178; Anthropoid, ii, 160, 199, 683; Ape, of the, ii, 91, 197, 303, 462, 716, 721; Catarrhini, of the, ii, 718; Common, a, ii, 704, 728; Darwinists on the common, ii, 728; Deucalion as, of the race, ii, 546; Divine, man’s, ii, 761; Dryopithecus, of the, ii, 715, 717; Homo primigenius, of the, ii, 199; Human races, of the, ii, 546; Hypothetical, our, ii, 706; Palæolithic man, of, ii, 713; Pithecoid, a, i, 209, ii, 8, 671, 719, 757; Pithecoid-like, of man, i, 254; Plastidules, of our common, ii, 711; Primitive, the, ii, 169, 706; Protyle, of the, just-born, i, 303; Science and the human, ii, 715; Seth, a semi-divine, ii, 86; Taht-Esmun, the first human, i, 248.

Ancestors, Akkadians, of the, i, 422; Ancient peoples, of the most, ii, 343; Anthropoids, of the, ii, 205; Apes, of the, i, 213, ii, 705, 706, 721; Arboreal, hairy, ii, 729; Arhats, of the, ii, 21, 182; Arûpa Pitris our, i, 239; Atlanteans, of the, i, 212; Australian tribes, Lemurians, of the, ii, 207; Autochthonous, ii, 3; Basques, of the, ii, 835; Belief of savages concerning, i, 434; Brâhmans, of Pânini, ii, 458; Breathed out man, the, ii, 90; Celestial, the, i, 268; Discoveries of our, i, 500; Divine, our, i, 110, ii, 789; Divine man, of the, ii, 85; Dual-sexed, ii, 138; Fashioners or, ii, 99; Fishes, of the, ii, 723; Giant, ii, 367; Hall of, Totmes III, of, ii, 590; Human race, seven, of the, ii, 151, 223, 336; Indo-Iranians, of the, ii, 642; Isanagi and Isanami, i, 261; Lunar, i, 180, 184, 203, 248, 284, ii, 48, 79, 95, 107, 151; Mankind is offered by Science, the, ii, 686; Materialists, of the, ii, 387; Monera their own, ii, 160; Nahualts, of the, ii, 38; Occultists, of the, i, 242; Parsîs, of the, ii, 416; Philosophy of our, i, 552; Pitris are our, i, 114, 203, 239, ii, 48; Progenitors or, of men, ii, 49, 81, 95; Progeny of the, i, 245; Prophecies of our, ii, 105; Quadrumanic, ii, 699; Race, of the, i, 14, ii, 151, 223; Science offers to man, the, ii, 686, 693; Spiritual, ii, 183; Tales of Northern, i, 457; Terrene, the, i, 203; Trojans were Âryans, of the, ii, 106; Unicellular classes, of the, ii, 694; Wisdom of our, i, 520, ii, 105.

Ancestor-sacrificers, the, ii, 640.

Ancestral, Bodies, ii, 709; Features, reversion to, ii, 724; Germinal cell, the, i, 244; Heart, the, i, 240; Missing link, form or, ii, 716; Organisms, history of, ii, 693; Series of Man, the, ii, 705; Soul, Seb, or the, ii, 669; Spirits, the, ii, 3; Trees of our Race, ii, 693; Types, ii, 685, 778.

Ancestry, Androgyne, i, 339; Animal, of man, ii, 722; Anthropoids, of the, ii, 724; Mammals, of the, ii, 195; Man, of, ii, 200; Nations with no common, i, 716; Pithecoid, ii, 161; Simian, a, ii, 718; Unknown, the, ii, 195.

Anch (see Ankh) or Vital Force, etc., ii, 670.

Anchitherium, ii, 756, 776, 777.

Ancient, Ancients, of, ii, 88, 745; Âdi-Sanat the Primeval, i, 125; Days, the, of, i, 90, 125, 134, 260, 423, 496, ii, 87; Faiths embodied in, names, ii, 41; Man, the, ii, 429; One, the, ii, 661.

Ancients, Astronomy known by the, ii, 563; Builders, Host of the, called the, i, 367; Chaos, the, on, i, 366; Charge against the, ii, 695; Chronological computations of the, ii, 655; Confucius on the, i, 20; Cosmic Circle of the, ii, 575; Cosmography of the, ii, 563; Cycles of the, ii, 414; Cyclic Æons of the, i, 449; Dhyân Chohans, and the, ii, 617; Elements of the, i, 164, 325, 508, 519, 590; Evil defined by the, i, 445; Evolution known to the, i, 354; Forces, understood the, i, 123; Geognosy of the, ii, 563; Gods of the, i, 125, 672, ii, 25; Hermaphrodites, the, and the, ii, 124; Imagination of the, ii, 457; Knowledge of the, i, 229, 230; Kyriel of the, ii, 25; Machinery of the, i, 230; Matter and Spirit, idea of, i, 620; Moons of the, seven, i, 202; Philosophy of the, ii, 112; Physical sciences, the, and, i, 165, 465; Planets of the, i, 176, ii, 410, 637; Polar circles of the, i, 225; Powers known to the, i, 504; Quaternary with the, ii, 615; Religion of the, ii, 112; Sanctum Sanctorum of the, ii, 481; Science, the, and, i, 165, 465, 654, ii, 112, 153; Septenary constitution known to the, ii, 593; Sevening of the, i, 439; Six with the, number, ii, 626; Sound to the, ii, 113; Speculations of the, ii, 656; Speech with the, ii, 113; Spirit and Matter, view of, i, 620; Symbologists and the, i, 321; Theos of the, ii, 575; Thought known to the, the power of, ii, 182; Traditions of the, ii, 389; Wisdom of the, i, 641, ii, 204; World-stuff of the, i, 112; Zodiac known to the, i, 709.

Andakatâka, ii, 651.

Andaman Islanders, ii, 205, 206.

Andes, ii, 787.

Andhra dynasty of Magadha, ii, 231.

Andrews, Dr., ii, 144.

Androgyne, Adam, the, ii, 132, 135, 191, 478, 480, 529; Adam Kadmon the, ii, 489; Ancestry, i, 339; Angels, the, ii, 40; Being, an, divided his, ii, 156; Creative Gods were, i, 461; Creators, the, ii, 406; Deity, the, i, 427, ii, 69, 573; Deus Lunus, the, i, 426; Divine, the, ii, 132, 382, 434; Dual, ii, 224; Genesis, man of, ii, 136; Goat of Mendes, the, i, 274; Gods, series of, ii, 636; Humanity, the, ii, 179; Jehovah is, i, 90; M is, the letter, i, 412; Mammals and, man, ii, 753; Moon an, deity, ii, 69; Mother the, the Great, i, 236; Nature, ii, 495; Neptune, ministers of, ii, 610; Noah the, man, i, 478; Number ten, representation of, i, 421; Ophis the, ii, 225; Potential, the, i, 267; Races, the, i, 478, ii, 175, 182, 207; Ray, the, ii, 514; Result, the, i, 472; Sephira is, i, 379, 467; Sephiroth, synthesis of the, i, 125; Sexes or, opposite, i, 266; Stanzas on the, ii, 211; Stock, a prior, ii, 126; Unity, i, 378; Upper Adam is, ii, 479; Virgo-Scorpio, the, i, 445.

Androgynes, Bi-sexual Race reïncarnated in the, ii, 2; Creators incarnate in the, ii, 170; Humanity were, the third, ii, 27; Jod-Heva inactive, ii, 142; Root-Race, the, the third, ii, 174, 181; Scientists deny, ii, 787; Separation of the, ii, 172; Sweat-born and, ii, 186; Symbology of the, ii, 131.

Androgynous, Aristophanes, race of, ii, 187; Bi-sexual or, ii, 821; Deity, an, i, 101, 366; Dual-sexed or, i, 237; Eloha, the, ii, 63; Elohim, the, i, 154; Energy, the, i, 161; Eve, the, ii, 282; Gods held to be, ii, 138; Hermaphrodite and, ii, 125; Jah-Hovah, ii, 133; Jehovah is, i, 34, 679; Lemurian race was, ii, 821; Logos, the, i, 118; Manifested beings become, i, 160; Nature becomes, ii, 33, 142; Principle, the, i, 46, 380; Race, the, ii, 101, 131, 140, 187, 207, 294, 562; Second Self, the, i, 428; Separation of the, ii, 132, 208; Substance, the, i, 681; Unit, the, ii, 201; Word, the, ii, 566.

Anemos, Pneuma or Wind, i, 247, 365.

Anfänge zu einer Phys. Schöpfungs, etc., ii, 758.

Angel, Animal and, ii, 363; Atom and, i, 132; Avenging, the, i, 705; Bird a synonym of, ii, 306; Cherub or, i, 388; Companion, ii, 662; Counsel of the great, ii, 247; Darkness, an, of, ii, 25, 613; Death, the, of, ii, 117, 403, 406; Deva or, i, 227; Deva-lokas or, spheres, i, 663; Dhyân Chohan as, i, 242; Elohim a fighting, ii, 396; Face, of the, i, 496, ii, 503; Fallen, myth of the, ii, 183; Gabriel, the, ii, 567; God or, i, 694, ii, 375; Guardian, ii, 502; Hierarchies, of the, ii, 27; Immaculate on earth, no, ii, 507; Incarnated, an, ii, 93, 296; Initiates define an, i, 621; Intransitive, nature of the, ii, 118; Jews, patron, of the, i, 496; Karmic law, under, i, 216; Lucifer, the Bright, ii, 117, 406; Messenger or, ii, 375; Metatron or, ii, 117; Michael, the, ii, 399, 400; Myth of the Fallen, ii, 183; Nemesis a Fury or an, i, 704; Planets of a, ii, 88; Rebellious, the, i, 215; Recording, the, ii, 543; Revelation, the, of, ii, 597, 654; Samaël, the, ii, 117; Satan, the, ii, 245, 406, 500; Spheres, the, i, 663; Star, the, of the, i, 626; Sun, of the, ii, 399, 400; Worlds, of the, ii, 245.

Angel-Force, ii, 769.

Angelic Beings, i, 144, 239, 449, 493, ii, 83; Fall, the, ii, 296; Form of Jehovah, ii, 400; Heart, the, ii, 96; Heaven, the, ii, 513; Hierarchy, the, i, 154, 484; Host, i, 70, 144, 245; Jehovah, form of, ii, 400; Light of Truth, entity presiding over the, ii, 539; Man, ii, 257, 295, 406; Nârada, form of, ii, 86; Nirvâna, an, entity and, ii, 85; Planes, seven, ii, 251; Virtues, i, 148, 424.

Angel-man, i, 212, ii, 121.

Angel-monad, Human and, i, 627.

Angel-names, in the Bible, ii, 565.

Angelologies, i, 672.

Angelology, Christian, ii, 64, 527; Hebrew, i, 119; Jewish, ii, 527.

Angelos, the Greek, ii, 51.

Angels, Adonai, of the, ii, 473; Androgyne, ii, 40; Apes or, ii, 787; Asuras and, ii, 526; Azazel, one of the transgressing, ii, 393; Believers in, i, 661, 670; Bible, in the, i, 693, ii, 618; Birds, the glyph of, ii, 814; Bne Aleim or, ii, 392; Bodies of, ii, 232; Cherubim, and, i, 152; Christians, of the, i, 125, 242, 661; Company of, ii, 646; Cosmic Forces, as, i, 541; Constellations, as, ii, 121; Creations of, ii, 44, 65, 247, 253; Creative, the seven, ii, 4, 100; Darkness, the, of, i, 494, ii, 513; Demons and, ii, 61; Devils, and, i, 307, 731; Dhyân Chohans or, i, 295; Divine Breath, of the, ii, 100; Dragon and, i, 216, ii, 30, 523; Elements, as, i, 400; Enoch’s, i, 569, ii, 618; Esoteric teachings as to, ii, 687; Ever-subjective, ii, 27; Existence of, i, 238; Face, of the, i, 468; Fall of the, i, 215, ii, 171, 180, 238, 280, 295, 511; Fallen, i, 216, 218, 220, 240, ii, 63, 98, 109, 239, 287, 400, 407, 498, 515, 518, 526, 533, 535, 536, 543, 553, 557, 564; Father, see the face of the, i, 376; Fiery, ii, 257; Forces, Intelligent, i, 255, 541; Genii or, i, 217, 371; Germ of the, ii, 157; Glyph of the, ii, 814; Gods called, i, 314; God’s messages, doing, i, 231; Guardian, i, 242; Habitat of, ii, 117; Hallelujahs of, i, 671; Heavens as, the seven, i, 483; Hierarchy of, i, 640, ii, 30, 101; Higher, ii, 84; Host of the, ii, 1, 28, 374; Humanity and, i, 247; Ideal Light, the, and the, i, 306; Incarnating, ii, 243, 378, 511; Independent, ii, 332; Ischins, the lower, ii, 392; Jews, of the, i, 125; Kabalah and, ii, 297; Karmic law affects, i, 297; Kings, the, of the, ii, 329; Legends of, ii, 99; Light, of, ii, 98; Lord of, ii, 58; Lotus, and the, i, 407; Lower, ii, 107, 159, 392; Lunar Spirits, and, i, 219; Man-God above, ii, 394; Material, the, ii, 66; Men, are, i, 296; Men, aspire to become, i, 265; Men appeal to, ii, 211; Messenger, or, i, 231, 703; Michael and his, i, 216; Milton’s, ii, 532; Ministering, i, 119, 120; Myth of the Fallen, ii, 498; Nature, of, ii, 285; Occultists do not worship, i, 542; Orders of, ii, 306; Patriarchs or, the seven, ii, 383; Perfect, no, ii, 171; Planetary, i, 219, ii, 402; Planets, identified with, ii, 93, 332; Powers or, i, 374, ii, 285; Presence, of the, i, 130, ii, 247, 606; Primordial, ii, 513; Principalities or, i, 374; Rebellious, i, 217, 631; Regents or, i, 147; Religion, of Western, i, 241; Revelation, of, ii, 594; Rishis, of the, i, 220; Rope of the, i, 118; Rûpa, i, 238; Sadducees knew no, ii, 64; Satan, of, ii, 63; Science and, i, 670, ii, 58, 692; Secrets of the, ii, 563; Sephiroth or, i, 374; Septenary group of, i, 251, 640; Seraphim or, i, 120; Sidereal Beings, i, 148; Slandered, the, i, 449; Solar, the, ii, 92; Souls and the, ii, 306; Space and Time, act in, i, 450; Spheres, of the, i, 142, ii, 246; Spirits or, i, 219, ii, 9; Stars, of the, ii, 374; Theodice of the Fallen, ii, 98; Worlds of, ii, 87.

Angelus Rector, Kepler’s, i, 519.

Anger, Desire and, are obstructors, ii, 674; Fools, the passion of, i, 448; Secretion, called a, i, 555.

Angiras, Brahmâ, a mind-born son of, ii, 82; Shankara, Guru of, ii, 523.

Angirasas, Gods and Men, intermediate between, ii, 640.

Angle, axial, of inclination, ii, 372, 376.

Angles outside the orbits, i, 547.

Anglo-Saxons, Americans were pure, ii, 463.

Angra Mainyu, ii, 398, 402, 543, 544.

Anguinum of the Pagan Druid, the, i, 394.

Anguipedal monster, the, ii, 74.

Angula, or finger’s breadth, i, 309.

Animal, Aerobes transform, matter, i, 278; Angel, and, ii, 363; Ancestry of man, the, ii, 722; Bi-sexuality in the, kingdom, ii, 141; Brain, the, ii, 78; Breath of Life in the, i, 233, 263; Centre, the real, i, 281; Conception easy in, creation, ii, 429; Consciousness, i, 254; Creation, ii, 429; Desire, Kâma, or, i, 262, ii, 627; Development of, forms, ii, 199, 736; Divine in the, ii, 287, 499; Double-sexed, the kingdom, ii, 101; Element, the, ii, 375, 430, 440; Embryo an, the, physical, i, 206; Evolution, the, i, 210, ii, 72, 190, 264, 690, 726, 733; Flaming sword of, passions, ii, 66; Fohat, the, Soul of Nature, i, 136; Forms, perfecting of, ii, 770; God in the, ii, 85, 393; Gratification, ii, 429; Human hairy, ii, 300; Instinct, Shuchi the fire of, ii, 110; Jîva in the, i, 245; Kâma in the, i, 262, ii, 431, 627, 669; Kingdom, the, i, 197, 199, 252, 288, 679, ii, 1, 72, 101, 141, 169, 250, 303, 607, 672, 722, 725, 736; Life, i, 233, 263, 270, 288, 311, ii, 42, 56, 59, 632, 637, 714, 774; Lunar Pitris and the, kingdom, i, 197; Macrocosm to the, man a, ii, 187; Man, the, i, 132, 268, 281, 714, ii, 195, 196, 310, 707, 715, 775; Manas of the, ii, 431; Maoben ∴, symbolized by, ii, 607; Matter in the, body, i, 580; Mechanical, a, ii, 446; Monad, the, i, 201, ii, 45, 108, 159, 196, 552; Nervous ether an, product, i, 586; Parents, monsters from, ii, 194; Passions, ii, 66; Plant, and, i, 66, 258, 491, ii, 624, 758; Principles, ii, 279; Product, nervous ether an, i, 586; Progenitor, an, ii, 719; Propensities, i, 668; Protoplasm, ii, 160; Psychic guided by the, ii, 431; Races, ii, 88, 345; Remains, the, ii, 58; Root-types, primeval, ii, 685; Round, impulse stops at the Fourth, i, 200; Science and the, i, 697; Serpents with, bodies, ii, 59; Soul, i, 177, 252, 264, ii, 249, 631, 669, 670; Sounds, ii, 698; Species, ii, 726; Spirits, ii, 312; Symbol, the, i, 419; Tamed, the, will be, ii, 280; Theorists, ii, 705; Tiamat, the, of, ii, 401; Type, the, ii, 721; World, the, ii, 289.

Animal-Electric Fires, the, ii, 107.

Animal-like, Embryo develops into the, fœtus, ii, 198; Human forms, ii, 99; Structures of organism, ii, 721; Zeus wished to have men, ii, 432.

Animalism, Ascent from, ii, 830; Chronic, ii, 430; Satan our Saviour from, ii, 540.

Animalist, Hæckel, the, ii, 181.

Animality, Development in, i, 668.

Animalized Fourth Root-Race, ii, 721.

Animal-man, Cross of Initiation, on the, ii, 592; Transformation of the, ii, 129.

Animal-men, Blue and red-faced, ii, 202.

Animals, Adam created before, in Genesis, ii, 191; Alkaloids generated by, i, 282; Annulose, the, ii, 659; Antediluvian, ii, 211, 404; Aquatic, i, 378; Astral shadows of, ii, 197; Atoms, composed of living, i, 281; Blind, ii, 310; Boneless, ii, 194; Bones, with, ii, 21, 193; Breeding with, ii, 299, 300; Chipped-stone age, in the, ii, 756; Consciousness of, ii, 742; Creation of, i, 481, 491, ii, 57, 191; Daksha gave birth to, ii, 193; Distribution of, ii, 827; Domestication of, ii, 390, 755; Esoteric meaning of the expression, i, 481; Evangelists, representing the, i, 388; Evolution of, ii, 178; Ezekiel, of, ii, 562; Forms of, ii, 658; Genesis, and man in, ii, 191; Germs for higher, ii, 758; Gigantic, ii, 803; Heaven’s Belt or sacred, ii, 26; Hermaphroditism in, ii, 182; Huge, destroyed, ii, 24, 365; Human heads, with, ii, 58; Kosmos, and the evolution of, i, 477; Life in, ii, 266; Man, contemporary with, ii, 794; Man generated by, ii, 279; Man precedes, ii, 787; Marsupial, the, ii, 206; Moon’s influence on, ii, 111; Mythical, ii, 228; Occult powers of, ii, 78; Planets in other, i, 659; Powers of, ii, 78; Procreation of, ii, 540; Production of, ii, 365, 800; Progenitors, ii, 191; Propagation of, ii, 696; Revelation, in, ii, 562; Sacred, i, 60, 378, 477, ii, 26; Science on, ii, 170; Senses of, i, 665; Sin committed with, ii, 201; Soul of, i, 218, ii, 708; Sweat of the earth, produced from the, ii, 365; Ternaries only, were, ii, 608; Three-eyed, ii, 310; Unclean, i, 379; Will in, ii, 708; Worlds, of the Old and New, ii, 836; Zoölogy, unknown to, ii, 202.

Animal-theory of Hæckel and Huxley, i, 325.

Anima Mundi, Âkâsha and the, i, 219; Âlaya or, i, 79, 80; Ana is Chaldæan for, i, 119; Astral Light or, i, 89, 119, 217, 218; Bi-sexual, is, i, 218; Dual, is, i, 218; Îshvara or, i, 315; Life or, i, 81, 633; Light in the, ii, 255; Logos the, i, 88, 625; Mother of Cosmos, the, i, 124; Over-Soul or, i, 79; Ptah as, i, 377; Science dare not whisper, i, 80; Solar system, of the, ii, 709; Soul or, i, 78; Spiritual Soul or, ii, 605; Svabhâvat a synonym for, i, 125; Universal Soul or, i, 81, 392, 499, ii, 593.

Anima-Supra-Mundi, i, 155.

Animate, Inanimate, and, i, 490, ii, 279; Matter, i, 688; Monadic principle, ii, 706.

Animated, Atoms, i, 620; Stones, ii, 357.

Animating principle, i, 699.

Animation of the Third Race, ii, 240.

Animus, Soul or, i, 247.

Anîyânsam Anîyasâm, i, 381, 593, ii, 50, 773.

Anjanâ, wife of Kesarî, i, 212.

Ankh, the sign of life, ii, 34, 577.

Ankh-cross, ii, 577.

Ankh-sign, ii, 577.

Ankh-tie, ii, 576, 578.

Anna, Chaldæan Ana, derived from the, i, 119; Virgin Mary, mother of the, i, 119.

Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne, quoted, ii, 384, 475, 562.

Annales des Soc. Nat., quoted, ii, 730.

Annalists, History destroyed by, i, 739; Lipika are, the, i, 130.

Annals, Astronomy, the, of, i, 729; Babylonia, the, of, ii, 730; China, of, ii, 316; Civilization, of, i, 16; Divine kings, of, ii, 384; Heroes and giants in, of every nation, i, 287; Secret, ii, 349, 838.

Annamayakosha, or Sthûla Sharîra, i, 181.

Annapurna, wife of Shiva, i, 119.

Annedoti, the Chaldæan, ii, 382.

Annihilation, Parinirvâna not, i, 286; Void of final, i, 680.

Annihilationists, ii, 165.

Annunciation, Lily of the, i, 406.

Annus Magnus, ii, 828, 829.

Anointed, Akta, or, ii, 106; Christos the, ii, 26; Hermes-Mercury, Termini of, ii, 571; Jehovah, the, has become, ii, 244; Keys of the Sanctuary given to the, ii, 244; Sanctuary entered by the, ii, 243; Wisdom of the, ii, 244.

Anomalous offspring, ii, 279.

Anomaly in Nature, i, 242.

Anoplotheridæ, ii, 777.

Anouka-Noah, ii, 475.

Anouki, Ankh derived from, ii, 34.

Anquetil du Perron, triumph of, ii, 461.

Ansated Cross, Astronomical sign of Venus, ii, 34; Disk of the sun on an, ii, 590; Dragon with the, i, 720; Easter Island statues, on the, i, 342; Egyptian, i, 721, ii, 578, 619, 634; Form of the, i, 342; Life, the symbol of, ii, 34; Phallic symbol, the, a, ii, 616; Pharaohs, the, of the, ii, 572; Sexual aspect of the, ii, 227; Sun on the, disk of the, ii, 590; Venus, the, a sign of, ii, 34.

Anshânshâvatâra, ii, 375.

Anson, W. S. W., quoted, i, 457.

Ant, Consciousness of the, ii, 127; God to the, we appear as, i, 157.

Antæus, the Giant, Tomb of, ii, 291.

Antarctic regions, the, ii, 373, 820.

Antaskarana or Sattva, i, 98.

Ant-eaters, ii, 833.

Ante-Christian Gnostic symbol, ii, 480.

Antediluvian, Animals, ii, 211; Astronomers, two, ii, 51; Dragon, an, animal, ii, 404; Earth, the, ii, 424; Fathers, the, ii, 428; Giants, the, i, 450, ii, 73, 284, 805; Mammals, skeletons of men and, ii, 781; Monsters, ii, 160, 330; Records, ii, 564; Sciences, ii, 349; Titans, ii, 408; Wisdom, misunderstood, ii, 507; Women, ii, 298; Zodiac is, i, 711.

Antediluvians, Belief of the, i, 255; Bible, of the, ii, 411; Gigantic, ii, 428.

Antegenetic period, the, i, 382.

Antelope, Makara the head of an, ii, 609, 611.

Antelopes, ii, 777.

Ante-sexual reproduction, ii, 697.

Antetypes, Types and, i, 640.

Anthropo-Cosmogenesis, i, 234.

Anthropogenesis, Cosmogenesis precedes, i, 234; Dzyan, in the Stanzas of, ii, 13, 15; Esoteric, ii, 286, 688; Evolutionist, of the, ii, 167; Explanations in the, i, 213; Lunar Ancestors and, i, 180; Millennium of, i, 403; Nature in our, i, 204; Races, of the pre-historic, ii, 5; Scriptures and, the ancient, ii, 178; Stanza II of the, i, 397; Treatment of, in this book, ii, 842; Veil over, ii, 87.

Anthropogeny, quoted, ii, 200, 696, 700, 702.

Anthropogony, Androgynes in every, ii, 132; Cosmotheogony to, from, ii, 103; Theogony, in relation to, i, 839.

Anthropography, i, 250.

Anthropoid Ape, Anatomy of man and, ii, 718; Ancestor, the, i, 212, ii, 160, 197, 199, 205, 737; Atlanteans and the, ii, 728; Australian savages not descended from the, ii, 203; Descendant of man, the, i, 205, ii, 301; Developed, a highly, ii, 716; Evolution of the, ii, 718; Fossil relics of the, ii, 713, 729; Man, the, half-descended from, i, 205; Man, the, next to, ii, 273; Man could live at the time of the, ii, 715; Man not traced from the, ii, 726; Monads of the, i, 207; Monsters of the Third Race not, ii, 194; Mythical, ii, 714; Parent of the modern, ii, 770; Races represented by, ii, 392; Retrogression of the, ii, 721; Savage, gulf between the, and, ii, 717; Science and the, ii, 299; Species of, ii, 195; Transformation of the, ii, 181.

Anthropoids, Ancestry of the, ii, 724; Glacial period, of the, ii, 717; Higher the, i, 209; Imaginary, ii, 329; Lords of Wisdom and, ii, 211; Man and, ii, 1, 91, 683; Origin of the, ii, 210; Schweinfurth on the, ii, 703; Skulls of the, and man, ii, 683.

Anthropological, Biblical figures, i, 708; Chaldæans, notions of the, ii, 4; Discoveries, i, 698; Evolution, ii, 221; Form of man, i, 619; Institute, ii, 493; Key, an, i, 419, ii, 87, 115; Moon symbol, an, key to the, i, 419; Nârada, a key to, mysteries, ii, 87; Record of an, fact, i, 449; Review, ii, 786; Society, ii, 691, 781; Svastika an, sign, ii, 104; Symbols, ii, 591; System, the, i, 389, ii, 687; Titans founded on an, fact, ii, 163.

Anthropologists, Age of man, on the, ii, 725; Agnosticism of, ii, 681; Animal ancestry and, ii, 722; Antiquity of man, on the, ii, 788; Ariadne, and the thread of, ii, 70; Chronology of, ii, 164; Conclusions of, ii, 493; Differences of, ii, 181; European Science of, the, ii, 717; Evolution, and esoteric, ii, 726; Missing link of, ii, 194; Modern, ii, 8; Physiological proofs of the, ii, 197; Tibetan extinct nations not classed by, i, 17.

Anthropology, Antiquity of man, and the, i, 343, ii, 456; Ape, on our descent from the, i, 343; Archaic Science and modern, ii, 329, 681; Bible chronology and, ii, 205; Chronology and, ii, 70, 205; Cross in, the, ii, 593; Darwinian, ii, 8, 707, 761; Divine Revelation, and, i, 345; French School of, ii, 301; Genesis, in, i, 266; Gnostics of the, ii, 646; Max Müller on, ii, 761; Modern, and Esotericism, ii, 75; Occult, ii, 309, 462, 713, 727; Orthodox, ii, 714; Practical, ii, 686; Problems of, i, 529; Scientific systems and, i, 339, ii, 729; Secret volumes, of the, ii, 728.

Anthropo-monotheistic conceptions, ii, 45.

Anthropomorphic, Allegories, i, 156; Apes called, ii, 703; Being, Prayer to an, i, 307; Conceptions, gross, ii, 41; Creation, i, 38; Creator, the, ii, 44, 167; Cronus will swallow the, God, ii, 434; Deity, an, i, 452, 581, ii, 318, 586; God, an, i, 297, 300, 328, 401, 507, 522, 542, 596, 661, ii, 395, 434, 495, 573, 636; Jehovah, the, i, 504, 679; Kabalists, the, God of the, i, 401; Occultists deny an, God, i, 542; Phallic God, an, ii, 495; Powers, worship of, ii, 286; Prayer to an, God, i, 307; Satan’s shape, i, 444; Scriptures, element in the old, ii, 695; Supreme Being, an, i, 306; Theology, i, 80.

Anthropomorphism, Exoteric, ii, 281; Germs of, ii, 237; Greeks, among the, i, 347; Idiotic, ii, 587; Incipient stage of, ii, 330; Jewish, i, 409; Progress of, rapid, ii, 529; Symbology, of Jewish, i, 409; Theology, of current, i, 32.

Anthropomorphists, Form and matter worshipped by, ii, 286; Mediæval, ii, 105.

Anthropomorphized, Arcanum has been, ii, 244; Divine Power of Nature has been, i, 383; Gods, the, ii, 46; Powers, the Divine, i, 383, ii, 46; Religions become, ii, 642; Satan, ii, 534; Symbol, the, generative, ii, 534; Systems, the, i, 678; Trinity, the, i, 482.

Anthropomorphizing, Divine, the, ii, 640; Ever-spiritual, the, ii, 543.

Anthropomorphous, Ape, the, ii, 720; Archangel, the, ii, 394.

Anthrôpos, i, 484.

Anthroposophy, Terrestrial, ii, 304.

Anti-Cartesian, i, 687.

Antichrist, i, 671, ii, 239, 559.

Anti-Christian churches, ii, 239.

Anti-Darwinists, ii, 205, 735.

Antient and Primitive Rite, ii, 735.

Antilles, the seven, ii, 39.

Antimony, i, 601.

Antinomy, i, 673.

Antiphrasis, metaphysical, i, 46.

Antipodes, America at the, ii, 7; Lands of the, ii, 446; Pâtâla or, ii, 192, 420, 425, 465, 665.

Antiquarians, ii, 596.

Antiquités Celtiques, etc., quoted, ii, 359, 780.

Antiquités de France, quoted, ii, 362.

Antiquities, quoted, i, 151, ii, 561, 571.

Antiquities, Gnostic, ii, 596.

Antiquity of Man, quoted, ii, 725, 761, 765, 769, 828.

Antiquity of Man Historically Considered, ii, 762.

Antiquity of Man in Western Europe, The, ii, 751.

Antitype of Circumcision, the, ii, 623.

Antitypes of Prometheus, ii, 438.

Anu, Atom, the primordial, i, 172, 593, 620; Babylonian God, a, ii, 147; Bel and, ii, 153; Brahmâ and, i, 592, 620; Deity, the concealed, i, 381; Messengers of the God, ii, 65; Nature became, i, 568; Noah and, ii, 153.

Anubis, Horus and, ii, 403; Scroll, holding a, i, 441.

Anubis-Syrius of the Egyptians, ii, 505.

Anugîtâ, quoted, i, 104, 115, 121, 122, 123, 127, 583, 585. 596, 624, ii, 520, 521, 598, 601, 665, 674, 675.

Anugraha the Eighth Creation, i, 483, 492.

Anûnaki or Angels of Earth, ii, 258.

Anupâdaka, Brahman, one with, i, 92; Circle called, i, 118; Essence, born of the Divine, i, 134; Garment of, i, 62; Hierarchy of, i, 83; Kâla Chakra explains the, i, 83; Parentless, is, i, 82, 134, 624; Soul-endowed man, in a latent state, i, 83; Space, the eternal, i, 39; Wheel, was the Great, i, 56, 78.

Aoai, one of Poseidon’s Ministers, ii, 611.

Aour, Od and Ob, i, 105.

Apâm-Napât or Fohat, ii, 418.

Apâna, Breath or, ii, 598; Inspirational breath or, i, 121; Mind opened in the state of, i, 122; Offering, the, a portion of the, ii, 599; Prâna and the, i, 122; Udâna, subject to, ii, 600.

Apap (see Apophis), Aker, slain by, ii, 223; Apophis or, Serpent of Evil, ii, 621; Serpent, the, i, 737.

Aparinânim, i, 637.

Ape, Aboriginal tribes, the, and some, ii, 724; Ancestor of the real, i, 213, ii, 91, 199, 462, 671; Anthropoid, the, ii, 205, 713; Anthropology and the, i, 343; Barrier between man and, ii, 703; Brains of man and, ii, 699; Catarrhine, ii, 702; Darwin and the, i, 208; Degenerated man, the, a, ii, 757; Descendant of man, the, ii, 301; Descended from the, man not, i, 212; Descent of man, the, and, ii, 705, 712; Deva, Third Race more, than, i, 211; Dog-headed, i, 417; Evolution of the, ii, 273, 717; Evolutionist on the, ii, 712; Family, the, ii, 300; India, sacred in, i, 212; Link between man and, no, ii, 275; Lowest human race and highest, ii, 716; Man and, i, 208, 211, 212, ii, 91, 195, 199, 275, 301, 462, 671, 699, 703, 705, 716, 717, 720, 726, 727, 728, 737, 757, 769; Mental barrier between, and man, ii, 703; Pithecoid, ii, 363; Resemblance between, and man, ii, 728; Structure of, and man, ii, 720; Tailless, the, ii, 692; Third Round man, like, i, 203, 211, ii, 60.

Ape-Ancestor theory, ii, 195, 197, 343, 699, 718, 727, 830.

Ape-creature, Primitive man an, ii, 699.

Ape-like, Cave-dwellers, ii, 725; Forms of men, i, 203, ii, 60, 195, 727; Jaws of Palæolithic men, ii, 724; Mammal of an, organization, ii, 200, 682; Man may have been, i, 210; Men, i, 212, ii, 273; Theme of Vogt and Darwin, ii, 703; Third Round man, i, 203, ii, 60.

Ape-man, ii, 203, 331, 707, 770.

Ape-men, the dumb, ii, 718.

Apes, Age of the, ii, 274; Ancestors of the, ii, 705, 706; Angels and, ii, 787; Anthropoid and other, i, 205, 207, ii, 194, 203, 299, 392, 715, 718, 721; Blurred copies of men, ii, 273; Evolution of, ii, 272, 718; Extinction of the, ii, 275; Fifth Round will be men, in the, ii, 273; Fossil, ii, 729; Lower, ii, 727; Mammalian, ii, 211; Men and, i, 205, 210, ii, 174, 275, 329, 341, 769; Mesozoic times, the, in, ii, 714; Miocene period, of the, ii, 728; Monads of the, i, 207; Origin of, ii, 210; Pedigree of the, ii, 727; Platyrrhine, the, ii, 181; Race of, a new, ii, 757; Rudimentary men, raised into, i, 210; Transformation of the, ii, 273; Types up to the, ii, 200.

Ape-stock, ii, 716.

Ape-theory, Lucae on the, ii, 683; Science and the, ii, 726.

Apharides, ii, 129.

Aphelion, i, 736.

Aphides or plant-lice, ii, 142.

Aphorism, Kabalistic, i, 266; Zoroaster, of, ii, 462.

Aphorisms, Occult, i, 309, 311.

Aphorisms of Shândilya, i, 36.

Aphorisms of the Bodhisattvas, quoted, i, 79.

Apis, Bull of, sacred, i, 159; Egyptians, of the, ii, 436; Pacis, i, 721.

Apocalypse, Cornelius à Lapide’s, i, 431; Dragon of the, ii, 35; John’s, St., ii, 98, 485, 565, 594, 653; Kenealy’s, i, 390; Seventh seal of the, ii, 543; Witness of the, i, 96.

Apocatastases, i, 714.

Apogee, Moon in, the, i, 728, 729; Motions of the, i, 723.

Apollo, Æsculapius, identical with, i, 377, ii, 112; Aspects of, ii, 814; Banquet, referred to in the, ii, 142; Birth of, ii, 814; Birthplace of, ii, 817; Bi-sexual, originally, i, 101; Creative powers, assumes, ii, 814; Cyclopes, and the, ii, 813; Diana, and, ii, 815; God of Four Races, the, ii, 818; God of Light, the, ii, 7; God of the Seers, the, ii, 813; Greek, the, ii, 399, 400; Heptachord of, i, 190; Hermaphrodite, the, i, 426; Hyperborean, the, ii, 6, 812; Karneios, a title of, ii, 47; Latona, and, i, 392; Light, the God of, ii, 7; Mason after the manner of, a, ii, 840; Plato on, ii, 142; Python and, ii, 396; Root-Race and, Third, ii, 187; Seers, God of the, ii, 813, 814; Septenary sacred to, ii, 637, 815; Sun, or the, ii, 129; Sun-God, the, ii, 221, 400; Swans and, i, 383; Torch of, i, 361; Traditions of, ii, 10; Trinity, and the Christian, i, 425; Troy, at, ii, 291.

Apollodorus, Dioscuri of, ii, 129; Fourth Race and, ii, 815; Fragments left by, ii, 56; Golden Apples, on the, ii, 814; Quoted, ii, 283, 546.

Apollonius, Buddhist Nâgas, met, ii, 221; Tyana, of, i, 485, ii, 360; Rhodius, ii, 358, 379; Scholiast on, Rhodius, ii, 379.

Apollo-Python, ii, 218.

Apollyon, ii, 239.

Apophis (see Apap), Dragon, the, i, 495, ii, 403; Serpent of Evil, the, ii, 621; Typhon the same as, ii, 398.

Apostates to the Vedas, Daityas are, i, 455.

Apostle, Initiate, God of the, i, 38; Judas the, ii, 407; Philip the, ii, 597; Rishi and, agree, i, 37.

Apostles, Cherubs of the, ii, 121; Holy Ghost descends on the, i, 114; Twelve, the, i, 430; Western religion, of, ii, 586; Zodiac and the, i, 712.

Append. de Cabiris, quoted, ii, 411.

Apperception, Clearness of, i, 688; Leibnitz invented the term, i, 201; Nascent, i, 490; Perception from, i, 198, 690; Sensitive plants, of, i, 491.

Apperceptive beings, Hierarchies of, i, 690.

Apple, Adam and the, i, 325, 549; Dangerous fruit, the, a, i, 549; Newton’s, i, 526; Pippala Haoma, ii, 102; Serpent and, Tree, ii, 370; Tree of Knowledge, from the, i, 153.

Apples, Apollodorus on the Golden, ii, 814; Hercules and the Golden, ii, 814.

Apple-tree of the Hesperides, ii, 153.

Apsarases, Kâma, the king of the, ii, 185; Kandu and, ii, 184; Qualities and Quantities, the, are, ii, 619; Sun’s attendants, the, ii, 221.

Apsis, ii, 345.

Apteryx of Australia, ii, 719.

Apuleius, ii, 516.

Aqua, ii, 120.

Aquatic, ii, 168.

Aquarius, Degree of, i, 724, 726; Ganymedes or, ii, 829, 830; Sphere of Reuben in, i, 714; Zodiac, eleventh sign of the, ii, 368.

Aqueducts, Cement of the ancient, ii, 449.

Aqueous element, the, ii, 375.

Aquinas, Thomas, i, 636.

Aquitaine, Bone caves of, ii, 786.

Arab figures, i, 386; Seth, belief about, ii, 383; Thebith, the, i, 727.

Arabia, Ad in ancient, Sons of, ii, 45; Arabs in, ii, 210; Arva-st’hân or, ii, 424; Commerce of, ii, 732; Egyptians passed from, ii, 789; Sinai in, Mount, ii, 80; Sons of Ad in, ii, 45; Winged serpents from, i, 387.

Arabian, Cæsar Philippus, the, i, 330; Historian, Masoudi the, ii, 474; Job, the, i, 711; Legend, the, ii, 154; Nomadic tribes, the, i, 710; Prophet, the, ii, 476; Zodiac, i, 710.

Arabians, Fanes of the, ii, 638; Primal cause of the later, ii, 678.

Arabic, Chaldæan works in, i, 308; Cifron, the, i, 386; Figures, i, 329, ii, 584; Nabathean Agriculture in, ii, 474, 475; Records in, ii, 449.

Arabs, Alla of the, ii, 636; Âryans, the, are later, ii, 210; Astronomy among the, i, 722, 723; Descent of the, ii, 210; Divisions of year, the, ii, 657; Purânas, spoken of in the, ii, 424.

Arachnida, ii, 268.

Aræa or red earth, ii, 203.

Arago, i, 578, ii, 828.

Aramæan, Ad is one in, ii, 45, 46.

Aramaic reduplication, ii, 631.

Aranî, Arani and, ii, 552; Mistress of the Race, ii, 554; Vase of Election, the, ii, 556.

Arani, Aranî, and, ii, 552; Pramantha and, ii, 106; Svastika identified with, ii, 106.

Ararat, Biblical narrative, of, ii, 154; Deity descending on, i, 479; Mount of descent, or, ii, 631; Noah and, ii, 632.

Arasa-maram or Banyan tree, ii, 225.

Arath derivation of Ararat, ii, 631, 632.

Araucaria, ii, 268.

Arba, Abraham descended from, i, 360.

Arba-il or Mystic Four, i, 482.

Arbo-al or Mystic Four, i, 360.

Arc, Ascending, the, i, 253, 271, 702, ii, 190, 261, 314; Descending, the, i, 270, ii, 190, 315; Opposite, of the cycle, ii, 433; Oviform curve, an, of, ii, 576; Physical, the, ii, 661; Satan’s name and the, ii, 35; Spiritual, the, i, 271, ii, 661.

Arca, Arg or, ii, 482.

Arcana, Being, the, of, i, 518, 647; Knowledge, of, ii, 525; Nature’s unravelling, i, 671; Rabbi Schimeon revealed the, ii, 663; Sanctuaries, the, of the, ii, 842; Veil, the, behind the, ii, 350.

Arcane, Arche, Arke, ii, 485; Deity is an, fire, i, 32; Doctrines, i, 22; Teachings, i, 422.

Arcanum, Hermes, the, of, ii, 243; Magic, i, 275, ii, 587; Phallicized, the, has been, ii, 244; Secret, a most, ii, 295; Sod explained as, ii, 222.

Archa, Archagetas born from the, ii, 485.

Archæological discoveries, ii, 457; Evidences of former continents, ii, 832.

Archæologist, Beglor the, i, 4; Civilizations, and relics of ancient, ii, 448; Coming Race, the, of the, ii, 762; Demands of the, ii, 475; Ideographic productions and the, ii, 458; King, the, ii, 639.

Archæologists, American, ii, 442; Antiquity, dwarf, i, 739; Babylonian civilization, and, ii, 730; Cheta Cave, and the, i, 4; Sabeanism rendered by, i, 39.

Archæology, quoted, ii, 396.

Archæology, Discoveries of, ii, 351, 449; Fossil man, and, ii, 290; Horus, on, ii, 403.

Archæopteryx, the, ii, 194.

Archæus, Anch or, ii, 670; Father-Æther, is, i, 82; Great, the, i, 275; Greek, the, i, 361; Human body, the, in the, i, 581; Life-principle, the, and the, ii, 691; Liquor vitæ or, i, 580; Magnetic nature, the, is of a, i, 587; Nervous ether identical with the, i, 580, 588; Paracelsus and the, i, 82; Self-moving, i, 733.

Archagetas, Æsculapius called, ii, 485.

Archangel, Agathodæmon the, ii, 64; Anthropomorphous, the, ii, 394; Buddhi and, i, 45; Churches, the, of the, i, 699; Fiend and, i, 262; Gabriel, the, i, 406, ii, 256, 495; Greek churches, of the, i, 699; Highest, the, i, 297; Latin churches, of the, i, 699; Lha or, ii, 25; Lux or Lucifer, the first, called, i, 99; Mary and the, i, 406, 412; Michael the, i, 495, 670, ii, 98, 239, 256, 401, 503; Mineral to, i, 45; Moon, named from the, i, 424; Plant to, i, 45; Raphael the, i, 682; Satan an, i, 446, ii, 63; Secret, whose name was, i, 471; Virgin Mary and the, i, 406, 412.

Archangels, Amshaspends are, i, 471; Archontes and, i, 256; Christian theology, of, i, 44, 116, 161, 220, 247; Church, of the, ii, 253; Conqueror of the, ii, 66; Create, refusing to, ii, 256; Deities, the highest, i, 142; Elements standing for, i, 362; Fall of the, ii, 65; Hierarchy of, i, 73; Host of, ii, 400; Mercury ruled by, i, 469; Moon, one of the, named from the, i, 424; Nabatheans believed in seven, ii, 476; Prototypes of the, ii, 617; Rebellion of the, ii, 65; Roman Church, of the, i, 256; Science and, i, 670; Seven, the, i, 472; Spirits of the Face, the, ii, 121; Theology, of, i, 44, ii, 259, 499.

Archê, Arca or, ii, 485; Ark, Rek or, ii, 577; Hebrew Rasit and the, ii, 482.

Archebiosis or Life-origination, i, 491, 592, ii, 174.

Archéologie de la Vierge Mère, i, 422.

Archetypal, Forms upon which the Logoi build, i, 407; Ideas of the Neo-Platonists, i, 302; Kabalistic, world, i, 125; Man, Adam Kadmon the, i, 420; Man, the Protologos or, i, 380; Man, symbols of the, i, 478; Universe, the, i, 176; World, the, i, 125, 200, 221, 234, ii, 1.

Archetype, Goethe, the, of, ii, 778; Humanity, the, of, ii, 546; Males, of the first, ii, 3.

Archetypes, World of the, ii, 39.

Arch-forgers, Brâhmans as, ii, 461.

Archi, name of Ativâhîkas, i, 157.

Archimedes, i, 142.

Archis are pure souls, the, i, 157.

Archisatrap of the Sacred Militia, ii, 503.

Archistrategus, ii, 523.

Architect, Brahmâ, the, i, 369; Builder, the, not the, i, 458; Cause of the, i, 460; Deity or, superior, ii, 46; Demiurge not yet the, i, 407; Hammer of the Great, i, 220; Logos an, the, i, 300; Planetary Chain, of our, i, 153; Universe, great, of the, i, 673, ii, 106; World, the, of the, i, 369, 474, 477, ii, 281, 590.

Architects, Creators or, i, 154; Demiurge and the, the, i, 369; Dhyân Chohans the, i, 44; Divine Will of the, i, 634; Globe, of the, i, 32; Group of, i, 253; Intelligent, i, 693; Modern, i, 230; Mountain ranges, of the, ii, 160; Planets called the, i, 128; Priests and, ii, 397; Watchers or the, i, 287; Will of the, divine, i, 634; World, of the, i, 44, ii, 543; Zodiac, of the, i, 720.

Architectural Measurements in Solomon’s Temple, ii, 487; Proportions, perfection of, i, 230.

Architecture, Books on, ancient, i, 229; China, of, ii, 325; Ephemeral, ii, 325; Hindûs, of the, ii, 236; Invention of, ii, 380; Lemuro-Atlanteans, of the, ii, 331; Mars the Lord of, ii, 410; Vitruvius on, i, 230.

Archôns, Christian belief in, i, 661; Hosts of the, or powers, i, 218.

Archontes and Archangels, i, 256.

Arch-prophets of the Temples, ii, 385.

Arctic circle, the, ii, 417; Continent, the, ii, 417; Ocean, the, ii, 417; Pole, the, ii, 343; Region, the, ii, 343, 373; Traveller, speculations of an, ii, 418; Winter, tempests of an, i, 666; Year, the length of the, ii, 305.

Arcturus, making of, i, 710.

Ardan or Jordan, i, 421.

Ardhanârî, the Hindû, ii, 562; Îshvara the Isis of the Hindûs, i, 421.

Ardis the top of Mount Armon, ii, 393.

Ares, Greek, the, ii, 410; Power, the dividing, i, 304.

Aretia or Titæa Magna, ii, 152.

Arets, Earth means, ii, 152, 490.

Areus, Mars was named, ii, 410.

Arg or Arca, ii, 482; Arka, or, ii, 434.

Argabhatta or Âryabhatta, ii, 525.

Argeak, the giant, ii, 414.

Argen slain by Tahmurath, ii, 416.

Argha, Ark or, ii, 150, 151, 153, 483, 490; Crescent form of the, ii, 484; Greeks, of the, ii, 484; Hindûs, the, of the, ii, 483, 496; Moon or, ii, 150, 151, 153, 490; Mysteries, the, of the, ii, 434, 482; Naviformed, ii, 434; Seed of Life, the, and the, i, 385, ii, 65; Vehicle, an, or, ii, 304.

Arghya or libation cup, ii, 434.

Arghyanâth title of the Mahâ Chohan, ii, 434.

Arghyavarsha, Argos is, ii, 437.

Arg-ians, dialect of the, ii, 434, 486.

Argians, IO means the Moon among the, ii, 486.

Argolians, Phoroneus father of the, ii, 548.

Argolis, Phoroneus in, ii, 546.

Argonauts, Expedition of the, i, 715; Stone left by the, ii, 361.

Argos, Arghyavarsha is, ii, 437; Castor at, ii, 129; Kingly race at, ii, 434, 436.

Argus, Death of, ii, 383; Hermes and, ii, 383; Mercury the Earth’s, ii, 32.

Argyle, quoted, ii, 390.

Arhan, one of the paths to Nirvâna, i, 227.

Arhat, Body of an, i, 35; Conception of an, i, 269; Esoteric School, i, 181; Knowledge absolute of an, i, 79; Parinirvâna attained by the, i, 79; Siddhis of the, i, 124; Third eye of the, ii, 308.

Arhats, Ancestors of the, ii, 21, 182, 183; Buddha, of, i, 4; Buddhist, i, 12, ii, 354; Cosmogony of the, ii, 470; Esotericism of the, ii, 672; Exodus of the, i, 12; Fire-Mist, of the, i, 228; Forefathers of present, ii, 183; Hatha Yoga discountenanced by, i, 122; Initiation of the, i, 4; Lords became, the, ii, 21; Preservation of the great, ii, 188; Proselytism by, i, 4; Sages or, ii, 176; Seven seen by the, i, 126; Sons of Wisdom become, ii, 170; Truths, of the four, i, 440.

Arhatship, ladder of, i, 227.

Aria or Iran, ii, 210.

Ariadne, the thread of, ii, 70, 162.

Aries, Degree of, ii, 455; Mars and, ii, 410; Vernal equinox, and the, ii, 732; Volney on, i, 722.

Arimaspes, Atlanteans, the, were not, ii, 818; One-eyed, the, were, ii, 813.

Arimaspi, Herodotus, the, of, ii, 435.

Arimaspian Host, ii, 434.

Arion progeny of Poseidon and Ceres, ii, 417.

Aristarchus and the revolution of the earth, i, 142.

Aristobulus a forger, i, 711.

Aristophanes, quoted, i, 385, ii, 101, 142, 187.

Aristophyli, Ptolemy on the, ii, 210.

Aristotelian, Faraday an, i, 552; Method, the inductive or, i, 177.

Aristotle, Bacon and, i, 521; Creation, on direct, ii, 168; Date of, i, 387; Deity, on the Triple, i, 89; Elements of, i, 499; Geometry, and, i, 674; Greek, the, i, 243; Inductive method of, ii, 605; Method of, ii, 605; Modern Science and, i, 300, ii, 162; Numbers, on, i, 387; Physica of, i, 651; Plato, following, i, 148; Psychology of, ii, 299; Rulers, on the, i, 535; Space, on, i, 359; Sphericity of the Earth taught by, i, 142; Substantial forms of, i, 692; Thales and, i, 368; Weissmann and, i, 243.

Aristotle-Baconian method, ii, 162.

Arithmomancy, Science of, ii, 608.

Arjuna, Krishna, on, i, 437; Pâtâla, descended to, ii, 224; Ulûpî, marries, ii, 665.

Arjuna Mishra, quoted, i, 122, 123, ii, 598, 600, 674, 675, 676.

Ark, Allegory of the, ii, 304; Ararat, the, on, ii, 631; Argha or, ii, 151, 483; Building of the, ii, 563; Covenant, the, of the, ii, 43, 481, 482, 485, 487, 496, 545; David’s dance round the, i, 358, ii, 483; Deucalion, the, of, ii, 283; Face of the Waters, the, on the, ii, 154; Female principle, the, or, ii, 755; Hindûs, the, of the, ii, 483; Humanity saved in an, ii, 755; Isis-Osiris and the, ii, 152; Istar shut in the, ii, 154; Life survives in the, ii, 483; Manu, the, of, ii, 147; Measurements of the, i, 336, ii, 487, 573; Moon or, ii, 151; Moses and the, of rushes, i, 339; Noah’s, i, 385, ii, 39, 72, 417, 490, 573, 645; Noëtic, ii, 376; Osiris enters the, ii, 150; Parkhurst on the, ii, 327; Rushes, Moses’, of, i, 339; Salvation, the, of, ii, 326; Seed saved in an, ii, 321; Ship or, ii, 818; Solar Boat or, ii, 150; Symbolism of the, ii, 304; Table of Stone in the, ii, 496; Typhon, of the, ii, 577; Vaivasvata Manu and the, ii, 72, 645; Womb of Nature, or, i, 478; Worship in the, ii, 492; Yima, the, of, ii, 645.

Arka, Arche or, ii, 485; Arg or, the female generative power, ii, 434.

Arkite Symbols, ii, 151, 152; Titans, and, ii, 151, 359.

Ark-tie or cross of the North, ii, 577.

Ârmaita Spenta or Spirit of the Earth, ii, 544.

Armenian Tales, quoted, ii, 416.

Armies, Celestial, ii, 579; God, of, ii, 245; Holy Ones, of the Four, i, 62, 147; Trees, called, ii, 521.

Armon, Ardis the top of Mount, ii, 393; Hermon said to be Mount, ii, 427.

Army, Ah-hi like an, i, 70; Sons of Light, of the, i, 62, 144; Spiritual beings, of, i, 151; Voice, of the, i, 60, 120, 121, 124.

Arnaud and Alkaloids, i, 282.

Arnobius, quoted, i, 377, ii, 151, 152, 357.

Aroma, Spiritual, of all lives, ii, 669.

Arrhetos or the Ineffable, i, 480.

Arrian, Alexander slandered by, ii, 436; quoted, ii, 435.

Arte Chymiæ of Roger Bacon, i, 636.

Artemis, Human victims sacrificed to, i, 425; Luna in Heaven, was, i, 415; Moon connected with, i, 249; Soteira and Apollo, i, 426.

Artemis-Lochia, Goddess of child-birth, i, 425.

Artes, the Egyptian Mars, ii, 152.

Artha or comprehension, i, 79.

Artharva Veda, quoted, ii, 186.

Arthur, King, ii, 411, 416, 797.

Artificer, Gods, of the, ii, 360, 401, 572; Tubal Cain, an, ii, 408; Vishvakarmâ, the, ii, 572.

Arts, Ancients, of the, ii, 449; Architects taught the, i, 287; Atlanteans, of the, ii, 444; Bailly on the origin of the, ii, 784; Beginning of the, ii, 380; Demi-gods taught the, ii, 232; Enchantment, of, ii, 678; Fourth Race of the, i, 502, ii, 448; Inventor of the, ii, 557; Lemuro-Atlanteans, of the, ii, 331; Lost, the, ii, 449; Magic, i, 508; Mars the Lord of, ii, 410; Masters in the, i, 28; Origin of the, ii, 559; Prehistoric Ages, of the, ii, 474; Progress in the, i, 724; Prometheus brought the, ii, 431, 432; Secret, i, 22; Sons of God taught the, i, 229, ii, 604; Third Race, of the, ii, 204, 448.

Art-Speech, i, 332, 417.

Artufas or Initiation Caves, ii, 191.

Aruna, Jatâyu son of, ii, 602.

Arûpa, Astral body, without an, ii, 99; Bodiless or, i, 239; Devas, ii, 618; Divine, the, i, 62, 144; Essences, one of the, i, 60; Formless or, i, 125, 145, 221, 693; Gods, ii, 332; Incorporeal or, i, 219, ii, 204; No-Form or, i, 83; Numbers, etc., i, 60; Pitris, i, 239, ii, 96, 98; Plane, the, ii, 116; Pralaya not for the, world, ii, 72; Rûpa and, i, 60, 63, 143, 147, 154; Square, the Formless, i, 125; Stanzas on, i, 116; Ten are the, i, 61, 125; Triad, the, i, 234; Universe, the, i, 61; World, the, i, 145, 470, 624.

Arvâksrota, Man, the, ii, 172.

Arvâksrotas, Brahmâ’s seventh creation the, i, 481, ii, 172; Creation of the, i, 480, 481, ii, 172; Evolution of the, i, 472.

Arva-st’hân or Arabia, ii, 424.

Âryabhatta of India, i, 142.

Ârya Magazine, ii, 72.

Âryan, Adam, the, ii, 185; Adami an, symbol, ii, 473; Adepts, ii, 401, 520; Age of the, Race, ii, 9; Agni the, God, ii, 120; Allegory, the, ii, 86, 98, 608; Asiatic, the, i, 232; Astronomy, i, 713; Castes, orthodox, ii, 429; Cataclysms will destroy the, Race, ii, 464; Chronology, ii, 75; Civilization, i, 18, ii, 349; Cosmogony, i, 366, ii, 251, 512; Creation, views of, ii, 57, 134, 512; Element, the, ii, 463; Era, the, ii, 72; Esotericism, i, 140, 141, 247, 248, 412; Faiths, i, 417; Fifth Race, the, or, i, 138, ii, 9, 209, 447, 461, 562, 650; Genius Loci of the, i, 500; God, the, ii, 120; Hermes, the, i, 306; Hierophant, the, ii, 494; Hindû, the, i, 347, 416, 417, 713, 729, ii, 60, 354, 386, 424, 493, 640; Humanity, the, ii, 428; Initiates, the, ii, 525; Invasion, the, ii, 756, 783; Jehovah, prototype of, ii, 132; Language, the, ii, 210; Literature, the oldest, i, 11; Mâtarishvan, the, ii, 431; Max Müller’s theory, ii, 797; Mystics, the, ii, 98; Mythology, ii, 138; Myths, ii, 608; Nations, ii, 332; Occultists, ii, 164; Origin of the, Race, ii, 738; People, the, ii, 473; Period, the, ii, 452; Philosophers, the, i, 81, ii, 167; Philosophy, i, 416, 736, ii, 71, 386; Psychology, the old, i, 247; Qabbalah, sources of the, i, 403; Race, the, i, 13, 138, 141, 347, ii, 9, 111, 129, 153, 175, 209, 260, 367, 413, 447, 452, 461, 464, 465, 470, 562, 650, 738, 755, 786, 812; Religion, i, 13, 20, 411, ii, 640; Rishis, i, 614; Root-Race, the, ii, 8, 738; Science, and Western, i, 683; Scriptures, ii, 648; South Sea Islanders, and, ii, 439; Stock, the, ii, 786; Supreme All of the, i, 306; Symbolism, ii, 492; Symbologists, ii, 581; Symbology, i, 410; Symbols, i, 412, ii, 473, 577; Systems, i, 479, ii, 399; Theo-anthropographies, ii, 135; Theogony, ii, 62, 470; Thought and Esotericism, i, 141; Traditions, ii, 129; Vedic Race, the, ii, 175; Wisdom, ii, 470.

Âryan-Asiatics, ii, 452.

Âryan-Hindûs, ii, 343.

Âryanism in the Rig Veda, ii, 395.

Âryanists, Ignorance of, 428; Max Müller, and, ii, 443.

Âryans, Adam, descend from the yellow, ii, 444; Âdi unknown Deity of the, i, 3; Allegories of the, ii, 401; Archaic, ii, 38; Astronomy of the, i, 730; Atlanteans and, ii, 412, 820; Circle a symbol of the, ii, 566; Cosmogony of the, ii, 26; Cosmographies of the, ii, 638; Decimal notation, the, and, i, 386; Deity of the, i, 3, ii, 567; Early, the, i, 3, 139, ii, 104, 388, 643; Egyptians and the, ii, 668; Esoteric Doctrine of the, ii, 38, 643; Ether, the, on, i, 527; Europeans the latest, i, 458; Fifth Race, the, i, 139, ii, 803; Forces, believed in intelligent, i, 458; Hindû, ii, 638; Holy of Holies and the, ii, 492; Knowledge of the ancient, i, 568; Max Müller on the, ii, 443; Mêlée of Atlanteans and, ii, 820; Mongols and, ii, 642; Mythology of the, i, 322, ii, 523; Negroes and, ii, 642; Noah of the, ii, 320; Peris and, ii, 411; Race, the fifth, i, 139, ii, 803; Religion of the, i, 336; Secret Doctrine of the, ii, 250; Semites and, i, 718, ii, 151, 278, 567; Seven among the, number, ii, 38, 151; Supreme All of the, i, 306; Svastika and the early, ii, 104; Symbols of the, i, 140, 336, ii, 566; Teachings of the old, i, 243; Trojans were, ii, 106; Vaidic, the, ii, 523; Veddhas said to be, ii, 206; Western, the, i, 706.

Ârya Samâj, Figures of the, school, ii, 71; Founder of the, ii, 72.

Âryas, Agnis of the ancient, ii, 90; Prophecy concerning the, i, 404.

Âryâsanga, Adept, a pre-Christian, i, 80; Adept of the, school, an, i, 182; School, the, i, 79, 98, 182; Treatises of, i, 3; Yogâchârya school of, i, 79.

Âryâsangha, Yogâchârya school of, ii, 674.

Âryâvarta, Asuramaya an astronomer in, ii, 53; Astronomy in, ii, 53; India is, ii, 437; Myth of Prometheus came from, ii, 551; Occultism in, ii, 596; Primeval Occultism of, ii, 596; Prometheus, produced the myth of, ii, 551; Sacred land of, ii, 617.

Âryo-Atlanteans, ii, 452.

Arzahi or west, ii, 802.

Asam or Easam an Irish word, ii, 121.

Asaradel, ii, 393.

Asat, Mûlaprakriti or, ii, 631; Sat and, ii, 470.

Asathor, ii, 403.

Asburj (see also Ashburj), Mountain of, ii, 421; Teneriffe may be, ii, 426.

Ascetic, Ceremonies, ii, 676; Daityas, penances of the, i, 455; Divine Soul in the, ii, 649; Dragon, a, ii, 381; Goal of the, ii, 600; Grand, the, ii, 173; Great, the, ii, 648; John the Baptist an, ii, 598; Kârttikeya an, ii, 655; Kings led an, life, ii, 527; Life, the, ii, 527; Mahâ Yogî the great, ii, 648; Moses an, ii, 487; Nârada the strife-making, ii, 180; Penances, i, 455; Shiva an, ii, 295, 578, 579; Third Eye of the, ii, 651; Yogî and, the grand, ii, 173.

Asceticism, Chaste, incarnates, ii, 295; Opponent of, an, ii, 649.

Ascetics, Allegory relating to, ii, 82; Âryan Race, of the, ii, 650; Buddhist, i, 197; Celestial, ii, 604; Chinese, i, 197; Circle of, enchanted, i, 5; Egyptian, i, 24; Gods strive with the, ii, 184; Initiated, ii, 288; Japanese, i, 197; Race of fruitless, ii, 288; Sons of Brahmâ as, ii, 86; Sword of Knowledge of the, i, 585; Third age, of the, ii, 333.

Aschmogh a huge serpent, ii, 215.

Ascidians and Medusæ, ii, 126.

Asclepiades on Stones, ii, 357.

Asclepias Acida or soma plant, ii, 524.

Asclepios (see Æsculapius), Æsculapius or, ii, 218; Apollo and, ii, 221, 813; Definitions of, i, 308, 314; Indian, the, i, 306; King and, the, i, 618; Maitreya the Indian, i, 306; quoted, i, 305.

Asclepius a Demi-god, ii, 380.

Ases, Creative powers, were, i, 460; Holy Gods were, ii, 104; Norse Legends, in, ii, 101; Scandinavia, of, ii, 102; War of the, ii, 403.

A-sexual, Adam, the, ii, 126; Humanity originally, ii, 140; Multiplication, ii, 141; Processes of reproduction, ii, 141, 695; Reproduction, ii, 695; Second race, ii, 123; Sexless, from the, ii, 19, 122.

Asgard, Gods, the habitat of the, ii, 101.

Asgard and the Gods, quoted, i, 432, 457, 460, ii, 102, 104, 105, 296, 361, 547.

Ash or Ask tree, ii, 102; Yggdrasil, ii, 547.

Asha is fire, ii, 120.

Ashburj or Asburj, ii, 425, 426.

Asher, I am that I am, ii, 491; Libra the Balance in, i, 715.

Ashoka, Cave-temples in the time of, ii, 231; Chandragupta and, ii, 580.

Ashtadisha, ii, 609.

Ashtar Vidyâ, ii, 445.

Ashteroth or Venus, ii, 154.

Ash-tree, Bronze Race from the, ii, 547; Celestial, the, ii, 548; Hesiodic, the, ii, 102; Third Race from the, ii, 191; Zeus and the, ii, 191.

Ashvamedha Parvan, i, 121; Sacrifice, ii, 602.

Ashvattha-tree, i, 600; Being, of, i, 437; Bodhi, the holy, of, ii, 622; Bo-tree, or, i, 570; Hindû, the, ii, 102; Life, of, i, 437, 585, ii, 676; Symbol of the, ii, 676.

Ashvins, Âdityas and, ii, 640; Sacrificers and, ii, 640; Sky and Sun, twin sons of the, i, 100.

Ash-wood men made by Jupiter, ii, 816.

Asia, America, united to, ii, 336; Âryan emigration to, ii, 812; Atlantis, issued after the destruction of, ii, 641; Atmosphere of Central, ii, 372; Brâhmans in Central, ii, 596; Civilization in Central, i, 16; Contemporary with man, ii, 419; Cross in Central, ii, 588; Dhyân Chohan in, i, 699; Elevation of, ii, 734; Events in, succession of, i, 722; Flora of, ii, 825; Fourth race, the refuge of the, ii, 764; Human stocks in, origin of, ii, 718; Io in, ii, 434; Island in Central, sacred, i, 230; Khamism is from Western, i, 141; Lemuria, a prolongation of, ii, 812; Men of, early, ii, 343; Mongolian of, ii, 493; Northern, ii, 820; Perpetual Land, the, ii, 820; Plateaux of Central, ii, 644, 786; Present, ii, 342; Protector of, the, ii, 188; Sea in middle, ii, 230; Sea to the north of, ii, 821; Sons of Light in Central, i, 26; Stones in, ii, 361, 794; Tanais and, ii, 816; Tradition, the source of, ii, 831; Two-horned, an epithet used in, ii, 416.

Asia Minor, Akkadians in, ii, 213; America coëval with, ii, 7; Europe coëval with, ii, 7; Initiates of, ii, 589; Mandrake in, ii, 30; Priests in, ii, 387.

Asiah and Nephesh, ii, 639.

Asian root-stocks, the, ii, 181.

Asiatic Researches, quoted, i, 14, 257, 718, ii, 52, 155, 421, 422, 423, 424, 427.

Asita the Dark, ii, 32.

Ask or Ash tree, ii, 102.

Asklepios, the Supernal Gods of, i, 658.

Asp, Crown formed of an, ii, 30.

Âsphujit, Venus or, ii, 35.

Aspiring, Kokab the, ii, 477.

Asr and Aish, Osiris, ii, 120.

As regards Protoplasm, i, 695, 698.

Assessors, Agra-Sandhâni, the, i, 131; Forty, the, i, 130.

Association, laws of, i, 75.

Assur, Îshvara, seen in, i, 718.

Assyrian (see also Syrian), Ad or Adi in, ii, 45, 46; Adam, the, ii, 4, 107; Armies called trees, ii, 521; Arts, ii, 474; Astronomy, i, 714; Bulls, the, ii, 121; Chaos, emblems of, ii, 403; Chronology, ii, 730; Civilization, ii, 349; Cuneiform inscriptions, ii, 3; Cylinders, ii, 236; Demon, an, ii, 360; Egypt under, dominion, i, 331; Emblems of Chaos, ii, 403; Inscriptions, ii, 3; Nebo, adoration of, ii, 477; Priest, the, ii, 397; Records, i, 440; Sciences, ii, 474; Seven in the, tiles, number, ii, 38; Svastika an, symbol, ii, 620; Tablets, ii, 368; Tiles, i, 290, 323, ii, 38, 64, 447, 457, 500; Turanian and, ii, 212.

Assyrian Antiquities of George Smith, i, 339.

Assyrian Discoveries, quoted, ii, 64, 403.

Assyriologist, Smith, the, ii, 401.

Assyriologists, Anu and the, ii, 65; Chronology of the, ii, 730; Dragon, on the, ii, 370; Nipur, and the northern, ii, 148; Perplexity of, ii, 109; Seven, and the number, ii, 3.

Astaphæus a Stellar Spirit, i, 484.

Astaphai, Genius of Mercury, i, 631, ii, 567.

Astarte, Hiram’s temple to, ii, 570; Lunar God, a, i, 425; Phœnician prayer to, i, 507; Temple to, ii, 570; Worship of, ii, 483.

Asteria, Delos or, ii, 815, 817; Golden star island of, ii, 400.

Asterism, Lunar, ii, 580, 581.

Asterisms, Allegories about, ii, 619; Cyclical progress of, ii, 264.

Asterius, tomb of, ii, 291.

Asteroids, the Earth’s influence on, ii, 740.

Asterope, one of the Pleiades, ii, 811.

Aster’t, th e Syrian Goddess, ii, 46, 47.

Astoreth, Jews worshipped, ii, 484; Moon or, i, 426, 427; Symbol of Nature, an impersonal, ii, 485.

Astra, Sanskrit, in, ii, 666; Vidyâ the highest magical knowledge, i, 614, ii, 445.

Astræa, Golden Age, renews the, ii, 829; Justice, goddess of, ii, 829; Venus-Lucifer or, ii, 830.

Astrakan on the Caspian Sea, ii, 434.

Astral, ii, 262. Action comes from the North, ii, 418. Barhishad, Doubles of the, ii, 93. Bodies, Mankind, the, of, i, 685; Progenitors, of the, ii, 118, 146; Shadows, or, ii, 90. Body, Adept, the, of an, ii, 559; Animal, the, of an, ii, 206; Atoms of the, ii, 709; Birth of the, ii, 1; Chhâyâ or, ii, 183; Consolidation of the, ii, 689; Desires, the, of, i, 280; Double or, ii, 82; Elementary, the, or, i, 737; Esotericism, the, of, ii, 669; Flesh covers the, ii, 128; Image of Man or, i, 262; Initiate lives in his, ii, 524; Ka or the, ii, 670; Kosmos, the, of the, i, 190; Linga Sharîra or, i, 181, 262, ii, 631; Mâyâvi or, ii, 252; Personal Self, the lower, or the, ii, 116; Physical, the, within the, ii, 157; Progenitors, the, of the, ii, 697; Upâdhi of Life, the, i, 177. Capacities, ii, 315. Children of Brahmâ, ii, 297. Communication of Planets with the Earth, i, 628. Constitution of man, ii, 760. Creation of the seven Adams, ii, 3. Development, Process of, ii, 166, 722. Double, Æneas, the, of, ii, 814; Barhishad, of the, ii, 93; Bhûta or, ii, 107; Body, or, ii, 82; Divine, the, i, 206; Fathers, of the, ii, 121; Lunar Monads, the, of the, i, 203. Earth, ii, 262. Envelope, the, i, 255, ii, 753. Evolution, i, 198, ii, 166, 268, 685, 776. Figures of the First Race, ii, 317. Fire, i, 111, ii, 255. Fluid, Athanor of Alchemists or, i, 110; Ether, universal, ii, 199; Kabalist, or Light of the, i, 571; Thought on the, sign of all, i, 120. Form, Ethereal, within an, ii, 60, 313; Fossil, ii, 722; Human, i, 207, ii, 195; Monad, the, clothing the, ii, 124; Pitris, of the, i, 268; Shadow, or, i, 248, 252; Shells, or, ii, 117; Soul-less, a, ii, 758. Gods, Sons of Ialdabaoth, i, 483. Humanity, First or, ii, 119. Ideation, ii, 631. Image, Chhâyâ or, ii, 106, 145; Fatal, the, i, 265. Influences, i, 587. Inner man, i, 700. Kingdom, evolution of the, ii, 72. Life, Races revert to the, ii, 275. Light, Âkâsha and, i, 105, 274, 275, 277; Âkâshic principle not the, i, 279; Ana, the Chaldæan, i, 119; Anima Mundi and, i, 89, 217, 499; Ante-natal life traced in the, i, 131; Bhagavad Gîtâ on the, i, 114; Bisexual, the, is, i, 218; Christian Kabalists, the, of the, i, 218; Cosmic Soul or, ii, 119; Creative properties of the, i, 368; Currents of the, ii, 78; Definition of the, ii, 538; Destructive properties of the, i, 368; Devil and, ii, 509; Divine, of Occultism, i, 164; Dragon, a glyph for the, i, 102; Dual, the, is, i, 218, 512; Éliphas Lévi on the, i, 275, 361, 427; Entities, the, full of, i, 353; Entity, the, an, ii, 539; Ether is the, i, 347, 353; Forces represented by the, i, 313; Glyph for the, i, 102; Human body and the, i, 573; Lower, the, i, 219; Kabalists, the, of the, i, 103, 218, 366, 392; Karma of Humanity, the, ii, 539; Lotus, the prototype of the, i, 92; Martinists, of the, ii, 427; Motion of the, vibratory, i, 372; Nebular in the, i, 394; Occultism, the, of, i, 164; Old Book on the, ii, 259; Potency of the, dual, i, 512; Prakriti and the, i, 276; Prima Materia and the, i, 364; Prototypes in the, i, 89, 92; Reading in the, ii, 246; Reality obscured by the, i, 90; Secrets of the, i, 315, 316; Serpent, the, called a, ii, 371; Shadow of the, i, 364; Soul of the, is divine, i, 456; Synonyms of the, ii, 537; Tablets of the, i, 130; Universal Cause, the, is the, ii, 539; Universal Soul and the, i, 377; Universal Soul, the material aspect of, i, 453; Visions in the, i, 184. Man, Animals preceded, ii, 197; Ethereal or, ii, 160; Physical, the, is a model of the, i, 206, 700, ii, 82, 107; Primeval, ii, 727; Round began with the, this, ii, 180; Shadow or, ii, 115. Matter, Clouds of, i, 190; Cosmic Substance becoming, i, 104; Forms of men woven of, ii, 778, Models, bodies inferior to their, ii, 83, 238. Mould of physical man, ii, 768. Phantom, Âbhûtarajasas without an, ii, 93. Phenomena, Occult, ii, 663. Photographs, i, 46. Plane, the, i, 147, 149, 239, 706, ii, 95, 727. Powers, Genii classed below, i, 314. Progenitors of the Mammalia, ii, 723. Prototypes, i, 199, 303, ii, 72, 197, 268, 309, 661, 777, 778. Races, ii, 124, 166, 292. Radiation, ii, 593. Realms, Primaries in the, i, 521. Records, Lipika and the, i, 131. Reflections, i, 264. Regions, i, 199. Relics, ii, 770. Root-types, ii, 685. Selves, the human, ii, 116. Shadows, i, 248, 252, ii, 49, 110, 115, 116, 128, 173, 196. Shells or Form, ii, 117. Sons of Yoga, ii, 124, 208. Soul, the, i, 263, ii, 304. Spheres, i, 465, 631. Spirit, the, i, 217, 314. Statues, ii, 99. Tablets, ii, 209. Types, ii, 697. Waves, Dragon slain in the, ii, 56. World, the, i, 88, ii, 36.

Astrals, Semi-divine, ii, 454.

Astro-chemical key to the Tabula Smaragdina, ii, 115.

Astro-cosmical, i, 223.

Astro-dhyânic figures, the, i, 251.

Astro-ethereal sphere of action, ii, 657.

Astrolatry, Chaldæan, ii, 478, 659; Christianity and, ii, 44; Heliolatry and, i, 422; Monotheism and, ii, 44; Ogdoad in, i, 483; Sabæanism and, i, 432; Tree of, ii, 26.

Astrologer, Asuramaya the, ii, 54; Brâhman, regulated connubial life, ii, 429.

Astrologers, Astronomers and, i, 708; Calculations of, i, 703; Christian Mystics and, i, 716; India, in, i, 249; Occultists and, i, 708; Sun, replace Uranus by the, i, 126; Uranus, the, and, i, 126.

Astrological, Babylonians, magic of the, ii, 597; Constellations, aspect of the, ii, 189; Keys to Theogony, ii, 26; Magic, ii, 597; Mediæval Mysteries, phase of the, ii, 667; Mercury as an, planet, ii, 31; Planet, an, ii, 31; Sign, Scorpio an, ii, 137; Star, the, i, 626; Symbols, i, 250; Theogony, keys to, ii, 26.

Astrology accepted though derided, i, 707; Astronomy, includes, i, 418, 707; Barkayal taught, ii, 393; Chaldæan, ii, 659; Earth in, the, ii, 33; Heavenly bodies and mankind connected by, ii, 525; Indian, i, 239; Initiation and, ii, 525; Judicial, i, 628; Mythology and, i, 418; Occult mysteries and, ii, 525; Physical plane, on the, ii, 667; Principles of, ii, 412; Pyramid, illustrated by the Great, i, 337; Science of, the, i, 131; Sorcery, and, ii, 475; Tree of, ii, 26; Venus in, ii, 33.

Astro-magians of India, ii, 648.

Astronomic character of the diluvian tragedy, ii, 379.

Astronomical, Adept’s, calculation, ii, 425; Allegory, i, 479, ii, 48, 66, 399, 401, 404, 571, 619; Âryans, symbols of the, i, 336; Aspects, i, 323, ii, 25, 201, 577; Astræa, significance of, ii, 829; Atlantis, demonstrations of, ii, 426; Bible, symbols in the, i, 715; Book, the oldest, ii, 340; Book of Enoch, knowledge in the, ii, 563, 564; Calculations, i, 728, ii, 425, 561; Cat, symbolism of the, i, 416; Chaldæans, notions (and observations) of the, ii, 4, 656; Chinese, knowledge of the, i, 722, ii, 657; Christian Trinity, ii, 374; Christians, ignorance of the early, ii, 748; Christos, meaning of, ii, 570; Cross, ii, 561, 571, 572, 577, 582, 587; Cycles, ii, 53, 73, 345; Deluge is, allegory of the, i, 479; Dynasties, ii, 454; Earth in, tables, ii, 33, 616; Egyptians and the, cross, ii, 572, 587; Elements, i, 723; Epoch, the true, i, 725; Esotericism, mysteries of, ii, 668; Events, ii, 401, 564; Fact, record of an, i, 449; Flood, an, ii, 368; Formula, an, ii, 592; Generation from an, standpoint, i, 250; Genesis, character of, ii, 152; Glyph, aspect of the double, ii, 577; Hermes, meaning of, ii, 570; Hindû, methods, etc., i, 727, 728, ii, 48; Job, references in, i, 711; Kalpa, an, ii, 321; Keys, ii, 26, 578, 600; Legend, ii, 219; Limits of date, ii, 732; Lunar Mythos, aspect of the, i, 323; Meanings, ii, 569; Measure of time, i, 202; Methods, ii, 632; Moon from the, standpoint, i, 180, 248; Mysteries, i, 248, 435, ii, 578, 668; Myth, ii, 668; Observations for 630,000 years, i, 713; Occult, records, i, 174; Occultism and, theories, ii, 75; Periods, i, 421, ii, 409; Pesh-Hun and the, cycles, ii, 53; Phenomena, ii, 77, 286; Pi, the, i, 139; Records, i, 174, ii, 369; Rig Veda in its, aspect, ii, 201; Shesha’s, knowledge, ii, 52; Sidereal bodies, i, 380; Societies, royal, i, 730; Speculations, i, 186, 648; Stones used for, purposes, ii, 360; Struggles, i, 215, 223; Symbolism, i, 336, 416, 479, 715, ii, 129, 409, 567, 579, 616, 655; System, the, i, 389; Tables, i, 723, ii, 33; Târakâ-maya full of, truth, ii, 49; Tau or, cross, ii, 572; Theogony, keys to, ii, 26; Theories, ii, 75; Trinity an, triad, ii, 569; Truth concealed, ii, 98; Twins an, symbol, ii, 129; Value, an, ii, 592; Venus in, tables, ii, 33; Virgin, meaning of the, i, 721; War in Heaven, ii, 396, 525; Wars, i, 215; Work, this not an, i, 643.

Astronomie, quoted, i, 577.

Astronomie Ancienne, quoted, ii, 563.

Astronomie Antique, quoted, i, 711.

Astronomie du Moyen Age, quoted, i, 541.

Astronomy, Accurate, known 2,400 B.C., i, 713; Allegories of, ii, 398; Ancient, ii, 305, 347, 563; Anticipated, ii, 263; Arabs, of the, i, 722; Arcane, i, 629; Archaic, i, 633; Âryans, of the, i, 730; Astrolatry and, ii, 44; Astrology and, i, 418; Atlanteans, of the, ii, 805; Atlas fond of, ii, 518; Aztec remains, and, i, 343; Bentley on Hindû, ii, 525; Birth of, the, ii, 33; Chemistry and, i, 635; Cosmolatry and, ii, 80; Cross in, ii, 226; Dragon in, i, 433; Earth according to, ii, 68; Eclipses, and, ii, 398; Egyptians, of the, ii, 656; Esoteric, ii, 456; Exact science, as an, i, 652, 700; Foreign, borrowing a, i, 722; Fourth race, of the, ii, 445; Geology and, ii, 75, 76, 700; Glyphs connected with, i, 341; Gods teaching, ii, 382; Grecian, i, 633; Hebrews, of the, ii, 79; Hindûs, of the, i, 722, 724, 729, ii, 347, 525; Indian, i, 633; Inductive science, as an, i, 641; Inventor of, ii, 383, 557; Isis-Osiris and, ii, 383; Judicial, i, 709; Kabiri-Titans in, ii, 377; Kârttikeya in, ii, 654; Kepler’s mystical, i, 716; Kumâras in, ii, 610; Latona in, ii, 814; Lemuro-Atlanteans, of the, ii, 331; Lunar eclipses, and, ii, 398; Mercury in, ii, 571; Meru and, ii, 373; Modern, attitude of, i, 644, 645; Moon in, i, 423, ii, 68; Most High, the sun in, ii, 567; Mysteries, connected with the, ii, 131; Mystical, i, 716, ii, 51; Mythology and, i, 418; Nebular theory of, i, 644; Noah in, Sydic, ii, 410; Occult teachings concerning, i, 549; Œdipus of, i, 180; Ouranos taught, ii, 809; Pâtâla and, ii, 373; Paurânic, ii, 264; Physical, i, 527, ii, 667; Planets in, i, 172, 187, 423; Pleiades in, ii, 582; Proctor and, i, 713; Pyramid, in the Great, i, 333, 337; Sanskrit MSS. on, ii, 581; Science of, i, 641, 652, 709, ii, 700; Secret books teach, i, 224; Seven in, number, ii, 654; Shell of, i, 707; Shesha the great teacher of, ii, 52; Solar eclipses, and the, ii, 398; Sun-Gods in, ii, 47; Symbolism in, i, 341, ii, 449; Tamiel taught, ii, 393; Teachings of, ii, 262, 345; Theology and, i, 341; Tien taught, ii, 809; Uranus taught, ii, 805, 809; Wolf on, i, 658.

Astronomy of the Ancients, quoted, i, 713.

Astro-symbology, i, 631.

Astro-theogonical, i, 628.

Astro-theosophic, ii, 483.

Asu or breath, ii, 62, 90, 526.

Asura, Aesar derived from, ii, 121; Ahura or, ii, 642, 643; Asurendra the great, ii, 512; Demon Deity or, ii, 49; Divine means, spiritual, ii, 97; Sura became, ii, 23, 237, 247.

Asura Devatâ, ii, 258.

Asuramaya, Astronomer, the earliest, ii, 53; Atlantean Astronomer, the, ii, 340, 455; Atlantis, of, ii, 54; Calculations of, ii, 73; Fragments from, ii, 71; Nârada and, ii, 51; Zodiacs of, ii, 455.

Asura Mazdhâ, ii, 97. Asuras, Ahura restores the, ii, 64; Allegory of the, i, 151, 210; Angelic Fall, the, and the, ii, 296; Arûpa Gods or, ii, 332; Asu breath from, ii, 90; Battle between, and Gods, ii, 523; Body of Night, created from the, ii, 172; Brahmâ, issuing from, ii, 62; Brâhmans, the, of the, i, 630; Creation of, i, 624, ii, 172, 526; Daityas and, i, 452; Deceiver, deluded by the, i, 455; Demons and, i, 372; Devas, the, are real, ii, 95, 171; Earth, peopling the, ii, 543; Enemies of the Gods, ii, 240; Fallen Angels or, ii, 553; Fire of the, i, 567, ii, 60; Flames or, ii, 258; Gods and, ii, 64, 82, 401, 407, 451, 523, 525; Group of the Septenary Host, the, a, i, 239; Hindûism, the, of, i, 372; Human, pioneers become, ii, 338; Indian Pantheon, of the, ii, 553; Indra conqueror of the, i, 223, ii, 395; Intermediate state of, ii, 257; Kumâras and, ii, 93, 112, 174; Law, followed the, ii, 512; Manu produced the, ii, 157; Nâgas and, i, 372; Origin of the name, ii, 512; Pioneers, become human, ii, 338; Pitris, form the spiritual, ii, 96; Pre-Brâhmanical, ii, 173; Primordial Angels, the, are, ii, 513; Râkshasas identified with, ii, 173; Rig Veda, in the, ii, 525; Rudras were, ii, 618; Secret Doctrine, in the, i, 119; Septenary Host, the highest of the, i, 239; Shankha-dvîpa, of, ii, 423; Shukra, the, pupils of, ii, 36; Suras and, i, 444, 451, ii, 96, 98; Synonyms for, i, 119; Tempting demons, called, ii, 184; Titans copied from, i, 451; Vishnu Purâna, in the, ii, 242; War of, i, 451, ii, 66, 82, 401, 407, 525.

Asurendra the great Asura, ii, 512.

Atabutos, Simoom called, ii, 403.

Atala, Hell, a, ii, 423, 426; Purânas, of the, ii, 420; Sin, the Land of, ii, 336; Southern Pole, at the, ii, 422; White Devil, and the, ii, 155; White Island, or the, ii, 421.

At-al-as the Divine Sun, ii, 377.

Atash-Behram of the Parsîs, i, 361.

Atavism, Atlantean culture, and, ii, 782; Cave-men and, ii, 782; Evidence of, ii, 792; Law of, i, 282.

Athamas or Adam, ii, 143.

Athamaz or Adam-Kadmon, ii, 47.

Athanor of the Alchemists, i, 110.

Atharva Veda, quoted, i, 130, ii, 399, 611, 647, 658.

Atheism, Divine order protested against by, i, 205; Idiotic, based on lethal materiality, ii, 167; Mechanical, ii, 700; Negations of, ii, 687; Parinirvâna and, i, 286; Secret Doctrine teaches no, the, i, 300; Speculative, ii, 586.

Atheist, a model, i, 621.

Atheistical systems, foundation of, i, 665.

Atheists, Advaitins are not, i, 35, 37; Anatomy, must be insane, knowing, ii, 690; Believers in Karma not, ii, 319; Buddhists called, i, 33, 35; Dryden on the, of mankind, i, 706; Epicurus, like, i, 670; Karma and, i, 706, ii, 319; Occultists are not, i, 35; Pantheists called, i, 37; Vedântins cannot be called, i, 36.

Athena and Prometheus, ii, 546.

Athenæum, The, quoted, i, 536, ii, 328, 683.

Athenæus and Satan’s name, ii, 35.

Athené, Gladstone on, ii, 814.

Athenian sentiment, ii, 430.

Athenians, Æschylus condemned by the, ii, 437; Boreas, sacrificing to, i, 506; Moon Goddess of the, i, 430; Unknown God of the, i, 349.

Athens, Ancient, submerged, ii, 283; Monkey fossils near, ii, 764; Theatres of, ii, 431.

Athotis an ancient physician, ii, 349.

Athtor or Mother Night, i, 369.

Ativâhîkas the bearers in transit, i, 157.

Atkinson, quoted, i, 732.

Atlanta, America called, ii, 231.

Atlantean Affinities, ii, 837; Age, Bailly on the, ii, 277; Astronomer, the, ii, 54, 340; Asuramaya the, ii, 51, 71, 455; Bailly on the, age, ii, 277; Bodies, produced by us in, ii, 317; British Islands, an, survivor saw the, ii, 359; Buddhas, eleven, ii, 441; Chipped-stone men, ancestry of the, ii, 756; Civilization, ii, 209, 275, 444, 763; Continents, ii, 320, 442, 641; Culture, reäppearance of, ii, 782; Cycle, Jupiter belongs to the, ii, 282; Deluge, the, ii, 4, 72, 562; Divisions of the Earth, seven, ii, 382; Fourth or, race, i, 211, 213, 214, 426, 714, 755, ii, 155, 237, 338, 348, 461, 561; Giants, i, 450, ii, 74, 98, 242, 284, 292, 411, 442, 452, 465; Heirloom, ii, 449; Humanities, ii, 452; Images, ii, 346; Initiates, i, 229; Karma and the, race, ii, 317, 429, 782; Languages, ii, 209; Law of offering, the, ii, 790; Legend, Pharaoh and the, ii, 519; Libraries destroyed, ii, 731; Magic symbol, ii, 371; Mummy, gigantic, ii, 284; Nations, ii, 278, 444; Niobe the, race, ii, 814; Noah an, ii, 408; Offshoots, savage tribes are, ii, 761; Palæolithic men, ii, 781; Part-cycle, the, ii, 750; Period, the, i, 668, ii, 195, 278; Pre-Adamic races were, i, 346; Progress, ii, 276; Prototypes, ii, 8; Prowess, ii, 796; Races, i, 211, 213, 214, 346, 426, 714, ii, 131, 155, 237, 260, 285, 286, 300, 333, 338, 348, 429, 441, 442, 461, 463, 561, 638, 755, 786; Records, ii, 369; Relics, ii, 341, 358, 362; Savage tribes, offshoots, ii, 761; Skeleton of an, ii, 712; Sorcerers, ii, 98, 517, 673; Sorcery, ii, 299, 529; Submersion, ii, 148, 320; Sub-race in Europe, seventh, ii, 786; Symbol of, magic, ii, 371; Titans, ii, 307; Traditions of the Moon, i, 427; Zodiacs, ii, 455.

Atlanteans, Ancestors of the, i, 212; Animality of the, ii, 829; Âryans and, ii, 412, 820; Battles between two classes of, ii, 816; Boasts of the, ii, 805; Classes of, two, ii, 816; Cursing the sun, ii, 805; Degradation of the, ii, 815; Descendants of the, ii, 799, 818; Description of the, ii, 447; Destruction of the, ii, 345; Doom of the, ii, 452, 454; Dragons, called the Great, ii, 799; Druid priests descendants of, ii, 799; Egyptians and, ii, 792; Elements, and the four, i, 502; End of the, untimely, ii, 188; Eocene age, of the, ii, 757; Extermination of the, ii, 323; Ezekiel on the fate of the, ii, 518; Features of the, ii, 234; Force called by, Mash Mak, sidereal, i, 614; Gibborim or Giants were, i, 447; Greeks and, ii, 785, 792; Groups of, saved, ii, 366; Guanches an offshoot of the, ii, 716, 835; Iranians on the, ii, 816; Isis Unveiled on the, ii, 521; Kumâras connected with the, ii, 618; Lankâ, the, of, ii, 246; Mêlée of, and Âryans, ii, 820; Monads came with the, the last, ii, 317; Monsters bred by, ii, 717; Moses and, ii, 445; Powers of the, Superhuman, ii, 807; Râkshasas and, ii, 289; Remnants of, ii, 786; Rishis and, the, ii, 527; Romans and, ii, 785; Sanskrit not spoken by, i, 50; Senzar understood by, i, 26; Sin of the, ii, 316, 728; Sons of Night, called, ii, 816; Sons of the Sun, called, ii, 816; South Pole, gravitated toward the, ii, 286; Speech of the, ii, 209; Race overlapped the, third, ii, 465; Ungodly, perished, ii, 366; Wives of the, ii, 300; Work ascribed to, ii, 53; Writing invented by, ii, 458; Yasna on the, ii, 816.

Atlantes, Diodorus on, ii, 809; Titans called, ii, 377; Uranus first king of, ii, 808.

Atlantic, Elevated ridge in the, ii, 348; Flood, the great, ii, 369; Great Waters, the, and the, ii, 820; Islands, ii, 8, 427, 835; Land and White Island, ii, 155; Lemuria, the, portion of, ii, 348; North and South, ii, 423; Ocean, i, 452, ii, 155, 424; Pillars of Hercules in the, ii, 155; Plato’s, island, ii, 8; Proserpine, islands in the, sacred to, ii, 427; Steamers on the, ii, 165; Warlike power from the, Sea, ii, 785.

Atlantides, Atlas, the seven daughters of, ii, 518; Diodorus, accused by, ii, 425; History, the, of, ii, 804; Mythology, the, of, ii, 804; Symbols of the Fourth Race, the, were, ii, 518.

Atlantis, Africa not so old as, ii, 385; Anthropoids and, ii, 203; Atala or, ii, 421; Atlas is, ii, 806; Bailly believed in, ii, 784; Botany points to, ii, 781, 825; Catastrophe of, ii, 818; Continent of, i, 396, 714, ii, 7, 387; Countries in, two, ii, 387; Deluge of, i, 97; Derivation of, ii, 224; Description of, ii, 336; Destruction of, ii, 8, 152, 330, 420, 641; Division of, ii, 424, 808; Donnelly on, ii, 279, 289, 826, 838; Doom of, ii, 445; Duppa Crotch on, ii, 826; Ethnology, necessary to, ii, 827; Events of, pre-historic, ii, 411; Evidences of, ii, 825, 828, 832, 834, 836; Ezekiel on the fate of, ii, 519; Fate of, ii, 519; Flood, the sinking of, or the, ii, 643; Fossils in, ii, 828, 836; Geological basis of, ii, 348; Giants of, ii, 288, 361, 796; Greeks, of the, ii, 422; Hesitation in accepting, ii, 766; History of, ii, 327; Inscriptions of, ii, 838; Insular continents, one of the seven, ii, 341; Islands of, the, ii, 71, 277, 365, 423, 425, 452, 809; Legends of, ii, 818; Lemuria, and, ii, 7, 349, 420, 820, 823; Lost, the, i, 11, ii, 231, 809; Lyell on, ii, 767, 831; Magicians of, ii, 234; Manu of the sunken, ii, 324; Marcellus on, ii, 426; Mayas coëval with Plato’s, ii, 38; Miocene period and, ii, 7, 781, 822; Name, under another, ii, 811; Neptune’s division of, ii, 808; Nereus and, ii, 810; Niobe and, ii, 815; Ocean floors, part of the, ii, 338; Ogygia identified with, ii, 813; Palmy days of, ii, 192; Peninsula of, ii, 9, 149; Period of, ii, 276; Phlegyan Island said to be, ii, 153, 381; Plato, of, ii, 7, 38, 229, 275, 328, 336, 387, 426, 447, 448, 785, 804; Pliocene portion of the great, ii, 413; Poseidon and, ii 810; Position of, ii, 338, 347; Races of, ii, 387; Reäppearance of, ii, 340; Records of, ii, 443; Remnants of ii, 260; Romaka-pura part of, ii, 54; Rulers of, ii, 810; Science of, ii, 757; Senzar understood by inhabitants of, i, 26; Sinking of, ii, 329, 340; Solon and, ii, 830; Sorcerers of, i, 452, ii, 401; Submersion of, i, 473, ii, 278, 367, 412, 806; Taurus vertical to, ii, 426; Traditions of, ii, 233, 826, 831; Wilford on, ii, 424.

Atlantis Hypothesis in its Botanical Aspect, The, ii, 767.

Atlantis, the Antediluvian World, ii, 279, 289, 826, 838.

Atlanto-Âryan races, ii, 443, 455, 788, 793, 794.

Atlanto-Lemurians, Apes, sires of, ii, 727; Veda and the, ii, 507; Wives of the, ii, 296.

Atlantosaurus Immanis, ii, 229.

Atlas, Atlantis, named from, ii, 388; Daughters of, ii, 654; Hero, the, ii, 518; Lemuria, in the days of, ii, 806; Madagascar and, ii, 276; Meru is not on, ii, 419, 422; Mount, ii, 422, 425, 518, 805, 809; Nila, mountains of the, range, ii, 423; Noah and, ii, 278; Orion and, ii, 290; Parents of, ii, 808; Region surrounding Mount, ii, 809; Relic, the sole Western, ii, 807; Shveta-dvîpa and, ii, 420; Story of, ii, 805; Tartarus, in, ii, 806; Titan, and, ii, 278; Tradition of, esoteric, ii, 807; World, supporting the, ii, 290, 835.

Âtmâ, Absolute knowledge, is, i, 623; Aspects of, i, 624; Bird of immortality, the, ii, 39; Breath of Life not, i, 247; Buddhi informed by, i, 620; Buddhi in relation to, i, 202, 620; Buddhi inseparable from, i, 202, 620; Buddhi the vehicle of, i, 3, 144, 202, 265, ii, 60, 241, 614, 639; Buddhi-Manas, i, 46, 215, 240, 257, 623, ii, 60, 119; Chit or, i, 89; Christos the, in the Soul, i, 157, ii, 241, 504; Definitions of, i, 624; Deity, essence of, ii, 504; Dhyânî has to be -Buddhi, an, i, 215; Diagram showing, i, 262; Garments of, i, 265; Great Mother, first principle of the, i, 311; Human principle, the seventh, ii, 627; Illusive body of the, i, 623; Immortality, the bird of, ii, 39; Impersonal principle, the, i, 157, ii, 504; Îshvara, beyond, i, 627; Kshetrajña, the, i, 613; Light, a ray of, i, 264; Manas and, ii, 119, 612; Manas, and the higher, i, 623, ii, 60; Mâyâ surrounding, i, 627; Monad rendered as, i, 623; Mould of the garments of, i, 265; Neshamah or, i, 262, 265; Not-Spirit, is, i, 626; Occultists’ view of, i, 247; One reality, the, i, 203; Only witness, the, i, 623; Para-brahman and, i, 89, 155, 461; Pavilion of, i, 627; Physical body and, abyss between the, ii, 555; Plane, does not belong to this, i, 264; Principle, as a, i, 157, 177, 201, 311, 357, 624, ii, 504, 555, 627; Pure spirit, or, ii, 669; Radiation of, ii, 251; Ray of light, a, i, 264; Reflections of, i, 203; Region of, pure soul, ii, 421; Self is, i, 357; Soul and, i, 157, ii, 421; Spirit or, i, 144, 145, 181, 247, 262, 311, 620, 623, 624, 669, 679, ii, 39, 61, 119, 614, 631, 669; Spiritual vivifying principle or, i, 201; Substratum, the one real, i, 623; Synthesis, the eternal immortal, i, 182; Systems, in the various, i, 181; Triad, part of the human, i, 240, 257; Unity, is synthesized by, i, 623; Universal soul, inseparable from the, ii, 241; Universal spirit, the, i, 624, ii, 631; Upâdhis of, i, 182; Vehicle of, i, 3, 144, 202, 265, ii, 61, 241, 639; Vidyâ, spirit-knowledge or, i, 221; Vidyâ or spiritual divine wisdom, i, 192; Zoroaster, the, of, ii, 504.

Âtmabhû the Self-existent, ii, 186, 612.

Âtmâ-Buddhi, Devachan and, i, 356; Dhyânî has to be an, a, i, 215; Divine, Instructor or Guru, ii, 120; Dual soul, the, i, 201; First race, of the, ii, 265; Flame, the, i, 259; Guru, the divine, ii, 120; Indiscrete, is one and, i, 248; Instructor, the divine, ii, 120; Irrational on this plane without Manas, i, 263; Manas and, i, 240, 248, 263, 264, ii, 60, 119, 130; Monad, the dual, i, 98, 202; Personality merged in, i, 83; Second race of the, ii, 265; Soul and spirit or, i, 236, 248; Spirit-Soul or, i, 233, 236.

Âtmâ-Buddhi-Manas, i, 238, 257, 263, 362.

Âtmamâtra, i, 357.

Âtmamâtrâsu, i, 356.

Âtman, Buddhi and the apperception of, i, 200; Christos the, of the universe, i, 157; Divine ray, the, i, 242; Ego not the, the human, ii, 83; Ego taking refuge in the, ii, 115; Human Ego not the, ii, 83; Inner man warmed by, ii, 116; Living spirit of nature or, ii, 114; Mother-spirit or, i, 233; Non-Being, passes into, i, 215; Principle, the seventh, i, 511; Protologos or, ii, 114; Pûrvaja, is, ii, 114; Ray, the divine, i, 242; Self, or universal, ii, 676; Spirit or, i, 248, ii, 114; Sun compared with, ii, 116; Universal self or, ii, 676; Universal spirit, one with the, i, 285; Universe, Christos the, of the, i, 157; Vedântins, of the, i, 135.

Âtmanah, from self, i, 356.

Âtmic ray, the vehicle of the, i, 200.

Atmosphere, Atoms changed in our, i, 638; Blood, of the, i, 580; Central Asia, changed in, ii, 372; Effects of vibrations in our, i, 605; First Heaven the, ii, 78; Globe, the higher, of every, i, 166, 168, ii, 650; Heaven the first, ii, 78; Humanity needed no, primitive, i, 667; Indra the personified, ii, 649; Intelligent beings in our, i, 663; Mars, of, ii, 747; Mâyâvic veil, the, our, i, 469; Mercury, of, ii, 747; Monads, ablaze with, i, 694; Planetary, the, i, 167; Stars, of the, i, 652; Sun’s, the, i, 652; Tenuity of the, i, 615; Terrestrial, ii, 650; Vibrations in the, i, 605.

Atmospheric, Conditions of the globe, ii, 56; Course of the vibrations, i, 694; Dust of terrestrial origin, i, 707; Fluid, a solar, i, 546; Job, influences in the days of, i, 711; Laws, present, i, 667; Molecules, impact of, i, 605; Vul, the, ii, 403, 404.

Atmu a divine or eternal soul, ii, 669.

Atom, Absolute intelligence thrills through every, i, 298; Absolute life cannot produce an inorganic, i, 279; Æons, the, becoming man after, i, 201; Alive, every, is, i, 281; Angel, an, and an, i, 132; Anu means, i, 381, 593, 620; Atoms, of, i, 636; Brahmâ called Anu, the, i, 620; Breath of life in every, the, i, 233; Chemist, of the, i, 557; Consciousness in every, ii, 742; Contradictions about the, i, 527; Cosmic, the, i, 288, 696; Deity contained in every, i, 89; Differentiation of every, i, 167; Etheric, the, i, 608; Evolution of the, i, 205; Fohat in every, of matter, i, 163; Force, apart from, i, 556; Germ in every, i, 87; God, every, tends to become, i, 183; Heart beating in every, of Nature, ii, 622; Heat in every, i, 112; Infinite world, the smallest, in the, i, 704; Inorganic, no, is, i, 279, 490; Intelligence in every, i, 298; Involution of the, i, 205; Jîva in the mineral, i, 244; Kosmos, spirit in every, in, i, 360; Life in every, i, 65, 233, 245, 269, 270, 278, 281; Life survives the last, i, 65; Living, or life, i, 281; Lost, no, ii, 769; Man produced from the, i, 201, ii, 180; Meaning of the term, i, 621; Memory in every, ii, 710; Mineral, i, 233, 244, 266, 269; Monad and the, i, 49, 200, 201; Motion pulsates in every, i, 142; Nature, every, in, ii, 622, 769; Noumenon of the, i, 563; Occultism and the, i, 270, 593; Periodical, the, is, i, 596; Physical eye cannot perceive an, i, 87; Potentiality of every, i, 132; Power directing the, i, 599; Primordial, the, i, 172, 491, ii, 772; Protyle in every, i, 350; Purusha, the, inseparable from, i, 637; Qualities of the, i, 524; Reality of the chemists’, i, 557; Science and the, i, 350, 523; Self-consciousness and the, i, 132; Sentient life shown in the, desire for, i, 75; Slumbering, the, i, 142; Spirit pervades the, i, 360; Spiritual, the, i, 357, 593; Substance-principle latent in every, i, 294; Tendency in the, ii, 180; Ultimate living, or life, i, 281; Universe is alive, every, in the, i, 281; Velocity of each etheric, i, 608; Vital fires in every, ii, 279; Watery abysses, of the, ii, 690; What is an,? i, 559.

Atom-cells of Hæckel, ii, 708.

Atomic, Anu or, i, 568; Atomic of the, most, i, 593; Atoms, the most, of, ii, 50; Constitution of matter, i, 530; Differentiation, i, 176; Electricity is, i, 136, 635, 734; Elements, ii, 606; Emanations, ii, 694; Energy, ii, 710; Evolution, theory of, i, 685; Expansion, i, 243; Forms or Rûpas, i, 238; Helmholz and, electricity, i, 635; Leucippus, theory of, i, 32; Matter becomes, i, 602; Monads, i, 691; Occult, theory, i, 281; Organisms, i, 241; Souls, i, 679; Theory, i, 32, 281, 564, 565, 620, 633, 685; Transformations of matter, i, 226; Vibration, i, 491, 613, 614; Vortices, i, 622; Weight, i, 638, 685, ii, 663.

Atomicities, dominant, i, 602.

Atomism a graphic system, i, 524.

Atomists, i, 622, 633, 672.

Atomo-mechanical Laws, i, 526; Masks, i, 594; Theory, i, 558.

Atomo-mechanicalists, i, 528.

Atoms, actual identical, ii, 709; Aggregation of, i, 684, 735; Alike, are, i, 691; Allegory of the, Jewish, i, 621; Animal, i, 491; Animated, i, 620; Assemblage of ultimate, i, 598; Atom of, i, 636; Atomic of, the most, ii, 50; Atmosphere, changed in our, i, 638; Birth of, i, 636, 639; Bodies of the hierarchies are the, i, 690; Body, the, of the, i, 621; Centres of force, or, i, 110, 552; Chemical, i, 165, 238, 682, 687, ii, 113; Combinations of, ii, 170; Condensation of the, i, 648; Conscious, ii, 708; Cosmic, i, 735; Death, the, after, i, 587; Death of, i, 602; Decay of, i, 602; Development of, progressive, i, 74; Diagram, the, in a, i, 239; Differentiation of the, i, 279, 568, ii, 88; Dimensions of the, i, 689; Divine, i, 620; Divisibility of matter into, i, 688; Elastic, i, 575; Elemental, the, i, 135, 619; Elementary substances composed of, i, 137; Elements and, i, 619; Elements of Leibnitz and, i, 691; Energy of, i, 603; Envelope of, i, 615; Essence of the, i, 124; Ether the envelope of, i, 615; Evolution of, i, 238, 600, 637, 686; Exchange of, perpetual, i, 166; Fire, differentiated, i, 279; Fire-mist, of the, i, 279; Fohat shapes the, i, 60, 113, 137; Ghost of the, ii, 712; Gods and, i, 669, 679, 683, 685; Groups of, i, 604; Gyratory movement of the, i, 142; Hierarchies and the, i, 690; Hypothesis of, ii, 692; Innumerable sparks, the, i, 133; Intelligent rulers of, i, 604; Interaction of, i, 661; Interstellar, i, 693; Laya, issuing from, i, 489; Leibnitz, of, i, 691, 692; Life-principle, and the, ii, 709, 710; Lucretius, the, of, i, 650; Mahâpralaya and, i, 175; Manvantara, at every, i, 595; Marshalling of, i, 733; Material, contrary to reason, i, 691; Material molecules or, i, 693; Materialists and, i, 672, 734; Mineral, i, 141; Mirrors of the, i, 684; Molecules, of, i, 605, 684, 693; Monads and, i, 669, 679, 681, 683, 685, 691, 692; Movement of, i, 142; Nature of, i, 491, 526, 566, 711; Noumenal essence of the, i, 124; Nyâya, of the, i, 357; Occultism, of, i, 566; Organic units, chemical, are, i, 687; Physical, are countless, i, 201; Physical science, necessary to, i, 361; Physicists cannot see, i, 664; Plane of matter, seven, on the, i, 696; Points, as material, i, 531; Powers setting in action the, i, 310; Pregenetic matter separated into, i, 105; Primaries the shadows of, i, 521; Primeval, the, i, 647; Primitive, i, 601; Primordial, the, i, 129; Primordial Chaos, in, i, 174; Pure, i, 620; Rulers of groups of, i, 604; Science and, i, 163, 361; Self-moving, i, 733; Shadows of, i, 521; Shapes, sizes, etc., of, i, 539; Souls and, i, 620, 679; Space filled with, i, 32; Spirits of, i, 241; Svabhâvat sends Fohat to harden the, i, 60, 113; Total, of the universal, ii, 84; Transformation of, i, 172; Transmission of the identical, ii, 710; Ultimate, i, 523; Unconscious, ii, 708; Universal total, of the, ii, 84; Universal vibration of, i, 112; Universe, and the, i, 367; Vibration of, i, 112, 694; Views of, ancient and modern, i, 564; Vortical, i, 534, 633; Waves of science produced by, i, 694; Worlds linked with, i, 74, 662.

Atom-souls, Hæckel’s, ii, 708, 710; One, differentiations from the, i, 620.

Atonement, Blood, through, ii, 739; Christ as the victim of, ii, 522; Christian, the, ii, 531; Creators, of the, ii, 201; Fall and, of the Christians, ii, 531; Goat the victim of, ii, 537; Metaphorical, ii, 508; Victim of the, ii, 522, 537.

Atri, Barhishad as sons of, ii, 93; Brahmâ, a mind-born son of, ii, 82.

Atrophied, Divine power in the will gets, ii, 182; Eye of Shiva, ii, 316; Inner senses, ii, 308; Third eye, ii, 310.

Atrophy, Odd eye, of the, ii, 312; Organs in man, of former, ii, 719; Physical senses in mediumship, of, ii, 387; Spiritual eye, of the, ii, 320; Temporary, of a physical sense, ii, 387; Third eye, of the, ii, 813.

At-tee-’kah D’At-tee’keen or ancient of ancients, ii, 88.

Atteekah Kaddosha, the ancient, ii, 556.

Attica, antiquity of the people of, ii, 367.

Attock, Alexander and, ii, 436; India and, ii, 436; Sind to, ii, 435.

Attraction, Atom, and repulsion of, i, 531; Caloric, of, i, 572; Cause of, i, 532; Centre of, motion round the, ii, 250; Contraries, of, i, 436; Equilibrium and, i, 547; Force of, i, 41, 532; Gravitation, alias, i, 539; Law of, i, 169, ii, 386; Love or, i, 540; Molecular, i, 732; Occultists and, i, 661; Planetary motion not explained by, i, 577; Principia define, i, 532; Rays of light, for different, i, 634; Repulsion, and, i, 41, 129, 312, 531, 559, 661; Spirits guiding so-called, i, 533.

Attractive force of contrasts, ii, 108.

Attribute, Isis, of, ii, 34; Matter, the one, of, i, 272.

Attributeless divine essence, i, 690.

Attributes, Absolute is devoid of, the, i, 235; Body, origin of the, of a, i, 557; Brahma, of, ii, 114; Brahmâ, of, i, 73; Causeless Cause, abstract, of the, i, 457; Deity, of the incognizable, i, 466, 472; Devil, of the, ii, 416; Divine, ii, 578; Gods, of the, ii, 46, 108, 247, 575; Isis, of, ii, 588; Kabiri, of the, ii, 377; Matter, the, of, i, 701; Names, mystic, or, i, 376; Nemesis without, i, 704; Nirupâdhi, without, i, 637; Outlines of, shadowy, ii, 100; Personified, of God, ii, 247; Pillar, of a, i, 462; Providence, finite, of, i, 704; Space, of, i, 271; Spiritual, ii, 293; Universal Unity, of one, i, 689.

Atwater on Aztec remains, i, 343.

Âtyantika, Absolute, or, ii, 72, 323; Individualities, concerned with some, i, 398; Pralaya, the third, i, 398.

Atys a lunar goddess, i, 425.

Atzilatic world, the, ii, 117.

Aub or Ob a serpent, i, 391.

Auction of Lucian, quoted, ii, 638.

Audlang or Heaven, ii, 105.

Audubon, ii, 459.

Audumla or Astral Light, i, 394, 460.

Augmentation of energy, i, 611.

Augoeides, Zanoni and his, i, 626.

Augur questions the serpent, ii, 220.

Augurs, the, ii, 545.

Augustan age, the, i, 229.

Augustine, St., i, 148, ii, 35, 564, 623.

AUM, i, 466, ii, 426.

Auphanim or wheels, i, 119, 142.

Aur or light, i, 378.

Aura, Egg-shaped sphere of, ii, 124; Force, and vital, i, 588; Generations of human beings, of, i, 282; Masters on the, i, 560; Planet, of the, i, 255; Sphere of, ii, 124; Vital Force, and, i, 588; World, of a nascent, ii, 243.

Auric, emanations, i, 587; Envelope of the Earth, ii, 722.

Aurnavâbha, quoted, i, 137.

Aurochs antediluvian mammals, ii, 781.

Aurora, quoted, ii, 671.

Aurora Australis, i, 226; Borealis, i, 226, 681, 694, ii, 665.

Aurva and his Chelâ Sagara, ii, 666.

Australia, Apteryx of, ii, 719; Eastern continent, part of the, ii, 807; Europe, one with, ii, 348, 826; Lemuria and, ii, 7; Relic, a, ii, 328; Retardation of, ii, 207; Southern continent, remnant of a, ii, 833; Tertiary periods of, ii, 7.

Australian aborigines, ii, 203, 209; Anthropologists on the, Race, ii, 765; Brain of the, native, ii, 203, 720; Dying out, native, ii, 346, 825; Civilization of the, ii, 699; Esoteric view of the, ii, 761; Flat-headed, ii, 698, 823; Half-animal, tribes, ii, 205; Inferior races, ii, 171; Karma of the, ii, 178; Lemurians, the, descended from the, ii, 331; Malay, and, ii, 824; Native, the, ii, 203, 206, 720; Savages, ii, 203; Tribes, ii, 203, 205, 342.

Australis, the Aurora, i, 226.

Australoids, supposed descent from Anthropoids, ii, 329.

Austria, large bones found in, ii, 291.

Auszüge aus dem Zohar, quoted, i, 236.

Authority, Archaic symbol, of an, i, 674; Bible as an, i, 712; Cyclic recurrences, of, i, 708; Ephemeral, i, 698; Infallible, an, ii, 330; Kabalists, of the Western, i, 275; Manu, the, of, ii, 93; Pope of Rome as an, ii, 330; Rig Veda, of the, ii, 97; Sages, of, i, 670; Zodiacal records, of the, i, 709.

Authorized version of the Bible, ii, 567.

Autochthonous ancestors, ii, 3; Civilizations, system of, i, 716.

Auto-generation of the Gods, i, 428.

Automata, incorporeal, i, 692.

Automatic physical processes, i, 316.

Automaton, Free-will, Man an, without, i, 445; Jehovah, the, created by, ii, 254; Man an, making, i, 445, ii, 363.

Auvergnat, cranial capacity of the, ii, 177.

Avabodha = mother of knowledge, ii, 556.

Avalokiteshvara, Âdi-Buddha, a correlation of, i, 161; Buddha, the first, i, 134; Buddhists, of the, i, 103, 155, 461; China, in, ii, 189; Correlation of Âdi-Buddha, a, i, 161; Esotericism, the, of, i, 101, 103; First Lord or, i, 233; Îshvara or, manifested, i, 135; Kwan-Shai-Yin or, i, 101, 512; Kwan-Yin in China is, ii, 189; Logos or, the, i, 134, 155, 463, ii, 673; Manifestation of, i, 3; Padmapâni or, ii, 188; Transformations of, i, 510; Universal principle, or the, i, 511; Verbum or, i, 463.

Avara = inferior, ii, 172, 193.

Avasthâs, the three divine (hypostases), i, 46.

Avatâr slays Keshin, ii, 51.

Avatâra, Amitâbha, the, of, i, 134; Boar, the, ii, 335; Buddha an, of Vishnu, ii, 611; Dionysus one with the coming, ii, 438; Fall of a God, the, ii, 507; Faultless book could only be written by an, ii, 677; Fish, the, i, 413, ii, 147; Kalkî, the, i, 289, ii, 434; Matsya, the, i, 413, ii, 147; Nara-sinha, the, ii, 236; Present, the, i, 395; Vishnu, the first, of, i, 46, 114, 284, 717, ii, 321, 611.

Avatâras, Buddhas and, i, 510, ii, 441; Divine-human, i, 373; Divine incarnations or, ii, 502; Hindûs, of the, ii, 586; Incarnations or, divine, ii, 502; Indian, i, 429; Krishna an, ii, 580; Pantheistic conception of, i, 83; Periodical, i, 83; Saviour and, i, 700; Vishnu, of, ii, 36, 426.

Avatârs or manifestations to man, i, 730.

Aveling, E. B., quoted, ii, 91, 686, 688, 706.

Avengers, Laws of life their own, i, 705; Winged Wheels, the, and the, i, 151.

Avesta, Birds, the, on the language of, ii, 306; Constitution on the earth, the, on the, ii, 800; Esoteric teaching in the, ii, 801; Fohat in the, ii, 418.

Avestaic, Amshaspends, the, ii, 402; Apâm-Napât, the, name for Fohat, ii, 418.

Avicebron’s Qabbalah, quoted, i, 473.

Avidyâ of the Vedântins, i, 36.

Avikâra, the changeless, ii, 50.

Avogadro, i, 558, 683.

Avyakta = causality, i, 568, ii, 50.

Avyaktânugraha or indiscrete principle, i, 568.

Avyaya, Aparinâmin and, i, 637; Scriptures on the, exoteric, ii, 72; Vishnu the eternal, i, 397.

Axes, Parallel, no more, ii, 372; Planets, of the, i, 649; Polar, ii, 450; Svastika and the world’s, ii, 104.

Axial disturbances, ii, 328, 344; Humanity, the, point of, i, 211; Motions, i, 549.

Axieros, Kabir named, ii, 378.

Axierus and the Kumâras, ii, 112.

Axiocersa and the Kumâras, ii, 112.

Axiokersa, Kabir named, ii, 378.

Axis, Displacement of the, of rotation, ii, 563; Disturbance of the, i, 396, ii, 287; Earth’s, i, 396, 703, ii, 55, 153, 305, 328, 344, 562, 563, 766, 815; Inclination of the, ii, 55, 305, 344, 376, 562, 563, 747; Jupiter’s, ii, 747; Karmic disturbance of the, ii, 287; Neutral, the, i, 171, 604; Planet, the, of a, i, 648; Sun, the, of the, i, 545.

Axle of the wheel tilted, ii, 343.

Ayana, the abode of Vishnu, ii, 625.

Ayanam, Hindûs, of the, ii, 657; Rûdûs make an, three, ii, 656.

Ayin = nothing, i, 374.

Aza, to illuminate, ii, 120.

Azael, the hosts of, ii, 515.

Azal, Azazel derived from, ii, 393.

Azazel, Azazyel or, ii, 393; Church dogma, of the, ii, 393; Ischins, chief of the, ii, 392; Mystery of, i, 476; Scapegoat of Israel, the, ii, 406, 427; Serpent a prototype of, ii, 405.

Azazyel, Azazel or, ii, 393; Scapegoat of Israel, the, ii, 406, 427.

Az-burj, the mountain of, ii, 421.

Azhi-dahaka and Thrætaona, War between, ii, 407.

Aziluth, Chaiah obtained from, ii, 639.

Azoic ages, i, 278, ii, 169.

Azores are remnants of an old continent, ii, 233, 835, 837.

Aztalan the country of the Aztecs, i, 343.

Aztecs, i, 343, ii, 150, 464.

Azure blossom, Plant of the, ii, 443.

Azure dragon, Constellations of the, i, 439.

Azure seats, the, ii, 443.

Ba or the soul of breath, ii, 669.

Baal, Æsculapius identical with, i, 377; Incense to, i, 712; Israelites, the, of the, i, 427; Mysteries of, ii, 222; Phallic God, a, ii, 482; Phœnicians, of the, ii, 570; Priests of, ii, 223; Prophets of, ii, 483; Saturn the same as, i, 496; Worship of, ii, 494.

Baal-Adonis, i, 501.

Babbage, Dr., quoted, i, 130.

Babe, the divine, ii, 106.

Babel, Builders of, ii, 392; Legend of the tower of, ii, 2; Tower of, ii, 2, 284, 805.

Babian, Ruins of, ii, 638.

Babies, Dog-headed, ii, 59.

Baboon, Catarrhine, ii, 700; Physiologically regenerated, ii, 275.

Baboons in the Pliocene periods, ii, 714.

Babylon, Arrow-headed inscriptions of, ii, 838; Divinities of, ii, 396; Foundation cylinder of, ii, 730; Hierophants of, ii, 396, 397; Huschenk built the city of, ii, 415; Inscriptions of, ii, 838; Mythology of, ii, 138; Nabatheans founded, ii, 474; Planetary temple of, ii, 477; Religion of, i, 10; Tibetan cities might vie with, i, 16.

Babylonia, Archaic statues of, ii, 732; Brâhman learning had a seat in, i, 15; Gandunia was, ii, 46; Gan-duniyas a name of, ii, 212; Nebo of, ii, 477; Niffer or Nipur in northern, ii, 148; Pharisees’ tenets came from, ii, 64; Sanskrit learning had a seat in, i, 15; Secret wisdom in, i, 376; Semi-demon of, ii, 200; Statues of, ii, 732.

Babylonian, Anu a, God, ii, 147; Bel a, God, ii, 147; Benefactions, ii, 30; Captivity, Genesis a reminiscence of the, ii, 212; Captivity, ii, 496, 653; Civilization, ii, 213, 730; Creation, legend of, ii, 2, 64; Cuneiform inscriptions, ii, 3; Cylinders, the, ii, 3, 109, 236, 258; Dag, Oannes the, ii, 611; Deluge, the, ii, 4; Divine ages, ii, 655; Dragons on, tiles, ii, 216; Ea a, God, ii, 147; Ezra, the, ii, 151; Flood, the, ii, 232; Fragments, ii, 5; Gods, i, 139, 147, 719, ii, 147, 296; Inscriptions, ii, 3; Landowner, ii, 474; Lateres Coctiles or, tiles, i, 381; Legend, ii, 2, 154, 401; Magism, i, 39; Moses, i, 339; Mysteries, i, 501; Oannes the, Dag, ii, 611; Qû-tâmy a, landowner, ii, 474; Religion, ii, 731; Sargon was the, Moses, i, 339; Sin the, God, i, 417; Talmud, i, 26; Tiles, i, 339, 381, ii, 216; Zu the, God, ii, 296.

Babylonians, Ancient, ii, 477; Cycles of the, ii, 597; Fall, and the, ii, 5; Messiah of the, i, 717; Principle, silent on the one, i, 458.

Bacchante, Serpent in the hair of the, ii, 219.

Bacchic frenzy, Circle dance a, ii, 483.

Bacchus, i, 358, 425; Celestial Priapus born from Venus and, ii, 480; Fish, as a, ii, 327; Jupiter and, ii, 379; Lord, i, 501; Mysteries of, ii, 222; Phallic God, a, ii, 482; Sabasius called, ii, 437; Semele, mother of, i, 430; Solar, the, ii, 438; Worship of, ii, 494.

Back of beyont, the, ii, 681.

Back, Visible universe, the, of the Lord, ii, 568.

Bacon, Roger, i, 189, 521, 670, ii, 458, 462.

Bacteria, ii, 176; Living, pass through boiling water, i, 666; Microbes, etc., i, 270; Organisms, in human, i, 281; Science, the, of, i, 245.

Bacterium, microscopical, i, 245.

Badáoní, quoted, i, 7, 8.

Badhas, imperfections or, ii, 172.

Baer, von de, quoted, ii, 685.

Baffin’s Bay, ii, 420.

Bagavadam, quoted, ii, 656.

Bahak-Zivo, Father of the Genii, the, i, 216; Nazaræan Gnostics, of the, ii, 159.

Bai, the intellectual soul, ii, 670.

Baibhâr, Mount, i, 4.

Bailly, Age of the human race, and the, ii, 653; Astronomers, on ancient, i, 722-730; Atlantis, believed in, ii, 387, 784; Atlantis, mistake of, about, ii, 278, 412, 420; Atlantis, on the influence of, ii, 815; Atlantis of Plato, on the, ii, 277; Computation of, ii, 454; Conclusions of, i, 723; Ecliptic, on the, ii, 563; Fantastic theory of, ii, 656; Geology, knew nothing of, ii, 809; Hindûs, on the learning of the, ii, 784; Horse of, the fabled, ii, 417; Lettres sur l’Atlantide of, ii, 415, 784; Measure of time in Antiquity, on the, ii, 657; Plurality of Worlds, on, ii, 746; Prehistoric nations, on, ii, 785; Slander refuted by, ii, 346; Theogony, on Hesiod’s, ii, 821; Traditions, on, ii, 385, 411; Zodiac, on the, i, 711.

Bailly’s letter to Voltaire, ii, 784.

Bain, Prof., i, 146, 149, 271, 347, 575, ii, 165.

Baissac, Jules, Satan ou le Diable of, ii, 536.

Bait-Oxly, Tomb of, ii, 589.

Bakhan-Alearé, Adoration of, ii, 590.

Balaam, prophet, the, ii, 427.

Bâla-Râma, Krishna’s elder brother, ii, 649.

Balance, Good and evil, light and darkness, between, i, 217; Mars, Lord of the, ii, 410; Qabbalists, the, of the, ii, 479; Satan beareth the, and sword, ii, 244.

Bal-i-lu (Mârttânda), i, 126, 127.

Balkh in Central Asia, ii, 353.

Ball, Sir R. S., referred to, ii, 68.

Balls, Fire, of, i, 64, 168; Fohat, makes, of Fire, i, 168; Primordial dust in the shape of, i, 222.

Balthazar, one of the Magi, i, 717.

Baltic, Amber only found in the, ii, 814; Level of the, ii, 793.

Baltistan, ii, 434.

Balzac, quoted, i, 96.

Bamboo Books, the, ii, 316.

Bâmiân, Colossal statues of, ii, 235, 351, 352, 353.

Bandha, or bondage, i, 156.

Banner of Kâma-deva, ii, 611.

Banners, Tribes, of the twelve, i, 714; Zodiacal signs on the, of the twelve tribes, i, 715.

Banquet, Plato’s, ii, 101, 142, 187.

Banyan, Ever-living human, i, 228; Tree, the, ii, 225.

Baoth = chaos, i, 219.

Baphomet, Éliphas Lévi, the, of, i, 274; Satan, the goat-headed, ii, 406.

Baptismal font, Neophyte emerging from the, i, 337.

Baptism, Devil said to possess man till his, ii, 219; Messiah connected with water in, i, 413; Smoke, of, ii, 598; Spirit of Holy Light, of the, ii, 598.

Baptist, John the, i, 216; Pymander and St. John the, ii, 121; Waters of Grace of the modern, i, 495.

Barahiel, Rabbi, quoted, i, 678.

Barbaradêsa, ii, 424.

Barbaras, Purânas, spoken of in the, ii, 424.

Barbarians, Indus, Masters of the banks of the, i, 404; Mediterranean, ii, 796; Mlechchhas, or, i, 404, ii, 52.

Barbarism, Dark ages of, ii, 448; Deluges of, ii, 785.

Barbary, Spain, joined to, ii, 793.

Barbelo, one of the three Invisible Gods, ii, 602.

Baresma, Mystic and Mysterious, ii, 402; Twig, or the divine, ii, 544.

Barhishad, Fashioners identical with the, Pitris, ii, 99; Fathers or, the, ii, 107; Fires, the, possessed of, ii, 81; Pitris or, ii, 93; Progenitors or ancestors, the, ii, 81.

Barhishads, Kumâras, Agnishvâttas and, ii, 92.

Barium, i, 603.

Barkayal taught Astrology, ii, 393.

Barnabas at Lystra, ii, 505.

Barnang, i, 50.

Barni, quoted, i, 673.

Bar-Hebræus on Enoch, ii, 557.

Barthélemy St. Hilaire referred to, ii, 214.

Barth, quoted, ii, 470, 471.

Bartlett, quoted, ii, 629.

Bases, Upâdhis or, i, 182, ii, 627.

Bashan, Tall men of, ii, 798.

Basht or Pasht, a Goddess, ii, 583.

Basilea, Royal, Asteria called, or, ii, 817.

Basilidean gems, i, 513; Stones, ii, 220.

Basilideans, the, i, 373.

Basilides, i, 374.

Basin of Persea, ii, 576.

Basis, Astral of the physical world, ii, 663; Carbon, the, of organic substances, ii, 627; Differentiation, for future, ii, 722; Forces, matter a, for the manifestation of, i, 536; Hydrogen, the spiritual and material, ii, 119; Kosmos, of the manifested, i, 673; Manifested, Being, the, of, ii, 27; Noumenal basis of the second triangle, i, 673; Noumenon requires a, to become a phenomenon, i, 70; Phenomenon, of a, i, 70; Perfection, the corruptible, the, of, ii, 100; Physical, of mind, ii, 715; Physical, world, astral, of our, ii, 663; Principle, of the, i, 181; Second Triangle, the, noumenal of the, i, 673; Upâdhi or physical, i, 128, 301, ii, 633.

Baskets of writings on palm leaves, ii, 441.

Basle, Map published at, ii, 341.

Basques, Ancestors of the, ii, 835; Canary Islands, the, allied to the men of the, ii, 782; Guanches, and, ii, 837; Isolated language of the, ii, 834; Remote Ancestors of the, ii, 835.

Bastian, Dr., ii, 271, 795.

Bat-winged men, ii, 671.

Bath-Kol, Daughter of the Divine voice, the, ii, 112; Hebrew, the, i, 161.

Bathybius Hæckelii, i, 592, ii, 174, 201, 693, 708, 712.

Bathybius, the gelatinous, ii, 687.

Batoo, Noom sends a girl to, ii, 282.

Battle, Flames the, of the, i, 223; Gods and Asuras, between, ii, 523; Good and evil, the Great, between, ii, 520; Life, the, of mortal, ii, 284, 684.

Battles, Creators and Destroyers, fought between, i, 64, 220; Planets, of the, i, 128; Sons of Darkness, between the Sons of Light and, ii, 816; Space, fought for, i, 64.

Bats, ii, 736.

Batylos, the Grecian, ii, 89.

Bauddhists, Seventh zone of the, ii, 421.

Baudry, F., ii, 551, 554.

Baumgärtner, Prof., Germs for higher animals, on, ii, 758.

Be With Us, Great Day, the, i, 63, 66, 154, 155, 159, 162, 286.

Beaches, Scotland, raised, in, ii, 831; Pliocene raised, ii, 797.

Beale, Prof., Life, on, i, 590; Referred to, i, 695.

Beam, Parent-Sun, of the, i, 700; Uncreated, the, i, 296.

Beams, Hosts of its incarnated, ii, 617; Light, of, ii, 201; Moon, the, and sparks of one, i, 65, 257; Symbol of our spiritual Egos, the, i, 258; Universal Sun, one of the, of, i, 245.

Bear, Great, the, i, 233, 248, ii, 577, 579; Lesser, the, i, 442; Thot-Sabaoth, the, ii, 121; Typhon of the Great, ii, 577.

Bearded, Serpent, i, 513, ii, 220; Venus in mythology, the, ii, 33.

Beast, Apocalyptic great, the, i, 719; Artificially-made, an, ii, 446; God or a, is man, a, i, 697; Woman and the, meaning of, ii, 791.

Beasts, Magic watchers or speaking, ii, 446.

Beaumetz, Dr. D., referred to, ii, 162.

Beaver, Consciousness of the, ii, 127.

Becoming, Activity of God, is the, i, 301; Creation or, i, 302; Nature ever, not simply being, i, 278; Plane, began on this, i, 303; Sacred number of, nine the, ii, 658; Science ever, i, 562; Universe an eternal, the, ii, 470.

Bede, Chronology, and church, ii, 413; Cosmogonical essay of the Venerable, i, 475.

Beelzebub, ii, 406.

Beer, the well of, i, 390.

Bees, Civilization of, ii, 686; Parthogenesis, and, ii, 696; Reproduction of, ii, 142.

Beger, Inscription discovered by, i, 430.

Beginning, Soul, of the, i, 622; Term in the, i, 376.

Beginnings of Life, quoted, ii, 269, 272, 418.

Beglor, discoverer of the Cheta Cave, i, 4.

Behemoth, Darkness, the principle of, ii, 510.

Behring’s Straits, ii, 340, 343.

Being, Absolute, i, 91, 215, 289, ii, 470; Absolute, and non-being of Hegel, i, 44; Absolute, the awful mystery of, i, 82; Absolute, and consciousness, i, 78; Active periods of, ii, 249; Arcana of, i, 518, 647; Basis of manifested, ii, 27; Centres of, ii, 37; Collectivity, in its, i, 84; Conditioned, the two aspects of, i, 43; Conscious and unconscious, i, 84; Consciousness and, ii, 294; Cycle of, and forms, i, 160; Deity not a, but Be-ness, i, 89; Egg, the secret of, represented by the, i, 384; Eternal non-being the one, i, 75; Evolution of, the, i, 670; Existence, we limit, i, 76; Forms of, i, 699; Gana or classes of, i, 310; Genealogical Tree of, ii, 622; Generation, descended into, ii, 243; Hierarchy of, the, i, 157, 671; Immortal, i, 437; Ladder of, the, i, 285; Life and, every form of, i, 288; Life and, revolution of, i, 213; Lords of, ii, 430, 606; Lords of, the seven, i, 117; Mahâkalpa, cycle of, or, i, 72; Mahat the vehicle of, i, 453; Manifested illusive, i, 269; Manvantara, or period of sentient, i, 402; Modes of, origin of the, i, 656; Monadic, ladder of, i, 694; Moon as disposer of, i, 415; Mysteries of, i, 4, ii, 619, 645; Mystery of the last word of, i, 292; Mystery of, the, i, 238, 243, 363, 706; Neutral centre of, ii, 772; Nidânas, or causes of, i, 70; Non-being is absolute, i, 84; Non-being a more real, i, 85; Non-being and, i, 190; Non-existence or absolute, i, 70; One, eternal Non-being, the, i, 56; One number or, i, 115; Passivity of, i, 302; Plane of, after Nirvâna, i, 287; Planes of, i, 116, 147, 212, 274, ii, 251, 294, 669; Poles of, the opposite, i, 651; Pure, i, 538; Root of All, the, i, 690; Rootless Root, is not related to finite, the, i, 42; Sacred number of, nine the, ii, 658; Sat not in itself, ii, 470; Secret of, and Non-being, i, 190; Self of, the, i, 122; Serpent and tree a divine glyph, of Immortal, i, 437; Seven Planes of, ii, 251; Seven Worlds of, i, 145; Spheres of, the, ii, 36, 651; Subhâva, or, i, 90; Svabhâvat, the synonym of, i, 90; Thread of, the, i, 256; Two planes of consciousness and, ii, 294; Ultimate substance the root of all, ii, 585; Universal, the, i, 305; Vehicle of, i, 453; World of, i, 118, 145; World of, one law in the, i, 695.

Beingless, Æon, the, i, 376.

Beiträge zur Descendenzlehre, referred to, i, 243.

Beiträge zur Kenntniss, quoted, ii, 152.

Bel, Anu, and Noah, ii, 153; Bible and, the, ii, 401; Creator, the, i, 381; Dragon, and, i, 11, ii, 396, 501, 528; God and Planet, ii, 26; Jupiter, or, i, 469; Mercury was the God, ii, 570; Moon, the eldest son of, ii, 403; Mulil the older, ii, 148; Primeval Babylonian God, the, ii, 147; Saturn the same as, i, 496; Sin the son of Mulil the older, ii, 148; Sun, the, ii, 65.

Bel-Belitanus, ii, 221.

Bel-Merodach, Nebo son of, ii, 221.

Bel-Moloch or Jupiter, i, 501.

Bel-Shemesh, Lord of the Sun, i, 427.

Bela, son of Beor, ii, 746.

Belgamer, the Swedish, ii, 818.

Belgium, ii, 786.

Belita Ana and Davkina, ii, 485.

Bell-sounds in space, i, 608.

Below, i, 59, 100; Above so, as, i, 295, 592, ii, 527, 739, 740; Above or, not known to the Occultist, i, 734.

Belt, Thomas, quoted, ii, 735, 766.

Belus, Thalatth conquered by, the male principle, ii, 57; the Temple of, i, 10.

Benares, Astronomical observations at, i, 728.

Be-ness, Absolute abstract space one aspect of, i, 42; Absolute Being or, ii, 470; Aspects, of, in the Secret Doctrine, two, i, 42; Being, from, into, ii, 27; Ideal Abstraction of, i, 215; Life itself or, i, 89; Non-Being is Absolute, ii, 662; One Absolute, the first fundamental doctrine of the Secret Doctrine, i, 42; Rootless Root, is the, i, 42; Sat, or, i, 145, 167, 309, 607, ii, 324; That is the One, i, 36; Thought or speculation, is beyond all, i, 42; Trinity symbol of the One Absolute, the theological, i, 42.

Ben-Issraël, Afghans call themselves, ii, 210.

BeN YaH, son of YaH, ii, 89.

Benfey, referred to, ii, 97.

Bengal, Dwarfed races in, ii, 429; Sagara, the name of the Bay of, ii, 604; Tântrikas of, i, 180.

Beni-Elohim, Sons of God, ii, 407.

Beni-Shamash, Vatican tradition of the, ii, 532.

Benjamin, Cancer in the sphere of, i, 715.

Bennoo or Phœnix, i, 331.

Bentley, John, referred to, i, 397, 730, ii, 66, 79, 449; Chronology of, ii, 80; Great War, on the date of the, i, 396; Newton, correspondence of, and, i, 533, 537; Precession of the equinoxes, on, ii, 580; Paurânic Astronomy, on, ii, 264; War in Heaven, on, ii, 525.

Beor, Bela the son of, ii, 746.

Be-raishath or the Higher Wisdom, i, 376.

Be-rasheeth, In the beginning, i, 376.

Bereschith Rabba, ii, 56, 744.

Bergerac, de, New World of, ii, 742.

Berkeley, Copyist, only a, i, 123; Principles of Human Knowledge, author of, i, 32.

Bernard, Claude, i, 270.

Bernardin de St. Pierre on the Plurality of Worlds, ii, 746.

Bernouilli, Attraction, on, i, 533; Plurality of Worlds, and, ii, 746.

Berosian, Cosmogony, the, ii, 56; History, a few facts from, i, 11.

Berosus, Chaldæan cosmogony of, ii, 529; Chronological errors of, supposed, ii, 475; Creation, account of, ii, 282; Cosmogony of, i, 366, ii, 56; Days described by, ii, 541; Ea, obtained information from, ii, 122; Fragments left by, i, 10; Generations of Kings given by, ii, 412; Genesis, knew the source of, ii, 152; Ilus, the, of, i, 362; Keys extant in the days of, i, 330; Legend in, ii, 143; Monsters described by, ii, 59; Oannes of, ii, 200, 236; Primordial Principle of, ii, 755; Prophecy, taught, i, 712; Saroses, on the, i, 719; Thalatth of, i, 423, ii, 64, 68.

Berthollet, Canaries, on the races of the, ii, 835.

Beryllium, i, 602.

Bes, the God, i, 413.

Bestiality, generations of, ii, 332; Human, ii, 770; Lemurian, product of, ii, 72; Primeval mindless races, of the, ii, 728; Sterility the present result of, ii, 205.

Bestla, daughter of the Frost-Giants, i, 460.

Bethel, the Jewish, ii, 495.

Bethlehem, the Star of, ii, 655.

Betyli and magic stones, ii, 361.

Bhagavad Gîtâ, quoted, i, 98, 113, 114, 407, 584, ii, 52, 121, 332, 675; Anugîtâ and, i, 121; Buddhism and the, i, 451; Daiviprakriti, on, i, 463; Esotericism of, ii, 28; Fancied allusion to Buddhism in the, i, 451; Lectures on the, i, 43, 155, 159, 162, 466, ii, 94, 149, 332; Mûlaprakriti according to, i, 39; Notes on, i, 294, 461, 464; Pistis Sophia in the light of, ii, 601; Secret sense contained in, ii, 147; Subba Row on, ii, 324; Translation of, referred to, i, 114; Tree of Being, on, i, 437.

Bhagavân appealed to, ii, 424; Brahmâ hurled to earth by, ii, 507; Vishnu or, ii, 51.

Bhagavat, Brahmâ directs his thoughts to, i, 369.

Bhâgavata Purâna, quoted, i, 108, 398, 405, ii, 224, 258, 399, 436, 579, 580, 603, 604; Mantradruma in the, ii, 651.

Bhagulpore, Round Tower of, ii, 89.

Bhârata, India, generally means, ii, 386; India, or, ii, 424; Nandi brought from, ii, 426.

Bhârata-varsha, ii, 141, 192, 335, 336, 386, 411, 421, 423, 526.

Bhârateans and Râkshasas, war between, ii, 820.

Bhargâvas, Race of, ii, 36.

Bhâshya, or commentary, i, 292.

Bhâshyâchârya, N., quoted, i, 157.

Bhâskara, the light maker, i, 125, 129.

Bhâskara Âchârya, ii, 335.

Bhâva, Being or states of being, i, 91; Logos called, i, 277.

Bhavishya Purâna, ii, 337.

Bhons, Idols of the, ii, 619.

Bhrântidarshanatah, false perception, material universe, i, 47, ii, 114.

Bhrigu, Prajâpatis, one of the, ii, 80; Rishi, the great, i, 470, ii, 36, 80; Shrî, the daughter of, ii, 80; Shukra the son of, ii, 33.

Bhrigu, quoted, ii, 322.

Bhrigus or consumers, ii, 80.

Bhûh, i, 466.

Bhujam = side, ii, 609.

Bhûmi, Earth, or, i, 233, 257, 269, 652, 663; Mother, thy, i, 65; Principle, has reached her fourth, i, 280; Sisters of, the six, i, 270.

Bhuranyu an epithet of Agni, ii, 548.

Bhûr Loka, ii, 335.

Bhûta, Creation, the second, i, 481, 488; Doubles, or, i, 206; Empty, senseless, man remained an, ii, 19, 110; Form or mind, without, ii, 18; Primitive man a, ii, 107; Progeny of the boneless were, ii, 95.

Bhûtâdi, Bhûtas proceeded from, ii, 114; Elements, the, i, 399, 400, 488.

Bhûtas, Fierce beings called, ii, 172.

Bhûtasarga, Bhûtâdi preceded, i, 488; Creation, the second, i, 481; Creation, the elemental, i, 488.

Bhûtâtman, living or life soul, ii, 114.

Bhûtesha, Lord of the elements, Vishnu as, or, i, 488.

Bhûts or the genii of Hermes, i, 314.

Bhuvah, i, 466.

Bhuva Loka, ii, 335.

Bhuvo-loka, the middle region, i, 398.

Bible, Abstract ideas made concrete in, ii, 495; Adam in, ii, 1, 46, 126, 282, 401, 490; Adept of the Chaldæan, ii, 476; Adonaï in, ii, 473; Androgyne deity in, i, 427; Angels in, i, 693, ii, 64, 383, 618; Archaic, our, ii, 444; Astronomical symbols in, i, 715; Bel and, ii, 401; Blinds in, i, 152, ii, 495; Bne Aleim in, ii, 391; Breath of life in, i, 233; Brâhmans said to have plagiarized, i, 15; Carpenter of, ii, 106; Cherubim of, i, 151; Chronologies of, i, 719; Chronologists and, facts, ii, 730; Chronology of, i, 715, 719, ii, 74, 413, 660; Circle and, the, ii, 575; Civilization, on stages of human, ii, 791; Covenants of, three, ii, 42; Creation, i, 345, ii, 1, 85; Creations of, ii, 5; Cross and the, ii, 575; Dark sayings in, ii, 563; Dead letter of, i, 323, 336, 338, ii, 2, 100, 568; Devil in, i, 99; Eliazar on, ii, 142; Elohim in, i, 369; Emblems in, i, 324; Enos in, ii, 134; Esoteric interpretation of, i, 335, ii, 239; Esoteric statements in, ii, 511; Esoteric work, an, i, 340; Esotericism in, i, 284; Evolution and, ii, 698; Exoteric, ii, 694; Expressions of circumference to diameter in, ii, 574; Fables of, i, 358; Fall in, ii, 216, 296; Fiat Lux of, the, i, 266; Flood in, i, 364, ii, 154; Geometrical figures in, i, 95; Giants in, ii, 163, 290, 526; Gibborim of, ii, 355; God of, i, 679; God-names in, ii, 565; Great flood, records of, i, 364; Hebrew, the, i, 410; Hermaphrodites in, i, 346; Hermes, Bel and Homer, the way to the, through, ii, 401; Homer and, ii, 401; Inconsistencies in, ii, 562; Indian symbolism, connected with, i, 341, 447; Interpretation of, i, 340, ii, 789, 790; Jehovah of, i, 285, 630, ii, 134, 487, 630; Joseph in, ii, 106; Kabalah explains, i, 291, 368, ii, 239, 661; Kadeshim of, ii, 482; Key to, ii, 494; Legendary form of records of, ii, 246; Letters, contains, 3,567, 180, i, 11; Living Soul, of the, i, 260; Logograms in, ii, 350; Male and female of, ii, 489; Man in, synonym for, i, 260; Mandrake of, ii, 30; Mary in, ii, 106; Mighty men of, ii, 292; Miracles, ii, 204; Mosaic, the, ii, 45, 46; Mystery language, and the, i, 338; Nabathean agriculture and the, ii, 476; Natural history, at variance with, ii, 265; Nephesh in, i, 233; No first man except in, ii, 282; Noah of, ii, 320; Numerical method of reading, ii, 573; Occult teaching explains the, ii, 394; Paracelsus and, i, 313; Patriarchs, i, 487, ii, 383; Phallic element in, ii, 695; Plurality of worlds and, i, 664, ii, 748; Pre-Adamic races in, i, 346, ii, 263; Purânas compared with, ii, 133; Qû-tâmy, of, ii, 477; Records of, ii, 246; Revelation, a divine, i, 423; Roman Catholics and, i, 506; Sacred animals in, i, 119, 476; Satan in, ii, 395; Science and, ii, 789; Secret Wisdom in, i, 336; Seraphim of, i, 151; Serpent worship, on, ii, 219; Seven in, ii, 638, 646; Seven periods in, i, 481; Solar years of, i, 719; Solomon and, ii, 414; Spirit in, ii, 40; Sunday schools, in, i, 249; Symbolism of the organs of generation in the, i, 410; Symbols in, i, 715; Translations of, erroneous, ii, 505; Zodiac in, i, 711, 712; Zohar and, i, 234.

Bible de Vence, i, 476.

Bible in India, ii, 461.

Bibles, Translators of, ii, 567.

Biblical Adam, ii, 8; Adam chronology, ii, 74; Ararat, ii, 154; Azazel and, scholars, ii, 393; Chronology, i, 708, 718, ii, 80, 277, 351, 408, 410, 475, 496, 659, 729; Correct reading, i, 338; Cosmogony, ii, 682; Creative God, ii, 630; Cross and, scholars, i, 721; Dagon, ii, 147; Dead-letter, ii, 159; Deluge, ii, 4; Glyphs, i, 341; I am that I am, i, 107; History, ii, 213; Jews, ii, 496; Names, ii, 490; Numbers, i, 341; Origin of man, ii, 167; Patriarchs, i, 711, ii, 475; Phraseology, ii, 473; Protestant, society of Paris, ii, 567; Pseudo-personages, ii, 152; Pyramidalists, i, 334; Riddle, ii, 392; Teachings rejected, ii, 159; Theology, ii, 8; Writers, ii, 46.

Bibliotheca Indica, quoted, i, 104, ii, 335.

Bibliothèque Orientale, referred to, ii, 412.

Bimater, ii, 379.

Binah, i, 472, ii, 282; Chochmah and, i, 678, ii, 143; Divine names of, i, 423; Female consciousness, ii, 556; Feminine word, a, i, 34; Heart or, i, 376; Intelligence, i, 260, 376; Jehovah in its best aspect is, i, 421; Jehovah no better than, i, 235; Jehovah with, identification of, i, 251; Nature, intelligent, ii, 88; Passive potency, or intelligence, a, i, 380; Sephira, the third, ii, 401; Sephirotal triangle, one of the i, 125; Triangle of, i, 125; Understanding, ii, 89.

Binaries and unities, i, 258, 259.

Binary, Chaos, the female, or, ii, 586; Interlaced triangles, in, ii, 626; Number five, in, i, 412, ii, 608; Pythagoreans hated, ii, 607; Yin the, ii, 584.

Biogenesis, law of, ii, 710.

Biogenetic law, ii, 197, 696.

Biographer, of Mertz, French, i, 690.

Biographical and Critical Essay, ii, 532.

Biographies, Gods, of the, ii, 181; Planets, of all the, ii, 49.

Biography, Devil, of the Christian, ii, 500; Moses, the, of, ii, 447.

Biological, Atlantis, evidence of, ii, 832; Physical forces are, in their essence, i, 508; Sacrifice of Daksha, revelation in the, ii, 192; Speculation, truth of, ii, 775; Speculations, modern, ii, 193; Theories of Science, i, 243.

Biologist, Huxley, the English, ii, 725; Mode of generation, and present, ii, 124; Terra incognita of, i, 238.

Biologists, Antiquity of man not accepted by, ii, 8; Difficulties of, i, 244; Evolution and Western, ii, 776; Protoplasm, seeking for homogeneous, i, 77.

Biology, Celestial bodies, and the, i, 339; Materialistic views on, i, 339; Primitive, the, ii, 668; Principles of, ii, 364; Problems of, i, 529; Progress achieved in, i, 697; Science of, i, 389; Separation of sexes admitted by, ii, 194; Vital Principle, denies the, i, 660.

Biourasp, delegate of Dzahhak, ii, 474.

Biped, Animals need not be either quadruped or, i, 665; Ape a, type, ii, 715; Evolution of man into a, ii, 462.

Bipeds, Daksha made, ii, 193; Quadrupeds, created before, ii, 172.

Bird, Angel, a symbol for, ii, 306; Ash-tree, divine, in the, ii, 548; Constellations of the Vermilion, i, 439; First Cause pictured as an invisible, i, 384; Immortality of, ii, 39; Karshipta, the, ii, 306; Leda is the mythical, ii, 129; Mammal, after the reptile and before the, i, 434; Phœnix, the, of Resurrection, i, 331; Rabbins’ mythos of an enormous, ii, 653; Resurrection, of, in eternity, i, 331; Soul, symbol of, ii, 306; Space the nest of the eternal, ii, 306; Wisdom, of, ii, 306.

Birds, Angels, the glyph of higher divinities and, ii, 814; Apollo and Athene as, ii, 814; Balaam, which inspired, ii, 427; Desert, human beings with bodies of, of the, ii, 58; Divinities, glyphs of, ii, 814; Giant, ii, 23; Glyphs of, ii, 814; Lizards with, wings, ii, 59; Reptiles, derivation of, from, ii, 775; Septenary law, and the, ii, 658; Shell-heads, with, ii, 211; South, of the, ii, 459; Third round, resultant of the, ii, 722.

Bird’s Nest, heaven, ii, 306.

Birth, Astral, of the, ii, 1; Astronomy, of, ii, 33; Atoms, of, i, 636, 639; Bacchus, of, ii, 379; Christ, of, i, 722, ii, 655, 730; Cross represents, ii, 587; Daksha, of, ii, 186; Death, destiny from, to, i, 700; Elements, of the, i, 304; Form, of every, i, 634; Fourth race, of, ii, 237, 754; Function, i, 419; Garuda, of, ii, 596; Globes, of, i, 192; Immaculate, i, 428; Inequalities of, ii, 171, 317; Initiates giving, to themselves, ii, 590; Krita age, given to a race who shall follow the laws of the, i, 405; Law of, universal, i, 168; Life, and, i, 371; Man, of, ii, 287; Mars Lord of, ii, 410; Microcosm, of, ii, 612; Miraculous, ii, 580; Moses, of, ii, 447; New Sun, of, i, 441; Number seven and, i, 342; Pentateuch and origin of, ii, 574; Race, of new, ii, 465; Saviour, oracles as to, of, i, 721; Septenary law, controlled by, ii, 658; Spiritual, ii, 492, 613; World-Saviours, of, i, 721; Zodiac and, of Jesus, i, 720.

Birthday of world, number seven, i, 438.

Birthdays of Dhyânîs, ii, 189.

Birth-hour of Jesus, i, 717.

Birth-originator, Jehovah as, ii, 490.

Birth-origin, ii, 490.

Birth-shell, i, 639.

Births, Gautama on previous, ii, 375; Second, several, for every, ii, 317.

Bischof, Coal formation, on, ii, 734; Experiments of, ii, 169.

Bi-sexual, Androgynous, ii, 201, 821; Element, ii, 132; Emblem, Jehovah, a, ii, 482; Hermaphrodite or, ii, 140; Mammalia, all life, before, ii, 628; Man, ii, 141; Primitive humanity, ii, 138; Reproduction, ii, 141; Root-types, ii, 777; Second race potentially, ii, 2; Third race, ii, 143, 207; Third root-race, ii, 143.

Bi-sexuality, vegetable, ii, 141.

Biune magnetism, creative, i, 436.

Bjerregaard, C. H. A., quoted, i, 691, 693.

Black, Age, i, 27, 510, ii, 454, 555; Atlanteans, ii, 452; Birds, inner meaning of, i, 478; Cosmic symbols, i, 477; Face, ii, 446; Fire, ii, 171; Land, ii, 333; Magic, i, 274, 506, ii, 148, 381, 412; Magician, ii, 446; Men, and yellow, ii, 233; Race, ii, 260; Races, ii, 366, 443, 735, 786; Saved, some, ii, 24; Sin, with, ii, 23, 237, 333, 426; Sins of, faced, ii, 445; Swan, i, 106; Warrior, constellations of, i, 439; Water, i, 449; Waters, ii, 424.

Blake, Dr. Carter, Article by, ii, 798; Naulette jaw, on the, ii, 786; Pacificus, named by, ii, 827.

Blanchard, Opinion of, ii, 169; Origin of Life, on, i, 273; Pasteur rejected by, ii, 159.

Blastema, Primordial, ii, 127; Protoplasm, or, ii, 126.

Blastoderm, Formation of, ii, 723.

Blessed, Hû, the Holy and, i, 678; Island of the, ii, 388; Ones, Hosts of the, ii, 619; Ones, the, i, 245; Seats of the, ii, 443; Virgin, rosary of the, ii, 41.

Blind, Anagrammatic, an, ii, 613; Bhâgavata Purana, in, ii, 604; Bible a, i, 152, ii, 495; Jehovah a, ii, 405; Ogdoad a, i, 483.

Blinds, dead-letter, in Gnostic Gospel, ii, 601; Esotericism, of, ii, 323; Jewish Kabalists, of, ii, 595.

Bliss, Absolute, i, 623: Humanity, final, of, ii, 649; Land of, ii, 372, 443; Non-Being, the, of, i, 56, 83; Parinirvâna, of, i, 289; Seven ways to, i, 55, 70.

Blochman, Dr., Translation by, i, 8.

Blood, Ank signified, ii, 634; Atmosphere of, i, 580; Atonement through, ii, 739; Circulation of, i, 591, 592, 610; Primitive humanity needed no, i, 667; Shedding of, the, ii, 47; Spirit, water and, i, 623; Vital force may poison, i, 588.

Bloodshed, Sexual, the first, ii, 408.

Blue races, the, ii, 202.

Blumenbach’s Malay race, ii, 342.

Blurred copies, Bestial sires, of their, ii, 717; Men, apes, of, ii, 273.

B’ne Aleim, ii, 239; Jewish Bible, of, ii, 391; Sons of God, ii, 392.

B’ne Alhim, i, 474; Children of God, i, 444; Sons of the Gods, ii, 26.

Boar, Avatâra, the, i, 395, 396, ii, 56, 79, 263, 335.

Boat, Solar, i, 247, ii, 150, 558.

Boats, Third Race built, ii, 417.

Boaz, Jakin and, ii, 522; Pillar of Solomon’s temple, left, ii, 483.

Bodha, i, 3.

Bodhi, Samâdhi or, i, 3; Tree of, ii, 622.

Bodhimür, quoted, i, 35.

Bodhisattva, Candidate becomes a, i, 134; Chenresi a, ii, 189; Dhyân-Chohan, or, ii, 188; Gautama’s mother, gives a lotus to, i, 406; Kwan-Shi-Yin, a, i, 511; Ultimate tenuity conceivable to, i, 98.

Bodhisattvas, Buddhas or, human, i, 82; Dhyâni-Buddhas, human correspondents of, i, 73; Human, worship of, ii, 37; Intelligences, as informing, ii, 37; Superhuman, i, 624; Terrestrial, i, 625; Worship of, ii, 37.

Bodies, Animal, Monads in, i, 691; Appearance, only human in, ii, 297; Atlantean, our, ii, 317; Atoms, of, i, 685, 690; Brahmâ, of, ii, 61; Devas in illusive, ii, 280; Divesting yourselves of your, ii, 790; Easily accessible, ii, 366; Elementary, i, 685; Entities of forces denied to be, i, 734; Ether, formed of, i, 616; Ethereal, of First Race, i, 691; Formation of Sidereal, i, 622; Four, i, 234; Generation of, ii, 608; Hierarchies, of the, i, 690; Inorganic, Monads in, i, 691; Intelligence, the local fitting of, i, 666; Invisible powers clothe themselves in, i, 530; Lords, of the, ii, 19; Monads create for themselves, i, 693; Monads in every cell, i, 691; Phenomenal, are only, i, 692; Physical, in Pralaya, i, 286; Planetary spirits, of, ii, 582; Powers, of, i, 530, ii, 46; Radiations of the seven, i, 280; Seven groups furnished with, ii, 317; Shadows of, sinless, ii, 645; Sidereal, i, 189, 622; Simple or elementary, i, 685; Sons of the Twilight, of, ii, 20; Vishnu in all, i, 452.

Bodleian Library, MS. in the, ii, 506.

Body, Adam Kadmon, of, i, 260; Adam in the ark, of, ii, 490; Adept, of, ii, 244, 559; Animal, the, i, 580; Astral, the, i, 177, 190, 262, 280, ii, 252, 524, 559; Astral Light, of, i, 456; Atmâ, illusive, of, i, 623; Atom, in man corresponds to, i, 673; Atoms of, i, 621; Brahmâ, of, ii, 170; Brute creation, and the, ii, 775; Building of the physical, ii, 251; Dawn, of, ii, 172; Day, of, ii, 172; Deity, of, i, 260; Desires, of, ii, 252, 478; Egypt of the, i, 442; Fire and Water, of, i, 58, 98; First, the, i, 211; Force, and, i, 546; Formation of, i, 733; God needed a, conscious, ii, 244; Gods, of, ii, 172; Growth, of, ii, 266; Holy Ghost, the, of, i, 274; Human, the, i, 280, ii, 775; Illusion, of, ii, 60; Illusive, of Âtmâ, i, 623; Infernal, of Astral Light, i, 456; Inner Man changes his, ii, 294; Invisible, i, 581; Kosmos, the, Astral, of, i, 190; Last, the, i, 66; Light, a, is? i, 523; Manifested, the, i, 379; Mastery over, ii, 284; Matter, water purifies the, of, ii, 598; Matter, in the animal, finely diffused form of, i, 580; Moon and human, i, 250; Nephesh, mould of, i, 265; Night, ii, 96, 172, 174; Physical, i, 177, 262, ii, 251; Procreation, used as means of, ii, 297; Psychic man, tool of the, ii, 316; Shell, the, i, 281; Soul, built by the, ii, 768; Soul and spirit inform, i, 669; Soul in every part of, ii, 312; Spirit, soul and, i, 73, 138, 147, 246, ii, 258, 637; Sthûla Sharîra or external, i, 242; Sun and moon in connection with, i, 250; Temple of the, i, 233; Temples for the human, ii, 284; Universal forces cannot be detached from its relation to the, i, 557; Universe, of, i, 365, 366; Vehicle of the soul-substance, i, 174.

Body-vehicle, Soul, the astral envelope, of the, i, 255; World, of, i, 138; Worn out, left for another, ii, 288; Worship, ii, 292, 298.

Bœhme, Jacob, Genii, the nursling of the, i, 536; Newton derived knowledge from, i, 536; Occultist an, ii, 629; Signatura Rerum of, ii, 670; Theosophy of, ii, 667.

Bœotia submerged, ii, 283.

Bœotians, Deucalion of the, ii, 546; Zeus written Deus by the, ii, 615.

Boethius’ De Arithmetica, referred to, i, 386.

Bogaterey, giants of Russia, ii, 797.

Bogolubof, Prof., on anærobes, i, 270.

Bohn’s Classical Library, referred to, ii, 430.

Bois-Reymond, du, Hæckel criticized by, ii, 686, 687; Hæckel and, ii, 700, 702; Hæckel rejects, ii, 711; Hæckel, versus, ii, 694; Value of pedigrees, on, ii, 693.

Boker, dawn or morning, ii, 263.

Bolivia, Chulpas of, ii, 795; Early man, traditions in, of, ii, 787.

Bone, Aquitaine, caves, ii, 786; Implements, early, ii, 755; Ivi, ii, 204; Wheva, ii, 204.

Boneless animals, ii, 22; Ethereal man, ii, 158; Fathers, ii, 95; Life to men with bones, the, gave, ii, 18, 19, 110; Mind-born, ii, 166; Primeval man projected by, ii, 251; Primitive race, i, 637; Race, ii, 203; Self-born or, ii, 180; Sweat-born or, ii, 174; Third race, animals in, ii, 194.

Bones, Animals with, ii, 21, 22; Beings with, ii, 18; Boneless gave life to men with, ii, 110; Dauphiné, in Lower, ii, 289; Enormous, ii, 289, 353, 362; First race with solid, ii, 343; Giant, ii, 307; Giants, of, ii, 427; Gorilla and man, of the, ii, 720; Human fossil, ii, 367; Men with, ii, 19; Phosphorus for, ii, 76; Powerful with, ii, 21; Strata, scarcity of, in, ii, 725.

Book, Black age, written at the beginning of the, i, 27; Secret, a, ii, 557.

Book of Alchazari, quoted, ii, 244.

Book of Ali, ii, 653.

Book of Changes, the canonical, ii, 39.

Book of Creation, i, 482.

Book of Druschim, i, 472.

Book of Dzyan, i, 42, 45, 50, 53, 95, 105, 223, 279, 468, 737, ii, 13, 50, 120, 230, 265, 392, 802.

Book of Enoch, i, 667, ii, 131, 132, 153, 239, 240, 294, 296, 328, 393, 475, 506, 507, 522, 532, 537, 557, 559, 562, 564, 566, 766, 805.

Book of God, i, 230, ii, 52, 121, 400, 415, 485, 496, 656, 799.

Book of Hermes, i, 103, ii, 40, 475, 476.

Book of Jasher, i, 631.

Book of Job, i, 99, 710, ii, 521.

Book of Life, i, 130, 583.

Book of Moses, ii, 483, 662.

Book of Numbers, i, 26, 109, 218, 234, 235, 245, 251, 260, 261, 467, 678, ii, 40, 89, 104, 212, 395, 415, 483, 662, 745.

Book of Rules, quoted, i, 502.

Book of Ruth and Schadash, ii, 392.

Book of Sarparâjnî, i, 103.

Book of Wisdom, ii, 117.

Book of the Aphorisms of Tson-ka-pa, i, 696.

Book of the Beginnings, ii, 667, 819.

Book of the Concealed Mystery, i, 259, ii, 4, 87, 104, 306, 662.

Book of the Dead, i, 95, 240, 247, 248, 252, 257, 258, 331, 352, 386, 391, 408, 433, 468, 736, 737, 738, ii, 3, 38, 55, 223, 296, 350, 390, 403, 567, 576, 610, 613, 621, 670, 671.

Book of the Generations of Adam, ii, 132, 142, 561.

Book of the Keys, i, 117.

Book of the law, Hilkiah found the, i, 712.

Book of the Ten Thousand Precepts, i, 75.

Book of the Various Names of the Nile, ii, 383.

Books, Ancient anatomical, ii, 349; Brâhmanical, the sacred, i, 291; Destruction of Chinese, ii, 731; Enoch said to have concealed his, ii, 558; Henoch author of thirty, ii, 383; Hermes, concealment of the, of, ii, 29, 558; Hermes, the, of, ii, 29; Hermetic, i, 308; Inventor of, ii, 557; Secret, teach astronomy, the, i, 224; Vedânta, of the, i, 290.

Books of Thoth, ii, 3.

Bopadeva, ii, 624.

Bopp, i, 15.

Bör, son of Buri, i, 460.

Bordj, Mithras the son of, i, 363; Suggestive myth of, i, 364.

Borealis, Aurora, and Australis, i, 226.

Boreas, Astarte, and, i, 507; Athenians sacrificed to, i, 506; God, the frozen-hearted, ii, 6; Hesiodic, i, 504; Hyperboreans, king of the, ii, 814; Hyperborean land beyond the reach of, ii, 11.

Borlase, Dr., on the Druids, ii, 799.

Borneo, Fragments of, ii, 233; Pile-villages of, ii, 755; Recent formation of, ii, 833; Wild men of, ii, 206.

Borsippa, Temple of Nebo at, ii, 477.

Bory de St. Vincent, ii, 682.

Bos, Frontosus, ii, 300; Longifrons, ii, 300; Primigenius, ii, 300.

Boscovitch on centres of force, i, 552.

Bosom, Aditi, of, i, 686; Breath returning to eternal, ii, 46; Created from her own, ii, 55; Divine, i, 57; Duration of, i, 55, 68; Earth, of, ii, 3; Eternal, i, 168, ii, 46; Eternal mother, of, i, 167; Eternal one, of, i, 621; Mother, the, i, 112, 169; Sons return to their mother’s, i, 59; Space, of inner, i, 168; Stone of the, ii, 628.

Bossuet, Fallen angels, on the, i, 353; Idolatry, on, ii, 292; Speculations of, ii, 509.

Botany, Atlantis, points to, ii, 781; Esoteric teachings confirmed by, ii, 206; Nodes, uses the term, i, 341; Occult, i, 282; Triangle, and the, ii, 628; Zoology, and, ii, 123.

Bo-tree of Wisdom, the, i, 570.

Bottomless, Pit, i, 361, ii, 248; Space in its, depths, i, 675.

Boucheporn, de, Speculations of, ii, 344.

Boucher de Perthes, Discoveries of, ii, 713; Fossil man, on, ii, 290.

Bouh, Sarmatian God, ii, 636.

Bouilland, i, 729.

Boulak Museum, i, 414.

Boulanger, Règne des Dieux, quoted, ii, 389.

Boulaq, Discoveries of mummies at, i, 13; Theban Triad represented at, ii, 486.

Boundless, Absolutely, i, 378; Aditi the, i, 126; Ain Suph, the, ii, 133; All, Ain Suph, the, i, 134; All, darkness filled the, i, 55, 72; Bounded and conditioned, i, 86; Circle, i, 125, 139, 623, 673, ii, 512; Darkness, the, i, 125, 349; Divine Substance, i, 482; Kosmos, periodical, i, 31; Light, i, 630; Limit, gave birth to, ii, 243; Manifestation, the, cannot be limited to one, ii, 586; Monad is, the, i, 200; No number, or, i, 61; One Cause, ii, 199; Principle, i, 42; Space, i, 139; Space in the, i, 309; Spiritual Monad, i, 200; Time, ii, 579; Unity, ii, 46; Whole, i, 421.

Bourbourg, de, Die Phoinizier, quoted by, ii, 397; Mexican demi-god in the book of, ii, 396; Popol Vuh, by, quotation from, ii, 169.

Bourdin, Jules, electrician, i, 641.

Bourgeois, Abbé, quoted, ii, 713, 791.

Bourges, Dr., on evolutionary psychology, ii, 691.

Bovey Tracey, Extinct lake of, ii, 766.

Bower of Voluptuousness, ii, 214.

Brachmans, Dual system of, ii, 605.

Brahm, derived from root brih, i, 37; Lotus, enthroned above, i, 407.

Brahma (neuter), Absolute cause of all causes, i, 482; Aspects of, i, 47, 81; Brahmâ confused with, ii, 487; Energies of, ii, 122; Incognizable, i, 81, ii, 114; One Deity, ii, 675; Prâdhânika, spirit, one, i, 276, 480; Pums, and, i, 480; Self, free from all, ii, 600; Supreme, i, 47; Vishnu as, i, 452, ii, 155.

Brahmâ, Abode of, ii, 422; Activity of, i, 490; Adam-Jehovah identical with, i, 219, ii, 47; Aditi, a form of, i, 683; Age of, i, 84, 227, 309, ii, 73; Agni Abhimânin son of, ii, 258; All-Being is, i, 85; Allegory of, i, 117; Anu the atom called, i, 620; Asleep, falls, i, 404; Astral children of, ii, 297; Asuras and, i, 239; Atom, called Anu the, i, 620; Beings from various parts of, ii, 662; Boar, in form of, ii, 263; Bodies of, ii, 61; Body of, ii, 62, 63, 170; Body of twilight of, ii, 128; Born of, ii, 176; Brahman, distinct from, i, 235, 592; Brahman, vehicle of, i, 46; Brâhmans from the mouth of, i, 230; Cause of the potencies for creation, i, 85; Centaurs created by, ii, 68; Chaos and, i, 367, 369; Create, does not, i, 370; Created deity, ii, 114; Creates the world anew, i, 492; Creation and, i, 85, 489, ii, 174, 574, 660; Creation of, seventh, i, 238, ii, 172; Creation of, third, ii, 574; Creative cause, i, 39; Creative power of, i, 486; Creator, i, 37, 111, 125, ii, 56, 327; Daksha a form of, i, 683; Daksha to create, commands, ii, 193; Darkness, sprung from, i, 369; Daughter of, i, 161; Day of, i, 40, 252, 260, 266, 451, 481, 603, 719, ii, 6, 72, 155, 321, 530, 697; Day and night of, ii, 73; Days of, i, 477, ii, 530; Days and nights of, i, 33, 92, 395, 401; Demons by, creation of, ii, 174; Desire to create, moved by, i, 132; Dionysos, contrasted with, i, 358; Dissolution of, i, 397; Dyaus, merges back into, i, 403; Earth, hurled down on, ii, 507; Earth, regions of, not our, i, 428; Egg, born from an, i, 391, 392; Egg of, i, 277, 355, 357, 393, ii, 583, 668; Egg, produced from the, i, 109, 374; Emepht is, i, 393; Father-Mother-Son, in esoteric parlance, i, 73; Female Logos of, ii, 112; Fiery javelin of, ii, 666; Fifth head of, ii, 528; Fire-god, i, 364; First gods of all nations, representative of, ii, 612; First son of, i, 567; Five words of, ii, 613; Four-faced, i, 85, 135, 368, 502; Generative power, symbol of, ii, 132; Golden egg of, i, 357, 393, ii, 583; Hair of, ii, 192; Hamsa-vâhana, i, 106; Hari in the form of, i, 399; Head of, i, 169, ii, 528, 611; Heat, evolved from, i, 407; Hindû deity, ii, 438; Hiranyagarbha is, i, 117; Jyotisha, name of, ii, 809; Kabalist view of, ii, 135; Kâla, emanation of, i, 461; Kâla form of, i, 496; Kâlahamsa, called, i, 47, 384; Kalpa, in a past, i, 490; Kâma born from heart of, ii, 186; Karma, attributes defeat to, ii, 650; Kashyapa’s relation to, ii, 264; Kinnaras created by, ii, 68; Kumâras, creates, i, 493; Kumâras, reputed father of, ii, 112; Kwan-Shi-Yin or, i, 488; Legends of, ii, 80; Logoi, one of the, i, 89; Logos, male-female, i, 37, 38; Logos of, i, 161, 277, ii, 112; Lords of being, creates ten, ii, 606; Lord Prajâpati, i, 625; Lotus, issuing from, i, 409; Mahâ-Âtmâ or, i, 392; Mahâsura rebelled against, ii, 248; Mahat, is, i, 104, 236, 486, ii, 173; Mahesha and, i, 15; Male called, i, 108, 356; Male-female, i, 91; Manifestation of the ever-unmanifested, ii, 244; Manifestations, or Brahman in its highest, i, 437; Manu, in, i, 38, ii, 133, 142; Manu-Svâyambhuva is, ii, 136; Manus created, ii, 247; Manus, in day of, fourteen, i, 93; Marîchi son of, ii, 93; Mars identical with, ii, 47; Meru, seat of, ii, 829; Mind-born sons of, i, 116, 470, 624, ii, 48, 140, 186, 661; Mortals, sons of, reborn as, ii, 819; Nâgas, connected with, i, 471; Nârada at feud with, ii, 527; Nârada cursed by, ii, 618; Nârada son of, i, 444, ii, 51; Nârada, teaches, ii, 52; Narâs created by, ii, 68; Night and Day of, equal, i, 260; Night of, i, 41, 72, 129, 398, 403, ii, 73, 321; Nights of, i, 33, 68, 85, 92, 395, 401, ii, 84; Night’s rest of, ii, 255; Origin of Gods from, i, 491; Origin of name of, i, 145; Pâdma represents half life of, ii, 189; Padmapâni, or, ii, 673; Panchâsya, and, i, 234; Parabrahman, and, i, 48, 235, 486; Parabrahman, with, ii, 630; Pitris sons of, ii, 96; Planetary principle, supreme, i, 393; Poetical description of night of, i, 403; Potencies of creation and, i, 85; Pradhâna, superior to, i, 397; Prajâpati =, i, 109, 122, 625; Prajâpati-Vâch or, i, 466; Prajâpatis, one of the, i, 380; Prakriti and spirit, essentially, i, 595; Prakriti, aspect of, i, 592; Prakriti, in womb of, ii, 555; Prâkritika at end of age of, i, 398; Pralaya, Mahâ, or, i, 195; Primary period of activity of, i, 490; Progeny of, first, ii, 81; Propatôr, as, i, 235; Ra and, i, 252; Rebels against, i, 494, ii, 399; Recoalescence of, ii, 323; Rig Veda, not named in, i, 459, 479; Rudra and, ii, 578; Rudra, creates progeny in, ii, 649; Rudra from head of, i, 169; Sanandana son of, ii, 81; Sarasvatî wife of, ii, 80; Sarpas from hair of, ii, 192; Saviours of, ii, 173; Sephirotic tree, personifies, i, 376; Seven creations of, ii, 660; Shiva precipitated by, ii, 542; Shiva springs from, ii, 260; Shiva, Vishnu and, i, 306; Six creations work of, i, 489; Sons of, i, 116, 141, 257, 444, 470, 493, 567, 624, ii, 48, 51, 81, 93, 96, 98, 140, 182, 186, 258, 293, 391, 661, 819; Sons of, rebellious, ii, 86; Soul of world, evolved from, i, 408; Sound of names answering to, i, 484; Spirit and Prakriti, essentially, i, 595; Spirit of life, i, 392; Supreme, very, ii, 375; Suras, breathed out, ii, 90; Svar-loka abode of, ii, 422; Swan, assumes form of, i, 382; Symbol of generative power, ii, 132; That, an aspect of, i, 401, 486; Theogony and, i, 468; Theos, is, i, 367; Universal soul, Âkâshic form of, i, 39; Universe and, i, 111, 464, 481, ii, 34, 323, 651; Universe unaltered for a day of, i, 481; Vâch, and, i, 464, ii, 156, 495; Vâch, daughter of, i, 161, ii, 436; Vâch, female Logos of, ii, 112; Vâhan of, i, 108; Vaivasvata, preceded, ii, 153; Vedas, not used in, i, 3; Vedhas and sons of, ii, 81; Virâj and, i, 162, ii, 94; Vishnu and, i, 15, 37, 306; Vishnu as, i, 453, ii, 155; Will or desire of, i, 135; Wrathful, said to be, ii, 82; Year of, i, 68; Years of, i, 363; Yoga or union with, ii, 122; Yogins praise, i, 453; Zones produced by, seven, ii, 652.

Brahmachârî Bawa, ii, 445.

Brahmacharya, Life of, ii, 479.

Brahma-devas, Order of, ii, 610.

Brahmâdicas, Wilford’s, ii, 151.

Brahma-Kâlahamsa or divine Swan, ii, 129.

Brahma-Loka, the denizens of, i, 399.

Brahman, Absorption in, i, 159; Anthropomorphic reflections of, i, 91; Anupâdaka one with, i, 92; Atom, in every, i, 45; Brahm or, derived from root brih, i, 37; Brahmâ and (see Brahmâ); Divine unity, or, i, 286; Hamsa and A-hamsa, is, i, 47; Hamsa-vâhana, and, i, 47, 106; Kâlahamsa, called, i, 47, 108; Krishna greater than, i, 437; Kshetrajña, or, ii, 676; Lord of all creatures, i, 123; Mahâ-Âtmâ or, i, 499; Manifestations of, i, 437; Mysterium Magnum of Paracelsus, the, i, 91; Noumenon, the, i, 401; One Self merges into, i, 623; Pums spirit, and, i, 276; Reality, the only, i, 45, 46; Reflection of, i, 91; Root, the undecaying supreme, i, 35; Self, the, ii, 676; Spirit of life or, i, 499; Swan, the eternal, i, 47, 108; THAT or, i, 625; There is but one, i, 453; Unity, or the divine, i, 286; Universal soul is not, i, 453; Unmanifested, the, i, 38; Vehicle of, Brahmâ the, i, 46.

Brâhman, Advaita sect, of the, i, 697; Âryan, ii, 494; Astrologer, the, i, 429; Babylonia seat of, learning, i, 15; Cosmogony explained to, i, 595; Dvija, ii, 73, 484; Grihasta or family man, ii, 429, 524; Initiates, i, 456; Key to Purânas, Initiates and, i, 456; Mahat explained by a, i, 104; Manus corroborated by a, four, ii, 149; Mystified by, i, 14; Occultist and, ii, 76; Origin of true, i, 231; Sacrifice offered by, ii, 156; Theosophist, a learned, ii, 72; Universities, young, of the, i, 569; Upanishads, learned in the, ii, 624; Yogî, i, 429.

Brâhmana, Anugîtâ, mentioned in the, i, 121, ii, 521, 674, 675; Hotris, and the, i, 123; Nârada the, ii, 599; Self not, i, 115; Sevenfold, explains meaning of, ii, 600; Vedas, portion of the, i, 290.

Brâhmanas, Blinds, used as, i, 598; Bodhisattvas and, i, 625; Creation, on first, i, 486; Earth, reborn on, i, 624; Esotericism in, i, 188; Knowledge of fire among, ii, 598; Orientalists, reproached by the, i, 97; Origin of the, ii, 428; Personnel of, ii, 297; Preëminently occult works, are, i, 97; Treatises on the primitive hymns, i, 11; Udâna as understood by, ii, 599; Upanishads attached to, i, 291.

Brahmanaspati, Brihaspati =, i, 145, ii, 523, 524; Brihaspati, Jupiter or, ii, 49; Exoteric worship, represents, ii, 524.

Brahmânda Purâna, i, 393, ii, 422.

Brahmândika or Solar and Lunar Pitris, i, 477.

Brâhmanic doctrine, i, 208.

Brâhmanical, Age of humanity, teachings as to, i, 174; Ambition, ii, 63; Aryan, nation, ii, 644; Books, sacred, i, 114, 291, ii, 134, 154, 302; Calculations, i, 168; Calendar faultless from, standpoint, ii, 55; Chronology, ii, 752; Creation in, books, ii, 134; Esotericism, i, 248; Figments, i, 397, ii, 619; Figures, ii, 72, 74; Forgeries, i, 15; Golden egg, the, ii, 583; Greed of power, ii, 63; Kosmos, doctrine of the, i, 173; Legends, ii, 438; Literature, i, 7; Logos, ii, 672; Mystic phrase, i, 625; Nârâyana, i, 93; Pitris of the, system, ii, 128; Popular writings, ii, 73; Râja Yoga, division of, i, 181; Sacred science of numbers, i, 117; Secret code, i, 292; Septenary in the, system, ii, 672; Temple literature, i, 7; Theo-mythology, ii, 97; Wisdom in the Rahasya, i, 292; Works, stored in a cave, i, 14; Writers, ii, 46; Yugas, doctrine of the, i, 719.

Brâhmanism, Buddhism, compared with, ii, 674; Candidate for, ii, 484; Demons of, ii, 97; Exoteric, ii, 33; Four a sacred number in, i, 116; Hindûism or early, i, 370; Infinite Essence, teaching of, regarding the, i, 33; Isis Unveiled said to be plagiarized from, i, 28; Venus in, ii, 33.

Brâhmans, Akkad tribes and, ii, 212; Animus of, ii, 526; Arch-forgers and liars, declared to be, ii, 461; Âryan, ii, 407, 455; Authority for, ii, 647; Brahmâ is for, alone, ii, 174; Brahmanaspati Lord of, ii, 49; Brahmaputras, claim descent from, i, 230; Buddhism, enemies of, i, 395; Buddhist canon possibly not lost to, i, 11; Budhism, esoteric teachings of, i, 3; Calculations of, ii, 53; Calendar of, ii, 54, 71; Caste among, i, 291, 293; Central Asia, primeval, initiated in, ii, 596; Chaldæans instructed by, i, 15, 142, 722; Chandâlas and ex-, ii, 210; Chandragupta, arrayed against, ii, 580; Chronology of, i, 718, ii, 55, 69, 208, 628; Cycles of, i, 224; Deity, called after, ii, 134; Druids and, ii, 799; Dvijas or, i, 5; Eggs, do not eat, i, 392; Esoteric Buddhism, objected to title of, i, 2; Family ties and, i, 411; Figures of, ii, 163, 734; Forefathers of, ii, 455; Gautama a disciple of, i, 292; Grihastha, ii, 81; Hells of, i, 225; India by, occupation of, ii, 643, 812; Initiated, i, 5, ii, 334, 596; Instructors of, ii, 784; Kali Yuga, testimony of, regarding, i, 726; Kalkî Avatâra of the, i, 412; Kshatriya kings, pupils to, i, 291; Life-cycle of, i, 252; Logoi, on, ii, 32; Lord of, ii, 49; Magas caste and, ii, 337; Mantras chanted by, i, 121; Manu contradicts orthodox, i, 37; Manuscripts of, i, 7; Messiah of, i, 717; Monkeys, regard for, i, 207; Moon’s position determined by, i, 729; Mummeries of, ii, 512; Mystical minds of, ii, 586; Occultists differ from, ii, 321; Original sin, do not believe in, i, 411; Orthodox, ii, 98; Pitris sacred with, ii, 95; Power of, over storms, i, 507; Purânas of, ii, 597; Religion of, in relation to Bible, i, 15; Rishis and, i, 630, ii, 527; Sacred books of, i, 14, 21, 392; Secret Philosophy, and, ii, 672; Septenary division, and, ii, 627; Sevenfold classification of, ii, 678; Shramana and, i, 8; Shrî-Antara of, i, 143; Soma drunk by, ii, 524; Teaching and, our, ii, 157; Tirvaloor, i, 724, 728; Twice-born, i, 5, ii, 118; Udâna as understood by, ii, 599; Upanishads of the, ii, 597; Upper India, land of, ii, 341; Vedas, keep original text of, i, 7; Voltaire attracted to, ii, 784; Wilford and modern, ii, 422; Zodiac, and the, i, 722.

Brahmâ-Prajâpati, Alive, breath of, became, ii, 526; Creative God, ii, 494; First-born of, ii, 488; Jehovah-Sephiroth, identity between, and, ii, 133; Kâlahamsa not vehicle of, i, 108; Male and female, i, 117; Virâj, creates, ii, 47.

Brahmâ-Purusha, i, 373.

Brahmaputra, Nârada a, i, 444.

Brahmaputras, Brâhmans claim descent from the, i, 230; Hindû, ii, 391.

Brahmarandhra, in the crown of the head, i, 157.

Brahmâ-Rudra, Mind-born sons of, i, 495.

Brahmarshis, ii, 186, 527.

Brahmâs, Buddhas, and, i, 360; Five, i, 234.

Brahmâ-Vâch, Androgyne God, ii, 636; Âryan prototype of Jehovah, ii, 132; Manu, bi-sexual in, i, 101; Prajâpati, female half of, i, 109.

Brahmâ-Vâch-Virâj, ii, 134.

Brahma Vaivarta, i, 395, ii, 321.

Brahmâ-Virâj, Adam, Mars and, are red, ii, 47; Androgynous principle and, i, 380; Jehovah-Adam, identity between, and, ii, 133; Male-aspect of, ii, 136; Prajâpati becomes, i, 109.

Brahmâ-Virâj-Vâch, ii, 132.

Brahmâ-Vishnu = infinite space, i, 37; Shiva, transformed into, i, 587.

Brahmâ-Vishnu-Shiva, or three heads on one neck, i, 416.

Brâhmin ignorance, ii, 460.

Brahms and A-brahms in days of old, ii, 138.

Brain, Anatomy, ii, 315; Anthropoids, of, ii, 720; Apes, of, ii, 203, 718, 720; Australians, of, ii, 720; Cell-tissue, ii, 712; Chokmah, number of the, or, i, 376; Dryopithecus, of, ii, 714; Eyes grow out of, ii, 309; Father, of the, i, 169; Grey matter, ii, 711; Human, i, 616; Illusion of our physical, i, 300; Impression, i, 286, 617; Intellect, ii, 314; Memory, organ of, ii, 315; Mind and, i, 660, ii, 715; Monkey, of, ii, 719; Negro, of the, ii, 716; Nerve fibrils, i, 316; Normal or abnormal state of, ii, 309; Organ of thought, the, ii, 721; Phosphorus for, i, 637; Physical basis of mind, ii, 715; Physics, ii, 711; Populations, of the oldest, ii, 551; Prolongation of, ii, 310; Quality or quantity of, ? ii, 550; Solar world, of, i, 590; Speech, and, ii, 698; Vibrations of sound and, i, 605.

Brainless, Sin of the, ii, 195.

Brains, Mammalian, ii, 315; Palæolithic man, of, ii, 724.

Brain-stuff furnished by third principle of Great Mother, i, 311.

B’raisheeth, Construction, stands over the six Sephiroth of, i, 401; Logos, the first emanation or, i, 402.

Branchiostoma, Materialists, may be ancestors of our, ii, 387.

Brass symbolizes nether world, i, 390.

Brasseur de Bourbourg, referred to, ii, 101, 224.

Braun, quoted, ii, 685.

Braye, Dr., Statues discovered by, ii, 764.

Brazen, Columns of Ham and Cheiron, ii, 648; Feminine principle, i, 390; Serpent, i, 275, 379, 390, 446, 512, ii, 218, 381, 404. 495.

Brazil, Fauna of, ii, 836.

Brêal, quoted, ii, 281.

Breast-eared men, ii, 671.

Breast-eyed men, ii, 671.

Breath, Absolute, Monad a, of, i, 267; Absoluteness, of, i, 310; Æther or, i, 104; All, of the, i, 93, 104; Angels of the first divine, ii, 100; Animal life, of, ii, 59; Asu or, ii, 62, 70; Asuras, of God, ii, 62; Brahmâ Prajâpati, of, ii, 526; Ceaseless, eternal, i, 56, 84; Cool, i, 40; Cosmos, organizes, i, 96; Creative, i, 32, 40, ii, 526; Darkness, of, i, 93; Day of the great, ii, 6; Divine, i, 40, 73, 74, 217, ii, 566, 582, 685; Elements, first, of the differentiation of, i, 488; Elohim, of, i, 402; Eternal, i, 56, 84, 86, 93, 104; Eternal bosom, returning to, ii, 46; Eternal, which is, i, 40; Ever-to-be-unknown power, of, ii, 582; Father, of the, i, 104; Father, spirit the, of the, i, 112; Father-Mother, of the, i, 168; Fiery, ii, 120; Film from a divine, i, 309; Fire, of, i, 59, 111, 113; First the, ii, 251; Focus of divine, ii, 582; Fohat of, i, 160, 696; Form, needed a, ii, 19; God, of, i, 32, 96, 627, ii, 62, 93; Great, i, 39, 42, 43, 74, 171, 247, 286, 302, 491, ii, 6, 26; Heat, i, 129; Heaven, of, i, 232, 233; Hot, i, 40; Human monad or, ii, 110; Intra-cosmic, i, 279; Invisible, ii, 539; Kneph, concealed, of, i, 378; Lha, of the, ii, 15; Life, the, of, i, 233, 246, 247, 262, 263, 264, 366, 686, ii, 86, 171, 185, 478, 623, 669; Light-maker or, i, 61, 125; Mârttânda, dead, given back by, i, 129; Mother, of the, i, 59, 112; Motion or, i, 32, 124, 540; Mystery of, i, 142; Nephesh or, ii, 171, 478, 639; Nostril, from right, i, 737; Number is a, i, 96; One, ii, 517; One existence of, i, 85; Perpetual motion, i, 85; Pneuma, ii, 119; Pralayic eternities, does not cease during, i, 85; Prâna, or, of life, ii, 669; Progeny, Fohat, of their, i, 63; Serpent incubates waters with its, i, 378; Seven, gave life to the, ii, 26; Soul of, ii, 669; Stone, becomes a, i, 132; Substance, divine, of the soul of, i, 566; Supporters, of the, i, 274; Universal soul, of the, i, 128; Universe and great, i, 74; Vishnu, of, i, 398; Voice, self or wind, i, 123; Voltaire on the, ii, 93; Word, crystallized into the, i, 107.

Breaths, Asuras the highest, ii, 97; Dhyân Chohans, never-resting, i, 129; Direction, which blow in every, i, 539; First seven, i, 61, 131; Formless fiery, i, 234; Hieroglyph of the, i, 737; Holy circumgyrating, i, 61, 131; Intellectual, ii, 332; Nârada on the, ii, 598; One breath, of the, ii, 645; Smaller, i, 539; Understanding, had no, ii, 115; Worlds becoming as, i, 664.

Bree, Dr. C. R., on Darwin, ii, 736.

Bretagne, Carnac of, ii, 397.

Brewster, Sir D., quoted, ii, 741.

Briah, ii, 639.

Briareus not a myth, ii, 74, 819.

Briatic world, the, ii, 117.

Bride, Christ, of, ii, 394; Christian Kabalists, of the, i, 236; Lamb, of the, ii, 241; Malkuth, of the heavenly man, ii, 630; Tetragrammaton, of, i, 260; Triangle, represented the left side of, i, 674.

Bridge, Celestial, the, i, 238.

Bright-crested, Rikshas or, i, 488.

Brihadâranyaka Upanishad, referred to, i, 145, ii, 578, 675.

Brihaspati (see Brahmanaspati), i, 145; God and planet, ii, 26; Gold-coloured, the, ii, 523; Jupiter or, ii, 32, 147, 477, 523; Religion, representative of exoteric, ii, 526; Rig Veda, in the, ii, 524; Shukra foe of, ii, 49.

Brimham, Rocking stones of, ii, 362.

British Association, Anti-Darwinists in the, ii, 735; Birmingham meeting of the, i, 596; Referred to, i, 635, ii, 178; Strobic circles, and the, ii, 623.

British Columbia, Antiquities in, ii, 448.

British Druids, ii, 668.

British inch originated by the esoteric system, i, 335.

British Islands, Birth of the, ii, 359; Elevation and depression of the, ii, 831; Referred to, ii, 348, 789; White Island, said to be the, ii, 420.

British Isles, ii, 340, 793.

British linear measures, Circle origin of, i, 333; Inch as unit of, i, 333.

British Museum, Archaic statues in, ii, 346; Corroborative evidence in, ii, 356; Could not contain all books in library at Altyn-tag, i, 8; Dragons in, ii, 370; Easter Island statues in, ii, 352, 718; Referred to, i, 157, 429, ii, 447.

Brittany, Menhirs of, ii, 367.

Brobdingnagians, referred to, ii, 798.

Broca, Prof., quoted, ii, 260, 719, 834.

Brody, Ed., i, 423, ii, 88, 89, 145.

Bronze, Age, ii, 208, 282, 283, 547, 816; Birth of the race of, ii, 548; Generation of, ii, 102; Periods, ii, 783; Race of, ii, 548; Wall of, ii, 820.

Brotherhood, Adepts, of, i, 628, ii, 673; Nabatheans were an Occult, ii, 476; Palliative of, i, 706; Pledges demanded of Chelâs by the, i, 188; Serpent, of the, ii, 404.

Brotherhoods, i, 7.

Brown, Atlanteans, ii, 452; Black with sin, race became, ii, 237; Races, ii, 237, 366, 443, 735, 786; Saved from the Fourth Race, ii, 24; Zone was, fourth on every, ii, 23.

Brown-black faces, ii, 188.

Brown, Robert, quoted, ii, 228, 331.

Bruce, ii, 459, 560, 597.

Brucker, quoted, i, 487.

Brussels, Pre-historic Congress at, ii, 794.

Bryant, quoted, i, 384, 385, 478, ii, 380, 409.

B—S’ph-r, ii, 43.

Bubastis, City of, i, 416.

Büchner, Ludwig, quoted, i, 158, 565, 575, 701, ii, 164, 688, 689, 758.

Buck, Brahmâ under form of a, i, 465.

Buckle, H. T., quoted, i, 317.

Bucolica, quoted, ii, 637.

Buddha, Æons elapsed before term could be applied to mortals, i, 3; Âryan soil, a child of, i, 5, ii, 354; Avalokiteshvara, the first, i, 134; Avatâra of Vishnu, ii, 611; Dâkinî, ii, 298; Darshanas and, i, 78; Dhammapada, in the, ii, 116; Dionysus is one with, ii, 438; Disciples of, ii, 37; Divine intellect, acquirement of, i, 3; Divine prototype of the human, i, 134; Dvijas and, i, 5; Enlightened, i, 2; Gautama, ii, 354, 441; Gautama or Amitâbha, i, 511; Gautama, origins of the teachings of, i, 78; Gautama, a Sixth-Rounder, i, 185; Hindû, a, i, 5, ii, 354; Initiation, at his last, i, 628; Knowledge not revealed since the days of, 1, 291; Kshatriya, i, 5; Law, the Good, of, i, 11; Mahâyâna originated after death of, i, 71; Maitreya, i, 412, 510; Mâyâmoha attributed to, i, 451; Melha with the personality of a, ii, 67; Neo-Platonists and, period between, i, 28; Nirvâna on earth, who reached, ii, 560; Prohibition of the Lord, i, 696; Protectors of Law of, ii, 30; Reïncarnation, ii, 375; Religion of, not contained in Esoteric Buddhism, i, 1; Samâdhi, in position of, ii, 354; Saviour, the world’s, i, 406; Shankarâchârya, successor of, i, 27; Spirit of, i, 134, 512; Supreme, i, 624; Svastika on statues of, ii, 619; Threefold manifestation of every, i, 625; Tibet, perfect, to incarnate in, ii, 188; Tradition of the life of, i, 291; Unable to teach all imparted to him, i, 5; Upanishads appealed to against, i, 292; Wisdom of, i, 3; Worship of some disciples of, ii, 37.

Buddhagayâ, i, 4.

Buddhahood, Great Adepts who have reached, i, 628.

Buddhaïsm, correct spelling not Buddhism, i, 2.

Buddhaïst, correct spelling not Buddhist, i, 2.

Buddha-Lha, ii, 441.

Buddha-like children, ii, 433.

Buddhas, Anupâdaka, designated, i, 82; Bodhisattvas, or, i, 82; Brahmâs and, i, 360; Celestial, i, 133; Church, spirit of, present in the, i, 511; Colossal statues not, ii, 353; Confession, of, ii, 441; Contemplation, of, i, 134; Easter Island statues, contrasted with, ii, 235; Enlightened, or, ii, 441; Human, i, 82, 133, 624; Last of the, i, 510; Link between the, connecting, i, 700; Mahâtmâs or, ii, 441; Mânushi (human), i, 82; Odin and, two different personages, i, 13; Odin or Woden is one of the thirty-five, ii, 442; Precursors of, ii, 211; Prototypes of the, eternal, i, 133; Race of, ii, 433, 507; Shâkyamuni, who preceded, ii, 441; Statues of, of previous Manvantaras, ii, 235; World has had four, i, 73.

Buddhi, Âkâsha, of, ii, 649; Âtmâ, Manas, i, 257, ii, 60, 119; Âtmâ, Manas of the manifested universe, i, 46; Âtmâ, inseparable from, i, 202; Âtmâ, the vehicle of, i, 215; Âtmâ, spiritual vehicle of, ii, 241; Âtman and, ii, 251; Chit, quality of Manas in conjunction with, i, 308; Conscience and, ii, 639; Cosmic monad, the, i, 200; Devamâtri, Sun the, of, i, 574; Divine Soul, i, 45, 128, 144, 237, 620; Ego not, the human, ii, 83; Ego-tism destroyed by, i, 3; Faculty of cognizing, i, 3; Great Mother, second principle of, i, 311; Human principle, sixth, ii, 627; Indiscrete, neither discrete nor, i, 489; Individuality, acquires by impulse and effort, i, 45; Intelligence or, i, 400; Manas as connected with, ii, 647; Manas, Âtmâ, the human Triad, i, 240; Manas attracted towards, ii, 520; Manas, becomes conscious through, i, 264; Manas, liberated from its terrestrial, i, 489; Manas, manifesting by, ii, 287; Manas merging into, ii, 438; Manas, the fire which is the union between, and, ii, 258; Manas, the Upâdhi of, i, 128; Manas, union of, and, ii, 241; Mahat, characteristic property of, i, 277; Mirror, i, 623; Monad, the cosmic, i, 200; Plane of, i, 627, ii, 778; Plastic mediator, the, i, 263; Prakriti, a spiritual modification of, i, 623; Ruach or, i, 265; Sattva rendered, i, 98; Senses and, ii, 674; Seventh sense, ii, 676; Shankara on, i, 98; Sixth principle, i, 512; Soul divine in connection with, ii, 85; Soul or, vehicle of Âtmâ, ii, 61; Spiritual intuition, and, i, 351; Spiritual soul or, i, 177, 300, ii, 614, 631, 669, 670; Understanding or, ii, 675; Union between Manas and, ii, 251; Universal, i, 625; Upâdhi of, i, 128; Vâhan of Âtman, the, i, 285; Vehicle of Âtmâ, ii, 61, 241.

Buddhi-Manas, Âtmâ, the, breaks loose from, i, 215.

Buddhis, Divine Souls, or formless, i, 145.

Buddhism, Army of spiritual beings to protect, i, 151; Bhagavad Gîtâ, and, i, 451; Book of the Dead confirms, i, 240; Brâhmanism compared with, ii, 674; Budhism and, difference between, i, 2; China, in A.D. 61, i, 12; Chinese, compared with the Vision of Ezekiel, i, 151; Chinese, by Rev. J. Edkins, i, 12; Chinese, i, 4, 439; Christianity and, symbolism in, i, 588; Darshanas said to be taken from, i, 78; Esoteric, i, 1, 2, 465; Esoteric Philosophy and, ii, 165; Exoteric, i, 465; Four a sacred number in, i, 116; Gautama Buddha, and, i, 78; Genii of Chinese, i, 439; Hatred of, i, 3; Hindûism, outcome of, i, 730; Isis Unveiled said to be plagiarism from, i, 28; Infinite essence, on the, i, 33; Max Müller on, ii, 264; Monier Williams on, i, 78; Neither esotericism nor, in Esoteric Buddhism, i, 1; North, of, i, 624; Orthodox, and esoteric Budhism, i, 5; Philosophers of, i, 33; Religious system of, i, 2; Sacred doctrine of, ii, 442; Sacred number in, i, 116; Swedenborg and esoteric, i, 143; Theosophy not confined to, i, 1.

Buddhism in Tibet, by Schlagintweit, referred to, i, 11, ii, 189, 298.

Buddhist, Arhats, i, 12; Aryâsanga, esoteric school of, i, 80; Ascetics, i, 197; Beginnings of, sects, i, 234; Canon, sacred, i, 11, 14; Chinese, i, 197; Chinese and, philosophy, i, 255; Classification, i, 181; Dragon temples in, countries, ii, 396; Esoteric and exoteric, ii, 619; Esoteric philosopher, Fohat of the, i, 135; Esoteric traditions, i, 395; God and creation, denies, i, 697; God, recognizes no personal, i, 696; Hindûism and, i, 730; Japanese, i, 197; Legends, ii, 625; Literature, i, 11; Logos, ii, 673; Monastery in Kailâs, i, 12; Mongolian, ii, 587; Mystics in Japan, i, 96; Nâgas, ii, 30; Nanda, a, ii, 580; Pilgrimage, ii, 225; Reform, i, 5; Religion, Northern, ii, 441; Religion in relation to the Bible, i, 15; Rite during an eclipse, ii, 98; Schools, so-called esoteric, i, 4; St. Michael, a, ii, 67; Sovereign, Nanda the first, ii, 580; Svabhâvat, i, 77, 125, 734; System, i, 234; Teachings, ii, 667; Tradition, i, 11; Vedântic teachers, and, i, 181.

Buddhist Catechism, quoted, i, 696, 697.

Buddhistic, Doctrine, i, 208; Legends, ii, 438; Occultism, i, 4; Svabhâvat, the, aspect of Mûlaprakriti, i, 90; Theosophy, i, 730.

Buddhists, Alaya has a threefold meaning for esoteric, i, 80; Atheists, not, i, 35; Avalokiteshvara of, i, 155, 461; Canon, sacred, i, 11; China, sacred island of, in, i, 511; Creator denied by, i, 33; Founder, i, 392; Four truths according to, i, 74; Island believed in by, mythical, ii, 673; Island of, sacred, i, 511; Kanjur of Northern, i, 11; Kwan-Yin, i, 308; Logos of the, i, 155; Lotus held sacred by, i, 406; Mystical minds, ii, 586; Northern, i, 3, 11, 510; Personal God, introduced no, i, 474; Positivists, of Archaic age, i, 33; Sacred books, i, 21; Secret books, tradition as to, i, 18; Seven-leaved plant sacred among, i, 257; Tanjur of Northern, i, 11; Tarim, visit the remains at, i, 8; Vedânta and Uttara Mîmânsâ, i, 78.

Budding, Increased by, ii, 176; Reproduction by, ii, 123.

Budh, Male organ, said by Phallicists to signify, i, 512; Mercury is, i, 513; Sanskrit root, to know, i, 2.

Budha, Birth of, ii, 524; Esoteric Wisdom or, ii, 524; Idâ, wife of, ii, 147, 148; Men of, ii, 48; Mercury, or, ii, 31, 32, 383, 391, 477, 570; Mother of Mercury, i, 15; Planet, a, ii, 383; Sirius the star of, ii, 391; Soma, son of, i, 422, ii, 49; Soma, father of, i, 249; Wisdom, i, 2, 249, ii, 147, 148, 244, 524; Wise, ii, 523.

Budha-Soma of India, Thot-Lunus the, i, 426.

Budhaïsm, Esoteric Buddhism should have been, i, 588.

Budhism, Buddhism and, Difference between, i, 2, 588; Esoteric, doctrines of, ii, 105; Esoteric Wisdom or, i, 159; Esoteric, orthodox Buddhism and, i, 5.

Buffon, Fauna, on African and American, ii, 836; Geological dates, on, ii, 738; Plurality of worlds, on, ii, 746; Referred to, i, 653, ii, 682.

Builder, Architect not the, i, 458; Conscious, last, i, 297; Divine, ii, 204; Fohat the, i, 163; Gods, of the, ii, 360, 590.

Builders, Babel, of the Tower of, ii, 284; Clothing, having donned their first, i, 286; Creators, or, i, 380; Dhyan Chohans called, ii, 180; Divine, i, 646; Divine thought, following the plan of, i, 362; Dolmen, ii, 795; Earth, descend on, radiant, i, 66; Elohim or, i, 259; Fiery lives as, i, 283; Flames, elements, i, 60; Groups of, i, 153; Heavenly orbs, of, ii, 582; Host of the, i, 367; Initiators or, ii, 360; Logoi or, i, 108; Luminous sons, the, i, 83; Magnum Opus of, i, 274; Masons or, ii, 773; Men, were all, i, 132; Mound, ii, 795; Mountain ranges, of our, ii, 160; Occultists believe in, i, 131; One, called, i, 634; Osiris the synthesis of the group of, i, 471; Planetary spirits and Lipika, difference between, i, 133; Powers, could only gradually obtain their, ii, 332; Prajâpatis called, i, 402; Priests called, ii, 397; Pyramid, ii, 732; Seven, i, 115, 470, 521; Shining seven or, i, 233; Sons of God styled, i, 230; Stanzas, of the, i, 116, 401, ii, 382; Supervision and guidance of, i, 253; Universe fashioned by, i, 83, 130; Watchers or, the, ii, 374; Where were the, i, 56; World, of the, ii, 541.

Bull, Adoration of, i, 97; Aleph or, ii, 582, 607; Apis the sacred, i, 159; Dragon and, i, 721; Eye of the, i, 726; Fifth race, symbol of, ii, 562; Fire, principle of, i, 419; Head of, i, 720; Mendes, of, i, 413; Nandi, the sacred, ii, 426; One of four sacred animals, i, 388; Ormazd, of, ii, 98; Osiris, sacred to, i, 419; Phallic symbol, a, ii, 616; Pleiades beyond the, i, 711; St. Luke and the, ii, 121; Six-pointed star, in the, ii, 561; Symbol, as a, ii, 436, 562, 616; Taurus or, i, 720; Uriel the, i, 152, ii, 121.

Bulls, Assyrian, ii, 121; Men, with the heads of, ii, 57.

Bulwer Lytton’s Coming Race, i, 614; Zanoni, i, 626.

Bûmi haptâita, ii, 801.

Bundahish, Referred to, ii, 5, 305, 306; Watermen of the, ii, 671.

Bunsen, Baron, Deluge traced by, ii, 149; Egypt, on antiquity of, i, 469; Eusebius and, i, 10; Great Pyramid, on, ii, 793; Menes, on antiquity of, ii, 391; Prometheus, on, ii, 431; Referred to, i, 141, 575, ii, 35, 86.

Burgess referred to, i, 730.

Burham i Kali, the, ii, 383.

Buri the Producer, i, 460.

Burmah, Philosophical teaching in, i, 4.

Burmeister, Antiquity of man, on the, ii, 792; Development of the earth, on the, i, 701; Opinions of, ii, 164.

Burmese, Nirvâna, Neibban in, i, 70.

Burnell’s translations referred to, i, 355, 356, ii, 606.

Burnes on statues at Bâmiân, ii, 352.

Burning valley of the fallen angels, ii, 564.

Burnouf, quoted, i, 408, ii, 407, 579, 603.

Burns, Robert, referred to, i, 322.

Bushman, Low intellectuality of, ii, 177.

Bushmen, Arrowheads of, ii, 549; Culture cannot raise, ii, 439; Inferior race, an, ii, 300, 761; Lemuro-Atlanteans, ii, 206; Palæolithic men, ii, 550; Pigmy, ii, 763.

Busrah, Nabatheans came from, ii, 477.

Butlerof, Prof., quoted and referred to, i, 271, 563, 566, 635, ii, 688.

Butterfly, Ego-Soul free as a, ii, 592; Grub becoming chrysalis then, i, 183; Soul symbolized by, ii, 306.

Bybline heights, ii, 435.

Bythos, Aiôn existed before, i, 373; Depth, ii, 224, 601, 605, 606, 607; Ennoia of, ii, 514; Gnostics, of, i, 235, ii, 514; Sigê and, ii, 606, 607.

Byzantine style of painting, ii, 355.

Cabbalah, ii, 40, 41, 42, 80.

Cabbalistic value of the name Christ, ii, 569.

Cabar Zio, the mighty lord of splendour, i, 217.

Cabiri, Faber’s, ii, 376; Mysteries of, ii, 276; Races of, ii, 411; Sanchoniatho, of, ii, 411; Titans or, ii, 150, 151.

Cabul and the Bâmiân statues, ii, 353.

Cactus-plant, Races illustrated by, ii, 453.

Cadiz, Atlantis located beyond, ii, 388.

Cadmus, Alphabet of, i, 7; Demi-God, a, ii, 380; Generic name, a, ii, 280.

Caduceus, Cynocephalus represented with, i, 417; Mercury, of, i, 600, ii, 218, 381; Scientific, i, 601; Serpent, of, i, 275, 434; Symbolized by ogdoad, ii, 614.

Cæcum, Vermiform appendix of, ii, 719.

Cænogenetic facts, ii, 700.

Cænozoic ages, ii, 628.

Cæsar Philippus the Arabian, i, 330.

Cæsarea, Bishop of, i, 10.

Cæsium, Seeds of, i, 603.

Cagliostro and St. Germain classed as impostors, ii, 165.

Caherman, Simorgh instructs, ii, 653.

Cai-caus fights the Divsefid, or white devil, ii, 421.

Cain, Abel, and, i, 444, 705, ii, 132, 142, 143; Abel’s blood, shedding, ii, 492; Allegory of, ii, 232; Esoteric, the, ii, 135; Genealogy of, ii, 409; Jehovah identical with, i, 446, 632, ii, 405, 406; Jewish myth of, ii, 412; Kain, or, ii, 135; Lord God, ii, 282; Mars, is, ii, 408; Nod, took a wife from land of, ii, 300; Personification of, ii, 410; Prototype of symbol of, ii, 285; Pulastya and, identity of, i, 447; Sacrifice of, ii, 285; Samael or Satan, generated by, ii, 407; Tiller of the soil, a, ii, 286.

Cain and his Birth, quoted, ii, 514.

Cain-Jehovah, Eve giving birth to, ii, 492; Jehovah-Eve and, ii, 135.

Cain-Jehovah-Abel, ii, 132.

Cain-Vulcain, ii, 410.

Cainan, Enoch begets, ii, 409.

Cainite, Kenite or, ii, 571; Jehovah, becomes, the name of, i, 34; Phallic, and, i, 34; Races, ii, 181.

Cainites, Creator, call the serpent, ii, 220; Degraded, ii, 407; Deluge, and the, i, 447, ii, 408; Fourth root-race, the, ii, 154.

Cainozoic times, ii, 216.

Cains of the human race, i, 609.

Cairns, Proportions of, i, 230.

Cairo, Frog goddesses in, museum, i, 414; Theban triad represented at, ii, 486.

Cajetan, Cardinal, ii, 560.

Calcic phosphate, i, 637.

Calcium phosphate, ii, 169.

Calculations, Astrologers, of, i, 703; Asuramaya, attributed to, ii, 51, 54, 73; Cycle, of the new, ii, 830; Cyclic seven, of the, ii, 597; Cyclic, various, ii, 657, 659; Early Âryan, ii, 279; Egyptian zodiacal, ii, 369; Esoteric, ii, 841; Esoteric system, basic, of, ii, 74; Figures belonging to occult, i, 194; Geological, ii, 75; Heavenly bodies, concerning the, of, i, 723; Hindû, i, 724, 728, ii, 77; Kabalistic, ii, 574; Nârada, of, ii, 73; Sods, of the, ii, 413; Soothsaying by cyclic, ii, 659; Temples and monuments, as to, ii, 397.

Calcutta, i, 14.

Calcutta Review, quoted, i, 37.

Calendar, Accadian, ii, 732; Atlantean works, of, ii, 54; Hindû, ii, 71; Tamil, ii, 72; Vedic, ii, 581.

Calendar-forms of the Mayas of Yucatan, i, 419.

Calendars, Nations, of various, i, 419; Ptolemy’s, i, 726; Theogonies and religious, i, 715.

Calf, Allegory of the cow and, i, 428; Golden, the, i, 632, 739; Purânas, in the, i, 428.

California, ii, 342.

Californian Sequoia, Species of, ii, 10.

Caligraphist, Palæolithic man a, ii, 769.

Calisthenes, quoted, ii, 656.

Caloric, Equalization of, i, 573; Luminous, i, 275; Material particles, not a motion of, i, 525; Motion, not a mere form of, i, 571; Solids and liquids, influence on, i, 574; Sun force or, i, 571, 572; Vital, i, 275.

Calorific sun, Energy of the, i, 563.

Calorimetry, i, 525.

Calpe, Strait of, ii, 388.

Calvary, Cross of, in Egypt, ii, 590; Tragedy on, solemn, i, 671.

Calvin on Michael, ii, 503.

Calvinists, Theology of, ii, 318.

Calypso, Atlas, daughter of, ii, 805; Ogygia, island of, ii, 813.

Cambodia, Nagkon-Wat of, ii, 448.

Cambrian, Age, ii, 10; Life, ii, 752; Period, ii, 9, 726.

Cambry, Recantation of, ii, 360; Rocking stones, on, ii, 359.

Cambyses, Saïs, at, i, 429; Temple of the Kabirim, in the, ii, 376.

Camel, Flying, ii, 215; Llama and, ii, 836.

Campanile column of San Marco, ii, 89.

Canaan, Descendants of, ii, 397; Tall men of, ii, 798.

Canaanites, Arts and sciences of, ii, 474; Nebo adored by, ii, 477.

Canaries, the, ii, 233, 834.

Canary Islands, Guanches of, ii, 716, 782, 834, 835; Origin of, ii, 835, 836; Sculptured stones of, ii, 835.

Cancer, Benjamin, in sphere of, i, 715; South Pole, at, ii, 450; Tropic of, ii, 372, 421.

Candaules, Gyges successor of, ii, 819.

Candidate, Adeptship, for, ii, 397; Brâhmanism, for, ii, 484; Cruciform couches used by, ii, 590; Dragon, fought the, ii, 398; Initiation, for, ii, 398, 484, 488, 572, 590; Maruts represent the passions in, ii, 650; Pythagoras, and the school of, i, 467; Sun awakens the entranced, ii, 589; Tau, and, ii, 572.

Candidates, Reïncarnation revealed to, ii, 582.

Candlestick, Golden, ii, 615.

Canes Venatici, Nebula of, i, 655.

Canine teeth in our Progenitors, ii, 703.

Cannibalism, Neolithic, ii, 763.

Canon, Buddhist sacred, i, 11, 14; Christian, i, 220, ii, 566; Hebrew, i, 710; Jehovah in the Christian, ii, 566; Monochord, of, ii, 635; Proportion lost, of, i, 229.

Canonical Book of Changes, the, ii, 39.

Canonization of Confucius, i, 475.

Canstadt, Man of, ii, 726, 786, 787.

Canton, Descendants of the Miao-tse, near, ii, 293.

Cape de Verde, Elevation near, ii, 837; Islands, ii, 233, 835.

Cape of Good Hope, Meteorites at, ii, 746.

Capellini, Discoveries by, ii, 301.

Capricorn, North Pole, at, ii, 450; Tropic of, ii, 372.

Capricornus, Constellation of, i, 254, ii, 609; Dhyânîs, abode of, in, i, 239; Dolphin became, ii, 611; Goat and, ii, 612; Naphtali, in, i, 715.

Captivity, the Babylonian, ii, 496, 653.

Caput Angelorum, ii, 247.

Carbon, Atoms in benzol ring, i, 684; Element, an, ii, 626; Elements saturated with, ii, 169; Gigantic masses of, i, 273; Groupings of, i, 602; Meteorites, in, ii, 746; Molecules of, ii, 167; Nature of intelligence and, i, 666; Physical body, and, ii, 627; Protoplasm, contained in, i, 698.

Carbonic acid, Experiment with, ii, 144; Importance of, i, 282, 637; Oceans of, i, 273, ii, 169; Plants dependent on, ii, 303; Vapours charged with, ii, 166; Waves of, ii, 261.

Carboniferous, Age, ii, 159, 753; Period, i, 273, ii, 289.

Cardinal points, Cross pointing to, ii, 586, 587; Cube and the, i, 394; Four, i, 369, 501, 676, ii, 609, 625; Genii of the, i, 439; Holy of Holies and the, i, 479; Mars held the, ii, 410; Zodiacal circle, of the, i, 389.

Cardinal virtues, i, 217.

Carib skulls, ii, 782, 834, 837.

Caribbean Sea, the, ii, 442.

Caribs, Skulls of the, ii, 780.

Carl Vogt on cannibal man, ii, 756.

Carlyle, quoted, i, 231, 232, 233, 321, ii, 493.

Carnac, Brittany, in, ii, 357, 358, 362; Initiates at (Morbihan), ii, 793, 796; Serpent’s Mount, means, ii, 397; Stones of, ii, 794, 796.

Carnelly, Dr., referred to, i, 638.

Carpenter, St. Joseph the, ii, 106; Vishvakarmâ, of the Gods, ii, 572.

Carpenter, Dr., on Foraminiferæ, ii, 269.

Carson (Nevada), Gigantic footprints at, ii, 798.

Cartas, quoted, ii, 397.

Cartesian system, Liebnitz opposed to, i, 689.

Carthage, Giant’s bones at, ii, 291; Joly on, ii, 793.

Casmilus and Kumâras, ii, 112.

Caspian Sea, Astrakhân on the, ii, 434; Indian Ocean, and, ii, 644.

Cassell, Rev. Dr., quoted, i, 138, ii, 41, 43.

Cassini, i, 723, 725, 729.

Cassiopeia, New star in, i, 645.

Cassius, Hermone, on Kabirim, ii, 380.

Cast-off dust of the minerals, ii, 179.

Cast-off types, ii, 275.

Caste, Brâhman, i, 293, ii, 174; Chaldees, a, ii, 790; Initiates, of, i, 232; Levites, a priestly, ii, 138; Magas, of, ii, 337; Nebo, devoted to, ii, 476; One Veda, one Deity, one, i, 108; Upanishads written before, system, i, 291.

Caste-races or Gotras of Brâhmans, ii, 527.

Castes, Evolution of sacerdotal, ii, 529.

Castor and Pollux, Dioscuri were, ii, 379; Egg, born from Leda’s, i, 392; Greeks, of the, ii, 377; Leda, sons of, ii, 128; Moon and, ii, 131; Semi-immortality of, ii, 130; Sun and, ii, 131.

Cat, Basht with head of, ii, 583; Basin of Persæa in An, of, ii, 576; Egypt, sacred in, ii, 583; Genus Felis, ii, 773; Lunar orb, sign of, i, 323; Lunar symbol, a, i, 416; Moon, symbol of, i, 322, 323; Sun also called, i, 323.

Cat-myth of the Egyptians, i, 322.

Cat-symbol, i, 324.

Cataclysm, Atlantis, of, ii, 645; Book of Enoch, of, ii, 328; Cosmogonical, a, ii, 154; Deluge, and, ii, 793, 829; Europe on the eve of, i, 708; Final, ii, 465; Geological, ii, 155, 274; Hindû tradition of, ii, 153; Mid-Miocene, ii, 751; Next, ii, 347; Orphic hymn on, ii, 830; Stock reserved from last, i, 293; Zodiac used to foretell every, i, 712.

Cataclysms, Archaic scientists and, ii, 738; Cosmic, i, 396; Ecclesiastes, in, ii, 743; Europe, will destroy, ii, 464; Final geological, ii, 234; Fourth round, ii, 158; Future, ii, 422; Geological, i, 27; Globe, ii, 146; Nations saved during, ii, 818; Periodical, ii, 323, 456; Political, i, 27; Racial, ii, 340; Secondary age, ii, 754; Sidereal regions, in, ii, 525; Stanza of Commentary, twenty-two, on, ii, 325.

Catacombs, Chaldæa, in, ii, 396; Egypt, in, ii, 396; Iconography of, ii, 620; Ozimandyas, of, i, 342; Svastika in, ii, 620.

Catarrhine, Ancestors, ii, 792; Ape, ii, 702; Apes, descendants of, ii, 276; Baboon, ii, 700; Tailed, ii, 706.

Catarrhines, Man and the long-tailed, ii, 704.

Catarrhini, Ancestors of, ii, 718; Anthropoids, ii, 203.

Catarrhinians, Old-world, ii, 181.

Catarrhinides, ii, 343.

Catechism, Calvinist, ii, 318; Commentaries on, ii, 60; Druses, of, ii, 30; Esoteric, i, 318; Inner schools, of, ii, 294; Occult, i, 39, 171; Quoted, i, 145, 686; Senzar, i, 38; Southern India, of, ii, 34; Vishishthâdvaita Philosophy, of, i, 157; Vishishthâdvaita Vedântins, of, i, 568.

Caterpillar, emblem of Psyche, i, 103.

Catholic church, Roman, i, 496; Writer quoted, a, ii, 89.

Catholicism, ante-historical, Roman, i, 431.

Catholics, Christian, ii, 98; Dogmatic beliefs of, i, 542.

Caucasian, Âryan race, ii, 493; Mountains, ii, 255, 416.

Caucasus, Arctic circle and, ii, 417; Mountains of, ii, 434; Prometheus chained on Mount, ii, 432; Songsters of the, ii, 417.

Cauchy, Assumption of colours in eclipses by, i, 528; Material points, on, i, 530; Suggestion of, i, 524.

Causality, Avyakta or, ii, 50; Immaterial, i, 435; Latent, is, ii, 249; Primal cause, of the, ii, 127; Unknowable, i, 163.

Causation, Effects, and, ii, 512; Finite, i, 699; Intelligent, ii, 779; Material, ii, 166; Physical forces, of, i, 504.

Causative, Effects became, i, 458; Generation of, ii, 486; Number 9, male, i, 139; Womb of world, i, 636.

Cause, Absolute, i, 36, 482, 738, ii, 82; Abstract thought, of, i, 125; All-Father, of all, i, 460; All things, of, i, 277; Architect, of the, i, 460; Attraction, of, i, 532, 577; Beginningless, i, 595; Brahma the, i, 482, ii, 114; Causeless, i, 38, 43, 67, 86, 117, 279, 301, 453, 458, 622, ii, 251, 623; Causeless ideal, i, 85; Causes, of, i, 621; Concatenation of, ii, 701; Conscious, i, 563; Creation not work of highest, i, 473; Creative, i, 39, ii, 226; Definition of a, i, 551; Degeneration, of, ii, 201; Deity the highest, ii, 647; Divine thought the, i, 120; Effect, and, i, 77, 456, 474, 486, 504, 555, 622, ii, 259, 633; Efficient, i, 397, ii, 585; Electricity not a, i, 563; Emancipation, of, i, 307; Endless, i, 595; Eternal, i, 42, 67, 72, 73, 77, 120, 486, ii, 319; Existence, of, ii, 538; Existence of a natural, i, 659; First, i, 43, 44, 234, 235, 544, 656, ii, 126, 127, 536; First and efficient, ii, 585; Generated, i, 215; Great Unknown, ii, 113; Idea the, manifestation, i, 683; Ideal, the, i, 85; Impossible to conceive anything without, i, 76; Incognizable, ii, 511; Infinite, i, 42; Kârana =, i, 73, 77, 120; Karma and, i, 695, ii, 36; Kosmos merging in the one, ii, 199; Life, of, i, 247; Material, i, 77; Mechanical, i, 650; Misery, of, ii, 401; Monad, of unity, i, 677; Nature, of, i, 486, 575; One causeless, the, i, 43, 85; One, the, i, 678, ii, 319; Operations, of, i, 667; Pagan philosophers sought for, ii, 623; Parabrahman not first, ii, 114; Perpetual, i, 595; Phenomena, of, i, 605, 661; Phenomenon, and, i, 534; Primal, i, 72, 256, 678; Prometheus’ gift, chief, of evil, ii, 439; Radical, i, 294; Seasons, of, i, 667; Space, the, i, 67; Suffering, of, ii, 401; Undifferentiated, i, 356; Universal, i, 716, ii, 539; Unknowable, ii, 46; Unknown, i, 38, ii, 512; Variations, of, ii, 684.

Causeless cause, the, i, 38, 43, 67, 85, 117, 279, 301, 453, 458, 622, ii, 251, 623; Force, one, i, 481; Heat, breath of fire, or, i, 113.

Causes, Absolute cause of all, i, 482; Agents, of, meaning of, i, 584; Attraction and primary physical, i, 533; Being, of, i, 70; Causeless cause of all, i, 301; Conscious, i, 169; Developing, i, 696; Dynamical effect of, i, 705; Dzyu deals with primal, i, 133; Effects, and, i, 194, 555, 620, 650, 702, ii, 77; Elementals are secondary, i, 170; Endexoteric, are, ii, 77; Existence, of, i, 56, 75; Forces awakened by, i, 149; Heavenly orbs, of, ii, 582; Human units can produce good, ii, 539; Intelligence beyond secondary, ii, 585; Light, of, i, 561; Man creates, ii, 319; Mâyâvic, i, 530; Mechanical, ii, 688; Misery, of, i, 55, 70; Phenomena, of, i, 525; Primal, i, 518; Primary, ii, 626; Qualities, of knowledge of, i, 583; Real, i, 169; Science meddles with, i, 504; Second, ii, 126; Sinful lives, produced by, ii, 539; Sphere of primal, i, 518; Transcendental set of, i, 618.

Cave, Cro-Magnon, of, ii, 716; Devon, in, ii, 762; Gimil, of, ii, 105; Hor-eb, of, ii, 571; Initiation, of, ii, 248, 589; Malta, deposits of, ii, 763; Sepulchral, ii, 716.

Cave-dwellers, Ape-like, ii, 725.

Cave-hunting, Prof. Boyd Dawkins on, ii, 756.

Cave-libraries in Lamaseries, i, 8.

Cave-men, i, 229, ii, 333, 360, 756, 781, 782, 837.

Cave-temples, i, 230, ii, 231.

Cavern, Fossils of Kent’s, ii, 764.

Cavernes de Périgord, ii, 788.

Caves, Ancestors of the Nualts, of, ii, 38; Aquitaine bone, ii, 786; Hindûstan, of, i, 341; Implements found in, ii, 549; Initiate-hermits, of, ii, 527; Initiation, ii, 191; Neolithic, ii, 367; Race which retired to rocky, ii, 293; Rishis, of, ii, 398; Zoroastrian, i, 151.

Cecity of negation, i, 670.

Cedar, Initiate called a, ii, 519.

Cedrenus cited by Fürst, ii, 571.

Celæno, daughter of Atlas, ii, 811.

Celepas Geraldinus on Henoch, ii, 383.

Celestial, Abyss, i, 386; Ancestors, i, 268; Armies, ii, 579; Ascetics, ii, 604; Ash-tree, ii, 547; Beings, i, 144, 151, 222, 236, ii, 95; Beings, Ah-hi or, i, 69; Beings, or Anupâdaka, i, 82; Beings, Avatâras of, ii, 441; Beings, double of, ii, 502; Beings, Dhyân-Chohans or, ii, 243; Beings, happy, ii, 172; Beings, group of, i, 241; Beings, hosts of, i, 157; Beings, Lha or, ii, 25; Bodies, i, 307, 525, 634, ii, 661, 808; Bridge, i, 238; Buddhas, i, 133; Calculations, i, 729; Chemistry, Dr. Hunt’s, i, 537; Deities, numbers revealed by, i, 467; Demons, female, ii, 649; Earths, ii, 652; Fires, ii, 548; Fruits, ii, 39; Garment of primeval man, ii, 118; Genii, ii, 391; Gods, i, 501, 513, ii, 221, 645; Governors of humanity, ii, 33; Hierarchies, i, 297; Hierarchy, i, 242; Host, leader of, ii, 399, 400, 649; Hosts, leader of, ii, 66, 580; Kabiri, ii, 380; Logos, i, 266; Man, one, i, 251; Men, i, 183, ii, 49; Messengers, ii, 324; Militia, ii, 31; Movements, i, 723; Musicians, ii, 618; Nile, ii, 495, 613; Numbers of China, ii, 39; Phantasmagoria, i, 716; Pole, ii, 829; Porpoise, ii, 648; Power of the essence of the gods, ii, 97; Priapus, ii, 480; Prototype of man, i, 700; River, Noon the, i, 331; Selves, i, 624; Serpent, ii, 35; Singers, ii, 618; Sons of Dhyâni-Buddhas, ii, 122; Space, i, 650; Spirits, i, 398, ii, 386, 510; Stones, i, 474; Teachers, ii, 294; Tetraktys, ii, 639; Thrones, ii, 443; Virgin, i, 90, 236, 354, 495, ii, 219, 511, 539; Virgin-mother, i, 496.

Celestials, Human intercourse with, i, 693.

Celibacy a condition of Chelâship, ii, 309.

Celibate, Adepts, ii, 87; Eternal, the, ii, 209, 260; Invisible, i, 237; Kumâra the eternal, ii, 209; Sons of Brahmâ, i, 257.

Cell, Embryological, i, 244; Infinitesimal, i, 243; Monad in every, i, 691, 693; Nucleated, ii, 175, 266, 696; Nucleus, ii, 175; Physical, i, 238; Psychic, ii, 250.

Cell-soul, Bathybius, ii, 687; Hæckel, of, ii, 711; Simple, ii, 708.

Cell-souls and soul-cells, ii, 686, 708.

Cell-theory of botany and zoology, ii, 123.

Cell-tissue in the brain, ii, 712.

Cells, Blind indifferent, ii, 685; Buddhist, ii, 354; Formation of, ii, 267; Fruit, i, 270; Material body, i, 283; Organic, i, 269; Organs, of, i, 283; Stone, ii, 549.

Celsus, Origen against, i, 480.

Celtic giants, ii, 797.

Celto-Britannic regions, Druids of the, ii, 397.

Celts, Apollo of the, ii, 47; Stone, ii, 763.

Cenozoic monsters, ii, 307.

Censorinus, quoted, i, 467.

Centaurs or Narâs, ii, 68.

Central America, Early man in traditions, of, ii, 787; Le Plongeon explorer in, ii, 38; Monuments of, ii, 834; Ruins in, ii, 448.

Central American history, ii, 289.

Central Asia, Atmosphere of, ii, 372; Brâhmans initiated in, ii, 596; Buddhist monks of, ii, 354; Bunsen’s deluge in, ii, 149; Caves of, i, 342; Civilization in, i, 16; Colossal statues of, ii, 353; Cross in, ii, 588; Crypts in, i, 19; Grotto in, i, 502; Mountains of, ii, 416; Mysteries engraved on rocks in, i, 250; Plateaux of, ii, 644; Pushkara and, ii, 422; Rock temples in, i, 342; Rocks in, ii, 458; Sacred island in, i, 230; Shâka and, ii, 422; Sons of light in, i, 26; Table-lands of, ii, 764; Wisdom-Religion in, i, 403; Yellow hue fled to, they of the, ii, 443.

Central, Eye of Shiva, ii, 611; Fire, i, 275; Force, ii, 616; Forces of modern science, i, 649; Germ, i, 299; Group of the Milky Way, ii, 581; Land, ii, 419; Mass, i, 608.

Central point, Atoms emanated from the, i, 696; Circle with a, i, 390, ii, 583; Infinite space, in, ii, 495; Inward, turned, i, 363; Mystic system, of the, ii, 39; Pleiades a, ii, 582; Svastika and the, ii, 587; Unit denoted by the, ii, 626; White, i, 349.

Central spiritual sun, Invisible fire in, i, 115; Manifested universe, in, ii, 120; Ray from, i, 275, 628; Sûrya a reflection of, i, 127.

Central sun, Aditi and the, i, 578; Creative light, emits, ii, 249; Fohat, and, i, 222; Great, i, 296; Kabalists’, ii, 224; Mysterious, i, 736; Secondary and, ii, 250; Shadow of the, i, 700; Solar systems separated from, i, 41; Suns emanating from, i, 574; Universe evolving from, i, 407; Universe, of the spiritual, i, 363; Word of, i, 252.

Central wheel, i, 62, 141.

Centre, Animal, i, 281; Astronomical cross, of the, ii, 561; Being, of, ii, 772; Circle, of a, ii, 575, 584; Circle whose, is everywhere, i, 94; Circumference, and, ii, 585; Creative force, of, i, 601; Draco the, ii, 35; Empyrean, of the, i, 673; Energy, i, 40, 696; Force, of, i, 601, ii, 325; Human stocks from a common, ii, 788; Keely on a neutral, i, 607; Laya or sleeping, i, 170; Life, of, ii, 273; Logos a, i, 467; Luminosity, of, i, 72; Macro-cosmic, ii, 201; Mysterious, i, 604; Neutral, i, 171, ii, 273; Rest of, ii, 250; Solar, the, i, 658; Spiritual energy, of, i, 155; Sun the, ii, 162; Sun’s, i, 729; System, of our, ii, 158, 162; Triad, a, i, 675; Unity, of, i, 467; Universe, of the, i, 310; Vitality, of, i, 620.

Centres, Atoms, of force, i, 110, 688; Being, of, ii, 37; Caves stand for, seven, ii, 38; Creative, ii, 772; Emanations of the, i, 696; Energy, of, i, 461, ii, 639; Esoteric learning, of, ii, 469; Etheric, i, 172; Evolution, of, 11, 37; Fohat, of, i, 171; Force, of, i, 141, 168, 490, 552, 691, ii, 711; Forces, of, i, 129, 199, ii, 773; Form, of, i, 687; Imperishable, i, 64, 168; Laya, i, 169; Laya, seven, i, 63, 162, 171, 179; Life, of, ii, 36; Living, i, 590; Men born on seven different, ii, 259; Monads, of the, i, 693; Neutral, i, 172, 179; Parabrahman, innumerable, of energy in, i, 159; Religion, ancient, of, i, 13; Ring, of the, i, 40; Spiritual, i, 135; Vortices, of, i, 227; Wheels, of force, i, 141, 168; Wheels placed on imperishable, i, 64.

Centrifugal, Evolution, i, 288; Force, i, 543, 648, ii, 27, 179; Forces, i, 448, 661; Matter, ii, 273; Spirit, for, ii, 273; Tendency equal to gravity, ii, 67; Theory, i, 649.

Centripetal, Evolution, i, 288; Force, i, 649, ii, 27, 179; Forces, i, 302, 448, 661; Matter, descending arc, for, ii, 273; Spirit will become, ii, 273.

Cereals, Development of, ii, 390; Neolithic, ii, 755.

Cerebral hemispheres, the, ii, 310.

Cerebration and chylification, i, 315, 316.

Ceremonial magic, i, 35, 255, ii, 709, 791.

Ceremonial worship, Egypt, of, i, 13; Profitless, ii, 98.

Ceremonies, Egyptian, ii, 447; Hindû, i, 721; Palestine, of nations remote from, ii, 494; Worship, of primitive, ii, 383.

Ceremony, Holy of Holies, of passing through the, ii, 492; Priest at the marriage, i, 674; Sacrificial, ii, 106; Sarvamedha, ii, 640; Yima, of, ii, 645.

Ceres, Agriculture, and, ii, 408; Diana daughter of, ii, 437; Ierna, worshipped at, ii, 803; Poseidon and, ii, 417, 819; Saturn and, i, 546; Sicily, in, ii, 380.

Cerinthus and the Gnostic sects, ii, 535.

Certus sum, scio quod credidi, ii, 472.

Cetacea, the, ii, 706.

Ceylon, Atlantis, a remnant of, ii, 233, 328; Eclipses explained in, ii, 398; Giants of, ii, 351; Lankâ or, ii, 347, 454; Lemuria and, ii, 7; Leo vertical to, ii, 426; Veddhas of, ii, 206, 439, 763.

Chaiah, or principle of spiritual life, ii, 639.

Chain, Cosmic, of universes, i, 74; Earth lowest of the, i, 261, 396, 482, ii, 103, 529; Earth, of spheres beyond our, ii, 741; Evolution of our, i, 278; Globes, of, i, 72, 83, 175, 186, 194, 195, 203, 220, 252, ii, 25, 81, 105, 643, 790, 801; Humanity on our own, i, 194, ii, 72; Links in one, i, 199, ii, 26; Lunar, the, i, 194, 196, 202, 219; Lunar Pitris and the newly formed, i, 197; Mount Rhipæus, of, ii, 6; Objective little, our, i, 719; Obscuration of a whole planetary, ii, 322; Planet, of our, ii, 802; Planetary, i, 49, 73, 137, 153, 176, 177, 178, 179, 252, 258, 270, ii, 72, 243, 322, 334, 402, 636, 640, 652, 737, 743; Planets, of, i, 48; Pralaya, new, after, i, 205; Septenary, the, i, 141, 163, 219, 402, 640, 718, 719, ii, 322, 800; Spheres, of, i, 226, 402, ii, 596, 642; Stanzas occupied with the planetary, i, 90; String or, i, 187; Terrene, i, 179; Terrestrial, our, i, 187, 228, ii, 596, 745; Universe, connecting everything in the, i, 662; Wheel or planetary, i, 252; World-planets, i, 718; Worlds, of, ii, 268, 531, 640.

Chains, Angels in the, of matter, ii, 516; Circular, of globes, i, 184; Earth, of, i, 275; Generally treated of, i, 179; Globes, of, i, 184, 188, 629; Mars and Mercury are septenary, i, 189; Planetary, the, i, 175, 182, 194, ii, 325; Planets, of, ii, 567, 739; Strings, or, i, 190; System, in our, i, 629, ii, 325; Worlds, of, i, 176, 182.

Chaitanya = intelligence, consciousness, i, 35.

Chakna Padma Karpo, ii, 189.

Chakra, Circle or, i, 139, ii, 488; Disk of Vishnu, the, or, ii, 488, 576; Trans-Himâlayan, i, 139; Wheel, the, or, i, 235.

Chakravartin, the everlasting king, ii, 507.

Châkshusha Manu of the sixth period, ii, 651.

Chaldæa, Adam of the Jews came from, ii, 45; Astronomers in, i, 715; Berosus, in the days of, i, 330; Catacombs in, ii, 396; Christian legends come from India viâ, i, 220; Chronologies of, ii, 229, 448; Dragon in, ii, 370; Elohim came to the Jews from, i, 118; Emblems of chaos in, ii, 403; Ghost of old, ii, 236; Giants of, ii, 351; Gods of, ii, 97; Israelites’ captivity in, i, 332; Kabeiri or Kabarim received their name, i, 469; Magi of, i, 10, ii, 337, 413; Measures of, i, 332; Rabbins brought calculations from, ii, 597; Refugees of, ii, 210; Religion of, i, 299; Scriptures of, i, 10; Sorcerers of, ii, 223.

Chaldæan, Account of Genesis, i, 10, 340, 382, ii, 2, 4, 5, 64, 109, 401; Adam, ii, 107; Adept, Bible of the, ii, 476; Allegory, ii, 304; Ana, Anna derived from the, i, 119; Annedoti, ii, 382; Anu belongs to the, Trinity, i, 381, ii, 65; Arets = earth, in, ii, 152; Ark, allegory of the, ii, 304; Astrolatry and Astrology, ii, 659; Biblical figures, and, ii, 660; Book of Numbers, i, 26, 218, 234, 245, 260, 261, 359, ii, 40, 89, 104, 117, 395, 483, 533, 662; Civilization, ii, 236; Cosmas Indicopleustes and a, ii, 417; Cosmogony, i, 352, 381, ii, 57, 259, 529, 652; Creation, account of, ii, 55, 109; Curse, account of, ii, 295; Dagon, ii, 57, 147; Deluge, ii, 4; Dynasties, i, 719, ii, 330, 447, 510; Exotericism, ii, 97; Fragments, ii, 56, 110, 122, 191; Gnostics, Christian, i, 234; Gods, the seven, i, 628, 718, ii, 102; Heptakis, the seven rays of the, i, 248; Hierophants, i, 377; Jews borrowed, Gods, i, 718; Kabalah, i, 221, 678, ii, 484; Kings, i, 340; Legends, ii, 315, 694; Literature, i, 11; Magi not, names of, i, 717; Man-fish, ii, 57, 147; Manuscript, i, 424; Moon worship, i, 417; Moses, source of, ii, 447; Nabathean Agriculture, original of, ii, 474; Necropolis, ii, 485; Noah, ii, 150; Nuah, ii, 153, 154, 485; Numerical system, i, 116; Oannes, i, 284; Oracles, i, 255, 372, 500; Philosophy, i, 678, 736; Qû-tâmy, ii, 478; Records, i, 15; Religion, i, 39, 736; Scriptures, i, 10, 497, ii, 46, 478; Septenary, i, 497, ii, 648; Sin, i, 268, 425; Soma, worship of, i, 422; Star-worshippers, ii, 474; Sun = El, in, ii, 570; Symbolism, i, 341; Symbols, ii, 401, 476; Tablets, ii, 2, 56, 64; Theogony, ii, 258; Third eye, legends of the, ii, 315; Traditions, ii, 412; Triad, ii, 30; Trinity, ii, 65; Works, i, 308; Xisuthrus, ii, 147.

Chaldæans, Akkadians and, i, 713; Arts of, ii, 474; Astronomical observations of, ii, 656; Belief of, i, 367; Brâhmans and, i, 15; Chronology of, ii, 730; Circle, a symbol with, ii, 566; Civilization of, ii, 349; Cosmogony of, ii, 26; Druids akin to, ii, 799; Ea changed into Tiamat by the later, ii, 56; Egyptians taught by, i, 142; Esotericism of, i, 138; Fairy tales of, i, 287; Genii of, i, 219; Greeks and, i, 722; Jews borrowed from, i, 718, 719, ii, 151; Kabalah of, ii, 250; Moon, Nanak or Nanar among, ii, 148; Moses and, ii, 477; Mystery Gods of, ii, 3; Names in Genesis traced to, ii, 212; Observations of, i, 723, 726, ii, 656; Religion of, ii, 571; Science of, ii, 474; Svastika found with, ii, 620; Symbols of, ii, 566; Worlds of, ii, 638; Zodiac, of, i, 722.

Chaldæo-Akkadian account of creation, ii, 3.

Chaldæo-Arabic MS., ii, 476.

Chaldæo-Assyrian, Accounts, ii, 3; Tiles, ii, 500.

Chaldæo-Hebrews, ii, 569; Chaldæo-Judean, Gods, i, 719; Mythology, ii, 500.

Chaldees, Ancestors of, ii, 343; Discoveries by, i, 641; Hebrews and, ii, 790; Initiation of, ii, 370; Legends of, ii, 154; Magi or, i, 440; Meaning of, ii, 790; Modern, i, 156; Mysteries, ii, 38; Symbology of, ii, 121; Taurus sacred to, i, 721; Tiamat or Tisalat of the later, ii, 64; Worship of, ii, 802.

Challenger, the, ii, 348, 825, 826, 837.

Chamber, King’s, in Pyramid, i, 285, ii, 484, 488, 493, 589; Soul-perception, of, i, 301.

Chamber of perfections, Cheops’ tomb the, i, 337.

Chambers, J. D., quoted, ii, 2.

Chambers, Seven planetary, i, 621; South, of the, i, 710.

Chameleon, Third eye in, ii, 310.

Champ Dolent, near St. Malo, ii, 795.

Champlain epoch of North polar submersion, ii, 342.

Champollion, quoted, i, 470, 513, ii, 384.

Chandâlas, Jews descended from, i, 332, ii, 210.

Chandrabhâgâ, Barbarians masters of, i, 404.

Chandragupta, Brâhmans arrayed against, ii, 580.

Chandravanshas, dynasties and kings, i, 417, 422.

Chandrâyana or lunar year, i, 68.

Chang-ty, the Lord, ii, 293.

Chanina, the Rabbi, i, 26.

Ch’anoch, Enos, or Hanoch, ii, 409.

Chant-like sounds of the Second Race, ii, 208.

Chantong or He of the thousand eyes, ii, 189.

Chaos, Abyss of, i, 160, 402; Æther and, i, 459; Ancients, of the, i, 366; Atoms in Primordial, i, 174; Baoth =, i, 219; Binary or, ii, 586; Bythos and, ii, 607; Chronos and, i, 637; Cosmic powers at feud with, ii, 500; Creation from, i, 217, 487; Darkness of, i, 369, 719; Deep, or the, i, 95, 269, 331, 359, 737, ii, 148, 554; Deluge and, monsters generated in, ii, 55, 327; Depths, the rayless, i, 237; Divine ray and, i, 99; Divine thought and, i, 94, ii, 743; Egg dropped into, i, 384; Energy reflected in, i, 359; Erebus born out of, i, 135; Evil or, i, 331, ii, 401; Fall into, i, 705; Flood of waters in, ii, 153; Great deep and, ii, 554; Great mother, the, i, 109, ii, 528; Harmony and, i, 467; Ideos or, i, 303; Kabalistic trinity, and the, i, 134; Konton or, i, 234, 261; Light in darkness or, ii, 113; Matter or, i, 117, 157, 633, ii, 154; Moist principle or, ii, 625; Monsters of, ii, 55, 57; Mother, i, 109, 655, ii, 528; Mûlaprakriti, primary aspect of, i, 585; Non-being, and, i, 701; Noon or, i, 331; Nux born out of, i, 135; Personifications of, i, 464; Phanes and, i, 637; Primeval, i, 129, ii, 89, 530; Primeval deep, or, i, 95; Primeval space or, ii, 500; Primeval waters or, i, 361; Primitive, the, i, 655; Primordial, i, 174, 332, 352; Principles confused in, ii, 403; Ray, causes, to cease, i, 252; Secondary, ii, 510; Sense, to the, i, 32; Senseless, was, i, 363; Shape, takes, i, 379; Sigê and, ii, 607; Sound called the world out of, i, 467; Space or, i, 134, 402, 496, ii, 500; Spirit and, i, 99, 103, 499, ii, 69, 109, 401, 530, 694; Symbolism of, i, 93; Symbols of, i, 464; Thalatth presides over, i, 423; Universal form not mirrored in, ii, 744; Universe emerges from, i, 161, 650; Vacuity, or, i, 488; Virgin-Mother, i, 95; Void or, i, 367; Waters or, i, 93, 332, 361, ii, 153; Wisdom of, i, 102.

Chaos-Theos-Kosmos, triple deity, the, i, 370; Section, referred to, i, 393, 399; Unknown First Cause, or, i, 365.

Chaotic, Antegenetic or, period, i, 382; Earth, i, 363, ii, 138; Dreams, i, 192; Energy, ii, 631; Matter, ii, 634, 636; Period, i, 382; Principle, ii, 631; Stage, i, 489.

Chappe, the Abbé, ii, 657.

Charâchara or locomotive or fixed, i, 490.

Characteristic, Buddhi, property of Mahat is, i, 277; Hierarchies, of the, i, 296; Matter, of, i, 272, 278; Sabæan worship, of, ii, 483.

Characteristics, Âkâsha, of, i, 276; Animating principle, of the, i, 699; Cell, in the germ, i, 243; Cometary matter, of, i, 653; Earthly, i, 295; Gases, of, i, 683; Genii of, i, 308; Gods, of, i, 308; Groups, of, ii, 704; Human organism, of, ii, 59; Kali Yuga, of, i, 404; Karma, of law of, i, 695; Matter, of, i, 690; Races, of, ii, 463; Zodiac, of signs of, i, 714.

Characterization, Law of permanent, ii, 704.

Charcot, Mesmer, vindicates, ii, 165; Referred to, ii, 387.

Chariot, Heavenly form used as a, i, 380; Ray, used by the, i, 235; Vehicle, or, i, 234.

Chariots, Dhruva, attached to, ii, 513; Lha, of the, ii, 15; Planets, of the, ii, 34.

Charles, Law of, i, 112.

Charm, Mandrake as a, ii, 30.

Charmers, Serpents are, i, 440.

Charms, Fruit, on, i, 508; Magic shield destroyed, ii, 412.

Chart, Astro-theosophic, ii, 483; Atlantis, of, ii, 837; Cyclopædia, from a Japanese, ii, 213; Donnelly, of Atlantis by, ii, 837; Ophites, of the, ii, 567; Origen’s, i, 483; Primitive and symbolic, i, 349.

Chârvâka materialists, i, 451.

Chastity, Condition of Chelâship, a, ii, 309; Gods of, i, 511.

Chat or elementary body, ii, 670.

Chatampéramba the Field of Death, ii, 362.

Chatur, Eka is, i, 58, 100; Four, is, i, 100; Tri, takes to itself, i, 58.

Chatur-mukham or perfect cube, ii, 488.

Chatvârah, in connection with Manavah, ii, 149.

Chaubard the astronomer, i, 550.

Châvah, Eve a European transformation of, ii, 204.

Chayah in the Kabalah, ii, 670.

Chebel or conception, Abel is, ii, 132.

Checks, number, ii, 569.

Cheiron, Brazen columns of, ii, 648.

Chelâ, Accepted, an, i, 188; Lanoo or, i, 100; Need fear no danger, ii, 308; Pupil or, i, 227; Sagara, to Aurva, ii, 666.

Chelâs, Circle of pledged, i, 194; Master and his, i, 50, 191; Meaning of the dragon not given to, ii, 530; Outer or semi-lay, i, 147; Upanishads used formerly by, i, 291; Warning to, who fail, ii, 255.

Chelâship, Conditions of, ii, 309.

Chelonians, ii, 736.

Chemi or ancient Egypt, i, 393.

Chemical, Action, i, 354; Actions peculiar to different orbs, i, 654; Affinity, laws of, ii, 658; Agent, ii, 627; Alchemical, or, i, 580; Atoms, i, 165, 238, 682, 687, ii, 113, 711; Characteristics of cometary matter, i, 652; Combination, i, 660; Constituents, i, 281; Death, action in, i, 573; Element, i, 684; Elements, i, 360, 499, 602, 684, ii, 663; Energy, i, 601; Evolution, i, 245; Force, i, 554, 555; Investigations, i, 732; Light, action of terrestrial, i, 653; Manifestations, i, 173; Molecules, compound, i, 686; Natural philosophy, branch of, i, 736; Organism, structure in an, i, 278; Particle, a, i, 680; Physical and, i, 597; Trinity, ii, 111; Variety and numerical relations, ii, 663.

Chemically, Liquor vitæ works on the atoms, i, 587.

Chemis (Chemi) Phantom form of the, i, 393.

Chemist, Atom of the, i, 524; Calculations of the, ii, 692; Occultist-Alchemist and, i, 167; Psychometer ought to be a, i, 222; Zero-point of matter, stops at the, i, 156.

Chemistry, Âryans learned, ii, 445; Atomic mechanics, must be, i, 559; Atoms of, i, 239, 523; Crookes a specialist in, i, 681; Department of, i, 680; Discoveries in, i, 164; Elements, i, 498, 598, 681, 682; Ether in, i, 527; Father of modern, ii, 694; Future, of the, i, 681; Hydrogen in, ii, 111; Inductive science, an, i, 641; Magicians of the future, the, i, 281; Mechanics and, i, 558; Mediæval ages and, ii, 449; Missing links of, i, 110; Modern, i, 238, 562; Nature, and Occult, i, 595; New, i, 683; Number seven in, ii, 663; Occult science, and, i, 635; Ozone not to be made by, i, 606; Physics and, i, 657; Problem of, i, 652; Protyle and, i, 303, 362; Revolution in old, i, 683; Sub-elements, i, 371; Terms, War in, about, i, 360; Vital, i, 580.

Chemists, Adepts, alchemists and, ii, 364; Atom of the, i, 557; Atoms, beginning to revise the theory of, i, 166; Cometary matter not known to, i, 653; Elements, view of the, i, 682; Ozone of modern, i, 280; Protyle, searching for, i, 77, 677; Zero, use of the term, i, 162.

Chenresi, Dhyânî, ii, 188, 189; Padmapâni or, ii, 183.

Chenresi Vanchug, the powerful and all-seeing, ii, 188.

Cheops, Pyramid of, i, 140, 337, ii, 484, 589.

Cherub, Derivation of, i, 391; Garden of Eden, at the gate of, i, 152; Lord God rode upon a, i, 505; Seraph, or, i, 388; Serpent or, i, 390.

Cherubim, Ark, over the, ii, 545; Bible, of the, i, 151; Cherubs, or, ii, 527; Immortality, conferring, ii, 254.

Cherubims, Cunning work of the, i, 150.

Cherubs, Apostles, and the, ii, 121; Ark, on the, ii, 482; Christian dogma, of, i, 119; Eighth world is the abode of, i, 469; Elohim, sparks and, ii, 90; Jews, of the, ii, 121; Tetragrammaton, standing beside the, ii, 377; Wings of the two, i, 714.

Chesed = Globe G, i, 221.

Cheta cave of Fa-hian, i, 4.

Chevalier Drach referred to, i, 505.

Cheybi or Spiritual soul, ii, 670.

Chhan or Dan a term for Esoteric schools, i, 4.

Chhandajas or will-born, ii, 618.

Chhândogya Upanishad, quoted, ii, 675.

Chhâyâ, Astral image, or, ii, 106, 183; Double of the Pitris, or, ii, 127; Linga Sharîra or, ii, 627; Pitris, of the, ii, 511; Race, ii, 18, 95; Self-born, ii, 19; Shadow, ii, 107, 183, 511.

Chhâyâ-birth, a mode of sexless procreation, ii, 183.

Chhâyâ-Loka, Divine Arûpa reflects itself in, i, 62, 144.

Chhâyâs, Boneless animals, of. ii, 194; Fathers, of the, ii, 223; First race formed from, ii, 145; Images or, ii, 243; Inferior, ii, 238; Lords entered the, ii, 170; Lunar Pitris, of, i, 204; Men, ii, 197; Self-born were, ii, 146; Seven, of the third, ii, 624; Shadow-Adam, of our doctrine, ii, 529; Shadows, or, i, 214, 625, ii, 95, 561; Solid, became, ii, 22.

Chidâkâsham, the field of universal consciousness, ii, 631, 633.

Chiim, Elohim identical with, i, 154.

Child, Earth, of, ii, 297; Egg of chaos, born in the, i, 219; Lotus-flower, seated on the, i, 409; Present is, of past, ii, 466; Radiant, i, 58, 100; Receiving the kingdom of God as a little, ii, 530.

Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria, quoted, i, 383.

Child-bearing, Engine, a, ii, 179; Holy of Holies pointed to, ii, 492.

Child-birth, Artemis-Lochia goddess of, i, 425; Diana presided over, i, 415; Dragon and, ii, 400; Grecian moon-goddesses and, i, 284; Woman in, ii, 400.

Child-giving, Jehovah’s chief function was, ii, 489.

Childhood, Humanity, of, i, 293; Languages, of, ii, 209; Lemurians, of the, ii, 285; Mankind, of, i, 245; Moses, of, ii, 447.

Children, Birth of, ii, 237; Cronus swallows his, ii, 434; Earth and mankind become, i, 667; Earth, of, ii, 97; God, of, i, 444; Israel, of, ii, 567, 568, 662; Jesus on, ii, 530; Mary, of, ii, 555; Men, of, ii, 567; Niobe, of, ii, 815; Rebellion, of, i, 331, 391; Rebellious, ii, 222; Reincarnations of young, ii, 317; Sun, of the, ii, 532; Yellow father and White mother, of the, ii, 19.

Chim-nang, the Chinese, ii, 382.

Chimpanzee, Anthropoid mammal and, ii, 203; Brain, size of, ii, 720; Creation of the, ii, 716; Dryopithecus and, ii, 714; Fossils of the, ii, 274; Human descent of, ii, 721; Intelligence of, ii, 713, 716; Negro separated from the, ii, 716.

China, Ancient annals of, ii, 316; Architecture of, ii, 325; Buddhist Arhats reach, i, 12; Celestial numbers of, ii, 39; Chronologies of, ii, 448; Confucius, and, ii, 584; Cosmogony, i, 474; Dragon temples in, ii, 396; Esoteric schools of, i, 7; Fallen demon of, ii, 510; Fohi in, men of, ii, 30; Garden of Eden in, ii, 213; Gautama called Amida in, i, 134; Kwan-Shai-Yin in, i, 101, 511; Kwan-Yin in, i, 160, ii, 189; Lotus revered in, i, 406; Lung-Shu of, i, 90; Monstrous reptiles in, ii, 753; Mountain tribe in, ii, 206; Nâgârjuna of, i, 90; Philosophical teaching in, i, 4; Planetary conjunctions important in, i, 720; P’u-to in, island of, i, 101, 511; Revealed, quoted, i, 511; Shu-King primitive Bible of, i, 26; Tao-ists of, ii, 584; Tradition in, i, 18; Yih-shu-lu-kia-lun of, i, 90.

Chinaman, Japanese, can communicate with, i, 326, ii, 463; Oratorios to a, ii, 687; Svastika and, ii, 619.

Chinamen, Lineage of the inland, ii, 293; Offshoots of, ii, 188; Year of, ii, 657.

Chinese, Alphabet i, 326; Ancestors, ii, 138; Astronomical sphere, i, 722; Astronomical work, ii, 657; Astronomy, ii, 809; Atlantis in, teachings, ii, 388; Autumn, i, 439; Books, ii, 731; Buddhism by Rev. J. Edkins, i, 4, 12, 101, 151, 474, ii, 189; Buddhist ascetics, i, 197; Buddhist philosophy, i, 255; Buddhist rite, ii, 98; Buddhists, i, 474; Characters, ii, 458; Chronology, ii, 229, 455; Civilizations of, ii, 349; Cosmogonies, i, 381, ii, 511; Cosmographies, ii, 638; Dragon, ii, 216, 220, 293, 381; Emperors, ii, 381; Esotericism, i, 138; Exoteric worship, i, 150; Fifth race, and the, ii, 381; First man, i, 392; Fohi, i, 711; Forefathers, ii, 443; Giants on, ii, 293; Language, i, 326; Legends, ii, 315, 385; Literature, i, 7; Logograms, ii, 350; Lunar month, i, 439; Mystics, i, 90; Nests, i, 663; Nirvâna in, Nippang, i, 70; Philosophy, i, 255; Records, i, 292; Religion of, i, 299; Riddle, ii, 488; Scholar, i, 5, 512; Senzar commentaries, translations of, i, 50; Temple literature, i, 7; Text of Stanza VI, i, 160; Third eye, legends of the, ii, 315; Traditions, ii, 57, 191; Turanian class, belong to the, i, 13; Wisdom Religion among, i, 403; Works known to Orientalists, i, 6; Writer, referred to, ii, 442; Yao, ii, 150; Y-King, ii, 391; Zodiac, ii, 656.

Chinesische Literatur, quoted by Max Müller, i, 20.

Chinmâtra or Parabrahman, ii, 631.

Chintamany Raghanaracharya referred to, ii, 54.

Chior-gaur or dance of giants, ii, 358.

Chipped-stone age, the, ii, 782.

Chips, by Max Müller, i, 29.

Chiram or Hiram, Secret work of, ii, 119.

Chit, Achit, Âtmâ, Mahat, Parabrahman, etc., i, 89, 308.

Chitkala, the Kwan-Yin of the Buddhists, i, 308.

Chitôn, a coat, ii. 212.

Chitonuth-our, ii, 212.

Chitragupta, the register of, i, 130.

Chitrashikandinas, Bright-crested, or, i, 488; Great Bear, the, i, 248, ii, 668.

Chlorine, i, 596, 601, 602, 639, 640.

Chnouphis or Agathodæmon, the solar, ii, 220, 221, 394.

Chnumis sun of the universe, ii, 545.

Chogi Dangpoi Sangye, i, 624.

Chohan, the Mahâ, ii, 434.

Chohanic, Dhyâni-Buddhic, i, 83; Host, Dhyân, i, 183.

Chohans, Dhyânîs, Gods, i, 679; Five-fold, ii, 610; Intelligences, informing, ii, 37; Lords of the moon, or, ii, 17, 79.

Choir, Gods, of, ii, 146; Planets, of, i, 718.

Choirs, Genii, of, i, 313; Spirits of, ii, 510.

Chokmah, Binah and, i, 472, 678; Brain, or the, i, 376; Kether or, i, 472; Male wisdom, ii, 556; Sephirothal triad, i, 125, ii, 282; Wisdom, or, i, 260, 379, ii, 88, 143, 743.

Chokmah-Binah, the male-female, ii, 663.

Chokra or servant, i, 403.

Cholula, Great pyramid of, ii, 289.

Chord, Magnetic or odic, i, 606.

Chords, Etheric, i, 616; Universal consciousness, of, i, 190.

Chosen people, God, of, i, 714; Israel, of, ii, 570; Jacob, sons of, ii, 447; Jehovah’s, ii, 631; Laws of the, ii, 113; Lord’s portion, the, ii, 567; Moses, and the, ii, 491; Phallic symbols degraded by the, i, 339; Traditions of the, ii, 112.

Chow dynasty, ii, 316.

Chow Kung, ii, 316.

Chozzar, Dragon, ii, 372; Male-female, ii, 611; Neptune or, ii, 610.

Chrestos, Christos incarnating in, ii, 605; Mankind the, ii, 438; Tribulation and sorrow, the man of, ii, 593.

Chrests, Neophytes were called, ii, 593.

Christ, Agathodæmon or, ii, 293; Agni suggestive of, ii, 106; Angel man and, ii, 121; Ascension of, ii, 748; Birth of, i, 722, ii, 655, 730; Bride of, ii, 394; Buddhi, not, ii, 241; Christendom, and, ii, 682; Christians, the, ii, 530; Cornerstone, the, ii, 663; Cross is the, ii, 620; Epaphos, connected with, ii, 433; Ferouer of, ii, 504; Gnostic Cabbalistic value of, ii, 569; Gnostic value of, i, 343; Gnostics and, i, 217, ii, 293, 671; Horus or, ii, 620, 671; Hosts of angels and, ii, 247; Jehovah or, ii, 79; Joseph’s dream, star in, i, 712; Light of, i, 507; Logos or, ii, 247; Lucifer as, ii, 569; Mercury the Ferouer of, ii, 504; Nature of, ii, 172; Nazarenes before, ii, 101; Occult teachings of, ii, 241; Ophites, and, i, 512; Personation of the risen, ii, 535; Pisces refer to, i, 716; Planetary conjunctions and, i, 720; Prometheus and, ii, 431; Roman Catholics and, i, 671; Satan, and, ii, 522; Serpent, the, ii, 293; Spirit of the teaching of, ii, 586; Stars in the hand of, ii, 669; Sun, i, 417; Taurus and, i, 720; Wisdom, an echo of, ii, 507.

Christ-Judas one of the lunar twins, i, 422.

Christ-Man, the, i, 83.

Christ-state or Krishna, ii, 639.

Christ-stone, ii, 356.

Christ-Sun, Defender of the, ii, 503.

Christendom, Christ, and, ii, 682; Ignorance of, ii, 499.

Christian, Altar, i, 500; Angelology, ii, 64; Apostles’ view of deity, i, 37; Bible, i, 712, 719, ii, 695; Bishop, blessing of, ii, 587; Canon, i, 220, ii, 566; Catholics, ii, 98; Chronologers, i, 719; Church, i, 89; Churches, i, 25, 500; Circumcision, view of, ii, 623; Clergy, ii, 275; Computations, ii, 77; Creation, i, 278; Creed, ii, 694; Cross, i, 342, 721, ii, 103, 588, 620; Demons, ii, 500; Devil, i, 445, ii, 256; Dogmas, i, 97, 332, 430, 431, ii, 109, 500, 522; Dogmatic, a, i, 101; Era, i, 19, 23, 284, 408, 449, 710, 719, 720, ii, 240, 448, 581; Ether and atoms, associations of, i, 734; Fall of the angels, idea of the, i, 97, ii, 180; Fallen angels, ii, 109; Fathers, i, 24, 72, 102, 360, ii, 580; Fire-worshipper, i, 146; Generals, ii, 74; Gnosticism, i, 27; Gnostics, i, 234, ii, 483, 594; God of wind, sacrifices to the, i, 505; Heathen, hated, of, ii, 494; Hebrew Bible, and, i, 410; Hermetic books, editor of, i, 738; Hierarchy, i, 119; Holy of Holies, ii, 488; Interpretation, ii, 41; Judaism, ii, 495; Kabalah, i, 261, ii, 34, 41; Kabalists, the, i, 27, 144, 218, 236, 251, 302, ii, 121; Legends, ii, 275; Lunar symbology, i, 416; Magna Mater, i, 422; Matter to the, i, 697; Melchizedek, writers on, ii, 409; Monks, ii, 561; Mysteries, i, 27, ii, 591; Mystics, i, 46, 47, 235, 374, 716, ii, 102, 479; Nations, i, 445, ii, 493, 622; Noah cannot be monopolized by the, ii, 408; Occultists, i, 46; One law of the, ii, 585; Orientalists, i, 36; Orthodox, creed, ii, 694; Pagan and, i, 314, 506; Phallic symbols, ii, 89; Phallicism, i, 488; Philosophy, ii, 407; Religion, i, 417, 488, ii, 26, 63, 243; Revelation, ii, 654; Roman Catholics, ii, 93; Sacerdotalism, ii, 591; Satan of, theology, ii, 63, 243; Saviour, the, i, 720, ii, 240, 433; Scheme, the, ii, 522; Schemers, ii, 591; Scripture, i, 286; Sectarianism, ii, 483; Septenary, ii, 648: Seraphim, i, 151; Serpent, symbolism of the, ii, 370; Smaragdine Tablet, disfigurement of, ii, 119; Smoothing, i, 306; Soul, teaching of, i, 622; Symbol, ii, 488, 495, 588; Symbolism, ii, 370, 485; Symbologists, i, 717; System, ii, 97, 399, 639; Teachings, ii, 438, 667; Temples, ii, 89; Theogony, archangels, of, i, 73; Theologians, i, 33, 664, 718; Theological prejudice, ii, 61; Theology, i, 44, 67, 73, 98, 100, 307, 410, 411, 673, ii, 44, 49, 63, 73, 98, 100, 522; Topography, ii, 418; Traducers, ii, 491; Triad anthropomorphized by the orthodox, i, 46; Trinities, i, 46; Trinity, i, 15, 46, 138, ii, 373; War in heaven, dogma of the, i, 97, ii, 522; Wars, i, 506; Writers, modern, i, 508; Zodiac and the, era, i, 720.

Christian, P., referred to, i, 120.

Christianity, Angelic hosts of, i, 70; Archangels of, i, 116; Blessings of, ? i, 506; Cross of, ii, 593; Devil of, ii, 556; Dissolution, on the great, ii, 800; Dogmas of, i, 331; Dust of, i, 25; Early, i, 24; Ecclesiastical, i, 218; Fire a symbol of spirit in, i, 87; Genesis a prologue in, i, 39; Greece, in, i, 349; Greek philosophy and, ii, 585; Holy spirit of early, i, 678; Intolerance of early, i, 666; Judaism, based on, i, 284; Magic in the beginning of, i, 23; Marriage a symbol of, i, 674; Mediæval, i, 24; Messengers of, i, 370; Monotheism of, ii, 44; Orientalists insult, ii, 106; Rabbis’ hatred of, ii, 566; Religion, the latest, ii, 407; Satan, and, i, 443; Scriptures of Chaldæa the basis for, i, 10; Sempiternity invented by ecclesiastical, i, 68; Truth and fact, and, ii, 63.

Christians, Absolute of the, ii, 570; Ain-Suph, and, ii, 404; Angels of, i, 125, 242; Archangels, i, 220, ii, 394; Astronomical ignorance of, ii, 748; Bunsen denounced by, ii, 391; Creation as viewed by, i, 253; Cross of, ii, 34; Devil of, i, 446; Doctrine of, i, 25; Dogma of, ii, 403; Dragon of, i, 721; Elect Messiah of, i, 717; Founder of, ii, 540; Frog-symbol of early, i, 413; Genii of, i, 219; Gentiles and, ii, 494; Gnostics, ii, 639; God of, i, 220; Greek, i, 661, 670; Hindûs almost, i, 14; Initiates among, ii, 63; Jehovah, and, ii, 534, 569; Jewish, i, 219, 260; Jews and, ii, 494; Jordan, the, ii, 616; Kosmos, idea of, ii, 158; Last judgment of, i, 159; Latin, i, 670; Logos of, i, 155, 441; Lucifer and, ii, 36; Mahârâjahs, four, i, 148; Messengers of, i, 163; Monads of, i, 690; Morning star, of, ii, 802; Mystic, i, 216; Nazarenes and, i, 219; Nemesis, i, 704; Non-initiated, ii, 65; Old Testament and, ii, 496; Pagan nations, and, i, 432; Prometheus and, ii, 431; Protestant, i, 695; Rabbins and, ii, 405; Rebellious angels of, i, 631; Roman Catholic, i, 661; Sacred birds of, i, 388; Satan and, ii, 35; Scriptural quotations ought to convince, ii, 663; Sectarian, i, 305; Self-evident meaning, blind as to, i, 301; Serpent, and the brazen, ii, 381; Spirits of, i, 130, 331; Supersensuous beings believed in by, i, 685; Supreme deity of, ii, 586; Svastika and early, ii, 620; Unified name with the, ii, 638; Venus-Lucifer and, ii, 35; Verbum of, i, 155; Waterlily, of, i, 406; Worm that never dies of, ii, 621.

Christology is mummified mythology, i, 423.

Christos, Adept becoming, ii, 613; Agathodæmon or, ii, 394; Âtmâ or, ii, 504; Chnouphis the Gnostic, ii, 221; Chrestos and, ii, 605; Dionysus or, ii, 438; Divine, the, i, 155; Divine wisdom or, i, 496; Esoteric sexless, i, 101; Gnostics, of, ii, 570, 743; Initiates of, i, 216; Light of, ii, 41; Logos is, i, 159, ii, 241; Messiah or, ii, 26; Names of, ii, 502; Nazarenes followers of, i, 219; Seventh principle, the, ii, 241; Sophia and, i, 157; Sun stands for, i, 159.

Christos-Sophia, i, 513.

Christs, race of, New, ii, 433; Reïncarnations of, i, 700.

Chromosphere of the sun, i, 576, 638.

Chronicles, quoted, i, 454, ii, 404.

Chronologers, Bible, i, 719; Kalpas of, i, 395.

Chronological, Calculations, ii, 53, 75; Computations of ancients, ii, 655; Cycles, ii, 838; Data as to age of our planet, i, 174; Geology’s speculations, ii, 700; Information, ii, 70; Kapilas, meanings of, ii, 603; Mysteries, ii, 87; Order ignored, ii, 334; Statements, ii, 157; System in Hebrew scripture, ii, 660.

Chronologies, Chaldæa and China, of, ii, 229, 448.

Chronologists, Bible facts, and, ii, 730; Church, disputes among, ii, 413.

Chronology, Anthropologists, of, ii, 164; Archæologists tamper with, i, 739; Âryan calculations, based upon, ii, 278; Bentley, of, ii, 80; Biblical, i, 708, 715, ii, 277, 351, 408, 410, 475, 496, 659, 660, 729; Brâhmans, of the, ii, 55, 69, 163, 208, 595, 628, 733, 752; Church, ii, 413; Darwin, from, ii, 10; Deluges, of, the, ii, 320; Discrepancies in, ii, 321; Divine dynasties, of, ii, 384; Dwarfing, ii, 337; Earth, of our, ii, 51; Eastern nations, of, ii, 278; Esoteric, ii, 9, 413, 823; Esoteric geological, ii, 749; Exoteric Jewish, ii, 414; Genesis, of, ii, 474; Geologists, of, ii, 164, 841; Greeks, the, ii, 656; Hindû, ii, 76, 77, 413, 581, 656; Initiates, veiled by, ii, 754; Insects, of, i, 157; Jews, ii, 414; Judæo-Christian, i, 397; Modern science, of, i, 708; Modern scientific systems of, i, 339; Occult, ii, 660; Orthodox teachings, of, ii, 55; Orthodox western, ii, 729; Purânas, of the, ii, 235, 236, 603; Race-periods, of, ii, 823; Riddles, in, ii, 375; Secret Doctrine, The, of the, ii, 471; Theological, ii, 205, 841; Unscientific, i, 719.

Chronos, Creation of, i, 487; Phanes, chaos and, i, 637; Time or, ii, 281, 356.

Chroub or Cherubs in their animal form, ii, 121.

Chthonia the chaotic earth, i, 363, ii, 138.

Chthonian divinities, ii, 380.

Chu = Divine Spirit, ii, 670.

Chuang a Chinese philosopher, ii, 230.

Chulpas or burial places of Peru and Bolivia, ii, 795.

Chung Ku, the historiographer, ii, 57.

Chupunika, one of the Pleiades, ii, 581.

Church, Adam a, ii, 46; Angels of the Roman, i, 256; Book of Enoch and the, ii, 560, 564; Catholic, i, 119, 496; Christ, of, ii, 241; Chronologists, disputes of, ii, 413; Council of Elyrus, ii, 292; Devil and the, i, 99, 100, ii, 249, 617; Dhyân Chohans called devils by, ii, 617; Dogmas, i, 89, 218, ii, 400; Double sign and the, ii, 33; Ephesians, interpretation of, i, 353; Fallen angels, and, ii, 535; Fathers of the, i, 22, 27, 218, 373, 374, 411, 480, 500, ii, 101, 103, 567, 594, 601; First-born of, i, 429; Great enemy of, i, 494; Greek, i, 246, 314, 412, 496, 674; Immaculate conception, dogma of, i, 89; Interpretation, i, 353; Jews and, i, 332; Kabalists in the, ii, 789; Latin, i, 27, 314, 674, 699, ii, 33, 394, 485, 560, 564; Militant, ii, 593; Monza, at, ii, 620; Nave in a, ii, 485; Official, ii, 593; Personal God, and a, ii, 498; Plato, and, ii, 623; Progress, ii, 739; Ritual, i, 148, 330; Ritualism, ii, 400; Roman, the, i, 128, 148, 256, 412; Rome, of, i, 416, ii, 241, 356; St. John, of, ii, 620; Satan, and ii, 536; Satanic legions, of, i, 353; Sons of, ii, 74; Spirit of Buddha present in, i, 512; Teachings, i, 119, 446; Temptation, on, i, 446.

Church-lamps, Frog on the lotus on, i, 414.

Churches, Altar in, i, 500; Archangels of, i, 699; Birth of, ii, 243; Divine truth, fighting, ii, 394; Egg-symbol of, i, 394; Figures of, ii, 77; Frog-symbol in, i, 414; Karma of the, ii, 239; Marriage in, i, 674; Personæ of, i, 468; Satan and, i, 220; Sects, or creeds, no, i, 364; Seven, ii, 670.

Churchianity, i, 520, ii, 790, 791.

Churchmen on the plurality of worlds, i, 664, ii, 748.

Churning of the ocean, i, 97, 371, 407, 412, 428, ii, 398.

Chwolsohn, i, 424, 449, ii, 473, 474, 475, 476.

Chy Fa-hian, author of Foe-Koue-ki, ii, 213.

Chylification and cerebration, i, 315, 316.

Chyuta the fallen, ii, 50.

Cibola, Cities of, ii, 39; Expeditions to, ii, 786.

Cicero, ii, 222, 437, 472.

Cichen-Itza, Sepulchre at, ii, 38.

Cidastes, the genus, ii, 228.

Ciel et Terre of Reynaud, quoted, i, 547.

Cifron an Arabic word, i, 386.

Cimmerian darkness, ii, 70.

Cimmerians, ii, 816, 818.

Cincinnati, Dr. Crawford of, ii, 29; Masonic Review of, ii, 40, 80.

Cipher and Sephrim, i, 386.

Ciphering, First teachers of, i, 387.

Ciphers, Figures or, ii, 244; Multiplied, ii, 321.

Circassia, Raised stones in, ii, 361.

Circe and the companions of Ulysses, ii, 813.

Circle, Ain-Suph a boundless, i, 462; All-Deity, ii, 629; All Presence of the boundless, ii, 623; Area, natural basis of all, i, 335; Area of, inscribed in square, ii, 574; Arctic pole, of, ii, 11; Aristotle omitted the, i, 674; Avalokiteshvara the great, i, 463; Bible and the, ii, 575; Boundary of the great, i, 118; Boundless, the, i, 125, 259, 462, 463, 673, ii, 512, 579, 623; British linear measures, origin of i, 333; Central point, with, ii, 583; Chakra or, i, 139; Chelâs, of pledged, i, 194; Circumference of a, ii, 42; Concealed unity symbolized by, ii, 583; Cosmogony, of, i, 477; Cross and, i, 392, ii, 565, 571, 576, 577, 579, 580, 615, 622; Cube and, ii, 634; Darkness, of, i, 229; Decussated, ii, 623; Deity and the, ii, 566; Diameter of the, i, 420, 421, 428, ii, 33, 42, 226, 584; Divine spiritual, ii, 34; Eastern esotericism, in, i, 341; Egg, or, i, 153, 384; Elohim, of the, i, 139; Endless, i, 259; Fiery, ii, 372; Four-fold, i, 226; God is a, ii, 575; Heaven, of, i, 459; Hierogram within a, i, 673; Iao and the, ii, 565; Infinite, i, 368, ii, 488, 605; Infinitude of the, i, 672; Infinity of, i, 138, 159; Jehovah and the, ii, 565; Kabalistic, i, 139; Life, of, i, 242, ii, 587; Line, and, i, 386, 421, 478; Mandala, or, i, 412; Manifestation, of, ii, 44; Mathematical point within, i, 672; Measures in relation to, i, 332; Moon, of, i, 203; Mosaic Jews, of, i, 219; Motion used in a vicious, i, 541; Mundane, ii, 588; Mysticism of the, ii, 583; Necessity of, ii, 317, 396; Nought or, ii, 606; Number of, i, 118; One but the All, not the, ii, 658; One is an unbroken, i, 40; Parker on the, i, 335; Pass not, of, i, 155; Perfect, ii, 583; Perpetual motion in a, ii, 470; Pillar and, ii, 486; Plane of, i, 40, 46, 673; Plato, of, ii, 623; Point in the, i, 118, 390, 460, 672, ii, 583; Primary, ii, 120; Primordial, ii, 577; Quadrature of the infinite, i, 368; Regents, of, ii, 513; Sacred four within the, i, 126; Sciences, of, ii, 738; Serpent and, i, 391, 441, ii, 372; Spirals, formed of, ii, 224; Spirit of life symbolized by a, ii, 582; Spirit, transformed into, i, 138; Square and, i, 672; Starry cross, and, ii, 582; Stars, of the seven, i, 439; Sun was the one, i, 139; Symbol of, ii, 573, 582, 619; Symbolical, i, 94; Tau and, i, 34, ii, 572; Tetraktys within the, ii, 662; Time, of, ii, 512, 579; Tiphereth, of, ii, 224; Triad, comprises a, i, 675; Triangle and, i, 672; Unity, of the divine, i, 31; Universe, symbol of the, i, 47, 384; Unknown, symbol of the, i, 139; Upper, ii, 670; Veil over, i, 676; Vishnu, of, ii, 488; Wisdom, of, ii, 582; Yoni, or, ii, 133; Zero, or, i, 356; Zodiacal, i, 389.

Circle-dance round the ark, ii, 483.

Circles, Angels break through the, ii, 511; Dots, and, i, 124; Druidical, i, 230; Earth and, i, 703; Fiery sons of Fohat in the four, i, 225; Fire, of, i, 449, ii, 109, 242, 287; Galilee, in, ii, 798; Greek, i, 699; Imaginary, in the heavens, i, 707; Lines, and, i, 124; Lokas called, i, 225; Map full of concentric, i, 475; Perpetual, of time, i, 699; Planets, of the, ii, 513; Seven, ii, 84, 513; Stone, ii, 362, 798; Strobic, ii, 623; Time, of, i, 699; Year, of the sidereal, ii, 372.

Circular, Measurement, ii, 615; Monad, motion of the, i, 694; Motion, i, 222, 547; Prostration, ii, 583; Zodiac, ii, 451.

Circulation, Blood, of the, i, 610; Matter, between the two planes of, i, 172; Nerve auric, ii, 312; Vital fluid, of, i, 591, ii, 583.

Circulations or currents of the Astral Light, ii, 78.

Circumcision, Antitype of, ii, 623.

Circumference, Circle and, i, 460, ii, 575; Diameter and, i, 118, ii, 42, 574; Disappears, i, 34; Honoured dwells in the centre and, the, ii, 585; Presence, symbolizes the, i, 31; Sign of the, ii, 614; Triad, one of a, i, 675.

Circumgyrating breaths, Holy, i, 131.

Cis-Himâlayan, Adepts, i, 182, ii, 390; Crypts in, regions, ii, 622; Esoteric doctrine, ii, 606, 673; India, i, 182; Occultism, ii, 51, 637; Regions, ii, 342, 622; Secret teachings, ii, 262, 322.

Cities, Americas, ruined, of both, i, 739; Arts and, ii, 332; Atlantean, ii, 388; Cibola, of, ii, 39; Construction of the first, ii, 389; Dates of the foundation of, ii, 729; Divine dynasties, of, ii, 332; Egypt, of, ii, 450; Henoch built, ii, 383; Indian, ii, 231; Lemuro-Atlanteans, of, ii, 330, 331; Lost continent, of the, ii, 803; Phœnician, ii, 459; Sciences and, ii, 332; Sites of archaic, lost, ii, 325; Tchertchen, near, i, 17; Third and fourth races, of the, ii, 23.

City, Akkad, of, ii, 730; Atlantis, of, ii, 811; Eight, of the, i, 331; Erech, of, ii, 485; Foundation of a, ii, 840; God, of, i, 721; Golden, ii, 399; Good, ii, 236; Holy, ii, 88; Letters, of, ii, 557; Sippara, of, i, 339; Snakes, of, ii, 361.

Civil calendar of Papantla, i, 343.

Civilization, Absence of any certain vestige of, ii, 325; Ancient, i, 16; Atlantean, ii, 275, 444, 447, 461, 763, 813, 826; Australians, of, ii, 699; Babylonian, ii, 213, 730; Bible on, ii, 791; Bushmen, and the, ii, 439; Central Asia, in, i, 16; Chaldæan, ii, 236; Continent, of the lost, ii, 233; Cyclopean, ii, 813; Darwinians, and, ii, 830; Degraded, i, 213; Eastern Iranians, of, ii, 801; Egypt, of, ii, 450; Eocene period, of, ii, 787; European, ii, 782; Evolution, of, ii, 686; Fall of, cyclic, ii, 763, 764; Germanic races, of, i, 458; Highest point of, i, 214; India, from, ii, 213; Kabiri gave impulse to, ii, 380; Lemuro-Atlanteans, of, ii, 452; Nations, of archaic, ii, 349; Papuans, of, ii, 699; Prehistoric, i, 16; Prehistoric men, of, ii, 448; Primeval, ii, 830; Races, of the fourth and fifth, ii, 330; Relics of a great, ii, 788; Renaissance of, ii, 782; Rise of, cyclic, ii, 763, 764; Seeds of, ii, 208; Tertiary age, of, ii, 717; Third race, of, ii, 342; Tibet, of, i, 17.

Civilizations, Autochthonous, i, 716; Dates of, ii, 729; Divine dynasties, and, ii, 332; History, in, ii, 784; Promoters of ancient, i, 229.

Civilized nations, Jehovah the God of, ii, 569.

Civilizers of mankind, the first, ii, 366.

Clacha-brath of the Celt, ii, 358.

Clairaudience puzzling to physiologists, i, 585.

Clairaudient phenomena, i, 508.

Clairvoyance, Eye of Dangma not, i, 77; Jñânashakti, manifestation of, i, 312; Normal, i, 272; Retrospective, ii, 216, 518; Thought transference and, i, 585; Tradition checked by, i, 708.

Clairvoyant, Eye of, i, 72; Faculties, i, 680; Jesus, powers of, ii, 241; Phenomena, i, 508; Wisdom, i, 31.

Clairvoyants, Spirits sensed by, ii, 387.

Class, Hierarchy, or, i, 297; Monads, of, i, 196; Spiritual entities, of, i, 297.

Classes, Adepts, of, i, 628; Arûpa Pitris, of the, ii, 98; Being, of, i, 310; Creators, of, ii, 81; Dhyân Chohans, of, ii, 107; Divinities, of, ii, 619; Egyptian gods, of, i, 470; Elohim, of, ii, 405; Kingdoms, of, seven, i, 696; Monadic hosts, of, i, 197; Monads divide into seven, i, 195; Pitris, of, i, 184, 202, 211, 239, 492, ii, 93, 96; Rudras, of, ii, 192; Theologians, of, i, 456.

Classification, Archaic, i, 439; Brâhmans, of, ii, 678; Continents, of, ii, 8; Cosmic principles, of, ii, 697; Difficulty of, i, 597; Elements, of, i, 640; Hierarchies, of the, i, 499; Human principles, of, ii, 697; Septenary, the, ii, 646; Sevenfold, the, ii, 673, 678; Species, of, i, 640.

Classifications, Names refer to, ii, 242.

Clausius, Prof., referred to, i, 559, 641.

Clavigero, the seven families of, ii, 38.

Clay, Figures of, ii, 30; Human couple made of, ii, 808; Idol with feet of, i, 610, 632; Man made of, ii, 305; Potter and, ii, 304; Prometheus kneads the moist, ii, 546; Solid earth, for, i, 637; Spirits animate the man of, ii, 285; Tabernacle of, i, 284.

Clef des Grands Mystères, quoted, i, 262.

Clemens Alexandrinus, Bible, on the, ii, 565; Book of Enoch, on the, ii, 564; Dragon, on the, ii, 293; Ex-initiate, an, ii, 590; Kabalah, on the, ii, 565; Moon-symbol, and the, i, 415; Mysteries, initiated into the, i, 27; Neo-Platonists, and the, ii, 293; Phoroneus, on, ii, 547; Quoted, i, 499, 500, ii, 466, 468; Referred to, i, 150, ii, 437, 565.

Clerk Maxwell referred to, i, 603.

Climacteric year of humanity, i, 720.

Climate, Arctic, ii, 817; Change of, ii, 328, 343, 766, 813, 814, 817, 821; Differentiation due to, ii, 685; Greenland, former, of, ii, 10; Lemuria, of, ii, 821; Miocene period, of, ii, 715; Râkshasas from the seventh, ii, 333; Seventh, ii, 333, 425; Spitzbergen, former, of, ii, 10; Tertiary times, of, ii, 755; Time and, ii, 149, 734, 754.

Climates, Change in, ii, 466; Europe, of pre-historic, ii, 780; Globe divided into seven, ii, 421; How we change our, ii, 740; Seven, ii, 421, 652; Zones, and, ii, 260.

Climatic, Causes of variations, ii, 685; Conditions, ii, 642; Evolution, ii, 777; Variations, ii, 274; Vicissitudes, ii, 344.

Climes of Hvaniratha, the seven, ii, 642, 643.

Clissold’s translation of Swedenborg, quoted, i, 143.

Clodd, Edward, quoted, i, 32, ii, 724, 751, 754.

Clothes, Cast-off, ii, 304.

Clothing, Builders, of the, i, 66, 286; Inner principle, of the, i, 296; Origin of, ii, 211.

Cloven tongues, i, 433.

Co-latitude or Lambaka, ii, 419.

Coädunition of Globes, i, 189.

Coagula, on Smaragdine Tablet, ii, 104.

Coal, Bituminous, i, 273; Formation, ii, 165, 734; Mines, i, 611; Primary age, in the, ii, 753.

Coat of skin of the primitive man, i, 704, ii, 163.

Coats of matter, i, 706.

Coats of skin, i, 211, 665, ii, 59, 76, 212, 294, 313, 777, 790.

Cobras, Indian beliefs as to, ii, 220.

Cocker on the Supreme Good, ii, 585.

Code, Brâhmanical secret, i, 392; Rishis, ii, 647; Rocking stones, of the, ii, 362.

Codex Nazaræus, i, 216, 217, 237, 268, 501, ii, 101, 407, 485.

Cœlus, Mercury son of, ii, 571; Terra and, sons of, ii, 813.

Coffin of Mahomet, the, i, 594.

Cogito—ergo sum, ii, 252.

Cohesion, Affinity, and, i, 279; Disturbed, i, 610; Entity, not an, i, 170; Explanation of, i, 529, 572; Force of, i, 648; Law of, i, 279; Nebulæ and, i, 648; Seven radicals, one of, i, 169; Substance, a cause of, i, 560.

Cohesive force, i, 554.

Coincidence, Number seven not a, constant occurrence of, ii, 38; Strange, i, 344.

Coincidences, Numerical, i, 700; Prof. Alexander, of, i, 643.

Coincidentalist, Mr. Proctor the champion, i, 333, 344.

Cold flame, Light called, i, 59, 110.

Cold mother, i, 593.

Cold Virgin, Hyle referred to as the, i, 110.

Colebrooke, quoted, i, 54, 78, 356, ii, 660.

Coleman, quoted, ii, 164.

Colenso’s Elohistic and Jehovistic Writers, ii, 496.

Coleridge, quoted, i, 296, 707, 716, ii, 497.

Collect. Nova Patrum, quoted, ii, 417.

Collect de Reb. Hibern., quoted, i, 703.

Collected Works, Wilson’s, quoted, i, 490.

Collection of Persian Legends, ii, 412.

Collectivity of the Kosmos, unconditioned, i, 174.

College, Aleim, of priests called, ii, 212; Astrologers, of, ii, 213; Sacerdotal, ii, 225; Temples, i, 192.

Colleges, Initiated priests of, ii, 561; Sacerdotal, ii, 231.

Collingwood, J. F., referred to, ii, 164.

Colœ, An inscription of, i, 425.

Cologne Cathedral and the magi, i, 717.

Colonies, Faunal, ii, 339.

Colonists, India, from, ii, 436; Native races, and, ii, 824.

Colonization, Roman, ii, 764.

Colony of Egyptians, ii, 436.

Colorado, Remains of the Cidastes in, ii, 229.

Colossal, Buildings, Cyclopean, ii, 813; Images in the British Museum, ii, 234, 352; Men, ii, 351; Pre-tertiary giant, man a, ii, 8; Rocks, ii, 357; Statues, ii, 234, 235; Stones, ii, 291.

Colossi, Broken, ii, 275; Drapery of, ii, 354; Egyptian kings, of, ii, 385.

Colossus, Acropolis of Argos, of, ii, 308; Rhodes, of, ii, 353; Three-eyed, ii, 308.

Colour, Air, from, i, 226; Aspects of, seven, ii, 516; Electricity and, i, 605; Genesis of, i, 480; Human race, of each, ii, 101; Keely on, i, 615; Men each of his own, ii, 18; Populations, of, ii, 837; Races, of the Âryan, ii, 260; Scale of, ii, 664; Sense of sight, and, ii, 113; Seven in the world of, ii, 516, 663.

Colours, Curtain, of the Temple, i, 500; Eclipses, in, i, 528; Elements, of solutions of, i, 597; Life, of vegetable, i, 634; Luxor, of, ii, 449; Perception of, ii, 658; Races, of various, ii, 237; Sounds, and, i, 560.

Coluber Tortuosus, or tortuous snake, ii, 240.

Columbus, America, discoverer of, i, 315, 316; America prophesied 2,000 years before, ii, 388; Pacific, and the, ii, 833.

Column, Cutha tablet, first, of the, ii, 2; San Marco at Venice, of, ii, 89.

Columns, Brazen, ii, 648; Tree of knowledge, round the, ii, 4; World, of the, ii, 306.

Colure, Summer tropical, ii, 426.

Coma of organic units, i, 687.

Combat between Gods and Asuras, i, 455.

Combats of the Gods, ii, 797.

Combination, Chemical, i, 660; Eternal, ii, 280; Numbers, of Occult cosmogonies and, i, 341; Protoplasm, in, i, 698.

Combinations, Atoms, of, ii, 170; Men and things, of, ii, 740; Molecular, i, 661; Planets, of, i, 626; Ternary, of the, ii, 607; Various animals, of, ii, 57.

Come to Us, the great day, of the Egyptians, i, 159.

Comet, Appulse of a, i, 653; Buffon’s, i, 653; Germ dropped from a, i, 392; Particulars of, 1811, i, 548; Supposed collision with a, ii, 344; Tail of, i, 549, 664, 665.

Cometary, Matter, i, 127, 166, 649, 653; Systems, i, 649.

Comets, i, 546, 548; Course of, i, 225; Evolution of, i, 649, 656; Gravitation, and, i, 550; Matter composing, i, 659; Movements of, i, 708; Origin of, i, 544, 545; Wanderers or, i, 223, 227, 269.

Commander of the celestial armies, ii, 579.

Commandments in the esoteric catechism, i, 318.

Comment, on the Yashna, i, 471.

Commentaries, Adepts, compiled by, ii, 26; Archaic doctrine, on the, ii, 284; Authority of, i, 214; Book VI of the, ii, 211; Brahmâ as Hamsa explained in the, i, 47; Catechism on the, ii, 60; Confucius, on books of, i, 9; Continent in the, first, ii, 6; Creation, on, ii, 263; Cross-breeding, on, ii, 299; Cursing the sun, on, ii, 805; Destruction of the worlds, on, ii, 745; Evil, on spread of, ii, 223; Evolution, on, ii, 621; Father-mother of the Gods in, i, 97; Fifth book of, quoted, ii, 183; First race, on the, ii, 208; Glosses on, ii, 36; Human race, on, ii, 101, 140; Law of periodicity, on, ii, 657; Life, on human, ii, 418; Lords of Wisdom, on, ii, 390; Manuscript, quoted, i, 112; Nandi, on sacred bull, ii, 426; Oriental metaphor in, ii, 419; Passages from, i, 6; Polar lands, on, ii, 819; Referred to, ii, 146, 187, 456; Sacred books, on, i, 18; Senzar, on, i, 50; Stanzas and, i, 67, 517, ii, 1, 13, 25, 59; Symbolism and, i, 51; Vedas, to, i, 18.

Commentary, Angelic beings, on, i, 493; Apes, on, ii, 301; Bhâshya or, i, 292; Book of Dzyan, on, i, 127, 663, ii, 50; Cataclysms, on, ii, 325; Celibacy, on, ii, 309; Eastern, i, 309; Esoteric doctrine, on, i, 600; Fifth race, the, ii, 314, 365; Four races, on the, ii, 294; Fragments from a, ii, 441; Gaudapâdâchârya, of, i, 493; Great flood, on the, ii, 345; Manubhâsya, i, 355; Modern, ii, 31; Nature, explains the first law of, i, 124; Nîlakantha’s, ii, 600; Pentateuch, on the, ii, 483; Period mentioned in, i, 473; Polar continent, on the, ii, 420; Present, referred to, i, 245; Primordial matter, on, i, 110; Quoted, i, 112, 115, 124, 126, 129, 145, 168, 205, 214, 226, 269, 270, 273, 280, 578, 590, ii, 26, 32, 33, 62, 85, 96, 107, 108, 115, 120, 124, 128, 170, 173, 188, 191, 202, 252, 266, 300, 445, 446, 595, 624, 628, 674; Referred to, i, 271, ii, 51, 63, 90; Secret teachings, necessary to, i, 520; Shankara, of, ii, 675; Stanza III, on, i, 106; Stanza IV, on, i, 578; Third race, on the, ii, 175, 343; Three fires, on the, ii, 258; Tree of life and the tree of knowledge, on, ii, 227; Vishnu Purâna, on, i, 496.

Commentator, Bhâgavata Purâna, of the, ii, 399; Fire, ii, 598; Kwoh P’oh, ii, 57; Vishnu Purâna, on the, i, 276.

Commentators, Rabbinical, on Enoch, ii, 632; Sanskrit, ii, 334.

Comments, Genesis, on man’s, ii, 456; Stanzas, on the, i, 299.

Commercial crises and sun-spots, i, 591.

Communication, Colours, through, i, 560; Early mode of, ii, 209; Impossible, between islands, ii, 234; Outer world, with the, i, 582; Sounds, through, i, 560; Worlds, between two, ii, 294.

Communion, Adepts, of, i, 628; Initiates, of, i, 631.

Companion, Globes, ii, 334; Sun of Wisdom, of the, ii, 31.

Companions, Arcana, and the, ii, 663; Chelâs called, ii, 530; Tetragrammaton, of, ii, 661, 662.

Company of angels, ii, 297, 646.

Comparative, Anatomy, ii, 91; Mythology, i, 14; Philology, i, 8; Religion, i, 337.

Comparison, Eastern doctrine and Western biology, between, ii, 776; Pagan and Christian demons, of, ii, 500.

Compass, Deities presiding over points of the, i, 153; Loka-pâlas points of the, ii, 609.

Compensation, Karmic, i, 196; Law of, i, 700.

Complexion of the first seven human shoots, ii, 23, 237.

Complexions, Human beings with swarthy, ii, 2; Men, with varied, ii, 260; Shiva, of, i, 344.

Composition, Chemical, analogy of, i, 654; Living matter, of, i, 732.

Compound, Celestial Hierarchies, from, i, 297; Elements, i, 619, 638, ii, 271, 277; Ether, i, 583; Gadolinium a, i, 685; Molecules, i, 686; Souls, i, 620; Unit of Logoi, i, 266.

Compounds, Combine, ceased to, i, 518; Dissociation point for, i, 639; Elements and, i, 603; Mixtures nor, neither, i, 596.

Comprehension, Divine, ii, 605; Elements having, i, 507; Spiritualized mortals, of, ii, 374.

Comptes Rendus, quoted and referred to, i, 188, 545.

Comte, Pessimism of, i, 575.

Comte de Gabalis, referred to, i, 664.

Comte de Maistre, referred to, i, 525.

Conatus to motion, i, 143.

Concarneau, Moving stones near, ii, 360.

Concatenation, Causes and effects, of, i, 194, 650, ii, 701; Man a, ii, 329.

Concealed, Ain Suph the, ii, 117; Concealed of the, i, 360, ii, 556; Deity, i, 393, 433, 472; Divine intellect of the, ii, 29; Egyptians, God of the, i, 393; Germ, i, 407; Good eternal only in the eternally, i, 445; Hû, i, 678; Land, ii, 820; Lord, i, 83; Man, ii, 107; Mind of the, ii, 29; Mystery, book of, ii, 661; Point, i, 487; Sun, the, i, 309; Unity, i, 278, ii, 583; Wisdom, i, 135.

Concentration, Seven forms of, ii, 674.

Concentric circles of the Tao-ists, ii, 584.

Conception, Absolute, of the, ii, 168; Anthropomorphic, ii, 41; Arhat, of an, i, 269; Artemis-Lochia and, i, 425; Beginning, easy in the, ii, 429; Being with a mind of man, of a, ii, 573; Circle and diameter, of the, ii, 566; Cross and circle a universal, ii, 585; Day of the immaculate, i, 422; Deity of, ii, 575, 615; Element, of an, i, 598; Energy, of, i, 687; Eternal universe, of an, ii, 573; Finite, ii, 62; Fœtus, of the, ii, 184; Ideal, an, ii, 479, 573; Immaculate, i, 27, 88, 90, 422; Incandescent sun, of an, i, 173; Lunar influence causing, ii, 42; Matter of, i, 688; Metaphysical, i, 185, 299; Moon affects human, i, 202, 284; Mystical, i, 674; Nirvâna, of, i, 286; Original, in all religions, i, 457; Philosophical, i, 672, ii, 472; Philosophies, in all, i, 364; Pythagorean triangle the grandest, i, 677; Spencer, of, i, 738; Spiritual, ii, 492; Subjective, i, 702; System, of the, i, 294; Terrestrial, ii, 492; Third race Titan, of the, ii, 8; Unit, of an indivisible, i, 676; Unity, of the, ii, 46; Universal, i, 294; Unknowable, of the, i, 738; Western, reversal of, ii, 707.

Conceptionalists opposed to realism, etc., i, 32.

Conceptions, Allegories and, i, 552; Anthropomorphic, ii, 586; Âryans, of, ii, 104; Deity, of, ii, 167, 586; Esoteric philosophy, ii, 687; Fallen angels, about the, ii, 239; German materialists, of, ii, 106; Glyphs and, i, 437; Moon, and the, i, 249; Mystical, ii, 104; Occult philosophy, of, i, 295; Present mankind, of, ii, 462; Pure, become impure, i, 631; Purely spiritual, ii, 85; Scientific, ii, 701; Spiritual, i, 231, 687; Universe, of the, i, 683.

Concepts of Modern Physics, i, 523, 524, 526, 535, 558, 594.

Concordance, Cruden’s, quoted, i, 152.

Concrete, Abstract to, from, i, 407; Actuality, i, 702; Divine ideation passing to the, i, 407; Form, i, 363, 378, 407; Mind, experiences of the, i, 271; Organism, i, 200; Symbols, i, 700; Universe, the, i, 406; Voice, the, i, 125.

Concretion follows the line of abstraction, i, 200.

Concretions, Causes of physical, i, 76.

Concupiscence, The spirit of, i, 217.

Concupiscent matter, blind, i, 268.

Condensation, Atoms, of, i, 648; Matter, of, i, 645; Nebulæ, of, i, 652, ii, 264; Nuclei of, i, 654; Oceans, of, ii, 169.

Condillac on plurality of worlds, ii, 746.

Conditioned, Boundless and, the, i, 86; Deity, a, ii, 114; Existence not, i, 666; Life, i, 623; Nature, ii, 774; Space, i, 662, ii, 252.

Conductors of men, Lares or, ii, 377.

Confession, Buddhas of, ii, 441.

Configuration, Upsala, of ancient, ii, 420; Venus, of, ii, 35.

Conflagration, Early terrestrial, ii, 510; Ecpyrosis or, ii, 829; General volcanic, ii, 321; Inhabitants of Svar-Loka disturbed by, i, 398; World, i, 713.

Conflagrations and Deluges, ii, 829.

Conflict, Powers of nature in, ii, 483; Religion and science, between, i, 130, 731.

Conflicts with the Sons of Will and Yoga, ii, 237.

Confucianists, Complaints of, i, 9; Virtue for its own sake, love, i, 474.

Confucius, China had, ii, 584; Cosmogony unknown to, i, 474; Dragon of, ii, 381; Future life, on a, i, 474; Great extreme of, i, 381, 475; Higher planes of evolution, belonged to, i, 185; Life and Teachings of, i, 20; Pythagoras a contemporary with, i, 475; Religion of, i, 9; Teachings of, i, 476; Transmitter, a, i, 20.

Congreve, quoted, ii, 318.

Coniferæ, ii, 753.

Conjunction, Constellations, of the same, i, 708; Epoch of 1491, at the, i, 724; Moon, earth and sun, of, ii, 79; Planets, of, i, 713, 717, 725, 726; Sun and moon, of the, ii, 79, 454.

Conjunctions, Moon regulate conceptions, of, i, 249; Planetary, i, 720.

Connubial life, Laws of Manu on, ii, 429.

Conqueror, Alexander the Greek, ii, 436; Dragon, of the, ii, 402; Indra, a, ii, 395; Kârttikeya, of Târaka, ii, 655; Spirit, of, ii, 66.

Conquerors of the world, ii, 416.

Conquest, Ignorance, of, i, 290; Ireland, of, ii, 361; Sphinx, of the, ii, 569.

Conquests of Sargon, ii, 730.

Conscience, Counterfeit of the Spirit, the, ii, 639; Divine, Buddhi or, i, 3; Soul or, i, 308.

Conscious, Angels a, force, i, 693; Astral body, life of an Adept in his, ii, 559; Being, existence as a, i, 462; Beings, i, 215, 295, 490, 663, 690; Body, God needed a, ii, 244; Cause, i, 563, 605; Creative force, ii, 688; Ego of man, ii, 92; Egos, spiritual, i, 693; Entities inhabiting ether, i, 316; Entity, i, 313, ii, 255, 259; Evolution, spiritual, ii, 255; Forces have a, entity at its head, i, 313; Human or, being, i, 215; I am, the, ii, 118; Immortal spirit, ii, 103; Intelligent beings, i, 663; Intelligent powers, i, 120; Law, cause of natural, i, 605; Life, i, 625, ii, 559, 597, 742; Man, ii, 363, 609; Maruts actual, existences, ii, 650; Mind, i, 486; Monads, i, 681; Nerve-cells, ii, 708; Noumenon, guiding, i, 694; Powers, i, 120, 518, ii, 689; Primordial man, i, 269; Principle, the, ii, 116, 691; Soul, ii, 547; Spirits, ii, 176; Spiritual quality, i, 309; Spirituality on earth, ii, 66; Thinking unit, ii, 95.

Conscious God cannot be the origin of the universe, ii, 633.

Consciousness, Absolute, i, 32, 43, 70, 72, 82, 86, 87, 298, 696; Adepts, of, i, 190; Animal, ii, 127; Animals, of, ii, 742; Annihilation, of, i, 680; Atom endowed with, ii, 709; Atoms the source of, i, 105; Binah or female, ii, 556; Bodies not necessary to, i, 666; Buddhi is latent, ii, 287; Centres of, i, 273; Chaitanya or, i, 35; Clairvoyant wisdom superior to, i, 31; Cosmic, i, 221, 300; Dawn of human, ii, 431; Degrees of, i, 295; Dhyân-Chohanic, i, 626; Differentiating, action of, ii, 65; Divine, of man, ii, 103, 687; Dream foundation of our collective, ii, 307; Dreamless sleep, of, i, 78; Expression of, i, 125; Facts of, ii, 711; Female, ii, 556; Germ of awakening, i, 491; Globes belonging to other states of, i, 189, ii, 741; Great Breath and, i, 43; Hæckel’s soul and, ii, 711; Human, i, 43, 81, 229, 298, ii, 431; Inconceivable apart from change, i, 42; Individual, i, 43, 82, 83, 201, ii, 707; Individual Ego, of the, i, 351; Individualized, i, 44, ii, 251; Instinct or direct, i, 254; Jîva, of, ii, 252; Light of perfect, i, 688; Limitations, implies, i, 86; Limitations to our, i, 76; Man, of, i, 303, 593, ii, 103, 406, 552, 687; Materialism, perverted by, ii, 701; Matter, and, through, i, 348, 350, 561; Mind and, i, 31; Monad, of the, i, 195, 198, 267, ii, 60; Monadic, i, 202; Moral, ii, 689; Mysterious nature of, ii, 686; Nature of the highest being, of the, i, 233; Nature, in, i, 626; Nerve-cells, of, ii, 708; No atom without, ii, 742; Non-existence or absolute, i, 70; Objective, i, 118; One Self, of the, ii, 606; Opening of, ii, 406; Parabrahman not even, i, 155, 461; Perception of, i, 462; Personality, of the false, ii, 320; Plane of, our, i, 71, 309, 592, 647, 661, ii, 631, 710; Planes of, i, 147, 190, 220, 637, ii, 287, 294, 669; Possession of the animal element, of, ii, 430; Possible emergence of, i, 44; Prajñâ or, ii, 32, 673; Pre-cosmic ideation and, i, 43; Primary element, the, i, 400; Primeval, i, 623; Profane, of the, i, 677; Profound sleep, during, ii, 741; Races endowed with, first, i, 290; Realities and, i, 71; Sanjñâ or spiritual, ii, 106; Science, of, i, 315; Self-analyzing, i, 84; Self, i, 44, 81; Sensation, and, i, 592; Soul, ii, 552; Source of, i, 125; Spirit and, i, 43, 44, 349, ii, 45; Spiritual, i, 301, ii, 106; State of, i, 202, 286; States of, i, 31, 68, 69, 123, 189, 221, 253, 697, ii, 32, 631, 633, 673, 678, 741; Subjective, i, 159; Theological, i, 731; Thought form in man’s, i, 303; Unconditioned, i, 42; Undeveloped, i, 231; Universal, i, 82, 83, 190, ii, 515, 631; Universe, of the, i, 236, 295; Worlds on other planes of, i, 637.

Consecrated, Inland sea, ii, 528; Place, a, i, 632.

Consecration of the mundane egg, i, 385.

Consequences of acts, i, 308, 448, 492.

Conservation of energy, i, 128, 559, 563.

Conservation of Solar Energy, On the, i, 128.

Consolation, Prometheus, of, ii, 440; Sorrows, for, ii, 508.

Consolidation, Earth’s crust, of the, ii, 9; Frame, of the human, ii, 320; Globe, of the, ii, 146; Man, of, ii, 261; Physical, ii, 312, 697.

Consonants, Language mixed with hard, ii, 209.

Consort, Aster’t, of Ad-on, ii, 47; Brahmâ, of, i, 364.

Consorts of the Rishis, Pleiades, ii, 581.

Constant, Abbé Louis (see Éliphas Lévi), ii, 565.

Constantine, Emperor, i, 27, 508.

Constantinople, Burning the rolls at, ii, 807; Council of, ii, 292.

Constellation, Born, under which one is, i, 699; Capricornus, i, 254, ii, 609; Cygnus, i, 652; Dog, ii, 391; Draco, ii, 35; Dragon, ii, 368, 369, 371; Great Bear, i, 233, 248, ii, 579, 668; Hydra, ii, 451; Lion, ii, 451; Makara, ii, 610, 612; Messiah, of the, i, 717; Pisces, i, 717; Pleiades, i, 726, 727, ii, 581; Saptarshis a, ii, 93; Shishumâra a, ii, 648; Taurus, i, 721; Zodiacal, i, 131.

Constellations, Allegories about, ii, 619; Animals symbolize, i, 388; Astrological aspect of, ii, 189; Conjunction of, i, 708; Deluge associated with, ii, 368; Dolphin placed among, ii, 611; Fantastic, i, 720; Figurative relation with, i, 716; Flocks of, ii, 402; Hesiod and Homer, of, ii, 638; Hindû, ii, 451; Hyades, the rain, ii, 830; Influence of, i, 730; Job, referred to in, i, 711; Occult influence of, i, 440; Return of certain, i, 707; Seven great, i, 439; Signs or, twelve, i, 712; Spectra of, i, 655; Spiritual powers of, ii, 79; Stars and, i, 223; Zodiac divided into 27, i, 727; Zodiacal, i, 420, ii, 26, 345.

Constitution, Archaic belief in the sevenfold, of man, i, 256; Astral, man’s, ii, 760; Bodies, ether determines the, of, i, 574; Chain, of our, ii, 800; Changes in human and cosmic, i, 720; Grain of sand, of a, i, 733; Human body, of the, i, 250; Inner being, of the, ii, 499; Man, of, quoted, i, 179; Man, septenary, of, i, 181, 256, 262, ii, 555, 670, 677; Physical living, ii, 107; Physical, of the sun, Mars and moon, i, 649; Races, of the first two, ii, 303; Septenary, i, 191, ii, 800; Specialization is in man’s astral, ii, 760; Venus, of, ii, 36.

Constitutions, Septenary division in cosmic and human, ii, 630.

Construction, Cities, of the first, ii, 389; Universe, of the, i, 607.

Constructive power, Fohat and the, i, 136.

Con-substantial with the electric ocean, Essence, i, 661.

Consubstantiality, Globes not in, i, 189; Natures of rulers and ruled, of, ii, 389; Spirit, of the, i, 673.

Consumers, Bhrigus the, ii, 80.

Consummation, Cycle, of the, ii, 273; Terrestrial physiological union, of, ii, 492.

Container, Absolute, Plenum the, i, 37; Germs of life, of the, ii, 484.

Contemplation, Buddhas of, i, 134; Dhyâni-Buddhas of, i, 625; Doubts lead to certainties in, ii, 462; Problem of the atoms, of the, i, 733; Pythagoras on, ii, 583.

Continent, Africa, of, ii, 210, 444; America and Europe, between, ii, 834; America, of, ii, 192; Arctic, ii, 11, 417; Atlantean, ii, 673; Atlantic, ii, 836; Atlantis, of, i, 714, ii, 7, 54, 338, 387, 412; Atlas personifies a, ii, 806; Cataclysms will destroy our, ii, 464; Chinese story of a lost, ii, 381; Civilization of the lost, ii, 233; Dialogue of the lost, ii, 803; Dry Island, ii, 418; Dvîpas, divided into seven, ii, 422; Europe, of, ii, 7, 416, 834; Fate of every, ii, 365; Fifth, ii, 7, 38; Fourth, ii, 355, 733; Future, ii, 338; God-inhabited, ii, 232; Horse-shoe like, ii, 340, 420; Hyperborean, ii, 6, 7, 10, 286, 814; Islands of, ii, 342; Lemurian, ii, 7, 181, 207, 230, 286, 288, 338; New, appearance of, i, 615; North pole the first, ii, 419, 829; Polynesian, ii, 234; Poseidonis and the great, ii, 811; Pre-Lemurian, ii, 819; Remnants of a submerged, ii, 835; Remnants of the fifth, ii, 465; Romakapura part of the lost, ii, 54; Seas, buried under, i, 473; Second, i, 396; Sinking of a, i, 339, ii, 321; Southern, ii, 833; Submerged, ii, 329; Submersion of the fourth, ii, 355; Tasmania, extending from India to, ii, 231; Third Race, of the, ii, 388, 807.

Continental, Formations, ii, 835; Masses, ii, 348; Trends, ii, 338.

Continents, Allegory of two, ii, 815; Appearance of, ii, 643; Âryan scriptures, of, ii, 648; Atlantean Race, of, ii, 442; Atlantis, before, ii, 808; Classics of the, ii, 804; Cumulative evidence of, ii, 832; Destruction of, i, 714, ii, 745; Disappearance of, ii, 820; Dvîpas or, ii, 164; Elevation of, ii, 831; Equatorial, ii, 388; Fall of the old, ii, 344; Fifth race, ii, 463; Formation of, ii, 422, 827; Four, ii, 1, 6, 734; Geological order of, ii, 8; Geology and submerged, ii, 330; History of, ii, 784; Huxley on former, ii, 825; Hyperborean, ii, 388; Insular, ii, 334; Legends of, ii, 832; Lemuro-Atlantean, ii, 9; Lost, ii, 347, 428; Master on the lost, a, ii, 347; Mountains of the ancient, ii, 806; North pole and later, ii, 146; North to south, formed from, ii, 821; Oceans, and, ii, 743; Overlapping, ii, 452; Periodical sinking of, ii, 340; Polar, ii, 411; Prehistoric, ii, 1; Priyavrata’s division of, ii, 386; Proofs of submerged, ii, 767, 822; Races and, ii, 5, 645; Rise of, ii, 339; Seven, ii, 335, 341, 386, 422, 652, 791; Shifting of, i, 293, ii, 739; Sinking of, ii, 152; Sixth and Seventh, ii, 423; Sixth root-race, new, for the, ii, 800; Submerged, ii, 320, 330, 351, 411, 767, 784, 822, 827; Subsidence of, ii, 339; Suspected lost, ii, 766; Terrestrial, i, 452; Third and fourth, ii, 276; Three, ii, 641; Tradition of sunken, ii, 278; Upheaval of, ii, 376.

Contingent re-coalescence of Brahmâ, ii, 323.

Contra Celsum, quoted, i, 480, ii, 567.

Contra Gentes, quoted, ii, 151.

Contra Hær., quoted, i, 483.

Contraries, Attraction of, i, 436; Harmony, produce, i, 448; Shells or demons called, ii, 117; Tutti quanti of, i, 444.

Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, i, 362.

Convulsion, Date of the last, ii, 326; Geological, ii, 340.

Convulsions, Geological, i, 701, ii, 50; Globe, of the, ii, 770, 820; Nature, of, ii, 326; Subterranean, ii, 328; Unconscious, i, 588.

Cook, Capt., and Easter Island, ii, 331, 352.

Cooke, Prof. J. P., on Light, i, 634.

Cool Breath is the Mother, i, 40.

Cooling, Earth, of the, i, 545; Globe, of the, ii, 733; Sun, of the, i, 576.

Cope, Prof., of Philadelphia, ii, 215.

Copernicus, Intuition of, i, 143; Mean motions of, i, 729; Theories of, ii, 31.

Copper, i, 603.

Coptic, Adepts, ii, 451; I. O. H., ii, 486; Khamism or old, i, 141; Manuscript, i, 157, ii, 597; Phœnician, and, i, 140; Ro., P., ii, 577.

Copts, Retzius on the, ii, 837.

Cor Leonis, ii, 426.

Coral-producing family, ii, 142.

Corals and Millepores, ii, 268.

Cordilleras the result of depositions, ii, 831.

Cords, Quarters bound by, ii, 621.

Core, Sanctuary of, ii, 380.

Corinthian horses, ii, 576.

Corinthians and the Delphic Temple, ii, 613.

Corinthians, Epistles to, quoted, i, 410, 503, 628, ii, 86, 118, 356, 540, 613.

Corn, Adepts, buried with, ii, 390; Isis and, ii, 391; Life, of, i, 737; Production of, ii, 380; Zuñi priests, presented to, ii, 665.

Corn-bin, Porphyry sarcophagus compared to a, i, 337.

Cornelius à Lapide, quoted, i, 431.

Cornutus, quoted, i, 425, ii, 571, 572.

Cornwall, Traditions of giants in, ii, 797.

Coronado, referred to, ii, 39.

Corpora Striata, ii, 315.

Corpora Quadrigemina, ii, 315.

Corporeal, Atoms, principles of the Gods, i, 693; Brahmâ, nature of, ii, 186; Coats of skin not necessary to a, being, i, 665; Incorporeal, cannot express the, i, 306; Nature, elements in, i, 502; Pitaras, classes of, ii, 97; Pitris, ii, 93, 96, 411; Things, ii, 514; Vâsudeva, i, 306; World, ii, 643.

Corporealism of positive philosophy, i, 216.

Corporealities, Incorporeal, i, 618.

Corporeality, Gods in visible, ii, 541; Science and, i, 665.

Corpse, Land turned into a, ii, 211; Mummy, swathed like a, i, 441; Serpent, encircled by a, i, 441.

Corpses, Lapland, called Manee, ii, 818; Ptomaine generated by decaying, i, 282.

Corpuscle and the future man, ii, 198.

Corpuscular, Newton, hypothesis of, i, 347; Theory, i, 525, 532, 536, 552, 575, 633.

Correlated successiveness, Law of, i, 699.

Correlation, Cosmic, i, 400; Force of, i, 364, 554; Forces, of, i, 127, 207, 400, 503, 694, 737, ii, 479; Growth, of, ii, 779; Monads and atoms with “Gods,” of, i, 681; Personality, of individuality and, ii, 501; Spirit, force and matter, of, i, 364; Vibrations, of, i, 560; World-elements, of, i, 400.

Correlation of Physical Forces, quoted, i, 128, 504, 525, 539, 554.

Correlations, Atoms, of, i, 672; Forces, of, i, 568, 634; Spiritual, ii, 153.

Correlative forces and fires, ii, 112.

Correspondence, Human and divine consciousness, between, i, 679; Worlds, of upper and lower, i, 678; Zodiac and the twelve tribes, between, i, 714.

Correspondence, Leibnitz’, quoted, i, 692.

Correspondences, Doctrine of, i, 210; Eternal law of, i, 640; Physical, ii, 315, 627; Spiritual, ii, 627; Types and ante-types, i, 640.

Corridors, Labyrinth, of the, ii, 70; Tombs with, ii, 795.

Corruptible, Perfection grows out of the, ii, 100.

Corruption of physical purity a curse, ii, 297.

Corruptions of language, Phonetic, of, ii, 210.

Cortes, Report sent to the, ii, 191.

Coruscation of a comet, i, 664.

Coruscations of monads, Dazzling, i, 694.

Cory, author of Ancient Fragments, i, 99, 363, 500, ii, 57, 200.

Corybantes, Vulcan’s progeny and the, ii, 112.

Cosmas Indicopleustes, quoted, i, 568, ii, 277, 417, 418.

Cosmic, Active intelligence, ii, 631; Activity, i, 155, ii, 325; Âkâsha, ideation, i, 347; Akâsha, principle, i, 41; Alchemist, matter of the, i, 594; Allegories, i, 223, 465, ii, 129, 183; Angels, i, 152; Ansated cross, meaning of, ii, 578; Aspects or principles, ii, 631; Astronomical character of Genesis, ii, 152; Asuras, demons, i, 223; Atomic differentiation and, i, 176; Atoms, i, 288, 696, 735; Body, gross, i, 572; Changes, i, 334; Children, ii, 199; Circle replaced by Theos, ii, 575; Comets forms of, existence, i, 656; Conditions, ii, 159; Consciousness, i, 221, 300, 350; Constitution, i, 720; Constitutions, septenary, ii, 630; Correlation of world elements, i, 400; Creation, i, 390, 409, 463; Cycles, i, 703, ii, 53; Deep, ii, 281; Deities, i, 97, 413; Deity in, nature, i, 679; Deity, shadow of, i, 393; Demons, dragons, etc., i, 223, ii, 399; Depths, i, 100; Desire evolves into absolute light, i, 222; Devas, i, 151; Dhyân Chohans, i, 661; Dhyâni-Buddhas or, gods, i, 79; Differentiation, i, 200; Diluvian tragedy, ii, 379; Division, ii, 652; Divisions of time, ii, 77; Duad, i, 378, 681; Dust, i, 103, 132, 164, 667; Electricity, i, 105, 113, 169, 605; Element, i, 127, 160, 508, ii, 375; Elements, i, 40, 110, 650, 661; Energy, i, 136, 350, 696, ii, 631; Essence, i, 201; Events, i, 283, 396, ii, 147; Evolution, i, 25, 48, 53, 55, 91, 110, 135, 362, 461, ii, 72, 324, 542, 672; Existence, i, 656; Fact, i, 223, ii, 67; Fire, i, 471; Flood, ii, 148, 154, 324, 369; Focus, i, 40; Forces, i, 136, 255, 450, 541, 581, ii, 139, 218, 440, 479, 648, 797, 808; Forms, i, 477; Generation, standpoint as to, i, 250; Geometry applied to, theogony, i, 674; Glyphs, ii, 371; Gods, i, 79, 165, 311, 498, 500, 501, 502, 503, ii, 378, 526; Gradation is septenary, i, 499; Great body, i, 687; Heat, i, 110; Heaven, ii, 526; Idealism, ii, 633; Ideation, i, 43, 44, 135, 136, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 360, 362, ii, 27, 592; Illusion, i, 203; Intelligence, ii, 631; Kabiri were, ii, 380; Law’s, i, 295, 297; Life, i, 489, ii, 659; Light, i, 651, ii, 44; Logos, ii, 685; Magnetism, i, 169, 540; Mahat, principle, ii, 649; Manifestation, i, 472; Maruts, character of, ii, 651; Matrix, i, 126; Matter, i, 47, 67, 98, 103, 112, 124, 127, 141, 225, 364, 462, 550, 594, 647, 676, 736, ii, 169; Mists, i, 133; Monad (Buddhi), i, 200; Monads, i, 679, ii, 325; Moon’s, aspect, ii, 69; Motion, i, 32, 120; Mysteries, ii, 87; Nature, i, 313, ii, 629, 650; North, action comes from, ii, 418; Noumenon of matter, i, 44; Orbs, i, 139; Organization, i, 33; Parabrahman, aspect of, ii, 61; Passions, ii, 403; Patriarchs, symbols, ii, 409; Periods, i, 175; Phenomena, ii, 681; Philosophy, Fiske’s, ii, 823; Physics, i, 174; Plane, i, 135, 163, 169, 200, 421, ii, 113, 258; Powers, i, 380, 451, 478, ii, 286, 500; Pralaya, i, 46, 478, ii, 72; Principles, i, 41, 128, 147, 233, 353, 494, ii, 649, 677; Protoplasm, i, 225; Protyle, i, 90; Re-births, ii, 84; Regents over, cycles, i, 703; Rest, ii, 324; Resurrection, ii, 481; Riddles for scientists, i, 112; Rig Veda, aspect of the, ii, 201; Scale, i, 685; Screen of illusion, i, 296; Self, i, 356; Septenary law, ii, 659; Serpent, ii, 395; Solar body, i, 311; Soul, i, 394, 578, ii, 119; Space, i, 35, 83, 128, 645, ii, 647; Spirits, i, 690, 692; Spirit-substance, polarity of, ii, 555; Substance, i, 43, 44, 104, 171, 348, 349, 350, 360, 362, 605, 622, 642, 654, ii, 27, 407; Symbolism, ii, 157; Symbols, i, 499, ii, 409, 591; Terrestrial man, ii, 113; Theogony, i, 674, ii, 151; Trinity, ii, 113; Ultimates, ii, 27, 28; Universes, i, 74; Veil, i, 462, 576; Vitality, i, 128, 226; War in heaven, a, event, ii, 396; Will, i, 693; World, i, 134, 148, 499.

Cosmical, Allegories, ii, 399; Duration of, periods, ii, 53; Elements, i, 360, 371; Fact, a, ii, 525; Flood, ii, 368; Forces, i, 147; Generation, ii, 138; Key, ii, 600; Meaning of the Sacred Four, ii, 621; Periods, ii, 53; Rishis, i, 470; Symbol and emblem, significance of, i, 324; System, elements of the, ii, 591; Tabernacle, significance of, i, 150; Wars or struggles, i, 215.

Cosmo-metaphysical explanation, ii, 568.

Cosmo-psychic powers, the, i, 114.

Cosmo-sidereal sense, Primitive human race in a, ii, 132.

Cosmo-theogony to, Anthropogony, from, ii, 103.

Cosmocratores, Fabricators of the Solar system, ii, 26; Greek, ii, 102; Higher ones, or, ii, 26; Rectores tenebrarum or, i, 148; World bearers, i, 353; World-pillars, i, 256.

Cosmogenesis, Anthropogenesis precedes, i, 234; Mûlaprakriti basis of, ii, 27; Occult portion of, i, 153.

Cosmogeological key, ii, 416.

Cosmogonic, Jewish, traditions, ii, 3; Myths, i, 110; Vision of St. Paul, i, 693; Work, portion of the, i, 299.

Cosmogonical, Allegory, ii, 404; Cataclysm, ii, 154; Construction, ii, 566; Evolution, ii, 62; Hypotheses, i, 641; Legends, i, 354; Problem, i, 655; Svastika a, sign, ii, 104; Symbols, ii, 46; System, esoteric, i, 646; Tablets, ii, 57; Târakâ-maya full of, truth, ii, 49; Teaching, occult, i, 718; Theory, i, 650.

Cosmogonie de la Révélation, quoted, i, 543, 550.

Cosmogonies, Ancient, ii, 26, 101, 511, 652; Basis for, i, 290; Cardinal Wiseman on, ii, 744; Chinese, ii, 511; Fifth race, of our, i, 370; Genetic, ii, 660; Hindû exoteric, i, 477; Light comes from darkness in all, ii, 510; Paurânic, ii, 660; Similar opening sentences in all, i, 477; Universal soul, on the, i, 377; Veneration in, i, 458; Volumes of description, i, 672; Water in, i, 93.

Cosmogonies Aryennes, referred to, i, 359.

Cosmogony, Ancient, i, 359, ii, 118; Archaic, i, 169, 252, 475; Arhats, of the, ii, 470; Âryan, ii, 251; Berosus, of, ii, 56; Biblical, ii, 682; Chaldæan, ii, 57, 529; China, of, i, 381, 474; Circle in every, ii, 566; Creators of every, ii, 138; Cross in, ii, 593; Deluge and, ii, 153; Detailed, explained in The Secret Doctrine, i, 25; Diameter symbol in, ii, 566; Divine Thought and, i, 31; Egyptian, i, 235, 369, ii, 828; Emblematical, ii, 376; Esoteric, i, 134, 142, 184, 643, 653, 672, ii, 36; Evolution in every, ii, 118; Explained, i, 220; General, i, 214; Genesis, in, i, 39; Golden egg, and the, i, 459; Grecian, i, 134; Hesiod’s, ii, 471; Hindû, i, 595, 684, ii, 47, 661; Intelligent plan, an, ii, 77; Japan, of, i, 235, 237; Japanese, i, 235; Jewish, ii, 694; Logos of every, ii, 743; Manu, of, ii, 606; Modern speculations in, i, 633; Mystic numbers in, ii, 39; Norse, i, 460; Number nine in, i, 341; Number seven in, ii, 38; Numerical facts relating to, i, 193; Oannes, of, ii, 57; Occult, i, 172, 297, 645; Pherecydes, of, i, 217; Philosophy and, ii, 40; Phœnician, i, 135, 487; Planetary system and, i, 41; Primitive, ii, 259; Primordial, mysteries of, ii, 619; Primordial substance and, i, 352; Purânas, and, i, 371, 374; Records of, ii, 262; Rishis, of the, ii, 470; Sanchuniathon, of, i, 363; Scandinavian, i, 394; Science, of, ii, 701; Secret Doctrine, of the, i, 293, 737; Semitic, ii, 251; Seven builders in every, i, 470; Shinto accounts of, i, 261; Spiritual aspect of, i, 85; Stanzas on, i, 41, ii, 1, 469; Svastika and, ii, 106; Swan myth and, i, 383; Swan-symbol and, i, 382; Symbol in, ii, 584; Taurus sacred in, i, 721; Theories on, ii, 469; Treatment of, ii, 842; Triangle in, i, 674; Tyrrhenian, i, 363; Universal esoteric, i, 653; Universe, of, i, 175; Unknown deity of, i, 349; Vaivasvata in, ii, 155; Vedic, ii, 46; Water in, i, 94.

Cosmographie, quoted, i, 547.

Cosmographies of Hindû Aryans, Egyptians and Chinese, ii, 638.

Cosmography, Ancients’ knowledge of, ii, 563; Numbers and, ii, 595.

Cosmolaters, Occultists are not, ii, 204.

Cosmolatry, Astronomy and, ii, 80; Fetichism, not a, i, 498; Modern science, and, i, 372.

Cosmological, Allegory, ii, 401; Dragons, ii, 403; Law, i, 517; Problems, i, 647; Serpents, ii, 403.

Cosmologies, Ancient, ii, 638.

Cosmology, Modern, i, 645; Occult, i, 104; Occult teachings concerning, i, 549; Root-idea of every, i, 457.

Cosmos, Analogy between, and man, i, 196; Awakening of, i, 302; Cosmic heat, and, i, 110; Creation of, ii, 694; Dual motion affects, i, 302; Equilibrium preserved in, i, 448; Fire of, i, 115; Fohat, in, i, 162; Foot-rules within the resources of, i, 272; Formations of, i, 128; Humboldt’s, ii, 712; Imagination of the, i, 327; Logoi in the, ii, 673; Lotus, symbol of the, i, 88; Mother of, i, 124; Mysteries beyond the visible, i, 142; Numbers in, i, 117, ii, 590; Our little, i, 591; Padma, symbol of, i, 88; Phenomenal, i, 118; Physical, i, 96; Principles of, i, 162; Protomateria, from, i, 303; Resources of, i, 272, 665; Rope that hedges off, i, 118; Ruling of, i, 154; Septenary division of, ii, 651; Solar, i, 182, 650; Solar system, or, i, 396; Stars in our, i, 156; Svastika and, ii, 104; Time, and, ii, 27; Universal science and, i, 117; Visible, i, 41, 142, 153, 154.

Coste, quoted, ii, 150.

Cottus, a giant, ii, 819.

Couch, Torture, of, ii, 620; Vishnu, of, i, 102.

Couches used at initiation, Cruciform, ii, 590.

Coulomb’s law, i, 546.

Counsellors, Vigilant, i, 474.

Count de Maistre cuts the Gordian knot, i, 547.

Count Hugo Cestrensis and the Mona stone, ii, 361.

Count St. Germain, ii, 212.

Counterfeit of the Spirit, ii, 639.

Counterpart, Ferouer, the spiritual, ii, 504; Hebel, of Cain, ii, 135; Man’s ethereal, i, 206; Spirit, of, ii, 639.

Counterparts, Objective, of the noumenal essences, i, 295; Phonetic, of Iao, ii, 570.

Countries of the World, The, by Robert Brown, ii, 331, 352.

Cours Philosophique et Interprétatif des Initiations, ii, 607.

Covenant, Ankh, or, ii, 577; Ark of the, ii, 43, 481, 482, 485, 487, 496, 545; Bible, of, ii, 42; Jews, ii, 495; New Testament, or, ii, 40.

Cover, Dr., on the Haliætus Washingtonii, ii, 459.

Covering soul, Shade or, ii, 669.

Cow, Audumla, or, i, 394, 460; Bull and, i, 419; Earth assumes shape of a, i, 428; Fifth Race symbolized by, ii, 562; Golden, ii, 484, 491; Holy of Holies symbolized by, ii, 492; Isis represented by, ii, 616; Melodius, i, 468; Moon, and, i, 419; Surabhi, of plenty, i, 97; Symbol, as, ii, 436, 492, 562; Woman and, i, 419; Woman with head of, i, 419.

Cow-horned, Io, ii, 436; Maid, ii, 436.

Cow-symbol, Hindû, ii, 493.

Cowell, Prof., quoted, i, 36, 291.

Cowper, quoted, i, 189.

Cow’s horns, Isis, of, i, 468; Symbol, a, ii, 35.

Cox on the solar mythos, i, 322.

Cracacha or Krauncha, ii, 423.

Cradle, First man, of the, ii, 6, 214, 842; Human race, of, ii, 718, 833; Humanity, of, ii, 213; Physical man, the north the, of, ii, 818; Physical man, the, of, ii, 442; Third Root-Race, of the, ii, 348.

Cradles, Humanity, of, ii, 230, 338; Mankind, of, ii, 181, 781.

Crânes des Races Humaines, ii, 787.

Cranial capacity, Mankind, of, ii, 462; Neanderthal skull, ii, 726.

Craniologist, J. B. Davies the, ii, 550.

Cranium, Gorilla, of a, ii, 203; Seven forms of, i, 365, 401.

Craters, Extinct, ii, 352.

Cratylus of Plato, quoted, i, 32, ii, 575.

Crauncha-dwîp, King of, ii, 423.

Crawford, Dr. J. M., quoted, ii, 14, 29, 179.

Create, Angels commanded to, ii, 253; Beget not, man will, ii, 296; Brahmâ’s desire to, i, 135; Desire to, ii, 61; Divine desire of Gods to, ii, 244; Kumâras refused to, ii, 617; Man’s capacity to, ii, 295; Nature fails to, ii, 326; Place, necessary in order to, i, 675; Power to, ii, 61; Progeny, i, 494, ii, 617; Refusal to, i, 494, 496, ii, 209, 249, 256, 514, 617; Woman, Jehovah first to, ii, 405.

Created, Aiôn through whom all is, i, 373; Ancestors, were, ii, 183; Atom ever, no, i, 636; Begotten, not, ii, 433; Beings, i, 492; Bodies, ii, 45; Born, not, ii, 281; Deity, ii, 114; God, ii, 318; Light, from, i, 463; Lights, ii, 305; Monads, i, 692; Nothing has ever been, i, 303, 622; Third race no longer, ii, 279.

Creates, Aiôn who, i, 373; Atom, every, i, 281; Causes, man, ii, 319; Demiurge, not, i, 477; Karma, nothing, ii, 319; Nature always, with a purpose, ii, 312.

Creating powers produce man, ii, 103.

Creation, Accidental, ii, 272; Activity, the period of, i, 302; Adam, of, ii, 411; Adams, of, i, 344, ii, 3; Agitation of the principles at the season of, i, 487; Allegorical description of, ii, 2; Allegory, of, i, 266, ii, 263; Alpha of, ii, 105; Animal, i, 209, ii, 59, 264, 429; Âryan primary, ii, 512; Aspect of, i, 595; Babylonian accounts of, ii, 2, 64, 401; Balzac’s view of, i, 96; Becoming or, i, 302; Beginning of, i, 484, 714, ii, 143; Beings, of living, i, 568; Believers in, ii, 182; Berosus on, ii, 68; Bhûta the second, i, 488; Bible and the, i, 48, 345, ii, 564; Book of, i, 482; Brahmâ and, i, 85, ii, 94, 172, 574; Brâhmans speculated on, i, 224; Cause of, i, 307, 453; Chaldæan account of, ii, 55, 56, 109; Cosmic flood before, ii, 154; Cosmos, of, i, 463, ii, 694; Creator and, i, 697; Cutha tablet and, ii, 58; Cycle of, i, 400; Date of, ii, 730, 841; Deity and, i, 377, ii, 168; Desire principle of, i, 135; Deva-sarga or divine, ii, 186; Development of, ii, 281; Divine, ii, 136, 186; Divine beings, of, ii, 61; Divine desire and, ii, 69; Divine thought and, ii, 566; Drama of, i, 91, ii, 502; Dual, of man, ii, 85; Earth, of our, ii, 26; Eighth, i, 492; Element of primary, i, 239; Elohim of the hour of, ii, 407; Elohistic, ii, 79; Entities, of all, i, 585; Ephemeral, ii, 323; Erôs connected with, ii, 186; Esoteric philosophy, in, i, 374; Evolution and, i, 237, ii, 45; Evolution of animal, ii, 264; Evolution or, quoted, ii, 722; Ex nihilo, i, 253, ii, 646; Existence and, ii, 479; Factors of, three, i, 466; Fifth, i, 491, ii, 612; First, i, 486, 685, ii, 83; First light in, i, 105; First races, of the, ii, 90, 184; Fourth, i, 490, ii, 301; Frankenstein, of, ii, 446; Fravarshi and, ii, 504; Functions of, ii, 618; Garuda Purâna, in, ii, 596; Generative power of, ii, 584; Genesis, in, i, 266, 382, ii, 263, 512; Globe, of our, i, 362, ii, 247; Gods, of Hindû, i, 49; Hæckel’s, ii, 707; Hammer of, ii, 104; Highest cause, and the, i, 473; Hindû, ii, 47; History of, i, 290; Human, i, 214, ii, 225; Ilmatar and, ii, 29; Immortals, of, i, 490; Indriya, i, 489; Inert cause of, i, 453; Intellectual, i, 492; Interval from, to, ii, 321; Jayas assist Brahmâ in, ii, 94; Jewish ideas of, ii, 3; Kabalistic account of, i, 360, 401; Kâma propels to, ii, 185; Kashyapa and, ii, 399; Kaumâra, i, 494, ii, 112; Kosmos, of, ii, 91; Kriyâshakti and, ii, 238, 296; Lakshmî at, i, 407; Law of, ii, 566, 573, 772; Logos and, i, 463, 624; Lords of, ii, 134, 172; Mahattattva, i, 486; Man, of, i, 451, ii, 84, 91, 164, 180, 540; Man no special, ii, 768; Manvantara, or, ii, 630; Masons on the era of, ii, 735; Meanings of, ii, 323; Mental life, endowed with, i, 688; Middle world, of the, ii, 636; Monadic principle in, ii, 706; Monads of, i, 631; Monstrous, ii, 122; Moon, of the, ii, 154; Moot and, i, 486; Mosaic, i, 262; Motion, by accelerated, ii, 582; Mukhya, or, i, 490; Mysteries of, ii, 618, 619; Mystery of, i, 132, 685, ii, 83, 225, 543; Mystic powers, by, i, 625; Nativity, and, ii, 660; New, ii, 530; Ninth, i, 492; Number of, ii, 42; Numbers of, ii, 43; Objective, ii, 180; Occult philosophy and, i, 481; Of the World, quoted, i, 438; Omega of, ii, 105; Order of, i, 274; Origin or, i, 278; Patristic fancy, of the, ii, 395; Paul on, ii, 540; Perpetual, ii, 323; Phenomenal universe, of the, ii, 407; Philosophy of, ii, 63; Physical, of man, ii, 84; Physical senses pertain to a lower, ii, 112; Physicist term, a, i, 675; Point, of a, i, 672; Positive pole of, ii, 62; Potentiality for, no, ii, 84; Prajâpati Vâch in, i, 161; Prerogative of, ii, 440; Primary, i, 104, 239, 490, ii, 772; Primeval, ii, 282; Primitive man, of, ii, 107; Primordial, i, 369, ii, 58, 148; Process of, ii, 127; Prologue to, ii, 512; Psycho-chemical principle of, i, 364; Races, of the wretched, ii, 101; Roman Church and, i, 503; Second Logos of, i, 624; Secondary, i, 104, 237, 484, 488, 592, ii, 62, 120, 326; Secrets, of, ii, 574; Sense of, i, 522; Sepher Yetzirah or number of, ii, 42; Sevenfold, i, 358; Seventh, the, i, 238, 403, 492, ii, 243, 543; Shinto idea of, i, 261; Shoo, Egyptian God of, i, 104; Six days of, ii, 263, 512, 744; Sixth, i, 491; Sons of God, of men by, ii, 30; Souls of, i, 631; Special, ii, 167, 275, 681, 716, 724; Species, of, ii, 58, 773; Stage of, the, i, 216, 234; Svastika summary of, ii, 103; Tairyagyonya, i, 491; Theological date for, ii, 841; Theological legend of, ii, 728; Theology and its 6,000 years of, i, 343; Third, i, 489; Tiryaksrotas, i, 491; Universe, of the, i, 370; Ûrdhvasrota, i, 491; Vegetable, ii, 141; Vishnu and, i, 307; Vowels uttered at, ii, 612; War at, i, 451; War with evil preceded, ii, 109; Water, of, i, 355; Week of, ii, 660; Will, result of, ii, 148, 183, 809; World, of the, i, 142, 301, 305, 393, 715, 719, ii, 133; Zoroastrian, ii, 512.

Creations, Angels, of, ii, 44; Animals, of, ii, 57; Âryan scriptures, in, ii, 648; Continents, of new, ii, 799; Divine thought no concern in, ii, 168; Elohite, ii, 5; Esoteric teaching on, i, 481; Evolution, mean stages of, i, 489; Formation of the globe, before the last, ii, 56; Herbert Spencer on, ii, 771; Heterogeneous, ii, 43; India, described in, i, 485, 486; Jehovite, ii, 5; Kalpa, of each, ii, 56; Nature, by, i, 624; Pâdma, i, 460; Paurânic, i, 487; Periodical, i, 701; Prâkritic, i, 460; Processes for two, i, 268; Purânas, in the, i, 481, ii, 56; Self-existent are called, ii, 252; Seven, i, 237, 480, 481, 483, 490, ii, 646, 647; Space and Time, in, ii, 579; Three elemental, i, 489; Two, i, 268, ii, 5; Vishnu Purâna, of the, i, 483; Wilson, Prof., on, i, 487; Wisdom before all, ii, 514.

Creative, Agent, i, 453; Air, element, i, 482; Angels, ii, 4, 100, 247; Breath, ii, 526; Cause, i, 39, 420, ii, 226; Centres, ii, 772; Chaos, powers in, ii, 281; Cosmic forces, ii, 479; Deity, i, 46, 354, 373, ii, 46, 113, 132, 137, 477, 573, 583; Design, ii, 573, 590; Dhyân Chohans, i, 135, ii, 377; Effort, i, 302; Element, i, 482; Elohim, ii, 1, 81, 133, 630; Energy, i, 603; Faculty, ii, 227; Fire, i, 22, ii, 82, 99, 106, 282, 432, 554; Force, i, 331, 400, 601, ii, 61, 105, 536; Forces, i, 132, 456, 522, 696, ii, 37, 479, 516, 606, 688; Function, i, 231; God, Akkadian, ii, 382; God, Ammon the, i, 391; God, amusement of the, ii, 56; God, biblical, ii, 630; God, Bhrântidarshanatah, the, i, 47; God, Jehovah a, ii, 489; God, son of the father, or, i, 408; Gods, i, 389, 457, ii, 99, 208, 494, 618, 641; Hosts, i, 100, 135, ii, 247, 511, 640; Instinct, ii, 288; Jehovah a, God, ii, 489; Law, ii, 248, 590, 629; Light, ii, 243, 249; Logoi, i, 407; Logos, the, i, 134, 135, 237, 373, ii, 243; Magnetism, i, 436; Man, i, 389; Nature, i, 34, 121, ii, 436; Origin of all things, i, 421; Passion, ii, 81; Plan, i, 131; Plane, ii, 39; Planetary angels, ii, 134; Potencies, ii, 594; Potency, ii, 162, 607; Potentiality, ii, 612; Power, i, 87, 486, 533, ii, 82, 133, 191, 203, 258, 429, 480, 566, 573, 590, 773; Powers, i, 33, 63, 233, 456, 458, 472, 535, ii, 44, 281, 403, 428, 511, 573, 582, 697; Principle of nature, i, 337; Principles in the Gods, ii, 113; Progenitors, ii, 128; Purposes, i, 171, 310; Rishis, i, 233; Sephiroth, ii, 630; Snake or, power, ii, 191; Soul, i, 386; Source of the divine mind, i, 684; Spark, ii, 258; Speech or verbum, ii, 572; Spirits, i, 73, 219, 542, ii, 2; Sun, ardour of the, ii, 617; Triad, i, 299; Trinity, i, 550; Word, ii, 572; World, i, 221.

Creator, Absolute All, an aspect only of, ii, 168; Adam-Kadmon the, ii, 478; Aditi as, i, 683; Anthropomorphic, i, 38, 444, ii, 44, 167; Bel the, i, 381; Brahmâ the, i, 37, 47, 111, 125, 306, 380, 409, ii, 56, 172; Budha a, ii, 477; Buddhists and a, i, 33, 696; Corporeal world, of, ii, 643; Creation and, impossible, i, 697; Daksha the, i, 683, ii, 192; Dark races, of, ii, 5; Demiurge, or, i, 444, ii, 5, 29; Demiurgic, i, 377; Destroyer, and, ii, 121; Devil and, i, 445; Divine foresight of, ii, 405; Ethereal body of, ii, 91; Executive agent, an, ii, 46; Father and, i, 674, 738, ii, 47, 95; Female, i, 160; Fetahil the, i, 217; Fire the, i, 109, ii, 120; Fohat, or, i, 608; Generated himself, has, ii, 671; Genesis, of, ii, 85; Globe, of our, ii, 497; Hari the, i, 399; Holy Ghost the, i, 101; Humanity, of, ii, 325; Image of, ii, 490; Incorporeal, ii, 251; Jehovah the, ii, 407, 497, 630; Kâma a, ii, 186; Karma-Nemesis, of nations, i, 704; Kashyapa the, ii, 140; Light, of, ii, 225; Logos or, i, 300, 380, ii, 58; Lord God or, ii, 85; Male, i, 95; Man a, ii, 110, 202, 256, 304; Michael, of, ii, 66; Monotheists, of modern, ii, 585; Nations, of, i, 704; Nebo a, ii, 477; Noah the, ii, 632; One principle not the immediate, i, 458; Osiris the, i, 736; Pantheists do not deny a, i, 36; Personal, a, ii, 167; Reincarnated, ii, 202; Scientific human, i, 650; Serpent called, ii, 220; Shadow inferior to his, ii, 101; Sound the, ii, 594; Sozura, of the mythical, ii, 688; Spirit of the earth a, ii, 500; Superhuman, ii, 646; Supposed, ii, 318; Supreme, ii, 134; Tree of knowledge, of the, ii, 402; Vishnu the, i, 409; Zeus the, ii, 432.

Creators, Androgyne, ii, 406; Architects, or, i, 154, 253; Ases or, ii, 102; Battles of, i, 64, 220; Beings on the earth, of, ii, 82; Body of illusion, of the, ii, 60; Builders or, i, 380, 408, 471; Classes of, the four, ii, 63, 81, 99; Destroyers, and, i, 64, 220, 283; Dhyân Chohans our, ii, 37; Displeased, ii, 55; Divine, ii, 539; Divine mind or, i, 277; Double-sexed, first, ii, 138; Earth, of the, i, 730, ii, 102; Elohim, or, i, 163; Enemies of the, i, 284; Female, i, 392; Forces or, ii, 168; Forefathers or, i, 479, ii, 259; Forms, reject the, ii, 170; Group of, i, 253; Heaven, of, i, 730; Hierarchies of, i, 459; Host of, i, 444, ii, 539; Ideal, i, 409; Image of, i, 262; Kumâras the, ii, 617; Lunar fathers become, ii, 122; Magnum Opus of the, i, 273; Man, of, i, 215, 246, 485, ii, 90, 100; Manus the, ii, 324; Material universe, of, ii, 571; Material world, of, ii, 109; Pitris are, ii, 92; Planetary, i, 90, 102; Powers of nature, or, ii, 626; Practical, i, 409; Prajâpatis or, ii, 86; Progenitors and, ii, 752; Progeny of, ii, 49; Pygmalions, were, ii, 107; Races, of the earliest, ii, 456; Repentance of, ii, 201; Rishis, are, i, 477; Septenary or planetary, i, 102; Seven, i, 380, 392, 624, ii, 280; Spiritual, i, 231, ii, 440; Thinking man, of, ii, 90; Thoughts, of ideal, i, 241; Too spiritual, ii, 256; Will of, i, 214; World, i, 392, 624.

Creature, Immortal, i, 697; Physical, man a, ii, 644; Primeval, ii, 709; Special creation, of, ii, 716; Tiamat, of, ii, 109.

Creatures, Budha, of, ii, 478; Chain, emerging from the, ii, 529; Destruction of, i, 397; Elementals sentient, i, 241; Four-armed human, ii, 308; Kâla, on the plane of, ii, 579; Karma, of, i, 696; Karmic law, of, i, 297; Logos first of, ii, 172; Mammalians, preceding, ii, 179; Nebo, of, ii, 478; Reason, without, ii, 59; Sacrifice so as to redeem all, i, 289.

Credat Judæus Apella, ii, 472.

Creed, Christian, orthodox, ii, 694; Martyrs of every, i, 317; Pagan symbolical, ii, 409; Symbolism of a, ii, 491.

Creeds, Exoteric, ii, 204, 698; Jewish, ii, 494; Nations, of other, i, 506; Popular, ii, 64; Powers of Nature in ancient, ii, 695; Sects, or, no churches, i, 364; Traditions in exoteric, ii, 204.

Cremation once universal, ii, 796.

Cremona Ed., quoted, ii, 145.

Crescent, Argha, of the, ii, 484; Cow marked with, i, 419; Mary represented on, ii, 485; Phallic symbol, a, ii, 616; Satan and, ii, 35.

Crest-Jewel of Wisdom, The, i, 622.

Cretaceous, Formation, ii, 340; Period, the, ii, 164, 753; Rocks, ii, 717.

Cretans, Dictynna of the, i, 425.

Crétin, an arrested man, not an ape, ii, 716.

Creuzer, i, 499, 501, 715, ii, 298, 360, 384, 386; Beliefs, on primitive, i, 499.

Critias, quoted, ii, 412, 785, 804, 808, 811.

Critical, Condition, water in a, ii, 144; Period, i, 720.

Critique de la Raison Pure, quoted, i, 673.

Cro-Magnon, Cave-men, ii, 782, 837; Men, ii, 834, 835; Palæolithic type, ii, 726; Sepulchral cave of, ii, 716.

Crocodile, Dhyânîs, and, i, 239; Dragon, and, i, 440; Evolution of, i, 698; Huschenk’s horse begotten by a, ii, 415; Makara or, i, 254, 412, ii, 370, 609; Mesozoic times, of, ii, 163; Pentagram and, i, 240; Progeny of, ii, 417; Sacred, i, 378; Sacred Nile, of the, ii, 610; Sebekh, called, i, 241; Soul comes from men, whose, ii, 671; Symbol of, i, 241; Worship, i, 434.

Crocodile-Dragon type of Sevekh-Kronus, i, 439.

Crocodile-headed God of Egypt, ii, 613.

Crocodiles, Celestial Nile, in the, ii, 613; Winged, ii, 269.

Croll, quoted, i, 557, ii, 9, 149, 153, 328, 724, 726, 734, 735, 754, 794.

Cromlechs, Perfect proportions of the, i, 230.

Cronid Brothers, the, ii, 809.

Cronus, Adam and, i, 703; Arkite Titan, an, ii, 151; Dagon, and, i, 703; Duration, stands for endless, i, 450; Emblem of, i, 275; Generation and, ii, 281; Giants imprisoned by, ii, 819, 820; Harp of, ii, 408; Isis and, i, 409; Jupiter and, ii, 507, 542; Kâla or, i, 496; Lemurians governed by, ii, 808; Meaning of, ii, 281; Myth of, ii, 296; Ormazd identical with, i, 139; Orphic theogony, in, i, 47; Osiris and, i, 409; Saturn, or, i, 450, 496, 703, ii, 410, 808; Sydic, ii, 410; Symbolism of, ii, 282; Time or, i, 461, ii, 432, 434, 438; Uranus or, ii, 281; Zeus, and, ii, 440, 807.

Cronus-Saturn, Jupiter son of, i, 101; Melchizedek and, ii, 409.

Cronus-Sydyk and his sons, ii, 376.

Crook = Vau, ii, 482.

Crookes, Prof. Wm., quoted, i, 164, 303, 350, 361, 596, 599, 600, 635, 682, 684, 685, ii, 111; Referred to, i, 566, 654, 681, 683, 686, ii, 688, 778.

Crores, Kalpa, of the, ii, 326; Pantheon, of deities in the Hindû, i, 100; Wheel whirled for thirty, ii, 16, 55; Years, of, ii, 69.

Cross, Ansated, i, 721, ii, 227, 571, 590, 616; Antiquity of, ii, 620; Anubis holding out a, i, 441; Astronomical, ii, 561, 582; Bible did not originate, ii, 575; Christ, stood for the, ii, 621; Christian symbol, ii, 588; Christians, of, ii, 34; Circle, and, ii, 577, 579, 580, 582, 585, 622, 623; Creative cause, symbol of, ii, 226; Cube unfolded, or, ii, 636; Decussated, ii, 592; Dragon with the ansated, i, 720; Earth represented by, over globe, ii, 33; Egyptian ansated, i, 721, ii, 578, 614; Elements, and the, ii, 593; Equinoxes, of, ii, 577; Evolution of, ii, 226; Fall of, ii, 584; Flesh, of, ii, 39; Four partitioned line, a, ii, 635; Four-footed, ii, 576; Globe over, ii, 33, 34; God Shoo and, ii, 576; Horizontal and vertical line form, ii, 626; Human life, and, i, 342; Iao and, ii, 565; Initiation, of, ii, 592; Jaina, ii, 103; Jehovah and, ii, 565; Jesus on, ii, 591; Jews, of the, ii, 615; Love, of, ii, 592; Man attached to, i, 342, 343, ii, 592; Meaning of, i, 321; Mundane, i, 34; Pagoda of Mathura in form of, ii, 622; Palenque, i, 419; Paul on the, ii, 586; Phallic symbol, a, ii, 593; Phallus, and, i, 436; Plato’s, ii, 592; Primeval form of, i, 496; Prometheus on the, ii, 592; Pythagorean decad, and, ii, 605; Riddle of, ii, 587; Rose and, i, 47; Sevenfold, ii, 593; Shoo and, God, ii, 576; Sun and, ii, 589; Svastika or, ii, 103, 576, 620; Symbol of, i, 195, 342, 412, ii, 226, 573, 588, 619; Tau or Egyptian, i, 436, ii, 614, 634; Typology of the, ii, 576; Venus represented by, and globe, ii, 33, 34.

Cross-breed, Apes a, ii, 273; Possibility of a, ii, 299.

Cross-breeding, ii, 211, 300.

Cross-symbol, Phallic form of the, i, 342.

Cross-symbolism, Variations of the, ii, 577.

Cross-worship of the Jews, ii, 622.

Crosses, Italy, in, ii, 571.

Crotch, W. Duppa, quoted, ii, 826.

Crown, Fohat unites the, i, 62; Kether the, i, 260, 376, 380, 467, ii, 630, 662; Sephira is, i, 236, ii, 42; Sephirothal tree, the, i, 200.

Crowns, Dragon with seven, ii, 509.

Crucibles, Living animal, ii, 179.

Crucified, Krishna, ii, 592; Mount Kajbee, of, ii, 47; Prometheus, ii, 47, 432; Titan, ii, 431, 432.

Crucifix, Final form of the, ii, 620.

Crucifixion, Initiate, of, ii, 591; Meaning of, ii, 591; Metaphorical, ii, 508; Mystery of, i, 390, ii, 591; Nails, ii, 592; Theoretical use of, ii, 590; Three Maries at, i, 413.

Cruciform, Couches, ii, 590; Hermes-Mercury were, symbols of, ii, 571; Lathe, i, 343, ii, 572; Noose, ii, 578; Symbols, ii, 571; Termini, ii, 572.

Cruden, quoted, i, 152, 261, 446.

Crusaders and the Swan-symbol, i, 382.

Crust, Earth, of, i, 281, ii, 9, 263; Planet, of a, i, 608.

Crustacea, ii, 628, 752.

Crustacean, the hard-shelled, ii, 163.

Crux, Ansata, the, i, 342, 392, ii, 378, 576, 579; Dissimulata, ii, 620; Materialists, avoided by, ii, 699; Objective and Subjective, of the, i, 661.

Crypt, Egyptian, ii, 397; Temple, ii, 589.

Crypts, Archaic, ii, 396; Cis-Himâlayan regions, in, ii, 622; Lamasaries, of, i, 8; Libraries, in secret, i, 18; Mysteries recorded in subterranean, i, 250; Russian travellers, known to, i, 19.

Crystalline, Life, i, 80; Mother, abode of the great, ii, 501; Waters of primeval wisdom, i, 432.

Crystallization, Process of, ii, 72; Transformation through, ii, 266.

Crystals, Evolution of, ii, 736; Origin of, ii, 267; Snow, of, ii, 616, 629.

Csoma di Körös on Âryâsanga, i, 80.

Cteïs or Yoni, ii, 489.

Cube, Atom a, i, 523; Circle, and, ii, 629; Creative plane, on the, ii, 39; Cross and, ii, 572, 592, 636; Fertile number and, ii, 634; First one, the, i, 62; Man a, ii, 39; Meanings of, i, 394; Nature, in, ii, 629; Perfect, the, i, 46, 367, 476, 485, ii, 488, 647; Pythagorean triangle and, i, 676; Second one, the, i, 155; Sevenfold, ii, 662; Six-faced, i, 90; Symbols of, i, 367; Unfolded, the, i, 342, ii, 39, 572, 592, 627, 635, 636.

Cubes, Angelic beings, symbolize the, ii, 83; Geometry of nature and, i, 61, 124; Sparks called, i, 120.

Cubic form of Mercury, ii, 572.

Cubic Hermes of Egypt, ii, 572.

Cubical city descending out of the heavens, a, ii, 79.

Cubical structure of Noah, the, ii, 632.

Cubits, Inch the base of Egyptian, i, 333.

Cudworth, Hylozoism of, ii, 168, 277.

Cuelap, Cyclopean ruins at, ii, 788.

Culture-God, Sea, comes from the, ii, 236; Worship of, ii, 148.

Cum Tryphone, ii, 514.

Cumberland, Bishop, ii, 410.

Cumming, Gordon, ii, 459.

Cuneiform, Fragments, ii, 457; Inscriptions, ii, 3, 57; Texts, i, 381.

Cunningham, General, i, 12.

Cup, Golden-winged, ii, 400; Illusion of, i, 394; Retribution of, i, 210.

Cup-like markings on stones, ii, 361.

Cup-marks are records, ii, 361.

Cupid, Erôs, and, i, 134, ii, 68, 69, 186; Venus mother of, ii, 68, 436.

Curbati or fallen angels, i, 353.

Curd-like or nebulous, i, 226.

Curds, Cosmic matter, and, i, 98; Fohat, of, i, 736; Luminous egg spreads in, the, i, 58, 95; Mother, of the, i, 593; Ocean (of Space), in the, i, 124; OEAOHOO is One, remain and, i, 58, 97; Sea of, ii, 334; Space, in, i, 124, 269; World-stuff or, i, 227.

Curdy appearance in sun’s envelope, i, 578.

Curetes identical with the Kabiri, ii, 376.

Currents, Astral light, ii, 78; Fluid, of the fiery, i, 362; Matter, of nebulous, i, 544; Nature, of, ii, 539; Vibrating, ii, 249.

Curse, Corruption of physical purity a temporary, ii, 297; Destiny, means doom or, i, 402; Devil, of belief in a personal, ii, 394; Dragon, of the, ii, 110; Earth, of the, i, 401; Fall, after the, ii, 295; Fire of Prometheus turned into a, ii, 430; Incarnation, of, ii, 256; Karma, of, ii, 428; Karmic, ii, 109; Kronos, of, ii, 433; Life, of, ii, 255; Personal being, not pronounced by a, i, 215; Philosophical point of view, from a, ii, 428; Physiology, from the standpoint of, ii, 429; Prometheus, against, ii, 255, 430, 439; Pronounced, is, i, 64, 213; Retardation, of, ii, 207; Speech, a, i, 121; Woman and, ii, 226.

Cursed the sun, People who, ii, 805.

Curses, Church, ii, 245; Deity, men, a, ii, 585; Satan on, ii, 245.

Cursing, Satan on, ii, 501.

Curtain, Adytum, of the, ii, 481; Egyptian temples, in, i, 150, 500.

Curtis, Geo. T., quoted, ii, 722.

Cusa, Cardinal, quoted, ii, 168, 575; Pascal and, ii, 575; Quoted, ii, 168.

Cush, Ham, son of, ii, 648; Nimrod, son of, ii, 474.

Cushing, F. Hamilton, became a Zuñi, ii, 665.

Cutha tablets, ii, 55, 58.

Cuttle-fish, ii, 309, 459, 460.

Cuvier, quoted, i, 532, ii, 215, 216, 289, 753.

Cuzco, Fortress of, i, 230.

Cybele, Lightning of, i, 361; Lunar goddess, a, i, 425, 430.

Cycle (see also Age, Round, Kalpa, Yuga, etc.), Ananta the, ii, 103; Ascending arc of our, i, 702, ii, 137, 314, 322, 466; Atlantean, ii, 282, 452, 561; Beginning of, i, 209, 468; Calculations of the new, ii, 830; Creation, of, i, 400, ii, 573; Downward, ii, 137; Dragon or, ii, 509; Emblem of the Solar, ii, 596; Evolution, of, i, 203, ii, 198; Fauna, and, ii, 59; First and Second Race, between, ii, 184; Fourth, ii, 697; Fourth Race, ii, 452, 561; France, of, i, 708; Garuda a, i, 454, ii, 265; Globe, of our, i, 200; Grand, i, 703, ii, 224; Great, i, 278, 702, ii, 596; Horse is a, ii, 417; Human, i, 298, ii, 710; Incarnations, of, i, 45, 205, 246, 626, ii, 173, 196, 393, 509; Initiation, of, i, 333, ii, 598; Kali Yuga, of, ii, 454; Karma worked out in every, i, 241; Lunar, ii, 814; Mahâkalpa, i, 220, 278, ii, 596; Mahâyuga or, i, 702; Manu, of a, i, 93; Manvantara or, of activity, i, 92, 287, 736; Manvantaric, i, 211, 454, ii, 63, 103, 417; Metempsychosis, of, i, 208; Moon’s, ii, 828; Mundane, ii, 482; Mystery, of the, ii, 597; Nârada reborn in every, ii, 337; Naros, of the, ii, 654, 655; Nations, of, i, 348; Necessity, of, i, 45, 247; New, a, i, 27, 478; Noah’s deluge, of, i, 478; Occultists, of, ii, 199; Planets, ii, 828; Primordial, ii, 577; Procreating, i, 206; Ra’s phases, of, i, 252; Races, of, i, 348; Racial, i, 450, ii, 290; Round, or, i, 93; Sacredness of, ii, 77; Sar and Saros, or, i, 139; Secret, ii, 652; Sidereal year, of the, i, 712; Solar, ii, 596; Sun’s, ii, 828; Symbolism, of, i, 435; Tidal changes, of, ii, 629; Time, of, ii, 486, 795; Transformations, of, i, 244; Transmigration, of, i, 206; Triple, i, 197; Tropical years, of, ii, 80; Turning-point of the, i, 208; Universe, of our, i, 215; War in heaven, of the, ii, 49; Years, of eleven, i, 591; Years, of 25,868, ii, 451.

Cycles, Activity, of, ii, 575; Adam, before, ii, 415; Ancients, of, ii, 414; Astronomical, i, 707, ii, 51; Babylonians, of, ii, 597; Chronological, ii, 838; Close of, i, 671; Cronus and, i, 451; Cycles within, ii, 345; Cyclopes, sons of, i, 229; Disease, in, ii, 658; Duration of, ii, 657, 729; Energy of, i, 686; Esoteric, ii, 73; Evolution, of, i, 41, 288, ii, 190, 462, 774; Exoteric, i, 706; Forces, of, i, 600; Generating, ii, 593; Geological, ii, 78; Heaven, in, ii, 481; Historical, ii, 391; History proceeds in, i, 739; Human, ii, 336, 653; Ideas, of, i, 41; Incarnations, of, ii, 542; Kalpas, or, ii, 86; Karmic, i, 698; Kings, of, i, 287; Length of, ii, 53; Mahâkalpas and, i, 396; Manifested worlds, of, ii, 543; Matter, of, i, 699, ii, 465; Mâyâ, of, ii, 155; Minor, i, 396, 704; Mosaic Jews, of, i, 719; Motion of, ii, 614; Mystic astronomy, of, ii, 51; Nations, ii, 314, 461; Obscuration, of, i, 198; Overlapping, ii, 452; Pantheists’, i, 702; Periodic, i, 686, 734; Personages mistaken for, ii, 602; Pesh-Hun regulator of, ii, 52; Precession, of, i, 713; Psychic, ii, 158, 838; Races, and, ii, 775; Racial, ii, 78; Rebirths, of, ii, 256; Rest of Deity, of, ii, 575; Rounds or, i, 182, ii, 653; Sacred figures of, i, 191; Secret, i, 224, ii, 86; Septenary, i, 288, ii, 659; Series of, i, 201; Shesha, in the bosom of, ii, 53; Smaller, i, 278; Sothiac, i, 469; Spiritual, i, 699, ii, 158, 838; Spirituality, of, ii, 465; Subjective world, i, 68; Subraces, of, ii, 314; Svabhâvat and, i, 696; Theogonic evolution of, i, 421; Time, of, ii, 104, 512; Various, i, 118; Vis generatrix going to and fro in, i, 602; Week of days, of, ii, 660; Winters mean, ii, 644; Yugas or, ii, 61; Zoology, of, ii, 774.

Cyclic, Activity, i, 693; Æons, i, 449; Aggregations, i, 647; Brahmâ, character of, i, 471; Calculations, ii, 657, 659; Civilization, ii, 764; Descent, i, 448; Destiny, ii, 465; Development, ii, 438; Disease, changes in, i, 202; Divine breath, i, 73; Divisions, ii, 658; Elements, curve of, i, 620; Events, i, 708; Evolution, i, 159, 252, 448, 695, ii, 37, 209, 313, 438, 440, 772; Globes, order of, i, 194; Gyration, i, 582; Impulse, i, 684, ii, 782; Intricacies, ii, 53; Languages, evolution of, ii, 209; Law, i, 45, 317, 450, 684, ii, 78, 166, 312, 763, 824, 830; Matter, activity of, i, 693; Meanings, ii, 603; Motion, ii, 84; Mysteries, ii, 433, 658; Nature’s acts are, i, 702; Periods, i, 703; Pilgrimage, ii, 108, 466; Powers, i, 310; Pralayas, ii, 697; Precession, ii, 275; Progress, i, 314, ii, 772; Rebirths, ii, 242, 244; Reïncarnation, ii, 155; Religion, ii, 764; Repetitions, ii, 701; Saviours, ii, 433; Seven, ii, 597; Shiva, character of, i, 471; Task, i, 300; Time, ii, 434, 596; Tropical year, ii, 531; Transformations, ii, 433; Vishnu, character of, i, 471; Wheels, i, 703; Years, i, 473, 719, ii, 93, 531.

Cyclical, Asterisms, progress of, ii, 264; Astronomy, ii, 345; Cataclysms, ii, 154; History, ii, 345; Law, i, 640; Processes in Kosmos, ii, 77; Space, translation in, i, 601; Time, i, 707.

Cyclones of 1888, ii, 739.

Cyclopean, Buildings, ii, 331, 620, 813; Easter Island, remains on, i, 342, 352, 473; Eye, ii, 313; Lore, ii, 796; Monuments, ii, 360; Peru, erections in, ii, 788; Remnants, i, 473, ii, 307; Ruins, ii, 275, 346, 356; Statues, i, 342, 352; Structures, ii, 357, 796; Towns in Europe, origin of, i, 230.

Cyclopædia, Chart from a Japanese, ii, 213.

Cyclopes, Apollo and, ii, 813; Druids not, ii, 358; Fourth race belonged to the, ii, 307; Hyperborean, ii, 813; Kabiri and, ii, 408; One-eyed, ii, 813; Science ignorant of, ii, 360; Sons of cycles, the, i, 229; Ulysses and, ii, 813; Wisdom-eye of, ii, 813; Work of, ii, 353.

Cyclops, Demi-god, a, ii, 74; Man a, ii, 303; One-eyed, ii, 809; Perseus and, ii, 360.

Cygnus, Constellation of, i, 652.

Cylinders, Assyrian, ii, 236; Babylonian, ii, 3, 109, 258, 730.

Cyllene, Mercury born on Mount, ii, 571.

Cynocephalus the dog-headed ape, i, 417, ii, 203, 692.

Cypher, Hieroglyphic, ii, 458; Occult, i, 121.

Cypriote R, the, ii, 577.

Cyprus, Sargon conquered, ii, 730.

Cyril and the cruciform couches, ii, 590.

Cyropædia, quoted, i, 715.

Cyrus the Great, i, 715, ii, 376, 730.

Cytoblastema the cell-germinating substance, ii, 267.

Cyzicans and the Argonauts’ stone, ii, 361.

Cyzicum, Stone left at, ii, 361.

Czolbe repeats the Occultists’ sayings, ii, 164.

Dabar, Word or Logos, i, 374, ii, 42.

Dabarim, Ten words of Kabalah, i, 466.

Dabistan, referred to, i, 712, 715, ii, 5, 375.

Dactyli and the Kabiri, ii, 360, 376.

Dædalus, Colossus attributed to, ii, 308.

Dæmon, Jupiter, i, 506; Lightning, of, i, 506; Nargal, ii, 224.

Dæmons, Plato’s elementary, i, 619.

Daêva, Invocation of the, ii, 544.

Daêvas, Evil-doing, ii, 543.

Dag, Oannes, the Babylonian, ii, 611; Messiah, i, 717.

Dagon, Babylonian, i, 717; Chaldæan Xisuthrus, of, ii, 147; Fish, i, 368, ii, 57; Oannes and, i, 423, ii, 147, 200, 520; Saturn, etc., i, 703.

Daimon of Socrates, ii, 437.

Daimones and genii, i, 308.

Daimons, Greek, ii, 535.

Daitya, Atlantis and, ii, 149, 782; Island, i, 714, ii, 328, 452; Magicians of, ii, 447; Râhu a giant of, ii, 398; River of, ii, 372; Sinking of, ii, 751.

Daitya-Guru, ii, 33, 35.

Daityas, Dânavas or, ii, 351, 526; Defeat of, i, 451; Devatâs and, ii, 424, 425; Dvîpa and, ii, 333; Dynasties of the, ii, 386; Features of the, ii, 234; Giants or, ii, 35, 193, 423, 426; Gibborim or, ii, 286; Gods or, i, 456; Indra and, ii, 395; Mâyâmoha deludes, i, 455; Monarch of, ii, 236; Orders of, i, 452; Penances of, i, 455; Secret Doctrine synonym for, i, 119; Shukra, pupils of, ii, 36; Titans, or, ii, 301, 526; Worlds seized by, i, 454; Yogins, were, i, 447.

Daiviprakriti, the Light of the Logos, i, 160, 236, 313, 463, 659, ii, 41.

Dâkinî Sanskrit for Khado, ii, 284, 298.

Daksha, Aditi and, i, 165, 683; Avalokiteshvara like, ii, 188; Birth of, ii, 186; Creator, the, i, 82, ii, 202; Daughter of, ii, 51; Female, ii, 288; Intelligent, ii, 258; Kalpas, in all the, i, 464; Mânasaputras of, ii, 391; Mârishâ mother of, ii, 187; Modes of reproduction and, ii, 695; Nârada and, ii, 180, 288, 527; Patriarch, ii, 186; Pishâchâ daughter of, i, 447; Prajâpatis, chief of, ii, 86; Progenitor, the, ii, 188; Rishis, one of the, i, 470; Sacrifice of, ii, 71, 192, 193; Sambhûti daughter of, ii, 94; Samnati daughter of, ii, 555; Sons of, ii, 148; Sons of daughters of, i, 567; Synthesis of terrestrial creators, ii, 172; Vinatâ daughter of, i, 392.

Dalaï Lamas, the, ii, 188.

Dalaï-Lama an incarnation of Kwan-Shi-Yin, i, 511, ii, 528.

Damaghosha a king Rishi, ii, 236.

Damaru the drum of Shiva, ii, 528.

Damascius, quoted, i, 99, 255, 366, 458, ii, 357.

Damascus blade, Properties of a, ii, 449.

Damavend, Mountains of, ii, 415, 416.

Dambhobhi a variant of Dattoli, ii, 242.

Dambholi a variant of Dattoli, ii, 242.

Dan, Chhan, or, i, 4; Dhyâna or, i, 4; Jacob’s words to, ii, 222; Janna or, i, 4; Virgo in the sphere of, i, 715.

Dana, Prof. J. D., referred to, ii, 338.

Dânava a giant demon, ii, 399.

Dânavas, Daityas and, ii, 351, 526; Danu, descendants of, ii, 399; Dynasties of the, ii, 386; Giants or, ii, 202; Secret Doctrine synonym for the, i, 119; Titans, are, ii, 193, 398, 399, 526; Ushanas leader of the, ii, 523; Yogins, great, i, 447.

Dance, David’s, ii, 483; Giants, of, ii, 358.

Dancing-girls, Egyptian, ii, 485.

Dangma, Alaya of the universe and, i, 78; Eye of, i, 56, 77, 239; Purified soul or, i, 77; Paramârtha and, i, 56.

Daniel, Angel of the Jews, on the, i, 496; Michael the angel of, ii, 505; Prophet, i, 251; Times of, ii, 79.

Danielo, referred to, ii, 562.

Danilevsky, N. T., the Russian scientist, ii, 690.

Dankmoe, the, quoted, i, 249.

Danu, Dânavas descendants of, ii, 398, 399.

Danube, Hyperborean country not near the, ii, 6.

Danville’s Mémoires referred to, ii, 412.

Dark, Aspects of deities, ii, 438; Cloaked Pentateuch, the, ii, 511; Creation and world-cosmogonies, ii, 56; Eye, Lords of the, ii, 445; Face, Lords of the, ii, 445, 447; Faces, Magicians of the, ii, 446; Flame, rays of the, ii, 244; Powers, Pagan wisdom and the, i, 704; Sayings, sacred books and, ii, 563; Side of the moon, i, 388; Space, son of, i, 58, 100; Swan, i, 381; Waters, depths of the, i, 100; Wisdom, Lords of the, ii, 21, 170; Sons of, ii, 259, 295.

Dark Ages, Ignorance of, ii, 448; Maitland on, ii, 460.

Dark Epaphos, Christ the, ii, 433; Dionysus Bacchus or, ii, 434; Fifth in descent from, ii, 436.

Darkness, Absolute, i, 99, 522; Absolute light the same as, i, 98, 222, ii, 41, 100, 513; Abyss of, ii, 57; Age of, i, 510; Ain Suph is, i, 378; Angel of, ii, 25; Angels in, ii, 516; Angels of, i, 494, ii, 513, 613; Boundless all and, i, 55, 72; Brahmâ sprung from, i, 369; Breath of, i, 93; Chaos and, i, 369, 719; Cimmerian, ii, 70; Circle of, i, 229; Cosmic powers beyond which is, i, 478; Cosmogonies, and, ii, 510; Deep, on the, ii, 62, 513; Deity or, i, 103, 374; Disintegration of the universe followed by, i, 33; Divine ray an emanation of, i, 108; Dragon of, i, 391, 444; Earth covered with, ii, 510; Essence of, i, 58, 98; Eternal light and, ii, 62; Eternal matrix and, i, 72; Fabric of, i, 129; Father-Mother, i, 57, 72, 90; Fathers blaze in, ii, 595; Fludd’s explanation of, i, 99; Genesis on, ii, 513; Germ in the, i, 57, 111; God giving light to the path of, i, 433; Gods of light and, ii, 507; Hell the kingdom of, ii, 241; Idea born in, i, 393; Ignorance and, ii, 174; Immutable, i, 695; Light, absolute, ii, 513; Light adversary of, ii, 407; Light and, i, 99, 661, ii, 62; Light divided from, i, 274; Light generates, i, 135, ii, 516; Light in, i, 40, ii, 113; Light interchangeable with, i, 72, 99; Light of the one, i, 111; Light radiates, i, 57, 94; Light shining in, i, 474; Matter a prison of, ii, 103, 376; Mental, i, 717; Monad returns into, i, 460; Monas said to dwell in, i, 93; Mother-Space coëval with, i, 126; Non-Ego and, i, 74; Occult nature of, ii, 377; Oi-Ha-Hou which is, i, 61, 125; One, i, 59; Ormazd lives in, ii, 512; Paranishpanna or, i, 83; Pre-cosmic, i, 485; Primordial light and, i, 72; Prince of, ii, 117, 296; Principle of all things is, ii, 510; Quality of, ii, 62, 603; Ray of the ever-, i, 87, 624; Salvation from mental, ii, 439; Satan called king of, ii, 536; Secondary creation is of, i, 485; Self-existent lord called, i, 355; Serpent of, i, 442; Set and, ii, 403; Son of, i, 219; Sons of, ii, 284, 512, 816; Spheres in which our light is, i, 485; Spirit of unknown, i, 391; Spirits of, i, 99, ii, 66, 97, 171, 242, 539; Svabhâvat in, i, 57; Swan in, i, 602; Symbol and the first, i, 477; Tâmasa, spiritual, i, 400; Theological fictions and, ii, 601; Theory that two lights make, i, 731; Typhon the power of, ii, 98; Unfathomable, i, 106; Universal light which is, i, 359; Unknown, i, 56, 159, 458; Unknown light which is, i, 380; Voidness and, i, 74; Waters and the ray of, i, 378; Waters breathed over by, i, 57, 93; Where was now? i, 59; Wisdom in, i, 108; Wolf who comes out of, ii, 403; World enveloped in, i, 398.

Darmesteter, J., quoted, ii, 97, 102, 402, 504, 642.

Darshanas or schools of philosophy, i, 78.

Darwin, quoted, i, 179, 208, 244, 304, 640, 685, ii, 9, 10, 124, 125, 126, 162, 197, 200, 205, 206, 267, 271, 301, 515, 629, 682, 684, 688, 689, 690, 694, 703, 704, 705, 709, 711, 713, 722, 723, 736, 765.

Darwin, G. H., Theory of, ii, 67.

Darwinian, Anthropology, ii, 8, 707, 727, 761; Claim for common ancestor, ii, 671; Descent, ii, 200; Dogmas, ii, 667; Evolution, i, 223, ii, 40, 689, 726; Evolutionists, i, 178, 243, ii, 307; Huxley a, ii, 161; Hypothesis, a, i, 209, ii, 725; Law, ii, 180; Materialism, ii, 167; Occult evolution and, ii, 195; Period of the first man, ii, 692; Quasi, evolution, ii, 190; Scheme and esoteric theory, ii, 728; Schools, i, 224, ii, 125; Theory, i, 238, ii, 180, 266, 704, 716, 717, 719, 729; Theosophy and, i, 209.

Darwinian Theory, Deserters from the, ii, 683; Evolution and the, ii, 200; Expansions of the, ii, 685; Materialists and the, ii, 387; Max Müller on the, ii, 699; Opponents of the, ii, 179; Quoted, ii, 698.

Darwinians, Dryopithecus of the, ii, 717; Hairy arboreal ancestors and, ii, 729; Mammals and, ii, 776; Naked truth and, ii, 691; Primeval civilization and, ii, 830; Seed and, ii, 690.

Darwinism, Alternative theory to, ii, 681; Anatomy of anthropoid and, ii, 718; Antiquity of man and, ii, 724; Bishop Temple on, ii, 681; Blow to, ii, 59; Danilevsky upsets, ii, 691; Esoteric Buddhism and, i, 209; Evolution meets, ii, 685; Expanded, ii, 684; Facts of, i, 657; Fallacies of, ii, 769; Fiske and Huxley defend, ii, 719; Fundamental principles of, ii, 682; Hæckel and, ii, 704; Language and, ii, 761; Occultists and, i, 210; Origin of man and, ii, 705; Seceders from, ii, 751; Secondary laws of, ii, 699; Structural evidence hostile to, ii, 715; Theory of, ii, 691.

Darwin’s Philosophy of Language, quoted, ii, 699.

Darwinist, Brief, a, ii, 723; French, ii, 106; Quoted, a, ii, 194.

Darwinists, Anthropoids and, ii, 91; Common ancestor and, ii, 728; De Quatrefages and, ii, 726; Great gulf and, ii, 715; Mechanical theory of, ii, 685; Opponents of the, ii, 723; Protoplasm of the, ii, 126; Western Africa and, ii, 717.

Daseyn as the manifold existence, i, 302.

D’Assier, Paul, referred to, i, 680, ii, 157.

Dates, Anthropologists and, ii, 841; Babylonian, ii, 731; Curtailed, ii, 729.

Dattoli, Variants of, ii, 242.

Däumling or Tom Thumb, i, 189.

David, Dance of, i, 358, ii, 482, 483; Divination of, ii, 476; God in the Ark and, ii, 492; Hezekiah’s faith and that of, i, 340, ii, 404; Iao not known till the time of, ii, 570; Jews date from, ii, 496; Moses not recognized by, ii, 570; Psalm of, quoted, ii, 142, 482; Verses of, i, 535.

Davids, Rhys, quoted, i, 134, 511, 588.

Davis, J. Barnard, the Craniologist, ii, 550.

Davkina, Ana and Belita, ii, 485.

Davy, Sir Humphrey, i, 521.

Dawkins, Boyd, quoted, ii, 713, 714.

Dawn, Æon of a new, i, 213; Body of the, ii, 172; Day of the Great Breath, of, ii, 6, 697; Effulgent, ii, 390; Jyotsnâ, or, ii, 61; Lucifer, son of manvantaric, i, 99; Manvantaric, i, 40, 56, 73, 83, 574, 685, ii, 168; Morning twilight or, ii, 63; Night after that, i, 398; Night continues till the future, i, 404; Night to, i, 92; Period of new, i, 302; Phœbe or, ii, 129; Pralaya, after, i, 73; Precursor of the, ii, 32; Ray dropped at the new, i, 100; Rebirth of the worlds at, ii, 173, 242; System of the rebuilding of the, i, 578.

Dawns, Seven, ii, 322.

Dawson, Sir W., on the origin of man, ii, 769.

Day, Age of humanity, in the, ii, 463; Ahan or, ii, 61; Be With Us, the great, i, 63, 66, 155, 159, 162, 286; Body of the, ii, 172; End of the great, i, 59; Globe, for each, ii, 799; Gods, of the, ii, 656; Great, the, i, 63, 154; Great Breath of the, ii, 6; Kosmos awakes to a new, i, 142; Last, of world, ii, 800; Mâyâ of the, i, 696; Nirvâna has neither night nor, i, 400; Planets, on, ii, 747; Polar, length of a, ii, 305, 817; Pregenetic, i, 428; Seventh, the, ii, 243, 260, 263, 512.

Day and Night, Alternation of, i, 45, 443; Germs of, ii, 534; Interval between, ii, 63; Pair, a, ii, 599; Periods marked as, i, 418; Symbol of, ii, 129.

Day after Death, The, quoted, ii, 145.

Day-Fires, ii, 17, 66.

Day of Brahmâ, Age or, i, 266, 481, ii, 321; Duration of a, i, 68, 719; End of a, i, 397; Great Breath, or, ii, 6; Kalpa or, ii, 73; Length of a, i, 363, 399, 451; Life-cycle or, i, 252; Mahâpralaya after a, ii, 155; Mahâyuga a, i, 402; Manus in a, fourteen, i, 93, 485; Manvantara or, i, 40, 395; Manvantaric dawn, at, i, 73; Night and, i, 260; Period of a, ii, 72; Planet and a, ii, 697; Pralaya after, i, 603.

Day-star, Lucifer the genius of the, ii, 526; Sun, the, i, 275.

Day-sun, Osiris, the, ii, 613.

Dayânand Sarasvatî Svâmi, i, 14, ii, 72, 224.

Dayanisi, Worship of, i, 427.

Days, Ancient of, i, 90, 260, 496, ii, 87; Brahmâ, of, i, 92, 395, 401, ii, 530; Creation, of, i, 48, ii, 744; Deity, of the, ii, 575; Natural measure of, ii, 569; Planetary chain, of the, i, 178; Solar, i, 418; Week, of the, ii, 615.

Dazzling face, Great king of the, ii, 445, 446.

DBRIM, i, 374, 466, ii, 40, 42, 43.

De Anim. Procr., quoted, ii, 634.

De Anima, referred to, i, 142.

De Bell Jud., quoted, ii, 118.

De Cælo, referred to, i, 142, 535, ii, 162.

De Châteaubriand on the serpent, i, 434.

De Civitate Dei, referred to, ii, 35.

De Cultu Egypt, i, 388.

De Diis Syriis, referred to, i, 424.

De Doctâ Ignorantiâ, of Cardinal Cusa, ii, 575.

De Fundamento Sapientiæ, i, 313.

De Generatione Hominis, i, 581.

De Idol., ii, 504.

De Iside et Osiride, i, 150, 249, 372.

De la Croix Ansée, quoted, ii, 576.

De la Vega, quoted, ii, 353; Rocking stones, on, ii, 360.

De Maistre, quoted, i, 662.

De Mensibus, quoted, ii, 572.

De Mortillet, referred to, ii, 795.

De Motibus Planetarium Harmonicis, i, 535.

De Mundi Opif., quoted, i, 438, ii, 637.

De Mysteriis, quoted, i, 256.

De Placitis Philosophorum, i, 674, 683, ii, 635.

De Quatrefages, The Human Species, by, ii, 792.

De Religione Persarum, ii, 379.

De Rougé, quoted, i, 429.

De Senectute, quoted, ii, 222.

De Somniis, quoted, ii, 118.

De Ventis, quoted, ii, 131.

De Viribus Membrorum, quoted, i, 581.

De Vitâ Apollonii, quoted, i, 434.

Dead-letter, Allegory versus, ii, 393; Bible, of the, i, 336, 338, ii, 2, 292, 568; Blinds in the Gnostic gospel, ii, 601; Dogma and, ii, 204; Husk of the, ii, 350; Interpretations, ii, 601; Lingam worshippers, ii, 495; Orientalist, to the, ii, 470; Orthodoxy, ii, 598; Purânas, of the, ii, 333, 618; Religions, ii, 394; Sameness of the, ii, 544.

Death, Abode after, i, 501; Adepts, of, ii, 559; Angel of, ii, 117, 403, 406; Change called, ii, 484; Children of, ii, 317; Cross represents, ii, 587; Fire is, i, 146; First Lord of, ii, 497; Foreseeing, ii, 551; Girdle is, ii, 245; Ignorance is, ii, 225; Initiate, of an, ii, 613; Jesus, of, i, 720, ii, 571; Kosmos, of, i, 400; Krishna’s, ii, 555; Life and, i, 45, 249, 398, 445, ii, 499, 539; Lipika not Deities of, i, 131; Mahâ Pralaya and, ii, 323; Mâra or, ii, 613; Mars the Lord of, ii, 410; Moon the Goddess of, i, 416; Mysteries of, ii, 471; Nature of, i, 573; Nergas or, ii, 2; Penalty, i, 388; Periods of, i, 178; Personified wisdom and, ii, 381; Phœnix, of the, ii, 653; Plane, a change of, i, 557, ii, 539; Ptah, God of, i, 393; Red Sea or, i, 442; Satan free from, i, 220; Septenary law in, ii, 658; Soul after, ii, 381; Suffering not finished by, i, 71; Tree of, ii, 591; Universal life and, ii, 539; Universe, of the, ii, 612; Yama, God of, ii, 48; Yima’s kingship and, ii, 644.

Debir, or Kirjath-sepher, ii, 557.

Decad, Combinations of, i, 341; Interlaced triangles are, ii, 626; Monad, emerging from the, i, 475; Pythagorean, i, 68, 341, 675, ii, 584, 605; Septenary and triad form, i, 259, ii, 616; Ten and, i, 356, ii, 614; Unities and binaries in, i, 259; Universe, contains the, i, 126.

Decades, Week of, ii, 659.

Decan of Zodiac, ii, 452.

Deccan, Weakened races in the, ii, 429.

Deceased, Aanroo, in, i, 257; Egg, in the, i, 385, 391.

December, Solar gods incarnated in, i, 719.

Decharme, referred to, ii, 129, 130, 131, 281, 282, 283, 379, 408, 547, 552, 553, 554.

Decidua, ii, 705, 706.

Decimal notation, i, 386, 387, ii, 40.

Decussated, Circle, Plato’s, ii, 623; Cross, ii, 586, 592.

Deep, Aditi the great, ii, 281; Chaos or the, i, 269, 331, 359, 737, ii, 148, 154; Cosmic, great, ii, 281; Darkness on the face of, ii, 62, 513; Demons of, ii, 401; Dragons of, ii, 21, 193; Ea, the God of, ii, 147; Gæa the great, ii, 281; Great, i, 496, 686, 736, ii, 56, 247, 281, 554; Great face of, ii, 500; Powers of, ii, 401; Pralaya and, i, 686; Primordial waters of, i, 108; Ra issuing from, i, 252; Sages come forth from, ii, 520; Space or, i, 736; Spirit of, ii, 109; Thalassa or, ii, 122; Universal matrix or, ii, 68; Virgin Mother or, i, 95; Wisdom, of, ii, 5, 56.

Deer, Naphtali likened to a, i, 715; Vâch changed into a, ii, 436.

Definitions of Asclepios, i, 308, 314.

Defunct, Book of the Dead, in, ii, 621; Egypt, in, i, 240; Heart of, i, 131; Journey of, i, 248; Soul or self of, i, 247; Sun, ii, 613; Toom prayed to by, i, 737; Transformations of every, i, 247; Wicks, of the, i, 257.

Degrees, Adeptship, of, ii, 650; Consciousness, of, i, 295; Devas, of, ii, 752; Elemental kingdom, of the, i, 490; Intellectuality, of, ii, 177; Lipika, of, i, 153; Masonic, ii, 607; Monads’ perception, of, i, 692; Occult, of fire, ii, 120; Progenitors, of, ii, 752; Spiritual beings, of, i, 256; Spirituality, of, ii, 92; Substance, of, 1, 682; Theosophic, of Peuvret, ii, 636.

Deity, Abode of the, i, 736; Absolute, i, 89, 194, 268, 672, ii, 168; Absolute Wisdom or, i, 442; Abstract sexless, i, 89; Abstraction of, i, 707; Action the will of, ii, 556; Advaitîs, of the, ii, 633; Ahura Mazda, ii, 438; All-wise, ii, 186; Almighty, ii, 637; Androgynous, i, 101, 427, ii, 69; Anthropomorphic, ii, 318; Architecture of, ii, 573; Aspects of, i, 602; Attributes of, i, 472; Beneficent, ii, 578; Body of, i, 260; Christian church, of the, i, 46, ii, 534; Christian idea of, i, 46, 415, 459, 507; Circle and, ii, 575, 579; Collective, ii, 142; Concealed, i, 103, 104, 433, 472, ii, 566; Conception of, i, 88; Cosmic nature and, i, 679; Create, prepares to, i, 176; Created, ii, 114; Creation and, ii, 168; Creative, ii, 113, 132, 573, 583; Cube and, i, 46; Culmination of, ii, 39; Darkness of, ii, 541; Demiurge no personal, i, 300; Demon, ii, 49; Devil as, ii, 509; Dragon, symbol of, ii, 404; Eastern esotericism and, i, 479; Egyptian, i, 104; Esoteric philosophy and, i, 4, 160; Eternal, ii, 103; Eternal light or, ii, 280; Expansion, as boundless, i, 145; Finite, i, 679; Fire as, i, 32, 87, 114; Four-lettered name of, ii, 326; Fourth race, ii, 820; Generative, ii, 497; Geometrizing, ii, 42, 587; Giants doomed by, ii, 563; Glyphs of, i, 373; Gnostic address to, ii, 497; God, not, i, 374; Greco-Olympian, ii, 438; Hebrew, ii, 636; Hidden one or, i, 377; Hindû, ii, 438; Human-like ways of, ii, 586; Hypothetical, ii, 681; Ideas of an anthropomorphic, i, 452; Ideas of, ii, 41; Image of, ii, 131; Immeasurable, ii, 69; Immutability in, i, 401; Impersonal, ii, 42, 504; Incarnation of, i, 479; Incognizable, i, 37, 139, ii, 56, 623; Incomprehensible, i, 67; Indian, i, 104; Infinite, i, 89, ii, 167; Intelligible, i, 391; Intra-cosmic, ii, 44; Jewish, i, 630, ii, 493, 570, 573; Kabalist view of, i, 89, ii, 634; Kabiric, ii, 379; Leibnitz on, i, 689; Life, presiding over a, i, 699; Logical, i, 672; Male, ii, 33; Maleficent, ii, 578; Man is, i, 479, ii, 541; Manas, of, i, 562, ii, 520; Manifestation of, i, 33, 367, ii, 168, 647; Manifested, i, 89, ii, 541, 662; Manvantaric periodic, i, 135; Mexican, ii, 397; Mind of the, i, 221; Monotheist, of the, i, 581; Most High, ii, 571; Mysterious, ii, 634; Name of, four-lettered, ii, 326; Nameless, i, 145, ii, 570; National, i, 630, ii, 570; Nature and, i, 107, 531, 679, ii, 267, 473, 498; Nature of, i, 291; Night and day, and, ii, 534; Number and, i, 96; Occultism and, i, 46; Omnipresent, i, 89; One, the, i, 89, 227, ii, 284, 399, 675; One in many, the, i, 137; One Veda, one caste, one, i, 108; Organ representing, ii, 496; Ormazd, ii, 438; Orphic, i, 425; Pagans choose a, i, 34; Passive, ii, 28; Permutation of, ii, 629; Personal, i, 46, 286, 300, 689, 695, 700, ii, 432; Personifications of the attributes of, i, 472; Philosophers and, ii, 622; Plato’s, ii, 584, 585; Popular Gods and, i, 358; Power name of, ii, 490; Presence, the ever invisible, i, 259; Primordial, ii, 613; Principle, a, i, 535; Rabbis knew the meaning of, ii, 134; Realization of, ii, 573; Reflection of, ii, 585; Religion and, i, 472; Representation of, ii, 566; Root of the one element in, i, 498; Satan and, i, 219; Sea and, i, 259, 381; Secondary manifested, ii, 662; Secrets revealed by, i, 569; Semitic, ii, 567; Serpent, ii, 397; Seventh principle a personal, i, 700; Sexless, i, 89; Shadow of the unknown, ii, 539; Shemites, of the, ii, 571; Space, i, 67, 361, ii, 69, 168, 281; Substance and, i, 146, 581; Supreme, ii, 138, 148, 430, 571; Symbol of, i, 46, 138, 139, 370, 375, ii, 404, 614, 617; Throne of, i, 673; Tibet, of, i, 101; Triangle and, i, 46, 138; Tribal, ii, 493; Trinity, and, i, 46; Triple aspect of, i, 89, ii, 631; Unconditioned, i, 314; Universal, i, 314, 672, ii, 167; Universe and, i, 120, 202; Unknowable, i, 602; Unknown, i, 3, 73, ii, 431, 495, 514, 539; Unmanifested, ii, 281; Unrelated, i, 314, ii, 167; Unrevealed, i, 32, 106; Unseen, i, 359; Veil of, ii, 575; Whirlwind and, i, 142; Will of, ii, 127; Wisdom of, ii, 122; Zoroastrian, ii, 438; Zuñis, of the, ii, 665.

Delambre referred to, i, 541.

Delgarme and a universal language, i, 330.

Delhi the site of ancient cities, ii, 231, 415.

Deliciæ humani generis, i, 661.

Delius slayer of Python, ii, 815.

Delle Grandezze del Archangelo Sancti Mikaele, ii, 502.

Delos, Island of, ii, 815, 817.

Delphi, Oracle at, i, 505, ii, 396.

Delphic, Commandments, i, 697; Oracular vapours, i, 361; Temple, the, ii, 613.

Delta, Age of the, ii, 789; Egypt, of, ii, 8, 789; Emigrants to, ii, 385; Greek, ii, 615; Population of, ii, 792; Sahara once fertile as, ii, 423; Three-cornered land of, ii, 436.

Deluge, Actual, ii, 327; Atlantean, ii, 401, 562; Avatâra Vishnu and, i, 717; Aztec tradition of, i, 343; Babel after, ii, 392; Biblical, ii, 4; Buddha and, ii, 442; Cain and, ii, 408; Chaldæan, ii, 4; Church and, i, 27; Chronology since, ii, 413; Constellations and, ii, 368, 830; Cumberland on, ii, 411; Denial of, ii, 780; Faber on, ii, 277; Fourth great, ii, 365; Geology and, ii, 153; Gods of, or Kabirim, ii, 376; Great, i, 97, ii, 365; Great dragon or, ii, 367; Ham and, ii, 408; Heroes who escaped, ii, 39; India and her partial, ii, 445; Jebel Djudi mountains of, ii, 154; Klée on, ii, 563; Last, ii, 369, 559; Legend of, ii, 153; Men from the mire of, ii, 546; Monsters generated in, ii, 55; Nabatheans after, ii, 474; Nations after, ii, 474; Noachian, i, 97, 447, 478, ii, 3, 35, 275, 410, 417, 563, 818; Noah’s raven after, i, 477; Panodorus on, ii, 385; Papyri hardly posterior to, i, 431; Patriarch, ii, 629; Preädamites and, ii, 415; Primeval woman after, i, 570; Punishment, no, ii, 428; Pyramids associated with, ii, 368; Records of, ii, 381; Samothracian, ii, 4; Satya Yuga the first after, i, 97; Sign of, ii, 189; Symbolism of, ii, 327, 755; Tall men before, ii, 291; Terrestrial, ii, 148; Theological date for, ii, 841; Thessalian, ii, 820; Third, ii, 366; Tit or, ii, 377; Traditions of, ii, 149, 277; Universal, ii, 562; Vaivasvata Manu and, ii, 72, 326; Vaivasvata’s, i, 97, 396, ii, 147; Waters of, ii, 631; Watery, ii, 155, 653, 785; Zodiac foretold, i, 712.

Deluges, ii, 738; Atlantean, ii, 4; Barbarians and, ii, 785; Causes of, ii, 815; Conflagrations and, ii, 829; Fifth Race has confused the, ii, 150; Noahs and, ii, 147, 320; Periodical, ii, 287; Several, ii, 282, 368; Traditions of, ii, 793; Universal, ii, 4; Waters of, ii, 104.

Demaimieux, author of Pasigraphie, i, 330.

Demeter, ii, 378, 380, 433.

Demi-god, Antiquity, of, ii, 74; Elohim robbed by, ii, 432; Gyges as, ii, 819; Man a, ii, 439; Nârada more than, ii, 51; Pollux a, ii, 131; Prometheus a, ii, 432; Râhu a, ii, 398; Votan the Mexican, ii, 396.

Demi-gods, Bodies assumed by, ii, 232; Chinese, ii, 382; Devatâs or, ii, 423; Dynasties of, ii, 383, 385, 386, 389; Golden age, all men, in the, ii, 440; Inventors were, ii, 389; Nation, in every, ii, 382; Pagans and, ii, 505; Raumas translated, ii, 193; Sciences revealed, ii, 380; Stories of, ii, 462; Third Race, ii, 333, 547.

Demiourgoi or Logoi, ii, 542.

Demiurge, the, i, 477, ii, 248; Abstract idea, an, i, 408; Anthropomorphized, i, 444; Architect and, i, 369, 407; Create, does not, i, 477; Creative Logos, i, 135; Creator or, ii, 5; Descent of, ii, 78; Jehovah, ii, 143; Logos and, i, 300, ii, 26, 29, 501; Nazarenes, of the, ii, 254; Primordial water and, i, 331; Solar fire and, i, 331; War in heaven and, ii, 248.

Demiurgi, Symbols of the, ii, 404.

Demiurgic, Creator, the, i, 377; Mind, i, 372; World, i, 393.

Demiurgical Goddesses, i, 429.

Demiurgos, Chaos and, ii, 743; Collective, i, 400; Logos and, ii, 28, 633.

Demiurgus, Chaldæan esotericism and, ii, 97; Firstborn of any, ii, 488; Iao or, ii, 571; Rage of the, ii, 254.

Democritus, Abdera of, i, 142; Atomist, an, i, 32, 367, 633; Cosmogony of, i, 81; Gods believed in by, i, 564, 670; Gyratory movement taught by, i, 142; Leucippus instructor of, i, 32, 93, 367; Prehistoric race, belief in, ii, 299; Primordial principles, on, i, 93.

Demon, Adversary or, ii, 512; Air, of, i, 507; Assyrian, ii, 360; Asura or, ii, 49; Bigotry, of, i, 23; Dânava a, ii, 399; Deus and, i, 423; Drought, of, ii, 401, 403; Fallen, ii, 510; God, inverse of, i, 256; Guardian spirit stands for, ii, 502; Intolerance of, i, 23; Magicians and, ii, 193; Matter, of, ii, 287; Noah as a, ii, 408; Pride of, ii, 287; Python the, ii, 400; Seth treated as a, ii, 35; South Pole the abode of, ii, 422; Spirit or, i, 694; Terror, of, ii, 421; Typhon as a, ii, 35; Wind, of, i, 507.

Demon est Deus inversus, i, 99, 443, 445, 456, ii, 287, 539.

Demonologist, De Mirville the, ii, 384, 388.

Demonologists, Roman Catholic, ii, 537; Satan of the, ii, 392.

Demonology, Satan in, ii, 406.

Demons, Angels of Light made, ii, 98; Asuras degraded into, i, 223, ii, 526; Celestial female, ii, 649; Christianity and, i, 119, ii, 407, 500; Cosmic, ii, 399; Deep, of the, ii, 401; Devas and, ii, 61; Devils and, i, 452; Dogmatic religions and, ii, 433; Elements, as, i, 400; Ethical meanings of, i, 140; Female, ii, 284; Forces taken for, i, 499; Gods and, i, 492; Gods degraded into, ii, 97, 242; Hindûism and, i, 372, ii, 86; Historical meanings of, i, 140; Kumâras degraded into, i, 496; Lankâ, men, of, ii, 795; Male, ii, 284; Necromancy and, i, 431; Pagan, ii, 500; Pious, i, 447; Pitris of, ii, 93; Positive pole of creation, are, ii, 62; Powers of, ii, 476; Progenitors and, i, 492; Râkshasas regarded as, ii, 174, 242; Rebirth of, i, 495; Samael chief of, i, 449; Satan belongs to fifth class of, ii, 406; Semele, and, i, 430; Seth one with the Hindû, ii, 86; Shankhadvîpa, of, ii, 423; Shells or, ii, 117; Tempting, ii, 184; Universal plenum, within the, i, 621; Wicked, ii, 23, 423.

Demrusch, Giant, ii, 416.

Dendera, Stonehenge and, ii, 359; Temple of, ii, 391; Zodiac of, ii, 385, 449, 451.

Denis the Geographer, quoted, ii, 821.

Denmark, ii, 795, 831.

Denon, referred to, ii, 449, 451, 452.

Denton, Mrs. Elizabeth, quoted, i, 222; Prof., referred to, i, 222.

Depth, Bythos or, i, 235, ii, 605; Chaos and, ii, 607; Circle issues from the unfathomable, ii, 224; Sigê and, ii, 607.

Depths, Chaos, of, i, 237; Cosmic, i, 100; Dark waters, of, i, 58, 100; Invisible, i, 672; Mother, of, i, 58, 95; Ocean of Life, of, i, 58, 95; Rayless, i, 237; Space, of, i, 96, 266, 675; Spiritual soul, of, ii, 605; Universal soul, of, ii, 606; World of matter, of, ii, 543.

Dervishes of literature, Howling, i, 28.

Der Buddhismus, quoted, i, 70, 75.

Der Weltœther als Kosmische Kraft, i, 553.

Derum, Boreas called, i, 504.

Des Esprits, quoted, i, 430, 503, 548, 712, 715, 716, 718, 719, 721, 722, ii, 215, 232.

Desatir, Sentences of the, ii, 280.

Desbosses, Father, referred to, i, 692.

Descartes, quoted, i, 143, 227, 534, 683, 687, 688, 689, ii, 311, 312.

Descent of Man, quoted, ii, 125, 178, 629, 703, 711, 713.

Desert, Gobi, of, ii, 4, 333, 388, 528; Hermon, of, ii, 427; Illusion, of, i, 229; Ischins in a, ii, 393; Jews in the, ii, 537; Sahara of, ii, 423, 442; Scorpio and, rains, i, 711; Shamo, ii, 434; Spread of sandy, ii, 325; Wind of, ii, 403.

Desire, Animal, ii, 627; Body of, ii, 478; Böhme on, ii, 671; Born of, ii, 556; Brahmâ’s, to create, i, 135; Ceaseless pulse of, ii, 244; Cosmic, i, 222; Create, to, ii, 61, 244; Creation, principle of, i, 135; Divine, ii, 69; Exist, to, i, 75; Freedom, for, ii, 508; It, first arose in, ii, 612; Kâma or, i, 265, ii, 170; Kâma Deva God of, ii, 184, 185; Kâma Rûpa and animal, ii, 627; Obstructor, an, ii, 674; Sanandana without, ii, 186; Sons of Brahmâ without, ii, 82; Vehicle of, ii, 123; Vulture of, ii, 431; World of, i, 625.

Desires, Astral body of, i, 280; Body of egotistical, ii, 252; Instability of the lower, ii, 431; Kâma or animal, i, 262, ii, 650; Seat of animal, ii, 265; Selfish and sensual, ii, 521; Vehicle of, i, 177, ii, 19, 110.

Desnoyers on Tertiary man, ii, 794.

Destinies, Artificers of our, i, 705; God of, ii, 486; Nations of, i, 706, 718, ii, 811, 812.

Destiny, Action of the agents and, i, 470; Curse means, i, 402; Cyclic, ii, 465; Fate or, ii, 247; Fortune and, i, 735; Ideas, of, ii, 614; Impenetrable sacred land, of, ii, 6; Karma or, ii, 639; Khonsoo who executes, ii, 486; Kosmos, of, i, 651; Nations, of, i, 703; Network of, i, 701; Patriarchs, of, i, 715; Planets, and, i, 735; Races, of, i, 703; Rocks of, ii, 362; Stars, written in, i, 700; Stone of, ii, 358; Universe, of, i, 645; Windings in our, i, 705; Work of, i, 448; World of fatal, ii, 513.

Destroyers, Creators and, i, 64, 220, 283; Friends and helpers of, i, 284.

Deucalion, ii, 283, 323, 328, 350, 546, 812.

Deus enim et circulus est, ii, 583.

Deus est Demon inversus, i, 423, ii, 502.

Deus, Explicitus, i, 302; Implicitus, i, 302; Latins, of the, i, 370, ii, 636; Mundus, i, 501; Zeus written, ii, 615.

Deus Lunus, Moon or, i, 415, 426, 489; Sin called by the Greeks, i, 417.

Deus non fecit mortem, ii, 440.

Deuteronomy, quoted, i, 109, 114, 505, 630, ii, 351, 482, 501, 566, 567.

Deutsche Mythol., quoted, ii, 283.

Deuxième Mémoire, De Mirville’s, referred to, i, 550.

Dev, the Persian, ii, 567.

Dev-bend or giants’ conqueror, ii, 415.

Dev-sefid, Târadaitya or abode of, ii, 425.

Deva, Ancestor, ii, 707; Angel or, i, 227; Ape and, i, 211; Being becomes a, ii, 336; Bird a synonym of, ii, 306; Consciousness, i, 679; Eye, the, ii, 308; Hindû, ii, 567; Incarnated, ii, 103; Infinity, cannot cross boundary within, i, 159; Instructors, ii, 640; Kingdom, i, 201; Nârada doomed to perish as a, ii, 86; Prometheus a, ii, 553.

Deva-Brahmâ, Pesh-Hun called, ii, 52.

Deva-hue, Celestial kings of the, ii, 443.

Deva-instructors, Dhyânîs or, ii, 640.

Deva-loka worlds and firmaments, i, 156.

Deva-lokas, Angel spheres or, i, 663.

Deva-lokic plane, the, i, 156.

Deva-man, Third race, ii, 316; Vaivasvata Manu a, ii, 755.

Deva-mâtri, Bliss of non-being, the, in the, i, 56; Eve or, i, 380; Goddess-mother or, ii, 555; Mother of the Gods or, i, 83, 126, 574.

Deva-putra Rishaya, or the Sons of Gods, ii, 640.

Deva-Rishi, Nârada the, ii, 51, 87.

Deva-sarga, Divine creation or, ii, 186; Immortals or, i, 490.

Deva-vardhika the Builder of the Gods, ii, 590.

Devachan, Aanroo and, i, 241; Animal, an, has no, ii, 206; Âtmâ in, i, 356, 624; Atmâ-Buddhi in, i, 240, 356; Bliss of, i, 71, 391; Earth, threshold of, i, 71; Fields of Bliss or, i, 413; Higher Triad, for the, i, 264; Manas in, i, 356, ii, 60, 117; Nirmânakâyas and, ii, 650; Principles in, man’s higher, i, 196; Shoo, Tefnoot, and Seb in, ii, 390; Spurning, ii, 294; Third race no, ii, 645.

Devachans, Seven successive, i, 737.

Devakî, Goddess-mother or, ii, 555; Krishna and, ii, 554; Madonna and, ii, 555; Sons of, ii, 639; Vishnu child of, ii, 51.

Devamata, Dialogue between Nârada and, ii, 598.

Devanâgarî and the alphabet of Cadmus, i, 7, ii, 380.

Devâpi of the race of Kuru, i, 405.

Devarshis, or Sons of Dharma or Yoga, ii, 527.

Devas, Âdityas are, ii, 95; Allegories of, i, 449; Amrita reserved for, i, 371; Asuras are, ii, 171; Bodies (illusive) of, ii, 280; Brâhmans rule the, ii, 118; Chemical terms and, i, 598; Cosmic, i, 151; Demons more material, ii, 61; Devils or, i, 102; Dhyân Chohans or, i, 120, 147, 243, 321, 437, 488, 630, ii, 113; Dynasty of living, ii, 232, 386; Elements or, i, 362; Entities called, i, 308; Fire-Angels and, i, 253; Form, the origin of, i, 488; Gandharva, ii, 619; Generation, who fell into, ii, 440; Gods or, i, 371, 449, 663, ii, 94; Great kings of the, i, 151; Greece symbolized in, ii, 99; Hindû, i, 102, ii, 182; Hosts of, ii, 399; Illusion or, i, 314; Incarnate, compelled to, ii, 543; Incarnations of, ii, 520; Inventors were, ii, 389; Lands of the, ii, 276; Logos, aspects of the, i, 463; Lords, Dhyânîs or, ii, 640; Lunar, ii, 520; Metaphysical, i, 519; Monads of Leibnitz and, i, 690; Mystery of, i, 210; Primeval, ii, 752; Propitiating, i, 297; Purânic legend of the, ii, 66; Rebel, ii, 171; Rishis and, ii, 90; Rudras are, ii, 618; Science and, i, 670; Secret Doctrine synonym of, i, 119; Senzar handed down by, i, 26; Seven great divisions of, i, 495; Shadows, have no, ii, 118; Solar, i, 204; Space and time, act in, i, 450; Sun’s attendants, are, ii, 221; Third root race, of, i, 229; Truth about, i, 491; Vanquished, ii, 543; Varuna chief of, ii, 640; Vedic nations, of, ii, 396; Worship offered to, ii, 240.

Devasenâ an aspect of Sarasvatî, ii, 209.

Devatâ, Asura, ii, 258.

Devatâs, Daityas and, ii, 424, 425; Divine beings, demi-gods or, ii, 423; Pitri, ii, 157.

Devayâna the way to Paramapada, i, 157.

Devî Bhâgavata Purâna, i, 39.

Devî-Durgâ, the wife of Shiva, i, 119.

Devil, Ahriman proclaimed, ii, 98; Altar of, ii, 794; Attributes of, ii, 416; Azazel said to be, ii, 393; Biography of the Christian, ii, 500, 556; Castle of, ii, 216; Church transforms Lucifer into, i, 100; Creator opposite aspect of, i, 445; Creative force, a, ii, 536; Darkness, called, i, 99; Deity of every age, ii, 509; Diabolos the, ii, 403; Dogmatism of exoteric, i, 275; Dragon a name for, i, 102, 216, ii, 103; Drouk signifies, ii, 216; Electricity neither God nor, i, 137; Evil outside mankind does not produce a, ii, 406; Fallacy of a personal, ii, 394, 498; Genesis of, i, 442, ii, 501; God and, i, 110, 446, ii, 501, 509; Horned and tailed, ii, 500; Iblis or, ii, 412; Initiates and, ii, 536; Invention of, ii, 249; Jehovah and, i, 100; Jupiter called, ii, 504; Leviathan and, ii, 216; Lucifer called, i, 99; Mercury called a, ii, 504; Pagans and, ii, 494; Personal, ii, 394, 498; Pharisees declare Jesus to have a, ii, 394; Prince of the air not a, ii, 509; Prototype of Christian, ii, 256; Reality of, ii, 356; Repentance of, ii, 248; Samael the, ii, 406; Saraph Mehophep and, ii, 216; Satan and, ii, 395, 407; Serpent a symbol of, i, 423, 476; Sign of the, ii, 103; Son of God, is, i, 99; Svastika and, ii, 103; Tempted of, i, 446; Thalatth and the, i, 423; Theology and, i, 368, 423, ii, 216, 369, 509, 614; Tomb in England of, ii, 216; Vehicle of man, ii, 239; Venus called, ii, 504; White, ii, 155, 421; White Island, of the, ii, 425; Wilford, of, ii, 155; Worshippers, ii, 541; Ye are of your father the, i, 631.

Devil-fish of Victor Hugo, ii, 459.

Devil-worship, Nagalism called, ii, 192.

D’Evil, i, 102, 443.

Devilish, Even numbers are, ii, 607; Science said to be, ii, 49; Wisdom which is, ii, 287.

Deville, H. St. Claire, quoted, i, 594.

Devils, Angels and, i, 148, 307, 731; Archangels, and, i, 256; Christian hell, of the, ii, 533; Christians, of, ii, 243; Church, of the, i, 353, ii, 293, 617; Deities and, ii, 534; Demons are not, ii, 61; Depraved, utterly, ii, 171; Dhyân Chohans said to be, ii, 617; Elementals, or, ii, 668; Gods and, i, 705, ii, 35, 504; Hindû devas, and, i, 102; Hosts, and the, ii, 512; Humanity, do not exist outside, ii, 287; Jack the Ripper compared with, ii, 533; Jesus on, ii, 241; Logos, subject to the, ii, 240; Modern, ii, 533; Mother of, ii, 539; Occultists accused of worshipping, ii, 387; Pagans, of, i, 148; Planets or, ii, 504; Sons of, ii, 218; Spirits of evil, and, ii, 171; Theological fancy, of, i, 507; Theology, of, ii, 534; Zoroastrians and, i, 102.

Devonian age, the, i, 273, ii, 265, 753.

Devonshire, Miocene times, in, ii, 767; Palæolithic age, in the, ii, 550.

Devourers, Earth built by, i, 278; Fiery lives, the, i, 269; Fire-atoms, and, i, 279.

Devs, Giants, strong and wicked, ii, 411; Izeds or, ii, 820; Magi, of the, i, 631; Metals concealed by, ii, 414; Ocean, ii, 417; Peris, and, ii, 416, 820; Sorcery of, ii, 412; Tahmurath enemy of, ii, 415; Zoroastrians, of the, i, 630.

Dhairya the parent of fortitude, ii, 556.

Dhaivata and Nishâda (the Hindû gamut), i, 583.

Dhammapada, quoted, ii, 116.

Dharma, Devarshis sons of, ii, 527; Great Bear, a star of the, ii, 579; Kâma as son of, ii, 186; Sons of, ii, 186, 527; Thorah or, i, 423; Yoga, or, ii, 527.

Dharmakâya, i, 50.

Dhatû in the human body, seven, i, 309.

Dhîmat or all-wise deity, ii, 186.

Dhriti or patience, ii, 556.

Dhruva, Age of, ii, 812; Alpha, now, ii, 648; Chariots attached to, ii, 513; Commentaries on, ii, 812; Enos seen in, i, 718; Ex-pole star, ii, 579; Pole-star, the, i, 469, ii, 513, 648.

Dhulkarnayn, the two-horned, ii, 416.

Dhyân of the first element, ii, 111.

Dhyân Chohan, Absolute being mystery to, i, 82; Archangel or, i, 297; Bodhisattva or, ii, 188; Cosmic evolution, and, ii, 324; Creating, ii, 253, 769; Deity or, i, 699; Evolution of, i, 242, 491; Fohat runs errands for, i, 93; Individuality of the, i, 285; Infinity not crossed, boundary within, i, 159; Informing, ii, 36; Infusorium to, from, i, 145; Man and, i, 215, 286, 485; Manu or, i, 93, ii, 322, 706; Monad a, i, 285; Progenitor of Manu, or, ii, 706; Races represented by, ii, 189; Riddle unread by, i, 352; Root-Manu or, ii, 322; Sanaka a, i, 399; Spiritual, i, 314; Uranus a, ii, 809; Venus, of, ii, 36.

Dhyân Chohans, Æther first-born of, i, 610; Agents for humanity, i, 250; Aggregate of, i, 298, 300, 488, 511; Ah-hi or, i, 70; Amshaspands or, ii, 374; Ancients called, Gods, ii, 617; Angelic beings or, i, 144; Angels or, i, 295, 670; Anupâdaka, are, i, 82; Archangels or, i, 670; Ases or, i, 460; Astral man the reflection of, ii, 180; Asuras connected with, ii, 97; Avalokiteshvara and, i, 511; Breaths, never-resting, i, 129; Builders, or, i, 253, ii, 180, 773; Classes of, i, 211, 628, ii, 107, 243, 332; Constitution of, i, 640; Cosmic, i, 661; Create, refused to, ii, 256; Creative, i, 73, 135, 478, ii, 63, 377; Creators, our, ii, 37; Darkness beyond, i, 478; Deity and, i, 139; Demiurge, form the, i, 300; Devas or, i, 147, 437, ii, 113, 243, 321; Divine intelligence and, i, 488; Divine powers, are, i, 49; Divisions of, i, 495; Dragons of wisdom or, ii, 293; Dual nature of, i, 300; Earths under charge of, i, 477; Elements standing for, i, 362; Elohim or, ii, 536; Energies, reäwakened, i, 116; Entities called, i, 308; Esoteric hierarchy of, ii, 408; Ethereal races of, i, 210; Evolution of, ii, 114, 740; Existences up to, i, 71; Fohat and, i, 93; Genii of the Planets or, i, 715; Gods or, i, 468, ii, 61, 617, 808; Governors or, i, 658; Groups of, i, 49, 218, 610, 626, ii, 250, 377, 382; Heavenly man, the, ii, 721; Hierarchies of, i, 117, 120, 211, 313, ii, 293, 332, 488; Hosts of, i, 135, 144, 400; Human, i, 518; Humanity and, i, 247, 250; Incarnating, ii, 94, 280; Informing, ii, 288, 382; Intelligences or, i, 170; Kabirim identical with, ii, 411; Knowledge limited of, ii, 740; Kumâras, called, ii, 613; Kwan-Shi-Yin and, i, 511; Leibnitz’ Monads and, i, 690; Light reflected in, i, 696, ii, 41; Logos and, i, 298; Lower, i, 210, 267, ii, 293; Lunar, i, 483; Ly and Tchong two, ii, 293; Manus or, i, 402; Manvantaric emanations or, i, 463; Mighty ones were, ii, 411; Mind or, i, 298, 651; Monads and, i, 690, ii, 155, 317; One light reflected by, i, 696; Orders of, i, 118, ii, 107; Pitris and, i, 210, 211, 223, 477; Planetary spirits or, i, 298, 511, 696; Planets under charge of, i, 477, 715; Populations of, i, 637; Primal natures of, i, 110; Primary stuff used by, i, 654; Primaries seen by, i, 309; Primeval, ii, 411; Progenitors were, ii, 107; Prototypes of, i, 670; Races evolved by, ii, 321; Races of, i, 210; Rays or, i, 155, 626; Reflection of, ii, 180; Reflection of one light by, i, 696; Revelation by, i, 38; Ruling, i, 170; Science and, i, 670; Second race, ii, 809; Solar system woven by, i, 654; Sons of Wisdom or, ii, 279; Spheres under charge of, i, 477, 715; Substance of, corporeal, i, 309; Supra-mundane spheres, of, i, 715; Verbum, the manifested, i, 298; Watchers or, i, 253.

Dhyân-Chohanic Body, ii, 96; Centres of force, ii, 773; Consciousness, i, 626; Energy or Fohat, ii, 685; Essence, i, 285, ii, 127; Host, i, 183; Impulse, ii, 779; Minds, i, 634; Thought, ii, 685; Wisdom, ii, 685, 777.

Dhyâna, Janna or, i, 4; Yoga same as, ii, 122.

Dhyânî, Archangel or, ii, 25; Âtmâ-Buddhi, an, i, 215; Chenresi, ii, 188, 189; Devas and, i, 630; Father-mother, from the bright, ii, 16, 58; Lha, called, ii, 25; Lunar, man a, i, 211; Man as, i, 211, ii, 268; Planetary, ii, 32; Reborn a, ii, 268; Six-fold, i, 244; Six-principled, i, 244; Special, ii, 32.

Dhyâni-Bodhisattvas sons of the Dhyâni-Buddhas, i, 134, ii, 122.

Dhyâni-Buddha, Adepts, of, i, 626; Angel of the star or, i, 626; Amitâbha a, i, 134; Archangel or, i, 45; Augoeides or, i, 626; Bodhisattva or, i, 625; Celestial son of a, i, 134; Father, or, i, 628; Father-soul or, i, 626; Gautama, of, i, 134; Group belonging to a, i, 628; Initiation, seen at, i, 626; Monad’s rebirth guided by his, i, 626; Planetary spirit or, i, 627; Star or, i, 511, 628; Twin-soul, the elder, i, 626.

Dhyâni-Buddhas, Aggregate of, i, 512; Alaya one with, i, 79; Anupâdaka means, i, 82, 624; Archangels or, i, 142; Architects or, i, 287; Bodhisattvas and, i, 73, 82, 624, 625, ii, 37; Buddhist system, in the, i, 234; Celestial sons of, ii, 122; Chhâyâs of, i, 625; Contemplation, of, i, 625; Cosmic Gods or, i, 79; Deities, highest, i, 142; Dhyân Chohans or, i, 82; Elements of mankind, called, i, 625; Elixir of life and, i, 511; Elohim or, i, 138; Groups of, i, 287; Heavenly, i, 625; Intelligences, informing, ii, 37; Mânushi-Buddhas and, i, 83; Meaning of, hidden, i, 139; Mysteries unfathomed by, i, 142; One in many, the, i, 138; Orientalists’ mistakes concerning, i, 83; Parentless, i, 624; Primeval, i, 98; Revelation, from, i, 38; Shadows of, i, 628; Synthesis of, i, 134; Wisdom of, i, 133; Watchers or, i, 287.

Dhyâni-Buddhic or Ah-hi Paranishpanna, i, 83.

Dhyâni-Chohans, Mysteries not known to, i, 41; Nirvâna, all in, i, 142.

Dhyânic sight, Limitations of, ii, 37.

Dhyânipâsha or Rope of the angels, i, 118.

Dhyânîs or Dhyânis, Agnishvâttas and, ii, 96; Ancestors, or, i, 242; Angels, or, i, 242, ii, 30; Arûpa Pitris, or, ii, 98; Beings slain by, ii, 122; Bhûta evolved by, i, 206; Birthdays of, ii, 189; Bodhisattvas of, i, 73; Breath, and the, ii, 19; Capricornus abode of, i, 239; Celestial Buddhas, or, i, 133; Chohans or, i, 679; Classes of, ii, 98; Clothing of, i, 679; Create, refusing to, ii, 238; Creative, i, 246; Crocodile, connected with the, i, 239; Deva-instructors or, ii, 640; Disciples of, ii, 220; Egos, or, ii, 304; Elohim or, i, 251, 454, ii, 2; Esoteric Philosophy, of, ii, 98; Esoteric system, in the, i, 73; Essence of, i, 242; Evolution governed by, i, 204; Evolution of, i, 238; Fire, ii, 96; First, i, 246; Flagæ, called, i, 242; Gods or, i, 248, 313, 454, 679; Good, not always, ii, 232; Heavenly men, or, ii, 2, 304; Hierarchies of, i, 157, ii, 30; Highest, i, 228, ii, 288; Host of, ii, 238; Human monad and, ii, 110; Incarnations of, i, 228, 287, ii, 98, 238, 511; Inferior, i, 157, 287; Intellectual, had to become, ii, 176; Logoi, or, i, 204; Lords, or Devas, ii, 640; Lowest, i, 245; Man becomes as one of the, i, 297; Mânasa, i, 204; Manvantaras, from other, ii, 98; Monad and, ii, 110; Nirmânakâyas and, ii, 98; Occultism and, i, 238; Orders of, i, 280; Orientalists and, i, 133; Physical body, without, i, 255; Pitris and, i, 204, 206, 242, ii, 84, 96; Planetary, ii, 32; Progenitors or, ii, 304; Progeny of, i, 206; Rays of wisdom or, ii, 201; Root-Races and, i, 73, ii, 50, 174; Seven heavens, of the, ii, 285; Shadows, incarnated in empty, ii, 511; Solar Devas, or, i, 204; Spirits of the earth or, i, 245; Spiritual, ii, 176; Spiritual perception, real to, i, 251.

Diable, Origin of the word, i, 102.

Diabolos, Origin of the word, i, 102, ii, 403.

Diagram, Apes, of pedigree of, ii, 727; Correspondences, of, i, 177; Earth chain, of the, ii, 802; Evolution of primordial matter, of, i, 684; Evolution of races, ii, 314; Formation of the soul, i, 262; Genealogical tree of fifth race, of, ii, 453; Human principles, of, i, 177, 194; Occultists, of, i, 239; Origin of species, of, ii, 779; Planes, of the seven, i, 221; Planetary divisions, of the, i, 177; Schmidt’s, ii, 777; Septenary division, of the, ii, 670; Ungulate mammals, of the, ii, 777; World chain of globes, of the, i, 194.

Diagramma of the Ophites, ii, 567.

Diamond, Heart, i, 624, ii, 816; Symbol, as a, i, 323.

Diamond-souled or Vajrasattvas, i, 83.

Diana, Apollo and, ii, 815; Bearded, i, 426; Cat-shaped, i, 416; Ceres, daughter of, ii, 437; Chaste, i, 415; Child-birth presided over, i, 415; Child-son of, i, 430; Demiurgical Goddess, a, i, 429; Invisible, visible and, i, 429; Latona and, ii, 437, 815; Life, presided over, i, 415; Lunar Goddess, a, ii, 26; Moon and, i, 249, 415, 416, 429, ii, 130, 484, 815; Mother, ii, 26; Niobe and, children of, ii, 815; One Mother of God, the, i, 430; Visible and invisible, i, 429.

Diana-Hecate-Luna, the Three in One, i, 416.

Diana-Luna, the beauteous Goddess, i, 425.

Dianoia and Logos are synonymous, ii, 28.

Diapason harmony, the, ii, 635.

Diarbek, a city founded by Tahmurath, ii, 415.

Diastemes, musical, i, 467.

Diastolic property of the Unity, ii, 46.

Diatessaron a Greek term, ii, 635.

Diathermanous matter, Âkâsha is, i, 41.

Diatomic, Atoms of chemistry, i, 239; Elements, i, 602.

Diavolo or devil, etc., i, 102.

Dictionary, Empirical as defined in, ii, 702; Parkhurst’s Greek, quoted, ii, 482.

Dictionary of Hindû Mythology, quoted, i, 108.

Dictionnaire des Religions, quoted, ii, 358.

Dictynna of the Cretans was Artemis, i, 425.

Diderot on plurality of worlds, ii, 746.

Didymium an element, i, 165, 597.

Die Herabkunft des Feuers, etc., quoted, ii, 106, 554.

Die Kabbalah, by Franck, i, 26.

Die Phoinizier, quoted, ii, 397.

Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus, quoted, ii, 476.

Die Theorie der Materie, quoted, i, 559.

Die Versunkene Insel Atlantis, ii, 827.

Dieu et les Dieux, quoted, ii, 361.

Differentiation, Æons of, ii, 778; Atom, of the primordial, ii, 772; Atomic, i, 176; Atoms of, i, 693; Basis for future, ii, 722; Beginning of, i, 226; Binary, the origin of, ii, 607; Breath, from the One, ii, 517; Causes of, ii, 685; Cosmic, i, 176, 200, 654, ii, 407; Creative agent, of the, i, 453; Dawn of, i, 31; Essence, of the, ii, 571; Evolving energy after, i, 680; First, i, 34, 266, 279, ii, 253, 407; Homogeneous, of the, i, 736, ii, 439; Illusive, i, 296; Light, of eternal, ii, 62; Matter, of, i, 593, 644, 736; Monads, of, i, 693; Mysterious, ii, 153; Origin of, ii, 607; Palæolithic man, of, ii, 726; Physiological, ii, 127; Plane of, i, 267, ii, 196; Primal, ii, 517; Primeval, i, 222, 644, 658, ii, 196; Primordial, i, 684, ii, 722; Progressive, ii, 682; Sexes, of, ii, 126, 191; Space, of, i, 279; Species, of, ii, 775; Specific, ii, 683; Spirit, from, ii, 515; Spirit the first, i, 279; Spirit-matter, of, i, 349; Substance, of, i, 654, ii, 253, 497; Svabhavat, of, i, 696; Unit, of the, ii, 543; Universe of, i, 194; Unknowable, of the, ii, 769; World-stuff, of, i, 651; Zero, begins from, i, 162.

Dig-ambara, Rudra Shiva is, i, 455, ii, 528.

Dii Magni identical with the Kabiri, ii, 376.

Dimensions, Atoms of, i, 689; Four, of space, i, 271; Metaphysical, i, 689; Six, ii, 625; Three, i, 272, 601.

Dinah, daughter of Jacob, i, 715.

Dingir, the Akkadian creative God, ii, 382.

Dinosaurians of gigantic proportions, ii, 229.

Dinotherium Giganteum, Fossil remains of, ii, 289.

Diodorus Siculus, quoted, i, 392, ii, 152, 351, 359, 379, 384, 425, 487, 656, 803, 804, 805, 809, 812, 814, 817.

Diogenes Laërtius, quoted, i, 468, 713.

Dionusus of Mnaseas, ii, 411.

Dionys., quoted, ii, 153.

Dionysia, licentious, i, 358.

Dionysiac mysteries and the orphic egg, i, 385.

Dionysos compared with Brahmâ, i, 358.

Dionysus, Adonaï, basis of, i, 501; Bacchus or, i, 358, ii, 438; Christian trinity and, i, 425; Chthonius, i, 501; First-born of the world, i, 385; Lunar God, a, i, 425; Man-Saviour or, ii, 438.

Dionysus-Bacchus, or the dark Epaphos, ii, 434.

Dionysus-Sabasius, son of Zeus, ii, 433.

Dioscori and Vulcan’s progeny, ii, 112.

Dioscuri, Apollodorus, of, ii, 129; Great Gods, were, ii, 377; Kabiri, were, ii, 376, 379; Sparks on the caps of, i, 361.

Dîrghotamas, quoted, ii, 102.

Dis, Disposer of all things, the, i, 99; Light called, i, 366; Jupiter, identified with, i, 501.

Disc, Symbology of, i, 34.

Disciples, Brâhmans, of the, i, 292; Buddha, of, ii, 37; Chelâs or, i, 50; Gods-Hierophants, of the, ii, 471; Group of, i, 628; Hermes, of, ii, 571; John Baptist, of, ii, 598; Masters’ names assumed by, ii, 280; Sciences taught to, ii, 454.

Discipline, Mysteries were a, i, 19.

Disco Island, Miocene plants in, ii, 767.

Discoid or discoplacentalia, ii, 754.

Discoidal placenta, a, ii, 686.

Discoplacentalia (discoid), ii, 754.

Discours., quoted, i, 547.

Discrete, Elements, ii, 252; Indiscrete, and, i, 400, 489, ii, 134; Prakriti, i, 400; Quantities, i, 280; Substance, ii, 134.

Discus, Ram’s horns, and, ii, 223; Solar, Thoth with the, ii, 558.

Disease, Cyclic changes in, i, 202; Epidemic of, i, 147; Language, of, i, 322; Materialism, of, ii, 759; Mediumship and, ii, 387; Messengers bring, i, 148; Mythology said to be, of language, i, 322; Serpent brings, ii, 372; Treatment of, i, 611; Unbelief a, ii, 78; Yima, unknown during kingship of, ii, 644.

Diseases, Constitutional, ii, 429; Creators and destroyers, due to unseen, i, 282; Hereditary, ii, 429; Over-population and, ii, 429; Septenary law in, ii, 658; Sidereal motion and, i, 707.

Disembodied, Man, i, 264, 297; Manes or, men, ii, 390; Monad, ii, 60; Principles of earth, i, 328; Soul, i, 620.

Disk, Chakra or, of Vishnu, ii, 576; Lunar, ii, 486, 487; Sun, of, i, 735, ii, 590; White, representing Kosmos, i, 31.

Disraeli on apes and angels, ii, 787.

Dissertation on the Mysteries of the Cabiri, ii, 276.

Dissertations relating to Asia, i, 406.

Dissociation-point for compounds, i, 639.

Dissolution, Brahmâ’s, i, 397; Constant, i, 398; Cyclic, i, 647; Elemental, i, 277; Evolution and, i, 40, 41; Mahâpralaya or, i, 164, 175; Manvantara, at end of, ii, 321; Matter, of, i, 403, 647; Meanings of, ii, 323; Mundane, ii, 800; Nitya or constant, i, 398; Periodical, i, 40, ii, 597; Periods of, i, 492; Planetary, i, 182; Pralaya or, i, 68, 182; That can have no concern with, i, 401; Universal, i, 68, 164, 175, 602, ii, 72, 155, 612; World’s, ii, 321.

Diti, Aditi, a form of, ii, 648; Dvâpara Yuga, in, ii, 650; Indra, and, ii, 649; Maruts, mother of, ii, 603.

Div-sefid or white devil, ii, 421, 425.

Divination, Ancient, i, 424; Birds, by, i, 388; Confucius and, i, 475; Idol of the Moon and, ii, 476; Mode of, ii, 476; Scientific, i, 699; Spirits of the elements, by, i, 424; Stones, by, ii, 361, 362; Teraphim, by the, ii, 476.

Divine-human, Avatâras, i, 373; Monad, i, 512.

Divine-spiritual, Evolution of the, i, 234.

Diviners, Greek, i, 424.

Divining-stone or stone of the ordeal, ii, 358.

Divining-straws of Confucius, i, 475.

Divinities, All-Father, in house of, ii, 105; Babylon, of, ii, 396; Birds, glyph of, ii, 814; Chthonian, ii, 380; Classes of, ii, 619; Creation of, i, 481, 489; Delphi, of, ii, 396; False, ii, 292; Hindû, ii, 423; Life and nature, and, i, 457; Natural, i, 502; Progeny, refuse to create, i, 494; Prototypes, as, i, 492; Secondary, i, 403; Seven, ii, 668; Veil of, i, 502.

Divinity, Chaldæans, of, ii, 571; Creation and, ii, 101; Draco a, ii, 35; Exacting, ii, 585; Self-conscious, ii, 98; Sidereal, ii, 35; Sun a symbol of, i, 520; Universe, of, i, 734; Virgin an ancient, i, 721.

Divisibility of matter and substance, i, 565, 573, 635, 688.

Division, Bhârata-varsha, of, ii, 335; Brâhmans and septenary, ii, 627; Canon of the monochord, of, ii, 635; Constellations, of the, ii, 579; Cosmic, ii, 652; Cosmos, of, ii, 651; Cycles, into, ii, 73; Divine hierarchies, in, ii, 630; Matter and mind, between, i, 687; Object capable of, every, i, 677; Planets, of, ii, 579; Principles, of man’s, ii, 390; Propagation by, ii, 697; Races, of, i, 705, ii, 661; Sciences, of, i, 551; Senses of, i, 583; Septenary, i, 181, ii, 627, 630, 651, 670; Stars, of, ii, 579; Veda, of the, ii, 507.

Divisions, Atlantean, ii, 382; Circle, of the, i, 439; Cosmic, ii, 77; Globe, of our, ii, 1; Heart, of the, ii, 96; Humanity, of, ii, 453; Jambu-dvîpa, of, ii, 386; Kalpa, of the, ii, 56; Lemurian, ii, 382; Lemuro-Atlantis, of, ii, 388; Mysterious, i, 698; Numerical, ii, 632; Principles, etc., i, 737; Races, of, ii, 259, 260; Rig-Vedic, ii, 658; Root-races, of, ii, 452; Science, of, i, 585; Seasons, of, ii, 77; Septenary, i, 670, ii, 643; Time, of, i, 698, ii, 77, 454, 595; Zodiac, of the, i, 711; Zones and, i, 737.

Divo Rajah or the sky, ii, 658.

Divorce of spirit from matter, ii, 492.

Dixon, C., and Darwinism, ii, 684.

Djan or Dzan, i, 4.

Djin a mechanical illusory animal, i, 314, ii, 446.

Djooljool, Bamian a portion of city of, ii, 353.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, ii, 331.

Doctrine, Antiquity of man, of the, ii, 666; Archaic, i, 22, ii, 65, 660; Child of earth, communicated to, ii, 297; Cloak of the, ii, 468; Cycles, of, ii, 775; Esoteric Budhism, of, ii, 105; Evolution, of, i, 656, 657, ii, 59; Fallen angels, of the, ii, 286; Foundation of a city and establishment of a, ii, 840; Hebdomad, of the, ii, 624; Hegelian, ii, 470; Hermes, of, i, 685; Jesus distorted, of, ii, 242; Kabalah, of the, i, 266; Kabalists veiled, ii, 575; Kant and occult, i, 659; Logos, of the, ii, 29; Parent, i, 27; Pythagorean, i, 467; Secret, i, 22, 24, 33, 175, 287, 293, 300, 307, 510, 653, 662, 737, 739, ii, 1, 9, 62, 65, 471; Septenary, ii, 666; Seven souls, of the, ii, 668; Seventh principle, of the, i, 46; Spheres, of the, ii, 637; Spirits, of, ii, 386; Thread, i, 669; Upanishad or esoteric, i, 290; Yugas, of the, i, 719.

Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism, quoted, ii, 8, 175, 182, 195, 683, 703, 705, 776, 823, 833, 834, 836.

Doctrines, Arcane, i, 22; Archaic wisdom, of, ii, 686; Chaldæan scriptures, of, ii, 478; Ibn Gebirol, of, ii, 483; Nabathean Agriculture, of, ii, 474, 475; Nabatheans, of the, ii, 477; Occult, i, 660, ii, 685; Prehistoric ages, of, ii, 474; Qû-tâmy, of, ii, 478; Theosophy, of, ii, 667.

Documentary record, Date of, ii, 70.

Documents, Air and fire, impermeable to, i, 31; Archaic, i, 471; Authentic, ii, 474; Egyptian, i, 471; Hieroglyphic, i, 13; Phœnician cities, in, ii, 459.

Dodecads, or celestial beings, sub-groups of, i, 154.

Dodecagonal pyramid, ii, 610.

Dodecahedron, Cube, concealed in, i, 485; Geometrical figure of, i, 363; Plato, of, i, 367; Universe, of, ii, 39.

Dodecapod found on the dry island, ii, 415.

Dodecapodian horse of Huschenck, ii, 417.

Dodona, Oaks of, i, 477.

Dodonean Jupiter, the, i, 501.

Dog, Constellation of, ii, 391; Embryo of a, ii, 270; Erataoth the, ii, 121; Taming of the, ii, 782.

Dog-headed, Babies, ii, 59; Men, ii, 17, 66.

Dog-star or Sirius, ii, 391.

Dogma, Asuras and, ii, 62; Azazel, concerning, ii, 393; Christian, i, 119, 430, ii, 403; Church, ii, 393, 531; Fall of the, ii, 66; Fallen angels, of, ii, 109; Falsification causes, i, 285; Filioque, ii, 672; Lemurians had no, ii, 284; Pagan symbol, founded on, ii, 531; Purâna, of the, ii, 603; Redemption, of, ii, 541; Religious, ii, 286; Resurrection, of the, i, 413; Satan, of, ii, 394, 405, 408; Secret Doctrine not imposed as, ii, 273; Spiritualists deny, i, 732; Supernatural belongs to, ii, 204; Theological, ii, 66, 98, 541; Truth kills, ii, 842.

Dogmas, Christian, i, 331, ii, 280, 500; Church, i, 218, ii, 400; Darwinian, ii, 667; Egyptian priests, of, i, 331; Facts become, ii, 820; God of, ii, 318, 434; Hebdomad, of the, ii, 624; Human, ii, 318, 508; Invisible intelligences, as to, i, 671; Materialistic, i, 673; Metaphysic, of, i, 681; Mysteries, of ancient, ii, 131; Natural selection, of, ii, 195; Nature, in, i, 446; Occult, ii, 45; Philosophies, of, i, 389; Plato and Christian, ii, 280; Religious, i, 389, ii, 1; Theological, i, 673, ii, 428, 469; Theosophy, of, ii, 667; Transcendental, i, 681; Universal, i, 446.

Dogmatic, Denial, i, 307; Empyreans, i, 674; Faith, i, 307; Religions, i, 218, 408, ii, 110, 394, 433; Spirit, ii, 395.

Dogmatism, Avowal of, ii, 700; Devil of, i, 275; Evolutionists, of, ii, 178; Roman Catholic, ii, 35.

Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, quoted, ii, 584, 593.

Dogs, Celestial flock, watching over the, ii, 31; Fishes, with tails of, ii, 57.

Dolichocephalæ of America, ii, 837.

Dolichocephalic, Human form was, ii, 177, 203.

Dolmens, Builders of, ii, 793, 794; Ganggriften, called, ii, 795; Initiates built, i, 230, ii, 793; Priest-architects, the work of, i, 230; Tombs or, ii, 795.

Dolphin, Poseidon symbolized by the, ii, 610, 611, 819; Sea-soundings of the, ii, 348, 837; Zodiac, tenth sign of, ii, 609.

Domain, Cosmological law, of, i, 517; Metaphysic, of, ii, 701; Nature, of, ii, 162; Osiris, of, i, 737; Physical science, of, i, 669, ii, 457, 686; Sekhem, of, i, 257.

Domains, Astral and physical evolution, of, ii, 268; Planets, of various beings, i, 632.

Dome, Supporters of the heavenly, i, 274.

Domes are phallic symbols, ii, 89.

Domesticated animals, ii, 390, 755.

Dominant atomicities, i, 602.

Dominion, Sacerdotal, in Egypt, ii, 450; Sphere, of the outermost, ii, 243.

Dominions, Bel ruled by the, i, 469; Christian dogma, of, i, 119; Jupiter ruled by the, i, 469.

Don Juan, Sidereal, i, 249; Zeus the Græco-Olympian, ii, 438.

Don Juanic Gods of the Pantheon, ii, 184.

Donnelly, quoted, ii, 232, 279, 289, 348, 349, 782, 788, 804, 826, 830, 835, 837, 838.

Door, Human kingdom, into the, i, 196; Unknown, of the, i, 687.

Door-keeper of the temple of the king, ii, 243.

Door-posts marked with the Tau in blood, ii, 588.

Doors of ancient dwellings, ii, 290.

Dordogne, Arrowheads from caves of, ii, 549.

Dorjechang the supreme Buddha, i, 624.

Dorjesempa or Vajrasattva, Diamond Heart, i, 83, 624.

Dormant faculties, i, 518.

Dots, Commentary on, i, 124; Map, in archaic, i, 475.

Dotted side of upper triangle, i, 379.

Douay version of the Bible, i, 152.

Double, Æneas, of, ii, 814; Astral body or, ii, 82; Celestial, ii, 502; Chhâyâ or, ii, 127; Divine, ii, 503; Dragon, ii, 60; Evolution, ii, 92, 176; Face on pyramid, i, 456; Force, stream of, ii, 772; Four, one becomes, ii, 305; God, of, i, 678, ii, 396; Heaven, ii, 513; Line of cube, ii, 635; Michael, of God, ii, 396; Ones or hermaphrodites, ii, 33; Persons seen at a distance, of, i, 254; Pitris, of the, ii, 127; Ray, ii, 514; Shakti female, of any God, i, 678; Sign of Venus and earth, ii, 33; Swan, i, 382; Triangle, i, 143, ii, 562; Womb, i, 421.

Double-faced, Binary, called, ii, 607; One-faced, became, ii, 308.

Double-sexed, Animals, ii, 101; Anu, ii, 65; Creators, ii, 138; Jehovah, ii, 65, 132, 138; Organ, ii, 496; Primeval race, ii, 141; Vishnu, ii, 34.

Doubles, Archangels of, i, 256; Astral, ii, 121; Dhyânîs, of, ii, 107; Fathers, of, ii, 121; Human, i, 477; Pitris, of, i, 268, ii, 5; Rishis, of the, i, 477.

D’Ourches an occultist, ii, 500.

Dove, Ark, sent from the, ii, 154; Holy Ghost, symbol of the, i, 378, 388; Raven, and, ii, 488; Sacred animal, as a, i, 476; Symbol, as a, i, 378, 388, 412.

Dover, Straits of, ii, 489.

Doves, Black, i, 477; Harmless as, ii, 381.

Dowler, Dr., Skeleton found by, ii, 367.

Downward evolution, i, 601.

Dowson, quoted, i, 108, 141, ii, 156, 264, 524, 578, 590, 648.

Doxology of the seven heavens, ii, 594.

Draco, Constellation, ii, 35; Lesser Bear, and the, i, 442; Messiah, symbol of, ii, 372; Pole-star, once the, ii, 35.

Dracontia, Dragon, temples sacred to, ii, 397; Druids and, ii, 799; Plans of the, ii, 362; Theories of the, ii, 363.

Dragon, Ahti the, ii, 29; Angels with, bodies, ii, 30; Apocalypse, of the, ii, 35, 400; Apophis, the, ii, 403; Âryan man, not imagined by, ii, 228; Astral light, glyph for, i, 102; Azure, i, 439; Bel and the, i, 11, ii, 501, 528; Bull and the, i, 721; Cherubim, as, i, 152; Chinese, ii, 293, 381; Chozzar the, ii, 372; Conqueror of, ii, 402, 580; Constellation of the, ii, 368, 369; Creation, and, ii, 109; Cross, and, i, 720; Cycle, symbol of, ii, 509; Darkness, of, i, 391, 444; Deep, of the, ii, 401; Deity, symbol of manifested, ii, 404; Demon, ii, 400; Devil, or, ii, 103; Divine, human and, ii, 381; Double, ii, 60; Evil, ii, 56, 531; Evil winds from mouth of, the, ii, 418, 419; Fafnir, the, i, 435; Fall and the, ii, 110; Fallen Angels, personifies the, i, 11; Fiery, i, 103, 224, ii, 217, 540; Five-pointed star, a, i, 240; Flood, and the great, ii, 368; Flying, ii, 510, 542, 715; Four-mouthed, ii, 214; George, St., and the, i, 495; Glyph for astral light, a, i, 102; Golden, i, 488; Good, of, ii, 29; Great, i, 496, ii, 35, 98, 367, 830; Head of, ii, 531; Hoang-ty, leader of sons of, ii, 542; Horus, slain by, ii, 398; Human, ii, 381; Human face, with, ii, 527; Initiate called a, i, 439; Legends, ii, 522; Light of, i, 444; Logoi, denoted the, i, 102, 103; Meaning of, ii, 218, 220, 404; Medea, of, i, 275; Merodach the, slayer, ii, 56; Michael and, i, 216, 223, ii, 503, 580; Moon, enemy of the, i, 433; Mystery of, ii, 529; Nidhogg, the, i, 232; Occultists and the, ii, 218; Old, ii, 532, 533; Ophis or, i, 496; Pole or, ii, 830; Powers of evil, and, ii, 401; Python or, ii, 400; Râhu had a, tail, ii, 398; Raphael, the, ii, 121; St. John, of, ii, 98; Satan becomes the, ii, 64, 395; Sea, ii, 64; Seat of the, ii, 381; Secret of, ii, 397; Serpent or, i, 102, 434, ii, 29; Seven-headed, ii, 509; Slayer of the, ii, 56, 398, 402, 403, 415, 532; Sons of, ii, 558; Spirit, represents, ii, 394; Sun and, i, 438, ii, 395; Symbol, as a, ii, 371, 404, 509; Tahmurath slays the, ii, 415; Temples sacred to the, ii, 396; Thalatth the, ii, 64; Tiamat the, ii, 56, 501; Ulysses Aldrovandus, embalmed by, ii, 217; Venus identified with the, ii, 35; Virgin and, i, 721; Winged, i, 275; Wisdom, of, i, 58, 61, 100, 102, 131, 510, 512, ii, 98, 244, 394; Zodiac, in the, ii, 219.

Dragon-devils of De Mirville, ii, 217.

Dragon-garb of the Kwan-Yins, i, 513.

Dragon-Logos, the seven-headed, i, 400.

Dragon-serpent oracle, Python the, ii, 398.

Dragon-slayer, Initiate called a, ii, 222, 397.

Dragon-snake and Sons of Wisdom, ii, 446.

Dragon’s Angels, ii, 523.

Dragons, Antiquity of man, prove, ii, 218; Atlanteans and, ii, 799; Bad, ii, 286; Christianity and, ii, 407; Deep, of the, ii, 21, 193; Edens and, ii, 212; Esoteric systems, in all, ii, 399; Evil, of, ii, 427; Existence of, ii, 227; Fiery, ii, 223, 293; Flying, ii, 216; Gods called, ii, 371; Good, ii, 286; Heads of the, ii, 531; Initiates or, ii, 527; Kwan-Shi-Yin crowned with, i, 511; Lake of the, ii, 214; Middle ages, of, ii, 217; Nâgas or, ii, 399; Seat, ii, 381; Serpents and, ii, 212; Stories of, ii, 217, 462; Symbolism of, i, 153, ii, 370; Various, ii, 372; Veritable, ii, 215; Winged, ii, 427; Wisdom, of, i, 153, 440, ii, 25, 213, 220, 223, 240, 293, 369, 443.

Drainer of Waters, Shuchi the, ii, 19, 110.

Drama, Æschylus, of, ii, 437; Being, of, ii, 153, 502; Christ, of, ii, 431; Creation, of, i, 91, 502; Genesis, in, ii, 405; Greek, ii, 431; Humanity, of, i, 671, ii, 147, 405; Indian, ii, 431; Initiation, of, ii, 437; Manvantaric, ii, 87; Planet in fourth act, of, i, 214; Prometheus, of, ii, 431, 440; Sidereal light, enacted in, ii, 537.

Dramas of Æschylus, The, quoted, ii, 430, 431.

Dramatis personæ of heathen Pantheons, ii, 499.

Draper, Dr., quoted, i, 130, 382, ii, 792.

Drapery of the Colossus, ii, 354.

Dravidian tongue, the, ii, 835.

Dravidians, Indian, ii, 812.

Dream, Consciousness, foundation of our collective, ii, 307; Ether a, of old, i, 347; Joseph, of, i, 712; Materialism, of a crass, ii, 687; Mother-substance a, of science, i, 310; Soul produces a, i, 691.

Dreamland of mysteries, i, 190.

Dreamless sleep, i, 56, 77, 78, 286, ii, 191.

Dreamlike, Feebleness, ii, 431; Illusive body, Sûkshma Sharîra or, i, 157.

Dreams, Abstract forms in, i, 618; Astral light cause of, i, 279; Atlanteans and, ii, 805; Brain in, ii, 741; Chaotic, i, 192; Occult, ii, 331; Occultists, of, i, 526; Prometheus discriminated, ii, 432.

Dregs, Æther, of, i, 366; Light, of, i, 522.

Drifts, Weapons found in, ii, 725.

Driver of a vehicle used as a symbol, i, 170.

Droghedanum Sepulcrum or devil’s tomb, Drogheda, Castle of, ii, 216.

Drop, Ocean of immortality, of the, i, 58; White swan overshadowed the big, ii, 20.

Drops, Ocean, of the, i, 557; Sweat, of, ii, 20, 21.

Dross, Former rounds, ii, 58; Water men created from, ii, 16.

Drought, Demon of, ii, 401, 403.

Droughts, Pre-historic, ii, 528; Producing, power of, ii, 293.

Drouk signifies devil in Bretagne, ii, 216.

Druid, Anguinum of the, i, 394; Bardism on Noah, i, 478.

Druidic stones, ii, 794.

Druidical, Circles, i, 230; Remains, ii, 796; Temple, ii, 358.

Druids, British, ii, 668; Celto-Britannic regions, of, ii, 397; Chaldæans akin to, ii, 799; Cyclopean lore, heirs to, ii, 796; Cyclopes, not, ii, 358; Indians, akin to, ii, 799; Origin of, ii, 799; Rebirth, believed in, ii, 803; Religion of, ii, 799; Sacred fires of, ii, 802.

Drum of Rudra-Shiva, ii, 528.

Drunkard, Indra a, ii, 395.

Druses, Secret catechism of the, ii, 30.

Dry island of Tahmurath, ii, 416, 417, 418.

Dryden, quoted, i, 706.

Dryopithecus ape, the, ii, 713, 715, 717, 726, 774, 791.

Du Bois-Reymond, quoted, i, 733; referred to, ii, 751.

Du Chaillu, referred to, ii, 459.

Du Dragon de Metz, ii, 403.

Duad, Cosmic, i, 681; Elohim emerging from the, i, 679; Indeterminate, i, 467; Jewish deity manifested, ii, 573; Logos, or double-sexed, i, 380; Microprosopus and the, ii, 661; Mother or, i, 674; Pythagoras, of, i, 460; Scintillas proceeded from the, i, 678; State of, imperfect, ii, 607; Tetrad and, ii, 634, 635; Triad and, ii, 635.

Dual, Action of the cycles, i, 703; Adam, ii, 478; Androgyne, ii, 224; Aspect of Manas, ii, 649; Aspect of the One Reality, i, 44; Aspect of THAT, i, 596; Aspect of the Verbum, ii, 541; Atmâ-Buddhi is, i, 202; Cosmic entities, i, 661; Creative power, i, 87; Deity, character of supreme, ii, 430; Element, i, 382; Entities, i, 255; Evolution, i, 503; Force, i, 377, 385, 540, 736, ii, 179; Gods, i, 393, ii, 382, 541; Heaven, i, 274; Idea, ii, 572; Man, ii, 40, 129; Manas is, i, 356; Mazdean Gods, nature of, ii, 499; Nature, i, 277, 508, 661; Nature of Gods, ii, 181, 499; Nature of man, ii, 30, 286, 561, 697; Nature of Manas, ii, 675; Nature of the serpent, i, 434; Numeral, ii, 584; Personality, ii, 252; Potency, physiological, i, 512; Power of secret wisdom, ii, 381; Principle, ii, 157; Progenitors, group of, ii, 95; Sex, i, 237, 407, ii, 138; Significance in Shiva, ii, 578; Soul, i, 201; Symbols, i, 440, ii, 479; System, ii, 605; Work of Ptah, i, 393.

Dualism, Manes, of, ii, 536; Mazdean religion, in, ii, 544.

Dualistic, Paurânic a, system, i, 276; Philosophy, i, 569; Religions, i, 218.

Duality, Amshaspends, of the, i, 255; Emanations of, i, 661; Idea, of the, i, 421; Line corresponding with, i, 675; Spirit of, in man, ii, 544; Unity, in, ii, 542; Universe pervaded by, i, 44.

Duck, Eggs of the, ii, 629; Kalevala, of the, ii, 14.

Dufferin’s, Lord, discoveries, ii, 448.

Dugpas or sorcerers, ii, 619.

Dugpaship, Power of, ii, 232.

Dulâ, a star of the Pleiades, ii, 581.

Dulaure on date of Zodiac, i, 715.

Dumas, referred to, i, 594.

Dumb, Ape-man, ii, 718; Bell nebula, i, 655; Man walking on all-fours, ii, 301; Races, i, 205, ii, 22, 194.

Duncan, P. Martin, quoted, i, 128.

Dunlap, quoted, i, 216, 372, 377, ii, 222, 483.

Duodenary number held to be perfect, i, 712.

Duomo of Milan, ii, 89.

Duplex heavens, i, 274, 378.

Dupuis, quoted, i, 716, ii, 30, 35, 656.

Duration, Ages of, ii, 70, 83; Æons of, ii, 575; Babylonian ages, of, ii, 655; Bosom of, i, 55, 68; Cosmical periods, of, ii, 53; Cronus stands for endless, i, 450; Cycles, of, i, 336, 702, ii, 184, 657; Earth has, nothing on, i, 69; Eternal, i, 68, 69; Eternities, constituted by two, i, 69; Events, of, ii, 579; Fevers, of, ii, 629; Geological ages and periods, i, 619, ii, 9, 53, 69, 71, 76, 724, 729, 738, 749, 787; Hindû people, of the, i, 724; Incarnations, of successive, i, 697; Life-cycle, of a, ii, 103; Osiris, king, of, i, 471; Periods of incalculable, ii, 83, 475; Pralaya, of, i, 719; Quaternary age, of, ii, 166; Races, of, ii, 326; Round, of each, ii, 595; Sensations give ideas of, i, 75; Sexual physical man, of, ii, 166; Space and, i, 74, 85, ii, 384; Tertiary age, of, ii, 166; Time, divided into universal and conditioned, i, 91; Universe, of the, ii, 653; Worlds’, ii, 754, 828.

Durgâ, Illusion or, i, 426; Kâlî, ii, 612; Virgin, the, i, 721.

Dusk rises at the horizon, i, 403.

Dust, Adam the man of, i, 263, ii, 86, 91, 119, 478, 479; Animals produced from, ii, 190; Cosmic, i, 132, 667; Earth, of, ii, 493; Fiery, i, 64; Primordial, i, 222; Terrestrial origin of, i, 707.

Duti or dutica, i, 512.

Duties of the celibate Adepts, ii, 87.

Duty, Dharma or religious, ii, 186; Occultist, of the, i, 645; Royal high road of, i, 705.

Dvâdasha-kara, Kârttikeya called, ii, 655.

Dvaita, Doctrine, i, 107; Sect, i, 486.

Dvâpara Yuga, third or, ii, 73, 155, 322, 336, 507, 547, 650.

Dvija or initiated, ii, 73, 484.

Dvijas or initiated Brâhmans, i, 5, 230, ii, 492.

Dvîpa or Zones, i, 277, 400, ii, 164, 276, 333, 334, 419, 420, 421, 422, 424, 426, 427, 801.

Dwarfed, Living things, ii, 344; Races of the Pole, ii, 345.

Dwarfing chronology, i, 718, ii, 337.

Dwarfish races, ii, 444, 797.

Dwarfs, Atlantean, ii, 452; Dwergar or, ii, 797; Stories of, ii, 462; Thor’s hammer forged by, ii, 104.

Dweller on high, exalted, ii, 43.

Dwelling of the monad, First, i, 268.

Dwellings, Lives, for the, ii, 17, 60; Lake, ii, 755.

Dwergar or dwarfs, ii, 797.

Dwindling of spheres, Cyclic, ii, 774.

Dyans, Brahmâ merges into, i, 404; God, unrevealed, i, 404; Son of, i, 127.

Dynamic power of light and heat, i, 560.

Dynamical, Effect of causes, i, 705; Force, i, 508; Heat, theory of, i, 527; Leibnitz, enquiries of, i, 687.

Dynamics, Law of Occult, i, 705.

Dynamism of Leibnitz, i, 690.

Dynaspheric force, i, 611, 612.

Dynasties, Astronomical, ii, 454; Chaldæan, i, 719; Dates of, ii, 732; Demigods, of, ii, 385, 386; Divine, i, 287, 719, ii, 145, 204, 330, 332, 343, 366, 375, 380, 382, 384, 387, 441, 443, 447, 454, 510, 511, 517, 528, 799, 817, 818; Egyptian, i, 287, 439, ii, 35; Gods, of, ii, 383, 385, 386; Great, seven, i, 714; Heroes, of, ii, 386; Kings, of, ii, 243; Lower spirits, of, ii, 366; Lunar, i, 417; Series of, ii, 475; Solar, i, 417.

Dynasty, Chow, ii, 316; Devas, of, ii, 232; Divine, the, ii, 33, 143, 293, 520; Egyptians, of older, ii, 455; Fourth, ii, 450; Hia (B.C. 1818), ii, 57; Huschenck, of, ii, 414; Kaikobad, of, ii, 416; Menes, of, ii, 450; Ming, of, ii, 57; Solar-Lunar, ii, 477.

Dyooknah or divine phantom, ii, 280, 478.

Dzahhak named Biourasp, ii, 474.

Dzan or Dzyan, i, 6.

Dzenodoo or mysteries, i, 197.

Dzungarian, Mani Kumbum, i, 75.

Dzyan, Book of, i, 4, 6, 45, 50, 53, 127, ii, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 251, 802.

Dzyn, Fohat becomes, i, 61, 133.

Dzyn-mi deals with illusions, i, 133.

E. Delphicum, a sacred symbol, ii, 613.

Ea, God of wisdom, ii, 64, 122, 147, 236; Gods, and the mother of, ii, 501; Oannes, prototype of, ii, 528; Space the birthplace of, ii, 56; Sublime fish, ii, 520.

Eagle, Abraxas gems, on the, ii, 596; Evangelical, i, 388; Gabriel, i, 152, ii, 121; Sacred animal, i, 476; St. John, air and, ii, 121; Six-pointed star, and, ii, 561.

Ear of wheat, ii, 452.

Ears, Distorted, ii, 354; Large hanging, ii, 354; Sound which is too great for our, i, 467.

Earth, Adam of, ii, 133; Adam’s, i, 39; Age of, ii, 51, 69; Ahriman spirit of, ii, 544; Animal, an, i, 178; Antiquity of man upon, ii, 787; Appearance of man on, i, 183, 209, 250, 518; Asiatic world our, ii, 117; Astral envelope of, ii, 753; Astral world, of the, ii, 36; Atmosphere of, i, 166, 686; Axis of, i, 396, ii, 305, 328, 563, 766; Brahmâ upholder of, i, 85, 453; Builders descend on radiant, i, 66, 286; Chains of, i, 176, 195, 275, 396, 482, ii, 243, 529, 741, 802; Cosmic dust new to, i, 667; Cow and, i, 428; Creators of, i, 730; Creators of beings on, ii, 82; Crust of, i, 281, ii, 9, 263; Curse, under, i, 402; Desolate during one day, i, 402; Development of, i, 273; Divisions of, ii, 382; Duality on, i, 508, 661; Ecliptic, and the, ii, 347, 385; Egg becomes the, i, 392; Ego belongs to, i, 357; Element, an, i, 468; Elements of, i, 164, 304, ii, 615; Elohim creating, ii, 136; Esoteric kingdoms of, i, 490; Ethereal condition of, ii, 261; Eve or, i, 260; Evolution of, i, 48, 175, 227, 672; Evolution of life on, ii, 250; Fellow-globes of, i, 183; Fires, product of three, ii, 258; First round, in the, i, 278; Flames landed on, ii, 242; Flatness of, i, 568; Formation of, ii, 263, 630; Formative period of, ii, 509; Fourth round, and the, i, 183, 209; Fourth world, the, i, 261; Gamma symbol of (Gaia), ii, 625; Garuda in relation to, i, 392; Generation, fallen into, ii, 33; Globe, a, i, 72; Globes which overshadow, i, 189; Globes which precede our, ii, 529; God of, i, 385, 500; Gods forsake, ii, 374; Gods incarnated on, ii, 507; Great sea, or the, ii, 530; Gross body, moulded a, ii, 19, 110; Growth, has its, i, 667; Habitable phase of, ii, 76; Haôma is on, ii, 544; Heaven and, i, 287, 295, 311, 449, ii, 103, 104, 119, 393, 510, 513; Hierarchy on, i, 228; Human stock and, ii, 326; Humanities of, ii, 562; Immortality on, ii, 288; Individuality on, ii, 252; Infernal applied to, i, 438, 501, ii, 103; Jehovah spirit of, ii, 535; Jîva of, i, 244, ii, 50; Karshvares of, ii, 402, 801; Kingdoms of, i, 490, ii, 253; Lha or spirit of, ii, 25; Lord of the shining face, to the, ii, 31; Lords of, i, 189, ii, 33, 295; Lotus symbol of prolific, i, 407; Lunar spirits connected with, ii, 81; Mahat, and, i, 277; Malkuth or, i, 236, 259, 260, 261; Man his body, gives, i, 248; Manas and, ii, 103; Manûshi-Buddhas govern, i, 134; Marriage of heaven with, i, 449; Material spirits of, ii, 366; Matter, and, i, 668, ii, 278; Melha when on, ii, 67; Men constantly on, ii, 294; Mercury and, i, 180, ii, 32, 48; Meteoric showers and, i, 736; Microcosm, called, i, 304; Molecules composing, i, 146; Monad in relation to, i, 198; Monsters, creates, ii, 55; Moon, and, i, 179, 196, 202, 203, 225, 323, 339, 415, ii, 48, 68, 121, 497; Mother, i, 89, ii, 17; Mout queen of, i, 119; Mystery of creation repeated on, ii, 83; Mystery of evil on, ii, 542; Nature of the Logos on, ii, 241; North pole of, ii, 376; Orbit of, ii, 153; Ormazd father of, ii, 402; Oscillation of, ii, 339; Personifications of, i, 165; Phantom of the moon, ii, 121; Physical man, dwelling of, i, 264; Planet, and, i, 177; Plastic mass of, ii, 67; Poles of, i, 226, 662, ii, 385; Position, changed her, ii, 333; Prithivî the, i, 46, ii, 642; Property of, rudiment of smell, i, 399; Rebirths on, i, 257; Regions of, seven, i, 137; Renovations of, ii, 829; Revolution of, ii, 162; Rheâ or, ii, 150, 151; Rishis and, i, 428; Rivers of, i, 65, 257, ii, 641; Rocky hard-crusted, i, 665; Rotation of, i, 622; Rotundity of, ii, 748; Rûpa of, first, i, 279; Sarparâjni, called, i, 103; Seb God of, i, 385; Semi-astral, ii, 262; Sensuous existence on, ii, 540; Separation of heaven from, ii, 513; Septempartite, the, is, ii, 801; Serpent, like the, i, 103; Shukra and, ii, 35; Shveta-dvîpa and, sons of, ii, 333; Sidereal motions regulate events on, i, 707; Solid fire or, ii, 120; Solids, synonym for, i, 166; Soul, and water make a human, ii, 132; Space, and, i, 539; Sphere, the fourth, i, 253; Spheres, and superior, ii, 280; Spirit, i, 379, 498, ii, 31; Spirit of, i, 216, 217, 237, 449, 456, 494, ii, 18, 25, 107, 251, 286, 500, 535; Spirit of the moon, ruled by the, ii, 339; Spirits of the, i, 501, ii, 26, 115, 116, 258; Spiritual entities present on, i, 254; Stars connected with, ii, 829; Stars contain elements unknown on, i, 644; Star-stuff seen from, i, 98; States of, ii, 743; Sung sages depict, ii, 584; Svastika and our, ii, 104; Sweat of, ii, 365; Teaching limited to, ii, 773; Toom divider of, i, 737; Transformations of, ii, 799; Universe, in relation to, i, 73, ii, 742; Vâch the, with her mystic powers, i, 468; Venus and, i, 80, 323, 649, ii, 33, 36; Vital soul of, i, 659; Water, and, i, 352, 399, ii, 800; Wheel, called a, ii, 31, 339; Worship of the spirit of, ii, 286; Zend Avesta on, ii, 800.

Earth-born cement, Nitrogen an, i, 686.

Earth-chain, Formation of, i, 195; Generally treated of, i, 196.

Earth-force, i, 554, 571, 579.

Earth-globe, Middle of the, ii, 422.

Earth-life, Desert of illusion called, i, 229; Pit, or the, ii, 517.

Earth-men in the Bundahish, ii, 671.

Earthquakes, Astronomers prophesy, i, 708; Colossal, ii, 831; Late years, of, ii, 321; Lemuria destroyed by, ii, 278; Present day, ii, 739; Volcanoes and, ii, 325, 766; Warning of modern, ii, 820.

Earths, Companion, i, 189; Destruction of, i, 473; Dhyân-Chohans in charge of, i, 477; Geographical faces of new, ii, 423; Mazdean view of the seven, ii, 801; Metals, and, ii, 330; Rare, i, 597, ii, 330; Seven, i, 202; Six, ii, 745; Universal ether, germinate in the, ii, 198; Vedic teaching, of, i, 270.

Earth’s Earliest Ages, quoted, ii, 239.

Easam or Asam, in Irish, to create, ii, 121.

Eashoor in India, God called, ii, 120.

East, Africa, ii, 203; Frigid zone formerly in, ii, 564; Glory of God comes from, i, 148; Maitreya Buddha expected in, i, 510; Miraculous births in, ii, 580; Mythology of, ii, 424; Occultists of, ii, 41; Philosophies and records of, ii, 45; Seers of, i, 691; Traditions of, i, 321, ii, 489.

Easter eggs, Custom of exchanging, i, 394.

Easter Island, Continent, proof of a submerged, i, 342, ii, 233, 234, 330, 832; Cross on, statues, i, 342, ii, 588; Cyclopean remains on, i, 473; Decad, records the combinations of, i, 342; Lemuria, remnant of, ii, 341, 718; Statues of, i, 342, ii, 330, 346, 351, 355, 588; Stone relics on, ii, 331; Third race, belongs to, ii, 342; Traditions of, ii, 832.

Eastern, Aryans, i, 706; Astral light, explanations of, i, 275; Astronomer, ii, 454; Axiom, i, 716; Chronology, ii, 77; Coast, ii, 275; Continent of Atlantis, portion of, ii, 425; Ethiopians, ii, 435, 447; Evolution, doctrine of, i, 657; Greek, church, i, 246; Gupta Vidyâ, i, 221; Initiates, i, 14, 218, 280, 708, 734, ii, 571.

Eastern Occultism, Earth, on our, i, 261; Gross in, ii, 89; Kabalah, and, i, 678; Septenary in, i, 262.

Eastern occultist, Astronomy of, i, 129; Elements, on the, i, 305, 681; Éliphas Lévi and the, ii, 623; Elohim, on the, i, 251; Procreation understood by, ii, 90; Semites’ God, rejects the, ii, 573; Space, on, i, 675; Tree of knowledge to, ii, 621.

Eastern occultists, Alchemists, and, ii, 627; Atmâ, on, i, 247; Entities of the, i, 40; Kabalists and, i, 285; Oi-Ha-Hou of, i, 120; Pagan preferred to Rabbinical method by, ii, 574; Pascal, agree with, ii, 575; Sephirothal triangle, on the, i, 125; Sexual relation viewed by, ii, 479; Unconscious All of, i, 93.

Ebionites, Philosophical system of the, i, 219.

Eccentric and centric, i, 707.

Ecclesiastes, quoted, ii, 583, 743, 744.

Echad or Achad = One, i, 154.

Echath or Achath = One, i, 154.

Eckstein’s Revue Archéologique, quoted, ii, 372.

Eclipse, Moon at the Kali Yuga epoch, of the, i, 726; Moon, of, i, 726, 727, ii, 454; Spiritual sun, of, ii, 260; Sun, of the, i, 645, 725, ii, 79.

Eclipses, Cauchy on, i, 528; Dragon threatening the sun in, i, 438; Hindûs, calculated by the, i, 724; Lunar, ii, 398; Observations of Bel, in the, ii, 732; Solar, ii, 398.

Ecliptic, Circles, i, 225; Circuit of, ii, 345; Equator, and, ii, 563; Inclination of, i, 723, 729; Jupiter and, i, 725; Mars lord of, ii, 410; Mercury and, i, 725; Meridian, parallel with, ii, 373, 829; Obliquity of, ii, 426, 766; Plane of, ii, 372, 452; Poles of, ii, 347, 385, 449, 581.

Eclogæ Physicæ et Ethicæ, of Stobæus, quoted, ii, 146.

Economy of Nature, the, i, 194, ii, 721, 740.

Ecphantus taught the rotation of the earth, i, 142.

Ecpyrosis or conflagration, ii, 829.

Ecstatic phenomena, i, 508.

Ectenic force of Thury, i, 361.

Ecuador, Giants in, ii, 797.

Edda on serpent worship, the, ii, 219.

Eddas, the Scandinavian, i, 368, ii, 30, 403.

Eddin Ahmed Ben Yahya on the Sabæans, ii, 378.

Eden, Adam, in, ii, 399, 428, 529; Adamic race, of our, i, 437; Æd-en or, ii, 45; Astrologers, and, ii, 213; Cube and the rivers of, i, 394; Expulsion from, ii, 292, 295, 399, 427; Gan-Æden or, ii, 46; Garden of, the, i, 139, 152, 411, 437, 446, 671, ii, 102, 118, 212, 213, 306, 329, 365, 518, 521, 527, 529, 573; Genetic and Kabalistical, ii, 214; Illa-ah, ii, 214; Locality, a submerged, ii, 519; Meaning of, ii, 212, 213, 521; Meru to, i, 152; Races, of the first, ii, 211; Rivers of, i, 394; Serpent of, ii, 556; Tree of, the, i, 139, ii, 102; Tree of life in, ii, 34; Typhon the dragon of, i, 429.

Edens, Eternal spring of, ii, 146; Serpents and dragons, ii, 212.

Edentata, the, ii, 706.

Edessa, Henoch builds the city of, ii, 383.

Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, quoted, ii, 659.

Editor of Revelation, the, ii, 654.

Edkins, Rev. Joseph, quoted, i, 4, 12, 101, 151, ii, 189.

Edom, Kings of, ii, 2, 57, 88, 478, 479, 511, 744, 745, 746.

Edris, Enoch, or, ii, 382, 383; Korân, of the, ii, 557.

Edwards, Milne, Investigations of, ii, 706.

Effect, Buddhi is an, i, 623; Cause, assigned to, ii, 259; Cause but, electricity not, i, 563; Cause, of an eternal, i, 486; Concatenation of cause and, i, 194, ii, 701; Ego, of a previous cause, ii, 633; Eternal cause and, i, 77; Force an, i, 564; Primal cause and, i, 622; Seed-Manu, the, i, 256; Spiritual dynamical, i, 705.

Effect-producing cause, Karma an, i, 695.

Effects, Borderland between causation and, ii, 512; Causative, became, i, 458; Cometary matter of, i, 666; Energy known to us only by its, i, 732; Error for 1800 years, of an, ii, 66; Forces of gravity are, i, 532; Karmic law adjusts, ii, 319; One cause and its numberless, i, 474; Plane of, i, 561; Re-become causes, will, i, 702; Souls the causes of all, i, 620; Spiritual, i, 703.

Efficacy of prayer still believed in, i, 508.

Efficient cause, First and, ii, 585; Material and, i, 397.

Efflorescence of self-conscious egotism, ii, 83.

Effort of will towards purification, i, 700.

Efforts, Attainment through, i, 288; Manas, of, ii, 621; Men, of nature to create, ii, 282.

Effulgence of the ray of primordial light, i, 252.

Effulgent egg, Hiranyagarbha means the, i, 117.

Egg, Animal evolves from, ii, 690; Bird and, i, 379; Brahmâ, of, i, 277, 394, 400, ii, 668; Brahmâ, split in two by, i, 355; Chaos, i, 219; Cosmogony, in, i, 477; Creatures born from, ii, 193; Darkness, of, i, 392; Divine, i, 98; Emepht blows, from his mouth, i, 393; Erôs-Phanes evolves from spiritual, i, 499; Eternal, i, 58, 94; Germ, with its central, i, 390; Glyphs, i, 387; Golden, i, 37, 95, 357, 374, 459, ii, 583; Great serpent swallowing an, ii, 795; It, referred to as, i, 356; Kosmos an, i, 95; Leda and, ii, 129; Luminous, i, 58, 95; Matter, of, i, 225; Mundane, i, 31, 87, 94, 109, 118, 378, 382, 384, 393, 607, ii, 651; Mysterium of the living bird, the, i, 304; One from, the, i, 60, 116, 117, ii, 448; Pentacle within the, i, 62, 153; Primitive cell, or, ii, 696; Ra remains in his, i, 391; Radiant, ii, 494; Ray shoots through the virgin, i, 94; Seb, of, i, 391; Serpent and, ii, 799; Sibac means, ii, 191; Space or mundane, infinite, i, 378; Spiritual, i, 499; Universal, i, 369; Virgin, i, 58, 94; World, of, i, 393, 441.

Egg-bearing race, the, ii, 207, 326.

Egg-born, Androgynes, the, ii, 123; Creators will not incarnate in, ii, 170; Dioscuri or, ii, 377; Mânasa and, ii, 21, 180; Race, ii, 140; Second evolved, ii, 20, 139; Sons, ii, 202; Sweat-born produced, ii, 182; Third Race, ii, 130, 183, 208; Twins and the, ii, 131.

Egg-cells, Maturing outside the body, ii, 694; Parthenogenesis, in, ii, 696.

Egg-shaped, Aura, ii, 124; Boxes, i, 663; Globe, i, 103; Zero, i, 118.

Egg-symbol, Churches, in, i, 394; Origin of life, represents, i, 392; Savages, found among, i, 393; Secret teaching on, i, 384.

Eggs, Duck, of heavenly, ii, 14; Man-bearing, ii, 140; Pigeons and fowls, of, ii, 629; Third Race, of the, ii, 207.

Ego, Absolute neither, nor non-Ego, ii, 633; Adept’s, ii, 227, 589, 650; All-perceiving, i, 351; Awakenings, passes through progressive, i, 71; Buddhi, and, i, 3; Consciousness of, i, 351; Deific state of, ii, 578; Dhyân-Chohan, may become a, i, 215; Eternal spiritual, i, 255; Fravarshi called the, ii, 504; Higher, ii, 116, 503; Higher Manas or human, ii, 83, 93, 621; Ideas of time of, i, 75; Immortal, ii, 92, 363, 669; Individual, i, 75, 351, ii, 193, 707; Karmic, ii, 640; Kosmos, in, i, 461; Logos, effected image of, ii, 172, 627; Monad, or, i, 265, ii, 670; Non-dying, i, 268; Organ through which, manifests, i, 69; Parabrahman is not, i, 155, 461; Periodical existences of, i, 248; Personal, i, 154, 265, ii, 251, 645; Plato on, ii, 93; Real, i, 479; Rings, in remote, ii, 302; Saftva or Rajas, either, i, 357; Self, or, i, 247; Sixth plane, on, i, 351; Sleep, latent during, i, 69, 463; Soul is, i, 247, 263, ii, 118, 691; Spiritual, i, 255, ii, 115, 241, 589; Sum, i, 254; Universal, i, 155.

Ego-ism, Great, i, 585; Mahat called, i, 104; Mind, created from, i, 356; Mortal man moved by, ii, 440; Personality or, i, 296; Self-consciousness becomes, ii, 675.

Ego-man, Divine, ii, 592.

Ego-soul, Butterfly, free as a, ii, 592; Conscious surviving, ii, 206.

Egos, Agnishvâtta and human, ii, 83; Apes, of, ii, 274; Beads, likened to, ii, 540; Bodies, freed from gross, i, 328; Conscious, i, 692, 693; Cycle of incarnations of, ii, 509; Dhyânîs become human, ii, 304; Duty of, ii, 253; Entities, of, ii, 176; Esoteric philosophy and, ii, 173; Future, i, 303, ii, 304; Hierarchies of, i, 690; Incarnating, tide-wave of, ii, 825; Incarnations, of past, ii, 105; Monads, of, ii, 238; Nirvâna, rest in, i, 266; Protoplasmic forms of, i, 303; Seventh round, in the, i, 203; Souls, reïncarnating, or, i, 621; Spiritual, i, 258, 286, 693, ii, 590.

Egoship or I-am-ness, i, 218, 585, ii, 649.

Egotism, Ahankâra or, i, 280, 488, ii, 649; Buddhi destroyer of, i, 3; Jealous God, of a, ii, 438.

Egotistically, Effect of an act produced, ii, 316.

Egregores are spirits of energy and action, i, 279.

Egypt, Adepts in, i, 229, ii, 579, 589; Age of, ii, 793; Ankh-tie of, ii, 578; Apis Pacis of Hermontis in, i, 721; Assyrian dominion of, i, 331; Barbarism in, ii, 756; Bunsen on, i, 10, 141, 469, ii, 358; Catacombs in, ii, 396; Chemi is ancient, i, 393; Chiun the God of time in, ii, 408; Civilization before that of, ii, 830; Civilization of, ii, 349, 448, 450, 756; Crocodile-headed God in, ii, 613; Cross in, i, 342, 721, ii, 577, 578, 588, 589, 619, 621, 634; Defunct in, i, 240; Delta of, ii, 18, 789; Demon of, ii, 510; Emblems in, i, 413, ii, 403; Esoteric teachings in, i, 735, ii, 591; Ethiopian dominion of, i, 331; Europe, older than, ii, 788; Fallen demon of, ii, 510; Fifth hierarchy in, i, 254; Fifth order in, i, 239; Fohat in, i, 736; Genesis came from, mysteries of, ii, 1; Giants of, ii, 351; Gods of, i, 152, 512, ii, 86, 97, 396, 408, 535, 613; Great Bear in, i, 439; Grecian tenets from, i, 142, ii, 828; Greek colonization of, i, 331; Henoch becomes king of, ii, 383; Heptanomis of, celestial, i, 439; Hermes of, the cubic, ii, 572; Hermontis in, Apis Pacis of, i, 721; Herodotus in, i, 469; Hieratic symbols of, i, 326; Hierophants of, ii, 396, 397, 588; India and, i, 119, 772, ii, 435; Inscriptions of, ii, 838; IO or moon in, ii, 486; Isis in, i, 160, ii, 391; Isis-Osiris in, ii, 383; Jews and, i, 140, 285, 332, 336, 411, 447; Kabirim in, ii, 380; Kings of, divine, i, 13, ii, 330, 384, 510; Lotus in, i, 406, 413, ii, 494, 576; Mature, at the beginning appears, ii, 349; Measures of, i, 332; Monstrous reptiles in, ii, 753; Moses in, i, 140, 377, ii, 477, 487, 535; Mother of time in, i, 439; Mysteries of, i, 338, ii, 1, 413; Nahbkoon in, God, i, 512; Origin of, ii, 786; Persian conquest of, i, 331; Political life of, i, 331; Priests of, ii, 34, 278; Pyramids, ii, 367, 448; Renouf on, i, 432; Ruins in, ii, 638; Sea formerly covered, ii, 385; Septenary in, ii, 38, 616, 648, 667, 670; Sepulchres of, ii, 621; Sesostris king of, i, 13; Seth adored in, ii, 35, 86; Solon and priests of, ii, 278; Sorcerers of, ii, 223; Stone age in, no, ii, 830; Sun-gods in, ii, 396; Symbols of, i, 326, 500; Temples of, i, 230, ii, 449; Thot-Hermes of, i, 496; Time-keeping in, i, 469; Triple-crocodile of, i, 240; Typhon adored in, ii, 35; Works of Isis-Osiris in, ii, 383; Worship of the Kabirim in, ii, 380.

Egypte of De Mirville, quoted, ii, 386.

Egyptian, Alphabet, i, 325; Amenti, i, 501; Ammon, ii, 143; Angle of the poles, representation of the, ii, 376; Ankh, ii, 34; Anubis on, monument, ii, 403; Artes or, Mars, ii, 152; Atlantidæ, ii, 837; Bas reliefs, ii, 589; Bible and, symbolism, i, 341; Books of the Dead, i, 95, ii, 3; Books of Hermes, ii, 476; Books of Thoth, ii, 3; Christianity and, symbols, i, 411; Cosmogony, i, 235, 369, ii, 26, 652, 828; Cosmographies, ii, 638; Crocodile, i, 440; Crypt, ii, 397; Dancing-girls, ii, 485; Dogma, i, 331; Dynasties, i, 287, 330, ii, 447; Egg, i, 385, 390; Emblem of life, i, 35; Esotericism, i, 240, 248, 411, ii, 669; Four sacred, number, i, 116; Fourth, dynasty, i, 330; Fragments, ii, 56, 191; Glyph, i, 241, 464, ii, 480; Gnostics, ii, 404, 567; Gods, i, 470, 719, ii, 305; Heaven, sevenfold, ii, 649; Hieroglyphics, i, 18, ii, 138, 457, 588; Holy of holies, ii, 484, 488; Horus, ii, 496; Isis, i, 338, ii, 391, 616; Kosmos, symbol of, ii, 372; Labyrinth, ii, 455; Legend, ii, 282; Magi, ii, 447; Mars, ii, 132, 152, 490; Menes, ii, 95; Metaphysical spirit, ii, 491; Monuments, ii, 532, 576; Ophites, ii, 404; Osiris, i, 135, ii, 120, 616; Pantheon, ii, 403; Papyri, the, i, 247, 323, 713, 737, ii, 582; Priests, i, 331, ii, 390, 413, 449, 563, 792, 828; Principles in, metaphysics, ii, 669; Ptolemaic period, religion of, i, 330; Pyramids, i, 342, 473; Rebirth, religion and, i, 259; Religion, i, 5, 39, 259, 330, 736; Rites, i, 159, 287; Ritual, i, 331, 385, ii, 671; Seven earths, ii, 652; Soul, theory of the, ii, 146; Sphinx, ii, 131; Synchronistic tables, i, 10; System, i, 116, ii, 138; Tau, i, 390, ii, 34, 39, 587, 588, 614; Temples, the curtain in the, i, 150, ii, 378, 385, 590; Texts, i, 738, ii, 668; Theogony, i, 12, 104, ii, 62; Theory, i, 363, ii, 146; Thoth, alphabet of, i, 325; Thoth-Hermes, i, 26; Tombs, ii, 763; Traditions, ii, 325, 412; Wheat sacred with the, ii, 390; Worlds, definition of, i, 470; Year, ii, 656; Zodiacs, the, i, 713, ii, 347, 369, 449, 451, 454, 457, 792.

Egyptians, Ancestors of, ii, 343; Ancient, i, 247, 737, ii, 582; Anubis-Syrius of, ii, 505; Astronomical records of, i, 713; Astronomy of, i, 722; Atlanteans, and, ii, 792; Colonists, were, ii, 436; Crocodile and, i, 440, ii, 417, 610; Descent of, ii, 812; Divine father and son of, i, 429; Dragon a symbol among, i, 103, 440; Eggs, do not eat, i, 392; Eye of Osiris of, ii, 29; Festival celebrated by, i, 249; Fragments of the wisdom religion among, i, 403; Great day of, i, 159; Hermes, taught by, i, 388; Idolatry, ii, 145; Infernal region of, i, 248; Jehovah, said to prophesy, i, 429; Kabalah, and the, ii, 250; Kabiri with, ii, 286; Logos of, i, 103; Lord God smiting the doomed, ii, 588; Manu Vînâ, led by, ii, 789; Mayas imparted learning to, ii, 38; Mode of reckoning among, i, 419; Moon, i, 248, 416, 464; Nile of, ii, 435; Noot of, i, 250; Phallus added to the Cross by, ii, 572; Reïncarnation among, i, 247, ii, 582; Scarabæus of the, ii, 582; Sons of God, had four, ii, 223; Supreme spirit of, i, 393; Taurus sacred to, i, 721; Teut of, ii, 636; Theogony of, ii, 437; Trinity of, ii, 484; Vulcain God of, ii, 410; Zoolatry, of, ii, 145.

Egyptologists, Astray, led, i, 428; Errors of, i, 325, ii, 391; Frog-symbol, and the, i, 413; Funerary rites little understood by, i, 13; Great Pyramid, and the, ii, 450, 451; Septenary doctrine, and the, ii, 670; Seven souls, i, 247, ii, 639, 666.

Eh’yeh = I am, ii, 473.

Eighteenth degree of the Rosecroix, i, 109.

Eis Zeus Sarapi, ii, 497.

Eka, Achad, Ahu, i, 138; Chatur, is, i, 58, 100; One, is, i, 100, 102, 138, 154.

Ekâneka-Rûpa, Brahma addressed as, ii, 50, 114.

Ekashloka Shâstra, quoted, i, 90.

Ekimu, Spirits and genii called, ii, 258.

Eku gai no Kami, the female being, i, 237.

El, Chaldæan, in, ii, 570; Elion of Abraham, of, ii, 397; God or, ii, 393, 535, 570; Grace and mercy, of, ii, 43; Sun called, i, 501, ii, 570.

Elasticity, Atom, of, i, 565; Divisible bodies, of, i, 565; Ether, of, i, 527.

Eldorado, Primeval, ii, 340.

Elect, Buddha, of, i, 5; Enoch one of the, ii, 632; Ephraim, of Jacob, i, 717; Foreheads of, ii, 588; Fourth race, of the, ii, 632; Handful of those, ii, 365; Hierarchy of, ii, 333; Humanity, of our, i, 288; Jacob, of, i, 717; Lemuria’s, ii, 333; Messiah, i, 717; Pythagorean teaching to, i, 677; Race, ii, 288; Saved, ii, 328; Third race, of the, ii, 377.

Election, Vase of, ii, 556.

Electra a daughter of Atlas, ii, 811.

Electria or Samothrace, Island of, ii, 3.

Electric, Fire, i, 567, ii, 60, 107, 120, 258; Force, i, 554, 737; Kavyavâhana or, fire, ii, 107; Ocean, i, 661; Pâvaka or, fire, ii, 60; Power of Fohat, i, 134.

Electricians, Protest of a group of, i, 641.

Electricity, i, 541, 579, 589; Atomic, i, 734; Bœme and, i, 536; Cause, an effect not, i, 525, 563; Cosmic, i, 105, 113, 136, 169, 605; Elements, and, i, 601; Energy, a source of, i, 601; Entity, is an, i, 105; Entity, not in itself an, i, 170; Flame correlation of, i, 109; Fluid, called a, i, 535, 555, 562; Fohat is cosmic, i, 105, 113, 136; Fohat the spirit of, i, 163; Forces, at the head of, i, 318; God, called, i, 735; Helmholtz on, i, 638; Kundalinî Shakti, manifested by, i, 312; Laws of, ii, 658; Le Couturier’s, i, 546; Life, and, i, 105, 161, 579, 633, 737, ii, 110, 120, 226; Light and, i, 109, 554, 633, 635; Materialism and, i, 315, 660; Maxwell on, i, 137; Mode of motion, not a, i, 171; Nature of, i, 541; Negative, i, 169, 612, 736; Noumenon of, i, 579; One life, the, i, 110, ii, 120; Point neutral as to, i, 601; Positive, i, 169, 602, 736; Primordial substance, i, 361; Sir W. Grove on, i, 508, 539; Sound, and, i, 606; Spirit of, i, 163; Storage of, i, 635; Sun full of, i, 659; Terrestrial plane, on the, i, 613; Understood, not, i, 536, 541; Vital, i, 361, 578, 591, 647, 659.

Electrifying spirit, the, i, 364.

Electro-magnetic Current, ii, 418; Ether, i, 275.

Element, Actual ultimate, i, 685; Ahamkâra, i, 218; Aqueous, ii, 111; Bi-sexual, ii, 132; Boundary in defining an, i, 596, 598, 638, 722; Carbon as an, ii, 627; Causative, i, 314; Chemical, i, 200, 684, ii, 627, 633; Cosmic, i, 127, 160, 508, 625; Creative, i, 482; Dhyân of the first, ii, 111; Elementary group or, i, 598; Essence of, i, 246, 284; Female, ii, 57, 67, 68; Fifth, i, 40, 41, 278; First, i, 686, ii, 411; First round, of the, i, 279; Form, of, ii, 669; Fravarshi spiritual counterpart of every, ii, 504; Generative, i, 314; Indiscrete, ii, 251; Irresolvable, i, 593; Language, i, 502; Life, of, ii, 634; Male, i, 89, 90, ii, 67; Many-faced, i, 40; Noumena of an, i, 625, ii, 285; One, i, 40, 41, 85, 104, 112, 260, 369, 498, 599; Primordial, i, 72, 151, 366, 593, 685, 690, ii, 625; Progeny of the many-faced, i, 40; Rudiment, in Occultism means, i, 619; Second, i, 280, 572; Senses, of, ii, 649; Septenary, ii, 640; Thales, of, ii, 625; Water the symbol of the female, ii, 67, 68; World-soul, called, i, 225.

Element-born, Unborn cannot stand for, ii, 633.

Elemental, Atoms, i, 135, 619; Creation, i, 481, 488; Creations, i, 489; Deva-kingdom, and, i, 201; Dissolution, i, 277, 399, ii, 323; Evolution, i, 604; Kingdoms, i, 200, 490, ii, 326, 652, 778; Man, ii, 677; Mechanical animal informed by an, ii, 446; Nebulæ, i, 643; Occultist, so-called by an, i, 508; Powers, i, 248, ii, 668; Prâkritika or, ii, 72; Stages, i, 199; Vortices, i, 143, 633, 683.

Elementals, Asuras and, i, 210; Bjerregaard on, i, 691, 693; Cosmic, ii, 286; Elements and, i, 313; Evil spirits, are, ii, 403; Fire, ii, 445; Form, without permanent, ii, 37; Genii or, i, 313; Gods of the elements are not, ii, 285; Higher, i, 207, ii, 107; Inferior, i, 297; Jewish Kabalists, of, i, 255, 693; Lives of, i, 311; Matter and, i, 255, 691; Nature-spirits or, i, 241, 298, 498; Order of, i, 490; Physical body built by, i, 254; Rulers, guided by the, i, 170; Seven, ii, 668; South pole, of the, ii, 286; Space, in, i, 680; Spiritual wickedness and, i, 353; Theory of the existence of, i, 238.

Elementaries, Spirits affecting mediums are often, i, 254.

Elementary, Air, of, i, 273, 304; Astral body, or, i, 737; Atoms, substances composed of, i, 137; Centres of force, i, 199; Dæmons, i, 619; Geometry, i, 341, ii, 204; Germs, i, 63, 162, 163; Man, i, 619; Particles are vital forces, i, 691; Spirits, i, 691, ii, 669; Spiritual atom, as opposed to, i, 357; Spooks, i, 680; Substance, i, 360, ii, 98; Units, i, 201; Water, ii, 572.

Elementicity, Degrees of, i, 596.

Elementorum Arcana, i, 424.

Elements, Æther, within, i, 392; Ancients’ belief as to, i, 164, 519, 590; Aristotle, of, i, 499; Atomic, ii, 606; Beings in other, i, 666; Bhûtâdi means origin of the, i, 488, ii, 114; Bhûtasarga creation of the, i, 488; Bhûtesha, Lord of the, i, 488; Birthplace of, i, 620; Bright Gods of, ii, 285; Christian prayers to, i, 148, 505; Classification of, i, 640; Combination of, i, 375; Compound, i, 111, 271, 277, 590; Comprehension, have, i, 507; Concealed, nature of, i, 567; Corporeal, i, 502; Cosmic, i, 40, 110, 311, 650, 661; Cosmic beings called, i, 360; Cosmic matter forming itself into, i, 124; Cosmical system, of, ii, 591; Creation of, i, 239, 460, 488, ii, 375; Cross and, ii, 576, 593; Curtain in the temples, symbol of, i, 500; Development of, i, 272; Dhyân Chohan in man, of, ii, 114; Differentiation of, i, 162; Discrete, ii, 252; Divinations, and, i, 424; Divine life, a, i, 269; Divine substances, form, ii, 121; Earth, of, i, 167, 273, 304, 644; Elementals attached to, i, 313; Equilibrium of, ii, 593; Ether and other, i, 318; Ever-changing, ii, 59; Fire, air, water, earth, correct order of, i, 273, 304; Fire, i, 145, 273, 304, 510, ii, 580; First race, of, ii, 113, 120; Flames and, i, 60; Four, i, 40, 150, 151, 366, 371, 468, 483, 498, 501, ii, 144, 621, 634; Humanities and, ii, 144; Hydrogen and, ii, 119; Ideograph of, ii, 615; Immaterial, ii, 608; Incorporeal, i, 534; Intelligences and, i, 111, 584; Intelligible principle in, i, 354, 625; Jupiter included the four, i, 501; Known, not, i, 593; Krishna, lower form of, i, 584; Leibnitz, of, i, 691; Lives in, germs of, i, 278; Lives of, i, 311; Material, i, 354, ii, 119, 608; Matter, of, i, 170, 491, 553; Meta-elements, and, i, 596, 654; Molecules parading as, bastard, i, 682; Mundane egg, of the, ii, 651; Nature of, i, 274, 318, 599, 636, 637; Newly born, i, 601; Nitrogen, saturated with, ii, 169; Notre Dame de Paris has figures of, i, 424; Number of, i, 271, ii, 635; Opposition of, i, 705, ii, 593; Order of, i, 273, 304, 601; Past and future forms of the globe, i, 303; Paul, on, i, 360; Personality, of, i, 297; Pillars raised to, i, 150; Plato, of, i, 499; Powers, of the, i, 111; Pre-cosmic, i, 488; Principles of, i, 534; Procreation of, ii, 625; Protyle and, i, 155, 260; Race which controlled, ii, 230, 298; Range, beyond our, i, 40; Reynolds on, i, 640; Rhizômata, called, ii, 634; Rudimentary, ii, 113; Rudra Shiva clothed with the, ii, 528; Seven, i, 41, 63, 160, 161, 163, 498, ii, 639; Soul of, ii, 610; Sound as a generator of, i, 606; Spirits of, i, 424, ii, 372; Spiritual, i, 242, 305, 502, 504; Symbols of, i, 500, ii, 576; Synthesis, are a veiled, i, 362; Tâmasa, called, i, 354; Terrestrial, i, 650, ii, 639; Tetrad, and the, i, 483; Triple unit produces, i, 371; Universe, of the, i, 735; Vehicles, have their, i, 509; Yazatas or spirits of, ii, 372.

Elephant, Behemoth, called, ii, 510; Infusoria compared with, i, 245; Invisible lives, composed of, i, 281; Man, and, i, 698.

Elephanta, Khnoom was adored at, i, 393; Mahâdeo of, ii, 89; Subterranean, passages, built over, ii, 231.

Elephants, Fossils of, ii, 817; Mastodons, and, ii, 229; Pigmy, ii, 763; Skeletons of men with, ii, 798.

Elephas antiquus, ii, 794.

Elephas meridionalis, ii, 794.

Elephas primigenius, ii, 726, 781, 788, 794.

Eleusis submerged, ii, 283.

Elevation, Atlantic, crossing the floor of, ii, 837; Europe and Asia, of, ii, 734; Pole, of the, ii, 419; Tidal, ii, 67.

Elévations, quoted, ii, 292.

Eleven years’ cycle of the sun, i, 591.

Elicius, Jupiter Fulgur called, i, 505.

Eliezar, R., quoted, ii, 561.

Elihu and Elijah, ii, 559.

Elijah, Earthquake, and the, i, 505; Josephus on, ii, 561; Small voice heard by, ii, 357; Translation of, ii, 559.

Elimination, Calcareous matter, of, ii, 10; Unfit, of the, ii, 684.

Elion, Phœnician Elon or, ii, 397.

Éliphas Lévi (see also Lévi), Agent unique of, i, 105; Astral light, and, i, 218, 274, 275, 361, 453, ii, 509, 538; Demonology, on, ii, 537; Fallen angels, on, ii, 248, Miracles, claims to have performed, i, 26; Satan, on, ii, 533.

Eliwagar, Streams of, i, 394.

Elixir of Life, i, 168, 280, 511, 686, ii, 524.

Ellipse and cross, ii, 576.

Elliptic movement, the, i, 547.

Elliptical meteors, Orbit of the, i, 736.

Ellis, quoted, ii, 204.

Ellora, Gigantic ruins at, ii, 360.

Elmes-fire of the ancient Germans, i, 361.

Eloæus, one of six stellar spirits, i, 484.

Eloah and Jehovah, ii, 535.

Eloha, the androgynous, ii, 63.

Elohi of Israel, ii, 43.

Elohim, Abstraction, said to be a general, i, 250; Achad, were called, i, 137; Adam Kadmon, and, i, 259, ii, 119; Adam, and, ii, 399; Androgynous Eloha and, ii, 63; Barhishad became creative, ii, 81; Bible, in the, i, 369; Bne Alhim, sons of, ii, 26; Chiim identical with, i, 154; Collective, ii, 325; Creative, i, 485, ii, 1, 88, 133, 136, 305, 365, 513, 630; Deity in Nature or, ii, 473; Demi-god robs, ii, 432; Demiurge and, ii, 254; Dhyân Chohans, correspond to, i, 73, ii, 2; Dhyâni-Buddhas or, i, 138; Double heaven, create the, ii, 513; Duad, emerge from the, i, 679; Elu or, father, ii, 295; Emanu-el and, ii, 570; Genesis, in, ii, 1, 47, 86, 100, 212; Genii or, i, 488; God of the Christians is, i, 163, 314, ii, 512, 570; Gods or, i, 485, ii, 110; Ilda-baoth and, ii, 253, 407; Instructors or, ii, 365; Intelligence of, i, 267; Jehovah and, i, 102, 134, 138, 219, 382, 472, 476, 535, 598, ii, 79, 90, 574, 630; Jews, of the, i, 70; Kabalistic, i, 139, 251, ii, 43; Logoi, collectively the minor, ii, 41; Logos, aspects of, i, 463; Lord God or, i, 274, ii, 1, 86, 143; Lower angels or inferior, ii, 65; Number for, i, 118; Pitris or, ii, 5, 7; Primordial, i, 105; Samael one of, i, 449, 450; Satan one of, ii, 406; Second hour, outline the shape of man in the, i, 485; Secret known to, ii, 131; Septenary host of, ii, 632; Shadow-image of, ii, 145; Spiritual perceptions, are real to, i, 251; Synthesis of, ii, 643; Trithemius on, i, 488; Tzelem, shadow image of, ii, 145.

Elohim-Javeh, ii, 47.

Elohim-Jehovah, i, 380, ii, 41.

Elohim symbols, ii, 496.

Elohistic, Creation, ii, 79, 263; Figures, i, 251; Genesis, i, 274, ii, 661; Mosaic books, version of, i, 358; Texts, ii, 496; Writers, ii, 274, 496.

Elohite creation, the, ii, 5.

Eloi of Jupiter, i, 631, ii, 567.

Elon or Elion, the Phœnician, ii, 397.

Ely Star, quoted, i, 131.

Elyrus, Church council of, A.D. 303, ii, 292.

Emanation, Adam Kadmon an, i, 236; Buddhism, of Hindûism, i, 730; Bythos, from, ii, 601; Divine Essence, of, i, 26; Esoteric, ii, 601; Father-Mother, of, ii, 47; First, ii, 514; Hydrogen, from a spiritual being, ii, 111; Iao-Jehovah, of Ildabaoth, ii, 407; Jehovah an, i, 251; Logos, of the, i, 235, 674; Macrocosmic, ii, 245; Manu, of the monad of, ii, 325; Matter, of the last principle of, i, 310; Nature, from Absolute Consciousness, i, 298; Noumenon, of spiritual fire, from, ii, 111; Pairs of opposites, in the esoteric, ii, 601; Point of the, i, 674; Universal Mind, of, i, 659; World, of the, i, 31.

Emanations, Ain-Suph, of, ii, 44; Atomic, ii, 694; Auric, i, 587; Centres, of seven, i, 696; Creative power, of, ii, 82; Divine, ii, 64; Divine area, of the, ii, 629; Duality, of the, i, 661; Dyookma, from, ii, 478; Immutable, of the One, i, 363; Ovulary, ii, 175; Plane of, i, 155; Powerful, of early humanity, ii, 179; Principles of man, from, ii, 119; Procreation, during seasons of, ii, 175; Secret, ii, 648; Seven, i, 473, ii, 648; Sun, i, 578; Unconscious, ii, 84; World of, ii, 117.

Emancipation, Anger prevents, i, 448; Cause of final, i, 115, 307; Causes of, i, 584; Forms of, ii, 675; Self, of the, i, 583; Seven senses, causes of, i, 115; Tree whose fruit is, ii, 676.

Emancipations of the Maruts, ii, 650, 651.

Emanu-el or El-ohim, ii, 570.

Emanuel Swedenborg, referred to, ii, 842.

Emblem, Allegorically, explained, i, 324; Bull, of terrestrial life, ii, 98; Cyclic time, of, ii, 596; Female, ii, 41; Female generative power, of, ii, 482; Fohat, of activity of, ii, 621; Forces in nature, of, ii, 615; Life eternal, of, ii, 626; Life, of, i, 35, 582; Luni-solar year, ii, 80; Male, ii, 69; Matter, of, ii, 137; Nature, of, ii, 615, 625; Periodical time, of, ii, 596; Series of graphic pictures, a, i, 324; Sin, of, ii, 137; Society, of our, ii, 626; Solar cycle, ii, 596; Spiritual, i, 150; Stability, of, ii, 588, 621; Strait gate, ii, 579; Symbol, and, i, 324; Terrestrial life, of, ii, 98; Time, of, ii, 596; Wisdom, of, ii, 189, 404; Word, of the, ii, 572.

Emblems, Ancient archives, recorded in, i, 325; Bible is written, i, 324; Esoteric societies, of, i, 324; Evil spirits, of chaos, ii, 403; Purânas are written, i, 324; Sexual, ii, 617; Sovereignty, of, ii, 644.

Embrasures of the fortress, Nucleoles are, ii, 37.

Embryo, Adeptship, of divine, ii, 650; Analogies of, ii, 268; Development of, i, 238, ii, 140, 198, 199; Diti, in the womb of, ii, 649; Eyes in the human, ii, 309; Germ-cell in a, ii, 123; Growth of, ii, 198; History of, a racial epitome, ii, 197; Human, ii, 139; Physical, i, 206; Sex seen in, ii, 696; Sphere of, pre-natal, ii, 199.

Embryogenesis of the Prosimiæ, ii, 706.

Embryological, Argument, ii, 724; Cell, i, 244; Inference, ii, 707; Problem, ii, 307; Theories of science, i, 243.

Embryology, Mystery of, i, 238; Occult, i, 244; Science of, ii, 197, 266; Study of, ii, 182, 696; Teaching of, ii, 270.

Embryonic, Evolution, ii, 197; Mammalia, ii, 723.

Embryos, Devaki, of, ii, 555; Race, of the, ii, 483.

Embryotic development, ii, 42.

Emepht, the one supreme planetary principle, i, 393.

Emergence of the universe out of chaos, i, 650.

Emerson, Over-Soul of, i, 79, 164.

Emigrants, Akkadians were, ii, 213; Pioneer, to the delta, ii, 385.

Emigration of Âryans into Asia, ii, 812.

Emims of Moab, ii, 351.

Emotion precedes motion, i, 295.

Emotional nature, Dhyân Chohans devoid of, i, 295.

Emotionalism, Superstition under the guise of, ii, 44.

Empedocles, quoted, i, 540, 541.

Emperor, Constantine, i, 508; Hia dynasty, of, ii, 57; Julian, ii, 32, 38, 620; Yü (B. C. 2255), i, 292.

Empire of the Dead, ii, 240.

Empiric, Definition of an, ii, 702; Hæckel, the German, ii, 711.

Emptiness or Baoth, i, 219.

Empyrean, Centre of, i, 673; Sphere, i, 393.

En or Aiôr, Ain the only self-existent, i, 235.

Enchanter, Golcar the, ii, 360.

Enchantment, Seven arts of, ii, 678.

Enchantments, Hekat ruling over, i, 416; Magic shield destroyed, ii, 412.

Enchantress, Gultweig the, ii, 547.

Encompasser, the universal, ii, 281.

Encyclopædia Britannica, ii, 70, 74, 345, 725.

Encyclopædias, Ancient historians had no, ii, 436; Mesmer in, ii, 165.

Endexoteric, Causes and effects are, ii, 77.

Energeia naturæ, i, 660.

Energies, Cosmic, i, 136; Dhyânic, i, 488; Divine, ii, 122; Divine workmen, and, i, 474; First triad, of, i, 730; Great volcanic, ii, 379; Logos, of, ii, 324; Nature, of, i, 734; Photogenic matter, of, i, 579; Physical, i, 685; Reawakened, i, 60, 116.

Energy, Active, i, 691; Æther quintessence of all, i, 554; Androgynous, i, 161; Aspects of the evolving, i, 680; Astral plane, on, i, 706; Atom, in an, i, 603, 696; Augmentation of, i, 611; Caloric, of, i, 572; Ceaseless, ii, 249; Celestial, ii, 248; Central sun, of, ii, 250; Centre of, i, 40, 135, 639, 696; Chaos, reflected in, i, 359; Conception of, i, 687; Conservation of, i, 559, 563; Cosmic, i, 696, ii, 631; Deity, of, ii, 647; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 300, ii, 685; Eternal, an, i, 302; Ether matter and, i, 731, 732; Evolving, i, 199, 680; Fohat is, i, 44, 136, ii, 685; Force and, i, 80, 170, 555, 605; Globe, transferred from a, i, 179, 182; Inherent, ii, 182; Kinetic, ii, 710; Leibnitz on, i, 691; Light of, i, 521; Logos centre of, i, 461; Matter, of, i, 636, 734; Monadic essence an evolving, i, 199; Motion, of, ii, 710; Parabrahman, of, i, 463; Planets, of, i, 182, 195; Quality, is a, i, 555; Reservoirs of, i, 591; Saint Michael celestial, ii, 248; Satan as, ii, 533; Science, of, i, 40, 637; Shakti or, i, 160; Solar, i, 137, 386, 591; Space, existing in, i, 462; Spirits of, i, 279; Spiritual plane, on, i, 706; Stream of, ii, 249; Sun of, i, 521, 542; Supreme, one, i, 49; Symbol, manifesting through a, i, 501; Transferred, i, 179, 182, 195; Transformable, i, 172, ii, 28; Vishnu manifestation of, i, 137; Waves, of ether, i, 560; Word, of the manifested, i, 400.

Enfield, quoted, ii, 629.

Engendering, Specified mode of, ii, 48.

Engineers and ancient temples, ii, 397.

Engis, Bone caves at, ii, 786; Man, ii, 787; Skull, ii, 726.

England, Catastrophe, on the eve of another, i, 708; Latitude of, ii, 421; Materialism in, ii, 688; Protestant, i, 506; Shveta-dvîpa identified with, ii, 420; Unit of measure for, i, 337.

English, Bible, i, 712, ii, 567; Jehovah literally in, would be inch, ii, 490; Prâna cannot be rendered into, ii, 598.

Englishman and African negro, ii, 463.

Engraving, Palæolithic, ii, 760.

Engravings of the Chipped-stone age, ii, 756.

Enigmatical mirror of pure truth, ii, 280.

Enlargement, Infinite extension admits of no, i, 92.

Enlightened, Buddhas or, ii, 441; Budh, i, 512; Precursors of, ii, 211.

Enlightenment, Divine, ii, 542; Fire of knowledge or, ii, 597; Humanity will redeem, ii, 542; Ray of, ii, 241; Spiritual sun of, ii, 221.

Enneads, or orders of the angelic hierarchy, i, 154.

Ennis, Jacob, quoted, i, 544.

Ennoia, Cycle representing, ii, 224; Divine mind, or, ii, 224; Gnostics, of the, ii, 514; Logos, and Ophis the, ii, 225.

Enoch (see Enos, Hanoch, Book of Enoch, etc.); Angels of, i, 569, ii, 618; Cain has a son, ii, 409; Cataclysm of the Book of, ii, 328; Chaldæan Noah translated like, ii, 150; Christian theology and, ii, 522; Disappearance of, ii, 561; Divine secrets, and, ii, 297; Eliezar on, ii, 561; Enos or, ii, 377, 557, 562; Fallen angels, on, ii, 239, 400; Generic name, a, ii, 221, 251, 559, 560; Genesis of, ii, 280; Geology of, i, 666; Hanoch or, ii, 378, 557, 558; Hermes and, ii, 378, 561; Jared father of, ii, 632; Jewish, ii, 558; Josephus on, ii, 558, 561; Libra, or, ii, 137; Masonic legend of, ii, 559; Opinions about, ii, 532; Patriarch, ii, 558; Plagiarism from, ii, 508; Pymander on, ii, 280; St. John borrows from, ii, 560; Seth father of, ii, 86; Six-pointed star, in the, ii, 562; Symbol, a, ii, 652; Synonyms of, ii, 557; Tree, branch of the one, i, 228; Uriel to, ii, 562; Visions of, ii, 240, 564; Western mystics and, ii, 51; Wisdom of, ii, 143, 507, 561.

Enochian MSS., ii, 560.

Enoïchion, or seer of the open eye, ii, 221, 378, 557, 558, 561.

Enoïchion-Henoch, ii, 557.

Enormous gap between man and ape, ii, 703.

Enos (see also Enoch, Hanoch, etc.), Dhruva, seen in, i, 718; Henoch or, ii, 557, 755; Seers, generic name for, ii, 378; Seth, the son of, ii, 133, 134, 409; Son of man, ii, 135, 137, 492, 558.

Enquiries of Leibnitz, Mathematical, i, 687.

Ens, the Absolute and Abstract, i, 4.

Entelechies, Emanated monads or, i, 692.

Entified abstraction, Atom an, i, 559.

Entities, Amshaspends regarded as dual, i, 255; Androgynes becoming separate, ii, 27; Animal kingdom, i, 210; Apes, in, ii, 274; Aristotle and, i, 535; Astral statues of, ii, 99; Builders real, i, 131; Celestial, i, 251; Conscious, i, 241, 316, 519; Cosmic, i, 661; Devas, called, i, 308; Dhyâni-Buddhas, called i, 38; Divine thought, moved by, ii, 168; Electricity and ruling, i, 137; Elementals or, i, 210; Ethereal, i, 241, 247, 316; Forces and, i, 110, 456, 535; Gandharva Devas are, ii, 619; Gods as, i, 535, 564; Incorporeal, i, 238; Individuality of, i, 296; Inferior class of, i, 297; Lipika, real, i, 131; Manus are, i, 197; Mind-born, i, 152; Mystical, i, 225; Non-human, i, 296; Organisms are, ii, 691; Personality of, i, 296; Planetary period, of a previous, ii, 243; Progressed, i, 210, ii, 121; Rishi-Prajâpati of the Hindûs, called, i, 38; Ruling, i, 137; Self-conscious, ii, 176; Sephiroth, as separate, ii, 117; Septenary host as, i, 239; Spiritual, i, 169, 254, 297, 387, 519, 535; Sub-human class of, ii, 602; Substantial, i, 238; Supersensuous, i, 564, 685; Thinking, i, 197; Trismegistus on, i, 734; Worlds, from preceding, i, 268; Worlds, of higher, i, 157.

Entity, Absolute an, ii, 633; Angelic, ii, 85, 539; Being, a, i, 121; Conscious, ii, 259; Divine, i, 132, 138, ii, 111, 689; Electric, i, 105; Electricity an emanation from an, i, 137; Force and an, i, 170, 552, 558; Force an emanation of an, i, 171, 313; Globe an, i, 178; Human, ii, 85, 639; Immortal, ii, 582; Living, i, 670, 675, ii, 370; Microcosmic, i, 181; Monad not a separate, i, 201; Moon as personified, i, 250; Mythical, i, 393; Non-entity, and, ii, 185, 612; Number is an, i, 96; Real, i, 670, 689; Self as an, i, 583; Space an, i, 583, 675; Spiritual, i, 700, ii, 169; Star of an, i, 626; Sun as personified, i, 250; Surviving, i, 251.

Entomology, Septenary law in, ii, 659.

Envelope, Astral, ii, 753; Atoms, of, i, 615; Auric, of the earth, i, 722; Ether, of, i, 571; Matter of photogenic, i, 579.

Envelopes, Elements translated, i, 95; Monad-Ego of the, i, 258.

Environments, Organic forms made to fit their, ii, 691.

Eocene, Age, i, 473, ii, 327, 452, 715, 729, 757, 763, 823; Cataclysm, ii, 751; Civilization, ii, 787; Climate, ii, 755; Continents, ii, 733; Flora, ii, 825; Man, ii, 164, 166, 301, 714; Period, ii, 9, 164, 265, 717, 733, 734, 738, 754, 787, 825; Strata, ii, 729; Ungulates, ii, 776.

Eozoon canadense, a chambered shell, ii, 265, 752.

Epaphos, Christ connected with, ii, 433; Dark, ii, 432, 434, 436.

Ephemerals, Zeus and the puny, ii, 430.

Ephesians, Interpretation of, i, 353.

Ephesus, Heraclitus of, i, 105.

Ephialtes, Anguipedal monster known as, ii, 74.

Ephraim, Pisces and, i, 717.

Epicurean Indolentia, the, i, 630.

Epicurus referred to, i, 32, 533, 564, 620, 621, 633, 670, 690, ii, 299.

Epicycle and cycle, i, 707.

Epigenes, Chronology of, ii, 656.

Epimetheus, Pandora and, ii, 282; Prometheus, and, ii, 440, 548.

Epiphanius, quoted i, 435, ii, 601.

Epoch, First root-race, of, ii, 723; Fourth race, of, i, 708; Glacial period, of, ii, 717, 726; Great Pyramid, of, ii, 450, 451; Hindû, ii, 454, 724, 728; Kali Yuga, ii, 454; Primordial, ii, 752; Universal renovation, of, i, 721.

Epochs, Hindû, i, 725; Zodiacs, of the, ii, 452.

Equation, Sun’s centre, of the, i, 729; Velocity, of, i, 608.

Equator, Constellations, turning through the zodiacal, ii, 345; Cor Leonis on, ii, 426; Ecliptic and, ii, 563; Fohat, a circle of, i, 225; Pole passed from, ii, 372; Poles agree with, ii, 339; Retrograde motion of, ii, 829.

Equatorial, Jupiter, rotation of, i, 649; Plane of the sun, ii, 250; Planets’, diameter, ii, 573; Sun, ii, 251; Svastika and, belts, ii, 104.

Equilateral triangle, i, 335, 673, 674, 675, 676, ii, 625.

Equilibrium, Atomic, i, 616; Attraction and, i, 547; Cosmos, in, i, 448; First race, of, ii, 2; Matter and Spirit, between, i, 132, 214; Nature, of things in, i, 443; Spiritual perception, between brain intellect and, ii, 314; Static, i, 539.

Equinoctial, Points, i, 726, ii, 345, 829; Shadow, ii, 419.

Equinox, Apsis, and, ii, 345; Autumnal, the, i, 726; Change in position of, ii, 732; Chinese year, and, ii, 657; Degrees behind, i, 724; Precession of, i, 726; Stars and, i, 727; Vernal, i, 722, 728, ii, 455, 829.

Equinoxes, Cross of, ii, 577; Enoch on, ii, 562; Precession of, i, 473, ii, 328, 580, 732; Solstices, and, i, 700.

Equivocal generation, ii, 174.

Era, Dryopithecus, of the, ii, 714; Kali Yuga, i, 396.

Erard-Mollien, quoted, i, 721.

Erataoth the dog, ii, 121.

Eratosthenes on the divine dynasties, ii, 384.

Erbium is an element, i, 597.

Erdmann, quoted, i, 691.

Ereb = evening twilight, ii, 263.

Erebus and Nux born out of Chaos, i, 135.

Erech, city of the Chaldæan necropolis, ii, 485.

Eridanus, Jordan, Hebrew, i, 421; Nile called, ii, 616; Phaeton hurled into, ii, 814.

Eridu, the Babylonian city, ii, 148, 213, 236, 732.

Erôs, Æther produced under action of, i, 135; Creation and, ii, 186; Cupid and, i, 134, ii, 68, 244; Divine love, i, 144; Divine will or, ii, 69; Trinity, in the primeval, i, 134; Venus, son of, ii, 68.

Erôs-Phanes in the Orphic hymns, i, 391, 499.

Erosion of the land, Rate of, ii, 749.

Eruptions, Volcanic, ii, 372, 551, 739.

Erythraian Sea, the, ii, 212.

Esar of the ancient Turks, ii, 636.

Esau, Jacob and, ii, 143; Kings of Edom sons of, ii, 745; Meaning and place of, ii, 745.

Esculapius, a serpent deity, ii, 30.

Esikekar or Persepolis, ii, 416.

Eskimos are dying out, ii, 825.

Esmun, a serpent deity, ii, 30.

Esneh, Engraved stones at, i, 330.

Esoteric, All-Father, character of idea of, i, 461; Arhat school, i, 181; Âryans, learning of, ii, 38; Australians, view of, ii, 761; Axioms, ii, 737; Bhagavad Gîtâ an, work, i, 681; Brahmâ, meaning of, ii, 133; Brâhmanism and Buddhism, interpretation of, ii, 674; Brâhmans, i, 142, 292; Cain, the, ii, 135; Calculations, i, 68, ii, 633; Christos is sexless, i, 101; Chronology, ii, 9, 236, 413, 749; Computation as to age of man, ii, 781; Conception of ever-becoming, i, 278; Continents, names of the, ii, 5; Cosmogony, i, 134, 142, 184, 646, 653, 672, ii, 36, 155; Cycles, division into, ii, 73, 454; Deities, order of, ii, 114; Karmic cycles, i, 698; Kingdoms of kosmos, i, 490; Knowledge, i, 315, 708, ii, 570, 601; Language, i, 329, ii, 494, 672; Lingam, significance of, ii, 494; Masters of India, i, 114; Mysteries of Samothrace, ii, 4; Nârada, facets of, ii, 87; Nebular theory, evidence for, i, 643; Pneumatics, i, 263; Religion of Moses, i, 341; Samael, aspect of, i, 449; Schools, ancient, ii, 639; Scriptures, ii, 107; Spiritual fire, actuality of, ii, 111; System, i, 22, 73, 188, 335, 646, ii, 60, 74, 483, 673; Trinity, i, 46; Vedântin school, i, 247; Vidyâ, i, 261; Volumes quoted, ii, 647.

Esoteric Buddhism, quoted or referred to, i, 1, 2, 28, 98, 133, 147, 175, 177, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 192, 193, 200, 208, 209, 210, 213, 252, 253, 325, 371, ii, 7, 105, 165, 188, 197, 206, 262, 277, 322, 327, 342, 347, 349, 444, 452, 455, 521, 632, 670, 671, 672, 677, 709, 755, 757, 793, 817, 822, 823.

Esoteric Buddhists, i, 80, 103, 442, ii, 602, 619, 669.

Esoteric Catechism, quoted or referred to, i, 67, 318, 679.

Esoteric doctrine, Babylonians, of, ii, 597; Comets, on, i, 656; Devachan, of, i, 391; Dynasties, and, ii, 386; Essence, on the Infinite, i, 33; Gnostic and, i, 157; Hebdomad, on, ii, 624; One Life of, i, 135; Origin of life, on, ii, 174; Rig Veda, and, ii, 641, 643; Sacred islands of, ii, 340; Septenary in, ii, 668; Stanzas, based upon, i, 21; Upanishad = i, 290; Wars of the, i, 451; Yugas, of, i, 719.

Esoteric meaning, Adytum, of, ii, 481, 482; Ahamsa, of, ii, 488; Apâna, of, ii, 598; Brahmâ, of, ii, 133; Crucifixion, of, ii, 591; Enoch, of, ii, 561; Hebrew scrolls, in, i, 358; Hermes, of, ii, 561; Hindû cosmogony, of, i, 684; Iliad, of, ii, 401; Jehovah, of, ii, 133; Logos, of, ii, 28; Makara, of, ii, 609; Manvantara of, i, 92; Maruts in their, ii, 648; Odyssey, of, ii, 401; Patriarchs, of, ii, 137; Prâna, of, ii, 598; Rig Veda, of the, ii, 471; Rule of proportion, of every, i, 229; Sânkhya philosophy, of the, ii, 603; Sign of Venus, of, ii, 34; Vedas, in the, i, 270.

Esoteric philosophy, Asuras in, ii, 173; Atoms, of, i, 239, 490; Attainment of consciousness a fact in, i, 298; Buddhism and, ii, 165; Chaldæan scriptures, in, ii, 478; Cis-Himâlayan, ii, 606; Creators in, ii, 81; Deity according to, ii, 438, 575; Demiurge in, i, 408; Dhyânîs and, ii, 98; Gods in, i, 68; Pleiades and, i, 711; Polygenesis, on, ii, 259; Problem of man solved by, i, 697; Reality, and the invisible, i, 673; Reconciles all religions, i, 4, 86; Rudras in, ii, 618; Science, fills gaps of, ii, 206; Spontaneous generation, teaches, ii, 159; Time according to, i, 75; Venus in, ii, 33; Virgil knew, ii, 628; Vishnu in, i, 137.

Esoteric tradition, Buddhist, i, 395; Himâlayas, beyond the, i, 292; Vishvakarmâ, of, ii, 590.

Esoteric Treatise on the Doctrine of Gilgul, quoted, i, 620.

Esotericism, Androgyne of, ii, 434; Anu, in, ii, 65; Archaic, i, 85, 138; Arhats, of, ii, 672; Âryan, i, 140; Aspects of, two, i, 464; Avalokiteshvara in, i, 101; Bhagavad Gîtâ, of the, i, 114, ii, 28; Bible, i, 284, ii, 263; Blinds of, ii, 323; Bull’s eye called, light of, ii, 302; Eastern, i, 704, 735, ii, 120, 470, 581; Egyptian, i, 240, 248, 411; Esoteric Buddhism contains no, i, 1; Genesis, of, ii, 119, 213; Genii of, i, 439; Geometrical, i, 462, Hindû, ii, 51; Jehovah, in, ii, 65; Jewish, i, 250, ii, 44; Kabalah, of the, i, 154; Kabalistic, i, 38, ii, 429; Kabalistic books, of, ii, 566; Lao-tse, of, ii, 40; Leo, in sign of, i, 234; Nârada in, ii, 51; New Testament, i, 411; Numbers, chief doctrine in, i, 467; Origins of, ii, 478; Pagan, ii, 481; Paurânic, ii, 263; Pleiades and eastern, ii, 581; Purânas, in, ii, 184; Spirit of, i, 735; Symbolical man in, ii, 644; Trans-Himâlayan, i, 136, ii, 25; Yogîs, in, ii, 610; Zoroastrian, ii, 372.

Esprits Tombés des Paiens, quoted, ii, 542.

Esquimaux, Chinamen, offshoot of, ii, 188; Drawings, ii, 758; Palæolithic ancestors of, ii, 757.

Esse into exsistere, a coming from, ii, 27.

Essence, Absolute, i, 36, 294; Absolute light, of darkness, i, 98; Âkâsha, of, i, 561; Âlaya, of, i, 79; Angels, i, 297; Atmâ, the, i, 623; Atoms, of, i, 124; Brahmâ, of, ii, 122; Chitkala, of, i, 308; Cyclic rebirth of the same divine, ii, 258; Deity, of, i, 498, ii, 504; Dhyân-Chohanic, i, 285, ii, 127; Dhyâni-Buddhas, of, i, 79; Divine, the, i, 26, 33, 86, 134, 428, 673, 690, ii, 99, 198, 258; Element, of one, i, 279; Existence, of, i, 44; Fire, of, i, 35; First Principle more occult than all, i, 459; Force, of, i, 556; Forty-nine fires, of the, ii, 60; Gods, of, ii, 97; Governors, of, ii, 109; Hebdomadic, ii, 96; Human, ii, 203; Impersonal, ii, 504; Lords of Wisdom, of, ii, 429; Mankind not of same, ii, 439; Material world, of, eternal, i, 301; Matter, of, i, 67, 171; Mind, of, ii, 85; Monad, of, i, 160, ii, 116; Monadic, i, 199, 201, 679, ii, 707; Noumenal, of, atoms, i, 124; One, i, 155; One in, three in aspect, ii, 119; One manifested eternal in, i, 121; Ozone, of, i, 168; Parabrahman, i.e., i, 43; Particle, of every physical, i, 239; Personality not lost in Nirvâna, of the, i, 286; Phenomena, behind physical, i, 566; Phenomena, of, i, 701; Plastic, i, 77 90; Prâna or life, ii, 631; Primal, of Nature, i, 142, 160, 303, 586; Psychic, of man, ii, 30; Rebirth of the same, ii, 258; Sadaika-Rûpa, ii, 50; Self-existent, i, 77, 116; Seventh, the, i, 310; Spirit and the sun united in, ii, 583; Spiritual, of man, ii, 30; Substance, of, i, 691; Suddasattva or, i, 156; Sun, i, 159, ii, 583; Supersubstantial, of Âkâsha, i, 561; Svabhâvat called, i, 33, 90, 125; Tetraktys, of the, ii, 636; Ultimate substance derived from, ii, 585; Universal sixth principle, of, i, 45; Vâsudeva, of, i, 306; Vishnu, of, i, 355; Vishvakarmâ, of, ii, 590; Yoga, of Brahmâ, ii, 122.

Essences, Angelic spiritual, ii, 252; Celestial hierarchies, of, i, 297; Dhyân-Chohanic, ii, 114; Divine, i, 685; Ethereal, i, 261; Flames, elements, etc., are, i, 60; Governors, of, ii, 280; Monads or, ii, 176; Noumenal, i, 295; Powers or, i, 215; Semi-divine beings, of, ii, 91; Seven, of the, ii, 279; Spiritual, ii, 252; Stanza IV, referred to, in, i, 116; Things real, of, i, 689.

Essene, Jesus the, i, 588.

Essenes, Belief of the, ii, 118.

Esur, a God in India, ii, 120.

Eternities, Duration, constitute, i, 69; Ever-becoming, of the, i, 582; Fohat acts during seven, i, 64, 168; Hindûs, of the, i, 68; Pralayic, i, 85; Seven, i, 64, 67, 68, 84, 168.

Eternity, Absolute, i, 242; Act not co-equal with, ii, 319; Æon and, i, 92; Amenti, in, i, 257; Âtmâ-Buddhi in, i, 248; Circles in, i, 699; Cycle of, ii, 52; Defunct in, i, 247; Duration of, i, 227, ii, 103; Forms existed as ideas in, i, 303; Fourth, i, 214; Future and past, i, 69; Heart of, i, 145; Kalpa in, last, i, 394; Karmic law is, ii, 319; Kosmos in, i, 31; Law from one, to another, ii, 92; Mahâ-manvantaras, and, ii, 83; Manas in, i, 248; Manvantaric, ii, 509; Nirvâna a limit in, i, 287; Osiris master in the, i, 471; Parabrahman, meaning, i, 378; Picture-gallery of, i, 130; Pilgrim, of the, i, 45; Pralaya, in, i, 31; Seraphim and, i, 390; Serpent of, i, 95, 103, 390, 437, 442, ii, 202, 296, 394, 531; Seventh, i, 57, 91; Son of Immortality in, ii, 397; Sons of Manvantaric, ii, 509; Sparks of, i, 45; Spirit and matter wedded in, ii, 108; Spiritual lives in, i, 696; Svastika and, i, 442, ii, 105; Swan of, the, i, 384, ii, 488; Third eye embraces, ii, 312; Time and, i, 139, 461, ii, 243; Unconscious in, i, 695; Universal life-giver in, i, 650; Universe in, i, 44, 302, ii, 515; Vibration of the seventh, i, 91, 92; Vishnu Purâna, in, i, 359; Worlds in, ii, 46.

Ether, Æther, and, i, 353; Air and, i, 352, 400; Akâsha and, i, 41, 90, 105, 124, 226, 276, 277, 315, 316, 353, 354, 399, 561; All-pervading, i, 573; Ancients, of the, i, 533; Astral Light and, i, 315, 347; Bodies formed of, i, 616; Body of, i, 498; Caloric the physical residue of, i, 571; Chaldæan oracles and, i, 500; Concept of, i, 527; Conditions in, new, i, 531; Continuous, i, 534; Cosmic principle, a, i, 353; Daughter of, ii, 14; Ego assumes properties of, i, 357; Element, i, 40, 41, 164, 278, ii, 96, 651; Envelope, of, vibratory, i, 615; Fire or, i, 119, 236, 482; Human body, in, i, 573; Instrument of nature, i, 735; Insulation of, i, 611; Interstellar, i, 686, ii, 144; Keely’s own, i, 613; Kosmos, and, i, 575; Lowest planes of, i, 274; Luminiferous, i, 615, 639; Matter and, i, 87, 128, 136, 650, 731, 732; Metcalfe on, i, 634; Molecular, i, 528; Mystic Four and, i, 360; Nârâyana present in, i, 252; Nature of, i, 318, 527, 641; Natures, and seven, i, 353, ii, 628; Nervous, i, 634, 660, 695, ii, 312; Newton and, i, 41, 536, 537; Nursling of, ii, 115; Occultists, a reality to, i, 347; Phenomenal positive, i, 553; Planets bound together by, ii, 87; Principles of, i, 353; Properties of, i, 612; Proteus, hypothetical, i, 347; Ptomaine extracted by, i, 282; Purânas on, i, 352; Recognition of, i, 683; Resisting, i, 546; Science and, i, 125, 315, 316, 347, 523, 526, 528, 552, 658; Soul atom dissolves in, i, 621; Soul of, ii, 611; Sound and, i, 399, 641, ii, 113; Space, and, i, 353, 441, 580, 582, 642, ii, 801; Speech and, ii, 113; Spirit of, i, 362, 494; Sun, and the, i, 575; Theogony, in, i, 498; Universal, i, 542, ii, 78, 198; Unmodified, remains, i, 399; Vibratory, i, 605, 607; Voltaire, of, ii, 93; Water-Mother, the, ii, 129; Wind or, ii, 111.

Ethereal, Animals, i, 273; Astral man, ii, 160; Atlanteans, prototypes of, ii, 8; Being of a lower grade, ii, 67; Combination of Neshamah, ii, 478; Counterpart of man, i, 206; Creator of man, body of the, ii, 91; Dhyân Chohans, races of, i, 210; Dhyânîs, ii, 107; Divine man, ii, 294; Doubles, ii, 5; Earth, ii, 261, 271; First forms were, ii, 128; Flame, i, 399; Fluid, i, 574, 683, 687; Form, i, 491, 703, ii, 60, 159, 160, 392, 753; Forms, i, 197, ii, 72, 197, 313, 773; Gods, form of, i, 491; Hermaphrodites, ii, 718; Ischins, form of, ii, 392; Light of eternal spirit, ii, 40; Lilith and the, shadow, ii, 183; Lunar spirit, ii, 90; Man, i, 211, 703, ii, 157, 167, 429; Mars more, men on, i, 660; Men, i, 273, ii, 100, 193, 773; Men and animals, i, 273; Models, ii, 197; Organism, i, 222; Physical state, and, ii, 433; Pitris, ii, 5, 107; Pre-human, race, ii, 174; Primal natures, i, 110; Primeval humanity, ii, 58, 160; Proto-organisms, ii, 194; Prototypes, i, 303, ii, 8, 504; Races, ii, 166, 204, 243, 278, 303, 325, 707, 781; Root-race, i, 183, ii, 49; Seed an, organism, i, 222; Shadows were, ii, 146; Shadowy, men, ii, 100, 167; Sheaths, ii, 197; Sons of the earth, ii, 473; Sons of Yoga, ii, 208; Transformations of matter, i, 226; Worlds, i, 665.

Ethereality to materiality, Races evolve from, ii, 737.

Etherealizes the nature of all, Evolution, i, 253.

Ethereo-substantial or astral envelope, i, 255.

Etheric, Centre, i, 607; Centres of J. W. Keely, i, 172; Flows, i, 615; Force, i, 606; Space, i, 641; Tremors, i, 561.

Etherodynamy (electricity, heat, etc.), i, 589.

Eth-h’ orebv or raven, i, 478.

Ethics, Âryan codes of, ii, 264; Gautama, preached by, ii, 441; National, ii, 491; Races, of early, ii, 284; Universal, i, 698.

Ethiopian, Africa, of, ii, 493; Egypt, dominion of, i, 331; History of, affairs, ii, 426.

Ethiopic MS. in Bodleian Library, ii, 560.

Ethiops, river, ii, 435.

Ethnographische Skizzen, etc., quoted, ii, 232.

Ethnological, Book of Enoch, events and, ii, 564; Classifications, ii, 242; Transformations, i, 208.

Ethnologists, Tibetan extinct nations and, i, 17.

Ethnology, Antediluvian, ii, 349; Antiquity on, ii, 456; Atlantis necessary to, ii, 827; Australian race, silent as to, ii, 206; Bible chronology disproved by, ii, 205; Esoteric, ii, 175, 750; Modern systems of, i, 339; Occult teaching in conflict with, ii, 462; Races named by, ii, 447; Scriptures, in, ii, 790; Stanzas and, i, 121; Turanians, Mongols and Chinese of, ii, 443; Varieties of the human race, and, i, 344.

Etruria, Raised stones in, ii, 361.

Etruscan, Aesar in old, ii, 121; Cities, ii, 231; Lares, origin of, ii, 377.

Etruscans forerunners of Âryan invasion, ii, 783.

Études Égyptologiques, quoted, i, 249.

Etymological definition of Theos, ii, 575.

Etymologies, Iaho, of, ii, 487; Jehovah has a variety of, ii, 137.

Etymology, Eden, of, ii, 213; Kwan, of, i, 512; Lares, of, ii, 377; Man, of, i, 664; Sacrament, of, ii, 489; Yin, of, i, 512.

Eua, Eue, Eva or Eve, ii, 137.

Eugibinus, quoted, ii, 142.

Euhemerization, Dual principle, of, ii, 157; Fictions, of old, ii, 283; Nature, of powers of, ii, 695.

Euhemerized, Evil spirits, ii, 403; Priapus, ii, 573.

Euhemerizing the Theosophical idea, i, 420.

Euler and Occultists, i, 533.

Euphrates, Country watered by, ii, 212; Eridu once a seaport of, ii, 732.

Euripides, quoted, ii, 807.

Europe, Africa in, ii, 781; Africa older than, ii, 385; America and, ii, 349, 425, 767, 828; America, Miocene plants of, and, ii, 767, 828; Angels and spirits in, believers in, i, 670; Australia one with, ii, 348, 826; Cataclysm, on, eve of a, i, 708, ii, 464; Caucasian of, ii, 493; Civilization in, ii, 791; Colossal stones of, ii, 794; Continent of, ii, 7, 8, 416, 444, 641, 826; Continent preceding, ii, 423; Cradle of mankind, not a, ii, 781; Cross symbol in, ii, 586; Cyclopean origin of towns in, i, 230; Egypt belonged to, the delta of, ii, 8; Egypt older than, ii, 788; Elevation of, ii, 734; Fifth root-race in, i, 518; First settlers in, ii, 367; Fossil man in, ii, 765; Fully formed, ii, 782; Io has to quit, ii, 434; Miocene, ii, 767, 825, 828; Mystical learning in, i, 19; Occult sciences in, ii, 565; Occultists in, i, 280, 284; Palæolithic men in, ii, 781; Planetary conjunctions in, i, 720; Pythagoras in, teachings of, i, 676; Quaternary epoch, of the, ii, 781; Raised stones in north of, ii, 361; Sea-bottom, at the, ii, 338; Seas, emerging from, ii, 786; Sedimentation in, ii, 734; Seventh Atlantean sub-race in, ii, 786; Sinking of, ii, 278; Waters, rising from, ii, 763.

Europeans, America a myth for, i, 315, 316; Atlanteans and, ii, 452; Buddhist canons lost to, i, 11; Chronology of, ii, 414; Grand climacteric of, i, 720; Hindûs, confused with, ii, 338; History of, ii, 463; Mahâbhâratan war, and, i, 427; Sixth race and, ii, 465; Zodiacs of India, and, ii, 449.

Eurydice carried off by Pluto, ii, 830.

Eurymedon, Giants the children of, ii, 809.

Eusebius, quoted, i, 10, 15, 440, ii, 56, 291, 357, 384, 397, 410, 572.

Eustathius, quoted, ii, 434, 485.

Euterpe, quoted, i, 387, ii, 349.

Euthanasia of Adepts, ii, 559.

Euxine, Ikshu sea, or, ii, 420; Kashmir, to, ii, 213; Samothrace overflowed by, ii, 4.

Euxodus, referred to, i, 713.

Evangelists, Elements, and, i, 388; Four, i, 152; Portraits of, i, 389; Sacred animals and, i, 476.

Evans, Sir John, on the Stone-age, ii, 461.

Evaporate, Vishnu causes the moisture to, i, 397.

Eve, Adam and, i, 153, 161, 492, 665, ii, 65, 100, 105, 135, 156, 203, 406, 682, 693, 698; Aditi and, ii, 47; Androgynous, ii, 282; Belita became, ii, 485; Cain-Jehovah, giving birth to, ii, 492; Disobedience of, ii, 428; Earth and, i, 260; Hava or, ii, 45, 492; Hebel same as, ii, 143; Heva or, i, 260; Hovah means, ii, 490; Io and, ii, 433, 434; Isis, mother of, ii, 34; Kin (Cain), son of, ii, 406; Mother, i, 380; Mother of all living, ii, 665; Sarah and, ii, 495; Serpent and, i, 102, 455, ii, 214, 292; Son of the terrestrial, i, 90; Tamtu became, ii, 485; Third and fourth races, of, ii, 429; Vâch and, ii, 47, 136; Yah-hovah is, i, 423.

Even numbers are terrestrial, ii, 607.

Evening Telegraph of America, quoted, ii, 460.

Evening twilight or Sandhyâ, ii, 61, 63.

Events, Confused, intentionally, ii, 236; Ideographic records of, ii, 458; Impress, leave their, ii, 839; Karma more than a succession of, i, 707; Old Testament, of the, i, 712; Pre-cosmic, i, 396; Reäppear, will, i, 739; Shadows of coming, ii, 839; Sidereal motions regulate, on earth, i, 707; Succession of, in Asia, i, 722; Symbolically, recorded, i, 325; Time a pitiless devourer of, ii, 785; Tradition, revealed through, ii, 818; Traditional, i, 708.

Ever-becoming, the, i, 271, 288, 582, 622, ii, 466, 575.

Ever-changing forms, Universe of, i, 294.

Ever-darkness, Ray of the, i, 60, 87, 116.

Ever-existing, Deity, ii, 575; Universe, i, 298, 299.

Ever-incarnating Logos, Active and, ii, 52.

Ever-invisible, Agent, i, 277; Robes of the eternal parent, i, 55, 67.

Ever-living, Illusion, and its, i, 600; Land, ii, 820; Power, ii, 602; Trinity, ii, 466.

Ever-present, Manifestation of the, i, 32; Nature, ii, 466; Root Sat, the, ii, 470; Space, i, 32; Third race felt itself one with, ii, 284.

Ever-pulsating great heart, the, ii, 622.

Ever-recurring sevenfold number, the, ii, 643.

Ever-to-be-unknown power, Breath of the, ii, 582.

Ever-unknowable, i, 4, 420.

Ever-unmanifested, Principle, ii, 244; Sat, i, 309.

Everard, quoted, ii, 109.

Everlasting, Cell, i, 244; King, ii, 43, 507; Mighty ones, monuments of, i, 469; Mother nature, ii, 629; Nucleoles are, ii, 37.

Eves, the animal, ii, 274.

Evestrum or Ka, hieroglyphics, ii, 670.

Evil, Amrita became mixed with, i, 371; Astral Light, effects of, i, 366; Binary the beginning of, ii, 607; Cause of good or, ii, 539; Demon, Seth an, ii, 86; Dilemma of the existence of, ii, 536; Dragon, ii, 56; Dragons of, winged, ii, 427; Duad the origin of, or matter, i, 677; Earth, on, ii, 542; Evolution, necessary for, ii, 406; Eye, lords of the, ii, 45; Eyed Saturn, ii, 32; God cannot be divorced from, i, 445; Good, and, i, 102, ii, 100, 131, 288, 317, 399, 500, 636; Hall of misery, doers in, i, 438; Homogeneity contains essence of good and, i, 443; Human nature, in, i, 448; Jehovah one with, ii, 407; Karma, and, i, 149, ii, 319, 500; Kin (Cain), ii, 406; Knowledge of, ii, 4, 131, 399; Matter, and, i, 103, 677; Moon a symbol of, i, 426; Mysteries of, ii, 171, 542; One, ii, 74, 216, 404; Ones, ii, 430; Origin of, ii, 29, 286, 319, 514; Plato’s idea of, ii, 389; Powers of, ii, 109, 110; Predominate, will, ii, 542; Principles of, ii, 636; Problem of, ii, 317, 499; Progress, necessary for, ii, 406; Prometheus, brought by gift of, ii, 439; Realm of, ii, 78; Serpent of, i, 441, ii, 408, 531, 621; Shadow not, ii, 225; Tree of good and, i, 267, ii, 143; War with, ii, 109, 110; World’s, i, 705.

Evil spirit, Dogma of, ii, 508; Globe, animating the, ii, 614; Kakodaimôn, i, 368; Lightning and, i, 505; Who and what? ii, 498.

Evil spirits, ii, 171, 183, 242; Bhûtas called, ii, 107; Devils and, ii, 171; Emblems of chaos, ii, 403; Gods fallen into generation and, ii, 242; Karma and, i, 447; Nature of, ii, 183; Satan and, ii, 182; Seven, ii, 102.

Evils, Humanity, of, ii, 401; Life, of, i, 706; Nature, in, i, 449.

Evocator of souls, Mercury the, ii, 31.

Evolution, Above, began from, ii, 180, 200; Acme of physical development, has reached the, i, 253; Almighty, ii, 689; Analogy connecting all lines of, i, 194; Ancients’ view of, i, 354, ii, 113; Angelic beings, of, i, 449; Animals, of, ii, 85, 178, 190, 264, 733; Anthropoid apes, of, ii, 718, 721; Anthropological, ii, 221; Ape into man, of, ii, 717; Artificial, ii, 364; Arvâksrotas beings, of, i, 492; Ascending, ii, 313; Astral, ii, 268; Atlantean, ii, 209, 388; Atoms, of, i, 205, 238, 568, 600, 637, 682, 685, 686; Basis of objective, ii, 27; Chain, of our, i, 278; Climatic influence on, ii, 777; Conscious spiritual, ii, 255; Cosmic, i, 43, 48, 53, 55, 91, 95, 110, 135, 461, ii, 72, 324, 542, 672; Cosmogonical, ii, 62; Cosmos, of, i, 303; Creation, not, i, 237, ii, 45, 264; Creation, of animal, ii, 264; Creations mean stages of, i, 489; Cycles of, i, 288, 699, ii, 198, 462; Cyclic, i, 159, 252, 448, ii, 37, 209, 313, 438, 440; Darwinian, i, 209, 223, ii, 40, 162, 725, 726, 751; Darwinism and, ii, 685; Definition by Webster of, ii, 690; Descending, ii, 95, 313; Dhyân-Chohans, of, ii, 114, 740; Dhyânis, of, i, 238; Diagram of, i, 684; Dissolution, and, i, 40, 41; Divine man, of, i, 448, ii, 789; Doctrine of, i, 656, 657; Downward, i, 585, 601; Earth, of, i, 175, 227, 667, ii, 67, 250; Eastern doctrine of, i, 657; Element of senses, of, ii, 649; Elemental, i, 604; Elements, of the, i, 164, 271, 498, 640; Embryonic, ii, 197; Ethereal counterpart of man, of, i, 206; Eye, of the, ii, 313; Fall a law of, ii, 316; Final, ii, 201; Fœtus, of a, i, 243; Fohat and, i, 172; Forces of, i, 598, ii, 657, 747; Forms, of, ii, 180; Fourth race, of the, ii, 9, 65, 307, 429, 465; Fourth round, in our, i, 208; Germ, of the, i, 270; Giants, of our race from, i, 368; Globe, of the, i, 325, ii, 146, 842; Globe A, of, ii, 72; Globes, of, i, 182, 194, 220, 252; God-idea, of the, i, 348; Gods, i, 420, 472, 600; Ground-plan of, ii, 778; Hierarchies of Egos, of, i, 690; Human, ii, 65, 117, 123, 131, 176, 210, 243, 368, 382; Humanities, of seven, ii, 322; Humanity, of, i, 196, 478, ii, 452, 816; Incognizable cause and, ii, 511; Individual cycle of, ii, 198; Individuality and, ii, 502; Intellectual, i, 204, 229, ii, 429; Involution and, i, 172, 696, ii, 307; Isis Unveiled, in, ii, 271; Kapila on, i, 209, ii, 271; Karma and, i, 211, 695, 698, ii, 296; Karmic, ii, 206, 259; Kosmos, of, i, 41, 475, 477, ii, 621; Languages, of, ii, 209; Law of, i, 174, 231, 266, 702, ii, 58, 65, 69, 88, 98, 181, 200, 208, 316, 515, 563, 706, 773; Lemuria, traced to, ii, 181; Lemurians, of, ii, 49, 331; Life, of, i, 182, ii, 67, 250; Light, of, i, 165; Logos, and, i, 161; Mammals, ii, 190, 207, 753, 775; Man, of, i, 132, 198, 210, 213, 215, 625, 698, 703, ii, 49, 85, 141, 161, 175, 187, 201, 202, 262, 269, 272, 286, 499, 518, 591, 682, 842; Manifestation, in its triple, i, 364; Mankind, of, i, 739, ii, 1, 90, 128; Manu on, i, 209, ii, 271; Manvantara, not confined to our, i, 490; Manvantaric, ii, 177; Materials, out of preëxisting, i, 253; Matter, of, i, 172, 684, ii, 285; Midway point of, ii, 777; Mind, of, i, 211; Mineral, of, i, 183; Monadic, i, 192, 203, 204, 267, 680, 693, 694; Monera, of, ii, 169, 174; Moral, i, 183; Mystery of, i, 95, 215; Mystic numbers in, ii, 39; Mythology, and, i, 322; Nârada and, ii, 52, 87; Nations, of, ii, 433; Natural, ii, 195, 363; Natural selection, without, ii, 684; Nature before, began, i, 568; Nature in the light of, ii, 161; Occultism, and, i, 238; Order of, i, 522, 672, ii, 8, 179, 183; Organic, ii, 127, 685, 722, 772, 776; Periods, of, i, 481, 482; Perpetual never-ceasing, ii, 575; Personality, and, ii, 502; Phenomena, by natural, ii, 758; Physical, i, 183, 204, 232, 245, 262, 448, ii, 58, 198, 268, 313; Planets, of, i, 653; Populations, of, European, ii, 783; Potential force of, ii, 470; Pradhâna, from, i, 277, 305; Primeval divine races, of, ii, 166; Primitive men, of, ii, 343; Primordial, i, 210; Process of, i, 199, 298, ii, 42, 737; Progressive, i, 703, ii, 682; Protoplasmic forms, of, i, 303; Psychic, ii, 428; Psychological and spiritual, ii, 566; Race, i, 368, ii, 27, 115, 348, 696, 737; Races, of, i, 25, 26, 184, 325, 703, ii, 77, 166, 208, 260, 265, 276, 314, 326, 428, 437, 701, 749; Rephaim, from the, ii, 521; Root during, i, 40; Root-races, of, ii, 51; Round, in first, i, 491; Round, in fourth, i, 491; Sephiroth, of, i, 236; Septenary, i, 200, 288, ii, 659, 775; Sexes, of, i, 35, ii, 697; Sexual propagation, and, ii, 694; Shiva is, personified, ii, 192; Solar system, i, 546, 647, 681; Soul, i, 218, ii, 167; Soul-life, of, ii, 708; Spirit, of, i, 683, ii, 691; Spirit-matter, of, i, 297; Spirit-soul, of, i, 482; Spiritual, i, 703, ii, 92, 167, 198, 201, 253, 255, 428, 434, 439, 687, 699; Stages of, i, 195, 461, 489, ii, 123, 124, 243, 574; Stanzas, in the, i, 48; Strata, of, ii, 260; Theories of, modern, ii, 444; Theory of atomic, i, 685; Theory of, ii, 56, 200, 301, 692; Third stage of, ii, 574; Transformation and, ii, 128; Tree of, ii, 271; Uncoiling serpent, compared to an, ii, 530; Universal, i, 48, ii, 37, 52; Universe, of the, i, 350, 639, 656, ii, 187, 530, 574, 605; Vegetable, i, 183; Virgil and, ii, 628; Water-men, of, ii, 55, 671; What is, ii, 689; Wires of, i, 298; Words, by means of, ii, 45; World, ii, 127.

Evolutional gyrations, i, 193.

Ewald on Chwolsohn, ii, 475.

Exact science, i, 301, 538, ii, 709; Alchemists departed from, i, 167; Fickle dame, a, i, 301; Great pyramid, and, i, 333; Hæckel’s inventions regarded as, ii, 706; Materialistic and, ii, 709; Motto of, i, 538; Nature, and, i, 457; Negation, of, i, 733; Origin of the lunar myth and, i, 416; Province of, ii, 701; Secret Doctrine and, ii, 169; Special creation, and, ii, 724; Truth has forced the hand of, i, 598; Variations of, ii, 75.

Examen des Principes, quoted, i, 692.

Excavations, Dr. Schliemann, by, ii, 763; Layard, of, ii, 4.

Excitation, Nervous, i, 588.

Exiles on the earth, Gods, ii, 280.

Ex-initiate, Clemens Alexandrinus an, ii, 590.

Existence, Absolute, i, 70, 71, 74, 286; Bliss of sidereal, ii, 257; Breath of the One, i, 85; Causes of, i, 56, 75, 307, ii, 538; Comets and cosmic, i, 656; Conditioned, i, 43; Conditions of solar, ii, 144; Conscious, i, 43; Cosmic substance, periodic, of, i, 622; Cycles of, i, 248, 477, 625, ii, 540; Daseyn or, i, 302; Elements, of, i, 498, 681; Energy, of antecedent, i, 686; Eocene period, of man in, ii, 164; Essence of, i, 44; God, of, i, 697; Intellectual, i, 521; Intercyclic phases of, i, 620; Kâma rûpa inseparable from animal, ii, 627; Manifested planes of, i, 89; Manifested universe, of, i, 44; Matter outside, i, 642; Matter rising into intellectual, i, 521; Mâyâ of phenomenal, i, 75; Nature of, i, 80; Non-being, as, i, 85; Non-existence, and, i, 70, 75; One, i, 32, 35, 68, ii, 633; One form of, i, 56, 77, 80; One secondless, i, 84; Periods of, ii, 37; Physical, i, 706; Planes of, i, 89, 174, 622, ii, 108, 169, 584; Prehistoric times of Lemuria, of, ii, 7; Problem of, i, 622, 656; Purusha the One, ii, 633; Races, of ethereal, ii, 707; Sattâ sole, i, 400; Secondary age, of man in, ii, 10; Self-, i, 36, 45; Self-conscious, martyrdom of, i, 289; Sidereal, bliss of, ii, 257; Spirits, the, of, i, 707; Spiritual, i, 706; Struggle for, ii, 313, 684, 699; Tertiary period, of man in, ii, 715; True, i, 35, 69; Vishnu cause of, i, 307; Will, and, i, 702; World of form and, i, 662.

Existent, One, i, 474, ii, 662; Sat not in itself the, ii, 470.

Exodus, quoted, i, 150, 339, 340, 411, 413, 535, ii, 377, 445, 447, 501, 568, 588.

Exoteric, Allegories, ii, 4; Allegory of Vishvakarmâ, ii, 590; Angelic beings, texts on, i, 493; Brâhmanism, ii, 33; Chronology of the Jews, ii, 414; Creeds, i, 479, ii, 182, 698; Cycles, i, 706; Dogmas, i, 331, ii, 434; Hindû, philosophy, i, 185; Hindûism, i, 285, 372; Indian, religions, ii, 422; Judaism, ii, 44; Kumâras, i, 493; Mythology, i, 492; Paurânic writings, i, 276; Philosophy, i, 699; Planets, i, 628; Purânas, i, 678; Records of the East, ii, 45; Religions, i, 284, 297, 632, ii, 112, 294, 529, 613, 622, 642; Rites, ii, 496; Ritualism, ii, 598; Ritualistic form, ii, 600; Ritualistic worship, or, ii, 49; Scriptures, i, 188, 324, ii, 107; Series of androgyne Gods, ii, 636; Triad, descriptions of first-born, i, 683; Veil, ii, 695; Worship, lotus and, i, 408.

Exotericism, Chaldæan, ii, 97; Distortions produced by, i, 446; Emanations in, 10 and 7, i, 467; Occultism and Greek, i, 552; Purânas, of, i, 293.

Expedition, Argonauts, of, i, 715; Bacchus into India, of, ii, 480.

Experience, Harvest of, Hindû, i, 724; Monad, gained by, ii, 191.

Explosion of the sun, i, 544.

Ex-pole star, Dhruva the, ii, 579.

Exposition du Système du Monde, referred to, i, 653.

Ex-protoplasmic moneron, ii, 162.

Exsistere, from Esse into, ii, 27.

Extasies due to interior phosphorus [?], ii, 538.

Extension, Atoms, of, i, 688; Boundless, or unity, i, 365; Descartes on, and thought, i, 689; Enlargement not admitted by infinite, i, 92; Leibnitz’ ideas of, i, 687, 688; Material points without, i, 530; Motion not explainable by, i, 687; Number, mass, weight, ii, 45; Property of, i, 688; Substances without, i, 692; Unity, or boundless, i, 365.

Extent of the universe, ii, 288.

Extinct, Animal men, race of, ii, 274; Apes will be, ii, 275; Lake of Bovey Tracey, ii, 766; Mankind, i, 586; Races, physical side of, ii, 302; Satyrs an, race of animal men, ii, 274.

Extinction, Karmic necessity, of races a, ii, 825; Life, Nitya, of, ii, 323.

Extinguished the spark, Those who, ii, 332.

Extra-Cosmic God, an, i, 300, 577, 622, ii, 44, 526.

Extra-terrestrial intelligences, ii, 715.

Extreme of Confucius, the great, ii, 583.

Eye, Atrophy of spiritual, ii, 320, 813; Cat, of, i, 416; Centres which, cannot penetrate, i, 590; Dangma, of, i, 56, 77; Inner spiritual, i, 251, 694, ii, 221; Light and, i, 605; Loka-Chakshuh, of the world, i, 127; Mysteries of human, ii, 308; Odd, ii, 312; One, ii, 25; Osiris, of, ii, 29, 583; Seer of the open, ii, 558; Seers, of ancient, ii, 297; Self-existence, of, i, 45; Shiva, of, i, 77, ii, 189, 297, 309, 316, 578, 611; Shiva-Rudra, of, ii, 651; Soul, mirror of, ii, 312; Spiritual, i, 251, 561, ii, 221, 320, 813; Spiritual seer, of, i, 694; Sun, the, of the, i, 323, 432; Taurus, of, i, 726, ii, 727, 830; Third, ii, 23, 237, 284, 302, 311, 315, 320, 365, 651, 813; World, of the, i, 127, ii, 15.

Eyes, Ammon, of, ii, 223; Creatures with three, ii, 308; Cuttlefish, of, ii, 309; Embryo, in, ii, 309; Insects, of, ii, 309; Lord, of the, ii, 26; Pineal gland, and, ii, 311; Solar, i, 736; Tears of their, i, 631; Tetragrammaton, of, ii, 661, 662, 663.

Ezekiel, quoted, i, 148, 151, 152, 251, 389, 427, ii, 136, 142, 517, 518, 519, 527, 562, 582, 583, 588.

Ezour Veda, Voltaire on the, ii, 461.

Ezra, Babylonian, ii, 151; Books of Moses restored by, ii, 483; Hindû figures, ignorant of, i, 718; Mosaic books, author of, i, 339, ii, 152, 474, 483, 695; Story of Moses learned by, i, 340; Story of Sargon, and the, i, 340.

Faber, quoted, i, 385, ii, 150, 151, 152, 153, 276, 277, 359, 376, 408, 411, 494.

Face, Angels of the, i, 468, 496, 503; Double, i, 456; Enoch or man, of, ii, 561; Father, of the, i, 376; Great, i, 90; Jehovah, of, ii, 569; Human, and Dragon’s tail, ii, 527; Lesser, i, 90, 236, 260; Lord of the Shining, ii, 15, 31, 48; Macroprosopus the great, i, 90; Microprosopus the lesser, i, 90, 236, 260; Mysterious, i, 240; Moon, of Moses in the, ii, 490; Seven spirits of the, i, 152, ii, 121; Spirits of the, i, 219; White, i, 456.

Faces, Creatures with two or four, ii, 529; Human beings with the, of ravens, ii, 2; Kabalistic, of the Kabalah, i, 218; Prakriti, of, ii, 672; Universe, of the, ii, 609.

Fafnir, the dragon slain by Sigurd, i, 435.

Fa-hian, Cheta cave of, i, 4.

Fa-hwa-King, quoted, i, 510.

Failures, Commentary, mentioned in the, ii, 203; Fate of, ii, 344; Nature, of, ii, 466, 498; Races, in ethereal, ii, 243; Solar system, borne ahead in a new, ii, 243; Spiritualized, too far, ii, 243.

Fair-faced God, Ptah the, i, 393.

Faizi Díwán, quoted, i, 25.

Falconeri, E., a pigmy elephant, ii, 230.

Falconnet, M., quoted, ii, 357.

Fall, Adam, of, ii, 478, 529; Allegorical, ii, 559; Allegorical description of, ii, 2; Allegory of, i, 449; Angelic, ii, 296; Angels, of the, i, 97, 215, ii, 171, 180, 280, 295, 511; Atlanteans, of, ii, 673; Atonement, and, ii, 531; Celestial Virgin, of the, ii, 539; Cross into matter, of, ii, 584; Curse for, ii, 110, 295; Development after, ii, 238; Evolution, a law of, ii, 316; First, ii, 190; Full meaning of, ii, 238; Garden of Eden and, i, 152; Generation, into, ii, 39, 109, 137, 406, 537, 541, 644; Goat the symbol of, ii, 537; Harmony of nature before, ii, 281; History of the third race after its, ii, 278; Incarnation or, ii, 507, 542; Knowledge, the result of, ii, 539; Lemurians, ii, 315; Logoi, of, ii, 542; Man, of, i, 391, ii, 118, 183, 214; Matter, into, i, 284, 585, ii, 39, 137, 195, 492; Metaphorical, ii, 508; Mystery of, ii, 65; Natural, from the, i, 216; Origin of, i, 451; Physical, ii, 315, 346; Physiological, i, 214, ii, 292; Procreative powers before, ii, 179; Prometheus before, ii, 441; Race, of the, ii, 287; Races at the time of, ii, 5; Samaël caused, ii, 118; Separation of the sexes, or, ii, 651; Serpent, of the, i, 445; Seth the first result after, ii, 133; Seven Rectors’, i, 449; So-called, i, 426, ii, 273, 370; Spirit into generation, of, i, 215; Spirit into matter, of, i, 284, ii, 492; Spiritual and physical events, refers to, ii, 147; Third root-race, of the, i, 35, ii, 278; War with evil followed, ii, 109; Wisdom, testified to by ancient, ii, 202; Zeus, of, ii, 433.

Fallen angel, Dragon or devil, the old, ii, 103; Man, a, i, 485; Man taught wisdom by, ii, 539; Myth of, ii, 183.

Fallen angels, i, 11, 216, 218, 220, 353, 444, 495, 496, ii, 63, 64, 98, 109, 121, 239, 240, 248, 252, 259, 286, 287, 400, 407, 498, 518, 522, 526, 535, 536, 541, 553, 557, 564.

Fallen, Demon, ii, 510; Gods, ii, 35, 242; Light, ii, 218; Mâra the, one, ii, 613; Matter, into, ii, 308; Race, ii, 292; Virginal and, ii, 245; Zohar on the, ii, 515.

Families, Human race, of the, ii, 214; Speech, of, ii, 834; Stages in the linguistic, ii, 699.

Family, Man or grihasta, ii, 429; Priest or purohita, ii, 49; Race, ii, 208, 454; Races, ii, 155, 452, 453; Resemblances explained, i, 282; Sub-races, divisions of the, ii, 462.

Famine, Sopatrus and the, i, 508.

Fanes, Arabians’, ii, 638; Druids’, ii, 799; India, of, ii, 479; Israelite, ii, 485; Proportions of the ancient, i, 230.

Far-distant humanities, i, 667.

Faraday, quoted, i, 137, 552, 555, 635.

Faraday’s Life and Letters, quoted, i, 639.

Fargard, quoted, ii, 31, 402, 543.

Farrar on the Basque language, ii, 834.

Farsis or Parsis, ii, 416.

Fashioners, Ancestors, or, ii, 99; Body of illusion, of, ii, 60; Cosmic substance, of, ii, 407; Divine, ii, 326; Elohim or, ii, 407; Inner man, of the, i, 114; Man, of, i, 246; Modeller of all things, or, i, 510; World, of this, ii, 541; Worlds, of, ii, 543.

Fatalism, Action of blind, i, 705; Astrology not, i, 700.

Fatalists, Believers in Karma not, ii, 319.

Fate, Atlantis, of, ii, 387; Destiny, or, ii, 247; Iblis an agent of, ii, 412; Karma, or, ii, 547, 601; Karmic, of nations, i, 739; Karmic Ego, or, ii, 639; Orlog, or, ii, 547; Strength of, ii, 439.

Fates, Man need not accuse, i, 706; Triform, i, 704, ii, 432.

Father, Ad is, ii, 46; Æther, i, 498; Agni, of the three fires, ii, 60; Air, of, ii, 111; Ak-ad or, ii, 45; Brain of, i, 169; Breath of fire the, i, 111; Breath of the, i, 104, 112; Brihaspati, of the Gods, i, 145; Buddhists recognize no, i, 696; Children of the yellow, ii, 19; Cold mist the, i, 110; Creator and, i, 674, 738, ii, 45; Dark hidden, i, 59, 106; Deity, i, 586; Deity having a mother cannot have a, i, 89; Deity neither, nor mother, i, 160; Divine, ii, 47; Elu or Elohim, ii, 295; Fathers, of, i, 471, 628; Fire, i, 87, 626; Fire-seed of the hot, i, 593; Genii, of, i, 216; God the, i, 314, 375, ii, 247; Gods, of the, i, 145, ii, 106, 129, 282, 379, 433; Golden verses, of, ii, 638; Group belonging to same, i, 628; Highest of the æons when emitted from the, ii, 514; Hokhmah, wisdom is, ii, 89; Hot breath the devouring, i, 40; Hydrogen, ii, 111; Jupiter, ii, 571; Knowledge, space, of, ii, 527; Logos and, i, 235, 375; Lord of the lotus, the, ii, 16, 48; Man, of, ii, 169, 432; Mars born without a, ii, 580; Matter, i, 674; Monad, i, 674; Mortals, of, ii, 547; Mother, and, i, 40, 55, 58, 72, 98, 99, ii, 480; Mysteries of the light of his, ii, 595; Nâgas or serpents, of the, ii, 140; Name of the, ii, 588; Noah, ii, 632; Non-creating, i, 237; One, ii, 120; One thing, the, of the, ii, 115; Osiris, of Fathers, i, 471; Pitâ or, ii, 63; Pneuma, of, ii, 119; Pole the immutable, ii, 371; Postdiluvian humanity, of, ii, 644; Shadow inferior to his, ii, 101; Son, and, i, 118, 240, 250, 277, ii, 241, 247, 516; Son becoming his own, i, 428; Son identical with his, i, 512; Son of the, i, 408, 511, ii, 47; Son of the unmanifested, ii, 324; Sun the, i, 250, ii, 484, 569; To On the one, ii, 119; Unmanifested, ii, 324; Vishvakarman, of the Gods, ii, 106; Voice of the, i, 306; Water, of, ii, 111; World, of the, ii, 62; Yellow, ii, 19; Yod-Heva, of, ii, 135; Zeus the, of mankind, ii, 129, 432, 616.

Father-Æther, Archæus is, i, 82; Jupiter, or, i, 503; Omnipotent, i, 498; True nature of, i, 456.

Father-Mother, Æther the, i, 41, 105; Akâsha or, i, 46; Breath of, i, 168; Darkness is, i, 57, 72, 90; Deep or, ii, 247; Dhyâni from the bright, ii, 16, 58; Emanation of, ii, 47; Germ furnished by, ii, 139; Gods, of, i, 97, 331; Gods sleep on the bosom of, i, 134; Mother became, before, i, 103; Noon called, i, 331; Oeaohoo or, i, 97; Primordial æther, identical with, i, 105; Primordial proceed from, i, 116; Seven, ii, 627; Soul, differentiated world’s, i, 164; Space is called, i, 46; Svabhâvat identified with, i, 125; Web, spin a, i, 59, 110; Yliaster is, i, 304.

Father-Mother-Aditi, i, 379.

Father-Mother-Æther, i, 615.

Father-Mother-Son, i, 46, 55, 72, 73, 88, 89, 470, 674, ii, 615.

Father-Ray the Protogonos, ii, 626.

Father-Son-Husband, i, 683.

Father-Soul of the Adepts, i, 626.

Father-sun, Breath of the, i, 433.

Father-tree in the Kûran, Mystical, ii, 653.

Fatherless, Minerva the, ii, 637.

Fathers, Astral doubles of, ii, 121; Australian savages descended from human, ii, 203; Barhishad, ii, 107; Beings, of various, ii, 271; Boneless, ii, 18, 95; Christian, i, 24, 102, ii, 580; Church, i, 22, 27, 218, 373, 374, 411, 500, ii, 101, 103, 567, 601; Concrete forms of formless, i, 625; Earth, of our, ii, 26; Failure of, i, 216; Fire of, ii, 18, 107; Form to the Breath, gave, ii, 19; Formless, i, 625; Gods of our, are our devils, ii, 35; Holy, ii, 21, 182, 183; Human monad, gave form to, ii, 110; Human race fashioned by, ii, 640; Kriyâshakti, born by the power of, ii, 183; Lunar, ii, 122; Messengers of the sacred, i, 116; Mind-born progeny, of, i, 492; Model, of the, i, 493; Mother (Earth), on, ii, 418; Pitaras or, ii, 440; Pitris or, ii, 37, 48, 49, 92, 96, 186, 374; Progenitors or, ii, 92, 302; Rule of the, ii, 16; Sacred, i, 60; Sadik or Melchizedek, ii, 409; Self-born, were, ii, 127; Sweat-born, of, second race, ii, 124; Wisdom, of, ii, 412.

Fauna, Ages, of bygone, ii, 59; Alternations of, ii, 339; Amphibian reptilian, ii, 723; Astral relics of, ii, 770; Atlantic island, ii, 826, 836; Australian archaic, ii, 206; Continent, of a former, ii, 833; Descendants of, ii, 196; Dwindling of, ii, 774; Europe, of, ii, 782; Flora and, ii, 289; Fossil mammalian, ii, 776; Fourth round mammalian, ii, 722; Globe, of the, ii, 56; Hermaphroditism of old, ii, 126; Intermediate types, ii, 704; Islands, of Atlantic, ii, 836; Migrations of, ii, 837; Pre-human, ii, 775; Similarity of living, ii, 179.

Faye, quoted, i, 188, 189, 539, 643, 655.

Feathered tribe, Garuda king of the, ii, 265; Jatâyu king of the, ii, 602.

Fecundation, Occult connection of moon with, i, 284.

Felix, Father, quoted, i, 733.

Fellow-globes, Earth, of, i, 183, 672; Moon, of, i, 179; Planets, of, i, 176.

Female, Abel symbol of first, ii, 285; Abel or Hebel is, ii, 135; Adam-Kadmon male and, ii, 119; Æons, ii, 601; Angle, ii, 630; Anu, and material, ii, 65; Anubis, busts at feet of, i, 441; Ark and, generative principle, ii, 147; Axieros, aspect of, ii, 378; Beings in, form, ii, 298; Binary or chaos, ii, 586; Daksha converts half of himself into a, ii, 288; Deities, i, 34; Demons, ii, 649; Double of, Gods, i, 678; Force, ii, 27; Form, of Tetrad, i, 375; Generative power, ii, 69, 147, 482; Genius, ii, 645; Jehovah, aspect of, i, 678, ii, 65, 486, 616; Jupiter has, breasts, ii, 143; Life and Jah-Hovah, ii, 132; Logos, i, 464; Male and, i, 72, 266, 267, ii, 34, 305, 572, 595, 626, 658; Noah, ii, 485; Number, ii, 635; One becomes male and, ii, 305, 658; Ovary, organ or, ii, 696; Passive element, or, ii, 138; Principles, ii, 378; Procreative power, ii, 46; Providence, i, 695; Race, ii, 436; Sea dragon, ii, 64; Seeds, ii, 39; Sephira as, i, 379; Symbol of, element, ii, 634; Symbol of mother of the Gods, ii, 485; Vertical line expresses male and, ii, 34; Water gaseous, ii, 68.

Female principle, All things exist through male and, ii, 556; Ark or, ii, 147, 755; Deep or abyss the, ii, 109; Gross matter passive, i, 572; Holy Ghost a, i, 377; Matter or, ii, 588; Root nature, in, i, 72; Sarcophagus symbol of, ii, 484; Symbol of, ii, 33, 484.

Feminine, Base number, ii, 592; Element, ii, 57; Generation, principle in, i, 429; Lotus, symbol, ii, 494; Masculine of, form, the, ii, 635; Number, ii, 227; Number of generation, ii, 615; Phenomena, i, 418; Principle, i, 390, 495, ii, 327, 492; Sun as, i, 427; Symbol, ii, 494, 584; Water principle, i, 495; YaH said to be, i, 678.

Fergusson, James, quoted, ii, 231, 788.

Ferho, Mano dwells with the greatest, i, 217.

Feridan one of the Persian heroes, ii, 416.

Fermentation, Phenomena attending, i, 270.

Ferments, Destruction caused by, i, 283; Formation of, i, 270.

Fern, Forests, ii, 753; Period, ii, 629.

Ferney, Invalid of, ii, 784.

Ferns, Gigantic, ii, 289, 766.

Ferouer, Ahura Mazda, of, ii, 502; Christ, of, ii, 502, 504; Fravarshi, or, ii, 504; Meaning of the word, i, 256.

Ferouers, Dual entities or, i, 255, ii, 514.

Ferrel, referred to, ii, 67.

Ferrier, referred to, i, 150.

Festival, Earth, day of the, i, 438; Egyptians’, i, 249; Fires, of the, i, 224; Sabasia a sacred, ii, 437.

Festivals, Mother of God, of the one, i, 430; New moon, ii, 484; Zodiac and Indian religious, i, 721.

Fetahil, i, 216, 217, 268, ii, 249.

Fetichism, Cosmolatry never a, i, 498.

Feud between Initiates, ii, 519.

Fevers, Duration of, ii, 629.

Fiat lux, i, 236, 266, 279, 522, ii, 249.

Fiat lux ex nihilo, ii, 702.

Fichte, quoted, i, 81, 82, 107, 302.

Ficin, Marcellus, quoted, ii, 636.

Fidelity of the Hindû records, i, 724.

Fiend, Archangel and, i, 256; Man has begotten the, ii, 287.

Fiends, Bhûtas or, ii, 172; Catholics and Protestants, of, i, 671; Gods became, ii, 247; Monkey-coloured, ii, 107.

Fierceness of Rudra’s progeny, ii, 649.

Fifth, Adam, ii, 479; Âryan race, ii, 461; Book of the commentaries quoted, ii, 183; Continent, ii, 38; Element advocated by science, i, 41.

Fifth principle, i, 313, 356, ii, 92, 117, 130, 252, 332, 612.

Fifth race, Apes and, ii, 727; Âryan adepts of the nascent, ii, 401; Aryan, i, 138, 706, ii, 209, 278, 562, 650, 783, 803; Buddhas of, ii, 32, 441, 442; Chinese one of the oldest nations of, ii, 381; Commentary xx on, ii, 314; Continents of, ii, 463; Cosmogonies of, i, 370; Cradle of, ii, 442; Creator of, ii, 477; Deluges of barbarians in, ii, 785; Divine instructors of, ii, 208, 366; Earliest nations of, ii, 381, 478; Flood, saved from, ii, 323; Forefathers of, i, 667; Genealogical tree of, ii, 465; Genesis on birth of, ii, 745; Giant tribes of, ii, 307; History of, ii, 276, 456; Humanity, ii, 737, 765; Infancy of, ii, 365; Initiates of, ii, 641; Instructors of, ii, 369, 375; Isles of, ii, 463; Karma of, ii, 316; Krishna belongs to, ii, 149; Language of, ii, 210; Legends of, ii, 456; Middle point of, ii, 195; Nascent, ii, 401; Nebo a creator of, ii, 477; Noah belonged to, ii, 561, 632; Primitive types of, ii, 493; Progenitors of, ii, 412; Religious mysteries of, ii, 131; Rishis of, ii, 641; Rudra Shiva patron of, ii, 528; Rûpas for, ii, 60; Sages, of, ii, 375; Seed-race of, the, ii, 632; Serpent instructors of the, ii, 370; Sorcery of, ii, 529; Sub-races of, i, 35; Symbols during, i, 412; Types of, ii, 493; White head or, ii, 745; Wise men of, i, 293; Worship of early, ii, 802; Yellow-faced nations of, ii, 447.

Fifth root-race, Development of, i, 50; Mankinds before, ii, 749; Unexplored regions of, i, 437.

Fifth round, Apes in, ii, 273; Ether in, i, 278; Field of resurrection for, ii, 105; Human forms in, i, 207; Manas in, ii, 177, 314.

Fifth rounders, i, 184, 185, ii, 177.

Fighters, the seven, i, 61, 125.

Fights of Indra, the, i, 223.

Figuier, L., quoted, i, 680, ii, 145.

Figures, Arabic, ii, 584; Atlanteans gave us, for our cycles, ii, 53; Birth of the globes, relating to, i, 192; Book of Dzyan, in, i, 95, 96; Brâhmanical, ii, 72, 74, 163; Confucius, of, i, 475; Cycles of, the, i, 191, ii, 53; Esoteric systems, key to, i, 188; Expression of thought, used as, i, 341; Geometrical, i, 463, 671, 688, ii, 607; Glyphs, are, i, 96; Hindû, ii, 655; India, accepted throughout, ii, 73; Logos, and, i, 463; Magical, i, 126; Mathematic point to solid, from, i, 676; Mysterious, ii, 51; Occult calculations, of, i, 194; Perfect, ii, 39; Progenitors of races, i, 268; Pythagorean, i, 673; Science, of, ii, 77; Secret, ii, 262; Serpent, and, ii, 370; Six-pointed star, in, ii, 561; Spiritus, from, i, 268; Stone, in, ii, 376; Triangle, first of, i, 675, ii, 607; Vital, ii, 582.

Fiji, Australia and, ii, 7; Viti or, ii, 234.

Filamentoid, Infusoria, ii, 160; Primeval humanity, ii, 160.

Filia Vocis, Bath Kol the, i, 465.

Filioque dogma, the, ii, 672.

Filippi, Hypothesis of genesis evolved by, ii, 682.

Final cause, i, 544, 622.

Finds, Future, ii, 349.

Fingers, Idei Dactyli or Ideic, ii, 377.

Finland, Epic poem of, ii, 29, 129.

Finmark, Ice age in the, ii, 74.

Finns offshoot of Chinamen, ii, 188.

Fire, Aerial, i, 508; Æther, is, i, 114; Agni, and, i, 364, ii, 399, 431, 596, 611, 648; Air, and, i, 400, ii, 120; Al-ait God of, ii, 150, 377; Angels, ii, 253; Apâna and, ii, 601; Astral, i, 111; Atoms, i, 279; Balls of, i, 64; Black, of Zohar, ii, 171; Body of, i, 58; Breath of, i, 59, 111, 113; Celestial Gods, of the, ii, 221; Circles of, i, 449, ii, 109, 242, 287; Cold, i, 269, 655; Cosmic genius of, ii, 553; Creative, i, 222, ii, 106, 282, 432, 554; Crocodile personified, ii, 610; Definition of, i, 146; Deity an arcane, i, 32; Devas, ii, 256; Development of, i, 273; Dhyânîs, ii, 96; Discovered, never, ii, 551; Divine, i, 198, 236, ii, 3, 19; Earth, on, ii, 107, 546, 800; Element of, i, 279, 304, 399, 468, ii, 580, 651; Elementals, ii, 445; Enchanter, ii, 120; Esoteric teaching as to, i, 146; Essence of, i, 35; Ether of, i, 482; Ethereal, i, 508; Fathers, of, ii, 18; First race had no, ii, 120; Flame and, i, 35, 59; Fluidic, ii, 120; Fohat makes balls of, i, 168; Formless, i, 115; Future, that gives knowledge of, i, 361; Gandharva personifies, ii, 619; Genii of, ii, 379; God, Agni the, ii, 399, 431, 596, 611, 648; God of, i, 432, 500, ii, 150, 247, 293, 377, 513, 578; Goddess, Mithra, ii, 138; Gods, i, 501, ii, 37, 60, 296, 553; Heat and, i, 98; Human race sprung from, ii, 640; Incorporeal, ii, 636; Intelligence, is, i, 105; Invention of, ii, 379; Inventors discovered, ii, 390; Invisible, i, 115; IT spirit of, i, 36; Kabirim and, ii, 380; Kârttikeya generated in, ii, 654; Land of, ii, 443, 446; Life, of, i, 112, 686; Light of the nature of, ii, 538; Light and, i, 158, 198, 274, ii, 671; Light-giver, and, ii, 432; Lives, i, 279; Living, i, 217, 361; Lord of the Shining Face, from, ii, 15; Magnetic, ii, 325; Male principle, the, i, 87; Manifested cosmos, of, i, 115; Metal, and, ii, 446; Mist, i, 103, 113, 164, 222, 223, 228, 279, 292, 489, 593, 639, 656, ii, 162, 333; Monad a divine, i, 198; Motion and, i, 98; Mundane, ii, 138; Nature, and, ii, 279; One, alone is, i, 269; One element, the, i, 127; Osiris personified, ii, 616; Passions, of the, ii, 104, 110; Philosophers, i, 109; Phoroneus bringer of, ii, 546; Pitris, of, ii, 60; Powers, ii, 120; Prâna, and, ii, 601; Priests, ii, 524; Primitive, ii, 121; Primordial, i, 274; Principle, ii, 626; Producer, ii, 255; Production recombined, a, i, 166; Prometheus gives, i, 217, ii, 248, 430, 431, 551; Pueblos adore, ii, 191; Pyramidal, is, ii, 629; Quaternary of matter, one of, ii, 634; Race that could live in, ii, 230; Radiant light, the, i, 58; Radicals, head of the, ii, 601; Root, ii, 120; Rotatory friction, by, ii, 552; Rudra God of, ii, 293, 578; Sacred, i, 362, ii, 81, 84, 181; Sacred science, symbol of, ii, 520; Sacredness of, i, 567; Science, and, i, 567; Sea of, i, 59, 100; Second round, in, i, 271; Self, means the, ii, 599, 675; Seven circles of, ii, 242, 287; Shiva, principle of, ii, 626; Solar, i, 574, ii, 18, 110; Sons of, i, 60, 113, 114, 473, ii, 379; Sound and, ii, 671; Spirit of, i, 36, 407, 494, 535, ii, 247, 279, 513, 598; Spirit of Deity represented by, i, 87; Spirit of God, latent in, ii, 625; Spirits, visible garb of, i, 498; Sun or, of life, i, 535, 646, ii, 112, 619; Terrestrial, i, 311, 508, ii, 548; Theft of creative, ii, 282; Third, ii, 60; Time, and, i, 114; Triangle figure of, ii, 628; Triangles, possession of, ii, 83; Vaishvânara, ii, 325, 521, 600; Water, and, i, 99, 331, 364, 406, 432, 510, ii, 68, 113, 115, 119, 766, 820; Wisdom, of, ii, 598; Worship, i, 145, ii, 337, 377, 414.

Fire-born, Agnibhû or, ii, 399.

Fire-seed of the Father, i, 593.

Fire-self, name of the, ii, 602.

Fire-temple of Azareksh, ii, 5.

Fire-worship, i, 145, ii, 337, 377, 414.

Fire-worshippers, Parsîs, i, 146; Persian, ii, 379; Titans said to be, ii, 150.

Fire-yazatas of the Avesta, ii, 418.

Fireless progenitors of man, ii, 84.

Fires, Ark, saved in, ii, 645; Celestial, ii, 548; Commentary on, ii, 595; Correlative forces and, ii, 112; Dhyân Chohans, of, ii, 114; Druids, of, ii, 802; Festival of, i, 224; Flames or, ii, 60, 67, 90; Forty-nine, i, 311, ii, 378, 379, 548, 595; Land destroyed by inner, ii, 24, 346; Latent, ii, 279; Lemuria destroyed by, ii, 806; Lords of, ii, 445; Mithra, of, ii, 638; Occult teaching on, i, 115; Philosophical, ii, 625; Rudras and, i, 496, ii, 90; Sacred, ii, 802; Secret of, ii, 111; Seven, ii, 548, 595; Sparks, with the, ii, 17, 66, 87; Spirit, represent, ii, 67; Submarine, ii, 806; Three, ii, 258, 595, 625; Vital, ii, 279; Yima’s reign, during, ii, 644.

Firmament, Air or, i, 274; Elohim, decreed by, i, 482; God of the, i, 223; Heaven the, ii, 78; Indra the, ii, 399, 649; Stars of, i, 718; Stellar and nebular, i, 656; Waters, in the midst of, i, 371, ii, 79.

Firmaments, Deva-Loka, i, 156; Millions of, i, 663.

First race, Appearance of, ii, 820; Astral figures of, ii, 317; Chhâyâs, formed from, ii, 145, 561; Colour, had no, ii, 260; Continent of, ii, 6, 418, 641; Creation of, ii, 90, 184; Cycle between, and the second, ii, 184; Divine Pitris of, ii, 412; Elements, had three, ii, 120; Enos the, ii, 133; Eternal central land of, ii, 418; Ethereal without, ii, 312; Evolution of, ii, 99, 343; First round and, i, 210; Form of, ii, 260; Fourth round, of, i, 241; Images, were, ii, 121; Imperfect, was, ii, 2; Kandu stands for, ii, 185; Man of, ii, 253; Mind-born sons were, i, 663; Mindless, ii, 329; Occult science on, ii, 312; Old book, in the, ii, 259; Oozed out, ii, 183; Prototypes of, i, 492; Second, and, ii, 88, 140; Self-born, or, ii, 173; Shells of, ii, 317; Sons of the fifth Adam and, ii, 479; Sons of Yoga, were, ii, 115; Speechless, was, ii, 208; Spiritual within, ii, 312; Sun, and, ii, 20, 27, 32; Sweat-born from the, ii, 174; Type, had no, ii, 260.

First root-race, ii, 723, 754.

First round, Earth in, i, 278; Element in, i, 271; Ethereal men during, i, 273; Evolution in, ii, 72; First race, and, i, 210; Generally treated of, i, 183; Globe A in, i, 195, 204, ii, 155; Globe in, i, 279; Lunar Pitris in, i, 197; Mineral vegetable and animal in, ii, 190; Monad in, human, ii, 672; Monads on Globe A of, i, 195; Primordial men of, i, 402; Races of, ii, 321; Stanza on, ii, 50.

Fish, Avatâra, i, 396, 413, ii, 321; Branchiæ, ii, 723; Ea the sublime, ii, 520; Fiery, i, 124; Giant, ii, 23, 211; Horus, of the great, i, 240, ii, 610; Intelligent, ii, 30; Life, of, i, 124; Meanings of, ii, 327; Nun, in Chaldee is, i, 423; Pisces the, i, 717; Southern, i, 726; Sun and Soma, i, 66, 258, 284; Vaivasvata and, ii, 147; Vishnu, and, ii, 321, 327.

Fish-man or Oan of Nineveh, i, 717.

Fishes, Ages of, i, 273; Androgynous forms still found in, ii, 125; Bodies of, men with, ii, 17; Creatures in world of, ii, 387; Dogs with tails of, ii, 57; First trace of, ii, 752; Lhas fought men with, bodies, ii, 66; Physical man, preceded, ii, 628; Septenary law, and the, ii, 658; Third round, resultant of, ii, 722.

Fiske, Prof. John, quoted, ii, 719, 830.

Fissiparous act of reproduction, ii, 141.

Fittest, Survival of the, i, 298, ii, 313, 322, 344, 498, 684.

Fitzedward Hall, quoted, i, 481.

Five and the seven, i, 65.

Five-faced, Rudra Shiva, ii, 528; Shiva, Panchânana or, ii, 611.

Five-fold, Chohans, ii, 610; Lha, i, 66, 258; Nature, ii, 618; World, ii, 172.

Five-pointed star, the, i, 239, 240, ii, 609.

Five-sided sign or pentagon, ii, 610.

Five words of Brahmâ, ii, 613.

Five Years of Theosophy, quoted, i, 163, 166, 181, 199, 200, 201, 277, 291, 313, 405, 491, 576, 579, 638, 646, 650, 654, 669, ii, 182, 341, 455, 524, 608, 631, 633, 709, 710, 785.

Fixed stars, i, 545.

Flagæ of Paracelsus, i, 242.

Flame, Brahmâ, of the wrath of, ii, 112; Dark, ii, 244; Divine, i, 235, 296; Essence of fire, i, 35; Fire and, i, 35, 113, 146, 625; Heat or, i, 36; Light is cold, i, 59, 109, 655; Lord of, ii, 511; Lords of, ii, 21, 79, 81; Pan, on altar of, i, 361; Phoroneus, on altar of, ii, 546; Primordial, i, 60, 115; Primordial matter, and, i, 124; Sacrificial, ii, 552; Shiva, of, ii, 626; Sons of, ii, 295; Soul of things, the, i, 110; Space one, i, 399; Spark and, i, 66, 258, 259, 286; Spirit of, i, 59, 106, 494, 686; Subtle truth the, ii, 599; Three-tongued, i, 65, 257; Three-wicked, i, 257; Time, of, i, 397; Universal divine, i, 296; Uræus of, i, 248; Wisdom, of, ii, 430.

Flames, Agnishvâtta, or, ii, 83; Aurora Borealis, of the, ii, 665; Battle of, i, 223; Black, i, 477; Divine, i, 234; Essences, etc., i, 60; Evanescent, are, ii, 60; Fires, and, ii, 87, 90; Hierarchies of, i, 114; Hierarchy of spirits, a, ii, 66; Hot, i, 269; Infernal regions, of the, ii, 103; Lights and, i, 280; Mahat, born of, ii, 242; Men need four, ii, 60; Periodical, ii, 60; Powers, and, i, 474; Prajâpatis, etc., or, ii, 258; Pure, ii, 332; Region of, i, 258; Rudras and, ii, 90; Sacred animals, and, i, 476; Solar, i, 579; Spark projected by, ii, 332; Sparks and, i, 476, ii, 87; Spirits or, ii, 66, 67; Stanzas on, i, 116, ii, 17, 66, 543; Surtur’s, ii, 104.

Flaming fires, Monads called, i, 693.

Flaming messengers, Advent of, i, 708.

Flaming sword or animal passions, ii, 66.

Flamma, ii, 120.

Flamma Durissima, ii, 121.

Flamma-Virgo, Virgin oil or, ii, 121.

Flammarion, Camille, quoted, i, 663, 665, ii, 48, 144, 738, 741, 742, 743, 747.

Flashes from the monads, i, 694.

Flat-headed Australian natives, ii, 698.

Fleisher, Ed., quoted, ii, 383.

Flesh, Crucifixion of man of, ii, 592; Flesh of, ii, 709; Generation of, i, 138; Our, is not there, ii, 17, 60; Sixth race and bonds of, ii, 465; Sons of, ii, 493; Spirit, conquers, ii, 650; Word made, i, 136.

Flinders Petrie on Stonehenge, ii, 360.

Flint, Implements, ii, 780; Psychic natures in, i, 666, 667; Relics, ii, 716, 726; Sparks from, ii, 104.

Flints, Abbé Bourgeois’, ii, 764; Carved, ii, 794; Jordan valley, in, ii, 798; Magical properties of, ii, 357; Miocene strata, in, ii, 713, 782; Science on, ii, 794; Thenay, of, ii, 782, 791.

Flock of stars and solar rays, ii, 32.

Flood, Allegorical, i, 427; Allegories, of, ii, 328; Antediluvian giants and, i, 364; Asia, in, ii, 347; Atlanteans, destroying, ii, 323; Atlantis, of, ii, 643; Belgium, which covered, ii, 786; Cosmic, ii, 148, 324, 369; Cross and circle earlier than, ii, 575; Deucalion, of, ii, 546; Duration of, i, 418; Dvîpas destroyed by, ii, 424; Esoteric meaning of, i, 478; Fourth race, of, i, 479; Great, ii, 147, 153, 345; Great Atlantic, ii, 369; Great dragon, or, ii, 830; Jews, of, i, 427; Legends, ii, 409; Matter on earth, of, ii, 155; Mazdean symbolism for, ii, 645; Mbul water of, i, 413; Noah, of, i, 397, ii, 149, 488; Old Dragon, and, ii, 368; Pre-astronomical cosmic, ii, 369; Slavonian mythology of, ii, 283; Stories of, ii, 232; Third race, of, ii, 345; Titans connected with, ii, 150; Waters (matter), of, ii, 153; Waters of, i, 496, ii, 154.

Floods, Divining the coming, ii, 447; Records of, ii, 347; Successive, ii, 159.

Floors, Ocean, ii, 328, 338.

Flora, Archaic, ii, 206; Atlantic island’s, ii, 336; Australian, ii, 206, 827, 833; Change in, ii, 56; Continent, of a former, ii, 833; Dwindling of, ii, 289; Eastern Asia, of, ii, 825; Europe, of, ii, 782, 828, 834; Fauna, and, ii, 289, 774; Miocene, ii, 828; Pre-human, ii, 775; Rocky Mountains, east of, ii, 834; South America, of, ii, 827; Tertiary, ii, 767; United States, of, ii, 825, 828, 834.

Flora Tertiaria Helvetiæ, quoted, ii, 827.

Florence built on defunct Etruscan cities, ii, 231.

Florida, Audubon’s lily in, ii, 459; Forest trees of, ii, 834.

Florilegium of Stobæus, quoted, i, 306.

Flotillas, Third race built, ii, 417.

Flower, Buddha, of, ii, 576; Evolution of a, ii, 690; Lotus, i, 409, ii, 576; Power, of, ii, 443; Root and, i, 311.

Flower, Prof. W. H., quoted, ii, 178, 206, 493.

Fludd, Robert, quoted, i, 99.

Fluid, Ambient and all-penetrating, i, 275; Astral, i, 110, 571, ii, 199; Electricity a, i, 554; Ethereal, of Leibnitz, i, 683, 687; Fohat guiding vital, i, 136, 535; Heat, theory of, i, 562; Kant’s primitive, i, 683; Leibnitz’ ethereal, i, 683, 687; Magnetists, of the, i, 361; Primitive, i, 633, 683; Primordial, i, 274; Solar atmospheric, i, 546; Vital, i, 136, 535.

Fluidic fire or air, ii, 120.

Fluids, Gaseous, i, 280; Imponderable, i, 577; Various kinds of, i, 562.

Fluorine, i, 602, 639.

Flute, Pan’s seven-piped, ii, 615.

Flutter of renascent life, the first, i, 695.

Flying, Camel, ii, 215; Dragon, ii, 216, 404, 715.

Focus, Cosmic, i, 40; Energy, of creative, i, 603; Light, of, ii, 294; Pleiades, of our universe, ii, 582; Powers, of, i, 310; Sun merely, i, 634.

Foe-Koue-ki, Book of, ii, 213.

Fœtus, Animal-like, ii, 198; Conception of, ii, 184; Development of a, i, 243; Digestion in, ii, 139; Embryo develops into, ii, 198; Gill-clefts in human, ii, 723; Growth of, ii, 186, 724; Matrix of space, in, i, 280; Period of the quickening of, i, 418; Rudimentary tail in, ii, 197; Third race, in, ii, 140; Toe in, great, ii, 703; Transformations of human, i, 206.

Fœtus-like state of principles in animals, ii, 266.

Fohat, Abodes of, i, 225; Action of, i, 573, ii, 639; Activity of, ii, 621; Æther son of, ii, 418; Akâsha and, i, 135, ii, 418; Aliases of, i, 737; Animal soul of nature, the, i, 136; Apâm-Nâpat, named, ii, 418; Apâp, conquers serpent, i, 737; Ares or, i, 304; Astronomers, unacceptable to, i, 646; Atman, is, i, 135; Atoms acted on by, i, 135; Atoms, hardens, i, 60; Atoms, scatters, i, 113; Atoms, shaped by, i, 137; Avesta on, ii, 418; Balls of fire made by, i, 168; Brahmâ, sprung from head of, i, 169; Brain of the father, sprung from, i, 169; Breath of their progeny the, i, 63, 160; Brothers of, i, 105, 169, 605; Buddhist books, in, i, 161; Buddhist esotericist, of, i, 135; Builder of the builders, or, i, 163; Central sun and, i, 222; Centres of, i, 608; Circle, crosses the, ii, 619; Collective, i, 167; Comet and, i, 223, ii, 344; Conscious force, is, i, 167; Constructive force, is, i, 169; Container of force, the, i, 136; Cosmic atoms set in motion by, i, 735; Cosmic consciousness, acts on, i, 350; Cosmic electricity, is, i, 105, 113, 169, 609; Cosmic energy, and, i, 350; Cosmic evolution, and, i, 135; Cosmic force acted on by, i, 136; Cosmic ideation and, i, 44, 136; Cosmic matter, gathers, i, 112, 736; Cosmic plane, on, i, 163; Cosmic substance and, i, 44; Cosmic world and, i, 134; Cosmogony, in, i, 134; Creative power of, i, 134; Creator, the, i, 608; Crown of, i, 62, 144; Curds turned by, i, 736; Definition of, i, 162; Dhyân-Chohanic energy, or, ii, 685; Dhyân-Chohans, and, i, 44, 93; Divine light or, i, 659; Divine love, as, i, 144; Divine son, and, i, 135; Divine thought and, i, 44; Double triangle, in, i, 236; Dynamic energy, is, i, 44; Dzyu becomes, i, 61, 133; Egypt, in, i, 736; Electric power or, i, 134; Electric vital power or, i, 136; Electricity, is, i, 136, 169; Elemental atoms, acting on, i, 135; Emanation of, i, 163; Entity, an, i, 136; Erôs, prototype of, i, 144, ii, 69; Esoteric cosmogony, in, i, 134; Etheric centres of, i, 608; Fiery dust of, i, 168; Fiery sons of, i, 225; Fire-yazatas, and, ii, 418; Five strides of, i, 62, 137, 147; Force, is constructive, i, 169; Force of, propelling, i, 135; Force, personifies, i, 163; Forces acted on by, i, 136; Forces conscious and intelligent, i, 167; Fourth principle, the, i, 136; Functions of, i, 162; Great one of the seven magic forces, the, i, 737; Great power, the, ii, 69; Guide, the, i, 44, 170, 535; Guiding spirit, the, i, 163; Hisses as he glides, i, 105; Human ideation and, i, 136; Ideas in the divine thought and, i, 44; Ideation, messenger of, i, 136; Impulse of, i, 110; Indra, aspect of, i, 736; Inert substance, action on, i, 350; Intelligence, energizing and guiding, i, 535; Intelligence of, i, 113, ii, 344; Intelligent force, is, i, 167; Ishvara or, i, 161; Laya centres, produces seven, i, 171; Life, or, i, 258, 573; Life-electricity, is, ii, 69; Life-giving, spirit of, ii, 90; Light of the Logos, is, ii, 418; Light or, i, 163, 659; Logos and, i, 135, 161, ii, 418; Manifestations of, i, 44, 163; Manufacturer, the, i, 137; Manus’ errands, runs, i, 93; Matter and mind, link between, i, 44, 113; Matter, and primordial, i, 110, 113; Matter conquers, i, 737; Matter moved by, i, 172, 735; Matter to spirit, links, i, 44; Meanings of, several i, 163; Messengers and, i, 163; Mind and matter, links, i, 44, 113; Nature of, i, 113; Nebulæ and, i, 112; Neutral centres of, i, 172; Occult power of, i, 134; Occultists and, i, 44, 136, 167, 535, 608; One and seven, is, i, 163; One element, acts upon the, i, 135, ii, 639; Osiris and, i, 736; Personal God, not a, i, 162, 163; Personification of, i, 735; Personified electric vital power, i, 136; Pervader, the, i, 137; Phenomenal world, in, i, 134; Power, electric, i, 134, 136; Power of, occult, i, 134; Power, potential creative, i, 134; Power, the active, i, 134; Power, vital, i, 136; Powers, an emanation of, i, 163; Powers of, i, 162; Pramatih son of, ii, 431; Primordial dust, collects, i, 222; Primordial matter and, i, 110, 113; Primordial seven, vehicle of, i, 133; Principles, guides transfer of, i, 170; Products of the breath, scatters, i, 167; Prototype of Eros, i, 144, ii, 69; Realm of fourth son of, i, 614; Science and, i, 222; Seed turned by, i, 736; Septenary chain and, i, 163; Septenary condition of, i, 163; Serpent symbol of, i, 105; Seven eternities, acts through, i, 64, 168; Seven sons of, i, 169, 236, 603; Solar energy, is, i, 136; Son cosmically, i, 105; Son of, ii, 431, 614; Son of æther, is, ii, 418; Son of the divine sons, is, i, 61, 133; Son of the sons, is, i, 63, 160, 161; Son of the waters, is, ii, 418; Son-brothers of, i, 169; Songs of, i, 226; Sons of, i, 169, 225, 226, 571, 605, 737; Soul of nature, animal, i, 136; Space divided by, i, 737; Spark, and the, i, 66; Spiral lines of, i, 62, 144; Spirit, the guiding, i, 163; Spirit of electricity, is, i, 163; Spirit of life-giving and, ii, 90; Spirit to matter, links, i, 44; Steed, the, i, 62, 133; Strides of, five, i, 62, 137, 147; Substance, acts upon, i, 44, 135, 350; Sun, and central, i, 222; Sûrya, and, i, 137; Svâbhavat and, i, 60, 113; Symbol of force, a, i, 136; Thought divine, the, i, 44; Thought of the Gods, the, i, 136; Thread of, i, 66, 258; Toom identical with, i, 736, 737; Transferrer, the, i, 44, 170, 535; Triangle, in double, i, 736; Twilight to another, acts from one, i, 64, 168; Universal, i, 167; Universal electric fluid and, i, 136, 535; Universal mind and, i, 113; Universe to move, caused, i, 222; Unmanifested universe, in, i, 134; Vedic name of, ii, 418; Vehicle of primordial seven, the, i, 133; Vishnu and, i, 137, 736; Vital fluid and, i, 136, 535; Vital power or, i, 134; Wheels built by, i, 64, 168; Winged wheel, builds a, i, 62, 147; Word made flesh, the, i, 136; World has its, each, i, 167; World-germs set in motion by, i, 735; Worlds built by, i, 168; Zig-zags, glides in, i, 105.

Fohatic, Divine thought and, impress, i, 88; Forces, i, 226; Principle, force the male, i, 572.

Foh-Maëyu, temple of Buddha, ii, 225.

Foh-tchou, or Buddha’s lord, ii, 225.

Fohi, Chinese, i, 711, ii, 30; Men of, ii, 30; Trigrams of, ii, 584.

Fo-Kien, Province of, i, 292.

Foix, De, quoted, ii, 101.

Folk-lore, i, 321, ii, 29, 411, 415, 797.

Fontenelle, quoted, i, 322.

Footprints, Fossil, ii, 798; Human, on rocks of the secondary age, ii, 10.

Foraminifera, ii, 269.

Forbes, referred to, i, 534.

Force, Absolute, i, 171; Absolute will expands, i, 378; Abstract ideas as to, i, 677; Âkâsha and, i, 354; All-creative, i, 113; Anch or vital, ii, 670; Ancient religions based upon abstract, i, 427; Angels a conscious, i, 693; Astral light, or, i, 279; Atmospheric vibrations, and, i, 694; Atoms, and, i, 110, 552, 557, 688; Attack on scientific theory of, i, 571; Attraction, of, i, 532, ii, 108; Aura of a nascent world, in, ii, 243; Beings whose essence is spiritual, i, 690; Brahmâ creative, ii, 61; Bull the principle of life-giving, i, 419; Ceased to act, i, 555; Central informing, ii, 616; Centres of, i, 110, 141, 168, 490, 552, 688, 691, ii, 325, 711; Centrifugal, i, 302, 543, 648; Centripetal, i, 302; Cohesive, i, 554; Coming, i, 605; Conscious, i, 693; Cosmic electricity, of, i, 169; Creative, i, 400, 601, ii, 61, 105, 531, 536; Creator, of, ii, 29; Definition of, i, 555; Deity, or, i, 120, 367; Devil a creative, ii, 536; Divine man, or, i, 60, 116; Double stream of, ii, 772; Dual, i, 637, 736; Dynaspheric, i, 611; Earth-force and sun, i, 574; Electric, i, 737; Electricity called, i, 136, 318; Elements, in cosmic, i, 311; Energy, and, i, 80, 170; Entity, an, i, 558; Equilibrium, and, i, 539; Etheric, i, 606; Forms of, ii, 32; Generating power of every, ii, 508; Generation, presiding at physical, ii, 537; Generative, i, 603, ii, 626; Gravity, or, i, 577, ii, 658; Great breath, origin of, i, 43; Imponderable, i, 642; Inertia and, i, 557; Inherent, i, 171, 546, ii, 116; Intelligence, and, i, 546; Intelligent, i, 311; Keely’s, i, 615; Latent, i, 179; Life, i, 577, ii, 658; Life-principle is a, ii, 710; Light called, i, 318, 525; Living, i, 136; Logos guiding, ii, 29; Matter, and, i, 38, 169, 533, 554, 564, 611, 641, 674, 675, 683, 701, ii, 108, 685, 734, 738; Mass, without, i, 556; Modifications of, i, 666; Molecules centres of, i, 552; Monad, in, ii, 116, 325; Motion, and, i, 546, 558, 564, 571, 687, ii, 759; Mûlaprakriti and, ii, 28; Newton calls inertia, i, 557; Noumenon of, i, 536, 563; Numbers, and, i, 96; Occult, ii, 647; Occult science on, i, 683; Occultism on, i, 558; Origin of, i, 43; Phenomena, behind, i, 302; Physical, i, 661; Physical sciences, of, i, 525; Physics, nothing in world of, i, 556; Potential, ii, 470; Primary quantity, not, i, 688; Primitive element is, i, 690; Primordial, i, 302; Primordial substance, and, ii, 27; Quality, a, i, 555; Real, only, ii, 623; Science, of, i, 222; Scientific theory of, i, 571; Seed, in, ii, 470, 622; Senseless, i, 550; Sound a stupendous, i, 606; Space, and, i, 601, 674, 675; Space, creative, through, i, 601; Spirit, and, i, 371, 556, ii, 108, 626; Spiritual, i, 690; Storage of, i, 555; Substance, i, 553; Substantiality of, i, 553; Theories of, i, 571, 641; Unity as, ii, 27; Vis viva or moving, i, 732; Vital, i, 311, 579, 695, ii, 670; Vital electric, i, 737; Wheels are centres of, i, 141, 168.

Force and Matter, quoted, ii, 164.

Forces, Action, in, i, 539, 701; Ah-hi or, i, 70; Angels or intelligent, i, 147, 255; Blind, ii, 275, 359, 692, 701, 708; Causation of, i, 504; Causes, effects of, i, 566; Central, i, 649; Centres of, i, 129, 199, ii, 773; Conscious entity at its head, i, 313; Constructive, i, 367; Correlation of, i, 123, 503, 542, 634, 694, 737, ii, 479; Cosmic, i, 147, 450, ii, 139, 440, 648, 797; Creative, i, 132, 456, 522, 542, 696, ii, 37, 479, 516, 606, 688, 808; Creators, or, ii, 168; Deity, proceeding from, i, 551; Design in action of blindest, i, 298; Divine honours, received, i, 457; Dynamical effect of, i, 705; Elemental, i, 490; Elementals, or, i, 169; Elements, vehicles of, i, 509; Emanations, are, i, 647; Entities, are, i, 456, 734; Evolution, and, i, 198, 598, ii, 160, 657, 747; Fohatic, i, 226; Force, or, i, 481, 534; Gods, are, i, 499, 535, 735, ii, 808; Good and evil, of, ii, 522; Gravity, and, i, 532; Great ones of the seven magic, i, 737; Hierarchy of, i, 457; Hosts of, i, 300; Imponderable, ii, 285; Inanimate, i, 589; Intellectual, i, 519; Intelligent, i, 70, 167, 255, 300, 598; Inter-dependence of, i, 448; Inter-etheric, i, 607; Interference of, ii, 759; Interplay of, ii, 681; Intra-cosmic intelligent, i, 577; Karma, of, ii, 657; Knowledge of, i, 641; Kosmos of, i, 518, ii, 104; Ladder, a, i, 605; Latent, ii, 82; Life governs inanimate, i, 589; Living, i, 518; Maleficent, i, 251; Manvantaric, i, 598; Material, i, 650; Matter, and, i, 547, ii, 509; Mechanical, i, 534, 577, 663, 701, 708; Modern learning, not understood by, i, 562; Modes of motion, are, i, 658; Molecular energy or, i, 732; Motion, and, i, 539, 658; Mystery of physical, i, 607; Names of six, i, 313; Natural, i, 303, 305, 650, ii, 160, 275; Nature, of, i, 70, 163, 171, 236, 312, 369, 402, 458, 696, 698, ii, 615, 668, 815; Noumena of, i, 400; Nucleus imagined as surrounded by, i, 556; Occult, i, 557; Occultism and, i, 605; Ocean, in the, ii, 827; One force, of, i, 359, 557; Opposite, i, 661; Physical science and, i, 551; Physical, i, 504, 509, 607, 702, ii, 363, 685, 688; Physicists, cannot see, i, 664; Physico-chemical, ii, 692; Planes, on other, i, 519; Polar, ii, 88; Powers, and, i, 159, 307, 472; Queen of night, of, i, 425; Rays, or, i, 310; Realities, manifestations of, i, 555; Sacred, i, 159; Science, of, i, 366, 568, 649, 662; Scientists, of, i, 647; Semi-intelligent, i, 560; Six, i, 313; Solar universe, in our, i, 310; Solid gas or fluid, neither, i, 563; Space, which perish in, ii, 511; Spirits, or, i, 525, 542; Spiritual, i, 693, 702; Spiritual entities, or, i, 535; Subba Row, on, i, 311; Substance-matter and, i, 168; Supersensuous, i, 560; Sympathetic, i, 587; Terrestrial, i, 198, 303; Titanic, ii, 440; Transitional, ii, 82; Unity of, i, 675; Universe, of the, i, 164, 307, ii, 637; Upâdhi of, i, 561; Vital, ii, 32.

Forces Non-definies, quoted, ii, 828.

Forefathers, Arhats or Mahâtmâs, of, ii, 183; Aryan Brâhmans, of the, ii, 455; Creators, or, ii, 259; Fifth race, of our, i, 667; High places, remains in, ii, 764; Men, of, i, 479; Norwegians, of, ii, 442; Postdiluvian, ii, 449; Troy, of Greeks of age of, ii, 792; Yellow-hued nations, of, ii, 443.

Forehead, Neanderthal skull, ii, 726; Rudra springs from, of Brahmâ, ii, 578.

Fore-knowledge, Prometheia means, ii, 431.

Fore-mothers of red-haired men, Giant, ii, 202.

Forerunners of the Âryan invasion, ii, 783.

Forest, Anugîtâ, in the, ii, 675; Symbol for man’s life-time, a, ii, 674.

Forests, America, of, ii, 714; Land of the occult virgin, of, ii, 842; Man-ape in primeval, ii, 717; Spitzbergen, of, ii, 834; Virgin, i, 739.

Forged pseudographs, ii, 461.

Forgeries of Paurânic MSS., i, 15.

Forgery, Book of Enoch not a, ii, 564.

Forks, Vibratory, i, 616.

Form, All that lives has a, i, 397; Astral, or shadow, i, 248, 252; Bhûta without, ii, 18; Breath needed a, ii, 19; Centres of, i, 687; Devas, origin of, i, 488; Dissipation of, i, 680; Divine ideation passing into, i, 407; Divine, i, 449; Energy, of, i, 686; Fifth race, of, ii, 746; Gods, of the, i, 491; Greeks, among, i, 347; Idea gives, i, 683; Illusive, i, 63, 160; Immaculate mother, gives birth to, i, 118; Implicit, i, 702; Incarnation in, ii, 365; Life precedes, i, 65, 242; Man’s present gross, i, 521; Matter, and, i, 89, 200, 469, 662, 677, ii, 286; Model of man, or, ii, 107; One, of existence, i, 56, 77, 79; Origin of, i, 488; Permanency of, ii, 769; Physical man, latent in, i, 619; Physiological, of man, i, 619; Plastic, of the globe, i, 280; Privation and, i, 89; Producers of, i, 56, 83; Rearrangement of, i, 580; Retrogression of, ii, 302; Rudiment of, i, 399; Rûpa or, i, 206; Sexual plane, of man on, ii, 88; Sien-Tchan, of, i, 63, 160; Spirit, of, i, 702; Substance, and, i, 680, ii, 204; Symmetry of, i, 245; Unclean work of finite, i, 535; Universal, ii, 28, 744; Worlds of, i, 200, 469, 662, 677; Worship of, ii, 286.

Formal atoms, i, 691, 692.

Formless, Arûpa or, i, 116, 221, ii, 72, 116; Deity is, i, 160; Fathers, i, 625; Fiery breaths, i, 234; Fire, i, 115; Life, i, 233; One life, i, 269; Pitaras, ii, 97; Plane, ii, 116; Radiations, i, 693; Square, i, 61, 125; Substance, i, 596; Universe of thought, i, 144; World, i, 154, 221, 625, ii, 72; Worlds, i, 664.

Forms, Abstract, i, 618; Ain Suph, in, ii, 303; Animals and men, of, ii, 313; Apes, of, ii, 274; Archetypal, i, 107; Astral, i, 268; Atomic, i, 238; Atoms, of, i, 685; Being, of, i, 699; Bodhisattva in the world of, i, 625; Cycle of being and, i, 160; Densest, i, 278; Divine, i, 735; Divine man, emanated from, i, 60, 116; Earliest, of organic life, ii, 628; Ether, in, i, 500; Ethereal, ii, 128, 313; Force, of, ii, 32; Form that combines all, i, 118; Ideal, i, 302, 402; Ideal world in the, i, 407; Intermediate, ii, 736; Knowledge of past, ii, 312; Kosmos, of, i, 466; Lords of being, of, ii, 37; Man passes through all, i, 183; Man unites in himself all, ii, 303; Manvantara, in each, ii, 770; Matter, of, i, 482, 666, 682; Monads and, ii, 84, 176; Nascent physical, ii, 115; Pitris, of, i, 268; Planetary powers as mystic, i, 693; Plant whirls through seven, i, 258; Powers, of creative, i, 456; Receptacle of, ii, 537; Round, in this, i, 278; Rûpa the world of, i, 154; Rûpas, or, i, 214; Serpent, of the, i, 437; Seven in perception of, ii, 658; Shadowy ethereal, ii, 128; Shiva destroyer of, ii, 260; Sons of Yoga, evolved by, ii, 170; Transitional, ii, 736; Two- and four-faced, ii, 17, 66; Universe of ever-changing, i, 294; Vile, of the first third, ii, 20; Wider apart, get fewer and, ii, 274; Within, ii, 18; World of, the, i, 154, 625, ii, 27.

Formula, Astronomical, an, ii, 592; Symbolic, and intellect, i, 513.

Formulæ, Mythical, ii, 642.

Fortitude, Patience the parent of, ii, 556.

Fortnightly Review, quoted, ii, 726.

Fortress of Cuzco, i, 230.

Fortunate Islands, ii, 416.

Forty-nine, Earth element divisible into, i, 371; Fires, the, i, 311, 473, 567, ii, 60, 378, 548; Powers of seven vowels, i, 442; Stages of rest and activity, ii, 790.

Fossil, Apes, ii, 713, 720, 729; Astral, forms, ii, 722; Earliest known, ii, 265; Europe, man in, ii, 765, 779; Europe, skulls in, ii, 782; Evidences of, flora, ii, 767; Fauna, mammalian, ii, 776; Idiom, ii, 210; Life, ii, 272; Lower Dauphiné, remains at, ii, 289; Man, ii, 76, 290, 705, 720, 765, 779; Missing link-like, ii, 698; Oxen, ii, 300; Pistis Sophia a Gnostic, ii, 639; Plants, ii, 206; Primates, ii, 714; Relics of the anthropoid ape, ii, 713; Remains, ii, 203, 339; Series, ii, 712; Skulls, ii, 761, 782, 834.

Fossiliferous rocks, ii, 200.

Fossils, Animals, of, i, 698; Anthropoid, ii, 717; Atlantis, and, ii, 828, 836; Devon, in, ii, 762; Domestic animals, of, ii, 817; Eocene strata, in, ii, 717; Europe, in, ii, 792; Evidence of, ii, 765, 828, 836; Giants, of, ii, 299; Human, ii, 792, 796; Kent’s cavern, of, ii, 764; Man, of, i, 698, ii, 724; Monsters, of, ii, 207; Orang, of the, ii, 274; Palæolithic men, of, ii, 724; Races, of our modern, i, 207; Relics which can never be found as, ii, 303; Rounds, of preceding, ii, 72, 790; Science, reconstructed by, ii, 216; Smith’s Sound, of, ii, 834; Strata, not present in oldest, ii, 736.

Foster, Sir M., quoted, ii, 139, 140.

Foster-mother of Jupiter, Amalthæa, ii, 612.

Foulness, Quality of, ii, 63.

Fountain-spirits, Qualifying or, ii, 671; Seven, ii, 677.

Four, Brahmâ, bodies of, ii, 63; Circles of Fohat, i, 225; Double one becomes, ii, 305; Fiery sons of Fohat, i, 225; Forces, sacred, i, 159; Gospels, i, 74; Holy ones, i, 62, 119; Images, i, 475; Kinds, Vâch of, i, 465; Kingdoms, i, 201; Kumâras, i, 116; Mahârâjahs or great kings, i, 147; Mystic, i, 124, 482; One, and the, i, 65, ii, 295; Partitioned cross, ii, 635; Powers, sacred, i, 159; Races, the, ii, 561; Sacred, i, 61, 115, 159, ii, 295; Shiva again becomes, ii, 260; Sons, i, 110; Three into, i, 57, 58, 88, 95; Truths, Nidânas based on, i, 70, 77; Truths of twenty-eight faculties, i, 440; Vedas, i, 73; Wicks, i, 65; Worlds, i, 469; Youths of a yellow colour, i, 344.

Four elements, Ancients, of the, i, 325; Kabalistic, i, 482; Svastika and the, ii, 621.

Four-armed, Cross, ii, 577; Human creatures, ii, 308; Men, ii, 787; Rudra Shiva, ii, 528; Shiva, ii, 578.

Four-faced Brahmâ, i, 85, 135, 368, 502, ii, 488; Forms, ii, 17, 66.

Four-fold, Classification, ii, 672; Division, i, 439; Heavenly man, ii, 663; Iao, ii, 638; Threefold and, i, 65; Transformations of matter, i, 227.

Four-footed cross or svastika, ii, 576.

Four-leaved lotus flower of Buddhi, ii, 576.

Four-legged men, ii, 787.

Four-lettered, Adam Kadmon or, symbol, ii, 28; Deity, ii, 326; Name, ineffable, ii, 295; Tetragrammaton, ii, 27.

Fourmont, quoted, ii, 392.

Fourteen, Manus, ii, 321; Precious things, i, 96, 97.

Fourth, Continent, ii, 276; Dynasty, i, 330; Earth, ii, 36; Element, i, 640; Esdras, Book of, ii, 475; Fruit, i, 64; Globe, i, 205; Gospel, quoted, i, 246, ii, 239; Initiation, i, 97; Life-cycle, i, 183; Matter, state of, i, 614; Path of knowledge, i, 64; Seventh and, i, 640; World lost AUM, the, ii, 426.

Fourth principle, Fohat the preserving, i, 136; Helen personified, ii, 840; Kâma Rûpa the, ii, 252; Vehicle, as a, ii, 171.

Fourth race, Abel and, ii, 142; Adam and Eve, ii, 429; Arts and sciences, i, 502; Aryan overlapped by, ii, 465; Aryans’ knowledge came from, ii, 444; Astronomy, ii, 33; Atlanteans, i, 213, 668, 714, ii, 348, 461, 561, 618; Atlantis of, ii, 809; Atlas symbol of, ii, 518; AUM, lost, ii, 426; Begetting of, ii, 183; Beginning of, ii, 645; Birth of, ii, 261, 754; Book of Enoch and, ii, 564; Cain and, ii, 142; Cataclysm which befell, ii, 153; Civilization of, ii, 448, 717; Curse not brought by, ii, 428; Cycle of, ii, 452; Daityas, ii, 193; Deluge of, i, 97, ii, 155; Destruction of, ii, 563; Downfall of, ii, 687; Dvâpara Yuga of, ii, 650; Earliest pioneers of, ii, 338; Early ages of, i, 349; Enoch is, ii, 632; Evolution of, ii, 307, 465; Eye of Shiva and, ii, 316; Females of a semi-human race, begot young from, ii, 205; Fourth round, in, ii, 190; Fruit of the tree of good and evil, tasted of, ii, 143; Giants of, ii, 35, 193, 234, 289, 293; Hermaphrodite rod of, i, 140; Heroes of, ii, 143, 283, 813; History of, ii, 237; Huge form of, man, ii, 160; Human period of the, ii, 297; Initiates of, ii, 355; Instructors of, ii, 393; Land of bliss of, ii, 372; Language of, ii, 209; Lion, symbolized by the, ii, 562; Mankind, ii, 764; Manus, had four, ii, 149; Middle age of, ii, 308; Midway point of, i, 209; Miocene period and, ii, 165; Nebo a creator of, ii, 477; Origins of, ii, 753; Padmapâni, children of, ii, 188; Periods separating, from fifth, ii, 456; Physical, ii, 727; Popol Vuh, mentioned in, ii, 232; Priapean monster, represented by a, ii, 480; Records since the beginning of, i, 708, ii, 559; Remnants of, ii, 638; Ruta of, i, 714; Schism between the sons of, ii, 222; Semi-demons of, ii, 333; Serpent a phallic symbol of, ii, 65; Sinking of the continent of, ii, 733; Soma, born under, ii, 32; Sons of wisdom and, ii, 170; Speech, developed, ii, 22, 201, 208; Spirit of, earthly, i, 245; Spiritual condition lost by, i, 583; Submerged, is, ii, 659; Sub-races of, ii, 632, 814; Suffering of, i, 213; Third eye in, ii, 320; Third gave birth to, ii, 23; Transmission of elements by, i, 366; Two front eyes in, ii, 813; Ulysses one of the heroes of, ii, 813; Zeus deity of, ii, 820.

Fourth root-race, i, 132, ii, 721.

Fourth round, Animal kingdom of, ii, 197; Animal nature of man up to, ii, 171; Beginning of, ii, 72; Branch-races of, ii, 82; Cataclysms of, ii, 158; Creation, ii, 301; Elements in the, four, i, 273; Ether and, i, 40, 164; Fifth and sixth rounders in, i, 185; Fifth root-race, and, i, 208; First half of, ii, 190; First race of, i, 211; Four paths to Nirvâna in this, i, 227; Four truths revealed in, i, 73; Fourth root-race of, i, 132; Globe D in, ii, 155; Globe, on this, i, 203; Herbs existed before, i, 274; Human monad in, i, 197, ii, 672; Humanity, ii, 723; Mammals in, ii, 301, 628, 722, 727; Man belongs to, i, 206, 209; Mankind in, i, 204, ii, 196; Monads in this, i, 197; Planet, ii, 195; Seven, out of, ii, 50; Seventh race in, ii, 177; Sons told to create in, i, 213; Sphere of, i, 280; Spirit and matter in, equilibrium of, i, 214; Stone in, i, 267; Three rounds preceding our, ii, 744; Tidal action in, ii, 67; Vegetation in, ii, 119.

Fourth sphere, Earth the, ii, 190; Moon, born under, ii, 32.

Foutouha, or Foutouna Pacific Islands, ii, 234.

Fragment, Atlantis known to Plato, of, ii, 7; Babylonian, a, ii, 401; Commentary, from, ii, 445; Grecian wisdom, of, i, 706; Sanchuniathon, of, ii, 137.

Fragments of Forgotten History, Man: ii, 237.

Framework of all construction, Tau the, i, 721.

France, Continent from Newfoundland to, ii, 836; Cycle, nearing a point in her, i, 708; Enormous bones found in, ii, 289; Geologists of, ii, 724; Great Britain by land, to, ii, 793; Institute of, i, 721, ii, 794; Materialists of, i, 641; Palæolithic age in, ii, 550; Rochas a man of science in, i, 707.

Franck, quoted, i, 26, 374, ii, 2, 468, 484.

François, Monsieur de Foix, quoted, ii, 101.

Frankenstein, Animal, ii, 59; Creation of, ii, 446; Jehovah, ii, 534; Monster of, i, 650, ii, 364, 689.

Fraternities, Senzar preserved in some, ii, 458.

Fravarshi, Ferouer or double, ii, 502, 504.

Frédéric de Rougemont, quoted, ii, 291.

Free-will, Automaton without, i, 445; Prometheus preferred, to passive slavery, ii, 439; Responsibility of, ii, 430.

Frenzy, David’s dance a Bacchic, ii, 483.

Frescoes on the Miaotse, ii, 355.

Fresh-water strata, ii, 725.

Fresnel on polarization, i, 524, 527.

Friction, Causal substance in, effects of, i, 569; Electricity generated by, i, 169; Fire by rotatory, ii, 552; Fire produced by, i, 567, 570, ii, 258, 390, 547, 551, 552; Heat produced by, i, 562; Mechanical, i, 587; Nirmathya or, i, 567; Pavamâna or fire produced by, i, 567, ii, 60; Vedas explain, i, 570.

Frog, Church lamps, on lotus, form of, i, 414; Moon, in, i, 379; Mummies, Goddesses on all the, i, 414; Symbol of, i, 379, 413.

Frogs enshrined long ages in Wales, i, 413.

Frontal lobe in the apes, ii, 682.

Frost, snow, and ice, ii, 344.

Frost-giants, Hrimthurses or, ii, 403; Ymir, sons of, i, 460.

Fuel, Carbon, as, ii, 627; Logs of, ii, 641; Sun, of the, i, 128, 639, ii, 144.

Fuerst, Mountain of the Moon, the, ii, 80; Quoted, ii, 410, 588.

Fulgur or Jupiter, i, 505.

Funerary, Rites of the Egyptians, i, 13; Ritual of the Egyptians, i, 159.

Fungi, Venomous essence of certain, i, 282.

Furies, Ever-mindful, i, 704.

Fürst, quoted, ii, 570, 571.

Fury, Lightning, a synonym in Hebrew for, i, 505; Nemesis a, i, 704.

Fusaïoles, Terra-cotta discs or, ii, 106.

Fusion, Mass in igneous, i, 550.

Futurity, Mirror of, ii, 53; Stars, read in, ii, 298.

Fylfot, a form of four-footed cross (Svastika), ii, 576.

Gabriel, Angel, i, 630, ii, 567; Archangel, i, 73, ii, 256, 495; Churches, glorified in the, ii, 259; Denouncer, as a, ii, 400; Eagle corresponds to, i, 152, ii, 121; Virgin Mary, appears to, i, 406.

Gades at extremity of Atlantis, ii, 424.

Gadir, Sacred columns of, ii, 360.

Gadolinium not an element but a compound, i, 685.

Gæa, Aditi or, ii, 281; Kabalistic trinity, in, i, 134; Tethys or, ii, 69; Venus a variant of, ii, 68.

Gaganeshvara, lord of the sky, ii, 596.

Gaia the earth, Gamma symbol of, ii, 617, 625.

Galilee, Stone circles in, ii, 798.

Galileo, referred to, i, 143, 620, 683, ii, 563.

Gallery, Mountains of Kaf, in the, ii, 414; Pyramid, of, ii, 488, 491, 589.

Galli, Hebrew Kadeshim or, ii, 482.

Galukpa, ii, 619.

Gambiers and the lost continent, ii, 234.

Gamma, Tau and the Greek letter, ii, 625.

Gamut, Hindû, i, 583; Root-race, of every, ii, 825.

Gan-Æden, Eden or, ii, 46.

Gan-Eden, Position of, ii, 212.

Gana or classes of being, i, 310.

Gander, Holy Ghost under the shape of a, i, 382.

Gândhâra, a quality of sound, i, 583.

Gandharva, Purûravas and the celestial, i, 569; Rig Veda, of the, ii, 619; Vedas, the occult, of the, i, 569, 571.

Gandharvas, Aspects of, i, 569; Creation of, i, 624; Four Mahârâjahs, and, i, 151; Nârada, leader of, ii, 618; Secret doctrine, in the, i, 119; Spirits of heaven, or, ii, 386; Vach punishes, ii, 151; Yakshas and, ii, 94.

Gandunia, Eden or, ii, 46, 212.

Gangâ, Ganges or, i, 412, ii, 603.

Gangâdvâra gate of the Ganges, ii, 603.

Gangâputra, Kârttikeya called, ii, 580.

Ganges, Bay of Bengal, and the, ii, 604; Gangâdvâra or Hardwar gate of, ii, 603; Heavenly, i, 412, ii, 214; Kârttikeya and, ii, 580; Jâh-navî or, ii, 138.

Ganggriften or tombs with corridors, ii, 795.

Ganoids and the primary age, ii, 169.

Ganot, quoted, i, 732.

Ganymedes or objects of lust personified, ii, 829, 830.

Gaokerena, tree of eternal life, ii, 544.

Gaol of giants, ii, 820.

Gard, Bones found in the department of the, ii, 291.

Garden, Adam and Eve in the, i, 435; Eden, the, of, i, 27, 139, 152, 437, 446, 671, ii, 118, 212, 329, 365, 521, 573; Eden, of God, ii, 518; Paradise, of, ii, 590.

Gardener of nature, Shiva the, i, 495.

Gardiner, Starkie, on distribution of life, ii, 827.

Garga taught astronomy by Shesha, ii, 52.

Garland of seven lotuses, ii, 50.

Garment, Anupâdaka, of, i, 62, 144; Doctrine, of the, ii, 468; Earthly, of man, ii, 118; Elements, of the Deity, i, 498; Indivisible point, of the, i, 379; Jesus, of, ii, 613; Neshamah, of, i, 265; Seen and not seen, which is, ii, 329; Soul’s, i, 263.

Garuda, Aruna brother of, ii, 602; Birth of, ii, 596; Descendants of, ii, 603; Great cycle, symbol of the, ii, 337; Half-man and half-bird, ii, 596; Hari riding on, i, 454; King of the feathered tribe, ii, 191, 265; Magas, transports Sâmba to, ii, 337; Mahâ Kalpa, the, ii, 602; Purâna referred to, ii, 596; Râmâyana, in the, ii, 602; Vishnu, vehicle of, i, 392.

Gassendi, referred to, i, 682, 690.

Gastropoda in Sahara, Shells of the, ii, 8.

Gastrula stage, the, ii, 723.

Gâtra, Brahmâ, or limbs of, ii, 82; Dhîmat, or limbs of, ii, 186.

Gaudapâdâchârya, Commentary of, i, 493.

Gaudry, Albert, referred to, ii, 682, 714, 716.

Gauramukha, Brâhmans consult with, ii, 337.

Gaurî, bride of Shiva, ii, 80.

Gautama, Amitâbha and Buddha, i, 134, 511; Births, on his previous, ii, 375; Buddha, i, 1, 5, 15, 29, 78, 134, 185, 395, 511, ii, 30, 354, 674; Ethics preached by, ii, 441; Maia mother of, i, 15; Metaphysics of, i, 4; Prince of Kapilavastu, i, 292; Shâkyamuni, i, 134; Tzon-kha-pa and, i, 134.

Gautier, referred to, i, 282.

Gavel of the grand masters, ii, 105.

Gâyatrî, Syllables in the, i, 570.

Gebelin, Count de, referred to, i, 703, ii, 812.

Gebers, Hidden meaning of the, i, 139.

Ge’boor-ah, or Qai-yin, son of Adam, ii, 329.

Geburah in the Chaldæan Kabalah, i, 221.

Gehenna of the Bible, i, 501.

Geiger, quoted, ii, 801, 802.

Geikie, Reindeer picture after, ii, 760.

Geist, ghost or gas or spirit, i, 504.

Gelukpas, Yellow Caps or, i, 134.

Gemara Sanhedrim, referred to, ii, 496.

Gemini, Castor and Pollux the bright, i, 392; Simeon and Levi, in sphere of, i, 714.

Gemmation, Infusoria produced their kind by, i, 160; Polyp Stauridium, of, ii, 187.

Gems, Abraxas, ii, 596; Basilidean, i, 513; Gnostic, i, 513, ii, 497, 596, 602, 639.

Genealogical, Table of Hæckel, ii, 707; Tree, ii, 91, 452, 453, 465, 622, 702.

Genealogies, Archaic Bible, found in, ii, 444; Cain, of, ii, 409; Gods, of the, ii, 46; Hæckel, of, ii, 706, 707; Manus, of, ii, 259; Patriarchal, ii, 335; Prajâpatis, of, ii, 259; Prehuman periods, of, ii, 336; Rishis, of, ii, 259; Series of, i, 672; Seth, of, ii, 409.

Genealogy, Ape-man, ii, 707; Budha, of, ii, 523; Cain’s, ii, 408; Hæckel, by, ii, 704, 705; Hypothetical, of man, ii, 699; Kings, of, ii, 334; Man’s, from the ape, ii, 721; Phoroneus, of, ii, 547; Prometheus, of, ii, 547; Rishis, of, i, 470.

Genera of the seven kingdoms, i, 696.

Generating, Cycles, ii, 593; Power, i, 508, ii, 192.

Generation, Angels fallen into, ii, 240; Ansated cross symbol of, ii, 634; Astronomy and, i, 332; Atom, of an, i, 733; Being descended into, ii, 243; Bodies, of, ii, 608; Cosmical, ii, 138; Cursed to fall into, ii, 95; Devas who fell into, ii, 440; Dhyânîs fall into, ii, 50; Earth fallen into, ii, 33; Equivocal, ii, 174; Fall into, i, 215, 238, ii, 4, 27, 33, 34, 39, 50, 95, 109, 137, 214, 240, 242, 261, 273, 406, 449, 537, 541, 644, 809; Feminine number of, ii, 615; Flesh, of the, i, 138; Germ that will fall into, i, 238; Goat the symbol of fall into, ii, 537; God manifest in, i, 249; God of, ii, 44, 244, 408, 410, 490, 623; Goddesses helping on, of species, i, 429; Gods, of, i, 428; Gods fallen into, i, 242; Humanity, of, i, 250, ii, 178; Jehovah God of, ii, 44, 244; Kumâras and, i, 493; Lotus symbolizing, ii, 189; Man a God fallen into, ii, 273; Manu’s descent into, ii, 336; Mars the God of, ii, 408, 410; Moon as the causative of, ii, 486; Moon-Goddess of, ii, 434; Moon’s influence on, ii, 111; Mystery of, i, 47, 390, 493; Occult, i, 47; One, passeth away, ii, 743; Race first falling into, ii, 4; Regeneration not, ii, 493; Satan and, ii, 245; Secret of, hidden, i, 215; Sexes, of distinct, ii, 207; Sexual, ii, 695; Spirit gives, i, 686; Spontaneous, ii, 123, 159, 160, 167, 299, 758, 759; Sun source of, i, 512; Symbol of, ii, 493; Tau the symbol of life in, i, 391; Third humanity fell into, ii, 27; Universe in abstract space, of the, ii, 46; Universe, of the, i, 375; Vehicle of, ii, 140; World, of the, i, 672.

Generative, God, Jehovah a, ii, 489; Influence of Khonsoo, ii, 487; Logos, light of the, ii, 244; Matrix, i, 391; Organs as symbols of measures, i, 420; Principle, female, ii, 69, 148; Sun, capacity of the, ii, 589; Symbol, ii, 132, 133, 482.

Generative power, Cow a symbol of the passive, ii, 436; Creation, of, ii, 584; Female, ii, 327, 434, 482; Glyphs of, i, 68; Heavenly man, of the, i, 380; Nature, in, ii, 436, 483; Primitive and initial, ii, 47.

Generator, Ammon-Ra the, i, 393; Elements, of, i, 606; Humanity of, ii, 546; Hydrogen, of air and water, ii, 111; Keely’s, i, 613; Phoroneus the second, ii, 546; Prometheus the, ii, 546; Sound, the, of elements, i, 606; Vishnu the, ii, 327.

Genesis and Genesis, Adam in, ii, 185, 698; Akkad mentioned in, i, 339; Akkadian, i, 381, 382; Allegorical legends, a collection of, i, 39; Allegory of Adam in, ii, 185; Androgyne ray, and, i, 380; Archaic, i, 228, ii, 469; Beliefs, and Assyrian, ii, 500; Berosus knew source of, ii, 152; Cain’s genealogy in, ii, 408; Captivity, a reminiscence of the Babylonian, ii, 212; Creations of, ii, 5, 85, 512; Darkness in, ii, 513; Date of primitive humanity not found in, ii, 729; Days of the week in, six, ii, 615; Dead letter of, i, 411, ii, 91; Deluges of, ii, 320; Devil, of, ii, 501; Elements, of, i, 596, 635, 639, 640, 681, 682, 684, ii, 111; Elohim of, ii, 212; Elohistic, ii, 661; Enoch, of, ii, 280; Esoteric meaning of, i, 465, ii, 226, 406; Esotericism of, ii, 119; Evolution in, order of, ii, 191; Explanation of the third chapter of, ii, 429; Fallen angels, on, ii, 239; Fire-mist, of elements in the, i, 593; Germinal cell, of, the, i, 244; Giants of, ii, 293, 297, 819; Gnostics, of man, ii, 646; Gods, of, i, 598, ii, 27; Grain of sand, of a, i, 733; Heaven and earth, of, ii, 386; Hebrew, i, 479, 738; Hypothesis of, ii, 682; Jehovah in, i, 34; Kadesh in, ii, 482; Key to, i, 446; Kings of Edom, and, ii, 745; Kosmos, of, i, 676; Legend of, i, 665; Light in, i, 380; Literally, accepted, i, 381; Lotus idea in, i, 408; Male and female of, ii, 529; Mankind the serpent in, ii, 539; Manu compared with, i, 38, ii, 133; Melchizedek in, ii, 409; Mexican local, ii, 223; Moneron unknown to science, of the, ii, 103; Mosaic, ii, 444; Moses in, ii, 474; Myths in, ii, 471; Natural, of wisdom, ii, 667; Noah of, ii, 153, 278; Number seven in, ii, 3; Oannes, of, ii, 57; Of man, by Dr. Carter Blake, ii, 765; Physical evolution, on, ii, 262; Pithecoid stocks, of, ii, 728; Planets, of, i, 480; Primeval, of man, i, 250; Primordial substance, on, i, 352; Quoted or referred to, i, 89, 93, 99, 102, 152, 236, 285, 369, 419, 444, 488, 535, 569, 714, ii, 1, 47, 49, 56, 57, 62, 63, 79, 80, 89, 99, 100, 110, 131, 132, 134, 136, 163, 203, 222, 254, 278, 285, 286, 293, 297, 405, 412, 428, 489, 492, 515, 526, 534, 558, 632, 745, 746, 755, 819; Revealed, i, 672; Secret meaning of the first verse of, i, 478, ii, 40; Sepher Jetzirah and, ii, 565; Serpent of, ii, 218, 244, 246, 254, 292, 374, 402, 408, 539; Seth of, ii, 86, 377; Sons of God of, ii, 64; Soul, of the, i, 255; Stars, of, i, 480; Synopsis of man’s, ii, 456; Twin-births of, ii, 143; Vulcain in, ii, 410; Week of creation in, ii, 660; Wilder’s definition of, ii, 27; Zohar, the key to, i, 39.

Generatrix, Gods, of, i, 495, ii, 136; Sâvitrî, ii, 136.

Genii, Abraxas, antagonistic to, ii, 570; Celestial, ii, 391; Choirs of, i, 313; Classes of, ii, 258; Definitions of Asclepios, in, i, 308; Desert, of, i, 17; Development of, ii, 384; Divine nature, of, ii, 389; Father of, i, 216; Fire, of, ii, 379; Four cardinal points, or angels in, i, 371; Heaven, of four quarters of, i, 407; Hermes, of, i, 314; Instruction given by celestial, ii, 391; Jacob Bœhme the nursling of, i, 536; Lotus, on a, i, 439; Lunar month, of, i, 439; Men directed by, i, 314; Names of, i, 308; Planetary, seven, ii, 25, 221; Planets, of, i, 219, 712, 715; Rebels, and, i, 217; Seven planetary, ii, 25, 221; Several kinds of, i, 434; Space and time, born to act in, i, 450; Trismegistus, of, i, 734; Trithemius on the, i, 488.

Genitrix, Heptanomis, of first, i, 439; Typhon and, ii, 577, 579.

Genius, Abraxas the lunar, ii, 497; Atom a term for, i, 621; Doubt, of, ii, 226; Emblem of the good, i, 513; Embodied entity, of the, i, 700; Evil, of, i, 426, 700; Frankenstein’s monster plus, ii, 689; Jehovah, of the lunar year, ii, 568; Jupiter, of the planet, ii, 523, 569; Karma, and, ii, 178; Loci, local God or, i, 500; Lunar, ii, 497, 568; Mazdean Mithra, or God, ii, 31; Mechanical not spiritual, i, 613; Mercury as a psycho-pompic, ii, 571; Moon, of, ii, 567, 569; Newton, of, i, 659; Personal, ii, 601; Saturn, of, ii, 567; Serpent, of, i, 434; Spenta Ârmaita or female, ii, 645; Sun, of, ii, 569; Water, of, i, 511.

Genoese, Prows of the adventurous, ii, 448.

Gentil, M. C., on the Hindû zodiac, i, 726.

Gentiles, Adytum, placed in the, ii, 481; Gods of, ii, 536; Hebrews borrowed from, ii, 591; Jews and Christians, ii, 494; Temples of, ii, 561; Trinity, idea of the, ii, 569.

Geoffroy St. Hilaire, referred to, ii, 682.

Geognosy, Ancients’ knowledge of, ii, 563.

Géographie Ancienne, quoted, ii, 813.

Geography, Kings, of dominions of, ii, 334; Mysteries, used to be part of, ii, 8; Planets, of three inner, ii, 747.

Geology, Ages in, ii, 10, 166; Ancient Âryan, ii, 263, 264; Antediluvian, ii, 349; Antiquity of man, and, i, 343; Archaic science, and, ii, 329; Bible chronology against, ii, 205; Calculations, and, ii, 809; Chronology, at sea as to, ii, 70; Creation, traces dawn of, ii, 265; Cycles, and evolutionary, ii, 774; Dates of, ii, 738; Deluge of, ii, 153; Egypt and, ii, 385; Enoch, of, i, 667; Esoteric antiquity on, ii, 456; Esoteric teachings confirmed by, ii, 206; Esotericism, of, i, 346; Exact science, and, ii, 693, 700; Flood first perceived by, ii, 154; Fourth race taught, ii, 445; Indian Ocean problem, and, ii, 644; Moon and earth according to, ii, 68; Occultism, corroborates, ii, 823; Ocean, and universal, ii, 755; Periods of, ii, 10; Planets, and, ii, 741; Scriptures on, ii, 790; Tradition, confirms, ii, 510; Triangle, and, ii, 628.

Geometrizes, Nature in all her manifestations, i, 124.

Geometrizing Deity, ii, 587.

Geometry, Divine science of, ii, 494; Cross and, ii, 226; Elementary arithmetic, and, ii, 204; Great pyramid, in the, i, 333, 337; Isis-Osiris inventor of, ii, 383; Lunar worship based on, i, 427; Man and woman, in terms, i, 478; Transcendental application of, i, 674.

George, St., referred to, ii, 248, 396, 400, 403, 415.

Georgica, quoted, i, 354.

Gerland on Australian races, ii, 823.

Germ, Active, i, 31; Animal man, of, i, 267; Astrology and astrolatry, of, ii, 26; Atom of nature, in every, i, 87, ii, 622; Central eternal, i, 299; Consciousness, of awakening, i, 491; Cosmic Gods, of, i, 311; Darkness, of unknown, i, 111; Darkness, that dwelleth in, i, 57, 93; Egg, in the, i, 390, 393; Evolution of, i, 270; Female creator as a, i, 392; Fiery, i, 40; Intelligence, of, ii, 174; Invisible, i, 40; Latent, i, 31; Life-cycle, of all things to the end of the, i, 100; Life flashes into, i, 87; Mahat, of Chit, i, 308; Meteor, in the, ii, 771; Mundane egg, in the, i, 31; Physical man, of, i, 267; Primal, of mind, ii, 185, 612; Ray had not yet flashed into the, i, 57, 87; Root, in the, i, 39; Sacr’, carrier of, ii, 489; Solar systems, of, ii, 157; Son, of the, ii, 89; Sorrow, of, ii, 98; Terrestrial life, of all, i, 237; That, is, i, 59, 106; Time in space, contained in infinite, i, 102; Toom a, of eternity, i, 737; Two are the, and the, is one, i, 91; Universe, of, i, 49, 407, ii, 89; Upâdhi of seven principles, the, i, 311.

Germ-buds reduced to spores, ii, 696.

Germ-cell, Development of a, ii, 123; Ovum, or, ii, 124.

Germ-cells in yeast, i, 270.

Germ-stage, Human, i, 204.

Germain, Count St., quoted or referred to, i, 670, ii, 165, 249, 616, 617.

Germanic races, the, i, 457.

Germany, Giant-tombs of, ii, 795; Leibnitz born in, i, 689.

Germinal, Cell, i, 244; Plasm, i, 238; Transformation of matter, i, 226.

Germination, Process of, ii, 126.

Germs, Animals, for higher, ii, 758; Ark contained, of all living things, ii, 483; Elementary, i, 63, 162, 163; Elements, of, i, 227, 481; Ether the storehouse of, i, 500; Golden egg, reënter the, i, 404; Life, of, ii, 484; Lives, of other, i, 278; Living things, of all, ii, 490; New original, ii, 758; Night and day, of, ii, 534; Primordial, ii, 759; Ship of life, carried in, ii, 485; Sub-race, of sixth, ii, 464; Wheels, of, i, 62, 141.

Geryon, Tomb of, ii, 291.

Gestation, Cell, within the, ii, 124; Fœtus, of, ii, 184; Mammals, of, ii, 629; Moon’s influence on human, i, 202, ii, 111; Periods of, i, 419, ii, 617.

Gesture preceded by internal feeling, i, 295.

Gharma-ja, born of Shiva’s sweat, ii, 132.

Ghost, Atoms, of the long vanished, ii, 712; Geist or spirit, i, 504; Shadows of matter in motion, or, i, 170.

Ghost-world, Gods of the, ii, 382.

Ghosts, Elementary spooks or, i, 680; Lares now signifies, ii, 377; Lord of, ii, 148.

Ghouls, Moon like all, i, 180; Powers of, ii, 476.

Giamschid builds Esikekar or Persepolis, ii, 416.

Gian-ben-Gian, or wisdom son of wisdom, ii, 412.

Giant, Ancestors, ii, 367; Ape, i, 211; Argeak the, ii, 414; Asia, inhabitants of, ii, 821; Asuramaya the reputation of a, ii, 73; Atlantean, ii, 74, 712; Atlanteans, ii, 452, 465; Birds, ii, 23, 211; Bodies of Lemurians, ii, 465; Briareus, the, ii, 819; Cottus, the, ii, 819; Daitya or, ii, 398; Demon Dânava, ii, 301, 399; Demrusch, the, ii, 416; Fish, ii, 23, 211; Gyges, the, ii, 819; Henoch called the divine, ii, 383; Lemurians, ii, 465; London Pavilion, ii, 290; Noah a, ii, 277; Peak, ii, 276; Pre-tertiary, ii, 8; Race, ii, 365; Races, ii, 413, 803; Râhu a, ii, 398; Red-haired men, ii, 202; Serpents, ii, 23, 211; Tombs, ii, 794; Typhôeus, i, 504; Vîrabhadra a terrible, ii, 71; Ymir the, ii, 102.

Giant-demons or Râkshasas, ii, 301, 399.

Giants, Accursed race of, ii, 154; Age of, ii, 560; Antediluvian, i, 450, ii, 284, 805; Antiquity of, ii, 289, 355; Archaic past, in the, ii, 51; Atlantean, ii, 98, 277, 292, 411, 442, 452, 717; Atlantis, of, ii, 361, 796, 821; Beauty and strength of, ii, 333; Bible, in the, ii, 526; Bones of, ii, 291, 427; Central American history, of, ii, 289; Classical writers on, ii, 290; Cœlus and Terra, sons of, ii, 813; Colossal stones, associated with, ii, 292; Cronus, imprisoned by, ii, 819; Cyclopes or, ii, 353; Daityas or, ii, 35, 426; Dânavas or, ii, 202, 398, 526; Dance of, ii, 358; Deity, doomed by wrathful, ii, 563; Demons, signify, ii, 293; Devils, called, i, 447; Dhyâni-Buddhas or, i, 139; Dwarfs and, ii, 797; Dynasties of, i, 287, ii, 386; Earth, on, ii, 163, 517; East, from the, ii, 442; First races, of, ii, 816; Fossils of, ii, 299, 792; Fourth race, ii, 193, 234, 288, 289, 292, 293; Frost, ii, 403; Genesis, of, ii, 246, 297, 391; Gibborim or, ii, 292; Godly strength, of, ii, 181; Gods, and, ii, 79, 518; Hesiod, of, ii, 819; Historic, ii, 290; History, traced in, ii, 784; Hundred-handed, i, 230; Huschenk made war against, ii, 415; Intellectual, ii, 179; Israel, foes of, ii, 205; Lankâ, of, ii, 426; Legendary, ii, 363, 428; Lemuria, of, ii, 361; Metals concealed by, ii, 414; Monsters bred by, ii, 717; Mythology, in, ii, 796; Nephilim or, ii, 306, 798; Paurânic, i, 447; Peris ill-treated by, ii, 416; Pherecydes on, ii, 819; Pigmies and, ii, 204, 345; Polar lands are the, ii, 820; Post-Adamic, ii, 302; Post-diluvian, i, 450; Pre-historic, ii, 290; Primeval, ii, 33; Primitive, ii, 242; Progeny of, ii, 392; Pyramids work of, i, 469; Race of, ii, 307, 351; Rock, cut in, ii, 352; Rocking stones, and, ii, 359; Rocks raised by, ii, 362; Sarcophagus of, ii, 291; Scientists and, ii, 787; Self-produced princes of, ii, 511; Shankha-dvîpa, of, ii, 423; Sons of, ii, 234; Sorcery, and, ii, 818; Stature, not in knowledge but in, ii, 298; Stories of, ii, 462; Third race, of, i, 212; Thor’s hammer, and, ii, 104; Titans and, ii, 363, 526; Tombs of Sardinia, ii, 367; War between Gods and, ii, 79, 518; Witnesses to, ii, 356; Yellow-faced, ii, 443.

Gibbon or man-like apes, ii, 717, 720.

Gibborim, Atlanteans, were, i, 447; Bible, of the, ii, 73, 286, 355; Giants or, ii, 286, 292.

Gibbs, Prof., quoted, ii, 137.

Gibraltar, Connection of, with Africa, ii, 837; Formation of Straits of, ii, 8; Land across the Straits of, ii, 781, 793.

Giburim, Hidden meaning of the, i, 139.

Gigantes translated Serpentes, ii, 293.

Gigantic, Air, monsters of, ii, 8; Ante-diluvians, ii, 428; Atlantean deluge, ii, 149; Creature, ape-like, ii, 273; Early men, stature of, ii, 768; Forms, of first men, ii, 646; Magicians, ii, 447; Male, God not a, i, 376; Men in Africa, ii, 444; Physical humanity, ii, 563; Skeletons, ii, 796, 798.

Gignat, De, quoted, ii, 118.

Gilgoolah a cyclic or revolving process, i, 621.

Gilgoolem, or the revolution of souls, i, 620, 621.

Gill-clefts, Anthropologists on, ii, 722; Fœtus, in human, ii, 723; Hæckel on, ii, 724; Presence of, ii, 722.

Gimil, Cave of, ii, 105.

Gin-hoang the king men, ii, 385.

Ginnungagap, Gulf, or yawning, i, 460; Illusion, cup of, i, 394.

Giraldus Cambrensis on rocking stones, ii, 361.

Girdle, Death, of, ii, 245; Isis, of, i, 275; Stony, of the world, ii, 417.

Gironde, Psammite found in the basin of the, ii, 786.

Giver of life, Idea of the, i, 436; Moon, i, 415.

Glacial, Epoch, ii, 726, 754, 792, 823; Formations, ii, 725; Period, i, 714, ii, 149, 153, 156, 265, 287, 528, 715, 716, 717, 735, 782; Sea, ii, 416, 821.

Glaciers, Ancient, ii, 725; Continental, ii, 735; Extension of, ii, 794.

Gladstone, W. E., quoted, ii, 263, 400, 471, 809, 810, 814.

Gland, Pineal, ii, 126, 308, 310, 311, 313, 315.

Glass, Attraction of iron through, ii, 759; Odorous particles confined in, i, 616.

Glasses, Invention of optical, i, 636.

Gliddon, Nott and, ii, 646.

Globe, Age of, ii, 163, 165, 269, 733, 752, 841; Architects of, i, 32; Ascending arc, on, ii, 261; Atmosphere of every, i, 168; Beings in correlation with the state of each, ii, 747; Beings on our, i, 270; Breathes, our, i, 591; Chain, and, i, 719; Chain of worlds, a septenary, ii, 739; Changes on our, ii, 146, 344; Comet passing our, i, 664; Conditions of life on this, i, 206; Cooling of, ii, 733; Cosmic dust reaches our, i, 667; Creation of, i, 362; Creation on seven portions of, ii, 81; Creations of, i, 701, ii, 172; Cross, and, ii, 33, 34; Cycles on, ii, 653; Deluge and, ii, 150; Development of, ii, 457; Divine monads on, ii, 509; Door of our, i, 200; Dragon’s head or, ii, 531; Egg-shaped, i, 103; Elements of forms on, i, 303; Entity, an, i, 178; Esoteric meaning of symbols identical all over, i, 342; Eternal spring all over, ii, 144; Evolution of, i, 325; Evolution of races of, ii, 246; Evolution on, ii, 1; Face of, changed, ii, 344; Fiery, i, 273; Fire, changed by, ii, 766; Fire, of, i, 646; First, i, 211, 260; First round of, i, 491; Formation of, ii, 56; Fourth, i, 214; Fourth round of, ii, 158, 754; Generally explained, i, 205, ii, 322; Geological life of, i, 702; Geologists on age of, ii, 841; Gimil’s heights seventh, ii, 105; Hades our, ii, 245; Heat on our, ii, 31; Hell itself, our, ii, 103; History of, i, 175; Human religious thought developed all over, i, 364; Jambu-dvîpa represents, ii, 334; Kâmarûpic state, in, i, 280; Laboratory, its own special, i, 638; Light on, ii, 31; Lost maps of, ii, 825; Man developed with, i, 245; Mankind not the only beings who dwell on a, ii, 158; Men evolving with, ii, 259; Men inhabited this, 18,000,000 years ago, i, 667; Moon, fourth, i, 196; Moon the giver of life to, i, 415; Moon’s attraction on the liquid portion of, ii, 68; Motionless at the North Pole, ii, 418; Mystery of our, ii, 57; Nascent, our, i, 266; Nirmânakâyas reäppearing on this, ii, 98; Objective life on our, ii, 363; Occult relations of sun to our, i, 628; Oviform shape of our, i, 384; Periodical creations of our, i, 701; Periodically convulsed, ii, 820; Phœnician vessels circumnavigated, ii, 448; Plastic form of, i, 280; Pralaya, during, ii, 697; Primeval form, tending to, i, 183; Races on our, ii, 101; Radiant, i, 273; Reawakens, convulsed each time it, ii, 770; Re-births of our, ii, 743; Renewals of, seven, ii, 415, 595; Rock-bound, ii, 162; Round, i, 183; Round and, our, i, 671; Round IV of, i, 211; Rounds of, successive, i, 184; Self-luminous, ii, 162; Sidereal rulers of our, ii, 739; Six spheres above our, ii, 745; Sixth, i, 260; Spheres of seven planets on our, ii, 4; Spirit-guardian of our, ii, 25; Spirit of the earth, and, ii, 32; State of, i, 518; Submersion which changed, ii, 328; Sun called, of fire, i, 646; Sun not a, in combustion, i, 590; Surface of, ii, 146; Symbol of, ii, 614; Terrestrial, ii, 563; Terrestrial atmosphere of, ii, 650; Transitions of, ii, 743; Universe and our, i, 304; Vegetation of, ii, 119; Vishnu drinks up waters of, i, 397; Water, changed by, ii, 766; Wheel symbolizes, i, 72; Winged, i, 391; Wings, with two, ii, 582; Woman, likened to body of, ii, 419; Yogîs who take up their abode on our, ii, 257; Zones of our, seven, ii, 117, 421.

Globe A, Evolution on, ii, 72; First round, in the, i, 204, ii, 72, 155; Human forms on, i, 197; Immetallization on, ii, 190; Lunar chain, of, i, 196; Monad from, to Globe G, i, 191; Monad on, ii, 672; Planetary chain, in a, i, 179; Root-Manu on, ii, 322; Round, in first, i, 204, ii, 72, 155.

Globe D, Earth, our, i, 210; Life-cycle on, i, 183; Seed of life on, ii, 155; Third round on, ii, 197.

Globe G, Lunar chain, of, i, 196; Planetary round from Globe A to, i, 183.

Globes, Birth of, i, 192; Chain of, i, 187, ii, 790; Chain, of our, i, 83, 252, ii, 81, 105; Chains of, i, 188, 629; Chains of worlds composed of seven, i, 176; Companion, i, 182; Consciousness, belonging to other states of, ii, 741; Creation of inhabited, ii, 100; Cyclic evolution on, i, 252; Diagram of, i, 194; Earth chain, i, 195, ii, 33; Earth, which precede our, ii, 529; Earth, which overshadow our, i, 189; Earths or, three, i, 271; Evolution of, i, 194; Evolution on remaining, ii, 177; Explanation of, i, 193; Formation of, i, 182; Generally treated of, i, 179, 199, 203, 253; Inhabited, ii, 743, 749; Intelligences, rational, i, 535; Invisible, i, 188, ii, 334; Invisible, six, ii, 642; Lunar chain, i, 194, 195; Man-bearing, i, 696, ii, 81; Meteorites from other, ii, 167; Nebula formed of gaseous, i, 655; Planes, on other, ii, 402; Planetary chain, of our, i, 258, ii, 643; Planets or, ii, 322; Primordial matter ends by becoming, of spheres, i, 142; Progress of organisms on, i, 208; Races, and seven, ii, 640; Rounds, during previous, i, 220; Sealed books which are, ii, 742; Sidereal bodies have six companion, i, 182; Six, i, 182, 261; Strings of, i, 190; Structure of, i, 279; Tales of life on other, ii, 742; Terrestrial chain, of the, i, 186, ii, 801; Transformations of, i, 226; Upper, i, 188; Venus and, ii, 33; Winged, i, 151.

Globular, Lightnings, shaped, ii, 828; Mass, ii, 67; Speck in infinity, ii, 169.

Glory, Divine essence, of the, i, 26; Excellent, of the fire, ii, 599; Imperishable, ii, 114; Jehovah, of, ii, 569; Lord, of the, ii, 245, 568; Noon-day, i, 285; Supreme, ii, 114; Throne of his, i, 119; Unparalleled refulgent, i, 58, 100.

Gloss of Solomon, Zohar a, ii, 583.

Glossaries, Ancient, ii, 456; Kabalah, of the Mosaic books, ii, 662; Keys to mysteries in later, ii, 26; Modern, to Commentaries, i, 124; Upanishads the esoteric, of the Vedas, ii, 508; Zoharic system, of the, ii, 483.

Glosses, Book of Dzyan, on the, i, 50; Commentaries, of the, ii, 36; Stanzas, of the, i, 50.

Glyph, Astral light, for, i, 102; Astronomy, and, i, 341; Biblical, i, 341; Cosmic, ii, 371; Dog-headed ape, of, i, 417; Double, i, 35, ii, 576, 577, 625; Dragon, for astral light, i, 102; Egg, of, i, 391; Egyptian religious, i, 241; Fabulous form of, i, 504; Female, i, 342; Generative matrix, for, i, 391; Hindû, i, 140; Initiates, of the, ii, 576; Kâlahansa, of, i, 106; Mummiform God, of a, i, 240; Phallic significance, of, ii, 617; Pharaoh’s daughter, of, i, 339; Priapus not, for abstract creative power, ii, 480; Tau, of, i, 35, ii, 625; Tetragrammaton, of, i, 235; Waves, for the, i, 412.

Glyphs, Complicated, of most, i, 96; Esoteric, i, 477; Figures, are conventional, i, 96; Geometrical signs and, i, 293; Hidden Deity, of, i, 373; Jews, of the, i, 140; Male, i, 342; Seven circles, of, ii, 513; Sidereal, ii, 371; Symbols are but, i, 427; Symbols become, i, 68; Temples, of primitive, ii, 610; Vowelless, ii, 263; Wrong interpretation of, i, 437.

Gṅan or occult wisdom, ii, 411.

Gnomes, Idea of, i, 663; Influence over men of, i, 313; Lords of the fires or, ii, 445.

Gnosis, Archaic doctrine, an echo of, i, 484; Christos in, esoteric, i, 101; Jṅâna, knowledge or, i, 92; John the Baptist, of, ii, 598; Knowledge, or hidden, i, 92, 299; Master of, ii, 601; Mysteries belonging to highest, i, 435; Square, rested on a, ii, 605.

Gnostic, Agathodæmon, i, 476; Aim of, schools, i, 730; Book of Enoch called a, work, ii, 560; Celsus a, i, 480; Christ, i, 343, ii, 569, 620; Emanations, i, 374; Esoteric doctrine, compared with, i, 157; Gems, i, 513, ii, 497, 596; Generative duty, ii, 497; God held by the, view of, i, 697; Gospel, ii, 484, 601, 639; Indian origin of, wisdom, ii, 602; Literature, ii, 594, 597; Number seven in, records, i, 497; Ophis, i, 102; Ophites, i, 435; Priapus, ii, 572; Priests, i, 229; Satan, allegory of, ii, 254; Saviour, ii, 480; Schools, i, 730; Sects, ii, 407, 496; Serpent, i, 102; Solar Chnouphis, ii, 394; Sophia or wisdom, i, 101; Stones, i, 248, ii, 220; Symbol, ii, 480; Systems given in Isis Unveiled, ii, 101; Teachings, ii, 667; Tenets, ii, 407; Vowels, ii, 596.

Gnosticism, Church fathers, explained by, ii, 601; King, C. W., on, i, 631; Profanations of, ii, 593.

Gnostics, Adam of, second, ii, 479; Alexandrian, i, 448; Anthropology of, ii, 646; Arts of enchantment of, ii, 678; Bythos of, i, 235; Chaldæan, i, 234; Christian, i, 234, ii, 371, 483, 639; Christos of, ii, 570; Creation, and, i, 483; Deity as viewed by, i, 220; Dragon symbol of Logos among, i, 103; Egyptian, ii, 567; Evangel of, ii, 597; Five words of, ii, 613; Hermes-Christos of, ii, 505; Iao of, ii, 570; Jehovah identified by, with evil, i, 219; Jewish God, on, ii, 245; Light and shadow, on, ii, 225; Logos, on, i, 373, 389, 441; Mystery language understood by, ii, 606; Mystic, i, 513; Naasenian, ii, 371; Nazaræan, ii, 159; Ophite, i, 441; Pantheism of, ii, 536; Peratæ, ii, 610, 611; Philosophical, ii, 100; Philosophical system of, i, 219; Religious doctrines of, ii, 404; Saviour of, ii, 399; Science of, ii, 605; Secret doctrine, and, i, 484; Seven vowelled of, ii, 293, 596; Sophia and, i, 678, ii, 46; Soul, on birth of, i, 630; Spirit of earth was feminine according to, i, 217; Syrian, i, 234; System of, i, 482; Teaching of, ii, 654; Two lights of, ii, 219; Universal soul, on the, i, 377; Visible world, and, ii, 65; Worship of, i, 432.

Gnostics and Their Remains, quoted, i, 403, 441, 484, 630, 730, ii, 254, 497, 545, 567, 570, 594, 601, 602, 613, 640.

Goal, Ascetic, of, ii, 600; Final, i, 288; Man, of animal life, ii, 56; Misery, of, i, 700.

Goat, Androgyne, of Mendes, i, 274; Azazel, the, i, 476; Capricornus or, ii, 611; Generation, symbol of fall into, ii, 537; Gnostic meaning of, ii, 404; Headed Satan, Baphomet, ii, 406; Human beings with legs and horns of a, ii, 57; Men, ii, 17, 57, 66; Symbol of, i, 382; Victory, Azazel the God of, i, 476; Witches’ Sabbath, of, ii, 537.

Goats sacrificed to Amphitrite, ii, 612.

Gobi, Desert of, ii, 4, 388, 423, 528; Island in the desert of, ii, 333; Oasis in, desert, ii, 231; Region, ii, 422; Statues, of, ii, 346.

God, Abrasax a supreme, i, 374; Absolute, i, 443; Abstract force now called, i, 427; Adepts and, i, 314; Adonis, ii, 473; Agni, of fire, ii, 596; Air of, i, 500; ALL, we call the, i, 96; Al-orit, of fire, ii, 377; Ammon, i, 391; Angel or, i, 694; Anthropomorphic, i, 32, 33, 297, 300, 453, 661; Apollo, ii, 7, 817, 818; Apostle-initiate, of, i, 38; Arch-deceiver, an, i, 456; Aspects, of the three, i, 368; Astral light created by, i, 279; Avenging, ii, 831; Azazel, i, 476; Babylonian, i, 139; Basic ideas upon, i, 305; Beast, or, i, 697; Being must pass human cycles to become, ii, 336; Bes, i, 413; Body, needed a, ii, 244; Boreas, of winter, ii, 11; Breath of, i, 96; Buddhists, i, 696; Celestial being or, i, 222; Chance the pseudonym of, i, 716; Chaos, of, i, 237; Created the heavens, etc., i, 274; Creative, i, 47, 391, ii, 249; Crocodile, i, 240; Cronus, i, 47; Cupid, ii, 436; Dead, of, i, 377; Death, of, ii, 48; Deity, not, i, 374; Demon inverse of, i, 256; Destinies, of, ii, 486; Devil, and, i, 110, 446, ii, 239; Divine fully conscious, i, 132; Dyaus the unrevealed, i, 404; Earth, of, i, 500, ii, 389; Egyptian ram-headed, ii, 305; Electricity not, i, 137; Elohim called, ii, 512; Eternal, i, 368; Evil, of, i, 443; Exile, in, i, 485; Extra-cosmic, i, 38, 120, 577, 622; Fancy, created by man’s, ii, 318; Father, i, 103, 314, ii, 247; Female double of, i, 678; Finite, i, 378, 581; Fire, a consuming, i, 505; Fire, is a living, i, 146; Fire, of, i, 500, ii, 247, 293, 377, 513, 578, 596; Fire referred to as, i, 427; Firmament, of the, i, 223; First-born of, ii, 296; Fohat seems to exercise the powers of, i, 162; Footstool of, i, 178; Four races, of, ii, 818; Garment of, i, 111; Gautama, of, i, 134; Generated, Cronus a, i, 47; Generation, of, i, 249, ii, 490; Genius or, ii, 31; Glory of, i, 148; Gods, above all, i, 454; Gods, amongst all, ii, 500, 622; Gods of pagans, of, i, 34; Handsome face, of the, i, 378; Heavenly body temple of a, every, i, 632; Hebrew Elohim called, ii, 512; Hebrews, of, ii, 286; Hidden mystery, ii, 223; Himself, containing all things within, i, 419, 479; History, in, ii, 86; Horse, of the, ii, 417; Horus, i, 248; Human dogma, of, i, 38; Hypothesis, called a, i, 629; I am myself, i, 697; Iaô mystery, i, 483; Image of, ii, 1; Imperfect, i, 581; Incarnation of, i, 314; Indwelling, ii, 287; Initiates and, i, 314; Intelligible, i, 499; Intra-cosmic, i, 38; Israel, of, i, 506, ii, 65; Jehovah as one living, i, 251; Jews, of the, i, 374; Kabalah taught by, ii, 297; Kalpas, who lives in all, i, 464; Kâma a supreme, ii, 186; Kingdom of, is within us, i, 301; Knoom, i, 413; Law, and, i, 92; Leibnitz, of, i, 689, 692; Life, of, i, 248; Light, of, ii, 7; Limbus from the word of, i, 304; Local, i, 500; Lord as a designation of, ii, 536; Lord thy, a consuming fire, the, i, 146; Love, of, ii, 436, 611; Lunus, i, 249, ii, 486; Mahat is, i, 660; Male, i, 674; Man an immortal, ii, 256; Man, becomes, ii, 365; Man finally becomes, ii, 196; Man potential, ii, 255; Man tends to become a, i, 183; Man the pale shadow of, ii, 253; Manifested, i, 311, 463; Matter, manifest in, ii, 245; Matter, of, ii, 285; Meborach Hebrew name of, i, 413; Meru mountain of, ii, 518; Messenger, or, i, 296, ii, 375; Michael called, ii, 501; Mind or spirit, not a, i, 305; Monotheistic systems, of, i, 738; Moon, i, 249; Moses, of, i, 401; Multiform, i, 471; Mystery, i, 126, 413, 483; Nahbkoon, the, i, 512; Nature, and, i, 444, ii, 376; Nature, in, i, 38, 311; Noumenon, as, i, 534; Number endowed with motion, is, i, 96; One life is, i, 660; One living, i, 34; Orthodox conception of, i, 38; Osiris, i, 248, 249, 736; Pagans, of, i, 150; Pan, ii, 614; Parabrahman not, i, 35; Path of darkness, giving light to, i, 433; Personal, i, 31, 32, 162, 215, 444, 449, 519, 596, 634, 673, 674, 696, ii, 498, 526; Phallic, i, 370; Philosophical symbol become a jealous, i, 445; Poseidon, ii, 417; Prometheus must have been, ii, 552; Ptah the fiery, i, 391; Rabbins, of the, i, 425; Radiant, i, 190; Ram-headed, ii, 305; Ray emanating as a finite, i, 378; Reproduction, of, i, 248; Rudra, of fire, ii, 293, 295, 578; Sabbath of, ii, 245; Satan, and, i, 218, ii, 820; Semite, of the, i, 411; Seven-lettered, i, 442; Seven-rayed, ii, 38; Shadow of, ii, 253, 534; Shiva, i, 496; Shoo, ii, 575; Sons of, i, 229, 230, ii, 513, 520, 525; Soul, and the, i, 314; Space, in, ii, 507; Spirit an agent of, i, 216; Spirit becomes a, i, 266; Spirit, of, ii, 513; Spirit of, i, 369, 391, 482, ii, 501; Storms and rain, of, ii, 368; Substance of, i, 581; Sun the highest, ii, 377; Sun the hyperborean, ii, 813; Symbol of, i, 407, ii, 376; Tabernacle designed to contain, ii, 316; Temple, of the, ii, 488; Theists, of, i, 453; Theologians, of, ii, 499; Theologies, of, i, 444; Thot, i, 413; Time, of, i, 382, ii, 408; Tribal, ii, 286; Universal spirit, the, i, 278; Universe, as synthesis of, i, 445; Unrevealed, i, 368, 404; Vâyu, i, 212, 507; Vedas, in the, i, 315; Victory, of, i, 476; Vishnu not a high, in the Rig Veda, i, 137; War, of, ii, 47, 399, 579; Water, of, i, 500; Wind and air, i, 212, 507; Wine, of, ii, 379; Wisdom of, i, 413, ii, 42, 236, 398, 500, 589; Word of, i, 114; World one with, i, 453; Worship of, in ark, ii, 492; Yama, of death, ii, 48; Zeus not highest, i, 459.

God-hierophant, ii, 589.

God-idea, Evolution of the, i, 348.

God-informed man, ii, 439.

God-inhabited continent, a, ii, 232.

God-Jah or Jehovah, ii, 559.

God-kings, Island of the, ii, 817.

God-like, Divine and, men, i, 703; Man, ii, 257; Symbols reveal the, i, 321.

God-man, Animal man becomes, ii, 129; Unity of, i, 83.

God-manifested, ii, 584.

God-name, Element of phallicism found in every, i, 339; Jehovah, i, 336, ii, 486, 574; Jewish, ii, 137; Samael a, i, 449; Seven letters of the, i, 374.

God-names, Bible, in the, ii, 565; Elohim, of, i, 336, ii, 574; Phallicism, and, i, 336.

God-principle remains indivisible, i, 503.

God-spirit, Substance called, i, 309; Universal principle or, i, 107.

God and his Book, quoted, ii, 748.

Goddess, Ardhanârî hermaphrodite, ii, 34; Aster’t, ii, 46, 47; Basht or Pasht, ii, 583; Earth and water, the, ii, 138; Fate, Moira the, of, ii, 639; Fire, ii, 138; Fortune and prosperity, of, ii, 80; Great Bear, of the, i, 439; Grecian, ii, 137; Hebe, ii, 138; Hermaphrodite, ii, 34; Hiquit, i, 413; Idâ or Ilâ, ii, 142, 156; Increase, of, ii, 80; Isis, ii, 30, 691; Istar lunar, ii, 154; Life, of, ii, 30, 34; Ma, ii, 384; Mercy, of, i, 101; Neïth, ii, 143; Nemesis the dreaded, i, 704; Primordial monsters, who gave birth to, ii, 68; Rhea, ii, 151; Seven stars, of, i, 438, ii, 577; Sovereign, ii, 485; Speech, of, ii, 156; Syrian, ii, 46, 47; Toad, i, 413; Vesta, ii, 152; Youth, of, ii, 138.

Goddess-mother of the seven sons, ii, 555.

Goddess-queen, Hel the, ii, 104, 817.

Goddesses, Diana-Luna, i, 425; Dual aspect, of, i, 430; Generative powers, of, ii, 483; Gods and, i, 12; Kanyâ-Durgâ, i, 721; Lunar, i, 430, ii, 35; Moon, i, 249, 425; Mother, ii, 486; Norse, ii, 105; Owl- and ox-headed, ii, 763; Sati and Anouki are triadic, i, 393; Virgin-mother, i, 433.

Godefroy, quoted, i, 543, 550.

Godh, God in Saxon is, i, 370.

Godhead, Central sun, and, ii, 250; Persons in the, i, 731; Triune, i, 408.

Godling of the fields, Pan, ii, 614.

Gods, Adepts enlightened by, ii, 221; Aditi, mother of, ii, 554; Adversaries, their own, ii, 534; Adversaries of, ii, 173; Aggregate, i, 47; Allegories of, i, 449, ii, 242; Alphabet and language of the, ii, 380; Ambhâmsi synonym of, i, 494; Ancients, of the, i, 125, 672; Androgyne character of creative, i, 461; Antiquity, of, i, 101, ii, 472; Arûpa, ii, 332; Asuras and, i, 223, 451, 461, ii, 407, 523, 525; Atoms, and, i, 175, 600, 620; Attributes of, ii, 46; Auto-generation of, i, 428, 429; Beneficent, ii, 380; Bne’ Alhim or sons of, ii, 26; Bodies of, i, 530, 569; Body of the day, evolved from, ii, 172; Born or incarnated, ii, 809, 817; Bosom of, ii, 306; Brahmâ, and, i, 84, 461; Brahmâ radiates the, i, 482; Breath of, i, 627; Builder of, ii, 360; Catholics, of, i, 671; Celestial, i, 513, ii, 221; Celestial fire belonged to, ii, 553; Chaldæan, i, 718; Chaldeo-Judean, i, 719; Chastity of, i, 511; Churning of the ocean by, i, 97; Circle of necessity, must pass through, ii, 317; Combats of, ii, 797; Conflict of, ii, 407; Corporeality, in visible, ii, 541; Cosmic, i, 79, 311, 378, 498, 500, 503; Create, desire to, ii, 244; Created, not, i, 242; Creation of, i, 624; Creative, i, 457, 461, ii, 208; Cycle, at beginning of every, i, 468; Cyrus, of, i, 715; Daityas or, i, 456; Daksha’s sacrifice to, ii, 192; Darkness, of, ii, 507; Defeat of, i, 452; Deified men, are, ii, 181; Deity, and, i, 358, 454; Deluge, ii, 376; Demi-gods and, ii, 259; Demons, and, i, 452, 492, 495; Descent of, i, 468, ii, 507; Development of, ii, 384; Devils, and, i, 705, ii, 504, 539; Dhyâni-Buddhas or, i, 79; Dhyânîs, or, i, 248, 313; Dragons, whom men call, ii, 371; Dual state of, ii, 541; Dynasties of, ii, 383, 385; Earth, exiles on the, ii, 280; Earth, of, i, 261, 396, ii, 374; Egos, or conscious spiritual, i, 693; Egyptian, i, 130, 152, 470, ii, 97, 377, 535; Elementals issued from, i, 692; Elements, of the, i, 148, ii, 285; Entities of higher worlds, i, 157; Entities, or supersensuous, i, 564; Epicurus and Democritus believers in, i, 670; Evolution of, i, 472, 600; Fall of, i, 152; Fallen, i, 240, ii, 242; False, i, 671; Father-Mother of, i, 97, 134; Father of, i, 145, 461, ii, 282, 379; Fathers are our, devils, of our, ii, 35; Fire, i, 406, ii, 296; Fire of, i, 567, ii, 221; First principle and, i, 459; Fohat thought of, i, 136; Forces are, i, 499, 735; Form of, i, 491; Four-armed Hindû, ii, 308; Fravarshi, endowed with a, ii, 504; Genealogies of, ii, 46; Genesis of, i, 598, ii, 27; Genii, and, i, 308, 621; Ghost-world, of the, ii, 382; Goddesses, and, i, 12; Great cosmic, ii, 378; Greeks naturalized, ii, 814; Guardians, and, i, 629; Heaven, ascended to, ii, 829; Hermes, of, i, 314; Herodotus on dynasties of, ii, 383; Heroes, ii, 384; Hindû, i, 140, ii, 308; Hindû mythology, of, i, 730; Hindû pantheon, in, ii, 64; Hindû scriptures, in, ii, 184; Holy youths or, i, 214; Hosts, instructors of, ii, 541; Human form, became princes in, ii, 382; Identity of various names for, ii, 376; Idols, and, i, 507; Ignorant, of the, i, 499; Ilda-Baoth, produced from, i, 219; Immoral stories of, ii, 807; Immortality of, i, 68; Incarnations of, ii, 808; India in, ii, 94; Infernal, ii, 380; Informing, ii, 378; Intra-cosmic, ii, 267; Invisible, ii, 285; Jealousy of all, ii, 296, 370; Jews borrowed Chaldæan, i, 718; Jews robbed of, i, 718; Kabirim were, ii, 376; Kâma supreme among, ii, 186; Karma will of, i, 313; Land of, ii, 6, 7, 276, 305; Language of, i, 502; Light of, ii, 296, 384, 507; Limbs of Noon, created out of, i, 331; Lower region, of the, i, 501; Lunar, i, 197; Man, and, i, 706, ii, 809; Manvantara, in another, i, 428; Many, i, 503; Masks over old, ii, 508; Men, and, i, 662, 663, 693; Men appealed to, ii, 211; Men had been as, ii, 267, 292, 505; Men made, ii, 266; Meru the abode of, ii, 373; Metals, presiding over, ii, 379; Minor, i, 538, ii, 743; Monads and atoms, i, 669, 679, 683, 685, 693, 694, ii, 708, 709; Monads, and intelligent conscious, i, 681; Monads, and living, i, 604; Mortals, mixed freely with, ii, 285; Mortals, and, ii, 283; Moses forbids reviling, ii, 501; Mother of, i, 126, 574, 737; Mysteries, of the, ii, 481; Mystery of, i, 210; National, i, 719; Nature, and, ii, 808; Nature’s lower powers worshipped as, i, 76; No-Gods, and, ii, 237, 247; Northern origin of, ii, 812, 818; Odin, father of, i, 461; Offspring of, i, 234; Operating intelligent beings called, i, 541; Opponents of, ii, 171; Orders of Beings or, ii, 61; Patriarchs, presented as, i, 373; Planetary, i, 420, ii, 221, 377; Planetary spirits or, i, 39, 680; Planets and, i, 176, 629, ii, 26; Powers, or creative fashioning, i, 535; Prakriti and, i, 276; Priest-Initiates’ belief in, ii, 544; Primeval, ii, 511; Protestants, of, i, 671; Ra creates, i, 252; Race of, ii, 5; Races evolved from, i, 343; Races, of fourth and fifth, ii, 181; Racial, i, 454; Raumas, and, ii, 192; Rebirths of, i, 495; Regents or, i, 176; Reign of, ii, 389; Reigning over men, i, 287; Relation to, our, i, 492; Sanskrit language of, i, 290; Second race, of, ii, 809; Selfish feeling among, i, 214; Seven great, of Egypt, i, 152, ii, 97, 377; Several, i, 503; Sidereal, i, 472, 716; Solar, i, 719, 721; Sons of the, ii, 26; Soul which informs, divine, i, 241; Space, and, i, 366; Spirits and, i, 670, 731; Stars, of light from the, ii, 384; Stones poised in equilibrium compared to, ii, 360; Stories of, i, 457; Substance of bodies of, i, 569; Sun, ii, 26, 406; Sun, vehicle of host of, i, 519; Supernal, i, 658; Synonym of, i, 494; Theogony of creative, i, 457; Third and fourth race claimed to be, ii, 23; Third race, of, ii, 280, 454; Thou shalt not revile the, i, 535; Tribal, i, 454, 719; Vâch generated by, i, 464; Vedas, and, i, 451; Vishnu, and, i, 454, 455; We are the, ii, 284; Will of, ii, 60; Wisdom, of secret, ii, 525; World of, i, 481; Ye shall be as, ii, 292; Zodiacal, ii, 373.

Gods-hierophants or sacrificers, ii, 471.

Goethe, Archetype of, ii, 778; Garment of God, on the, i, 111; Plurality of worlds, on, ii, 746.

Gogard, the Hellenic tree of life, ii, 102.

Golâdhyâya of the Siddhânta-shiromani, ii, 335.

Golcar, Rocking-stones on the slopes of, ii, 360.

Gold, Basis of, i, 441; Coloured, Brihaspati the, ii, 523; Manas thrice purified, ii, 547; Masculine principle, or fiery being, i, 390; Race, signifies first, ii, 283; Race yellow like, ii, 23, 237.

Golden, Calf, the, i, 632, 739; Candlestick, the, i, 342, ii, 615; City, the, ii, 399; Cow of India, ii, 484, 491; Light, luminous Sûtra of, i, 510; Lotus, Padma the, ii, 611; Mountain, guardian griffins of the, i, 391; Race, the, ii, 333; Region of the Ural, ii, 435; Ring, Yima’s, ii, 644; Star island, Asteria, ii, 400; Stem, plant of the, ii, 443; Verses, father of the, ii, 638.

Golden age, Âryans, of, i, 706; Ash tree of, ii, 547; Astræa renews, ii, 829; Fables of, ii, 389; Gods walked the earth in, ii, 285; Immortals and, ii, 282; Iran, of, i, 712; Kali Yuga called, ii, 579; Last days of, ii, 547; Period of, ii, 128; Plato’s, ii, 276; Races, of seven, ii, 208; Saturn, of, ii, 440, 821; Traditions of, ii, 762.

Golden egg, ALL, not created by the, i, 37; Brahmâ, laid by, i, 384; Brahmâ produced from, i, 374; Brahmâ, reenters the, i, 404; Brâhmanical, ii, 583; Cosmogony preluded with, i, 459; Elements, surrounded by, i, 95; Hiranyagarbha the, i, 459; Poles, with two, i, 607; Seed became a, i, 355; Sun, resplendent as the, i, 117.

Golden eggs, Birds that lay, ii, 129; Heavenly duck, of the, ii, 14.

Golden thread, Continuous life, of, ii, 540; Personalities on the, ii, 83.

Golden-coloured, Men, ii, 209; Mercury the, ii, 31.

Golden-winged cup, the, ii, 400.

Goldstücker’s Sanskrit Dictionary, ii, 552.

Golgotha of life, Path of the, i, 288.

Goliath, ii, 351.

Gonpa, Crypts in the, i, 8.

Good, Astral light, effects of, i, 366; City, ii, 236; Evil essential to, i, 445; Evil servant of, ii, 500; Gnostics, one of the, ii, 486; God not derived from Anglo-Saxon, i, 370; More evil than, in the world, i, 445; Origin of, ii, 29; Satan allegorized as, ii, 247; Serpent, ii, 372; Spirit Agathodæmon, i, 368; Spirits, islands of the, ii, 388; Supreme, of Plato, ii, 585.

Good and evil, Agathodæmon had knowledge of, ii, 220; Archaic philosophy, in, i, 102; Battle between, ii, 520; Cause of, ii, 539; Cosmical elements are in their nature, i, 371; Forces of, ii, 522; God and devil and, i, 110; Homogeneity contains essence of, i, 443; Knowledge of, ii, 4, 131, 288, 292, 399; Nature, in, ii, 246; One, ii, 225; Principles, of, ii, 636; Problem of, ii, 317; Tree of, i, 267, ii, 143; Tree of knowledge of, ii, 225; Triple deity said to be, i, 370; Twins, are, ii, 100; Two squares of, i, 331.

Good law, Adepts of, ii, 521; Men of, ii, 445.

Goodness, First cause of all, ii, 585; God not from the attribute of, i, 370; Gods endowed with, ii, 62; Place of, ii, 595; Providence, attributed to, i, 704; Satan, might be called, ii, 406; Third creation abounding in, i, 489.

Goose, Eggs of the, ii, 629; Hansa or, i, 108; Swan or, i, 378, ii, 129.

Gorgon’s head, Sparks on the, i, 361.

Gorilla, Bones of, ii, 720; Brain of, ii, 714, 720; Cranium of, ii, 203; Dryopithecus and, ii, 717, 774; Evolutionist, to, ii, 721; Fierce appearance of, ii, 726; Future fossils of, ii, 274; Intelligence of, ii, 713; Negro separated from, ii, 716; Special creation for, ii, 716; Teeth of a male, ii, 703.

Gorillas, Dens of, ii, 714.

Gospel, Enoch and fourth, ii, 560; Fourth, i, 246, 631, ii, 505, 560; Gnostic, ii, 484, 601, 639; John, of, i, 99; Liberty, of light and, ii, 541; Pistis Sophia a, ii, 597, 639; Plagiarism in fourth, ii, 505; St. John, of, ii, 42.

Gospels, Angels in, i, 152; Elements, and, ii, 121; Irenæus and four, i, 74; Little ones in, ii, 530; Revised version of, i, 623; Vie de Jésus and, i, 28.

Gosse, quoted, ii, 459.

Gothic deities, Seven, ii, 638.

Gotras of Brâhmans or caste races, ii, 527.

Gott or God in German, i, 370, ii, 636.

Gould, Charles, quoted, ii, 7, 9, 10, 57, 448, 460, 726, 734.

Government of Saturn, ii, 389.

Governors, Builders or, i, 520; Dhyân Chohans or, i, 658; Essence of seven, ii, 109, 280; Fashioning of seven other, ii, 247; Humanity, of, ii, 33; Nature of the seven, ii, 2; Rulers, or, ii, 101; World, of the, i, 474.

Grades, Consciousness, of, i, 593; Initiation, of, i, 227; Invisible intelligences of various, i, 671.

Græco-Latin names, Hæckel’s, ii, 712.

Grain, Lords of Wisdom produced, ii, 390; Sand, contains an abyss, i, 733; Sand, essence of a, of, i, 174.

Grâmanîs, Yakshas or minor Gods, ii, 221.

Grammar of Pânini, ii, 264, 458.

Grand, Agent magique, astral light the, i, 274; Climacteric of Europeans, the, i, 720; Cycle, i, 703; Masters, mallet of the, ii, 105; Symbol Kabbalistique, ii, 375.

Grandidier, Investigations of, ii, 706.

Granite, Enormous blocks of, ii, 359.

Graphite in meteorites, ii, 746.

Grass, Evolution of the blade of, i, 698.

Grasses, Cereals developed from wild, ii, 390.

Grasshoppers called winged serpents by Greeks, ii, 215.

Gratiolet, quoted, ii, 719, 720.

Gravitation, Attraction and, i, 540; Axial motions and, i, 549; Bodies not subject to, i, 639; Combinations, owes its life to new, i, 577; Comets and, i, 550; Equatorial matter, of the, i, 649; Examined, must be carefully, i, 318; Father Æther wedded to, i, 538; Hydro-dynamical theories of, i, 527; Intelligences, result of, i, 658; Jupiter, on, ii, 144; King and ruler of matter, called, i, 536; Law of, i, 532, 639, 662; Living beings subject to, i, 589; Peripatetic laws, and, i, 548; Phenomena unexplained by, i, 540; Prophet, is God and matter its, i, 534; Theories of, i, 527, 534.

Gravities, Atoms of different specific, i, 558.

Gravity, Abstract ideas as to, i, 677; Agent which causes, i, 519; Cause, an effect not a, i, 525, 532; Centrifugal tendency equal to, ii, 68; Comets and, i, 549; Force of, the, i, 549, ii, 658; Keely and, i, 610; Law of, astronomers and, i, 532; Law of, i, 549, 648; Life force or, i, 577; Lodge on, i, 529; Modern science, of, i, 661; Newton and, i, 526; Obsolete law, seems to be an, i, 548; Occultists’ view of, i, 536, 559; Solar system, and, i, 546; Transformation of, i, 557.

Gray, Dr. Asa, referred to, ii, 828.

Great, Adjuster, the, ii, 344; Æther, Virgil calls Jupiter the, i, 354; All, Pan the, ii, 614; Asura, Ahriman a, ii, 514; Breath, the, i, 32, 39, 42, 43, 74, 171, 247, 286, 491, 538, ii, 6, 26; Britain, sinking of, ii, 278; Cat of the basin of Persæa, ii, 576; Causes of misery, i, 55, 70; Circle, the, i, 463; Deceiver, astral light the, i, 90; Deity of the Zuñis, sun the, ii, 665; Deluge, the, i, 97, 396, ii, 147, 321, 562; Face, Macroprosopus the, i, 90; Four, servants of the, ii, 446; Illusion, the, i, 59, 90, 100, 235; King of the dazzling face, ii, 445; Kings of the Devas, i, 151; Law, the, i, 171, 701, ii, 84; Men, Gebers, Kabeiri, etc., mean, i, 139; Mysteries, figurative death in the, ii, 484; Night, Mahâpralaya or, i, 159; Personality, bodies of a, ii, 288; Power, Fohat the, ii, 69; Pralaya, i, 46; Round or mahâkalpa, ii, 651; Sacrifice, the, i, 228, 229; Sages, the, ii, 676; Saros, cyclic periods within the, i, 703; Stars, the seven, ii, 476; Step in the pyramid, ii, 488; Unknown cause, ii, 113; War, Mahâbhârata or the, ii, 407, 413; Water, deep or chaos the, i, 737; Waters, i, 59, 100, ii, 443; Year, circuit, of the, i, 713.

Great age, Day of Brahmâ or, i, 266; Divisions of, i, 718; Liberation to end of, ii, 81; Mahâkalpa or, i, 68; Manifestation at beginning of, i, 224.

Great ages, Day of Brahmâ or a thousand, i, 399; Mahâyugas or, i, 93.

Great architect, Universe, of, i, 673; World, of, ii, 590.

Great Bear, Constellation of, i, 233, ii, 579; Mother of time, and, i, 439; Seven Rishis of, i, 382, ii, 513, 580; Seven stars of, i, 248, 332, 438, 488, ii, 581, 668; Typhon of, ii, 577.

Great Book of Mysteries, quoted, ii, 223.

Great cycle, Garuda the, i, 392, ii, 337; Mahâkalpa, or, ii, 596, 602; Mahâyuga or, i, 702; Messiah at end of, i, 412; Universe and, i, 278.

Great day, Be with us, i, 63, 154, 159, 162; End of, i, 59; Manvantara or, i, 111; Seventh round, after, ii, 516.

Great deep, Akkads, of the, ii, 56; Brahmâ evolving out of, i, 367; Chaos or, i, 464; Nile called, i, 339; Soul of the world, or female, i, 377, ii, 327; Universal matrix or, ii, 68; Water the, i, 412, 496.

Great dragon, Ophis, or, i, 496; Symbology of, i, 438; Venus identified with, ii, 35.

Great extreme of, Confucius, i, 381, 475, ii, 583, 584; Cosmogonies, the, the shortest of all, i, 474.

Great Gods, Bodies of birds, create men with, ii, 58; Eight, ii, 614; Jayas, or, ii, 94; Religion, of every, ii, 642; Reverence paid to, i, 627; Seven, ii, 484, 642; Sun the chief of, ii, 26; Twelve, ii, 26.

Great green, Chaos or, i, 332; One, i, 468, ii, 613; Primordial water or, i, 332.

Great kalpa, Age or, i, 114; Duration of, i, 227.

Great mother, the, i, 59; Abode of, ii, 528; Aima, ii, 88, 401; Existences, of all, ii, 484; Great father and, ii, 87; Io is Eve, ii, 434; Seven principles of, i, 311; Signs of, i, 468; Universe absorbed by, i, 74; Water of life in, i, 109.

Great ones, the, Dual force, of, i, 385; Evil thought, had an, ii, 514; Names of, ii, 295; Seven, i, 737.

Great pyramid, Creative principle, symbolized, the, i, 337; Date of, ii, 450, 451; Egyptian zodiac and, ii, 454; Epoch, ii, 450; Esoteric foundations of, ii, 487; Isis Unveiled, quoted on, i, 337; King’s chamber in, i, 285; Mysteries in, i, 337; Origin of measures, i, 332; Parker on, i, 335; Period of, ii, 451; Proctor on, ii, 451.

Great Pyramid, The, quoted, i, 337, ii, 30, 35, 86, 383, 450, 451.

Great sea, Holy spirit or, i, 421; Kabalistic teachings on, i, 365; Mother-water, ii, 17, 67; Mystery of serpent of, ii, 530.

Great serpent, Eternity, of, i, 368; Garden of Eden, of, i, 446; Ruler of the night, was, ii, 35.

Great wheel, Anupâdaka, was, i, 56, 78, 83; Mahâkalpa, a, i, 72; Universe or, i, 83.

Greater Holy Assembly, The, quoted, ii, 661, 662, 664.

Greco-Olympian Don Juan, Zeus the, ii, 438.

Greece, Argos in, ii, 434; Civilization before that of, ii, 830; Classics of, ii, 460; Devas symbolized in, ii, 99; Fables of, ii, 813; Fallen demon of, ii, 510; Giants of, ii, 351; Homer and Hesiod and superstitions of, ii, 807; India, and, ii, 436; Initiates in, ii, 625; Literature of, ii, 470; Magic in, ii, 383; Origin of, ii, 786; Orphic philosophy of, i, 637; Pelasgians and, ii, 818; Prometheus in, mythos of, ii, 441; Rishis handed on knowledge to, i, 229; Sacred measures of, i, 332; Seven sages of, ii, 785; Superstitions of, ii, 807; Temples of, i, 14, 230; Traditions of, ii, 411.

Greeks, Adonis of, ii, 47; Alexander, under, i, 713; Alexandrian, i, 722, 723; Amalthæa of, ii, 612; Argha of, ii, 484; Ash-tree of, ii, 547; Astronomy of, i, 722; Asuramaya and, ii, 54; Atlanteans, and, ii, 785; Atlantis, notion of, ii, 413, 422; Atlanto-Aryans, remnants of, ii, 455; Caduceus modified by, i, 600; Chemis, on the, i, 393; Chronology of, ii, 656; Ciphering among, i, 387; Conception of deity of, ii, 167; Cross of the neophytes, ii, 593; Decad and, ii, 614; Descent of, ii, 812; Diatessaron of, ii, 635; Dolphin with, ii, 610, 611; Egg-symbol among, i, 385; Egyptians, taught by, i, 142; Ether among, i, 352, 527; Geographical theories of, ii, 435; Helios of, ii, 570; Hermes of, ii, 32, 477; Homer, in days of, ii, 11, 458; Hyperborean continent known to, ii, 6, 7; To On or One of, ii, 111; Jupiter chief daemon of, i, 506; Land of the eternal sun, had a tradition as to, ii, 10; Logos of, i, 103; Luna, on, i, 415; Lying, the, i, 140; Macedonian, ii, 54; Manes and mania appropriated by, ii, 152; Michael Mercury of, ii, 504; Moon-symbol of, i, 415, ii, 130; Morning star, and the, ii, 802; Mystery language understood by ii, 606; Nabo of, ii, 477; Number five sacred to, ii, 613; Older nation, a remnant of an, ii, 785; Olympus of, ii, 213; Pater Æther of, i, 38; Polytheistic, i, 504; Prometheus of, ii, 430; Ptolemaios of, ii, 53; Records, ii, 428; Rings or circles of, i, 699; Sabasius not property of, ii, 437; Second monad of, i, 461; Supreme being of, i, 737; Teos of, ii, 636; Tetrad, and, ii, 635; Tetraktys of, ii, 633; Titans of, ii, 286; Troy, of age of, ii, 792; Writing unknown to, ii, 459; Zodiac, i, 710, 711, 721, 722, ii, 54.

Greely, quoted, i, 6.

Greenland, Bovey Tracey, and, ii, 767; Climate of, ii, 10, 715; Perpetual snows in, ii, 11; Second continent, belonged to, ii, 146; Sinking, ii, 831.

Gregor, Dr. Henry, quoted, ii, 289.

Gregorie, quoted, ii, 489.

Gregory, the great Pope, ii, 620.

Grey matter of the brain, ii, 692, 712.

Grey wethers, Stones called, ii, 360.

Griech. Götterlehre, referred to, ii, 410.

Griffins, Persian winged, i, 391.

Grihastha, Brâhmans, ii, 81; Family man or, ii, 429; Laws of, i, 231; Married life or, i, 231; Soma never given to, ii, 524.

Grimm’s law, Phonetic rules of, i, 13.

Grip of the lion’s paw, Strong, ii, 614.

Gross, The Heathen Religion, quoted, i, 87.

Gross body, Breath needed a, ii, 19, 110.

Gross matter, Deep of wisdom becomes, ii, 56; Human principle, first, ii, 627; Ponderable, i, 572, ii, 608.

Gross realism in days of Moses, ii, 481.

Grote, referred to, ii, 459, 803.

Grotto of Zaratushta in Central Asia, i, 502.

Grottoes of the Miaotse, ii, 353, 354.

Group, Architects, of, i, 253; Beings, of divine, i, 245; Builders, of, i, 153; Celestial beings, of, i, 241; Celestial men, of, i, 251; Creative planetary angels, of, ii, 134; Creators, of, i, 253; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 218; Element read elementary, for, i, 598; Four and seven, of, i, 154; Gods created a, of men, each seven, ii, 5; Hierarchies, of, i, 234, 253; Higher and more spiritual, i, 253; Human, ii, 704; Mammalia, of, ii, 723; Rûpa angels, of, i, 238; Rûpas, among the, i, 238; Sixth, i, 242, 254.

Groupings of primitive atoms, Fourteen, i, 603.

Groups, Bodies, furnished with, ii, 317; Builders, of, i, 152; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 626; Dhyâni-Buddhas of two higher, i, 287; Dhyânic, i, 610; Divine and ethereal beings, of, i, 233; Elohim, of, ii, 405; Filiation of, ii, 704; Human, evolution of, ii, 1; Human progeny, of, ii, 3; Humanity, seven, of, i, 626; Intermediate, four, ii, 705; Lipika, of, i, 152; Mammals, of, ii, 706; Mankind, of, i, 610; Nations settling into distinct, i, 457; Paul, of disciples attracted to, i, 628; Planets, of, i, 191, 626; Primeval, of mankind, ii, 642; Primitive, ii, 38; Primordial human, ii, 32; Progenitors, of divine, ii, 753; Septenary, i, 239, ii, 628, 633; Three descending, i, 235.

Grove, Sir William, quoted, i, 128, 503, 508, 525, 527, 534, 538, 539, 542, 555.

Growth, Correlation of, ii, 779; Law of birth, and decay, i, 168; Phase of law of, ii, 308; Plants affected by the moon, of, i, 202; Septenary law of, ii, 658; Spiritual, i, 303; Suffering a stage of, ii, 498.

Grypes and Arimaspi, ii, 435.

Guanches, Atlanteans, descendants of, ii, 835; Basques and, ii, 834; Canary Islands, of, ii, 716, 782, 837.

Guardian, Angel of the Jews, i, 496; Angels of the Christians, i, 242; Daimones, spirits of human race, i, 308; Men, of, ii, 500; Nation, of each, i, 630; Scales, of the, i, 240; Spirit of the earth, ii, 35; Spirit or angel, ii, 502.

Guardians, Corners of the world, of four, i, 726; Harmony, of, i, 705; Planets are, i, 629; Sadducees, of laws of Moses, ii, 64; Watchers or, of the sky, i, 130; World, of the, i, 153.

Guatemala, Maya Indians of, ii, 54.

Gubernatis a propounder of the solar mythos, i, 322.

Guebra, Derivation of the word, ii, 379.

Guests in the forest, Seven, ii, 674.

Guff or body, ii, 479.

Guha the mysterious one, ii, 580.

Guhya Vidyâ, or the science of Mantras, i, 192.

Guide au Musée de Boulaq, quoted, i, 331, 414, 738, ii, 487.

Guide to the Perplexed, quoted, i, 424, ii, 489.

Guided forces, Genii or, i, 313.

Guinness, F.R.G.S., H. Grattan, quoted, ii, 658, 659, 660.

Gujerat, Flight of the Parsîs to, ii, 337.

Gulf, Mexico, of, ii, 442; Persia, of, ii, 644; St. Vincent, of, ii, 206.

Gull, Dr., referred to, i, 590.

Gultweig (Gold-ore) the enchantress, ii, 547.

Gunams of Prakriti, Three, ii, 672.

Gunpowder, Invention of, i, 636; Sun-force exerted on, i, 572.

Gupta Vidyâ, Eastern, i, 221; Science of, i, 22, ii, 524.

Gupta Vidyâ Sûtra, quoted, i, 380.

Guru, Daityas, of the, ii, 35; Divine Instructor or, ii, 120; Draco symbol of, ii, 35; Garga’s, ii, 53; Gods, of the, ii, 49, 523, 524; Instructor or, ii, 115, 120; Pupil, and, ii, 479; Shankara (Shiva), of, ii, 523.

Gurudeva, Initiates, of, ii, 640; Lanoo and, i, 145.

Gurus, Hindûs have their, ii, 601; Pagodas, of the, i, 403; Pupils, and their, ii, 225; Rishis are called, ii, 662.

Gustav Seiffarth on the Zodiac, ii, 528.

Gyan, Gñan, Jñâna, or occult wisdom, ii, 411.

Gyges, Aspects and meanings of, ii, 819.

Gyration, Eternities, through the, i, 582; Evolutional, i, 193; Sevenfold, i, 266; Septenary, i, 160.

Gyratory atoms, Movements of, i, 142.

Gyut division of the Kanjur, i, 83.

Ha Idra Rabba Qadisha, or Greater Holy Assembly, ii, 661.

Ha Idra Zuta Qadisha, or Lesser Holy Assembly, i, 260, ii, 87.

Habel, Adam Rishoon, son of, ii, 416; Feminine principle, the, ii, 492.

Habir-on, Hebron or Kabir-town, ii, 570.

Habitability of physical worlds, i, 665.

Habitableness of other planets, ii, 738.

Habitat of angels and pure spirits, ii, 117.

Habitations called Sheba Hachaboth, Seven, ii, 117.

Hachoser the reflected lights, i, 551.

H-adam-h, Adam under the form of, ii, 152, 490.

Hades, Father hurled into the, ii, 433; Globe, our, ii, 245; Gloom of, ii, 430, 551; Hyperborean, ii, 146; Initiate descended into, ii, 589; Kâma Loka or, i, 264, ii, 390; Mercury guiding souls to, ii, 381; Satan angel of, ii, 245; Seven mansions of, ii, 245; Souls of the dead taken to, ii, 571.

Hæckel quoted, i, 325, ii, 91, 160, 162, 174, 181, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 203, 206, 270, 276, 310, 312, 313, 341, 342, 363, 515, 550, 681, 682, 685, 686, 688, 690, 693, 694, 696, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 717, 718, 719, 722, 724, 752, 776, 787, 823, 833.

Hæckelian, Moneron, i, 592, ii, 163, 167; Plastidular, ii, 687; View, ii, 309.

Hæckelii, Bathybius, ii, 708.

Hagar and Abraham, ii, 80.

Haggard, Rider, quoted, ii, 331.

Hailstorm stopped by prayers, i, 508.

Haima or Hiranya, golden, i, 385.

Hair, Microprosopus, of, ii, 661; Third eye under the, ii, 308.

Hair-pores, Roma-Kûpas or, ii, 71.

Hairy, Animal, human, ii, 300; Animal, Lilith a female, ii, 274; Arboreal ancestors, ii, 729; Men, ii, 819; Symbol, ii, 661.

Hajaschar, the light forces, the, i, 550.

Halévy, quoted, ii, 213.

Half-animal, Monsters, ii, 55; Tribes and races, ii, 205.

Half-bird, Garuda half-man, ii, 596.

Half-divine, Enoch, ii, 137.

Half-initiated, Levites, ii, 491; Writers, ii, 46.

Haliætus Washingtonii of Audubon, ii, 459.

Haliburton, quoted, ii, 839.

Hall, A. Wilford, quoted, i, 170.

Hall, Fitzedward, quoted, i, 3, 47, 77, 104, ii, 61, 94, 107, 164, 172, 579, 624.

Halley, referred to, i, 645.

Hallow, Kadesh means to, ii, 482.

Hallucination, Nature of, ii, 387.

Ham, Accursed blood of, ii, 408; Brazen columns of, ii, 648; Cabiri and, ii, 411; Cainites and sons of, ii, 154; Chaotic principle, symbolizes the, ii, 631; Descendants of, ii, 397, 474; Jupiter, as, ii, 282; Mizraim, and, ii, 411; Mythical, the, i, 450; Symbology of, ii, 416; Titan, a, ii, 359; Zu, Chaldæan, ii, 296.

Hamilton, Sir W., quoted, ii, 168, 703.

Hamitic races, ii, 155, 474.

Hammannunah, Book of, quoted, ii, 31, 817.

Hammer, Apes using a, ii, 714; Architect, of the great, i, 220; Creation of, ii, 104; Light from the divine, ii, 105; Svastika the worker’s, ii, 104.

Hamsa (see also Hansa), Bird of wisdom, ii, 306; Brahmâ is, i, 47; Caste named, i, 108; Hansa or, i, 106; Swan or, ii, 139; Vehicle, used as, i, 107.

Hamsa or Hansa-vâhana, Brahman as, i, 47, 107, 108.

Hamy, quoted, ii, 716, 787.

Handbook of the History of Philosophy, quoted, i, 82.

Hanneberg, Dr., quoted, ii, 560.

Hanoch or Enos, ii, 378, 409, 557, 558.

Hanokh, Science of calculation, and the, ii, 561; Yered son of, ii, 560.

Hansa, Divine wisdom, represents, i, 108; Hamsa, or, i, 106, 108; Swan of life, the, i, 600; Symbol of, i, 108.

Hanumân, or Hanumâna, Lankâ, in, ii, 173; Monkey-God, the, ii, 719; Pavana son of, i, 212; Râma, secretary of, i, 417.

Hanusch, referred to, ii, 283.

Haoma, Pippala or, ii, 102, 103; Tree of knowledge, fruit of, ii, 103; White, ii, 544.

Haômas, High and beautiful, ii, 544.

Harbinger of light, ii, 254.

Hardvar the gate of the Ganges, ii, 603, 604.

Hardy, Spence, quoted, i, 11.

Hare, Professor, referred to, i, 566.

Hare-rabbit, Leporine or, ii, 300.

Hari, Best of Gods, ii, 94; Brahmâ, as, i, 399; Destroyer, the, i, 397; Hiranyagarbha, and Shankara, i, 46, 306; Hypostases, one of the three, i, 46; Ideal cause, the, i, 399; Îshvara, or, ii, 80; Raivata manvantara, in the, ii, 94; Sambhûti, born of, ii, 94; Vishnu or, i, 306, 454.

Hari Vamsha, or Harivamsha, quoted, i, 494, ii, 36, 79, 86, 93, 98, 155, 186, 288, 604, 611, 648.

Harikesha one of the seven rays, i, 561.

Harmony, Adjustment is universal, ii, 319; Agents of universal, ii, 104; Eternal law which will produce final, ii, 438; Fall, of nature, before the, ii, 281; Law of, ii, 316; Logos source of, i, 467; Naya or, ii, 556; Niti parent of, ii, 556; Pythagoras on, ii, 635; Science of, ii, 511; Septenary, ii, 615; Tetraktys called, ii, 635; Two contraries produce, i, 448; Universal will, of, i, 693.

Haoriri is Khuoom a Solar-God, i, 393.

Harp, Apollo, of, ii, 362; Constellation of the, ii, 376; Cronus, for, ii, 408; Seven-stringed, ii, 637.

Harpasa, Rocking stone at, ii, 362.

Harpocrates, Images of, ii, 414; Isis suckling the babe, i, 441.

Har-ru-bah, in Book of the Dead, ii, 621.

Hartmann, Dr. F., quoted, i, 302, 304.

Hartmann, von, quoted, i, 31, 47, 81, 123, 302, ii, 165, 685, 700, 707.

Harvey, referred to, i, 610, ii, 165.

Haryashvas or sons of Daksha, ii, 288.

Hasoth, foundations, i, 369.

Hatchets, Engravings, found with, ii, 757; Mammoths with, ii, 780; Palæolithic, ii, 458, 756, 763, 764; Stone, ii, 229.

Hatha Yoga, Discountenanced, i, 122; Mysteries of, ii, 600, 676.

Hatho, quoted, ii, 631, 632.

Hathor, an aspect of Isis, Moon becomes, i, 119, 429, ii, 486.

Hatteria, Lizard, ii, 310; Punctata, third eye of the, ii, 311.

Haug, Martin, quoted, i, 14, 127, ii, 164.

Haute Garonne, Skeletons of, ii, 781.

Hauvah or Eve, mother earth, ii, 34.

Ha-va or Eve, ii, 45.

Havah or Eve, ii, 492.

Havyavâhana, the fire of the Gods, i, 567.

Hawaiians, Dying out of the, ii, 824.

Hawk, Abraxas gems, on, ii, 596; God hierophant with head of, ii, 589; I am, ii, 671; Seb issues from the egg-like, i, 385; Symbol, i, 391.

Hawk-head, Hor, of, i, 393; Serpent with, ii, 372.

Hawks, Serpents with heads of, ii, 376; Wings, rods surmounted with, ii, 376.

Hay on harmonious colouring, ii, 658.

Hé, Jod, Vau, i, 90, 117; Womb or opening, ii, 482, 496.

He of the four letters, i, 235.

Hea, Ea or, ii, 500; God, ii, 559; Hoa or, the Chaldæan triad, ii, 30; Nebo, great God of wisdom or, ii, 500; Sa, or, ii, 5; Silik-Muludag son of, ii, 500; Universal soul, the, i, 381.

Hea-bani raised to heaven, Chaldæan, ii, 559.

Head, Adam Kadmon, of, i, 259; Amesha Spentas, of, ii, 643; Astræa falls on, ii, 829; Brahmâ, of, ii, 528; Bull, of the, i, 720; Dragon, of the, i, 433; Earth, of the, ii, 419; Faces, and two, ii, 315; Knowledge, of undying, ii, 295; Numerical value of, i, 478; White, the fifth race, ii, 745.

Head-dress of the hierophants, square, ii, 588.

Head-gear, Polar continent called, ii, 419; Svastika on, of the Gods, ii, 619.

Head-groups, Four classes of, ii, 251.

Healer, Rudra the, ii, 578.

Healing, Isis Goddess of, ii, 30.

Health and disease, Cosmical elements are both, i, 371.

Hearing developed in fifth race, i, 583.

Heart, Ab Hati, ii, 670; Alaya, of anima mundi, i, 88; Ancestral, i, 240; Brahmâ, of, ii, 186; Defunct, of the, i, 131; Dhyân-Chohanic body, of, ii, 96; Diamond, i, 624; Eternity, i, 145; Ever-pulsating, ii, 622; Fishes, of, ii, 723; Hydra, of the, i, 727; Lion, of the, i, 726; Manas as, ii, 578; Man-plant, of the, i, 65, 251; Matrix of all forces, i, 310; One ray opened for the, i, 57, 88; Scorpion, of the, i, 726; Solar world, of the, i, 590; Sun-spot phenomena in, i, 591; System, of our, i, 591; Universe, of the, i, 236.

Heat, Air, proceeds from, i, 352; Breath or, i, 112, 129; Cause of, i, 571; Causeless, i, 113; Cold, and, i, 661, 665, ii, 629; Cosmic, energy generated by, i, 110; Creative fire and, i, 222; Cross, a branch of the sevenfold, ii, 593; Elementals, results from, i, 170; Fohat behind all manifestations of, i, 163; Friction produced by, i, 562; God, esoterically called, i, 735; Hydrogen gives off intense, ii, 627; Lord of the Shining Face, from, ii, 15; Mercury, given to, ii, 31; Parâshakti includes powers of, i, 312; Radiant light which was, i, 58; Radiations, i, 603; Seven radicals, one of, i, 169.

Heathen, Cross is a, symbol, ii, 620; Fire-worshippers, not the only, i, 146; Gems, ii, 497; Israelites and rabbis, more sincere than the, ii, 134; Laws and institutions, ii, 494; Our, ancestors, i, 520; Symbology of, i, 138; Systems, i, 666.

Heathen Religion, The, quoted, i, 87.

Heathens, Mythology of so-called, ii, 762.

Heaven, Above, ii, 529; Alhim created, i, 365; Allegory of war in, ii, 396; Ana Chaldæan for, i, 119; Ash-boughs the sidereal, ii, 547; Atmosphere the first, ii, 78; Audlang, called, ii, 105; Beings in, ii, 83; Bird’s nest, the, ii, 306; Chinese, of the, i, 381; Cycles in, ii, 481; Cyclic divisions applied to, ii, 658; Divine monarch of the central, i, 234; Earth peopled from, i, 287; Earth, uniting with, ii, 510; Ego belongs to, i, 357; Egyptian sevenfold, ii, 649; Elohim create double, ii, 513; Eternal rest in, i, 261; Exile from, ii, 440; Genii of four quarters of, i, 407; Hebdomad in, i, 483; Hindû war in, ii, 404; Indra the God of, ii, 526; Indra’s, ii, 213; Mountain Kailâsa, ii, 435; Nature of the Logos in, ii, 241; North Pole Lemurian, ii, 286; Perfect number in, ii, 605; Precise locality of, ii, 748; Prototype in, i, 512, 700; Rulers of the sidereal, i, 535; Secret things done in, ii, 400; Secrets of, ii, 618; Serpents of, i, 151; Sevenfold, ii, 668; Shell becomes the, i, 392; Sidereal, i, 535, 707, ii, 547; Solid, ii, 543; Struggle in, ii, 393; Sung sages depict, ii, 584; Svah or, i, 466; Time in highest, ii, 647; Vishnu, of, i, 569; War in, i, 216, 220, 223, 451, ii, 49, 109, 248, 280, 396, 397, 401, 404, 407, 516, 523, 525.

Heavenly man, Adam Kadmon, i, 161, 464, ii, 40, 49, 244, 630, 744; Celestial Logos or, i, 266; Crown, assumes form of, i, 467; Dhyânîs or, ii, 2; Divine phantom of, ii, 478; Elohim or, ii, 2; Fourfold, ii, 663; Generative power of, i, 380; Giant Ymir, i, 394; Jupiter called, ii, 282; Kabalistic sense, in the, i, 679, ii, 478; Logos and, i, 266, ii, 244, 247, 633; Man rebecomes, ii, 192; Manifested Logos, the, ii, 661; Manu-Svâyambhuva, ii, 136; Marriage, of, ii, 241; Men of Fohi or, ii, 30; Microprosopus, i, 260, ii, 662; Occultists believe in, ii, 204; Purusha, called, ii, 640, 641; Pymander, of, ii, 518; Rig Veda, of the, i, 217; Self-born, ii, 160; Sephiroth, i, 360, ii, 574, 744; Tetragrammaton or, ii, 28; Total of the host of angels, the, ii, 247; Upper Adam or, ii, 479.

Heavens, the, Ahriman seeks to conquer, ii, 543; Ark typified in, by the moon, ii, 148; Aspect of, i, 725; Belt or sacred animals, ii, 26; Dhyânîs, of, ii, 285; Duplex, i, 378; Earths corresponding with, i, 270; Immaculate virgin of, ii, 485; Karshvares and, ii, 402; Pole of, ii, 372, 379; Seven, ii, 285, 402, 594, 596; Sidereal, i, 248, ii, 454; Three, i, 271; Toom crosses, i, 737; Two, i, 378; Upper and lower, i, 274; Virgin mother of, ii, 485; Yo or, i, 261.

Hebdomad, Gnostic, i, 483; Mysteries of, ii, 614, 623, 624; Second or inferior, i, 484; Tetrad unfolded makes, ii, 634.

Hebdomadal offerings, ii, 790.

Hebdomadic essence, the, ii, 96.

Hebe, the Grecian Goddess, ii, 137, 138.

Hebel, Abel or, ii, 135; Eve, and, ii, 143.

Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery, The, ii, 487.

Hebrews, quoted, i, 261, ii, 410, 559.

Hebrews, the, Ankh taken from Egyptians by, ii, 34; Astronomy of, ii, 79; Fourth race, Genesis begins at, i, 479; Holy of Holies not originated by, ii, 491; Kabalah and, ii, 414; Keys, never held the higher, i, 330; Malachim of, i, 500; Man, word for, ii, 591; Michael-Jehovah of, ii, 567; Mode of reckoning among, i, 419; Nephesh Chiah of, i, 246; Nuchthemeron of, i, 485; Onech or Phœnix of, ii, 652; Primal cause of, i, 678; Ruach of, i, 247; Sacred number seven of, i, 139; Spirit of, ii, 492; Supreme of, ii, 636; Targums handed down by, ii, 588; Tribal God of, ii, 286; T’sod Olaum of, ii, 616; Week of years of, ii, 413.

Hebron, Habir-on or Kabeir-town, ii, 570; Smaragdine tablet at, ii, 587.

Hecate, Hekat, or moon, i, 416; Orphic Deity, the triple, i, 425.

Hecate-Luna, counterpart of Jehovah, i, 425.

Hedone the country of delight, ii, 214.

Heer, Prof., referred to, ii, 780.

Hegel, quoted, i, 44, 81, 83, 123, 132, 278, 702, ii, 514.

Hegemony of the Gods, ii, 534.

He-goat, Azazel said to be a, ii, 393.

Heir, Toom said to eat his, i, 737.

Hel or Hela, a Goddess-queen, i, 501, ii, 104, 817.

Helen, Fourth principle personified by, ii, 840; Hindû, ii, 523.

Helenus foretold the ruin of Troy, ii, 357.

Helheim, Hel queen of, ii, 817.

Heliocentric, Confucius taught the, system, i, 476, 622; Theory, i, 142.

Heliocentricism in Vishnu Purâna, ii, 164.

Heliolatrous religion, ii, 395, 396.

Heliolatry, i, 422.

Helion, Jehovah and, ii, 535; Sun in his highest, ii, 373.

Heliopolis, An or, i, 737; Book of the Dead at, i, 331; Elementorum arcana of, i, 424; Priests of, ii, 384; Ra the one God at, i, 738; Schools of, i, 330.

Helios, Apollo is, ii, 400; Father becoming, ii, 47; Greeks, of the, ii, 570; Sun, the, ii, 47, 400.

Helium, Ancestral cousin to, i, 652; Crookes on, i, 638; Hypothetical, i, 239.

Helius, Apollo or, ii, 112.

Hell, Atala a, ii, 423, 426; Christians’, i, 399, 448, ii, 533; Depths of, ii, 109, 543; Devils of, ii, 533; Dogma of, ii, 257, 508; Heaven and, i, 232, ii, 109, 373; Hindû, ii, 103; Inextinguishable, ii, 255; Initiates conquer, ii, 241; Invention of, ii, 818; Kingdom of, ii, 241; Material, ii, 103; Paradise and, ii, 817; Satan and, ii, 406; South Pole, at the, ii, 422.

Hellas, Supreme Deity of, ii, 430.

Hellenbach, Baron, quoted, ii, 663, 664, 691.

Hellenes, the, Æolus of, i, 504; Greeks and, ii, 383; Pre-Homeric, i, 322; Prometheus older than, myth of, ii, 431; Unknown God, and the, i, 349; Zodiac, and the, i, 710.

Hellenic, Races, i, 368; Sanctuaries of the sun, ii, 6; Tree of life, ii, 102; Zodiac, ii, 455.

Hells, Brâhmans, of, i, 225; Death and fire, withered up by, i, 399; Globe divided into seven, ii, 421; Lokas or, i, 225.

Helmholtz, quoted, i, 137, 545, 554, 635, 638, 734, ii, 67, 163, 733.

Helmont, Van, referred to, i, 670.

Hemisphere, Inferior, i, 248; Obscuration of the, ii, 323; Population of one, perished, ii, 323.

Hemispheres, Cerebral, ii, 310.

Hemp is bi-sexual, ii, 141.

Hen, Chickens, and, or Pleiades, i, 726; Clucking, the great, i, 385.

Henoch, Books, author of thirty, ii, 383; Celepas Geraldinus, on, ii, 383; Seth, son of, ii, 492, 755.

Hephæstus, Legend of, ii, 408, 546, 548.

Hephæstus-Vulcan, i, 502.

Heptachord, Apollo’s, i, 190.

Heptad of the Kabalist, ii, 634, 637.

Heptads, Sub-groups of, i, 154.

Heptagon, Number seven or, ii, 637; Tetraktys or, ii, 632.

Heptakis or Iao, Chaldæan, i, 248.

Heptanomis, Stellar, i, 439.

Heracles, Hebe bride of, ii, 138.

Heraclides taught rotation of earth, i, 142.

Heraclitus, Ephesus, teaching at, i, 105; Homer, on, ii, 807.

Heræscus could distinguish animate stones, ii, 358.

Herakles, deliverer of Prometheus, ii, 431.

Herbelot, quoted, ii, 412, 414, 416.

Herbert, Lord, quoted, ii, 690.

Herbs, Creation of, i, 274; Rain, needed the fall of, i, 368.

Herculaneum, ii, 246, 460, 838.

Hercules, Golden apples of, ii, 814; Hades, in, ii, 248; Hillus, son of, ii, 291; Hiram’s temple to, ii, 570; Palæmonius, the Tyrian, ii, 360; Pillars of, i, 682, ii, 155, 233, 338, 412; Priests of, ii, 212; Ptah, identical with, i, 377; Serpent, kills the, i, 433; Solar myth, not a, ii, 812; Type, an earthly, ii, 47.

Heredity, Apes, of, ii, 727; Atoms by, transmission of, ii, 710; Explained, i, 244; Karma, servant of, ii, 188; Kumâras and, i, 493; Palingenesis and, ii, 696; Prâna and, ii, 709; Variations transmitted by, ii, 779.

Heresies, Gnostics, of the, i, 435; Montanists, of the, ii, 509.

Hermaphrodite, Androgynous or, ii, 125, 187; Ardhanârî the, Goddess, ii, 34; Bisexual or, ii, 140; Condition, ii, 694; Divine, i, 407, ii, 131, 134, 138; Goddess, ii, 34; Heavenly man and, ii, 2; Human, i, 407, ii, 140, 697; Idols, i, 421; Jesus in Revelation is, i, 101; Lemurians of, parentage, ii, 187; Lotus a, type, i, 407; Mammals, ii, 194; One, ii, 490; One-eyed and, ii, 313; Perfect or, ii, 133; Plato on, races, ii, 276; Races, ii, 109, 276; Rod, i, 139; Separating, the, ii, 142; Solitary, man a, ii, 141; Species once, ii, 182.

Hermaphrodites, Agathodæmon and, ii, 383; Animal, ii, 182, 696; Bible, in the, i, 346; Double ones, or, ii, 33; Ethereal, ii, 718; Human, ii, 124; Independent sex and, ii, 148; Male-female, ii, 308; Plants are, ii, 182, 696; Primeval, ii, 124.

Hermaphroditism, ii, 126, 176, 182, 194.

Hermas, quoted, i, 99.

Hermeias (a fragment of), quoted, i, 366.

Hemera, Æther and, i, 135.

Hermes, quoted, i, 102, 105, 117, 300, 301, 308, 313, 735.

Hermes, Anubis, ii, 31; Arcanum of, ii, 243; Bible and, ii, 401; Book of, ii, 532; Books of, ii, 29, 558; Büchner on, ii, 758; Buddha or, ii, 477; Budha or, ii, 49; Chaldæan tablets agree with, ii, 2; Christianized, i, 305; Cosmogony of, ii, 26; Cynocephalus and, i, 417; Demi-god, a, ii, 380; Egyptologists on, ii, 280; Enoch or, ii, 137, 378, 557, 561; Esoteric wisdom, ii, 524; Father-Mother and son, on, i, 470; Five, ii, 221, 383; Freemasonry and, ii, 51; Generic nom de plume, a, i, 306, ii, 221; Greeks, of the, ii, 32, 145; Gregory corroborates, ii, 280; Herodotus on, ii, 378; Heroes, one of the, ii, 380; Huxley or, ? i, 685; Ibis, in form of, i, 388; Initiate, the great, ii, 280; Isis and, i, 417; Legend of, sacred, ii, 378; Libra and, ii, 137; Longitude of, i, 727; Mercury, or, i, 513, ii, 31, 477, 570, 571; Moist principle of, ii, 625; Mysteries of, ii, 244; Occultism and, i, 301; Ophites and, ii, 396; Paul called, ii, 505; Pesh-Hun compared to, ii, 52; Pymander appears to, i, 103; Pyramid tomb of, ii, 378; Races, on destruction of, ii, 766; Satan, on, ii, 243, 558; Sciences, and the, ii, 383; Secrets of, ii, 244; Serpent and, i, 102, ii, 30, 381; Seth, and, ii, 377, 397; Seven governors of, i, 520; Smaragdine Tablet of, ii, 104, 587; Tabula Smaragdina of, ii, 115; Thoth, i, 630, 738, ii, 221, 484, 532, 567, 614; Thought divine of, ii, 516; Tomb of, ii, 378; Tree, branch of one, i, 228; Trismegistus, i, 460, 734, ii, 1, 120, 221, 246, 396, 561, 667; Wisdom of, i, 300, ii, 49, 381; Word, emblem of, ii, 572.

Hermes-Christos of the Gnostics, ii, 505.

Hermes-fire of the Germans, i, 361.

Hermes-Mercury, Greeks, of the, ii, 477; Symbols of, ii, 571.

Hermesians, Symbol of truth with, ii, 634.

Hermetic, Axiom, ii, 583; Books, i, 308, 738, ii, 143; Cosmogony, i, 366; Cross, i, 35, ii, 586; Forces, i, 499; Fragments, i, 301, 305, 306, 307, ii, 146; Literature, ii, 246; Matter, i, 441; Narrative, ii, 109; Nature, i, 310; Philosophers, i, 135, 162, 499, ii, 593; Philosophy, i, 23, 105, 302; Prayer, i, 307; Pymander, i, 93; Scales, ii, 621; Symbol, i, 417; Wisdom, ii, 587; Works, i, 658, 737, 738; Writings, i, 442.

Hermetical operations, i, 105.

Hermeticism, i, 305, ii, 120.

Hermitages, Seven, ii, 674.

Hermits, Egyptian, i, 24; Initiate, ii, 527.

Hermon or Mount Armon, ii, 427.

Hermone, Cassius, ii, 380.

Hermontis, Apis Pacis of, i, 721.

Herodotus, quoted, ii, 450.

Herodotus, Arimaspi of, ii, 435; Atlantes, mentioned, ii, 804; Atlas, on, ii, 806; Cambyses, on, ii, 376; Deluge, ii, 4; Dynasties of Gods, on, ii, 383; Eastern Ethiopians, ii, 447; Egypt, in, i, 469; Egyptian empire and, ii, 793; Egyptian mysteries and, ii, 413, 414; Egyptian priests and, ii, 347, 449, 563; Egyptian theogony, ii, 437; Giants of, ii, 351; Hermes mentioned by, ii, 378; Hyperboreans, on, ii, 813; Ibis, on, i, 387; Kabiri and, ii, 380; Nemesis from Homer to, ii, 319; Phœnicians of, i, 332, note; Polar night, on, ii, 816; Priests told, ii, 385; Pyramid, on, i, 337; Scythia of, ii, 434; Statutes in time of, ii, 792; Thetis, on, i, 506; Zeus Belos of, ii, 221.

Heroes, Dynasties of, i, 287, ii, 383, 386; Fifth race, of, ii, 454; Fourth race, of, ii, 143, 283; Pre-historic races, of, ii, 298; Sciences revealed by, ii, 380; Third root-race, of, ii, 98; Traditions of, ii, 389.

Heroica, quoted, ii, 291.

Herschel, quoted, i, 126, 129, 538, 542, 547, 577, 579, 629, 634, 645, 646, 647, 651, 654, 662, ii, 741.

Hesiod, Bronze age, on, ii, 283, 547, 816; Constellations, on, ii, 638; Existence denied, i, 711; Giants in, ii, 307, 813, 819; Job preceded, i, 710; Jupiter, in, ii, 282; Prometheus in, ii, 431, 553; Superstitious, i, 504; Theogony of, i, 359, 451, 458, ii, 62, 281, 470, 471, 806, 808; Theology of, ii, 558; Titans and, i, 223, ii, 66; Writing unknown to, ii, 459; Zeus, on, ii, 191.

Hesiodic, Æolus, Boreas, etc., i, 504; Ash-tree, ii, 102.

Hesperides, Apple-tree of, i, 153; Garden of, ii, 835.

Hesperornis, ii, 194.

Heterogenesis, Science of, ii, 187.

He-Va, Adam and, ii, 230; Eve or, i, 260.

Hevah and Abel, ii, 132.

Heve or Eve, ii, 137.

Hexagon, Star, i, 244; Symbol of, i, 236.

Hexagonal, Body, property of, ii, 616; System, ii, 629.

Hexagram, Symbol of, i, 107.

Hezekiah, Brazen serpent, and, i, 391; David and, i, 340; Reforms of, ii, 404.

Hia dynasty, ii, 57.

Hiatus, Great, i, 637.

Hibbert Lectures, quoted, i, 322, ii, 57, 122, 236, 237, 258, 477, 485, 500, 730, 732.

Hicetas taught the rotation of earth, i, 142.

Hidden deity, ii, 566; Father, i, 59; God, i, 471; Hû, i, 678; Knowledge, ii, 539; Lands, ii, 347; One, i, 377; Science, i, 92; Truths, i, 4, ii, 564; Wisdom, ii, 209.

Hierarchies, Angelic, i, 484, ii, 27; Celestial, i, 297; Chief, i, 234; Creative forces, of, ii, 37; Creators, of, i, 459; Crime of, ii, 65; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 120, 313, ii, 30; Egos, of, i, 690; Forces, of, i, 499; Heavenly, i, 467, ii, 25; Higher, ii, 517; Highest group of, i, 234; Individuality of, i, 296; Japanese system, in, i, 234; Jews ignored, i, 420; Logos of, ii, 27; Monads, of, i, 195; Noumena of, ii, 285; Pitris, of, i, 184, 211; Powers, of, i, 102; Rector of, ii, 27; Rishis, of, i, 470; Septenary division of, ii, 630; Series of, i, 295; Spirits, of, i, 158; Universe built on, i, 116; Upper, i, 236; Wise men, of, ii, 667.

Hierarchy, Angelic, i, 154, 640, ii, 63, 101; Anupâdaka, of, i, 83; Archangels, of, i, 73; Being, of, i, 157, 310, 491, 671; Celestial, i, 157, 242; Christian, i, 119; Creative powers, of, i, 233; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 117, ii, 488; Died, which never, ii, 294; Divine, i, 119, 215; Divine powers, of, i, 49; Elect, of, ii, 333; Fallen angels, of, i, 353; Fifth, i, 254; Flames, of, i, 114, ii, 66; Forces, of, i, 457; Gods, of, i, 420, ii, 100; Group of the, i, 253; Logos a, ii, 27; Man superior to any, i, 297; Manus, of, i, 488; Monads, of, i, 196; Root-base of their, i, 228; Sages, of, ii, 441; Spiritual beings, of, i, 70; Sun, of, the, ii, 27; Trans-Himâlayan, i, 161; Zuñi Indians, of, ii, 665.

Hieratic, Alphabets of Mayas, i, 287; Records of Egypt, i, 329; Sciences, i, 325; Writing, ii, 138.

Hieroglyph, Book of the Dead, in the, i, 737; Water, ii, 68.

Hieroglyphic, Cake, ii, 576; Cypher, ii, 458; Documents, i, 13; Inscriptions, i, 12; Names of human principles, ii, 670; Ru, ii, 577; Senary, ii, 625; System, ii, 138; Tau as a, ii, 587; Thought, ii, 350; Writing, ii, 450.

Hieroglyphics, Book of the Dead, in, ii, 448; Christian cross in, ii, 588; Egyptian, ii, 457, 480; Ideographic, i, 7; Pillars, on, ii, 558.

Hierogram within a circle, i, 459, 673.

Hierophants, Abodes of, ii, 528; Adepts, or, ii, 384; Âryan, ii, 494; Babylon, of, ii, 397; Categories of, two, ii, 232; Chaldæa, of, i, 377; Chief of Java-Aleim and, ii, 212; Death of, i, 331; Dogmas, and, i, 389; Egypt, of, ii, 396, 397, 588; French Kabalists, of, ii, 579; Heirs, no worthy, i, 331; Immortal, ii, 493; Indian, i, 276; Initiates or, ii, 223, 589, 590; Java-Aleim or, ii, 212, 561; Land of libations of, ii, 437; Language of, i, 329; Libraries of, ii, 557; Mercury and, ii, 31; Moses, and, ii, 222; Mystery God of, ii, 223; Mystery tongue of, i, 330; Names of, ii, 558; Osiris, soul became, i, 159; Priests or, ii, 384; Sacerdotal colleges of, ii, 231; Sacred books and, i, 19; Sciences transmitted by, ii, 454; Serpent’s head of, ii, 223; Skill of, i, 426; Symbols and, i, 389; Tree, of one, i, 228.

Higgins, G., quoted, ii, 111.

High initiator, i, 134.

High priests, Argha of, ii, 483; Bath-Kol and, ii, 112; God and, ii, 488; Jewish tabernacle, of, ii, 476.

High tides, Palæozoic, ii, 67.

Highlands of Belgium, ii, 786.

Hilaeira wife of Pollux, ii, 129.

Hilaire, Geoffroy St., quoted, ii, 687.

Hilkiah, the high priest, i, 712, ii, 496.

Hillmen, tribes of, ii, 714.

Hillus son of Hercules, ii, 291.

Himâlayan, Chain, ii, 419; Kailâsa, ii, 525; Peaks, ii, 519; Ranges, ii, 214.

Himâlayas, Buddhist Arhats, i, 12; Depositions of, ii, 831; Esoteric schools of, i, 7, 147; Giants in, ii, 307; Hamsa, called, i, 108; Hardwar at foot of, ii, 603; Himavat or, i, 428; Hindû tradition, of, ii, 154; Preservers beyond, ii, 174; Ranges of, i, 108, 292; Sivatherium of, ii, 229; Summits of, ii, 643; Traditions of, ii, 604.

Himavân, Manu Vaivasvata lands on, ii, 154.

Himavat, Calf of, i, 428; Sacred, ii, 419.

Hînayâna, Mahâyâna schools, and, i, 71; System, i, 70, 71.

Hind, Naphtali is a, i, 715.

Hindû, Ardhanârî, ii, 562; Ark, legend of, ii, 304; Âryan race, i, 347, ii, 60, 235, 386, 425, 493, 638; Astronomers, i, 646; Astronomical methods, i, 727; Astronomy, i, 722, ii, 347; Atlantis and the, ii, 278, 425; Atomists, i, 633; Brahman and Brahmâ of the, i, 45, ii, 438; Calculations, ii, 347; Calendar, ii, 71; Chronology, i, 397, ii, 76, 413, 581, 656; Classical Dictionary, quoted, i, 117, 141, 492, 493, ii, 156, 523, 578, 590, 648; Cosmogony, i, 341, 379, 684, ii, 47, 661; Cosmographies, ii, 638; Eclipse, rite during, ii, 98; Epochs, i, 723; Esotericism, i, 397, 711, ii, 51; Gamut, i, 583; Gods, i, 49, 126, 197, 315, 730, ii, 64, 184, 394, 611; Great Bear, view of, i, 248; Helen, ii, 523; Hell, ii, 103; Kalpas, ii, 321; Legends, ii, 304, 320, 424; Lilith, ii, 185; Mangala, ii, 132; Meditation at dawn, i, 361; Mystics, ii, 662; Mythology, ii, 150; Nâradiya, ii, 87; Naraka, ii, 103; Pantheon, i, 100, 126, 151, 153, ii, 34, 52, 64, 102, 395, 578, 591, 592, 649; Philosophy, i, 90, 185, 481, 678, 711, ii, 155, 324, 386, 652; Religions, i, 5, 396, ii, 401, 622; Religious systems, i, 140; Scriptures, i, 137, 141, 306, ii, 184, 320, 374, 601, 642, 652; Sects, ii, 622; Stanzas, view of, ii, 25; Symbols, i, 140, 730, ii, 401, 451, 607; Systems, i, 140, 490, 722; Teachings, i, 174, 367; Tradition, i, 447, ii, 153, 154, 325; Vâch, i, 161; Vittoba or Wittoba, i, 342, ii, 591; War, ii, 79, 404; Yugas, ii, 321, 660; Zodiac, i, 726, ii, 347, 609.

Hindû-Kush Chain, the, ii, 353.

Hindûism, Brâhmanism, or early, i, 370; Buddhism outcome of, i, 730; Demons in, i, 372; Exoteric, i, 372, ii, 72, 74; Hermeticism, and, i, 305; Orientalists, as understood by, ii, 658; Orthodox, i, 490; Pantheism, i, 595.

Hindûs, Æther Aditi of, i, 354; Apes and monkeys’ origin according to, i, 207; Argha of, ii, 496; Arts of, ii, 236; Aryan, i, 322, 729, ii, 640; A-sexual reproduction and, ii, 695; Astronomy and, i, 713, 724; Bailly on, ii, 784; Bhâshyas dead letter to, i, 292; Chronology of, ii, 455; Divine kings of, ii, 330; Legends of, ii, 151; Planet of, seventh, i, 126; Rishis of, i, 38, 125, 220, ii, 52, 443, 668; Rûdû of, ii, 657; Sciences of, ii, 236; Zodiac of, i, 710, 711, 721, 726, ii, 54, 347, 454, 455, 609.

Hindûstan, Arab figures from, i, 386; Brâhmans’ descent into, ii, 644; Caves of, i, 341; High plateaux of, ii, 233; Temples of, i, 341.

Hiouen Thsang, Chinese traveller, ii, 353, 354.

Hipparchus, referred to, i, 714, 722, 723.

Hipparion ancestor of horse, ii, 756, 777, 836.

Hippocentaurs, bulls with men’s heads, ii, 57.

Hippocrates, i, 243, ii, 140, 270, 326, 726.

Hippolytus, quoted, i, 425, 594, 601.

Hippopotamus, ii, 229, 230, 415, 417, 777.

Hiqit, the Goddess, i, 413.

Hiram, Abiff, a solar myth, i, 334; Kabalah, in, ii, 119; Temples, built, ii, 570.

Hiranya, resplendent or shining, i, 385.

Hiranyagarbha, Brahmâ, is, i, 117, 306; Devas, highest, i, 437; Golden egg, is, i, 459; Hari and, i, 306; Hypostases, one of, i, 46; Luminous egg, is, i, 95; Shankara and, i, 306; Temple, ii, 492.

Hiranyakashipu, Daityas, king of, ii, 236; Satan, Paurânic, i, 453.

Hiranyâksha, Kashyapa, son of, ii, 399; Posterity of, ii, 603.

Hiranyapura, golden city of the air, ii, 399, 400.

Hirn, G. A., quoted, i, 524, 528.

Hisi, principle of evil, ii, 29.

Hist. Nat., ii, 291, 361, 362, 656, 816.

Histoire de l’Astronomie Ancienne, ii, 385, 785.

Histoire de la Magie, i, 120, 279, ii, 248, 375, 533, 538, 565.

Histoire de la Terre, ii, 291.

Histoire des Vièrges les Peuples et les Continents Disparus, ii, 830, 832.

Historia Anteïslamitica, ii, 383.

Historia Anti-Islamitica, ii, 221.

Historia Antigua de la Nueva España, of 1885, ii, 289.

Historical and Experimental Researches, i, 707.

Historical View of the Hindû Astronomy, ii, 525, 581.

Historiographer, Chung Ku, the, ii, 57.

History of Civilization, i, 317, 562.

History of Creation, ii, 752.

History of English Literature, ii, 349.

History of Indian Literature, ii, 54.

History of Paganism in Caledonia, ii, 358, 362.

History of Persia, i, 712.

Hiuen-Tsang, quoted, ii, 37.

Hivin, Chiefs of Votan call themselves, ii, 397.

Hoa or Hea, member of the Chaldæan triad, ii, 30, 87.

Hoang-ty, the Great Spirit, ii, 542.

Hokhmah or wisdom, ii, 89.

Holy Ghost, i, 101, 109, 114, 134, 160, 219, 274, 377, 378, 382, 388, 406, 433, ii, 539, 569, 598, 639.

Holy of Holies, i, 140, 284, 285, 420, 421, 499, 674, ii, 222, 244, 477, 479, 481, 482, 484, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 494, 495, 496, 545, 568.

Homer, Æther, silent on, i, 458, 459; Allegories of, ii, 401; Antiquity of, i, 13, 711; Atlantis of, ii, 422, 804; Bible and, ii, 401; Chaos, silent on, i, 458, 459; Constellations of, ii, 638; Dragons, ii, 371; Existence of, denied, ii, 246, 447; Giants, and, ii, 307, 351; Greeks in days of, ii, 11, 458; Job preceded, i, 710; Myths of, ii, 470; Nemesis, and, ii, 319; Night and, i, 459; Poseidon in, ii, 417; Thought of, ii, 809; Writing unknown to, ii, 459.

Homeric, Heroes, ii, 693, 797; Hymns, ii, 129; Songs, ii, 409.

Homo diluvii, ii, 368.

Homo primigenius, ii, 199, 203, 301, 729, 776.

Homo sapiens, ii, 713, 729.

Homœomerian system of philosophy, i, 354.

Homogeneity, Absolute, i, 267, 604; Force and, i, 564; Human races, of, ii, 642; Indivisible, is one and, i, 443; Man’s nature, of, ii, 439; Matter, of, i, 644, 658, 701; Region of, i, 296; Universal unity or, i, 88.

Homogeneous, Divine substance-principle, i, 294; Elements, i, 166, 225, 428, 592, 599; Heterogeneous, becomes, i, 155, ii, 439; Matter, i, 199, 310, 633, 651, 658, 736, ii, 690.

Homoiomeria of Anaxagoras, quoted, i, 633.

Homunculi of Paracelsus, i, 368, ii, 127, 364, 392.

Honey-combed with cells, Mountain, ii, 352.

Hönir gives man Manas, ii, 102.

Honour the Gods, We worship not but, i, 535.

Hoofs and horns of Pan, ii, 537.

Hook, Vau a, ii, 482.

Hooke, Dr. Robert, referred to, ii, 766.

Hopps a magician, i, 508.

Hor-Ammon, Ammon becomes, ii, 487.

Hor-eb, Moses initiated at, ii, 571.

Hor-Jared or Ararat, ii, 631.

Horæ Biblicæ, quoted, ii, 210.

Horæ Hebraicæ, quoted, ii, 171.

Horchia, Titæa-Aretia worshipped as, ii, 152.

Horizon, Circular, i, 139; Comet passing our, i, 664; Dark rises at, i, 403; Lord of, i, 737; Neptune crossing, ii, 808; Physical manifestations, of, i, 307; Pole-stars in the, ii, 419; Spiritual manifestations, of, i, 307; Symbol, a, i, 139; Zodiac and, ii, 829.

Horizontal, Line or matter, i, 681, ii, 587, 588, 626, 635; Squares, ii, 592; Vertical and, i, 40, ii, 572; Vishvânara, line in triangle, i, 681.

Hormig a name for Mercury, ii, 383.

Horn implements, Early, ii, 755.

Horne, Rev. Mr., referred to, ii, 496.

Horned moon and Virgin Mary, i, 422.

Horns, Dragon with ten, ii, 509; Pan, of, ii, 537; Satan with, ii, 533; Symbol of, ii, 436.

Horoscopes, Astrology and, i, 709; Stars, of fixed, i, 735.

Horoscopy, Science of, i, 131.

Horse, Ass interbreeding with, ii, 300; Derivation of one-toed, ii, 776; Huschenk, ii, 415, 417, 418; Origin of, ii, 836; Pedigree of, ii, 736; Twelve-legged, ii, 415, 418; Types of, ii, 756.

Horses, Agni, of, ii, 640; Bones of, ii, 817; Trace of, ii, 755; Ungulate mammals, ii, 777.

Horseshoe continent, ii, 340, 348, 420.

Horsusi or Hor son of Osiris, i, 393.

Horus, Ammon becomes, ii, 487; Brahmâ, classed with, ii, 244; Christ, the, ii, 620, 671; Christos or, i, 159; Cross, raising dead with, ii, 588; Dragon slain by, ii, 398; Egyptian, ii, 496; Elder, i, 393; Eye of, i, 417; Fish of, i, 240; Gem portraying, ii, 497; Gnostic Christ, the, ii, 620; God, i, 248; Hathor and, i, 429; Isis as, i, 409, 429, ii, 46; Khem is, i, 241; Logoi, one of the, i, 89; Lotus and, i, 408; Lucifer and, ii, 35; Male symbol, a, ii, 495; Moon eye of, i, 417; Older, i, 372; Osiris and, i, 241, 409, 464; Reign of, ii, 384; Servants of, ii, 390, 450; Set and, ii, 296; Sexes, of both, i, 101; Typhon and, ii, 403; Vehicle of, ii, 610; Younger, i, 372.

Horus-Apollo the Sun-God, i, 393.

Horus-Osiris or father and son, i, 240.

Horus-Thot and the defunct, i, 240.

Hosea, ii, 137, 482.

Host, Ah-hi a, i, 70; Angelic, i, 144, 245, 374, ii, 1, 28, 251; Arimaspian, ii, 434; Azazel, of, ii, 393; Builders, of, i, 367; Celestial, ii, 399, 400, 649; Cosmic powers, of, i, 478; Creator of humanity a, ii, 325, 539; Elohim, of, i, 314, ii, 119, 632; Indra, of, ii, 395; Jehovah as, ii, 79; Logos, of, i, 121, 468; Manu or, ii, 148, 325; Monadic, i, 197; Operative beings, of, i, 661; Pitris, of, i, 217; Primeval progenitors, of, ii, 440; Prometheus symbol of, ii, 431; Saba a, ii, 383; Satan, of, i, 215, 444, ii, 182; Sephiroth, of, ii, 1, 49; Septenary, i, 238; Synthesis of, ii, 389; Uranus, representing, ii, 808; Ushanas or, ii, 526.

Hosts, Adityas the seven, ii, 513; Celestial, i, 154, 157, ii, 66, 527, 580; Creative, i, 100, 135, ii, 511, 515, 640; Deities, of, i, 444; Devas, of, ii, 399; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 135, 400; Fallen angels, of, i, 218; Septenary, i, 239; Seven, ii, 18, 90; Sidereal, i, 650; Spirits, of, i, 245, ii, 387, 388, 508; Struggles between, i, 223; Tridasha or, i, 58, 100; Will-born lords, of, ii, 90, 508; World, of higher, i, 237.

Hot breath of the father, i, 40.

Hotris or priests, i, 115, 123.

Hottentots descendants of Lemurians, ii, 823, 824.

Houghton, Prof., quoted, ii, 10, 734.

Hour-glass of Rudra Shiva, ii, 528.

Houris, Paradise full of, ii, 213.

House, Earth, of the, ii, 15; High, on, i, 439; Lord, of the, ii, 483; Mars held, of Venus, ii, 410; Planet palace or, ii, 32; Tabernacle of the soul, of, i, 268; Venus, of, ii, 410; Wisdom, of, i, 439; Zuñi priests of, ii, 665.

Houses, Logoi, of seven, ii, 637; Planets, called, i, 129; Twelve, i, 626.

Hovah or Eve, ii, 133, 406, 490.

Hovelacque, Abel, referred to, ii, 178.

Howard on aerolites, ii, 828.

Howler, Rudra the, ii, 578.

H. P. B., Personal references to, i, 20, 338, 528, 606.

Hrâda leader of Daityas, i, 451.

Hrimthurses or frost giants, ii, 403.

Hrishîkesha or intellectual soul, ii, 114.

Hroszharsgrani the magician, ii, 361.

Hua or He, i, 107.

Huc, Abbé, quoted, ii, 528.

Hud in the Chaldæan Kabalah, i, 221, 378.

Huelgoat near Concarneau, Pond of, ii, 360.

Huggins, referred to, i, 655.

Hugo, Victor, referred to, ii, 459.

Human-spiritual to divine-spiritual, i, 243.

Human race, Adam, and, ii, 132, 489; Ancestors of, ii, 223; Annihilation of, i, 404; Antiquity of, i, 708, ii, 218, 367, 729; Appearance of, i, 261; Atlanteans first purely, ii, 278, 755; Colour or complexion of each, ii, 101; Cradle of, ii, 833; Evolution of, i, 343; First, i, 206, ii, 58, 170, 278, 343; Origin of, ii, 682; Pair, not from one, ii, 758; Primitive families of, ii, 214; Rishis of, ii, 332; Sexual separation of, ii, 492; Spirits superior to, ii, 387; Third, ii, 181; Tree, compared to a, ii, 453; Varieties of, i, 344.

Human races, Ancestors of, ii, 336; Animal and, i, 325; Cast-off types of, ii, 275; Complete, ii, 230; Development of, ii, 463, 657; Divine, from the, ii, 131; Divisions of, four, ii, 260; Evolution of, ii, 183; Extinct, ii, 302; Growth of, ii, 463; Homogeneity of, ii, 642; Millions of years claimed for, i, 708; Sterility between, ii, 205.

Human soul, Animal and, i, 267; Conscious Ego or, ii, 92; Divine and, ii, 708; Earth and water, and, ii, 132; Immortality of, ii, 64; Intellectual, ii, 332; Manas the, i, 128, 177, 240, 267, ii, 631; Mind or, i, 311, ii, 119, 631; Plato on, ii, 93; Pneuma the, ii, 119; Spinal cord and, ii, 711; Spiritual and, ii, 287; Zeus the, ii, 438.

Human species, ii, 59, 205, 210, 642.

Human Species, The, by de Quatrefages, quoted, i, 589, ii, 126, 229, 682, 703, 705, 754, 787, 788, 825.

Humanities, Adam-Adami referred to four, ii, 478; Adaptation of, ii, 749; Appeared and disappeared, i, 667; Atlanteans represented several, ii, 452; Development of, ii, 143; Evolution of, ii, 322; Form, lacked the true, ii, 744; Future, i, 286; Past and present, i, 286; Series of, ii, 562; Worlds, of other, i, 670, ii, 748.

Humanity, Adam and, ii, 105, 142, 428; Adamic, i, 25; Age of, i, 174, ii, 262, 463, 725, 733; Androgyne, ii, 179; Architects taught, i, 287; Ark, on the, ii, 326, 755; Aryan, ii, 428; Aspirations of, divine, ii, 649; Astral, ii, 119; Axial point of, i, 211; Benefactors of, ii, 385; Bibles of, ii, 743; Birthplace of, ii, 454; Child of cyclic destiny, ii, 465; Childhood of, i, 293; Climacteric year of, i, 720; Collective, i, 288, ii, 142, 323; Cradle of, ii, 213, 338; Creator of, i, 370, ii, 325; Dawning, ii, 705; Development of, i, 210, ii, 302, 317; Dhyân Chohans and, i, 120, 247, 300, ii, 707; Divine, ii, 642; Divisions of, ii, 453; Drama of, i, 671, ii, 147, 405; Earth round, of fourth, i, 183; Effects, can master, ii, 539; Elect of, i, 288; Enlightenment of, ii, 542; Eve and, ii, 105, 428; Evolution of, i, 196, ii, 452, 816; Faculties of, i, 272, 586; Fallen angels and, ii, 287; Father of post-diluvian, ii, 644; Fifth, i, 26, ii, 147, 381, 428; First, ii, 119; Fourth round, ii, 723, 816; Future, i, 667; Generation of, i, 250; Genesis, in, ii, 729; Gigantic, ii, 563; Gods and, i, 507; Governors of, celestial, ii, 33; Guides of, i, 229; Height of, ii, 792; Hierarchies and, i, 120; History of, i, 194; Idols and, i, 507; Injustice to, apparent, i, 706; Intellect of, ii, 379, 430; Io symbol of, ii, 434; Jah-Eve and, ii, 133; Karma of, ii, 539; Lipika and, i, 151; Manu creator of, ii, 321, 323, 325; Manvantaras, of various, i, 196, ii, 155; Mind-born, ii, 138; Noah saviour of, ii, 490; Origin of, one, ii, 259; Oviparous, ii, 139; Periods of, i, 26; Physical, i, 370, ii, 158, 317, 434, 563; Pioneers of, i, 204; Planetary chain, on our, ii, 72, 449; Post-diluvian, ii, 644; Powers of early, ii, 332; Preceded by four races, i, 25; Primeval, i, 183, ii, 160, 321, 842; Primitive, ii, 138, 729; Principle (God) in, ii, 587; Progenitors of, i, 153, ii, 100; Prometheus is, ii, 431, 432, 546; Race distinct from our, ii, 765; Races of, i, 25, 586, ii, 381, 689; Reason of, ii, 379; Root-races of, i, 34, 245, ii, 51, 195, 447, 737; Round, in present, ii, 646; Satan and, ii, 533; Saviour of, i, 510, ii, 173, 183, 189; Second, i, 214, ii, 146; Seed of, ii, 6, 297; Senseless, i, 212, ii, 240; Senses of, i, 586; Serpent, and the, i, 434; Seven groups of, i, 626; Seven sons, and, i, 463; Spiritual, i, 131, ii, 83, 324, 399, 592; Stars, bound together with, ii, 368; Vaishvânara and, ii, 324; Vaivasvata, i, 26, ii, 76, 262, 335, 344, 733; Vishvakarman and, ii, 642; Third, ii, 27, 140; Total, i, 90; Twilight of, ii, 63; Yugas of, i, 26.

Humanly-born mortals, First, ii, 285.

Humboldt, quoted or referred to, i, 201, 226, 343, 540, ii, 150, 712, 796.

Hume, Nihilistic idealism of, ii, 165.

Hundred-formed, Shata-Rûpâ the, i, 465, ii, 136.

Hungarians, i, 80, ii, 188, 290.

Hungary, Meteorites in, ii, 746.

Hunt, Dr. James, quoted, ii, 179, 781; Dr. T. S., quoted, i, 537; E. B., referred to, i, 527; R., referred to, i, 541, 578, 579, 587, 634, ii, 735.

Hurricanes, i, 500, ii, 6, 11, 739.

Husband, Mother’s, i, 248, 422, 425, 674, ii, 486.

Huschenk, ii, 414, 415, 417.

Huxley, Prof., quoted or referred to, i, 325, 545, 575, 588, 685, 695, 698, 701, 732, 733, ii, 10, 75, 91, 161, 165, 174, 179, 200, 263, 267, 270, 273, 301, 329, 550, 682, 688, 689, 690, 693, 703, 704, 705, 713, 715, 717, 719, 720, 724, 725, 726, 735, 737, 756, 759, 776, 825, 828, 841.

Huxley-Hæckelian theories, ii, 696, 699, 703.

Huygens, referred to, ii, 36.

Hvaniratha or Jambudvîpa, ii, 642, 801, 802.

Hwergelmir, roaring cauldron of human passions, i, 438.

Hyades or rain constellations, ii, 829, 830.

Hyæna spelæa, Man coëxistent with, ii, 788.

Hybrid, Jews a, people, i, 332; Races, ii, 754.

Hybridity, ii, 765.

Hybridization, ii, 205, 210.

Hybrids, Fourth race, of the, ii, 205; Idol-worship, and, ii, 763; Sterility of, ii, 300.

Hyde, Dr. Jekyll and Mr., referred to, i, 448.

Hydra, i, 727, ii, 45, 215.

Hydrogen, Air and, ii, 121; Chlorine and, i, 639; Elements, and, i, 638, ii, 119, 626; First-born, one of the, i, 683; Gas, i, 615; Hypothetical element, i, 638; Intelligence and, i, 666; Kâma Rûpa and, ii, 627; Nebulæ, in, i, 652; Oxygen and, i, 84, ii, 121; Platinum and, i, 615; Protoplasm, in, i, 698; Protyle and, i, 686; Solidified, ii, 145; Spiritual fire, is, ii, 111; Stars, of fixed, i, 166.

Hygieia, Statue of, ii, 140.

Hygin., Astron. Poétique, quoted, ii, 813.

Hyksos, ancestors of Phœnicians, i, 140, 332.

Hyle one of a quaternary, i, 110, ii, 634.

Hylo-idealism, i, 519, 520.

Hylo-idealistic scheme, i, 315, 316.

Hylo-idealists, i, 123, ii, 165.

Hylozoism, divine thought and Pantheism, ii, 167, 168.

Hymn, Agni, to, ii, 554; Apollo, to, ii, 637; Budha, by, ii, 523; Jupiter, to, ii, 583; Minerva, to, i, 431; Rig Veda, in, ii, 523; Sun, to the, i, 588; Tomb, engraved on, i, 471; Virgin, applied to, i, 431.

Hymns, Brahmâ, of, ii, 612; Egypt, of, i, 471; Greek, ii, 40; Hindû, i, 683; Homeric, ii, 129; Latin, ii, 40; Mantras, or, i, 477; Minerva, to, i, 431; Orphic, i, 291, ii, 143, 151, 828; Rig Veda, of, i, 477, ii, 470, 471, 641; Vedic, ii, 612.

Hyperborean, ii, 6, 7, 11, 146, 286, 388, 641, 812, 813, 814, 816, 817, 818, 819, 821.

Hyperion, an Arkite Titan, ii, 151.

Hypnotic state of Kandu, ii, 184.

Hypnotism, Arts of enchantment, one of the, ii, 678; Magnetism and, i, 315; Mesmerism now called, i, 315, 316, ii, 165.

Hypnotize the bird, Serpents, i, 440.

Hypostases, Three, i, 46.

Hypostasis, i, 306, 462, 467.

Hypostatical trinity, the, i, 731.

Hypoth., 1675, quoted, i, 41.

Hypothèses Cosmogoniques, quoted, i, 645, 652, 654, 655, 658.

Hysteriacs, were Rosicrucians, i, 670.

I, Conception of, i, 489.

I-Ah-O, Jehovah reads, ii, 487, 570.

I-am-ness, Ahamkâra or, ii, 649; Egoship or, i, 218; Egotism or, ii, 438; Self-hood, outline of, i, 488.

I am, Eh’yeh or, i, 678, ii, 118, 253, 473.

I am He, or Aham-sa, i, 106.

I am I, Kâlaham-sa or, i, 43, 107.

I am that I am, i, 107, 562, ii, 490, 491, 568, 636.

I Hi Wei in the Tao-te-King, i, 512.

Iabé or Yahva, ii, 487.

Iacchus is Iao or Jehovah, ii, 482.

Iah or Jah and Jeho, ii, 137, 570.

Ialdabaoth fathers of astral Gods, i, 483, 484.

Iamblichus, quoted, i, 513, 714.

Iao, Abrasax, ii, 497; Chaldæan Heptakis or, i, 248; Genius of moon, the, ii, 567; God, mystery, i, 483, ii, 487; Iacchus or Jehovah, i, 484, ii, 482; Moon, of, ii, 567; Mysteries, of, ii, 406, 496; Mystery-God, the, ii, 570; Mystery-name, the, ii, 565; Satan, is, ii, 406; Triune, ii, 638.

Iao-Jehovah, ii, 407.

Iao-Saboath, Jod, full number of, ii, 638.

Iapetus, a son of Noah, ii, 151, 806.

Iardan or Eridanus, ii, 616.

Iberians and Âryan invasion, ii, 783.

Ibis, i, 378, 382, 387, 388, ii, 487.

Ibis-headed God-hierophant, ii, 589.

Iblis, the devil, ii, 412.

Ibn Gebirol, quoted, i, 403, 485, 678, ii, 473, 483.

Ibn Wahohijah, referred to, ii, 476.

Ibrahim-Abraham, ii, 475.

Ice, Ages, ii, 74, 780; Ether and, i, 575; Desert of, ii, 340; Frost and snow, ii, 344; Increase of, cause of, ii, 766; Period, ii, 720.

Ice-Age Climate and Time, The, quoted, ii, 735.

Iceland, ii, 442, 825.

Ichchhâshakti or will-power, i, 312, ii, 182.

Ichthyology, Septenary law in, ii, 659.

Ichthyosauri, ii, 269, 736, 753.

Ichthys, Oannes or Jonas, i, 717.

Iconography, Catacombs, of, ii, 620; Gnostic, ii, 596; Pre-Christian, was, i, 433.

Ida, Ases in, ii, 104; Field of, ii, 105.

Idâ or Ilâ, ii, 147, 148, 151, 156.

Idâm or Idam, ii, 402, 642.

Idas, Castor wounded by, ii, 129.

Idas-pati, Hindû, ii, 808, 809.

Idean mysteries, ii, 222.

Ideation, Absolute wisdom, of, i, 350; Astral, ii, 631; Circuit of, ii, 673; Cosmic, i, 43, 44, 135, 136, ii, 27, 592; Darkness, of, i, 407; Divine, i, 402, 407, ii, 313; Eternal, i, 408; Latent, ii, 631; Lipika, amanuenses of eternal, i, 130; Mind, of universal, i, 135, 300; Physical plane, on, i, 69; Pre-cosmic, i, 43; Spiritual, ii, 253; Things to be, of, i, 402; Universal, i, 135, 300, 402, ii, 631.

Ideations, Spiritual, of divine monad, i, 286; Universal mind, of, i, 301.

Ideen of Schelling, quoted, i, 556.

Idei identified with Kabiri, ii, 376, 377.

Idei Dactyli or ideic fingers, ii, 377.

Ideograph, Material elements, of, ii, 615; Number six, of, ii, 621; Period of a, ii, 577.

Ideographic, Hieroglyphs, i, 7; Productions of tribes, ii, 458; Records, ii, 457.

Ideographs, Symbolical, i, 321, ii, 617.

Ideos, Chaos, or, i, 303; Elements out of, i, 304.

Idiot, Ape not, ii, 716; Congenital, i, 245; What is an, ? ii, 252.

Idol, Clay feet, with, i, 632; Moon, of, i, 424, ii, 476; Satan as an, i, 445; Vittoba, of, ii, 591; Worship, i, 427, ii, 763.

Idolat. of Vossius, quoted, ii, 32.

Idolatry, i, 503; Bossuet on, ii, 292; Egyptians, of old, ii, 145; Exotericism or, ii, 517; Gentile world, of, ii, 277; Judah, of, i, 712; Paganism or, i, 503; Progress of, ii, 529; Soma worship not, i, 422; Superstitions, full of, ii, 294.

Idols, Bhons, of, ii, 619; Clay feet, of matter with, i, 610; Devil, and, ii, 356; Double number and, i, 421; Golden calf, i, 739; India, in, ii, 479; Jews, of the, ii, 622; Moon, of, i, 431; Tombs, in, ii, 763; Vedas countenance no, ii, 763; Worship of, ii, 517.

Idra Suta of Zohar, quoted, i, 266, ii, 2, 28, 88, 744.

Idyll of the White Lotus, The, quoted, i, 628.

Ieou four-vowelled name, i, 484.

Ierna, Worship at the island of sacred, ii, 803.

Ievo antagonistic to Abraxas, ii, 570; Philo-Byblus, of, ii, 487.

Igigi or angels of heaven, ii, 258.

Ignis, Fire or, ii, 120; Latins’, or Agni, ii, 106.

Ignition, Fire state of, i, 165.

Iguana or lizard, ii, 163.

Iguanodon, ii, 160, 163, 363, 715.

Ihoh, Mysteries of, ii, 222.

I.H.S., Meaning of, ii, 327.

I.H.V.H., ii, 43, 482, 496.

Ikshu or Euxine Sea, ii, 420.

Ikshvâku, Maru of family of, i, 405; Nimi son of, ii, 552.

Ilâ, Goddess, ii, 143; Idâ or, ii, 147, 148, 151; Legends of, ii, 156; Mania is, ii, 151; Son of, i, 570; Vaivasvata Manu and, ii, 157.

Ilda a child, i, 219.

Ilda-baoth, Ambition of, ii, 254; Gnostic jewels and, ii, 505; God of Moses, ii, 407; Material production of, ii, 225; Ophites, of, i, 631; Saturn, genius of, i, 631, ii, 567; Son of darkness, i, 219; Spirit, not a, ii, 254.

Îles Fortunées, ii, 388.

Iliad, Apollo in, ii, 817; Esoteric meaning of, ii, 401; Quoted, ii, 129, 193, 814; Tartarus of, ii, 820; Zodiacal signs in, i, 711.

Iliados or primordial matter, i, 303.

Ilios of Schliemann, quoted, ii, 459.

Ilithyia, the beauteous Goddess, i, 425.

Illuminate, Aga to, ii, 120.

Illuminatist teachings, ii, 667.

Illusion, Adi-Buddha an, i, 84; All, except Absolute, i, 569; Angels are, i, 314; Appearance is, i, 307; Bhût are, i, 314; Body of, ii, 60; Cosmic plane an, i, 169, 203; Day of Brahmâ, of, i, 696; Desert of, i, 229; Domination of, ii, 479; Eternal state beyond, i, 637; Ever-living and, i, 600; Fruits of, i, 71; Genii are, i, 314; Great, i, 59, 100, 235, 600; Light an, i, 99; Limbo of, ii, 245; Mahâmâyâ or great, i, 299, ii, 92, 105, 401; Male Brahmâ an, i, 356; Man an, i, 661; Mary, Mare, sea an, i, 15; Matter the great, ii, 243; Mâyâ or, i, 71, 276, 351, 394, 426, 692, ii, 114; Motion, of, ii, 623; Nature an, ii, 498; Nirmânakâyas beyond, ii, 650; Physical brain, of, i, 300; Plane of, i, 115, 154, 302, 626; Pradhâna or, i, 92; Prakriti an, ii, 633; Real to observer, i, 314; Regions of, ii, 674; Root of, ii, 634; Samvriti origin of, i, 79; Senses, of, i, 619; Seven causes of, i, 583; Spheres of, i, 296; Substance an, i, 294; Terrestrial, i, 411; Time an, i, 68; Unconscious on plane of, i, 488; Universe an, i, 155, 169, 315; World of, i, 298, 662; Worldly evanescent, ii, 394.

Ilmatar, Seven sons of, ii, 29; Virgin daughter of air, ii, 29.

Ilus, Berosus of, i, 362; Chaos, offspring of, 363; Lotus grows in, i, 88; Mother or Hyle, i, 110; Primeval, i, 164; Spirit, i, 116.

Image, Adam an, ii, 185, 489; Astral body, of man, i, 262, 265, ii, 106; Boneless Gods, of, ii, 406; Bright, i, 626; Cell, of man in, i, 244; Chhâyâ or, ii, 183; Creators, of, i, 262, ii, 490; Crucified, of, ii, 620; Deity, of highest, ii, 131; Double, is, i, 264; Earthly, i, 264; Evolution of own, ii, 183; Fatal, astral, i, 265; God, of, i, 419, 479, ii, 1, 238; Logos, of, ii, 627; Made in own, i, 288; Pitris could not make, ii, 99; Rind of, i, 263; Shadow, of Elohim, ii, 145; Spark, of flame, i, 286; Sphinx is, i, 265; Triangle, of deity, ii, 615; Tselem or, ii, 395, 478; Word, of, ii, 565.

Images, Adoration of, ii, 292; Atlantean, ii, 346; Buddha, of, ii, 619; Celestial hosts, of, ii, 527; Cherubim, of, ii, 527; Chhâyâs, or, ii, 243; Confucius, of, i, 475; Deified, of third race, ii, 181; Easter Island, ii, 352; Ether, i, 500; First race were, ii, 121; Harpocrates, of, ii, 414; Imitable, i, 475; Ladder of being, and, ii, 280; Lemurian, ii, 330; Molten, ii, 563; Shadows or, i, 214; Sons create own, i, 64, 213; Stars, of, ii, 471; Svastika on, ii, 619; Third and fourth race, of, ii, 23, 24; Zohar, of, ii, 565.

Imagination, Atoms and, i, 733; Disciplined, i, 733; Materialistic, ii, 472; Nature, of, i, 279; Scientific, i, 524, ii, 145; Shadow of my, i, 733; Shape in prototype before, i, 303.

Imbroglio of sidereal denominations, i, 716.

Imhotep, Logos creator becomes, i, 378.

Immaculate, Birth, i, 428; Conception, i, 27, 88, 89, 90, 422; Journey, i, 288; Mother, i, 119, 429; Parents, ii, 507; Principle, ii, 697; Progeny, ii, 294; Root, i, 95; Son, i, 90, ii, 183, 288; Virgin, son of, i, 90, ii, 485.

Immaculately-born sons, i, 430.

Immetalization, Devas pass through, i, 210; Gods pass through, i, 210; Monads, of, ii, 159, 190.

Immetallized, Light, ii, 179; Monad, ii, 196.

Immigrant sub-race, ii, 786.

Immigrants, Aborigines or, ? ii, 781.

Immortality, Bird of, ii, 39; Chaos, of, i, 371; Conquest of, ii, 538; Cross represents, ii, 587; Destruction of, i, 437; Divine degree of, i, 246; Dragon symbol of, ii, 396; Earth, on, ii, 288; Emblem of, i, 275; Kalpa, to end of, i, 68; Life in, i, 391; Lucifer giver of, ii, 406; Man to conquer, ii, 538; Personality, denied to, i, 474; Plant of, ii, 98; Primordial chaos, in, i, 371; Quaternary symbol of, ii, 608; Reincarnating ego, of, ii, 116; Rudra’s progeny, of, ii, 649; Secret of, on earth, ii, 288; Serpent symbol of, i, 102, 435; Son of, ii, 397; Spirit of, ii, 582; Spiritual, ii, 254; Symbol of, i, 102, 275, 435, ii, 396, 587, 608; Time’s axle is, ii, 647; Waters of, i, 296, ii, 398; Way to, ii, 296.

Immortals, Communication with, i, 502; Creation of, i, 490; Daimones dwell near, i, 308; Derivation of, i, 386; Lipika, i, 130; Mortals and, i, 386; Work of, ii, 282.

Impact of vibrations, i, 694.

Impartite, Absolute unity is, ii, 616; Spiritual monad is, i, 200.

Impediment, Spiritual, i, 297, ii, 309.

Impenetrability of matter, i, 531.

Imperceptible spheres, i, 519.

Imperfection of geological record, ii, 717.

Imperfections, Badhas or, ii, 172.

Impersonality, Avatâras, of, ii, 502; Substance, of, i, 294.

Implements, Ancient stone, ii, 762; Flint, ii, 780; Neolithic, ii, 755, 764; Rude, ii, 549, 765.

Imponderable, Aspect of æther, i, 353; Energy of matter, i, 734; Fluids, i, 534, 577; Force, i, 642, ii, 285; Matter, fluid distinct from, i, 534; Something, i, 571; Substances, i, 353, 641; Things, to science, i, 136.

Imponderables, King of, i, 527, 532.

Impress of past events, ii, 839.

Imprisoned, Gods, ii, 5; Soul, i, 620; Spirit, ii, 775.

Imprisonment of Logoi, ii, 103.

Impulse, Cyclic law, of, i, 684; Dhyân-Chohanic, ii, 779; Downward, cyclic, ii, 782; Evolutionary, ii, 56, 253, 312, 773; Forces acting through inward, i, 701; Nemesis, to, i, 704; Orbs, to, i, 650; Outward motion and inward, i, 295; Pesh-Hun gives, ii, 52; Physical, ii, 160; Primitive, of planets, i, 659; Protoplasm, producing, ii, 167; Quasi-intelligent, ii, 685; Unconscious, i, 702.

Impulses, Attractions or, i, 533; Cosmic energy, of, i, 696; Newton on, i, 533; Physical senses, by, i, 706; Planetary, ii, 736.

In, Earth or, i, 261; Material principle or, i, 237.

In abscondito, Sun, i, 591.

In adversum flumen, i, 193.

In Matrem Deorum, referred to, ii, 38.

In vacuo, Clapping of a bell, i, 616.

Inachos father of Phoroneus, ii, 547.

Inachus, Io daughter of, ii, 432.

Inactive, Purusha, without Prakriti, ii, 45; Svabhâvat, state of, i, 695.

Inactivity, Spirit, of pure, ii, 108; Unconscious, ii, 60.

Inaudible melody of planets, i, 467.

Inca, Ruins of, ii, 788.

Incandescence, Particles in a state of, i, 655; Solar centre, of the, i, 658; Sun’s supposed, i, 646.

Incandescent masses, Whirling, i, 648.

Incantations, Criminal, i, 508; Fables, now called, i, 507; Lahgash or, i, 378; Mantras and, i, 502; Mystical, i, 192.

Incarnate, Being, i, 211; Devas compelled to, ii, 543; Dhyânîs, ii, 238; Lie, devil an, i, 446.

Incarnated, Angel, ii, 296; Gods, ii, 5, 809; Logos, ii, 555.

Incarnates, Chaste asceticism, ii, 295; Divine, ii, 366.

Incarnating, Angels, ii, 243, 378; Egos, ii, 825; Gods, ii, 174; Powers, ii, 92, 180; Satan, ii, 245; Spirits of Mahat, ii, 240.

Incarnations, Amitâbha Buddha, of, i, 511; Angels, of, ii, 84, 241, 511, 516; Asuras, of, ii, 258, 332; Avatâras or, i, 395, 700, ii, 335, 502, 507; Bad, hence suffering, i, 215; Boar, i, 395, ii, 335; Bodhisattvas, of, i, 624; Buddha, of, i, 624, 700, ii, 188; Buddhi after, i, 264; Christians’ divine, ii, 586; Curse of, ii, 256, 542; Cycle of, i, 45, 198, 205, 246, 626, ii, 173, 190, 196, 393, 509, 543; Dalaï-Lama, of, i, 511; Dalai, ii, 188; Deferred, ii, 238; Demiourgoi, of, ii, 542; Devas, of, i, 210, ii, 520; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 210, ii, 377; Dhyânîs, of, ii, 511; Divine, on earth, i, 206, 428, ii, 502, 586; Divine kings, of, ii, 808; Divine monad, of, ii, 393; Divine ray, of, ii, 241; Divine rebels, of, ii, 108; Duration of, i, 697; Egos of past, ii, 105, 509; Elect, in the, ii, 377; Empty forms, in, ii, 365; Empty shadows, in, ii, 511; Entity, of, i, 626; Fall or, ii, 181, 542; First-born, of, ii, 84; Flames, of, ii, 258; Gautama, of, i, 511; Gods, of, i, 210, 719, ii, 221, 241, 507, 520, 808; Heroes, of, ii, 236; Host, of, ii, 439, 541; Human, ii, 188; Immaculate, i, 428; Intermediate between, ii, 645; Instructors, of, ii, 541; Karma in, ii, 188, 542; Kepler and, i, 717; Kings, of, ii, 541; Krishna, of, ii, 236, 332; Kumâras, of, ii, 258, 260, 332; Kwan-Shi-Yin, of, i, 511; Lamas, of, ii, 188; Lilith, of, ii, 298; Logoi, of, ii, 542; Logos, of, ii, 332; Lower sidereal beings, of, ii, 298; Lower hosts, of, ii, 541; Lunar Devas, of, ii, 520; Manas after, i, 264; Manus, of, ii, 258; Mânushi, of, i, 624; Monad differs in its, i, 198; Monad, of, i, 205, 206, ii, 171, 190, 196, 297, 393, 689, 709; Mrira, of, ii, 424; Mystery of evil and, ii, 542; Nether world in, ii, 221; Nirmânakâyas, of, ii, 689; Orientalists and, i, 428; Past, ii, 105; Pitris, of, i, 210, ii, 258; Prajâpatis, of, ii, 258; Premature, ii, 439; Progenitors, of, ii, 365; Races, in higher, ii, 171; Ray, of divine, ii, 241; Rishis, of, ii, 258; Rudras, of, ii, 332; Seat of God, of, ii, 84; Series of, ii, 236; Seven, i, 700, ii, 375; Shiva, of, ii, 260; Shukra, of, ii, 36; Solar Gods, of, i, 719, ii, 520; Sons of wisdom, of, ii, 238, 299, 332; Spheres, on other, ii, 297; Spirit, of, ii, 244; Successive, i, 697; Suffering and, i, 215; Teshu Lamas, of, i, 511, ii, 188; Thot Hermes, of, i, 738; Thrones, of, ii, 84; Trismegistus, in, i, 738; Ushanas, of, ii, 36; Varâha, i, 395; Vishnu, of, ii, 36, 236.

Incas and the deluge, ii, 150.

Incense burned unto Baal, i, 712.

Incestuous intercourse, i, 465.

Inch, British measures, unit of, i, 333; Cubits, and Egyptian, i, 333; Jehovah literally, ii, 490.

Inchoate matter, i, 619.

Incidental, Dissolution, i, 397; Ideal, rendered, i, 397; Naimitika, ii, 72.

Incipient, Dhyân Chohans, or perfected men, i, 295; Evolution of fourth race, ii, 9; Human life, ii, 169; Human stage, i, 196; Incrustation, ii, 9; Monads, i, 296; Physicalization, ii, 169, 778; Sketch of man, i, 619.

Inclination, Axial angle of, ii, 372; Axis, of earth’s, ii, 55, 305, 344, 766; Axis of Venus, of, ii, 36; Ecliptic, of, i, 723, 729.

Incognizability of the circle, i, 672.

Incognizable, Bosom of, i, 466; Brahma, ii, 114; Cause and evolution, ii, 511; Creation and the, i, 464; Deity, i, 139, 466, ii, 56, 495, 623; Element, the One, i, 371; Principle, i, 352.

Incommunicable axiom, the, ii, 587.

Incongruities, Apparent, ii, 618; Bible, Purânas and Vedas, in, i, 453.

Inconsistencies, Bible, in, ii, 562; Science, in, i, 734.

Incorporeal, Âbhûtarajasas are, ii, 93; Arûpa or, i, 219; Automata, i, 692; Being, world of, i, 624; Corporeal and, i, 306; Corporealities, i, 618; Creator, ii, 251; Entities, i, 238; Fire, ii, 636; Garments of, man, ii, 329; Idea is a being, i, 683; Intelligences, ii, 582; Laws, i, 594; Man, i, 100, ii, 118, 204, 329; Pitris, ii, 93, 94, 411; Principles, i, 499; Races, ii, 204; Spirits, ii, 768; Stuff, i, 553; Units, i, 691.

Incorporealities, Pure, i, 693.

Incorruptible nature of man, ii, 406.

Increase, Goddess of, ii, 80.

Incrustation, Beginning of, ii, 55; Earth, of, ii, 10, 68, 158, 339; Globe, of, ii, 259; Incipient, ii, 9.

Incrusted world, ii, 734, 754, 761.

Incubated by the Divine Spirit, i, 352, 354.

Incubates the waters, Serpent, i, 378.

Incubus, Ethnologist, of the, ii, 727; Karma, of Atlantean, ii, 782.

Indeciduata group, Mammals of, ii, 686, 706.

Indestructible, Life-principle, ii, 710; Manvantara, of the, ii, 418; Primeval matter, i, 667; Primordial matter, i, 85; Principle, ii, 600; Self, i, 583; Units, i, 201, 691.

Index, Astral capacities, to, ii, 315; Skulls, of, ii, 550.

Index to Isis Unveiled, i, 223.

India, What can it Teach Us? quoted, ii, 762.

Indianists, Areus or Ares and the, ii, 410.

Indians, Bull symbol of, ii, 436; Druids akin to, ii, 799; Guatemala, of, ii, 54; Inferior race, said to be an, ii, 300; Jews borrowed from, i, 285; Logos of, ii, 436; Maya, ii, 54; Red, ii, 261; Stature of, ii, 346; Symbols, ii, 436; Zuñi, ii, 665.

Indiscrete, Discrete lost in the, i, 400; Fire, ii, 112; Principle, i, 481, 568; Substance, ii, 134.

Indiscretion of Mnaseas, an, ii, 379.

Indium, an element referred to by Crookes, i, 603.

Individual, Conscious spirits, or, ii, 673; Consciousness, ii, 707; Cycles, i, 699, ii, 198; Ego, ii, 193; Elements of science, i, 736; Evolution, ii, 37; Exertion, ii, 99; Family, merging in, ii, 199; History in, i, 699; Intelligences, i, 695; Karma, ii, 188; Liberty, ii, 319; Life, i, 280, 288; Monad, i, 200; Pralaya, i, 195, 398; Souls, ii, 521, 599, 709; Svastika and, ii, 587.

Individualities, Rishis and Prajâpatis, of, i, 256; Sephiroth not, i, 693.

Individuality, Ah-hi, of the, i, 70; Atoms have no, i, 691; Buddhi has to acquire, i, 45; Earth, on, ii, 252; Existing in itself, i, 296; Immortal in, ii, 130, 440; Impersonal, ii, 257; Jñânashakti generates, i, 312; Monad, of, i, 285, 679; Nirvâna, not lost in, i, 286; Noumenon an, i, 536; Personality and, ii, 320, 501; Persons as to, three, i, 731; Rebirths of same, ii, 317; Reïncarnation of same, ii, 320; Sense, of, i, 582; Spiritual, i, 182, 285, 679.

Individuality in the Light of Biology and Modern Philosophy, referred to, ii, 691.

Individualized, Consciousness, ii, 251; Monad, i, 680; Seven powers of Logos, ii, 375.

Indivisibility of the atom, i, 565.

Indivisible, Circle, ii, 658; Entity of Spinoza, i, 689; Homogeneity is one and, i, 443; Omniscience, i, 298; Point, i, 379; Substance, i, 689; Unity, i, 467.

Indo-Âryan, Biblical figure, ii, 660; Occultists, ii, 8.

Indo-Chinese stature, ii, 346.

Indo-European, Mongolo-Turanian and, i, 339; Nations, ii, 838.

Indo-Germanic race, the, ii, 175.

Indo-Iranian, Asura, ii, 97, 642.

Indolentia, Epicurean, i, 630.

Indovanshas, Lunar kings or, i, 422; Sûryavanshas and, i, 427.

Indra, Ahi-Vritra and, ii, 402; Apollo answers to, ii, 400; Aryan philosophy, in, i, 38; Asura applied to, ii, 97, 525; Calf, called, i, 428, ii, 185; Deity of the East, i, 153; Divinity, a secondary, i, 403; Fights of, i, 223; Firmament, and, ii, 399; Flesh by spirit, conquers, ii, 650; Fohat, scientific aspect of, i, 736; God of air, i, 500; Heaven, God of, ii, 526; Heaven of, ii, 213; Kârttikeya, prototype of, ii, 400; King of the Gods, ii, 184; Loka of, i, 569; Maruts allies of, ii, 648, 649, 651; Michael, prototype of, ii, 523; Pramlochâ sent by, ii, 186; Purâna, in, i, 428, ii, 185; Rig Veda, in the, ii, 395; Rudra and, ii, 523; Vedic powerful God, ii, 641; Vritra, and, ii, 401; Vul, the atmospheric, ii, 404.

Indrah Zootah, ii, 89.

Indrânî, Aindrî or, ii, 649; Lakshmî or Venus, ii, 80.

Indris of Hæckel, ii, 704.

Indriya or third creation, i, 481, 489.

Indriyâtman, spiritual or intellectual soul, ii, 114.

Indu the physical moon, ii, 48.

Inductive, Law, Hæckel on, ii, 701, 702; Logic, i, 518; Method, i, 177, 521, ii, 605.

Indus and Nile, ii, 214, 435, 436.

Indwelling God, ii, 287, 439.

Ineffable, Ar(r)hetos, or, i, 480; God, i, 375; Kabalists, of, i, 217; Mantrikâshakti, i, 312; Name, i, 217, 312, ii, 295, 587.

Inelasticity of atoms, i, 559.

Inertia, Body in motion tends to, i, 545; Force, Newton calls, i, 557; Occult force, greatest, i, 557; Periods of, i, 178; Powers, subject to intelligent, i, 566; Property of, i, 687; Satan and, ii, 533; Science, of, i, 566; Spiritual, ii, 66.

Infallibility, Personal, author does not claim, ii, 25; Prestige, of, i, 567; Revealed Scripture, of, i, 346.

Infancy, Egypt, of, ii, 349; Fifth race, of, ii, 365; Frame in, ii, 198; Planet and moon, of our, ii, 67.

Infants, Earth and mankind become, i, 667; Initiates called, ii, 530; Monads, separate, ii, 317; Soul, for, supposed new, ii, 316.

Inferior, Avara or, ii, 172, 193; Eden, i, 264; Gods, ii, 64; Hosts, ii, 512; Lha, ii, 60; Mother, i, 260; Races, ii, 439, 444; Superior and, ii, 119.

Infernal, Deities, i, 501, ii, 636; Gods, ii, 380; Hosts, ii, 66; Isis, i, 429; Magic, ii, 612; Quaternary, ii, 635; Regions, i, 248, 438, ii, 52, 67, 98, 103, 414, 425, 829.

Infinites, Exoteric creeds, of, i, 479; Two impossible, i, 36.

Infinitesimal lives, i, 281.

Infinitude, Beings of Leibnitz, of, i, 689; Circle, of, i, 672; Deific, ii, 571; Fiery dragon and, i, 103; Heaven and hell, of, i, 232; Monads, of, i, 693, 694; One unity throughout, i, 675; Serpent and, i, 95; Sons embrace i, 59; Space of, i, 254; Symbol of, i, 103; Universal life given in, i, 650; Vibration and, i, 57; Visible, ii, 575.

Infinity, Absolute unity and, i, 37; Absoluteness of, i, 156; Bound and, i, 459; Circle of, i, 138, 159, ii, 582; Divine breath through, i, 309; Emblem of, i, 275; Finiteness and, i, 86; Globular speck in, ii, 169; Mother stretched in, i, 686; Plane of, i, 154; Presupposes extension, i, 37; Serpent of, i, 398, 407; Sphere emblem of, i, 94; Svastika points to, ii, 587; Vistas through, i, 699.

Inflamed bough, ii, 547.

Inflected stage of language, ii, 209, 210, 699.

Influence, Angels, on, i, 693; Astral, i, 587; Buddhistic Theosophy, of, ii, 730; Conscious, on earth, ii, 740; Constellations, of, i, 440; Cosmic divisions, of, ii, 77; Creation by, ii, 193; Luminaries, from two, ii, 111; Matter, on, i, 571; Moon, of, ii, 489, 739; Omnipresent, i, 508; Planetary powers as, i, 693; Pleiades, of, i, 711; Potent, i, 732; Quickening, i, 296; Stars, of, i, 709.

Infolio of Johannes Magnus, ii, 361.

Informing, Gods, ii, 130, 378; Principle, ii, 108; Vehicles, ii, 332.

Infra-Arctic masses, ii, 338.

Infusoria, Elephant and, i, 245; Filamentoid, ii, 160; Infinitesimal, i, 170; Polygastric, i, 200.

Infusorium, from Dhyân Chohan to, i, 145.

Ingenerable æon, i, 376.

Ingersoll, Col., quoted, ii, 810.

Ingress of Osiris into moon, i, 249.

Inhabitants, Ethereal worlds, of, i, 665; Globes, of other, ii, 749; Planets of, i, 659, 663, 670, ii, 741, 746; Solar, i, 591; Venus, of, ii, 36.

Inhalation and exhalation, i, 40.

Inhales, Eternal bosom, ii, 46.

Inherbation, Devas and Gods pass, i, 210.

Inheritance of Jacob, ii, 567.

Iniquity, Land of, ii, 426; Physical, ii, 316; Spiritual, ii, 316.

Initial, Existence, i, 309; Fourth evolution, period of, ii, 202; Generative powers, ii, 47; Letter M, i, 412; Thot, of, ii, 614; Triad, i, 299.

Initiate, Kadesh means to, ii, 482.

Initiated, Adepts, i, 435, ii, 30; Brâhmans, ii, 334; Philosophers, i, 348; Priest-architects, i, 230; Priests, ii, 557; Writers, ii, 413; Yogî, i, 562.

Initiates, Adepts, i, 314; Æschylus and, ii, 551; Alexandrian, ii, 607; Allegories and, i, 567, ii, 830; Ancient kings were, ii, 519; Anugîtâ and, ii, 674; Ape, and, i, 212; Apostle, i, 38; Arhan not highest, i, 227; Aristotle and, i, 535; Arts and, ii, 604; Ascetics and, ii, 288; Asia Minor, of, ii, 589; Astronomical knowledge of, ii, 513; Atoms and souls, on, i, 620; Babylonia, learning from, i, 377, ii, 731; Brâhman, ii, 53, 118; Brâhmanical secret code, and, i, 292; Caste of, i, 232; Chaldæa, of, ii, 223; China, of, i, 197, ii, 213, 316, 381; Christ one of, i, 716, ii, 530; Christian, ii, 63; Christos, of, i, 216; Chronology of priests, ii, 656; Church, i, 415; Colossal statues by, ii, 355; Commentaries exist for, i, 18; Common beliefs of, ii, 799; Cosmic knowledge of, ii, 525; Cross and, ii, 589, 591; Crypts of, ii, 622; Dangma of, i, 239; Details of narratives known to, ii, 147; Devil, regard for, ii, 536; Dragons called, i, 439, ii, 530; Dvija one of, ii, 73; Eastern, i, 14, 218, 280, 734; Egyptian, i, 3, ii, 221, 223, 385; Éliphas Lévi and, ii, 537; Esoteric emblems and, i, 324; European, i, 20; Evolution of kosmos and, i, 41; Fafnir one of, i, 435; Fourth root race, of, i, 229; Future, i, 409; Glyph and, ii, 576; Gnostic sects and, ii, 407; God principle, and, i, 503; Gods and, ii, 586, 808; Great, ii, 369; Greatest, i, 292; Greece, in, ii, 625; Hebrew, i, 376; Hermes thrice great of, ii, 280; Hermits, ii, 527; Hierophants, ii, 232; Hindû, i, 3, ii, 235, 525; History known to, ii, 141; Hungarian, i, 3; Iao, and, ii, 571; Intelligences and, ii, 37; Isarim one of, ii, 587; Japanese, i, 197; Jesus as one of, i, 337, 631, ii, 598; Jews, ii, 653; Journeys of, ii, 793; Keys in hands of, ii, 543, 617; Knowledge of, i, 583, ii, 739; Language of, ii, 831; Leibnitz not one of, i, 680; Mâyâ and, i, 77; Miraculous creation and, i, 568; Modern, i, 28; Monad, on, i, 622; Moses one of, i, 332, 334, 336, ii, 477; Murder of, ii, 530; Mysteries of, i, 142, 671, ii, 132, 210; Mystics and, i, 72; Nâgas, called, ii, 224, 439, 530; Names given to, ii, 519; Nazarenes were, ii, 101; Northern, ii, 520; Olcott and, i, 3; Orientalists and, ii, 421; Pan and, ii, 537; Paternoster and, ii, 593; Patron of, ii, 221; Paul one of, i, 261, ii, 280, 540, 744; Phraseology of, ii, 471; Physical life and, ii, 531; Physics, and, i, 563; Planes of consciousness, on, i, 221; Plato one of, ii, 93, 278, 413, 584, 804; Popes were, i, 330; Priests, ii, 362, 519, 561, 656; Profane and, i, 228, ii, 545; Promised land of, i, 621; Prophets or, ii, 517; Psychic faculties of, i, 409; Purânas and, i, 456; Pythagoreans were, ii, 162; Râkshasas are, ii, 174; Records preserved by, i, 708, ii, 456, 792; Resurrected, ii, 613; Rig Veda, and, ii, 641; Ring, and, i, 156; Russian, i, 19; Sacred books, on, i, 18; Sacred Island, of, i, 452; Schools of, ii, 523; Sciences, and, ii, 604; Seers, i, 293; Semi-, ii, 595; Senzar known to, i, 26; Serpents refer to, ii, 98; Sidereal Gods, i, 716; Silence, pledged to, i, 417; Snakes, called, ii, 439, 530; Solon and, ii, 455; Soma drunk by, ii, 524; Sorcerers and, ii, 816; Soul and body of, i, 255; Souls, on, i, 620; Sufi, i, 308; Suidas not an, ii, 655; Svastika and, ii, 619, 620; Symbolism of, ii, 458; Terrestrial form of, ii, 241; Third, fourth and fifth races, of, ii, 640; Tomb of, ii, 413; Travelling, ii, 796; Tree and, ii, 521; Universal symbolism and, ii, 457; Vedas written by, ii, 471; Verities, taught, i, 20; Vishnu Purâna, and, ii, 184; Vishvakarman of, ii, 651; Vitruvius one of, i, 230; Voice speaking to, i, 465; Yâho and, ii, 571; Zodiac and, ii, 528.

Initiation, Artufas or, caves, ii, 191; Âryan, i, 343; Astrology and, ii, 525; Bhârata land of, ii, 386; Buddha at last, i, 628; Candidate for, i, 442, ii, 488, 572, 590; Cave of, ii, 248; Chaldees ready for, two, ii, 370; Chelâs preparing for, i, 291; Crucifixion, and, ii, 588; Cycle of, ii, 598; Degree in, ii, 528; Early Aryan, i, 343; Enoch a book of, ii, 239, 240; Events narrated during, i, 325; Fall in, ii, 226; Fourth, i, 97; Grades of, i, 227; Great pyramid and, i, 333; Halls of, ii, 222, 480; Higher Self and, ii, 595; Highest, i, 134; Holy mountains and, ii, 519; Inner man and, i, 334; Inner vision and, ii, 308; King’s chamber and, i, 337; Knowledge acquired at, ii, 518; Last supreme, i, 626; Limits outside, i, 348; Lord Peacock, emblem of, ii, 541; Magic, into, i, 513; Mastery through, i, 703; Moses, of, ii, 487, 571; Mysteries and, i, 250, ii, 484, 564, 589, 620; Nature of, i, 23, 729; Occultists and, i, 96; Plato before, i, 643; Pre-Adamite nations, of, ii, 474; Questions of, i, 187; Rabbinical mysteries, into, ii, 414; Rules taught at, i, 229; Sacred drama of, ii, 437; Secret teachings after, i, 188; Secrets of, i, 449, ii, 38, 55, 146, 395, 652; Septenary constitution and, i, 191; Seven forms of, ii, 558, 674, 675; Sidereal year and, i, 334; Supreme, ii, 470; Symbols of events at, i, 326; Temples of, ii, 396; Third degree of, ii, 322; Trials of, ii, 398; Truths revealed during, i, 331, 552; Veil of, ii, 587; Wand of, ii, 545; Wisdom by, ii, 143.

Initiator, Ancient wisdom of, ii, 557; Early, ii, 558; Enoch means, ii, 558; High, i, 134; Midian priest, ii, 487; Mysteries, into, ii, 280; Serpent, as a, ii, 370; Wondrous being, a, i, 228, ii, 360.

Initiatory mysteries, ii, 597.

Injection, Processes of, i, 666.

Inland Chinamen, ii, 293; Middle Asian Sea, ii, 230, 673.

Inman, quoted, i, 436, ii, 41, 137, 576.

Innocent Adam, ii, 478.

Innocents, Initiates called, ii, 530.

In Quint. Lib. Euclid, quoted, ii, 582.

Inquisition, ii, 41, 249.

Insane mother, Moon called, i, 172.

Insanity, Soul free in, i, 255; Theosophist taxed with, i, 740.

Insatiability of lower passions, ii, 431.

Inscriptions, Cuneiform, ii, 357; Characters, in, i, 513; Egypt, of, ii, 838; Fragments of, ii, 4; Saïs, at, i, 422; Stone, on temple and, i, 430; Tombs, on, i, 471; Vessels at Troy, on, ii, 459; Westminster stone, ii, 358.

Insectivorous mammals, i, 753.

Insects, Creatures in world of, ii, 387; Eyes of, ii, 309; Gigantic, ii, 208; Lives and small, ii, 5, 55; Septenary law, under, ii, 658, 659.

Insensibility, Tamas or, i, 352.

Insentient forms of being, i, 699.

Inseparability of spirit and matter, i, 701.

Inseparable from animal, Kâma rûpa, ii, 627.

Inspiration, Dionysius, of, i, 503; Prophets, of, ii, 667; Virgil, of, i, 721.

Inspired, Book of Enoch, ii, 506; Revelations, by, i, 363.

Inspirer, Esoteric Buddhism, of, ii, 188; Pesh-Hun, the, ii, 52.

Inst. Div., quoted, ii, 172.

Instinct, Consciousness or, i, 254, 702; Experience is, ii, 826; Monad, of, i, 198; Necessities of, i, 665; Primordial blastema has, ii, 127; Sexless creative, ii, 288.

Instinctual, Animal monad, faculty of, ii, 108; Beatitude, ii, 439; Breath of life, i, 263; Evolution of, nature, i, 288; Intellectual causes, and, i, 192.

Instructor, Brass and iron, in, ii, 408; Brihaspati or, ii, 49, 523; Buddha the great, ii, 391; Gods, of, ii, 49, 523; Guru or, ii, 115; Inner self or, ii, 119.

Instructors, Brâhmans, of, ii, 784; Divine, ii, 46, 120, 208, 381; Elect, of, ii, 365; Fifth race, of, ii, 366, 369, 370, 375; Gandharvas, of men, ii, 618; Gods, ii, 374; Hosts, of lower, ii, 541; Man, of, i, 229, 288, 365, 366, ii, 96, 411, 618; Primeval races, of, ii, 411; Sons of earth, of, i, 60, 113; Third race, of, ii, 204; Vaivasvata, of, ii, 147.

Insular continents, ii, 334, 341.

Insulation of ether, i, 611.

Intellectual System, quoted, ii, 168.

Intellectuality, Human, i, 214, ii, 167, 177; Rudras, of, ii, 618.

Intelligible triad, ii, 633, 634.

Inter-ætheric, Force, i, 255, 607; Vacuum, i, 608; Vibrations, i, 614.

Inter-brain, the, ii, 311.

Inter-material space, i, 574.

Inter-molecular vibrations, i, 614.

Inter-organic space, i, 574.

Inter-planetary space, i, 127, 574.

Interaction, Matter, between, i, 541; Molecules and atoms, of, i, 661; Worlds of, i, 678.

Intercession of Mercury, ii, 32.

Intercyclic existence, i, 620.

Interdependence of animals and plants, ii, 303.

Interhuman intelligences, ii, 204.

Interim between rounds, ii, 753.

Interlaced triangles, ii, 39, 375, 626.

Intermarriage in America, ii, 464.

Intermarried giants, pigmies and men, ii, 345.

Intermarrying of hierophants and Atlanteans, ii, 232.

Intermarriages of Atlanteans, ii, 824.

Intermediate, Æon, ii, 512; Forms, ii, 736; Race, ii, 288; Spheres, ii, 60; State, ii, 257; Type, ii, 707; Unknown groups, ii, 705; Worlds, ii, 108.

Interpenetrated spheres, i, 663.

Interpolators, Christian Fathers as, ii, 580.

Interpreter, Mercury the, ii, 571.

Interregnums of fourteen Manus, ii, 73.

Interrelated in its units, Nature, i, 716.

Interstellar, Atoms, i, 693; Ether, i, 686, ii, 144; Shoals, motion of, i, 694; Spaces, i, 574, ii, 162.

Intervals, Creations, between, ii, 321; Brahmâ’s days, of, i, 397; Diastemes, corresponding to, i, 467; Finite, i, 528; Reïncarnations, between, ii, 317.

Intonation or svara, i, 291.

Intra-cosmic, Breath, i, 276; Deity, ii, 44; Forces, intelligent, i, 577; Gods, ii, 267; Motion is eternal, i, 32; Soul had no beginning, i, 33.

Intricacies, Knowledge of cyclic, ii, 53.

Introduction à l’Étude des Races Humaines, ii, 59, 164, 719.

Introduction to Mythical Monsters, ii, 459.

Introduction to the Old Testament, ii, 496.

Introduction to the Science of Religion, i, 512, ii, 204.

Introduction to the Study of Foraminifera, ii, 269.

Introspective summary, Book of Enoch an, ii, 564.

Intuition, Ages, of, i, 300; Creuzer, of, ii, 386; Dimensions in space, as to, i, 271; Ignorance equilibrated by, i, 521; Knowledge expanded by, ii, 473; Leibnitz metaphysical, of, i, 688; Materialism killed by, ii, 547; Mystics, of, i, 539; Mysteries solved by, ii, 112; Orientalists’ lack of, ii, 596, 602, 641; Ratiocinative thought, above, i, 31; Richardson and Spiller, of, i, 554; Science has no, i, 733; Specific, i, 608; Spiritual, true, i, 77, ii, 433; Student to use, i, 299, ii, 99; Truth, of, ii, 543.

Intuitions, Men of, i, 560; Pantheistic, ii, 575; Spiritual, i, 706; Verities, of man and divine, ii, 508.

Intuitive perceptions, i, 689.

Inundations, Local, ii, 325.

Invasion, Aryan, ii, 756, 783; India, of, i, 291, 710; Shepherds, by, i, 330.

Inventors, Egyptian alphabet, of, ii, 614; Fire, wheat, wine, of, ii, 390; Gods and demi-Gods were, ii, 389; System of crucifixion, of, ii, 591; Triangle, of, i, 671.

Inversions of poles, ii, 369, 455.

Inverted stages of odd eye, ii, 313.

Invocation, Angra Mainyu, against, ii, 402; Earth to sun, of, ii, 25; Hermetic fragments, in, i, 306; Vishnu, to, i, 307.

Involution, Evolution and, i, 172, 205, 696; Matter and spirit, of, i, 448; Septenary law controlling, ii, 659; Six, of, ii, 302; Spiritual and psychic, ii, 307, 363.

Invulnerable, Beings, ii, 388; Personality, ii, 440.

Inzoönization, Gods pass through, i, 210.

I O H, Coptic, ii, 486.

Io, Colony to be founded by, ii, 435; Descendant of, ii, 432; Moon and, ii, 433, 434, 485; Moon-Goddess of generation, ii, 434; Mother and symbol of physical humanity, ii, 434; Mother of God, or, ii, 433; Pillar and circle of Pythagoras, ii, 486; Race of, ii, 436.

Io-tef, Diadem called, ii, 487.

Ionian school, Anaximenes of the, i, 645.

Irad, Mehujael the son of, ii, 409.

Iran, Angel Gabriel and, i, 630; Folk-lore of, ii, 411; Golden age of, i, 712; Legends of, ii, 411; Lord of, ii, 567; Rocks in, ii, 458; St. George of, ii, 415.

Iranian, Atlanteans, referred to the, ii, 816; Belief, ii, 800; Tribes, ii, 801.

Iranians, Âryan Brâhmans, and, ii, 407; Dual systems of, ii, 605.

Ireland, Africa, and, ii, 359; Conquest of, by Henry II, ii, 361; Greeting morning star in, ii, 803; Rocking stones of, ii, 362; Starkad went to, ii, 361.

Irenæus, Four Gospels, on, i, 74; Heretics, and, i, 484; Quoted, i, 216, 482, 483, 484, ii, 646.

Irish, Easam or Asam in, create, ii, 121; Vivien in, tradition, ii, 185.

Iron, Age, i, 706, ii, 208, 282, 283; Art of working, ii, 379; Beings invulnerable by, ii, 388; Bronze, unknown in age of, ii, 283; Duck is of, seventh egg of, ii, 14; Glass, attraction of, through, ii, 759; Kali Yuga the, age, i, 706; Wooden, i, 535.

Iron-bound world, i, 159.

Ironworkers of Rhodes, Telchines the, ii, 408.

Irregularity of orbits, i, 548.

Irresolvable nebulæ, i, 651, 654, 655.

Irresponsibility, Period of a nation’s, i, 706; Will-less men of, ii, 253.

Irruentes, Nephilim or fallen ones, ii, 292.

Is, Absolute, Mahâmâyâ of the, ii, 466; Eternal, i, 678; One ever-hidden, i, 592.

Isaac Meyer, quoted, i, 371, ii, 329, 817.

Isaiah and Isaiah, Phallic worship denounced by, ii, 622; Quoted, i, 148, ii, 216, 503, 517, 521, 526; Rebellious children, on, ii, 222; Saraph of, ii, 67; Seraphim of, ii, 404.

Isanagi-Isanami, i, 238, 261.

Isarim an Initiate, ii, 587.

Iscariotes, Sect of the, ii, 407.

Ischins, Angels, the lower, ii, 392; Zohar, in the, ii, 393.

Isha, Lord from, ii, 120.

Ishtar, Eldest of heaven and earth, ii, 258; Venus, or, ii, 65.

Îshvara, Æsar, analogous to, ii, 121; Avalokiteshvara or, i, 135, 461; Brahmâ, and, i, 162, 468, ii, 114; Consciousness in nature, i, 626; Created deity, a, ii, 114; Creator or, i, 486; Deity, personal, i, 352; God, is, i, 627; Hari or, ii, 80; Iswarra or, ii, 496; Kenealy on, ii, 121; Krishna, i, 493; Logos or, i, 155, 160, 162, 277, 373, 468, 626, ii, 673; Lord, i, 156, 315, 461, 626, ii, 80, 120; Mahat called, i, 277; Manifested, i, 135; Mâyâ, male aspect of, i, 354; Parabrahman and, i, 86; Powers of, ii, 121; Purusha and, ii, 114; Sabda Brahman, called, i, 162; Sanskrit, in, ii, 120; Suddasattva forming body of, i, 156; Supreme Lord, or, ii, 496; Theogony starts from, i, 468; Vedântins and, i, 36; Verbum or, i, 162.

Isidorus on stones, ii, 357.

Isis, Aditi and Vâch of the Hindûs, identical with, ii, 47; Agriculture, and, ii, 408; Anouki a form of, ii, 34; Cat sacred to, i, 416; Cow’s horns on head of, ii, 35; Egg sacred to, i, 392; Egypt, in, i, 160, ii, 391; Giants in days of, ii, 359; Girdle of, i, 275; Goddess, a demiurgical, i, 429; Goddess of life and healing, ii, 30; Harpocrates, suckling the babe, i, 441; Hathor infernal, i, 429; Hindûs, of, i, 421; Horus emanates from Osiris and, ii, 495; Horus, virgin mother of, ii, 46; Ibis sacred to, i, 387; Io identical with, ii, 434, 436; Kwan-Yin and, i, 161; Lunar Goddess, a, i, 425, ii, 26; Mercury minister of, i, 417; Moon connected with, i, 249, 388, ii, 617; Moot aspect of, ii, 486; Mother earth or the womb of, i, 409; Mout shares titles of, i, 119; Nile, bed of river, i, 419; Osiris, and Thoth, ii, 484; Osiris interchangeable with, i, 101; Osiris, the daughter and mother of, i, 101, 464; Sigalions in the temples of, ii, 414; Symbol of, ii, 616; Tau and mundane circle attributes of, ii, 588; Tetragrammaton is one with, ii, 636; Vâch, identified with, i, 161, 468; Veil of, i, 318, ii, 691; Venus or, ii, 34; Womb of, i, 409; Worship of, ii, 483.

Isis-Latona, Osiris and, ii, 138; Water, Goddess of, i, 363.

Isis-Osiris, ii, 382; Allegories of, ii, 152; Ansated cross symbol of, ii, 227; Antiquity of, ii, 391; Egypt, prince in, ii, 383; Kabiria, once living, ii, 380.

Isis Unveiled, quoted, i, 2, 6, 7, 22, 25, 26, 28, 34, 110, 130, 138, 141, 207, 216, 218, 219, 223, 224, 230, 252, 266, 268, 321, 332, 337, 339, 354, 360, 361, 363, 367, 368, 387, 391, 408, 448, 483, 501, 532, 542, 621, 633, 634, 685, 703, 719, 721, 733, ii, 40, 55, 77, 89, 95, 101, 132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 153, 161, 180, 198, 200, 212, 222, 224, 239, 270, 274, 345, 394, 397, 407, 435, 448, 460, 477, 483, 487, 501, 521, 528, 536, 561, 562, 570, 584, 585, 587, 607, 667, 677, 730, 762, 789.

Island, Atlantis, of, ii, 7, 412, 425, 452, 809; Atlantis, submerged, of, ii, 412; Buddhists, sacred, of the, i, 511; Chinese holy, ii, 388; Divine kings, of, ii, 817; Electria or Samothrace, of, ii, 3; Gobi desert, in great, ii, 231; Initiates of the sacred, ii, 816; Inland sea, of an, ii, 673; Mahâ Yogins, of, ii, 618; Ocean, sinks in, ii, 382; Plato and, of Atlantis, ii, 7; Rhodes, of, ii, 409; Sacred, i, 230, ii, 230, 333, 366, 816; Sidereal, of Asteria, ii, 400; Sons of God and sacred, ii, 230; White, ii, 71, 336, 421, 422, 425, 426; White devil of the White, ii, 425.

Island-continents, Ruta and Daitya, ii, 452.

Island Life, quoted, ii, 7, 827.

Islander, South Sea, ii, 177.

Islanders, Atlantis, of, ii, 401; South Sea, ii, 439.

Islands, Allegorical, ii, 335; Baffin’s Bay, near, ii, 420; Blessed and the good spirits, of, ii, 388; Classics, and continents in, ii, 804; Continents became, ii, 786; Fauna of Atlantic, ii, 826, 836; Pacific, once part of Lemuria, ii, 7; Paurânic, ii, 423; Secret Doctrine and, ii, 8; Seven, ii, 241, 340, 365, 638, 643, 801; Zodiacal signs, representing, ii, 528.

Isle of Candia, Mandrake on, ii, 30.

Isles, Fifth race, of, ii, 463; Seven, ii, 652.

Isms and no religion, Age of a hundred, i, 739.

Isolation, Differentiation due to, ii, 685; Species, of, ii, 779.

Ispahan, Huschenk built city of, ii, 415.

Israel, Azazel scapegoat of, ii, 405, 406, 427; Bath-Kol and prophets of, ii, 112; Children of, ii, 567, 568, 662; Chosen people of, i, 504, ii, 570; Elohi of, ii, 43; Fanes, of, ii, 485; Giant foes of, ii, 204; God of, ii, 65; Jehovah and, i, 446, ii, 448, 492; Moon and, ii, 448; Satan tempts David to number, ii, 404; Scapegoat of, ii, 405, 406, 427; Sects of, ii, 495; Seth reputed forefather of, ii, 398; Seventy elders of, i, 630; Spiritual rock that followed, ii, 356; Tribal God of, ii, 567; Tribes of, ii, 138.

Israelites, Afghans, and, ii, 210; Baal of, i, 427; Beliefs of, i, 493; Carlyle on, ii, 493; Chaldæa and Egypt, in, i, 332; Ezra and, ii, 152; Fire, sacrifice to, i, 505; Gentiles did not copy, ii, 494; Heathen more sincere than the, ii, 134; Jehovah of, i, 284, ii, 438, 534; Legend of, ii, 4; Mystery Gods of, ii, 3; Nebo adored by, ii, 477; Primeval faith of, i, 340; System of, i, 719; Tribal God of, ii, 438, 534; Vaivasvata Manu, repeated story of, ii, 277.

Israëlitish Jehovah, the, ii, 150.

Issachar, Taurus in sphere of, i, 714.

Issaraël, Origin of, ii, 210.

Istar, Ashteroth or Venus, ii, 154.

Ister identical with Aditi and Vâch of Hindûs, ii, 47.

Isu no gai no Kami, i, 237.

Iswur a God in India, ii, 120.

It, Anywhere, cannot be said to be, i, 401; Atom, is in every, i, 89; Being, cannot be identified with, i, 294; Causeless cause or, i, 279; Desire first arose in, ii, 185; Magic term, a, ii, 424; Man, steps into, i, 139; Speech or words, should never be mentioned in, i, 310; Spirit of the fire, is, i, 36.

It of the Kâlahansa, That called, i, 106.

Italian School, Philosophers of, ii, 162.

Italy, Crosses on highways in, ii, 571; Mandrake in, ii, 30; Pliocene man traced in, ii, 782; Temples of, i, 14.

Iurbo, a name of Iao-Jehovah, ii, 407.

Iurbo-Adonaï, i, 501.

Ivi or bone, ii, 204.

Izeds or Peris, the, ii, 411, 820.

Izdubars of Chaldæa, ii, 351.

Jabal taken from the Kabiri, ii, 408.

Jablonski, quoted, ii, 486.

Jack the Giant Killer, ii, 351.

Jack-o’-lantern, i, 14.

Jacob, Bargain of Jews through, ii, 492; Dinah daughter of, i, 715; Ephraim elect of, i, 717; Esau and, ii, 143; Inheritance of the Lord, ii, 567; Jews and, ii, 492; Ladder of, ii, 294, 373; Lord God of, i, 506, ii, 536, 566; Pillar of, ii, 494, 495; Sons of, i, 712, 714, ii, 210, 222, 447.

Jacob, Major G. A., quoted, i, 36.

Jacolliot, Louis, quoted, i, 404, 697, ii, 233, 461, 830, 832.

Jadoo or sorcery, ii, 242.

Jagad-dhâtri, nurse of the world, ii, 555.

Jagad-Yoni, womb of the world, i, 77, 636, ii, 114.

Jagannâtha, lord of the world, i, 24, ii, 138.

Jagat or universe, i, 36.

Jah, Chokmah, or, i, 379; Divine name, a, i, 379; Iah or, ii, 570; Jaho or, ii, 137; Jehovah is, ii, 632; Male, ii, 406; Noah, is, ii, 490; Rod or, ii, 632; Wisdom or, i, 379, ii, 43; Yah or, ii, 133, 138.

Jah-Eve, a hermaphrodite, ii, 133.

Jah-Havah, male-female Jehovah, i, 46.

Jah-Heva, Adam becoming, ii, 132.

Jah-Hovah, Androgynous, ii, 133; Jehovah or, ii, 132, 406, 492; Jehovah-Eve or, ii, 136; Kabalistic, ii, 636; Male and female, ii, 133; Man or, i, 138, ii, 406.

Jah-hovians, Yah-oudi or, ii, 134.

Jah-navi or Ganges, ii, 138.

Jah-Noah and cosmic quaternary, ii, 630.

Jah-veh, male and female, ii, 406.

Jahángír, Reign of, i, 8.

Jaho is Jah, ii, 137.

Jaho-Jah or Yaho-Iah, ii, 137.

Jahva-Alhim in Genesis, i, 370.

Jain settlement, Colossal statue near, ii, 235.

Jaina cross or svastika, i, 34, 721, ii, 103.

Jakin and Boaz, ii, 522.

Jala-rûpa or water-form, ii, 610.

Jamaica, Voodoos of, ii, 220.

Jamblichus, quoted, i, 256, 440, ii, 221.

Jambu and Pushkara, ii, 422.

Jambu-dvîpa, ii, 192, 334, 340, 386, 421, 801.

James, quoted, i, 219, 446, ii, 143.

James, Sir Henry, quoted, ii, 328.

Jana-loka, place of animal rebirth, i, 141, 398, 399, ii, 335.

Janaka, Engendering of, ii, 552.

Janârdana, Rudra becomes, i, 397.

Jangama, Sthâvara and, i, 490.

Janitors of the seven halls, i, 737.

Janna, Dan or (Dhyâna), i, 4.

Janus-faced Agnosticism, i, 575.

Janus-like character of serpent, i, 434.

Japan, Allegories in, Shinto, i, 261; Artists, ii, 460; Cosmogony of, i, 237; Esoteric schools of, i, 7; Kæmpfer’s, ii, 382; Philosophy of, i, 4; Sacred books, and lost, i, 18.

Japanese, Buddhist ascetics, i, 197; Chinaman and, i, 326, ii, 463; Computations, secret, ii, 597; Cosmogony, i, 235, 237; Cuttle-fishes, ii, 459; Cyclopædia, ii, 213; Egg symbol, i, 393; Fables, i, 238; Flora, ii, 767; Hierarchy of, system, i, 234; Lao-tse, followers of, i, 9; Secret science, i, 96; System, i, 234; Yamabooshis of, i, 197.

Japhet and Titans, ii, 151, 359.

Jar, Time contains a full, ii, 647.

Jared or Irad, source or descent, ii, 383, 409, 616.

Jâta, one of the seven Kumâras, ii, 333.

Jatâyu, Garuda, son of, ii, 596; King of feathered tribe, ii, 602.

Jâti, Nâman, or rûpa, i, 400.

Jaumes, Prof, referred to, i, 551.

Java and lost continent, ii, 233, 833.

Java-Aleim, a chief hierophant, ii, 212, 225, 231, 561.

Jave, Jve, or Jupiter, ii, 488.

Javelin of Brahmâ, Fiery, ii, 666.

Javo or Jevo, ii, 137.

Jaw, Apparatus of wild beast, ii, 721; La Naulette, ii, 786.

Jaws, Age, in, ii, 720; Ape-like, of Palæolithic man, ii, 724.

Jayas or great Gods, ii, 94, 192, 618.

Jealous Gods, i, 297, 425, 445, ii, 184, 296, 370, 438, 631.

Jebel Djudi the deluge mountains, ii, 154.

Jeho, Jah and Iah, ii, 137.

Jehoshua or Joshua, i, 631, ii, 569.

Jehoshua Ben Chananea, i, 26.

Jehovah, Abraxas is the one, ii, 497; Adam and, i, 479; Adam Kadmon, and, i, 467; Adonai and, ii, 493; Adversary, the, ii, 405; Ancient views of, i, 219; Androgyne, i, 90; Angelic form of, ii, 400; Anthropomorphic, i, 504; Automaton created by, ii, 254; Azazel and, ii, 393; Bible, in, i, 427, 487, ii, 630; Binah and, i, 251; Bodyguard of, i, 450; Breath of, ii, 93; Cain and, i, 446, ii, 406; Cainites destroyed by, ii, 408; Christians and, ii, 540; Conception of, self-centred, ii, 748; Crucify them before, ii, 588; Cunning used by, i, 454; Deity not, unknown, ii, 431; Demiurge, the, ii, 143; Devil older than, i, 100; Double-sexed, ii, 132, 138; Elements merge in, i, 500; Elohim and, i, 102, 138, 336, 535, 598, ii, 119, 574; Etymologies of, ii, 137; Face of, ii, 569; Father or, ii, 433, 591; Female, ii, 486, 616; Fighting God, a, ii, 47; Function of, i, 284, ii, 489; Generation, God of, i, 421, ii, 244; Genesis, in, i, 370, ii, 135; Glory of, ii, 569; Gnostics and, ii, 407; God-names of, i, 336, ii, 574; Gods, a God among, ii, 534; Hebrew esotericism, in, ii, 491; Hebrew name for, i, 102; Hebrew ten or, ii, 434; Hecate-Luna counterpart of, i, 425; Heirloom of, ii, 567; Holy ones consecrated to, ii, 485; I Hi Wei said to mean, i, 512; Ideographs of, ii, 257; Israel, of, i, 630, ii, 148, 438; Jah or, ii, 632; Jah-Havah or, i, 46; Jah-Hovah or, ii, 492; Jave or, ii, 488; Jesus and, i, 630, 631, ii, 591, 592; Jews and, i, 364, 540, ii, 567; Jod-Hé-Vau-Hé or, i, 90; Jve or Jupiter, ii, 488; Kabalah and, i, 34, 422, ii, 80; Later vowelled, i, 501; Letters of name of, i, 358, ii, 482, 607, 638; Light of, ii, 41; Living God, the one, i, 235; Lord, i, 630, ii, 79; Lunar, i, 358, 417, 420, ii, 415; Malachim and, i, 500; Male, i, 33, 125; Male-female, i, 46, ii, 486, 490, 566; Man and, i, 89; Measure, i, 89, ii, 42; Metamorphosis of, ii, 484; Michael and, i, 450, ii, 66, 396, 400, 503, 535; Moon and, i, 219, 415, 421, ii, 65, 79, 497; Moses and, ii, 568; Mystery-name, a, ii, 565; Nach or, ii, 226; Name of, i, 34, 358, 476, ii, 482, 534; Nârada and, ii, 52; Noah and, i, 479, ii, 490, 631, 632; Number of, ii, 42, 44, 434; Numerical value of, = 1065, i, 117; Osiris and, i, 336; Parabrahman and, ii, 256; Paradoxical behaviour of, ii, 428; Passive potency of, i, 380; Periphrasis of, i, 472; Phallic symbol, a, ii, 495; Personal God, as a, i, 459; Portion of, i, 630; Potency, a third rate, i, 373, 380; Prayers unanswered by, i, 505; Priapic deity, a, i, 34; Punishing, ever, i, 522; Rabbis, of the, ii, 566; Rectors disobeying, i, 449; Rivals of, ii, 293; Rod or, ii, 632; Sabaoth and, i, 496; Samael and, i, 449; Sarah and, ii, 184; Satan and, i, 422, ii, 407; Saturn and, i, 450, 496, 631, ii, 407; Schemal and, i, 449; Seed of, ii, 148; Sephiroth and, i, 34, ii, 401; Sephiroth-Elohim and, i, 154; Shaddai and, i, 472; Spirit of the earth, ii, 535; Spirit, personating, ii, 254, 536; Substitute, a, ii, 495; Sun, the, i, 427; Symbols of, ii, 404, 495, 569; Terrestrial races led by, ii, 137; Tetragrammaton or, i, 101, ii, 636; Thundering, i, 522; Tribal God, i, 704, ii, 438, 566; Tyrians, ii, 570; Unknown God, not the, i, 349; Vishnu and, i, 454, 456; Yave or, ii, 487; Yehovah or, ii, 496; YHVH or, i, 678; Yod first letter of, ii, 607.

Jehovah-Adam and Brahmâ-Virâj, ii, 133.

Jehovah-Binah or intelligence, ii, 630.

Jehovah-Binah-Elohim, ii, 643.

Jehovah-Cain male part of Adam, ii, 406.

Jehovah-Cain-Abel, ii, 134.

Jehovah-Eve and Cain-Jehovah, ii, 135, 136.

Jehovah-Ilda-baoth, ii, 255.

Jehovah-Ophiomorphos, ii, 407.

Jehovah-Satan, i, 422.

Jehovah-Sephiroth and Brahmâ-Prajâpati, ii, 133.

Jehovistic, Creation, ii, 263; Deity, i, 679; Genesis, copy of, ii, 661; Jews, i, 631; Texts, ii, 496.

Jehovists of Genesis, i, 274.

Jehovite creation, the, ii, 5.

Jehuda-ha-Levi, quoted, ii, 43.

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Dr., referred to, i, 448.

Jellalabad, Temples of, ii, 353.

Jelly-like form of humanity, ii, 160.

Jelly-speck, Non-nucleated, ii, 162, 163, 169.

Jennings, Hargrave, quoted, i, 383, 511, 512, ii, 248, 489, 496.

Jeremiah, quoted, i, 148, 501, ii, 136.

Jeremiah, Ancient, ii, 443.

Jeremiah ben Eliazar, Rabbi, quoted, ii, 142.

Jericho, Modern, i, 318.

Jerusalem, i, 26, ii, 800.

Jeruskoven or frigid zone, ii, 564.

Jesu-Maria blended in one, i, 101.

Jesuit, Kircher the, ii, 387.

Jesuitism, Modern, i, 456.

Jesuits, Learning and sorcery of, i, 330, ii, 505.

Jesus, Âkâshic garment of, ii, 613; Baptism of, ii, 598; Christ, ii, 121, 488, 620; Christos of Gnostics not, i, 157; Clairvoyant powers of, ii, 241; Crucified, ii, 591; Doctrine of, ii, 242; Essene, the, i, 588; Father, on his, i, 627, 631, ii, 536, 592; Fichte reveres, i, 107; Fish, called the, ii, 327; Gnostic gospel, in, ii, 601; Gods of, ii, 567; Historical, i, 631; Initiate, an, i, 337, 631; Jehovah, and, i, 630, 631, ii, 591, 592; Joshua, and, ii, 375; Kingdom of heaven, on, i, 301; Last supper of, ii, 587; Liberator, a great, ii, 540; Logos and, i, 101; Madonna and infant, i, 441; Man-woman, held to be, ii, 143; Mercury, and, ii, 571; Mikael and, ii, 121; Mystic, a great, ii, 540; Name of, ii, 545; Nazareth of, i, 717, ii, 404, 534; Numbers put in mouth of, ii, 654; Personality of, ii, 242; Pharisees curse, ii, 394; Pistis Sophia, in, ii, 595, 597; Pûjâ in India to, i, 101; Rabbi, ii, 595; Reïncarnation believed by, ii, 118; Revelation, in, i, 101; Sabbath day contemned by, i, 261; Serpent, on wisdom of, i, 103, ii, 381; Sin, from the allegorical, i, 284; Strait gate of, i, 388; Tree of Life, called, ii, 521; Type of, i, 631; Vittoba and, ii, 591; Wind, rebuking the, i, 507; Wisdom, and, i, 103, ii, 381.

Jethro initiated Moses, ii, 487, 571.

Jetziratic world of formation, ii, 117, 118.

Jeve, Old Testament term, ii, 137, 496.

Jevo or Javo, ii, 137.

Jevons, Dr., quoted, i, 130, 149.

Jew, Aristobulus, forger, i, 711; Nabathean Agriculture, author of, ii, 475; Noah cannot be monopolized by the, ii, 408; Practical measure known to, ii, 573.

Jewel of wisdom, i, 190.

Jewels, Gnostic, ii, 505; Seven, i, 197.

Jezirah, Number, ii, 43; Seat of passions, ii, 639.

J’hovah, Meaning of, ii, 405.

Jigten Gonpo, protector and saviour, ii, 189.

Jin, Man or, i, 261.

Jishnu, Host, leader of, ii, 523, 649; Indra surnamed, ii, 399.

Jîva, Chasm in shape of, ii, 196; Functions of, i, 244; Hindûs, of, i, 620; Identical in man and animal, ii, 85; Imperishable, i, 238; Life-principle or, ii, 710; Man, complete in, i, 245; Monad, or, i, 237, 266, 267, ii, 50, 79, 170; Prakriti contains, i, 569; Prâna or, i, 573; Principle of man, a, i, 623; Science, and, i, 661; Sheath or, i, 623; Soul or, i, 157; Spark, is, i, 259; Third, of, ii, 21; Vehicle of consciousness of, ii, 252.

Jîvanmukta, ii, 639; Adept, highest, i, 77; Christ-state of, ii, 639; Nirvâna, reaching, i, 398.

Jîvâtmâ, Lords of being, highest of, ii, 37; Mukta or, i, 156; Occultism of, i, 164, One life or, i, 81; Prâna not, i, 247.

Jñâna, gnosis, knowledge, i, 92, ii, 295, 411.

Jñâna-bhâskara, Tradition of, ii, 71.

Jñânashakti, Manifestations of, i, 312.

Jñâta, or Ego in Kosmos, i, 461.

Job and Job, Antiquity of, i, 710; Arabian, i, 711; Archaic doctrine in, ii, 566; Astronomical references in, i, 711; Behemoth, on, ii, 510; Leviathan of, ii, 216; Quoted, i, 352, 368, 444, 454, ii, 395, 688; Satan tempted, i, 454, ii, 392.

Jod, Ark, within, ii, 545; Eva and, i, 90; Hé-Vau-Hé or Jehovah, i, 90, ii, 136, 142, 536; Iao-Sabaoth, full number of, ii, 638; Jehovah, and, ii, 257, 536; Jod-Hé, or, ii, 536; Male, ii, 472; Number 10, is, i, 370; Sacred, ii, 40, 42; Vau and twice Hé, i, 117; Yod, or, ii, 136.

Jogi or Zogee, i, 512.

Johannes Tritheim on magic, ii, 538.

John of Constantinople, ii, 292.

John, St., Apocalypse of, ii, 565, 594; Baptist, i, 216, ii, 121, 462, 521; Book of Enoch and, ii, 522; Church of, at Monza, ii, 620; Cycle of revelation of, ii, 655; Eagle, air, ii, 121; Gospel of, ii, 42; Jesus, refers to, ii, 598; Quoted, i, 99, 217, 246, 623, 627, 632, ii, 79, 239, 401; Thunders of, ii, 596; Verbum of, i, 721; Vision of, ii, 98.

Jolly, Professor, ii, 106, 699, 789, 791.

Jonas, Sign of, i, 717.

Jones, Sir William, quoted, i, 14, 87, 406, 684, ii, 52, 461.

Jordan, Nile, and, ii, 616; Source of descent, or, i, 421; Valley of, flints of, ii, 798.

Joseph, Dream of, i, 712; Ephraim son of, i, 717; Sagittarius in sphere of, i, 715; Tvashtri the carpenter, or, ii, 106.

Josephus, quoted, i, 140, 150, 332, 371, 499, ii, 118, 210, 427, 501, 558, 561.

Joshua and Joshua, Anakim of, ii, 355; Arabic, read in, ii, 588; Course of sun, stopping, ii, 564; Debir of, ii, 557; Jehoshua or, ii, 569; Kirjath-Sepher or, ii, 557; Nun, son of, i, 284, ii, 375.

Josiah, King, i, 712.

Jotun, Mimir or thrice-wise, i, 432.

Jotuns, War of Asathor with, ii, 403.

Journal Asiatique, ii, 214.

Journal des Colonies, i, 507.

Journal des Savants, ii, 417.

Journal of Microscopical Science, ii, 162.

Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, i, 455, ii, 576.

Journal of Royal Microscopical Society, ii, 683.

Journal of Science, i, 525.

Journal, Theosophical, i, 191.

Jovah Rabba, ii, 57.

Jove, Aërial, i, 502; God of fire, i, 500.

Jove-Juno, Androgyne, ii, 637.

Jovians, Earth, can perceive our, i, 190; Eternal spring of, ii, 145.

Jubilee of planets, i, 718.

Judæan Tanaim, ii, 492.

Judæo-Christian systems, ii, 495, 507.

Judah, Cross on men of, ii, 588; Kings of, i, 712; Leo in sphere of, i, 714; Levi and, tribes of, ii, 138; Tribe of, lion of, ii, 614.

Judaism, Christianity, basis of, i, 284, ii, 495; Exoteric, ii, 44; Keys of, i, 338; Phallic worship, built on, ii, 493; Symbols improvement on, i, 412; Vâch before, ii, 112.

Judas, Apostle, treacherous, ii, 407; Roman Catholics and, i, 712.

Jude, quoted, ii, 240, 501, 506, 515, 560.

Judea, Monstrous reptiles of, ii, 753.

Judean religion, Angels of, i, 241.

Judeans, Christians and, ii, 566.

Judge, Dayanisi the, i, 427; Mortals, of, ii, 48.

Judges, quoted, ii, 483.

Judges of souls, Supreme, ii, 503.

Judgment, Calamity or, ii, 830; Day of, i, 159, ii, 653; Nature, of, ii, 472.

Juice of moon plant, ii, 624.

Jukes, Prof., quoted, ii, 206, 229.

Julian, Emperor, ii, 32, 38, 620.

Julien, Stanislas, quoted, i, 9.

Julius Cæsar destroyed Alexandrian library, ii, 731.

Jun or Juno, Latin, ii, 488.

Jungle, Sanjñâ retired to, ii, 183.

Juno, Jun or, ii, 488; Latona pursued by, ii, 815; Mars, mother of, ii, 580; Matter or, ii, 636; Moon and, i, 249; Tree of, and Jupiter, i, 153.

Jupiter, i, 628, ii, 504; Adam and Ham as, ii, 282; Amalthæa and, ii, 612; Ashwood, made men of, ii, 816; Astræa and, ii, 829; Atlantic Islands and, ii, 427; Atlantis, fought for, ii, 808; Bacchus, and, ii, 379; Brihaspati or, ii, 32, 49, 477, 523; Castor and Pollux and, ii, 129; Chain, represents, i, 187; Crowns, and, ii, 507, 542; Cyclic law, personifies, ii, 830; Dæmon of pagan Greeks, a, i, 506; Dodonian, i, 501; Dominions, ruled by, i, 469; Eloi of, i, 631, ii, 567; Eternal spring on, ii, 144; Fables of, ii, 207; Female breasts, has, ii, 143; Four-fold, i, 502; God and planet, ii, 26; Great æther, Virgil calls, i, 354; Heavenly man, called, ii, 282; Hymn to, ii, 583; Incandescent state, in, ii, 747; Inclination of axis of, ii, 747; Io, passion of, for, ii, 436; Juno or, i, 153; Kali-Yuga, at, i, 725, 726; Lapis, ii, 356; Lucifer Venus, and, i, 223; Mars, and, i, 648; Mercury, and, ii, 31, 571; Minerva from brain of, ii, 698; Mnaseas, of, ii, 411; Moon and, ii, 147, 485; Myths of, ii, 207; Prometheus, is, ii, 282; Pluvius, i, 505, 605; Quench a race, wished to, ii, 551; Sabasius called, ii, 437; Satellites of, i, 649, ii, 145; Saturn and, i, 176, 720; Seasons of, ii, 746; Semele wife of, i, 430; Sun guardian of, i, 535; Swan, takes form of, i, 382; Titan, a, i, 456; Tonans, ii, 523; Tree given to, i, 153; World reëntered bosom of, ii, 799; Zeus or, i, 101.

Jurassic period, ii, 165, 206, 753, 836.

Justice, Dharma or, ii, 186; Eternal, ii, 318; God and Satan, of, ii, 244; Goddess of, ii, 829; Hall of, i, 205; Myths, to, ii, 544.

Justin Martyr, Pythagoreans rejected, i, 467; Referred to, i, 216; Religions, on identity of, ii, 514.

Justinian, Institutes of, referred to, i, 507.

Jyotis taught astronomy, ii, 809.

Jyotisha a name of Brahmâ, ii, 660, 809.

Jyotsnâ (dawn) one of four bodies of Brahmâ, ii, 61, 555.

Ka the astral body, ii, 670.

Ka’bah, Sins of the, i, 25.

Kabala, Key of the, ii, 574.

Kabalah, Adam Kadmon in, i, 125, 236, 359, ii, 489; Adams in, seven, ii, 3, 478; Anagrammatical method of, i, 117; Auphanim of, i, 142; Babylonian magism and, i, 39; Bath-Kol in, ii, 112; Bible and, i, 291, 368, ii, 239, 661; Chaldæan, i, 374, 473, ii, 484; Christian mystics, of, i, 46, 47, 261, ii, 511; Circle and, i, 34, 47; Cosmogony of, i, 420; Definitions of, ii, 574; Degradation of, ii, 244; Deities in, i, 119, 120; Elohim in, i, 250, 251; Esoteric doctrine in, i, 266; Fallen angels of, ii, 239; Father-Mother-Son of, i, 46; Fiat lux of, i, 236; Figures of, i, 95; Fohat and, i, 105; Genesis and, i, 39; Germain’s copy of, Count St., ii, 249; Gnostics, ii, 249; God of, i, 132; He of the four letters in, i, 235; Hebrew, i, 376, 473; Initiates, of, i, 376; Interpretation of, i, 89, ii, 257; Jehovah and, i, 34, 117, 219, ii, 257, 492; Kabalist on, i, 140; Kabalistic faces of, i, 218; Kings of Edom of, ii, 2, 478; Later, ii, 479; Light in, i, 359, 466; Limbs of Microprosopus in, i, 235; Logos of, i, 125; Luciferians and, ii, 249; Macroprosopus of, i, 374; Manifested universe in, i, 125; Metaphysical, entirely, ii, 479; Monotheists and, i, 154; Moon and, i, 219; Mosaic books and, i, 358, ii, 662; Mysteries of, ii, 574; No-thing and, i, 376; Number one of, ii, 607; Occult teaching of, ii, 708; Origin of, ii, 250; Phallicism of, ii, 479, 492; Philosophy of, i, 479; Planets of, i, 107; Pleiades and, ii, 581; Pratt on, Dr. Henry, ii, 257; Primitive men of, ii, 3; Reuchlin and, ii, 634; Rosenroth, of, i, 420; Sacred animals of, i, 119; Samael or Satan in, ii, 246, 395; Secret book, a, ii, 565; Semi-esoteric, i, 218; Sephira in, i, 464; Sephiroth in, i, 125, 236, 251, ii, 405; Septenary in, ii, 4, 102, 660; Seven in, number, i, 68, ii, 326, 568; Simeon Ben Iochaï, of, ii, 511, 744; Space in, i, 46; Tetrad in, ii, 633; Tetragrammaton in, i, 125, 235; Triad or trinity of, i, 46, 125; Universe, on, i, 550; Vatican MS. of, ii, 249; Western, i, 46, 47; Wisdom in, ii, 743; Word in, ii, 743; Worlds compared to sparks in, i, 220.

Kabalah, Adam in, ii, 132; Adam Kadmon of, i, 421, ii, 47; Angels, taught to, ii, 297; Archetypal man of, i, 420; Balance of, ii, 88; Blessed ones of, i, 245; Chaldæan, i, 221, 261, 678; Christian, ii, 34; Circle in, i, 420; Conceptions of, ii, 45; Creation and, ii, 57; Dual man of, ii, 40; Eastern occultism and, i, 678; Eastern philosophy and, ii, 44; Elohim of, ii, 90; Emanations of, i, 420; Esoteric Vidyâ and, i, 261; Fallen angels of, ii, 533; Foundation of, ii, 40; Genesis and, ii, 40; Heads of, three, ii, 28; Hebrew, ii, 65; Hiram in, ii, 119; Jehovah and, ii, 134, 137; Jewish, ii, 34; Jod in, ii, 133; Light in, ii, 40, 41; Moon in, ii, 65; Original, ii, 533; Primitive, ii, 89; Raven of, i, 478; Samaël in, ii, 117; Scientific and symbolical, i, 446; Secrets of, ii, 414; Sephiroth in, i, 420; Septenary in, ii, 670; Shekinah in, i, 678; Tree of life of, ii, 227; Universe and, ii, 28; Western, i, 262; Wisdom of, ii, 511.

Kabalism, i, 33, 116.

Kabalist, American, i, 118; Daniel, and, ii, 79; Eliphas Lévi the, i, 263, 280; Ether, on, i, 366; French, i, 265; God held by, view of, i, 697; Holy of holies of, ii, 491; Ibn Gebirol and, ii, 483; Isis Unveiled, and, ii, 487; Kabalah, on, i, 106, 140, 365; Learned, quoted, ii, 569; Marcus a, ii, 594; Mather a, i, 106; Occultist and, disagree, i, 251; Permutation of biblical names, on, ii, 490; Physicists, on, i, 674; Pre-Christian, i, 425; Rabbin, a famous, ii, 135; Semite, ii, 493; Space, on, i, 365; Western, i, 275, ii, 375, 621; Word of, ii, 573.

Kabarim or Kabeira, i, 469, ii, 150.

Kabbala, referred to, i, 235, 338, 693, ii, 484.

Kabbala Denudata, referred to, i, 142, 551.

Kabbala, Die, quoted, i, 26, 374.

Kabbalah, quoted, ii, 326.

Kabbalah Unveiled, quoted, i, 262, 376, ii, 88, 306, 661, 662.

Kabbale, La, referred to, ii, 2.

Kabeiri, Hidden meaning of, i, 139.

Kabeiros, Meaning of, ii, 379.

Kabir, Adamas, named, ii, 3; Eternal fire and, i, 508; Holy Lemnos, born of, ii, 3; Noah was a, ii, 408; Phtah the seventh, ii, 382.

Kabiri, Agriculture, and, ii, 408; Aletæ and, ii, 377; Anactes and, ii, 376; Arnobius on, ii, 151; Axieros, etc., were, ii, 378; Castor and Pollux were, ii, 379; Cherubs and, ii, 121; Confusion about, ii, 276; Corybantes and, ii, 376; Cosmic Gods, great, ii, 378; Curetes and, ii, 376; Cycles symbolized by, i, 703; Deities, most arcane, ii, 111; Dii Magni and, ii, 376; Dioscuri and, ii, 376, 379; Divine dynasties, kings of, ii, 380; Egyptian, ii, 286, 378; Faber on, ii, 151, 376; Gabiri or, ii, 379; Generic title, a, ii, 3, 380; Guebra comes from, ii, 379; Holy fires, named, ii, 3; Idei and, ii, 376; Isis-Osiris and, ii, 380; Kadmos or Kasmilos were, ii, 378; Lares and, ii, 376; Lemnos-born, ii, 3; Manes and, ii, 151, 376; Mysterious Gods, most, ii, 276; Penates, and, ii, 376; Phœnicians, of, ii, 286; Poles, personifying opposite, ii, 376; Sacred fires and, ii, 378; Samothrace, in, ii, 378, 409; Sidereal powers, rulers of, ii, 380; Sons of Sydic or, ii, 409; Temple of, ii, 380; Titans and, ii, 151, 376; Zedek, sons of, ii, 409.

Kabiri-Dioscuri, ii, 379.

Kabiri-Titans, the, ii, 377.

Kabiria or agriculture, ii, 408.

Kabirian tradition, ii, 408.

Kabirim, Cambyses and, ii, 376; Chthonian divinities, and, ii, 380; Deluge Gods and, ii, 376; Fifth race, ii, 286; Gibborim or, ii, 286; Mighty ones or, ii, 411; Sanctuaries of, ii, 380; Worshipped universally, ii, 380.

Kabirs and the devil, ii, 369.

Kabolitæ or Kabul tribes, ii, 210.

Kabul, Arabs in, ii, 210.

Kadesh Kadeshim the holy ones, ii, 482, 485.

Kadmon, Adam, i, 90, ii, 2, 132, 566; Sephira and, i, 266, ii, 1.

Kadmos and Kabiri, ii, 378.

Kadrû, Kashyapa’s wife, ii, 141; Many-headed serpent, ii, 604.

Kadush and El-El the Sun, i, 501.

Kadushu of the Psalms, ii, 482.

Kaf, Mountains of, ii, 414, 415, 416.

Kafaristan, ii, 414.

Kaffirs a human race apart, ii, 765.

Kaikobad, Dynasty of, ii, 416.

Kailâs, Buddhist monastery in, i, 12.

Kailâsa or Heaven Mountain, Himâlayan, ii, 434, 435, 525.

Kaimurath, Adam or, ii, 412, 414, 415.

Kain or Cain, ii, 135.

Kajbee, Mount, ii, 47.

Kakodæmon the evil spirit, i, 368, 441.

Kâla, Cronus or Time, i, 91, 101, 114, 437, 461, 487, 496, 637, ii, 151, 244, 579, 596, 799.

Kâla Chakra explains the Anupâdaka, i, 83.

Kâla-pâni, black waters of the ocean, i, 14, ii, 424.

Kalabargh, Indus at, ii, 436.

Kâlâgni, the flame of time, i, 397.

Kâlaham-sa or Kâlahansa, Brahmâ called, i, 384; Brahman called, i, 47; Brahmâ-Prajâpati and, i, 108; Goose, the, ii, 129; I am I or, i, 107; It of the, i, 106; Kwan-Shi-Yin represented as, i, 511; Swan or, i, 47, 384, 388, 511, ii, 129, 488; That called, i, 106.

Kâlakâ daughter of Dânava, ii, 399.

Kâlanâbha, Târaka is called, ii, 400.

Kalâpa or Katâpa, Position of, i, 405.

Kaleidoscopic transformations of world-symbols, ii, 350.

Kalevala, The, quoted, ii, 14, 29, 129.

Kali, Age, i, 104, ii, 507, 580; Agni, a tongue of, i, 477; Durgâ, ii, 126; Hamsa or black swan, i, 106; Shiva’s consort, ii, 578; Waters of the, ii, 424; Yuga, i, 27, 35, 396, 404, 510, 671, 706, 713, 725, 728, ii, 54, 72, 73, 149, 155, 313, 322, 336, 413, 438, 454, 555, 579, 580, 604, 649; Yuga, four ages of, i, 404.

Kali-kâraka or strife-maker, ii, 52.

Kâliya and Krishna, ii, 396.

Kalkî Avatâra, i, 114, 289, 404, 412, ii, 434, 438, 507.

Kalpa, Age or, i, 114; Brahmâ in preceding, ii, 79, 186; Brahmâ’s creation at commencement of, i, 493, ii, 68, 94; Close of, i, 68, 359, 477, 696, ii, 52, 339; Commencement of, ii, 50, 61, 68, 94; Creations of each, ii, 56; Crores of, seven, ii, 326; Daksha born in every, ii, 258; Day of Brahmâ or, ii, 73; Descent and ascent during, i, 154; Eternity and a, i, 359; Great, i, 114, 227; Immortality and end of, i, 68; Manus for every, fourteen, ii, 321; Meanings of, ii, 321, 334; Minor, i, 578; Nandi in every, ii, 426; Nârada in this, ii, 87; Progress during the, i, 63; Sacrificial animals in first, ii, 661; Shiva in every, ii, 295; Sons of Brahmâ reborn in every, ii, 86; Succeeding, i, 398; Twenty-ninth, ii, 260; Vâmadeva in every, ii, 295; Varâha, of, ii, 335.

Kalpas, Beginning, after the, ii, 652; Events divided by, ii, 156; Evolution in many, i, 490; Future, i, 394, 470; God living in all, i, 464; Great, i, 395; Hindûs’, i, 698; Life, of, i, 142; Manvantaras or, i, 396, ii, 752; Mirror of Futurity records, ii, 53; Padmapâni means supporter of, ii, 189; Reïncarnation in previous, ii, 242; Rounds or, i, 206; Series of, ii, 334; Seven, i, 346, ii, 647; Small, i, 395; Vishnu and seven, ii, 647; Yugas and, ii, 51, 73.

Kalpic masks, Elements called, i, 736.

Kâma, Animal soul or, ii, 431, 631, 708; Apsarases, king of, ii, 185; Body of desires, etc., i, 177, ii, 650; Creator, a supreme, ii, 186; Desire or, i, 265, ii, 170, 184, 210, 265; God, a, ii, 184, 186; Loca, i, 147, 264, 356, 501, 737, ii, 390, 645; Love, God of, ii, 184; Makara-ketu, the, ii, 611; Manas and, ii, 83, 265, 431, 438, 649; Mâra or, ii, 613; Passions and, i, 177, ii, 265, 650; Principle, i, 181, ii, 649; Rûpa, i, 147, 177, 181, 217, 356, ii, 21, 110, 117, 123, 251, 252, 627, 631, 669, 670; Samaël or, i, 262, 263; Temptations of, ii, 265.

Kâma-deva, God of love and desire, ii, 185.

Kâmarûpic state of our globe, i, 280.

Kamschatka, ii, 420, 657.

Kamu mi masubi no Kami, i, 234.

Kan Coh, Sepulchre of, ii, 38.

Kanâda, Gods of old, i, 538, 564, 633.

Kandu a sage and Yogi, ii, 180, 184, 185, 187, 429.

Kangaroo, Men and the, ii, 704.

Kânithi, Kain from, ii, 135.

Kanjur of Northern Buddhists, i, 11, 83.

Kansa, Sons of Devakî killed by, ii, 639.

Kansha and Nârada, ii, 51.

Kant, quoted, i, 107, 129, 158, 173, 645, 653, 654, 655, 658, 659, 673, 683, 688, ii, 550, 682, 711, 746.

Kantian theories, i, 660, 661.

Kanyâ or the virgin, i, 119, 312.

Kanyâ-Durgâ the virgin, i, 721.

Kap or Caucasus, ii, 417.

Kap-kaz or Caucasus, ii, 417.

Kaph, Mountains of, ii, 378, 416.

Kapi-vaktra or monkey-faced, ii, 52.

Kapila, Antiquity of, ii, 603; Esoterically explained, i, 657; Evolution taught by, i, 209, 640, ii, 271, 688; Eye of, i, 614; Hardwar, at, ii, 603; Infinite, on the, i, 459; Intellect of, ii, 550; Kumâras and, i, 493; Pass of, ii, 603; Purushottama, the, ii, 602; Sagara’s progeny slain by, ii, 603; Sânkhya philosophy of, i, 304, ii, 45, 604.

Kapilâksha or Kapila’s eye, i, 614.

Kapilasthen or Kapila’s pass, ii, 603.

Kapilavastu, Gautama Prince of, i, 292.

Kara or hand, ii, 609, 610.

Kara-Korum chain of Tibet, i, 16, ii, 372.

Karabtanos or Fetahil spirit of matter, i, 217, 237, 268.

Karam or side, ii, 609.

Karamania, Mandrake in, ii, 30.

Kârana, Cause or, i, 73, 77, 120, ii, 50; Paurânic Commentaries, of, i, 77; Sharîra, ii, 83, 627; Unknowable, i, 301.

Kâranopâdhi or spiritual soul, i, 181.

Karens of India, Seven souls of the, ii, 669.

Karli, Labyrinths under caves of, ii, 231.

Karma, Absolute eternal law, is, ii, 319; Absolute harmony, i, 704; Abstract nature or, ii, 498; Adjuster of, ii, 52; African, ii, 178; Agents of, i, 147, 151, 313, ii, 412, 500; Amânas produce, ii, 201; Amânasa, of, ii, 22; America, of, ii, 465; Angel incarnated prompted by, ii, 296; Apes, of, ii, 274, 275; Arûpa Pitris and, ii, 98; Astral light and, i, 131; Astral light, of humanity, ii, 539; Asuras, and the fallen, i, 210; Atlanteans, of, ii, 317, 428, 429, 782; Atoms united by, i, 696; Australians, of, ii, 178; Book of Life and, i, 583; Bourgeois, Abbé, of, ii, 713; Bréal on, ii, 281; Buckle on, i, 317; Buddhi, and, i, 45; Cataclysms and, i, 708; Cause and effect, as, ii, 539; Chance and, i, 705; Compensation and, i, 700; Create, does not, ii, 319; Creature subject to, every, i, 697; Creatures of, i, 696; Cruden knew nothing of, i, 152; Curse of, ii, 428; Cycle of racial, i, 708; Cycles and, i, 702; Cyclic evolution and, i, 695; Death and, life and, ii, 539; Deity manifesting through, i, 707; Deluge resulting from, ii, 365; Destiny and, i, 700, 701, ii, 639; Devas compelled by, to incarnate, ii, 389; Dhyân Chohans and, i, 147, 300, ii, 98; Divine soul and, i, 45; Divinity, the exacting, ii, 585; Egyptian teaching on, ii, 257; Electricity and, i, 137; Elementals subject to, i, 241; Entity, a personal and impersonal, ii, 539; Eternal law of, ii, 319; Evil and, i, 447, ii, 500, 501; Evolution, and, i, 211, 695, ii, 657; Executor of, ii, 52; Ezekiel, addressed in, ii, 517; Ezra, of, ii, 474; Fatal destiny or, ii, 513; Fatalism and, i, 705; Fate or, ii, 439, 547, 601, 639; Fates or, triform, ii, 432; Fifth race, of, ii, 316; Forces of, ii, 657; Forces of nature and, i, 696; Fourth race, ii, 428, 429; Fundamental law and, ii, 536; Generation of bad, i, 20; Genesis, of exoteric teaching of, i, 39; Genesis, of author of, ii, 474; Genii, and, i, 313; God, ii, 517; God read, for, i, 716; Gods, of, ii, 259; Gods, will of the, i, 313; Great kings and, i, 147; Harmony and, i, 704; Heredity and, ii, 188; Humanity, of, ii, 539; Iblis an agent of, ii, 412; Incarnation result of, ii, 389; Indra’s defeats due to, ii, 649, 650; Intelligence guiding, i, 300; Inventors compelled by, to incarnate, ii, 389; Israel, of, i, 24; Jîvâtmâs and, i, 156; Laughter, adjusts even human, i, 708; Law of, i, 71, 137, ii, 317, 319, 320, 429, 536, 717; Law of compensation, i, 700; Law of retardation, ii, 271; Law of retribution, i, 695; Liberty and, ii, 319; Life and, book of, i, 583; Life and death result of, ii, 539; Life and, law of, i, 583; Lipika and, i, 130, 131, 153, 313; Mahârâjahs and, four, i, 147, 151, 313; Manus, of, ii, 259; Meaning of, ii, 316; Minos or, i, 131; Moira is, ii, 639; Monads and, i, 156, ii, 259, 287, 316, 332; Moses, of, ii, 474; Muktas and, i, 156; Nârada executor of, ii, 52; Narrow-brained, of the, ii, 178; National, i, 348; Nature-spirits subject to, i, 241; Nemesis and, i, 702, 704, ii, 319, 439; Nineteenth century, of the, i, 24; One law, i, 695; Orlog or fate, ii, 547; Osiris or, i, 131; Pesh-Hun adjuster of, ii, 52; Pessimists and, ii, 318; Physical proof of, ii, 824; Prajâpatis, of, ii, 259; Predestination and, i, 702; Present state result of, ii, 389; Progress and, i, 348; Prometheus and, ii, 255, 430, 439; Providence and, i, 695, 705, ii, 319; Punishes not, i, 705; Punishment, agent of, ii, 500; Pymander, referred to in, ii, 513; Racial, i, 348, 708; Rebirth and, i, 194, ii, 316, 320; Recorders of, i, 130; Reïncarnation and, ii, 317; Respecter of persons, no, ii, 717; Retribution and, i, 695; Rewards not, i, 705; Rishis, of, ii, 259, 389; Satan and, ii, 244; Savages, and, ii, 331; Sexless principle, i, 695; Sexual relation, of, ii, 479; Sin and, ii, 547; Sinful intercourse, and, ii, 202; Sphere of, ii, 601; Sterility due to, ii, 824; Svabhâvat and, i, 696; Swing of, i, 699; Third eye connected with, ii, 316; Third race, of, ii, 428; Triform fates, ii, 432; Unknowable, one with, ii, 320; Vishnu Purâna on, i, 448; Weapon of, ii, 501; Witnesses to, three, i, 624; Working of, i, 698, ii, 824; Yama or, i, 131.

Karma-less, Shadows of bodies were sinless hence, ii, 645.

Karma-Nemesis, i, 704, 705, 707, ii, 317, 319.

Karmic, Action, ii, 452; Cause, i, 215; Compensation, i, 196; Conditions, ii, 223; Course incomprehensible, ii, 171; Curse, ii, 109; Cycles, i, 698, 704; Deities, ii, 445; Development of monads, ii, 171; Disturbance of the axis, ii, 287; Duty, failure of, ii, 195; Effects, i, 444, ii, 65, 176; Ego, ii, 639; Evolution, i, 197, ii, 206, 259; Exigencies, ii, 92; Fate of nations, i, 739; Gods, ii, 446; Laws, i, 45, 216, 295, 297, 693, 703, ii, 81, 99, 208, 238, 259, 273, 344, 466, 542, 709, 811, 812; Ledger, i, 154; Lipikas, i, 214; Necessity, ii, 825; Punishment of Dhyânîs, ii, 238; Rebirth, ii, 176, 244; Retribution, ii, 541; Scales, world of, i, 205; Will, ii, 242.

Karna, or radiant, applied to Krishna, ii, 47.

Karnac, Monolith from, i, 430, ii, 74, 397.

Karnak, Ruins of, ii, 448.

Karneios or sun-born applied to Apollo, ii, 47.

Karshipta the human mind-soul, ii, 306.

Karshvares, seven divisions of the earth, ii, 402, 642, 801.

Kârttikeya, Apollo and, ii, 400; Birth of, miraculous, ii, 580; Hindûs, from, ii, 399; Kenealy on, ii, 654; Krittikâ, delivered to the, ii, 581; Kumâra, a, ii, 111, 655; Mars and, ii, 47, 132; Pleiades and, ii, 654; War-God, a, ii, 47, 132, 579.

Kâshi Khanda of Skanda Purâna, ii, 192.

Kâshinâth Trimbak Telang, B.A., quoted, i, 98, ii, 521, 598, 600.

Kashmir, i, 12, 404, ii, 221, 341.

Kashyapa, Buddhism taught in China by, i, 12; Dânavas, mother of, ii, 399; Diti advised by, ii, 649; Father of reptiles, etc., ii, 271; Genealogy of, ii, 264; Kapila son of, ii, 604; Progeny of, ii, 51; Purânas, in, ii, 602; Sage, the, ii, 140, 398; Self-born, i, 392; Tâmrâ wife of, ii, 191; Ursa Minor, in, ii, 648; Vedas, in, ii, 140.

Kashyapa-Aditya, Apollo answers to, ii, 399, 400.

Kasmilos or Kadmos (Hermes), ii, 378.

Kaspar, one of the Magi, i, 717.

Katâpa or Kalâpa, i, 405.

Katha Upanishad, quoted, i, 98, 464.

Kathopanishad, quoted, i, 391, 499.

Katie King referred to, ii, 778.

Kaumâra creation, i, 104, 492, ii, 112.

Kaumârî and Kârttikeya, ii, 655.

Kaumâric condition of the elect, ii, 294.

Kauravya, king of the Nâgas, ii, 224.

Kav-Kaz or Caucasus, ii, 417.

Kâvyas or cyclic years, ii, 93.

Kavyavâhana or electric fire of Pitris, i, 567, ii, 107.

Ka-yin, son of Adam Rishoon, ii, 416.

Kebar Zivo, vine of food of life, i, 217.

Kedara, a dug-up place, a mine, i, 447.

Kedem, Æolus called, i, 504.

Kedeshim, Priests or initiated, ii, 222.

Keely, J. W., Centre, on a neutral, i, 607; Explanations of, i, 609; Failure of, partial, i, 610; Limit, not allowed to pass, i, 614; Motor Co., i, 613; Motor phenomena of, i, 606, 615; Occultism and, i, 617; Possible attainments of, i, 611; Research of, i, 612; Secrets of, i, 607, 611; Sound, on, i, 616; Vril, discoverer of, i, 19, 172, 275.

Kem-oor, Horus of, ii, 610.

Kenealy, Dr., quoted, i, 230, 390, ii, 52, 121, 400, 415, 436, 485, 486, 597, 653, 654, 803.

Kenite or Cainite, ii, 571.

Kennedy, Col. Vans, Quoted, i, 15, 451, ii, 324; Referred to, ii, 237.

Kent’s cavern, Arrowheads from, ii, 549.

Kep, mother of time, i, 438.

Kephren, builder of second Pyramid, ii, 236.

Kepler, quoted, i, 129, 510, 519, 535, 540, 541, 643, 682, 683, 716, 717, 719, 720, 729.

Kepti and Sebti for two times, i, 438.

Kerkes the Phœnix of the Turks, ii, 652, 653.

Kernel, Powers, of, i, 310; Seers have seen, of matter, i, 293; Tradition, of, ii, 246.

Kêrshvar, Qaniratha the, ii, 802.

Kerya, Buried cities in oasis of, i, 17.

Kesarî, Anjanâ wife of, i, 212.

Keshin slain by Avatâr, ii, 51.

Kesil or Orion, i, 710, 711.

Kether, Crown, the, i, 260, 376, 378, 380, 467, ii, 662; Principle, abstract, i, 236; Sephiroth and, i, 117, 472; Triad or, ii, 630; Triangle of, i, 125; Yod symbolical letter of, i, 423.

Kether Malchuth, quoted, i, 474.

Ketu the dragon’s tail, ii, 398.

Key of Urania, The, quoted, i, 718.

Key to the Hebrew Egyptian mystery in the Source of Measures, The, i, 326.

Key-note in nature, Radical, ii, 516.

Kha or body, ii, 669.

Khaba, the shade, ii, 669.

Khado, Female forms, beings in, ii, 298; Minds, with little, ii, 284; Third and fourth, from, ii, 23.

Khamism or old Coptic, i, 141.

Khandakâla, conditioned time, i, 91.

Khandas, Skanda derived from, i, 394.

Khanoch or Enoch, the Initiator, ii, 558.

Khanoom, Metropolis of, ii, 412.

Kheen or Yang, the membrum virile, i, 511.

Khem, or Horus-Osiris, i, 240.

Khnoom adored at Elephanta, i, 393, 413.

Khoda, Persian for God, i, 370.

Khonsoo, the Lunar God, ii, 486.

Khoom, Water of space, i, 391; World, soul of, i, 513.

Khoorassan tribe from Afghanistan, i, 17.

Khopiroo, Khopirron or scarabæus, i, 391, ii, 582.

Khopri or scarabæus, ii, 582.

Khoproo or Khopron, to become, to be reborn, i, 391, ii, 582.

Khorlo used in Senzar version of Stanzas, i, 50.

Khuan-Khé, river in Tibet, i, 16.

Khunrath, Paracelsus, etc., i, 670, ii, 127.

Khwan or Yin, the pudendum muliebre, i, 54.

Kià-yü, quoted, i, 476.

Kimah, Pleiades and, i, 710, 711.

Kimmerian Bosphorus, ii, 434.

Kimpurushas, Dynasties of, ii, 386.

Kin, Cain or evil, ii, 406.

Kinetic, Energy, life atoms and, ii, 710; Theories, i, 527.

King, Ai, of, ii, 588; C. W., quoted, i, 403, 441, 567, 594, 595, 596, 598, 601, 602, 613, 639; Chamber of, in great pyramid, i, 285, 337, 421, 484, 488, 493, 589; Dynasties, of divine, ii, 293, 528; Gnostics and Their Remains, by, ii, 497, 505; Initiates, ii, 519, 572, 582, 743; Osiris, of duration, i, 471; Race, ii, 791; Sagara, i, 614; Saturn, i, 496; Soma a, i, 249, 415, 425, 489, ii, 401; Stone, named by speaking, ii, 357; Thevetat, ii, 232; Worlds, of three, i, 453; Yima as, ii, 644; Yudishthira a, i, 396.

Kingdom, Animal, i, 288, ii, 1, 169, 672, 722, 725, 736; Development from animal, ii, 725, 736; Door into human, i, 196; Elementals, of, i, 200, 490, ii, 326, 652; Man a distinct, ii, 59, 303; Mineral, i, 20, ii, 326, 672; Monad represents part of its, i, 692; Root-form of each, ii, 196; Sparks of lower, i, 141; Spirits, of, i, 216, ii, 252; Vegetable, ii, 169, 326, 672, 722; Vertebrate, ii, 125, 629; Violence, of heaven taken by, ii, 543.

Kingdoms, Elemental, i, 200, 490, ii, 326, 652, 778; Evolution in all, ii, 195; Lower, i, 62, 287, 663, ii, 179; Man passes all, in first round, i, 183; Monadic essence passes all, i, 679; Nature, of, ii, 170; Objective, three, ii, 190; Rudimental, i, 490; Series of numberless, ii, 475; Seven, four known, i, 696; Sons of lower, i, 663; Three elemental, i, 200, 490, ii, 326, 652; Two sub-physical elemental, ii, 778; Universe, of, i, 295; Vehicles of lower, i, 287.

Kings, Divine, ii, 24, 202, 330, 366, 369, 382, 807, 808, 817; Divine dynasties of, ii, 243, 411; Divine dynasty of, imparted astronomy, ii, 33; East, of, ii, 414; Edom, of, i, 402, 473, ii, 57, 88, 478, 479, 511, 744, 745, 746; Egyptian human, ii, 455; Pre-Adamite, ii, 88; Primordial seven, i, 403; Quoted, i, 391, ii, 357, 483, 712; Races, of third and fourth, ii, 202; Real nature of, i, 477; Seven, i, 261, 714, ii, 597, 654, 791; Shishtas or, ii, 321; Statues of, ii, 385, 792; Superhuman, ii, 386; Third and fourth race claimed to be, ii, 23; Third root race, of, ii, 98, 204; Traditions of reign of, ii, 389; We are the, ii, 284.

Kingsford, Dr. Anna, i, 301, 305, 308, 734.

Kin-kwang-ming-King, i, 510.

Kinnaras inhabit the astral plane, ii, 95.

Kioo-tche, a Chinese astronomical work, ii, 657.

Kioto, Ascetic monks of, i, 197.

Kippûr, Definition in prayers of, i, 474.

Kircher, Father, quoted, i, 391, 489, ii, 217, 387.

Kirchoff, Achievements of, i, 575.

Kirjath-sepher, city of letters, ii, 557.

Kiu-ti, compiled from books referred to in Isis, i, 26.

Ki-y, Seven and ten, ii, 382.

Klaproth, quoted, ii, 213.

Klée, F., on the deluge, ii, 563.

Kliphoth, world, ii, 117.

Kneeling prohibited as idolatry, ii, 292.

Kneph, Concealed breath of, i, 378; Egg issuing from mouth of, i, 389; Eternity, and snake-emblem of, i, 368, 377; Serpent, and, i, 368, ii, 30.

Knights of round table, ii, 411.

Knives, Azazyel taught men to make, ii, 393.

Knooph, Symbol of, i, 513.

Knots on an endless cord, i, 272.

Knowledge, Absolute, i, 623; Adepts cannot communicate, ii, 741; Ancients, of, i, 229; Antiquity, and, ii, 125; Archaic, ii, 659; Aryans, of ancient, i, 568; Astronomical, ii, 52, 563; Atlantean nations, of, ii, 444, 455; Beginning of human, i, 291; Brâhman, i, 292, ii, 494; Branches of, seven, i, 192; Cherubim, of, i, 152; Concealed, ii, 525; Cosmic energy, of guidance of, i, 696; Cyclic intricacies, of, ii, 53; Dhyân Chohans, of, ii, 740; Divine, i, 150, 152, 222, 285, 453, 500, ii, 101, 386, 400, 527, 595, 599; Dragon symbol of secret, ii, 396; Dzyu real, i, 133; Events, initiates’, of, i, 708; Eve of Dangma, through, i, 77; Fall result of, ii, 539; Fire of, i, 115, ii, 597; Forms, of past, ii, 312; Fourth path of, i, 64, 226; Fourth race, in, i, 211; Fruit of tree of, i, 403; Geological, in Book of Enoch, ii, 563; Gnôsis or hidden, i, 299; Good and evil, of, i, 267, ii, 85, 131, 225, 292, 306, 399; Gyan Gñan or true, ii, 411; Initiate into secret, ii, 524; Initiates, for highest, ii, 456, 458; Initiation, acquired at, ii, 518; Intuition and, ii, 473; Jñâna, Gnôsis or, i, 92; Lamp of, i, 666; Love and, Angels’ nature is, ii, 257; Lunar phases, of, i, 250; Mahâ Vidyâ, the great, i, 192; Mimir drew highest, i, 432; Mother of, i, 63, 160, ii, 556; Non-separateness, of, i, 297; Occult, i, 28, 249, 464, ii, 30, 655; Paramârthasatya, through, i, 90; Path of, i, 64, 226; Paths of, right and left, i, 214; Relics of ancient, i, 670; Sacred and secret, i, 153, 292, ii, 561; Science of occult, ii, 30; Secret, of self, ii, 601; Seeds of divine, i, 222; Sense, differs from, i, 300; Serpent of, ii, 296; Shruti or revealed, i, 290; Siddhas, of, ii, 673; Soma fruit of tree of, ii, 524; Space called realm of divine, ii, 527; Spiritual, of Mahâ Yogî, ii, 648; Tree of, i, 153, 403, ii, 4, 103, 185, 212, 214, 227, 288, 402, 414, 621, 622, 662; Universal soul, attained by man, i, 31; Wisdom hedged from, i, 189; World, of nether, i, 516, ii, 680; World one with divine, i, 453; Zodiac, of, ii, 449.

Knowledge, i, 333, ii, 144, 160, 161, 368, 450, 692, 724.

Kœus an Arkite Titan, ii, 151.

Koh-i-baba, Bamian at foot of, ii, 353.

Koh-Kaf, Mountains of, ii, 416.

Kokab or Mercury, ii, 477.

Konch-hog in Senzar version of Stanzas, i, 50.

Königsberg, birthplace of Kant, i, 659.

Kon-ton or chaos, i, 234, 261.

Koorgan or tumuli in Russia, ii, 795.

Koothoomi, Moryas and, i, 405.

Kor, Rider Haggard’s city of, ii, 331.

Korân, ii, 485, 557.

Korscheldt, E., on eyes of reptiles, ii, 313.

Kosha or sheath, i, 181, 669.

Kosmic reflection of God, Satan, ii, 245.

Kosmos, Active life of, ii, 244; Aggregate of, i, 36; All-inclusive, i, 35; Awakening of, i, 142; Being, manifested into, i, 223, 475; Birth in, law of, i, 168; Boundless, i, 31, 421; Breathing of, ii, 614; Builders of, i, 362; Building of, i, 130, 362, 650; Cause of, i, 279, 518, 701; Chaos, Theos, i, 365-372; Creation of, ii, 91; Cyclical processes in, ii, 77; Day of, new, i, 142; Death of, i, 400; Destiny of, i, 651; Differentiation in, ii, 247; Divine thought, springs from, i, 363; Dual force acting beyond, i, 540; Egyptian symbol of, ii, 372; Eternity in, i, 31, 174; Evolution of, i, 371, 672, ii, 69, 621; Forces of, ii, 104, 690; Genesis of, i, 676; God the Father and, i, 103; Good and evil in, ii, 171; Growth in, law of, i, 168; Indiscrete principle, and, i, 568; Infinitesimal point in, i, 298; Inhabitants of, i, 670; Inorganic non-existent in, i, 268; Intra-cosmic soul or, i, 33; Invisible, i, 673; Kingdoms, seven esoteric, of, i, 490; Kwan-Shi-Yin and Kwan-Yin, and, i, 513; Lives of, i, 400; Logoi in, seven, ii, 32; Manifestations of, i, 72, 168, 581, ii, 27, 127, 554, 639; Material, i, 276, 279, 518, 701; Matter totality of existences in, i, 560; Metaphysical or physical, ii, 119; Monas applied to whole, i, 201; Mother’s spawn and, i, 220; Mysteries of, i, 341, ii, 662; Noumenon the, i, 33; Occultism and, i, 268; One soul, aspect of, i, 582; Parabrahman and, i, 36; Philosophy, allegory, in every, i, 372; Reäbsorption of, i, 172; Reality pervading, i, 43; Reawakening of, ii, 481; Rebirth of, i, 695; Reconstruction of, i, 130; Rests, i, 540; Son above is whole, i, 90; Space, in boundless, i, 94; Spirit and, i, 279, 360, 484, 518, 575, 701; Spiritual energy in, i, 135, ii, 26; Tetragrammaton in, ii, 27; Triple one, emanated from, i, 360, 482; Unity of parts of, i, 520, 607; Universe merging in, ii, 199; Vâch and, i, 466.

Kouin-Long-Sang, Buddha’s temple on, ii, 225.

Kouyunjik, Mound of, ii, 4; Secrets of, ii, 5; Sennacherib’s palace of, i, 339; Tablets of, i, 344.

Krânan said to be a creative God, ii, 281.

Kratu a mind-born son of Brahmâ, ii, 82.

Kratu-dvishas enemies of the sacrifices, ii, 526.

Krauncha one of the seven Dvîpas, ii, 334, 422, 423.

Krauncha-Dvîpa, ii, 423.

Krause on plurality of worlds, ii, 746.

Krüss, Meta-elements of, i, 597.

Krishâshva, Sons of, ii, 666.

Krishna, Animate form of, i, 584; Arjuna Chelâ to, ii, 224; Avatâras, one of, ii, 580; Bâla-Râma brother of, ii, 649; Bhagavad Gîtâ on, i, 113, 584, ii, 332, 675; Birth of, ii, 639; Bright Sun-God, i, 26; Brothers of, six, ii, 555; Buddhi, or, ii, 332; Christ-state or, ii, 639; Crucified, ii, 592; Date of, ii, 236; Death of, i, 26, ii, 149, 555; Devakî mother of, ii, 51, 554, 555; Dionysus one with, ii, 438; Divine intellectual soul, ii, 332; Div-Sefid slain by, ii, 425; Fifth race, of, ii, 149; Garuda and, ii, 337; Hero, a, i, 26; Jîvanmukta and, ii, 639; Kâliya and, ii, 396; Kali Yuga and, i, 26, ii, 149, 555; Kansa and, ii, 639; Keshin, slays, ii, 51; Logos or, i, 437, ii, 72, 240, 332, 555; Man, as, ii, 240; Manus of, ii, 149; Mathura birthplace of, ii, 622; Mother of, ii, 51; Nârâyana and, ii, 375; Orientalists on, i, 15; Paurânic story of, i, 15; Râmâyana, in, ii, 649; Reformer, a, i, 26; Reïncarnation, a, ii, 375; Rishi Nârâyana, identified with, ii, 375; Rishis and, seven, ii, 332; Sâmba reputed son of, ii, 337; Saviour, as, ii, 241; Secret wisdom, taught, i, 588; Shankhâsura killed by, ii, 423; Shishupâla slain by, ii, 236; Six brothers of, ii, 555; Splendour of Vishnu and, ii, 580; Sun, incarnated, ii, 425; Sun-God, the, i, 26; Supreme Self of, ii, 675; Symbols of, i, 358; Unite oneself with, i, 437; Vallabâchâryas, of, i, 358; Vishnu, last incarnation of, ii, 236, 580; White devil slain by, ii, 425.

Krishna-Karna, Apollo Karneios a transformation from, ii, 47.

Krishna-Vishnu, Adept becomes, ii, 613.

Krita age, Devâpi and Maru return at, i, 404; Race who follow laws of, i, 405; Wisdom imparted in, ii, 507.

Krita Yuga, Satya or, ii, 73, 155, 322, 336.

Krittikâs, Pleiades or, i, 469, 726, ii, 454, 579, 580, 581, 654.

Kriyâshakti, Creation by, ii, 21, 182, 238; Fruits of, i, 232; Gift of, ii, 689; Meaning of, i, 312; Plane of, creation on, ii, 296; Power, of, ii, 183, 192, 455; Progenitors of, i, 231; Progeny of, i, 228; Third race powers of, ii, 673; Will or, ii, 148; Yoga-power or, ii, 62.

Krœnig, referred to, i, 559.

Krœus one of the Arkite Titans, ii, 151.

Kronos, Curse of, ii, 433; Saturn or, sons of, ii, 151; Sevekh or, i, 439; Titans sons of, ii, 150.

Kronotypes, Seven primary, i, 439.

Krûra lochana or evil-eyed, ii, 32.

Kshatriya, Buddha a, i, 5; Military caste, or, i, 291; Race of solar dynasty, i, 405.

Kshetrajña or embodied spirit, i, 305, 623, ii, 114, 675, 676.

Kshîra Ocean or ocean of milk, ii, 421.

Kuch-ha-Guf of the Kabalah, ii, 670.

Kuen-lun, Hiding places in passes of, i, 8.

Kühn, Adalbert, quoted, ii, 106, 431, 554.

Kuklos Anagkês, the unavoidable cycle, ii, 396.

Kullûka Bhatta, referred to, i, 357, ii, 520, 789.

Kullûka on the Mânava-Dharma Shâstra, ii, 93.

Kumada-Pati or moon, ii, 48.

Kumaon, Sculptured rocks of, ii, 361.

Kumâra Guha or virgin-youth, ii, 400.

Kumâras, Agnishvâttas and, ii, 92; Allegorical nature of, i, 151; Alter egos of four, ii, 112; Apollo one of the, ii, 400; Archangels, prototypes of, ii, 617; Arûpa Gods or, ii, 332; Asuras and, ii, 93, 174; Brahmâ, sons of, i, 493; Celibate, ii, 209; Chaste youths or, ii, 82; Create, refuse to, i, 496, ii, 186; Deprived, called, ii, 256; Devas, are real, ii, 95; Dhyân Chohans called, ii, 613; Dhyânîs, are, i, 493; Eternal celibates, ii, 209; Ever pure, i, 494; Flames, called, ii, 258; Four youths, become, i, 116, 344; Great concern of humanity with, i, 495; Hindû pantheon, of, ii, 182; Horses, men with heads of, ii, 68; Jâta one of, ii, 333; Kapila and, i, 493, ii, 604; Kârttikeya one of, ii, 655; Kûrma Purâna, in, ii, 610; Makara and, ii, 97, 609; Maker’s sons, or, i, 493; Mars one of, ii, 399; Maruts an aspect of, ii, 649; Nahash or, ii, 256; Nîlalohita and, i, 493; Ninth creation, so-called, i, 492; Panchashikha one of the, i, 493, ii, 333; Prajâpatis and, i, 493; Purânas, in the, ii, 610; Rebels, divine, ii, 256; Reïncarnation of, ii, 242; Ribhu one of, i, 493; Rishi one of, ii, 86; Rudras and, i, 493, ii, 111, 202, 618, 649; Sanaka chief of, i, 399, ii, 333; Sananda, Sanâtana, etc., were, i, 493, ii, 333; Sanandana becomes, ii, 612; Sanatkumâra one of, i, 493; Seven, i, 257; Shiva, incarnations of, i, 493, ii, 260, 295; Solar deities, are, i, 114; Sons of Brahmâ, mind-born, i, 493; Tempting demons, called, ii, 184; Toyâmbudhi visited by, ii, 333; Vaidhâtra name of, i, 493; Virgin youths, ii, 253, 580, 654; Virgin-angels or, ii, 256; Virgin-Gods or, i, 399; Virgin-men or, ii, 294; Virginal estate of, ii, 245; Vodhu one of the, ii, 333; Yogins, were, ii, 610.

Kumbhakarna brother of Râvana, ii, 235.

Kundalinî Shakti, Explanation of, i, 312.

Kundzabchidenpa, illusion-creating appearance, i, 79.

Kung Chia compiler of Shan Hai King, ii, 315.

Kuni-to ko tatchino-mikoto, First man called, i, 261.

Kuntî, Bhagavad Gitâ, in, i, 584; Pândavas, mother of, ii, 555.

Kurân said to be apocryphal, ii, 476.

Kurile Islands, ii, 341.

Kurios or Logos of the Greeks, i, 377.

Kûrma or tortoise, ii, 264.

Kûrma Purâna, ii, 610, 647.

Kuru, Devâpi of the race of, i, 405.

Kusha one of seven Dvîpas, ii, 334, 422.

Kusha-Dvîpa, Seven sons of king of, ii, 386.

Kuvera the deity of the North, i, 153.

Kwan, Etymology of, i, 512.

Kwan-Shai-Yin, Avalokiteshvara or, i, 63, 101, 510, 511, 512, 513; Female aspect of, i, 465; Golden dragon in whom are, i, 488; Logos, or, i, 488, 512; Oeaohoo or, i, 100; Triple of, i, 160.

Kwan-Yin, God of chastity, i, 63, 101, 160, 161, 308, 465, 510, 511, 513.

Kwan-Yin-Tien or melodious heaven of sound, i, 63, 160, 161.

Kwoh-P’oh, Commentator, ii, 57.

Kyriel of Gods, Ancients’, i, 474, ii, 25.

Kyriletza alphabet, ii, 577.

La Caille’s tables for the sun, i, 725.

La Face et le Représentant du Verbe, ii, 503.

La Mission des Juifs, quoted, i, 510.

La Naulette, Jaw of, ii, 786.

La Pluche, quoted, i, 672.

La Pluralité des Mondes Habités, i, 665.

La Suggestion Mentale et le Calcul des Probabilités, quoted, i, 702.

Labyrinths, Egyptian temples, of, i, 12, ii, 455; Explorers lost in, ii, 70; Subterranean, ii, 231; Tiers and passages of Egyptian, ii, 455.

Labyrinthodon, Third eye of, ii, 313.

Labyrinthodonts, Mivart on, ii, 736.

Lacertilia, Lizard of order of later, ii, 310.

Lachelier, Henri, quoted, i, 690.

Lactantius on nature of Christ, ii, 172.

Lacustrine animal, Varâha an antediluvian, i, 395.

Laërtius, Zeno quoted by, ii, 168.

Lahgash, secret speech or incantation, i, 378.

Lahore, Ârya Magazine of, ii, 72.

Laing, Samuel, quoted, i, 178, 732, ii, 75, 76, 123, 165, 182, 266, 694, 695, 715, 756, 757.

Lair? Is Plerôma Satan’s, ii, 532.

Lake, Bovey Tracey, of, ii, 766; Dragons, of, ii, 214; Dwellings, ii, 755; Sons of Wisdom, abode of, ii, 214; Villages, ii, 762, 781.

Lakshmî, Agni son of, ii, 611; Durgâ Kâlî black side of, ii, 612; Kâma a son of, ii, 186; Venus and, ii, 80, 186, 611, 612; Vishnu, female aspect of, i, 407, ii, 34, 80.

Lalita-Vistara, quoted by Sir M. Williams, i, 78.

Lama or hermit, i, 5, 8, ii, 188, 528.

Lamaïsm, Buddhism and, i, 588; Little known of, i, 11.

Lamarck, referred to, i, 640, ii, 682.

Lamasaries, Subterranean crypts in, i, 8.

Lambaka, Co-latitude or, ii, 419.

Lambert, Franz, referred to, ii, 670.

Lamech father of Noah, ii, 278, 409.

Lamentations of Job, i, 711.

Lancet, quoted, ii, 659.

Lanci librarian at Vatican, quoted, ii, 393·

Land and Water, quoted, ii, 629.

Lane, J. Homer, quoted, i, 112.

Lange, referred to, i, 564.

Language or languages, Agglutinative, ii, 209; America, of, ii, 834; Ancient, ii, 220, 798; Astronomy, the Sabæan, ii, 383; Atlanteans, of, ii, 209; Basques, of, ii, 834; Centres of, i, 13; Chinese, ii, 350; Cyclic evolution of, ii, 209; Dragon in ancient, ii, 220; Esoteric, ii, 491, 494; Esoteric doctrine, of, ii, 386; European, i, 197; Fourth race, perfected from, i, 211; Gods, of, i, 302, ii, 380; Growth of, ii, 699; Hierophants, of, i, 329; Initiated, of, i, 620, ii, 210, 831; Lolo, ii, 293; Mystery, ii, 210, 606; Occultism, of, ii, 652; Origin of, ii, 208, 700; Phases of growth of, ii, 699; Primitive symbolical, ii, 471; Rabbinical, i, 717; Reason coeval with, ii, 209; Revelation, a, i, 328; Roots of, ii, 698; Sanskrit, i, 290; Semitic, ii, 798; Symbolical, i, 328, 418, ii, 349, 471, 654; Universal esoteric, ii, 491, 494; Vedas, of, ii, 555.

Lankâ, Atlanteans of, ii, 246, 520; Giants of, ii, 426; Hanumân in, ii, 173; Râkshasas of, ii, 289, 795; Râvana giant king of, ii, 235, 242; Third race ended at, ii, 347; Tombs of, ii, 795; Zodiac taken to Egypt from, ii, 454.

Lankester, Prof., quoted, ii, 309.

Lanoo, Bhûmi, child of, i, 233; Calculations, O, make thy, i, 64, 226, 314; Chelâ, a, i, 100; Creation, to understand, ii, 120; Disciple or, i, 40, ii, 19, 122; Fear the undefiled, need not, ii, 308; Lamp of the, i, 59, 106; Never speak, O, ii, 295; Questions to, i, 145; Radiant child, behold O, the, i, 58; Second race, taught of, ii, 122; Thou, I, he, O, i, 65, 233; Thread O, our, i, 65, 251.

Lanoos of esoteric school, Inner, i, 147.

Lao-tze, Esotericism of, ii, 40; Mystics of the, sect, i, 197; Predecessor of Confucius, i, 9.

Laomedon, founder of archaic mysteries, ii, 840.

Lapis Philosophorum or universal agent, ii, 119.

Laplace, quoted, i, 129, 173, 188, 541, 545, 546, 550, 629, 640, 643, 644, 647, 648, 651, 653, 655, 716, ii, 741, 828.

Laplanders call corpses Manee, ii, 818.

Lar, contraction of El-Ar, ii, 377.

Lares, Etymology of, ii, 376, 377.

Lars, conductor or leader, ii, 377.

Lartet, Dr., quoted, ii, 291, 729, 730, 788.

Lassen, quoted, i, 12.

Latency, Parabrahmanic, ii, 28; Pre-cosmic, of primordial matter, i, 88.

Lateres Coctiles or Babylonian tiles, i, 381.

Lathe, Cruciform, ii, 572; Vishvakarmâ, ii, 590.

Latitude, Aksha or, ii, 419.

Latona, Diana and, ii, 437; History of, ii, 814; Lemuria, ii, 815; Niobe and, ii, 814, 815; Revelation, in, ii, 815.

Laurence, Archbishop, quoted, i, 667, ii, 131, 240, 393, 506, 533, 560, 562.

Laurentian, Fossil of the, ii, 265; Life, ii, 752; Period, ii, 159, 169; Rocks, ii, 722.

Lava, ii, 330, 331.

Lavana, a sea of salt water, ii, 334.

Lavater on plurality of worlds, ii, 746.

Lavoisier, quoted, i, 507.

Law, Absolute, ii, 92, 173; Absolute will, of, i, 378; Adepts, of celibate, ii, 87; Ah-hi gives to nature her, i, 70; Ahura Mazda, of, ii, 306, 644; Analogy, of, i, 174, 280, 592, 640, 662, ii, 69, 162, 265, 652; Association, of, i, 75, 312; Atavism, of, i, 282; Atlantean race, of, ii, 429; Biogenesis, of, ii, 710; Birth, of, i, 168; Buddha, of, i, 11, ii, 30; Catenated, stream of, i, 71; Continuity, of, i, 688, 707; Cosmological, i, 517; Cyclic, i, 45, 640, ii, 78, 166, 312, 684, 763, 824; Darwinian, ii, 180, 699, 704, 705; Electricity, of, ii, 658; Eternal, is, i, 176, 716, ii, 243, 438; Ethical causation, of, ii, 316; Evolution, of, i, 266, 680, 699, 702, ii, 58, 65, 69, 177, 181, 200, 208, 242, 273, 515, 563, 688, 706, 772; Gravitation, of, i, 532, 648, 661, 662; Great, i, 171, 701, ii, 84; Heat, of, ii, 658; Incarnation and karmic, ii, 542; Intelligences behind, i, 650, ii, 585; Karma, of, i, 45, 130, 137, 216, 295, 297, 693, 695, 703, ii, 81, 98, 188, 296, 316, 319, 344, 429, 466, 542, 585, 717, 811; Leviticus, in, ii, 790; Light, of, ii, 658; Mahat and, i, 486; Manu, of, ii, 95, 321, 429, 606; Manvantaric, i, 370, ii, 513; Matter, of, i, 641, ii, 28; Mechanical, i, 651, 658, ii, 566; Moses, of, i, 341, ii, 101, 394, 477, 566; Motion, of, i, 541, 578, 697; Nature, of, i, 44, 49, 349, 531, 640, 654, 670, 716, 735, ii, 84, 141, 159, 365, 645, 772; Occult science and, i, 562; Occultists and, i, 163; One, and divine control, i, 49; Periodicity, of, ii, 663, 664; Plato’s, ii, 389; Re-births, of, ii, 242; Repulsion, of, ii, 386; Retardation, of, ii, 182, 207, 271; Thorah or, ii, 484; Universe, of, i, 45, 298, 666, ii, 585, 716; Varuna’s, ii, 641; Zarathushtra, of, ii, 645.

Lay figures on Meru, ii, 810.

Lay-chelâs, European, i, 186; Master writes to two, i, 191.

Laya, Atoms issue from, i, 489, 621; Central sun and, ii, 250; Centres, i, 63, 162, 168, 169, 170, 171, 195, 203, 224, 608; Condition, i, 530, 568, 644, ii, 250; Divine breath from, i, 309; Fohat and, centres, i, 171; Ilus resting in, i, 164; Imperishable, centres, i, 168; Life in, i, 279; Matter in, state, i, 595; Nature in condition of, i, 568; Neutral or, i, 563; Point, i, 156, 608; Prâna, locked in, i, 573; Protyle into, i, 568; Radiant one and, i, 162; Rod with serpents, i, 600; State of, i, 116, 224, 278, 591, 595, 601, 619, 621, 680; Zero point or, i, 155, 680.

Layam, Protyle is our, ii, 111.

Layard, referred to, i, 150, 151, ii, 4.

Laycock, quoted, ii, 659.

Layers, Globes of terrestrial chain, of, ii, 801; Human skin, of, ii, 96; Seven, of space, i, 38; Three strata or, ii, 801.

Le Couturier, referred to, i, 534, 537, 662, ii, 738.

Le Livre des Morts, quoted, i, 159.

Le Paganini du néant, ii, 476.

Leah, Mandrake of Rachel and, ii, 3.

Leap year, i, 538, ii, 558.

Lebanon, Cedars of, ii, 519; Nabatheans of Mount, ii, 476.

Lectures on Heroes, i, 233.

Lectures on Origin and Growth of Religion, ii, 732.

Lectures on Philosophy of History, i, 702.

Lectures on the Bhagavad Gîtâ, i, 135, ii, 149.

Leda, Castor and Pollux, ii, 128; Egg, and, ii, 129; Fables and myths of, ii, 207; Swan of, i, 383.

Lefèvre, Prof., quoted, ii, 70, 178, 197, 724, 782, 823.

Left hand, Adepts of, i, 450, ii, 519; Path of knowledge, i, 214.

Left path, Adepts of, ii, 221, 345; Initiates of, ii, 519; Sodales of, ii, 222.

Légendes Persanes, referred to, ii, 412.

Legg., quoted, ii, 390.

Legge, Dr., Life and Teachings of Confucius, by, i, 20.

Leibnitz, quoted, i, 129, 132, 163, 201, 330, 530, 533, 633, 672, 673, 675, 680, 682, 683, 685, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, ii, 196, 708, 710, 711, 746.

Lemaître, Jules, quoted, ii, 476.

Lemming, Migrations of Norwegian, ii, 826.

Lemminkainen, the white magician, ii, 29.

Lemniscate or figure of 8, i, 601.

Lemnos, Kabir born of holy, ii, 3; Volcanic formation of, ii, 409; Worship of Kabirim in, ii, 380.

Lemprière on Sanskrit and Greek, i, 21.

Lemur or Makis, ii, 705, 756.

Lemuria, Africa later than, ii, 385; Atlantic portion of, ii, 348; Atlantis and, ii, 7, 38, 278, 349, 805, 820, 823; Atlas in days of, ii, 806; Breaking up of, ii, 339; Continent of, i, 473, ii, 7, 181, 327, 420, 820; Dioscuri in days of, ii, 377; Disappearance of, ii, 276; Easter Island a relic of, ii, 718; Elect of, ii, 333; Evolution in, ii, 343; Extent of, ii, 338, 342; Fauna of, ii, 826; Fire destroyed, ii, 330; Flood did not destroy, ii, 149; Fragments of, ii, 233; Giants of, ii, 361; Hæckel and, ii, 203; Human race, cradle of, ii, 833; Indian Ocean, beneath, ii, 718; Madagascar belonged to, ii, 187; Modern science, and, ii, 275, 329; Nations descended from, ii, 812; New Zealand part of, ii, 310; Origin of Gods in, ii, 812; Pacific part of, ii, 827; Periodical sinking of, ii, 340; Position or, ii, 832; Pythagoras and, ii, 637; Relics of, ii, 424; Saturn, kingdom of, ii, 812; Schmidt, Prof., on, ii, 833; Stature of men after, ii, 346; Submarine fires destroyed, ii, 806; Symbol of, ii, 805; Tertiary period, before, ii, 452; Third root race, continent of, i, 473, ii, 420; Transformation of, ii, 347; Widely accepted, ii, 834; Witness to existence of, ii, 342.

Lemurian, Atlantean, and, ii, 211; Bestiality, product of, ii, 721; Continent, ii, 231, 286, 288, 641; Earth, divisions of, ii, 382; Forms, extinct, ii, 714; Half-animal tribes of, ancestry, ii, 205; Late, ii, 359; Physical men, first, ii, 49; Race, ii, 366, 777, 821; Relics, ii, 206, 341; River bed, ii, 348; Sorcery, ii, 299.

Lemurians, Battles between classes of, ii, 816; Civilization of, ii, 331; Cronos governed, ii, 808; Descendants of, ii, 823; Dogma, had no, ii, 284; Flood of, ii, 345; Giant bodies of, ii, 465; Highly intelligent, ii, 275; History of progress of, ii, 276; Kumâras and, ii, 618; One-eyed giants or, ii, 813; Physical fall of, ii, 315; Semi-animal, ii, 206; Survivors of, ii, 207; Third race, ii, 348; Unseparated, ii, 818; What Greeks knew of, ii, 792; Witnesses to, ii, 275.

Lemuridæ, Ancestors of men, ii, 686, 705.

Lemuro-Atlanteans, Ancient writings of, ii, 816; Cities of, ii, 330; Continents of, ii, 9; Divisions of, ii, 388; Dynasty of spirit-kings, ii, 232; Gigantic black and yellow, i, 207; Half-animal tribes of, ii, 205; Man age of, ii, 794; Origin of, races, ii, 209; Peoples, ii, 206; Race, i, 213, ii, 444; Religion, ii, 284; Remember, did not need to, ii, 298; Wisdom, i, 730.

Lenoir, referred to, ii, 403.

Lenormant, quoted, ii, 450.

Lens, Sun a, i, 634.

Leo, Ceylon, vertical to, ii, 426; Judah, in sphere of, i, 714; Libra and, ii, 385; Sinha or, ii, 426; Vanquished, ii, 830; Virgo and, ii, 385, 829; Zodiac, and, i, 234, ii, 452.

Leon, Moses de, referred to, i, 234, ii, 31, 483.

Leontoid Michael-Ophiomorphos, ii, 505.

Lepage-Renouf, quoted, i, 738.

Leporine or hare-rabbit, ii, 300.

Leprosy, Sûrya cured Sâmba of, ii, 337.

Les Enchainements du Monde Animal dans les Temps Géologiques, quoted, ii, 791.

Les Mystères de l’Horoscope, i, 131.

Les Peuples et les Continents Disparus, ii, 233.

Les Volcans de la Grèce, ii, 291.

Lèse-science, i, 669.

Lesse, Caves on the, ii, 786.

Lesser Holy Assembly, i, 107, ii, 87, 662.

Lethe, Millions of years sunk into, ii, 729.

Leto, Latona or, ii, 814.

Lettres et Conversations d’Alexandre Humboldt, i, 540.

Lettres Persanes, i, 740.

Lettres sur l’Atlantide, ii, 277, 415, 784, 785, 815.

Leucippus, referred to, i, 32, 93, 142, 564, 633.

Leucomaines generated by men, i, 281, 282.

Leverrier, Prediction of, ii, 460.

Lévi, Eliphas, Paradox, an incarnated, ii, 617; Quoted, i, 26, 105, 218, 262, 263, 264, 274, 275, 279, 361, 453, ii, 78, 248, 393, 427, 509, 533, 537, 538, 561, 565, 575, 584, 586, 593, 623, 670.

Levi, Gemini and, i, 714; Jacob on, ii, 222; Judah and, ii, 138.

Leviathan, ii, 216, 281, 610.

Levites, Half initiated, ii, 491; Left path, Adepts of, ii, 221; Orthodox, ii, 222; Tomb, had no, ii, 481; Tribe, not a, ii, 138.

Leviticus, quoted, i, 109, ii, 597, 654, 790.

Lewes, referred to, i, 150, 575.

Lewins, Dr., quoted, i, 315, 316, 526.

Lewis, quoted, i, 713.

Lha, Fivefold, i, 66, 258; Melha an ancient, ii, 67; Moon, of, ii, 107; Servant to seven, turns fourth, ii, 15; Spirit of earth, or, ii, 25, 60.

Lha-Chohan used in Stanzas, i, 50.

Lhakhang in mountains, i, 8.

Lhamayin of Below in Stanzas, ii, 17, 66.

Lhas, High, of the, ii, 17, 66; Men, who had not built, ii, 22; Solar, ii, 19, 110, 115, 116; Spirits of high spheres, or, ii, 66, 67, 201; World, create, ii, 26.

L’Histoire des Vierges, ii, 233.

L’Homme Rouge des Tuileries, i, 120.

Liafail or speaking stone, ii, 357.

Liber Mysterii, quoted, i, 235.

Liberation, Creators who have reached, ii, 81; Desire for, ii, 603; Maruta-Jîvas, of, ii, 651; Way to final, ii, 336.

Libra, Asher, in the sphere of, i, 715; Degree of, first, i, 722, ii, 455; Egyptian Zodiac, in, ii, 385; Enoch or, ii, 137; Greeks, invented by, ii, 528.

Libraries, Cave, i, 8; Destruction of, ii, 731; Imperial, in St. Petersburg, i, 19; Occult fraternity, of, i, 18; Temple, ii, 557.

Library, Adyar, i, 157; Alexandrian, 1, 7; Mazarine, ii, 560; Nineveh, of, ii, 731; Sacred, of Fo-Kien, i, 292; Sargon, of, ii, 730.

Library of Contemporary Sciences, ii, 724.

Libzu, Wise among Gods, ii, 5.

Lice, Aphides or plant, ii, 142.

Lichens, Labrador, of, i, 666; Mineral or stone, from, i, 267.

Liddell and Scott’s Lexicon, ii, 639.

Liége, Bones found at, ii, 291.

Lif, Descendants of, ii, 105.

Life, Absolute, i, 268, 279, 296, ii, 37; All is, i, 269; Antiquity believed in universality of, ii, 743; Arrest of conscious, ii, 597; Atoms, i, 65, 167, 245, 688; Beginning of sentient, i, 65, ii, 418, 628; Brahmâ, of, i, 395, 398; Breath of, i, 104, 233, 246, 247, 262, 263, 264, 686, ii, 19, 26, 86, 171, 478, 623; Circle of, i, 242, ii, 587; Crystalline, i, 80, 692; Dawn of, ii, 750, 752; Death and, i, 45, 249, 371, 393, 398, ii, 484, 499, 539; Death necessary for, ii, 406; Earliest forms of, ii, 628; Electric fire of, ii, 120; Electric ocean is, i, 661; Eternal bird, from, ii, 306; Fiery spirit of, i, 237; Fire is, i, 146, 686; First stage of cosmic, i, 489; Fish of, fiery, i, 124; Fohat active force in, i, 136; Form, precedes, i, 65, 242, 264; Fountain of, i, 381, ii, 416; Globe, of our, i, 702, ii, 32, 363, 752; Golden thread of, ii, 540; Graphite and organic, ii, 746; Human, origin of, i, 34, 278; Immortality, in, i, 391, ii, 284; Jîvâtmâ or one, i, 81; Light and, i, 35, 117, 162, 510, 588, 633, ii, 400, 595, 672; Linga Sharîra vehicle of, ii, 627; Lives, and, i, 268; Logoi of, i, 625; Logos is, second, i, 44, 138; Lunar magnetism and, i, 423, 427; Molecular action, and, i, 661, ii, 771; Monads in space, of, i, 679; Occultists and, i, 40, 163, 267, ii, 25; Ocean of, i, 58, 95; Odin endows man with, ii, 102; One, i, 32, 38, 66, 81, 98, 145, 155, 247, 258, 269, 283, 288, 289, 695, ii, 710; Organic, i, 173, 590, ii, 746; Origins of, i, 34, 119, 273, 278, 572; Planets, on, i, 579, ii, 742, 746; Prâna or, i, 181, 245, ii, 578, 627, 669; Primordial matter, and, i, 105, 361, 586, 752; Rivers of, i, 296; Root of, i, 58, 98; Rounds of, i, 213, ii, 596; Sentient, i, 65, 163, 267, 280, ii, 25, 418, 628; Setting sun of, i, 737; Spirit of, i, 121, 154, 220, 237, 304, 499, 685, 686, ii, 45, 110, 251, 485, 582, 612, 616, 617; Struggle for, i, 178, 223, ii, 696; Sun giver of, i, 426, ii, 613, 629; Suns of, ii, 250; Svastika cross, inscribed on, ii, 620; Tau symbol of, ii, 625; Thread of, ii, 540; Tree of, i, 88, ii, 142, 225, 227, 521, 591, 662, 674; Vegetable, i, 278, 490, 634, ii, 714, 752; Water of, i, 57, 59, 93, 97, 381, ii, 381, 589; Whence does, come? i, 733; Zodiac of, i, 720.

Life of Numa, quoted, ii, 656.

Life of Sulla, quoted, i, 713.

Life-atoms, Kinetic energy and, ii, 710; Prâna, of, ii, 709.

Life-bringer, Lucifer the, ii, 117.

Life-centres, ii, 36, 250.

Life-currents thrill through space, i, 579.

Life-cycle, Atoms, of, i, 672, ii, 690; Day of, last, i, 229; Day of Brahmâ or, i, 252; Earth, on our, ii, 197; End of this, ii, 53; Eternity and, ii, 103; Fourth, i, 183; Germ of all to end of, i, 100; Globe D, on, i, 183, 328; Great, i, 258; Higher lives in, i, 278; Lunar chain, on, i, 202; Mahâ kalpa great, ii, 576; Man lives through, and dies, i, 196, 697; Manvantara or, ii, 624; Men of our, i, 288; Middle point of, ii, 158; Organism, of, ii, 123; Our, is middle point of fifth, i, 26; Planet, on this, i, 253, ii, 335; Present, i, 228; Rebirths throughout, ii, 317; Renewed, i, 185; Round or, i, 191; Septenary, ii, 579; Substances after a, i, 164; Support of man’s entire, ii, 286; Terrestrial, ii, 657; World, of, ii, 645.

Life-electricity, Central sun and, ii, 250; Spirit of life-giving or, ii, 69.

Life-elements, Transfer of, i, 195.

Life-energy, Globes parting with, i, 203.

Life-essence, Origin of, i, 590; Prâna or, ii, 631; Wasting of, ii, 429.

Life-principle, or, ii, 710.

Life-fluid our nervous ether, i, 579, 587.

Life-germ, Comet, from a passing, i, 529; Fire-atoms and, i, 279; Mother, from, ii, 148; Physical world, of, i, 521; Planets, from, ii, 167.

Life-giver, Universal, i, 650.

Life-impulse, Globe, reaches, i, 191; Mineral forms, giving birth to, i, 210; Planetary, ii, 737; Sweep of, i, 201.

Life-origination, Archebiosis or, i, 491.

Life-principle, Animal, and, i, 311; Archæus and, ii, 691; Astral form and, ii, 124; Deity, and, i, 89; Fohat the, i, 659; Fourth, i, 89, 275; Jîva or, ii, 710; Life-energy or, ii, 710; Living creature, of every, i, 218; Noumenon, as, ii, 710; Prâna or, ii, 709; Science and, ii, 771; Sun, evolved from, i, 649; Universal soul, ii, 593.

Life-ray, Divine, ii, 116; Effulgent light, of, i, 87; One, i, 65; Thread through beads, like a, i, 242.

Life-renewals, Moon symbol of, i, 247.

Life-thread or Sûtrâtmâ, i, 242, 258, 259.

Life-winds, Body, moving about, ii, 521; Breath, or, i, 122; Lifthrasir the coming Adam and Eve, ii, 105; Nârada or, ii, 598; Senses or, ii, 600; Udâna translated, ii, 599.

Light, Absolute, i, 99, 222, ii, 41, 100, 171, 225; Abstract, ii, 41; Adam Kadmon, and, i, 359; Air from, i, 226; Alhim, of, ii, 41, 42, 43; Amun source of, i, 363, ii, 138; Ancestors, essence of divine, i, 110; Angels of, ii, 98, 117, 249; Anima Mundi, in, i, 217, ii, 255; Apollo God of, ii, 7; Astral, i, 571, ii, 119 (see also under Astral); Atmâ a ray of, i, 264; Beams of, ii, 201; Birth of, i, 366; Black, ii, 249; Body, a, ? i, 523, 525; Borrowed, i, 72; Buddhi, of, i, 265; Cause of, i, 399, 561; Chaos and, i, 369; Chemical action of, i, 653; Christos, of, ii, 41; Cold flame, is, i, 59, 109, 110, 655; Cold, ray of, i, 394; Colour and, i, 226; Consciousness, of, i, 463, 688; Cosmic, i, 651, ii, 44, 119; Cosmogonies, from darkness in ancient, ii, 510; Creation and, i, 105, 274, 382, 485; Creative, i, 522, ii, 249; Cross, and, ii, 593; Currents of astral, ii, 78; Daiviprakriti, called, i, 313, ii, 41; Darkness and, i, 40, 57, 59, 72, 98, 99, 111, 135, 159, 407, 443, 474, 661, ii, 41, 100, 113, 507, 510, 513, 516, 636; Dawn of, ii, 390; Deity of, ii, 280, 541, 815; Dhyân Chohans and, ii, 41; Divine, i, 164, 374, ii, 639; Divine hammer, from, ii, 105; Divine unity, of, ii, 636; Dragon of, i, 444, ii, 211; Drama in sidereal, ii, 537; Ea God of, ii, 147; Effulgent dawn, of, ii, 390; Egg, fecundated by, divine, i, 98; Elementals, from, i, 170; Essence of, i, 98; Eternal, ii, 11, 62, 512, 554, 583; Evil, becomes, i, 102, 445; Eye and, i, 605; Face, from Lord of shining, ii, 15; Fathers Lords of, i, 216; Fetahil king of, i, 217; Fire and, i, 146, 165, 538, 671; First-born, i, 99; Flame, is cold, i, 59, 109, 110, 655; Flames and, i, 579; Focus of, ii, 294; Fohat and, i, 163, 659; Forces, and so-called, i, 318, 522, 551, 605; Forms, condenses into, i, 102, ii, 37; Genii, of, i, 434; God is, i, 522; Gods of, i, 305, 520, 735, ii, 5, 147, 379, 507, 536; Grove on, Sir W., i, 559; Harbinger of, ii, 254; Heat, and, i, 32, 462, 561, 620; Illusion of Mâyâ, is, i, 99; Ishvara, and, i, 160; Jehovah, of, ii, 41; Kabalists, of, i, 103, ii, 41, 42; Kings of, i, 217, ii, 443, 446; Laws of, ii, 658; Life and, i, 35, 105, 117, 510, 686, ii, 400, 513, 602, 672; Lights, of, i, 442, ii, 280, 595, 602; Living fire, of, i, 218; Logos, of, i, 161, 236, 313, 462, ii, 41, 45, 244, 418; Lords of, i, 216; Lucifer, of, i, 507; Manifested-unmanifested, of the, ii, 41; Matter, is, i, 99, 102, 561; Mâyâvic, i, 72; Mercury and, i, 418, ii, 31, 570, 571; Mineral kingdom and, ii, 179; Mode of motion, not a, i, 171; Mûlaprakriti, permutation of, i, 464; Mysteries of, ii, 595, 597; Nature, mirrored in, ii, 376; Number of, three sacred, ii, 624; Occultism and, i, 164, ii, 41; Ocean of, i, 522; Od pure life-giving, i, 105; Oeaohoo, of, 1, 97, 101; Parâshakti and, i, 312; Particle of Divine, ii, 639; Planets, received by, i, 629; Point, of garment of, indivisible, i, 379; Polarization of, i, 527; Powers of, i, 312, 634; Prakriti as, ii, 555; Primary creation of, i, 485; Primordial, i, 72, 236, 252, ii, 112, 138, 183, 427; Principle, ii, 571; Protogonos first-born, i, 99; Ra or, ii, 621; Race, Sarku the, ii, 5; Radiant, i, 58, 98, 139, ii, 636; Ray of, i, 57, 87, 94, 98, 252, 394; Reality, of one eternal, ii, 621; Rectors of, i, 148; Satan, might be called, ii, 406; Self-existent Lord, i, 113; Sephiroth and, ii, 42; Serpent first beam of, i, 437; Seven radicals, of, i, 169; Shadow, and, i, 443, 445, ii, 224, 246, 534, 536; Shukra, through, ii, 33; Sidereal, i, 274, ii, 537; Solar, i, 579, 583, 647; Solar flames and, i, 579; Son of darkness, i, 72; Sons of, i, 26, 62, 129, 131, 144, 162, 217, 259, 522, 625, 628, ii, 284, 816; Sound and, i, 582, ii, 671; Sources of, i, 72, 235, 363, 579, 583, 647, 681, ii, 138; Substance cause of, i, 560; Super-astral, i, 104; Svara and, i, 291; Tenebrous, ii, 249; Ultimate causes of, i, 561; Understood, not, i, 354, 536; Unknown, i, 380, ii, 743; Web of, i, 57, 90.

Light of Asia, ii, 239.

Light-bearer, Lucifer or, ii, 540; Planets, one of, ii, 87, 88; Venus, of earth, ii, 36.

Light-bringer, Lucifer the, ii, 117, 248.

Light-forces, Hajaschar, i, 551.

Light-giver, Zeus, ii, 432.

Light-maker, Bhâskara or, i, 61, 125, 129.

Lightning, Cybele, of, i, 361; Earth, brought to, ii, 548; Globular shaped, ii, 828; Ideas concerning nature of, ii, 554; Prometheus said to be, ii, 553; Supposed incarnation of, ii, 306.

Lights, Body of those called, i, 280; Crown, emanating from, i, 467; Hachoser reflected, i, 551; Name containing all, ii, 601; Northern, i, 694; Phenomenon of polar, i, 226; Rabbi Abba’s six, ii, 664; Seven, from one, i, 63, 145, 147, 154.

Lignite and bituminous coal, i, 273.

Ligurians and Aryan invasion, ii, 783.

Lîlâ, Amusement or, ii, 56, 134.

Lilith or Lilatu, ii, 183, 185, 274, 298, 717.

Lilliputians possible, ii, 302, 799.

Limbo, Illusion, of, ii, 245; Kâma Loka, Hades, i, 264.

Limbs, Brahmâ (gâtra), of, ii, 82; Heavenly man, of, ii, 662; Microprosopus, of, i, 235, 236, ii, 745; Ra creates his own, i, 252; Seven, or Sephiroth, i, 260.

Limbus, Early Christians, of, i, 377; Earth, on this, i, 501; Great and little, i, 304; Kâma Loka, or, i, 356; Major, or primordial matter, i, 303.

Lime and intelligence, i, 666.

Lime-salt, Man evolving from, ii, 162.

Limestone, Formation of, i, 273.

Limestone as Index of Geological Time, quoted, ii, 10.

L’Inde des Brahmes, i, 404.

Line, Adjustment, of, ii, 410; Circle, issuing from, i, 118, 386; Duality, corresponding with, i, 675; Neutral central, i, 602; One point fructifies, i, 118; Spiritual male, is vertical, ii, 626, 635; Square and second, i, 118; Vertical or male, ii, 635.

Linear measures, Origin of, i, 326.

Lines, Dots, circles, etc., why? i, 124; Duad, representing, i, 678; Evidence of spectra and, i, 644; Map, in Confucian style on archaic, i, 475; Nidâna and, i, 61, 120; Points, from, i, 467; Purânas, between, of, ii, 556; Seven paths or, ii, 201; Sparks are called, i, 120; Spectrum, of, i, 594, 644; Symbolic sets of, i, 475.

Linga Purâna, quoted, i, 277, 344, 486, 489, 497, ii, 242, 260, 295, 321, 647, 649.

Linga Sharîra, ii, 251; Astral body or, i, 262, ii, 631; Human principle, third, ii, 627; Principle, second or sixth, i, 177; Vital, i, 581.

Lingam, Hindû, ii, 492, 494, 496; Indecent form of, ii, 89; Indian, i, 370; Jacob’s pillar and, ii, 494; Jehovah and, ii, 496; Jod and, ii, 133; Phallic symbol, a, ii, 488; Sacr’ means, ii, 489; Shiva-worship and, ii, 622; Worshippers, dead letter, ii, 495.

Linguistic case against ape ancestor theory, ii, 699.

Lingyonic, Pâsha in hands of Shiva is, ii, 578.

Lining of God or good, Evil is, i, 445.

Link, Absence of, between ape and man, ii, 275; Ancestry, between man and his real, ii, 200; Angel and animal man, between, ii, 363; Heaven and earth, man, between, ii, 386; Missing, i, 207, ii, 194, 275, 301, 551, 757, 768, 787, 836; Prosimia a, now disposed of, ii, 718; Psychological, ii, 387.

Links, Chain, in one and same, ii, 26; Noumenoi and meta-elements, between, i, 604; Ungulates, between modern and Eocene, ii, 776.

Linnæan classification, ii, 141.

Linnæus, quoted, ii, 301.

Lintels and door-posts marked with blood, ii, 588.

Linus, referred to, i, 711.

Lingyoni of ark of the covenant, ii, 496.

Lion, Crown of, seven rays of, ii, 596; Egyptian Zodiacs, of, ii, 450; Evangelical zoölatry, of, i, 388; Fourth race symbolized by, ii, 562; Gnostic jewels, on, ii, 505; God, who was the one, i, 450; Heart of, i, 726; Hydra, stands upon, ii, 451; Judah, of, i, 714; Michael, corresponds to, i, 152, ii, 121; Paw of, strong grip of, ii, 614; Puma and, ii, 836; Sacred animal, as a, i, 476; Saint Mark, fire, ii, 121; Scales, and three virgins, ii, 452; Six-pointed star, in, ii, 561; Solar, ii, 596; Virgin placed on a, i, 721.

Lion-bird, Monstrous, ii, 653.

Lions, Fiery, i, 234; Life, of, i, 234; Toom luminous through two, i, 736, 737.

Lip and word, Period of one, ii, 473.

Lipi or writing, i, 130.

Lipika, Assessors and, i, 130; Astral records, and, i, 130, 131; Builders and, i, 130, 131, 133, 152; Circle guarded by, i, 156; Destiny, connected with, i, 131; Divine sons whose sons are, i, 62; Errands, runs circular, i, 62; Fohat, sons of, i, 61; Groups of, three, i, 152; Humanity, and future of, i, 151; Karma, agents of, i, 130, 153, 313; Lipi writing, derived from, i, 130; Mahârâjahs and, four, i, 313; Middle wheel, in, i, 62, 144; Occultists believe in, i, 131; Origin of, i, 133; Pass Not guarded by, i, 156; Planetary spirits and, i, 133, 152; Recorders, or, i, 130, 153, 157; Second seven who are, i, 61, 129; Separate spirit and matter, i, 155; Spirits of universe, are, i, 153; Triangle, circumscribe, i, 62; Wheel, in middle, i, 62, 144; Writers or scribes, the, i, 130, 153.

Lipikas, Karmic, i, 214; Recorders of Karmic ledger, i, 154.

Liquor amnii in the womb, ii, 198.

Liquor vitæ, i, 580, 581, 587.

Lithium, i, 602.

Lithoi, and combinations of Decad, i, 342, ii, 361.

Lithos or upright phallus, ii, 89.

Lithuanian tribes, ii, 283.

Littré, M., quoted, i, 547, ii, 780.

Lives, Alchemystical philosophers’, ii, 806; Bodies built of, i, 245; Countless, in human tabernacle, i, 281; Crores of, numberless, i, 269; Dwellings for, no, ii, 17; Elements, of, i, 284, 311; Fiery, i, 283, ii, 123; Higher, i, 278; Immortal entity, of, ii, 582; Insects and small, ii, 55; Kosmos, of, i, 400; Life and, i, 268; Life-germs produce other, i, 279; Manifested, i, 38, 155; Monads or, ii, 60; Myriads of countless, i, 245, 282, 666; Periods, of first four, i, 269; Progress of countless, i, 288; Rishis, of, ii, 581; Seven, and one, i, 66, 258; Soul and body two, i, 254; Spiritual, i, 696, ii, 173; Terrestrial, lowest, i, 245; Thriving without air, i, 270; Universe of, i, 269; Unseen, surrounding us, i, 666.

Livia Augusta and Delphic temple, ii, 613.

Living, Spirit of nature, i, 370, ii, 114; Tree of divine wisdom, i, 232; Word in Egypt, i, 439; World and living man, i, 580.

Living fire, i, 367; First race had no, ii, 120; Light and, i, 218; Prometheus and, i, 217; Spirit of light or, i, 361; Thinking man needs, ii, 107.

Living soul, Adam a, ii, 86, 478; Bhûtâtman or, ii, 114; Formation of a, i, 260; Man, breathed into, ii, 159; Moses, of, i, 274; Serpent of evil has a, ii, 29; Vital or, i, 246.

Lizard, Evolution of, i, 698; Megalosaurus and, ii, 205; Mesozoic times, and, ii, 163; New Zealand, with three eyes, ii, 310; Winged, ii, 59, 229, 269, 404.

Loaf, Serpent round sacramental, ii, 225.

Lob-nor, Buried cities of, i, 17.

Lobe, Middle, in ape, ii, 682.

Locality, Fall of third race, of, ii, 807; Garden of Eden, ii, 212.

Localized Prakriti, ii, 69.

Location, Eden, of, ii, 212; World of illusion, only in this, i, 662.

Loch-maria-ker in Morbihan, ii, 795.

Loci, Mystical, ii, 101.

Locke, quoted, i, 37, 675.

Locrian, Timæus the, ii, 485.

Lode-star, Draco ceased to be, ii, 35; Religion of Hindû-Aryan a, ii, 493.

Lodge, Prof., quoted, i, 529, 530.

Lodges, Masonic, ii, 105, 607.

Lodur and creation of man, ii, 102.

Logan or rocking-stones, ii, 358.

Logic, Alexander Bain on, i, 347; Analogy of, ii, 163; Creator of Monotheists and, ii, 167; Principles of inductive, i, 518; Realm of probabilities and, i, 670; Specialists ignore, i, 526; Worlds, and invisible, i, 664.

Logic, quoted, i, 146, 271.

Logograms, Language by, ii, 350; Meaning of whole word in, i, 326.

Logography, Occult, ii, 350.

Logoi, Antiquity of, i, 101; Builders, or, i, 108; Compound unit of, i, 266; Creative potencies, or, ii, 594; Deities and, male, i, 89; Dragon and, i, 102; Earth has seven, ii, 626; Elohim or collective, i, 402; Evolution and, i, 204, 324; First-born or, ii, 97; Fohat from, i, 659; Hermetic philosophers, of, i, 162; Hierarchies of powers, and, i, 102; Houses of, ii, 637; Incarnation of, ii, 542; Kosmos, in, ii, 32; Life, of, i, 625; Light, correlations of, i, 465; Male-female, i, 101, 266; Minor, ii, 41; Nations, of all, i, 510; One and, i, 102; Ophites, of, ii, 224; Pymander, of Western continent, i, 103; Religious systems, of, i, 512; Self-born, i, 389; Seven, i, 162, 442, ii, 32, 542, 594, 626, 637, 673; Sexual aspect, of religions in, i, 377; Spirit, endow men with, ii, 103; Sun, symbolized by, ii, 47; Three, i, 484; Unit of, i, 266; World creative, in ideal, i, 407.

Logos, Absolute silent ALL, i, 369; Adam Kadmon is, i, 125, 161, 202, 235, 266, 463, ii, 40, 135, 136, 244, 574; Adi-Buddha and, i, 161; Adversary, became, ii, 64; Agathodæmon or, i, 441, ii, 64; Ahura Mazda and, ii, 244; Aja, is, ii, 72, 371, 612, 637; Akâsha mother-father of, ii, 418; ALL, of absolute silent, i, 369; Amshaspends and, i, 463, ii, 512; Androgynous, i, 101, 118, ii, 40, 225; Anima Mundi, or, i, 88, 625; Anthropomorphized, ii, 434; Apex of Pythagorean triangle, ii, 27; Arhetos and sevenfold nature of, i, 480, 481; Atman is, i, 135; Avalokiteshvara or, i, 101, 134, 155, 161, 461, 463, 512, ii, 188, 673; Benevolent, ii, 64; Bhagavad Gîtâ, in, ii, 332; Bhâvâ called, i, 277; Brahmâ is, i, 38, 135, 161, 162, 277, 380, 409, 463, 468, 488, ii, 112, 136, 244, 258, 661, 673; Brâhmanical and Buddhist, i, 155, 461, ii, 673; B’raisheeth or, i, 402; Buddha, supreme, i, 134, 624; Bull symbol of, ii, 436; Celestial, i, 266; Centre of unity, i, 467; Christ, ii, 247, 507; Christian, i, 155, ii, 247; Christos, is, i, 155, 159, ii, 241, 502; Circle or, unifying, i, 468; Conception, brought within range of our, i, 463; Conception of one, i, 294; Conscious energy of, i, 463; Cosmic, ii, 258, 685; Cosmic ideation called, i, 44, ii, 27; Cosmogony, of every, ii, 743; Create, desired to, ii, 515; Creation and being, in, ii, 502; Creation, second, of, i, 624; Creative, i, 134, 135, 237, 488, ii, 244, 247; Creative deity, or, i, 373; Creator, or, i, 277, 300, 378, 380, 408, 461, 474, ii, 58; Crown, assumes form of, i, 467; Daughter of, i, 160, 460, 464; Deity, i, 467; Demiurge, or, i, 135, 300, 408, ii, 26, 28, 29, 501, 633; Devas and, i, 463; Devils subject to, ii, 240; Dhyân Chohans and, i, 300, 463; Dianoia and, synonymous, ii, 28; Divine, ii, 40; Dorjechang, called, i, 624; Dragon, symbol of, i, 102, 103, ii, 371; Duad or double-sexed, i, 380; Dual, true, i, 441, ii, 173; Dual man or, ii, 40; Earth, self-active wisdom on, ii, 241; Eastern esotericism and, i, 463; Ego reflected image of, ii, 627; Eliphas Lévi on, ii, 623; Elohim and, i, 463; Emanation, first, i, 402; Emanations not, by, ii, 58; Energies of, i, 162, ii, 324; Ennoia and Ophis are, ii, 225; Esoteric, i, 673; Esoteric meaning of, ii, 28; Esoteric philosophy, in, i, 408, 463; Ever-incarnating, ii, 52; Every creative, is host, ii, 247; Father and birth of first, i, 375; Female, i, 101, 161, 464, ii, 112; Feminine word or, i, 439; Ferouer and, ii, 502; First, i, 44, 101, 102, 375, 409, ii, 135; First-begotten, i, 277, ii, 29; First cause or, i, 43, 44, 235, 437, 459; Fohat and, i, 134, 161, ii, 418, 685; Forms of, seven, ii, 673; Fravarshi or, ii, 502; Generative light of, ii, 244; Genesis is, God in, ii, 1; Genii, presiding over, ii, 389; Gnostics, of, i, 389, 441; Great unseen, ii, 324; Greek, i, 100, 103, ii, 37, 209; Heaven, in, ii, 241; Heaven-born, ii, 437; Heavenly man and, i, 161, 260, 266, 466, 467, ii, 241, 244, 247, 431, 574, 633, 661, 662; Higher Self, is, ii, 40, 241; Holy one or, ii, 515; Horus and, i, 159, 372, ii, 244; Host of, i, 121, 468, ii, 389, 431; Ideation of, i, 467; Impersonal, i, 44; Incarnated, ii, 555; Individual consciousness as, ii, 707; Individualized, ii, 375; Intelligence, called, i, 44; Invisible, ii, 26; Invisible celibate, called, i, 237; Îshvara or, i, 155, 160, 162, 277, 373, 461, 468, 626, 673; Jesus and, i, 101; Jñâna or, i, 92; Jñâta or, i, 461; Jupiter and, i, 101; Kabalistic, i, 125, 202, 463, ii, 40; Kakodæmon or, i, 441; Kâma and, ii, 613; Krishna and, ii, 72, 240, 332, 437; Kwan-Shi-Yin primordial, i, 488, 512, 513; Life, called, i, 441; Light and, i, 103, 160, 162, 236, 313, 433, 462, 463, 466, 474, ii, 29, 40, 41, 45, 240, 244, 418, 743; Lord of all mysteries, i, 624; Lucifer is, ii, 171; Mahâ Buddhi, and, i, 44; Mahat and, i, 44, 104, 277, ii, 501; Male, i, 161; Male-female, i, 38; Manifestation of, i, 143; Manifested, i, 37, 44, 101, 102, 235, 236, 433, 483, ii, 28, 41, 225, 324, 626, 661, 662, 707; Mercury as, ii, 571; Microprosopus and, i, 235, 236, 260, ii, 662; Mind, proceeded from, i, 374; Mirror reflecting divine mind, ii, 28; Monad, or universal, i, 674, ii, 325; Mother, i, 160, 460, 464, ii, 418; Mûlaprakriti material to, i, 462, ii, 27; Mystery of, ii, 514; Names of, ii, 514; Noumenon of matter, is, i, 44; Objective, ii, 27; Occultism on, i, 96, 463, 626, ii, 685; Ogdoad as, i, 483; One, i, 102, 155, 294; One great unit, i, 107; Ophis manifested, ii, 225; Ophite Gnostics, of, i, 441; Ormazd is, i, 139, 463; Orphio-Christos or, i, 389; Osiris, called, i, 463; Padmapâni, called, ii, 673; Parabrahman and, i, 39, ii, 27; Pashyanti form of, i, 162, 466; Paul called leader of, ii, 505; Personality, no, ii, 332; Pesh-Hun and, ii, 52; Planet, of each, ii, 29; Plato, of, i, 43, 235; Platonists, of, i, 135, ii, 574; Point within circle being, i, 459, 674; Power of, i, 463; Powers of, seven, ii, 375; Prakriti and, i, 44; Pralaya, sleeps in, i, 461, 463; Primeval divine thought, or, ii, 707; Prometheus symbol of, ii, 431; Purusha, called, i, 44, 466; Pymander a, i, 103; Pythagorean, i, 467, 673, ii, 27; Ray into spirit, a, i, 138; Reason, is, ii, 209; Revealed, i, 673; Revealer of man, of God, ii, 623; Revelation, in, i, 101; Rig Veda, in, ii, 612; Satan and, ii, 64, 172, 245, 541; Second, i, 44, 101, 102, 235, 260, 373, 376, 409, 483, ii, 26, 247, 501, 574, 594, 601, 624, 633; Self-born, ii, 371; Self-existent Lord or, i, 355; Serpent of wisdom and, ii, 434; Sevenfold, is, ii, 32, 594, 673; Sexless, ii, 40, 135; Shabda Brahman, i, 461; Shakti, and its, i, 513; Solar, i, 484; Son or, i, 586, ii, 247, 658; Soul called Ptah, i, 378; Sound and, i, 276, 586, 588, ii, 418, 594; Source of harmony, i, 467; Speech, or, ii, 28, 209; Spirit, is, i, 626; Spirit of the universe or, i, 44, ii, 27; Spirit-matter or, i, 44; Spiritual, i, 260; Spiritual angels and men collectively, ii, 512; Spiritual light radiating from, i, 628; Subba Row on, i, 135, 155, 373, 461, 462, 463, ii, 324, 332; Sun and, i, 159, 462, ii, 29; Supra-conscious thought of, ii, 27, 28; Supreme being or, ii, 437; Symbol of, i, 103, 235, ii, 371, 431, 436; Synthesis of the host, ii, 389; Tetragrammaton or, i, 101, 125, 260, ii, 633; That, and, i, 459, ii, 324; Theologians, of, ii, 499; Third, i, 44; Third, man as, ii, 28; Unconscious, i, 44; Unconscious universal mind, the, ii, 27; Universal Buddhi, and, i, 512; Universal monad, or, ii, 325; Universal principle, the, i, 512, ii, 332; Universal world-soul, the, i, 44; Universe has its, every, ii, 29; Universe mirror of, ii, 28, 196; Unmanifested, i, 44, 102, 235, 236, 298, 355, ii, 41, 631; Unseen, ii, 324; Vâch, and, ii, 209; Vajradhara or, i, 624; Vedântins of, ii, 637; Vedas and, ii, 613; Venus mother of, ii, 436; Verbum, or, i, 100, 155, 160, 162, 276, 461, 463, 586, ii, 28, 571; Virgin of the world, and, ii, 241; Vishnu first, i, 409; Visible, ii, 27; Wisdom is, i, 92, ii, 240, 241; Word, or, i, 37, 96, 107, 121, 125, 276, 369, 373, 374, 375, 512, 673, ii, 28, 40, 172, 439, 505, 571; World has its, every, ii, 29; Zeus and, i, 101.

Logos-Creator, i, 378.

Logos-Soul called Ptah, i, 378.

Lohita is Kârttikeya, the Red, ii, 47, 132.

Lohitânga or Mars, ii, 32.

Loka-Chakshuh or eye of world, i, 127, ii, 25.

Lokâloka in Mount Atlas, ii, 422.

Lokanâtha or Lokapati lord of world, ii, 189.

Lokapâlas or right points of compass, i, 153, ii, 609.

Lokas, Atala and nether, ii, 420; Devachans or, i, 737; Hot and cold, i, 225; Names of various, ii, 335; Rings and circles, called, i, 225; Seven, ii, 245; Spheres or, ii, 390; Stanza I, mentioned in, ii, 16, 48; Voice to other, raise thy, ii, 16, 48.

Loki, Moon, hidden in, i, 432; Odin, brother of, ii, 296; Scandinavia, of, ii, 510; Water, Fire-God hidden in, i, 432.

Lolo language, MSS. of the, ii, 293.

Long-headed types of images, ii, 352.

Longitude, Moon at time of Kali Yuga, of, i, 726; Stars marked by Hindûs, of, i, 727; Sun and moon at Hindû epoch, of, i, 725, 728.

Longomontanus, Mean motions of, i, 729.

Looms, Neolithic, ii, 755.

Loris of Hæckel, the, ii, 704, 705.

Los Campos de los Gigantes, ii, 797.

Lost arts, Mementoes of, ii, 448; Post-diluvian forefathers, of, ii, 449.

Lotus, Astral light, and, i, 92; Brahmâ universe, containing, ii, 495; Bud of, i, 57, 91, 92; Construction of seeds of, i, 407; Cosmos, symbol for, i, 88; Flower of power, is, ii, 443; Generation, symbol of, i, 409, ii, 189; Genesis, idea in, i, 408; Glyphs, i, 387; Holy of Holies, symbol of, ii, 494; Hor rising from, i, 393; Isis holding a, i, 392; Lord of, ii, 16, 48; Man like, i, 206; Navel of Vishnu, growing from, ii, 34; Padma or golden, i, 88, 395, ii, 611; Sacred, i, 378; Seeds of, i, 87, 407, 409; Symbol, as a universal, i, 406; Vishnu with, i, 392, ii, 34; Water and heat, product of, i, 408; Womb, symbol of, i, 409, 413; Worship, and exoteric, i, 408.

Lotus-bearer, Padmapâni Chenresi, ii, 188, 189.

Lotus-born, Abjayoni or, i, 399.

Lotus-flower of Buddha, ii, 576.

Lotus-flowers, Solar Gods, and, i, 413 Symbols, as, i, 382.

Lotus-leaf, Brahma poised on, i, 369.

Lotus-leaves, Seeds, concealed in the, i, 408; Shveta-dvîpa, of, ii, 342.

Lotuses, Garland of seven, ii, 50; India and Egypt, of, ii, 494.

Loubère, M. de la, Siamese tables of, i, 729.

Lubbock, Sir J., quoted, ii, 179, 328, 762.

Lucian, quoted, ii, 299, 638, 803, 812.

Lucianists, ii, 249.

Lucifer, Christ, as, ii, 569; Crescent-like horns of, ii, 35; Day-star, genius of, ii, 526; Devil and, i, 99, 100; Earth, light-bearer to, ii, 36; Hindû, ii, 248; Light-bearer, or, ii, 540; Loki and, ii, 296; Prometheus and, ii, 248; Satan or, ii, 117, 240; Sophia resides in, ii, 539; Star of, i, 99, 470; Ushanas-Shukra is our, ii, 49; Venus or, ii, 34, 49; Venus said to be, ii, 33; Verbum, one with, ii, 542.

Luciferians, ii, 249.

Lucretius, quoted, i, 32, 36, 527, 620, 633, 650, ii, 549.

Ludolph father of Ethiopic literature, ii, 560.

Luke, quoted, i, 261, 507, ii, 121, 240, 241, 495, 510.

Lundy, Dr., quoted, ii, 506, 592.

Lung-Shu the Nâgârjuna of China, i, 90.

Luniolatry, Ancient and Modern, quoted, i, 321, 422, ii, 583.

Luni-solar year, Emblem of, ii, 80.

L’Univers expliqué par la Révélation, i, 550.

Lunus, God, i, 249; Khonsoo God, ii, 486.

Lün-Yü, Chinesische Literatur, quoted by Max Müller, i, 20.

Lutand, Dr., on Pasteur’s theory, ii, 159.

Luxor, Unfading colours of, ii, 449.

Luz, Huschenk built city of, ii, 415.

Ly a Dhyân Chohan, ii, 293.

Lybia, ii, 814.

Lydus, quoted, ii, 571, 572.

Lyell, Sir Charles, quoted, i, 344, ii, 9, 10, 714, 725, 732, 761, 765, 767, 769, 822, 827, 828, 831.

Lynceus killed by Pollux, ii, 129.

Lyra Nebula, i, 655.

M, Derivation of letter, i, 412, 413, ii, 68.

Ma (nurse) root of Maia, etc., i, 412, 426, ii, 609, 610.

Maccabees, Third Book of the, ii, 560.

Machairodus latidens, the, ii, 794.

Mackenzie, Kenneth R. H., quoted, i, 138, 312, 621, ii, 117, 559, 587.

Mackey, S. A., self-made Norwich Adept, quoted, i, 718, ii, 376, 378, 426, 451, 455.

Macmillan, quoted, ii, 460.

Maçonnerie Occulte, quoted, i, 126, ii, 607, 840.

Macrauchenidæ and ungulate mammals, ii, 777;

Macrobius, quoted, ii, 380.

Macrocosm, Decad applied to, ii, 605; Dual character of, i, 304; Hexagon star and, i, 244; Makaram and, ii, 609; Man a, ii, 187; Microcosm and, i, 204, 288, 304, 367, 650, ii, 179, 187, 613, 723; Miniature copy of, i, 295; Septenary constitution of, i, 191.

Macrocosmos, Chaos and, i, 303; Deities of, ii, 675.

Macroprosopus, Abstraction, an, i, 374; Ain, called, ii, 662; Ancient one, or, i, 90, ii, 661; Brow of, i, 260; Concealed, i, 107; Countenance, greater, i, 374; Face, great, i, 90; Hua applied to, i, 107; Logos, the, i, 374; Negatively existent, ii, 662; Skull of, ii, 661; Square, perfect, ii, 662; Tetragrammaton, is, ii, 662.

Mad stones, Des Mousseaux on, ii, 361.

Madagascar, ii, 7, 187, 233, 276, 331, 338, 348, 833.

Maddina Nag or Venus, ii, 803.

Madeira and Atlantis, ii, 825, 835.

Mâdhava and Mâdhavî, titles of Gods, i, 412.

Madhusûdana, quoted, i, 437.

Madhya, Definition of, i, 162.

Madhyamâ form, i, 162, 465, 466, 583.

Mâdhyamikas, Paramârtha of, i, 75, 79.

Mâdim, Adam and Mars are the same, ii, 152.

Mädler, referred to, ii, 581.

Madurese, Skull of the, ii, 550.

Maedler, quoted, i, 545.

Magadha, Cheta cave in, i, 4; Dynasty of, ii, 231.

Magan, Diorite brought from, ii, 236.

Magas, Caste of the, ii, 337.

Magasin Pittoresque, quoted, ii, 362.

Magendi, quoted, ii, 139.

Maghâ, Rishis in, ii, 580, 581.

Maghâyanti one of the Pleiades, ii, 581.

Magi, Aryan, ii, 372; Chaldæan, i, 10, 440, ii, 337, 413; Chief of, ii, 224; Democritus pupil of, i, 142; Devs of, i, 631; Druids called, ii, 799; Egyptian, ii, 447; Emigration of, ii, 372; Fire worshippers and, i, 109; Mazdeans or, ii, 643; Nargal chief of, ii, 224; Occult literature of, i, 10; Orsi of, ii, 636; Persian, ii, 413, 799; Sacred fires of, ii, 802; Seven Devs of, i, 631; Star of, i, 717; Three, i, 717; Traditions of, ii, 411; Xerxes, of, i, 506; Yima with, ii, 644.

Magians, Cologne cathedral and, i, 717; Mazdeans and, ii, 97, 646; Origin of evil, on, ii, 514; Religion, ii, 5, 97; Sacred books, i, 21.

Magic, Agneyastra, ii, 445, 590; Alchemy and, i, 636; Arcanum, i, 275, ii, 587; Arts, i, 447, 508, 636, ii, 408, 538; Astrological, i, 715, ii, 597; Atlanteans, of, ii, 371, 805; Babylonians, of, ii, 597; Bacon and, Roger, i, 636; Black, i, 274, 448, 506, ii, 30, 148, 221, 222, 255, 381, 412, 520, 677; Cautious move towards, ii, 709; Ceremonial, i, 35, 255, ii, 709, 791; Chaldæan, i, 715, ii, 148; Confucius and, i, 476; Devs, of, ii, 412; Egypt, of, ii, 383; Forces, seven, i, 737; Giant races, of, ii, 298; Great, agent, i, 275, ii, 537, 539; Greece, of, ii, 383; Head, i, 456; Hierophants in, i, 426; Incantations, ii, 805; Infernal, ii, 612; Initiation into, i, 513; Invention of, ii, 221; Mahâ Vidyâ or, i, 192; Mirrors, ii, 189, 393; Moon ruling over, i, 416; Mysteries of, quoted, i, 275; Neptune in, ii, 371; Passions personified by, ii, 397; Schools of, two, ii, 222; Sound a, agent, i, 502; Syro-Chaldæan, i, 445; Thot-Hermes inventor of, ii, 221; White, ii, 221, 255, 381, 445, 520, 677.

Magie, quoted, i, 431.

Magie der Zahlen, quoted, ii, 663.

Magie, Histoire de la, quoted, ii, 375, 538.

Magique, Grand agent, i, 275.

Magism, Babylonian, i, 39, 499.

Magnet, Brain a, i, 616; Sun a, i, 540, 541, 546.

Magnetism, Biune creative, i, 436; Cosmic, i, 169, 540; Elementals and, i, 170; Kundalinî Shakti and, i, 312; Mesmerism and, i, 316; Motion, not a mode of, i, 171, 562; Origin of, ii, 692; Seven forms of, i, 169; Solar, i, 541; Substance, cause of, i, 560; Terrestrial, ii, 593.

Magnetists, Nerve-aura and fluid of, i, 361.

Magnolia in ancient Greenland, ii, 10, 767.

Magnum, Mysterium, i, 305, ii, 537, 538.

Magnus Æther, Collective aggregate of, i, 353.

Magnus Limbus or Yliaster of Paracelsus, i, 304.

Magus and magnes of theurgists, i, 26, 361.

Mahâ, Chohans, ii, 231, 385, 484; Great Ones, ii, 295; Kalpa, i, 68, 83, 220, 395, 396, ii, 73, 596, 602, 651; Pralaya, i, 159, 164, 175, 192, 195, 235, 309, 398, 400, 603, ii, 155, 323, 579.

Mahâ-Atmâ (see also Mahâtmâ), i, 392, 499.

Mahâ-Deva, ii, 89, 578, 626.

Mahâ-Guru, i, 229.

Mahâ-Loka, Progenitors reäscend to, ii, 96.

Mahâbhârata, i, 121, 470, ii, 44, 47, 51, 71, 82, 147, 155, 193, 224, 242, 264, 288, 399, 407, 413, 444, 520, 521, 555, 598, 625, 666.

Mahâbuddhi or Mahat, i, 44, 277, 358, 453, 486, 625.

Mahadeo Kunte, Prof., i, 370.

Mahalaleel and Cainan, ii, 409.

Mahâmanvantara, i, 39, 40, 74, 309, 384, ii, 83, 637.

Mahâmâyâ or great illusion, i, 299, 312, 406, 692, ii, 92, 105, 401, 466.

Mahâpurusha or Paramâtman, supreme spirit, ii, 114.

Mahar-loka, i, 398, ii, 335.

Mahârâjahs, Four, i, 147, 148, 150, 151, 313, 407, 439, ii, 446.

Mahâsura the Hindû Lucifer, ii, 248.

Mahat, Ahamkâra, progeny of, i, 280; Aham-ship becomes, i, 104; Âkâsha and, i, 277; Anima Mundi, is, i, 625; Apperception, nascent, i, 490; Arjuna Mishra on, ii, 676; Bhâva, called, i, 277; Brahmâ and, i, 104, 236, 277, 374, 486, ii, 173, 176; Brahmâ-Creator, first product of, i, 236; Buddhi and, i, 277, 400, 489; Cause of all things, i, 277; Chit, root of, i, 308; Cognition, universal, i, 104; Collective, ii, 82; Consciousness swallowed by, ii, 61; Cosmic ideation, is, i, 44; Cosmic noumenon of matter, i, 44; Cosmic principle of, ii, 649; Creation and, i, 104, 489, 490; Creative power or, i, 486; Creator, is, i, 277; Divine intellect or, i, 308; Divine intelligence, is, i, 625; Divine mind, the, i, 277, 486, ii, 82, 83, 540; Divine principle is, ii, 540; Divine thought, i, 104; Earth and, i, 277; Egg, formed an, i, 385; Egoism called, i, 104; Egotism progeny of, i, 280; Elementals and, i, 490; Emanation from, ii, 501; Esoteric philosophy, in, i, 308; First was, i, 486; First-born, the, i, 92, 277; Flames born of, ii, 242; Gnosis, first-born of, i, 92; God, is, i, 103, 660; Great, literally is, ii, 61; Great soul, or, i, 453; Hyle and, ii, 634; Incarnating spirits of, ii, 240; Indra and, ii, 649; Intellect or, i, 305, 308, 385, 400, 489, 490, ii, 61; Intellectual understanding or, ii, 395; Intellectual, world of, ii, 634; Intelligence, is, i, 44, 91, 92, 241, 352, 486, 625, ii, 540; Intelligent soul or, i, 585; Îshvara called, i, 277, 486; Jñâna, first-born of, i, 92; Law, operating, i, 486; Linga Purâna on, i, 486, 489; Logos and, i, 44, 92, 103, 277, 374, 625, ii, 501; Lord, called, i, 104; Lower kingdoms, of, i, 490; Mahâ-Buddhi or, i, 44, 277, 356, 358, 453, 486, 625; Manas and, i, 104, 489, ii, 314, 395, 431; Mânasaputra born of, ii, 176; Manifested omniscience or, ii, 61; Manifested wisdom, is, i, 135; Matih synonym for, ii, 431; Matter and, i, 92, 487; Mens or, i, 487; Mind or, i, 82, 305, 374, 487, 489, 660, ii, 82, 83, 173, 242, 501; Môt or Mut and, i, 486; Mundane soul or, ii, 395; Nature and, i, 277, 400; Nous and, i, 374, 487, ii, 634; Occultists and, i, 82; Omniscience, is, ii, 61; Outer boundary of universe, the, i, 277; Parabrahman, reflection of, i, 92; Plane of, i, 627; Pradhâna and, i, 92, 236, 277, ii, 61; Prakriti, i, 92, 277, 358, 400; Primary creation, in, i, 104; Primordial evolution and, i, 486; Primordial matter and, ii, 61; Principle of, i, 305, ii, 61; Progeny of, i, 280; Psyche and, ii, 634; Purânas, in, i, 352; Râkshasas devour, ii, 173; Reflection of, ii, 85; Root of divine intelligence, the, i, 625; Sânkhya Sâra on, i, 104; Sat or, ii, 61; Secondary creation, of, i, 104; Self-consciousness, develops, i, 104, ii, 61; Seven females, one of, ii, 676; Shiva, manifests as, i, 104; Sons of, ii, 108; Soul, great, i, 453; Soul, mundane, ii, 395; Soul, universal intelligent, i, 585; Spirit of universal soul, i, 486; Spirit, vehicle of, i, 453; Spirits of, ii, 240; Supreme, operating will of, i, 486; T’Agathon and, ii, 634; Thought, or, i, 103, 104; Tree trunk of, i, 585; Understanding or, i, 103; Undifferentiated matter, i, 236; Universal, ii, 93, 314; Universal cognition or, i, 104; Universal divine mind or, ii, 82, 83; Universal intellect or, i, 305, 400; Universal intelligence or, i, 91, 92, 241, 277, ii, 675; Universal intelligent soul or, i, 585; Universal mind or, i, 82, 104, 236, 241, 305, 400, ii, 61, 82, 173, 242; Universal soul, the, ii, 61; Universal world-soul, i, 44; Vaishnavas, with, i, 486; Vehicle of spirit, the, i, 453; Vishnu appears as, i, 104; Vishnu Purâna, in, ii, 61; Wisdom, is, i, 92; World-soul or, i, 44.

Mahattattva, the universal soul, i, 481, 486.

Mahâvanso, quoted, i, 405.

Mahâyâna School, i, 71, 79, 80, 182, ii, 37, 674.

Mahâyogî, or great ascetic, i, 495, ii, 578, 579, 618, 648.

Mahâyugas, or great ages, i, 93, 402, 485, 702, 719, ii, 72, 73, 76, 257, 321, 335, 530, 660.

Mahomet, i, 594, ii, 213, 485.

Mahometan mystics, i, 274.

Maia, Maya, Maria, etc., i, 15, 426, ii, 570, 571, 811.

Maier, quoted, i, 723, 725, 728, 729.

Maillet, quoted, ii, 682.

Maimonides, Rabbi, quoted, i, 424, ii, 142, 393, 476, 477, 478, 479.

Maitland, Mr. Edward, quoted, i, 734, ii, 460.

Maitreya, Brahmâ, body of, ii, 61; Buddha, i, 412, 510; Dvîpas, ii, 164; Indian Asclepios, i, 306; Parâshara and, i, 399, 480, 492, ii, 336.

Makara, the tenth zodiacal sign, i, 239, 241, 254, 403, 412, ii, 97, 281, 370, 609, 610, 611, 613.

Makara-ketu is Aja, Kâma, the, ii, 611.

Malabar, Field of Death in, ii, 362, 795.

Malacca and Polynesia, ii, 233.

Malachim or messengers, i, 370, 476, 500, ii, 392, 541.

Malay race, ii, 342, 346.

Malayak, messengers, angels, etc., ii, 541.

Malayan archipelago and Lemuria, ii, 233, 832.

Malayans and Chinamen, ii, 188.

Malays and Australians, ii, 823, 824.

Malcolm, Sir J., cited, i, 712.

Male-female, Æons, ii, 480; Androgyne, or Gods, ii, 636; Chaos, i, 252; Chokmah-Binah, ii, 663; Chozzar, ii, 611; Deity, Ea, ii, 122; First, then man and woman, ii, 20, 139; Jah-Hovah, i, 138; Jehovah, ii, 490, 566; Principle, i, 380; Theos, i, 369; Upper Adam is, ii, 479; YHVH, i, 678.

Ma-li-ga-si-ma, Chinese lost continent, ii, 381.

Malkuth, the earth, called bride of heavenly man, i, 221, 236, 259, 260, 261, ii, 449, 630, 663.

Malleable glass, ii, 449.

Mallet, Grand-masters’, ii, 105; Masonic, and Svastika, ii, 587.

Malta, Cave deposits at, ii, 230, 763.

Mammoth, Age of, ii, 765; Avalanche, caught by, ii, 697; Bones of, ii, 367, 817; Hatchets, exhumed with man-made, ii, 780.

Man and Apes, Mivart’s, ii, 719.

Man before Metals, quoted, ii, 106, 699, 789, 792, 793, 794, 834.

Man: Fragments of Forgotten History, i, 175, 184, 191, ii, 677.

Man-animal, ii, 274.

Man-bearing, Eggs, ii, 140; Globes, i, 191, 696, ii, 81, 162, 739.

Man-birth, Evolutionary stage of, i, 20.

Man-swan, Hamsa or, ii, 139; Third, of the later, ii, 20.

Manas, Affinities of, i, 356, ii, 251; Agent of transmission, ii, 60; Âkâsha, corresponds to and proceeds from, i, 41; Akhu, and, ii, 669; Animal, of the, lower aspect of, ii, 431; Animal soul, listens to, ii, 520; Aspects of, ii, 185, 675; Atmâ-Buddhi remains blind without, i, 263, ii, 130; Brahman the Self, not the, ii, 676; Buddhi and Kâma, connected with, ii, 649; Buddhi liberated from terrestrial, i, 489; Buddhi, light of, and, i, 265; Buddhi, upâdhi of, i, 128; Castor and Pollux, and, ii, 130; Chit quality of, i, 308; Conscious soul or, i, 267, ii, 547; Consciousness, necessary for, on earthly plane, ii, 130; Development of, ii, 171, 177, 243, 266, 314, 708; Dhyânis endow third race with, ii, 50; Divine aspect, ii, 438; Divine swallow, called, i, 248; Dormant, becomes, i, 404; Dragon of wisdom, i, 240; Dual, i, 263, 356, ii, 520, 649, 675; Ego, the higher, ii, 83, 252, 253, 621, 669; Endowment with, i, 254, 267, ii, 22, 60, 92-110, 170, 195, 201, 251, 266, 285, 643; Essence or incarnation of a higher being, ii, 85; Experiences accumulated by, i, 204; Fallen angel, ii, 540; Fifth principle, ii, 92, 95, 130, 177, 252, 258, 287, 609, 627; Fifth round, full development in, ii, 314; First principle on plane of personality, ii, 61; Flames, ii, 242, 258; Forest tree, ii, 674; Fourth principle, vehicle of, ii, 171; Heart, or, ii, 578; Higher, i, 623, ii, 60, 83, 95, 116, 117, 251, 265, 430, 520, 675; Hönir gives, ii, 102; Horizontal line of triangle, ii, 60, 84, 130; Human plane, on, i, 489; Human soul, i, 128, 177, 240, ii, 287, 631, 708; Hypostasizing of divine beings into, ii, 287; Indra is, in its dual aspect, ii, 649; Informing Gods, called to life by, ii, 130; Intellect, i, 489, ii, 50, 102, 395; Kâma and, ii, 83, 251, 252, 265, 431, 438, 649, 708; Link, a, ii, 173; Lords of Wisdom and, ii, 429; Mahat and, i, 104, 356, 489, ii, 314, 395; Mind or, i, 240, 263, 300, 356, 357, 679, ii, 60, 61, 95, 103, 119, 201, 243, 266, 540, 631, 643, 675, 676, 778; Mind-consciousness, as, i, 351; Mindless, given by Mânasaputras to, ii, 643; Monad conjoined with, i, 259, 265, ii, 258; Monad, conscious principle of, ii, 116; Monad, corresponds to, i, 679; Monad, divorced from, unconscious, ii, 130; Moon and, ii, 520, 521, 675; Nephesh and, i, 262, 263, 265; Nirmânakâya of Rudra-Kumâras, ii, 266; One Father, of the, ii, 120; Passions, drawn into sphere of, i, 265; Pivot, ii, 251; Plane of, ii, 778; Pranidhâna, lords of, endowers of, ii, 92; Primeval man lacked, ii, 84; Seb, corresponds with, ii, 669; Self-consciousness or, ii, 107, 243, 540, 675; Sex and, i, 267; Solar angels endowers of, ii, 92; Solar portion of, ii, 521; Soma and, ii, 521; Sophia is, ii, 287; Soul, chief, ii, 521; Soul, or conscious I am, ii, 118; Spiritual efflorescence of, ii, 241; Spiritual mind upper portion of, i, 123; Spirit and matter, link between, ii, 103; Sun and, ii, 675; Sun, spirit of visible, endowed by, ii, 251; Sûtrâtmâ or, ii, 540; Third fire, ii, 60; Third race devoid of, ii, 193; Third soul, i, 263; Triple, i, 357, ii, 265; Understanding or, ii, 96; Universal active intelligence, corresponds to, ii, 631.

Manas-Ego, ii, 252.

Manas-less race, ii, 332.

Mânasa, Devas, ii, 103, 552; Period, we are in, ii, 314; Sambhûti the divine, ii, 94; Sons of wisdom, ii, 21, 180.

Mânasa-Dhyânis, Intellectual evolution represented by, i, 204.

Mânasa-Pitris, ii, 552.

Mânasaputras, Hindû, ii, 391; Mahat or Brahmâ, born of, ii, 176; Mind-born sons or, i, 593, 624, ii, 661; Nârada as a, ii, 51; Plane of, i, 203; Râjasas and, ii, 93; Sons of wisdom, ii, 643.

Mânasas or Râjasas, ii, 94.

Manasic element, ii, 209; Spirit, ii, 296.

Manasvin the wise, ii, 95.

Mânava-Dharma-Shâstra, quoted or referred to, i, 277, 357, ii, 61, 93, 95.

Mânavah, Chatvârah and, ii, 149.

Manchooria, ii, 341.

Manco-Capac of Peru, ii, 382.

Mand or Manth implies rotatory motion, ii, 431.

Mandâkinî the heavenly Ganges, i, 412.

Mandala, i, 412, ii, 552.

Mandara used by Gods to churn the ocean, i, 412.

Mandeville, Sir J., on giants, ii, 798.

Mandragora the mandrake of the Bible, ii, 30.

Mândûkya Upanishad, quoted, i, 35, 42, 111.

Manee, Lapland corpses called, ii, 818.

Manes, Annihilated, will be, i, 248; Arnobius, of, ii, 152; Dead men, or, ii, 818; Deified shades of the dead, or, i, 257; Development of, ii, 384; Exoteric dualism of, ii, 536; Kabiri or Titans called, ii, 151, 376; Region of, ii, 390; Reign over men, i, 287; Third race, of, ii, 454.

Manetho, Dynasties, on the divine, ii, 384; Physician, tells of an ancient, ii, 349; Synchronistic tables of, i, 10, ii, 410, 732; Vindication of, ii, 384.

Mania, Kabiri, mother of, ii, 151; Manes and, of Arnobius, ii, 152.

Manicheeïsm, ii, 249.

Manipûra, King of, ii, 224.

Manjushrî, Bodhisattvas or, ii, 37.

Manojava, Indra as, ii, 651.

Manomayakosha of the Vedânta, i, 181.

Man’s Place in Nature, quoted, ii, 161, 693, 713, 715, 720, 725, 737, 759.

Mânsarovara, Seven swans of Lake, i, 382.

Mantra Shâstra, referred to, i, 312.

Mantras, i, 502; Hidden voice of, i, 369; Hindû, i, 683; Incantations or, i, 502; Magical, i, 121; Priests, kept secret by, i, 511; Rig Vedic, i, 470, 477; Vâch, hidden power of, i, 378.

Mantuan Codex, referred to, i, 259.

Manu (as word), Analysis of word, i, 93; Bones, with, ii, 154, 169; Derivation of, i, 488, ii, 818; Initial letter of, i, 412; Mahâ Yugas make one, seventy-one, ii, 73; Nous, mind, or, i, 103; Thinker, i, 66, 258, 484, ii, 95.

Manu (as a being), Ark of, ii, 147; Châkshusha, of sixth period, ii, 651; Cosmogenesis of, i, 355; Descent into generation of every, ii, 336; Father of, ii, 264; Hindû, i, 217; Host or, which saved the seed, ii, 148; Ialdabaoth, copy of, i, 484; Illusion, of, ii, 60; Indra and, secondary divinities, i, 403; Mania, female, ii, 151; Monad of, emanation of, ii, 325; Offspring of, ii, 156; Paternal grandfathers of, ii, 173; Progenitor of, ii, 706; Reign of, ii, 335; Second race, of, ii, 809; Seed of life, ii, 155; Son of first, ii, 386; Sub-race, in each, ii, 650; Svâyambhuva, calf called, i, 428; Svâyambhuva, Dhyanic energies are, collectively, i, 488; Svâyambhuva, heavenly, ii, 136; Svâyambhuva, son of, ii, 321; Svâyambhuva, synthesis of Prajâpatis, ii, 744; Svâyambhuva, Vâch-Shata-Rûpâ, daughter of, ii, 157; Thought divine, personified idea of, i, 93; Vaivasvata, ii, 39, 147, 149, 150, 154, 155, 156, 632, 644, 645.

Manu (as an author), referred to, i, 301, ii, 766; Ape, according to, position of, i, 207; Authority of, i, 37, ii, 93; Brahmâ of, i, 38, ii, 142; Esoterically explained, i, 657; Evolution, and, i, 209, 640, ii, 271; Hermes, Büchner, and, ii, 758; Institutions of i, 231; Instructors of man, on, ii, 382; Jews, may refer to, i, 332; Kapila, and, i, 209, ii, 688; Laws of, Leviticus full of disfigured, ii, 790; Laws of, on connubial life, ii, 429; Legislator, i, 368; Sarîsripa of, ii, 196; Sepher Yetzirah, repeated in, i, 360.

Manu (as a book), quoted or referred to, i, 97, 117, 161, 385, 466, 482, 494, ii, 258; Brahmâ, days and nights of, in, i, 33; Brahmâ-Vâch, bi-sexual in, i, 101; Computations in, ii, 71; Genesis compared with, ii, 133.

Manu, Laws of ii, 95.

Manu, Ordinances of i, 355, ii, 606.

Manu-antara, Manvantara or, i, 92, ii, 322.

Manual of Geology, quoted, ii, 207, 229.

Manubhâsya, Date of, i, 355.

Manus, Appearance of, in different characters, ii, 383; Brahmâ, created by, ii, 247; Brahmâ contains fourteen, day of, i, 92, 485; Brahmâ, origin of, from, ii, 662; Crown, seven issue from, i, 467; Dhyân Chohans, identical with, i, 93, 488; Experiences, retain knowledge of their, ii, 324; Flames called, ii, 258; Forty-nine, ii, 653; Four preceding, ii, 332; Fourteen, i, 266, 397, ii, 73, 661; Genealogies of, ii, 259; Generations from, ii, 236; Generic name of, ii, 324; God or creator, each of, i, 93; Hindûs, of, ii, 443; Humanity, of primeval, ii, 321; Individualities of, mixed, ii, 375; Intelligences, informing, ii, 37; Kabiri, identity of, with, ii, 377; Krishna, of, ii, 149; Mahar-loka, in, i, 398; Mahat, connection between, i, 488; Manushyas, and, ii, 107; Manvantara, between two, i, 92, 395; Men, Minds, ii, 92; Minds of, ii, 18; Mothers of, ii, 152; Order and list of, ii, 323; Periods personified by, i, 402; Potencies of Brahmâ-Vishnu, i, 37; Primeval, ii, 321-324; Purânas, in, ii, 3, 297, 650; Rishis, or, i, 256, 477, 703, ii, 137, 188, 264; Second hierarchy of, i, 488; Seven, i, 256, 268, ii, 659; Thinking entities or men, i, 197; Various, ii, 324; Vishnu and, ii, 647.

Manuscript, Archaic, i, 31, 39.

Mânushi, Bodhisattvas reäppear as, i, 624; Solar Gods, or, i, 470.

Mânushi-Buddha, i, 83.

Mânushi-Buddhas, Dhyâni-Buddhas and, i, 83; Human, i, 82; Liberated, i, 134.

Mânushis, sages of the third race, i, 26.

Manushya, Born, how were the, ii, 18, 107; Human, first, ii, 148; Manus with minds, ii, 107; Men, ii, 107; Pitris, first, on earth, ii, 95; Second, ii, 175; Sons of Mahat and, ii, 108.

Manvantara, Ananta during, i, 438; Atoms born at every new, i, 595; Atoms during, i, 633; Being, or period of individual, i, 402; Brahmâ in preceding, ii, 79; Buddhi during, i, 45; Celestial hierarchy of present, i, 242; Commencement of great, ii, 27; Continent lasting during first, ii, 6; Creation, season of, i, 487, ii, 630; Cycle of activity, i, 92, 302; Dawn of, i, 40, 85, 685; Day of Brahmâ, a short, i, 696; Deities change with every, ii, 94; Dhyân Chohans, guide during, i, 144; Dhyân Chohans, men of past or coming, i, 295; Divine breath in, ii, 582; Divisions of present, ii, 752; Dragon of Wisdom during, i, 510; Elements during, i, 736; End of, i, 280, ii, 275; Esoteric meaning of, i, 92; Evolution, not confined to one, i, 490; Fire during, i, 570; First, ii, 335; First-born of, ii, 84; Flutter of first, i, 40; Forms change with new, ii, 770; Gods in another, i, 428; Great breath during, i, 171; Great life-cycle or, i, 258, ii, 624; Heroes in, ii, 52; Higher plane every, i, 33; Humanity of future, i, 196; Indestructible of, ii, 418; Jyotis taught astronomy in second, ii, 809; Kapila at beginning of, ii, 604; Law during, i, 716, ii, 92; Logos during, i, 461, ii, 37; Mahâ-kalpa or, ii, 526; Man at new, ii, 60; Man during, ii, 196; Manu during, i, 93; Manus, or between the, i, 395; Maruts born in every, ii, 648, 650; Meaning of, ii, 323, 334; Men during this, no more, i, 204; Men who remain during, ii, 294; Millions of worlds in, i, 167; Minor, i, 228; Monad during, i, 194, 285; Monadic inflow in, i, 209; Monads from previous, ii, 287; Mystery known as, i, 298; Nârâyana every, i, 109; Nature during, i, 278; Next, i, 207, 288; Partial, i, 40; Period of, i, 258; Periodic agencies during, ii, 77; Periods called, i, 40, 395; Planetary and human, i, 283; Pralaya and, i, 40, 260, 395; Primordial active during, i, 116; Raivata, ii, 94; Rebirth of globe after, ii, 743; Reïncarnations in every, ii, 242; Rishis of the third, the seven, ii, 82; Root during, i, 40; Rotatory motion during, i, 549; Round, our, in pre-septenary, ii, 322; Rounds of, i, 269, ii, 452; Second, ii, 809; Seven periods of, i, 68; Seventh, ii, 94, 149; Seventh round, at, i, 280; Sixth creation in our, i, 492; Substance during, duad is, i, 677; Sun, new with new, i, 719; Suns, for next, seven new; i, 310; Third, ii, 82; Turning point of, ii, 563; Vaivasvata, i, 26, ii, 72, 155; Vishnu during, i, 438; Vishnu at beginning of, ii, 604; Wheels or, i, 73; World’s dissolution at end of, ii, 321.

Manvantaras, Adepts of previous, ii, 99; Agnishvâtta in other, ii, 81; Buddhas of previous, ii, 235; Chhandajas will-born in different, ii, 618; Confused, purposely, i, 489; Fourteen, i, 397, ii, 322; Kalpas, or, i, 396; Kings in future, i, 287; Men of previous, i, 132, 297; Munis from previous, i, 228; Nirmânakâyas from other, ii, 98, 689; Periodical, ii, 481; Pralayas and, i, 400; Rishis from previous, i, 228; Rishis, seven classes of, in all, ii, 647; Rounds, or, ii, 790; Seven, ii, 661; Succession of, i, 400; Worlds of preceding, i, 168.

Maqom or secret place, ii, 89, 479, 635, 647.

Mar, Sanskrit root of Mars and Ares, ii, 140.

Mâra, God of darkness, ii, 613.

Marangone, quoted, ii, 502.

Marcellus on seven dvîpas, ii, 426, 427.

Marco Polo, Travels of, ii, 460.

Marcosians in second century, i, 375, 482.

Marcus, Dual Logos of, i, 441; Injunction given to, ii, 595; Marcosians, chief of, i, 375; Pythagorean, i, 484, ii, 594.

Marîchi, Agnishvâtta, sons of, ii, 93; Brahmâ, son of, ii, 93, 140; Kashyapa, son of, ii, 140, 264, 399; Mind-born son of Brahmâ, a, ii, 82, 140; Sambhûti, wife of, ii, 94.

Mariette’s Abydos, quoted, i, 104, 249.

Mârishâ, Daksha born from, ii, 186; Kandu, daughter of, ii, 187; Prachetases, and, ii, 186; Sweat-born from Pramlochâ, ii, 185.

Marius, ii, 289, 816.

Mark, St., Lion, Fire, ii, 121, 241.

Mârkandeya Purâna, referred to, i, 494.

Marquesas, ii, 234.

Marquis de Mirville, i, 361, 503, 505.

Marquis de St. Martin, ii, 537.

Mars, Adam same as Mâdim or, ii, 152; Adam-Jehovah Brahmâ and, ii, 47; Artes Egyptian, ii, 152; Cain is, ii, 408; Earth-chain, not in, i, 186, 187, 188; Egyptian and Hebrew, ii, 490; Ethereal men on, more, i, 660; House of, i, 129; Juno, and, ii, 580; Jupiter and, i, 648; Kali Yuga epoch, at, i, 725; Kârttikeya, of western Pagans, ii, 579; Length of day on, ii, 747; Lohitânga fiery-bodied, ii, 32; Mâdim or, ii, 152; Mercury, earth, etc., on same plane, i, 176; Mercury and septenary chains, i, 189; Music of spheres, and, ii, 635; Ovid on, ii, 580; Personification, as a, ii, 410; Planet, ii, 399, 654; Races of, ii, 738; Sabao of, ii, 567; Sabaoth genius of, i, 631; Saturn, Jupiter, and, i, 720; Seasons of, ii, 747; Septenary sacred to, ii, 637; Sons of light, one of, i, 628; Symbol of generative power, ii, 132; Venus, Mercury and, i, 430, ii, 485; Virtues, ruled by, i, 469; Water on planet, ii, 144.

Marsh on monstrous animals, ii, 229.

Marsupial mammalia, ii, 7, 125, 174, 206, 628, 704, 705, 723, 753, 833.

Martians can perceive our earth, i, 190.

Martianus Capella, quoted, i, 713.

Martin, Sir Theodore, on Atlas, ii, 806.

Martinists, Astral light of, i, 372, ii, 427, 537.

Mârttânda, Aditi, son of, i, 483, ii, 221; Dead, breath given back by, i, 129; Planets, watches seven, i, 578; Sun, our, i, 126, 483, 574, 578, 686, ii, 221.

Maru (Moru) of family of Ikshvâku, i, 405.

Maruta-Jîvas or monads, ii, 651.

Maruts, Diti mother of, ii, 603, 649; Indra deserted by, ii, 523; Manvantara, emancipations in every, ii, 650; Mysterious, seven, ii, 648; Rudras and, ii, 293, 578; Shiva-Rudra, sons of, ii, 651; Storm-gods, or, ii, 410.

Marutvan or Lord of Maruts, ii, 651.

Mash-Mak, Sidereal force named, i, 614.

Masonic Cyclopædia, i, 138.

Masonic Review, The, i, 118, 462, ii, 40, 42, 80.

Mason Ragon suspected a universal language, i, 329.

Masonry, Cabbalah and, ii, 42; Foundation of true, ii, 360; Numbers in speculative, i, 138; Plumage of, borrowed, i, 140; Roman Catholic Church and, i, 27; Solomon’s temple and, ii, 840; Templar degree in, i, 518.

Masons, Builders or, ii, 773; Clergymen who are, i, 673; Geological time, and, ii, 735; Hiram Abif of, i, 334; Jaina cross of, ii, 103; Three and seven are numbers honoured by, i, 138.

Masoretic points, ii, 405, 487.

Masoudi the Arabian historian, ii, 474.

Maspero, M. Gaston, quoted, i, 119, 330, 331, 414, 450, 471, 738, ii, 282, 487.

Massey, Gerald, quoted, i, 158, 240, 241, 248, 321, 323, 416, 422, 433, 435, 436, 469, 713, ii, 368, 576, 583, 620, 638, 666, 667, 670, 671.

Massora, Point of the, ii, 486.

Massorah, Adonaï by the, i, 501.

Mastodons, ii, 229, 269, 367, 798.

Mâtarishvan, prototype of Prometheus, ii, 431.

Mater in alchemy, ii, 120.

Mater Terra and Pater Sadic, ii, 410.

Matériaux pour l’Histoire de l’Homme, ii, 751.

Mathams or monasteries, i, 292.

Mathematica of Theon, quoted, ii, 635.

Mather, quoted, i, 262, ii, 88, 326.

Mathers, S. L., quoted, i, 106, 376, 679, ii, 306, 572, 661, 662.

Mâthra Spenta, ii, 504.

Mathurâ, Birthplace of Krishna, ii, 622; Ugrasena King of, ii, 337.

Matrem, ii, 38.

Mâtri-Padmâ, Mother-Lotus, i, 87, 88; Swollen, not yet, i, 57, 87.

Matrix, Body, for soul, i, 246; Cosmic, i, 126; Created things, of, i, 303; Eternal, darkness, i, 72; Fœtus in, of space, i, 280, ii, 50; Glyph of generative, i, 391; Heart and, of all forces, i, 310; Heavenly, ii, 89; Mother called universal, i, 92; Mother nature, of, ii, 482, 492; Soul’s, body the, i, 246; Space, of, i, 280, ii, 50; Suras, of, ii, 555; Universal, i, 108, 304, ii, 68, 538; Virgin, of, kosmos, i, 118; World’s, i, 394.

Matrona, Malkuth called, i, 260.

Matronetha and Matronitha, i, 260, ii, 226.

Matsya, Avatâra, allegory, ii, 72; Fish or, i, 284, 396, 413, ii, 147; Vaivasvata Manu and, ii, 321.

Matsya Purâna, quoted, i, 405, ii, 51, 93, 580, 647, 649, 809.

Matter, On, quoted, i, 732.

Matthew, quoted, i, 301, 338, 446, 476, 627, 632, 717, ii, 121, 241, 509, 521, 555.

Maureyas or ten Moryas, i, 405.

Maurigasima or Ma-li-ga-si-ma, ii, 381.

Maury, quoted, ii, 379, 504.

Maximus of Tyre, quoted, ii, 121.

Maxwell, quoted, i, 136, 166, 528, 559, 664.

Maya Indians of Guatemala, ii, 54.

Mâyâ, Adi-Buddha an illusion or, i, 84; Advaita is, all but, i, 84; Akâsha and Nirvâna, when divided, i, 697; Buddha, mother of, i, 412; Cause of human, i, 39; Consciousness, until absolute, i, 72; Cycles of, ii, 155; Darkness of, i, 627; Day, of, i, 696; Dhyân Chohans and, i, 296; Essence of things, on, i, 77; Eternal, i, 627; Evidence of, ii, 54; Finite things, enters into, i, 71; Generic name, a, i, 426; Good and evil under, ii, 100; Great deep, and, i, 412; Human, i, 39; Illusion or, i, 3, 40, 79, 84, 92, 99, 114; Inaccessible translated as, i, 426; Îshvara, male aspect of, i, 354; Jesus, mother of, i, 15; Lap of, i, 37, 88, 90, 92; Light an illusion or, i, 99; Mary, or, ii, 106; Nations and places, varies with, i, 699; Nidâna and, i, 70, 75; Noumena veiled by, i, 76; Objective in world of, i, 463; Phenomenal existence, of, i, 75; Pradhâna is called, illusion, i, 92; Prakriti is ever called, i, 276; Realities on this plane of, i, 618; Reality nearer to, farther from, i, 169; Ring, one of centres of, i, 40; Romakapura, assigned to, ii, 54; Samvriti origin of illusion or, i, 79; Sat is, manifestation of, i, 145; Sensation is, i, 31; Senses victims of, i, 573; Serpent, tempting and deceitful, i, 103; Seven worlds of, i, 66; Shadow cast into lap of, i, 92; Sons of, i, 412; Spirit and matter are, i, 693; Tvashtri was, mother, ii, 106; Universe is called, i, 294, 692; Vedântins’ use of term, i, 36; Veil of, i, 101; Waves of, i, 258; Webs of, ii, 649; Worlds of, i, 66, 247, 258.

Mâyâmoha, the deluder by illusion, i, 451, 455.

Mayas, Hieratic alphabets of, i, 287; Quichés referred to the, ii, 38.

Mâyâsabhâ, Sabhâ and, ii, 444.

Mâyâsura to Pândavas, Gift of, ii, 444.

Mâyâvi or astral body, ii, 252.

Mazarine Library, ii, 560.

Mazaruth, Scorpio and, i, 710.

Mazda, Law of, ii, 306; Prayer to, ii, 544; Wise, means, ii, 643.

Mazdâo, Ahura, ii, 97.

Mazdean, Magian religion, or, ii, 97; Mithra, ii, 31; Philosophy, ii, 502; Religion, i, 39, ii, 97, 544; Roman Catholics and, literature, ii, 499; Scriptures, ii, 64, 102, 428; Seven earths, view of, ii, 801; Symbolism for flood, ii, 645; Vendîdâd, ii, 282, 304.

Mazdeanism and Logos, ii, 374.

Mazdeans, Magi or, ii, 643; Vendîdâd of, ii, 304; Zeroâna Akerne of, i, 138.

Mazdeism, Relics of, ii, 646.

Mazdhâ, Ahura and Asura, ii, 97.

Maze of conflicting speculations, ii, 70.

M’bo Sha-arim, ii, 122.

Mbul, name for flood, i, 413.

McClatchey, i, 511.

McFarland, R. W., quoted, ii, 149.

McMillan Lodge, i, 118.

Measure for Measure, quoted, ii, 692.

Measurement, Circular, seven base of, ii, 615; Idea of, i, 272; Temple of Solomon, in, ii, 487.

Measures, Man and woman, in terms, i, 479; Notions of early Christians on, i, 336; Origin of, i, 410, ii, 590; Originator of, ii, 133; Planetary times, of, ii, 573; Religion of Aryans and, i, 336; Symbols of, i, 420.

Meborach, holy or blessed, i, 413.

Medea, Winged dragon of, i, 275.

Medes and Persians, i, 425.

Medha, an ascetic, ii, 386.

Medhâ, Asura, ii, 97.

Medhâtithi, author of commentary, i, 355, 356, 357, ii, 424.

Media and the Persian Magi, ii, 799.

Median eye, ii, 312.

Mediator, Buddhi plastic, i, 263; Ether common, i, 366; Manas or plastic, i, 262; Spirit and man, between, i, 263; Spirit sole, i, 301.

Medical Review, quoted, ii, 658.

Medicine, Men in Mexico, ii, 192; Septenary law and, ii, 659.

Medicis, Catherine de, ii, 74.

Meditation, Creation by, i, 625; Jayas lost in, ii, 618; Mahâ Yogi, of, ii, 648; Real knowledge through, i, 468; Tree of wisdom, on, ii, 544; Yoga or mystic, i, 79.

Meditative, Early Âryans were, ii, 388.

Mediterranean Sea, ii, 8, 9, 735, 782, 795, 796, 820.

Medulla oblongata, ii, 309; Pineal gland, and, ii, 310.

Medusa, ii, 74.

Medusæ, ii, 126.

Meerut, i, 14.

Megaceros hibernicus, ii, 781.

Megalosaurus, ii, 160, 205, 753.

Meganthropus, ii, 775.

Megatherium, ii, 229, 269.

Mehujael, Methusael son of, ii, 409.

Melanochroics, ii, 329.

Melchior, one of Magi, i, 717.

Melchizedek, Father Sadik or, ii, 409; Noah and, ii, 410.

Melek, messenger or angel, ii, 541.

Melelwa Nahil, ii, 383.

Melenite, the Anarchists’ baby-toy, i, 614.

Melha, Lord of Flames, ii, 67.

Melhas, Fire-Gods or, ii, 37.

Melia, personification of Ash-tree, ii, 547.

Melita, queen of moon, ii, 143.

Melitta, a lunar Goddess, i, 425.

Mel-Karth, the Lord of the Eden, ii, 212.

Membrane uniting placentæ, ii, 706.

Membrum virile, ii, 133, 482, 490.

Memnon, i, 428.

Mémoire à l’Académie, ii, 216.

Mémoire of Dr. Bourges, quoted, ii, 691.

Mémoire sur la Dispersion de la Lumière, i, 528.

Mémoires, ii, 412.

Mémoires Adressées aux Académies, ii, 356.

Mémoires de l’Académie des Inscriptions, ii, 806.

Mémoires de l’Académie Royale de Belgique, i, 524.

Mémoires de la Société de la Linguistique, ii, 551.

Mémoires to the French Academy, i, 432.

Memory, Atlantean, of gigantic, ii, 284; Atlantean sorcery, of, ii, 529; Atoms, of, ii, 702, 710; Jñânashakti, a manifestation of, i, 312; Organ of, ii, 315; Physical, impressions on, i, 286; Plastidular soul, of, ii, 709; Present mankind, of, ii, 462; Sleep, in abeyance during, i, 69.

Memphis, Egyptian of, i, 738; Fall of, i, 330; Menes built palace of, ii, 349; Ptah God of, i, 393; Subterranean crypt at, ii, 396; Temple of Kabirim at, ii, 380.

Memphite tomb, i, 330.

Memrab or word, i, 369.

Men-animals, i, 403, ii, 211.

Men-serpents of China, ii, 220.

Men-spirits or Ischins, ii, 392.

Ménard, Dr., quoted, i, 301.

Menasseh ben Israel, Rabbi, ii, 142.

Mendeleef, Prof., i, 604, 640.

Mendes, Androgyne goat of, i, 274; Sacred bull of, i, 413.

Mendicant, Mâyâmoha as a, i, 455.

Menelauses robbed of their Helens, ii, 288.

Menes, Dynasty of, ii, 450, 455; Egypt before, ii, 349; King, i, 287, ii, 385; Manu and, ii, 95, 818; Osiris and, ii, 391.

Menhirs built by initiates, ii, 367, 793, 795.

Menocerca with tails, ii, 706.

Mens Menes Manu, ii, 95.

Mentone man, ii, 792.

Menus, Wilford’s seven, ii, 151.

Mercabah, chariot or vehicle, i, 234, 378, 389.

Mercator’s projection, ii, 420.

Mercies of an ingrained materialism, Tender, i, 697.

Mercurial paradisiacal man, ii, 677.

Mercurius or Mercury, i, 377.

Mercury, Alchemists, of, i, 417; Apollo-Python, son of, ii, 218; Archangels, ruled by, i, 469; Argus, ii, 32; Asclepios is, ii, 218, 221; Astaphai of, i, 631, ii, 567; Astronomy, in, ii, 571; Budha or, ii, 31, 32, 48, 49, 391, 477, 523; Caduceus of, i, 600, ii, 218, 381; Centrifugal theory and, i, 649; Christ, ferouer of, ii, 504; Cubic form, figured in, ii, 572; Cynocephalus hieroglyph of, i, 417; Earth chain, not in, i, 186, 188; Eden or step-brother of earth, ii, 48; Enoch, not, ii, 557; Esoteric wisdom, ii, 524; Heat of planet, ii, 747; Hermes as, i, 513, ii, 52, 383, 477, 570; House of, i, 129; Ibis, ii, 589; Kali Yuga epoch, at, i, 725, 726; Length of day on, ii, 747; Lord of wisdom, or, ii, 31; Mar-kurios or, i, 377; Mars and, i, 176, 188, 189, ii, 485; Messenger, the, i, 418; Michael, and, ii, 502, 504; Moist or, i, 441; Moon, and, i, 426; Music of spheres, and, ii, 635; Mythology, in, ii, 571; Nebo deity of, ii, 477; Nuntius, called, ii, 31; Pesh-Hun and, ii, 52; Pillars of, ii, 558; Planet, ii, 144, 570; Satellites, has no, i, 179; Sirius and, ii, 391; Son in trinity, ii, 484, 569; Staff of, i, 361; Sun, and, i, 377, ii, 31, 32, 504; Sun-wolf, called, ii, 31; Thoth and, i, 387, ii, 484; Venus, and, ii, 485; Water on planet, ii, 144; Wednesday or day of, i, 716; Worlds, and our system of, i, 187.

Mercury-Thoth, son of Egyptian trinity, ii, 484.

Mercury-Trismegistus, Pascal borrowed from, ii, 575.

Mergain or Morgana, ii, 416.

Mergiana the good peri, ii, 416.

Merian, Madame, quoted, ii, 459.

Meridian, Ecliptic once parallel to, ii, 373, 829; Point, we have crossed, ii, 314.

Merodach, Archangel Michael, ii, 401; Dragon, slayer of, ii, 56; Jupiter, became, ii, 477; Sun-God, a, ii, 528.

Merope, a daughter of Atlas, ii, 811.

Meropis, ii, 807.

Meropis of Theopompus, quoted, ii, 387.

Mertz, J. T., quoted, i, 687, 688, 690.

Meru, Abode of Gods, i, 152, ii, 373; Airyana Vâejô or, ii, 214; Countries north and south of, ii, 340, 421; Form of, ii, 577; Hindus, mountain of, i, 364; Lay figures on, ii, 810; Milker, the, i, 428; Mode of, ii, 577; Mount, ii, 5, 108, 225, 378, 382, 810; Mountain of the Gods or, ii, 518; North Pole, is, i, 225, 421; Pushkara lies at foot of, ii, 421; Roots of, ii, 419; Seat of Brahmâ, is, ii, 829.

Meshia and Meshiane of old Persians, ii, 142.

Mesmerism, Hypnotism and, i, 315, ii, 165; Magnetism, and, i, 315, 316.

Mesomed, referred to, ii, 319.

Mesopotamia, Gandunia was, ii, 46; Nebo of, ii, 477.

Mesopotamio-Iranian Mohammedan sects, ii, 541.

Mesozoic, Age, skeletons of, ii, 215; Ages since, time, ii, 165; Animals, ii, 313; Batrachians of, ii, 265; Fauna and flora, ii, 774; Monsters, ii, 163, 307; Secondary or, ages, ii, 628; Times, ii, 163, 165, 214, 714.

Messecrates of Stira, Skeleton found by, ii, 291.

Messiah, Advent of, foretold by stars, i, 718; Christos, ii, 26; Date of, i, 719; Elect, i, 717; Fishes, water and, i, 413; Great cycle, at end of, i, 412; Mercury, of sun, ii, 571; Naaseni, of, ii, 372; Perfect, ii, 306; Sun, of, ii, 571.

Messiahs, Pesh-Hun one of twelve, ii, 52.

Meta-chemistry or new alchemy, i, 683.

Meta-elements, Elements and, i, 596, 597, 603; Noumenoi and, i, 604.

Meta-geometry, i, 676.

Meta-mathematics, i, 676.

Metal, Fire and, ii, 446; Land of, ii, 443, 446; Stone, and, i, 66, 258.

Metals, Adept-healers by, ii, 377; Cain first worker in, i, 447; Caloric in, i, 574; Dynasty of Huschenk and rediscovery of, ii, 414; Formation of, i, 652; Gods presiding over, ii, 379; Period preceding use of, ii, 763; Rare earths and, ii, 330; Successive races named from, ii, 283.

Metamorphoses, Monads, of, i, 679; Organism, of, ii, 123; Ovid, of, i, 417.

Metamorphosis, Animals undergoing, ii, 126; Jehovah, of, ii, 484; Lot’s wife, of, ii, 712; Stellar, i, 652.

Metaphysics, Ancients’ knowledge of, ii, 113; Atoms belong to domain of, i, 559; Builders of, i, 362; Contempt of scientists for, i, 526; Cosmic rebirths, of, ii, 84; Descartes, of, i, 689; Dogmas of, i, 681; Esoteric teachings, in, ii, 65, 668; Expressions of Eastern, i, 538; Fiction, said to be, i, 731; Illusion to, universe is, i, 351; Indian, ii, 439; Initiate into Eastern, i, 409; Modern Western, i, 348; Occult, i, 154, 169, ii, 123; Occultism and scientific, i, 530, ii, 687; Ontological, i, 594; Physics and, i, 76, 552, 593, 669; Prajñâ in Eastern, ii, 678; Principles of, i, 518, ii, 669; Psychology, and, i, 680; Science impossible without, i, 643, ii, 701; Secret Doctrine deals chiefly with, ii, 686; Substance not matter in, i, 553; Talmud, of, i, 374; Theogony, of, ii, 375; Transcendental, i, 350; Western, and Eastern philosophy, i, 107, 173, 246; World of, ii, 27.

Metator, ii, 503.

Metatron, Angel of Briatic world, ii, 117; Archangel called, ii, 503; Perfect man or, i, 362; Shekinah, united with, ii, 226.

Metcalfe, quoted, i, 541, 571, 573, 587, 634.

Metempsychosis, Animal atoms and, i, 491; Cycle of, i, 208; Pythagorean doctrine of, ii, 198; Reincarnations or, i, 45; Soul, of liberated, ii, 582; Whirling of the soul and, i, 621.

Meteor, Germ in, ii, 771; Life-germ from a, i, 529; Organic form from a, ii, 770.

Meteorites, Constituents of, ii, 746; Globes, from other, ii, 167; Psychometrizing, i, 222.

Meteorography of early Âryans, ii, 444.

Meteorological changes, ii, 739.

Meteorology of early Âryans, ii, 444.

Meteors, Black Faces, fell on lands of, ii, 446; Germs and, ii, 759; Modern science and, i, 548; Movement of, i, 708.

Methusael, Lamech, son of, ii, 409.

Methuselah or Methusael, Age of, ii, 205, 409.

Metis, Divine wisdom or, i, 412; Water, or, i, 363, ii, 138.

Metre of Vedas, i, 291, 310.

Metrographical manifestations, ii, 629.

Metrological key of Hebrew symbolism, ii, 629.

Metrology, Figures and symbols of, i, 427; Hebrew, i, 326, 496, ii, 591; Jews, of, i, 421.

Meunier, S., quoted, ii, 169.

Mexican MS., ii, 39.

Mexico, Early man in, ii, 787; Fallen demon of, ii, 510; Gulf of, ii, 442; Legends of, ii, 169, 192; Nagals of, ii, 220; Remains of, ii, 838; Sculptures, ii, 39; Third race, ii, 102; Traditions, ii, 325.

Miaotse, Grottoes of, ii, 354; Modern, ii, 352; Race, antediluvian, ii, 293.

Michael, Angel of the sun, ii, 399; Apollo and, ii, 400; Archangel, i, 73, 116, 670, ii, 98, 239, 256, 503; Buddhist, a, ii, 67; Celestial host, generalissimo of, i, 450; Christ, and, i, 217, ii, 502; Conqueror of dragon, ii, 402, 580; Daniel, angel of, ii, 505; Dragon and, i, 216, 223, ii, 402, 535, 538, 580; God, like unto, i, 468, 471; Host against dragon, and his, i, 223; Hosts of, ii, 245; Indra Hindû, ii, 395, 523; Jehovah, and, ii, 66; Jishnu Hindu, ii, 649; Kârttikeya and, ii, 579; Lion, and, i, 152; Mercury is, ii, 502, 504; Merodach-, ii, 401; Ophiomorphos and, i, 496; Railing accusation, durst not bring a, ii, 501; Red dragon, and, ii, 396; Satan killed by, ii, 403; Titan, a, i, 450; Type, a, ii, 248.

Michael Angelo, Moses of, ii, 223.

Michael-Jehovah, ii, 567.

Michael-Ophiomorphos, i, 496, ii, 505.

Michaels glorified in churches, ii, 259.

Michal taunted King David, ii, 483.

Michelet, quoted, i, 739.

Microbes, Bacteria and, i, 270; Creators and destroyers, called, i, 283; Elephant, man, and, i, 698; Invasion of, i, 281; Invisible, i, 666; Poisons and, i, 282.

Microcosm, Decad applied to, ii, 605; Human body, represented by, ii, 609; Liquor vitæ, in, i, 581; Macrocosm, of, i, 204, 288, 304, 367, ii, 179, 187, 303, 613; Macrocosmic, prototype of, i, 153; Man is, i, 128, 200, 295, ii, 723; Manas in, i, 356; Microprosopus or, i, 235; Pentagon, represented as a, i, 244; Septenary constitution of, i, 191; Solar system of, i, 650; Spirits or elements in, ii, 608; Spiritual, birth of, ii, 612; Store of types in, ii, 197; Svastika applied to, man, ii, 104.

Microprosopus, Ateh applied to, i, 107; Heavenly man, ii, 662; Lesser face, i, 90, 236, 260, 261; Limbs of, i, 235, ii, 745; Lower face, i, 374; Macroprosopus, and, i, 107; Microcosm, or, i, 235; Six limbs of, i, 235, ii, 745; Tetrad is, ii, 663; Tetragrammaton or, ii, 636.

Mid-Miocene age and cataclysm, ii, 724, 751.

Mid-Tertiary period, Man in, ii, 164.

Midas with Silenus, Dialogue of, ii, 803.

Middle-circle of Kabalah, ii, 670.

Middle-point, Atlanteans, of, ii, 317; Evolution, of, ii, 190; Life-cycle, of, ii, 158; Round, of this, ii, 273.

Middle-region or Bhuvo-loka, i, 398.

Midgard snake encircles earth, i, 438.

Midian, Giants at, ii, 798; Priest initiator, Reuel-Jethro, the, ii, 487; Priest, seven daughters of, i, 413.

Midraish, ii, 56.

Midrash on other worlds, ii, 744.

Midrash Pirkah, quoted, ii, 561.

Midrashim, Hanokh, on, ii, 560; Moses de Leon, used by, ii, 483; Zohar and, ii, 564.

Midway, Evolution, point of, ii, 777; Planes, between two, ii, 778.

Migration, Fauna, of, ii, 837; Flora, of, ii, 834; Plants, of, ii, 767; Species, of, ii, 828.

Migration of Abraham, quoted, i, 367.

Migrations of Norwegian lemming, ii, 826.

Mihr, i, 412.

Mikael, Angel of face and, i, 496; Lion, ii, 121; Prâna or sun principle, i, 262.

Mikael-Jehovah, i, 630.

Miletus, Thales of, i, 105.

Milk, Ocean of, ii, 421; Sea of, ii, 334.

Milker, Meru the, i, 428.

Milky ocean, Atlantic or, i, 452.

Milky Way, i, 96, 238, 629, ii, 335, 371; Central body in, ii, 250; Cosmic matter and, i, 98; Ethereal substance of, i, 645; Pleiades’ relation to, ii, 581; Stars of, ii, 446; Tycho Brahé on, i, 645; Via Straminis or, i, 470.

Mill, J. Stuart, quoted, i, 644, 698.

Millennium, Christianity, of exoteric, i, 403; Duration of a, ii, 413; Earth, above cursed, i, 401; Man created in sixth, i, 363; Nativity, divided by year of, i, 24; Prelude to hoped-for, i, 671.

Millenniums, Allegory of Pymander ten, ago, i, 449; European history, of, ii, 463; Kali Yuga, of, i, 27; Thought, of, i, 229; Week of, ii, 660.

Millers Philosophumena, quoted, ii, 3.

Milne Edwards found cave deposits, ii, 763.

Milton, quoted, i, 172, 273, 521, 682, ii, 66, 371, 506, 508, 532, 533.

Mimir, thrice-wise Jotun, i, 432.

Mimra, the word or Logos, i, 412.

Mîna, the Zodiacal sign, Pisces, i, 403.

Mînam or Pisces, Sign of, ii, 612.

Minarets of Islam, ii, 89.

Mind-born, Adam-Kadmon, son of, ii, 133; Boneless, ii, 166; Brahmâ, sons of, ii, 186; Deity, sons of, ii, 98; Entities, first, i, 152; Groups, i, 154; Intelligences, seven, i, 488; Lord, sons of First, i, 65, 233; Men, i, 593; Nature, son of, i, 429; Prajâpati, sons of, ii, 149; Primitive humanity, ii, 138; Progeny, i, 492; Sons, i, 65, 116, 131, 132, 232, 233, 380, 470, 493, 624, 663, ii, 48, 82, 98, 140, 186, 214, 288, 297, 391, 612, 661, 662; Third race, sons of, i, 232; Will-born or, lords, ii, 90.

Mind-soul or Karshipta, ii, 306.

Mindless, Animal world, ii, 428; Ape from, man, ii, 197; Creative Gods and, men, ii, 208; Females, ii, 298; First root-race, ii, 88, 275, 329; Mânasaputras and, man, ii, 643; Mankind, ii, 429; Men, ii, 197, 208, 296, 429, 643; Monster, ii, 206; Primeval men, ii, 84, 199, 728; Races, ii, 21, 88, 170, 275, 279, 299, 329, 416, 728; Sin of, ii, 22, 190, 195, 201; Third race, ii, 21, 170, 279; Wives from, ii, 23, 284.

Ming dynasty, Yang Sun of, ii, 57.

Ming-ti and Kashyapa, i, 12.

Miocene age or period, Anthropoid ape in, i, 207, ii, 714, 717, 718, 726, 728, 729, 733; Atlantis and, ii, 7, 413, 452, 781, 822, 826; Civilizations in, ii, 830; Climate in, ii, 10, 715, 755, 767, 780; Destruction in, ii, 328; Europe and America in, ii, 825; Flora of, ii, 828; Geologists and, ii, 165; Institutions of to-day in, ii, 279; Mammalia in, ii, 265; Man in, ii, 301, 716, 729, 754, 787, 791, 834; Monsters of, ii, 721; Primeval man in, ii, 713, 716; Sahara, a sea of, ii, 831.

Miölnir, Svastika is the, ii, 104, 105.

Miriam or Mary, i, 412.

Mir-ku, God or noble crown, ii, 5.

Mirror, Astral fluid, of being, i, 120; Azazel introduced, ii, 393; Bliss, of, i, 623; Breath needed a, of its body, ii, 91, 110; Eye, of soul, ii, 312; Forms in, i, 618; Futurity, of, ii, 53; Lamp-wick in a, matter like a, i, 579; Logos, reflecting divine mind, ii, 28; Lower, ii, 280; Monads, of universe, i, 684, 691, 693; Mystery of creation in a, ii, 83; Self-existent Lord like a, i, 60; Superior, ii, 280; Truth, of pure, ii, 280; Wisdom, of eternal, ii, 508, 543.

Mirville, Marquis de, quoted, i, 422, 430, 431, 450, 476, 548, 712, 714, 717, ii, 294, 356, 362, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 433, 474, 500, 502, 504, 505, 559, 560, 562, 665.

Miscellaneous Essays, quoted, ii, 660.

Mishna, quoted, on creation, i, 485.

Misra-st’hân, Wilford on, ii, 424.

Missing, Elements on our globe, i, 638; Link, ii, 58, 194, 195, 200, 207, 272, 301, 551, 698, 699, 705, 712, 713, 714, 716, 724, 757, 760, 768, 787, 836.

Mission des Juifs, ii, 579.

Mississippi valley, Mounds of, ii, 795.

Mist-place, Nefelheim or, i, 394.

Mists, Cosmic, i, 133.

Mitâkshara, commenting on Yâjnavâkhya-Smriti, i, 466.

Mitford, Godolphin, known as Murad Ali Beg, ii, 541.

Mithra, Fire Goddess, i, 363, ii, 138; Fires of, seven, ii, 638; Mazdean, ii, 31.

Mithraic mysteries, ii, 437.

Mithras, Abraxas and, ii, 497; Monad mystery, the, i, 412; Persian, i, 480; Rock-born God, i, 363, ii, 138; Sun, ii, 437.

Mitra, Secrets of, ii, 281; Varuna, sacrifice to, and, ii, 156.

Mivart, St. George, quoted, ii, 719, 736.

Mizpeth, Hermon in, ii, 427.

Mizraim and Ham races of Cabiri, ii, 411.

Mlechchhas, outcastes, savages, i, 14, 18, 291, 292, 404, ii, 52, 423.

Mnaseas, referred to, ii, 379, 411.

Moabites, Nebo adored by, ii, 477; Shemesh of, i, 427.

Mobed and Pârsî, ii, 544.

Mochus, Theogony of, i, 391, 498.

Modern Genesis, The, quoted, i, 124.

Modern Science and Modern Thought, by Laing, quoted, i, 548, 732, ii, 75, 123, 165, 178, 263, 265, 270, 300, 536, 694, 713, 715, 756, 757, 763.

Modern Zoroastrian, A, quoted, ii, 549, 694, 698, 700, 709, 710.

Moigno, Ed., quoted, i, 531.

Moira, Goddess of fate, ii, 639.

Moksha, Attainment of, i, 157; Bliss, a state of, i, 156; Nirvâna, called in India, i, 70; Yogî and, i, 312.

Mokshadharma Parvan, ii, 82.

Molecule, Aggregation of atoms, i, 684; Future man evolves from, ii, 198; Life in every, i, 245, 278; Monad and, i, 200; Particle or, i, 680; Principles in, higher, i, 239; Science and, i, 164; Unit a, i, 679; Universe, alive, every, in, i, 281.

Molecules, Air, of, i, 615, 641; Atmosphere, in our, i, 605, 638; Atoms and, i, 129, 174, 350, 605, 693, 694; Bastard, i, 682; Brain, of, ii, 711; Capabilities of, i, 174; Chemist and, ii, 692; Compound, i, 605, 686; Crookes on, i, 598; Eliminated, i, 166; Exchange of, i, 166; Force, centres of, i, 552; Jîva and, ii, 710; Material, i, 690; Materialistic philosophy, of, i, 691; Matter, of, i, 269, 579; Modern science, of, i, 692; Planetary ring, of, i, 648; Protista, of, ii, 686; Repulsion among, i, 113; Salt, of, ii, 628; Specific gravity and, i, 558; Thomson, Sir W., on, i, 560; Transformation of, i, 172; Tympanum, on, i, 605; Vibration of, i, 561, 605; Weight of, i, 558.

Moleschott, quoted, i, 149, 315, 316, ii, 255.

Moloch, Children immolated to, i, 427, 501, ii, 541.

Mon or Ammon, concealed God of Egyptians, i, 393.

Mona, Stone which returned to its place in, ii, 361.

Monad, ABSOLUTENESS, a breath of the, i, 267; Angel, i, 627; Animal, i, 201, ii, 45, 108, 206, 208, 552; Astral body of progenitors, of, ii, 697; Astral form clothing, ii, 124; Âtmâ-Buddhi, i, 98, 201, 202; Atmâ-Buddhi-Manas and, i, 623; Atom and, i, 49, 200, 679; Breath or human, i, 267, ii, 110; Buddhi or cosmic, i, 200; Constitution of, i, 201; Cosmic, i, 200, ii, 325; Crown of all things, ii, 637; Cycle of incarnations of, ii, 190; Descent of, i, 267, 730; Devachan, and, ii, 60, 206; Development of, i, 198; Dhyân Chohan, is a, i, 285; Dhyâni Buddha and, i, 626; Disembodied, ii, 60; Divine, i, 198, 286, 512, ii, 93, 393; Double dragon, or, ii, 60; Duad and, i, 677, ii, 607; Dual, i, 98, 201, 202; Dwelling of, first, i, 268; Earth, and, i, 206, ii, 130; Ego or, ii, 670; Elemental, i, 691, 692; Entity, as separate, i, 201; Eternal, ii, 633; Evolution of, i, 184, 198; Experience acquired by, ii, 191; Fœtus and, i, 206, ii, 198; Form of, transitional, i, 206; Globe A, on, ii, 190, 672; God and, i, 679; Greeks, of, i, 461; Higher self or, ii, 108, 173; Homogeneous, i, 267; Hornblende, of an atom of, i, 201; Human, i, 184, 200, 201, 206, 207, 208, 489, 627, 692, ii, 50, 108, 110, 196, 672; Humboldt, of a, i, 201; Ideations of divine, i, 286; Immetallization of, ii, 190; Immortal, i, 264, ii, 163, 552; Impersonal, i, 198; Incarnations of, i, 198, 205, ii, 190; Individual, i, 200, 201, 285, 680; Indivisible thing, i, 623; Initiates on the, i, 622; Inner being or, ii, 173; Jîva or, i, 259, 266, 267, ii, 50; Journeyings of, i, 206; Kabalists and the, ii, 634; Kingdom of the, i, 692; La Pluche on the, i, 672; Leibnitz on the, i, 683, 692, ii, 708, 710; Logos or universal, ii, 325; Looking-glass, a, i, 691; Man as a, ii, 268; Manas merging into, i, 259, 264, ii, 258; Manu on, ii, 325; Masons and, i, 673; Mathematical point or, i, 672; Mentality of, plane of, i, 198; Mineral, i, 198, 199, 200, 201, 266, 491, ii, 45; Mirror, a, i, 684, 691; Model for, i, 267; Mystery, i, 412; Nirvâna, reëmergence from, i, 287; One, is, i, 467, 475, 627; Origin of, i, 622; Origin of all things, ii, 637; Osirification of, i, 160; Perfection of, ii, 116; Physical, human, not, i, 200; Pilgrim, a, i, 45; Pilgrimage of, i, 623; Plane, not of this, i, 198; Plane of illusion, on, i, 489; Planetary origin of, i, 630; Planetary spirit, of, i, 692; Point, or, i, 459, 675; Porphyry on, i, 460, 677; Pralaya, in, i, 623; Prakriti, manifesting in, i, 201; Principle of all things, i, 467; Progress of, i, 191, 198, ii, 302; Proper, i, 624; Prototype of, i, 267; Pythagoras on, i, 460, 673, 679, ii, 708; Reäscent of, i, 730; Rebirth of, i, 626; Reflects, every, i, 684, 691; Reïncarnations of, i, 285, ii, 670; Renewed, called the, ii, 670; Sattva, called, i, 98; Seventh race and round, in, ii, 190; Soul, and, i, 144, 691, 692, 730, ii, 159; Spark or, i, 258, 624; Spirit in man, i, 144; Spiritual, i, 200, 201, ii, 83, 163; Star, a, i, 198; Totality of, absolute, i, 206; Transitory vehicles of, i, 623; Triad and, i, 460, 627; Unconsciousness of, i, 198; Unit or, i, 489, 627; Unit-point, represents a, i, 675; Universal, i, 680, ii, 84, 325; Vegetable, i, 201, ii, 45; Vehicle of, i, 623, 674; Wisdom acquired by, ii, 191; World, not of this, i, 198; Zodiacal signs and, i, 730.

Monad-Ego, Envelopes of the immortal, i, 258.

Monadless, i, 693.

Monadologie, referred to and quoted, i, 687, 689, 690, 692.

Monads, Activity of, i, 204; Ancients, of, i, 672; Angelic, ii, 279; Animal, ii, 266; Anthropoid apes, of, i, 207; Astral doubles of, i, 203; Atomic souls, i, 679; Atoms and, i, 598, 604, 679, 681, 683, 685, 692, 693; Breaths or, ii, 645; Classes of, i, 196; Conscious, ii, 689; Cosmic, i, 679, ii, 325; Created, i, 692; Creators of, i, 625; Cycle of evolution of, i, 203, 206; Cyclings round septenary chain, i, 195; Development of, i, 204; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 670, ii, 155, 317; Differentiation of, i, 201; Divine, ii, 509; Divine sparks, or, i, 203; Dumb races, of, i, 205; Egos or, i, 203; Elementals and, i, 207, 693; Emanated, i, 692; Emanators of, i, 625; Emergence of, after pralaya, i, 49; Esotericism and, ii, 708; Forms of, ii, 171, 176, 268; Globe A, on, i, 203, 204; Gods and, i, 604, 669, 679, 683, 685, ii, 708; Hosts of, i, 693; Human, i, 145, 207, 209, 625, ii, 59, 99, 325; Human kingdom, entering the, i, 205; Human stage of, i, 205; Identical in man and animal, ii, 85; Immortal, i, 145; Imprisoned, i, 288; Incarnating, i, 155, 287, ii, 297, 709; Incipient, i, 296; Individual, i, 200, 201; Indivisible, i, 691; Infinitude of, i, 693; Jîvas or, i, 237, 679, ii, 79; Jîvâtmâs or, i, 156; Karma and, ii, 223, 259, 316, 332; Karmic development of, ii, 171, 287; Leibnitz and, i, 132, 163, 530, 633, 672, 683, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, ii, 708; Limited number of, ii, 317; Lives, or, ii, 60; Lunar, i, 202, 203, 204; Manifested unity or, i, 673; Manvantaras, of past, ii, 689; Maruta-Jîvas or, ii, 651; Metaphysical bonds between, i, 692; Mineral, i, 193; Muktas, or, i, 156; Mundane, i, 626; Nature, sentient, i, 604; New, no, ii, 317; Nirmânakâyas and, ii, 99; Occultism and, i, 599; Passage of, ii, 268; Perceptive, i, 693; Physical bodies, and, i, 209; Planetary chains, ii, 325; Points, metaphysical, i, 691; Preëxistent, ii, 117; Pythagoras and, i, 672, ii, 708; Races, of future, ii, 159; Reïncarnation of, ii, 155, 259; Rounds and, ii, 177; Semi-conscious, i, 288; Senseless, ii, 238; Seven, ii, 170; Seven lights or, i, 145; Shells, incarnating in empty, ii, 84; Souls or, i, 631, 679, ii, 117; Spirits affecting mediums not, i, 254; Spiritual, i, 193; Spiritual essence vivifying, i, 201; Stars are, ii, 511; Sub-planetary, i, 679; Tabernacles for, ii, 122, 223; Terrestrial, i, 626; Third race of, ii, 645; Third round, in, i, 203; Thoughts, and, i, 692; Uncompounded things, i, 201; Unconscious, ii, 84; Undifferentiated human, ii, 325; Units or, i, 201, 679; Unity or, i, 673; Unprogressed men, of, ii, 275; Vegetable, i, 193; Vehicle of, i, 204.

Monadship, Thread of immortal, impersonal, ii, 540.

Monas, Greek, i, 673; Kosmos, applied to whole, i, 201; Peripatetics, of, i, 200; Pythagorean, i, 93, ii, 95; Super-cosmic, i, 679; Unity, signifies, i, 673; Universal, i, 201.

Monasteries, Japan, of, i, 261; Mathams or, i, 292.

Monatomic, Atoms, i, 239; Elements, i, 602; Molecules, i, 558.

Monera, Generation of, ii, 169; Organisms of simplest kind, are, ii, 174; Protista, are, i, 491, ii, 162; Stages of, ii, 724.

Moneron, Darwinians, of, ii, 690; Ex-protoplasmic, ii, 162; Hæckel, of, i, 592, ii, 160, 162, 163, 167, 196, 711; Man and, ii, 754; Protoplasmic speck called, ii, 199; Sarcode of, ii, 162; Science, of, ii, 103; Self-division of, ii, 696.

Moneron-like procreation, ii, 175.

Mongolia, Buddha in, statues of, ii, 619; Libraries of, i, 17.

Mongolians, Amilaka of, ii, 37; Asia, of, ii, 493; Burmese, ii, 354; Chinamen offshoot of, ii, 188; Europe, in prehistoric, ii, 786; Fourth race, and, ii, 261; Innovators, i, 5; Scyths, perhaps, ii, 212; Svastika and, ii, 619; Tarim, visit remains at, i, 8; Tchertchen, destroy a city near, i, 17; Wan of, ii, 587.

Mongolo-Turanian and Indo-European, i, 339.

Mongoloids of Huxley, ii, 329.

Mongols, Forefathers of, ii, 443; Negroes Aryans and, ii, 642.

Monier Williams, Sir M., and Esoteric Buddhists, ii, 602.

Monism, Materialism, and, i, 149, 575; Psychologists, of, i, 680: Single substance or, i, 149; Western, i, 575.

Monist-Agnostic, i, 635.

Monistic nature, Primordial essence of, i, 303.

Monkey, Divine origin of, i, 207; Dryopithecus, ii, 791; God, of, ii, 499; Mammalian type, and, ii, 715; Man and, ii, 268, 725, 770, 791; Miocene fossil, ii, 764; Primitive and present, ii, 756; Quadrumanous, ii, 270; Special creation for, ii, 716.

Monkey-coloured fiends, ii, 107, 173.

Monkey-faced, Kapi-Vaktra or, ii, 52.

Monkey-God, Hanumân the, ii, 719.

Monkey-kingdom of Râmâyana, ii, 302.

Monks, Christian, ii, 561; Dark ages, of, ii, 460; Dwellings of Buddhist, ii, 353; Kioto, of, i, 197.

Monogenesis, De Quatrefages and, ii, 205; Theories of, ii, 125.

Monogenism and Polygenism, ii, 178, 646.

Monolith from Karnac, i, 430.

Monoliths, Immense, ii, 358.

Monosyllabic speech, ii, 209.

Monotheism, Anthropomorphic, i, 628, ii, 642; Egyptian, geographical, i, 738; Eighth God and, ii, 642; Jewish, ii, 44, 263, 481, 494; Step towards, first, i, 138.

Monotheists, Anthropomorphic God of, i, 542; Blasphemies of, ii, 318; Creator of, ii, 167, 585; Creators, blend totality of, i, 125; Deity of, i, 581, ii, 106, 319; Interpretations of, ii, 400; Kabalah, and, i, 154.

Montaigne, quoted, i, 29, ii, 355.

Montanists, Heresies of, ii, 509.

Montenegrin giant, Danilo, ii, 290.

Montesquieu, quoted, i, 740.

Montfaucon, quoted, i, 430, ii, 571.

Monthly Magazine, quoted, i, 458, 459.

Montlosier, Count de, quoted, ii, 585.

Monumental Christianity, quoted, ii, 592.

Monuments Celtiques, quoted, ii, 216, 358.

Monza, Church of St. John at, ii, 620.

Moola Koorumba of the Nilghiris, Dwarfish, ii, 464.

Moon, Abraxas and, ii, 497; Adam and, ii, 490; Adoration of, i, 712; Age of, ii, 69; Airyana Vaêjô, in, ii, 305; Ancient measurements of position of, i, 728; Androgyne deity, an, ii, 69; Anu identical with, ii, 65; Apollo and, i, 426; Arg and, ii, 434; Argha, is, i, 385, ii, 65, 153, 484, 490; Arjuna Mishra on, ii, 675; Ark and, i, 385, ii, 148, 490; Arka and, ii, 434; Artemis and, i, 249, 415, 426; Astoreth and, i, 426, 427, ii, 485; Azaradel taught motion of, ii, 393; Beams of, i, 65, 257; Bel and, ii, 403; Bel-Shemesh, called, i, 427; Beneficent emanations from, i, 180; Bi-sexual, is, i, 427; Book of Enoch on, ii, 562; Buddha son of, ii, 49, 477; Castor and, ii, 130; Cat and, i, 322, 323, 324, 416, ii, 583; Chain progeny of, i, 194; Change of, ii, 330, 343; Childbirth and, i, 284; Christ-Judas and, i, 422; Christians’ deity, i, 415; Clemens Alexandrinus, with, i, 415; Concealed side of, i, 248; Conception and, i, 284; Conjunction of sun and earth, ii, 79, 454; Cosmic aspect of, feminine, ii, 69; Course of, calculated, ii, 385; Cow-horned, ii, 436; Crescent, ii, 485; Dark side of, i, 388; Darwin on, i, 179, ii, 67; Dead, i, 172; Dead yet living body, a, i, 180; Death, as Goddess of, i, 416; Deity, ii, 815; Deity of Christians, i, 415; Deity of mind, i, 562, ii, 520; Demeter and, ii, 433; Determination of place of, by Brâhmans, i, 729; Deus Lunus and, i, 415, 426, ii, 489; Diana and, i, 249, 416, 426, ii, 26, 130, 484, 815; Diana-Hecate-Luna, personified, i, 416; Dissolution of, i, 180; Divine soul and, ii, 119; Dog-headed ape a, glyph, i, 417; Dracontia and, ii, 362; Dual aspect of, i, 427; Dual purpose of, i, 426; Earth and, i, 178, 179, 180, 202, 203, 225, 323, 428, 628, ii, 26, 36, 48, 68, 79, 635, 739; Earth, parent of our, ii, 497; Earth’s axis, and, ii, 815; Eclipse of, i, 724, 726, 727; Egypt, in, i, 248, 417, ii, 486; Eve and, ii, 433, 434; Fellow-globes of, i, 179; Female generative principle and, ii, 148; Female generative power and, ii, 434; Female Goddess, a, i, 426; Female, was, ii, 485; Feminine principle, or, ii, 153; Feminine with Greeks, ii, 130; Festival at new, ii, 484; Fish, sin, and, i, 258, 284; Fourth globe, was, i, 187, 196; Full, female, ii, 485; Generation, and, i, 249, ii, 3; Genius of, i, 631, ii, 497, 567, 569; Genius of evil, standing for, i, 426; Gestation and, ii, 3; Giver of death, i, 415; Globe, fourth, i, 196; Globe, gives life to our, i, 415; Glyph of, i, 417, 464; God, i, 148, 248, 249, 426, ii, 66, 148, 669; Goddesses, i, 284, 430, ii, 434; Gods, ii, 81; Greeks, with, ii, 130; Growth of, i, 667; Hathor and, ii, 486; Heaven, in, i, 323; Hindus and, i, 729; Hindus’ measurements of, i, 728; Horned, i, 422; Horus, eye of, i, 417; Human being came from, i, 248; Iaô and, i, 483, 631, ii, 497, 567; Ibis and, i, 388; Idol of, ii, 475, 476; Indu and, ii, 48; Influence of, i, 586, ii, 739; Inner principles of, i, 172; Invisible, real, i, 202; Io and, ii, 433, 434, 436, 485, 486; Insane mother, i, 172; Isis and, i, 249, 388, 416, ii, 26, 35, 434, 436, 484, 486, 616; Jehovah and, i, 219, ii, 65, 79, 148, 484, 497, 616; Jehovah-Satan and, i, 422; Jehovah’s living symbol, i, 415; Jewish religion and, i, 202; Jews and, ii, 148; Juno and, i, 249; Jupiter and, ii, 485; Kabalah, in, i, 219, ii, 65; Kali Yuga, and, ii, 454; Kârttikeya beautiful as, ii, 580; Khonsoo and, ii, 486; King of plants, ii, 401; King Soma or, i, 415; Kumuda-Pati is, ii, 48; Latin church, in, i, 432; Laws of, i, 667; Lha of, ii, 107; Life-giver to our globe, i, 415; Life influence of, i, 586; Life microbes and, i, 284; Life renewals, symbol of, i, 249; Light-giver, the, i, 432; Light of, borrowed, i, 562; Lords of, ii, 17, 79; Lord of the sun called, i, 427; Luminous ring round, i, 645; Lunar genius, or, ii, 497; Magna mater and, i, 422; Maier and, i, 723; Maier’s tables for, i, 725; Male, is, i, 249, ii, 69; Maleficent emanations from, i, 180; Man came from, i, 248; Man in, i, 422; Manas and, ii, 520, 521, 675; Mary and, i, 433, ii, 485; Master of, ii, 635; Matter, dark with, i, 219; Mean motion of, i, 729; Meanings of, many, i, 324; Melita and, ii, 143; Mercury and, i, 426, ii, 635; Metaphysical nature of, i, 180; Mind and, i, 562, ii, 520, 675; Moot and, ii, 486; Moses in, i, 653, ii, 490; Mother, ii, 110, 148; Mother, great, ii, 434, 484; Mother of earth, i, 180, 225; Mother-water disappeared in, ii, 17, 67; Motion of, i, 723, 727; Mountain of, ii, 80, 244; Mystery of eighth sphere, and, i, 186; Mysteries of, seven, i, 196; Mysteries of our globe and, i, 323; Mysterious power in, ii, 110; Nature of, i, 180; Nebo son of, ii, 477; New, festivals, ii, 484; Night, and, i, 444; Nodes of, i, 433, 726; Number seven and, ii, 629; Occult force in, i, 569; Occult potencies of, i, 426; Occult properties of, i, 249; Occult side of terrestrial nature, and, ii, 629; Occultism on, i, 172; Occultist understands nature, etc., of, i, 180; Odin, eye of, i, 432; Older than earth, i, 179, ii, 68; Omorôka or, ii, 122; Origen, with, i, 415; Osiris and, i, 249; Osiris, eye of, i, 417; Osiris inhabits, i, 248, 249; Osiris-Lunus and, i, 426; Osiris-Sut and, i, 422; Parent of earth, i, 203, ii, 48; Paul on, ii, 79; Phases of, i, 418; Phœbe or, i, 415; Physical, ii, 48; Physical constitution of, i, 649; Physicists ignorant of nature, etc., of, i, 180; Physiology ignorant as to, i, 284; Pitris and, i, 203, 284, ii, 79, 339; Planet, a dead, i, 172, ii, 262; Plant, i, 231, ii, 624; Potency, a sexless, i, 426; Power of calling down, ii, 805; Primitive physical man and, ii, 110; Principles of, inner, i, 172; Progeny of, i, 194, ii, 36; Properties of, occult, i, 249; Prophet of, ii, 489, 490; Psychic nature of, i, 180; Pueblos adore, ii, 191; Queen is, i, 415; Queen of, ii, 143; Queen of heaven, i, 422, 427, 433, 434, 484; Râhu and, ii, 398; Regent of, i, 483, ii, 48, 339; Reïncarnations, symbol of, i, 249; Religion, ancient, and, i, 202; Religious rites, in, i, 426; Revolutions of, i, 728; Saturn and, ii, 475, 485; Science and, i, 203; Secular motion of, i, 723; Self and, ii, 675; Semitic races and, i, 427; Septenary and, ii, 629; Serpent and, ii, 362; Shell of, all-potential, ii, 121; Shelley, on, i, 415; Sin and, i, 258, 268, 284, 426, ii, 26, 65, 79, 244; Sinai, mountain of, ii, 244; Soma and, i, 249, 258, 284, 415, 426, 428, 569, ii, 26, 48, 49, 147, 186, 401, 404, 477, 489, 520, 521, 524; Son of, ii, 115, 403, 477; Sorcerers and, i, 180, ii, 805; Soteira and, i, 426; Sparks of, i, 65, 257; Spirit of, ii, 339, 386; Sri, and, ii, 80; Starry vault or, ii, 20, 139; Sun and, i, 250, 426, 444, 628, ii, 26, 130, 454; Sun, reflects light of, ii, 583; Sun-ray and, i, 586; Sushumnâ ray and, i, 562, 586; Sweat, cooled the, ii, 20, 139; Symbol, as, i, 249; Symbol of, i, 322, 323, 432, ii, 35, 583; Tantrikas and, i, 180; Târâ carried away by, ii, 49; Telita and, ii, 143; Thalassa is, ii, 122; Thot and, i, 433; Tides and, ii, 339; Time-measurer, as, i, 418, ii, 657; Trinity and, i, 416; Twofold in sex, i, 422; Unseen Gods of, ii, 485; Venus and, ii, 35; Virgin, called, ii, 486; Virgin Mary and, i, 422; Vitalizing power of, ii, 79; War in heaven and, ii, 404; Water, in clear tranquil, i, 79; Water progeny of, ii, 69; Waters of, ii, 616; Weather, influences, ii, 739; White ibis sacred to, i, 388; White swan from, ii, 20, 139; Wife of, ii, 80; Witches and, i, 180; Woman and, ii, 483; Worship of, i, 432; Zarpanitu the, ii, 477.

Moon-coloured, Faces, ii, 188; Race, ii, 24, 237, 260, 366; Zone, ii, 23.

Moon-like complexion, Celestial kings of, ii, 443.

Moons, i, 223, 540, 659.

Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield, quoted, i, 607, 613.

Moore, referred to, ii, 34.

Moor, referred to, ii, 578, 591, 592.

Moors and Egyptian-Atlantidæ, ii, 837.

Moot, Daughter, wife and mother of Ammon, i, 464; Moon, name of, ii, 486; Mooth, or, ii, 486; Mother, the, i, 412; Wilson on Goddess, i, 486.

Moot(h), Isis, ii, 487.

Mor-Isaac, quoted, i, 469.

Moraines, Weapons in ancient, ii, 725.

Morbihan, Initiates at Carnac or, ii, 793; Menhirs of, ii, 367.

More Nevochim, quoted, ii, 215, 393, 489.

Moreh Nebhuchim, referred to, i, 424.

Morgana, sister of King Arthur, ii, 416.

Morning star, Bible, of, i, 693; Bright and, ii, 569; Christian belief in, i, 661; Greeting of, ii, 803; Hathor, i, 430; Lucifer, ii, 49; Son, and, ii, 64, 248; Virgin addressed as, ii, 555.

Mortillet, G. de, quoted, ii, 716, 724, 761, 791.

Morya dynasty, i, 405, ii, 580.

Morya-nâgara, i, 405.

Mosasaurus and flying camel, ii, 215.

Moses, Ancient philosophers before, i, 354; Ankh introduced by, ii, 34; Anonymous authors, and, ii, 475; Ark of rushes, and, i, 339; Biography of, ii, 447; Books of, ii, 483; Brazen serpent and, i, 275, 381, 389, 390; Burning bush, and, i, 146, 361; Chaldæan tablets prior to, ii, 2; Chronology of, ii, 730; Chroub or cherubs of, ii, 121; Creation ideas from, ii, 3; Egyptians, and, i, 140, 377, ii, 535, 591; Elements, and four, i, 499; Esoteric wisdom of Egypt, and, ii, 591; Exodus, did not write, i, 340; Fire on Mount Sinai, and, ii, 598; First book of, ii, 444; Genesis of Enoch, and, ii, 280, 474; Giants in time of, ii, 284, 351, 798; Glory of the Lord, and the, ii, 568; Gods, forbids to revile, ii, 501; Hermes and, i, 102; Human soul of, ii, 47, 132; Iao of, ii, 487, 570; Ilda-baoth God of, ii, 407; Initiate, an, i, 332, 334, 336, ii, 487; Jehovah and, ii, 489, 568; Jews date from David not, ii, 496; Job prior to, i, 710; Kabalists, cited by, ii, 198; Laws of, ii, 64, 101, 394, 477; Leon, de, ii, 483; Living soul of, i, 274, 368, 379; Michael Angelo’s statue of, ii, 223; Moon, and, i, 653, ii, 490; Mount Sinai, and, i, 401, ii, 598; Nebo, dies on, ii, 477; Noah, on, ii, 150; Numbers in name of, ii, 568, 569; Pelican and swan forbidden as food by, i, 109; Principle, and first, i, 459; Prophets before and after, ii, 491; Rabbi, ii, 483; Ram’s horns on heads of, ii, 223; Sabbath of, ii, 638; Sargon and, i, 339, 340; Saturn prevailed according to, ii, 66; Seraphs of, ii, 404; Sodales, chief of, ii, 222; Story of, version of an Atlantean legend, ii, 445; Symbolical consonant in name of, i, 413; Tabernacle of, i, 150, 371, 421; Tables of stone, and, ii, 558; Tau, orders people to mark doorposts with, ii, 588; Tribes, and twelve, i, 712; Water, and creation of a living soul from, i, 274, 368, 379, ii, 47, 132; Wilderness, and fiery serpents in, i, 389; Wisdom of Hermes, and, i, 102; Yaho told to, ii, 571.

Moses Cherenensis, quoted, ii, 631.

Mosses, Bacteria and, ii, 176.

Most Holy Place, No. 10 in, i, 421; Temple, in, i, 400.

Môt, Ilus, mud or, i, 363; Phœnician Mut or, i, 486.

Mother, Aditi, of Mârttânda, i, 83, 380, 686, ii, 554; Aima, great, ii, 88, 401; Akâsha is, i, 354; Bal-i-lu, of, i, 127; Bhûmi thy, i, 65; Binah, i, 421, ii, 89; Book of Dzyan and, i, 468; Bosom of, i, 111, 112, 169; Brahmâ is, father and son, i, 73; Breath of, i, 59, 111, 112; Bud of lotus, swells as, i, 91; Chaos or, i, 655; Children of white, ii, 19; Cold, comely, but stone, i, 444, 593, ii, 498; Cometary substance, i, 127; Cosmos, of, i, 46, 124, 313; Creative nature, i, 121; Crystalline abode of, ii, 501; Deep, i, 57, 94; Deity neither, nor father, i, 160; Depths of, i, 95; Diti, of Maruts, ii, 649; Divine, of seven, i, 60, 120; Duad, i, 674; Earth, of, i, 672; Eight houses built by, i, 126; Eternal, i, 167; Ether is, i, 87; Eve, great, Io is, ii, 434; Existences, of all, ii, 484; Eye or cycloblastema, ii, 267; Father, and, i, 38, 40, 55, 58, 72, 88, 98, 99, 103, ii, 418, 480; Fifth principle of cosmic matter or, i, 313; Fish of life, is fiery, i, 124; Fourth spoke is our, i, 64, 226; God, of, i, 430, ii, 433; Goddesses, ii, 486; Gods, of, i, 83, 126, 380, 468, 574, 737, ii, 485, 539, 554, 555; Great, i, 59, 74, 236, 468, ii, 88, 401, 434, 484, 498, 501, 539; Greek derivation of Maia, i, 426, ii, 210; Holy Spirit, i, 104; Hovah, of all living, ii, 133; Husband of his, i, 118, 248; Ilus or Hyle, i, 110; Immaculate, i, 118, 277, 429; Inferior, i, 260; Invisible robes of, i, 74; Isis, ii, 34, 46, 692; Juno, of Mars, ii, 580; Kwan-Yin merciful, i, 465; Lands of cults, ii, 479; Logos, and daughter of, i, 160, 460; Lotus, Mâtripadma or, i, 87; Male element in nature, and, i, 89; Manifested, i, 683; Matter, or abstract ideal, i, 161, 674; Matronitha, i, 260; Mâyâ, i, 412; Mercury, of, i, 15, ii, 570; Mercy and knowledge, of, i, 63, 160; Moon, ii, 110, 148; Mout signifies, i, 119, ii, 486; Moves, of all that, i, 103; Nature, in, ii, 671; Occultists and, ii, 158, 498; Philosophy, ii, 158; Pneuma, of, ii, 119; Primeval, ii, 614; Quaternary of father, son, and life, i, 89; Races and sub-races, of, ii, 812; Ray of, first, i, 634; Refuse and sweat of, i, 128, 168; Revelations, of, i, 721; Revolutions, of, ii, 577; Rudimentary objective being, first, i, 237; Sanskrit, of Greek, ii, 210; Saviour, of, ii, 602; Scatters and ingathers, i, 40; Seven proceed from, i, 60, 116, 120, 604; Son, and, i, 73, 88, 111, 118, 428; Sons of, i, 101, 104; Soul of, ii, 539; Soul, of, i, 117; Source, one with, i, 258; Space called, i, 46; Spawn of, i, 64, 220; Spirit and matter, Moot or, first product of, i, 486; Spiritus, i, 217, 237, 268; Spoke is our, fourth, i, 64, 226; States of, i, 170; Stone-cold, i, 444, 593, ii, 498; Substance, seventh principle of, i, 309, 310; Substantial, only, i, 460; Swells, i, 57, 91; Time of, i, 248, 439, ii, 668; Universal soul called, i, 377; Vâch, of Vedas, i, 464, 468, ii, 112, 136; Virgin, Venus great, ii, 68; Waters mean, i, 92, 400, 496, ii, 16, 17, 67, 68; Wisdom of Ogdoad, i, 101; World of, i, 77.

Mother-Earth, i, 178, 328, ii, 3, 17, 63, 79; Isis or, i, 409, 419, 616, 617; Man born in head of, ii, 418; Woman, likened to a, ii, 419.

Mother-Nature, i, 34, 161, ii, 429, 492, 629.

Mother-Night, Athtor or, i, 369.

Mother-of-pearl, Photosphere compared to, i, 578.

Mother-Space, i, 126, 129, ii, 122.

Mother-Spirit, i, 65, 233.

Mother-Water, the Great Sea, ii, 17, 67.

Motherless, Minerva, ii, 637.

Motion, Absolute, i, 42, 85, 86; Abysses of, i, 96; Atoms are, i, 694; Beginnings of, i, 226; Breath or, i, 74, 84, 85, 124, 142, 302; Circular, i, 142, 547; Cosmic, i, 32, 120; Cross, branch of sevenfold, ii, 593; Electricity and, i, 137; Elements of, i, 280; Eternal, i, 32, 74, 302, 491, 538, ii, 84, 575, 614; Ether and, i, 574; Fire is, i, 98, 146, 165; Focus of, ii, 582; Force or, i, 555, 558, 564, 571, 605, ii, 759; Ghosts of matter in, i, 170; Hindus knew exact, i, 729; Hypothesis of, i, 538; Illusion of, ii, 623; Inertia and, i, 545, 566; Jîvâtmâ, or, i, 81; Kosmos, of invisible, ii, 104; Laws of, i, 578, 697; Life and, i, 32; Light and, i, 98, 146, 165, 561; Logos, begets, i, 96; Mand or manth implies rotatory, ii, 431; Manvantaric, i, 578; Matter and, i, 41, 539, 659; Mechanical, i, 538, 562; Modes of, i, 169, 171, 316, 516, 521, 534, 658, 661, 664, 731, 734, ii, 285; Molecular, i, 159, 272, 562; Monad is circular, of, i, 694; Nature, from indivisible, i, 675; Perpetual, i, 171, 539, 607, ii, 470; Powers, subservient to intelligent, i, 566; Radiant light was, i, 58; Ruler, sovereign, i, 562; Shadow of matter in, i, 561; Source of, ii, 250; Thought is molecular, i, 159; True nature of, i, 541; Universe created by, ii, 582; Universal, i, 32, 171; Unmanifested in, i, 124; Vortex of, i, 278; Vortical, i, 143.

Motor, Keely, i, 172, 606, 615.

Mould, Astral, ii, 768; Basic, human upâdhi or, i, 303; Developing for use of man, ii, 273; Nephesh, of, i, 265; Physical man, of, ii, 768.

Mounds, Mississippi valley, of, ii, 795; United States and Norway, of, ii, 442.

Mount, Ararat, ii, 631; Armon, Ardis top of, ii, 393; Ashburj, ii, 425; Atlas, Meru in, ii, 422, 806; Caucasus, Prometheus chained on, ii, 432; Cyllene, ii, 571; Descent, of, ii, 632; Fire on, ii, 491; Jared, ii, 632; Kazbec, crucified of, ii, 47; Lebanon, Nabatheans of, ii, 476; Meru, i, 108, 151, 153, 225, 407, ii, 5, 213, 422, 806; Ossa, giants under, ii, 797; Rhipæus, ii, 6; Serpent’s, Carnac or, ii, 397; Sinai, ii, 80, 598.

Mountain, Azazel a, ii, 393; Azburj, of, ii, 421, 425; Bordj Persian, i, 363; God, of, ii, 518; Golden, i, 391; Ischins chained to a, ii, 393; Kailasa, ii, 434; Moon, of, ii, 244; Peaks, of hundred, i, 396, ii, 464; Pit, and, ii, 373.

Mountains, Allegorical, ii, 335; Atala, of, ii, 422; Caucasus, of, ii, 432, 434; Damavend, of, ii, 415, 416; Holy, ii, 519; Kaf, of, ii, 414, 415, 416; Seven, ii, 638, 652, 654, 791; Tree of life and three, ii, 227; World, or great men of, ii, 329.

Mousseaux, Des, quoted, ii, 361, 433.

Mout signifies mother, i, 119.

Mover, Nârâyana, on waters, i, 93; One life, of all, ii, 710; Unknowable, i, 86; Waters, on the, i, 369, ii, 808.

Movers, i, 370, 578, ii, 397.

Movers’ Phoinizer, quoted, i, 372, 391, 393, 499.

Moyst principle, Radical, ii, 247, 572.

Mrida a form of Rudra, ii, 424.

MSS., Various, referred to, i, 9, 24, 106, 112, ii, 673.

Mud, Ilus or, i, 363.

Mugheir or Ur of the Chaldees, ii, 237.

Muhammadans, Max Müller on religious doctrines of, i, 25.

Muir, Dr., quoted, i, 455, ii, 647.

Mukhya, i, 481, 490.

Mukta, Unconditioned, i, 36.

Muktas, Jîvâtmâs or, i, 156.

Mukti, Enoch reached, ii, 560; Mâyâ, freedom from, i, 3; Nirvâna or, i, 3, ii, 560; Mûla = root, i, 39.

Mûlaprakriti, Absolute, aspect of, i, 43; Absolute point, conceals, i, 369; Adam’s earth called, i, 39; Adi-Shakti emanation of, i, 39; Akâsha radiates from, i, 39, 67; Anupâdaka, is, i, 92; Asat or, ii, 631; Brahmâ, female aspect of, i, 39; Brahman, as one with, i, 92; Buddhi corresponds to, i, 98; Chaos, primary aspect of, i, 585; Cosmic matter, and, i, 67, 463; Cosmic veil, i, 463; Creative cause, female aspect of, i, 39; Derivation of word, i, 39; Differentiations of, i, 199, 681; Duad, i, 460; Ever-invisible robes, i, 67; Evolution and, i, 161; Force and, ii, 28; Ishvara and, i, 155; Light of Logos, and, i, 464; Logos and, i, 155, 460, 462, 466; Manvantara, at commencement of great, ii, 27; Matter, abstract ideal, i, 161; Matter, unmanifested primordial, i, 39; Mother, i, 161; One principle, aspect of, i, 46; One, symbol of, i, 98; Parabrahman and, i, 39, 46, 98, 155, 202, 294, 360, 369, 460, 462, 464, 480, 568, 585, ii, 27; Phenomenon, basis of upâdhi of every, i, 67; Pradhâna, i, 92, 199, 276, 277; Precosmic root-substance, i, 43; Presence, invisible yet comprehensible, i, 690; Primordial cosmic substance, ii, 27; Primordial homogeneous matter, i, 199; Primordial substance, i, 67; Protyle and, i, 636; Pythagorean triangle and, i, 681; Root, i, 104; Root of all, i, 171, 276; Root of all matter, i, 67; Root of nature, i, 92, 161; Root of Prakriti, ii, 69; Root of That, i, 39; Root-matter, i, 585; Root-nature, i, 67; Root-principle of world stuff, i, 568; Sea of fire first radiation from, i, 104; Shekinah, or, i, 690; Soul of the one infinite spirit, i, 67; Subba Row on, i, 39, 161, 294, 462, 463, 681; Super-astral light first radiation from, i, 104; Svabhavat Buddhistic aspect of, i, 90; Undifferentiated cosmic substance, i, 104; Undifferentiated matter, i, 39, ii, 631; Unevolved, i, 47; Vedântic, i, 277; Veil of Parabrahman, i, 39, 294, 369, 460, 462; Zero-line, beyond, i, 568.

Mule symbolizes Uriel or Thantabaoth, ii, 121.

Mulil, Sin the son of, ii, 148.

Mul-lil, Gods of the ghost world, ii, 382.

Müller, Max, quoted, i, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 25, 28, 78, 98, 121, 126, 233, 321, 322, 385, 386, 387, 394, 405, 512, ii, 45, 77, 204, 236, 264, 410, 443, 461, 470, 598, 599, 698, 699, 761, 797, 807.

Multitudes, Spheres, passing on to other, i, 328; Tridasha, and, i, 58, 100.

Muluk-Taoos, Lord Peacock, ii, 541.

Mumia in hieroglyphics, ii, 670.

Mummeries of Brâhmans, ii, 512.

Mummied dead, Sacred cross carried by, ii, 577.

Mummies, Egyptian, i, 13; Frog Goddesses on all, i, 414; Wheat placed in Egyptian, ii, 390.

Mummiform, Glyph of a, God, i, 240.

Mummy, Corpse swathed like a, i, 441; Crocodile’s head, with, i, 241; Egg floating above, i, 391; Egyptian cross laid on, ii, 588; Ptah unveils face of dead, i, 377.

Mummy-form God with crocodile’s head, ii, 610.

Mummy-God, Theban Triad represented as, ii, 486.

Münchausen, Baron, Tales of, ii, 460.

Mundakopanishad, quoted, i, 584.

Mundane, Circle, Isis, attribute of, ii, 588; Cross, disc crossed by two diameters form, i, 34; Cycle, interval after every, ii, 482; Dissolution, Book of God on, ii, 800; Fire, symbol of male, i, 362, ii, 138; Intelligence or nous of Plato, i, 81; Plane, universal life on, i, 625; Satan, home and source of, ii, 256; Snake, matter, i, 110; Soul is Mahat on earth, ii, 395.

Mundane God, Deus mundus or, i, 501; Chaldæan Oracles, of, i, 372.

Mundane egg, Ain Suph penetrates, i, 109; Brahmâ emerges from, i, 109; Brahmâ or universe contained in, ii, 651; Chemis evolved out of, i, 393; Circle, or, i, 118; Dionysus sprang from, i, 385, 386; Elements of, seven, ii, 651; Finite God, and, i, 378; Germ in, i, 31, 87, 94, 394; Golden womb, i, 117; Hiranyagarbha, i, 117; Horus-Apollo, Sun-God and, i, 393; Infinite space, i, 378; Khnoom modeller of men out of, i, 393; Khnoom placed in, i, 391; Mysteries, during, i, 385; Nârâyana penetrating, i, 109; Phantom-germ of universe, i, 394; Point in, i, 31, 87; Porphyry on, i, 358; Prajâpati emerges from, i, 109; Ptah, the fiery God carries, i, 391; Ray emanating from, i, 378; Sphere of our universe, or, i, 117; Svâyambhuva, self-existent penetrating, i, 109; Swan and goose symbols of, i, 382; Symbolism of, i, 384-394, 607; Ulom, born out of, i, 391; Universe of matter born out of, i, 391; Water of space, placed in, i, 391; Wöluspa, in, i, 394; Womb, as, i, 378.

Mundane tree, Norse legends of, i, 232; Serpent in, ii, 102; Tree of evolution, ii, 271.

Mundi Domini, or world dominators, i, 353.

Mundi Tenentes, or world holders, i, 353.

Mundus, Jupiter, i, 501.

Munk, quoted, ii, 483.

Muntakhab at Tawarikh of Badáoní, quoted, i, 8.

Munte, Bones of giants near, ii, 353.

Mûrttimat = embodied, i, 399.

Murudug, or Silik-Muludag, ii, 500.

Musée des Sciences, quoted, i, 534, 546, 662.

Music, Inventor of, ii, 383, 557; Isis-Osiris and, ii, 383; Mantrikâshakti influence of, i, 312; Mathematics, one of four divisions of, i, 467; Septenary law confirmed by, ii, 664; Spheres, of, i, 190, 466, ii, 635.

Musical, Notation, ancient, ii, 635; Proportion, world constructed on principles of, i, 467; Scale, notes of, ii, 637, 664.

Musicians, Celestial, ii, 618; Indra’s loka, of, i, 569.

Muspel, Sons of, i, 223.

Mût or Mout, Goddess, i, 119.

Mycenæ, Creuzer writes of, ii, 360.

Myer, Isaac, quoted, i, 376, 401, 423, 482, 678, 679, ii, 31, 57, 88, 89, 122, 134, 145, 172, 473, 479, 483, 529, 568, 573.

Mylitta identical with Aditi and Vâch of Hindus, ii, 47.

Myorica, Swans of, ii, 815.

Myrrha, mother of the Christian Logos, i, 412.

Mysore, Western Ghâts of, i, 292.

Mystagogue, Paul as, ii, 80.

Mystagogy, Esoteric, ii, 96.

Mystère et la Science, quoted, i, 733.

Mystères de la Vie Humaine, quoted, ii, 585.

Mysteria of the Sabasia, ii, 437.

Mysteria Specialia, i, 304.

Mysteries, Adonis of, i, 222; Adytum of occult, i, 687; Æschylus had profaned the, ii, 437; Amazons’ circle-dance of the, ii, 483; Ammianus Marcellinus on, ii, 447; Ancient, ii, 625; Anthropography, of, i, 250; Anthropological, ii, 87; Arcane doctrines allegorically enacted in, i, 22; Archaic, i, 192, ii, 239, 840; Argha of the, ii, 434, 482; Ark of the, ii, 482; Art of agriculture, of, i, 703; Astral light, of, i, 316; Astrology and the, ii, 525; Astronomical knowledge, based upon, i, 333; Astronomy, of, i, 332, 435, 652; Atlantean race, of, ii, 638; Baal, of, ii, 222; Baal-Adonis of, i, 501; Babylonians, of, ii, 597; Bacchus, of, ii, 222; Being, of, i, 645, ii, 619; Candidates in, ii, 484; Christian, ii, 591; Chronological, ii, 87; Church fathers and the, i, 22; Cicero on Sabasian, ii, 437; Clemens Alexandrinus and, i, 27, ii, 487; Cross-symbolism, of, ii, 578; Crucifixion of regenerated man in, ii, 592; Curses, may become, i, 609; Custodians of, ii, 294; Cyclic transformations, of, ii, 433; Dark Epaphos in Sabasian, ii, 433; Death in the great, ii, 484; Dionysiac, i, 385; Dionysus-Sabasius in Sabasian, ii, 433; Discipline and stimulus to virtue, a, i, 19; Divine, i, 68, ii, 400; Downfall of, i, 23; Dragon-slayers and, ii, 222; Earth, of our, i, 672, ii, 181, 294; Egg of the land of, i, 385; Egypt, of, ii, 413; Egyptian, i, 12, ii, 414; Emblem of mystery in the, i, 435; Establishment of, ii, 591; Evil, of, ii, 171; Explorer of ancient, ii, 38; Expressions used in, ii, 595; Faith, of the, ii, 468; Fathers of the church initiated into, i, 27; Fires, secret of, taught in, ii, 111; Freemasonry, veiled under name of, ii, 840; Genesis came from Egypt, of, ii, 1; Geography formerly part of, ii, 8; Gnosis, of the highest, i, 435; Gnostic vowels, of the seven, ii, 596; Gods of, ii, 481; Great, death of candidate in the, ii, 484; Great Pyramid, and, i, 333, 337; Hebdomad, of, ii, 227, 614, 624; Hermes, of, ii, 244; Herodotus on, ii, 414; Hierophants during, ii, 397; Higher, ii, 598; Idæan, ii, 222; Initiates, inherited by, ii, 132; Initiates of, i, 142; Initiation, of, i, 250, ii, 38, 280, 484, 518, 564, 589; Intuition, to be solved by, ii, 112; Jesus initiate of the higher, ii, 597; John could initiate, into which, ii, 598; Kabalah, of, ii, 574; Kabalistic, i, 676; Mediæval, ii, 667; Moon-God in, death of, i, 426; Moses hierophant of, ii, 222; Name only used in, i, 370; Number six in, ii, 625; Number ten, based upon, ii, 638; Occult, i, 609, ii, 131, 525; Occult mystery of, i, 385; Olympic Zeus in, ii, 437, 438; Origen initiated into, i, 27; Orphic egg part of, i, 385; Orphic hymns sung during, ii, 143; Osiris, of, i, 337; Penance connected with, ii, 676; Persian Mithras, of, i, 480; Pre-Adamite nations, of, ii, 474; Pre-archaic period, of, i, 23; Pre-Babylonian Jews of, i, 501; Primeval men taught, i, 435; Primordial, the seven, ii, 648; Prometheus in, ii, 438; Pyramids and ancient, ii, 447; Rabbinical, ii, 414; Ragon on, ii, 840; Real, ii, 26; Reïncarnation taught in Egyptian, ii, 582; Religions, fifth race and, ii, 131; Sabasian, ii, 433, 434, 437; Sacred, ii, 471; Samothracian, ii, 3, 4, 111, 379; Satan Iao of, ii, 406; Secret in, great, ii, 141; Secret school, and, i, 27; Serpent as a symbol in, i, 105, 435; Seven, i, 197; Seven Sabbaths of, ii, 790; Sôd name for, ii, 222; Sodalian, ii, 670; Sôds, or, i, 501; Solar God, in, ii, 484; Sons of the dragon of, ii, 397; Sons of the serpent God of, ii, 397; Sun’s initiation, of, ii, 398; Svastika, of meaning of, ii, 104, 621; Synesius initiated into, i, 27; Theogony as taught in, ii, 404; Time, and, ii, 454; Truths were perpetuated in, i, 20; Vikartana’s initiation, of, ii, 398; Wheat and corn, of, ii, 391; Zuñis, religious, of, ii, 665.

Mysteries of Adoni, referred to, ii, 483.

Mysteries of life of Nazarenes, ii, 101.

Mysteries of Magic, quoted, i, 275, ii, 532.

Mysteries of Rostan, referred to, i, 258.

Mysterium, meaning explained, i, 304.

Mysterium Magnum, Elements are sprung from, i, 305; Paracelsus, of, i, 91, 638; Primordial matter or, i, 303; Synonyms of, ii, 537.

Mystery of the Ages, quoted, ii, 239.

Mystery-God, Iao, ii, 570, 638; Name unpronounceable, i, 393; Soma is, ii, 49; Uranus, i, 126.

Mystery-Gods, Seven chief, ii, 26.

Mystery-language, Bible, and, i, 338; Christian church, origin of dogmas of, i, 330; Church rituals, in, i, 330; Cycle, of, i, 338; Facets of, i, 330; Kabbalists, discoveries made by, i, 329; Keys, of, i, 329; Mathematicians and, i, 329; Pre-historic races, of, ii, 606; Scientists will adopt, i, 346; Seven sacraments and, i, 330; Strange records embedded in, i, 328; Theology sprung from, i, 329; Words of, i, 329.

Mystery-meaning of cross, ii, 620.

Mystery-names, ii, 565, 570.

Mystery-tongue, i, 330.

Mystic-four, Arbo-al or, i, 360.

Mystic-idea, Astronomical value in, ii, 592.

Mystical meaning, Crucifixion, of, ii, 592; Lotus, of, i, 406; Number five, of, ii, 608; Primordial chaos, of, i, 354; Quaternary, of, ii, 615; Root-principle, of, i, 354; Sacred four, of, ii, 621.

Mysticism, Bath-Kol in Jewish, ii, 112; Circle, of, ii, 583; Hindu religions, of, i, 233; Kabalistic, ii, 591; Northern, ii, 674; Occult, ii, 36; Religions, i, 567; Rig Veda, in, ii, 471; Roman Catholic church against heterodox, i, 27; Spirit of, ii, 602; Swedenborg’s, ii, 46.

Mystics, Antiquity of, ii, 558; Aryan, ii, 98; Astral body, on, ii, 158; Authority of, i, 670; Buddhist, i, 96; Chinese, view of Svabhavat, i, 90; Christian, i, 46, 47, 235, 261, 374, 716, ii, 102, 479; Climacteric year of, i, 720; Double sign of Venus and Earth explained by, ii, 33; Dreams of, i, 560; Empirics, are, ii, 702; European, i, 683; Fire defined by, i, 146; Generations of, i, 306; Greek, ii, 145; Hindu, ii, 662; Japan, of, i, 96; Kabalah preferred by, i, 550; Lao-tze sects, of, i, 197; Mahometan, i, 274; Occultism amongst, i, 23; Planetary conjunctions significant for all, i, 720; Rosicrucian symbols not understood by modern, i, 47; Russian, i, 19; Shiva patron of, i, 495; Spirits, believers in, 1, 670; Svastika placed on defunct, ii, 619; Tibet, in, i, 19; Triad of, i, 46; Ultramontane, i, 714; Western, ii, 574; World of, i, 735.

Myth, Apollo, of, ii, 400; Astronomical, ii, 668; Atlas, of, ii, 805; Bordj, of, i, 364; Egyptian, i, 223; Fallen angels, of, ii, 183, 498; Fiske, on, ii, 830; Greek, of evolution, ii, 128; Jîva, a, is? i, 661; Leda, of, i, 383, ii, 128, 129; Maker, primitive, i, 322; Meaning of, i, 458; Noah, is, ii, 408; Osiris and Typhon in Egyptian, i, 223; Prometheus of, ii, 106, 431, 433, 438; Satanic, ii, 395, 557; Serpent of, ii, 398.

Mythical Monsters, quoted, ii, 7, 9, 10, 57, 59, 228, 230, 293, 307, 316, 325, 381, 448, 459, 460, 726, 734, 754, 755, 760.

Mythoi of Peak of Teneriffe, ii, 835.

Mytholators, ii, 620.

Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients Demonstrated, quoted, i, 718, ii, 450, 452.

Mythological Geography, quoted, ii, 6.

Mythologie de la Grèce Antique, quoted, ii, 129, 131, 283, 319, 409, 546, 547, 806, 821.

Mythologie des Indous, quoted, i, 369.

Mythology, Ancient, includes astronomy and astrology, i, 418; Ancient history, is, ii, 796; Ancient science, and, i, 322; Aryan, i, 322, ii, 547; Atlantides of, ii, 804; Australians, of, ii, 823; Babylon, of, ii, 138; Comparative, i, 14; Disease of language, said to be, i, 322; Early thought, and, i, 322; Esoteric, i, 492, ii, 130; German, ii, 442; Greek, i, 135, 284, ii, 31, 131, 186, 283; Hindu, i, 49, 322, 730, ii, 150; How to read, i, 428; Norse, ii, 796; Northern, i, 223, ii, 564; Origin and meaning of, i, 322; Pre-Homeric Hellenes, of, i, 322; Renouf on, i, 322; Scandinavian, ii, 442; Slavonian, ii, 283; Vaidic Aryans, of, ii, 523.

Mythopœic age, i, 287.

Mythos, Bird, of enormous, ii, 653; Egyptian, ii, 616; Moon, of, i, 415; Prometheus, of, ii, 441; Solar, i, 322.

Myths, Chaldæan pantheon, of, ii, 246; Derivation of, ii, 228, 462; Dual meaning of, i, 364; Explanations of, ingenious, ii, 831; Facts and truth, built on, ii, 246; Genesis, in, ii, 471; Greek, ii, 246, 471, 625; Hindu pantheon, of, ii, 246; Homer of, ii, 470; How to read, ii, 544; Ibis, of, i, 388; Jewish pantheon, of, ii, 246; Leda and Jupiter, of, ii, 207; Max Müller on Vedic, ii, 470; North, come from, ii, 818; Origin of, ii, 307; Pococke on, i, 362; Veda of, ii, 470.

Myths and Marvels of Astronomy, quoted, i, 713.

Myths and Myth Makers, quoted, ii, 831.

Naaseni, Messiah of the, ii, 372.

Naasenian Gnostics, ii, 371.

Nabathean Agriculture, quoted, i, 431, 449, ii, 424, 473, 474, 475, 476.

Nabatheans, Busrah to Syria, came from, ii, 477; Midian, came from, ii, 798; Sabæans and, ii, 474; Star-worshippers and, ii, 476.

Nabhastala, Space or, i, 398.

Nâbhi Agnîdhra, son of, ii, 334; Bhârata, son of, ii, 335.

Nabin, a seer and prophet, ii, 477.

Nabo of the Greeks, ii, 477.

Nabonidus, the Babylonian king, ii, 730.

Nach, the tempter, ii, 226.

Nachan, Votan founder of city of, ii, 38.

Nachash, Hebrew for serpent or brass, i, 390.

Nadeyac, M. de, on colossi, ii, 354.

Nadir and number six, ii, 621, 625.

Nadir Shah, Vandal warriors of, ii, 353.

Nâga, Meanings of, ii, 218; Reasons for calling an initiate a, i, 439; Sarpa and, ii, 192; Serpent of wisdom, a, ii, 604; Ulûpî, daughter of, ii, 665.

Nâga dvîpa, a division of Bhâratavarsha, ii, 141, 526.

Nagal, chief sorcerer of the Mexicans, ii, 224.

Nagalism called devil worship, ii, 192.

Nagals, American, ii, 224; Mexican, ii, 220; Nargals and, ii, 192.

Nâgârjuna, Aryâsanga rival of, i, 80; Lung-shu of China, the, i, 90.

Nâgas, Adepts, of, i, 435; Allegorical nature of, i, 151; Astronomically, attend the sun, ii, 221; Asuras and, i, 372; Buddhist (exoteric) and, ii, 30; Celestial, i, 440; Cosmic, or dragons, ii, 399; Father of, ii, 140, 191; Incarnation of, ii, 221; India and, i, 390, ii, 224; Indra, conqueror of, ii, 395; Initiates or, ii, 527; King-snakes or, ii, 398; Nether world incarnations of, ii, 221; Nirmânakâyas, of, ii, 211; Orientalists describe, ii, 526; Primitive, ii, 192; Pulastya, father of, ii, 191; Secret books, of the, i, 440; Serpents, or, ii, 140; Sons of will and yoga, ii, 191.

Nägeli’s principle of perfectibility, ii, 685.

Nagkon Wat of Cambodia, ii, 448.

Nagpur, ii, 361, 526.

Nahash or deprived, ii, 256, 257.

Nahuatls, Ancestors of the, ii, 38.

Nail, Vau a, ii, 482.

Nails of the cross a pyramid, ii, 592.

Naimittika, occasional or incidental, i, 397, ii, 72, 323.

Naja and Nâga, i, 471.

Nakshatras, or lunar asterisms, ii, 581.

Nâman, i, 400.

Name, Being defined by, i, 121; Fire self, of, ii, 602; Ineffable, i, 217, ii, 295, 587; Jehovah, of, ii, 536; Logos, of, i, 375, 376; Potency of secret, ii, 564; Pronunciation of the ineffable, ii, 295; Unpronounceable, i, 473, ii, 534; Unutterable, i, 370.

Nameless Deity, i, 145, ii, 570.

Nameless One, i, 228, ii, 535.

Names, Attributes or mystic, i, 376; Jehovah, of, i, 472; Logograms composed of, ii, 350; Mentioned, not to be, ii, 295; Power of, i, 121, ii, 811; Records in, ii, 350.

Nan-chan, or eastern Tibet, i, 16.

Nanak, Nanar, or moon, ii, 148.

Nanda, Buddhist sovereign, ii, 580.

Nandi, the sacred bull, ii, 426.

Naphtali, Capricornus in the sphere of,, i, 715.

Naples, Eclipse observed at, i, 645.

Nara, Spirit of God or, ii, 520; Universe, or, ii, 34; Water, body of, i, 494, ii, 520.

Nârâ, Waters or, ii, 625.

Nara-sinha (man-lion), the Avatâra, ii, 236.

Nârada, Asuramaya and, ii, 51; Brahmâ and, ii, 86; Brâhmans advised by, ii, 337; Calculations of, ii, 73; Daksha curses, ii, 288; Deva Rishi of occultism, the, ii, 87; Devamata and, ii, 598; Devarshi, a, ii, 527; Immediate rebirth of, ii, 288; Interpretations of statements of, ii, 600; Kumâras and, ii, 618; National destinies in charge of, ii, 53; Nature of, ii, 52; Rishis, one of the greatest, i, 444, ii, 527; Sacrifice, on, ii, 599; Seven senses, on, i, 115; Strife-making ascetic, the, ii, 180; Virgin ascetic, the, ii, 148.

Nârada-Pancha-Râtra, quoted, ii, 86.

Nâradîya Purâna, quoted, ii, 86, 87.

Naraka, Hindu hell or, ii, 103.

Naram-Sin, son of Sargon, ii, 730.

Narâs, or Centaurs, ii, 68.

Nârâyana, Brahmâ, a permutation of, i, 465; Brâhmanical, i, 93; Krishna identifies himself with, ii, 375; Meanings of, i, 359, 465, ii, 520, 625; Neptune identical with, ii, 808; Prachetasas worshippers of, ii, 611; Purusha, i, 252; Self-born spirit, i, 494; Self-existent Lord, i, 355; Shrî, wife of, ii, 80; Svâyambhuva or, i, 109; Vishnu or, i, 369; Waters of space, moving over, i, 37, 686.

Nargal, Assyrian and Chaldæan, ii, 224; Ulûpî, daughter of the king, ii, 665.

Naros, Cycle of the, ii, 655.

Narratives the cloak of doctrine, ii, 468.

Narrow gate of the king’s chamber, i, 337.

Narrow-headed, Spark absent from the, ii, 194; Third race, ii, 170; Wives from, ii, 23, 284.

Narthex, the brand of candidate for initiation, ii, 545, 553.

Nasmyth, Discoveries of, i, 578; Willow leaves of, i, 591, 646.

Nassireddin, Tables of, i, 722.

Nâstika, a rejection of idols, i, 300.

Nâth or Lords, ii, 92.

National Deity of Israel, ii, 570; Ethics, ii, 491; Faith, exoteric, ii, 495; Features, Jewish, ii, 492; Gods and heroes, i, 719; Idea, evolution of the, i, 457; Library of Paris, ii, 590; Polity of the Jews, ii, 481; Progress, karma and, i, 348; Symbols, ii, 476.

National Reformer, quoted, i, 315, 316.

Nationalities, Admixture of, ii, 464.

Nativity, Creation and, ii, 660; Lunar year of the, i, 718; Millennium divided by year of the, i, 24.

Natura naturans, i, 444.

Natura non facit saltum, ii, 301, 736.

Natural Genesis, The, quoted, i, 435, 438, 469, 713, ii, 576, 620, 622, 638, 666, 667, 671.

Natural History (Pliny), referred to, i, 142, ii, 140.

Natural Philosophy, referred to, i, 545, ii, 9.

Natural science, Prof. Pfaff on, ii, 91; Testimonium paupertatis of, ii, 700.

Natural selection, i, 132, 224, 657, ii, 195, 313, 363, 444, 683, 684, 690, 692, 694, 699, 703, 715, 717, 720, 721, 722.

Naturalist, on rock carving, i, 342.

Nature in abscondito, i, 38.

Nature, quoted, i, 128, 529, 530, ii, 68, 120.

Nature, Absolute, underlying, i, 43; Actuality of, i, 677; Adam Kadmon as, ii, 630; Aggregate of forces, an, i, 298; Alchemical transmutations and, ii, 179; Ancient creeds and, ii, 695; Animal soul of, is Fohat, i, 136; Animate, i, 239; Astoreth a symbol of, ii, 485; Author of, i, 531; Binah or intelligent, ii, 88; Body of the whole or, ii, 199; Cessation of motion not in, i, 124; Chance not in, i, 716; Circulatory work, a, i, 41; Conscious, i, 120, ii, 708; Continents, on former, ii, 825; Cooperative work with, i, 300, ii, 466; Corporeal, of Brahmâ, ii, 186; Coverings built by, ii, 79; Cow’s horns a symbol of mystic, ii, 35; Creative, i, 34; Creative forces of, seven, i, 696; Creative power, the dual, i, 87; Creative principle of, i, 32, 337, ii, 29; Cycles in, ii, 462; Decree of, ii, 563; Deity in, i, 107, 139, 291, 679, ii, 473, 568; Diameter stands for, i, 118; Divine, ii, 47, 78, 122, 573; Divine form, loves, i, 449; Dual, i, 277, 508, ii, 30, 561; Economy of, i, 194, ii, 721, 740; Efforts of, early, ii, 58; Element in, male, i, 89; Elements of, invisible, i, 599; Emblem of physical, ii, 625; Essence of, primal, i, 142; Ever becoming, is the, i, 271; Ever eternal, i, 34; Evolutionary scheme in, i, 203; Failure of, to create alone, ii, 326; Failures of, ii, 466; Feminine, is, i, 34; First, i, 211; Fivefold, ii, 618; Fohat carries out the plan in the mind of, i, 136; Forces of, i, 163, 167, 236, 369, 734, ii, 615, 632, 668, 701; Fountain of perennial, ii, 638; Freaks of, ii, 59; Gæa or, ii, 69; Generative powers in, ii, 483; Geometrical working of laws of, i, 640; Germ of all, ii, 482; God as related to, i, 278, 311, 444, 501; Goddess of active forces in, i, 161; Grossest physical transformation of, i, 436; Ground plan of, ii, 779; Harmony of numbers in all, ii, 658; Heavenly man, mingled with, ii, 2; Hermetic, i, 310; Hidden truths of, i, 150; Highest consciousness in, i, 626; Homogeneous element in, i, 428; Illusions, a bundle of, ii, 498; Imagination of, i, 279; Immutable, i, 654, ii, 50, 84, 114; Inorganic in, nothing is, i, 553, 687, ii, 709; Intelligent, i, 120, ii, 88, 708; Intelligent powers of, i, 133, 457; Isis or, ii, 636; Judgment of, ii, 472; Jumps and starts not in, ii, 205, 465; Karma-Nemesis whose bondmaid is, ii, 317, 498; Key keeper of, ii, 635; Kingdoms of, ii, 170, 196; Kosmos as receptive, i, 95; Laws of, i, 44, 49, 124, 215, 640, ii, 159, 645, 772; Living spirit of, ii, 114; Lotus sacred to, i, 406; Manifestation of creative, i, 34; Manifested, i, 176, ii, 629, 691; Manifested, and mystery names, ii, 565; Man mingled with, ii, 279; Man the product of, ii, 768; Man’s place in, ii, 693; Mankinds, with its many, ii, 517; Manvantara, never stationary during, i, 278; Material, man not the product of, ii, 85; Matrix of, ii, 482, 492; Mechanical processes of, ii, 312; Men evolving from, ii, 2; Men not created by, ii, 282; Metaphysical, ii, 617, 649; Mind in, i, 661; Miracle of, ii, 690; Mûlaprakriti root of, i, 92; Mysteries of, i, 179, 671, 736, ii, 157, 251, 580, 612, 657, 662; Mysteries of occult, ii, 580; Mystery of, ii, 390; Mystic, i, 468, 711, ii, 35; Necessity of, to run down, i, 172, 174; Numbers in, ii, 595; Occult, i, 305, 595, ii, 377, 580; Occultism and, i, 174, 178, ii, 111, 204, 498; One element in, i, 498; One God in, i, 38; Order of, i, 298, ii, 562; Pan, is God, ii, 406, 537, 612, 614; Perennial, ii, 638; Personal God outside, ii, 495; Phenomena of, ii, 701; Physical, i, 731, ii, 37, 56, 59, 72, 107, 625; Plan uniform in, ii, 272; Plane, does not act on a flat, i, 601; Prakriti or, ii, 68; Pralayas and, ii, 697; Primary forces in, six, i, 312; Primitive models of, ii, 628; Principle in, third, i, 494; Principles of, i, 45, 144, ii, 33, 627; Procreative power in, ii, 46; Productive and generative power in, symbols of, i, 97; Properties of, ii, 667, 671; Prototype in, i, 512; Pymander on, ii, 241, 247; Qualities of the two elements in, i, 573, 585; Radiations of primordial, i, 693; Radical keynote in, ii, 516; Repeats herself, never, i, 207, ii, 740; Root number of, i, 496; Root principles of, i, 72, 125, 161; Ruler of, i, 411; Rulers of various departments in, i, 153; Seminal principles in, ii, 168; Septenary division of, ii, 606; Sevenfold, i, 288, 400, ii, 663, 815; Several protyles in, ii, 778; Shatârûpâ or, i, 121; Space and, are one, i, 606; Spirit and, ii, 40; Spirit and soul in, i, 144; Spirit beyond manifested, ii, 120; Spirit of, ii, 120; Spirit-soul pervading all, i, 82; Spirit male, of female, ii, 485; Spirits which guide, i, 521, ii, 510; Spiritual, i, 246, 643, ii, 115; Stability of the laws of, i, 735; Structural energies of, i, 734; Submission of, to law, i, 349; Supreme sacredness of the religion of, ii, 842; Symbol language taught by, i, 341; Symbols of, ii, 376, 494; Temple of, i, 512; Tentative efforts of, ii, 202; Transformation of, i, 436; Triune co-equal, i, 673; Two agencies in, i, 571; Unaided, failures of, ii, 55, 59; Unconscious, cannot be, i, 298; Uncovered face of, ii, 692; Uniformity in laws of, i, 670; Unity in, i, 145, 297, 500; Universal and abstract, ii, 492; Universal deity in, ii, 267; Universal plane of productive, i, 674; Vâch a synthesis of all forces in, i, 161; Vacuum abhorred by, i, 93, 367, 537, 565, 731; Veil of, i, 305, 671; Vitality in, dormant, ii, 168; Voice of, i, 569, ii, 635; Womb of abstract, i, 400, ii, 244, 484; Worship based upon profound knowledge of, i, 427, ii, 286; Zi or spirit in, ii, 57.

Nature Powers, Seven, i, 248, ii, 669.

Nature Spirits, Elementals or, i, 170, 241, 498; Lower angels are, ii, 107; Model for, i, 246; Phenomena and, i, 171; Psychic, i, 170.

Naudin, referred to, ii, 126, 127, 191, 682.

Naught was, i, 56.

Nautch-girls, Kedeshim of Bible and Indian, ii, 482.

Nautchees of India, ii, 485.

Nave, Christian symbol of, ii, 485.

Navel, Ark corresponds with, ii, 483; Earth, of, ii, 418, 419; Lotus flower growing out of Vishnu’s, i, 407, ii, 34, 495.

Naves, Time’s wheels and, ii, 647.

Navi-formed Argha, ii, 434, 482.

Navigation, Aërial, i, 611.

Navis, Ship, ark or, ii, 147; Ship-like form of crescent or, ii, 485; Sidereal vessel or, ii, 485; Vehicle, boat-shaped, or, ii, 484.

Naya = harmony, ii, 556.

Nazar, Moses a, ii, 487.

Nazara or Nazareth, ii, 101.

Nazaræan Gnostics, ii, 159.

Nazarenes, Demiurge of, ii, 254; Mano of, i, 217; Mystery tongue and, i, 330; Philosophical systems of, i, 219; Religion of, i, 19; Scripture of, i, 216, ii, 101; Spirit a female power among, i, 216, 217, 218.

Nazareth, Jesus of, i, 431, 717, ii, 404, 534, 653.

N’cabvah, i, 35, ii, 489.

Neanderthal skull, ii, 203, 724, 726, 765, 770, 787.

Néant, non-being, i, 707.

Neapolitan sailors’ prayer, i, 507.

Nebat Iavar bar Iufin Ifafin, the third life or Mano, i, 217.

Nebo, Generic name, a, ii, 221; Moses dies on, ii, 477; Mystic name of the caste devoted to, ii, 476; Wisdom, God of, ii, 477, 500.

Nebuchadnezzar, ii, 474.

Nebula, Bright lines of, i, 652; Primeval, i, 648; Spectrum of, i, 655; World’s system reborn through a, i, 658.

Nebulæ, Annihilation of, i, 128; Astronomy of, i, 156; Condensation of, ii, 264; Congeries of, ii, 335; Cosmic matter of, i, 112; Existence of, i, 643; Fohat and, i, 736; Gaseous, i, 655; Irresolvable, i, 269, 593; Mill explains, i, 644; Nature of, i, 649; Planetary, i, 654; Starry clusters mistaken for, i, 593; Stars and, i, 646; What are, i, 651; World-stuff or, i, 633, 651.

Nebular, Astral light in the, i, 394; Firmament, i, 656; Hypothesis, i, 656; Substance, i, 128.

Nebular theory, the, i, 124, 127, 318, 540, 550, 576, 594, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 648, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 733.

Nebulosity of cosmic matter, i, 647.

Nebulous, Almighty, the, i, 361; Matter, i, 381; Primeval matter, i, 645; Rings, i, 173, 540; Transformations of matter, i, 226.

Necessarianism, i, 299.

Necessity, Circle of, ii, 317, 396; Cycle of incarnation or, i, 45, 247; Matter, force and, ii, 685; Sons of, i, 74; Universe son of, i, 56, 73.

Neck, Earth, of, ii, 419; Three heads on one, i, 416.

Necromancer, Serpents in tombs of each, ii, 220.

Necropolis, the Chaldæan, ii, 485.

Nefelheim, the mist place, i, 394.

Negation, Absolute, i, 43; Ain Suph a term of, i, 462; Asat not merely, of Sat, ii, 470; Cecity of, i, 670; Deity, Satan, of, ii, 536; Spirit of paradoxical, ii, 515.

Negative, Dual nature positive and, i, 277; Electricity positive and, i, 169; Elements, i, 639; Forces, i, 302, ii, 27; Life is positive and, i, 661; Perfection of first humanity, ii, 100; Pole, i, 607, ii, 88; Positive and, mutually attracted, i, 268; Positive awakening, i, 311; Sexes, ii, 280; Svastika implies positive and, ii, 33.

Negatively existent one, ii, 662.

Negativeness, Realm of, i, 164.

Negritos and Lemuro-Atlanteans, ii, 206.

Negro, African, ii, 463; Central American, traces of, ii, 834; European types of, ii, 786; Papuan, ii, 203; Race, ii, 765, 825; Simian type, of, ii, 716; Skulls, ii, 780; Turanian and, ii, 786; Type, bones of, ii, 291.

Negroes, Âryans and Mongols, ii, 642.

Negroids, Huxley on, ii, 329.

Nehhaschim or serpents’ works, ii, 427.

Nehushtan, Brazen serpent or, ii, 404.

Neibban, Burmese for Nirvâna, i, 70.

Neilos, Indus or, ii, 436; Nile or, ii, 436, 616; Sacred water of, ii, 435; Value of the word, i, 419.

Neïth, Ammon was, ii, 143; Goddess, a demiurgical, i, 429; Nephtys or, i, 425; Queen of heaven or, i, 422; Saïs Goddess of, i, 429.

Nemesis, Greek, the, i, 704; Karma, ii, 319, 439; Pantheists, of Western, i, 702.

Neo-Aryans, Post-diluvian, ii, 372.

Neo-Platonic, Greek, i, 738.

Neo-Platonism, Christian veil over, i, 27; Mysteries of, ii, 807; Period of early, i, 738.

Neo-Platonists, Alexandrian, i, 440; Archetypal ideas of, i, 302; Authority of legions of, i, 670; Buddha, and, i, 28; Chaldæans and, ii, 571; Clement of Alexandria and, ii, 293; Fragments by, ii, 637; Microcosm applied to man by, i, 304; Sacred books of, i, 19.

Neo-Pythagoreans, i, 387.

Neodymium, i, 165, 597.

Neolithic, Caves, ii, 367; Celts, ii, 763; Civilization, ii, 755; Era, date of, ii, 738; Flints, ii, 798; Lake villages, ii, 781; Man, ii, 714, 724, 755, 756, 762, 765; Palestine, men in, ii, 819; Remains, ii, 764.

Neophyte, i, 212, 337.

Neophytes used the sign of the cross, ii, 593.

Nepaul, Old school of Buddhism in, i, 33.

Nephesh, Aptitudes of, i, 265; Breath of life or, i, 233, 263, ii, 171, 395, 478; Chiah, i, 246; Garment of, ii, 329; Immortality of, i, 264; Living soul or, i, 215, 246; Lower, ii, 479; Manas or, i, 262; Seat of the physical appetites, or, ii, 639; Tzelem of, ii, 670.

Nephilim, the Fallen Angels, ii, 64, 239, 292, 306, 798, 819.

Nephtys or Neïth, i, 425.

Neptune, Atlantic islands sacred to, ii, 427; Atlantis divided by, ii, 424, 808; Chozzar or, ii, 610; Dragon or, ii, 371, 372; God of water, i, 500; Happy new year to Noah from, i, 478; House of, i, 129; Laomedon after, ii, 840; Leviathan, riding on, ii, 281; Light received by, i, 629; Nârâyana identical with, ii, 808; Nereus an aspect of, ii, 611, 810; Orbit of, i, 736; Phlegyan isle and, ii, 153; Satellites of, i, 128, 648; Uranus and, i, 173, 629; Varuna or, ii, 68.

Nereids, Goats sacrificed to, ii, 612.

Nereus an aspect of Neptune, ii, 611, 810.

Nergal-Serezer the Assyrian God, ii, 224.

Nergas the death God, ii, 2.

Neroses and Saroses, i, 719.

Nerve, Apperception, i, 201; Auditory, i, 694; Aura, i, 361, ii, 312; Cells, ii, 708, 711; Centres, i, 279, 590; Currents, i, 312; Diseases, ii, 387; Excitation, i, 588; Fibrils of brain, i, 316; Force, i, 490, 508, 554, ii, 691; Plexuses, ii, 96; Sensation, i, 201; Sushumnâ, i, 157; System, i, 572.

Nerves, Animal sensations, of, i, 617; Infusoria without, ii, 160; Nervous fluid and, i, 580.

Nervous, Ether, i, 554, 579, 580, 582, 586, 587, 588, 660, 695, ii, 312; Fluid, ii, 387.

Neryosangh, translator of the Yasna, ii, 801.

Nescience, Agnosticism and, i, 36.

Neshamah, Bundle of life, and, ii, 329; Diagram iv, on, i, 262; Ethereal combination of, ii, 478; Inspirations of, i, 265; Progressive, is, i, 264; Reason or, ii, 639; Soul or, ii, 395; Spirit or, i, 263; Tzelem of, ii, 670.

Nest, Bird, of eternal, ii, 306; Solar God, of, i, 386.

Nether Abyss, Lady of the, ii, 485; Lords, ii, 446; Region, ii, 103, 373; World, i, 390, 429, 516, ii, 465, 680.

Network of destiny, the, i, 701.

Netzach in Chaldæan Kabalah, i, 221.

Neumann referred to, ii, 442.

Neuropathic persons, ii, 387.

Neutral centre, Being, of, ii, 772; Keely on a, i, 607, 608; Latent force, of, i, 179; Laya or, i, 563; Life, of, ii, 273; Line, i, 602.

Neutral centres, Fohat produces seven, i, 172.

Neutral point, Curve must pass through a, i, 601.

Never-ceasing evolution, ii, 575.

Never-dying breath of life, ii, 623.

Never-erring Karma, ii, 498.

Never-resting principle, ii, 325.

New Aspects of Life and Religion, H. Pratt, i, 38, 216, 246, 254, 674, 676, ii, 250, 252, 257, 535.

New chemistry, the, i, 558, 683.

New Dispensation, i, 24, ii, 394.

New Encyclopædia, referred to, ii, 409.

New Guinea, Australia and, ii, 7, 342.

New life, Oeaohoo the younger, the, i, 100.

New moon, Astoreth, and, ii, 484; Paul on, ii, 79.

New Orleans, Skeleton found at, ii, 367.

New Testament, Book of Enoch and, ii, 506; Brâhman and Buddhist religions and, i, 15; Covenant or, ii, 40; Eagle reference in, i, 476; Esotericism of, i, 411; Figures in, ii, 660; God names in, i, 339; Occult teaching explains, ii, 394; Plurality of worlds and, i, 664; Reïncarnation in, ii, 118; Symbology of, i, 140; Wars, on, i, 216.

New World, America that very old, i, 315; Fourth race, and, ii, 224; Mankind of, ii, 465; Norwegians and Scandinavians settled in, i, 316; Secret Doctrine in, ii, 442; Svastika in the catacombs of, ii, 620.

New York, Âryan Theosophical Society of, i, 691; Statue of Liberty at, ii, 352; Sun and World newspapers of, i, 337; Wilder, Prof., of, ii, 141.

New Zealand, ii, 234; Lemuria and, ii, 310; Lizard with atrophied third eye in, ii, 310; Traditions of, ii, 832.

New-birth, Water of, ii, 589.

New-born, Miracle of the, i, 409.

Newcomb, Prof., quoted, i, 112, ii, 158; Cooling of the globe, on the, ii, 734; Nebulæ, on, i, 593.

Newfoundland, Continent, from France to, ii, 836; Cuttle fish in, ii, 459.

Newman, Prof., quoted, ii, 435.

Newton, Sir Isaac, Agent of, i, 519; Alleged blasphemy to the memory of, i, 532; Corpuscular theory of, i, 347, 525; Ether of, i, 41, 536, 546; Force, on, i, 532, 557; Gravitation and, i, 532, 533, 536; Great mathematical knowledge of, i, 526; Kant and, i, 659; Letter to Bentley of, i, 519; Neglect of, i, 538; Philosophy of, i, 665; Plurality of worlds, on, ii, 746; Principia of, ii, 712; Quoted, i, 41, 129, 650, 651, 665, 719, ii, 550, 711; Scientists since, i, 595; Speculations of, ii, 509; Spiritual monad of a, ii, 252; Spiritual minded man, a, i, 534; Teachings and inner convictions of, i, 537; Zodiac, on the, i, 715.

Nicæa, Council of, in 787, ii, 292, 787.

Nickel, i, 596.

Nidâna, Eternal, i, 61, 120; Mâyâ and, i, 70, 75.

Nidânas, Four truths, and, i, 70, 77; Occultist, verified by, i, 555; Twelve, i, 70.

Nidhogg, Dragon, i, 232; Great serpent, i, 438.

Niffer or Nipur, ii, 148.

Nifl-Heim (see Nefelheim), mist place, ii, 256, 817.

Night, Asuras and body of, ii, 96; Body of, ii, 96, 172, 174; Brahmâ, of, i, 41, 72, 129, 260, 398, 403, 490, ii, 73, 612; Brahmâ’s body turned into, i, 239, ii, 170; Dawn after that, i, 398; Dawn to, manvantaric, i, 92; Dawn, until the future, i, 404; Day and, i, 45, ii, 62, 406, 534, 599; Day of Brahmâ equals, ii, 530; Fires, ii, 17, 66; Globe, sevenfold, for each, ii, 799; Great, duration of, i, 159; Homer ascends no higher than, i, 459; Ignorance which is, ii, 227; Latona as, ii, 814; Planet, of a, ii, 697; Planets though dead remain intact during, i, 46; Polar, ii, 816, 817; Pralaya or, i, 70, 153, 482; Queen of, i, 258; Râtri or, ii, 61; Sandhyâ interval between day and, ii, 63; Set, darkness of, ii, 403; Sons of, ii, 20, 170; Sun, i, 248, ii, 613; Symbol of, ii, 129; Time, ii, 497; Time, of, i, 451; Unborn at the end of, creates the universe anew, i, 399.

Nightmares, i, 322, 622.

Nights, Brahmâ, of, i, 68, 73, 85, 92, ii, 84; Deity, of, ii, 575; Planetary chain, of, i, 178; Rest of Brahmâ, ii, 255.

Nihil, Creating out of, i, 627.

Nihilistic idealism, ii, 165, 687.

Nîl, Indus called, ii, 436; Ethiops, ii, 435.

Nîlâ, Blue river or, ii, 436; Contests on the banks of, ii, 423; Mountain, blue, ii, 421, 425.

Nîlakantha, i, 122, ii, 94, 521, 600, 674.

Nîlalohita, Red and blue or, i, 493, ii, 112, 202.

Nile, Banks of, ii, 423; Celestial, ii, 613; Crocodile of sacred, ii, 610; Floods of, ii, 369; Great deep or, i, 339; Indus, Neilos or, ii, 436; Io to follow Ethiops to, ii, 435; Isis-Osiris and, ii, 383; Isis personified, ii, 616; Lotus of, i, 409, ii, 495; Moses rescued from, ii, 447; Naming of, ii, 436; Osiris or river, i, 419, ii, 617; Present, ii, 789; Relics of history along, i, 12; Ruins on the banks of, ii, 448; Soundings in the valley of, ii, 792; Sources of, i, 22; Thebes, at, ii, 396; Tropical year and, i, 419; Valley of, ii, 450.

Nilgiri Hills, the, ii, 464.

Nilson, referred to, i, 597, ii, 792.

Nimitta, the efficient cause, i, 86, 397.

Nimrod, Akkad capital of, i, 339; Bible, and, ii, 292; Cush, son of, ii, 474; Epic of, ii, 368; Izdubars or, ii, 351; Mighty hunter, ii, 391.

Nimrods, Prototypes of, ii, 284.

Nine chambers, Qabalah of the, i, 107.

Nine letters only of Max Müller, i, 386.

Nine lives of a cat, ii, 583.

Nine, One he is and, i, 61, 125; Male number, ii, 227.

Ninefold divisions of the world, ii, 658.

Nineteen years of the lunar cycle, ii, 814.

Nineteenth Century, quoted, ii, 368, 814.

Nineveh, Library of, ii, 731; Oan or Fishman of, i, 717; Tahmurath said to have founded, ii, 415.

Ninth Kaumâra in Vishnu Purâna, i, 104.

Niobe, Allegory of, ii, 814, 815.

Nippang, the Chinese Nirvâna, i, 70.

Nipur or Niffer, ii, 148.

Niraksha, the abode of the Gods, ii, 419.

Nirguna, Negative, ii, 100; Parabrahman the absolute, i, 92.

Nirmânakâyas, Bœhme, guided by, i, 536; Egos of, ii, 650; Manvantaras, from other, ii, 98, 689; Monads and, ii, 99; Nâgas, of, ii, 211; Rudra-Kumâras, of, ii, 266; Siddhas are, ii, 673; Spirits affecting mediums are often, i, 254; Spiritual principles of men and, i, 157.

Nirmathya, Fire produced by friction or, i, 567.

Nirukta and the Sushumnâ ray, i, 561.

Nirupâdhi, Prakriti and Purusha are, i, 637.

Nirvâna, Absolute annihilation, not, i, 5; Akâsha and, i, 697; Alaya not, i, 79; Attainment of, ii, 85; Buddhist, i, 630; Dhyâni-Chohans are all in, i, 142; Divine peace and, ii, 256; Dogma of, i, 5; Earth, reached on, ii, 560; Egos in, i, 266; Fourth path leads to, i, 65, 226, 227; Genetic Eden and, ii, 214; Globes, of, i, 196; Individual pralaya, i, 398; Inner man of the first knows not, ii, 294; Krishna Vishnu merged in, ii, 613; Laya or, i, 164; Liberation, final, ii, 253; Mâyâ and, i, 3; Meaning of, i, 286, 287, 400, 621; Monads who have not reached, ii, 60; Mukti or, i, 3; Nirmânakâyas who have renounced, ii, 650; Opinion of, ii, 256; Paradise of bliss, a, ii, 214; Post-manvantaric, ii, 516; Promised land or, i, 621; Sabbath or, i, 260; Shankara on, i, 623; Shekinah a state like, i, 678; Third race, no, before the, ii, 645; Thread of radiance in, ii, 84; Vanishing point of differentiated matter or, i, 200.

Nirvânic, Condition of the seventh principle, i, 309; Dissociation of all substances, i, 164.

Nirvânic state, Monad and, ii, 196; Negation of, i, 351; Purely, i, 215.

Nirvânîs, Highest and earliest, ii, 242; Mahâ manvantaras, from preceding, ii, 83; Spirits of men becoming, i, 260.

Nishâda, a quality of sound, i, 583.

Nissi, the God, ii, 5.

Nitatui, one of the Pleiades, ii, 581.

Niti, parent of harmony (Naya), ii, 556.

Nitrogen, Air or, i, 146, 274; Crookes on, i, 602; Elements, one of the four, ii, 626; Elements saturated with, ii, 169; Linga Sharîra and, ii, 627; Molecules of, ii, 167; Noumenon of, i, 686; Paracelsus and, i, 317; Protoplasm contains, i, 698; Terrestrial manifestation of, i, 683.

Nitrozonic gases, i, 110.

Nitya, Constant dissolution or, i, 398; Eternal, i, 98; Perpetual, ii, 72, 323; Pralaya, ii, 323; Sarga, ii, 323.

Niza, referred to, ii, 39.

Nizir, Mountain of, ii, 154.

No-Brâhman, A-Bram, ii, 210.

No-form from form, i, 56, 83.

No-Gods, Gods became, ii, 258, 526.

No-Number, Boundless or the, i, 61; Non-being or, i, 115; Oi-Ha-Hou or, i, 125; One number issued from, i, 60, 113, 115, 121.

No-thing, Absolute, i, 234, ii, 583; Ain Suph or, i, 367, 677, ii, 136; Boundless and endless, ii, 133.

Noachidæ, History of the, ii, 151.

Noah, Adam and, i, 479, ii, 444; Allegory of, ii, 232, 328; American, ii, 150; Ancient tradition about, ii, 277; Androgyne man symbolized by, i, 478; Ark of, i, 385, ii, 72, 322, 490; Atlantean, an, ii, 277; Black raven of, i, 477; Chinese, ii, 382; Copies of, supposed, ii, 380; Cush descendant of, ii, 474; Deluge of, i, 97, 397, ii, 3, 4, 35, 149, 369, 410, 417, 488, 563, 818; Dress, in a new, ii, 631; Egg and the ark of, i, 385; Enoch and, ii, 562; Female, the, ii, 485; Fifth race, belonged to, ii, 561; Grandfather of, ii, 766; Greek, ii, 812; Hanokh and, ii, 561; Hindu, ii, 630; Iapetus, one of the sons of, ii, 151; Indian, the, ii, 321; Jehovah and, i, 479; Jewish, the, ii, 153; Kabir, was a, ii, 408; Melchizedek identical with, ii, 409, 410; Pagan Gods and, ii, 409; Patriarch, the, ii, 376, 629; Peiru-un, the Chinese, ii, 382; Pithecoid, the, ii, 692; Prithî said to be, i, 718; Paurânic MSS. and, i, 15; Root manu, seed manu, and, ii, 632; Shistâ, identical with Hindu, ii, 630; Spirit, the, ii, 154; Stories of, ii, 4; World-deluges and, ii, 350.

Noah-Xisuthrus, ii, 416.

Noahs, Deluges and their, ii, 147, 320.

Noah’s Ark, ii, 39, 305, 483, 485, 487, 573, 645, 648.

Nobeleth ’Hokhmah, quoted, ii, 134.

Noble crown, God Mir-Ku or, ii, 5.

Noble life, God Zi-Ku or, ii, 5.

Nod, Land of, ii, 300, 412.

Node, Ascending, of moon, ii, 79; Determination of moon’s, i, 726; Moon approached her, fourteen days after epoch of 1491, i, 725.

Nodes, Botanical term, i, 341; Moon, of, i, 433; Motions of, i, 723.

Nodus in study of symbology, i, 144.

Noetic, Dianoia, ii, 28; Family, the, ii, 151.

Nofirhotpoo, he who is in absolute repose, ii, 486.

Nomadic, Life, ii, 332; Tribes and Zodiac, i, 710.

Nome, God of the town or, i, 738.

Nominalism, Conceptionalists and, i, 32.

Nominalists, Mediæval, i, 295; Question signed by, i, 32.

Non-being, Absolute, i, 78, 522; Absolute being and, of Hegel, i, 44, 84, 215; Atman passes into, i, 215; Being born from, i, 368; Be-ness and, ii, 470, 662; Bliss of, i, 56, 83; Chaos and, i, 701; Intellectual life starting from, i, 707; Mystery of, i, 32; No number or, i, 115; One being eternal, i, 56, 75, 76; Pralaya and, i, 98, 719; Real being or, i, 76; Secret of being and, i, 190.

Non-Defined Forces, quoted, i, 707.

Non-Ego, Absolute neither Ego nor, ii, 633; Parabrahman is not, i, 155, 461; Parikalpitâ causes a belief in, i, 79.

Non-entity, i, 167, ii, 185, 612.

Non-evolutionists, Mythology and, i, 322.

Non-existence, Bliss of, i, 70; Existence and, i, 75.

Non-existing or latent principles, ii, 279.

Non-initiated, Christians, ii, 65; Commentator, a, ii, 674.

Non-intelligent, Elementals, i, 297; Lunar Dhyâni, are, i, 211.

Non-Kabalists, Explanation for, ii, 491.

Non-luminous fire-mist, i, 656.

Non-nucleated jelly speck, ii, 162.

Non-occultist, Disadvantage of the, ii, 345.

Non-pantheistic evolutionists, ii, 700.

Non-rational stage, Man has passed the, ii, 313.

Non-separateness, All that lives, of, i, 98; Knowledge of, i, 297; Self in the sense of, ii, 600; Universe, of, ii, 401.

Nonnus, quoted, i, 430, ii, 152, 153.

Noo, the Goddess, primordial water, i, 471.

Noom, the heavenly artist, ii, 282.

Noon, Androgyne unity, the, i, 378; Celestial river, i, 331, 378.

Noor Illahee, the light of the Elohim, ii, 541.

Noose, cruciform, or Pâsha, ii, 578.

Noot, Celestial abyss, the, i, 248; Expanse of heaven called, i, 250, 378; Fohat issued from, i, 736.

Nordenskiöld, Islands discovered by, ii, 817.

Nork, quoted, ii, 632.

Norns sprinkle Yggdrasil, ii, 547.

Norse, Ask, ii, 102; Cosmogony, i, 460; Goddesses, ii, 105; Legends of Asgard, ii, 101; Legends of Loki, ii, 296; Legends of mundane tree, i, 232; Mythology, ii, 796.

North, Cradle of physical man in, ii, 818; Cross of, ii, 577; Eastern occultists of, i, 120; Evil comes from, i, 148; Gods and religious beliefs from, ii, 818; Positive electricity on, i, 602; Prayer turning to, ii, 378.

North America, Colossal ruins of, ii, 353; Geometry of the Semites and, i, 327.

North Cornwall, ii, 340.

North Pacific, ii, 424.

North Polar region, ii, 340, 342.

North Pole, Cap of, ii, 388; Capricorn at, ii, 450; Continent, at first, ii, 419; Hyperborean continent and, ii, 6; Lemurians gravitated towards, ii, 286; Mount Meru is, i, 225, ii, 421; Separation of, ii, 146; Serpent and, ii, 372; South and, i, 226, 662; Zodiac horizon and, ii, 829.

North Sea, Level of the, ii, 793.

North wind, Apollo and, ii, 814; Cursing, i, 148; Toom, i, 737.

Northern, Lights, i, 694; Stocks, origin of, ii, 786.

Norway, ii, 347, 348, 442, 819, 831; Atlantis, and, ii, 442; Lemuria and, ii, 347, 348, 420; Pre-Lemurian continent, and, ii, 819; Rise of land in, ii, 831; Runic writing in, ii, 361; Scandinavia and, ii, 11; Severed parts, one of the, ii, 417; Tumuli in, ii, 442.

Norwegian, America settled by, i, 315, 316; Lemming, migrations of, ii, 826; Mariners, ii, 442.

Norwich, Orthodox of, ii, 455; Philosopher of, i, 718; Self-made adept of, ii, 378.

Nostril, Breath from Toom’s right, i, 737.

Nostrils, Lord God with smoke coming from his, i, 505.

Not-Gods, Asuras or, ii, 96, 97.

Not-spirit, Shankarâchârya on, i, 626; Unknown, i, 632.

Notation, Ancient musical, ii, 635; Aryan decimal, i, 386; Planets’ movements, of, ii, 573.

Notes, Archaic stanzas, on the, ii, 1; Key-note which gives birth to the seven, ii, 516; Peoples, of history of, ii, 345; Scale of seven, i, 583, ii, 637.

Notes and Observations upon several Passages in Scripture, quoted, ii, 489.

Notes on Aristotle’s Psychology in Relation to Modern Thought, quoted, ii, 299.

Notes on the Bhagavad Gîtâ, quoted, i, 681.

Nothing, Nothing can come out of, i, 622; Something which is, i, 384, 462.

Notre Dame, Père Felix de, i, 733.

Notre Dame de Paris, i, 424.

Nott and Gliddon, quoted, ii, 646.

Nought, Absolute no-thing or, ii, 583; Circle or the, ii, 606; Nothing, or, i, 374; Was, ii, 136.

Nothingness, Abyss of, i, 172; Jñâna-shakti or, of self, i, 312.

Noumena, Cosmic element, of a, i, 625; Elements, of, ii, 285, 626; Forces, of, i, 701; Gods as, ii, 808; Nature, of the powers of, ii, 808; Occultism treats of, i, 518; Phenomena, of all, i, 522, ii, 545; Realm of, i, 144; Region of, ii, 111; Substance and, i, 350; World of, i, 481.

Noumenal, Absolute independent of, power, ii, 632; Barriers of, matter, i, 675; Basis of the second triangle, i, 673; Cause, i, 170; Cosmos phenomenal and, separated by a rope, i, 118; Creative force as, i, 400; Elements, homogeneous, i, 239; Essence of the atoms, i, 124; Essences, i, 295; Existence, ii, 633; Nature, i, 409; Nature, aspect of the female power in, i, 464; Phenomenal expression of, i, 690; Phenomenal plane and, i, 93, 303; Super-astral or, light, i, 104; Super-spiritual or, ii, 657; Universe of thought, i, 677; Universe phenomenal and, i, 169; World, plane of the, ii, 615.

Noumenoi, Meta-elements and, i, 604; Sravah, of Amshaspends, ii, 402.

Noumenon, Æther, of ether, i, 553; Akâsha, of ether, i, 274; Akâsha, of Prakriti, i, 277; Conscious cause, of electricity, i, 563; Conscious guiding, of forces, i, 694; Cosmolatry concerned itself with the, i, 498; Cosmic matter, of, i, 67; Cosmic, of matter, the third Logos, i, 44; Cosmic phenomena, of, i, 569; Deities, of minor, i, 124; Ego, of personal, i, 154; Electricity, of, i, 579; Elements, of, i, 399; Ether, of, i, 498, 553, 734; Fohat the power dividing the, i, 134; Forces, of, i, 694; Hydrogen, of, ii, 119; Individuality and intelligence of, i, 536; Kosmos and, i, 33, ii, 27; Life principle as, ii, 710; Light, of, i, 521; Matter, of, i, 87, 112, 555, 658, 670, ii, 279; Mûlaprakriti the, i, 92, ii, 69; Nebulæ, of irresolvable, i, 129; Newton on God as, of all, i, 534; One being is, i, 76; One reality of, i, 348; Oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen, of, i, 686; Parabrahman beyond the, of all noumena, i, 466; Powers of cognition influence appearance of, i, 71; Phenomenon and, i, 70, 76, 534; Physical particles, of, i, 239; Seventh state, of, i, 171; Spiritual fire, of, ii, 111; Thought, of, i, 43; Three in one, of, ii, 119; Time, of infinite, i, 91.

Nous, Dianoia, and, ii, 28; Divine wisdom or, ii, 393; Logos, and, ii, 28; Mahat, and, i, 487; Manu or, i, 103; Matter moving, i, 82; Mens or, i, 487; Mind or, i, 373, 374, 487, ii, 116, 585; Mundane intelligence of Plato or, i, 81; Psyche and, ii, 143; Quaternary, one of a, ii, 634; Spiritual soul or, ii, 605; Wisdom, the higher divine, i, 219.

Nouti or Noutir, i, 738.

Nova Zembla north of Persia, ii, 417.

Novalis, referred to, i, 233.

Nouvelles Recherches, etc., quoted, ii, 730.

November, Extinguishing of fires on the first of, ii, 802; Meteoric showers of, i, 735.

Nuah, Chaldæan, the, ii, 153; Noah and, ii, 154; Universal mother or, ii, 485.

Nubia, Egypt reached through, ii, 789.

Nuchthemeron of Apollonius of Tyana, i, 485.

Nucleated cell, ii, 175, 696.

Nuclei, Centres of life are isolated, ii, 36; Condensation of, i, 654; Cosmic children are first, ii, 199; Nebula formed of, i, 655; Nebulous rings, of, i, 540; Periodical and finite, are, ii, 37; Planets and sun, of, i, 659.

Nucleole of the divine world, i, 234.

Nucleoles are eternal and everlasting, ii, 37.

Nucleus, Astral form the, ii, 124; Cosmic matter, of, i, 225; Egg-like, i, 237; Forces, imagined as surrounded by, i, 556; Germ-cell, of a, ii, 123; Inorganic matter, of, ii, 198; Mother substance, of, i, 309; Primeval substance, of, i, 667; Primordial substance, of, i, 224; Snow crystal, of a, ii, 629; Solar system, of our, i, 590; Sun said to have no, ii, 144; Undifferentiated substance, of, i, 179; Veil over, of truth, i, 504.

Numa, referred to, ii, 583.

Number, Adi Sanat the, i, 61, 125; Breath, is a, i, 96; Checks, ii, 569; Deity an effect of, i, 96; Elements, of, ii, 635; Entity, is an, i, 96; Ever recurring sevenfold, ii, 643; Feminine base, ii, 592; God as, i, 96; Jehovah and, i, 251, ii, 44, 573; Jezirah, ii, 43; Life, of, ii, 627; Magical sigilla and, i, 324; Mind, matter and, i, 96; Monads limited, of, i, 194; Mystic, ii, 96, 624; Nature, forms of, i, 342; Numbers, of, ii, 616; Odd, ii, 637; One issued from no, i, 60, 374; Perfect, ii, 582; Raven, value of the word, i, 478; Sacred, i, 139, ii, 428; Satan, committed to, ii, 244; Secret works, of, ii, 457; Sepher Yetzirah or, of creation, ii, 42; Sephirothal, i, 200; Sephirothal tree, of, ii, 630; Spheres, of, ii, 652; Tetraktys, perfect, in, ii, 486; Virgin, of a, ii, 637; Voltaire on, ii, 93.

Number 1, i, 374.

Number 4, ii, 635.

Number 5, Binary and Ternary make, ii, 608; Greeks, sacred to, ii, 613; Hebrew letter Hé is, i, 421; Letter Ma corresponds with, i, 412; Mysterious, ii, 612; Numeral, ii, 613.

Number 6, Perfect nature of, i, 438; Venus and, ii, 626.

Number 7, Basic, ii, 595; Chemistry and, ii, 663; Esoteric Buddhism on, i, 371; Feminine, of generation, ii, 615; Fundamental figure, ii, 38; Generative, i, 139; Initiates, attached to early, ii, 558; Jews and, i, 421; Life, sacred number of, ii, 658; Magic, ii, 666; Marker of time, as a, i, 342; Meaning of, i, 342; Moon and, i, 416, ii, 629; Mystery of, ii, 606, 648; Nations, in other, i, 421; Nature, in, ii, 623; Par excellence, number, ii, 632; Perfection of unit in, ii, 616; Reason holy in accordance with, i, 438; Sepher Jetzirah on, ii, 244.

Number 9, Ancient language, and, i, 327; Cosmogony, place of, in, i, 341; Triple ternary, ii, 614.

Number 10, Perfection of, ii, 434, 605, 607; Pythagorean decad and, ii, 584; Reproductive organs and, i, 421; Sephiroth and, ii, 244; Total of, i, 466.

Number 30, Deity as the, i, 375.

Number 318, Civil calendar and, i, 343; Gnostic value of Christ is, i, 343.

Number 365, ii, 558.

Number 700, ii, 545.

Number 888, ii, 545.

Number values, ii, 590.

Numbers, Aristotle on, i, 387; Birth of the globes, of, i, 192; Builders, Arûpa, etc., i, 60; Celestial Chinese, ii, 39; Celestial deities revealed, i, 467; Creation, of, ii, 43; Divine mysteries expressed by, i, 375; Expression of thought by, i, 341; Figures, and, i, 502; Figures key to esoteric, i, 188; Force which organizes, i, 96; Gods and, ii, 608; Great pyramid, in, i, 333; Identical symbolic, i, 343; Jehovah measure, of the, ii, 42; Jesus, put in the mouth of, ii, 654; Masonry and, i, 138; Mathematical, ii, 582; Moses’ name, of, ii, 568, 569; Mountains, of, ii, 491; Mystic nature of all, i, 412; One beginning of all, i, 474; One, gathered into, i, 266; Perpetual recurrence of, 4, 3, 2, ii, 77; Points or, and the duad, i, 677; Power of, i, 464, ii, 634; Pythagorean, i, 372, 386, 467, 496; Rounds and their, i, 193; Rudra’s progeny, of, ii, 649; Self-moving, ii, 582; Septenary groups of, ii, 628; Sounds and, i, 502; Stanza IV, referred to in, i, 116; Svabhavat the, i, 61; Syllabic signs possessing the meaning of, i, 327; System defined by, ii, 591; THAT was before all, i, 678.

Numbers, Book of i, 390, 630, ii, 226, 351, 404, 588.

Numeral system, Origin of the, i, 459.

Numerals, Antiquity of, ii, 617; Hindu symbolism of, ii, 607; Kabalistic, i, 259; Occult, i, 475; Sacred science of, i, 116; 31415 the famous, i, 139.

Numerical, Abraxas, value of, ii, 497; Coincidences, i, 700; Divisions, ii, 632; Exodus, ii, 568; Harmony of Moses and Jehovah, ii, 568; Kabalistic methods, ii, 632; Keys of Bible, i, 338; Meanings in, ii, 569; Method, Bible read by the, ii, 573; Mysteries of the Persian simorgh, ii, 595; Pythagoras, evolution of, i, 475; Symbols, patriarchs are, ii, 409; System of Egypt, ii, 591; System of science in the Mosaic books, i, 332; System of the universe, i, 144; Value of relation between diameter and circumference, ii, 574.

Numerically, Hebrew scrolls read, ii, 218; Jehovah, Adam and Noah one, i, 479.

Nun the fish, i, 284.

Nuntius, Mercury called, ii, 31.

Nuraghi of Sardinia, ii, 367.

Nurse, Earth a kind, i, 178; Egypt, of Isis, ii, 391; Ether as agent referred to as, ii, 111; Ma, the root i, 426; One Thing (man), of, ii, 115; World, of, ii, 555.

Nursery, Adepts, for, i, 228; Monads, of all mundane, i, 626; Souls, of human, i, 238.

Nurses, Krittikâs are, of Kârttikeya, ii, 579, 580.

Nursling, Ether or wind, of, ii, 115; Gods-revealers, of the, i, 615; Kârttikeya, of, Pleiades, ii, 654.

Nutation, Dr. Croll on, ii, 328.

Nutrition of the fœtus, ii, 139.

Nux, Birth of Erebus and, i, 135.

Nyam-Nyam are dying out, ii, 464, 797.

Nyâya, Atoms of the, i, 357; Vedânta and, i, 86.

Nyingpo or Alaya, i, 79.

Nymphæa lutea of Audubon, ii, 459.

Nymphal state of animals, ii, 126.

Nymphs seduced by Indra, ii, 650.

Oan the Fish Man, i, 717.

Oannes, Babylonian Dag, ii, 611; Berosus, of, ii, 236; Chaldæan, i, 284; Dagon, ii, 5, 57, 147, 382; Ichthys, Jonas or, i, 717; Man-fish, the, i, 368, ii, 200, 520, 528.

Oases, Tibetan, i, 16.

Oasis in the Gobi desert, ii, 528.

Ob, Aub or, a serpent, i, 391; Od, and Aour, i, 105; Sorcerers, messenger of death used by, i, 105.

Obelisks, British Columbia, of, ii, 448; Egyptian inscribed, i, 24; Meaning of, i, 150, 151; Saïs, at temple of, ii, 414.

Oblate spheroid unaccounted for, i, 649.

Obliquity of the ecliptic, ii, 426, 766.

O’Brien, quoted, i, 512.

Obscuration, Manvantara and, ii, 743; Mars at present in a state of, i, 188; Period, i, 204, ii, 50; Pralaya of, ii, 72, 321, 697; Spirit, of, i, 198, ii, 774; Worlds under, ii, 744, 745.

Obscurations, Cyclic, i, 182, 184, ii, 697.

Observations of Bel, Eclipses in the, ii, 732.

Observatory, The, quoted, i, 652.

Occasional, Dissolution, ii, 323; Naimitika, ii, 72.

Occultism, Âkâsha of, i, 164; Anthropology, and, ii, 727; Antiquity of man, on, ii, 157; Archaic, i, 138, 575, 730; Archaic Aryan works on, i, 683; Archaic cosmogony and, i, 169; Atom, teaches that there is life in the, i, 270; Atoms called vibrations in, i, 694; Atoms, on the selective power of, i, 599; Bacteria as viewed in, i, 245; Cis-Himâlayan, ii, 51, 87, 637; Cosmic Logos of, ii, 685; Christian era, in early days of, i, 19; Christian Trinity and, i, 138; Creators, on, ii, 81; Darwinism and, i, 209, 238, ii, 205; Defence of, ii, 686; Deity abstract triangle in, i, 46; Dogma in, oldest, i, 38; Double sign and, ii, 33; Earth always had life upon it, shows that, i, 278; Eastern, i, 43, 99, 261, 262, ii, 89, 678; Eastern schools of, i, 121; Eastern student of, ii, 51; Electricity is matter according to, i, 136; Elementals of, i, 169; Elements of, i, 239; Errors examined in defence of, i, 549; Etheric tremors, on, i, 561; Evolution, and modern, ii, 195; Fiery lives, and, ii, 123; Fohat key in, i, 736; Form, on, i, 303; Fundamental law in, i, 124; Geology and anthropology, ii, 75, 823; Hæckel, answers, ii, 689; Hebrew, i, 154; Hermaphroditism and, ii, 126; Himâlayan chain, and, ii, 419; Hinduism, and, ii, 72; Inorganic accepted by, nothing, i, 268; Kabalah and, i, 678; Kant, and, i, 659; Karmic effects of, ii, 65; Keely and, i, 617; Kindle a fire in, to, ii, 120; Language of, ii, 652; Light in, three kinds of, ii, 41; Leibnitz and, i, 687, 688; Maëlstrom of, i, 149; Materialistic science and, i, 694; Metaphysics of, ii, 687; Minor teaching of, ii, 677; Monad in, third, i, 677; Monads or Jîvas of, i, 690; Moon’s influence, on, ii, 489; Motion and force, on, i, 558; Mysteries revealed by, i, 436; Mystic tenets of, i, 159; Mystics before our era knew, i, 23; Nârada in, ii, 51, 87; Nature recognizes nothing outside, ii, 204; Nebular theory and, i, 652; North Pole, and, ii, 418; Number 7 in, i, 720; One existence and, i, 32; Opponents of, ii, 702; Origin of the universe according to, i, 650; Panorama of, in Isis, i, 25; Personal God and devil, on a, ii, 498; Phantasies of, i, 524; Phantom made apprehensible by, i, 530; Phraseology of, i, 662; Pineal gland, on, ii, 312; Planets of, seven, i, 107, 174; Practical, i, 169, 463; Primeval, of Aryâvarta, ii, 596; Primordial races, and seven, ii, 646; Principles of, ii, 670; Proofs of, ii, 199; Real divine, i, 251; Reasons for belief in, ii, 472; Reject, those who, i, 269; Roman Catholic Church and, i, 27; Root of ungulate mammals according to, ii, 777; Rudimentary organs, and, ii, 722; Sat as viewed by, ii, 61; Science, and, i, 523, 539, 603, 645, ii, 688; Science and, at war regarding matter, i, 301; Science of, i, 566; Science of numerals important in study of, i, 116; Secret Book of, data from, ii, 55; Secret Doctrine written for students in, i, 50; Seers of, i, 661; Senzar of, ii, 458; Solar flames, on, i, 579; Spheroidal form, on, i, 94; Stanzas emanate from, i, 21; Students of, i, 6, 737, ii, 619; Superstition, and, i, 21, ii, 839; Teaching of, ii, 49, 709; Terminology of practical, i, 110; Triangle and, ii, 628; Tyro in, ii, 160; Untrained mind in, i, 186; Universal unity, on, i, 88; Visible, makes the Logos, i, 463; Western students of, ii, 601.

Occultist, Adam-Adami, and, ii, 473; Adept, i, 169; Adi-Shakti as viewed by, i, 39; Akâsha not ether of, i, 315, 316, ii, 649; Antiquity of man as estimated by, ii, 725; Astral form, and, ii, 697; Astral light of, i, 392; Astronomy of the, i, 129; Asuras the highest breaths for the, ii, 97; Balzac an, i, 96; Basis of, ii, 587; Böhme an, ii, 629; Book of Dzyan, and the, i, 6; Brâhman, and, ii, 76; Causeless cause of, i, 43; Christian theology and, ii, 73; Cosmic evolution as taught by, i, 110; Count d’Ourches an early, ii, 500; Creation of man according to, ii, 49; Crookes and, i, 681, 686; Demon the inverse of God, an, saying, i, 256; Eastern, i, 129, 250, 305, 675, 681, ii, 573, 621, 623; Egyptian zodiac, and, ii, 454; Elemental, and an, i, 508; Elementals and spirits from, standpoint, i, 297; Evidences which satisfy, i, 29; Fire of wisdom of, ii, 598; Five-pointed star recognized by, i, 35; French literature, of, i, 96; Geologist and, ii, 10; Hindu symbology, and, i, 730; Inner man, in the, ii, 168; Keely an unconscious, i, 608; Life of an atom, on, i, 167; Lives, and the, i, 38; Magic feats can be performed by, ii, 189; Mahat of, i, 82; Mystery of cross, and, ii, 587; Nâstika, a, i, 300; Naturalist and, ii, 10; Nature of moon known to, i, 180; Nature to, ii, 497; Nidânas and, i, 555; Noumenon, sees in every force its, i, 536; One law, believes in, ii, 585; Paracelsus an, i, 284; Perceptive senses, estimate of our, i, 689; Philosophical meaning to, ii, 147; Physical evolution of man, on, i, 698; Proof furnished by, i, 709; Providence, never speaks of goodness of, i, 704; Sabbath of, i, 522; Science, and exact, i, 732; Science as viewed by, i, 517; Science, will help men of, i, 279; Semi-initiated, i, 156; Semites’ God rejected by, ii, 573; Septenary law and, ii, 659; Sidereal beings of, i, 148; Soul, and, i, 645; Space, on, i, 172; Tasmanian women’s sterility understood by, ii, 206; Vedântin, i, 162; Vishishthâdvaita philosophy, and, i, 89; Worlds, and other, i, 662.

Occultists, Adepts, and, i, 525; Advaitin, i, 35, 37; Ancestors or Pitris of, i, 242; Anthropology of, ii, 713; Antiquity of writing claimed by, ii, 458; Ape, will not admit that man was an, i, 209; Appeal, right of, ii, 717; Astral light and âkâsha, on, i, 277, ii, 427; Astral shadows spoken of by, ii, 197; Astrologers, and astronomers, i, 708; Asuramaya and, ii, 54; Atmâ, view of, i, 247; Axiom of, i, 701; Beliefs of, i, 661; Brâhmans, differ from, ii, 321; Cause with effect, never confuse, i, 456; Christian, i, 46; Christian mystics and, i, 716; Chronology of, ii, 166; Climacteric year of, i, 720; Critics of, ii, 8; Cross, on the, ii, 571; Cycle merging into cycle traced by, ii, 199; Czolbe and, ii, 164; Dark sayings in sacred books understood by, ii, 563; Darwinism and, i, 210, ii, 736; Diagrams made by, i, 239; Eastern, i, 93, 110, 125, 401, ii, 574, 575, 627; Eastern, of the north, i, 120; Empirics and, ii, 702; Entities of, i, 110; Esoteric Buddhism, and, i, 210; Esoteric Vedântin school of, i, 247; Ether a reality to, i, 347; Evolutionists and, i, 163, ii, 689; Father-mother as viewed by, i, 125; Fire connected with every element by, ii, 112; Fœtus, on growth of, ii, 723; Fohat, on, i, 44, 136; Force which is called life by, i, 40; Forces, view of, i, 647; God, reverential in not naming, i, 376; Hæckel and, ii, 708; Hierarchy of sages, believe in a, ii, 441; Hindu, Mahâbhâratan war historical to, i, 427; Ignoramuses, will be thought, i, 519; Indo-Aryan, ii, 8; Interpretation of, i, 401; Kabalists and, i, 104, 255, 265, 285, 297, 307, ii, 479; Kant as viewed by, i, 659; Laws, do not modify, i, 531; Legends among, i, 228; Leibnitz, agree with, i, 688; Lévi incorrect according to, i, 274; Light of, ii, 41; Light to, i, 521; Living fire of, i, 361; Man, on double nature of, ii, 775; Materialism and, ii, 469, 682, 758; Matter not indestructible according to, i, 171; Mediæval, i, 26; Modern science and, i, 315; Modern theory of development and, ii, 197; Monas, view of, i, 201; Mother philosophy and, ii, 158; Nature, view of forces of, i, 167; One life of, i, 594; One unity, and, ii, 709; Orientalists and, ii, 156; Origin of man, on, ii, 180; Phenomena of, ii, 689; Philosophy of, i, 656; Pithecoid ancestry, and, ii, 161; Powers, called Dhyân Chohans by, i, 250; Privation, view of, i, 89; Proposition, i, 174; Pure air as life-giving known to, i, 280; Reality of, i, 302; Sacred books of the east will reappear, believe, i, 18; Sacred numbers known to, i, 96; Sage known only to a few, ii, 466; Science and, i, 315, 518, 561, 697, ii, 700; Scientists and, ii, 691; Species, and differentiation of, ii, 775; Spirit and soul, on, ii, 710; Spirits, and, ii, 387; Spontaneous generation and, ii, 159; Stanzas understood only by a few, i, 50; Substance, use of the word, i, 556; Theosophists and, i, 317, 660; Traditions, known to be correct by, ii, 3; Trans-Himâlayan, ii, 92; Unbelief, prepared for, ii, 457; Unconscious All of, i, 93; Unity of human species, and, ii, 642; Universe, view of, ii, 574; Vedântins, view of monad differs from that of, i, 45; Water a term used by, i, 94; Willow-leaf theory, and, i, 646.

Ocean, Abysses of, i, 666; Âkâshic, i, 494; Atlas and Proteus and depths of, ii, 805; Black waters of, ii, 424; Celestial, i, 103; Churning of, i, 97, 371, 428, ii, 398; Curds in, of space, i, 124; Daughter of, ii, 425; Devs, ii, 417; Electric, i, 661; Existence, of, ii, 603; Floors, disturbance of, ii, 328, 338, 342, 738; Gods emerging from, ii, 520; Gods, father of, i, 368; Gods fled to shore of milky, i, 452; Himâlayas, flowed to, ii, 604; Immortality, of, i, 58, 98; Indian, and Lemuria, ii, 7, 644, 718; Infinite and shoreless, i, 112, 522; Infinite, of the, i, 470; Island sinks in, ii, 382; Karshvars, which flows between the, ii, 801; Kshîra, of milk, ii, 421; Life, of, i, 58, 95; Light, of, i, 522; Matter, of, i, 201, 578; Monad a drop out of shoreless, ii, 196; Mysteries beyond and within radiant, i, 694; Personalities, and our, i, 258; Primordial, of space, i, 494; Prachetasas and, ii, 611; Radiant light, was, i, 58, 98; Shell, palace of an, ii, 423; Sidereal, ii, 485; Slime, protoplastic dweller in, ii, 687; Solar system one, i, 398; Space called, i, 124, 494, ii, 801; Talk across, i, 611; Tethys wife of, ii, 69; Universal, of space, ii, 652, 755; Varuna, God, ii, 609; Venus from, foam, i, 407.

Oceanic, Earth, expanse on, ii, 68; Tribes, inferiority of some, ii, 171.

Oceanid Clymene, Prometheus son of, ii, 547.

Oceans, Black water or, i, 449; Carbonic acid of, i, 273, ii, 169; Continents make way for, ii, 743; Displacement of, ii, 376; Giants of old buried beneath, ii, 290; Indian Atlantic and Pacific, ii, 342; On foot across, ii, 341; Seven, i, 277, 400, ii, 652, 743; Shifting of, ii, 339.

Oceanus, Arkite Titans, one of, ii, 151; Daughters of, ii, 432.

Od, Light, pure life-giving, i, 105; Ob, Aour and, i, 105; Reichenbach, of, i, 361.

Odic or magnetic chord, i, 606.

Odin, Ases, father of Gods and, i, 461; Buddha and, i, 13; Buddhas, one of the, ii, 442; Eye of, i, 432; Life and soul, endows man with, ii, 102; Loki brother of, ii, 296; Max Müller on worship of, i, 13; Mimir, at feet of, i, 432; Ravens of, i, 478, ii, 105; Spirit, or, i, 460.

Odour, Keely on, i, 616; Substance, a, i, 616.

Odyssey, quoted, i, 711, ii, 6, 128, 401, 625, 639, 804, 805, 806, 813.

Oeaohoo, Archaic doctrine, of, i, 102; Father-mother of Gods or, i, 97; Light of, i, 101; Mystic name, i, 97; Oi-Ha-Hou, permutation of, i, 120; One, is, i, 58, 97; Rootless root of all, i, 98; Son of the Sun, i, 100; Younger, i, 58, 100.

Œdipus, Astronomy, of, i, 180; Riddle of signs of Egyptian Zodiac, to read, ii, 385; Sphinx, and riddle of, ii, 543; Students of occultism, and, i, 185; Truth, dishonoured great, ii, 543.

Œdipus Egyptiacus, quoted, i, 391, 469, ii, 217, 387.

Œdipuses, Imagination of would-be, i, 397; Series of, ii, 569.

Œrsted, referred to, i, 525, 645.

Og, Moses speaks of, ii, 351.

Ogdoad, ii, 374; Earth born horses, of, ii, 34; Eight or, ii, 374, 614; First begotten, i, 483; Likeness of the, i, 483; Materialized religions, of, ii, 374; Wisdom mother of, i, 101.

Ogham writing, ii, 361.

Ogygia, the island of Calypso, ii, 813.

Ohio, Great Serpent Mound in, ii, 795.

Oi-Ha-Hou, Darkness which is, i, 61, 125; Eternal nidâna, i, 61, 120.

Oken, Urschleim of, ii, 167.

Okhee Math, Secret cave of, i, 14.

Olcott, Col., referred to, i, 3, 136, 696, ii, 157.

Old Testament, Alhim creates light in, ii, 40; Babylonian captivity and, ii, 496; Brâhman and Buddhist religions in relation to, i, 15; Contradictions in, i, 446; Crucifixion in, ii, 592; Eagle references in, i, 476; Eternity, meaning of, i, 359; Exodus in, story of, ii, 445; God names in, i, 339; Ieve in, ii, 137; Introduction to the, ii, 496; Phallicism and, ii, 574; Plurality of worlds and, i, 664; Satan in, i, 448; Symbolism, on, i, 410; Zodiac and, i, 712.

Olfactory property, i, 617.

Oliphant, Laurence, referred to, i, 520, 612.

Olive branch, Dove and, i, 478.

Oliver, Rev. C., quoted, i, 138, 673, 676, ii, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 677, 828.

Otizoë, Persian, ii, 362.

Olympian bride of Heracles, Hebe, ii, 138.

Olympic Zeus, ii, 437, 440.

Olympus, Castor and Pollux in, ii, 130; Gladstone on Gods of, ii, 809; Gods of, ii, 808; Greeks, of, ii, 213; Indian, i, 721, ii, 49, 422; Lay figures on, ii, 810; Prayers directed to, ii, 378; Seat of immortal Gods, ii, 636.

Om, i, 466, ii, 47.

Omega and Alpha, Creation, of, ii, 105; Eastern esotericism, of, ii, 470; Manifestations of deity, of, i, 33; Manifested nature, of, i, 510; Mystical conception, of, i, 674; Revelation, of, ii, 371; Road between, i, 288; Spirit and matter, of, ii, 588; Tau, of secret divine wisdom, ii, 614; Theogonies, of, ii, 46.

Omens, Garga could read, ii, 52.

Omoie, quoted, i, 234, 238.

Omorôka, Chaldæan Thavatth, ii, 122; Lady of Urka, or, ii, 143.

One, Absolute, i, 276, 635; Absolute Be-ness, i, 42; Absolute homogeneous, and, i, 443; Absolute reality, i, 42, 84; Absolute truth, i, 84; Absolute wisdom, ii, 401; Adi first or, i, 3; Adi Sanat or he is, i, 61; Ain Suph is, i, 138, ii, 303; Aja first manifestation of, ii, 612; All, neither first nor last but, i, 486; Atom-souls and the, i, 620; Being, eternal non-being, i, 56, 75, 76; Being noumenon of all phenomena, i, 76; Be-ness, That is, i, 36; Breaths of, breath, ii, 645; Cause, causeless, i, 43, 85; Cause, Kosmos merging in, ii, 199; Cause, of occult philosophy, i, 678; Central wheel in the middle, i, 62; Circle or ring and, i, 40, 139, 420, ii, 658; Concealed deity, i, 104; Conception, original, i, 457; Cosmic element, i, 127; Creator, i, 474; Darkness, spirit the light of, i, 59, 111; Deity, i, 535, ii, 617, 675; Divine, region of the, i, 296; Dragon used to denote, i, 102; Egg, from the, i, 60, 116, 117; Eighth left out, i, 61; Essence, i, 155, 380, 428; Eternal God, Jehovah not, i, 535; Eye of the world, ii, 15; Eye, Loka Chakshus or, ii, 25; Father, To On or, ii, 120; Fire made threefold, i, 570; First, cube the, i, 62; First movement that stirred, ii, 185; First-born of, i, 586; Flame, i, 146; Fohat is, i, 163; Force, i, 359, 557; Four from, i, 65; Four sons who are, i, 110; Germ is, i, 57; God, ii, 404, 535, 643; God in nature, i, 38; Great unit, Logos the, i, 107; Harmony, is, ii, 607; Higher self or breath of, i, 123; Higher than the four is only, ii, 295; Immutable, emanations of, i, 363; Infinite absolute wisdom, ii, 401; Infinite God, ii, 495; Infinite spirit, the soul of the, i, 67; Kosmos from the triple, i, 360; Law, i, 49, ii, 585; Life, i, 695, ii, 818; Logos, i, 294, 463, 481; Man separator of, ii, 286; Monads after Pralaya emerge from, i, 49; Mother spirit, from, i, 65; Nameless, i, 228; Nine, and, i, 61, 125; Objective universe aspects of, i, 104; Oeaohoo is, i, 58, 97, 98; Original had no existence, ii, 585; Pan was once, ii, 614; Parabrahman and Mûlaprakriti symbols of, i, 98; Point fructifies the line, i, 118; Point, is the indivisible, i, 40; Primordial, i, 593; Radiant, i, 63; Ray of, absolute, i, 144; Real entity of Leibnitz and Spinoza, i, 687; Rejected son, is the, i, 61; Ring, is the, i, 40; Sacrificer, ii, 640; Saka or Eka, i, 102; Second, the, i, 62; Secondless existence, i, 84; Secondless principle, ii, 586; Self, i, 623, ii, 606; Self-existent, eternally, i, 115; Septenary, triad and decad merge into, i, 259; Soul, Kosmos an aspect of the, i, 582; Soundless, and, i, 82; States of, two, i, 279; Substance for Spinoza but, i, 689; Substance the extreme poles of, i, 96; Sun of our system, i, 126; Supreme and eternal, i, 135; Supreme energy, i, 49; Supreme essence, i, 154; Supreme or, spirit, ii, 155; Swift and radiant, i, 63, 162; Thing in Tabula Smaragdina, ii, 115; Three in, i, 65, 74, 627; Threefold appears and three are, i, 65; Triple and, i, 135; Two, becomes, i, 59, 65, 349, ii, 211, 266; Unknown space, and, i, 367, 463; Unknowable, ii, 769.

One All, Jewish deity never, ii, 573; Perception, not subject to, i, 37; Stanza I on, i, 48; State of, during Pralaya, i, 48; Vedântic equivalent of, i, 48.

One dimensional, Quality of triangle, ii, 634; Space, i, 271.

One element, Absolute Pralaya, only after, i, 40; Akâsha, i, 135; Conditioned modifications of, i, 41; Eternal, i, 85; Fire, i, 127; Fohat and, ii, 639; Primeval, i, 112; Universal, i, 104.

One existence, Asiatics, of, i, 68; Breath of, i, 85; Occultism sums up, i, 32; Purusha, ii, 633; Solar world, in our, i, 311; True, i, 35.

One form of existence, i, 56, 77; Life is, i, 79; Secret Doctrine, in, i, 77.

One in many, i, 373, ii, 773; Achad, and, i, 137; Deity, i, 137; One transformed into, i, 138.

One life, Absolute, i, 588; Absolute deity or, i, 268; Electricity, i, 110; Eternal, i, 32; Fohat as, i, 135, 163; Formless and uncreate, i, 269; God, is very, i, 660; Invisible, i, 32, 246; Many into, from, i, 289; Motion, Jîvâtmâ or, i, 81; Occultists, of, i, 594; Oeaohoo a name for, i, 98; Omnipresent, i, 32, 246; One law, closely related to, i, 695; Out-breathings of, i, 288; Parabrahman, or, i, 247; Sat coëval with, i, 145; Seven lives and, i, 66; Solar system, of, i, 647; Source and mover of all, ii, 710; Spiritual, ii, 710; That we call, i, 279; Universe, of, i, 283; Unmanifestable, i, 38; Vital principle or, ii, 325.

One light, Reflex of, i, 696; Seven lights from, i, 63, 147, 154.

One manifested, i, 59, 121, 135, 467; Consciousness of, i, 236; Great waters, and, i, 100; Universe, i, 115.

One number, All is, i, 113; Being or, i, 115; No-number and, i, 60, 115, 121.

One principle, Creator, not the immediate, i, 458; Eternal, i, 121; Nations lost sight of, i, 458; Parabrahman and Mûlaprakriti, two aspects of, i, 46; Seventh and, i, 45; Sexless unconditioned and eternal, i, 46; Unity of, i, 34; Universal, ii, 632.

One ray, All-devouring, i, 464; Her heart had not yet opened for, i, 57; Lap of Mâyâ, and, i, 88; Latent, i, 378; Life ray, i, 65; Logos, i, 108; Rays, and smaller, i, 65.

One reality, Absoluteness, i, 44; Âtmâ, i, 203; Cosmic ideation and, i, 348; Great breath a term for, i, 42; Illusive reflection of, i, 556; Nameless deity, i, 144; Only, i, 314; Parabrahman or, i, 43, 92; Personality, weeded of its, i, 690; Plane of, i, 269; Potential latency in, ii, 28; Sat, i, 44; Seventh principle or, i, 46; Universe the dual aspect of, i, 44; Veil of, i, 294.

One unity, ii, 27, 709; Absolute, ii, 27; Atom traced to, every, ii, 709; First manifested sparks of, ii, 336; Infinitude of space, through the, i, 675; Matter and spirit aspects of, i, 44; Universal, ii, 27; Universal life or, ii, 709.

One-eyed, Cyclopes, ii, 813; Hermaphrodite and, ii, 313.

One-faced, Double-faced became, ii, 308.

One-legged men in the Bundahish, ii, 671.

One-toed horse, ii, 776.

One-vowelled sound, Names of, i, 484.

Onech and Kerkes stand for race cycle, ii, 653.

Ones, Four holy, i, 62; Living, i, 296; Seven great, i, 737; Shining, i, 59.

Onkelos, quoted, ii, 588.

Only one, ii, 632.

Only-begotten son is Brahmâ, i, 373.

Onokoro the newly created island world, i, 238.

Ontogenesis, Fundamental law of, ii, 696.

Oolitic, Australian fauna and flora, ii, 207; Period, ii, 206, 269.

Oömancy, Occult art of, i, 388.

Opera et Dies, quoted, ii, 547, 816.

Operations, etc., Vyse, ii, 378.

Orpheus on stones, ii, 357.

Ophidean symbols, ii, 371, 403.

Ophiomorphos, Demiurge and, i, 254; Michael identified with, i, 496; Serpent, Satan or evil, ii, 407; Zodiac, Ophis and, i, 445.

Ophiomorphos-Chrestos, i, 445.

Ophis, Cycle representing, ii, 224; Divine wisdom or, i, 496; Gnostic, i, 102; Logos, Ennoia and, ii, 225; Zodiac, and, i, 445.

Ophis-Chrestos, i, 445.

Ophite, Adamas, ii, 479; Cherubim, i, 152; Gems, ii, 570; Priest of, religion, ii, 396.

Ophites, Christ with the, i, 512; Creator, call the serpent, ii, 220; Diagramma of, ii, 567; Egyptian Gnostics, ii, 404; Genii, on various, i, 434; Greek, i, 496; Iao and, ii, 570; Ildabaoth of, i, 631; Orpheus, and stones of, ii, 357; Serpent of, i, 513, ii, 220; Symbology of, ii, 121.

Optic, Thalami, ii, 315; Vesicles, ii, 310.

Oracle, Delphi, at, i, 505; Persian, ii, 653.

Oracles, Chaldæan, i, 255, 256, 500; Creuzer on, i, 501; Mercury, of, ii, 571; Saviour, as to birth of, i, 721.

Oracular stones, ii, 356, 357, 362.

Orai of Venus, i, 631, ii, 567.

Oral, Teachings, i, 7, ii, 642; Tradition, i, 458, ii, 476.

Orang outang, ii, 203, 272, 274, 703, 716, 721.

Orange blossoms, Ptomaine in, i, 282.

Oranges, Explosive, i, 614.

Orbital, Motions, axial and, i, 549; Planes of the planets, i, 659; Venus, path of, ii, 35.

Orbits, Angles outside, i, 547; Plane, conformity of planetary, to one, i, 540; Planets, of, i, 649; Uranus and Neptune, of satellites of, i, 173.

Orbs, Three secret, i, 629.

Orcus, Ignorant of, i, 216; Living fire of, i, 593; Mercury evokes souls from, ii, 31.

Ordeal, Stone of the, ii, 358.

Ordinances of Manu, quoted, i, 355, 484, ii, 606.

Orest., quoted, ii, 130.

Oreus, one of the stellar spirits, i, 484.

Organ, M.D., Mrs. M. S., quoted, i, 617.

On Organic Evolution, Lefèvre, quoted, ii, 754, 783.

Organic evolution, i, 490, ii, 685, 722, 776.

Organic life tries to beget psychic life, ii, 691.

Örgelmir, Ymir, or seething clay, i, 460.

Oriel College, Oxford, ii, 2.

Oriental Collections, quoted, ii, 653.

Oriental Traditions, quoted, ii, 415.

Orientation of Great Pyramid, i, 333.

Origen, Book of Enoch, and, ii, 564; Celsus, on, i, 480; Chart of, i, 483; Cruciform couches, knew meaning of, ii, 590; Egyptian gnostics, and, ii, 567; Kabalah and the Bible on, ii, 565; Mysteries, initiated into, i, 27; Seven names given by, i, 631.

Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians, ii, 730.

Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid, i, 333, 337.

Origin of life, Blanchard on, i, 273; Egg symbol and, i, 392; Problem of, ii, 160.

Origin of man, Anthropoid, and, ii, 299; Chronology and, modern, ii, 729; Darwinism and, ii, 167, 705; De Quatrefages and, ii, 681, 682; Esoteric philosophy and, i, 697; Evolutionists on, ii, 703, 725; Information on, i, 325; Inner nature and, i, 513; Mammals and, ii, 700, 702; Mystery and, i, 252; Occultists and, ii, 180; Polygenetic, ii, 178; Round, in this, i, 253; Science and, ii, 681, 682, 729; Septenary group of celestial men, from a, i, 251; Shinto accounts of, i, 261; Type superior to himself, from a, ii, 721; Universe, and, ii, 386.

Origin of Nations, quoted, ii, 762.

Origin of species, ii, 683, 694, 751, 776, 779.

Origin of Species, quoted, ii, 200, 271, 684.

Origin of the Stars, i, 544.

Origin of the World, quoted, ii, 760, 769.

Original sin, i, 411, ii, 273, 292, 318, 405, 431, 508, 540, 739.

Origine de tous les Cultes, quoted, i, 716.

Origines de la Terre et des L’Homme, Les, ii, 789.

Origins of Christianity, referred to, ii, 478.

Orion, Atlas, or, ii, 290; Briareus and, not myths, ii, 74; Ephialtes, brother of, ii, 291; Kesil Hebrew for, i, 711; Making of, i, 710; Nebula of, i, 655.

Orissa, Nîla in, ii, 421.

Orlog, Karma or fate, ii, 547.

Ormazd, Ahriman, i, 444; Ahriman and the bull of, ii, 98; Ahura Mazda or, ii, 374, 438, 643; Amshaspends, chief of, i, 152, ii, 382; Eternal light, formed from, ii, 512; Father of our earth, ii, 402; King of life, ii, 512; Logos, is the, i, 139, 463, 471; Lord, or, ii, 280; Twig off tree of, ii, 544; Types of, earthly, ii, 47; Universal sun or, i, 139.

Ornithology, Septenary law in, ii, 659.

Ornithorhynchuses, aquatic animals, ii, 216.

Ornithoscelidæ of Vogt, ii, 194.

Orpheans and the moon, i, 425.

Orpheus, Adept, an, ii, 558; Æther and chaos, on, i, 459; Apud Proclum, quoted, ii, 151; Demi-god, a, ii, 380; Edris called, in Greece, ii, 557; Existence of, denied, i, 711; Generic name, a, ii, 280; Glacial sea, on a, ii, 821; Hero, a, ii, 380; Mystic, great, ii, 558; Phorminx, possessor of the, ii, 558; Tree, branch of one, i, 228.

Orphic, Cosmogony, i, 366; Deity, i, 425; Egg, Aristophanes and, i, 385; Greece, philosophy of, i, 637; Hymns, i, 391, 499, ii, 143, 151, 532, 828, 830; Proto-logos, Vishnu, ii, 113; Theogony, i, 47, ii, 695; Thrace, priesthood of, ii, 799; Titan, ii, 74; Triad on creation, i, 487; Zodiacal signs in poems, i, 711.

Orphio-Christos of the Alexandrian mystic, i, 389.

Orsi, one of the Magi, ii, 636.

Orthodoxie Maçonnique, quoted, ii, 607, 625.

Osericta, Asteria called, ii, 817.

Osh, Kesil and Kimah, i, 710.

Oshoi, Rabbi, the thaumaturgist, i, 26.

Osirian, the, quoted, ii, 621.

Osirification of every monad, i, 160.

Osirified defunct, i, 240, 241, 391.

Osiris, Aanroo in domain of, i, 737; Abraxas gems, on, ii, 596; Abydos, one God at, i, 738; Æther, representing, i, 363; Aish and Asr, compounded of, ii, 120; Amenti, in, i, 332, ii, 505; Ark or solar boat, enters, ii, 150; Assimilation to, i, 248; Brahmâ, born from an egg like, i, 392; Builders, synthesis of, i, 471; Candidate initiated by, ii, 589; Creative God, a, ii, 494; Defunct receives judgment of, i, 248; Defunct sun, ii, 613; Dionysus is one with, ii, 438; Egyptians, of, i, 135, 152; Eye of, ii, 29, 583; God whose name is unknown, i, 104; Great God, a, ii, 375; Hawk symbol of, i, 391, ii, 616; Horus, i, 241, 372, ii, 621; Jehovah, a not very flattering copy of, i, 336; Logoi, one of, i, 89, 463, ii, 743; Lotus associated with, and Horus, i, 406; Lunus, i, 249, 426; Menes not identical with, ii, 391; Minos, or karma, i, 131; Moon and, i, 249, 417, 422; Mother of, i, 464; Murderer of, ii, 403; Phœnician worship of, ii, 812; Primordial God, as, i, 736; Prince on earth, as, ii, 375; Ra or, Ptah, i, 252; Reign of, ii, 384; Septenary sacred to, ii, 637; Seven luminous ones who follow, i, 332; Solar myth, not a, ii, 812; Soul before, accusers of, i, 130; Soul of each became an, in Egyptian rites, i, 159; Spirit of the earth, i, 501; Sun, i, 391, 416, ii, 589, 616, 617; Symbol of, ii, 616; Taurus and, i, 720; Thoth, and, ii, 589; Tiaou and, N., i, 249; Toom, says he is, i, 331; Types of, ii, 47; Typhon, and, i, 223, 444, ii, 98, 396, 398; Word, the, ii, 743.

Osiris and Isis, Androgyne Gods, ii, 636; Bull and cow sacred to, i, 419; Chronus, father of, i, 409; Crocodile sacred to, i, 440; Hor, son of, i, 393; Horus and, i, 372, 464, ii, 495; Interchangeable, i, 101; Latona, ii, 138; Mercury, minister of, i, 417; Thoth, ii, 484.

Ostriches, Rütimeyer on, ii, 833.

Otoliths, Atmospheric vibrations transmitted to the, i, 694.

Otus, brother of Ephialtes, ii, 291.

Otz of the Kabalists, i, 139, ii, 227.

Ou, a minister of Poseidon, ii, 611.

Oueeha, or Ouvea, ii, 234.

Oulom, Jewish meaning of, i, 378; Wisdom proceeded from, ii, 514.

Ouô, Ou or Ouôab, one of Poseidon’s ministers, ii, 611.

Ouranos, or Varuna, the chief Âditya, ii, 69.

Ouvea, or Oueeha, ii, 234.

Over-soul, the, Emerson on, i, 79, 163; Ideation of, i, 402; Unknown root or, i, 45; Universal, i, 45; Universal sixth principle or, i, 45.

Over-spirit, i, 627.

Overlapping of races, ii, 452, 463, 464.

Overseer, Every angelic virtue has an, i, 148; Nebo the, of seven Gods of planets, ii, 477.

Ovid, i, 417, ii, 129, 283, 546, 580, 815.

Oviform, Ball formed by vital fluid, ii, 140; Curve, ii, 576; Globe, shape of our, i, 384.

Oviparous, Humanity, ii, 139, 175; Procreation, ii, 191; Sons of passive yoga became, ii, 175; Stage, ii, 697; Third race produced by, method, ii, 140; Vertebrates, ii, 776; Wisdom symbolized by serpent, it being, i, 389.

Ovoid, Bodies from perspiration, ii, 187; Figure, ii, 577.

Ovules, Cosmic children become, ii, 199.

Ovum, Future man in, ii, 198; Germ cell or, ii, 124; Human, i, 392; Protoplasm of, ii, 140; Segmentation of an, i, 243, ii, 743; Septenary law in, of an insect, ii, 659.

Owen, Prof., quoted, ii, 349, 682, 685, 719, 726, 753.

Owl-headed Goddesses, ii, 763.

Ox, Aleph, symbol of, i, 476, ii, 582, 607.

Oxen, Temple, driven from, i, 476; Ungulate mammals, place among, ii, 777.

Oxfordshire, Stonefield slates of, ii, 206.

Oxus, the, i, 500, ii, 210, 214.

Oxygen, Air, in, i, 146; Crookes on, i, 596, 602; Current of, i, 269; Elements, one of four, ii, 626; First born, one of, i, 683; Hydrogen and, i, 84, 686, ii, 121, 627; Intelligence and, i, 666; Microbes derive, i, 270; Molecules of, ii, 167; Nitrogen mixed with, ii, 627; Ozone and, i, 168; Phosphorus and, i, 639; Prâna, and, ii, 627; Protoplasm contains, i, 698; Ptomaine free from, i, 282; Substances, absorbed from, i, 283.

Oxyhydrogenic, i, 110.

Ozimandyas, Catacombs of i, 342.

Ozone, Allotropize oxygen into, i, 168; Chemistry, not to be made by, i, 606; Chemists, of modern, i, 280.

Ozonic gases, i, 110.

Pâ, the men-serpents of China, ii, 220.

Paccham, fifteen solar days, ii, 656.

Pachacamac, Temple of, ii, 331, 352.

Pachydermata, the, ii, 706.

Pacific Ocean, Blue the colour of, ii, 665; Discovery of the, ii, 833; Great waters, and, ii, 820; Indian and, ii, 348; Large former continent in, ii, 832; Lemuria disappeared beneath, ii, 7, 827; North and south, ii, 424.

Pacificus of Dr. Carter Blake, ii, 827.

Pâdma, Creation, i, 460, ii, 56; Kalpa, i, 490, ii, 189.

Padma, Indian water lily or, i, 87; Kalpa, golden lotus or, i, 395; Lakshmî called, i, 407; Lotus or, ii, 611; Symbolism of lotus or, i, 88.

Padma Purâna, i, 257, 487, ii, 93, 603.

Padmapâni, Avalokiteshvara or, ii, 188; Brahmâ or, ii, 673; Daksha or, ii, 188; Fourth race children, of, ii, 183, 188; Kwan-yin in China is, ii, 189; Lotus-bearer, or, ii, 188, 189.

Pagan Idolatry, quoted, ii, 494.

Pagoda of Mathura, ii, 622.

Pagodas, Dragons on, ii, 216; Gurus of, i, 403; Nautch girls of Hindu, ii, 482; Phallic stones in, ii, 89.

Pahlavi translation of the Parsî scriptures, ii, 801.

Padmayoni or lotus-born, i, 399.

Pairs of opposites, Æons of, ii, 520, 601.

Palace, Ocean shell, a, ii, 423; Planet or house, ii, 32; Seventh, i, 381; Solomon, of, ii, 414.

Palaces, Seven of the sun, ii, 34; Tree of knowledge, of, ii, 4.

Palæmonius the Tyrian Hercules, ii, 360.

Palæocosmic men in European caves, ii, 769.

Palæographer, Cryptographic characters defying, i, 7.

Palæolithic, Age, ii, 550, 765; Ancestor, ii, 269; Cave men, i, 229, 782; Cro-Magnon, type, ii, 726; Engraving, ii, 760; Hatchets, ii, 458, 756, 763, 764; Landseer, ii, 761; Neanderthal skull, ii, 203; Races in Europe, ii, 779; Savages, ii, 330, 360, 726, 787, 792; Skeleton, ii, 269; Sketches, ii, 758; Tools, ii, 757.

Palæolithic man, Age of first, ii, 216; Ancestor of, ii, 713; Arboreal, ii, 692; Atlantean, an, ii, 834; Calligraphist, a, ii, 769; Certainty, a, ii, 714; Dolmens remains of, ii, 795; Engravings by, ii, 756, 760; European, ii, 761; Neolithic and, ii, 724, 755, 762, 765; Palestine, of, ii, 819; Quaternary epoch, of, ii, 755, 781.

Palæontography, ii, 216.

Palæontological record, ii, 178.

Palæontologist, Ideographic productions, ii, 458; Lartet the, ii, 729; Researches of the, ii, 713.

Palæontologists, Age of man, on, ii, 228, 788; Inscriptions in characters unknown to, ii, 459; Third eye, on, ii, 310.

Palæontology, ii, 216, 722.

Palæotheridæ among ungulate mammals, ii, 777.

Palæozoic, Ages, ii, 628; Fishes, ii, 179, 180; Rocks, ii, 261; Speculations on, high tides, ii, 67.

Palenque, Cross, i, 419; Egyptian crosses in the remains of, ii, 587; Nachan identified by some with, ii, 38; Palace of, ii, 587, 793; Ruins of, i, 342, ii, 448.

Palestine, Abraham coming to, i, 403; Crusaders and, i, 382; Dolmens in, ii, 795; Jewish burial in, i, 621; Nations remote from, ii, 494; Nebo adored throughout, ii, 477; Palæolithic man in, ii, 819; Promised land not only, i, 621; Seth primitive God of, ii, 86; Teaching penetrated into, i, 719.

Palgrave, quoted, ii, 378.

Pâli, Esoteric Buddhism referred to by a, scholar, i, 1; Jews and, shepherds, i, 332; MSS., i, 4.

Palingenesis, ii, 696; Helm of, i, 361; Pallas, Cybele or, i, 430.

Palmyra, Gigantic race at, ii, 798.

Palmyrene characters, Line of, i, 441.

Pamir, Garden of Wisdom on the Plateau of, ii, 214.

Pampas of America, Symbols in, i, 500.

Pamphôs, quoted, i, 425.

Pan, Aërius or, i, 501; Flame on altar of, i, 361; Meaning of God, ii, 537; Nature God, i, 382, ii, 406, 612, 614.

Pancha Pândava, five Pândus, ii, 362.

Pancha-ânana, Rudra Shiva as, ii, 528.

Panchadasha or Vedic hymns, ii, 612.

Panchakaram or pentagon, ii, 609.

Panchakrishtayah or five races, ii, 641.

Panchama, a quality of sound, i, 583.

Panchânana, Shiva, or five-faced, ii, 611.

Panchapradishah, the five regions, ii, 641.

Panchâshikha, one of the Kumâras, i, 257, 493, ii, 333.

Panchâsya, Brahmâ and the, i, 234.

Pândavârani in the Mahâbhârata, ii, 555.

Pândavas, Kuntî mother of, ii, 555; Mâyâsura, and, ii, 444.

Pandora, Gift of, ii, 282, 430; Hephæstus moulding, ii, 546.

Pândus or Pancha Pândava, Five, ii, 362.

Pânini, Grammar of, ii, 264; Modern thinkers, and, ii, 550; Writing in India in days of, ii, 236; Writing unknown in days of, ii, 458.

Panodorus, quoted, ii, 385.

Panorama des Mondes, i, 537, 545, 546.

Pansophia or wisdom, ii, 141.

Panspermic, Occult teachings are, ii, 141.

Pantheism, Cosmolatry and, i, 372; Erroneous ideas of, i, 35; Hinduism, of, i, 595; Hylozoism and, ii, 167; Indian, long unknown to Europe, i, 12; Pagan philosophy, and, i, 446; Philosophical, i, 444; Polymorphic, ii, 536; Polytheism or, ii, 113; Rediscovered, may be, i, 581; Symbol of, cross within a circle, i, 34; Vedântin philosophers, of, ii, 495.

Pantheist, Unknown of the, i, 349.

Pantheistic, Avatâras, conception of, i, 83; Conceptions, i, 138, 409; German, schools, i, 149; Ideas, abstract, ii, 495; Intuitions of old world, ii, 575; Occultism answers on, grounds, i, 599; Occultist on the divine revealer, i, 336; Sense of, word, Monas, i, 201; Spirit soul, idea of a general, i, 82.

Pantheistical peripatetics, i, 679.

Pantheists, Advaitins and, i, 37; Adytum venerated by, ii, 481; Atheists, called, i, 37; Atlanteans, and, ii, 286; Atomists were, i, 622; Creator not denied by, i, 36; European, i, 44, 81; Fichte and German, i, 107; First cause nameless to early, i, 410; Leibnitz and Spinoza both, i, 689; Manu supports, i, 37; Nemesis of western, i, 702; Personal God, and a, ii, 498; Triad of, i, 46; Upanishads and, i, 36; Western, i, 46, 702, ii, 27.

Pantheon, quoted, i, 513, ii, 220, 221.

Pantomorphos, giver of divine forms, i, 735.

Papantla, Pyramid of, i, 343.

Papuan negro, ii, 203.

Papuans, Civilization of, ii, 699; Dying out, are, ii, 825; Hæckel on, ii, 342; Lemurians and, ii, 823; Skulls of, ii, 177, 550.

Parâ, Meanings of, i, 110, 162; Vâch as, i, 465, 466; Vaikharî Vâch as, i, 162, 468.

Parable, History deduced from, i, 325; Life realities represented by, i, 325; Religious mysteries and, ii, 131; Spoken symbol, a, i, 325.

Parables of both Testaments, i, 334.

Parabolical mode of thought, ii, 350.

Parabrahman, Absolute all or, i, 689; Absolute cause or, i, 36; Absolute consciousness and, i, 43; Absolute Nirguna or, i, 92; Abstraction called, i, 84; Adi-Buddha and, i, 624; Advaitîs and, ii, 633; Ain Suph synonym for, i, 138, 420, ii, 244; Anthropomorphized, even, i, 253; Atmâ-Buddhi and, i, 98; Brahmâ and, i, 48, 235; Centres of energy in, i, 159; Chinmâtra or, ii, 631; Concealed unity or, ii, 583; Cosmic aspect of, ii, 61; Create, does not will or, i, 486; Ever-unmanifested principle or, ii, 244; First cause not, ii, 114; Four forms of, i, 466; God, not a, i, 35; Hindus, i, 35; Indivisible unknown, ii, 103; Ishvara and, i, 86; Jehovah not a synonym of, ii, 256; Jîva pervaded by, i, 569; Kosmos and, i, 36; Logos and, ii, 27; Mûlaprakriti and, i, 46, 98, 155, 294, 360, 363, 369, 462, 480, 568, 585, ii, 27; Oeahoo one with, i, 98; One ever-changeless, ii, 40; One life or, i, 247; One reality or, i, 43, 92; One unknown, i, 624; Parâ aspect of Vâch or, i, 162, 466; Point, only known through luminous, i, 466; Pradhâna aspect of, i, 277; Prâdhânika, Brahma spirit is, i, 480; Purusha distinct from, i, 637; Reality, unconditioned, i, 39, 89; Row, T. Subba, on, i, 324, 461; Secondless, i, 569; Seed, the, i, 585; Soul of whole, ii, 199; Sound of names answering to, i, 484; Spirit and matter aspects of, i, 43; Spirit of earth not, i, 456; Spirit of European Pantheists and, i, 81; Substance or, i, 89; Supreme ALL, or, i, 36, 93; Supreme as cause, is, i, 35; Trinity of, i, 89; Universe contained within, i, 419; Unknowable or, ii, 136; Vedântins, and, i, 39, 44, 77, 302, 352, 378, 381, 474; Veil of, i, 460; Verbum of, i, 160; World, and manifested, i, 486; Zeruâna Akerne or, ii, 244.

Parabrahmic Atmâ, state of, i, 626; Latency, ii, 28.

Paracelsus, Archæus and, i, 82, 581; Cause and phenomenon, on, i, 534; Father of modern chemistry, ii, 694; Hæckel must have read, ii, 710; Homunculi of, i, 368, ii, 127, 364; Isis Unveiled said to be a plagiarism from, i, 28; Liquor vitæ of, i, 580, 587; Mysterium magnum of, i, 91, 638; Nitrogen discovered by, i, 317; Referred to, i, 242, 284, 301, 302, 303, 304, 313, 560, 670, ii, 127, 538; Sidereal light of, i, 274; Teachings of, ii, 693.

Paradesha of Sanskrit-speaking people, ii, 214.

Parâdha or half the existence of Brahmâ, i, 395.

Paradigmatic, Adam Kadmon, ii, 478; Universe, i, 402.

Paradigms of Plato, ii, 280.

Paradise, Arctic circle, beyond, ii, 417, 817; Bliss, of, ii, 214; Eden or, ii, 212; Garden of, ii, 590; Heart, of man’s own, ii, 621; Mahomet, of, ii, 213; Northern regions of, ii, 817; Theosophic school in, ii, 297; Unphilosophical, i, 286.

Paradise Lost, quoted, i, 682, ii, 508.

Paradises, Lokas called, ii, 335.

Paradisiacal man, Mercurial, ii, 677.

Paragranum; Life of Paracelsus, quoted, i, 588.

Parahydrogenic, i, 110.

Parama = above everything, i, 79, 117.

Paramapada, Bliss in, i, 156; Immaterial worlds or, i, 157.

Paramapadâtmavat, above the condition of spirit, i, 452.

Paramarshis, greatest Rishis, i, 452.

Parmârtha, Absolute being or, i, 78; Âlaya and, i, 56, 78; Madhyamikas’ view of, i, 75, 79; Possession of, i, 84; Self-consciousness or true, i, 75, 84; Svasamvedanâ or, i, 75; Yogâchârya’s view of, i, 75, 79.

Paramârthasatya, Absolute truth, or, i, 79, 84; Knowledge through, i, 90; Self-consciousness or, i, 79.

Paramârthika, one true existence, i, 35, 380.

Paramâtmâ, Jîvâtmâ and, ii, 37; Universal spirit or, i, 285.

Paramâtman, Mahapurusha or, ii, 114; Supreme soul or, ii, 520.

Paranirvâna (see Parinirvâna).

Paranishpanna, Absolute perfection and, i, 73, 74; Ah-hi in their, i, 56; Paramârtha and, i, 79; Parinirvâna or, i, 84; Seeming existence and, i, 84; Senzar version of Stanzas used in, i, 50; Son of necessity and, i, 56; Unknown darkness, i, 83.

Paraoxygenic gases, i, 110.

Paras, Pars, Pers, Persia, ii, 412.

Parâshakti, supreme force or power, i, 312.

Parâshara, Aryan Hermes, i, 306; Asuras, on, ii, 242; Daksha, on, ii, 258; Dhruva, on, ii, 513; Dissolutions, on, ii, 323; Divinities of, ii, 619; Earth described by, ii, 336, 419; Explanation of, ii, 61; Fallen Gods alluded to by, ii, 242; Institutes of, ii, 660; Kumâras, on, ii, 242; Magic arts of, i, 447; Maitreya and, i, 399, 480; Manu, on creation of, ii, 335; Munis, on, ii, 242; Nârada referred to by, ii, 51; Planets, on chariots of nine, ii, 513; Pralaya described by, ii, 800; Rishis on, ii, 580; Rudras, on, ii, 192, 242; Sacred islands and, ii, 340; Sorcery, of, ii, 242; Time, on, ii, 321; Vedic Rishi, i, 492; Vishnu Purâna in, ii, 80, 172; Vishnu, on, ii, 647; War recounted by, i, 452.

Parashu Râma of race of Bhârgavas, ii, 36.

Paratantra, Parikalpita and, i, 79.

Paravara = supreme, i, 35.

Parcha, Rabbi, referred to, ii, 392, 415.

Parchments from the Alexandrian library, i, 18.

Parent, Doctrine, i, 27; Earth, of, ii, 497; Ego, source of, i, 154; Eternal, i, 55, 67; Planet, i, 627; Race, ii, 416; Sound, ii, 594; Space, i, 67; Stars, worlds and, ii, 36; Stock, variation from, ii, 773; Sun, i, 701.

Parentless, Second Logos, i, 624; Space, i, 39.

Parents, Mercury and Venus, of, i, 180; Our heavenly, i, 628; Sons of God born of immaculate, ii, 507.

Parents of man, Psychic and spiritual, ii, 181.

Parikalpita, Paratantra and, i, 79.

Parinâmin, the expanding, i, 637.

Parinirvâna, Absolute perfection or, i, 73; Arhat must reach absolute knowledge before he can attain, i, 79; Bliss of, i, 289; Explanation of, i, 286, 287; Paranishpanna or, i, 84; Past, present and future humanities in, i, 286; Perfection, not absolute, i, 74; Taught, formerly openly, i, 74; Threshold of, i, 159, 160, ii, 470.

Parinirvânic state, i, 287.

Paris-like, Soma, ii, 523.

Parisian, Cranial capacity of, ii, 177.

Parker, J. A., quoted, i, 332, 334, 336, ii, 574.

Parkhurst, quoted, ii, 137, 482.

Parmenides of Plato, i, 459.

Parnassus, the holy mountain, ii, 519.

Paropamisian Chain, ii, 353.

Pars, Pers or Persia, ii, 412.

Pârsîs, Few, i, 417; Fire worshipper or, i, 146; Forefathers of, ii, 337; Guebra or, ii, 379; Jews, Armenians and, ii, 493; Masons and, i, 138; Mobed and, ii, 544; Mythology of, ii, 642; Peris ancestors of, ii, 416; Proof for, ii, 800; Sacred fire of, i, 361; Sun, and, i, 520; Uninitiated, ii, 643; Vendîdâd of, ii, 642.

Parthenogenesis, Heterogenesis and, ii, 187; Virginal reproduction or, ii, 694, 696, 697.

Particulars, Human fancy, and, i, 295; Universals and, i, 177, 676, ii, 617.

Pârvaka, Progeny of, ii, 107.

Parzuphim, i, 403.

Pascal, Circle of, i, 94; Nature and God, on, i, 444; Plagiarism by, ii, 575.

Pâsha, a cord used by Shiva, ii, 578.

Pashavah or sacrificial animals, ii, 661.

Pasht, Cat form of, i, 323; Goddess Basht or, ii, 583; Serpent bruised by, i, 323; Sun watched for by, i, 323.

Pashut or literal interpretation, i, 401.

Pashyantî, Vâch as, i, 465; Vaikharî Vâch as, i, 162.

Pasigraphie of Demaimieux, i, 330.

Pass not, Circle of, i, 118, 155; Ring called, i, 63, 154, 156.

Pasteur, Experiments of, i, 284, ii, 159; Referred to, i, 269, 270, 283.

Pâtâla, America is, ii, 141; Antipodes or, ii, 192, 420, 425, 465, 665; Arjuna descended to, ii, 224; Hiranyâksha a ruler in, ii, 399; Infernal regions or, ii, 52; Initiate descended into, ii, 589; Mahâsura hurled down to, ii, 248; Nether region or, ii, 373; Svastika in depths of, ii, 103.

Pâtâlas or hells, i, 399.

Patanjali, Adept of the school of, i, 182.

Pateræther, i, 38, 530; Omnipotensæther, i, 352, 353; Sadic, Mars and, ii, 410; Zeus not sexual or phallic, ii, 607.

Paternoster, Real, ii, 593.

Path, Adepts of right and left, ii, 527; Christos helping Sophia on right, i, 157; Fourth, of knowledge, i, 64, 226; Golgotha of life, of, i, 288; Initiates of right and left, ii, 519; Left, ii, 345; Lunar, i, 114, 285; Persecution of prophets of right, ii, 529; Rebirths, of, i, 621; Right and left, i, 696.

Path, The, quoted, i, 683, 691.

Paths, Nirvâna, to, i, 227; Right and left, of knowledge, i, 214; Seven, ii, 201; Two, i, 114; Wisdom of thirty-two, ii, 42.

Patmos, Drama of the seer of, ii, 537.

Patriarch, Abraham and Sepher Jetzirah, i, 26; Adam, i, 703; Book of Enoch work of a, ii, 506; Daksha, ii, 186; Enoch, ii, 558; Names in Bible, ii, 565; Noah, ii, 320, 376, 409, 563.

Patriarchal, Genealogies, ii, 335; Life, ii, 332.

Patriarchs, the, i, 380; Babylonian and Egyptian Gods transformed into, i, 719; Bailly on biblical, i, 711; Biblical chronology and, ii, 408; Biblical legends of, ii, 475; Destiny of, i, 715; Fables of, ii, 409; Genesis and, ii, 2; Gods presented as, i, 373; Hosts led by Rishis as, i, 370, ii, 137; Jews robbed of their, i, 718; Periods and, ii, 444; Prediluvian, ii, 137; Progenitors or, ii, 138; Reign over men, i, 287; Seven angels or, ii, 383; Verses concerning, i, 487; Zodiac, and, i, 420, 714, 715.

Patristic, Creation of, fancy, ii, 395; Fathers, i, 721; Forgery, i, 711.

Paul, St., Archaic mystery of cross and, ii, 586; Cautious hints of, ii, 542; Creation of man, on, ii, 540; Initiate, an, i, 261, 744; Little one, as, ii, 530; Lystra, at, ii, 504; Monads referred to by, i, 693; Mystagogue, as a, ii, 80; Prince of air of, ii, 509; References to, i, 256, 628, ii, 79, 86, 118; Unknown God of, ii, 607.

Paurânic, Allegories, ii, 145; Aryan idea of creation, ii, 134; Atlantis, accounts of, ii, 425, 427; Characters, ii, 610; Chronology, ii, 603; Cosmogony, ii, 660; Cross symbol in India, version of, ii, 577; Fancy of, authors, ii, 184; Flood, versions of, ii, 148; Islands, ii, 423; Later, narratives, ii, 523; Manus, account of, ii, 149; Monads, histories of our, ii, 297; MSS., ii, 580; Pralaya, account of great, ii, 800; Tradition, ii, 420, 423.

Pausanius, Hyperboreans, on, ii, 813; Prometheus, on, ii, 379; Referred to, i, 425, ii, 4, 31, 129, 152, 380, 437, 546; Speaking stones, on, ii, 357; Testimony of, i, 508; Tombs of giants, on, ii, 291; Zeus of, i, 361.

Pâvaka, Electric fire or, i, 567; Three fires, one of, ii, 60, 258.

Pavamâna, one of the three fires, i, 567, ii, 60, 258.

Pavana, Hanumâna son of, i, 212.

Payne Knight, quoted, i, 436.

Peace offerings and wave offerings, ii, 790.

Peacock, Wisdom, bird of, ii, 655; Worship of the Lord, ii, 541.

Pedigree, Apes, of, ii, 727; Scientists denying, ii, 690; Ungulates, of, ii, 776.

Pedigree of Man, quoted, ii, 91, 181, 199, 200, 203, 310, 341, 342, 686, 688, 690, 698, 700, 702, 705, 706, 708, 709, 718, 823, 833.

Pedigrees, Homeric heroes, of, ii, 693; Modern man, of, ii, 174.

Pegues, Abbé, ii, 291.

Peirun or Peiruan, Chinese, ii, 382, 818.

Pelagus or the great sea, ii, 818.

Pelasges et Cyclopes, Creuzer, quoted, ii, 360.

Pelasgian, Genius loci of the, i, 500.

Pelasgians, Aryan invasion, and, ii, 783; Cyclopean remains of, ii, 788; Future Greece and, ii, 818; Mysterious, ii, 3.

Pelasgic, Mounds said to be, ii, 795.

Pelican, Feeding its young, i, 109; Rosecroix, symbol of, i, 109; Rosicrucian symbol, a, i, 47, 382.

Pelion, Mount, i, 506.

Penance, Demons, of, i, 452; Mysteries connected with, ii, 676; Perfection of austere, ii, 648.

Penances of the Yogis, ii, 649.

Penates identified with Kabiri, ii, 376.

Pendulates with mighty energies, i, 579.

Penetralia, i, 410.

Pengelly, W., Geological time, on, i, 619, ii, 735; Referred to, ii, 70, 76, 336, 822.

Peninsula, Atlantis, of, ii, 9, 149; Florida, of, ii, 142.

Peninsulas, Formation of new, ii, 422; Secret Doctrine and, ii, 8; Seven, ii, 638.

Pentacle, Chakra inscribed with a, i, 139; Egg contains, i, 62, 153; Five root races symbolized by, i, 150; Ring pass not, and, i, 155.

Pentagon, Five-sided sign or, i, 341, ii, 610; Makaram, Panchakaram or, ii, 609; Microcosm represented as a, i, 239, 244; Monogram, a divine, i, 412; Triangle becomes a, ii, 83.

Pentagram, Line, triangle and, i, 118; Symbol of, i, 107, 240.

Pentateuch, Adversary, on, ii, 501; Allegorical legends, a collection of, i, 39; Dark-cloaked Mosaic, ii, 511; Dead letter of, i, 358; Diodorus and, ii, 818; Ezra and, i, 339, ii, 695; Five books or, ii, 483; Gladstone and, ii, 401; Origin of birth and, ii, 574; Primitive documents, origin of, ii, 496; Rabbis knew inner meaning of, i, 39; Revelation and, ii, 2; Sepher Jetzirah and, ii, 566; Symbology of, i, 140.

Pentateuchal garb, Jewish property in, i, 719.

Pentecost, Jewish liturgy for, i, 678; Tongues of fire at, i, 146, 361.

Penteglott of Schindler, quoted, ii, 222.

Per saltum, Nature never proceeds, i, 640.

Peratæ Gnostics, ii, 372, 610, 611.

Perdition, Eternal, ii, 508; Prometheus saves race from, ii, 430.

Perfect, Circle, circumference value of a, ii, 574; Cube, i, 367, ii, 488; Devotee enjoined to approach form of, circle, ii, 583; Figure, triangle first, ii, 607; Figures, 1, 3, 5, 7, are, ii, 39; Finite cannot be, ii, 511; Holy Adam, ii, 478; Spiritual evolution impossible to, ii, 253.

Perfect man, Divine, i, 284; Formation of, i, 268; God-like and, ii, 257; Heavenly man and, i, 267; Man-God or a, i, 265; Metatron, i, 362; One, ii, 490; Physically, ii, 645; Quaternary and ternary a, ii, 608; Spiritual, ii, 119; Square, ii, 587.

Perfect number, Heptagon a, ii, 637; Odd said to be, ii, 636; Quaternary, ii, 615, 636; Ten, ii, 582, 595, 605, 607; Tetrad, ii, 633; Tetraktys contained, ii, 486.

Perfect Way, referred to, ii, 239, 243.

Perfected men, Dhyân Chohans incipient or, i, 295, 296.

Perfectibility, Ever-growing, ii, 498; Principle of, ii, 685.

Perfection, Absolute, i, 74, 79, ii, 431, 586; Absolute all, or, i, 102; Austere penance, of, ii, 648; Ceaseless striving towards, ii, 777; Corruptible, grows out of, ii, 100; Evolutionary, i, 208; Intellectual, ii, 434; Motionless, ii, 253; Paranishpanna or absolute, i, 74, 79; Physical, ii, 434; Quiescence natural state of, ii, 515; Reformation and evolutionary, i, 208; Secondary, ii, 615; Serpent symbolizes, i, 102; Tau called, ii, 614; Unit, of, ii, 616; Work of, everlasting, i, 168; Worshipper of absolute, ii, 431; Wisdom and, symbolized by the serpent, i, 102.

Peri, Tahmurath liberates the, ii, 416.

Perigenesis, Plastids, of, ii, 700, 711; Plastidule, of, ii, 709.

Perigord, Reindeer hunters of, ii, 791.

Period, Cambrian, ii, 9; Carboniferous, i, 273; Eocene, ii, 9, 717, 787; Fern, ii, 629; Fire mist, i, 489; Fourth race, ii, 650; Geological, ii, 169; Glacial, i, 714, ii, 149, 153, 156, 287, 528, 715, 716, 717; Jurassic, ii, 206; Laurentian, ii, 159; Mid-tertiary, ii, 164; Miocene, i, 207, ii, 7, 11, 452, 713, 716; Oolitic, ii, 206; Palæolithic, ii, 458; Post-tertiary, ii, 59; Pre-diluvian, ii, 630; Quaternary, ii, 725; Saïtic, ii, 487; Secondary, i, 490, ii, 723, 724; Silurian, ii, 75; Tertiary, i, 213, ii, 91, 452, 715, 718.

Periodicity, Chakra denotes, ii, 576; Law of, ii, 657, 663, 664; Phenomena of life, of, ii, 663; Secret Doctrine and law of, i, 45; Septiform, ii, 659; Sun, moon and planets, of, ii, 657.

Periodicity of Vital Phenomena, quoted, ii, 659.

Peripatetic laws, i, 548.

Peripatetics, the, i, 93, 200, 201, 367, 679.

Periphrasis, Jehovah, of, i, 472; Shlokas and a, ii, 15.

Peris, Ancestors of Parsîs, ii, 416; Devs made raids on, ii, 415, 820; Giants ill-treated, ii, 416; Izeds or, ii, 411, 820; King of, ii, 412; Persian, ii, 385.

Perisprit, Fluidic, i, 218.

Permeability of matter, i, 272, 278.

Permian, geological period, ii, 753.

Péronne, Rev. Father, quoted, ii, 392.

Perpetual motion, i, 85, 171, 302, 539, 573, 607, ii, 470, 575.

Pers, Pars or Persia, ii, 412.

Persæa in An, Basin of, ii, 576.

Persephone, Axiskersa or, ii, 378.

Persepolis, Esikekar or, ii, 416.

Perseus, Cyclops identified with, ii, 360.

Persia, Christian legends come from India through, i, 220; Druids akin to magi of, ii, 799; Legendary history of, ii, 416; Magi of, ii, 413, 799; Nova Zembla, north of, ii, 417; Seven worlds in, ii, 642, 652; Songsters of, ii, 417; Sovereigns of election of, ii, 362; Tahmurath, king of, ii, 415; Traditions of, ii, 41, 411, 414, 646.

Persian, Atlantean traditions, ii, 424; Boreas wrecked, fleet, i, 506; Dev, ii, 567; Egypt, conquest of, i, 331; Fire-worshippers, ii, 379; Folklore, ii, 415; God, name of, i, 370; Gulf, ii, 147, 644; Heroes, Feridan one of, ii, 416; Legends, ii, 412; Mithras, mysteries of, i, 480; Otizoë, ii, 362; Peris, ii, 385, 416; Phœnix, ii, 415; Primal cause of, philosophy, i, 678; Romances, ii, 421; Simorgh, ii, 595; Symbology, ii, 653; Winged griffins, i, 391; Yezidi, ii, 476.

Persians, Ancestors of, ii, 343; Astronomical elements of, i, 723; Egg symbol among, i, 385; Fire among, treatment of, ii, 121; Meshia and Meshiane among, ii, 142; Mithras of, i, 363; Nassireddin, tables of, i, 722; Religion of, ii, 640; Sire of, ii, 636; Stars of, i, 726.

Personæ of churches, Three distinct, i, 468.

Personal, Action impersonal and, ii, 319; Appearance, false, ii, 504; Creative Deity of orthodox Christians, i, 46; Deities or creative Gods, i, 461; Creative Elohim, ii, 133; Creator, theory of a, ii, 167; Devil, ii, 394; Genius, ii, 601; Qualities, angels have no, i, 297; Self, ii, 115, 116; Will, body of, ii, 252.

Personal and Impersonal God, quoted, i, 163, ii, 631, 632.

Personal Deity, i, 700; Definition of, i, 695; Demiurge no, i, 300; Leibnitz on, i, 689; Seventh principle or, i, 700; Worshippers of, i, 286; Zeus a, ii, 432.

Personal Ego, Experience on every plane of, i, 351; Individualized consciousness or, ii, 251; Soul of, ii, 645; Substance and, i, 351.

Personal God, Advaitîs view of a, ii, 633; Anthropomorphic, i, 596; Argument regarding a, i, 32; Believers in a, i, 445; Buddhist recognizes no, i, 696; Chinese Buddhists and a, i, 474; Christian’s, i, 459, 673, ii, 495; Extra-cosmic and, ii, 526; Finite or, ii, 573; Fohat not a, i, 162, 163; Inner God, or, ii, 585; Jehovah, a, i, 459; Kabalists, of, i, 449; Male, i, 674; Man created a, i, 444; Plato did not believe in a, ii, 584; Self-created, i, 671; Superior spirit or, i, 215; Theism, of orthodox, i, 31; Theology, of, i, 366.

Personal Gods, Cronus devours, ii, 434; Third stage of manifestation is that of, i, 472.

Personality, the, Absolute, and oneness with, i, 84; Angels have no elements of, i, 297, 693; Aroma which remains from each, i, 259; Avatâras, of, ii, 502; Correlation of individuality and, ii, 501; Dhyân Chohans, no feeling of, i, 295; Dual, ii, 252; Ego within, i, 155; Egoism, or sense of, i, 296; Essence of, in Nirvâna, i, 286; Garment is perfect, endures when, i, 265; Gross ideas attached to, i, 409; Intervention of a creative, ii, 688; Invulnerable in his, man will become, ii, 440; Jesus, of, ii, 242; Kapilas, of, ii, 604; Logos, no, ii, 332; Man concealed under, i, 240; Man not immortal in his, i, 474; Manas on plane of, ii, 61; Melha assumes, of a Buddha, ii, 67; Mortal, i, 700; Multiple, i, 37; One reality weeded of, i, 690; Paralyzing, i, 297; Selfishness of, ii, 116; Star of, i, 626; Terrestrial false, ii, 252; Third race and, ii, 645; Unreality of, ii, 320; Yogi destroys passions within his, ii, 650.

Personator, Demon or, ii, 535; Jehovah as a, ii, 254; Spirits as, ii, 536.

Personification, Aindriyaka, of, ii, 649; Allegory and, i, 632; Cross symbol, of, ii, 590; Cyclic law, of, ii, 830; Devil, of, ii, 500; Eighth God, becoming, ii, 642; Fohat, of, i, 735; Force behind phenomena, of a, i, 302; God of Theists a, i, 453; Human passions, of, ii, 397, 603; Nebo, of the secret wisdom, ii, 477; Ra, of, ii, 575; Symbolical, of creative power, ii, 133; Twelve tribes a, of great Gods, i, 430; Uranus a, ii, 281; Virtues, of, i, 472; Yama, of shadows of Pitris, ii, 644.

Personifications, Abstract attributes of, i, 472; Bible astronomical, i, 715; Mystical, ii, 101; Poles, of terrestrial, ii, 379; Powers, of, ii, 113; Purânas, in, i, 447; Sons of wisdom, of, ii, 282; Symbolical personages and, ii, 136; Three fires, of, ii, 258.

Personified, Attributes of God, ii, 247; Moon, i, 416; Primordial light, ii, 138; Symbols, ii, 479.

Persons of the Trinity, i, 512.

Perspiration, Evolution through drops of, ii, 183; Marishâ born from Pramlochâ’s, ii, 185; Ovoid bodies produced from, ii, 187; Pramlochâ, of, ii, 184.

Peru, Ancient buildings in, i, 230; Chulpas of, ii, 795; Cyclopean erections in, ii, 788; Early man in, traditions of, ii, 787; Manco-Capac of, ii, 382; Remains of, ii, 838; Ruins in, ii, 331, 352.

Peruvian skulls, ii, 782, 834.

Peruvians, Fairy tales of, i, 287; Svastika found with, ii, 620; Tradition of, ii, 150.

Pervader, Fohat called, i, 137.

Pesh Hun, Hindu possession, not only a, ii, 52; Nârada or, ii, 51, 53; Stanzas on, ii, 53.

Pessimism, Schopenhauer, of, ii, 165; Von Hartmann, of, ii, 685.

Pessimists, Karma only reply to, ii, 318; Nature on, ii, 498.

Petals of the lotus in the seeds, i, 408.

Peter, St., Church of Rome and, ii, 356; Last days, on, ii, 800; Pope personifies, ii, 488; Quoted, ii, 663, 806; Trustee of, ii, 394.

Peter the Hermit and crusaders, i, 382.

Petermann, referred to, ii, 597.

Petition, Red Indian, ii, 458.

Petrarch, Story told of, ii, 217.

Petrie, Mr., Piazzi Smyth and, i, 333; Referred to, ii, 236.

Petrified third eye, ii, 308.

Petronius, referred to, i, 383.

Peuple Primitif, quoted, ii, 388.

Peuvret, Theosophic degrees of, ii, 636.

Pfaff, Prof., quoted, ii, 91, 203, 698, 720, 725.

Pfoundes, Capt. C., referred to, i, 261.

Phædrus, quoted, ii, 101.

Phæton, Death of, ii, 814; Sun, and, ii, 564.

Phalanx of active stellar systems, i, 172.

Phalli, Oil anointed, ii, 495.

Phallic, Brazen serpent is, i, 391; Chaldæans, notions of, ii, 4; Conception which is not, i, 465; Cross when, i, 34, ii, 572; Crucifixion nails, ii, 592; Crucifixion when, ii, 592; Deities, i, 383; Element in old scriptures, ii, 695; Emblems, i, 419; Fish, meaning of, ii, 327; Form and use, ii, 133, 490; Functions, symbols of, ii, 409; God, is, i, 370, ii, 482, 495; Hebrew letters are, symbols, i, 140; Hebrew records and, worship, i, 141; Jehovah, becomes, i, 34, ii, 492, 495; Jupiter, symbols of, ii, 381; Nails of cross, ii, 592; Number, i, 421, ii, 486; Pan a, deity, i, 383; Pater, Zeus not, ii, 607; Physiological meaning of cross, i, 721; Profound science, become, i, 389; Prometheus, idea of, ii, 554; Ram’s head and horns, ii, 192; Religion, element in, ii, 615; Rites became, ii, 378; Sacr’ is of, derivation, i, 35; Serpent, a fourth race, symbol, ii, 65; Shiva worship not simply, ii, 622; Signification, ii, 579; Stone, ii, 89, 496; Svastika separated from its circle becomes, i, 35; Tetragrammaton as a quaternary is, i, 473; Theology, element of, i, 332; Venus, significance of sign of, ii, 34; Worship, i, 5, 285, 511, ii, 493.

Phallic symbol, i, 512; Cross, a, i, 342, ii, 34, 577, 593; Holy of holies a, ii, 481; Jehovah a, ii, 495; Lingam and Yoni, ii, 488.

Phallic symbols, Ancient deities becoming, ii, 47; Antiquity, of later, ii, 616; Meaning of, i, 339, ii, 617; Natural in beginning, were, i, 339; Uses of, i, 479.

Phallicism, i, 391, ii, 106, 286, 292, 298; Anthropomorphists led to, ii, 286; Architect of the universe and, ii, 106; Body worship or, ii, 292; Divine, ii, 574; God names and, i, 336, 339; Humanity led to, i, 391, 488; Idea of, ii, 48; Jewish, ii, 218; Rabbis, of, ii, 89; Semites introduced, ii, 57; Sexual worship and, ii, 298.

Phallicism, quoted, i, 512, ii, 489, 496.

Phallicized, Arcanum has been, ii, 244.

Phallus, Ark, in the, ii, 490; Cross, often added to, ii, 572; Lingam or, ii, 489; Lithos upright, ii, 89; Male principle or, ii, 109; Natural symbol, a, i, 419; Yod or, ii, 496.

Phanerogamous plants, i, 87.

Phanes, Chaos, Chronos and, i, 487, 637.

Phantom, Astral, ii, 93; Bhûta or, ii, 95, 107; Dyooknah or divine, ii, 478; Germ of universe, i, 394; Inapprehensible, i, 530; Nebular theory, of, i, 643; Protoplasmic, i, 214; Races, ii, 292, 303.

Phantoms, Fathers of, ii, 223; Mind, of, i, 676, 677.

Pharaoh, Abraham’s wife and, i, 454, ii, 184; Eden, compared to fairest tree in, ii, 519; Glyph of daughter of, i, 339; Lord God tempts, i, 411; Moses and, i, 413, ii, 447, 487; Mummy of, Sesostris, i, 13; Obduracy of, ii, 445; Seven souls of, ii, 668.

Pharaoh Thotmes worships Hathor, i, 430.

Pharaohs, Ansated cross of, ii, 572; Sacred cross carried by, ii, 577; Sinaitic peninsula ruled by, ii, 236; Sun Gods in land of, ii, 396.

Pharaonic Egypt, Rites and dogmas of, i, 12.

Pharisees, Christian angelology from the, ii, 64; Jehovah, father of, i, 632; Jesus and, i, 631, ii, 394; Sign from heaven of, i, 717.

Phases of the moon, Eye of cat and, i, 416; Marital relations and, i, 249; Seven esoteric, i, 426; Time periods marked by, i, 418.

Phenoch, symbol of secret cycle and initiation, ii, 652.

Pherecydes, Cosmogony of, i, 217; Giants, on, ii, 819; Hymn to Jupiter of, ii, 583.

Phidias, Model in the mind of, ii, 697.

Philadelphia, Centennial exhibition in, i, 609; J. W. Keely of, i, 19, 275.

Philæ, Bas-reliefs from, ii, 589; Egg in temple of, i, 389; Khnoom was adored at, i, 393; Ruins of, ii, 588.

Philalethes, quoted, i, 280, 560.

Philebus, Plato’s, i, 460.

Philip the apostle, Pistis Sophia of, ii, 597.

Philistines, David with the, ii, 570.

Phillips, Sir R., Theory of, ii, 766.

Philo, Adam Kadmon, on, ii, 514; Adversary, on cursing, ii, 501; Creator, on, i, 374; Inconceivable, on, i, 376; Number seven, on, i, 438; Number six, on, i, 438; Quæst. et Solut of, quoted, i, 374; Wisdom, on, ii, 514.

Philo Byblus, quoted, ii, 137, 357, 487.

Philo Judæus, quoted, i, 100, 367, 712, ii, 118, 210, 494, 501.

Philological disquisitions, ii, 45.

Philologist, Max Müller, i, 12, 13.

Philologists, Antiquity of writing, on, ii, 458; Ares and, ii, 410; Dzyan, unknown to, Book of, i, 6; Problem for, i, 102; Riddle for, i, 105; Secret Doctrine not written for benefit of, i, 50; Vedas, on, i, 14.

Philology, Comparative, i, 8; Discoveries of, ii, 449; Science in its department of, i, 337.

Philosophie Naturelle, quoted, i, 577.

Philosophumena, quoted, i, 376, ii, 3, 594, 610, 611.

Philosophy (esoteric), Age of mankind, and, ii, 165; Atoms of, i, 239, 490; Attainment of consciousness a fact in, i, 298; Chaldæan scriptures and, ii, 478; Christian mysteries, and, ii, 591; Cis-Himâlayan, ii, 606; Consciousness of, i, 79, 298; Cosmology connected with, i, 672; Creators in, ii, 81; Deity and, ii, 41; Egyptians and, ii, 390; Extension, on, i, 673; First lesson of, ii, 511; Hermetic fragments and, i, 308; Immortality of Gods and, i, 68; Isis and, i, 25; Kabalah and, ii, 44; Life and consciousness and, i, 79; Life periods and, ii, 752; Mâyâ and, i, 40; Number four and, ii, 634; Planets and, ii, 570; Primeval evolution and, i, 681; Problems of evolution, on, i, 697; Reconcilement of all systems in, i, 86; Rudras in, ii, 618; Science and, ii, 70, 206; Seven sons of, i, 162; Seventh eternity of, i, 91; Solar system and, i, 396; Special privileges not admitted by, i, 45; Spirit of, i, 680; Spontaneous generation and, ii, 159; Three strides of Vishnu and, i, 137; Time according to, i, 75; Traditions of, ii, 3; Universal wisdom of, i, 100; Universe in, i, 299; Virgil knew, ii, 628.

Philosophy (occult), Creation in, ii, 91; Cycles and, ii, 602; Essential truth of, i, 106; Evolution and, ii, 199; First cause and, i, 656; Law of analogy and, i, 174; Leibnitz contrasted with, i, 689; Matter, on, i, 701; Minor details of, ii, 676; Mysteries of nature, and, i, 584; One and primal cause of, i, 678; Origin of language and, ii, 208; Races, on new, ii, 463; Sidereal symbols of, ii, 582.

Philosoph. Placet., referred to, ii, 554.

Philosophy Historical and Critical, Lefevre, quoted, ii, 70, 178, 197, 724, 750, 783, 824.

Philosophy of History, quoted, i, 83.

Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, quoted, ii, 658.

Philosophy of the Unconscious, referred to, i, 302.

Philostratus, Revealed scripture, and, ii, 351; Serpent legend of, i, 434; Skeleton spoken of by, giant, ii, 291.

Philo-theo-sophia, i, 581.

Phineatæ, Hermes worshipped by the, ii, 383.

Phlegyan island, ii, 152, 153, 277, 381.

Phlogiston, Derided name of, i, 557.

Phobos, Mars and, i, 188; Periodic time of, i, 189.

Phocis, Slime of the deluge in, ii, 546.

Phœbe, Castor, wife of, ii, 129; Moon, i, 415.

Phœbus, ii, 245, 814.

Phœnicia, Worship of the Kabirim in, ii, 380.

Phœnician, Agruerus the, God, ii, 150; Astarte, prayer to, i, 507; Coin, cross and circle on, ii, 576; Coptic kinsman of, i, 140; Cosmogony, i, 135, 487, ii, 652; Elon or Elion, ii, 397; Empire, ii, 278; Globe, vessels circumnavigated, ii, 448; Môt, Mahat and, i, 486; Record of, religion, ii, 459; Southern Gaul, settlements in, ii, 793.

Phœnicians, Ancestors of, ii, 343; Animated stone of, ii, 358; Baal of, ii, 570; Descent of, ii, 812; Herodotus, of, i, 332; Hindus said to learn astronomy from, ii, 581; Kabiri with, ii, 286; Mysterious voyages of, ii, 807; Mystery Gods of, ii, 3; Navigators, ii, 424; Numerical system of, ii, 591; Origin of, ii, 786; Samothrace colonized by, ii, 3; Supreme God of, ii, 571; Writing, and, ii, 458, 459.

Phœnix, Bennoo or, i, 331; Garuda Indian, ii, 596, 655; Onech Hebrew, ii, 652; Persian, ii, 415; Primordial man like, ii, 645; Resurrection of, ii, 653.

Phoibus Apollo, Light of life and the world, ii, 400.

Phonograph, Edison’s, ii, 828.

Phorcys, one of the Arkite Titans, ii, 151.

Phoreg, seventh of the Uranides, i, 451.

Phorminx, the seven-stringed lyre, ii, 558.

Phoroneidæ, an ancient poem, ii, 546.

Phoroneus, Hero, a, ii, 546; Melia, son of, ii, 548; Plato on, ii, 547; Prometheus and, ii, 546.

Phosphates, i, 637.

Phôsphoros, Satan lord of, ii, 540.

Phosphorus, i, 601, 602, 637, 639, ii, 76, 255, 538.

Photius on stones, ii, 357.

Photogenic matter, Envelope of i, 579.

Photographed, Divine ideation of things to be, i, 402.

Photographs, Âkâshic or astral, i, 46.

Photometers, i, 634.

Photosphere, envelope of sun, i, 578, 579.

Phrenic Logos, ii, 28.

Phreno-Kosmo-Biology, quoted, i, 315, 316.

Phrygia, Priests of, ii, 387; Worship of Kabirim in, ii, 380.

Phtah, Deity concealed by, ii, 583; Kabir, seventh, ii, 382; Khonsoo confounded with, ii, 486; Unity of, i, 738.

Phylogenesis, Hæckel’s, ii, 693.

Phylogenetic speculations, ii, 701.

Phylogeny, ii, 696, 700, 702, 775.

Physica, quoted, i, 651.

Physical Basis of Life, quoted, i, 733.

Physical Eclogues, quoted, i, 306.

Physical man, Age of, ii, 262; Animal and, i, 281; Beginnings of, ii, 205; Consolidation of, ii, 312; Cradle of, ii, 442, 818; Cretaceous rocks and, ii, 717; Daksha creator of, ii, 192; Esoteric philosophy on, i, 479; Evolution of, ii, 697, 707; Fashioners of, ii, 60; First truly, ii, 284, 808; Form of, i, 362, 619; Formation of, i, 698; Nascent, ii, 343; Originally a giant, ii, 8; Period of, i, 403, ii, 110; Rounds, and, i, 211; Science only recognizes, ii, 329; Shadow of, i, 258; Simply, ii, 279; Spiritual and, ii, 561; Third race, of, ii, 698.

Physical nature, i, 304, 643; Construction of a perfect animal impossible to, ii, 107; Double, ii, 37; God of science is, i, 731; Left to herself, ii, 59; Matter emanation of, i, 485; Principles of, ii, 627; Spiritual extinguished by, ii, 309; Transformations in, ii, 462.

Physical plane, Appearance of nature deceptive on, i, 669; Astral and, i, 706; Dhyân Chohan and, ii, 706, 707; Root of all things on, ii, 615; Sleep and, i, 69; Sound and colour on, i, 582.

Physical science, Absolute darkness, on, i, 222; Arbitrary divisions of, i, 585; Atoms of, i, 362; Chemistry and, i, 680; Domain of, ii, 701; Ether and, i, 41, 277; Evidence supplied by, i, 187; Fire and, i, 98, 145; Hypothetical speculations of, i, 178; Ignorance of, i, 209; Last word of, i, 658; Master key to, ii, 587; Materials now unknown to, ii, 170; Metaphysics and, i, 526; Microscopic cells and, ii, 123; Modern, i, 687; Natural progress in, i, 143; Occult teaching and, i, 113, 158, 645; Periodicity as observed by, i, 45; Phraseology of, i, 201; Problems of, ii, 457; Pymander and, ii, 113; Riddle of the past and, i, 697; Secret Doctrine and, ii, 686.

Physical senses, Consciousness through, ii, 741; Correlation of seven, i, 583; Deities of, ii, 600; Impulses produced by our, i, 706; Origin of, ii, 114; Plane of our, ii, 442.

Physical world, Material or, i, 221; Revolution of, i, 703; Space, of, i, 689; Sun life of, i, 521; Unity in, i, 145.

Physical worlds, ii, 421.

Physicalization, Astral, out of the, ii, 685; Incipient, ii, 778.

Physician’s Hymn, quoted, ii, 55.

Physicist, Abyss of nothingness of, i, 172; Light, flame and electricity according to, i, 109; Matter of, i, 688; Monads and, i, 680; Nebulæ and, i, 156; Origin of things according to, i, 675; Primeval matter and, i, 129; Psychometer, should be a, i, 222; Rocks and rivers real to, i, 351; Substance of occultist and, i, 560; Unknowable of, i, 6.

Physicists, Ancients’ belief as to the elements and, i, 164, 682; Atoms and, i, 166; Azoic ages, and, ii, 169; Cometary matter and, i, 653; Esoteric teaching and, i, 315; First cause, and, i, 656; Hindu allegories and, ii, 49; Hindu chronology and, i, 178; Illogical, i, 521; Kabalist remarks on, i, 674; Kepler and other, i, 645; Matter and, i, 642; Modern, i, 523; Moon a closed book for, i, 180; Our planet’s age unknown to, i, 174; Primordial substance and, i, 171; Protyle, searching for, i, 677; Rotation theory rejected by, i, 542; Substance and orthodox, i, 556; Theosophists and, i, 733; Two distinct schools of, i, 558; Worlds which are invisible denied by, i, 664.

Physico-astral, Man, ii, 302; Root types, ii, 777.

Physico-chemical, Forces, ii, 689, 692; Phenomena, ii, 688.

Physico-ethereal man, ii, 302.

Physico-mechanical forces, ii, 174.

Physics, quoted, i, 732.

Physics, Ancients and, i, 537, 620, ii, 113; Archaic, i, 633; Brain, of, ii, 711; Chemistry and, i, 657; Concepts of Modern, i, 523; Elements of, i, 498; Ether and, i, 366, 527; Fifth element and, ii, 144; Fourth race taught, ii, 445; Inductive science and, i, 641; Law of analogy the key to cosmic, i, 174; Material universe and, i, 732; Metaphysics and, i, 76, 552, 669; Modern science and, i, 524; Nature, as a science of, i, 563; Occult, i, 282, 533, ii, 710; Pure force nothing in, i, 556; States of matter known to modern, i, 529; Unity in sphere of, ii, 27; World germ of occult, i, 222.

Physiological, Age of mankind, ii, 165; Anthropologists, proofs of, ii, 197; Change, cause of, i, 282; Conjectures in, works, ii, 139; Creation, secrets of, ii, 574; Cross, meaning of, i, 721; Dhyân Chohans and humanity, relationship between, i, 247; Differentiations, ii, 127; Dual, potency, i, 512; Equipment, ii, 777; Evolution, i, 245; Fall, i, 214, ii, 292; Fourth race, nature of, ii, 429; Hebrews, spirit of, ii, 492; Jewish allegory of deluge is, i, 479; Law, ii, 206; Lemurians, transformation of, ii, 331; Magic, i, 284; Man and apes, differences between, ii, 703; Man, form of, i, 619; Mânasas’ refusal on, grounds, ii, 180; Moon, mystery of, i, 248, 419; Mysteries, ii, 263, 586, 668; Phenomena, i, 508; Preëminence given to the, ii, 492; Process, ii, 191; Procreation, spiritual and, ii, 433; Psychic and, element, ii, 186; Psychic discoveries, and, i, 158; Purity of third race, ii, 181; Racial, transformations, ii, 188; Secret key, i, 389; Seer, purity of, ii, 309; Selection, ii, 683, 779; Senses, ii, 312; Sexes, transformation of, ii, 156; Structure of the brain, ii, 686; Sun and moon, deities, i, 250; Symbols, ii, 106, 409, 567, 579, 617; Theories of science, i, 243; Titans founded on a, fact, ii, 163; Union, ii, 492; Variation, ii, 685.

Physiological Selection, referred to, ii, 444.

Physiologist, Richet, i, 702; Soul’s working, and, ii, 686.

Physiologists, Astronomers and, i, 521; Hæckel on, ii, 702; Teratological phenomena and, ii, 198.

Physiology, Celestial bodies and, i, 339; Charcot’s patients and, ii, 387; Curse, from standpoint of, ii, 429; Esoteric doctrine and, ii, 668; Essays on, ii, 364; Foster on, ii, 139; Lunar worship and, i, 427; Magician of future, i, 281; Man as known to, i, 697; Materialistic views on, i, 339; Mind and brain and, i, 660; Mistakes of modern, i, 213; Moon’s connection with fecundation unknown to, i, 284; Nature of female and, i, 249; Organisms, of, ii, 123; Physics and, i, 657; Septenate in, ii, 659; Soul-functions, of, ii, 708; Spiritual senses rejected by, i, 582; Vital principle denied by, i, 660.

Phytophagous mammals, ii, 753.

Pi, Astronomical, i, 139; Value of, i, 118, 156; Variations of, ii, 42.

Piazzi Smyth, Divine language, on, i, 336; Mosaic books and measures, on, i, 322; Opponents of, i, 333; Pyramid of Gizeh, and, i, 337.

Picardy, Britain joined to, ii, 793; Hatchets and mammoths in, ii, 780.

Picture, Gallery of eternity, i, 130; Writing of the Egyptians, ii, 138.

Pierius, quoted, ii, 583.

Pierret, Paul, quoted, i, 159, 249.

Pigeon, Eggs of, ii, 629.

Pigmies, Age of, ii, 754; Ancient giants and modern, ii, 74; Giants and, ii, 204, 345; Science and, ii, 763.

Pigmy animals, ii, 230, 763.

Pigs among the ungulate mammals, ii, 777.

Pikermi, Monkey fossils at, ii, 764.

Pile villages of Borneo, ii, 755.

Pilgrim, Divine, ii, 266; Eternal, i, 45, 623, ii, 769; Humanity and, i, 288; Monad, called, i, 45, 623; Soul, journey of, i, 198.

Pilgrimage, Cyclic, ii, 108, 466; Individual, i, 679; Soul, of every, i, 45; Wheel of the son, on new, i, 55, 72.

Pilgrims, Comets or, i, 269.

Pillaloo-codi, Pleiades called, i, 726.

Pillar, Attributes of, i, 462; Circle, and, ii, 486; Deity, form of, ii, 496; Fire, of, i, 361, 471; Heaven, Mount Atlas called, of, ii, 806; Jacob’s, ii, 494, 495; Solomon’s temple, of, ii, 483.

Pillars, Christianity, of, ii, 542; Curtain in temples drawn over five, i, 150, 500; Earth, of Atlas sustainers of, ii, 805; Egyptian, ii, 559; Hercules, of, i, 682, ii, 155, 233, 338, 412; House of wisdom, of, i, 381, 439; Mercury or Seth, of, ii, 558; Pyramids became, i, 371; Stone, of, ii, 558; Wisdom, of, ii, 678; World, ii, 102, 306.

Pilot, Sun in a ship as its, i, 440, 441.

Pimandre of Mercure Trismegiste, quoted, ii, 516.

Pindar, Immorality of pantheons, on, ii, 807; Referred to, i, 431, ii, 3, 129, 130, 283.

Pineal gland, ii, 126, 308-313, 315.

Pines, Pyramidal shape of, ii, 629.

Pino, Don Baptista, quoted, ii, 191.

Pippala, Haoma or, ii, 102, 103.

Pisces, ii, 174, 694, 732; Christ referred to in, i, 716; Hæckel on, ii, 174, 694; Mînam, or, ii, 612; Vernal equinox in, ii, 732; Zabulon, in sphere of, i, 714; Zodiacal sign of, i, 284, 403.

Piscine ancestors, ii, 724.

Pishâchâ, a female demon, i, 447, 624.

Pishuna the spy, ii, 52.

Pistis Sophia, Bhagavad Gîtâ in light of, ii, 601; Book of Enoch quoted in, ii, 564; Brâhmans recognize Upanishads in, ii, 597; Date of, i, 441; Gnostics and, i, 631, ii, 484, 639, 654; Ieou in, i, 484; Knowledge-wisdom, or, i, 157; Quoted, ii, 602; Rabbi Jesus in, ii, 595, 654; Revelation of St. John and, i, 442; Valentinian gospel, ii, 539; Vowels of, ii, 594.

Pit, Earth bottomless, ii, 248, 517; Leo in, ii, 830; Mountain and, ii, 373; South pole is, ii, 829.

Pitâ, Father or, ii, 63.

Pitara Devatâ, Pitris or, ii, 656.

Pitaras, Fathers, Pitris or, ii, 336, 440, 640; Peris may be derived from, ii, 412; Pitris, celestial men or, ii, 49, 151; Progenitors or, ii, 92, 97.

Pithecanthropus of Hæckel, ii, 699, 715, 717, 718.

Pithecoid, Ancestry, supposed, i, 209, ii, 8, 161, 671, 686, 719, 720, 729; Ape in, family, i, 213; Apes, ii, 756; Creation, an accidental, ii, 272; Extinct, ii, 299; Fossil, ii, 712, 713; Genesis of, stocks, ii, 728; Man, i, 254, ii, 206, 707, 767; Man not, ii, 203; Neanderthal skull, ii, 726; Noah, ii, 692; Origin of man, ii, 725; Theoretical, man, ii, 705.

Pitri-Devatâs, Barhishad Pitris or, ii, 99; Procreation of, ii, 157; Pitris or, ii, 181.

Pitri-Pati, the Lord or king, ii, 48.

Pitris, Agnishvatta, i, 204; Arûpa, three classes of, ii, 98; Asuras and, ii, 512; Barhishad, ii, 99; Brahmâ stands esoterically for, ii, 63; Brâhmanical system, of, ii, 128; Brâhmans count, sacred, ii, 95; Celestial men or, ii, 49; Chhâyâs of, i, 204, ii, 127, 145, 511; Chitkala and, i, 308; Classes, seven, i, 202, 237, ii, 81, 96; Corporeal and incorporeal, ii, 411; Daksha synthesis of, ii, 172; Dhyân Chohans and, i, 210, ii, 84, 223, 243; Divine sparks or, i, 203; Doubles, have evolved their, i, 206; Elohim or, i, 267; Ethereal doubles of, ii, 5; Evolution from, ii, 343; Fathers or, ii, 48, 339, 374; Fetahil is one with host of, i, 217; Fire of, i, 567; Fires, and, ii, 107; First race oozed out from bodies of, ii, 183, 317; Flames or, ii, 258; Forefathers of men, i, 479; Formation of animal man by, i, 268; Gods and demons, of, ii, 93; Governors or, ii, 279; Heavenly man or, ii, 721; Hierarchies of, i, 211; Hosts of, seven, ii, 2; India, of, ii, 102, 382; Intelligences, informing, ii, 37; Kâma and, ii, 186; Kandu son of, ii, 185; Kumâras confounded with, ii, 112; Ladder, at lower end of, i, 588; Lha or, ii, 60; Lords of moon called, ii, 79; Lunar, ii, 693; Lunar ancestors or, i, 184, 248, 284; Lunar Gods or, i, 114, 197; Lunar monads or, i, 203; Lunar spirits or, ii, 415; Mahar-loka, in, i, 398; Mankind offspring of, i, 245; Messengers of sacred fathers are, i, 116; Occultists, of, i, 242; Peris may be derived from, ii, 412; Pitara Devatâs or, ii, 151, 640, 656; Pitri Devatâs or, ii, 181; Prajâpatis, and, i, 493, ii, 173; Primordial man evolved by, ii, 281; Progenitors or, i, 492, 663, ii, 61, 62, 92, 116; Rishis and, i, 125; Rulers and, ii, 93; Science declares, are fictions, i, 670; Secret Doctrine synonym for, i, 119; Shadows of, ii, 644; Shishta or, ii, 173; Solar and lunar, i, 477; Solar deities or, i, 114; Somapa, ii, 624.

Pivot, Manas the, ii, 251.

Piyadasi, Inscription of, ii, 53.

Placenta, ii, 483, 686, 705, 706.

Placental, Animals before man, ii, 778; Mammal, i, 213, ii, 754.

Placentalia, Divisions of, ii, 754.

Plagiarism, Demon accused of, i, 430; Evangelical, ii, 506; Legendary, ii, 505; Pascal, by, ii, 575; Sepp, Dr., by, i, 718, ii, 655; Systematic, ii, 506.

Plaksha, one of the seven dvîpas, ii, 334, 422.

Plane, Absolute consciousness, of, i, 298; Absoluteness, of, i, 154; Abstraction, of, i, 68; Action of lower host, of, ii, 440; Akâsha, of circle, i, 46; Arûpa or formless, ii, 116; Astral, i, 239; Atoms on, of matter, i, 696; Being, occult principles on every, of, i, 494; Circle, of boundless, i, 40, 673; Consciousness, of our, i, 309, 351, 592, 647, 661, ii, 513, 710; Consciousness, of, ii, 513; Correlation of each, i, 19; Cosmic, i, 163, 169, ii, 113; Creative, cube on, ii, 39; Death on terrestrial, ii, 561; Devalokic, i, 156; Dhyânîs and Elohim, of, i, 297; Differentiation, of, i, 267; Divine, mystery on, i, 90; Dual idea carried through every, i, 421; Earth, of, i, 259; Effects, of, i, 561; Elements and gases on objective, ii, 119; Eternity of universe as a boundless, i, 44; Evolution of ethereal races, of, ii, 166; Evolution on cosmic, ii, 113; Existence of phenomenal world, of, ii, 584; Experience of any, an actuality for percipient, i, 315; Fall of angels repeated on every, ii, 280; First, of perception, i, 211; First race mindless on our, ii, 208; Fourth or lowest, of material life, i, 214; Globes two by two on each, ii, 801; Higher, of being, i, 663, ii, 85; Hydrogen is gas only on this, ii, 111; Illusion, of, i, 115, 302; Life, of conscious, i, 625; Lower manifested, i, 277; Manifestation of light on our, i, 280; Material and terrestrial, ii, 60; Material, of evolution, a, ii, 64; Matter, of, i, 68, 283, 531, 674; Matter on next higher, i, 592; Matter on objective, ii, 37; Mâyâvic, i, 266; Mentality, of, i, 198; Metaphysical, i, 138; Mind on sensuous, i, 123; Monad not of this, i, 198; Moon on same, of perception as earth, i, 196; Mortals, of, i, 264; Mystic, i, 123; Nature, of differentiated, ii, 84; Nature on physical, i, 669; Nirvâna, a higher, after, i, 287; Noumenal world, of, ii, 615; Number on ideal, i, 374; Objective, i, 490, ii, 626; Objective and subjective, of nature, i, 173; Objective globe and chain, of our, i, 719; One unconditioned all, of, i, 288; Oxygen, etc., on a deeper, i, 686; Perception, ether is matter on another, of, i, 529; Perception, of, i, 295; Perceptions, of deceptive, ii, 498; Personality, Manas on, of, ii, 61; Phenomenal, i, 124; Physical, i, 582, ii, 707; Physical senses, of our, ii, 442; Polarity on our, i, 559; Presence, of abstract, i, 31; Primeval differentiation, of, ii, 196; Principle of life on our, i, 588; Psychic and spiritual, ii, 116; Rays on, of spirit, i, 696; Senses, known by our, ii, 65; Seventh, i, 309, ii, 652; Sexual, ii, 88; Shapes from one, all, i, 420; Sound and colour on physical, i, 582; Spheres, light on our, is darkness in the higher, i, 485; Spiritual or astral, energy on, i, 706; Spiritual reproduced on cosmic, i, 200; Square, ii, 662; States of matter have only a relative existence on our, i, 351; Subjective, i, 303; Surface of circle, of, ii, 585; Surface, study by inductive method limited to, ii, 605; Sûtrâtma, of, ii, 83; Terrene, our, i, 190; Terrestrial, i, 168, 370, ii, 96, 513; Thought, of, i, 272, ii, 567; Thought on astral, i, 149; Triangle on lower, i, 679; Triangular, i, 676; Universal consciousness, of, ii, 631; Universal manifestation, of, ii, 41; Universal, of productive nature, i, 674; Universe, of, i, 215, 294, 693.

Planes, Atoms, of existence of, i, 174; Beings from higher, ii, 92; Consciousness, of, i, 147, 220, ii, 741; Consecutive matter, of, i, 171; Creators active on intellectual, ii, 81; Descending, ii, 517; Divine instructors on various, ii, 374; Ether, of, i, 274; Evolution, of, i, 185; Existence, of, i, 622, ii, 169, 255; Fohat acts on all, i, 136; Globes overshadowing earth on superior, i, 189, ii, 802; Good and evil on manifested, i, 445; Illusion, of, i, 154, 637; Intermediate, of lower consciousness, ii, 287; Leibnitz, not risen above first, i, 687; Light waves on lower, i, 456; Manifestation, of, i, 167, 260, 269, 271; Materialist, inaccessible to, i, 582; Midway halt between two, ii, 778; Modes of thought on different, ii, 350; Monads on higher, i, 680, 693; Orbital, of planets, i, 659; Perception, of, i, 212, 350, ii, 387; Phraseology, beyond ordinary, ii, 350; Pilgrimage through all, of existence, ii, 108; Plerôma, of, i, 437; Protyles corresponding to various, ii, 778; Reality, of only eternal, i, 677; Revolution, ii, 250; Septenary kosmos, of, i, 221; Seven circles are seven, ii, 513; Six-pointed star and, i, 236; Subjectivity and objectivity, of, i, 734; Terrestrial, sidereal, and moral, ii, 657; Two, ii, 294; Upper and lower, i, 678; World of formation, of, i, 176; Worlds, or, ii, 642; Zones and, i, 442, ii, 801.

Planes of being, Each atom has seven, i, 174; Invisible, i, 274; Seven, ii, 251, 669; Various, i, 116.

Planet, Age of our, i, 174; Angels on this, of dense matter, ii, 507; Angels or regents of a, i, 449, 630, ii, 88; Aura of, i, 255; Ball of fire-mist becoming a, ii, 162; Brihaspati, Jupiter, ii, 49; Calculation, predicted by a, ii, 460; Chain of our, ii, 802; Configuration of, Venus, ii, 35; Creation of our, i, 345; Creator of our, ii, 29; Earth a small, passing through the habitable phase, ii, 75; Earth or any visible, i, 177; Elements of our, i, 167; Globes at pralaya have their energy transferred to other, i, 182; Great architect over each, i, 477; Human stock adapted to, i, 189; Importation into area of, ii, 723; Inhabitants of every, ii, 48; Intra-cosmic, regarded as Mâyâ, i, 40; Jupiter a critical, ii, 145, 147; Life cycle on this, i, 253; Mars, ii, 47, 132, 399, 654; Mercury, i, 417, ii, 31, 383, 477, 570; Moon and, Jupiter, ii, 147; Moon said to be a dead, i, 172; Nascent, i, 648; Nebo deity of Mercury, ii, 477; Nebula, formed from a, i, 49; Obscuration of resting, ii, 697; Organic evolution on, ii, 722; Palace house or, ii, 32; Principles of, transferred, i, 170; Pulse of, ii, 659; Revolution of our, i, 703; Satan God of our, ii, 245; Seven days, alters its appearance every, ii, 635; Seven principles of man, correlated to, i, 19; Shani, i, 496; Spirits from another, ii, 646; Spirits of this, ii, 6; Star or, inhabited, ii, 48; Stellar chemical action not identical with that on this, i, 654; Temperature differs on every, i, 166; Theologians’ view of mankind on this, ii, 158; Tidal action on our, ii, 67; Tower of Nebo, ii, 477; Venus, ii, 34, 36; World, sister, of every, ii, 36.

Planetary, Atmosphere, i, 167; Babylon, temple of, ii, 477; Chambers, i, 621; Combinations, i, 627; Composition of, bodies, i, 653; Conjunctions, i, 720; Creators, i, 102; Dhyânis, ii, 32; Division, i, 177; Elohim, ii, 134; Evolution, i, 25; Forces, ii, 360; Genii, ii, 25; Humanity on our, chain, ii, 72; Impulses, ii, 736, 737; Inhabitants, i, 670; Macro-cosmos, ii, 675; Manvantara, i, 40, 207, 283; Motion, i, 525, 526, 577, ii, 658; Nebula, i, 652, 654; Period, entities of previous, ii, 243; Powers, i, 693; Pralaya, i, 195; Principle, Emepht supreme, i, 393; Races of men, ii, 671; Regents, ii, 221; Round, i, 183; Spheres, i, 219, ii, 652; Suspension, i, 608; Temple of Babylon, ii, 477; Times, measures of, ii, 573; Venus, sign of, ii, 34; World, i, 288, 309, 655.

Planetary angels, Flocks of stars and, ii, 402; Forces or, i, 255; Group of creative, ii, 134; Incarnating, ii, 378.

Planetary chain, the, Antiquity of, ii, 737; Architect of, i, 153; Bibles and, ii, 743; Brahmâ and, i, 73; Days and nights of, i, 178; Development of, i, 196; Dhyân Chohans of, ii, 155; Dvîpas and, ii, 334; Earth and, ii, 652; Esoteric Buddhism, in, i, 179; Evolution of, i, 19; Formation of, i, 176, 194; Globes of, i, 258, ii, 643; Last round of, i, 179; Life cycle of, ii, 335; Major manvantara and, ii, 322; Monads of, ii, 325; Mysteries of, i, 190; Nebula condenses forming, i, 49; Noah and, ii, 632; Obscuration of, ii, 323; Rebirth of, i, 182; Root-races of, i, 73; Seven spheres of, i, 137, ii, 402; Seven wheels are, i, 168; Stanzas on, i, 90, 175; Vedas on, i, 270; Wheel or, i, 252; Worlds of, seven, ii, 640.

Planetary Gods, Adepts taught by, ii, 221; Âditya of, ii, 69; Patriarchs and, i, 420; Qualities, of, i, 584; Sun worshipped by, ii, 377; System, of our, i, 470.

Planetary spirits, Angels or, i, 703, ii, 332; Brahmâ and, i, 73; Builders and, i, 133; Christians recognized, i, 130; Creative powers or, ii, 582; Dhyân Chohans and, i, 511, 696; Gods and, i, 39, 680, ii, 58; High, i, 298; Karma of, ii, 601; Lipika and, i, 133; Monad of, i, 692; Primary or, ii, 32; Radiation of, i, 627; Seven, ii, 25, 102; Stars, informing spirits of, i, 153; Three groups of the, i, 152; Vital soul or, i, 659; Watchers and, i, 630.

Planetary system, Formation of, i, 651; Higher plane on a, i, 84; Kingdom or, i, 127; Mysteries beyond, i, 142; Pre-genetic day of, i, 428; Pyramids and, ii, 378; Rotatory motion of, i, 477; Secret Doctrine deals only with, i, 83; Stanzas treat only of, i, 41.

Planetation of rings, i, 648.

Planetoids, i, 628, ii, 740.

Planets, Aditi mother of seven, i, 483; Allegories about, ii, 619; Ancient view of, i, 627, ii, 386; Angels identified with, ii, 93, 332; Astronomers’ theories about, i, 653; Astronomy, unknown to, i, 187; Battles of, i, 128; Biographies of all, ii, 49; Blessed ones, on, ii, 619; Chariots of, ii, 34; Choir of, i, 718; Combustible matter of, i, 658; Comets and, i, 224; Conjunction of all, at Kali Yuga, i, 725; Conjunction of, in Pisces, i, 717; Course of, ii, 647; Density of, i, 649; Difference of volume in, i, 608; Direction of revolution of, i, 173; Discovered, i, 629; Division of, ii, 579; Earth, as seen on, i, 535; Earth, influence of, on our, ii, 739; Earth one of a group of seven, i, 191; Elements, constellations and, ii, 121; Evolution of chain of, i, 48; Freaks of, i, 546; Garga knew about, ii, 52; Generally treated of, i, 176; Genesis of, i, 480; Genii of, i, 712, 715; Globes or, ii, 322; Gods or, i, 32, ii, 26, 504, 643; Growth of, i, 667; Guardian of, ii, 503; Habitability of, i, 665, ii, 738, 741; Harmonious motion, of, i, 467; How an astral earth could affect, ii, 262; Human groups and chief, i, 626; Human races in connection with, ii, 449; Identity of motion in, i, 653; Incense burned to, i, 712; Jupiter and Mars between, i, 648; Jupiter and other, i, 726, ii, 144; Karshvares and seven, ii, 402; Lares, or regents of seven, ii, 377; Length of day on four inner, ii, 747; Life on other, i, 579, ii, 36, 742, 746; Life-germs from other, ii, 167; Lord is one of seven, ii, 567; Lucid stars and, i, 227; Mankind, connection between, and, ii, 525; Mars, Mercury and other, are septenary units, i, 188; Mârttânda, sun watches, i, 578; Matter composing, i, 519, 659; Measures of size of, ii, 573; Mercury and Venus, ii, 569; Misconceptions as to, i, 176; Moons and other, battles between, i, 223; Moons of other, i, 180; Motions of, i, 723, ii, 79; Mutation, orbits of, subject to, i, 548; Mystery Gods of seven, ii, 26; Names of, i, 711; Nature’s adjustment of, ii, 573; Night, remain intact during, i, 46; Occultism, of, i, 107; One by one, extinguished, i, 403; Origin of the, i, 129, 544, 651; Periodical conjunction of, i, 713; Plurality of chains of, ii, 739; Primitive impulse of, i, 659; Principle animating, i, 142; Rector, moved by an intrinsic, i, 535; Regents of, i, 424, 630, 631, ii, 26; Religion, of every, ii, 374; Resurrection of, after a minor pralaya, i, 40; Rotation of, i, 547; Sacred, ii, 637; Saturn, sun and moon opposed to, ii, 66; Science, known to ordinary, i, 186; Self moving, i, 733; Seven, i, 233, 626, ii, 25, 637; Seven, Aletæ the, ii, 377; Seven circles are the seven, ii, 513; Seven sons of light called after their, i, 628; Seventy, i, 717; Solar, i, 174; Solar world, limbs and pulses of, i, 590; Spheres, and, i, 632, 735; Spheres of seven, ii, 4, 306; Spirits of, i, 153, 255, 472; Stars and, ii, 87; Stellars or seven, i, 217; Strings or chains of, i, 190; Sun and, i, 227, ii, 27; Sun, detached from, i, 644; Sun, motion of, round, ii, 483; Sun near, i, 544; Suns, comets and, i, 129; System of progress of, ii, 557; System, of our, ii, 626, 741; Time measurers, as, ii, 657; Undiscovered, i, 629; Varied nature of, ii, 742; Venus most occult of, ii, 33; Vital soul of, i, 659; Well known, i, 186.

Planisphere of Dendera, ii, 233, 358, 359, 385.

Plant, Animal, and, i, 491; Animal, becomes an, i, 132, ii, 758; Aphides or, lice, ii, 142; Beast, becomes a, i, 266, ii, 270; Die, to live as a, seed must, i, 495; Golden stem and azure blossom, of, ii, 443; Human, quickeners of, ii, 108; Immortality, of, ii, 98; Life, i, 637; Man a, i, 65, ii, 195, 196; Monad’s, life, ii, 159; Physical embryo a, i, 206; Protoplasm animal and, ii, 160; Sacred animal, after seven changes becomes a, i, 66; Saptaparna, ii, 606, 625; Seed, of the, i, 304; Soma, ii, 401, 524; Spark becomes a, i, 66, 258; Vital and intelligent force in, i, 311.

Plants, Alkaloids generated by, i, 282; Animals and, ii, 170; Apperception developed in, i, 490; Astral shadows of present, ii, 197; Atoms composing, living, i, 281; Coloured juices of, i, 634; Creation of, i, 274; Forms of, ii, 658; Gigantic, ii, 803; Greenland, in, ii, 10; Hard, that softened, ii, 16, 628; Hermaphroditism of, ii, 182, 696; Jîvas of, ii, 624; Lake villages, of, ii, 781; Medical use of, ii, 380; Migration of, ii, 767; Miocene, ii, 767; Moon’s influence on, i, 202, ii, 111; Occult powers of, ii, 78; Old and new world, of, ii, 836; Sacred aquatic, i, 378; Senses of, i, 665; Sensitive, i, 491; Sunlight, would perish in eternal, i, 445; Three ages before Gods, came, ii, 55.

Plasm, Immortal part of our bodies or, i, 244; Spiritual and germinal, i, 238.

Plastic, Form of the globe, i, 280, ii, 67; Mediator, Buddhi the, i, 263; Mediator, Manas or, i, 262; Minds of first races, i, 290; Modellers, ii, 159; Svabhavat, essence, i, 90.

Plastids of Hæckel, ii, 700, 709.

Plastidular souls, ii, 687, 700, 708, 709, 710.

Plastidule, Perigenesis of, ii, 709, 711.

Plateaux of Central Asia, ii, 233, 644, 786.

Platinum, Decomposition of, i, 563; Hydrogen gas and, i, 615; Psychic natures in, i, 666, 667.

Plato, Adept, an, i, 19; Androgyne of, i, 461; Anima mundi taught by, i, 81; Atlantis of, ii, 7, 149, 155, 328, 337, 420, 422, 423, 425, 426, 447, 448, 785, 808, 811, 835; Chaos soul of world of, i, 367; Christian dogmas reminiscences of, ii, 280; Decussated circle of, ii, 623; Decussated cross in space of, ii, 592; Decussated man of, i, 342; Deductive method of, ii, 605; Deity of, ii, 584; Divine idea of, i, 391; Dynasties, on divine, ii, 384; Four elements of, i, 498, 499, 619; Greeks, on descent of, ii, 812; Heraclides a pupil of, i, 142; Highest God of, i, 459; Highest principle of, i, 503; Human soul, on, ii, 92; Idea of evil of, ii, 389; Infinite and finite of, i, 460; Initiate, an, i, 32, ii, 413; Island of, ii, 260, 367, 733, 822; Knowledge of, ii, 804; Koros or Kurios, on, i, 377; Kosmos, on formation of, i, 372; Light, on, i, 634; Logos as first cause of, i, 43, 235; Mayas coëval with Atlantis of, ii, 38; Method of, ii, 162, 617; Panodorus, ii, 382; Pantheons, on immorality of, ii, 807; Pelasgians, on, ii, 818; Persian tales, and, ii, 412; Philosophy of, ii, 145; Phoroneus, on, ii, 547; Protagoras of, ii, 431; Quoted, i, 130, 148, 185, 222, 302, 360, 363, 643, 670, 711, ii, 8, 42, 44, 77, 99, 102, 142, 168, 187, 227, 387, 390, 550, 558, 585, 633; Rectors of planets of, i, 535; Saïs, on words of priests of, ii, 785; Secrecy, on oath of, ii, 807; Solon, respecting story of, ii, 278; Soul of world of, i, 361; Supreme good of, ii, 585; Theology of, ii, 634; Theos defined by, ii, 575; Timæus of, ii, 829; Universal soul of, i, 377; Winged races of, ii, 58, 101, 276.

Plato Panodorus, ii, 382.

Platonic, Teachings, i, 677; Theory, adaptation of, ii, 639.

Platonists, Aim of later, i, 730; Archetypal world of, i, 221; Logos of, i, 135, ii, 574.

Platyrrhine apes, ii, 181.

Platyrrhini of Hæckel, ii, 203.

Pleiad, Disappearance of the seventh, ii, 581.

Pleiades, the, Alcyone in, i, 545; Atlantides and, ii, 811, 830; Central point, ii, 582; Colure passed through, ii, 426; Giants watched by, i, 469; Hyades, and, ii, 829; Influences of, i, 711; Krittika or, ii, 454; Making of, i, 710; Niobe daughter of one of, ii, 815; Occult meaning of, ii, 654; Rishis, wives of seven, ii, 579, 580, 581; Rising of, at beginning of Kali Yuga, i, 726; Royal astronomical societies and, i, 730; Symbols, and astronomical, ii, 655.

Pleistocene formations, ii, 725.

Plenum, Boundless space of divine, i, 172; Connection of all matter in, i, 675; Container of all that is, i, 37; Everywhere, i, 538; Gods and genii within, i, 621; Matter, of, i, 683; Philosophies not insane enough to deny a, i, 734.

Plerôma, Church fathers and, i, 218; Downfall of, i, 449; Ogdoad of, i, 483; Satan’s lair? ii, 532; States of, ii, 83; Trunk of tree crossing planes of, i, 437; Universe of, ii, 28; Vehicle of light and, ii, 537.

Plesiosauri, ii, 215, 217, 269, 715, 753.

Plexuses, Seven nervous, ii, 96.

Pliny, Ancient science and, ii, 726; Argonauts, on, ii, 361; Druids, on, ii, 799; Egyptian year, on, ii, 656; Giant, speaks of a, ii, 291; Glacial sea, on a, ii, 821; Northern seas, places Asteria in, ii, 817; Persian Otizoë, on, ii, 362; Polar night, on, ii, 816; Quoted, i, 178, 719, ii, 4, 351, 385, 583; Rocking stones, on, ii, 358; Sphericity of earth taught by, i, 142.

Pliocene, Atlantis, portions of, ii, 413; Chartres, sands near, ii, 794; Giants, remains of, ii, 797; Man, ii, 301, 713, 729, 782, 788, 834; Period, ii, 265, 328, 714, 718, 726, 738, 754, 755, 780.

Plongeon, A. Le, quoted, i, 287, ii, 38.

Pluralité des Mondes, quoted, i, 663, ii, 144, 742.

Plurality of worlds, i, 663, 664, 665, ii, 567, 740, 746.

Plurality of Worlds, quoted, i, 665, ii, 158.

Plutarch, Annus Magnus spoken of by, ii, 829; Antæus the giant, on, ii, 291; Cimmerians, on, ii, 816; Egyptian year, on, ii, 656; May, on month of, i, 426; Quoted, i, 150, 249, 674, 683, 713, ii, 129, 130, 351, 613, 634, 635.

Pluto, Atlantic islands sacred to, ii, 427; Eurydice carried off by, ii, 830; Fire-flame of helm of, i, 361; God of earth, i, 500; Gold-abounding flood of, ii, 434; Hades, or, ii, 378; Serpent and, ii, 30; Spirits of the earth and, i, 501.

Pluto-Aïdoneus, the aërial Jove, i, 502.

Pneuma, Anemos and, i, 365; Breath, voice, synthesis of senses, i, 123; Father and mother of, ii, 119; Wind or, i, 247.

Pneumatics, Occult and kabalistic, i, 263.

Pneumatologie des Esprits, referred to, i, 232, 422, ii, 292, 353, 356, 383, 474, 502, 558, 655.

Pococke, quoted, i, 362.

Poems, Orphic, i, 711, ii, 357.

Point, Compounds and their dissociation, i, 639; Concealed and unknowable, i, 487; Cycle, meridian, of, ii, 314; Cycle of France, in the, i, 708; Departure, primeval, of, i, 671; Eastern esotericism, a symbol in, i, 341; Evolution, midway, of, ii, 777; Foundations of universe said to rest on an inter-etheric, i, 607; Genesis of Gods and men from same, ii, 27; Indivisible, i, 369, 379; Kosmos a single, i, 367; Line generated from, i, 118; Logos or, i, 674; Luminous, i, 466; Manvantaric turning, ii, 260; Mathematical, i, 673, 689; Metaphysical and physical, i, 690; Milky Way, unseen in, ii, 250; Mundane egg, in, i, 31, 87; Neutral, i, 601; Plane, invisible on our, i, 531; Pluche, La, on mathematical, i, 672; Primordial, i, 634; Races, crucial, for, ii, 315; Round, racial, of this, ii, 273, 322; Sephira and later Sephiroth, ii, 117; Solid figures and mathematical, i, 676; Son proceeding from, i, 673; Triangle, within a circle or equilateral, i, 459; Universe evolving from a, i, 407; Veil over circle and, i, 676; Vernal equinoctial, ii, 829; Zero, i, 601; Zodiac, sun at the first, of, i, 724.

Point, central, ii, 39; Atoms emanated from, i, 696; Circle with, i, 47, 390, 460, 463, ii, 583; Deity, ii, 647; Disk with, denotes dawn of differentiation, i, 31; No number to circle with, i, 118; Waters of infinite space, in, ii, 495.

Poison, Nervous ether and, i, 587; Ptomaine alkaloid, i, 282; Visha or death, evil or, i, 371.

Poitou, Colossal stones of, ii, 794.

Polar, Antitheses, two, i, 198; Axes, ii, 450; Cells, ii, 123, 124; Circles, seven, i, 225; Continent, ii, 411; Day and night, ii, 305, 817; Dragon, i, 438; Forces, ii, 88; Jupiter and Mercury, compression of, i, 649; Lands, ii, 819; Lands, submersion of, ii, 376; Lands, three giants are three, ii, 820; Latona as, region, ii, 814; Lights, i, 226; Planets’, diameters, ii, 573; Regions, ii, 305, 338, 339, 340, 816; Satan represents, opposite, ii, 406; Seas, land beyond, ii, 11; Serpent, Eurydice bitten by, ii, 830; Sun, ii, 251; Sun revolving on, plane, ii, 250.

Polarity, Body, of a dead, i, 573; Dual effects called, i, 661; Evil, of matter and spirit, i, 448; Latent and active, ii, 706; Like and unlike, i, 169; Physical, i, 559; Spirit substance, of, ii, 555.

Polarization, Light, of, i, 527; Sexual, i, 436.

Pole, Africa, southern, shall crush, ii, 800; Continent, north, first, ii, 829; Creation, of, ii, 62; Ecliptic, within plane of, ii, 372, 451; Elevation of, ii, 419; Ganymedes or Aquarius raised above north, ii, 830; Great dragon or, ii, 830; Heavens, of, ii, 372; Immutable father or, ii, 371; Loss of sun at, ii, 812; North, ii, 829, 830; Pit is south, ii, 829, 830; Positive, of creation, ii, 62; Southern, ii, 418, 800; Spirit, one, is pure, i, 522; Terrestrial and ecliptic, once coincided, ii, 449; Tropical, ii, 11, 345, 767; Ursa Minor’s tail, of earth, ii, 812.

Pole star, Continent, has its watchful eye upon first, ii, 6; Dhruva now Alpha, ii, 513, 648; Draco once, ii, 35; Meru or, ii, 829; Prajâpatis all connected with, ii, 812; Pyramid builders and, i, 469, ii, 451.

Pole stars, Dhruvatârâ or, ii, 419.

Poles, Being, of, i, 651; Changes at, ii, 333, 347, 820; Dragons and serpents, called, ii, 286; Dwarf races at, ii, 345; Earth and ecliptic, of, ii, 385, 581; Earth has two fixed points in, i, 662; Equator, agree with, ii, 339; Fourth movement of, ii, 366; Generators, as, ii, 378; Golden egg, of, i, 607; Heat at two, ii, 158; Heavenly measure, ii, 379; Inversions of, ii, 369, 455; Inverted, Kabirim and, ii, 376; Life, of, ii, 267; Mahat, of, i, 241; Mystic, ii, 373; Passage of, ii, 376; Personifications of, ii, 379; Right angles, at, ii, 450; Storehouses, said to be, i, 226.

Pollux, Castor and, ii, 128, 129, 131, 379.

Polygastric infusoria, i, 200.

Polygenesis, Modified, ii, 259.

Polygenetic origin of man, ii, 178.

Polygenism, ii, 178, 646.

Polygenistic claim, ii, 81.

Polygenists and the Darwinian theory, ii, 179.

Polyhistor, Alex., quoted, ii, 56, 57, 68.

Polymnia of Herodotus, quoted, i, 506.

Polymorphic pantheism, ii, 536.

Polynesia, Aborigines of, ii, 342; Continent of, ii, 234, 342; Lemuria and, ii, 233, 832; Malacca and, ii, 233.

Polynesian Researches, quoted, ii, 204.

Polynesians, ii, 177, 346, 550, 825.

Polyphemus, ii, 809, 813.

Polyps, Primordial epoch, at, ii, 752; Procreation of, ii, 187.

Polytheism, Belief in creators no, ii, 626; Pantheism or, ii, 113; Philosophical, i, 628.

Polytheists, Greek, i, 504; Occultists are not, ii, 204.

Pomatou or Poumoutou, ii, 234.

Pompeii, ii, 246, 460, 838.

Poniard, Yima’s, ii, 644.

Pontiff-name, Lucifer a, ii, 36.

Pontiffs, Breast-plate of, i, 712.

Pontiffs-Piromis of Egypt, ii, 385.

Pope, Authority, as, ii, 330; Gregory and the cross, ii, 620; Peter and Jesus Christ personified by, ii, 488.

Popes, Heliocentric system and, i, 476; Infallibility of, ii, 248; Initiates, some of early, were, i, 330; Literature branded by, i, 416; Lucifer one of, ii, 36.

Poplar, Lombardy, ii, 141.

Poplars in ancient Greenland, ii, 10.

Popol Vuh, referred to, i, 368, ii, 38, 58, 101, 102, 169, 191, 232.

Popular Astronomy, quoted, i, 112, 593, ii, 158, 734.

Popular Science Monthly, quoted, ii, 459.

Popular Science Review, quoted, i, 554, 571, 578, 580, 657, 660, ii, 825.

Population of earth, ii, 630.

Porch, Solomon’s, ii, 243.

Pores, Parents, men born from the, of their, ii, 71; Roma-Kûpas hair or skin, ii, 193; Vîrabhadra created from, of skin, ii, 193.

Porphyrion, the scarlet Titan, ii, 400.

Porphyry, Mundane egg, on, i, 385; One principle, on, i, 458; Pythagorean monad and duad, on, i, 460, 677; Pythagorean numerals, on, i, 386; Sarcophagus in king’s chamber, i, 337; Speech of Hermes, and, ii, 572; Stone, white oriental, ii, 559.

Porpoise, Heavenly, ii, 579, 648; Shishumâra or, ii, 579.

Porta-Pia, Sarcophagus of a tomb near, i, 441.

Portents, Akibeel taught meaning of, ii, 393.

Portugal, Trigonocephalus of, i, 282.

Poseidon, Amours of, ii, 819; Dragon, ii, 372; Fourth root-race symbolized by, ii, 809; Giants, personation of vices of, ii, 819; Homer, in, ii, 417; Ministers of, ii, 611; Neptune or, i, 502, ii, 610, 808; Nereus and, ii, 810; Trident of, ii, 408.

Poseidonis, Atlantis or, ii, 328, 338, 425, 426; Confusion between great continent and, ii, 811; Deluges and, ii, 793; Esoteric Buddhism and, ii, 277; Inhabitants of, ii, 427; Third step of Vishnu and, ii, 809.

Positive, Electricity, i, 737; Ether, phenomenal, i, 553; Matter, pole acts in world of, i, 607; Negative, awakening, i, 311; Philosophy, i, 216; Polarity, ii, 706; Pole of creation, ii, 62; Sexes, ii, 280.

Positive and negative, Electricity, i, 169, 602; Forces, i, 302, ii, 27; Life is, i, 661; Mutually attracted, i, 268; Polar forces, ii, 88; Poles of dual matter, i, 277; Svastika implies, ii, 33; Triple deity said to be, i, 370.

Positivism, i, 38, 519.

Positivist, Paul d’Assier, ii, 157; School of Spencer is, ii, 165.

Positivists, Buddhists of old school called, i, 33; Materialists and, i, 680; Stellar systems, asked to explain, i, 172.

Post-Atlantean giants, ii, 443.

Post-Babylonian Jews, ii, 487.

Post-Christian, Book of Enoch not a, forgery, ii, 564; Fancy, ii, 480.

Post-diluvian, Ages, ii, 372, 456; Bible, men of, ii, 411; Father of humanity, ii, 644; Forefathers, ii, 449; Jews, language of, i, 250; Navigators, ii, 424; Neo-Aryans, ii, 372.

Post-genetic mysteries, Earlier, i, 687.

Post-glacial, Drift, ii, 74, 725; Relics of Somme valley, ii, 780.

Post-human, Mammalia are, ii, 723, 727.

Post-Mahâbhâratan period, India of, i, 51.

Post-manvantaric Nirvâna, ii, 516.

Post-miocene depression, Possible, ii, 822.

Post-mortem, Separation of animal and divine man, ii, 521; Zones of, ascent, i, 442.

Post-planetary, Ethereal fluid of Leibnitz is, i, 687.

Post-secondary man, ii, 726.

Post-tertiary period, the, ii, 59, 751.

Post-types of Aditi and the spirit, ii, 480.

Postel, Guillaume, ii, 280.

Posthumous Humanity, referred to, ii, 157.

Postulant, Sun at mysteries represented by, ii, 484.

Potassium, i, 602, 640.

Potatoes, Sidereal motions and diseases of, i, 707.

Pothos, the union of spirit and chaos, i, 363.

Potter and the clay, ii, 304.

Potter, Ed., referred to, ii, 437.

Potter’s wheel, Ammon making men on a, ii, 223, 305; Khnoom, fashioner of men on, i, 393.

Pottery, Ancient art of, ii, 762; Fragments of, ii, 764; Neolithic, ii, 755.

Poumoutou (? Pomatou), ii, 234.

Poussinière, or Pleiades, i, 726.

Prabhavâpyaya, the place of origination, i, 77, ii, 113, 114.

Prachetâs, the Sanskrit of Varuna, ii, 611.

Prachetasas, Deep, come forth from, ii, 520; Devotions, absorbed in their, ii, 519; Nârâyana, worship, ii, 611; Personified soul or, ii, 521.

Prachetases, Mârishâ and, ii, 186, 187.

Pradhâna, Alaya in one sense is, i, 80; Beginningless and endless cause, i, 595; Brahmâ, a cause superior to, i, 397; Chaos or, i, 487; First product of, ii, 61; Matter, unmodified, i, 480, 636; Mâyâ, called, i, 92; Mûlaprakriti, is, i, 276; Prakriti, an aspect of, i, 81; Primeval matter or, i, 276; Primordial homogeneous matter, or, i, 199; Primordial substance or, i, 305; Purânas and, i, 277; Sânkhya teaching as to, i, 86; Substance undifferentiated or, i, 92, 236.

Prâdhânika Brahma spirit, One, i, 276, 480.

Prælectiones Theol., quoted, ii, 392.

Præternatural voice from heaven, ii, 112.

Prahlâda, son of Hiranyakashipu, i, 453.

Prajâpati, Akâsha, derived from, ii, 601; Arjuna Mishra refers to, i, 122; Athivâhikas or, i, 157; Bhrigu one of, ii, 33, 36, 80; Brahmâ or, i, 109, 122, 459, ii, 661; Creative forces, or, ii, 606; Creators or, ii, 82; Dhruva and, ii, 579; Intelligences, as informing, ii, 37; Lord, i, 625; Mahâbhârata, of, ii, 44; Male, called first procreating, i, 118; Mind-born sons of, ii, 149; Osiris, chief, i, 471; Rishi, i, 477, 624; Seed of life and, ii, 159; Seven, i, 117, 494; Universe, or this, i, 464; Vâch of Vedas, i, 161, 461, 464, 466.

Prajâpatis, Arûpa Gods not, ii, 334; Brahmâ, mind born sons of, ii, 186, 662; Brahmâdicas were, ii, 151; Brâhmanas, of, ii, 297; B’raisheeth, synthesized by, i, 402; Chief and Lord of, ii, 172; Creators, are, i, 370; Crown, issue from, i, 467; Daksha, chief of, ii, 86, 258; Forefathers of men, i, 479, ii, 271; Genealogies of, ii, 259; Higher, i, 493; Individualities of, i, 256; Jyotis, one of, ii, 809; Lords of being or, ii, 63; Manu produced the, ii, 322; Manu Svâyambhuva synthesis of, ii, 744; Manus or, i, 268; Period, of this, ii, 650; Pitris, and, ii, 173; Pole star connected with, ii, 812; Progenitors and, ii, 646; Purânas, of, ii, 297; Rishis and, i, 624; Sephiroth, are, i, 380, ii, 137; Seven and ten, ii, 264, 382; Seven builders or, i, 470; Ten semi-divine, i, 373.

Prajâs or creatures, Lords of the, ii, 151.

Prajñâ, Perception, or capacity of, i, 163; Potentiality of, ii, 631; Seven states of consciousness or, ii, 32, 673, 678.

Prâkrita, Creations, i, 460, 481, 490; Primary or, creation, i, 489, 492.

Prakriti, Akâsha and, i, 277; Aranî as, ii, 555; Brahmâ in its totality has aspect of, i, 47, 592; Buddhi spiritual modification of, i, 623; Essence, or, ii, 555; Ether and, i, 553; First form of, i, 636; Gaia, earth as, ii, 68; Indiscrete same as discrete, i, 400; Jîva in every particle of, i, 569; Light, as, ii, 555; Male of, i, 487; Material cosmos or, i, 276; Matter or, i, 92, 109, 111, 267, 487, ii, 633; Mineral kingdom and, i, 201; Mother of wisdom, ii, 556; Mûlaprakriti and, i, 92; Nature and, i, 39, 595; Pradhâna is subtile, i, 80, 81; Prism of, ii, 672; Purânas, i, 660; Purusha and, i, 44, 82, 268, 304, 309, 462, 602, ii, 45, 130; Spirit and, one Brahman, i, 453; Time aspect of, i, 47; Womb, which bore Brahmâ in its, ii, 555.

Prâkritika, Brahmâ, occurs at end of age of, i, 398; Elemental dissolution or, i, 399, ii, 72, 323.

Prakritis, Seven, i, 350, 357, 358.

Pralaya, Absolute, i, 40; Atoms during, i, 685; Atyantika third, i, 398; Beginning of, i, 310; Builders reconstruct kosmos after every, i, 130; Chain after, i, 205; Cosmic deluge or, ii, 72; Cosmic idealism ceases during, ii, 633; Darkness symbolical of universe during, i, 98; Day of judgment means minor, ii, 653; Deity latent in, i, 370; Dissolution or, i, 395, 602; Duration of, i, 719; Evolution after, ii, 530; Final, i, 400, ii, 646; Geological race, ii, 422; Great age and, i, 266; Great and minor, i, 46, 190; Hour of, i, 276; Incidental, i, 399; Kinds of, many, i, 84; Kosmos will run down to appear after, i, 173; Logos in time of, i, 461; Mahâ, i, 396, 398; Manvantara and, i, 40, 260; Meaning of, ii, 323; Minor, i, 40, 46, 190; Monad, i, 623; Mother during, i, 686; Motion finds intervals in, i, 540; Night of Brahmâ or, i, 72; Night of rest or, i, 70, 482; Noah’s raven symbol of cosmic, i, 478; One all during, i, 48; Passivity of being or, i, 302; Paurânic account of great, ii, 800; Periodical, of globes, i, 220; Planetary dissolution or, i, 182, 195; Prâkritika second, i, 398; Primordial latent during, i, 116; Process of creation after, i, 402; Purusha and Prakriti one during, i, 637; Races, of, third, ii, 344; Reabsorption or, i, 510; Reawakening of universe after, i, 49; Ring not passable till next, i, 157; Round, after seventh, ii, 597; Round preceded and followed by long, i, 185; Seventh period, after, i, 403; Solar, i, 41, 84, 580; Soul slumbers during, i, 31; Space and eternity in, i, 31; Spiritual energy during, i, 155; Uniformity in, i, 286; Universal, i, 349; Vâch disappears during, i, 464; Worlds after manifestation going into, i, 168; Zodiac foretold, i, 713.

Pralayas, Allegory of two, ii, 814; Cosmic and solar, i, 46; Different, i, 397, 603; Interval between minor, ii, 321; Obscurations or, ii, 697; Poles, at, ii, 339; Round, during this, ii, 344; Seven sabbaths are, ii, 790; Times of, ii, 812; Universal unity during, i, 672.

Pralayic, Darkness of chaos and non-being, i, 719; Eternities, i, 85; Inactivity, ii, 103; Non-existence of cosmic ideation during, periods, i, 350; Sleep, i, 266.

Pralîna, i, 399.

Pramantha, God armed with, ii, 554; Prometheus and, ii, 548; Sanskrit word, ii, 431; Stick, or, ii, 552.

Pramatha signifies theft, ii, 431.

Pramatih, son of Fohat, ii, 431.

Pramlochâ, Kâma sent, ii, 186; Kandu and, ii, 184, 185; Nymph, ii, 180; Pious, ii, 429.

Pram’zimas, the master of all, ii, 283.

Prâna, Apâna and, i, 122, ii, 600; Atmâ and, i, 247; Breath of life or, ii, 669; Breaths or life winds, or, ii, 598; Human principle, second, ii, 627; Jîva and, i, 573; Life or, i, 181, 245, 262, 573, ii, 578, 631, 709; Material, or life, i, 283; Offering, portion of the, ii, 599; Principle, fifth or third, i, 177; Principle, second, i, 263.

Prânamayakosha, Astral body and Prâna or, i, 181.

Pranava, Most sacred term is, i, 466; Vâch, called, i, 162, 466.

Prânâyâma, Vital winds or breath, i, 123; Yoga practices, in, i, 122, ii, 600.

Pranidhâna of the Yogîs, ii, 92.

Prasanga Madhyamika teaching, i, 75.

Praseodymium mentioned by Crookes, i, 165, 597.

Prashraya explained by Vinaya, ii, 556.

Pratisanchara, the incidental dissolution, i, 399.

Pratisarga, or secondary creation, ii, 112.

Pratt, Henry, M.D., quoted, i, 38, 247, 365, 674, ii, 257.

Pratyâhâra, Dissolution or, i, 123, 277.

Pratyagâtmâ, Jîvâtmâ or, ii, 37.

Pratyayasarga, or intellectual creation, i, 492.

Pravaha wind, ii, 647.

Prayâga or Allahabad, i, 422.

Prayer, Airyama-ishyô, called, ii, 544; Anthropomorphic being, to, i, 307; Black magic, often, i, 506; Christian churches, books of, i, 505; Devakî, to, ii, 555; Earth spirit’s, to sun, ii, 31; Incantations and, i, 508; Jehovah and Boreas, to, i, 506; Jewish, i, 678; Nemesis, to, i, 704; North, chanted turning to, ii, 378; Rain, for, i, 505; Revenge, for, i, 448; Sailors, of Neapolitan, i, 507; Storm and danger, during, i, 508; Vishnu, to, i, 452.

Pre-Adamic, Alchemists on, earth, i, 368; First root-race, i, 402; Men, ii, 324.

Pre-Adamite, Deluge, ii, 415; Kings, ii, 88; Man, i, 345, ii, 789; Nations, ii, 412, 474; Period, ii, 297; Races, i, 345, ii, 181, 263, 302, 745; Races, Atlantean not Satanic, were, i, 346.

Pre-animal human races, ii, 687.

Pre-archaic periods, Mysteries of, i, 23.

Pre-astronomical cosmic flood, ii, 369.

Pre-Atlantean Titans, ii, 408.

Pre-Brâhmanical Asuras, etc., ii, 173.

Pre-Christian, Cross is, ii, 620; Gnostic gems are, ii, 596; Kabalist, i, 425; Pistis-Sophia is, ii, 597; Scandinavia, ii, 588.

Pre-geological ages, i, 686.

Pre-glacial man, ii, 74, 756.

Pre-Homeric Greeks, ii, 10.

Pre-human, Ethereal race, ii, 174; Evolution of, water-men, ii, 671; Fauna and flora, ii, 775; Monsters, ii, 121; Period, ii, 297, 329, 336; Type, ii, 716.

Pre-Lemurian continent, ii, 819.

Pre-matter or protyle of Crookes, i, 350.

Pre-natal, Man, ii, 492; Shells of third race, ii, 207; Sphere of embryo, ii, 199.

Pre-nebular period, i, 488.

Pre-physical, Races, ii, 758; Types, ii, 722.

Pre-planetary forms of Saturn, i, 439.

Pre-protyle, World stuff and, i, 654.

Pre-secondary race, a, ii, 754.

Pre-septenary manvantara, Our round in a, ii, 322.

Pre-sexual condition of third race, ii, 34.

Pre-tertiary man, Originally a colossal giant, ii, 8; Science and, ii, 726.

Preceptor of the Daityas, ii, 35.

Preceptors of mankind, First, ii, 374.

Precepts of Yoga, quoted, i, 88.

Precession, Cycles of, i, 469, 713; Cyclic, of all that lives, ii, 275; Equinoxes, of, i, 726, ii, 328, 580, 732; Noting, ii, 581.

Precinct of Minerva, Sacred, ii, 413.

Precincts of the sacred adytum, i, 687.

Precious stones, Hidden virtues of, ii, 445; Rediscovery of, by dynasty of Huschenk, ii, 414; Zodiac and, of Pontiffs, i, 712.

Précis Elémentaire de Physiologie, quoted, ii, 139.

Precosmic, Darkness, i, 485; Deluge, ii, 154; Differentiation of elements, i, 488; Ideation, i, 43; Divine Gods, i, 470; Latency of primordial matter, i, 88; Periods, ii, 272; Root substance, i, 43; Source of wisdom, i, 478; Theogony, ii, 98; Transformations, ii, 153; Yuga, ii, 156.

Predestinarianism, ii, 318.

Predestination in geological life of our globe, i, 702.

Predestines, Law of retribution, no one, ii, 319.

Predetermination of events, i, 707.

Prediluvian, Ages, ii, 170, 630; Patriarchs, ii, 137.

Preëminent number, Seven a, ii, 623.

Preëxistence, Consciousness, of a universal, ii, 515; Creature, of each renewed, ii, 653; Universe, of, i, 298.

Pregenetic, Ages, i, 686, ii, 262; Appearance of manifested point, i, 672; Battles, i, 128; Day, i, 428; Glory of unit, i, 677; Kosmos, i, 47, 676; Matter electrified into life, i, 105; Primordial atom, i, 172; Primordial matter, i, 645; Pûrvaja, or, ii, 113.

Prehistoric, Antiquity, ii, 75; Atlantis, events of, ii, 411; Brussels, Congress at, ii, 794; Cities, ii, 763; Civilization in Central Asia, i, 16; Civilization in, times, ii, 450; Continents, ii, 1, 320; Cycle of, events, ii, 77; Darkness, ii, 496; Facts, ii, 443; Geikie’s, Europe, ii, 755; Giants, ii, 290; Hierophants, i, 389; India, ii, 341; Lemuria, existence of, ii, 7; Monuments, ii, 795; Nations, i, 736, ii, 784, 785; Past, ii, 463, 700; Ranges of mountains, ii, 510; Records, pages from a, i, 31, ii, 273; Science, ii, 761; Tradition, ii, 448; Truths, landmarks of, ii, 821; World, Secret Doctrine religion of, i, 18.

Prehistoric ages, Atlanteans and, ii, 285; Darkness of, ii, 70; Doctrines of, ii, 474; Figure of Satan in, i, 444; Lyell, on, ii, 766; Mystery language of, i, 328; Negro type in Europe in, ii, 786.

Prehistoric man, Antiquity of, ii, 761; Continents, in submerged, ii, 766; Historical and, ii, 364; Lubbock’s, ii, 762; Mementoes of, ii, 448; Remains of, ii, 229.

Prehistoric races, Anthropogenesis of, ii, 5; Heroes of, ii, 298; Mystery language of, ii, 606; Philosophy of, ii, 838; Symbolism of, i, 384.

Preparatio Evangelica, quoted, i, 440, ii, 409, 572.

Presence, Abstract ever-incognizable, i, 31; All, ii, 623; Angel of his, ii, 503; Angels of, i, 358, ii, 247, 606; Deity an unseen, witnessed to by, light, i, 32; Ever-invisible, i, 259, 690; Gill-clefts, of, ii, 722; Planetary powers may become a, i, 693; Sacrificial victims to, i, 301; Shekinah an absolute, i, 678; Spirits of, i, 472; Universal, i, 309, ii, 586.

Present Position of Evolution, quoted, ii, 687.

Presentments, Filmy, ii, 196; Monads of, of men, ii, 60.

Preserver, Fire the, i, 109, ii, 120; Noah, of animal life, ii, 632; Vishnu the, i, 306, 327, 495, 573.

Preservers, Râkshasas called, ii, 174; World, of this, ii, 541.

Presidential Address to the Royal Society of Chemists, quoted, i, 165, 636.

Prevision, Astrology not, i, 708; Holy ones, of, ii, 365.

Priapean monster, ii, 480.

Priapic, Gods became, deities, i, 382; Image, ii, 485; Jehovah a, deity, i, 34.

Priapus, Celestial, ii, 480; Euhemerized, ii, 573.

Pride, Demon of, ii, 287; First physical men, of, ii, 284; Flying dragon, of, ii, 510; Lord Peacock emblem of, ii, 541; Third and fourth became tall with, ii, 284.

Priest, Ahura Mazda, of, ii, 644; Architects, initiated, i, 230; Assyrian, ii, 397; Colleges, ii, 222; Daitya Guru a, instructor, ii, 33; Every man a, to himself, i, 364; Hierophants, ii, 582; High, personified God, ii, 488; Hilkiah the high, i, 712; Initiates, ii, 544; Jethro, of Midian, ii, 571; Marriage rite, at the, i, 674; Midian, initiator, ii, 487; Moses a, of Nebo, ii, 477; Most High God, of, ii, 489; Ophite religion, of, ii, 396; Ugrasena, of, ii, 337.

Priestess mother of the Zuñi Indians, ii, 665.

Priesthood, Babylonian, ii, 731; Materialism, responsible for, i, 632; Orphic, ii, 799; Phraseology of ancient, ii, 138; Tenets disfigured by, ii, 99; Thrace, of, ii, 799.

Priestly caste of the Levites, ii, 138.

Priestly, referred to, i, 683.

Priests, Aleim a college of, ii, 212; Angisaras said to be, ii, 640; Apollo, of, ii, 7; Argha of high, ii, 483; Armenian, ii, 588; Bath Kol and Jewish, ii, 113; Chronology of, ii, 656; Good actions only, i, 301; Hercules, of, ii, 212; Hierophants Adepts or, ii, 384; Hotris or, i, 115; Hyperboreans, of sun, ii, 814; Initiated, ii, 519, 561; Jewish erudite, ii, 495; Kabiri, of, ii, 377; King-Initiates and, ii, 572; Libraries under care of, ii, 557; Magas as, ii, 337; Mexican, ii, 192; Paternoster and, ii, 593; Phrygia and Asia Minor, of, ii, 387; Saïs, of, ii, 387, 388; Sanctum Sanctorum and, i, 500; Seven sacrificial, i, 123, ii, 600, 601, 666; Sun, of, ii, 337, 814; Termini of Hermes-Mercury anointed by, ii, 571; Troy, ii, 620; Vibratory motion of astral light known to ancient, i, 372; Zuñis, of, ii, 665.

Priests of Egypt, Atlantis and, ii, 422; Eggs not eaten by, i, 392; Egyptian dynasties and, i, 287; Great nation mentioned by, ii, 792; Herodotus and, ii, 347, 385, 449, 563; History of, ii, 349; Knowledge of, ii, 807; Resources, of, ii, 832; Septenary and, i, 439; Solon and, ii, 278, 413; Wheat sacred to, ii, 390; Wisdom of, ii, 34; Zodiacs of, ii, 455.

Prima Materia, Cosmic matter, i, 364; Kant, of, i, 654; Mother or, i, 310; Protyle and, i, 686; Solar system, of our, i, 590; Universal mind, emanation of, i, 659; Water as, i, 368.

Primal cause, i, 479, 659, 678, ii, 127, 585.

Primal causes, Sphere of, i, 518.

Primaries, Atoms shadows of, i, 521; Cosmical elements, of, i, 371; Matter, of, ii, 626; Reflections of their, i, 309.

Primary creation, Aryan, ii, 512; Brahmâ and, ii, 56; Commentary on, ii, 120; Elemental kingdoms and, ii, 326; Elements of, i, 239; Eternal light of, ii, 62; Law of, ii, 772; Light, i, 485; Mahat in, i, 104; Meaning of animals in, i, 491; Prâkrita or, i, 492; Secondary and, ii, 56, 113.

Primate, Man in the uterus becomes a, ii, 197, 704.

Primates, Fossil, ii, 714.

Prime cause, Root-manu the, i, 256.

Primeval chaos, Deluge and, ii, 55; Evolution of life from, i, 129; Female space or, ii, 89; Waters or, i, 361.

Primeval man, Astral, ii, 727; Creation and, ii, 200; Ethereal, ii, 157; External form of, ii, 199; Mindless, ii, 84; Ophite Adamas, ii, 479; Pitris and, ii, 92; Pygmalions of, ii, 108; Scientific research as to, ii, 713.

Primeval Manus of Humanity, quoted, ii, 246, 261, 321.

Primeval matter, i, 276, 633, 644, 645, 658, 659, 667.

Primeval races, ii, 693; Culmination of four, ii, 188; Divine, ii, 166; Double-sexed, ii, 141; Esoteric classification of, ii, 260; Hæckel and, ii, 693; History of, ii, 729; Mindless, ii, 728; Seven, i, 268, ii, 641.

Primeval wisdom, Âdi Buddha, i, 84; Atlantean, ii, 388; Fountain of, i, 229; Proof of existence of, i, 27.

Primitive man, Apes and, ii, 714; Being which became, ii, 169; Bhûta, a senseless, ii, 107; Consciousness in, i, 231; Dead of, ii, 712; First or, i, 285; Instructors of, ii, 365; Lower, ii, 194; Outward covering of, ii, 163; Physical, ii, 110; Shape of future, ii, 198; Speechless ape creature, ii, 699.

Primitive men, Handful of, ii, 294; Seven, ii, 3, 101; Streams of, ii, 781.

Primogeneity of the primordial atom, i, 172.

Primogenital forms of cereals, ii, 390.

Primordial light, Angels of, ii, 249; Central sun and, i, 367; Divine, ii, 183; Personified, i, 363, ii, 138; Ray of, i, 252; Shekinah or, ii, 112; Source unknown of, i, 72; Unity of, i, 236.

Primordial matter, Atoms or, i, 113, 350; Coëxistent with space, i, 85; Cosmic, i, 141; Evolutionary impulse to, ii, 253; First form of, i, 96; Flame descends into, i, 124; Homogeneous, i, 199; Inherent law in, i, 124; Latent spirit in, i, 93; Life infused into, i, 105; Limbus major, i, 303; Physical, i, 650; Pradhâna or, i, 276, ii, 61; Pregenetic, i, 645; Protyle and, i, 654; Shadow and, i, 222; Space, and, i, 110; Tethys is, ii, 69; Unmanifested or, i, 39; Vortical movement in, i, 142.

Primordial point, Active power called, i, 378; Light, of, i, 634; Sephira and, i, 360.

Primordial seven, i, 60, 61, 115, 131, 133.

Primordial substance, Akâsha or, i, 347; Alchemy and, i, 352; All of manifested nature and, i, 352; Aranî and, ii, 554; Astral light or, i, 279; Chaos and, i, 361; Cosmic, ii, 27; Divine thought and, i, 347, ii, 606; Dream, regarded as a, i, 170; Kant on, i, 659; Nucleus of, i, 224; Occultists and, i, 347; Phenomena and, i, 352; Pradhâna or, i, 305; Pre-cosmic latency of, i, 88; Real, i, 658; Separation of, i, 274; Space, and boundless, i, 650; Unity as, ii, 27.

Primordial water, Goddess Noo, i, 471; Great green or, i, 332; Ra-shoo or, i, 331.

Principalities, Christian dogma, of, i, 119; St. Paul, of, i, 374, 693; Venus ruled by, i, 469.

Principes or genii, i, 217.

Primordial waters, Abyss of, ii, 613; Cosmic matter, i, 103; Deep, of, i, 108; Space, of, i, 496; Vâhana of Vishnu on, i, 102.

Principia, The, referred to, i, 532, 533, 557, ii, 712.

Principia Rerum Naturalium, quoted, i, 143.

Principium, Parable in work in, ii, 530.

Principium viarum Domini Behemoth, ii, 510.

Principle, Fifth, Âkâsha or, i, 41; Human soul or lower, i, 47; Individuality and, ii, 130; Latent, i, 231; Manas, i, 240, ii, 92, 95.

Principle, Fourth, Fifth and, i, 248, ii, 252; Fohat preserving, i, 136; Helen personified, ii, 840; Mind has affinity with, i, 182; Nephesh, i, 263; Vehicle for fifth, ii, 171.

Principles, Active and passive, ii, 556; Akâsha’s lower, ii, 650; Animal kingdom, of, i, 288; Animals, latent in, ii, 279; Barhishad on a level with lower, ii, 82; Brahmâ unites in himself male and female, i, 357; Chaos, in, ii, 403; Chitkala have punished man with his fourth and fifth, i, 308; Conquest of lower, ii, 284; Cosmic and human, i, 147, 163, 233, ii, 630, 631, 677; Cosmic great body, of, i, 687; Cosmic space, of, ii, 647; Creation by spirit mixing with, i, 487; Creative, in Gods, ii, 113; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 296; Divine essences, of, i, 685; Divisions, zones and, i, 737; Earth, of, i, 183; Eastern initiates, of, i, 218; Elements, of incorporeal, i, 534; Emanations from three higher, of man, ii, 119; Esoteric division of man’s, ii, 390; Ether, of, i, 353; Ether one of, of Akâsha, i, 316; Faculties and senses, of, ii, 599; First and two following, i, 459; Five inner, i, 248; God, of unknown, i, 731; Gods, atoms and monads, of, i, 693; Heavenly man, of, ii, 630; Higher, of man, i, 196; Human, i, 177, 194, 247, ii, 627, 665; Incarnating, choice of, ii, 332; Inner and lower, of third race men, ii, 128; Kosmos and Vâch, of, i, 466; Latent in man, ii, 177; Life winds or, ii, 521; Lower, of man, i, 196, 257, ii, 83; Male and female, lower aspect of one principle, i, 46, ii, 89; Man, animals representing four lower, in, i, 388; Man, of, i, 246, 402, ii, 329; Matter, enclosed in, ii, 298; Metaphysics, in Egyptian, ii, 669; Middle, two, i, 267; Monad a combination of last two, in man, i, 201; Mûlaprakriti, of, i, 681; Mystic, in nature, i, 711; Nature, in, i, 45; Number of, six not seven, ii, 652; Objective, i, 89; Occultism, of, ii, 670; Philosophical order of our, i, 356; Physical body Upâdhi of all, i, 177; Pitris are creators of our lower, ii, 92; Planets transfer their, i, 170, 195; Prakriti, of, i, 400; Primordial, are atoms, i, 93; Rishis stand for seven, ii, 147; Rudimental, or Tanmâtras, i, 490; Science cannot discover six higher, in man, i, 158; Septenary, i, 147, 365, ii, 651, 663; Six, i, 357; Souls or, ii, 600; Spiritual, of men surviving, i, 157; Spiritualism and higher, i, 254; Sthûla Sharîra grossest of our, i, 281; Subtle bodies or, i, 669; Tanmâtras or rudimental, i, 488; Uncreated lights within man’s, ii, 305; Union of three, depends upon a fourth, i, 89; Upper triad, of, ii, 227; Vâch, and four forms of, i, 162.

Principles, Seven, Adept cannot separate, i, 182; Angels of the presence or, i, 358; Antiquity of belief in, ii, 666; Aryan scriptures and, ii, 648; Cosmical and human, i, 46; Human, i, 147, 176, ii, 516, 638, 755; Ignorance of, ii, 678; Letters represent, ii, 60; Man’s, in Isis, i, 252; Matter or, seven forms of, i, 482; Metaphysical sense, in, ii, 201; Planes of, i, 260; Saptaparna refers to, i, 257; Sevenfold occult forces and, i, 19; Solar system, i, 136; States of matter and, ii, 673.

Principles of Human Knowledge, quoted, i, 32.

Principles of Science, quoted, i, 130, 149.

Principles of Zoology, quoted, ii, 179.

Prismatic aspects of colour, Seven, ii, 516.

Prithî, Noah said to be, i, 718.

Prithivî, Earth or, i, 46, 257, ii, 402; Rajamsi above, ii, 642; Solar system or, ii, 651; World, ii, 652.

Prithu, Earth, father of, ii, 271; Earth fleeing before, i, 428.

Privation, Anima mundi lowest plane of, i, 89; Form and matter, i, 89.

Privations, First-born or, ii, 514.

Priyavrata, Division left by, ii, 424; Heirloom left by, ii, 340; King, ii, 386; Seven sons of, ii, 333, 334.

Prjevalsky, the Russian traveller, i, 17.

Proceedings, Royal Society, referred to, ii, 10.

Proclus, Goddess Rhea, on the, i, 481; Quoted, i, 440, 459, 714, ii, 426, 582, 633, 638.

Proclum, Orpheus apud, ii, 151.

Procreation, Act of, ii, 574; Adam Kadmon and organs of, ii, 489; Adam of dust and, ii, 479; Allegory of, by Brahmâ, i, 465; Animals, of, ii, 274; Cross a symbol of human, ii, 576; Elements, of, ii, 625; First race, of, ii, 184; Forms, of, ii, 302; Generative powers for human, ii, 47; Man and species, of, ii, 621; Modes of, i, 436, ii, 90, 123, 178, 181; Mystery of, ii, 429, 662; Nârada enemy of physical, ii, 51; No desire for, ii, 281; Oviparous, ii, 175; Passing phase of, i, 436; Physical, ii, 809; Pitri Devatâs, of the, ii, 157; Planes, on earthly, ii, 296; Powers of, ii, 524; Primeval modes of, ii, 183; Primitive stages of, ii, 698; Reproduction and, ii, 626; Seasons of, ii, 430; Semites and, of species, ii, 572; Sexual intercourse and, ii, 192; Sin, called, ii, 540; Sons of Brahmâ and human, ii, 86; Species, of, ii, 694; Spiritual to physiological, ii, 433; Sub-races of third race, in, ii, 140, 191; Superhuman and human, ii, 296; Sweat-born, of, ii, 186; Water female element of, i, 379; Will, sight, touch and Yoga, of men by, ii, 186.

Proctor, quoted, i, 333, 713, ii, 368, 450, 451, 454.

Productrix and Tetraktys, ii, 636.

Proëmial or elementary man, i, 619.

Progress of Religious Ideas, quoted, i, 383.

Progymnasmata, referred to, i, 645.

Promenades au Musée de St. Germain, quoted, ii, 791.

Promethean myth a prophecy, ii, 433, 434.

Prometheans or spiritual men, ii, 440.

Prometheia, Meaning of, ii, 431.

Prometheus, Allegory of, ii, 83, 109, 248, 255; Asia, son of, ii, 812; Chorus to, i, 704; Chrestos or, ii, 438; Deucalion son of, ii, 812; Devas symbolized by, ii, 99; Divine soul, was, ii, 438; Fall, man will rebecome, before his, ii, 441; Fetahil is, i, 217; Fire and light-giver, a, ii, 433; Fire brought by, ii, 430; Gift of, ii, 439; Greeks, ii, 430, 553; Heavenly host, ii, 439; Hebrew, ii, 393; Hindû views of, ii, 553; Human body, modelling a, ii, 546; Humanity, as suffering, ii, 432; Ideas of, ii, 553; Indian origin of, ii, 552; Io, to, ii, 436; Jupiter is, ii, 282; Kabiric deity, a, ii, 379; Logos, symbol of collective, ii, 431; Loki and, ii, 296; Meanings of name, ii, 548; Myth of, ii, 106, 551; Orientalists on, ii, 549; Pausanias on, ii, 379; Pramantha and, ii, 548; Race of men called forth by Athena and, ii, 546; Soul spark from, ii, 546; Spiritual creators, stands for, ii, 440; Symbolism of, ii, 99, 444; Titan, the, ii, 441, 546; Travesty of, ii, 431; Type, an earthly, ii, 47; Zeus and, ii, 293, 433, 437.

Prometheus Bound, quoted, ii, 429, 430, 431, 434, 435.

Prometheus Vinctus of Æschylus, ii, 551.

Promised land, i, 621, ii, 798.

Proofs of Evolution, quoted, ii, 197, 692.

Propatôr, Gnostics, of, i, 235; Only begotten son, only known to, i, 373.

Prophecies, Ancestors, of, ii, 105; Ancient and modern, i, 707; Book of Enoch, in, ii, 564; Natural, i, 718; Prometheus fixed modes of, ii, 432; Shankarâchârya, by, i, 27; Sidereal, i, 716.

Prophecy, Astrology not, i, 708; Christ, of, ii, 433; Earthquakes, of, i, 708; Gift of, ii, 383; Gravitation about, i, 538; Hindu figures and Christian, i, 718; Isis Unveiled, in, i, 685; Joseph’s dream called a, of Christ, i, 712; Kali Yuga, concerning end of first period of, i, 27; Kepler and a, of Saviour, i, 716; Mysteries of, ii, 427; Promethean myth is a, ii, 433, 435, 437; Record beforehand or to, ii, 657; Reminders, not, but, ii, 517; Roman Catholic, ii, 432; Secret books, of, ii, 463; Seventh race, about, ii, 105; Stones, by, ii, 361, 362.

Prophet, Adam as, of moon, ii, 489, 490; Balaam, ii, 427; Dag-on, i, 717; Ezekiel, ii, 583; Initiate attacked by a, ii, 527; Mahomet, ii, 476, 485; Moses, ii, 591; Nabin, ii, 477; Nazarene, ii, 653; Nebo, God of wisdom, ii, 477; Spiritual eye of, ii, 70.

Prophetess, Scandinavian song of, i, 394.

Prophets, Abominations of, ii, 222; Baal, of, ii, 483; Bible, of, i, 506; Breath, and mystery of, i, 142; Chosen people, of, ii, 491; Cross and, ii, 590; Generations of, i, 293; Genii of planets and, i, 712; Hazy metaphors in, ii, 522; Hebrew, i, 425; Initiates or, ii, 517; Inspiration of, ii, 667; Israel, of, ii, 112; Jealous God of Hebrew, i, 425; Jewish phallic worship and, ii, 622; Jewish realism and, ii, 481; Right path, adepts of, ii, 221, 529; Secret colleges of, ii, 561; Seers, and, i, 251; Word, supreme reason of, or, i, 96.

Proserpina, i, 425, ii, 427.

Prosimiæ, Hæckel’s, ii, 704, 718; Loris allied to, ii, 705; Mammals, or indeciduate, ii, 686, 706.

Prosperity, Goddess of, ii, 80.

Prostitute of the temple, Sacred, i, 512.

Protagoras of Plato, quoted, ii, 431.

Protamœba, one of the Monera, ii, 174.

Protean, Æther, giant, i, 354; Evolution, i, 701; Light, i, 634; Mother, i, 167; Substance, i, 733; Toom, God, i, 736; Unknowable, differentiation of, ii, 769.

Protector, Asia, of, ii, 188; Chosen people of Israel, of, ii, 570; Tibet, of, ii, 189.

Protectors, Excellent land, of, ii, 443; Gods the, ii, 374; Law of Buddha, of, ii, 30.

Protein the base of protoplasm, i, 698.

Protestant, Biblical society, ii, 567; Church, ii, 394, 567; England, i, 506; Providence of Christians, i, 695; Theologians, i, 246, ii, 392.

Protestants, Catholics, dogmatic beliefs of, and, i, 542; Garden of Eden, and, i, 671; Roman Catholics, and, ii, 790.

Proteus, Ether this hypothetical, i, 347; India, Logos a, in, i, 373; Ocean, Atlas and, and depths of, ii, 805; Primordial substance or, i, 352.

Protista, Animals not, ii, 628; Molecular souls of, ii, 687; Molecules of lively, ii, 686.

Protistic Monera, i, 491, ii, 162.

Proto-Chaldæans or Akkadians, ii, 213.

Proto-organisms, Creation from, ii, 127; Ethereal, ii, 194.

Protogenes, one of the Monera, ii, 174.

Protogonoi, the first-born, ii, 47.

Protogonos, First-born, ii, 514, 743, 744; Heavenly man, ii, 28; Light, or first-born, i, 99, 366; Manifested Logos or, ii, 626.

Protologoi or all the creative Brahmâ, i, 358.

Protologos, Archetypal man or, i, 380; Pûrvaja or, ii, 114; Vishnu Orphic, ii, 113.

Protomateria, Primordial, i, 303.

Protomyxa, one of the Monera, ii, 174.

Protoplasm, i, 77, 225, 592, 636, 698, ii, 126, 140, 160, 162, 167, 174, 175, 266, 267, 690, 696, 699, 760, 771; Lecture on, i, 732.

Protoplasmic, Body and cell soul, ii, 711; Egos, i, 303; Model, ii, 159; Molecules of Protista, ii, 686; Moneron, speck called, ii, 199; Phantom of earth, i, 214; Plastidules or, molecules, ii, 709; Primordial, form of man, ii, 76, 200.

Protoplastic, Androgyne Adam, ii, 478; Body of man, ii, 118; Ocean slime, dweller in, ii, 687.

Protoplasts furnished with means of returning to their pristine nobility, ii, 297.

Prototypal form of mankind, i, 245.

Prototype, Act of procreation, of, ii, 574; Adam, of second, ii, 478; Aryan, of Jehovah, ii, 132; Astral regions, of man from, i, 199; Buddha, each, i, 134; Divine, i, 134, 285; Elohim, of man, ii, 88; Fohat, of Erôs, ii, 69; Forms and shapes, of all, i, 303; Heaven, in, i, 512, 700; Human being in spiritual sphere, of every, i, 256; Indra, of Kârttikeya, ii, 400; Kronos, of Jehovah, ii, 150; Macrocosmic, of microcosm, i, 153; Man, of, i, 236; Man shadow of his, i, 285; Model, or, i, 267, 472; Patristic fancy, of, ii, 395; Prometheus, of, ii, 431; Ritualistic worship, of, ii, 49; Roman Catholics and ethereal, ii, 504; Sargon I, of Moses, ii, 730; Serpent, of Azazel, ii, 405; Spiritual, i, 267, 472; Type and, in universe, ii, 127; Tzure or, ii, 478; Venus spiritual, of earth, ii, 34.

Prototypes, Animals, of, ii, 191; Arch-angels, of, i, 670, ii, 617; Astral, ii, 72, 197, 268, 309, 661, 778; Astral envelope of earth, out of, ii, 753; Atlanteans, of, ii, 8, 284; Buddhas, of, i, 133; Fallen angels, of fallen men, ii, 407; First race, of, i, 492; Ideal, caused by Fohat to expand, i, 93; Fourth round, of, ii, 196; Incarnating Jîvas, of, i, 237; Mammal, ii, 727; Men, of, i, 625; Monera, of, ii, 167; Physical from astral, ii, 777, 779; Primeval astral, ii, 195; Prometheus in every theogony, of, ii, 438; Races, of our, ii, 102; Saturn, of, i, 496; Science-struck public, of our, i, 734; Seraphs of Moses, of, ii, 404; Shed by man, ii, 722; Types and, of our present race, i, 208; Universe, sacred animals refer to, of all to be found in, i, 476.

Prototypic causes of the heavenly orbs, ii, 582.

Protozoa, No change in the, ii, 269.

Protyle, i, 77, 88, 90, 155, 260, 303, 350, 362, 568, 573, 600, 604, 636, 637, 639, 677, 681, 683, 686, ii, 111, 778.

Protylean state of the atoms, i, 680.

Protyles, i, 350, ii, 778.

Proverbs of Solomon, quoted, i, 381, ii, 143, 678.

Providence, Active, i, 453; Divine light or, i, 374; Karma and, i, 695, ii, 319; Man need not accuse, i, 706; Synonym of, i, 704; Ways of, i, 705.

Pruner Bey, referred to, ii, 719.

Prytaneum, Stone which ran from the, ii, 361.

Psalm of David, ii, 142.

Psalmist, King, i, 132.

Psalms, quoted, i, 132, 148, 152, 501, ii, 482, 534.

Psammite, Amulets made of, ii, 786.

Psammites, referred to, i, 142.

Psellus on ether, i, 353.

Pseudo-Berosus, ii, 152.

Pseudographs, Forged, ii, 461.

Pseudology and chemistry, i, 682.

Pseudonym of God, Chance the, i, 716.

Psuche, the reflection of Nous, ii, 393.

Psyche, Caterpillar emblem of, i, 103; Greek emblem of soul, i, 103; Nous and, ii, 143; Quaternary, one of a, ii, 634; Wisdom, lower terrestrial, i, 219.

Psychic, Animal, guided by, ii, 431; Cell, ii, 250; Consciousness, i, 190; Craze, ii, 365; Cycles, ii, 838; Dhyân Chohans and humanity, relationship between, i, 247; Element, i, 250, ii, 186; Elements, aspect of, ii, 375; Essence of man, ii, 30; Events, Book of Enoch and, ii, 564; Evolution, i, 238, 672, 680, ii, 65, 92, 115, 253, 382, 428; Faculties, i, 567; Force, i, 361, ii, 59; Function, prototype of every, ii, 96; Gandharva Devas of a, character, ii, 619; Hallucination, powers of, ii, 387; Intellect, i, 231; Intuition, spirit and idea of, i, 592; Involution, ii, 307; Man, characteristics of, ii, 312; Man, formation of, i, 610; Monads, principles of, i, 693; Moon, phases of, i, 426; Nature, i, 170, 180, 245, 643, 666, 667, ii, 202, 332, 650, 668; Organic tries to beget, life, ii, 691; Organizations of adepts, i, 294; Parents of men, ii, 181; Phenomena, i, 568, 708, ii, 62; Physiological and, discoveries, i, 158; Plane, ii, 116; Powers, ii, 309, 808; Primitive man, form of, ii, 163; Principles, i, 494; Realms, i, 521; Relations, man in his, i, 247; Round, changes in man in every, i, 185; Satan and Deity, aspect of, i, 219; Seer and, i, 218; Semi-divine, i, 288; Shadow, i, 248; Sphere of action, ii, 657; Spiritual and, teachings, i, 189; Spiritual life, and, ii, 158; Stones, powers of, ii, 357; Struggle between spiritual and, ii, 284; Struggle on physical and, plane, ii, 67; Sun and moon, deities, i, 250; Symbol, meaning to each, ii, 567; System, i, 389; Universe from a, standpoint, i, 645; Vibrations of atmosphere seen by a, i, 694; World, energy in, i, 554.

Psychic Force and Etheric Force, quoted, i, 610.

Psychical, Ether, cause of sound, i, 316; Mankind, groups of, i, 610; Moon on earth, influence of, i, 203; Mystery of moon, i, 248; Phenomena, spiritual and, i, 201; Principle, ii, 686; Regeneration and immortality, i, 102.

Psychically, Man, considered, i, 498, ii, 439; Moon, dead, i, 172.

Psychics in European armies, i, 615.

Psychism not psychology, ii, 165.

Psycho-chemical principle, i, 364.

Psycho-mental evolves from the spiritual, i, 239.

Psycho-metaphysical symbolism, ii, 600.

Psycho-physicist, Evolution of the, i, 680.

Psycho-physiological, Phenomenon, ii, 157; Symbol, i, 324.

Psycho-spiritual faculty, ii, 387.

Psycho-theistic thought, Ancient, i, 436.

Psychod of Thury, i, 361.

Psychological, Aspect, a, ii, 25; Atomic theory, side of, ii, 687; Creation, secrets of, ii, 574; Evolution, ii, 566; Hindû and Egyptian, spirit, ii, 491; Kandu’s, state, ii, 184; Link, a, ii, 387; Manifestations, ii, 165; Mystery, i, 285, ii, 586; Physiological and, ii, 492; Plane, ii, 678; Problems, i, 158; Prometheus taught, insight, ii, 431; Soul of man, ii, 668; Vagaries of modern, sciences, ii, 85.

Psychologists, Eternity of universe rejected by, ii, 515; Law of periodicity and, ii, 657; Materialists and, ii, 690; Modern, i, 680, ii, 472; Soul, and, ii, 85.

Psychology, Ancients’ knowledge of, ii, 113; Aryan and Egyptian, i, 247; Eastern, a fundamental idea in, i, 84; Fifth element more to do with, than physics, ii, 144; Lunar worship based on, i, 427; Man as known to, i, 697; Materialism, now crass, ii, 165; Metaphysics and, i, 680; Modern, i, 519; Negative, i, 149; Science a trespasser on grounds of, ii, 701; Septenary division in Egyptian, ii, 670; Sevening and, ii, 668; Spiritual science, claimed as a, ii, 708; Transcendental, ii, 264.

Psychometer, Every astronomer should be a, i, 222.

Psychometry, Jñânashakti and, i, 312.

Psychopathic persons, Spirits and, ii, 387.

Psychopompic genius, Mercury as a, ii, 571.

Ptah, Æsculapius or, i, 377; Egyptian, i, 361; Fiery God, i, 391; He who opens, means, i, 377, 393; Logos soul or, i, 378.

Ptah-Ra, the Egyptian, i, 361.

Pterodactyl, the, ii, 160, 215, 217, 229, 404, 715, 736.

Ptolemaic period, Egyptian religion of, i, 330.

Ptolemaios of the Greeks, ii, 53.

Ptolemy, Astronomer, as, i, 722; Calendars of, i, 726; Hindû epochs not derived from, i, 723; Hypothesis of, ii, 158; Kabolitæ, on, ii, 210; Positions determined by, i, 727; Reïncarnation, said to be a, ii, 340; Vindication of, ii, 384.

Ptomaine of modern science, i, 282.

Pueblos, Artufas of the, ii, 191.

Puissance des Nombres d’après Pythagore, referred to, ii, 607.

Pûjâ made to a statue of Jesus in Southern India, i, 101.

Pulaha, a mind-born son of Brahmâ, ii, 82.

Pulastya, Brahmâ, son of, ii, 82, 242; Progeny, one of first, i, 447; Serpents and Nâgas, father of, ii, 191; Vishnu Purâna received from, i, 492.

Pulomâ, daughter of Dânava, ii, 399.

Pulse, Desire, of, ii, 244; Septenary law and human, ii, 659; Universe, of, i, 236.

Puma to lion, Similarity of, ii, 836.

Pums, Brahma and, i, 480; Brahman and, i, 276; Supreme spirit, a portion of, i, 400.

Punarjanman or rebirth, i, 312.

Pundarîkâksha or supreme glory, ii, 114.

Punjâb, finest men in the, ii, 429.

Purâna, Allegory of calf in, i, 428; Padma, i, 447; Seven creations found in almost every, i, 481; Târaka war described in every, ii, 523; Vishnu, i, 372.

Purânas, Agneyâstra of, ii, 666; Allegories of, i, 567, ii, 61, 174, 180, 183; Arctic continent referred to in, ii, 11; Atala of, ii, 420; Atlantis, and, ii, 424; Bhûtas in, ii, 107; Bible and, ii, 133; Brahmâ in, i, 135, 238, ii, 56, 606, 652; Brahmâ Vâch bisexual in, i, 101; Brâhmans and, ii, 157, 597; Branches of knowledge in, i, 192; Calf allegory in, i, 428; Chronological order of, ii, 236; Chronology of, i, 336, ii, 235; Computations in, ii, 71; Contradiction in, ii, 155, 334; Cosmogony of, i, 371, 374, 684, ii, 56; Creation in, i, 238, ii, 78, 85; Creation, on first, i, 486; Creators, on, i, 409; Criticism of, i, 452; Cube in, perfect, i, 367; Dark sayings in, ii, 563; Dead letter of, i, 276, ii, 333, 618; Demons and, ii, 62; Departed lands in, ii, 276; Diti in, ii, 648; Doctrines of, said to be incompatible, i, 453; Emblems, are written, i, 324; Esoteric lining to, i, 188; Esoteric works, once, i, 456; Ether, on, i, 352, 641; Evolution, on, ii, 191, 262, 482, 694; Fables of, i, 358; Fall in, ii, 296; Fallen Gods, on, ii, 242; Geology of, ii, 265; Geometrical figures in, i, 95; Golden egg, on, i, 385; Hindû, i, 26, 140, 306, ii, 3, 54, 424, 476; Historical, ii, 337; Initiated Brâhmans, written for, ii, 334; Jewish liturgy and, i, 678; Kâma-deva in, ii, 185; Kapila in, ii, 603, 604; Kumâras in, i, 494, ii, 182, 610; Legends of giants in, ii, 307; Literally, never to be taken, i, 396; Manus and Rishis in, ii, 650; Mârishâ in, ii, 186, 187; Mind-born sons, on, ii, 288; Mythical language in, ii, 26; Nârada in, ii, 51, 52; Nirmânakayas in all, ii, 98; Noah and, ii, 630; North of Meru referred to in, ii, 340; Number seven in, ii, 38; Origin of, ii, 428; Personifications in, i, 447; Personnel of, ii, 297; Pitris, on, ii, 96, 128; Pradhâna in, i, 277; Prakriti of, i, 660; Pratisarga in, ii, 112; Pre-human period, on, ii, 297; Primordial substance, on, i, 352; Progenitors in, accounts of our, ii, 147; Proofs of old teachings in, i, 325; Pushkara in, ii, 421; Radiant matter in, i, 683; Religion in, i, 141; Rig Veda compared with, ii, 395; Rishi Yogîs in, ii, 82; Royal Society, versus, i, 641; Rudra in, ii, 649; Rulers of, ii, 102; Sacrifice of Daksha in, ii, 192; Sankhya philosophy and, ii, 603; Secondary creation of, ii, 112; Septenary in, ii, 646, 647, 651, 668; Serpent symbolism in, ii, 398; Seven continents, on, ii, 801; Seven creations of, i, 48; Seven Prakritis of, i, 357; Shaiva, ii, 609; Shâka-dvîpa in, ii, 423; Shistas, on, ii, 321; Shukra in, ii, 33; Sound and speech in, ii, 594; Spirit in, ii, 40; Sweat-born in, ii, 184, 186; Symbolic religion of Aryans, on, i, 336; Târa-daitya of, ii, 421; Vedas, and, ii, 555; Veiled language of, ii, 153; Vishnu’s Shveta-dvîpa in, ii, 5, 382; Wars in heaven in, i, 223; Wilford, Col., and, i, 15, 718; World, on great architect of, i, 477; Year of, ii, 657; Yugas, on, ii, 73.

Purânic, Adversary in, literature, i, 444; Astronomy, ii, 264; Deva-loka, accounts of, i, 156; Devas in, legend, ii, 66; Dualistic system, a, i, 276; Exoteric writings, i, 276; Kârana of, commentators, i, 77; Legends, ii, 4, 48, 66; Phrase, oft recurring, i, 132; Shveta-dvîpa in, literature, ii, 5, 382; Text quoted, ii, 122; Writers referred to, i, 223.

Purgations of matter, i, 245.

Purgatory, i, 621.

Purification, Effort of will towards, i, 700.

Purity, Air would secure continuous life, of, i, 280; Corruption of physical, a temporary curse, ii, 297; Director of, ii, 5; Krita age of, i, 405; Languages of, ii, 209; Nirvâna a state of, ii, 85; Satya age of, i, 706; Seer, of, ii, 309; Spirit is inherent, of, i, 215; Spiritual, destruction of, i, 240; State of, ii, 603; Third race, i, 212, ii, 181.

Purohita or family priest, ii, 49, 337.

Purple, Tyrian, ii, 449.

Purûravas and the celestial Gandharva, i, 569.

Purusha, ii, 743; Being or, born from non-being, i, 368; Created deity, a, ii, 114; Heavenly man called, ii, 640; Logos, and, ii, 743; Matter and, union of, i, 392, 499; Parabrahman distinct from, i, 637; Phanes, Erôs or, i, 487; Pradhâna and, are one, i, 637; Prakriti and, i, 44, 82, 268, 304, 400, 462, 592, 602, ii, 45, 130; Principle or, seventh, ii, 606; Principles, or, seven, i, 357; Spirit or, i, 109, 111, 218, 267, 487, 637, ii, 633; Sukta, ii, 641; Supreme spirit, and, resolve into, i, 400; Waters created by, i, 494.

Purushottama or infinite spirit, i, 593, ii, 602.

Pûrvaja, Living spirit of nature or, ii, 113, 114.

Pûrvârdha, quoted, ii, 242.

Pûrvâshâdhâ in the Bhâgavata Purâna, ii, 580.

Pusher, Original, i, 577.

Pushkara, Dvîpa or, ii, 333; Jambu and, ii, 422; Pâtâla of India, ii, 425; Seas, surrounded by, ii, 334; Varshas of, ii, 425; Zone, seventh, ii, 421.

Pushkara Mâhâtmya on separation of sexes, ii, 288.

Putah, the first intellectual father, ii, 669.

Puto in China, Island of, i, 101, 511.

Putra, Priyavrata son, of, ii, 386; Progeny or, ii, 172, 193.

Putrefaction, Son of, ii, 608.

Pu-tsi-k’iun-ling, i, 511.

Pygmalion in the Greek allegory, ii, 159.

Pygmalions of primeval man, ii, 108.

Pymander, Ancestral spirits, on, ii, 4; Celestial man in, i, 251; Darkness, on light from, ii, 510; Deluge, on, ii, 56; Descent into materiality, on, i, 449; Divine thought, on, ii, 513; Duality of sex, on, ii, 101; Esoteric, truly, ii, 516; Heavenly man in, ii, 2, 108, 109, 518; Hermetic, i, 93, ii, 246; Jupiter in, ii, 282; Kabalists disfigured, Christian, ii, 121; Logoi, one of, i, 103; Mouth of mystery, or the, ii, 121; Nature in, ii, 247; Pitris, on, ii, 279, 280; Seven circles of fire in, ii, 242, 287; Seven regents of, ii, 512; Seven sons of God of, ii, 223; Thought divine, i, 658; Traces of the real, ii, 516; Trinity in, ii, 113; Verbum of, ii, 572; Virgin of world, on, ii, 241; Workmen or rectors of, ii, 102.

Pyramid, Alpha Draconis of, i, 438; Black, i, 456; Builders, i, 333, ii, 732; Cheops, of, i, 140, 387, ii, 484, 589; Dodecagonal, ii, 610; Gallery of, ii, 491; Gizeh, of, i, 337; Inverted, i, 456; Kephren builder of second, ii, 236; Nails of cross a solid, ii, 592; Notation, of Cheops built on measures of decimal, i, 387; Number, a, ii, 490; Points, of, i, 675; Pythagorean triangle and, i, 677; Solomon’s temple and, i, 335; Sound, could be lifted by, i, 606; Symbol, ii, 384; Ten points inscribed, like, i, 675; Triad or, is form, ii, 634; Triangular base of, ii, 608.

Pyramid, The Great, quoted, ii, 368.

Pyramid, Great, Age of, ii, 450, 451, 793; Biblical pyramidalists and measures of, i, 334; Cholula, of, ii, 289; Egyptian Zodiac and, ii, 454; Esoteric foundations of, ii, 487; Exact science in, i, 333; Hebrew text of Bible and, i, 333; King’s chamber of, i, 421; Mysteries, indestructible symbol of, i, 333.

Pyramidal, Fire is, ii, 629.

Pyramidalists and the solar system, i, 333, 334.

Pyramids, America, of, i, 342; Aztecs’, i, 343; Cement of, is indestructible, ii, 449; Dates of, ii, 732; Deluge associated with, ii, 368; Egypt, of, i, 12, 371, 473, ii, 448; Great Gods, built under supervision of, i, 469; Initiates and, ii, 369; Mackey on, ii, 455; Meaning of, i, 150; Measurements of, ii, 236; Molecules of salt form, ii, 628; Passages in, ii, 447; Perfection of proportion in, i, 230; Seth and Idrus, burial place of, ii, 378; Symbology of, i, 151; Theodosius and king builders of, i, 331; Triangular stones or, ii, 367; Various, ii, 367.

Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh, Petrie, i, 334.

Pyramis, Cube, and, ii, 634; Tetrad, with base of a, ii, 636; Triangle figure of fire, whence word, ii, 628.

Pyrolithic age, ii, 169.

Pyrrha, Deucalion and, ii, 283.

Pythagoras, Adept, an, i, 19, ii, 558; Aristotle and, i, 674; Cosmogony of, i, 475; Date of, i, 387; Duad of, i, 460, 678; Dual system introduced by, ii, 605; Earth’s rotation taught by, i, 142; Gods of, i, 459, 535, 538, 672; Harmony and music of the spheres, on, i, 466, ii, 635; India, brought allegory from, i, 372, 387, ii, 615; Instructions of, ii, 583; Kosmos of, ii, 634; Method of, ii, 162; Monad of, i, 460, 672; Neo-Platonists and, i, 28; Number seven, and, ii, 38; Number six, and, ii, 626; Physical knowledge of, ii, 550; Pillar and circle (IO) perfect number with, ii, 486; Point of, i, 675; Quoted, ii, 638; Sacred planets of, ii, 637; Secret wisdom of, ii, 563; Separation of sexes, and, ii, 227; Shukra-Venus and, ii, 34; Spirits, believer in, i, 670; Symbols brought by, i, 671; Tetrad esteemed by, ii, 633; Twelve sacred to, number, i, 712.

Pythagorean, Decad, i, 68, 341, ii, 584, 605; Formula of, cosmogony, i, 366; Fragments, ii, 677; Hicetas, i, 142; Ideas, i, 467; Key, ii, 617; Logos, idea of, i, 467; Marcus whose philosophy was, i, 484, ii, 594; Metempsychosis, doctrine of, ii, 198; Monad, i, 673, 679, ii, 708; Monas, i, 93, ii, 95; Numbers, i, 496; Sacred books, knowledge of existence of, i, 19; Svastika and, scales, ii, 621; Symbol, ii, 584; Teachings, i, 677; Tetraktys, i, 90, ii, 635, 638; Theory, corpuscular, i, 525, 552; Triangle, i, 356, 672, 675, 676, 677, 681, ii, 27, 117, 634.

Pythagorean Triangle, quoted, i, 138, 673, 676, ii, 634, 677.

Pythagoreans, Binary hated by, ii, 607; First and final figures of, i, 386; Heptagon, and, ii, 637; Initiates, were, ii, 162; Key-keeper of nature, and, ii, 635; Number seven and, ii, 615; Numbers and Gods, and connection between, ii, 608; Plato best of, ii, 633; Soul of world of, i, 361, 367.

Pythius, Helius and, ii, 112.

Python, Apollo and, ii, 396; Demon dragon or, ii, 400; Dragon-serpent oracle, ii, 398; Egyptian, ii, 543; Sun conqueror of, ii, 219; Universal symbol, a, ii, 510.

Qabbalah, quoted, i, 376, 403, 473, 482, 678, 679, ii, 31, 57, 88, 89, 122, 134, 145, 172, 306, 329, 473, 479, 483, 501, 529, 568, 573.

Qabbalists, Balance of the, ii, 479.

Qai-yin, Ge’boor-ah or, ii, 329.

Qaniratha, or Hvaniratha, ii, 802.

Q’lippoth, or shells, ii, 529.

Quadrature, Parker’s, of circle, i, 335, 336; Perfect, of infinite circle, i, 368.

Quadrumana, ii, 266, 269, 703.

Quadrumanic ancestors, Supposed, ii, 203, 699.

Quadrumanous order, ii, 363, 715.

Quadrupeds and bipeds, i, 665, ii, 172, 193.

Quain on pineal gland, ii, 310.

Quarters, Cords of four, ii, 621; Cross symbol of four, ii, 576, 577.

Quartiles and signs of Zodiac, i, 341.

Quaternaries, Root fire completes the, ii, 120.

Quaternary, Ages, ii, 166, 216, 705, 716, 725, 751, 780; Dhyân Chohans of, ii, 250; Double, ii, 634; Extinct species of, ii, 793; Father, mother, son and life, i, 89; Figure is, first, ii, 608; Four wicks are, i, 257; God a, i, 375; Group of rupa angels, i, 238; Hierarchies, of, i, 234; Higher or lower, ii, 639; Interlaced triangles, in, ii, 626; Jah-Noah at head of lower cosmic, ii, 630; Key keeper of nature, ii, 635; Logos, and light of, i, 462; Lower, i, 262; Magical and scientific, ii, 587; Man may disappear with, i, 264; Manifested, i, 116; Men of, epoch, ii, 781; Microprosopus and, ii, 661; Middle nature of, ii, 627; Perfect number, ii, 615; Qualities of lower, i, 241; Races of, period, ii, 779; Rocks, ii, 750; Savage of, ii, 792; Science and occult science on, ii, 755; Strata, ii, 713; Symbol of, ii, 631; Syrian ten worlds our, i, 470; Tetragrammaton as a, i, 473; Tetragrammaton or, triangle concreting into, i, 102; Triad and, i, 262, 263; Triangle and, ii, 647; Triangle and, symbol of septenary man, ii, 625; Triangle and, became Tetraktys, i, 674; Wisdom and intellect, of, ii, 38; YHVH, i, 678.

Quaternity, the superficies of Olympus, ii, 636.

Quatrefages, De, quoted, i, 529, 589, 660, ii, 10, 59, 91, 126, 164, 166, 205, 229, 301, 302, 329, 444, 463, 464, 681, 682, 686, 688, 691, 699, 703, 705, 706, 707, 712, 716, 719, 720, 721, 724, 726, 751, 754, 787, 788, 825, 834, 837.

Quatremère, quoted, ii, 474.

Quetzo-Cohuatl, or serpent deity, ii, 397.

Qui circumambulat terram, ii, 509, 542.

Quiché manuscript, Ancient, ii, 101.

Quiches, referred to, ii, 38.

Quiescence, First aspect of eternal, ii, 512; Perfection, natural state of, ii, 515.

Quiescent spirit, Pure, ii, 514.

Quinanes, Giants called, ii, 289.

Quinary, Man when bad a, ii, 608; Interlaced triangles, in, ii, 626.

Quinquepartite division, Vedântic, i, 247.

Quintessence, Kosmos, of, i, 593; Universal, ii, 617; Universal, of being, ii, 612; Voltaire, of, ii, 93.

Quintius Curtius, quoted, ii, 656.

Quis ut Deus, Michael the, ii, 502.

Qû-tâmy, Bible of, ii, 477; Chaldæan doctrines of, ii, 478; Idol of the moon, and, i, 424, 431; Nabathean Agriculture said to be work of, ii, 474; Saturn, and, ii, 475.

Ra, Assimilation to, i, 248; Egg, in his, i, 385, 386, 391; One God, i, 738; Osiris favourite of, i, 471; Osiris-Ptah, or, i, 252; Shoo and, i, 393, ii, 576; Toom is, i, 737.

Rab-Mag or Magi, ii, 224.

Rabba Battra, quoted, ii, 406.

Rabbi, Abahu, ii, 56, 744; Al-Chazari and, ii, 43, 45; Companion, rendered, ii, 662; Jesus, ii, 595, 597; Measure known to, ii, 573; Moses, ii, 483; Simeon, i, 380, 485, ii, 529; Solomon ben Yehudah, i, 474; Yehudah, quoted, ii, 329; Yogel, i, 117.

Rabbinical, Caprice, ii, 137; Commentators on Enoch, ii, 632; Fallen angels, teaching on, ii, 257; Hebrew letters, value of, i, 336; Holy of Holies, ii, 491; Language, i, 717; Lilith, ii, 298; Literature, ii, 652; Methods, and pagan, ii, 574; Mysteries, ii, 414; Symbol for God, ii, 647; Workmanship, ii, 570.

Rabbin-Kabalist, ii, 133, 135.

Rabbins, Ain-Suph, and, ii, 404; Bird of, ii, 653; Chaldæa, brought calculations from, ii, 597; Fathers of Church, and, i, 500; Globe, and, ii, 415; Gnostics and, ii, 407; God of, i, 425; Jehovah, and, i, 102, ii, 405; Kabalists, and pre-Christian, i, 425; Kin, and Cain or, ii, 406; Paurânic expressions and, ii, 133; Seven souls, and, ii, 669.

Rabbis, Archaic doctrine, and key to, ii, 566; Christianity, on, i, 39; Companions or, ii, 662; Heathen more sincere than, ii, 134; Kabalah and Bible, on, ii, 565; Numbers 10, 6 and 5 sacred to, i, 117; Phallicism of, ii, 89; Scriptures, and Jewish, ii, 481; Zohar as interpreted by, ii, 483.

Raca or fool, i, 632.

Race, Abraham, father of our, ii, 43; Adamic, ii, 5, 95, 717; Adi first speaking, called, ii, 473; Age of our, ii, 453; Americans as a, ii, 464; Androgynous, ii, 101, 562; Animal and human, ii, 88; Antiquity of human, ii, 367; Arhatship in sixth, i, 227; Aryan, i, 138, ii, 9, 111, 129, 413, 452, 461, 493, 562, 755; Atlantean, i, 214, 668, ii, 388, 441, 442, 444, 463, 561, 638; Atlanto-Aryan, ii, 444; Australian, ii, 206; Beginnings of this, i, 231; Chhâyâ, ii, 18, 95; Cradle of human, ii, 718; Creation of first, ii, 90; Cycles, ii, 653, 729; Deluge, before, ii, 149; Dhyân Chohans incarnated in intermediate, ii, 288; Dies, that never, ii, 71; Divine progenitors produced each a different, ii, 81; Dragon, of, ii, 397; Dumb, of monsters, ii, 194; Earth changing its, ii, 563; Egg of future, ii, 20; Egg-born, ii, 130, 140; Eighth, i, 714; Embryos of, ii, 483, 696; Fifth, i, 25, 26, 35, 138, 227, 229, 245, 401, 583, 667, 706, 755, ii, 32, 144, 181, 195, 314, 330, 412, 426, 441, 442, 447, 452, 461, 463, 478, 493, 561, 562, 641, 650, 659, 724, 755, 783, 785; First, i, 26, 206, 210, 492, 521, 663, ii, 2, 6, 32, 58, 88, 90, 99, 113, 114, 120, 121, 124, 133, 145, 159, 166, 172, 173, 184, 185, 206, 208, 253, 259, 260, 282, 343, 412, 418, 479, 561; Fourth, i, 34, 132, 140, 153, 213, 214, 245, 426, 668, 708, ii, 22, 23, 32, 33, 35, 65, 142, 153, 160, 165, 181, 183, 188, 190, 201, 202, 205, 208, 214, 237, 261, 293, 297, 308, 316, 330, 333, 365, 377, 393, 426, 429, 444, 448, 452, 461, 465, 480, 561, 562, 563, 618, 638, 645, 650, 659, 687, 717, 724, 753, 785; Genealogical tree of our, ii, 453; Generation, and, ii, 688; Generation, falling into, ii, 4; Giants, of, ii, 307, 413; Gigantic fourth, ii, 153; Gods, of, ii, 5, 280; Head of dragon for each, i, 438; Hermaphrodites, of, i, 426; Hindû Deva, allotted to each, ii, 567; History of our, ii, 456; Kalki Avatâra issues, from which, ii, 434; Lemuria and third root, i, 473; Lords of third and fourth, ii, 202; Manas-less, ii, 332; Mindless, ii, 275, 296, 721; Nebo creator of fourth and fifth, ii, 477; Origin of human, ii, 682, 689; Periods, ii, 721, 823; Pitris of third, ii, 93; Pralaya, ii, 422; Principles more material in every, i, 246; Procreation of third, ii, 191; Production of second, ii, 19; Return of adepts in seventh, ii, 559; Revealer for each new, i, 74; Rudimentary elements of first, ii, 113; Second, i, 26, 228, ii, 6, 32, 88, 108, 114, 115, 122, 124, 142, 159, 170, 175, 184, 185, 186, 208, 259, 282, 317, 418, 419, 644, 723; Serpent symbol of fourth, ii, 65; Senzar handed down from third, i, 26; Seventh, i, 41, 207, 260, 510, 562, ii, 53, 105, 177, 190, 417, 507; Sexless, ii, 142; Sixth, i, 41, 207, ii, 507; Structure of lowest, ii, 716; Sub-races of present, ii, 654; Third, i, 26, 207, 228, 232, 473, 714, ii, 8, 21, 23, 32, 33, 34, 71, 93, 96, 110, 122, 123, 129, 130, 133, 142, 143, 148, 165, 166, 170, 173, 181, 182, 183, 186, 187, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 202, 204, 207, 208, 259, 302, 377, 391, 416, 417, 419, 420, 429, 448, 492, 562, 618, 673, 689, 698, 717, 753, 781; Undying, ii, 288; Winged, ii, 101; Zeus, of, ii, 191.

Races, Adam, before, i, 345; Adam’s sons represent, ii, 416; African, ii, 203, 444; Ages of each of seven, ii, 208; America, of, ii, 835; Animal, i, 325, ii, 345; Antiquity of human, i, 708, ii, 814; Aryan Hindû belongs to oldest existing, ii, 493; Asia, which took refuge in plateaux of, ii, 786; Astral or phantom, ii, 292; Astronomical cycles and, ii, 345; Atlantean, i, 447, ii, 286, 387, 388; Australian, ii, 342; Birth to animal and man, giving, i, 261; Black, ii, 443, 735; Blue, ii, 202; Boneless, ii, 203; Branch or family, ii, 453; Brown, ii, 443, 735; Cabiri, of, ii, 411; Canaries, of, ii, 835; Cast-off types of human, ii, 275; Colossal statues, represented by, ii, 355; Coloured, ii, 202, 237, 366, 443, 735, 786; Commentary on four, ii, 294; Complete human, ii, 230; Conception during previous, i, 249; Confusion of, for a blind, ii, 336; Consolidated, less, ii, 833; Continents and, three, ii, 645; Creators of, ii, 456; Cycles and, ii, 314, 461, 775; Daksha synthesis of preceding, ii, 188; Details of four preceding, ii, 428; Deucalion ancestor of human, ii, 546; Development of human, ii, 457, 463, 657; Dhyân Chohans, of, i, 210, ii, 189; Diagram showing evolution of, ii, 314; Differences in, i, 196, ii, 462; Divine, ii, 131, 385; Divine leaders of, i, 287; Division of, i, 705, ii, 260, 661; Dumb, ii, 22; Dwarfish, ii, 444; Dying out, ii, 824, 825; Dynasties are, ii, 386; Earth, on, i, 184, ii, 36; Enoch between two, ii, 562; Esoteric classification of, ii, 260, 761; Ethereal, ii, 243, 672, 707; Evolution of, i, 25, 325, ii, 8, 208, 246, 260, 265, 276, 314, 326, 428, 437, 701, 726, 749, 761; Extinct, ii, 302; Faculties of humanity of earlier, i, 586; Failures in ethereal, ii, 243; Fall, two, at, ii, 5; Family, ii, 452, 453; First, ii, 303, 312, 724; Five, i, 261; Formative powers of, ii, 116; Forty-nine, ii, 654; Fourth round, of, ii, 191; Garments of, ii, 329; Generally treated, i, 211, 212; Globe and, development of our, ii, 457; Gods, from, i, 343; Great, seven, ii, 32; Greek poets mention, ii, 283; Hæckel on distribution of, ii, 341; History of first five, i, 26, ii, 294, 562; Human, i, 708, ii, 131, 137, 205, 230, 260, 275, 302, 336, 463, 546, 657, 814; Humanity of future, will differ from our, i, 667; Instructors of primeval, ii, 411; Knowledge, destitute of, ii, 299; Mammals and, of men, ii, 754; Mânasa period of our, ii, 314; Manu representative of, ii, 321; Mars and Venus, of, ii, 738; Meridian of, ii, 314; Metals, named from, ii, 283; Monsters, of, ii, 202, 392; Mystery language of prehistoric, ii, 606; Noah androgyne of first three, i, 478; Overlapping, ii, 452, 453; Palæolithic, ii, 779; Panoramic view of early, ii, 275; Parallel evolution of, and strata, ii, 260; Pentacle symbol of five root-, i, 150; Period of various, ii, 235; Persian traditions of, ii, 414; Physical, ii, 201, 816; Planets, and, ii, 449; Plastic minds of first, i, 290; Position of, i, 703; Post-tertiary period, during, ii, 59; Pralaya of, ii, 344; Pre-Adamite, ii, 181, 745; Predestination in history of, i, 702; Pre-historic, ii, 606, 838; Pre-physical, ii, 758; Present, i, 667, ii, 477; Primeval, i, 268, ii, 693, 728, 729; Primitive, ii, 141, 201; Primordial, and occultism, ii, 646; Prometheus and early, ii, 432; Records of ancient, ii, 101, 361; Red, ii, 202, 443; Religious ethics of early, ii, 284; Representative of first three, ii, 644; Rishis stand for seven, ii, 147; Root, i, 73, 402, ii, 737; Rounds, and, i, 183, 191, 205, 737, ii, 596, 651, 790; Science, and, ii, 448; Second continent, of, i, 396; Seeds of, ii, 463, 665; Semi-divine, ii, 170; Semi-human, ii, 781; Septenary law, and, ii, 641, 659; Seth progenitor of, of earth, ii, 135; Seven, i, 19, 261, 268, 713, ii, 32, 147, 208, 388, 462, 596, 640, 641, 671, 745, 791; Sexless, ii, 109; Size of men of early, ii, 768; Spiritual, purely, ii, 137; Stars influence, i, 709; Sterility between two human, ii, 205; Superior and inferior, ii, 444; Svastika and ancient, ii, 587; Symbology of, i, 35, 131, ii, 304, 481; Two and a half, first, i, 268; Venus, of, ii, 738; Vishnu protects three, ii, 507; White, yellow and negro, ii, 825; Wise, ii, 443; Worlds, in other, i, 345; Written records of oldest, ii, 361; Yima symbolizes three, ii, 304.

Rachel and Leah, Mandrake of, ii, 30.

Radiance, Chaos a cool, i, 655; Divine light, of, i, 280; Elohim, of, ii, 406; Mutable, i, 695; Solar selenic, i, 226; Thread of, ii, 83.

Radiant, Central sun, energy of, ii, 250; Child of two, i, 58, 100; Discoverer of, matter, i, 683; Dwellings or gaseous clouds, i, 141; Egg, ii, 492; Essence, i, 58, 95, 96; God, Lyre of, i, 190; Heat, i, 603; Light, Ocean was, i, 58, 98, ii, 636; Matter, i, 560, 594, 614, 681, 683, 685; Monads like, snow, i, 694; One, swift and, i, 63, 162; Ptah, God, i, 393; Second of seven transformations, i, 226.

Radicals, Long haired sidereal, i, 548; Seven, i, 169; Simon Magus, of, ii, 601.

Radiometer, Crookes’, i, 560.

Ragon, quoted, i, 20, 126, 389, ii, 607, 608, 614, 616, 625, 626.

Rahasya, Brâhmanical wisdom in the, i, 292.

Ra’h-min or Seth, ii, 329.

Râhu is mythologically a Daitya, ii, 398.

Raivata, Manvantara, ii, 94.

Râja Yoga of India, Târaka, i, 123, 181, 182, ii, 637.

Râjâgriha, Cave in, i, 4.

Rajamsi, Prithivî, above, ii, 642; Vishnu, and, ii, 658; Worlds, or, ii, 402, 658.

Râjarshi, Damaghosha, ii, 236.

Râjarshis or royal, ii, 527.

Rajas, Active or, i, 357, 371, 584.

Râjasas, Deities called, ii, 94; Mânasas and, ii, 93.

Râkshasa devours father of Parâshara, i, 447.

Râkshasas, Bhârateans, war with, ii, 820; Cainites, and, i, 447; Ceylon, of, ii, 351; Creation of, i, 624; Demons, i, 445, ii, 242; Dwellings of, ii, 362; Evil spirits, or, ii, 173; Giant demons or, ii, 301; Indian races, of, ii, 286; Lankâ, of, ii, 74, 289, 795, 820; Pioneers became human, ii, 338; Preserves or, ii, 174; Pulastya progenitor of, ii, 242; Râmâyana, of, ii, 411; Sinhalese heirs of, ii, 426; Sons of will and Yoga, and, ii, 237.

Râkshasî Bhâshâ, Language of, ii, 209.

Ralston Skinner, quoted, i, 332.

Ram, Discus and horns of, ii, 223; Phœnician coin, on, ii, 576; Rams, not in authority over a flock of, ii, 389; Symbol of generating power, ii, 192.

Ram-headed, God of Egypt, ii, 305; Khnoom and Ammon are, i, 393.

Râma, Hanumâna, adviser of, i, 417; Lankâ conquered by, ii, 235; Opponents conquered by, ii, 289; Parashu, ii, 36; Râvana, and, ii, 520.

Râmânujâchârya, i, 568.

Râmâyana, quoted, i, 407, 614, ii, 151, 173, 242, 264, 302, 411, 520, 521, 602, 648, 649, 666, 719.

Ramses, Records going to time of, ii, 384; Second, ii, 589.

Raoul Rochette, quoted, i, 430, ii, 360.

Rapa-nui, or Easter Island, ii, 351.

Raphael, Archangel, i, 682; Denouncer, ii, 400; Dragon, i, 152, ii, 121.

Râshichakram, Zodiac, i, 403.

Ra-shoo or solar fire, i, 331.

Rasit or wisdom, ii, 482.

Râta or sacrificial offering, ii, 544.

Ratio, Diameter to circumference, of, i, 118; Modified form of, i, 333.

Rational Reputation, A, quoted, i, 315.

Râtri, night, one of four bodies of Brahmâ, ii, 61.

Raumas, Gods and, strife between, ii, 192; Roma-kûpas, created from, ii, 71, 193; Vîrabhadra, created from, ii, 71.

Râvana, Atlantean race, personification of, ii, 520; Lankâ, king of, ii, 235, 242; Sîtâ, carries off, ii, 602.

Raven, Dove and, ii, 488; Source, number and value of word, i, 478.

Ravens, Black, i, 477; Human beings with, faces, ii, 2; Odin, of, ii, 105.

Rawlinson, quoted, i, 15, ii, 5, 30, 138, 450, 762.

Ray, Ain Suph, of, i, 235, 373; Androgyne or double, ii, 514; Atmâ, of absolute, i, 252, 264; Atmic, vehicle of, i, 200; Brahmâ emanation of primordial, i, 108; Cold light, of, i, 394; Concealed Deity, from, i, 471; Constellation of certain, ii, 189; Cosmic depths, dropped in, i, 100; Creative, i, 135; Divine, i, 99, 242, ii, 116, 201; Energizing, ii, 484; Eternal egg to thrill, causes, i, 58, 94; Ever-darkness, of, i, 60, 87, 116; First mother, of, i, 634; Germ, had not flashed into, i, 57, 87; Hansa-vâhana, is, i, 108; Immaculate root, fructifies, i, 95; Incarnation of divine, ii, 241; Life, of, ii, 116; Light drops one solitary, i, 57, 94; Logos one, i, 108, 138; Male, ii, 588; Man, of unseen spirit, in, ii, 286; Manifested, first, i, 131; Mundane egg, penetrated into, i, 378; Noumenon of spiritual fire, from, ii, 111; Omnipresent spiritual, i, 98; One, i, 57, 65, 88, 144, 242, 464, ii, 516; Paramârthika, from, i, 380; Primordial arc, i, 115; Radical triple, ii, 27; Ray, from, to, i, 700; Reason, of, ii, 201, 241; Septenary, ii, 639; Sevenfold, ii, 29; Sunlight, of, i, 666; Uncreated, i, 624; Universal Mahat, from, ii, 314; Universal mind, of, i, 43; Vehicle of, by Jîvas, i, 237; Virgin egg, shoots through, i, 57; Water of space, and, i, 252; Waters, of darkness moving on, i, 378; White, one, ii, 516.

Rays, Atoms become, i, 696; Brightness, from home of, i, 460; Chaldæan Heptakis, of, i, 248; Creative forces, are, i, 522; Dark flame, of, ii, 244; Dhyân Chohans, or, i, 155; Essence, of, i, 147; Father-ray, of one, ii, 626; Intercepted, i, 654; Life-ray through countless, i, 65; Lion’s crown, of, ii, 596; Monads are, i, 267, ii, 176; Osiris, seven, of, ii, 150; Plexuses, seven, of seven nervous, ii, 96; Prakriti, seven, of, ii, 672; Procreation, i, 108; Religion, in every, i, 626; Self-God and lower, i, 700; Seven, i, 108, 145, 155, 248, 310, 397, 561, 571, 572, 624, 626, 628, ii, 72, 96, 150, 640, 643, 646, 648, 672, 815; Soil, shed on uncongenial, ii, 294; Solar orb, of, ii, 168; Spiritual monad, from, i, 200; Sun, of, i, 310, 397, 561, 571, ii, 72, 116, 643, 646, 815; Sûrya, of, ii, 640; Tetragrammaton, of, i, 102; Thought, direct, of, i, 462; Time’s seven, ii, 647; Velocity of chromatic, i, 528; Vishnu enters, of sun, i, 397, 571; Wisdom, of, ii, 201.

Reäbsorption, Dreamless sleep, not a, i, 286; Kosmos, of, i, 172; Laya state, into, i, 601; Renovation and, i, 510.

Read, T. Mellard, quoted, ii, 10.

Reade on sedimentation in Europe, ii, 734.

Realism, Conceptionalists and, i, 32; Error of, i, 271; Jews, of, ii, 481, 492.

Reason, Creation of, i, 522; First race endowed with, ii, 259; Humanity endowed with, ii, 379; Logos, and speech, ii, 209; Number seven, and, i, 438; Radicals, one of six, ii, 601; Ray of, ii, 241; Seat of, i, 263.

Rebekah and Esau, ii, 745.

Rebellion, Angels, of, i, 217, 631, ii, 64, 248, 257, 402; Archangels, and fall of, ii, 65; Children of, i, 331, ii, 222; Cronus, of angels and Devas against, i, 450; Demon of, ii, 287; Intellectual life, of, ii, 108; Nârada against Brahmâ, of, ii, 618; Rudra, of, ii, 649; Satan, of, ii, 394, 517; Sons of, ii, 403.

Rebellious, Divine passive law, to, ii, 83; Gods, ii, 64; Spirits, ii, 183.

Rebels, Cronus destroys mightiest, i, 451; Divine, ii, 108, 256; Genii separated from, i, 217; Karmic law, under, ii, 99; Self-sacrifice, of, ii, 253.

Rebirth, Bhârata, of, ii, 335; Brâhmanas, of, i, 624; Cosmic, ii, 84; Cyclic law of, ii, 242, 256, 320; Devotees exempt from, i, 114; Divine essence, of, ii, 258; Doctrine of, i, 194, 259; Doom of continual, ii, 651; Druid belief in, ii, 803; Duration of successive, i, 697; Ego or monad, of, ii, 670; Essenes believed in, ii, 118; Globe, of our, ii, 743; Gods and demons, of, i, 495, ii, 390; Individuality, of same, ii, 317; Karmic and cyclic, ii, 244, 316; Kosmos, of, i, 695; Mahâ Pralaya, after, i, 398; Man, of, i, 391, 474; Monad, of, i, 626; Nârada and, ii, 288, 337; Personalities or, i, 237; Planetary chains, of, i, 182; Primitive Gods, of, ii, 382; Punarjanman or, i, 312; Purification, after 3,000 years of, i, 413; Religions and doctrine of, i, 259; Spiritual, ii, 492, 572; Symbol of re-clothing and, i, 435; Worlds, of, ii, 173; World-saviours, of, i, 721.

Reborn, Dhyânî, a, ii, 268; Gods and demi-Gods, ii, 259; Gods, in every age, ii, 242; Initiate, ii, 524, 530, 591; Karmic effects, by reason of, ii, 176; Kumâras cursed to be, ii, 618; Nârada, in every cycle, ii, 337; Phœnix, from itself, ii, 652; Rishis, as men, ii, 332, 819; Sages sacrificed themselves to be, ii, 375.

Recherches, etc., des Mammifères, referred to, ii, 230.

Reckoning among all nations, Mode of, i, 419.

Recoalescence, Brahmâ’s contingent, ii, 72, 323.

Recollection, Divine soul, of, ii, 442; Lost, of our divine origin, i, 287.

Recorders, Ancient wisdom, of, ii, 557; Archaic teaching, of, ii, 686; Lipika, of Karma, i, 130, 153, 154, 157.

Records, Alpha and Omega of, ii, 46; Ancient, i, 669, ii, 101; Antediluvian, ii, 564; Antiquity, of, ii, 457, 458; Archaic, ii, 1, 2, 26, 65, 163, 442, 455; Assyrians, of, i, 440; Astral, i, 131; Astronomical, ii, 369; Atlantis, of, ii, 443; Babylonian, ii, 730; Belus, in temple of, i, 10; Buddhas of confession, of thirty-five, ii, 441; Chinese, i, 292, 381; Christian wars, of, i, 506; Church, destroyed by, i, 27; Egyptian, i, 18, 138, 413, 447, 670; Floods, of, ii, 347; Fourth race, of, ii, 559; Hermaphrodite, of primeval divine, ii, 138; Hindû, i, 724; History, symbolical, of, ii, 796; Initiates and, ii, 456, 792; Jewish, ii, 428, 496, 591; Kabalistic, ii, 479; Lemurians, of, ii, 275; Lipika and, of our world, i, 153; Matter, of every act in world of gross, i, 130; Names, in, ii, 350; Nations, of, ii, 838; Number seven in, of peoples, ii, 38; Occult, i, 174, ii, 666; Oldest races, of, ii, 361; Past and future, of, ii, 449; Pesh-Hun, of, ii, 53; Philosophers, of early, i, 734; Pre-Christian history, of, i, 24; Pre-historic periods, of, ii, 70; Preservation of, ii, 262, 346; Racial development, of, i, 708; Rig Veda oldest known, ii, 641; Sealed, of past, i, 699; Secret Doctrine, of, i, 18, 22, 28, ii, 54, 65, 463; Serpents of wisdom, of, ii, 368; Tanned skins, on, ii, 731; Temples, of, ii, 457; Zodiac, and, i, 709, ii, 53, 347, 385; Zuñi Indians, of, ii, 665.

Rector, Hierarchies, of, ii, 27; Mahârâjah or, i, 148; Powerful, ii, 503.

Rectores, Kepler’s, i, 541; Mundi, i, 474, ii, 247; Progenitors or, ii, 306; Tenebrarum, i, 148.

Rectors, Light, of, i, 148; Planets or, i, 535; Pymander, seven, of, ii, 102; Regents or, i, 628; World, of, i, 440, 449.

Recueil de l’Académie des Inscriptions, quoted, i, 722.

Red, Atlanteans, ii, 452; Dragon, ii, 396, 400, 402; Earth, ii, 203, 475; Races, ii, 202, 237, 260, 366, 443, 458, 786, 825; Sandstone, Stonehenge built of, ii, 360; Saved from the fourth, ii, 24; Sea, i, 442, 445, 519; Zone was, third on every, ii, 23.

Red-brown faces, ii, 188.

Red-haired, Men going on all fours, ii, 194; Monsters, ii, 194.

Redeemer, Crucified, ii, 620; Good serpent, and, i, 429; Satan our, ii, 540.

Redemption, Man, of, i, 289, 703, ii, 257, 542; Sin, and, ii, 439; Theological dogma of, ii, 541.

Rees, A., referred to, ii, 409.

Réflexions Critiques sur l’Origine des Anciens Peuples, ii, 392.

Refulgent face, ii, 443.

Refusal to create, i, 495, ii, 249, 253, 514.

Refuse of human matter, ii, 179.

Regeneration, Destruction before, i, 445; Generation, not, ii, 493; Life and, from old truths, i, 318; Sabaoth, on, i, 260; Serpent symbol of, i, 95, 102; Spiritual, i, 391, 492, 572.

Regenerator, Shiva is, ii, 192.

Regent, Angel or, i, 147, ii, 88; God of specific element, i, 502; Group of Saturn, ii, 134; Iaô, of moon, i, 483; Jupiter, of, ii, 523; Kalpa, of each, ii, 189; Shukra, of, ii, 36; Soma, of visible moon, ii, 48; Star of salvation, of, i, 511.

Regents, Elohim are seven, ii, 512; Four Mahârâjahs or, i, 148, 151; Gods, or, i, 176, ii, 512; Great Bear, of stars of, ii, 332; Kabiri, over seasons, i, 703; Moon, of, i, 483, ii, 48, 339; Planets, of, i, 424, 628, 630, ii, 26, 221, 377; Rulers or, of worlds, i, 125; Seven, i, 454, ii, 221, 513; Star, ii, 378; Supervisors, of, ii, 26; Theogony, moon one of seven, of, i, 423; Zodiacal signs, of, ii, 374.

Regimen ignis, i, 218.

Règne des Dieux, quoted, ii, 389.

Reichenbach, Od of, i, 105, 361.

Reïncarnating egos, i, 621, ii, 116, 206, 504, 670.

Reïncarnation, Ascending arc, in, ii, 266; Chemistry as new alchemy, of, i, 683; Dreaded, to be, i, 71; Egyptians and, i, 247, ii, 582; Essenes believed in, ii, 118; First race in second, of, ii, 2; Individuality, of same, ii, 320; Kant and, i, 659; Law of Karma and, ii, 317; Monads, of, ii, 155; Necessity for, i, 205; Nereus, of, ii, 810.

Reïncarnationists perceive mystery of life, i, 259.

Reïncarnations, Buddhas and Christs, of, i, 700; Cycle of, ii, 481; Druid belief in, ii, 803; Ego passes repeated, i, 45; Krishna and Buddha, of, ii, 375; Manvantara, in every, ii, 242; Monad of, i, 285; Moon a symbol of, i, 249; Soul, of, ii, 582; Time between, ii, 317; Zarathushtra, of, ii, 5.

Reindeer, Périgord, hunters of, ii, 791; Period, ii, 763; Pictures of, ii, 757, 760, 761, 762, 763; Retreat of, ii, 782.

Reine de Navarre, referred to, ii, 101.

Rejected son, i, 61, 126, 127, 129.

Rek, or Ark, Noose is a, ii, 577.

R-El-Azar, i, 423, ii, 329.

Religion, Age of no, i, 739; Ancients of, i, 427, ii, 32, 112; Angels of western, i, 241; Apostles of western, ii, 586; Aryan Hindûs and Persians, of, ii, 640; Astronomy, and, ii, 286; Australians, of, ii, 823; Babylonian, ii, 731; Brihaspati and, ii, 526; Centres of, i, 13; Chaldæan, ii, 571; Chemistry and, i, 238; Christian, i, 476, ii, 26, 407; Christ’s, and theology, i, 476; Concealed deity in every, i, 472; Cyclic rise and fall of, ii, 764; Degraded, ii, 494; Dogmatic, ii, 110; Druids, of, ii, 799; Dualism in Mazdean, ii, 544; Earlier copied by later, i, 429; Esotericism in, ii, 478; Evidence alien, estimated on external, i, 452; Fiction, no, based on, ii, 842; Fifth race of, ii, 478; Founders of, i, 20; Great Gods of every, ii, 642; Heliolatrous, ii, 395; Hindû Aryan, ii, 493, 640; Humanity, one ennobling, of, i, 409; Indian, ii, 92; Jews, of, i, 421, 487, 494; Lemurians, of, ii, 285; Mazdean or Magian, ii, 5, 97, 544; Metaphor in every, ii, 103; Moon in, i, 202, 415; Nabatheans, of, ii, 477; Nature, of, ii, 842; Ophite, ii, 396; Phallic element in, ii, 286, 615; Phœnician, ii, 459; Primeval, ii, 653; Primitive, i, 501; Race which never originated a, ii, 765; Roman Catholic, ii, 89; Science and, i, 76, 329, 664, 731; Scripture of a pre-historic, ii, 507; Seven in, i, 626, ii, 374, 624, 632; Sexual element in, i, 408, ii, 237; Svastika and Christian, ii, 620; Symbols of, i, 262; Theosophy not a, i, 20; Thinkers produce a, i, 317; Third and fourth races, of, ii, 284, 285; Trojan, ii, 840; True definition of, ii, 285; Truth, no, higher than, i, 25, ii, 842; Western, i, 241, ii, 586, 606; Wisdom, ii, 395; Xenophantes, of, ii, 564.

Religion and Science, quoted, ii, 681.

Religions, Analysis of, i, 457; Ancient, and philosophies, ii, 694; Dogmatic, i, 218, ii, 394, 433; Eastern, ii, 708; Exoteric, i, 284, 297, ii, 112, 294, 422, 529, 613, 622; Hindû sects, of, ii, 622; Justin Martyr on identity of, ii, 514; Modern, ii, 695; Old, ii, 642; Oldest, i, 39; One conception in all, i, 457, ii, 803; Origin of modern, ii, 286; Past, never to return, i, 24; Seeds of old, ii, 507; Sexual emblems of, ii, 617; Source of, i, 22; Systems of, ii, 631.

Religions of India, ii, 471.

Rémusat, Abel, referred to, i, 512.

Renan, referred to, i, 28, ii, 204, 214, 349, 384, 473, 475, 476, 478.

Renewals of globe, Seven, ii, 105, 595, 653.

Renouf, referred to, i, 322, 428, 432.

Rephaim or primitive men, i, 368, ii, 292, 521.

Reproduction, Animal, ii, 226; Budding, by, ii, 123; Chasm between systems of, ii, 776; Engravings, of, i, 554; Fissiparous act of, ii, 141; Modes of, ii, 175, 181, 695, 697; Organs of, i, 421, ii, 137; Power of, ii, 479; Processes of, i, 666; Ram’s head symbol of, ii, 192; Season of, ii, 124; Sexual, ii, 106, 141; Tendency to, ii, 626; World, of, ii, 653, 744.

Reproductive system, Sensitiveness of, ii, 683.

Reptiles, Ages of, ii, 59, 165, 211, 214, 269; Avarice, ii, 674; Birds and, i, 434, ii, 194, 363, 775; Eyes of, ii, 313; First trace of, ii, 753; Fœtus like a, ii, 198; Garuda’s descent from, ii, 265; Physical embryo, i, 206, ii, 287; Physical man, preceded, ii, 628; Saliva of, poisonous, i, 282; Septenary law and, ii, 658; Third round, resultant of, ii, 722.

Reptilia to the Aves, ii, 694.

Reptilian, Fauna, ii, 723; Gigantic, monster, ii, 163, 628; Secondary age or, ii, 166, 628.

Republic, Plato’s, ii, 807.

Researches on Light in its Chemical Relations, i, 634.

Resha ’Hiv ’Rah, the white head, ii, 88.

Responsibility and free-will, ii, 430, 439.

Responsible, Men made, ii, 266.

Rest, Activity, and, i, 92; Brahmâ, of, i, 404; Centre of, ii, 250; Cosmic, ii, 324; Creative force, of, i, 401; Cycles of, ii, 575; Eternal, i, 261; Forty-nine stages of, ii, 790; Land and water need, ii, 766; Motion and, i, 142; Nirvâna and, ii, 294; Parinirvâna, of, i, 159; Sabbath means, i, 260; Worlds at, ii, 745.

Resurrection, Adytum symbol of, ii, 481; Church lamps, I am, on, i, 414; Emblem of, of nature, i, 512; Field of, ii, 105; Frog symbol and, i, 413; Jesus, of, ii, 571; Life, of, ii, 484; Many into one life, of, i, 289; Mystery language, and, i, 330; Phœnix bird of, i, 331, ii, 653; Sarcophagus symbol of, ii, 482; Sound, by, i, 606; Witnesses, of old, ii, 780.

Retardation, Law of, ii, 182, 271; Planet, of a, i, 547; Tidal, ii, 67.

Retrahens muscle, ii, 719.

Retribution, Bitter cup of, i, 210; Karma law of, i, 130, 695, ii, 319, 585.

Retzius, Professor, quoted, ii, 837.

Reuben, Aquarius, in sphere of, i, 714.

Reuchlin è Cabala, quoted, ii, 634, 636.

Reuel-Jethro, the Midian priest-initiator, ii, 487.

Revealer, Fifth, in next round, i, 74; Logos of God, of man, ii, 623.

Revelation, Christ in, ii, 669; Conditions of new, ii, 303; Cosmogony, of system of, i, 191; Cycle of, ii, 655; Damaged, has been, ii, 409; Divine, and Jewish derivations, i, 10, 322; Enoch, and, ii, 508, 522, 537; Genesis not a, ii, 471; Hæckel’s, ii, 708; John, of Saint, i, 442, ii, 371, 506, 532; Marcus, of, i, 375; Meaning of, i, 328; Mother of, i, 721; Pentateuch a, ii, 2; Primeval, i, 14, 381, 682; Prometheus, of myth of, ii, 438; Races and rounds in, ii, 597; Religion and, ii, 842; Sciences, of, ii, 380; Secret spiritual knowledge, of, i, 290; Semitic, from Aryans, i, 718; Shruti or, i, 290; Thought inspired by, i, 364; Universal language, and, i, 336; Vâch to Rishis, of, ii, 112; World, to each, ii, 749.

Revelation, quoted, i, 114, 216, 220, 721, ii, 79, 109, 239, 241, 371, 400, 401, 509, 522, 562, 569, 588, 594, 654, 790, 815.

Revelations, Bible and other, ii, 698; Centuries before further, i, 22; Seven, four out of, i, 73; Spiritualistic, ii, 740; Veiled, are misleading, ii, 537.

Reversion, Ancestral features, to, ii, 724; Science, of, ii, 59; Tree, of growth of, i, 437; Type, to, ii, 307.

Revised version of gospels, i, 623.

Révolution du Globe, quoted, i, 532, ii, 215.

Revue Archéologique, referred to, ii, 282, 360, 372, 522.

Revue des Deux Mondes, quoted, i, 547, 739.

Revue Germanique, quoted, i, 540, ii, 475, 551, 554.

Reymond, Du Bois, referred to, i, 564.

Reynolds, Prof. Emerson, referred to, i, 601.

’Rh Ya, quoted, ii, 316.

Rhea, Cronus and, ii, 281; Goddess, i, 481; Titans, sons of, and Cronus, ii, 150, 151.

Rhinoceros, ii, 777, 794, 817.

Rhipæus, Mount, ii, 6.

Rhizômata, Four elements called, ii, 634.

R’Hiz’qee-yah, a Kabalist, i, 423.

Rhodes, Ironworkers of, ii, 408; Telchines, birthplace of, ii, 409.

Rhomboid, Egyptian egg of world, i, 441.

Ribhus, Planetary spirits or, i, 493, ii, 58.

Riccioli, Mean motions of, i, 729.

Riccius, Augustinus, quoted, i, 727.

Richardson and Barth, quoted, ii, 361.

Richardson, Dr. B. W., quoted, i, 541, 571, 573, 574, 579, 581, 586, 634, 660, 695, ii, 691.

Richet, C., quoted, i, 702, ii, 165.

Richter, quoted, i, 519.

Riddle, Ages, of, ii, 375; Biblical, ii, 392; Birth, of, i, 265; Chinese, ii, 488; Comprehension of, i, 706; Cross, of, ii, 587; Eighth sphere, of, i, 180; Past, of, i, 697; Science, of, ii, 69; Sphinx, of, i, 185, ii, 131, 421, 543, 569.

Rider, Thought is the, i, 62, 133.

Rig Veda, the, Aditi of, i, 34, 126; Âdityas in, ii, 640; Aja, is Logos in, ii, 612; Ancient of records, most, ii, 641; Aryan, is, i, 11; Ashvins in, ii, 640; Asuras in, ii, 62, 97, 525; Avesta and, ii, 800; Brahmâ not in, i, 459, 479; Brahmanaspati in, i, 145; Brihaspati in, i, 145, ii, 49, 524; Budha in, ii, 523; Colebrooke translated, i, 52; Contains 10,580 verses, i, 11; Cosmogony of, i, 117; Cow in, i, 460; Creation, on, i, 370; Daksha, on, ii, 258; Deluges, on, i, 97, ii, 147, 282; Dhyânîs in, ii, 201; Divisions of time in, ii, 55; Fohat in, i, 736; Gandharva of, ii, 619; Guignault on, ii, 508; Heavenly man of, i, 217; Hymns or mantras of, i, 291, 470, 477, ii, 471, 640; Idâ or Ilâ in, ii, 147; Indra in, ii, 649; Kama in, ii, 185; Karshvanes in, ii, 402; Mandala divisions of, i, 412; Maruts in, ii, 648; Misunderstood, i, 11; Poetry of, ii, 471; Rudra, the howler, in, ii, 578; Unknowable in, ii, 136; Sanskritists on, ii, 470; Vâch, in, i, 162, 464, 465, ii, 436; Vaishvânara in, ii, 399; Vishnu in, i, 137; Vishvakarman in, ii, 106, 590; World divided in, ii, 658.

Rig Vidhâna said to be modern, i, 470.

Right One, or Pater Sadic, ii, 410.

Right-hand, Adepts, i, 450; Jupiter, of, i, 431; Paths of knowledge, i, 214.

Right path, Initiates of, ii, 519; Prophets, adepts of, ii, 221; Sodales of, ii, 222.

Riksha and Great Bear, i, 248, ii, 668.

Rimmon, God of storms, ii, 368.

Ring, Body in, during worship, ii, 583; Luminous, round moon, i, 645; One is, i, 40; Pass not, called, i, 63, 154, 155; Pralaya, not till next, i, 157; Septenary, our, i, 168, 627; Wheels watch, i, 63, 154; Zodiacal, relic of, ii, 528.

Rings, Dvîpas form concentric, ii, 801; Lokas called, i, 225; Nebulous, i, 156, 173, 540, 544, 648; Planetary chains or, i, 182; Rounds, used for, i, 191, ii, 302; Saturn, of, ii, 245; Servants small, ii, 15, 31; Yugas called, i, 698.

Risha Havurah, White hidden fire in the, i, 362.

Rishabha, a quality of sound, i, 583, ii, 426.

Rishayah, Deva-putra, ii, 640.

Rishi Kapila, branch of one tree, i, 228.

Rishi-Manus, Seven and ten, ii, 382.

Rishi-Prajâpati, Primeval, i, 38, 152, ii, 382.

Rishi-Yogîs more powerful than Gods, ii, 82.

Rishis, Agni, and, ii, 580; Allegory of, ii, 755; Ancient, ii, 640; Anupâdaka and, i, 624; Ark, in, ii, 327; Aryan scriptures, of, ii, 648; Asuras and, i, 630; Bhrigu one of, ii, 36, 80; Brahmâ and, ii, 662; Brahmâ-Prajâpati and, ii, 47; Brahmâ-Vishnu and, i, 37; Buddhas or, ii, 441; Cabiri Titans, resemble, ii, 151; Caves of, ii, 398; Classes of, ii, 647; Cosmogony of, ii, 470; Creative, i, 233; Creators or, i, 380; Crown, issue from, i, 467; Daksha’s daughters and, i, 567; Deep, come forth from, ii, 520; Deity is, i, 139; Descendants of, ii, 235; Devas and, ii, 90; Earth, walking, i, 428; Fathers, ii, 271, 304; Fifth race, of, ii, 641; Flames and, ii, 258; Genealogies of, ii, 259; Generic name of, ii, 324; God of, i, 38; Great, ii, 148; Great Bear, of, i, 382, ii, 513, 581, 668, 812; Gurus, called, ii, 662; Hindûs, of, i, 37, ii, 443; Indian, ii, 102, 137, 382; Individualities of, i, 256, ii, 375; Intelligences, ii, 37; Inventors were, ii, 389; Kabiri and, ii, 377; Kashyapa one of, ii, 399; Krishna, from mind of, ii, 332; Lords of being, are, i, 370; Mantras, authors of, i, 477; Manu saved with, ii, 147; Manus and, i, 703, ii, 188, 264, 297, 377, 383; Manvantaras, from past, i, 228, ii, 82; Meanings of, historical and ethical, i, 140; Messengers or angels to, i, 220; Mortals, reborn as, ii, 819; Mysterious, ii, 579; Nârada one of, i, 444, ii, 51, 86, 288, 618; Nine, instead of seven, i, 470; Paramarshis or, i, 452; Parâshara on, i, 492, ii, 242; Past and present, ii, 601; Period, created and perish at one, i, 403; Pesh-Hun one of, ii, 52; Pitris, and, i, 125, ii, 48; Pleiades, and, ii, 580, 581; Pramlochâ’s child by, ii, 185; Progeny of, ii, 191; Purânas, in, ii, 297, 650; Ruler, would not leave earth without, ii, 552; Saptarshis, become, ii, 93; Second race, of, ii, 809; Secret Doctrine, in, i, 119; Secret wisdom of, ii, 563; Seven, i, 248, 373, 398, ii, 72, 661; Soma and, ii, 524; Stars, and, i, 219, 488; Third root-race, of, i, 229, ii, 98; Three classes of, ii, 527; Transformations of, i, 477; Ursa Major, and, ii, 812; Vâch and, i, 464, ii, 112; Vaivasvata Manu and, ii, 39, 150, 154, 221; Vishnu and, ii, 327; Year of seven, ii, 321.

Rishoon is lunar spirit, Adam, ii, 415.

Ritual, Egyptian, i, 331, 385, ii, 671; Exoteric, ii, 286; Magic, founded on, i, 511; Spirits of stars, for, i, 148.

Ritual, quoted, i, 240, 249.

Ritualism, Biblical, ii, 573; Church, ii, 400; Hindû, ii, 81; Orthodox and sectarian, ii, 598; Yogins, opposed by great, i, 447.

Ritualistic, Dogma of John Baptist, ii, 598; Exoteric, form, ii, 49, 600; Pomp, ii, 529; Worship, ii, 49, 791.

River-Gods of Greeks, i, 368.

Rivers, Animals in, i, 666; Genius loci of, i, 500; India, of, ii, 638; Life, shores of, i, 296; Past, of, ii, 500; Running waves of, i, 65, 257; Seven, of heaven and earth, i, 370, ii, 336, 640, 652; Sky, of, ii, 641; Source of four, ii, 214.

Rivers of Life, by General Forlong, i, 436.

Rivett-Carnac, referred to, ii, 361.

Roarer, Passions of Rudra make him, ii, 578.

Robe of my strength, Glorious, ii, 613.

Robes, Ever invisible, i, 55, 67, 74; Noumenon, stand for, i, 67; Sun’s outward, i, 576, 638.

Rochas, A. de, quoted, i, 707.

Rochester Cathedral, ii, 89.

Rochette, Raoul, quoted, ii, 576.

Rock-born God, Mithras, i, 363, ii, 138.

Rock-temples of Hindustan, i, 341.

Rocket, Agneyâstra a, ii, 666.

Rocking stones, ii, 358-363.

Rod, Caduceus, of, i, 600; Four karmic deities, of, ii, 445; Two serpents twined round, ii, 381.

Rods, Bunch of metallic, ii, 544; Hawk’s wings, with, ii, 376.

Roger Bacon an adept, i, 604, 636.

Rohanee, Atma-Vidyâ called, i, 221.

Rohini, Krishna and Logos, ii, 555.

Rolleston, Prof., quoted, ii, 768.

Roma-kûpas, Raumas created from, ii, 193; Sanskrit for hair-pores, ii, 71.

Romaka-pura, Asuramaya lived in, ii, 71; Atlantis, part of, ii, 54; Mâyâ assigned to, ii, 54.

Roman, Civilization, ii, 448; Colonization, era of, ii, 764; Foot, inch is base of, i, 333; Gallows cross, ii, 620; Sacred records, ii, 428; Sacr-factum of, priest, ii, 489; Septenary in, thought, ii, 648.

Roman Catholicism, Proofs of inspiration of, i, 432; Religion of sensualism, ii, 89; Symbolism in, i, 588.

Roman Catholics, Angels recognized by, i, 152, 255, 256, ii, 93; Ardent, i, 506; Belief of, i, 255; Bible, version of, i, 152; Borrowings of, ii, 505; Christians, i, 661; Claims of, i, 430, 496, ii, 408, 790; Colossal stones, and, ii, 360; Count de Maistre and, i, 662; Creation, on, i, 503; Deduction from a dogma of, i, 450; Ethereal prototype, and, ii, 504; Genii of seven planets of, i, 219; Greek Church, and, ii, 672; Heavenly hosts of, i, 128; Interpretation of, i, 522; Kabalists and, ii, 502; Luther and, ii, 135; Magicians, legends of, ii, 248; Marriage with, is a sacrament, ii, 489; Mazdean literature, and, ii, 499; Moon, and Virgin Mary and, i, 422; Mussulmans, and, ii, 35; New Testament, i, 389; Occultists, and, i, 27, 147; Peasants of, i, 670; Prometheus, and drama of, ii, 431; Prophecy by, ii, 432; Providence female with, i, 695; Ritual of, i, 148; Satan and, i, 671, ii, 537; Scholiasts, ii, 427; Stars, believe in seven great, ii, 476; Theologians of, ii, 392; Vase of election of, ii, 556; Virgin Mary, and, i, 119, 422; Zodiac, and, i, 712, 714.

Romance of Natural History, quoted, ii, 459.

Romanes, F.R.S., G. J., quoted, ii, 444, 683, 719.

Romans, Atlanto-Âryans, remnants of, ii, 455, 785; Atmâ and wind identical with, i, 247; Chronology of, from India, ii, 656; Ciphering among, i, 387; Cross used by, for torture, ii, 591; Hindûs gave, astronomy, i, 722; Races, used vowels to denote five, ii, 480.

Rome, Civilization before that of, ii, 830; Classics of, by monks, ii, 460; Eliphas Lévi and, ii, 593; Pope of, styled Lucifer, ii, 36; Spirits of stars not honoured at, i, 148; Svastika found at, ii, 620.

Romulus regarded as a myth, i, 373.

Ronororaka, Images at, ii, 352.

Root-abstraction, ii, 575.

Root-base of hierarchy of Arhats, i, 228.

Root-essence, Creative force radiating from, i, 696.

Root-form of each kingdom, ii, 196.

Root-Kumâra, Shvetalohita, ii, 260.

Root-manu, Every round a, ii, 335; Globe A, on, ii, 155; Noah and, ii, 632; Prime cause, i, 256; Seed-manu, and, i, 256, ii, 322.

Root-principle, Primordial chaos, and, i, 354; Universe, of, i, 268; World stuff, of, i, 568.

Root-Race(s), America and Europe, in, i, 518; Ancient people of fifth, ii, 638; Apes descend from fourth, ii, 721; Arhatship at end of this, i, 227; Aryan, our, ii, 8, 738, 825; Atlantean or fourth, i, 211; Bi-sexual unity of third, ii, 143; Changes with every, i, 206; Course run by every, ii, 825; Dawn of a new, ii, 824, 829; Dhyânîs and, i, 73, ii, 50; Distinct, ii, 135, 462; Divine dynasties in every, ii, 447; Divisions of, ii, 452; Downward tendency of each, ii, 830; Earliest, ii, 166; Enoch and Noah and, ii, 561; Equatorial line, our, has crossed, ii, 315; Ethereal, first, ii, 49; European humanity, of, ii, 737; Evolution of, ii, 9, 51; Evolvers of first, i, 492; Fifth, i, 50, 138, 139, 148, 207, 208, 500, 518, 668, 714, ii, 8, 452, 453, 638, 673, 737, 825; First, i, 183, 214, 402, 492, ii, 38, 49, 88, 89, 146, 155, 265, 279, 723, 745, 754; Fourth, i, 132, 211, 229, ii, 132, 138, 154, 177, 188, 346, 388, 707, 721, 755; Genealogical tree of fifth, ii, 453; Globe D, on, i, 183; Greek temples, recorded in, ii, 480; Hermaphrodites of third, ii, 33; Human, ii, 479; Incarnation of third, ii, 258; Last sub-races of third, ii, 808; Mankind of first, ii, 155, 265; Men at close of third, ii, 209; Nârada in each, ii, 87; Origin of Aryan, ii, 738; Pentacle symbolized five, i, 150; Period of a, ii, 422; Pole-star and founders of, ii, 812; Pre-Adamic, i, 402; Present or fifth, i, 714; Primitive, ii, 33; Production of life in next, i, 436; Races, applies to one of seven, ii, 208, 737; Religion of third, ii, 285; Revealer necessary for each, i, 74; Rishis and Devas of third, i, 229, ii, 82; Round, of each, ii, 415, 597; Rudra Shiva and, ii, 528; Sacred tree typifies, ii, 109; Sages of fifth, ii, 673; Second, ii, 5, 71, 124, 146, 154, 174, 176, 723; Seed of fifth, i, 139; Seed of man at beginning of, ii, 155; Senses of each, ii, 113; Seven keys open mysteries of seven, i, 346; Seventh, i, 133, ii, 288, 463, 654; Shells in first, i, 493; Sixth, i, 133, 207, 317, ii, 403, 463, 464, 824; Sons of wisdom and third, i, 228; Species change with every, ii, 737; Sub-races of, ii, 346, 452, 650; Tau glyph of third, i, 35; Third, i, 34, 138, 203, 210, 212, 228, 229, 245, 287, ii, 3, 33, 50, 71, 82, 98, 102, 132, 143, 144, 156, 176, 181, 187, 209, 258, 285, 320, 386, 444, 454, 559, 707, 808; Three and a half, ii, 116; Yuga may mean a, ii, 156.

Root-types, Astral, ii, 778, 779; Mammalian, ii, 727, 770, 777; Primeval animal, ii, 685.

Rootless, Root, i, 42, 43, 98, 437; Trees, ii, 511.

Rope of angels, i, 118.

Rosary, Blessed virgin, of, ii, 44; Serpent, on neck of a, ii, 189.

Roscelini, referred to, i, 32.

Rose and cross, Union of, i, 47.

Rosecroix, Symbol of, i, 108, 109.

Rosenkranz, Fludd on, i, 99.

Rosenroth, quoted, i, 235, 420.

Rosetta stone, i, 738, ii, 486.

Rosicrucian, Alchemist, and, i, 670; Fire, definition of, i, 146; Jehovah screen for, i, 472; Magi, idea of fire from, i, 109; Manuscript, cypher, ii, 212; Paracelsus a great, i, 304; Philosophy, i, 36; Rosy cross, origin of name, i, 47; Sidereal light of, i, 361; Tenets of, i, 99, ii, 247.

Rossi, De, quoted, ii, 620.

Rossmassler, quoted, i, 701.

Rosy cross, Brothers of, i, 47, ii, 636.

Rotæ, Wheels called, i, 142.

Rotation, Axis of, displacement of, ii, 563; Collision produced, i, 269; Contradictory hypotheses as to, i, 549; Disturbances in axial, ii, 328; Earth of, i, 622, ii, 67, 339; Etheric centres, of, i, 608; Force of, i, 543; Generation of, i, 620; Incipient, i, 550; Intelligences, result of, i, 658; Magnet, of molecules of a, ii, 759; Mand or manth implies, ii, 431; Mass, not self-generated in, i, 544; Motion of, i, 577; Nebula, of a, i, 648; Planet’s, on its axis, i, 648; Satellites, inverse, of, i, 629; Science, theories of, in, i, 544; Svastika and, of time, ii, 104; Theory of, i, 542.

Rotational evolution of our solar system, i, 545.

Roth, Professor, quoted, ii, 640.

Rougé, Viscount de, referred to, i, 159, 428, ii, 384.

Rougemont, De, quoted, ii, 387, 388, 475.

Round, Antiquity of man in this, ii, 737; Astral man, began with, ii, 180; Awakening at beginning of, ii, 322; Cast-off materials of, ii, 72; Cataclysms in every, ii, 347; Continent lasts through each, ii, 6; Culmination of a, i, 704; Cycle of our special, i, 702; Deluge in this, i, 396; Development, brings a new, i, 185; Duration of, ii, 595; Earth in this, governors of, i, 134; Evolutionary work of preceding, i, 209; Fifth, i, 184, 185, 207, 278, ii, 273; Fifth truth, next, brings, i, 74; First, i, 183, 197, 271, 273, 278, 279, ii, 50, 72, 155, 672; Form of man at beginning of this, i, 521; Fourth, i, 40, 73, 132, 164, 185, 200, 208, 209, 214, 227, 267, 273, 274, 280, 478, ii, 67, 72, 119, 171, 195, 196, 197, 301, 314, 322, 335, 628, 672, 707, 722, 723, 744, 816; Geological cataclysm which put end to, ii, 274; Globe and, our, i, 671; Humanity, our, and, ii, 646; Island at North Pole prevails during this, ii, 418; Kalpa or, ii, 50; Lunar chain, of, i, 194; Mammalians in this, ii, 164, 190; Man in this, i, 50, 210, ii, 1, 477; Manu, of every, i, 93; Manus in every, fourteen, ii, 650; Manvantara or, ii, 648; Midway, present, is, ii, 171; New, compound elements in every, i, 271; New type at beginning of each, ii, 303; Planetary chain in last, i, 179; Pralaya and, i, 184, ii, 344; Race and, this, i, 310; Relics of preceding, ii, 753; Renewal or, ii, 595; Root-races in each, seven, ii, 597; Second, i, 196, 271, 272, 273, 280; Sedimentation in this, ii, 754; Seven, of each, i, 737; Seventh, i, 41, 180, 260, 562, ii, 177, 516, 597; Seventh race of our, ii, 105; Sixth, i, 41, 184, 185; Speaking race in this, first, ii, 473; Spirit and matter in this, i, 204; Table, ii, 411, 416; Terrestrial, i, 183, ii, 723; Third, i, 254, 267, 273, 280, ii, 60, 82, 122, 174, 197, 200, 721, 723, 772; Third root-race in fourth, i, 212; Tower of Bhagulpore, ii, 89; Transition point of this, ii, 273; Vaivasvata manvantara or, i, 26; Yuga may mean a, ii, 156.

Round Towers of Ireland, quoted, i, 512.

Rounds, Actuality of seven, ii, 737; Cycle, in preceding, i, 287; Destruction of fossils of, ii, 770; Ego in remote, ii, 302; Esoteric Buddhism, in, i, 208; Evolution, as arena of, ii, 268, 596; First four, i, 269; Generally explained, i, 197, 199, 204, 205, 206, 211, 252, 253; Globes, and, i, 182, 184, 220; Interim between, ii, 753; Life and evolution, of, ii, 596; Life, cycles and, i, 191; Man in previous, ii, 265, 775; Manvantaras and, ii, 190, 452, 790; Material evolution through, i, 272; Monads and, ii, 59, 177; Numbers concerning, i, 193; Pralaya makes gulf between, i, 185; Races preceding our, ii, 651; Root-races, and, i, 73; Scriptures, and races in, ii, 790; Seven, i, 183, 258, ii, 415, 653, 654; Three, to come, i, 183, 261, ii, 191, 321, 563; Types from preceding, ii, 697; Wheels, or small, i, 72.

Routers or rocking stones, ii, 360, 361.

Row, P. Sreenivas, Computations by, ii, 73.

Row, T. Subba, quoted, i, 43, 135, 290, 291, 461, 628, 681, ii, 323, 613.

Royal Asiatic Society, i, 397.

Royal Institution, referred to, i, 322.

Royal Masonic Cyclopædia, quoted, i, 152, 324, 620, ii, 117, 557, 587.

Royal Society, Bacon to, from, ii, 458; Fellow of, i, 687; Geological periods, on, ii, 9; Mellard Read before, ii, 10; Nebular theory and, i, 651.

Ru, Hieroglyphic, ii, 577; Third eye is, set upright, ii, 578.

Ruach, Evolution of ideas and, i, 264; Hayum, Boreas called, i, 504; Image, able to substitute, i, 265; Nephesh, united to, i, 215; Seat of passions, or, ii, 639; Spirit or, i, 246, 263, ii, 87, 395; Spiritual soul or, i, 262; Tzelem of, ii, 670; Wind, equals, i, 247.

Rua’h or spirit, ii, 329.

Rubidium, Crookes on, i, 603.

Rudbeck, a Swedish scientist, ii, 420, 817.

Rudiment, Element means, i, 619.

Rudimentary, Elements, ii, 113; Man, i, 268, ii, 119; Organs, ii, 182, 194, 719, 722; Principles, i, 490; Tail, ii, 343, 719.

Rudiments, First and second races, of, ii, 114; Senses, of future, i, 481.

Rudra, Brahmâ, from head of, i, 169; Creates beings, i, 494; Destroyer, i, 397, ii, 72; Getting married, after, ii, 295; God of fire, ii, 578; Indra and, led Gods, ii, 523; Janârdana, becoming, i, 397; Kârttikeya, son of, ii, 654; Kumâra, a, ii, 260, 609; Mahâdeva, as, ii, 578; Mrida form of, ii, 424; Nîlalohita, or, i, 493, ii, 112, 202; Principle, immediate production of first, i, 491; Rig Veda, in, i, 479; Saints, birth of, and, i, 492; Shiva, a form of, i, 397, 493, 496, ii, 399, 648; Vishnu as, i, 397.

Rudra-Kumâras, ii, 111, 266, 649.

Rudra-Shiva, Destroying God, ii, 173; Names of, ii, 528; Seed of, ii, 580; Vishnu becomes, i, 573; Yogi, great, ii, 528.

Rudras, Apsarasas and other, ii, 619; Arûpa Gods, are, ii, 332; Âryas, of ancient, ii, 90; Classes of, ii, 192; Dhyân Chohans and, ii, 293; Grandfathers, called, ii, 258; Incarnation of, ii, 256; Maruts, or, ii, 578, 651; Parâshara on, ii, 242; Pre-Brâhmanical, ii, 173; Tempting demons, called, ii, 184; Vedic deities, eleven, were, i, 100.

Rûdû is two months of mortals, a, ii, 656, 657.

Ruins, Archaic towns of Tibet, of, i, 17; Atlantis, of, ii, 426; Babian, of, ii, 638; Colossal, ii, 353; Cyclopean, ii, 275, 356; Palenque, of, ii, 448; Peru, in, ii, 788; Primitive system, of, ii, 484; Uxmal, of, ii, 448.

Ruins of Empires, quoted, i, 772, ii, 455.

Ruler, Dayanisi, of men, i, 427; Ego-ism the, i, 356; Hiranyâksha, of Pâtâla, ii, 399; Invisible, i, 659; Mithras, of year, ii, 497; Nature, God of Semite, of, i, 411; Sphere, of, ii, 601; Universe, of, ii, 40; Vara, of, ii, 5; Zarathushtra, ii, 5, 645.

Rulers, Appearance, with man’s, ii, 343; Atoms, of these groups of, i, 604; Divine, ii, 331, 382; Elementals guided by, i, 170; Four high, i, 150; Globe, sidereal, of our, ii, 739; Governors or, ii, 101; Heaven, of sidereal, i, 535; Pitris, and, ii, 93; Planet, of this, ii, 539; Planetary Gods and, ii, 49; Primeval races, of, ii, 411; Regents or, of world, i, 125; Seven, i, 440; Sidereal powers, Kabiri, of, ii, 380; Spheres, astral, of, i, 631; Stars, of, i, 442; System, of our, ii, 657; Third race men, of, ii, 826; World, of, i, 714, ii, 102, 541.

Rumbling stone of Irish, ii, 358.

Runes, Sigurd learned in, i, 435.

Runic writing, ii, 361.

Runners or Theoi, i, 370.

Rûpa, Arûpa, and, i, 143, 154; Chhâyâ, a, ii, 18, 107; Corporeal, i, 219; Earth in her first, i, 279; Form or, i, 83, 206, 214, 669; Group of angels, i, 238; Hierarchies, ii, 332; Lords, of, ii, 20, 170; Manas, plus, i, 357; Origin of, i, 488; Physical body or, i, 262; Pitris and, ii, 107; Species, i, 400; Stanza IV, in, i, 116; Vishnu, of, i, 452; Worlds, equals, i, 147.

Rûpas, Brothers, for our, ii, 17; Destroyed, ii, 68; Fifth race, no, for, ii, 60; Forms or, i, 214; Group among, highest, i, 238; Wheel constructed, ii, 16, 55.

Russian, Alphabet, ii, 577; Archives of freemasonry, i, 20; Giant-lore, ii, 797; Koorgan, ii, 795; Persian legends in, ii, 412; Pigeon not eaten by, i, 109.

Ruta, Atlanteans, ii, 455; Daitya, and, ii, 149, 751; Island of, ii, 328, 452, 781; Magicians of, ii, 447; Sanskrit from, ii, 233; White Island, was, ii, 155.

Rutilius, quoted, ii, 374.

Rütimeyer, Professor, quoted, ii, 833.

Sa, Hea or, the synthesis of Gods, ii, 5.

Saba host, ii, 383.

Sabæan, Language, astronomy, ii, 383; Origin of Henoch, ii, 383; Worship, ii, 483.

Sabæanism and astrolatry, i, 432.

Sabæans, ii, 377, 378; Maimonides and, ii, 476; Moses and, ii, 477; Nabatheans thought to be, ii, 474; Star-worshippers, or, ii, 476.

Sabæorum fœtum, ii, 477.

Sabaism, Seth the founder of, ii, 378.

Sabao, the genius of Mars, ii, 567.

Sabaoth, Mars, Genius of, i, 631; Saturn or, i, 630; Stellar, spirit, i, 484.

Sabasia, Mysteria of the, ii, 437.

Sabasian mysteries, ii, 433, 434, 437.

Sabasius, Dionysus, ii, 433; Mithras called, ii, 437.

Sabbaoth, Jehovah, i, 472, 496.

Sabbath, i, 416; Bible, of, ii, 660; Duration of Hebrew, i, 260, ii, 413; Eastern philosophy, of, i, 481; Excellence of, i, 260; Goat of witches’, i, 537; God, of, i, 522, ii, 245; Greek text, in, i, 261; Jewish, i, 421; Meaning of, i, 260, 261, 438, ii, 790; Morrow after, ii, 790; Moses, of, ii, 638; Mystic, of, i, 261, 522; Saturn, day of, i, 496; Seventh, ii, 516, 790.

Sabbaths, Leviticus, of, ii, 597, 790; Mysteries, of, ii, 790; Pralayas, are, ii, 790.

Sabbatical week and year, ii, 413.

Sabda Brahman, Îshvara called, i, 162.

Sabean type of Samael, i, 449.

Sabean Bedouins, ii, 541.

Sabeanism, Chaldæan religion and, i, 39.

Sabekh to Seti I, i, 249.

Sabhâ and Mâyâsabhâ, ii, 444.

Sabines, Rapes before that of, ii, 288.

Sacerdotal, Castes, ii, 529; College, Java-Aleim of, ii, 225; Dominion in Egypt, ii, 450; Theban, class, i, 330; Tongue, Senzar, i, 26; Years, i, 719; Zuñi Indians, hierarchy of, ii, 665.

Sacerdotalism, Christian, ii, 591.

Sacr’, Chakra, or circle of Vishnu, ii, 488; First-formed races of our fifth race, of, i, 35; Hebrew word, means lingam (phallus), ii, 489; Sacred, sacrament, derived from, i, 35.

Sacrament, Etymology of, ii, 489; Marriage, of, i, 674; Sacr’ derivation of word, i, 35.

Sacramental words of initiation, ii, 589.

Sacred, Adytum of occult mysteries, i, 687; Aged, or Sephira, i, 266; Animal, i, 66, 258; Animals regarded as, in Bible, i, 476; Ark of the covenant, ii, 481; Brâhmanical books, i, 291; Brâhmans, caste of, i, 292; Cats, i, 416; Ceremonies, of Egyptians, ii, 447; Crocodiles, ii, 613; Cross of Egypt, ii, 577; Cycles and computations, with the ancients, ii, 414; Decad, Pythagorean, ii, 584; Divine symbol, cross a, ii, 615; Doctrine of Buddhism, ii, 442; Dragons and serpents, ii, 370, 371; Drama of initiation, ii, 437; Fathers, messengers of, i, 60, 116; Figures of the cycles, i, 191; Fires, Kabiri, or Kumâras, personified, ii, 111; Four, ii, 295; Immutability of primitive truths, i, 331; Island, ii, 333, 366, 816; Islands, ii, 340; Knowledge, disappearance of the, ii, 561; Land, imperishable, ii, 6; Land of Aryâvarta, the, of, ii, 617; Letters, M the most, of all, i, 412; Letters, two, ii, 60; Literature, Kumâras in, ii, 610; Literature of Babylon, i, 18; Lore, the life-giving, i, 18; Magian religion, ii, 5; Measures, Jewish and other, i, 332; Names, and letter M, i, 412; Nile, crocodile of the, ii, 610; Number five, with Greeks, ii, 613; Number seven, i, 416; Numbers ten, six and five, i, 117; Number twelve held to be, i, 712; Planets of antiquity, i, 191; Plants and animals, i, 378; Precincts of Minerva, ii, 413; Pythagorean number, i, 90; River, sacred crocodiles re-emerge from, ii, 613; Sacr’, the root of word, i, 35; Scarabæus, winged globe became, ii, 582; Science, i, 582; Scribe of Amenti, i, 413; Secret knowledge, and, i, 153; Shambalah, ii, 418; Sibylline books, ii, 414; Sign, pentagon a, i, 412; Square buildings of antiquity, i, 151; Sun temples, ii, 396; Symbol, Svastika a, ii, 106; Symbol, the E. Delphicum a, ii, 613; Symbologies, ii, 113; Tortoise, i, 476; Tree, on Babylonian cylinder, ii, 109; Water, Neilos, of, ii, 435; Wheat, with the Egyptians, ii, 390; Wisdom, withheld from all but Brâhmans, i, 292; Works of esoteric schools, i, 7; Writings of Judaism, ii, 494.

Sacred animals, Bible, of, i, 119, 476; Divine man, emanated from, i, 60, 116; Evangelists, grouped around, i, 476; Glyphs of, i, 387; Zodiac, and, i, 120, 481, ii, 26, 191.

Sacred books, Brâhmans, of, i, 392; Buddhist, i, 21; Commentaries on, i, 18; Cryptographic characters, in, i, 7; Initiates and, i, 18; Magians’, i, 21; Root-race called manvantara in, ii, 650.

Sacred Books of the East, quoted, i, 29, 115, ii, 97, 102, 304, 402, 504, 520, 598, 674.

Sacred bull, Nandi, ii, 426; Thot, of Mendes a form of, i, 413.

Sacred fire, Angels robbed seven circles of, ii, 84; Barhishad and Agnishvatta Pitris classed in relation to, ii, 81; Higher beings, from spark of, ii, 181; Psellus on, i, 353; Svastika, instrument for kindling, ii, 106, 431.

Sacred four, Circle enclosed within, i, 61, 125; Primordial flame and, i, 115; Svastika, an emblem of, ii, 621; Tetraktys or, i, 115, 126, ii, 658.

Sacred island, Central Asia, in, i, 230; Initiates of, i, 452; Sons of God and, ii, 230.

Sacred mysteries, ii, 471; Great pyramid, of, i, 337; Kuklos Anagkês, of, ii, 396; Science and, ii, 471; Seven, number of numbers for those initiated into, ii, 38.

Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and Quiches, References to, i, 287, ii, 38, 39, 239, 532.

Sacred name, Jah-Hovah a, ii, 133; Sanskrit and Hebrew conceal, i, 106.

Sacred number, Four, with all mystics, i, 116; Nature, in, ii, 428; Seven, i, 139, ii, 38, 638; Tetrad, most, ii, 633.

Sacred numbers, Book of Dzyan and the Kabalah, in, i, 95; Metaphysical, are purely, i, 96.

Sacred planets, Seven, ii, 87; Spheres ruled by, ii, 637.

Sacred science, the, Birth and evolution of, ii, 838; Legends of Initiator among students of, i, 228; Nature of, i, 23; Numerals, of, i, 116; Vidyâ, or, ii, 457.

Sacred spark, Human reason, expands into, ii, 99; Savages, missing in, ii, 439.

Sacred symbol, E. Delphicum, ii, 613; Svastika, ii, 103.

Sacr-factum and sacr-fice, ii, 489.

Sacrifice, Abel, of, ii, 285; Artemis, of human victims to, i, 425; Ashvamedha, ii, 602; Black magic and, i, 448, ii, 242; Bright spirits, of, ii, 285; Butter purified by, ii, 106; Ceremonial of, reviled by Asuras, i, 455; Daksha, of, ii, 71, 192, 193; Fiery angels, of, ii, 257; Fruit, whence all, ii, 555; God pleased with, i, 297; Great, i, 228, 229; Let thy, cease, i, 448; Objective, an evidence of piety, ii, 599; Prometheus a, ii, 592; Queen of heaven, to, ii, 485; Senses offered in, ii, 600; Triform, ii, 555; Victim of the Gods’ of man as, ii, 641; Vishvakarman, of, i, 289, ii, 640; Winds, to, i, 505.

Sacrificed themselves, Four, ii, 294.

Sacrificer, Cain, as, ii, 285; Yima his own, ii, 644.

Sacrificers, Âdityas or, ii, 640; Atlanteans first, to God of nature, ii, 285; Gods-Hierophants, divine ancient, ii, 471.

Sacrifices, Brâhmans, and mummeries of, ii, 512; Fire produced by attrition at, ii, 552; Kratu-dvishas enemies of, ii, 526; Nemesis, to, i, 704; Special prayers are, i, 505; Thetis, to, i, 506.

Sacrificial, Animal, man a, i, 481; Animals, Pashavah or, ii, 661; Ceremony, ii, 106; Chalice, Argha as a, ii, 483; Fires, ii, 81; Flame, ii, 552; Ritualism, ii, 676; Victim, Azazel, ii, 393; Victims, i, 301.

Sacr-ment, ii, 489.

Sacti, Yoginî adored as, i, 512.

Sacy, M. de, quoted, ii, 562.

Sâdah, Vendîdâd, quoted, ii, 544.

Sadaika-Rûpa, Changeless, or, ii, 114; Essence, or, ii, 50.

Saddharmâlankâra, Sacred canon of Lamaism, i, 11.

Sadducee, Modern, i, 6, 29.

Sadducees, Guardians of the laws of Moses, ii, 64; Israelite sects, most refined of, ii, 495; Laws of Moses, held to, i, 341.

Sâdhus, Third age, of, ii, 333; Râkshasas shown to be, ii, 174.

Sâdhyas, Divine sacrificers, ii, 640; Great Gods called, ii, 94.

Sadic, Cain or Vulcan or Pater, ii, 410; Sadik or, ii, 409; Sydic or, ii, 409.

Sadu, Spirits and genii called, ii, 258.

Sagara, Kapila slew progeny of, ii, 603, 614; Râmâyana, in, ii, 602; Weapon bestowed by Aurva upon his Chelâ, ii, 666.

Sâgara or Bay of Bengal, ii, 604.

Sage, Actualities visible only to real, i, 20; Agastya, ii, 242; Bhrigu a Vedic, ii, 33; Confucius, i, 20; Devamata, ii, 598; Kandu, ii, 184; Kapila, ii, 604, 614; Kashyapa, ii, 398, 649; Nârada, ii, 86, 598; Pânini, ii, 458; Parâshara, i, 447; Plato, ii, 585; Quality of darkness cannot exist in a, ii, 603; Quoted, ii, 466, 676; Reverence of, for unknowable, ii, 623; Ulysses, ii, 813; Vaivasvata, ii, 148; Western plains, of, i, 666; Zoroaster, aphorism of, ii, 462.

Sages, Aja on, ii, 612; Ancient, i, 223, ii, 472; Anugîtâ, in, ii, 598, 675; Archaic, ii, 585; Arhats, or, ii, 176; Authority of legions of, i, 670; Brahmâ, or Kumâras live as long as, i, 493; Confucius, one of the greatest, i, 475; Deep, come forth from, ii, 520; Fifth race, taught, ii, 375; Fifth root-race, of, ii, 673; God in nature, of ancient, i, 311; Great, ii, 676; Greece, of, ii, 785; Hindûs, of, i, 455; Historical, thirty-five Buddhas are, ii, 441; Inner vision of, ii, 308; Intellect, searching with their, ii, 185; Mânushis, of third race, i, 26; Modern, i, 325; Modern theory and ancient, ii, 197; Mystic, i, 114; Philosopher-teachers of antiquity, ii, 142; Power (Kriyâshakti) of holy, ii, 192; Primitive, i, 447; Purânic, i, 447; Religious austerities of, ii, 193; Rishis do not only represent living, ii, 647; Rishis of the Aryan race, ii, 520; Rishis, or, ii, 650; Senary applied by, to physical man, ii, 625; Seven perfect, abide in Brahman, ii, 676; Seven primordial, ii, 280; Siddhas, on earth, ii, 579; Sung, ii, 584; Superstition, accused, of, i, 504; Tree, branches of one, i, 228; Trees, destroy the iniquitous, ii, 520; Wise men, or, ii, 202; Wrath, shun, i, 448.

Sagittarius, Joseph in sphere of, i, 715.

Sagra Scrittura, quoted, ii, 393.

Sah, He, ii, 488.

Sahagun, quoted, ii, 38.

Sahara, Desert of, ii, 361, 423, 442; Elevation of, ii, 8, 837; Miocene sea, basin of a, ii, 831; Sea, a, ii, 781, 826.

Saharaksha fire of the Asuras, i, 567.

St. Augustine, i, 475, ii, 327.

St. Bernard and Virgin Mary, i, 431.

St. Dionysius the Areopagite, i, 503.

St. Gabriel the archangel, i, 73.

St. George and the dragon, i, 495, ii, 396.

St. Gregory of Nazianzen, quoted, ii, 280.

St. Hilaire, Geoffroy, ii, 216.

St. James, Epistle of, quoted, i, 217, ii, 287.

St. John, Dragon, did not originate the allegory of, ii, 371; Synoptics and, i, 411; Vision of, in Revelation, i, 101.

St. Michael, Archangel, i, 73, 670; Kumâra a prototype of, i, 399; St. George, and, i, 495.

St. Paul, Cosmic Gods, refers to, i, 503; Elementals, refers to, i, 352, 360, 400; Initiate, an, ii, 280; Unknown God, on, i, 349; Worlds, on other, ii, 743.

St. Peter, Key of, ii, 545.

St. Petersburg, Imperial libraries in, i, 19; Professors Butlerof and Wagner of, i, 271.

St. Prest, Fossils in Pliocene sands of, ii, 794.

St. Romans, Gigantic bones found near, ii, 289.

Saints, Adepts and, ii, 441; Blood of, ii, 791; Coming of the Lord with ten thousand, ii, 506; Glory to thee who art one with, i, 452; Jana-loka, of, i, 399; Leaders of, ii, 400; Rudra and, birth of, i, 492; Time accuseth even, ii, 244.

Saïs, Initiate’s tomb at, ii, 413; Inscription at, i, 422; Neïth of, Goddess, i, 429; Priests of, ii, 387, 785.

Saïtic, Isis, mother, ii, 692; Period, statuette of, ii, 487; Priests, ii, 388.

Saka or Eka and dragon of wisdom, i, 102.

Sakkarah, Inscriptions at, i, 469.

Salamander, Gigantic, ii, 367; Venomous alkaloid in saliva of, i, 282.

Salamanders derided, Idea of, i, 663.

Salem, Melchizedek king of, ii, 410.

Salisbury Plain, Stones on, ii, 358.

Saliva, Venomous alkaloid in human, ii, 282.

Salt, Alchemical, ii, 120; Seas, for, i, 637; Solution, ii, 628.

Salts of nature, Spirits of the, ii, 121.

Salvation, Ark of, ii, 326; Dogmas of, i, 673; Mankind, of, ii, 226, 294; Spiritual humanity, of, ii, 83; Star of, i, 511, ii, 555; Sun of, i, 719; Thoth Lunus, he who operates, ii, 487.

Salverte on winged serpents, ii, 215.

Samâdhi, Bodhi or, i, 3; Buddha in posture of, ii, 354; Jayas, lost in, ii, 94; Mystic trance or, ii, 601; Turîya state of, i, 623.

Samaël, Angel of death, ii, 117; Cain generated by, ii, 407; Chief of the demons in Talmud, i, 449; Devil, ii, 406; Dragons of evil, chief of, ii, 427; Elohim, one of, i, 450; Fall of man, caused, ii, 118; Kabalah, in, ii, 246; Kâma, kabalistic name for, i, 262, 263; Lucifer-Venus abode of, ii, 34; St. Michael, shown to be, ii, 395; Satan, is, ii, 395, 402, 406; Saturn, and Schemal a symbolical form of, i, 450; Serpent of Genesis, is, ii, 402; Simoon, is identical with, ii, 403.

Samaël-Lilith, ii, 274.

Samaël-Satan, ii, 395.

Samaëls must be dethroned, All the, ii, 438.

Samâna, Prâna, subject to, ii, 600; Principle offering to Udâna, ii, 599; Speech finally dwells in, i, 122; Vyâna, and, ii, 599, 600.

Samaria, Giants probably existed in, ii, 798.

Samaritans, Iabé (Yahva) of, ii, 487; Tau closed alphabet of, ii, 614; Yahva, pronounced Jeve, ii, 137.

Samarium, a so-called element, i, 597.

Sâmba, reputed son of Krishna, ii, 337.

Sambhûti, Hari born of, ii, 94.

Samnati, daughter of Daksha, ii, 555.

Samoa, Aborigines of, ii, 234.

Samoans, Stature of the, ii, 346.

Samos, Aristarchus of, i, 142.

Samothrace, Island of Electria, or, ii, 3; Kabiri in, ii, 378; Mysteries of, ii, 4, 111; Phœnicians, colonized by, ii, 3; Titanic tradition in, ii, 408; Volcanic formation, of, ii, 409.

Samothracian mysteries, ii, 3, 4, 376, 379.

Samson, Modern, i, 641.

Samuel, Book of (II), quoted, i, 505, 506, ii, 404, 482, 570.

Samuel, Rabbi, quoted, ii, 142.

Samvârta, the wind, ii, 321.

Samvriti, origin of illusion or delusion, i, 75, 79.

Samvritisatya only relative truth, i, 79.

San Giulio, Catacombs of, ii, 620.

San Marco, Campanile of, ii, 89.

Sana and the Kumâras, i, 493, 496.

Sanaka and the Kumâras, i, 116, 399, 493, ii, 112, 149, 333.

Sanakadikas, Kumâras who visited Vishnu, ii, 618.

Sananda, Create progeny, refused to, ii, 617; Kabir, may be the alter ego of a, ii, 112; Kumâras, one of the exoteric seven, ii, 333; Kumâras, one of four, i, 116.

Sanandana, i, 493, ii, 149; Brahmâ, son of, ii, 81, 612; Kumâra, a, i, 493; Vedhas, son of, ii, 182, 186.

Sanat, Brahmâ called, i, 125, ii, 661; Kumâra and, i, 496.

Sanâtana, Kabir, may be alter ego of a, ii, 112; Kumâra, one of, i, 116, 493, ii, 333.

Sanatkumâra, ii, 149; Create progeny, refused to, ii, 617; Kabir, may be alter ego of a, ii, 112; Kumâra, a, i, 116, ii, 333; Meaning of name, i, 494.

Sanatsujâta, Kumâra, a, i, 493, 496, ii, 149.

Sanchoniatho, Cabiri of, ii, 411.

Sanchuniathon, Aletæ, on, ii, 150, 377; Atlantides, has preserved the history of, ii, 804; Cosmogony of, i, 135, 363, 366; Eusebius, in, ii, 397, 409; Kabiri, on, ii, 409, 410; Philo Byblus and, ii, 137; Phœnicians and, ii, 459, 812; Stones, on animated, ii, 357; Synchronistic tables of, ii, 732; Time, on, ii, 514.

Sanctuaries, Arts and sciences preserved in, ii, 604; Egypt of, ii, 450; Hellenic, of sun, ii, 6; Secret Doctrine, of, ii, 463.

Sanctuary, Egyptian Gods and, i, 393; God of heaven, of, ii, 296; Holy of holies, has become, ii, 244; Keys of the, ii, 243, 244; Pope entering inner, ii, 488; Veiled language of, ii, 413.

Sanctum Sanctorum, Adytum, or, ii, 481; Egyptian and Hebrew temples, of, i, 500; Occult, i, 639; Pagans, of, ii, 482; Stooping man at entrance of, ii, 492.

Sandhis, intervals between each Manu, ii, 73.

Sandhyâ, Dawn or, i, 578; Evening twilight or, ii, 63, 263; Four bodies of Brahmâ, one of the, ii, 61; Length of, ii, 322; Period of, ii, 621; Vâch called, i, 465.

Sandhyâmsha and Sandhyâ, ii, 322.

Sandhyâs, Central sun during, ii, 249; Twilights or, i, 227.

Sands, Spirit of the, i, 237.

Sandwich Islands, Lemurian origin of, ii, 234, 832.

Sangbai Dag-po, Concealed lord or, i, 83.

Sanguis in alchemy, ii, 120.

Sangye Khado, chief of the Liliths, ii, 298.

Sanjñâ, Spiritual consciousness, or, ii, 106; Vishvakarman, daughter of, ii, 183.

Sânkhya, Evolution elaborated in, philosophy, i, 304; Kapila, author of, philosophy, ii, 604; Kapila, founder of, philosophy, ii, 603; Philosophy, pure, i, 358; Pradhâna in, philosophy, i, 86, 397; Purusha and Prakriti in, philosophy, i, 267, ii, 45; Seven Prakritis in, philosophy, i, 277; System, ii, 264.

Sânkhya Kârikâ, quoted, i, 277, 358, 492, 493.

Sânkhya Sâra, quoted, i, 104.

Sânkhyan more than a Purânic idea, i, 483.

Sânkhyas, Intellectual creation of the, i, 492.

Sannaddha, one of the seven rays, i, 561.

Sanskrit, Ahura is in, Asura, ii, 643; Alphabet, i, 121; Ares, scholars on etymology of, ii, 410; Atlanteans did not speak, i, 50; Babylonia seat of, learning, i, 15; Commentary in, ii, 446; Commentators, i, 106, ii, 334; Creation, words used in describing, i, 487, 490; Derivation of, ii, 233; Difference between Shastra and Astra in, ii, 666; Disappearance of, works in India, i, 18; Forgery in correct and archaic, i, 15; Greek, said to be progeny of, i, 21; Hebrew, not derived from, i, 102; Jah and Yah, in, ii, 138; Language of the Gods, i, 290; Nomenclature, ii, 608; Numerals, i, 386; Oxford, Sir M. Williams, professor of, at, i, 78; Prometheus derived from, word, ii, 431; Root of, mystery tongue, ii, 210; Scriptures, i, 126; Senzar commentaries, translations of, i, 50; Shlokas, i, 684; Stanzas, i, 50; Texts, ii, 646; Works, i, 6.

Sanskrit literature, Imposition, said to be an, ii, 461; Testimony of, ii, 606; Weber, on, ii, 53.

Sanskrit MSS., Astronomy, on, ii, 581; Secret doctrine scattered through thousands of, i, 6.

Sanskrit-speaking, Agni with, races, ii, 106; People, ii, 214.

Sanskritist, Dayânand Sarasvatî, i, 14; Fitzedward Hall, ii, 94; Max Müller, great Oxford, ii, 599; Pandit and, ii, 235; Romaka-pura and the, ii, 54; Western, ii, 619; Wilson, ii, 666.

Sankritists, Agneyâstra and modern, ii, 666; Chronology of, i, 492; English and American, i, 710; Researches of, i, 5; Rig Veda, and, ii, 470, 471; Trojan inscriptions in characters unknown to, ii, 459.

Santati of a particular Manu, Each root-race, ii, 149.

Saphar, one of the three seraphim, i, 120.

Sapta, Chatur and Tri produce, i, 58, 100.

Sapta Samudra, or seven oceans, i, 371, ii, 743.

Saptaloka, Seven lokas or, ii, 245.

Saptaparna, Atma-Vidyâ and, i, 221; Cave, i, 4; Heart of the man-plant called, i, 65, 251; Man became a, ii, 624; Man-plant, i, 257; Plant, a seven-leaved, ii, 606, 625.

Saptarshi, Great Bear abode of, ii, 668; Planetary spirits, and, ii, 332.

Saptarshis, Brahmâ, mind-born sons of, i, 470; Great Bear, stars in, i, 438; Hindûs, of, i, 471; Krittikâs, and, ii, 580; Present age, closely connected with our, ii, 579; Rishis become, i, 477, ii, 93; Stellar and lunar spirits connected with, i, 219.

Sar, saros, cycle or circle, i, 139.

Sarah, Abraham’s wife, ii, 184; Human womb, Eve or, ii, 495; Saraï, name changed to, ii, 80.

Saraï, Pharaoh and, i, 454; SRI = the wife of Abram, ii, 80.

Saramâ, Hermes and Hindû, ii, 32.

Sârameya, Hermes and Hindû, ii, 32.

Saraph, Fiery, of Isaiah, ii, 66; Fiery or flaming venom, ii, 216, 223; Mehophep, ii, 216; Seraphim, singular of, ii, 527; Serpent, or, ii, 404.

Sarasvatî, Brahmâ and, ii, 80; Devasenâ aspect of, ii, 209; Vâch, later form of, i, 122, 377; Watery, ii, 80.

Sarcode, Moneron, of, i, 152, ii, 162; Protoplasm, generally known as, ii, 162.

Sarcophagus, Adytum, placed in, ii, 481; Ark and, ii, 482; Candidate for initiation entered, ii, 484; Female principle, symbolic of, ii, 484; Giants, of, ii, 291; King’s chamber, in, ii, 493, 589.

Sardinia, Giant tombs of, ii, 795.

Sargina, king of Akkad, i, 340.

Sargon, Accad, of, ii, 730; Agadi, or Akkad, capital of, i, 339; Babylonian Moses, was, i, 339; Kouyunjik, and history of, i, 339; Moses, and, i, 340, ii, 447; Naram-Sin, son of, ii, 730; Reign of, ii, 730.

Sarîsripa, Svapada, insects and small lives, ii, 55.

Sarku, Light race or, ii, 5.

Sarmatian Bouh, ii, 636.

Saros, Great, i, 703; Sar and, or cycle, i, 139; Synodial months, composed of 222, i, 719.

Saroses, Berosus and the 120, i, 719.

Sarpa, Nâga, serpent, ii, 192, 527.

Sarparâjni, Book of, quoted, i, 103; Earth called, i, 103; Queen of the serpents, ii, 50.

Sarpas, Flying, ii, 21, 193, 526.

Sarva-mandala, the egg of Brahmâ, i, 277, 400.

Sarva-medha ceremony, ii, 640.

Sarvaga, All-permeant, i, 637; World, substance of, i, 487, 637.

Sarvâtman, Lords of being concealed in, i, 117.

Sarvâvasu, one of the seven rays, i, 561.

Sarvesha, Spirit or, i, 400.

Sat, Asat and, ii, 470; Be-ness, absolute, i, 42, 145, 167, ii, 324; Ever-unmanifested, i, 309; Existent nor being, in itself is neither, ii, 470; Hermes (the later Sat-an) or, ii, 558; Is or, i, 592; One reality, Absoluteness, the, i, 44; Satya or, i, 98; Universal soul or, ii, 61; Unknowable absoluteness of, i, 607; Untranslatable term, an, i, 91; World of truth, or, i, 144.

Satan, ii, 374, 534, 535; Adversary or, ii, 64, 392; Ambition of, ii, 296; Angel of death, same as, ii, 403; Angel of the manifest worlds, is, ii, 245; Anointed, identified with, ii, 244; Athenæus on name of, ii, 35; Belief in existence of, ii, 821; Christ and, ii, 522; Christian church and, ii, 536; Christianity, not first conceived by, i, 443; Conqueror of, Michael regarded as the, ii, 531; Creator, the real, ii, 254; Deity, in relation to, i, 219; Dethroned, will be, ii, 438; Devil, or, i, 446; Dogma of redemption, corner-stone of, ii, 541; Doorkeeper is, ii, 243; Dragon of wisdom, miscalled, ii, 98; Dragon, or, i, 216; Éliphas Lévi describes, ii, 533; Enemy of God, or, ii, 49; Energy, ever active, ii, 533; Energy of universe, represents centrifugal, ii, 255; Esoteric view about, ii, 243; Evil, personification of abstract, ii, 501; Fiends, and, i, 671; Gnostic allegory of, ii, 254; God and, two supremes, i, 218; God, kosmic reflection of, ii, 245; Gods become, ii, 247; Hades, angel of, ii, 245; Hermes called, ii, 398, 558; Holy Ghost and, ii, 539; Host of, i, 215, ii, 182; Ideals, grandest of, ii, 533; Idol, as an, i, 445; Innocence of, i, 346; Jehovah, identical with, ii, 404; Jewish, Samael, ii, 427; Justice of God, magistrate of, ii, 244; Kabalah, in, ii, 117, 246; Lair of, ii, 532; Legions of, ii, 245; Lightning, seen to fall as, ii, 240, 241, 510; Logoi of non-Christian religions, masquerading as, ii, 247; Logos, one with, ii, 240, 541; Logos, the first-born brother of, ii, 172; Lucifer or, i, 100, ii, 66, 240, 296; Madonna and, i, 433; Man, inextricably interwoven with, ii, 501; Many names hath God given, ii, 244; Materialism, of, i, 660; Matter, or, ii, 246; Meaning of, ii, 249; Merodach or, ii, 56; Messenger, ever-loving, ii, 254; Mind in man, is, ii, 540; Much-slandered, i, 445; Ophiomorphos, or, ii, 254, 407; Orthodox types of, Nimrods, etc., ii, 284; Pember on, ii, 239; Philosophical view of, i, 220; Phôsphoros, lord of, ii, 540; Polar opposite or reverse of everything, is metaphysically, ii, 406; Reality of, ii, 219, 537; Rebellion, and his, ii, 394, 517; Roman Catholics and, i, 671, ii, 537; Root-idea of orthodox, ii, 500; Samael and, the Talmud, ii, 406; Samael or, serpent of Genesis, ii, 402; Sea dragon Tiamat, female, ii, 64; Secret of, quoted, ii, 243; Serpent-formed, ii, 254; Serpent is not, ii, 405, 406; Serpent, seducing, ii, 117; Shamaël or, ii, 215; Slayer of, ii, 503; Son of God, i, 444, ii, 395, 513; Svastika and, ii, 103; Talmud on, ii, 501; Theologians, of, ii, 499; Theology, of, ii, 64; Transformation of divine alter ego into, ii, 499; Transformation of universal soul into, ii, 537; Tsaba, or army of, ii, 526; Typhon, or, ii, 621; Venus-Lucifer and, ii, 33, 35; War between the angels of God and, ii, 820; Western theology holds copyright of, ii, 242.

Sa’tan, in Hebrew Sâtân, an adversary, ii, 404.

Satan ou le Diable, quoted, ii, 536.

Satanians, Sect of, ii, 407.

Satanic, Blushing bride, i, 346; Eternal injustice quite, i, 242; Kriyâshakti power regarded as, ii, 238; Legions of the church, i, 353; Myth, ii, 395, 557; Pride amongst the seven rectors, i, 447; Science said to be, ii, 49; Will-effort called, ii, 256.

Satanism, Hypnotism will soon become, ii, 678; Idols, of, ii, 356.

Satellite, Earth, moon, only physically, of, i, 202; Gross body of its invisible principles, i, 202; Mother, of child, i, 203; Occult connection of our, with fecundation, i, 284; Our, only, i, 202; Rarefied spirits in earth’s, i, 255.

Satellites, Jupiter, of, i, 649, ii, 145; Origin of, i, 651; Planets and their, i, 128, 648, 653; Uranus and Neptune, of, i, 173, 629; Venus and Mercury have no, i, 179, 180, 188, ii, 35.

Sati and Anouki, triadic Goddesses, i, 393.

Satiety, Kâma Rûpa results in, ii, 627.

Sattâ or sole existence, i, 400.

Sattapanni of Mahâvansa, i, 4.

Sattva, i, 371, 584; Âtma-Buddhi, name given in Âryâsanga school to, i, 98; Buddhi, rendered by Shankara to mean, i, 98; Understanding, is original for, i, 98.

Saturday or day of Saturn, i, 716.

Saturday Review, Max Müller in, i, 321.

Saturn, i, 628; Abraham and, i, 631; Agruerus, and Sydyk same personage, ii, 150; Angel presiding over, i, 496; Chiun, or, ii, 408; Cronus, or, i, 275, 450; Cronus-Sydyk, or, ii, 376; Dagon, and, i, 703; Doctrines of Nabathæan Agriculture taught by, ii, 475; Emblem of prudence and, i, 275; Genius of, ii, 567, 569; God and planet, ii, 26; Golden age of, ii, 276, 440; Government of, ii, 389; House of, i, 129; Ildabaoth and, i, 484, 631, ii, 567; Jehovah identical with, i, 450, 631, 632, ii, 134; Jupiter and Mars, conjunction of, i, 720; Jupiter, and our earth on same plane, i, 176; Kali Yuga, at commencement of, i, 725; Kronos or, ii, 151; Krûra-lochana, Shani or, ii, 32; Lemuria, kingdom of, ii, 812; Lemurians, ruled, ii, 808; Mass huge as, i, 546; Moon and, fourth race born under, ii, 32; Moon, revelation from, through idol of, ii, 475, 476; Moon-God, or Jewish, ii, 66; Music of spheres, and, ii, 635; Nations born under, i, 631; Period, transformed from eternal duration into a limited, i, 451; Planets, and rarefied, ii, 145; Planets, sun and moon opposed to, ii, 66; Pre-planetary form of, i, 439; Progeny, devoured his, i, 737; Regent group of, ii, 134; Reign of, ii, 821; Reviled by worshippers of other Gods, i, 631; Rings of, ii, 245; Sabaoth, or, i, 630; Satan, or, ii, 245; Saturday, or day of, i, 716; Shani or, ii, 32; Stone, Jupiter swallowed by, under form of a, ii, 356; Sydic, Cronus, or, ii, 410; Thrones, ruled by, i, 469; Time, is Chronos or, ii, 356; Uranus denser than, i, 649; Velocity of equatorial, i, 649; Vul-cain, Chiun, or, ii, 408.

Saturn-Cronus, Rudra-Shiva, or, ii, 528; Titans of third race personified by, ii, 809.

Saturn-Jehovah, i, 631.

Saturnine land, Hyperborean or, ii, 821.

Satya, Absolute true being, or esse, means, i, 79; Age, i, 405, ii, 155; Krita Yuga, or, ii, 155; Loka, ii, 335; Purity, age of, i, 706; Sat, or, i, 98.

Satya-Yuga, ii, 518, 547; Age after deluge, first, i, 97; Ages, always first in series of four, i, 404; End of, ii, 211; Great flood at end of, ii, 154; Kapila of, ii, 604; Manvantaras, plus period of one, make a day of Brahmâ, fourteen, ii, 72; Rishis of, i, 256; Watchers reign during, i, 287.

Satyas lost in Samâdhi, ii, 94.

Satyât Nâsti Paro Dharmah, i, 25.

Satyavrata, Noah seen in, i, 718.

Satyrs, ii, 300; Fables, not, ii, 274; Nephilim of the Bible, of tradition, ii, 798, 819.

Saul, Armies of, discomfited, i, 506; Divination practised by, ii, 476.

Saurian, Flying, ii, 215; Scale-bound gigantic, ii, 160.

Saurians, Aquatic animals, ii, 216; Mesozoic, ii, 313.

Savage, Anthropoid, and, ii, 717; Atlanteans, condition of later, ii, 786; Chiefs, white, ii, 786; Crossing of Europeans with certain, tribes produces sterility, ii, 205; Discerns good from bad, i, 455; Hæckel’s speechless, ii, 715; Inferiority of, accounted for, ii, 259; Neolithic man more of, than Palæolithic, ii, 762; Palæolithic, engraving made by, ii, 760; Primeval, ii, 181, 762; Primeval in, Miocene age, ii, 716; Quaternary ages, of, ii, 792; Races, Max Müller’s remarks upon, ii, 761; Spirits inferior to lowest, ii, 387; Trees, tribes build abodes on, ii, 714.

Savagery, Golden age has no features of, ii, 762; Relapse, a, ii, 762; State of relative, Europeans might fall back into a, ii, 444.

Savages, American, ideographs of the, ii, 458; Apes not imitated by, ii, 714; Immigration of, into Somme Valley, ii, 780; Palæolithic, ii, 330, 360, 724; Proof that there have been, ii, 549, 756; South Sea Islands, in, ii, 439; Stone hatchets used now by, ii, 756.

Savahi in chain of our planet, ii, 802.

Savarnâ, mother of Prachetasas, ii, 611.

Saviour, Animalism, from, ii, 540; Christ as one God and, ii, 522; Christian, i, 720, ii, 240, 433; Civilized nations, of present, i, 510; Dhyân Chohans transformed by church into, ii, 617; Divine mother of, ii, 602; Earth, Christ the Logos, on, ii, 507; Epithets applied to Christian, i, 720; Gnostic, Agathodæmon, ii, 480; Gods imprisoned, from death of, ii, 5; Humanity, of, ii, 189, 490; Kali Yuga, of humanity cannot appear in, i, 510; Kepler finds prophecy of, i, 716; Kwan-shi-yin, of all living beings, i, 511; Man his own, i, 706; Oracles that related to birth of, i, 721; Sacred island, will come from, ii, 366; Sacred name of, in connection with brazen serpent, i, 390; Satan in light of a, ii, 254; Vaivasvata, of our race, ii, 149; Words put into mouth of, i, 446.

Saviours, Agnishvâtta our, ii, 430; Avatâras, and, i, 700; Creators of divine man, and, i, 215; Cyclic, ii, 433; Humanity, of, ii, 183; Humanity or of Brahmâ, of, ii, 173; Rebels are our, ii, 108; Satanic origin, said to be of, ii, 506; Spiritual, Pisces a symbol of all, i, 717.

Sâvitrî, Vâch named, ii, 136.

Saxon derivation of God, i, 370.

Sâyana and Idâ or Ilâ, ii, 147, 151.

Sayce, Prof. A. H., quoted, ii, 57, 213, 477, 485, 730, 731, 732.

Scale, Angelic beings, of, i, 239; Chemical elements and colour, of, ii, 664; Cosmic, i, 685; Creative forces, of, ii, 516; Evolution, of, ii, 704; Hierarchic degrees, of, i, 588; Manifestation, of, i, 163; Matter, of, ii, 141; Nature, of, i, 720; Seven notes of, i, 480, 583; Spirit and matter, of, i, 219; Spirituality, of, i, 254; Temperature in universe, of, i, 166.

Scale of existence, Beings on highest, i, 116.

Scales, Evolution, of, i, 272; Guardian of, i, 240; Karmic, i, 205; Lion and, ii, 452; Pythagorean and hermetic, ii, 621.

Scaled dragons, Winged and, ii, 370.

Scaly one, ii, 370.

Scandinavia, Ases of, ii, 102; Cross in pre-Christian, ii, 588; Falling demon of, ii, 510; Kings of, ii, 362; Norway and, ii, 11; Runic inscriptions in, ii, 361.

Scandinavian, Cosmogony, i, 394; Creation, i, 460; Eddas, i, 368, ii, 30, 403; Hel, ii, 817; Legends of war in heaven, i, 223; Odin or Woden in, mythology, ii, 442.

Scandinavians, America reached and settled by, i, 316; Fair faced, ii, 797; Fire and water, beliefs as to, i, 433.

Scandium, an element, i, 597.

Scapegoat, Azazel, of Israel, ii, 406; Fall into generation, symbol of, ii, 537; Israel, of, ii, 405, 427; Satan needed as a, i, 444.

Scarabæus, Egyptians, of, ii, 582; Khopiroo, or, i, 391.

Scarlet, Woman in purple and, ii, 790.

Scene of initiation, Bas-relief at Philæ representing a, ii, 589.

Sceptic, All-denying, i, 670; Beliefs, i, 287.

Scepticism, British, Bacon’s advice to representatives of, ii, 462; Fever of, malignant, ii, 78; Greeks were moderns in their, ii, 299; Inadequacy of, i, 521; Jungles of modern, i, 739; Mad, makes a man, i, 520.

Sceptics, Astrology, laugh at, i, 707; Handful of modern, i, 670.

Schelling, Avatâras, accepted the idea of, i, 83; Fichte, and, i, 81; Force, on, i, 556; Plurality of worlds, on, ii, 746; References to, ii, 120, 483; Religion, on primitive, i, 501; Serpent, on, ii, 220.

Schemal, Alter ego of Samaël, i, 449, 450.

Scherers, Christopher, quoted, ii, 47.

Schesoo-Hor or servants of Horus, ii, 450.

Schibb ∴, Vegetable kingdom symbolized by, ii, 608.

Schibboleth, Schibb ∴ or, ii, 608.

Schiller on the veil of Isis, ii, 691.

Schiller’s skull, Measurement of, ii, 550.

Schimeon, Rabbi, quoted, ii, 663.

Schindler’s Penteglott, ii, 222.

Schism between sons of fourth race, ii, 222.

Schlagintweit, E., quoted, i, 11, ii, 30, 189.

Schlegel, Dr., on the zodiac, i, 722.

Schliemann, Dr., ii, 106, 246, 459, 620, 763.

Schmidt, quoted, ii, 703.

Scholiasts, Ambitious, ii, 820.

Schools, Catechism of inner, ii, 294; Darshanas or, i, 78; Esoteric, seven in the, i, 7, 147, ii, 638; Heliopolis, of, i, 330; Hînayâna and Mahâyâna, i, 71; India, of, i, 290, 299, ii, 45; Materialistic, atoms of the, i, 672; Occultism, of, i, 121; Philosophy, of, i, 78; Secret doctrines of, preserved in the Vatican, i, 27; Struggle between Initiates of two, ii, 523.

Schopenhauer, referred to, i, 123, ii, 165, 318.

Schopenhauerian idea, ii, 556.

Schöpfungsgeschichte, ii, 693.

Schott, quoted, i, 20.

Schwartze, Pistis Sophia, Latin translation of, by, ii, 597; Quoted, ii, 485, 597; Referred to, ii, 485.

Schwegler, quoted, i, 82.

Schweinfurth, Dr., quoted, ii, 703, 797.

Science and the Emotions, quoted, i, 32.

Science of Language, quoted, ii, 178, 461.

Science of Religion, quoted, i, 7, 8.

Science of Serpents, referred to, ii, 30.

Science of Thought, quoted, ii, 209.

Science-philosophy of the initiated, ii, 831.

Scientific Arena, quoted, i, 170.

Scientific Letters, Butlerof’s, quoted, i, 564.

Scientifico-materialistic theory, Naudin’s, ii, 126.

Scinde, Jews refugees in, ii, 210.

Scintillæ or sparks, i, 125.

Scintillas, Elohim, issue from, i, 679; Upper and lower worlds, of, i, 678; Worlds called, ii, 744.

Scintillating points, Monads as, i, 694.

Sciolists and, Scientists, i, 299.

Sclater, P. L., referred to, ii, 7, 181.

Scorpio, Constellation, eighth, i, 711; Dan, in sphere of, i, 715; Job, mentioned in, i, 710; Mars and, ii, 410; Virgo becomes, ii, 137.

Scorpion, Heart of, i, 726; Mars held house of, ii, 410; Worm that never dies, is, ii, 621.

Scotland, Raised beaches in, ii, 831.

Screen, Illusion, of, i, 296; Objects placed behind a, Kosmos is like, i, 298; Seven colours on a, i, 575; Silhouettes on external, ii, 839.

Scribe of Amenti, Thot the, i, 413.

Scribes, Lipika literally, i, 130, 153.

Scriptural Japhet, ii, 151.

Scripture, Archaic, Kalpa in, ii, 50; Archaic teaching and, i, 346; Chaldæan, Adam-Adami in, ii, 46; Christian, i, 286; Chronological system in Hebrew occult, ii, 660; Double origin of Hebrew, ii, 212; Elohists, of, i, 274; Giants, references to, ii, 289; Hebdomad in every, ii, 624; Nazarenes, Codex Nazaræus, of, ii, 101; Nazarenes, of, i, 216, ii, 101; Pre-historic religion, of, ii, 507; Record, tree symbol of a, i, 153; Rig-Vedic, compiled by Initiates, ii, 471; Theology not warranted by any ancient, ii, 64.

Scriptures, Ancient, i, 299, ii, 80, 212; Androgynes in revealed, ii, 132; Anthropogenesis, and, ii, 178; Archaic, i, 268; Archaic, Brâhmanical distortions of, ii, 97; Chaldæa of, i, 10; Chaldæan, resemblance between Jewish and, i, 10; Deva-loka, accounts in exoteric, of, i, 156; Eastern, Genesis and, ii, 163; Evolution and ancient, ii, 118; Exoteric and esoteric, ii, 107; Exoteric, Avyaya in, ii, 72; Exoteric, of world religions, i, 188; Fires, sparks and flames in ancient, ii, 87; Geometrical figures used in all ancient, i, 95; Gods and ascetics in Hindû, ii, 184; Hermaphrodite in, of almost all nations, ii, 131; Hindû, i, 137, 141, 306, ii, 601, 642; India, of, i, 305; Jewish, a dead shell, ii, 481; Mazdean, Vendîdâd and other, ii, 102, 428, 801; Metaphysical in, ii, 790; Nations, of all ancient, ii, 5; Phallic element in old, ii, 695; Renan on the Chaldæan, ii, 478; Sanskrit, i, 126; Satan in Pagan, ii, 63; Secret, i, 473; Septenary in ancient, ii, 646; Septenary in Aryan, ii, 648; Symbols of national, i, 250; Time referred to in, i, 75; Translators of Bibles and, ii, 567; Vedas and other, are chanted by the Brâhmans, i, 121; Vishnu in exoteric, ii, 113; Worlds spoken of in all ancient, ii, 740; Zoroastrian and Hindû, ii, 374; Zoroastrian, antiquity of, ii, 372.

Scrofulous, Fifth race, ii, 429.

Scroll, Anubis holding out a, i, 441.

Scrolls, Mosaic, remodelled, ii, 496; Mysteries were never recorded in, i, 250; Numerically, read, ii, 218; Porta Pia, discovered at, i, 441.

Scrolls of Wisdom, referred to, ii, 105.

Sculptor, Model in mind of, ii, 697; Model of, molten brass poured into, ii, 118.

Sculpture, Mars the lord of, ii, 410.

Sculptured Implements, bone, ii, 755.

Sculptures, Mexican, old, ii, 39; Temples, in most ancient, i, 386, 387.

Sculpturing on rocks, ancient, ii, 361.

Scythe, Cronus with his, i, 451; Deucalion called a northern, ii, 812; Old time with its, i, 496.

Scythia, Herodotus, of, ii, 434; Hyperborean land not near, ii, 6; Hyperborean land said to be beyond, ii, 11.

Scythian people, Arismaspes a, ii, 813.

Scyths, Origin of the, ii, 212, 818.

Sea, Abyss of learning, called, ii, 528; Caspian, ii, 664; Consecrated inland, ii, 528; Culture-god comes from, ii, 236; Deity compared to a shoreless, i, 381; Ethereal fluid, of, i, 574; Extermination of first product of, ii, 430; Great, of space, ii, 531; Great, waters of, ii, 531; Hathor, light of the, i, 430; Jambu-dvîpa surrounded by, ii, 334; Mare or, i, 413, 495; Monsters, ii, 8; Mother-water great, ii, 17, 67; Pelagus, great, ii, 818; Sahara a, ii, 781; Salt water, of, ii, 334; Space, of, ii, 501, 531; Thalassa, ii, 68, 122; Thalatth, ii, 57; Venus Aphrodite personified, i, 495; Virgin Mary Mare the, i, 495; Visible, became, ii, 501; Zohar on secrets of land and, ii, 8.

Sea of Aral, ii, 434.

Sea of Curds, milky way, ii, 335.

Sea of Fire is noumenal, i, 104; Shoreless, i, 59, 100.

Sea of Knowledge, ii, 528.

Sea of Milk, Lakshmî springing from, i, 407; Milky way, ii, 335.

Sea of Sorrow, ii, 531.

Sea-anemone, ii, 176.

Sea-bottom, upraising of, ii, 340.

Sea-dragon, ii, 64, 528, 610.

Seal, Apocalypse seventh, of, ii, 202; Solomon’s, double triangle, i, 143; Svastika, on living initiates, ii, 619.

Seang of Wei, king, ii, 316.

Seas, Allegorical, ii, 335; Carbonic acid, of liquid, i, 273; Metaphorical names of, ii, 334; Midgard snake coiled at bottom of, i, 438; Neptune ruler over, ii, 68; Salt for, i, 637; Seven, ii, 638, 652; Silurian period, of, ii, 723.

Sea-serpent, ii, 217, 501.

Sea-slime, our ancestors were, ii, 276.

Seasons, Beginning of change of, ii, 211; Book of Enoch on, i, 667; Cause of, i, 667, ii, 372; Confucius on, i, 475; Cosmic divisions of, ii, 77; Hanokh computed, ii, 561; Jupiter, of, ii, 746; Kabiri regents over, i, 703; Mars, of, ii, 747; Points of compass, meaning, i, 475; Procreation, of, ii, 430; Periodical return of, i, 707; Shifting of, ii, 739; Titan-Kabirim regulators of, ii, 379; Venus, of, ii, 747; Vicissitudes of, i, 703.

Seats of Blessed, ii, 443.

Seats of Knowledge, ii, 443.

Seats of Mercy, ii, 443.

Seaweeds, algæ, ii, 752.

Seb, Ancestral soul or, ii, 669; Egg of, i, 391; God of time and earth, i, 385; Goose, carries a, i, 382; Hawk, issues from egg like a, i, 385; Osiris, son of, i, 471; Tefnoot and, ii, 390.

Sebekh, Crocodile called, i, 241; Sevekh, or, i, 240.

Sebti, Kepti and, i, 438.

Secchi, Father, quoted, i, 591.

Second, Manifestation, stage of, i, 472; Primal cause becoming, i, 678; Universal soul, principle of, i, 587; World, spark becomes plant in, i, 66, 258.

Second Adam, Androgyne formed from, ii, 480; Gnostics, of, ii, 479; Protoplastic androgyne Adam called, ii, 478; Septenary, ii, 1.

Second birth for the dead, i, 391.

Second causes, Naudin does not consider, ii, 126; Science, of, ii, 127.

Second continent, Greenland belonged to, ii, 146; Primeval races, of, i, 396; Remnants of, ii, 10.

Second division of ancestral series of man, ii, 705.

Second earth, No earth, is, i, 402; Vapour, disappeared as, i, 473.

Second floor, Universal or, ii, 154.

Second God, Creator, Philo called, i, 374; Logos or, i, 376.

Second line, Chakra inscribed in, i, 139.

Second Logos, Adam Kadmon, i, 235, ii, 28; Ampsiu-Ouraan, ii, 601; Demiurge, or, ii, 26; Manifested, i, 102, 483; Platonists, of, ii, 574; Sound, or, ii, 594; Tetragrammaton, ii, 633.

Second one and pentacle, in the egg, i, 153.

Second race, Adam-Eve or, ii, 142; Androgyne, ii, 142; Appearance of, ii, 157; A-sexual, ii, 122, 123; Astral, ii, 259, 727; Belt of earth during, ii, 418; Brihaspati (Jupiter), born under, ii, 32; Chhâyâs evolved, ii, 123; Continent of, ii, 327; Cycle between first and, ii, 184; Ethereo-physical, ii, 312; Evolution of, ii, 115; Fathers of sweat-born, ii, 122, 124; First created, by budding, ii, 140; First, emanated from, ii, 174; First, how formed from, ii, 124; Forms of, ii, 128; Fourth round humanity, of, ii, 723; Groups of, ii, 317; Hyperborean continent, on, ii, 6; Jod-Heva or, ii, 142; Kâma Rûpa, devoid of, ii, 123; Land during, ii, 419; Mammalia contemporary with, ii, 723; Mârishâ symbol for, ii, 185; Mentally, psycho-spiritual, ii, 312; Mexican primitive ancestor and, ii, 169, 170; Northern Asia and, ii, 419; Preservers and incarnating Gods, endowed by, ii, 174; Primitive race merged in, ii, 128; Production of, ii, 19; Sons of Mahat and, ii, 108; Sound-language, had, ii, 208; Sub-races of, first, ii, 124; Sweat-born, called, ii, 124, 157, 174, 184, 186; Third, evolved, ii, 139; Third, gives birth to, ii, 140; Third produced unconsciously by, i, 228; Uranus a Dhyân Chohan of, ii, 809; Yima progenitor of, ii, 644.

Second round, Element of, i, 280; Elements, developed two, i, 271; Explanation of, i, 183; Globe luminous during, i, 273; Human element in, i, 197; Matter in, i, 272.

Second seven, i, 61.

Second sight, astral light cause of, i, 279.

Secondaries, Trithemius on the seven, i, 488.

Secondary, Chaos, ii, 210; Creations, i, 481; Cosmic evolution, stage of, i, 461; Deity, ii, 662; Evolution, stage of, i, 656; Formations, ii, 265; Gods, ii, 82; Mesozoic ages, or, ii, 628; Rocks, ii, 750; Strata twice the thickness of the Tertiary, ii, 755; Suns, ii, 250; Transmutations, ii, 704.

Secondary age, Cataclysms of, ii, 754; Homo Primogenius of, ii, 776; Man in, ii, 10, 302, 754; Northern Lemuria in, ii, 348; Primary and, ii, 166; Tertiary, twice length of, ii, 755; Third race and, ii, 751; Third race Titan of, ii, 8.

Secondary Angels, i, 359.

Secondary causes, Intelligence beyond, ii, 585; Variations, of, ii, 685.

Secondary creation, Beginning of, i, 484; Eleventh crore, or, ii, 326; Every cosmogony begins by, ii, 62; Mahat of, i, 104; Ninth and, i, 104, 492; Pratisarga or, ii, 112; Primary and, ii, 113, 120; Vârâha or, ii, 56.

Secondary Gods, Maruts, ii, 648.

Secondary Laws, of Darwinism, ii, 699.

Secondary Man of de Quatrefages, ii, 726.

Secondary period, Australia during, ii, 7; Fourth creation and, i, 490; Mammalia in, first traces of, ii, 723; Man in, ii, 273, 279, 724, 788; Modern and esoteric science on, ii, 753; Triassic rocks of, ii, 723.

Secondary spirit, Spiritus representing the, ii, 608.

Secondless, Existence, one, i, 84; Parabrahman, i, 569; Sat, i, 145.

Secondless principle, God, ii, 586.

Secondless reality, Parabrahman, i, 35; Unknowable cause of all, ii, 534.

Secrecy, Divine truths, with regard to, ii, 603; Maimonides enjoins, ii, 478; Mysteries of life and death preserved in, ii, 471; Occult and religious mysteries, of, ii, 131; Occult truth, regarding, ii, 619; Symbology, of, i, 389; Theology, less dangerous than, ii, 545.

Secret, Ages, of, ii, 543; Ain Suph, from head of, i, 38; Ancient thought, of, i, 324; Archangel whose name was, i, 471; Being and non-being, of, i, 190; Birth or social position, of, ii, 171; Cycles of ancients kept, ii, 414; Death, which gives, i, 318; Dragon, of, ii, 397; Elohim, of, ii, 432; Embryology explained, of, i, 244; Fires, of, ii, 111, 112; Formation of a body, of, i, 723; Generation of a single atom, of, i, 733; Great, i, 604; Inequalities of intellect, of, ii, 171; Kumâras, three of, i, 493; Malleable glass, of, ii, 449; Occult sciences, in, ii, 745; Priests have kept things, ii, 385; Reincarnation kept, ii, 582; Satan, of, ii, 243; Secrets, of, i, 378, ii, 295; Septenary system kept, ii, 639; Symbols, ii, 655; Vedas, of, i, 231.

Secret annals of Lemurians, ii, 549.

Secret book, Apocryphon, ii, 557; Bible is, according to Origen, Clemens and Rabbis, ii, 565; Kabalah is, ii, 565; Posture during contemplation, on, ii, 583.

Secret books, Astronomy, on, i, 224; Atlantis, on, ii, 422; Celestial Nâgas of, i, 440; Data of, ii, 739; Four hidden dragons of wisdom of, i, 440; Mirror of Futurity among, ii, 53; Occultism, of, ii, 55; Planets enumerated in, i, 176; Procreation, explained in, ii, 90.

Secret catechism of Druses of Syria, ii, 30.

Secret Colleges of prophets with Jews, ii, 561.

Secret Computations of Japanese, ii, 597.

Secret Cycle, Phœnix symbol of a, ii, 652.

Secret Cycles, Nârada closely connected with, ii, 86.

Secret doctrine, Adam-Adami, on, ii, 473; Ancient races, on, ii, 101; Androgynes and first three races of, ii, 131; Archaic ages, of, i, 6; Archaic, echo of, i, 104; Atheism, teaches no, i, 300; Atlantis, date of, ii, 412; Axiom in, i, 42, ii, 143; Basic conceptions on which rests, i, 48; Be-ness, symbolized, i, 42; Books of, ii, 335; Brâhmans, of initiated, i, 5; Buddhism upreared on tenets of, i, 78; Cataclysms, on, ii, 158; Century all of, that can be given out this, i, 22; Christian fathers endeavour to obliterate, i, 24; Chronology of, ii, 9, 53, 74, 77, 471; Collection of facts, a, i, 29; Corroboration of, i, 471; Cosmogony of, i, 293, 737, ii, 62; Cosmos and man, elements of, i, 88; Cradle of physical man, ii, 442; Creation, on, ii, 582; Crookes’ near approach to, i, 681; Curse of incarnation, on, ii, 256; Daksha’s sacrifice and, ii, 193; Darwinian accounts of origin of man, and, ii, 167; Defenders of, i, 739; Deluge of geology and, ii, 153; Derision expected for, ii, 460; Dhyân Chohans, on groups of, i, 49; Divine essence explained by, i, 33; Divine Pymander and, ii, 1; Dogma, not, ii, 273; Dragon, meaning of, in, ii, 396; Earlier men, common property of, ii, 838; East, of, i, 1, ii, 167; Egyptian papyri and, i, 737; Egyptians believed in, ii, 146; Esoteric Buddhism and, i, 2, 184; Esoteric cosmogony of, i, 653; Esotericism of Jews and, ii, 44; Evolution in, corroborated, ii, 191; Evolution of man according to, ii, 162; Father, evolution of life and, i, 104; Father and mother, Aditi, i, 379; Few fundamental truths from, i, 5, 6; Figures symbolical in, i, 68; First book of, man’s appearance and, i, 49; Full consciousness, teaching as to, i, 132; Fundamental principle of, ii, 565; Garuda, furnishes key to, ii, 596; Gautama, of, i, 5; Genesis and, ii, 131, 391; Gerald Massey and, ii, 671; Gnostics and, i, 484, ii, 65; Great flood, records, i, 364; Hebrew Bible and, ii, 292; Heptad, on, ii, 637; Hermetic fragments and, i, 307; History, authentic, i, 18; History, teaches, i, 287; Illusion, on, i, 662; Indian philosophy, religion and, ii, 92; Initiation of Egyptians, taught at, ii, 146; Isis Unveiled not, i, 25; Islands, takes no account of, ii, 8; Japanese fables and, i, 238; Kabalah and, accord, ii, 135; Logos or collective creator, admits, i, 300; Mânasa in, ii, 180; Metaphysics dealt with, ii, 686; Minds, first beings called in, i, 114; Modern science and, ii, 462; Nâgas of, ii, 191; Natural genesis and, i, 713; Nazarenes, echoed by, ii, 101; Nebular theory, on, i, 653; Norse legends and, ii, 101; Occultism, written for students in, i, 50; Once open to all, ii, 643; One absolute be-ness first axiom of, i, 42; One form of existence, postulates, i, 77; One number issued from no-number, i, 121; Order of nature, on, ii, 562; Orientalists and, ii, 471; Origin of man, on, ii, 178; Partial sketch of, attempted, i, 78; Periodicity, asserts law of, i, 45; Philosophies, on antiquity of, i, 416; Planetary chain, especially occupied with, i, 90; Plato’s teaching and, ii, 389; Primeval matter on, i, 641; Pristine bisexual unity in, ii, 143; Progressive development, taught, i, 74; Propositions of, i, 44, 45; Records of archaic, ii, 65; Religion of prehistoric world, i, 18; Renovation and reabsorption, on, i, 510; Rishis, genealogy of, i, 470; Root- and Seed-Manus, on, i, 256; Rosicrucian creed outcome of, i, 47; Scholars will recognize, in twentieth century, i, 21; Schools, of oldest, ii, 637; Science, and, ii, 169, 679; Sciences, esoteric key to all, ii, 810; Scientific, is, i, 51; Scientific objections answered by, i, 317; Sepher Yetzirah and, i, 121; Small portion of, imparted, i, 2; Solar systems and, i, 90; Sons of fire, on, i, 114; Sons of God and wisdom, on, ii, 698; Specific unity of mankind taught by, ii, 205; Sun, teaching as to, i, 126; Synonyms in, i, 119; Theogonies, esoteric key to all, ii, 810; Third race built boats before houses, ii, 417; This cannot create, teaches, i, 36; Tibetans, traditions, and, i, 17; Traditions of, ii, 586; Two lost continents, on, ii, 234; Unity conceded by, ii, 583; Universal cosmogony of, i, 364; Universe, on, i, 307, ii, 582; Upanishads rest on, i, 78; Vedas, antedates, i, 21; Voltaire knew nothing of, ii, 785; Wisdom of ages, accumulated, i, 293.

Secret doctrines of Âryans, ii, 250.

Secret elements, three, ii, 651.

Secret figures of man’s age, ii, 262.

Secret fragments of Asuramaya’s data, ii, 7.

Secret idea attached to scarabæus, ii, 582.

Secret Initiations and Satanic myth, ii, 395.

Secret knowledge, Disappearance of, ii, 561; Dragon guarded entrance to, i, 152; Dragon symbol of, ii, 396; Gupta Vidyâ or, ii, 524; Self, of, ii, 601; Upanishads and, i, 290.

Secret language built upon No. 10, i, 386.

Secret Learning, Thoth God of, ii, 589.

Secret meaning, Adytum, of, ii, 481; Daityas, of allegory of, i, 456; Exodus, of, i, 413; Purusha Sukta, of, ii, 641.

Secret mysteries, initiation into, ii, 38.

Secret Name, Phœnician God of, ii, 571; Name, potency of, ii, 564; Unpronounceable, i, 473.

Secret orbs, three, i, 629.

Secret philosophy, i, 267, ii, 672.

Secret place on the shrine, ii, 89.

Secret power of Satan, ii, 563.

Secret reading of first verse of Genesis, i, 478.

Secret records, Calculations of, ii, 54; Exoteric texts and, ii, 350; Hebrews’, ii, 591; Mystery of genesis of man and, i, 344.

Secret science, Alexandrian library, and, i, 7; Asiatic nations have, ii, 840; Concealed for ages, i, 18.

Secret sciences, Creation of man and, ii, 724; Deity, emanate from, i, 96; Gandharvas instruct man in, ii, 618; History of, ii, 528; Japanese, i, 96.

Secret scientists and occultists, i, 730; Sense in Bhagavad Gîtâ, ii, 147.

Secret Symbol, Kârttikeya a, ii, 654.

Secret systems, Hindû and Kabalistic, i, 380; Septenary constitution of man in, i, 262; Teaching on the egg symbol, i, 384.

Secret teachings, Ahura, respecting, ii, 643; Atlantis and Lemuria, about, ii, 420; Christian Saviour and, ii, 241; Cis-Himâlayan, ii, 322; Elements, on, order of, i, 273; Evolution of universe, on, i, 639; Heliocentric theory, on, ii, 164; Nabathean Agriculture identical with, ii, 474; Universal kosmos, as to, i, 41; Vairâjas, on, ii, 93.

Secret texts, Kabalistic, ii, 136.

Secret theogony of Chaldæo-Hebrews, ii, 569.

Secret things done in heaven, ii, 400.

Secret volumes, Anthropology of, ii, 728; Kabalistic books, of, ii, 566.

Secret wisdom, Adept in, ii, 561; Bible, of i, 336; Chaldæan hierophants, of, i, 377; Dual power of, ii, 381; Enoch represents, ii, 561, 562; Female form symbolizes, i, 375; Hebrew initiates got, i, 377; Jonas and, i, 717; Moses and, i, 377; Nebo God of, ii, 476, 477; Patrons of, ii, 221; Purânas and, ii, 618; Pythagoras, of, ii, 563; Rishis and, ii, 563; Tau and, ii, 614; Thot-Hermes representative of, i, 433; Upanishads, in, ii, 624.

Secret work of Chiram, ii, 119.

Secret works, Figures of, ii, 73; Number of, inexhaustible, ii, 457; Paracelsus, of, i, 581.

Secret worship of Jews, ii, 495.

Secrets, Angels, of, ii, 563; Astral light, of, i, 316; Creation, of, ii, 574; Dangerous in ignorant hands, i, 324; Esoteric doctrine, of, i, 291; Generation one of most hidden, i, 215; Gods, of, ii, 414; Heaven, of, i, 569; Hermes, of, ii, 244; Important to humanity, i, 324; Initiation, of, i, 449, ii, 55; Keely at threshold of great, i, 607; Kouyunjik, of, ii, 4; Land and sea, of, ii, 8; Nature’s, i, 215, ii, 77, 230, 333, 388; Primeval, loss of, ii, 643; Race, only in our, ii, 333; Satan uncovering heavenly, ii, 245; Svara and light profound, i, 291; Terrestrial plane, on, i, 641; Unknown, of, i, 687; Unrevealable, i, 18.

Secretary, Isis of Hermes, i, 417; King Saturn, of, i, 496.

Sects, laughter at the mutual expense of, i, 708.

Sed et Serpens, ii, 218.

Sedimentation, Commencement of, ii, 166; Europe, in, ii, 734; Huxley on period of, ii, 75; Round, in this, ii, 754.

Sediments, Primary epoch of, ii, 160.

Seed, Abraham’s, i, 631; Action, of, i, 258; Adulterer, of, ii, 622; Animal man, the, of the, i, 244; Appearing and reäppearing, i, 64, 220, 222; Ark, of all things in an, ii, 321, 645; Die, to live as plant must, i, 495; Divine knowledge, of, i, 232; Dust of earth, shall be as, ii, 493; Ethereal organism, is an, i, 222; Evolution from, i, 304; Fifth root-race, of, i, 139; Fohat turns, i, 736; Force which informs, i, 311; Force that makes, germinate, ii, 622; Fruit whose, is in itself, i, 408; Genesis, in, i, 408; Golden egg, became, i, 355, 374; Humanity, of future, ii, 6, 297; Incomprehensible drops, i, 374; Jacob’s, ii, 493; Karma and divine wisdom, of, ii, 429; Kârttikeya born out of, ii, 580; Knowledge, of, ii, 295; Kriyâshakti, i, 232; Life, of, ii, 149, 155, 159; Lotus bears its own, ii, 495; Man, of, ii, 155; Material life, of all, ii, 65; Mysterium of plant, is, i, 304; Potential force in, ii, 470; Pothos, sprung from, i, 363; Rudra-Shiva, of, ii, 580; Self-existent Lord cast, i, 355; Serpent’s and woman’s, ii, 429; Shiva, of, ii, 654; Terrestrial, or Sperm, i, 304; Theogony, in, ii, 222; Tree of being, of, ii, 622; Triple aspect of, ii, 622; Universe, of, ii, 572, 625; World-germ or, i, 222.

Seed-humanity or Shishta, i, 205.

Seed-Manu, Noah and, ii, 632; Prime cause, is effect of, i, 256; Round, in every, ii, 335.

Seed-Manus, i, 256, ii, 173, 322, 323.

Seed-race, Fifth, ii, 632.

Seeds, Ark, brought into, ii, 304; Atlanteans, of future, ii, 285; Civilization, of ii, 208; Elements, of, i, 602; Human beings, of, i, 405, ii, 507; Life of, ii, 148, 303; Lotus, of, i, 407; Male and female, ii, 39; Races, for new, ii, 463; Races, of past, present and future, ii, 665; Religions, of existing, ii, 507; Wisdom, of trinity of, ii, 288.

Seemann, Prof., quoted, ii, 301, 348, 825.

Seer, Actualities visible to real, i, 20; Beings of higher plane, can commune with, ii, 294; Böhme, mediæval, ii, 670; Divine breath seen by, i, 309; Enoch means, ii, 560, 561; Enoïchion, Book of, ii, 557, 559; Man denotes, i, 323; Moon was, by night, i, 323; Nabin a, ii, 477; Open eye, of, ii, 558; Opened eye of, i, 77; Patmos, of, ii, 537; Physiological purity of, ii, 309; Planetary powers seen by, i, 693; Primary creation only realizable to a great, ii, 326; Revelation, of, ii, 597; Sound visible to Spiritual, i, 694; Spiritual eye of, ii, 70; Supersensuous states of matter, visible to, i, 561; Trance, during, i, 561; Unit followed by eye of, i, 677; Unseen, i, 241.

Seers, Apollo God of, ii, 813; Beings of other spheres seen by, i, 663; Breath, perceive mystery of, i, 142; Daniel and Ezekiel, like, i, 251; Dhyân Chohans, on, i, 468; East, of, i, 691; Enos generic name for, ii, 378; Generations of, i, 296; Greek, ii, 398; Initiated, i, 293; Knowledge acquired by, ii, 739; Mistakes of untrained, ii, 742; Monads according to, i, 296, 694; Mystery on divine plane referred to by, i, 90; Natural, ii, 742; Prophets and, i, 251; Shiva eye of ancient, ii, 297; Sun and moon known to, ii, 629; Svastika used by, ii, 620; Unit of ancient, ii, 721.

Seership, Abnormal or spiritual, ii, 309; Apollo personified, ii, 814; Böhme’s inspired, ii, 667; Traditions of, confirmed, i, 708.

Sefekh Abu built his house on high, i, 439.

Segmentation, Cell, of, i, 244; Embryo develops from, in cell, ii, 123; Fire atoms, of, i, 279; Ovum, of an infinitely small, i, 243.

Seiffarth, quoted, ii, 486.

Seismic activity, Early, ii, 551.

Sekhem, Khem, residence of God, i, 240, 241; Merged in, i, 240.

Seldenus and idol of moon, i, 424.

Selection, Natural, i, 657, ii, 195, 313, 363, 444, 684, 735, 736, 768, 775, 777, 779.

Selenic mysteries, Ancients learned, i, 425.

Selenognosis, i, 323.

Selenography, Division of lunar symbology, i, 323.

Seleucus of Seleucia, i, 142.

Self, Adept, of progressed, i, 80; Âkâsha, derived from, ii, 601; Âlaya, i, 80; Âtmâ spiritual, i, 357, 669; Âtman or, ii, 676; Âtmanah or, i, 356; Being, of, i, 222; Brahma, one with, ii, 675; Brahman the, ii, 676; Breath, or, i, 123; Buddhi becomes higher, ii, 241; Cosmic, i, 357; Daiviprakriti, or one root of, i, 463; Divine, i, 511, ii, 600, 601, 606; Ego or, i, 154, 247; Elements of, i, 356; Essence of, i, 583; Fire means, ii, 598, 599, 600, 601, 675; Forms, in numerous, i, 123; Higher, i, 122, 123, 286, 297, ii, 241, 601, 675, 676; Human, i, 511, ii, 600; I or, ii, 600; Illusion, emancipating itself from, i, 583; Impersonal, i, 154, ii, 675; Inner, ii, 119; Kshetrajña, ii, 676; Life should humanize, ii, 257; Life-winds attached to, ii, 521; Manifestation of, i, 583, ii, 521; Mental, i, 463; Mind created from, i, 356; One absolute, i, 297; One or higher, i, 123; Outer terrestrial, ii, 280; Personification of divine, ii, 600; Physical, i, 463; Principle, seventh, i, 357, ii, 606; Progenitors of true, i, 493; Purity, represents highest state of, ii, 603; Purusha the divine, ii, 606; Qualities devoid of, i, 115; Root of, i, 463; Seat abiding in, ii, 520, 600; Secret knowledge possessed by, ii, 601; Self within, ii, 676; Senses and, i, 115, 123, 356, 584; Soul or, i, 247; Soul’s spiritual sun, ii, 676; Spiritual, i, 669, ii, 241; Spiritual fire within, ii, 119; Sun, ii, 675; Supreme, ii, 675; Universal, ii, 675, 676; Vaishvânara often denotes, ii, 521, 600; Voice or, i, 123; Wind or, i, 123; Wisdom of divine, ii, 601.

Self-born, Chhâyâs, ii, 19, 20, 127, 146; Daksha, power, ii, 258; Dragon symbol means, ii, 371; Fathers were, ii, 19, 127; First race was, ii, 173, 208; Gods, i, 224, 485, ii, 127; Heavenly man, ii, 160; Hindû Aja, i, 371; Kashyapa, i, 392, ii, 399; Logoi or, i, 389; Logos, ii, 371; Mânasa rejected, ii, 21, 180; Pitris and, ii, 127, 128; Progenitors, ii, 127, 173; Serpent emblem of, i, 389; Sons of, ii, 127, 146; Sons of Yoga, astral, ii, 208; Svâyambhuva or, ii, 325; Time, sprang from, i, 392, ii, 399.

Self-conscious, Beings, ii, 95; Divinity through, efforts, ii, 98; Egotism, ii, 83; Entities, ii, 176; Evolution, i, 448; Existence, i, 289; Host preferred, pain, ii, 439; Inner subject, and, ii, 691; Intelligent men, ii, 48; Man made, ii, 82; Men, new race of, i, 493; Mind, ii, 243; Senses, use of, i, 583; Spirit, i, 215; Thinking men, ii, 108.

Self-consciousness, Absolute, attained by, i, 82; Abyss of, ii, 85; Active and passive, ii, 332; Ahamkâra or, i, 356; Atoms have potentiality of, i, 132; Brahmâ called them forth to, ii, 606; Buddhi in union with, ii, 241; Cross, a branch of sevenfold, ii, 593; Ego must attain full, i, 215; Egoism or, i, 356; Ego sum necessitates, i, 254; Fallen angels and man’s, ii, 286; Hegel’s theory of, i, 81, 132; Idiot, absence of, makes an, ii, 173; Intelligence or, ii, 593; Leibnitz on, i, 687; Living fire, due to, ii, 107; Mahat develops, i, 104, ii, 675; Mind and, i, 356, ii, 540; Monads may reach a higher plane of, i, 203; One Self, or, ii, 606; Origin of delusion necessary to, i, 75; Parainârthasatya or, i, 79; Pilgrim soul passes through, i, 198; Pitris endow man with, i, 588; Plane of, i, 203; Sat at root of, ii, 61; Spark expands into, ii, 99; Speck, seed or germ have no, ii, 690; Spirit, in pure, ii, 84; Tortures of, ii, 439; Universal, i, 356; Universal soul at root of, ii, 61; Wisdom of, ii, 119.

Self-development of Rudras, ii, 618.

Self-division, Procreation by, ii, 175, 696.

Self-evolution of Mahat, i, 486.

Self-evolving forces, i, 481.

Self-exertion, Divine powers through, ii, 82.

Self-existence, Created personally, i, 36; Eye of, i, 45.

Self-existent, Angelic or, ii, 252; Âtmabhû or, ii, 186, 612; Concealed Lord is, i, 83; Creations, called, ii, 252; Earth, on, ii, 173; Heavenly man or self-born, ii, 160; Kâma is, ii, 186; Lord, i, 60, 113, 355; One, i, 115; Spirit, ii, 40; Svayambhû-Nârâyana, ii, 136; Svâyambhuva, i, 109; Theory of, ii, 160; Three in one, i, 74; Tsi-tsai, i, 381.

Self-existing, Basis, matter, i, 349; Reality, i, 32; Unknowable mover or, i, 86.

Self-generation, Mystery of, i, 95.

Self-generated, Being, i, 384; Rotation, i, 545.

Self-God, Unity with, i, 700.

Self-hood, first outline of, i, 488.

Self-initiated higher Gods, ii, 131.

Self-luminous, Globe, ii, 162; Matter, i, 645; Nebula, i, 643.

Self-manifested Kwan-Shi-Yin, i, 511.

Self-moving, Atoms, i, 733; Numbers, ii, 582.

Self-perception, Living fire, due to, ii, 107; Pilgrim-soul, of, i, 198.

Self-produced, Giants, princes, ii, 511; Kosmos consists of, beings, i, 696.

Self-redeemed man, ii, 438.

Self-sacrifice, Dragon of wisdom and of, ii, 98; Prometheus, of, ii, 440; Rebels, of, ii, 253.

Self-worship and Atlanteans, ii, 285, 286.

Selves, Celestial, i, 624; Personal, ii, 115.

Semele and Jupiter, i, 430, ii, 379.

Semi-astral, Earth, ii, 262; Forms, ii, 728; Race, ii, 724, 727.

Semi-demon of Babylonia, ii, 200.

Semi-demons of fourth race, ii, 333.

Semi-ethereal, Conditions, ii, 158; Earth, ii, 326; Evolution from ethereal to, i, 703; Monad and, being, ii, 672.

Semi-intelligent, Elementals, i, 297, 298; Forces, i, 307, 519, 560.

Semi-spirits and androgynes, ii, 132.

Semi-terrestrial mixed natures, i, 288.

Seminal principles, ii, 168, 572.

Semite, Kabalist, ii, 493; Man stooping with, ii, 492; Mind, ii, 573; Temptation invented by, i, 411.

Semites, Adam, descendants of red, ii, 444; Adami taken by, ii, 473; Âryans and, ii, 151, 210; Deep of wisdom and, ii, 56; Divine hermaphrodite and, ii, 134; Ea changed into Tiamet by, ii, 56, 64; Holy of holies of, ii, 479; Procreating highest purpose of, ii, 572; Proto-Chaldæans, borrow from, ii, 213; Savages and, ii, 439; Seth primitive God of, ii, 86; Triadic deities of, ii, 57.

Semitic, Aryans, ii, 278; Cosmogony, ii, 251; Deity, ii, 567; Empire, ii, 730; Genius Loci, i, 500; Khamism contains germ of, i, 141; Language, ii, 210, 798; Milton, ii, 506; Mind, i, 411; Races, ii, 155; Religion, i, 10, 13, 20, 411; Revelation, i, 718; Systems, i, 479; Theoanthropographies, ii, 135; Traditions of Satan, ii, 407; Tribe, Jews a little, i, 339.

Sempa, Tibetan for soul, i, 83.

Sempiternal depth and silence, ii, 601.

Sempiternity, i, 68.

Senâ, Kârttikeya, female aspect, ii, 655; Yoginî equivalent with, i, 512.

Senary, Hieroglyphical, ii, 625; Interlaced triangles, in, ii, 626; Man, applied by sages to, ii, 625; Six or, ii, 614; Unity, and, ii, 615.

Seneca, quoted, i, 712, ii, 799.

Senile representations, ii, 824.

Sennacherib’s palace, i, 339.

Sensation, Animal life of, ii, 552; Animals have, ii, 708; Atom, in every, ii, 711; Consciousness, resting on states of, i, 31; Mâyâ, is, i, 31; Occultists on, ii, 710; Plane of, i, 592; Sound, of, i, 694; Space outside any act of, i, 606; Sun, radiated from, i, 590.

Sensations, Animals, i, 617; Jñânashakti, power of mind in interpreting, i, 312; Objective consciousness and, i, 661.

Sense, All that lies beyond threshold of, i, 561; Buddhi seventh, ii, 676; Chaos obtaining, i, 366; Creation of, i, 522; Explorer of nature’s secrets must transcend limitation of, i, 518; Hæckel on organs of, ii, 310; Individuality of every, i, 582; Knowledge differs from, i, 300; Manas merged in sixth, ii, 676; Mind serving for both, and action, i, 356; Personality, of, i, 296; Self and five organs of, i, 356; Shadow with no, ii, 18; Sixth, i, 278, 583, ii, 676; Solidarity, i, 231.

Sense-born phenomena, i, 605.

Senseless, Anthropoid apes direct product of, man, i, 207; Astral man, i, 206; Chaos called, i, 363, 366; Forms, first men were, ii, 646; Humanity, ii, 240; Life, desire to live a, ii, 116; Mankind, physiologically, ii, 429; Motion of science, i, 163; Pitaras created, ii, 440; Primordial men, i, 402.

Senses, Aindriyaka or creation of, i, 489, 490, ii, 649; Anugîtâ on, i, 583; Consciousness through physical, ii, 741; Creation of, i, 489, 490, ii, 649; Deities of physical, ii, 600; Development of higher, i, 278; Division into five of, i, 583; Double set of, i, 582; Elements and, ii, 112, 113; Emancipation, are causes of, i, 584; Evolution of, ii, 113; Existence, five, not necessity for, i, 665; Fatal destiny or world of, ii, 513; Growth of outer, ii, 308; Higher, ii, 675; Higher self and, ii, 675; Impulses produced by our physical, i, 706; Inner, atrophied during racial development, ii, 307, 308; Insufficiency of our, i, 662; Lost, replaced by others, i, 582; Material plane of evolution not known to our, ii, 65; Matter attenuated to our, i, 665; Matter, and, i, 272; Matter of science at lowest extreme of our, i, 689; Mental plane, on, i, 583; Mind and understanding two higher, ii, 675; Physical plane, on, i, 583; Planets on planes outside our terrestrial, i, 176; Prabhavâpyaya, from, ii, 114; Primeval matter beyond five, i, 658; Primeval physical matter beyond our normal, i, 650; Principles and their, ii, 599; Protean substance that eludes, i, 733; Rudiments of future, i, 481; Sacrificial priests, are seven, i, 123, ii, 665; Science, and, i, 361; Scientist, of, i, 677; Secondary creation, pertain to, ii, 112; Seven, in man, i, 123, 288, ii, 665; Seven functions of seven, ii, 675; Seven principles and seven, ii, 666; Spiritual, i, 582, ii, 113; Spiritual or intellectual soul one with, ii, 114; Substance, transitory illusion of, i, 619; Symbolized by five temple pillars, i, 500; Synthesis of seven, i, 124; Third race, physiological, of, ii, 312; Vaikharî Vâch objective to our physical, i, 465; War result of opening of men’s, ii, 288.

Sensitive, Fire that develops eloquence in, i, 361; Plants, i, 491.

Sensitives, Beings of other spheres seen by, i, 663; Inner vision of, ii, 308.

Sensuous, Existence, cycles of, ii, 540; Life, matter of, ii, 29; Plane, mind on, i, 123.

Sensuous perception, Induction method depended on, ii, 605; Thraldom of, ii, 621.

Sentient beings, Kosmos is guided by hierarchies of, i, 295.

Sentient formless life, beginning of, i, 233.

Sentient life, Beginnings of, ii, 25; Microcosm of its higher macrocosm, i, 288; Second round developed individual, i, 280.

Senzar, Catechism, i, 38; Commentaries, i, 50; Occultism, of, ii, 458; Sacerdotal secret tongue, i, 26; Stanzas, version of, i, 50.

Separation of the sexes, Adam and Eve, and, ii, 203; Animals, among, ii, 190, 194, 778; Binary symbol of, i, 412; Bronze age of third race, during, ii, 547; Daksha, and, ii, 288; Death known after, ii, 644; Dhyânîs incarnate after, ii, 238; Evolution and, i, 35, ii, 694; Fall of man or, i, 426, ii, 183, 651; Fifth sub-race of third race, during, ii, 755; First manifested beings, of, i, 160; Fourth Adam after, ii, 529; Genesis, iv. in, i, 370; History of races begins at, ii, 326; Holy of holies pointed to, ii, 492; How of, ii, 207; Human crossing and, ii, 205; Mammals before appearance of, ii, 753; Monosyllabic speech after, ii, 209; Naudin on, ii, 126, 161; Noah and, i, 478; Occurred slowly, ii, 211; Polar cells and, ii, 124; Programme of nature, in, ii, 227; Races mindless even after, ii, 299, 300; Schmidt on, ii, 182, 194; Shatapatha, in, ii, 156; Signs of zodiac and, ii, 528; Third eye began to lose power after, ii, 308; Third race mindless at period of, ii, 279; Third root-race, in, i, 109, 140, 259, ii, 279, 308, 547, 673, 727, 755.

Separator of the one, Man is the, ii, 286.

Sepher, Cipher, means to, ii, 42; M’bo sha-arim, ii, 122; Seraphim, one of three, i, 120.

Sepher Jetzirah or Yetzirah, quoted, i, 26, 119, 121, 154, 318, 360, 482, ii, 40, 42, 43, 244, 565, 566.

Sephira, Active power emerges as, i, 378, 379; Adam Kadmon, and, i, 125, 161, 236, 266, 359, 461, 464; Aditi is, i, 83, 379, ii, 46; Ain Suph on left hand of, i, 674; Androgyne, as, i, 379; Binah female, i, 235, 251, 423; Brahmâ identical with, i, 125; Chokmah and Binah, and, i, 125; Creator, assumes office of, i, 379; Crown, i, 125, 236; Descent, fourth in, i, 674; Devamâtri in Zohar called, i, 83; Father and mother Aditi of Hindû cosmogony, i, 379; Globe, or sixth, i, 260; Heavenly man and, i, 467; Holy Ghost, air or, i, 360; Jehovah a, i, 251; Kabalistic tree of life, in, i, 674; Kadmon, and, i, 266; Kether, in abstract only, i, 236; Kwan Yin, and, i, 465; Latent deity emerges from within, i, 379; Logos, female, i, 465; Male, becomes, i, 379; Malkuth generated by, i, 260; Mother of, i, 83; Numbers of, i, 376; Osiris chief, i, 471; Point, ii, 117; Primeval waters, creates, i, 379; Primordial point, or, i, 360; Sacred aged, i, 266; Sephiroth, androgyne synthesis of ten, i, 117, 125, 379, ii, 117; Sephirothal triangle, and upper, i, 125; Shekinah or first, i, 379, 464; Spiritual light, i, 359, 379; Triad, of, i, 117; Triangle, emerging from dotted side of, i, 379; Universal soul, of Jews, i, 377.

Sephira-Eve, i, 380.

Sephirah, Binah third, ii, 401; Chokmah male, ii, 88.

Sephiroth, Abba, father and Amona, mother are two, i, 380; Adam Kadmon, and, i, 420, ii, 1, 244, 306, 744; Ain Suph, manifestation of, ii, 42; Alhim created six, i, 365; Androgyne synthesis of ten, i, 125; Angels, or, ii, 1, 117; Archetypal man, composing, i, 420; Architect generic name for, i, 634; Ases of Scandinavia identical with, ii, 102; Binah and, i, 34; Builders are representatives of, i, 152; Builders of universe, i, 402, 634; Chokmah and Binah, i, 397, ii, 663; Circle with diameter picture of ten, i, 420; Construction, of, i, 401, 402; Creation, in their work of, i, 464; Creators, become, i, 380; Dabarim, called, i, 466; Deity manifests itself through ten, i, 259; Dhyân Chohans, are, i, 402, ii, 382; Divine attributes, called, i, 472; Divisions of ten, i, 376; Duad or double sexed Logos, and, i, 380; Egyptian Tau, and, ii, 39; Elements are veiled synthesis standing for, i, 362; Elohim, or, i, 251, ii, 405; Elohim in, hidden wisdom of, ii, 43; Elohim-Javeh, ii, 47; Elohim-Jehovah and, i, 380; Emanations, or, i, 420; Emanations of heavenly light, ii, 40; Forces, or, ii, 1; Forces of nature, or, i, 402; Heavenly Adam created by ten, ii, 118; Heavenly man, ii, 244, 574, 744; Host of, ii, 1; Individualities or abstractions, as, i, 693; Jehovah one of, i, 34, 219; Jetziratic world, of, ii, 118; Kabalah rests on ten, ii, 40; Kabalistic, ii, 39; Kabalistic meaning of male and female, ii, 593; Kether, Chokmah and Binah are, of upper triad, i, 260; Light, described as, ii, 42; Limbs of body, and, i, 259, 260, 376; Logos, or, ii, 244; Lower creation, are applied to, i, 376; Male and female, ii, 593; Man was created by, ii, 47; Manus, or, i, 402; Material world, create manifested, ii, 1; Men and, connection between, i, 251; Metaphysical, i, 472; Numbers, or, ii, 40, 42; Oeaohoo son of the sun contains in himself, i, 100; Patriarchs, become, i, 380; Periphrasis of Jehovah or metaphysical, i, 472; Physical or sidereal, i, 472; Prajâpatis, or, i, 380, 402; Prajâpatis and, the, ii, 137; Pythagorean triangle, and, ii, 117; Rays or Dhyân Chohans, or, i, 155; Root-races, and, i, 402; Second Adam, seven lower, ii, 1; Sephira and, i, 464, ii, 117; Sephira esoterically contains but two, i, 379; Sephira exoterically contains all the other nine, i, 379; Sephira mother of, i, 83; Sephirothal triad emanates lower, i, 155; Sephrim, or, ii, 42, 43; Seven, i, 117, 152; Seven angels of presence, or, i, 402; Seven centres of energy, or, ii, 639; Seven creative hosts, i, 100; Seven spirits of presence, i, 472; Seven splendours, of, ii, 638; Sixth and seventh principles in man, or, i, 402; Smaller face is formed of six, i, 261; Spirito-psycho-physical spheres of septenary chain, or, i, 402; Spiritual man, are applied to, i, 376; Ten exoterically, i, 117; Ten limbs of heavenly man are, i, 235; Ten words, called in Kabalah, i, 466; Tetragrammaton and, i, 367, ii, 662; Three groups of, i, 472; Totality of subordinate creative powers called, ii, 573, 574; Tree of, ii, 306; Triad, of upper, i, 260, 376, ii, 1; Triad, synthesized by upper, ii, 102; Uni-triad and, i, 379; Universe, symbol of manifested, i, 125; Weight, measure and number attributes of, ii, 244; Words, ten, ii, 40.

Sephiroth-Elohim, Jehovah called, i, 154.

Sephirothal host, Adam is, ii, 49.

Sephirothal number, Ten, i, 200.

Sephirothal tree, Adam Kadmon is, ii, 4; Binaries, of, i, 258; Crown, i, 200; Logoi and, ii, 28; Mexican MS. represented in, ii, 39; Ten number of, ii, 630; Tetragrammaton and, ii, 662; Triangle, of, i, 679; Unities, of, i, 258.

Sephirothal triad, Archetypal world, placed in, i, 234; Binah, Chokmah and first, ii, 282; Formless fiery breaths identical with upper, i, 234; Jehovah-Binah (intelligence) left angle of, ii, 630; Sephiroth, emanates from lower, i, 155.

Sephirothal triangle, i, 125, ii, 630.

Sephirothic aspects of Ain Suph, i, 374.

Sephirothic tree, Religions, in other, ii, 102; Universe, is, i, 376.

Sephrim, Sephiroth, or, ii, 42, 43, 244; Wisdom of Alhim in, ii, 43; Words in ciphers or figures, or, ii, 44, 244.

Sepp, Dr., quoted, i, 717, 718, 719, ii, 506, 655.

Sept Leçons de Physique Générale, i, 531.

Septempartite, Earth, ii, 800, 801, 802.

Septenary, Âkâsha is, i, 574, 586; Ancient esoteric school teaches man is, ii, 639; Ansated cross is ensouled living man, ii, 634; Anugîtâ, symbology in, ii, 674; Army of the voice, and, i, 124; Atoms, aggregation of, i, 679; Being, man in seventh race and round, ii, 177; Biblical chronology is, ii, 660; Biblical creative God is, ii, 630; Celsus’ system, i, 480; Chains, Mars and Mercury are, i, 189; Chains of worlds, i, 182; Clef des Grandes Mystères, diagram in, i, 262; Cosmic substance, basis of evolution of, i, 350; Creation of man, ii, 113; Creative Elohim lowest, ii, 630; Creative forces, scale of, ii, 516; Creators, seven hierarchies of, i, 102; Cycle law in nature, ii, 659; Cycles, ii, 658, 659; Divine consciousness, ladder of, i, 358; Dogma, various forms of, ii, 672; Dragon, meaning of, ii, 219, 371; Element, qualities of every, i, 583; Element, second principle of, i, 572; Egypt, in, ii, 667; Ether is, i, 353, 574; Evolution, cycles of, i, 288; Evolution, forms of, ii, 775; Evolution, ladder of, i, 200; Exoteric works, in, ii, 646; Fire of manifested cosmos is, i, 115; Gods, sacred to several, ii, 637; Group, man emanates from, i, 251; Group of celestial men or angels, i, 251; Harmony, ii, 615; Hebdomad or, ii, 634; Heptad our, ii, 637; Hierarchy, differentiation of germ of universe into, i, 49; Hierarchy of conscious divine powers, i, 49; Hierarchies of elements are, i, 499; Interlaced triangles produce, ii, 626; Jehovah lowest, ii, 630; Kabalistic numerals based on, i, 259; Kosmos, i, 221; Law of periodicity, ii, 664; Law, universal, i, 640; Leibnitz, system of, i, 690; Life-cycle, ii, 579; Light, i, 145; Man, when virtuous, ii, 608; Manifestation, scale of, i, 163; Matter, manvantaric differentiation of, i, 349; Matter or substance is, i, 309; Monad, gyration of, i, 160; Mysteries of Hebdomad and, ii, 614; Nâga, meaning of, ii, 219; Number of virgin because unborn, ii, 637; Oeahoo or, root, i, 97; Periods and moon, ii, 629; Phenomenal world, in, ii, 615; Physical man plus immortal soul, ii, 625; Planetary creators, or, i, 102; Pre-Adamic first root-race, i, 402; Races, primeval, ii, 641; Ray from the one, human entity is, ii, 639; Ring, i, 168, 627; Root, or Oeahoo, i, 97; Rudras, i, 496; Second Adam is esoterically, ii, 1; Sense, i, 583; Serpent, meaning of, ii, 219; Souls, of, i, 248; Substance, gradation of, i, 684; Sun, nature of, i, 310; Symbolism, in ancient religions, ii, 629; Ten Sephiroth, of, i, 376; Triad, hanging from, i, 259; Units, Mars and Mercury are, i, 188; Universal septenate, of, ii, 630; Universal soul was, ii, 593; Vedas, element in, ii, 640; Zoroastrian, ii, 643.

Septenary chain, Earth lowest sphere of our, i, 219; Fohat formed our, i, 163; Genii of seven spheres of our, i, 219; Globe, of, ii, 739; Manu and doctrine of, ii, 322; Manvantara, of, i, 719; Many more besides our, i, 718; Monads cycling round any, i, 195; Purânas, and, i, 141; Sephiroth and spheres of, i, 402; Seven wheels are our, i, 168.

Septenary constitution, Âtmâ and physical body in, ii, 255; Chain, of our, i, 252, ii, 800; Egyptians, of, ii, 670; Macrocosm, of, i, 191; Scriptures, in, ii, 790; Secret systems, preëminent in all, i, 262; Sidereal bodies, of, i, 191.

Septenary division, Âryan psychology and, i, 247; Brâhmans and, ii, 627; Cosmic and human constitutions, in, ii, 630, 651; Egypt, used by priests of, i, 439; Egyptian psychology, in, i, 247, ii, 670; Esoteric, until now, i, 191; Four-fold, preceded, i, 439; Heart, of, ii, 96, Hierarchies, in divine, ii, 630; Human principles, of, ii, 96; Indian systems, in, i, 181; Kabalah following, i, 262; Microcosm, of, i, 191; Nature and man, of, ii, 606; Practical occult teaching, and, ii, 627.

Septenary doctrine, Antiquity of, ii, 677; Book of the Dead, in, i, 257; Chemistry, and, i, 603.

Septenary groups, Earliest forms of life appear in, ii, 628; Hosts, or, i, 239; Numbers, of, ii, 628; Universe composed of, ii, 633.

Septenary host, Elohim, of, ii, 632; Imperishable Jîvas first group of first, i, 238; Noah represents, of Elohim, ii, 632; Number seven as applied to, i, 239.

Septenary man, Completion of, ii, 83; Heavenly man is resolved into, ii, 663; Triangle and quaternary symbol of, ii, 625.

Septenary principle, Esotericism, in, ii, 321; Five Years of Theosophy, in, i, 669; Man and nature, i, 355; Medhâtithi and, i, 355; Zuñi Indians, and, ii, 665.

Septenate, Absolute is, ii, 633; Alchemists and, ii, 627; Heavenly man becomes, ii, 630; Man is, ii, 32; Physical realm, for, ii, 638; Physiology, in, ii, 659; Pleiades sidereal, ii, 581; Purânas, in, ii, 647; Second Adam, of seven Sephiroth, ii, 1; Universal, ii, 630.

Septiform periodicity, law of, ii, 659.

Septiformity of Biblical chronology, ii, 660.

Septuagint, quoted, i, 630, ii, 210, 588.

Sêpultures des Tartares, quoted, ii, 359.

Seraph or fiery-winged serpent, i, 388, 476.

Seraphim, Avengers, called, i, 151; Cherubim, and, ii, 527; Fiery serpents of heaven, or, i, 151; Fiery serpents of Moses were, ii, 404; Fiery winged serpents or, i, 390; Flames parallel to, ii, 66; Four Mahârâjahs and, i, 151; Jehovah, symbols of, ii, 404; Michael and, ii, 503; Ministering angels, as, i, 119, 120; Nâgas are, ii, 526, 527; Sepher Jetzirah, in, i, 119; Sepher, Saphar, and Sipur, i, 120; Serpent of eternity, God, and, i, 390; Spiritual immortality, conferred on us, ii, 254; Throne of the Almighty, attend, ii, 67; Winged wheels, called, i, 151; World, made, i, 120.

Seraphs, Christian belief in, i, 661; Cosmic elements, rule, i, 661; Dhyân Chohans called, i, 44; Jehovah and Michael, called, ii, 503; Nâgas, or, ii, 526; Ninth world of Syrians has, i, 469, 470; Simia and, i, 208; Synonyms of, in our secret doctrine, i, 119.

Serapis, Sarpa, serpent, and, ii, 527; Serpent, with attributes of, ii, 30; Sigalions in temples of, ii, 414.

Sermon sur la Sainte Vierge, quoted, i, 431.

Serpent, Absolute wisdom, of, i, 442; Adept, symbol of, ii, 381, 397; Adepts and initiates, refers to, ii, 98; Adoration of, ii, 219; Adversary not applicable to, ii, 405; Agathodæmon, good, i, 441; Aker sets’, ii, 223; Akkadian seven-headed, i, 438; All-knowledge, of, ii, 296; All-wisdom, symbol of, i, 389; Ananta, i, 438, ii, 103, 105; Androgyne, creator of man, ii, 406; Apap, i, 737, ii, 223; Apophis, ii, 621; Astral light and, i, 103, 275; Aschmogh, ii, 215; Azazel, prototype of, ii, 405; Brazen, i, 390, ii, 218, 381, 495; Brotherhood of, ii, 404; Caduceus, of, i, 275; Catacombs of, at Thebes, ii, 396; Central spiritual sun, ii, 224; Cherub meant, i, 388, 390, 391; Chnouphis and, ii, 220; Chozzar, good and perfect, ii, 372; Christ with templars, emblem of, i, 512, 513; Circle, in, i, 391; Cosmic, ii, 531; Cosmic-dust like, i, 103; Creative God as winged, i, 389; Cross, and, ii, 226; Dan described as, i, 715; Darkness, and idea of, ii, 35; Devil, regarded as symbol of, i, 476; Divine symbol, always, ii, 531; Dracontia sacred to, ii, 362; Dragon and, ii, 29; Dragon with head and tail of, ii, 403; Dragon of Wisdom and, ii, 244; Dragon Tiamat sea, ii, 501; Dual androgyne, ii, 224; Earth casts off old skins as does, ii, 50; Eden, of, ii, 556, 739; Egg and, i, 390, ii, 795; Eight coils of, ii, 373; Elohim, one of, ii, 406; Eternal sun Abrasax, ii, 224; Eternity, of, i, 390, 437, 438, ii, 224, 296; Eternity and infinitude, emblem of, i, 95; Evil, of, ii, 29, 621; Evil and Devil, symbol of, i, 441; Evil, never regarded as, ii, 531; Evolution of universe like uncoiling of, ii, 530; Fall of man and, ii, 214; Fallen from on high, i, 240; Fohat represented by, i, 105; Fourth race, phallic symbol of, ii, 65; Garden of Eden, of, i, 446, 454; Globular shape of all bodies, symbolises, i, 103; Gnostic, i, 102, ii, 293; Gnostic meaning of, ii, 404; Gnostic Ophites and, i, 435; God Nahbkoon represented as, i, 512; Gods of Atlanteans, symbols of, ii, 799; Good and bad, i, 103, 441; Hawk’s head, with, ii, 372; Heathen wand and Jewish, ii, 218; Hermes, called most spiritual by, i, 102; Hevah and Abel feminine, ii, 132; Humanity, service of, to, i, 434; Iao of mysteries, ii, 406; Immortality and time, type of, i, 435; India, symbol translated from, ii, 225; Initiated adept, name given to, i, 435; Initiator, symbolising, ii, 370; Janus-like character of, i, 434; Jehovah and, i, 102, 446, 454, 512, ii, 407; Jesus and wisdom of, i, 103, 381; Kakodæmon bad, i, 441; Kalevala, in, ii, 29; Kapila many headed, ii, 604; Knooph represented by, i, 513; Leaps, that runs with, 370, i, 362; Legends, ii, 219; Legs, on two, ii, 223; Lion with head of, on his tail, ii, 451; Loaf, coiled round sacramental, ii, 225; Logoi, or self-born, emblem of, i, 389; Lord God, was, ii, 226, 282; Macrocosmic tree is, ii, 102; Manas is, in tree, ii, 102, 103; Manvantaric, i, 704; Mighty, ii, 799; Mound in Ohio, ii, 799; Mundane trees, in, ii, 102; Mysteries taught to primeval men by, i, 435; Mystery of great sea, ii, 530; Mystical interpretation of, ii, 218; North pole and pole of heavens, is, ii, 372; Occult knowledge, symbol of, ii, 30; Ophiomorphos, ii, 407; Ophiomorphos-Chrestos after its fall, i, 445; Ophis-Christos before its fall, i, 445; Ophites, of, ii, 220; Osiris, on head of, i, 471; Phallic, without egg, i, 390; Polar, ii, 830; Primordial, ii, 427; Râhu had tail of, ii, 398; Regeneration, emblem of, i, 95; Rejuvenation, emblem of, i, 95, 435; Sacred tree, on, ii, 109; Satan and, i, 216, ii, 117, 406, 533; Saviour, as, ii, 225; Sea of fire called fiery, i, 104; Seed of, ii, 429; Septenary meaning, has, ii, 218, 219; Seraph, i, 388, 476, ii, 527; Seven-headed, i, 365, 438, ii, 103; Seven thunders, of, i, 442; Seven-vowelled, ii, 293; Shadow of light, ii, 224; Shamaël, used by, ii, 215; Shesha, ii, 52; Son of snakes or, ii, 397; Space, of, i, 365; Spirit, represents, ii, 394; Spirit of God symbolised by fiery, i, 103; Svastika and, ii, 103, 105; Symbol found everywhere, i, 95; Tail, swallowing its, i, 94, ii, 582; Tau, and, ii, 225; Theosophical, of eternity, ii, 394; Tree and, i, 434, 436, 437, ii, 102, 103, 226; Tree of Life, and, i, 435; True and perfect, i, 442; Two mystic eyes of Ammon over, ii, 223; Vendîdâd, in, ii, 372; Vishnu, of, ii, 103; Votan, Mexican Demi-God, ii, 396, 397; Wisdom, of, ii, 103, 434, 604; Wisdom, emblem of, i, 95, 102, 389, 476, 721, ii, 30, 189, 224; Woman, seduces, ii, 109; Woman and matter, or, ii, 212; World-egg and, i, 94, 95; Worship, i, 434, 435; Zeus and, ii, 433, 438.

Serpent-Demon, Vritra or Ahi, ii, 399.

Serpent-emblem of Cosmic fire, Uræus is, i, 471.

Serpent-God, i, 471, ii, 397, 558.

Serpent-Gods, ii, 395.

Serpent-holes, Adepts came from, ii, 790.

Serpent-queen, or Sarparâjni, i, 103.

Serpent-race, i, 452.

Serpent-stone, ii, 357.

Serpent-wall, ii, 29.

Serpent of Genesis, Celestial pole, and, ii, 374; Churches anathematize, ii, 394; Dragon of wisdom, ii, 244; Evil, and, ii, 408; Father of spiritual mankind, ii, 254; Mankind has become, ii, 539; Meaning of, ii, 246; Satan, ii, 402; Ye shall be as Gods, says, ii, 292.

Serpentarii, De Stellâ Nova in Pede, i, 645.

Serpentes, Gigantes translated, ii, 293.

Serpent’s mount, Carnac means, ii, 397.

Serpents, Angels fallen into generation, ii, 240; Arabia, came every spring from, i, 387; Astronomical, ii, 372; Balaam said to be inspired by, ii, 427; Be ye wise as, ii, 381; Birds or, ii, 427; Caduceus, of, i, 600; Cherubim, and, i, 152; Cobra most deadly of, i, 282; Dolmens connected with, ii, 795; Dragons and, ii, 212, 370, 795; Dragons of light, and, ii, 211; Dragons of wisdom, and, ii, 240; Edens, and, ii, 212; Emperors of Chinese, emblems of, ii, 381; Fifth race, and, ii, 24, 366, 370; Good and bad, ii, 286; Grasshoppers called winged, ii, 215; Hawks, with heads of, ii, 376; Heads of, on animal bodies, ii, 59; Heaven of, i, 151; Hercules kills, i, 433; Hierophants styled themselves, ii, 396; Hindû, i, 152; Ibis killing winged, i, 387; Initiates, or, ii, 381; Jupiter and other Gods, symbols of, ii, 381; Kabbalists explain fiery, ii, 222; Levites called fiery, ii, 222; Logoi symbolized by, i, 512; Mount Meru guarded by, i, 151, 153; Nâgas, and, ii, 191, 192, 395, 526, 527; Nodes of moon symbolized by, i, 433; Poles, symbols of, ii, 286, 376; Pulastya father of all, ii, 191; Rod, entwined round, ii, 381; Sarpas or, ii, 193, 526, 527; Seraphim are fiery, i, 151; Seraphs, or, ii, 526; Shell-heads, with, ii, 23, 211; Spirit and matter represented by, i, 600; Sun-Gods symbolized by, ii, 222; Symbolisms under different, ii, 370; Trees guarded by, i, 153; Triangular stones, under, ii, 367; Wisdom, of, ii, 192, 367, 368; Wisdom, ever emblems of, ii, 380; Winged, ii, 215.

Serpents’ works or Nehhaschim, ii, 427.

Serp-o, Latin root of serpent, ii, 192.

Servants, Apollo, of, ii, 7; Great four, of, ii, 446; Horus, of, ii, 390, 450; Rings, of Lord small, ii, 15; Sparks are, i, 60, 120.

Sesostris, Mummy of, i, 13.

Sesquialtera and Sesquitertia, ii, 635.

Set, Hermes called, ii, 398; Reign of, ii, 384; Set Typhon, sank into, ii, 223; Typhon, Egyptian, ii, 383, 403.

Seti I, i, 249.

Seth, Adam, third son of, ii, 492; Adam begat, in his own likeness, ii, 132; Adam Rishoon, son of, ii, 415, 416; Agathodæmon none other than, ii, 378; Ancestor of Semites, semi-divine, ii, 86; Astronomy established by, ii, 383; Arab beliefs about, ii, 383; Biblical patriarchs and, i, 711; Bunsen on, ii, 86; Cain, and, ii, 409; Cain and Abel, progeny of, ii, 135; Dhyân Chohan, ii, 378; Edris, and, ii, 383; Enoch and, ii, 133, 134, 377, 378, 383; Enos son of, ii, 133; Genealogy of, ii, 409; Henoch son of, ii, 755; Hermes called, ii, 398; Israel reputed father of, ii, 398; Man, first, ii, 133; Mercury or, ii, 558; Pillars of, ii, 558; Planetary God, ii, 377; Primitive God of Semites, ii, 86; Qabbalah on, ii, 329; Races of earth, progenitor of, ii, 135, 377, 378; Sabæans, borrowed by Jews from, ii, 377; Sabaism, founder of, ii, 378; Serpent symbol of, ii, 30; Third race, represents, ii, 133, 416, 492; Typhon, and, ii, 35, 383; Vulcan or, ii, 408.

Seth-Enos, Fourth race, ii, 142.

Settlers in Europe, First, ii, 367.

Sevekh or Sebekh (seventh), i, 240, 439.

Sevekh-Kronos, i, 439.

Seven, Aditi, sons of, i, 468, 483; Agents contain material worlds, i, 470; Ages of man, ii, 326; Amshaspends, i, 152, 471, ii, 643; Angelic planes, ii, 251; Angels of face, i, 376; Angels of presence, i, 130, 358, 402; Apollo patron of number, ii, 815; Arhats, i, 126; Beings in sun are seven holy ones, i, 310; Book of the Dead, in, i, 737; Breath of all the, i, 129; Breaths of dragon of wisdom, i, 61, 131; Brothers, Fohat hardens and scatters, i, 105; Builders, i, 470, 521; Capital sins and, virtues, i, 330; Centres of energy, ii, 639; Churches, seven keys of, ii, 670; Circles of fire, ii, 242; Circles of super-spiritual planes, i, 450; Circles robbed of sacred fire, ii, 84; Cosmocratores of world, i, 256; Creators called Elohim, i, 163; Creators, progeny of, ii, 49; Creations, i, 48, 481, ii, 56; Creative hosts or Sephiroth, i, 100; Creative spirits, i, 73; Cycles and cosmic planes, i, 421; Dark and light Gods, i, 331; Dark evil spirits, i, 331; Dawns and twilights, ii, 322; Dhyâni-Buddhas, i, 133; Dialects referring to mysteries of nature, i, 329; Divine dynasties, ii, 382; Divine mother of, i, 60, 120; Eastern occultism alone has, keys, i, 338; Each element ruled by one of, ii, 375; Egg, coverings of, i, 392; Eight, became, ii, 374; Elements, i, 63, 160, 371, ii, 639; Evolution of life proceeds in, rounds, i, 182; Eyes of the Lord, ii, 26, 662; Father-Mother, i, 627; Fathers, ii, 595; Fiery tongues, ii, 643; Fighters, i, 61, 125; Fires, i, 442, ii, 595; First, born of, i, 484; Fohat is one and, i, 163; Forces and occult powers, typical of, i, 421; Forces of natures are, i, 163; Forms of cranium, i, 365, 402; Forms or principles of prakriti, i, 400; Gates of ladder of creation, i, 480; Globes of planetary chain, ii, 643; Gnostic vowels, i, 102, ii, 596; Golden dragon in whom are, i, 488; Governors, i, 520, ii, 279, 280; Great gods at beginning of every cycle, i, 468; Great gods of Egypt, i, 152; Great ones of great mother, i, 737; Gunas or conditioned qualities, i, 371; Heavens, i, 483, 484, ii, 594; Heptagon religious and perfect number, or, ii, 637; Hierarchies of planetary creators, i, 102; Higher angels had broken through seven circles, ii, 84; Higher make seven Lhas create world, ii, 26; Hippocrates on number, ii, 326; His breath gave life to, ii, 15, 25, 26; Hosts, will-born lords, ii, 18, 90; Invisible logos, hierarchies of, ii, 26; Kabalah and number, i, 68; Keys not yet delivered to science, i, 343; Keys open mysteries of seven races, i, 346; Keys to mystery tongue, i, 330; Keys to universal esoteric language, ii, 494; Kings of Edom, i, 402; Language of hierophants having, dialects, i, 329; Laya centres are zero points, i, 162; Laya centres produced by Fohat, i, 63, 162, 171; Lemurian and Atlantean divisions of earth, ii, 382; Letters of name of Jehovah, i, 358; Lights from one light, i, 63, 154; Lights whose reflections are human immortal monads, i, 145; Lives and one life, i, 66, 258; Logoi of hermetic philosophers, i, 162; Logos mother of, planetary powers, i, 101; Lords created seven men, ii, 223; Lower Sephiroth, i, 367; Luminous ones who follow Osiris, i, 332; Magic forces, great ones of, i, 737; Matter, states of, i, 611; Manifested, proceed from mother alone, i, 116; Manus, ii, 256, 322; Meanings in Kabalah, ii, 568; Minor pralayas in each round, i, 195; Monads divided into, hierarchies, i, 195; Mystery-Gods of planets, ii, 26; Mystic sages or Kumâras, i, 114; Notes of scale, i, 480; Number, holy feminine, ii, 227; Oceans or Sapta Samudra, i, 371; Oeahoo and, vowels of Gnostic Ophis, i, 102; Origin of sacred number, i, 416; Paths, i, 70, ii, 201; Pâtâlas, ii, 52; Planes of being, ii, 251; Planes of cosmic consciousness, i, 350; Planetary genii or spirits, ii, 25; Planetary pralaya after, rounds, i, 195; Planetary spirits, i, 130; Powers of logos, ii, 375; Prajâpatis, i, 470; Prajñâ exists in, different aspects, i, 163; Prakritis, i, 358; Priests of Anugîtâ, ii, 601; Primary and secondary creations, i, 481; Primitive and dual Gods, ii, 382; Primordial, i, 60, 61, 115, 116, 131, 133; Primordial Adams, ii, 49; Procreative rays or powers, i, 108; Protyles or seven prakritis, i, 350; Radiant essence becomes, inside, outside, i, 58, 95; Radicals, i, 169; Rays, ii, 643; Rays hang from seven worlds of being, i, 145; Rays which fall from macrocosmic centre, ii, 201; Rectors breaking through seven circles of fire, i, 449; Rectors of world, i, 440; Regents, i, 454, ii, 26; Regions above and below, i, 62, 133; Religions, in all, ii, 38; Rishis and Pleiades, ii, 580; Rishis and Vaivasvata Manu, ii, 304; Rishis lead host on, rivers, i, 370; Rishis of Great Bear, i, 382, ii, 579, 668; Rishis of third Manvantara, ii, 82; Rishis on line with Agni, ii, 580; Root number of nature, i, 496; Rounds, ii, 190, 321, 596, 597, 737; Sabbaths, ii, 597; Sacraments, i, 330; Sapta in whom are, i, 58, 100; Second, who are Lipika, i, 61, 129; Secondaries or spiritual intelligences, i, 488; Sephiroth separated from first triad, i, 152; Servant to Lhas of, ii, 15, 25; Seventh of, i, 61, 120; Shadows of future men, seven times, ii, 18, 95; Shining, mind-born sons of first Lord, i, 65, 233; Skins of earth, ii, 16, 48, 50, 51; Small wheels revolving, i, 64, 163; Solar rays become seven suns, i, 397; Son-brothers, i, 169; Sons creators of planetary chain, i, 90; Sons of divine Sophia, i, 463; Sons of Fohat, i, 169; Sons of light and life, i, 162; Souls of Egyptologists, ii, 666; Souls of Man, quoted, i, 248, ii, 668, 671; Spark radiating from primeval, i, 624; Sparks of, i, 60, 120; Spheres, watchers of, i, 83; Spirits, Mikael chief of, i, 496; Spirits of face, i, 152, ii, 121; Spirits of presence, i, 331; Spirits of stars, i, 480; Spiritus conceives, figures and, stellars, i, 217; Stars, Goddess of, ii, 577; Stars of Great Bear, i, 488; Strides of Fohat, i, 62, 133; Sublime Lords had ceased to be, i, 56, 73; Sun has, rays, i, 310; Suns, ii, 251; Swans which descend on Lake Mansarovara, i, 382; Ten, proceeding from, ii, 605; Theogonic evolution, typical of, i, 421; Three tongued flame shot out by, i, 65, 257; Thunders, i, 442; Titanidæ who are, i, 481; Triad, emanate from, i, 460; Truths had ceased to be, i, 56, 73; Truths, only four revealed out of, i, 73; Twice, sum total, i, 60, 116; Upper and seven lower worlds, i, 392; Uranides discovered to be, i, 451; Valentinus on power of great, i, 480; Vasishtha-Daksha, sons of, ii, 82; Vowels with their forty-nine powers, i, 442, ii, 595; Waters stop at region of, Rishis, i, 398; Ways to bliss were not, i, 55, 70; Web of light, were not yet born from, i, 57, 90; Wheels are our planetary chain, i, 168; Wicked Gods or spirits, ii, 64; Winds of Anugîtâ, ii, 601; Wise Ones fashion seven paths, ii, 201; World reformer essential incarnation of one of, ii, 374, 375; Worlds of Mâyâ, spark journeys through, i, 66, 258; Zohar, in, i, 376; Zones of post-mortem ascent, i, 442; Zones, two by two on, ii, 23, 237.

Seven Eternities, Æons or periods are meant by, i, 67; Eternal parent slumbered once again for, i, 56, 67; Fohat acts during, i, 64, 168; Mahâkalpa as well as solar Pralaya, i, 83; Manvantara, seven periods of, i, 68; Paranishpanna without Paramârtha is extinction for, i, 84.

Seven Principles, Ain Suph, of, i, 358; Different systems, in, i, 182; Great mother and man, of, i, 311; Kosmos, of, i, 484; Man-plant Saptaparna refers to, i, 257; Prakriti has, i, 400; Seven rays which fall from Macrocosmic centre, ii, 201; Seven-headed dragons, typified by, i, 438; Solar system consists of, i, 136; Space container and body of universe in its, i, 365.

Seven Races, First continent will remain to end of, ii, 388; Men, of, i, 713; Revelation, doctrine of, may be found in, ii, 596, 597; Round, of each, i, 737; Seven minor Manus preside over, ii, 323; Seven rays which fall from macrocosmic centre, ii, 201; Thunders, sounds or vowels, and, ii, 597.

Seven Senses, breath, voice, self is synthesis of, i, 123, 124; Emancipation, cause of, i, 115; Hotris or priests symbolised as, i, 115; Mental and physical correlations of, i, 583; Self to be emancipated from, i, 115; Synthesis of, i, 123, 124; Upanishads, according to, i, 288; Vedas and Anugîtâ on, i, 583.

Seven-fold, Agneyâstra, ii, 666; Asura, ii, 642; Brâhmans, classification of, ii, 678; Constitution of man, archaic belief in, i, 256; Cross, universal soul, represented as, ii, 593; Cube, ii, 662; Divine spirit who is, ii, 375; Esoteric, classification, ii, 672, 673; First Logos, i, 483; Heaven was, primary, ii, 668; Kosmos, i, 654; Light, Christos and Hermes called, ii, 570; Logos differentiated into seven Logoi, ii, 594; Nature, septenary evolution in, i, 288; Number, ever recurring, ii, 643; Sign, interlaced triangles, ii, 626; World, divisions of, ii, 658.

Seven-headed, Ananta, serpent, ii, 103; Dragon, ii, 509; Dragon-Logos, i, 440; Dragons and serpents are all, i, 438; Serpent, i, 442.

Seven-leaved plant, Saptaparna, i, 257, ii, 625.

Seven-pointed crown, ii, 655.

Seven-rayed, God, ii, 38; Hymn to, ii, 637; One, i, 483.

Seven-skinned eternal mother-father, i, 38.

Seven-stringed harp of Apollo, ii, 637.

Seven-vowelled Serpent of Gnostics, ii, 293; Sounds, i, 484.

Sevening, Astronomy and process of, i, 439; Cis-Himâlayan occultism, of, ii, 637; Genesis, in, ii, 632; Principle of, ii, 668.

Seventh, all things depend from, ii, 326; Atlantean sub-race, ii, 786; Crown, i, 62, 144; Day of Creation, ii, 512; Eternity, last vibration of, i, 57, 91, 92; Globe, Gimil’s heights, ii, 105; Manu, Vaivasvata, ii, 322; Member, i, 640; One principle and, i, 45; Osiris, over six primary Gods, i, 471; Period of creation, i, 403; Plane, spirit is matter on, i, 693; Principles, merging of sixth and, i, 82; Sabbath, ii, 516; Sense, i, 583; Seven, of, i, 61, 120; Six whose essence is, i, 402; Son of seventh son, ii, 223; State of force, noumenon of, i, 171; Thousand, i, 403; Universal principle, i, 511, 512.

Seventh principle, Anthropomorphic number, became, ii, 374; Âtmâ-Buddhi-Manas, or, i, 46; Âtman or, i, 511; Buddhi, perceived by, i, 512; Central spiritual and polar sun, passes through, ii, 251; Christos is, ii, 241; Father in secret is our, i, 301; Father-mother-son, or, i, 46; God in man besides his own, i, 314; Kwan-shi-yin, i, 511; Manifested universe, of, i, 46; Non-entity, ii, 612; One reality, or, i, 46; Personal deity, i, 700; Prototype of man is highest essence of, i, 256; Root of every atom is, i, 46; Seven elements, of, ii, 639; Seventh thousand and, i, 403; Six principles in nature outcome of, i, 45; Sixth and, in man, i, 402; Substance, of kosmos, i, 650; Sûrya sun, of great body of matter, i, 574; Universal, merged in, i, 511; Universal spirit, identical with, i, 624.

Seventh Race, Adepts will produce mind born sons in, ii, 288; Arctic continent and, ii, 417; Buddhas in, i, 510; Dhyâni-Buddha to come in, i, 133; Element corresponding to, i, 41; Great Adepts will return in, ii, 559; Life cycle or, ii, 53; Prophecy about, ii, 105; Race of Buddhas, ii, 507; Seventh round, in, ii, 177, 190.

Seventh Round, animals will reach verge of humanity at close of, i, 205; Earth will reach ultimate form after, i, 280; Element corresponding to, i, 41; Great day after, ii, 516; Lunar chain, of, i, 195; Monads or egos of men of, i, 203; Moon will have dissolved in, i, 180; Seventh race in, ii, 177, 190; Time will cease after, ii, 597.

Sewalik range, ii, 603.

Sex, Derivation of word, ii, 378; Distinction of, fundamental, ii, 694; Human species, in, ii, 696; Involution of, ii, 302; Moon twofold in, i, 422, 425; Problem of, ii, 433; Symbols of, ii, 479.

Sexes, Adam Kadmon name of two, ii, 489; Animals, neutralised in, ii, 430; Beards common to both, ii, 703; Esotericism ignores both, i, 160; Evolution of both, ii, 697; First race was born before, existed, ii, 2; God possessing double fecundity of two, ii, 143; Kabalah had no concern with terrestrial, ii, 479; Kabiri of both, ii, 380; Men having potentially two, ii, 516; Separation of, i, 35, 160, 370, 412, 426, 478, ii, 109, 124, 126, 140, 156, 157, 182, 183, 190, 191, 194, 203, 205, 207, 209, 211, 227, 238, 259, 279, 288, 299, 300, 308, 326, 491, 492, 528, 529, 547, 644, 651, 673, 694, 727, 753, 755, 778; Seven men of opposite, ii, 280; Union of two, ii, 626.

Sexless, Abstract deity is, i, 89; Adam of Genesis ii, is, ii, 191; Adam-Kadmon (first) Logos is, ii, 135; A-sexual from, ii, 19, 122; Chhâyâ birth or, procreation, ii, 183; Dhyân Chohans incarnate in race evolved by, creative instinct, ii, 288; Elohim first produce, race, ii, 142; Eternal matter or substance is, i, 596; First race was, ii, 2, 88; First round man was, i, 211; Highest deity of esotericism is, i, 160; Infusoria, ii, 160; Karma, principle, i, 695; Light of Genesis is, angels, ii, 40; Man was first, ii, 141; Primary humanity like kings of Edom, ii, 58; Races were, three earliest, ii, 109; Second race, ii, 115, 175; Semi-spirits of first race, ii, 132; Shekinah in Book of Numbers is, i, 678; Third race were, ii, 140, 207; Three in one ever, ii, 633; Unknown deity is, i, 349.

Sextiles and signs of Zodiac, i, 341.

Sexual, Age of, mankind, ii, 165; A-sexual organisms, and, ii, 123; Astral light and, passion, ii, 538; Brain, action and, ii, 309; Cain God of first, bloodshed, ii, 408; Cross, element of, ii, 621; Crucifixion nails, meaning of, ii, 592; Cupid, Erôs became, ii, 186; Daksha established, intercourse, ii, 192, 193, 288, 391, 695; Dogmatic religion, element in, i, 408; Duration of, man, ii, 166; Eastern occultists’ view of, relation, ii, 479; Emblems, original purity of, i, 383; Evolution and, propagation, ii, 694; Form of man on, plane, ii, 88; Globe under Cross and, reproduction, ii, 33; Lemurians evolved from hermaphrodite parentage, ii, 187; Logoi, aspects of, i, 377; Lunar mysteries and, generation, i, 249; Pater Zeus, nothing, about, ii, 607; Physical, creature from ethereal hermaphrodite, ii, 718; Polarization, creative magnetism in, i, 436; Process of kindling fire and, reproduction, ii, 106; Propagation not general, ii, 696; Religion, ii, 237, 286; Reproduction through, union, ii, 697; Rudimentary, organs, ii, 194; Selection, ii, 685, 779; Separation of human race, ii, 492; Sons of God inaugurated, connection, ii, 391; Speechless animal first began, connection, ii, 273; Spirit and matter, union of, ii, 555; Symbols, ii, 617; Talmudic Jews, mysteries of, ii, 494; Third race, ii, 2, 176; Worship, i, 5, ii, 350, 622.

Seyffarth, quoted, ii, 152.

Shabalâshvas, sons of Daksha, ii, 288.

Shabda Brahman, Logos of the Hindûs, i, 461.

Shaddai the omnipotent, i, 472, 678, ii, 535.

Shade, Khaba the, ii, 669.

Shades, realm of, ii, 817.

Shadja a quality of sound, i, 583.

Shadow, Ahriman manifested, of Ahura-Mazda, ii, 512; Astral body, of, ii, 128; Astral form, or, i, 248; Astral light, of cosmic matter, i, 364; Astral man, or, ii, 115; Breath, astral, of, ii, 110; Chhâyâ or, ii, 18, 95, 106, 107, 183; Creator, of light on earth, ii, 225; Deity, of passive, ii, 28; Deity, of unknown, ii, 539; Divine thought, of ideal prototype in, i, 92; Dragon of wisdom, of, ii, 534; Elohim, of, ii, 145; Eternal light, the, of the, ii, 280; Events past and to come, of, ii, 442; Everything on earth, of something in space, i, 539; Evil, of light, i, 445; Five inner principles or psychic, i, 248; Glory of Satan, of lord, ii, 245; Gnostics, immutable principle of, ii, 225; God, man pale, of, ii, 253; Ladder of being, at lower rung of, i, 285; Light to manifest, enables, ii, 225; Light, makes brighter, i, 443; Light without, would be absolute, i, 222; Matter, of spirit, i, 301; Perfect holy Adam, that disappeared, ii, 478; Personal God gigantic, i, 696, ii, 584; Phenomenal, of pre-existing, i, 298; Psychic, i, 248; Sacred animal first, of physical man, i, 258; Sanjñâ leaving to her husband her, ii, 106, 183; Serpent, of light, ii, 224; Sexless or, ii, 122; Shadow, of, ii, 511; Silent watcher, of, i, 285; Sons of, ii, 525; Spark, of flame, i, 286; Spheres, of something in superior, ii, 280; Spirit of creative fire, appears in form of, i, 222; Substance, cast by ever invisible, i, 92; Sun, of central sun, i, 275, 700; Sun and moon Gods producers of light and, ii, 534; Things visible are, of things invisible, ii, 280; Third race bright, of Gods, ii, 280; Tzelem, Adam, ii, 529; Uræus devoured by, i, 248; Wing became new, ii, 20, 128; Wisdom revealing itself as light and, ii, 246; Woman-light of, i, 433·

Shadow-son, ii, 251.

Shadows, Amânasa, called, ii, 95; Astral bodies, or, ii, 90; Atoms, of primaries in astral realms, i, 521; Bodies of sons of twilight, from, ii, 20, 146; Chhâyâs, or, i, 214, 625, ii, 127, 146; Creative progenitors, astral, of, ii, 128; Creators, inferior to, ii, 101; Deities, of all, ii, 438; Devas cast no, ii, 118; Dhyâni-Buddhas, emanate from, i, 625; Dhyânîs incarnating in empty, ii, 521; Dhyânîs throw off their fist, i, 246; Early races had, of bodies, ii, 645; Falling stars enshrined in, ii, 511; First race were, of progenitors, i, 402, ii, 128, 146, 173, 745; Fourth race, left over for perfecting till, ii, 299; Future men, of, ii, 18, 95; Ghosts or, of matter in motion, i, 170; Holy youths refuse to enter, of inferiors, i, 214; Kosmos, thrown by, i, 298; Lords, of, ii, 118; Lunar spirits, of, ii, 90; Men were shadows of, ii, 90; Past, of, ii, 671; Progenitors, of, i, 402, ii, 49, 96, 128, 146, 173, 279, 745; Realities and, i, 71; Self-existent projected their, ii, 253; Seven times seven, ii, 18, 95; Solar Lhas warm, ii, 116; Sons of self-born, called, ii, 127; Spirits of earth clothed, ii, 116; Stones, plants and animals, of, ii, 196; Watcher, of, i, 285; Yima personification of, of Pitris, ii, 644.

Shadowy, Astral light, side of, ii, 538; First forms were, ii, 128; First men were, ii, 646; Men created by Gods, ii, 100; Pitris, Chhâyâ of, ii, 511; Prototype of astral body of progenitors, ii, 697; World of primal form, i, 144.

Shaitan is illusion, i, 314.

Shaiva Purânas, quoted, i, 494, ii, 609.

Shâka one of the seven Dvîpas, ii, 334, 422.

Shâka-dvîpa, ii, 336, 337, 423, 618.

Shaivas, i, 436, 492, 738.

Shakas, Sacae or, i, 396.

Shakespeare, quoted, i, 1, 415, ii, 30, 124, 326, 437, 712, 804.

Shakra or Indra, i, 403.

Shakti, Durgâ Kâlî white side of, ii, 612; Energy or, i, 160; Generative power, or, i, 380; Heavenly man, of, i, 380; Kanyâ represents, i, 312; Logos and its, i, 513; Mahâmâyâ, or, i, 312; Mother of mercy and knowledge, i, 160; Shekinah is, i, 678; Yoni or, i, 512.

Shakti-dharas or spear-holders, ii, 400, 655.

Shaktis or Goddesses, i, 312, 419.

Shâkyamuni, Gautama, i, 134, ii, 441.

Shâkya-Thüb-pa, or Gautama Buddha, ii, 441.

Shâlagrâma in the Vishnu Purâna, ii, 335.

Shâlmali or Shâlmalia one of the seven continents, ii, 422.

Shamaël, the supposed Satan, ii, 215, 226.

Shambalah or Shamballah the Sacred Island in Gobi desert, ii, 333, 418.

Shame of Atlantean giants, ii, 717.

Shamo, desert of, ii, 341, 423, 434, 528.

Shan-Hai-King, quoted, ii, 57, 230, 315.

Shânâh or lunar year, ii, 591.

Shanaishchara is Saturn, i, 496.

Shani or Saturn, ii, 32.

Shankara, Brihaspati, helps, ii, 523; Hiranygarbha, Hari and, i, 46, 306; Hypostasis of spirit of supreme spirit, i, 46; Quoted, i, 98, 623, 675; Shiva, or, ii, 523.

Shankarâchârya, Buddha’s successor, i, 27; Gautama Buddha and, allied, ii, 674; Gospel of St. John, compared with, i, 623; Initiate, greatest, i, 292; Paraguru of, i, 493; Quoted, i, 36, 78, 114, 622, 623, 626, 675; Secret wisdom taught by, i, 588; Sixth-rounder, i, 185; Smârtava Brâhmans and, i, 292; Upanishads, wrote Commentaries on, i, 292.

Shankha-dvîpa, ii, 423, 424, 425, 426.

Shankhâsura, a king, ii, 423, 425.

Sharîra, One, form of, i, 357; Parabrahman, of, i, 89.

Shastra connected with Agneyâstra, ii, 666.

Shastra-devatâs, Gods of the divine weapons, ii, 666.

Shâstras of Hindû system, i, 140.

Shata of Veda, ii, 507.

Shata-Rûpâ, Nature, or, i, 121; Vâch named, ii, 136.

Shatana to be adverse, ii, 405.

Shatapatha Brâhmana, quoted, i, 96, 97, 465, 470, 482, ii, 147, 148, 155, 156, 264.

Shatarûpâ of hundred forms, i, 465.

She of Rider Haggard, ii, 333.

She-animals and narrow-headed men, ii, 194, 195.

Sheath, Anandamaya, i, 623; Kosha or, i, 181.

Sheaths, i, 623, ii, 689.

Sheba is oath, ii, 638.

Sheba Hachaloth, ii, 117.

She-He or Yah-hovah, i, 423.

She’keenah the hidden Hû, i, 678, ii, 306.

Shekinah, Adam Kadmon knew only, i, 466, 679; Aditi or, ii, 224, 554; Ain-Suph, i, 679; Chokmah and Binah, synthesizing spirit of, i, 678; Devamâtri called, in Zohar, i, 83; Divine grace, is, ii, 226; Eternal light in world of spirit, or, ii, 554; First Sephira, or, i, 379; Kabalistic trinity, one of, i, 134; Metraton, wife of, ii, 226; Mûlaprakriti, i, 690; Music of spheres or, i, 466; Primordial light or, ii, 112; Sephira or, i, 464; Sexless, is, i, 678; Shakti, no more than, i, 678; Spiritual substance sent forth by infinite light, i, 379; Vâch or, i, 466.

Shekinah-Shakti, i, 678.

Shell, Antediluvian monsters appeared without, ii, 160; Astronomy, of, i, 707; Cosmic space, of, i, 645; Earth, of, i, 280; Egg of Brahmâ, of, ii, 651; Free atomic matter, outside, i, 639; Germ in, development of, i, 384; Kâma Loka for, of man, i, 264; Kosmos, of, i, 190; Man, of, ii, 266, 775; Man’s body, of principle, ii, 652; Moon, of, ii, 121.

Shell-heads of birds and serpents, ii, 23, 211.

Shells, Contraries called, ii, 117; Creatures in, ii, 529; Demons or, ii, 117; First races of third race were, ii, 174; Kumâras incarnating in senseless, i, 493; Human kingdom of, ii, 202; Mânasaputras endow senseless, with mind, i, 203; Monads incarnating in empty, ii, 84, 317; Pitris create and inform senseless, i, 203, 588; Sahara, sea-, in, ii, 8.

Shelley, quoted, i, 415.

Shem a Titan, ii, 359, 411.

Shemites, ii, 212, 571.

Shepherd, Logos became first, of men, ii, 389; Parable of good, ii, 506.

Shepherds, Invasion of, i, 330.

Shesha Ananta, or, i, 102, ii, 52; Astronomy, teacher of, ii, 52; Conch of Vishnu or, i, 102; Cycle of eternity, or, ii, 52; Serpent of infinity, i, 399; Serpent, thousand-headed, ii, 398; Serpent who bears Pâtâlas on his heads, ii, 52; Seven heads of, i, 438; Time or infinite, i, 102, ii, 53; Vishnu rests on, i, 399, ii, 398.

Shesha-Ananta, ii, 103.

Shew-bread and signs of zodiac, i, 712.

Shields, Azazyel taught men to make, ii 393.

Shifting of continents, ii, 348, 739.

Shiloh, Daughters of, ii, 483.

Shimeon Ben Yochaï referred to, i, 480.

Shining, Âkâshic, garment of Jesus, ii, 613; Amesha spentas, ii, 374; Face, Lord of, ii, 15, 31, 48; Ones, i, 59, 100; Seven or builders, i, 65, 233.

Shinto sects, Cosmogenesis of, i, 234, 261.

Ship, ark, Navis, ii, 147, 485; Astoreth, of life, ii, 485; Crocodile, carried along by, i, 440.

Ships, canoes and arks, ii, 818.

Shishumâra, or Porpoise, ii, 579, 648.

Shishupâla, son of a King Rishi, ii, 236.

Shista, Celestial ancestors or, i, 268; Imperishable sacred land, ii, 6; Noah identical with, ii, 630; Seed-humanity or, i, 205; Seed-manus or, ii, 173; Seed of life on earth, throws, ii, 159; Sons of light or holy, ii, 559; Spiritual lives divine, ii, 173.

Shistas or the surviving fittest, ii, 321, 322.

Shittim wood, ii, 436.

Shiva, Anaitia, wife of, i, 119; Brahmâ thrown by, into abyss of darkness, ii, 542; Brahmâ, Vishnu and, i, 306, 587, ii, 122, 327; Bull of, i, 419; Central eye of, ii, 611; Complexions of, i, 344; Consort, and his, ii, 156; Creator and saviour of spiritual man, i, 495; Daksha’s sacrifice, and, ii, 192; Destroyer, or, ii, 120, 260; Devî-Durgâ wife of, i, 119; Evolution and progress personified, ii, 192; Eye of, i, 77, 594, ii, 297, 309, 316, 611; Gaurî bride of, ii, 80; God of death or destruction, i, 393; Isha primary name of, ii, 120; Kumâra reborn in each kalpa, ii, 295; Kumâras incarnations of, ii, 260; Kumâras mind-born sons of, i, 495; Mahat manifests itself as, i, 104; Mahâyogî, i, 495; Mars born of sweat of, ii, 47, 132, 399; Mars generated in fire from seed of, ii, 654; Maruts children of, ii, 648; Meru, personated by, i, 364; Nâgâs crowned with, i, 471; Nîlalohita is, ii, 112; Panchânana five-faced, ii, 611; Principle of fire, ii, 626; Repeated births of, i, 344; Rig Veda, not in, ii, 648; Rudra or, i, 491, 493, 496, ii, 112, 295, 609; Saturn or, i, 496; Shankara or, ii, 523; Shvetalohita as, ii, 260; Shukra and, ii, 36; Triangle with apex upward is, ii, 626; Vaivasvata, preceded, ii, 153; Vâmadeva, called, i, 344, ii, 260, 295; Yogîs and adepts, patron of all, ii, 295; Worship, ii, 622.

Shiva-gharmaja, Mars and, ii, 47.

Shiva-kumâra, represents human races, i, 344.

Shiva-rudra, Destroyer, i, 495; Maruts sons of, ii, 651; Regenerator of spiritual and physical nature, i, 495; Third eye of, ii, 651; Vîrabhadra, creates, ii, 193.

Shoals, Motion of interstellar, i, 694.

Shoo, Children of rebellion and, i, 391; City of light, on the stairway in the, i, 331; Devachan, in, ii, 390; Egyptian God of creation, i, 104; Horus the elder contemporary with, i, 393; Personification of Ra, ii, 575, 576; Ra awakens, i, 386; Solar energy, i, 386, 391; Solar force, the, i, 331.

Shoo-King, quoted, ii, 293, 352.

Shraddhâ or faith, Kâma son of, ii, 186.

Shramana, i, 7.

Shrî of Monier Williams, i, 407, ii, 80.

Shrî-Ântara, Double triangle, i, 143.

Shrîdhara Svâmin, quoted, i, 437.

Shringa-giri of Mysore, i, 292.

Shruti or revealed knowledge, i, 290.

Shu books of Confucius, four, i, 9.

Shuchi, ii, 110; Drainer of waters, ii, 258; Pârvaka and, ii, 107; Saura, or, i, 567; Solar fire, ii, 60, 107.

Shuckford, Dr., quoted, ii, 277.

Shu-king, China’s primitive Bible, i, 26.

Shukra Bhrigu, son of, ii, 33, 36; Car of, ii, 34; Daitya-guru of primeval giants, ii, 33, 35; Earth, and, ii, 35; Light comes through, ii, 33; Male deity in Brâhmanism, ii, 33; Purânas, in, ii, 33; Regent of, ii, 36; Shiva, and, ii, 36; Spirit of earth subservient to Lord of, ii, 33; Ushanas, ii, 49; Venus or, ii, 32, 33, 49.

Shukra-Venus, ii, 34.

Shunamite, Husband of, ii, 79.

Shveta-Dvîpa, Atlantis or, ii, 426; Celestial abode or, ii, 382; Lemuria, during early days of, ii, 276; Lotus leaves of, ii, 342; Mount Meru, or, ii, 5; Panchâshikha goes to, i, 257; Poseidonis, or, ii, 426; Siddhapura or, ii, 426; Sons of, ii, 333; Vishnu, abode of, ii, 420; White Island or, ii, 333, 336, 420, 422, 426, 618.

Shvetâshvatara Upanishad, quoted, i, 39, ii, 673.

Siam, Philosophical teaching when transferred to, i, 4.

Siamek, son of Kaimurath, ii, 414.

Siamese, astronomical tables, i, 729; Ears of, ii, 354; Egg symbol, and, i, 393.

Sibac means egg, ii, 191.

Siberia, ii, 342, 359, 420.

Sibree, quoted, i, 83, 702.

Sibylline books, Secresy of, ii, 414; Virgin’s return announced in all, i, 721.

Sibylline Oracles, Date of, ii, 475.

Sicanians, Âryan invasion, forerunners of the, ii, 783.

Sicily, Africa joined to, ii, 793; Worship of Kabirim in, ii, 380.

Shiddhapura or Shveta-dvîpa, ii, 426.

Siddha-sena, Kârttikeya called, ii, 400, 579.

Siddhas, fourth root-race, of, ii, 673; Kârttikeya commander of, ii, 400, 579; Nirmânakâyas, are, ii, 673; Saints or, i, 399; Shvetâshvatara-Upanishad on, ii, 673; Siddha-sena leader of, ii, 400, 579; Vidyâdharas kind of, i, 588.

Siddhis or phenomena of an Arhat, i, 124.

Sidereal, Apollo born on, island called Asteria, ii, 400; Beings, i, 148; Cycle symbolized by tabernacle, i, 334; Despots, our, ii, 739; Don Juan, a, i, 249; Draco guiding, divinity, ii, 35; Dvîpas, position of, ii, 335; Earth’s, lords, i, 189; Existence, bliss of, ii, 257; Flocks of stars and constellations, ii, 402; Flood, ii, 154, 324; Forces or angels, i, 255, 541; Glyphs, ii, 371; Gods reflection of Deity, i, 472; Great dragon in, fields, i, 438; Heavens birth-place of humanity, ii, 454; Horus circling round, heavens, i, 248; Hosts, motion of, i, 650; Initiates of, Gods, i, 716; Intelligent forces or angels, i, 255; Isis, moon, symbol of, i, 388; Jelly-speck, ii, 169; Ka or, man, ii, 670; Kabiri rulers of, powers, ii, 380; Kalpa, ii, 321; Laws on, planes, ii, 657; Light, drama enacted in, ii, 537; Light of Paracelsus, i, 274; Light of Rosicrucians, i, 361; Man Ka, ii, 670; Manu, of, flood, ii, 324; Maruts, representation of, ii, 650; Moon great, lunatic, i, 172; Moon, symbol of Isis, i, 388; Motions affect cycles, i, 706; Motions regulate some events on earth, i, 707; Navis, vessel, ii, 485; Ocean-beds, i, 538; Patriarchs are, symbols, ii, 409; Phenomena model for earth, ii, 527; Planes, laws on, ii, 581; Pleiades and, symbology, ii, 581; Powers in, world awakened, i, 149; Principles, i, 494; Prophecies of zodiac, i, 716; Rulers of, heaven, i, 535; Science and giants, ii, 290; Sephiroth, i, 472; Septenate, Pleiades, ii, 581; Serpent as spirit, ii, 218; Ship of life and, ocean, ii, 485; Sisters, seven, ii, 655; Space according to materialists, i, 642; Substance in, space, i, 572; Sun king of, orbs, ii, 130; Symbols of occult philosophy, ii, 582; Terrestrial and, substance, i, 654; Tetragrammaton, sum total, i, 473; Theologians and, facts, i, 717; Vessel Navis, ii, 485; Virgin great magic agent, ii, 537; West, or, i, 148; World, denizens of, i, 119; Worlds and our globe, ii, 739.

Sidereal body, deceased, i, 224; Globes, of, i, 182; Planet forming itself into new, i, 170.

Sidereal bodies, Anaximenes on formation of, i, 645; Animals of Genesis, ii, 119; Coëssential with terrene plane, i, 189, 190; Cosmic substance forms, from itself, i, 622; Formed from one another, i, 224; Intermediate space between, i, 533; Primeval male-female principle becomes, i, 138; Septenary constitution of, i, 191.

Sidereal year, Catastrophe comes at renewal of, i, 713; Circles of, called serpents, ii, 372; Cyclic year is, i, 473; Family race and, ii, 454; Great pyramid and, ii, 451; History of nations and, ii, 345; Initiation and cycle of, i, 334; Length, of, i, 334, 469, 473, 713, ii, 345, 451, 813; Mighty ones appear at beginning of every, i, 469; Tropics and, ii, 345.

Sidereal years, Dendera zodiac shows passage of three, ii, 451; Egyptian and Hindû, ii, 347; Eight coils of serpent or, ii, 373.

Sidereo-cosmical Gods, ii, 569.

Sidereo-terrestrial imagery or cat symbol, i, 324.

Sideritês, or star-stones, ii, 357.

Sidon, navigators of, ii, 793.

Si-dzang in Tibet, seat of occult learning, i, 292.

Siemens, Dr. C. William, quoted, i, 128.

Sien-Tchan, Elementary germs surrounding, i, 63, 162; Fohat fills, with elementary germs, i, 163; Illusive form of, i, 63, 160; Universe or, i, 160, 161, 163; Voice calls forth, i, 161.

Sigæum, giant skeleton of, ii, 291.

Sigalions or images of Harpocrates, ii, 414.

Sigê or silence, ii, 605, 606, 607.

Sight, Cause of, i, 582; Fire or light and sense of, ii, 113; Fourth race of unlimited, ii, 232; Initial existence is substance to our spiritual, i, 309; Monads is marvellous, the, of the, i, 694; Procreation of men by, ii, 186; Spiritual, of mankind blinded, ii, 78; Third eye organ of spiritual, ii, 313; Third race organ of, ii, 313.

Sigillaria of primary age, ii, 753.

Sign, Ankh, of life, ii, 577; Anubis holding out cross, of life, i, 441; Circumference, of, ii, 614; Cross or double, ii, 33; Cross used by adepts and neophytes, ii, 593; Egg is, in every cosmogony, i, 384; Globe over cross, of Venus, ii, 34; Heaven, from, i, 717; Jonas, of, i, 717; Language, i, 322; Life, of, i, 441, ii, 577; Makara, of, ii, 612; Svastika universal, ii, 104; Thought, of, i, 120; Venus, of, ii, 34; Vishnu, of, ii, 625.

Sign of Zodiac, Capricornus tenth, ii, 609; Pisces, i, 284, 717, ii, 612; Secret, ii, 528; Virgo twelfth, i, 715.

Signatura Rerum, quoted, ii, 671.

Signs, Akibeel taught meaning of, ii, 393; Ideographic, on hatchets of palæolithic period, ii, 458; Lunar zodiac of twenty-eight, i, 439; Mystery, ii, 528; Patriarchs are sidereal, ii, 409; Secret Doctrine expressed in few pages of geometrical, i, 293.

Signs of Zodiac, Akkadian month named after, i, 713; Animals in Genesis i, are, ii, 1, 119; Antiquity of, i, 341; Creative powers, twelve orders of, i, 233; Dendara, ii, 451; Ecliptic and twelve, ii, 385; Egyptian, ii, 385; Gods who ascended and descended, ii, 373; Great dragon spread over seven, ii, 35; Heaven’s belt or, ii, 26; Humanity intimately connected with, ii, 449; Iliad and Odyssey, in, i, 711; Indian, i, 721; Jewish patriarchs and, i, 714; Job, in, i, 710; Kârttikeya, hidden on body of, ii, i, 655; Makara and, ii, 610; Monads descent and reascent, and, i, 730; Mystery of, ii, 613; Mystical epithets given to, i, 720; Old Testament, in, i, 712; Regents of, ii, 374; Sacred animals or, ii, 26; Sacrificial animals or, ii, 661; Theogonies, in, i, 716; Twelve small islands representing, ii, 528; Worshipped, were, i, 712.

Signum Thau in Ezekiel, ii, 588.

Sigurd and Fafnir, the Scandinavian, i, 435.

Silence, Bythos eternal, ii, 601; Evolution of universe out of, ii, 605; First Cause passed over in reverential, i, 459; First Principle more ineffable than, i, 459; God the, i, 375; Maimonides enjoins, upon true meaning of Mozaic sayings, ii, 478; Matter born in, ii, 607; Monad that dwelleth in, i, 467; Mysteries, as to, ii, 471; Sigê or, ii, 605; Sound nor, there was neither, i, 56, 84; That, concerning, i, 459; Where was, i, 56.

Silent, All, absolute, i, 369; Unknown universal soul, depths of, ii, 606; Watcher, i, 66, 285.

Silenus and Midas, ii, 803.

Silicates, i, 637.

Silicon, i, 602, 640.

Silik-Muludag Akkadian God of wisdom, ii, 500.

Silliman’s Journal, referred to, i, 527.

Silo from Lake of the Dragons, river, ii, 214.

Siloam, sleep of, ii, 589.

Silurian age or period, Chronology of, ii, 75; First and second races during, ii, 159; Fossil life of, ii, 265; Geology has traced primordial life down to, ii, 76; Life of, ii, 752; Molluscs before, i, 273; Oceans of, ii, 169; Primordial matter in, ii, 267; Seas of, ii, 723.

Silver, i, 603.

Silver age, ii, 208, 282, 283, 547.

Simeon, Gemini and, i, 714; Levi, and, ii, 222; Rabbi, quoted, i, 236.

Simeon Ben Jochai, Kabalah of, ii, 744.

Simian, Ancestry, ii, 718; Earliest, creatures, ii, 174; Human and, brains, ii, 682; Man not descendant of, type, ii, 682; Stirps, ii, 715.

Simon de Sienne, Picture by, ii, 217.

Simon Magus, six radicals of, ii, 601.

Simorgh, Numerical mysteries of Persian, ii, 595; Phœnix same as, ii, 653; Romance of, quoted, ii, 415; Tahmurath-winged, of, ii, 417.

Simorgh-Anke, ii, 415, 417.

Simplicius, quoted, i, 713.

Simpson, Sir J., quoted, ii, 361, 577.

Sin, Animals, committed with, ii, 201; Anu identical with, moon, ii, 65; Atala or land of, ii, 336; Atlanteans fall into, ii, 237, 717; Atlantis, land of, ii, 336; Babylonian God, i, 417; Body and mind defiled by, ii, 688; Celestial virgin, of, ii, 539; Chaldæan, of dual sex, i, 425; Creative powers not result of, ii, 428; Deus Lunus, called by Greeks, i, 417; Fall and original, ii, 273; Fall of spirit into matter, or, i, 284; First physiologically complete couples accused of, ii, 225, 226; Fish, and Soma, i, 68, 258, 284; Fourth race black with, ii, 23, 333, 365; Inhabitants of White Island became black with, ii, 426; Kaliyuga age of, ii, 580; Karma or, ii, 316; Lunar God, ii, 26; Man will be born from woman without, ii, 438; Meaning of, ii, 316; Messengers of Anu overpowered by, ii, 65; Mindless, of, ii, 22, 190, 195, 201, 279, 721, 728; Misuse of powers, ii, 316; Moon, and, i, 268; Mountain of moon or, ii, 80; Mulil, son of, ii, 148; Origin of, ii, 211; Original ii, 292, 318, 405, 431, 508, 540; Satan makes man free from, of ignorance, i, 220; Scorpio emblem of, ii, 137; Seven holy powers of Atlantis which washed away, ii, 336; Sinai or, ii, 244.

Sinai, Deity descending on, i, 479; Green diorite from Peninsula of, ii, 732; Hagar is mount, ii, 80; Holy mountain, ii, 519; Moon, mountain of, ii, 244; Moses and fire on mount, ii, 598; Mount, as monument of exact time, ii, 80; Secret Doctrine infuses life into lay figures on, ii, 810; Sni, or, ii, 488; Womb, symbol of, ii, 439.

Sinaitic peninsula, ii, 236.

Sind and the Ethiops river, ii, 435.

Sindhu or Hindû, ii, 237.

Sinful, Adam-Eve son of, thought, ii, 135; Matter, i, 288; Prohibition of, intercourse, ii, 202; Substance, ii, 56.

Singers, celestial, i, 569, ii, 618.

Singh of Hindûs, winged, ii, 653.

Singhalese priest and sacred Buddhist books, i, 14.

Singing stones, ii, 356.

Single substance doctrine, i, 149.

Sinha the man-lion, ii, 426, 451, 596.

Sinhalese, Buddhist, i, 697; Râkshasas, heirs of, ii, 426; Veddhas, ii, 300.

Sinking of continent, i, 339, ii, 321.

Sinless, Shadows of bodies, ii, 645; Shâka-dvîpa, ii, 337; Sons of third race, ii, 391.

Sinnett, Mr. A. P., Initiates permit, to publish books, i, 3; Philosophy expounded by, taught in America, i, 2; Quoted, i, 1, 133, 147, 193, ii, 452, 455; Teacher of, i, 187, 210.

Sinners, days of, i, 668.

Sinologues, western, i, 9.

Sins, Black-faced, of, ii, 445; Earth quivers because of, of men, ii, 443.

Siph-o-r one of three seraphim, ii, 43.

Siphra Dtzenioutha, quoted, i, 26, 259, 362, 402, 403, ii, 2, 57, 88, 530, 531, 745.

Sippor or S’phor, ii, 45.

Sipur one of three seraphim, i, 120.

Sire of Persians, ii, 636.

Sires, spoiled dumb man’s, ii, 301.

Sirius, ii, 391, 748.

Sirocco, materialistic thought like deadly, i, 348.

Sister planet, every world has, ii, 36.

Sisters, Bhûmi appears with six, i, 270; Seven sidereal, ii, 655.

Sistra used in circle-dance, ii, 483.

Sistrum, cat in hand of Isis on, i, 416.

Sîtâ, Râvana carries off, ii, 602.

Sivatherium of Himâlayas, ii, 229.

Six, Days of creation, ii, 744; Dhyân Chohans or Sephiroth of construction, i, 402; Directions of space, i, 62, 141, 143; Double triangle or, directions of space, i, 143; Limbs of Microprosopus, i, 235, 236; Oeaohoo, in one, i, 97; Principles of nature outcome of seventh and one, i, 45; Sephiroth, i, 365; Seventh, whose essence is, i, 402; Shall continue, i, 403; Spiritual elements, i, 242; Thousand years, i, 402.

Six-fold, Dhyân-Chohans, i, 242; Dhyanîs or spirits of earth, i, 244; Division of world, ii, 658; Heavenly man, i, 244.

Six-faced planet Mars, ii, 399.

Six-pointed crown, ii, 655.

Six-pointed star, Adonai, ii, 561; Forces of nature, refers to six, i, 236; Logos, symbol of, i, 235; Snow crystal, ii, 629; Symbol of, i, 402.

Six-principled Dhyânî, i, 244.

Six-rayed star of double triangle, ii, 655.

Sixth, Continent, ii, 465; Plane, faculties of ego on, i, 351; Principles, merging of, and seventh, i, 82; Round, element corresponding to, i, 41; Rounders, meaning of, i, 184, 185; Sense, i, 122, 583, 596, ii, 676; Seventh principle in man, and, i, 402; Sub-race of fifth race, ii, 464.

Sixth principle, Brahmâ or, i, 46; Buddhi, in man, i, 144; Mâyâvic, is, i, 46; Sun of solar system, i, 574; Universal, pure essence of, i, 45.

Sixth race, Advanced thinkers of, i, 317; Æther its gross sub-division developed in, i, 366; Dawn of, ii, 824; Dhyâni-Buddha of, i, 133; Element corresponding to, i, 41; Fifth race will overlap, ii, 464; Mankind going towards, i, 609; New continents for the, ii, 800; Preparation of, ii, 465; Seventh race, and, ii, 507.

Skanda, Collective body and, i, 394; God of war, ii, 399; Rudra, son of, i, 494.

Skanda Purâna, quoted, ii, 192.

Skeleton, Atlantean, of, ii, 712; Early man, of, ii, 269, 760; Friction, destroyed by, ii, 290; Giant, ii, 712; Neolithic age, of, ii, 792; New Orleans, at, ii, 367; Stanzas from, ii, 11; Unspecialized, ii, 775.

Skeletons, Age and size of, ii, 290; Ape, of man and, ii, 704; Eocene strata, of, ii, 729; Giants, of, ii, 290, 291, 307, 351, 796, 798; Guanches, of, ii, 835; Haute Garonne, of, ii, 781; Human, ii, 716, 764; Specialization of, ii, 760.

Skinner, J. Ralston, quoted, i, 118, 326, 335, ii, 43, 405.

Skin, Coats of, i, 665, 704, ii, 76, 212, 294, 777, 790; Earth changes its, ii, 749; Eye beneath, ii, 313; Pores, Roma-kûpas or, ii, 193; Thermal sensibility of, ii, 313.

Skins, Atlantean records on tanned, ii, 731; Seven, ii, 16, 48, 50; Three, of earth, ii, 50.

Skridâgâmin a path to Nirvâna, i, 227.

Skrymir and his brethren, ii, 796.

Skull, Capacity of, ii, 550; Engis, ii, 726; Macroprosopus, of, ii, 661; Neanderthal, ii, 724, 726, 765, 770; Negro, ii, 716; Pithecoid, ii, 720.

Skulls, Austria, exhumed in, ii, 780; Comparison of, ii, 177; Enormous, ii, 291; European and Carib, ii, 834; European and Hottentot, ii, 550; Forms of, ii, 837; Fossil, ii, 761, 782, 834; Human, ii, 716; Index, ii, 550; Quaternary, ii, 792.

Slack, H. J., quoted, i, 643, 657.

Slaughter, Rev. W. B., quoted, i, 124.

Slavonian alphabet, ii, 577; Giant-lore, ii, 797; God, derivation of, i, 370; Leibnitz of, descent, i, 689; Mythology of flood, ii, 283; Peasant, easter-egg of, i, 394.

Slayer, Dragon, ii, 395, 402, 403, 532; Vritra, of, ii, 402.

Sleep, Adam, of, ii, 191; Dreamless, i, 56, 77, 78; Dreams, and, ii, 805; Ego latent during, i, 463; Extinction in, ii, 323; Ideation ceases in, on physical plane, i, 69; Mental, long ages of, ii, 499; Mental, of third race, ii, 204; Nervous centres act during, ii, 805; Nirvâna compared to, i, 286; Profound, ii, 741; Siloam, of, ii, 589; Universe, of, i, 98.

Sleeping and waking states, i, 45, 302.

Sleeping-atoms, ii, 710.

Slime, Protoplasm, and, ii, 167; Rounds, of former, ii, 58; Water-men created from, ii, 16.

Smaragdine Tablet, ii, 104, 115, 119, 587.

Smârtava, caste of Brâhmans, i, 292, 293.

Smell, Animals without, i, 665; Rudiment of, i, 399; Sense of, ii, 113.

Smith, George, i, 10, 339, 381, ii, 2, 4, 64, 109, 154, 258, 295, 370, 401, 403, 730.

Smith’s Sound, forests of, ii, 834.

Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, i, 643, ii, 149.

Smoke, Baptism, of, ii, 598; Clouds of, ii, 509; Fire, of, ii, 599, 601; Sacrifice, of, ii, 600.

Sloths, ii, 833.

Smythe, Prof. Piazzi, i, 140, ii, 488.

Snails, Heavenly, i, 129; Parthenogenesis, and, ii, 696.

Snake, Brazen, of Moses, i, 275; Creative power and, ii, 191; Emblem, i, 368, ii, 404; Initiate called, i, 439; Mundane, matter, i, 110; Passage like hole of, ii, 397; Tortuous, ii, 240.

Snake-Gods, Daksha and, ii, 193; Hirany-âksha, ii, 399.

Snakes, City of, ii, 361; Son of, ii, 397.

Sni or Sinai, ii, 488.

Society, Antiquaries of London, of, quoted, ii, 397; Masonic, of Trinosophists, ii, 607; Theosophical, ii, 433, 626.

Socrates, Daimon of, ii, 437; Gods, believed in, i, 670; Historian of fifth century, i, 10; Intellectual capacity of, ii, 550; Universal being, would not argue about, i, 33.

Socratic sense, Daimones in, i, 308.

Sod Ihoh, ii, 222; Kedeshim, of, ii, 222; Mysteries of Adoni, quoted, ii, 222, 483; Mysteries of Baal Adonis and Bacchus, name for, ii, 222; Mysterious assembly, or, ii, 662; Secret or, ii, 222; Son of the Man, quoted, i, 216.

Sodales of right and left path, ii, 222.

Sodalian mysteries, ii, 670.

Sodium, i, 596, 602, 640.

Sôds, Mysteries of Babylonian Jews, or, i, 501; Sabbath in secret calculations of, ii, 413.

Sogdiana, Âryan Magi emigrate to, ii, 372.

So-ham, He (is) I, i, 106; Sah and Aham, equal to, ii, 488.

Sohar or light, ii, 41, 42.

Soil, Abel life-bearing, ii, 286; Animals in, i, 665; Promised Land, of, i, 621; Saptaparna plant born on, of mystery, ii, 606.

Soirées by Comte de Maistre, quoted, i, 525, 547.

Sokhit, Cat sacred to, ii, 583.

Sol, Alter, ii, 34; Mercury is, i, 377; Solus became, sun, ii, 607.

Solar, Adepts taught by, Gods, ii, 221; Adytum of temple, God in, ii, 481; Æther Aithur or, fire, i, 574; Agnishvatta are, Deities, i, 114, 204; Agnishvattas, or, angels, ii, 92; Angels, ii, 92; Ark or, boat of Osiris, ii, 150; Bacchus, Demeter, Dionysus, ii, 433, 438; Barhishads or angels, ii, 92; Bible, years of, i, 719; Births and rebirths of, Gods, i, 721; Boat, i, 247, ii, 150, 558; Calculation by, years, ii, 809; Candidate at initiation represented, God, ii, 484; Castor and Pollux not interpreted as, myth, ii, 130; Cat reflected, light, i, 323; Chnouphis, gnostic, ii, 394; Constitution of, orb, i, 318; Cosmic monads progenitors of, systems, ii, 325; Cosmic veil, i, 576; Cow and bull symbols connected with, Deities, i, 97; Creators like rays of, orb, ii, 168; Crocodile personified, heat, i, 241; Cycle, ii, 596, 652; Cycle of Naros, ii, 654; Day, value of, ii, 632; Days make Paccham, fifteen, ii, 656; Deities, i, 97, 114, 444, ii, 377; Demiurge became, fire, i, 331; Devas or Mânasa-dhyânis, i, 204; Discus, Thoth with the, ii, 558; Disk on hawk-head of Hor, i, 393; Divine dynasty of early Âryans, incarnations of, Gods, ii, 520; Dual force or power of two, eyes, i, 736; Dynasties, Hindûs call themselves of, i, 417; Dynasty, Maru restorer of, Kshattriya race of, i, 405; Eagle and hawk are, birds, ii, 596; Eclipses, ii, 398; Ego, angels endow man with, ii, 92; Energy, i, 136, 137, 391; Epoch of 3102, i, 725; Every man true to, Gods, ii, 446; Existence, conditions of, ii, 144; Extinction of, fires, i, 602; Fields, lotus which comes from, i, 408; Fire, i, 331, 567, 569, 574, ii, 18, 60, 107, 110, 258; Fires, i, 112, 602, ii, 107, 572; Fifth principle, Manas and, angels, ii, 92; Flames are, reflections, i, 579; Fohat is, energy, i, 136; Fourth group of, Gods, i, 470; Fourth world of, Gods, i, 469; Gandharvas are aggregate powers of, fire, i, 569; Garuda emblem of, cycle, ii, 596; Germ of all, systems, ii, 157; God, i, 393, ii, 425, 481, 484, 489; Gods, i, 413, 469, 470, 721, ii, 221, 446, 520; Great or, fire, ii, 110; Heart, contraction of, i, 591; Hiram Abif of masons, myth, i, 334; Horus elder aspect of, God, i, 393; Hosts of, Deities, i, 444; Indian, zodiac, i, 722; Initial existence in, systems, i, 309; Jehovah, God, ii, 489; Kanyâ-Durgâ on lion dragging, car, i, 721; King Solomon, myth, i, 334; Krishna, God, ii, 425; Kumâras are, Deities, i, 114; Kumâras or, angels, ii, 92; Lares or, Deities, ii, 377; Lhas, ii, 19, 110, 115, 116; Light, i, 323, ii, 583; Light and heat, sources of, i, 647; Lion, ii, 596; Logos one of three logoi, i, 484; Lords of persevering ceaseless devotion or, angels, ii, 92; Lotus-flowers, and water and, Gods, i, 413; Man, ii, 677; Man microcosm of, cosmos, i, 650; Manas, portion of, ii, 521; Manas lunar and, ii, 520; Manvantara, i, 40; Milliards of, systems separated from central sun, i, 41; Modern theory erroneous as to, fires, i, 112; Moon mirrors, light, ii, 583; Mother homogeneous beyond, systems, i, 127; Myth, i, 334, ii, 130, 350; Mythos, propounders of, i, 322; Myths, mythologies said to spring from, Nebula, i, 644, 655; Nebula forms, universe, i, 49; Nebula resultant of incandescence of, centre, i, 658; Nebula theory and origin of, systems, i, 651; Number of, year, ii, 616; One existence in, world, i, 311; Orb, i, 318, ii, 27, 168; Orthodox symbolism of, myth, ii, 350; Period of, year, i, 418, 421; Periods of, course, i, 700; Phœnix and, cycle, ii, 652; Plan of structure between trans-solar systems and, planets, i, 174; Pralaya, i, 41, 46, 84, 390, 398; Ptah, God, i, 393; Purânas, year of, ii, 657; Ra-shoo, fire, i, 331; Ray Sushumnâ, i, 569; Rays, ii, 32, 72; Real substance of, universe, i, 309, 310; Resurrection, Adytum, symbol of, ii, 481; Saramâ and Sârameya watch over, rays, ii, 32; Saura or, fire, i, 567; Seed of universe fecundated by, fires, ii, 572; Septenary chains of worlds in, cosmos, i, 182; Seven eternities and, Pralaya, i, 84; Seven mystic sages are, Deities, i, 114; Seven suns, rays dilate to, ii, 72; Shadows, Lhas warmed, ii, 115, 116; Shoo, energy, i, 391; Shuchi, fire, i, 567, ii, 60, 107, 258; Soul coëval with, boat, i, 247; Space filled with, fire, i, 574; Spirit of earth called to his help, fire, ii, 18, 107; Spirit of life into man’s form, Lhas breathed, ii, 19, 110; Spirit in sun or fire, ii, 107; Spots, i, 591; Stanzas can be applied to evolution of, universe, i, 48; Stanzas treat of cosmogony after, Pralaya, i, 41; Substance in sun becomes, body, i, 572; Substance is immaterial, i, 542; Sun is heart of, world, i, 590; Symbols, mystic sense of, i, 114; Symbols of, years, ii, 409; System of worlds, planets of, i, 187; Systems, i, 41, 127, 309, 651, ii, 157, 325; Theory, i, 590; Thoth with, Discus, ii, 558; Thoth travels in, boat, ii, 558; Thoth wears, disk, i, 413; 365 degrees or, boat, ii, 558; Universe, i, 48, 49, 309, 310; Venus, orb stores light in, ii, 27; Vishnu, God, ii, 425; Vishnu manifestation of, energy, i, 137; Vishnu Purâna, Pralaya described in, i, 398; Vortex, Kepler’s, i, 683; Year, i, 418, 421, ii, 616, 657; Years, i, 719, ii, 409, 654, 809; World, i, 311, 590; World-saviours or, Gods, i, 721; Worship, ii, 815; Zeus begets man-saviour or, Bacchus, ii, 438.

Solar System, Adepts thoroughly acquainted with, ii, 741; Anima Mundi of, ii, 709; Astronomy and age of, ii, 75; Attraction and repulsion in, i, 540; Central sun and three secondary suns of, ii, 250; Chains of globes in, i, 188; Comets and evolution of, i, 656; Cosmic evolution refers only to, ii, 72; Dhyân Chohans and, i, 654; Dhyân Chohans and worlds beyond, ii, 740; Differentiated matter in, ii, 631; Differentiation of elements of, i, 162; Earths and moons not of same order of matter beyond, i, 540; Elements of planets differ in, i, 166; Events before reappearance of, i, 396; Evolution of, i, 681; Failures pass into new, ii, 243; Fire septenary throughout, i, 115; Forces have origin in one life of, i, 647; Great pyramid and, i, 333; Great serpent that draws down, i, 449; Intelligences besides men in, i, 157, 158; Kosmos often means only, i, 220; Laplace on evolution of, i, 647; Law of cosmic evolution and, i, 135; Laws ruling, fully developed, i, 166; Matter in, i, 653; Matter outside, i, 658; Microcosm of one macrocosm, i, 650; Monad term applying to vastest, i, 49; Motion of bodies outside, i, 736; Nebular hypothesis as to formation of, i, 173; Origin of, ii, 773; Pralaya, falls into, i, 580; Primeval matter homogeneous not far from, i, 644; Prithivî, ii, 651; Rays of primordial light concentrated upon, i, 634; Rotational evolution of, i, 545; Secret Doctrine in stanzas chiefly deals with, i, 90; Septenary chains of world planets in, i, 718; Seven principles, consists of, i, 136; Spheres as invisible as if million of miles beyond, i, 663; Stanzas deal with, i, 175; Sûkshma form, in its, i, 162; Sun is heart of, i, 590; Sun universal life giver of, i, 650; Theories on revolution of, i, 546; Titans, or, i, 449; Unique phenomenon of our, i, 540; Vaishvânara living magnetic fire that pervades, ii, 325; War before building of, i, 451; Waters stop when, is one ocean, i, 398.

Solar-fire devotee, crocodile personified, ii, 610.

Solar-lunar, Dynasty, Buddha starts, ii, 477; Regions, ii, 58.

Solar selenic radience of Fohat, i, 226.

Solarites and weather-mongers, i, 322.

Soliman’s ring, ii, 417.

Solinus Polyhistor on Hyperboreans, ii, 817.

Solitary watcher, i, 229.

Solomon, Allegory of temple of, i, 334; Ben Yehudah Ibn Gebirol, quoted, i, 371; Boaz left pillar of temple of, ii, 483; Double triangle seal of, i, 143; Interlaced triangle wrongly called seal of, ii, 626; Islands, Australia and, ii, 7; Masonry and temple of, ii, 840; Moses, did not recognise, ii, 570; Pyramid and temple of, i, 140; Quoted, ii, 583; Satan standeth in porch of, ii, 243; Seal of, i, 143, ii, 626; Temple of, i, 140, 334, 421, ii, 483, 487, 573, 840.

Solomons or Sulimans, ii, 414.

Solon, Atlantis, on, ii, 830; Egyptian dynasties enumerated by priests to, ii, 287; Egyptian initiates, and, ii, 455; Egyptian priests’ statement to, ii, 278, 413; Legend of separation of sexes vouched for by, ii, 227; Names, knew power of, ii, 811; Priests of Saïs, and, ii, 387, 785.

Solstice, sun at winter, ii, 609.

Solstices, i, 700, ii, 562, 577.

Solstitial points, i, 726.

Solus in relation to only God, ii, 607.

Solve, on smaragdine tablet, ii, 104.

Solvent, Alchemical, of life, i, 278; Occult, soul of world, ii, 119; Universal, i, 280.

Soma, Adepts of right path, makes alliance with, ii, 520; Asuras headed by, ii, 401, 526; Budha son of, ii, 147, 477, 523; Churning of ocean of life, produced by, i, 428; Esoteric wisdom, parent of, ii, 526; Fish, sin and, i, 66, 258; Fourth, race under, ii, 32; Fruit or tree of knowledge, ii, 524; Gandharvas mystically occult force in, i, 569; Hindûs, with the, i, 249; Initiate, to make new man of, ii, 524; Jehovah connected with king, ii, 489; King, ii, 415, 489, 523, 524; Lunar God, ii, 26; Manas, and solar portion of, ii, 521; Mârishâ and, ii, 185, 186, 520; Moon, i, 258, 284, 428, 569, ii, 32, 48, 49, 147, 185, 186, 401, 404, 477, 489, 520, 521, 523, 524; Moon as king, i, 415; Moon-plant or, i, 231; Mystery God, ii, 49; Occult nature in man and universe, presides over, ii, 49; Plant is Asclepias Acida, ii, 524; Plants, king of, ii, 401; Powers of, ii, 524; Prachetasas, and, ii, 521; Rishis milking earth whose calf was, i, 428; Sacred beverage of Brâhmans and initiates, ii, 524; Shukra bosom friend of, ii, 49; Sons of, ii, 16, 48; Târâ, carries off, ii, 523, 524; Trimûrti, embodies triple power of, i, 427, 428; Tvashtri, poured on, ii, 106; Ushanas, finds allies in, ii, 523; Vegetable world, sovereign of, ii, 520; War in heaven between, and Gods, ii, 404; Wisdom, giver of, ii, 524; Worship of, i, 422.

Soma-drinking of Indra is allegorical, ii, 395.

Soma-juice, Indra drunkard on, ii, 395.

Somapa Pitris, ii, 624.

Some Things the Âryans Knew, quoted, ii, 445.

Somme valley, the, ii, 780, 781, 793.

Son-brothers, of Fohat, i, 169.

Son-suns, i, 61, 127, 129.

Sons, Ad, of, i, 228; Adam, of, ii, 567; Adepts will once more produce mind-born, ii, 288; Agni, of, ii, 150; Agnishvatta Pitris reborn as, of Marîchi, ii, 93; Asuras, of darkness, ii, 512; Asuras, of primeval creative breath, ii, 526; Atri, of, ii, 93; Barhishad pitris reborn as, of Atri, ii, 93; Bhûmi, of, i, 663; Brahmâ, of, i, 141, 257, 380, ii, 47, 48, 81, 86, 96, 182, 391, 612; Creative breath, of primeval, ii, 526; Cyclopes, of cycles, i, 229; Daksha, of, ii, 148, 288; Dark wisdom, of, ii, 259; Darkness, of, ii, 284, 512; Devakî, of, ii, 639; Deva-lokas, of, i, 663; Dhyâna, of, ii, 122; Dissociate and scatter, i, 59, 111; Divine, Fohat swift son of, i, 61, 133; Divine, from immaculate mother, i, 119; Divine, of mother, i, 126; Divine Sophia, seven, of, i, 463; Dragon, of, ii, 396, 397, 558; Dragons and serpents names given to, of Gods, ii, 286; Earliest of third race, of passive Yoga, ii, 175; Earth, listen ye, of, i, 60, 111; Egg-born, ii, 202; Elements with powers or intelligences, i, 111; Enoch’s angels or, of Gods, i, 569; Expand and contract through own selves, i, 59, 111; Father of, i, 101; Fifth Adam, of, ii, 479; Fire, of, i, 60, 111, 114, 473; Fire-mist, of, i, 113, ii, 223, 233; First and mind-born, of deity, ii, 98; First lord, mind-born, of, i, 65, 233; First manifested ray, of, i, 131; First race were mind-born, of Devas, i, 663; First seven emanations or, of fire, i, 473; First were, of Yoga, ii, 19, 115; Flame of wisdom, of, ii, 430; Fohat, of, i, 62, 63, 133, 160, 169, 226, 236, 605, 737; Forms created by lunar fathers called, of Yoga, ii, 122; Forms evolved by, of Yoga, ii, 170; Fourth race, of Ham, ii, 154; God, and the sacred island, of, ii, 815; God and wisdom, of, ii, 698; Gods, of, ii, 96; Ham, of, ii, 154; Heaven, of, ii, 16, 55; Heaven and earth, of, ii, 648; Hierophants styled themselves, of serpent-god, ii, 397, 558; Hierophants styling themselves, of Dragon, ii, 396, 397, 558; Hoang-ty, of, ii, 542; Husbands of their mothers, i, 425; Images, are told to create their own, i, 64, 213; Jacob, of, i, 714; Kabiri, of Sydic, ii, 409; Krishâshva, of, ii, 666; Kriyâshakti, of, i, 232; Kriyâshakti power, of Yoga born by, ii, 455; Kronos, of, ii, 150, 151; Life and light, of, i, 162, 163, 259; Light and wisdom, of, ii, 284; Lipika, of Fohat, i, 62, 133; Lord of shining face, of, ii, 15, 31; Lords of wisdom elder, of Brahmâ, ii, 182; Lower kingdoms, of, i, 663; Mahat, of, ii, 108; Mânasa are, of Virâj, ii, 94; Manvantaric dawn, of, i, 56, 83; Manvantaric eternity, of, ii, 509; Marîchi, of, ii, 93; Maruts, of heaven and earth, ii, 648; Men in preceding manvantaras mind-born, i, 132; Men, of, ii, 446; Mind-born, i, 65, 131, 132, 232, 233, 380, 663, ii, 48, 98, 214, 288, 612; Mother, of, i, 101; Mother would ask no, of wisdom, ii, 16, 55; Mother would call no, of heaven, ii, 16, 55; Nârada and, of Brahmâ, ii, 86; Night, of, ii, 20, 170; Noah, of, ii, 474; Passive Yoga, of, i, 228, ii, 175, 288; Pitris are, of Brahmâ, ii, 48, 96; Pitris are, of Gods, ii, 96; Primitive astral race or, of Yoga, ii, 124; Primordial matter, of, i, 110; Rebellion, of, ii, 403; Rebellious, of Brahmâ, ii, 86; Rishis called mind-born, of Brahmâ, ii, 47; Rudra, of, ii, 609; Sanandana and others mind-born, of Brahmâ, ii, 81, 612; Saturn, of, ii, 151; Serpent-God, of, ii, 397, 558; Seven, i, 90, 162, 463; Seven fathers and forty-nine, ii, 595; Seven fighters, i, 61, 125; Shadow, of, ii, 525; Shadows from bodies of, of twilight, ii, 20, 146; Shveta-dvîpa, of, ii, 333; Soma, of, ii, 16, 48; Sons of Dhyâna or, of Yoga, ii, 122; Sorcerers, of, ii, 622; Sun and moon, of, ii, 115; Sydic, of, ii, 409; Teachers of life or, of wisdom, i, 292; Third race, of, i, 232; Three fires, of, ii, 60; Thor, of, ii, 104; Titans, of Kronos, ii, 150; Titans said to be, of Agni, ii, 150; Twilight, of, ii, 19, 20, 127, 146; Universes, of necessity, i, 74; Virâja, of, ii, 94; Web, of, i, 59, 111; Yoga, of, ii, 19, 115, 122, 124, 170, 455.

Sons of God, Angels in Bible spoken of as, ii, 64; Arts and sciences, taught men, ii, 604; Beni-Elohim or, ii, 407; B’ne Aleim or, ii, 239, 391; B’ne Ahim or, ii, 26; Born of immaculate parents, ii, 507; Builders or, i, 230; Creation of men by, ii, 30; Daughters of men and, i, 569, ii, 239, 297, 391, 526, 819; Deva-putra Rishayah or, ii, 640; Egyptians had only four, ii, 223; Elohim or, ii, 26, 230; Forces of creation, i, 474; Hierophants instructed by, ii, 232; Humanity, teach, i, 229; King’s chamber and, ii, 493; Mind-born astral children of Brahmâ, ii, 297; Nephilim fallen angels or, ii, 64; Physical frames have developed around, ii, 297; Pitaras or Pitris, ii, 151; Pitris are, ii, 48; Pymander gives seven, ii, 223; Revelation accepted by occultists from, i, 38, 39; Sacred island, and, ii, 230; Satan one of, ii, 395, 407; Seventh race, ii, 507; Sons of shadow, ii, 525; Virgins, born of immaculate, i, 91; Wrath of, ii, 815.

Sons of light, Absolute darkness, evolved from, i, 522; Army of, i, 62, 144; Darkness, clothed in fabric of, i, 129; Dhyâni-Buddhas concrete forms of fathers, i, 625; Genii are, i, 217; Logoi of light, i, 625; Lower principle, those who conquered, joined, ii, 284; Noumena of all phenomena, or, i, 522; Occultists believe in existence of, i, 131; Planets, called after, i, 628; Receive words of Divine beings, i, 26; Seven, i, 625, 628; Spiritual man, very root of, i, 131; Stars, also called, i, 625.

Sons of will and Yoga, Ancestors of Arhats, or, ii, 183; Androgynous third race, immaculate progeny of, ii, 294; Answer of, to brethren of same race, ii, 288; Asuras and Rakshasas and, ii, 237; Bramaputras descended from, i, 230, 231; Daksha and, ii, 172; Fathers of wisdom, or, ii, 412; Nâgas are, ii, 191; Sacred island inhabited, ii, 230; Separation of sexes, of, i, 231; Sons of fire-mist, ii, 333; Sons of wisdom had incarnated in, ii, 209; Third race created, ii, 21, 182, 183; Wrath of, ii, 815.

Sons of wisdom, adepts in whom, had incarnated, ii, 441; Angels from higher spheres, or, ii, 246; Dhyân Chohans, or, ii, 279; Earth would ask no, ii, 16, 55; Fall and, ii, 279; Four-mouthed dragon abode of, ii, 214; Incarnation of, ii, 299; Lemurians, incarnated in more spiritual races of, ii, 332; Lhas or, ii, 201; Mânasa, ii, 21, 180; Mânasaputras, ii, 643; Mind-born, ii, 214; Mindless man, inform, ii, 643; Rebirth, ready for, ii, 20, 170; Seed of divine knowledge among, ii, 232; Serpent of Genesis and, ii, 246; Sons of men led by, ii, 446; Sons of Will and Yoga, incarnated in, ii, 209; Spark, those who received, ii, 177; Third race, spurned early, ii, 195.

Soothsayers and astronomers, i, 708.

Soothsaying by cyclic calculations, ii, 659.

Sopatrus, the philosopher, i, 508.

Sophia, Achamôth, or, i, 157; Aditi is, ii, 46; Aditi or divine, with Gnostics, i, 468; Âkâsha, or, i, 219; Chaos, lost in waters of, i, 157; Divine wisdom, or, i, 219; Feminine with Gnostics, i, 678; Holy Ghost and Creator of all, i, 101; Holy Ghost of early Christians, i, 219; Holy Ghost with Gnostics, ii, 539; Manas, is, ii, 287; Mother of Ogdoad, i, 101; Power of, resides in planet Venus, ii, 539; Seven sons of, i, 463, ii, 221; Spirit of wisdom, ii, 569; Universal soul called, by Gnostics, i, 377; Wisdom, or, i, 101, 377, 483, ii, 221, 404.

Sophia-Achamôth, Barbelo and, ii, 602; Ildabaoth son of, i, 219, 483; Sophia, daughter of, i, 219, 483; Spiritual principle of first human couple, ii, 225.

Sophocles, quoted, ii, 712.

Sorcerer, Asuramaya, ii, 71, 73; Enoch called, ii, 560; Serpent or, ii, 29; Stones brought to Ireland by, ii, 359.

Sorcerers, Amazarak taught, ii, 393; Atlanteans, ii, 98, 235, 285, 517, 673; Atlantis, of, i, 452, ii, 401; Bhons, Dugpas or, ii, 619; Destruction of Atlantean, ii, 98; Dvâpara Yuga, during, ii, 155; Earth, overran unprotected, ii, 520; Easter Island statues represent, ii, 235; Fourth race, bulk of, ii, 388; Giants or, ii, 365; Hoppo and Stadlein, i, 508; Initiates destroy, among Atlanteans, ii, 816; Lords of dark face, ii, 445; Moon is friend of, i, 180; Races of previous, i, 249; Roman Catholic legends of, ii, 284; Satan at head of, ii, 406; Sons of, ii, 622; Sons of Gods victorious over Atlantean, ii, 235; Struggle between Aryan adepts and, of Atlantis, ii, 401; Thessaly, of, ii, 805; Trees, called, ii, 520; War between initiates of Sacred Island and, of Atlantis, i, 452.

Sorcery, antediluvian giants and, ii, 818; Astrological knowledge and, ii, 189; Atlantean, ii, 529; Cain and Ham associated with, ii, 408; Christianity, followed, i, 23; Danger of, i, 19; Deus Lunus for purpose of, i, 426; Devs, of, ii, 412; Fable, now regarded as, i, 507; Five-pointed star reversed sign of human, i, 35; Giant races, of, ii, 298; Jesuits, of, i, 330; Jews were acquainted with, i, 251; Lemurian and Atlantean, ii, 299; Nabathean Agriculture, in, ii, 475.

Sosiosh, Kalki Avatâra or, ii, 438; White Horse, will descend on, i, 114.

Sothiac cycles, i, 469.

Soul, Ab Hati or animal, ii, 670; Absorbed in supreme, i, 404; Adam made living, ii, 86, 91; Adam no living, till after fall, ii, 478; Adam of dust requires, of life, i, 267; Adam’s deep sleep slumber of, ii, 191; Æther Breath of Universal, i, 128; Âkâsha or universal, ii, 538; Âkâsha or world, i, 39; Âlaya or, i, 78; Âlaya, Universal, i, 80; Amenti, in, i, 391; Anatomy does not explain workings of, i, 193; Ancestral, ii, 669; Ancient of Days, and, i, 260; Anima Mundi, of universe, i, 78; Anima Mundi or spiritual, ii, 605; Anima Mundi or universal, i, 80, 81, 499, ii, 593; Animal, i, 136, 177, 252, 264, 267, ii, 249, 520, 631, 669, 670; Animal, denied to, i, 688; Animal-human, ii, 252; Animals have only latent germ of immortal, i, 218; Animus or, i, 247; Ank signified, i, 634; Astral, i, 217, 218, 538; Astral body vehicle of, i, 255; Astral light furnishes astral, i, 218; Astral light lowest division of universal, i, 499; Astral light material aspect of universal, i, 453; Astral light, of, i, 456; Astral light or cosmic, ii, 119; Astral light or universal, ii, 538; Astrology, of astronomy, i, 707; Astronomy of, i, 707; Âtmâ and spiritual, i, 201; Âtmâ informing Spirit of divine, i, 620; Âtmâ within every man’s, i, 157; Âtmâ-Buddhi dual, i, 201; Atmu or Eternal, ii, 669; Atom and molecule ready to receive transmigrating, i, 281; Atom, immanent in every, i, 82, 621, ii, 709; Ba or, of breath, ii, 669; Bai or intellectual, ii, 670; Beast has, every, ii, 206; Belief in, ii, 460, 699; Bhûtâtman living or life, ii, 114; Bird symbol, ii, 306; Blood, of, ii, 669; Body, and, i, 255; Body, builds, ii, 768; Body ever numbing weight on, i, 296; Body, relations to, ii, 312; Body viewed as matrix for development of, i, 246; Body with informing, i, 669; Book of Dead and reward of, i, 257; Boundless light, born in and from, i, 630; Brahmâ is spirit, and body, i, 73; Breath, of, ii, 669; Buddhi or divine, i, 45, 128, 144, 237, 311, 512, 620, ii, 84, 241, 332; Buddhi or spiritual, i, 3, 177, 181, 262, 300, ii, 614, 631, 669, 670; Celestial spark, and, ii, 554; Central sun of spiritual universe, i, 363; Cheybi or spiritual, ii, 670; Chit and, i, 308; Chitragupta who reads out account of life of every, i, 130; Christos Âtmâ in, i, 157; Circle of necessity of, ii, 396; Composition of, according to Epicurus, i, 621; Conscious ego or human, ii, 92; Cosmic, i, 578, ii, 119; Cosmic consciousness or intelligent, of Dhyân Chohans, i, 300; Cosmic space, of, i, 645; Crocodile, personified highest, with Egyptians, ii, 610; Crocodile whose, comes from men, ii, 671; Death, after, ii, 381; Defunct, of, i, 159, 247; Demiurgos is, ii, 28; Depravity and, i, 255; Descartes on, ii, 311, 312; Descent and reascent of, i, 730; Dhyân Chohan, of, i, 300; Dhyâni-Buddhas one with Âlaya in, i, 79; Differentiated world’s, i, 164; Disembodied, i, 241, 258; Diti made to represent divine, in ascetic, ii, 649; Divine, i, 45, 128, 144, 217, 237, 241, 512, 620, 698, ii, 78, 119, 185, 438, 442, 649; Divine voice of, i, 465; Doctrine, ii, 78; Dragon Apophis and, i, 495; Dragon of wisdom or human, i, 240; Dream produced by, i, 691; Dual, i, 201; Dwellings, has three, i, 264; Earth and water to create human, i, 368, ii, 47, 132; Earth dwelling of animal, i, 264; Egg of Immortality, gestating in, i, 391; Ego or, i, 247, 263, ii, 93, 118, 691; Egyptian rites, in, i, 159; Egyptian theory of, ii, 146; Electricity of flame, of things, i, 110; Elemental atom, i, 620; Elements, of, ii, 610; Epicurus on, i, 621; Ether corresponding to, i, 236; Ether, of, i, 46; Ether, of Universe, i, 366; Evolution of, ii, 687; Existence of, i, 707; Existences, same through myriads of, ii, 442; Eye mirror of, ii, 312; Father-mother differentiated world’s, i, 164; Ferouer of, ii, 502, 504; Fires, one of three, ii, 258; First cosmic aspect of esoteric Sat or universal, i, 61; Fohat animal, of nature, i, 136; Fohat brings spirit into union with, i, 144; Formation of, i, 262; Gautama spoken of as great, i, 134; Genesis of, i, 255; Genii, not subject to, i, 314; Gods, of, i, 241, ii, 610, 671; God, thrice purified or conscious, ii, 547; Great, i, 453; Great mother, second principle of, i, 311; Hæckel and, ii, 706, 711; Higher, i, 252; Holy ones, alienated from, ii, 117; Human, i, 47, 103, 128, 177, 240, 267, 311, 691, ii, 47, 64, 85, 92, 93, 119, 132, 287, 438, 554, 631; Human monad applies only to dual, i, 201; Human monad or, i, 692; Illusive conception of human, i, 47, ii, 593; Independent, i, 149; Indriyâtman spiritual or intellectual, ii, 114; Inferior natures and divine, of man, ii, 78; Insanity and, i, 255; Intellect, making room for physical, i, 246; Intellectual, ii, 669, 670; Intra-cosmic, i, 33; Intuitive omniscience of spiritual divine, i, 300; Jîva or, i, 157; Jupiter Fulgur, of lightning, i, 505, 506; Kabalists made of, and body two lives, i, 254; Kâma Rûpa or animal, ii, 631, 669; Khem punishes disembodied, i, 241; Knowledge, of undying, ii, 295; Kosmos, of, i, 190, 520; Kshetrajña or embodied, ii, 114, 676; Kumâras having, of five elements, ii, 610; Kwan-Yin divine voice of, i, 465; Leibnitz on, ii, 711; Life, of, i, 267; Light, clothed in, i, 263; Light or, i, 265, 620; Lightning, of, i, 506; Living, i, 215, 246, 260, 274, 368, ii, 29, 86, 91, 114, 159, 171, 478; Living fire necessary for formation of divine, i, 217; Logos falling as ray into, i, 138; Logos perceived by universal, i, 512; Lower fifth principle or human, i, 47; Mahâbhârata and tribulations of, ii, 521; Mahâbuddhi or great, i, 453; Mahat or mundane, ii, 395; Mahat or universal, i, 453, 585; Mahat spirit of universal, i, 486; Mahâttatva universal, i, 481; Man not merely union of, and body, i, 252; Man or living, i, 260; Manas and Divine, ii, 185; Manas and its animal, ii, 520; Manas conscious, ii, 547; Manas is third, i, 263; Manas or human, i, 118, 128, 177, 240, 521, ii, 631; Manas or individual, i, 267; Mânasa Devas endowed man with consciousness of immortal, ii, 552; Materialism denies, i, 520; Matter is vehicle for manifestation of, i, 80; Meru region of pure, ii, 421; Mind of demiurgic creator or universal, i, 377; Mind, or, i, 120, 311; Modern science believes not in, of things, i, 293; Monad in man consisting of spirit and, i, 144; Monad latent in, ii, 159; Monad or, i, 630, 730; Monad or human, i, 691; Mother basis of universal, i, 128; Movers regulate motion of bodies within cosmic, i, 578; Mummy donning head of crocodile, and, i, 241; Mundane, ii, 395; Mysterious nature of, in man, ii, 686; Naturalist and working of, ii, 686; Nephesh or animal, ii, 670; Nephesh or living, i, 215; Nephesh or vital, i, 246; Nephesh Chiah or living, i, 246; Neshamah highest, ii, 478; Neshamah or, ii, 395; Newly created at birth impossible dogma, i, 131, 194, 205, ii, 316; Nous animating, i, 82; Nous or spiritual, ii, 605; Nothing motionless within universal, i, 32; Number, is, ii, 608; Objective, rendered, ii, 538; Occultism, of materialistic science, i, 694; Occultists on spirit and, ii, 710; Odin endows man with, ii, 102; One infinite spirit, of, i, 67; One life or universal, i, 81; Osiris, and, i, 130, 159; Over, i, 45, 79; Panoramic visions of, i, 286; Parabrahm, of whole, ii, 199; Parabrahm spirit and, of nature, i, 36; Paralysed and atrophied, becomes, i, 6; Paramâtman or supreme, ii, 520; Personifies in clothing itself, i, 265; Physical body house of tabernacle of, i, 268; Physical cell, of, i, 238; Physiology of, ii, 668; Pilgrimage of, obligatory, i, 45; Pineal gland seat of, ii, 311, 312; Plane of circle is universal, i, 31; Plane of surface of circle or world, ii, 585; Planes, lives on three, i, 264; Planetary origin of, i, 630; Planets and faculties of, ii, 639; Plato on, ii, 93; Pneuma human, ii, 119; Powers of, ii, 538; Pralaya, slumbering during, i, 31; Primordial substance is, i, 650; Prometheus divine, ii, 438; Psuche or, ii, 393; Psyche, or, i, 103, 217; Pubescence, of, ii, 669; Ra is divine universal, i, 252; Ray furnished with future vehicle divine, i, 237; Reasoning or Manas, i, 263; Recollection of past incarnations in divine, ii, 442; Reïncarnations of, ii, 582; Rejuvenates every 14,000 years, i, 266; Reward of, i, 257; Rind of image is garment of, i, 263; Root-nature of one infinite spirit, i, 67; Ruach or spiritual, i, 262, 263, ii, 670; Ruach united to living, i, 215; Sadducee, and, ii, 64; Same and other, or, ii, 93; Same individual, through various incarnations, ii, 709; Samuel and Michael emanate from mundane, ii, 395; Sarvâtman super-, i, 117; Satan is also Lucifer, ii, 117; Satan, transformation of universal, into, ii, 537; Scarabæus symbol of reïncarnation of, ii, 582; Seat of, ii, 311; Seb or ancestral, ii, 669; Self or, i, 247; Self-consciousness, and, ii, 61; Separation of sexes and incoming of, i, 267; Septenary symbol for man plus immortal, ii, 625; Septenary universal, ii, 593; Serpent of evil endowed with living, ii, 29; Shade or covering, ii, 669; Shankarâchârya on, i, 622; Silent depths of unknown universal, ii, 606; Sixth principle in man or divine, i, 144, 512; Sixth principle of intellectual kosmos, or universal, i, 453; Sleeping man, of, i, 192; Soma and solar portion of, ii, 521; Son refers to, ii, 241; Sophia is manas, or, ii, 287; Souls, of all, i, 474; Spirit and, i, 236, 247; Spirit, and body, i, 147, 246, ii, 637; Spirit, and intellect, i, 238; Spirit, and matter in man, i, 80; Spirit, and mind, ii, 119; Spirit brought into union with, i, 144; Spirit united too loosely to, i, 495; Spirit, vehicle for manifestation of, i, 80; Spiritual, i, 3, 177, 181, 201, 262, 263, ii, 114, 605, 614, 631, 669, 670; Spiritual ego or, i, 255; Spiritual plasm, of physical cell, i, 238; Spiritual sun of, ii, 686; spiritual universe, of, i, 363; Spiritual wisdom or, ii, 287; Struggle between spirit and, ii, 393; Substance, of, i, 566; Sûkshma Sharîra and, i, 157; Sun and stars, of, i, 660; Sun evolves, of planets and comets, i, 649; Sun, of gods, ii, 610; Suns, moons and planets, vital, of, i, 659; Super-, i, 117; Supreme, i, 487, ii, 520; Sûtrâtmâ or thread, i, 45; Svabhâvat body of, i, 90; Symbols of spirit, and body, i, 138; Ten is mother of, i, 117; Thought evolved by, i, 120; Thread, i, 45; Thy, and my, i, 145; Tiaou, emerges from, i, 247; Universal, i, 31, 32, 39, 80, 81, 128, 377, 453, 481, 486, 488, 499, 512, ii, 61, 241, 537, 538, 593; Universal over, i, 45; Universal sixth principle or over, i, 45; Universe evolved out of unknown depths of spiritual, ii, 605; Universe, of, i, 78, 366, ii, 709; Unknown universal, ii, 606; Unseen worlds dwelling in, i, 255; Upâdhi of spirit, i, 177; Upanishads on, i, 291; Upper Triad or, i, 264; Vishnu as universal substance or, i, 488; Vital, i, 246, 659; Water and moon symbols of divine, ii, 119; Water production of supreme, ii, 520; Water required to make living, i, 274; Whirling of, i, 621; Wind or air symbol of human, ii, 119; Wisdom guiding, after death, ii, 381; World, i, 39, ii, 585; Zeus as human, ii, 438; Zodiacal signs and, i, 730; Zohar on, ii, 118.

Soul of Things, the, referred to, i, 222.

Soul of World, Âkâsha is, i, 41, 164; Âlaya is, i, 79; Anima Mundi, or, i, 79; Brahmâ evolves from, i, 408; Brahman or, i, 499; Chaos became, i, 367; Circle and, i, 138; Divine astral light, i, 164; Great deep, or, i, 377; Jîvâtmâ, i, 164; Knooph, i, 513; Logoi correlative with female, i, 377; Mahâ-Âtmâ or, i, 499; Primordial substance or, i, 361; Serpent of, ii, 220; Spirit of life or, i, 499; Substance or, i, 637; Symbol of, i, 513; Union of three elements is occult solvent in, ii, 119.

Soul-Atom, i, 621.

Soul-Bird divine swallow, i, 248.

Soul-doctrine, i, 5, ii, 78.

Soulless, Animal, ii, 639; Man, ii, 250; Men, many are, i, 255; Pre-physical races, astral form of the, ii, 758; Primeval man was, ii, 199.

Soul-life, evolution of, ii, 708.

Soul-like man, ii, 677.

Soul-organs, morphology of, ii, 708.

Soul-perception, i, 301.

Soul-principle of universe, ii, 46.

Soul-spark, Prometheus endows man with, ii, 546.

Soul-substance, body vehicle of, i, 174.

Soul-voice and tradition, ii, 443.

Souls, Angels, and, ii, 306; Archis are pure, i, 157; Astral light which, must conquer, i, 275; Astral rulers of spheres create, i, 631; Atomic, i, 679; Atoms being, i, 622; Atoms, in shape of, i, 620; Atoms, of, i, 679; Auphanim informing, of spheres and stars, i, 142; Buddhis or formless divine, i, 145; Compound, i, 620; Cosmic Gods informing, of four elements, i, 498; Dead, of, ii, 571; Development of, ii, 384; Divine, i, 145; Egos, of men who had no personal, ii, 645; Egregores chiefs of, i, 279; Elements, of, i, 304, 305; Eternal, that which is part of, is, ii, 442; Four elements symbols of informing, i, 498; Gilgoolem or whirling, i, 620, 621; Initiate ministered to, of men, ii, 589; Intelligent existence of compound, i, 620; Kingdom of, i, 216; Manifestations of self as individual, ii, 521; Mathematical points or real, i, 690; Mercury conducted, of dead to Hades, ii, 571; Mercury leader and evocator of, ii, 31; Mercury raising, in Hades to life, ii, 381; Molecular, of Protista, ii, 687; Monads are, of atoms, i, 679; Monads, or, i, 631, ii, 117; Moon-God, of, i, 248; Mortal leaves one of his, on each zone of post-mortem ascent, i, 442; Nirvâna, rest in, i, 266; Occultists believe in, i, 542; Planetary spirits, of heavenly orbs, ii, 582; Plastidular, ii, 708, 710; Principles, or, i, 442, ii, 600; Powers, of manifested, ii, 402; Powers of God, of, ii, 46; Revolution of, i, 621; Scintillas, are, i, 679; Self’s manifestations as individual, ii, 599; Septenary of, i, 248; Seven, of Egyptologists, ii, 666; Seven, of man, i, 247; Spheres and stars, of, i, 142; Sravah or, ii, 402; Supreme judges of, ii, 503; Triads and twin, i, 627; Universal over-soul and identity of all, i, 45; Whirling, i, 620; Worlds of emanations pre-existent in, ii, 117.

Sound, Absolute one life and, i, 588; Æther and, i, 585; Air medium of motion of, i, 582; Âkâsha, characteristic of, i, 226; Âkâsha is material cause of, i, 315; Âkâsha mother-father of, ii, 418; Âkâsha, one quality of, i, 586; Ancients, to, ii, 113; Army of voice and mystery of, i, 120; Atoms called, i, 694; Bhagavad Gîtâ on, i, 584; Bhûtâdi devours, i, 399; Cause of, i, 560; Creation in Kabalah, factor of, i, 466; Elements, closely related to four, i, 325; Ether and, i, 276, 316, 399, 582, 641, ii, 113; Feminine logoi correlations of, i, 465; Fire light and, ii, 671; Fohat and, i, 163, 605; Fohatic forces at north and south poles and, ii, 226; Gandharvas noumenal causes of, i, 569; Genesis of, i, 480; Harmony, or, i, 467; Keely and, i, 606, 615; Kwan-yin-tien or melodious heaven of, i, 161; Logos or, i, 276, 586, 588, ii, 418; Magic agent, most potent, i, 502; Materialists, has no objective being for, i, 315; Melodious heaven of, i, 161; Nature and Æther, in, i, 161; Nervous ether conductor of vibrations of, i, 587; Occult, i, 161; Occult powers of, i, 606; Ozone, will produce, i, 606; Parâ form of Vâch latent light and, i, 466; Physical science on, i, 605; Pleiades connected with, i, 711; Properties of, i, 568; Purânas on, i, 641, ii, 594; Qualities of, i, 583; Repercussion, i, 573; Resurrect man, may, i, 606; Second Logos or, ii, 594; Septenary nature of, i, 586; Seven in world of, ii, 664; Seven notes of scale or principles of, i, 583; Seven radicals, and, i, 169; Silence nor, there was neither, i, 56, 84; Son of Deity, ii, 113; Son or, i, 586; Space, one quality of, i, 583; Substance, real, i, 616; Upanishads, in, ii, 594; Vâch and Kwan-yin are magic potency of occult, i, 161; Vâch or, i, 465; Verbum or, i, 276; Verbum vibrates through Shekinah, of, i, 690; Waves of equal length, ii, 514; Word of God or, ii, 113; Word or, i, 276, 399; World called out of chaos by, i, 467.

Sound-language of second race, ii, 208.

Sounding-board of kosmos, i, 190.

Sounds, Communication through, and colours, i, 560; Language composed of, not words, i, 502; Pythagorean, i, 484; Seven, ii, 648; Seven in perception of, ii, 658.

Source of Measures, quoted, i, 35, 89, 118, 336, 338, 478, ii, 39, 40, 41, 47, 132, 135, 152, 227, 405, 408, 410, 487, 489, 490, 492, 572, 573, 588, 590, 591, 592, 615, 632, 634; Opinion of the author of, i, 332; Referred to, i, 342.

South Africa, Bushman of, ii, 549; Lemuria and, ii, 348.

South America, Bird-eating spider in, ii, 459; Esoteric schools in, i, 7; Iguana lizard of, ii, 163; Lemuria and, ii, 348; Mountains, carving on, i, 343.

South Asia, Hæckel on, ii, 203.

South Pacific and Atlantis, ii, 424.

South pole, Abode of demons, ii, 422; Cancer represented at, ii, 450; Cosmic elements of, ii, 286; Pit, or, 286.

South-sea islands, ii, 177, 439.

South-west Greenland and Lemuria, ii, 420.

Southall, Dr., quoted, ii, 781.

Southern India, Brâhmans of, ii, 71; Catechism of, ii, 34; Egyptian zodiac brought from, ii, 454; Fragments of old work in, ii, 54; Initiate in, ii, 184; Smârtava Brâhmans in, i, 292.

Southern pole, Atala at, ii, 422.

Soyuti, Arabic writer, ii, 378.

Sozura of Hæckel, mythical, ii, 687, 694, 707, 787.

Space, Ab Soo, of Chaldees, ii, 527; Absolute, abstract symbol of, i, 42, 74; Absolute All, i, 37; Aditi in that or potential, within abstract, i, 34; Aditi or infinite, i, 126; Æther fiery waters of, ii, 418; Æther of, i, 585; Air of etheric medium in, i, 641; Akâsha or, i, 583, 586, ii, 538; All things developed in, ii, 384; Anupâdaka, eternal, i, 39; Ashtadisha or eight faces bounding, ii, 609; Astral prototypes in, ii, 697; Atom takes flight into, i, 167; Atoms, eternally filled with, i, 32, 694; Atoms in world of, i, 689; Battles fought for, i, 64, 220; Bell sounds in, i, 608; Beness, absolute abstract aspect of, i, 42; Bodies dead and dissolved in, i, 658; Brahmâ-Vishnu being infinite, i, 37; Breath, filled with invisible, ii, 539; Breath of Father-mother cools in eternal bosom of inner, i, 168; Bright, son of dark, i, 58, 100; Caloric flowing from sea through, i, 571; Cause of all, is eternal, i, 67; Centre, circumference, i, 675; Chaos is, i, 134, 359, 361, ii, 89, 281; Chaos or primordial waters of, i, 464, 496; Chaos: theos: kosmos are containment of, i, 365; Christ God in, ii, 507; Churning of Ocean of, i, 407; Circle symbol of unknown boundless, i, 139; Circles of time in, i, 699; Collective mind finite when contrasted with, ii, 511; Conditioned or limited, has no real existence, i, 662; Container and body of universe, i, 365; Cosmic, i, 35; Couch of Vishnu symbol of infinite time in, i, 102; Creations born in, ii, 579; Creator Hari sleeps on ocean of, i, 399; Cronus stands for duration beyond, i, 450; Curds and, i, 98, 124, 269; Darkness reigned throughout, i, 460; Deep or primeval, ii, 500; Deity, is ever unseen and unknown, i, 359; Deity manifesting in, and time, ii, 168; Deity that pervades, i, 361; Differentiation in, and time, ii, 769; Divine Plenum, of, i, 172; Double Triangle and six directions, in, i, 143; Ea wisdom, birthplace of, ii, 56; Earth fœtus in matrix of, i, 280; Earth rose out of waters of, ii, 105; Earth that floats on universal ocean of, ii, 652; Eastern occultist on, i, 675; Energy of sun existing in unknown condition in, i, 462; Energies in, reäwakened, i, 60, 116; Entity, first, i, 583; Eternity and, in Pralaya, i, 31; Ether occupying all, i, 399; Ether of, i, 582, 642, ii, 113; Ethereal waves of, i, 532; Everything generated in abstract, i, 46; Everything on earth shadow of something in, i, 539; Factor, as third, i, 601; Father-mother, is called at first stage of reawakening, i, 46; Fiery waters of, ii, 418; Fire which formed curds in, i, 269; Flame, is, i, 399; Fohat divides, i, 737; Fohat places wheels in six directions of, i, 141; Force and matter, i, 38, 674, 675; Force existing in open, i, 557; Four dimensions of, i, 271; Gods and atoms swept out of, at Mahâpralaya, i, 175; Gods, Rishis and Manus potencies of, i, 37; Good and evil progeny of, ii, 100; Great breath digs through, i, 171; Great deep or, i, 56, 736; Great sea or seven-headed serpent of, i, 365; Great waters of, i, 460; Hamsa bird of wisdom in, ii, 306; Heavenly matrix or female, ii, 89; Holy one created and destroyed worlds in, ii, 56, 57; Ideal nature or abstract, ii, 46; Immeasurable, is, i, 271; Incognizable deity, garb of, i, 139; Infinite and eternal, ii, 163; Intelligent rulers, dwelling of, ii, 527, 528; Invisible beings in, i, 734; Invisible worlds in, i, 664; Kabalist defined by learned, i, 365; Kalpas divided in and time, ii, 189; Khoom or water of, i, 391; Knowledge, called realm of divine, ii, 527; Kosmos emerging from boundless, i, 94; Kosmos in, i, 421; Kosmos or, i, 298; Leucippus on, i, 32; Life and behaviour of monads in, i, 679; Life, containing, ii, 631; Life pulsated unconscious in universal, i, 56, 77; Limitless void and conditioned fulness, is both, i, 37; Maqom or, ii, 647; Mârttânda and mother, i, 129; Materialists consider, void, i, 642; Matter and, i, 69, 659; Monads re-emerging from matrix of, ii, 50; Moon being ark on watery abyss of, ii, 151; Mother, i, 126, 129; Mother, before cosmic activity called, i, 46; Mother called waters of, i, 92; Mother dry waters of, i, 686; Mother or, i, 96; Mûlaprakriti one with, in its abstract sense, i, 67; Mundane egg or infinite, i, 378; Mundane egg placed in water of, i, 391; Nârâyana moves on primordial ocean of, i, 494; Nârâyana moving on waters of, i, 37; Nature and, are one, i, 606; No beneath or above in, i, 547; No void, in universe, i, 309; No-number has application in, i, 115; Noot or, i, 250, 378; Nucleus of cosmic matter born in unfathomable depths of, i, 225; Ocean or, ii, 69, 801; Oeahoo turns upper, into shoreless sea of fire, i, 100; Occult catechism, defined in, i, 39; Occultist and soul and spirit of, i, 645; One eternal element, i, 85; One eternal thing, is, i, 67; One incognizable deity, form of, ii, 399; One-dimensional, i, 271; Parabrahman is infinite cosmic, i, 35; Parent or, i, 67; Parentless, i, 39; Period of cyclic evolution in time and, ii, 772; Physicist on, i, 675; Pilgrim having connected himself with every atom in, i, 288; Pralaya, during, i, 73; Primeval, ii, 500; Primordial matter eternal and coëval with, i, 110; Primordial matter in, i, 645; Primordial ocean of, i, 494; Primordial substance diffused through, i, 650; Primordial waters of, i, 464, 496; Pure, i, 538; Radiant essence spreads throughout depths of, i, 96; Ray differentiates water of, i, 252; Ray penetrating infinite, i, 378; Rays awaken life in waters of, i, 460; Real world, is, i, 665; Self-existent beyond, and time, ii, 252; Senzar catechism on, i, 38; Sephirothic aspects of Ain Suph in, and time, i, 374; Septenary nature of, i, 365; Serpent in, i, 103; Serpent of, seven-headed, i, 365; Seven layers of, i, 38; Seven-skinned eternal Mother-father, called, i, 38; Sidereal, i, 572; Six directions of, i, 62, 141, 143; Sixth and seventh principles of, ii, 538; Sound connected with ether of, ii, 113; Sound one quality of, i, 583; Spaces of, i, 680; Sparks from flint or, ii, 104; Spirit first differentiation of, i, 279; Spirit of God lived in sea of, ii, 501; Spirit of God moves on dark waters of, ii, 625; Spirit of sun and moon, concealed, i, 250; Spirit, ultimate substratum of, i, 635; Spiritual entities in infinitudes of, i, 254; Substance or boundless, ii, 249; Substance principle in, i, 294; Sun evolved from cosmic, i, 128; Sun-force, supposed to be filled only with, i, 572; That, form of, ii, 168; Three-dimensional, ii, 634; Time and, are one, ii, 647; Time in, i, 102; Tohu Bohu or primeval, ii, 500; Trans-solar, i, 540; Two, three and four dimensional, i, 271; Unborn and undecaying, ii, 511; Universal matrix or waters of, i, 92; Universe held in solution in, during Pralaya, i, 73; Universe in sense of limitless ever present, i, 32; Universes in, ii, 29; Unknown first cause, i, 38, 365; Unmanifested deity or, ii, 281; Unrevealed, one, i, 38; Uranus personification of creative powers in, ii, 281; Vacuum, not, i, 574; Vishnu deity in, and time, i, 454; Vishnu one with time and, ii, 647; Vishnu rests in waters of, i, 407; Vishnu’s navel central point in waters of infinite, ii, 495; Void of, i, 696; Waters of, i, 37, 92, 252, 391, 407, 686, ii, 68, 105, 495, 625, 801; Waters of deluge or, containing life, ii, 631; Waters or great deep of infinite, i, 359; Watery abyss of, ii, 151; Watery abyss or, ii, 56; World-germs scattered in, i, 223.

Spaces, Ball of fire-mist in interstellar, ii, 162; Earth, unknown to, ii, 169; Impossibility of there being, i, 734; Matter in heavenly, i, 659; Space, of, i, 680.

Spagyrization of matter, ii, 626.

Spain, Africa extension of present, ii, 781; Atlantis joined to, ii, 837; Barbary joined to, ii, 793; Dolmen near Malaga in, ii, 795; Gades which included, ii, 424; Mandrake in, ii, 30; North Africa peninsular of, ii, 8.

Spaniards, Pueblos refused, admission to Artufas, ii, 191; White savage chiefs, met in Cibola, ii, 786.

Spark, Agni carrier of divine, ii, 548; Ain Suph, from head of, i, 381; Assimilation of soul to celestial, ii, 554; Astral rulers of spheres endowing monads with, i, 631; Barhishad pitris could not give to man sacred, ii, 99; Beings, of higher, ii, 181; Consciousness, of, i, 231; Creative, ii, 258; Destitute of knowledge, those who received but, ii, 21, 170; Divine man, enters into and informs, i, 266; Emanating, from uncreated ray, i, 624; Fifth principle quickened by, ii, 108; Fire by friction relates to creative, ii, 258; Flame and, i, 66, 258, 259, 286; Flames, projected by, ii, 332; Human animal, that vivifies, ii, 108; Jîva or, i, 259; Kingdoms, animates all, i, 266; Lords of wisdom into man, of consciousness, i, 231; Lords projected, ii, 20, 170; Metempsychosis of psychic, i, 621; Mineral, lying latent in, i, 311; Monad and Manas or, i, 259; Monad homogeneous from primeval seven, i, 624; Monad, or, i, 258; Monads endowed with, i, 631; Narrow-headed men without, ii, 194; Nephesh or vital, i, 263; Psychic, i, 621; Sacred fire from, of higher beings, ii, 181; Second race endowed with weak, ii, 174; Seven worlds of Mâyâ, and, i, 258; Sons of mahat are, ii, 108; Sons of wisdom projected only, ii, 299; Third race, endowed with, ii, 181; Third race, in, ii, 170; Those which had no, ii, 22, 194; Those who extinguished, ii, 332; Vital, i, 263; Wisdom, of divine, ii, 294.

Sparks, Adam, soul, contained in, ii, 329; Atoms, or, i, 129, 133; Centres of force at first, i, 129; Divine man emanated, from, i, 60, 116; Division of, ii, 336; Elohim, and cherubs, ii, 90; Eternity, of, i, 45; Fires and flames, ii, 87; Fires with, ii, 17, 66; Flames or, i, 476; Flint or space, from, ii, 104; Fohat calls, and joins them together, i, 62, 133; Hammer, worlds like, under smith’s, ii, 744; Holy four, within, i, 476; Invisible, i, 129; Lower kingdom, of, i, 62, 141; Lunar ancestors or divine, i, 203; Manifesting stars and, of eternity, i, 44, 45; Mineral atoms or, of lower kingdom, i, 141; Molecules, differentiate into, i, 129; Monads or divine, i, 203; Moon, beams and, of one, i, 65, 257; One unity, first manifested, of, ii, 336; Personalities of monad-ego compared to, i, 258; Scintillæ or, i, 125; Seven, of, i, 60, 120; Spheres, triangles, cubes, lines and modellers, called, i, 120; Suns, become, i, 129; Universal divine flame, reflecting, i, 296; Wicks are, i, 65, 257; Worlds, are primordial, i, 266, ii, 304; Worlds compared to, in Kabalah, i, 220, ii, 87, 104; Worlds, or, i, 125.

Sparsha, cohesion, touch, i, 399.

Sparta, Castor’s tomb in, ii, 129.

Spawn, Fish of life, of, i, 124; Mother’s, i, 64, 220.

Speaking, Beasts or magic watchers, ii, 446; Race called Adi, ii, 473; Stones, ii, 356, 357, 361.

Spear-holder or Shakti-dhara, ii, 400, 655.

Specimens of the Hindu Theatre, quoted, ii, 445, 666.

Speckled corn of Zuñi priestess-mother, ii, 665.

Spectra of constellations, i, 655.

Spectres or phantoms, ii, 292.

Spectroscope, Colour, and world of, ii, 663; Irresolvable nebulæ, and, i, 654; Magic power of, i, 652; Revelations of, i, 653; Terrestrial and sidereal substance as shown by, i, 166.

Spectroscopic peculiarities of elements, ii, 664.

Spectrum, Analysis, i, 651; Eye of Shiva, modern, i, 594; Line, of three or four bright, i, 652; Nebula, of, i, 655; Observations, i, 597; Rays of, ii, 672; Reactions, i, 597; Sun, of, i, 167.

Speech, Agglutinative, ii, 209; Ancients on, ii, 113; Animal sounds, arose from, ii, 698; Anugitâ on, i, 121, 122; Apâna and, i, 122; Army of voice and, i, 120; Atlanteans, of most civilized, ii, 209; Brain necessary for, ii, 698; Ether of space, associated with, ii, 113; Existence of ready-made materials of, ii, 699; Fourth race developed, ii, 22, 208; Fourth round, acquired in, i, 211; Idâ personified as goddess of, ii, 156; Inflexional, ii, 210; Kwan-Yin or, i, 161; Logos and, ii, 28, 209; Lords, of men of earth cannot reach, i, 502; Magnetic potency of human, i, 121; Mantrikâshakti, power of, is, i, 312; Mercury and power of, ii, 572; Mind and, i, 121, 122; Monosyllabic, ii, 209; Mystery of sound and, i, 120; Mystic, i, 464; Occult properties of, i, 121; Origin of, i, 121; Power of, i, 464; Prâna and, i, 122; Samâna and, i, 122; Sarasvatî goddess of, i, 122; Seminal principle or creative ii, 572; Third root-race, of, ii, 209; Thought, as expression of, i, 161; Udâna and, i, 122; Unknown darkness, not to be addressed in, i, 458; Upanishads and Purânas, in, ii, 594; Vâch Goddess of, i, 161, 468; Vâch or mystic, i, 464; Vaikharî Vâch is, i, 465; Verbum or creative, ii, 572; Word or, i, 161.

Speechless, Animal first began sexual connection, ii, 273; Apes are, men, ii, 274; First race was, ii, 208; Savage of Hæckel, ii, 715; Spencer, Herbert, quoted, i, 41, 43, 47, 84, 107, 123, 150, 302, 312, 348, 538, 575, 656, 657, 682, 738, ii, 165, 364, 393, 427, 472, 477, 515, 708, 711, 771, 777, 779, 831.

Spenta Ârmaiti, spirit of earth, ii, 402, 645.

Spentas, Amesha, ii, 374, 402, 544, 643.

Sperm or terrestrial seed, i, 304.

Spermatozoön, i, 243.

Speusippus followed Plato, ii, 585.

Sphere, Action, of, ii, 657; Activity, of terrestrial, i, 679; Ain Suph, i, 462; Aquarius in, of Reuben, i, 714; Atom, i, 523; Aura, egg-shaped, of, ii, 124; Being of one step higher than terrestrial, ii, 67; Chinese astronomical, i, 722; Dodecagonal pyramid converted into, ii, 610; Dominion of outermost, ii, 243; Dry land on right end of, ii, 418; Earth or fourth, i, 253, ii, 190; Egg and earth, i, 384; Eighth, i, 180, 186, 248; Eternity and infinity, emblem of, i, 94; Existence, our objective, of, i, 663; Fathers of first race entities from preceding though lower, ii, 121; Fire-mist, i, 639; Fourth, ii, 32; Fourth globe, of final evolutionary adjustments, i, 205; Globe formed into, i, 279; Host, earth, of lower, ii, 440; Laws of unseen worlds no relation to our, i, 663; Manas drawn down into, of material passions, i, 265; Monad, of, i, 691; Moon, ii, 32; Moon-God as eighth, i, 248; Occultist, of, ii, 702; One absolute unity in, of objectivity, ii, 27; Parabrahman greater than greatest, i, 381; Passions and desires, of material, i, 265; Primal causes, of, i, 518; Ruler of, of fate, ii, 601; Seven hosts born within, of operation, ii, 513; Sun glowing, i, 591; Svar-loka upper, i, 398; Vital-force luminous, i, 588.

Spheres, Action of combined forces of evolution and Karma, of, ii, 657; All on earth shadow of something in superior, ii, 280; Angels in, of seven planets, ii, 306; Angels from higher, ii, 246; Angels of, i, 142; Astral rulers of, create monads, i, 631; Auphanim angels of, i, 119, 142; Being, of, ii, 36, 651; Beings from higher, ii, 343; Beings of imperceptible, i, 519; Centres of force meant by, i, 168; Centres of life or, of being, ii, 36; Chain, of, i, 72, 83, 226, ii, 642, 802; Chain of, on three plains beyond earth, ii, 741; Creative angels operating in, of seven planets, ii, 4; Dhyân Chohans men who lived on, in previous Manvantaras, i, 297; Dhyân Chohans of supra-mundane, i, 715; Divine dynasties beings from higher, ii, 343; Dots, cubes finally, i, 124; Earth is septempartite because of seven, of chain, ii, 802; Egg of Brahmâ refers to, of being, ii, 651; Elect of multitudes passing on to other, i, 328; Elements eternally in perfect harmony, of, ii, 78; Expectation, of, ii, 60; First-born first to fall into lower, of materiality, ii, 84; Fruits and grains brought from other, ii, 390; Globe, above our, ii, 745; Gods of will who deserted superior, ii, 60; Gyratory movement of, i, 142; Illusion, of, i, 296; Inner man and rebellious æons of, ii, 639; Intermediate, of monads which have not reached Nirvâna, ii, 60; Invisible, i, 662; Kabalists, of, i, 557; Karshvaras refer to, of planetary chain, ii, 402; Kliphoth contains six other, ii, 117; Light on our plane is darkness in higher, i, 485; Lokas or, ii, 390; Lords of, i, 631; Lower, of materiality, ii, 84; Mineral wave in its progress round, i, 199; Music of, i, 190, 466, ii, 635; Nirmânakâyas sages of, on higher plane, ii, 673; Planetary chain of, i, 137, ii, 402; Planetary, i, 219; Planets of, ii, 306; Planets on our globe, of, ii, 4; Planets or wandering, i, 735; Primordial matter ends by becoming, i, 142; Prototype of every human being in spiritual, i, 256; Râhu placed in stellar, ii, 398; Rebellious æons of, ii, 639; Rebellious angels and lords of, i, 631; Sacred planets, ruled by, ii, 637; Septenary ring of, i, 627; Seven, i, 72, 83, 137; Seven orders of pitris in eternal, ii, 93; Seven rounds of terrestrial chain of, ii, 596; Shekinah or music of, i, 466; Six limbs of Microprosopus or, above our globe, ii, 745; Six not seven, ii, 652; Small wheel is our chain of, i, 226; Sons of wisdom or angels from higher, ii, 246; Soul’s downward progress through, ii, 639; Sparks are called, i, 120; Spiritual, i, 256; Terrestrial chain of, ii, 596; Third race vehicle for denizens of higher, i, 232; Transformations of heavenly, seven fundamental, i, 226; Triangles, cubes, lines and modellers, i, 61, 120; Two letters descend from, of expectation, ii, 60; Vâch or music of, i, 466; Watchers of seven, i, 83; Within, i, 734; World, interpenetrating our, i, 119, 142, 662.

Sphericity of earth, Aristotle and Pliny, taught by, i, 142; Confucius, taught by, i, 476.

Speroid, Atom oblate, i, 523; Centrifugal theory not account for oblate, i, 649; Kosmos can be only represented by, i, 95.

Spheroidal, Nebulæ, bodies formed from, i, 648; Reason why drop of liquid assumes, form, i, 124.

Sphinx, Egyptians, of, ii, 653; Image (man) that offers riddle of birth, i, 265; Narthex has to be wrenched from, ii, 545; Quoted, ii, 670; Riddle of, i, 185, ii, 131, 421, 543, 569; Shakespeare, i, like Æschylus, ii, 437; We accuse great, of devouring us, i, 705.

Sphinxiad, quoted, ii, 347, 373, 426, 455.

S’phor or Sippor, ii, 45.

Spiller, Prof., quoted, i, 535, 553.

Spinal chord and human soul, ii, 711.

Spinoza, quoted, i, 689, 691, ii, 1.

Spiral, Creative force, lines of, ii, 531; Cycles, motion of, ii, 614; Cyclic law, course of, ii, 166; Eternal motion which is, ii, 84; Evolution, lines of, i, 144; Evolution of spirit into matter, i, 601, ii, 774; Fohat, lines of, i, 144; Progress of four kingdoms, i, 201.

Spirit, Absolute, i, 481; Absolute divine, is one with absolute divine substance, i, 360; Absolute Existence, facet of one, i, 347; Absolute, knowledge of, i, 35; Absolute neither matter nor, ii, 633; Absolute only faintly realised by liberated, i, 82; Absolute, symbol of, i, 43; Absolute unity becomes, of universe, ii, 27; Absolute unity worshipped in, ii, 622; Abstraction, unconscious negative, i, 215; Adam Rishoon is lunar, ii, 415; Ahura Mazda addressed as most blissful, ii, 643; Air or, i, 365; Âkâsha, and soul of ether, i, 46; Âkâsha in modern language is, i, 347; All things, which is, i, 400; Allegory and mysticism, of, ii, 602; Alpha and Omega or, and matter, ii, 588; Amenti, one becomes pure, in, i, 737; Ammon or Mon supreme, i, 393; Ancients never dissociated, from matter, i, 620; Anima mundi or, of life, i, 392; Antagonistic principles of, and matter, ii, 65; Aquatic bird moving on waters like, i, 109; Archaic philosophy, of, ii, 470; Ark represents supremacy of, over matter, ii, 483; Ascending arc centripetal for, ii, 273; Ascent into, i, 271, ii, 774; Astral, i, 217; Astral light connecting link between matter and, i, 219; Astral light is, i, 218; Astrology, of astronomy, i, 707; Asura synonym for supreme, ii, 62, 97; Atlantean worshippers of one unseen, of nature, ii, 286; Atlanteans, master principle of, ii, 316; Âtmâ, irradiating, i, 145; Âtmâ or, i, 144, 247, 262, 311, 623, 669, ii, 39, 119, 614, 669; Âtmâ universal, i, 624, ii, 631; Âtmâ-Buddhi or, and soul, i, 236; Âtmâ-Buddhi-Manas or, soul-intelligence, i, 46; Âtman, i, 245, 285; Âtman or Pûrvaja, living, of nature, ii, 114; Atom becomes seven rays on plane of, i, 696; Avalokiteshvara-Kwan-Shi-Yin is omnipresent universal, i, 512; Awakening of, ii, 768; Bacchus post-type of, ii, 480; Baptism of, ii, 598; Basic ideas upon, i, 305; Before its time, never sleeps, i, 401; Bel, of God, i, 381; Bird of immortality or divine, ii, 39; Blending of, and matter, i, 267; Blind without help of matter in material spheres, ii, 130; Body with informing soul and, i, 669; Brahmâ emanates, i, 482; Brahmâ has aspect of, and time, i, 47; Brahmâ is, soul and body at once, i, 73; Brahmâ, leading aspect of, i, 592; Brahman is Prakriti and, i, 453; Brahman or, i, 276; Breath needed, of life, ii, 19, 110; Breath of life, and, i, 246, 247; Buddha, of, i, 134, 512; Buddhi and its informing, i, 620; Buddhi carries Manas to realm of eternal, i, 265; Buddhi material when compared with divine, i, 144; Buddhi not supreme, i, 623; Buddhi vehicle of, i, 285; Celestial beings composed of fiery, of life, i, 237; Central spiritual sun, in manifested universe, ii, 120; Central sun illumines intellectual world of, i, 275; Chaos, and matter in, i, 93; Chaos called, of light, i, 367; Chaos, in, ii, 67; Chaos, in primeval, ii, 89; Chaos, incubated by, i, 352; Chaos, of, ii, 109, 401; Chaos, of God brooding over, i, 103, 499, ii, 694; Chaos, union of, with, i, 99; Chaotic matter requires, to permeate it, ii, 634; Christ, of teaching of, ii, 586; Chu or divine, ii, 670; Church, dogmatic, independent, ii, 395; Circle symbol of, of life and immortality, ii, 582; Circle transformed into, i, 138; Concealed lord one with, i, 83; Conqueror of, ii, 66; Conscious immortal, reflected in mind alone, ii, 103; Consciousness or, i, 43, 44, 349; Consubstantiality of, matter and universe, i, 673; Correlation of, force and matter, i, 364; Cosmic ideation or, i, 44, 347, 362, ii, 27; Cosmic solar body, of, i, 311; Cosmic space, or, i, 645; Cosmic substance and, are one, i, 362; Cosmic terrestrial, ii, 113; Counterfeit of, ii, 639; Creation, mixing with its own principles give use to, i, 487; Creation of light or, i, 485; Creative emanation of, of God, i, 369; Creative fire or heat, of, i, 222; Creative force evolving from, ii, 105; Creative nature, of, ii, 436; Creator or, of earth, ii, 500; Crescent symbol of male aspect of universal, ii, 485; Curse not pronounced by superior, i, 215; Cycle of being, must pass through every, i, 215; Darkness pure, i, 99; Degrees of, ii, 661; Deity, i, 87; Deity or, in chaos, ii, 69; Delphic and Kabalistic commandments, of, i, 697; Demon, or, i, 694; Demon or guardian, ii, 502; Depths, of rayless, i, 237; Descending arc centrifugal for, ii, 273; Descent of, into matter, i, 138, 200, 283, 680; Disembodied or future man, is either, i, 297; Divine, i, 144, 207, 246, 392, ii, 39, 119, 614, 628; Divine and formless world of, i, 221; Divine fiat, collectively of father-mother and son, i, 470; Divine soul and its informing, i, 620; Divine substance emitted from itself manifested, i, 360, 482; Divine wisdom or, ii, 30; Divorce of, from matter, ii, 492; Dogma or evil, distinct from spirit of all good, ii, 508; Double stream of, and matter, ii, 772; Double triangle blending together of, and matter, i, 143; Dragon or, ii, 30, 394; Each power and object of nature has its, ii, 57; Earth, alone is helpless on, i, 267; Earth and man now equilibrized compound of, and matter, ii, 88; Earth, and matter cemented together on, ii, 108; Earth animated by, of life, ii, 616, 617; Earth containing potentially as much, as matter, i, 271; Earth informed by evil, ii, 614; Earth, of, i, 216, 217, 237, 449, 456, 500, ii, 18, 19, 25, 31, 32, 33, 107, 110, 251, 304, 500, 631, 645; Earthquakes, of earth who appeared in, i, 500; Eastern esotericism, of, i, 735; Egg of darkness or, of life, i, 392; Ego compound unit of matter and, ii, 669; Electricity, of, i, 163; Element master principle of Atlanteans, ii, 316; Elements and, i, 568; Elohim, of, i, 401; Embodied, i, 400; Equilibrium of, and matter in man, ii, 190; Esoteric philosophy, of, i, 680, 690; Every differentiated unit one in essence with supreme, ii, 155; Evil, ii, 406, 498, 508, 614; Evil denotes polarity of matter and, i, 448; Evolution from, to matter, i, 601, 683, ii, 285; Evolution of, ii, 691; External history of, i, 83; Fall of, into generation, i, 215; Fall of, into matter, i, 267, ii, 153, 492, 555; Father and mother, and substance, i, 72; Father or, i, 485; Father-mother and son, of, i, 470; Father-mother-son or, soul and body, i, 73; Female and evil power by Nazarenes, regarded as, i, 216; Feminine with Nazarenes and Gnostics, i, 217; Fiery breath in its absolute unity is, beyond manifested nature, ii, 120; Fiery, of life, i, 237; Fifth race, of fourth strong in, i, 245; Fire, and nature, ii, 279; Fire and water products of electrifying, i, 364; Fire corresponding to, i, 236; Fire, of, i, 36, 407, 494, ii, 598; Fire or, i, 406; Fire stands representing, of deity, i, 87; Fires, one of three, ii, 258; First-born near to confines of, ii, 513, 514; First creation that of, of universal soul, i, 486; First ideal world self-impregnated by, of life, ii, 33; Five or, of life, ii, 617; Five symbolizes, of life and love terrestrial, ii, 612; Five symbolizes, of life eternal, ii, 612; Flame that burns in thy lamp, of, i, 59, 106; Flame, which is invisible, i, 686; Flames or fires represent, ii, 67; Flesh conquers, ii, 650; Fohat guiding, of laws and forces, i, 163; Fohat link between, and matter, i, 44; Fohat, of electricity, i, 163; Fohat or, of life-giving, ii, 69; Fohat trying to bring, into union with soul, i, 144; Force, guiding noumenon of, i, 694; Force, or, ii, 626, 772; Fourth race, alone worshipped in early ages of, i, 349; Fourth race, of, i, 245; Fourth round equilibrium between, and matter, i, 214; Full moon symbol of female aspect of universal, ii, 485; Ghost, or, i, 504; Globe gets vital forces from, of sun, ii, 32; Globe propelled by, of earth, ii, 32; Globe ready to be animated by, ii, 614; Globes of planetary chain ascending to, i, 177; God, becomes, i, 132, 218, 266; God corresponds to, in man, i, 679; God, of, i, 103, 119, 359, 369, 381, 391, 499, ii, 136, 154, 608, 625, 694; God of, and fire, ii, 513; God of Moses held to be impure, ii, 407; God or, i, 237; Goddess Moot first product of mixture of, and matter, i, 486; Goeth where it willeth, i, 246; Good and bad magicians sons of, and matter, ii, 286; Grace, or, i, 678; Gravity supposed to be due to a, i, 533; Great mother breath of her first principle is man’s, i, 311; Great soul of world or, of life, i, 392; Group four, of visible sun, ii, 251; Guardian, ii, 35, 502; Guardian, of earth and men, ii, 35; Hæckel and, ii, 706; Harmony in world of, i, 704, 705; Heat, of i, 407; Heat or flame and, i, 36; Heavenly man is unmanifested, of universe, i, 235, 236; Heavenly man or pure, ii, 663; Heavens, of, ii, 500; Hegel and, i, 81, 702; Hidden voice of Mantras, or, i, 369; Hierarchy, conditions on which, can belong to divine, i, 215; History of creation opens with, of God, i, 369; History of Man, quoted, i, 372; Hoa, from, ii, 87; Holy, ii, 436, 485, 583, 654; Holy light, of, ii, 598; Holy, of early Christians, was feminine, i, 678; Holy of holies and infinite, ii, 495; Homer’s allegories, of, ii, 401; Human frame begins with body and ends with, i, 672; Humanity, of, ii, 324, 325, 399; Hydrogen and, ii, 119; Idea of, i, 702; Identity between, and its material double, i, 256; Indiscrete principle or absolute, i, 481; Infinite, ii, 495; Innumerable incarnations of, ii, 244; Inseparable from matter, i, 701, ii, 44; Intelligence, endowed with, i, 297; Intelligences who have reached equilibrium between matter and, i, 32; Intuition, idea of psychic, i, 592; Involution of, into matter, i, 448; IT, and matter is, i, 595; IT causeless cause of, and matter, i, 279; IT is, of fire, i, 36; IT neither, nor matter but both, i, 294; Jehovah, of earth, ii, 631; Kabalistic teaching as to, and matter, i, 216, 254; Knowledge of absolute, i, 35; Kosmos, moving over face of, i, 367; Kosmos, of, i, 190; Kshetrajña or universe of, and matter, ii, 114; Language cannot express what, perceives, ii, 200; Latent in, ii, 45; Lha ancient term for, ii, 25; Lha or, of earth, ii, 25; Life and immortality, of, ii, 582; Life and love terrestrial, of, ii, 612; Life eternal in, ii, 626; Life eternal, of, ii, 612; Life is, i, 304; Life, of, i, 121, 220, 392, 686, ii, 19, 33, 110, 485, 556, 616, 617; Life-giving, of, ii, 18, 69, 90; Light emanates pure ethereal, i, 364, ii, 40; Light, of, i, 361, 367, 522; Light or, i, 485; Line remains triadic, i, 635; Linked with impure demon of matter, ii, 287; Lipika produced by word, voice and, i, 129; Lipika separate world of, from matter, i, 155; Living creature was in wheels, of, ii, 583; Living, is, i, 304; Living, of nature, ii, 114; Living soul, united to, i, 215; Logoi strive to endow man with conscious immortal, ii, 103; Logos and universal, ii, 502; Logos falling as ray into, i, 138; Logos is, ii, 28; Lord of Shukra and, of earth, ii, 33; Lords of wisdom, of, ii, 429; Lunar, ii, 90, 415; Mahâ-Âtmâ, Brahmâ, of life, i, 392; Mahâpurusha or Paramâtman supreme, ii, 114; Mahat or Mahâbuddhi vehicle of, i, 453; Male god or, of life, ii, 485; Male or, i, 487; Male power or, ii, 485; Man becomes, i, 218, 266, ii, 196, 758; Man creature of, and matter, i, 73; Man imprisoned, ii, 675; Man son of unknown deity and planetary, i, 73; Man tabernacle for divine, i, 207; Manas and Kâma Rûpa, of visible sun endows man with, ii, 251; Manas and, of lords of wisdom, ii, 429; Manas connected with, ii, 185; Manas link between, and matter, ii, 103; Mânasic, ii, 296; Manifested nature beyond, ii, 120; Manifested universe, in, ii, 120; Manifesting deity, space, matter and, ii, 647; Mankind, of, ii, 324; Manas, of mankind, ii, 324; Materialism which denies, i, 520; Materiality, plunging into, ii, 92; Matter, and, i, 43, 44, 82, 96, 132, 143, 200, 204, 214, 219, 254, 267, 268, 271, 278, 279, 347, 349, 406, 448, 449, 485, 486, 487, 595, 601, 602, 620, 634, 680, 683, 693, 701, ii, 44, 45, 65, 66, 67, 88, 103, 104, 108, 114, 130, 143, 153, 154, 190, 244, 280, 285, 286, 287, 394, 483, 492, 555, 556, 571, 588, 626, 633, 663, 669, 774; Matter becomes pure, i, 595; Matter first differentiation of, i, 279; Matter is, at lowest point of its cyclic activity, i, 693; Matter, of life ever coalescing with, ii, 556; Matter of sensuous life, transformed into, ii, 29; Matter on seventh plane is, i, 693; Matter shadow of, i, 301; Mâyâ, and matter are, 1, 693; Mediator between men and universal, i, 301; Mercury offspring of, ii, 48; Metaphysical and psychological, with Hindûs and Egyptians, ii, 491; Mind mediator between, and man, i, 263; Mind link between, and matter, i, 204; Mind, of earth never had, ii, 19, 110; Mind, or, i, 482; Molecular aggregation, can only act through some, i, 350; Monad cannot be called, i, 267; Monad indivisible part of, i, 45; Monad of planetary, i, 692; Moses and Jewish tutelary, ii, 570; Most blissful, ii, 643; Mother’s seventh, last emanated, i, 237; Mûlaprakriti soul of one infinite, i, 67; Myriads of existences, is same through, ii, 442; Mysterious nature of, in man, ii, 686; Nârâyana is, i, 109; Nârâyana or, of God, i, 359; Nârâyana self-born, i, 494; Nature, and, i, 400, ii, 40; Nature and, both resolve into supreme spirit, i, 400; Nature in man compound of, and matter, ii, 45; Nature, of, ii, 120, 286; Navis is fructified by, of life, ii, 485; Neshamah or, i, 262, 263, ii, 478; Newton on subtle, i, 533; Nine symbolized earth informed by evil, ii, 614; Nirvânic state of, i, 215; Nitrogen separated alchemically would yield, of life, i, 686; No, nor matter in reality, i, 592; Noah is, falling into matter, ii, 153; Noah or, ii, 154; Non-being lost in absoluteness of, i, 522; Nous or, ii, 143, 393; Number one is born of, i, 117; Obscuration of, ii, 774; Obscuration of, of monad, i, 198; Ocean of light whose one pole is, i, 522; Occult doctrine, of, i, 689; Occult wisdom on earth or, ii, 394; Occultist deals with soul and, of cosmic space, i, 645; Occultists on, ii, 710; One and indiscrete, is, i, 248; One, and matter being, i, 693; One becomes two referred to as, and matter, i, 349; One, from which Monad emanates, i, 45; One infinite, i, 67; One is, of living God, i, 482; One is the, of Elohim of life, i, 154; One neither, nor matter, i, 279; One of living God, i, 119; One or, of life, i, 121; One Prâdhânika Brahmâ, i, 276; One, primeval aspect of, i, 82; One substance, extreme pole of, i, 96; One unity, aspect of, i, 44; One universal, i, 285; Only witness, is, i, 623; Ophiomorphos rebellious, i, 496; Organic form, endeavoured to manifest in, ii, 689; Origin of all things in, ii, 180, 200; Origin of, same as that of matter, i, 267; Parabrahman, and soul of nature, i, 36; Parabrahman, of earth not confused with, i, 456; Parabrahman or, i, 81; Physical body, of earth builds, ii, 251; Planetary, i, 73, 630, 692, ii, 32, 601; Pneuma or, i, 365; Polarity of matter and, i, 448; Prâdhânika Brahmâ, i, 276, 480; Prakriti mounts on shoulders of, i, 267; Prakriti not, i, 276; Prakriti, of, i, 487; Primary or Planetary, ii, 32; Primeval waters, that broods over, i, 361; Primordial matter with latent, i, 93; Primordial ocean of space on which self-born, moves, i, 494; Primordial substance impregnated by, i, 361; Primordial substance of soul and, of manifested kosmos, i, 650; Primordial substance or of light, i, 361; Principle fructifies nature, i, 34; Principle of man gets specific quality from planetary, each, ii, 32; Progress of mental unfolding differentiated from, ii, 515; Protogonos from union of, and Chaos, i, 99; Pums or, i, 400, 480; Pure force all in dominion of, i, 556; Purity of, i, 215; Purusha or, i, 82, 109, 267, 392, 400, 487, 602, ii, 130, 633; Purushottama or infinite, ii, 602; Queen of logos fabricating, of universe, ii, 40; Ray inseparable from one absolute, or, i, 144; Ray of, of nature within man, ii, 286; Realistic and physiological with Hebrews, ii, 491, 492; Rebellion of, against matter, ii, 65; Rebellion of intellectual life against inactivity of, ii, 108; Ruach or, i, 215, 246, 263, ii, 87, 395, 670; Sage identified with supreme, ii, 603; Sands, of, i, 237; Sarvesha, or, i, 400; Satan adversary because matter opposeth, ii, 244; Satan and Samael evil, ii, 406; Satan gives man law of, of life, i, 220; Satan highest divine, ii, 394; Schemal and Samael are, of earth, i, 449; Second Logos or, of universe, i, 44; Second order of celestial beings corresponding to, and soul, i, 236; Seed of Shiva or holy, ii, 654; Self separates itself no longer from universal, ii, 675; Self-born, i, 494; Self-conscious, to become, i, 215; Septenary man, is resolved into, ii, 663; Serpent of eternity and all knowledge that Mânasic, ii, 296; Serpent or, ii, 394; Seven creations preceded by absolute, i, 481; Seven hosts propelled by, of life-giving, ii, 18, 90; Seven planetary genii, of, ii, 25; Seven principles of Kosmos, permeated, i, 484; Seven was, of everything, ii, 615; Seventh, i, 237; Seventh or central informing force, of life, ii, 616; Shadow not cast by good holy, ii, 118; Shadow of deity permeated egg with vivifying, i, 393; Sheaths, remains after subtraction of, i, 623; Shekinah or synthesizing, i, 678; Six symbols of globe ready to be animated by divine, ii, 614; Solar fire, of earth called to his help, ii, 18, 107; Solar Lhas breathed, of life into its form, ii, 19, 110; Solidarity, of i, 297; Solidification of, which will produce earth, i, 379; Son, fecundates germ of, ii, 89; Sons of, and matter, ii, 286; Soul, and, ii, 393; Soul and body, i, 138, 147, 246, ii, 637; Soul and intellect, i, 238; Soul and matter, i, 80; Soul and mind, ii, 119; Soul and, not abstractions to us, i, 251; Soul as distinct from, i, 621; Soul is vehicle for manifestation of, i, 80; Soul Upâdhi of, i, 177; Space, first differentiation of, i, 279; Space, matter and, ii, 647; Space or, i, 367; Space ultimate substratum of, i, 635; Spenta Ârmaita or, of earth, ii, 645; Spiritualist, of, i, 564; Steps symbols of, soul and body, i, 138; Stooping man with Âryans meant divorce of, from matter, ii, 492; Stooping man with Semite meant fall of, into matter, ii, 492; Strangled in coils of matter, ii, 394; Struggle between, and matter, ii, 67; Struggle between, and soul, ii, 393; Sun and earth, ii, 31; Sun, in our system, ii, 120; Sun is, i, 520; Sun, of, ii, 32; Sun, of nature, ii, 120; Sun or fire symbol of divine, ii, 119; Sun, under, ii, 583; Supremacy of, over matter, ii, 483; Supreme, i, 46, 81, 393, 400, 487, 623, ii, 62, 97, 114, 155, 603; Supreme Brahma, is leading aspect of, i, 47; Supreme soul drawn into matter and, i, 487; Supreme spirit, of, i, 46; Sûtrâtmâ or, i, 669; Svastika meaning, and matter, ii, 104; Svayambhû or universal, i, 83; System, in our, ii, 120; Terrestrial, ii, 25; Terrestrial God or, of nature, ii, 120; That, first differentiation from, i, 67; Third order of celestial beings correspond to, soul and intellect, i, 238; Third race child of pure, i, 232; Three is, ii, 626; Three strides relate to descent of, into matter, i, 138; Three, water out of, i, 119; Tiamat, of chaos, ii, 109, 401; Toom is north wind and, of west, i, 737; Truths of, ii, 394; Twelve great transformations of, into matter, i, 485; Two, air out of, i, 119; Unconscious, designated by European Pantheists as, i, 81; Union of, and matter, ii, 555, 571; Union with great, of universe, ii, 648; Unknowable deity, aspect of, i, 602; Unknown darkness, of, i, 391; Universal, i, 45, 83, 301, 399, 512, 624, ii, 485, 502, 631, 675; Universal soul, aspect of, i, 453; Universal soul, of, i, 486; Universal soul or, of life, i, 392; Universal, Svayambhû, i, 83; Universe, enveloping, i, 306; Universe, of, i, 44, 236, ii, 27, 40, 648; Universe of, and matter, ii, 114; Universe, of father, mother and son shapes, i, 470; Universe resultant of, and substance, i, 72; Upanishads on, i, 291; Vaishvânara, of humanity, ii, 324, 325, 399; Vegetable kingdom, of, i, 237; Vehicle of, i, 453, ii, 614; Virâj, of humanity, ii, 324, 325; Virgil on, ii, 628; Vishnu, aspect of, i, 595; Vishnu or, of God, i, 359; Voice and, i, 125; Voice, and word, i, 119, 360, 482; Volition, ii, 252; Wakes, when universal, i, 399; War between, and matter, ii, 280; Water and blood, and, i, 623; Waters, of God moved on face of, i, 359, 381, ii, 136, 154; Waters of life, latent in, i, 93; Waters of Space, of God moves on dark, ii, 625; Web whose upper end is fastened to, i, 59, 111; West, of, i, 737; Western Kabalists called Ruach, ii, 670; Whirleth about continually, ii, 583; Wind being, of God, i, 391, 499; Wind or, i, 365; Wisdom, love and truth, of, ii, 569; Word or Logos in union with voice and, i, 125; Word, voice and, i, 129; Y. H. V. H., synthesizing, of, i, 678; Yima and, of earth, ii, 304, 645; Zi or, ii, 57.

Spirit-Fire, ii, 68.

Spirit-Guardian of our globe, ii, 25.

Spirit-Hyle or father-mother, i, 116.

Spiritistic revelations, so-called, ii, 740.

Spirit-Kings, Dynasty of, ii, 232.

Spirit-Knowledge, Âtma-Vidyâ or, i, 221.

Spirit-Life, invisible subjective, ii, 363.

Spirit-Matter, boundless darkness symbolising coeval and coeternal, i, 349; Matter-Spirit, and, i, 689; Phenomenal world, and, i, 349; Primeval evolution of, i, 297; Second Logos, i, 44; Spirito-psycho-physical spheres of chain, i, 401.

Spirit-Ray, self-existent appeared in, ii, 252.

Spirit-Rays on flood of waters, ii, 153.

Spirits, Agriculture of Nabatheans on powers of, ii, 476; Ancestors of man’s forms or lunar, ii, 107; Ancestors or, of earth, i, 245; Ancestral, ii, 3; Androgynous, who were, i, 237; Angels or, ii, 91; Ascend and descend, of those who, i, 159; Ases of Scandinavia identical with planetary, of Christians, ii, 102; Astral, superhuman, i, 314; Astral light body of, i, 279, 280; Asuras fallen into, of earth, ii, 258; Asuras, of evil, ii, 171; Atoms, of, i, 241; Barhishad or lunar, ii, 81; Beings who refuse to create denounced as, of darkness, ii, 97; Belief in, i, 731; Believers in, i, 670; Brahmâ, embodied, produced from limbs of, ii, 82; Briatic world called throne abode of pure, ii, 117; Builders representatives of seven, of face, i, 152; Celestial, i, 398, ii, 386; Chaldæan, seven, ii, 638; Christians, of, i, 148; Circles, planetary, represented in form of, ii, 582; Conscious, ii, 176; Cosmic, i, 690, 692; Cosmic Gods or, of earth, i, 501; Cosmic Gods or, of elements, i, 498; Creative, ii, 2; Daimones are guardian, i, 308; Darkness, of, ii, 66, 77, 171, 242; Dead, of, i, 297, 307, 314; Demons more material, ii, 61; Departed, of, i, 297; Destinies of men, planetary, rule, i, 153; Dhyân Chohans are not pure, i, 295; Dhyân Chohans or creative, i, 73; Dhyân Chohans or planetary, i, 298, 511, 696; Dhyânî or planetary, ii, 58; Dhyânîs who were material, ii, 232; Disobedient, ii, 541; Divinations and, of elements, i, 424; Dynasties of lower, ii, 366; Earth created by terrestrial, ii, 26; Earth, of, i, 244, 245, 366, 501, ii, 26, 115, 116, 258; Egregores, of energy and action, i, 279; Elemental, i, 255, ii, 589; Elementals issued from cosmic, i, 692; Elementals or, of atoms, i, 241; Elementals or terrestrial, i, 254; Elementary, i, 691, ii, 669; Elements of, i, 239, 424, ii, 372; Elements, or, ii, 608; Elements symbols of informing, i, 498; Elohim, lunar, became creative, ii, 81; Elohim or seven creative, i, 219; Evil, i, 433, ii, 171, 173, 182, 183; Exile of seven choirs of celestial, upon earth, ii, 510; Existence of, i, 707, ii, 91; Face, seven of, i, 219, 152, ii, 121; Flames are hierarchy of, ii, 66; Fountain, ii, 667, 671, 677; Four Mahârâjahs called, by Christians, i, 148; Gods for men, planetary, who have become, i, 39; Guardian, i, 308; Heaven, of, ii, 258; Hosts of Celestial beings, or, i, 157; Human astral selves or, of earth, ii, 116; Human converse with, of elements, ii, 372; Ilda-Baoth produces from himself seven stellar, i, 219; Incorporeal intelligences or planetary, ii, 582; Ischins or, ii, 393; Islands of good, ii, 388; Jehovah one of creative, i, 219; Jehovah personating, ii, 536; Jewish Kabalists busied themselves with, of planets, i, 255; Kabalistic teaching as to, i, 255; Kabiri as planetary, i, 703; Kimpurushas or celestial, ii, 386; Kwan-Shi-Yin synthetic aggregation of all planetary, i, 511; Lha of moon or lunar, ii, 107; Lha or, ii, 60; Lhamayin or, ii, 66; Lhas are, of highest spheres, ii, 67; Lhas or, ii, 66, 201; Light of, ii, 171; Lipika and seven planetary, i, 130; Lipika are, of universe, i, 153; Logos compound unity of living, i, 626; Lords of wisdom degraded to evil, ii, 182; Lunar, i, 203, 219, ii, 81, 107; Lunar ancestors or stellar, i, 219; Lunar Gods or, i, 197; Mahar-loka, in, i, 398; Mahat, of, ii, 240; Mankind in physical aspect progeny of, of earth, i, 245; Mankind partly ruled by, of earth, ii, 366; Material worlds fashioned by inferior, ii, 60; Men are handiwork of hosts of various, i, 245; Men become, then Gods, ii, 146; Men, lunar, have to become, i, 203; Monads and cosmic, i, 690; Moon, evil, war against, i, 433; Mount Hermon, chained on, ii, 427; Nature, i, 246, 498; Nature guided by high planetary, i, 298, 521; Nature, terrestrial, of, ii, 774; Nirvânîs, of men becoming, i, 260; Occultists know themselves surrounded by, ii, 387; Ophite, i, 152; Pitris or lunar, i, 197; Planet, from another, ii, 646; Planet, of this, ii, 6; Planetary, i, 39, 130, 133, 152, 153, 298, 511, 659, 680, 696, 703, ii, 58, 102, 332, 582; Planetary angels, connected with, i, 219; Planets, of, i, 255, 472; Presence, of, i, 472; Progenitors are advanced, from another planet, ii, 646; Pyramid symbol of hierarchy of, ii, 384; Râkshasas or evil, ii, 173; Ring, no, save Recorders have passed, i, 157; Rishis or seven great planetary, ii, 332; Ritual for, of stars, i, 148; Sacrifice of bright, ii, 285; Salts of nature, of, ii, 121; Saturn placed, to rule over men, ii, 389; Science objects to, i, 670, ii, 58; Séance room, of, i, 254, ii, 778; Seven builders, which guide operations of nature, i, 521; Seven circles or seven invisible, in angelic spheres, ii, 513; Seven creative, i, 73, 219; Seven divine, i, 237; Seven evil, ii, 102; Seven orders of purely divine, i, 158; Seven primeval men evolving from creative, ii, 2; Seven sublime lords are seven creative, i, 73; Seven wicked, ii, 64; Shadows clothed by, of earth, ii, 115, 116; Shadows warned by solar, ii, 116; Signs of zodiac prior to, of earth, ii, 26; Sixfold Dhyânîs or, of earth, i, 244; Solar Lhas or, ii, 116; Sons of will and Yoga now regarded as evil, ii, 183; Soul of earth emanation of planetary, i, 659; Spheres of, i, 626; Spiritualism, of, i, 254; Spiritualists believe in, i, 307, 732; Sravah or, of manifested powers, ii, 402; Stars of, i, 130, 148, 480; Stellar, i, 219; Subdivisions of noumenal elements informed by nature, i, 498; Sun, of, ii, 386; Supernatural beings, regarded as, i, 739; Sûtrâtmâ thread on which all, of man are strung, i, 257; Tablet with story of seven wicked, ii, 64; Ternary or three, of number five, ii, 608; Terrestrial, i, 254, ii, 26; Three chief groups of planetary, i, 152; Third race animated by, of Mahat, ii, 240; Toom creates, i, 736; Unclean, ii, 427; Universe, of, i, 153; Yama, Pluto, Osiris, of earth, i, 501; Yazatas, or celestial, of elements, ii, 372; War on Gods, credited with making, ii, 541; Wisdom in shape of incarnating, of Mahat, ii, 240.

Spirit-Soul, Aspirations of, lie buried, i, 6; Âtmâ-Buddhi or, i, 233; Evolution of, i, 482; Nature, pervading, i, 82; Universal, i, 83.

Spirit-Substance, Kosmic polarity of, ii, 555.

Spirit-Sun, Hierophants address, ii, 389.

Spiritualism, i, 254, 255, 308.

Spiritualistic, Facts, ii, 91; Materializations, ii, 778; Phenomena, ii, 165.

Spiritualists, Angels, as believers in, i, 670; Armies, in European, i, 615; Astral body and, ii, 158; Dimensions of space as viewed by, i, 271; Dogma, deny, i, 732; Empirics, are, ii, 702; Materializations of, i, 566; Phenomena of, i, 317, ii, 689; Projection of ethereal body familiar to, ii, 91; Scientists and phenomena of, i, 317; Spirits of dead, believe in, i, 297, 307.

Spirituality, Angel-man, primordial, of, i, 212; Character, of most refined, i, 286; Cross after loss of, ii, 593; Cycles of, ii, 465; Degrees of, ii, 92; Different meanings of term, i, 212; Generating power, of ultimate, i, 504; Hindûs and Jews, of, ii, 47, 48; Jewish Symbols, of, ii, 481; Law of re-ascent into, i, 449; Lunar Pitris, of, i, 197; Meru region of, ii, 421; Monad descends into realms of mental, i, 198; Perfection of physical form with loss of, ii, 116; Quiescence natural state of, ii, 515; Semites degenerate in, ii, 210; Sixth Hierarchy on downward scale of, i, 254; Sons of light, of, ii, 513; Spirits of darkness fought for, on earth, ii, 66; Third eye and gradual disappearance of, ii, 309; Third root race, of, i, 245.

Spiritus, Alchemy, in, ii, 120; Greek signs, of, ii, 613; Mother, i, 217; Mother of matter, i, 268; Mundi, i, 581; Nazarenes female portion of astral light, i, 218; Secondary spirit, representing, ii, 608; Ventus and, i, 366; Vitæ, i, 581; Wind or, i, 247.

Spirit-Volition, i, 216.

Spirit-World, Kant and, i, 158; Matter, and world of, i, 255.

Spittle, Serpent of evil born from, of Suoyatar, ii, 29.

Spitzbergen, Climate of, ii, 10, 715; Continent line from, to Straits of Dover, ii, 338, 340; Fossil remains of forests of, ii, 834; Hyperborean continent and, ii, 819; Nova Zembla and, ii, 417; Second continent and, ii, 419.

Spleen, ii, 309.

Spontaneous, generation, ii, 123, 159, 160, 167, 299, 758, 759; Variations of materialists, ii, 685.

Spooks, Elementary, i, 680.

Spore, ii, 697.

Spores, Germ-buds reduced to, ii, 696; Increase by, ii, 176; Science, of, ii, 180.

Sport of creative God, Creation, ii, 56.

Spots, Moon, in, ii, 490; Solar, i, 591.

Spouse of Son, Christian Magna Mater, i, 422.

Spouse of Zeus, ii, 432.

Sprenger, quoted, i, 508.

Spring, Equinox, origin of, ii, 454; Eternal, ii, 144, 211, 372, 418, 780; Seven symbols of earth in, ii, 616.

Square, Chakra, inscribed in, i, 139; Circle, and, i, 126, 672, ii, 574, 629; Eastern Esotericism and, i, 341; Forces and, four sacred, i, 159; Formless, i, 61; Gnosis, of, ii, 605; Head-dress of Hierophants, ii, 588; Hindûs could, circle, ii, 574; Mathematical Science, of, i, 335; Nature, in, ii, 629; Perfect, i, 90, 116, 677, ii, 587, 662; Quaternary or, i, 375; Triangle and, i, 672, ii, 27, 39, 117, 662.

Squares, Cross composed of seven, ii, 592; Distances, of, i, 532.

Sravah, the seven bright, ii, 402, 543.

Sri, wife of the moon, ii, 80.

Srip to creep root of Sarpa, serpent, ii, 192.

Srotâpanna one of four paths to Nirvâna, i, 227.

Stability, Eternal, of law of nature, i, 735; Tat emblem of, ii, 588; Tau emblem of, ii, 621.

Stag, four-horned, ii, 229.

Stairway in city of the eight, i, 331.

Stallo, quoted, i, 523, 524, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 553, 556, 557, 594, 607.

Standpoint, Globes from metaphysical, birth of, i, 192; Science, of, ii, 59.

Stanley referred to, ii, 635.

Stanley Jevons, quoted, i, 464.

Stanzas, Abstract formulæ in, i, 48; Allegorical, ii, 351; Archaic, i, 518, ii, 1, 671; Builders of, i, 401; Commentaries on, i, 67 to 289, ii, 25 to 455; Cosmogony of our planetary system, treat only of, i, 41; Cross in, i, 342; Defence of, i, 518; Dzyan, of, i, 55 to 66, ii, 15 to 24; Eleven, omitted, i, 176; Esoteric doctrine based upon, i, 21; European library contains source of, no, i, 6; European museums, in, ii, 87; Evolution and, i, 48, 208; Exoteric religions, and, ii, 529; Explanations in, ii, 58; Exposition, are skeleton of, ii, 11; Faculties, appeal to inner, i, 49; Flames of, ii, 543; Fohat, on, i, 605; Forbidden passages of, i, 50; Idea of, i, 475; Intermediate race, on, ii, 288; Kwan-Shi-Yin, in, i, 511; Language of, unknown to philology, i, 21; Lipika, on, i, 313; Mahârâjahs of, i, 313, 407, 439; Mindless, on sin of, ii, 721; Minerals, on, ii, 628; Pesh-Hun in, ii, 53; Pitris in, ii, 37; Portions only of seven, given, i, 50; Post-Mahâbhâratan period and, i, 51; Preliminary, i, 6; Racial divisions, on, ii, 259; Records of a people unknown to ethnology in, i, 21; Relation of moon to earth as shewn in, i, 323; Science, vindicated by a man of, ii, 301; Solar system and, i, 175; Sons of dark wisdom, on, ii, 259; Subject matter of, i, 48; Summary of, ii, 27; Symbolism of, i, 496; Synonyms in original, i, 50; Terms of, ii, 25; Third eye of, ii, 297; Version of, modern, i, 50.

Star, Asteria, the golden island, ii, 400; Atom to, i, 145; Born, under which an entity is, i, 626; Bright and morning, ii, 569; Cassiopeia, in, i, 645; Centre of energy, as, i, 639; Dragon’s head, called, ii, 531; Five-pointed, i, 35, 239, 240, 313, ii, 609; Genii and, i, 313; Groups belonging to same, i, 628; Hexagon, i, 244; Longitude of a, i, 722; Magi, of, i, 717; Monad like an indestructible, i, 198; Morning, ii, 248, 555, 803; Planet or, ii, 48; Pyramids consecrated to a, ii, 378; Rush-light linked to, i, 662; Salvation, of, i, 511, ii, 555; Seven, of, i, 439; Six-pointed, i, 235, 236, ii, 561, 629; Six-rayed, ii, 655; Snow-crystal or six-pointed, ii, 629; Son of morning, and, ii, 64; Sun central, i, 483, 628, 653; Venus, of sea, i, 421; Virgin addressed as morning, ii, 555; World has its parent, ii, 36.

Star, Ely a French astrologer, quoted, i, 107.

Star-Angels, i, 627, 629.

Starchaterus or Starkad the giant, ii, 361.

Star-God, Lucifer the, ii, 249.

Stars, Actions of, i, 581; Allegories about, ii, 619; Ancient’s views of, ii, 386; Angels of, i, 142, ii, 374; Apparition of certain, i, 708; Archangels and, ii, 476; Atmosphere of, i, 652; Bear, of Great, i, 488; Black faces, on lands of, ii, 446; Centres of vortices, become, i, 227; Christ, in hand of, ii, 669; Comets, become first, i, 224; Constellation of dragon, in, ii, 371; Constellations, and, i, 223; Constitution of, i, 638; Course of, ii, 647; Courses, in their, i, 353; Destiny is written in, i, 700; Disappeared, that have, ii, 510; Division of, ii, 579; Earth, or Monads falling upon, ii, 511; Eye of Taurus, called, i, 726; Fallen cherub from, ii, 527; Filiation of, i, 652; Firmament, of, i, 718; Flocks of, ii, 402; Futurity read in, ii, 298; Genesis of, i, 480; Genius Loci of, i, 500; Goddess of, ii, 577; Gods of light, wherein dwell the, ii, 384; God’s powers, are, ii, 671; Golden flock of, ii, 32; Great Bear, i, 248, 488, ii, 332, 581, 688; Habitability of distant, i, 665; Harmony of, i, 659; Heaven, of, i, 667; Heaven emptied of one-third of its, ii, 247; Hindûs, observed by, i, 727; History written in, ii, 457; Humanity bound together with, ii, 368; Hydrogen of fixed, i, 166; Inhabited, ii, 741, 743; Intelligences that rule, ii, 368; Joseph’s dream of, i, 712; Kepler and Tycho Brahé, of, ii, 510; Keys, represent, ii, 670; King of, ii, 503; Lucifer, of, i, 470; Manifesting, i, 44; Masses not inanimate, i, 535; Materials differ in constituent, i, 644; Matter of, i, 655; Mind and soul of, i, 660; Monads, or, ii, 511; Motion, in, i, 545; Movements and position of, ii, 79; Nebulæ to, bond uniting, i, 654; Nebulous, ii, 264; Occult influence on individuals, have, i, 709; Planets, and, ii, 87; Physical constitution of, i, 649; Principle of, animating, i, 142; Religious house, a, i, 632; Renovations of earth, connected with, ii, 829; Revelation, in, ii, 371; Rishis of, i, 219; Ritual for spirits of, i, 148; Rulers of, i, 442; Self-moving, i, 733; Seven sons of light are called, i, 625; Shadows, enshrined in, ii, 511; Shoo, fly from God, i, 386; Spirits of, i, 130, 153; Sun and, i, 655; Sun-God and knowledge of, ii, 53; Telescopes, within range of, ii, 748; Third part of, ii, 509; Universe, of, i, 309; Universe of, ii, 582; Variable, ii, 510; Walking and numberless, i, 469; Wisdom descends from, ii, 384; Worlds, not known as, ii, 744.

Stars of Heaven, Book of Enoch, alluded to in, ii, 562; Dragon and, ii, 98.

Star-stone, the, ii, 357.

Star-stuff, seen from the earth, i, 98.

Star-transformation, i, 653.

Star-worshippers, Chaldæan, ii, 474; Sabæans, ii, 476.

Star-Yazatas of Zoroastrians, ii, 374.

Statue, gilding of colossal, ii, 354; Hygieia, of, ii, 140; Liberty, of, ii, 352; Shiva, of, ii, 626.

Statues, Archaic, ii, 308, 732; Astral, ii, 99; Bamian, ii, 235, 352, 353; Easter island, ii, 234, 330, 342, 351, 588; Egyptian kings, of, ii, 385; Esoteric teaching, an imperishable record of, ii, 355; Gigantic, ii, 346; Gods, to, ii, 408; Herodotus, still existing at time of, ii, 792; Initiates, work of, ii, 355; Lemuro-Atlanteans, of the, ii, 330; Lord Tathâgata, made to represent, ii, 355; Mountains of Kaf, in, ii, 414; Svastika on, of Buddha, ii, 619; Tel-loh, at, ii, 236, 732.

Stauridium, Medusa and, ii, 187.

Stauros or cross as a type, ii, 620.

Stellar, Firmament, phenomena in, i, 656; Heptanomis, i, 439; Spheres, ii, 398; Spirits, i, 219; Systems, phalanx of active, i, 172; Temples, ii, 368.

Stellars or planets, seven, i, 217.

Stellate crystals of snow, ii, 629.

Stem, root race or, ii, 453.

Stenops, Loris or, ii, 705.

Sterility, Bestiality, only present result of, ii, 205; Hybrids, of, ii, 300; Karmic, ii, 824; Races, of worn-out, ii, 824; Sinful intercourse, resulted from, ii, 202; Species, in wild, ii, 683; Tasmanian tribe, of a, ii, 206.

Sterling, J. H., referred to, i, 698.

Sterling, quoted, i, 82.

Stewart Dugald, Max Müller and Co., on, ii, 461.

Stewart, Prof. Balfour, quoted, i, 526, ii, 688.

Sthâvara and Jangama, i, 490.

Sthûla Sharîra, ii, 631; Âkâsha’s, ii, 650; Annamayakosha, or, i, 181; Differentiated, or, i, 568; Physical body, or, i, 177, 242, 262, 281, 679; Universe, of seven-fold Kosmos, i, 654.

Sthûla Upâdhi, or basis of the principle, i, 181.

Stigmata, wounds or, ii, 592.

Stirling, Dr. J. H., referred to, i, 695.

Stobæus, quoted, i, 306, ii, 146, 585.

Stockwell, quoted, ii, 149, 153.

Stoics, Catastrophes, belief of, in, ii, 829; Interpretation of, i, 425; Zeno, founder of, i, 105.

Stone-age, Engravings of, the, ii, 756, 760; Men in, ii, 719; Writing in, ii, 461.

Stone-atom, Human Monad in the, ii, 196.

Stone-field Slates, the Oxfordshire, ii, 206.

Stonehenge, ii, 74, 357, 358, 359, 360, 396, 795, 796.

Stones, Animated, ii, 357, 358; Oracular, ii, 357; Poem on, attributed to Orpheus, ii, 357; Precious and other, hidden virtues of, ii, 445; Rocking, ii, 359, 361, 362, 363; Walking and talking, ii, 356.

Storm, lords of the, ii, 445.

Storm-dragons, black, ii, 443.

Storm-gods, Indra deserted by, ii, 523; Maruts or, ii, 410, 648.

Storm-hammer, Svastika is Miölnir or, ii, 104.

Storms, the God of, ii, 368.

Stotra, prayers or, i, 454.

Strabo, quoted, ii, 4, 385, 408, 691, 803, 826.

Strachof, N. N., quoted, ii, 691.

Straight-eye, Men of the, ii, 446.

Strait-gate, Jesus, alluded to by, i, 338; Kingdom of Heaven, of, ii, 579; King’s chamber, to, i, 337.

Straight-haired, races, ii, 342.

Strangulation, urea increased in blood during, i, 270.

Stratton, Dr., quoted, ii, 659.

Straws, the divining, i, 475.

Streamers, Northern, the, i, 681.

Strides, Fohat, of, i, 62, 147; Three and seven, i, 137; Vishnu, of, ii, 658.

Strife-maker, Nârada surnamed, i, 444; Kali-kâraka or, ii, 52.

String, terrestrial chain or, i, 187.

Strings, globes, of, i, 190; Heptachord of the, i, 190.

Strobic circles, ii, 623.

Stromata, quoted, i, 150, 500, ii, 547.

Stromateis, quoted, ii, 468.

Strongest, survival of the, ii, 498.

Strontium, i, 603.

Struggle, Existence, for, ii, 313, 684, 699; Life, for, i, 178, 224, 448, ii, 265, 696.

Stuff, Force or incorporeal, i, 553; Protyle not primary, i, 654.

Sub-astral, Miniature of itself, ii, 124; Sphere of action, ii, 657.

Sub-atoms, particles or, i, 565.

Subba Row, quoted, i, 155, 161, 181, 311, 373, ii, 332, 608.

Sub-conscious intelligence pervading matter, ii, 685.

Sub-cosmic mysteries, i, 190.

Sub-elements, Chemistry, of, i, 498; Divine essences, from, i, 685; Earth, unknown to our, i, 736; Materialism, of, i, 681.

Subhâva from which is Svabhâvat, i, 90, 91.

Sub-human Entities, ii, 302.

Submersion, Atlantis, of, ii, 131, 148, 149, 278, 320, 328, 367, 673, 806; Continents, of, ii, 260, 442; Plato’s Atlantic island, of, ii, 8; Polar lands, of, ii, 376.

Submersions, Destructions, and, ii, 465; Foretelling, i, 714; North Polar, ii, 342.

Submerged continents, i, 342, ii, 320, 330, 347, 351, 411, 641, 766, 822.

Sub-molecules, i, 684.

Submundane Gods, the, i, 470.

Subnatural evolution, the, i, 199.

Subnuclei, two, ii, 175.

Sub-physical, Kingdoms, elemental, ii, 778; Stages, i, 199.

Sub-planetary Monads, i, 679.

Sub races, Atlanteans, of, ii, 155, 786; Australians low, of Lemurians, ii, 207; Branches, and, ii, 208; Cleansing process for all, ii, 344; Continent, which perished with the Lemurian, ii, 288; Cycles of every, ii, 314; Descending arc, still on the, ii, 315; Fifth, our race has reached, ii, 493; Fifth root race, of, i, 500, 668, ii, 452, 454; Fourth Humanity, of the, ii, 188, 237, 632; Germs of sixth, ii, 464; Hebrew Semite, a small, ii, 493; History of, preserved, ii, 441; Intermediate race, evolved an, ii, 288; Kings of, Atlanto-Âryan, ii, 793; Lemurians, of, ii, 331; Lemurians, the one-eyed giants were the last, of the, ii, 813; Mother-races, and, ii, 812; Nascent simplicity of, ii, 829; Nations, and, ii, 463; Preceding, of our race, ii, 453; Race, of present, ii, 654; Races, and, overlap, ii, 453; Remnants of, ii, 343; Root-race and, ii, 346, 415, 452, 462, 650; Second race, of, ii, 124; Seventh, ii, 462; Sixth, ii, 155, 465; Special, our own, i, 449; Third humanity, of, ii, 140; Third race, of, ii, 181, 208; Tropical year, for each, ii, 466; Yuga may mean, ii, 156.

Sub-Root, Âkâsha called the, i, 41.

Substantialists, American, i, 170, 617.

Subterranean, Cave of initiation, ii, 589; Convulsions, ii, 328; Crypts, ii, 396; Fires, ii, 278, 330; India, cities in, ii, 231; Passages, ii, 447; Stores hidden under sandy wastes of Tibet, i, 16; World, king of, i, 501.

Subtile, Vâsudeva corporeal and, i, 306.

Subtle bodies, Five, i, 669; Progenitors, projected by, ii, 96; Kalpa, at beginning of, i, 398.

Suddasattva, Matter, substance different from, i, 569; Essence, or, i, 156.

Sudyumna, Idâ or Ilâ becomes, ii, 143, 151, 156.

Sufi, Arabic work, ii, 449; Âtma-Vidyâ called by, Rohanee, i, 221; Initiates, i, 308.

Suhhab, the God, ii, 5-.

Suidas, quoted, i, 306, 719, ii, 358, 655.

Sûkshma, Latent or undifferentiated, i, 568; Sharîra, i, 157; Solar system, form of, i, 162.

Sûkshmopâdhi, Manas and Kâma Rûpa, i, 181.

Sushumnâ, Nerve from the heart, i, 157.

Sulimans or Solomons, ii, 414.

Sulphur, i, 601, 602, ii, 120, 325.

Sumati, son of Bharata, ii, 335.

Sumatra, ii, 7, 233.

Sum total, Aum called, i, 172; Bhuddis, the, i, 145; Energies, of, i, 116; Eternity, that exist from, i, 69; Stanza on, i, 145; Tetragrammaton sidereal, i, 473; Twice seven, the, i, 60, 116.

Sun, Abraxas, ii, 497; Adonaï, genius of, i, 631, ii, 567; Adoration of, i, 712; Age of, ii, 9; Agni, son of, ii, 600; Affrighted, ii, 800; Age of, i, 545, ii, 69, 158; Aldebaran in conjunction with, ii, 829; Angel of, ii, 400; Apollo is, ii, 6, 129, 187; Atoms become, i, 129; Atmosphere of, i, 652; Axis of, movement of, i, 545; Bel, or, ii, 65; Birthplace of, ii, 577; Birth of new, i, 441; Book of Enoch, the, referred to in the, ii, 562; Born daily, ii, 72; Breath of, i, 226; Brothers of, i, 292; Caloric flowing from, i, 571; Caloric energy of, i, 563; Candidate awakened by, ii, 589; Capricornus, enters, ii, 607; Castor and Pollux nothing but, and moon, ii, 131; Central, i, 41, 115, 127, 222, 252, 275, 296, 574, 628, 700, 736, ii, 120, 224, 249, 251; Changes in course of, ii, 389; Chemical composition of, i, 575; Children of, ii, 532; Chromosphere of, i, 638; Conjunction of, and moon, ii, 454; Conjunction of moon, earth and, ii, 79; Constitution of, i, 638; Colour of plants and, i, 634; Cosmic space, evolved from, i, 128; Course of, calculated, ii, 385; Creation of, ii, 154; Creation of life by, i, 313; Cross, and, ii, 589; Crucifixation before, ii, 592; Cruciform lathe, crucified on a, i, 343; Dayanisi or, i, 427; Day-star, and, i, 275; Deity-symbol of, ii, 617; Disk of, ii, 590; Divine, ii, 377; Divine spirit symbolized by, ii, 119; Dragon and, i, 438, ii, 395, 397; Eclipse of, i, 724, ii, 260; Eight brilliant, i, 126; El-El or, i, 501; Eternal, land of, ii, 10; Ether from, i, 574; Evil spirits and, ii, 403; Evil under, i, 148; Explosion of, i, 544; Eye of Osiris, is, ii, 29; Father, ii, 569; Feminine with Semitic races, i, 427; Fire we call, i, 643; Fohat set in operation by, i, 222; Fuel of, i, 639; Gandharva of Rig Veda personified, ii, 619; Garuda, emblem of, ii, 596; Gauls, was Bel with, ii, 570; Genius between, and moon, ii, 31; Genius of, ii, 569; Globe, occult relations of, to our, i, 628; Globe of fire, i, 646; Globe’s position in relation to, ii, 563; Glow-worm and, law same for, i, 168; Gnostics, an emblem of, ii, 219; God, highest, ii, 377; God, vehicle of, i, 519; Golden egg resplendent, i, 117; Growth of, i, 667; Hawk represented, ii, 589; Heat of, i, 525; Helios or, ii, 47; Hermes, description of, i, 313; Holy island, beyond, ii, 388; Hor, rising, i, 393; Hyperborean, God, ii, 813; Hyperborean land, ii, 11; Immobility of, i, 142; Incandescent, fallacious conception of an, i, 173; Initiation, and, ii, 588; Initiation of, ii, 398; Invisible, i, 310; Invocation to, ii, 25; Jatâyu turns his back on, ii, 602; Jews worshipping, i, 427; Judge, called, i, 427; Jupiter, guardian of, i, 535; Kadush or, i, 501; Kârttikeya bright as, ii, 580; Krishna, incarnated, ii, 425; La Cailles, tables for, i, 725; Latona giving birth to, ii, 814; Life and light, dependence on, for, i, 227; Life, as source of, i, 579; Life, of, ii, 613; Life, or fire of, ii, 112; Life-giver, i, 426, 521; Light created before, i, 274; Light, supreme being of, i, 735; Light of wisdom, ii, 245; Logos, stands for, i, 139, 159, 462; Magnet, a, i, 540, 541; Makara, and, i, 403, ii, 612; Male emblem, ii, 69; Male-female deity, i, 429; Manvantara, a new, with a new, i, 719; Mârttânda, the, i, 483, 686; Matter composing, i, 659; Mâyâ, is, i, 294; Mercury and, ii, 31, 32, 504, 571, 572, 747; Michael, angel of, ii, 399; Mind and soul of, i, 660; Mithras, and, ii, 638; Moon, and, i, 250, 405, ii, 66, 69, 130, 343, 583; Most high is, ii, 567; Music of spheres, and, ii, 635; Mystery Gods, chief of, ii, 26; Mystic rays of, i, 561; No new thing under, ii, 743; Neïth, first-born of, i, 429; Nucleus, said to have no, ii, 144; Occult, ii, 32; Occult philosophy and, i, 590; Oeaohoo shines forth as, i, 58, 100; One circle, was, i, 139; One existence and, i, 311; One rejected, of our system, i, 126; Organisms in, i, 577; Origin of, i, 651; Ormazd is, 139; Osiris is, i, 416, 419, ii, 403, 613, 616, 617; Palaces of, ii, 34; Path of, ii, 372; People who cursed, ii, 805; Phæton and, ii, 564; Philosophical, i, 441; Pilot, in a ship as its, i, 440; Pisces, entering, i, 717; Planets, and, i, 126, 227, 519, 644, 653, ii, 26, 27, 483, 637; Planetary system, gives life to, i, 415; Poetical symbol as, ii, 481; Pole, loss of, at, ii, 812; Postulant in mysteries represented, ii, 484; Priests of, ii, 337; Principle or Prâna, i, 262; Pueblos, said to adore, ii, 191; Ra, and, i, 248, 386; Râhu and, ii, 398; Rays of, ii, 116, 646; Real, hidden, i, 591; Realm of, ii, 621; Regulator and factor of manifested life, ii, 629; Rejected Son our, i, 127; Revolution of our planet round, i, 703; Righteousness, of, i, 427, 719; Robes, of, outward, i, 576; Ruler of men, called, i, 427; Sâmba built a temple to, ii, 337; Sanjñâ married to, ii, 183; Saturn and, ii, 66; Sea of fire, ii, 256; Sentient life shown in atom and, desire for a, i, 75; Set, twice risen where it then, i, 469; Setting, of life, i, 737; Seven rays of, ii, 815; Shines forth as, i, 58; Shuchi, spirit in, ii, 107; Sirius, and, ii, 748; Sky, and, i, 100; Spectrum of the, i, 167; Solar Gods, the, ruled by highest, i, 469; Solar world, is heart of i, 590; Sons of, i, 100, ii, 115; Solomon refers to, ii, 583; Solus became Sol, or, ii, 607; Soul of Gods, ii, 610; Soul’s spiritual, ii, 676; Source of generation, i, 512; Spectrum of, i, 167; Spirit of, i, 520, 542, ii, 32, 386; Spiritual, i, 521, ii, 26, 643, 676; Star, a central, i, 126; Stars, and, i, 655; Stomach of, insatiable, i, 225; Sun-flower, no concern with, ii, 168; Sûrya or, i, 574, ii, 106, 149, 590, 640; Sûryamandala region of, i, 157; Sweat warmed by, ii, 20, 139; Symbol of, dragon, ii, 397; Symbolism, in ancient, i, 699; System, centre of our, ii, 162; Temples of, ii, 337, 638; Temples, ii, 396, 638; Theban triad, in, ii, 486; Thompson on age of, ii, 158; Time-measurer, as, ii, 657; Type, as, i, 444; Understanding, is, ii, 675; Underworld, at night in, i, 323; Universal, i, 245; Universal, or Ormazd, the, i, 139; Universe, of, i, 128; Venus and, i, 649; Vikartana or, ii, 398; Vishnu and, i, 397, ii, 41, 148; Vishnu Purâna on, ii, 164; Vital electric principle in, ii, 110; Vital heat of, i, 662; Vital principle of, i, 576; Winter with, in Cancer, ii, 450; Wisdom, of, ii, 31; Word of central, i, 252; Worship, i, 145, 417, 432; Year meant a, ii, 305; Zuñi, priest of, ii, 665.

Sun, New York, quoted, i, 337, ii, 31.

Sun-born, Apollo Karneios, ii, 47.

Sun-chan, term used in Stanzas, i, 50.

Sun-Christ, i, 417, 431.

Sunda, Island and straits of, ii, 233, 831, 833.

Sunday ought to be called Uranus-day, i, 126.

Sun-fluids, i, 578.

Sun-force, Caloric, or, i, 572; Earth-force, and, i, 571, 574, 579; Life and motion, primal cause of, i, 577; Matter, received by different kinds of, i, 573; Material nature of, i, 573; Richardson, on, i, 554, 579; Vital-force, connected with, i, 587.

Sun-God, Æsculapius, ii, 485; Apollo, i, 393, ii, 221, 400; Comparison of, ii, 398; Creative power, of, ii, 403; Every bright, ii, 534; Evil dragon conquered by, ii, 56; Horus, i, 393; India to Egypt, came from, ii, 396; Knowledge of stars and, ii, 53; Krishna, i, 26; Later, ii, 669; Male Gods first became, ii, 47; Merodach was, ii, 477, 528; Osiris, i, 406, 720; Ptah classed as, i, 377; Serpent symbol of, ii, 222; Supreme deity everywhere, ii, 148; Sûrya, ii, 71; Systems, in exoteric, ii, 399; Universes had nothing to do with, ii, 29.

Sun-initiated, ii, 572.

Sunlight, Pressure of, i, 560.

Sun-Osiris, ii, 589.

Suns, Forty, expiration of, ii, 305; Life, of, ii, 250; Nebulous, ii, 264; Physical, i, 309; Righteousness, of, ii, 47; Secondary, ii, 250; Self-moving, i, 733; Seven, ii, 647; Vital soul of, i, 659.

Sun-spot Phenomena, i, 591.

Sun-Vishnu, Seven rays of, i, 571.

Sun-wolf, Mercury called, ii, 31.

Sun-worshippers, Parsîs, regular, i, 417.

Sung sages of China, ii, 584.

Sung-Ming-Shû, or tree of knowledge, ii, 325.

Sunken continents, ii, 278.

Sunyan, Sanskrit for nought, i, 386.

Suoyatar and serpent of evil, ii, 29.

Super-Astral Light, i, 104.

Super-Cosmic, Monas, i, 679; Mysteries, i, 190.

Super-ethereal link, i, 219.

Super-human, Atlantis, powers of inhabitants of, i, 807; Being, not supernatural, ii, 287; Creator, ii, 646; Kings, ii, 386; Lha, any, being, ii, 25; Supernatural intelligences, but not, ii, 204.

Supernatural, Beings, i, 739, ii, 204, 646; Nature, implies above or outside, i, 606; Phenomenon, ii, 688, 708; Pretensions to, ii, 667; Super-human, not, ii, 287; So-called, ii, 332.

Supernaturalism, Christian theology and, ii, 44; Seeming, ii, 2; Wise men, rejected by, ii, 667.

Supersensible, Essence of, Âkâsha, i, 561, Supersensual world, i, 556.

Supersensuous beings, i, 685; Effects, i, 169; Energy, forms of, i, 636; Entities, Gods or, i, 564; Essence, sublimated, i, 303; Forces, i, 560; Matter, i, 222; Regions, i, 254; Spiritual eye, i, 561; States of matter, i, 167, 170, 561; States, matter existing in, i, 561; Substances, yet atomic, i, 110; World, i, 674.

Super-spiritual, Lunar Dhyânî, i, 211; Noumenal, or, ii, 656; Planes, i, 450; Worlds, i, 200.

Superstition, Ancient sages accused of, i, 504; Dogmatic religion, of, ii, 110; Devils of, ii, 240; Emotionalism, under guise, of, ii, 44; Esoteric teachings not, i, 700; Exploded, i, 670; Fatalism, and, i, 700; Fool, renders man a, i, 520; Homer, of, ii, 807; Idolatry full of, ii, 294; Occultism not, i, 21, ii, 839; Physiology and, i, 284; Science and, i, 663, ii, 76, 316, 701; Shadow of, i, 508; So-called, ii, 276; Symbols of, ii, 791; Worlds not, belief in invisible, i, 664.

Super-terrestrial regions, the, i, 450.

Supper, the last, ii, 587.

Supporters, Heavenly dome, of, i, 274; World of, i, 153, 474, ii, 102.

Supra-mundane spheres, i, 715.

Supra-solar Upâdhi, i, 561.

Sur la Distinction de Forces, quoted, i, 551.

Sura and A-sura, ii, 23, 62, 237, 247.

Surabhi, cow of plenty, i, 97; Kashyapa and, ii, 191.

Surâdhipa, chief of Gods, ii, 649.

Surârani, Aditi called, ii, 555.

Suras, Advent of, ii, 96; A-suras become, ii, 60; Gods or, ii, 90, 526; Intellectual, independence of, ii, 97, 98; Philosophy, of Indian, i, 444; Secret doctrine, in, i, 119; Titans copied from, i, 451.

Surasâ, Dragons of, ii, 398.

Surât of Korân, ii, 557.

Surtur, Flames of, ii, 104.

Sûrya, Asuramaya, pupil of, ii, 71; Central spiritual sun, reflection of, i, 127; Fohat connected with, i, 137; Planets, brothers of, i, 483; Rays of, ii, 640; Sâmba cured of leprosy by, ii, 337; Sun or, i, 309, 403, 574, ii, 106, 221; Vaivasvata Manu, son of, ii, 149; Vedic God, ii, 120; Vedic Trimûrti, one of, i, 117; Vishvakarmâ, son-in-law of, ii, 590.

Suryal, one of the arch-angels, ii, 400.

Sûryamandala or sun, i, 157.

Sûrya-Siddhânta, quoted, i, 730, ii, 338, 340, 419, 422.

Sûrijavanshas solar dynasties, i, 417, 427.

Survival of fittest, i, 223, 224, 298, ii, 265, 313, 344, 684.

Sushumnâ ray, i, 561, 562, 569, 586.

Sushupti, or sleep, i, 463.

Sûtra of golden light, i, 510.

Sûtrâtmâ, Kârana Sharîra, on plane of, ii, 83; Life thread or, i, 242, 257, ii, 540; Thread-soul of Vedântins, i, 45; Vedânta philosophy, in, i, 669.

Sva, or self, i, 91.

Svabhâva or Prakriti, plastic nature, i, 624.

Svabhâvat, Active and inactive states of, i, 695; Âdi-Nidâna, i, 61, 125; Âkâsha and, i, 697; Bliss of non-being, rested in, i, 56, 83; Buddhists, of, i, 33, 77, 734; Darkness, was in, i, 57, 90; Essence or, i, 33, 61, 125; Father-mother, i, 57, 90; Fohat sent by, i, 60, 113; Karma work of, i, 696; Mother-space or, ii, 122; Noumenon of matter and, i, 112; Numbers, i, 61, 125; Plastic essence, i, 90; Two substances made in one, i, 59, 111; Universal spirit is, i, 83.

Svâbhâvikas Buddhist philosophers, i, 33.

Svah, a term used by Yogîs, i, 466.

Svâhâ, daughter of Daksha, i, 567, ii, 258.

Svâmi Dyanand Sarasvatî, i, 14, 385.

Svapada, Sarîsripa small lives, ii, 55.

Svara and light, connection between, i, 291.

Svarâj, one of the seven rays, i, 561.

Svarga, Indra’s heaven or Mount Meru, ii, 213, 523.

Svar-loka, abode of Brahmâ, i, 398, ii, 335, 422.

Svârochisha, second Manvantara, ii, 809.

Svasamvedanâ, or Paramârthasatya, i, 75, 79, 84.

Svastika, Arani Pramantha and, ii, 106; Circle and, i, 35; Eternity, on threshold of, ii, 105; Figure X or, i, 467; Four-footed cross, a, ii, 576; Hammer, workers on Thor’s, i, 104; Initiated adept attached to, ii, 589; India, sacred symbol in, ii, 103; Jaina cross or, i, 34, 721; Kârttikeya, on brow of, ii, 655; Miölnir or storm-hammer, i, 104; Mystic, i, 118; Negative and positive, is, ii, 33; Primeval, ii, 33; Prometheus and, ii, 431; Religious symbol of every nation, ii, 104; Sacred sign, i, 342; Serpent of eternity, on, i, 442; Sûrya bound on, ii, 590; Symbol in India, most sacred, ii, 103, 619; Tau and, ii, 588; Wan, now, ii, 587; Water pouring through, ii, 34; World-symbol, as, ii, 621.

Svayambhû, or universal spirit, i, 83.

Svayambhû-Nârâyana, the self-existent, ii, 136.

Svâyambhuva, or self-existent, i, 199, 268, 402, ii, 157, 324, 325, 335, 340, 386.

Swan, Darkness, in, i, 602; Double, i, 381; Eternal, or Kâlahamsa, i, 47; Eternity, of, i, 384, 388, ii, 488; Hansa, i, 108; Leda assumes shape of a white, ii, 129; Life of, i, 600; Priapic, of Leda not, i, 383; Rosecroix, symbol of, i, 109; Space name of Brahmâ, in, i, 384; Vehicle used by Brahman, i, 47; White, ii, 20.

Swans of Myorica, ii, 815.

Swanwick, Mrs. Annie, quoted, ii, 430, 437.

Sweat, Animals first produced from, ii, 190; Drops of, grew, ii, 20, 21, 139; Earth, animals produced from, of, ii, 365; Shiva, of, ii, 47, 132; Third race formed from, ii, 186; Torments of their, i, 631, ii, 639.

Sweat-born, Androgynes and, ii, 187; Astral bodies, descendants of, ii, 146; Commentary on, ii, 344; Egg-born, produced, ii, 182; Evolution of, ii, 139; Evolvers of, i, 492; Fathers of, ii, 122, 124; Hermaphrodites descended from, ii, 33; Mânasa spurned, ii, 21, 180; Nârishâ, ii, 185; Primeval appearance as, ii, 154; Progeny of second race, ii, 128; Purânas, in, ii, 184; Second or, race, ii, 157, 174, 183, 355; Secret doctrine and, ii, 193; Third race, of, ii, 71, 207, 208.

Sweden, Atlantis of Plato, said to be, ii, 420; Pre-Lemurian continent, part of, ii, 819; Runic writings in, ii, 361; Shores of, have risen, ii, 831.

Swedenborg, Elemental vortices and theory of, i, 143; Intuition of, i, 143; Mercury and, ii, 742; Mysticism of, ii, 46; Quoted, i, 682, 683, ii, 36, 740.

Swift and radiant one, i, 63, 162.

Swedish scientist, ii, 420.

Swiss cattle, Descent of modern, ii, 300.

Sydic, Sadic, Cronus or Saturn, ii, 409, 410, 411.

Syene, Well of, i, 230.

Sylla, Augurs, in days of, ii, 545.

Sylphs derided, idea of, i, 663.

Symbol or symbols, Abstractions, represents, i, 675; Adam-Adami a manifold, ii, 45; Adam of dust, of, ii, 479; Adami manifold, ii, 473; Allegorical, of pentacle and curtain, i, 150; Ancient, ii, 39; Ankh or life, for, ii, 34; Ante-christian, Gnostic, ii, 480; Anthropomorphized, generative, ii, 534; Aquatic, of elements, ii, 611; Archaic, i, 674, ii, 101; Ark, of the female generative principle, ii, 147; Arkite, ii, 151, 152; Aryan religion did not rest on physiological, i, 141; Astoreth, of nature, ii, 485; Astral light, of, i, 275; Astronomical, i, 715, ii, 129, 579, 655; Atlas, of the fourth race, ii, 518; Bible astronomical, i, 715; Bird, of an enormous, ii, 653; Bi-sexual man, of, ii, 138; Borrowed, ii, 505; Castor and Pollux, of brotherly devotion, ii, 130; Cat, of moon, ii, 583; Chaldæan form of, ii, 476; Church fathers disfigure, ii, 103; Circle and its diameter, of, ii, 566, 584; Confucius, of, i, 475; Conventional, i, 674; Cosmic Gods, of, i, 500; Cosmical significance of, i, 324; Cosmogonical, ii, 46; Cow as, ii, 436; Creative triad, of, i, 299; Creative God, Jehovistic, i, 379; Cross, of, ii, 571, 573, 576, 577, 588, 593, 615, 619, 620, 691; Cube a, of angelic beings, ii, 83; Cycle, of racial, i, 450; Defunct, of, i, 240; Deity, of, i, 139, 370; Diamond, many faced, i, 323; Divine, ii, 417; Divine and earthly wisdom, of, ii, 393; Divine cross, a, ii, 615; Double-sexed organ, of, ii, 496; Draco, of guide and director, ii, 35; Dragons of, ii, 40, 396, 397; Eating sacred, ii, 220; Egyptian, in New Testament, i, 411; Egyptian cross and circle, of, ii, 577; E Delphicum, ii, 613; Elements, of spirit, i, 498; Emblem, and, i, 324; Esoteric, in every national religion, i, 477; Esoteric teaching needs, ii, 85; Esoteric truths expressed in identical, ii, 613; Eternal law, of an, i, 716; Eternal Monad does not stand as a, ii, 633; Evolution of universe, of, i, 672; Explanation of chief, i, 326; Facts, are, i, 427; Female principle, of the, ii, 484; Fohat, i, 136, 736; Forest for man’s life time, ii, 674; Four-lettered, ii, 28; Generation, of, i, 250, ii, 493; Generative and creative power, of, ii, 132; Geometrical, i, 671; Globe, number six, of our, ii, 614; Glyphs, become, i, 68; God and nature, of, ii, 376; Great Bear, of, i, 248; Hairy, ii, 661; Hermes-Mercury, of, ii, 571; Hidden deity, of, i, 373; Hindû and Chaldæan religions, ii, 401; Hindû, ii, 45; Holy of Holies, of, ii, 491, 492; Human existence, of, ii, 587; Human Monad cannot be rendered by chemical, constitution of, i, 200; Human races, of, ii, 507; Hydrogen, ii, 111; Identical meaning of, i, 412; Ideographs, ii, 617; Idea-language and, i, 327; Imaginary and feminine, ii, 584; Immortal being, of, i, 284; India, transplanted from, ii, 225; Initiates, for, ii, 521; Injustice, of eternal, i, 242; International, ii, 586; Interpretation to, ii, 25; Jod forefinger and Lingam, of, ii, 133; Jehovah, of, ii, 404, 569; Kârttikeya, of, ii, 654; Kosmos, of evolution, of, i, 475; Life and power, of, ii, 35; Life, Ashvattha tree, of, ii, 676; Lingam, of, ii, 133, 578; Logos, of, i, 235, 431; Lotus, of, i, 406, ii, 494; Lunar, i, 425; Male and female principles, of, ii, 33; Male, figure four is, i, 68; Marriage formerly a, i, 674; Master, examined by, i, 326; Matter, of, i, 678; Mercury in Grecian Mythology, of, ii, 31; Misconceived, ii, 840; Moon as, i, 249, ii, 434, 486; Mundane egg, of, i, 384; Mundane fire, of, ii, 138; Mystic nature cow’s horns, of, ii, 35; Nature, language taught by, i, 341; Nature profaned, of, ii, 494; Nucleus of truth concealed by, i, 504; Number seven, of life eternal, ii, 616; Numerals of Pythagoras, were, i, 386; Occult sciences, used in, ii, 565; Ogdoad, of, ii, 614; One principle, of, i, 459; Ophidian, ii, 371, 404; Orientalists misunderstand, ii, 602; Origin of measures, of cross, ii, 590; P, of paternity, ii, 607; Pagans, of, i, 102; Paganism, classical, of, ii, 276; Past, present and future, of, i, 678; Patriarchs are, ii, 409; Pentacle, of our five root-races, i, 150; Pentagon, of man, ii, 609; Perfect man a, i, 267; Personification of cross, ii, 590; Phallic, i, 140, 512, ii, 47, 65, 89, 381, 488, 593; Physiological, ii, 106, 617; Pisces, a, i, 717; Powers, of, ii, 404; Presence, of abstract, i, 31; Primary signification of, ii, 667; Psycho-physiological, significance of, i, 324; Pyramid, of, ii, 384, 677; Pythagorean, ii, 583, 584; elements, of four, ii, 576; Quaternary, of, ii, 608, 631; Quarters or Ram’s head and horns of, ii, 192; Religions, i, 101, 262, ii, 567, 655; Ritualistic worship, of, ii, 49; Roman archaic, ii, 480; Sacr’ marks on, ii, 488; Sacred and secret knowledge of, i, 153; Sarcophagus as, ii, 482, 484; Scarabæus, of human life, ii, 582; Second race of mankind, for, ii, 185; Secret cycle and initiation, of, ii, 652; Semi-savage tribes, used by, ii, 458; Sexual significance of, ii, 555; Sidereal, ii, 582; Similarity of Pagan and Christian, i, 441; Solar and lunar years, of, ii, 409; Square, of four sacred forces, i, 159; Space, chaos, theos, kosmos, of, i, 367; Spirit, of, i, 382; Spores of science, of, ii, 180; Svastika, of, ii, 62, 104, 106; Steps are, i, 138; Sun, of, ii, 41, 119; Superstition, of, ii, 791; Swan as, i, 382; Tau of, ii, 622, 625; Tetraktys dual, ii, 27; Titan, of finite reason, ii, 430; Triangle, of, i, 138, 236, ii, 606; Triadic and tetradic, ii, 638; Tribes of Jacob and Zodiac, of, i, 714; Trinity, of, i, 240; Triple flame, of Shiva, ii, 626; Truth, of, ii, 634; Truths, land marks of pre-historic, ii, 821; Universal presence, of, ii, 586; Universal abstract nature, of, ii, 492; Universal, i, 358, ii, 478; Universality of, i, 500; Verity, of eternally living, i, 900; Virâj and Horus, male, ii, 495; Water, of, i, 494, ii, 68, 598; Wheat as, ii, 390; Womb, of, i, 285; Yoni, of exoteric Hindûism, i, 285; Zeus, of, ii, 434.

Symbolical, Attributes, ii, 575; Caduceus, i, 601; Consonant, i, 413; Creation, accounts of, ii, 85; Creed, Pagan, ii, 409; Genesis, is, ii, 444; Holy of Holies, meaning of, i, 674; Imagery, ii, 746; Key to allegory of Enoch, ii, 561; Language, i, 409, 418, 428, ii, 26, 474, 654; Light in, sense, ii, 41; Man, Yima, ii, 644; Mystery language, ii, 606; Mysteries in nature, figures of greatest, ii, 77; Numbers, i, 68; Personages, ii, 136; Place, Adytum, ii, 481; Record of human races, ii, 454; Records of science, ii, 46; Thought, ii, 350; White island, name, ii, 71.

Symbolism, Antiquity of, ii, 371; Archaic, ii, 467, 469, 634; Astronomy, and, ii, 449; Chapters on, i, 51; Christian, ii, 485; Concrete, of egg becomes, i, 319; Cosmic, ii, 157; Circle, of, ii, 580, 584; Cross, of, ii, 580, 622; East, of, ii, 98; Esoteric, i, 141, 326, ii, 456; Evolution, of, i, 319, 321; Genesis, contained in, ii, 405; Gnostic, Ophis of, i, 102; Gnostics, based on tenets of, ii, 407; Hidden, ii, 491; Hindû, ii, 607; Hindû deities, in, names of, i, 119; Iao and Jehovah, of mystery names, ii, 565; Identity of, ii, 665; Ideographs, and, i, 321; Initiates, knowledge, of, ii, 458; Inner sense of, ii, 492; Language now called, i, 328; Large-eared statues, of, ii, 354; Mahâbhârata, of, ii, 251; Manus and Kabiris, of, i, 703; Max Müller’s view of, i, 322; Mazdean, for Flood, ii, 645; Mosaic allegories and, ii, 131; Mystery names, of, ii, 491; Occult, i, 96, 293, ii, 394; Ocean of popular, ii, 529; Œdipuses of, ii, 569; Old world, of, ii, 575; Origin of Pagan, ii, 478; Prehistoric races, of, i, 384; Primitive, of Kabalistic books, ii, 566; Prometheus, of, ii, 441; Psycho-metaphysical, ii, 600; Puzzles of, ii, 613; Pyramids, finding expression in, i, 677; Recent work, in, i, 588; Rishis and Pleïades, of, ii, 581; Rules of, ii, 443; Sacred, of reawakening universe, i, 47; Sacred books veiled in, i, 7; Septenary in religious, ii, 629; Seven keys of, ii, 350; Serpents and dragons under different, ii, 370; Solar deities, of lunar and, i, 387; Stages of, i, 68; Stanzas attached to, i, 496; Sun in, i, 699; Svastika, of, ii, 104, 106; Traditions that have outgrown, ii, 204; Triangle, of, i, 676; Truths revealed to different nations under special, i, 20; Universal, ii, 457; Water, deluge, etc., of, ii, 327.

Symbological, Fallen angels, legend of, ii, 287.

Symbologists, Adam Kadmon and, ii, 489; Âryan, ii, 581; Christian, i, 717, ii, 121; Cross and Biblical, i, 721; Gerald Massey, i, 436; H. P. B. disagrees with, i, 321; Jehovah and, ii, 569; Modern, ii, 442; Mysteries, ignorant of, i, 436; Mythopœic age, and, i, 287; Norwich, ii, 450; Of our day, i, 353; Pre-Christian, ii, 620; Purânas, may study with profit, i, 223; Scoff of, ii, 368; Serpent and, ii, 35; Sun with, ii, 130; Superficial, ii, 621.

Symbology, Adytum, of, ii, 481; Ancient scripture and, i, 323; Ancient Hebrew, i, 326; Anugîtâ, in, ii, 674; Aspects, of, i, 323; Chaldæan scriptures, of, ii, 478; Colours of temple curtain, of, i, 500; Egyptian, i, 390, ii, 609; First three races, of, ii, 131; Heathen, of, i, 138; Hindû, i, 730; Kabalistical, ii, 565; Kings of Edom, of, ii, 746; Knowledge hidden from profanation by, ii, 473; Lunar, i, 284; Men of research in department of, i, 343; Nodus, in study of, i, 144; Pentateuch, of, i, 140; Persian, ii, 653; Religious, ii, 485, 645; Sacr’, of, i, 35; Sacred, ii, 113; Seven departments of, ii, 323; Seven keys to, ii, 494; System of sidereal, ii, 581; Writers of epistles well versed in, ii, 800.

Synagogue, Zohar in the rendering of, ii, 484.

Syncellus, Eusebius charged with forgery by, i, 10.

Synchronistic, Abydos, table of, ii, 384; Manetho, tables of, ii, 410; Tables, ii, 732.

Synesius initiated into the mysteries, i, 27.

Synodial, month, i, 719.

Synoptics, Egyptian symbols and Pagan doctrines, incorporated into, i, 411.

Syria, Ad-on, or Lord of, ii, 46, 47; Druses of, ii, 30; Esoteric schools of, i, 7; Gnostics of, ii, 483; Initiates of, ii, 589; Kabalists of, ii, 478; Mandrake in, ii, 30; Nabatheans came to, ii, 477.

Syrians, Egg symbol among, i, 385; Gnostics, Christian, i, 234; Goddess, Aster, ii, 46, 47; Indian figures, acquainted with, i, 387; Rulers, world of, i, 469; Worlds of, ten, i, 470.

Syrianus, quoted, ii, 633.

Syro-Chaldæan, Magic, i, 445.

Système Nouveau, quoted, i, 691, 692.

Systemic, Vortices of Kepler, i, 683.

Systolic property of boundless unity, ii, 46.

Taaroa, the creative power, ii, 203.

Tabernacle, Curtain of, i, 150; God, designed to contain, ii, 316; High Priests of, ii, 476; Host, prepared for, ii, 439; Jehovah, for, ii, 566; Maker of, ii, 116; Measurements of, ii, 573; Moses, of, i, 371, 420; Sidereal cycle and form of, i, 334; Square, i, 150.

Table-lands of Tibet, ii, 643.

Tables, Astronomical, i, 723, 726, 729, ii, 33; Conjunction of 1491 in western, i, 725; Geological periods, of, ii, 750; Hindûs, of, i, 724, 727, 728; Manetho’s ii, 410; Nassireddin, of, i, 722; Purânas and Bible, of, i, 358; Siamese astronomical, i, 729; Stone, in ark, ii, 43, 496, 558; Synchronistic, ii, 732, 752.

Tablets, Assyrian, ii, 65; Brick-clay, ii, 731; Buddha, of, ii, 441; Chaldæan, ii, 2, 56, 64; Cosmogonical, ii, 57; Cutha, ii, 55, 58; Richardson and Gest, i, 419; Smaragdine, ii, 115, 587; Smith quotes from, ii, 154.

Tad in Sanskrit is that, i, 106, 595.

T’Agathon, one of a quaternary, ii, 634.

Tahiti and Polynesian continent, ii, 234.

Tahitian, Ivi, ii, 204; Stature of, ii, 346; Tradition, ii, 203.

Tahmurath, or Taimuraz, king of Persia, ii, 415, 416, 417.

Taht-Esmun, moon-god of Egyptians, i, 248, ii, 669.

Tail, Catarrhine, of, ii, 706; Comet, of, i, 549, 664, 665; Dragon, of, i, 433, ii, 367; Fœtus, in human, ii, 723; Problem, ii, 722; Rudimentary, ii, 343, 719; Serpent and its, i, 600, 704, ii, 531; Stars of heaven, whose, drew a third part of the, ii, 509.

Tailless ape, ii, 692, 706.

Tails in Bundahish, men with, ii, 671.

Taimuraz, or Tahmurath, ii, 415, 417.

Taine, H. A., ii, 349.

Tairyagyonya creation, i, 481.

Tait, Professor, quoted, i, 526.

Taittirîya Brâhmana, quoted, ii, 186, 526.

Taittirîyaka Upanishad, quoted, i, 352.

Taka mi onosubi no Kami, i, 234.

Tales of Derbent, quoted, ii, 415.

Tales and Traditions of our Northern Ancestors, quoted, i, 457.

Taliesin, quoted, ii, 397.

Talisman, Cross, of, ii, 588, 621; Ophite creed, from, i, 442; Porcelain, of, ii, 455; Preparation of, ii, 476.

Talk across ocean, i, 611.

Tallies found with bones of men, ii, 769.

Talmud, quoted, i, 26, 374, 449, 474, 496, ii, 274, 403, 406, 476; Adversary, the, on the, ii, 501.

Talmudic, Axiom, ii, 125; Jews, ii, 494; Scheme, ii, 481; Sectarianism, ii, 483.

Talmudists, i, 449, ii, 27, 340, 560; Jews, successors to the initiated, ii, 654.

Tam, Adam in Tamil, ii, 143.

Tamas, Insensibility or, i, 352, 357, 371, 584.

Tâmasa, Elements are, i, 354; Intellect unenlightened by, i, 354; Spiritual darkness, i, 400.

Tamaz, Adam Kadmon, ii, 47.

Tamiel taught astronomy, ii, 393.

Tamil, Bagavadam, edition of, ii, 656; Calendar, ii, 71, 72; Continents, references to sunken, ii, 340; Tam in, equals Adam, ii, 143.

Tâmrâ, wife of Kashyapa, ii, 191.

Tamtu, or Belita sea, ii, 485.

Tanian Judæan, i, 224, ii, 492.

Tanais, Plutarch on the, ii, 816.

Tañhâ, Desire to live, ii, 115; Senseless life, ii, 116.

Tanjur and Kanjur of Northern Buddhists, i, 11.

Tanmâtras, Esoterically, i, 625; Five, i, 277, 358, 585, 676; Rudimental principles, or, i, 488, 490; Second or elemental creation, i, 481; Subtile elements, or, i, 357.

Tantalus in infernal regions, ii, 414.

Tântric, five Ma-kâras, ii, 612.

Tântrika, Superstition, i, 568; Worship, Mahâ Vidyâ and, i, 192.

Tântrikas of Bengal, i, 180.

Tao, genius of moon, i, 631.

Tao-ists of China, ii, 584.

Tao-te-King, by Lao-tse, i, 9, 512.

Tapas, or religious devotions, ii, 183.

Taphos, or tomb, ii, 481.

Tapirs, Ungulate mammals and, ii, 777.

Tapo-Loka, ii, 335.

Târâ, Jupiter’s wife, ii, 147; Priest’s wife, ii, 49; Secret knowledge, personification of initiate into, ii, 524; Târakâ, wife of Brihaspati, or, ii, 49.

Târadaitya, Abode of, ii, 425; Demon, a, ii, 422; Purânas, of, ii, 421.

Târaka, Dânava demon, ii, 399; Kârttikeya, conqueror of, ii, 655; Râja classification, i, 182; Râja Yoga of India, ii, 637; Târâ or, ii, 49; Titan, ii, 580; Vanquisher of, ii, 400; War, ii, 523; Yoga system, ii, 627.

Târaka-jit, Kârttikeya called, ii, 400, 655.

Târakâ-maya, Age of, i, 451; Indian allegory of, ii, 401; War in heaven, or, ii, 49, 66.

Târaka-Râja-Yoga, i, 181.

Tarana, Hindû year, ii, 72.

Targum of Jonathan, quoted, ii, 588.

Targums handed down by Hebrews, ii, 588.

Tarija, giants of, ii, 797.

Tarim, Basin of, i, 16; Tiles and cylinders at, i, 8.

Tartakamala, Venkata Krishna Rao, referred to, ii, 54.

Tartars, Astronomical elements of, i, 723; Ulug-beg, and tables of, i, 722.

Tartarus, Atlas and Japetus in, ii, 806; Iliad, of, ii, 820.

Tartary, Future gulf of, ii, 341.

Task, Cyclic, i, 300.

Tasmania, Continent from India to, ii, 231; Darwin on tribe in, ii, 206; Extinct tribes of, ii, 346; Geological survey of, ii, 9; Half-animal tribes of, ii, 205; Race of men in, ii, 765.

Taste, Animals without, i, 665; Sense of, ii, 113; Seven in perception of, ii, 658.

Tat, Egyptian God of wisdom, ii, 558; Emblem of stability, ii, 588; Hermes called, ii, 398; Tau or, ii, 621.

Tatios, referred to, i, 306, 307.

Tatoo, Tat, in, ii, 621.

Tau, Apophis bound on, ii, 621; Astronomical cross, ii, 572; Christianity borrowed, i, 24; Circle, and, i, 34, 634, 658; Cross of, ii, 572, 577, 578; Cube unfolded is, i, 342; Egg and, i, 390; Egyptian cross or, i, 721, ii, 34, 39, 587, 614; Form of, i, 35, 436; Gnostics revealed, ii, 605; Greek gamma and figure seven, ii, 625; Initiated adept bound to, ii, 589; Israelites’ doorposts, marked on, ii, 588; Mystery, a, ii, 622; Perfect, ii, 588; Snake encircling, i, 275, ii, 225; Son of Gaia, called, ii, 625.

Tauri sacrificed human beings to Artemis, i, 425.

Taurus, Asterisk a, of, i, 720; Atlantis, vertical to island of, ii, 426; Constellation of, i, 721, ii, 581; Eye of, i, 726, 727, 830; Issachar, in sphere of, i, 714; Sun in, ii, 732, 802.

Taurus Draconem gemuit et Taurum Draco, ii, 142.

Taut, or Thoth, serpent symbol of, ii, 30.

Taygeta, daughter of Atlas, ii, 811.

Taylor, Thomas, quoted, i, 458, 489, ii, 633.

Tchan-gy, Chinese demi-Gods, ii, 382.

Tchengis-Khan destroyed Djooljool, ii, 353.

Tcheou, Sun, ii, 388.

Tchertchen in Tibet, i, 16, 17.

Tchertchen-Darya, river, i, 16.

Tchong, a Dhyân Chohan, ii, 293.

Tchoon-Tsieoo, Falling stars, the, on the, ii, 511.

Tchy-Yeoo, beguilements of, ii, 293.

Teachings, Archaic, i, 458, ii, 1, 105, 408, 726; Belief in old, ii, 460; Esoteric, i, 22, 308, 658, 683, 702, 735, ii, 469, 639; Gnostics, of the, ii, 654; Isis Unveiled, withheld in, ii, 521; Kabalah, of, ii, 708; Occult, i, 27, 703, 718, ii, 5, 70, 91, 241, 640; Paracelsus, of, ii, 693; Pre-Christian, i, 23; Protest, imparted under, i, 212; Pythagorean and Platonic, i, 677; Regents of planets, of, i, 424; Secret, i, 273; Secret doctrine, of, i, 21, 713, ii, 169, 188; Vedic, ii, 641.

Teak found at Mugheir, ii, 237.

Teapi, or Easter island, ii, 351.

Tears, Eyes, of their, i, 631; Niobe, of, ii, 815.

Tectum, a roof, ii, 614.

Tefnoot in Devachan, ii, 390.

Teiresias, Abodes of, ii, 398.

Telang, K. T., quoted, i, 104, 114, 115, 127, 583, 625.

Telchines, born at Rhodes, ii, 408, 409.

Telepathic impacts, ii, 165.

Telephone, i, 611.

Telescope, Limits of, i, 519, 647; Nebulæ, and, i, 654; Stars in range of, ii, 748; Worlds and firmaments seen by, i, 663.

Telesphorus, Heptagon called, ii, 637.

Telita, queen of moon, ii, 143.

Tell, William, ii, 804.

Tel-loh, Statues at, ii, 236, 730, 732.

Tellurian spirit, Serpent as a, ii, 218.

Tellurium, i, 601.

Temperature, Earth, of, ii, 9, 163; Existence and, i, 666; Ideals result of, i, 348; Sun, of, i, 525; Universe, of, i, 166, 601; Venus, of, ii, 747.

Templar degree in masonry, i, 513.

Temple, Bishop, ii, 28, 681, 682; Crypt, ii, 589; Delphic, ii, 613; Dendera, of, ii, 391; Earth, a mystic, i, 231; Egyptian, planisphere in an, ii, 385; God, of, i, 410, 628, 632, ii, 488; Golden candlestick of, ii, 615; Hiranya-garbha, of, ii, 492; Holy of Holies in, i, 284; Initiates, i, 5; Kabirim, of, ii, 376; Kosmos, of, i, 512; Libraries, ii, 557; Lord, of, ii, 482; Naram-Sin, built by, ii, 730; Nebo at Borsippa, of, ii, 477; Northern India, in, ii, 451; Pachacamac, of, ii, 331; Philæ, of, ii, 589; Planetary, of Babylon, ii, 477; Sâmba, built by, ii, 337; Satan, doorkeeper of, ii, 243; Science, of, i, 641; Sigalions in every, ii, 414; Solar God, of, ii, 481; Solomon, of, i, 140, 334, 421, 424, ii, 483, 487, 573, 840; Sun, seven vases in, of, ii, 638; Teaching, ii, 164; Universe, of, i, 233, ii, 688; Veil of, i, 465; West end of, ii, 481.

Temple de Jerusalem, quoted, i, 712.

Temple-Brâhmans, Vedas kept by, i, 292; Vishnu Purâna, passed into hands of, i, 456.

Temples, Ancient archives of, i, 325; Ancient college, i, 192; Construction of, i, 336; Dragon, sacred to, ii, 397; East, sacred imagery in, of, i, 387; Egypt, of, i, 12, 150, ii, 449, 590; Gentiles, of, ii, 561; Glyphs of primitive, ii, 610; Grecian, i, 230, ii, 480; Hierophants of, and sacred books, i, 19; Hiram built, ii, 570; Human body, for, ii, 23, 284; Initiation, of, ii, 396; Kabiri, of, ii, 377; Kadeshim of Jewish, ii, 485; Made with hands, i, 349; Mysteries of inner, ii, 239; Priest-architects of Indian, i, 230; Pueblos, impenetrable, of, ii, 191; Records of, ii, 457; Rock-cut, of India, i, 151, ii, 231, 353; Stellar, ii, 368; Sun, sacred to, ii, 396; Teachings of, inner, i, 363; Volcanic localities, in, ii, 380.

Temporo-sphenoidal convolutions, ii, 682.

Tempter, Genesis, of, i, 275; God of Semite, i, 411; Intellectual, of man, ii, 438; Man, of, ii, 369; Satan our, and redeemer, ii, 540; Woman, of man, ii, 405.

Temura, anagrammatical method of Kabalah, i, 107, 117.

Ten, Arûpa universe, are, i, 61; Creator, perfect number of, i, 125; Decad or sign of, i, 356; Dual numeral, ii, 584; Lettered God, ii, 638; Lights in their totality made, i, 467; Limbs of heavenly man, i, 235; Number, ii, 244; Points of Pythagorean triangle, i, 675; Sacred, i, 428; Svastika means, thousand truths, ii, 619; Universe, numbers of, i, 386, 460; Words or, Sephiroth, i, 466; Zodiac, signs of, ii, 528.

Tenbrel, Chugnyi not, i, 50, 70.

Teneriffe, ii, 425, 768, 806, 835.

Tenets, Esoteric, i, 286, ii, 469; Mysterious, ii, 316; Occult sciences, of, i, 695; Pharisees, of, ii, 64; Philosophical, ii, 618; Religious mysteries, of, ii, 131; Satanians, of, ii, 407; Secret doctrine, of, ii, 476.

Tennyson, ii, 185.

Tenshoko Doijin, first of Gods of earth, i, 261.

Tent of Egyptians, ii, 636.

Teos of Greeks, ii, 636.

Teraphim, Divination by, ii, 476; Jewish oracles, or the, i, 424.

Teratological phenomena, ii, 198.

Termini, of Hermes-Mercury, cruciform, ii, 571, 572.

Terminus, a symbol of shelter, ii, 614.

Termites, or white ants, i, 739.

Ternaries, Animals only, ii, 608.

Ternary, Five composed of binary and, i, 412; Nine triple, ii, 614; Odd numbers, first of, ii, 607; Pythagoreans, of, ii, 608; Tetragram, at beginning of, ii, 136; Third life, symbol of, i, 412; Triangle included in a, i, 675.

Terra, Giants sons of Cœlus and, ii, 813.

Terra-cotta discs or fusaïoles, ii, 106.

Terrene, Ancestors, i, 203; Chain, i, 179; Element, ii, 375; Plane, i, 190; Products, creation called, ii, 252.

Terrestrial, Adam, ii, 478; Animal human being, i, 697; Beings evolution of, i, 475; Branches of tree reach, plane, i, 437; Bull emblem of, life, ii, 98; Casket, physical, i, 207; Cause of, phenomena, i, 661; Centres of, forces, i, 226; Chain, i, 179, 187, 228, ii, 745, 801; Conflagration, ii, 510; Continents, i, 452; Cosmic, man, ii, 113; Creators, ii, 172; Deluge, ii, 148; Diti, forms of, ii, 649; Divine natures, and, ii, 440; Dust of, origin, i, 707; Earths, three, ii, 652; Elements, i, 650, ii, 639; Even numbers are, ii, 607; Evolution, i, 679; Fire, i, 508, ii, 548; Floods, ii, 147, 368; Forces, i, 136, 519; Globe, the, atmosphere of the, ii, 650; Globes of, chain, i, 186, ii, 563; Heavenly to, man, i, 672; Hebdomad, i, 483; Humanity, i, 132, 295, 303; Hydrogen on our, plane, ii, 111; Illusion, a mere, i, 411; Infernal deities, and, ii, 636; Initiates, form of, ii, 241; Jambu-dvîpa, ii, 340; Kabiri were, ii, 380; Life, i, 245, ii, 160, 257, 530; Life-cycle, ii, 657; Light, i, 520, 653; Love, ii, 612; Lunar and, chain, i, 202; Magnetism, ii, 573; Messengers, ii, 324; Monads, i, 626; Mortals, i, 663, ii, 641; Mysteries, ii, 494; Nature, i, 464, ii, 77, 774; Nitrogen, i, 683; Occult side of, nature, ii, 629; Organisms, i, 665; Origin of, life, ii, 572; Period of fourth round, ii, 722; Personality, false, ii, 252; Phases of, life, i, 716; Phenomena, i, 170; Physical nature, ii, 630; Physiological union, ii, 492; Plane, i, 147, 168, 370, 559, 605, 734, ii, 60, 96, 561; Poles, ii, 379, 449; Powers of, nature, ii, 637; Production, man the crown of, ii, 508; Races, ii, 137; Regions, Varshas and Dvîpas regarded as, ii, 334; Round, i, 183, ii, 344; Seed or sperm, i, 304; Self, ii, 280; Senses, i, 176; Septenary, law in, life, ii, 659; Sphere, our, i, 679, ii, 67, 596; Spirits, i, 254, ii, 25, 26, 120; Sublime and, ii, 89; Substance terrestrial and sidereal, i, 654; Taurus symbol of, generation, i, 721; Tetragrammaton, significance of, ii, 663; Tetraktys, ii, 639; Thot-Hermes, incarnation of, i, 738; Vitality cosmic and, i, 226; Wisdom, ii, 676; Workshops, i, 686.

Terror, Demon of, ii, 421; Thou shalt be a, ii, 518.

Tertiaries, Development in newest, ii, 726.

Tertiary period, The age of, ii, 714; Ancestor of ape in, i, 213, 718, 720; Australia of, ii, 7; Civilization during, ii, 717; Climate of, ii, 755, 780; Croll on, ii, 9, 724, 726, 734; Date of, ii, 714, 794; Disturbances in, ii, 328; Duration of, ii, 166, 733; Flora in Europe in, ii, 834; Glacial, ii, 754; Immigration in Europe in, ii, 782; Lemuria and, ii, 327, 452; Mammals of, ii, 269; Man in, ii, 216, 301, 715, 789, 794, 826; Rocks of, ii, 750; Science and, ii, 753, 754; Transmutations of, ii, 704.

Tertullian, Fallen angels, on, i, 353; Fish, on name of, ii, 327; Giants found at Carthage, on, ii, 291.

Teschu Lamas, ii, 188.

Teshu Lama an incarnation of Amitâbha Buddha, i, 511.

Testaments, i, 284, 334, 389, 411, 790.

Testimonium paupertatis of natural science, ii, 687, 700.

Testimony, Ages, of, ii, 157, 204; Ancient wisdom, as to, i, 20, ii, 202; Bible, of for plurality of worlds, i, 664; Discoveries, of modern, ii, 449; Giants, as to, ii, 290; History of, i, 29, 670; Tradition and scientific, ii, 145; Unseen intelligences, for, ii, 391.

Testimony of the Sea, quoted, ii, 826.

Teth, Hebrew letter used symbolically, i, 103, ii, 558.

Tetrachord, ii, 635.

Tetractys of Pythagoras, i, 475.

Tetrad, Duad and, ii, 634, 635; Four elements and, i, 483; Kabalah, in, ii, 633; Microprosopus, is, ii, 663; Pyramis, base of, ii, 636; Supreme, i, 375; Truth, shows to Marcus, i, 376.

Tetradic symbols, ii, 638.

Tetragon, Form and matter from, ii, 634.

Tetragrammaton, Adam Kadmon or, i, 90, 125, ii, 630; Androgynous deity, an, i, 101; Brahmâ-Prajâpati, is, ii, 661; Eyes of, seven, ii, 663; Four lettered, ii, 27, 60, 326, 587; Generation, symbol of, i, 473; Glyph of, i, 235; Heavenly man, or, ii, 28; Jehovah, or, i, 101; Jews, of, ii, 634; Light, seventh, ii, 664; Microprosopus, Macroprosopus and, ii, 636, 662; Mystery, or four-lettered, i, 260; Profane, to mislead, i, 473; Quaternary or, i, 102, ii, 661; Sacredness of, ii, 615; Sephiroth and, i, 367; Synthesis, holy in its abstract, i, 473; Ternary of, ii, 136; Tetraktys or, ii, 633, 658, 662; Two cherubs by, ii, 377; Western Kabalists, of, ii, 486.

Tetraktys, Celestial and terrestrial, ii, 639; Circle, within, ii, 662; Concealed, ii, 326; Dhyân Chohans, and, i, 218; Essence of, ii, 636; Four represented by, i, 116; Harmony, called, ii, 635; Heptagon, and, ii, 632; Lower, ii, 634; Mystery of, i, 367; Mystic square of, ii, 39; Pythagorean, ii, 638; Sacred four, first, i, 115, 159; Sacredness of, ii, 615; Tetragrammaton, or, ii, 633, 658; Triad forms, i, 126; Triangle became, i, 674, ii, 27.

Tetratomic in chemical phraseology, i, 239.

Teufel, D’Evil Diavolo, i, 102.

Teutobodus, bones attributed to, ii, 289.

Teutonic, Giants, ii, 797; Names of Magi, i, 717.

Text book of Physiology, quoted, ii, 140.

Texts, Babylonian, ii, 731; Eastern doctrine, of, ii, 246; Egyptian, i, 738; Elohistic and Jehovistic, ii, 496; Exoteric, and secret records, ii, 350; Heads, hurled at each others, ii, 810; Hermetic literature, of, ii, 246; Religious, no mythical element in, ii, 350; Stanzas, and glosses of, i, 50.

Tgenchang term used in Senzar version of Stanzas, i, 50.

Thackeray, quoted, ii, 442.

Thalamencephalon or inter-brain, ii, 311.

Thalassa or Thatatth, Sea, ii, 68, 122.

Thalatth, Binah is, of Berosus, i, 423, ii, 64; Omorôka or, ii, 143; Sea or water, ii, 57; Thalassa, or, ii, 68; Thavatth or, ii, 122; Thales, quoted, i, 105, 352, 368, 413, ii, 625; Thallium, i, 603; Thammuz a lunar God, i, 425; Thantabaoth, Uriel or, ii, 121.

That, Absolute all, ii, 168; Aditi in, i, 34; Brahma and Pums and Pradhâna, which is, i, 480; Duad and, i, 677; Expression of, is point, i, 459; Germs is, and, is light, i, 59; Immutable, i, 401; Lord of all beings, one, i, 117; Manifestation, i, 486; Manvantaric manifestations of, ii, 37; Non-being is, i, 36; One life, called, i, 279; Prâdhânika Brahma spirit, one, i, 276; Root eternal of, i, 39; Sleepeth not, ii, 324; Space and time are, ii, 647; Spirit is first differentiation from, i, 67; Subject of cognition not possible to, i, 35; Tad in Sanskrit, is, i, 106; This and, i, 36; Vedas, of, i, 420, ii, 84; Thaumaturgists, Rabbis Chanina and Oshoi, i, 26.

Thavatth, Chaldæan, ii, 122; Thayngin Grotto, ii, 757.

Theban, Sacerdotal class, i, 330; Triad, ii, 486.

Thebeian Egyptian, i, 738.

Thebes, Age of, ii, 793; Ammon adored at, i, 393; God of destinies in, ii, 486; Heroes who fell at, or Troy, ii, 283; Subterranean crypts of, ii, 396; Temple of Kabirim at, ii, 380.

Thebith, Arabian astronomer referred to, i, 727.

The-ein to move, Theos from, ii, 575.

Theist, Theology to a, ii, 180.

Theistic Kabbalist on divine revealer, i, 336.

Theists, Anthropomorphic God of, i, 453; God, make Satan shadow of, i, 445; Great law called God by, i, 171; Providence with, i, 695.

Themis, Nemesis, Adrasteia and, ii, 319.

Thenay, Miocene flints of, ii, 782, 791.

Theo-anthropographics, Semitic, ii, 135.

Theoanthropological meaning of primitive human race, ii, 132.

Theo-cosmological symbols in Bible, i, 715.

Theocritus, quoted, ii, 129.

Theodice, Fallen angels, of, ii, 98; Roman Catholic, ii, 237.

Theodolinde, Queen of Lombardy, ii, 620.

Theodoret, quoted, ii, 137, 487.

Theodosius, ii, 509; King-builders of pyramids, and, i, 331.

Theogonic, Astronomical and, struggles, i, 223; Evolution, i, 421; Jehovah, aspect of, ii, 630; Key, ii, 629; Leda a, myth, ii, 129; Moon, characters of, ii, 69; Permutations, ii, 487.

Theogonies, Astral light in ancient, i, 275; Brâhmanical and Biblical, ii, 46; First man in, ii, 282; Meaning of great, ii, 281; Pythagorean triangle and, i, 672; Religious calendars and, i, 715; Secret Doctrine and, ii, 810; Zodiac and, i, 716.

Theogony, Allegorical, i, 161; Ancient, ii, 62; Asuras legitimate place in, ii, 64; Book of Enoch, in, ii, 564; Budha, of, ii, 523; Celsus, of, i, 480; Chaldæan, ii, 258; Christian, i, 73; Comparative, ii, 111; Cosmic, ii, 151; Creative Gods or, i, 389, 457; Deluge in, ii, 153; Divine thought conceals every future, i, 31; Egyptian, i, 12, 104, ii, 437; Esoteric, i, 121, 449, 687; Evolution or, i, 252, 472; Fallen angels of every, i, 240; Genesis, in, ii, 566; Geometry and, i, 674; Greek, ii, 69; Hebrew, ii, 67; Hesiod’s, i, 451, ii, 471, 553, 808, 819, 821; Intelligences in every, independent, ii, 83; Jews, of, ii, 487; Key which opens mystery of, i, 420; Metaphysics of, ii, 375; Mochus, of, i, 391, 498; Mysteries of, ii, 26, 404; Nâgas in, ii, 221; Oldest permutations of, i, 428; Orphic, i, 47, 359, ii, 695; Phallic worship and sexual, i, 141; Pre-cosmic, ii, 98, 156; Primeval, best definition of, i, 461; Primitive, ii, 259; Primordial, mysteries of, ii, 619; Prometheus in every ancient, ii, 438; Pythagorean, Gods were numbered in, i, 467; Real manifested, i, 468; Secret, ii, 569; Seed an ethereal organism in every, i, 122; Seven regents of, i, 423; Shveta-Dvîpa of, ii, 336; Titan-Kabirim in every, ii, 379; Valentinian, ii, 607; Vedic, ii, 470, 619.

Theoi, Gods of Hermetic Philosophers, i, 308, 370.

Theol. Cir., quoted, i, 148.

Theologians, Adaptation of, i, 717; Antiquity of man, and, ii, 713; Brazen Serpent and, i, 390; Christian, i, 664, 718; Clerical classes of, i, 456; God and Satan of, ii, 499; Hindû mystics, and, ii, 662; Interpretations of modern, ii, 2; Intuitional phenomenon of, i, 345; Jehovah, and tribal God, ii, 566; Law of periodicity, and, ii, 657; Mercury and sun, on, ii, 32; Nebular theory and, i, 656; Occultists and, i, 662; Pithecoid ancestor of Adam, and, ii, 8; Protestant, i, 246, ii, 392; Roman Catholic, ii, 349; Suns of righteousness male Gods of, ii, 47; Venus and, ii, 35; War before creation, on, ii, 517.

Theological, Assumption, i, 721; Chronology, ii, 841; Creation, legend of, ii, 728; Daimones in, sense, i, 308; Delusion, ii, 601; Dogmas, ii, 66, 428, 469; Ether and atoms, associations of, i, 734; Fall of angels, idea of, ii, 180; Fictions, ii, 601; Flights, i, 674; Generation and, dogmas, i, 250; Infernal regions, ii, 98; Personal deity, idea of, i, 695; Prejudice, ii, 61, 171; Shadow, i, 679; Sleight of hand, i, 500; Sophistry, ii, 168; Sources enumeration from, ii, 678; Symbolism, ii, 394; Theogonies from, brain, i, 672; Typhon in, teaching, ii, 98; Western, dogma of newly created souls, i, 194.

Theological and Philosophical Works of Hermes Trismegistus, Christian Neoplatonist, ii, 2.

Theologies, Exotoric, ii, 634; Faith, evolve blind, i, 671; Mythology and false, i, 322; Sun-worship and Christian, i, 417.

Theology, Abstract beliefs, from common source of, i, 329; Adepts, of great, ii, 558; Adversary or Satan of, ii, 64; Anthropomorphism of, i, 32, 80; Antiquity of man, and, ii, 204; Approval of dogmatic, ii, 59; Archangel of, i, 44, 256; Astronomy and, i, 341; Asuras and, ii, 62; Beaten paths of, i, 344; Biblical, ii, 8; Brihaspatis of, ii, 49; Cain of, i, 446; Cainite races of, ii, 181; Calvinists, of, ii, 318; Christian, i, 307, 411, ii, 44, 73, 98, 100, 509; Christos in Exoteric, i, 101; Christ’s religion and Christian, i, 476; Chronology of, ii, 205; Creation, and, i, 343; Dead letter, ii, 541; Devil of, i, 368, ii, 534; Distortions produced by, i, 446; Ether personal God of, i, 366; Exoteric, Septenary in, ii, 648; Falls in, ii, 65; First-born, and, ii, 97; Fourth root-race, and, ii, 154; Genesis of man, and, i, 344; God-head, and, i, 731; Gods of antiquity, and, ii, 472; Hell of Christian, i, 399; Helping hand, gives, i, 344; Latin dogmatic, i, 73; Materialistic, ii, 158; Mystery language, from one, i, 329; Occultists and, ii, 469; Origin of, ii, 559; Ostrich, like an, i, 308; Paganism, and, ii, 533; Pan a devil, makes, ii, 614; Phallic element of, i, 332; Philosophy and, i, 673; Plato, of, ii, 634; Popes, under guidance of, i, 416; Quarrel with, ii, 498; Roman Catholic, i, 629, ii, 392; Satan in Christian, ii, 63, 242; Science and, i, 47, 664, 731, 732, ii, 363, 365, 839; Secrecy less dangerous than, ii, 545; Sectarian, i, 631; Semites, of, ii, 213; Serpent legends, on, ii, 219; Seth in Egyptian, ii, 86; Shackles of, i, 727; Solar and lunar worship in Christian, i, 424; Standards of, ii, 441; Thrones of, ii, 84; War in heaven, and, ii, 522.

Theo-Mythology, Brâhmanical, ii, 97.

Theon, quoted, ii, 635.

Theophane and Poseidon, ii, 819.

Theophania, in Chaldæa, ii, 715.

Theo-Philosophy, lines of, i, 671.

Theophilus and cruciform couches, ii, 590.

Theophrastus, quoted, ii, 131, 803.

Theopompus, quoted, ii, 387, 388, 807.

Théorie du Monde, quoted, ii, 36.

Théorie Mécanique de l’Univers, quoted, i, 557.

Theos, Amrita latent in, i, 371; Brahmâ is, i, 367; Chaos, kosmos, i, 365; Collective, i, 369; Cosmic circle, and, ii, 575.

Theosophist, The, quoted, i, 2, 39, 43, 135, 155, 160, 181, 290, 325, 590, 622, 627, 628, 681, ii, 28, 73, 94, 141, 256, 321, 324, 325, 332, 445, 673, 832.

Theosophy, American press on, ii, 460; Avowed origin of, ii, 239; Böhme, of, ii, 667; Buddhism, and, i, 1, 730; Eastern school of, ii, 678; Religion, and, i, 20; Warning to student of, i, 175; Weapon against, i, 1; Western students of, ii, 601.

Thera, Giants of isle of, ii, 291.

Thermochimie, quoted, i, 559.

Thermo-dynamics, i, 528.

Thermuthis, Crown formed of an asp, ii, 30.

Thesis, Kant’s, i, 673.

Thessalonians, quoted, i, 114.

Thessaly, Deluge of, ii, 820; Sorcerers of, ii, 805; Symbols in mountains of, i, 500; Witches of, i, 180.

Thesaurus of Vedânta, Upanishads, i, 290.

Thetis, Sacrifices to, i, 506.

Theurgists, Blessed, ii, 38; Living fire of, i, 361, 367; Rosicrucians and, i, 109.

Thevetat, King, ii, 232.

Thierry, A., quoted, i, 739, ii, 192.

Thigh of Brahmâ, ii, 62.

Thinker, Divine thought does not imply a, i, 91; Man, in, ii, 768; Manu, i, 66, 258.

Third, Age, Sâdhus and ascetics of, ii, 333; Continent, ii, 276; Creation of Brahmâ, ii, 574; Earth was consumed, i, 473; Eye, i, 77, ii, 23, 189, 237, 284, 297, 302, 308, 309, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 320, 365, 578, 651, 813; Group or hierarchy of being, i, 491; Humanity who fell into generation, ii, 27; Logos, ii, 28; Monad, i, 677; Pride, became tall with, ii, 284; Round, i, 197, 267, 273, 280, ii, 60, 82, 122, 197, 200, 203, 204, 722, 723; Soul, i, 263; Stage of evolution, ii, 574; Step of Vishnu, ii, 809.

Third race, ii, 618, 645; Adam and Eve types of, ii, 285, 429, 717; Agnishvâttas incarnated in, ii, 96; Ancient worship of, i, 426; Androgynous, ii, 181, 182, 562; Animal man from, i, 714; Animals in, ii, 196; Animation of, ii, 240; Appearance of, ii, 165; Atlanteans and, ii, 465; Bisexual, ii, 143, 207; Boats, built, ii, 417; Boneless animals of, ii, 194; Bones of men of, ii, 110; Celestial teachers of, ii, 294; Civilisation of, ii, 448; Cradle of, ii, 348; Daksha and, ii, 193, 202; Demi Gods of, ii, 333; Development of, ii, 186; Disappearance of, ii, 754; Divine dynasties began with, ii, 447; Early, ii, 170, 781; Earth of, ii, 419; Easter island and, ii, 342; Egg-born, ii, 123, 130; Elect of, ii, 377; Fall, after its, ii, 278; Females of, ii, 288; Flood of, ii, 345; Fourth round, in, ii, 171; Gods, bright shadow of, ii, 280; Hermaphrodite or, ii, 142; History of, ii, 294, 564; Human seed at end of, ii, 148; Humanity in, ii, 689, 755; Incarnation in men of, ii, 238; Intellectual, ii, 221; Jared is, ii, 632; Kings and instructors of, ii, 204; Kriyâshaktic powers of, ii, 673; Language in, ii, 208; Lankâ, ended at, ii, 347; Lemuria of, ii, 338, 348, 420; Lohitânga, born under, ii, 32; Mammals, before, ii, 753; Men of, i, 207, ii, 833; Mental torpor of, ii, 191; Mind-born sons of, i, 232, ii, 214; Noah-Xisuthrus represents, ii, 416; Period, middle, ii, 279, 721; Physical man of, ii, 552, 698; Pitris of, ii, 93; Plesiosauri and, ii, 217; Powers of Deva-man of, ii, 316; Pre-sexual state of, ii, 34; Primeval, ii, 213; Procreation in, ii, 187, 191, 492; Produced fourth, ii, 23; Pterodactyls and, ii, 217; Religion of, ii, 285; Sages of, ii, 192, 259; Second creates, ii, 139, 140; Second portion of, ii, 343; Secondary age, and, ii, 751; Semi-astral, ii, 727; Seth represents later, ii, 133; Sexes in, i, 228, ii, 2; Sinless, ii, 391, 428; Sons of Will and Yoga of, ii, 183; Sons of wisdom and, ii, 195; Sub-races of, ii, 181; Survivors of, ii, 230; Sweat-born of, ii, 71, 186; Symbol of, ii, 129; Three Yugas during, ii, 547; Titans of, ii, 8, 809; Transformation of, ii, 343; Vâhan, of lords of wisdom, became, ii, 21, 182; Vile forms of first, ii, 170; Will-born of, ii, 166; Witless man of, ii, 172.

Thirteen depends on thirteen, i, 401, 402, 403.

This, Cannot create, i, 36; That and, collective aggregate of kosmos, i, 36; Universe (Jagat) refers to, i, 36.

Thlinkithians, Father of, ii, 232.

Thomas, Adam identical with, ii, 143.

Thompson, Professor S., quoted, ii, 623.

Thomson and Tait, referred to ii, 9.

Thomson, Sir W., quoted, i, 143, 392, 518, 524, 526, 529, 534, 545, 550, 551, 559, 603, 633, ii, 9, 67, 158, 163, 167, 269, 734, 759, 836, 841.

Tho-og, Yinsin, a term used in Tibetan version of Stanzas, i, 50.

Thor, Fylfot of, ii, 576; Sons of, ii, 104; Svastika is hammer of, i, 34, 35, ii, 104.

Thorah, or Law, i, 423, ii, 484.

Thoth, or Thot, Alphabet of, i, 325; Arts and sciences invented by, ii, 557; Biblical patriarchs and, i, 711; Book of, ii, 532; Egypt civilised by, ii, 383, 398; Egyptian Gnostics, of, i, 630; God of wisdom, i, 413, ii, 589; Hermes or, ii, 614; Horus and Set, regulates fight between, ii, 296; Ibis sacred to, i, 387; Initial and final letters of, Isis-Osiris and, ii, 382; Khonsoo and, ii, 486; Memphis, of, ii, 557; Mercury or, ii, 570; Moon, retreats to, i, 433; Osiris-Isis and, ii, 484; Pymander, an abridgment of one of books of, ii, 280; Rishi-Manus and, ii, 382, Solar-boat, in, ii, 558; Taut or, serpent symbol of, ii, 30; Wednesday sacred to, ii, 383; Wisdom, God of, ii, 381.

Thot-Hapi, the lord of the horizon, i, 737.

Thot-Hermes, i, 15, 26, 377, 433, 496, 738, ii, 221, 375, 382, 384, 567.

Thot-Lunus, i, 426, ii, 487, 558.

Thot-Sabaoth, or Bear, ii, 121.

Thou art That, i, 625.

Thou art Thyself, i, 474.

Thought, Abstract absolute, i, 70, 125; Action and, i, 311; Active Idea and Passive, ii, 516; Ah-hi vehicle of, i, 70; Archaic mode of, ii, 350; Astral tablets, impressed on, ii, 209; Bodies not necessary to, i, 666; Bound of, a great circle, i, 462; Brahmâ, of, i, 404; Circle, as radii of a, i, 462; Descartes on, i, 689; Dhyân Chohanic, i, 300; Divine, i, 31, 33, 44, 57, 75, 88, 91, 93, 94, 100, 103, 104, 120, 135, 136, 658, ii, 280, 510, 516; Dress, ancient, in a modern, i, 633; Fohat, of Gods, i, 133, 136; God the Father, which is, i, 103; Gradation of, infinite, i, 688; Great One had an evil, ii, 514; Identical, and language are, ii, 209; Leaders of, i, 670; Light and Life, which is, ii, 513; Mahat understanding, i, 104; Matter, is, i, 149, 363; Millenniums of, i, 229; Modern, tendency of, i, 77; Molecular motion, called, i, 159; Motion, precedes, i, 295; Nascent physical man, in, ii, 209; Objective aspect on astral plane, exhibits, i, 149; Per se, not evil, ii, 515; Phosphorus and, ii, 255; Plane of, concerning Nirvâna, i, 287; Planes, on different, ii, 350; Plato, divine, of, i, 130; Power of, ii, 182; Prototype in divine, i, 92; Psycho-theistic stage of ancient, i, 436; Quiescence, opposed to pure, ii, 515; Radicals, one of, ii, 601; Ratiocinative, below intuition, i, 31; Results produced by, i, 312; Revelations, inspired by same, i, 364; Rider, is, i, 62; Soul, evolved by, i, 120; Speech, and, i, 161; Transference, i, 585, ii, 209; Unity in, and action, i, 706; Universal, ii, 516; Universe existing only in divine, i, 70; Universe of, i, 677; Upanishads, in, i, 291; Visible, made, i, 408; Will and feeling, i, 69; World of, i, 675; Worlds, on other, ii, 740.

Thousand-headed monster, i, 438, ii, 103, 193, 398.

Thrace, Orphic priesthood in, ii, 799; Worship of Kabirim in, ii, 380.

Thread, Ariadne, of, ii, 162; Beads, through many, i, 65, 242; Being of, i, 256, 259; Continuous life, of, ii, 540; Destiny woven, by, i, 700; Ego, of higher, ii, 669; Esoteric or, doctrine, i, 669; Fohat, of, i, 258; Golden, on which personalities are strung, ii, 83; Koshas or, Soul, i, 669; Lanoo, our, i, 251; Pearls upon a, i, 584; Radiance, of, ii, 83, 84; Silent watcher and his shadow, between, i, 66, 285; Sûtrâtmâ or, i, 45, 258.

Thrætaona and Azhi-dahaka, War between, ii, 407.

Three, Circle, enclosed in, i, 61; Father mother son, i, 88; Fires, earth and man, product of, ii, 258; Five from which, i, 64; Four, fall into, i, 58, 95; Lipika, produced by, i, 61; Luminous egg in itself, i, 58; Three Maries, i, 413; Races, symbology of, ii, 131; Steps of Vishnu, i, 466; Wisdom of, i, 381.

Three-dimensional, Space, ii, 634; World, i, 351.

Three-divisioned line of matter, ii, 635.

Three-eyed, Animals, ii, 310; Colossus, ii, 308; Men, ii, 308, 310, 707, 787; Mortals, ii, 307; Rudra-Shiva, ii, 528.

Three-headed, Mercury, ii, 571.

Threefold, Appears and Three are One, i, 65; Being, i, 252; Buddha, manifestation of, i, 625; Divisions of world, ii, 658; Fourfold, and, i, 65; Manvantara, fire in our, i, 570; Moon, character of, i, 422; Units, i, 237.

Three-in-One, i, 65, 74, 416, 627, ii, 119, 622, 633.

Three-toed Anchitherium, ii, 776.

Three-tongued flame, i, 65, 257, 258.

Three-vowelled sound, names of, i, 484.

Three-wicked flame, i, 257.

Threshold, Light, of, i, 228; Limitless and unutterable, of, ii, 200; Paranirvâna, of, ii, 470; Secrets, Keely at, of some great, i, 607; Sense, of, i, 561; Svastika on, of Eternity, ii, 105.

Thrice, Great Hermes, i, 301.

Throes, Creative Earth, final, of, ii, 510.

Throne, Almighty, of, ii, 67; Briatic World, called, ii, 117; Chinese, is dragon’s seat, ii, 381; Glory, of his, i, 119; Hathor, legend on, of, i, 430; Jupiter, of, ii, 829; Monad degraded into a, i, 674; Omnipotent Deity, of, i, 673; Satan, of, ii, 245.

Thrones, Bne Aleim belonged to subdivision of, ii, 392; Celestial, ii, 443; Christian dogma, of, i, 119; Empires, and, ii, 243; Saturn ruled by, i, 469; Theology, of, ii, 84.

Thummim, Urim, and, i, 714.

Thunderbolts, i, 506, ii, 554, 828.

Thunders, John, of, St., ii, 596; Revelation, of, ii, 594, 595, 597; Serpent of seven, i, 442; Zeus, of, ii, 433.

Thursday, or day of Jupiter, i, 716.

Thury, Psychod of, i, 361.

Thyan-kam, Power or knowledge, i, 696; Term used in Tibetan version of stanzas, i, 50.

Thy name, meaning of, ii, 241.

Ti, Proud spirit who rebels against, ii, 510.

Tia-Huanaco, in Peru, ruins of, ii, 331, 351.

Tiamat, Animal of, ii, 401; Creature of, dragon, ii, 109; Dragon, ii, 501; Ea changed into, ii, 56, 64; Female power, Chaldæan, i, 423; Sea, or, ii, 528; War with evil, and, ii, 110.

Tiaou, Egyptology, in, i, 248; Noot to, crossing, i, 248; Osiris N. and, i, 249; Realm of Cause of Life, i, 247; Spirit not in, i, 248.

Tibet, Borderland of, alone known, i, 16; Buddha in, statues of, ii, 619; Buddhism in, decline of, i, 5; Civilization of, holds secrets for mankind, i, 16; Deity of, patron, i, 101; Esoteric schools of, i, 7; Kalâpa in, i, 405; Lhassa capital of, ii, 67; Little, ii, 434; Mountains hem in tableland of, i, 16; Protector of, ii, 188, 189; Russian mystics in, i, 19; Si-dzang, i, 292; Table-lands of, ii, 643; Yogîs of, i, 511.

Tibetan, Âlaya in, equals Nyingpo and Tsang, i, 79; Bhons of, borderlands, ii, 619; Chenresi in, ii, 188; Chinamen, offshoot, ii, 188; Exoteric Worship, i, 150; Jigten Gonpo, name for Padmapâni, ii, 189; Lamas, ii, 188; Mâyâ in, Kundgab-Chidenpa, i, 79; Nidânas in, Ten-brel Chugnyi, i, 70; O d a, word, i, 105; Parikalpita in, Kun-tag, i, 79; Region, ii, 37; Samvriti in, is Kundzabchidenpa, i, 79; Stanzas, version of, i, 50; Temple literature, i, 7; Tradition, ii, 426; Tzon-kha-pa, reformer, i, 134; Vajrapâni in, is Dorjesempa, i, 83; Yoga and Dhyâna same in, ii, 122; Yong-Grub, for Mahâmanvantara, i, 50; Zampun, ii, 102.

Tichorrhinus, an extinct species, ii, 788.

Tidal, Action, ii, 67; Cycle of, changes, ii, 629; Elevation, ii, 67; Evolutionary, wave, i, 609; Retardation, ii, 67; Waves, ii, 715, 739, 825.

Tides, Effect of, ii, 339, 629; First great, ii, 55; Moon and, i, 202, ii, 68.

Tien, Heaven, and Amitâbha, i, 381; Waters, dropped an egg into, i, 392.

Tien-Hoang, Fohi or twelve, ii, 30; Kings of heaven, or, ii, 385.

Tien-Sin, Heaven of mind, i, 163.

Tierra-del-Fuego, Flora of, ii, 833.

Tigris, Seleucia on, i, 142.

Ti-hoang, or Kings on Earth, ii, 385.

Tikhoun, First-born from Passive Deity, ii, 28.

Tikkun, Form of Protogonus or, ii, 744.

Tiles, Assyrian, i, 290, ii, 38, 64, 447, 457; Babylonian, ii, 216; Chaldæo-Assyrian, ii, 3, 500; Fragments of, ii, 295.

Tiller of Soil, Cain, ii, 286.

Timæum, In, quoted, i, 714, ii, 151.

Timæus, quoted, i, 481, 620, 634, ii, 99, 102, 140, 412, 485, 547, 638, 785, 829.

Timaus, Region of, ii, 214.

Time, Action of, i, 600; Aiôn, ii, 514; Asleep, lay, i, 55; Aspect of, i, 47, 595; Aspects of Ain Suph in, i, 374; Astronomical measure of, i, 202; Beginning of, i, 259; Births and deaths every second of, ii, 317; Boundless, i, 378, ii, 244; Boundless circle of, ii, 512; Brahma aspect of, i, 47, 592; Chiun God of, ii, 408; Circle representing, i, 139, ii, 579; Collective mind in manifested, the, ii, 511; Cosmos and, ii, 27; Creations born in, ii, 579; Cronus is, i, 409, ii, 432, 434, 438; Cycles, in space proceeds in, ii, 512; Deity manifesting in, ii, 168; Differentiation in space and, ii, 769; Divisions of, ii, 454, 595; Duration divided into universal and conditional, i, 91, 450; Egyptian Zodiac, from, ii, 451; Emblem of Cronus, i, 275; Eternal deity, ii, 799; Eternity and, i, 461, ii, 243; Events, devours, ii, 785; Finite Absolute, made, i, 450; Fire presides over, i, 114; Geological, i, 619, 639, ii, 750; Greek circles of, i, 699; Heaven, beginning of, in, i, 439; Illusion, only an, i, 68; Infinite Bosom, asleep on, i, 68; Infinite, i, 101, ii, 163; Kâla or, ii, 596; Kali Yuga, marked by Rishis, of, ii, 580; Kalpas, divided in, ii, 189; Kashyapa, sprung from, i, 392; Kep, mother of, i, 438; Kronos or, ii, 150; Marine life from beginning of, ii, 752; Measure of, ii, 657; Mother of, i, 248, ii, 668; No-number in, i, 115; Pagan’s abstraction of Deity, i, 707; Panoramic successor of our states of consciousness, i, 75; Past, present, and future, i, 69, 75; Power without beginning in, or limit in space, i, 47; Prakriti and, i, 47; Progeny of space and, ii, 100; River of, Nile, ii, 616; Roaring loom of, i, 111; Rudra Shiva, god of, ii, 528; Saints, accuseth even, ii, 244; Saturn or, ii, 356; Scandinavian, legend of, i, 460; Seb, God of, i, 385; Septenary law in, ii, 659; Serpent a type of, i, 435, 437; Shesha or infinite, ii, 53; Show, will, ii, 758; Signs of, i, 707; Son of, i, 496; Soul of world and, i, 637; Space and, i, 102, 271, 421, ii, 399, 472; Speculations of men, and, ii, 472; Spirit ray beyond, ii, 252; Steed with seven rays, a, ii, 647; Symbols of, ii, 579; Triumphs of, ii, 243; Truth daughter of, ii, 603; Vishnu, a form of, ii, 321; Wheel of, ii, 576; Work, swallows its own fruitless, ii, 282.

Time-periods, Early perception of, i, 418.

Time-spaces between Hierarchies, i, 195.

Times, quoted, i, 321, 732.

Timoor, hordes of, ii, 353.

Tin, i, 603.

Tiphereth, in Chaldæan Kabalah, a, i, 221, ii, 224.

Tîrthankaras of Jainâs, ii, 441.

Tirukkanda Panchânga, quoted, ii, 54, 71.

Tirvaloor, Brâhmans of, i, 724, 725, 728.

Tiryaksrotas, or creation of sacred animals, i, 481, 489, ii, 172.

Tiryns, structures of, ii, 360.

Tisalat, Tiamat or Thalatth, ii, 64.

Tit, the Deluge, ii, 377.

Titæa, wife of Noah, ii, 152, 282.

Titæa-Aretia, or Horchia, ii, 152.

Titæa-Magra, Berosus speaks of, ii, 152.

Tit-Ain, or Titan, ii, 150.

Titan, Crucified, ii, 431; Divine, ii, 429; Noah a, ii, 408; Orphic, ii, 74; Porphyrion scarlet, ii, 400; Prometheus, ii, 379, 430, 432, 434, 435, 437, 440, 441, 553; Secondary age, of, ii, 8, 235; Târaka, ii, 580.

Titanic, Age, ii, 429; Forces, Host masters of, ii, 440; Passions, ii, 430; Remains, ii, 229; Strength, ii, 810; Struggle, ii, 282; Tradition, ii, 408.

Titanidæ, Goddess Rhea comprehends seven, i, 481.

Titanium, i, 603.

Titan-Kabirim, Energies, great volcanic, ii, 379; Manus or, ii, 152; Regulation of seasons, ii, 379.

Titanosaurus Montanus, ii, 229.

Titans, Allegory of, ii, 35; Anthropological fact, founded on an, ii, 163; Architects or fashioners, ii, 543; Arkite, ii, 359; Atlantean, ii, 307, 377; Atlas and, ii, 518; Bailly and Faber on, ii, 277; Cabiri, resemblance to, ii, 151; Daityas and, ii, 301, 526; Dânavas or, ii, 193, 398; Deities and, ii, 111; Devil, and, ii, 369; Diodorus on, ii, 818; Divine, ii, 150; Dynasties of Giants or, ii, 386; Gebirs signify, i, 139; Generation of, ii, 281; Giants beliefs of, and, i, 448, ii, 246, 289; Greek, ii, 246, 286, 351; Hesiodic, i, 451; Hyperboreans of race of, ii, 819; Japhet on list of, ii, 151; Kabirim and, ii, 286, 376; Men, were, ii, 797; Northeners, ii, 821; Paurânic Giants and, i, 447; Rebellion of, ii, 820; Solar system or, i, 449; Symbols, not mere, ii, 797; Third race, of, ii, 809; Titæa mother of, ii, 152; Uranides or Divine, i, 450; War of, i, 223, 305, ii, 66, 523, 525; Works of, ii, 363.

Titles, Archangel, the same given to God and the, ii, 503.

Tit-Theus or Tityus, ii, 150.

Tityos in Odyssey, ii, 625.

Tityus or Tit-Theus Divine Deluge, ii, 150.

T’Mura, ii, 44.

To On, Hydrogen identified with, ii, 111; One Father or, ii, 119.

Toad, Goddess, i, 413; Venomous alkaloid of, i, 282.

Toga, Colossus draped in, ii, 354.

Tohu Bohu, Deep or primeval space, ii, 500.

Toleduth, quoted, ii, 142.

Tom Thumb, Daümling, or, i, 189.

Tonga, Lemuria and, ii, 234, 346.

Tongshaktchi Sangye Songa, quoted, ii, 441.

Tongues, Blaze of Vaishvânara, of, ii, 600; Fiery, i, 146, 363, 406, ii, 643; Progeny of dumb races, of, ii, 22.

Toom, creative force in Nature, i, 331; Fohat known as, i, 736; Noon, issued from, i, 331; Osiris saying he is, i, 331; Primordial Deity, ii, 613.

Topinard, Anthropology of, ii, 260.

Topography, Christian, ii, 418, 435.

Topsy, immortal, i, 244.

Torments, Sweat of their, i, 631.

Tornado of fire, Sosiosh will descend in a, i, 114.

Torpor, Mental of first two races, i, 191.

Torquay, Fossils of Kent’s cavern at, ii, 764.

Torquemada, referred to, ii, 74.

Torricelli, referred to, i, 683.

Tors in West England, ii, 358.

Tortoise, Brahmâ in shape of a, ii, 79; Divining straws and, i, 475; Kashyapa means, ii, 264; Prajâpati in form of, ii, 264; Sacred, i, 476.

Tortuous Snake, ii, 240.

Total, Host of Angels, of great, ii, 247; Unity, in, ii, 630; Universal, ii, 84.

Totality, Infinite, i, 135; Nature, of kingdoms of, ii, 270; Rays, of seven, i, 561; Subordinate creative powers, of, ii, 573.

Touch, Air, property of, i, 226, ii, 113; Procreation by, ii, 186; Sense of, ii, 113; Sparsha, or cohesion, i, 399.

Tours, F. de, referred to, ii, 121.

Tower, Babel, of, ii, 2, 284; Bhagulpore, of, ii, 89.

Towers, built by priest-architects, i, 230.

Toyâmbhudi visited by Kumâras, ii, 333, 420.

Traces de Bouddhisme en Norvège, ii, 442.

Track, change in form of, i, 602.

Tradadhafshu, in the south, ii, 802.

Tragedies of Æschylus, Sophocles and Shakespeare, ii, 712.

Tragos, and scapegoat of Israel, ii, 405.

Tragulidæ, one of the Ungulate Mammals, ii, 777.

Traité de l’Astronomie Indienne et Orientale, ii, 454, 657.

Trances, i, 561, ii, 308, 590, 601, 613.

Transactions of Royal Society, Edinburgh, ii, 9; London, ii, 550.

Transactions of Society of Biblical Archæology, i, 339.

Transcendentalism, i, 526.

Transcendentalists, Hegel and German, i, 81.

Transformation, Adams, of four, ii, 478; America in, ii, 463; Anthropoid mammal, of, ii, 181; Climate, of, ii, 146; Date of last, ii, 261; Earth, of, ii, 25; Energy, into, ii, 28; Evolution and, ii, 128; Gravity, of, i, 557; Human fœtus, of, i, 206; Man has escaped, ii, 59; Nature’s grossest physical, i, 436; Nebulæ into stars, of, i, 646; Nothing dead if capable of, i, 553; Organic, ii, 10; Physiological, of sexes, ii, 156; Primordial ape, ii, 725; Races, of, ii, 77, 89; Realm of, i, 243; Species, of, i, 224, ii, 363, 364, 699; Star, of a, i, 652; Theory, ii, 775; Third race, of, ii, 645.

Transformation into the Lotus, i, 408.

Transformations, Animals, of, ii, 160; Apes, of, ii, 273; Ascending path on, ii, 273; Cycle of, i, 244; Defunct, of every, i, 247; Descending arc, on, ii, 273; Ethnological, i, 208; Fundamental, i, 226; Future human, ii, 312; Incessant, ii, 772; Logos, of, i, 373; Man, of, i, 474; Mysteries of Cyclic, ii, 433; Nature’s alchemical, ii, 179; Pre-cosmic, ii, 153; Pymander, of, ii, 516; Racial physiological, ii, 188; Series of, i, 698, ii, 58; Spirit into matter, of, i, 485.

Trans-Himâlayan, Adept, i, 182; Arhat Esoteric School, i, 181; Chakra, i, 139; Esotericism, i, 136, ii, 672, 673; Lha, term for spirit, ii, 25; Occultists, ii, 92; Region, ii, 37; Teachings, i, 160.

Translucid earth, ii, 326.

Transmigration, Cycle of, i, 206; Souls, of, i, 281, 312.

Transmigration of Life-Atoms, quoted, ii, 709.

Transpacific migration, ii, 834.

Tran-solar systems, i, 174, 540.

Traüme eines Geistersehers, i, 158.

Travels of Marco Polo, ii, 460.

Travels in Egypt, ii, 449.

Treatise on Colour, Newton’s, i, 538.

Treatise on Electricity, i, 528.

Treatise on Optics, Sir David Brewster’s, i, 634.

Treatises of Shrî Shankarâchârya, i, 292.

Tree, Ababel, the mystical, ii, 653; Âryan mythology, of, ii, 547; Astrology and astrolatry, ii, 26; Bodhi, of, ii, 622; Being, of, i, 443, ii, 622; Buddhi transformed into a, ii, 676; Dragon on a, i, 721; Evolution of, ii, 271; Fruit, known by its, i, 454, 505; Garden of Eden, in, i, 139; Genealogical, ii, 451, 452; Growth of, reversed, i, 437; Initiates, symbol for, ii, 521; Knowledge, of, i, 153, 267, 364, 403, 434, ii, 4, 103, 131, 143, 185, 214, 225, 306, 402, 414, 524, 540, 621, 622, 662; Life, of, i, 88, 435, 436, 585, 599, 600, 674, ii, 34, 102, 142, 225, 480, 544, 591, 621, 662; Living, of divine wisdom, i, 232; Mountains, ascending above three, ii, 227; Norse legends of, i, 232; Occult nature of, i, 585; Ormazd’s, ii, 544; Pine most primitive, ii, 629; Sacred, ii, 109; Sephirothal, i, 200, 258, 679, ii, 4, 28, 39, 306, 630, 662; Serpent, and, i, 434, 436, 437, ii, 226, 370; Symbol of, i, 153; Waters of Life, sprinkled with, i, 438; Wisdom, of, ii, 284, 507, 544; Yggdrasil, of universe, i, 460.

Trees, Adept sorcerers called, ii, 520; Ancestral, ii, 693; Genius loci of, i, 500; Initiates called, ii, 519; World over-run with, ii, 519; Worship of, by Jews, ii, 622; Trends, continental, ii, 338; Trent, council of, ii, 219; Tretâ Yuga, ii, 73, 322, 336, 507, 547, 661.

Tretâgni or sacred triad of fires, i, 570.

Tri, Chatur takes to itself, i, 58, 100; Three, is, i, 100.

Triad, Adam Kadmon, of, i, 260; Ana Belita and Davkina female, ii, 485; Aristotle, of, i, 674; Arûpa, i, 234; Âtmâ-Buddhi-Manas human, i, 240; Chaldæan, ii, 30; Christian, or Trinity, i, 46; Circle comprises a, i, 675; Cosmical and human principles, branches into seven, i, 46; Death, disappears at, i, 147; Duad made a, i, 678, ii, 635; Energies of, i, 730; First, i, 152; Grecian philosophers, of, i, 637; Immortal, i, 262; Initial manifested and creative, i, 299; Intelligible, ii, 633; Interlaced triangles and, ii, 626; Jewish, i, 380; Metaphysical, i, 43; Microprosopus and, ii, 661; Monad and, i, 460, 627; Pyramid and, ii, 608; Pythagorean, i, 368, 475; Quaternary, and, i, 262, ii, 608; Sephira of, i, 117; Sephirothal, i, 117, 155, 234, 260, 282, 630; Septenary and, i, 259; Spiritual, i, 376; Tetraktys, i, 90, 126; Theban, ii, 486; Three-tongued flame, i, 257; Transformed, ii, 487; Triangle, and, i, 125, 375, ii, 84, 627; Tri-mûrti, or, ii, 625; Trinity an astronomical, ii, 569; Unseen Gods higher, ii, 485; Upper, i, 200, 264, ii, 1, 102, 227.

Triadic, Goddesses, i, 393; Hypostasis, i, 462; Phenomena of moon, i, 416; Semites, deities of, ii, 57; Shaddai, i, 678; Spirit line, ii, 635; Symbols, ii, 638.

Triads, Akkadians formed their deities into, ii, 57; Great Gods, ii, 484; Order or, third, i, 238; Parent-planet, born under, i, 627.

Triangle, Base of, i, 676, 679; Chakra, inscribed in, i, 139; Circle, and, ii, 629; Cross, formed by nails of, ii, 592; Deity, symbol of, i, 46, 138, ii, 615; Development of third, ii, 28; Double, i, 143, 236, 562; Eastern Esotericism, in, i, 341; Equilateral, i, 673, 674; Geometrical figures, first of, ii, 607; Higher, ii, 638; Kether of, i, 125; Line, and Pentagon, i, 118; Lipika and, i, 62, 153; Lower line of, ii, 84; Manifest, ii, 326; Point in equilateral, i, 459; Primordial light and, i, 236, ii, 634; Pyramids, and, i, 677; Pythagorean, i, 672, 675, 676, 677, 681, ii, 27, 117, 638; Quaternary, and, i, 102, ii, 625, 627, 647; Radius of, i, 335; Ring round, i, 155; Sephirothal, i, 125; Shiva, apex upward is, ii, 626; Side-lines of, ii, 60; Six-pointed star and, ii, 561, 655; Square, and, i, 342, ii, 39, 662; Three, symbol of, i, 95; Triad, or, i, 90, 368, 375, 674; Tribhujam a, ii, 609; Upper, i, 378, 379, 421, 679, ii, 581, 606; Vaishvânara of, i, 681; White head and face in black, i, 456.

Triangles, Apex of four, i, 677; Fire possession of, ii, 83; Interlaced, ii, 39, 375; Sparks called, i, 120; Symbol of blending of Arûpa and Rûpa, i, 143.

Triangular stones, Serpents whose holes are under, ii, 367.

Triassic rocks, Marsupials of, ii, 723, 753.

Triatomic, i, 239.

Tribal, Cycles, i, 704; Deities, ii, 534; God of Jews, ii, 286, 438, 493, 566, 567; Gods, i, 454, 535, 719; Jehovah, property of Rabbis, ii, 566.

Tribhujam a triangle, ii, 609.

Tridasha, Hosts and multitudes, i, 58, 100; Thirty alludes to Vedic deities, i, 100.

Trident of Poseidon, ii, 408.

Triform Fates, Karma, i, 704, ii, 432.

Trigonias, ii, 206.

Trigonocephalus of Portugal, i, 282.

Trigunas and Gunas, i, 371.

Trigrams of Fo-hi, ii, 584.

Trilithic stones, ii, 361.

Trilobites, ii, 169, 736.

Tri-lochana, Rudra Shiva as, ii, 309, 528.

Trilogy of Æschylus, ii, 432, 437.

Trimetric system, ii, 629.

Trimûrti, Hindû, i, 380, 408, 327; Triad or, ii, 625; Triple power of, i, 428; Vedic, i, 117.

Trimûrtian hypostases, i, 624.

Trinitarian, Chinmâtra, aspect of, ii, 631; God, i, 224; Hydrogen, nature of, ii, 119.

Trinities, Esoteric and Christian, i, 46; Three, i, 299.

Trinity, Action and matter or a, ii, 38; Adam Kadmon a, i, 466; Astronomical, ii, 374; Cabbalah and, ii, 41; Chaldæan, ii, 65; Chemical and alchemical, ii, 111; Christian, i, 46, 138, 425, 627, ii, 247; Cosmic, ii, 113; Creative, i, 550; Egyptians, of, ii, 484; Eternal, ii, 466; Ever-living, ii, 466; Fire, air and water, of, i, 369; Gnostic, ii, 371; Highest, ii, 631; Hypostatical, i, 731; Immaculate conception, and, i, 88; Jewish, i, 380; Kabalistic, i, 134, 360, 482; Lunar, i, 417; Male, not entirely, i, 416; Man a, i, 252; Material universe, of, i, 80, 732; Mystery language and, i, 330; Olympus is wall of, ii, 636; Pagan dogma, a, i, 411; Persons of, three, i, 512, 623; Parabrahman is inseparable from his, i, 89; Symbol of, i, 42, 240; Triad or, i, 46, ii, 1, 569; Unity in, i, 422, 637; Universal, i, 366; Wisdom seeds of, of, ii, 288.

Trinosophists, ii, 607.

Tripartite earth, ii, 801, 802.

Tripitaka Buddhist in a.d. 1820, i, 21.

Triple, Aspect of deity, i, 370, ii, 622, 631; Crocodile of Egypt, i, 240; Fire spoken of as, i, 115; Flame of Shiva, ii, 626; Hecate, i, 425; Kingdom of the elementals, the, ii, 652; Kwan-Shai-Yin, of, i, 63; Man, ii, 30, 286, 637; Nemesis, character of, ii, 319; One whole kosmos from, i, 482; Powers, i, 428, ii, 484, 539, 602; Ternary, ii, 614; Unit is produce of four primary elements, i, 371; Unity of eternal fires, ii, 60.

Triplex, Mercury called, ii, 572.

Tripurântaka Shiva, ii, 626.

Tripurâsura, Mahâdeva destroying, ii, 580, 626.

Trismegistus, Hermes, i, 306, 307, 513, 734, 738, ii, 120.

Tristan d’Acunha, ii, 348.

Trisûla, Shiva’s, ii, 578.

Trisuparna, Brâhman is, i, 231, ii, 624.

Trithemius, Treatise of, i, 488.

Triton, Poseidon’s ministers symbolized in, ii, 611.

Triune, Almighty, i, 678; Brahmâ in, form, i, 496; Coëqual nature, i, 673; Iao, ii, 638; Man, i, 246; Seven emanate from, i, 117.

Triyugam, Three ages or, ii, 55.

Troad, worship of Kabirim in, ii, 380.

Troglodyte, Gap between man and, ii, 705.

Trojans, ii, 106, 456, 840.

Tropical, Colure, summer, ii, 426; Crocodile and, regions, ii, 163; Cycle of 19, years, ii, 80; Greenland once, ii, 10, 11; Pole, once, ii, 767; Scandinavia, ii, 442; Year, i, 334, 419, ii, 372, 466, 531.

Tropics, Cancer and Capricorn, of, ii, 372, 421; Circles of, i, 225; Pole, at, ii, 11, 345.

Troy, Ancient, ii, 246, 459, 840; Giants and size of, ii, 291; Greeks of age of, ii, 792; Heroes who fell at, ii, 283; Myth, regarded as a, ii, 460; Svastika found under ruins of, ii, 106, 620.

Trübner’s Oriental Series, ii, 54.

True, Existence or Paramârthika, i, 380; Serpent, leader of souls, i, 442.

Truth, Absolute, i, 79; Acceptance of, ii, 460; Advent of, ii, 559; Aletheia or, ii, 605; Angelic entity presiding over light of, ii, 539; Central Sun of, i, 275; Champions of, i, 315, 316; Contrasts, between two, ii, 599; Demonstrated a, which cannot be, i, 436; Dogma, and, ii, 842; Endless is search for, ii, 677; Enigmatical mirror of pure, ii, 280; Error and, mixed, i, 671; Esoteric, ii, 478, 695; Facts, rests on, ii, 751; Father of, ii, 585; God, i, 375; Goodness, and, ii, 595; Highway of, i, 285; Historians, suppressed by modern, ii, 384; Ignorance of, ii, 430; Intuition, known by, ii, 543; Laboriously climbs hill, i, 1; Light of, ii, 536; Lines, between, ii, 235; Nucleus of, i, 504; One absolute, i, 84; Poetized fiction now as, once, ii, 7; Prologue to Esoteric, ii, 841; Satya Yuga or, age, ii, 154; Science, and, i, 518, 555, 598; Scripture, unveiled, ii, 276; Seven keys of, ii, 544; Sole custodians of, i, 670; Spirit of, ii, 569; Stand-points, from two different, i, 21; Stones of, ii, 361; Symbol of, ii, 634; There is no religion higher than, i, 25, ii, 842; Time, daughter of, ii, 603; Tradition based on approximate, ii, 234; Wisdom and, ii, 89; Woman, as a naked, i, 376; World of, or Sat, i, 144, 145.

Truths, Adepts concealed, i, 1; Administration of great, i, 192; Dzyu deals with, i, 133; Falsehoods and errors of yesterday are, to-day, ii, 461; Hidden, reserved for Arhats, i, 4; Initiation, revealed during, i, 331, 552; Landmarks of prehistoric, ii, 821; Life and regeneration brought by, i, 318; Nidânas based on four, i, 70; Presentments of, ii, 331; Primeval esoteric, ii, 613; Races, inheritance of future, i, 190; Secrecy with regard to divine, ii, 603; Seven, i, 56, 73; Spirit of, ii, 394; Spiritual, i, 287; Vedic, in Purânas, ii, 556; Vital, i, 6.

Tsaba or army of Satan, ii, 526.

Tsan or fraction, i, 163.

Tsang and Nyingpo in Tibetan equal Âlaya, i, 79.

T’sang-t’ung-ky, ii, 584.

Tsaydam, Western, i, 8.

Tselem, Image, ii, 395.

Tsin Dynasty, destruction of books by founder of, ii, 731.

Tsi-tsai, the Self-Existent, i, 381.

T’sod-Olaum of Hebrews, ii, 616.

Tuaricks, ii, 837.

Tubalc’, or Tubal Cain, ii, 608.

Tubal-Cain, Kabir, is a, ii, 408; Mineral kingdom, and, ii, 608; Vulcan or, ii, 401.

Tumuli, ii, 367, 442, 795.

Turamaya, Asura Maya from, ii, 53.

Turanian, Adami, ii, 473; Assyrians, ii, 212; Class, i, 13, ii, 439; Dwarfs, ii, 797; Esotericism, i, 138; Forefathers, ii, 443; Founders of religion, i, 20; Language, ii, 210; Negro and, ii, 786; Religion, i, 13.

Turbid, Drops became, ii, 20, 128; Waters not, ii, 17, 60.

Turin Papyrus, ii, 384.

Turîya state, i, 623.

Turkestan, i, 8.

Turks, Esar of ancient, ii, 636; Phœnix, called by the, Kerkes, ii, 652.

Turning-point, Cycle of, i, 208; Evolution of races, of, ii, 208; Fourth round, of, i, 204; Manvantara of, ii, 563.

Tuscan Sages, i, 713.

Tuscul. Quæst., quoted, ii, 437.

Tushitas, Rudras who had been, ii, 94, 192.

Tutelary Gods, i, 424.

Tvashtri divine artist and carpenter, ii, 106; Vishvakarman, a synonym of, ii, 651.

Twan-ying-t’u, quoted, on yellow dragon, ii, 381.

Twelve, Apostles, i, 430; Great Gods, i, 430; Hours of day, i, 485; Nidânas, i, 70; Orders, i, 233; Transformations, i, 485; Tribes of Jews, ii, 210.

Twelve signs of Zodiac, quoted, i, 313, 710, ii, 182, 608, 609, 610.

Twelve-eyed Dvâdashâksha, ii, 655.

Twelve-handed Dvâdasha-kâra, ii, 655.

Twelve-legged horse of Huschenk, ii, 415, 418.

Twelve-oared ship, ii, 417.

Twentieth Century, Secret Doctrine in, i, 21, ii, 461.

Twenty-four hours, our globe breathes every, i, 591.

Twice-born, Brâhmans, i, 5, ii, 73, 118; Initiates, i, 583, 592; Invasion of India by, i, 291.

Twice-seven, kabalistically regarded, i, 115.

Twilight, Action Demiurge born in, of, i, 408; Body of, ii, 96, 128; Day of great breath, of, ii, 6; Fohat acts from one, to another, i, 64, 168; Hilaeira personified, ii, 129; Humanity of, ii, 63; Mahâmanvantara, of, i, 309; Past and shadows of, ii, 345; Pitris issue from, ii, 172; Prakrita morning, ii, 555; Pralaya, before, ii, 697; Precursor of, ii, 32; Sandhyâ or, i, 227, ii, 61, 63; Seven, ii, 322; Sons of, ii, 19, 20, 115, 127, 146; Vâch called, i, 465.

Twin-births of Genesis, ii, 143.

Twin-brothers, i, 443, ii, 438, 644.

Twins, Castor and Pollux, ii, 130; Primal, i, 444; Two, i, 248.

Twin-sisters, Earth and Venus, ii, 33.

Twin-souls, i, 626, 627.

Two, Brothers, legend of, ii, 282; Figures make four images, i, 475; Germ, are, i, 57; Heads from one, i, 600; Keys, i, 338; Letters descend from spheres of expectation, ii, 60; One becomes, i, 65, ii, 211, 266, 539; Radiant child of, i, 58; Squares of good and evil, i, 331; Substances, i, 59, 111; Times, Kepti, i, 439; Truths, i, 79; Worlds, ii, 294.

Two-dimensional space, i, 271, 272.

Two-faced forms, ii, 17, 66.

Two-fold, Androgynes, ii, 174; Egg-born, ii, 21; Man, i, 236, 485, ii, 194; Race, or third, ii, 182; Units, i, 237; World, divisions of, ii, 658.

Two-headed children, ii, 59.

Two-horned Dulkarnayn, ii, 416.

Tycho, mean motions of, i, 729.

Tycho Brahé on stars, i, 510, 535, 645.

Tympanum, Sensation produced on, i, 605, 694.

Tyndall, quoted, i, 269, 524, 556, 575, 694, 698, 731, 733, ii, 159, 711.

Tyndaridæ, the twin-brothers, ii, 129.

Tyndarus, Leda spouse of, ii, 128.

Type, Animal, ii, 721; Argha, of Queen of Heaven, ii, 484; Caduceus, of, i, 601; Catarrhines, of, ii, 704; Cross was a, ii, 620; Development of, ii, 691; Enoch, of dual man, ii, 561; Heavenly man, of, ii, 721; Humanity of, i, 210; Ideal, for every form, i, 303; Intelligence, of, i, 240; Intermediate, ii, 707; Man’s, ii, 3, 302; Repertory, human, a, ii, 722; Reversion to, ii, 307; Species, and, ii, 265; Unity of, ii, 779; Variability of, ii, 685.

Types, Ancestral, ii, 685, 737, 778; Astral, during Pralaya, ii, 697; Atlantean, affinities of three, ii, 837; Cast-off, ii, 275; Correspondences of, i, 640; Divine forms to divers, i, 735; Elemental, of religious teachings, ii, 667; Heterogeneous, ii, 444; Horse, of, ii, 756; Ideal, ii, 514; Innumerable, ii, 267; Jews, of twelve vicious, i, 730; Manvantara, new, each, ii, 770; Marsupial, of Australia, ii, 7; Phenomena chosen from cosmic, i, 443; Pre-physical, ii, 722; Primitive, of fifth race, ii, 493; Race, of our present, i, 208; Rounds, from preceding, ii, 697; Satan, of, ii, 284; Skulls, of fossil, ii, 780; Species of animals, i, 665; Spiritual, i, 551; Store of, in microcosm, ii, 197; Sun and Moon as, i, 444; Third-round man, of, ii, 723; Three, ii, 824, 825; Unknown, ii, 200; White, yellow and negro, ii, 827.

Types of Mankind, quoted, ii, 646.

Typhôeus, Giant, i, 504.

Typhon, ii, 510; Diana hiding from, i, 416; Dragon Apophis or, ii, 403; Genetrix, ii, 577, 579; Hermes also, ii, 398; Osiris and, i, 223, ii, 98, 296, 396, 543; Pan and, ii, 612; Satan or, ii, 621; Set Egyptian, ii, 383; Seth and, ii, 35, 86; Seven stars, of, i, 439; Thoth escaping from, i, 387.

Typhons will be dethroned, ii, 438.

Typology of Cross, ii, 576.

Tyrant, Olympic, ii, 440.

Tyre, Cherub, king of, called, ii, 527; David stayed at, ii, 570; King of, reproved, ii, 517; Maximus of, ii, 121; Navigators of, ii, 793; Purple of, ii, 449; Pyramids of, i, 371; Tabernacle pillars in, i, 150.

Tyrrhenian Cosmogony, i, 363.

Tyrus, origin of prince of, ii, 517.

Tzabaoth, Elohi of Israel, ii, 43.

Tzala, a Hebrew word, ii, 143.

Tzelem, Elohim, image of, ii, 145; Image, ii, 478; Nephesh, of, ii, 670; Neshama, of, ii, 670; Ruach, of, ii, 670; Shadow-Adam, or, ii, 529.

Tzephum, Boreas called, i, 504.

Tzita, Third race from, ii, 191.

Tzite’, tree of Popol Vul, ii, 102.

Tzon-kha-pa, or Amitâbha, a Tibetan reformer, i, 134.

Tzure, prototype of Second Adam, ii, 478.

Tzyphon, science of, ii, 226.

Udâna, Excellent seat of, ii, 599; Life-winds subject to, ii, 600; Physical organs of speech or, i, 122.

Ueber die Auflösung der Arten durch Natürliche Zucht-wahl, quoted, i, 208.

Ugrasena, King of Mathurâ, ii, 337.

Uhllmann, Rosetta stone of, ii, 486.

Ulom, Intelligible Deity or, i, 391, 499.

Ultima Thule of the Universe, i, 645.

Ultimates, Cosmic, ii, 27, 28; Matter of, ii, 626.

Ultra-montanes, the French, i, 714.

Ulug-beg, Tables of, i, 722, 723.

Ulûpî, Arjuna marries, ii, 224, 665.

Ulysses, Calypso, Circe, and Polyphemus, ii, 813.

Umâ-Kanyâ, Esoteric name of Virgin, i, 119.

Umbilical cord, ii, 139, 140, 483.

Unborn, Aja the, ii, 186, 611; Baby, analogies of seven months’, ii, 268; Element born not, ii, 633; Space, ii, 511; Nature of spirit ray, ii, 252; Universe created by, i, 399.

Unconditioned, Absolute Deity, ii, 168; All, one, i, 288; Amrita is, per se, i, 371; Consciousness and abstract motion, i, 42; One reality is, i, 294; Unity, i, 286.

Unconscious, All, i, 93; Blind or, law, i, 295; Conscious and, beings, i, 490; Creative plan of, i, 31; Creator, man and, ii, 304; Esoteric school rejects idea of anything being, i, 488; Eternity, in, i, 695; European philosophy, of, i, 42; Evolution guided by, ii, 685; Experience, appeals to, i, 529; Hartmann’s philosophy of, i, 81; Hegel’s theory of, i, 81; Inactivity of monad, ii, 60; Latent and, life, i, 278; Life, ii, 255; Manifestation of, ii, 700, 707; Mission of units of humanity, ii, 466; Nature, so-called, i, 298; Occultist, i, 608; Personality, mortal or, in the, ii, 130; Primeval men were, i, 403; Purposiveness, i, 349; Self-consciousness, to attain, i, 82; Spirit referred to as, i, 81; Universal mind, ii, 27; Universe evolved by, i, 132.

Unconsciousness, Absolute non-being and, i, 78; Phase of, ii, 126; Races, of first two, ii, 191; Semi-perception, to, i, 199; Spiritual, of monad, i, 198; State of perfect, ii, 633; Vedântins and, i, 302.

Uncreate, God foreseeing and, i, 301; One life formless and, i, 269.

Uncreated, Absolute unity is, ii, 616; Beam, i, 296; Lights, ii, 305; Ray, i, 624.

Understanding, Binah or, ii, 88, 89; Buddhi, or, ii, 675; Mahat or, i, 104; Men endowed with, ii, 279; Mental eye opened to, ii, 284; Opinions and, i, 710; Past, the, ii, 838; Proverbs of Solomon and, ii, 143; Sattva or, i, 98; Subtle bodies remain without, ii, 96.

Underworld, Sun saw at night the, i, 323.

Undeveloped man, Relic of an, ii, 698.

Undifferentiated, Asat or, matter, ii, 631; Cosmic Protyle, i, 90; Cosmic substance, i, 104, 171; Essence, i, 218; Matter, i, 236; Monads, ii, 325; Protyle or, substance, i, 260; Substance, a nucleus of, i, 179.

Undines, i, 663.

Undulatory, The, theory, i, 347, 537, 575, 633, 634.

Ungulate mammals, ii, 776.

Unicellular classes, the, ii, 694.

Unicorn called a lunar myth, ii, 228.

Uniform laws, evolution works by, ii, 772.

Unisexual creature, a, ii, 207.

Unit, All, merged in, i, 351; Androgynous, ii, 201; Aspects of universal, i, 661; Atoms only a compound, i, 672; Cipher and, i, 385; Complex visible, i, 679; Differentiation of, ii, 439, 543; Divine mind or, ii, 636; Ego a compound, on incarnation, ii, 669; Indivisible, i, 676; Interlaced triangle, in, ii, 626; Logos one great, i, 107, 626; Logoi of, i, 266; Male, ii, 586; Male God or first, i, 356; Man living, ii, 304; Measure of, i, 337, ii, 573; Monad universal, i, 673, ii, 621; Perfection of, ii, 616; Point, a, i, 675; Possible, i, 677; Telloh, of measurement, ii, 236; Tetrad issued from, ii, 633.

United States, Americans of, ii, 463; Flora of Asia and, ii, 825; Mounds in, ii, 442; President of, ii, 458.

Unities, Binaries and, in decad, i, 259; Four, i, 258.

Uni-triad, Invisible dew falling from, i, 379.

Units, Humanity, of, i, 700, ii, 465; Indestructible and elementary, i, 201; Karma and, i, 739; Mass and primordial, i, 558; Nature and inter-related, i, 716; Septenary, in chains of our system, i, 187; Third race, of ii, 207; Two-fold and three-fold, i, 237; Unity of, i, 690.

Unity, Absolute, i, 37, 89, ii, 120, 249, 575, 622; Ain Suph infinite, i, 373; All potential, i, 637; Aspects or facets of same, i, 256; Astral light in its manifested, ii, 539; Boundless extension or, i, 365; Boundless and infinite, ii, 46; Cause of all, i, 460; Deity as an absolute, i, 88, ii, 575; Digits brought back to, ii, 614; Diversity, in, ii, 324; Divine, i, 286, 738, ii, 636; Divine and circle, i, 31; Divine essence, of, i, 673; Divine names, of, ii, 42; Embodiment of simple, i, 38; Ever-to-be unknown, i, 370; Father-mother-son as, i, 89; Fires of, ii, 60; First manifested sparks of one, ii, 336; First principle of, of unities, i, 459; Fohat transcendental binding, i, 136; Forces combined as, i, 568, 675; God man, of, i, 83; Graduated, i, 672; History, of, i, 699; Homogeneous, i, 572; Human species, of, ii, 642; Idea in religion, of, i, 456; Immutable eternal and absolute, ii, 27; Impersonal, an, ii, 251; Kosmos, of all parts of, i, 520, 607; Living God, of, i, 360; Logos as, i, 467, ii, 224; Local God expressed, in nature, i, 500; Manifested, i, 673; Monad cause of all, i, 677; Monas, or, i, 673; Multiplication opposed to, i, 34, 474, 677; Name of, in the, i, 678; Nature and its law, of, i, 145, 297, 701, ii, 538; No number, is, i, 467; Numbers begun with God as, i, 96; Occult science and, i, 145; One, i, 37, 44, 675, ii, 709; One life eternal living, i, 98; Phtah, of, i, 738; Plan, of structural, ii, 721, 779; Plurality from, ii, 605; Potencies of an interacting, i, 674; Primordial light, of, i, 236; Secret doctrine and concealed, ii, 583; Self-God, with, i, 700; Senary and, ii, 615; Space a substantial, i, 38, 40; Specific, of humanity, ii, 205; Spirit and matter two facets of unknowable, i, 593; Spiritual and physical, of, ii, 434; Substance, of, i, 125; Supreme, i, 299; Synthesized, i, 623; Thought and action, in, i, 706; Total in, or universe, ii, 630; Unconditioned, i, 286; Units of, i, 690; Universal, a, i, 88, 672, 689; Universal life, of, i, 305; Verbum a duality in full, ii, 542; Yang the, ii, 584.

Unity of Nature, quoted, ii, 390.

Universal Intelligence, Mahat or, i, 92, 241, 277, 666, ii, 675.

Universal Language, Delgarme’s endeavour to re-establish a, i, 330; Direct revelation and, i, 336; Kabbala and, i, 338; Mason Ragon suspected, i, 329; Scholar of science will try to learn, i, 338; Seven dialects of, i, 329; Wisdom religion and its, ii, 491; Wisdom science has its, i, 329.

Universal Law, the, Man witnesses to, i, 295; Mankind under, i, 667; Occult science and, i, 562; Physical evolution and, ii, 124.

Universal Mind, the, Ahamkâra and, ii, 651; Ah-hi and, i, 55, 69, 70; Being, God, and, i, 305; Builders and, i, 634; Christians and, ii, 247; Collective or, ii, 511; Cosmic ideation, i, 349; Creative logos or, i, 135; Divine thought and, i, 31; Elemental vortices and, i, 683; Emanation of, i, 659; Flames born of, ii, 242; Fohat and, i, 113; Ideation of, i, 300; Infinite, i, 301; Mahat, i, 82, 104, 236, ii, 61, 83, 93, 173; Plan of universe in, i, 130; Pralaya, during, i, 70; Races and, first, i, 290; Ray of, requires a physical basis, i, 43; Unconscious, ii, 27.

Universal Pralaya, Age of Brahmâ and, i, 195; Cosmic or, ii, 72; Cosmic ideation and, i, 349; Cosmic substance and, i, 349; Mahâ or, i, 603.

Universal Soul, the, Âlaya, i, 80; Anima Mundi, i, 81, 392, ii, 593; Âtmâ and, ii, 241; Conduct governed by, i, 453; Creation and, i, 453; Creator, Demiurgic and, i, 377; Divine, i, 252; Hea, i, 381; Nothing motionless within, i, 32; Philosophically a Mâyâ, i, 39; Plane of abstract presence, i, 31; Sat, ii, 61; Spirit of, i, 486; Unknown, ii, 606; Upâdhi or basis of, i, 128.

Universal Spirit, the, i, 301, ii, 675; Âtmâ, ii, 631; Chrestos, ii, 502; God, i, 278; Monad emanates from, i, 45; Omnipresent, i, 512; Svayambhû or, i, 83.

Universality, Archaic teachings, of, i, 234; Births, of periodical, i, 721; Duality, of doctrine of, i, 255; Life, of, ii, 743; Zodiac, of, i, 716.

Universals, Particulars from, i, 177, ii, 617; Plato and Pythagoras proceeded from, ii, 162; Realities, are, i, 295.

Universe, The actual, i, 654; Alaya of, i, 56, 78, 79; All-being is Brahmâ, or, i, 85; Analogy in, i, 200; Angels or spirits in, ii, 91; Archetypal, i, 176; Architect of, ii, 106; Arûpa, i, 61, 125; Astral fluid womb of, 199; Astral light recorder of, i, 130; Âtman of, Christos, i, 157; Atom in, self-consciousness possible to every, i, 132; Atom in, tends to become God, i, 183; Atom in, trace to one unity, every, ii, 709; Basic ideas upon, i, 305; Basis of the object, ii, 778; Boundaries of, i, 277, 309, 400; Brahmâ or, i, 38, ii, 34, 323, 651; Brahmâ progenitor of, i, 37, 109, 111, 490; Brahman and Brahmâ or, i, 45; Breath of Fire and expansion of the, i, 111; Breathes, i, 591; Builders real creators of, i, 83, 402; Building of, i, 380; Celestial bridge of, i, 238; Central sun, evolving from, i, 407; Chaos seven elements and, i, 161; Composition of material, i, 732; Conceived homogeneous, i, 564; Contradictory exposition of, i, 550; Cosmogony of, i, 175; Created by accelerated motion, ii, 582; Creation of, i, 234, ii, 407; Creative force of, i, 121, ii, 61; Creators of, i, 154, 458, ii, 63, 571; Culmination of, ii, 637; Death of physical, ii, 612; Decad in, i, 126; Deity considered as, i, 120; Deity geometrizes in forming, ii, 42; Deity in, i, 139, 202, ii, 114; Descriptions of, i, 294; Desire of life abstract cause of, i, 76; Dissolution of, ii, 155; Divine manifesting in, ii, 45; Divine powers frame, i, 49; Divine Ray manifested in, i, 108; Divine thought determines existence of, i, 57, 70, 75, 91; Dodecahedron of, ii, 39; Dragon seeking to devour, ii, 401; Dreamless sleep applied to, i, 78; Duration of, ii, 653; Earth in relation to, ii, 158, 742; Egg became, i, 384; Egg-shaped globe and, 103; Electricity life of, i, 163; Emanation of, i, 481; Emergence out of chaos of, i, 650; Eternal, arises from, i, 357; Eternal becoming, an, ii, 470; Eternal foundations of, i, 162; Eternity of, i, 44, ii, 515, 573; Ether female principle from which, i, 87; Ether recipient of heat radiations of, i, 128; Evolution of, i, 81, 639, 656, 672, ii, 69, 530, 574; Extent of, ii, 288; Faces of, ii, 609; Facts relating to, i, 295; Falls into matter, ii, 574; Flame filled with ethereal, i, 399; Fohat caused, to move, i, 222; Forces of, i, 164, 307, ii, 637; Formation of, i, 651; Formless condition of, i, 83; Foundations of, i, 63; Finite condition of, i, 194; Fire septenary through, i, 115; Fulness of, i, 734; Generation of, i, 375; Genesis of, ii, 386; Germ in mundane egg which will become, i, 31; Germ of, Stanza iv on, i, 49; Germ of son or visible, ii, 89; Globe, and our, i, 304; Globular shape of all bodies in, i, 103; God as synthesis of, i, 445; Great, i, 367; Great architect of, i, 673; Great breath and, i, 32, 74; Great cycle and, i, 278; Great mother absorbs, i, 74; Guiding action of higher intelligences in, i, 295, 362, ii, 528; He who is beginning of, i, 399; Heterogeneity in evolution of, i, 350; Hindû cosmogony and evolution of, i, 460; Ideal plan of, i, 130, 302; Ideal and visible, i, 677; Ideas, of, ii, 40, 633; Ideation of, i, 300; Illusion, of, i, 155, 315, ii, 40; Incipient stage of, i, 623; Intellectual progress of, ii, 77; Jagat or, i, 36; Kabalah and, ii, 28, 595; Kosmos and infinite, i, 220; Lawgiver of, ii, 585; Laws of, i, 45, 666, 707, ii, 716; Life and motion of, i, 32; Life and light of, i, 35; Life everywhere in, i, 270; Life, heart, and pulse of, i, 236; Light on objective, ii, 41; Lipika spirits of, i, 153; Lives, of, ii, 269; Living and sentient, i, 84; Logos and, i, 143, ii, 28, 196; Lotus and, i, 406, ii, 495; Macrocosm, ii, 187; Manifested, i, 39, 43, 44, 46, 102, 171, 274, ii, 62, 120, 406, 623; Manifested God known through, i, 463; Manifesting, ii, 513; Manifold, i, 37; Matrix of, ii, 538; Material, i, 734; Material of, ii, 647; Matter and, i, 280, 499, 673, 686, 739, ii, 626; Matter force and necessity, of, ii, 685; Mechanical, i, 536; Metaphysical illusion, a, i, 351; Mind of, i, 298; Mind to embrace, ii, 19, 110; Modeller of, i, 378; Molecules of, i, 146; Monads expression of, i, 684, 690, 691, 692; Mundane egg and, i, 94; Myriads of systems in, ii, 46; Mystery of, i, 116, ii, 619; Nature, a mind-born son of, i, 429; New, i, 360; Nothing profane in, i, 632; Noumenal and phenomenal, i, 169; Numerical system of, i, 144; Objective, i, 67, 187, 235, 692, ii, 697; One absolute omniscience in, i, 298; One causeless cause and, i, 85; One law of, ii, 585; One life of, i, 283; One manifested, i, 115; One reality in its dual aspect in, i, 44; One and secondless principle in, ii, 586; Origin of, i, 291, 650; Organisms, full of, i, 647; Our, one of many, i, 74; Parabrahman, itself, i, 419; Periodicity in, i, 288, 698, ii, 516; Phantom germ of, i, 394; Phenomenal, i, 33, 169; Phenomenalization of, i, 76; Philosophical conceptions of, i, 475; Plane of our, i, 161, 215, 294; Plane of subjective, i, 693; Planetary chain in relation to, i, 73; Plerôma, of, ii, 28; Point, and single, i, 531; Prajâpati was this, i, 464; Pralaya, during, i, 98; Primal cause of objective, i, 72, 678; Privileged beings in, i, 241; Production of, ii, 641; Prototype is present of all things in this, i, 92; Pythagorean decad contained, of Gnostics, ii, 605; Reality in, i, 45; Reawakening of, i, 47, 49; Recoalescence of, ii, 72, 323; Regions of, i, 137; Representations of, i, 298; Rest and activity of, i, 395; Rhythm in all changes in, i, 41; Root of, mystic, i, 67; Root-principle of, i, 268; Rudimental, i, 369; Ruler of, ii, 40; Scale of temperature throughout, i, 166; Science and, i, 518, ii, 701; Seed of, ii, 572, 625; Seminal principle of, ii, 572; Sephirothal tree is, i, 376; Septenary, i, 39, 182; Series, one of an infinite, i, 34; Serpent cast off its old skins, like, i, 103; Seven regions of, i, 137; Seven and, i, 480; Shoreless in magnitude, i, 94; Sien Tchan our, i, 160; Single substance, of a, i, 593; Sleep of, i, 72, 85, 98; Solar, evolution of, i, 48, 49, 310; Soma and, occult nature of, ii, 49; Son, or, i, 91; Son of necessity or, i, 56, 73; Space and, i, 38, 73; Speech produced, i, 464; Spencer and Von Hartmann and, i, 47; Spirit and matter, of, i, 72, 363, ii, 114; Spirit of, Logos, i, 44, 236, ii, 27, 648; Spirit enveloping, i, 306; Spiritual and physical aspects of, i, 241; Spiritual beings in, i, 254; Stars of, i, 309, ii, 582; Substance, of, i, 237; Symbol of, i, 73, ii, 614, 634; System merging in central, ii, 199; Temple in, but one, i, 233, ii, 688; Ten sacred number of, i, 386; Ten points symbolizes, i, 675; This refers to, i, 36; Thought, of, i, 144, 677; Transcendental conceptions of, i, 683; Tree of being or, ii, 622; Trinity of material, i, 732; Two infinites impossible in, i, 36; Type and prototype in, ii, 127; Ultima Thule of, i, 645; Unconscious evolved, i, 132; Unmanifested, i, 134, ii, 662; Vast body of, ii, 628; Virgin mother of, i, 496; Vishnu and, ii, 42; Visible, i, 221, ii, 568; Wear and tear of body of, i, 602; Web is, i, 59, 111, 113; Wing, touching with its swift, i, 57, 93; Wisdom, of nature of, i, 453; Wonders of, ii, 677; Zeno and evolving, i, 105.

Universes, Formation of, i, 266; Infinite number of, i, 74; Invisible, ii, 29; Leibnitz and, i, 690; Manifesting and disappearing, i, 44; Phenomenal, i, 675; Playground of numberless, i, 44; Three, i, 299.

Unknowable, Absolute cause is, i, 738; Accepted, i, 452; Ain Suph a synonym for any, i, 138, ii, 44; All, ii, 515; Causality, one, i, 163; Creator and architect, behind, ii, 46; Crookes, Mr., very close to, i, 637; Deity, i, 602; Differentiation of the, ii, 769; Eternal or causeless cause, i, 43; European philosophy, of, i, 42; Karma one with, ii, 320; Mover, i, 86; Point, concealed and, i, 487; Principle, ii, 529; Reflection of, ii, 41; Rig Vedic verse, in, ii, 136; Spencer, of, i, 84, 302, 348; Theology attempts to unveil, i, 47; Unity, spirit and matter two facets of, i, 593.

Unlucky numbers, ii, 607, 614.

Unmanifest, the, ii, 245.

Unmanifested, Absolute or, i, 115; Son of, father, ii, 324; Logos, i, 44, 102, 235, 236, 298, 355, ii, 631; Manifested begotten by, i, 428; Motion eternal in, i, 124; Ray in, ii, 27; Spirit of the Universe, the, i, 236; Universe, i, 134, ii, 662.

Unnameable, Absolute cause to Egyptians was, i, 738; Ain Suph, ii, 44.

Unpointed Hebrew, Jehovah in, ii, 496.

Unpronounceable, Absolute cause, i, 738; Names of three highest worlds are, i, 469.

Unpublished MS. referred to, i, 479.

Unreachable Land, ii, 419; Life which radiates from the summits of, i, 89.

Unseen Universe, referred to, i, 500, 526.

Untied, The animal creation, ii, 287.

Untranslatable Names, i, 518.

Unutterable, the Name, i, 370; Threshold of, ii, 200.

Upâdâna the material cause, i, 86.

Upâdhi, Basis or, i, 128, ii, 37; Basic mould or human, i, 303; Basis or, of air and water, ii, 111; Degree of, i, 351; Divine thought Âkâsha, i, 347; Ether, of, i, 561; Foundation or, i, 309; Germ which becomes, of seven principles, i, 311; Material, ii, 633; Objective universe, of, i, 402; Organism as a, ii, 707; Periodical, i, 203; Primordial substance, of every phenomenon, i, 352; Soul, of spirit, i, 177; Spiritual, i, 650; Substance of, of ethereal man, ii, 167; Vehicle or, i, 67.

Upâdhis, Bases or, i, 176, 182, 203, 301, ii, 627; Basic principles or, ii, 94; Vehicles or, of forces, i, 508.

Upadvîpas or Root islands, ii, 422.

Upanishad, Katha, i, 464; Shvetâshvatara, i, 39.

Upanishads referred to, i, 162, 188, 288, 290, 292, ii, 30; Advaita Vedântins, of the, i, 569; Anugîtâ one of the oldest, i, 121; Bhâshya on, i, 292; Gnostic literature, in, ii, 594, 597; Pantheists echo, i, 36; Science in, i, 583; Scope of, i, 291; Secret Doctrine and, i, 78, ii, 624; Vâch in, i, 465; Vedas and, ii, 508.

Upheaval, Alps, of, ii, 793; Americas, of, two, ii, 425; Continent, of, ii, 8; Continents, of new, ii, 376; Oceans, of, ii, 738.

Upper, Adam, ii, 479; Circle, ii, 584, 670; Egypt, i, 389, 500, ii, 638; Region, ii, 665; Sea of fire, i, 59; Space, i, 100; Triad, i, 200, 262; Worlds, and lower, i, 678, ii, 127.

Upper Egypt, Artificial Egg at Philæ in, i, 389.

Upsala, Configurations of, ii, 420.

Ur, Abraham came from, i, 403, ii, 237; Moon God at, worship of, ii, 148.

Uræus, Cosmic fire and, i, 471; Devoured by, i, 248; Osiris and, i, 471; Serpent, i, 737.

Ural, Mountains, i, 19; Philo’s flood, ii, 435.

Uranides or Titans, i, 450, 451.

Uranium a chemical atom, i, 239.

Uranographie Chinoise, quoted, i, 722.

Uranus, i, 629; Astronomical teacher, ii, 809; Atlantean King, first, ii, 805, 808, 809; Cronus mutilating, i, 450, ii, 281, 296; Discovery of date of, i, 129; Gæa, destroyed his children by, ii, 281; Hindûs, known to, i, 126; Neptune, and, i, 173; Satellites of, i, 128, 648; Saturn, denser than, i, 649; Second race, a Dhyân Chohan of, ii, 809.

Uranus-day and Sun-day, i, 126.

Urd, foundation of, ii, 547.

Ûrdhvasrotas, the, i, 481, 489, 491, ii, 172.

Urea in the blood, i, 270, 282.

Uriel, Atlanteans, and, i, 668; Bull, i, 152, ii, 121; Denouncer, ii, 400; Enoch and, i, 667, ii, 507, 562.

Urim and Thummim, i, 714.

Ûrjâ, Progeny of, ii, 155.

Urka, Omorôka or Lady of, ii, 143.

Ursa Major, ii, 377, 812; Minor, ii, 377, 648, 812.

Urschleim of Oken, ii, 167.

Ursus spelæus, ii, 781, 788.

Urus, Engravings of, by the Emperor Yü, ii, 315.

Uses, Gravity and cohesion, of, i, 610; Life, of, ii, 256.

Ush, Fire or heat, ii, 120.

Ushanas, Dânavas and, ii, 523; Demon Deity, degraded into a, ii, 49.

Ushanas-Shukra, Venus or, ii, 35, 36, 49, 523, 526.

Usurpation of divine rights, ii, 238.

Usurper, Zohac the, ii, 416.

Uterus, condition of man in, ii, 197.

Uttara Khanda of the Padma Purána, ii, 333.

Uttarâ Mîmânsâ, Buddhists and the, i, 78.

Uxmal, Ruins of, ii, 448, 793.

Uzza, Hosts of, ii, 515.

Vâch, Aditi, form of, i, 161; Brahmâ and, i, 38, 117, 161, 162, 465, 466, ii, 136, 156, 495; Brahmâ-Prajâpati or, i, 467; Daksha and, i, 464; Four kinds of, i, 162, 465; Goddesses, most mysterious of Brâhmanical, i, 468; Hindû, i, 161, ii, 47; Ilâ or, i, 570; Kwan-Yin and, i, 160, 161, 465; Logos, daughter and mother of, i, 161, 464, ii, 209; Madhyamâ, i, 465; Mantras, hidden power of, i, 378; Melodious cow or, i, 161, 460, ii, 436; Para, i, 465; Pashyantî, i, 465; Prajâpati or, i, 464, 467; Pranava called, i, 162, 466; Rhea repetition of, ii, 151; Rishis and, i, 464; Sarasvatî later form of, i, 122; Shatarûpâ, is, i, 465; Twilight, Sandhyâ or, i, 465; Universal soul, or, i, 377; Vaikharî, i, 162, 465, 466; Virâj and, i, 162, ii, 151; Voice feminine, i, 121, ii, 112.

Vâch-Shata-Rûpâ, ii, 157.

Vâch-Virâj, ii, 136.

Vâchaspattya, Sanskrit encyclopedia, i, 405; Âkâsha is, for Rationalists, i, 315; Plenum and, i, 538.

Vacuum, Absolute, of Newton, i, 536; Force, is latent, i, 367; Gravity acting through, i, 533; Inter etheric, i, 608; Nature abhors a, i, 93, 367, 565, 731; Newton on, i, 537; Radiation through, i, 572; Sidereal bodies and, i, 533; Space not, i, 574.

Vadukku, Genii called, ii, 258.

Vâhan, or Vehicle, Âtman, of, i, 285; Brahmâ, of, i, 108; Buddhi, ii, 251; Flame, of, i, 66, 286; Lords of wisdom, of, ii, 21, 182; Matter, of spirit, ii, 61; Spark, of flame, i, 66, 286.

Vâhana, Conventional existence used as, i, 380; Garuda, of Vishnu, ii, 596; Primordial seven, of, i, 133; Sun, of solar system, i, 574; Vehicle or, i, 102, 234, 509, 574; Varuna, of, ii, 609.

Vaidhâtra, Four-fold mystery and, i, 116; Kumâras and, i, 493.

Vaidic Âryans, Mythology of, ii, 523.

Vaidyuta, Electric fire or, i, 567.

Vaikharî, Parâ becomes, i, 468.

Vaikharî-Vâch, Forms of, i, 465; Madhyamâ of, i, 162.

Vaikunthaloka, the Heaven of Vishnu, i, 569.

Vaikunthas refused to create, ii, 94.

Vairâjas, Devas, Gods or, ii, 93, 95.

Vaishnava System, the, i, 492.

Vaishnavas, India, in, i, 738; Mahâ-Buddhi, on, i, 486; Sectarian spite of, ii, 580; Speculations of, i, 86; Vishnu God of, i, 454.

Vaishvânara, Agni or, ii, 399; Fire, ii, 325, 521, 600; Humanity, spirit of, ii, 324; Vaivarta, Brahma, i, 395.

Vaivasvata, Âdityas in, period, ii, 94; Brahmâ Vishnu and Shiva precede, ii, 153; Deluge of, i, 97, 396; Hindû Noah, ii, 232, 818; Humanity, ii, 76, 344; Humanity saved by the racial, ii, 324; Legends and allegories of, ii, 328.

Vaivasvata, Manu, i, 478, 493, 570, ii, 4, 39, 72, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 221, 260, 262, 277, 304, 320, 321, 322, 323, 326, 335, 399, 443, 632, 644, 645, 733, 755; Manvantara or round, i, 26, ii, 72; Progeny of, ii, 143; Sixth creation or, i, 492; World-deluges, and, ii, 350.

Vajradhara the diamond-holder, i, 83, 624.

Vajrapâni the diamond-holder, i, 83.

Vajrasattvas, Diamond-souled i, 83, 624.

Vale of Mexico, Aztecs in the, i, 343.

Valentinian, Gospel, ii, 539; Pairs of male and female Æons, ii, 601; Theogony, ii, 607.

Valentinian table in Epiphanius, referred to, ii, 480.

Valentinus, referred to, i, 330, 441, 480, ii, 597, 601; Gnosis, the profoundest doctor of the, i, 373.

Vallabâchâryas of Bombay, i, 358, ii, 622.

Vallancey, Col. referred to, i, 703, ii, 277.

Vâmadeva, Rebirths of, i, 344, ii, 295; Shiva called, ii, 260.

Vâmadeva Modelyar describes coming night, i, 403.

Vampires, Moon like all, i, 180; Preconceptions like, ii, 768.

Vampyretta one of the Monera, ii, 174.

Van Helmont pupil of Paracelsus, i, 82, 560.

Vananin-Lamertade, ii, 480.

Vanchug, Chenresi, ii, 188.

Vandal warriors of Nadir Shah, ii, 353.

Vapour, Creatures born from, ii, 193; Ether, and, i, 575; Heat generates, i, 269; Incandescent, i, 593; Nebulæ formed of, i, 651, 652; Second earth disappeared as, i, 473.

Vapours, Ring of, i, 648.

Vapoury one of the seven transformations of matter, i, 227.

Vara, Lord and ruler of the, ii, 5; Man, meant, ii, 305; Superior or, ii, 172, 193; Yima, or ark of, ii, 304, 305, 645.

Varâha, Avatâra, i, 396, ii, 56, 335; Boar, i, 395; Creation, ii, 56; Pâdma Kalpa, or, i, 493.

Varieties, Genus homo, of, i, 344, 627; Modes of procreation, of, ii, 178.

Variation, Capacities, of, ii, 332; Nature and, ii, 735; Physiological, ii, 685; Species, in, ii, 717; Stature, in, ii, 462.

Variations, Cause of, in organisms, ii, 313, 685; Cross-symbolism, of, ii, 577; Elements, of, i, 599; Exact science, of, ii, 75; Mammalian type, of, ii, 715; Man and climatic, ii, 274; Useful, perpetuated, ii, 684.

Varnas, Orders, i, 452.

Varshas, Dvîpas and, ii, 276, 419; Portions or, ii, 386; Pushkara with its, ii, 421, 425; Terrestrial regions as, ii, 334.

Varshayanti one of the Pleiades, ii, 581.

Varuna, Asura applied to, ii, 97, 525; God of water, i, 500, ii, 611; Indra punishes breaker of laws of, ii, 641; Mitra and, ii, 156; Neptune and, ii, 281; Ouranos or, ii, 69; Space, dragged down from, ii, 68; Sublime position of, ii, 640; Uranus a modified, ii, 281; Vâhana of, ii, 609; Vehicle of, i, 240, ii, 609; West, deity of, i, 153.

Vase of election, ii, 536.

Vasishtha, Curse of, ii, 258; Evil, on, i, 447; Mind born son of Brahmâ, ii, 82; Mysteries imparted by Varuna to, ii, 281; Râkshasas saved by, ii, 242; Seven sons of, ii, 155.

Vastubhûta or substance, ii, 647.

Vâsudeva, Liberator, i, 306; Lord of all, i, 452; Nature of, ii, 52.

Vasus the eight Vedic Deities, i, 100, ii, 258.

Vatican, Doctrines of secret schools preserved in, i, 27, ii, 532; Lanci librarian to, ii, 393; MS. of Kabalah in, ii, 249.

Vau, crook, hook or, ii, 482; Jod, and Hé in Jehovah, i, 117.

Vault, Starry, ii, 20; Time periods marked on, of heaven, i, 418.

Vâyu, Indra or, i, 500, ii, 395; Vedic Trimûrti, one of, i, 117, ii, 120; Wind, God of, i, 212, 507.

Vâyu Purâna, quoted, i, 80, 277, 395, 398, 405, 470, 489, 494, 567, ii, 60, 86, 93, 94, 96, 192, 193, 398, 399, 422, 423, 520, 604, 648, 649, 650.

Veda, Rig, Âryan literature, oldest, i, 11; Division of, ii, 507; Ether, on, i, 352; Fire and Deities, on, ii, 598; Gandharva of, i, 569, ii, 618; Myth of, ii, 470; Odin, Max Müller and, i, 13; One Deity, one caste, one, i, 108; Translation of, could not be made in 1820, i, 21; Vishnu divides, ii, 155.

Veda-Vyâsa, Bricklayers by, i, 332; Jews may be referred to by, i, 332; Vishnu as, ii, 155, 507.

Vedânta, the, Basic idea of, i, 81; Books of, i, 290; Buddhists and, i, 78; Esoteric Philosophy and, i, 86; Esotericism in, ii, 508; Nyâya and, i, 86, 397; Philosophy, i, 669, ii, 264, 470; Septenary in, i, 181.

Vedânta Sâra, referred to, i, 36.

Vedântic, Advaitin, Philosophy, i, 541, ii, 631; Brâhman, i, 108, 697; Conception, i, 36, 242; Doctrine, i, 302; Doctrines distorted, i, 107; Idealism, i, 247, 661; Lucretius endorses a, conception, i, 36; Mûlaprakriti, i, 277; Philosophy i, 381, 639; Principles of man in division, i, 181; Quinquepartite division, i, 247; Row, T. Subba, a, scholar, i, 181, 681; Septenary dogma, scholar on, ii, 672; Teaching, i, 307, ii, 165; Wisdom, i, 31, ii, 556.

Vedântin, Advaita, philosophers, i, 37; Creation, tenet of, i, 37; Dreamless sleep and a, i, 78; Faith of true, i, 622; On Hegelian Unconscious, i, 82; Mâyâ in esoteric and, teaching, i, 92; Metaphysical mind of Hindû, ii, 168; Occultist, i, 162; Pantheism of, philosophers, ii, 495; Scholar, i, 277; Sects, apple of discord between three, i, 486; Tenet regarding eternal, i, 43; Visishthâdvaita philosophy and the Advaitî, i, 89; Visishthâdvaita, sects of, i, 156.

Vedântins, the, Advaita, i, 569; Aja, of, ii, 637; All on, i, 36; Atheists, called, i, 569; Âtman of, i, 135; Catechism of, i, 568; Consciousness, on universal, i, 83; Definition in spirit of, i, 461; Disguise, in, ii, 674; Esotericism of, i, 160; Ishvara, on, i, 626; Koshas divided by, ii, 637; Mahat and, i, 92; Mystical tenets of, ii, 249; Nirvânî of, ii, 83; Parabrahman of, i, 39, 44, 77, 302, 352, 378, 474; Sûtrâtmâ of, i, 45.

Vedântists, Philosophy of the, i, 86, 314.

Vedas, the Ad-iti in, ii, 46; Agni, fire-god of, ii, 431; Ahi-Vritra in, ii, 401; Akâsha and, i, 316; Antiquity of, ii, 641; Âryans, of Indian, ii, 755; Asura of, ii, 121; Bhûmi in, i, 270; Brahma, a word not in, i, 3; Brâhmana portion of, i, 290; Brâhmans chant, i, 121; Brâhmanas, Upanishads and, i, 292; Chhandajas of, ii, 618; Commentaries explain, i, 18; Cosmogony of, ii, 62; Crookes will vindicate, i, 683; Cross from standpoint of, i, 496; Cycle of, ii, 660; Daityas led astray from path of, i, 455; Date of, i, 394; Dual meaning of, i, 291; Early humanity of, ii, 102; Elements, conceal real nature of, i, 567; Esoteric lining of, i, 188; Ether and, i, 316; First God in, ii, 613; Forgeries, called, i, 21; Four truths and four, i, 73; Gods, on immortality of, i, 68; Idols not countenanced by, ii, 763; Incongruities in, i, 453; Initiates wrote, ii, 471; Key needed for, ii, 651; Logograms in, ii, 350; Loka-Chakshuh of, i, 127; Max Müller and, i, 14; Mystic speech, Brahmâ revealed, by, i, 464; Metres of, i, 310; Occult Ghandharva of, i, 571; Pitris, on, ii, 81; Planetary chain in, allusions to, i, 270; Preservation of, i, 21; Purânas and, ii, 555; Radiant matter and, i, 683; Scientific explanation of friction in, i, 570; Secret doctrine, and, i, 21; Secret of, i, 231; Senses explained in, i, 583; Septenary element in, ii, 640; Serpent worship and, ii, 219; Seven Rishis visit locality where, were written, i, 382; Shiva’s name unknown in, ii, 578; Sûrya in, i, 127; Synonym of Gods in, i, 494; Text of, could not be obtained by Akbar from Brâhmans, i, 7; That in, i, 420, ii, 84; Tree of Being, the leaves of the, i, 437; Tvashtri in, ii, 106; Universal, once, ii, 507; Universal language and, i, 338; Upanishads are esoteric glossaries of, ii, 508; Vâch mother of, ii, 112; Vishnu promulgating, ii, 647; Vishvakarman in, ii, 106.

Veddhas, Ceylon, of, ii, 206, 439, 763; Jungles, of, ii, 300.

Vedhâs, Brahmâ and, i, 116, ii, 186; Sanandana one of, ii, 81, 182.

Vedic, Babylonian mythology and, influence, i, 15, ii, 138; Bhrigu a, sage, ii, 33; Calendar, ii, 581; Cosmogony, ii, 46; Deities, i, 100, ii, 281; Demon of drought, ii, 403; Devas of, nations, ii, 396; Earths of, teaching, i, 270; Fohat, Apâm Napât, name for, ii, 418; Gods, ii, 120, 619; Hymns, ii, 470, 612; Indra powerful, God, ii, 641; Kâma, character of, ii, 186; Kashyapa, sage, ii, 140; Nârada, Rishi, ii, 51, 86; Parashara, Rishi, i, 492; Rebirth, teaching of, i, 259; Secret meaning of, texts, i, 291; Teachings, ii, 641; Text, ii, 258; Trimûrti, i, 117; Truths, sublime, ii, 556; Vishnu of later times unlike, god, i, 137; Vishvakarman, i, 510; Women in, period, i, 410.

Vega, Arctic voyage of the, ii, 817.

Vegetable, Ancestor, ii, 724; Bodies, Life in, i, 490; Cloth, ii, 237; Development, ii, 158; Element, ii, 375; First round, in, ii, 190; Forms, perfecting of, ii, 199, 770; Fourth round, impulse stops at, i, 200; Jîva in, particle, i, 244; Kingdom, i, 183, 197, 208, 210, 237, 252, 679, ii, 72, 169, 250, 326, 608, 672, 722; Leaflets, with, ii, 724; Life, i, 278, 288, 634, ii, 303, 714, 772; Monad, i, 201, ii, 45, 196; Progenitors after, life, ii, 752; Remains, ii, 58; Tissues, i, 270; World, i, 288; World, Soma sovereign of, ii, 520.

Vegetables, Creation of, ii, 172.

Vegetarians, Atlantes were, ii, 805.

Vegetation, Abundant, i, 237; Astral relics of previous, ii, 770; Bosom of stone, born from, ii, 628; Consciousness of, i, 298; Creatures born from, ii, 193; Ethereal, ii, 303, 753; Genesis describes, ii, 119; Moon feeds, i, 586.

Vehicle, Ah-hi, of divine will, i, 70; Ain Suph, of, i, 466, ii, 770; Argha or, ii, 304; Atmic Ray, of, i, 200; Brahmâ, of Brahman, i, 46; Brahmâ-Prajâpati, of, i, 108; Breath, of One, ii, 516; Being, of, i, 453; Buddhi, of Âtmâ, i, 144, 215, 265, ii, 61, 614, 639; Corruptible, of perfection, ii, 100; Desires and passions, of, i, 177, ii, 19, 110, 123; Devil, is man, of, ii, 239; Dhyânîs, of incarnation of highest, ii, 288; Divine, i, 233, 234; Divine man, human form, of, ii, 303; Divine ray, for, i, 108; Dolphin, of Poseidon, ii, 610; Fifth principle, for, ii, 171; Forces, for manifestation of, i, 536; Generation, of, ii, 140; Gods, of a host of, i, 519; Hamsa-Vâhana uses swan as its, i, 47; Hînayâna school of little, i, 71; Horus, of, ii, 610; Jîva, of personal consciousness of, ii, 252; Kâma Rûpa, of desire, ii, 123, 170; Light, of, ii, 537, 627; Linga Sharîra an inert, ii, 627; Mahâyâna school of great, i, 71; Matter, of, i, 43; Matter, of becoming, i, 301; Matter, for soul on this plane, i, 80; Monad degraded into a, i, 674; Monads, of, i, 206, 623, ii, 84; Navis or boat-shaped, ii, 484; Noumenon, of a, i, 70; Number seven, of life, ii, 38; Prâna, of, i, 181; Ray, for, i, 237; Schools of little and great, i, 71; Soul substance, of, 174; Space a, i, 85; Substance, of, i, 650; Unknown deity, of, ii, 615; Upâdhi or, i, 67; Vâhan or, i, 285, 286, ii, 182; Vâhâna or, i, 102, 176, ii, 596; Vâhâna, of primordial seven, i, 133; Varuna, of, i, 240; Wisdom, of divine, ii, 143; Yâna or, i, 71.

Vehicles, Cosmic substance, of, i, 44; Ephemeral, i, 281; Incarnating into human, ii, 332; Intellectual, for moral forces, i, 508; Kingdoms, of lower, i, 287; Man, of three principles of, ii, 329; Men occasionally, of hosts of spirits, i, 245; Physical man, for gestation of, ii, 202; Reflections, of their, ii, 332; Three, i, 685; Wisdom and rebirth in both, i, 71.

Veil, Arcana behind, ii, 350; Circle and point, over, i, 676; Creation, between incognizable and logos of, i, 464; Darkness of, i, 684; East to west, unfurling the, from, i, 58; Exoteric, ii, 695; Fourteenth Manu an additional, i, 402; Ignorance, of, ii, 406; Indivisible point forms a, i, 369, 379; Initiation, of, ii, 587; Intelligence behind, i, 300, 566; Isis, of, i, 318, ii, 691; Manifested, i, 650; Matter, of, i, 566, 669, 694, ii, 294; Mâyâ, of, i, 101; Nature, of occult, i, 305, 671; Nucleus of truth, over, i, 504; One reality, of, i, 294; Parabrahman, of, i, 460, 462; Principles hidden under a, i, 502; Secrecy, of, ii, 131; Solar cosmic, i, 576; Temple, of, i, 465; Unknown, of, ii, 224.

Veil of Deity, the circle and, ii, 575; Elements, i, 498; Unseen space or æther, i, 366.

Veiling of esoteric meaning by Gnostics, i, 482.

Veiled, Interpretations cleverly, i, 389; Language of sanctuary, ii, 413.

V’elcain or V’ulcain, ii, 410.

Velocity, Earth’s rotation, of, ii, 339; Monad, of, i, 694; Nascent planet, of, i, 648; Sound, of, i, 616.

Vendîdâd, the, Ahura Mazda of, ii, 643; Airyana Vaêjô in, ii, 5; Bestower of weal of, ii, 544; Celestial militia of, ii, 31; Chain of worlds, on, ii, 802; Daêvas in, ii, 543; Darmesteter’s, ii, 102, 525; Fravarshi in, ii, 503; Geographical changes pointed to in, ii, 372; Mazdean, ii, 64, 282, 304, 642; Michael in, ii, 402; Origin of, ii, 428; Quoted, ii, 504; Roman Catholics and, ii, 499; Serpent in, ii, 372; Yima in, ii, 644.

Venice, San Marco at, ii, 87.

Ventus and Spiritus, i, 366.

Venus, Aditi and Vâch identical with, ii, 47; Âsphujit or, ii, 35; Astoreth or, ii, 485; Axis of, ii, 36; Bearded, i, 101, ii, 143; Celestial Priapus born from, ii, 480; Chain, on plane of our, i, 187; Cow’s horns on head of, ii, 35; Cupid son of, ii, 436; Earth more dense than, i, 649; Earth, light bearer to, ii, 36; Earth twin sister to, ii, 33; Evil spirits and, ii, 403; Friday or day of, i, 716; Hermaphrodite in esoteric philosophy, is, ii, 33; Holy Ghost, ii, 569; House of, i, 129; Influence of, ii, 27; Ishtar or, ii, 65; Istar Ashteroth or, ii, 154; Isis or, ii, 34; Jupiter and Lucifer, i, 223; Kali Yuga epoch, at, i, 726; Lakshmi or, ii, 80, 186, 611, 612; Length of day on, ii, 747; Less adapted for human life, ii, 747; Light and heat in, ii, 31; Little sun, ii, 27; Looking glass of, ii, 576; Lucifer or Satan, said to be, ii, 33; Lunar goddess, i, 425; Mars and, ii, 410, 485; Men on, more gross than we, i, 660; Mercury more occult than, ii, 31; Mercury one with sun and, ii, 572; Mother Virgin, ii, 68; Music of spheres, and, ii, 635; Number six sacred to, ii, 626; Orai genius of, i, 631, ii, 567; Principalities rule, i, 469; Races of, ii, 738; Roman Catholics and, ii, 35, 504; Satellites of, not known, i, 179, 180, 188; Seasons of, ii, 747; Semele presides between Mars and, i, 430; Shukra, or, ii, 32, 33, 35, 49; Sign of, i, 35, ii, 34; Sons of Light and, i, 628; Sophia resides in, ii, 539; Star of sea, i, 421; Temple of Hiram to, ii, 570; Ushanas or, ii, 523, 526; Worship, ii, 482.

Venus-Aphrodite, Foam of ocean, from, i, 407; Sea personified, i, 495; Westerns, of, ii, 80; Worship of, ii, 483.

Venus-Astarte, Bust of, ii, 483.

Venus-Lucifer, Astræa, Virgo or, ii, 830; Earth, alter ego of, i, 323; Morning star, ii, 803; Titans connected with, ii, 35.

Venezuela and Atlantis, ii, 836.

Vera causa, i, 530.

Verbum, Creative princeps, ii, 247; Creative speech or, ii, 572; Dual aspect of, ii, 541, 542; Esoteric meaning of Christian, i, 461; Face, and his, ii, 502; Ishvara or Brahmâ called, i, 162; Logos, word, or, i, 121, 155, 276, 463, ii, 28, 371; Lucifer, one with, ii, 542; Manifested, i, 298; Master, of, i, 103; Mercury, ii, 571; National versions of, ii, 542; Parabrahman, of, i, 160; Son or, i, 586; Sound of, i, 690; St. John, of, i, 721; Sun, and, of, ii, 504; Taurus and, or Christ, i, 720; Thought divine, of, i, 100; Voice, or word, i, 161.

Vermes of naturalists, ii, 694.

Vermilion, Bird, i, 439; Luxor at, ii, 449.

Vertebrata, First, ii, 265; Higher, ii, 723; Man highest, ii, 659; Progenitors of, ii, 629; Rudimentary organs in, ii, 194; Third eye atrophied in, ii, 310.

Vertebrate, Descendants of first, ii, 704; Epidermis and, eye, ii, 309; Kingdom, ii, 125; Life, primitive germ of, ii, 772; Life, lower, ii, 723; Lowest, the, ii, 700.

Vertebrates, Blind, ii, 313; Oviparous, ii, 776; Structural plan of all, ii, 721; Third race, in, ii, 194.

Vesica piscis, Mary the, ii, 41.

Vesiculæ prostaticæ, ii, 125.

Verviform appendix of the Cæcum, ii, 719.

Vesta, Fire in temple of, i, 361; Goddess of earth, ii, 152.

Vestal, Serpent fed by, ii, 219.

Via Straminis the Milky Way, i, 470.

Vibhâvasu, or fire, i, 399.

Vibhûtayah or potencies, i, 37, ii, 647.

Vibration, Atoms, of, i, 694; Eternal, i, 143; Keely works by sympathetic, i, 612; Last, i, 57, 91, 92; Light called a, i, 525; Molecular, i, 612; Molecules of air broken up by, i, 615; Motion, is eternal, i, 491; Phenomena produced by, i, 641; Powers and, in air corresponding, i, 325; Senses, and, i, 582; Seventh eternity, of, i, 91, 92; Sweeps along, i, 57, 93; Wing of, touches the germ, i, 93.

Vibrations, approximate rate of various, i, 614; Atoms are called, i, 694; Brain and, of sound, i, 605; Causes that produce ethereal, i, 560; Correlation of, i, 560; Eye and too rapid, i, 553; Factor other than, i, 617; Heat, of, i, 587; Notes of musical scale, of, ii, 664.

Vibratory, Astral light, motion of, i, 372; Cause, waves proximate, i, 561; Keely’s, engine, i, 607; Metcalfe against, theory, i, 572; Occultists and, theory, i, 560; Planes, theory and other, i, 553.

Vibriones and other microbes, i, 270.

Vidadhafshu or South, ii, 802.

Vidyâ, Âtmâ, i, 221; Esoteric, i, 261; Faculty of cognising knowledge or, i, 2; Paths of, i, 214; Sacred science or, ii, 457.

Vidyâdharas, Inferior Pitris, i, 588.

Vidyâs, The four, i, 192.

Vie de Jêsus, Renan, i, 28, ii, 475.

Vie de Notre Seigneur Jêsus Christ, i, 717, 719, ii, 655.

Vihâras, or caves of Buddhist monks, ii, 353, 354.

Vijñânam an aspect of mind, i, 181.

Vijñânamaya, one of the sheaths, i, 623.

Vijñânamayakosha or higher mind, i, 181.

Vikarttana or sun, i, 343, ii, 398.

Villapandus referred to, i, 712.

Villiers referred to, i, 282.

Villiplacentalia, ii, 754.

Vimâna Vidyâ or æronautics, ii, 444.

Vimânas, air-vehicles or, ii, 445, 446.

Vinatâ daughter of Daksha, i, 392.

Vine, Food of life, of, i, 217; Isis-Osiris showed use of, ii, 383.

Vîrabhadra, Raumas created from pores of, ii, 71; Shiva-Rudra creates, ii, 193.

Virâj, Brahmâ as, i, 117, 162; Brahmâ-Prajâpati creates, ii, 47; Heavenly man, born from, ii, 640; Logoi, one of, i, 89; Male symbol, ii, 495; Manu created by, ii, 322, 324; That male, i, 484; Vâch and, i, 38, ii, 151.

Virâja, Mânasa sons of, ii, 94.

Virâja-loka inhabited by the Agnishvâtta, ii, 93.

Virâsvanim, i, 355.

Virchow, Prof., quoted, ii, 459, 686, 687, 759, 782, 795, 837.

Virgil, quoted, Bucolica of, ii, 637; Evolution, or, ii, 628; Geography of, erroneous, ii, 435; Great Æther, calls Jupiter, i, 354; Indus or Nile of, ii, 436; Inspiration of, i, 721; Mercury, on, ii, 31; Virgin Mary, and, i, 431.

Virgin, Alm or, ii, 485; Angels, ii, 256; Blood, Jehovah-Cain sheds, ii, 406; Celestial, son of immaculate, i, 90; Chinese celestial, ii, 511; Cold, i, 110; Combatant, ii, 248; Dragon, and, i, 721; Epithets of, ii, 555; Forests, i, 739; God or Dhyân Chohan who refuses to create, i, 399; Goddesses, i, 425; Heavenly and celestial, i, 236; Immaculate of heavens, ii, 485; Kanyâ, i, 119; Kanyâ Durgâ, i, 721; Kumâra, ii, 580; Light, of, i, 119; Matrix of Kosmos, i, 118; Moot called, ii, 486; Number of, seven, ii, 637; Pagans, of ancient, i, 429; Prayer to, i, 507; Race perpetuated by, parents, ii, 142; Rosary of Blessed, ii, 41; Sea, of, i, 507; Sin of celestial, ii, 539; Synonyms of sidereal, ii, 537; World, of, ii, 241; Zeus said to be beautiful, i, 101; Zodiac, in, ii, 219, 450, 451.

Virgin-ascetic, Nârada the, ii, 148.

Virgin-ascetics, Kumâras or, i, 495.

Virgin-egg, Eternal, is, i, 94; Ray shoots through, i, 58, 94; Virgin mother and, i, 95.

Virgin-Mary, Anna mother of, i, 119; Archangel gives a lily to, i, 412; Crescent moon and, ii, 485; Lunar Goddesses and, i, 431; Mare sea is, i, 495; Moon connected with, i, 422; Spiritual ideal of, i, 429; Sun, arrayed with the, i, 422.

Virgin-men, Seven, ii, 294.

Virgin-mother, Celestial, i, 496; Goddesses and Moon, i, 433; Heavens, of, ii, 485; Immaculate, i, 116; Isis, of Horus, ii, 46; Lunar goddesses and, i, 430; Virgin egg symbol of, i, 95.

Virgin-oil or Hammo Virgo, ii, 121.

Virgin-snow in radiant sunlight, Monads like, i, 694.

Virgin-youth, Chaste, ii, 260; Kârttikeya a, ii, 654; Kumâra or, ii, 399; Mysterious, ii, 400.

Virgin of the World, quoted, i, 301, 305, 306, 314, 734.

Virginal, Estate, ii, 245; Fallen and, ii, 245; Reproduction, ii, 694, 696.

Virginia, Forest trees of, ii, 834.

Virgins, Fifty, ii, 436; Kumâras celestial, ii, 604; Life, of, i, 235; Michael and Kârttikeya both, ii, 400; Sons of God born of immaculate, i, 91; Virgo or three, ii, 454; Zodiac, in Denon’s, ii, 452.

Virgo, Astræa is, ii, 829; Dan, in sphere of, i, 715; Inverted, ii, 830; Kanyâ, or, i, 312; Leo inseparable from, ii, 829; Quintessence and, ii, 121; Separation of pure, ii, 137; Wheat ear of, i, 726, 727, ii, 454; Zodiac, in circular, ii, 451, 452.

Virgos, Zodiac with three, ii, 385.

Virgo-Scorpio, Androgyne, i, 445; Separation of, ii, 528.

Virtues, Angelic, i, 148; Archangels are, of God, ii, 247; Cardinal, i, 217; Christian dogma, of, i, 119; God, of, i, 472; Heavenly man, of, i, 244; Mars, rulers of, i, 469; Precious stones of, ii, 444; Seven Christian, ii, 678.

Vis, energeia naturæ, or, i, 660; Formativa, ii, 187, 302; Generatrix, i, 602; Viva, i, 732.

Viscid earth, a, ii, 262.

Vish, Vishnu from, i, 37, 137, ii, 647.

Visha or poison, Death, i, 371.

Vishishthâdvaita sect, the, i, 486.

Vishishthâdvaita Vedantins, Catechism of the, i, 568.

Vishnu, Âbhûtarajasas incarnations of, ii, 94; Abode of, ii, 5; Achyuta a name of, i, 46; Ananta Shesha a form of, i, 368, ii, 530; Ark of salvation towed by, ii, 326; Âryan philosophy, in, i, 38; Avatâras of, i, 46, 284, 717, ii, 36, 147, 426; Banyan tree, teaching under a, ii, 225; Bhagavân or, ii, 51; Bhûtesha or, i, 488; Boar, in the form of a, i, 395; Brahmâ and, i, 37, 453, ii, 122, 155; Breath of, i, 398; Breath of absoluteness, i, 310; Buddha an Avatâra of, ii, 611; Chakra or circle of, i, 139, ii, 488, 576; Christian Trinity, and, i, 15; Daitya and, parallel evolution of, ii, 236; Derivation of, i, 37; Destroyer, as Shiva, i, 397; Discrete and indiscrete substance, ii, 134; Divine spirit is, ii, 327; Double sexed, ii, 34; Double triangle, sign of, i, 143; Eternal law, personification of, i, 371; Eternal life symbolized by, ii, 72; Fish, as a, i, 423, ii, 327; Fish Avatâra of, ii, 321; Fohat, Sûrya and, i, 137, 736; Form emitted from body of, illusory, i, 455; Garuda vehicle of, i, 454, ii, 337, 596; Glory to supreme, i, 307; Hypostasis, in his triple, i, 306; Jehovah and, i, 456; Kâla one of names of, i, 461; Kali-age, at end of, ii, 507; Kalkî, will return on, i, 114; Kapila shown as a portion of, ii, 604; Krita age, imparts wisdom in, ii, 507; Kumâras worship, i, 257; Lakshmi, wife of, i, 407, ii, 80; Lord of elements, i, 488; Lotus and, i, 392, 407, 409, ii, 34, 495; Mahâ Kalpa co-eternal with, ii, 596; Mahat as, ii, 675; Manufacturer, called, i, 137; Manvantara, Ananta carries through, i, 438; Mâyâmoha, as, i, 451; Moist principle, God of, ii, 625; Nâgâs, crowned with, i, 471; Names of, ii, 113; Pervader, i, 137; Prakriti, entered into, i, 487; Prayers of Gods to, i, 452; Preservation, holy spirit of, ii, 530; Purâna, described in, i, 372; Quoted, ii, 157; Râhu denounced to, ii, 398; Regenerators, and Shiva, i, 495; Re-unites all his creatures to, i, 397; Rig Veda, in, i, 479; Rudra, or, i, 397; Rudra Shiva or, i, 573; Self-existent Lord, i, 355; Serpent of, ii, 103; Serpent on which, rests, ii, 398; Serpent race, one with, i, 452; Shesha or Ananta name of, i, 102; Shveta-dvîpa abode of, ii, 420; Shiva and, i, 496; Six pointed star sign of, i, 235; Solar energy and, i, 137; Solar God, ii, 425; Spirit of God, as, i, 358; Splendour of, named Krishna, ii, 588; Strides of, three, i, 137, ii, 42, 658; Sun or, ii, 41, 148; Svar-loka, abode of, ii, 422; Symbology of, ii, 579; Three steps of, i, 466, ii, 809; Time a form of, ii, 321; Two aspects of, i, 453, 595, ii, 327; Universe reposed in bosom of, i, 369; Vaikunthaloka, heaven of, i, 569; Vaivasvata and, ii, 153; Various impersonations of, ii, 507; Vedas, and, ii, 647; Vish, from root, i, 137; Vishvarûpa and, i, 488; Vittoba, a form of, ii, 591; White Island, on, ii, 618; Wicked restrained by, ii, 507.

Vishnu Purâna, i, 47, 68, 77, 80, 81, 85, 95, 104, 226, 239, 276, 277, 305, 307, 310, 359, 371, 372, 385, 397, 400, 403, 404, 405, 448, 451, 452, 456, 480, 481, 482, 483, 487, 488, 490, 492, 496, 568, 592, 595, 614, ii, 51, 61, 80, 82, 93, 107, 114, 134, 155, 164, 172, 173, 174, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 192, 224, 242, 258, 304, 323, 333, 334, 337, 386, 398, 399, 419, 421, 507, 520, 555, 556, 578, 579, 580, 596, 603, 610, 619, 624, 647, 649, 650, 651, 652, 660, 661, 662, 695.

Vishvakarmâ, All-seeing God or, ii, 590; Artificer of Gods, ii, 401; Carpenter of Gods, ii, 512; Creative power, ii, 590; Great architect of world, ii, 590; Yoga-siddhâ, son of, ii, 590.

Vishvakarman, Âryan philosophy, of, i, 38; Creative God, ii, 281; Divine humanity, is, ii, 642; Purusha or, ii, 641; Rays, one of seven, i, 561; Sacrifice of, i, 289; Sanjñâ, daughter of, ii, 183; Sarva-medha ceremony, performed by, ii, 640; Sun, crucifying, i, 343; Temple of, ii, 360; Tvashtri or, ii, 106, 651; Vedic, i, 510.

Vishvâmitra, in the day of, ii, 789.

Vishvânara, the cosmic duad, i, 681.

Vishvarûpa, Vishnu as, i, 488.

Vishvatryarchâs, one of the seven rays, i, 561.

Vishvavedas, Lord Asura, ii, 97.

Vision, Adept’s mental, i, 190; Awakening of inner, ii, 308; Cosmogonic, of St. Paul, i, 693; Dimness of spiritual, ii, 308; Enoch, of, ii, 563; Ezekiel, of, i, 427, ii, 142, 583; Hæckel’s true, ii, 343; Prometheus and, truthful, ii, 432; Sceptics unopened spiritual, i, 707; St. John’s, i, 101, ii, 98.

Visions, Abstract forms of, i, 618; Adepts, of great, i, 294; Astral light, cause of, i, 279, ii, 538; Enoch, of, ii, 240, 506, 563, 564; Excitation, form of, ii, 538; Panoramic, i, 286; Physical hallucinations, and, ii, 387; Spiritual, ii, 308.

Visishthâdvaitîs sect, the, i, 86, 89, 92, 156, 253.

Vital force, Anch or, ii, 670; Materialists and, i, 315; Seed germinates through, ii, 622.

Vital forces, Elementary particles are, i, 691; Globe, of, ii, 32.

Vital fluid, Circulation of, ii, 583; Exudation of, ii, 140; Fohat guiding, i, 535; Life or, ii, 608.

Vital principle, i, 349, 576, 647, 660, 661, 698, ii, 325, 710, 760.

Vital principles, i, 737, ii, 628.

Vitalis Vitalia, ii, 620.

Vitality, Animal, i, 586; Cells, in, i, 283; Cosmic, i, 128; Manifestations of, i, 702; Nature, dormant in, ii, 168; Occult theory of, i, 590; Potential, i, 620.

Vitatha, Kapila son of, ii, 604.

Viti or Figi, ii, 234.

Vitruvius Pollio, referred to, i, 229, 230.

Vittoba, a form of Vishnu, ii, 591, 592.

Vîvanghat, the symbolical man, ii, 644.

Vivasvat, the sun or Sûrya, ii, 221, 264.

Viveka Chûdâmani, i, 622.

Vivien and Merlin, ii, 185.

Vodhu, one of the seven Kumâras, ii, 333.

Vogt, Carl, referred to, i, 158, 588, 698, ii, 181, 194, 203, 682, 688, 689, 698, 703, 704, 720.

Vohu-Manô, or good thoughts, ii, 544.

Voice, Angel, of seventh, ii, 597; Army of, i, 60, 120, 121, 124; Breath and, synthesis of senses, i, 123; Chit is, i, 308; Concrete, i, 125; Divine, ii, 112; Father, of, i, 306; Heavenly, of our prototype, i, 700; Holy spirit or, i, 360; Initiates hear audible, i, 465; Interpreter of divine, i, 721; Kwan Yin, or divine, i, 161; Nature, of, i, 569, ii, 635; Prophet, in, ii, 517; Radicals, one of, ii, 601; Reason and consciousness, of, ii, 103; Secret wisdom, of, i, 717; Soul, of, i, 465; Spirit, word and, i, 482; Still small, i, 301; Thought rider lifts his, i, 62; Vâch, i, 121; Will, of, i, 369; Word, of, i, 61, 125; Word or logos in union with, i, 125, 129.

Voices in the Revelation, ii, 594.

Volcanic, Adam Galatea from, dust, ii, 159; Conflagration, ii, 321; Easter island destroyed by, fire, ii, 341; Energies, Titan Kabirim, ii, 379; Eruptions, ii, 325, 551, 739; Ocean floor, uplifting of, ii, 342.

Volcano, Ashbury was a, ii, 426; Sentient beings may be in a, i, 666.

Volcanoes, Colossal stones and, ii, 292; Submarine, ii, 829; Sun force in, i, 572; Thera, in isle of, ii, 291; Worlds destroyed by, ii, 766.

Volcker, quoted, ii, 6.

Volga, Io crosses the, ii, 434.

Volger, Calculations of, ii, 163.

Volition, Result of, i, 295, 702, ii, 182.

Volitions and feelings, i, 181.

Volney, quoted, i, 722, ii, 455.

Voltaire, ii, 93, 461, 742, 784, 785, 821.

Voluptuousness, Bower of, ii, 214; Eden means, ii, 213.

Voodoos of Jamaica, ii, 220.

Vortex, Kepler’s solar, i, 683; Motion, of, i, 278; Movements, i, 530.

Vortex Atoms, On, quoted, i, 143.

Vortex-atom theory, i, 529, 530.

Vortical, atoms, i, 633; Motion, i, 143, 530; Movement in primordial matter, i, 142; Swedenborg’s, theory, i, 143.

Vortices, Atomic, i, 622; Elemental, i, 143, 534, 633, 683; Kepler’s systemic, i, 683; Stars become centres of, i, 227.

Vorubarshti and Voruzarshti, ii, 802.

Vormius on rocking-stones, ii, 362.

Vossius, quoted, i, 148, 535, ii, 32.

Votan, the Mexican demi-God, ii, 38, 396, 397.

Vowel, Seven heavens sounding each one, i, 484.

Vowel-parent, ii, 209.

Vowels, Brahmâ at creation uttered five mystic, ii, 612; Gnostic, ii, 594; Greek alphabet, of, ii, 596; Mystery of seven, ii, 595; Revelation, of, ii, 597; Svastika, and, i, 442.

Voyage dans le Comté de Cornouailles, etc., quoted, ii, 358.

Voyage de Rénard en Laponie, referred to, ii, 818.

Voyage en Egypte, referred to, ii, 347.

Voyage en Sibérie, referred to, ii, 657.

Voyageurs Anciens et Modernes, quoted, ii, 359.

Vox populi, vox Dei, ii, 312.

Vrata, law or power, ii, 641.

Vratâni, or active laws, ii, 641.

Vriddha Garga, Cycles in, ii, 660.

Vril, i, 18, 614.

Vritra, Ahi or, ii, 399; Demon of drought, ii, 403; Indra and, i, 223, ii, 395, 399, 401.

Vritra-han, Indra called, ii, 399, 402.

V-S’ph-r and V-Siph-o-r, ii, 43.

Vul, Atmospheric God, ii, 403, 404.

Vulcain, or Vulcan, ii, 408, 410.

Vulcan, Deities, father of, ii, 112; Hephæstus or, ii, 408; Island sacred to, ii, 3; Jehovah identical with, i, 632; Suidas on, ii, 655; Tubal-Cain or, ii, 401.

Vulgate, the, i, 630; Jehovah, on, i, 630; Reuben in, i, 714; Signum Thau in, ii, 588.

Vyakta, differentiated matter, i, 39, ii, 50.

Vyâkritis, Aum or, i, 466.

Vyâna, subject to the Apâna, ii, 599, 600.

Vyâsas, Vishnu the twenty-eight, ii, 155.

Vyâvahârika, conventional existence, i, 380.

Vyaya, a Mâyâvic period, i, 637.

Vyse, Colonel, quoted, ii, 383.

Wagner, Prof., referred to, i, 271, ii, 105.

Waite, A. E., quoted, i, 275.

Wake, C. Staniland, quoted, i, 333, 334, 337, ii, 30, 35, 86, 368, 378, 383, 450, 451.

Waking and sleeping states, i, 45, 302, 309.

Walhalla, or hall of heroes, i, 460, ii, 810.

Wallace, A. R., quoted, i, 132, 362, 566, 640, ii, 7, 203, 682, 688, 699, 715, 736, 823, 826, 833.

Wan or Svastika, ii, 587.

Wand, Devil’s, ii, 218; Initiate’s, ii, 545.

Wanderers, Advents of, i, 708; Comets called, i, 223, 227, 269.

Wandering Jew, the, ii, 254.

War, Adepts, between two classes of, ii, 527; Asuras and Gods, of, ii, 525; Atlantis, which ended in submersion of, ii, 232; Dragon, of, ii, 401, 528; First, i, 64, 213, 288; Gods and giants, between, ii, 79, 518; Gods, spirits credited with making, on, ii, 541; Great, i, 427, ii, 407, 413; Heaven, in, i, 97, 220, 451, ii, 49, 66, 109, 248, 280, 396, 397, 401, 403, 404, 407, 516, 522, 531, 541; Himâlayan Kailâsa, in, ii, 525; Kârttikeya, God of, ii, 132, 579, 654; Mahâbhârata, or great, i, 427, ii, 407, 413; Matter and spirit, between, ii, 280; Powers of evil, with, ii, 110; Race, at close of fourth, i, 452; Record of, ii, 523; Skanda, God of, ii, 399; Târaka, ii, 523; Titans, of, ii, 66, 525, 820; Yellow and black men, between, ii, 233.

Ward, Robert, i, 525.

Warriors, Planets called the, i, 128.

Wars, Cosmogony, in every, i, 451; Good and evil, between, ii, 235; Heaven of Purânas, in, i, 223; New Testament, i, 216; Struggles of adjustment or, i, 215.

Washington, Audubon’s bird of, ii, 459.

Wassiliet’s Der Buddhismus, quoted, i, 70, 75.

Watcher, Each nation has its, i, 630; Silent, and his shadow, i, 66, 285; Solitary, i, 229.

Watchers, the, i, 83, 130, 144, 253, 287, 628, ii, 374, 446.

Watchman, Sârameya the divine, ii, 32.

Water, Air, proceeded from, i, 360, 482; Âkâsha symbolized by, i, 494; Amrita, of life, i, 97; Atlantis destroyed by, ii, 330; Baptism of, ii, 598; Belief that fire finds refuge in, i, 432; Black, i, 449; Body of fire and, i, 58; Breaths had no, ii, 115; Caloric and, i, 575; Cataclysms by, ii, 323; Chemical constituents of, i, 146; Cosmogonies, in all, i, 93; Creation of, i, 274; Deluge of, ii, 785; Development of, i, 273; Divine soul symbolized by, ii, 119; Earth becomes one with, i, 339; Element, as an, i, 468, 568, 585, 637, ii, 615, 651; Elements of, i, 304, 605; Fire, and Air—Cosmic Trinity, ii, 113; Fire and, born of, i, 510; Fire or, no, ii, 119; Fire drinks investiture of, i, 400; Fluid, primordial, i, 274; Form, Jala-rûpa or, ii, 610; Fourth threatened by, ii, 24, 346; God of, i, 500, 501; Goddess Noo primordial, i, 471; Golden Lotus on, ii, 611; Great, i, 737; Heat, proceeds from, i, 352; Human race sprung from, ii, 640; Hydrogen the Upâdhi of, ii, 111; Immortality of, i, 97, ii, 398; Infant world created out of, i, 368; In beginning, created alone, i, 355; Isis personified, ii, 616; Jala-rûpa or, form, ii, 610; Krishna taste in, i, 584; Kwan-yin informing genius of, i, 511; Land and, ii, 263, 766; Letter M symbol of, i, 412; Life, which is fountain of, i, 381; Liquid fire or, ii, 120; Matter female element, represented by, i, 495, ii, 67, 327; Mercury, on planet, ii, 144; Meteorites, in, ii, 746; Metis or, ii, 138; Moses drawn out of, i, 413; Nara, body of, ii, 520; Occultism, of, i, 239; Origin of, ii, 68; Personifications of, i, 165; Plane, on a higher, i, 592; Primitive or Elementary, ii, 572; Prior to fire, ii, 625; Prince of, i, 496; Principle, symbol of fifth, i, 241; Principle, the Third, i, 280; Progeny of moon, ii, 69; Quaternary of matter, one of, ii, 634; Race that could live in fire, air or, ii, 230; Rest of both land and, ii, 766; Soul of, ii, 611; Space of, i, 252; Spirit, visible garb of, i, 498; Spirit of fire develops all born of, i, 407; Spirit of God as, i, 381; St. Matthew and, ii, 121; Symbol of one plane of matter, ii, 598; Universe submerged in, i, 369; Varuna, God, ii, 611; World born of, i, 432; Worlds destroyed by, ii, 766.

Water of Life, the, i, 59, 97, 109, ii, 418, 589.

Water lily, annunciation, and, i, 406; Archangel holds, i, 412; Audubon of, yellow, ii, 459; Padma, of India, i, 87; Symbol, as a, i, 382.

Waterman, Aquarius or, ii, 368; Bundahish of, ii, 671.

Watermen, Evolution of, ii, 55; Terrible and bad, ii, 16, 56, 58.

Water-Mother, Ether, ii, 129; Kalevala, of, ii, 14.

Waters, Abyss of, ii, 57, 613; Ambhâmsi or, i, 496; Black, i, 477; Body, separated from, ii, 17; Brahmâ as mover of, i, 369; Concrete substance of, created by Nârâyana, i, 37, ii, 78; Deluge, ii, 631; Depths of the great dark, i, 58, 100; Drainer of, ii, 19, 110; Earth raised from, i, 396, 399; Earth, sea became visible, of, ii, 501; Eliwagar, called streams of, i, 394; Ends, flow to, ii, 339; Family saved from, ii, 632; Firmament in midst of, i, 371; Flood of, ii, 153; Fresher mixed with old, ii, 128; Great, i, 59, ii, 365, 443; Great Deep or, i, 367; Heads of dragons broken in, ii, 531; Head of Serpent over, i, 378; Immortality, of, i, 276; Infinite Space, of, ii, 495; Life, of, i, 57; Light drops one solitary ray into, i, 57, 94; Michael prince of, ii, 531; Nârâyana mover on, i, 93, ii, 808; Perpetual place of, i, 355; Philosophical three, ii, 625; Primordial, i, 102, 103, 108; Pure, not turbid, ii, 17; Race and, ii, 20; Ray dropped by light into, i, 57, 94; Saura drinker of, i, 567; Sons of Mahat are, ii, 108; Spirit of Elohim brooding over, i, 401, ii, 136; Universe, of, ii, 72; Vishnu drinks up all, i, 397; Wisdom symbolized by, ii, 520.

Waters of grace of modern baptist, i, 495.

Waters of life, i, 93, 438, ii, 616.

Waters of space, i, 37, 92, 395, 407, 460, 464, 686, ii, 68, 105, 801.

Water-urn, snake encircling, i, 368, 377.

Watery, Abyss, ii, 56, 755; Abysses, atom of, ii, 690; Earth a, globe, ii, 250; Primal natures, one of, i, 110.

Water-yazatas, Fohat and, ii, 418.

Watson, Dr. J., on moving rocks, ii, 360.

Watts, Dr., referred to, i, 178.

We son of Ymir, i, 460.

Wealden, Iguanodon of, ii, 363; Lemurian river, a bed of, ii, 348.

Web, atoms each part of, i, 60, 113; Breath of fire expands, i, 111; Destiny woven as spider his, i, 700; Father-mother spin a, i, 59, 110; Light, of, i, 57, 90; World stuff or, i, 112.

Weber, Dr., referred to, i, 78, 470, 710, ii, 53, 54, 71, 236, 334, 602, 640.

Weber, Akad. Vorles. of, quoted, i, 499.

Webhâra of the Pâli MSS., i, 4.

Webs of Mâyâ, the, ii, 649.

Webster’s definition of empirical and evolution, ii, 690, 702, 708.

Wednesday, Mercury, day of, i, 716; Thot and Hermes, sacred to, ii, 383.

Week, the, i, 261, 440, 716, ii, 516, 558, 615.

Week of years, Hebrew’s, ii, 413.

Weeks in the Bible, system of, ii, 660.

Wei-Pa-Yang referred to, ii, 584.

Weissmann, Prof., referred to, i, 243, 244, ii, 751.

Welcker, referred to, ii, 379, 410.

Well, Beer, of, i, 390; Knowledge, of, ii, 487; Syene, of, i, 230.

West Hoadley, ii, 358.

West, Defunct arrives in, i, 248; East and, conventional terms, i, 662; England, of, ii, 358; Evil comes from, i, 148; Hoadley, ii, 358; Miraculous births in, ii, 580; Mystic, ii, 51; Mythology of, ii, 424; Sidereal, i, 148; Spirit of, i, 737; Wise men of, ii, 290; World, or nether, i, 429.

Westminster Abbey, i, 322.

Westminster, the famous stone at, ii, 357.

Westminster Review, quoted, i, 656, ii, 836.

Westropp, referred to, ii, 795.

Whales in Genesis, ii, 191.

What is matter and what is force, referred to, i, 611.

Wheat, divine justice, food of, i, 241; Inventors discovered, ii, 390; Isis and, ii, 391; Origin of, unknown, ii, 390; Production of, ii, 380.

Wheat ear of Virgo, i, 726, 727, ii, 454.

Wheel, age of small, i, 226; Animals of, before, ii, 197; Anupâdaka was great, i, 56, 72, 78, 83; Central, i, 62, 141; Chakra or, i, 235; Chain of spheres, small, our, i, 226; Crores, whirled for thirty, ii, 16, 55; Divine Being with appearance of, ii, 142; Ezekiel, of, ii, 136, 583; Flame said to spark this is thy, i, 66, 286; Fohat, of, i, 62, 147; Life cycle one revolution of, i, 252; Lipika in middle of, i, 62, 144; Mâhâkalpa, great, i, 72; Men of, before, ii, 21; Nemesis, of, i, 704; Potter’s, ii, 305; Present, i, 286; Rate, runs at usual, ii, 339; Small, age of, i, 64; Son had not yet awakened for new, i, 55, 72; Sons of Lord sent to people new, ii, 15, 31; Third round, or, ii, 190; Tilted axle of, ii, 343; Time, of, ii, 121, 576; World, globe or, i, 72.

Wheel-emblem is cross and circle in one, ii, 576.

Wheels, centres of force or, i, 141; Cyclic, i, 703; Eternity, rotated for an, i, 227; Fiery, i, 151; Germs of, i, 62, 141; Imperishable centres on, i, 64; Life, i, 694; Manvantaras or, i, 73; Older, i, 64, 220; Planetary chain, and, i, 168; Revolution of, ii, 621; Ring watched by, i, 63, 154; Rotæ, called, i, 142; Seven small, i, 64, 72, 163, 168, 213; Solid watery, i, 269; Time’s, are worlds, ii, 647; World, of, i, 474; World-spheres or, i, 119.

Whelp, lion’s, i, 714.

Wheva or Bone, ii, 204.

Whewell, Dr., referred to, i, 665, ii, 158, 658.

Whirling souls, i, 620.

Whirlwind, Actions raise a, i, 701; Breath becomes, i, 124, 247; Deity becomes, i, 142; Ezekiel, of, ii, 583; Fiery, i, 49, 131, 133; Great breath or, i, 247; Motion or, one, i, 129; THAT called, i, 106.

Whiston, quoted, ii, 413.

White, Atlanteans, ii, 452; Central point of, in boundless darkness, i, 349; Chiefs, savage, ii, 786; Deity, ii, 536; Dvîpa, ii, 301; Horse, Kalkî, i, 114; Magic black and, ii, 381; Magic, adept of, ii, 445; Mother, children of, ii, 19; Mother, moon, ii, 115; Pyramid, i, 456; Race, ii, 260, 825; Ray, ii, 516; Regions, Dhyânî from, ii, 16; Swan from starry vault, ii, 20, 139; Tiger, constellations of, i, 439.

White Devil, Demon of terror, ii, 421; White island, of, ii, 425; Wilford and, ii, 155.

White Head, Nation not in likeness of, ii, 745; Resha Hiv’rah, ii, 88; Triangle, on black, i, 456; Will of, i, 362.

White hidden fire of the Zohar, i, 362.

White Island, the, Atlantis Atala or, ii, 336, 421; Black with sin, become, ii, 71; British Islands and, ii, 420; Child of, ii, 333; Daityas and, ii, 426; Ruta was, ii, 155; Shâka-dvîpa or, ii, 336; Shveta-dvîpa, ii, 336, 420, 422, 618; White Devil of, ii, 425.

White Yajur Veda, Rudra in the, ii, 578.

Whitechapel murderer, the, ii, 533.

Whited sepulchre, a, ii, 241.

Whitney, quoted, ii, 422.

Whydah, serpent beliefs among Africans of, ii, 220.

Wicks, four, i, 65, 257, 258; Sparks or, i, 65, 257.

Widblain, heaven called, ii, 105.

Wigred, the field of, i, 223.

Wilder, Dr., quoted, ii, 27, 28, 141, 143, 212.

Wilderness, Azazel and, ii, 393; Serpents of, i, 442; Water, where there was no, i, 390.

Wilford, Col., referred to, or quoted, i, 14, 15, 396, 397, 718, 719, ii, 151, 334, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425.

Wilkins and a universal language, i, 330.

Wilkinson, Rev. W. F., referred to, i, 533, ii, 450.

Will, Absolute, i, 378, ii, 173; Act, and, i, 295; Ah-hi vehicle of divine, i, 70; Animals have, ii, 708; Architects, divine of, i, 634; Atoms first moved by, i, 367; Being from, of all father, i, 460; Beings born through, ii, 127; Body of personal, ii, 252; Brahmâ, of, i, 135; Cosmic, i, 693; Creation by, ii, 183, 809; Creation of women by, ii, 148; Creators before fall propagated by, i, 214; Deity that acts, of, ii, 556; Divine power latent in every man’s, ii, 182; Effort called Satanic, ii, 256; Erôs divine, ii, 69; Existence and, i, 702; Fohat and, i, 134, 136; Gods of, ii, 60; Harmony of universal, i, 693; Karmic, ii, 242; King, of, i, 381; Mahat operating, of supreme, i, 486; Messenger of their, i, 61; Messenger of, of primordial seven, i, 133; Motion and, i, 547; Occultists on, ii, 710; Physical, i, 546; Power of, ii, 62; Procreation by, ii, 186; Progeny through, of Brahmâ, ii, 61; Purification by effort of, i, 700; Thought, feeling and, i, 69; Voice of, i, 369; White head, of, i, 362.

Will-begotten offspring, ii, 202.

Will and Yoga, sons of, i, 228, 231, ii, 21, 182, 183, 191, ii, 209, 230, 237, 288, 294, 333, 815.

Will of the Yogî, ii, 650.

Will o’ the wisp, i, 295, 733, ii, 216, 472.

Will-born, Chhandajas or, ii, 618; Daksha, progeny of, ii, 288; Lords, ii, 18, 90; Mind-born and, ii, 166.

Will-less, host, ii, 508; Men, ii, 253.

Will-power, i, 613; Ichchhâshakti or, ii, 182: Stones moved by, ii, 358.

Willi son of Ymir, i, 460.

William of Salisbury and the Mona stone, ii, 361.

Williams, W. Mathieu, quoted, i, 128, 639.

Williams, Sir Monier, quoted, i, 78, 407.

Willow leaf theory of Nasmyth, i, 578, 591, 646, 647.

Wilson translator of Vishnu Purâna, quoted, i, 47, 68, 77, 81, 85, 95, 276, 277, 307, 310, 385, 394, 398, 451, 452, 453, 480, 487, 490, 492, 494, 568, ii, 61, 80, 82, 93, 94, 107, 155, 160, 161, 164, 172, 182, 185, 192, 193, 336, 386, 399, 419, 445, 579, 580, 581, 596, 602, 603, 604, 619, 624, 647, 650, 652, 662, 666.

Wilson’s Prehistoric Man, ii, 769.

Winchell, Prof., quoted, i, 112, 113, 124, 128, 142, 143, 179, 537, 540, 542, 575, 648, 665, 699, ii, 9, 75, 158, 338, 339; Egypt, on, ii, 349; Globe, on cooling of the, ii, 733.

Wind, Ahi Vritra hot, ii, 402; Âtmâ and, i, 247; Boreas North, ii, 814; Demon of, i, 507; Desert, ii, 403; Ether or, ii, 111, 115; Light, and, i, 399; Messenger, his, i, 360; North, cursing, i, 148; Pravaha, ii, 647; Rudimentary man nursed by, ii, 119; Samvarta, ii, 321; Spirit of God or, i, 499; Sweat, fed, ii, 20; Synonyms of, i, 365; Toom, north, i, 737; Vâyu God of, i, 212; Waters dissolved by hot, i, 394; Years, blows for a hundred divine, i, 398.

Winding form of mundane God, i, 372.

Window, within, self shining, ii, 304.

Winds, Karma, agents of, i, 147; Sacrifice to, 505; Seven, ii, 601.

Wine, inventors discovered, ii, 390; Merry God of, ii, 379; Sea of, ii, 334.

Wing, shadow became, ii, 20, 128; Vibration, of, i, 57, 93.

Winged, dragons of will, ii, 427; Globes of occultists, i, 151; Races of Plato, ii, 58, 101, 276; Steed of Tahmurath, ii, 415, 416.

Winged wheels, avengers and, i, 151; Fohat, of, i, 147.

Wings, cherubs, of, i, 714; Cherubim, of, ii, 545; Eternal bird, of, ii, 306; Globe with two, ii, 582; Great serpent with twelve, i, 449; Men with, ii, 57; Mercury, of, ii, 31.

Winters, Yima’s reign of three hundred, ii, 644, 645.

Wisdom, abode of sons of, ii, 214; Above, which is not from, ii, 287; Absolute, i, 3, ii, 401; Absolute, of Vedântic language, i, 31; Absolute light or, ii, 171; Abyss abode of, ii, 528; Adept in secret, ii, 561; Âdi-Buddha, first or primeval, i, 84, 135; Agathodæmon endowed with divine, ii, 221; Ages of, i, 293; Alhim, of, ii, 43; Ancestors, of, ii, 105; Ancient, i, 24, 707, 739; Ancients, of, i, 20, 641, ii, 204; Apollo God of oracular, ii, 112; Archaic, ii, 686, 695; Âryan key to, ii, 470; Astral light, male part of, i, 218; Âtmâ-Vidyâ, true spiritual divine, i, 192; Beams of light falling on paths of, ii, 201; Bird of, ii, 306; Black birds and primeval, i, 478; Blazing divine dragon of, i, 58; Bo-tree of, i, 570; Brâhmanical, i, 292; Buddha incarnate, i, 185; Buddha, ii, 48, 147, 244, 523; Buddhism or Esoteric, i, 159; Celestial flock of occult, ii, 31; Chaos and, i, 102; Chokmah, i, 260, ii, 88, 556; Circle of, in infinity, ii, 582; Creations, before all, ii, 514; Crest jewel of, i, 627; Crystalline waters of primeval, i, 432; Dark, i, 433; Devachan and re-birth avoided by, i, 71; Dhyâni-Buddhas, of, i, 133; Divine, and creative powers, ii, 428; Divine ones, of, ii, 673; Divine, incarnating on earth, ii, 131; Divine, and Karma, ii, 429; Divine, or Nous, ii, 393; Divine, symbolised by a swan, i, 108; Divine self, of, ii, 601; Divine and Dhyân Chohanic, ii, 685; Dragon of, i, 61, 102, 131, 153, 240, 510, 512, ii, 30, 98, 244, 396; Dragon which feeds in water of, ii, 381; Dragons of, ii, 25, 369, 443; Dual power of secret, ii, 381; Ea God of, ii, 56, 64, 122, 147; Earth receives, from heaven, ii, 297; East, came from, ii, 551; Eastern Archaic, ii, 622; Echoes of misunderstood, ii, 507; Egypt, of priests, of, ii, 34; Egyptian God of, ii, 558; Elohim of, ii, 191; Enoch represents secret, ii, 562; Esoteric Buddhism or, i, 159, ii, 105; Esoteric, of Egypt, ii, 591; Esoteric, Vâch goddess of, i, 122; Essence of manifested, i, 101; Ever-incomprehensible, ii, 245; Fallen angel teaches man, ii, 539; Fathers of, ii, 412; Fiery dragons of, ii, 223, 293; Fire of, ii, 598; Fragment of Grecian, i, 706; Fruit with kernel of, ii, 808; Garden of, ii, 214; Garden inhabited by dragons of, ii, 213; Generations of men, of, ii, 145; Germs of night and day and dragon of, ii, 534; Gian-ben-Gian or, son of, ii, 412; Gnosis, of true, ii, 598; God of, ii, 5; Goddess of hidden, ii, 209; Gods of secret, ii, 525; Great dragon and serpents of, ii, 367; Gyan or occult, ii, 411; Hanuman, of, ii, 719; Hea or Nebo, God of, ii, 500; Hermes and his, i, 300, ii, 398; Hermetic, on Smaragdine tablet, ii, 587; Highest God, of, i, 374; Idâ wife of Budha or, ii, 148; Impersonal divine, ii, 313; Indian, i, 730; Indian origin of Gnostic, ii, 602; Intelligence and, union of, ii, 143; Jesus, of words of, i, 301; Jesus accepted serpent as synonym of, i, 103; Jewels of, cast to enemy, i, 190; Jewish, ii, 491; Jñâna, or Logos, i, 92; Jñânashakti, or real, i, 312; John Baptist, of, ii, 598; Kabalah, of, ii, 511; Kandu, of, i, 184; Key of, ii, 842; Keys of secret, ii, 618; Knowledge hedged from, i, 189; Krita age by Vishnu, imparted in, ii, 507; Kurios signifies pure nature of, i, 377; Lemuro-Atlantean, i, 730; Light of lights or true, i, 442; Living tree of divine, i, 232; Logos as, ii, 240, 241; Lord of, ii, 15, 16, 31, 48, 374; Lords of, i, 231, ii, 21, 170, 182, 390; Lovers of old, ii, 472; Lotus, and, ii, 611; Magic great science of, ii, 333; Mahat or manifested, i, 135, ii, 240; Male and female, i, 125, 513, 514; Man spirit of divine, ii, 295; Masters of, i, 22, ii, 456, 464; Meditate on tree of, ii, 544; Mercury and, i, 513, 600, ii, 31, 32, 48; Metis divine, i, 412; Mind which hath, ii, 654, 791; Mirror of eternal, ii, 508, 543; Moses and, of Egypt, i, 140; Mother of Ogdoad, i, 101; Mystery of, ii, 468, 561; Mystic speech, communicated by, i, 464; Nâga serpent of, ii, 604; Names of, ii, 514; Nebo God of, ii, 476, 477; Never dying tree of, ii, 507; Occult, on earth or Satan, ii, 394; Occult, or Dzyn, i, 133; Ophis divine, i, 496, ii, 225; Oviparous serpent, symbol of, i, 389; Pagan, i, 704; Parabrahman, of, i, 463; Parent of Esoteric, ii, 526; Paths of, thirty-two, ii, 42; Peacock bird of, ii, 655; Personal incarnations of sons of, ii, 332; Personal lives, gained from, ii, 191; Personifications of sons of, ii, 282; Philosophy and, i, 443; Plunged in waters of, ii, 520; Powers and, come to those who lead the life, i, 190; Practical, from Bacon, ii, 462; Prakriti mother of, ii, 556; Primeval, Atlantean, ii, 388; Primeval, i, 27, 229; Primeval peoples, in synonyms of, i, 365; Prometheus endowed man with, ii, 431; Purânas and Bible, in fables of, i, 358; Pythagoras of, ii, 615; Quaternary of, ii, 38; Rasit or, ii, 482; Recorders of occult, ii, 557; Records of serpents of, ii, 368; Relics of ancient, i, 670; Root of, ii, 617; Secret, i, 27, ii, 477, 563, 614; Secret, in Upanishads, ii, 624; Seeds of Trinity of, ii, 288; Self-consciousness of, ii, 119; Sephira, acts through, i, 378; Serpent of, ii, 103, 405, 434, 442; Serpent emblem of, i, 95, 102, 721, ii, 189, 380; Serpent embodiment of divine, i, 103; Serpents of, i, 440, ii, 102, 192, 240, 374; Seven pillars of house of, i, 381, 439, ii, 678; Siddhas of, ii, 673; Snake, emblem of, ii, 404; Soma father of, i, 249; Sons of, i, 228, 232, ii, 16, 20, 55, 170, 177, 180, 195, 201, 209, 246, 279, 284, 441, 446, 643; Sons of Brahmâ, of, ii, 82; Sons of dark, ii, 259, 295, 520; Sons of flame of, ii, 430; Sons of God and, ii, 698; Sophia or female, i, 219, 377; Sophia Achamôth, daughter of, i, 483; Soul after death judged by personified, ii, 381; Spark of divine, ii, 294; Spirit of divine, ii, 295, 569; Stream of, i, 259; Struggle began by eating fruit of tree of, ii, 284; Student of Esoteric, loses sight of personalities, i, 3; Supreme, or Âdi, i, 3, 121; Supreme, i, 157; Sun, and verbum of, ii, 504; Symbol of omniscience of, ii, 354; Synthesis of universal, i, 100; Terrestrial, ii, 676; Testimony of ancient, ii, 202; Thot or Thoth, God of, i, 413, ii, 589; Tradition and old, ii, 203; Tree of occult and spiritual, ii, 402; Truths of primitive, ii, 542; Unit body of, i, 299; Universal traditions, of, ii, 141; Universe of nature of, i, 453; Vâhan of Lords of, ii, 21; Vedantic, ii, 556; Vedas inspired with holy, ii, 186; Vehicle of divine, ii, 143; Virtue and, i, 374; Vishnu taught, ii, 604; Voice of secret, i, 717; Weak body pays penalty of, ii, 297; Word, or the, ii, 743; Workings of Dhyân Chohanic, ii, 777; Yogism of, ii, 599.

Wisdom-eye, One eye or, ii, 813.

Wisdom-God and angel of evil, ii, 500.

Wisdom of Hermes, Moses and, i, 102.

Wisdom-Ocean, the, ii, 528.

Wisdom Religion, the, i, 2, 403, ii, 32, 241, 395, 491, 673, 799.

Wisdom-science, Archaic system known as sacred, i, 329; Religions show traces of, i, 329; Universal language of, i, 329.

Wise, Budha the, ii, 523; Lord, Ahura Mazda or, ii, 643; Manasvin, ii, 95.

Wise as serpents, i, 103, ii, 404.

Wise demon, Târaka, ii, 400.

Wise men, Balaam taught by, ii, 427; Believe nothing of to-day, ii, 276; Dragons or, ii, 371; Fifth Race of, i, 293; Hierarchies of living, ii, 667; Keys to symbols passed to, i, 671; Nâgas and, ii, 221; Pyramids, living under, ii, 367; Sages or, ii, 202; West, of, ii, 290.

Wise one, Dionysius heavenly, ii, 438.

Wise ones, Adepts or, i, 435; Seven, ii, 201.

Wise race, Asuramaya a descendant of, ii, 71.

Wise races, ii, 443.

Wiseman, Cardinal, referred to, i, 664, ii, 744.

Witchcraft, Laws against, i, 507.

Witches, Sabbath, goat of, ii, 537; Satan said to be head of, ii, 406; Thessaly, of, i, 180.

Withering trees or left path Adepts, ii, 521.

Witness, Âtmâ one, i, 623; Third eye, to ii, 308; Universal Law, to, i, 295.

Wives, Atlanto-Lemurians, of, ii, 296; Atlanteans, of, ii, 300; Incarnations, of lower, ii, 298; Mindless, from, ii, 23; Third and fourth took, ii, 284.

Woden one of the Buddhas, ii, 442.

Wogan, quoted, i, 695.

Wolf, Darkness, who comes out of, ii, 403; Dog and, ii, 300.

Wolf, C., quoted, i, 545, 645, 652, 653, 654, 655, 658, 660, ii, 639.

Wolves and lambs, i, 705.

Wöluspa, Poem of, i, 394.

Woman, Beast, and, ii, 791; Cow with head of, i, 419; Curse, and, ii, 226; Deluge, after, i, 570; Fatal gift, ii, 282; Image of God, in, i, 419; Light of shadow, i, 433; Man born from, i, 478; Matter, serpent or, ii, 212; Moon and, ii, 483; Purple and scarlet, in, ii, 790; Sun, clothed with, ii, 815; Tempter of man, ii, 405; Truth shown as a naked, i, 376; White man above a black, ii, 375.

Womb, Ark typified by, ii, 148; Be born in, ii, 288; Brass a symbol of, i, 390; Creatures born from, ii, 193; Diti, of, ii, 649; Golden, of Absolute, i, 443; Hé or, ii, 482, 496; Heavenly Matrix and human, ii, 89; Holy of Holies or, ii, 479, 488; Human, ii, 495; Isis, of earth, ii, 616; Liquor amnii of, ii, 198; Mother, earth begotten in, of, i, 672; Mundane egg and, i, 378; Nature, of, i, 400, ii, 244, 484; Symbol of, i, 285, 479; Universe, of, ii, 199; World of, i, 636, ii, 114.

Women, Antediluvian, ii, 298; Conception of, i, 284; Procreation and suffering of, ii, 274; Vedic period, of, i, 410.

Wonders by Land and Sea, quoted, ii, 57, 230.

Woodward, Dr. H., on the increase of ice, ii, 766.

Woolly-haired race, a, ii, 342.

Word, the absolute all manifesting in, ii, 584; Androgynous, ii, 566; Beginning, in, i, 510; Breath crystallized into, i, 107; Central sun of, i, 252; Energy of manifested, i, 400; Flesh made, i, 136, 373; Hermes emblem of, ii, 572; Host of Logos, or, i, 121; Humanized, of dogma, i, 38; Image of, ii, 565; Kabalist, of, ii, 573; Kwan-Shi-Yin, or, i, 512; Limbus from, of God, i, 304; Logos or, i, 37, 96, 125, 276, 439, ii, 40, 172; Lost, ii, 230; Memrab or, i, 369; Mercury, ii, 571; Mimra, i, 412; Names of wisdom or, ii, 743; Passing, i, 435, ii, 231; Paul, leader of, ii, 505; Plural, becomes, i, 374; Resplendent, i, 103; Son of father, only, i, 306; Sound or, exists alone, i, 399; Speech, or Logos, ii, 28; Six highest aspects of, ii, 374; Supreme Reason or, i, 96; Symbols, ii, 350; Thought produced through its, ii, 513; Tongue, composed of seven letters, i, 473; Vâch, goddess of, i, 161; Verbum, i, 121; Voice of, i, 61, 125; Voice, spirit and, i, 129, 482; Voice a synonym for, i, 161; Whose soul is holy, ii, 504; Wisdom and, ii, 743; Word that is no, i, 473, ii, 231; Words synthesized by, i, 464.

Word of God, the, Genesis not, for all, ii, 471; Mercury and, ii, 32; Revelation, in, i, 114; Sound or, ii, 113; Speech of Hermes interpreted, ii, 572.

Words, Evolution by, ii, 45; Knowledge, without, i, 701; Real events not allowed to be recited in, i, 326; Speech or, intelligence which does not understand, i, 122; Universal, ii, 818.

Wordsworth, Bishop, quoted, ii, 135, ii, 588.

Worker’s Hammer or Svastika, ii, 104.

Workman, Another mind or, ii, 247; Creation of man by, ii, 87; Heavenly man, not yet, ii, 744.

Workmen, Divine intelligent, i, 170; Pymander of, ii, 102; Solar system ruled by intelligent, i, 548; Worlds, in invisible, i, 305.

Workshop, Processes in nature’s, i, 671.

Workshops, Our terrestrial, i, 686.

World egg, i, 58, 94, 95.

World germs, i, 222, 223, 735.

World holders of Tertullian, i, 353.

World Life, quoted, i, 113, 124, 128, 142, 179, 537, 539, 541, 542, 544, 545, 550, 592, 594, 648, 656, 666, 667, 699, ii, 9, 75, 158, 733, 734.

World Religions, Exoteric scriptures of, i, 188; Symbolism of, ii, 467, 469.

World Saviours, Christ one of, i, 716; Periodical births of, i, 721, ii, 374.

World soul, the, i, 39, 44, 225, ii, 585.

World spirit, Avatâras incarnations of, i, 83; Hegel and, i, 702.

World stuff, i, 96, 227, 237, 568, 633, 651, 654.

Worship, Anthropomorphic idol, i, 427; Astoreth, of, ii, 484; Baal and Bacchus, of, ii, 494; Ceremonial of Egyptian, i, 13; Ceremonial profitless, ii, 98; Culture God, of, ii, 148; Dead letter, ii, 524; Divinities, of false, ii, 292; Dragon, ii, 371; Earth’s business a kind of, i, 231; Exoteric, i, 358, ii, 49, 285, 524, 791; Exoteric, of Lares, ii, 377; God in the ark, of, ii, 492; Gods honoured but we do not, i, 535; Heliolatrous, ii, 396; Hero, ii, 294; Hindû intellectual classes, of, i, 347; History of, ii, 286; Idol, ii, 763; Images, of, ii, 330; Isis, Astarte and Venus, of, ii, 483; Kabirim, of, ii, 380; Lunar and Solar, i, 416, 426; Magi, of, ii, 337; Monotheistic, i, 34; Nature, of noumenal, i, 409; Phallic, i, 285, ii, 493; Physical generation, of God of, ii, 623; Primitive, establishment of, ii, 383; Principles, of male and female, i, 427; Quadrumanic ancestors, of, ii, 699; Ring, position of body during, ii, 583; Sabæan, ii, 483; Serpent and crocodile, i, 434; Sexual, ii, 298, 350, 622; Shemesh, i, 427; Stones, of, ii, 357; Sun and fire, i, 145; Sun and moon, of, i, 432; Tântrika, and Mahâ Vidyâ, i, 192; Virgin Mary and lunar Goddesses, of, i, 431.

Wraith, ii, 216.

Wren, Sir Christopher, i, 459.

Writing, Babylonian art of, ii, 236; Early men had rudiments of, ii, 769; Hesiod and Homer said to be ignorant of, ii, 459; Indian knowledge of, ii, 236; Inventor of, ii, 557; Milleniums ago, known, ii, 458; Stone age, in, ii, 461.

Wu Wang, of Chow dynasty, ii, 316.

Wu-liang-shew the boundless age, i, 381.

Xanthocreatinine of Gautier, i, 282.

Xanthochroics, of Huxley, ii, 329.

Xenocrates followed Plato, ii, 585.

Xenophanes and superstitions of Greece, ii, 807.

Xenophantes, quoted, ii, 564.

Xenophon on Cyrus, i, 315.

Xerxes, Magi of, i, 506; Oracle on approach of, i, 505.

Xisuthrus, the Chaldæan Noah, ii, 4, 147, 150, 232, 277, 322, 323, 328, 475, 818.

Y a H, Son of, ii, 89.

Yah, Jah or, ii, 133, 138.

Yaho, of Jews, ii, 137, 487.

Yaho-Jah or Jaho-Jah, ii, 137.

Yâho, ancient name of God, ii, 570; Hebrew, ii, 571.

Yahoudi, Jews call themselves, ii, 134, 210.

Yahhovah, Eve and Hé or, i, 423, ii, 134.

Yahva, Iahé or, ii, 487; Samaritans, of, ii, 137.

Yajna Vidyâ, i, 192.

Yâjnavâkhya-Smriti, i, 466.

Yaksh, Yakshas from, to eat, ii, 174.

Yakshas, Brahmâ’s fright at seeing, ii, 192; Gandharvas or, ii, 94; Gods, or minor, ii, 221; Lankâ, of, ii, 74; Spirits of heaven or, ii, 386.

Yama, God of Death, ii, 48; God of Earth, i, 500; Heart becomes an open book before, i, 131; South, deity of, i, 153; Spirits of earth, i, 501; Vaivasvata Manu, son of, ii, 644.

Yamabooshi, the Buddhist mystics of Japan, i, 96, 197.

Yâna or vehicle, i, 71.

Yang, or Kheen, ii, 511, ii, 584.

Yang Sun of the Ming dynasty, ii, 57.

Yao and deluge, Chinese, ii, 150.

Yard, Jared in British in Y. R. D. hence, ii, 632.

Yashma, Comment on the, quoted, i, 471.

Yasna, Neryosangh translator of the, ii, 801.

Yatis, Images nine, high, ii, 24; Race of nine, high, ii, 351.

Yâtudhânas, the sun’s attendants, ii, 221.

Ya-va, Jeve pronounced, ii, 137.

Yave, Jehovah, ii, 487.

Yazatas, fire and water, ii, 418; Men conversed with pure, ii, 372.

Year, Brahmâ, of, i, 68, ii, 73; Chandrâyana or lunar, i, 68; Circles of sidereal, ii, 372; Climacteric, of humanity, i, 720; Cyclic periods of great tropical, ii, 531; Dhruva, of, ii, 321; Duration, of two months, ii, 657; Equinoxes, and precession of, i, 473; Every sun meant a, ii, 305; Leap, ii, 558; Length of divine, i, 451; Lunar, i, 718, ii, 489, 568, 569, 617; Mithras ruler of, ii, 497; Mortals, of, ii, 656; Nativity, of, i, 718; Numbers of solar, ii, 616; Osiris, of 365 days, ii, 617; Rishis, of seven, ii, 321; Schemal meant, i, 449; Sidereal, i, 469, 712, ii, 451, 454, 813; Solar, of Puránas, ii, 657; Two born to every couple every fortieth, ii, 305; Tropical, ii, 466, 531; Where, seems only a day and a night, ii, 305.

Years, Book of Enoch predicts a shortening of, ii, 562; Brahmâ, 100 years of, i, 68, 227; Creation, 12,000, in, i, 363; Cycle, in, i, 468; Divine and common, of Kali Yuga, ii, 580; Indian wisdom and 6,000, i, 402; Naros, of, ii, 655; Rain for 100 divine, i, 398; Sidereal, ii, 347, 373; Week of, ii, 660.

Yeast, quoted, i, 698.

Yechida, of the Kabalah, ii, 670.

Ye-how-vih, Jeve or, ii, 137.

Yehovah, Jehovah or, ii, 496.

Yedhudah, quoted, i, 482.

Yehudah Ibn Gabirol, i, 474.

Yellow, Atlanteans, ii, 452; Caps, Gelukpas or, i, 134; Face, ii, 446; Faces, ii, 188; Gold, second was like, ii, 23, 237; Hue, forefathers of, ii, 443; Race, ii, 260, 825; Races, ii, 209, 366, 786; Saved from fourth, ii, 24; War between, and black men, ii, 233.

Yellow-dragon, the, ii, 381.

Yellow-faced, fifth race, nations of, ii, 447; Giants of post Atlantean days, ii, 443.

Yellow-father, children of, ii, 19; Sun, ii, 115.

Yered, Hanokh, son of, ii, 560.

Yesud or globe C, i, 221.

Yew, Chinese meaning of, i, 91.

Yew-tree in Greenland, ii, 10.

Yezidi, the Persian, ii, 477.

Yezidis worship Lord Peacock, ii, 541.

Yezud, foundation, i, 260.

Yggdrasil, Honeydew of, bees, i, 368; Norse, ii, 102; Universe of time and life, tree of, i, 460.

Y-H-V-H, i, 678, ii, 473.

Yih-shu-lu-Kia-lun, quoted, i, 90.

Yi-King, quoted, i, 474, 476, ii, 39, 391, 510.

Yima, Adam or, ii, 646; Ahura-Mazda and, ii, 304, 645; First man, not, ii, 281; First man in Vendîdâd, ii, 644; Rule of, ii, 282; Vara made by, ii, 5, 305.

Yin Binary, ii, 584; Etymology of, i, 512; Hia to, flight of, ii, 57.

Yin-sin not for speculations, i, 696.

Yliaster, Magnus Limbus, or, i, 304; Paracelsus, of, i, 303.

Ymir, Giant, i, 394, 460, ii, 102, 104.

Yo, Heavens or, i, 261; Male ethereal principle, i, 237.

Yod, Argha of, ii, 490; Hook, phallic, i, 370; Jehovah, first letter of, ii, 607; Jod or, ii, 136; Letter, i, 423; Phallus or, ii, 496; Ten or, perfect number, ii, 582.

Yodcheva, Adam Kadmon or, ii, 137.

Yod-Heva, father of, ii, 135.

Yods in Pythagorean triangle, ten, ii, 117.

Yoga, Âlaya, one strong in, merges his soul in, i, 79, 80; Brahmâ, power of, i, 492, ii, 61, 93; Contemplation of, state, i, 228; Contemplation of early Âryans, ii, 385; Deity, and union with, ii, 248; Devarshis sons, of, ii, 527; Dharma or, ii, 527; Evolution by, ii, 183; Ilatha, i, 78, ii, 600; Inhalation, i, 123; Maru, son of Shîghra by, is still living, i, 405; Power, i, 313, ii, 309; Kriyâshakti, or, ii, 63; Prânâyâma in, practices, i, 122; Procreation of men by, ii, 186; Râja, i, 123, 181, 182, ii, 637; Rite of Shukra, ii, 36; Siddhâ, ii, 590; Sons of will and, i, 228, 231, ii, 19, 21, 115, 122, 124, 172, 175, 182, 183, 191, 209, 230, 237, 288, 294, 333, 455, 815; Supreme wisdom acquired by, i, 157; Târaka, ii, 399, 400, 627; Training, ii, 182; Vidyâ, ii, 400.

Yoga Shastra, referred to, ii, 92.

Yogâchârya school, i, 74, 79, 80, ii, 674.

Yogâchâryas and Madhyamikas, i, 75.

Yoga-like, ii, 61.

Yogî, Adept of any school must become a Râja, i, 182; Ascetic, and, ii, 173; Brahmachârî Bawa a, ii, 445; Chaste, ii, 429; Divine will of, ii, 650; Kandu, ii, 184; Knowledge of initiated, i, 562; Kundalini Shakti must be subjugated by, i, 312; Shiva Rudra, patron, ii, 651; Strait gate, must pass, ii, 579; Wonders of, i, 312, ii, 182.

Yoginî, defined by Jennings, i, 512.

Yogins, Brahmâ, praise, to, i, 453; Chit, a synonym of Mahat with, i, 308; Demons sometimes great, i, 447; Island of Mahâ, ii, 618; Kumâras described as, i, 494, ii, 253, 609; Passion, exempt from, ii, 610.

Yogîs, Allegories of, ii, 82; Brahman, or, i, 114; Esotericism, are five in, ii, 610; Female demons and, ii, 649; Heaven, in, ii, 579; Manvantaras, of previous, ii, 99; Nârada, one of greatest, i, 444; Om pronounced by, i, 466; Personalities, die in their, ii, 561; Râkshasas are, ii, 174; Shiva, patron of, i, 495, ii, 295, 648; Sons of Brahma as holy, ii, 86; Status, who gave up their natural, ii, 257; Sushumnâ ray cherished by, i, 561; System of, ii, 92; Tibet, of, i, 511; Victims, voluntary, ii, 257.

Yogism, Wisdom of, ii, 599.

Yojanas, of Vishnu Purâna, ii, 652.

Yom, or series, i, 369.

Yong Grub, absolute perfection or, i, 73; Stanzas, term used in the Senzar version of the, i, 50; Tibetan for Mahâmanvantara, i, 74.

Yoni, i, 419; Ark of covenant and, ii, 482; Hindûs, of, ii, 485, 492, 496; N’Cabvah means, i, 419, ii, 489; Perfect female, ii, 133; Phallic symbol, ii, 488; Shakti, or, i, 512; Shiva worship with its, ii, 622; Symbols of Hindûism, i, 285.

Young, quoted, i, 296, 591, 632.

Younger, Oeaohoo the, i, 58, 100.

Youssoufzic sons of Joseph, ii, 210.

Youths, Holy, i, 214; Shiva reborn as four, ii, 295.

Yttrium, an element, i, 164, 597, 598, 684, 685.

Yü, engravings by the Emperor, ii, 315.

Yucatan, Calendar forms of, i, 419; Remains of, ii, 838.

Yudishthira, King of Sacae or Shakas, i, 396.

Yuga, Dvâpara, ii, 155, 650; Interval preceding each, ii, 322; Kali (see also Kali Yuga), i, 27, ii, 155; Revolutions, ii, 579; Round or root race, may mean, ii, 156; Satya, i, 287; Tretâ, ii, 661.

Yugas, Age of our small, i, 227; Cycles or, ii, 61; Duration of, ii, 655; Esoteric and Brâhmanical doctrine of, i, 719; Figures of, ii, 76; Hindûs, of, i, 698, ii, 660; Kalpas and, ii, 51, 73, 321; Racial Cycles and, ii, 73; Seven periods of humanity, i, 26; Succession of four, ii, 336; Third root race, of, ii, 547.

Yûyuge, or yoga-like, ii, 61.

Yves d’Alveydre, Marquis St., quoted, ii, 579.

Zabulon, Piscis in sphere of, i, 714.

Zachar va Nakoleh, male and female, ii, 135.

Zachariah, quoted, ii, 663.

Zalmat-qaqadi, a dark race, ii, 5.

Zama Zama Ôzza Rachma Ôzai, ii, 613.

Zamia in ancient Greenland, ii, 10.

Zampun, Tibetan, the, ii, 103.

Zamyad Yasht on the Immortal Benefactors, ii, 374.

Zanoni face to face with his Augoeides, i, 626.

Zaratushta, Grotto of, i, 502.

Zarathrushtra, Address to, ii, 816; Ahura Mazda and, ii, 305, 402; First, ii, 337, 800; Fravarshi and, ii, 504; Lawgiver and ruler, ii, 645; Lord and ruler of Vara, ii, 5; Zertust or, ii, 5.

Zarpanitu, Nebo son of, ii, 221, 477.

Zaô, I live, ii, 616.

Zedek, sons of, ii, 409.

Zenanas, Women in Vedic period not in, i, 410.

Zend Avesta, the Ahriman in, ii, 543; Azura in, ii, 97; Deluge in, ii, 282; Living fire on, i, 361; Mazdean scriptures of, ii, 64; Number seven in, ii, 38; Proofs of old teachings in, i, 325; Roman Catholics and, ii, 499; Untranslatable in, 1820, i, 21.

Zends, Serpent worship in the, i, 150, ii, 219.

Zenith and Svastika, ii, 621, 625.

Zeno, quoted, i, 105, ii, 168.

Zero, cipher or, i, 386; Circle or, i, 356; Egg-shaped, i, 118; Electricity, state of, i, 563; Matter, state of, i, 595; Unity within, ii, 614.

Zero line, matter beyond the, i, 568, 638; Laya condition beyond, of action, i, 644.

Zero point, the, i, 601; Chemist stops at, of matter, i, 156; Condition, i, 169; Laya or, i, 155, 171; Science, of, i, 680.

Zero points, Seven Laya centres or, i, 162.

Zeroâna, Chakra or circle of Vishnu, i, 139.

Zeroâna Akerne, boundless circle of unknown time, i, 138, 139, ii, 244, 512, 513.

Zertust or Zarathrushta, ii, 5.

Zeus, Allegory of, ii, 129; Androgynes, and, ii, 187; Barnabas called, ii, 505; Beautiful virgin, said to be, i, 101; Character of, ii, 437; Cronus and, i, 461, ii, 434, 440; Deus, written, ii, 615; Father of all living, ii, 616; Fourth race, reigns over, ii, 809; Fourth race, deity of, ii, 820; Ganymedes, and, ii, 829; Highest God, not, i, 459; Jupiter or, i, 101, ii, 282; Male and an Immortal maid, ii, 143; Night, reverencing, i, 459; Passions of, ii, 438; Pater, ii, 607; Pausanias, of, i, 361; Plato’s banquet, in, ii, 142; Pollux calls on, ii, 130; Prometheus, and, ii, 255, 293, 430, 432, 433; Race of men commanded by, ii, 546; Supreme being, or, i, 735; Telchines destroyed by deluge from, ii, 408; Third race of, ii, 191; Triôpês the three-eyed, ii, 308; Unknown Deity, is not, ii, 431.

Zeus-Belos, of Herodotus, ii, 221.

Zeus-Zên, or Æther, i, 363, ii, 138.

Zhi-gyu, in Senzar version of the stanzas, i, 50.

Zi, God, ii, 5; Spirit of Akkadians, or, ii, 57.

Zigzag diagram, the, i, 601.

Zi-ku, the God, ii, 5.

Zinc, i, 573, 603.

Zipporah, City of Sippara same as, i, 339; Shining, i, 413, ii, 487.

Zirconium, an element, i, 603.

Zodiac, Akkadian months and, i, 713; Ancients knew, i, 709; Antiquity of, i, 710, 713; Architects of, i, 720; Assyrian tablets and, ii, 368; Bible in, i, 711, 712; Capricornus, tenth sign of, ii, 609; Celestial Virgin in, ii, 219; Changes in, ii, 455; Chinese, ii, 656; Christian era, before, i, 720; Circular, ii, 451; Dendera, ii, 385, 391, 450; Demon, given by, ii, 452; Draco and, ii, 35; Egyptian, ii, 454; Figures of, i, 151, 722; Giants, a witness to, ii, 290; Greeks, ii, 455; Heliopolis, at, i, 424; Hindû, i, 721, 726, 727, ii, 54, 236, 346; History recorded in, ii, 457; Horizon, North Pole, and, ii, 829; Interpretation of, i, 730; Kanyâ sixth sign of, i, 312; Luna, i, 439; Makâra tenth sign of, i, 239, 241, 403, ii, 97, 281; Maya Indians, of, ii, 54; Moon at first point of, i, 728; Music of spheres, and, ii, 635; Origin of, i, 713; Patriarchs, and, i, 715; Pisces sign of, i, 284; Prophecies of, i, 716; Records preserved through, i, 709, ii, 53, 347, 385, 457; Sacred animals and signs of, i, 120, 481, ii, 191; Sacred realm on earth on plan of, ii, 528; Science of, i, 716; Signs of, i, 233, 430, 714, ii, 1, 26, 369, 655; Solar blaze, reddened by, ii, 373; Spheres, and Lords of, i, 631; Stonehenge and, ii, 359; Sun at first point of, at epoch of 1491, i, 724; Syro-Chaldean, i, 445; Theogonies related to, i, 715.

Zodiacal, allegory, ii, 368; Authority of, records, i, 709; Calculations, ii, 455; Circle, Cardinal points of, i, 389; Constellations, i, 131, 420, ii, 26, 345; Egypt, calculations in, ii, 369; Exigences, i, 720; Flood, ii, 369; Gods, ii, 373; Leo, sign, i, 234; Monad, and, signs, i, 730; Mysteries, i, 22; Relic of earthly ring, ii, 528; Signs, i, 107, 711, 720, ii, 119, 210, 370, 374, 449, 610, 613, 661, 732.

Zodiacs, Ancients, of, ii, 69; Egyptian, ii, 449, 450, 792; Mackey on, ii, 455; Stone, colossal, ii, 793.

Zodiaque, quoted, i, 716.

Zodh or Cain, ii, 47.

Zodmanas Zhiba in Senzar version of Stanzas, i, 50.

Zogee or Jogee, i, 512.

Zohac, the usurper, ii, 416.

Zohar, the, referred to, i, 137, 138, 234, 235, 251, 259, 261, 266, 360, 362, 379, 380, 381, 401, ii, 2, 8, 28, 31, 34, 47, 57, 88, 89, 117, 118, 127, 145, 226, 227, 257, 303, 306, 329, 391, 427, 468, 484, 529, 530, 561, 565, 573, 575, 638, 662; Ain Suph in, i, 373; Allegory in, i, 423; Angels, on fallen, ii, 511; Azazel in, ii, 393; Book of concealed mystery, ii, 661; Book of Enoch, quoted in, ii, 564; Black fire of, ii, 171; Deity in, symbol of, ii, 566; Fallen ones, on, ii, 515; Flying camel of, ii, 215; Genesis philosophical when read by light of, i, 39; Gloss of Kabalistic preacher, ii, 583; Hajaschar, on, i, 550; Hyperboreans, on, ii, 817; Indivisible point, on, i, 379; Inner man, in, ii, 329; Interpretations in, ii, 483; Kabalah and, a Kabalist on, i, 140; Kabalah and symbols of, i, 47; Kings of Edom and, ii, 746; Latin quotation from, i, 235; Magic head in, i, 456; Man and woman, on, i, 485; Metaphysical sense of, ii, 570; Mother of Gods in, i, 83; Mystic and Christian, i, 374; Mystic names, on, i, 376; Plurality of worlds, on, ii, 744; Primordial elements, on, i, 369; Primordial worlds, on, ii, 56; Purânas identical with, ii, 133; Right interpretation of, ii, 257; Satan in, ii, 500, 501; Secret name in, i, 473; Serpent of Eden, on, ii, 214; Shadows, on objective things as, ii, 280; Veils in, i, 376, 380; Western world learns from, ii, 392.

Zoharic system, Latin translations of, i, 377.

Zoharic works, the, ii, 483.

Zöllner, Prof., referred to, i, 271, 566.

Zone, American, ii, 465; Buddhist’s seventh, ii, 421; Dvîpa, or, ii, 421; Frigid, formerly in east, ii, 564; Luminous, ii, 427; Men separated each in his own, ii, 18, 90; Nebulæ, outer of, i, 648.

Zones, climates and, ii, 260; Divisions, principles and, i, 737; Geology traces, or strata, ii, 76; Plane above all, i, 442; Planes or, ii, 801; Seven, i, 277, 400, ii, 23, 38, 81, 96, 117, 237, 418, 421, 648, 652, 773.

Zonoplacental mammals, ii, 706, 754.

Zoolatry, Egyptian, ii, 145; Evangelical, i, 388; Risk of being charged with, i, 414.

Zoölogical, blunder, Hæckel’s, ii, 705; Development, ii, 312; Discoveries, i, 698; Dragon Nâga and serpent, meaning of, ii, 218; Primordial life, ii, 76; Province, animals of different species in every, ii, 646; Sclater’s theory of a lost continent, ii, 7; Teaching, ii, 193.

Zoölogist, Huxley, ii, 174; Soul, and, ii, 686.

Zoölogists, Darwinian theory and, ii, 719; Maximum time claimed by, ii, 10; Psychologists and, ii, 708.

Zoölogy, Ancient, ii, 264; Animals unknown to, i, 213, ii, 202; Anticipated, ii, 263; Ape-man and, ii, 707; Archaic, ii, 193; Botany and, ii, 123; Cycles and, ii, 774; Esoteric teaching confirmed by, ii, 206.

Zoroaster, Airyana Vaêjô birthplace of, ii, 5; Aphorisms of, ii, 462; Âtmâ or Christos of, ii, 504; Birds, slaughter of, forbidden by, i, 388; Ether, injunctions of, with regard to, i, 353; Misrepresentation of, ii, 504; Period of, ii, 375.

Zoroastrian, Ahura, ii, 62, 525; Caves, i, 151; Creation, ii, 512; Demons, ii, 97; Esotericism, ii, 372; I am that I am, i, 107; Meru, ii, 214; Rebirth and, religion, i, 259; Sacred fire, i, 361; Scriptures, ii, 372, 374; Septenary, ii, 643; Teaching, ii, 438.

Zoroasirian, A Modern, quoted, ii, 175, 182.

Zoroastrians, Ahura Mazda of, i, 135; Airyâna-Varsedya of, ii, 434; Allegorical dual system of, i, 218; Amshaspends of, i, 152, 255; Devas of, i, 102; Evil or darkness not believed in by early, ii, 512; Gabiri of, ii, 379; Sacred fires of modern, ii, 802; Seven Devs of, i, 630; Sun worship of, i, 432; Taurus sacred to, i, 721.

Zu, Babylonian God, ii, 296.

Zuñis, Seven priests of, ii, 665.

Index to the Third Volume.

Abbe Huc, — quoted, 329, 422.

Abel, 150, 153, 155, 156, 181, 182, 295.

Abraham, 45, 94, 96; Language of —, 172, 189.

Abram, 94, 95, 155.

Abraxas, 115.

Absolute, The —, 226, 366, 427, 450, 455; the — All, 205; — Being, 580; Breath of the —, 403; — Cause, 363; Circle, the symbol of the —, 115, 200, 477; — Consciousness, 366, 418; — Deity, 402, 484, 494; Eternal —, 444; — Knowledge 420; — Life, 477; — Light, 223, 253, 517; — Motion, 542, 585; Mulaprakriti an aspect of the —, 518; One —, 439, 450; — Perfection, 208; Secret Mystery-name of the —, 427; — Sound, 477; — Truth, 418; — Unity, 68, 190.

Absoluteness, 565.

Abstract, — and Concrete, 486; — Meditation, 386; — Nature, 178; — Unity, 200.

Abyss, — or Chaos, 191, 224.

Action, Organs of —, 565; Prayer and —, 450; Psychic —, 542.

Acts of the Apostles, 112, 122, 149.

Adam, 171, 181, 203; — and Eve, 155, 201; — of dust, 192; Fall of —, 196; — the first Adept, 301; First and Second —, 192; Heavenly —, 179.

Adam-Kadmon, 101, 146, 181, 192, 210, 294, 304, 437.

Adam-Square, 156.

Adam’s Peak, 121.

Adepts, — after Death, 62, 446; Astral body of —, 61, 367, 372, 446; Attitude of Christians and Occultists towards —, 110; — of the Black Art, 25; Bodies of — do not grow old, 572; — cannot go beyond the Solar System, 559; — in China, 16; Choice of future by —, 61, 446; Degrees of —, 416; Dhyani-Buddha of —, 383; Dual personality of —, 392; Earliest —, 56, 262; — of the Good Law, 110; Heathen —, 41; Incarnations of —, 364, 372; — and Intellect, 539; — of the Israelites, 176; — judged by their words and deeds, 109; Karma and —, 27, 390, 391, 489, 539; Knowledge of —, 487, 505; Lower principles of —, 372; — in Magic Arts, 119; Miracles of —, 410; Monad of —, 61; Nirmanakaya of —, 159, 474; Perfect —, 64; Personal Self of —, 375; Personality of —, 140; Post-Christian —, 109, 111, et seq. Powers of —, 367, 437, 474; Renunciation of —, 61; — of the Right and Left Hand, 44, 107, 437; Sacrifice of —, 383; Samadhi of —, 362, 559; Subjugation of Body by —, 570; Trance produced by —, 480; Vitala, the Loka of —, 566; Voluntary Incarnations of —, 364, 365, 367, 387.

Adeptship, Criterion of —, 136; Cycle of —, 143; Degrees of —, 416; Higher —, 372; — in Kali-yuga, 412; Practical —, 490; Tests of —, 264; To reach —, 63, 513; Way to —, 570.

Adi, — Generic name for first men, 170; — Tattwa, 498.

Adi-Buddha, 362, 378, 379, 381, 407, 453.

Adi-Buddhi, 407, 408.

Aditi, 91, 155, 184, 192, 230, 396.

Adwaita, — Philosophy, 419.

Æolian, — Harp, 509.

Æons, 115, 150, 160, 465, 467, 468; — or Divine Man, 470; Gnostic —, 484; Higher —, 466, 469, 470; Human —, 397; Pairs of —, 466; Third —, 471; Triple —, 469.

Æther, 499, 589.

Aeroliths, 221.

Affinity, Chemical —, 558; Spiritual —, 578.

Age, — of Brahma, 517; Golden —, 308, 346, 347, 348; — of Iron, 347, 348; Materialistic —, 1.

Agnishvattas, Hierarchies of —, 566.

Agnostics, 71.

Ahamkara, — the ‘I’ creating faculty, 519, 522, 580.

Ain-Soph, — the Semitic Parabrahm, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 190, 210, 223, 402, 408.

Aja, — the Unborn, 384.

Ajna-Plexus, 504.

Akasha, 393, 441, 503, 509, 550; — the Auric envelope of the Earth, 546; — is eternal, 396; — not the Ether of Space, 497; — the Force of the 3rd. Logos, 499; — is omnipresent, 498; — is Mulaprakriti, 497, 546; — passes up Sushumna, 537; — is Pradhana, 546; — the root of all Sound, 549; Space is —, 393, 396; — Tattva, 497, 499; — the Universal Soul, 507.

Akashic, — Fire, 39, 505; — Sound, 550; — Vibrations, 530.

‘Alahim of Lives’, 101.

Alaya, — the Atmic state, 566; — one with Mahat and the 3rd. Logos, 524, 546, 585; — the Root of all, 420; — the Universal Soul, 494, 518; — is Vignana, or hidden Knowledge, 406.

Alayic, — Sense, 567; — State, 567.

Albath, — of the Kabala, 98, 101.

Algath, — of the Kabala, 98.

Alchemists, Language of —, 164; Medieval —, 70; Phraseology of —, 54; Reveries of —, 344; — and Women, 449; Writings of —, 165.

Alchemy, Cradle of —, 302; — first taught in Egypt, 301; Spiritual and Physical —, 302.

Alesia, 298, 313.

Aletheia, 484, 485.

Alexander, — of Macedonia, 370.

Alexandria, Christianity taught at —, 308; Library of —, 36, 299, 313.

Alexandrian, — Theosophists, 304.

Alphabet, Chinese —, 103; Chaldean —, 99; Hebrew —, 99, 100, 104, 169, 190, 206, 530; Sanscrit —, 99, 190, 530; Senzar —, 100, 103, 530; — of Thoth, 108.

Alphabets, Sacred —, 100.

Alpha and Omega, — of Being and Non-being, 400; — of Divine Being, 369; the Sacred word is —, 93; — of Science, 22.

Amasis, 301.

Amen, 252, 450.

Amenti, Region of —, 246, 256.

Amita-Buddha, 407, 408, 429; Tsong-Kha-Pa an incarnation of —, 407, 409.

Amitabha, 381, 407, 408, 438; — Buddha, 394.

Ammianus Marcellinus, — quoted, 20, 235, 239.

Ammon, 244, 252.

Ammonius Saccas, 9, 10, 11, 45, 48, 132, 303, 307, 308, 309, 310, 313, 314.

Amrita, 290, 388.

Amshaspends, 191, 209, 341.

Anagamin, 416, 429.

Ananda, — disciple of Buddha, 426.

Anandamaya Kosha, 272.

Anastasius, — quoted, 120.

Anaxagorus, — quoted, 45.

Ancient, The —, 181; — Books symbolical, 129; — and Modern Initiations, 283; — and Modern Philosophy, 265, 266; — Mysteries, 33, 124; — of Days, 165, 209; — Oracles, 243; — Pantheon, 94; — Treatises on Magic, 38; — Universal language, 176.

Ancients, Kabiri Gods of the —, 315; Knowledge of the —, 20; — and Moderns, 5; Mysteries of the —, 33; Ogdoad of the —, 217; Planets of the —, 216, 217, 315, 316, 328, 452; Physiology of the —, 295; Wisdom of the —, 30, 309.

Androgyne, 458; —s, in the 5th Round, 544; the Heavenly —, 181.

‘Angelic Doctor,’ 202.

Angelology, Christian —, 335.

Angels, 203, 204, 208, 315, 334; De Mirville on —, 77, 207, 335; — and Devas, 340; — or Dhyan-Chohans, 65, 202; Guardian —, 57, 370; Hierarchies of —, 475; — Identical with Pagan Gods, 333; — or Messengers, 334; — in the Pentateuch, 326; Planetary —, 253, 315; — of the Presence, 201, 202, 341, 369, 402; — of the Stars, 208, 327; — in the Sun, 321.

‘Anima Mundi,’ 387, 397, 398, 408.

Animal, — Consciousness, 573, 576, 582; — Soul, 477, 479, 516, 591; — Souls, 592; — Vitality, 592.

Animals, Consciousness of —, 558, 574; Elementals of —, 567; Feeling of —, 576; Pet —, 592; Potentialities of —, 574; Psychic vision in —, 542; Self of —, 573.

Annihilation, — of form, 402, 403, 404, 414; Nirvana is not —, 400, 401, 402; Personal —, 510, 521, 523, 524, 526.

Anomœans, 145.

Antahkarana, 511, 512, 521, 557, 578, 580; — the Bridge between Higher and Lower Manas, 519; Consciousness of —, 522; Destruction of —, 523, 527; — is imaginary, 545; — is the Path, 522; Seven steps of —, 546, 570.

Anthropomorphic Deity, 326, 402.

Anthropomorphism, 58, 73.

‘Antiquity of the Vedas,’ Extracts from —, 353, to 356.

Antiquity, — of the Aryan Civilization, 352, 353; — of the Hermetic Books, 30; — of Magic, 19, 20, 42; — of the Mysteries, 258, 277, 278, 281, 292, 297; Mysteries of —, 272; — of the New Testament, 273; Sages of —, 58; — of the Vedas, 167, 352, 353; — of the Zodiac, 340; — of the Zohar, 92, 167, 211.

Anubis, 244, 245.

Apocalypse of St. John, 117, 118, 320.

Apocrypha, 112, 131.

Apollo, 318, 324.

Apollonius of Tyana, 40, 129 to 137; — an Adept, 111; — and Buddha, 390; — and Christ compared, 583; — a Healer, 264; — a Nirmanakaya, 57; Prevision of —, 303.

Apophis, 513, 515, 524, 528.

Apostles, 116, 118, 126, 134, 471.

Apostolic, — Church, 126; — Writings, 149.

Apperception, 576.

Arabic, — Language, 189; — M.SS. Destroyed, 314; — Numerical System, 352.

Archaic, — Cosmogony, 91; — Esoteric System, 189; — Inscriptions, 256; — Initiations, — 350; — Mysteries, 272, 276; — Science, 23, 81; — Telephone, 237, 238; — Wisdom, 210, 339.

Archangel Gabriel, 103.

Archangels, 107, 113, 114, 115, 160, 207, 209, 279, 333.

Archæus, 9.

Archetype, Man’s — in heaven, 59.

Archetypal, — Man, 230; — World, 54.

Architecture, 18.

Archous, 116, 218.

Archoutes, 321, 337.

Archytas, — Disciple of Pythagoras, 551.

Arelim, — name of Jehovah, 182, 183, 184.

Arhats, 406, 416; — of Buddha, 132, 417, 422; Efforts of — to enlighten the West, 412; — in Nirvana, 418; Persecution of —, 411, 417; World will never be without —, 412.

Arhatship, Candidates for —, 361.

Ariosto, — quoted, 54.

Aristotle, 277; — not an Initiate, 486; — quoted, 59.

Aristobulus, School of —, 9.

Aristophanes, — on the Mysteries, 254.

Arithmetic, — came from India, 352.

Arius, Doctrines of —, 145.

Arles, Destruction of —, 300.

Art, the Black —, 25; — of writing, 4, 37, 277; — of Thrasymedes, 120.

Arts, origin of — and Sciences, 18; Magic —, 119; Occult —, 42.

Aryan, — Brahmans, 406; — Civilization, 352, 353; — Music, 190; — Mysteries, 155, 270; — Race, 261; — Sages, 397.

Aryans, 46, 69, 88, 91, 94, 107, 289, 342; Tenets of —, 269; Secret Doctrine of the —, 73.

Aryasanga, 159, 416, 417, 431, 513.

Aryavarta, 311.

‘As above, so below,’ 486.

Ascetics, 547; — of Tibet, 16.

Asclepiades, 33.

Ashrams, 406, 417.

‘Asiatic Researches,’ Extracts from —, 356, et seq.

Asoka, King —, 260, 273.

Aspects, — of the Principles, 493, 500.

Assyrian, — Carving, 456; — Tiles, 191.

Assyrians, 457.

Astra, 107.

Astral, — Consciousness, 553, 554, 558; — Double, 372; — Double of Nature, 477; — Germ, 593; — Matter, 594; — Records 573.

Astral Body, 60, 367, 474, 495, 509, 545; — of Adepts, 61, 367, 372, 383, 446; Colour of —, 582; Creation of —, 496; — or Chhaya, 593; — made before physical, 559; — is molecular, 577; Projection of —, 589, 593; Travelling in —, 588.

Astral Ego, — of Gautama, 378.

Astral Light, 106, 443, 573, 578, 585, 594; Forms in the —, 571; — of the Kabalist, 184, 398; Skandhas in the —, 587, 588; Terrestrial —, 500, 548; Visions in the —, 448, 474.

Astral Plane, 478, 558, 584; Divisions of the —, 553, 554; — is sevenfold, 543.

Astrolatry, — and Astrology, 337; Christian —, 319; Esoteric —, 326; — or Sabæan worship, 325.

Astrologers, 344; Ancient Kings were —, 342, 451; Chaldean —, 342, 343; Christian —, 457; — consulted by Emperors, 343; Degrees of —, 342; Egyptian —, 337, 340; Kepler and —, 333; Modern —, 453, 456; — and St. Paul, 340.

Astrological, — Correspondences, 461; — Planets, 461.

Astrology, 40, 214, 333, 337, 338, 342, 482; Antiquity of —, 340; Chaldean —, 343; Judiciary — 338, 341, 343; Kabalistic —, 462, 463, 464; Occult —, 342; Primitive —, 341; Roman School of —, 343; White and Black —, 339.

Astronomers, Beliefs of —, 220; Chaldean —, 4; Egyptian —, 4, 325, 330; Hypotheses of —, 217.

Astronomy, 139, 216, 217; Modern —, 218 — in the Third Race, 351; Treatise on — 351.

Astronomus, — the highest Egyptian Hierophant, 325, 330.

Atala, 564, 565.

Atheists, 399, 483.

Atlantean, — Giants, 260; — Sorcerers, 256.

Atlanteans, 176, 562; — were left-hand Adepts, 262; Mysteries of the —, 262, 270, 286; Sorcery of the —, 74; Tenets of —, 269.

Atlantis, Destruction of —, 88; Initiates of —, 263; Plato’s —, 54.

Atma, 510, 542; — and the Atom, 563; Etymology of —, 502; — the Father in Heaven, 558; — or Jiva, 493; — is of all the Planes, 472; Radiance of —, 446; — reached through Buddhi-Manas, 522; — is the seventh Principle, 445; — is Universal, 518; — the Universal Soul, 522; Vehicle of —, 572.

Atma-Buddhi, 57, 58; — acts in the Atoms, 557; the ‘Lives’ conscious in —, 557.

Atma-Buddhi-Manas, 377, 472, 513, 528, 541, 542, 560, 583, 584.

Atman, the Embryo is —, 441; Meaning of —, 270; — in Man, 472; — the Self, 56; the Supreme —, 406; — the Uncreate Power, 469; — the Unit Ray, 439.

Atmic, the — Ray, 445; — Sense, 567; — State, 565.

Atom, Atma and the —, 563; Germ of the —, 585; — reflects the whole, 549; — is the soul of the Molecule, 563.

Atoms, — are Spiritual, 577.

Atomic, the Ego is —, 577; — Forces, 398.

Atonement, — of Buddha, 385; Dogma of —, 272; Meaning of —, 523, 524; Origin of the doctrine of —, 273.

Atrophy, 522.

Augoeides, 445, 542.

Augustine St., 201, 203, 341.

Augustus, Emperor — an Initiate, 213.

Aum, 92, 411, 436, 439, 450, 530; — is good action, 546; — the Higher Self, 527; — the One Essence, 518; Pronunciation of —, 541; — the synonym of Pranava, 502.

Auphanim, 184, 208, 209.

Aura, 448; Colours in the —, 479, 480, 481, 482, 508, 509; — of a God, 474; — of objects, 589; Seventh aspect of the —, 445; Vibration in —, 505.

Auric, — Atmosphere, 440; — Body, 446, 461; — Envelope, 478, 479, 493, 495, 498, 543, 555, 558, 559, 560, 578; — Egg, 494, 496, 510, 511, 533, 537, 538, 539, 546, 548, 555, 561; — Fluid, 560; — Light, 560.

Aurelian, Emperor —, 135, 136.

Autun, — formerly Bibractis, 299.

Avatara, The Crucified —, 272; Incarnation of an —, 345; an — the Incarnation of a God, 252; Kalki —, 346.

Avataras, 140, 361, 362, 363, 365, 370, 487; Bodies of —, 364; Periodical —, 345, 363; True and false —, 79.

Avataric, — Mystery, 345.

Avidya, 529.

Avitchi, 510, 521, 523, 526, 527, 528, 529.

Azara, — Chaldean Priest, 172.

Aztecs, 21.

Babel, Tower of —, 176.

Babylonian, — Cycle, 352; — Cylinders, 108.

Bacchus, Identity of — with Jehovah, 279, 280; Mysteries of —, 151, 254; Synonyms of —, 323.

Bacon, Roger, 4.

Bailly, — quoted on Astrology, 338.

Baladeva, Brother of Hercules, 258, 259, 260.

Baptism, — of Blood, 273; Christian —, 65; — by Fire, 330; — of Infants, 146; — of Jesus, 158; — a Rite of Initiation, 159.

Baruch, — quoted, on the Stars, 319.

Basic, — Principles, 493.

Basilides, — on the Creation, 202; not a heretic, 159; Logos of —, 484; Teaching of —, 115; Views of — regarding Jesus, 363.

Bath-Kol, 237.

Being, Absolute —, 580; Divine —, 304; — and non-being, 402, 417; Ladder of —, 369.

Benares, Cyclic records at —, 350.

Bhagavad-Gita, — quoted, 363.

Bhons, Sect of —, 409, 415.

Bhurloka, 571, 572, 576.

Bhutas, 565.

Bible, 46, 174; the — an allegory, 47, 173, 190; Basis of the —, 184; Esotericism of —, 46, 47, 81, 173, 190, 280, 425; Esoteric Interpretation of the —, 46, 81; — of Ezra, 177; Hebrew —, 169, 187, 189; — of Humanity, 229; Inspiration of the —, 192, 194; Jewish —, 192; Mathematics of the —, 72; Mysteries of the —, 49, 69; — an Occult book, 89, 122, 172; — an ‘open volume,’ 80; Revisers of —, 147; — the Secret Doctrine of the Aryans, 73; Spiritual Elements of —, 186, 187; Symbolism of the —, 52; Translations of the —, 174, 228.

Biblical, — Chronology, 85, 192, 194; — Glyphs, 53, 123; — Names, 69, 72; — Patriarchs, 369;

Bibractis, 299, 313.

Bija, — or Maha-Vishnu, 362.

Birth, Four modes of —, 586; — in the Seventh Round, 590.

Black Magic, 15, 25, 26, 28, 42, 68, 74, 253, 338, 409, 449, 471, 472, 480, 491, 493, 505, 537; Exorcism of —, 244, 248; School of —, 255.

Blind, — Forces, 218, 220, 221.

Blinds, Esoteric —, 455, 465, 491.

Blood, 580, 581; Baptism of —, 273; Circulation of the —, 8.

Blue, Auric — of the body, 480; — the colour of the Earth, 570; the Sun is —, 461.

Bodhi, — wisdom, 416.

Bodhidharma, 427, 428, 429.

Bodhisattva, 63, 378, 379, 383, 389, 416, 418; — after death, 387; Astral Principles of a —, 372; — of a Buddha, 381, 383; Choice of a —, 387; — of men, 381; — of Shankaracharya, 389.

Bodhisattvas, — and Dhyani-Buddhas, 379, 566; — of Tibet, 405; Twenty-five signs of —, 409.

Body, Astral —, 60, 61, 367, 372, 383, 446, 474, 495, 496, 509, 559, 582, 588, 589, 593; Auric —, 446, 461; Correspondences of —, 461; Illusion —, 495; the — an illusive form, 64; Molecules of —, 585; Physical —, 496, 545; the — an Upadhi, 548.

Bodies, — of Avataras, 364; Buddhic —, 379; — of Masters, 572.

Book, Chaldean — of Numbers, 99, 100, 184, 199; — of Daniel, 175; — of the Dead, 245, 248, 513, 516; — of Dzyan, 89, 180, 200, 369, 405, 407; — of Enoch, 49, 79, 80, 82 to 90, 93; — of God, 169, 171, 173, 174, 175, 267, 268; — of Job, 294; — of Revelation, 195; — of Secret Wisdom, 405; — of Thoth, 37, 48, 89.

Books, — of Hermes, 30, 37, 41, 48, 100, 117, 337, 339, 368; — of Kin-te, 405; — of Moses, 9, 168, 170, 174, 177, 342; Sacred —, 37, 425.

Brahma, — the Creative God, 179, 230; Day of —, 569; Egg of —, 477, 498, 510; Four-faced —, 557; Seven creations of —, 191; Sons of —, 96, 294, 369.

Brahmatma, 151, 411.

Brahman, — and the god Ka, 427; the Impersonal —, 179; Meaning of —, 270; the Supreme —, 63.

Brahmans, Aryan —, 406; Caste of —, 261, 263; Teaching and Practice of —, 313; Three Initiations of —, 547.

Brahmanical, — Cord, 547; — Scriptures, 229; — Literature, 74; Rishis of the — religion, 19; — Philosophy, 371; — Secret Schools, 417; — Septenary, 191.

Brahmadanda, 503, 547.

Brahmarandra, 547.

Bramavidya, 453.

Breath, The —, 225, 226; the Great —, 502; — of Lives, 459; Seven —s, 369; Suppression of the —, 502, 503, 509.

Brain, — Cavities, 583, 584; — Consciousness, 573; Convolutions of —, 583; — of the Heart, 581; — Mind, 574; Paralysis of the —, 584; Physical —, 60, 511, 512, 554; Seven groups of faculties of —, 463.

Brihaspati, 350; — Cycle, 349.

Brotherhoods, — of Black Adepts, 25; Secret —, 24; Esoteric —, 417.

Brothers, — of the Shadow, 488, 489; — in Tibet, 405.

Buddha, 4, 60, 63, 110, 264, 370, 384, 386, 396, 417, 431; Age of —, 391; Aim of —, 414; Arhats of —, 417, 422; Atonement of —, 385; — an Avatara, 362, 364, 365; Bodhisattva of —, 381; — and the Brahmins, 382, 384, 430; Cave of —, 577; Death of —, 89; Discourse of —, 393, 429; Doctrines of —, 361, 384, 429; Esoteric Philosophy of —, 376; Higher Self of —, 378; Initiations of —, 376, 386; — and Jesus, 376, 382; Law of —, 403; Mistakes of —, 376, 382, 588; Mystery of —, 374, 376; — and Nirvana 362, 379, 386; Principles of a —, 379, 381; Re-incarnations of — 89, 377, 378, 380, 386, 390, 391, 401, 407; Sacrifice of —, 384; — and Sankaracharya, 377, 378, 381; Statue of —, 410; — still on earth, 361, 377; The Supreme —, 387, 438; the — within, 430, 432; — and the Vedas, 384.

Buddhas, Bodhisattvas or —, 409, 416, 566; Celestial —, 409; Dhyani —, 379; Human —, 361; Manifestations of —, 378; Perfect —, 416, 418; Pratyeka —, 406, 416; Seven —, 381, 428; Succession of —, 389, 407, 428; Twenty-five —, 409.

Buddhi, 441, 446, 531; — is Arupa, 572; — the Divine Soul, 375; Functions of —, 518; Manas necessary for consciousness of —, 505; — a Ray of Alaya, 494; — a Ray of the One Flame, 517; — related to Vitala, 566; — the Spiritual Soul, 458; — the vehicle of Atma, 469, 472, 510.

Buddhi-Manas, 519, 522.

Buddhic, — Bodies, 379; — Consciousness, 558, 566; — Sense, 567.

Buddhism, — and Annihilation, 401; — in China, 424, 428; — has no dogmas, 401; Esoteric —, 60, 420; Founder of —, 53; Key-note of —, 414; Logos of —, 387; Misunderstanding of —, 415, 419; — a form of Pantheism, 428; — in the Punjab, 410; Pythagorean Philosophy based on —, 403, 404; Schools of —, 423, 426, 427, 428, 429; — in Tibet, 16, 388, 408, 415, 422, 424.

Buddhist, — Books, antiquity of, 408; — Catechism, 401; — Discipline, 432; — Esoteric Works, 406; — Esotericism, 425, 426, 427, — Hermits, 428; — Monasteries, 422; — Sects, 415, 416, 430.

Builders, 202, 204, 208, 291, 327, 470, 481, 482; — of the Universe, 55.

Bunsen, — quoted, 37, 127.

Bunyan, — quoted, 51.

Cæsar, 300.

Cain, 14, 41, 43, 52, 53, 69, 81, 150, 153, 155, 156, 181, 182, 295.

Calvin, 40, 588.

Candlestick, the symbology of the Golden —, 320, 322, 323, 328.

Cardinal De Cusa, 367; Astronomical teaching of —, 368; — Copernicus, 368.

Cardinal Ximenes, 313.

Casket, — fallen from Heaven, 422.

Caste, the Brahman —, 261.

Catholicism, — an off-shoot of Magic, 23; — and Spiritualism, 26; — and Secret Symbology, 25.

Cause, the Absolute —, 363; — of Being, 466; — and Effect, 586; First —, 179; — of Imperfection, 208, 209; One Universal —, 261; — of Sorrow, 414; the Unknown — 214, 223.

Causal, — Buddhas, 379; — Body, 58; — Consciousness, 369; — Soul, 58, 65, 363.

Causeless, — World, 420.

Cedrenus, 329.

Celestial, — Beings, 369; — Bodies, motion of, 194, 219; — Buddhas, 409; — Heirarchy, 207, 381; — Sphere, 194; — Wheels, 329.

Celtic, — Mysteries, 312.

Central, — Figure of the Gospels, 52, 53; — Point, 180, 230, 477; — Star, 214, 280, 459, 461; — Sun, 213, 214, 280.

Centres, — of Force, 497, 498; — in Man, 583; Ten —, 455.

Cerinthians, 150.

Cerinthus, Teaching of —, 363.

Chabas M. — on Magic, 243, 249, 250, 255.

Chakras, 507; Muladhara —, 503.

Chaldaic, — Language, 169; — Letters, 152.

Chaldean, — Alphabet, 99; — Astrologers, 342, 343; — Alchemy, 302; — Astronomers, 4; — Books, 37; — Book of Numbers, 99, 170, 184, 199; — Charlatans, 337; — Cosmogony, 202; — Cylinders, 108; — Dualism, 34; — Dynasties, 233; — Initiates, 124; — Magians, 19; — MSS. 85; — Teraphim, 239; — Theogony, 335.

Chaldeans, Planets of —, 239.

Champollion, — quoted, 37, 38, 340; — on Egyptian gods, 209, 210.

Chang. —, the Supreme wisdom, 387.

Changeless One, 205.

Chaos, 181, 223, 226, 229; — the Abyss, 191, 224; — the Eternal Element, 227; — Mother Deep, 115, 232; — is Space, 231; Potency in —, 184; Water of —, 224, 225, 230, 231; Waters formed in —, 230.

Charvaka School, 419.

Chatur, — Vidya, 546; — Yuga, 259.

Chelas, 502; Diet of —, 161; Eastern —, 55, 80, 224; Initiation of —, 284; Law of Silence of —, 55, 284; Secrecy of —, 80, 311; Visions of —, 162, 505; Vow of Poverty of —, 64.

Chelaship, Difficulties of —, 311.

Chemical, — Affinity, 558.

Chemistry, 42.

Chemists, Discoveries of —, 489.

Chevalier Drach, 211, 214.

Chhaya, — the Astral Body, 593; — or Double, 500; — the Lower Manas, 559; — of Lunar Pitris, 494; — the Permanent Seed, 592.

Children of Inertness, 193.

China, Buddhism in —, 424, 428; Contemplative School of —, 429, 430.

Chinese, — Adepts, 15; — Alphabet, 103; — Amitabha, 408; — Characters, 103; — Cycle, 351; — Great Tone, 463; — Sorcery, 17.

‘Chinese Buddhism’ — quoted, 408, 426 to 432.

Choemnis, 42.

Chons, Egyptian God, 249, 251, 252, 255.

Chrestos, 87, 92, 123, 142, 148, 154, 296; — the Man of Sorrow, 89; Meaning of —, 288; the Suffering —, 289.

Christ, Aim of —, 309; — the Central figure of the Gospels, 52, 53; — Crucified by his church, 66, 373; Divinity of —, 149, 150; the Gnostic —, 363; —, the Master 40; the — Myth, 583; Paul’s idea of —, 124; Prophecy of —, 346, 347; Relation between — and Mikael, 322; Resurrection of —, 138; — the Sun, 212, 279; the Triumphant —, 123.

Christian, — Astrolatry, 319, 333; — Astrologers, 457; — Baptism, 65; — Dogma, 145, 165; — Emblems, 152; — Fathers, 24, 25, 46, 87, 283; — Gospels, 3; — Heaven, 326; — Misconceptions of Buddhism, 418, 419; — Monks, 432; — Mysteries, 276; — Mystics, 190; — and Pagan Deities, 77, 78; — Persecutors, 40; — Prophets, 279; — Religion, origin of, 345; — Revelation, 167; — Saviour, 318; — Scientists, 447, 490; — Scriptures, 9, 229; — Sorcerers, 251; — Symbols, 69, 77, 78, 103, 152, 153, 292; — Terms borrowed from Pagan MSS. 278, 279; — Theology, 322; — Trinity, 10, 145, 205.

Christianity, Early —, 47, 118; Enemies of —, 112; — founded on the Book of Enoch, 82; — in the Kabala, 166; Mystic —, 229; Neo-Platonic teaching adopted by —, 307, 309; — and Occultism, 212; Origin of —, 84, 176, 345; Paul, the founder of —, 122, 123, 309; Secret Doctrine in —, 149, 159; Theological —, 145; Theosophists’ attitude to —, 110, 143.

Christos, — or Buddhi-Manas, 524; — and Chrestos, 87, 92, 123, 154, 289; Crucifixion of the —, 579, 583; — the Higher Ego, 591; — identified with the Messiah, 152; the Perfect —, 158, 159; — the Sacrificial Victim, 557.

Chrysostom, St. 212.

Church, — and Adepts, 134; Apostolic —, 126, 146; — Councils, 145, 146; Dissensions in —, 119; — Dogmas, 146; — Fathers, 52, 79, 136, 147, 149, 157, 314, 345; Free thought in the —, 144; Greek —, 76, 103, 506; Latin —, 41, 52, 76, 78, 102, 103, 126, 236, 341; Roman —, 14, 59, 106, 107, 319.

Churches, Seven —, 322.

Cicero, — quoted, 41; — a believer in Astrology, 341; — on Initiation, 254, 262.

Circle, — Dance, 317; Ever invisible —, 180; Integral value of —, 69; One White —, 458; Perfect —, 200; Primordial —, 201; — the Symbol of the Absolute, 115, 200, 477.

Circles, Seven —, 315, 329.

Circular, — Dance, 316; — Path of the sun, 319; — Stone Monuments, 351.

Circumcision, 123; Apostle of the —, 116.

City, — of Gods, 346; — of the Sun, 171.

Clairvoyance, 384, 506; Spiritual —, 143.

Clairvoyant, 479, 480, 508, 554; — Perception, 504, 584.

Clement of Alexandria, 37, 40, 46, 52, 54, 75, 152, 153, 159, 308, 329; — an Initiate, 322; — on the Jewish worship, 238, 323; — on Magic, 39; — on the Mysteries, 267, 281.

Colour, — on other Planes, 581; — of the Earth, 570; — of the Sun, 461, 462, 478; — and Sound, 462, 508, 509.

Colours, — in the Aura, 479, 480, 481, 482, 508, 509; Correspondences of —, 453, 457, 461, 476, 477, 478, 479, 481, 532; Good —, 581; — of the Hierarchies, 482, 483; — of Letters, 530; Seven —, 439, 462, 476, 479, 481, 482.

Comets, 562.

Commentary, — on the Book of Dzyan, 369; Kala-Chakra —, 379.

Commentaries, — of Kiu-te, 405; Supplement to —, 407.

Commodus, Emperor, 285.

Comparative Religion, 34, 425.

Concentration, 569, 583.

Conditional Immortality, 510, 515.

Confession, 538; — in Greek Church, 506.

Confucius, 44, 266.

Confucianists, 16.

Conjunction, — of the Sun and Moon, 349.

Conquest of Evil, 388.

Conscience, 583.

Consciousness, Absolute —, 366, 418; Animal —, 573, 576, 582; — in Animals, 558, 574, 576; Astral —, 553, 554, 558; — of Atma-Buddhi, 557; Brain —, 573; Buddhic —, 558, 566; Cycles measured by —, 563; Divine —, 518, 555, 579; Dream —, 375, 554; Dual —, 571; — of Elementals, 589; Embodied and Disembodied —, 375; Field of —, 576; Fourfold —, 572; — of Idiots, 558; Karmic —, 558, 594; Kosmic —, 551; Manasic —, 558; Objective —, 557; Planes of —, 556; — of Plants, 558; — of the Senses, 584; — and self-Consciousness, 573; Seven-fold —, 574, 575, 581; Spiritual —, 512, 518, 552, 582, 594; States of —, 375, 448, 564, 565, 566, 567, 569, 571, 575; — is Ubiquitous, 375.

Contemplation, Four degrees of —, 386, 387; Chinese School of —, 429, 430.

Constantine, Emperor —, 11, 148, 150, 155, 187, 300.

Conversion, 26, 584.

Copernicus, 368; —, his System, 339.

Cornelius a Lapide, — quoted, 327, 328.

Correlation of Forces, 71.

Correspondences, Astrological —, 461; — of Colours, Days, and Planets, 452, 456, 457; — of Colours and Principles, 462; — of Colours and Letters, 530; of Colour, Sound and Number, 439, 451, 475, 497, 508, 530, 533; — of Cosmos and Man, 440, 441, 443, 481; — of Planets and Physical Organs, 447, 458, 461, 463; — of Principles and Physical Organs, 548; — of Principles and Tattvas, 497, 499, 509; Laws of —, 340; Science of —, 68, 69.

Cosmic, — Auric Envelope, 555; — Centres, 447; — Consciousness, 551; — Forces, 321, 447; — Intelligence, 494; — Planes, 448, 554, 555; — Principles, 223; — Processes, 441 to 443; — Seed, 441, 443; — Septenary, 548; — Space, 397, 448; — Wheels, 184.

Cosmocratores, 321, 337, 589.

Cosmogony, 225; Archaic —, 91; Esoteric —, 440; — of Genesis, 75; — of Hermes, 91; Hindu —, 228; Occult —, 7, 170, 224; — of Pythagorus, 461.

Councils, Church —, 145.

Creation, 227, 229, 399; — by Dhyana, 379; Eighth —, 192; — of Elohim, 203, 204; — of Genesis, 191; Hebrew —, 197; — by Kriyashakti, 561; — of Man, 146; Mysteries of —, 189; — after Pralaya, 397; Primary —, 204, 205; Roman Catholic Teaching of —, 201; Second —, 196; Seven steps of —, 231; Seventh —, 192; — of Woman, 192; — by Will, 561; Zohar on —, 199.

Creations, Seven —, 191.

Creative, — Forces, 439, 498, 499, 532; — Gods, 191, 209; — Principle, 49, 273; — Triangle, 532.

Creator, 55, 115, 399; Brahma the —, 209; — the Demiurge, 304; God the —, 207; — of the Kosmos, 208.

Creators, 196, 208.

Creuzer, — Symbologist, quoted, 33, 38, 316.

Cross, 141, 148, 150, 289; — and Crucifix, 152, 292; Egyptian —, 151, 325; Inscription on —, 156; Passion of the —, 296.

Cross-bones and Skull, Symbol of —, 150, 153.

Crowd, Protection against —, 451.

Crucified, — Krishna, 292; — Rose, 296; — Sun, 292.

Crucifixion, — of Christ, 147; — of the Christos, 579, 583; — of Jesus by his Disciples, 66, 373.

Cube, 181, 183.

Cudworth, — quoted, 180.

Cycle, — of Adeptship, 143; Babylonian —, 352; — of Brihaspati, 349, 350; Chinese —, 351; — of Gods, 484; — of Life, 276; — of Mahayuga, 348; — of Naros, 351, 352; — of Necessity, 208, 247, 305; Tartar —, 352; — of the Vedas, 351.

Cycles, 346; Hindu, — 348; — Measured by Consciousness, 563; Quinquennial —, 348, 353; Secret —, 350; Septenary —, 348; Soli-lunar —, 345; Symbols of —, 351; Col. Warren on —, 350.

Cyclic, — Attempts to enlighten the World, 412; — Law, 306; — Records, 350; — Saviours, 345.

Cyprian St., 160 to 163.

Cylinders, Babylonian —, 108; Chaldean, —, 108.

Dagon, 152.

Daksha, Narada cursed by —, 291; Sons of —, 292.

Daiviprakriti, 181.

Dalai Lama, 409; Mitre of —, 333.

Damascius, — quoted on the Magi, 195.

Dance, Circle —, 317; David’s —, 317.

Danger, — of Influence, 588; — of Magic, 67; — of Occultism, 90, 487; — of Occult Knowledge, 50, 62, 75.

Dang-ma, 394, 396.

Daniel, Book of —, 175; — a Chaldæan Astrologer, 342; — an Initiate, 139, 342.

Dante, — quoted, 54.

Dark Brothers, 488.

David, 317.

Day, — Be-with-us, 580; — of Brahma, 569; Great —, 304.

Days, Correspondences of —, 452, 457, 461; Lucky and Unlucky —, 248, 249; — and Planets, 451, 531; — of the Week, 342.

De Cusa, Cardinal —, 367, 368.

De Mirville, — quoted, 41, 42, 43, 52, 77, 78, 93, 114, 120, 131, 133, 135, 203, 207, 208, 216, 217, 225, 241, 245, 246, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 255, 279, 317, 318, 319, 321, 335, 336, 341.

‘De Mysteriis,’ — quoted, 473.

Death, — of Buddha, 89; — First of the Nidanas, 586; — of Jesus, 152, 158; Real —, 512; Second —, 513, 516, 520, 523; — of the Soul, 510, 513, 516, 526; — of St. Peter, 128; Sudden —, 591, 592; — is Transformation, 563.

Decad, Higher and Lower —, 455, 456; — the Perfect Number, 532; — of Pythagoras, 397, 439.

Decimal, — Notation, 353.

Deep, The — or Chaos, 230; the Great —, 225.

Degrees, — of Adeptship, 416; — of Astrologers, 342; — of Contemplation, 386, 387; — of Initiation, 282, 284, 293, 294, 416; — of Manas, 544; — of Kama-Manas, 540; — of Masonry, 285.

Deity, Absolute—, 402, 484, 494; Anthropomorphic —, 326, 402; Eternal —, 92; One Universal —, 51, 555; Personal —, 62; Potency of the —, 471; the Vaidic —, 179.

Deities, Two —, 326; Pantheon of Heathen —, 78.

Della Penna, Legends of —, 405.

Delirium, 553.

Delusion, — of Time, 420.

Demiurgos, 209, 328.

Democritus, 21, 265; — of Abdera, 302; — on Magic, 22.

Demonology, 41.

Den of Trophonius, 135.

Denys St., 201, 203, 318, 329.

Descent of Spirit, 561.

Desire, — the outcome of Separateness, 584; — and Thought, 573; — and Will, 537, 559.

Destiny, 330, 566; Sidereal influence on —, 344; Thread of —, 320.

Destruction, — of Alexandrian Library, 36, 299; — of Arles, 300; — of Atlantis, 88; — of Bibractis, 299; — of Fifth Race, 268; — of MSS. 299, 314; — of Third Race, 86.

Deuteronomy, — quoted, 179.

Dev, the Persian —, 77.

Devanagari, 99, 100, 190, 265.

Devachan, 496; Happiness of —, 515; Higher Ego in —, 590; Manas in —, 591; — a Mental state, 576; Occult advance in —, 541; — a period of Spiritual Gestation, 495; — a state of Spiritual Consciousness, 594; Samadhi leads to —, 420.

Devachanic, — Entity, 495, 545; — State, 496, 515, 576, 594.

Devas, 371, 547; Hierarchies of —, 566.

Dharmakaya, 366, 385, 387, 418, 421; — Cannot re-incarnate, 367, 372, 379; Ego of a —, 367; — is Infallible, 420; — State, 566; — is without Karma, 383.

Dhyana, Creation by —, 379.

Dhyan-Chohans, 209, 370, 387; Angels or —, 65, 202; Devas or —, 371; Evolution of —, 559; Hierarchies of —, 475, 564, 566; Mission of —, 362; — Prototypes of Gods, 59; Seven —, 55, 388; Sevenfold nature of —, 196; — Sons of Fire, 466; — or Spirits of the Presence, 160, 369.

Dhyani, Seven Portals of —, 569.

Dhyani-Buddha, 333, 371, 379, 380, 381, 383, 387, 389, 566.

Diagrams, Use of —, 486; — of Correspondences, 445, 452, 457, 461, 476, 477, 483, 501, 532; Explanation of —, 455; — of Human Principles, 560, 561.

Dialogues, — of Plato, quoted, 3.

Differentiation, Plane of —, 517.

Diodorus, — quoted, 254.

Diogenes, — quoted, 239.

Dionysius, — the Areopagite, 138.

Dionysus, 280.

Discipline, Buddhist and Christian, —, 432.

Divine, — Being, 304; — Consciousness, 518, 555, 579; — Ego, 65, 511, 512, 514, 516, 517, 519, 520, 524; — Essence, 58, 223, 445, 463; — Eye, 506; — Flame, 363, 468, 520; Fire is —, 589; — Hermaphrodite, 295; — Ideation, 466, 498, 517; — Incarnations, 56, 61, 362, 363, 364; — Justice, 529; — Kings, 258; — Knowledge, 237; — Magic, 110, 465; — Mathematics, 73; — Mind, 540; — Monad, 383, 518; — Powers, 484; — Principle, 402; — Prototypes, 371; — Revelation, 78; — Ray, 22; — Science, 90, 106, 254; — Self, 58, 270, 438, 474; — Soul, 58, 375, 521, 591; — Space, 498; — Theogony, 339; — Theurgy, 473; — Thought, 471, 472, 548; — Unity, 58; — Wisdom, 113, 312, 471.

Divination, — at Delphos, 342; — by the Ephod, 237; — by Teraphim, 235.

Divining, — Wheels, 108.

Divinity, — of Christ, 145, 149, 166.

Doctrine, — of the Eye, 403, 424, 425, 430; — of the Heart, 403, 410, 423, 424, 425.

Dodona, Oracle of —, 253.

Dollinger, — quoted, 237.

Dorjechang, 387, 388.

Double Triangle, 105, 369.

Draupadi, 392.

Dread, — of the Unseen, 275.

Dreams, 554, 585.

Druidical, — Religion, 135.

Druids, 23; — believed in Re-incarnation, 268; — in France, 299; — Practised Magic, 312; Sacred Fires of the —, 268.

Drunkenness, Evil effects of —, 548.

Duad, 58; — Formed by reflection, 205; Monad becomes a —, 523; the — represents Matter, 101, 102.

Dual, — Aspects of the Sun, 288; — Consciousness, 571; Fire is —, 466; Magic a — power, 67; Manas is —, 446, 461, 512, 513, 519, 556, 569; Nature is —, 15; — Personality of Adepts, 392; — Soul of Plato, 403; — Universe, 488, 489.

Dualism, Chaldean —, 34.

Duality, — of Manas, 58, 512, 519, 579, 591; — of Planets, 321; — of Sidereal Influence, 338.

Dugpas, 26, 106, 107, 415, 588.

Dus-Kyi Khorlo, 421, 422.

Dvapara Yuga, 225.

Dvaraka, 260.

Dweller, — on the Threshold, 525, 526, 539, 594.

Dzyan, Book of —, 89, 180, 200, 369, 405, 407; Meaning of —, 405.

Earth, — Bound Spirits, 594; Colour of the —, 570; Face of the —, 223, 224; Isis was the —, 231.

East, —, the land of Knowledge, 18, 29; Sacred Books of the —, 425; Sages of the —, 48; Secret Books of the —, 87; Secret Doctrine of the —, 22, 93.

Eastern, — Chelas, 55, 80, 224; — Esotericism, 53, 177, 425; — Gupta Vidya, 164 et seq.; — Initiates, 276, 289, 425; — Occultism, 143, 222, 229, 247; — Occultists, 25, 68, 88, 186, 223, 225, 366, 506; — Philosophy, 13, 291; — Psychology, 394; — Septenary Teaching, 53; — Symbology, 53, 290.

Ebionites, 149, 150.

Eclectic, — Doctrines, 306; — School, 24, 132; — System, 303; — Theos. System, 307, 308, 309.

Eclectics, 314.

Ecstasy, 62, 304, 474; — defined by Plotinus, 57; — of Proclus, 57; — of St. John, 131.

‘Edinburgh Cyclopedia,’ — quoted on Neo-Platonism, 309.

Education, Necessity of —, 263.

Egg, — of All Being, 456; Auric —, 494, 496, 510, 511, 533, 537, 538, 539, 546, 548, 555, 561; — of Brahma, 477, 498, 510; Golden —, 494; Mundane —, 443; — of the World, 440.

Ego, the — is Atomic, 577; Birth of the —, 495, 496; Divine —, 65, 511, 512, 514, 516, 517, 519, 520, 524; Field of consciousness of —, 576; Higher —, 375, 436, 474, 494, 514, 515, 517, 518, 521, 523, 525, 527, 544, 566, 578, 579, 580, 584, 590, 591, 592; Human —, 512, 517, 519, 520; Impersonal —, 418, 523; Individual —, 367, 371, 519; Karma of the —, 524, 525; the — in Nirvana, 415; Perfect —, 417; Periodical existence of the —, 246, 247, 248; Personal —, 519, 520; Personalities of the —, 246, 415, 557; Reincarnating —, 523, 524, 526, 539; Separation of the — from the personality, 524, 571; Spiritual —, 247, 303, 372, 439, 526; — as Subject, 573.

Egos, — or Kumaras, 494; Seven Hierarchies of —, 579.

Egotistical, — Principle, 375.

Egyptian, — Astronomical Monuments, 340; — Astrologers, 337, 340; — Ceremony of Judgment, 293; — Cosmology, 330; — Cross, 151, 325; — Funeral Ritual, 333; — Gnostics, 115, 192; — Gods, 154; — Hierophants, 28, 69, 247, 254, 256, 264, 293, 301, 325, 330, 397; — Initiation, 230, 265, 272, 293, 474; — Khous, 242, 249, 250; — Learning, Seats of, 265; — Magic, 241, 243, 250; — Mummies, 242; — Mysteries, 263, 265, 293; — Neophyte, 294; — Papyri, 241, 248, 250, 513; — Priests, 263, 264, 265, 301; — Sacred Books, 37; — Sorcery Names, 250; — Symbolism, 30; — Symbology, 115, 200, 244, 245; — Teaching of Human Principles, 370; — Tongue, ancient, 171; — Traditions, 37; — Trinity, 180; — Zodiac, 340.

Eighth, — Creation, 192; — Sphere, 510.

Element, Angel-guided —, 221; the Eternal —, 203, 204, 227; Fire not an —, 589; the One —, 202, 225, 397, 589.

Elementals, 227, 236, 238, 442, 451, 473, 474, 588, 592; — of Animals, 567; — in the Astral Light, 571; Consciousness in —, 589; Fire —, 589, 590; Human —, 496, 588; Instinct of —, 594; Lokas of —, 566, 567; Metallic —, 463; Nature —, 561; Worship of —, 337.

Elements, Mysteries of the —, 238; Order of —, 569; — as Symbols, 231.

Elect, the —, 50, 86, 488; the — Angels, 93; the — Initiates, 87; the One —, 84; the — Root, 74.

Electricity, 71; — is Intelligence, 216; — stored in the Sun, 215; — Universal Force, 215; Zaliwsky’s Theory of —, 215.

Eleusinian, — Fields, 253, 254; — Mysteries, 124, 151, 254, 282, 303, 431.

‘Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani,’ 147, 153, 156.

Elias Ashmole, — Occult Philosopher, 285.

Eliphaz Levi, — quoted, 27, 68, 93, 148, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 250, 284, 334.

Elixir, — of Knowledge, 388; — of Life, 449, 489.

‘Elixir of Life,’ — quoted, 377.

Elohim, 178, 193, 207, 230; — the Architects, 204; Creation by —, 181; Meaning of —, 203, 206; Seven —, 191, 194, 195, 197, 333; ‘Word-form’ of —, 201.

Elohists, 178.

Elohistic, — Bible, 178, 189.

El-Shaddai, 388.

Emanation, — and Energy, 208; — of Sephiroth, 73, 183, 184, 305.

Emanations, Doctrine of —, 114, 304, 398; Ten —, 179; Secondary —, 467; — of the Universe, 73.

Embryo, Correspondence of — with Cosmic processes, 441 to 443.

Empedocles, 40, 134, 254.

Empuses, 135.

Energy, 208, 585.

Ennemoser, — quoted, 301.

Ennoia, 472.

Enoch, 86, 90, 182, 193; Book of —, 82 to 90, 193, 389.

Entity, Devachanic —, 495, 545; — in Kamaloka, 566; Kamarupic —, 594; Mahat the Highest —, 555; Personal —, 527; the Ray regarded as an —, 59; Spiritual —, 404.

Envelope, Auric —, 478, 479, 493, 495, 498, 543, 555, 558, 559, 560, 578, 579; Kosmic Auric —, 555.

Ephod, 237.

Epicureanism, 414.

Epicurus, 59.

Epidemic, — Spiritualism, 77; — of Vice, 553.

Epinoia, 468, 471, 472, 484.

Epiphanius, — quoted, 123, 149, 150.

Epoptai, 124, 448.

Epopteia, 124, 282, 283.

Eros, 585.

Esdras, 169, 174, 188; Sacred Text of —, 190.

Esoteric, — Buddhism, 60, 420, 422; — Brotherhood, 417; — Cosmogony, 440; — Doctrine, 55; — Interpretations, 81, 245; — Literature, 426; — Numeral Systems in the Christian Church, 100; — Opinion of Jesus, 383; — Philosophy, 2, 64, 65, 114, 379, 400, 459, 461, 464; — Records, 3, 189; — School, 379, 460; — Schools, 415, 426, 427; — Schools of Buddhism, 426, 427, 428, 429; — Science, 45, 451, 465, 506; Secrecy of — Schools, 415; — Systems of numerals, 100; — Teaching, 283, 430.

‘Esoteric Buddhism,’ — quoted, 1, 305, 445, 446, 460, 476.

Esotericism, 3, 425, 483; Buddhist —, 425, 426, 427; — of the Bible, 46, 47, 81, 173, 190, 280, 425; Cosmogony of —, 440; — of Egypt, 74; Eastern —, 53, 177, 425; — of Genesis, 46, 47, 173, 470; Mysteries of —, 58, 392, 431; — of the Puranas, 3, 258, 426; — in Religions, 424; — of the Third Race, 74; — in Western Scriptures, 425; — of the Upanishads, 3.

Essence, Divine —, 58, 180, 223, 445, 463, 518; Eternal —, 202, 226; Universal —, 180.

Essenes, 45, 273.

Eternal, — Absolute, 444; — Deity, 92; — Essence, 202, 226; — Element, 227; Eye of the —, 103; — Light, 229; — Matter, 216, 223, 402, 470; — Monad, 374; — One, 203, 204; — Principles, two, 115; — Root, 223; — Sound, 99, 550; — Thought, 226; the — Symbolised by the Triangle, 102; — Three Things, 393, 396.

Ether, 404, 590; — of Space, 442, 443, 497.

Eucharist, 145.

Euclid, — an Initiate, 551.

Euripides, 142.

Eurydice, 142.

Eusebius, 11, 123, 145, 149, 279, 342.

Eutyches, 145.

Eve, 154, 155, 181, 182; Vach, the Hindu —, 182.

Events, — Enacted first in Higher Spheres, 306.

Evil, Conquest of —, 388; — Eye, 248; Spirit of —, 27.

Evolution, — the Ever-becoming, 228; — a Law of God, 50; — of the Moon, 562; — of Nature, 182; — of Races, 443, 545; Reason of —, 559; — of Spirit, 383.

Evolutionary, — Journey, 517.

Existence, Karmic —, 587; Plane of —, 540.

Exoteric, — Interpretations, 245; — Philosophy, 499; — Religions, 70, 261, 267.

Exorcisms, 250, 471; — against Black Magic, 244, 248.

Eye, — Doctrine, 403, 424, 425, 426, 430; Divine —, 506; Evil —, 248; — of Ormuzd, 278, 320, 321; Single —, 458; Third —, 458, 480, 502, 504, 581; — of Wisdom, 458.

Ezekiel, 482.

Ezra, 172, 173, 177.

Fa, — of Nature, 463, 475, 503.

Faith, — and Reason, 401.

Fall, — of Adam, 196; — of the Angels, 193; — into Generation, 86; — of Man, 295, 331.

Families, 572.

Father, — of All, 205, 230; — is Boundless Time, 232; — of the Gods, 332; — in Heaven, 371, 449, 558; — or Higher Self, 450; — and Mother of Nature, 203, 204; — and Son are One, 57, 63, 363, 524; — of the Sound, 462.

Father Kirchu, — quoted, 236, 297.

Father Secchi, — quoted, 215.

Fathers, — of the Church, 52, 79, 136, 147, 157, 307, 314, 345.

Fear, 541.

Ferouers, 77, 321, 388.

Festival of the Dead, 102.

Fifth Race, 74, 90, 261, 266, 269; Destruction of —, 268; Kings of —, 264; Souls of —, 305.

Fifth Round, 559.

Fire, Akashic —, 505; Baptism by —, 330; — the Cause of Being, 466; — is Divine, 589; — of the Druids, 268; — is Dual, 466; — Elementals, 589, 590; — of Ierna, 268; — of Kundalini, 581; — of Manas, 505, 544; — in the Old Testament, 589; — the One Life, 468; Sacred — generated by Concentration, 547; Sons of —, 466; — Symbol of Divine Nature, 466.

Fires, the Forty-nine —, 500, 544.

First, — Adam, 192; — Born, 208; — Cause, 179; — Chapters of Genesis, 72, 181; — Creation, 204; — Emanation from the Unknown, 114; — Energy, 208; — Logos, 498; — Man, 171; — Race, 50, 86, 294, 550; — Son of Man, 86; — Word of Genesis, 224.

Fish, Symbol of —, 151, 152.

Five, — Breaths, 499, 502, 509.

Fixed Stars, — none in Nature, 217.

Flame, Divine —, 363, 468, 520; — of the Higher Ego, 591; — and the Monads, 370; the One —, 374, 375; the Parent —, 371; Sons of the —, 260.

Flavius, Pope —, 145, 146.

Flood, The —, 41, 94; the Great —, 74.

Fohat, 555; Sons of —, 507, 508.

Fohatic, — Forces, 562; — Principle, 581.

Force, Dual —, 199; Sound is —, 451, 530.

Forces, Blind —, 218, 220, 221; Cosmic —, 321, 447; Fohatic —, 562; Intelligent —, 215, 216; — of Nature, 62, 491, 492; Personified —, 507; Septenary —, 508; Seven —, 494, 497; — or Tattvas, 498, 499.

Form, — of God, 179; — on different Planes, 561.

Foundation, — of Christianity, 82; — of Mysteries, 262; — of Religion, 296.

Founder, — of Christianity, 122, 123, 309.

Four, — fold Path, 572; — Seats of Egyptian Learning, 265; — Worlds, 54, 305.

Fourteen Lokas, 369, 568, 569.

Fourth, — Gospel, quoted, 79, 80; — Hierarchy, 559; — Path, 549; — Principle, 143, 511; — Race, 14, 74, 87, 90, 106, 197, 258, 260, 269, 550, 590; — Round, 59, 590.

Free-Masonry, 275, 287.

Free-Thought, — in the Church, 144.

French, — Reincarnationists, 414.

Funeral, — Ritual of the Egyptians, 333.

Future, Hints on the —, 590.

Futurity, — a Compound of Chance and Time, 101; — One with the Past and Present, 306; Secrets of —, 104.

Gabriel, — the Archangel, 103, 333.

Galatians, — quoted, 47.

Garden of Eden, 47, 94, 195, 314, 470.

Garment of God, 178, 179.

‘Gates of Death,’ 294.

Gautama, the ‘Astral’ —, 381; Consciousness of —, 566; — gave no Esoteric Teaching, 3; — the grandest of Adepts, 110; Hidden Mysteries taught by —, 291; — an Incarnation of Vishnu, 60; Injunction of — to Pupils, 17; — a Pupil of Indian Sages, 417; — Shakyamuni, 407.

Gelugpas, 415.

Gemara, The —, 47.

Gematria, 98, 100, 206.

Genesis, Creations of —, 191; Chronology of —, 127; Cosmogony of —, 75; Elohim of —, 191, 194, 203; Esotericism of —, 46, 47, 173, 470; First Chapters of —, 72, 181; First Word of —, 224; Glyphs of —, 155; Initial sentence of —, 73; Origen on —, 47; Symbology of —, 201; Various Readings of —, 199, 200, 227, 228, 232.

Genethliac, — Tables, 340.

Genii, — of the Mountains, 15.

Genius, 54, 574; Flashes of —, 488, 554.

Gentiles, Apostle of the —, 116.

Geocentric, — System, 457.

Geology, Occult —, 224.

Geometry, 7, 178; — Taught in the Mysteries, 551.

Gerald Massey, — quoted, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197.

German, — Numerals, meaning of, 102.

Gnosis, 307, 311, 335, 465, 485, 513; — or Divine Wisdom, 55, 518; — or Esoteric Science, 45; — still Flourishes, 24; — of Pythagoras, 55; — True and False, 336.

Gnostic, — Idea of Divine Incarnation, 363; — Pleroma, 484; — Teachers, 470; — Teaching of Redemption, 159; — Tradition of Adam, 196.

Gnosticism, Ebionitic —, 150; Founder of Western —, 118; — in Plato and Pythagoras, 13.

Gnostics, 76, 192, 273; Egyptian —, 115, 192; Teachings of —, 204.

‘Gnostics and their Remains,’ — quoted, 95, 152.

Gnyanendryas, 565, 567.

Gobi, Desert of —, 16, 18.

God, the Creative —, 181; — the Creator, 207; Extra-Cosmic —, 224; — the Father of all, 205; Garment of —, 178, 179; the Highest —, 184, 499; Impersonal —, 7, 395; — of Immutable Law, 51; — of the Jews, 114, 115, 182; Manifested —, 101, 583; — in Man, 61, 450, 475; — in Nature, 51, 70, 100; — of the New Testament, 346; One —, 7, 181, 209, 363, 484; One Living —, 157, 184, 318; — of Paul, 398; — Perceived by High Adept, 474; Personal —, 58, 62, 363, 371, 444, 450, 483; — of Philosophy, 7; — of Plato, 398; — of Pythagoras, 397; — of Secret Wisdom, 46; the Sun —, 77, 321; Supreme —, 207, 230; Union with —, 60, 63, 205, 437, 447, 475, 518; Unity of —, 483; — the Universal Mind, 6; the Unknown —, 427; Virgin —, 327; — of War, 328; — Who, 427; the — Within, 450; — of Wisdom, 308.

Gods, — of the Ancients, 315; Beneficent and Maleficent —, 238; — the ‘Creatures,’ 207; Cycle of —, 484; Egyptian —, 154; — Feed on Men, 593; Great —, 333, 342, 369, 484; Higher —, 587; Karma of —, 390, 391; Lower —, 6; — and Numbers, 101; — are One, 450; — of the Pagans, 71, 249, 333; Planetary —, 316, 343; Prototypes of —, 59; Secondary —, 261; Seven —, 191, 209, 342, 369; Solar —, 321; Twelve Great —, 484; Union with —, 473, 474; Zodiacal —, 341.

Golden, — Age, 308, 346, 347, 348; — Egg, 494.

Good and Evil, — are Relative, 529; — are Eternal Principles, 115.

Good, — Colours, 581; — Law, 376, 409, 410, 424; — Shepherds, 293.

Gordian Knot, 212.

Gospel, the Fourth —, 79, 80; — of the Hebrews, 149; — of Matthew, 44, 45, 147, 148, 149, 157; Mysteries of the —, 46; — Narratives, 157.

Gospels, — are not Historical, 345.

Graha-Rajah, — Title of the Sun, 271.

Granite, — cannot Burn, 589.

Grattan-Guinness, — quoted, 192.

Gravitation, Law of —, 218.

Great, — Architect, 271; — Bear, 195; — Breath, 502; — Day, 304; — Deep, 225; — ‘Extreme,’ 44; — Flood, 74; — Gods, 333, 342, 369, 484; — Initiation, 300; — Jewel of Wisdom, 412; — Pyramid, 74, 155, 177, 189, 201, 300, 301; ‘The — Revelation,’ quoted, 467; the — Sacrifice, 271, 383; — Thought, 467; — Tone, 463; the — Unknown, 84; ‘— Vehicle,’ 416.

Greece, — the Cradle of Art and Science, 22; Sages of —, 10, 38.

Greek, — Church, 76, 103, 506; — Mysteries, 124, 125; — Numerical System, 352; — Philosophy, 10, 12, 283; — Philosophers, 6, 210, 335.

Gregory St., — quoted, 157.

Guardian, — Angels, 57, 370, 459; — Wall, 489.

Guardians, — of the Mysteries of Nature, 20; — of Sacred Lore, 29.

Guatemalan Medal, 21.

Gunas, 494.

Gupta Vidya, 164, 166, 179.

Guru, the Dravidian —, 385; Vision of the —, 284.

Gurus, — in India, 406; Two — of Chelas, 284.

Gymnosophists, 19, 134.

Hall, Brahma’s —, 545; ‘— of the Five Hundred Lohans,’ 410; — of Spirits, 294; Vishnu’s —, 545.

Hallelujah, — a word of Magic, 83.

Hallucination, 242.

Halo, 584.

Hargrave Jennings, — quoted, 296.

Ham, — Son of Noah, 42, 43; Treatise accredited to —, 301.

Hari, — the Preserver, 180.

Hari-ashvas, — Sons of Daksha, 292.

Harris-papyrus, 241, 243, 248, 255.

Hartmann Von, — quoted, 398.

Harvest, — of Life, 514, 520.

Hate, — and Fear, 541.

Hatha Yoga, 416, 491, 499, 502, 503, 555, 569.

Hawk, — Emblem of the Sun, 171.

Hayah, 182.

Healing, — by Priests and Kings, 264.

Healers, Jesus and Appolonius were —, 264.

Heart, the — the Centre of all, 582, 583; Divisions of the —, 545; Doctrine of the —, 403, 410, 423, 424, 425, 426; — Represents the Triad, 583; Seven Brains of —, 577, 581.

‘Heart’s Seal,’ 424, 425.

Heavenly, — Adam, 179; — Androgyne, 181; — Father, 450; — Hierarchies, 115; — Man, 179, 210, 330, 437, 444, 532; — Triangle, 532.

Hebrew, — Allegories, 186; — Alphabet, 99, 100, 104, 169, 190, 206, 530; — Bible, 169, 187, 189; — Canon, 168; — Creation, 197; — Elohim, 204; — Initiates, 189; — Language, age of, 168, 169, 172, 175, 190; — Letters, 168, 169, 175; — Punctuation, 175; — Scribes, 188; — Scriptures, 172, 173, 174, 178; — Scrolls, 177, 190; Translation of —, 147; — Writing, 199.

Helen of Troy, 113, 471, 472.

Heliocentric System, 213, 322, 323.

Heliolatry, — in Christianity, 319; — of Zoroastrians, 35.

Heliopolis, 265, 267.

Helios, 279.

Hell, 510, 526, 571; — or Hades, 41.

Henry More, 30.

Hercules, 142, 258, 259, 260; Labours of —, 141.

Heredity, 435, 436.

Heresiarchs, — of Christianity, 411.

Hermaphrodite, Divine —, 295; Meaning of —, 458; Mystery of the —, 88, 295.

Hermes, Books of —, 30, 37, 41, 48, 100, 117, 337, 339, 368; Cosmogony of —, 91; the ‘false’ — 30; — of Greece, 55; — quoted, 213, 320, 328, 330; Secret Dogmas of —, 129; Writings of —, 37.

Hermetic, — Philosophy, 36, 39, 106, 129, 222; — Universal Doctrine, 222.

Herod, King —, 141.

Herodotus, — the Father of History, 32; — quoted, 20, 278, 297.

Heroes, Three Aspects of —, 94.

Herschel, — quoted, 217, 220.

Hesiod, 38.

Hexagon, Symbolism of —, 105 et seq.

Hiarchus, King —, 129, 130.

Hierarchies, — of Angels, 475; — of Beings, 59, 462; — the Builders of the Seven Kingdoms, 481; — and Colours, 481; — or Creative Powers, 482; — of Devas, 566; — of Dhyan-Chohans, 475, 564, 566; — of Egos, 579; — and Human Principles, 462, 482, 483; Heavenly —, 115; Lokas of —, 566; — of Rulers of Planets, 463; Septenary —, 549; Seven —, 59, 374, 481, 581; Subdivisions of —, 483.

Hierarchy, — of Celestial Beings, 207, 381; Fourth —, 559; — of Rishis, 369.

Hieroglyphics, 265.

Hieronymus St., — quoted, 104.

Hierophant, the First —, 86; Highest —, 325, 330; — Victim, 88.

Hierophants, 4, 273, 338; Breast-plate of —, 237; Divine —, 330; Egyptian —, 28, 69, 247, 254, 256, 264, 293, 300, 301, 325, 330, 397; King —, 242; — of the Mysteries, 127, 128, 148; Priest —, 242; — of the Temple, 7, 263; Violent Deaths of —, 89.

Higher, — Ego, 375, 436, 474, 494, 514, 515, 517, 518, 521, 523, 525, 527, 544, 566, 578, 579, 580, 584, 590, 591, 592; — Manas, 479, 480, 511, 569, 573, 578; — Man, 63; — Mind, 522; — Self, 58, 59, 60, 61, 367, 372, 375, 383, 450, 488, 527, 529.

Hilkiah, 342.

Himalayas, Secret Schools in —, 417.

Himaleh, — the Snowy Range, 94.

Hinayana, — System, 416, 417.

Hindu, — Adepts, 135; — Astronomical Cycles, 348; — Ascetics, 94; — Cosmogony, 228; — Mathams, 19; — Music, 190; — Mystics, 132; — Seven Zones, 351; — Symbolism, 24; — Trimurti, 102; — Yugas, theory of S. A. Mackey, 356 to 358.

Hiouen-Thsang, — quoted, 16; — and Buddha’s Shadow, 17.

Hippocrates, — a ‘Chimera,’ 33.

Hippolytus, Mention of —, 118; — quoted, 119.

Hiram, 130, 186, 274, 275, 285.

Hiranyagarbha, — the Creator, 180; — Egg of the World, 440, 445, 494, 555, 561.

History, — of Adeptship, 143; — of Church Councils, 145; Data of —, 143; Father of —, 32; — and Magic, 256; — and Mystery, 95; — of Occultism, 412.

Holy, — Light, 529; — Power, 529; — Trinity, 145.

Holy Ghost, Christian Idea of —, 205, 468, 499; — a Female Potency, 181, 206; — of Simon Magus, 117, 472; — the Force of the Third Logos, 499.

‘Holy Office,’ — of the Inquisition, 54.

Homer, — ‘Mythical’, 33; — quoted, 190; — borrowed from Orphic Hymns, 38.

Horne, — quoted, 188.

‘Horns of Satan,’ 511.

Horus, 236, 460.

Host, — of the Sephiroth, 231.

Hosts, — of Heaven, 325; Lord of —, 325; Planetary —, 162; Tsabæan —, 326.

Hour, Origin of the —, 351.

Human, — Buddhas, 361, 378; — Ego, 512, 517, 519, 520; — Elementals, 496, 588; — Incarnations, 362, 364; — Mind, 524; — Monad, 366; — Mysteries, 157; — Nature, 442; — Self, 474; — Septenary, 548; — Soul, 442, 514, 520, 521.

Human Principles, Atma, the Cause of —, 510; Classification of —, 374; Correspondences of —, 452, 474, 476, 483, 501, 548, 569; Diagrams of —, 560, 561; — and Hierarchies, 482; — and Numbers, 456, 460, 476, 482; Physical Body not one of —, 548; Seven —, 142, 202, 374, 444, 445, 455, 460, 476, 493, 580.

Hypatia, 313.

Hypnotism, — Accepted by Science, 27; Artificial State produced by —, 566; Danger of —, 538; Effects of — on the Aura, 480; Experiments by —, 25; Occult Sciences of — and Magnetism, 482; Use and Abuse of —, 40.

‘I’, the Personal —, 514, 573; ‘— am I,’ 520, 573.

Iamblichus, — quoted, 37; — and Doctrine of Theurgy, 303, 307; — on Magic and Theurgy, 473, 474; — on the Sun, 279; — on Thaumaturgy, 253.

Iao, — the Mystery-God, 253, 279, 280, 294.

Icarus, Fall of an —, 120, 121.

Ida, — one of the Nadis, 503, 537, 547, 551.

Ideas, — of Greek Philosophers, 210, 335; — and Numbers, 69.

Ideation, — in Activity, 561; Divine —, 466, 498, 517; Universal —, 398.

Identity, — of Ancient and Modern Initiations, 283; — of Angels and Devas, 340; — of Angels and Dhyan-Chohans, 327; — of Eastern and Western Thought, 93; — of Esoteric Teaching and Greek Philosophy, 283; — of Zoroastrian and Christian Dogma, 322.

Idol, — of the Moon, 234, 239; — Worship, 430.

Idolatry, 58.

Ierna, Sacred Fire of —, 268.

Ildabaoth, 158, 194, 197.

Illuminati, 71.

Illusion, — Body, 495; Life and Death are —, 512; Three Bodies of —, 403; Universal —, 393.

Illusionists, 177.

Illusive, — Matter, 403.

Imagination, Use of —, 561.

Immaculate, — Birth, 140.

Immortality, Conditional —, 510, 515; — Secured, 513, 515, 518, 520; — of the Spirit, 283, 293.

Imperfection, Cause of —, 208, 209; — of the World, 220.

Impersonal, Absorption into the —, 395; — Divine Principle, 402; — Ego, 418, 523; — God, 7, 395.

Impressions, — on the Brain, 579; Simultaneous —, 574, 575; Three Sets of —, 578.

Incarnation, — of Adepts, 364; — of Astral Principles of Adepts, 372; Conscious —, 418; Divine and Human —, 362; Divine —, 56, 61, 362, 363, 364; — of Krishna, 363; Lamaic —, 361; Voluntary —, 364, 365, 367.

Incarnations, Divine — taught in the Kabala, 166.

India, — Birthplace of Mathematics, 352; — the Home of Thought and Occult Knowledge, 256; — Land of Knowledge, 18; Pantheon of —, 96, 201, 271; Priests of —, 263; Sages of —, 38.

Indian, — Aryans, 91, 94; — Esotericism, 100; — Occult methods of Calculation, 176; — Rishis, 4; — Rites, 88; — Yogis, 245, 490, 502, 503.

Indigo, — the complement of Yellow, 461; — not a shade of Blue, 570.

Individual, — Ego, 367, 371, 519; — formed by the Sun-rays, 560.

Individuality, 577; Consciousness of —, 523; Reincarnating —, 511.

Indra, 499; — One with Jehovah, 253.

Ineffable, — Name, 132, 151.

Infallibility, Dogma of —, 119.

Inferno, — of Dante, quoted, 54.

Infinite, the — All, 402; — Circle, 458; — Potency, 467; — Potentiality, 466.

Infinitude, Fields of —, 505.

Ingenerable, — Potency, 469.

Initiates, Astral Body of —, 247; — of Atlantis, 263; Biographies of — are Myths, 140, 141; — among Brahmans, 411; Code of Ethics of —, 266; Dangers of —, 311; Duties of —, 264, 294; Eastern —, 276, 289, 425; — of Early Races, 266; Enemies of —, 27, 44; Failure of —, 419; First — of the Human School, 86; — of Fourth Race, 14; Hebrew —, 189; Knowledge of —, 262, 284; Language of —, 103, 189; Mayavi-Rupa of —, 367; Memory of —, 414; — in Mexico, 21; Names of some —, 551; Perfect —, 142, 417; Phenomenal Powers of —, 386; Secrecy of —, 44, 54, 56, 301, 411, 412; Similarity of the Lives of —, 140, 141, 142; Socrates on —, 266; — are those who could learn the Truth, 266; Trials of —, 284, 285, 294; — or Twice-born, 141, 281; Virtues of —, 262, 294.

Initiation, Archaic —, 350; Candidate for —, 10; Ceremonies of —, 272; Cicero on —, 254, 262; Classical Testimony to —, 253, 254; Cycle of —, 143; Degrees of —, 282, 284, 293, 294, 416; Egyptian —, 230, 265, 272, 293, 474; Great —, 300; — of Gnana, 383; — in India, 290; Masonic rite of —, 274, 285; Mysteries of —, 140, 143, 159, 162; Neo-Platonic —, 311; Origin of —, 261; — of Pythagoras, 282, 329; Rites of —, 88, 141, 148, 150, 159, 162, 285, 293, 295, 319, 391; Ritual of —, 80; Round Towers of —, 287; Secrets of —, 213; — is Science and Religion, 266; Sun of —, 212, 277; Supreme —, 44, 278; Symbolism of —, 186; Temples of —, 165; Trials of —, 141, 142, 282; Truth revealed at —, 213; ‘Twelve Tortures’ of —, 293, 319; — the ‘Work’ of the Seven Planets, 92.

Initiator, the First —, 49; the Supreme —, 62, 88.

Inner, Disciples of — Circle, 460; — God, 539; — Man, 158, 372, 569; — Mysteries, 10.

Inquisition, 250, 373; ‘Holy Office’ of —, 54.

Inscription, — in the Temple of Thebes, 251.

Inspiration, — of the Bible, 192.

Inspirations, — of Art and Genius, 554.

Instinct, — a Lower form of Consciousness, 573; — of Elementals, 594.

Instinctual, — Consciousness, 552, 558; — Feelings, 594.

Intellect, — of Adepts, 539; — and Kama, 572; Mahat or —, 442; — Paralyses Spiritual Perception, 331.

Intellectual, — Giants, 592.

Intelligence, — is Clear Vision, 559; Cosmic —, 494; Endless —, 380; Guiding —, 319, 560; — the Second Power, 213; Sons of —, 197; Supreme —, 380, 387.

Intelligences, Chief of —, 335; Living —, 216; — of Pythagoras, 210, 335; — of the Stars, 219.

Intelligent, — Forces, 215, 216.

Intelligible, the — of Plato, 466.

Intention, — is Everything, 538; Karma heeds not Good —, 376.

Interpretation, Key of —, 3, 10; Esoteric —, 81, 245; — of Zohar, 165.

Intuition, — is Clear Vision, 559.

Irenæus, — Mentioned, 465; — quoted, 123, 469, 471.

Iron Age, 347, 348.

Ishvara, 363.

Isis, Egyptian Goddess —, 154, 230, 231, 236, 266, 297, 460.

‘Isis Unveiled,’ — quoted, 5, 6, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 34, 35, 37, 47, 53, 56, 71, 92, 97, 116, 123, 124, 126, 132, 149, 150, 235, 247, 255, 272, 277, 281, 283, 284, 311, 312, 317, 329, 370, 397, 398, 399, 403, 404, 424, 429, 449, 510, 513, 527.

Israelites, — Accepted only an Anthropomorphic God, 75; Encampment of —, 156.

Jain, 175.

Jaina, — Books, 401; — Cross, 200; — Traditions, 428.

Jana-Loka, 372, 564, 568.

Japanese, — Narrative of the Patriarchs, 428.

Jehovah, — not the Absolute Unity, 190; — or Arelim, 182, 183, 184; Bacchus is —, 279, 280; — a Builder, 183; — is Cain, 52, 182; — Conversed through Teraphim, 236, 237, 238; — the Heavenly Man, 210; — of the Hebrews, 115, 238, 253; Ideographs of —, 181; — or Jah-Havah, 180; — the Jewish Brahma, 183; Meaning of —, 181, 182; Number of —, 449; Numerical value of —, 451; — One with Indra, 253; — the One God of Christians, 207, 238; — a Planetary Spirit, 280; — the Root of Mystery, 51; — Sabaoth, 91, 325; — is Saturn, 115, 316, 325, 332, 334; Seventh Day dedicated to —, 115; — a ‘Spiritus Elementorum,’ 239; — the Sun, 323; — the Synthesis of the Elohim, 333; — Synthesis of Planets and their Spirits, 322; — That which Is, 210.

Jehovistic, — Worship, 317; — Scriptures, 178.

Jehovists, 178.

Jeremiah, — quoted, 470.

Jerome St., — quoted, 11, 130, 131, 136, 149, 328.

Jerusalem, Temple of —, 177.

Jesuits, 108, 133; — and De Mirville, 78; — and Freemasons, 274, 275.

Jesus, Abel shown to be —, 150; Æon incarnated in —, 363; Astral of — after death, 373; — an Astronomical Figure, 139, 153; Baptism of —, 158; Basilides’ view of —, 363; — a Bodhisattva, 383; — and Buddha compared, 282; Christian and Occult views of —, 153, 158; Death of —, 152, 158; — Descends into Hell, 142; Disciples of —, 382, 383; Esoteric opinion of —, 383; — the ‘False Messiah,’ 382; Gnostic allegory of —, 158; — was ‘God-Incarnate,’ 346; — a Great Character, 370; — the Great Martyr, 66, 110, 146; — a Healer, 264; Human Perfection taught by —, 63; Ideal of —, 66; — an Initiate, 146, 153, 289; — Inspired by genius of Mercury, 382; — was a Jew, 123; Life of — Allegorized, 153; — the Only Saviour, 144, 157; — Never called Himself God, 53, 383; Opinion of Mussulmans concerning —, 110; Personality of —, 139; Public Life of —, 157; Reincarnations of —, 373; Secrecy enjoined by —, 45; Secret Doctrine of —, 149, 159, 310; — Son of God, 144, 145, 158, 293, 373; Teaching of — after Crucifixion, 158; True Nature of —, 144; Vicarious Atonement of —, 523, 524.

Jethro, 171.

Jewel, — in the Lotus, 436, 437, 438, 439, 475.

Jews, Alphabet of —, 169; — of Crimea and S. India, 170; Mysteries of —, 46, 47; — were Sabæans or Sun-worshippers, 279, 317, 322.

Jewish, — Biblical names are Astronomical, 72; — Bible, 172; — Canonical Books, 170; — Cosmogony and Laws, 170; — Kabalah, 164, 170; — Literature, Antiquity of, 167; — Mysteries, 46, 47; — Numerical System, 352; — Passover, 280; — Patriarchs, 263; — Scriptures, 9; — Teraphim, 251.

Jiva, — Becomes Prana, 545; — is Everywhere, 555; Every Principle a differentiation of —, 550; Life-current of —, 503; — the One Life, 493; — or Prana, 202, 442, 460; — a Principle partaking of Heaven and Earth, 56; — the Universal Deity, 51, 555.

Jivanmukta, — and Avatara, difference between, 364, 365; — a Mahatma, 522; — a Perfect Initiate, 420; the — State, 60, 569.

Jivatma, — the Universal Life, 182.

Jnana Shakti, 508.

Job, — an Arabian Initiate, 22; Book of —, 294.

Jod-Hevah, 451.

Jods, Ten — of Pythagorean Tetrad, 439.

John St., — quoted, 65, 79; — Author of Apocalypse, 118; — not the Author of Fourth Gospel, 124; Ecstasy of —, 131; — and Peter, 124, 125.

John the Baptist, 65, 138, 139.

John Reuchlin, 164, 165, 275.

Joseph, — an Initiate, 267.

Josephus, — quoted, 7.

Jowett, Prof. — quoted, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12.

Jude, — quoted, 87; Epistle of —, 83.

‘Judges,’ — quoted, 236.

Judgment, — of the Soul, 244, 245, 256.

Judiciary, — Astrology, 338, 341, 343.

Julian, Emperor — the Apostate, 71; — an Initiate, 213, 319.

Jupiter, 253, 267, 311, 316, 327, 490; Eye of —, 278.

Justice, Divine —, 529.

Justin St., — mentioned, 465; — quoted, 337.

Justin Martyr, — quoted, 87, 130; Rejection of the Works of —, 149.

Juvenal, — quoted, 341.

Ka, — the God ‘Who,’ 427.

Ka, — the Animal Soul, 370.

Kabalah, Connection of — with Masonry, 72, 73; Divisions of —, 68, 215; Doctrine of —, 204; Doctrine of Emanations in —, 304; — an Esoteric Work, 48, 184; Fundamental geometric Figure of —, 99; — compared with Gupta Vidya, 164; Jewish —, 164, 170; Meaning of —, 168; Numerals and Mystic Characters of —, 68; — and Occultism, 229; Sephiroth of —, 459; Study of —, 47; Trinity in the —, 166; Western Interpretation of —, 165, 204.

Kabalistic, — Astral Light, 398; — Astrology, 462, 463; — Guardian Angels, 459; — Interpretations, 199; — Literature, 166, 167; — Metatron, 210; — Occultism, 223; — Quaternary, 181; — Sun, 212, 214; — Theogony, 335; — Triangle, 458.

Kabalists, 164, 165, 177; — and Roman Catholics, 335; — and Vedantius compared, 91.

Kabiri, 280, 315, 316, 325, 327.

Kala-Chakra, — Commentary, 379; — System of Tibet, 421.

Kali-Yuga, 3, 226, 259, 260, 347, 348, 488, 590; Adeptship in —, 412; Beginning of —, 354.

Kali’s Vina, 547.

Kalki Avatara, 346.

Kalpa, Cycles in one —, 346; Maha —, 365, 380.

Kama, — Depends on Prana, 550; — the Essence of the Blood, 578, 580, 581; Feeders of —, 442; — the Fourth Principle, 511; — Gives an impulse to Evolution, 570; To get rid of —, 559; World of —, 378.

Kama-Loka, 61, 227, 539; Consciousness in —, 594; Death in —, 516; Dissolution in —, 373; Shells in —, 253.

Kama-Lokic, — Entities, 594; — Plane, 594; — World, 496.

Kama-Manas, 519, 520, 583; — of Seven Degrees, 540.

Kama-Manasic, 558; — Entities, 566; — Principle, 540.

Kama-Prana, 563.

Kama-Pranic, — Consciousness, 558; — Effects, 563.

Kama-Rupa, 591, 593; the Blood is the —, 580; — Desire-body, 495; — of Cosmos, 562; — the Starting-point on our Plane, 475; Survival of —, 496.

Kamarupic, — Entities, 594; — Man, 513.

Kamic, — Consciousness, 558; — Impulses, 583; — Plane, images on, 553; — Principle, 518; — Soul, 520, 521.

Kant, Opinion of — on Matter and Spirit, 399.

Karana Sharira, — the Causal Body, 58; — the Ego Principle, 379.

Karanatma, — the Causal Soul, 58, 65, 363.

Karatala, 565, 566, 568.

Karma, Adepts hindered by —, 489; Adepts work with —, 539; — of Adepts, 390, 391; Collective —, 488; Divine Justice of —, 529; Dharmakaya is without —, 383; — of the Ego, 524, 525; — on Every Stage, 306; Future —, 496; — of Gods, 390, 391; Good — must be got rid of, 540; — Heeds not Intention, 376; Hereditary —, 539; Ignorance involves Physical —, 529; Law of —, 45, 61, 131, 246, 248, 587; — of past Manvantaras, 579; — and the Nidanas, 587; — and Parentage, 572; — and Rebirth, 246; — of Religions, 245, 322; — of Teachers, 588; Unexhausted —, 517.

Karmendriyas, 565, 567.

Karmic, — Causes, 538; — Effects, 493, 587; — Existence, 587; — Justice, 538; — Law, 61, 131, 587; — Record, 495, 538, 573.

Karnac, 25.

Kasyapa, — Disciple of Buddha, 425, 426.

Katharsis, — Trials of Purification, 282.

Kenealy Dr., — quoted, 169, 188.

Kepler, — an Astrologer, 333; Belief of —, 332; — mentioned, 249.

Kether, the Crown, 183, 205.

Key, — to Astrology lost to Europe, 343; — Measure, 49; — to Occult Interpretation, 3, 10; Seventh —, 105, 106; ‘— to the Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery’ quoted, 49, 52, 72, 95, 138.

Keys, Seven — to Allegory, 193, 194, 198; — to Knowledge, 178.

Kha, — the Body, 370.

Khaba, — the Astral Form, 370.

Khem, Mystery-God — of Egypt, 42.

Khen, — Occult Library, 251, 252.

Khoemnis, — a pre-Historic City, 42.

Khons, Inscription in the Temple of —, 251.

Khou, — the Astral Body, 242, 249, 250.

Kingdom, — of Darkness, 142; — of God, 65; — of Heaven, 63, 159, 310.

Kingdoms, Seven — of Nature, 481.

Kings, — as Healers, 264; Divine —, 258; Seven —, 193.

Kircher, Father — quoted, 156, 297, 326, 402.

Kismet, 566.

Kiu-Te, Books of —, 405.

Kiyun, the God —, 325.

‘Know Thyself,’ 64, 412, 435.

‘Know All,’ The —, 4.

Knowledge, Absolute —, 420; — of Adepts, 487, 505; — a Colleague of the Mind, 574; — of the Ancients, 20; Danger of Occult —, 50, 62, 75; Divine —, 237; — of Initiates, 262, 284; Keys to —, 176; Land of —, 18; Metaphysical —, 480; — and Morality, 54; Occult —, 256, 383, 451, 505; — of the Parts and the Whole, 7; — and Power, 1; — Requisite for Occultism, 436, 481, 489; Sacred —, 431; — of Self, 394; — is of the Spirit, 453; Tree of —, 5, 21, 67; — and Wisdom, 55.

Kosmic, — Auric Envelope, 555; — Hierarchies, 564; — Planes, 554, 555; — Seed of Consciousness, 555; — Substance, 556. (See Cosmic).

Kosmocratores, 561. (See Cosmocratores).

Kosmos, 219; — Builders, 208; Creator of —, 208; Gradations of Colour and Sound in —, 478; the Manifested —, 181, 224; — Rests on Mathematics, 70; Nature of —, 4; Seven Principles of —, 202; Symbolism of —, 295.

Krishna, — an Avatara of Vishnu, 317; — Crucified in Space, 292; — Descends into the Infernal Regions, 142; — a ‘Good Shepherd,’ 293; Incarnations of —, 363.

Kristophoros, Egyptian Neophyte became —, 294.

Kriyashakti, Creation by —, 561; Gift of —, 467; Power of —, 470, 589; Third Race created through —, 449; Unconscious —, 588.

Kronidæ, Seven —, 193.

Kronos, 194, 195.

Kshetrajna, — is Buddhi Manas, 560.

Kumara, — the God of War, 328; — the Higher Ego, 590; Sanat —, 327, 372.

Kumaras, Hierarchies of —, 566; — Incarnated in Third Race, 494; — and Lunar Pitris, 592; — or Planetary Spirits, 487; — are Pre-Adamic, 196; Seven —, 59, 327; — Sons of Brahma, 196, 327.

Kundalini, — can Destroy as well as Preserve, 537; Cosmic and Human —, 507, 508; Fire of —, 581; Light of —, 548; States of —, 544.

Kurukshetra, — Rite, 80.

Kwan-yin, 394, 407, 408.

Lady Ellenborough, Talisman of —, 152.

Lama, — Succession, 431; Seat of the Initiating —, 127; ‘— of Jehovah,’ 422.

Lamaic, — Incarnations, 407; — Reincarnation, 361.

Lamaism, Apostles of —, 16; Reformed —, 409.

Lamaists, Secret Books of —, 361; — Works, 53.

Lamas, Dalai —, 333; Gelugpa —, 405; Teschu —, 89; — Received by the Emperor of China, 428.

Lamaseries, — of India, 406; — of Tibet, 389, 406.

Lamb, — a Christian Emblem, 152; Sacrificial —, 384.

Lam-rin, Books of —, 405.

Language, — of Abraham, 172, 189; — of Initiates, 103, 189; — of the Gods, 99, 190; Hebrew —, 168, 169, 172, 175, 190; Universal —, 166, 189.

Lanka, 259; Rakshasas of —, 562.

Laplace, — quoted, 219, 220.

Latin, — Church, 34, 41, 76, 78, 82, 102, 103, 128, 160, 341; — Cross, 150.

Laurence, Archbishop —, quoted, 79, 81, 82, 84.

Laurens, — quoted on Egyptian Priests, 263, 265.

Law, — of Buddha, 403; the Good —, 376, 409, 410, 424; — of Gravitation, 218; — of Karma, 45, 61, 131, 246, 248, 587; — of Moses, 170, 177; Motion the Eternal —, 403; — of Non-intervention, 219; Occult —, 90.

Laya Centres, 539.

Layers, Seven — of Auric Envelope, 448; — of Skin, 443.

Lebas Ph., — quoted, 338, 339.

Left Hand, Initiates of the —, 288; — Path, 39, 67, 107; — Science, 44.

Legend, — of Raivata, 259; — of Hiouen-Thsang, 17.

Leibnitz, Apperception of —, 576; Monad of —, 441, 549.

Letters, Hebrew —, 168, 169, 175; — and Musical notes, 190; Numerical Value of —, 176; Sanscrit —, 190; Symbolism of —, 103, 104, 200.

Levi, Eliphas, — quoted, 27, 68, 93, 148, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 250, 284, 334.

Lha, Ascetics in Tibet called —, 16; — a Disembodied Spirit, 394.

Liberius, Pope —, 145.

Library, Alexandrian —, 36; Bodleian —, 85; National — of Paris, 251; Occult —, 251, 252; — of Thebes, 243, 244; Vatican —, 314.

Life, Absolute —, 477; — is Divinity, 593; — Current of Jiva, 503; Eternal —, 538; — Ever present in Matter, 399; Linga-Sharira the Vehicle of —, 593; One —, 441, 468, 493, 502, 517; — is Parabrahm, 593; Pentacle of —, 511; — Principle, 478, 479, 560, 592; Tree of —, 142, 152, 518, 520; Universal —, 182, 555.

Light, Absolute —, 223, 253, 517; —, Heat, and Electricity, 71; — and Life, 100; Eternal —, 229; — of the Logos, 181; Primeval —, 55, 225; Primordial —, 226; Radiant —, 529; Sons of —, 74, 96, 271, 293, 362, 383; Tables of — Vibrations, 480, 533; Unmanifested —, 59; Veil of Infinite —, 183; — and Wisdom, 93.

‘Light of Asia,’ 3, 213.

Lights, Seven Primary —, 59.

Limbus, — of the Greeks, 227.

Linga Sharira, — after Death, 202, 446, 496, 590; — Corresponds with the Spleen, 548; — Could not form in Vacuo, 593; — Emanation of the Auric Egg, 493; — Passes through Solids, 589; — Picture of the Man, 588; — and Physical Body, 460, 548; — Vehicle of Prana, 460, 593.

Lingam, 183, 288, 296.

Lin-Tsi, Aphorisms of —, 431, 432.

Lipika, — Recorders of Karma, 573.

‘Little Albert,’ The —, 107.

Liturgy, Christian —, 336.

Locke, — quoted, 81.

Logoi, Three —, 560, 561; Second and Third —, 532.

Logos, — of Basilides, 484; — of Buddhism, 387; Female —, 295; — the First Cause, 179; the Manifested —, 445, 466, 475, 481; — is One, 180; Second —, 498, 532; Seven Rays of —, 507; — is Sevenfold, 481; — the Synthesis of Forces, 445; Third —, 499, 532, 546, 560, 585; Unmanifested —, 209, 445, 450, 477, 498; Visible —, the Sun, 330; — the Word, 498.

Lohans, 16, 409, 410, 429; Hall of Five Hundred —, 410.

Loka, Brahma —, 365; — of Sound, 566.

Lokas, Categories of —, 564, 568; Divine and Terrestrial —, 568; — of Elementals, 566, 567; Fourteen —, 369; Seven and Fourteen —, 440, 565, 568; — Talas, 570, 572; Vedantic —, 564.

Lord, — of Beings, 230; — God of the Bible, 231, 236, 237; — of Hosts, 325; Kabalistic —, 73; — of Lords, 321, 370; ‘— of Sheep,’ 88.

Lords, — of the Flame, 259.

Lost Word, 411, 412, 424.

Lotus, — Sacred to Isis, 103; Seven-leaved —, 577; — Symbol of the Cosmos, 475; — Symbol of the Trimurti, 102.

Love, C. E., — Theory of Forces, 216.

‘Love thy Neighbour,’ 266.

Lower Ego, 514, 590; Consciousness of —, 546; Responsibility of —, 579.

Lower Manas, 514, 516, 519, 521, 545, 575, 581, 583, 585, 592; Bhurloka begins with —, 576; Degrees of —, 544; — an Emanation of Higher Manas, 578; Fate of —, 524; — the Ray, 580, 591; Triad reflected in —, 543.

Lower Self, 59, 428.

Lucian, 21, 240; — on Astrology, 342; — on Magic, 252.

Lucifer, 315, 316, 318; ‘Wheels of —,’ 34.

Luke, — quoted, 65.

Luminous, — Egg, 445; — Augoeides, 445.

Lunacy, — Proceeds from the Moon, 143; Study of —, 558.

Lunar Pitris, 494.

Lunatics, — Conscious on the Astral Plane, 553·

Lycurgus, — mentioned, 135, 265.

Lyre, — of Apollo, 481.

‘Maconnerie, Occulte,’ — quoted, 101, 102, 103.

Macrocosm, 179, 202, 330, 437, 439, 444, 481, 500, 584.

Macrocosmic, — Egg, 510; — Forces, 509; — Plane, 381.

Madhyamika, — School, 379, 419.

Madhyantika, — a Celebrated Lohan, 410.

Magian, — Precepts, 35.

Magians, 35, 45, 281; Chaldean —, 19.

Magic, A.B.C. of —, 17; Ancient Treatises on —, 38; Antiquity of —, 19, 20, 42; Black —, 15, 25, 26, 27, 28, 42, 68, 74, 253, 255, 338, 449, 471, 472, 480, 491, 493, 505, 537; — in China, 15, 17; Danger of —, 67; Democritus on —, 22; Divine —, 110, 465; — a Divine Science, 254; — is Divine Wisdom, 471; Divine and Human —, 312; — a Dual power, 67; — of Egypt, 241, 243, 250; Good and Evil —, 39; — and History, 256; Mysteries of —, 253; Origin of —, 39; — and Philosophy, 38; Powers of —, 254, 255; Practical —, 67, 212; Romances of —, 251, 257; Schools of —, 252; Science of —, 472, 473; Socrates on —, 51; — and Sorcery, 67; Spiritual —, 62; — and Spiritualism, 23; — in the Third Race, 449; — in Tibet, 16, 17; Unconscious —, 118, 480; — is Universal, 21; Use and Abuse of —, 40; White and Black —, 15, 28, 108, 248, 471, 490, 491, 511, 513; Zoroaster a Reformer of —, 20.

Magical, — Papyri, 242, 340; — Rites, 312; — Texts, 190, 191.

‘Magic Figure,’ a —, 225.

Magician, Black —, 511; Unconscious —, 28.

Magnetism, 447; Science of —, 482; Solar —, 215.

Mahabharata, 258, 291; — Period, 372.

Maharajahs, 459.

Maharloka, 564, 568, 569.

Maha-Shankara, 390, 391.

Mahat, — an Aspect of Alaya, 524, 546,585; Diagram of — and its Rays, 557; — as Divine Ideation, 556; — the Divine Mind, 540; — the Highest Entity, 555; — or Intellect, 442; — and Manas, 494, 546, 560; — One with the Third Logos, 546, 560, 585; — the Positive aspect of Akasha, 546; — on the Third Cosmic Plane, 540.

Mahatala, 564, 565, 566.

Mahatma, the Disembodied and Glorified —, 284.

Mahatmas, — or Adepts, 428; Chief of —, 411; Existence of —, 3.

Maha-Vishnu, 158, 362.

Mahayana, — School, 416, 417, 418.

Maha-Yuga, 348, 357.

Maimonides, — quoted, 46, 235, 251.

Maitreya-Buddha, 159, 417; Aryasangha taught by —, 431.

Malach, — or Moloch, 334.

Malachi, — quoted, 318.

‘Man born Blind,’ — Referred to, 66.

Man, Archetypal —, 230; — Contains every Element, 584; God in —, 61, 450, 475; Heavenly —, 179, 210, 330, 437, 444, 532; — Heir to the Highest Æon, 470; — the Manifested Prism, 478; Mind of —, 32; — One with God, 56, 205; Physical —, 458; Primitive —, 101; Principles of —, 202, 374, 379, 445, 556, 560, 561; Spiritual —, 445, 458, 479; Study of —, 437; — the Temple of God, 58, 63, 66; — a Trinity, 370; Triple Nature of —, 374; — and the Universe, 437, 475; Upadhis of —, 374; Will of —, 447; ‘— Without a position,’ 430, 431, 432.

Manas, Conjunction of — with Buddhi, 458, 472; Degrees of —, 544; — is Dual, 446, 461, 512, 513, 519, 556, 569, 579, 591; — the Fifth Principle, 305, 331; Fire of —, 505, 544; Forty-nine Fires of —, 544; Functions of —, 518; Higher —, 479, 480, 482, 511, 543, 545, 569, 573, 574, 576, 578; Higher — acts through the Lower, 583; — the Higher Ego, 494; — the Human Soul, 442, 494, 514; Lower —, 494, 514, 516, 519, 521, 522, 524, 541, 543, 544, 545, 559, 562, 575, 576, 578, 580, 583, 585, 591, 592; Lower — Emanates from the Higher, 578, 591; — and Mahat, 494, 546, 560; Ray of —, 539, 566; — a Ray from the World-Soul, 585; — Responsible for its Ray, 540; — is Spiritual Self-Consciousness, 579; — the Third World of Simon Magus, 468, 469; — Unites with the Child at Seven Years, 506, 511; — the Vehicle of Mahat, 517; Vehicle of —, 592; — Withdrawn at Pralaya, 585.

Manasaputra, — Born of Mahat, 540; Coming of the —, 573; — of the Future, 559; Reincarnating Ego called —, 493; — Sons of Wisdom, 197, 458.

Manasic, — Atoms, 540; — Body, 545; — Consciousness, 558; — Entity, 555; — Expansion, 539; — Impressions, 578; — Perception, 575; — Plane, 581, 582; — Principle, 538; — Ray, 540.

Manes, Dynasties of —, 257.

Manes, — the Paraclete, 160.

Manes, — or Phantoms, 102, 135, 249.

Manetho, — the Historian, 37, 257.

Mansarovara, Lake —, 416, 547.

Mantras, 181, 226, 410.

Manu, Brahma as —, 182.

Manushi, 49; School of the —, 86.

Manushi-Buddha, 294, 377, 379, 566.

Manvantara, 180, 579; Five Races of a —, 87; — and Pralaya, 91.

Marcion, 76; Teaching of —, 115.

Marco Polo, — quoted, 16.

Mark, St., — quoted, 44.

Mars, 150, 154, 333.

Masonic, — Inch, 73; — Rites of Initiation, 274, 285.

Masonry, 186, 262, 285, 287; Degrees of —, 285; Duties of —, 285; — and the Kabalah, 72; — and the Jesuits, 274, 275; Occult —, 165; — and the Roman Catholic Church, 275.

Masorah, — Scheme, 199.

Masoretic, — Points, 175, 199.

Masters, Divine —, 262, 264; — Ever-present, 529; Teaching of —, 48.

Matat, — a Sorcerer, 248.

Materialisation, 593.

Materialism, 2; — of the Present Day, 70; — of Modern Science, 363.

Materialistic Age, 1.

Mathams, — or Monasteries, 19, 411, 428.

Mathematics, Abraham taught —, 45; — of the Bible, 72; Divine —, 73; Kosmos Rests on —, 70; — and Magic, 45; Method of —, 437; — and Metaphysics, 540; — and Occult Cosmogony, 7; True —, 69, 70.

Mathers, S. L. MacGregor —, on the Elohim, 203; — on the Feminine Deity, 206; — on Primal Units, 204; — on the Trinity, 205.

Matter, — Coeternal with Spirit, 399; Dead —, 399; — is Eternal, 216, 223, 402, 470; — and Force, 398; Kama-Rupa corresponds to —, 475; Kingdom of —, 158; Kosmic —, 561; — the Passive Principle, 102; Prakriti is —, 491, 492; Primordial —, 223; Schopenhauer on —, 399; Sons of —, 158; States of —, 476; — and Spirit, 492, 512; Universe of —, 143, 532; World of —, 448, 476.

Matthew, St., — quoted, 44, 45.

Maurice, — quoted on Stone Monuments, 351.

Maury, A. — quoted, 253; — on Neptune, 218.

Max Müller, — quoted, 2, 3, 5, 353, 426, 427; — on Nirvana, 400; — on the Rig-Veda, 270.

Maya, — or Illusion, 102, 364, 403, 419, 453, 454, 568; — has no hold on Spirit, 394; Spirit is no —, 404.

Mayavi-Rupa, 445, 446, 495, 537, 545, 559, 569, 582, 588, 592; — of an Initiate, 367.

Meditation, 490, 582; Abstract —, 386; Visions during —, 420.

‘Medium of Satan,’ Appolonius called —, 138.

Mediums, 121, 553, 571.

‘Memoirs of Satan,’ — quoted, 133.

Memory, the Eternal —, 523; — of Initiates, 414; Physical —, 574.

Memphis, 162, 213, 265, 299.

Menander, 76; — quoted, 465, 471, 472, 473.

Mental Science, 490.

Mercaba, 92.

Mercavah, The —, 47, 55, 82.

‘Merciful One,’ Gautama the —, 384, 385.

Mercury, 252, 382, 462, 482; — Presided over by the Manasaputra, 458.

Meru, — Mountain of the Gods, 94, 440, 456.

Mesmerism, 36, 135, 243; Use and Abuse of —, 40.

Messiah, 84, 152; Two —s, 289.

Messianic, — Amulet, 152; — Mystery, 345, 461.

Metallic, — Plates, Attributed to Cain, 94.

Metals, Correspondences of —, 452, 457, 461.

Metaphysics, 539, 540; Occult —, 396, 400.

Metatron, — of the Jews, 210, 321, 336, 388.

Metempsychosis, 246, 404, 428.

Meteors, 221.

Metrodorus, — quoted, 59.

Mexican, — Adept, Statue of, 21.

Micah, — an Idolator, 234, 236.

Michael, — the Archangel, 292, 321, 327, 328, 333, 334; — Angel of the Face, 388.

Microcosm, Man the —, 202, 437, 439, 444, 455, 481, 584.

Microcosmic, — Forces, 509; — Plane, 381.

Millenium, the —, 373.

Mind, the — and the Astral re-act on each other, 593; — Curers, 490; the Higher —, 522, 523; — in Man, 478; Universal —, 6, 8, 467, 477, 546, 578, 579, 580.

Mind-born, the First Races, the —, 55; — Sons, 59.

Miracles, — of Apollonius, 133; — of Adepts, 410; Divine —, 118, 471; — of Greek Philosophers, 40; — of Initiates, 450; — of Jesus, 110, 158; — of Moses, 40.

‘Miracle in Stone, A,’ 78.

Misconceptions, — of Orientalists, 246, 247, 290, 340, 352, 395, 400, 409, 410, 415, 416, 421, 427, 430, 436, 456; — of the Wisdom Religion, 1.

Mithra, 322; Temple of —, 161.

Mitla, ‘— Place of Sadness,’ 286.

Modern, — Science, 2, 4, 5, 7, 31, 497; Deficiences of — Science, 32; — Astronomy, 218, 219.

Moksha, — Nirvana, 65, 365, 396, 400.

Molecules, — of the Body, 585; Soul of —, 563.

Monad, — of an Adept, 61; — the Divine Ego, 65; Divine —, 383, 518; — and the Duad, 205; the Immortal — of Man, 369; One Eternal —, 374; — is Spirit, 341; — the ‘Tree of Life,’ 520; — becomes a Ternary, 532.

Monads, Corpuscles compared to —, 592; Human —, 58, 366; — of Leibnitz, 441, 549; — Omniscient by Nature, 523.

Monier Williams, — quoted, 2.

Monotheism, Deity degraded by —, 402; — of the Jews, 167, 200; — of Plato, 6, 7; — of Protestants, 59; — and Polytheism not irreconcilable, 364.

‘Monumental Christianity,’ — quoted, 78, 292, 317.

Moon, the — a Dead Planet, 459; Earth will become a —, 559; Evolution of —, 562; — the Fourth Principle of the System, 143; Influences of the —, 562; New — in the Seventh Round, 562; Newton’s idea of the —, 220; Relation of the — to the Earth, 462; — the Symbol of the Lower Manas and the Astral, 562.

More, Henry, 30.

Morning Star, 268, 321.

Mortification, Moral and Physical —, 309.

Mosaic, — Books, 3, 10, 174, 188, 231; — Hebrew Scrolls, 177; — Law, 168, 211; — Records, 168; — Text, 190.

Moses, Books of —, 9, 168, 170, 174, 177, 342; — an Initiate, 74, 170, 189, 231, 280; Law of —, 170, 177; Legend of —, 78; Seventy Elders of —, 52; Shining Face of —, 75, 589; Symbolical Teaching of —, 75.

Mosheim, — quoted, 308.

Mother, — of the Gods, 155; — Isis, 230; — of all Living, 154; — Love, 572; — Nature, 230; — of the Saviour, 297; — of the Soul, 100; — Space, 231, 232; ‘The Three —s,’ 71, 206.

Motion, Absolute —, 542, 585; — is Deity, 542; — the Eternal Law, 403; Perpetual —, 226.

Mount, — Meru, 440, 456; — Nyssa, 280; — Parnassus, 94, 280; — Sinai, 280; — Sumeru, 94.

Muladhara, — Chakra, 503.

Mulaprakriti, — an Aspect of the Absolute, 518; — one with Akasha and Pradhana, 546; — becomes Prakriti, 442; — the Eternal Root, 223; — is Primordial Substance, 585.

Mummy, 242; Sensaos —, 340; Symbolism of —, 247.

Mundane Egg, 179, 191, 230, 440, 443.

Music, — the Child of Manas, 540; Hindu —, 190.

Musical, Sanscrit Letters are — Notes, 190; — Scale, 475, 476, 534, 574.

‘Muth,’ Meaning of —, 154.

Myalba, 526, 527, 567.

Mystæ, 116, 284, 306, 448.

Mysteries, Allegorical plays of the —, 306; Ancient —, 33, 124; Antiquity of —, 258, 277, 278, 281, 292, 297; — of Antiquity, 272; Archaic —, 272, 276; Aristophanes on —, 254; — of the Atlanteans, 262, 270, 286; Bacchic —, 151, 254; Benefits of —, 262; — of the Bible, 49, 69; — Carried to America, 286; Classical Testimony to —, 253, 254, 262, 266, 267, 281, et seq.; Christian —, 276; — of Demeter, 161; Desecration of —, 277; Disappearance of —, 298; Egyptian —, 253, 265, 293; — of the Elements, 238; Eleusinian —, 124, 151, 254, 278, 431; — of Esotericism, 58, 392, 431; — of the Essenes, 273; — of the Gospel, 46; Gradations of —, 282; Grecian —, 124, 125; Hierophants of —, 128, 148; Human —, 157; — of Incarnation, 61; — of Initiation, 140, 143, 159, 162; Inner —, 10; — Instituted in the Fourth Race, 258, 262; of Java-Aleim, 176; — of the Jews, 46, 47; — of the Kabiri, 316; — of the Kingdom of Heaven, 159, 310; Knowledge imparted in —, 5; Lesser and Greater —, 282, 448; — of Magic, 253; Meaning of —, 4; Mithraic —, 319; — of Nature Unveiled, 387; No — in Satya Yuga, 260; Object of —, 282; Occult —, 23; — of Occult Science, 106, 212; — of Old Religions, 392; Origin of —, 261, 267; Pagan —, 12, 124; Purity of the —, 282; — of Pythagoras, 135; Revelation of —, 89, 213, 310; Secrecy of —, 6, 12, 301; Socrates on —, 266; — of the Tantriks, 127; — of the Thorah, 48; The True —, 272, 278; Victim of the —, 295; Voltaire on —, 262; — of the Zohar, 214.

Mysterious, — Land, 417; — Word, 127, 316.

Mystery, All Religions versions of One —, 143; — Gods, 271, 278, 280, 289, 316; — of the Hermaphrodite, 295; — Initiations, 287; — Language, 164, 166, 176, 187; — Name, 294, 427; — of Nature, 143, 295; — of the One Supreme, 311; — Planet, 316, 330, 562; Promethean —, 330; — of the Stone, 212; — of the Sun, 212, 213, 214; — Sun of Initiation, 277, et seq.

Mystic, — Christianity in the Kabalah, 229; — Mirror, 431; — Names, 250; — Nature, 297; — Permutation, 196; — Space, 402; the — Tau, 152.

Mysticism, — is not Criticism, 12; Literature of —, 421; Oriental —, 7, 12, 13; — of Plato, 7, 12; — of Pythagoras, 12; Tibetan —, 421.

Mystics, Christian —, 190.

Myths, Definition of —, 33; Universal —, 229.

Nabathæans, 34, 72.

Nabhi, — or Prophets, 178.

Naga, — the Serpent, 290.

Nadis, 503, 537, 547, 548.

Nagarjuna, 416, 417, 429; Allegory of —, 290, 291.

Nagas, — or Adepts, 417.

Nagasena, — the Arhat, 365, 400.

Name, the Mysterious —, 527; Mystery —, 547.

Names, Biblical — are Symbols, 69; — Signs of Ideas, 480; Mystic —, 250; Virtue of —, 105.

Napoleon, 370.

Narada, — Founder of Mysteries, 291; — an Initiate, 291; — Prototype of Michael, 292; — a Rishi, 291; — Son of Brahma, 291; Symbolism of —, 291; — Visited Patala, 567.

Narayana, 181, 230, 317; Vishnu is —, 468.

Naros, Cycle of —, 351, 352.

Nature, Abstract —, 178; Co-workers with —, 526, 541; Definition of —, 511; — Elementals, 561; Formative hand of —, 436; Forces of —, 62, 491, 492; — in God, 70, 100; Human —, 442; Middle Note of —, 475; Mother —, 230; Mystery of —, 143, 295; Mystic —, 297; Occult —, 23, 477, 483; Phenomena in —, 261; Secrets of —, 264, 425; — a Sounding-Board, 549; Symbol of —, 296, 297; Voice of —, 463.

‘Nature’s Finer Forces,’ — referred to, 491, 492, 497, 498.

Nature-Spirits, 236, 336, 567.

Nazarenes, 87, 122, 149, 150.

Nazars, — or Theurgists, 124, 382.

Nebuchadnezzar, — an Initiate, 86.

Nebular Theory, 91.

Neith, — the Heavenly Virgin, 343.

Neophyte, Twelve labours of —, 42; Trials of —, 293.

Neo-Platonic School, 11, 303, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313.

‘Neo-Platonism,’ — quoted, 303, 304.

Neo-Platonists, 3, 9, 10, 11, 303, 307, 309, 313.

Neptune, Place of — in Astronomy, 217, 563.

Nerve, — Force, 507, 508; — Vibrations, 509.

New Testament, 52, 112, 122, 138, 175; Age of —, 273.

Newton, — quoted, 31, 172, 220.

Nicodemus, — mentioned, 65.

Nidanas, 248, 414, 540, 544, 550, 586, 587, 588.

Nihil, — the Divine Principle, 402; — the Infinite, 402; Meaning of —, 400, 402.

Nihilists, Buddhists called —, 395.

Nirguna, 362.

Nirmanakaya, 375, 570; — of Adept, 159; — or Bodhisattva, 379; — Body, 379, 418, 420; Condition of —, 373, 377; Higher Self of —, 383; Sacrificial —, 383; State of —, 446.

Nirmanakayas, 364, 365; — or Adepts, 474; Two Classes of —, 366; — or Watchers, 488.

Nirvana, — is Actionless, 364; — not Annihilation, 400, 401; — of Buddha, 362; — of the Buddhists, 380; Doctrine of —, 399, 429; the Ego in —, 415; — is Eternal, 400, 404; Max Müller on —, 400; — or Moksha, 65, 365, 396, 400; — is Parabrahman, 366; Path to —, 379, 420; — is Re-Absorption, 400; Reincarnation from —, 365; Renunciation of —, 364, 366; Seven Paths to —, 376; — is a State, 401, 404; — the Threshold of Paranirvana, 380; Triple form of —, 387; Two kinds of —, 418; Two Paths to —, 420.

Nirvanic, — Bodies, 418.

Nirvanis, 367, 372, 375; Classes of —, 418; Evolution of —, 366.

Noah, — mentioned, 90.

Noachian Records, 88.

Non-Ego, — the Perfect Ego, 417.

Non-intervention, Law of —, 219.

Notation, Decimal —, 353; Musical — of the Vedas, 190.

Noumena, — on the Manasic Plane, 582.

Nous, — of the Greeks, 77, 472.

Numa, — referred to, 301.

Number, Definition of —, 8; Every Being has a —, 101; The Perfect —, 532; — the Root of the Universe, 436; — of Vishnu, 233.

Numbers, — and Ideas, 8, 69; Lucky and Unlucky —, 101; Occult —, 265; Potency of —, 100; Symbolism of —, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 232, 233.

Numerals, — of the Kabalah, 68; Esoteric Systems of —, 100; — of Pythagoras, 69, 98; Various Systems of —, 352.

Objective, — Consciousness, 552, 557; — Universe, 512.

Obsession, 249, 525.

Occult, — Arts, 42; — Astrology, 342; — Axiom, 523; — Calculations, 101; — Cosmogony, 7, 170, 224; — Geology, 224; — Interpretation, key to, 3, 10; — Knowledge, 256, 383, 451, 505; — Knowledge of Priests, 37, 74; — Law, 90; — Law of Karma, 246; — Literature, destruction of, 299; — Lore, 28, 186; — Masonry, 165; — Metaphysics, 396, 400; — Mysteries, 23; — Nature, 23, 74; — Numbers, 265; — Phenomena, 257; — Philosophy, 31, 223, 225, 229, 291, 339, 483, 484, 512; — Powers, 237; ‘— Primer’ quoted, 487; — Properties of the Scale of Causes, 463; — Records, 168; — Rites, 239; — Side of Nature, 451; — Symbolic Reading, 199; — Symbology, 100, 155, 200, 201, 564; — Theogony, 182; — Training, 497; — Weapons, 107; — Works, 39, 73, 492.

Occultism, Advance in — in Devachan, 541; — and Astronomy, 218; Canon of —, 3; — and Christianity, 212; — Corroborated by Science, 470; Eastern —, 222, 229, 247; Eastern and Western —, 143, 222; History of —, 412; — of the Jesuits, 275; Pleroma of —, 485; Practical —, 97, 537; Primordial —, 468; Science and —, 397; Secrecy of —, 129, 490; Study of —, 486; Theoretical —, 67; — or Theurgy, 60, 161; Treatises on —, 38.

‘Occultist, An,’ — quoted, 69, 93.

Occultists, 31, 34, 40, 41, 51, 52, 58, 59, 71, 73, 80, 89, 100, 109, 110, 114, 138, 139, 153, 158, 182, 212, 335, 336, 339, 398; Eastern —, 25, 68, 88, 186, 223, 225, 366, 506; Tibetan —, 396; Unconscious —, 213; Virtues of —, 90, 515.

Occult Science, 70, 264, 497, 502; Basis of —, 68; Danger of —, 62; — Founded on Nature, 70; — in India, 18; Mysteries of —, 106, 212; Origin of —, 39; Powers gained by —, 40; Secrecy of —, 56; Works on —, 40.

Odin, — and the practice of Magic, 20.

Ogdoad, — of the Ancients, 217, 316; — of the Gnostics, 192.

Ogenos, — or Hades, 41.

Old Testament, Allegorical Teaching of —, 153, 190; Authenticity of —, 188; — Canon, 170; Compilers of —, 188, 189; Contradictions in —, 173, 174; Doctrines of —, 87; Origin of —, 184; Relation of — to the New Testament, 138; Symbology of —, 46, 49, 53, 96; Writers of —, 52.

Olympus, Mount —, 75, 161.

Om Mani Padme Hum, 436, 437, 438, 439, 475, 481, 531.

Omnipresence, 224, 402.

One, The — Absolute, 439, 450; — Abstract Unity, 200; — Being, 210; — Cause, 73, 223, 261; — Divine Essence, 180, 518; — Divinity, 484; — Element, 202, 225, 396, 397; the Eternal —, 203, 204; — Eternal Deity, 92, 205; — Eternal Monad, 374; — Eternal Root, 397; — Flame, 374; — God, 181, 209, 484; Gods are —, 450; — Infinite Circle, 458; — Life, 441, 468, 493, 494, 502, 517; — Living God, 157, 184, 318; the Logoi are —, 180; Man is the Changeless —, 205; — and Only God, 363, 484; — Pervading the All, 398; — Primeval Record, 72; — Primordial Principle, 467; — Reality, 202, 209, 374, 404, 417, 418, 430, 512; — Self, 436; — is the Spirit of God, 101, 180, 181; The Supreme —, 311; The — cannot Create, 208; the — a Maya, 396; The — is no Number, 341; — in Three, 445; Tetraktys emanates from the —, 59; the Triad emanates from the —, 59; Three in —, 523; — Unity, 223; — Universal Deity, 51, 555.

Optic, — Thalami, 504.

Oracles, 30, 134, 135; Ancient and Modern —, 243; Chaldean —, 35; — of Claros, 323; — of Dodona, 223; Pagan —, 279.

Orbits, — of Planets, 219, 220.

‘Order of Spirits,’ 325.

Organs, — of Action, 565; Correspondences of —, 566, 570; — and Human Principles, 548; — of Perception, 577; — of Sensation, 565.

Oriental, — Doctrines of Pythagoras, 13; — Gnosticism, 13; — Element in Gospels, 13; — Mysticism in Plato, 3, 7, 12, 13; — Wisdom, Secrets of, 6.

Orientalists, 5, 18, 33, 75, 142, 167, 229, 242, 245, 246; Misconceptions of —, 246, 247, 290, 340, 352, 395, 400, 409, 410, 415, 416, 421, 427, 430, 436, 456.

Origen, — quoted, 459; — on Genesis, 47, 314.

Origin, — of Christianity, 70; — of Evil, 208; — of First Man, 75; — of Initiation, 261; — of Magic, 39; — of Mysteries, 261, 267.

Original Sin, 472.

Origins, 585; — of Egypt, 301.

Ormuzd, 209, 322; Eye of —, 320.

Orpheus, 30, 44, 71, 142, 180, 254, 265, 277, 278, 280, 284, 288, 291, 297, 310, 342; Story of — is Hindu, 431.

Orphic, — Hymns, 38, 297.

Osiris, 230, 231, 244, 245, 248, 249, 250, 274, 278, 280, 285, 288, 289, 318, 319, 370, 460; — the Sun, 148, 150.

Osymandias, Tomb of —, 37.

Over-Soul, — is Atma-Buddhi, 57.

Ovid, Exile of —, 213; ‘Metamorphosis’ of —, 227.

Ovum, — of Being, 456.

Padmapani, 438, 439.

Pagan, — Gods, 71, 249, 333; — Initiates, 164; — Mysteries, 12, 124; — Oracles, 279; — Philosophers, 52, 280; — Philosophy, 153; — Symbols, 165; — Temple Rites, 147, 148; — Teraphim, 237; — Wisdom, 307.

Paganism, Modern Christianity is —, 212.

Pagodas, — of China, 333.

Pairs, — of Opposites, 570.

‘Palace of Truth,’ 244.

Palenque, Ruins of —, 286.

Panini, 4, 277.

Pantænus, — referred to, 13.

Pantheism, 428.

Pantheon, Ancient —, 94; Buddhist —, 388; — of Heathen Deities, 78; Hindu —, 290, 388; — of India, 96, 201, 271.

Papyri, Egyptian —, 241, et seq., 514; — full of Magic, 242.

Papyrus, the Anastasi —, 252, 253, 340; the Harris —, 241, 248, 255; — of Nevo-loo, 244; — of Papheronmes, 278.

Parable, — of the Good Shepherd, 79.

Parabrahman, 427; — the Absolute All, 205; — is Absolute Motion, 585; Life is —, 593; Lower Manas of —, 585; Manvantaric aspect of —, 557; Man may become —, 114; Nirvana identical with —, 366; the One God is not —, 209; — is Purusha and Prakriti, 380; Relation of — to Mulaprakriti, 518; the Semitic —, 178; — of the Vedanta, 91, 114, 402, 497.

Parabrahmic, — Mind, 540.

Paracelsus, 4, 59, 164, 165.

Paramartha, — Absolute Consciousness, 418.

Paramatma, — or Para-Purusha, 397; — a perfect Yogi, 367; — Universal Spirit, 510, 512.

Paramitas, 490; the Six —, 418.

Paranirvana, — Nirvana ‘without remains,’ 387, 421; The Threshold of —, 380.

Paranishpanna, 417.

Parasamadhi, 566.

Parentage, — and Karma, 572.

Parnassus, 94, 280.

Parts, — and the Whole, 7.

Passover, 280.

Patala, 289, 290, 567.

Path, Antahkarana is the —, 522; — of Deliverance, 387; Fourfold —, 572; Left —, 39, 67, 107, 288; — to Nirvana, 379, 420; — of Perfection, 386; — of Seeing, 423; Seventh —, 418.

Paths, — of Buddha, 418; Two — to Devachan, 420; — to Nirvana, 376, 416; Right and Left —, 67.

Patriarchs, Biblical —, 369; Jewish and Christian —, 263; Numerical value of the —, 201; — Sons of Earth, 96.

Patriotism, 579.

Paul, St., — quoted, 57, 62, 63, 124, 512; — Founder of Christianity, 122, 123; — an Initiate, 52, 116, 123, 124, 512; — the Master-Builder, 124; — and St. Peter, 116; — and Primitive Philosophers, 321; — and Simon Magus, 116, 118, 125; Teachings of —, 210, 307, 340.

Penates, 316.

Pentacle, 511.

Pentagram, the Sacred —, 228.

Pentateuch, 75, 87, 168, 169, 172, 173, 177, 188, 229, 308; Samaritan —, 55, 169.

Perception, Clairvoyant —, 504, 584; Organ of —, 577; Stages of —, 575, 576, 581.

Perceptive, — Life, 557.

Perfect, — Adepts, 64; — ‘as your Father in Heaven’, 63; — Ego, 417; — Initiates, 142, 417; — Number, 441.

Perfection, Absolute —, 208.

Perpetual, — Motion, 223, 226, 329.

Perpetuity, — of Thinking Principle, 394.

Persian, — Dev, 77; — Traditions, 192.

Personal, — Deity, 62; — Ego, 519, 520; — Entity, 527; — God, 58, 75, 179, 230; — ‘I’, 514, 573; — Self of Adepts, 375; — Soul, 520, 521, 525.

Personality, Immortality of —, 513, 514, 515, 518; — of Jesus, 139.

Peter, Meaning of —, 126, 127; Seat of —, 126, 127.

Peter, St., Death of — at Babylon, 128; — a Kabalist, 128; — and Latin Church, 126, 128; — and St. Paul, 116; — and Simon Magus, 112, 117, 121; — quoted, 268.

Petroma, — Initiation Stones, 126, 127.

Phallicism, 173, 189, 201.

‘Phallicism,’ (Hargrave Jennings) quoted, 34, 122, 296.

Phædrus, — quoted, 6, 74, 283, 284.

Phenomena, 118, 471, 473, 570, 593; — in Nature, 261; Occult —, 257.

Pherecydes, — quoted, 41.

Philalethians, 11, 24, 309, 310, 314; Secret Teaching of —, 310.

Philo Judæus, 9, 48, 174, 190, 191, 254, 308.

Philolaus, — quoted, on the Sun, 214.

Philology, 189.

Philosopher, the Laughing —, 21.

Philosophers, — Ancient and Modern, 5, 9, 412; Chaldean —, 35; Hidden meaning of —, 9; God of —, 7; Pagan —, 52.

Philosopher’s Stone, 489.

‘Philosophumena,’ — quoted, 119, 120, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470.

Philosophy, Ancient and Modern —, 265, 266; Brahmanical —, 371; Buddhist —, 403, 586; Derivation of —, 265; Eastern —, 13, 291; Esoteric —, 2, 64, 65, 114, 225, 379, 400, 459, 461, 464; Exoteric —, 499; God of —, 7; Heathen —, 36; Hermetic —, 36, 39, 106, 129, 222; — and Magic, 38; Natural —, 21; Neo-Platonic —, 473; Occult —, 31, 223, 225, 229, 291, 339, 483, 484, 512; Pagan —, 402; Peripatetic —, 9; Platonic —, 7, 13, 48; — of Pythagoras, 48, 403, 404; Religious —, 292, 399; — of Schopenhauer, 398; — True and False, 40; — of the Upanishads, 229; ‘— of the Unconscious,’ quoted, 398; — of, Von Hartmann, 398.

Physical, — Body, 62, 460, 496, 545, 548; — Brain, 60, 511, 512, 554; — Consciousness, 594; — Ego, 62; — Health, 555; — Organs, Correspondences of, 548; — Organ of Perception, 577; — Plane, 542, 543, 544; — Senses, 552, 557, 575, 577, 584.

Physiology, 139, 295, 440, 558; — of the Ancients, 295.

Pillar, — of Light, 494, 538, 544; — of Fire, 589.

Pindarus, — quoted, 253.

Pineal Gland, 504, 505, 506, 548, 577, 581, 583, 584.

Pingala, 503, 537, 547, 551.

Pitha, a Sanscrit Word meaning Seat, 127.

Pitris, Doctrine of —, 284; Hierarchy of —, 559; Lunar —, 494; — Sons of God, 2.

Pituitary Body, 504, 505, 548, 583, 584.

Plagiarism, — of the Devil, 78, 79; — of the New Testament, 82.

Plane, Devachanic —, 594; Each — Seven-fold, 543, 551; Each — touches the next, 549; Kamalokic —, 594; — of Reality, 374; — of Reflection, 475; — of Spirit, 499; Spiritual —, 594.

Planes, — of Being, 441, 587; — of Consciousness, 556; Cosmic —, 447, 448, 554, 555; Diagrams of —, 551 to 556; — of Existence, 374; Seven —, 440, 500; — of Thought and Action, 437.

Planet, — Becomes a Moon, 562; Dead —, 459; Every Man born under a —, 482; Inter-Mercurial —, 459; Mystery —, 562; Nativity of each —, 339; — Now Disappeared, 459; Regent of every —, 341.

Planetary, — Angels, 253, 315; — Archangels, 333; — Beings, 488; — Gods, 316, 343; — Influence, 563; Jehovah a — Spirit, 280; — Spirits, 93, 215, 216, 315, 487, 482; — System, 115, 143.

Planets, — of the Ancients, 216, 217, 315, 316, 328, 452; — of the Chaldeans, 239; Correspondences of —, 452, 457, 458, 461, 463; Duality of —, 321; Movement of —, 563; — Personify Divine attributes, 333; Orbits of —, 219, 220; Rulers of —, 463; Sacred —, 448, 482; Seven —, 115, 143, 216, 217, 315, 316, 327, 332, 482, 563; Spirits of —, 324, 326, 332; — as Symbols, 238, 320, 464.

Plato, 4; — a Follower of Pythagoras, 13; God of —, 398; Gnosticism of —, 13; — an Initiate, 5, 6, 7, 283, 310, 486, 551; the Intelligible of —, 466; Motto of —, 69, 73; Philosophy of —, 7, 13, 48; — quoted, 266, 283, 284; Second God of —, 292; — on the Sun, 279.

Platonic, — Dual Soul, 403; — Philosophy, 7, 13.

Pledge, Sacredness of —, 435, 488, 529.

Pleroma, 160, 484; — of Occultism, 485.

Plexuses, 503, 507, 583.

Plotinus, 10, 57, 180, 314.

Plutarch, — an Initiate, 254; — quoted, 329.

‘Pneumatologie,’ — quoted, 42, 52, 78.

Point, Central —, 180, 230, 477; — in the Circle, 477; Mathematical —, 441; Primordial —, 183; — in the Triangle, 477.

Poison, 489, 490.

Poles, — of a Sphere, 570, 571.

Polytheism, 71; — and Monotheism, 59, 364.

Pope, — quoted, 36, 50.

Porphyry, 10, 11, 57, 98, 238, 303, 307, 312.

Portal, Seventh —, 570.

Potency, — in Chaos, 184; — of the Deity, 471; Dual —, 181; — of the God within, 450; Infinite —, 467, 468, 469; — of Numbers, 100; Sound is a —, 451, — of Thought, 466, 467, 468; — of the ‘Word,’ 436, 527.

Potentiality, Infinite —, 466.

Power, — and Knowledge, 1; the Holy —, 529.

Powers, — of Adepts, 367, 437, 474; — of the Air, 451; Divine —, 484; — of Initiates, 386; — of Magic, 254, 255; Occult —, 237.

Pradhana, Mulaprakriti is —, 546.

Prajapati, — are the Architects, 204, 208; Seven —, 196, 369.

Prajna Paramita, 417.

Prakriti, Lower —, 436; Mulaprakriti becoming —, 442; Plane of —, 552, 554; — is Sevenfold, 491, 492.

Pralaya, 91; The Great —, 268; Latency in —, 181; — of Races, 345.

Prana, 202, 441, 593; — Begins at birth, 545; — the Ever-changing life, 182; — and Jiva, 442, 460, 493, 550, 555; — the Pentacle of Life, 511; — is Universal, 578.

Pranava, — Synonym of Aum, 502.

Pranayama, 502, 509.

Prasanga, — School, 379, 419, 420.

Pratyeka, — Buddhas, 406, 416.

Prayer, — and Action, 450; Official —, 51; Selfish and Unselfish —, 51; Silent —, 451; — is Unconscious Magic, 118.

Precious, — Gifts, 386; — Stones, 563.

Presences, Invisible —, 450; Non-human —, 436.

Pretextatus, — quoted, 267.

Priests, — of Egypt, 263, 264, 265, 301; The last of the Solar —, 213.

Primary, — Creation, 204; — Thought, 205.

Primeval, — Gods, 369; — Light, 55, 225; — Record, 72; — Sacrifice, 383; — Soul, 407.

Primordial, — Circle, 201; — Germ, 226; — Light, 226; — Matter, 223; — Occultism, 468; — Point, 183; — Principle, 467; — Revelation, 170; — Substance, 477; — Triangle, 444, 532; — Water of Space, 184; — World-Stuff, 443.

Principle, Creative —, 49, 273; Divine —, 402; Egotistical —, 375; Evil —, 115, 116; Fohatic —, 581; Life —, 478, 479, 560, 592; Primordial —, 467; Septenary —, 196, 370, 549; Seventh —, 58, 84, 142, 143, 293, 309, 378, 388; Thinking —, 512, 518; Unconditioned —, 209; Unconscious —, 402; — of Unity, 397; Universal —, 466, 510.

Principles, — of a Buddha, 379, 381; Classification of —, 374, 445, 446; Correspondences of —, 452, 476, 477, 478, 479, 548, 569; Enumeration of —, 456, 460, 476; Esoteric Classification of —, 493; Good and Evil —, 115, 116; Human —, 202, 374, 379, 445, 556, 560, 561; Root —, 202; Separation of — at Death, 590; Separation of Higher and Lower —, 493; Seven —, 142, 202, 374, 444, 447, 455, 476, 493, 580; Seven Degrees of —, 540; — and Tattvas Correspond, 499; Two Eternal —, 115; — and their Vehicles, 202; — of the Universe, 444, 455.

Proclus, 10; Ecstasy of —, 57; — quoted, 283, 310, 373.

Progenitors, 463; — of Man, 263.

Prometheus, 330.

Prophecies, — in Book of Enoch, 79; — in Tibet, 412, 413.

Prophecy, 306; — of Christ, 346; Sibylline —, 347, 348.

Prophetic, — Discernment, 474.

Prophets, — True and False, 306; Schools of the —, 104.

Prototypes, Dhyan Chohans are — of Gods, 59; — of Men, 371.

Psellus, — on Magic, 255.

Psychic, — Action, 542; — Organ the Pituitary body, 548; — Plane, 542, 548, 552, 553; — Vision, 542.

Psychology, 139; Eastern —, 394.

Psychometric, — Vision, 549, 584.

‘P.T.R.’ — Illuminator, 127.

Ptolemy, 457.

‘Pudding-bags,’ 559.

Puranas, 79, 192; Doctrine of —, 179; Esotericism of —, 3, 258, 426; — quoted, 348, 544.

Purgatory, 227, 373.

Purity, 570; — of the Mysteries, 282.

Purusha, 181, 445; — and Prakriti, 204; Thousand-headed —, 384.

Purushottama, 230.

Pyramid, — of Cheops, 72, 301; the Great —, 74, 155, 177, 189, 201, 300, 301; Mysteries of —, 75; Symbology of —, 247.

Pyramids, — of Central America, 286; — of Egypt, 20, 274; — in Mexico, 21.

Pythagoras, — an Astronomer, 46, 329, 339; Biography of —, 140; — and Buddhism, 403, 404; Cosmogony of —, 461; Decad of —, 397, 439; Esoteric and Exoteric Teaching of —, 45; — First European Adept, 56; Gnosis of —, 55; Gnosticism of —, 13; God of —, 397; Ignorance in the days of —, 4, 38; — an Initiate, 281, 310, 329, 551; Initiation of —, 282, 329; Numerals of —, 69, 98; Philosophy of —, 48, 403, 404; — quoted, 101; — and the Science of Numbers, 265; School of —, 481; Symbolism of —, 98, 105; Tetraktys of —, 98, 439, 531, 543.

Pythagorean, — Dogmas, key to, 398; — School, 133; — Tetrad, 439.

Qualities, — Determine properties of Selfhood, 578.

Quaternary, Kabalistic —, 181; Lower —, 561, 590, 591; — of the Macrocosm, 543; — Merged in Triangle, 541; — or Mystic Cube, 181; to Paralyse the —, 479; Principles of the Lower —, 480, 523; — the Sacred Tetraktys, 445; Triangle thrown below —, 532; Triad in the —, 183.

Queen, — of Heaven, 326; — Mentuhept Coffin of, 126.

Quietists, 419.

Quintessence, — of Philosophies, 93.

Qu-Tamy, — Chaldæan Adept, 72, 234, 239, 240.

Race, Destruction of Fifth —, 268; First —, 50, 86, 294, 550; Fifth —, 74, 90, 261, 266, 268, 269, 305; Fourth —, 14, 74, 87, 90, 106, 197, 258, 260, 269, 550, 590; Seventh —, 65, 306, 545, 590; Sixth —, 268, 545, 550; Third —, 74, 85, 86, 90, 197, 260, 351, 443, 449, 573.

Races, — in Book of Enoch, 85, 87, 88; Evolution of —, 443, 545; First —, 50; Mind-born —, 55; Seven —, 154, 247; — Mentioned in the Zohar, 305.

Ragen, — quoted, 101, 102, 103, 262, 265, 274, 297, 299, 300; the Mason —, 185.

Raivata, Legend of —, 259.

Raja-Yoga, 420, 473, 474, 499, 502, 503, 542, 569.

Rakshasas, 562.

Ramses, 241; — the Third, 241, 250.

Rasa, — Devas, 566, — Mandala, 317, 330; — Tala, 565, 566, 572.

Ray, the — Clothes itself in Matter, 559; Consciousness, a — of the One Flame, 375; the Divine —, 22; — of Manas, 539, 566; Manasic —, 540; — or Principle, 372; the Re-incarnating —, 579, 580, 591; the White —, 477; — of the Worldsoul, 585.

Rays, Seven —, 201, 369, 441, 442, 445, 481, 507; — of the One Unity, 229.

Real, — Death, 512, 516; — Life, 512; — and Unreal, 418.

Reality, the One —, 202, 209, 374, 404, 417, 418, 430, 512; World of —, 478.

Reason, 559.

Rebirth, Doctrine of —, 65; — of Isaac, Jacob, etc., 65; — and Karma, 246; Period between —, 515, 594; Spiritual —, 65; Theory of —, 369; Three classes of —, 364, 365, 367.

Rectors, Seven —, 328, 329.

Regent, — of Mercury, 382.

Regents, — of the Lokas, 369; — of Planets, 337, 341.

Reincarnation, — After sudden Death, 591; Belief in —, 64; Cyclic —, 370; — of the Ego, 580; Evolutionary —, 370; — of Great Men, 371; Immediate —, 523; — of Jesus, 373; Lamaic —, 361; — from Nirvana, 365; — and the Law of Karma, 246, 579; Process of —, 496, 590; — and the Skandhas, 587; — in Tibet, 409.

Rejected, — Stone, 291.

Relation, — of Heavenly Bodies to Man, 341.

Religion, 69; Brahmanical —, 19; — a Cloak, 51; Comparative —, 34, 425; — and Magic, 19; Modern —, 51; — and Science, antagonism of, 363; Secret Teachings necessary to —, 50; Wisdom — in Third Race, 74.

Religions, Ancient — symbolical, 71; — Borrow from each other, 322; Esotericism in —, 424; Karma of —, 245, 322; One conception in all —, 269.

Religious, — Emblems, 246.

Renan, M., — quoted, 32.

Renunciation, — of Adepts, 61; — of Nirvana, 364, 366.

Repentance, 527; Deathbed —, 587.

Repercussion, 545.

Responsibility, — of Ego, 524, 579, 580, 591; Physical —, 529; — the beginning of Wisdom, 580.

Resurrection, — of Christ, 138; — of a Dead Body impossible, 264; Dogma of —, 65; Spiritual —, 473.

Reuchlin, John, 211, 275.

Reuvens, — quoted on Magic, 253.

Revelation, Author of the —, 124; Divine —, 78; ‘The Great —’ quoted, 467; — of John, 83; — of Truth in the Mysteries, 124.

Rig-Veda, 353; — the Bible of Humanity, 229; Deities of the —, 229; Max Müller on the —, 270; — the Mother of all Religions, 384.

Ring-pass-not, 544.

Rishis, 384; Hierarchy of —, 369; Seven —, 195, 196, 201, 341; — the Seven Sages, 19, 332; — Sons of Brahma, 291.

Rites, — of Initiation, 88, 141, 148, 150, 159, 162, 285, 293, 295, 319, 391.

Roman, — Lustrum, 350; — Numeral System, 352; — Week, 452.

Roman Catholic, — Angelology, 335; — Church, 23, 27, 76, 126, 214, 275, 323, 327, 335; — Intolerance, 106; — Missionaries, 15, 406; — Priests, 26; — Rejection of Esoteric Philosophy, 59.

Root, — Essence, 512; — Races, 85, 247, 305; the Rootless —, 444; — of the Trinity, 546.

‘Roots of Ritualism,’ — quoted, 485.

Rose, the Crucified —, 296; Symbol of the —, 297.

Rosicrucians, 275, 276, 287, 296.

Round, Fourth —, 59, 590; Seventh —, 562, 590; — Towers of Ireland, 287, 288.

Rupa, — Devas, 566.

Sabaoth, 91, 207; Meaning of —, 325.

Sabæanism, 35, 81.

Sabæans, 202, 214, 325, 334, 338; Jews were —, 279, 322.

Sabbath, 115, 191, 334.

Sacral Plexus, 503.

Sacred, — Books of the East, 425; — Books of the Egyptians, 37; — Fire, 544, 547; — Knowledge, 431; — Sciences, 252; — Scriptures of the West, 425; — Word, 93, 411.

Sacrifice, — of Buddha, 384; the Great —, 271, 383; — of the Higher Manas, 583; — of the Initiate, 142; — of the Son, 142; Yajna or —, 569.

Sacrificial, — Lamb, 384; — Nirmanakaya, 383; — Victim, 557, 591.

Sacrovir, — Chief of the Gauls, 299.

Saddhus, Hindu —, 135, 412.

Sadducees, 176, 177.

Sage, — of Tyana, 130, 133, 136.

Sages, — of Antiquity, 58; Aryan —, 397; — of the East, 48; — of Greece, 10, 38; — of India, 38; Lives of —, 389.

St. Augustine, — on Creation, 203.

St. Cyprian, — of Antioch, 160 et seq.

St. Denys, — pupil of St. Paul, 402; — on Creation, 203; — on the Sun, 318.

St. Gregory, — quoted, 157.

St. Hieronymus, 104.

St. Paul, 52, 57, 62, 63, 116, 118, 123, 124, 125, 210, 307, 321, 335, 336, 339, 340, 398, 512.

St. Peter, 112, 116, 117, 121, 125, 126, 128; — on destruction of Fifth Race, 268.

St. Reine, Alesia now called —, 298.

Sais, 265.

Sakridagamin, 416.

Sakya, Doctrines of —, 16.

Samadhi, 61, 312, 362, 420, 474, 503, 559, 570; — is Septenary, 566.

Samaritan, 177; — Pentateuch, 55, 169.

Samma Sambuddha, 431.

Samsara, World of —, 272.

Samson, — an Initiate, 280.

Sanat-Kumara, 327, 372.

Sang-gyas, 407, 409.

Sankhya, 491.

San-Kian-yi-su, — quoted, 427.

Sanscrit, — Alphabet, 99, 190, 530; — the Language of the Gods, 99, 190; — Letters, 190.

Sapta-loka, 564.

Saptaparna, 577.

Sarasvati, 99, 155.

Sat, — or Beness, 182, 498.

Satan, — and the Archangel are One, 490; — the God of Secret Wisdom, 290; — the Tempter, 318; — Worship, 34.

Saturn, 115, 316, 325, 332, 334.

Saturnilus, — on Creation, 202; Teaching of —, 115.

Satya-Yuga, 260, 332.

Saviour, Christian —, 318; Divinely begotten —, 141; Jesus the — of Mankind, 144; World —, 293, 345, 362.

Sayce, Prof., — quoted, 3, 5, 191.

Scale, — of Causes, 463; Musical —, 475, 476, 534, 574.

Schlagintweit, Prof., —, 290, 391.

School, — of Astrology, 343; — of Black Magic, 255; Eclectic —, 24, 132; Esoteric —, 379, 426, 427, 460; — of Esoteric Buddhism in China, 429, 430; — of Life, 559; — of Magic, 104, 252; Neo-Platonic —, 11, 303, 307, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313; Prasanga —, 379, 419, 420; — of the Prophets, 104; Secret —, 262, 420; Vedantic —, 518.

Schools, Brahmanical —, 417; — of Buddhism, 423, 426, 427, 428, 429; — of India, 419.

Schopenhauer, — on Matter and Spirit, 399.

Science, Archaic —, 23; — and the Church, 1; — of Correspondences, 68, 69; Divine —, 90, 106, 254; Esoteric —, 45, 451, 465, 506; — the Foundation of Religion, 296; — of Good and Evil, 67; — of the Higher Self, 307; Initiation, the — of Sciences, 266; — of Magic, 472, 473; Modern —, 2, 4, 5, 7, 31, 497; — of Occult Numbers, 265; Occult —, 39, 40, 62, 70, 106, 240, 253, 497, 502; — and Occultism, 397; Physical —, 4, 397, 479; Sacred —, 252; Secret —, 91, 208, 307, 464; Universal —, 22.

Scientific, — Observation, 261.

Scientists, Mental —, 447, 490; Modern —, 31.

Scriptures, Jewish and Christian —, 9, 13; Hebrew —, 172, 173, 174, 178; Sacred — of the West, 425.

Seat, — of Peter, 127; ‘— of the Three Secrets,’ 392.

Secchi, Father — quoted, 215.

Second, — Death, 249, 373, 513, 516, 520; — God of Plato, 292; — Logos, 477, 498.

Secondary, — Gods, 261.

Secrecy, — of Chelas, 80, 311; — of Initiates, 44 et seq.; — of Mysteries, 6, 12, 301; Obligations of —, 6, 12, 48, 309; Reasons for —, 45, 56, 176, 487.

Secret, — Brotherhoods, 24; — Cycles, 350 et seq.; —s of Initiation, 213; — Language, 176; — Schools, 262, 420; — Science, 91, 208, 307, 464; — Teaching, 305; — Works of King-Initiates, 258; — Wisdom, 46, 93, 464; — Volumes of Tibet, 389, 405, 406.

Secret Doctrine, Antiquity of —, 277; — of the Chaldeans, 170; — Corroborated by the Puranas, 258; — of the East, 22, 93; Enigma of unequal Karma unriddled by —, 383; ‘Popularised version’ of —, 405; — the Rejected Stone, 291; — Speech, 100; Teaching of — as to reconstruction of Universe, 226; Unity of —, 294; Universal —, 29; Upanishad means —, 3.

Secrets, — of Nature, 264, 425.

Seer, the Trained —, 582; Enoch means —, 86.

Seldenus, — quoted, 235, 237.

Self, the All —, union with, 271; — of Animals, 573; — Consciousness, 573, 579; Divine —, 58, 270, 438, 474; — Evolution, 219; — Generation, 219; Higher —, 58, 59, 60, 61, 307, 372, 375, 383, 450, 488, 527, 529; Highest — symbolised by the Sun, 271; Human —, 474; Knowledge of —, 394; Lower —, 59, 528; the One —, 436; Personal — of Adepts, 375; — Sacrifice of Higher Manas, 583; Unit —, 271; Universal —, 387, 436.

Self-hood, 578.

Selfishness, — the Cause of Sin, 454; Personal —, 50.

Semothees, — Druids of the Gauls, 312.

Seneca, — on the Destruction of the Universe, 267.

Sensaos, — Mummy, 340.

Senses, — All included in Sight, 590; Correspondences of —, 569; — in the First Race, 550; Kosmic —, 567; Seven —, 448; Sixth and Seventh —, 498, 505, 533, 550; Spiritual —, 448; — Tattvas, 497; — of Touch, 550.

Senzar, — Alphabet, 100, 103, 530.

Separateness, Sense of —, 580, 584.

‘Sepher Jetzirah,’ — quoted, 91, 92, 101, 164, 168, 181, 199.

Sephira, Aditi the original of —, 91; — the Crown, 183; — a third Potency, 184; Seven Names of —, 183.

Sephiroth, — the Builders, 202; Emanation of —, 73, 183, 184, 305; Host of the —, 231; Lower —, 459; Physical Man Emanates from the —, 458; — the Seven Angels of the Presence, 202, 341, 402; Seven and Ten —, 101, 183, 208; Three Groups of —, 183.

Sephirothal Tree, 459.

Septenary, Brahmanical —, 191; — Consciousness, 574, 575, 581; — Constitution of the Egyptians, 370; — Division of time, 452; — on Each Plane, 543; Every object a —, 548; — Forces, 508; — Hierarchies, 549; Human and Cosmic —, 548; — Nature of the Psychic and Spiritual Worlds, 458; — Principle, 196, 370, 549; — Scale, 497; — Spectrum, 478, 497; Substances are —, 549.

Septenate, — in Physiology, 507.

Septiformity, — of Biblical Chronology, 194.

Septuagint, Origin of —, 174, 175; — quoted, 170, 235, 323.

Seraphim, 234, 315.

Serapis, 234, 236.

Serpent, 161.

Sesostris, (Ramses II.) 252, 300, 337.

Seth, 53, 90; — the Third Race, 181.

Seven, — Angels of the Presence, 201, 202, 341, 369, 402; — Breaths, 369; — Buddhas, 381, 428; — Celestial Principles, 379; — Churches, 322; — Circles of Heaven, 191, 315, 329; — Colours, 439, 481; — Cosmocratores, 321, 337, 589; — Creative Gods, 191, 209; — Dhyan-Chohans, 55, 388; — Elohim, 191, 194, 195, 197, 333; — Eyes of the Lord, 320; — Forces, 494, 497; — Great Gods, 342, 369; — Hierarchies, 59, 374, 481, 581; — Hierarchies of Being, 374; — Keys to Allegory, 193, 194, 198; — Keys to Knowledge, 178; — Kings, 193; — Lokas, 440, 565, 568; — leaved Lotus, 577; — ‘Paths to Nirvana,’ 376; — Planetary Gods, 316, 343; — Planetary Spirits, 215; — Planets, 115, 143, 216, 217, 315, 316, 327, 332, 482, 563; — Portals of Dhyana, 379; — Principles 142, 202, 374, 444, 447, 455, 476, 493, 580; — Precious Gifts, 386; — Prajapati, 196, 369; — Races, 154, 247; — Rays, 201, 229, 369, 378, 441, 442, 445, 481, 507; — Rays of Brahma’s Head, 333; — Regents, 341; — Rishis, 196, 201, 341; — Scales of Consciousness, 575; — Seals, 319; — Senses, 448; — Spirits, 191, 203, 210, 215, 315, 320, 322, 328; — Stages, 463; — Stages of Perception, 581; — Stars (of Revelations) 320; — States of Consciousness, 571; — States in every State, 571; — Virtues, 370; — Watchers, 193; — Worlds, 202, 436, 513.

Sevenfold, — Correspondences, Cosmic and Human, 441 to 444; — Nature, 196.

Seventh, — Day dedicated to Jehovah, 115; — Key, 105, 106; — Principle, 58, 84, 142, 143, 293, 309, 378, 388; — Race, 65, 306, 545, 590; — Round, 65, 562, 590.

Sexual, — Element in religious Symbols, 294.

Seyffarth, Prof., — quoted, 171.

Shabda, — Sound, 566.

Shakers, 317.

Shakti, — is Soul-power, 386, 392.

Shaktis, the Three —, 71; the Seven —, 508.

Shakyamuni, Gautama —, 392, 407, 409, 417, 428.

Shamballah, 346, 421, 427, 431; Brotherhood of —, 385.

Shankaracharya, — the Abode of one of the Seven Rays, 378; — an Avatara, 378, 380; — a Buddha, 378; Disappearance of —, 385, 389; — Had no Ego of his own, 390; Incarnation of —, 62, 372, 378, 380; — and Karma, 390; Philosophy of —, 377; Relation of — to Gautama Buddha, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381; — still Living, 385; Successors of —, 389.

Shekinah, 181.

Shesha Naga, 290.

Shiva, 235, 557.

‘Shivagama,’ — referred to, 491, 492, 500.

Shiva’s Vina, 545, 547.

Shramanas, 416.

Shravakas, 416.

Shruti, — revealed Knowledge, 384.

Sibylline, — Books, 40; — Prophecy, 347, 348.

Sidereal Influence, 332, 444; — is Dual, 338; Thomas Aquinas, on —, 339.

Silent Watcher, 559.

Simeon, — Ben Jochai, 47, 92, 93, 166, 211; — Ben Shetah, 101.

Simon Magus, 117, et seq.; — a Baptised Christian, 112, 118; Claims of —, 61, 114; Disciples of —, 471; — and Helena, 471, 472; Invocation of Demons by —, 120; — Kabalist and Mystic, 113; — One with Paul, 116, 118, 125; — Reformer and Adept, 116; Teaching of —, 465, 470, 484; Traditions of —, 113, 118, 121; — Versed in Magic Arts, 119; Writings of —, 243.

Simonium, Stones of —, 121.

Sinnett, A. P. — a Lay Chela, 460.

Sixth, — Race, 268, 545, 551.

Skandhas, 496, 545, 586, 587, 588.

Snowy, — Mountains, Teachers of, 406; — Range, Taro originated in —, 93, 94.

Socrates, Death of —, 213, 341; — not Initiated, 213, 551; Injunction of —, 57; — on the Mysteries, 266; — on Prayer, 51; — Saluting the Sun, 279.

Sodalian Oath, 6.

Solar, — Electricity, 215; — Gods, 321; — Plexus, 583; — Priests, 213; — Spirits, 212; — Systems, 556, 562, 593; — Trinity, 213.

Solidarity, — is Power, 262.

Solomon, 129, 130, 173; Seal of —, 105; Temple of —, 72, 151, 177, 189, 274.

Solon, 265.

Son, Consubstantiality of the —, 145; — of Evil, 293; — of God, Jesus the, 144, 145, 158, 293, 373; — of Man, 83, 84, 86, 90, 294; — of Mercury, 46; — of Thunder, 131.

Sons, — of Brahma, 96, 196, 294, 327, 369; — of God, 2, 22, 54, 90, 140, 252, 258, 292, 293, 301, 305; — of Fire, 466; — of the Fire-mist, 271; — of the Flame, 260; — of Fohat, 507, 508; — of Intelligence, 197; — of Light, 74, 96, 271, 293, 362, 383; — of Matter, 158; Mind-born —, 59; — of Will and Yoga, 262; — of Wisdom, 197, 296, 458.

Sophia, — Personified Wisdom, 55, 114, 159, 273; — is Aditi, 192; — the Celestial Virgin, 158.

Sorcerers, Atlantean —, 256; Christian —, 251; Conscious and unconscious —, 26; — in Rome, 255.

Sorcery, 41, 42, 67, 68, 119, 251; — of Atlanteans, 74; Egyptian —, 251, 252; Modern —, 107.

Sosiosh, 417.

Soul, Animal —, 477, 479, 516, 591; Causal —, 58, 65, 363; — of a Child, 591; Death of the —, 510, 513, 516, 526; Divine —, 58, 375, 521, 591; — the Dual Manas, 513; — is Eternal, 216; — Eye, 425; Human —, 442, 514, 520, 521; — is Immortal, 9; Judgment of the —, 244, 256; — Life, 414, 425; — of the Molecule, 563; Personal —, 520, 521, 525; Primeval —, 407; Spiritual —, 458, 494, 527; — Transformation, 306; Universal —, 494, 507, 517, 518, 522, 524; — of the Universe, 585; — of the World, 447, 585.

Souls, Animal —, 592; — of Heavenly Bodies, 332.

Soulless Men, 493, 513, 516, 521, 526, 527.

Sound, Absolute —, 477; Akashic —, 550; — on the Astral Plane, 582; Colour and —, 477, 508, 509; — a Correlation of Akasha, 498; Eternal —, 99, 550; — Has no End, 549; — is a Force, 451, 530; Loka of —, 566; — In Nature, 463; — and Number, 436; — Produced on the Akashic Plane, 550; Vibrations of —, 478, 533.

‘Source of Measures,’ — quoted, 49, 52, 72, 73, 95, 123, 138, 146, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 186, 194, 200, 201, 289.

Sozomen, — Historian, 150.

Space, — is Akasha, 393, 396; Divine —, 498; Ether of —, 442, 497; — is Eternal, 180; — is Full of Souls, 397, 404; Infinite —, the Mother, 232; Invisible —, 508; Mystic —, 402; — the One Element, 397; — the Storehouse of Creation, 231; — and Time, 447; — and the Universe are one, 397; the Universe in —, 91, Waters of —, 184, 230, 232.

Spheres, Astronomical —, 329.

Sphinx, 95.

Spinal Cord, 544, 545, 547, 551, 577.

Spirit, — the Basis of Magic, 471; — Brooding over the Waters, 468; Descent of —, 369, 561; Embodied —, 394; Everything has its —, 589; — of Evil, 27; Evolution of —, 383; — of God, 101, 180, 181; Immortality of —, 283, 293; — and Matter, 399, 463, 492, 512; — is not Maya, 394, 404; the Monad is —, 341; Plane of —, 499; — the only Reality, 404; True Knowledge is of —, 453; — of Truth, 261; Universal —, 510, 512; — of the Universe, 585; World of —, 143.

Spirits, — or Lha, 16; Lower orders of —, 471; Planetary —, 93, 215, 216, 315, 482, 487; — of the Presence, 55, 160, 315, 328, 369; — of Seven Constellations, 196.

Spiritual, — Beings, 378; — Consciousness, 512, 518, 552, 582, 594; — Development, 62; — Ego, 247, 303, 372, 439, 526; — Evil, 526; — Life, 414, 454, 512; — Man, 445, 458, 479; — Perception, 576; — Photography, 304; — Plane, 594; — Self, 394; — Self-consciousness, 579; — Senses, 448; — Soul, 458; — Sun, 510; — Vision, 542; — Wisdom, 522; — World, 378.

Spiritualism, 20, 21, 23, 26, 121; Epidemic of —, 77; Summerland of —, 373.

Spirituality, 539, 572; — of the Bible, 187.

Spleen, 545, 570, 588, 593.

Spooks, 474, 495, 594.

Srotapanna, 272.

Srotapatti, 416, 523.

Star, — of Bethlehem, 228; Central —, 214, 280, 459, 461; — Regents, 328.

Stars, — the Abode of Spirits, 221; Fixed —, 217; Intelligences of —, 319; Seven —, 195; Spirits of —, 341; Symbolism of —, 315, et seq.; Worship of —, 214, 333.

States, — of Consciousness, 375, 448, 564, 565, 566, 567, 569, 571, 575; — of Matter, 476.

Study, — of Man, 437.

Stone, Circular — Monuments, 351; the Rejected —, 22, 212, 291; — of Simonium, 121; — Tablets used at Initiation, 127.

Stonehenge, 25, 27, 351.

Strauss, — quoted, 32, 33.

Subjugation, — of the Body, 570, 572.

Suetonius, quoted, 120.

Sun, — Adored and Adoring, 320; — the All-seeing God, 278; the Central —, 213, 214, 280; the — a Central Star, 214, 280, 459, 461; the — is Christ, 212, 279; Colour of the —, 461, 462, 478; Dual aspect of the —, 288; Effect of the — on Man, 563; the — the Emblem of Deity, 143; — the Emblem of the Soul, 271; the — God, 77, 321; Guiding Intelligence of the —, 319; the — Initiate, 92, 270, et seq.; — of Initiation, 212, 277; the — a Masonic symbol, 287; ‘My God, my —’ 148; Mystery of the —, 212, 213; ‘Our Lord the —’ 336; Plato on the —, 279; the — the Perfect Number, 441; the visible — a Reflection, 562; the — of Righteousness, 142, 278, 318; — the Seventh Principle, 143; Spirit of the —, 212, et seq., 324; — the Storehouse of Electricity, 215; Symbolism of the —, 271, 292, 315, et seq., 320, 323; Temples Facing the —, 213; Trial of the —, 271; Triple —, 321; the True —, 562; Worship of —, 323, 324.

Sunday, Origin of —, 139.

‘Sun’s Consistory,’ 326.

‘Supernatural Religion,’ — quoted, 78, 116.

Superstition, 70, 80, 249.

Suppression, — of the Breath, 502, 509.

Supreme, — Brahman, 63; — Buddha, 387, 438; — Essence, 310; — God, 207, 230; — Initiator, 88; — Intelligence, 380, 387; the — One, 311; the One —, 484; — Soul, 303, 309, 406; — Unknown, 115.

Surya, 142, 271, 276, 330.

Sushumna Ray, 503, 537, 547.

Sutala, 564, 565, 566.

Sutratma, 60, 446.

Svabhavat, 223, 456.

Svamis, — or Yogis, 123.

Svara, — the Root of Sound, 502.

Svarloka, 564, 568, 571.

Svastika, 105, 200.

Swedenborg, 135, 424, 425, 448, 555.

‘Sweet Singers’, 410.

Symbolism, — of the Circle, 200; Egyptian —, 30; — of the Hexagon, 105; Hindu —, 24; — of the Mummy, 247; — of Narada, 291; — of Numbers, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 232, 233; — of Pythagoras, 98, 105; — of the Sun and Stars, 315, et seq.; — of the Trimurti, 102.

Symbology, — of the Cosmos, 475; Degradation of —, 200; Eastern —, 53, 290, 456; — of Genesis, 201; Egyptian —, 115, 200, 244, 245; — of Letters, 103, 104, 200; Occult —, 100, 155, 200, 201, 564; — of the Old Testament, 46, 49, 53, 96; — of the Pyramids, 247; Secret —, 25, 34, 53; — of Truth, 70; — of the Tree of Knowledge, 67; Universal —, 20.

Symbols, Christian —, 69, 77, 78, 103, 152, 153, 292; — of Nature, 296, 297; Pagan —, 165; — of Pythagoras, 98; — of the Rose, 297; — of Trees, 537.

Sympathetic, — Cords, 547, 551; — Nerve, 545.

Syzygies, 466, 468.

Tabernacle, — an Archaic Telephone, 237, 238; Man, the — of God, 66.

Tacitus, — a believer in Astrology, 341.

Taijasa, Manas —, 446; — the ‘Shining,’ 60.

Talas, 565, 566, 570, 571, 572.

Talisman, — of Charles the Great, 108; — of Lady Ellenborough, 152.

Talismans, Beneficent and Maleficent —, 106.

Talmudist, — System, 399.

Tanaim, Sect of —, 47, 117.

Tanha, — Desire to Live, 588.

Tanhas, 588; Kamic —, 539; — and Karma, 496; — Latent till the Seventh year, 538.

Tanmatras, Five —, 565, 568; Meaning of —, 519; — are Rudimentary Atoms, 519.

Tantra, Pre-Christian —, 421; — Works, 491, 492; — Tables, 500.

Tantrika, 545; — Black Magician, 502; Modern —, 421; — Work, quoted, 105; — Works, 190, 509.

Tantriks, — of India, 127.

Taparloka, 564, 568.

Taraka, — Raja Yoga, 374, 547.

Targes, Treatises of —, 106, 107.

Taro, 93, 96; Origin of the —, 94.

Tarot, 42, 108.

Tathagata, 385, 386, 390, 427; — refused Paranirvana, 387.

Tattwas, Colours and —, 509; — Correspond to Human Principles, 497, 499; Diagram of —, 501; — are Forces, 498, 499; — are Modifications of Svara, 502; — and Plexuses, 503; Seven —, 491, 498, 565; Twenty-five —, 409; Universe Built from —, 530.

Tau, — is Enlightenment, 431; — the Egyptian Cross, 151; the Mystic —, 152.

Teacher, The Great —, 377, 430.

Teachers, — of the Snowy Range, 406.

Temple, —s Facing the Sun, 213; — Rites, 147; — at Thebes, 251.

Temptation, Kingdom of —, 142.

Tempter, Lower Manas the —, 559.

Temura, — Zohar Method of Calculation, 98, 101.

Ten, — Lost Tribes, 174; — the ‘Mother of the Soul,’ 100; — the Perfect Number, 115, 532; — the Symbol of the Universe, 115.

Teraphim, Chaldean —, 239; — were Idols, 234; — Instruments of Revelation, 236; Jewish —, 96, 251, 316, 325; Meaning of —, 235; Pagan —, 237.

Ternary, — a Divine Figure, 101; the Monad Becomes a —, 532.

Terrestrial, — Objective Consciousness, 553; — Plane, 551, 552.

Teschu Lamas, 407, 409.

Tetrad, Pythagorean —, 439.

Tetraktys, — is Developed from the Triangle, 532; — Emanates from the One, 59; — is Fourfold Knowledge, 546; Pythagorean —, 98, 439, 531, 543; the Sacred —, 445; — the Symbol of Cosmos, 531.

Tetragrammaton, 152.

Thales, — Mentioned, 4, 265; — quoted, 231.

‘That,’ — or Tat, 444.

Thebes, 293; — the City of a Hundred Gates, 260; Inscription in Temple at —, 251; Library of —, 243, 244.

Theodidaktos, — Title of Ammonius, 10, 11.

Theogony, Divine —, 339; Occult —, 182.

Theology, 1, 7, 69.

Theophanist, Union of the — with God, 60.

Theophany, 57, 283; Meaning of —, 61; Permanent —, 371.

Theopneusty, 57, 60.

Theos, — is Chaos, 231.

Theosophia, 471.

Theosophical, — School, 309; — Society, 308, 310; — System, 307, 308; — Writers, 2.

‘Theosophist,’ — quoted, 352, 353, 525, 526.

Theosophists, 2, 5, 109, 132, 158, 419, 428; Alexandrian —, 304.

Theosophy, Exoteric —, 34.

Theurgist, 57, 60.

Theurgy, 57, 60, 118, 161, 283, 303, 307, 310, 473, 474.

Thinking Principle, Perpetuity of —, 394.

Third, — Eye, 458, 480, 502, 504, 544, 581; — Logos, 499, 560, 585; — Plane, 585; — World of Simon Magus, 468, 469.

Third Race, 85, 90, 197, 260, 443; Astronomy in —, 351; — Created by Kriyashakti, 449; Destruction of —, 86; Esotericism of —, 74; Kumaras incarnated in —, 494; Magic co-eval with —, 449; No Self-consciousness till —, 573.

Thomas Aquinas, — on Creation, 202; — on Intermediate Rulers, 328; — on Sidereal Influence, 339.

Thorah, The —, 48.

Thoth, Alphabet of —, 108; Books of —, 37, 48, 89.

Thought, — without a Brain, 581; — and Desire, 573; Divine —, 471, 472, 548; Eternal —, 226; — more Important than Action, 570, 573; Planes of —, 437; Potency of —, 466, 467, 468.

Thoughts, Divine — are Elementals, 590.

Thrasymedes, Art of —, 120.

Thread-Soul, 60.

Three, — Basic Principles, 493; — Eternal Things, 393, 396; the — and the Four, 493; ‘— Mothers,’ 71, 206; — in One, 523; One in —, 445; the Unit becomes —, 523.

Thummim, — and Urim, 237.

Tiani-Tsang, 390.

Tibet, Ascetics of —, 16; Buddhism in —, 408, 414, 415, 422; Buddhist Monasteries in —, 422; Foreign Invasion of —, 413; Prophecies of —, 412, 413; Reincarnation in —, 409.

Tibetan, — Bodhisattvas, 405; — Buddhism, 388, 415, 422; — Exclusiveness, 413; — Gelugpa Lamas, 405; — Lamasaries, 389, 406; — Literature, 405, 421; — Mysticism, 421; — Occultists, 396; — Opinion of Modern Buddhism, 430; — Reformer, 407; — Secret Canon, 406; — Sects, 419.

‘Timæus’, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12.

Time, Delusion of —, 420; Divisions of —, 452; — an Illusion, 563; Planes and Principles not thought of in Space and —, 447.

Tohu-vah-bohu, — or Chaos, 223, 224, 225, 227, 231, 232.

Tonsure-Knife, 430.

Touch, Sense of —, 550, 569.

Tower of Babel, 176.

Trance, — produced by Adepts, 480.

Transfiguration, Scene of —, 157.

‘Transmigration of Life Atoms,’ 399.

Tree, — of Infamy, 152; — of Knowledge, 5, 21, 67; — of Life, 142, 152, 518, 520; Man is a —, 537; Sephirothal —, 459; — of Truth, 28.

Treta Yuga, 358.

Triad, Higher —, 542, 543; Holy —, 59; Pre-Cosmical —, 180; — in the Quaternary, 183; Upper —, 439.

Trials, — of Purification, 282; — of Initiates, 284, 285, 294; — of Initiation, 141, 142, 282; — of the Neophyte, 293.

Triangle, 540; — of the Atma-Buddhi-Manas, 541, 542; Double —, 105, 369; Primordial —, 444, 532; Point in the —, 477; Pythagorean —, 180; Seeing the —, 543; — the Symbol of the Trinity, 102; Upper —, 479.

Triangles, — Interlaced, 369.

Tridandins, 547.

Trimurti, the Hindu —, 102.

Trinity, Christian —, 10, 145, 205; — of Divine hypostases, 180; Egyptian —, 180; — of Enoch, 84; Feminine —, 206; — in the Kabalah, 166; Man a —, 370; Root of the —, 546; Solar —, 213; — the Upper Triad, 439; — in Unity, 205.

Trismegistus, — quoted, 91.

Trithemius, Teaching of —, 202.

Triveni, 547.

Troy, — Never existed, 33.

Truth, Absolute —, 418; — Cannot be destroyed, 29; — of the Mysteries, 484, 485; Primitive —, 488; Sacredness of —, 487.

Tsaba, — or Archangels, 114; Meaning of —, 327.

Tsong-Kha-pa, — Reincarnation of Buddha, 390, 391, 407, 409, 412, 422.

Turiya, — State, 540, 542, 543.

Tushita, — the Blessed, 431.

Twelve, — Great Gods, 484; ‘— Tortures,’ 293, 319; — Labours of Hercules, 141.

Twice-Born, 141, 278, 281, 288, 295.

Two, — Natures in Christ, 146.

Tyndall, Prof., — quoted, 9.

Typhon, — God of Darkness, 319.

Umbilical, — Cord, 470; — Vesicle, 440, 442, 470.

Unconscious, — Magic, 118, 480; — Magicians, 28; — Occultists, 213; — Principle, 402; — Sorcerers, 26.

Union, — of Man with God, 60, 63, 205, 437, 447, 475, 518; — of Man and the Universe, 437, 475; — of the Self with the All-Self, 271.

Unit, the Divine —, 295; the — Man, 439; the — Ray, 439; the — Self, 271.

Unity, Absolute —, 68, 190; — Basis of Occult Science, 68; Divine —, 58; — of God, 483; Infinite —, 180, 223; — in Multiplicity, 398; — is the One and Indivisible, 204, 205; One —, 223; — of Platonic and Oriental Philosophy, 13; — in Plurality, 69; Principle of —, 397; Rays of the One —, 229; — of the Secret Doctrine, 294; Trinity in —, 205; Universal —, 114.

Universal, — Cause, 261; — Code of Ethics, 266; — Deity, 51, 555; — Secret Doctrine, 29; — Essence, 180; — Ideation, 398; — Illusion, 393; — Knowledge, keys to, 176; — Language, 166, 189; — Life, 182, 555; Magic is —, 21; — Matrix, 440; — Mind, 6, 8, 467, 477, 546, 578, 579, 580; — Myths, 229; Occultism is —, 229; — Principle, 466, 510; — Science, 22; — Self, 387, 436; — Secret Doctrine, 29; — Seven Powers, 197; — Soul, 474, 494, 507, 518, 522, 524; — Spirit, 510, 512; — Symbology, 20; — Unit, 115; — Wisdom, 388; — Unity, Doctrine of, 114; — Whole, 437.

Universe, Built from the Tattwas, 530, 565; — Built by Water, 230; Builders of the —, 55; the Dual —, 488, 489; Earth the centre of the —, 457; Emanations of —, 73; the — formed of Eternal Substance, 202; Man and the —, 437, 475; the — the Garment of God, 178, 179; the Manifested —, 436, 555, 585; — of Matter, 143, 532; Nativity of the —, 339; the — in its pre-Cosmic State, 180; Self of the —, 393; Spirit of the —, 585; the — in Space, 91; Ten principles of the —, 444, 455; the Unseen —, 330; — the Veil of Deity, 74; Vishnu is the —, 179; the Visible —, 179.

Unknown, the — All, 328; the — Cause, 214, 223; the — Essence, 180; the — God, 427; the Great —, 84; the Supreme —, 115.

Unmanifested, — Logos, 209, 445, 450, 477, 498; — Light, 59.

Upadana, 587.

Upadhi, the Body an —, 548; — of every Cause, 586; — of Shankaracharya’s Spirit, 381.

Upadhis, — of the Hierarchies, 581; — of Man, 374.

Upanishads, Meaning of —, 3; Philosophy of —, 229; — quoted, 593; Teaching of the —, 366.

Uptala Varna, — a Mystic Power, 392.

Uranus, 316, 330.

Urim and Thummim, 237, 239, 316.

Vach, 459; Aditi —, 155; — Articulate Speech, 181; — Daughter of Vaivasvata, 182; — the Female Logos, 295; — the Mother of all Living, 154; — Mystic Speech, 410.

Vacillation, 573.

Vaidic, — Aditi, 184; — Deity, 179; — Literature, 74; — Poets, 5.

Vairajas, — Fiery Egos, 570.

Vajradhara, 380, 387, 388, 389.

Vajrasattva, 380, 387, 388.

Valentinus, 115; Pleroma of —, 484.

‘Valley of Thorns,’ 305.

Van, — the Tartar Cycle, 352.

Varro, — quoted, 315.

Vasuki, 289, 290.

Vatican, Library of the —, 314.

Veda, Rig —, 142, 229, 384, 396.

Vedas, Antiquity of —, 167, 352, 353; Buddha and the —, 384; Cycle of the —, 351; Interpretation of the —, 142; — Musical notation reduced to writing, 190.

Vedangas, 351.

Vedanta, Parabrahman of —, 91, 114, 402, 497.

Vedantic, — Classification of Principles, 374; — Features of Eclectic System, 310; — Lokas, 564; — School, 518.

Vedantins, Goal of —, 395; Moksha of —, 400; Principles of —, 446; Quaternary of —, 557; System of —, 304.

Vedic, — Poet, the first, 56.

Veil, — of Deity, 74; — of the Secret Doctrine, 211.

Venus, 244, 315, 316, 447, 458, 459, 462, 463; — Lucifer, 268, 316.

Vesicle, Blastodermic, —, 443; Umbilical —, 442.

Vespasian, Emperor —, 134, 343.

Vibration, Every — of Man produces an Elemental, 588; Every — a Skandha, 587.

Vibrations, — of Joy and Sorrow, 577; — of Musical Instruments, 509; Nerve —, 509; Range of Perceptible —, 478; Scale of —, 533, 534; — of Sound and Colour, 478, 533; — of Thought, 577.

Vicarious, — Atonement, 523.

Vicomte de Rouge, — quoted, 243, 248.

Victim, — of the Mysteries, 295; Sacrificial —, 557; Vishvakarma, the —, 272.

Vidya, Biga —, 412; Chatur —, 546; the Divine —, 311; Gupta —, 505.

Vikarttana, 143, 271, 274, 276.

Violet, — Colour of the Astral, 582; — Hierarchy, 482; — Ray, 462; True —, 480; — Vibrations, 478.

Virgil, — quoted, 142, 318; —‘s Prophecies of Christ, 346.

Virgin, — Gods, 327; Heavenly —, 343; — Mary, 297; — Mother, 140; World —s, 297.

Virginia, Apple Tree in —, 590.

Virgo, — the Constellation, 346, 449.

Virtues, — Celestial Beings, 335; — of Initiates, 262, 294; — of Occultists, 90, 515; Seven —, 370.

Vishna, — Internal Knowledge, 420.

Vishnu, 179, 292, 317, 389, 468, 557; Krishna, the Seventh Incarnation of —, 259; Maha —, 158, 362; Number of —, 233; — is Saguna and Nirguna, 362.

Vishnu Purana, — quoted, 180, 260, 440, 491.

Vishvakarma, 142, 143, 271, 272, 276, 289.

Vision, Psychic —, 542; Spiritual —, 542.

Vital Airs, 537, 544.

Vitala, 566, 571.

Vitality, Animal —, 592.

Vittellius, 343.

Vittoba, — a Form of Vishnu, 292; Vishvakarma, called —, 272.

Voice, — of Nature, 463.

‘Voice of the Silence,’ 545, 546.

Voices, The —, 458, 459.

Voltaire, — quoted, 262.

Von Hartmann, Philosophy of —, 398.

Voodoos, Negro —, 251.

Vopiscus, — the Historian, 136, 138.

Vow of Silence, 23.

Vril, 107.

Vulgate, — quoted, 208, 235, 323, 327.

Wandering Jew, Legend of —, 27.

War, — in Heaven, 193, 305, 388.

Warburton, Dr., — quoted on the Mysteries, 282.

Warren, Col., — quoted on Cycles, 350.

Watcher, — or Guardian Angel, 370; the Silent —, 559.

‘Watchers,’ 369, 488; Seven —, 193.

Waterlily, — a Christian Symbol, 103.

Waters, — of Chaos, 224, 225, 230, 231; — of Life, 230; — of Space, 184, 230, 232.

Ways of Wisdom, — of the Sepher Jetzirah, 91.

Weapons, Occult —, 107.

Weber, Prof., — quoted on Buddhism, 424.

Week, Days of the —, 342, 452; Roman —, 452; —s represent Sub-races, 85; Septenary —, 453.

Western, — Gnosticism, Founder of, 118; — Kabalism, 227; — Religion, 95; — Scriptures, Esotericism of, 425.

‘Western Heaven,’ the —, 408, 427, 428, 429.

Wheel, — of Enoch, 96.

‘Wheel of the Law,’ — quoted, 429.

Wheels, Celestial —, 329; — or Chakras, 507; Cosmic —, 184; Divining —, 108; Living —, 209; — of Lucifer, 34; Sephiroth represented by —, 101; — the Symbol of the Hierarchies, 481.

‘Who,’ The God —, 426, 427.

Whole, The — and the Parts, 7; Universal —, 437.

Wilder, Prof., — quoted, 11, 45, 48, 116, 303, 304, 306, 308, 310.

Will, Creation by —, 561; — and Desire, 537, 559, 584; — Effort, 447; the Energiser of —, 504; — of Man, 447; — Perception, 576; — of Schopenhauer, 398; Sons of — and Yoga, 262.

Wisdom, — An Active Potency, 184; Archaic —, 210, 339; — of the Ancients, 30, 309; — or Buddhi, 155; Divine —, 113, 312; — the Esoteric Doctrine, 55; Eye of —, 458; God of —, 308; Goddess of —, 155; — of Love, 266; Pagan —, 307; — Personified, 55; Responsibility the Beginning of —, 580; Secret —, 46, 93, 464; Spiritual —, 522; — in Third Race, 74; Universal —, 388.

‘Wisdom of Solomon,’ 55.

Wisdom-Religion, 307; Misconceptions of —, 1; — not Originally Symbolic, 74; — Parent of all Religions, 308; — Source of other Scriptures, 172.

Word, The —, 226, 320, 321; — or Logos, 225, 231, 498; the Lost —, 412, 424; — Made Flesh, 58; the Mysterious —, 316; the Mystery —, 127; Passing of the —, 272, 273, 412; Potency of the —, 436, 527; Receiving the —, 278; the Sacred —, 93, 411; the — or the Sun, 279.

World, — of Matter, 448, 476; — of Reality, 478; — Saviours, 293, 345, 362; Spiritual —, 378; — Stuff, 443; — Virgins, 297; — Wheels, 329.

Worlds, Seven —, 202, 436, 513; Three — of Simon, 468.

Worship, — of Form, 261; — of Stars, 214, 233; — of the Sun, 323, 324.

Writing, Art of —, 4, 37, 277; Hebrew —, 199.

Writings, — of Hermes, 37; — of Simon Magus, 243.

Yajna, — or Sacrifice, 569.

Yaska, — Predecessor of Panini, 277.

Yasodhara, — a Mystic Power, 392.

Yoga, — is Abstract Devotion, 421; Esoteric Teaching of —, 430; Hatha —, 416, 491, 499, 502, 503, 569; — Power, 271, 392; Raja —, 420, 473, 474, 499, 502, 503, 542, 569; Sitting for —, 490.

Yogacharya, — School, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 430, 431.

Yogis, 313; Hatha —, 569; Indian —, 490, 571; — or Perfect Svamis, 123; Raja —, 569; — in Trance, 480, 582.

Yudhister, 356 to 358.

Yuga, Chatur —, 259; Dvapara —, 225; ‘I am born in every —,’ 364; Kali —, 3, 226, 260, 347, 348, 412, 488, 590; Maha —, 348, 357; Satya —, 260, 332; Treta —, 74.

Yugas, — Based on Astronomy, 357; Five —, 350; Hindu —, 356 to 358.

Zagreus, — or Bacchus, 280.

Zaliwsky, —’s Theory of Electricity, 215.

Zeus, 253, 280, 311, 323.

Zipora, — an Occult Power, 171.

Zodiac, Antiquity of —, 340; Correspondences of —, 339, 448; — of Dendera, 340; Egyptian —, 340; Elements of the —, 238; Signs of the —, 141, 153, 154, 239.

Zodiacal, — Circle, 274; — Gods, 341; — Signs, 141, 449.

Zohar, Age and Authorship of —, 92, 167, 211; — a Book of Mysteries, 165; Interpretations of —, 165; Mystery-Language of —, 166; Mysteries of —, 214; Similarity of — to Christian Teaching, 164, 211, 212; — a Storehouse of Kabalistic Works, 168; Teachings of —, 180; — the Veil of the Secret Doctrine, 211; — a Vehicle of Universal Wisdom, 211.

Zoroaster, 20.

Zoroastrian, — Conceptions borrowed from India, 322; — Dogmas, 322; — Religion, 34.

Zoroastrianism, 13.

● Transcriber’s Notes: ○ Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected. ○ Typographical errors were silently corrected. ○ Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book. ○ Text that was in italics is enclosed by underscores (italics).

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